#okay i had. so many responses for this LMAO so i stuck w my two most ones q-q
helluvapurf · 4 months
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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glaivenoct · 2 years
12,13,14.&19, if you could please?
Thank yoouuu again for indulging me friend!! ;u; <3 (Behind The Scenes Fic Questions)
12.) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
I don't know what this really qualifies under as a Trope per se, but I've always wanted to try writing a whumpy fic where Noct gets taken captive and experimented on. Experimented in the sense of trying to suppress his magic or tap into the power of the crystal or whathaveyou through Noctis. Something along those lines as long as it has to do with messing with Noct's magic/magic responses, forcing him into a constant stasis and then pushing him to the limits so to speak.
Listen. All I really want is an excuse for Noct to be strapped in a chair, barely coherent because everything is taking a toll on him. And I just want him to fucking snap because whatever test or method they try next is not only painful - but he's just so overwhelmed that it sets off some wild, magical self preservation instinct in Noctis.
He can't control it. He screams while his eyes ignite that violet color like when he summons one of the six. The lights above him and windows around him fucking shatter and short circuit. He busts out of his restraints like it's nothing. Anyone or anything in the near vicinity is absolutely fucked and terrified.
Basically, give me Noctis feral with power and the bros/Nyx/Cor having to talk him down and snap him out of it.
*coughs* So, um. Yeah what trope is that? ...is this a trope? What's a trope again, I need a dictionary lmao
13.) Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Hmm.. probably unrequited love because... I mean that's just no fun to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14.) If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
I accepted my fate and dug my grave with Nyx and Noct years ago. There's no turning back now.
Lmao that surprises no one, SO ASIDE FROM THE OBVIOUS, IF I HAD TO CHOOSE ANYONE ELSE. Hmm.. I think I'd choose Merlin from bbc Merlin because I at least have someone fun and magical (and wouldn't that be handy on a deserted island) to pass time with! Aaaand.. Agent Twilight aka Loid Forger from Spy x Family. Not only am I simping HARD for the man lately, but between him and Merlin, I'd be safe as fuck. He's fucking smart and would probably have some spy connection that ends up getting us off the island anyway. And while he wait - he can make me and Merlin foooood. He'll find a way, he always does that smooth culinary fucker. I'd trust Twilight and Merlin with my goddamn life, fuck!
15.) Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
See... given that I kinda stay in my little NyxNoct corner and don't venture much into writing outside of them - I guess it's easy to say that both of them are the easiest for me to write? At the same time it's still hard because... well, I don't know if I even write them well? Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy the way I write them, but at the same time I sometimes wonder if, despite that, I write them in a way others would consider "in character". Sometimes I think I do, but sometimes I doubt myself too. It can be a back and forth thing at times, but at the end of the day I still manage to write things I'm proud of.
Again, OUTSIDE of those two. The hardest character for me to write is without a doubt Ignis. Why? I have no clue. Whenever I look at the bros and think about writing them it just goes like this:
Noct: Yeah cool I got this Gladio: Mmm yeah I can pull this off probably Prompto: Erm, winging it but I think it'll be okay Ignis: ????
Not to talk about Cagefighter AU again but. Listen. The aside is a Monster for many reasons. I am nervous about the aside for Many Reasons. One of those many reasons for both of these circumstances is "I hope to fucking god I can write a convincing and in-character Ignis because he's a big part of the whole damn thing. Everyone start your prayer circles for me n o w."
I think for the most part I've been able to do him justice, and in turn it's starting to help build my confidence a little with writing him. But to say it hasn't been challenging would be a lie.
As always, I am doing my best ;u;
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wooahaes · 2 years
sunflowers are gorgeous, my step dad is growing a few, i'll get some photos for you!!! 💛💛💛
i've been rewatching a lot of gose lately, it cheers me up and gets me through an anxiety day or if i have a bad work day <33 he's so good as mafia!!! <3 although the one ep where he's mafia and seungkwan is the police and he checks hoshi, learns that he's the mafia and then gets killed IS SO HEARTBREAKING GRR 😂😂😂😂 POOR KWANNIE >.<
okay now i'm trapped between hoshi and jihoon, i read a few jihoon fics this morning and then watched a few compilations and now i'm STUCK BETWEEN THEM AAAAAA
i am definitely that person too, esp if it's something genuinely hilarious. you laugh at something funny and then someone's laugh just sets you back off again 😭😭😭
omg wait no that would be completely chaotic, i don't think anyone other than cheol is equipped to deal with how chaotic svt are <33
i love hsm so much you don't understand </3 i want to erase my memory of hsm and watch them all over again i'm OBSESSED :o i'm being biased here bc he's my url but i just want to have a day out with seungkwan, i just think it would be the most fun </3 we can both be so savage and i feel like our personalities are so similar <3
omg yes yes, LEE KNOW PLS, him and his cats are so beautiful to me!!! 🥰 my s/o and i have two cats together, he gets SOOOOO flustered over baby animals! when he sees bunnies, his voice goes so high pitched and he screams "BUNNYYYYY" 😍😍😍😍
you just can't help but bias the whole group tbh <3 they're my favourite group. i've actually had the same favourite artist for the last 18 years which are a band called mcfly but i think svt have taken that number one spot in my heart. i've been wrestling with the both of them since i first listened to svt 6 years ago but nah, i think svt have my whole entire heart <3333
hiii heather sorry for taking forever to reply to this!! i literally panicked when i came to reply bc i thought it got deleted somehow :(
omg please do!! i’d love to see them <3
one day i will just... sit back and watch gose and tmap and probs the different skz stuff. is that from one of the TTT eps? i think i remember that one lol
oh big mood lol i literally switch between wonwoo n vernon based on the day. i am soft for them <3 but honestly all of svt bias wrecks me depending on the day. i think its usually dino and cheol like... most often (dino’s humor <3 i just love how he clowns the others sometimes lmao and cheol’s... everything tbh i love that man), but it really just depends on what they’re doing lol
sometimes i laugh too hard to the point where i go completely silent and it hurts lmao i did have someone go “stop STOP, UR KILLING HER” once in response to me silently crying w laughter
it’d be chaotic but i still want to see it fskhfdf like. looking at shinee, i’m like... there’s only one person who can handle taemin and it’s onew and even then taemin gets away with a lot lmao
BIG mood tho!! they’re such silly fun movies <3 i love them so much. seungkwan would be fun to have a day out with tbh!! i feel like he’d be fun to talk with esp just bc he’s a sweetie who i think would happily carry convo if ur a lil nervous or listen if ur passionate abt something. honestly i think all of svt would be fun to have a day out with depending on what ur doing? jeonghan n jun would both be good for like... rly chill, laid-back days tbh
also minho and his cats... i legit love them so much. he’s such a good cat dad!! also aww ur s/o sounds so cute!! also pls tell ur kitties that i love them omg <3
idk if i’d call svt my favorite group since i have multiple groups that i love + i think shinee will always rank very highly since they’re genuinely very special to me and i love them a lot. + i’m a softie for both trsr, golcha, and skz!! there are simply so many men i am soft for <3 is this allowed--
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cantdanceflynn · 2 years
My fair goalie is a great episode! I like the part where Heinz is sick and Perry puts a blanket over him, and the ‘nostrils’ is funny for a team name. Every part of that episode does seem quite well put together!
