#okay. okay. im okay again. im normal. back to business per usual.
quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
(i do try not to think about that episode so much because it does annoy me greatly that it’s this build up of. everyone around the doctor loves him so much they’d risk destroying time itself to save his life. river resists shooting him, amy puts together pieces of him in her head enough to want to help him across reality breaking, and at the end, the whole of time and space hears someone say “the doctor needs help!” and they come to answer. because that’s the good he puts out into the universe. people will come. if he just asks, they’ll come.
and then the episode turns around and goes, ‘yeah, anyway, river’s an idiot for doing all this dramatic shit to save him lol. the doctor had a plan all along to save himself. he doesn’t need anyone’s help.’ like THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT. OF EVERYONE WHO CAME. TO HELP HIM. WHY DID WE BOTHER WITH ANY OF THIS.)
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n3onstarss · 2 years
Midnight Dancin'
2012 TMNT Donnie x Chubby, pear shaped reader!
requested by @puunk, TYSM for requesting!!
"2012tmnt! (preferably donnie, and if not you can pick whoever you want from whatever series variation you'd like i don't really mind)x chubby!(200lb+)Gn (preferably pear body shape but idc it's up to you, im trying to imagine myself but it's ofc towards others too) Angsty sappy, yadda-yada.. if not that's okay!!
forgot to add it as a oneshot too.. EHHH YOU GET IT PSHH"
Relationship(s): 2012 Donnie x reader
romantic or platonic?: romantic
type of reader: chubby, pear shaped, human reader
The lair was peaceful, as it usually was when the boys were taking their day off. Leo was watching Space Heros in the living room, Mikey was skating around and Raph was messing with the arcade games. Dee, as per usual, was locked in his lab and working on upgrades to the go karts. And, just like they did every weekend, their human friends were making their way down the sewers.
It was always anxiety inducing, trying to slip through a manhole cover without being noticed, but it was relieving to be inside and worth it to see your boyfriend.
As you walked alongside Casey and April through the cold and damp sewers you could feel the excitement rising in your chest. Their chit chat became background noise as you walked. Earlier this week Donatello had promised a surprise on your next date night. And lucky for you, it was Saturday night.
The lair was less quiet than before upon arrival, a chorus of 'Hello's and Mikey falling off his board trying to run over and hug everyone. Mikey's fall made Raph and Casey cackle, even Mikey was laughing loudly. The sudden noise outside summoned Donnie from the deep depths of hell.
also known as he got lost in his work and hadn't come out of the lab in hours. again.
when he (finally) emerged everyone was already busy talking about their weeks or recent developments in Space Heros (cough, Leo and April, cough.), but his emergence caught the attention of one person in particular.
"Donnie!" You threw your arms up in the air in celebration, and he took that as an invitation to sprint over and hug you. His arms wrapped tight, hugging you like you'd been gone for years instead of less than 24 hours. You couldn't help but laugh as you laid your arms across his shell, instinctively tracing the scutes as your forehead rested against his.
When he finally pulled back he waved to his family before he grabbed your hand and lead you to the lab, ready to get date night started.
"okay, okay jeez!" you tried your best to sound exasperated but could barely talk between laughter. "I'll see y'all later, have fun!" you hollered over your shoulder. This only led to calling attention to yourselves and earning a chorus of 'ooooooooooooo's all the way back to the lab. Donnie was blushing heavily at the teasing, walking a little faster than before.
"Have fuuuuuun!" Mikey called and waved with the hand that wasn't amplifying his voice, only serving to embarrass Donnie even more. You waved back as Dee pressed the button that closed the doors.
Once the door was closed Donnie turned around to face you. Simply staring at you for a moment. He pecked you on the cheek before abruptly scampering off to the other side of the room.
"ooooookay?" you whisper to yourself before following. When you round the Shellraiser, parked in the middle of the garage and lab, you catch sight of him again. He stands fiddling with his computer, only turning to face you again once music starts to play.
Normally you'd assume Donnie would listen to techno or classic or even Nightcore music, which he usually did in your defense, but as "Please Don't Stop The Music" by Rhianna started to play you were pleasantly surprised by the change of pace.
You opened your mouth to ask about the change, but before you could get a word out Donnie held out his hands with a nervous smile.
"Care to dance?"
Oh, this was new!
he was illuminated in the purple and pink LEDs he had above his desk, making him look beautiful under the lights. The glow of the lights and the flow of the music drew you forward a few steps and made you breathless. You curtsey'd playfully, taking one of his hands once you stand upright and kissing the knuckles.
"The pleasure would be mine, my dear" He blushed even darker, if that was possible, not having anticipated that. 'Predict that, Dee!' you thought to yourself, reminded of his meticulous planning for every outcome.
the unexpected response elicited a nervous giggle from him before he gently tugged you closer, bringing a hand to rest on your hip as your arms looped around his neck. you both swayed and spun slowly for a bit, but as the music got faster, he got bolder. Beginning to twirl and dip you in time with the beats. at certain points you were afraid you would fall, after all you didn't think you'd be the easiest person to dip, bas if you'd forgotten your boyfriend is mutated and fights villains on the daily. Well toned arms held you tight and kept you from falling. eventually all the anxiety and nervousness between the two of you melted away as you both continued to dance to whatever upbeat song he had queued.
by the time the final fast song ends your hearts are pounding and the both of you are out of breath. Luckily, the next song is slower. And what is good with slow songs? slow dances.
Once again you hold each other close as you sway from side to side in circles, not really dancing but not really not dancing.
Eventually he speaks up, "you know i love you, right?" he sounds so small in that moment, as if he's afraid that the words would scare you away.
A smile crack across your face. you're really love struck, huh?
"I love you more, Dee."
"mmmmm.. that's not mathematically possible." he plants a quick peck on the tip of your nose, reassured in his actions now that he knows they're reciprocatdled, (as if you weren't dating, what an idiot (affectionate)) before resting his forehead on yours.
The evening continued on after Thale intermission, full of dancing and kisses and laughter and love.
By the time the sun was rising the two of you were completely tired out and lounging on the stolen couch he'd dragged into the lab for the two of you. You laid back to the armrest, and he laid between your legs on his stomach, using yours as a pillow of sorts. the music had died down to quiet background noise and both of you were browsing your phones. your hands absentmindedly rubbing at his shell.
after an hour or two both of you were completely knocked out, oblivious to the fact that everyone else was up and moving. Donnie had forgotten to lock the door, apparently, which only became evident when Mikey burst in to wake y'all up. Somehow you both slept through the loud intrusion, and the following yell for the others to "come quick!" panicked turtles and humans alike rushed into the room, worried they'd have to fight villains at 9 in the morning. but after seeing the scene before them their nerves were calmed. A minute or two passed before everyone filtered back out to snag some breakfast from a local fast food place, opting to let the two of you sleep.
The lair was silent and empty once again during a peaceful Sunday morning.
Many, many blackmail pictures were taken and shared. Just so you know.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Threesome with Bokuto Kōtarō and Akaashi Keiji
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Alpha!Bokuto x Beta!Reader x Beta!Akaashi
Warnings: Omegaverse, double penetration, dubcon, creampies, some BokuAka action (bc those are my babies), this is long
Summary: After presenting as a Beta, your mother decided being friends with an Alpha wasn’t good for him. After moving, you befriended another Beta, Akaashi Keiji. After years of not getting over your childhood crush, you never expected to see him again as your best friend’s mate. Akaashi can’t take care of Bokuto through his entire rut, so he lets Bokuto have some fun. There’s a lot of catching up to do between you two, anyways.
— 5 years old, [Y/N]
“You need to stop hanging around that boy, [Y/N],” your mother had said to you one evening. You had looked at her confused, wondering what Kōtarō had to do with your homework. She continued, ignoring the look on your face. “He’s presented as an Alpha. You need to stop hanging around him.”
“That doesn’t matter, mommy. He’s my friend,” you had said, not quite understanding. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“[Y/N], listen to me. He doesn’t want to be with someone like you. Stop hanging out with him.” At the time, you didn’t understand what your mother was saying. You thought that she had thought your friend didn’t want you as a friend. You’d prove her wrong when you finished your homework.
You had finished the work and immediately went to yours and Kōtarō’s spot, seeing the familiar spiked up hair on the young boy. His frown was unusual, though. “Kō-chan?”
“My mom said we can’t hang out anymore,”
— present day
You woke to the alarm from your phone, the rhythmic beat of the song shooing away the traces of sleep. Your eyes fall to the calendar across your room, seeing you had to work today. With a promise of a hot bath and a treat of ramen after your shift, you are able to get out of bed and get ready to start the day.
Your work shift was simple, just taking orders and making coffee for customers, occasionally bringing treats to customers at the tables. It was normal, right down to when your friend walked in. “Keiji!”
“[Y/N],” he smiled, not having the same enthusiasm but enough to satisfy you. You had met Keiji after you moved, shortly after Kōtarō ended his friendship with you. Keiji had presented as a Beta, just like you, so yours and his mother encouraged playdates and study sessions at each other’s house, hoping a relationship would bloom. “The usual, please,”
“You sure? The season specialty is here! I know you like pumpkin,” your smile turned into a smirk, knowing you had got him when his eyes widened. The season specials were ready to serve, but nobody had switched the menus up.
“Hm, I think I’ll go with the pumpkin latte for today,” he finally said, after weighing his options. You smiled and put in the order, knowing exactly how to work his buttons. “I’ll have to let my boyfriend know,”
“Oh?” That was new information. A week ago, Keiji said he was going to die single because everyone’s an idiot. Now he’s got a lover? “Do tell,”
“He’s an Alpha, but his parents don’t care. Don’t tell mom. She thinks you’re my soulmate, still,”
You guffawed at that, shaking your head at the memory. You remembered when you got older when Keiji’s mom had started giving you lessons in cooking and sewing, typical ‘wife’ things. Keiji smiled at your dramatic scene of laughing, knowing it was how you were.
“Wait till she finds out you’re mated to someone else,”
“I prefer to term courting to mate, since I’m plain and boring. He’s anything but, honestly,”
“Perfect match for you, Kei-chan,” you winked, seeing Keiji’s cheeks turn a bit pink at the inside joke. You laughed again, finishing up the last details on the latte.
“He reminds me a bit of you, actually. But without control or a filter,”
“Maybe I am your soulmate, you just don’t like me,”
“Haha, very funny,” he replied, walking off with a little wave. You wiggle your fingers, waving goodbye to him. After watching your friend leave, your shoulders sag a bit, remembering the young boy with white-and-black hair. Back then, you wouldn’t call it a crush. More of an admiration for the boy with no fears and a clear future. With more experience under your belt, you could admit it was a crush. The boy had stolen your heart and crushed it the last time you saw him.
You clean up the counter as the clock ticks, slowly telling you your shift is coming to a close. You feel like you want to cry, but you don’t know why.
The next day, your phone dings with a text message from Keiji, surprised he would shoot a text. He usually called unless he was busy in a meeting or something. Your eyes glance at the screen, trying to finish your essay for one of your classes. The message doesn’t strike you as immediately needing attention, so you ignore it, focusing on the paragraph you’re typing out.
Another ding takes your attention away from the screen completely, knowing Keiji really needed your attention.
[Keiji ❤️ - 12:17 pm]
- Can you bring some fruits to my apartment? I forgot to get some at the store. I’m busy.
[Keiji ❤️ - 12:18 pm]
- please im hungry
The last message startles you, seeing as Keiji always punctuated his texts because, well, he was like that. You quickly typed a reply and made sure to save your document before heading to your kitchen.
[Sweetcheeks😘 - 12:22 pm]
- I’ll be there asap Kei
— 5 years old, Kōtarō Bokuto
“Kōtarō, I need to talk to you,” his mom had said. He looked up at her, a paper hat on his head, a smile on his face. “You need to stop hanging out with [Y/N] so much, baby,”
“Why? Did we do something bad?” He frowned, not understanding. What did he do?
“No, baby, not this time,” she laughed, smiling down at him. Her smile was not full of love and joy, it was sad. “Her mother doesn’t want you two hanging out so much. She said they’ll be moving soon, so I don’t want you to be hurt anymore than you already will be.”
Kōtarō didn’t smile for the rest of the day. After he told his friend they couldn’t hang out anymore, his mother held him in her arms while he cried. It wasn’t fair.
— present day
Kōtarō had been sent home early, with his rut steadily approaching and his fights with Atsumu and Shūgo getting more intense. His ride home was full of anxiety, knowing Keiji couldn’t quite handle ruts very well since he was a Beta. Omegas were meant to handle Alpha ruts all the way through, but Keiji could only handle half of the rut. The last time Kōtarō’s cycle had started, Keiji had to come to where he was, huddled up in an apartment. Keiji couldn’t walk two days after the rut ended, even though he dealt with three out of seven days of the rut.
Kōtarō’s arrival to Keiji’s apartment was slow. His instincts told him to run, but he was able to restrain himself. Keiji opened the door almost immediately after the knock, wrapping his boyfriend in a hug. “I’ve missed you,”
“I’ve missed you, too, Akaashi,” Kōtarō said, indulging in the coffee and minty scent from Keiji, although there was a bit of pumpkin, too. He involuntary let out a growl.
“I had a pumpkin latte earlier,” Keiji immediately said, expecting Kōtarō’s reaction. Instincts came first the closer he got to his rut, Keiji had learned. He could feel the Alpha deflate a bit in his hold, just hugging and scenting. Keiji smiled at that, knowing he would be in for a rough week. “I made a nest. It’s not as good as an Omega’s-“
“You didn’t have to do that,” Kōtarō’s voice was clear and sharp, halting anything Keiji was saying. “You’re not an Omega. You don’t have to act like one,”
“I-I know, Bokuto-san,” Keiji stuttered out, the look in his boyfriend’s eyes startling him a bit. It was intense, but it wasn’t necessarily bad, per se. “I just-“
“I’m not here right now because of your sub-gender. I’m here for you,” Kōtarō’s voice was once again clear and sharp, going right into Keiji’s bones. He’s sure if he was an Omega, he’d be kneeling and begging. For fuck’s sake, he’d have probably entered a heat cycle.
“I know, Bokuto-san. I know,” Keiji leaned against him, reveling in his smell. He couldn’t scent Kōtarō or smell a distinct scent, but Kōtarō obviously came straight to the apartment after practice. He smelled like sweat and deodorant, a strangely pleasant combination.
Kōtarō let out a growl as he felt his rut come on, his hands moving towards Keiji’s ass. In turn, Keiji blushed and cleared his throat, backing up from Kōtarō. He smiled and held up a finger. Kōtarō grinned, straightening his posture. Keiji smiled and ran towards the bedroom, knowing his Alpha was hot on his heels.
The following day, the two lovers were still going at it. Keiji hardly had any rest, only getting his rest once Kōtarō needed to rest, even if Kōtarō claimed he passed out after their third round. A small tease and a mischievous grin had sent Keiji back to being railed by a feral Alpha, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Keiji threw his head into the pillows, drool spilling from his lips and he moaned, having his third orgasm of the day from Kōtarō’s forceful thrusts. On the other hand Kōtarō had only orgasmed once, knotting Keiji and spurring the Beta into a second orgasm almost right after the first. The thrusts didn’t cease, Kōtarō chasing his own release in his mate was the only thought in his mind.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Keiji,” he groaned out, plugging him up with another knot, his orgasm following it. Keiji’s eyes rolled back, digging his nails into Kōtarō’s biceps at the sensation. It stung and was a lot more pain than pleasure, but he couldn’t complain too much.
Kōtarō finished painting Keiji’s walls white, resting his forehead against the man underneath him and catching his breath. Keiji gave him a swift peck on the lips, assuring him he was okay. However, Keiji’s stomach growled at that moment, sending heat to his cheeks.
“I haven’t eaten today,” he realized, talking out loud. Kōtarō may have been an Alpha in a rut, but he was also an Alpha with a mate. Mates needed to be protected and cared for, so his instincts told him he needed to feed his mate. Kōtarō’s eyes immediately went wide. “Don’t move!”
“Ah— sorry! I always forget,” he laughed, adjusting their position so he could lay on his side. Keiji just shook his head, smiling. Kōtarō was a wonderful mate, truly, he just happened to be overly passionate about things he cared for.
Keiji thought to you, how you’d probably enjoy having an Alpha to take care of you. Keiji knew you often overworked yourself and forced yourself to do things, trying to be as independent as possible. He couldn’t be your mate, but he’s had a thought that ends in all sides benefitting - hopefully, at least.
Kōtarō moaned as he slipped from Keiji’s abused hole, the knot finally deflating. “I’ll get you a snack.”
“I have leftovers in the fridge. Bottom left drawer,” he mumbled back, wincing from moving too much. Kōtarō immediately nodded, jogging off to the kitchen, butt-naked. Keiji couldn’t say much. He enjoyed the view.
He winced as he rolled over to his phone, glad he put it on the charger near the Nest yesterday before he got pounded into the mattress. He opened the messages, typing out a quick message for you and sending. He hoped his plan would work out well, but he had faith his calculations were correct.
Hearing the microwave beep meant the food was ready and Keiji still hadn’t gotten a response from you. He typed out another message, hoping you’d actually read this one and put his phone on the floor, face down. Just in time, too, as Kōtarō walked into the bedroom with a freshly heated plate of food.
“Food’s ready!”
— back to you
You had gathered some fruits together, slicing and dicing them as an added flair. Sliced bananas, strawberries, diced watermelon, mangoes, and sliced avocados on slices of bread and cream cheese. You felt like an American middle-aged woman about to attend a brunch with your food choices, but Keiji liked specific fruits specific ways and you knew he only ate avocados on bread with cream cheese.
The ride to Keiji’s apartment only took five minutes, but it felt like it took an hour, your anxiety eating you up at the thought of what Keiji is doing or needs help with. You assumed he needed help with something, but you weren’t positive on what. It could just be as simple as he can’t leave home because his anxiety was too high or it could be something worse — what if his mom got in an accident? The thoughts didn’t stop, making the five minutes much, much longer.
Arriving to Keiji’s apartment, you noticed how dead it seemed outside. You saw a woman on the way up the stairs who gasped as she left her apartment, quickly locking the door and running down the stairs, almost running into you. Confused, you noticed the lights seemed to be off in the other apartments, but that wasn’t too strange. It was a Saturday, but it was midday so people were probably out.
You had a spare key for Keiji’s place, seeing as you often checked up on him; he had a spare for your place, too. Entering the apartment, it was deathly quiet, putting you on edge. There was a certain air about the room that made you feel like you were in a horror movie. As you made your way to the kitchen, you noticed the messily placed dishes in the sink, the shirt in the hallway leading to Keiji’s bedroom, and the duffel bag beside the door. You’re confused. Keiji doesn’t have a duffel bag — not since the old one ripped a couple of years ago.
You ponder whether to go into Keiji’s bedroom or not, worried someone might’ve broken in —that shirt is definitely not his. That’s when you feel a presence. At first, you freeze, wondering if Keiji’s playing a trick on you. It is October after all. You place the container of fruits on the counter and hear a growl, immediately turning around to meet golden eyes and familiar hair.
His eyes were narrowed, obviously pissed, but then his face changed. He seemed confused first, then a dawning came upon him. Next thing you know, you’re picked up and having the life squeezed out of you. “[Y/N]!”
“Kō?” Your tiny voice whispers. You can hardly believe it. Your ex-best friend and childhood crush is in your best friend’s apart— uh oh. “Uh oh,”
“What-Oh?” His voice repeats, looking at you. The Alpha of your dreams is the Alpha of Keiji’s dreams—what a day it’s been. “[Y/N]?”
“I should, um, can you let me down?” He obliged, letting you stand on your feet again. “I need to, um, go. Uh, Keiji wanted fruits so I, uh, brought them. I’m gonna go,” you turned, hoping to tears would stay in until you left. You weren’t expecting Kōtarō to cage you in, effectively trapping you. As a Beta, you didn’t immediately obey an Alpha’s command, but the look in his eyes told you to stay. You obeyed.
“Don’t go. Please,” is all he said, his eyes twinkling. You shook your head, deciding this was a bad idea. “[Y/N].”
