#older melinda
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 2 months ago
To some others, were the others still trying to take the kids? What about you Melinda?
"........" Melinda said nothing but she knew the other girls were worried sensing her being silent. Remembering how some thieves have been trying to kidnap the children.
"Lets just say it was.....scary but angry at the same time. Those fools kept trying to take who ever they can. Even at the time, the kids are still worried but won't show it." Melinda looks down but she only sighed that her silver eyes glowed but dimmed light red.
"Even when some kidnapped my pups.." she hissed.
"Uh oh.." the vixens knew she was angry.
She remembers one time when she and Jaron found out some others were in their home but it still was painful with their eyes wide seeing two guys grabbing Abigail and Benjamin.
"Mommy!! Daddy!! Help!!!" Abi struggles.
"Mama!! Papa!!" Ben cries reaching for his parents crying. Melinda quickly tries to summon her friends but the lung dragon and jackal sees them quickly jumps from the window with the two.
"NO!!!" both parents runs over to the window seeing the two disappear but Melinda was shaking screaming. Her eyes were wide but she was covering her face sobbing. Jaron quickly summons the pack.
"Find Abi and Ben quickly!" he said seeing the jackals going to find them. Even seeing three lung dragons following as well as Jaron tries calming his wife down.
"...M..My puppies...my puppies.." she whispered.
"We'll find them Melinda....they won't get away with this-" that's when he stops seeing Melinda glowing but he senses the air getting heavy to see his wife. "Mel?"
".......They...won't...get away with this.....they will pay for this." she hissed but her tears still ran down her cheeks but her eyes were now light red. "We need to find them Jaron." she said.
"..You got it."
"So, we told the others but they helped up look for Abi and Ben. But...in the end we did find them but......it was scary after what me and Jaron saw."
"They got to be in here somewhere! Kids!! Kids where are you!?" Melinda was worried about her two little pups ones but seeing everyone looking and beating up the bad guys. They really might need to find a way to stop them from being kidnapped.
Melinda shoves two away after making them crash into the wall but she was more worried about her kids right now. Jinx punches one in the face but sends him flying before she looks seeing everything in chaos.
"Where the heck are they?! They might have moved them!" Jinx said ducking a guy from shooting her till she burns him hearing the screaming.
"I don't know but they got to be here somewhere!" Jaron said even if he was worried. However, as everyone kept looking around, a sudden scream was heard making Jaron and Melinda tense.
"What the heck was that!?" Maggie said but the two knew.
"A...abi..that was abi!" Melinda quickly goes to follow the scream with Jaron behind her.
"Melinda wait!" Jaron rushes to follow her with everyone else. The two worried parents runs through trying to find the scream. During that time, in another room......
"Let us go!! You big meanies!" the guards were looking to Abi after taking her away but Ben was crying while one was holding him by the shirt.
"Tch, why did the boss even want this brat. She's loud and he won't stop crying!" one guy said as Ben was crying wanting his mama and papa.
"Let my baby brother go!" She struggles but the guard sighed to throw her to the ground as Abi winces from that. She tenses seeing the guard look at her while Ben was shaking scared.
"If you don't shut up I'll be sure you get killed for that!" he said angry. Abi had to save her baby brother even if he was scared. She hated when someone messes with her baby brother!
"Let him go!!!! Let him go!" she shouted but the guard only sighed to smirk. That's when he drops Ben as he was shaking scared. Tears running down his little cheeks whimpering. Abi didn't want them to hurt him but she sees them only start trying to.
He was reaching for her but Abi saw the guy about to hurt him! That did it for Abi.
"I said...STOP!!" Suddenly something shows to stop the guys while she was glaring at them. Her almond color eyes were glowing but showing the same orange color with a wisp leaving her lips like her father! They couldn't move while they look at the little girl but she was slowly standing up but she was having a headache.
"What the hell!?" both said not able to move.
"Don't talk!! Bring my baby brother to me and when you do, get away from him and me.." she said seeing the guys slowly walking over but sets Ben down by her. Ben was shaking with hic ups due to feeling a bit sore. Abi still kept looking at them but she was holding her head.
"Now step away...and stay in the corner away from u..us." she hissed seeing them doing just that even if they tried to move they couldn't stop listening to her. However, she sees them struggling but this was hurting Abi's head as she was crying.
That's when she shuts her eyes wincing a little but that's when the glow leaves the two guys who gasps struggling.
"Tch...why you little-" He aims his gun to shoot at the two but Abi quickly held her hands showing a silver glow up to see the guns caught and turned facing them but as the bad guys pulled the trigger.
Two loud bangs were heard with Abi shaking lowering her arms seeing something splatter against the wall behind them. Something warm hits her face and a little on Ben's face. The two bodies fall to the ground with a thud.
"........" She sat there with eyes wide terrified but she only felt Ben grabbing her arm that she goes to pull him close to hold him close now crying. Then a pair of running footsteps were heard to the door opening.
"Abigail! Benjamin! Are you two-" Melinda stops seeing her babies in the room but she goes to them quickly worried. "Abi? Abi, are you okay? What happened? And...why is their blood on..." she sees her daughter crying shaking.
"I..I didn't mean to mama and papa..I didn't mean to." she sobs but Melinda didn't know what was wrong till Jaron looks with his eyes widen. The two guys that kidnapped them. They were shot. Wait, did Abi do this?
"I..I don't know what happened..I just....I got angry when they were hurting Ben a..and...I looked at them and they were listening t..to what I was telling them. T..then I got a headache before they tried to..*sob* use the guns but my hands were glowing t...to..." she started crying more but Melinda and Jaron was worried only for Melinda to hold her kids close.
"Shhhhh...don't. Right now, we need to get you out of here....it's going to be okay sweetie...Were just happy you both are safe.." she whispered but Melinda was holding her babies in tears but Jaron said nothing having a feeling of what happened. All he did was hold his family close as the others were making their way to them.
"When we got back, we got them both cleaned up and treated. Turns out, Abi used her power or it showed at that bad moment. She does indeed have me and her father's power but combined..it's pretty dangerous. Right now, after that she was scared but...we were helping with calming her down none the less. I don't know why these kidnappers are still trying to get our kids but.....it seems because of that their powers are showing. I just hope we can give a warning to these monsters to leave our babies alone." Melinda sighed but felt Jinx resting a hand on her shoulder worried.
"And before you ask, Jaron wasn't happy either when seeing how our kids looked. Scared, messy, tired, and just....hurt. That was something scary but we were happy to have them safe in our arms again."
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the-blueprint-robin · 4 months ago
in another life i could've grown up an only child. thats so very odd to think about
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
Me and my dad watched a Christmas Story last night. And you know...maybe it's because my mom's gone (so it's just the two of us), or maybe it's because i'm growing up, but this was the first time i really focused on the whole film. I didn't really do much on here or with my phone or tablet in general. I mean, I used them. But i was pretty intently focused on the film.
Now with that out of the way: my god, that movie is impressive. It's really only got four or five actors, but wow. They really emote. I was stunned by the mother and father, especially. Melinda Dillon and Darren McGavin really express so much, often with just their physical expressions and vocal tones. It's impressive. And Jean Shepherd is a great narrator, too. I can see why he was a popular humorist at one point. His delivery of his lines is amazing. So although i always saw this film as a kid and loved it, now i think i noticed more stuff to appreciate.
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imliterallyjustsittinghere · 4 months ago
begging someone to write a lesbian fiona frost fic. preferably melinda desmond/fiona frost. i just think it has the potential to be really compelling
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philtatosbuck · 1 year ago
was wyatt being a boy stupid? yes was it an interesting dynamic for wyatt and chris anyway? absolutely would i have liked for the eldest to be a girl named melinda? you betcha
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winloseorcharmed · 9 months ago
So all the old stuffed toys Melinda had growing up, her little Round Table and the toybox that she dubbed as "Toybox of Despair", she has all of that stuff still. It's in a small room in her cabin. She had meant to give them to her children but after getting the news that there is just so much damage to her womb (from battles with the forces of evil) its unlikely she can have children.
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cosmogyros · 6 months ago
i'm not crying you're crying
(this is my grandma now. I've just decided. I have no living grandparents, so she will be my grandma now <3)
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yumeka-sxf · 2 months ago
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 6
Part 6 – Supporting character musings – Eden kids
In the first three parts of this post series, I talked in detail about how each of the Forgers' specific ways of speaking in the Japanese version helps shape their character. Now I want to analyze the supporting SxF characters in terms of their speech and see what traits we can infer. I'll discuss the Eden kids first, and then the supporting adult characters like Yuri, Fiona, etc, in the next post.
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I'm going to start with Damian since I feel he has the most complexity in terms of what can be analyzed from his speech. While there's nothing about his speech that really stands out to me, at least compared to the Forgers, there's still little telling nuances based on his choice of words and honorifics. He uses casual speech for fellow kids his age, and polite speech for (most) adults, which is normal…I say "most" adults though because, while he uses keigo (the standard polite form of Japanese speech) for Eden teachers and the adults in his family, he doesn't use it at all during his first encounter with Loid. He even calls Loid おっさん("ossan"), which is basically "mister" but for middle-aged or older men, instead of 兄さん("niisan"), which is the same, but for a younger man akin to Loid's age.
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Later, as Loid's goody-goody act gets on his nerves, his speech becomes a bit vulgar. He adamantly shouts that he "won't hang out with that peasant girl," using the "crude" conjugation of "won't be friends with/hang out with", 相手にしねー! ("aitei ni shine!") instead of the casual 相手にしない ("aitei ni shinai"). He even says うるせー ("urusee") which means "shut up" and is even more rude than うるさい ("urusai"). I'm actually surprised he let himself talk like that in front of Donovan. I suppose it shows how passionate he is about his "aversion" to Anya.
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Speaking of Anya, he's never addressed her by name in the Japanese version, opting instead to call her, at best, the casual form of "you," "omae" ("お前") and at worst, some rude name like "temee" ("手前"), the derogatory form of "you."
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When it comes to his family, he addresses Donovan and Melinda as 父上 ("chichi-ue") and 母上("haha-ue") respectively. These are more formal terms for the standard polite ones typically used to address your father and mother, "o-tou-san" (お父さん) and "o-kaa-san" (お母さん). For Demetris though, he's more casual. Not only does he use plain speech, but he also calls Demetris 兄貴 ("aniki"), which is a term of endearment, like "Big Bro."
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He uses casual speech with Jeeves as well, which makes sense since Jeeves is a butler and thus "lower" than anyone in the Desmond household.
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To me, all of this implies that Damian is a fairly normal kid in terms of how he addresses those around him, with the exception being his extreme formality with his parents. Terms like "chichi-ue" and "haha-ue" are mostly used in uptight, flatulent families, and obviously families like the Desmonds match that description. But it also shows how this is forcing Damian to rarely get the affection and bonding he craves from his parents.
As a side note, I don't have much to say about Bill and George, since they're such minor characters and nothing about their speech stood out to me in the few chapters they appeared in. But I found it interesting that they both call Damian "Damian-kun," with "-kun" in this case being an honorific to show endearment for a male equal, similar to "-chan" for females. However, Damian doesn't use "-kun" with any of the other male students, which is another indication of his comparatively standoffish personality.
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Ewen and Emile speak similarly to Damian, using casual speech for fellow kids and keigo for adults. The exception with them, however, is that they address Damian with keigo as well. Not only that, but they call him "Damian-sama," which is unusual among friends their age. The honorific "-sama" is more humbling than "-san" and is often translated as "Lord" or "Master." I wonder what Damian has done to make them think so highly of him.
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Moving onto Becky, she uses feminine speech in most situations. This speech is defined by adding softening interjections at the end of sentences, like "ne" (ね), "no" (の), and especially "wa" (わ). She also uses a variety of honorifics for the other characters. She calls Anya "Anya-chan," with "-chan" being a term that shows affection between female friends. She uses the feminine "I/me" pronoun "atashi" as well.
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Because of her infatuation with Loid, she calls him "Loid-sama," with "-sama," as I just discussed, being a very polite honorific used for someone you're subservient to, or at least someone you look up to immensely.   
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She's actually never called Yor by her name – at first she calls Yor 奥さま ("oku-sama"), which is a polite way of addressing someone else's wife, typically translated as something like "honorable wife." But after she sees how strong Yor is and "officially" decides to be her mentee (in her mind anyway), she calls Yor 師匠 ("shishou") which means "master" or "teacher" in a trainee to trainer sense.
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But despite her high social status as a Blackbell, Becky uses the most childish terms for her mother and father, "papa" (パパ) and "mama" (ママ) respectively.
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It's not uncommon for very young kids to address their parents in such a way, but it is ironic that everything else about Becky makes her seem like she wants to be more "grown-up" than she actually is, but she's still just a kid deep down, at least when it comes to her relationship with her parents.
<- Return to Part 5
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inkquillery · 11 months ago
hey remember this
my brain’s smashing together agents of shield and daredevil and jessica jones and life unexpected and it’s all coming together but also nothing is coming together but it’s happening in my head and i can’t stop it—
so like
has no one written a fic where may is the one who’s mind controlled
and attacks daisy
no one??
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||An Officer's corruption part five||
Hi dears, It's time for another part to this short au: Officer and criminals Au with demon mun's muses and mine. X3 So here you go with a new chapter added to this. I hope you like.
Part one
Part two ((NSFW warning))
Part three
Part four ((NSFW warning))
((Your reading part five))
||OVA Chapters|| ((My friend Demon mun is writing for the series))
OVA part one
||Drabble summary||
Jaron and Melinda have got to their new prison building but it seems it was being the same one having Warden Finn Reer. Right now, they just arrived and it was already a mad house. It seems he has two new prisoners and they was causing a rucus. Who could they be? Read to find out.
~Violence or a fight is present in this drabble
~Possessive behavior will be present
||Guests in Drabble||
Jaron Jackal, Fin Reer belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Melinda brooks, Rex oxford mills, and Winter are my OCs that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
"Do you think he is expecting us?"
Officer Jackal blinks hearing his partner Officer Melinda brooks ask while they were making their way to Harlem where the lupins police station was but beyond that they were looking for Warden Finn Reer.
"I think he was. Even the fact we were told by Mr. Henderson we would be coming to help him out along with his policemen and woman." Jaron sighed driving down the road but Melinda thinks about it while he was driving.
"Though, it's rather strange to the idea. I wonder what could be the reason..." she said thinking about it.
"I don't know..but we'll find out soon." Jaron said seeing they have arrived to the prison house. The prison house was pretty big but both officers Melinda and Jaron can tell it's a wild place. Even seeing the back yard where most of the prisoners had animal features but werewolves were more noticed here.
After her parks, both Jaron and Melinda gets out of the car to look at the front gates then at one another.
"Ready?" he said seeing her nod.
With that said, both head to the gates to meet with Warden Fin. Inside, it was pretty big with other officers around or keeping a eye on the prisoners here. Or some being moved to a new location with others. Yeah, this was a bit big and yet, the two keeps looking around holding to find someone.
"Hey you two made it!" Both Jaron and Melinda blinks to look seeing the Warden. Fin Reed was smiling welcoming the two but they saw Officer warden Ahmed as well.
"Welcome to our prison. I take it your here because of Mr. Henderson." he asked.
"Yes. He said he has many others scattered around New York to help other prisons with the more difficult prisoners." Melinda said but Ahmed sighed.
"Well, he's not wrong. Because we have two of them here with us." he said.
"Hold up, two of them?" Jaron asked but he turns to let them follow with Fin and Melinda following.
"Yes. We have two of them but I'm watching one and Fin is looking after the other. Though, let me ask you a question first: Have you heard of the hidden gang the season demon warriors?" he asked but Jaron and Melinda thinks.
"Season demon warriors? Hold on, wasn't it that hidden black market group that sells items that's bought through the world? You mean them?" she asked seeing Fin nod.