Lawrence is incredible in that episode, I think it’s one of the best examples of his personality. He’s very mild-mannered, and he’s willing to let himself lose just so his brother is happy. But he’s also very talented! He just doesn’t show it unless he has a reason to: and Linda asking him to show it is a good reason for him, it’s always nice to see their relationship, it’s wholesome.
The Candace plot of the episode is also really entertaining, the being a lady song gets stuck in my head all the time, it’s really great.
Eliza is an interesting character as well, I kind of wish that she had another episode or two. Her family presumably lives in England, so I think they should have been mentioned whenever the Flynn-Fletchers visited England. Also, she has way too many brothers, lmao.
Professor Ross Eford is also a genius palindrome- I think it’s interesting worldbuilding to introduce a concept like “palindromes were feared in the fifties”. We can see how that old superstition still exists in the modern day, with how that kid realized Ross had a palindrome name and their mother clearly still has some prejudice for palindromes. I think the implications of this would be really interesting! And since palindromes aren’t a controversial topic in the real world, I think that would be a really great opportunity for Phineas and Ferb to tackle the concept of discrimination. It would be really interesting to have an episode where someone has a palindrome name and is bullied and Phineas and Ferb’s big idea of the day could be teaching everyone that it’s okay to have a palindrome name! Buford could be the bully, maybe he learned that palindromes were bad from an older relative, and over the course of the episode he realizes that there’s nothing wrong with palindromes. Also, given that ‘madam’ is a palindrome, it could be interesting to have interactions where an older woman from the fifties is called madam and she gets offended at being called a palindrome.
Let’s not forget Ferb, either! Ferb is great in that episode. Honestly, the ‘curse’ thing could tie into the palindrome superstition in a really interesting way if they’d wanted to go that route, but the ending where the curse is broken and they still lose is also really great. ‘Sometimes you just miss’ is a good moral, because it also serves to debunk superstition. Sometimes you just miss, there doesn’t have to be a supernatural explanation for everything. I also really love the bit at the beginning when Buford comes by and gives Ferb all that American stuff in that big sack. It’s really brilliant! I also like the end credits, when Ferb says he’s not a Brit or a Yank, he’s just Ferb. When I saw that part I was struck by an irrational urge to edit the scene so he was saying that in response to being asked what his gender was.. non-binary Ferb is all powerful, I suppose. But honestly it is a really nice sentiment. That episode goes all in on the American vs British stuff, but that ending takes a step back to remind the audience that it’s all just for fun, and no one actually has to be defined by where they live or where they came from. They can just be!
Also Baljeet screaming in the hat. Need I say more? Hilarious.
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astrxealis · 2 years
i hate your writing lol
good evening anon !! omg ... i appreciate that you feel so strongly for my writing T___T sorry you feel that way! i think playing the critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy fourteen will help you :) it has a free trial that includes the whole base game a realm reborn and the award-winning expansion heavensward that lets you play up until level 60, all that with no restrictions on playtime! i think it'd be a much better use of time than sending asks like this <3
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#7 w rich kid!tom would be so funny lmao especially if the reader is the one who gets tan and thomas burns
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I've gotten so many requests for this prompt! Luckily they’re mostly for different characters but since these two were both for Tom I decided to combine them. I hope that’s okay with you guys and you still enjoy! As always feedback is appreciated, love you guys so much xx
Also I would like to thank @spideyssunshine for reading over this for me and giving me the Spanish bit. I love u very much wife 💕
Told You So
7 - One gets tan, the other gets sunburnt
Pairing: Rich Camp Counselor! Tom x Reader
Summary: Tom refuses to wear sunblock
“Hey Tom, watch this!” Evan, a tall boy in Tom’s cabin called out to him from the top of the rope swing.
“Do a flip!” Tom called back.
(y/n) rolled her eyes, “Don’t encourage them to hurt themselves.”
“He’s not gonna get hurt,” Tom rolled his eyes, “Why don’t you let the kids have fun huh? Forcing them to watch everyone else swim is pretty lame.”
“Oh my god Tom, we’re putting on sunscreen,” she rolled her eyes as she sprayed one of her girl’s backs, “You should be too white boy.”
“Don’t worry darling, I tan,” he winked.
She laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure the three drops of melanin in your skin really kick it into high gear.”
“I do, my whole family tans,” he insisted, “Obviously not as well as you, but we still do.”
“Even I still wear sunscreen, Tom. It protects from more than just sunburns, and you’re supposed to be responsible, which means you make sure your kids are protected from the sun.”
He rolled his eyes, “If they get sunburnt it’s their own fault, they should know at this point if they need sunscreen or not.”
“Alright, but I don’t want to hear you whining when you all get totally fried,” she hummed, “You definitely aren’t borrowing any of my aloe vera.”
“I won’t need it,” he stuck his tongue out, “Feel free to join me on the rope swing when the sunblock dries darling.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
(y/n) giggled as Tom began to towel himself off, so far unaware of his bright red back.
“Like what you see?” he teased, “Darling there are children around.”
She smirked, “Yeah, you’ve got a nice back Tommy.”
“Ah, thanks darling,” he kissed her cheek before and held his arm out next to hers, “Hmm, still pretty pale.”
“I think you’ve got a little color,” she hummed.