“You don’t get to act like nothing happened, Bokuto-san. You stopped being friends with me, remember? I expected you to be breeding an Omega by now. Looks like it was just me,” you spat, feeling the anger you held in boil over. The feeling of your best friend leaving you because of your sub-gender, the feeling of betrayal, remembering how your mother sighed at you and rolled her eyes, telling you she was always right and your friend would never look your way again.
“What?” He peered down at you, no longer hunching over. You realized just how tall he had gotten. “I stopped being friends because you were leaving. You being a Beta had nothing to do with it,”
“Sure, I guess now it doesn’t. Since, you know, you’re with my new best friend. It’s okay, I get it,” you once again tried to leave, but Kōtarō wouldn’t budge. “Move, Bokuto-san.”
“No.” His voice was clear and sharp. You were sure if you were an Omega, you’d be on your knees crying. “I don’t want it to end like this. I want to make amends.” Good thing you weren’t an Omega.
“Well, I don’t care what you want. Let me go,” your own eyes narrowed at him, his face not changing. His body unmoving. You rolled your eyes, deciding to not play this game anymore. Going to duck under Kōtarō’s arm, but his body moved to pin you to the counter. “Dude!”
“You smell different.” Is all the warning you got before you felt his nose in your neck. You felt butterflies at the contact, but also cringed at the display. You then noticed a shadow in the hallway. Attempting to pry Kōtarō off you wasn’t working, so Keiji got to see his boyfriend hunched over you.
“Good, you seem to be getting along again,” he said, a gentle and lazy smile on his face. Surprisingly, Kōtarō didn’t turn around at his mate’s voice, just kept rubbing his nose against you. “I hope you can take care of him,”
“Akaashi Keiji, what the fuck,” you muttered. He didn’t seem concerned his boyfriend was currently nuzzling against you. You noticed the limp in Keiji’s walk and he had one of his hands on the wall.
“I’ve been keeping track of your cycle. You should be ovulating by now. Bokuto-san has told me about his childhood friend before and it took me a while but I figured out it was you,” Keiji kept talking, limping his way to the couch. “I’ll get the fruits later. Bokuto-san, don’t hurt her too much,”
“Hurt me?” You squeaked, eyes widening at the implication. “Keiji, I can’t—“ you started, a scream interrupting your sentence as Kōtarō picked you up and hauled you to the bedroom. He displayed his strength earlier, of course, but the fact you were were on your back in what looked similar to an Omega’s Nest within seconds of the ground leaving your feet was a display that turned you on immensely. If Kōtarō wasn’t currently attempting to strip you, he would have been with the sickly sweet scent you exuded.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he growls out, his hands deciding to rip your very nice shirt into shreds, deciding your movements to get them off were too slow. He offered the same treatment to your bra, your short scream of disbelief when it was torn. He was nice enough to pull off the pants you were wearing, along with your panties. “Ever since my first rut,” he continues, his nose buried against your thighs, his tongue licking a hot stripe against it. You whined at the contact, full on knowing he could smell your arousal. “I thought I’d never find you again.”
“No. Not here. Call me your Alpha, little Beta,”
“Uh-“ you stopped, unsure of the situation. Kōtarō, regardless of your feelings, was with Keiji. That alone made you hesitant, even if Keiji literally told Kōtarō to go for it. You felt weird having to call him your Alpha anyways, since you were never subjected to those Alpha/Omega relationships. You can’t say you weren’t interested in it, often just having fun with other Betas and maybe an Alpha or two during their ruts (you vividly remember helping an attractive Alpha in your last year at Nekoma, rendering you unable to walk for the next two days). Neither of them called you by your sub-gender, nor made you call them Alpha. You obviously hesitated, taking a trip down memory lane much too long, since Kōtarō’s hand had wrapped itself around your jaw, forcing you to look at him. You didn’t think your old childhood friend would be so.. rough.
“I’m waiting, little one. Call me your Alpha,” he growled out, again. The growling was doing wonders to you, making you wetter by the second. Another growl came out, spurring you to speak.
“I- Alpha, we can’t do this. We need to talk-“
“You can try to talk, but I’m gonna fill you to the brim until my cum is seeping out of your cunt. Let’s see how well you do.” Kōtarō immediately went down to your nether regions, your folds glistening to show him just how turned on you were. Your face was hot, practically burning when his eyes locked on, unmoving from the sight. He wasn’t looking long, getting a startled scream from you as he buried his face between your legs, lapping at your juices. Your hand went to his hair, the hair as soft as you had hoped, as he continued to drink from your pussy as if it was his last drink on earth. Your other hand was bunching up a nearby shirt, one you had left at Keiji’s two days ago after a night of drinks. If you weren’t so busy rolling your eyes into your skull as your mouth hung open, moans spilling from your lips, you’d have noticed the mix of yours and Keiji’s clothes in the Nest.
Kōtarō continued to be relentless, pushing two fingers into your heat as you were clenching your thighs around his head. You were worried you’d hurt him, but he was an Alpha in every shape and form — if he wanted to stop you, he’d do it. He knows he’s in control. Adding a third finger brought you to your first orgasm of the day, feeling exhausted afterwards. Kōtarō rose from between your legs, his eyes immediately finding your glossy ones. He smiled and licked his lips. Then, wiping the slick from his lower face with his hand to get the excess that his tongue couldn’t get and then licking it off, his eyes never breaking contact.
“So sweet, I’m already addicted,” his grin got darker, his body crawling up until his hands were on both sides of your head and his lips were slotted against yours. His tongue darted between his lips, into your already open mouth, deepening the kiss. You were so in bliss from the after-orgasm high and kissing your crush, you didn’t even feel the head of Kōtarō’s cock pushing into you.
Kōtarō threw his head back, moaning at the tight fit. You mewled, it being some time since someone entered you, the feeling almost foreign. It didn’t hurt, thankfully, the wetness Kōtarō created more than enough to help him slide in. He didn’t stop, he just kept pushing in until the beginning of his knot was flush against you. Another growl erupted from Kōtarō, the only warning you got before he pulled out only to slam back in. The sudden movement had your back arching and your head against the plush pillows of the Nest. It was the green light for Kōtarō.
Your knees were pushed to your shoulders, the position momentarily uncomfortable until your mind was replaced with the burning and overwhelming sensation of Kōtarō pounding into you liked a man starved. Moans were bouncing off the walls, along with Kōtarō’s grunts, mixed with the sound of skin slapping skin as his thighs continuously met your ass. Your hands switched from fisting fabric to winding around Kōtarō’s neck as he buried his face into your neck, his panting and grunts loud in your ears. You felt the coming of another orgasm, the familiar tightening in your abdomen and the arching of your back being a few indicators. Your nails raked against Kōtarō’s back, leaving angry red streaks in their place. Another grunt from Kōtarō and you felt a painful sensation you hadn’t felt before — a knot. The added pain before the height of your pleasure sent you over the edge, mewling out Kōtarō’s name as you did.
Kōtarō had you plugged up, him spilling his seed into your hot walls. You whined at the feeling of fullness. He sighed at the feeling himself, indulging in your scent. You figured now was as good as you’re going to get to talk. “Um, Kōt-“
“Sorry,” you mumbled, rolling your eyes. “Alpha, um, this is an awkward time, I suppose, but can we talk about, like, us?”
“We don’t need to, but we can,” he looked at you, moving his position so you guys were on your sides. More comfortable for each other. “What do you wanna talk about?”
“Okay, um, the Alpha thing is weird, but I’ll let it slide since obviously you’re in a rut. Obviously Keiji isn’t an Omega, so he can’t take you throughout the entire rut. Um, I don’t wanna be your booty call for ruts, this whole situation is so fucking weird-!”
“You’re not the ‘booty call’, as you said. Akaashi mentioned he had a surprise for me, but I didn’t think he’d offer me you. After this, I hope he lets me court you, too. So I can be your Alpha, too.”
“Kō- Alpha, we’re no longer friends because you’re an Alpha. That’s why you broke off our friendship so long ago, isn’t that right? You deserved an Omega, which I am not, but you found Keiji and that is fine. I am not a part of this.”
“I don’t care about sub-genders. That’s why I’m with Akaashi. I stopped being friends because you were moving. It hurt a lot to end things, but I didn’t know what else to do. That was Mom’s advice, at least.”
You were confused. Your mother said it was because he cared about sub-genders, but now he’s saying it was because of the move? Your friendship ended before moving, yes, but it was almost a month before moving. You could have stayed friends, anyways. Did your mother lie to you? Did his feelings change? “My- My mother said you needed an Omega so I-“
“She was wrong. She’s the one who set you up with Akaashi, yeah? She didn’t even care what my family thought about us. That’s in the past, we can move past it.”
“All these years...” you muttered, feeling the tears from before coming back. The knowledge that your own mother forced your friendship to end made you angry, but everything was fine now. Kōtarō was your friend again. At least, you thought he was. “I don’t know if I want a relationship, though,”
“Too bad,” he grunted, his cock leaving you feeling empty. A whine was all you needed to do to have yourself pinned under Kōtarō again, his cock filling you up again. “I’ve been dreaming of this for so long, as if I’ll let you leave so easily.”
Kōtarō continued his relentless pounding into you, the constant fucking rendering your lower area numb. Eventually, your world went black after a— what was it, 6th orgasm? Kōtarō’s second knot was the only thing you remembered before you tuned out completely. The grunting, whines, moans, all of it faded into silence. While you had passed out, Kōtarō panicked, thinking he went overboard. Keiji’s words echoed in his mind: “Don’t hurt her too much.” Was this too much?
Kōtarō, stuck inside you because of his knot, called for Keiji to help him. Of course, Keiji came as fast as he could (not very fast, poor man is still recovering) to see Kōtarō, who is close to tears, above your blissed, fucked, and passed out form. He sighs, shaking his head. “Bokuto-san, I think you went too hard,”
“Akaashi...” he whined, his strong arms curling around you. Even passed out, your body reacted, curling into him as you softly moaned. “Akaashi...”
“It’s okay, she’ll be fine. Her body isn’t used to it. At least, not yet.” A moan from Kōtarō let Keiji know his knot had deflated, him pulling out of your cunt and the copious amounts of cum he filled you with spilling out. It made even Keiji aroused, seeing it seeping out of you. Kōtarō knew he was aroused at the sight and came upon a solution.
“Akaashi! Maybe we...”
Waking up was next thing you remember. You felt so, so full, like you were plugged up in both ends. As you flutter your eyes open. You expected to see your ceiling, having woken up from intense dream or something. You maybe even hoped to see Kōtarō grinning down at you, sweat dripping down his face and his chest. You did not, however, expect to see Keiji smiling down at you, gently caressing your face. “Kei?”
“Hey there, pretty baby. How are you feeling?” The nickname threw you off — Keiji never called you a nickname. He was very formal, even saying your last name until only recently. You obviously showed confusion, or maybe you hesitated, because a rumble was felt behind you, a familiar voice following.
“She’s probably feeling pretty stuffed, Akaashi. Stuffed full inside and out, I hope,” Kōtarō’s voice said. You turned your head, hissing at the pain in your neck, to see Kōtarō grinning at you, just like you hoped. However, wasn’t Keiji resting?
“I should thank you for the fruit. It was delicious and cut up so cutely and delicately. I was getting a bit jealous to hear Kōtarō having so much fun with you. I was hoping to have my own fun with you when he rested after his rut, but he was kind enough to share. Isn’t that nice? I don’t think I can get you pregnant, but I want to try. We’d have such cute babies together, you know?”
“I was hoping she’d carry my pups first, but you can pump her full next time. We have all the time in the world, after all.”
“Excuse me? Wait, wait!” You shouted, suddenly realizing the whole ‘filling you up’ speech wasn’t just an Alpha’s instincts — it was their intention to impregnate you. “I can’t have kids! I’m in school and-“
“I can provide for both of my mates, right Keiji?” Kōtarō said, his eyes holding nothing but love as he gazed at Keiji. It made your heart squeeze at the love between them. Keiji smiled and nodded, deciding at that time to roll his hips. You threw your head back and mewled, sensitive from the consecutive orgasms previously.
“I’m glad you’re still sensitive. There’s no evidence to back it up, but I heard the more orgasms a woman has, the more likely it is she’ll get pregnant. Of course, Omegas have a fertile cycle, but you’re a Beta, so I had to track your cycle for about three months. I hope it was enough.”
“Three months?! Akaashi Kei- oh!” You screamed, feeling Kōtarō move. He was filling up your back entrance, adding to the fullness. Also, it explained why you were on his chest.
“I also need to cut out your caffeine, that’s a bad habit you need to cut out anyways. No more nights of drinking while binge-eating. Your body needs to be in peak condition if it’s going to carry our offspring,”
“I can’t wait till you’re all swollen and wobbling. It’ll be so cute. And then we’ll do it again. And again. And I don’t know if I wanna stop, babe!” Kōtarō laughed, thrusting his hips up, making you jerk at the feeling.
“Maybe we can stop after five. We’ll need a bigger house, too,” Keiji continued, rolling his hips in rhythm to Kōtarō’s thrusts. You closed your eyes, one hand fisting Kōtarō’s hair while the other gripped Keiji’s shoulder, hoping to ground yourself. “You’ll look so beautiful when you’re pregnant. This is what our families want, after all. You’ll bear my children and Kōtarō also gets what he wants in the end. He gets his own offspring. This all works out,” he grunted, snapping his hips after almost pulling all the way out. “In the end, at least.”
If you could form a coherent sentence, you’d tell them to stop, but the only thing on your mind was how stuffed you were. Keiji was thrusting into your puffy, abused cunt that was overflowing with Kōtarō’s cum, rolling his hips every so often to increase pleasure. Kōtarō’s grunts were heightening your arousal and sending you hurling towards another orgasm. Your eyes rolled, your tongue sticking out as you clenched around Keiji, sending him towards an orgasm of his own. A curse and a stutter of his hips and he was spilling his own seed into you. He knew his genes wouldn’t take, not when you’d been pumped by Kōtarō multiple times. He had looked for the chances between a Beta and Alpha genes in a Beta, but he only got Omegas, which were made to take Alpha seed and breed easily. A small part of him wanted to try and overpower Kōtarō, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to compare to the amount you’ve already taken.
Kōtarō was still going, his strong, warm hands holding your knees to your chest, keeping you spread open, as he thrusted up into you. He knew Keiji had finished, the face he was sporting a familiar scene to the Alpha, so Kōtarō was chasing his own high. A high-pitched whine from you as Keiji rolled his hips again, earning a growl from Kōtarō in return. You pant as your hand leaves Keiji’s shoulder, ghosting over your sensitive clit as you attempt to close your thighs, overly sensitive from all the rounds you’ve been forced to go through. Keiji saw your hand brush over it, taking his own hand to replace yours and apply pressure onto the nub, rubbing it.
A scream was ripped from your throat, another orgasm around Keiji’s cock as Kōtarō buried himself, shoving his knot in your tight hole. You were twitching at the extra feeling of fullness, the hot spurts of cum in your ass and the oozing cum from your cunt, even if Keiji was plugging you up. A sigh escaped your lips, your eyes rolling back as he attempted to catch your breath. Kōtarō brought a hand to fondle your breast, earning another whine for him.
“I could get used to this,”
“So could I. Good thing we’ll get to see much more of it,”
You normally would have told them no, attempting to push Keiji off and out of you, but you just sighed, trying to kiss Kōtarō. He smiled and obliged, licking your lips before kissing you, enjoying the taste of you. Keiji smiled at the scene, bringing his mouth to your perky nipple from Kōtarō’s earlier fondling, biting gently on it. You mewled, shifting your legs up Keiji’s hips and he moved in deeper. Kōtarō growled, his hand rubbing the red and swollen nub between your legs. You wouldn’t normally let this continue, but you could hardly think.
If you could think properly, you might have noticed the bags of clothes you don’t remember bringing to Keiji’s. You might have seen the handcuffs nearby. You might have seen the extra lock on the bedroom door, so out of place. You normally would have been able to think properly, but the only thing you could think of was being stuffed with Keiji’s and Kōtarō’s thick cocks, filling you up to the brim.
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Sequel -> The Perfect Family [tw includes dubcon/noncon, use of the word r*pe, water torture/attempted drowning, gunplay, pregnancy, blood, abuse (mentally and physically), bit of watersports]
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clavis-baby · 3 years
The (possible) Downfall of Obey Me
5-16-21 (when writing this the event toys out)
(Tbh this post is just be trying to be naïve towards Solomare and at ever aspectthat I mention you have every single right to be upset and mad)
Okay so it’s no secret that Obey me is making bank and is very very obviously trying to make us money on the game with even trying to make us spend money with original stuff that was free to now secretly changing some mechanics behind our back
Here’s a post by @thalfox https://thalfox.tumblr.com/post/653994972840919040/i-just-noticed-a-little-bit-ago-that-the-barbatos that dose a really good job at explaining everything that has changed
(also this isn’t a hate thing fox has actually done a great work explaining everything to good detail of what has changed)
With all the changes I don’t think that it’s shocking to say that players are leavening the fandom because of many reasons to the games getting stupidly harder to even the game development
This is just a heads up this in no way is a post saying “hey this is why you shouldn’t feel this way” I kinda just wanted to see from a business standpoint and be naïve of what’s happening you have every reason to be mad at Solomare because even me I’ve been playing sense week 2 of game released and I’m only on lesson 42 every counter argument that I’m going to make I have complained about at some point
(P.s grammar is really bad it’s sort of turned into more of a rant I wrote this at 5 am without any sleep so sorry)
1. Obey me is marketed as a free to play game
First there are many reasons people are mad this main thing that I hear about is from a lot of people is that is a “free game” which lets be honest is ridiculously hard
But still it is still essentially a “free to play game” I personally feel like the main prolog is lessons 1-20 to introduce all the characters to understand and getting the just on how to play the game
Okay and now here’s where I sort of stand with obey me, the gatcha rates are kinda ridiculously lucky when you play for the first week you luck is so amazing and is in my experience with gatchas the best luck I have ever seen for games so it’s not really hard collecting the cards
Now are they the best absolutely no, this I feel like is where you might have to spend money unless they up the skills on the Nightmare A
But what Obey me is technically trying to do is obviously making you pay by releasing your favorite demon card every 2 week which…aren’t essential they are really just hoping that you love your main demon enough to pay
With the high increase on the gatcha rate there really isn’t a pity unless you count the card pieces (but I’m not going to count that because you are more likely to roll your UR before completing the pieces)
Now after lesson 20 once the huge break I feel like Obey me almost expecting the players to keep logging in any doing jobs and some players did do that and boy did it pay off
But those players have not needed to spend a single dollar and are all caught up
Now for everyone else who didn’t the game was so difficult it’s unimaginable and because for that a whole lot of players left the game and personally I don’t blame them because of how much impact the next lessons were
Now sort of like Mystic Messenger you really just have to grind you ass off log in everyday and do JOBS :D and grind but as hard and long as it is you are still able to be a f2p but where obey me fails is that when grinding Mystic Messenger grinding was a lot more fun for me it took about a whole year to just get 550 hourglasses even when I purchased and same with Genshin Inpact it takes a while but with obey me there isn’t really anything else to do once you get to a certain point which I think obey me really lacks and could be part of a reason why people left. Grinding just is not fun (now I do think that on a phone there is so much you can do with a app game but I feel like there could be a bit more they could do)
Personally I’m just going to come out and say it don’t spend your money for one UR card for your favorite demon it’s really not worth it now im one of those Mammon stans but if I ever wanted a specific card for instance the Mammon bunny card when it first came out I wanted it so badly and didn’t get it but I also knew there would eventually be a revival so I saved and did not spend any DV(demon vouchers) until the revival
The events
Some people complain about getting the cards in the events onestly for me this one kinda makes a bit of sense I noticed the first change when the Vampire even came out and how it wasn’t as easy to get the second card but if you think of it it makes sence why
When the first event came out (Santa event) you only had to collect about 30,000 gingerbread compared to the 100,000 in event today but when the first event came out no one was at high enough levels for the AP required and you would every day when times rest to gain gingerbread as well as there was only one part to the story so when people kept leveling up their AP Obey Me had to higher the bar so it wouldn’t be so easy to get all these cards and have a actual reward system but eventually they also added another story lesson starting at the Ruri Chan event
Second thing about the events is that one there started just getting plain out boring.