"Yep; the very same. Turns out the leader was caught and arrested way back but now his team is caught as well. Though, I don't know where their leader was but me and Ahmed got two members from his group. The Fallen summer maiden and the fallen winter maiden." Fin explains as they walk down the hall. Melinda saw the other males howling due to smelling a new woman but she had the guess it was her. Though, what of the two new prisoners?
"I take it theirs not many females in your prison?" Melinda asked.
"Not really. I have some from my team here and you Melinda. However, the fallen maidens are here too but...lets just say they give off a dangerous smell that none of these guys wanna mess with them. Two tried to but..lets say they ended up killed. That was a big fight to break up." Fin walks to the stairs with Ahmed leading.
"So far, they don't know their in the same prison due to keeping them apart but it didn't stop them from trying to escape." he explains seeing one were cat reaching to grab for Melinda's ankle but Fin stomps on the hand hearing a pained yelp.
"I told ya no touching other female officers!" he said that Melinda noticed seeing the other snarl at him that Fin growls back making the prisoner silent.
"I see....but wasn't their four of the fallen maidens?" Jaron asked.
"Their is. We have two here. I got one and Ahmed has one but we keep a eye on them due to being sneaky. They have gotten out a few times but we get them back. But one is at Kali's prison being watched by Bernard and the other fallen maiden is watched over at Joshua's prison. Mr. Henderson said he was hoping to make some deal with the leader but he refuses to speak to him. So, the team is a lot more aggressive wanting to get out and free him." Fin sighed but they keep on walking.
"Right now, we are being sure they don't meet up to cause trouble again." Fin said as they get to the main office. However, Jaron heard more howls or flirting from some prisoners towards Melinda but she ignores them while looking and heading into the office.
"So, that's why we were hoping to ask you two to help us out with the prison. Due to a few of our police members quitting because of the reckless behavior of the others." Fin explains as Jaron and Melinda sits down.
"I see...well, we can give it our best to help you Fin and Ahmend." she said.
"Yeah. We can give a hand." Jaron said.
"Huh, thanks guys." he said smiling. While he was happy about this, that's when an alarm goes off making the four blink.
"What the heck?"
"Fin.." Ahmend said but he goes to check it out. He saw that some of the police was running off showing some gust of ice wind forming near a door way. The others backs up from the chill winds to see a woman walking out. She had Mid Ivory color skin, blonde hair in a tight bun. Melinda and Jaron noticed she had Cobalt blue ice eyes looking ahead as she was smiling.
"You know, you should get that fixed..you don't know what might come out." she laughed seeing the police surrounding her but they tried to get her only to get punched in the face, kicked as well as she was fighting them off.
"Get her back in her prison cell!"
"Hurry before she tries something else!"
"We can't get close to her!"
"Hurry up!"
The other officers tried to get her only to get blasted back by a strong gust of wind landing in a pile wincing. The woman only smiled looking as she walks forward since she was barefoot as well.
"Awwww what's wrong? Your done? So boring. Oh well, maybe I can find out where my team is..and my sensei..so..." as she was about to run, a ice wall shows to make her stop but she knew who it was to giggle.
"Oh? Wanna play again Warden?" she knew who it was hearing something land near by showing Fin there. He looks glaring at her as she looks back.
"Your going back to your cell Winter......" he said but she only smiled more.
"Awww but I just got out. I wanna play some more!" she said before he rushes to try and stop her while Winter was dodging his grabs to fight back.
"We need to do something!" Melinda said but Ahmed felt a tremor looking to the right. Something else was going on. "Oh you have got to be kidding me.." He looks to the other two. "Seems we might be having a-"
"RIOT!!!" One prisoner said as they were now fighting trying to get out. Jaron, Melinda and other officers were shocked before trying to stop them from destroying everything.
~~~~~Meanwhile at Kinie Ger's prison~~~~~
Rex was meditating in his cell but he was looking silent wondering of his team. True, he and the fallen maidens were dangerous and strong but it seems his team was split up so stop them from getting out. He slowly opens his eyes feeling another near his cell. Some of the officers were too scared to be near it but knowing the danger vibes he gives off, it was scary.
He sighed to relax again but he was thinking to check something. ".....Seems Winter is having a bit too much fun again....knowing her she might end up destroying that place.." he said to himself but a few police walks by his cell again.
"...I wonder if the other three are close or far?" he mutters before hearing someone bang at his cell.
"HEY! Quiet in there!" One guard said but as he said that, Rex turns his head to show one white eye. The guard got silent but scared seeing the murder look in his eye.
"I'm sorry..did you say something?" Rex said to the now terrified guard.
"N..No, continue your business!" he said scared but Rex looks away while the guard was pissing his pants now. However, Rex remains calm to look and hope his team was good or thinking of a way to get out.
~~~~Back at Fin's prison~~~~
After a while, Fin and his officers was able to stop the Riot but also had Winter tied up and in hand cuffs by him. She struggles but he keeps her still. "Stop squirming. You'll end up hurting yourself." he said.
"You always seem to ruin the fun you know, sweetheart. Why can't you let me have a bit of fun? I promise I won't bite." she pouts to Fin. "Or do you prefer that type of fun?" she winks that Fin sweatdrops to sigh.
"No, now come on..back to your cell." He said taking her back but looks to Ahmed. "I'll be back." he said seeing the other nod. Both Jaron and Melinda was a bit tired after helping with the riot.
"You both alright?" he asked.
"I'm alright. You Melinda?" Jaron said.
"Yeah, I'm alright." she said.
"Good to hear. Also, thank you for helping us with the Riot." he said seeing the two waving their hands not minding it. "Though, that was intense. Are all the fallen maidens that dangerous?" Melinda asked.
"Yes. I hope Bernard is doing alright with the fallen maiden of fall and Angel with the fallen spring maiden. All four of these women are dangerous and together it's worse. Even so, we haven't heard from them so I assume they are okay." he said but Jaron and Melinda looked worried before seeing the cleaning crew show up.
However, some of the prisoners were seeing Melinda but they only were curious about her like the other female officers here. Most were weres like Fin and some of his group. However, Melinda was not but she smelled different. Maybe due to her own blood having the mix of Nagu blood too. Even so, she and the other two leave the area while they keep eyeing her to her tensing.
"You okay Melinda?" Jaron asked.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm alright.." she said softly to him but quickly follows Ahmed from the area. However, Jaron was wondering if she was alright. For now, they would take it easy before resting up for that time.
~~~~At Winter's prison Cell~~~~~
"There, now get back in." Fin said getting her inside but Winter pouts to look at him while she was in her cell once more.
"You really are no fun Fin. I just wanted to have a little fun since being in this cell makes one bored. You think I'll do something bad?" she said but Fin looks to cross his arms.
"Knowing you, yes. Forgot what you did the last time you got out?" he asked to see her thinking about it.
"Oh come on, a few heads rolled loose. I can't help it." she said shrugging her shoulders.
"You killed them!" he said but she only smiled.
"Again, not my fault handsome. Besides, they got in my way......you should know that right?" she asked to look at him but he sighed to close his eyes.
"Even so, stop trying to get out and behave. I'll check on you later." Fin said but Winter looks to him.
"Fine, it's not my fault I love being bad but maybe it's due to getting your attention. You are pretty handsome.....even if your a lycan. It's fun to tease you...even if you have a wild side yourself...right?" she teased rubbing her neck. Fin said nothing to hear this but looks away.
Knowing this prison held were types, it was still dangerous to be around others that could be at risk or wants to be changed. He only sighed and yet Winter smiled looking at him.
"Though....you are pretty smart and fun to play with, Fin. Why not have more fun? You use ice and I use both ice and heated winds. We could really go wild if you like. It's almost like our blood is calling to one another..isn't it?" she purrs but he closed his hand to a fist not responding.
Winter looks to wonder what he will do but he walks off to leave her. She sees him go but smiled leaning against the cell metal bars. Yeah, he was so precious to tease like this. Though, she still wonders of her fallen sisters and their sensei. That's when she goes to sit down but touches her ear.
".....Seems he's still strong willed Sensei. But no worries, I'll find a way to get out and help with finding the other fallen maidens."
'I know you will Winter. Just try to not kill too many like the others. Though, have you heard of anything else from either one?' Rex asked though a blue tooth piece he had hidden with him. None of the officers found it.
"No, not yet. Seems they were split up so we can't find one another. But they are close.....I'll see if I can trace or find something else. Then we can go and help break you out Sensei." she smiled that Rex chuckled.
'I know. Even so, keep your guard up and eyes too. I'll hope to see you and the maidens soon.'
"Same to you too, Sensei." Winter said ending the conversation. She leans back now happily thinking of Fin but was humming to herself. In the hallway, Fin was out of the area but he sighed closing his eyes. Yeah, she was getting tricky but he'll have to watch out for that.
As he was heading back, some of the prisoners were speaking.
"You really think she is? Her blood isn't were so.." One prisoner asked.
"It's true. She smells different and given she's from another police group, it's a lot. I know that guy she's with smells like one. A jackal of some sort but her?..she smells tasty." one said with arms crossed. He looks from his cell seeing Melinda speaking with Haliee about the job. Both were happily talking but he looks to Melinda who was smiling.
Yeah, she was cute and like many woman, they were up for grabs. "..I think we need to welcome our new guest. Along with the other females in this dump...but lets not be too crazy. Can't scare them off. We need to see what their like first...including that one." he said pointing to Melinda.
Seems the first day was crazy but what else might happen here?
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honeysorwell · 2 months ago
all of it (all of you) 
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x fem!Reader
Prompt by anon + Idea for reader's nationality by anon
Synopsis: After more than 10 years with the same hairdresser, Melissa Schemmenti must change salons.
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Tag list: (Since this is my first time writing for this character, I thought it best not to tag anyone. So if you want to be tagged just let me know.)
Warning: MELISSA AND Y/N ARE MAaaaD *in Ava's voice*
Words: 4k
Synopsis of the story + Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Link on AO3
Chapter 1 - Changes
Barbara Howard's friendship had a transformative impact on Melissa Schemmenti's personal life from the beginning.
The religious woman's friendship at the beginning of the redhead's career made the Italian woman rethink many things about herself. Regardless of their moral differences, how their individual relationships with religion are almost opposite, or even their small disagreements, one thing right at the beginning turned Melissa's world upside down.
The once chaotic and disorganized woman discovered the calming practicality of being hostage to well-established standards with a Christmas gift from her black coworker in her second year working at Abbott Elementary.
A schedule with a small calendar.
The year she received that gift, the redhead was furious with what was left written between the lines.
After all, Melissa had absolutely everything under control.
She always had.
In her own way.
And Melissa also thought it was stupid to waste precious time that could be spent working by just planning to work, but after a terribly inconsistent semester (with more art, music and physical education teachers being fired than she can count on one hand), the redhead decided to give it a try.
So, 22 years ago Melissa started to use a schedule and a calendar every year faithfully and never looked back.
As she got older, the certainty of her upcoming appointments and how easy was to change what was needed on that sheet of paper to make better use of her time kept Melissa calm even during all the chaos that continued to live in her head and in her classroom every day. But everything changed when the spaces on pages that were reserved especially for her monthly visits to her family's hairdresser were now blank.
Rationally, the redhead knew that the hairdresser who had taken care of her grandmother's hair for the last twenty years of her life, two of her aunts out of town, washed and cared for her mother's hair every week, and three of her sisters periodically couldn't last long. But Melissa couldn't help but feel fooled and betrayed when Andrea Rossi announced her retirement.
The redhead hadn't been Andrea's client for her entire life, after all, the older hairdresser's regular clients had always been her priority. However, Melissa began to be part of the select group of Schemmenti women helped by Andrea when her former hairdresser (the one who had a Greek accent and many opinions that she hated but didn't discuss because he was her brother-in-law's friend), decided to call her Melinda, even after having her as a client for over three years.
Even though it was seventeen years ago, Barb still remembers the angry redheaded hurricane that entered the teachers’ lounge that week and still manages to make jokes about it whenever she gets the chance.
Monthly visits to the older woman had started with a simple hair color, but unlike her old hairdresser, Andrea had become much more than that for Melissa.
It was a ritual, a moment of care that for a long time brought her joy and confidence. It was talking animatedly with an Italian woman who showed her affection and care, something neither of them would admit out loud but was lacking in the Schemmenti family when it came to recognizing Melissa’s efforts and personal victories.
And now it was over.
“Ragazza (girl), don’t be like that… I’m old now, my hands hurt more than I can handle after a busy weekend,” Andrea tried to justify, stroking Melissa’s head with a tender smile as she finished coloring her hair that day, but which did not hide the weight of the decision.
“And what am I going to do now? Let the gray hair give me another 30 years in less than 6 months?”
“Don’t be silly! I’ve already transferred all my clients to hairdressers that I trust. You included! So stop it now!”
“I don’t want someone new.” Turning uncertainty into resistance is like armor for the redhead, even though she knows she has no choice, her brain still tries to break the meaning of Andrea’s retirement, “It’s going to mess up my entire schedule, Andrea! Two classes and now with you gone? I almost went crazy with the first semester of the year alone, now I know I’ll as soon as classes start after winter break!”
“I know that, Melissa. That’s why I talked to the hairdressers I know, and the best choice for you is Y/N, my last trainee. She’s great, hard-working, very talented and was willing to easily change her own clients’ schedule to see you at the same time I see you every month, she also works just five minutes away from here. You’ll like her.”
“But I don’t know her.” Even though she didn’t admit it, the idea of ​​a stranger touching her hair disturbed Melissa deeply, and the murmur that left her mouth made a point of emphasizing this.
The change came too quickly, and with it, a wave of anxiety took over Melissa's heart. This feeling was temporarily drowned out by her more than exhausting end-of-year routine. She was the hostess of the Schemmenti family's Thanksgiving dinner, and this, along with the end of the year, drained her ability to think about her other problems. But when the following month arrived, and along with the return to school after winter break, her colorless hair also started to show again, so Melissa swallowed her pride and went to the salon that Andrea had recommended to her.
Riverfront Roots.
The name was silly, a clear reference to the Delaware River that Melissa preferred not to think about too much as she looked at the large letters printed on the facade of the place. As soon as she entered the new salon, the smell of hair products and the sound of blow dryers buzzing caught her attention. The place was modern and well-decorated, but Melissa couldn't feel completely at ease. The smell was different, the decor was different, the voices were different, and the redhead hated each of these things.
She wasn't so reluctant to little changes in her daily life, but that week was so exhausting. The two classes together made a point of actively getting on her nerves, Gary also changed some of the lemonade brands in the vending machine and none of the new ones lived up to the taste of the old ones. The man made a point of telling the redhead that it wasn't done on purpose, thanks to the end of their relationship, and she genuinely believed him, but even so, such a change in such a tiring week only made the teacher's discomfort that Saturday morning turn into a gratuitous and deep antipathy towards the new place.
The woman of Italian descent approached the counter, where a receptionist graced her with a friendly smile.
"Hello, how can I help you today?", was the question that greeted Melissa, with a kindness that, in the redhead's mind, was completely unnecessary.
The teacher hesitated for a moment before answering sharply, ignoring the hello offered to her.
"Schemmenti. Melissa Schemmenti, please. I have a coloring booked here. A recommendation from Andrea Rossi." While the receptionist checked her information, Melissa looked around, trying to get used to the new habitat, but she barely had time to do so because, in less than thirty seconds, the receptionist escorted Melissa to a chair in front of one of the largest mirrors in the salon.
The chair that was chosen for the redhead was a little isolated from the other people present, who were laughing and talking without worrying about the noise, but if the redhead was being honest with herself, she actually preferred it that way.
“Hello, Melissa. My name is Y/N and it’s wonderful to meet you. I hope you fell welcome and comfortable here with me. Andrea has told me wonderful things about you and I have her notes in my hand to make sure you leave here satisfied.”, a younger woman with a thick accent appeared out of nowhere, vomiting the words at Melissa with a smile and a sweet voice that were already starting to give the redhead a headache.
