#old toby
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theworldsoftolkein · 1 year ago
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The Hobbit
This is my favorite book. I would love to live in Bag End, and have a smoke sesh with Gandalf ♥
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worldstoforge · 2 months ago
I am all for the legalization of a certain organic substances that have been proven to have very little side effects in developed brains. I am cool with you, an adult, smoking or ingesting what you need to get through this time in our history (as long as it doesn’t hurt others). Do I personally partake? No. But I’d be an idiot to think that my choices should have anything to do with what goes in your body. You do you.
HOWEVER… it drives me up a friggin wall when people wink wink nudge nudge each other when talking about hobbits smoking pipe weed. Or implying that hobbits are high during 5 of their 7 meals of the day.
For some context, Tolkien was an avid and prolific tobacco smoker. I would say it might have been his third favorite hobby (languages, writing being his first two). The cannabis connection wasn’t truly a thing until the rise in popularity of LoTR in the. 60s and 70s among counter culture groups and rebellions youth especially those that were already indulging in this newer form of smoking.
Tolkien did not write Old Toby to be weed. He wrote it to be a much more deadly and more addictive substance that was very popular during his generation. Ironic as that may be.
Now if you NEED it to be weed for you to enjoy LotR then more power to you, I can’t stop your imagination filling in that blank and I wouldn’t want to if I had that power. In fact I bet even Pete Jackson agrees with you. The magic of a work is that it can be whatever you need it to be. But please stop making it sound like it’s the only interpretation that is available to us and that you are somehow the most clever person in the world for espousing it.
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darlingzelda · 2 months ago
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Even gandalf knows Toby is the worst.
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glazeliights · 5 months ago
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what the helllll who are these guys
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pitsazawr · 7 months ago
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toby and my waffles!!
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twptwp · 3 months ago
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Relevant image for today's news letter
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dirtflunk · 8 months ago
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The Original Kin If I Am Being Honest
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paexie · 3 months ago
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Redesigned Tobi's clothes. I like them a lot more now and they seem more in line with Old Rot's setting.
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teleostuber · 4 months ago
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colief · 5 months ago
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today is deltarune's 6th anniversary, which means it's a perfect time to post my old work for utdr zine
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gillion-fagstrider · 4 months ago
So in terms of riptide updates...
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axolozzy · 1 year ago
take some silly deltarune art :3
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obscuretobyfox · 6 months ago
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avirxy · 23 days ago
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I’m like two years late with this au but to everyone who said it was Claire cash in
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miausterx0x · 7 months ago
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Ticci Toby doodle!!!!
More doodles under the cut
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uncannydevotion · 3 months ago
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a/n: i've been thinking abt this request a lot lately so i've decided to finally write it. only took me two million years <3
includes: ticci toby, the bloody painter, x-virus, and homicidal liu.
warnings: not proofread i am writing this all in one sitting let's hope it's good, attempted murder against the reader in toby's part, angst! :jazz hands:, injuries, blood, panic attack in toby's part?? kinda?? you could call it that or you could say slender was doin some weird shit to his head, mentions of murder, mentions of past bullying, stalking, helen's kinda obsessed, unhealthy relationships, dead parents, needles, whatever the fuck cody injects into people, very morally ambiguous reader in cody's part, brief but slightly descriptive murder, randy is a warning i guess, mentions of fire, mentions of near death experiences, cigarettes, a gun, sully points a gun at reader but there's no real attempt of murder, a test to see how much i remember jeff's story cause i am Not rereading it it's 3am as im writing this.
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You really don't know what had compelled you to go into the forest so late at night. No... no, that's a lie. You do know. You knew exactly what had brought you to this forest.
Maybe you were crazy but you could've sworn you had seen your childhood friend at the edge of the forest near the cemetery the other night. It's so stupid, you knew that.
He's been missing for years now, classified as on the run after brutally killing his father, but you just... you had to know.
That's why you had entered the forest that night. No one else would be around, but... you really should've thought ahead, honestly. You should've brought a pocket knife, or some mace, or anything.
But how were you supposed to know that you would end up getting chased through the woods by a fucking crazy guy with hatchets? You don't even know where he came from, he just threw one of the hatchets at you and narrowly missed!
Consider yourself lucky, or whatever, but he seemed fairly determined to kill you.
You hid behind a thick tree, taking a moment to catch your breath. You're not sure how deep in the forest you had gone, but the area was starting to look familiar, so you assumed that you were getting close to the cemetery connected to the town.
But he was catching up to you, and fast. It's not like you could just fight him off, he had the advantage with, y'know, the hatchets.
Quick thinking is what leads to you grabbing a fairly sturdy branch from the ground. It was heavy, but you didn't have the luxury of caring about that right now as you pressed your back against the tree, forcing yourself to steady your breathing.
The sound of tongue clicking was familiar, and it grew closer and closer. You could hear leaves and twigs being stepped on. Cautiously, you took a glance around the tree. The man's back was turned towards you, but he was looking around.
Looking for you.
You knew this was the one chance you had, so you tried to be extra quiet as you approached him, raising the branch up high and using all your strength to knock him over the head with it.
