#okay im done writing my paragraph of text
yoylechess · 8 months
feel almost neurotypical today.... i got a ton of shit done in succession with like almost no thought.... scary....
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oceansprompts · 1 year
text message prompts
[text] You okay?
[text] GO TO BED!
[text] hey you better be alive in there
[text] SOS save me please holy shit
[text] call me this date is going so bad
[text] I have way too much shit to do.
[text] Honestly I'm really worried about you.
[text] Why are you trending on Twitter?
[text] Please let me come over and pet your (pet).
[text] We are in the same building, you could come talk to me.
[text] It's not going to work out.
[text] This is a terrible idea.
[text] people have fetishes
[text] They really do crucify anyone these days huh
[text] I don't know why but that really means me want to stab you
[text] That movie was awful.
[text] For the love of god please help me
[text] I fucked up. I fucked up really bad.
[text] I'm blocking you.
[text] I regret swiping right.
[text] Everyone lies on their dating profiles.
[text] That absolutely can't be an actual picture of you.
[text] This forced open my third eye and I saw the devil
[text] I'm like a child in line for the newest fucked up disney ride
[text] That's just all fucking sorts of fucked up
[text] Why are we here? To suffer? Every other day I get messages that cause pain
[text] In the department of old man fucking, we've got you beat.
[text] have you gotten any work done?
[text] I am beyond shame, try again
[text] You left your left your underwear at my place.
[text] Don't you dare put this on Facebook.
[text] My brother in Christ you're being haunted
[text] I want to wring you like a wet towel and slap you against a wall
[text] The mind is weak but the body is funky
[text] I'm a zombie the law can't stop me.
[text] Jealous of my massive honkers
[text] We left you to die to play minecraft
[text] She would never ever take away one of these stupid fucking hats
[text] I puked all over the Uber driver's backseat.
[text] I just took a screenshot of that and posted it to Reddit
[text] You said you'd be right back and it's been months.
[text] Can't we talk about this face to face?
[text] Yeah, you'll come learn I just have a thing for milk
[text] Why did you like one of my pics from 2014?
[text] Now's as good a time as any to exchange nudes.
[text] Why would you send me an eggplant emoji?
[text] I write five paragraphs, pouring my heart out, and all you reply with is k?!
[text] Who would dare to lie on the internet?
[text] When I die, please delete all my shit off the internet
[text] He's so hot, I briefly started texting like a straight person
[text] And because I'm god and I've decided that; no, in fact, I'm not done.
[text] I know you love bloopy reggae jams, now is not the time.
[text] You better not be standing catatonic in your room again.
[text] God has abandoned his children but unfortunately for you I pay child support and I will smite thee.
[text]: My neighbor just told me he can fix my water heater for 50 bucks. I’m skeptical.
[text]: Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy apples? I paid 10 dollars for 6.
[text]: I mean, I wouldn’t say I have a problem with buying Squishmallows..
[text]: Hey, so you know how you told me no dog? *sends pic* I don’t do well with no’s.
[text] Stuart Little is a bitch and Remy could take him any day.
[text]: My roommate just said that Lola Bunny is hot. I’m moving out.
[text]: Hey I posted that vid of you drunk, singing Ariana Grande, wearing all black and people said not to do it again. Sorry.
[text]: Do you think the price is ever right? Like, I feel like it’s not.
[text]: I booped your nose. Boop the last five people you texted or–nothing happens really.
[text]: I’m actually in the ER and it’s a long story that involves Best Day Ever from spongebob.
[text]: I fucking hate you–wait you’re not my ex. Who are you?
[text]: You ever ask yourself if birds see a bee and just go ‘wow a bee’? im high.
[text]: sometimes all i think about is–sour patch kids. bet you thought it was you.
[text]: I love you—not as much as I love my dog. But still a lot!
[text]: I found a cat on the way home and now it’s mine. But it hates my guts so this should be fun.
[text]: I have questions about the marvel cinematic universe…how long do you have?
[text]: why do donald duck and winnie the pooh not have to wear pants but other people do?
[text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky.
[text]: I bought too much soap off etsy and now I don’t know what to do with it…I smell like Captain America.
[text]: On a scale of one to ten, how many drinks would you need to sleep with me? This isn’t a tiktok trend…or it is.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
let’s get angsty bc my cycle is late again and nO IM NOT PREGNANT SHADDUP-
Kuroo is known for being ridiculously focused.
When he’s in it, he’s fully into the thick of it, throwing himself into the responsibility of making his work the best it can be, the words and statistics being all he knows for those many hours he sits, tapping his fingers on the laptop on his desk.
Nothing else can weasel its way into his focus when he’s working on something. 9 times out of 10, he’s immune to the interruptions of the outside world.
But nothing snaps him out of a focus more than your pretty voice. Especially if it’s in distress.
But he’s not perfect.
“What’s up, princess?” He hums, barely looking up from his laptop. He merely pushes the glasses on his nose up and continues to type. He hears you sigh softly and shift on your feet.
“Todays just… been rough,” you explain, and finally Tetsuro pauses to look at you. “Do you… do you think you could come and cuddle? I know you’re busy but… but I really need you.”
Tetsuro smiles and nods understanding, “yeah baby. Just let me wrap up this paragraph or two and I’ll come right down. Make sure you eat something okay? Don’t wait for me.”
You smile hopefully and nod, slipping out of his study to your room, letting Tetsuro right back to his work. He makes a mental note of the time before cracking his neck and diving right back in.
One sentence turns to a paragraph. Then, one paragraph turns to two. Two to three. Three eventually becomes two pages and Tetsuro is on a writing high that he can’t stop; he’s smiling at his own work, eagerly gnawing his lip and beyond excited to finally wrap this shit up, and-
He’s interrupted by a buzzing on his desk.
Annoyed, he tries to pause it to stop, but when he can’t, he groans in frustration before picking up his phone.
22:30 : Medicine.
It isn’t until his medicine alarm goes off that he realizes how late it’s gotten. It’s been four hours since you came in.
