#older warner bros.
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tired older brother yakko
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delulujuls · 2 days
so cold | house of the dragon
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hi, if you haven't watched s02e02 of hotd yet and you don't want spoilers, then please don't scroll below. but feel free to hit a heart button if you wanna came back later and check on this one.
all rights to ideas used here belongs to george r.r. martin, hbo and warner bros, i just added a bit to them from myself. title is inspired by so cold by ben coaks. also, in this one reader is viserys' fifth child, older than helaena but younger than aemond, aegon and rhaenyra.
summary: targaryens started falling into madness forgetting that they are family and a strong family needs love, not war
warnings: death of a child, murder, explaining of a killing
pairing: sister!reader x rhaenyra targaryen x aegon targaryen (ft. daemon the troublemaker)
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Young mother cradled child in her arms, rocking her gently to sleep. She lovingly pressed her daughter to her chest, softly humming under her breath. The girl slept, nestled against her mother, who couldn't bear to let her go. She feared that if her daughter left her embrace, something terrible might happen to her.
Someone will hurt her like they hurt her beloved boy.
"Your grace, you should rest," one of the maids whispered, preparing the queen's chamber for the night.
At one point, the young woman didn't hear her words, staring into the candle flame and lightly rocking her daughter in her arms. After a moment, she looked up at the servant and, realizing she had momentarily lost touch with reality, only sniffed and nodded. She carefully laid the girl in bed, covering her with a blanket. She gently sat next to her, hastily wiping herself her tear-streaked cheeks. Young queen placed a hand on her daughter's head, tenderly stroking it.
"Your grace," the maid began again, trying to encourage her to rest, but the she didn't let her finish "Stay with her until I return, alright?"
She asked, but it sounded more like a command. Y/N lifted her gaze to the maid, who nodded quickly. The young queen glanced at her daughter one last time, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. She adjusted the blanket on her one last time and then stood up. The maid immediately took her place. She didn't look at the sleeping girl, but at her mother, who quickly put on a cloak and hood over her nightgown.
"Where are you going, my lady?" the maid asked softly, nervously clutching her apron. She knew there were two guards outside the queen's chamber, and no other entrance to it. Yet, she was terrified of the responsibility the woman was placing on her, leaving her child in her care, after everything that happened not so long ago.
"I need some fresh air," she replied, wiping her wet cheeks again. Despite her whisper, her voice was firm. "I'll be back shortly. You're safe here."
The maid nodded and watched the young queen leave. She disappeared behind heavy doors guarded by two knights of the Royal Guard, who straightened up as soon as they saw her.
"Your grace," one greeted her, about to ask where she was going, noticing her attire suggested an outing. However, she cut him off. "I need some fresh air before sleep. Until I return, there's a maid inside with Jaehaera. Let no one inside, and if anyone asks, I'm asleep."
She announced, scanning their faces to ensure they understood her words. The knights nodded and bowed, because who were they to deny the queen leaving the castle, especially in her current state? Each of the three people Y/N informed of her departure assumed the young queen would take a short stroll around the castle or stop in one of the gardens to clean her mind before going to bed. However, Y/N was heading to the Dragonpit, not even thinking about going to sleep any time soon.
When she arrived, the dragons immediately sensed her presence. Feeling her sadness and grief, they murmured softly, with their gaze following her steps toward Vermithor. The old dragon knew where he would have to fly before she even appeared inside. He would fly to Dragonstone.
The cold, night wind swept tears from the young queen's cheeks as she sat on the back of the Bronze Fury. She realized she didn't actually know what to say when she will arrive to the castle. Would the guards even let her in? Would Rhaenyra want to talk? Maybe Daemon was nearby on Caraxes, wanting to attack her?
However, no one attacked her from the air, and when she landed, no one awaited her with an army. As she reached the castle gates, she removed her hood, letting her white hair fell over her shoulders.
"Your grace," the guards bowed, but they would have lied if they claimed her appearance didn't shock them.
"I want to talk to Rhaenyra," she announced, looking at their faces. Seeing her swollen eyes and wet cheeks, they didn't even dare ask if she was armed. Before them was a grieving mother who didn't want war. She wanted explanations.
When Rhaenyra was awakened and informed of her sister's visit, she quickly went to the main hall, barefoot and in her nightgown. She felt like she was still dreaming and her mind was playing tricks on her, but when she saw her sister accompanied by two guards, she realized the reality. Sisters looked at each other in silence, unsure of what to say and how to begin. Rhaenyra felt a lump in her throat when she saw in what state Y/N was. She felt like she was looking at her reflection from a few weeks ago when she herself mourned her son's death. Y/N's eyes welled with tears again. She hadn't seen Rhaenyra for so long.
"Nyra-," she began, but her voice broke. The older woman started towards her, but a guard stopped her with a hand gesture.
"Your grace, we don't know-," "She's my sister," she said firmly, glaring at him. She passed the young knight and approached the girl, whom she immediately hugged. As soon as she closed her in her arms, Y/N began to sob. Rhaenyra held her tightly, feeling her own tears burning beneath her eyelids.
"They killed my boy," she cried, clenching her fists on Rhaenyra's robe. "They killed my angel, who did nothing wrong. Why? Why did they kill one of the two most innocent people in this cursed castle?"
Rhaenyra had no answer to any of her questions. Even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't, being completely out of words. She hugged her sister, who trembled in her arms. Despite her heavy cloak and cape, she felt her body shaking.
Still embracing young queen, Rhaenyra led her to one of the couches where they sat together. She held her hands tightly as she tried to sort out what she wanted to say. Y/N had no idea what to say either, she just wanted to rid herself of all the pain no one in the castle cared about. No one wanted to listen to her, no one even wanted to hug and comfort her; everyone needed to be heard and comforted as well. Of all the people, Y/N could only come to Rhaenyra, who was now an enemy to all of King's Landing. However, for the young queen, she was not an enemy but a sister and a mother who had recently mourned the death of her child, too. No one could understand her better.
"They cut off his little head as if he were a worthless pig," she said bitterly, staring into the flame dancing in the fireplace. Rhaenyra saw that Y/N still had her dead son's body before her eyes, and she knew that the sight would stay with her for a long time. She would give anything to relieve her pain.
"I've never seen such a small coffin. And it was still too big for him," Rhaenyra quickly wiped her wet cheeks herself, but it didn't gave much help.
"Instead of treating his funeral properly and with respect," Y/N began, but her voice broke. "Otto ordered a procession. They dragged him through the entire city along paths he was not even able to walk in his lifetime."
Despite the sadness, grief, and sympathy, Rhaenyra began to feel anger. The Hightowers turned the death of a child into a spectacle to portray them as victims and her as a murderer. It wasn't even about deciding to condemn her even more; it was the fact that they used the tragic death of an innocent child for it.
"He said Alicent and I should take part in the procession so that people would sympathize more. She…she-," young queen began to sob, to which Rhaenyra hugged her tightly. "When I said I didn't want to, she declared it was my duty. It wasn't my duty, was it?"
"Of course not," she answered, stroking her head. Rhaenyra's tears soaked her sister's hair as she hugged her. "You didn't deserve this, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
The young queen cried in her arms, and Rhaenyra continued to hug her tightly. All she could do at the moment was provide her with a little comfort, which she was so eager for. Y/N herself had not been a child so long ago and now she had to deal with such suffering.
After a while, when the wave of despair passed, Y/N moved away from her sister and looked at her face, desperately seeking explanations.