When lesson 20 finished and we were all waiting for season 2 I was still loving in everyday and logging in at 12 and 8 for the free 30 AP because I didn’t know what else to and would participate in the event but eventually what I think that all otome games that have constant events like Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Revolution they just start getting repetitive and getting real boring so I stoped playing until there was something more interesting
The last thing that some people complain about the events is that you can’t keep up with the story and the events now I can’t find it but I believe that @0beyme said something about the events a long time ago about how you have to pick between the event and moving through the main story which I kinda think isn’t really the games fault and more just a discussion on maybe missing a event
Add ons
Okay so they did this from day 1 you spend a certain amount of Devil point that you guaranteed don’t have and get out a card
Now this is just spelling out a disaster
Yeah so for the first Charge Mission is when you log in which everyone had but essentially what they want you to do is spend $100 on a game that you just logged into and never experienced or played I don’t really understand what they were even thinking with that but it must’ve worked for them to keep doing them
The second time they did it was when the break was over and season 2 came out and they celebrated by doing another charge mission which was the Lucifer and Simon card which would cost again $100 again I really don’t understand what they were thinking
And now this is I believe the fourth time they have done this for the 1.5 anniversary where they know that Mammon is obviously a favorite for many Obey Me players and where smart to put it on the really stupid charge mission but the difference is, is that instead of it costing $100 it would cost almost $200(same with Levi’s) for one thing I don’t understand
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But one thing that you do have to remember is is that this isn’t apart of the main gameplay it really just is a mini game if you would even call it that of dress up and optimization so still I guess would be just a add on that has no effect on the actual story and game so you could I guess still call it a f2p game with really really stupidly high priced add ons
Umm so I am the first one to call myself out I have bought the VIP package first when season 2 happened and I knew how much I loved the game so personally it was worth it to me to support the developers and gain something out of it
Now I haven’t really seen much complaints on the VIP because people more use it as a “hey the game is impossible with out VIP” but the people who say this ive noticed never bought it
For $9.99 each month it is 100%
IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!! Out of everything you get which honestly isn’t much you get some extra free space in jobs and really that’s it and if you choose to use all your job slots for the highest paying you get around 30,500 about a 10,000 difference not really worth it in my opinion
With VIP you also get other things like higher chance of gifts from Jobs which you will not notice one bit, and +20 AP (which if you play the events is sort of useful) as well as extra packages exclusive to VIPs so after paying $9.99 per month you also get more things to buy and that’s about it for VIP now if you really want to get more grim just use your AP and spend it of normal lessons you will get more AP that way
The Story and Kids
This could be all me just complaining and a theory by I wanted to include it anyway
Obviously many people are not even caught up or even playing but as more lessons went on the less interesting the story became to me I don’t know if it’s a me thing but season one was absolutely amazing the once season two came out it was good but not anywhere as good and one
One reason why I think that it to me became almost bland is the amount of kids that is on the app and how sensitive people were if anything bad happens
It’s no secret that the Japanese versions a lot more non-kid friendly for hell’s sake the characters don’t even swear as well as all the colors I feel like to a American audience bright colors is usually marketed towards kids but in other countriesI think many understand that that is not always the case for instance a lot of people will thing in America that anime is all for kids but I mean look at Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul you would not let kids watch that of literal people getting brutally murdered you just don’t see things like that in the West where something looking kid friendly could also be very adult like
Also wtf dose this in the App Store say +12 with Ikemen Vampire and a lot of other games if you have a game rated +17 then there will be a actual pop up that says something along the lines of how “thier could be violence acts and sexual act are you sure you want to instal”
Now the story I’ve seen people point this out but there isn’t really much character development for instance Beel he dose not have a actual personality his personality (fight me on this one) all you really know about him is that he likes food and his family now I could be wrong cuz I’m on lesson 42 but still not much and this is kinda with all the characters except the special ones where the devs really favor and love for story
Some one mentioned how the developers hold back a lot which I agree with 100% they said how when there is character development they all the sudden pull back and never will almost talk about it again like ???? So there’s this constant bland story
Honestly if you liked this I might do more cuz as much as this post made me especially at the end I kinda liked ranting so...yeah there is also many other things that I want to rant about but I’m tired soooo
feel free to comment your opinions btw
Bye ima go sleep now
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watevermelon · 4 years
Cheater!Akaashi x Reader
✧ Summary: (Continuation) Akaashi goes yandere over the reader dismissing him.
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➳ A/N: Hi hi!! SO many people in my dm’s about this Akaashi cheating scenario! I don’t mind writing about it more at all, if anything please feed my imagination because I dont know what to write! ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ Checkout my updated Masterlist to see what continuations are in the works!! :) ➳ Warning: Not a Happy Ending; IM GONNA BE UP-FRONT, THIS ONE IS FUCKED UP - do not read this if any of your triggers involve yandere-like behavior: violence, kidnapping - you have been warned. ➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One ➳  Part Three (NSFW)
There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that Akaashi could ever say that would let you bring him back into your life. But the setter was intent on getting your attention, often waiting outside your classroom after school or pursuing you during your free period.
Any rumors about the relationship were quelled when Akaashi set the record straight. He would not allow anyone to sully your name, basically telling the nosy president of his fan-club that he was the one who fucked up the relationship. Akaashi told them to never bother you again, he was the cause of it all and he would do anything to regain your forgiveness.
Akaashi would never beg, but he urged you on multiple occasions to hear him out and possibly explain what he wanted. Why he thought he even had the right to ask that of you - just that fact alone flamed up your anger. He was being selfish and you wanted no part of his life anymore. 
But there was also something… majorly different about Akaashi.
He was still quiet, still the ever mannered pretty setter of the volleyball team. People still fawned over his good looks and the quiet genius that he had. But there was something off about him these days, not that you could really explain it. His gaze lingered on you too long and he just so happened to be around you even outside of school hours.
There was one time you went out to eat with your friends on the weekend, going from vendor to vendor along the busy streets of Kichijoji. At some point, you felt the telltale pinpricks at the back of your neck, turning to see his familiar blue eyes staring back at you in the distance. You swore you saw Akaashi that day, but after not seeing it again for the rest of the night, you wondered if you were truly just going insane.
He never outright said the reason why it was over to other people, but at least most knew that Akaashi was at fault. But seeing him so earnestly pleading to have a part of your life again, it made many people sympathize with the setter. They had no idea what he had done wrong, but those ignorant students were so quick to jump on his side.
You tried your best to ignore him, your best friends having your back when it came to his advances. You were rarely ever alone, friends walking with you to and from class. Konoha was your one friendship from the volleyball team that was preserved and he had mentioned once that to even him, something felt off. And so he suddenly started sitting with your group during lunch.
To your knowledge, Akaashi was still pursuing Bokuto romantically as well. The two were often engaged in public displays of affection and so you were curious as to why and how the wing-spiker was okay with Akaashi so actively chasing you. There was something off about the two of them, they were a couple, but not in the traditional sense. They had yet to confirm their relationship publicly, but had no qualms about sharing a quick peck for everyone to see.
You remembered passing the both of them as you exited home, taking the main entrance this time. They were standing there, just waiting by the stairs. You watched as their eyes scanned the crowd quickly before they latched onto you, Bokuto’s owl-like eyes, which usually held a loud innocence, were scarily following you with each step. Akaashi was no better, his blue-eyes that always mystified you, for some reason brought an uncomfortable crawl up your spine.
You only let out a breath when you turned the corner, neither volleyball member able to see you from this distance anymore. But when Bokuto turned the same corner, you felt your pace suddenly hesitate. Akaashi was nowhere to be found, the wing-spiker hot on your trail as you took out your phone. You called the first person you thought of.
“Hey, (L/N)! What’s up?” Konoha’s voice rang through the other end.
“Hey!” You hesitated, not wanting to give anything away as Bokuto’s presence loomed over you, “Um. Are you free?”
“Yeah, but I actually took the train home already.”
“No worries, I’ll go to you!” You urged.
Konoha hesitated, before asking. “Is something wrong? I can tell from your voice something’s off.”
“Um, how about we talk about it over dinner instead?”
“Sure. Where are you now?”
“I’m still by the school.”
“Ah, okay. Go back to the gates where the teachers are, I’ll go to you.”
“Thank you so much!!” You exclaimed, immediately turning around as the phone call ended.
Bokuto was right behind you.
“Hi, (L/N).”
“Bokuto-san.” You greeted, unsure why the upward drag of his gaze was lighting up every nerve in your body. 
All the signs in your head were screaming danger!
“Was that Konoha?”
“I don’t see how that concerns you.” You bit out.
“Not yet, at least.”
You swallowed in fear before angling your head proudly, “Stay away from me.”
Bokuto put a hand on your shoulder, “I know you’re mad at me and Akaashi, but we never meant to hurt you.”
You shook out of his grasp easily, saying nothing to him as you passed. When you returned to the school grounds, Akaashi was still standing where you last saw him. You rushed over to the teacher waiting by the schoolgate, your heart leaping up again when Bokuto turned the corner back to where you were and waited, eyes still trained on you. You busied yourself with your phone, texting your friends and scrolling through social media in the meantime.
It was only when Konoha showed up, this time in casual attire, did you feel like you could breath. Their eyes stayed trained on you and you swore you heard Bokuto snarl when Konoha laid a lazy arm over your shoulders.
You explained it all to Konoha, how the two were freaking you the fuck out these past few days. They kept you on edge, not in the way that should have made you mad for their relationship. But rather like they were too focusing too intently on you to be considered normal, especially with the given circumstances. If Akaashi was truly begging for forgiveness, you would have thrown hands with him long ago. But now, it felt like he was truly stalking you, his eyes following you at every open opportunity.
Konoha listened to your worries and genuinely tried to alleviate your stress. He moved to sit next to you instead of across, hugging you to his body and saying he would do his best to make sure you were okay on school grounds. You didn’t cry, just leaning a head on his shoulder as he caressed lazy circles on your back.
He walked you home that night, your hands held together and a genuine smile on your face.
And true to his word, the next day, Konoha was outside your classroom door after lunch. He even beat Akaashi to it, the setter’s annoyance obvious on his face as he watched you take Konoha’s hand.
Your best friend commended his tenacity, “Konoha is the only one with rights in this house.”
You laughed eagerly then, happy to finally have a feeling of normality setting in again. And for a while, the one who broke your heart was pushed to the side. You had more real problems at the forefront, his blue-eyes were the least of your worries when you had exams and homework due in the next couple of days. 
Akaashi’s quiet gaze and Bokuto’s bold eyes were far from you now - your friends were by your side. 
Or at least, that’s what you thought.
Konoha made sure to walk you home whenever he could. And, as per usual, he was waiting at the gate until he saw you safely enter the abode. Only then did he walk away, heading in the opposite direction toward his own family home. 
You meandered through the kitchen, grabbing an after-school snack and blasting music in one ear as you walked up to your room. Shaking off your backpack, which hung on one-shoulder to begin with, you threw it onto your bed before taking out some of your books. You wanted a jump-start on this homework and you knew that if you mentally wandered off now, there was no doing it at all.
You dragged the textbook out and plopped it on your desk, notebook following as you sat down and mentally prepared yourself. The last few lessons in chemistry were confusing, but not impossible. With the right amount of concentration, it would be done easily with time to spare for a nap within the hour.
Leaning down and angling your head down towards the table, your focus was completely on the task at hand.
You weren’t expecting a completely separate hand to slam the textbook close and latch a firm grip around your neck.
“Finally, we’re alone.”
You struggled against his hold, the striking blue-eyes that you got to know over the past year now reflecting back at you. Akaashi had your neck between his fingers, the usually docile setter lifting you to your tippy-toes. Panic set in just as quickly as you were losing your strength, air circulation cutting off as your ex-boyfriend assaulted your person.
Trying your best to push him off, you punched at both his chest and the arm holding you, but he deflected it easily and simply continued to watch you fail to heave in air in his fist. Only when you felt your eyes rolling backward, barely on the brink of consciousness, did he drop you to the ground.
“I’m sorry, my love.” Akaashi stated, affectionate pet-name a complete contrast to his monotone voice. This was nothing like the boyfriend you had for the past year. His loving eyes screamed of danger and you wanted nothing more than to leave immediately.
You were down on your hands and knees, gasping in air in both shock and disbelief. Had Akaashi really choked you within the safety of your own home? You rubbed at your neck, as if the action would help you fill back-up your lungs. 
You had to get out of here, now.
Glancing over to your door, Akaashi immediately entered your line of sight and kicked you in the abdomen.
“Now how is that fair?” Akaashi asked, “I went through all this trouble to make sure we would have this moment alone.”
You heaved out, “Why are you doing this?”
“You weren’t willing to listen to me back at school.” Akaashi spat out, as if this was your fault. “And I couldn’t wait any longer - who knows how far that bastard Konoha would have gone if I waited?”
Desperate to put any distance between you and this monster, you crawled back toward your bed, only for Akaashi to close it with paces of his own.
“Shut up.” You boldly stated, struggling to stand but doing so anyway. “You are the one who ruined everything.”
“Baby, I said I’m sorry a hundred times and I’ll do it again if I have to.” Akaashi whined before his face took on a darker look, “Why don’t you understand? What do I have to do to make you understand?”
Not wanting to take another kick to the middle or worse, you tried to talk it out before you could think of a plan to escape. “Understand what?”
“Understand how much I love you.”
You reaction was instantaneous, not even your dumb fuck mind could read the danger in the room.
“What a fucking lie.” Akaashi recoiled, ready to challenge you before you continued. “You don’t cheat on the people you love! And you don’t physically hurt them and break into the homes your victims!”
“Yes, I do.”
“Are you fucking phsychotic?!” You yelled back.
Mental reminder: don’t yell that at someone who is clearly off their rockers.
Akaashi laughed loudly, at what exactly, you were not sure. But it was not the right question since it elicited that type of response. He just cracked a half-broken smile, one that felt wrong and yet genuine.
“Get out of my house!”
The look he shot you back - a quirked brow and a small smirk, none of which was the usually calm Akaashi you were used to - basically told you how dumb your statement was.
Instead you asked, “Why are you doing this?”
“To claim the one I love.” He guestered out to you, out-stretching a hand for you to take.
There were two options here: take the hand and get sucked into the immediate space with him. Or don’t take it and risk losing a fight with the nationally-competing athlete in a matter of seconds. Or worse, anger him to the point of extreme violence like before.
There was no convincing yourself this was normal, your shaky hand hesitantly reaching out to Akaashi’s open palm. He smiled gently at you, almost slipping on the usual mask of the perfect boyfriend that you had originally fallen for. But when he tightly gripped your hand and pulled you to him, you knew that was all a farce for this much more violent persona.
“I knew you would understand. We’re meant to be together, I know it.” He murmured against your ear, holding you at the waist against his body. You almost verbally gagged at the thought of him grinding against you, but if you wanted out of his house you would have to take the first opening you got. You had to play it smart.
Akaashi leaned down to kiss you and not even your survival instincts were enough to hide your true feelings. He must not have liked what he was seeing, since he forcibly grabbed at your chin to angle up towards you. You pulled at the feeling, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to get him to think you were playing into it.
His eyes fluttered closed, relishing in the feel of you steadying yourself, of you giving, against his body.
And you kneed him in the groin as hard as you could.
Akaashi doubled over immediately and his grasp on you crumbled. You took the chance and ran out the door, slamming it behind you as you ran down the hallway and towards the stairs. The danger looming behind you was extraordinary, the loud scream of anger coming from the setter was enough indication that he was hot on your heels.
You scrambled toward your front door, throwing it open and screaming out into the neighborhood for anyone in the near vicinity to help. There was a woman walking her dog and another person on their phone and you pleaded with them with rabid yells for their attention.
But before they even tried to help you, a hand clasped over your mouth and dragged you back into the house.
This person, you could not fight off, his strength more than even you and Akaashi combined. Bokuto pulled you back into your living room, tossing you on the ground with no regard to how much power was behind his movements. 
That was when you realized how much they truly planned this out. You always felt their eyes on you for a reason - they were memorizing your schedule. 
From the route you took home, to when you had off-days, to the one time in weeks that both your parents would not be home tonight - Akaashi and Bokuto had planned it all.
And now you were trapped in your own home with two violent volleyball members.
Bokuto looked at you expectedly while Akaashi trudged down your banister, his gaze harsh and predatory as it scanned your figure on the ground. You were sandwiched between the two, nowhere to run and if you were to scream, then the wing-spiker would just hold you down like before or worse, the setter would choke you until you had no voice.
“Let me go.” You stated, voice promulgating the silent air.
Bokuto crossed his arms and walked to your kitchen, expression on his face stating that he wasn’t willing to listen to you beg. His presence alone was a silent warning, run and he will catch you. 
You backed away from Akaashi but he rushed forward to grab you by the hair, pulling you to a standing position and forcing your lips together. The force was bruising, not at all romantic or gentle like you had done so in the past. He was nipping harshly, surely swollen lips under his teeth as he continued to assault your person. 
“You are mine, forever.” He muttered against your lips, locking in your future least you face the consequences of disobeying.
Come checkout some of the other ending’s for the Cheater!Akaashi scenario:
➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One ➳  Part Three (nsfw)
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heyswagmoney · 4 years
Physical affection prompt #15 with philza and the boys
#15 - the biggest, warmest hugs
philza + wilbur
Something was... Off with Wilbur today. He was skittish, seemed like he didn’t want to be around anyone. Not his usual extroverted, smiling, creative self. Phil noticed from the second he saw the other that something was wrong. He always knows when something’s wrong.
Phil caught Wilbur outside. He was just... staring.
“Hey bud,” He greeted with a smile, placing his hand on the other’s shoulder.
Wil flinched a bit, then relaxed when he saw who was touching him. “Nothing has been the same in awhile, huh?” He spoke vaguely, his eyes glued to whatever in the horizon. “Am I a good person, Phil?”
Phil blinked a bit. Straight to the point, as per usual. “Of course you’re a good person, Wil!” He tried to make his tone a bit happier, trying to cheer on the other. “You always have been.”
Wil’s lip quivered a bit. “I don’t think history will remember me that way.” His voice wavered as he blinked quickly, trying to rid himself of emotions.
The fatherly figure didn’t hesitate, wrapping his arms around the other, puling him down a bit to be more his height. “History doesn’t get all the details. Memory does.” He whispered, feeling the other grab him tightly.
They stood there for awhile, as Wilbur softly sobbed into Phil’s clothes. Phil ran his hands along the other’s back, quietly comforting his son. It was cold standing there, but if it made Wil happy, Phil would do it every day of his life.
philza + techno
Phil hasn’t seen him all day. Usually Techno greets him in the morning, tells him about the day he has planned, and leaves with a goodbye. Today, nothing. No sign of him sneaking away either. Something happened.
A small shuffling sound came from the basement, which was unfamiliar for villagers. Phil made his way towards it, knowing exactly what happened. He moved quickly, but tried his best not to alarm the other.
He called again quietly, listening for another noise. The closer he got, the more he heard a familar hyperventilating pattern.
“It’s just Phil, it’s just me,”
Techno’s face was hidden away in his knees, his body curled tightly together. His hand’s were gripped at his ears, his skin pale.
Phil took a breath of his own, then bent down next to the other. He’s been to this rodeo before.
“Techno, I’m goin’ to touch you. You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
Phil waited for any signs of fear before moving his hands to the other’s, grabbing the hands off of his now scratched and irritated ears. Techno’s hands gripped at Phil’s almost desperately.
“theyre so loud,”
Techno’s voice was bleak and quiet, opposed to his usual power and confidence reigning his tone. Phil nodded to himself, before moving Techno’s hands to be wrapped around him. He near picked up the other, letting him grip onto him.
“Tech, try n’ breathe for me. You’re gonna pass out,”
Phil’s voice was soft, trying to get the other to focus on himself and his feelings. Techno shook as Phil traced lines the length of their breaths up and down his back. The kid was cold.
Techno buried his face into Phil, trying his best to listen to him. He felt safe, for once. He felt protected.
Phil sat on the cold floor with Techno for awhile, softly rocking the other and comforting him. He told stories of how his wings have carried him through life. He told him the stories that reminded him of Techno. He sat until he couldn’t feel his legs, and he squeezed his son until he couldn’t breathe.
“‘m sorry about that,”
Techno softy apologized, pushing himself back into a sitting position, wiping the tears from under his eyes.