When he snoozes his alarm, there’s a text from you that shatters his heart: gn i guess
Immediately, Tetsuro feels sick to his stomach. He doesn’t even bother shutting off the lights and saving the documents on his computer before he flies down the stairs and into the room, chest heaving and breath caught in his throat when he sees the heatable bear encased in your arms, light from the tv casting a shadow on your features. He tries so hard to keep his breathing quiet, he knows he let you go to bed alone, cold and in your own head waiting for his stupid ass to come down and be with you.
He swallows thickly before he shuffles over to you, plopping on the edge of the bed and trying to keep you comfortable. He doesn’t want to wake you, not when he’s done so much already.
“I’m sorry, angel,” he whispers, thumb gently smoothing over your temple. You whimper and angle your head into the warmth of his hand. “Fuck, I’m so sorry…”
Sometimes, when Tetsuro talks to you in your sleep, you give him a smile, a little quirk of the lips at the tone, and he takes it as a sign that you’re there with him and you can feel his love even if you’re not conscious to witness it.
Tonight, though, your brows furrow. Your throat releases a meager noise of distress and he sinks his teeth into his lip; even as you welcome his touch, it’s as if his words still distress you, and you’re hurt. Your nose lets out small, huffy breaths, and you crush the bear tighter to your chest.
He lets his head down in defeat before kissing your head one more time before standing up; he shuffles like a zombie up back into the small study and shutting everything down: slamming his laptop shut, snatching the cold cup of tea and aggressively flicking off the lights to go back and join you in bed.
He plants the tea on his nightstand before curling up next to you under the covers, careful to keep his cold feet away from you. He tugs you softly to his chest wordlessly and buries his head against your neck, arms heavy and caging to keep you against him.
He wishes you could feel the way he’s blinking back his frustrated, remorseful tears. He wishes you could’ve had your last awoken moments be filled with cuddles and giggles and stolen kisses and playful bites.
But no. Instead, you needed him, you came and asked for him, and he couldn’t stop himself for one damn hour to be with you.
“I’m so sorry, babydoll.”
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quirkthieves · 3 months
i really don't want to dignify this with more than i have to, but okay. speedrun to address all those paragraphs because i really did not bother reading most of it i literally just woke up
-a dni isnt a callout. its just a boundary. in fact, the reason i said i didnt want close friends of ire to interact was for reasons like this, where this grown adult proceeds to flip the fuck out on people. i didnt make a callout. there wasnt anything callout worthy. just someone being a douchebag. in fact, i was fine interacting with mutuals of ire and ire themselves all the way up until shit hit the fan, in which case i think im very well justified in saying "yeah i dont think our circles should interlap very much". you know, after ire flipped out on Marx, because marx is a friend of mine and anyone who can do that to a mutual friend just because we're mutual friends and just because marx is friends with lys is ridiculous. i wont go into marx's stuff unless they want me to but are you for real rn
-i can post our full convos if you really want i kept the screenshots but here's the rundown: first: saying rxgelord writing age up smut was just "his business" was kinda weird. im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you didnt really mean it that way because you just wanted to argue semantics with me.
and thats the bigger thing than whether it was about rxgelord, myers, whatever. the reason i left the server and the reason i decided i didnt want anything to do with you was because you went out of your way to nitpick and argue about semantics with me, sometimes for over an hour. with rxgelord? okay, whatever. idc. that guy was deeply unserious anyway. myers? that one was just bad faith because everyone knows we were being facetious and silly with the whole "cheating with himself" thing-- the point was that he had done shit like making alt accounts to date himself when he had actual partners because he was someone who frequently and grossly misused peoples trust, we were just wording it in kind of a jokey way because i did not think you needed that written out for you, and the third one, which wasnt about drama at all and is the ACTUAL reason i left
the third one had to do with me expressing that something in the server had blown up very quickly and gone very fast and was a bit hard to keep up with. i asked maybe we have a log channel and be a bit better about plotting because both myself and others had to deal with unintended consequences on our characters we werent prepared for regardless of how much we participated.
ire then proceeded to spend an hour with me arguing about if it "even actually counted because it was in text format" and saying they "didnt understand discord rp" despite having run servers in the past. this went on for an hour. i was polite, because at no point was ire ever actually bringing up a point that was contrary to my own-- ire was just trying to nitpick what i was saying and went out of their way to call my feelings unimportant, amongst other things. after the rxgelord and myers things, i realized that ire was very dedicated to misunderstanding me at every junction, was intentionally trying to put down how i felt in any given situation regardless of severity, and very much wasting my time. im not stupid. i decided it wasnt worth trying to stick it out and tolerating something that was going to be triggering for me (im in an intensive trauma therapy program right now and being demeaned and nipped at is not going to help when i already spend so much of my week in an episode or the aftermath thereof, and i know i can have a temper problem!), so i left, because unlike ire i felt no need to be hostile to people in the server regardless of how i felt about them. and then ire decided to be a massive dickhole to a bunch of my friends, so now we're here.
kind of weird the focus is on me and how abrasive i am when so much of their shit was about lys, but whatever. shrrrrrrugs. and again, i have the screenshots of our spats in the server but it reallllly doesnt matter? because thats what this is? petty spats? why am i catching this splatter again
anyway, calling me a crazy tweaker and an edgelord for being mad at [looks at notes] the man who gave me a seizure and lied and gaslit me for two years is kinda wild. arent you a dabi roleplayer? you love this shit. put me on your blog, i can send you pics for your graphics and everything.
anyways, back to your regularly scheduled tweaking out. love you all.
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gemstone-gynoid · 4 months
used to think essays were terrible. all through elementary to middle school. but in high school i realized i was great at writing. i can let a stream of thoughts easily down onto paper or on a keyboard and it will at least be okay.
One of my tactics is to kinda just close my eyes as i type. i'm skilled in touch typing anyways so i can look away while typing. and closing my eyes means i dont need to visually see the writing and have to feel awkward about what i'm writing. I typed this whole paragraph with eyes closed. The paralysis of seeing a blank screen of course goes away if I can't see the blank screen.
Another technique is extrapolated from rules. usually it would be something like 12 point font, double spaced, page number requirements. sometimes i will type the essay in tiny font, single spaced. so as i type, paragraphs continue to seem small, and im still under the page requirements. when i'm done bullshitting as much as i can i'll return the text to the requirements, expanding the document to maybe more than needed.