“Yeah, just a little though. I think the water might have made it a little weaker,” he chuckled before wrapping the towel around his neck and suddenly wincing, “Ow!”
She burst into a fit of laughter, “Yeah, I’d avoid touching that back if I were you.”
He groaned as he tried to glance over his shoulder, “Seriously?”
She kept laughing as she held her arm up to his back, “I don’t know Tom, you might be tanner than me.”
“Oh shut up!” he snapped, “What the hell? I never burn!”
“Well there’s a first time for everything,” she squeezed his shoulder, making him wince.
“You said you had aloe?”
“Not for you,” she hummed.
“Come on, I’ll pay you,” he pleaded, “Please?”
“I told you to put on sunblock,” she reminded, “I don’t have enough aloe for you and all your boys.”
“You don’t have to give it to all them, just me!” he whined, “Come on darling, I’m very fragile.”
“Tom!” she hit his chest, “If I gave it to anyone it would be the kids.”
“Okay but the kids aren’t your boyfriend,” he reminded, “Come on, I deserve special treatment.”
“No,” she shook her head as she dried out her hair.
“A hundred bucks,” he offered.
“Um for your rich ass it’s gonna be more than a hundred,” she laughed again.
“Whatever you want is yours darling,” he grabbed both of her hands dramatically, “Come on, I just need a little bit.”
“I suppose we can make some kind of deal,” she tapped her chin thoughtfully, “Maybe if you treated me and my girls to ice cream when the snack bar opens I could spare a little bit of my aloe vera.”
“Done, I’ll buy them for the whole camp if that’s what you want,” he sighed in relief, “So what do I have to do to get you to rub it in?”
“I’ll toss that in for free,” she kissed his cheek before pulling her shirt over her head, “Alright, let’s gather up the kids and I’ll meet you in my cabin?”
“Yes, thank you darling.”
“De nada mi amor.”
@niallberry @spideyssunshine @namoreno @thevery-firstpage @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @emistrash @andreagf956 @tomsirishgirlx @peachyafshawn @agbspidey
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ijenoyou · 4 years
Out of my league.
kun x reader.
summary; he always admired from afar but not this time.
requested. send one!
warnings; none haha i mean it includes mentions of gummy bears lol fluff and humor.
notes; sooooo i’m sorry this took so long to finally post (˃̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣ ) but i was quite busy with school (it’s kicking my ass lol) anyways remember english isn’t my first language sooo ignore the mistakes if you see one lmao
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Kun was always the one between all his friends that only admired girls from afar. Of course not in a weird way, he likes to admire the beauty of each one of them and later on forget about it.
But he couldn’t forget about you.
You were a new transferred student who happens to be best friends with his own friend, Lucas.
Kun first saw you at the mini gathering Lucas was doing at his apartment. When he entered his friends home he saw you sitting next to Sicheng, talking about which color of gummy bears tastes better.
“Yellow is the best one.” You said while taking one of the bag you were holding.
“You’re crazy! They taste so bad, red ones are the winner here.” Sicheng defended his posture on the argument making you roll your eyes faking annoyance.
You were about to speak again until Kun interrupted you.
“I think the yellow ones are tasty.” He softly spoke making you and Sicheng turn towards him.
He didn’t know what overcame him to speak out like that. He was always sitting in silence while hearing his friends talk, but not this time.
When he didn’t get any answer he started to regret his decision until you smiled.
“See? He knows about good taste.” You pushed your friend with your shoulders and stood up from your sitting position. “I’m Y/N.”
Kun made sure his hands weren’t sweaty before taking yours in between his.
Sicheng watched the whole scene with a weird expression on his face, he turned his head towards Lucas who was busy playing tetris on his phone, he pinched his arm to get his attention.
“Ow! What was that for?” Lucas answered and started to rub his arm, trying to calm the burning he felt from Sicheng’s fingers.
“Look at them.” He whispered and nodded towards you and his quiet friend.
“What about them?”
“What about them?! Kun never talks to girls out of the blue and Y/N never smiles to boys like she just did with him.”
After saying that, Lucas’s eyes widened. He snapped his head upwards and searched for the both of you. He found you next to Kun at the kitchen counter, making a drink that included those disgusting yellow gummy bears you liked so much.
“Oh god.” He whispered to Sicheng. “I’ve never seen her like that.”
“I know!” Sicheng answered with excitement.
He knew you way before Lucas, you and him were neighbors since baby’s and stayed friends all this time. So he definitely knows how you react around other guys.
You always tried to be polite but never gave them a single smile or stuff like that. You only did that with Sicheng and Lucas since they were practically your only friends alongside your roommate. They always joked about how you hate men and that the day you smile at one for real that will be because he’s the love of your life.
“I didn’t know Kun has a girlfriend.” Xiaojun said making Lucas and Sicheng flinch.
“Yeah, they look cute.” Ten answered and placed his hand on Xiaojun’s back.
“How did you guys get in?” Lucas questioned with surprise.
Ten pointed towards the other couch in the room, Hendery was playing red hands with Yangyang.
“Yang opened the door for us.” Ten said while taking one green gummy bear out of Sicheng’s bag.
“But how did they got in? They weren’t here before!”
Before anyone could say anything a strong laugh could be heard in the whole place. The six boys turned their heads and saw you and Kun laughing loudly at something he was showing you on his phone.
“Okay! Why don’t we play a game while waiting for our food?” Lucas asked everyone, grabbing your and Kun’s attention.
And that’s how you ended up almost choking Ten for hiding his uno cards by sitting on top of them so he could win. Two hours went by and it was time for you to leave.
“Damn i’m so full.” Hendery spoke while trying to keep his eyes open. “I’m getting food coma.”
You patted his head. “Good luck with that.”
You stretched your arms and decided to start putting your shoes on.
“Well, it’s was nice but I have to go back to my place, Wendy needs help with a project.”
You said goodbye to everyone and before you could say anything to Kun he decided to speak first.
“I’ll walk you.” A blush spread on your cheeks and the boys didn’t fail to notice it but said nothing about it.
“Don’t worry Kun.” You smiled and placed the hood of your hoodie on your head. “I live a few flats from here but if you one day want to come by just let me know.”
“Sure.” Kun tried to suppress a smile and nodded.
“Okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow guys!” That was the last thing you said before leaving.
The whole place was silent. Until Kun turned and saw all of his friends holding each other trying not to scream.