Phil just smiled and stood up, giving his hand to the other.
“You’re my son, there’s nothing to thank me for.”
philza + ranboo
Ranboo, the newest in the found family, has always been weird with touch. He mainly tried to avoid it, not knowing the reactions he would have to certain people. Though, even he could admit to himself that he was a bit touch starved. After Phil saved him, he had been loosening up a bit. He laughed and smiled more, and even tried to share more about himself.
One thing slipped that he didn’t mean to tell, one day while organizing the chests with Phil. “Y’know? I can’t remember the last hug I’ve gotten. Which makes sense, y’know, the whole memory thing.” He tensed a bit after the first sentence, trying to cover it with the second. Phil just smiled in return, changing the subject.
Later that day, Ranboo ran into Phil again. This time, Phil was at his little shack, asking if he’d like dinner. “I’m gettin’ food with Techno, do you need anything?”
Ranboo simply tilted his head, then nodded. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, that’d be good. Thank you,” He gave a weak smile.
Phil nodded, then wrapped his arms around the other. “You’re welcome, kiddo.”
The enderman was still, not knowing if he should hug back or just accept it. He could feel every hair, every thread, every skin cell seemingly. Ranboo could get used to it. His long arms awkwardly reached back, placing his arms down on Phil’s spine.
“I- I didn’t think you’d remember,” He muttered after a second, his body starting to relax.
“I might be old,” Phil laughed softly, “but I wouldn’t forget about you.”
philza + tommy
As kids, Tommy and Techno would rough house. A lot. This ended with many stories, but Phil often tells this as his favorite.
Tommy has been mischievous for years now, and it never failed to get on Techno’s nerves. While Techno was still learning the basics he missed in early development, Tommy never missed a beat, always getting in his business. He used to take the letters from his puzzles, talk in his ear when he was trying to read. Normal asshole kid things. What no one was expecting, though, was Tommy to teach himself a phrase in Piglin.
It came out of nowhere too. He just walked into the room and dropped it like a bomb. Techno was the first to respond, naturally, in a very tense state. He stood up slowly, looked at Tommy, then spoke back. “Where did you learn that? Do you know what that means? Who taught you that?” All in Piglin, of course. Tommy just shook his head.
“All I know is that. I learned it from someone at school, he said it means ‘you’re a baby’.” Tommy responded, the sound of the other’s fluency in the language being a bit intimidating.
“Dad, I’m gonna curse.” Techno spoke, looking at Phil with a very stern face. “You called me a fuckin’ idiot, Tommy.” Phil gasped, then laughed. Tommy looked mortified.
He ran. Yelling. Tommy ran right to Phil, chanting, “DAD IM SCARED DAD HES GONNA KILL ME DAD HELP”. Phil thought he might pass out from laughing so hard, still not over Techno’s “stern” look and cursing.
Kids are hilarious.
philza + tubbo
Tubbo, since the day Phil took him in, has never been physically affectionate. At least, not with Phil. Tommy had been slowly “acclimating” the other to different types of touches. He’d always be near or touching him, even if they were just standing. It’s Tommy’s way of showing he was there and okay.
This lead them to more touches, like holding clothing on the other or standing shoulder to shoulder. Then, eventually, Tubbo hugged Tommy. It was long, and it had no prompt, it was just a quiet hug. This was a huge step for the kid, and Phil couldn’t be more proud.
Tommy continued to help Tubbo as much as possible, happy that he felt comfortable enough to prompt a hug. Though Phil wanted to be able to help more, he was scared of hurting the boy. The flinching hurt him more than words could describe.
“Hey Phil?” A smaller voice rang out through the house. Tubbo stood at the door, a small smile on his face.
“Hey! What’s up, kiddo?” Phil smiled, continuing his potion brewing. Moments like these made Phil happy, even if they were just conversations.
Tubbo took a few steps forward, then stopped in the middle of the room. “Um, Tommy and Techno left to go find something. I was wondering if, um, could I have a hug?” His voice was meek, not common to him.
Phil paused a bit. It was his time to shine. His smile never faded as he opened his arms to the other. “You can always have a hug, Tubbo.”
Tubbo smiled back, wrapping his arms around Phil’s torso. His head lied on his chest, listening to Phil’s heart beat. It was comforting to feel one.
Phil rested his head on Tubbo’s, rubbing the other’s back. “Is everything alright?”
Tubbo nodded. “I wanted to see if I could do it.”
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years
Makoto has rainbow loom
Leon has tech decks
Chihiro has silly bandz
Mondo has his kickass embroidery and Perler beads
Taka has Rubik’s cubes and Perler beads
Hiro has fushigi magic gravity balls (that looks even worse typed out than I thought it would)
Sayaka has lip gloss phones
Aoi has those little things with the water and teeny tiny rings that just float and then there’s the button yk
Sakura has hair chalk and the friendship bracelet kits
Byakuya has a mini etch-a-sketch
Toko has Mad Libs
Hifumi also has Mad Libs, but the fandom versions
Celeste has the little Disney Princess teacup sets that came in a giant teapot
Junko has Lisa Frank bags and stationery
Mukuro has the glow in the dark stars that you stick on the ceiling and worms on strings
yes yes yes !!! Makoto has rainbow loom and I’m not gonna go on another ramble about it but I love that for him I rlly do hdbsbdbdbdb
And!!!!! Yeah yes yeah yeah yeah!!!!!! Oh my god dude tech decks are so cool and fun to fidget with......he’s had so many of them taken away for disrupting class but he always seems to come prepared with like a billion of them hdbdbsbdd nobody knows how he’s able to carry and hide so many hfbfbfb The noise bothers some of his other classmates, so he has to be careful with them, but they rlly are some of his favorite things to toy around with 🥺
Chihiro,,,,,,silly bands,,,,,,,,galaxy brain,,,,,,,sometimes during lunch she just takes off all of the ones she’s wearing and lines them up on the table to look at them bc,,,,,,hdbdbdb pretty shapes and colors,,,,,,,and then forgets to eat unless someone reminds her dhsnsbdbs
Makoto 🤝 Chihiro
their arms being COVERED in bright colored bracelets
Mondo and his embroidery ❤️ we stan a king
And the perler beads,,,,,,,uffbdbdbdbdbd me getting flashbacks to my childhood with all these damn things omg but yeah it’s very calming for him!! it requires a lot of patience, but it’s also repetitive movement and action so he’s kinda just !!! 👀
he and Taka have quiet afternoons where they just both do them (either working together or separately) and it’s so nice n softttt??? Comfortable silence ishimondo,,,,,,,,,m love
And Taka with his Rubik’s cubes oh my LORD he probably knows the secrets to most styles!! he can do them pretty quickly, and usually asks someone else to mess it up for him again, but literally give him like a couple of minutes and complete and total silence and BAM there u go
also highkey he could probably solve it with one hand if u asked him to because that’s just,,,,,literally how much of his spare time he’s spent with these damn things dndnsbdbdw
highkey the only reason he has one is because he ordered it when they were still in business and adamantly REFUSES to admit that he got scammed hdbdhsbdbdbw
he’s not good at it, per se, but he’s built up some sleight of hand skills, definitely hdbsbdbd also it’s probably just fun to roll around and fidget with (plus it’s weighted!!!)
everyone else watches him playing with it like,,,,wow king I am so sorry
he’s also definitely dropped it on the floor of his dorm room bathroom AT LEAST twice, which ended up shattering the tile (and possibly a ball, as well) so he’s just kinda :’)
literally just,,,,,her vibes are immaculate oh my god ? she’ll put some on and then immediately call her girlfriend over like “babe come here I need to test something” just to kiss them on the lips bc ./////.
she is just,,,,,so cute I’m gonna die??? she also makes the obligatory “sorry, I need to take this,” joke whenever her lips get chapped and she needs to put some on bbfbfbvbf
I do not know what you mean for Aoi’s but I support it wholeheartedly!!
and friendship bracelets oh my GOD 🥺 she’ll do them if she ever needs to de-stress or relax, because the repetitive movements are very soothing!!! and she’s 100% made a bunch for her classmates, ofc oh my goodness
Sakura 🤝 Makoto
Making bracelets as a coping skill and giving a shit ton of said bracelets to their classmates because they like to see them happy
hdbdvsvdvdv byakuya totally does!!
He hides it in his dorm; nobody must EVER know about it okay if they find out he’ll die. But it’s really really fun to fidget with and he finds himself using it after particularly taxing or rough days!!! Plus the visual satisfaction,,,,,shit can’t be beat
TOKO AND HIFUMI MAD LIBS!!!!! oh my god they have solidarity so they give each other words if other people are unavailable/not cooperating hdnsbsbsv
and they both crack up when the other person reads the story, too 🥺 Like Toko will try to pretend that she doesn’t find it funny, but she’s snorting and trying to keep a straight face by the third sentence. They both get such a nice fluttery feeling at making others laugh, too!
Jill has tamagotchis!!! A bunch of them!!!!! And she’s really good at taking care of them; she acts like they’re her children dhsbdvsbs everyone else in class 78 is always like how are they all still alive you’re not even fronting most of the time???
(asmr Toko checks on them and takes care of them sometimes for her but she’d die before letting anyone else find out about that ❤️)
And Celeste with the disney princess tea cups oh my goddddd 🥺🥺🥺 they’re practically some of her most prized possessions and she’s very proud of them
Kyoko has maybe two or three or so furbies that she carries around with her and treats like her literal children wnnssnnsdbdb she’s literally the embodiment of the “do you care if I take the skin off this furby” meme no I won’t take it back it’s true
she does shit like create long furbies and other weird ass stuff like that because sometimes she’s awake at 3 in the morning and gets Ideas™️
Makoto is horrified ❤️
HELL YEAH junko loves the Lisa Frank aesthetic ngl like????? bright ass colors!!!!! holographic visuals!!!! oh my god she definitely carries around the little backpacks even though they’re too small for her bdbsbsbs
like she can’t fit anything useful in there and then gets frustrated because of it shdhnssbsb Mukuro is just kinda “why don’t you get a normal backpack” “bECAUSE IT’S NOT FUN, MUKURO”
And Mukuro with the glow in the dark starsssssssssss waaaaa oh my gosh she loves them so much they’re so calming to look at ??? prettyyyyy and also she has solidarity with Kaito because he has them too hdbsbdbd
they both find out the other has them and it’s just the Spider-Man pointing meme and *vibrates excitedly*
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tataswish · 4 years
❝   familiarity  /  one.
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━   ♡ ・  paring:  kim taehyung x reader. ━   ♡ ・  genre:  soulmate!au, non idol!au, fluff (with a little angst!). ━   ♡ ・  word count:  2.7k.   ━   ♡ ・  summary:  you didn’t believe in soulmates. once. that all changed when you met yours; all thanks to one little drawing.
author’s note:  hi! i haven’t written in a while so excuse the small mistakes, but i hope you enjoy! if you’ve played bts world before, some of the stuff in this chapter might seem a little... familiar (no pun intented). i also plan to have the reader be connected to every member somehow in this fic, so they will come soon! hope you all enjoy, feedback is always appreciated. <3
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“Shit,” you murmured under your breath, glancing at the rows of baked dough that were left in the oven for a little too long. Rather than its usual glossy, golden brown finish—it was dull, and… sad.
It’s been almost a year since you’ve been miraculously hired as the pastry chef’s assistant at Hotel Mudrin. You say miraculously, because even without any sort of culinary knowledge outside of cooking shows, you still managed to land the job. The chef was somehow impressed by the basic strawberry pancake dish you presented during your interview, and instantly saw growth potential in you.
That was also when you met your best friend, Seokjin. He was a newly hired intern at the time, and with the two of you being the only staff members in the hotel within the same age bracket, it didn’t take that much time for a bond to form. Seokjin was always getting into trouble by his boss Mr. Im, because to him, this intern could never do anything right. But with you there, you were able to lend a helping hand when tasks got a little too overwhelming—and things got a little easier from there. You and Seokjin began to spend time together on and off the clock since.
You weren’t sure if it was the adrenaline or the mixture of raging hormones from being together, but the two of you decided to give dating a shot not too long after. It lasted for a solid two months—and while it had to come to an end, you both concluded that you were happier as friends.
And it was true. You and Seokjin have been inseparable since.
“____,” you heard the head chef call out your name, which instantly reeled you back to reality. Glancing down at the burnt dough on the tray, you felt a surge of warmth rush through your cheeks, knowing that you were about to be scolded at any second. “Are you okay? Ever since you came back from your lunch break, something’s been off.”
“No chef, nothing’s wrong,” you lied, walking over to the nearby garbage can to throw the current batch of dough away. A reassuring smile soon formed across your lips. “Just tired.”
If it wasn’t for you spiraling during your lunch break after Seokjin had left, maybe you would be in a better head space. But of course, spending the last ten minutes of break thinking about what went wrong in all of your relationships didn’t exactly help anyone at all.
The head chef could see through your lies too. And rather than questioning it, he only continued piping cream on the freshly cooled pastries on his side of the counter. “Maybe you need some fresh air,” he added with a shrug of his shoulders, eyes concentrated on his work. It was evident he was still invested in the conversation with you, though. “There should be a shipment of mangoes coming in in about twenty minutes, do you mind bringing those boxes in here? Take all the time you need. I’ll work on making another batch of dough.”
“I can make the dough, chef!” you tried to protest, mostly as a way to convince your boss that you weren’t feeling too off (when in reality, you were). “It’s okay, the mangoes can wait.”
As you were about to reach for the measuring cups in a nearby counter top, you were met with a look from the chef that clearly said: Go get some fresh air. Now.
So, rather than questioning it, you did.
After washing your hands and hanging your apron by the door, you made your way outside of the kitchen and into the main hallways of the hotel. It was emptier than usual—mostly because it was a weekday afternoon, and the guests who were staying at the hotel were out. It was also the midst of October, and the influx of guests don’t usually start to come in until around Christmas-time. Which was fine, because you weren’t met with the stress of having to make hundreds of fruit tarts in a span of an hour. Instead, you were able to step out and take a small stroll, which was always nice.
Upon exiting the area where the stairs were (staff weren’t allowed to use the elevators, per Mr. Im’s orders), you finally arrived at the ground floor. You always felt so out of place in the main lobby, with or without your work uniform. With the spacious area matched with gray marble flooring and sleek interior design, it was never a place you imagined yourself staying in. Only the richest of the rich could afford even one night in this place, and you? Couldn’t even afford a proper meal for dinner on some days. Hotel Mudrin was known to be a hub for millionaires, celebrities, or rich families alike—not for struggling university graduates like yourself.
But sometimes, it was nice to dream.
Quietly humming to a tune of a song you heard in the radio earlier this morning, you casually strolled through the floor, making your way towards the back door where the shipments would be. The subtle smell of lemon from the newly mopped floors was an odd favorite of yours. From time to time you’d flash a friendly smile towards the guests or staff members you’d pass by. But before you could exit through the back and meet with the shipment truck, you decided to take a small pit stop to the front desk and say hi to your best friend.
“Dude,” you began the minute you saw Seokjin behind the front desk. His eyes were on the computer screen in front of him, typing and clicking away, but you knew him well enough to know that he was probably playing a game of Minesweeper like he always does. Crossed arms resting on the desk, you then rest your chin on them as your eyes look up to your friend on the other side of the counter. “Remember when I wanted to cry because I realized I’ll probably be single and alone forever? Well my boss—”
As you continued to ramble on, Seokjin’s eyes finally met with yours. They weren’t eyes that meant he was ready to listen to you vent, no… they were wide. Like he was in a state of shock.
He quickly began to shake his head, which caused you to raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Did he want you to stop talking? Shut up? Right as you were about to say something though, his lips began to mouth the words ‘I’m busy’ over and over again.
That was when you knew, you fucked up.
The truth was, Seokjin was still busy tending to a guest, and you interrupted him actually working. Turning around, you briefly spotted the guest he’s been helping, and god—it was obvious by the look of your face that you had just embarrassed yourself into the next century.
“Sorry sir!” you apologized quickly, heat beginning to rush through your cheeks while you bowed for the hundredth time in the span of thirty seconds. Rather than making proper eye contact like any normal person would, your view was glued to the floor. “I honestly didn’t see you, and I know I should’ve, but—”
“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it,” he soon interrupted by providing reassurance. Once you heard a string of laughter from his end, you knew that he was understanding enough of the situation. “I get it.”
While you still couldn’t find the strength to really look him in the eye, you only returned with a sheepish laugh. It wasn’t every day you found yourself acting like a complete fool in front of a hotel guest (that was more of Seokjin’s speed in all honesty), so you didn’t exactly know how to fix the situation. Instead, you ended up sitting there in silence until Seokjin rescued the conversation.
“Alright!” he chimed in with the clasp of his hands, which was obviously your cue to slowly walk away. “You’re all checked in until the 31st, Mr. Kim. Let me grab your bags and take you to your suite.”
As you were about to leave, of course, you couldn’t go without embarrassing yourself one last time. Just as you were about to make a beeline towards the break room—also known as the place you were going to scream in—you managed to bump into this guest in full force.  
Looking up, you finally had the chance to take a good glimpse of the person in front of you. He was tall, muscular, with ash blond hair that was parted in the center. His almond eyes were practically gleaming behind his silver frames, and it paired well with the two dimples perfectly placed on each cheek.
In other words, he was gorgeous. And completely out of your league. Which is probably another reason why you were feeling flustered beyond belief at this very moment.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly. It felt like a movie—with both of his hands gently placed on each of your arms to provide support, gentle eyes locked on yours. You could’ve sworn you felt your heart stop, whether if it’s from being embarrassed or… swooned, even.
Swallowing thickly, you managed to let out a small “yeah,” before fixing your stance. He eventually let go, and the two of you were able to laugh it off for a little. “But are you okay, sir?”
“Didn’t even hurt,” he reassured, flashing that smile that accentuated his dimples really well. An open then was reached out as an offer. “You can call me Namjoon. Do you work here?”
But before you could even keep the conversation going, of course, Seokjin had to butt in. Literally. “Let me help you with that, Mr. Kim,” he urged with a friendly, yet painful smile as he walked in between you and Namjoon. He then reached down to pick up the leather suitcase that was sitting right beside the guest’s leg. Eventually, Namjoon had to retract his hand.
You took it as your cue to leave, so you excused yourself from the two without saying goodbye.
Thankfully there wasn’t anyone in the break room to look at you quietly take a moment to freak out over what just happened. If Namjoon wasn’t so good-looking and one hundred percent your type on paper, maybe you would’ve shrugged the interaction off by now. But you kept thinking over and over about how you were going to run into him again in one way or another—especially since he plans on staying at the hotel for over three weeks. All he had to do is walk into the hotel’s dining area to have dinner, and you’d be there. Not even as you off the job, but you in that stupid apron and chef’s hat.
Head dug into your arms as you leaned on the table, you tried to think of something—anything to get your mind off of what just happened. Letting out a deep exhale, you decided to take your phone out of your pocket and scroll through your e-mails. The first thing that caught your attention was an opened one, the one you received from that psychic about your soulmate.
Your soulmate is a man who is hard-working and bright, he will constantly continue to prove that he can be trusted and counted on by your friends and family…
Your eyes continued to read through the reading the photo was attached to, which was oddly comforting. To know that there was someone out there who could potentially be everything you’re looking for.
He is understanding, forgiving and respectful, even when you sometimes make mistakes…
Deciding to skim through the rest of the reading, you opened up that picture once again. You couldn’t help but notice something you didn’t the first time you saw it, and that was the small details on his facial features. He has three beauty marks: one sitting on the bottom of his eye, on his cheek, and one placed perfectly on the tip of his nose. You could’ve sworn those weren’t there before.
“And I thought I was the one who’s always the embarrassment at work,” you heard the familiar voice barge inside the break room, which obviously belonged to Seokjin. He walked over to where you were sitting and rested his chin on the top of your head, arms dangling from each side of your shoulders. “Jesus Christ bubs, you were a mess out there.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you murmured grumpily, placing your phone back in your pocket. “Do you think he’s going to tell Mr. Im? I can’t be blacklisted from this place, I need my job.”
Seokjin only laughed. “Stop being so dramatic. He seems too nice to do that.” Shaking his head, he sighed. “Plus, I’m eighty-five percent sure he was hitting on you.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” you retorted while rolling your eyes. “As if he found my dirty uniform and the flour in my hair sexy.”
