#older Sirius black
yrluvjane · 8 months
13 Years.
13 Years since the day you believed you lost your husband. 13 years since the day your friends died. 13 Years since the day your family was shadowed in darkness and 13 Years since your life crumbled to ash.
If you had told me, 13 years ago, that there was a chance that I could be in my husband's arms once more, I would've kicked you out the bloody window.
But here you wete, sitting on one of the sofa's in 12 Grimmauld Place; a glass of wine in one hand, trying to wrap your mind of what was happening.
You sat in front of the fire place, it was not lit but it was not the fire that attracted your attention. There was a mess of floo powder all over the floor, coating the edges of the fireplace in grey dirt.
You had been staring at the that for the past two or three hours, your stare turning from one of confusion to curiosity, worry, anger, doubt and hope.
It was around 5 days since Dumbledore apparated outside the wards of your house, in hopes to speak with you about an urgent topic. At first you believed something happened to Harry, that he was hurt or attacked but no if only it was about Harry.
No, Dumbledore had wished to inform you he was in contact with your long, lost husband, Sirius. When he said, the teacup that was reaching for your lips fell and shattered on the ground, spilling the hot liquid and staining the carpet.
Dumbledore only flicked his wand twice for the cup to return to its original state and the stain to vanish; continuing as though he spoke of a new recipe he saw in the British Bake Off.
He told you that Sirius was framed by Peter and that he has been hiding all over Europe in the past two years. When Dumbledore mentioned he knew where Sirius was for two years and 'suspected' he was innocent; you had the sudden urge to smash the teapot over your previous Headmaster's head.
And now you sat, staring at dirt and getting yourself drunk; hoping to avoid your husband, who should arrive any moment now. You downed the rest of your glass and leaned over to refill it just as the door opened.
"I'm fine, Molly." You sighed as you watched the red liquid pout out of the bottle.
You are definitely not fine
A voice commented in your head, it's been 13 years! People change, what if he doesn't love me anymore, or doesn't want me around, what if he doesn't want her.
"I'm not Molly." Harry said sheepishly as he fiddled with his fingers. "May I?"
"Sure. Come on in, make yourself comfortable." You invited as you pulled your blanket and draped it over his legs. "Want a sip?" You asked raising your glass once you caught Harry's eyes. "You'll be legal in a few years and merlin knows what type of things you'll be doing this year."
You definitely were not sober.
"Aunt Y/n!" Harry exclaimed as his face reddened the same shade as his house scarf. "Just be safe, cause if you become a father before the age of 24; I will snap your wand."
Harry stared down in embarrassment and cleared his throat. "I wanted to ask if you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm going to see my husbsnd for the first time in thirteen year, where he was framed for murder." You replied in a defensive tone, motioning with your hands and heavily swallowing your alcoholic drink.
"Why does everyone think I'm not fine?! I am wonderful. Fan-freakin-tastic. I am super!"
You turned to face Harry's concerned and shocked face and realised you must've sound like a crazy person.
You took a deep breath and motioned for Harry to lean in. He rested his head at your lap as you brushed your fingers over his hair.
"I'm okay, Haz."
"It's just...this may be a lot to handle. I mean I remember when I found out the truth about Peter. I just feel like you meeting Sirius again is as scary as me meeting my parents or something. I think it's alright to be nervous." Harry replied as he played with a loose thread on his jacket.
"I am not nervous."
That was also a lie but you weren't ready to spill all your drunken emotions over to a 15 year old boy.
Harry gave you a look as if to say "really?"
"Shouldn't you be somewhere with Ron talking about Quidditch and girls?" You teased as Harry scoffed.
"If I talked girls with Ron, I'll be lonely the rest of my life."
You let a laugh bubble out of you, Harry soon joining in.
"Is Elle coming over later?" Harry asked after a moment of silence, his face flushing slightly. You chuckled. "Tomorrow morning." You assured him, knowing he had a liking to your 14 year old daughter.
"Are you going to tell Sirius?"
That was the million dollar question, she had to tell him, he was her father, she was his daughter. It would be wrong of her not to tell him.
But she couldn't help wonder, if Sirius didn’t want a child. He always wished to end the Black line. And they never really spoke about having one and maybe he would be to occupied with being Harry's Godfather.
He just got out of prison it would be insane to just bombard him with two teenagers.
"I have to tell him at some point. Though, i am compelled to the idea of leaving and letting them meet each other tomorrow on their own." She suggested, half-joking.
"I'm sure Sirius would be glad to have a daughter. 12 Years in Azkaban, I think some family company could do him well."
She couldn't believe it, 12 years in Azkaban; a soul-sucking prison, reserved for the worst of the worst. The word itself made a shiver run down your spine.
The day of Sirius's imprisonment flashed right before your eyes as though it was a recent memory.
"No! He didn't do it!" You had shouted, the Aurors ignored as they trashed your house. "Mrs. Black-" An Auror began approaching you but you pushed him with your might.
"HE DIDN'T DO IT!" You shouted, you magic flaring and shattering all the windows, a spray of glass showered the ground. '"Mrs. Black if you don't compose yourself right this instant, i will have no choice but to detain you!" The head Auror yelled at you.
You eyes were streaming with tears, the rain from the outside storm began pouring into the the house. The thunder strikes defeaned your ears as you stared at the middle-aged man with nothing but fury in your eyes.
"Get out." You gritted through clenched teeth, you hands fisted at either side of you. "I beg your pardon?" He scoffed.
"Get out of my house!" You snapped, you could feel your magic crackle in the air. The vases, tables and chairs began to shake, the flamws in the fireplace raged shockingly.
The rest of the Aurors stood in their place, unsure with what to do. "You have no authority to tell me what to do!" The Head Auror shouted at you, his wand raised to level with your throat.
With the anger inside of you boiling and reaching its limit, you yelled at the top of your lungs; a surge of magic rushing out as it exploded all your vases and glassware. The couches, chairs and tables all flying out of their place and hitting against the wall.
A moment of silence rang as the Aurors battled if whether it was safe to put their sheilds down. "Let's go," The Head Auror said as he gathered his team. "We will be back."
And true to his word, he did come back but at that point you were too numbed by the amount of calming draught, they made you ingest.
You shook your head as though it would push the memory back to the end of your mind. "I hope your right."
And no later than an hour, you were sat at one end of the large dining table while Sirius sat all the way on the other end.
And though there were only eight or nine seats (per side) that separated you, it fel as though half of London was in between you.
Your eyes kept roaming over his body, though he smiled, joked, laughed and played, you could tell he was somewhat exhausted.
That moment when when his smile fell, his shoulders sagged and his head bowed down allowing his eyes to rest on you.
You saw his eye slightly widened as though he was noticing for the first time in ages - which was exactly what was happening right now - he placed his glass of drink on the table and gave you a small smile.
The side of his eyes wrinkled at the gesture and you couldn't help but feel the same dropping feeling you got almost twenty years ago when you first fell in love with him.
Harry, who was sat next to him kept blabbing about something, but for the first time tonight Sirius didn’t look as though he was engrossed into the conversation.
Sirius stared at you, head tilted as his eyes scanned every aspect of your face. He couldn't believe it was you after all this time. Your hair was all disheveled and your makeup was slightly smudged but you still looked as beautiful as they you two got married.
Y/n subtly motions her head to the side and gets up from her seat, elegantly slipping out of the room.
"Excuse me, Harry." Sirius said, clearing his throat as he stared at where Y/n left and made his way out the room.
The halls got quieter the more he walked, he didn't have to check the other rooms to guess where Y/n slipped into.
He immediately turned towards the stairs and walked up to the upstairs library. There was only one thing in the world that Y/n liked more than coffee and that was books.
Muggle, magic, dark or light. Y/n could always be found nursing one. He quietly opened the door to it letting the smell of old tomes engulf him.
Y/n sat on an armchair at the far end of the room, looking through a dark, hard-covered grimore.
"Most of those books are cursed y'know." Sirius commented as he softly let the door shut. He took a sip of his drink and walked towards her as she let out a gentle 'Ah'.
"Most dark books are, though said curses can be avoided if opened correctly..." She said as she brushed her fingers down the spine and muttered quietly, the next the book let out a soft click as the locks on the side freed it.
Though nothing she said was processed in Sirius's head, he was still hungover on the part his wife was infront of him and speaking to him.
She turned and faced him with a small smile, "Won't you sit?"
Sirius walked over and took a seat right infront of her. He noted her flushed cheeks and the trembling hands over her lap.
"I'm sorry." Sirius said truly as he stared at his shoes.
"Sorry?" Y/n began as she stared up at him with furrowed brows, "Sirius you didn't do anything wrong."
"I did, I left you. I broke our vows, my most important promises to you." He said, she tried to cut him off but he shook his head.
"This is all my fault, if i didn't tell James to make Peter the secret keeper last minute, him and Lily could still be alive, Harry wouldn't be an orphan, Remus wouldn't suffer the full moon alone, I wouldn’t have been in Azkaban..." He took a deep, shaky breath. "You wouldn't have been alone for 13 years."
He looked up at Y/n his grey eyes meeting her's. "You don't know that, for all we know James and Lily could've died a week later even if Peter didn't betray them."
"And Remus didn't spend his full moons alone, I was with him." She stood up and sat next to him, placing a comforting hand on his knee.
"And I wasn't alone for 13 years, a part of you was with me every moment of them." She said as Sirius stared at the diamond on her ring finger.
A hesitated hand, placed itself over her as his thumb stroked the ring. "After all this time?" He said as he stared at her, "Always."
He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss. "Your not afraid of me." He stated more than questioned.
"Why would you think I was afraid of you?"
"You didn't want to talk to me."
"Sirius, I didn't want to talk to you because..." Y/n stopped and gulped as Sirius leaned back with furrowed brows and faced her. "I didn't think, you'd still want me anymore. 13 years is more enough for someone to fall out of love with their partner."
"You really think i could stop loving you? no matter how many years apart i could never stop loving you. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you after 30 years when we are old and grey. I loved you since the first day we met and will love you till the day I die and till the day we meet again. 13 years are nothing comparing to my love to you."
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moonyeyedstar · 7 months
** is smut
Remus Lupin
*Be Mine- V-day*(Professor Lupin)
*First-Time*(Marauders Era)
*Thigh-riding*(Professor Lupin)
*Punish You*(Professor Lupin)
*Extra Help*(Professor Lupin)
*Forgive Me, Father*(Priest Remus)(pt1)(pt2)
*Hide*(Professor Lupin)
*Daddy's Girl*(Stepdad Remus)
*Full Moon*(Professor Lupin)
*Experiment*(Remus Lupin x James Potter)
Sirius Black
*Skinny Dip*(Marauders Era)
*The Order*(Older Sirius x Harry's Friend Reader) (Part 1)
*The Order*(Older Sirius x Harry's Friend Reader) (Part 2)
*Relax, Love,*(Stepdad Sirius)
*Truth*(Stepdad Sirius)
Under the Mistletoe-Wolfstar Xmas(Remus POV)
*Attention*-(Wolfstar x F!Reader)(Marauders Era)
*Starved*-(Wolfstar x F!Reader)(Post Hogwarts Marauders)
James Potter
*Cheer Up*(Marauders Era)
*My Brother's Best Friend*(James Potter x Y/n Black Marauders Era)
*Distraction*(Marauders Era)
*Experiment*(James Potter x Remus Lupin)
*I Want You Both*(Remus Lupin x James Potter x Reader)
*Happy Birthday*(Poly Marauders x Reader)
Marlene Mckinnon
*Victory*(Marauders Era)
Severus Snape
*Virgin*(Professor Snape)
*Cockwarming Parts 1+2*(Professor Snape)
*Valentine's Day*(Professor Snape)
*Detention*(Professor Snape)
*Meeting*(Death Eater Snape ft. Lucius Malfoy)
*Good Girl*(Older Snape x Younger Reader ft Older Narcissa Malfoy)
Lucius Malfoy
*Assistant*(Older Lucius x Younger Reader)
*Meeting*(Lucius Malfoy ft. Severus Snape)
Narcissa Malfoy
*Toys*(Older Narcissa x Younger Female Reader)
*Good Girl*(Older Narcissa x Younger Female Reader ft. Older Severus Snape)
*Touch Me*(Older Narcissa x Younger Female Reader)
*Restless*(Older Narcissa x Younger Male Reader)
Tom Riddle
*Teacher's Pet*(Professor Tom Riddle)
Draco Malfoy
*Fooling Around*(Male Reader)
*Stress Relief*(Draco Malfoy x Female Reader)
Minerva McGonagall
*Fantasy*(Professor McGonagall)
293 notes · View notes
celestialsister0918 · 9 months
Fireside: A Sirius Black Christmas Oneshot
Happy holidays, loves! Here is a gift for my Sirius Black friends. Tumblr exclusive for now, probably cross-posted to my AO3 and Wattpad eventually.
A few warnings— it’s EXPLICIT smut. 18+ interaction only, please. 
It’s a Sirius x You (fem-reader) fic, but you have a House. It was necessary for the plot. Hopefully you are House-flexible or can be for the next 6k+ words. 
Get warm and cozy and enjoy… and please let me know what you think… reblogs are much appreciated, as are likes and comments. I love chatting with readers and fellow Sirius lovers.
Tumblr media
You stood at the doorway to Number Twelve with your heart beating wildly against your chest. Harry and the other students had left for second term just a few short hours ago, with the Weasleys close behind. They were giving Arthur the chance to continue his recovery at the Burrow, hoping to speed his efforts with the comforts of home rather than the sullen, dreary darkness of Grimmauld Place. At least that’s what you’d overheard in their whispers after last night’s dinner, which had followed the last meeting of the Order for the year.
The whispers, of course, were for the benefit of the one inhabitant of the house who wasn’t granted the choice of leaving. No matter how dark and dreary, no matter how much his spirits needed lifting. And they certainly seemed to need lifting last night. As soon as the meeting had adjourned, Sirius Black retreated upstairs with nary a goodbye. Harry had seemed disappointed at this. It was only natural he’d want to soak up every minute possible with his godfather before returning to Hogwarts. But Black had fallen prey to another “fit of the sullens,” as Molly liked to label them with a disapproving shake of her head.
You understood those types of fits all too well, having suffered your own tragedies throughout the Wizarding Wars, as well as typical adolescent heartaches and disappointments that seemed to continue into your early adult years too. Maybe you simply took things too seriously. Life just seemed to come easy to more carefree witches and the wizards that worshiped them. You’d heard stories that Sirius Black himself used to fall into that lighthearted, devil-may-care category many years ago. But he’d experienced unimaginable darkness, and you knew the last thing he needed was to hide away alone, even if he fought you tooth and nail over it. 
With a sharp intake of breath, you broke through the warded door with charms meant only for official gatherings of the Order. You prayed to the gods that there wasn’t some terrible punishment for doing so. You sighed with relief when you were greeted only by the eerie silence of cold, dark air— which was a sound unto itself, strange as that seemed. The familiar dank smell filled your nostrils, but it didn’t bother you. It simply set the ambience of a home filled with magic and mystery and stories, dreaded though some of them may be. The walls were alive with history, and there was something intriguingly romantic about the place, if you were honest. You knew the man you were about to encounter would adamantly disagree and would probably throw you out on your arse for thinking so. You’d be sure to keep your strange admiration for the place to yourself for a while, at least until he warmed up to you a bit. 
That could take awhile indeed, you thought grimly. Rather than start on such a task right away, you chose to descend to the kitchen and make yourself a calming cup of tea. Perhaps a drop or two of schnapps for some liquid courage were in order also. As the kettle warmed, you made your way to the flocked tree in the rear of the kitchen and smiled as you studied the ornaments there. Sirius himself had conjured and crafted most of them just days earlier, when he’d been noticeably more joyful. The anticipation of Christmas had lifted him out of his funk, and he’d been determined to replace his family’s fancy heirloom ornaments with much more colorful, animated, and exciting ones. You enjoyed examining them while you waited for the kettle to whistle. They were a glimpse into his true self— the fun, whimsical side you always heard about in tales from the older Order members. 
You’d seen that side a bit in your interactions with him so far. He had a certain glint in his eye as he teased you for your lack of coordination, which coincidentally had landed you in his lap one evening when you’d hooked the toe of your boot unceremoniously under the crossbar of the wooden kitchen bench. 
