#pretends this isnt the size of an essay
toytoriyadorm · 2 years
⛺ we've talked before but Piraticus if you want! or for smth new what about Okeanos? 👀
I’ll just do Piraticus for now!!! (Can dew Okeanos rambles in disc tho teehee)
⛺ To see how our dorms would get along
Piraticus, Piraticus… that’s where all the "scary" pirates go, right? Well, it doesn’t matter to Toytoriya, all they’re interested in is their giant ships and sunny beaches! To them, the pirates' dorm and its members are just another group of people to befriend, and its dorm a place to play in.
Lotsie considers Conrad to be quite the mature fellow, and one of the few dorm leaders to have an, at the very least, decent imagination. However, he doesn't appreciate the pranking Conrad and his dorm crew like to pull on other dorms. So what if Toytoriya is barely targeted? It makes no sense to pick fights with potential friends!
The two probably make jabs at how they run their respective dorms, but so far they haven't gotten too personal about it! Let's hope it stays that way.
Lotsie hasn't met many fairies in his life, but he does think Tink is the most wonderous one he's met! His wings, his magic, even his personality, Tink himself is the anomaly in Lotsie's daily routine. He initially saw his temper as a little irksome but got used to it the more they chatted. Lotsie enjoys spending time with Tink whenever he comes by the dorm for repairs (and probably called him once or twice about fake incidents just to hang out). He agrees with the fairy on a lot of things. But disagreements? Hmm... if he has any, Lotsie wouldn't say.
To be honest, Krok and Lotsie would get along...ok? Lotsie doesn't really know how to deal with lazy personalities, being the energetic man he is. All in all, he'd try to keep his distance from Krok, but be friendly when the time calls for it. Well, that and offer up whatever snacks Toytoriya happened to be making that day.
Conrad is seen as more well-grounded to Pat than he lets on, but that doesn't make this pirate safe from his brutal judgment. All that fighting and pranking, its ought to turn into a mess. And if there's one thing him and Lotsie agree on, its that messes are always troublesome. However, he does see and believe in Conrad's balance between childish behavior and adult responsibilities. Hell, some of his own dorm members are better off learning that!
Pat believes Tink to be a good repairman, and that's pretty much it! Troublemakers with a knack to start arguments are just a mess waiting to happen. All Pat is happy about is that at least Tink is helping keep Toytoriya up through his fixes.
Two solitary folks, Pat probably wouldn't think much of the supposed strange beastman other than for Krok's annoying pocket watch.
A real, genuine pirate! Zackery is already impressed, and Conrad hasn't done a single thing! He'd probably assume Piraticus' dorm leader to be just as "evil" as him. Conrad's trickery and mischievousness would get this overlord following in his steps (much to the chagrin of everyone in Toytoriya).
Zackery would see Tink as a fellow engineer of sorts. After all, the two do have a knack for building things out of the stuff they find. However, he'd be confused to find that Tink is more... old-fashioned when it comes to things like bot-making and computer-building. Why not learn how to build some machines? They help Zackz more than anything.
Tbh i can see them doing a challenge to see if Zackz' tech can beat Tink's skills but eh. thats just my thoughts teehee.
Zackery would find Krok to be pretty amazing, actually. And by that I mean he'd assume his upperclassman to be a literal bad guy. What do you expect? He's a chunnibyou 16-year-old hearing rumors of a nasty classmate with an insane appetite, of course, he'd assume Krok was an evildoer of some kind. He'll be a little disappointed to find out thats not the case, but at least he might have made a new friend by then!
Like Zackery, Saturn sees Conrad as one of the cooler dorm leaders. Not only are they both levelheaded when needed, but they also don't mind some mischievous fun every once in a while That said though, he would rather stick with Lotsie if given the chance to switch dorms. After all, there are only so few people in the world who would let an 18-year-old launch fireworks and explosives anywhere and everywhere.
With Tink's mouthiness and Saturn's old bully tendency to retaliate right back, those two would probably battle with every encounter. Yes, both have grown exponentially compared to how they were a few years ago, but that doesn't mean either is safe from starting a fight. I like to think Saturn usually wins these arguments, with him being more level-headed. But hey, that just might mean he's a common target for pranks!
Saturn might be concerned about his best friend hanging out with a rumored crocodile, but he'd probably calm down after meeting Krok face-to-face. I can see them befriending each other without any trouble! If anything, he'd find Krok's UM to be quite cool, and ask about how magic tastes.
A pirate?! Sounds like something for a sheriff to deal with!
Just kidding! Winston sees Conrad as the average reliable upperclassman, just like Lotsie. He'd probably see if he can get some pointers from him on how to run a crew. After all, a stage full of actors is a crew in itself!
Away from that, he thinks it's a little funny how they both are what their outfits suggest they are, with Winston being a cowboy and Conrad a pirate.
Just like Saturn, Winston and Tink probably wouldn't get along too well. Instead of their tendency to fight though, their egos would probably get in the way this time. This cowboy probably wouldn't appreciate getting judged right where it hurt, and I don't think Tink would either!! All in all, its best if these two are kept away for the time being.
With Winston being the stupid gutsy guy he is, I can see him trying to immediately poke at the bear that is Krok (or do I say crocodile in this situation?). Of course, he wouldn't try pranking them or anything mean like that, but rather just. bother them? Asking questions Krok doesn't know the answer to, (unknowingly) making jabs at them, annoying stuff like that!
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