#1hr15min lol
yoylechess · 8 months
feel almost neurotypical today.... i got a ton of shit done in succession with like almost no thought.... scary....
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UPDATE: what a day lol. Lots of talk of numbers and disordered eating so TW
so I ended up going to the gym and actively worked out for around 1hr15min. In total today I should’ve burned around 900 cals, which is about 150 less than I wanted but I may finish out. I’m just tired and don’t wanna get hungrier by overworking.
I ended up going to Taco Bell and getting a chicken quesadilla (510cals) and a chalupa with no sour cream (360, acting as if I left the sc on)
So I ate just under 900 cals today! Which is less than I normally eat even when I don’t work out so heavily. I don’t wanna jinx it bc the night is young and I could always binge tomorrow, but I feel good. Hopefully satisfying my craving will work out in my favor.
Total Net Calories: -26ish
Small victory: I went on the arc trainer for the entire 45 minutes with no breaks. My willpower and cardio are getting better!
Also I did a 27 hour fast and it wasn’t until the end that I started feeling bad/woozy and that was after my full workout
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atlafan · 4 years
Hi!! I need some academic advisor HELP lol all of my classes are online, and 2 are 2.5 hour classes that meet once a week instead of normal classes that meet 2x a week for 1hr15mins. I’m super interested in my two classes that meet just once a week but I’m having trouble paying attention for that long of a time! But idk if I should drop them and try to find new classes or if this is just me not being in school mode yet and I should stick it out? Sorry this isn’t HS related I’m just so stuck!
lmao no worries about this not being HS related! This is what I do for a living so I’m happy to help. I totally get it. That is a LONG time to listen to a professor lecture especially online.
Basically, you need to think about your degree as a whole. Are these classes required for your major? are they fall only classes or can you take them in the spring? When’s your withdrawal deadline or are you still able to add/drop normall? If you do withdraw from the course(s), that means there will be a W on your transcript. Are there second half semester courses you can sign up for so you can make up the credits? Could you just withdraw from one and not both?
I know it takes a while to get into the swing of things for the semester. I know I always had trouble paying attention in class, so I would doodle or something while listening and believe or not it helped a lot. I’m more of an auditory learner depending on the subject. Is there something you could do while listening to your lecture?
I know I asked a lot of questions, but those are the things you’ll want to consider before changing up your schedule. Let me know how else I can help!
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asdfjkl1114 · 6 years
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{2/17/19}: Got to celebrate my dad’s early bday today, since Alex will have to work on his actual bday! Tim treated us to Taku~ it was my parents first time and they loved it! 😊🍣. Then we went to watch the new Korean movie called Extreme Job~ it was pretty funny and my dad was literally lol-ing... while my mom’s Fitbit said she was in deep sleep for 1hr15min during the movie 😂#happydays #day1790
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qbswhumpsideblog · 7 years
@taylor-tut @feverhalo Haven't forgotten you! But after going like six weeks without more than a couple shifts here and there (I'm a casual), work has IMPLODED and now I'm working six days straight, have one day off, and then seven more days straight afterwards (which would be against labour code if I hadn't agreed to it). Yay money as I am broke haha. Also I have a night class that's a 1hr15min commute each way lol. (I miiiiiiiiiight thrive on chaos a bit.) BUT. I WAS WRITING TODAY! :D
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