And i usually underestimate myself. but even my bullshitting is finely stated. in recent writing online classes part of it is submitting a response to a task, then giving a response to another person's response. half the classmates give well done responses, the other half seem to never have typed before. so i can feel encouraged that my writing is at least average.
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fictionfixations · 16 days
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Hanya: Could it be that the signal from the Shackling Prison is still blocked? Hmm... they proposed maintenance last year, but it's been delayed in the approval process...
i sure hope thats changed now (2.4-2.5 go brr)
OH MY GOD thats a huge wall of text. i was just clicking to speed up the texts and i just get hit with walls upon walls of texts and then it kept going and im like OKAY HOLD ON I CANT READ THAT FAST and trying to speed it up so i can scroll back and read it and theN BRRRR like holy fuck 😭
anyway context: hanya wrote this for her sister (who likes thriller novels). apparently its her first attempt. its called Seawater
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Hanya: Judges have forever grappled with the burden of excruciating decisions. Among them, few weigh on their conscience as heavily as the relentless pursuit of the betrayer. Motivated by greed, disdain, or the intoxication of danger, comrades can swiftly transform into enemies. And when the moment arrives to dispense justice upon a former ally in the name of the revered Ten Lords, the torment becomes unbearable. The place I now journey towards bears witness to a heart-rending spectacle. Long ago, I meticulously constructed a trap to ensnare the perpetrator who conspired with the Denizens of Abundance. This elusive criminal, known only as "Seawater," peddled invaluable secrets, unraveling the intricate tapestry of the Alliance within the Ryansnaut Sector. Engaged in an unyielding battle with "Seawater" for an extended duration, I now find myself poised to tighten the noose. As I hasten towards the scene, a vivid tableau unfolds within my mind. A greenhorn Cloud Knight, a spirited street performer, a guileless foxian girl, and one enigmatic Nameless... Which among them could be "Seawater"? And when the truth is ultimately unveiled, how shall I confront the inevitable, merciless denouement...? Without warning, an arrow, launched from the shadows, pierces my heart. I collapse to the ground, I find my gaze locked onto the countenance of the assailant... Trailblazer: Wait, hold on a sec! Are you seriously planning to send me the entire novel through text messages!? Hanya: Sorry. I'm not done yet. "Seawater... It is you!" It ends here. That's all I've managed to write so far. I'm a bit stuck and need some advice.
im so sorry if there are any typos or if i typed the wrong word but thats a lot of text 😭 i usually write the texts together but separating it for each text sent. i dont know if that makes sense, but since she was sending a novel i thought itd be a better idea to actually put space in between the paragraphs so its not just all clumped together in a difficult to read block of text (also its a personal thing because i for the life of me i struggle so bad keeping track of where i am reading SUPER long blocks of text cause i keep accidentally losing my place or reading the wrong sentence in combination with another)
the reason we are suspects is because xueyi told her its easier to write characters based on familiar faces
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Hanya: My sister mentioned that it's easier to write a novel when the characters are based on familiar faces. I've been thinking about it. Maybe it's because you guys are always too kind for me to imagine you doing anything evil. No wonder I'm stuck now. Perhaps I should draw inspiration from the criminals I usually deal with.
also she hasnt decided on who seawater (the criminal) should be
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prpfz · 17 days
🍄 Heyy! I’m looking for any 18+ people interested in a fandomless RP on discord! For pairings I’m looking for FxM and FxF, and I have a few ideas as to how we can go about it, but im also more than happy to brainstorm once we get talking!
1: Our characters are students at an all-magical school, we can cover different periods of time from when they started, sometime in the middle to a graduation and beyond. (For this particular idea, 🍪 would be okay or they could simply be aged up)
2: Our characters are childhood bestfriends and at some point banded together to form a sort of “Mystery Gang”, they go around their odd and eerie town to try and prove to the other locals that things aren’t as they seem.
3: Our characters are Aliens, they’ve adorned human-like appearances and have gone rogue from their mission, they try to fit into society and maybe some succeed and some don’t.
4. Zombie Apocalypse, pretty self explanatory. We could do a few different ways for the outbreak and whether or not our characters knew each other beforehand.
Ideally I’d like to find a writing partner that is comfortable utilizing multiple characters, as I want these ideas to not be limited to just two. Personally I like to portray both female and male charas and would have an equal balance of each. All themes are okay with me and will depend on the plot idea we go for, and for smut I do not mind teasing it within writing but will ultimately want to fade to black.
Writing will be done in third person past tense and there will be a minimum of three paragraphs per reply, I can happily accommodate more and my starters tend to be on the lengthier side. If we go for a more modern approach with the server, I’d like to include text channels for characters that aren’t involved in an ongoing thread. FCs can be celebrities or purely written description, I do have a few in mind but they are not dealbreakers!
If this interests you, please interact and I’ll reach out and ask a few questions!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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jekacatrina · 7 months
hi i was re reading here here (again, for abt the bazillion time) and now im losing it jeka what have you done i was on a high from all the encouragement from shouto all might and literally everyone, and and the confession happened AND IM NOT OKAY you did not pull your punches with that scene cause when THAT happened, i felt like someone bitch slapped ME like wtf WHY im so unwell, im shaking hold me still pls, like i need to go on a walk to calm myself its not that serious BUT IT IS, WDYM, IM NOT MAD AT DEKU BUT BB WHAT DID YOU DO(TBF I WOULD BE THE SAME IF NOT WORSE, IF I WERE IN HIS PLACE BUT WHAT) have i told you just how much i loved your writing because fr, the wittiness and charisma of the characters, the brilliant action scenes, the tenderness, the love istg, the way you write katsuki, no joke, i was swooning over him during the interview part (and many other scenes but cant out myself too much ykwim ajjajaj) you just never miss jeka, your writing will Always have me in a chokehold hope all's well with you <33 sorry i just Had to come scream-text to you, like i just couldn't not do it
Oh my God, Rebe! Stop! You're so kind!
It's so mind-blowing to me whenever someone tells me not only that they read my work, but that they reread it?! Constantly?! Like??? WHAT??!
