#okeanos dorm
toytoriyadorm · 2 years
⛺ we've talked before but Piraticus if you want! or for smth new what about Okeanos? 👀
I’ll just do Piraticus for now!!! (Can dew Okeanos rambles in disc tho teehee)
⛺ To see how our dorms would get along
Piraticus, Piraticus… that’s where all the "scary" pirates go, right? Well, it doesn’t matter to Toytoriya, all they’re interested in is their giant ships and sunny beaches! To them, the pirates' dorm and its members are just another group of people to befriend, and its dorm a place to play in.
Lotsie considers Conrad to be quite the mature fellow, and one of the few dorm leaders to have an, at the very least, decent imagination. However, he doesn't appreciate the pranking Conrad and his dorm crew like to pull on other dorms. So what if Toytoriya is barely targeted? It makes no sense to pick fights with potential friends!
The two probably make jabs at how they run their respective dorms, but so far they haven't gotten too personal about it! Let's hope it stays that way.
Lotsie hasn't met many fairies in his life, but he does think Tink is the most wonderous one he's met! His wings, his magic, even his personality, Tink himself is the anomaly in Lotsie's daily routine. He initially saw his temper as a little irksome but got used to it the more they chatted. Lotsie enjoys spending time with Tink whenever he comes by the dorm for repairs (and probably called him once or twice about fake incidents just to hang out). He agrees with the fairy on a lot of things. But disagreements? Hmm... if he has any, Lotsie wouldn't say.
To be honest, Krok and Lotsie would get along...ok? Lotsie doesn't really know how to deal with lazy personalities, being the energetic man he is. All in all, he'd try to keep his distance from Krok, but be friendly when the time calls for it. Well, that and offer up whatever snacks Toytoriya happened to be making that day.
Conrad is seen as more well-grounded to Pat than he lets on, but that doesn't make this pirate safe from his brutal judgment. All that fighting and pranking, its ought to turn into a mess. And if there's one thing him and Lotsie agree on, its that messes are always troublesome. However, he does see and believe in Conrad's balance between childish behavior and adult responsibilities. Hell, some of his own dorm members are better off learning that!
Pat believes Tink to be a good repairman, and that's pretty much it! Troublemakers with a knack to start arguments are just a mess waiting to happen. All Pat is happy about is that at least Tink is helping keep Toytoriya up through his fixes.
Two solitary folks, Pat probably wouldn't think much of the supposed strange beastman other than for Krok's annoying pocket watch.
A real, genuine pirate! Zackery is already impressed, and Conrad hasn't done a single thing! He'd probably assume Piraticus' dorm leader to be just as "evil" as him. Conrad's trickery and mischievousness would get this overlord following in his steps (much to the chagrin of everyone in Toytoriya).
Zackery would see Tink as a fellow engineer of sorts. After all, the two do have a knack for building things out of the stuff they find. However, he'd be confused to find that Tink is more... old-fashioned when it comes to things like bot-making and computer-building. Why not learn how to build some machines? They help Zackz more than anything.
Tbh i can see them doing a challenge to see if Zackz' tech can beat Tink's skills but eh. thats just my thoughts teehee.
Zackery would find Krok to be pretty amazing, actually. And by that I mean he'd assume his upperclassman to be a literal bad guy. What do you expect? He's a chunnibyou 16-year-old hearing rumors of a nasty classmate with an insane appetite, of course, he'd assume Krok was an evildoer of some kind. He'll be a little disappointed to find out thats not the case, but at least he might have made a new friend by then!
Like Zackery, Saturn sees Conrad as one of the cooler dorm leaders. Not only are they both levelheaded when needed, but they also don't mind some mischievous fun every once in a while That said though, he would rather stick with Lotsie if given the chance to switch dorms. After all, there are only so few people in the world who would let an 18-year-old launch fireworks and explosives anywhere and everywhere.