"What actually happened, Nyra?"
"There was a mistake," a voice came from the corner before Rhaenyra was even able to open her mouth to speak. When Daemon came out of the shadows, Rhaenyra hugged her sister tighter and gave him a fierce look.
"You have no right to be here," she said sharply, but her voice trembled on the last spoken word.
"I have the right to explanations," he replied calmly, looking at her and then at his niece. The young queen looked at him in silence, finally wanting to know the truth. The pain could be devastating, but she knew that moving forward would require it.
"Why-," she began, biting her lip painfully. She didn't want to cry in front of him. "Why did they kill my little boy?"
"Aemond was supposed to die," he said, approaching. "Son for son."
Y/N shook her head in disbelief, snuggling into her sister. She couldn't look at her uncle.
"They didn't find Aemond, but they found you and your children-" "That's enough," Rhaenyra interrupted sharply. "Leave, now."
However, Daemon approached even closer, still looking at his niece. He knelt in front of her.
"There are no words to describe how sorry I am," he said quietly but firmly. "I'm so sorry Y/N, that you got caught up in this conflict. You and your children shouldn't be involved at all."
The young queen sniffled and looked at him tearfully. She felt a cold hand tighten around her throat, struggling to breathe because of what she heard.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he repeated, this time looking her in the eye.
"How many more family members will I have to mourn for this madness to end?"
Rhaenyra kissed her temple and hugged her tightly. The three of them remained silent for an indefinite time. At one point, Y/N stood up, breaking free from her sister's embrace. She wiped her wet cheeks and took a deep breath.
"Aegon is angry and wants war," she began, looking around them. "But more than anger, it's grief that consumes him. He lost a child."
"We don't want war either," Rhaenyra assured, holding her hand. "The last thing I want is more death."
"I'll try to talk to him and appeal to his reason," she said, squeezing her sister's hand one last time. "I don't want any more death, too. This has to end."
She was about to leave, but Rhaenyra stood up and hugged her tightly one last time.
"I love you, bird," she whispered, holding her tightly. "I love you and I'm so sorry for all of this."
"I'm not your enemy," Y/N said softly, closing her eyes. "I'm your sister. And I too love you."
After a difficult farewell, the young queen returned to the castle. As she walked through the empty, silent corridors, she tried to be quieter than a mouse. However, as she passed Aegon's chambers, she heard sobbing. Her brother must have sent the guards away because there was no one at the entrance. The girl fought herself for a moment, but after a while she quietly entered the room. Aegon sat by the fireplace, leaning his elbows on his knees. He nervously rubbed his hands and his hair covered his face, but she could hear him crying.
Y/N still had her hand on the doorknob, unsure what to do or say. Since the news of their son's death, they has not spoken a word with each other.
"Aegon..." she began uncertainly, but he didn't react to her words at all. The girl left the door ajar and walked slowly to him, afraid of what she might expect from him.
"I just wanted to-" she didn't have the opportunity to finish, because he caught her around the waist and pulled her towards him, hugging her tightly. The young queen put one hand on his shoulder, the other stroking his head. She herself felt tears under her eyelids again.
"Why does this keep happening to us?" he asked, raising his head and looking at her from below. Aegon also desperately needed explanations that could help him digest the pain, but no one wanted to provide them to him. The girl touched his tear-stained cheek and wiped it off, shaking her head helplessly. She also didn't have an answer to the question that would haunt them for the next few weeks.
"I just wanted to be happy and have a loving family," he said, his voice breaking. "What did i do wrong?"
Y/N burst into tears again and sat on his lap, hugging him tightly. Aegon hugged her even tighter, ignoring her cloak and the smell of the night she brought with her into his chambers. At that moment, all he desperately needed was a little comfort and a silent assurance that everything would somehow work out.
She needed it, too.
Targaryens needed each other.
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theoutcastrogue · 8 months
Cartoon depictions of the homeless increasingly reflect the hostility of today’s political leaders toward people on the streets. We’ve gone from images of charming hobos with bindles to zombies taking over cities. If you consume any news at all, you’ve probably noticed that the United States is pathologically cruel to its homeless citizens. This May, the brutal killing of Jordan Neely—who was strangled to death, at the age of 30, simply because he was unhoused and shouting on the Manhattan subway—captured the national spotlight, but it was just one of many such cases of unprovoked violence. In January, two cops reportedly kidnapped a homeless man in Hialeah, Florida, drove him to an “isolated and dark location,” and beat him unconscious. That same month, art dealer Shannon Collier Gwin faced battery charges after he sprayed a homeless woman with a hose outside his San Francisco gallery, barking “Move! Move!” at her. (Predictably, Gwin got a lenient plea deal of just 35 hours of community service.) Elsewhere in the city, homeless San Franciscans have been attacked with chemical bear spray on at least eight occasions. Other assaults have been more impersonal but no less vicious. On July 14, the city of Houston abruptly closed its only public cooling center in the downtown area, potentially condemning anyone without shelter to suffer heatstroke in 90-degree weather. Among the property-owning class, the phenomenon of hostile architecture—sidewalks with spikes that stab anyone who tries to sleep, benches with iron bars, and the like—has become de rigueur. The widespread callousness and lack of compassion are both infuriating and hard to comprehend. How on Earth, we might ask, did things get this bad? [...]
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Looking back at older cartoons, one of the things that stands out immediately is the absence of negative attitudes toward the homeless. In fact, during the Golden Age of animation, creators seemed to have had a real affinity for the poor and unhoused, often placing their most iconic characters in that role. There’s a wonderful 1948 Warner Bros. short called “Riff Raffy Daffy,” in which Daffy Duck is looking for a place to sleep—first on a park bench, then a trash can, and finally a furniture display in a shop window—and has to dodge the harassment of the police, as represented by Porky Pig in a little blue uniform. (Literally, the cop is a pig!) Or, in the 1950 cartoon “Homeless Hare,” Bugs Bunny’s rabbit hole is destroyed by a new construction project, leading him to unleash his usual slapstick mayhem against the developers until they put it back. In these cartoons, homelessness is something inflicted on people by outside forces—gentrification and the real estate business, in Bugs’ case—and something which can be successfully resisted. Even Disney cast a homeless dog as a romantic lead in 1955’s Lady and the Tramp, contrasting Lady’s sheltered naivety with Tramp’s superior knowledge of the world. The title invokes the memory of Charlie Chaplin’s “Tramp” films, which similarly brought dignity and humanity to the role of a homeless man. (Bugs Bunny, too, takes inspiration from Chaplin, and multiple Warner animators have drawn him as the Tramp.) In 1961, Hanna-Barbera’s profoundly underrated Top Cat followed the adventures of a gang of wisecracking Manhattan alley cats, who, like Daffy, are always outwitting a meddling policeman. At worst, classic cartoons may trivialize the suffering and danger associated with homelessness—there’s a certain recurring image of the carefree hobo carrying a bindle, which paints the whole subject in a romanticized light—but the homeless themselves are rarely disparaged or made the butt of the joke. Quite the opposite. 