The speech seemed rehearsed, still genuine, but her voice seemed too practiced to instill comfort in the redhead. And if that wasn't enough, the younger woman was enthusiastically waving a note in her hand like a triumph, making Melissa even more insecure about Y/N's talent than she already was.
The teacher knows she's not an idiot but… This hairdresser wasn't even thirty years old. This Y/N was clearly in her early twenties, with rich hair and a quick smile that probably lit up the room more than those stupid ringlights that surrounded the chairs in that place.
Not to mention that she was beautiful. Very beautiful.
A part of Melissa, hyper-aware of her own age, felt the bitter taste of envy take over her tongue as she looked at the younger woman's reflection in the mirror in front of her, but another part, even more recklessly, awakened a dormant desire in her mind.
However, even with that spark hidden behind Melissa's eyes, their initial interaction couldn't have been worse.
Y/N seemed excited, first asking Melissa for permission to touch her hair – something the redhead almost said no to, just to see if that smile would die on her lips – but quickly the hairdresser started discussing ideas for Melissa's hair, something that forced the redhead's voice to sound cutting:
"I just dyed my hair red for years.", Melissa made sure her voice sounded as sharp as she intended, "Get those ideas out of ya head and just do what Andrea used to."
The lack of niceness caused Y/N to feel strange, but the hairdresser tried to remain calm despite the discomfort.
New clients were always a little insecure, so the Brazilian woman would just prove to the one in front of her that she had talent.
Y/N always had magical hands. When she was still a girl, on the hot afternoons in her hometown, she would have fun braiding the hair of her school friends. Long locks of hair shiny thanks to the summer sun and strands yellowed by the chemicals of several women in the city often passed through Y/N's hands as if she were an artist molding a sculpture.
Her friends loved the hairstyles she did. At first, they were not at all sophisticated due to her young age, but they were done with so much love and dedication that they always seemed to transform any hair into something unique. For Y/N, it was more than just fun.
It was a passion.
When she reached her teen years, that passion became something more serious. Y/N was not satisfied with just doing the hair of her friends and family. The Brazilian woman wanted to learn, she wanted to master the art of transforming people's hair into something even more special.
That's why when she graduated from high school, Y/N started studying, and within a few months, she was already working professionally at a salon in her city. It didn't take long for her to be recognized for the quality of her work. Her skill with scissors and dye made her quickly stand out among other professionals. She knew what she was doing, she knew how to transform people into more beautiful versions of themselves, she knew what her clients wanted and, most importantly, she knew how to make them feel good.
Little by little, Y/N began to stand out even more and her life began to change.
She knew that her talent could not be limited, and so, when some close friends who had already moved to the United States began to encourage her to try her luck in Philadelphia, Y/N was scared at first. But if the chance to start over in another country meant more opportunities, she couldn't let this pass, even if the exciting idea had the power to scare her. But even though she was frightened, she was soon embarking on a new chapter in her life in a plane.
It was hard to save money for the travel, it was hard to get all the necessary documents to enter the USA legally, it was hard to leave loyal clients behind, and it was even harder to leave her country and its traditions. But the youthfulness of her soul and the hope of a new life embraced her heart and the hairdresser decided to give herself this chance.
Wen she arrived in Philadelphia, Y/N felt, at the same time, small and full of possibilities. The city was big, the competition was powerful, and she was seen as just another foolish immigrant.
But she was determined.
The Brazilian woman knew that her skill could be the key to a promising future. She just didn’t expect that her future would be shaped by Andrea Rossi, an older and more experienced Italian hairdresser who worked at a well-known salon nearby.
The story happened by chance. One of Andrea’s regular clients mentioned that her son had gotten a haircut from a really new Brazilian hairdresser.
“It was something very different… Like those stupid things we see on TikTok, but it was exactly what James wanted, and we had never found anyone willing to do it. What this young woman did perfectly and without thinking twice, and my son loved it!”, the woman commented in admiration before giving the older woman an idea, “You should meet her!”
Andrea was curious and, figuring she had nothing to lose, asked for more information about the Brazilian woman. The client was enthusiastic and told the Italian one everything she knew and, even though she was skeptical, Andrea let her curiosity get the best of her and decided to see it for herself.
The next day, she went to the salon where Y/N was working and, observing closely, immediately noticed the young woman’s skill. The Brazilian woman had the touch of someone who knew what she was doing, an eye for beauty trends, and the needs of her clients, but she also had more than that.
Y/N had a natural connection with people, a charisma that, combined with her smile and strong accent, made any client feel at ease, and Andrea saw that.
So the Italian woman wasted no time. She called Y/N for a chat at the end of her shift and, soon, took her on as her last pupil before announcing her retirement.
Normally, hearing Andrea Rissi's name made Y/N happy. All the advice, recommendations, affection, and wisdom shared by the older woman were a pleasant memory for the Brazilian woman.
But there, while she tried in vain to be nice to what was Andrea's transfer, having her work compared to the older woman's began to annoy her.
First, the owner of those pretty green eyes began to verbalize her dissatisfaction with the work tools Y/N used, telling her how much she preferred Andrea's work tools, which were always on display for her clients to see. Then the redhead started rolling her eyes at Y/N's coworkers, who, since they had no clients, were chatting spiritedly while planning to get their nails done at the end of the day, muttering how much she would appreciate some peace and quiet.
But the first sign Y/N gave that she was definitely not the type of person who would just ignore or shrink from Melissa's bad mood was when the redhead made a point of directly comparing her work to Andrea's before Y/N even started dyeing her hair.
"Andrea, don't part my hair like that. You'll leave my hair full of spots!"
Trying to preserve the good mood she had woken up in that morning, the hairdresser chose to be sneaky and ironic. Y/N looked around theatrically and curiously, as if she was searching for something important, and Melissa, unable to contain her fear and confusion, made her voice present.
“Nothing. Just looking for Andrea Rossi since you want to talk about her so badly.”
Receiving only silence as an answer, and thinking that the unhappy attitude of that client was over, the hairdresser continues her journey. Y/N measures the dye with all the care in the world, making sure to double-check on the scale in front of her that the weight is correct when compared to what Andrea gave her over the phone before applying the dye accurately, fearing giving Melissa another reason to complain. The Brazilian woman divides Melissa’s hair locks with the focus of a professional with much more experience, doing everything she can to not lose a single gray hair, and when she goes to wash it, she does so with a gentleness that surprises Melissa.
But the teacher doesn’t want to admit it, so she continues to stare sullenly at the mirror, even while Y/N gently untangles her wet hair.
When the redhead’s hair is nice and completely ready to be dried, Y/N looks at her hair curiously before turning once more to Melissa’s reflection in the mirror.
“I usually do this before dyeing, but what do you think about maybe cutting a few inches? The ends are starting to lose their shape.”
“I don’t want to cut anything.”, the words are said low enough for no one but the hairdresser to hear but Y/N, but with a hint of anger that surprised the young woman, “And stop talking, your voice is too annoying for the kind of mediocre work ya deliver, kid.”
It was insensitive. Even to Melissa.
The redhead knows that Andrea would never send her to a bad hairdresser. She knows she is being harsh and critical to someone who gave her no reason to do so, but before she realizes it the words have already escaped her mouth.
But the teacher simply has no idea what was coming.
The hairdresser’s eyes widened, large pupils full of rage meeting the teacher’s gaze through the mirror, shocked by the words said by Melissa. And, before Melissa's mind can even work on instigating any remorseful reflexes, Y/N grabs a large chunk of hair from the redhead's bangs and takes a pair of scissors out of her pocket with her free hand, quickly placing them right on Melissa's forehead, exactly where her hair grows, like a more than concrete threat.
“Listen to me Philadelphia's beauty, I don't know what kind of hairdresser you expected when Andrea transferred you to me but as long as you sit in my chair you will respect my work and listen to my fucking suggestions.”, it is said as a whisper, but the hairdresser's anger and her thick accent along with the slight pull she gives the redhead's hair make the whole interaction sound indescribably scary, even to Melissa, “I've been nothing but polite and respectful to you, but I'm starting to regret accepting someone so unfortunate in my char that they think they can criticize my work without even knowing me.”
There, locking eyes with Y/N ​​in the salon mirror, Melissa understood how much she had crossed the line.
Melissa took a deep breath, filled with adrenaline at the thought of losing the top part of her hair, before nodding her head, causing Y/N to put down the scissors and let go of her bangs as she returned to work normally.
And then silence.
Dead silence.
The silence between the two women was so thick that it seemed to fill every corner of the room, making the sound of the dryer and the conversations around them sound muffled and filling the air with a corrosive feeling.
The scene from minutes ago was still boiling in Melissa's mind, repeating itself like a scratched record. Now, as if Melissa had finally come to her senses, the redhead wanted to disappear. She wanted to jump out of the chair and run away from the mirror which reflected her own guilt and shame. But she couldn't. Her anxiety combined with the idea of ​​leaving now, before the end of her service (something that could be even more disrespectful than her words), did a magnificent job holding her body in place, like an invisible chain that kept her feet on the floor and her mouth gagged.
With her fingers drumming on her apron-covered leg as the Brazilian woman prepared to style her hair, the teacher wanted to believe that it hadn't been so bad, that maybe Y/N had already forgotten what was said. But she knew that wasn't true. The weight of the moment still hung between them, thick and uncomfortable.
Y/N doesn't cut her hair or even mention the idea once again. The hairdresser just dries her red hair perfectly, but now with a serious gaze and a hurt look on her face. The Brazilian woman vehemently ignores Melissa's green eyes throughout the entire process, and the teacher stupidly decides too late that she prefers the incessant smile that remained on the hairdresser's lips minutes ago.
Melissa thought about apologizing, but the idea of ​​speaking made her breathing quick and shallow, along with the fear of seeming too desperate.
It was then that her eyes fell on the small ceramic jar in the corner of the counter next to her chair. It was decorated with hand-painted flowers and had, in crooked but legible letters, the words: "Tips for Y/N" next to a QR code. Even with the virtual possibility of compensation, the jar was open and with a significant amount of dollars, coins, and two lollipops, which Melissa just knew had been left there by a child.
And so, an idea formed, hesitant but clear in the teacher's mind.
A good tip seemed perfect, silent, indirect, but still meaningful. As the minutes passed, anxiety whispered again in Melissa's mind, wondering if Y/N would believe that she was doing this because of the guilt she felt at that very moment and not because of the regret that was now eating her mind. But the alternative of doing nothing was simply unbearable for Melissa.
The redhead knew she couldn't leave without at least trying, even if in her own way, to make amends.
When Y/N finished applying a light-smelling oil to the teacher's hair and walked away, silently letting her know that her work was done, Melissa tried to meet the hairdresser's eyes and give her a small smile, which she knew would be nervous, but which could give her an idea of ​​what was going on in Y/N's head.
But Y/N didn't look at Melissa.
When Melissa got up from the salon chair, her racing heart didn't stop her from taking two generous bills from her wallet — much more than she would usually give for just an appointment to dye her hair— and walking over to the pot. Her fingers were shaking slightly, but before anything could be done, she was interrupted:
“I don’t want your tip.” Before the two hundred dollars could enter the ceramic pot with the Brazilian’s name written on it, Y/N placed her own hand over the top to the object, successfully blocking Melissa from doing what she intended.
“M'kay. Now you’re being ridiculous!”
With those words, the hairdresser's eyes finally focus on the green ones again, still filled with an anger that Melissa rarely sees in people who have a disagreement with her (too used to the regretful and submissive ones) and the redhead was shocked by this when Y/N actively chooses to ignore her accusation by saying:
"I'm willing to give you the exact coloring mixture that Andrea developed for your hair so you can find a hairdresser who is like the silent imitation of Andrea that you are looking for.", and before the redhead even has a chance to answer her with an apology that would apparently be necessary, the hairdresser quickly collects everything that was used in the teacher's service and directs Melissa a few more words before walking away without looking back, "Call the salon when you want the measurements and the receptionist will share them with you with pleasure. Have a good rest of your day."
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decentwritings · 5 months ago
Chapter 1
Summary: You’re unable to grasp the luck you have. You were raised to run from danger, to go the opposite direction of bad influences. So when you somehow find yourself right in the center of it, you discover that running wasn’t exactly what you were taught. It only took GhostFace and a pretty girl to remember that.
next part
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The game you were playing was beginning to bore you. The music wasn't even all that and your butt feels sore after sitting on these steps for the last three hours. A couple of drunk teenagers stumble by you again and you can't help but scoff in annoyance.
The extra battery pack you brought was dead and you had about seventeen percent left on your phone. You knew the idea of bringing a backpack was smart, but what was stupid was not bringing an extra charger.
You're stuck here as designated driver for your roommate and her friends. You got the short end of the stick because Anika claims she wants you to get along with her girlfriend. Something about her girlfriend having trust issues with people she doesn't know.
You can't even recall her name.
Miranda? Martha? Melinda?
It starts with an M.
Also, she kicked your ass in ten games of rock-paper-scissors.
The last hour there have been people coming out, not coming in anymore. The costumes were sad this year, and that's coming from someone who doesn't even celebrate. You think you saw one of Anika's friends as a slutty pirate? Maybe it was just a regular pirate; either way, it was lacking creativity.
She is pretty, though.
You pick your head up, eyebrows connecting at the random outburst. You look around, suddenly aware no one else is sober enough or free to pay attention. So this woman must be calling you out.
And stupidly, you point at yourself and ask, “Me?”
The woman stalks over, and you stand, ready to fight to defend yourself. You lift your fists up but then they fall to your side at the taser in her hand.
“Where's my sister?” She asks, the taser sparks and you can't seem to find an escape with the house pressing against your back.
“I...I don't know,” you stutter, eyes on the taser and watching it move as she speaks.
“Let me through.”
You jump over the ledge and fall into the bushes, allowing the woman entrance to the home. You fall with a thud and groan, spitting leaves out of your mouth in the process. When you stand, the couple making out by the bushes stare at you with a mix of concern and irritation.
“Joker, Black Widow,” you say, stumbling out of the bush with a grunt. “Nice crossover. As you were,” you brush the remaining leaves off your clothes.
You attempt to enter the home, to warn Anika and her friends of some lunatic with a taser. But that same lunatic comes out with Anika and her friends in tow.
Anika tugs you along with her as they stalk out of the property. You groan at the pull, the grip she has on you is causing a pinching pain.
“My car!” you shout, glancing back at your parked car in the distance.
“We'll get it later,” Anika mutters, releasing you a second later.
The lunatic, who you learned is named Sam, shouts after the sister she was looking for, Tara. You follow behind with your shoulders slumped, solemn at the thought of your car parked in a street you don't know.
You're unaware of the group stopping to watch the sisters argue and you continue sulking past them. Hands tucked in your pockets, you kick a rock gently, turning and stopping in your tracks.
You regret ever allowing Anika to convince you to be designated driver. You're going to ask for a change of roommate when you get back.
But it goes to the back of your mind when you overhear someone behind you say, “is that the murderer?”
You raise a brow and look at the voice, tilting your head when you lock eyes with the stranger. And the stranger is throwing something at Sam before you can even comprehend her words.
The liquid hits Sam dead on, angering the older woman and unleashing the built up anger she most likely held back during the argument with her sister. Chad has to grab ahold of Sam then Tara to avoid a bigger fight from occurring.
Something in you shouts to get away from these people. It's a loud voice that you know belongs to your parents, who always told you to stay away from the wrong crowd. And maybe, this is what they meant by wrong crowd.
You stay back as they all walk away, just a few feet away from a sad, soaked and tired Sam. You exhale a breath, waiting for Ethan to walk away from his awkward interaction with the older woman. You take off your backpack and unzip it to grab the towel you packed.
While your parents raised you to run from danger, they also taught you manners. You step up to Sam cautiously, extending the towel towards her slowly.