“What?” He asked.
“You like her!”
“She likes you!”
“I’m going to cry, our Kunnie finally spread his wings out.”
He couldn’t understand a single thing his friends said and decided to ignore them.
You first day at your new collage was great so far. You didn’t see any of the boys at all since all of them were majoring in different things. Expect for Kun.
“I didn’t know you were into law.” He spoke behind you.
You turned surprise and smiled.
“Hello there.”
He sat next to you, putting his backpack on the floor and took out his laptop with the rest of his materials for the class.
“Why didn’t you tell me about your major?” You asked while pressing the ‘on’ button of your laptop.
“You never asked.” Kun playfully answered and you softly punched him on the shoulder.
After that, the class started. Two long hours and Kun couldn’t be more surprised by you.
Since you were new, the teacher had his target on you. He asked a lot of question to you to see if you were capable of answering, which you did gaining a good response from the teacher.
Kun knew you were smart. At the reunion everytime you spoke you did it with such a smart input, like you had all of the right words.
“We have free class right now, so... vending machine?” He asked and you nodded.
Weeks went by like that. You and him spending most of the time together.
You study with him, eat with him, laugh with him.
The boys were surprised that at this point you and him haven’t kissed at least.
“Not even a tiny peck?” Ten pinched his fingers together while asking.
Kun shook his head and the boys groaned.
“I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.” He softly said and started to play with his fingers, a nervous habit he developed with the years. “And we don’t know if she even likes me like that!”
Sicheng gasped.
“Are you dumb?”
“Not even close, why?”
“There’s no time for jokes!” Sicheng’s dramatic voice appeared. “trust me with this dude, she likes you.”
Kun sighed and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.
“Y/N is way out of my league.”
“How come your roommate is never here?”
“Uh, Wendy usually sleeps at his boyfriends.” You answered while searching a show to watch on netflix.
You decided to lay your head on his shoulder and he decided to place his on top of yours. You decided on watching Twilight again and he groaned making you poke fun at him.
“Again? We’ve watch this like a million times!” He expressed his annoyance.
“And? It’s good so shut it.”
The movie began, it was making him sleepy. He could tell you the whole scrip even in his sleep. That’s so many times you’ve made him watch it with you.
“Are you tired?” You asked and took your head off his shoulder to look at him.
“Yeah, I was busy so I forgot about the essay Ms. Kang gave us, I finished it up in one night.”
His ‘busy’ meant going with you to this art exposition about candy in which they were selling a giant gummy bear, he got you the yellow one and he couldn’t forget they way your face lit up with happiness when he gave it to you after a few days.
“Why don’t you sleep here? You can have my bed and I’ll sleep in Wendy’s”
He nodded at your proposal and sighed. Too tired to even say anything. He was about to continue watching the movie but he couldn’t keep his eyes off your lips. Shinning bright because of the grenade chapstick he gifted you the other day.
The conversation he had with the boys kept on replaying on his mind.
Fuck it.
He pressed his lips against yours. You let out a tiny gasp in surprise but soon after decided to relax.
You tilted your head to the side so you could return his kiss while placing your hand on his cheek. It was a quick kiss but the softness and love was there, and it made you feel for the very first time, full of love.
“I’m in love with you.” He said in a whisper.
You caressed his skin with your fingers, admiring his features under the artificial light that came from the TV.
You couldn’t think straight. Too in love with the idea of love. So instead of saying anything, you took him by the back of his neck and drew him close to you, reconnecting your lips with his.
“Be mine.”
The boys couldn’t believe their eyes.
“W-What? W-When?” Lucas stuttered.
“Wow, he finally made a move.” Hendery said while sipping on his coca-cola.
A few tables away from them, you and Kun were eating a small cake, feeding each other and sharing sweet kisses.
“Woo! Go Y/N! Go Kun!” Ten shouted to make them feel embarrassed.
You tried to hide your face in your boyfriend’s chest and stuck out your hand with direction towards Ten, folding your fingers except for the middle one.
Kun laughed at this antics and pressed a peck on the crown of your head.
He also was in love with the idea of love.
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You know how we have pet costumes? Give Jacob one, make him a cute space cowboy😈😈😈
Please enjoy this little ficlet (that was actually my 3rd attempt to write a fluffy ficlet for this universe because all the other ones kept becoming future chapters lmao)
“This is humiliating. I look like sheriff Woody or something.”
“Aw, I was thinking more like John Wayne Gacy, you know?”
“The...the clown serial killer…?”
Angie pursed her lips. “Wait, who was the cowboy guy in all the old movies? Like, before Clint Eastwood and whatever.”
“That’s John Wayne. Not John Wayne Gacy,” Jacob tugged at the sleeves of his costume and readjusted his cowhide vest. “And I don’t feel anywhere near as cool as him right now.”
She rolled her eyes and crinkled her nose. “That’s because you’re not cool. You’re a grown man playing dress up with a kindergartener.”
“So are you.”
Angie straightened her Native American headpiece and threw one of her braided pigtails behind her. “Yeah, but I know it’s stupid, so therefore I’m doing it ironically which makes me cool.”
Jacob sighed heavily but didn’t argue further, instead tugging his cowboy hat down further to shield his face that burned with embarrassment. Being forced into having playdates with his captor’s coworker was nothing new. He had spent plenty of time being Mibao’s sole playmate aboard the ship, doing the best he could to keep the six year girl entertained and not too psychologically damaged. Being the youngest in a sibling group of only boys, he was a bit rusty when it came to knowing anything about kids. Thankfully, Mibao was more than happy to take him by the hand and show up all the “fun” things she used to either do back home or what she would now do with her “kitty”.
Today’s game of choice was dress up. Every day felt like dress up when it came to the girl’s ever expanding wardrobe; she was always dressed in an obnoxiously puffy and sparkling princess dress fashioned with ribbons and bows galore and always with a matching crown. Fine, no big deal, he could slap a tiara on his head and call it a day, he’d worn worse at the few fraternity parties he attended during college. Nope, not good enough. Mibao had a very specific game she wanted to play which involved him wearing a cowboy costume of all things. A very realistic and detailed cowboy costume, assless chaps and spurs and all. Again, he could...handle it for the most part. The only thing that really bothered him about it was all the coos and giggles he received from both his and Mibao’s captors when he finally came out in his new outfit.