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It took a few years, but cartoons caught up to the Reaganite turn. In episodes from the ’90s and early 2000s, there’s a palpable shift in the way homeless characters appear compared to earlier decades. The perspective is different: we’re now seeing them through the eyes of comfortably housed characters, rather than their own. Often they don’t even get proper names. [...] This trajectory leads us, perhaps inevitably, to SpongeBob SquarePants. [..] Squidward gets accused of stealing a dime by his comically greedy boss, Mr. Krabs, and quits his job in a fit of outrage. We then flash forward to see Squidward, now bedraggled and unshaven, living in a cardboard box on the street and begging for change. [...] Mercifully, the ever-cheerful SpongeBob gives Squidward a place to stay—but the moment he’s safely off the street, Squidward turns from a sympathetic victim of circumstance into a lazy, entitled freeloader, straight out of a Reagan speech. He makes no effort to find work and loafs around SpongeBob’s house for ages. [...] Eventually, an exasperated SpongeBob writes “GET A JOB” in his alphabet soup, before shoving him (bed and all) back to work at the Krusty Krab. [...] Worst of all, though, the episode suggests that homelessness can be solved on an individual basis if the people in question simply stop being lazy and “GET A JOB.” This is the biggest myth of all. In 2021, a statistical analysis by the University of Chicago found that 53 percent of people in homeless shelters, and 40.4 percent of unsheltered people, do have jobs. The problem is that their wages are too low, and rents are too high. According to statistics from the same year, it’s impossible for someone working a full-time, minimum-wage job to afford a single-bedroom apartment in 93 percent of U.S. counties, and there are no states in which someone can rent a two-bedroom space on the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. In other words, homelessness has little or nothing to do with personal responsibility, or lack thereof. It’s a consequence of large-scale economic decisions made by landlords and bosses. [...]
— Alex Skopic
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Here are some of the turn arounds and designs I (@patchwork-artists) have made for the pilot :) They were a lot of fun to make.
fun fact for the designs: wilson has disney inspiration, featherworth and ringtail have sam and max inspiration, sasha has fleischer(betty boop specifically) inspiration, boris and bendy have most inspiration from their batdr and batim designs, but boris also has some warner bros inspiration esp animaniacs (more noticable boris' paws) while bendy has some felix inspiration!
I also made a bonus with how the other questers would look, although they do not show up on the pilot.
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Some older pieces that were from december of 2023, as well, to play around with how they'd look. There are some notable visual changes, Such as Bendy's clothes and fluff, and Boris' cheeks.
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It also sports the older logo, though not the original logo, of which i'd like to make it's own post to.
The real original lineup, from 2021 or so, sports an older artstyle, though nearly identital designs. I was sure of the general idea for each design ever since then. I'd also like to make a post about before the project, as I find that interesting as well!
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geekcavepodcast · 2 months
Powerpuff Girls Return to Comics in New Series
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Dynamite Entertainment and Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products are uniting for a new Powerpuff Girls comic book series. The new creative team for Powerpuff Girls is writer Kelly Thompson and artist Paulina Ganucheau.
"Professor Utonium added a little extra to that famous recipe, when some Chemical X was thrown into the concoction. And lo, The Powerpuff Girls were born! Since that day, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting evil in all its forms. Their awesome powers and teamwork tirelessly defend their idyllic city from the likes of petty criminals, marauding monsters, and diabolical super-villains alike." The comic is said to be done in such a way that fans can "pick up any issue and enjoy" and is aimed at both younger and older audiences. (Dynamite Entertainment)
Powerpuff Girls #1 goes on sale in July 2024. The first issue sports a main cover from Paulina Ganuchaeu and variant covers by Leonardo Romero, Karen S. Darboe, and Nicoletta Baldari.
(Image via Dynamite Entertainment - Paulina Ganuchaeu's Cover of Powerpuff Girls #1)
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Okay but the amount of people I've seen I'm running around with Oswald in dreamlight Valley that don't realize it's Canon that he's Mickey's brother, I can't wait for them to realize such because Oswald forever will be Mickey's elder brother
And yes for those that may be confused Oswald is canonically considered Mickey's older brother because he is not only the very first but was supposed to be the original mascot of Disney before everything went down with Charles Mintz,
He was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks exactly like Mickey Mouse
Imagine that we could have lived in a world where Warner Bros and Disney had both had rabbit mascots lol
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ducktracy · 4 months
do you happen to know why there’s a noticeable drop in animation quality in the Daffy vs. Speedy cartoons? I’m very curious
short answer: studio shutdowns, the theatrical industry on the decline thanks to TV, lower budgets, all of their main talent either gone or mentally checked out beyond belief
MUCH longer answer reaffirming the above points!: the WB studio had a bit of a troubled lifespan, and the falling of the dominos can be traced back to the early '50s (or hell even post-war, since there were Technicolor shortages that caused lengthy backlogs) with the first--keyword, FIRST!--studio shutdown in 1953. 3D was on a huge rise around that time, and Jack Warner believed it would be the new industry standard. so! the cartoon department was shut for a few months so they could figure out if they needed to convert and adapt to this new format. Lumber Jack-Rabbit was a bit of a test subject for this
but the 3D bubble was indeed a bubble, and so the studio eventually reopened a few months later. a lot of the shorts are colloquially divided by this time period: "pre-shutdown" and "post-shutdown". the quality difference wasn't as big for directors like Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng, as they still had their units intact, but it made a HUGE impact to Bob McKimson, who was the lowest in the studio hierarchy. he lost his entire unit and wasn't able to get any of his animators back, so he had to rebuild his entire unit from scratch (and in cases like The Hole Idea and most of Dime for Retire, animating entire cartoons himself.) his shorts likewise had the strictest budgets, and that's why you begin to really see a noticeable quality drop in his shorts
fast forward about a decade or so. everyone is getting older, a bit more disinterested, crews are being shuffled around and people are leaving. Carl Stalling retires in 1958, the same year as the musician's strike (which is why there are shorts from that year composed of stock tracks courtesy of John Seely), Milt Franklyn takes over for him until his death in 1962... theatrical cartoons are on their way out the door as TV is growing bigger and bigger. there's a clear decline, both for WB and the theatrical industry as a whole, which is why the Warner Bros studio shuts down for a final time in 1963.
this is where we get a little more relevant to the ask. Dave DePatie was the last exec in charge of the studio, assuming John Burton's role after he took over for Eddie Selzer, who retired in 1958. DePatie and Friz Freleng teamed up to start DePatie-Freleng Enterprises (DFE), and so they leased the old Warner Bros studio and were contracted to produce their cartoons from 1964-1967. this is around the time where the Speedy and Daffy team-ups start beginning in early 1965. Friz directed the first handful or so, but DFE was ALSO making their own, non LT related cartoons at the time, and rolling in the dough with their new creation of a certain Pink Panther. so, Friz as a director started investing his time into these non LT cartoons, leaving Bob McKimson to finish up the rest of his dirty work for him. McKimson's crew is still the weakest, his budgets are still the smallest, and McKimson himself was growing more and more checked out with the job. he had for awhile now, but the death of his wife in the '60s certainly seemed to kickstart that sort of disenfranchisement further. the cartoons are the most obligatory than they've ever been
but don't you worry! the downward spiral still continues! once DFE's contract was up and they moved to a new studio, WB decided to bring back production in-house. such enters the Seven-Arts era, lasting from 1967 to the studio's last gasp in late 1969. Alex Lovy of Walter Lantz fame is brought in as the main studio director, and this is when you begin to see the emergence of characters like Merlin the Magic Mouse, Cool Cat, etc. they were still doing the Daffys and Speedys, budgets still cheap as ever, but attempting to lean into the late '60s animation landscape. all of the other LT characters had been retired by this point, and 1968 would see the last short with any formal LT characters in it (so... Speedy and Daffy)
i also neglected to mention Rudy Larriva's involvement with Format Films. going back to the DFE era, the Format Films studio (known for doing the '60s Popeye TV shorts and The Alvin Show) were used as outsourcing to make a handful of Road Runner cartoons. if you've ever watched a Road Runner and thought "wow, this sucks!" then CONGRATS! you're likely watching one of the "Larriva Eleven".
