#caitlin x hr
vampcoffeegyrl23 · 1 year
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Snowells Week -Day 1: Red/High School
Pairing: Caitlin/HR
Title: Things We're All Too Young To Know
Fic premise:
Childhood friends/High School/High School reunion AU
The book of love is long and boring
And written very long ago
It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
And things we're all too young to know
("The Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel)
The kids all went to grade school with each other in Central City - Caitlin, Cisco, Barry, Iris, Ronnie, Hartley, Linda. Harrison (Harry) Wells and HR (Henry Richard Wells) were twin brothers a few years ahead of the others, who moved to town mid-school year while the others were in 5th grade. Caitlin’s father and Barry’s father worked together, and they were friends with Iris's father too. Neither Harry nor HR ever got along with their father, who never really bothered to be in their life either. HR and Harry were around the younger kids a lot, though HR got along better with them.
A few grades ahead of those in her age group, Caitlin had most classes with the Wells twins - Harry and HR. (some of the other could have been in advanced classes, but chose not to) She was still friends with Barry, Cisco, Iris, and Ronnie, but she was probably closest to HR growing up. The first year she skipped ahead HR was her partner for their history class, and the two were inseparable from then on. She introduced him to her friends, and he to his grumpy twin, and the group was close during the rest of high school. When Caitlin's father died when she was fifteen, HR was there for her more than her own mother, who pushed her away. Harry, HR, and Caitlin graduated a few years ahead of the others. Harry and Caitlin went off to separate colleges, and HR stayed behind at a community college.
HR fell in love with Caitlin quickly during their schooling, though he never had the courage to say anything. It was obvious to everyone else except Caitlin, who was too busy harboring her own crush on HR to notice how much he liked her. She dated Ronnie for a while in high school and Julian in college, and Hunter during med school. She and Ronnie broke up the night of her prom when she revealed her plan to go to a school out of state while Ronnie would have 2 more years of high school. It was amicable, but she was still hurt to be losing him. That night after the breakup, HR is there for her. But he gets caught up in the moment, goes to kiss her. She’s confused, spooks him with her reaction, and takes off. He won’t answer her calls, and when she goes to his house, he won’t come to the door. She really only kept in touch with Cisco after she left town after high school, occasionally Iris. She checked in with Harry a few times to make sure HR was okay, but Harry left shortly after she did after an argument between the brothers. (She never knew that the brothers argued over Caitlin and how much of a coward Harry thought HR was for leaving things that way with her).
15 years later for their high school reunion, HR really doesn’t want to go. He knows from Harry that Caitlin didn’t go to the 5 or 10 year, though he didn’t know exactly why. He’s mortified - his dreams of becoming a writer have pretty much failed. He can’t find the inspiration or the story he wants to tell. He’s been working at the same bookstore in town he used to practically live at when he was a kid, same as the last 2 reunions so he didn’t see any reason to go now. Meanwhile, both Harry and Caitlin have advanced in both science and medicine. (Harry also has a daughter with his college sweetheart Tess, who died shortly after Jesse was born. Caitlin was the only one of their group besides HR who knew about Jesse).
Caitlin became a doctor just like she’d always wanted, focusing on curing degenerative diseases. Caitlin wasn’t at the 5-year reunion because she was busy working at the hospital, and the 10 year because she’d been having a hard time after finding out her ex (Hunter) was a serial killer. She only agrees to go to the 15 year because their friends beg her to meet up with them. Really, they just want her and HR to repair their friendship (or maybe more).
HR and Caitlin talk, about what they went through the last 15 years, about *that* night, about the fact that they were both in love with each other and totally missed it. They don’t want to waste any more time than they already have to start their lives together. Caitlin encourages him to write what he knows, and he writes their story - it’s an instant bestseller.
"Bigger Wow" Avril Lavigne
"Please Don't Leave Me" P!NK
"Where I Belong" Hometown
"Broken" Lifehouse
"Book of Love" Peter Gabriel
P.S. I hope to write this out one of these days since it's pretty much planned out. I'm debating doing a version of this for my screenwriting class, so maybe if I do that, I'll convert it back to being Snowells and in fic version.
Hope you enjoyed the summary and graphic so far though!
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Who Punched a Hole in the Wall?!
Team Flash x fem!teen!reader
Summary: You and Team Flash went to a bar and came home really late at night. The next morning, you all find a hole in the wall. To find out who did it, you all lined up in a line to put your fits in the hole to figure out who did it.
Based On: This video
The morning after you, Barry, Iris, Joe, Wally, Cisco, Caitlin, HR and Harry went to a bar, you'll find a hole in the wall. So, in order to figure out who punched the wall. You all got into a line to lineup your fists to see whose would fit the hole. HR was the first to try, but it wasn't him, so he got out his phone to film this moment to keep it as a memory. Cisco went first.
HR: Um, nope, that's not gonna work.
Then it was Caitlin.
HR: Nope.
HR: Absolutely not, no.
HR: No.
HR: Your hand is literally the same as mine! No way in hell does that work!
HR: Maybe, maybe.
HR: Nope that's not i-, uh, could be.
And finally, it was now your turn.
HR: That. Yep. That's the one. We found the culprit! *laughing*
Even though everyone was laughing, you were laughing the loudest due to the fact that there was a story behind the hole in the wall.
Cisco: How!?
You: I was angry, so I punched the wall.
There was a moment of awkward silence before everyone broke out into laughter.
Barry: What the hell?!
This was one moment no one would ever forget.
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rosecentaur1916 · 2 months
Cisco Ramon:
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An Icy Fiery Passion - On Infinitive Hiatus - Fem!Reader x Cisco Ramon - Fem!Reader x Gypsy - Meta Human!Reader x Cisco Ramon - Meta Human! Reader x Gypsy - Slow burn - Takes place around season 3 - P in V sex - Poly Relationship Summary: "Reader had a normal night the night of the Accelerator explosion but two years later, she finds out her normal night wasn't so normal. She finds out is a Meta Human, her journey starts at S.T.A.R. Labs… where she'll end up No one knows!"
One Shots:
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Beauty is Only Skin Deep - Fem!Reader x Cisco Ramon - Meta Human!Reader x Cisco Ramon - Poly Relationship - Cisco portrayed as straight for *therapeutic* purposes. Summary: "Reader and Cisco have been in a poly relationship for a while, and a guy that Cisco was friends with in College comes back into Cisco's life and isn't exactly a jerk, but isn't exactly kind either about readers weight." Divider by: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more Reblog Divider by @cafekitsune
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jackiequick · 1 year
Your in love, aren’t you? • The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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HR Wells and Lea O’Conner One Shot | The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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“HR your in love, aren’t you?” Lea asked with a grinned, standing in front of the taller man.
“W-what? Me? Me in love? Noooo!” HR tried to defend himself but his eyes said otherwise.
One thing that every Wells they met so held strongly was their eyes and mannerisms. It’s one thing she noticed the 3rd time around with The Wells crew, as much as Harry likes to deny him ever being compared to the others, it was clearly there.
“HR. I can see it in your face and your hand gestures today, matter a fact this whole week.” Lea pointed out with her hands on her hips.
“Maybe.” HR admitted with a goofy grin on his face, “Okay, I am in love!”
“Ooo who’s the pretty girl?”
“Yes it’s her!”
HR was grinning and started to blush a bit. It was the cutest thing, rarely do you ever see a Wells blush. Grin like an idiot, yes. Blush? No. Lea started grinning brightly at the sight. HR was one of kindness and most sweetest people she knows, of course Tracy would go out with him.
“I just don’t know how to woo her.” HR admits with a smile fidgeting with his drumsticks a bit.
Lea sat down and nods, “What do you mean? HR, honey, all you gotta do is ring in that classic Wells charm.”
“How, flower? I-I don’t know how women on Earth 1 like to woo..”
“Awwww! First off, if she likes you back then Tracy has great taste in men. And secondly, buy her a small bouquet of flowers and a size small of favorite coffee.”
“Ohhh! I can add a little custom note, like a poem.”
“There you go! Use that writer brain of yours HR. Your a Wells, your clever than anyone.”
HR grinned brightly bouncing up from his chair and with a flicker of his wrist placed his hat on his head. Always a flare for the dramatically sweet moment. Lea laughed a little, practically seeing his gears turning in his head. Always happy to help a friend like him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, flower! I know excited what I’m going to do!” HR yelled excitedly and pulled her into a adorable embrace, placing a kiss of her forehead always grateful for his friends.
She laughed hugging him back tightly, knowing all he needed was a small push. “Your welcome, HR! Now go on before it’s too late, it’s 2:31pm already!” Lea replied with a smile.
“R-right! I’m going now, don’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course not. Theses lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Promise? At least until I tell Cisco.”
“I won’t tell anyone, HR.”
The writer of Team Flash left with a grin, not before grabbing his black jacket and almost stumbling out the door in excitement. Once she was sure he was gone, she smirked with a dazzling look in her eyes.
“I’mma go tell Caitlin.” Lea said with a cheeky smirk to herself and raced off to the top floor.
⚡️ Thank you for reading this short one shot. I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @drspencereidhotch @gcthvile @blueboirick @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and etc
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Iris arrives at the remains of the old Kent farm in Kansas where, five years ago, the Kent family and the author - and conman - HR Wells disappeared when a tornado tore through the farm. She's supposed to be fact gathering for a follow up story - the Kent family isn't exactly a big deal outside of Smallville, but HR Wells had been part of a rather big scandal at STAR Labs. One that had caught the whole nation's attention. Of course, five years later it's barely going to be an interest piece, but Iris is curious to find out what really happened anyway.
No one ever found the bodies. If Iris can, then she can give the Kents' friends and family closure. She can give Randolf Morgan his friend to bury. She can close the book on what really happened when the tornado destroyed the farm.
Of course, a storm comes out of nowhere while Iris is investigating the farm and she takes shelter in the half-destroyed barn. Which does nothing to protect her. The rest of the barn is ripped away, but the room Iris is in stays intact as it glides up into the tornado and... far away.
When Iris wakes up and leaves her little shelter, she finds herself in a land unlike anything she's ever seen before. But some things stay the same. She's on a farm. Run by the Kent family. A very alive Kent family.
Martha and Jonathon Kent are very nice, but Iris quickly realizes their son Clark is still missing. Taken by the Wicked Warlock, they tell her. Just a little over a year ago, when the fighting in North OZ got too close to their little midland farm. HR Wells had gone to try and find the kid, but had lost the trail somewhere around the capital city. He was still looking, according to his latest letter anyway. But he'd gotten tied up in some political problem that he was certain was related to Clark's abduction. The Kents would've gone themselves, but between Jonathon's bad heart and Martha's difficulty walking... better they stay at the farm with the Munchkins in the nearby town looking after them.
Iris has no idea if this is a weird dream or really real - yet - but she ventures into town to learn more about this Wicked Warlock fellow and the fighting in North OZ. There she gets an earful about the Wicked Warlock of the West - in rhyme, which quickly loses novelty - and how the Evil Eobard Thawne is trying to take over the North, protected by the Good Witch Caitlin. And the equally evil Warlock of the East, Hunter Zolomon, has been threatening the southern and middle countries (fighting hasn't broken out in earnest yet), though the Good Witch of the South - Frost - has been keeping them safe for now. Though word is Frost hasn't been seen in a few weeks.
After thinking things over, Iris starts heading North along the Old Yellow Road, which leads to the capitol city. Along the way she finds a political exile - a zipperhead (yup, taking influence from the Tin Man mini-series here) - calling himself Barry. He can't remember much more than his name given that his brain was stolen by the Warlock of the West, but he's certain he was a good person and definitely not a criminal before his brain got taken away. Iris needs a guide so she gives him the benefit of the doubt.
Then Iris and Barry find an old iron maiden type device - a cryochamber, according to Barry (who briefly remembers he used to work as an inventor before forgetting again) - and release the man inside. Eddie Thawne, a Tin Man (lawman, of course, more mini-series influence) who'd attempted to arrest his own cousin, Eobard, before he ascended to being the Warlock of the West. He failed, of course, and Eobard thought it'd be funny to torment him for the rest of forever by leaving him in the cryochamber, able to watch the world but not ever be a part of it. He joins Barry and Iris and they head for what should be a shortcut through an old orchard.
Except the orchard is dead, it's former keepers are hungry, and they accidentally save a seer on the run from the West. Cisco escaped the castle and has no intention of ever going back. Or ever having visions again.
The four make for an odd group, but they head to Central City - the capital city, of course - together. The old Emerald City on the hill... where they learn an old tradition's been re-instated by the new Mayor. Everyone in the city must wear green sunglasses, tinting the whole place a lovely Emerald. A moral booster, thought up by Mayor HR Wells.
Iris manages to get an audience with the Mayor by name dropping the Kents and he explains the situation as he knows it. Eobard got his hands on some ancient magicks and kidnapped Clark because he's got super powers, being the last survivor of Krypton. Iris revisits the 'am i dreaming' question at learning now there's magic and aliens going on. Eobard was using magic to control Clark, making him Eobard's enforcer but the magic grew weak in the rain. HR thinks that getting the kid soaked would give him a chance to break free but they'd yet to successfully pull off the equivalent of dumping a cooler of water on the teen yet.
Eddie is determined to take out Eobard and Barry's now dedicated to helping Eddie (it's Iris/Barry/Eddie/Cisco for the ship, give Iris all the cute boys) and Iris decides to go with them. Cisco is terrified but he cares about the other three too much by now and agrees to guide them to Eobard Thawne's lair.
It eventually turns out that the water thing is actually Eobard's weakness and he melts. Barry observes that it's a side effect of the artifact Eobard was using to artificially expand his powers. Iris just kind of stands there holding the bucket, staring at the goo that used to be a person, and wonders if mis-aiming a bucket of water counts as a self-defense murder.
Clark goes home and Iris takes her little group back to Central where HR introduces them to Caitlin. Her ex-husband Ronnie (amicably divorced) is going to take over as the Warlock - non-evil - for the Western region since he's part of a group known as FIRESTORM. They'd been fighting Eobard's forces, unable to break through the line (or sneak through, like Iris's little group had) until Eobard's death caused a number of mind controlled servants to come back to their senses.
Big party because ding-dong the evil Warlock #1 is dead. Sure, there's Hunter Zolomon and Caitlin's worried about her sister Frost, but there's half the OZ's biggest problems fixed. Barry's brain is located and re-installed, though he'll always be a bit absent minded. And probably late.
They head back to the Kent farm to check on things there only to learn that fighting has broken out in the South after all. And by fighting, they mean Zolomon has been razing towns for the fun of it. To the East it is. The polycule's got another evil warlock to off.
And by that point? They are absolutely a polycule. Barry and Cisco are cuddlers so having lots of people to cuddle at night? They are both thrilled. And while Iris started off wanting a way home, she's decided she is home now that she's got Eddie, Barry, and Cisco.
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Title: “Indigo” (Chapter 1/1) Author: @ageless-aislynn​ Characters/fandom: Caitlin Snow/H.R. Wells,The Flash Summary: For Snowells Week 2023, Day 6: Indigo Rating:  PG13 (T) Length: 339 Spoilers/warnings: None. Disclaimer: Definitely not mine but I do enjoy borrowing them just for a bit! ;) A/N: If you read, I hope you enjoy! ⚡💗⚡
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just-my-fandom · 1 year
Call It (Cisco Ramon x Allen! Reader)
Summary; After Barry speeds to the future to see his sister getting killed by Savitar, team flash has to find a way to prevent this from happening. Cisco grows protective over the reader, deciding to call it quits when enemies come and go too quick for him to count.
Warnings; Yelling, cursing, stabbing, coma, crying, one year time skip, mentions of hate for body image. Reader and Cisco leave the team. Starts with Savitar then cicada comes in. I’m stating for the sake of the story that the years are not right, just an estimate!
Taglist; @livingwrite-andrepeat
A/N; Here it is!! This is a long one (like, 7k worth), and I honestly really posted it for myself since Cisco isn’t super popular anymore, but I’m proud of it. Alternate ending to “You Know I Love You, Right?”
(D/N) means daughters name.
Small timeline change- Caitlin is in this as Caitlin, she is not killer frost.
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July, 2017, four months until destruction.