And he knew for a fact they took many, many pictures of him.
It didn’t end there, Mibao still had more requests. Angie needed to join in as well and she was required to be an “indian princess” to partake. Naturally, she was more than happy to agree if it meant getting a break from the absolute nightmare of a captor she had been saddled with. So, now Jacob had to deal with the fact that she would have to watch him play pretend in this ridiculous getup. He could never catch a break with her, it seemed, she always had to catch him when he was in the middle of doing something cringe worthy. She didn’t even look half as uncomfortable as him and she was literally wearing half as much clothing.
Or maybe that was exactly why she was so comfortable as she sauntered up to him, making a finger pistol to tip his hat away from his face. “Cheer up, partner,” she teased. “I think it makes you look cute.”
“I think it makes me look like Owen Wilson from the museum movie,” Jacob replied, hoping the shadow of the brim hid his reddening cheeks.
“Oh my God, you are a tiny little twink cowboy, huh?”
“I’d rather be the gladiator guy.”
“You wish you could pull off being the gladiator guy.”
A rebuttal was on the tip of his tongue when Mibao made her appearance from behind the monitor where she had been changing. This time instead of her usual princess attire, she was dressed...pretty much the same, only this time she had a tiny pair or iridescent fairy wings attached to the back. What a fairy had to do with cowboys and indians, he hadn’t the faintest idea. She stopped when she saw the two of them and stuck out her tongue in childish disgust.
“Eww, stop kissing!” She scolded. “You can kiss the princess later, Jake, it’s time to play!”
Jacob had never been more grateful in his life that the creatures idly watching them couldn’t understand English because he just might have died if they heard. He could feel the heat radiating from his nape to his cheeks, putting his hands up in defense like it could keep Angie away from him.
“Wh-no! We weren’t, we weren’t kissing, Reagan, w-we-!”
Angie only cackled, her amusement stemming more from Jacob’s panicked response than the actual accusation of giving him a kiss. “Yeah, cowboy, you can kiss me later.” She winked and nudged him with her elbow as she walked past to where Mibao was waiting.
He groaned, tugging the hat down as far as it would go even if that meant obscuring his vision somewhat. That was totally fine, he didn’t want to look at anyone right now and he did not want to be perceived either. The child was leading them back over to her designated play area scattered with art supplies and stuffed toys for where they’ll play their game of make believe. Angie was already sitting on her knees by the time he shuffled over and beckoned him with a sly smile to come take a seat on the ground next to her. Jacob obliged, but refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing his beet red face.
As soon as they were settled, Mibao immediately launched into the exposition of the scene they would be putting on, including their roles and superpowers (that only she had because she was a magical fairy queen). Jacob was only half listening; the kid usually forgot half of her own rules in the middle of playing anyways because she wanted to change the story and it wasn’t that hard to follow her game of make believe. Instead, he kept side-eying Angie, who was side-eying him back, and every time they made eye contact she would smile and bump his shoulder with hers.
This was going to be a long playdate.
The lab door slid open as Talan walked in, peeling off his bloodied gloves to dispose of them in Ylva’s waste bin. “I need my human back.”
“Aw, why? They’re all having a ball together!” Ylva frowned, gesturing to the miniature trio on her desk. Well, the smallest one and Talan’s pet seemed like they were having a good time, namely at the expense of the other human in a hat. They all seemed to stop at the interruption, his human fixing him with a sneer that he was tempted to match.
“What the fuck is it wearing?” He asked, ignoring all the little protests he got when he grabbed it and plucked the stupid looking feather thing of its head. “I thought you said it’s not nice to torment the humans.”
Edix scoffed at him, though his annoyance was more from Talan being in his general vicinity than anything. “It’s not torment. They were having fun.”
Talan did not look convinced in the slightest, his eyes sweeping over the pup who was pouting at him for taking away its playmate and the other who froze any time he breathed in its direction. Like owner, like pet, he assumed as it seemed to unconsciously inch closer to where Edix’s hand was resting for a better sense of security. Pathetic. At least his pet had a bit more self respect and wasn’t afraid to try and stab him in the hand with his own tools. Of course, it got a sharp flick to the stomach to knock it off, but he could appreciate the gumption.
Talan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, looks like a real party. So sad to have missed it.”
“Like you’ve ever been to a party to know what it looks like.”
“Says the one that only hangs out with plants.”
“Okay,” Ylva interjected, rising from her chair and scooping up her adorable little human. “You’re right, we should probably wrap this up, Mibao’s going to need a nap soon and she likes to fight her naps when she’s excited.”
That was all the excuse Talan needed to dip out without a formal goodbye, though it didn’t escape the corner of his eye how Edix’s human took a half step forward when he left, almost like it wanted to say something. Even if it did, he wouldn’t have cared. As quickly as he had intruded, Talan disappeared back down the main hall of the fauna department to return to his lab.
Edix stood up as well and tucked the data pad he had been keeping busy with under his arm to keep his hands free. He couldn’t help but smile at seeing how much closer his little pet was standing to him, even if it wasn’t by much, even though it was caused by Talan of all bastards. A win was a win in his book. The hand the human had been partly hiding behind curled easily around it to lift it up, immediately cradling it to his chest as usual. It squirmed for a moment but settled quick enough, a clear sign it was also ready to go back to the lab it was accustomed to. For a social species, the little one always seemed so drained after any playdate Ylva arranged for their pets. Fine by him, it usually meant his human was much more quiet and well behaved once it was back in the solitude of Edix’s company, making for an easier work day.
He used his finger to tilt back the wide brimmed hat it had been using to hide its sweet little face a majority of the playdate, earning him a surprised squeak. With the way its baby cheeks were turning an adorable shade of pink, Edix had a fairly good guess as to why it was trying to avoid everyone’s line of sight. Damn, he should have had Ylva take more pictures, this was way too cute for him. It reached up to quickly pull its shield back down and Edix let it with a laugh, cooing as he tugged at its little vest instead which only made it wriggle in distress. Overdramatic little thing.
“Can I keep this costume?” He asked as he followed behind Ylva who was preparing to put her own pup down for a nap. In reality, it meant she was going to have to play with it for at least another half an hour because, much like him, she was a sucker when it came to her human wanting to play. The difference being that Mibao wanted to do anything from coloring to singing to continuing its game of make believe while Edix’s pet always wanted to play chase.
