hellssangel · 2 years
So anyone who followed me from my old blog may recall that I left my old job a year ago, because it was making me ill (mentally, emotionally, etc), and after that, and some other things I’d endured over the preceding 2/3 years (covid of course, and personal), I was just… utterly burned out and depressed as hell.
Anyway, I finally felt like the time was right to start looking for something new, and I’ve just accepted a new job - and for a 30% salary increase on what my old company were (under)paying me! The feedback from who will be my new manager was crazy good too, apparently when the interview was over (via Teams), she just looked at the other guy and said ‘I love her’, then preceded to leave the recruiter a voicemail over a minute long just gushing about me 😂 So fingers-crossed it works out for me once I’m there, I’m honestly a bit scared about working again, and I hate the unfamiliarity of new jobs, but if nothing else I’ll have an income again for the foreseeable future which will obviously be a weight off my mind.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 8 months
Here's a headscratcher for you
I'm working on the next installment of The Timeline (ooh, boy, were the crystal balls working in overtime). The way I do my research is searching for specific people on specific websites using specific dates. Then I open up my search to some more general "catch all" keywords restricted by date range.
I did a search on "meghan markle" and restricted results to the month of September 2017. And look at what popped up.
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(^^this is a screenshot. It goes to the actual Archie page.)
Interesting, isn't it?
Now I have *some* knowledge of how content management systems (CMS) work from having been in the CMS/website business at OldJob. Not a whole lot, mind you, but probably more than the average person. So what I *think* is going on here is that the webpage that became "Prince Archie of Sussex" was first created on September 4, 2017. Like as a placeholder page or a template - which is perfectly normal and standard operating procedure in the tech world. The actual Archie content was added, obviously, after the baby was born.
Which could mean that someone knew in September 2017 that Harry was going to get the Duke of Sussex title when he married and that marriage was "sooner" rather than later for him. It could also mean that the palace IT team is incredibly sloppy that they can't even change the properties of their own web pages, which is super plausible because we know the BRF doesn't give a crap about their website.
Yes, the saying is "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras" (meaning the simplest explanation is usually the correct one) so in all likelihood, this is really just sloppy website management. But it is suspicious the same way everything else concerning the Sussexes is suspicious...and you'll see people starting to make that connection in the next Timeline.
Just thought I'd share, especially since Meghan's PR is currently making noise about the Wales kids' webpages being updated recently, but not the Sussex kids.
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Nothing more cathartic than tossing work shirts from #OldJob
Too bad my county doesn't let you burn trash
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jesslovesboats · 1 year
Life update!
The new job is everything I hoped it would be! Learning an entirely new way of doing things is exhausting, though, then add in a 40ish minute commute each way. I usually just come home and get in the bathtub, then go to bed 🙃 I have no complaints, but I'm too tired right now to keep up with my usual level of social media activity. To top it all off, my mom was in the hospital for a few days last week, which was also my first week at the new job, so maximum stress. Mom is home and things get a little more manageable every day at work, so I'm confident I'll have more time to be a person soon!
More about the job- I'm a branch manager for a fairly large and busy branch library in one of the largest library systems in the state. It's a big adjustment, but I love having the autonomy to run the branch the way I want to, and I also love being part of a system that values the work that professional librarians do. Someone was ABSOLUTELY looking out for me during this entire process, because I wouldn't have left OldJob on my own and I would have missed out on all of this (and the significant pay raise that came with it). The staff are great so far, it's a nice community, and I get to run the branch the way I want!
Anyway, thank you for reading this far, and thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, kind words, and support. It's been my annus horribilis, but things are finally starting to look up ❤️
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elizbit · 2 years
Ok, so I have been working 8am-4pm at NewJob, and taking the 4:42 train home. As I have always put it, that gives me 42min to walk “15min”. I never actually timed my walk in full, but I knew my building to the train station building was ~15min. Ish.
Well, I officially got the OK to start working 7:30-3:30. Which seems meaningless until you become aware of the magical weirdness that is clocking in/out (I was salaried at OldJob so this was a foreign concept to me) where I can apparently leave at 3:25 which is somehow the same as 3:30. If I leave at exactly 3:25, in theory, I should be able to catch the 3:42 train home.
In theory. So I figured why not try it! Today!
So when I get the slow elevator down, it apparently takes me 3 minutes to even get to the first floor of my building 🤡 So that makes this a little worse. Then I have to navigate inside the train station, which is more crowded at ~3:35ish bc it appears an Amtrak train gets in around then so there’s a sea of people walking the opposite direction I need to go. Even with all that, I was on track to get on the train at 3:41. One minute to spare!