anyhoo, Larriva/Format Films also worked on some Speedy and Daffys (and when i double checked which ones he did work on, i was surprised to only see 3??? i thought he directed way more), and they too are cheap and quick for the same reasons above
SO! there you have it! and i've been slagging on the Speedy and Daffy shorts a lot, and i can't say it's without good reason LOL. with how many there are and in such a short amount of time and how utterly monotonous they are (as well as a reminder of the integrity these characters USED to have), it's easy to really point to them as the worst of the worst. but, unfortunately, they're just a portion of the studio's continued decline as a whole. all of the shorts were getting cheap and dull and droll--it's (unfortunately) not like the Speedy and Daffys were super flat and awful while the studio was also making amazingly lush Road Runner shorts at the same time.
like MANY of the most popular theatrical cartoon series, WB had a very unfortunate decline that i think is just more apparent to see because they were one of the studios that lasted the longest theatrically. i THINK Walter Lantz and DFE may have been the only studios that outlasted them, but i could be just as wrong so don't quote me on that! i'm not nearly as intimate with my 50s-60s history of the studio as i am the 30s and 40s, but i aim to change that!
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i-want-my-iwtv · 4 months
I will be delusional as I want BUT I'll pretend that tom cruise going back to Warner Bros means we'll finally get the deleted scenes from the iwtv please please manifesting
🙏🙏🙏 Anon, embrace being delusional! I wish! If anyone's connected with Warner Bros please please tell them we want the deleted scenes!
Anyway since we're on the topic... over the years I've talked about wanting the cut scenes, and I wanted to reflect for a moment on why we want them. I think we want them because, like a delicious cake, once it's all consumed, we still look at the serving plate, hoping we can still lick the icing off the knife, or maybe the baker has some leftover cake back in the kitchen?? Or maybe they can tell us that the secret ingredient to intensifying the chocolate is ESPRESSO... We just want another taste so badly! We want to know the secret ingredients that set it apart from other cakes. And some filmmakers know that, and sometimes they're happy to share the cut scenes on a DVD release, maybe with commentary as to why the scenes were cut, like:
"Here's a scene were Louis kills a priest and ultimately we had an overall run time limit of 2 hours, but it was otherwise a perfectly good scene."
"Here's part of a set of scenes we shot early on where Lestat shows mortal Louis what killing entails, and although we loved it, we ended up improving the Lestat makeup & hair a few weeks later, and for the sake of continuity we had to cut it bc we couldn't go back to that location to reshoot, or it would have taken too much time to fix in post, etc."
Giving over the cut scenes is a little like an artist showing the scrapped versions of a painting composition, and that's fine when the creator wants to invite the viewers into their artistic process, but I think the IWTV filmmakers at the time (and for years after) really wanted the '94 movie to be serious* to the point that releasing cut scenes could have undermined their overall vision... maybe they simply didn't want to invite the audience into their creative process.
(*Serious, BUT there was certainly plenty of beauty, charm, dark humor, intimacy, desire, so much more! Maybe the filmmakers cut scenes that THEY felt didn't mesh well with the overall story they wanted to tell, like putting together an outfit and choosing accessories that go better rather than others... you know?)
WITH THAT SAID... What cut scenes would you have liked to see? That's what fanfic and fanart are for, so tell us and maybe someone will be inspired to create it for all of us 💝
IF Tom was still part of VC at all... one of my personal fantasy casting ideas was to have Tom play the Marquis in TVL, and now he's really old enough to do it! 😅 Can you imagine?? Tom playing his own horrible father! Cast younger actors to play kid!Lestat, teen!Lestat, etc.?? Tom!Marquis showing obvious preference for his two older brothers and being horrible to Gabrielle... it could be amazing.
Obviously it wouldn't be adorable like this but... I've always loved Tom Cruise characters when he interacts with kids and teens, he's always seemed very in touch with his inner child, even when that inner child is more of a 12 yo brat. Whole novels could be written on his layered performances with child and teen actors, but for now, just a few thoughts...
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^From Jerry Maguire. I can't quite articulate why this was so compelling... iirc, maybe because his character is really frustrated/demoralized in this scene, and there's something comforting about a kid naively telling you that "the human head weighs 8 pounds," as if to say, "Your problems are not really as big a deal as you think they are; live in the present moment." And Tom in this character seems to absorb that deeper meaning and it gives him some relief, it's a step towards his character's growth.
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When Tom played Ray in War of the Worlds, he had a teenage son, and there was a heartbreaking scene where Ray had to choose between protecting his son or his daughter. From That Moment In:
Desperate to keep his family together, Ray is forced to leave the terrified Rachel alone for a moment as he puts his weight on Robbie and forces him to the ground as the air around them lights up with smoke and tracer fire. Meanwhile, another couple, fleeing the madness, sees Rachel standing by herself and attempt to rescue her, not knowing that her father is nearby. Looking back, Ray sees this and becomes torn between his children, not wanting to lose either but forced to choose. Robbie assures his father that this is what he wants, “I want to see this,” and to please let him go, which Ray finally, achingly, submits to, seeing that Rachel is being whisked away. Father and son say goodbye as Robbie runs over the crest and Ray rushes down to get his daughter as a hellfire of explosion overtake the hills, giving us the impression Robbie has met his end.
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I just love the idea of Tom playing the very character that had caused so much pain for Lestat, that Lestat was always on defense from that man, looooong after he died. Despite all the torment the Marquis inflicted on Lestat, Lestat still gave him a comfortable place to live out his last few years, the roles pretty much reversed as happens with aging parents, Lestat actually nurturing this man (not always in the kindest way but still!) in his feeble old age... and couldn't bring himself to even kill him out of mercy.
Nature & Nurture, Lestat was damaged by his father genetically and emotionally in his formative years, and so much of Lestat's bravado and verbal attacks seem to be a shield for the awful feelings of growing up unloved, unwanted, and beaten for expressing his own desires. So much so that even in canon he often expresses the intensity of his desires far more eloquently and frequently in the narration than he's able to do verbally, even with the characters he cherishes the most. Because to express his love exposed himself to losing it.
Tom could for sure pull off a performance that would capture the Marquis, because he essentially played Lestat with the qualities of a victim perpetuating some of the abuse he suffered from the man who was supposed to be (and was!) his role model for becoming the man he became. 😭
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honoka-marierose · 5 months
About a decade ago, Zack Snyder developed a storyline for the DC Extended Universe that involved Bruce Wayne impregnating Lois Lane.
The subplot in which Batman cuckolds Superman was poised to unfold in “Justice League,” with Batman dying in the sequel and Lois raising their spawn with Superman. Snyder’s vision for Wonder Woman was equally unorthodox, with visuals featuring a superheroine who brandished the decapitated heads of her conquered enemies like an ISIS jihadi.