The man falls to his knees, and as soon as he dropped his hatchets, you dropped the branch and snatched the weapons away, throwing them somewhere deeper in the forest just so he wouldn't be able to use them to hurt you.
Now, you knew you should've ran. He was no longer a threat, but... the tics, the way he didn't react to the pain of getting hit over the head like you thought he would've... he seemed dizzy, sure, but he was bleeding. He wasn't clutching his head, he wasn't hissing in pain.
It was all familiar, and it reminded you of...
"Toby?" You sounded breathless, chest heaving as you stared down at him.
His head shot up at the sound of his name, and behind his cracked goggles, you can see the way his eyes widened. Even though most of his face was concealed, you could see the...
Fear? Confusion? You're not sure what emotion it was, but it was so evident in the way he recoils from you when you reach out to him.
"Toby... what-" You couldn't even get another word out before he was interrupting you.
"No! No. No. I don't kn–click–know you." His voice cracked as he spoke, and he sounded pained. Not from the injury you had given him, but... as if there were something else.
You really don't know what's happening, all you knew was that the man you had considered to be your best friend when you were younger had just tried killing you, and is acting as if he doesn't know you.
No... not acting. His confusion, the lack of recognition, it was all real.
You couldn't get another word in before he was breaking down, clutching his head as if something was screaming inside it, "I don't know you! I don't know you!"
The pure agony in his voice had you stumbling back. Clearly, your presence wasn't helping him. Guilt clawed at your insides, and even though you didn't want to leave him like this, even though you wanted to figure out what had happened all those years ago, you knew you had no choice.
You stumbled out of the forest, the sound of Toby screaming echoing around you.
And though it was faint, you swore you heard static as well.
Being friends with Helen had been hard, even before he killed almost the entirety of his class. He rarely ever spoke to you, and half of the time you wondered if he even thought of you as his friend.
You stood up for him against people like Judy and Ban, but there was only so much you could do.
There was one memory that you always thought of, even after you had grown up. It was the night before the school's Halloween party, and you had dropped by Helen's house to get his help on picking out a costume.
He had seemed... really distracted, that night. He wasn't fully there. When you asked him if he was okay, he just...
"Promise me that you'll stay my friend, no matter what happens."
It had caught you off guard, but you had made the promise. The next night, he killed his classmates before your parents dropped you off at the school. You didn't see him after that, because your parents refused to let you associate with him.
And now, years later, something was wrong.
You had heard from Helen's mother, months ago, that he had been released from the institution he had been in, apparently no longer a danger to himself or others, but he just...
Disappeared. Cut all contact.
And shortly after his release, you heard from an old friend that Judy and Maggie, two of the few classmates that had survived the massacre, had gone missing, along with the other three survivors.
Something deep down in your gut told you that it was Helen. When the bodies of the missing had been found inside of Helen's childhood home, you just knew.
You should've gone to the police, really, but it's not like they didn't already know. There was a manhunt out for Helen the moment the bodies were found, but he was long gone.
It's not like you had to be worried or anything, right? You were in a completely different state, living in a large city. You haven't spoken to him since you were kids, and it's not like he knew where you were at, right?
Well, you were wrong, apparently.
When the stalking started, you didn't want to believe it was Helen. I mean, seriously, why would he want anything to do with you? Unless...
You didn't want to think about it, but... he had gone back and killed all the survivors of his original massacre. And... you were technically a survivor, if only because you were late to the party. He didn't plan on killing you, did he?
Though, that fear was quickly squashed when he started leaving you gifts. They were nothing major, mostly sketches of you. They weren't signed, but you knew who they were from.
The feeling of eyes on you was something you just couldn't get used to, and you swear you started seeing him when you were out in the city.
You wanted to go to a bookstore? Helen was across the street. Taking a walk in the park? You swear you saw him sitting on a bench, sketching.
It felt as if you were going insane, honestly.
You... you really should have gone to the police, you think, when you got home one night to find your roommate hanging from the ceiling, their neck slit and their blood painted all over the walls.
In your roommates blood, on your wall, a heart was painted, followed by a question mark. Was this... a love confession? Was he asking if you loved him?
When you took a step back, towards the front door, you had bumped right into him. He was on you in an instant, and his hand covered your mouth to prevent your scream from being heard by anyone.
"Shh... I'm not going to hurt you. We made a promise, remember?"
Living at an orphanage had never been easy. You still remember the day you first arrived. Your parents had both died, and you had pretty much closed yourself away from everyone, refusing to interact with any of the other kids.
The caretakers had been concerned, especially when the other kids had started picking on you for being quiet and 'weird'.
In comes Cody, a kid your age with absolutely no filter and no regard for what was considered right or wrong. To this day, you still don't know what it was about you that made him hang around, but the moment he got to the orphanage, he was by your side almost all the time.
Whenever one of the other kids messed with you, they'd always end up getting injured in some way because of Cody.
Cody was the only person you were willing to speak to, other than the caretakers. He brought you out of your shell, and made you laugh with his stupid, poor-timed jokes. You even became his nurse, essentially, patching up his wounds whenever he got into fights over you.
