#okay i'm going to turn this into a post actually
Stirring the Quiet - Hidden Verses
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
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Summary: Y/N's weekend spirals into something more after a simple Instagram follow sparks nonstop texting with Jenna. As a poetry night unfolds, hidden emotions and lingering looks stir beneath the surface, leaving Y/N wondering if there’s more to Jenna’s words than she realizes.
Word Count: 2.8k
I lay sprawled out on my bed, staring at the crumpled receipt with Jenna's Instagram handle scribbled at the bottom. "Jenna has neat handwriting." Mr. Noodles had busied himself with the loose string from my hoodie, batting it around like it was the most exciting thing in the world. I couldn't help but stare at the note beneath it.
"Thanks for the coffee and conversation again, Slick."
I huffed, running a hand through my hair. It was the weekend, and The Daily Grind was closed, but my mind hadn't stopped buzzing since yesterday. I wasn't sure if it was because I spent the entire night tossing and turning or if the note and handle staring back at me were messing with my head.
Mr. Noodles rolled over next to me, biting the loose string of my hoodie. I chuckled, tugging the string away only for Mr. Noodles to pounce on it again. "You're supposed to be giving me advice, Sir," I muttered to the cat.
"Should I follow her?" I muttered aloud, glancing down at Mr. Noodles as if the cat would magically start talking. Instead, he batted the string again, completely uninterested in my words. Sighing, I pulled out my phone. "Okay, maybe I'll just look at her profile... just a quick peek."
I typed in Jenna's handle, my fingers shaking just a little as her profile popped up. Her feed included behind-the-scenes shots from sets, goofy pictures with friends, and the occasional aesthetically curated post. It was everything I expected and more, yet somehow, seeing it all made Jenna feel both distant and approachable.
I glanced at the Instagram handle again, thumb hovering over the 'follow' button. My heart thumped loudly in my ears. "Do I follow her now? Is that weird?" A nervous flutter filled my chest.
I looked at Mr. Noodles, hoping for some sort of divine intervention. I sighed and turned the phone screen toward the cat, leaning in as if he might actually give me the needed advice.
"What do you think? Follow or not?" I asked, thumb still frozen in place.
Mr. Noodles tilted his head for a moment, and before I could stop him, his paw shot out, landing directly on the screen—pressing the follow button.
My eyes widened. “Oh no… no, no, no, no! Noodles! Why—" I yelped, sitting upright, heart jumping out of my chest. I stared at the phone silently as if it might explode. Great. She's going to think I'm creepy, I panicked.
Mr. Noodles showed no remorse. Unfazed by my mini-crisis, he merely stretched out his paw, pressed it on my chest, meowed, and held it there as if to say, "Chill, human, it's just Instagram."
I laughed softly, scratching behind his ears. "I guess I did ask for your advice, boss; maybe it's not the end of the world," I replied, setting the phone down and falling back onto the pillow. The nerves from before slowly faded as Mr. Noodles curled up closer, purring contentedly.
A few minutes later, a buzz from my phone broke the silence. My heart stopped for a second as I grabbed the phone. It was Jenna.
Jenna: "I see you found my Instagram, Slick."
I sat up again, staring at the screen. Slick. That nickname was going to stick, wasn't it?
My heart was still pounding. What am I supposed to say to that? I bit my lip, staring at the screen, trying to find the perfect way to respond without sounding like I was fangirling.
Y/N: "Haha, yeah, I might have had a little nudge from Mr. Noodles. He has a knack for pressing buttons."
Jenna's response came quickly.
Jenna: "I knew Mr. Noodles had good taste. Should I be worried he's the mastermind behind everything?"
I chuckled, panic subsiding. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought.
Y/N: "Definitely. He's secretly running my life from behind the scenes."
Jenna: "Well, tell him he's doing a great job."
The conversation flowed easily after that. Jenna texted about how she was shopping with her mom and sister. I found myself smiling as I read Jenna's updates about their day. We talked about each other's Instagram pages, with Jenna casually mentioning how "quiet" my account was. She commented on some of them—photos of The Daily Grind, a bunch of funny pictures of Mr. Noodles, and random snapshots of L.A. life.
Jenna: "I didn't know you were into photography."
Y/N: "Just something I dabble in, nothing serious."
Jenna: "Well, you've got an eye for it."
Reading Jenna's message, I bit my tongue, stifling a snicker.
Y/N: "You've got an eye for a lot of things, don't you? Bet you could spot a diamond in the rough without even trying."
There was a moment of silence, a break in the rapid-fire messaging, and my brain immediately went into panic mode. As I reread my last message, my heart raced as I questioned every word. Was that flirting? Oh god, did it sound like I was flirting? Groaning internally, I debated whether to follow up or leave it alone, replaying the words repeatedly, hoping I hadn't crossed any lines.
Meanwhile, across town, Jenna stood in a boutique with her mom and sister, holding a pair of shoes, when her phone buzzed again. She glanced down at my message, a small, amused smile playing on her lips as she read it. Was that... flirting? she wondered, feeling a spark of something she couldn't quite place.
Aliyah, her younger sister, nudged her with a teasing grin. "You've been glued to that phone all day. What's up with that?"
Jenna shrugged, trying to play it off. "Nothing, just texting."
"Texting who?" Aliyah leaned in, trying to peek over Jenna's shoulder. "Come on, spill the tea! You haven't been this distracted since... ever."
Jenna quickly pulled her phone closer, shooting her sister a look. "It's not a big deal."
Aliyah raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Uh-huh, sure. You're not fooling me. Who is it?"
Jenna smirked and shook her head. "None of your business, Aliyah."
Aliyah laughed. "Fine, keep your secrets. But I'm watching you," she teased, throwing a playful smirk as they walked away. Jenna's thoughts lingered on my message, the teasing fading into the background as she mentally filed away the moment for later.
Panicking a little, I started typing out an explanation. "I was just saying, you know, your Instagram feed is super polished. That post you did at the premiere? It definitely looks professional. Like, you've got an eye for these things."
I hit send, biting my lip as the message went through. Crisis averted, right?
But her reply came in almost immediately: "Are you flirting with me, Slick?"
My face immediately heated up. Was I? I hadn't thought so, but now… maybe? My heart raced as I stared at the words on my screen.
Frantically, I started typing again, trying to come up with something that didn't make me sound like a complete fool. My fingers danced over the keyboard as I finally typed, "Only if it's working."
I winced immediately. Did I seriously just say that? But I didn't have time to take it back because Jenna's reply popped up almost instantly: "Maybe it is ;)"
My brain short-circuited as I reread the message, swallowing hard. I needed to keep it together.
The rest of the day flew by. We texted back and forth, sometimes in rapid bursts and other times falling into a comfortable silence. I hadn't even noticed how much time we had spent texting. After cooking, I sent Jenna a quick message.