“You’re right, there’s nothing sexy about you,” he playfully joked back, which made you elbow him in the stomach. And all he did was laugh after. “What are you doing out here, anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be helping Chef Seong making those pies for tonight’s desserts?”
You sighed, nodding your head in response. “I’m supposed to be bringing a shipment of mangoes in from the back. Are you on your break? Do you want to come help me?”
With your best friend agreeing to accompany you to your trip to get the mangoes, the two of you head out of the break room and towards the back entrance of the hotel. As you opened the door to go outside, you noticed that the truck was already parked in front, with a few boxes of mangoes neatly stacked on top of one another. So, you decided to get to work and grabbed the first two boxes you see.
“Are these all of it?” you heard Seokjin ask (possibly the driver of the truck). You couldn’t really see, because the boxes were obstructing your view.
“There’s two more left,” the other person, who sounded like a man, replied. “Let me get those out.”
You made about two rounds in and out of the hotel before all of the boxes outside were brought in. Seokjin had to do the absolutely most as usual bringing way more boxes in than he could carry, and while he tried to play it cool as much as possible, you could tell he was struggling. His trembling arms were a clear tell that he could drop everything at given moment.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” you asked him, trying to suppress the laughter bubbling inside you.
“Does it look like I need your help?” Seokjin scoffed, which only made it harder to keep your laughter in. He couldn’t even look at you as he tried walking inside, because he was far too concentrated in keeping all of the mangoes inside these boxes. “Go away, you’re distracting me and my strength.”
As he continued to carry the boxes inside, you watched a couple of mangoes fall out and roll on the ground in front of you. He didn’t even seem to notice, because he kept walking. You only shook your head before bending down to quickly pick them up before they get too dirty.
Assuming that you’ve picked everything off the ground, you stood up and tried to catch up to Seokjin, who was already by the door. But rather than joining him, you were stopped. “Excuse me, miss!” you heard the foreign voice enter your ears. “You forgot these!”
You turned around to grab the mangoes out of the driver’s hands. “Thank you,” you replied with a soft smile. “Sorry about my friend, he’s—”
When you looked up to meet his gaze, it was as if what you were about to say next was thrown at the window. The person standing in front of you looked familiar. Even with the brim of his large straw hat hovering over his eyes, you could clearly see the prominent beauty marks on his features that resembled the ones of your soulmate in that one drawing.
It was him. It had to be.
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mybeloved73 · 4 years
My name is Chelsea and I’m a ITU Nurse.
I’m also a newly qualified nurse - I literally left Uni last year and began my job in the September.
My background - I didn’t always want to be a nurse. I wasn’t cut out for that sort of compassion or care. I dreamt of being a PT, an athlete, anything that was sports driven.
Until my boyfriend had a bike accident, that then left him in ITU. He later succumb to his injuries and passed away. The nurses looking after him, changed my life. Shining light kind of moment - I want to be just like them kind of thing.
Granted it took me 4 years to build up the courage, battling my PTSD, severe depression and anxiety to even apply to uni. But I did it - and Sept 2019 I got my Pin as a registered nurse.
Now, if you 1) think covid19 was made up, a conspiracy or the numbers have been made up as a scare tactic or 2) you actually believe wearing a face covering will cause ‘respiratory arrests’ ‘acidosis’ blah... stop reading. Because this isn’t for you. Or even 3) you have the view of ‘its their job’ - back away from your screen.
You’ve seen in the news about the public sector pay rise? That nurses aren’t included, nor the junior doctors, physio’s etc (I use etc as there are so many people being forgotten in all this and it is used lovingly and not to cause offence)? Honestly, Im so glad that others are being recognised for their input and help during this - the teachers who put in extra work for children of key workers, who sacrificed their home life to entertain little ones every day and try give them the education they need and deserve, to the police, military - anyone receiving this recognition. Honestly you deserve it. And the NHS will not shadow that or take it away from you.
We agree’d to a 3 year pay deal, that had the options of being reconsidered earlier than the final date if there was a change in circumstances. Covid19 should really be considered as a change in circumstances. I mean being told that you’re already ‘unskilled’ and watching people clap to STOP pay rises... was hard enough. But to have everyone else recognised for their vital contributions and lay something that was agreed in 2018 - is inexcusable.
You realise that most nurses didn’t get to see your claps on a Thursday? That’s handover time. And due to covid19 if their handover time was earlier - they were usually late because of how busy it was and still missed it.
I saw one. Because it so happened I had come off of nights the night prior.
So! My life during covid19 starts off with the busiest winter that my hospital has seen in ITU. We have 10 beds. We are funded for 7/8? We had to open an escalation centre that we stole from our day surgery unit to give us a further 3 beds.
Which in itself is hard - looking after seriously sick patients away from your actual designated and designed ward and without the continuous presence of doctors.
That wasn’t enough.
We had to then stole half of the recovery room, which usually houses patients post surgery whilst they wake up.
Going up to 16 patients. Remember - at this point. I’m THREE MONTHS qualified.
Learning is hard, steep, and in-depth. You’re suppose to be trained over the course of a year as a newly qualified, with study days and help from mentors etc. I couldn’t attend some of those days because we didn’t have the staff to look after the most patients our ITU had ever seen.
Now I know ITU is hard. I picked it.
I knew what it entailed, well partly.
I have to maintain my patients artificial airway. They either have a tube in their mouth or in their throat.
They’re then connected to a ventilator.
Every single setting on that machine, every button - changes something drastically.
From the fio2, PEEP, PS, PC, TV, MVE, PEAK, RR, PF ratio, ... one button, one alteration or mistake... literally can stop this person breathing. Cause respiratory distress, arrest.. trauma? anything.
Did you know I have to move that tube in their mouth every hour to stop pressure sores developing in their mouth? And I still have to brush their teeth and give oral care?
I have to suction down their throat and clear their lungs? Or suction their actual mouth for extra secretions?
And record all this data hourly.
To ensure that this patient is comfortable with this tube... I have to medicate this patient.
I have to keep them in an artificial coma.
Titrating the drugs to their optimum levels.
Some are measured mg/hr, mcg/hr, mcg/kg/min..
some have limits on maximum dose per hour you can use.
Some have really severe side effects.
Such as noradrenaline. Which can literally cause your fingers and toes to become necrotic.
I have to monitor someone’s glucose - whether you’re diabetic or not, and correct it if needed with insulin or dextrose.
I have to give diuretics but not allow your body to become too negative, I have to give fluid challenges to ensure you’re not vascular depleted.
I can help your kidneys with the use of a dialysis machine. Literally filter your blood of toxins your body can no longer remove without help of a machine. This requires constant blood tests to ensure that you aren’t collecting dangerous toxins or you need additional support from the machine.
I can use a machine to check your cardiac output and interpret it to make sure that you have enough fluid vs a drug that’ll help squeeze your heart instead.
I can read an ECG and tell if you need additional supplements such as potassium. Do further tests for magnesium, phosphates etc. And deliver those.
I can feed you through a tube down your nose, and ensure you absorb it. But it’s okay I can give you medication to also help that - these require me to do daily ECGs though, and interpret the data of your QTC to make sure it’s not affecting your heart.
Now. If that’s not enough. Covid happens.
Now remember our record was 16 patients?
Try doubling that.
We worked in our ITU,
Escalation centre
Recovery - we took the whole thing.
Next - we took over operating theatres.
3 patients in theatre 6
3 in 5
3 in 4
2 in 3
We stole theatre staff, recovery nurses, ODPS, ward nurses, retired nurses, health visitor nurses, anyone we could relocate to help us.
March - I’m 6 months qualified.
I’m now the most qualified ITU nurse in my theatre.
I have people who have never looked after a ventilated patients before asking me for help. Please don’t silence my alarm if you don’t know why it’s alarming. I know it’s loud and annoying but it’s telling me everything I need to know with enough time before I need to panic.
Now - covid patients weren’t just sick. Weren’t just needing help to breathe. These patients were all sorts of ‘new’. Nothing made sense!
These patients COULDNT be ventilated. We needed to paralyse them to literally be able to take over their breathing properly! No amount of sedation worked! Their lungs were fibrous and acting like elastic under tension.
Side note - if your patient wasn’t sedated enough compared to paralysis - they could be silently awake, but completely paralysed. Knowing everything happening to them. But unable to do anything - not even breathe. Every time you start rocuronium you need to remember that. If you’re withdrawing treatment - TURN THE ROC OFF FIRST. And wait before you do anything else.
Back to it. They were so unstable that you try roll them, which we usually do 4 hourly to prevent pressure sores - they desaturated to numbers so low that you would usually see some hypoxia brain injury after.
We couldn’t roll these patients without risking that. So you know what. You don’t roll.
So we couldn’t protect their skin integrity. You just watch them, and feel guilty.
Nursing school 101 - pressure sores are PREVENTABLE. Roll your patient. Skin care and hygiene is your best friend.
Now covid went against everything a nurse knows and holds dear.
Our ITU never had pressure sores. Until covid. Some had grade 4’s.
Maggot therapy.
Vacuum dressings.
These patients were also clotting, and sending off clots to their kidneys, liver, heart, brain. Covid made your blood super sticky!!!!
People were having strokes whilst being sedated, going from fit to multi organ failure in days. I’m trying to save these people, knowing they could possibly wake up with complete left side paralysis? Never talk again? Never be them again?
Now you know about these past medical histories etc?
You realise what that is?
that it could be Type 2 diabetes?
That was it for some.
None of this thinking they were super sick, with lists longer than my arm, and that’s why they didn’t make it. No.
Literally things that happen with age. Poor diet? That 120/80 you’re happy you got - THATS PREHYPERTENSION.
I was probably hypertensive the entire time with anxiety.
Did you know We had to use the old anaesthetic ventilators. None of us had used those before. Those big bellows you see in films going up and down rhythmically. Those.
That was scary.
I’m use to a single touch screen button (hello modern technology) to deliver 100% o2 if my patient needs it. This has a switch to a bag, a button, dials to titrate o2 with normal air. And if I didn’t monitor the crystals in the bottom my patient would retain their own co2 and I wouldn’t know why.
New found love for anaesthetists and ODPS - these machines are NOT designed for prolonged use. But they helped us keep our patients alive. By literally guiding us and helping us look after the machines so we could do our job.
Now. All of this is made worse by PPE.
I’m hot.
It’s hot.
And intense and I’m working hard because tonight, I have 3 ventilated patients. By myself.
I have a gown on.
2 sets of gloves
An apron
An FFP3 mask
A hat
A visor
And no air con.
But I’ve got this. I can’t do my hourly checks because I am one person.
My super sick patients now have 2 hourly because it is physically impossible.
Where are the other staff?
You’re watching these people struggle to breathe on machines and then being told your close friends at work, your mentors, your seniors are spiking temperatures. Some being admitted to hospital. Some not being able to come back to work for weeks.
Some ending up on your ventilators. It’s okay. I’ve got this.
I’m an ITU nurse right?
CPR wearing that get up. Is TOUGH. 27mins. I cried that day.
We lost 3 patients in 12 hours.
I held the hand of so many people as I turned off their ventilators because their families couldn’t be with them and no one should die alone. No one. I tried my best.. and then once my day had finished, I had to come home to my dad who is immunosuppressed. Who doesn’t understand boundaries. “Kevin stay in the other part of the house!”
*knocks on bedroom door with dinner*.
Proning. What an experience that is. And doing it Daily. The complications of that were scary before you even approach the patient.
So I’m going to flip my patient - who has a tube down their mouth to help breath, who is on medication for sedation, paralysis, to keep their blood pressure up.. from laying on their back - to laying on their front.
Seems easy?
Well it’s not. And requires like 8 people.
8 people.
We don’t have enough people as it is. So we now develop a proning team made up of everyone.
There are consultants, there are experts in their fields, there are physios and then I don’t know who else.
Honestly I couldn’t thank these people enough. More people would have died if we didn’t have a proning team. But now, people spent 23 hours laying on their front. Pressure sores on their faces. Potential of going blind? New complications of not being able to breathe we never expected.
We are finally back into one unit now. I’m still less than a year qualified. And I’m still running on adrenaline expecting this second wave. Those still reading, I know you’re thinking that she picked this job.
She knew what it meant.
And you’re right! Give me those complex drug calculations and ventilators. Oh and the scrubs!
But a pandemic? I didn’t pick that. The world didn’t pick that.
Honestly thank you, to the ward nurses - your lives got flipped upside down.
The physios who became best friends.
Consultants who literally got down and dirty with us.
To the domestics who cleaned furiously for us.
OT’s To literally orientate our patients when they’re waking up like 70 days later.
Oh communication team made up of medical students, who updated the families because... I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave my patient. Not like this!
Matron who literally had to facilitate all this, with people who knew nothing about ITU. Being in ITU. Looking after ITU patients. Whilst her own ITU staff were sick, in hospital, or newly qualified, or working to the point they broke.
To the countless companies sending food, goodies, moral support !! Oh my god that was incredible to come to after not having a break for 6+ hours ... mmm... food!!
Did you know they’re offering support for the nurses to stop PTSD, or anxiety or just to help up digest what we saw? Psychological support for just doing your job?
But it’s okay.
We got a deal in 2018 for the pay.
We got clapped thursdays.
We all know that’s not enough, but we will still turn up for work.
We can’t leave our patients.
We can’t strike.
They’ll always mean more to us than pay. And the government knows that. Abuses that.
540 NHS staff lost their life doing ‘just their job’ - today the NHS staff walked through London protesting, to be heard. To be listened to. To be acknowledged. To be paid fair.
Sign the petition for us. Because we aren’t just here for covid. We’re here for life.
And just put your mask on - please - for that hour you go shopping.
I’ve been wearing mine since March 6th. 13+ hour days. Developed a nice grade one on my nose, my friends faces bleeding from using a rubber respirator....
And We’ll be like this for the foreseeable future.
Now that we have the stocks to do so anyways.
Oh and I’m pissed my graduation was cancelled! All that and I don’t get to wear the hat and gown. Bastard virus. (I understand there was more lost but humour me).
Signed, your registered ITU nurse. We will always continue to monitor.
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stay-trash-2017 · 4 years
Wilted Rose
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Gang member!Changbin x fem!OC
Warnings: gangs, mentions of death and parties
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      Christopher Bang, He is the King and I am the queen. I’m not the queen in the way you would expect. I am the leader of the highly feared gang called ‘The Poisoned Roses’. Christopher was the leader of his gang ‘Stray Reapers’. We are the 2 most feared gangs in the entire city of Yongin. There was no one in the city that didn't tremble at the mention of our gangs. Strays and Roses kept their distance most of the time but it all changed when I bumped into what I had assumed was a normal man. 
August 15th, 2014 was Lee MiRae’s first day as the official leader of the Roses after her mother was killed protecting MiRae and her younger brother Minho. MiRae and Minho’s dad left them for a much younger woman. MiRae and Minho raised themselves from the age of 12. When Minho turned 13 he stated spending more time away from the small apartment they could barely afford, only coming home for some rest. As much as MiRae wanted to know what her brother was doing she was taught to keep her nose out of the places its not needed. When Minho started coming home with cuts and bruises across his face is when MiRae started questioning him but he always brushed off the questions or flat out ignored them.
MiRae never had time to be a real kid but when the Roses made her their official leader she got to do things that she never had, like go to parties and meet new people without the fear of being snatched because of who she is. The more parties she attended, the more people started to recognize her, which meant she’d have to disappear from the public eye as MiMi leader of the Roses. At 15 she decided to enroll herself at Bora highschool. She would have never thought she would end up going to highschool because she had to work and keep a roof over her and Minho’s heads. 
She severely underestimated  how hard school was when you only have a 7th grade education. MiRae studies hard during the day and manages the Roses at night. MiRae’s grades were okay but not as good as  most. She was just barely passing her classes. She always struggled most in math, no matter how hard she would study. Usually MiRae would stay in class all period because she couldn't miss any of the information, but she was about to pee her pants in this moment so when the teacher granted her permission to go to the bathroom she basically sprinted out of class. MiRae didnt care who she was bumping into as long as she made it to the bathroom.  Once done with her business she washed her hands and started walking back to class.
Lost in her own head MiRae paid no attention to the group of boys walking towards her. Due to her being lost in her own little word MiRae walked straight into a very strong man, Stunned by his presence she stumbled backwards and fell on her butt hard. She looked around her and saw 1 of the 8 sped away from the situation very quickly, what was his deal? Meanwhile 7 of the remaining 8 were laughing and making jokes about MiRae falling, Her eyes flooded with tears as she tried to get up but only fell face first into the floor. The boys laughter got louder and louder until the one boy who wasn't laughing reached his hand out and helped her up. His grip was firm and very gentle at the same time. When MiRae was finally on her feet she looked at the man who helped her in the eyes and automatically felt flustered, her cheeks felt warm and her heart was going a million miles per hour. 
“I am so sorry! I wasnt paying attention like I should have.” MiRae said apologetically. 
“Um, no worries. Im Changbin, we have math together, Or we would if I ever came to class.” He said with a certain nervousness in his voice. His beautiful chocolate eyes met hers and a faint pink painted her pale cheeks. His friends whispered and snickered quietly behind the pair. Mirae was snapped back to reality when the whispering stopped and his friends were gone, Only MiRae and the beautiful stranger standing in the middle of the deserted hallway.
His eyes scanned her body and fell on the rose that was tattooed on her forearm. MiRae’s eyes dropped to her forearm and immediately yanked her sleeve down. He couldn't possibly know what the tattoo meant, could he? Wrong. His eyes went wide and met hers again. He stayed silent until he revealed the tattoo on his collarbone, a shattered compass. He was a Stray Reaper. Neither MiRae nor Changbin knew what to say at this very moment. Without thinking she reached out to touch the ink embedded into his skin. His soft flesh was still swollen, the tattoo was fresh and he was a new member. His hand shot up to grab her wrist. 
“We shouldnt be this close. Its forbidden, the members will kill me if they found out you are a Rose.” He whispered softly with the traces of sadness in his voice. MiRae’s lips parted as a sigh fell off of her tounge and past her lips. She looked looked at her sleeve, where he tattoo was hidden underneath.
“My mother was a Rose, she died protecting my brother and I. A Reaper killed her because my father owed them money before he disappeared. The Roses are the only thing I have left from my mother.” MiRae confessed saddened by the memory of the night her mother died. Chanbin slid his soft hand into hers and gently squeezed. Changbin reached into MiRae’s back pocket and took out her phone, the boy typed his phone number into her phone. She gave him a confused look. 
“I dont care if you are a Rose, I want to take you out and show you my part of town just as long as you keep that ink covered. please ?” 
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 10 - din djarin
title: no business like snow business
no spoilers for the new season and its not my best but oh well lol
prompt: "This is my first ever snow, i didnt imagine it would be this wet."
request from:
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I sat quietly behind din in the cockpit of the razor crest and tapped my legs, zoning out as I looked through the window. he had told me this was his first life day with the kid and he wanted to go somewhere he could actually have fun. I didn't know what that meant exactly but per usual I was just along for the ride.
"We're close."
He said and I perked up, exchanging glances with the baby.
I said happily, hearing the panel beep.
"Is it that white one?"
I asked, pointing and he nodded.
"It is."
I drew a brow.
I said and he hummed. The baby looked at me confused and I shrugged. I watched diligently as he landed, hearing the landing gear crunch into the ground.
"Ready for some snow fun kid?"
Din asked, picking him up from his seat and carrying him down the ladder.
I said softly to myself, looking down at it through the window. I knew I was sheltered and didn't have a reason before now to leave my planet... But what the hell was snow? It looked soft whatever it was.
"You coming?"
I heard din say, shaking me from my thoughts.
"Yeah I'll be down in a sec."
I said, taking one last look before moving to the ladder. I climbed down it slowly, jumping to the floor and turning to see din wrapping the child in another layer. I raised a brow.
"Does he need that?"
I asked and he paused, staring at me for a second.
"It's a snow planet. It's cold."
He said, setting the child on the ground. I drew my brows.
"It's cold."
I repeated, taking the poncho-like blanket from him and draping it over my shoulders. I looked to him as he opened the hatch, walking forward down it and into the snow. I was amazed as it floated around lightly, now standing at the edge of the door and looking out into the white wasteland.