“I- I’m so sorry,” you had stammered, your face painfully hot. He’d caught you with an arm scooped under your back.
“I’m not,” he’d quipped back with a glimmer in his blue gray eyes. And he’d given your thigh a couple quick pats with his large palm, just fatherly enough that you weren’t quite sure if he saw you as a cute, clumsy, overgrown kid— or something a bit sexier, as that glimmer in his eye along with his comment might have suggested. 
Subsequent meetings were difficult after that fateful fall. You couldn’t stop your eyes from straying in his direction. In spite of his scraggly, unkept stubble and perhaps accelerated aging from Azkaban, he was undoubtedly a beautiful man. The Black family genetics were famous for a reason. Their symmetry and grace, smooth skin, full and shiny hair, and silky, aristocratic voices were mesmerizing. It was no wonder they drifted toward the Dark Arts; with gifts like that, they could clearly coerce lesser mortals into doing anything. 
Sirius was made only more handsome by the tattoos that covered the previews of skin he revealed— a sexy “fuck you” to the house, the Black family line, and anyone who may chide him for daring to be different. You admired the confidence his swaths of ink portrayed, and each passing meeting made you yearn to study them up close. For academic purposes, of course. Continuing education in Ancient Runes. Field work. 
“Do you not take sugar in your tea?” 
The voice was quite light and innocent, but it startled you so much you spilled said tea straight through the holes of your wool sweater. 
“Fuck!” you hissed. “You scared me, Black.” 
He smiled and strode behind you, reaching around your front to grasp a kitchen rag that hung from the lower cupboard handle. He spun you around with hands on your upper arms and promptly began absorbing the spill. Of course he could have taken care of it with a mere wand wave. Interesting that he chose the more manual route. 
“I scared you?” Sirius mused. “And to think you’re the one breaking and entering and stealing my tea. Which, strangely, you’re sipping black at the moment. Is this because you don’t know where to find the proper accompaniments, or are you simply that odd?”
“Simply that odd, I’m afraid,” you admitted, leaning back against the wooden counter with legs outstretched. “I like it black. Enjoy the flavor.”
This was met with a slightly arched eyebrow, but he recovered quickly and reached around you again to grab his own mug.
“I prefer it quite sweet, and loaded with cream, personally,” Sirius commented, voice still maddeningly silky and light. It tickled over your eardrums like a melody. His tongue snaked out as he tilted the mug to his lips and slurped. 
“Don’t you Blacks have to attend some finishing school before you’re sent to Hogwarts?” you teased him. “Don’t they teach you not to slurp there?” 
Sirius didn't miss a beat. “You’ll find I’m a bit of a dog, darling. I’m rather noisy and messy with my mouth.” 
That rush of heat filled your cheeks again, and you found yourself trembling a little with adrenaline at how quickly things had escalated. Or did they? The conversation was quite innocent, on a service level. Perhaps your building desire for him had you reading things that weren’t there. You decided to change the subject and try to calm your racing blood.
“You seem quite a bit… happier… than the other day,” you offered as he continued to enjoy his tea. “Did you have a nice day today?”
Sirius seemed to snort. “I had a fucking awful day. How could I have anything but in a place like this?”
“I’m sure it’s not so bad, with the right company,” you pointed out nervously, suddenly scared you might piss him off enough that he’d order you to leave. 
“I’ve had nothing but company for weeks,” he replied. “It can help, I suppose. But I’m still trapped.” 
You weren’t quite sure what to say to this, so you busied yourself with your own mug, roving the kitchen slowly to avoid eye contact while you plotted where to go next.
“Is that why you’re here?” Sirius continued softly. “Do you believe you’re the ‘right company?’” His expression seemed skeptical.
You shrugged shakily. “I— I dunno. I guess I just thought… you shouldn’t be alone. I… I like being alone occasionally. But you… you don’t really seem like that type.”
“Not a bit,” he agreed. “But it’s not just about the company. It’s about experiences. And I’ve experienced everything there is to do here. Millions of miserable times over.” 
You bit your lip, knowing you could never be so bold as to suggest novel experiences he might try. You were pretty sure he hadn’t had many of those— if any— within these walls. Not with multitudes of pureblood portraits staring him down. Of course he very well could have fooled around with pureblood girls here growing up, right? Just because he wasn’t a supremacist like his forebears didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy a dip in the pureblood pool from time to time. 
“So,” he continued, addressing you by your name as he crept closer, step by step. “What experiences are you bringing with your company? How will you keep me from being bored?” His eyebrows arched and narrowed adorably with his words as he challenged you. 
He stopped just short of invading your space, so you could still view him easily from head to toe. He wore a thick velvet robe in deep burgundy overtop a black and green pinstripe shirt that was honestly a bit… Slytherin-like, when taken in isolation. Perhaps he hadn’t invested in a new wardrobe upon his return and simply relied on the house’s contents. But it suited him nonetheless— this regal contrast of the two houses adorned with his double Albert chain and shiny brown dress shoes. Of course the colors were befitting the season as well, a reminder that Christmas joy still lingered in the air, if one looked for it. You imagined that the house once saw splendid Christmas feasts— glittering, elegant affairs filled with firelight and extravagance as the Wizarding World’s upper crust filled every floor. Personally you enjoyed picturing something more intimate, more cozy, within those old walls. 
“Let’s light a fire,” you suggested, setting your teacup down and leading the way to the parlor.
Sirius scoffed behind you but followed nonetheless. “Why would we do that? The entirety of the house is under a warming charm, darling.” 
“Hogwarts has fires in the common rooms, does it not? They were nice.”
“Nice, but obviously unnecessary,” he continued practically. 
“You need some actual warmth in this place,” you insisted, setting to work lighting the floo. “The kind of warmth that feels good on the inside too. Comfort. A glow.” 
“You’re a Hufflepuff, aren’t you?” Sirius asked with a snicker, reclining in a large, faded velvet armchair. He spread his legs in a wide slouch, and you couldn’t help but gaze downward at the movement. Thick, ribbed corduroy slacks hugged thin legs and tapered down to fine silk socks, above which you saw the faintest glimpse of pale skin and dark hair. 
“What does my house matter?” you returned in a non-answer. The fire roared to life in the large black marble, and instead of joining him in the companion armchair, you chose to settle on the rug right in front of the flames. Your skin was already on fire, of course, from the turn-on of his earlier proximity and banter. But the added warmth felt nice, and you hugged your knees to your chest. 
“Your house doesn’t matter,” he agreed. Just simply a guess. Now, what about that experience you’re going to offer me? Still waiting for an answer on that one.” Sirius rested an elbow on the chair arm, his fingers toying with the ends of his long mustache where it met the unruly stubble on his chin. 
“Come down here with me. This is an experience,” you responded, patting the empty space next to you on the rug. It was thick and smooth, richly woven, and of course very expensive. You could feel thick loops of fine threads beneath your fingers as you traced its intricate pattern. 
“Sitting by a fire?” Sirius asked incredulously. But he did make a move to join you, settling down in the spot you indicated and then shifting closer. His robe brushed the sleeve of your sweater, and he made no move to back away. 
“Well, what kind of experience did you have in mind?” you shot back.
Sirius shrugged innocently, eyes twinkling in the dim light. “No idea, love. You’re the one who showed up on my doorstep, remember? Don’t you have a plan for these things? Or are they spontaneous? Maybe you’re a Gryffindor then?” 
You gave a small smile, refusing to answer the question. Instead you studied the details of his face you’d never noticed from afar, features augmented by the dancing shadows of light. He had a very well defined facial muscle that gave an intermittent sexy twitch. And another defined crease on the underneath of his nose that made you curious if you had one; you had always just envisioned it to be smooth. But most magnificent was the way the firelight bounced off of every soft curl — a bountiful dark mahogany crown that would be the envy of any woman alive. You longed to run your hands through it, betting it was even more luxurious than the tapestry rug beneath your increasingly aroused bottom half. 
“I’m beginning to feel rather exposed,” Sirius declared, amused. “I don’t think I’ve ever been examined in such detail before. Is this for ‘science,’ as the Muggles say?”
You cleared your throat nervously. “Uh, yes. Wizarding genetics, I guess. You’re just very… impressive.” You winced at the terrible recovery. 
Sirius responded with a sweep of a tattooed hand over your cheek. “I’m flattered, coming from a witch as exquisite as yourself. Not to mention young. I believe I have quite a few years on you, yes?”
Your heartbeat was painfully audible as you tried to craft an answer. His fingers still explored your face, alternating with occasional twists of an adjacent lock of your hair. Each sweep of his skin over yours seemed to make your veins tremble. 
You truly didn’t know how to respond. Your Muggle friend had once informed you that the term for your specific brand of fixation was “daddy kink,” but you weren’t sure admitting that would do you any favors. You liked how his touch was so self-assured, and the richness of his scent, and how he always knew what to say without hesitation. You liked how the hard lines of his face and hands denoted strength and experience. And you liked how he made you feel small and fragile and protected just by being near you. You wished you could tell him all that without sounding ridiculous. But you were fairly certain you were already communicating it with your parted lips, panting breath, and love-drunk eyes. 
“You are going to make my night interesting after all, aren’t you, little one?” Sirius husked, and the bud between your legs danced frantically up and down in response. How did he know to call you that? Your eyes closed with the dizziness of your anticipation, and the hand that had drifted so gently over your cheek now rested fully on your throat. His scent became even more pronounced, alerting you to his closeness just before his mustache tickled your upper lip in the briefest of warnings. 
The kiss he gave you was chaste and just enough for you to learn the shape of his lips before he pulled away. 
“If you don’t want this, you need to tell me,” Sirius said, his voice low as it drifted directly across your ear. “I’ll stop if you ask me to— at any point. But this is the only asking I’ll be doing myself. Once I begin, you’ll find I’m far too busy to stop and check in.” 
His forehead rested gently on yours, his deep blue eyes smoky in the dim light. 
“Busy doing what?” you whispered— half teasingly, half desperate for the fire between your legs to be stoked by all the dirty things he would promise.
Sirius chuckled lowly. “You like dirty talk, little one?”
Your affirmative answer came as a whimper, which elicited another devilish chuckle from his lips. 
“Very well,” he said silkily. He punctuated the words with another firm kiss on your lips, this time allowing the very tip of his tongue to trace the outline of the bottom one before planting light kisses along your jawline to your earlobe. He paused there, allowing a breath to tickle your ear before he spoke.
“I am going to make every part of your body come alive, as if I cast a spell. But there will be no wand— only my hands, my mouth, my voice. I will make your delicious cunt so wet it will be weeping for my cock. Then I will bury it in you so deep you scream… so loud you’ll wake every portrait in this house and make them curse your sweet, beautiful name. You will ride my cock for as many mind-numbing orgasms as your body can handle, then I will take my pleasure and fill you so full of my seed that it trickles down these soft, smooth thighs all day long tomorrow. You’ll feel it and remember me, and you’ll want it all over again.” 
Sirius accompanied his filthy murmurings with firm strokes to your inner thigh, hand already buried inside your skirt. You let out an almost agonized groan in response— all intelligible communication now impossible. Your body literally shook just from his promises, and you knew the look you gave him as he came to a kneel on the rug was one of complete and utter submission. 
His hands came beneath your head to cradle it, hands swept in the tangle of your hair as kisses became more insistent, open-mouthed, and allowed you taste the salt and firewhisky on his breath. His tongue explored in gentle licks followed by long sweeps of your mouth, as if it was truly a mission to discover inner parts of you and not just kissing. 
You became eager for his hands to move elsewhere, but they still held your head still for his mouth to continue its wicked work. His kisses made your head spin, but the rest of your body felt in heat and neglected. You came to your knees yourself, hands introducing themselves to the sturdy velvet of his jacket, your legs making a move to straddle one of his trousered thighs. He let out a low laugh.
“So eager,” he chastised. “I’m the one who hasn’t shagged in fourteen years, yet I’m the one demonstrating all the patience.”
“I want you!” you defended yourself breathlessly, not even caring if you sounded desperate now. You just needed relief, and to have this wizard covering every inch of you.
“Ah, there it is. The answer I needed to my question,” he said with a wink. “You needed to give me permission, you know.”
“You have it,” you insisted, and as a visual aid to your words, you took the initiative to shrug out of your own sweater. Your breasts swelled over the cups of your lacy, favorite-colored bra. You noticed Sirius became strangely still at the sight, his mouth parting.
“Fucking beautiful,” he managed to mutter, and he cast his own robe aside to free his movement as he reclined you both onto the rug. His fingers gently slid one strap from your shoulder, replacing it with his mouth and soft whiskers. The detailed attention he paid to a spot as random as your shoulder reminded you of his promise to awaken every part of your body. Sirius planned to make every cell literally beg.
His kisses danced across your collarbone in a similar fashion, tended to the next shoulder, then came to center on your pulse point, where he began a gentle suction. You let out a cry at this and took the chance to enjoy his gorgeous, thick curls while he worked his mouth on your upper body’s most sensitive spot. 
“I’m going to have wicked marks if you keep doing that,” you teased with a whisper. Sirius’s nose brushed your earlobe as he went for the other side, sucking the sensitive skin beneath like he was starving.
“Good,” he finally broke to whisper back. “And your neck’s not the only spot I plan to mark you.” He added teeth to the mix now, grazing lightly over your throbbing pulse. Would he bite? Would you even care if he did? But he only threatened such before moving lower, working your arms out of the dangling bra straps to reveal your breasts to him. His breath caught in his chest as he appreciated them with his eyes first before cupping them hard, one in each hand. His rough thumbs drove your nipples into peaks, watching each little bump emerge with fascination. 
You observed him with a smile, arms leaned back behind you to prop you up for his amusement. You realized of course that it had been over a decade since he’d played with such toys, and though your body was humming for more, you granted him his boy-like fun. Sirius alternated between circling your nipples into painfully hard peaks and kneading your breasts like dough before finally suckling the left into his mouth. The action caused your eyes to roll back in your head. This wizard knew what he was doing. It was more than just taking the soft, pliable tissue into his mouth— he created a firm, merciless suction whose movements echoed between your thighs in violent waves. Your legs parted reflexively, and you grabbed his hand, encouraging it down to feel your burning heat. 
“Please touch me,” you begged. “I’m so wet for you.”
Sirius responded to this with a hungry growl, releasing your breast to reveal brand new marks as promised. He gave the other another very rough squeeze before grabbing at your skirt, ripping it downward. He sent it hurling away, narrowly missing the fire. The rip of lace echoed through the air as your knickers followed. 
“Am I supposed to walk home with no knickers tomorrow?” you mused above the noisy kisses he planted to the soft skin of your stomach. 
“You’re not going home tomorrow,” he replied quickly. “And you’ll be naked all day. And you certainly won’t be walking by the time I’m finished with you.”
“Oh, so you— you like it rough then?” you asked between gasps, shuddering as his fingers traced the tops of your inner thighs, which opened to the hot breaths drifting over your sex. 
“Not always,” he answered, grinning up at you from between your parted legs. “But the Black family genetics extend to other endowments as well. In both size and stamina. Even sweeter lovemaking can lend itself to the need for pain potions, love. Do you still consent?”
You licked your lips and lowered your eyes, feeling them burn with sultry want. “I thought you weren’t going to ask anymore?”
“Gryffindor chivalry,” he dismissed with an adorable pursing of his lips. “It’s a curse sometimes.” 
“Yes, I consent,” you answered with a grin of your own. “But before you touch me like I asked, I want you out of those clothes. I need to see this endowment of which you speak.” 
Sirius sat up and gave your thighs a swift tap before closing them. Your own wetness was dripping onto them at this point, and you could smell sex on the air already. 
“You don’t believe me?” he inquired with raised brows. 
“Well, you know, Gryffindors are fond of bragging…”
Sirius let out a deep laugh. “So I can assume you’re not a Gryffindor, then, with a comment like that.” He stood and began disrobing, his thumbs drifting over the buttons of the dark green shirt. Each tattoo he revealed made you salivate. He wore a thick, shiny belt buckle now displayed over a prominent bulge in his trousers, and you imagined he was growing quite uncomfortable in there. 