Y/N: "About to eat. What about you?"
But before I could wait for a response, Mr. Noodles let out a long, dramatic meow, reminding me of his presence—and his empty food bowl.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you," I muttered, hopping up to feed him.
Y/N: "Feeding Mr. Noodles before he stages a protest."
Jenna: "A well-fed Noodles is a happy Noodles."
I laughed and grabbed the little tray, setting Noodles' plate on it. "I even got the tray this time, Noodles." Noodles never ate his meals unless they were on his special tray. The cat had his dignity, after all. I took a quick selfie with Noodles eating his food in the foreground, my hoodie-clad self sitting beside him with a content smile.
Y/N: [Pic] "Noodles approves of dinner."
Jenna: "Noodles is adorable. Oh yeah, you're there too."
Gasping playfully, I put my hand on my chest and shook my head.
After dinner, I tossed my phone on the bed and stretched. Then, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tugging at my hoodie strings.
"We've been texting all day… like we're—" The thought was abruptly halted by a text from Jenna.
Jenna: Oh, are you going to that poetry event?"
I paused. I had almost forgotten about the poetry night, but now the idea of Jenna showing up made me excited and nervous.
Y/N: "Yeah, I'll be there, "I can't get out of work that easily, sadly."
Jenna: Lol, good, because I was thinking about stopping by.
I smiled at my phone, feeling a strange excitement bubbling inside me. I mentioned the event casually, not thinking Jenna would actually show up. But here she was, considering it.
Y/N: "Yeah, come drop by! It's going to be tons of fun."
Jenna: "Fun's one way to put it…I was thinking about reading something."
I froze. Jenna Ortega, reading poetry?
Y/N: "Wait, you're gonna read something? Now I have to see this."
Jenna: "Guess you'll have something to look forward to then."
Y/N: "I guess we’ll see then. I'm heading to bed. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight!"
Jenna: "All right, get some rest. Goodnight!"
I flopped back onto my bed, my phone still in hand. Mr. Noodles, completely unbothered, was fast asleep, the very cause of my earlier crisis now resting peacefully. I gave him a light scratch on the head. "This is going to be an interesting poetry night, buddy."
A few days later, the poetry event was in full swing at The Daily Grind. The café's warm glow set the perfect stage for the poets to approach the mic. Customers sat scattered around tables, sipping lattes and nibbling on pastries, but tonight, there was no usual chatter. The air buzzed with something more—a soft, attentive silence layered with the energy of excitement and nerves.
I stood behind the counter, half-listening to the poems as I washed some dishes. My mind kept drifting back to Jenna, who'd arrived not too long ago. She was sitting in the middle of the café now, flipping through her journal, occasionally looking up when someone delivered a line that caught her interest.
I tried to focus on the cappuccino cup I was washing, but my stomach kept twisting with this weird mix of excitement and nerves. I'd never really imagined Jenna as the poetry type, but seeing her here, confident, made the idea of her reading even more intriguing. Jenna, reading poetry. Damn.
I’d finished the last of my batch of dishes when I heard the soft creak of a chair. Glancing up, I saw Jenna standing, journal in hand, making her way toward the small stage. Her steps were steady but confident, sending my heart into overdrive.
I leaned against the counter, gripping the edge as I watched her take her place at the mic. The background hum of conversation faded to nothing, and I could feel the energy shift as Jenna tapped her journal against the mic stand.
"Hi, for those who don't know me, my name is Jenna." The crowd softly erupted into a few snaps and cheers.
"This is something I've been working on for a while," Jenna started, her voice steady but carrying this vulnerable edge. "I don't usually share my poetry, but… here goes nothing."
My breath caught in my chest. The café was silent now, except for the faint hiss of the espresso machine in the background. My attention was fixed on Jenna.
She flipped open her journal, her fingers gently brushing over the worn pages. She took a deep breath and began to read:
"There's a space between silence and sound, Where words get caught, Lingering like an echo that never fades, A warmth that lingers in the coldest moments. It’s like a whisper I can't quite grasp, But somehow, it stays with me."
Her voice was soft but sure, each word hanging in the air like it belonged there. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, feeling my chest tighten as her words seemed to reach out and pull me in. The room felt smaller, more intimate, like it was just the two of us.
"There's a light that breaks through the quiet, A glow that touches everything in its path. And when it touches me, I feel—"
She paused, glancing up from her journal, and her eyes landed on me. For a heartbeat, we locked eyes, and I swear my heart stuttered.
"I feel like I could stay in that light forever," she finished, her voice dropping into something softer, almost like it was just for me.
The room stayed quiet for a beat, the kind of quiet that follows something that just hits everyone right where it counts. Soft applause and snaps slowly filled the space, but I barely registered it. I was too busy trying to breathe, trying to shake the feeling that maybe—just maybe—that line had been meant for me.
Jenna closed her journal with a soft thud, her eyes scanning the room as she smiled nervously. I joined in the clapping, my hands slightly trembling. That line—"I could stay in that light forever." Damn, she had me more shaken than I wanted to admit.
Jenna stepped off the stage, her face still flushed as she sat at the counter where I stood. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until I let out a shaky laugh.
"Not bad for a movie star," I managed to say, my voice betraying me.
Jenna looked up at me, a smile tugging at her lips. "You didn’t think I had it in me, huh?"
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "No, I just… didn’t expect it. But yeah, you really had something there."
Jenna raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by how flustered I was. "Thanks, Slick. Maybe one day I’ll share the rest with you."
My throat tightened. I shook my head, laughing nervously. "Only if you want to! No rush or pressure."
She leaned in a little, her smile still teasing. "Yeah, I don’t mind. I guess I’m full of surprises."
Before I could reply, our hands brushed as I reached for a stray napkin left by a patron. That small touch sent a spark through me, my heart racing. Jenna’s fingers lingered just a second longer than necessary before her face grew redder, and she reached into her bag, pulling out a small, leather-bound journal.
"This," Jenna said, "is what I’ve been working on."
My eyes widened. "That’s amazing. Looks like a real book already."
Jenna smiled, running her fingers over the cover. "I’ve been working on a collection of affirmations and positive vibes. Something people can read to start their day off right."
I lit up. "That’s incredible! You should write a poem about The Daily Grind. You know, as an ode to caffeine and good vibes."
Jenna froze for a second, her blush deepening. "I—um—yeah, I could do that," she stammered.
I tilted my head, a little concerned. "You all right? You don’t have to if you're not up for it. I just thought you really enjoyed the café. It always seems to relax you."
Jenna let out a nervous laugh as she fidgeted with her journal. "Just a few after-butterflies. The crowd can be overwhelming sometimes... even for a big movie star," she said, her voice quieter than usual, clearly nervous.
I smiled, trying to ease the tension. "Come on, I know just the spot where you can get some air."