Warner Bros. and DC Studios — which hold a firm grip on their intellectual property — rejected Snyder’s ideas, which were deemed “super creepy,” according to a source familiar with the back and forth. (DC declined to comment for this story. A representative for Snyder did not respond to a request for comment.) But in the next decade, artists and rival studios won’t need permission to create their own take on the characters.
A sad fact of Hollywood is that while superheroes never truly die, all copyrights do. On Jan. 1, Disney lost control of “Steamboat Willie,” and within 24 hours two horror-comedies starring Mickey Mouse were announced. The DC characters are the next major expirations looming on the horizon. Superman and Lois Lane will enter the public domain in 2034, followed by Batman in 2035, the Joker in 2036 and Wonder Woman in 2037.
Chris Sims, a comic book author and Batman expert, expects a flood of unauthorized Batman comics to hit the stands as soon as the copyright expires.
“There’s going to be 100 of them,” he says. “They’re going to have them ready to go.” Movie producers will also be able to make their own versions — much as they already do with public domain characters like Dracula and Robin Hood — though in the beginning they will have to stick to the original versions of the characters.
“You get Batman, but you don’t get Robin,” Sims says. “You get Superman, but you don’t get kryptonite.”
The initial Superman could only leap — not fly. “Those characteristics are going to fall into the public domain one by one,” says Amanda Schreyer, media and entertainment lawyer at Morse.
DC has been preparing for this for years. At a press event in 2023, CEO James Gunn noted that the next Superman film will introduce characters from “The Authority,” a comic series that launched in 1999, in part because the Superman copyright is about to expire.
Jay Kogan, DC’s deputy general counsel, laid out a strategy to protect characters that fall into the public domain in a 2001 article. Since only the older versions lose protection, he urged: “Keep ’em fresh and up-to-date.”
“By gradually changing the literary and visual characteristics of a character over time, a character owner can keep whatever the then-current image of the character is as the de facto standard in the public consciousness,” he wrote.
The company has done a good job of updating Superman, argues Steven Beer, an IP lawyer at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith.
“The public’s perception is the contemporary Superman. It’s distinctive,” he says. “That gives them a lot of protection.”
Another tactic: Maintain a high level of quality control.
“The public should be conditioned to view any works from unrelated parties featuring a trademark owner’s characters as second-rate knockoffs,” Kogan wrote.
Kogan also suggested that trademarks could be used to block the use of a character’s name, image and slogan even after the copyright expires.
But trademark is not a cloak of immunity, argues Jennifer Jenkins, director of Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain. “That only prevents uses that are likely to cause consumer confusion about source or sponsorship,” she says.
In other words, the characters’ names should be fair game, so long as it’s clear that the depiction is not coming from DC.
“You could still create a Superman horror movie or Batman horror movie,” says Jonathan Steinsapir, an IP attorney at KHIKS. “You just need to be careful about how you advertise it and how you use images of Superman in a branding sense.”
DC has done a careful job of tying the characters to itself by trademarking the terms “Man of Steel” and “Caped Crusader,” as well as Superman’s “S” and Batman’s logo.
“The bat symbol is a very strong mark,” Schreyer says. “That is going to limit what subsequent creators can do.”
Even so, expect the mid-2030s to see a glut of off-brand superhero content.
“People will make a run at these characters because there’s money to be made,” says Mark Waid, a comic book author and historian best known for his work on DC Comics titles like “Superman: Birthright.” “Or how about Superman versus Godzilla. It’s a gray area. But this town works on the speed of capitalism, right? That’s how we work.”
Sims believes more superhero comics will be a good thing. But the idea that there will be a Superman renaissance is oversold, he says.
“It’s gonna come down to execution,” Sims says. “There’s one company that’s used to doing it.”
Steinsapir says nothing would keep Snyder from making a non-Warners film featuring the DC troika.
“Zack Snyder could reshoot it and make his own new iteration of it,” he says. “You just need to be careful. For example, he definitely couldn’t call it ‘Justice League.’”
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animaniacs-groove · 1 month
((Helloooo Tumblr! This is @yakkolicious, but from this point forward, I'll refer to myself as the admin. Everything I say will be in white text with double parentheses. This is the ask blog for the Animaniacs Groove AU, my older Animaniacs AU. Here, you can ask questions to older versions of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.))
About the AU
((This AU takes place in 2024, or whatever year it is in the present. However, the Warners will not age in real time. The Warners are two years older than they are in canon, so Yakko is 16, Wakko is 13, and Dot is 11, though I do have some fanfictions where they're only a year older. Yakko started a rock band with two of my OCs, Cleff and Winona. Yakko and Wakko also both have partners who are OCs. Here are some pictures to give you a bit more info on these versions of the Warners.))
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((I'll also add my OCs to this later, since they're pretty essential to this AU.))
((What's canon and what is not canon to this AU? The events of the 1993 series all happened and were televised, but it wasn't a scripted show. The Warners genuinely got into those situations and they just got on TV somehow. These Warners hold no ill will towards anyone who works for Warner Bros. aside from Thaddeus Plotz, and the reasons they hate Plotz are unrelated to the show itself. Wakko's Wish did not happen and neither did the 2020 reboot. Norita does not exist, and Plotz is still the CEO of Warner Bros. with no plans of retirement. Hello Nurse, however, has taken a job with another company (not Doctors Without Borders) and the Warners haven't seen her in a while. Chicken Boo also did not try to kill everyone and is actually a friend of the Warners (though you won't see him around much). If a question based on reboot knowledge is asked to these Warners, they'll probably be confused, if I respond to the question at all.))
((This blog is not the only place you can find the Groove AU. There are also fanfictions on AO3 where you can read more about the things that go on in the Warners' lives. The series can be found here. If requested, I will also post the existing shorter fics to @yakkolicious-writing if you would prefer to read those on Tumblr. I can post the longer multichapters too, but the only real benefit of that is that I can give some more specific info.))
((In addition, you may have seen a character by the name of Hailyn Warner on this blog. She is not my OC, but rather she's the original character of my close friend @silly-lil-lee. Hailyn and her twin brother Rylan do have Groove AU forms where they are 10 years old, and they sometimes do appear on this blog. They are canon to the blog, but they will not appear in any fanfictions since they aren't my characters. They have a blog of their own, so if they catch your eye and you have a question for them, you can ask them here.))
Keep things SFW. The Warners are all still minors.
Please be nice. Don't send an ask to complain about my headcanons and do NOT harass askers, including anons.
No magic anons. All magic anon asks will be deleted.
((With that, feel free to send Yakko, Wakko, and Dot some questions!))
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Lucas & Coppola: the inspiration for Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship.
So I was going through this old article of The New Yorker and came across this quote:
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"Just as a benevolent father figure (Obi-Wan) helps Luke in his struggle against his dark father, the older Coppola took young George under his wing at film school, and helped him get his first feature film made." - John Seabrook, The New Yorker, 1997
Now, it's known that Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas were close friends, but after looking further into it, there's some interesting parallels to be made:
Coppola started out as a mentor figure, taking Lucas on as a protégé.
He helped George get THX-1138 and American Graffiti off the ground. Lucas filmed second unit shots for The Godfather and assisted in the editing, developed the script for Apocalypse Now with John Milius.
Overtime, their relationship had blossomed into a more brotherly one, with them becoming "equals".
"[Our relationship is] sort of "mentor-mentee". I mean, he's taught me everything. He's five years older than I am but, you know, when you're 20 and 25 years old, that's a big gap. And so, he's always been my mentor and helped me get through everything. You know, we've know each other for, you know, what? Over 35 years now. And so, the relationship is more brotherly than it probably is mentor-mentee at this point. It's more older brother-younger brother kind of thing. [...] We pretty much are equal in terms of what we know about what we're doing."
