#raina amnisiris
witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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❆ Witching Winter Ball: Okeanos Cards ❆
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Do u have MBTIs for ur ocs??
I do now! Did the main girls + Ardith & Odile to avoid makign it even longer. This was fun to do ty anon!
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Amatheia: ENFP - Campaigner!
Campaigners are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. Independent and creative, always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life.
Silvia: ISFP - Adventurer
Adventurers genuinely love living in a world filled with all kinds of people. Unassuming and humble, they tend to see themselves as “just doing their own thing,” so they may not even realize how remarkable they really are.
Raina: ESFP - Entertainer
Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, taking pleasure in discovering the unknown. There’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends.
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Minami: INTJ - Architect
Rational and quick-witted, Architects think for themselves, with a knack for seeing through phoniness and hypocrisy. They can be the boldest of dreamers and the bitterest of pessimists.
Jojo: ISTP - Virtuoso
Virtuosos are actually quite enigmatic. Friendly but very private, calm but spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to focus on formal studies. They engage life with a hands-on inquisitiveness.
Giselle: ENTJ - Commander
Commanders embody the gifts of charisma and confidence. They firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal.
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Vero: INFJ - Advocate
Advocates are troubled by injustice. They move with a clear sense of values, and aim never to lose sight of what truly matters – not according to society, but to their own wisdom and intuition.
Kero: ESFJ - Consul
For Consuls, life is sweetest when it’s shared with others. Altruists at heart, they take seriously their responsibilities to give back, serve others, and do the right thing.
Ros: INTP - Logician
These flexible thinkers enjoy taking an unconventional approach to many aspects of life. They have a reputation for being pensive, detached, and a bit reserved.
Äte: ESTP - Entrepeneur
Entrepreneurs are the likeliest to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm. They love uncovering life’s opportunities.
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Ali: ISFJ - Defender
Hardworking and devoted, Defenders feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail.
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Odile: ESTJ - Executive
Executive personalities lead by example, demonstrating dedication and purposeful honesty, and an utter rejection of laziness and cheating. They trust facts far more than abstract ideas or opinions.
Ardith: INFP - Mediator
Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and feel called to help others. They tend to feel directionless or stuck until they connect with a sense of purpose for their lives.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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Wʜɪʀᴘᴏᴏʟ Sᴡɪɴɢ ❆ [ Raina & Floyd]
Sharp turns and quick feet, the squeaks of sneakers bouncing and scratching against the rocky ground complimenting the lively music. A dance full of joy and without worry, tossing and turning one another with not one single step faltering.
— Hey hey~ Let’s go faster now, froggie!
— Sure Flo! I can keep up!
There’s cheery laughs from both as their feet refuse to stay on ground more than a second. A few students have started clapping along, pulled in by their energy. Floyd’s shirt has since been unbuttoned at the top, jacket discarded in favor of a more comfortable look despite Azul’s wishes. Raina on her part has no issue, the sporty fit of her dress giving no issue when moving as she likes.
As if following them, and not the other way around, the music speeds up to match their pace. It goes faster and faster yet, until at last, Floyd picks Raina just as she bounces, throwing her over his shoulder, landing perfectly as the song ends. Their heavy breaths are drowned by the applause of the students who were watching. As if reading his mind, Raina pulls Floyd into a hug first, forcing him to bend.
— That was so fun Flo! Let’s get a drink and then go again!
— Nah, let’s go again now!
— Hm? But they’ve changed the music.
True enough, the tune of the music shifts to another genre, as it has been doing all night.
— I’ll tell them to play it again~
There’s a dangerous glint in Floyd’s eyes as he starts walking towards the orchestra. Raina is quick to bounce to his side.
— Why do you call me froggie?
The question makes Floyd stop and look at her. Raina’s smile is gone, eyes full of curiosity looking up at the taller eel. Blinking once, then twice, Floyd thinks for a second before replying matter of factly.
— Because froggy is small and jumps a lot.
As if confirming his words, Raina jumps in place while laughing.
— I guess I do! I can jump pretty high too! Oh, hey, do you want a nickname too?
— Eeh~ It’s not the same, I don’t want froggie calling me something else.
— Awww… I had a really cute one in mind and all. But okay! Flo it is!
— You had one in mind? What was it?
— I’m so thirsty, I’ll go grab a drink then, Flo!
— Eeeh~ Wait, Now I wanna know~!
Raina skips along towards the punch table with Floyd on her heels. The orchestra lets out a sigh of relief as their laughs grow distant, feeling the unmistakable relief of having avoided a problematic audience member. All but one miss the wink Raina shoots at them from a distance as her chase with Floyd turn into a game of tag.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
HI WAS WONDERING. Could I get Okeanos’ opinion on Celeste?