With Tink's mouthiness and Saturn's old bully tendency to retaliate right back, those two would probably battle with every encounter. Yes, both have grown exponentially compared to how they were a few years ago, but that doesn't mean either is safe from starting a fight. I like to think Saturn usually wins these arguments, with him being more level-headed. But hey, that just might mean he's a common target for pranks!
Saturn might be concerned about his best friend hanging out with a rumored crocodile, but he'd probably calm down after meeting Krok face-to-face. I can see them befriending each other without any trouble! If anything, he'd find Krok's UM to be quite cool, and ask about how magic tastes.
A pirate?! Sounds like something for a sheriff to deal with!
Just kidding! Winston sees Conrad as the average reliable upperclassman, just like Lotsie. He'd probably see if he can get some pointers from him on how to run a crew. After all, a stage full of actors is a crew in itself!
Away from that, he thinks it's a little funny how they both are what their outfits suggest they are, with Winston being a cowboy and Conrad a pirate.
Just like Saturn, Winston and Tink probably wouldn't get along too well. Instead of their tendency to fight though, their egos would probably get in the way this time. This cowboy probably wouldn't appreciate getting judged right where it hurt, and I don't think Tink would either!! All in all, its best if these two are kept away for the time being.
With Winston being the stupid gutsy guy he is, I can see him trying to immediately poke at the bear that is Krok (or do I say crocodile in this situation?). Of course, he wouldn't try pranking them or anything mean like that, but rather just. bother them? Asking questions Krok doesn't know the answer to, (unknowingly) making jabs at them, annoying stuff like that!
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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❆ Witching Winter Ball: Okeanos Cards ❆
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twistedtavern · 3 years
i saw your Neige au posts and you said something about having other RSA dorm leaders? Care to elaborate?
Ah, yes. Shining Wonderland, my passion project in which I make an entire game cast and plot >:Dc. I have a few more students planned, but these are all the dorm leaders and their personalities/backstories.
Archer Brightown: Twisted from Alice herself, Archer is a bit of a wild card with how I've made his character. He's quite a bit older than he was in his first adventure in the Queendom of Roses, and had lots of experience with travel and different flora, fauna, and cultures all over Wonderland since. You could put him in any situation in any place and he would at the very least get out alive. Archer sort of has the personality of how a young child would view a kind older brother. He always carries around an enchanted white backpack containing all sorts of things, ranging from medicinal herbs, potions of all kinds, keys to the Sevens know where, and almost anything else you could ask for, and he will gladly give it to you if asked. The root of such generosity lies in his Unique Magic, Curiouser and Curiouser, which allows him to make a double of just about anything that isn't magically enchanted. He cares deeply for the safety and wellbeing of those around him, since he's faced many dangers himself, and is never one to turn down something that sounds fun and teach you how to do it safely and efficiently.
Ndege Mshauri: Twisted from Zazu, Ndege is an intelligent young man who takes everything seriously. Always one to take a dizzying amount of notes, he's one of the most studious, trustworthy, and attentive students at Royal Sword Academy. His family has been acting as advisors to the Kingscholars for generations, and he hopes to join the rest of his lineage by gaining as much knowledge as possible. Despite his haughty, almost pompous attitude, just about anything will pique his utmost interest, and he is very respectful and proper. His Unique Magic, Dawn Report, allows him to recall just about anything he has ever learned, though he insists on memorizing things properly. He will risk life and limb in the pursuit of information, but is quite easily startled or confused.
Rielle Okeanos: Twisted from Ariel, this young merman is well known for never taking into consideration a single word that comes out of his mouth. He means well, but by god it really doesn't sound that way. However, his blunt nature does lend itself to a lot of honesty on his part and tends to solve a few conflicts (as quickly as he starts them). He's bold, to the point, outgoing, and very impatient. If something's going on, you can count on him wanting to be there, whether it's a party, a fistfight, or right in the middle of something that does not involve him. Look away for one second and he's gone, and you had better hope he had thought to drag you with him. Rielle may be a little stoopid, but that boy's got the curiosity AND the spirit. He's finally got some legs on him and is ready to hit ALL the land towns.