Funny story about the confession scene: I finished writing that chapter on a sunday night, and I sent it to one of my best friends. She said it was amazing, but she had a suggestion: She felt like there was something missing between Bakugou's confession and Midoriya's reaction. I've always been good with suggestions, as long as they come from someone I respect, so I took a look at the scene and wrote this two paragraphs in a frenzy:
"They had known each other for as long as he remembered. Katsuki was familiarized with how Deku looked when he was happy, excited, sad, angry, nervous or scared. So many years of watching those beloved eyes had made him capable of reading them like a book. He could see how his brain was going crazy trying to process the grenade Katsuki had dropped between them.
Katsuki could hear the music back in the party and the distant sound of chattering and laughter from the rest. Still, Deku and he were trapped in their own world, both frozen in a moment that stretched more and more with each second in total silence, trying to piece themselves back together after the blast of his confession had created an abyss between them."
I sent it back to her almost immediately, with a "How about now? Does it flow better?!" And she went: "Why would you hurt me this way?! I was expecting a line or something! Not this!"
It's one of my proudest moments akdjakdns
I will forever love Here Here, and I'm so happy it can bring as much joy to others as it brings me.
Thank you for your words, Rebe, this made my entire year 💚🤎
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A not so kind rebuttal to my interview with Dazed Beauty Magazine. Trans witches were wronged.
First, some quotes from friends, and strangers turned friends on the matter:
“PLEASE!!! Florence! I think everyone needs to read something of substance around this. The banal saturation is fucking mind numbing.”- Samanthareadsgood
“Think about yourself and don’t be worrying about hurting other people feelings because she’s not considering you… And look at it coldly…She interviewed you for something which you consented to and then she did something else. That’s not okay.” -René ( victim Former friend of the author Isabella AKA sister_bella on Instagram.)
And last but not least, “IM SCREAMING. STOP 4RrEAL!?” Austin of banexbramble on Instagram. Typos intentional and copied.
The article in question- (I hate to give it traffic but context…) https://www.dazeddigital.com/beauty/article/59809/1/why-trans-people-are-finding-power-and-place-in-witchcraft
The story-
Awhile back I was randomly messaged by an Instagram page run by a writer for dazed beauty. She expressed that she was writing an article on transgender witches and wanted to interview me. But it needed to be done that night. I did not see the message until a few days later. It seemed sketchy but as a fan of the magazine I took the bait. The woman seemed nice enough and I enjoyed the idea of transness being represented in witchcraft conversations. She had her due date extended.
She asked several questions which I thought were very well crafted. I formulated my replies to her via text and spent a total of two hours chatting with her on the subject. There were paragraphs of content to write on. I was very proud of my work. I was ready to discuss the history of trans people as learned in college through my gender studies courses. I wanted to discuss the GallI of Greece, the Gala of Sumer, the two spirit and other indigenous titles for third/alt genders- my fav being the Hijra of India. I wanted to discuss the transness of the Ethiopian eunuch in the Bible… not Joan of arc… I didn’t mention her. But none of that was of interest clearly. The History was too in-depth to write on for this magazine probably. Word counts and all…
I was lead to believe that this informal and rushed interview was going to be in a interview-to-text- format. I assumed it would be stylized with a question from the writer in bold, and a long winded response from me below it. Like how celebrities are interviewed haha. But girl was I wrong…
Not only was the entirety of the article kept from me post interview, but only one small paragraph was shown to me from our entire conversation. I assumed there was more… there was not. My time and words wasted for a misquote. One sentence of mine made it to the article. And it was not even worded properly. it’s context was stripped. I was explaining how in traditional witchcraft, witches are seen as “other”. Not in a other-kin way, but in a transformative way via gnosis. I went on to describe my feelings of dysphoria and it’s overlap with my spiritual beliefs. But all she heard was “Florence thinks being trans is inhuman and I’m going to word this in a sloppy way to validate TERF’s and their dehumanization of tranniez.”…
On top of this money grabbing terf ridden article, there were loads of TERFy comments making fun of the lack of sources, proper historical legitimacy, and me.
To make matters worse better, i was not tagged in the article advertisement on Instagram. This both angered me and relieved me. My name was not caught up in this shit. But my time was not being recognized. Instead, the more famous, more appreciated interviewed were highlighted. And there is no telling if their logic was sound. I was not aware of their interviews. Judging from their Instagram content, I’m sure they are less informed on true magic or history… if you read this article, I’m sure you saw the portion comparing Joan of arc to trans men. I would like to say the writer of the article completely fabricated that herself. But who knows what other shit people are spewing.
When I heard of this article, I thought a cis woman was highlighting the experiences of trans people by giving us a platform. This is something I gladly allow! But instead, she was taking the crumbs of our words and using them for woke points and click bait. It was a poorly formed article with no real point. It was a mishmash of words speaking loosely of an issue that is already difficult to describe. It allowed space for terf’s and non witches alike to give their shitty opinions. And the writer??? Nowhere to be seen. Dazed beauty? No reply or combat against the ever-flowing comments. It’s as if this entire article was a ruse to make us all look stupid.
So now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about the author and her personal life. When she approached me she seemed nice. I genuinely thought I had a shot at maybe being represented in a magazine I like. She was willing to offer me that. But little did I know, she had sketchy occult business practices of her own. This woman has titled herself a “priestess, sorceress, spell caster” and other trigger words to make her look powerful. Other than aesthetics, she has no real grab on a magical tradition. I was informed of her moving to Mexico and hosting “full moon rituals” of some ambiguous type. At these rituals she was charging people 300 MXN twice a month on full and dark moons with no explanation of what would take place there. People were somewhat pressured into discussing sexual trauma, and others believed it was a safe space to share things. However, it was cult-like psychology at play. There was no real therapy practices implemented. It was just an unqualified woman just crying to strangers and making them pay her since it was cheaper than real therapy. It was not sound. It was not ethical.
People tried leaving. To which she would send many many messages to those people as if they were friends. She was trying to make people feel guilty for not coming to her “rituals” that cost money. It was treated as betrayal to her…
Anyway, all of that mess aside, let’s show some actual sources to discuss the history of Trans people. I have said this many times before and I hope I don’t sound like a brag, but I have 2 degrees in sociology at escalating levels. I actually am hoping to write a text book in collaboration with my university next year on similar subjects. Here are some texts I read in my gender studies classes and plan to cite in future works. Please please consider these texts. I do not want to waste my time explaining what’s already been beautifully written by others. Especially for FREE on TUMBLR.