A hand rests on your bare shoulder. You turn, smiling warmly at Barry Allen’s taller figure, “You look great,”
“Thanks,” Your breath is light, hands running down the front of your sweater-like dress, “Iris helped pick it out,”
Barry then glances over to said woman and the rest of the group, who, too, were dressed up from the event of HR attempting to reopen STAR Labs, “Hey,” He repeats, nodding his head over his shoulder, “I need to show you something,”
“Okay,” You nod back, glancing at your friends grouped together before following your friend at a slow pace, “What is it?”
Barry leads you into a hidden room. A room you recognize that used to be Eobard Thawnes, which worries you as to why he has brought you into the room of your old enemy.
With a click to the button on the single stand, Barry steps back to allow a projector to arise, showing both you and him an article, “Look at this,”
“The Flash vanishes after Crisis,” Your brows pinch as you glance to him, “I don’t understand. What am I looking at?”
“An article. From the future,” Barry starts, eyes flicking back up to the projector, “Look who wrote it,”
Your eyes move to follow his gaze, “Written by Iris West-Allen,” You lift your shoulders, “Okay? You and Iris get married. That’s wonderful, Bar,”
“No,” Barry shakes his head, “You originally wrote this article. Somethings changed,”
“Maybe I quit,” You sigh, reaching up to curl a strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ve been talking to Cait and Cisco about staying home with (Your/Daughter/Name), it’d make sense,”
“That’s not why it changed to Iris,” Barry can see your irritation as he leads on, your figure turning to face him as if urging him to hurry to his conclusion, “When I threw the Philosophers Stone into the Speed Force, I ran to the future,” He pauses to clench his jaw, “You die, Y/N. I-I saw it,”
“Die?” Your breath comes short, in disbelief as you look back to the article, “From what?”
“Savitar. He was holding you and he stabbed you. Right in front of the whole team,” Barry’s hand raises to his hair, tugging at the locks,
“How long?” Your eyes stare at the floor, hearing Barry’s hum of confusion before lifting your eyes to him, “How long until I die?”
“I won’t let that happen,” Barry steps up, hand at your arm as you clench your jaw, “I won’t. I swear on our parents lives, I will protect you,”
Your hands wipe at your eyes, hard, heaving a deep sigh, “We have to tell the others. I can’t stand to be one of the only ones that knows when we can try to stop it but- what if we don’t?”
“We will,” Barry breathes, “I promise, Y/N. I- we will do whatever it takes,”
“I hope you’re right,” You step back, out the hidden door and to the Cortex and to where Cisco instantly questioned your reddened face.
. . .
“So… all this happened while you were in the Speed Force?” Caitlins questions breaks the silence of the cortex. You can see the gears turning in everyone’s heads. Processing it.
You still haven’t.
“When I threw the Stone in, I went four months into the future. That gives us four months to figure out what needs to be changed and how we can stop him,” Barry exhales, looking to you where you leaned against the Control Panel in silence,
“Y/N?” Cisco speaks up, so you raise your eyes to him across the Cortex. “What’s going through your head?”
You lift a hand, waving it in front of your face with a pinch of your brows, “I’m fine. I think,” You bare down on your teeth at a lump that forms in your throat, “I need a second,”
The team watches as you depart from the Cortex in quick steps. Cisco worriedly follows after you while Barry rubs a hand down his face,
“Hey,” Cisco’s hand catches your wrist, twirling you to face him at the same time you cough out a weak breath, “Hey. Look at me,”
Your eyes look up at him on demand. Blurred with tears, you attempt to clear your vision as his hands raise to your face, wiping the tears from your skin, “You’re allowed to be scared. It’s okay,”
“I’m sorry,” Your whisper is harsh, “I don’t want this to happen. I can’t leave her,”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassures, eyes on yours as his thumbs wiped below your eyes, “I promise,”
You nod, eyes shut when he rests his forehead against yours. His hand raises to the back of your head, hearing his best friend call behind him so you pulled away and wiped your face,
“HR thinks if we go back to the place I saw it,” Barry starts, watching you flinch at the mention, “We can find details that may help us change the future,”
“And how’re we supposed to do that?” Cisco asks, tiredly, “Go back into the speed force?”
Barry’s nod is slow, “You might be able to help,”
“I’m gonna go home,” You sigh, raising your hand to your forehead as Cisco turns back to you, “It’s late. It’s a lot, I think I just need sleep, and I need to see (D/N),”
“I’ll let you know what we find,” Cisco murmurs, pecking your lips before staring at you for a mere second, “I love you,”
“I love you too,” Your smile is weak before you teleport from their vision, Cisco exhaling a deep breath before turning to face his brother in law, “Let’s do this.”
September, 2017, two months until destruction.
Cisco steps into a silent apartment. He drops his keys on the counter with a tired sigh, turning to face the inside of his home.
Silent until he hears a loud giggle, one that brings a smile to Ciscos face despite how exhausted he is. He steps towards the hall of his apartment, where the bathroom door was open, light shining out into said hallway.
He leans against the doorway as his eyes settle on you, sitting on your knees beside the tub after having pulled (D/N) from the water, your child wrapped in a towel and leant against you.
“I love you, you know?” Cisco hears you murmur, and Cisco watches his daughter nod against your neck, your lips on her wet hair. She leans back to pat at your face, eyes spotting her father over your shoulder,
You glance over your shoulder at her shout, looking up at Cisco as he steps into the bathroom, kneeling down behind you to tickle (D/N)s neck, before leaning over to peck your cheek, softly,
“Anything?” Your eyes meet his, his head shake light as you frown, allowing Cisco to stand and pull (D/N) from your arms, taking your towel wrapped child into her bedroom,
“What pajamas are we thinking tonight, huh?” Your mind drifts as you listen to your husband, reaching over to drain the tub water and push to your feet, silently picking up her dirty clothes to toss in the hamper, “Spider man? I think you should wear the flash. Huh? Like uncle Barry? No?”
Your lips pull at this, moving towards the bedroom opposite of yours as Cisco pulls a Spider-Man shirt over (D/N)s head, then ruffling out her curls on her head,
“Bedtime, mi amor,” Cisco states, pulling the blanket out so (D/N) pouted but dropped onto the bed, “How does pancakes sound in the morning? Hm?”
“You always burn the pancakes, daddy,” (D/N) giggles, eyes looking at you when you sit on the edge of the bed, “Mama can make them!”
“I’ll make them, sure,” You smile, tucking the blanket beneath her chin, “Sleep good, baby. Maybe after breakfast we’ll go visit Papa Joe, hm?”
“Papa Joe!” (D/N) sticks her arms up, before shimmying under the blanket, allowing you to kiss her cheek as Cisco kisses her forehead.
You softly close the door to her bedroom, breath trembling as you exhale, hands at your face.
“Hey, hey,” Ciscos arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you against him, “I know,”
Your sniffle is weak as you press yourself to his chest, lifting your head to look at him so his hands slid to your face, thumbs wiping beneath your eyes,
“I love you, baby,” Cisco whispers, your nod weak as his nose brushes yours, “It’s gonna be okay,”
October, 2017, one month until destruction.
“Okay, what if-,” Cisco paces in front of the control panel, Caitlin seated beside you while Barry stood to the side, “What if Y/N teleports at the second just before she’s stabbed?”
“We’ve already looked into that, Cisco,” Barry states, “The timing would have to be just right. One second too early, and Savitar is chasing her down. One second too late…”
“Well does anybody have any other ideas?” Cisco blurts, “Huh?! We’re running out of time!”
“Cisco-,” “What if it was Iris? Huh?” Cisco cuts, your eyes fluttering shut, “What if you had a daughter who doesn’t know what the hells going on, who doesn’t know that she could potentially lose her mother in less than two months?!”
“Cisco,” You raise to your feet, Cisco shaking his head with a deep sigh, hands in his hair as you step up to him, grasping his wrists, “Baby, look at me,”
Ciscos pinched eyes open to stare at you, a tear slipping down his cheek, “We have to think of something. We have to,”
“And we’re going to,” You whisper, hands now at his face to wipe under his eyes, “I’m going to be okay. We’re going to figure this out, and we’ll both be there to watch our baby grow up,”
Cisco sniffles, roughly, eyes shutting again so your arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him forward so his own arms loop at your back, holding you firm against his chest. His nose ducks into your shoulder, hiccuping against the fabric of your sweater.
“I love you,” He whispers, Caitlin’s lips pressing together tearfully at the interaction, “I can’t lose you,”
“We’re gonna figure it out,” You lean back, Ciscos hands sliding to hold your waist as his eyes flicker across your face, “Let’s go get some water, come back, and restart. Okay?”
November 2017, the day before destruction.
Your hands tremble. Sitting at the control panel, your eyes stare at the blank screen. It’s only twenty four hours away. No plan has come up.
Your exhale is sharp, hands raising to your face to notice your fingers are ice cold, frozen with terror. “Hey,” Caitlin’s hand at your shoulder startles you so hard your body jerks, head turning to look up at your best friend in fear.
Her brows pinch, worriedly, kneeling down by your chair as your hiccup comes choked, head shaking as you raise your hands back to your face, “Hey. Y/N, breathe, honey,”
“I-I can’t,” Your exhale releases a sob, the tears hot on your cheeks as you gasp, “I’m so scared. I don’t want to leave her. I don’t want to leave them,”
“We’re going to figure it out,”
“When?!” You don’t mean to shout, guilt on your face as you glare down at where she knelt, “It’s going to happen in twenty four hours, Caitlin! I should be home with my daughter right now, but instead I’m freaking out because I’m going to die- and we can’t stop it,”
“Breathe,” Caitlin soothes, your back leaning into your chair as you tilt your head back, coughing up a sob that hurts your chest.
“I’m so scared, Cait,” You whisper, your best friend shifting to sit in the chair beside you, “She’s not even two yet. I won’t get to watch her go to kindergarten. I won’t get to watch her graduate,”
You sigh against your hands, sniffing, “And Cisco…I can’t leave him to raise her alone,”
“I want to promise that we’ll figure something out,” Caitlin starts, “But we both know that a promise like this is something we can’t keep,”
“I know,” You murmur, rubbing your temple. “I don’t know what to do,”
“Ciscos worried about you, honey,” Caitlin speaks, reaching to squeeze your hand, “And he’s scared, too,”
You nod, allowing another tear to slide down your jaw. You shift to stand, wiping your hand under your eye, “I’m gonna go try to find him,”
Ciscos easy to find- cooped up in his lab when not in the Cortex. The smile you give him is weak, the redness in your eyes evident when he turns to you,
“You busy?” You murmur, him shaking his head as he sets down the tool in his hand, arm already reaching around your shoulders,
“Never too busy for you,” He allows you to press yourself against him, head tucking under his chin as he exhales slowly, “You okay?”
“As okay as I can be,” You sigh, eyes falling shut as you let the man just embrace you. God knows its possibly one of the last times, “Just tired. Thinking too much,”
Cisco hums, lips pressing to your hair, “Yeah,” He sighs, cheek turning to rest on your head, “Me too,”
You inhale, lifting your head to flicker your eyes across his face, “Are we gonna be okay?”
Ciscos hands slide to cup your face, nose brushing yours. “We’re gonna be okay,” He nods, eyes glossy. He nods, lips pressing between your brows with a deep sigh, “We’re okay,”
Late November, 2017, the day of destruction.
Time falls still. Team Flash all stand frozen in terror. It happened. It really happened.
Savitar won. All those months trying to change the future was a fail. He knew it.
Cisco’s shout is what drags Barry to speed up and catch your near falling figure. Blood already stained your jacket, body limp against his suited form as he panicked for his best friend.
His sister.
“Y/N!” Cisco’s terrified cry gets closer as his footsteps skid, dropping down at your other side to pull you from Barry’s grasp, “Hey! Hey, baby!”
Tearing his goggles from his face, Cisco’s eyes brim red as his gloved hand held your face to look up at him, your own eyes hazy from exhaustion, but wide in terror.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Cisco’s thumb brushes over the skin, eyes flicking back and forth across your face, “Stay awake for me, okay? Can you- can you stay awake?”
“Cisco-?” Your lips part in a wheezed breath, lifting your head in an attempt to look at the damage, but Ciscos hand tightens at your jaw, shaking his head as he sniffles.
“No, no. Look at me. Look at me,” His pleas are weak, free hand pressed to the wound so you hiss, “You’re okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,”
Your head shakes, barely, blinking away the black spots but only causing more. “It hurts,” Your eyes flick to Barry, eyes then pinching shut in pain.
“Get her to the lab,” Caitlin’s sudden figure behind Barry is rushed, and Barry barely processes her demand, “Now, Barry!”
. . .
An hour later, the team of five all stand throughout the Cortex. While Iris watched Barry pace, HR stood close to Caitlin’s lab door, all while Cisco sat in his desk chair, Joe beside him.
Ciscos eyes stare at the blood on his hands. Yours. With a trembling breath, Cisco finally looks up upon hearing Caitlin’s footsteps, as does the rest of the team to see the relief on her face.
“She’s going to make it,”
Ciscos exhale is sharp, head falling forward in his hands as Joe grasped his shoulder, Ciscos fingers clutching at his hair. He stands up, Caitlin nodding her head to lead him into the lab, where they find you, out and still covered in blood.
“We’re going to have to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days,” Caitlin’s hushed voice speaks, Cisco sinking down in the chair by the bed to grasp your hand, “Her heart rate seems stable, the blade went through both her back and her chest…”
Cisco nods, swallowing thickly as he rests his forehead to your hand, eyes shutting, tiredly.
“Do you want me to go get her some new clothes?” Barry speaks this time, voice hoarse, “And sheets?”
Cisco opens his eyes to see the white sheets of the bed have been stained red. Along with her clothes, and almost every inch of her skin.
“No, I can go,” He musters, sitting up, “Felicitys at the apartment with (D/N), I think I’m gonna bring her here and we’ll stay for a night or two,”
“Okay,” Iris breathes, nodding, “But let one of us drive you, please,”
. . .
At the apartment, Felicity instantly stands upon the arrival of both Cisco and Barry. “Please tell me she’s okay,” Felicity begs, Cisco silently walking by her to enter your daughters room. Felicity looks at Barry, eyes wide, “Is she okay?”
“She’s alive,” Barry nods, Felicity immediately exhaling, “We’re gonna have to keep an eye on her for a while. But she’s alive,”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Felicity nods, shortly, turning when Cisco shushes (D/N) softly, him now holding the whining child who curled back into him and almost instantly fell back asleep,
“Can you grab Y/N some clothes?” Cisco asks, exhaustedly, “Third drawer and left side of the closet. I’m gonna pack (D/N) a bag,”
“Are you sure?” Felicity asks, “I can stay here with her while you’re at the labs,”
“I want us all together, thanks,” Cisco smiles, weakly, “I need to be with her. Felicity-,”
“You don’t have to explain,” Felicity nods, a third time, “I understand. Let me take her and you pack her a bag, okay?”
December 1st, 2017. The day after destruction.
Cisco finally finds himself dozing off.
Seated next to your bed, his arm rests at the edge, the resting down while his gaze kept towards the corner of the lab, where your daughters playpen sat, allowing her to comfortably sleep.
But he feels a pull. He thinks it’s his own hand muscle spasm, but when his fingers are tugged at a second time, his head shoots up so fast he feels dizzy, eyes instantly looking up to your face.
Your brows pinch, before your eyes flutter, lips parting to inhale. “Hey,” Cisco sits up, fingers tightening on your hand as his free reaches up, curling hair out of your face. “Hey, baby,”
“What happened?” Voice hoarse, you tilt your head down to look at the patch at your chest and shoulder, wincing at the pain your movement caused.
“Savitar,” Cisco murmurs, eyes flicking to his phone momentarily to send Caitlin a quick “she’s up!” “But you’re okay. We did it,”
“(D/N)?” Your head tilts in the opposite direction of your husband, Ciscos eyes following yours towards the resting toddler.
“She’s okay. We’re all okay,”
“Everything hurts,” You whimper, free hand rubbing at the patch, “My back. My chest. It hurts to breathe,”
“I know. I know,” Cisco stands up, reaching for the pain killers Caitlin ordered him to give you when you’ve awaken. He sinks down to sit at your legs, hand at your thigh as you take the cup of water he hands you to down the medicine. “Caits on her way to check your vitals to make sure everything’s stable. She’s taking good care of you,”
You nod, slightly, looking over when your daughter shifts in her playpen, whining as she sat up and spotted you, instantly standing to grasp the edge of the pen and reach up with a hand.