He asked, looking back at me unmoving. I held my hand out, smiling as the flakes melted into my palm.
"This is my first ever snow, i didnt imagine it would be this wet."
I said softly, looking from my hand to him. The child just cooed, tilting his head to the side. din nodded.
"I hear most children like to play in it but we can try that later. right now I wanna get inside and get a fire going before it gets dark."
He said, taking off towards the cave opening. I dropped my hand, shaking the water off it and stepped forward, sinking a little bit and hearing the snow crunch under my feet. It made me laugh as I trudged forward. This was a lot harder to walk in than I thought it would be but I kept moving anyway, trying to catch up to him.
"Is it always like this?"
I asked when he stopped, setting the kid down. He looked to me, seemingly confused.
"Is what always like this?"
"the snow?"
he laughed a little to himself as he started the fire.
"no. it changes but im not really sure how."
i nodded, sitting on the ground and crossing my legs under me.
"what is it normally like?"
i asked, looking to him as he crouched down to move the pieces of kindling around.
"uh im not sure how to explain it. sometimes its wet and you can mold it, and sometimes its wet and falls apart. im sure theres more versions of snow but thats all i know about. nothing too exciting."
i frowned.
"is it always so wet?"
i asked and he laughed again, moving to sit down himself.
"yes, it is always wet."
i grabbed my legs and rocked forward.
"thank you."
i said and he paused, looking up at me.
"for what?"
he asked and i smiled widely at him.
"for making this the best life day ive ever had. i mean, i know we are here for the kid, but still. this is all so new to me and im glad ive found good company in you."
we sat in silence for a second, the kid standing beside me now and pulling my attention as it babbled.
"i didnt know this meant that much to you."
he said softly, watching me as i picked the kid up.
"this life day im thankful for you mando."
he said and i tilted my head.
"my name is din... and im thankful for you too y/n."
i melted a little bit at his words. i couldnt believe he trusted me that much.
"who else would take such good care of him after all."
he said, pointing to the child, him making a confused sound as he looked up to me.
"happy life day din."
i said, watching the child waddle to him.
"happy life day."
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basilgrimbitch · 5 years
Day Two: Swap
Normal high school AU where Baz is new to Simon’s English class but Penny is the one that gets assigned a seat next to Baz. Aka English nerds in love.
Words: 3457
Note: this is unedited and super rushed but its something!
No warnings apart from a lot of swearing. Enjoy!
“Alright so I posted the seating plan on the class page, did everyone get a chance to see it?”
While everyone scrambles to look at their laptops, I’ve already seen Ms. Possibelf’s seating plan and can I just say… What. The. Fuck. She’s sat me across the room from Penny (honestly fair since we never get any work done) next to some random girl named Trixie; she seems nice enough but so bloody boring. How am I supposed to make it through a whole year of English without Penny? I can hear the complaints layering up in the tiny classroom and I can see the teacher ignoring every single one of them. I don’t think I’ll bother asking for a change. Though, maybe she’ll listen to Penny?
I nudge Penny’s arm, I guess she’s already seen the seating plan too because she makes no effort to look at her laptop and moves towards her assigned seat.
“Surely the fuck not?” I don’t bother whispering.
“I think you mean surely the fuck yes. I’m not failing this semester because you want to tell me a gross story about your arms smelling like Cheetos mid class.” I’m smirking and she looks like she’ll bite my head off. That makes me smile more.
“That was once!”
“It still happened, and I’d rather hear about your smelly limbs at lunch time - or better yet, never.”
We’re cut off by Ms. Possibelf starting the class, or at least trying to.
“You should’ve all written a draft of your persuasive orals over the holidays, now you must refine them and prepare a final copy. These will be presented in two days.”
Okay as much as I’m a clown in English, I’m actually decent at it. I’ve already written and edited my script, so I really have nothing to do. I sit in my seat and glance at Penny, it looks like she’s done too. I’m fairly sure she’s playing fire boy and water girl, she’s playing both parts (because I’m not there) and she’s taking up the entire table, her desk mate looks so uncomfortable squashed into a corner. Who is he, by the way? The name on the roll was Tyrannus, what the fuck kind of name is that? So pretentious.
I open up Instagram on my laptop and text Penny.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Simon Snow [10:04]: who is heeeeeee
Penelope Bunce [10:04]: who?
Simon Snow [10:04]: the guy ur sat next to whats his name?????
Penelope Bunce [10:05]: got a bit of crush huh :0
Simon Snow [10:05]: oh fk off I haven’t even seen his face,,, whats his name??
Penelope Bunce [10:06]: he said to call him baz
Simon Snow [10:07]: hmm weird but cool name
Simon Snow [10:07]: what schools he frm?
Penelope Bunce [10:07]: idk do ur work Si
Penny stops typing, she looks me in the eyes then turns to speak to Baz, shutting her laptop. That’s such an odd name, right?
They talk, she’s laughing, he’s just sitting there so composed. He doesn’t look bored exactly, just that he’s better than seeming overly excited. Dickhead it is then.
Even though I think I’ve already decided I hate him, I don’t stop looking at them. He’s got long hair, its black and loose just above his shoulder, his skin is this gorgeous caramel that doesn’t need tanning and his eyes, they’re so grey a mix of green and blue I think and – fuck. We’re making eye-contact, not in like oh oops, more like oh shit why is this guy staring at me. He must think I’m a fucking creep. Shit.
It’s not like I care though, he probably thinks he’s better than everyone in this room anyway. But he’s just smiling at me? Fuck that’s a good smile. I think I’m smiling back, I can’t help it. He turns back to speak to Penny, they seem like they’re in deep discussion about something, I wonder what? And suddenly, I catch myself wishing I was her. Um, what?
The rest of the period flies by. Too quick, I think, not that I need more time to work, I just kind of wish… whatever.
Penny, as per bloody usual, is taking her precious time packing her stuff away. I walk up to her table, hyper aware of Baz’s presence there,
“Planning on leaving anytime soon?” I ask, trying to seem as nonchalant as can be, but my eyes keep glancing to him. I think Penny must’ve picked up on it because then she says, all smug,
“But then you wouldn’t get to meet Baz,” she gestures to Baz, who’s raising his eyebrow and smiling a little against his better judgement I think, then she gestures to me and then back again, “Baz, Simon. Simon, Baz. There we go.” He’s full on smiling now. Fuck, how can someone be so pretty?
“So nice to meet you, I’m Baz Pitch.” He puts his hand out for me to shake it – that’s so proper. I’m not even convinced he’s 17. He’s so calm and put together, these are not words you use to describe a 17 year old guy.
“H-hey, yeah, Simon.” Of course, I trip over my words, I’ve always struggled with that but I’m also really fucking nervous for some reason.
“Do you wanna have lunch with us, Baz?” Penny’s throwing her bag over her shoulder, looking at me like she knows what she’s doing to me and then back to Baz with genuine eyes. Penny doesn’t usually get on with people like that, that’s why we’ve been friends for so long, she really doesn’t have other options (not like I do either).
“That’d be nice.” He says, the corner of his mouth inching up, giving his cool exterior away. He’s not a pretentious git, is he? He’s just a boy on his first day of school; that’s fucking daunting.
We walk out the classroom – finally – and Baz starts telling us about himself and his old school. Mainly just answering Penny’s questions. Does he have siblings? Yeah, four half siblings. How come he moved schools? dad moves a lot for business. Oh, is he going to be moving again? Probably not until after high school, by then I could move out anyway.
I’m not usually this quiet. Usually I’m more social than Penny. I don’t know what’s come over me, I wish I could be her right now.
Lunch happens, Baz doesn’t really eat. Not like I was watching him. Well he was sat right in front of me and I just noticed that he wasn’t eating anything. Surely that’s normal.
I finally ask Baz what other classes he’s taking; other than English we don’t share any classes and then I let myself say, “that sucks.” But only because its normal, its not flirting. You can want a friend to be in your class. Penny still looks at me anyway.
But then he says, “I’ll just have to look forward to English,” and my heart melts.
I try not to think about Baz right now, in bed, but I am anyway, and I remember him telling me his full name; so naturally I’m suddenly typing it into the Instagram search bar. Aha! He’s not on private, thank the gods of social media.
I start scrolling through his feed, careful not to tap anything of course. There are a few photos of him alone, they’re gorgeous; he dresses so nice. Penny says I can’t dress myself. In one photo from a month ago he’s in this incredible suit, taking a mirror selfie in a bathroom that looks nicer than my whole house. His hair is slicked back (I think I prefer it loose – still so bloody fit though) and his cheekbones are so defined, he’s got that same face he had when we first met today – eyebrows raised, little bit a smirk, beautiful eyes.
I scroll down to the next photo, this one is different. It’s not a hot mirror selfie, its him carrying a little girl – his little sister? – on his shoulders looking up at her with a smile, a real big smile. He’s dressed a bit more casual too, still nicer than anything I own though it’s just jeans and a black button down. I keep coming back to the jeans. How can someone look so good in jeans?
I scroll through a few more photos, some with friends, some more of just him and a few of books he’s reading or places he’s visited. I feel like I know him a little bit better now – less in a stalkerish way more in a… well I can’t think of the write word. I can never think of the write word.
My phone vibrates all of a sudden and I literally drop my phone, so I don’t accidently like anything.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [23:13]: up thinking bout prince charming?
Simon Snow [23:14]: shut up
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: don’t blame u he’s v cute.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: And smart.
Penelope Bunce [23:14]: you have my blessing
Simon Snow [23:15]: bugger off,, as if he’s even into guys
Simon Snow [23:15]: I was literally such an idiot today he probs doesn’t even wanna be my friend
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: AHA SO U ADMIT IT
Simon Snow [23:16]: did I even have to
Penelope Bunce [23:16]: ofc not. For what its worth I think u have a shot.
Simon Snow [23:17]: sureeeee
Simon Snow [23:17]: fuckkkkk im gonna be so dead tomorrow,, gn love u
I turn my phone off, pull my glasses off chucking them somewhere I probably won’t find them tomorrow and roll over to fall asleep.
We’ve got English first period today. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for English, but then I remember I don’t even get to sit next to him.
I walk into class and he’s already in there, we make eye-contact – way less awkward than yesterday – and he gives me a nod. Its friendly, it’s nice, it’s already a bit familiar. I give him a little wave with my right hand below the books I’m carrying but then I’m nearly dropping then, and my laptop starts sliding through my arms. It’s a shit show and it’s too early in the morning to embarrass myself, but I don’t get a say do I? As a say good bye to my laptop that is threatening to smash in the ground any second now – and any possibility for anything with Baz – I hear a chair scraping at the floor then not being pushed in. Suddenly, Baz’s hand is on my shoulder; the other grabbing my laptop that’s basically just resting on my belt buckle at this point. I beg myself not to blush, not now.
Baz is laughing. We’ve – he’s – saved my laptop and now he’s carrying it and my books; he insisted I was not to be trusted.
“Alright, special delivery all the way to your seat. You sure you’re okay Snow?” He’s using my last name because he thinks it’s ‘such a waste to not make use of such an iconic surname’. I like the way it sounds on his lips. I think I just like his lips and anything after is automatically perfect. Perfect.
He taps my shoulder, “you okay there?”
“Huh? Yeah yeah, just a bit tired. Didn’t sleep very much last night.” That’s not a lie.
Baz nods and says he’s gonna go get started on the work, I watch him walk away. The school trousers, they’re no jeans but he looks good in everything.
I try to do some work, making cue cards for my presentation, but I keep letting myself look over to Baz. Penny just caught me and stuck her tongue out.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:31]: ur staring
Simon Snow [08:32]: am not,, go away
I go back to working on my cue cards after making a show of shutting my laptop in front of Penny. I get through two more cards before I see a pair of shoes approaching my table. I look up and sure enough its prince charming – I mean Baz. He clears his throat and says,
“I hear you’re good at English”
“There’s no way Penny said that,” I laugh.
“True, she said ‘he thinks he’s better than everyone else.’ But I take it for good reason.” He smiles while doing air quotes, I smile back at him because I can’t help myself.
“Well, I definitely don’t suck.”
“Good. Do you mind reading over my script, please? I feel like it needs a little bit of editing.” He hands over his laptop, “don’t drop this one okay?” he chuckles.
I honestly don’t know how to act around him. I’m the epitome of those ‘act normal’ memes. He hands me his laptop and I start reading. His presentation is on single use plastics and it is so well written, he definitely doesn’t need my help. My neck is getting warm and I hope I’m not blushing at a script on environmentalism just because it was written by a hot guy. That’s pathetic.
But he’s not just a hot guy, is he? He’s smart – so smart – and he’s so kind even if you wouldn’t think so; when he helped me with my books today, I couldn’t help but think back to that photo of him with his sister, so much warmth and kindness expertly hidden under a cool and calm facade. I get to the end of his conclusion and look up in awe but he’s standing just behind me leaning forward waiting for my response. That explains the warmth I was feeling.
Baz doesn’t seem like the kind that would ever doubt himself but if you could see him now, you’d think he cared about what everyone thought about everything; and maybe he does, maybe he just hides it really well.
“Baz.” I make eye-contact with him, finally on purpose, “this… its incredible. I don’t even know why you’d ask for feedback. Your arguments are excellent, and your use of inductive reasoning is really fitting.”
His face lights up, a kind of innocent smile creeps up on his face and for the first time I think I want to kiss him. But even more so, I want to be responsible for more of those smiles. “Really?”
“It’s perfect.”
I look away because I don’t want him to see me blush. Penny is looking straight at us, she gives me one of her reassuring smiles.
It’s been two weeks of school; all my classes suck but it’s our last year and soon enough we’ll miss it. At least that’s what Penny keeps saying, Baz agrees with her.
Baz has been spending more time with us; we hang out at lunch time, he’s joined us for frozen cokes a few times in the past few hot days. It’s nice. I can actually talk to him now too.
He’s so smart, smarter than I had thought. He’s not just academically smart, he knows more than just surface level knowledge. Yesterday, on our walk to English he was talking about some article he read on the relationship between sleep deprivation and blood alcohol concentration just for fun. Though its nerdy and just a bit lame, the way his eyes light up when he talks about things he cares about, I’d listen to the summary of a thousand dumb articles to see that again.
Right now, Baz isn’t here though, and all my brain can do is think about him.
“Pennyyyy!” she’s lying on my bed while I do my art homework on the floor, she always comes home with me on Tuesdays, I don’t know when that started.
“Si, I already said no like three times.”
“Why not? Do you not love me?” I asked her to swap seats with me in English. I just wanna sit next to Baz, I can say I need extra help or something.
“I love you of course but I don’t want Baz to think I’m avoiding him, and I certainly don’t want Ms. P to fail me for disobeying her one rule.”
“Just please.” I give her my best puppy eyes and pouty face, “I fink I’m in wuv,” I say mockingly. She
throws an old stuffed toy in my face. I guess that’s a no.
The next day I see Baz at the school gates, he’s holding a cup of coffee and his hair is up in a bun today. Flawless.
“Fancy seeing you here,” how can he look so perfect at eight in the morning. I don’t even feel awake yet.
Baz bumps my shoulder with his and we start walking to our lockers. We talk about the English reading we were set, we’re reading Lord of the Flies and Baz is going on about how he and Penny think the book would be drastically different if it had female characters.
“Golding said he didn’t add girls to avoid sex being a subject.” I say, and Baz just looks at me with his eyebrow raised. I call this the signature Baz look now.
“Oh, come on, as if every single kid on that island was straight.” I choke on nothing for a second. Baz and I have never talked about relationships or sex or sexuality. It’s not really a matter of discussion I guess but hearing him acknowledge the idea of guys being together, I don’t know, it gives me hope. That makes no sense obviously, he’s taking about characters from an English novel not himself and really its more an act of Baz’s resistance than it is a nod to gay rights or whatever. But, still, it gives me hope.
“True,” is all I manage to get out.
We get to English extra early after home room, and I start making my way to my seat. Ever since Baz started hanging out with us outside of class, English is back to being plain and boring, nothing special. So, with my shoulders slumped I mutter a goodbye to Baz as I walk to opposite way to my seat but then I feel something on my hand. Oh my god, its his hand. Its Baz’s hand. On my hand. Pulling me towards him. Its not especially romantic or anything. But its something!
“Hey! Swap seats with Penny, come sit next to me today,” surely this is a dream, I must’ve hit my head. “I need your uhhh help with the essay.” Baz doesn’t help, he just discussed key themes of the novel for breakfast. I feel it again, lingering in my chest, hope. “It’s okay if you don’t want to…” he says a bit quieter now, trying to seem as cool as possible. How Baz of him. Fuck I still haven’t said anything.
“What no no, I want to. I’m just not sure what Ms. Possibelf will say; or worse, Penny.” He pulls at my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“What? Scared Snow?”
“We’re not in Harry Potter, Baz.”
“True. I’m wayyy better looking than Draco Malfoy and you wouldn’t be a very good chosen one. The worst chosen one who’s ever been chosen.”
I hear myself saying, “what so I’m not more better looking than Harry Potter?” Is this flirting? He squeezes my hand. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.
“You needed me to point that out? I thought it was a given. You’re well fit, Simon.” Simon. Hope.
I hum in response and with one final tug at my hand, he lets it go. I follow him (I’d follow him anywhere).
“Sit, I won’t bite,” He grins at me.
“Yeah but Penny will,” she better not ruin this for me. For us. I sit next to Baz and we start working on our essays. He doesn’t ask for help once.
Penny walks into class, glances at her seat, sees us and walks to my – her – seat next to Trixie.
Penelope Bunce – Simon Snow
Penelope Bunce [08:14]: u win. Enjoy!
I can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not.
Baz notices I’ve changed my window to Instagram DMs and nudges me, “how come you don’t follow me?”
“Huh, I don’t know? What’s your user name?” As if I don’t know.
Baz grabs my laptop, “I’ll just type it in.” I let him because I’m lazy and I like watching him type but then he clicks on the search bar and has the biggest grin on his face. Fuck. He can see my search history, “looks like you already know it.” How could I forget about that?
I must look mortified because he places his hand on mine. Second time today. “It’s all good. I already have yours too.”
47 notes · View notes
The Wild Things of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 2)  Summary: Groot is overly tired. Gamora and Quill tuck him into bed with traditions from their home worlds. (some unspoken thing / family fic / right after V2 / too much sap on this sad tree to handle really and yep I just watched these movies alright but I fell in love fast and hard and haven’t posted a fic in years quarantine made me do it) Rated: K Word Count: 5,400
“Peter, bed time!”
It’s a memory that’s comfortable to slip into as a familiar melody plays on the Zune — a brief recollection that doesn’t take up too much time, a moment in time that is enough to put a smile on his face…and only slightly pulverize his heart.
“Five more minutes?”
His mother was tired, and it’s not just the end-of-day kind of tired that he grew up knowing. Somewhere in his heart, Peter knew that it’s the treatment which has her more exhausted than normal and when she held in a sigh, for his sake, he regretted asking immediately.
“I mean…” He grabbed the edge of the table where he had been fiddling with Erector Set that his uncle got him for Christmas a month ago that he hasn’t tired of for even a day. “I’ll go to bed. Yeah. Now’s fine.”
Meredith smiled despite her obvious desire to head to bed herself. She ruffled his sandy curls and asks, “What were you working on today?”
He beamed. “Just my cool Star Lord ship! Mama — mom?”  Meredith tilted her chin in a manner that told him to just ask. “Do you want to maybe read a quick book before bed? I mean, I can totally read to myself, I can read,” He emphasized, though truthfully he was behind for his grade and he has been struggling with basic books, but he didn’t want to worry his mother with one more piece of awful news. He’d been tossing the notes from his teacher in the trash and covering them with something gross so she wouldn’t know. “But you’re a better storyteller than me and I thought maybe…”
“Of course there’s time for a book before bed, if that’s what you want,” She responded sweetly. Letting him leave his spacecraft construction for another time, she didn’t even ask him to clean it up, just took his hand. “Do you want to read the next chapter in the book you’re reading at school?”
Due to the notes he’d tossed, she didn’t know he’d been downgraded from How to Eat Fried Worms and had been back to simple basal readers for two weeks. “No, no. I’m thinking something more classic. Something you used to read when I was half the man I was, and had half the strength I have now!”