Sound familiar?
Wait 'til you hear about the dynamics of their friendship:
"Francis and I, we were very good friends right from the moment we met. Uh, we’re very different."
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"Francis is very flamboyant and very Italian and very, sort of, “go out there and do things!”"
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"I'm very, sort of, “let's think about this first, let's not just jump into it.” Um, and so he used to call me the “85-year-old man.”"
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"But together, we were great. Because, y’know, I would kinda be the weight around his neck that slowed him down a little bit to keep him from getting his head chopped off. "
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"And, uh, on— aesthetically and everything, we sort of had very compatible sensibilities in terms of that. I was strong in one area, he was strong in another, and so we could really bounce ideas off of each other. But we were very much the opposite, in the way we operated and the way we did things... and that, I think, allowed us to have a very active relationship."
A mentor-mentee relationship that turned into a brotherly one.
Two men with opposite personalities - one more outgoing, the other more cautious - that complemented each other's beautifully.
Yin and Yang.
Just like Obi-Wan with Anakin (or Obi-Wan with Qui-Gon, if we wanna talk about the mentee needing to slow the mentor down a bit so he doesn't get into trouble).
So I dunno if there's more to it, but when I read all this... I read one more reason (in addition to the others) for why the "Anakin and Obi-Wan weren't compatible enough, Qui-Gon should've been the Master because they had more in common" interpretation doesn't track.
Like, if that's your opinion/theory, cool.
But there is no way you'll convince me that the author - who had almost that exact bond with Coppola - would then go and intentionally write Obi-Wan and Anakin's bond as lacking and "a failing for Anakin".
Just found this quote and I figured I'd add 'em :D
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"[After the Warner Bros scholarship] I had a choice between going back to graduate school or going off on this little adventure, and I decided to go off on the adventure with Francis."
Edit #2:
Said Stephen Spielberg in the George Lucas 2016 biography "A Life":
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“I think Francis always looked at George as sort of his upstart assistant who had an opinion. An assistant with an opinion, nothing more dangerous than that, right?”
A description reminiscent of both the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan dynamic but also... kinda the Obi-Wan/Anakin one.
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SEMIFINALS: Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
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Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
#vote for the boys people!!! #let's get them as far as possible
This art!
#Hits u with my megapit blast
#but let's do our best for our artificial and flying (kinda) boys!!!
#be on the megapit side of history
#c'mon c'mon c'mon!!! #should it have to go down #then megapit won't go down easily!
#megapit #MY BOYSSSSSS
#they might get annihilated but we're not going down without a FIGHT #come on boys. smash bros is nothing without either of u #manifesting megapit sweep
#probably the end of the line for the robot and the angel #but that's no reason to give up so easily! #get the boys some votes!
More art! With an unwanted visitor.
Propaganda for Huey Duck/Wakko Warner:
Huey and Wakko are classic opposite attrack characters, while also touches of "you're drawn to people who remind you of your family" thrown in. They're both very autistic coded characters (because their shows are cowards and refuse to say the word) but in opposite ways. Wakko is very outside of the norm where as Huey holds himself to a strict set of rules. While Huey adds a bit of routine to Wakko's life, Wakko encourages Huey to cut back, go outside of his comfort zone at his own pace and also relax a little. Wakko reminds Huey of both his siblings, excitable and dramatic like Dewey, and laid back (compared to his siblings) and mischevious like Louie, where as Huey reminds Wakko of his own siblings. A bit more uptight and bratty like Dot, and intelligent and encouraging like Yakko. They also bring out different sides of each other, Wakko can be gross and messy and Huey somehow finds it charming, and Huey can help Wakko see that he's intelligent and creative in his own ways rather than being outshined by his own siblings. They both also have anger issues, and Wakko would be great at helping Huey to feel his anger rather than always keeping it hidden away. He makes Huey feel seen and heard and taken care of because Huey doesn't have to be the Older BrotherTM around Wakko. Basically just opposites attract autistic kids who help each other come into one another.
#yall need to vote for my baby angels #wakko/huey sweep #please #they deserve it #their shows treated them awfully
Art Credit: Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart Huey/Wakko art by @/justadoll and @/krillconnessieur
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“Hard Boot” - Dean x Reader
Part of the “Control Panel” Series
Rating Mature
Dean x Reader (Newly Established Intimate Relationship)
Tags: Dean Angst and Self-Loathing, Inability to Word, Adult Language, Dean POV
Word Count: 2500
After one night of sexual exploration, a case lured you both back into hunting mode. There was hardly time to breathe, let alone figure out how you were collectively supposed to handle this new aspect of your relationship. Is it any wonder Dean had to go and mess it up? That’s his expertise.
Note: You don’t have to read the first part, Factory Reset, to get the gist of this “What the heck are we supposed to do now? Friends to lovers” trope. But if you’re intrigued by these two, please try it.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Admit it." square.
Image created in Canva (credit for photo used:  Supernatural/Warner Bros.)
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The shot glass tinks atop the counter. It’s barely audible. Dean glances up and the bartender appears, summoned by the tell tale call of a drunk.
Not just any drunk. The Fuck It Up Seven Ways To Sunday kind of drunk. Also known as Dean Winchester.
The bar is deserted. It’s 1:00 pm on a Wednesday outside the touristy parts of New Orleans.
The bartender tips the whiskey bottle in her hand. Dean nods. She pours.
“So, what exactly are you tryna drown, cher? Cause it might be easier to head a little north and walk into Lake Pontchartrain.”
Dean snorts. “Trust me, that’s crossed my mind.”
All the wrinkles in the older woman’s face droop along with her frown. “It can’t be that bad. Unless you’re broke… or your heart is.” 
Dean shifts atop the stool. “My wallet’s full, thanks. Leave the bottle.”
Dean grunts at his inability to put one foot in front of the other trekking down the hallway to the hotel room. The air is spinning around him in a vortex, forcing his body to lean to the right even though his brain tries to rationally push forward. He’s in an anti-funhouse of his own creation. 
He doesn’t remember how he finally gets into the room. Just that he is. He flops on the bed. Breathes in deep and holds it. Staving off the nausea that he deserves.
You should be here. Beside him. Celebrating a win.
He closes his eyes and lets the pain and loss keep him company instead in the late afternoon.
Sleep eludes him. He tosses. Turns. Spends time with his head hanging over the toilet bowl.
He stares at the alarm clock on the nightstand as it ticks over into 10 PM territory. When his eyes peel open again, it’s sometime after 1 AM.
He sniffs the air.
He smells you.
Before he can realize it’s a mistake, he springs to sitting. The hammer nailing together a house in his head takes a back seat to the elation seeing you sat at the foot of the bed.
You look demure in your side saddle position. The patient stare has Dean wondering how long you’ve been watching him sleep.
He wants to ask. But he’s afraid anything he says is going to be wrong. So he just stares back.
Your face is void of any discernible emotion.
And that freaks Dean out more than anything. Because even when he couldn’t read you like a book, he could at least hazard a guess. Even if it was wrong, it was something.
But all he sees now is a shield. A wall that he’s caused.
“I’m gonna head out.” You state in a curt tone that leaves no room for debate.