Sariq Fibaa: Twisted from Aladdin, Sariq is a regular "eat the rich" pathological liar and resident kleptomaniac Robin Hood. However the first impression from that sentence may have been, don't worry. He means no ill will, but it's just how he's existed his whole life. Even as a child, Sariq was an orphan and wanted thief back home, and it's only through these lies that he has managed to survive. Despite his flippant, prank-loving exterior, it's very hard to get him to open up and be his true self, which is reflected in his Unique Magic, Nom De Plume, which allows him to shapeshift at will. But, the fast track to friendship with Sariq is definitely through his primate partner in crime, Radie, who frequently exposes his gentler side. Once you make it through to Sariq, you'll find that he'll jump at any chance to fuss over those he cares about like a mother hen. He's very gentle with anyone who's close to him and would do anything to protect them. Just be mindful to give him a gentle reminder whenever a lie slips out or he takes something that isn't his.
Neige Leblanche: I know he's already canon but let me go off about him dammit I love him. He's a very loving and caring person to anyone he meets, mostly because he has abandonment issues and can't bear to leave anyone in a vulnerable state alone. This boy has taken on raising seven children alone for a reason. Don't let that pretty baby face fool you, he's a hard worker through and through, and always tends to find some way to make any situation at least a little enjoyable. Neige is a very gentle and soft boy at heart, and he's spent half his life singing lullabies and kissing ouchies better for forest animals and small children alike, so trust that you're in good hands with him. His Unique Magic, Special Song, embodies a bit of the natural care in his heart for the wellbeing of others. Activated after a short lullaby, Neige can cast little blessings on things or people to help them towards a specific goal or give/boost a specific trait, called a Song, and these Songs can be pretty powerful. He isn't exactly stingy with this power, but will pry if your Song request seems strange or suspicious to him. He most commonly uses his power to make meals more nutritious or help injuries heal faster, but will absolutely indulge in using it for aid in the occasional prank or joke, as a treat. Having spent so much time unsupervised with no real other friends, Neige has cultivated a penchant for play and mischief, though he rarely indulges in it due to him having to be the most level-headed and gentle of the group.
Hop Litallaios: Twisted from Hercules, Hop wants more than anything to have those around him, and especially his birth parents, be genuinely proud of him. He figures the best way to do this is to become some sort of hero, just like his father, Zion. Hop is a very energetic, innocent, and sweet boy who grew up on a farm with his foster family his whole life, so he doesn't know much about the world outside of hard work and the simple things such a humble upbringing provides. He's got incredible natural strength from having to handle all the heavy lifting at home, but his Unique Magic, Zero to Hero, increases that strength tenfold for a brief period of time. He's always doing his absolute best at everything he does, whether it's helping out whoever he can at school, working out, or studying magic. Hop is secretly an absolute nerd when it comes to superhero media, it's actually really really cute. Complete himbo I adore him
Auron Briar: Twisted from Aurora, I definitely went ham with this one. Hear me out. Auron has been raised in a cottage separately from all of society his entire life by three fairy men pretending to be humans. He has been vigorously training, studying, and preparing to take on his destiny and inherit the throne as the sole ruler of Briar Valley. But how, might you ask? Simple. By killing Malleus Draconia, that's how. Why? Because the three fairies have been lying to him his entire life. They isolated Auron from anything that could contradict their teachings as a child and fed him lie after lie after lie about the world around him. He genuinely and wholeheartedly believes that it is his destiny to kill Malleus, and that if he doesn't, all of humanity will be destroyed once he is crowned king. And though a savior he believes himself to be, this perceived duty weighs heavy on Auron. He lives in constant silent terror of what will happen if he fails, but knows nothing but being shoved forward towards this inevitable end. To him, the literal fate of the world rests on him and him alone. Mind you, this boy has: exactly zero social skills, has genuinely NEVER met another sentient being outside of the men who raised him in his LIFE, has basically been living in the 16th century in terms of access to any kind of technology, has believed his parents were dead his entire life (they are not), has no concept of affection or emotional attachment, has never been hugged even once, doesn't know his own birthday, has never been given emotional support, has read exactly ten books his whole life, has never been told a bedtime story, and has never been smiled at before coming to RSA. Let that sink in. This poor prince is a pathetic little meow meow if I have ever seen one, and the only thing keeping him from withering away into shards of emotionally neglected dust is the feeling that his entire existence hinges on regicide. He could easily be done in by either a forehead kiss or a thingy of Pop Rocks. Your choice.