…but the 3:42 train is not on the same track that the 4:42 is. The later is, like, track 14 iirc? This time is on track 4. So I walked there only to see no train, was confused, realized “oh shit it’s probably on a different track” and of course it’s the opposite direction I came from 🤡🤡 So I run past every other track and then at 4:42 I find it and get up to the train’s first entrance and step up into it right as the dude (who wasn’t facing my way) is about to say something into his little radio.
I asked him “is this the train to [my town]?” and he’s like “yep!” and I was so happy he wasn’t judging me (at least not obviously) but just in case there was any secret judgement I said “awesome. can you believe that this train isn’t in the same place as the one an hour from now?” so he knew that I would have been on time and wouldn’t have been running if the train was where I wanted it to be. Yes that sounds dumb as I type it out. Shut up. In my defense, he said that actually all the other times of this train are in that section of tracks (the teens) and this is the only one that’s in this area. So hah.
Anyway I sat down as the train pulled away at 4:43.
So will I do this again?
Uh, maybe? To be determined. I probably should? I did have the worst luck, aside from the train guy being nice, so I think generally when I have normal-luck I should make it ok. And if I do this all the time then the walk won’t kill me like this, at least not as much.
According to Siri, my office is 0.8 miles from the train station. I did that in ~
Wait I’m a fucking god.
I got out of the elevator and left the building at 4:28. I was “at the train” at 4:41. That’s 13 minutes.
Include in that the fact that I have to stop at intersections sometimes (…only sometimes, this is Chicago after all) and like, that’s amazing. I wasn’t running, although I was… aggressively fast walking? If that makes sense?
By Elizabeth standards anyway. I used be be able to run a mile in ~7:45 but that was in Ye Old Days. 8th grade iirc. I’m 26 now lol. Last time I ran a mile (…college?) I think it took me 14:something. Running.
13 minutes holy shit.
Man if I do keep doing this then I wonder what my mile time would be in, like, a month.
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buttons-beads-lace · 2 years
Last day of OldJob was yesterday, first day of NewJob is today. Honestly feeling kind of resentful about how dramatically kinder and more respectful my old boss' attitude got as soon as I told her I was leaving. But now I'm out, and I'm leaving on good terms with a "We'd love to have you back if you ever want to come back". So that's nice.
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azurdlywisterious · 7 months
Fuck i wish robco was a real company🙃🙃🙃
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My (ex) new job turned out to be a scam 🙃🙃🙃
So hopefully the manager of my oldjob lets me have it back cause otherwise big oof🙃🙃🙃
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drawingtableforone · 4 years
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Inspiration should aways be nearby.
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heids9584 · 3 years
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Rewind to the 2nd edition of the #AnnualCardmakingProjectValentineEdition, back when it was a tiny project. It's not tiny anymore! (I used a tupperware-ish stencil for this one, during naptime at Woodland El.) The 1st edition were made out if scraps from the recycle bin at the Portage Y. (Remember that, @inglsgirl?) #TimehopMemories #RememberWhen #Rewind #Valentines #OldJobs #Memories https://www.instagram.com/p/CZw8a-nFNUz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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synchopat · 6 years
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Commissioned work-in-progress... #sgpioneergeneration #sgpioneers #pioneergeneration #linework #drawing #draw #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #sketch #commissionedart #wip #workinprogess #harvester #workingmom #leafpicking #oldjobs #memoirsofmotherhood #memoirsofpapapat (at Singapore)
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jess-123-kirk-blog · 6 years
Does new decor mean a new you?