I led Jenna out to the back patio, the view of the city spreading out before us. The twinkling lights of L.A. cast a soft glow over the horizon, making everything feel a little more magical. It was quieter here, away from the usual hum of the café, just the two of us. The noise of the poetry event faded, leaving behind the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze.
Jenna leaned back in her chair, staring out at the view, her journal resting on her lap. She seemed more at ease now, her earlier nervousness gone. I couldn’t help but watch her, still in awe of how someone like her could feel so grounded, sitting next to me like this.
I started humming softly, letting the cool night air relax me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jenna turn her head slightly, listening. Her eyes softened.
“You’ve got a beautiful voice, Y/N,” Jenna said, her voice gentle.
I glanced down at my hands, caught off guard. “Thanks. I didn’t even realize I was doing it.”
“You should sing more,” Jenna added. “It suits you.”
I smiled but didn’t respond immediately. Instead, I leaned back, closing my eyes for a moment, letting the peaceful atmosphere sink in. The night wrapped around us, soft and still. The only sound was the breeze weaving through the trees, and our quiet breathing.
Eventually, Jenna broke the silence. “I used to take acting classes as a kid. I thought it was fun, but it was also a lot of work. Everyone thinks it’s all glam, but it’s really not.”
I opened my eyes and looked over at her. “Yeah? I remember wanting to be a star when I was younger. My parents got me singing lessons, but I ended up with a lazy talent agent who only got me background roles in a few plays and on the occasional TV or movie set.”
Jenna chuckled lightly, her smile a little mischievous. “Hey, that’s how it starts. You’ve got to work your way up. Hollywood isn’t like the movies—there’s no fairy tale moment where someone discovers you walking down the street.”
I laughed with her. “Guess I’ll stick to making lattes.”
Jenna grinned, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. “You’re good at that, too.”
As we continued talking, it felt like the world outside the patio didn’t exist anymore. It was just me and Jenna, the stars above us, and the quiet stillness of the night. We traded stories—nothing deep or profound, but it was effortless. Like we’d known each other longer than we actually had.
There was something calming about being with Jenna, something that made me feel like I didn’t have to rush or worry. Just being in the moment was enough.
Jenna took a deep breath, breaking the quiet. “I guess that’s what I love about acting… it lets me escape for a while, but it’s not always what people think.”
I tilted my head, listening carefully. “Yeah? What do people get wrong about it?”
She paused, her fingers tracing the edges of her journal absentmindedly. “They only see the glam, the red carpets, and the premieres. But they don’t see the long hours, the rejection, or how hard you have to work just to land a role. It can get exhausting.”
I nodded. "I feel you. Sometimes, everyone only sees the end result and forgets all the effort it took to get there."
Jenna smiled, a little softer this time. “Exactly. I think that’s why I like moments like this… when everything’s quiet, and I can just be myself. No cameras, no expectations.”
My chest tightened a little at her words. There was a vulnerability there, a side of Jenna I hadn’t seen before. I nodded, feeling the weight of the conversation settle between us. “Yeah… moments like this are pretty rare.”
She looked at me then, her eyes lingering just a little longer than usual, like she was trying to figure me out. It was quiet again, but this time, the silence felt different—deeper.
Eventually, I spoke up, trying to lighten the mood. “You know, you really should write that poem about The Daily Grind. You’ve got to immortalize this place in poetry.”
Jenna laughed, the sound soft but full of warmth. “Okay, okay, I’ll think about it.”
We both sat there for a little while longer, the city lights twinkling around us like stars had spilled onto the ground. It was one of those rare moments where everything just felt… right. I didn’t want it to end, but as the night deepened, I knew we’d have to head back soon.
But for now, I was content to just sit there, with Jenna beside me, the world quiet around us.
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wis-art · 10 hours
One of the weirdest and contrived points angry zionists have left under my post was that if you don't support zionism you don't support 95% of jews (even if) and that makes you antisemitic and that actually no zionism is not evil, kahanism is.
How can you claim that zionism (devised by the british) won't cause this genocide, To settle on top of people who already live in a place. And I just can't seem to understand how can zionism work WITHOUT cleansing current population to make space for Israel and I don't understand why it's ok for Jewish mostly european/American people to settle on top of Palestinians. Who are the descendants of the jews of the old that have been mostly converted over a thousand years ago and live their life in a region they were born.
I do think jewish people deserve to have their own land and have their own country they govern but not at the cost of human life and thousands of years of culture these people carried within them.
Why should Israel get a pass for colonizing that part of the land and displacing millions of people because most of their population is Jewish, why does that make it okay? I don't understand, colonialism is a despicable practice that causes so much suffering, and I will not brush it under the rug when Americans do it, when Europeans do it or when anyone else does it, it is inhumane and it is unacceptable. People who don't stand with Israel get called antisemitic, but how can I stand with a state that is conducting ethnic cleansing and carpet bombing campaign in Middle East, even outside of its borders. I've been seeing the aftermath of the terror campaign in Lebanon and it is stomach turning and traumatizing to even look at the images of what these people go through and went through for decades now. Difference is that you can't hide it anymore, everybody has a camera everybody can post pictures of their neighbour's remains on the car and people collecting severed feet from the street while mourning their dead mother's and sisters and fathers and aunts.
How can people value life this little and convince themselves, that it's ok to take that land that it's ok to kill these children, that it's ok to bomb these historic beautiful cities with all the inhabitants inside, in the name of what?? Israel? I'm disappointed and disgusted and frankly I can't support it. The amount of lives taken by decades of wars and occupation is truly sad.
And besides, it doesn't matter if 95% of people support the option that resulted in decades of genocides and wars, it doesn't make it any more right because so many people want it.
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bellysoupset · 3 days
Posting this and running away
"What is this?" Jonah chuckled, gesturing vaguely to the image in front of him. This was easily the weirdest thing he had seen in a while.
Leo was inside the bathtub, with no water, in the middle of the day, wearing just his boxers, head leaning back and scrolling in his ipad.
"Hey," the blonde turned his head slightly, voice all soft, "missed you."
How could Jon not melt around this man? He entered further in the bathroom, crouching down to kiss his fiancé and Leo grimaced and pulled back, causing Jonah to whine, "what the hell?"
"You don't wanna kiss me," Leo cringed, "I ate something weird and it messed with me. I just puked," he gestured vaguely to the closed toilet with his head. Jonah raised his eyebrows, surprised.
Leo didn't look sick... But now that Jon looked closer he could tell the sweat clinging to his temples and over his lip. Instead of pale, he was flushed in a slightly unnatural way, specially given how cold their bathroom was.
"Is that why you're in the tub?"
"Yeah, still feel pukey," Leo groaned and slid down in the tub, resting his feet on the opposite end and dropping his ipad to the side. Now that it was no longer blocking Jonah's view, he could tell his fiance's abs were slightly bloated, the usual line separating its quadrants all but faded, "I don't know what's wrong with my office, you'd think such a fancy building would have a decent catering."