Sam looks between you and the towel. It takes her a minute to decide if she can trust you, or maybe trust the towel. You aren't sure, but you reassure her. "It's better than whatever was on the napkins Ethan gave you," you shrug.
Sam takes the towel, or rather snatches it. She doesn't say anything, and you take that as her silently telling you to leave her alone. You turn and walk the other direction, away from the group. For once, you're listening to your parents' advice.
You decide it's a good night to be away from your roommate. So you head to your cousin's place, knowing his place was just a few blocks away. That way, you could wake up and pick up your car on your way back to your dorm.
You text your cousin to warn him of your presence at his apartment, to avoid interrupting any activities occurring. He texts back informing you he was on his way there, too, to wait for him by the door.
You hear a chuckle to your left a few minutes after arriving to his apartment building. As he gets closer, he points to the name tag on your shirt.
“Dennis?” He asks, pulling his keys out of his pocket.
You shrug. “The party I was at wouldn't let me stay if I didn't have a costume,” you wait patiently for him to unlock the door.
You follow him in, listening to him as he speaks. “And they allowed the fake name tag as a costume?” He asks, closing the door behind you.
You pause at the entrance, freezing when you see Sam at the bottom of the stairwell. You face your cousin with wide eyes. “I'm being followed,” you whisper, eyes filled with panic.
He looks behind you and locks eyes with Sam. He chuckles and shakes his head. “Head on up, I'll meet you there,” he tells you, handing you his keys.
You pause and stare at him like he's crazy, but don't question it, snatching the keys from his hands. You practically sprint past Sam, but pause at the first step to tell your cousin, “she's got a taser, Danny.” you warn him.
Sam glances back at you with narrowed eyes. You scurry off without another word.
You aren't sure how long you wait for your cousin, hoping he's still alive. All you know is, when he does return, you run up to him and immediately ask questions.
“How do you know taser girl?” You ask first, unaware of his worried state. You follow him into his kitchen, questions still flying out of your mouth. “How long have you known taser girl? Did she always live in this building? Why are people calling her a murderer? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?” You ask when you finally notice his state.
Danny leans against the counter. “She's leaving,” he mumbles, as if he is just now realizing this.
You raise a brow. “What?”
Danny looks at you, and he thinks about all the possible outcomes of telling you the truth. Sam may have passed over a little of her skepticism to him. He's found himself questioning everyone's intentions at times, even at the smallest things like when his coworker ask him to pass him the salt one day at lunch.
“Sam is the girl I'm seeing,” Danny finally says, a weight falling off his shoulders after the words come out of his mouth. All you do is raise a brow. “We've been keeping it secret from her sister and her friends...”
“And me apparently,” you mutter.
Danny sends you an apologetic look, then he sighs sadly. “She's leaving,” he says again. “There was a murder of some students at Blackmore, your school.”
You frown. “Lucky bastards,” you mutter, crossing your arms over your chest childishly.
Danny's expression goes blank, a deadpan look crossing his face. He runs a hand down his face and shakes his head.
“It was a joke,” you say, eyes casting down to avoid his look. “What's the big deal of the murder anyway? It's New York. People die. We move on. It's the circle of life.”
Danny pinches the bridge of his nose. “God, your parents really did shield you from the world,” he mutters, huffing a breath afterward. “Do you watch the news? Check the internet–do you even know who Sam Carpenter is?” He asks you after a beat.
You shrug. “Relative of Jesus? I don't know, Danny– can't you just tell me instead of having me guess?” You give up, patience gone along with your interest in his love life.
And so Danny begins to explain, about Sam Carpenter's past. He tells you she's not just anyone—and you think he was going drone on about how amazing she is but no, he tells you she's tied to a dark legacy, one that involves a string of murders that happened in Woodsboro. Sam is the daughter of Billy Loomis, one of the original killers from those infamous Ghostface murders.
You don't watch the news, so he has to explain the Woodsboro murders. He tells you there's movies about it and you remind him you don't watch horror movies. It leads to a long argument of what movie genre is the best–man, ADHD is in everyone in the family.
Your head spins as Danny returns to his explanation. And you try to piece it all together, figuring out the whole relative thing, the murders and the murderers. You decide to suck it up and watch the Stab movies when you get the time.
Right now, you have bigger things to think about. “Wait, you're telling me your girlfriend is related to some psychopath who went on a killing spree? And people think she might be involved in this new murder at Blackmore?”
Danny looks exhausted but nods. “That's why they're calling her a murderer. She's been trying to escape all of this, but it's followed her here.”
You scoff. “Man, you know how to pick 'em,” you laugh gently, going back to the living room to sit on the couch.
Danny follows behind you, glaring.
You sink into the couch, hands raised in surrender. “Sorry. Geez,” you mutter. “So you're dating a woman who might be the next Ghostface? Or worse, the target of another psycho?”
Danny shrugs, taking a seat beside you on the couch, shaking his head. “She's not the killer. I know her. She's just... trying to live a normal life. But people won't let her. You saw what happened tonight.”
You groan and lean back. “Great. Now I'm stuck in the middle of some horror movie drama.”
Danny frowns at that, worry lines deepening on his face. “Listen, just stay out of it, okay?”
“Believe me, I'm trying,” you huff.
“Sam's trying to leave all this behind. She's not dangerous. Just... misunderstood,” Danny defends.
You're quiet for a while, processing. “So, what now? She's leaving, but what about you?”
He shrugs, looking defeated. “I don't know. Maybe it's better this way.”
You let out a long sigh, not sure what to think anymore. Everything seems so absurd, like you've just been pulled into some twisted movie plot. “This better not end with me getting stabbed,” you mutter, half-joking but half-serious.
Danny gives you a tired smile. “I'll make sure it doesn't.” But his tone doesn't inspire much confidence, and you're left wondering just how deep this whole thing goes.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and you assume it's your mom checking in on you. You had told her of your plans and she was adamant of you not going to the party. You should have listened.
You also shouldn't have picked up the phone.
“Sweet mother,” you answer the phone, grinning at your cousin. He rolls his eyes, but the smile on his lips tells you he found it funny.
You expect an answer but nothing comes. You look at your phone screen and tilt your head at the lack of caller ID on it.
“Hello?” You say, waiting for some kind of response.
“Hello, Dennis,” your eyebrows raise, looking at your cousin. “Welcome to the party. Are you having fun?”
You pause to really think of an honest answer for the question. The voice isn't one you recognize, then again, this person did call you by your fake name; he may not know you either.
“Well, not really,” you reply, shoulders sagging as you continue, “and I'm not Dennis. You either got the wrong number or you assume my name is Dennis 'cause you saw me at the party.”
“Oh but I have the right number,” the voice responds, almost giddily.
“Who is it?” Danny whispers, scooting closer to you.
You wave him off, listening to them continue.
“Your cousin thinks he's so clever, doesn't he?” The voice says, menacingly. “Always two steps ahead. But he'll never see me coming. Neither of you will,” then the line goes dead.
You shake your head when you hear the tone signaling the end of the call. You huff and drop your phone to your lap. Danny waits for you to explain the call.
“Some dude called,” you start, nonchalantly. “Said we're not gonna see him coming.”
Danny's eyes widen, standing to grab his phone in the kitchen. You're lost at his sudden rush and concern, following him slowly. He has his phone pressed to his ear, waiting anxiously for someone to answer.
He slams his phone on the counter a few seconds later. He grabs his keys then turns to you. “Let's go. I need your help.”
He doesn't explain and you stupidly follow him, wondering what exactly he needs help with. When you exit the apartment building, he turns to you, eyes wide, frantic, and filled with worry.
“Can you handle this?”
“Handle what? You haven't explained anything,” you reply, an unsettling feeling growing in your gut. “You're freaking me out, Danny.”
“We have to split up, but don't stop looking over your shoulder,” he grips your shoulders, forcing you to meet his frantic eyes. “These GhostFace fanatics are freaks and you have to watch out for yourself. Can you handle this?”
The look on your cousin's face worries you, but your need to always help him—because he's always helped you, no matter what—makes you decide. You nod, confident and determined. You want your cousin to know he can count on you, just like you can count on him.
Not that you ever expected to chase after a killer to help your girlfriend. You're pretty sure you'd never get in a situation like this. You don't have fight in you; only flight.
But hell, if Danny needs you to search for that inner fight, you'll do it for him.
“You go that way, I'll go this way,” he points to the left then the right. “You knocked me out once when we were younger, think you can do that to a freak in a mask?”
You stare at him blankly. “I was ten and hyped up on sugar,” he sighs, regret crossing his face for bringing you into this. You shake your head, wanting to reassure him. “I got a knife,” you say as you pull out the box cutter your brother gave you for work.
Danny stares at it but doesn't comment. “Be careful,” he says, lifting his phone. “And call when you find them.”
You raise your hand to your forehead, saluting. He sprints off after doing a quick look around your surroundings. You do the same, gripping the box cutter in your hand like a lifeline.
You peek into every alley before passing it, making sure there isn't anyone lurking. You're not exactly sure how far you are from Danny's apartment when you reach the bodega at the corner. You come to a slow stop as several people run screaming out of the store.
“Please be a robbery,” you mutter, summoning the courage to fight instead of run. You bounce on your feet a few times, hyping yourself up before you finally walk up to the bodega's doors.
A bell chimes when you open the door, and the scene before you immediately makes you rethink your bravado.
GhostFace turns with the shotgun pointed at you. You've seen the mask before at stores, and you find it ridiculous that people are using a Halloween costume as a way to kill people.
“Wrong store, I'll come back late—”
You duck just in time to avoid the bullet and crawl toward the closest thing you can find for cover. You've played enough video games to know how to survive someone shooting at you.
You press your back against the shelf, heart pounding as you catch your breath. The bodega aisles stretch out in front of you, offering minimal coverage. You glance at the door–running seems like a bad idea. You could make a run for it, but you know bullets fly faster than you run.
His footsteps echo throughout the bodega, slow and deliberate; like he has all the time in the world. But he can't be stupid, someone must have called 911 by now. Right?
You peek around the shelf, catching a glimpse of the mirror hanging from the ceiling. You watch it to see what direction GhostFace is walking to. You see him step over a body, and you're aware it was cashier who probably tried to play hero.
Then, you see them and you roll your head in annoyance. Danny was not lying. Her past follows her so of course Sam and Tara are here, hiding from the freak in the mask.
“I could be in bed,” you mumble, looking at the shelf you're hiding behind for something to use. “But noooo...the one time you rebel against your parents' wishes, you get stuck in some shitty fanfiction a weirdo is writing,” you grab a can, then a jar of olives.
You glance at the mirror, GhostFace is steps away from discovering Sam and Tara so you don't even acknowledge Sam's attempt to get your attention–you toss the can towards the door. He quickly turns and reacts with shooting a nonexistent figure.
You stand now that his back was turned, lifting your arm to throw the jar at his head. As the jar flies in the air, you whistle to get his attention and timed it well to hit him square in the face. The shotgun falls out of his hands and you shout at the sisters to run.
They don't need to be told twice. Sam grabs Tara's arm, pulling her along as they run out of the store. You can hear sirens in the distance but you keep your eyes on GhostFace, who finally regains his composure. He looks out the bodega's windows and sees the flashing lights, then looks back at you with a look that tells you he is not happy.
He runs away and disappears towards the back, leaving you standing there in disbelief.
Did you just face off with a murderer?
You exit the store with your hands up, not wanting the cops to assume you're a threat. Either way, you're handled roughly by an officer as he grips your hands to cuff.
Sam and Tara appear out of nowhere, pulling you out of the replay of the events that occurred in the store. You blink, feeling the cuffs bite your wrists with a tight pinch.
“Stop, they helped us,” Sam says first, voice firm as she glares at the officer. Tara doesn't wait long to support her statement.
“Helped how?” The officer asks, eyeing you and now them suspiciously. Still, he doesn't even loosen his grip on your wrists.
“New York's finest,” you mumble with a head shake. You grimace when his grips tightens. “Oww,” you drawl out.
“They distracted GhostFace long enough for us to get out,” Tara adds, sending you a warning glare to keep your mouth shut. You duck your head, pursing your lips into a thin line. “If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have gotten out,” she jumps to your defense again.
The officer eyes you all, eyes squinting as he stares. He grunts then, “wait here.”
“Am I under arrest?” You asks as he walks away. You groan at his lack of response.
You tap your foot, aware of the presence of the sisters. You can feel the tension from the Carpenters without even looking at them. The last time you were alone with Sam, you ended up in a bush. Last time you saw Tara, she was wearing a pirate costume and laughing about it. Now, here you are. Life, huh?
“Nice night,” you mumble, because apparently, you never learn when to keep your mouth shut.
Both sisters look at you, deadpan. If looks could slap, you'd be on the ground. You shut up, but only for a second, because now Danny comes running up, and you know this is going to be great.
“Oh god, what did you do?” Danny hisses, eyes darting between you and the sisters.
“Saved your girlfriend,” you snarl, feeling deeply insulted that he automatically assumes you did something stupid. Danny freezes, eyes widening in horror at the worst-kept secret in the room.
You walk up to the officer as makes his way over to you. “Please say I'm under arrest,” you practically plead, wanting to escape from this reality.
The officer shakes his head, signaling for you to turn around. You do as you're told, feeling him unlock the cuffs from around your wrists. The stares from the three of them make you shift uncomfortably, keeping your head down until you're able to feel your wrists, holding them against your chest to soothe the ache.
Tara snaps her neck towards her sister, her gaze sharp. “Girlfriend?” she asks, voice icy.
Sam winces, like she knew this was coming. “Not now, Tara,” she nods in the direction a detective walking over to them.
The man smiles crookedly, stepping up to them almost awkwardly. “Care to explain?” He starts, then looks between you and Danny. “I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm detective Bailey.”
“Danny,” your cousin introduces himself, crossing his arms over his chest. There's a tension between them and he feels it thickening with each second passing.
Bailey turns to you. You tap on the fake name tag still on your shirt. “Dennis,” you lie, earning yourself an elbow to your side. You glare at Danny before returning to look at the detective. “Y/N,” you mumble, huffing.
Bailey nods, then sighs as his gaze returns to the Carpenter sisters. “I think you know what I'm going to say,” he says.
Sam nods, arms crossed over her chest defensively. “Let's go then,” she makes her way to the car the detective came in, her sister following.
Danny does the same but you, however, don't move. You didn't sign up for whatever this is. This is your chance to finally step away from this situation. Then, like they all practiced, they turn back to look at you.
“I'm fine here,” you say dismissively. “I appreciate the invite though–”
“Get in the car,” Danny orders with a glare, pointing to the vehicle.
You didn't plan to, you really didn't. But when you look at Tara–when Tara looks back at you, her expression shifting from anger to something softer—vulnerability, maybe. For a second, she's not the girl who just stared down a serial killer; she's just... someone who doesn't want to be alone.
That gets you. You barely know the girl but those eyes draw you in. Screw you and your inability to walk away from a pretty girl. You shuffle toward the car, muttering under your breath several complaints.
You squish in the back seat, Tara seated between you and Sam. The drive to the police station drives by the house the whole night started at. You frown at the sight of your car, lonesome and abandoned.
You sigh dramatically, your mind suddenly reminding you of the one thing that truly matters. “Ahh, fuck,” you groan, earning immediate side-eyes from everyone in the car. “I've got a paper due at midnight.”
Danny turns, his expression a perfect blend of exhaustion and disbelief. “Stop talking.”
And for once, you do.
As you approach the police station, the lights flickering in the night like a beacon of both hope and uncertainty, you realize that whatever happens next, you're not alone. You might be just a regular person caught in a slasher film, but now you're part of something bigger. You were here for Danny, and were further dragged in by Tara's doe eyes, and maybe—just maybe—this wild ride will lead to something unexpected. Hell, this may turn out for a good final senior thesis.
You take a deep breath, feeling that flicker of determination ignite within you. No matter how this night ends, you won't let fear hold you back. After all, survival is a team sport, and you're ready to play.