So I have recently(literally yesterday) redecorated my bedroom and I’m not sure what it is exactly but I feel completely different, like a whole new person... it’s like one day I’m an immature child who used to have sleepovers with 10 friends to this massively mature young woman finding her self in the world and sending her self off to the army for the rest of her life. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing becuase it’s the best I have felt in a long time, so tomorrow I am going down to calliope, just a place you go to which allows you to complete your recruitment, to get me started and I should be away for my training in a month or two, so I have two more shifts left as a sales assistant I finish on Saturday. Not going to lie i liked the job and everyone I worked with it was just the manager who I couldn’t get on with doesn’t matter what I tried to do to make her like me she just seemed to hate me no matter what I done. But the other people I worked with are such lovely people and I will miss them loads, I actually cried when they were telling me how much they were going to miss me so yeah I finish that chapter of my life this weekend and it has really helped me mature and actually realise what the real world is and how hard it is to find yourself in the world while doing a job you know isn’t what you want to be doing with your life. I know I have been so unsure about what I wanted to do first I wanted to be a midwife then I wanted to work with horses then I wanted to be in retail and eventually become a manager and maybe open up my own store but I have now realised they are not what I want to be doing with my life and that’s when I realised what have I always be interested in and what always get me excited and intrigued when I’m talking about it then I remembered it’s the Army I have always wanted to do it and I have always admired what they do everyday for our country and I can’t wait to be apart of that very soon, so you are probably wondering how this has anything to do with a freshly decorated room, well after doing up my room and leaving my childish years behind me I came to realise it is time to mature I can’t be going into the army still Acting like a child becuase I wouldn’t make it past basic training and I know how gutted i would be if I failed at something I massively want to do. So yeah that’s all I have for today I hope it helps some of you with whatever problems you may be having about being in a job you don’t like and finding what you really want to be doing with your life.
Jess-123-Kirk out
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druffbear · 4 years
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In today's episode of 'random shit I found in the basement', we have a handwritten song log from 3/23/92 from my daily shift at WBLR. This was my first day on the air, and my song selection was suspect at best. I had been trained and worked at WSBF in Clemson, so I was used to filling out these logs...only wish I had written the track name and not just number on the personal version. I would do these, then spend my last half hour transferring a detailed version onto the official log book for the FCC. It was totally a terrible process I had, and only lasted this way for a couple of weeks before I went directly to the official one and learned to write more in a more legible fashion. . WBLR was an AM station where we played 'classic rock' from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. My on air background up to this point was college rock and alternative. So this was a big change in the actual songs. Plus at the time, we still did hourly agricultural forecasts and local information blocks. It wasn't unusual to talk about the upcoming 'auction at the cow barn' or the 'annual street dance & cake walk'. It was a simpler time...😬 . Also, take note of the artist order... Dead >>> Buffet >>> Eagles >>> Beatles Aerosmith >>> Billy Joel >>> The Doors You can definitely tell I wasn't super comfortable mixing all those decades yet...plus I worked solo, so I had to figure out how to play a long song here and there so I could have a quick break...thank you Riders On The Storm, Stairway To Heaven and Goodnight Saigon... . And that sign off (which I repeated every single day I worked there) of Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend...it was my way of being a rebel...😂🤣😂 . . #basementfinds #radiodj #onair #wblram1430 #oldjobs #questionabletaste (at Chateau Ruff-N-Baker) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEj0xbiDF5q/?igshid=wtcvkwwogny
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A very merry Irish Whiskey Day for one and all today! 🥃 Makes me miss my time as an Irish Whiskey Tour Guide! ... always a crazy job but you got to surround yourself with the world's best whiskey(fight me 💪) and got the most obscure yet positive comments! ❤️ . . . #whiskey #irishwhiskey #irishwhiskeyday #whiskeygram #memories #tourguidelife #oldjobs #katewinslet https://www.instagram.com/p/B9STVqsBM4n/?igshid=pf3fdp4tjmil
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How it feels purging #OldJob shit from my life:
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jovickworld · 5 years
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I painted that. That’s right. Painted. I started out going door to door selling my painting services. Lots of people told me to get the F off their porch. Which I respect! Seems crazy now. Landing this job in 2004 was big. Not just big but at nearly $12k it was huge. I was so amazed clients choose me and I wanted to do a great job. And we did, we did an outstanding job. Being true to form we hand painted the entire exterior three coats custom cut all trim and I was at the top of the 50 foot ladder myself painted brush in hand making sure every line was legit. Took us 7 weeks with @waylon149 and Grumpster. #oldjobs #painting #painter #doortodoor #babysteps #jovick #jovickbuilt #contractor #generalcontractor #construction #newconstruction #remodels #residential #commercial #home #homebuilding #homebuilder #customhomes #custom #leed #usgbc #earthadvantage #netzero #oregon #roguevalley #ashland #carpentry #finehomebuilding #homestead #homesteading (at Ashland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8aOsAzAoVB/?igshid=1fbec7n66uj8x
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atomix1977 · 5 years
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Times like this, I think to myself that I'm glad that I don't "there" anymore. If you know, you know. If you really know, I'm sorry... #oldjobs https://www.instagram.com/p/B8N2piHDZfOvJdXuBKzgNgfXFnbUgr3GPyH4gk0/?igshid=jxsqjvgplnsc
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