If you want to send in asks or requests about these characters, PLEASE send them I would be more than happy to respond
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sag-dab-sar · 2 years
Any tips for practicing while in the hospital?
Well a lot of how I practice now can probably transfer to in-patient or ER. I've also been in both situations so I'll share.
Here is my low spoon & zero spoon post that might help.
What I do now that I think can transfer:
Say deities names when I do some action; either out loud or in my mind. So if you get administered medication by a nurse you could say the names of health Gods in your mind. Hellenic: Apollo Paian, Asklepios, Asklepiades. Sumerian: Ninisina, Gula, Damu. If you drink a liquid or when you are administered saline. Hellenic: Okeanos, The Potamoi Sumerian: Enki. You can pick your own things you'll attach to saying a deity name.
If you watch TV (if there is a TV in the room or if you have your laptop) dedicate what your watching to a God(s). Watch the show "with them."
Do things with the gods in mind. If I'm using duolingo I think of and ask for help from Nabû. If I'm reading I think of and ask for help Geštug Nisaba.
The water offerings at sink as described in the post I linked above. If you can go to the bathroom on your own or take a shower on your own.
Things I've actually done when in the hospital:
Have my prayer beads with me even if I wasn't using them. This is what I do in ER.
Wear devotional jewelry if I can. Also what I do in ER. My medical bracelet counts here.
Draw symbols of my deities on a piece of paper with markers that they had provided to me while in-paitent. So I drew a flame for Hestia as one example. This was not intricate, it was about the quality of a 4th grader drawing during indoor recess.
I had a small travel altar for my dorm room. I brought that with me for in-paitent and set it up in a small place that was out of the way in the room.
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oh goddamnit.
Medea Obscura
Twisted from: Dr. CaIigosto Loboƭo Dorm: Umberdawn (@witchinghouracademy) Year: 3rd Birthday: February 21st Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Relationship Status: … Age: 20 Height: 208cm Dominant Hand: Left Origin: Queendom of Roses(?) Club: ??? Likes: "Maturity", sealife, medical research, the crashing waves of the sea Dislikes: When things don't go her way, improper dental care, parents, the number 58, naughty children Favorite Food: Spaghetti Disliked Food: Sweets Special Skill: Writing entire essays on obscure topics in one night
Miss Medea Obscura is a VERY passionate woman. Feisty. Fastidious. Forceful. The "ara ara" kind of lady. Will not take no for an answer. She's the kind of person who will stick with the initial idea to the very end, no matter how it takes, and no one can stop her. What exactly is her passion? How magic relates to brain activity, how physical and mental trauma affects certain conditions, generally anything relating to the brain, and dentistry. Why all this? 'It'll all be worth it,' she says. Maybe she has some ulterior motives beyond that…?
Signature Spell:
"???" Aha, ahahaha… none. She hasn't figured it out yet. Or…?
Ali - An interesting girl! An in-depth examination would make for an interesting activity.
Reese - DEFINITELY at odds with her. Don't put these two in a room together alone.
Tita (@terrovaniadorm) - Someone she can ramble about teeth with! ...Wait, maybe she's a bad influence on her underclassman...
Tiny Tidbits:
Her own magic seems to have a set limit. How exactly is that possible is a mystery only known to her.
Medea Obscura obviously isn't her real name. Whatever her old identity was, she takes a lot of effort in hiding it. Why's that?