She lead him to his room, covered from floor to ceiling in posters of all his favorites — Star Wars the most prominent of them. Peter crawled into bed and scooted close to the wall, leaving room for Meredith as she flipped through the old books from when he was younger, the few she’d picked up at yard sales over the years, as they didn’t own a ton of children’s stories. She was more of a library-trip-per-week sort of mom since it was something free to keep Peter busy for an hour; at least she had been that sort of mom before three months ago.
“Okay,” She smirked, holding up a title. She supposed it had been some time since she was last conscious enough to get through a book for him at bedtime, so the giddiness on his features was completely justified. She tried not to let guilt tear her apart.
“Yes, I still love this book even though I’m not a little kid.”
“Well I also still love this book and I’m definitely not a little kid,” Meredith teased him, kissing his nose as she slipped onto the mattress next to her son. He let out a contented sound and curled into her side, squeezing her tightly and nuzzling her arm. Meredith dropped another kiss to the top of his head.
“The night Max wore his wolf suit he made mischief of one kind and another…” Meredith’s familiar cadence washed over Peter and it was hardly long before his eyes droop until he shouted, “Be Still!” When it was time. Meredith rubbed his back, taming him just like a wild thing.
The book ended unceremoniously and it was too short and Peter was not ready for his mother to leave the room. As she told him sweet things and stroked his hair and kissed him three times and said a prayer, he clutched onto her hand, looking up at her with longing brown eyes to plead, “Please don’t go, I’ll eat you up, I love you so.”
Meredith was so tired. But as Peter’s eyes welled with tears of something that was impossible to verbalize for a little boy who was going through too many changes and anxious and a little bit lonely all the time, she laid down beside him, humming a comforting tune for him. “Baby don’t go…pretty baby, please don’t go. I love you so….pretty baby, please don’t go.”
“Mom?” Peter wondered, when he was almost asleep. “Can you put that book in my backpack?”
“Why?” She wondered, not sure that it was an appropriate read for school for a boy his age, no matter how much he loved it.
“That way, the next time we have a long night at the hospital, you can read it to me before grandpa comes?”
Peter jammed his finger on the pause button of the Zune, silencing Sonny and Cher. Maybe it wasn’t a completely easy memory to slip in and out of. He hadn’t heard the song since his mother sang it to him that night and when it came up on shuffle, it had been like a fist to the face.
Peter searched for a new song, relaxed in the comfortable chair in the lounge of what had been the Ravager’s ship that they’d made quick work of cleaning out over the last week since it became their second, much more spacious headquarters. Before he’d had a chance to sort through Thin Lizzy and Alice Cooper to the other random, random tracks that someone had downloaded to the device, Rocket suddenly appeared. He had a practically tantruming Groot following behind him, his little branch-like arms up, eyes squinted, tears on his cheeks and an awful sound that was not his usual coming from the back of his throat. Rocket looked as exasperated as the memory made Peter feel. “You’re it, Quill. I can’t listen to him anymore! He’s been carryin’ on like this for an hour! He don’t wanna play or eat or nothin’! Won’t say what’s wrong. Just hollerin’ like a baby.” He spit the word at Groot, who would usually stubbornly respond ‘I am Groot,’ — I’m not a baby! But their distressed, infantile colleague could just carry on in response.
“Well, he is a baby,” Peter said with a grunt, leaning over as Rocket rolled his eyes — of all of them, he still tried to think of Groot like a friend still, when clearly their little tree was not quite developmentally capable of that yet. “What’s wrong, bud?” Frowning a little at the sight of the toddler tree, Peter bent a hand low to try and comfort him, but Groot just walked up and kicked it pitifully, falling back onto his backside at the force and managing to scream louder.
“Oh, man, little dude! What’s gotten into you?”
He tried again to reach out, but Groot just flipped onto his side, kicking his arms and legs.
Rocket put a paw on his face and shook his head. ��I seriously can’t deal anymore tonight. I don’t wanna hurt the twig.”
The second insult still didn’t work and he tossed up in defeat. Peter could sense that Rocket must have been really through with the behavior, given he’d pretty much sacrifice anything at any time for his best friend.  
“I got ‘im,” He said quickly and Rocket mumbled something incoherent about building a sound-proof greenhouse as Gamora, soaked in a layer of sweat in athletic clothes, obviously heard the fuss on her way back from working out in the Ravager gym, stopped in the doorway.
“Hey,” Peter smirked at her, despite the thrashing foliage on the floor. The skin-tight spandex pants she wore revealed her muscular calves and a good portion of her midsection as her top was cropped shorter than usual. Her hair was slicked back in a braid, small sections falling out. “Good workout?”
“Sure,” She mumbled, crouching on the floor to examine Groot. “Rocket just deposited him to you like this?”
“Said he’s been at it for almost an hour, that he tried everything to get him to stop. If Groot doesn’t even want candy?” He emphasized and the screaming didn’t cease, “Something must be up. Maybe he’s getting sick? Can trees get sick?”
“I’m not sure…” Gamora reached out her hand, but didn’t touch Groot. She kept it comfortingly beside him as he sniffed and screeched. “You know what?” She realized, finding another frown, “He didn’t take a nap this afternoon when we were on Berhert looking for our missing parts. He was being too stubborn in his attempts to help. He’s probably just overly tired.”
Peter scowled a little at their own shortsightedness and Groot quieted for just a second as he realized Gamora was in the room. “Hi,” She said sweetly, softly. “Are you ready for bed?”
“I am Groot!” He yelled at first, but it ended in a loud cry.
“I know you’re not a baby,” She replied with gentleness. “But that does not mean you do not require sleep. I know I am particularly tired today.”
“I am Groot?”
“Being strong also is not a disqualifier for needing sleep,” She gave a dramatic yawn for show. “I aught to get cleaned up and go to bed.”
“I am Groot?”
Peter chuckled. “You want to go with her? Buddy, you’ve got your own bed.”
“I am Groot!” He wailed.
Rumpling his brow, Peter wondered, “You sleep with her regularly?”
“Started when we got here…” Gamora shrugged as she tried to keep a blush down. “He says that his bed is too big and he’s scared of getting lost in it and he doesn’t like to be alone so…”
“I’ve said the same thing yet you kick me out of your bunk when I try it.”
“You’re not a baby,” Gamora leered though there was humor in her gaze.
“I am Groot!”
“Of course, of course,” She rolled her eyes. “You’re not a baby, either.” Gamora looked down at her glistening chest and shrugged. “I will let you come to my room if you let me take a shower first. Can you stay with Peter for a little bit?”
“I am Groot,” He whined, flopping over onto his back and glaring at the captain.
Peter winked. “I got ‘im. C’mon, buddy. I’m gonna show you something cool.”
“Just…” Gamora winced. “Do not get him all wound up if we want him to sleep, please?”
“I’ve got something in mind,” Peter agreed, managing to scoop Groot up, who finally stopped fighting him.
Gamora disappeared to get herself showered and Peter got the little tree on his shoulder. “So, when I was tired but didn’t wanna sleep, you know what I used to ask my mom?” Groot shook his head. “Five more minutes?” Peter said in a jumbled, silly kid voice. “I’d say, ‘mom, pretty please with a cherry on top can I have five more minutes? Then, she would take me into my room and do something like read a book or sing for me.”
“I am Groot?”
“No, Gamora is not my mother, dude,” Peter almost chuckled. “I like her a lot and she likes me a lot…we’re…well, it’s complicated. But we’re friends.”
“I am Groot?”
“Well, no, I’ve never asked Gamora for ‘five more minutes,’ because she’s never told me to go to bed before.”
“I am Groot! I am Groot!”
“Well, it is fair, but no, it’s not because you’re a baby. But you know, it’s ‘cause you’re growing. And you gotta eat lots of vegetables and sleep if you want to get big and strong like me.”
“I am Groot.”
“Hey, I am too strong! Mouthy little thing.” Groot let out another distinct whine and flopped back against Peter’s chest, making him chuckle. “Dude. We are so not skipping out on nap time just because you want to be a helper in the future. Anyway,” He switched topics before Groot could argue, “I wanna show you something.”
He walked the little bugger to a storage compartment where he kept the majority of his special… stuff. It didn’t have a lock on it. Despite their general attitudes towards each other and them being a bunch of assholes, he did trust his team. They knew better than to mess with something of one another’s that was sentimental.
The drawer was fireproof, though, just in case someone else tried to mess with his family at large via the ship.
Groot tried to jump into the compartment, but Peter firmed up his grip and tugged out a thirty-some-odd-year-old backpack. “This was mine, when I was a kid. On Earth, where I’m from, you have to go to a place called school whether you like it or not.”
“I am Groot?”
“Nah,” Peter smirked and tickled his chin with his thumb, making Groot squirm. “You’re gettin’ the best schooling in the galaxy right here, pal. But…” He tugged at the zipper with one hand. “I wasn’t really using it for school the last time I had it on. I had to go places a lot, kind of like we do, only I was no hero then…that’s for sure…” He shook his head after a moment of silence. “So I had stuff in here that wasn’t really for school. And this,” He pulled out a very well-worn paperback book, with a monster like something he’d find on a planet probably just four jumps away on the cover. “Was one of my favorite bedtime stories.”
“I am Groot?”
“A bedtime story! It’s…when you don’t really want to go to bed, and you ask your mom for five more minutes, and she doesn’t really want to give them to you, but she does ‘cause she loves you so stinkin’ much, but she still has to be responsible. So she reads you a book instead. Even if you’re too old for that.”
“I am Groot.”
“Well, Gamora could read it to you,” He said, he’d trust her with his special book, however, “I’m right here, though and she’s getting all clean and smellin’ pretty just for you, so how ‘bout I read this to you while we wait.”
“I am Groot?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Yes, you can still ask Gamora for five more minutes when she gets back.”
He pouted shrugged, bringing a little hand to rub his eye. “I am Groot.”
“Great. Glad you’re ready,” Peter held back a chuckle, plopping into a chair and keeping Groot on his chest as he touched the title like his mother always did. “Where the Wild Things Are, story and pictures by Maurice Sendak.”
“I am Groot?”
“Well, if you listen,” Petter squeezed his leg playfully with one hand, “You’ll find out what a Wild Thing is. Ready?”
When Peter turned the first page, he didn’t even get a chance to read before Groot gave a gasp and leaned forward, delicately touching the fluffy tail of Max’s wolf suit in the illustration. “I am Groot!”
“That’s not Rocket,” Peter laughed. “That’s Max!”
“I am Groot?”
“That’s Max!” He tried not to let himself get carried away as he pointed to the face of the boy in the picture. “He’s a little boy. Probably like…six Earth years old. Older than you, but not by much. He’s just as naughty as you.”
“I am Groot?” He pointed to the blanket on a string and Peter sighed.
“He’s making a blanket fort.”
“I am Groot?”
“It’s this, when you take a bunch of blankets and make them into like a cozy place to hide or be alone.”
“I am Groot?”
“Well, he wants to be alone because…actually, you know…” Peter touched the expression on Max’s face. “I don’t think he wants to be alone. I think he just wants his mother’s attention.” He could relate to that a lot. “I think he’s actually lonely. So he’s carrying on like this,” He looked down at Groot with a little frown. “Because he doesn’t know what else to do to get his mother’s attention.” Kicking himself for not realizing why Groot was acting the way he was with Rocket before — and even himself, he gently rubbed the top of Groot’s head with his finger. Gamora would be back before the little bundle of sticks knew it.
“I am Groot.”
“That is sad, huh? You know, maybe I should read it. Let’s find out if Max gets happy, okay?”
Groot nodded and Peter cleared his throat, making sure there was no emotion. “The night Max wore his wolf suit he made mischief of one kind…” He flipped the page, “And another,” Groot gasped, not liking the way that Max was chasing the dog around in the image before him. Peter turned to the next one, “His mother called him ‘wild thing’ and Max said, “I’ll eat you up!’” Groot shook his head as Peter had a flash of Yondu saying the same thing to him and smiled sadly, carrying on, “So Max was sent to bed without eating anything.”
“I am Groot!”
“Max is gonna be hungry, huh. He should have been kinder to his mother.”
“I am Groot,” The little one on his chest looked down.
“Of course we still feed you even when you’re…well, you’re not bad. You just don’t always make good choices, especially when you’re tired or when we’re tired. But this is just a story, remember? Besides, I think you’ll like how it ends.”
Peter managed to read as the forest grew in Max’s room and he sailed over the sea, Groot’s eyes growing wide as he touched Max’s fierce stance on his little ship as he prepared to fight a sea monster.
“And when he came to the place where the wild things are they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.”
Groot covered his eyes and Peter quickly turned the page, practically still knowing the book by heart to know what would come next. “Till Max said, “BE STILL!” and tamed them with a magic trick of staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking once and they were frightened and called him the most wild thing of all.”
Peeking with another started sound, Groot stood up on Peter’s chest and shouted, “I am Groot!” holding his little hands up in the same way that Max did in the book.
“Are you going to be the most wild thing of all?” Peter asked with a little chuckle.
“I certainly hope not,” Called a gentle voice from the hall. Gamora had reappeared, squeaky clean in just minutes. Her hair was still wet and all tied up on the top of her head to be dealt with later. A pair of comfortable pants for sleeping was low on her hips, revealing gorgeous green skin. Peter swallowed hard.
“‘Xpected you to take a little longer.”
She leaned forward, her oversized shirt from some awful junk market they’d been too revealing too much with nothing underneath it (probably intentionally, Peter thought), “Well I knew I had a very over-tired somebody waiting on me, so I just wanted to wash the sweat off. “Are you ready, little wild thing?”
“I am Groot!?” He asked in a panicked tone, pulling his hands together under his chin and looking between her, the book, Peter, and back at the book.
“Five more minutes?” She chuckled. “Oh, you’re in the middle of reading,” Gamora said with a amusement in her voice.
“I am Groot,” He glanced up at Peter.
“Start over?”
“I am Groot!” Groot pointed to Gamora.
“That’s okay,  I have no need to start from the beginning,” She tried to start but Groot pouted hard and crossed his arms.
Peter winked at her, mouthing, “It’s short.”
At least, he assumed it would be, until he flipped back to the beginning and Gamora touched the same spot that Groot initially had saying, “It is a tail like Rocket’s!”
“It’s a wolf’s tail, a raccoon tail has stripes — like Rocket’s.” He said with an exasperated sigh the same time that Groot agreed with her, “I am Groot!”
Continuing to read, Gamora sat on her knees beside him, genuinely interested in the Earth bedtime ritual that involved reading of stories for children. There were no such works for children on Zen-Whoberi. Books anywhere in the Galaxy (outside of Earth, apparently) were honestly rare to come by, let alone with pictures meant for little kids.
“No wild rumpus,” Gamora whispered as Groot made a move like he was going to jump up and participate in his own halfway through the book (again).
“At least not before bed. Maybe tomorrow morning. You can boss Rocket around and tell him you’re his king.���
“I am Groot!” He approved of the plan.
Peter kept going, “…and Max, the king of all wild things was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.”
“I am Groot,” The littlest of the guardians sympathized, looking up at Gamora, who tried to hide her sympathy but didn’t do so well.
“Yes, that is why I let you stay beside me when you ask. It is hard to feel lonely.” She looked up at Peter with the smallest smile and shrugged. “But it is nice to have friends who can help you not to feel so alone.”
“I am Groot!”
“Hey,” Both Peter and Gamora corrected him at the same time. His best friends were the Guardians of the, “Freakin’ Galaxy.”
They read on as Max gave up his position in the forest, and the wild things told him, “Please don’t go, we’ll eat you up, we love you so!”
Gamora found that to be exceptionally cute as she looked at Groot, leaning back against Peter again, his eyelids so, so heavy as he struggled to stay awake for the end of the book.
As Max sailed in and out of weeks, Gamora observed Peter’s cadence getting a little slower as it came to an anticlimactic close. She imagined his mother must have read the book to him in much the same way when he was little.
“I am Groot!” Groot made a contented, happy sound almost like a giggle when he learned that Max had supper waiting for him in his room.
“…And it was still hot.”
“That is an excellent Earth legend, Peter,” Gamora said sincerely as he shut the book. He smirked as she used such high praise for a simple kid’s story. “Was this Maurice Sendak a philosopher of yours? Did he see the tale in a vision?”
Recalling several of the other oddly illustrated books by the guy that his mother had checked out of the library for him, Peter was quite sure, “Oh he was getting visions, though I don’t know they were celestial. More acid induced, probably. It was the sixties. Times were different.”
She didn’t know what that meant but accepted his answer seriously, as she usually did when he described anything about Earth. Groot had his eyes closed as he laid back Peter’s chest and Gamora smirked, nodding him towards the quarters she’s been sharing with Mantis since they arrived. “He could probably go in his own bed, if he’s already asleep?”
Gamora shrugged, voicing on his behalf, “I don’t want him to wake up feeling lonely.”
Nodding, Peter swiped his Zune and stuffed it in his pocket, carefully balancing Groot to stay in his sleepy position as they shuffled quietly down the hallway.
Gamora opened the door and gestured to the bed on the left, which had a little metal tool box on the nightstand beside it, with a red… “Is that my scarf?”
She shrugged. “He needed it more than you do. A regular blanket was too big,” She patted it and Peter tried to move with extreme caution, desperately hoping to keep the little guy asleep, but the movement was just enough to cause Groot to shoot up and cry, reaching up for Gamora. “Okay, okay.”
“I am Groot!”
“You have your own bedtime ‘ritual?’” Peter smirked, stuffing a hand in his pocket.
“I am Groot?”
“Sing?” He all-out smiled and took a seat on the edge of Gamora’s bed, making it obvious he wasn’t going anywhere for that. If she got to hear him read a bedtime story, he was going to hear her lullaby… “I’m just kidding, I can go,” He said when he watched her face go through a whole process.
“Um,” She was flushed as she held Groot on her shoulder and he cuddled into her. “I…it’s…”
“Seriously, I’m teasing —” He stood and was met with her other hand on his chest like a slap as she tried to let herself be vulnerable.
“You shared an important tradition from your home, so, I can share one, too.” She patted Groot’s back and took in a deep breath before sitting on the mattress with a little hum. “I, there’s…not many things I remember about home. I was so young and Thanos…he really manipulated most of my thoughts to make me forget. But, I…I never forgot the song my mother always used to sing before I went to sleep. In my cell in the Sanctuary, I could not sing it out loud. I would have been punished for that…but I would think it every night, so that no matter how much he tried to brainwash me, strip me of all the things important to me, I could never forget my mother’s song.”
Peter held his breath as Gamora hummed again, finding the tune. In a small, sweet voice she sang her people’s traditional lullaby for Groot, and him. There was such honor and privilege he felt to receive such a performance. “Foar tiid om te sliepen is it myn bern en de wyn groeit rêstich, en de loft is tsjuster, it is tiid, it is tiid. Ik sil jo hearre foar as jo rêstje, oant slûch jo forteart. Mar dan moatte jo allinich ôfdriuwe, mar noait echt allinich. Ik bin hjir, ik bin hjir, ik bin hjir.”
By the end, Groot was fully asleep again. Carefully, Gamora tucked him into Peter’s scarf in the little makeshift bed. Stroking his cheek, she smiled down at him then looked at Peter with a gaze that expressed a little bit of embarrassment, but mostly gratitude.
“That was beautiful,” He said with such genuine beam at her, it made her further blush. “What does it mean?”
“I…I’m not sure,” She responded with a longing sound from the back of her throat which meant she was suppressing a lump of emotion. “I do not remember our language. Just the song.”
“Gamora,” He frowned, opening his arm up. She let him hug her from the side. “It’s still beautiful. And I think it’s really sweet that you’re sharing it with Groot before he sleeps.”
Biting back a comment about how it would likely be the only time she ever got to share her mother’s song with a baby she was raising, Gamora added, “I really liked your story. How did you manage to keep it and your walking man and your orange-haired talisman all these years?”
Choking back a smile with how she referred to his stupid troll and broken music player, Peter explained how the book, among the other few possessions from 1988 had been in his transition bag from school to grandpa’s to hospital and that had been all he’d had on him when he was abducted.
“My mother also used to sing to me before bed.” He smirked, pulling out his Zune. “I didn’t hear this song since I left earth and it hit me like a ton of damn bricks earlier when it came up on shuffle.”