The car rolls to a stop, and as you all step out into the bright lights of the police station, you can't shake the feeling that this is just the beginning of a very messy adventure. But at least you'll face it with someone.
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just-absolutely-super · 5 months ago
As many people have pointed out already in chapter 106, the Forgers—a fake family—act more authentic than the Desmonds—the actual family.
But really…the Desmonds aren’t a “real” family, not to me. Not in a way that matters...
SxF is really good at showing relationship dynamics and how blood doesn’t always make a family. This is so true now that you read chapter 106 and compare the Desmonds and their interactions to the Forgers and how they act with one another.
With the Desmonds, there is no warmth shown in how they interact. I'd say there's barely any love either (we know Melinda does care for Damian despite the conflicting thoughts, but it seems she's not allowed to show it). Damian tries to form connections but no one in the family is receptive of it. The parents have a hands-off parenting style. The older brother keeps to himself and doesn’t open himself up. Damian literally finds more affection in his dog and butler than his actual family and that’s so heartbreaking!
The Desmonds may be a family in all sense and purposes, but they don't present in a way that all families are meant to.
On the other side are the Forgers. Loid and Yor married for convenience. Anya is adopted. They’re only together because of Anya due to her mind reading abilities. It’s all a sham for WISE’s mission and to lower suspicion from the secret police.
But despite the intentions behind forming this persona of a perfect family unit…you can tell that there is a genuity to their relationship with one another. You see love, care, emotion, respect, and protectiveness. The family may be fake but the feelings they exhibit are so real despite the motives not exactly being pure. Loid, Yor, and Anya experiencing life together led to them forming bonds that they cherish. They Forgers managed to create a warm place they can comfortably call home.
idk I just find it so fascinating to see how a family brought together for convenience and ulterior motives can develop true familial bonds compared to an “official” and “real” family. I want to write a thesis paper about it lmao
I do wonder what the future holds for the Desmonds. In Damian's case, I hope he and Anya can grow more together so she can show him what a real loving family is. If Donovan really is as evil as the narrative is making him out to be, my hope is that he can be taken out of the picture so the rest of the family can heal from their respective traumas, then grow back together on what little familial love is left over. But we'll just have to wait and see when it comes to that...
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treacheryinblue · 25 days ago
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「 ON DISPLAY 」 noah sebastian ⨯ f!reader
▷ chapter four
noah is your neighbor and your new favorite view thanks to his lack of curtains. you're pretty sure he prefers it this way. but the man you've created in your imagination is nothing like reality and you soon find yourself falling prey to a past lifestyle you had been desperately on the run from. trigger warnings : language, eventual smut, violence, mention/flashbacks of abuse, alcohol and drug use, sexual harassment/assault (nongraphic). word count : 11k
You told him everything. 
Well, mostly everything. You had skipped over some of the more gritty details after noticing how Noah’s hands would clench into fists anytime there was a vague mention of someone laying a malicious finger on you. He was protective of you, for reasons unknown, but you figured it wasn't best to question him in the middle of your sob story. It wasn't his sympathy you wanted, anyway, nor his pity. 
You told him of how your father basically sold you to Vane in a bid to grow his empire. He saw how quickly Vane was coming into his own power, all by striking fear into others, and your father thought it best to align with him for his own selfish reasons. Your father was getting older and didn't want his legacy to falter. What better way to do that than to promise Vane his own flesh and blood? He didn't give a shit about you, his only daughter. He didn't care about how cruel Vane could be or how you had tried to escape on more than one occasion. Honestly, you had never made a true motivated attempt until the last time when the opportunity simply happened to present itself. Every other time you had been too scared, too ill prepared, too slow. 
You told him about Vane’s business ventures; the drugs, the weapons, the aspiration to move to 'bigger and better things’, so Vane had said. You had no idea what that meant. What went beyond your typical drug and weapon smuggling? A few ideas popped into your head when you thought about it long enough but you didn't want to believe Vane was that monstrous of a person. But, maybe he was. Years of your life were wasted on him and you still felt as if you barely knew the menace. 
Finally, you told him about what spawned your move across the country. The fight for your life that had ended with you taking one instead. Vane’s. A few stabs to his body in the heat of the moment had done the trick. This was also where you left out the more gory details again. Not just for the benefit of Noah’s temper, but for your own past trauma. It wasn't something you wanted to relive. 
“No one tried to help you?” Noah pondered aloud after you fell silent. You looked at him, offered a sympathetic smile, and shook your head. 
“No one could. I was cut off from everyone who wasn't my family or in Vane’s inner circle.”
“But your friend, the one you said you moved here for?”
You took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. To say that you were exhausted would've been an understatement and the constant curious questions weren't helping. The morning light was already beginning to shine through your window, casting a faint golden glow across your living room where you sat with Noah. He had finally abandoned the Nocturnal mask again, once more returning to the mildly nerdy but kind neighbor you had watched from your window. 
“I've known Mel since I was a kid but we drifted apart once Vane stepped into my life. We spoke whenever possible, if possible, but then when I found out she had moved here…it's the only place I thought to go.” Another glance was taken his way, his brows furrowed as he tried to put all of the crumbled pieces of your life together. Good luck. 
“She didn't know anything about what was happening,” you concluded before Noah could add Melinda to his list of people to make disappear. “And she still doesn't…which I’d like to keep that way.” 
Noah nodded in understanding. You knew he would be able to relate with your need to keep the people closest to you safe, and since all you had was Mel, she needed to be kept far, far away from all of this. Even if that meant you having to uproot your life again for her sake. 
“I'm going to keep you safe, okay?” Noah reached over the couch cushion that separated you and lightly cradled your jaw. You couldn't help but to nuzzle into his palm as the warmth of his skin instantly calmed you, allowing you to take in a much needed deep breath. “I'll talk to Jolly. We’ll get it figured out and–”
“No! Noah, no.” You quickly interjected, your eyes widening. You snatched his hand from your cheek but kept it within your grasp, the hold you had on him firm. “No one else can know. Please. Don't tell him.” 
“You can trust Jolly the same as you trust me. I've known him nearly my entire life. He wouldn't–”
Again you cut him off with a strong shake of your head. “Do not tell him, Noah. Promise me that you won't. I can't run the risk of someone else possibly getting hurt because of me.” 
Noah was looking at you with great confusion. You could see it swimming within his eyes, the words to make digging questions not forming just right to actually be spoken. He opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. 
“If you believe me like you say you do, then this has to stay between us.”
“And what am I supposed to tell him about who you are?” 
You heavily sighed, your head falling back against the couch cushions in near defeat. Shrugging as your hands scrubbed over your face, you took a few seconds for yourself before looking at him again. He was beautiful, even when his eyes were heavy from lack of sleep and he was still looking at you as if you were a puzzle to figure out. You hated it. No one was supposed to want to know all the inner workings of you. A man like Noah was going to be the death of you. 
“I don't know,” you finally replied. “Just…tell him that I showed you family pictures or something to prove who I am. Tell him those guys were just…debt collectors. I don't know.” 
Noah rolled his eyes and lightly laughed under his breath. “Debt collectors,” he repeated in disbelief. “Those guys could only be debt collectors if they were coming to take one of your organs as payment.” 
You couldn't help but to laugh along with him because you knew how horrible of a lie that was. Although, maybe it was just bad enough to be believable. 
X X X 
It wasn't long ago that you dreaded being at Nocturnal and wished to remain employed at Red’s only. After the most recent turn of events, though, you were constantly thinking about what was happening at the club. Noah was always on your mind. What was he doing? Had he told Jolly? Was he truly an ally? Well, you had already revealed all of your closest secrets, so it wasn't as if the latter mattered too much now. You were just hoping he was someone you could actually trust and rely on. Your gut told you that he was exactly that, but you could never be too sure. 
Taking a sharp right, you hustled into Red’s home with a fury to get out of the cold. You were early, and only realized this after checking your phone too late that morning. Red had messaged you to say he had a meeting and for you to arrive later than your original agreed upon daily time. But since you were already on the subway at that point, you decided to head in and just start helping out wherever you could. What was an extra hour really? 
It was quiet around the house, though you could hear the faint murmur of voices coming from Red’s office. You passed by it without pause since you didn't want to be caught as a snoop, and instead began gathering the laundry from the designated room not much further down the hall. As you were folding a fresh load in the sitting room, an older man with a suit on waltzed in, phone and briefcase in hand. He regarded you with a passive smile, which you returned with one of your own. 
“Are you another one of Red’s grandchildren? I've yet to meet them all.” He inquired after a few beats, his hands now clasped down at his waist and his attention fully on you. 
You softly laughed and shook your head. “I work for him,” you explained. “But I'm sure I see him a lot more than any of his grandchildren do.” 
The man chuckled before taking a quick glance over his shoulder. “I wouldn't say that too loud or else one of them may hear you.”
“Oh…” you glanced over your shoulder. “Is one visiting now?”
You had never encountered any of Red’s family. He's spoken of them, not always too fondly, and you've seen pictures, yet you've never crossed paths. Which wasn't too unusual to you considering you worked the same time during the day as most people also did. 
The man released a heavy breath as he nodded. “Nicholas, his youngest. Watch out for that one. He has a liking for…trouble.” 
His final words were quickly murmured because a door heavily closing could be heard throughout the entire lower level of the city mansion. The suddenness of it caused you to jump slightly, your eyes darting to the entryway of the sitting room. A short moment later, a figure appeared that you only recognized from a family photo hanging on Red’s wall. The guy was older now, but you remembered the unique shade of his eyes. 
“I'm guessing your Red’s newest wife?” He looked you up and down with disinterest, then turned to the other man. “That would make…what? Wife number four?” 
Did people really not know that Red had other employees? 
The man said nothing beyond a faint grunt of acknowledgment, his focus only on his phone that he was quickly typing away on. He was probably trying to ignore Nicholas, and you couldn't say you blamed him. There was something about Red’s youngest grandchild that rubbed you the wrong way right off the bat. 
“I'm definitely not his wife,” you quickly defended. 
“No…no, you're not.” A slight smirk appeared over his lips. You noticed the way his eyes traveled you from head to toe again, but this time with a bit more intrigue. His gaze lingered much too long on your chest for your liking, though you were thankful for the crew neck sweater you had tossed on. At least it wasn't anything low cut. 
You forced a tight smile, returning to the laundry. You could still feel Nicholas' sights on you. There was also what sounded like a click every now and then, and a brief glance his way showed you the zippo lighter in his grasp. Jesus Christ, what was with this guy? 
Appearing unfazed, you loaded the folded laundry back into the basket to be carried away to the upstairs closets. Just as you were going to lift said basket, though, the sound of Red’s cane hitting the hardwood floor garnered your attention. He seemed surprised to see you, maybe even a little perturbed by your presence. He still plastered on a smile of his own, but that didn’t stop the tension in the room from remaining. 
“Nicholas. What are you still doing here?” Red held a stern look over his grandson, his tone unable to hide his aggravation. “I thought you had another meeting to rush to.”
Still flipping the lighter, he shrugged. “I was just introducing myself to your new…”
“Assistant,” you finished the sentence for him. If you could even call yourself that. Sometimes “housekeeper” felt too proper for what you did. 
“Assistant,” Nicholas repeated with an amused grin. 
Red sighed as he walked towards Nicholas with the intent on ushering him out. He murmured a few choice words to him, most of which you couldn't make out, but you could assume. 
“I'll be sure to stop by more often to see how things are going with you,” Nicholas said. 
The statement was directed at you, but you didn't look his way again. He set you on edge and you couldn't really place your finger on why. You had been around enough psychopaths to know one when you saw one, so your plan was to steer clear.  
Excusing yourself from the suit man with nothing more than a mumble, you carried the laundry basket up to the second floor to be put away. Even a floor up you could still hear the bickering of Red and his grandson on the front step. As their voices grew in volume, so did your curiosity. 
Slowly, you inched closer and closer to the window that was right above where they stood. Nicholas' jaw was clenched, his bright eyes glaring daggers at the older man you had become fond of. Red was going in on him, but you could unfortunately only make out a few words here and there. 
“– even think about it.”
“– brain of – ruin everything –”
“I mean it, Nicholas. – out of line.” 
You watched Red’s hands move haphazardly with his words, though his back was to you so you couldn't see his expression. You could only imagine his face was the same shade of his namesake. 
Quickly, you stepped out from in front of the window when Red turned to head back inside, but not before Nicholas’ eyes shifted to you. You pressed yourself against the wall, heart pounding within your chest for having just been caught. Again. Why the fuck were you so bad at this sneaking around thing? 
Deep breath in, slowly out. Deep breath in, slowly out. You repeated this a few times until you assumed enough time had passed for Nicholas to clear out. Oh, but of course, you were wrong. 
Your head slowly dropped into view of the window again, curious eyes immediately going to where Nicholas and Red had been on the doorstep. Empty. With your gaze quickly dancing around, you could feel the anxiety releasing from your body, only until you spotted him a little further up the sidewalk. 
Nicholas stood at the waist-high gate, his sights set directly on you. You nervously swallowed because there was no way to explain this away. No way to say that you hadn't been eavesdropping. The expression Nicholas wore wasn't one of anger, though. He appeared more so amused as he watched you through the second story window. The joy of catching you lighting up his eyes.  
X X X 
A month quickly passed and thankfully without incident. No one stopping by the club to see if you were there. No random phone calls or messages like you were partly expecting. All seemed…normal. At least, for the most part. 
Things with Noah were a little odd at times, though. You didn't see him outside of Nocturnal very much, and you hated to admit that you kind of…missed him. Would you be mad to wake up again and find him in your living room? Nope. It was better than gazing out your window for a glimpse of him like some love sick stalker. 
He even kept his distance when you were working together. You weren't really sure how that equaled keeping you safe, but you assumed there was some sort of method to his madness. 
YOU: You should get some plants or a pet or something. 
YOU: Staring at your empty living room is kinda boring sometimes. Liven it up a bit. 
HOT NEIGHBOR: I'll be sure to let my interior designer know that my Peeping Tom would like some visual stimulation. 
You chuckled to yourself, following it up with an eye roll at Noah’s sarcastic response. It wasn't too often that he would stop being serious long enough to joke back with you, but it always made you smile when he did. 
YOU: I'm being dragged out with Melinda tonight for drinks. Do you want to come? 
You didn't even want to admit how long it took you to pluck up the courage to ask that. Nothing weird about the offer, right? Just two friends hanging out with other people. Casual. Normal. 
HOT NEIGHBOR: I'm working later. Sorry. Maybe next time. 
Like he didn't basically make his own schedule. Jackass. You heaved an irritated sigh while giving the response a thumbs down so he at least knew you read it. No other messages were exchanged. 
“Let's just go to Limelight!” You whined as you tugged on Mel’s hand in an attempt to drag her across the street later that night. 
Your best friend was hell bent on going to Nocturnal despite your pleas to go anywhere else. Not only did you not want to spend time at work while off the clock, but you also didn't want to see Noah. It was only a few days ago that you finally caved and told Melinda about how he worked there with you and was basically your boss. Of course, you left out all the extra details, like how he broke into your house and also had an affinity for cornering and touching you. You figured those weren't really too important. She was ecstatic, just as expected. 
“Ugh! Limelight is so lame and you know it! All they do is play shitty Taylor Swift remixes and –”
“Okay, yeah! Maybe! But they have those fun little drinks they drop a glow stick into!” 
Melinda deadpanned her expression and stared at you as if to say 'fucking really?’. You dramatically groaned at her silent response, the pregame drinks in your system already working their magic to help you loosen up. 
“Fine! Let's go to stupid Nocturnal.” 