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Amatheia likes Celeste! She can match her energy and likes doing fun things too! Having a voice that can wreck things? That's totes cool! Not unlike mermaid magic! (She's a bit insensitive about the topic rip). Whatever anyone else says Amatheia would still invite Celeste to events because she's the Dorm Leader, so she can do what she wants 💙
Silvia feels, to her own regret, pity for Celeste. It's not a feeling many people like to get. So she chooses to praise Celeste's cheeriness instead! It's good that Celes can still have fun! Silvia's sure Celeste is a great princess, and can be a great queen with such a warm attitude. Silvia would try using one of her bubbles to see if Celeste can at least sing in a "contained" space.
Raina hasn't heard much of the rumors, so she just thinks Celeste is neat! Enjoys her DJing and always dances along. Would be most shocked to learn Celeste is a princess.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
Chats - Raina Amnisiris
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1 - Variety
"Learning about mermaids is so fun!"
"I had no idea they changed so much from sea to sea. But humans change too, and everyone else, so it makes sense. Hm hm!"
"Tropical sea ones are so beautiful, but the deep sea ones are so cool! Sea and river ones are both cute! Their fins are pretty too! I want to go meet them all!"
"Do you want to see them too? We can go together!"
"Even if we're different, we have things in common, so it'll be fine!"
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2 - Wings
"I know a lot about fairies? Of course! My bubu is a fairy after all. Hum hum!"
"My mama is a human, so I'm somewhere inbetween. I-I might not have wings but I'm still part fairy!"
"... I-It's fine! Wings are pretty and they're not bad at all, but you can't swim with them. Between flying and swimming, I'll take swimming with mermaids!"
"And we have brooms so I can sorta fly! See see, I painted mine to look like a dove. Cute right?"
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3 - Home
"I come from the Neverseas Isles too! But it's not the same place as Silvia or Lady Amatheia."
"My town is between fairy and mermaid territory, near the coast, so we get a lot of travellers. You see all kinds of people!"
"Our inn is always busy with people with amazing tales. I love listening to them."
"I bet you too have some pretty cool tales from home right?"
"I'd love to hear them if you want! I'm free after skating practice."
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✦ Raina & Amatheia - My Pace
Raina: Lady Amatheia is so pretty today too~!
Amatheia: Hm-hm, of course I am.. you don't have to point it out every day.
Raina: But you really liked it before...?
Amatheia: Hmm~ You're getting boring tho. Like, you always say the same stuff.
Raina: E-eh? Ah, right, sorry. I-I'll think of something better!
Amatheia: Oh! Your eyes aren't half bad tho Rairai! I'm getting some inspo from them. That's decided then! Let's go buy fabrics after class, kay~?
Raina: H-ha? I mean, I'd love to-! Haa... Lady Amatheia always goes at her own pace.... but that's part of her charm~!
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✦ Raina & Silvia - Crybaby
Silvia: My my, Rani, you're crying again?
Raina: I-I'm sorry!! ⁽ˢᴺᴵᶠᶠ⁾ I just saw these tadpoles jump to water for the first time...They're so small! ⁽ˢᴺᴵᶠᶠ⁾
Silvia: Fufu~ You're the cutest. There's no need to be embarassed about it. You know, water fairies are known crybabies, so you're not alone there.
Raina: R-really! But Silvia, I've never seen you cry.
Silvia: ...Yeah, you got me there~ I might be the exception to the rule.
Raina: ! I see... But even so, you're not alone either Silvia! Because we'll always be friends okay!?
Silvia: ... fufu~ you really are smart at reading emotions. I'm sure you'll grow into a great person, Raina.
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years
Raina Amnisiris
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Basic Info
Twisted from: Rani
Birthday: August 2nd
Height: 1,60 cm // 5′ 3″
Eye Color: Half pale pink, half aquamarine
Hair Color: Blonde
Homeland: Nisse Villa
Misc. Info
Sexuality: Bisexual
Best subject: Broom Flying
Likes: Mermaids, frogs, swimming, ice skating
Dislikes: Spicy foods, feeling left out
Talents: Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
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A hyper first year!
❥  Raina is also nicknamed Rani and Ranita by friends.
❥ Full of energy! She’s always on the move and loves sports.
❥ Raina LOVES mermaids and was practically beggin the cauldron to put her in Okeanos. Guess it worked!
❥ She really admires Amatheia and is a bit of a fangirl about her, and mermaids in general. She’s more... normal with everyone else
❥ Has some trouble with keeping personal space.
❥ Raina is a half-fairy, half-human. She doesn’t have wings and was sad about it as a kid, but she’s since learned to see the bright side. Without wings she can swim, clothes are easier and her hair doesn’t get tangled with them. Plus she can still fly with brooms!
❥ Yep, Raina tries to see the bright side of things. Sometimes to a ridiculous degree.
❥ Her hometown is a village situated inbetween fairy and human territories, where travellers often stop by. So Raina is used to lots of unusual people!
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Voiceclaim: Miyu Takagi
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