Offering her one of the earbuds, he clicked play and restarted the song. They got most of the way through it until Peter bit the inside of his cheek to keep from replicating the lyrics himself. “When I get to the city, my tears will all be dry. My eyes will look so pretty, no one's gonna know I cried.”
Gamora looked at the little album cover on the screen as the song started to fade. “Your mother, did she know Sonny and Cher?”
“She didn’t know them personally, but she admired the heck out of Cher. Sonny, well, poor guy. They’re basically like you and I, Sonny and Cher. Sonny was this guy with an annoying voice and bad haircut, and Cher was basically a goddess, but she saw something in him anyway and they were a great team.”
Gamora found a little grin at that. “I am hardly befitting of a goddess. I am physically more capable of you. But I do not believe you have a bad haircut, nor is your voice annoying. Just off-pitch.” He took his turn to let his cheeks flush through a chuckle. “Why did your mother pick their song as her lullaby if she did not know them personally? What was the meaning of it, then? Who sang the song to your mother, to pass down to you?”
“Oh,” He shrugged his shoulder. “That isn’t like, a traditional lullaby. I don’t think I know any of those. My mam—mother, she just liked to sing. Any song that came into her mind, so like, a different song every night. I can’t remember them all. But when this song came on, I remembered it very, very distinctly like a memory sucking me back in time.”
“Do you know of any traditional Earth lullabies we can sing to Groot?” She wondered with such an innocence about her, he was fairly sure she just wanted to hear him sing one for himself.
“I…” He thought back thirty years and shrugged. “I’m sure there was but they weren’t…just weren’t really important to me. I mean, there was a song they used to play on Sesame Street a lot that I’m pretty sure it was a lullaby.”
“Where is Sesame Street?”
“It’s where the air is clear,” He said in a joke that only he understood. “Sesame Street was a TV show, for children.”
“People of Earth value their children most dearly,” She said with her brow furrowed. “They make them telly-vision shows, movies, even books!” Peter shrugged, hiding another amused noise at her concept of ‘telly-vision.’ “What is the lullaby from this show?”
“Ernie, he was a muppet,” He paused, explaining, “That’s a puppet, which is like a plush animal, where a human controls it’s mouth and makes it look like it’s talking.” Gamora gave him a very confused expression but did not ask a clarifying question. “Ernie sang this song about the moon, and…good god, now that I’m thinking of it I think it might’ve been a warning for me,” He chuckled, trying to remember all of the words. “It went something like…Oh I’d like to visit the moon…but I don’t think I’d like to live there.”
“Well that is fortunate,” She said fighting her own smile. “You are well past the Earth’s moon out here.”
“Yeah,” He wound his arm around her again — he really had it in for the alien girl who was raising a talking stick with him (what a bedtime story that was). “You know, there’s another bedtime tradition on Earth that I could teach you about.”
“Hm?” She blinked up at him curiously finding a shit-eating grin stretched between his cheeks.
“A goodnight kiss.”
Gamora shoved off his chest playfully, responding, “Well, go ahead and give Groot a kiss goodnight before you leave.” She took her still-damp hair out of it’s bun and carefully reached into her nightstand drawer, taking out a brush and a tie. Peter extended a hand out and Gamora raised her brow.
“Are you going to tell me that hair brushing is also a bedtime custom on your planet?” She asked sarcastically.
“Nah,” He shrugged, taking the brush and starting to gently detangle her locks. “But we could make it a custom here.”
Flushing so her roots were pink like her ends, she let Peter brush her hair out with a surprisingly gentle hand. Gamora starved off a yawn. It was early, for the adults of the crew, but she supposed there was nothing wrong with succumbing to a very comfortable bedtime routine.
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awolfhasnoname · 5 years
The Night Wolf
Request: “Hi!!! I love your writing! Im not sure if you're writing for other GoT characters but if you are could I please get a request for Grenn? I really want to see a Stark reader, like Jons sister to go to the wall like Sansa did and fall for Grenn. Maybe she can have her own dire wolf and Jon thinks they died at the Red Wedding but they fought their way out. Grenn doesn't know what to do at first because of his vow? IDK if that makes sense or is too vague but just make it up as you go hehe!”
Grenn x OC!Stark
A/N: So as per usual I got carried away with this haha, not everything is covered in this because I will be writing a second part. I really hope you like this as its my first time writing for Grenn! I also used this opportunity to use an OC id been working on, I hope you don't mind!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, Usual GoT warnings.
Words: 1.3K
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters (except for Lyria) or gif(s) used below.
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“There’s someone approaching the gate.” A smaller man announced to Grenn, before being met with a questioning look, “A hooded figure, they are approaching quickly,” Grenn nodded before instructing the man, “Go and tell the Lord Commander,” before climbing down the stairs towards the gate.
As the stranger rode in, Grenn stood back, hand finding the hilt of his sword preparing for the worst. “State your business.” As the figure dismounted he noticed they were quite smaller than they appeared on the horse. They stepped forward and removed the hood that covered their face, Grenn froze hand dropping from his sword immediately when he saw the face behind the hood.
The face of a beauty. Soft lips set into a serious expression, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders in soft waves but what he noticed most was her eyes, those beautiful stark grey eyes. Which he then noticed were focused solely on him forcing him to regain his composure. “I wish to speak to the Lord Commander.” The confidence in her voice surprised Grenn slightly, “What business do you have with the Lord Commander,” he asked, voice softer than before.
The woman went to answer but before she could a flash of white leapt towards her knocking her to the ground, “Ghost!” Grenn immediately yelled running over to try to help the woman, but all he was met with was laughter. Her laugh was as soft as she looked, the melody filling him with warmth.  When he reached the pair she was still giggling, pushing the giant dire wolf off her, “Get off, you big lump,” she sighed as his weight was finally removed.
Grenn reached out a hand to help her up but the sudden movement caught Ghost off guard, he jumped before the Stranger growling at Grenn. “Ghost!” The woman snapped before turning her gaze back to Grenn, “I’m so sorry! I guess he’s still a bit protective of me,” she giggles as she soothes the dire wolf back to his normal self. Before he could react, a voice boomed from behind them “Lyria?” Jon’s pace quickened as he walked towards them, Ghost taking to his side as he reached them. Grenn looked at the woman, of course she was Lyria Stark. He had heard stories about her, her beauty, the Stark warrior, the night wolf. He had also heard she was dead, seen his brother in arms mourn for her.
A smirk grew on her face as she spoke to her brother, “Lord Commander hey?” she jested. She barely got the words out before she was being pulled into his arms, he held her tighter than he ever head. She could feel his sadness, his loss and she reprimanded herself for not coming sooner. Pulling back he looked her over, “Are you okay? I thought you were dead! I heard about Robb and Catelyn, you were supposed to be at the Twins too?” Grenn noticed the pain in her eyes as Jon spoke about the wedding, “I was…” but Jon stopped her from continuing, noticing the many curious eyes around them, “We will talk about it inside.” He instructed before looking around again.
“Where’s Shadow?” Jon noticed the smirk on Lyria’s face as she pointed behind the two and sure enough upon one of the many open walkways of the castle sat a large dire wolf, just smaller than ghost and as black as night. The wolf sat carefully hidden in the shadows before heading towards them. His bright red eyes focused on the two men as he sat in front of Lyria. Sniffing at Grenn curiously.
“Great now there’s two wolves,” Grenn mumbled. Lyria giggled causing a slight blush to appear across Grenn’s face, “Don’t worry, Shadow and I won’t be a bother.” A stout man spoke up then, Lyria hadn’t seemed to notice him watching from a distance. “You won’t be a bother because you won’t be staying here, no room for women at castle black.” As he stepped closer a low growl could be heard from Shadow, Jon was about to shut the man down but Grenn stepped forward surprising both Lyria and Jon, “Shut it Vigdis, it’s up to the Lord Commander where she stays.” But Vigdis just laughed, “Got a crush on the little stark bitch, aye Grenn?” Before Grenn could respond Jon snapped, “Enough both of you. Come on Lyria, we will talk inside.”
The pair and their wolves made their way inside leaving Grenn staring after her, not noticing Pyp’s presence next to him. “Who’s the girl?” he questioned. “Lyria Stark, Jon’s sister.” Pyp looked up at him noticing how his eyes hadn’t left the girl and laughed, “Dream on, Grenn.”
Jon wished he had dinner sent up to them instead of eating in the hall like they usually did, Jon could feel the stares of the men but it didn’t seem to bother Lyria. She was laughing and discussing better times, “I missed you brother, things hadn’t been the same since you left.” Jon could see the pain in her eyes as she began reminiscing on when everything had started to go wrong for the Starks, “This is all because of that fat prick of a King, if father hadn’t gone to Kings Landing with him we would all still be alive and well in Winterfell.” A tear slid down her cheek before she could stop it, she quickly brushed it away before changing the subject.
Grenn watched on from a table near the pair, watching her smile fade as she wipes a tear away. He can feel the strain in his chest as he fights the urge to approach the table, luckily enough he’s snapped out of his thoughts by Sam, “She’s quite pretty isn’t she?” he remarks, Grenn just feigns disinterest, “She’s alright,” he mumbles as he turns his attention back to his sub-par dinner. Pyp scoffs from next to him, “Alright? Is that why you can’t keep your eyes off her.” Grenn opened his mouth to argue when he heard that same melodic giggle that had already warmed his heart a few times that day, turning to see the beauty standing by the table and Jon nowhere to be seen.
“Grenn, was it?” he couldn’t do anything but nod, “My brother had to meet with some of the free folk, but he said you were the one to see about going to the top of the wall?” He still didn’t respond, not seeming to be able to find any words at the moment, her smile began to fade as she continued, “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a burden, I’m sure I can find my way up there.” She turned and began walking towards the door, slightly embarrassed by the small rejection. She had just made it outside when she heard a voice behind her, “Wait, Lady Stark.” He paused to regain some breathe, obviously trying to reach her in some haste, “I can take you up the wall.” He watched the soft smile grace her face and felt his stomach flutter, “Only if you’re not too busy, I do not wish to be a burden,” He barely let her finish before jumping in, “Not a burden at all my lady, I’d be honoured.” A sheepish smile crossed his face as he spoke to her, she simply nodded feeling a slight heat reach her cheeks as he looked at her. “Lead the way.”
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ptsd-and-autistic · 5 years
Some food tips for if you’re starving and poor.*
By me, a 19 year old trying to feed myself and 3 teenagers on basically minimum wage, because my parents won’t do it. (you can support us at paypal.me/infinityskies but you dont gotta)
*note: some of these foods are expensive in time or resources if you aren’t careful, but im poor and hungry and prioritize that im feeding teenagers who wont eat if it isnt “good” **note 2: most prices are according to how much it’ll cost you, as a whole, but things like bread and eggs’ prices are rounded down to like a dollar bc theyre large packs. Realistically im just guessing because im 19 and im tired
Where to buy foods, realistically
Go to the dollar tree/ 1$ store near you.
I know, I know, I don’t want to do it either. But grab rice, beans, ramen, canned veggies, nuts, canned fruits, quick oats, trail mix packs, peanut butter and any other essentials you can find. You can find a lot there, but not everything. Try to find cooking oil and salt if you can- don’t buy anything refrigerated if you can help it. Some of them are safe, others are worth avoiding. Look out for spices you might want, or other comfort foods they seem to have ingredients for. While you’re there, look for other essentials, hygiene and vitamins, etc.  Essentials can also include some snacks that’ll make you feel better because youre overwhelmed by everything going on rn and the stress of it all. 
Go to your local shoppers/ grocery store going out of business/ cheap grocery store
Buy other things there, things you wouldn’t trust from the dollar tree. Milk, bread and eggs are my go tos, but also see if you can afford to get yourself a bag of some sort of fresh veggie and a couple fresh fruits. I can usually find nice bread for about 3$ at them, which is good enough for me bc i need something to make me motivated.
Now what to actually do with those foods
Ramen packet instructions, an extra cup of water. Boil water, and scramble an egg while you’re at it. 1 egg per 1 or 2 packets ramen, depending on taste and money. Larger chunks feel like more, so if you don’t like it but need the protein, try smaller pieces. If youre hungry and like it, do the opposite. Cut your fresh veggie while you keep waiting for the water to boil. I like carrots, but other veggies probably work. You want a fresh veggie so it doesnt all just taste like mush. Add your fresh veggie and the noodles at the same time. Follow your normal habits for flavor packet, i dont care. When the noodles are done, add some canned veggies bc theyre good for you even if you hate them. Usually my 1 can lasts about 4 packets. Add the egg too. Add salt to taste if you can. If you dont like the soup, dont add the extra cup. Veggies absorb water. 
about 4$ per meal?
not gonna lie this ones easy buy the canned fruits? cut them up and add them in reasonable amounts, you can make a can last as long as you like. Save the syrup for when youre out of the fruit itself. When it’s done cooking, sometimes adding the nuts you bought helps. 
2-3$ per meal ?
Toast and Eggs
again, obvious and easy, but if youre buying cheap bread and eggs, you can usually make a sandwich out of them to make them a little more bearable. If you can afford spam or meat or something its usually a good addition. 
2-3$ is my best guess
Rice and Beans
okay realistically i know im expecting people to have a place to go back to and also to sit through a list of things they probably already know, but dollar tree spices and canned veggies/ tomato paste can help make this bearable too, and give you some diversity to your meals. 
about 2-4$ depending on how fancy you want it, ig
this is just a quick reminder you can get 3$ fancier bread at some stores and sometimes you can get peanut butter and jelly at the dollar tree
so its like 5$ i guess? bc the bread price???
Idk guys im tired and hungry but cycling through these foods isn’t so bad. and they have lots of stuff you need. to be fair im supplementing them with dollar store snacks because wow am i depressed about this situation im in, but those help out too.
Good luck out there. 
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tfdior · 6 years
bleeding love — christian x polo [ élite netflix ]
i noticed the lack of ot3 and christian & polo content so here i am!! send me some prompts if you want more. i’ve never written for these characters so sorry if this sucks ass. also it’s kinda a mess. this takes place after season one so spoilers, obviously. <3
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gif credit: nanogarcias
— ANOTHER day pasted without marina and polo’s burden on christian’s shoulders. another day where christian found himself wondering why he hasn’t told the truth and left his best friend to rot behind bars. he almost did it once or twice: let nano’s innocence slip between his lips. but yet here he sat, quiet and reserved, with the key to the cell of an innocent (well, somewhat) man’s release untouched.
christian tapped his pencil anxiously (it’s become a habit now), listening to the rythmic taps rather than whatever the teacher was rambling about. a soft, well manicured hand was placed over his own and put a halt to the beat of his nerves.
“you alright?” carla questioned soothingly, but she knew damn well what was on his mind. hell, she was the cause of it. well, her and… christian dared to take a glance at polo. he resided in the back of the classroom, distant and aloof. he only smiled when spoken to now and it never reached his eyes. polo’s eyes met his own and his head snapped forwards. he just huffed in response to carla, shaking his head.
they haven’t spoken much since the incident, christian and polo at least. carla is constantly trying to maintain a facade of a healthy relationship with christian. behind closed doors she’s as emotionless as polo. they’ve had a secret rendezvous once or twice, but polo barely ever speaks while carla gives the boys instructions.
“we should talk later, yeah?” carla spoke up while gathering her books, breaking through christian’s thoughts. he looked up at her perched on the desk and nodded. “…all of us”.
he was a little reluctant to agree then but he knew there was no way of getting out of it. if he wasn’t with them, he was against them and christian knew what they were capable of.
after class the brunette headed towards the locker room. sam forgot his tie again and this time came prepared with an extra in his locker. if there was one thing that hasn’t changed, it was christian’s friendship with sam. christian was enjoying the normality of it as long he could.
he bursted into the locker room, thinking it’d be empty during passing period and he didn’t mind being the center of attention anyways. unfortunately, the only person to give attention to him was the wrong one.
they stood there for a moment staring at each other, wondering who’ll say the first word or turn their head away first. eventually, christian spoke up, pointing back towards the door, “i-i’ll come back later”.
“no, christian…” polo began as the boy started in the direction of the exit. his hand touched the handle when polo’s arm pressed up against door in order to hold it shut, barely grazing the other boy’s ear. “christian, wait”.
christian didn’t dare say anything, let alone turn around. instead he pressed his forehead against the cool, grey wood and stayed silent, waiting for polo to take the hint and leave him alone. nevertheless, his warmth could still be felt up against christian’s back. it surprised him. every since the murder he never associated polo with anything other than cold.
tired of the tension, christian spun around and realized how close the other actually was. he took a deep breath and polo could feel it upon his cheek. he took a step back shyly due to the proximity and dropped his arm.
“look polo, i’m not your fucking friend anymore,” christian spat out dryly. the boy looked down at his shoes, clearly taking offensive to the comment. christian wondered how stuck up he must be to think anyone would wanna be friends with him after that.
“i don’t think we were ever friends,” polo stuttered, stare tearing from his shoes and onto the other. christian fumed, fist slamming onto a nearby locker. the resonating clang made polo cringe.
“we were never anything polo!” he yelled, chest heaving as he turned to the boy. “you used me!”
polo’s cheeks turned a shade of crimson and he caught christian’s contagious anger. “you used me, christian!“ he seethed, “i thought you liked it. i thought you liked me.”
“after all that’s happened, i don’t understand how anyone could like you,” christian stated solemnly. polo stood there, finishing his last breath before breaking. he fell towards christian, tears streaming down his cheeks as he wrapped him in an embrace. a thousand apologizes were muttered against his ear in between broken sobs.
christian was hesitant to return the gesture. his arms were still lingering by his sides but eventually they found their way around polo’s waist. unable to take the weight of them both, the pair slid to the floor with their backs against the door and stayed there until the bell rang.
it was a week later when carla’s meeting took place. there were staggered entrances to carla’s mansion in order to avoid suspicion, polo arriving last. when he stepped into the parlor with the other accomplices waiting his eyes immediately went to christian.
they hadn’t interacted since their encounter in the locker room. it’s not like carla would allow them to anyways. they’ve exchanged glances but not words.
he took a seat next to christian per usual as carla stood in front of the pair on the couch as she delivered her speech. nothing changed from her original game plan. christian thinks she just holds these meetings to put on some facade for herself that’s she has everything under control.
“polo will you listen to me for once?” carla blurted out suddenly. well, that was new christian thought. polo snapped up from wherever his mind wandered off to.
“sorry, i just- i wasn’t paying attention,” he admitted, looking down at his hands. they just barely brushed the other boy’s sat next to him.
carla tolled her eyes. “obviously,” she retorted. “i’m doing all of this for you polo, you know that right? we’re doing all of this for you! so i think we’d all appreciate it if you’d stop being so disrespectful and listen to me. you can manage that, right?”
christian cleared his throat and copied polo’s gaze to their side by side hands. he moved his pinky barely an inch to lock with polo’s. he wasn’t really sure why. “of course carla,” he said finally, “im sorry”.
carla was either too busy prentending everything was okay or too anxious to realize that her two accomplices were holding hands the rest of the meeting.
polo didn’t know what he was expecting the monday after the meeting, but he was excited for the next day at school. that was the first time in a long time he felt anything other than nothing.
he gazed at the door watching all the students file in and finally the one he was looking for. polo didn’t know what he was expecting when christian walked through the door but he couldn’t help but be disappointed when he recieved what he always did: eye contact. it was then that it hit polo that that was the only contact they’d ever be able to have for awhile. he sunk in his desk.
it was halfway through the class when his world came crashing down. he didn’t comprehend what was happening at first. it started with murmurs and then the heavy footsteps of boots.
“polo,” the officers spoke, “we need you to come with us”.
he just stood there, unable to move. it was christian who spoke first. “polo…” he said slowly, rising from his desk. carla rugged at his blazer while holding back tears.
“christian-“ polo started but got cut off by an officer grabbing his arm to lead him out of the room.
“hey, you can’t just fucking do that!” christian yelled as he advanced towards the officers. one of them held him back as he tried to make his way to the one’s escorting. polo fought back too but he was no match to two officers. “polo!”
the taller boy managed to get one arm free as he reached towards christian, calling out his name once more. he grabbed christian’s extended hand for a moment in between the mess of officers before they were torn away by the chaos.
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