Ylva smiled and shrugged. “Sure, I mean, it’s not like it’s going to fit the baby. It was printed for its measurements specifically, anyways.” Mibao was proving to be difficult in its refusal to relinquish the shiny wings Ylva had designed at its request, something that Ylva quickly made a game out of by setting her pup on the desk and letting it squeal and run while her hands chased after it. That would tire the kid out in no time. She looked back at his human and giggled. “I don’t think it likes it very much, though.”
Oh yeah, that was obvious from the get go, but it didn’t change the fact that it was way too precious for its own good in this type of outfit. Edix actually quite liked the contrast of the dark brown against its pale skin, even more given the fact that it matched the color of its doe eyes perfectly. It was much more appealing than that splotchy green jacket it was inexplicably attached to. He had a feeling it was going to try and strip out of this outfit as soon as it was back in Edix’s lab, provided he gave it its normal suit and jacket to change into. But...maybe he didn’t have to offer it its spare set of clothes right away. Maybe it would just have to hang around in its little boots and hat for a couple hours longer while he finished up his latest report that was just so important to get done. And maybe he would get constantly distracted by how cute it looked while it was definitely pouting at him for not taking off its costume that it took a little longer than usual to finish his work, which meant it spent even longer pouting under its hat.
Decisions, decisions.
Edix waved his hand dismissively. “It’ll learn to love it.”
“Oh, Eddie, don’t be mean to it,” Ylva laughed, not that seemed bothered by the idea of his pet keeping the outfit on for an extended period of time beyond the playdate. “But send pictures if you do.”
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lilikags · 4 years
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ೃ‧₊› a b o u t  t h i s  p o s t° ➮ Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader ➮ Oneshot ➮ Tags: fluff ➮ Word Count: 2182
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A/N: This is for @serowotonin​! [for Luna’s Valentines Day collab] Ik I said I was doing Atsumu bc “I was bored” but I always say “imagine being bored” and truly, I haven’t been bored for so long. I forgot that this was for the collab for a fat moment then when you saw the preview I was like, “Wait- no- it’s a surprise.” 
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Premise: You and Atsumu are cleaning out the apartment, when you find a few letters you thought you would never see again… 
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“Oi, (y/n), look at what I found,” you heard Atsumu say, leaning over the contents of a drawer he had been sifting through. 
“What?” you walked over to see what he had found. The two of you were cleaning out the apartment, as you were going to be moving out soon. Atsumu had a habit of keeping things that connected him to an important memory of his, unless he wanted to forget it- and this was one of them. You didn’t know he kept them- actually, it did make sense of him to, but you had simply forgotten about it and you somehow expected the same for him. You looked down to see what he had in his hands, and your face literally went emotionless as you saw the letter in his hands. 
You really didn’t mind the letters, for the most part. Actually, they held dear to you. However, that first one… you were grateful for it, but you also remembered just how bad you wanted to buy a grave space and bury it for eternity back then... 
Miya Atsumu.
This was a dare. This is a love letter. For Valentines. Happy valentines day. If you have extra chocolate, send me some. 
Sincerest thanks, (y/n). 
Atsumu usually threw away the letters he received every Valentines. It wasn’t that he was trying to be rude; it was just that there were too many letters for him to read (and reply to), so he usually just threw them out. Osamu often teased him for this; he boasted that he at least read his letters.
“Oi, ‘Samu, look at this one,” Atsumu called out to his brother. 
“What?” Osamu looked at him, with a face of disbelief. “Yer actually lookin’ at them?”
“Nah, not really, but this one’s hilarious,” Atsumu laughed. 
“Okay, not funny, keep yer lame humor to yourself.” 
“(y/n), truth or dare,” (b/f/n) asked. 
You smiled, “Dare.” 
“Hmmm… alright, send a love letter to Miya Atsumu- it has to be at least one line long.”
“I’m- okay then.” 
You brought out a piece of paper, wrote the first things that came to mind, and once you reached one line, you stopped. You folded the paper and grabbed whatever envelope you could find and sealed it with tape. The dare required actually giving the letter, much to your dismay, but it wasn’t like you could back down from a dare. After all, it was (b/f/n), and the nonstop teasing would definitely occur if you failed to complete the dare. 
Dearest (y/n), 
I did in fact receive your rather interesting letter, and I have decided to bring you some chocolate as you wished. I wish you, as well, a very happy valentine’s day this year.
Most sincerely, Atsumu. 
Atsumu was intrigued enough to write a reply; in fact, he decided to write in the most formal way possible. He knew from the letter that you were either a tsundere or someone who was actually dared to do so, and decided that it would be fun entertainment for the both of you. 
When you received the letter, you were surprised to see a reply. It was known he didn’t send out replies, yet you had received one. As you read it, you felt a need to reply; you’d simply feel bad if you didn’t. However, what was there to talk about? How the chocolates were good? He had stuck it on your first period desk, out in the open. And you also sincerely wondered what was with the overly formal tone. You do remember writing the most shitty letter you’ve ever written to him, and that volleyball-obsessed dude just writes something formal to you? Baffles the mind.
Well, then, if he was going to reply, you would too. 
Miya Atsumu,
Thanks for the chocolate- your fans make pretty good chocolate, I have to say. Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, ‘cause all ya focus on is just volleyball. Anyways, what was with the overly formal tone- ya like me or somethin’? Would be funny if ya did and I turned ya down. XD  
You never really thought of Miya Atsumu, but this really sparked your interest. It was amusing, his reactions. It was definitely something you didn’t expect- you actually didn’t expect a reply at all. The reply you received was definitely out of the ordinary as well, one you never thought a hotshot volleyball player would write. It seemed he was interested in you in some ways- and you as well. 
Pfffft, you think I might like ya? I just thought yer letter was interestin’, that’s all. Ya really think I can’t make chocolate? Bet I could make better chocolate than ya, I’ll show you. I make you chocolate myself and we’ll see how it tastes. Just you watch, I’ll make ya say I make the best chocolate ever! 
You saw that in your shoe locker the next morning- and everyone saw it. You were beginning to regret actually replying to him, but there was no backing out now. (b/f/n) really hit the goal here, for her. People were probably talking about it. It’s always some event that involves romance that catches everyone’s eye. And since it was just after valentine’s, everyone would automatically assume it was a love letter. In reality, it was simply a little bit of playful banter. 