“Morning, sleeping beauty,” Cisco lightly jokes, leaving your side to move up to the playpen, lifting up the two year old before he moves back to you, setting down the toddler so she crawled up to you, giggling as you pull her into your lap,
“Easy, bug,” Cisco warns, glancing over just as Caitlin, along with Barry, Joe, and Iris entered the lab, all faces relieved to see you up.
“How long have you been up?” Caitlin asks, moving to the monitor beside you before checking your blood pressure, all while smiling at (D/N) leaning against your chest.
“Not even ten minutes,” You murmur, rubbing (D/N)s back, “How am I alive? All the outcomes from Savitar I died,”
“You had the best doctor in Central City taking care of you,” Joe smiles to Caitlin, who nods in thanks, your own eyes flicking to her with a smile.
“Thank you, Cait,” Your smile instantly vanishes with a loud hiss when (D/N) accidentally nudges your patched wound, Cisco immediately pulling (D/N) up by her underarms to pick her up,
“Okay, we gotta be easy with mama, babes,” Cisco reminds, shifting the now whining child to hold her better.
“I’ll be okay,” You press a hand to Ciscos torso, curling your fingers into his shirt, letting his eyes flick to your face.
Cisco nods, glancing down when (D/N) drops her head onto his shoulder. “I can take her,” Barry speaks, hands extended so (D/N) sat up and leaned towards her uncle, Cisco muttering his thanks as he moves back next to you.
“I’ll say you need to stay on bed rest for maybe about four more days before you can get up and move around,” Caitlin scans her monitor, then smiles, “Healing completely will take about four to six months, though. But you’ll be good as new,”
“Thanks, Caitlin,” You repeat, “Do I have to stay here or will I be able to go home?”
“I want to keep you here for a day or two to monitor your wound in case it opens again. But after that you’ll be free,” Caitlin jokes, your laugh heaved so you wince.
“This will most likely make you drowsy again,” Caitlin informs, as she sticks a needle in your arm, “But rest is what you need,”
“Barry and I can take (D/N) for tonight,” Iris speaks, Cisco glancing back at her, “You two need some peace and quiet while Y/N heals. Don’t worry,”
“Thanks, Iris,” You smile, the team slowly bidding their goodbyes as Cisco stands up to stretch, your eyes watching as your husband looked over the monitor himself, bottom lip between his teeth.
“Hey,” You reach out to take his hand closest to you, letting him turn his wrist to grasp your fingers as he glances at you, “Have you slept?”
“No, uh,” Cisco sighs, forcing himself away from the monitor to face you, completely, “I couldn’t bring myself to,”
You give his hand a small tug, Cisco forcing himself to sit at the empty space beside you, hand now at your thigh as he sighs.
“I want to call it,”
His eyes look up at you. Your brows are pinched, sitting up further so he could feel your breath and vice versa, “Wait, what?”
“I…” Cisco shakes his head, glancing to the side with a thick swallow, “I want to call it. I- we almost lost you tonight, Y/N,”
“But that doesn’t mean we should make an immediate decision to leave the team,”
“We made a deal when we got married- when we found out you were pregnant, that if something major happened that put either of our lives or our daughters, in danger,” Cisco pauses to intake a breath, “That we’d both agree to drop the superhero life and step back,”
“You love being on this team, Cisco,” You take his hand at your thigh, staring at him, worriedly, “I love being on this team. Shouldn’t we think about this after I’ve finished recovering?”
“Your safety is more important,” Cisco heaves, hands releasing yours to cup your face, “I’m not going to stay here if that just chances that (D/N) could loose her mom again,”
Your eyes find themselves flicking wildly between his, hands at his wrists, “You haven’t slept,” You murmur, “You’re scared after what happened. Just… please try to sleep and we can talk about this more later,”
Ciscos eyes drop shut. With a short exhale, he nods, pulling you forward so your lips press against his, searching for comfort he knows you both need. “Okay. Scoot over,”
March, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“Don’t you hate it?”
Cisco hums, peering sideways from the bathroom door to where you stood at the mirror in your bedroom, shorts and lace bra the only thing covering your figure,
Your eyes are casted downwards, hand hovering over the large scar that dragged from the top of your right shoulder, to the middle of your right breast. “The scar,” You murmur, fingers finally brushing the raised skin with a sigh. “Don’t you hate how it looks?”
“I hate how you got it,” Cisco states, now behind you where he ignores the matching scar on your back, hands at your waist with a light squeeze, “But you look beautiful as always, with or without it,”
Your eyes roll, back leaning against his chest so his arms fully wrap at your front, chin on your shoulder, “You’re only saying that because I’m your wife,”
“I’m saying that because I love you,” Cisco turns his head to press a kiss to your cheek, which you lean into, “Maybe you can get…a badass tattoo over it or something,”
You snort, raising the back of your hand to lightly smack his cheek, “In your dreams,”
May 14th, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“He took Cisco,”
“What do you mean he took him?” Your figure leans against the Cortex desk. Fingers grasping the countertop, you ignore the white numbness of your knuckles as your eyes flicked between screens,
“I don’t know, they went through a breach when I got here,”
“Cisco?” You call out, nearly holding your breath as you listened for your husbands response, “Baby, can you hear me?”
“I hear you!” Ciscos call back is muffled. “My breach frizzed out and threw us in a forest somewhere,”
“What kind of trees are there?” Sherloque asks, stepping next to you as you pinch your brows to him, “Ask him,”
“What?” You flick your eyes to the screen, eyes steady on Ciscos heart rate, “Cisco, what kind of trees are around you?”
“I don’t know!” You hear Cisco grunt, dodging most likely, “Pine trees? Some of them have pointy leaves,”
“Ash trees,” Sherloque hums, leaning forward, “Now, Fransico, I need you to hold your breath, let me listen,”
A pause. Crickets sound, Sherloque clicking his tongue, “Kolin Woods,”
“Are you sure?” Barry asks through, Sherloque humming, “I’m on my way,”
On time, Cisco yells out in pain through his mic that makes you sit down in the seat behind you, “Baby, you’ve got to run,”
“I can’t,” Cisco heaves, your hand over your jaw as your knee bounced, “He got me in the back of the shoulder-,”
Silence. Your watering eyes stare at the still monitor of his heart beat, sitting up so quick your mind spins, “Cisco?”
Nothing. “Cisco,” You demand, attempting to turn the volume of his ear piece up, “Baby, please. Barry what’s going on?!”
“He’s gone,”
Iris can see you nearly fall out of your chair. Her hand reaches to grasp your arm, sliding in her chair closer beside you. “He’s not here, he-,”
The silence they keep giving you feels deadly. A heavy sigh of relief, “He’s alive,”
Your chest caves as your hands cover your face, body slouching beside Iris as she exhales, relieved. “Both of you come back. Now,”
You don’t move from your chair until you hear their footsteps behind you. Barry held Ciscos arm around his shoulders, while Ciscos free hand pressed to his injury, face scrunched.
“Oh, my god,” You push from your chair, Barry releasing Cisco quick enough to let Cisco throw his free arm around your shoulders, lips to your hair as you pressed yourself against him.
Your hands reach up to his face, sniffling as he whispered reassuringly to you. “I’m okay,” His thumb brushes a free fallen tear from your jaw. “I’m okay,”
You nod, taking his arm to lead him into Caitlin’s lab, sitting beside him as Caitlin got to work.
. . .
“Hey,” Your eyes raise to your husband. Your vision is blurry- exhausted- as you stared at his arm in the sling, Caitlin’s order until his shoulder healed. “What’re you thinking about?”
You lift your head, nose stuffy as you inhale, “I think you were right,” You murmur, Ciscos brows pinching, “About calling it,”
His brows relax at this. He knew the minute something happened to him, you’d instantly change your mind.
“Hey,” Cisco repeats, extending his free hand- bandaged from Cicada first attack- waiting for you to rise from the chair and take it before gently tugging you to stand in front of him, “Is this what you really want?”
“I don’t know,” You exhale, lifting your chin to stare at the ceiling, “Maybe it’s the adrenaline of the fact that I thought you were dead-,”
“But I’m not,” Cisco soothes, “This is just Savitar all over again, I’m okay-,”
“We had a warning for mine, Cisco!” You hiccup, glancing over when realizing your voice had grown in volume. Looking back at him, Ciscos eyes flick between yours, worriedly, “We had a warning for me, not for you. I saw your heart beat stop on the monitor and I thought you died,”
“But I didn’t,” Ciscos hand slides to your jaw, “I’m here, and I’m breathing. We both are, baby,”
“I know,” You copy his action, swallowing, “I just don’t want this to be a scare again, it’s not healthy for a baby the team doesn’t know about,”
Ciscos eyes soften, tugging on your wrist with a soft c’mere before he lets you sit next to him, his free arm sliding to your shoulders to pull you against his side. “Do you really want this?”
“You’re the one who wanted it first,” You remind, hearing him exhale through his nose.
“I want this,” He murmurs, thumb pressing to your shoulder blade comfortingly, “I want you. You, and (D/N), and the baby safe, and that can’t happen if we stay,”
You nod, tilting your head back to look up at him, “Let’s take care of Cicada, at least,” Cisco nods, lips to your forehead before moving to your own lips.
May 26th, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“We have something we want to talk to you guys about,”
The team all look up from their spots spread across the Cortex. They train their attention on the couple sitting at the desk, Cisco distractingly staring at the computer screen while you were already looking at them.
“Okay,” Iris speaks first, hesitantly, “What is it?”
“Uh, well, two things,” Your eyebrows flick when Cisco looks at you, “Good news or bad news first?”
“There’s bad news?” Sherloque huffs, “Might as well say both at once, then,”
Cisco is the one who raises his brows this time. You shrug a shoulder, Barry’s brows pinching at your silent communication,
“Okay,” You exhale, shifting in your seat, “We’re leaving Team Flash,”
“Y/Ns pregnant,”
Six pairs of eyes all blink at you. You grimace, sighing as you stand up. “Im pregnant. Which is one of the reasons why we’ve decided,” You wipe your hands nervously on your sundress, “To leave the team,”
“I don’t know whether to hug you or cry,” Caitlin moves up first, your smile light as she embraces you, Cisco moving to stand, “When?”
“We’re officially stepping back in two weeks,” Cisco states, eyes shifting to your brother who had crossed his arms, “We’re moving in three months,”
“Wha- moving?” Your brothers eyes instantly look at you, “Leaving the team I understand, but you’re moving?”
“Central City isn’t safe, Barry,” You remind, brows pinched, “We’re going to have two kids under the age of three. We won’t be part of Team Flash anymore but we’re still a risk of danger. Leaving Central City is the best decision for them,”
“We’ll-we’ll protect you,” Your brother stammers, your shoulders deflating. After your parents death, you knew he felt as if he was losing you, too, “You don’t have to leave the city altogether,”
“As much faith I have in you guys, I just don’t want to chance it,” You breathe, “We’re doing this to protect these kids. Just support us on it, Bar,”
Your brother exhales, looking towards the rest of the team, “Have you told Joe?”
“Joes the one we talked to about the decision,” Cisco speaks, as you shift in your heels before settling on sitting back down in your chair, “So he’s known, for a while,”
“And you decide to tell us two weeks in advance,” Barry nods, Iris crossing her arms as her brows pinch towards her husband, “Thanks for the short notice. Got it,”
“Barry,” Iris hisses, the man speeding off so your hair blows in your face, your eyes shutting as you tuck the strands back behind your ear, “Y/N-,”
“I know, he’s just upset,” You sigh, twisting in your chair, “I knew we should’ve told him sooner,”
Ciscos hand presses to your shoulder, rubbing the area with a frown as he looks up to his team.
July 2019, two years after destruction.
“I think that’s the last of it,” Cisco hears your heaved huff from the living room, stepping around the corner to see you taping a box shut, standing with your hands on your hips,
“Besides (D/N) going to war with herself over which toys she wants to keep,” Cisco snorts, thumb jabbing over his shoulder where you hear your daughter talking to herself, then clanking of her toys,
“I don’t see why we can’t just let her keep them all,” You shrug, Ciscos eyebrows raising as his head shakes, hands on your hips,
“I’m not letting our daughter become a hoarder,” He states, “Besides, once Dante comes, that’ll be two times the toys,”
“I’m so glad this one’s a boy,” You sigh, breathlessly, head tilting up to look at your husband, “One girl, one boy. All I wanted,”
Cisco smiles, nose brushing yours, “Thank you for letting me name him after my brother,”
“You let me choose (D/N),” You smile back, “Only fair with the next one,”
Ciscos hands press to your stomach, lips brushing yours before a loud crash comes from your daughters room, Cisco jerking back to glance over his shoulder, where (D/N) now stood at the kitchens entrance, holding her toy Harry Potter wand now snapped in two,
Your daughters pout matches her tearful eyes, Cisco copying her pout as he moves up to her, lifting her so she sniffles and holds up the broken wand, “Daddy…”
“That’s okay,” Cisco murmurs, “We’ll use our magic glue to put it back together, it’ll make sure the wand doesn’t loose its magic, hm?”
(D/N) nods, fist rubbing her eye as you smile, taking the broken pieces before digging in an open box, thankful to find the super glue pretty easy. After putting the wand together and blowing the glue dry, you hand it back, causing her to giggle and wave it around.
“Have you figured out what toys you’re keeping, amor?” Cisco brushes her hair from her face, her hesitation causing you to laugh,
“I’ll take that as an shes keeping them all,” Cisco gives you a look, but rolls his eyes and smiles.
November 2020. three years after destruction.
“Hey guys!” Cecile’s smile when she opens the door is bright, opening it wider so you could step in, her hands out in a gimmie motion for the toddler in your arms,
“Your favorite has arrived,” You smile as Barry walks up, embracing you before turning to (D/N) at your leg, hands open so she reaches up and lets him pick her up,
“I think theyre more excited to see the kids rather than us,” Cisco speaks, setting down the large bag of presents he held behind the couch, laughing when Joe shakes his head and embraces you so tight you stutter on your breath,
“I’m excited to see you,” Joe states, you peeking your head out from his arm with a muffled “I can tell”, “We’ve missed you guys,”
“I’ve missed this little guy,” Cecile kisses Dante’s cheek so the near one year old giggles, your smile light as you watch your step-mother love on her grandson, “He’s gotten so big already!”
“(D/N)s starting to look too much like Cisco,” Iris hums, twirling a curl on (D/N)s cheek as Cisco fakes offense, accepting a small glass of wine from Caitlin,
“How’s Star City?” Wally asks you, as you settle on the couch while Cecile sits in the recliner, beginning to bounce Dante on her lap,
“It’s good,” You breathe, “Cisco and I both started our jobs, Felicity is loving being the babysitter,”
“How long are you guys staying for the holidays?”
“Uh, we’re hoping for a week,” You glance at Joe, “If that’s okay with you,”
“Stay as long as you need,” Joe raises his glass, gesturing to your two children, “As long as I get to spend time with my grandkids,”
“Oh, definitely,” Cisco slides an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side, “I know my parents want us to visit with them but the rest of the week- they’re yours,”
Joes lips part to say something, but the door knocks, your eyes scanning the group wondering just who could be missing-
“Sorry we’re late, guys!” A male calls, you looking over your shoulder to see a tall man with glasses next to a Latina girl, both holding presents, “We have gifts!”
“Oh, Y/N, Cisco, this is Chester and Allegra,” Caitlin gestures, Allegra smiling as she rounds the couch,
“I heard a lot about you,” Allegra speaks, raising a box, “And your kids. I hope it’s okay I bought your daughter something,”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” You smile, watching her kneel in front of your daughter to hand her the box, eyes then shifting to Chester,
“Y/N Allen, right?”
“Born an Allen, yes,” You cackle, “But legally I’m a Ramon,”
“You’re the one who miraculously survived a stab to the chest. You’re awesome!”
The air falls tense, quick, Ciscos hand tightening on your shoulder as you send a weak smile, “Thanks. It wouldn’t have ended the way it did if it wasn’t thanks to Caitlin,”
“How’d you know Savitar was the one who did it? No one could see him but Barry!”
“O-kay!” Joe cuts it, noticing Ciscos irritated stare, “Let’s open gifts, hm?”