“Still not telling you my house,” you replied, shifting your closed legs from one side to the other as you watched your strip show, offering him tantalizing glimpses of your cunt and arse but never separating your thighs for a full view. Sirius never took his eyes off of you, and when his trousers swiftly lowered, you were greeted by the surprise of no underwear— followed by the thick, glorious inches of a very hard, uncut, pureblood cock on display. Your jaw dropped open. 
“Already opening up for me?” Sirius commented silkily. “Good girl.”
You nodded, ready to have your mouth fucked speechless if that’s what he wanted. But Sirius seemed to have other plans, pouncing back on you in under a second. He parted your legs almost violently, his face voracious as he plunged his nose into your soaking wetness to inhale before licking furiously. 
“Oh, fucking gods!” you moaned, arching into his frenzied movements. He was truly very noisy and beast-like with his mouth, as he’d warned. His tongue alternated between flat, all-encompassing licks across your entire slit, and tiny, strong, targeted flicks around your bud. He approached your sensitive, nerve-filled opening with his tongue in a stiff point, swirling it around to beckon wetness from you in droves. 
“I’m fucking drowning you down there,” you moaned, arching your back against the soft rug. 
“I told you I like loads of sweet cream,” Sirius responded with a murmur. “Keep it coming, love. Soak my face.” 
His tongue rammed your g-spot now, his whole stubbled face buried in your cunt. Your smell filled the hot air and was so sexy you wanted some yourself. Sirius seemed in tune with your needs because his fingers found your hole as his tongue drifted upward to concentrate on your swollen bud again. 
“Let me taste your fingers,” you whispered. 
“So you do like sugar and cream after all?” he chuckled before obliging with a rather rough shove of his soaked digits into your mouth. His wet stubble scratched your face as his words sought your ear. “Or maybe you’re just a very dirty girl.” 
You sucked the delicious sweet-salty combo from Sirius’s fingers, offering kitten licks, strong suction, and previews of all the things he could expect once that glorious cock was in your mouth. His hand found its place within your slit again and began purposeful movements, the back of his palm massaging your clit as his fingers found the g-spot again, kneading the spongy, swollen tissue. 
“Please fuck me,” you begged. “I need your cock.” 
“Oh yeah?” he mused delicately, leveling his heady eyes to yours. “You don’t like what my fingers are doing to you, darling?” 
“I love it,” you panted. “But I’m gonna come!”
“Then come, sweetheart. You can still come on my cock. Promise.” Sirius’s hand picked up its pace so any resistance was hopeless. His mouth returned to your neck to secure you in place as the waves took over your body, your whole frame convulsing in one giant shake after another with your beautiful release against his hand. Sirius’s wet mouth closed over yours, his tongue invading as he situated his warm, taut body between your legs. Your bud was still tingling with aftershocks when he touched the head of his cock to it, angling for pressure. 
His girthy shaft sought its spot between your glistening lower lips, hips driving the thick tip up against the underside of your clit, and his hard, veiny surface sliding against your still swollen vulva. Sirius wasn’t going to let the pressure ease for even a minute, making sure to build another climax even stronger than the first for his cock to work you through. 
“Inside me, please!” you breathed into his mouth. 
“I think you can come just like this, darling,” he argued. “Don’t you?” The ridge of his cockhead massaged your clit furiously with his back and forth, and your body gushed messily all over his shaft. Your nails made deep half moons in his tattooed shoulders.
“Y— yes, I can come for you.” You arched up to grind into his impossibly hard length, seeking the rhythm and friction you needed to push over the edge. It required wild gyration and complete abandonment of any self consciousness. Your breasts bounced against his chest, and you clung so tightly to him to ground yourself that your nose was buried in his curls, smelling his animalic musk.
You screamed as you reached peak again, the tremors tinier this time but still exquisite. Exhausted, you fell limply to the rug and took him with you, giving grateful caresses to the smooth skin of his back. Of course you were still aware of his inches throbbing against your thigh, and you knew you had to summon more energy if you were going to give Sirius the satisfaction he needed. The man hadn’t lain with a woman in nearly a decade and a half, and you wanted his cock thoroughly and ecstatically drained. You’d be lying, though, if your twice-satisfied cunt wasn’t worried about such a massive invasion. Your gratitude for the blissful, explosive orgasms aside— you kind of wish he’d honored your request and fucked you when you were swollen, open, and on fire. 
Sirius raised himself on his elbows, gazing down at you with a lazy smile. 
“You’re really fucking beautiful, you know that, Slytherin girl?”
You blinked and jumped. “What?”
Sirius gnawed at his lip and continued to grin, deep blue eyes sparkling. “You heard me.”
“What makes you say that?” you demanded. “You haven’t even guessed Ravenclaw yet!”
“You let me fuck you way too dumb to be a ‘Claw, and I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he pointed out. “I’ve had my fair share of Ravenclaw witches, and they never quite know when to shut up, Merlin love them.”
“Hey, Slytherins are smart too,” you said with a narrowed brow before you could stop yourself. 
Sirius gave a hard smack to your arse before pulling you onto your side, his erection buried in your stomach. You laid breasts to chest, feet and legs entangled, faces flush. 
“Tell me,” he said with a slight scowl. “How did they let another Slytherin into the Order? Do they not have standards anymore?”
“Oh, fuck you, Black,” you muttered. 
“You’re still doing that, darling, don’t worry. No slithering your way out of that one. You know I’m just trying to rile you up and get you going again so you can handle my cock. Maybe a hate-fuck would be a nice game, now that our alliances are on the table? Would you like that?” His fingers tickled down your ribs and hips before finding the triangle he sought, just his fingertips easing lower to scissor your bud. 
“Our ‘alliances’ are the same, you prick,” you laughed, accepting his fingers with an approving arch of your hips. 
“Yes, but this new tidbit makes it so much more fun,” he insisted. “You’ve delivered on that new experience I wanted. A fine Christmas present indeed.” 
“So this is your first time with a Slytherin?” you asked, doing nothing to hide your pride at that possibility.
“Virgin,” Sirius confirmed with a nod. “As if twelve years in Azkaban didn’t revirginize me enough, this makes it official. Now, show me what I’ve been missing.” He collapsed rather dramatically on the rug, hand behind his head, curls strewn about the intricate paisley pattern. His body was breathtaking— glowing in the firelight, each turn of muscle accentuated by shadow, each tattoo taking turns in the spotlight with the maneuver of flames. And at the center of the beauty was that cock, which hadn’t lost a bit of wind with this latest reveal of information. A generous leak of precum glistened at the tip, and you lowered your mouth to drink it in, your hair tickling his thighs. The first taste left you craving more, and your mouth slid over his huge shaft like a sleeve, locking him in your throat. You heard a grunt of shock escape his mouth. 
“Fuck, that was fast,” Sirius groaned. 
You eased off of him teasingly, lips forming an up and down suction which you accompanied with twists of your hand. He tasted positively feral yet clean and refined, just as you would have imagined. His tip leaked loads into your mouth, feeling like it would burst at any second if it weren’t for his exceptional control. 
“Mmm… you taste good, Black,” you moaned approvingly. “Almost good enough that I’d settle for your load in my mouth if I didn’t want you to fuck my pussy so badly.”
“On your knees, fucking snake cunt,” he ordered with a wink, the fact that it was a game unmistakable. You gave one long, final suck up his shaft and gave a squeeze to his balls, drawing another deep groan from him.
In an instant Sirius’s hands were in your hips, holding you in place while his dripping head found your center. He was right— the banter had you on fire again, and your swollen walls took every inch of him as he pushed inside without hesitation. 
“Ahhhh!” you cried out, unable to help yourself. His hips were a frenzy, abandoning every bit of his previous control now that he was within your tightness. Your breasts bounced in mad circles with the force of his pounding, and sure enough, you could hear the portraits stirring down the hall from the primal noises the two of you made.
“Oh, Sirius, yes,” you breathed, enjoying the repeated raking of his tip, ridge, and underside along your spongy, swollen front wall. He knew just how much to drag back and surge forward, never breaking the rhythm you needed to build to another crest in a matter of minutes. His chest was sweaty when it made contact with your back, and he occasionally dropped open-mouthed kisses to the skin of your shoulder blades with his forward surges. Every so often he broke his rigid support on the rug to squeeze your breasts, kneading them so tightly you knew you’d have bruises for weeks. 
“Feel good, love?” he husked, and you knew he knew full well you were beyond good. His ego just wanted to hear it. 
“Yes, Sirius. Fuck yes. Please come inside me.”
And it was truly your foremost want in that moment — to fill his hot cum paint your insides and have the satisfaction of giving him what he’d needed for so long. He renewed his lock tight grip on your hips and granted your request, resuming the pounding of your g-spot but faster now, the friction very much for his benefit— with yours as a mere pleasant side effect. 
“Fuck, yes, I’m gonna fill you so full,” he promised breathily. “And you better come for me again. You better scream.”
You reached around to toy with your clit and make sure you obeyed his command, but he swatted your hand away and replaced it with his own, his fingers taking on a rhythm to match his snapping hips. All you could do was let out a long stream of moans and buck furiously in return, knowing that chasing your own pleasure would only increase his. His escalated moans confirmed he was approaching release, and you grinned as you picked up the pace even more feverishly, wanting to torture it out of him. 
“Fucking GODS!!!” Sirius yelled, and he emptied into you with one hot jet after another, so much it ran right back out over his trembling cock. You kept your pace even after his cock stilled, the added lubricant from his release making easy work of your movements. The thought of being filled with him made your orgasm deliciously hot and dirty as your walls burned with pain and need. Sirius recovered enough to resume the pace of his fingers on your clit, and you spilled over the edge, lurching forward in a series of shakes that wracked your entire body. 
You fell forward onto your belly, a mess dripping from your insides, your muscles and bones useless, your skin bruised. It was every way you should feel after a proper fuck. Your brain positively hummed with endorphins, and you breathed in the deliciousness of your combined sex on the air. You could hear Sirius struggling to regain his breath behind you, and you knew he looked sexy as fuck back there. But you were too exhausted to lift yourself up and look. 
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed when you felt his arms encircle you, along with the cold rush of air as he lifted you from the warmth of the rug. He wasn’t a huge man, though you’d heard from other Order members that he was considerably stronger now than when he’d escaped the sea prison two years ago. He carried you easily up multiple twists of stairs until you reached a Gryffindor red room on the very top level. Then Sirius nestled you gingerly into a brightly colored duvet. 
“Will you be able to sleep with this much red, or should I move you to the green room next door?” he asked dryly, shuffling his naked body next to yours and leaving you little choice in the matter.
“Well, it is Christmastime,” you reminded him sleepily. “The two play rather nicely together right now.” 
Sirius responded by nuzzling into your shoulder, his whiskers scratching tiny red prickles into your skin. 
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stxr-slut · 6 months
Listening to Too Sweet by Hozier and I can't decide if it's more reggie or siri coded.
Leaning towards siri icl, but like older siri. Like w a younger reader (love a good age gap, I'm sorry), and she's all pinning after him, and he thinks she's so sweet and innocent and pretty.
But he's sirius black, he doesn't deserve a girl like her. She's Too Sweet, almost sickly so. They'd just never work. He'd be a bad influence. He'd just make her life worse.
Especially if it was like a reader that was very sheltered, like from a similar background as him (talking like a sacred 28, heavily manipulated, very sheltered, never even held hands with a boy type) and he just thinks he'd corrupt her.
But she's so insistent !! She just thinks he's so nice and caring after he lets her stay a while, unaware of the disgusting thoughts plaguing his mind.
Lmk if you think I should make this a full fic !!
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
I would love a sirius x reader fic set during OoTP where the reader works at the Ministry while being part of the Order like Arthur and Kingsley, and she's staying at Grimmauld Place with Sirius. She often comes home to find him drunk and touch-starved during the school year when the only other person in the house is Kreacher. thanks xx
Hello dear anon :) I know it´s been a while since you sent me this ask. I hope you´re still in the mood for it :P I kept it pretty tame but there´s a lot of angst and it developed into a huge slow burn. Hope that´s all right and everyone enjoyes it <3
Words: 7.536
Warnings: Angst, cursing, (f!) hufflepuff reader, mentions of Sirius being bisexual, kissing, slow burn, fluff
12 Years
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“Oh, for fucks sake, not again” you whisper sighed as you entered the kitchen at Grimmauld Place number 12. “Third time this week” you grumbled as you looked at Sirius´ slumped over figure sitting on the polished wooden table. His arms cushioned his head that was laying on the surface, an almost empty bottle of fire whisky next to him. No glass.
Taking off your shawl and coat you walked over to him to assess the damage. It wasn´t as bad as it usually was. At least this time he was clothed.
Three months ago, your boss and mentor Kingsley Shacklebolt had brought you to your first order meeting. The moment he told you what the order was and what they did, you exploded on him. Why didn’t he tell you about this order sooner? Didn’t he trust you enough? Wasn’t he confident enough in your abilities? Kingsley had just stood there stoically, letting you spit fire at him. When you´d finished, Kingsley sighed deeply and started explaining his reluctance to you.
He knew. Of course, he did. He knew who you´d meet again, once you set foot into headquarters and he didn’t know how you´d react. He was right to do so actually. The first time your eyes had met those of Sirius Black, it had flared up again. That nauseating feeling that haunted you for 14 years. Guilt, sadness and loneliness were flooding your system with only a small glimmer of hope and relief.
It was so surreal to have him in your general vicinity again. Two years younger than him, your time at Hogwarts had been the happiest you´ve ever felt. When puberty hit you like a freight train and the mischief of James Potter and Sirius Black became legendary, your hormones betrayed you in the worst possible way. A major crush on the black-haired teenager formed itself inside your chest over the years. Clawing at your ribcage every time you saw him in the corridors, you hated the feeling. You hated his beautiful face, you hated that your body reacted the way it did.
As a Hufflepuff and general people pleaser you´d despised his arrogance and his devil may care attitude. Especially towards the swarms of girls hanging onto the seem of his cloak. You´d stolen glances from afar, never exchanging a word with him. You paid attention instead. You saw everything and liked only so much. His pranks amused you; his bullying infuriated you, his attentiveness to his friends and the younger students warmed you. 
Sometimes, especially after the holidays, you saw him sitting in the great hall amongst his friends, a dull and empty look in his eyes and your heart had squeezed so painfully that you had to look away. About a second later, when you dared to look again, he was grinning and joking like nothing had happened.
And then, one year into your Auror training, your world came crashing down on you. You arrived at the ministry and immediately felt the air buzzing with dread and excited relief all at once. Grabbing the daily prophet that was handed to you with shaking fingers, your knees gave out then and there. Sirius´ face, screaming and laughing manically, stared at you. Ice replaced your blood as you´d read the news.
James and Lily dead. The dark Lord gone; a little boy still alive. Sirius? A cold-blooded murderer and traitor; already in a cell in Azkaban. You refused to believe it. You refused! James was more than a friend to Sirius. There was no way he was a death eater. Sirius had never made a secret about his hatred towards his family or how much he loved his friends.
That´s when your letters had begun bombarding the ministry.
Now, here at Grimmauld place, you had to watch Sirius fight every day just to try and keep his sanity. Between the usual order meetings and the children coming to visit for the holidays, he drank himself to sleep every night. And ever since you´d moved into one of the bedrooms upstairs, you helped him into bed or at least onto a couch every night. Dumbledor was the one who´d asked you if you wanted one of the rooms upstairs. “Less commute” he´d said, remembering your dislike of apparating quite vividly. When asked if he had any objections, Sirius had only grunted before disappearing into Buckbeak´s room.
He wasn´t always unpleasant, however. Sometimes you did have conversations when meeting in the library by chance, although they´d always turned out quite meaningless. You couldn’t figure out if he wanted you there or not.
Around the holidays when the house was full, so his heart seemed to be. He warmed up to you, brought you tea, filled your plate at dinner (much to the surprise of everyone at the table) and conversed with you a little more enthusiastically. At these rare occasions you began to see glimpses of the flamboyant teenager return into his grey eyes and his small grins. Your heart beginning to flutter in your chest yet again. Then the teenagers returned to Hogwarts and so did Sirius´ sour mood.