You wondered if people actually knew who it was. You hoped not; it would gather way too much attention for your liking. You’d have an entire fanclub after you, and it was definitely (b/f/n)’s fault that you got into this entire mess. You had absolutely no idea if anyone saw him slip that into your shoe locker, since it had probably been there for a good hour or so before you and most of the other students got there. In any case, there was nothing you could do about people knowing things they already know, so you headed onto class. It was exam week, and you sighed; it would be a long day. 
When you arrived at homeroom, you were not-so-pleasantly surprised with what you found at your desk. You just wanted a quiet day; go to school, take the tests, and get out so you could relax at home. But no, you just had to see this and you knew there was a thing called rumors you had to deal with. Well, you could just be like “whatever” and not care, but you definitely knew who’d be after you, for real. Atsumu’s fanbase was quite scary, and definitely large- a group of people one would regret messing with. 
“Ugh- what am I going to do with this chocolate now, he gave me a lot yesterday…” 
“(y/n)! Oiiii, you got chocolate?! From who from who-”
“(b/f/n), if you say a word, you are going to be dead to me.”
“...” she looked away, but then turned to you again and whispered in your ear. “So, Miya Atsumu, who has a fanbase, likes you.” 
“I’m- no-”
“But what I’m seeing says otherwise?”
“Ugh, you’re coming to my house and you are going to pay for that dare.” 
“Oh ho ho, seems like I started something…” “Bet you did.”
Pisshead Atsumu
LMAO bet ya didn’t make the chocolate, yer terrible at lying <///3 seen this chocolate before. And like wtf you put a box of chocolate on my desk with YOUR NAME on it. Ya know that people will do a thing called assuming things, right? Smh, think before you act. Anyways, I’m counting on ya to fix up this mess.
When you finished class, the first thing you did was write the note. You were absolutely paranoid with this mess, and you were going to have Atsumu fix it. Yes, you did technically initiate contact first, but that was (b/f/n)’s fault and this could’ve avoided this if he hadn’t pulled off a whole stunt. 
It was already around 6 when he saw the note. A small smirk filled his expression, he was so sure that he would be able to get a good reaction out of (y/n). It was written on scrap paper, the back of a phys. ed worksheet. You wrote it in a rush, very obviously. That wasn’t really what caught his attention though; he was puzzled as to how he would fix this. Tell his fans to fuck off? Osamu would tease him for eternity.
“Oi, what’cha starin’ at?” he heard Osamu nag. “Mom’s waitin’ for us for dinner.”
“Hey, ‘Samu…  ya know how to fix this?” 
“Oi, ya shouldn’t be fightin’ at this hour,” the two heard Kita say, as he gave them a certain look. “... ‘m sorry…” the twins apologized.
Even after a fulfilling dinner made by their mother and a nice, hot shower, Atsumu still couldn’t think of a solution. Osamu almost snitched on him, but he decided that there was enough on their mom’s plate of problems at the moment. 
“What if ya said you were dating?” Osamu offered. 
“HAH?! ARE YA INSANE?!” Atsumu yelled at him.
“That would explain what happened at valentine’s.” 
“But there’s nothin’ between us-”
“Yer fanclub wouldn’t really believe anythin’ else.”
Can we meet when practice ends at 6 on Thursday?
M. Atsumu.
“... I’m- Is he just going to apologize then run away? Tch.” you sighed. You had the idea that Miya Atsumu was overconfident and carefree, but not to this extent. The least he could do was fix this- he had power over his fandom and what people said about him, unlike you. You had to go, it wasn’t like you really had much of a choice if you wanted to talk it out and fix it. 
“Hey, (y/n) are you and Atsumu dating?” one of your classmates asked, and a bunch of others hovered around the table, waiting to hear a response. (b/f/n) had told you rumors had spread around the entire school; you figured that would’ve happened. Any topic related to the twins spread like wildfire, especially the blonde-haired one. 
“... Can you not try to pry into my private life?” you replied, which you instantly realized was exactly a wrong answer to give. This implied that you were in fact dating Atsumu secretly, and you just made your life 10x worse. You figured you should just tell everyone what had happened, then the blame would be on (b/f/n)- it should preferably be placed on Atsumu, since he started it, really. 
When you met him at 6pm, you expected no contribution from him. Instead, you were met with a solid plan for something you weren’t really happy about, but it seemed the easiest to convince the public of a story they put out. 
“(y/n)... let’s tell them that we’re dating.”
“Hmm… well, they already think that…”
“I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking…” “It’s fine. All we can do is move forward, I guess.”
“Yeah… ‘Samu gave me this solution; it’s all I have, I’m sorry if it’s-”
“It’s fine. Let’s go through with it. Just protect me from the crazy fangirls; that’s all I want.”
“And we’ll need to put together a coherent story; what’s yer number?” 
“Ahaha, seriously, maybe (b/f/n)’s a prophet. She told me that she was aiming for somethin’ to happen between us,” you commented, remembering what happened years and years ago. 
“Ya were just so unnecessarily worried about the fangirls,” Atsumu mentioned. 
“Oi! Yer fangirls were hella scary back then…” 
That night, you stayed up coming up with a story, which ended with the two of you breaking up so that you could go on your separate ways again. However, the story didn’t last too long, as (b/f/n)’s parent’s investigations went a little too far and spread the truth a little too much. (b/f/n) is one thing, but you had almost forgotten her parents were another, seriously. They’d been a little busy over the last few years, thus the lack of investigations of local drama, but they had been doing so for decades, what could you expect from them? 
Nothing was Atsumu’s fault to the fanclub, unless he seriously convinced them that it was. You were guilty until proven innocent. Unbeknownst to you until after, he gave them a whole (to be honest, not-so-great) speech on how he kind of went too far with the joke, but also placed the blame on everyone else for assuming things. People were absolutely ridiculous; their ideas and their insane imagination should learn that the left side of the brain exists too. 
“Funny how we met again after college, after all that time.”
“Ya… a real wonder” 
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『••✎••』 Extra Info * ˚ ✦ ⇢ If you would like to read some of my other works, find them here! * ˚ ✦ ⇢ Taglist: @serowotonin​ @luna-la-ley​ // send me an ask if you would like to be added!