Shoving the ball of wrapping paper into a trash bag, you huff as you tie the bag shut. “I didn’t make you uncomfortable back there, did I?” You look up at Chesters entrance, smile light as you shake your head,
“No, no. It’s just, um, that whole thing was a really emotional experience,”
“How so? Besides, uh, worrying about surviving,” Chester closes his eyes, brows pinched, before reopening them,
“Uh, Barry-,” You pause, “Do you know?”
“About Barry being the Flash? Yeah!” Chester laughs, “Allegra and I, we’re part of Team Flash,”
You smile, quickly dropping it, “Barry went back in time by accident, and saw the whole thing revolving Savitar and I. Yeah we had a heads up, but originally I wasn’t supposed to make it,”
Chester frowns as you sigh. “It was six painful months of waiting. Cisco and I, we were both terrified. My daughter was only maybe two at the time, and I was so scared of leaving her,” You lift a shoulder, setting the trash bag to the side, “It was a miracle Caitlin was able to save me. Here I am three years later, with now two kids and almost completely healed,”
“I’m sorry I asked,”
“No, really, it’s okay,” You laugh, moving to walk around him, “It feels good talking about it again. It was a lot, still is, but I’m healing,”
Chester smiles, nodding, looking down at his phone which beeps, along with five other phones across the house.
“Dammit,” Barry mutters, glancing at Iris who already stands, “Meta attack downtown,”
“Aw yeah!” Chuck grins, “I’m in,”
“One holiday,” You roll your eyes, dropping back beside Cisco before picking up Jenna from her rocker, “One holiday without a meta ruining it, is all I ask,”
“You guys go ahead, we’ll stay here,” Joe insists, nodding to Cecile who had her own fun holding your son,
“We’ll be back!” Chester grins, winking, “In a Flash,”
“Don’t say that,” Barry whines, “Because every time you do, we end up being stuck out there for hours,”
“I was trying to make a joke. Take the joke!”
“In case that happens,” Allegra smiles, waving,
“Happy holidays, everyone,”
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urprinceoflove · 1 year
A Scientist’s Secret
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Pairing: HR Wells x GN!Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: If your requests are open and if you don't mind could I ask for a small imagine where reader is a scientist at star labs and the team accidentally let it slip to h.r wells that reader is crushing on him?
Warnings: Just fluff and a matchmaker Cisco
Word Count: 684
A/N: this was fun to write and actually got me going for once. i thought this was super cheesy at first but its NOT THAT BAD-
The Flash Master List | Full Master List
“That’s Y/N L/N.” Cisco announced proudly to HR. “Oh by the way. They have a crush on you.” The man leaned back against the doorway nonchalantly, nodding slowly to himself.
“What!?” HR bursted out. His jaw dropped in disbelief.
“They think you are super cute.” Cisco noticed HR’s dropped jaw and took a double take before turning towards it. “Cool it, Romeo.” He brought HR closer to him and spoke just above a whisper. “You have to go and talk to them… and I don’t mean just go up to them and start talking about random stuff. Compliment them. You got this.” Cisco stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest.
The Wells standing in front of him still had his mouth slightly agape with awe. He closed it immediately and took a deep breath.
“I got this…” HR spoke to himself.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.” Cisco remarked as HR started strutting towards you. “I am such a great matchmaker.” Cisco applauded himself before exiting the room.
You were busy flipping through your tablet’s screen taking inventory of the items in the medbay. Caitlin made sure to give you the job of checking off all the items that were held in the room as well as taking note of those that were not. It was not such a difficult task, but you as a scientist would much rather be mixing chemicals and finding the cure for cancer!
You smiled at the thought of what you could be doing right now. Finally after finishing up a section, you turned around to walk towards the opposite side of the room only to accidentally bump into HR Wells himself.
“I am so sorry!” HR bursted out the apology faster than you could even comprehend who was in front of you.
“HR,” You said quietly, making him out. You smiled. “Don’t worry about it. What brings you over here?” You asked, still busy with your work. You tried your best not to make it obvious that you actually are excited for his presence.
“Well…” He began, messing with his own fingers and rocking on his heels. “A little breacher told me that you like me.”
You stopped what you were doing. You felt your heartbeat quicken in your chest as the words left HR’s lips. You did not bother to turn around now. A little breacher? Ah, Cisco. You caught on immediately. You knew you could not trust that man with your biggest secret. Especially when he was constantly asking you when you would finally find a partner for yourself.
“Oh really?” Was all you could muster out. Still not turning around.
“Yeah,” HR stopped messing with his hands and took a step closer to you. “Is that true?” He asked, almost too quiet for you to catch.
You turned around slowly to the man, clenching the tablet in your hands and holding it flushed against your body. You felt as though you might drop the expensive equipment from this interaction alone.
“It is.” You admitted.
The great smile that formed on HR’s face told you that he too liked you.
From the distance that you both were in, it was inevitable that you were to take a glance at his lips before flicking back up to his gaze again.
The both of you leaned into each other, HR wrapping an arm around you and pressing his lips against yours. The kiss felt as though the whole world had stopped to watch.
“It worked!” Cisco cheered.
Instantly, HR and yourself pulled away from each other. He was holding you in his arms and you both turned to the doorway. Cisco was standing there (of all people).
“What are you doing here?” You questioned. “Don’t you have work to be done.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. I couldn’t miss this for the world!”
“Ramon, get out of here!” You were geared up to throw the tablet, still fixed in your arm.
Cisco jumped up and got out of the room fast.
You huffed and HR pulled you closer to him.
“So, where were we, love?”
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vampcoffeegyrl23 · 1 year
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Pairing: Caitlin/HR
A Snowells movie! Two childhood friends reunite at their 15-year reunion, confronting bitter old wounds and missed opportunities that drove them apart – and fending off the drunken ex who won’t take no for an answer. Caitlin/HR
This is my finished Caitlin/HR screenplay from my script workshop class. For the class, I changed their names to Lucy and Seth. I want to transfer it to story form, but I figured I would post the script for now. It is definitely not easy to format a script on here, so here is a link to the pdf of the script if you would rather read it that way. Also, I threw together a movie poster for it as well. Hope you enjoy!
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Words Of Change - Chapter 24: Like the beginning but make it different
In an effort to prove something to herself, Caitlin challenges HR.
Chapters: 24/36
Total word count: 110.3k
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bonniemikaelson · 4 years
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Snowells Week Day 7: Free Theme Good omens AU
Caitlin - Aziraphale HR Wells - Crowley They have known each other for 6000 years. Caitlin is soft, light, and a bit of an alarmist when it comes to the coming Apocalypse. HR is sarcastic, frivolous and often likes to embarrass his angel. Together they will have to save this world from the coming judgment day. — What did he say to make everyone so angry? — Be kind to each other. — Oh, Yes, that's enough. *** — You hit someone, HR? — No. Someone bumped into me. *** — I'll be damned. — It's not so bad when you get used to it, Caitlin *** — How long have we been friends? Six thousand years! — Friends? We are not friends. We are an angel and a demon. We have nothing in common. I don't even like you. — You do! *** — You can stay with me if you want. — I don't think my people will like it. — You don't have yours anymore. We both don't. We are our own.
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earthsickwithoutyou · 5 years
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Snowells Moodboard: Beach Bar Karaoke Blind Date Created for Snowells Week 2019, Day 1
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khayrrilrainxwells · 3 years
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Loving you in silent // HR Wells X Reader
Summary: Being inlove with HR Wells but its not mutual.
Warning: Pure Angst sorry😶
A/N: English is not my native language so if their is wrong grammar in my story, just forgive me. If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me. And please please like, comment, and reblog cuz actually it means alot for us as a writer. That's all thank and i hope you enjoy.
Word Count: 2,104
You walk slowly in the corridor of the lab. You sway your hips at the beat of the song while holding five coffee's in your hand. You don't know what happen to you. Maybe today will be not one of those days. The kind where something extraordinary happens. Maybe today will be one of those rare days where your not falling apart.
You make your way at the cortex, where you saw Iris sitting in one of the chair in the cortex while narrowing her eyes at the monitor, at the other side of the lab you saw Cisco, Barry, and HR talking with each other. You take a deep breath and decided to greet them.
" Hi guys Good Morning. Here is your coffee's " You said while lifting the coffee in your hands,  before giving them a smile. 
" Oh coffee!?! " HR exclaim while running to you, and quickly grap the coffee in your hand.
You know that this man is very addicted to coffee, so everyday you will buy for him a nice cup of coffee for being a nice handsome friend for you.
" Thank you for this (Y/N).... " HR said with a grin and quickly giving you a tight hug. At the corner of your eyes you saw Iris smirking at you. You can't help but blush when you felt the strong arms wrapping at you right now. You clear your throat, before breaking at his embrace. 
" I think i-i forget something " You said, while looking at HR. You quickly lay down the coffee in your hands and quickly excuse yourself from the team. You know that your blushing right now so you quickly excuse yourself. You make your way at your workshop and quickly close the door and slowly lean your whole body at the close door. You slowly remove the earpods in your ears. The way the song beat in your ear is the way your heart beat also. You felt your face become warm at his embrace. You don’t know how it happens in the first place. There is something about this men. His gorgeous eyes or maybe because he used to flirts with you a lot. You just couldn’t stop your feelings. You just knew it, you were fallen for this tall childlike novelist.
You inhale deeply and quickly relax yourself. You've been at your  workshop for almost half an hour now. Inhaling deeply you decided to go back to the cortex to finish your unfinish research about the new meta that terrorizing the city. Getting back to the cortex you saw the boys still talking with each other. You slowly lean your head and try to listen to them.
" Gypsy invite me on her earth, about this One one one day, and honesty i don't know what does it mean " Cisco said. You heard him slowly sigh when he finish his sentence.
" Francisco my friend...One one one day is a Valentine's day in our earth " You heard HR said it softly. You can't help but smile at his damn beautiful voice. It's like angels sing when he talk. At the middle of your thought you quickly flinch when someone pat your shoulder. You quickly turn around where you saw Iris smirking at you.
" Stop dreaming gurl, just tell him how you felt " Iris said while forming her lips into a line.
" How about you…...when do you confess your feeling to Barry? " You ask her while lifting your one eyebrow at her.
" Gurl it's to late…..he already found someone " Iris said with a sad tone on her voice while looking at Barry.
You felt bad about asking her about it. You saw Iris quickly change her face at the thought of Barry finding someone. 
" I'm sorry… " You said while shooking your head.
" It's ok...that is the reason why i want you to confess your feelings to HR before it's to late " Iris said while patting your shoulder once more before she walk at the cortex and sit in her chair.
You slowly lean your head at the wall of the corridor. Honestly you been trying so hard to find the strength on telling HR how you felt about him, but everytime you try its like you felt your entire body froze, and you always felt your throat become dry everytime you face at him. So you decided to be like this. A coward (Y/N) as always. You don't want also to ruin your friendship because of this stupid little crush on him maybe not little. Inhaling deeply quickly cut off your thought and slowly stare back at the boys and continue to listen to them.
" oh speaking of Valentine's how about you HR, who will you invite on this up coming Valentine's? " Cisco ask the novalist while lifting the coffee in his hand and quickly sip it.
You saw HR tapping his drum stick at the side of the chair and quickly sip his coffee in his other hand. You felt your entire body froze and you can't help but wait for his respond.
" I think you should pursue asking Trace on a date…. I think she's perfect for you " Cisco said
You slowly shook your head when does simple words slowly slip on his lips. You felt your heart shattering in a million pieces in your chest. The way those word come out at the young scientist, it like you hit in a reality. You felt your breath stuck in your throat. You felt your entire body numb. You felt a single tears forming in your eyes, you quickly wipe the tears and slowly turn around before someone see you.
" No!?! " You quickly snap  when you heard Iris yelled at them. You quickly turn back at the door of the cortex with a wide eyes, while looking at her eyes. You quickly saw the team flinch at there sit while looking at the journalist.
" Why? " The speedster as his best friend.
" …...cuz " You saw Iris stare at you for a second before giving you her Im-sorry-but-i-need-to-do-this look.
You quickly pop out at the cortex and quickly grab her hand, before she say something " Guys can i borrow her for a second? " You ask them. When suddenly you felt Iris hand remove your hand on her.
" No (Y/N)......you should tell him now " She said while looking at HR.
" Tell me what? " HR ask while sipping his coffee, before looking at the both of you.
" Oh it's nothing HR, you can continue your pep talk boys " You said while giving them a smile.
" No (Y/N)....where not leaving here, this is the perfect timing to tell HR " She said while looking at you.
" There's no perfect timing " You whispered to her.
" Perfect timing for what? " 
" Oh nothing it's not a big dea- " you didn't finish your sentence when Iris spoke something that cause for you to stop.
" She love you HR…….she really really love you " Iris said while looking at the novalist.
The team only stare at you and HR. You stood there for what was a few momemt but felt like an eternity. You felt your entire body froze when those words slip on Iris lips. You just broke at you thought when you heard HR clear his throat.
" Is that true? " HR ask you in a soft tone on his voice while looking at you.
You didn't answer his question and quickly turn around and walk quickly. Iris tried to talk to you but you just walked out without looking back. When you heard them called your name you quickly run to the rooftop of the lab to hide your embarrassment on them. 
You quickly inhale deeply, and made your way at the edge of the lab and sit there in silent. You felt the cold air hitting you like a rock. The way your tears rolling on your face make you felt empty. When suddenly you heard the door open, you quickly wipe the tears in you face and inhale deeply.
You slowly turn your head when you saw HR looking at you and slowly sit at your side. The both of you been like that for a couple of minute when suddenly HR decided to break the silent.
" I'm sorry " HR said while shooking his head
" For what? " You ask him still looking at the building infront of you.
" For everything….Sorry if I'm the reason why your upset right now. " He said while looking at the buildings infront of him afraid of looking at you.
" It's not your fault " You said it with a sad tone of your voice.
" Why you didn't tell me that you like me? " HR ask you slowly. You didn't answer his question. You only stare at the buildings infront of you, wishing that all this thing is just a terrible nightmare. 
" Are you going to hate me if-if i told you that- " At the corner of your eyes you saw the way his adams apple bounce on his throat. The way his drum stick tapping at the corner of his hands. The way his icy blue eye looking at every direction. You know that his afraid to tell you the truth, so you quickly cut him off before he finish his sentence.
" That you don't have the same feelings for me " You said it simple. The way those word slip on your lips. It just like a sharp knife stabbing you on your chest. You turn to look at him, ignoring the lights flickering in the opposite buildings. Ignoring the passing cars below.
HR only stare at you when those words slip on your lips. He felt his entire body froze. He look at you in your eyes, and all he see is pain and  sadness. He hate it when his the reason that your upset right now. He didn't want you to be hurt because your his best friend. The one person who accept him when everyone doesn't. The one person who love him even if his not the type of Harrison that has 7phd like Harry. The only person who understand him. And most of all the one person who believe on him. That's why he hate himself right now.
" …...yeah " He said while shooking his head and slowly rub his neck. 
You slowly stare back at the buildings. You felt your tears forming in your eyes again. You quickly inhale deeply and clear your throat.
" That is the reason why i love you in silent…..cuz in silent there is no rejection " You only whispered the last word. You felt your tears roll on your face, but you still don't have the strength to wipe it. You make your lips into a line and slowly stare at HR.
" Don't you worry i will be ok " You said while giving him a sad smile before turning your head at the buildings and admire it. At the corner of your eyes you saw HR getting up and slowly pat your shoulder. 
" You can find someone better than me " HR said while walking at the door of the lab leaving you at the edge of the building, alone.
I wish that i had never met you. Then there would be no need to impress you. No need to want you. No need for loving you. No need for crying over you. No need for heartbreaks. No need for crying myself to sleep. I wish i could go back to the day i met you and just walk away. Because  honestly, it would've saved  me so much hurt and pain.
The other day HR walk in the cortex holding his coffee and suddenly he saw you walking in the computer and sit there in silent while tapping your phone. He saw Cisco and Barry at the corner so he make his way to them.
" Is she be ok? " HR ask them with a guilty look on his face.
" I don't know dude....she doesn't  look sad...i never see her cry also...i think she's ok" Cisco said
The three of them been standing up at the corner of the lab while looking at you. When suddenly Barry break the silent.
" Some people....when they heart gets to heavy with pain…..people don't cry…..They become silent, completely silent " Barry said and slowly stare at HR. 
Cisco and HR stare at the speedster while shooking their heads.
You sit at the chair in the cortex while holding your phone. When suddenly you saw a message from your old friend.