It was about two weeks after Christmas now and therefore the 14th day of you finding Sirius black out drunk early in the evening. You walked over to the cabinet in the corner of the kitchen and pulled out the last flask of potion you´d brewed for him. It usually woke him up enough for you to be able to manoeuvre him around and lessen his hangover the next day. You hadn’t quite figured out how to make it potent enough to get rid of his drunkenness completely. It was an immensely complicated brew.
Sighing, you uncorked the flask and moved Sirius into a sitting position. He mumbled something and flopped around in your arms like a rag doll. Leaning his head back you put the flask to his mouth and poured. Sirius tried to get out of your grip very weakly and some of the potion spilled from the side of his mouth. “Come on, Sirius, please” you said urgently. “Swallow, damn it.” He finally did. When the flask was empty you gently guided his head back onto the table and waited.
You knew he wouldn’t be sober when he woke up but at least he would be coherent enough to work with. Slowly he began to stir. His head lifted and with a deep groan he leaned back into his chair, holding the bridge of his nose. The long black mass of hair on his head was dishevelled but still wavy and bouncy as it had been all these years ago. The little streaks of grey on his temples and in his beard only contributed to his still very much intact attractiveness.
Sirius wiped at his mouth absentmindedly and opened his eyes. Grey orbs found yours sitting across from him immediately. Instantly you recognized the defiance in them. Great.
“I asked you to give me that shit in the mornings. Not when I´m trying to sleep” he croaked hoarsely in a cold voice. You rolled your eyes. “I´m not letting you sleep at the table, Sirius. Not when you own a bed upstairs. But I can´t lift your arse, so…” you shrugged and looked at him challengingly. You´d figured out quite quickly that trying to be compassionate and soft with him in these situations had no impact whatsoever. Sirius huffed and wiped at his face again to try and gain more control over his movements.
“Never asked you to do that” he slurred slowly. Hot annoyance burned your throat when you answered in a hiss. “´S better than you trying to climb some stairs, falling backwards and breaking your fucking neck.” Sirius laughed humourlessly and looked you straight in the face.
“Not so sure about that.” He had a weird glimmer in his slightly sunken eyes.
“For fucks sake, Sirius!” you yelled as your fist hit the table. Sirius flinched only slightly as you regarded him with a furious look. “Could you at least pretend that you care about your own life? I know you´re lonely and frustrated. I´m sorry I´m annoying you by staying here but the order still needs you! Harry needs you!” You knew you had him with that. His godson seemed to be his only lifeline sometimes. “I won´t pretend to know what you had to go through, Sirius. But you´ve been given a second chance at this, even though you didn’t even get a first one. And you´re drinking it away. Stop it!”
Sirius looked at you for a long time. Breathing heavily his eyes threw daggers at you and internally you just waited for him to cuss you out. That didn’t happen though. Sirius stood up from his chair without breaking eye contact with you. You didn’t like the way he started walking over to you, almost predatory. So, you stood as well and backed away against the table. Of course, you´d crossed a line.
Watching him step closer and closer you had no idea what he was trying to do. The moment he stood right in front of you, his breath hit your face. It reeked of alcohol, and you crunched your nose a little bit. Sirius grinned, showing off his sharp canines.
“You´re worried about me” he sang triumphantly but couldn’t quite remove the belittlement from his voice. Even though you were sure he could feel the heat emitting from your face, your stomach churned with rage instead of shame. “At least someone is” you hissed quietly. He ignored it and only raised a single black eyebrow. You hated how good he looked doing that.
“Don´t tell me,” He breathed and leaned down closer to you. Fuck, fuck! Too close! “You have a little crush on me.” Your head snapped up immediately and your face must have betrayed you because Sirius´ face lit up in sarcastic glee. He chuckled darkly as his eyes scanned your face quickly. “Is that why you wanted to live here? Aw, that´s nice. How old are you? You couldn’t have been in my year at Hogwarts. I´d sure as fuck remember you.” Again, there they were. The waves of nausea crashing over you. Your infatuation with him mixed with worry about his behaviour started to become a cocktail of resentment and pity. You didn’t want to feel this way about him.
“Get the fuck out of my face, Black” you growled and leaned further away from him. Something dangerous mixed itself into his swirling grey irises and your stomach sank.
“Come on now, birdy” he whispered, leaning over you and talking against your neck. Your breathing faltered and hitched, your hands gripping the side of the table hard. “You´re pretty enough. You´d be a delightful way to pass the time.” Shock almost made your body convulse. You knew he was still drunk but his words were so clear. You felt cold, useless and helpless. His lips ghosted across your pulse when he spoke again. “Don´t be a prude, now.”
Your arm pushed him away from you forcefully before your hand collided with his cheek with full force, knocking him back a couple of steps. Breathing heavily, you stood upright and glared at him. His head was still turned so you could see his pale cheek turn red by your smack. When he looked back at you, you didn’t see rage or confusion in his eyes. In fact, they looked almost apologetically, like he knew he´d fucked up but was too proud to admit it.
Your eyes were slits when you spoke next. “Have it your way, then. I can´t deal with a three-split persona. Either hate me, tolerate me or fucking ignore me completely. But one more disrespectful bullshit act like that and I swear, Black, you´ll have one less ally here.”
With those venom laced words you turned on your heel and stormed out the kitchen and upstairs to your room.
Sirius stood there alone in the kitchen for another few minutes. The alcohol was still thrumming in his veins, but he was all too aware of what he´d done. What he´d said, even as he said it.
Of course, he knew you were right with everything you´d said. And that infuriated him more than he cared to admit. Why were you even here? After a stressful day at the ministry, you came back to a horribly decorated, dirty, uncomfortable hellhole of a house, a house elf that insulted you whenever he got the chance to and a fucking drunk man child. Every night. Sometimes he´d wondered how he´d gotten onto the sofa in the library or into his own bed after drinking. He´d had an idea that it might have been you, but he couldn’t be sure. Now he was.
You´d always made him drink the hangover potion that was in the cabinet in the corner. Had he ever thought about how it got there? Who bought or made it? He couldn’t remember.
You didn’t deserve this. He actually came to appreciate your presence over the holidays. He found you witty and bright, a delight if he was honest with himself. And the fact that you were a special kind of beautiful in his eyes didn’t help at all. So why couldn’t he allow you to grow closer to him? You clearly made an effort to at least know him better.
Bitterly he walked over to the almost empty bottle of whisky, setting it to his mouth. Thinking better of it he stopped, turned and poured the remains down the sink. There was a horrible taste in his mouth. Either hate me; He didn’t hate you. Tolerate me; He wanted to do so much more than that. Or fucking ignore me completely; How the fuck was he supposed to do that when you just…existed?!
He really needed to get his head out of his arse. That was no way to talk to anyone. You just wanted to help. Why though? He´d never seen you before. At least he couldn’t remember but then again, he´d surely lost a lot of memories back in prison. You must have been at Hogwarts.
Oh fuck, were you an old flame?! His body went rigid when he thought about that. It would kind of explain your behaviour towards his advances. Or…OR, you dickhead, she just didn’t want a sorry drunk, smelling like a distillery all over her. Sirius shook his head. Why was either rage or excessive flirting always his default? Because he didn’t think you´d react like that. He was way out of line of course, so he really didn’t think his hunch about you having a crush on him would have this much of an impact. How the hell could you like him when he behaved so poorly in front of you; when he hadn’t paid you much attention since you´d moved in?
Maybe he should start doing that.
You lay in your bed that evening, hot tears running down your face and sweat beading at your forehead. You felt so lost. Had you really been holding onto this teenage version of him so desperately that you couldn’t see how much he was suffering now as a man?
It´s true, he´d never asked for your help. Were your actions overstepping boundaries of his that you just couldn’t see? He´d made you feel so insignificant that evening with just a few words. You felt downright dirty and even though he didn’t really do anything more than graze his lips along your neck, you felt used.
You´re pretty enough…enough. Was your intuition really this bad? Had you read him all wrong for all these years? No. He was drunk, he was frustrated, he was alone. Maybe someday he´d let you help him with at least that. His loneliness.
The next evening there was supposed to be an order meeting and you were dreading it like nothing else. You tip toed around the house the whole day, praying that you wouldn’t run into Sirius at least until the Meeting started. Unfortunately, you weren’t that lucky.
When you made your way downstairs to the kitchen, you crept along the corridor quietly as to not wake up the shrieking portrait of Sirius´ mother. Just as you were about to open the door to your left down into the kitchen another one further down the corridor opened and Sirius walked out. Both of you stopped immediately when your eyes met. Your whole body went rigid and hot acid bubbled up your throat. Sirius stood still. He looked at you with an unreadable expression. He sighed deeply and his eyes changed into something calmer and softer.
He opened the door to the room he´d just exited again and waved you over. When you couldn’t move from your spot, his face contorted into a pleading look and he mouthed a ´please´, waving you over once again. And even though your legs felt like jelly, you started moving. Your heart was beating out of your chest when you passed him. You noticed he smelled clean. Clean clothes, clean hair, no alcohol on his breath or his skin.
You walked into the little study and turned around just as Sirius closed the door timidly behind him.
He squared his shoulder and looked at you. You were sure he could see your shiver.
“I have to apologize” he rumbled. “I behaved…incredibly disrespectful towards you last night and you have every right to resent me after what I´ve said.”
You stared at him. That wasn’t exactly what you expected. But it was also very much welcome. You stayed quiet, noticing that he was still trying to talk, having difficulty finding the words. So, you gave him time, schooling your features into not looking at him like you wanted to be anywhere but in his presence.
Sirius started pacing and mumbling before he looked at you again. “´S been difficult” he whispered. “I´m sorry, truly.” He hung his head, raking his fingers through his hair. “I´m not really sure what else to tell you. I-I don’t know you. But…maybe that could change? I mean, you live here. Might as well be…house…mates? Urgh” he groaned loudly and only stopped when you started giggling. He whipped his head in your direction and raised an eyebrow.
You stood there and watched him fight tooth and nail to explain what he wanted and honestly, after his apology you found it kind of amusing. Sirius was anything but insincere, so you didn’t question his motives in wanting to get to know you better. You appreciated it immensely and slowly your body relaxed, the acid in your throat started to retreat.
“Listen,” he said with a lopsided smile, his eyes glued to your smirk. “You can´t laugh at me for having terrible interpersonal skills. I was incarcerated for 12 years.” Your giggle immediately stopped as you looked at him with guilt.
“Relax” he said gently. “Sometimes jokes are the only thing that help me coping.” You nodded hesitantly.
“Did I even introduce myself properly when we first met?” he curiously asked.
“Not exactly” you said with a small shrug and a smile. “You were half drunk and just grunted.”
“Merlin´s beard” he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. He stood tall and walked over to you.
“Can we start over then? Can I salvage my reputation somehow?” He stood before you. Tall, handsome and kind. His hand was outstretched.
“I´m Sirius Black. Welcome to my lovely home” he said in a deep velvety and mildly sarcastic voice that made the hair in your neck stand up. “It´s nice to meet you, ___.” It was heartfelt, the way he said it. You reached out your hand and shook his. “Likewise, Mr. Black” you said.
He didn’t let your hand go for a moment, a grin spreading on his face. One that let him look years younger, one you wanted to see for all eternity. The little crinkles around his expressive grey eyes were the most adorable thing you´d ever seen.
Sirius looked like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders when he gently guided you out of the study and down into the kitchen. “By the way,” he said as you descended the stairs. “You´ll find that my humour is kind of fucked. I´ll stop the heavy drinking, promise. So, no need to walk on eggshells around me, ´k?” He turned his head up to you, giving you a beautiful angle of his neck and the tattoos that scattered down from his ear and disappeared into his collar.
“If you´re sure” you said with a grin of your own. His eyes blitzed amusedly as the both of you entered the kitchen. What you didn’t see was the curious look Arthur and Molly Weasley exchanged when they saw Sirius pulling out a chair for you before sitting down himself.
 The meeting progressed and plans were made. The debate was already heated enough before Snape decided to speak. The moment he opened his mouth, your eyes rolled to the side. You resented that man with every fibre of your being. Mostly because he seemed to have it out for Sirius. Taunting him whenever he could. It was unnecessary and just plain vile.
“It´s easy for you to say, Black. You´re just sitting comfortably in your home while everyone else is either being productive or helpful. At least not all of us have to deal with your bipolar character” Snape snarled and gave you a pity filled look. You were about ready to tell him to kiss you where the sun don´t shine when Sirius spoke up. He was relaxing into his chair, staring at Snape with a victorious grin.
“Congratulations, Sniffellus. At least you got the bi-part right.”
Snorting into your wine glass you coughed several times before trying to hold back a fit of giggles. You looked at Sirius´ smug face grinning at you. His eye twitched to look dangerously like a wink and you knew that the heat in your cheeks didn’t form because of the wine.
The days after became more and more comfortable. Sirius kept his promise to you not to drink excessively anymore and greeted you sober every evening when you returned. You ate dinner together and talked a lot more. You actually began looking forward to coming back to Grimmauld place every night. The kitchen was cozy and warm, soft light from candles and gas lamps illuminated the space as you sat at the table, sharing stories from your time at Hogwarts and your Auror training.
Day after day Sirius seemed to hang onto your every word more and you slowly got to know his sense of humour and therefore gradually you stopped feeling guilty whenever he made a joke about his time in Azkaban. Of course, you knew that deep down, 12 years in that horrible place left its marks, but it seemed like he was done with showing them to you.
“So,” he said one evening, cheeks tinted a beautiful rosy colour from the wine he´d poured the both of you. “You were two years under me. A Hufflepuff and a brainiac.” His voice sounded impressed. “What I can´t believe though” he said and took a swig of his wine, “Is that you were a beater in the quidditch team, and we actually played against each other?!”
You grinned and nodded. “We did. I remember it vividly. I´d just gotten into the team and our first match was you guys. You were in your last year. I tried so hard to hit those bludgers in your or James´ direction, but my strategy was futile. James was too quick, and you were too wicked on a broom” you shook your head in mock disbelieve while Sirius´ eyes gleamed with excitement.
“I don’t get it” he said with an almost dreamy look on his face. His chin rested in his palm as he spoke. “Don’t get me wrong, I know you´ve got spark but I would have recognized that in school. You told me you were a closed off and private. But then you go joining the quidditch team as a beater no less. How?”
You smiled at him. “Well,” you said amusedly and took a sip of your glass. “I was closed off, that´s true. But that doesn’t mean that I had no personality. There was a certain potential of rage. I had to let that go somewhere.” You shrugged with a grin. Sirius looked at you impressed.
He topped off your wineglass and spoke. “I´m impressed. The closed off, timid girl, grew up to be a fearless auror.” You shook your head. “Fearless is not true” you said calmly. “Fighting death eaters fearless is a stupid idea. Makes you end up looking like Mad eye” you smirked and winked at him. Your palms encased your cheeks as you spoke in a high-pitched voice. “Compared to him and looking at all this” you turned your head prettily left and right, “I was scared shitless every time.”
Sirius threw his head back an bellowed a joyous laugh. It fitted him so well all you could do was stare at him in awe. He wiped at the corner of his eyes and gasped for air. “Merlin, I really regret being such an insufferable prick to you up until now.”
“Thank you” you said earnestly. “You´re not so bad yourself.”
He smiled at you sweetly. “And we never talked in Hogwarts?” he asked. “Are you sure?” he sounded almost hopeful. You huffed laugh and shook your head. “I´m sure” you said, feeling the wine coursing through your veins, making you bold. “I avoided you like the plague.”
Sirius´s face fell, and you were quick to answer. “It wasn’t because I thought you were a bad person.” Quite the opposite actually. “More like…you were…intimidating.” He raised an eyebrow at that. “Intimidating?” he asked. You nodded.
“Yes. You and your friends…you were legendary as it was. Everyone either knew you, hated your guts or was crushing on you” you could feel your face heat up once more. “I just didn’t see the point of being one of many, you know.” You smiled at him timidly, his expression somewhat empty. “I did pay attention, though.”
A little more light appeared in Sirius´ eyes at that. “You were?”
You took a deep breath and downed the rest of your wine. Fuck it!