If she had the chance to switch to another dorm, It'd either be Voltlove or Okeanos. Probably the latter.
She does show some interest in marine biology, but immediately quells it for her usual BS.
…Maybe we're better off without brains…
I'm not spelling his name correctly. If I spelled it correctly it's definitely going to show up in the tags. NO ONE MUST KNOW.
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arcdiris · 3 years
Pixel Banners Masterpost
Please do not repost these outside Tumblr. Due to the reposts without credit I will not be doing any more of these.
Canon NRC
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For Tumblr use only, ask owners for permissions.
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Piraticus - @piraticusdorm free to use for Piraticus ocs profiles or stories ✰
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Stagrove - @/prometheanglory
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Shundain - @/briarrosescurse
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Neewollah - @/neewollah-dorm
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Diablerie Arcane Arts - @/diableriearcanearts
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Okeanos -  @witchinghouracademy
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Voltlove -  @/witchinghouracademy
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Plumatrix - @/plumatrixdorm
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terrovaniadorm · 3 years
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Today i hand you my oc for @witchinghouracademy !
Her bio and full reference under the cut
Name: Simona Leto
Age: 19
Birthday: March 1st
Species: "Cat Demon"
Height: 175cm
Family: Older Brother, Father
Homeland: The Afterglow Savanna
Twisted from: Saranoia
School: Witching Hour Academy
Class: 4th year, Middle course
Dorm: Okeanos
Occupation:  Student
Club: Drama Club
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Berry Smoothies
Least Favorite Food: Fried Chicken
Dislikes: Arrogant Men
Hobby: Reading romance novels
Talents: Acting
Unique Magic: Changeling
Simona can change herself into anything she wants but she also assumes it's personality and opinions.
Personality: Simone is quite paranoid, thinking everyone around her will use her or see her as someone who's worthless or weaker. She judges people on face value for the most of the time but she's always helpful to those around her who needs it. She's very sassy but can't keep secrets, Simone also has some temper issues and dislikes being told what to do.
CV: Megumi Hayashibara
-Simone is a Hebrew name meaning "hear or listen", it's a feminine variant of Simon
"Leto" is named after the Greek goddess, it's meaning isn't verified but it's theorized to mean “hidden, forgotten, the hidden one”.
-A cat demon, her horns also function as ears
-Dislikes men, mostly because of her family
-Loves cute things like plushies, etc.
-One of the few people who witnessed Yijun's overblot, that's why she's very overprotective of her
-Which also leads Simone to project her trauma on Yijun, sometimes calling Yun by her own brothers name.. "Marcus"
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
[ Chats - Amatheia Nerea ]
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1 - Nevermore Lagoons
"Lagoons filled with beautiful mermaids... Of course they're real! I'm from there!"
"There's a few around the Neverseas Isles with aaaall sorts of mermaids! And I'm the cutest~☆"
"We have a prince and queen but no one really cares about that. We just do whatever we want! Play, sing, drown- Whatever feels right when it feels right."
"It's ideal right~? It's like paradise~♪ But waking up early to learn things isn't so bad either. We don't really have schools like this back home. "
"Hehe~ Once I go back I'm gonna wow everyone with all my knowledge!"
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2 - Whimsical
"Are mermaids whimsical...?"
"Isn't it normal to change your mind? Doing always the same is soooo boring. There's a lot more stuff to do in land than in water so I want to try it all!"
"D-don't get confused, I still like water the most, because I'm a mermaid!"
"I'm nothing like those stinky lost boys or those ugly pirates. On land the sun is hash and gravity sucks! Land is the worst!"
"But land things are also....well, they're cool! The jewerly you can make in forges and the clothes you can dye and the make up you can use~ I love it all~ Land is the best~♪ "
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3 - Playtime
"Mermaids use their beauty and songs to lure men to watery deaths... That's right~☆"
"Well, they come play on their own you know? I mean, everyone knows the stories so it's like, their fault at that point.
"Like, it's fun and all, and if they wanted to leave we'd let them. But they become so clingy..."