Jonah grinned, collapsing down on his ass instead of staying crouched down and leaned in to push Leo's hair back, away from his sweaty forehead. The blonde let out a happy noise at the hair pet, "why don't you come to bed? You can feel sick in the bedroom, where it's comfy."
Leo snorted at that, turning his head so his cheek was pressed to the cold rim of the tub and going boneless as Jonah petted his hair, "bedroom feels too warm, was making me claustrophobic."
"And the bathtub is not?"
"You may question my methods, but not my results," Leo smiled, looking up at him and grabbing the ditched iPad, "I want a March wedding."
"Okay?" Jon moved on the bathroom floor, stripping the thick wool vest he was wearing over his shirt and removing his belt so he was more comfortable, throwing them on top of the sink, "why March?"
"Because I don't wanna wait until October next year," Leo pouted, turning on the screen. Before Jon could question why March and October were the only options, Leo said, "I made a pinterest board."
Jonah couldn't stop smiling, it was embarrassing and hurting his cheek muscles, "you made a pinterest board," he echoed, amused and endeared to hell and back. Leo glared at him, pushing the iPad in his hands.
"Stop looking at me with this stupid smile and look at the board," he tapped the screen, then curled up with a grimace and planted a hand on his stomach, pressing slightly and bringing up a sick burp, "god..."
"Should I move from the line of fire?" Jonah squinted at Leo, noticing the way he was gulping down.
The man shook his head, taking another gulp, "swallowing air," he cleared up, "not gagging."
"Counter intuitive if your stomach hurts, no?"
"Trying to burp," Leo cleared up with a strained voice, digging his fingers in his tummy, until another little sickly burp came up, "urgh, it's stuck."
"My husband, the romantic," Jonah teased him with an eyeroll, then scooted closer, "sit up, let me thump your back."
"Like a baby?" Leo snorted, but obeyed and let out a pleased noise as Jonah started doing exactly that. A couple pats in and he brought up a large, brassy belch.
"UUruorup- Fuck, that felt nice," he hung his head between his knees, breathing out in relief, "look at the board."
"Bossy," Jonah glared at the side of his head, then actually looked at the board. It was a collection of farmhouse weddings and hotels and event-centers... None of it looked very Leo, "uhm- these are the ones you liked?"
"You hate them," Leo sighed, "I don't know, everything I'm able to find is either those ultra girly things that only Wendy could like or, if I search for gay-wedding, it's like they're competing to see who can be more cringy."
Jonah cackled at the bitchiness, earning himself a smile, "this is nice," he leaned against the tub, all but sprawled on the bathroom floor and pointing a picture of a tall, reflective ballroom. Leo draped himself over the edge, squinting at the screen.
"That's a cathedral, Jonah," Leo said dryly, "I'm not gonna get married in a church, thanks."
Jon let out a scoff, "it's in your board!"
"As inspiration! Because I like-" he cut himself off with a nauseated gulp, "the-the tall ceilings..." Leo's voice trailed off and he raised a hand to his mouth, the other one darting up so Jonah could help him up.
Jon was up in a flash, grabbing Leo's hand to hoist him up and leaving the iPad on top of their sink, while the blonde fell to his knees before the toilet and gagged weakly over the water.
He cringed in sympathy as Leo retched and a thin dribble of colored in spit fell in the water, causing him to say in a thick, nauseated voice, "Oh god..." then gag once more, bringing up a mouthful of frothy, beige vomit. Jonah gulped down against the knot in his throat, forcing his gaze away and planted a hand on Leo's naked back. He was covered in cold sweat, muscles seizing under Jon's hand as he continued to heave for another five minutes.
Leo let another sickly burp, the groaned and collapsed forward, causing Jonah to scramble to grab him by the shoulter, "don't split your head open, Leo!"
"Uhhmm, wasn't gonna..." He scoffed, pressing his forehead to the cold porcelain, "I still feel so queasy..."
Jonah hit the flush, then combed his fingers through Leo's sweaty bangs, touching his cheek and forehead inconspicuously. He wasn't feverish and Leo let out a little snort, "I know what you're doing, Dr. Banks..." he blew out another soft burp, "I wanna go to bed but I'm all sweaty..."
"Couch?" Jonah suggested and Leo lifted up his head, considering it for a minute before nodding.
"Yeah okay, help me up..."
It was a bigger hassle than expected, as Leo washed his face and brushed his teeth, only for the toothbrush to send him into another gagging fit, but eventually they managed to move into the living room and Leo collapsed down on the cushions with a sigh, "Jon..."
"I know, I know," he grinned, sitting next to the man and planting his hand on his boyfriend's bloated belly, "tummy rub."
"You're the love of my life," Leo said in a pleased tone, eyes slipping closed as Jonah started rubbing his hand in a soft, gentle circle over his distended abs. It wasn't much of a massage, but he was afraid of putting too much pressure, with all the angry gurgling going on inside.
JD, who had been very busy chasing her toy mice, perked up at the sudden company and jumped on the couch as well, meowing and stepping on Leo's thigh in order to headbutt Jonah's chin.
"She's ignoring me," Leo groaned, pressing a hand on his stomach, "I stepped on her tail earlier."
"Well, I can't blame her," Jonah scoffed, kissing the top of JD's head, "Leo didn't mean it, baby."
As if she understood him, JD crawled on Jon's lap, nuzzling the inside of his arm and letting out a happy meow. Leo opened his eyes to glare at the cat, pouting.
"It was an accident! I was rushing in," his stomach let out a loud growl and he squirmed, gulping down, "Jon..."
"Shit, give me a second," Jonah sprung up, taking JD with him, and rushed to their kitchen, in order to grab a bowl. By the time he made it back, ten seconds later, Leo had his eyes squeezed shut and was breathing slowly through his mouth as if he was giving birth.
"Here, here, here-" Jon pushed the bowl under his chin and Leo grabbed it with sweaty fingers, but didn't immediately retch. Jonah cringed, planting JD down and moving so he wasn't directly looking at the bowl, but could help Leo hold it up, "baby?"
A nauseated hiccup shook the blonde's frame and he let out a moan, leaning forward and drooling over the bowl, "fuck..." he cleared his throat, taking a deep breath, "my stomach hurts."
Jonah frowned, not liking this one bit. He hated the strong feeling of concern, over something so dumb like food poisoning, but he couldn't help it. Leo worried him always.
"Leo, no, don't do that!" Jonah groaned, as he realized his fiancee was shoving a finger down his throat to trigger his gag reflex, "don't force it-"
Leo shook his head, pulling back his hand and burping wetly over the bowl, "I can feel it in my stomach..." his voice was thick with queasiness and he hiccupped again, his belly letting out a disgusting wet sound, "Urgh, fuck..."