Nodding you continued. “Yes. I mean, you were hard to miss. But I´d often see how you joked with your friends, how you comforted the younger students. It was nice to see that side of you. It always made me wonder why you decided to act on your ´attention whore´ attitude more. But then again, I didn’t know you privately, so I don’t even know if I´m right with that.” You rushed the last sentence and reached for the wine bottle. Sirius´ hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. His fingers were strong but gentle.
Goosebumps appeared immediately on your skin. The little hairs on your forearm standing up when you looked up and directly into his eyes. He regarded you with a look full of wonder, gratitude and something pleading. “What else did you see?” he whispered, leading your hand down onto the table, not letting go. Ok, this seemed to be a little too intimate, but you were damned if you broke eye contact for even just a second. It was time to come clean.
“I saw how you always seemed different when we all came back from holiday. At least for a few years. You were always…sad one minute and then chipper the next. It looked fake.” His eyes grew wide. “I saw how your eyes would not leave Remus´ plate that you packed with food until he was done eating. That always happened after he turned.” Sirius´ fingers tightened. “How do you know about that?” he asked in awe.
You raised both eyebrows. “As I said. I paid attention. Still do.” At your words and to your utter delight, Sirius began absentmindedly stroking his thumb across the soft skin of the underside of your wrist. There was no way in hell he didn’t feel the insistent and fast beating underneath.
“I saw a lot of things that made you more than just an attention seeker to me. What I didn’t like, at all, was the bullying. James and you. You were both better than that. Sure, Snape was a little git but…sometimes you overdid it.” Sirius hung his head for a moment and nodded silently before looking at you again. An ashamed look spread across his face. “I know. We could be quite…insufferable. At that age you don’t really think about these things” he said quietly. You nodded in understanding. “I know. And I also know that Snape wasn’t exactly innocent himself. But I guess it´s no wonder he hates your guts. He´s still a bloody git, though.” You grinned at him.
Sirius took a deep breath. “You saw all that without ever having spoken a word to me?”
Sirius looked impressed and incredibly moved.
“´S no wonder Kingsley bursts at the seams with pride for you. I guess death eaters have no chance when it comes to you.”
Blushing hard you grinned bashfully but shook your head. “I´m not that good in the field” you said, and Sirius raised an eyebrow in doubt. “But when it comes to interrogations, if they make it that far, I´m actually very successful. I either get a full confession or at least some names. Always.” You spoke the last part with as much confidence as you could muster, hoping you´d impress him at least a little bit.
“Wow” Sirius breathed. “And you think I´m intimidating?” You giggled. “No, not anymore, actually.” He seemed very pleased with that.
You sat there for a moment in silence. Your eyes trained on his tattooed fingers still gently wrapped around your wrist. Ever tiny movement they made sent waves of shivers over your body.
“Can I ask you a question?” Sirius asked quietly. “HmHm” you mumbled, still not looking up. “Please, look at me” Your head snapped up at his tone. His eyes were filled with something so soft it made your heart quake.
“I can´t stop thinking about it…The other night, you said I was drinking my second chance away.” You nodded. “Even though I didn’t really have a first one. What did you mean by that?”
“Oh” you said and looked at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I meant your trial.”
Sirius´ eyebrows shot to his hairline.
“M-My trial?” he stuttered out? “I didn’t-“
“-get one, I know. That´s what I mean.”
He looked at you with a shocked expression before his face relaxed. A grateful smile stretched onto his lips as he looked at you fondly. Slowly, his fingers that held your wrist moved to lift your hand up to his face. Not breaking eye contact he gently but firmly pressed his mouth to your knuckles, effectively knocking the wind out of your lungs. Times stilled. The edges of your vision blurred, and a loud beeping noise filled your ears. It felt like you were about to pass out from a fever when his lips left your skin, and an uncomfortable cold ran over your back.
Sirius set your hand back onto the table and seemed reluctant as he let it go.
The next days were a blur. A happy blur. You were walking on clouds, you were dreaming so much more vividly and to no surprise, Sirius´ face always ended up being the main character. Sirius seemed much happier as well. He went out of his way to make you comfortable. For the past week now, he´d cooked you dinner and scolded you whenever you tried to help him out. He´d point his finger at you, his eyes comically narrowed and told you to sit down at the table.
It also seemed like he tried to be closer to you whenever he could. He´d stand closer to you, he´d sit closer to you, he´d guide you through doors by the small of your back. It all wasn’t helping your situation at all. He changed his behaviour towards you so dramatically, you weren’t able to stop your old crush from coming back. Not when he looked at you so dreamily sometimes, not when you both dissolved into laughter about some silly story, not when you thought about his lips on your skin.
Every time you thought about that night, your whole body started to tingle. The little flirts just came naturally to the both of you. So much so, that it was in no time, that the whole order noticed something was going on. Most of them seemed very pleased by the fact that they didn’t have to deal with Sirius´ outbursts anymore. Especially Remus. He regarded the two of you often with mirth in his eyes while Tonks almost ripped out his arm when she noticed as well.
The only thing that dampened the sugar high you constantly seemed to be on, was the fact that even though Sirius and you started flirting heavily, nothing ever came of it. In the last minute, either him or you, would draw back and either laugh it off or deal with a few moments of awkwardness. There was a magnetic pull forming between the both of you, and both of you felt it. It got stronger with ever shared meal and laugh.
These days, it got so much harder to fall asleep. Your heart beating against your ribcage so insistently that it was a herculean task to calm down. Apparently, it started to show.
You came down into the kitchen one Saturday morning with Sirius working on the stove. Even though you felt knackered, there was no way you would ever not appreciate his broad shoulders and lean back, covered by some raggedy old band-shirt. You smiled fondly at his back. He heard you approach and turned halfway around. “Good morning, darlin´.” Again, goosebumps everywhere and your heart going ballistic. “G´ mornin´” you yawned.
Sirius turned the stove off and turned to you fully. The smile on his lips vanishing when he saw you. “Are you feeling ok, ___? You look tired.” He rounded the table quickly and came to a stop close in front of you. So close. It took everything in you not to take a deep, deep breath.
“Fine. Didn’t sleep well last night” you said. Lie. You haven’t been able to sleep properly for a couple of nights now.
Sirius looked around your face worriedly. “Do you need one of those pick me up potions you always gave me? I can give you some money to go get them.” That made you chuckle. You lifted your hand and very gently ruffled the soft, black locks on his head.
“Oh, Sirius” you said smiling. “I didn’t buy them. I made them.” It took him a moment to let your spoken words sink in. His eyes went impossibly wide, then slightly damp. You retracted your hand from his head. 
Sirius couldn’t hold on. In one gentle swoop he bent down slightly and pulled you into his chest by your waist. Your arms wound around his neck in an instant. Delirious with happiness you pressed your forehead against the side of his neck and felt the vibrato of his voice against it as he hummed contently. He smelled divine. A mixture of firewood, tobacco and something citrusy. It smelled like coming home and you felt your crush bloom into something much more valuable. It didn’t scare you at all. You were cradled in his arms, his cheek atop your head, his hands gently caressing the small of your back. You could´ve stayed like that forever.
“There´s nothing I could give you to make up for all the shit I´ve put you through” he whispered into your hair. “I don´t deserve the kindness you´ve given me or are still giving.” You shook your head against his neck and wanted to speak, but he was quicker. “You make it more than bearable to stay in this house, love. I don’t know where I would be if you hadn’t decided to move in.”
You stook on your toes to be able to hug him closer and he pulled you in with a desperate sigh against your ear. “I was such a fucking arsehole to you. I´m so sorry.” Hot tears formed in your eyes when you heard his tone. “You are lonely” you choked out. “And frustrated. I get it.”
“…was” he whispered and slowly withdrew just a little to look you in the face. His gorgeous, regal features were formed into a look of gratitude and longing.
“I was lonely and frustrated” he emphasized. “Not anymore.”
His blazing silver eyes took in the entirety of your face before closing them and leaning his forehead gently against yours. “I´m glad you´re here with me” he said before kissing your forehead and almost sending you to the ground. The tears spilled over. Sirius noticed them and used his little finger to wipe them from your face.
“Why aren´t you able to sleep? What do you need?”
“I think it´ll be a little easier now” you said with a watery smile. Sirius nodded his head, for the time being, he was satisfied with your answer.
“Let´s eat breakfast before everyone shows up for the meeting. The moment I have to look at Snapes hair, I´ll not be able to eat for hours.”
The meeting went quite well. Most of the time people were calm and the plans you´d made weeks before, finally came to fruition.
You were sitting beside Sirius who´s palm sat comfortably on your thigh underneath the table. It burned your skin and made you a bit drowsy with longing, but you paid attention still.
After the meeting, some of the members stayed for dinner and drinks after. Everyone had a great time. Sirius and you stood a little to the side, close together and smiling happily.
“Well, finally” came a booming voice from the table and your head swivelled towards Kingsley. He had a dopey grin on his face, wiggling his eyebrows as he regarded Sirius and you. It was evident that he was quite tipsy.
“I really thought it would never happen. You two” he pointed at the both of you and with a hiss you gestured for him to quit it. “Kingsley” you whisper yelled while Sirius next to you just tried to bite back a huge grin. “What?” Kingsley slurred. “You could at least thank me, you know. For bringing you here. ´S the last thing you deserved after all these dumb howlers. Haha!” You felt the colour drain from your face. Oh no. Oh no. “Kingsley, shut up!” You hissed at him again. Sirius looked very curiously between you and Kingsley.
“What howlers did you send him, darling?” he asked in an amused tone.
“SO MANY HOWLERS!!” Kingsley yelled and nearly fell of his chair. “You´re lucky I started intercepting them when I became your mentor. If the committee had found out that the one terrorising them with howlers was actually an auror trainee…I tell ya. You wouldn’t be an auror today.”
“Oh Merlin, help me” you sighed. “Kingsley, please just drop it.”
Sirius´ face was filled with question marks. “What in Merlin saggy left nut is he talking about?”
Kingsley explained. “You see, dear Sirius. This one,” he pointed at you with a shit eating grin. “This one wouldn’t take no for an answer. She tried to send them anonymously and for the most part it worked. Until they set me on it. I found out it was you,” he playfully glared at you. You wanted to sink into the floor and never emerge again. “At this point I was already training you and you had so much potential. So, I made it work.” He sounded so proud of himself.
Sirius had walked over to Kingsley, still smiling and trying to figure it out. “What howlers did she send Kingsley? Why would they be so dangerous for her career?”
“Oh” Kingsley said, and his eyes went big. “Oh, you don’t know.” Sirius looked taken aback.
“I don’t know?”
“Yeah, the howlers, the letters she sent. They were because of you.”
Sirius went still, staring at Kingsley intently. “What do you mean, they were because of me?”
“Kingsley…” you tried again but your voice was too quiet. You could only let it happen. You´d try to explain it to Sirius later. That was, if he didn’t throw you out the house.
“They were trial demands” Kingsley said matter of factly and the air was suddenly too think to breath. You felt like drowning.
“Trial demands” Sirius whispered as he put two and two together. He turned to you slowly. You couldn’t look him in the eyes, embarrassment making your skin feel like it was on fire.
“Kingsley?” he asked in a dry tone without looking away from you. You felt his eyes boring into you. “Kingsley, when did you intercept the last demand?”
Kingsley hummed. “Hmmm…. the last one I got was about four days before your escape from Azkaban was made public. Before that, they came in once a week like c-clockwork.”
You heard Sirius take in a sharp breath. When he spoke next, he was calm, quiet and somehow sounded unsure. As if he couldn’t believe what he´d just heard.
“You…you tried to get me a trial…for 12 years?”
Your shoulders pulled themselves upwards as if you were trying to sink into your own body before you nodded, looking at the floor.
You heard a sniffle from somewhere to your right. It sounded like Molly Weasley.
“___” you heard Sirius say. His tone was choked up and still unsure. “Please look at me” he pleaded.
You couldn’t. You couldn’t bare the look on his face. He already knew about the crush you´d had on him in school and now he´d found out that even as a grown woman you tried so hard to get with him. He must be so appalled.
You shook your head no.
“12 years?” you heard him ask again.
You nodded.
“Every week?” His voice was closer now.
You nodded. His shoes appeared directly in front of you and you cowered back against the counter even further. “Don´t do that” he whispered. “Don’t…please, look at me.” His voice cracked and at that your head snapped up to look at him. The sight broke and healed your heart all at once.
Silent tears were running down his tinted cheeks. His eyes were swimming with something you couldn’t pin point. With a wobbly voice he spoke.
“You didn’t believe it was me?”
“Of course not” you whispered, throat tight.
“Why not? Everybody else did”
“There was no fucking way you´d betray James” you shook your head defiantly. “No way. It all fit too well. They used your family name and the reputation behind it. But I knew you couldn’t have been a death eater. I saw you…in school…” Your own voice began to crack when you thought back to the day you learned what´d happened to him.
Sirius nodded slowly. “Yes. You saw me. You saw me. You always have” Gentle, warm hands lifted to your face and encased it. Sirius looked at you like you were the only other living being in the world. Another tear fell down. “Don’t you ever, ever, call your feelings for me a simple crush” he said and smiled at you. “I didn’t know I had such a loyal warrior out there.” Your face was also tear stained by this point. You sniffed and Sirius gently shook his head.
“No more tears, my love. I´ve got you now.” And with that, he pulled your head to his and pressed his lips to yours. It was like a rubber band snapped in your chest. As your hands tangled in his hair at the base of his neck, he hugged you ever closer, lifting you a little and moving his lips more insistently against yours. This was right, this was perfect.
Open mouthed kisses were pressed against your lips slowly, thoroughly. There was no sound except for his breathing and his heart. A throat cleared itself in the background and with a groan Sirius let go of your lips, looking at you. His grin seemed excited. You didn’t have a chance but to reciprocate it.
“You know that it´s not a simple crush you have on me, right?” Sirius winked at you. You nodded in defeat and leaned your forehead against his chest. You felt his chuckle. “Come on, dove” he taunted you good naturedly. “Call it by its name. Please?”
Your eyes met his and they twinkled with a juvenile excitement you hadn’t observed on him yet.
“I´m in love with you” you said and smiled.
Sirius closed his eyes to let your words really penetrate his mind and soul. The hands around your waist tightened before he nodded with an equal smile. Again his lips met yours. This time, shorter, sweeter.
“So am I” he whispered against them. “I love you. My beautiful fighter. You´ve saved me.”
thank you very much for reading. If you liked it, please leave a reblog or a comment so I can improve :) I´m grateful for every feedback I get. Thanks a lot
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mrsgrimshawe · 5 months
Soo I wrote my first ever fan fiction. I’ve had this idea for some time and thought hey, why not try to write this down. Please be nice, English isn’t my first language!! Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sirius Black (after Azkaban) x female reader (fluff mostly)
Warnings: slight smut, talking about death
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: After you and Sirius wake up randomly almost every night for weeks, not being able to ever sleep through, you made a habit of meeting up in the kitchen drinking some tea and sharing lighthearted conversations. One fateful night, you have something to confess to the man.
Title: Midnight Tea and Confessions
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The dimly lit kitchen of Grimmauld Place was a sanctuary for those restless souls who sought solace in the quiet of the night. For the newest member of the Order of the Phoenix, it became a refuge from the haunting memories of the day and the uncertainty of tomorrow.
Y/N, a young woman in her twenties with an air of resilience about her, found herself often in the company of her dear friend, Nymphadora Tonks. Their laughter echoed through the old house, bringing life to its somber corridors. But it was in the quiet moments, when the clock struck midnight and sleep eluded them, that she found herself drawn to another.
Sirius Black, once the prisoner of Azkaban, now roamed the halls of his ancestral home with a freedom tinged with the weight of his past. His eyes held the wisdom of someone who had seen too much, yet there was a spark of mischief that refused to be extinguished.
Their encounters in the kitchen began innocently enough, a shared pot of tea and idle chatter to fill the silence. But as the nights stretched on, their conversations grew deeper, touching on topics both trivial and profound. It was in these moments that Y/N found herself opening up to Sirius in ways she never thought possible.
As the night draped its veil over Grimmauld Place, the heavy silence enveloped her like a suffocating shroud. Sitting across from Sirius Black in the dimly lit kitchen, she found herself unable to shake the weight of her troubled thoughts.