"They follow you all day whining like [ I miss you ] [ Don't leave yet ] [ Why won't you kiss me? ] [ I don't get a hug? ] [ Who was that guy you were talking with? ] "
"It's so annoying!! Wouldn't you want to drown them too!?"
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✦ Amatheia & Silvia - Mermaids and Fairies
Amatheia: Hey hey Sil~ You're a water fairy right?
Silvia: Why yes! My, you even know the types of fairies, that's Ama for you~
Amatheia: Hehe~♪ Of course I know that much! No wonder you're so pretty. All the girl fairies that hung out in the lagoon were so beautiful too!
Silvia: I'm happy you think so! What about the guys?
Amatheia: Huh? What about them?
Silvia: fufu~ Nevermind. That's Ama for you~
Amatheia: Wait, this time it doesn't feel like a compliment... Did I miss something?
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✦ Amatheia & Raina - Fan
Raina: Lady Amatheia you're so beautiful!
Amatheia: I know I know~ ♪
Raina: You're so smart! And the way you sang this morning was so- So pretty!
Amatheia: I know I know...
Raina: And when you swam around the dorm! Your hair and scales looked so-
Amathehia: I know!! Stop already! Pearl's sake talk about something else.
Raina: A-a-I'm sorry! I didn't- I mean I-
Amatheia: Walk and talk! You can do both, can't you? And tell me about your stuff for once. You came from a fun town didn't you?
Raina: My...? Oh- Of course! Thank you! Yes, there is this town festival back home that...
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
Chats - Silvia Albadew
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1 - About Mermaids
"The whimsical mermaids of the Nevermore Lagoons... that sounds about right~"
"Of course, you shouldn't generalise, okay? You can't believe everything you hear, like for example..."
"They say their prince is gorgeous but imprudent, and that the queen kidnaps only the most handsome sailors for her court of lovers, and that a century ago the princess tried to drown the Spirit of Youth's beloved and it almost escalated to a war between humans and mermaids-!"
"... these are just rumors swimming in the Neverseas streams~ They don't hold much water."
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2 - About Fairies
"I am a fairy yes. My my, you have a good eye. But there's different types of fairies okay~?"
"See, there's the small fairies that help humans, and the ones born from magic, and the ones born of other fairies...
"Not to mention the wood fairies, the water fairies, the fire fairies.... firefairies.."
"Oh! It sounds almost like fireflies~ Come to think of it, there's a lot of fireflies during the summer festival. Dragonflies too! Did you know they shoot water from their bums?"
"A friend explained it to me one day at this fancy cafe. The coffee there was so creamy~ I haven't had something like that in ages. Maybe there's one similar around?"
"... what were we talking about again?"
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3 - A heart's nature
"There is this old saying that a fairy's heart is so tiny it only has place for one, all-encompassing emotion at a time."
"... That's kinda mean, isn't it~ ?"
"There's fairies that always follow their heart, but there's humans like that too. We're not that different. Idioms like that are a bit silly."
"Fairies, mermaids, humans, faes, beastfolk... we have more in common than not."
"Those kind of things are easier to notice as you grow older. So you need to keep an open mind okay~?"
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✦ Silvia & Amatheia - Expanding Horizons
Silvia: Amathy, what made you want to come here?
Amatheia: Huh? What's with the question all of a sudden?
Silvia: I was just curious, don't worry~ Not many mermaids from the Nevermore Lagoons come here.
Amatheia: Hmm~ I just wanted to learn new stuff! A fairy friend told me about this place. Fairies are pretty rare around here too, aren't they?
Silvia: I see~ You're right, fairy education is about nurturing that one budding talent. In mt case that was water. But studying a lot of things at once abroad sounds more fun, doesn't it~?
Amatheia: It totally does! It's sups fun! And I got to meet you so it was totes worth it.
Silvia: fufu~ I feel the same way!
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✦ Silvia & Raina - Kinship
Raina: Lady Silvia, can I ask you a few things?