“You already were out.” The head pounding irritation preoccupies him enough that the sass spills out, uncontrolled. Your lids slit for a second. Well, he got some reaction.
“I-” You straighten up. A sorry attempt at a laugh huffs out. “Forget it.” You’re up off the bed and snagging items dropped around the room. Things are stuffed into your bag with haste.
Dean wants the elation to return to the room. Twenty-four hours prior, you were smiling. Eager to track down the Djinn. It had been a day’s drive from Lebanon to New Orleans, with a 6-hour stop in between at the Cradle Rock Motel.
Dean would have done whatever you wanted in that motel room. All that possibility and you had him flying high on adrenaline. You’d handled him with kid gloves and given him an experience he’d cherish, even if he was still sore. He would have let you strap on Marvin again and fold him like Origami. He wanted that again. He wanted it all with you.
But all you had wanted in the end as you laid in bed was to curl up and sleep in his arms. You wanted to rest before getting back on the road in your separate rides. 
And the simple act of being with you. Static. Stationary. Silent. That was wonderful, too.
There was the promise of staying in bed for days after you took care of the monster together. Lingering lips. Suggestive smirks. Greedy gropes.
All of that was a distant memory now.
You throw the duffle over your shoulder. “Bye, Dean.”
He bungees off the bed. Rushes to the door to wedge between you and the exit. “That’s it?” His stomach roils at the exertion but he pushes it down.
Your voice doesn’t waver. “For now. Yeah.”
Dean holds his ground for another second. Two. Three. Four.
“Don’t make it worse.” You plead.
That reminds him the ownness of this whole mess is in fact on him. And he relinquishes.
And watches you walk out the door.
Dean clinks down the iron bunker stairs. Three weeks of hunting non-stop has joints creaking, muscles aching. He plans to beeline it to the showers and let the glorious water pressure ease some of the pain. There’s also an 80-year old bottle of Macallan in his bedroom that will ease everything else.
Sam’s out at Eileen’s. The texts back and forth earlier were short and mainly for informational purposes. Sam gave up trying to find out what was going on with Dean two weeks back. As long as he checked in and provided proof of life, Sam didn’t pester for details.
Dean marches through the war room, into the library, weaves the labyrinth of halls to get to his room.
He keeps his head down when he rounds the final corner. He doesn’t want to glimpse the door marked number 16 at the end of the hallway. It’s your bedroom. Well, whenever you crash at the bunker it’s yours.
There’s a twist in his gut when he realizes you might never sleep in that bed or cross the threshold into the Men of Letters homebase again.
He’s been avoiding returning because of all the reminders of you. The wound is as fresh and festering as it was when you left him in New Orleans. He can distract from the pain during moments occupied with cases and bad guys. This, not so much.
He opens his door, good ole number 11. 
When he left this room last, you were here with him. 
And goddammit. You’re all he can see no matter where his gaze lands.
The duffle drops onto the mattress. Another musty bed in another room in another hallway might be a better alternative tonight.
He considers it. He’ll decide for sure after his shower.
Dean grumbles when he gets back to the room.
It shouldn’t be possible and his mind must be playing tricks on him, but he thinks he catches the scent of you. 
Yeah, he can’t sleep in here tonight.
He runs a hand through his towel dried hair and peels off Tad’s robe. He toes out of the slippers and tugs on a pair of sweats and a well-worn henley. The realization he’s donned the shirt inside out takes a backseat to the more important matter of grabbing the bottle of Macallan.
He shuffles over in bare feet and squats by the cabinet under his desk. His mouth is watering in anticipation of that smooth amber-colored nectar coating his throat.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles in confusion.
The bottle is gone.
“Looking for this?”
Dean stills at the question floating over his shoulder.
The voice isn’t something he expected to hear back at the bunker anytime soon. Maybe ever.
He rises, inhales through his nose. Mentally prepares for when he turns and faces you.
When he does rotate on his heels, he purses his lips into a tight line. He can’t let the impulse to smile win out.
You're wearing one of his flannels. It’s the black, white and gray one he hasn’t worn in ages. And the way the sweatpants hang loose and baggy and obscure your feet; well, he’s pretty sure those are his, too. Leaning against the doorsill, you look as if you’re trying way too hard to appear casual about any of this. The bottle of Macallan in your grip is displayed as a peace offering.
There’s the tiniest grin quirking up your lips. You look at the bottle, then to Dean. “I was keeping an eye on it.”
Dean inspects the liquid level of the scotch as a distraction. If he stares at that mouth of yours a second longer, he’ll forgive you for anything.  “That’s about four fingers lighter than when I left.”
Your brows raise. Mouth opens. Dean knows you're ready to dispute his measurements. But something else clicks in Dean’s head and he doesn’t give you a chance.
“How long have you been staying here?”
You sigh and enter the bedroom. The bottle rests on the tiny corner table. You collapse into the chair beside it. “This’ll be my third night.”
Dean stands there. Blinks. You settling in is hopefully a good sign.
“Sam gave me a heads up that you were coming back some time tonight.”
“Why didn’t you high tail it out of here when you got wind of me?” Dean asks.
Your mouth tilts into a frown. “I came here to wait for your slow ass to return, Winchester.” You thumb at the bottle. “I may have needed some liquid courage during my stay to, you know, stick around.”
Dean crosses his arms, determined not to give an inch. Doesn’t matter how goddamn sexy you look. How your hair’s mussed from laying in bed. How his oversized shirt is unbuttoned enough at the collar to display the lovely expanse of skin from the column of your neck to the round of your shoulder. He prepares for the flailing you must have been wanting to give him so badly that you camped here for days. He tries not to think about how much he’d love to bend over so you can give him a spanking.
You stare up at him from the chair. “Oookaayyy.” Palms run over cloth-covered thighs. “I wanted to explain myself. Back in New Orleans.”
Dean shrugs, his crossed arms lifting up with the movement.
“We were a mess on that hunt.” You start. “All sorts of wrong. Second guessing. Getting in each other’s way. That Djinn got the upperhand on us because we were sloppy.”
Dean scoffs. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“You tackled it while I was about to kill the fucking thing.” You counter.
“You were getting choked out WHILE it was lighting up like an electric smurf.” Dean’s voice rises.
“I had the silver knife to its throat UNTIL you hip checked and then rolled around with Mr. Sandman doing the horizontal mambo.”
“Who was trying to pull it off me only to get a nasty throat punch?”
You raise both hands. “Look, my point is we were off our game. And I’ve never, ever had to worry about you having my back. Until that hunt.”
Dean rolls his shoulders like he’s ready to take flight. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Do you think I’m a good hunter?” you ask.
“What the hell kind of question is that?”
“A simple one.” A tap on the table precedes your rise. You stroll with purpose towards him. “Do you think I’m a good hunter?” you repeat.
“Of course I do. You might even be the third best hunter on the planet.”
You smile and, dammit, Dean melts a little. You clear your throat and the smile fades. “Then why didn’t you let me do my job?”
Dean stills. He watches your frame relax. The bravado seeps from your posture.
“Things are different between us now.” You sigh. “I hoped that what we did would bring us closer. More in sync on a hunt. But it did the exact opposite.” Another step brings you right up into Dean’s space. You latch onto a forearm. “Your head wasn’t in that hunt with me.”
“It was.”
You shake your head. “No. Your heart was. And so was mine.” Your voice breaks a little. “All I could think about was how I needed to protect you.”
“When do we not think about protecting a hunting partner?”