"Can I h-" he never finished that sentence, as there was a sudden wet noise in the back of Leo's throat and the blonde folded in half, projectile vomiting in the bowl.
He hung over it, panting as if he had just ran a marathon, before letting out a dainty little burp and another impressive stream of sick fell from his lips. Leo let out a whimper, coughing, then sighed, "Holy fuck... I feel tons better," he said hoarsely, causing Jonah to let out a disbelieving snort.
"Are you sure?" Jon scoffed, biting down a gag of his own, his mouth watering like crazy at the gruesome sight. Leo nodded, forcing up another burp.
"Yeah... Like crazy better," he rolled his shoulders, then let out a whine, "aw angel, you look grey. Sit down, I can clean this up-"
"No, I'm o-Oo-" Jonah interrupted himself with a retch and Leo let out a little giggle, planting a kiss in the inside of his wrist, since his boyfriend was sitting on the couch's arm, and slowly getting up.
"You're fine, uh?" He chuckled quietly, grabbing the bowl and gingerly walking to the bathroom to empty it out. Jon let out a humiliated sigh, sitting down on the couch and staring at his feet. He thought he was over this, he hated when Leo was feeling sick and his body decided to attention seek.
His belly clenched and he brought up a little sickly burp, breathing out slowly against the prickles of nausea... "Hey," Leo crouched in front of him, between Jon's knees, "you're okay? Are you sure it's just sympathy sickness?"
"Yep," Jon gulped down, nodding, "are you-"
"Really, I'm fine. That's on me for being too lazy to cross the street to go to the restaurant that I know won't make me ill," Leo rolled his eyes, leaning in and hugging Jonah by the waist.
In this weird position, with his boyfriend down to his knees in the rug, it was easy for Leo to drop his face to his lap and Jonah leaned back, starting to pet the golden waves of hair, "don't take this badly," he said slowly, while Leo sat down on the ground, leaning his head back to keep getting his hair petted, "but you suck at event planning."
Leo let out an offended huff, but didn't say anything and Jonah folded in half to kiss his forehead upside down, "I'm gonna take this from you and I'll scout for a location, okay? You worry about the damn flowers or what not."
"Anything more inconsequential you wanna hand me?" Leo pouted, causing Jon to grin and kiss the tip of his nose.
"Test me and I'll put you on water duty," he teased, before falling back against the couch, "so March?"
"Yeah, March," Leo smiled, then let out a little pleased sigh as JD sniffled his hand and came to sit on his lap.
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corviiids · 23 hours
ive never watched h2o just add water but im australian so close enough and i desperately want to know more about death note h2o au. how does light becoming a mermaid make him able to kill people does he just like start grabbing people and drowning them. does L keep coming up with convoluted ways to reveal that light is a mermaid (i would like to know if someone attempts to push him into a pool at some point because i think thats how h2o mermaids work like you. just add water™ and they turn into a mermaid right)
(this ask is referring to my tags on this post)
#i just looked in my notes and found a death note au of that australian mermaid show h2o just add water#in this au light becomes a mermaid and immediately uses his mermaid powers to fucking kill people#and also hes australian#and becuase he's australian hes not called kira#his murders were first noticed on nobby beach (queensland) (australia)#so hes called the ghost of nobby beach#or nobbo for short#because hes australian#does anyone want or need australian mermaid murder death note au called nobbo? why did i write this#when will i finish it
thank you for your interest and everyone else who has shown interest in death nobbo. this is a post about death nobbo, my death note h2o just add water au which takes place in queensland australia
they are Australian and live on the gold coast and light is a uni student who becomes a mermaid. because he is a normal person he realises this is his opportunity to kill people. he also has a pretty, shiny tail.
L is a detective whose attention is drawn to this weird string of drownings in Queensland, Australia. he comes down to investigate.
to answer your actual question:
light drowns people by waiting for them to go surfing or swimming or whatever and then flipping their boards etc and dragging them at top speed into a rip. he holds them down or tangles them up so they can't stick their arms up for lifeguards
L thinks it's sus that all these experienced beachgoers are making mistakes like this and that nobody's managed to call a lifeguard in time. a couple of lifeguards have reported seeing a bit of a commotion where victims are drowning, but get out there too late, and it seems like all of them are physically not able to hold their arms up
here are the rest of my notes in the planning doc and some excerpts:
L doesn't enrol in UQ (is light more of a QUT bitch) but does just like, show up? maybe he gives a talk? i think light is studying law because i want to be self fucking indulgent. so maybe L (via screen) gives a lecture for criminal justice students and starts asking people what they think about the nobbo murders. someone's like so you think it's definitely murder and not just people drowning? L is like you're a beach city. drownings aren't uncommon, but this many drownings from people who are all familiar with the ocean terrain and beach safety makes it very unlikely.
(translator's note: UQ is university of queensland, QUT is queensland university of technology)
He picks light out from the audience because he's already profiled him and they have a discussion
later on L shows up physically at the cafe where light works and asks if he'd like to go swimming. while light is working on how to get out of that one, L goes, oh no, I've forgotten my beach wear. let's go play tennis instead.
lights like internal monologue there's a surf shop next door. light yagami would probably just offer to lend L a rashie or say they can go next door to pick one up. if I take this out, will he thinks I'm suspicious? does he think I'm nobbo? but I can't go swimming or he'll realise the truth.
(translator's note: 'rashie' is aussie slang for 'rash guard' or 'rash shirt' and it's swimwear that is a shirt)
while light is freaking out, L is like, actually there's a mini golf place near mermaid beach I really want to try, so let's go swimming another time. light's like well okay
so they go have a gay game of mini golf. l asks light how mermaid beach got its name and if he thinks mermaids are real. they discuss nobbo.
why did i name him nobbo
misa is light's coworker btw. at some point she also becomes a mermaid and light has to stop her rom exposing them both because she is not very careful
light entered the pool alone so got all three powers - hydrokinesis, cryohydrokinesis and thermocryokinesis
and here's. fuckin, whatever
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also the only important line in this au
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pomefioredove · 17 hours
Was going over the voicelines and references and aaa it's so fun
I think i found the snippets that were good fodder for vilyuu. some of them from the post that goes into depth for vilyuu this one -> the link ( https://jasminetl.lofter.com/post/1d5363f0_2b4c8f58d )
These ones are fun
From the camping event, outdoor wear
I know I'm beautiful but did you know i can be rugged too? Look how rugged i can be. <- vil really said i can do both actually. He didn't have to say that, he singled out yuu for that
Invitation for yoga and exercise by the lakeside
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From beanfest (this one i might be just really intensely wanting to see but ahhh who knows)
So again, he's like " I'm not JUST pretty, look how cool and capable i am. I can even get dirty for this"
And again he's like "y'know being covered in dirt and scuffed from battle can look attractive. Don't you think that looks attractive??" <- vil why are you seeking so much approval??? Do you have something to say???