Silvia: Sure~ But why are you suddenly calling me "lady" Rani?
Raina: A-ah? My bubs- ah, parent told me about you! I should've been more polite from the start.
Silvia: I see. Your parent must be a fairy from the capital then. Don't worry over it~ I'm no good at formalities.
Raina: Really? Is it okay? But I'm not even a fairy...
Silvia: Don't be silly! You're part of us if you want to be. Don't worry over not fitting old categories, okay? I'm not the shinning example of a noble water fairy either~
Raina: Sil-! I think you're perfect as you are!
Silvia: Now now that's embarassing~ You're perfect as you are too Rani. Don't forget it.
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
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Amatheia’s full refs! School Uniform,Dorm Uniform and her Mermaid Form! Either way she’s quite colorful!
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
Chats - Raina Amnisiris
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1 - Variety
"Learning about mermaids is so fun!"
"I had no idea they changed so much from sea to sea. But humans change too, and everyone else, so it makes sense. Hm hm!"
"Tropical sea ones are so beautiful, but the deep sea ones are so cool! Sea and river ones are both cute! Their fins are pretty too! I want to go meet them all!"
"Do you want to see them too? We can go together!"
"Even if we're different, we have things in common, so it'll be fine!"
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2 - Wings
"I know a lot about fairies? Of course! My bubu is a fairy after all. Hum hum!"
"My mama is a human, so I'm somewhere inbetween. I-I might not have wings but I'm still part fairy!"
"... I-It's fine! Wings are pretty and they're not bad at all, but you can't swim with them. Between flying and swimming, I'll take swimming with mermaids!"
"And we have brooms so I can sorta fly! See see, I painted mine to look like a dove. Cute right?"
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3 - Home
"I come from the Neverseas Isles too! But it's not the same place as Silvia or Lady Amatheia."
"My town is between fairy and mermaid territory, near the coast, so we get a lot of travellers. You see all kinds of people!"
"Our inn is always busy with people with amazing tales. I love listening to them."
"I bet you too have some pretty cool tales from home right?"
"I'd love to hear them if you want! I'm free after skating practice."
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✦ Raina & Amatheia - My Pace
Raina: Lady Amatheia is so pretty today too~!
Amatheia: Hm-hm, of course I am.. you don't have to point it out every day.
Raina: But you really liked it before...?
Amatheia: Hmm~ You're getting boring tho. Like, you always say the same stuff.
Raina: E-eh? Ah, right, sorry. I-I'll think of something better!
Amatheia: Oh! Your eyes aren't half bad tho Rairai! I'm getting some inspo from them. That's decided then! Let's go buy fabrics after class, kay~?
Raina: H-ha? I mean, I'd love to-! Haa... Lady Amatheia always goes at her own pace.... but that's part of her charm~!
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✦ Raina & Silvia - Crybaby
Silvia: My my, Rani, you're crying again?
Raina: I-I'm sorry!! ⁽ˢᴺᴵᶠᶠ⁾ I just saw these tadpoles jump to water for the first time...They're so small! ⁽ˢᴺᴵᶠᶠ⁾
Silvia: Fufu~ You're the cutest. There's no need to be embarassed about it. You know, water fairies are known crybabies, so you're not alone there.
Raina: R-really! But Silvia, I've never seen you cry.
Silvia: ...Yeah, you got me there~ I might be the exception to the rule.
Raina: ! I see... But even so, you're not alone either Silvia! Because we'll always be friends okay!?
Silvia: ... fufu~ you really are smart at reading emotions. I'm sure you'll grow into a great person, Raina.
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
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And here’s the third member of Okeanos: Raina! A first year newbie full of energy!
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
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The vice-leader of Okeanos, the water fairy Silvia!
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
Silvia Albadew
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Basic Info
Twisted from: Silvermist
Birthday: January 10th
Height: 1,74 cm // 5′ 9″
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Black
Homeland: Hondonada of Fades
Misc. Info
Sexuality: Pansexual Best Subject: Philosophy
Likes: Lakes and rivers, spring, crystal furniture, gossip
Dislikes: The sea, pirates, perfectionists
Talents: Water manipulation
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The air-head yet caring vice-leader: Silvia!