Skipping the line and getting into the club was a breeze since the bouncer obviously knew you. The angry complaints from the patrons waiting were of no concern to either of you and you thanked him with a quick kiss to the cheek. Marco appeared big and bad due to his rather large stature, but he and his boyfriend liked to foster Greyhounds and go antique hunting on the weekends. He was the nicest guy you had ever met. But would he punch someone in the gut if necessary? Yes. You had seen it more than once. 
You giggled along with Melinda as you both sauntered down the long red-lit hallway that led to the main area of the club. Even though you didn't really want to be at your place of work on your day off, you weren't going to let it ruin your mood. Nope, nothing and no one was going to fuck it up. Not even…
“Noah,” you gasped as soon as you stepped into the thunderous sounds of Nocturnal, only to come face to face with your neighbor slash boss slash protector? Fuck, you had no idea what the hell he was to you. 
“Jesus Christ, you're even taller in person.” Melinda looked him up and down unapologetically, but his eyes were set on you. 
Considering you had just fully crashed into him, though, that wasn't surprising. 
“Please tell me this is not where you would've taken me to get drinks.” His tone read as serious but you could see the faint little smirk on the corners of his lips. 
Shaking your head, you realized how close you still were to him and took half a step back. You didn't want to. You actually wanted to be as close as you possibly could. Preferably so close that he was insi–
“No,” you finally voiced before you could finish that thought. “We were going to go to Aqua but the line was ridiculous, and Mel refused to go to Limelight, so here we are.” 
Noah slowly nodded. “On your day off.”
“On my day off,” you repeated with a sideways glance to Mel. 
The frustration in Noah’s eyes was evident, at least to you. He released a long breath, looked left and right as if in search of someone, then settled his gaze back on yours. Oh, how you could so easily get lost in the warm brown of his eyes. Even with the red lights of Nocturnal drowning out most colors, that was one they couldn't touch. 
Leaning down a bit closer, probably only just a fraction of an inch but enough to cause your breath to hitch, Noah lowered his tone for only you to hear. 
“Be careful,” he warned, worry flaring in his eyes. “I'll be watching.” 
Most would regard his words as a threat, but you knew their true meaning. He would be looking out for you. Keeping you safe, just as he promised. Although you wanted to argue that you could take care of yourself (your stubbornness knew no bounds), you both knew otherwise. Noah had so easily broken into your apartment. No alarms had been sounded, no uneasy tingling to signal to you that you hadn't been alone. Nothing. So, maybe you did need another set of eyes watching your back. 
“That was…weird,” Melinda said loud enough for you to hear over the heavy bass of the music once Noah had disappeared into the sea of people. “Is he always so tense?” 
You raised your brows as you looked at her, laughing. “You have no idea.”
“Anywho!” She quickly changed the subject while guiding your shoulder forward. “We need drinks!” 
As much as you loved to drink, you didn’t do it nearly to the extent as you used to. It was a helpful tool when you were with Vane to help drown out the pain of actually being with him, one that lessened in frequency once you were free. Not just because you didn't need the mental escape anymore, but because keeping your senses dulled could be dangerous. The last thing you needed was someone coming for you when you were a wine bottle deep. 
You winced as the alcohol burned down your throat before making your face twist in disgust. It was your third shot and you still weren't numb to its effects yet. God, you really hated tequila. 
“This is horrible,” you shivered while pushing the miniature glass away from yourself. 
“Don't be such a sourpuss,” Melinda struggled to speak through her own grimace. “It's great!” 
“Not the word I'd use to describe it but sure.” 
“What's got your panties in a twist tonight? I can basically see the storm cloud following you around.” 
You cut a look at Mel and shook your head to silently relay that you didn’t want to talk about it. Really, you'd love to talk about it, though. You'd love nothing more than to be able to come clean about everything happening but you weren't going to put Melinda in the middle of it. Selfishly doing just that to Noah was bad enough. 
“I'm just tired,” you shrugged. “Haven't really been sleeping well.” 
Not entirely a lie. 
“Prepare to wake up even more tired tomorrow because we're partying tonight!” 
Melinda reached for your hand and was dragging you to the dance floor without another word. You inwardly groaned, already annoyed with all the sweaty bodies bumping into you and making you press closer to your best friend. It was odd for you to be such a buzzkill, even you knew this, but everything happening was truly just weighing on you. 
You spent most days terrified. Leaving your apartment was basically a thing of the past unless you were going to and from work. With that came you bumming rides off Noah if your schedules aligned or letting him know when you left and when you arrived at your destination. That was his idea, not yours. You would normally be extremely annoyed with his overprotective nature but you understood. And that's how it would remain until he inevitably crossed a line. 
Shaking out your hands, you tried your best to loosen up. The alcohol helped, your head already swimming and your body swaying to the music. It was just hard to forget about it all completely. You did a damn good job at masking it, though. 
“I can't believe you get to work here!” Melinda yelled over the music, her arms above her head. “It’s so much fun!”
You laughed as you did a turn along with her, your hands settling loosely on her waist. “It's not like I get to hang out on the dance floor all night!” 
Melinda shrugged, a hand waving off another one of your downer comments. 
The lights on the dance floor shifted from red to blue to purple in random patterns, making it hard to focus on the familiar face of your best friend. You assumed there was a point to this so people could really lose their inhibitions but Melinda wasn't who you wanted to lose them with. 
Your eyes cut up to the ceiling where you knew a camera was mounted. He was watching, just as he said he would be. Even with Noah being floors and rooms away, you could still feel his heavy gaze. You debated putting on a show for him like you did during the housewarming party at your apartment not too long ago, but ultimately decided against it. Too many people. The last thing you wanted was some random guy near you to think you were trying to lure him in. 
Eyes closed and fingers running through your hair, you tried to let the music take you. The bass hummed through you, vibrating from your head to your toes in a sensation that actually did make it easier to get lost in. When you turned around and opened your eyes again, you didn't see Melinda right away. You did a quick glance before finding her in the arms of some college-age looking guy with bleached hair and wandering hands that made you grimace. Gross. 
Well, she seemed thoroughly distracted, so you decided this was the best moment to take your leave from the dance floor. You maneuvered your way back through the crowd of people and took solace at the bar, close to where the servers would be gathering their drinks. 
“Love us so much that you had to come hang on your night off?” Shauna grinned as she filled her tray, sending a wink your way. 
“Oh yeah,” you teased. “Just can't get enough.”
“Guy at the other end of the bar has been looking at you, by the way.” 
Following her line of sight, you tilted your head enough to see the newly discovered light eyes of Red’s grandson. Nicholas, was it? Your brows furrowed in slight confusion, an expression you only wore for a split second. 
“I think he's related to my other boss,” you explained with a shrug. “He's probably trying to figure out where he knows me from.” 
At least, that's what you were telling yourself. 
“Well, I think he figured it out because he's on his way down.” Shauna gave you a gentle bump with her hip as she sauntered away to serve her drinks, leaving you with no one to distract yourself with for when Nicholas ultimately closed the space. 
Which he did in a matter of seconds. 
“Imagine all the people to run into,” he began with a lighthearted chuckle. Funny how just a few weeks ago he was sizing you up, and now he was acting like you were a long time friend. 
“Yeah, imagine that.” 
“Do you come here often?” 
“Wow, is that really the line you're going to open with?” You laugh, both brows raising at him. 
Nicholas shrugged in a nonchalant manner, his own faint laughter still escaping. He was looking at you again as if he was trying to read who you were right away, possibly like he knew something you didn't. It made you uneasy, but what could truly happen when you were surrounded by hundreds of people? 
“I thought it was pretty original. Creative, even.” 
“Well, I already know that you don't come here often,” you pivoted. “So what could be the reason you're here tonight?” 
Arching a thick brow of his own, he squinted ever so slightly before motioning for the bartender - Paul - to come down your way. 
“I'll have a bourbon and she'll take…” Nicholas looked your way with an expectant stare. 
“She'll take a gin and tonic, and she’ll also buy her own drink.” 
Nicholas flinched playfully, his hand grasping at where his heart was. “Oof, that's gonna leave a mark,” he teased. 
“Keep avoiding my question and I'm going to assume you came here to see me.” 
You weren't flirting…were you? No, of course not. You were going to explain it away by saying it was just the drinks in your system making you extra bold. You had no interest in Nicholas. You didn't even know him. 
You didn't know Noah at first either and you still wanted to fuc– 
Nope. That was just another thought you were going to prevent yourself from fully manifesting. 
Nicholas nudged your glass towards you once the drinks were set down. “What if I did?” 
Taking in the way you only stared at him, slowly blinking with bemusement, Nicholas shook his head. “I just came to scope out the scenery,” he explained. “Seeing you here is merely a…happy coincidence.”
You wanted to call ‘bullshit’, but you kept it in. For now. At least he wasn't giving you the creeps like your last encounter. 
It was then that you realized Nicholas was looking past you, his lips again pulling up into a grin. You didn't need to glance back to see who he was staring at because you knew as soon as a hand was lightly pressed to your lower back. 
A warmth immediately spread through you and it took whatever self control you still had to not lean back into his touch. 
“Ruffilo,” Noah greeted with a blatant disinterest. “Last I checked, you were banned from Nocturnal.”
Your eyes widened but you remained silent, your focus instead falling onto the drink you were now taking a generous swallow from. 
Noah leaned down closer to your ear, his voice dropping as he relayed the explanation. “He almost set VIP on fire last time he was here.”
“Accidentally,” Nicholas quickly defended, his tone clipped. 
“That still has yet to be determined.” 
“I see you're just as much of an asshole as you've always been, King.” The name Noah used while in the club was spoken with a condescending wretch, just before Nicholas tilted his drink back to finish off the remnants. 
Noah gave a sideways smirk, his fingers still splayed across your lower back. They occasionally brushed your bare skin from where your shirt had ridden up, and you assumed this wasn't done on accident. “Possibly even more.” 
Nicholas glanced back and forth between the two of you, realization finally hitting him. “Oh, that's rich. You're so predictable sometimes,” he chuckled to himself. 
What the fuck was going on? It was clear that these two men had some amount of bad blood between them, but to what extent? You had no idea. You wanted to tell Noah that it was okay, that Nicholas was just harmlessly talking to you, though the clench of his jaw and the hard set of his brow told you to not. Despite how angry Noah was, he was doing his best to keep it in check. 
“Allow me to see you out?” Noah suggested, although you knew it was more of a demand. 
Nicholas didn't put up a fuss as Noah stepped around you and motioned towards the exit of the club. He didn't so much as even look back your way before he was swallowed by the crowd again, leaving you to stew in your own thoughts. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you murmured to yourself. Paul came stepping up in front of you from behind the bar a short moment later, both of his brows raised in an expression of curiosity. 
“I'm assuming you didn't know who that was?” 
Shaking your head, you quickly finished your own drink. You were beginning to come to terms with the fact that you didn't give a fuck anymore. Every time you turned around there was someone new to be weary of. 
“Can I just get a shot of whatever, please?” 
What was it about you allowing strong men to overtake your life? Your father, Vane, and now Noah to a certain degree. Why? 
You kept telling yourself that the first two were only out for themselves, whereas Noah was trying to help you. That made it okay to let him be so controlling, right? It wasn't like you were making any effort to stop him. 
This wasn't just history repeating itself. Not with Noah. He was funny and kind and had never truly hurt you even when given the prime opportunity to do so. He was keeping you safe. Maybe he was simply a man of his word and took promises seriously. Maybe he would see it through that you were kept out of harm's way. 
These were the things that you kept trying to tell yourself. Was it helping to convince you? Eh, sort of. 
“There you are,” Noah breathed, the sound of a door softly closing and locking to follow. 
You didn’t even remember how you got up here. Wherever ‘here’ was. Your eyes slowly fluttered open to make immediate contact with a light hanging above you, making you slightly wince. It was dim, just as every light in Nocturnal was, but it was still bright enough to force you to turn your head away. 
“You had me worried that trouble had found you again.” 
You knew you were still in the club. The pounding of the bass behind the closed door told you this. Your hand moved at your side as you lifted it to push your hair from your face, though it hit a hard object in the process. The same object, or so you assumed, then made a soft collision with your hip before disappearing again. 
Wait. You now vaguely remember finding the employees only lounge area and making yourself comfortable. It used to be part of a VIP section on the opposite side of the one now currently used, but at some point before your time at Nocturnal it had changed to somewhere employees occasionally came to relax. From what you could tell, it wasn't used very often. 
The hard surface you were laying on must be the pool table. The object your hand hit, one of the colorful billiard balls. 
“Trouble does always have a way of seeking me out,” you retorted after a long moment. Your eyes cut to where you could sense him standing because maybe he was currently the trouble that had found you this time. 
Noah paused at the end of the pool table, his fingers lightly caressing your ankle and working his way up along your calf. Chills formed in their wake, your body immediately coming to life for him. You had been on the verge of fully passing out only moments prior, but now that he was there, you felt like you could run a marathon. 
“Or maybe you attract trouble.” 
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you silently eyed him. His hair had previously been styled back away from his face, but the forecasted rain had clearly loosened the strands that now hung at his cheekbones. His lips were slightly parted and just begging to be abused by your own, just as the heavily tattooed skin of his neck was. You wanted to know how quickly he would lose his stoic control at your hands…and mouth. 
Both inked hands closed around your calves so he could tug your body closer to the edge of the pool table. Your legs would've been dangling off had they not been bent to close in at his hips once he released you, only to lean over your upper body. One hand planted itself by your head to support his weight as the other trailed slowly along the side of your thigh, over your hip, and all the way up to your face where he cradled your jaw. 
Your breathing stalled as your emotions went into overdrive. Just the feeling of his skin against yours could make you lose all control, which you knew was very bad, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You wanted him. Every piece, every inch. And you could tell by the way he was looking down at you that he wanted you too. 
“Why did you come up here?” His voice was soft and low as his eyes traveled every detail of your face. 
It took you a second to process his question, but you eventually found your words and swallowed in preparation. “I wanted to be somewhere quiet,” you nearly whispered. “And I know the cameras aren't routinely checked here.” 
“Were you trying to hide from me?” 
There's a flash of pain within his dark eyes and you want to soothe whatever unpleasant thought just ran through his mind. 
“No,” you exhaled slowly. “I knew you'd find me.” 
And just like that, the pain you noticed was extinguished and replaced by something much softer.  
Suddenly his lips were on yours in a collision of desperate need. There was nothing slow and tantalizing about the kiss. It was all tongue and teeth, heavy breaths taken when able to, but those were far and few in between. You arched up into him and your hips rubbed against his, the friction forcing a groan from deep within Noah’s chest. 
Oh, you wanted to hear that sound again. 
A strong hand grasped the back of your neck as your own fingers dragged along his chest, eager to push his shirt up. You only got as far as slipping your hands beneath the dark fabric, both of your tongues still working in tandem in an attempt to dominate the other. Fuck, he tasted so good, but felt even better. 
The hem of your skirt was bunched at the top of your thighs, allowing you easier motion to grind up against the man you should be terrified of. Fat chance of that when he could get this sort of reaction out of you. And you him, considering the hard bulge you felt pressed right between your thighs. 
Noah broke from your lips so he could hungrily kiss along your jaw and neck. His hand slid around to grip your throat in a firm hold; not enough to hurt, but just enough to drag a whimper from you. Every nerve within your body was on fire. They threatened to fully combust the longer Noah teased your delicate skin, leaving you a writhing mess beneath him. 
“Is this allowed?” You heard the words before you even realized you had spoken them. 
“What?” Noah’s voice was slightly muffled from where he was now kissing along the exposed portions of your chest. His free hand had somehow dipped down between your thighs without you noticing, giving him free rein to stroke the sensitive skin. 
“This…” you swallowed, silently begging for him to bring his fingers closer to where you knew you were wet and ready for him. “Fucking one of your employees?” 
You felt him smile before he lifted his head enough for you to actually see it too. His pupils were blown, lips swollen from the forceful kissing you had both just indulged in. 