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The more i look through the voicelines (between him and Yuu) and in other events the more i find that a lot of it really does kinda boil down to "heh, isn't this cool? Do you think it's cool 👀" subtle gauging of interest type of stuff. Trying to help, to get some hang out time (usually in excuses though not always), constantly dropping those hints. It's very funny, even more so compared to how he acts with other characters in similar situations. I'm just saying that vil very much offered only prefect his cape to hide in to protect from ghosts, and didn't really offer as such to any. He's Definitely more likely to get irked by someone else asking for his time than prefect lol.
Anyways thought to drop this in to the ask box due to that last post about vilyuu week and just like for funsies
look at this man.
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he wants them so bad it makes him look stupid /ref
I think it's delightful how he has 10 billion fans and a live-in hype man but he still purposefully seeks out approval from Yuu. which could mean nothing.
I read a lot of voice lines on the wiki when I'm trying to develop a character's voice and his definitely stand out because. hmmmmm 🤨
vil has mixed reactions to being touched (by yuu), I suspect a part of that is just being overwhelmed from time-to-time
like this:
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"I know you want me to pay more attention to you, but it will have to wait. I'm very busy at the moment."
(okay but notice how he he doesn't say no. he says later. okayyyy mr schoenheit. making room in the schedule for your little angel huh. I see how it is)
other times he's okay with it:
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"Ah, but of course. Given my radiant allure, I can hardly fault your overwhelming desire to touch me."
and other times he ASKS(!!!) yuu to touch him:
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"The placement of a single hair can greatly affect the outcome of a photo. Could you fix this for me?"
>_> I'm just saying.
obvious flirting (and banter)
not including the obvious ploys for yuu's attention which he does CONSTANTLY (as you have shown in your ask!) there's a lot of. uh
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"Is it the dorm uniform that leaves you smitten, or is it I? Heh..."
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"Admiration nurtures the seed of beauty. By all means, fall for me."
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"Unfortunately for you, you have nowhere else to turn. So you'd best resign yourself to becoming my thrall."
"I will sink my fangs right into you."
I KNOW this is the halloween event and he's only playing the part, but c'mon. come on. COME ON
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"Trick or treat! But I'm not after your candy. Vampires are more interested in... Heh heh!"
why is he giggling.
then there's cute little bantery moments like:
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"Where's MY souvenir, then? ...Oh, goodness. I was only kidding, but you actually had one for me. Why, thank you."
IDK the way he feels comfortable and friendly enough around yuu to joke with them... 🥺🥺 they make me want to chew metal
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"You'd like to visit the Scalding Sands with me someday? Certainly-as long as you draw up an itinerary that won't leave me bored."
they're planning a date here actually. hello. I hate them so much (lying)
and whatever you'd call this
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"You are the last person I ever expected to make me happy. That's a compliment, by the way. Thank you for your warm wishes."
THEY MAKE ME SICK. I read this in a mean way at first but now I think that's just his sick twisted version of flirting. "I never expected you would make me so happy but you do and I'm still partially in denial about it" DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF
other stuff
these are like random and inconsequential, I just like them
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"Parting is such sweet sorrow."
this is literally just Shakespeare. does Romeo and Juliet exist in this universe or did he come up with that. crazy thing to say either way
anyway yeah. these are taken out of context and such so there's other stuff going on but you get my point. the OTP
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goshdangronpa · 2 days
Where to begin in sharing my thoughts on Class of '09: The Flip Side ...
Well, how about the positives? Everything I've seen is so negative, and trust me, I have thoughts. But I enjoyed quite a lot of it, and I wanna do my part to balance out the discourse. So, here's a list.
Jecka makes for an interesting protagonist compared to Nicole. She's far more emotional - I swear, she breaks down crying in every route, which is genuinely disconcerting. She's also way less savvy. I'm not fond of how overwhelmingly negative these endings are (more on that in another post), but it at least makes sense. Nicole gets the upper hand in several endings from the previous two games because she's usually cunning enough to avoid potential problems, manipulate her way out of them, and/or get people in serious trouble. Jecka may be a bit of a bitch (and I love her for it!), but as she says in one ending, she kinda needs Nicole. Putting her in the protag role isn't just subbing her in for Nicole. Flip Side explores how things would go for someone with slightly more conscience and way less guile.
Jecka's so goddamn gay, oh my god. Wanting to look for a "goth work girlfriend" at Hot Topic. "I can afford holes, Imma buy me some hoes!" Kissing Ari! She says she only did the latter for attention, but girl ... girl. Someday she'll ask someone "Doesn't every girl think about sleeping with their gal pals?" and be shocked when that someone says no. (Tbh when I heard that one route would explore a previous game's route from Jecka's perspective, and when I saw the CG of the jeckari kiss on Tumblr, I created an entire plotline in my head that didn't come to fruition. Pity - it'd at least make for a good fanfic.)
"It's been seven seconds." The scenes based on this bit are some of the funniest in the whole series ("Why don't you magically gather some friends?"). Like something straight out of South Park. If the Co09 anime Kickstarter had reached the stretch goal of a full 25-minute episode, would this have been the script? I've heard people say that Flip Side doesn't feel like Class of '09, or that the dialogue isn't as good in this one, but this part, among others, works for me. "Can anyone do the math?" "... I thought this was health."
I'm a lifelong FYE patron who will drive 40-odd minutes to visit the only remaining store in my entire region. So for me especially, the entire FYE storyline was a ride. It reminded me of American Dad, where every episode turns something mundane into an elaborate conspiracy or wild adventure into its secret underbelly. It's awesome from beginning to ... well, not the end, but it's mostly awesome. And we get to hang out with Kelly! That's neat!
This is apparently my hottest take: the "foot whore" routes are not that bad. For starters, they're not presented in a way that fetishizes Jecka herself. You never see her feet, or see what she does with them. Yall can still find the suggestion of it gross if you want, but comparisons to Quentin Tarantino seem unwarranted! More importantly, the foot services enable the writers to explore topics of sex work while keeping the game light on actual sexual activity. It's rare to see such subject matter broached in a thing like this, yet we get to see how circumstances can pull desperate people into selling their bodies, and how swiftly and easily they can have their boundaries violated and their safety compromised by the customers they depend on. The increasing disruption of normal conversations by the text notifications of Jeffery's donations is a genuinely despairing plot device. Both endings are troubling for different reasons (again, that's for another post), but the game's got something to say in a way that, to me, is fairly mature yet distinctly Class of '09. (Credit to my partner for this observation, I'm so grateful I could play this with them.)
... Uh ... the music sting from the opening monologue bumps ... It sounds more Class of '17 than Class of '09, but it's still cool ...
Okay so I can't think of more, at least not right now. (EDIT: How did I forget the Hatman? That was cute!) Flip Side may be the most flawed game in the series, but it's still pretty good. At the very least, I don't think it's the shitshow other people are making it out to be ... though there is a smell. I'll go deeper on the negatives in other posts.
