#old norse goddess
sigyn-foxyposts · 12 days
"Sigyn in media"
A little something dedicated to Sigyn.. I'm honestly surprised no one has done this trend yet?! (On tiktok mostly, because that's where it's from) I'll be most likely be making more of these for other deities depending on how much I can gather :) Credit to all artists, paintings, music and books alike! <33
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bugwolfsstuff · 9 days
You ever get sad about the amount of mythology and folklore we likely will never know about because it was destroyed/never written down?
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freyja: goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr.
pantheon: norse planet: venus runes: ᚠᚱᛅᚢᛁᛅ  day: friday (freyja's day) or specifically friday the 13th colors: yellow, white, green, red, pink, and light blue minerals: amber and gold crystals: rose quartz, amber, amethyst, tiger’s eye, carnelian, citrine, emerald, moonstone, garnet or jade animals: cats, boards, swine, falcons, rabbits, horses, ladybugs, oxen, cuckoos symbols: chariot, brísingamen necklace, feathers, spindle offerings: mead, honey, wine, ale, precious metals, jewelry, incense, apples, barley, chocolate, celtic knotwork, pork, flowers, raspberries, strawberries, any aphrodisiac, cat figures, perfume, candles (pink, white, or green specifically), adopting a cat, feeding stray cats, poems and songs flowers: imond, arnica, bedstraw, benzoin, bird berry, clover, cypress, english daisy, flax, hemp, henbane, holly, mistletoe, mugwort, opium poppy, primrose, rose essential oils: benzoin, birch, cypress, myrrh, rose, sandalwood, cinnamon
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cookthepenguin · 5 months
I found this on pinterest
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and now I need a story about Lucifer’s rebellion with each of the angels being different old gods
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 5 months
Todays five cent....(Sigyn)
I feel so drawn to Sigyn at the Moment. Don't ask me why. But this is so hard, because there is so little about here. Even most Blogs about here, formost talk about Loki. Which is okay - because this legend of her survived (as I read, because the christen Scholars liked how it portraited a devoted submissive Wife, what fitted thier narrative). But...one of the Post even draw the line that Sigyn could have been like a "old norse Victoria" (or Nike). A Goddess of Victory.
See. Nike is not only the Goddess of Victory in War - but also in Art and Music. (Or other fields.) Victory in this subtext mean "winning/sucessing" in whatever. So what...if you allow me to speculate for a moment - it was the same with Sigyn? A personification of Sucess in something? Maybe it started out as "Victory in Battle" - but what if it evolved from it? For me this made really really sense. And so maybe I will look out for her in this Way. Looking out for Bragi for Inspiration, Odin for Wisdom or Frigg for foresight is all well - but it's to often the "Motivation" to finish that I miss.
So maybe, there is where the "Victorious Friend" could help me out and rand me a little bit of sucess (or the patient to reach my sucess, because admit it - Patient is something, that Sigyn needs a Ton of.)
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sugaryewscythe · 1 year
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collaged my own lil' journal to write my rune casts in ⚔️
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poeticnorth · 1 year
This is technically my Second Hymn to Nótt, but I think The Dreamer's Hymn to Nótt is a better title
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loki-was-framed · 3 months
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freyjakarsten · 3 months
I will rain down every agony, every violation imaginable, upon you
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haleviyah · 2 years
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Hel, Norse Goddess of the Dead
Commissioned for Blair via my website!
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druidicentropy · 7 months
*Deh₂nu- is a hypothetical goddess of water in Proto-Indo-European mythology, with connections to the names of rivers like the Danube, Don, Dnieper, and Dniester, as well as the Vedic deity Dānu, the Irish Danu, and the Welsh Dôn. Despite acknowledging a possible lexical connection, Mallory and Adams contend that there is not enough evidence to support the idea that a distinct river goddess existed in Proto-Indo-European beliefs. They primarily highlight the Indic tradition's understanding of river deification. Furthermore, Mallory and Adams suggest that a theory for a sea god called *Trih₂tōn—whose name is derived from the Greek Triton and the Old Irish word for sea, trïath—is unsupported by the lack of a corresponding sea god in Irish mythology and only minor lexical similarities. The Ossetian god Donbettyr is also mentioned in the story. Who is placated by gifts to keep the waterwheel turning, and who Donnán of Eigg proposes as a Christian equivilent of this figure.
Moreover, this deity and the Dan river in Centeral Asia may have similar etymologies.
She is frequently seen as the mother of a mythical tribe, the *Deh₂newyóes, in many Indo-European cultures; these tribes are deduced from the Vedic Danavas, the Irish Tuatha Dé Danann, the Greek Danaoi, and the Norse Danes. Under Bel's leadership, this tribe is said to have fought a hero called *H₂nḗrtos, which could connect them to characters like the Norse god Njord, the Nart from the Nart saga, and Indra's epithet nrtama.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 5 months
"Emo scene queen Hel! 👑💚"
I've finally drawn Hel into the 2000s emo art style! And of course, I had to make her a emo scene kid. It's perfect for her isn't it? 🥺
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hecatesdelights · 10 months
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Freya [anglicized]
Freja [Norse]
Freyja [Old Norae]
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grimnirs-child · 2 years
New post on my longform blog -- I discuss the Goddess Saga, Her attestations, and my personal experiences and associations with Her. I also offer some Old English epithets I use for Her and a short poem/prayer.
This is part of a wider project I've been working on covering the twelve Goddesses sometimes called Frigga's Handmaidens -- when I've got a mo I'll knock together a masterpost for here with all the links so far. The Twelve are often considered "minor" Gods because They have so few attestations, but They are all incredibly near and dear to my heart and I wanted to share why.
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witchw0lvesnwist · 6 months
Blessed be all 💛🐦‍⬛
The morrigan sends her love 🥀
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sunflowers-n-snails · 2 years
The seaside.
My RAN and ÆGIR bless your timeline 💚
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