It was then that you felt his fingertips graze the thin fabric of your panties, his eyes further narrowing in on your own. He had obviously noticed how wet you were. You were sure he felt it but you had zero shame. Just looking at him most days could get your blood boiling. 
Noah smirked, his fingers still drawing slow and taunting designs over the damp fabric. “Who said anything about fucking?” 
What. The. Fuck. 
You squinted up at him in confusion. Your head was still swimming and you felt like you were in a haze, but you knew damn well you weren't imagining this. No way was this a dream. 
The hold he had on your throat tightened and his hips forcefully pushed forward into yours. Your mouth fell open, brows knitting together as you did your best to swallow all the noises you wanted to make. Noah then loosened his grip on your neck, his lips lowering back to yours for a kiss that was the exact opposite of what they had been. It was gentle and slow, as if he was savoring your taste this time instead of trying to devour you. 
“When we fuck for the first time,” he murmured low, “you're going to remember it.” 
Noah stood to his full height, his hands caressing the sides of your thighs one last time before he was tugging your skirt down to return you to a mostly modest state. 
“Why wouldn't I remember it?” 
He quirked a brow at you as he took a step back and began to straighten out his clothing, as well as adjust the bulge in his dark pants. “I watched you order a handful of drinks and take multiple shots,” he stated. “I'd rather avoid the whole ‘did we have sex last night?’ conversation in the morning if I were to fuck you right now.” 
You rolled your eyes, your body shooting up into a sitting position so you could follow his lead with trying to appear more presentable. The way he worded what he had said made you inwardly grimace. Was it just an excuse not to fuck you whether drunk or sober? Considering you had been sober the last couple of times he initiated anything between the two of you, you were beginning to think he was just…bored. 
“I also don't want to take advantage of you.” 
Your eyes cut up to his from under your lashes, lips pressed into a thin line that accurately portrayed your annoyance. What a line that was. 
“I can make decisions for myself,” you grumbled before carefully sliding off the edge of the pool table. Noah was quick to reach for your elbow when you stumbled a bit, his much larger form helping to steady you. 
“Right, because you're very much not out of it right now.” 
Okay, fine. Maybe he was right and you weren't as sober as you liked to believe you were. Didn't mean you were going to admit it though. 
You opted to simply remain silent. He could kiss your ass. 
Noah released a heavy sigh as he stared at you, his shoulders dropping in defeat. His hand remained wrapped around your elbow even when you refused to meet his gaze now. But what did he expect? You were embarrassed. 
“Let me get you home,” he spoke after leaning down to plant a kiss to the crown of your head, his grip on your arm tightening so he could pull you in closer. 
One more thing you weren't going to admit was how that small gesture had made your stomach do a somersault. 
X X X 
The next morning you were sporting a massive hangover. Who was shocked? Not you. 
You groaned as you tossed and turned in bed, pulled the comforter over your head, and tried your best to block out the annoying as fuck dinging. What the hell even was that? 
“Fucking hell,” you grumbled. Tossing the blankets back, you then realized it was your phone going off, to which you quickly sat up and reached for it. 
You had five missed texts from Red, seven from Mel, and one from Noah. Your eyes shifted to the top corner of your phone screen so you could check the time, your heart dropping to your ass when you saw it was well after noon. 
Fuck! You had missed work. No wonder Red was blowing up your phone. You were surprised he hadn't called the police to do a wellness check yet. Not once had you ever been late to his house. Early, yes. Late, never. 
YOU: I'm so sorry! I was feeling a bit under the weather and didn't realize I had slept through my alarm. I'm on my way right now! 
Red responded within a matter of seconds, his punctuality barely giving you the time to even drag yourself out of bed. 
RED: No need to worry about today. I'm just glad you're alright. Please rest and do give me a call if you need anything. -R
Well, at least that meant you didn't have to be anywhere now. You heavily sighed as you dropped back against your bed again, mentally preparing yourself for whatever nonsense Melinda had texted you. Actually…you were going to deal with that later. Instead you went right for the single message from Noah. 
HOT NEIGHBOR: Let me know when you're awake. There's some aspirin and a glass of water on your nightstand. I'll be at the club if you need me. 
A smile crept over your lips as you looked to your bedside table where a bottle of pain medication and a glass of water sat, just as he had said. While you didn't remember all of last night, it would've been impossible for you to forget the weight of his body on yours or how he had helped you up to your apartment in the early morning hours. 
But this also meant that you remembered asking him to stay with you…which you assumed he had declined considering there was no indication that anyone had slept in your bed other than you. Fuck, that was going to haunt you for the rest of time. 
You downed the aspirin in a single gulp, hoping and praying that it would ease the pressure in your head as soon as possible. After responding to Mel’s multiple angry messages about how the guy she met at Nocturnal sucked, you finally ventured out of your room to find something to eat. That quest left you mostly empty handed since all you could really find was a strawberry Nutrigrain bar. Yeah, you really needed to go grocery shopping. 
Snack in hand and your arms crossed over your chest for warmth, you slowly approached the large window in your apartment. Noah’s apartment across the breeze way was empty as far as you could tell, just as it typically was. You studied the basic items in eyesight: couch, television, lamp, a plant. You paused while bringing the Nutrigrain bar up for another bite. A plant? 
A small side table was now positioned off to the left of the window and on top of it was a potted plant. The leaves were bright green with flecks of white that you assumed were flowers beginning to bloom. You couldn't stop the smile from overtaking your lips before you rushed back to your room to grab your phone. 
Noah had put that plant there for you. There wasn't a doubt in your mind about it. It couldn't just be a coincidence that you brought up needing some “visual stimulation”, as he would say, and then a plant appears. 
You immediately found his name in your contacts and tapped the option to call him. It only rang a couple of times before his voice sounded on the other end, the effect it had on you highly visible. 
“Are you okay?”
Leave it to Noah to be worried just because you were calling him. 
You ignored his question and went into a query of your own. “Have you named it yet?” 
“The plant in your window.” 
There was a brief pause followed by the breathy laugh he did that you liked so much. 
“I guess my interior designer liked your suggestion. But no, I haven't named it. I'll allow you that honor.” 
“I'll have to think on it.” 
“Well,” Noah began again. “Let me give you something else to think on too. Maybe dinner? Tonight?” 
You suddenly froze as you were mid-bite into what remained of your Nutrigrain bar. Holy shit. Was he asking you out? You pried your teeth out of the bar without yet taking a bite, your heart now pounding within your chest. 
“Like…a date?” 
“Unless you'd rather call it a business meeting, then yeah, a date.” 
And that's how you ended up at Noah’s favorite Japanese restaurant that night. You sat across from each other in a little separate dining area that lined the back wall of the restaurant. Each room was open, but inside of it was a low table that allowed you to sit on soft cushions versus the usual chairs. You were mad at yourself for wearing a dress but Noah told you he would be your shield when you had to stand. 
“I'm horrible at this!” You laughed as the piece of sushi fell from your chopsticks yet again. 
Noah had been trying his best to teach you how to use them but you were a lost cause to the art. 
“It is getting kind of sad watching you fail to eat,” he teased. 
With a huff, you set the chopsticks aside and grabbed the piece with your fingers instead. You were done playing games with those complicated utensils, just as your growling stomach also was. 
Noah could only shake his head at you in feigned disappointment while showing off his own impressive chopstick skills. 
“I'm half Japanese,” he explained, as if that meant the ability to use chopsticks just ran through his veins. Maybe it did. What did you know? Your ancestry definitely wasn't as exciting as his. 
“That's cool,” you shielded your mouth as you chewed your lump of fish and rice. “Have you ever been to Japan?”
Shaking his head, Noah mixed a bit of wasabi with his soy sauce before dunking another piece of sushi into it. “Too busy here with the club and everything else. It's hard to even get a night off.” 
“But you managed to tonight,” you pointed out with a sly smile. 
Noah lifted his eyes to yours, a smile now on his face that mimicked your own. “Jolly owed me a favor.” 
All you could do was stare at him, your pleased expression lingering. He looked so different when not in the Nocturnal atmosphere, like he could fully breathe and relax his shoulders for once. Sometimes you found it hard to believe that the man sitting in front of you was one in the same with his Nocturnal counterpart. 
“I have a question.”
With his mouth filled with sushi, Noah nodded for you to continue. 
You propped your elbows on the table and leaned forward a bit, your voice lowering so no one could overhear. “Why do you stop us from going further whenever you touch my underwear?” 
Noah suddenly coughed, his fist lightly banging against his chest to help dislodge whatever had gotten stuck. He eyed you while reaching for his water and taking a generous swallow. 
“Have you been sneaking shots of sake?” He questioned through his gulps of water. 
Chuckling, you shook your head. “I'm just curious since it's happened twice now.” 
Three times if you count the last dream you had of him but that was definitely not something you were going to bring up. Ever. 
As he took in a deep breath after regaining his composure, Noah fumbled with his chopsticks. If you didn't know any better then you would say you had made him blush, but you would pass it off as being an effect from his coughing fit. For his sake, of course. 
“It's not done on purpose,” he finally replied. “Neither time has been the right time and that just happens to be whenever my head decides to work again. The head on my shoulders, that is.” 
You couldn’t help but to faintly smirk at his admission, though you covered it by taking a bite of the ginger on your plate. 
“The one below my shoulders…mind of its own.” He murmured under his breath like you wouldn't be able to hear him. You opted not to taunt him for it. 
A few topics later and Noah finally pushed his plate away to indicate that he was full. You had already done the same, the sushi weighing heavy on your stomach. You didn't regret a single piece of it, though. 
“So, the guy last night, Ruffilo…”
“Nicholas?” You cut him off, brows raised. Noah cleared his throat a bit and nodded. 
“Do you know him?” 
You shrugged as you sipped from your water. “That was only the second time I've met him. He's the grandson of Red, my other boss. One of many, apparently.” 
You could tell that Noah had something he wanted to say but he was contemplating heavily about it. His jaw was clenched, his fingers still fumbling with his chopsticks that were now placed down on the table. You wanted to reach over and grab his hand so he would stop and calm down, but you resisted. 
“Whatever it is you want to say, go on and say it.”
“I just really need you to be careful, okay?”
You looked at him with a confused stare, your head tilting to the side slightly. 
“Why does it always feel like you're keeping something from me?” 
Noah opened his mouth to speak but then paused as the waitress approached. He passed off his debit card when she asked if they were ready for the check, his body language showing how eager he was for them to leave. Why? She couldn't say.  
“Noah,” you pressed. 
“Because I am,” he finally admitted. “But only to keep you safe. The less you know, the better.”
“Jesus,” you rolled your eyes. “I'm so tired of everyone thinking they know what's best for me.”
“Hey, no, that's not what –”
You cut him off by dropping your napkin into your plate and making a move to stand. You didn't even care if you flashed him in the process because at least the glimpse of your bright red underwear would let him know what he was missing out on that night. 
Standing and smoothing out your dress with as much grace as you could muster, you didn't even spare Noah another glance before you were walking away. “I'll be outside.” 
Yes, you were mad, but you weren't dumb enough to walk home alone when people were looking for you. The city was big but never quite big enough if you were trying to hide.  
Noah found you barely a minute later leaning against the front of the restaurant. With your arms crossed over your chest and your heels digging into the pavement, you glanced his way when you felt his overwhelming presence. He may look like a completely different person when wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but he still had the same effect on you just from being close. 
You fucking hated how drawn to him you were. Like you were an idiotic asteroid caught in his planetary orbit and you couldn't get away even if you wanted to. Which…fine, you didn't. Not really. That wasn't something his arrogant ass needed to know, though. 
“I liked it,” you softly spoke. You glanced back towards the restaurant over your shoulder, motioning towards it. “The sushi.” 
“I told you it was the best in the city,” Noah smiled. 
Pushing off the wall, you responded with a sarcastic roll of your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, so you did.” 
You began walking towards the parking lot with Noah in tow, his steps quickly meeting up with yours. Damn those long legs of his. With only silence drifting between the two of you, you began to feel the awkwardness seeping in. Not from the silence itself but from your childish storming out. You weren't going to apologize for it because you weren't sorry, not in the least bit, but you knew you could've handled it better. 
“It's really frustrating,” you began as your pace slowed and you nervously toyed with the ring on your index finger. “When everyone around you is keeping secrets and you constantly feel like you're on the outskirts of your own life.” 
Noah exhaled slowly through his nose, his pace again matching your own until you both came to a halt at the passenger side of his car. He licked over his lips before dropping his gaze to yours, a look of concern present in those eyes of his that you already loved so much. 
“I know,” he said as he brushed your hair from your shoulder before lightly grasping the back of your neck. 
“I don't think you do,” you shook your head. “My dad, Vane -” you lowered your voice at his name as if just speaking it would summon him from the depths of Hell, “everyone kept me in the dark and expected me to just go along with whatever they had planned.” 
You were trying to ignore the way his fingers were lightly stroking the nape of your neck because it would be all too easy to fall into the temptation of that sensation. Apparently your body had other plans, though. Chills formed along your arms and you were sure that if you glanced down then your nipples would be rather present against your dress, so you quickly remedied that by crossing your arms over your chest again. Goddamn him. 
“It's not fair, Noah,” you continued. “I have every right to know everything. Well, at least everything that has to do with me. You know what I'm saying.” 
Noah smiled as you stammered over your last few words, your aggravation at a boiling point. His hands shifted until he was cradling your face within his palms, the pads of his thumbs lightly stroking along your cheeks. 
“You're really fucking cute when you get flustered.” 
Your eyes narrowed up at him into a glare and you suddenly pushed against his chest. “You're an asshole,” you muttered. 
Noah laughed but still placed a chaste kiss to your forehead before you could shove him away again. He then opened the passenger side door for you and made sure you were settled before venturing around to the driver’s side. 
“I'm trying to identify the men who came looking for you from our security footage,” he explained once you had been driving down the road for a few minutes. 
“It's proving to be harder than I thought because I doubt guys like that are just going to pop up in a system, so I'm having to dig deeper.”
You finally looked over at him, your face expressionless. You were thankful for his honesty on what was happening but you also wanted to smack him upside the back of the head. 
“Why didn't you just ask me who they were? I've been around my dad and Vane’s men for years.” 
Noah shook his head, his wrist flexing on the steering wheel where he was using it to drive. “I didn't want you involved anymore than you already are. I told you that I'm trying to keep you safe. If anyone were to catch wind of a girl snooping around with me, it would be very bad.” 
He glanced to where you were seated just as his free hand extended out to rest on your thigh. He gave your heated skin a reassuring squeeze, but left his hand to linger. Your heart rate immediately picked up at the skin to skin contact, a shaky breath escaping. 
“Play dirty all you want, but I still expect you to show me pictures of these guys.” 
“So bossy,” he chuckled, but then gave your thigh another gentle squeeze as a silent acceptance of your demand. 
There was a lot of back and forth once Noah pulled into the apartment building as to whether or not he was going to walk you up to your place. You told him again and again that you were fine, but he made the argument of being a gentleman and needing to end your first date right. 
How could you deny him that? 
Standing outside your door, he had one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your neck. Noah’s version of ‘goodbye’ meant having his tongue in your mouth again but you definitely weren't going to complain about it. 
What a gentleman he was indeed. 
You fumbled to try to grab your keys from your bag as his lips ignited that familiar fire within you again. He had been right - it was so much better when you were sober. There was no haze lingering that made you question whether or not this was a dream, no swirling thoughts. You could freely feel every hard line of his body against yours and the way his fingers grabbed you with a need that rivaled your own. 
“I need to unlock the door,” you murmured into his mouth. Laughing like a love struck little school girl, you managed to turn away from him, but that wasn't stopping Noah from pressing into you from behind and kissing along your neck. 
Your eyes fluttered closed and your hands trembled while you tried your best to slip the key in. All while his own large hands had disappeared beneath your dress to graze your bare hips and thighs, turning you into a puddle right then and there. 
“Having a hard time?” Noah teased as one of his hands ran across your lower stomach, his fingers dipping just beneath the band of your panties. 