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uboat53 · 2 days
LONG RANT (TM) time? LONG RANT (TM) time.
One of the most insidious tactics in politics is the tactic of making wild and false allegations. I'm not talking about traditional spin, where a politician presents generally accurate information in the most positive way for their position, we all do that at some level. No, I'm talking about wild allegations, usually made in only a sentence or two without any supporting evidence, that are so false that it's clear that even the person making the allegation couldn't have reasonably believed it.
This is a modified form of the Gish Gallop, a technique which weaponizes lies. Duane Gish, a creationist and inventor of the Gish Gallop, discovered that, while it only takes a second or two to tell a lie, it takes far longer than that to disprove it. He would, therefore, begin every debate by spewing a torrent of wild falsehoods, forcing his opponent to spend their entire time debunking them rather than making any argument of their own.
Similarly, people in politics today, particularly MAGA Republicans, will often make wild accusations knowing that people with short attention spans will hear the accusation but won't pay attention long enough to hear the rebuttal. Even worse, through a process known as the "spacing effect", a lie repeated often enough will embed itself in the mind of people who hear it even if it is actually rebutted.
Given that, how can we approach this tactic?
First of all, I want you to get out of the habit of just reading the claim itself; read the name of the person making the claim. People who use this tactic rely on other people just reading information and accepting it as true without checking the source. Get used to paying attention to who is saying what and start to test some of their statements. Granted, a lot of stuff that people say is hard to fact-check, but a lot of it isn't; check those things to see if they're true. This will allow you to put together patterns where you can recognize things like "hey, this guy tells a lot of lies" or "this news source doesn't report news that's good/bad for one side." Knowing this helps you better understand the information you're receiving.
Secondly, once you recognize a pattern of lies or even a single case of an egregious lie, get used to ignoring that source of information. You don't have to listen to something just because someone says it and you don't have to turn off your brain when you engage in politics. If someone lies a lot or even if you just caught them in one particularly bad lie, it's okay to take that into account like you would with other people in your life and stop trusting them.
I'm going to start with an example that I saw recently. We're going to look Jeffrey Clark. If you know him at all, you probably know him as the Justice Department lawyer who wanted to give Trump permission to send the military to seize ballot boxes after the 2020 election. Only the full-throated opposition of every other lawyer in the government stopped Trump from making him acting-Attorney General.
These days he's being investigated by several layers of law enforcement for his actions around the 2020 election, the Washington D.C. Bar is in the processing of disbarring him, he's been indicted in Georgia for his actions around the 2020 elections, and he's currently working for a think tank closely linked with the Trump campaign. Here's his Wikipedia article if you're interested in learning more.
On September 23rd, Elon Musk retweeted a post by Jeffrey Clark in which Clark complained that no one could find a transcript of any case that Kamala Harris had prosecuted, giving him a much larger audience than he had on his own. Let's look at that claim, shall we?
So Kamala Harris has been Vice-President since 2020, was a Senator from 2016-2020, was Attorney General of California from 2010-2016, and was District Attorney of San Francisco from 2002-2010. None of these are positions where a person would personally try or argue cases in court. However, she was a deputy district attorney in Alameda County from 1990-1998, a deputy district attorney in San Francisco from 1998-2000, and a San Francisco City Attorney from 2000-2002. All of these are positions where she may have tried cases herself.
This is convenient because these are specific places with specific dates. Court transcripts are public records, so all you'd need to do is go to the courthouse in question and request the transcripts. I haven't tried San Francisco, but the Alameda County Court website has a search function where you can search for cases by name. Once you have the case number, you can request the transcript for that case. All of that costs money and requires you to make a login, so I haven't done it, but it's something you could do for around $100 or less. I haven't checked the San Francisco Courts, but I imagine it's similar there as well.
And I'm sure Jeffrey Clark, Attorney-at-Law, knows all of this. I'm not a lawyer and have no formal legal training and I know all of this, so he certainly does. In other words, this is not just a clearly false claim, it's a clearly false claim that the person who made it KNEW was clearly false when he made it.
As we've seen, this isn't a pattern of lies (though Jeffrey Clark certainly has that as well), but it is a particularly egregious one. Mr. Clark made an accusation here that he clearly knew was false even as he made it. He lied about as thoroughly as it's possible to lie, but he did it in a way that he thought he could weasel out of.
You see, Mr. Clark phrased it as an innocent query, "I'm just asking questions", because he thought that, when called on the fact that he implied Harris' case transcripts were being hidden, he could just say that he hadn't said that. But we know that he would have known they're not being hidden, his purpose in asking the question was to imply the answer in people's minds without having to take responsibility for it. In this way it's actually much worse than just a standard lie.
You can also make some assumptions about Elon Musk in all of this given that he shared this post as well. Clearly he has retweeted at least one fairly major claim without fact-checking it. Looking back on a few other things he's reposted, it seems as if he has a pattern of doing this. If you're taking what he posts at face value, it's pretty likely that you're getting a lot of misinformation fed to you.
So here I've given you a test and an example of that test applied to a real-life case. I think I've made it clear that Jeffrey Clark is a person who lies very deliberately about things he definitely knows are false and does so in a way that he thinks lets him deny responsibility for the lie. Because of that, it's safe to say that you should not trust anything he says unless you can verify it with a reputable source and you may want to question trusting what Elon Musk posts as well.
But don't think that's the end of it, take this test and apply it everywhere! If you catch someone lying a lot, or if you catch them in a particularly egregious lie like this one, stop trusting them!
There are so many sources of information around these days saying so many different things that you'll never be able to sort through it all unless you start whittling your information diet down to the people and groups that are consistently saying accurate things. Much of the information we receive is hard to fact-check, so our best method is to fact-check the things that aren't hard to check and use them to determine the reliability of a source.
Curating a good diet of information starts with cutting out the worst and least accurate sources of information. Hope this helps!
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goquokka00 · 17 hours
Stray Kids on Weed
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The Changbin Strain In which the love of their life smokes the mary jane, and they give it a shot for the first time...
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
A Few Notes: This is purely just supposed to be funny and a joke. I've also never been high and while I am friends with those who have either tried weed or do weed on the regular, I only know so much. So please just bear with me and have a good laugh, okay? Okay. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️
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Alright, Seo Changbin. Don't ask me why or how, but I'm a firm believer that Changbin gets his first experience of weed from a bong. A pink bong, mind you. He saw it on your shelf at home, and was curious about how it worked and had always wanted to give being high a go.
And so, he gave the bong a go. He found it tricky to use, and got frustrated a few times, but once you had taught him the ways and gave him tips and tricks on how to actually use the bong correctly, Changbin easily got the smoke through and successfully did it.
But oh, the high Changbin had...