-Histories of the Transgender Child by Jules Gill-Peterson
-Sexing the body: Gender politics and the construction of sexuality by Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling
-Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences. By Dr. Rebecca Jordan-Young
-Measuring Manhood: Race and the Science of Masculinity by Dr. Melissa N. Stein
-Sexual Science: The Victorian Construction of Womanhood by Dr. Cynthia Russet.
As for trans people’s place in occult spaces or religion, I highly recommend reading the following links and titles. [It’s also important to note here that the Joan of arc mess in the original article, could have been replaced with the Ethiopian eunuch of the Bible… “but no. Cis girl brain go brrrrr. Must pick popular feminist figure and make up a history”]
The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah from a Transgender Perspective. Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press.
A Comparative Analysis of Hijras and Drag Queens: The Subversive Possibilities and Limits of Parading Effeminacy and Negotiating Masculinity." Ed. Stephen Hunt, Religions of the East. Surrey: Ashgate, 2010.
The Invisibles: A Tale of the Eunuchs of India.
Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature (for Sumerian trans priests)
Thank you. That is all.
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wqnwoos · 1 year
im not the same anon as earlier but help ur grades are amazing 😭😭 im sitting psych and english in october and can i ask what ur study schedule or method is like? how early did u start studying + what did you do?
HII thank you soo much!! i worked my arse off for those stupid grades 😭 i’ll put the tips under a cut, i really hope they help, and good luck for october!! u got this <3
find out what time u study best at!! i somehow trained myself to become a morning person (naturally i am nocturnal LMFAO) but during study season i usually wake up 4-5:30 or something. it feels so much better getting to 10am and u have the whole day in front of u and you’ve done most of the things u need to do, but that’s just me!! i have friends who worked best from like 11pm - 4 am
pomodoro technique — excellent for my adhd ass brain. i genuinely thought this technique would never work for me, avoided it like the plague, and then used it during a study group session w friends and Love it. (i use the flora app btw!! i feel too bad to kill the little plant so i always study to the end 😭) i recommend the usual 25 mins, 5 min break but it’s up to u <3
FLASHCARDS!!!!! i cannot stress this enough flashcards genuinely saved my ARSEEE especially for psychology!! i always phrase mine like a question, so that if you get something similar in the exam it kind of jogs your memory? anyway. for psych i do not recommend remaking notes, i went straight from class notes and the textbook to flashcards, and repeated them All The Time
past paper questions!!!!! unfortunately the education system is fucked and doesn’t want us to learn for the sake of learning, they want us to be parrots so!!! really recommend past paper questions.
for english literature (i’m assuming you’re taking literature and not language?? idk anything about language past gcse level i’m sorry 😭), i wouldn’t recommend writing out essay after essay; plan a bunch of past papers, write maybe one paragraph per past paper question. ummm idk if u guys have to include context and critical interpretations because i believe that differs with exam board, but we did, and i used flashcards for those too!! (also. please make sure u know the text 😭 even vaguely knowing quotes helps so much bc searching for them in the exam takes so much time)
for english my friends and i also used to time ourselves — fifteen minutes per paragraph so that you weren’t going on too long about one point, and you weren’t wasting all your time on one question.
study groups!! this is ONLY if u work well with other people if u know ur gonna get distracted then please don’t do all the time 😭 also for things like english study groups r sooo helpful because a lot of the time, other people will bring points to the table that u have never thought of (and u can do the same for them!!)
EAT WELL!!!! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m so serious . if u don’t do this then nothing will go well. idgaf what time u sleep because maybe you’re more productive at 1am - 4am, but make sure ur getting ENOUGH sleep. and don’t skip meals. pleaaaaseee don’t skip meals.
i also used to use a lot of mindmaps for english, for themes / characters / context!!
for psych i also used to do blurting — writing as much as i know about one topic, going back and adding everything j missed in a different colour <3
OKAY that is allllll i can think of right now!! if u need anything else pls slide into my dms or jump back into my inbox i am happy to help !!! good luck with exams bb i know ur gonna crush them 💗💗💗
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lunarkittenn · 1 year
Im writing this for me. I need to write to let out how I feel. And I’m just really sad. My dad has ALS, he probably won’t even be here next year. There’s nothing I can do. It has sucked the life out of every inch of me, I’m so depressed my soul aches. Right before my dad’s symptoms hit a downhill, I had started talking to a boy I was really excited about. Had a big crush on him and was so thrilled he liked me, too. We started dating, and the first thing I noticed is that he was bad at communication. Arguing with him was tedious, almost impossible because he would get really mad and shut down. Never aggressive like my last boyfriend, but just so stubborn and defensive and rude. On my hardest days, he would take it very personally when I wasn’t super talkative or upbeat. My dad fell at the bowling alley one night and I was absolutely devastated. It’s traumatic to watch, that’s the only way to describe it. My boyfriend didn’t say a word to me, went home and still didn’t say a word to me. When I got upset about it he first said he didn’t want to intrude on my family, and then a little later into the argument said I wasn’t talking to him so what did I care. A couple weeks ago I saw on my dads online health account that it predicted 9 month survival at 80-90%. 9 months. 9 months with my dad. I can feel my fucking heart throb in my chest typing this right now. It’s the kind of fucking sobbing that rocks my whole body. So needless to say, I was pretty quiet that day. I’m having a hard time processing it. My boyfriend got upset with me because I was “ignoring him” “didn’t talk to him all day” which I had been, I was just being quiet, and I even explained I was having a hard day. I mean he should know. He would stay over every weekend. He saw my dad. He could hear how hard it is for my dad to talk. After every fight, he would tell me he was sorry he always takes it to 100, and that he was happy I put up with him and try to work things out and don’t give up. This past week he made a comment that made me uncomfortable. I had pointed it out, he got really defensive. Told me I assume whatever I want, I read things wrong, take it how I want to no matter “what he says” etc. he says those things every fight to me. I tell him okay, we’re arguing, why don’t we talk later. I am not perfect, in the past I would tell him to just leave my house and I was done talking- so I wanted to work on this. I told him exactly “we are just arguing and it’s not productive. Why don’t we talk after you get out of work, okay? Later, just not right now”. He said “bye, dead serious”. I asked what he meant, but he never texted back after work. I noticed he removed our Facebook relationship status. I was very upset and texted him saying I was done with the bullshit. For the next two days, it felt insane because the fight had branched so much I felt weird even trying to say why I was originally upset. Everything I said he told me I’m going to think whatever I want anyway. I wake up at 6:30 am to go to my dads ALS appointment on Wednesday. doctor tells us my dads breathing intake is at 48%. Not good, obviously. My boyfriend? Texts me a paragraph of rude things, including that I’m controlling because I wanted him to “say sorry in a specific way”. He was referring to me saying, all I was trying to do was say “hey I know you didn’t mean this in a bad way and didn’t know. But this made me uncomfortable” and all I expected was a “hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that” if that’s what he meant. Instead he told me I read it wrong. That I take things the wrong way and think so low of him. Bad day. I have a lot of those lately.