“That’s gotta go hand in hand with the mission, though; not take over.” The warm fingers drop from Dean’s arm. “I told Sam what happened.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “And what did Mr. Know It All have to say?”
Your shoulder lifts and almost touches your ear. “He said ‘welcome to the club.’”
“Sam said you must care about me an awful lot if you were constantly undermining my ability to actually get the fucking job done. That sacrificing yourself is part of your DNA.” A full-watt smile - the one that makes Dean’s insides warm up - graces your face. “That you’ll die a hundred times over to prevent the recipient of all that care and concern from even getting a splinter in their thumb.” The snark in your tone is sharp and cutting. “Admit it.”
“Well, that’s just a flat out exaggeration.”
Suddenly, all of the playfulness in your expression is gone. You frown. “You don’t care about me like that?”
“What? No. I mean, yes, of course I care about you like that.”
“Good.” The smile returns. “Because I know for a fact that none of that is an exaggeration where Sam is concerned. You’ve figured out how to make it work with Sam. You and I are going to have to make that happen, too.”
Dean’s grinning back. “Any suggestions?”
“You could follow my lead and do what I say at all times.” You offer.
“I’m all about that in almost every scenario. Except when we’re hunting.”
You nod. “We’re not hunting now.” Dainty fingers clasp over his hand. “I’m sorry I ran away.” You whisper, staring into his eyes.
Your small frame belies your strength and formidable capability when it comes to a hunt. And though Dean’s only had one taste of your dominance in bed, you handled him with care and exerted contained control. But now Dean needs you to know how much he intends on proving his worth to you. He’s more than a deft hand wielding a machete. More than reliable backup. More than a decades long friend who can keep up with the tequila shots. He wants to be more than all of that for you. 
He wriggles from under the grip to clutch your face with both hands. “I wanna tough it out with you.”
Your head tilts up and down in his hold. “Me too.”
You raise on tiptoes as he dips his head. Your lips meet in a gentle brush of skin. Dean’s skin tingles all over.
It’s only a peck. Dean pulls back so he can witness the bliss on your face. Eyes closed, mouth parted. You release a sigh. “Can we…” you start to ask.
“Anything,” Dean murmurs.
“Can we go to sleep? Start fresh in the morning? I missed you.”
Dean thinks his face will crack at the force of his smile. “Absolutely.”
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blogger360ncislarules · 2 months
The first time Sheldon Cooper graced TV screens in 2007, the star who would carry on the character’s legacy wasn’t even born yet, but Young Sheldon’s Iain Armitage isn’t so little anymore as the star portraying a boy genius prepares to bid adieu to viewers and the role originated by Jim Parsons on The Big Bang Theory.
“Big Bang came first, but it’s later in the canon of the series,” the 15-year-old Armitage notes. “It’s funny because, in a way, our end is their show’s beginning.” And while details surrounding the finale episodes remain secretive, Big Bang fans have a big crossover to look forward to with Parsons and Mayim Bialik reprising their roles onscreen as Sheldon and Amy for the first time since 2019 (Parsons has provided narration for the prequel since its 2017 debut).
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Bill Inoshita / 2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
“That was always our hope, that we could find a way,” executive producer Steve Holland says of bringing Parsons and Bialik into the onscreen fold with Young Sheldon. “It’s a little tricky because the show takes place 20 or 30 years in the past, so it was figuring out the best way to make that happen where it made sense for the show.”  Even with the presence of familiar faces, the finale will focus on the Texas family at the heart of this comedy.
“It’s going to be a bit of an emotional roller coaster,” Holland admits as he reveals, “We’re really trying to close the gap on Sheldon’s life in Texas before he moves to California and starts the life that we pick up on 10 years later in Big Bang Theory.”
As fans who tuned into the penultimate episodes know by now, Cooper family patriarch George Sr. (Lance Barber) tragically died after having a heart attack offscreen, and based on the back-to-back final episodes titled “Funeral” and “Memoir,” there’s sure to be some tearjerker moments.
Regarding how he hopes fans will feel, Armitage says, “I would like this ending to be satisfying, especially for fans of The Big Bang Theory.” He says, “[I want them to watch and] really feel like it has come full circle because I think a show like this is only as satisfying as its ending. And Big Bang‘s ending was so incredible. And now in Young Sheldon, we’ve been able to hint to Sheldon and Amy having kids and having a wonderful life together. And so I hope this ending will be just as satisfying as that.”
As for Armitage, he isn’t opposed to revisiting the character that made him a household name. “I’d be honored to. I love playing Sheldon so much,” the actor gushes. While there’s already another spinoff, Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage, in the works surrounding Sheldon’s brother Georgie (Montana Jordan) and his wife Mandy (Emily Osment), Armitage floats another possible idea.
“Maybe Mr. Jim and I, they could do some sort of AI merge of us and make an even older Sheldon. I don’t know. We’ll see.”
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disneytva · 8 months
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Walt Disney Studios Sets Trailer and New Key Art For Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever Slated For December 8 On Disney+
Disney+ is ready to stuff the “naugtiest, nicest, wimpiest Christmas ever,” debuting the official, zanily festive trailer for Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Christmas Cabin Fever, streaming exclusively on the platform on December 8.
The winter holidays are turning out to be especially stressful for Greg Heffley this year. After accidentally damaging a snowplow while making a snowman with best friend Rowley Jefferson, Greg worries he won’t get the new video game console he so desperately wants for Christmas. To make matters worse, he gets snowed in with his family, including his grumpy older brother Rodrick and annoying younger brother Manny.
“Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever” features the voices of Wesley Kimmel (“The Mandalorian”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”)
Directed by Luke Cormican (Warner Bros Animation “Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney with score by John Paesano, Bardel Animation will provide animation services, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever” is produced by 20th Century Animation trought Walt Disney Studios.
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academicinireland · 2 months
I am mourning the loss of a special interest.
CW: Harry Potter, anti-JK Rowling, swearing
Just venting under the tab. Scroll if not your vibe.
I, like most people born in the 1990s, LOVED Harry Potter. Loved it. I was obsessed, and my parents enabled me at every opportunity. It was wonderful. I have a fond memory of cuddling my mom while she read one of the books (probably number 2 or 3) to my brother and I. And as I got older and the popularity of the series grew, so did my interest. I collected merch, watched all the movies multiple times. My love of Harry Potter was so intense that I can still recite all the words from the first three movies, tone, accent and intonation included. It did not stop throughout high-school, and in university I discovered fanfiction. I read a fanfic series with well over a million words. I spent all my money on clothes, merch, wands. My husband almost proposed at Warner Bros studios. I got a fucking tattoo.
And then JK Rowling broke my heart. By being a fucking TERF. By excluding beautiful trans souls from her world. And I had to cut ties with her, and her work. Because supporting her and her work goes against my morals. Although I do believe in the “Death of the Author” and that work belongs to the readers, I could no longer support her and her bullshit.
And then I had to dismantle such a huge part of my identity. I sold and gave away the merch, removed all traces of Harry Potter from my world. But I can’t remove it from my brain. I can’t remove the memory of almost every characters birthday, and all the trivia and fun facts that I had memorised. I have all this brain space occupied by information that I want gone. And, damn, it sucks. Imagine how much smarter I would be if I could delete that file in my head, or replace it with one of my other interests? Imagine if I could actually infodump about something cool instead of something that may potentially do harm.
Anyway. Just some thoughts.
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