"Sirius," she began, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room, "I need to tell you something."
He turned to her, his eyes filled with concern. "Of course, love. What's on your mind?"
She hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. "I've been having these nightmares," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "About... about our friends. About them dying."
Sirius's expression softened, his hand reaching out to gently grasp hers. "I'm so sorry, darling," he murmured, his voice thick with sympathy. "It must be terrifying."
"It is," she admitted, her eyes brimming with tears. "But there's one dream in particular that haunts me. It's... it's about you, Sirius. It feels so real."
His breath caught in his throat, a flicker of sadness crossing his features. "Me?" he echoed, his voice barely a whisper.
She nodded, her throat tightening with emotion. "Yes. In the dream, something happens to you, and... and I wake up crying, feeling like I've lost a piece of my heart."
Sirius's eyes softened, his hand moving to gently brush away her tears. "Oh, love," he murmured, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be by your side. Besides, you can always knock on my door at any time of the night, if you need me. I barely sleep anyway. And I’ll be glad to help you.”
Y/N buried her face in his chest, his words a balm to her wounded soul. "Thank you, Sirius" she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Their embrace lingered for a moment longer, a silent exchange of comfort and reassurance. Then, with a tender smile, Y/N leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Sirius's cheek.
He returned the gesture with a loving smile, his eyes meeting hers in a silent understanding. And as she rose to her feet, her heart lighter than it had been in weeks, she knew that no matter what the future held, she would always find solace in the unwavering presence of Sirius Black.
Y/N returns to her room, lying down not able to shake her thoughts about the handsome gentleman that was Sirius Black. She knew there had been feelings for him, but oh boy were they growing strong. Nevertheless she was finally able to sleep with a smile for once this time. Dreaming about her secret love interest, wondering if he might find her to be too young to be a serious option for him.
One fateful night, another restless one at that, as they sat side by side at the worn wooden table, she felt a stirring in her heart that she couldn't ignore. With a courage born of desperation, she turned to Sirius, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the night.
"Sirius, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her words hanging in the air between them like a delicate thread.
He turned to her, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that made her breath catch in her throat. "What is it, love?" he asked softly, his hand reaching out to brush against hers.
"I... I think I've developed feelings for you," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “No… I know I grew feelings for you. I’m sorry. I had to let you know. It’s okay if you can’t return them. I would understand.”
For a moment, there was silence as Sirius processed her words. Then, with a tenderness that took her by surprise, he reached out and cupped her face in his hands.
"I've been feeling the same way," he admitted, his voice raw with emotion.
In that moment, all pretense was cast aside as they leaned into each other, their lips meeting in a fiery kiss that ignited a passion neither could deny. His lips felt soft against her own, still warm from the tea he was drinking before their little conversation. He kissed her with so much love, gentle but still passionate. Their hands roamed eagerly, exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that bordered on desperation. “Sirius,” she broke the kiss for a moment - “not here” she breathed against his lips.
Eventually, they stumbled to their feet, their desire leading them up the darkened hallway to Sirius's bedroom. There, they shed their inhibitions and gave in to the undeniable pull of their attraction.
In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains, they made love with a fierceness that left them breathless and spent. And as they lay tangled together in the aftermath, Y/N knew that she had found something truly special in the arms of Sirius Black.
For the first time in months, they both fell asleep peacefully, in each other’s arms, wondering if this was even real.
The next morning, Y/N woke up first, still finding herself in his bed. It was very early, no need to get up just yet. Her eyes lingered on his peaceful looking face, he was sound asleep. Breathing slowly, steady. She couldn’t help but smile, thinking about last night. He treated her gently, lovingly, still full of passion and lust. It was everything she longed for in such a long time.
She started caressing his hair, then his cheeks. Then looking at his bare chest which was exposed, thinking about what the meaning behind those appealing tattoos might be. He started smiling, eyes still closed.
“Good morning beautiful” he said in a raspy voice. “Good morning handsome. It’s still early. We can stay here a bit longer, if you’d like.” she answered. Sirius opened his eyes, looking deeply into her big Y/E/C eyes. “There’s nothing I’d love more.” He pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead then taking her chin between his fingers to lift it up, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
“Rest some more, my love. I will still be here when you wake up. Let this be the end of your nightmares. And even if they return, I will be here to distract you from them.” he said, pulling the blanket over your bodies, you both drifting back to sleep.
They had no idea she would be the reason the Black Family wouldn’t die with Sirius.
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moonsnightowl · 8 months
Charlie Oldman is the perfect young Sirius and if those working on the new show have any functioning braincells they should cast him.
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rosemary-morgan · 2 years
HC’S - They comfort you after a nightmare
Hey, lovely ones (❁´◡`❁) I hope you’ll enjoy my HC’s  🖤🖤
This AU is set after the Battle of Hogwarts, where Sirius, Remus and Fred are still alive.
And as always a big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings. 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Warning: mention of nightmares, angst
Characters:  Fred Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
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You are constantly troubled by nightmares. Even though it's been a good six months since the battle at Hogwarts, it keeps coming back to you in your dreams.
You keep dreaming about Fred dying and being taken from you. It all feels very real and you always wake up scared and sweaty.
The fact is that you saw how Fred was badly hurt. No one believed that he could survive such a severe attack by a Death Eater. But he had and he was with you now.
Still, you have not yet fully dealt with this shock and it keeps catching up with you.
Fred, lying next to you, also woke up. Your restlessness was not lost on him. "Y/N?" You could tell he had been brought out of sleep as his voice was still quite husky and tired.
Of course, you were immediately sorry, because you didn't want to wake him up, but the dream had also pulled you out of your sleep. Your heart was still beating like crazy, sweat was on your forehead and cold was running down your back. Your fingers were shaking, cold all over, and you tried to calm yourself down. "It's okay, Fred..." But it was clear from your voice that nothing was okay.
Frowning, Fred reached out and tenderly stroked your arm as he looked up at you. It was still dark, but you were clearly visible through the lights shining on the street outside. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
Hearing his soft and soothing voice was incredibly comforting and you knew that Fred was stubborn. He was always there for you and as you could see, at all times. Eventually, you told him what nightmares were plaguing you again. Without hesitation, Fred pulled you into his arms. As you snuggle against his warm chest, he gently strokes through your hair. 
You hear his heartbeat and that tells you that Fred was with you. "It's okay, Y/N. I'm here." And he wasn't going anywhere. You smile, slowly calming yourself. Fred made you feel safe and secure. 
Even though he gave the impression that he was calm and relaxed, he was very worried about you. It hurt him a lot to see you crying and that these nightmares torture you was terrible.
"Hey, how about some ice cream? And watching a movie?" Fred wanted to provide a distraction and he knew how much you liked to fall asleep in front of the TV. "Now? At this time?" you asked in surprise. "Yeah, why not? It's Sunday. We don’t have to get up early.”
Finally, you go into the living room and make yourself comfortable on the couch. Watching a comfort movie of your choise. Eating your favorite ice cream and you already feel much better. And while you watch the movie, you cuddle with Fred on the couch. 
Soft kisses and tender whispers fill the room. "I love you, Fred." "I love you too, darling."
Sirius Black
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When Sirius sees you tossing and turning in bed, he knows you're having a nightmare. He doesn't think about it for long and starts to wake you up gently.
He nestles against your body, whispers softly to you and caresses you tenderly for a long time, until you slowly wake up from your sleep. 
Your heart beats like crazy and you are unsettled at first, because you first have to understand that you are in your bedroom. And safe.
"Hey... It's okay, sweetheart. You're okay..." Sirius' soft voice brought you back to reality. "Sirius..." You immediately snuggle up to his warm body and Sirius wraps his arms around you, making you feel loved and safe. As long as he was with you, you had nothing to fear.
You were so incredibly happy to have Sirius with you. He always made you feel safe and after such horrible nightmares, you needed that. These were the moments when you were glad that you were not living alone in this house.
Sirius knows what it is to be plagued by nightmares. They can scare you terribly.
On such nights you often take a walk. Just like this night. The cool and fresh air takes your mind off things. It helps you to relax and it is easier for you to talk about what you have experienced in your dreams.
Sirius listens to you carefully and always gives you good advice, as he has learned to deal with nightmares. 
Back at home, Sirius brews you a hot tea while you make yourself comfortable on the couch with a warm blanket. 
And after Sirius brings you your favorite tea, he lights the fire in the fireplace and joins you under the covers. He, too, likes to be warm.
"You're not alone, Y/N. I'm with you." Snuggling against his chest, you take in his pleasant scent of fresh mint. You feel so much better, and Sirius is feeling it too because as long as you're not feeling well, he's restless too. 
"Thank you, my love," you whisper before tenderly kissing his lips. 
His eyes are so soft and warm, just like himself. "I love you, Y/N," Sirius whispers as he kisses the back of your hand and your forehead.
How lucky you are to be Sirius Black's soulmate.
Remus Lupin
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You woke up from a dream that scared you terribly. So much, that at the moment you are even afraid of the dark.
With shaky hands, you feel nothing beside you but cold sheets. Remus was probably still awake. With a sigh, you wipe your wet eyes before reaching for your wand. "Lumos..." you whisper, and immediately your surroundings brightened a bit.
You decide to look for Remus, because you really needed his closeness right now. Remus radiates something calm and pleasant. You feel safe with him and in moments when you are afraid, you just want to be with him.
Finally you find him in the living room,  with a book in his hand and a hot chocolate, where he had made himself comfortable on the couch.
You smile at the sight. He's wearing only a white shirt and his black, tight-fitting shorts. Wasn't he cold then?
It wasn't long before Remus notices you. A bit surprised to see you, he raises his brows curiously. But your red cheeks and glazed eyes tell him you've been crying. "My love? Is something wrong?"
"The nightmares... Again..."
With an encouraging but, at the same time, sad smile, he put down his cup and tapped his lap with his hand. "Come here, dear..."
Instantly you go to him and sit on his lap, whereupon Remus wraps his arms around you and you wrap yours around his shoulders. There are still a few tears rolling out of your eyes, but you feel much better already.
Again and again Remus gently strokes your back, letting you cry, whatever you want. He's there for you, and for that you're very grateful.
"Are you feeling better, darling?" he asks you as he strokes your hair and finally kisses you. With a blissful sigh, you return the kiss and you taste the chocolate he had drunk earlier.
"What have you been reading, Remus?" "Huh? Oh, well, the Grimm brothers' fairy tales!" Remus knew you had a Muggle book or two on your bookshelf, and today he had picked out this older book and liked it.
And so did you. You put your head on his lap as you asked him to read to you. You just wanted to go back to a gentle sleep and preferably with a fairy tale.
And Remus' gentle voice quickly led you to find your peace and fall asleep on his lap. Safe and sound.
Draco Malfoy
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He knows how much you are plagued by nightmares. And he also knows that he was to blame of it.
The nightmares had begun shortly after the Battle of Hogwarts. He is plagued by bad nightmares too. But he hides this fact from you, because in the end he wants you to be well and to feel safe with him.
He himself would somehow cope with his nightmares. 
Draco has done many things during his time at Hogwarts that he is not proud of, even felt ashamed of many things, but he had to look forward and you give him a lot of strength.
And so also on this night, he doesn't find you lying next to him. You have a habit of walking around the house when you couldn't sleep. 
Draco finds you on the terrace, in the cool wind of the night. You don't seem to mind being exposed to the cold, yet Draco doesn't want you to catch a chill.
So he grabs your warm robe and drapes it over your shoulder as he walks to you in the cool night.
Hugging you from behind, he buries his face in the crook of your neck and breathes in your scent.
"How long have you been out here, darling?" You instantly lean against his chest and close your eyes, feeling the warmth radiating from him. "Having a bad dream again?" "Yes..." He could hear in your voice that you were crying and your eyes were still wet from the tears you shed that night too.
You saw so much death and destruction. How could you forget that?
And it always hurts Draco that you are tormented like that. You are so strong, but still you were only human. A better person than he would ever be. To this day, he doesn't understand how you can love him. 
These questions torment him at the moment, but he forgets them when you turn to him and snuggle against his warm chest. Momentarily he presses you against him, covering your face with numerous kisses, before he takes you in his arms and brings you back to your bedroom.
Looking at you full of affection, but also sad, he strokes your hair, kissing you softly. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Draco." He'd never admit it, but your words made him all the happier.
And you loved him because he had saved your life years ago, and because behind his facade you met the man you wanted to share your life with.
"Now sleep, my dove. I will stay with you." And you knew you could trust Draco's words.
Snuggling against your body and holding you in his arms, it was Draco who couldn't sleep that night. He wanted to be there for you in case the nightmares came back to you.
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deathnguts · 2 months
Ok but think about knowingly off putting little brother regulus and obliviously supportive older brother Sirius who still get along so Sirius excitedly introduces his wonderful brother to his friends and is just completely unaware of how regulus is purposefully freaking them out and much it’s working, like
Regulus: … your animagus form is a stag right?
James: how… how do you know that?
Regulus: I know a lot of things, is it a stag?
James: uh, yeah?
Regulus: cool. Have you shed your antlers yet?
James: … what 😀
Regulus: deer shed their antlers every year. It’s really gruesome, look *shows him a picture from a book* you should tell me how it feels when it happens.
James: 😟
Sirius: isn’t he great? 😊
James, fidgeting with his head where his antlers are in his animagus form: yeah… yeah he’s something…
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
I love love love Regulus being a terrifying little gremlin creature who scares the shit out of everyone constantly while Sirius is just there like 'awh, look at you, that's the perfect little baby angel I raised'
This is more specifically in modern aus where they're a few years further apart and their parents work constantly so it's actually plausible that Sirius was forced into the role of raising him (I'm thinking about 5/6 years or smth)
He'll show up to the function, in detail describe the many ways he could kill and hide James, Remus, and Peter's bodies so nobody could ever find them, stare silently, then Sirius would come over and hug him like 'reg, you made it! it's so good to see you all happy and willing to talk to people, look at you, you're so sweet' while the other three are like 😰
Grinning maniacally at them over Sirius' shoulder when he hugs him
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do you think that Regulus ever looked at James and couldn’t understand how Sirius could love a stranger like a brother and not him?
and do you think Sirius ever looked at James and wondered why he was so easy for Regulus love, why Regulus would risk it all for James but couldn’t do it for him?
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yrluvjane · 1 year
Omg can you do dbf! Sirius black that comes to a quidditch game of Harry just to fuck down the stands😍🥰
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It wasn't that much of a lie - just a half truth, really. Sirius did come to watch his godson play. It just wasn't his top priority. His top priority sat on his lap, hand thrown over his neck and making small comments from time to time.
Your fingers were brushing down his hair and lightly tugging on the small strands. Sirius seems to like it. He has closed his eyes, and his breathing has slowed down, almost as if he's fallen asleep. The only thing that seems out of place is the hand on your thigh, the one that was inching higher with every thought.
"We're at 120 to 90." You say gleefully, shifting into a more comfortable position. The grip on your thigh significantly tightens and your immediately aware of just how high it's ridden. "Siri," you whisper in his ear, taking a look around and making sure no one is witnessing your compromising position.
Sirius stirs slightly, but he doesn't open his eyes. You think he must be deep in sleep, because he makes a soft whimpering sound, and his breathing softens even further. You can feel his heart beating against your chest, quicker and quicker with each passing moment.
Sirius' eyes spark open as the commenter states the new set of points. His eyes seem darker as his eyes bore into yours. His long fingers delicately brush over your most sensitive parts, and your head whips over to him.
"Here?" You ask in shock, and it only grows when he tilts his head to brush his lips over your neck to place a soft kiss over your pulse point.
"You're killing me here, princess." The nickname affirms that whatever self-control Sirius had has flown away and turned to dust. He licks a small trail from the end of your jaw to the back of your ear before lightly biting the lobe.
"We are at a Quidditch game at a school! I - Ah!" A moan escaped your lips when he grabbed your chin and made you face him to cage you in a heated kiss.
"Sirius!" You exclaimed and laughed. You looked around, making sure everyone's eyes were at the game. You push yourself off Sirius and send him a wink as you descend down the steps of the stand.