The day he was adopted was the worst day of your life, you think. It's the first time you cried since your parents died, and you remember clinging onto him, begging him not to leave you.
It was a pretty embarrassing memory, to be honest.
You weren't as lucky as Cody had been. No family was interested in adopting you, and you ended up aging out of the orphanage. Life never got better for you, even after you left the orphanage.
You didn't have many friends, and your coworkers all tended to avoid you because of how apathetic you were. Truth be told, you didn't have any interest in anything.
Every single day, from the moment Cody had been taken from you, was literal hell in your mind. The loneliness, the constant doubts, the self-loathing, everything. It was so much. Almost too much, at times.
But that all changed when you were walking back to your dingy apartment one night after a late shift. You lived in a fairly unsafe area, but the rent was cheap, so you couldn't complain.
Walking by an alleyway, something caught your attention.
It was cliché, honestly. You didn't care if anyone might have been in trouble, but a morbid curiosity got the better of you when you heard someone crying for help.
Taking a stroll down the alleyway, you reached the end and saw something you truly weren't expecting. A man was laying on the ground, a headwound visible while another man stood over him, fiddling with a needle and some sort of liquid you didn't recognize.
"Would you shut up? There's nobody around to hear you,"
That... that voice...
Your eyes widened, but not because you just witnessed some poor guy get injected with a suspicious liquid.
The injured man starts gasping, and foaming at the mouth. Your eyes meet, and he reaches out to you, croaking for help. You just stand there, watching as the man died.
And when you look up, you meet the gaze of the man who killed him. But you weren't scared. You should be, you knew that, but you weren't.
Cody pulls down the mask he was wearing. He doesn't seem at all surprised to see you, almost as if he knew you had been watching.
"Miss me?" He asks. He was smiling, as if he hadn't just killed someone. So many questions were swirling in your mind, but the only thing you could really focus on was the fact that Cody was here, in front of you.
For the first time in years, you smile.
When a new family moved in next door with two boys close to your age, your parents had practically forced you to go over and introduce yourself to them, trying to get you to make friends.
You weren't at all interested, but you also didn't want to get in trouble, so once they had settled in, you went with them to be neighborly.
Liu and Jeff were the names of the kids. Liu was the older one, only a few months younger than you, and as mean as it was, you were definitely more interested in hanging out with Liu more than his little brother.
It's not that you hated him or anything like that, but... you were a kid, y'know? The thought of hanging out with someone younger than you, even if only by three years, was weird. It's something you felt guilty about now, as an adult, but it's not like you could change the past.
Besides, you and Liu weren't even friends. Not when you two had first met, at least.
You walked to school with him, and you had a few classes together at school, but you already had your own group of friends, and you just weren't interested in making any new ones.
It wasn't until his brother started to get bullied that you two started to develop a bond. You were one of the few people who didn't tolerate Randy's bullshit, so you never hesitated to stand up for Jeff when you were around.
Liu liked that about you.
When he had gotten arrested after falsely confessing to beating up Randy and his goons, you did your best to protect Jeff while he was gone.
To this day, you can't help but blame yourself for everything that happened. The day Jeff had been lit on fire, you had been stuck at home because of the flu. You still remember the scream of pure agony you heard from his mother next door when she got the call.
There were many things you wish you had done differently back then, but alas. Time marched forward.
As far as you knew, Liu died that night Jeff brutally killed his entire family, and you made sure to visit his grave whenever you had time to spare.
Today was one of those days. The sky was filled with clouds, and you had bought some flowers.
Everyone in town viewed the Woods family in a negative light because of the terror Jeff had caused, and still continues to cause to this day, so their graves don't get taken care of.
You do the best you can, but it's hard to prevent neighborhood kids from vandalizing the grave every other week.
But you were pleasantly surprised to find someone sitting behind Liu's tombstone, smoking a cigarette. You had thought that maybe it was an estranged family member, maybe, but as you approached, you couldn't help but notice that the scarf around their neck was eerily similar to the one Liu had gotten a few weeks before his death.
"Uhm, hello?" You call out, curious as to who this visitor could possibly be.
You did not expect for a gun to be pointed at you.
You blink, staring at the gun for a moment, too bewildered to register the fact that you should probably be scared. Hell, you didn't even have much of a chance to register the gun before you found yourself more distracted by the person holding it.
He looked... eerily familiar.
The scarf. The scars littered across his face, on his neck. They reminded you of the reports you read about the wounds Liu had sustained before dying in the hospital.
It was stupid. There's no way it's actually him. No way. He didn't even seem to recognize you. He had a fucking gun pointing at you, for crying out loud!
This was not Liu.
So why did he feel like him?
Your voice caused his gaze to change. The gun lowered slightly, his brows pinching together. And in a split second, it's as if he was a different person entirely, the way his eyes widened in recognition.
His gaze dropped to the gun that he had been pointing at you, and he looked absolutely mortified, dropping it and the cigarette he had been smoking.
"I can explain." He says, but he honestly seemed just as lost as you were.
...It was going to be a long night.
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