He's dead silent for most of the time. Like, he was staring at the wall, serious as can be. This man literally rivals the statue of liberty when he gets high. Hell, he won't even talk most of the time, he only responds if it's absolutely necessary.
Another big reason for that is because while he's stoic and quiet on the outside, this man's brain is running in a huge hamster wheel on the inside. He's thinking so much, processing so much information, it's insane.
He gets song ideas, thinks about things he hadn't thought about in forever, he's trying to figure out what the actual feeling of being high is supposed to be. You can practically see the gears turning in his head whenever you look at him, and you can hear the screams of all of the mini-hims just trying to figure out how to think straight without overthinking.
And they're failing hard.
Now, the worst thing you could do while he's high? Touching. No, nope, do NOT touch. No touchy this man, okay? It's going to distract him from the civil war happening inside of his head, and then it's all just going to go down south, and nothing's going to end up processing right, and I mean, how DARE you even think about doing that to him, you horrible human being?
He loves you though.
So...would Changbin give pot another go? No. Nope, absolutely not. Being high that one time just really hurt his head, and he doesn't have it in him to give it a second shot. But will he judge you for using it? No. You're his precious little bean, and you could never do any wrong in his eyes.
Besides, you're just adorable when you're high.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @miss-daisy04 @kayleefriedchicken @wolfs-archive @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @wolfs-howling @rose-w-00-d
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juustozzi · 2 days
Hello, it's me, same anon who asked about what birds you thought would fit the rest of the Raimon, I'm back to say...Hikaru as a little blue penguin sounds adorable, I love it! <333
But this made me wonder something. Since a lot of these bird types have fluffy/visible feathers, how would anyone with penguin wings look? (but please don't feel obligated to draw Hikaru for that, I'll probably understand it even if it's written) Can they fly or anyone who has wings of flightless birds' species isn't able to?
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but this is one of the AUs I've become invested in and would love to see what you (or others, if you're okay with that) do with the idea. I guess I'm just too curious for my own good sometimes n.n;
— 🌠 Anon
hi again!
I've actually drawn and talked about Kidou with penguin wings before (the post can be found in the "inago wing au" tag!) I'd say that as the wings are heavily based on real-life birds, they'll do what they're built for - in this case, Kidou and Hikaru can't fly, but they work well in water. I mentioned in that previous post that maybe their wings could do something with aerodynamics on land too, and that got me thinking now: what if Kidou studied it a little more when growing up and shared his knowledge with Hikaru? I can imagine their wings could help with stuff like sharp turns and sudden stops - not necessarily giving them more speed or lift, but manipulating their movements.
and Hikaru must've seen young Kidou on the field when he was little, and so he had the role model Kidou lacked in his youth; Hikaru is more confident in his rare type of wings, which means he's more expressive with them!
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I'm glad you like this au!! please feel free to drop more ideas if you get any, or draw/write them out yourself! this au is no way just for me to create for, my designs are free to build on or you can go all "screw you juusto, I'm going to make better ones myself"!!
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The thing no one ever considers while writing up character analyses about Merlin is that. he must have been sooooooo sleepy.
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moongothic · 2 months
Seen a few people too many discuss the concept of Dragodile Baby 2 and my hot take is that there's no way in hell Crocodile would ever detransition just to go through nine months of horrible dysphoria again, let alone go through pregnancy ever again (or allow Ivankov to even touch him, what if they died and weren't able to trans Croc's gender again afterwards? Hell naw, ain't worth the risk)
But this leaves an opportunity for a Funnier Option:
Dragon wants another baby? Sure, but it's his turn to carry it >:)
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Dragodile#CW Pregnancy#Iva-chan's HRT is *MAGIC* HRT. You get a fully functional cis ass body. Dragon can be forcefemme'd and impregnated WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY#I just. Imagining the convo that would lead to this has me in hysterics okay#Like Crocodile completely casually telling Dragon off like ''I'm not going through pregancy again. Your turn''#Like he's not even SERIOUSLY suggesting Dragon do it (just refusing going through it again himself)#But then Dragon actually considders it#Innitially horrified by the thought but then figuring like. Crocodile went through it and survived. It can't be that bad can it#Dragon would have to learn the hard way just how Bad it would in fact be lmaooo#Also hey Dragon getting to experience Gender Dysphoria in Turbo Mode would give him like a better understanding of The Shit Croc went throu#He'd be able to understand Croc's feelings and appreciate what he put up with for their baby#Which would be great if they were actually getting back together after The Divorce etc etc#Also Croc would get to be a doting husband for his temporary-wife like he was meant to be and that's just great#Dragon flipflopping between horrible dysphoria and being head over heels for his mob boss husband being so gentle with him? Adorable#((Just for clarity this is not a critique of other people's idea of Dragodile Baby 2. I just wanted to share The Funnier Option))#((You know me I love two things; gut wrenching tragedies and comedy. That's it. The two genderdsdjfghsjkdfgh))
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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i like this one a lot :)))
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> Rose: We need to cook!
Gas mask sprite by @kalza. Hoodie base sprite by nerdferd.
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fernzwing · 4 months
I feel like I just woke up from a coma sorry for not posting anything guys. 2024 is not a very happy year
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
they really have the gall to say they aren’t biased against byler when these are their reactions to both of these posts:
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like c’mon bffr
#byler#not gonna tag this as anti m*leven because the last time i did that my post ended up on the actual m*leven tag#so tumblr clearly can't be trusted#but lol I don't much care for m*levin romantically but it just blows my mind how…#idk…let's say…passionate the st subreddit is about ensuring it's sanctity#like they're always like ‘i have no problem with people who ship byler my problem is with people who want mike to break up with el for him’#and idk it all just seems like a cover for what the actual problem you have against byler:#it's a gay ship involving a character you've projected all your straight fantasies onto (mike) and you feel that#because byler shippers ‘force’ people to admit it will be canon#it says something about your own sexuality#like please touch some grass and work on your homophobia because you can relate to a character who is gay#it's okay#you're not going to magically turn gay if mike ends up being gay#now I'm not saying byler shippers are all little angels btw#(we could probably do better if we just focused on enjoying the ship and the characters instead of arguing with homophobes)#but i definitely think the hate towards byler shippers is queerphobic (it's no secret most of us are queer in some way or another)#where the hate towards m*levin shippers (simply by the fact that it's a straight ship) is just not#and no I don't buy the argument that it's misogynist to want mike to leave el#(as if el's character arc hasn't been intrinsically tied to how misogyny and heteronormativity are#tied together under oppressive systems like the patriarchy#and that her idea of romance and boyfriends under it has been harmful to her independence and sense of self)
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akuma-tenshi · 5 months
there are some characters where i look at them and go "i don't want anything bad to happen to them ever" and others where i look at them and go "i need them to suffer so fucking much until they b r e a k" and there's no telling which is which until you talk to me about them
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