Yesterday morning I woke up to him really angry that I removed him from Snapchat and Facebook- but he had ??? Removed our status? He kept saying rude shit and not trying to actually talk with me. He said I must be ready to move on nice and quick if I removed him so fast. I pointed out he removed our status and he said “I just did that to make you mad”. Lol. After more hours of arguing- literally. I finally said “you’d think if you wanted to fix this like you say you do you’d call me or actually answer when I call you instead of texting. We can apologize and move on” he tells me he’s “good on all that. You said what you wanted to say and I’m not cool with it. You never wanted to be with me anyway” which the last part he would always say to me in fights and I do not know why. But yeah anyway I said okay whatever have a good one. We haven’t talked since then. Maybe he met some girl and that’s why he doesn’t care? Maybe his ego and immaturity just really will never let him see how fucking horrid he was treating me. Idk. But it hurts.
Out of all the things, I am just disappointed. I’m disappointed in how many failed relationships. I’m tired of putting myself out there for people, constantly trying to mold into a better person just people to not do the same for me. I’m tired of selfishness. I’m tired of life, honestly. I don’t want my dad to die. He won’t be at my wedding if I have one. He won’t meet kids if I have any. He won’t be here, waiting for a big hug. He can’t make witty jokes. He won’t be able to bowl with my brother, mom, and I. He won’t be here to ask me for double cheeseburgers. He won’t be here to give me a big hug and tell me he loves me. My heart is so broken. I feel so so so broken.
And the boyfriend who I was so excited for, couldn’t take two seconds to realize how much I was going through, and try to be easy with me. To try and improve how he acted. To try and care about me like he so claimed. Or maybe to just not do things purposely to make me angry, knowing how much I rightfully am angry about already.
Hug your loved ones. And if you think your life is fucking miserable, for me try and take a breath, and count the things you are happy for. I used to think life was miserable, now my favorite person on this planet is sick with someone that kills you quickly, traumatically, and with no remorse. And god, is that a pain I have never felt so deeply, and widespread.
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misty-missdee · 1 year
(Some of the names in this story have been altered. Viewer discretion advised.)
Okay, it's storytime. Cause this shit still baffles me to no end so I gotta write about it.
At my job I met these two women who I now affectionately refer to as "my two goth moms" and they're great! They've been super duper sweet to me, and have done a lot of cool things to help me exist.
One of them, we'll call her Viper, is this 41-42 year old super duper og goth. Sometimes wearing trip pants to work in our business casual office type lady. She's very cool and nice, but sometimes people misundstand her, because she has a loud voice and an aesthetic. Viper has a girlfriend who we will call Tiffany.
When I met Viper, Tiffany did not work in our office, but I had met her a couple times when they took me out as a baby trans who had no idea what she was doing. Which was nice!
Tiffany is a early 30s individual who had some dire shit happen to her when she was in the army. Like, more than one dire thing which we needn't get into but I feel it's relevant.
I had quit my job briefly whilst I was tryna discover the meaning of life, but eventually came back and now Tiffany was also working there. Which was fine for a time, but It meant I was spending more time around Tiffany who started to have a lot of struggles at work. The more time I spent in her proxy the more my vibe reading sensor in my brain was like "hey uh, something is off with this individual."
Long story short with that she had to take loa, and then quit. I would still hang out with the two of them outside of work, because im tryna be a friend and have friends on occasion. However, "The vibe is still kinda off..".
Just a few things that made me like, idk about this person. She was also starting to text me paragraphs upon paragraphs. I guess she just did this to people, but I didn't really love it, because it reminded of my my Mother who had a tendency to smother me. Im also just not tryna read a ton of words all the time. So I didn't always respond to these excerpts from her self help novel she was texting me (thats a joke). I don't like to be coddled.
One day she sent one about some unsubstantial interaction we had where she got referred to as a mother too, since shes dating my goth mom Viper. Tiffany asking me not to do that is fine, but then equated it to my transness and my "request to be called a woman" as she put it. Which I understand now wasn't how she meant it, but I was rubbed the wrong way. It was infuriating read when I'm having some pretty intense identity issues at that time, so I'm really not tryna engage with any of this anymore. (It's also not a "request" motherfucker).
I had responded to that particular longasstextmessage with "certainly" to Tiffany's request to not calling her mommy(not even as a joke im supr srs). I'm sure "certainly" can be read as a bit annoyed. Which hey! You'd be right.
She responded with a one to two word response which honestly had me shook. Then several minutes later an overcorrction paragraph or two.
I try to distance myself at this point, because Tiffany is now actively making MY ANXIETY WORSE. some weeks pass, and I'm cooking in my kitchen when I get a message. All I see at that exact time is the preview of the message and I read "from Tiffany: I'm attracted to you...". I can't help but laugh, because like again, we were no more than acquaintances miss.. you can't honestly be this down bad over me that youre saying IM IN YOUR DREAMS AT NIGHT DISTRACTING YOU ALL THE TIME. I'm also really not trying to wreck my adoptive mother's home!!! AAAAAA!!!