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You inhale deeply and slowly stare at the boys while giving them a smile. Maybe one last smile for them before you leave.
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Just a little over a week before Snowells Week - the final curtain, the grand finale, the loving send-off to a “pairing” that became so very much more (and so very many more, lol) will begin on June 19th!
Main post - Rules & guidelines - Pairings -  Prompts
All info there in one handy place!
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Or rather, Welcome to my Update of Updateyness, lol!
Day 1 - Fic, unwritten but idea is ready to go
Day 2 - Fic, unwritten but idea is ready to go
Day 3 - Fic, unwritten but idea is ready to go
Day 4 - Fic, in progress
Day 5 - Fic, DONE 🥳🎉
Day 6 - Fic, in progress
Day 7 - Fic, unwritten but idea is ready to go
I’m hoping to also do graphics in some form or another to go with each one but we’ll just have to see how it goes. 🤞😣🤞 All of the fics are short this year, some pretty much just drabbles or double drabbles, but I’m having fun with them so that’s the important thing, right? 😎👍
Hope everybody who’s planning on participating is also having a great time! There’s still plenty of time for your muse(s) to get to creating, there’ll be a grace week to follow before the masterpost is created! ⚡💖⚡
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just-my-fandom · 2 years
You Know I Love You, Right? (Cisco Ramon x Allen! Reader)
Eventual (Cisco Ramon x Kamilla)
Man I’ve been trying to get this posted since damn March of last year. This writers block ain’t no joke. Hope you enjoy this angsty shit with lots of tears.
Summary; After accidentally running to the future, Barry watches as Savitar kills his sister. Given months in advance, Barry and the team try to stop this supposed murder. When all else fails, Cisco is left to raise a child alone, years later finding someone who was willing to love both of them. In the process, his ex-wives doppelgänger shows up to help on a mission, bringing Cisco back to what it was like before she died, only to witness it all over again.
Pairings; Cisco Ramon x Wife! Reader , Barry Allen x Sister! Reader, Joe West x Daughter figure! Reader, Iris West x Friend! Reader, Caitlin Snow x Best Friend! Reader, Future Kamilla Wang x Cisco Ramon, Baby Ramon included.
Warnings; Death, blood, cursing, panic attack, crying, child with no mother, reader can teleport and child inherits her powers.
Word Count: 6K😳 my longest one chapter fic. THERE WILL BE AN ALTERNATE ENDING REPOST.
“Que clase de flor es esa?” - “What kind of flower is that?”
“Girasol,” -“Sunflower,”
“Ser buena para Papa Joe,” - “Be good for Papa Joe,”
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July, 2017, four months until destruction.
A hand rests on your bare shoulder. You turn, smiling warmly at Barry Allen’s taller figure, “You look great,”
“Thanks,” Your breath is light, hands running down the front of your sweater-like dress, “Iris helped pick it out,”
Barry then glances over to said woman and the rest of the group, who, too, were dressed up from the event of HR attempting to reopen STAR Labs, “Hey,” He repeats, nodding his head over his shoulder, “I need to show you something,”
“Okay,” You nod back, glancing at your friends grouped together before following your friend at a slow pace, “What is it?”
Barry leads you into a hidden room. A room you recognize that used to be Eobard Thawnes, which worries you as to why he has brought you into the room of your old enemy.
With a click to the button on the single stand, Barry steps back to allow a projector to arise, showing both you and him an article, “Look at this,”
“The Flash vanishes after Crisis,” Your brows pinch as you glance to him, “I don’t understand. What am I looking at?”
“An article. From the future,” Barry starts, eyes flicking back up to the projector, “Look who wrote it,”
Your eyes move to follow his gaze, “Written by Iris West-Allen,” You lift your shoulders, “Okay? You and Iris get married. That’s wonderful, Bar,”
“No,” Barry shakes his head, “You originally wrote this article. Somethings changed,”
“Maybe I quit,” You sigh, reaching up to curl a strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ve been talking to Cait and Cisco about staying home with (Your/Daughter/Name), it’d make sense,”
“That’s not why it changed to Iris,” Barry can see your irritation as he leads on, your figure turning to face him as if urging him to hurry to his conclusion, “When I threw the Philosophers Stone into the Speed Force, I ran to the future,” He pauses to clench his jaw, “You die, Y/N. I-I saw it,”
“Die?” Your breath comes short, in disbelief as you look back to the article, “From what?”
“Savitar. He was holding you and he stabbed you. Right in front of the whole team,” Barry’s hand raises to his hair, tugging at the locks,
“How long?” Your eyes stare at the floor, hearing Barry’s hum of confusion before lifting your eyes to him, “How long until I die?”
“I won’t let that happen,” Barry steps up, hand at your arm as you clench your jaw, tears glossing your eyes, “I won’t. I swear on our parents lives, I will protect you,”
Your hands wipe at your eyes, hard, “We have to tell the others. I can’t stand to be one of the only ones that knows when we can try to stop it but- what if we don’t?”
“We will,” Barry breathes, “I promise, Y/N. I- we will do whatever it takes,”
“I hope you’re right,” You step back, out the hidden door and to the Cortex and to where Cisco instantly questioned your reddened face.
. . .
“So… all this happened while you were in the Speed Force?” Caitlins questions breaks the silence of the cortex. You can see the gears turning in everyone’s heads. Processing it.
You still haven’t.
“When I threw the Stone in, I went four months into the future. That gives us four months to figure out what needs to be changed and how we can stop him,” Barry exhales, looking to you where you leaned against the Control Panel in silence,
“Y/N?” Cisco speaks up, so you raise your eyes to him across the Cortex. “What’s going through your head?”
You lift a hand, waving it in front of your face with a pinch of your brows, “I’m fine. I think,” You bare down on your teeth at a lump that forms in your throat, “I need a second,”
The team watches as you depart from the Cortex in quick steps. Cisco worriedly follows after you while Barry rubs a hand down his face,
“Hey,” Cisco’s hand catches your wrist, twirling you to face him at the same time you cough out a weak breath, “Hey. Look at me,”
Your eyes look up at him on demand. Blurred with tears, you attempt to clear your vision as his hands raise to your face, wiping the tears from your skin, “You’re allowed to be scared. It’s okay,”
“I’m sorry,” Your whisper is harsh, hiccuping, “I don’t want this to happen. I can’t leave her,”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassures, eyes on yours as his thumbs wiped below your eyes, “I promise,”
You nod, eyes shut when he rests his forehead against yours. His hand raises to the back of your head, hearing his best friend call behind him so you pulled away and wiped your face,
“HR thinks if we go back to the place I saw it,” Barry starts, watching you flinch at the mention, “We can find details that may help us change the future,”
“And how’re we supposed to do that?” Cisco asks, tiredly, “Go back into the speed force?”
Barry’s nod is slow, “You might be able to help,”
“I’m gonna go home,” You sigh, raising your hand to your forehead as Cisco turns back to you, “It’s late. It’s a lot, I think I just need sleep, and I need to see (D/N),”
“I’ll let you know what we find,” Cisco murmurs, pecking your lips before staring at you for a mere second, “I love you,”
“I love you too,” Your smile is weak before you teleport from their vision, Cisco exhaling a deep breath before turning to face his brother in law, “Let’s do this.”
September, 2017, two months until destruction.
Cisco steps into a silent apartment. He drops his keys on the counter with a tired sigh, turning to face the inside of his home.
He sees you sitting in silence. One lamp is on, while you sit on the kitchen counter, hot mug in hand.
He sees the tremble in your hands. As quick as you sip the tea, you set it down, Cisco by now having reached you and stood between your legs,
“Hi,” Your whisper is tired, exhausted, shaking fingers sliding to his sides as his own hold your face, pressing one, two slow kisses to your lips, holding you against him, “Anything?”
Ciscos head shakes weakly. He leans back to look at you, eyes glossy as they searched your face.
Your eyes flicker up to the ceiling upon the rise of tears, exhaling so Ciscos arms slid to hold your waist, gently tugging you towards the edge of the counter, “C’mon,” His murmur is soft, your eyes immediately looking to his face, “Let’s go to bed,”
“Just stay,” Your whisper back is just as quiet, eyes meeting his as he pauses, your hands at his shoulders, “For a second. Please,”
Ciscos nod is short, fully embracing you as your arms tighten around his shoulders and neck, foreheads meeting as your eyes shut. Ciscos thumbs brush your hips beneath your shirt, tilting his head up just enough to press his lips between your brows,
“You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” Your fingers curl in his hair, opening your eyes as he looks down at you, “I love you, too. So, so much, Cisco,”
Cisco ducks down to press a long kiss to your lips, hand holding your chin in place before he pulls back, slowly, lifting you enough to set your feet on the ground, leading you to your shared bedroom, mindful of the toddler sleeping across the hall.
October, 2017, one month until destruction.
“Here’s what I quite don’t understand,”
HRs sudden voice drags everyone’s attention to him. The man stands with a hand to his chin, before he directs it to point to you, “Of all outcomes we have seen, Miss Ramon doesn’t use her powers of- what is it- teleportation, in any of them. Why’s that?”
“The downside to my powers is my emotions effect how I use them,” You explain, quietly, “If I’m stressed or scared, I can’t use them at all. If I’m sad, even really really happy, they glitch and I can teleport anywhere,”
“When I proposed, she teleported to Canada,” Cisco lightens, your smile light as you look at him.
“I have to really be able to focus on my powers for them to work properly. It’s why I almost never use them. This whole thing with Savitar, I’m so stressed I can’t use my powers even if I tried,”
HR nods, eyes drifting in thought. Then what was the purpose of your powers?
He’s realized, there was none.
November, 2017, one week until destruction.
You stand in silence. Your daughter lies curled against your shoulder, dark hair sprawled over her forehead and thumb barely hanging from her mouth.
“Baby,” Ciscos murmur is quiet, your eyes opening to see him now in front of you, one hand at your arm while the other curls (D/N)s hair from her shut eyes,
“You’ve been standing here for a while. You want me to take her?” Cisco extends his hands, questioningly, your eyes fluttering with tears as you shake your head, hand raising to cradle your daughters head.
“I’m so scared, Cisco,” You move your hand to cover your mouth, muffling your violent sniffle, “I don’t want her growing up without a mom. I won’t get to watch her grow up,”
“Hey,” Ciscos eyes are glossy as he steps up, arm wrapping around your shoulders to pull you against his chest, mindful of your child in the middle. His hand slides into your hair, sighing against your forehead, “We’re going to figure everything out, baby,”
You move to the side to lay your child in her crib, twisting to press yourself back into Ciscos front so his arms tightly wound around you, nose in your neck in search for his own comfort.
November 2017, the day before destruction.
You find yourself wide awake. Eyes staring up at the ceiling, you listen to the slight shuffle of Cisco closing your daughters bedroom door, then your own as he moved into the room.
Ciscos quiet as he slides into bed next to you, his arm instantly sliding around your shoulders so you scoot to press yourself against his front, head ducking beneath his chin.
Ciscos exhale is deep, free hand pressed to the back of your head as he presses his lips to the crown of your hair, hearing your sniffle muffle against his shirt. “I’ve got you, baby,” His murmur is breathy, fingers knotted in your hair. “You’re okay,”
Your hand reaches up to grasp his wrist, hiccup loud against the silent bedroom as Ciscos fingers tighten their grip in your hair, free arm around your shoulders to hold you against him.
“I’m sorry,” You lean back, Ciscos eyes flicking across your face as you wipe your eyes, “I’m been so emotional instead of helping you guys figure out how to stop all this shit from happening, and-,”
“And you’re allowed to be,” Cisco murmurs, hand curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. Ciscos jaw clenches, “We’re allowed to be emotional,”
Your hands find their place at each side of his face, pulling him down so his lips meet yours, breathlessly. Ciscos hand slides to grasp your hip, his sniffle causing you to lean back and wipe the tear beneath his eye.
“I love you, you know that, right?” You repeat his words, Cisco smiling despite the tremble in his lip as he nods.
“I love you, too,”
Late November, 2017, the day of destruction.
Time falls still. Team Flash all stand frozen in terror. It happened. It really happened.
Savitar won. All those months trying to change the future was a fail. He knew it.
Cisco’s shout is what drags Barry to speed up and catch your near falling figure. Blood already stained your jacket, body limp against his suited form as he panicked for his best friend.
His sister.
“Y/N!” Cisco’s terrified cry gets closer as his footsteps skid, dropping down at your other side to pull you from Barry’s grasp, “Hey! Hey, baby!”
Tearing his goggles from his face, Cisco’s eyes brim red as his gloved hand held your face to look up at him, your own eyes hazy from exhaustion, but wide in terror.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Cisco’s thumb brushes over the skin, eyes flicking back and forth across your face, “Stay awake for me, okay? Can you- can you stay awake?”
“Cisco-?” Your lips part in a wheezed breath, lifting your head in an attempt to look at the damage, but Ciscos hand tightens at your jaw, shaking his head as he sniffles.
“No, no. Look at me. Look at me,” His pleas are weak, free hand pressed to the wound so you hiss, “You’re okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,”
Your head shakes, barely, blinking away the black spots but only causing more. “Take care of our baby, Cisco. Pl-please,”
“You’re gonna be okay,” Cisco begs, Barry’s chest tightening along with his stomach, sure he was going to puke from the nerves. “I’m right here,”
Your eyelids droop, Cisco shaking his head for the thousandth time, “No. No, no,”
Barry can feel his chest caving in. He failed. He knew it. Iris’ hand comes to his shoulder, worried, but he yanks it free, speeding off in fear of facing the now single father.
December 1st, 2017. The day after destruction.
“Kiss mama bye bye,”
Cisco can feel all eyes on him. But his attention focuses on the toddler in his arms, both of them staring at the casket in front of them.
Cisco raises his hand to pat his lips in a kiss, waiting for (D/N) to copy before he leans down, pressing his hand to the wood of the casket. “Kiss mama bye bye,”
(D/N) pats her hand hard on the casket, Cisco standing straight with a teary smile. “There you go,”
His daughter manages to catch the tear that slides down Ciscos cheek, propping her arm on his shoulder to twirl his hair around her small hand, “Why sad?”
“I’m not sad, sweetheart,” Cisco wipes his chin, then brushes his hand over (D/N)s head to push hair from her eyes, “I’m just missing mama, that’s all,”
“She coming back?” (D/N) glances down at the casket before the group around her, thumb now in her mouth to gnaw on.
“I don’t know, baby,” Cisco hates this. He doesn’t know what to tell her.
He inhales a deep breath when Caitlin walks up, her hand squeezing his arm with her own watery smile towards the little girl.
“Are you hungry, mi amor?” Cisco murmurs to the toddler, who only stared at her godmother and reached out to her. Caitlin giggles tearfully as she takes the child, eyes focusing back on Cisco who swallows.
“I’ve got her,” Caitlin promises, Cisco nodding as his jaw clenches, immediately looking over to see Joe and Barry.
“This hurts,” Ciscos breath is airy, voice strained, “So fucking much. We’ve been preparing for the worse since damn six months ago and-,”
“You’re never prepared for it,” Joe speaks, Cisco raising his hands to his face to wipe his eyes, “But all you can do is be there for that little girl,”
“What am I supposed to tell her?” Cisco doesn’t mean to give an attitude, but his emotions are in a whirlwind and his chest is caving. “‘Sorry that you were born into a world where meta humans and evil doppelgängers live that killed your mother’? That’ll go well,”
“Cisco,” Barry tries, quietly, but Cisco shakes his head, eyes now on him.
“Go back,” Ciscos plea doesn’t go unnoticed, “Go back in time. Figure out a way to save her,”
“You know I can’t do that,” Barry’s voice breaks, Ciscos eyebrows pinching,
“You did it for your mom!” Ciscos voice raises, Caitlin worriedly looking over from across the lot, “You did it for your dad! But your sister dies and she’s not worth it,”
“I won’t do it because if I don’t fix it, the timeline could be altered, again,” Barry steps forward, Joe calling for him, “Someone else could be killed. Someone could never exist, your daughter could never exist, there’s too many risks!”
“But you have to try,” Ciscos eyes are brimmed red by now, chest heaving as Barry is forced to watch his best friend break down, “You have to try and bring her back, please. (D/N) lost her mom, Barry,”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” A hot tear slides down Barrys cheek, Cisco shaking his head as he steps back, “Cisco-,”
“Don’t,” Cisco moves back towards Caitlin, hands out to take his daughter again.