You pressed your ass back into him to give him a taste of his own medicine, a deep groan then given to you in response. His grip on your hip tightened just as you managed to unlock the door and push it open. Barely a step in was taken before Noah had you turned around, the door shut, and your body sandwiched against it. 
Fuck, you didn't know if you two were even going to make it back to your bedroom. He was on the verge of taking you right there against your front door. 
Grabbing beneath your thighs and hoisting you up, your legs immediately secured around his waist and pulled him in close. You could feel how hard he was against your thigh and you were desperate to help him find some relief, but he had found solace at your chest first. Noah tugged the straps of your dress down, his lips trailing eager kisses along your chest and down the valley between your breasts. Each touch of his lips to your skin was like a spark of electricity and you wanted more. Needed more. 
“Noah,” you gasped once he had pulled your dress down more and gained access to your bare chest. His tongue flicked across your nipple as your hands threaded through his hair, gripping tight into the locks to keep him in place. 
“I can't get enough of the way your body responds to me,” he lowly spoke as he transitioned to your other nipple to give it the same attention. 
You smirked, your eyes then slowly opening when your hands dropped to begin working open the button of his jeans. Suddenly, you paused, your body going completely still. 
“Noah…” your voice was more serious this time, but it took you lightly tapping his shoulder for him to realize that you were trying to get his attention and not urging him forward. 
It only took him a couple of seconds of reading the scared expression on your face and witnessing the trembling of your lower lip for him to follow your line of sight over his shoulder. 
Your apartment was a disaster. The cushions of your couch had been ripped apart, side tables overturned, the television smashed. Things previously on your walls now laid destroyed on the floor, just as little knick knacks you had here and there also did. 
Noah had you on your feet and your dress situated correctly in a blur. He was wearing the Nocturnal mask now, his face hard and unreadable. 
“Stay here,” he demanded, his hand pressing into your stomach to keep you against the door. 
Then he began to slowly move through your apartment, checking every corner and closet, glass cracking beneath his feet. All you could do was listen to his command, your arms now hugging yourself and tears threatening to spill over. You weren't going to let yourself cry. Not over materialistic items that didn't truly mean anything. 
But what if you had been home when whoever stopped by to ransack your place? Had they come by in hopes of finding you or did they know you were out? Was it targeted or were you simply a random victim of a burglary? 
“Everything is clear,” Noah exclaimed a short moment later when he came walking back up to you. You hadn't been able to pull your gaze from the empty picture frame that laid shattered on the floor, though. It used to house an image of you and Mel from your fifteenth birthday. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was soothing but it was his hands lightly touching your face that brought you back to reality. Noah tilted your head up to look at him, your eyes meeting through the dim lighting after he had turned the kitchen overhead on. 
“I need you to ignore the mess and pack a bag, okay? Can you do that for me?” 
“What? Why? Where are we going?” You were slightly frantic as your eyes searched his, but it was expected when your entire life was being turned upside down - literally. 
“You're going to stay with me until I can figure out what to do, alright? So, please, go pack a bag and be quick.” 
Noah was eager to get going, you could tell from his voice that he was trying his best to remain calm and collected for you, though. He continued to lightly push your hair back, his fingertips grazing your jaw until you were finally able to nod. 
As you began to slowly maneuver your way around the disaster that was your apartment, you paused in the hallway, your hands fisted at your sides. 
“Noah,” you called out softly. “This is the last time I run from these assholes, got it?” 
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northoftheroad · 3 months ago
Variations of Dick Grayson’s and Robin’s origin, part 2
Since DC can't stop publishing new versions and AU:s I’ve decided to start a new post instead of endless updating of my first post (see here).
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Batman and Robin: Year One
Writer Mark Waid, art Chris Samnee. In # 1 (2024), Dick has come to live with Bruce, has started as Robin and helped to catch his parents’ killer in three weeks after the murder, according to Bruce’s thought bubble. Which must be a new record and indicates that Dick came to Wayne manor pretty much straight after the murder. (As he did in the original comics, but he had to train for some months before starting to fight crime.)
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Batman: Justice Buster
A 32 chapter manga by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi (started publishing in English 2023). In this version, R.O.B.I.N. is the name Batman gives the AI he constructs to help him fight crime. It starts taking action by itself and decides human’s sense of justice is the problem.
Dick’s parents dies at the circus, as per usual, but he is taken from the circus by Sam Reynaud, the clown, who says it was murder. Sam is soon after murdered by Joe Chill, who murdered the Wayne’s and possibly also the Graysons. Chill uses drugs and some thingy for a hypnotic spell to get Dick to believe he is Sam. (For fun, he later tells Jason.)
Jason Todd is older than Dick, works as a private detective and is a vigilante called The Joker on the side. He lets Dick train to become a detective, looking to find the man who murdered his parents (the guy he’s unknowingly living with). Jason manages to weedle Batman into a partnership. Somewhat later, he is (apparently) killed by Chill, beaten by a crowbar. Chill says he’s going to take over the moniker Joker.
As I publish this post, the last chapters are still not published in English, so I can't say how the story will end.
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Batman: Dark Ages
6 issues limited series (2024). Writer Mark Russel, art Michael Allred.
A limited series set in an alternate universe. Gotham's underground is run by False Face society which takes control of Wayne Enterprises after Thomas and Martha are murdered and use it to, for instance, spread drug addiction. Bruce has a very different road to becoming Batman; so has Dick to becoming Robin.
He's from a family of acrobats and is working for the Falcone crime family, as the only way to support himself and his parents. When he is part of kidnapping Jim Gordon he is shot, Batman takes him home but he escapes after a few days. By then, his parents are murdered by the Falcone's and he would have been too, if Batman hadn't turned up. Bruce makes him take an oath and he takes on the code name Robin (nothing is said about why Robin.) He later becomes Nightwing, working with Barbara as Batgirl. They marry and have a daughter that we see as Dr. Grayson with an old Bruce in the part of the story that takes place in the future (2030). Dick dies, in Nightwing suit, during a fight with the Joker. Batman tries to catch Dick when he and the Joker falls, but he gets hold of Joker.
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Nightwing vol # 4, Tom Taylor’s run (#117)
Tom Taylor wrote Nightwing 2021-2024 and took the chance to tweak Dick’s origin. He gave Dick an older and previously unknown half-sister, Melinda Grayson-Lin, from a short relationship John had before his marriage to Mary. And he wrote that Tony Zucco had actually wanted to kill Dick, not his parents. How much of this will survive later writers remains to be seen.
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inchesinbetweenus · 1 month ago
a/n: should i turn this into a josh washington x reader series?
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pairing: josh washington x fem!reader
warnings: just josh's poor mental health
word count: aprox. 2k
genre: fluff
summary: A rain cloud named "tragedy" seemed to follow Joshua Washington everywhere he went. It drenched his clothes, ruined his hair, and suffocated him. He was losing hope of ever feeling the sun on his skin again. Then you came along, and he hadn't felt such warmth in a long time.
Some say a rain cloud named "tragedy" seemed to follow Joshua Washington everywhere he went. Some could hardly tell. Over time, he had learned how to live with the cold.
Many assumed he experienced the usual "rich kid problems" like his parents not letting him use their private yacht as a speedboat, or crying over not receiving enough presents for his birthday or Christmas, third-world problems really. While he was still young, the boy did experience more detached issues from his friends. These problems fleeted as quickly as they came. His childish attention span could only hold grudges for so long. One feeling that Joshua couldn't quite let go was loneliness.
Joshua first learned what it felt like to be alone when he was five. The deep pit in his chest started when he was very young, seeing Daddy leave for long periods to work on his movie projects. His mother, already used to the absence, busied herself to keep her sanity. Being left to take care of three young children is a daunting task. So she would hire nannies and babysitters to help fill the spaces she could not. Melinda tried her best, but it wasn't quite what her son needed. With his parents more distant than others, most of the time, Joshua never truly felt attached to anyone except for his sisters.
As they grew older, Joshua cared for them in the ways their parents lacked. In return, they did the same. The three siblings were incredibly close. It wasn't until Joshua was 10 that his family noticed something was wrong.
Joshua had grown up with the feeling that he was broken. Somewhere he couldn't quite figure it out. It all just felt wrong. That feeling and idea hung over his head in his low moments, but at some point, it felt consuming. He had brushed it off when it was easy to, a child had little time to be sad for too long. Over time it grew harder and harder to push away. It continued to grow and fester on his skin. Like a rash, he tried to conceal it, but to no avail. Now he felt like all could see. It took over him, and he had no idea what it was he felt or what he should do.
Soon enough, each day felt longer than the next. Each day, he spent more time in bed than out of it. Only leaving for necessity. Then something happened. The Washingtons spent copious amounts of money to hide the incident. All that is left of it, is a record in Joshua's doctor's notes regarding an "incident at school". Joshua was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder at the age of eleven.
Joshua never felt a lack of people in his life. He felt a lack of connection. His sisters, his friends, Chris, and others, they could only do so much. Josh was a hopeless romantic, with emphasis on "hopeless". A movie enthusiast, a trait he shared with his father. Joshua spent many sleepless nights rewatching his favorite movies. Many being romances. Some nights he so desperately wanted someone to jump in and sweep him off his feet just like in those movies. Someone to share a connection with. Each year that passed without anything close only made him feel more hopeless. And then he met you.
Junior year, for you, meant a new school. Your high school had been next in line to be remodeled over the summer, and due to unexpected circumstances, it wasn't ready in time for the new year. Most students got distributed to other schools in the area, but you were out of the district of your old school, so you were placed in the correct school. Away from all your friends. You weren't entirely thrilled at this, but ultimately there wasn't anything you could've done. Not on such short notice, but maybe later in the year, you could get a transfer. Hopefully.
Walking into a new school is not for the faint of heart. Each class felt like forever. Former friend groups mingled as you tried to find your spot in it all. The realization you were alone tightened your chest. A silent prayer that it wouldn't last fell from your lips as you entered the next classroom. It was Physics, and it seemed you were pretty early. The kind teacher instructed you to pick your seat as you were one of the first there. You settled on a seat towards the front of the class, but not dead center. Your eyes focused on your phone as the rest of the students filed into the room. The seats beside you remained empty as groups found each other. The tightening in your chest grew until someone sat next to you. She was blonde and had her hair pulled back out of her face. She was beautiful, sporting a bit of a grungey look. With a smile on her face, she introduced herself to you. You learned her name was Samantha, and she also had no friends in that class. Her best friend was in the year below, so they often took different classes. After sharing schedules, you realized you had lots of classes together. The two of you seemed to let out a sigh of relief. Guess loneliness had missed its target today. You spent most of the day with Sam, she showed you around the school and provided insight into the teachers and student drama. At lunch, she introduced you to her best friend, Hannah, and Hannah's sister, Beth. You learned they were twins and their brother, Joshua, also attended the school in the year above them. The first day you already knew three new people you could talk to. This was going better than you expected.
One thing you were still concerned about was your last class. You had been placed into AP English Literature as a Junior. It was commonly a Senior class, but you tested out of AP English Language. This meant none of your new friends would be in that class, but Hannah and Beth had mentioned their brother taking that class. Was it possible you had the same period?
Walking into the warmly lit classroom was a relief in your eyes. The fluorescent lights in most of the other classrooms always strained your eyes when reading. The moody lighting was a nice change. Purple LED lights were strung around the top of the room, matching the deep purple of two of the walls. Warm fairy lights dangled beneath the LEDs, better fitting the other two white walls. A beautifully calming contrast. Sunlight poured in through the blinds of the windows behind the teacher's desk. It had been raining all day, a dreary first day. But now the weather seemed better. Only the raindrops still fell but the sun peeking through the clouds gave hope of better weather.
The desks were arranged in groups of four, with two seats facing the front and two facing each other. You chose a seat closer to the teacher and the windows. Not really wanting to face a new person, you chose one of the seats facing the front. Similar to your other classes, students walked in, but with less urgency than this morning.
The seat next to you remained empty. Two girls sat in front of you, they were nice but more interested in each other. You kept your attention on your phone as they chatted about the drama that already seemed to be happening on the first day.
Finally, the last wave of students walked in. With that group was a boy that looked slightly similar to the description Hannah and Beth had given of their brother. You noticed it all. The brown hair that looked slightly styled, the clothes he wore, and the goofy smile on his lips as he spoke with some friends. What you also noticed was a distinct look in his eyes. Despite all the laughs he shared as he walked in, his eyes looked like they held a sea of grief. You were shocked at how deep they were. Your face burned at this sudden infatuation with a stranger's eyes, but you couldn't help it. There were two open seats, and by whatever miracle it was, he chose to sit next to you. At least you thought it was a miracle.
"Good afternoon, class." The teacher looked up from her seat in the corner, surrounded by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. "Please take a few minutes to get acquainted with your tablemates. They will be your group for the year."
The two girls paid no mind to you and Joshua. Returning to their previous conversation. A smile pulled at your lips as you turned to face the boy next to you. Your gazes met, and you glanced over his features. Quite striking, but his eyes were something else. Something you couldn't quite put your finger on. If you weren't too busy with your own inner thoughts, you'd have noticed the brunette was staring right back at you.
"Joshua, right? I have lunch with your sisters."
The mention of his sisters snapped him back to the conversation as he blinked away his thoughts.
"Right, but everyone calls me Josh." The same goofy smile from before graced his face. "And you are?"
Josh was usually focused in school. It was the one place he could muster the strength to get stuff done. On particularly bad days, he was allowed to stay home. Sure, he would get behind, but eventually, he could catch up. Once his medicine kicked in. If it kicked in. Last year was particularly rough, but not rough enough to stop him from placing in one of his favorite classes AP Literature. He looked forward to the film portion of that class, and wouldn't let anything get in his way of it. He worked his ass off studying for the AP Lang exam, passing with flying colors. His current medicine seemed to work, for now.
He walked into AP Literature, actually excited for the class. He split off from Chris and his other friends as they walked to their final classes. Being almost late for his classes was a signature for Josh, and his teachers had learned it was best to not mention it. It was a fight they couldn't win anyway. Josh was expecting to love this class but for an entirely different reason than now. Now he found himself drawn to a new face.
It was a girl. She was definitely new, between Josh and his friends, he knew most people at the school. A new person would've been noticed. How he hadn't noticed her before, he didn't know, but now she was the only thing he could notice. Her hair looked purposefully done, even if it was just brushed there was intent there. There was intent in everything about her appearance no matter how small. But what he really was looking at was her eyes. There was a warmth in her eyes that he didn't see from many people. As cliche as it sounds, time felt slower. With a breath in, Josh almost wished he could stay here and figure out what it was about this girl he was so interested in.
Without much thought, Josh walked over to the empty seat next to her. He settled in the spot. Usually, Josh sat in the back of the class, not wanting to be front and center. That was the last thing he was thinking of right now. He turned to the teacher as she spoke. The sunlight danced through the blinds.
"Please take a few minutes to get acquainted with your tablemates. They will be your group for the year."
His eyes followed the light that glimmered in the rain, the way it fell on her felt almost poetic. A pause before either of them spoke. Taking in the sight of her, he could've sworn she was looking at him the same way. She spoke first; her voice was just as warm as she looked. She spoke of his sisters, snapping back into the conversation, Josh felt a smile pull at his lips.
"Right, but everyone calls me Josh."
Nobody really called him Joshua except for his parents, his teachers, his doctors, or people he didn't know well. Maybe something in him wanted to get to know her more, or he felt more at ease knowing she was friends with his sisters. Whatever it was, he welcomed it. "And you are?"
He repeated her name lightly.
Some say a rain cloud named "tragedy" seemed to follow Joshua Washington everywhere he went. Some could hardly tell. Over time, he had learned how to live with the cold. Well, for once, he could've sworn the sun was peeking through the rain. And he knew that what he only ever wanted was to bask in its warmth. Maybe you could help him do that.
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