So I wrecked my adoptive mother's home(sorta). Viper and Tiffany ended up breaking up, because Tiffany was becoming increasingly delusional about many things in her life. The final straw was Tiffany refusing to go to therapy, and not fully anything to do with me (thank goodness).
Thankfully where we find ourselves now in relation to this story Tiffany is in therapy. Viper and I are still good friends. Viper and Tiffany are still decent friends though they're not living together, or really an item.
Tiffany also... bought me some Christmas presents I didn't accept during the holidays, because all of this was ongoing. It wasnt until March where i accepted them from Viper. Tiffany bought me a really expensive bong, which I guess is a nice gesture for everything that happened, but gosh.. it still felt like a crazy gift from someone whose energies were so off, and we weren't even that close. Its a real nice bong at least.
So, Thats my story about how I was too nearby this one person and she fell madly in love with me somehow, ruined her own relationship, and I got a nice, new bong.
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
no minorrrss please, 18+ coz thats in my BLOG RULES thank youu
Okay here's a huge essay on why five nights at freddy's is very successful and works for me / has become popular. big inconsistent text dump to my friend in discord that i figured i should post. and ive already done so many essays so i dont want to clean this up coz im tired and my head hurts but im SO FUCKING INVESTED in fnaf right now. ok. the autism
many paragraph thoughts under the cut
Anyways. It’s obvious to me how FNAF was successful as a thing because A. it was VERY new when it came out and that was already working its favor. but why did THAT keep going to like 6 or 7 and counting games?? it’s coz B. the writing is??? good??? it balances horror and humor VERY well which is extremely important to make horror Approachable and accessible to a lot of people.
balancing horror and humor like that makes it so the game is not 24/7 stress, showing that it knows how to pace itself really well. i think the pacing is really well done in fnaf. to me, even tho the lore is mid because i like it better simpler, the way the lore ties in together across all of the games up until the pizzeria simulator AND keeps the vibes across all games AND tries new things with each game (some more successful than others) i think works VERY well in fnafs favor
like it was very well paced and very well tied together even though shit was made up as you go. ie scott (the creator) pulled that lore out of his ass. he only had the basic base level storyline there, but later iterations of it were added on later
unlike, for example, homestuck which is the same type of thing (made up as you go) but too much and too overwhelming. homestuck is its own big thing that like. changed a lot and was really groundbreaking for being new, but it went off the deep end and tried to be Too much. which honestly i think is similar with fnaf.
HOWEVER. even in security breach where it’s too much at once and just falls apart coz it was TOO ambitious, that story and that pacing is still??? there?? and the humor and the general tone of the whole thing is EXTREMELY consistent throughout the whole series and that’s really what makes it effective for me and why im still invested in this even like six games later
like the vibes stay the same. they dont really stray TOO much. and i think its great how Scott (the creator) tried different things in each game and each game is some iteration of the previous. some work better than others. but the tone is consistent (the humor and horror balance and pace out very well), and the vibes are consistent (the aesthetic remains similar throughout), and the pacing and the way the story and lore is hidden throughout everything is consistent. and i think because of that because it STICKS TRUE TO ITSELF it’s remained an extremely popular and successful franchise like i said. even in security breach. which is a complete wreck of a project. the lore and shit is still consistent in there (you just have a WAY harder time getting to it because everything else wasn’t optimized), and the pacing is consistent
and like i think also even when the story is done and finished. and it’s like oh just let the franchise die. let it be over. the games still remain successful to me coz of the consistency. you could’ve ended the story there, yes, but you didn’t, you kept adding lore. however you added lore in such a way that was consistent to the way lore was added in the beginning, and you kept your tone and your vibes and your pacing consistent, so any new lore even though pulled out of one’s ass / thin air still fits in completely with the franchise, unlike the way homestuck did it with the epilogues.
ok theyre also just really funny to me. theres this sorta dark humor in there and corporate failure shit going on thats just funny to me actually. i havent really found things this funny in like. a long time in media fr
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rex101111 · 26 days
Whee time to slap stickers on things! 🎱🍓🐇🧃 🍄🦷🥐🧩
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
User Subscriptions:84
Comment Threads:621
Word Count:313,916
No idea how much this stacks up to others but im pleased with it XD surprised how many subscribers i have though :O
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
"...man...these demons in naruto are kinda cool...huh...i wonder if one of them was a dragon...waaaaait a minute..."<-11 year old unaware he's about to discover the joy of writing his favorite cartoons in various situations. No seriously. 🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Much as i appreciate the appeal of self inserts, personally if im going to add anything i'd prefer if it was a different thing from myself. Then again all creative work is an extention of at least even a fragment of the self...meh. Seriously though, I don't do much of either but given the choice id just go with OCs.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I went to a sort of private elementary school that had an honest to god zoo. like, a pretty small petting zoo type thing you can just...go to during recess and pet animals. all sorts of animals too, horses, parrots, a reptile house. my favorites were the weasels though. super friendly and they loved to eat cottage cheese.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Baiken can cook, and after everything settles down she insists on cooking when Anji's birthday rolls around. She cooks like the person eating is planning to go on an expedition, calorie rich, large portions, plenty of salt and fat because the body is gonna need those if you're gonna go out and run around somewhere dangerous for a while. Usually the most dangerous place Anji goes to after finishing one of his Birthday Meals is the hallway between the kitchen and the bedroom. Since doing so keeps him out of trouble, Baiken considers this a success.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Don't. Force it. Just don't. Every day sit down and give it a try, see if anything comes to you, but if nothing does? Close the doc, take a breath, and go do something else. And I do mean do, like make yourself something to eat or attend to something else you have going on, read or, whatever. Unless you have a literal deadline over your head, forcing it will just piss you off and bum you out. It's okay not to write every day, it's okay not to have anything come out, just leave it alone and check on it tomorrow. It'll be there for you to try again, promise.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
*enthusiastic live action bowser voice* MONKEY! :D
i have no earthly idea why, but years and years later, still gets me.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
no paragraph breaks. full stop on that one. i see a wall of text and i turn around like that one grandpa simpson meme. no thank you. you could have the second coming of the epic of gilgamesh hidden in there but i ain't spending the time to excavate the damn thing. learn how to format your fics, god's sake.
also 1st person POV. sometimes. some fics have done good work with it...very, very few though.