“Let me drive you,” Caitlin offers, Cisco nodding as (D/N) curls into his shoulder, his eyes pinching shut at her small embrace.
December 25th, 2017. 26 days after destruction.
“Hey! You made it,” Joes smile is wide when he opens the front door to his house, Cisco and (D/N) in front of him.
Cisco smiles in greet, looking down at (D/N) who held a box, jumping as she held it up to her grandfather. “Papa Joe!”
Cisco takes the box from her to let Joe pick her up, stepping into the house to ruffle the snow from his hair. “If you can’t tell, (D/N) wrapped this for you,”
“You did?” Joe takes the box in his free arm, looking down at it then the toddler, “What is it?”
“You open it, Papa Joe,” (D/N) wraps her arms around Joes neck as he leads her further into the house, where the rest of the group greets the two new arrivals with cheers.
Cisco is greeted by Caitlin almost immediately, her smile warm as she looks him over, “You doing okay?”
“Physically? She’s got a sleeping schedule down to let me sleep a full eight hours,” Cisco jokes, weakly, eyebrows lifting, “Mentally? I’m hanging in there,”
“You know if you ever need me to take her for a day or two I can,” Caitlin reminds, Cisco nodding as his eyes drift to the near two year old.
“I know. But I feel like she needs me. It’s still all new with just us two, so…”
“And that’s okay,” Caitlin ends the conversation to watch (D/N) pat the box she had wrapped, Joe heaving her onto his lap before the box, pulling the bow loose to open the box.
“A picture!” Joe gives the toddler excitement, pulling a piece of paper from the unnecessary box, scanning it, “Who’s all these people?”
As (D/N) begins to list off each member of team flash, everyone else begins to pass around gifts. “This is daddy and mama,” Cisco looks up at this. He remembers seeing her draw every member, but not you. “Mama has ring ‘bove her head cause daddy says she’s a angel,”
“A halo, sweetheart,” Cisco moves to sit next to Joe, pulling (D/N) onto his own lap, “And she is,”
“Well it’s wonderful,” Joe pinches (D/N)s cheek, lifting a box at his feet to hand to her, “Now be very careful unwrapping this one, there’s something special in here,”
Cisco helps (D/N) unwrap the paper carefully like Joe demanded, (D/N) reaching in to pull out a small stuffed bear, older but looking clean nothing less,
“This was your mamas when she was little,” Joe states, Cisco staring down at the plush toy to see your initials on the tie of the bear, “Little bit older than you, but it was hers,”
Cisco smiles at Joe, thankfully, when (D/N) hugs the bear to her chest, holding it up for Cisco to see.
“There’s something for you, too,” Joe informs to Cisco, eyeing the box so Ciscos brows pinch, reaching in like (D/N) had done, pulling out a smaller box. Lifting the lid, he stares down at the gold necklace, on the chain being the first promise ring Cisco had given you when you first began dating.
“I know you don’t wear jewelry,” Joe begins, “But she left it when she moved out and I thought you should have it,”
“Are you kidding?” Cisco swallows the lump in his throat with a small laugh, clasping the necklace around his neck before tucking it under his sweater, “Thank you, Joe,”
Joe nods once, clapping his hands as he stands, lifting (D/N), “Alright, who’s hungry?”
July 2021, three years since destruction.
“I’ve met someone,”
Caitlin instantly looks up at this. Cisco stares at his computer screen, hesitantly looking up to see Caitlin and Barry’s reactions.
“That’s great,” Caitlin breathes, “What’s her name?”
“Kamilla,” Cisco exhales, leaning back in his seat, “I’ve known her for a couple of weeks, now, but-,”
“But you’re scared,” Caitlin tilts her head, “And that’s completely understandable, Cisco,”
“I should be fine,” Cisco sits up, refusing to look at Barry, “Y/Ns been gone for three years, now. But-,”
Again, Caitlin cuts him off, “But you’re worried about (D/N),”
“I’m worried about (D/N),” Cisco confirms, “I don’t want her to think I’m replacing Y/N. Because I’m not! Y/N…” Cisco pauses to swallow, standing up to pace in front of his two best friends,
“Y/N was there since- everything! Since Thawne, since Zoom. She liked everything I loved and I loved her. So much I married her and we had a kid,” Cisco faces the two, eyes glossy, “I still think about her when I wake up, how (D/N) still doesn’t know what truly happened to her mom and how when Kamilla finds out, if we even went further-,”
“Take a breath,” Caitlin places her hands at Ciscos arms, “Kamilla will understand when she finds out, when you’re comfortable enough to tell her,” Caitlin’s lips press together, “You’re never going to fully get over Y/N. She was your first love, and that’s okay. No one’s rushing you to fall in love with someone else. That’s something you choose in your own time,”
Cisco stares at Caitlin, eyes flicking to Barry. Barry nods, smiling warmly. “I want my niece to have a mother figure. And I trust you that you’ll choose the right one capable for that,”
Ciscos shoulders deflate, nose scrunching, “Should I introduce them?”
“I would let Kamilla at least know that Y/Ns no longer here,” Caitlin hesitates, “But I think they would both love that,”
August 2021, three years after destruction.
“So this is the girl you’ve talked nonstop about,”
(D/N) looks up in alarm at the new voice. She sits next to Cisco at the corner booth in Jitters, staring at the coloring page before Kamilla makes an appearance.
“That she is,” Cisco smiles, brushing a curl out of (D/N)s face, “Kamilla, this is (D/N). (D/N), this is Kamilla,”
“Are you my daddy’s girlfriend?” The five year old tilts her head, Kamilla eyes flicking to Cisco so he winced, Kamillas lips pulling into a small smile,
“Only if I have your permission,” Kamilla sits down across of the two, Cisco curiously looking down at his daughter beside him. (D/N) jabs a crayon onto the page, coloring in one of the sunflowers at the bottom of the page.
“Daddy talks a lot about you,” (D/N) glances up at Kamilla, as if looking her up and down. “It’s a yes from me,”
“Very good vocabulary,” Kamillas eyebrows raise as she looks at Cisco, who smiles behind his Jitters cup.
“I’ve been trying to get her to learn some Spanish, too, for when she’s with my parents. (D/N),” He pauses to point at the flower she was coloring, “Que clase de flor es esa?”
(D/N) pauses as she looks to Cisco for help, before she blinks, “Girasol,”
“Sunflower, buena,” Cisco grins as Kamilla giggles,
“You’re gonna need to teach me some, how’s that sound?”
“I can try,” (D/N) smiles as she tilts her head bashfully, picking up her cup of chocolate milk to sip the drink.
Kamilla looks at Cisco, “She looks a lot like you. You did good,”
Cisco smiles, looking down at the child for what seemed to be the thousandth time. “She’s got a lot of her moms looks. Personality, though? All me,”
“Mama used to say I was her clone,” (D/N) grins, nonchalantly shrugging a shoulder, “Mama died when I was a baby,”
Ciscos lips press together, sighing through his nose as Kamilla frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that. I bet she was a wonderful lady,”
(D/N) looks up at Cisco. “Is Papa Joe still coming?”
Kamillas brows pinch, Cisco looking at her. “Barrys dad is coming to pick her up. I just wanted you two to meet before he did,”
“That’s okay,” Kamilla smiles, spotting Joe walking towards the three before she reaches a hand out to (D/N), “It was very nice to meet you, (D/N). We still up for that Spanish lesson?”
“Only if you can keep up,” (D/N) pats Kamillas hand in a high five before turning to Joe, reaching up so Joe took the sign to pick her up.
“I’ll bring her back by the apartment tomorrow morning,” Joe informs, smiling to Kamilla in greet as Cisco nods.
“Ser buena para Papa Joe, okay?” Cisco points to (D/N), who nods, “I love you,” He looks to Joe, “Thanks for taking her,”
Joe nods, waving before he turns to leave the cafe, Kamillas eyes then looking back at Cisco, “I like her,”
October 2021, three years after destruction.
“(D/N), we’re gonna be late, amor, please,”
Cisco finds himself squatted in the middle of his kitchen. His daughter stands feet in front of him, pout on her face and arms crossed, dressed in mixed matched clothes that proved she dressed herself.
“I wanna wear this!” She pleas, curly black hair shaking as she hops on her feet. She wore a neon green sweater, while red and black checkered pants hugged her legs, one foot with a pink sandal while the other displayed a winter boot,
“Baby, it’s almost eighty degrees, you’re going to burn up,” Cisco rises to his full height to step towards his daughter, but she shakes her head, startling Cisco by vanishing out of thin air.
“Holy shit,” Cisco whirls around, shoulders dropping in relief to find (D/N) had teleported to the front door of the apartment, hand on the doorknob.
“We’re gonna be late!” She yells, as if she didn’t just teleport herself across the kitchen, already opening the door with a giggle,
“(D/N), hold on,” Cisco calls, catching her arm before kneeling down again, hands brushing her frizzy hair from her face, “How’d you get yourself across the room?”
(D/N) shrugs a shoulder, head tilted, “Papa Joe said mama had powers, I do too!”
Cisco cant help but blink. When did she find this out? “Okay,” Cisco heaves a deep breath, sticking his hands out to lift her up, “Please let me change you into decent clothes. I can’t have you overheating,”
“Can I wear my Spider-Man dress?”
“Sure. Yeah, you can wear your Spider-Man dress,”
November 2021, three years since destruction.
“So, (D/N) can teleport now,”
Caitlin blinks. That’s new. “What?” Barry’s question is heaved, eyes on his best friend standing with his arms crossed, “How’s that even possible?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out myself,” Cisco throws his arms out, eyes on Caitlin in a plea, “Can Dark Matter become genetic?”
“I’ve never heard of a meta child,” Caitlin hums, “But her powers are the same as Y/Ns, so it’s the only thing to make sense,”
“But, Jenna didn’t get Cecile’s powers,” Cisco shakes his head,
“That we know of,” Caitlin states, “Jenna’s still a baby. She can’t even talk yet. (D/N)s in that stage where shes developed more. How’d you find out anyway?”
“She teleported across the kitchen this morning,” Cisco sighs, hand at his temple, “Freaked out because I wouldn’t let her leave dressed like- she dressed herself. Teleported to the door before I could reach her,”
“Baby super hero?” Barry teases, shoulders up suggestingly
“Absolutely not!” Cisco demands, “I’m not putting my five year old on the field, dude,”
“I was kidding!” Barry laughs, “But, seriously. We’re going to have to train her to not just teleport whenever she wants. She does it in front of the wrong people and she could be in danger,”
“Yeah, thanks for calming my thoughts, man,” Cisco groans, “What if her powers work the same way Y/Ns did? Y/Ns powers reacted depending on her emotions. It’s likely to happen with (D/N), too,”
“That’s why we need to train her,” Caitlin soothes, “I’m sure everything will be fine. She’s got the best coaches to train her,”
December 2021, one week until destruction strikes again.
“Thanks for coming to our Earth to help, Y/N,”
Your doppleganger turns to smile at Barry. “Of course. Ramsey was a hard one for us to deal with, but I’m hoping to help you guys take him a little easier than we did,”
“There’s something I should tell you before you meet the team,” Barry’s wrings his hands together, “The you from this Earth, you died,”
“Oh,” You flick your eyes down, glancing to the side. “How?”
“Savitar,” Barry sighs, noticing the surprise on your face, “Is there a Savitar on your earth, too?”
“Was, but yeah,” You nod, rubbing your forehead. “We lost someone too from him. Originally it was supposed to be Iris, but HR took her place. Technology that helped him look like her, and,” You sigh, “Yeah,”
Barry nods, “Ciscos going to react when he sees you. You’ve been gone four years this month, which is terrible timing for us needing you, but,”
“I have to ask,” You plea, “Do we have a kid on this Earth too?”
“You do, yeah,” Barry rubs the side of his face, “(D/N),”
You nod, curling your arms to cross, “We named her (D/N), too. Guess all Earths aren’t so different after all,” You clear your throat, “Let’s get this over with,”
“You gonna be okay?” Barry questions, your nod light before you follow him into the entrance of the Cortex, where Barry clears his throat to gain the attention of five members.
Wally is the first to speak, “Holy shit,”
“I know this might be a surprise,” Barry starts, your chin tilting down when Ciscos eyes begin to burn from staring at you. “But we could really use her help with Ramsey,”
“Of all people, bringing her doppelgänger was the answer?” Cisco now speaks up, your eyes flicking up to him as he stands, “I’ll be in my lab,”
“Cisco,” Barry pleas, your hand raising as you frown,
“Let me talk to him,”
By the time you make it to Ciscos lab- which looked exactly like his on your earth- he has already sat down and stared at a project. “Cisco,”
“I don’t want you in here,”
“Cisco, Barry told me,” You state, “About the me from this earth,”
“Great, so you know that I don’t want you here,”
“Cisco, I understand-,” “No you don’t!” The man stands up almost as quick as he’s sat down, turning to stare at you, actually look at you, “You don’t understand. You look just like her,”
Cisco turns to run his hand through his hair, turning back around, “This isn’t some joke,”
“I didn’t say it was,”
Cisco forces a laugh, eyes gleaming from his labs lighting, head tilting back, “You died in front of me when I told you everything would be okay. I told you we would figure it out and instead you died that night,”
Your arms cross again, letting the man reveal his four year hidden feelings, “And now my daughter has no mom because I lied to you. We didn’t figure it out,”
“You can’t hold onto that guilt forever, Cisco,”
“How can I not?!” Ciscos shout startles you, “How can I not be guilty when you died because I lied to you? We spent six months trying to find ways to save you and every single outcome we had failed. You died, Y/N, and now I’m spilling my emotions to my ex-wives doppelgänger,”
Ciscos hands raise to his head, tugging at the strands as his eyes pinch shut, head ducking down with a heavy exhale.
You swallow. Stepping up, closer to him, you reach out to pull one arm down from his hair, “I’m gonna hug you, okay?”
Ciscos sniffle is loud as he nods, his arms wounding around your shoulders as yours loop around his back, feeling Cisco exhale into your hair.
“I’m so sorry,” Cisco murmurs, your eyes shutting as your bodies lightly swayed, “I’ve tried so hard to be there for her, but she looks just like you and I can’t-,”
“I know,” You sigh, own eyes glossy. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Cisco,”
Cisco shakes his head, arms tightening around you as his chin props on top of your head, “How did we save you on your Earth?”
You frown, “I wasn’t Savitars target. Iris was,”
Ciscos grip slightly loosens. “She didn’t die, though. HR did,”
Cisco leans back, wiping his hands across his face with a deep sigh. “I needed that,” He mumbles, dropping his hands to look at you, “The hug. The last time I saw you, you were dying in my arms. I just… It’s hard,”
“I know,” You murmur, eyes flicking downwards to his chest, staring at the necklace around his neck, “You kept it,”
Cisco instantly looks down, clutching the ring on the chain in his hand, “Joe gave it to me the first Christmas after. Along with your old teddy bear for (D/N),”
“Oh, God, he actually kept it?” You laugh with a roll of your eyes, Ciscos smile light as he chuckles, “Hope he doesn’t pop up with it for my (D/N),”
Cisco blinks, “You named her (D/N), too?”
“Of course,” You smile, “We thought of that name before kids were even in the question, remember?”
Cisco smiles, nodding. “Thank you,” He sighs, “I’m sorry for blowing up on you,”
“It was understandable,” You point, “I’d freak if my Ciscos doppelgänger showed up unannounced too,”
Cisco heaves a breath through his nose, eyes staring at you, “She has your powers,” He whispers, head shaking with a weak laugh, “And I don’t know how to help her control them,”
“That’s something we don’t share between Earths,” You hum, Ciscos brows furrowing, “My (D/N) actually has your vibes,”
“Seriously? But I got rid of my powers!” Cisco whines, your laugh light as you nod,
“Trust me, Cisco on my Earth was not happy either,” You pinch your brows, “But, I may be able to help you with your (D/N),”
Ciscos eyes widen in slight panic, “You can’t see her,” His head shakes, “It’ll mess with her head, she knows you’re-,”
“Cisco, calm down,” You raise your hands, moving to his desk to grab his notepad, “I’ll write tips down for you. I’d never do anything to expose myself to my daughter who lost me,” You pause your writing, eyes looking at him, “I promise after everything with Ramsey is handled, I’ll leave,”
Cisco nods, rolling his jaw in thought, “Thank you for being here,”
“I’m sorry for being here,” You answer, “I know it’s hard. I never meant to break the healing you were doing. I just wanted to help my brother in any way or on any Earth that I could,”
“And I appreciate it,” Cisco states, “Even if you aren’t our Y/N, I promise to make sure you get safely back to your Earth,”
You smile, lifting the notepad before handing it to him, stepping to the side to exit his lab.