❥ Mature and understanding, as well as easy to distract and emotional.
❥ She often drifts mid-sentences forgetting what she was talking about, but isn’t bothered by it.
❥ A “go-with-the-flow” gal.
❥ As vice-leader she’s the “brakes” to Amatheia. Silvia’s amiable nature makes it easy to change course without fights, so everyone asked her to take the role.
❥ She’s often viewed as a big sisterly figure, but Silvia herself isn’t aware.
❥ As a water fairy she can manipulate water and feels at ease near lakes and rivers. But she has to be careful to not wet her wings, or they become useless.
❥  Silvia has a bad habit of gossiping. She doesn’t mean ill as she isn’t one to judge, her curiosity just gets the better of her.
❥ She’s an “Original Fairy” , the ones born from the magic in the Neverseas. As such she has no blood family, but holds certain prestige and higher magic.
❥ Her age isn’t a secret, she just... forgets. Has to do math to calculate how old she is every time and she’s not good at that.
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Voiceclaim: Mao Ichimichi  
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
Raina Amnisiris
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Basic Info
Twisted from: Rani
Birthday: August 2nd
Height: 1,60 cm // 5′ 3″
Eye Color: Half pale pink, half aquamarine
Hair Color: Blonde
Homeland: Nisse Villa
Misc. Info
Sexuality: Bisexual
Best subject: Broom Flying
Likes: Mermaids, frogs, swimming, ice skating
Dislikes: Spicy foods, feeling left out
Talents: Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
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A hyper first year!
❥  Raina is also nicknamed Rani and Ranita by friends.
❥ Full of energy! She’s always on the move and loves sports.
❥ Raina LOVES mermaids and was practically beggin the cauldron to put her in Okeanos. Guess it worked!
❥ She really admires Amatheia and is a bit of a fangirl about her, and mermaids in general. She’s more... normal with everyone else
❥ Has some trouble with keeping personal space.
❥ Raina is a half-fairy, half-human. She doesn’t have wings and was sad about it as a kid, but she’s since learned to see the bright side. Without wings she can swim, clothes are easier and her hair doesn’t get tangled with them. Plus she can still fly with brooms!
❥ Yep, Raina tries to see the bright side of things. Sometimes to a ridiculous degree.
❥ Her hometown is a village situated inbetween fairy and human territories, where travellers often stop by. So Raina is used to lots of unusual people!
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Voiceclaim: Miyu Takagi
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
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First dorm of the school is Okeanos!
Based on the movie Peter Pan, specifically the mermaids.
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Okeanos was founded on the whimsical nature of the mermaids of the Nevermore Lagoons. It’s color is Teal, with Purple accents.
It values jacks-of-all-trades the most! It’s students are curiosity incarnated! Always eager to try and learn new things, specially arts-wise.
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The dorm is a beautiful white building, submerged in a crystalline lake with waterfalls all around. There’s secret rooms behind some of the waterfalls, but not all, so be careful!
The outside of the dorm is adorned by the merfolk of the dorm, with flowers and ribbons and trinkets they make. First years share rooms in pairs, with upper years having their own. The Dorm Leader’s room is at the very top of the dorm.
The current Dorm Leader is Amatheia Nerea, a bubbly girl that charmed her way to the position. That said, she has had to battle a few of her seniors who tried to take the leadership from her. But as an actual mermaid of the Nevermore Lagoons, she won’t let anyone “de-throne” her.
Okeanos and Octavinelle have an old rivalry as merfolk dorms. Amatheia herself thinks them too soft to tackle things head-on. If we’re talking about academics, Octavinelle has them beaten.... But in exhibitions and shows, specially artistic, Okeanos wins by a landslide!
( Pictures: / x / x / x )
Okeanos Playlist
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