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orchidyoonkook · 9 months
hey yoonieee !! how are you today ? hope you have/had an amazing day just like you 🫶🫶 make sure you grab something yummy and warm to eat (it's so cold wtf 😭), hydrate and take good care of yourself 💕💕
long time no talk (i swear i half forgot this app even exists and half been working on a book 😭) had a great day today. i somehow managed to sleep till like 1pm, stay in bed for another 3 hours i think and then cleaned my living room floor just to get it dirty again like 10 mins later 😭 then i just chilled around before baking FOR 3 FUCKING HOURS (had to do 34 cupcakes for our christmas fair tomorrow at school (also i may or may not just simply skipped school today...)) but i'm happy that christmas break is finally here cuz i've had a crazy af week. i missed a test last week and i've been shaking in my boots cuz i wasn't sure if i had to take it this week (and believe me when i say i'm absolutely shit at this class 😭). but this week has been amazing. i had a simulation of an exam on tuesday and it was so funny cuz the whole class was really really nervous before (even tho they don't write the marks) and after it like half of the class started dancing 😭
btw sorry for the long paragraph 😭 i wanted to text you i think two days ago but as i was writing the message i accidentally opened a notification so the text got deleted and i was so tired (pretty sure it was like 5 am) so i said fuck it and that i will text you the next day. i've seen you haven't been feeling the best so i really hope you're feeling better and that you're doing good 💕💕 also again no pressure in responding just make sure you take care of yourself 🫶🫶
Hi Baby Star!
i suck cuz this is from dec 21 but i didnt have a computer for 2 weeks and then work and this is me getting on a personal computer for the first time since Dec 19th to finally answer this!!
long time no talk (i swear i half forgot this app even exists and half been working on a book 😭)
That's okay!! I was barely online in general those few weeks so I feel ya
had a great day today. i somehow managed to sleep till like 1pm, stay in bed for another 3 hours i think and then cleaned my living room floor just to get it dirty again like 10 mins later 😭 then i just chilled around before baking FOR 3 FUCKING HOURS (had to do 34 cupcakes for our christmas fair tomorrow at school (also i may or may not just simply skipped school today...))
omg im so happy you'd had a good day!! with so much sleep and rest time???!!! that sounds PERFECT <<<3333 And then you even got some cleaning AND baking done??? Star you're kicking so much butt im so proud!!!
(34 cupcakes is insane but i just KNOW your house smelled amazing!!! and one skipped day is fine that late into the semester as long as it didn't interfere with exams imo)
but i'm happy that christmas break is finally here cuz i've had a crazy af week. i missed a test last week and i've been shaking in my boots cuz i wasn't sure if i had to take it this week (and believe me when i say i'm absolutely shit at this class 😭).
Me too!! I was so looking forward to the break! I hope yours was super good! Please let me know how you did on your exam!! I bet you knocked it out of the park! But even if you didnt, it wont make or break anything.
but this week has been amazing. i had a simulation of an exam on tuesday and it was so funny cuz the whole class was really really nervous before (even tho they don't write the marks) and after it like half of the class started dancing 😭
YAYAYAY!!! literally so happy so extremely happy your week was so good. That makes my heart so full because you deserve your weeks to be good!
Duuuuuuuude!!! dance party after exams???? Helllllllllls yes. that sounds amazing!
btw sorry for the long paragraph 😭 i wanted to text you i think two days ago but as i was writing the message i accidentally opened a notification so the text got deleted and i was so tired (pretty sure it was like 5 am) so i said fuck it and that i will text you the next day.
that is perfectly alright! I adore hearing from you whenever you are able to manage, and I promise to try and get better at answering your asks a little faster now that I have the computer back!
i've seen you haven't been feeling the best so i really hope you're feeling better and that you're doing good 💕💕 also again no pressure in responding just make sure you take care of yourself 🫶🫶
I'm better!! Still a little stressed cuz things keep adding up, but I'm also slowly crossing things off the list! And I absolutely will respond! Just maybe not in the timeliest manner sometimes 😅
I'll take care of myself <3
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star2sworld · 1 year
Really big update.
Hey you guys. My life is all connecting. My ex bsf I’ve been wanting to apologize to all summer reached out and told me she found out what happened and all of that talking about the situation. I then sent her a really big paragraph saying everything off my chest I wanted to tell her for months. I feel much better I got to apologize. She doesn’t need to forgive me as long as she knows I feel sorry and regret what I did it’s okay with me :) After we spoke about everything we texted some more and it felt like I had my best friend back for a second. We click so easily it’s weird when we aren’t friends. I feel like we’re already besties everything feels so normal. We texted for like 3 hours I’m so grateful and happy we were able to reconnect. Although I know it won’t be the same maybe with time it can be. It will take her time to forgive me and that’s okay she deserves it. I’m just super grateful we’re friends again :). Never thought she’d want to after finding out the truth but she’s literally the best girl ever I love her. I never want to hurt her again or anyone ever I don’t like being a mean girl. A few days after the incident happened I wanted to apologize and tell her immediately but it would’ve been so bad. We also have two classes together algebra & Spanish back to back. First 2 periods of the day. I’m so happy we can be with each other on the first day yay 💕🫶🏼
I also started texting my old friend as well and things are back go normal with me and her. In our situation we kind of just drifted apart. Everything feels normal though so yay.
Everything’s always working out for me !!
I’ve been having cart cravings for like 4 days now and I haven’t even looked for it I’m so proud of me! I’ve been going on walks for at least 30 mins everyday. Yesterday I saw two people from my school in my neighborhood. I liked both of them before too so that was a bit shocking. Lol.
My piercing things came in as well but I’m scared to do it but I’m going to today. I’m kind of excited for the first day of school honestly because I have two classes with my friend and 6th period with another one. I am nervous for lunch though I hate sitting alone but it’s not so bad. I might change lunch to studyhall instead. I also saw my other friend yesterday in my walk and spoke to her for a little bit. I’ve been making my bed every morning. Haven’t been doing my morning routine as much though but I’m going to do it after im done writing. I made Mac and cheese today with the help of my sister directions 😅👍🏽
Im actually so grateful 🥺 always have hope & be positive. Love you guys :)
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