January, 2022, destruction strikes again.
“She didn’t make it off the table,”
The team of six stand in silence. Cisco feels the emotions all over again, but this time he feels numb at the same time.
Leant forward on the control panel, Ciscos eyes stare towards the lab where you were taken. Ramsey had won. Another one was lost.
“Someone should go to Earth 9 to let her team know,” Iris speaks, hesitantly, eyes on Cisco as his eyes shut, pinched.
Just like four years ago, you had died in front of him again. He knew it wasn’t you, but the emotions were just as hard.
“I can go,” Barry murmurs, Cisco pushing off the desk at the same time to turn around, exiting the Cortex in quick steps.
When Kamilla finds him in his lab, he is staring at the notepad on his desk. “What’re you thinking about?”
Ciscos eyes flutter, glossy as he drops his head, sighing, “How I lied to her again,” He lifts his head, looking at the woman beside him, eyes brimmed red, “I promised her I’d get her back home after Ramsey was dealt with. But-,”
Cisco sinks down into the chair behind him, hands over his face. His hands drop, eyes watching as Kamilla sits in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” He speaks, hands rubbing together, “I thought it’d be easier this time. She wasn’t even our Y/N, and yet,” Cisco shakes his head, hand over his jaw.
“Her team is going to find out she didn’t make it,” His knee bounces, exhaling, “God, her (D/N) doesn’t have a mom now, either,”
“Tell me about her,” Kamilla speaks, softly, Ciscos brows pinched as he looks up at her, “Your Y/N,”
Cisco hesitates, and Kamilla states it’s because with her now helping raise your daughter- Kamilla knew almost nothing about you to talk to your daughter about.
“We met through Barry,” Cisco starts, hands fidgeting together, “She was his twin sister. After Barry got struck by lightning Y/N ran to STAR Labs freaking out- we almost had to kick her out because she barged in unannounced,”
Cisco cracks a smile. “She became a part of Team Flash with us after we learned about Barry’s powers. She was the next one to come up with powers, when we threw a surprise party for her-,” Cisco heaves a weak laugh, “-We scared her so bad she literally just vanished in thin air, turned out she teleported to Spain and managed to teleport herself back to the labs,”
“We started dating and got married in the same year,” Cisco rolls his eyes, “But I loved her. I knew she was the one and I didn’t want to chance letting her go,”
Kamilla notices his eyes start to distance as he stared at his hands, “She had (D/N), and not even a year later was when we found out about Savitar. It was killing her, because she knew she wouldn’t get to watch our baby grow up,”
At his rough sniffle, Kamilla rolls her chair up in front of him to wrap her arms around his shoulders, his head resting against her chest. “It’s why I wanted to get rid of my powers so quickly,” Cisco breathes, Kamilla brushing a hand through his hair, “I didn’t want to chance (D/N) losing her dad, too. Not after I promised to Y/N I’d protect our daughter,”
“Do you remember what we talked about?” Kamilla hums, Cisco slightly leaning back, “About stepping back from all of it?”
Cisco nods, Kamilla tilting her head, “I think it’s time we do that. But only if you’re ready to,”
A long pause, Cisco looking up at her with a single nod, “I’m ready to,”
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austarus · 3 years
Nash Wells x Reader - Prodigal Son (2/4)
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*A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner.
**Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
***I’d also like to thank @grimtamlain-writes​ for being my beta reader.
Word Count: 6271
Part 1    Part 3    Part 4
Opening your eyes with a start, you found yourself back on the Waverider – your heart beated loudly in your chest as the rush of the event filtered in your mind. Nash, the desolate landscape, and The Anti-monitor. I’m here. I’m not cold. And…. However, this time you realized you were nowhere near the main operations room. Your eyes roamed around in your limited range to find yourself alone in the med bay as your mind registered all the pressure your body had gone through with traveling to The Anti-Monitor’s realm. Licking your lips, you noted that your mouth was as dry as a desert… and no sounds came out. Just a muffled groan and strangled noises. It pained you to even make such sounds. God, well I guess if Barry and the rest of the Paragons manage to unearth some mystic power to save us all I can start learning sign language while the others figure out a way to fix me. Actually, learning sign language would be pretty cool. I should get Cisco in on this, we could piss off Nash together with our signing. Clenching and unclenching your hands, you slowly brought back some feeling to your sore limbs. Was it foolish to say what I said? Hell yes. Do I regret it? No. Not at all. I’d do anything for him. Your shoulders sagged as you relaxed your body, and you felt the ache around your neck. Mm, that’s going to be sore for a couple of days. You heard a noise, air rustled followed by footsteps, but you were in no shape to really move your head around. Closing your eyes briefly, you took in a slow breath then reopened them. You felt so tired, so sleepy – a yawn broke past your lips.
“You’re awake,” Iris popped into view with Caitlin at her side. They huddled over you, relieved looks on their faces. You blearily blinked at them, gesturing for the noise level to be at a low. The throbbing in your head was too much. Caitlin lowered the lights for you, reading your subtle signs of discomfort that as a medical professional she’s trained to observe and pick up. “We were so worried about you, one moment you were with us and the next you were gone and then after that, like a few seconds later, Nash was holding you and rushing you to us.” Iris did her little ramble while giving you a sympathetic look. You did all but nod, noticing the green cape over you. He hadn’t taken it from you. Opening your mouth, you tried once more to say something but only gasps came out with an agitated noise. So, to them it was a few seconds, but for Nash and I it felt so much longer. That’s good to know; I can let them know that time works differently there.
“Don’t try to speak,” you turned to Caitlin who held her tablet close, no doubt with some medical schematic on it. She glanced at the girls then back to you. Iris held your hand tightly, looking intently at you. “Nash refused to tell us what happened other than the Anti-Monitor had hurt you.” Your mind was on high alert at the mention of Nash; you bolted up trying to move, but the girls held you down.
“You’re in no position to move at all, you’re still recovering,” Iris scolded you, pushing you to the bed by your shoulders. The journalist had always suspected your feelings for the multiverse explorer and she wasn’t surprised that this chain of events wouldn’t change how you’d feel for him. After all, the heart wants what it wants. You let out a sigh of frustration but ceased your fussing, reclining back on the bed. Iris nodded at Caitlin to continue. Your eyes went between both women as your eyebrows furrowed.
“I ran some tests, and it seems like The Anti-monitor severed your vocal cords, no matter what medication I synthesized with Barry’s blood the anti-matter in your system just ate right through it.” Caitlin tapped on the screen to show you the multiple scans she took before the remedial concoction and after. There was little to no change. “Isolating your cells that have spontaneous regenerative capabilities with Barry’s cells only turns the cells against each other.” You gritted your teeth and gestured wildly for paper and a writing utensil. It took Caitlin a second before she’s scrambling around the room to get you what you needed.
You vigorously wrote on the paper, “Can’t The Monitor do something about this? I mean he gave Cisco his powers for this Crisis- Can’t he remove the anti-matter and mend my vocal cords?” and “Is Nash okay? Where is he?”
You got a mix of answers from the two ladies to which you had to stop them with a look and holding their hands to go one at a time. Caitlin gave you a look of sympathy as if she’s still trying to piece things together from what she’s been gathering. Nothing really was making sense anymore with this Crisis. “The Monitor isn’t… um, he can’t.” You sent her a look to clarify. “With each earth destroyed by the anti-matter, The Anti-Monitor proportionally gets stronger which in an inverse way has The Monitor weakened… I don’t think he has the power to help you.” Caitlin and Iris felt your grip slack as you moved your gaze to your lap. A sigh leaves your lips as a ringing noise is heard in your ears. I was hoping that there would be some solution. Unfortunately, none of the teams has someone with regenerative powers. Oh wait, I do, but it doesn’t work on myself. Not that way I’d wish for it to work… You should have kept your mouth shut at that instance, but that wasn’t your style. Not when it comes to your friends and the man that you’ve found yourself to be utterly heart-stricken for.
“Nash pops in and out. He’s usually just off to the side while the others try to figure something out.” Iris licked her lips as she finished her statement. You avoided their eyes; your voice was a lost cause. “So far all the Paragons are present.” At least for the very moment, your voice is something that should be pushed to the back of everyone’s mind until Crisis was averted. Before anyone else could say anything more, the ship shook with great force – throwing Caitlin off balance and leaving Iris to cling to your bed. Gideon made no mention of what was going on other than the antimatter levels were increasing and rapidly approaching the ship. The girls looked desperately at one another before helping you off the bed and to the main operations room. After a few moments, you pushed off of Iris, meanwhile signaling to her that you were able to fully walk.
The Anti-monitor hadn’t damaged my legs, after all.
The four of you rushed into the main operations room, Frost had already come out with sheer coldness swirling in the palms of her hand. Iris had run to Barry whereas your eyes landed onto Nash as the remaining heroes rounded on the possessed Harbinger. Your breath got caught in your throat for a moment before you stepped forward. If this is to all end, then I want it to end by his side. His distraught eyes met yours, widening when you strode ever closer to him. Pariah let out a curse for your tenacity as The Anti-monitor spoke through Laila’s doppelganger. Glancing down at you, you all but sent Nash a firm grin as if to say that there was still a chance. That fire, ever present and ever burning, within your eyes; a flame flickering so bright that it could wash him of all his sins. Combustible energy that could swallow him whole if he allowed himself to let you have him. The Wells doppelganger wanted to snort cynically because there was a snowball’s chance in hell that you all would actually end up making it out of here. Pariah couldn’t deny the guilt he felt as he saw you struggling to try to stay quiet – your forced silence was his fault… Pariah only nodded down at you because no matter how much he protested you seem to still find your way to be right there beside him; a feat that he is not worthy of having. Harbinger made no effort to acknowledge your path towards the man he’s damned to see the end of worlds, rather a little smirk crossed Harbinger’s face as you stood defiantly beside Pariah.
Realization flicked in Nash’s baby blue eyes as his eyes shifted to everyone present around him. “I know what I must do,” Pariah whispered, a holy-yellow light radiated from both his hands causing you to snap your gaze at him. You watched the energy exude from him in awe. All you saw was him in the moment; the yellow light illuminated his features as he proceeded with his last resort. The Wells doppelganger lunged forward, pushing all his power into wisps that are designated to target specific people.
“What's happening?” One of the paragons had disappeared – the Paragon of Humanity.
“Iris-” Panic set in Barry’s eyes as he looked at his love for the last time.
“Where did you send them?” The possessed Harbinger demanded, taking a menacing step towards the small group.
“Somewhere you can't touch 'em,” Nash finally responded with a clenched jaw as the remaining heroes gathered, he took a step-in front of you with an arm slightly extended. Shielding you from the wrath yet to come from The Anti-monitor. Pariah narrowed his eyes at Harbinger with an absolute resolve that had The Anti-monitor laughing for a moment. The Harbinger’s controlled body motioned for the Anti-matter to sift through the ship, annihilating each hero one by one. With fear in your eyes, you swallowed thickly as your body moved on impulse. Turning to Nash you looked at him with that same fire as your hands grabbed onto his face tightly, smashing your lips to his with eyes screwed shut. Pariah froze against you but instantly shut his eyes, allowing himself this moment with his hands grabbing onto your forearms right as the anti-matter encased you both.
If I’m to die, I want to die like this.
Walking into the Labs with a smoothie in hand, you sipped on the straw in delight before You had taken a walk to clear your head from… well, the events of Crisis that J’onn had been restored in your mind as well as the memories that Crisis had wiped in this new timeline. Does he remember? Your lips tingled at what you have left of the memory, but your mind was quick to recall your last appointment with Caitlin.
“So, from what I’m seeing currently, you still have vocal cord paralysis – which is when the nerve impulses to your voice box (larynx) are disrupted.” Caitlin touched the screen, sliding the diagram to zoom in on your throat area. Your eyes furrowed at the red highlighted areas as the scan zeroed into the anatomy of your pharynx. “Normally it could go away on its own or through means of surgery, but… The key component that’s inhibiting your nerves is the anti-matter, which seem to further sever the nerves the more you try to use your throat.” She compared scans from when you first woke up in crisis to today.” You looked away sheepishly at her narrowed look, the medical professional had warned you from the start that you shouldn’t use your voice.
 ‘So how are we going to remove the antimatter’ You typed out on your phone, showing the screen to her.
“What I can try to do is isolate the cells in your body that contain your healing capabilities to infuse it with Barry’s blood cells.”
The biomedical engineer waited patiently as you typed. She did what she could in order to make things easier for you. Frost even pitched in on learning sign language with you. It would take time like any other language, but at least it was a temporary solution in comparison to Cisco’s idea of having a Siri-like voice articulate whatever you type. You were mainly against it because then no one would understand your moments of sarcasm. ‘But you said back on the Waverider that Barry’s blood cells weren’t progressing anything, that the antimatter just ate away at the cells.’
Caitlin nodded at you, “You’re right, however, your blood should negate the antimatter’s affect at eating Barry’s regenerative cells.”
‘And what about the equivalent exchange feature that comes with my healing?’
“That is a factor I’m still working on with Felicity and Alex, but we should be able to crack it soon. It’s the only thing we need to work out.”
‘One step forward, still ten steps behind.’ You let out an irritated huff, your shoulders sagging. A tiny ball of regret formed in the pit of your gut.
“I’m sorry.”
‘It’s not your fault. I’m going to go; I don’t feel too well. Must be a migraine.’ You hopped off the table and dragged your feet out of the Cortex before she could say anything. After all, you couldn’t breach home conveniently anymore. You didn’t want to see anyone today. The one person you actually did want to see avoided you like the plague. Nothing was going right in your life. It didn’t help with your mother flaunting your sister’s latest successes in life on social media with her super rich boyfriend. Gritting your teeth, you headed home as the sun started its path to descending from the sky. Your sister was always the lucky one – no doubt it seemed that in this new timeline from Crisis she had only gotten everything that you had ever wanted. Someone that loved you, that reciprocated your feelings. Instead, you were caged by your feelings for a man you ignored your existence no matter how much you craved to be by his side. 
No one wanted you, especially not like this - your mother lashed out at you for getting entangled with the Flash, saying that it was your fault that you lost your voice. She wasn’t wrong. There were days were… getting out of bed was a chore, just waking up knowing nothing would change; not in a long run. Days where you’d throw your pillows at the wall or punching them or kicking the air while strangled screams filled the room in fiery anger at the Crisis, at Nash, at the world, but most importantly at yourself. You’d cough up blood every time after each fit. Your stupid heart was the one at fault for going with such impulses. If only you had stayed put, if only you had kept your mouth shut.
It took some time to accept all that had happened. Back on the Waverider you were in too much shock to really process the heavy burden of your actions, fueled by the adrenaline kicking in your bloodstream. But now, Crisis was over - the heroes triumphed, but you all lost something. Upon entering the Cortex your thoughts halted for a moment as you furrowed your eyebrows at a clearly upset Cisco as you sipped your fruity drink. Your body was more alert at the change in the air. Frost was reclined in her chair, legs propped up on the desk while schematics were drawn on the clear-glass board. It was nice to see Caitlin and Frost working together more interchangeably – you won’t lie that it was fun having them both around. Frost was dirty and it was hilarious.
“What’s wrong?” You set down your smoothie and signed to Cisco while mouthing your words. Before the mechanical engineer could say anything the sounds of knocking drew your attention as well as Frost’s. “Um, the fuck?” You had gotten much better at signing, seeing as it was the only thing you can do while the others continued fighting off metas and now dealing with Eva and Carber.
“What the hell was that?” The ice-cold meta had asked, not so much confused but a bit skeptical of the answer she’ll receive. You, on the other hand, were 100% confused.
“Pipes, bad pipes. The heating. Don't worry about it.” Cisco answered nonchalantly only to be met with more banging. You directed your attention to Barry’s suit closet, the clear silhouette of a person inside. You were now intrigued about Cisco’s pipe answer.