You sneak under the tarp of the stands waiting for your guest of honour, and like always, Sirius doesn't let you wait long, You smile to yourself as Sirius Black emerges from a shadowy corner of the stadium, his usual mischievous grin on his face.
Without another word, he leans in for a passionate kiss, his breath tickling your ear as he speaks. "Let this moment live on in your memory, doll." he says, his voice is low and seductive.
And for a moment, you forget about everything else — Harry, Your dad — and simply lose yourselves in him. It's a moment of pure pleasure, the kind you'll never forget.
When he pulls away, you're left breathing heavily, "Sirius," you breathe, sneaking your hand around his neck as his large hands find their place on your thighs, urging you to wrap your legs around his waist.
One moment you're sharing heated kisses the other, you're both lying, nakedly, on top of each other.
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celestialsister0918 · 8 months
Finale someone who write for Sirius😭😍 Are Requsts open?
I would love to consider a Sirius request! 🌟 I do only write for “older” Sirius… hope that’s okay. I’m always looking for new inspiration, so let me know what you’d like to see! 😊
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juksuart · 4 months
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”It would be a hundred times easier
If we were young again
But as it is
And it is
We're just two slow dancers, last ones out
We're two slow dancers, last ones out”
This song is so older wolfstar coded, I’m breaking my own heart
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Everything Black Part 8
This is a Post Azkaban Sirius Black x fem! reader (Muggle) fic I came up with. This is the first time I´m writing something like this and posting it, so let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my writing. I am not a native speaker so please keep that in mind :) Please, please don´t copy my work.
Warnings: Minor DNI !!! Smut, cursing, angst, PiV, canon typical violence, panik, fluff. I couldn´t help myself. He didn´t deserve what he got, damnit!!
Word count: 6.503
Summary: After the innitial christmas bliss, something happens that shakes your whole existence. Something that has the power to changing everything
My lovely readers. I really need to apologise for making you wait so, so long for this chapter. I was not in the right headspace for Sirius at all and if I´d finished this fic in that state, none of us would have enjoyed it. Thankfully I found my way back to this fic which is so dear to my heart and I sincerely hope that I did it justice with this last chapter. THANK YOU ALL for reading and encouraging me to keep going.
There are some Sirius asks in my inbox so I´m not quite finished with this lovely chap ;) Please enjoy
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He looked at you with glowing cheeks and said “My room is closer. Is that alright?” You nodded while a grin split your face. “Yes, absolutely” you said. He slowed down, suddenly pressing you to a door to your right. “Good,” he spoke in your ear. “We´re here.” Kissing you passionately he reached behind you and opened the door. He walked you through it without breaking the kiss, kicking the door close again behind him.
You didn´t even have much time to look around his room when your back hit the closed door again. Not being able to complain in the slightest, you enjoyed Sirius´ hands grabbing hard onto your hips, pressing his whole body into yours. Your hands lay on his chest and you could feel his erratic heartbeat even through all the layer of clothing. Clothing…annoying. With nimble movements your fingers fumbled with the golden buttons on his vest. His lips on yours stretched a little into a smirk. He pulled you off the door slightly and hummed delighted as he bit your lip slightly. “Eager, are we?” he whispered against them and slowly moved his hands from your hips up to encase your ribcage. You hummed with a smile.
“My love,” you said and pushed the vest over his shoulders and off. “This whole evening I couldn’t stop thinking about this right here.” Your hands slithered into the open collar or his dress-shirt, gently stroking your forefinger over the huge tattoo adorning his sternum. Sirius´ eyes were already black as night as he gazed down at you with fiery desire. As an answer to your statement, Sirius lifted his hands and lay them onto your shoulders. His head tilted slightly to the side as he moved the delicate silver straps that were holding up your dress to the side. Torturously slow you felt them slither over your skin until they fell over your arms. The dress fit you so perfectly that it didn’t fall immediately.
Impatience was raging in your veins as you pushed at Sirius´ chest and with a light laugh he tumbled backwards until his knees hit his bed. He sat down without breaking eye contact with you. His hands were at your waist in an instant as he looked up at you appreciatively. You grinned down at him and lightly touched his bearded cheek before taking a step back. For a moment he looked bewildered but then yours hands went to your dress and he quickly sat up straighter. His eyes didn’t seem to know where to look. They flitted from your collarbone to your chest, down to your waist and up to your face again.
Slowly your hands pushed the beautiful green and silver dress down, exposing  the black lace he had requested and you were more than happy to have granted his wish. The way his whole body seemed to vibrate with life and desire the moment the dress hit the floor was everything you ever wanted to see. A low groan escaped his lips as you stood in front of him. “A vision” he said breathily. “C´mere” he stretched out a hand which you took with a grin. He bit his lip and tucked you forward. Without a second to spare his lips connected with the swell of your breasts as you wound your arms around his neck. Sirius´ tongue darted across your skin, tickling, tasting and exploring the expanse of your chest.
You closed your eyes and buried your fingers in his hair, effectively removing the hair tie and letting the bouncy, shiny mass of black curls flow freely between your fingers. Sirius groaned again, gently bit the lace material and tucked it out the way. Seemingly just as impatient as you his hands moved quickly to your back, fumbled for a second and smoothly pulled off your bra. “Who´s eager now?” you asked cheekily but were quickly sucking in a breath through your teeth when you felt his wet lips around your already pointy nipple. You got no answer from him.
Sirius´ mind was completely overcome by you, the taste of you, the essence of you and your presence. The way you melted into his touch, your subtle little noises of pleasure and just the over all fact that you were there with him. He carefully licked around your nipple just to hear your heavy intake of air through and open hanging mouth and he suddenly wished he had one more pair of eyes and hands. Letting go of your chest he looked up at your face and was met with a sight that he could only compare to a renaissance painting. Your head was thrown back ever so slightly, your chest was partially glistening from his saliva, your mouth open and eyes half closed and heavy.
When you couldn’t feel his lips on you anymore you were about to protest but soon felt his hands on your back move. One arm snaked around you waist while a wide palm roughly grabbed your ass and pulled you into his lap quite unceremoniously. When your eyes snapped to his however you saw the playful mischief in them and grinned right back. Wiggling in his lap to get comfortable he hissed slightly and shook his head. Adjusting you on his lap himself, Sirius´ palms made contact with the lace around the plump meat of your ass.
“You feel incredible, do you know that, little dove?” he asked lowly. You nodded your head gently. “You might have mentioned that fact” you said as you kissed his lips lightly. “Want to feel even better?” Sirius grinned. “___,” he said a little hesitant. “Do you really want to? I might be really shit at it, you know. Or it´s going to be over too fast…Can we even…? I mean I don´t have any…erm…preparations-“ “Sirius” you grabbed his face in both hands. “I want more than just your mouth on me. I want more than dry humping. I drank a potion. We´re fine.” You kissed his nose and felt his shoulders relax a little more. “If you´re up for it, I´ll take what you want to give. You won´t be shit, sweet boy.” Bless his unsure heart.
Sirius nodded his head and tried to get his doubts under control. “Was just making sure” he said lamely. You smiled again and leaned into him. Your mouth right next to his pieced ear you whispered “Enough with the doubts, Sirius. I want you. I want you more than anything else. Let me show you.” In a flurry of self confidence you reached for his hand, scooted back a bit on his lap and guided it gently downwards over your chest, over your stomach to the hem of your panties. You heard his breathing pick up. His long fingers curled into the fabric and moved it gently to the side. The moment his digits made contact with your already wet folds he let out a strangled moan. Not just because he felt how ready you were for him but because your own breath escaped right into his ear as you bit it gently.
You could feel his fingers rhythmically move over your folds, gathering wetness there and spreading you open slightly. Bumping your clit in the process you began to shake in his arms and pushed your hips into his hand. “Sweetheart” he panted into your neck and licked your pulse point. “You´re so wet for me.” It almost sounded like he couldn’t believe that he had this kind of affect on you. “Yes” you said as goosebumps erupted all over your back. “More” It came out as a breathless plea and he was more than happy to comply. Putting more pressure into his movements, his fingers found your hole and slowly inserted two of his fingers, groaning. “Fuck” you yelped and bucked your hips again. “That´s it, little one” Sirius growled. “Can I get you off like this? Bet I could, huh?” You could only nod as you felt your insides flutter around his fingers still moving gently but decisive.
It seemed like he was trying to gather all his still functioning thoughts and removed his hand from your panties. “No, no, no, no-“ you whispered and looked at him with unsatisfied eyes. Sirius´ face was flushed bright red and with an open, dry mouth you watched as he lifted his fingers to his lips and without breaking eye contact he licked your wetness off his digits with a content sigh. His eyes fluttering close for a second he wasted no time. Baring his teeth he quickly stood and swung you around onto his mattress. His chest was heaving as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it over his shoulder. Leaning onto your elbows to see him better you watched with hungry eyes how his wide shoulders rolled momentarily. Lean muscle stretched under beautiful decorated pale skin. His tattoos were even more impressive than you´d thought. They scattered all across his chest, his ribs and his stomach. Most of them you couldn’t decipher and you made a small mental note to ask him about them later. Your mind however was gone again the moment he looked down and popped open the button on his pants, lowering them and stepping out.
The moment your eyes met again he was on you. Without thinking about it he made himself at home between your thighs. His hot and swollen dick nestled perfectly above your panties. The feeling was unlike anything you´d ever felt. It felt like being with someone who actually wanted to be there, who wasn´t trying to make this solely about himself. Sirius´ kisses to your neck, jaw and lips told a completely different story. One of dedication, passion and devotion. With shaking hands you help his face while kissing him and wrapping your legs around his narrow waist. “Sirius” you breathed against his mouth. “Please….make me yours.” Sirius´ stomach was doing summersaults at this point and with a gentle nod of his head his hand wandered over your ribs and to the last bit of fabric on your body. Untangling from him you watched him get on his knees and with a concentrated gaze pulled off your panties. Sensually his hands guided the garment over your thighs, calves and finally off your body.
He stared at you. How your chest heaved and shook with panting breaths. How your pussy glistened in the dim light of the gas lamps left and right of his bed. An awestruck gaze flashed through his silver irises and he gently shook his regal head as if to convince him that you were really there. Your own eyes however were trained on the bulge in his boxers. The one twitching when he noticed the hungry look in your eyes. “Ready, dove?” he asked gently and leaned further over you. You wet your lips and as your answer, reached out to his hips. Almost impatiently you tucked at his boxers and pushed them as far as you could down over his ass. He chuckled a bit and took care of the rest himself.
Seeing him in all his glory was almost too much for your poor brain. A beautiful face that told a story of pain, endurance and immense gentleness, wide shoulders, lean chest and a narrow waist. In the light of the room it almost looked like his tattoos were dancing across his skin. Not just on his chest, neck and hands but also on his thighs and calves. “You´re so darn beautiful” you said with a choked up voice. “Come here” you beckoned him to you with your hands. He came willingly and quickly, pressing his mouth to yours almost in a frenzy. His tongue in your mouth immediately.
The both of you didn’t need much more preparation than gentle words and hands. The moment your legs encased him again and he was in the perfect position, he was fighting with himself not to tell you that he loved you. Loved you with a fury that was unknown to him. Loved you in a way he knew would destroy him if mistreated. He couldn’t. Not yet. In this position it would feel situational. He needed you to know it the moment it came the most natural. But he also knew he couldn’t wait much longer.
When he pushed inside for the first time ever so carefully he almost collapsed on top of you. “Bloody fuckin´ hell” he rasped from behind his teeth as you gasped. “You ok?” he looked at you and saw that your eyes were again almost closed and you nodded. “Yeah,” you mumbled. “I´m fine, Sirius. Please, don´t stop” He smiled down at you and kissed your lips once more. “Whatever my lady wants.”
With these words he moved his hips again. Back and forth, inch by inch he groaned deep from within his chest.
You had trouble breathing by the time he was fully inside you and stopped moving for a moment. Never in your life had anything, anyone felt so good. Shaking fingers grabbed his biceps and squeezed when your eyes met. The blood was rushing in your ears and a light sheen of sweat already adorned both your bodies. “Thank you” you said with all the gentleness you could muster and watched as he pinched his eyebrows momentarily. “What for, darling?” he asked in a strained but curious voice. “For being you and not forcing anything.” You meant every word you said and felt your eyes become wet. Sirius looked at you a little bewildered and then with so much devotion, a tear actually fell down your cheek. He wiped it away and held your face in his hand. “___, I would never, in my life, force you to do anything you don´t want to do or don’t feel absolutely content with. And the thought that you feel the need to thank me for that makes me equal parts furious and worried.” He kissed your forehead. “Whatever it is, you need to tell me to stop and I will. I promise you that. Do you want to stop?”
You shook your head and smiled at him. “Absolutely not. Not for anything in the world.” To make it even more obvious to him and to push the mood into another direction you squeezed around him and watched his eyes roll back for a moment and a long whine escape his lips. “Little minx” he exhaled with a laugh. “Is that how it is?”
You grinned at him and wound your arms around his neck. His hair was tickling the tip of your nose a little as you nodded. “Well then” he growled and pulled out slightly. “Let´s see if you´re still cheeky when I do this.” And with the last word he pushed back in with a quick jab. A loud groan bubbled from your throat as you closed your eyes. “Again” you begged. Sirius listened and started a beautiful rhythm. Pulling out slowly and pushing back in stronger and quicker he soon began breathing heavily. Pressing your fingernails into his neck you felt your body buzzing, your heart pounding and a feeling of electricity crawl all over your skin. One of your hands made its way down over his strained back and covered the flesh of his ass, pushing him closer. “Good Godrick, baby” he moaned. His arms repositioned themselves for better support as his thrusts became quicker over all. “Oh fuck,___” he panted and glided his hand over your chest, lightly flicking your nipple before taking it in his mouth again.
“Ah” you gasped and arched into him almost painfully. “Sirius, yes. Oh hell, yes.” Immediately you felt your stomach tighten and a distinct pull right where his cock moved inside you. “Shit, what…?” you looked down at where you were joined and then back up at him with big eyes. He kissed you again, his tongue tangling with yours. “HmmHmm” he murmured against your lips. “Yes, darling. I can feel it. You feel good?”
“Yes” you panted. “Yes, so good. What´s happening? Oh fuck. Ah!” You heard him chuckle and hiss as you moved your hips with his. “My love” he said into your ear. “You´re about to come. Have you never…?” You shook your head. “Never during. Oh, there. There…Sirius!” He growled in satisfaction. His teeth sank into the soft flesh beneath your ear. The dominant part of him celebrating the fact that no other man had ever managed to do what he could do. Fucking selfish idiots, he thought.
“Right then, my beloved. Hold on tight” he said and you listened. Holding onto his shoulders he grabbed your hips and angled you slightly upwards. Your ass was now flush with his thighs as he began a different rhythm.
Stars exploded behind your eyes as you yelled out and grabbed his hair. The new angle allowed him to sink so deeply within you he almost fell over with the shock that punched through him. Your warmth, voice and scent all around him, he got completely lost in it all. One arm next to you allowed him some kind of leverage as he moved his hips, pushing into you over and over again. Seeing your breasts move in kind made him lose almost all self-control. He couldn’t remember the last time his body felt so hot, slick and his heart pounding with so much force. He was alive. He was alive because of you.
“Fuck, darling. Don’t hold back, don’t you dare. Come on” he begged you with a cracking voice. “S-Sirius…I-“ you hickuped as you blindly but with open eyes grabbed at his skin. “I know, sweetheart. I know. It´s all right, I´m right here. You can let go…oh fuck, yes…let it happen. I-I´ll catch you…argh” he pressed his eyes closed and again bared his teeth as he felt you squeezing him even more ferociously than before.
The pressure you felt deep within swelled and swelled until you had trouble taking in air, your vision of Sirius blurred and suddenly something white and hot crawled up your spine. With his name silent on your lips your back arched once again as the pressure snapped and you silently screamed into the void. An unbelievable feeling of euphoria convulsed through your body and you forgot where you were for a second. You felt your body shake and gentle hands on your side. Through the fog you heard him.