“Let me out.” The deep voice made the hair at the back of your neck stand, the blood rushing to your cheeks. Your heart skipped a little at the sound of his voice and you couldn’t deny the bit of rush in your veins at the idea of seeing him again. Your chest tightened up, an eager feeling bubbling in your chest.
How the hell did he get stuck in there???
“Are you sure?” Frost raised an eyebrow at the guilty-looking engineer, who tried to play things off. “Cause it looks like you locked Nash in the closet.”
“No,” Cisco responded with a sheepish look as if he hadn’t done that. Frost grabbed your smoothie and took a sip with an amused-ish twinkle in her eyes.
“Hey, that’s my smoothie!” You signed at her with a frown. As much as you liked sharing, your smoothie was your little comfort drink for the moment.
“Sucks,” she signed back. “Tastes good though. You know I can’t resist the flavor of strawberry kiwi.” You just rolled your eyes at her and flicked her off to which the meta returned right back at you. Honestly, it was endearing that Frost took the time to learn sign language with you since Crisis. She claimed that she had nothing else better to do, but you had an inkling it was to make your situation a bit more bearable. Caitlin had been working hard on extracting an antidote for your vocal cords with the lead that The Monitor had given her. It was just taking some time like all science-y things do. And while you appreciated her efforts with Alex Danvers contributing, you just wish Jesse and Harry were here to help speed things up. They’d know what to do, they always managed to crack the code. The ultimate father-daughter problem-solving duo. As for your healing powers, they were gone. Well, it was one thing you didn’t have to worry about. A good thing, but also… it made you feel a bit empty.
“Let me out,” Nash called out again while banging on the closet doors, still frustrated to be trapped. He was not happy to be locked away when he could be out with that crypto-circuit.
“Okay, one of the auxiliary pipes was leaking, so he's patching it up in exchange for a crypto-circuit.” Cisco sighed in an agitated manner. So, there was some pipe truth to it, just… with the accompaniment of a bargain from the Wells doppelganger.
“Fine, don't let me out. I'll let myself out, actually, thank you very much.” You tilted your head a bit at the Wells doppelganger’s words, leaning back against the railing to the main Cortex desks to see where he was going with this. Should be entertaining to see, in all honesty. “I'm gonna put an Atlantean shoulder check into this door and bust right through. In three, in two-”
An Atlantean what?
“Okay,” The genius mechanical engineer huffed to himself before slamming on the buttons to release the doors. Cisco was really fed up with Nash, you could tell.
“-In one!” You watched as Nash burst out with all his might, not colliding with the doors that locked him in, like he expected to, but with air. Instead, his momentum had thrown him off balance to fall to the ground and slide forward with a grunt to where you stood. You sent him a little smile as you crouched down and extended a hand to help him up. The multiverse explorer ignored you and the warmth within your eyes to push himself off the ground and away from you to then send a smirk to Frost as if he meant to do all of that. Nash ignored the pained look on your face when you stood back up only to look away with sagged shoulders. He bit the inside of his cheek, pushing that bit of guilt balling into dread in the pit of his stomach. Dismissing the little bit of excitement in his heart he paid attention to anything else other than you in the Cortex.
“Killer Frost.”
“It's just Frost now,” The meta clarified; she was re-branding after all.
“Give me my Crypto-circuit or I'm gonna punch you in the throat,” Nash rounded onto Cisco, who was having none of Nash’s bullshit at the moment after everything that’s happened.
“How about we don’t resort to violence.” You signed to try to calm things down between the two men. Nash paid no mind to what you had to say only for Frost to vocalize what you’ve signed just to piss Nash off. Frost didn’t like how he treated you since Crisis and she was getting tired of all your dejected puppy looks whenever the brown-haired doppelganger blew you off and/or pretended you didn’t exist. Whether he knew of or reciprocated your feelings or not Nash shouldn’t be acting like a complete ass to you. Cisco had to hold himself back a few times from whacking the explorer on your behalf, but he knew it would upset you in the long run, so Cisco kept himself from throwing some hands.
“I have your Crypto-circuit, and I could give it to you, but, you know,” Cisco held the circuit in his hand before tossing it to you, who clumsily caught it from across the room. As much as Cisco hated it, he knew at least your presence would deter Nash from doing God-knows-what at the labs. “I'm not really sure what you'd need it for, because you're an adventurer, so shouldn't you be off somewhere, adventuring?”
Nash pressed his lips tightly before stomping over to you and snatching the circuit from your hands. You flinched at the cold look he gave you before he spoke up again. “Preferably not here.” He sent a curt look to Cisco and Frost before proceeding to head out. The adventurer willed himself to not look back, knowing the exact expression that would be on your face that would have his heart shattering.
Your body moved, taking a step forward. Your mouth opened, but only a raspy, rough noise left your throat before a coughing fit took over you. The pain echoed from your neck down to your chest, tears welling up in your eyes as you heard Frost’s voice shout something at you. Or was it Caitlin? You couldn’t tell as your knees buckled to the ground at the intense fit, your limbs stinging as you hand covered your mouth and feeling a sticky substance on them. The metallic taste hung heavily in your mouth; blood. Caitlin was beside you in an instant, holding you tightly while Cisco went to get some napkins for you.
Nash’s ears perked at the sounds as he walked out.  "You CAN'T use your voice," her scolding was followed by an anguished murmur was the last he heard as the Wells doppelganger picked up the pace down the corridor and to the elevator.
It’s better this way.
Is it? Nash ignored the gruff voice at the back of his head as the explorer trudged on. How many times will you make her cry, Nash? An agitated growl sounded from the back of his throat as he silenced the voice. He didn’t need this right now. Nash didn’t ask for this; the constant voices or the fact that you to continually plague him. You chose to do what you had done during Crisis. At least you couldn’t pester him with your voice… That thought gripped at his heart as he booted up his gauntlet. Nash bit his lip as he remembered the light in your eyes back on the Waverider; your desperate grip on his face, your- The myth-buster dismissed the memory.
I don’t care for her.
Shifting your head towards the noise of the door being locked, you saw Nash tilt his head to the side. A gesture so familiar that you felt frozen in place. “You’re not Nash,” You whispered, hiding the tinge of fear in your voice as the man smirked at you. “Eobard.” Your legs bumped the back of the desk in the office, your hands gripping the edge tightly that your knuckles turned white. The blood in your veins ran cold as you had uttered the speedster’s name.
“You were always so quick to pick up on things,” Eobard drawled, stepping ever close to you to tower over you. He relished in the slight fear in your eyes. “I see that Caitlin helped you get your voice back. Now you can sing for me again.”  You swallowed thickly, pushing your terror down – you held your ground with that defiant look. He didn’t have his speed in Nash’s body, if he did, the villain would have killed you already. “You weren’t fast enough to escape,” The speedster whispered in a gruff tone. His hands were at your throat not a second too soon, gripping tightly. You clawed at his hands, squirming at the sheer pressure – the scene so familiar, but with a different perpetrator. Thawne shook off Harry and HR’s desperate attempts to reel Nash’s body from the evil speedster’s grip, but to no avail. It was like Thawne had barricaded himself solely at the helm of Nash’s body, burning the other Wells entities that tried to pry control from him. Eobard was just too strong…
No, not again! Nash yelled out at the back of his mind as he watched the tears prick at your eyes, struggling to try to take control back. The memory of The Anti-monitor flashed through Nash. He was caged in his own body, the other Wells imprisoned with him. His hands were around your neck, his hands would be the ones to end you. Eobard licked his lips deliciously at the feeling of Nash’s anger and anguish, but most importantly, his heart-throbbing guilt for you. Oh, he would touch on memories of you later. The funny thing was that not only were you a target to rein Nash in, but to provoke the other three men that resided in Nash’s mindscape that were also close to you. All they could do was helplessly watch you struggle.
You gasped and panted; summoning all your strength into leaning back more towards the desk to drag the speedster possessing Nash before using what power you had in kicking Eobard square in the chest – kicking him off you and creating some distance. If there’s one thing you knew, it’s that women excel in lower body strength; hence kicking your way out of his hold. Air flooded your lungs as your brain went into overdrive while you moved away from the desk. You watched Thawne with cautious eyes as he gathered his footing, the voices at the back of his head cheering you on.
“Of course, you figured that out as well.”
“It wasn’t really rocket science, Thawne.”
“Hmph, I don’t need my speed to kill you.” Eobard came right at you, just what you were waiting for. Shifting all your weight, you grabbed his arm with ease while deflecting the grab he made with his other hand to roll the man over your shoulder. Nash’s body was obviously bigger and stronger than yours, you couldn’t easily flip him over your shoulder unless you were a trained assassin or one of the Canaries. Which you weren’t. Nash couldn’t help the small smile on his lips; he taught you that should you get tangled in an unsavory confrontation if you were caught while on an escapade with him. Not a second too soon you knocked the air right out of Eobard when you targeted his diaphragm. You resisted the urge to do any real damage because Eobard wasn’t in his own body. This was Nash and you couldn’t hurt the man you love because you know he was in there somewhere. That moment of hesitance was opportunity enough for the speedster to grab your arm and to twist it around your back, pressing you against the wall harshly. A groan left your lips and Thawne chuckled darkly as he got the upper hand.
“Oh, how the turn tables. I must say, you’ve improved.”
“I don’t need your praise.”
“No? Not even if it comes from this body?”
You ignored his comment. “For someone without his speed you’re doing a shit job of trying to kill me.”
“I’d watch that mouth of yours,” Eobard hissed as he pressed you harder against the wall. Your cheek stung, faintly tasting blood from the cut inside your mouth. “After all, you’re in no position to sass your way out of this.”
“Glad to know you’re still aware of my charms.”
“Hm, breaking you will be a delight in torturing them.”
Before you could finish, the sound of static filled the air and the grip Eobard had on you slacked greatly. You pushed the weight of Nash’s body back only to find that the dark-haired speedster easily crumpled to the ground. Your eyes instantly met Cisco’s and Cecile’s, who held a taser in her hand with the two electrodes attached to Nash’s body. Relief flooded your system as your body tried to rid itself of the excess adrenaline. You were safe, but your body tingled – your fingers fidgeted and your hands shook slightly.
“What the hell is going on?” Cecile
“Thawne, he’s here,” you panted, running your hands over your raw throat. The skin stung under your touch. Cisco could see the faint bruises; bruises that would reappear. “He’s possessing Nash.”
Cisco and Cecile exchanged a shared look of distraught. The mechanical engineer shook his head, mentally exhausted from today’s events. “Seriously?? When did our lives turn into a horror movie??”
“Tell me about it.” A shaky breath left you as you blinked tiredly, dropping to your knees to check on Nash’s pulse. Your eyes scanned over him worriedly. Please be ok, Nash. Please don’t let him take over. He was alive, but… How would they solve this? By performing an exorcism?
“Why are you keeping me here?” Nash’s voice quivered as he remained stuck in his mindscape. He exhaled a shaky breath as the speedster rounded on him. The adventurer threw all his hate into the heated glare he sent to Eobard. The man who had fooled the others more than once; the one who had spectacularly hurt you in the past, who’s laid hands on you recently. Sweat beaded Nash’s forehead as he struggled to stand up. Thawne’s willpower, the darkness that he exuded was intense.
“I went through your memories, Nash. I plumbed your depths. Came up with this little gem.  It's awful, isn't it? It's dark. It's negative.”
“Nash!” A haunted look flashed within Nash’s eyes; his gloved hands quivered at the strained voice. Begging for help. Pleading. “Nash!”
“Oh, Maya. Quite the overachiever. Right? Perfect employee. A real go-getter. When she went to go get the Sonic Emitter atop the highest peak on Corto Maltese... remember that? And plucked that, so determined to get the Emitter.” Eobard chuckled darkly as he stepped closer to the memory cave. “Because after all... The prize is everything, isn't it?”
“Let me go!”
“Want out of this memory? Be my guest.” Eobard did a dramatic gesture with both hands towards the memory, fully turning his body to it. Nash hesitated, gritting his teeth. He couldn’t move himself – wouldn’t want to move towards it. Eobard’s eyes glanced to his periphery at the sound of silence. A twisted grin greeting his features as he slowly dropped his hands and went on with the act, eyes narrowed. “You don't wanna leave this memory? Why? Did... did something happen in that cave?”
“It was not my fault. It was not my fault!”
“Oh, that's right.”
“It was her fault!” Whisper after whisper escaped Nash. Eobard took in a breath, relishing in the negativity in the air, the tension that hung that only fueled his power over Nash even more. His hypothesis was yielding tremendous results. In order for Eobard to win this body over, he needed to torture Nash into submission. Or insanity, whichever one that had nature favoring Eobard to hold the reins for his body indefinitely. Like what the future genius had learned from the Firestorm matrix is that at one point, nature favors the most intellectual psyche in the body, which obviously meant his with Harry being a close second. But in contrast to Harry, Eobard would make sure to keep Nash locked away from the control room to his mindscape and psyche. He had silenced the other voices away – the other Wells, but three remained vehement in retaliating against his efforts for bodily control. “It was not my fault.”
“She died.”
“It's not my fault!”
“It was all your fault.”
“It was her fault. It was not my fault.”
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on him.” Your voice broke Nash’s muttering, his head snapping up to the direction of your voice. The little sounds you had made when The Anti-monitor took hold of you, taking away your ability to speak. Nash’s blood ran cold when Eobard turned to the cave behind him, that malicious smirk widening on his face. The speedster walked back from the last memory that Nash had of Maya. “Nash,” the brown-haired Wells doppelganger heard you whimper.
“Ah, where are my manners? I can’t forget about my dear (Y/N) now, can I?” Eobard drawled, taking a step closer to the cowering man. “Such vigor, such fire – my intent was never to kill her back in the office. No, no, no. You see, Nash,” The speedster crouched down to eye level to the explorer. “After I take over this body, I’m going to cage her like the bird that she is with the knowledge that you’re forever trapped in your own body. The pain, the tears that will bring her. All so delicious, my sweet, sweet (Y/N). And it seems you won’t be the only one to suffer.” Nash felt the blood rush to his ears, thrumming at the thought of you at Thawne’s mercy. If only he can retain some semblance of power, “Unlike the prodigal son from biblical texts, you won’t be the one returning to her. She, who you’ve pushed countless times. I wonder, will she make the same noises?”
“If you touch her-”
“You’ll do what? Hm, Wells? What is it that you’ll do? You can barely look me in the eye whenever you hear Maya scream for her life. Begging you to help her, begging to live – but alas, it was your principles that drove her to this extent.”
“…” I shouldn’t have gotten so close to her.
Eobard snorted at Nash’s obvious thought, but really who could resist you? “You couldn’t even stop me back in the office and now you want to play hero?”
“You won’t do a thing. But me,” the genius speedster pointed to himself, meeting Nash’s eyes with a look so close to defeat, but still hanging on. “I can do anything I want, especially when I get your body. Because nothing holds me back.” It was simple, Nash just needed to give up. He was so close too, and Eobard could feel his powers slowly returning. What is rightfully his in a body that could be of more use to him than to Nash. “Such a shame that my little songbird fell for the likes of you.” Nash only narrowed his eyes in confusion for a moment. “Ah well, it was because of you that she couldn’t sing for some time, wasn’t it?” Nash’s heart stung as he looked away and Eobard felt it. Eobard neared the memory cave of you once more, peering in. It didn’t surprise the speedster how the memory unfolded; you were always an outspoken living spitfire. Why else had he enjoyed toying with you a few years ago?
“If she wasn’t so stubborn, she wouldn’t have…”
“Still blaming others for your mistakes? Pathetic.” Eobard threw a glance over his shoulder as the mindscape shifted to see the three men standing there, bound in place with chains of red lightning. Each sported a glare of their own to which Eobard let out a laugh through a huff of air. He had to admit, their tenacity was admirable. Hopeless, yet intriguing. It made this game even more entertaining with the value of your life at stake. Neither man struggled, knowing that if they did the pain would only intensify.
“So pitiful, watching the three of you like this.” Eobard strode closer with his gloved hands behind his back. The three continued to remain silent. “I wonder how long it will take until I break her.” That elicited the type of reaction he wanted – HR is the first to break, throwing a threat in the air while Harry holds his death glare and Sherloque mutters some French curses. The Reverse Flash shrugs their animosity off before heading back to further mentally torture Nash.
Soon, very soon my little songbird will be back in her cage.
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