“Fucking perfect, baby. So beautiful. Shh, shh, it´s okey. ´M there too. With you…fuck, fuck, yes!___!” You could feel his thrusts becoming less and less frequent and through your haze you knew what you wanted most of all. With still shaking thighs you tightened them around him to keep him in place. “Please” you panted. “Please…I-In me.”
Your voice reached his ears and the next moment he fell over the edge with a snarl. His hands dug themselves deep into your flesh as the tidal wave of his orgasm nearly pushed him over. “Oh hell, darling. Yes, Yes, Yes…Oh fuck, so warm. Perfect. Argh!!” Hunched over he tried to regain his composure but it was impossible. “Baby” he said weakly as he, still spasming and still inside you, leaned over you and relaxed his body onto yours. You welcomed him with little pecks to his shoulder.
You could both feel the others thundering heart, how your skin slick with sweat felt like, how he steadily went limb inside of you. After what felt like hours Sirius groaned and rolled off of you only to position himself right next to you and pulling you close again. His nose nuzzled your cheek affectionately. You turned your head and looked into his eyes that steadily turned silver again. He reached out and stroked his forefinger over the bridge of your nose, lightly tapping the tip. You leaned in and kissed him long and slow. More content than you´d ever felt in your life. Again, both your hearts screamed the same words as your eyes did the talking.
“You´ve saved my sanity” he eventually whispered. His arms pulling you closer still. You smiled at him and licked your lips. “I can´t be the only one. What about Harry?” Sirius scrunched his nose and answered dryly.
“Can we not talk about my godson while my cum´s dripping out of you?”
“Oh, for fuck sake” you giggled and covered your eyes with your palm while Sirius just snickered.
“You´re right, you´re right” you said and looked at him again. “If I saved your sanity then you definitely saved my happiness.” Sirius leaned over you and kissed you contently.
“Speaking of cum” you said as he growled playfully and pinched your ass. You swatted his chest. “I´ve got to use the loo.” Sirius had a grumpy look on his face for a second before his eyes blitzed. “I think we need a shower, darling, don’t you?” Thinking about it he was of course right. So, you sat up and got up on wobbly legs. Sirius had no other choice than to let his chest swell with pride when he saw it. You leaned down and gave his forehead a kiss. “Give me two minutes alone, then you can come get me.” He grinned and nodded. “You bet your sweet arse I will.” Rolling your eyes a little bit you turned and naked as the day you were born walked over to his bathroom, never having felt so content or comfortable with your own nakedness. You knew because you felt it, Sirius´ eyes were following you until you closed the door.
Five minutes later you stood in Sirius´ arms under the shower. He insisted on washing your body and your hair, gliding his hands over you sensually but not sexually. Whispering sweet things into your ear while the steady stream of water washed over you.
Freshly showered, none of you bothered with clothes as you got into bed. Your thoughts consumed by yet unspoken words you whispered gently to each other until you both fell asleep. Your foreheads touching and legs tangled together, your last view the eye colour of the person you loved.
The next few days were spent in Christmassy bliss. The young wizards were a much needed whirlwind in Sirius´ life and you felt each day just how much he loved having everyone around. That was until it was time for another order meeting and Snape entered the house. It was astounding to you sometimes how quickly Sirius could switch from cheeky and happy to serious and permanently on edge as soon as Snape entered the room. Since your last encounter with him Sirius was very protective of you. Holding you close, spewing acid from his eyes in Snape´s direction.
You felt how with every passing week, the kids had already left for Hogwarts again, he became increasingly tense. He tried not to show it in your presence but he wasn’t the only one you observed this behaviour in. Everyone seemed to grow more worried each day and it kind of scared you. Sirius told you a lot about what they discussed in the meetings but you were sure that he left a lot of it out as to not worry you. These days you cursed being a Muggle more and more. But there was nothing you could do.
And then one night while you slept blissfully in Sirius´ arms, three loud bangs to Sirius´ door let the both of you shoot up from the bed. “Sirius!” It was Remus on the other side of the door. Sirius jumped out of bed and hurried over to the door, ripping it open. Remus looked worried and dishevelled. “Albus is waiting down in the kitchen for us. Get dressed.” His tone was all Sirius needed to not ask unnecessary questions. He grabbed his jeans and an old shirt looking at you. “Come on, love. Get dressed. He didn’t say it was an order meeting.” Nodding quickly you threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Hurrying silently downstairs into the kitchen the three of you didn’t exchange any words.
In the middle of the kitchen stood Albus Dumbledore. He was surrounded by Tonks, Moody, Arthur and Kingsley. Seeing almost all order members there you stopped immediately. An apology on your lips you felt Sirius gently grasping your arm, his dark gaze on Dumbledore. “What happened?” he demanded.
Albus looked at him directly and spoke. “You will not like what I´m about to ask of you, Sirius.” Sirius´ eyebrows pinched and you felt anger roll off of him. “Whatever will be discussed in the next minutes, you cannot leave Grimmauld place.”
“What. Happened?” Sirius seethed. Albus could see it was lost battle this time. It was like Sirius already knew. Panick flooded your insides and all you could think was that only one person could force Sirius to break his promise to Dumbledore. “It´s Harry and the others. They´ve been deceived and are currently in the department of Mysteries.”
The room felt cold, Sirius´ hand on your arm felt cold and hard. All sound vanished from the world and a ringing started in your ears. Sirius looked paler that he ever had and cold sweat started forming on his neck. “Why would he…?” Sirius began with a voice that you´ve never heard from him before. “Deceived…”
“I don’t know much more than you at this point” Dumbledore addressed the room. “But I´m sure I don’t need to explain that time is of the essence. Alastor” he directed his attention to Moody. He only nodded and squared his shoulders. “Tonks, Lupin, you are with me” he growled. “Kingsley and Arthur will meet up with Charlie at the ministry. Sirius” he growled and looked at the black haired man at your side who was shaking with anger. “You stay here.”
Sirius exploded, letting go of your arm. “What the fuck are you on about?! I´m not staying here while Harry is fighting for his life. You know who´ll probably be there!” His voice boomed through the kitchen. “That´s exactly the reason why you of all people need to stay here. We need level headed people in there!” Moody yelled back. “We can´t have you charging in there with tunnel vision. What do you think will happen when they get to you?! When she gets to you!”
Sirius was pacing and gripping his hair hard. You´ve never seen him so devastated but everything Moody just said made total sense. You could only hope that he´d see it the same way.
“I´ll kill her!” he said. His voice void of all emotion except pure hate. “Sirius” Arthur tried to make him see sense. “We´ll go get them. Stay here, it´s too risky.” You didn’t dare ask Sirius to stay although it was all you wanted in this moment. But it wasn’t your decision to make and not your godson in danger. Though thinking about all these young people that you grew to fond of and how they were in danger made your insides twist and you were sure your face was almost green with nausea.
Sirius looked at the people in front of him like they´d all collectively lost their minds. “Leave!” he bellowed and watched the next second how they all, except for Molly vanished from the kitchen. The silence that followed was deafening and you surely didn’t expect Sirius to actually stay. Molly didn’t seem to be convinced either as she shot him a warning glare. “Sirius” she said carefully but with emphasis. He was pacing again, ignoring her. He came to a stop in front of you and clasped your shoulders harder than he intended. Your head whipped up to him and the sight scared you more than anything.
He wouldn’t stay, you saw it in every line of his face and in every shade of apology and anger in his irises. You knew he would leave, heading head first into a situation that could cost him his life and you couldn’t do anything to convince him not to do it. He stared at you intently, willing you to understand, to forgive him for what he was about to do. Tears gathered in your eyes and he moved his hands to your face. “I…I can´t,___” he croaked with a voice full of regret as you shook your head pleadingly. “Forgive me.” Your knees almost buckled when he pressed his forehead against yours, kissed your lips hard and with another crack, the love for your life was gone. Molly reached you just the moment you screamed out your panic and devastation before your knees gave out and you sank to the ground in her arms.
“M-Molly” you trembled like a leaf as you gasped her name. Her arms around you shook almost as bad as yours when she tried to get you up from the ground. “I know, my sweet. I know. Come on, you need to stand up. You need to be strong now.” Molly´s voice shook and you heard the heaviness of tears in it. She guided your numb body to the table where you sat down and buried your head in your hands, sobbing. What if he didn’t come back. What if none of them came back?
The sound of a kettle in the background seemed so far away and dull as you stared at the spot where Sirius would usually sit. When Molly sat down a cup of tea in front of you, you didn’t even move. “I didn’t even get to tell him” you whispered. Molly followed your gaze to Sirius´ chair. Taking your hand in yours she said “He knows, darlin. He knows.” You shook you head no as more tears streamed down your face. “I didn’t tell him” you said and finally looked at her. Her eyes were swollen red and she looked ages older than she´d ever had. “Sometimes…sometimes words are not needed. Looking at the two of you and what you do for each other, none of us have any doubt that you are in love. So believe me,___. He knows it too.” Pleadingly you looked at her. “But he never heard it from me. What if he doesn’t-“
“Enough, darling!” Molly said suddenly with a fiery look in her eyes. “Enough” she said more gently. “Do not think like that. Please.” Her expression changed again and suddenly you felt like the worst person in the world. “Oh Molly” you breathed and took her hand in his. “I´m sorry, Molly. I didn’t think…your children. Arthur” Molly nodded and held your hand tighter. “You´re fine, sweetheart. I knew that this was a possibility but….when it actually comes…” Her eyes filled with tears again and you quickly wound your arms around her neck. You both cried in each other’s neck for a little while until Molly patted your back and leaned back. Taking your face in her hands she looked you deep in the eyes.
“If you truly love him and want to stay with him, it is time you get used to the possibility of this happening again. He´s a stubborn man and Harry´s the only family he has. Maybe that changed with you. But only so much. He loves that boy like a son and he will run to him whatever happens.” You nodded your head and took several deep breaths. “This is, after all…war.” Molly said calmly.
The hours trickled by so slowly, you were almost ready for your straight jacket. Pain and blinding worry was all you felt while sitting in the kitchen. One horrifying scenario running through your mind after another. Harry dead. Sirius dead. The Weasleys…dead.
Yours and Molly´s heads snapped up and Molly let out a wail, staggering across the room and landing in her families arms. “Oh thank fuck!” You whispered and cried when you saw Ron, Ginny and Arthur all in a bundle of limbs with Molly. Behind them appeared Tonks and Remus. With shaking legs you tried to stand up and run to them but Tonks was quicker. She rounded the table with a haunted look in her eyes and hugged you before you could stand. Overwhelmed you clung to her.
“S-Sirius?” you gasped. “Harry?” With panicked eyes you tried to read her face. A moment later came your liberation.
Another crack almost drowned out a booming voice. “___! Where is she?!___!!”
He was there. Standing in the kitchen, his arm around a pale and shaking fifteen year old. Everything seemed to slow down as you felt an overpowering sense of relief. You watched as Sirius looked around the kitchen with desperate eyes while Molly took Harry from him and pulled him into her arms. When his silver eyes made contact with yours, you almost lost consciousness.
He staggered forward the same moment Tonks helped you to your feet. You swayed for a moment and reached out your arms. Before his palms could make contact with your face, he took a desperate breath and  whisper-yelled “I love you!”
His lips slammed onto yours not even a second later and everything was drowned out. The only thing that mattered was his kiss, his presence, his warmth and his hands, touching every part of your face and neck as he kissed you stupid.
“I love you” he said again as he came up for air and slammed right back in. You felt your feet leave the ground as he hugged you around the waist and leaned back slightly. You cried. You cried and kissed him and clung to him like your life depended on it and somewhat that was the truth.
He sat you back down and covered your face and neck with kisses which gave you the momentum to take deep breaths and control your sobbing. It only lasted for a moment before you buried your face in his neck and began hiccupping. His hand stroked over your hair as he slowly rocked you from side to side. “It´s okey” you heard him say. “It´s okey my darling. I´m here. I´m so sorry, dove. I´m so fucking sorry.” You lifted your tear streaked face to look him in the eye and without hesitation answered.
“I love you.”
Tears fell from his eyes as your words penetrated his mind. “I love you with a force beyond measure, Sirius. I love you.” A strangled breath escaped him with a sob as he held you against him in a powerful hug. Only now you realised how badly he was trembling. Holding him as securely as your own limbs would allow you, you looked over his shoulder to search for Harry. You found him still in Molly´s arms. His black hair leaned against her shoulder, his own tense and unmoving. “Harry…” you weakly said into Sirius´ ear and slowly he came up from your neck. Still not letting you go he pressed you to his chest and kissed your temple.
“We´re fine, more or less. Somehow…” You didn’t prod further. This was not the time. All of them had been through an ordeal beyond anything your imagination would be able to conjure up. The only thing that was left was marvel in the fact that everyone was breathing. What exactly happened…it had time. “My sweet” Sirius whispered into your ear and you looked at him. One of his thumbs came up and stroked the apple of your cheek and his mouth twitched into a momentary smile. “You´re everything I´ve ever wanted and more than I deserve. I will make up for what I´ve put you through. I swear it. I love you so, so fucking much!”
You nodded with a weak sigh. “I love you too, Sirius” you said. “There´s nothing to make up for. Harry was in danger. Thank you for saving him.” You lay a featherlight kiss to his lips as you said it. Sirius exhaled through his nose heavily and very reluctantly loosened his death grip on you. “How are the others?” you asked him worriedly. “A few injuries here and there. Could have been much worse. We were incredibly lucky. If Albus hadn´t been there…” His voice broke and a haunted look befell his eyes as he stared ahead. “I saw him…Voldemort. He was right there…trying to get to Harry.” You inhaled sharply and suddenly knew just what kind of a miracle it was that the both of them were still alive. Your knuckles turned white as you clasped onto him.
“Where´s Albus now?” you asked quietly. The older wizard was nowhere to be seen.
“Straightening things out with the minister and…a few other things. I´d like to see Fudge deny Voldemort´s return now. Thank fuck I was still able to transform before that buffoon of a minister could see me.” Sirius again nuzzled your hair with his nose and took a deep breath. “Enough with the questions now” he breathed gently. “I just want to be in your arms.” You nodded. “Yeah.”
You spent the rest of the night with Sirius and Harry in the library. None of you able to sleep, talking about nothing and everything. In the early morning hours, Albus came to take Harry back to Hogwarts. You wanted to protest but suddenly Harry was in front of you and hugged you close. “I´ll be fine” he said. “Professor Dumbledore is at Hogwarts. My friends are at Hogwarts” he let go and looked at you with a serious face. “Please take care of Sirius.” Smiling at him you nodded. “Of course. Please look after yourself Harry and if you ever need anything-“ you stopped for a second as Sirius appeared next to you, an arm around your waist. “Let us know immediately.” The both of you looked at Harry with gentle seriousness and the young wizard suddenly had a very significant sheen in his eyes and nodded. “I will” he promised before he stepped forward and hugged the both of you one last time.
The house was quiet once again. Every person, hopefully, was where they were supposed to be. You knew you were. Looking up at Sirius you didn’t quite know what to say to him. It appeared neither did he. So he just took your hand in his, guided you back to his bedroom and for the next several hours made sure that your voice was giving out, your body was littered with bite- and lovemarks and you weren´t able to stand or walk for a while. He´d just finished cleaning you up for the third time as his tired body plopped down next to you and he pulled you onto his chest.
“When all of this is over,” he said and kissed your forehead. “And I promise you some day it will be… Let´s leave. Let´s build a small home somewhere else. Somewhere by a lake. Or the sea.” You nodded as you caressed his chest and arm. “I´d love nothing more.” You felt him take in a deep breath as if to steel himself before he continued. “And…when that day comes…I promise I´ll ask you to marry me.”
Your heart seized its beating. Slowly you lifted your head to look at him. His expression was sincere, true and without doubt. “If you want me to” he whispered. Reaching out you took a strand of his slightly greying hair and lifted to your lips. Looking him deep in the eyes you answered.
“Sirius Orion Black. When that day comes and you ask me to be your wife, know that my answer will always be yes.”
Thank you so much for reading. Please leave a comment or like if you enjoyed it. Reblogs are also very welcome.
I am debating a bonus chapter (years later) if the general interesst is there, so let me know ;) <3
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rottensouldier · 3 days
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wolfstar kisses (in every au i draw them in) 💗
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