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mirrorballparkers · 6 years
meet you in paris [p.p]
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summary: on a warm, spring afternoon, you have a lovely and hopeful conversation with your boyfriend about a possible trip to the city of love in the mere future.
authors note: so i love Paris and peter parker so i decided why not COMBINE the two. i think abt travels w peter a bit too much lmao [this is bad writing yet again folks]
words: 1423
warning: peter being a sweet baby angel as always + my sleep deprived ass writing (it's 5:30 am oops)
it was the city of love. the city of promises, dreams, and absolute happiness. it was the one place you have always dreamt of going, holding. hands with the love of your life and experiencing things together. you’ve had this little dream ever since you were a kid; your grandparents always talking about how they themselves fell in love in the pretty city, costing all the landscapes and walking at night gazing upon the stars. it made you believe in love; sure you might’ve been a hopeless romantic, but there’s no harm in loving love. and you were definitely falling in love with this pretty brown eyed boy. you couldn’t believe you had that.
but did peter want it?
“whatcha thinkin’ about, you?” you glance up from the book that was placed in your hands, looking over to your boyfriend, peter parker, who had a soft smile that made you fall in love even more.
“things,” you responded quietly – surely those things were important to him, like everything you said was. peter always listened and that’s why you adored him so much. well, one of the many reasons why.
“oh? and what things are you thinking about.” peter pondered playfully and gets up from the swivel chair by his desk, slowly treading over to you, your heart beating faster than ever. why did he have to be so effortlessly perfect? from his chestnut curls that always seemed to frame his face perfectly, to his freckles; the infinitesimal amount of star-like freckles that complimented his nose and cheeks. if you could count every single one of them, you would. kissing them would do for now.
“nothing, it’s silly,” you giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind your head. peter sits down next to you, his feet just barely touching the door, while yours were dangling and lightly touching his. “stop playing footsies with me, parker.” peter stuck his tongue out at you before holding his hand out, you smile and clasp your hand against his, the pad of his thumb beginning to rub it.
“no, really what is it? you have the one look. you know, the look where you have this bright idea and i just wanna know what’s going on in your pretty little head.” peter tilts his head as his hand grazes onto your skin like honey, the butterflies forming more and more.
how silly were you about to sound? wanting to visit paris with your boyfriend of almost a year, even though you two were still kids. just kids, but so in love.
“paris,” you started. peters honey eyes didn’t leave your face, his warm expression telling you to continue. “you know how i told you that’s where my grandparents fell in love, right?”
anything you’d ever told peter, he had it in his heart to remember. what you said was always very important to him, he was quite a good listener. “mhmm, yeah i remember that. they met at a cafe and ventured out into the city —“
“— and got married two weeks later at the Tuileries Garden.” you finished.
peter smiles at you warmly, squeezing your hand motioning you to go on. “yeah, i remember. it’s a nice story,”
“it is, yeah,”
“sooo, what about it? you know, what makes you think about it today?” he inquired.
he knew whatever you were about to say was going to make him fall even more in love with you. was that okay with him? absolutely.
you felt your cheeks heat up, just thinking about it made your heart happy and face all blushy. paris and peter seemed like a dream to you — but what if he didn’t feel the same?
“what if we go? you and me,” you asked, sheepishly looking down at your intertwined hands. peters whole heart and body vibrated with love and flowers; all because of you. he was absolutely speechless. the only sound that you could hear was the playlist you two made together, and birds chirping around outside somewhere in the spring afternoon.
“to paris?”
“yeah, to paris,” you laughed heartily.
“but...we have school tomorrow,” was the only logical response peter could come up with.the truth was, he would love to go to Paris with you. he’d been thinking about traveling the world with you forever now and couldn’t believe that you felt the same way. peter was a complete lovesick boy and he didn’t care. he was just happy you were feeling the same.
you shut your eyes, a smile creeping onto your face, opening them to meet his brown with little green specks, “not tomorrow, peter.”
he quirked an eyebrow, “if not tomorrow, when? next week? next month? i gotta know so I can renew my passport.” if you could, you’d kiss his sweet confused face right then and there: but you decided to refrain from that action and instead giggle and put your hand on his shoulder.
“no, no peter. don’t worry we’re not going anytime soon. that is, if you’d want to go.” you hold onto everything in your heart, anticipation waving through your fingertips to your chest as you waited for an answer. peter was trying his absolute best not to smile like such a baffled dork, but he couldn’t contain it. you, the person he was absolutely positively in love with; prettier than any flower, any star - prettier than anything good in this world - wanted to travel with him.
“you’d wanna go? with..with me?” he nervously laughs, thumbs pointing at himself, brown eyes looking more promising and lovely than ever. the nerves only getting stronger at this point, making it hard for him to breathe.
“someday, yeah,” you answered, biting your lip anxiously. “like, maybe after school and when we’re older.“
peter smiles, “so,’you picture us staying together after high school?” you nod sheepishly in response.
the future of you two wasn’t talked about quite often; peter wanted to go to nyu for photography and science while you wanted to go as well for your own interests. being together for almost a year and a half, it was inevitable that you were destined to have a life together forever. your parents and aunt may talk about this together, not in front of you two obviously, but separately saying how you were basically soulmates. a perfect match.
peter knew by about six months when he first said i love you, that you were his person. and you felt the same way.
“paris, huh,” peter spoke, a half grin appearing on his face as he looked down at your hands then back up at you. “like, the Eiffel tower, the art museums - french fries?”
you almost snorted, but refrained, “no, no french fries aren’t actually from France,” you giggle.
peter furrows his eyebrows at you, but your laugh, which was music to his ears as cheesy as that's sounds, only making his expression grow softer, “ned always told me that it was! I've been lied to my whole life.” he playfully pouts, playing with your fingers.
“we can get french fries in Paris, i’m sure,” you tell him. “but yeah, all the pretty things. it is the city of love, you know.”
peters heart starts to beat faster, “one of those pretty things you?” even though he knew you were blushing, thinking it was the cutest sight, he still laughed when you playfully shoved him.
“peter, we’re not even in paris yet and you’re being the most cliché dork ever,” you say.
peter laughs slightly before his expression grows slightly serious, but also loved up. “lets do it.” he responded.
you tried not to squeal, staying put in your spot, “really? you wanna go with me?”
peter scoots his body closer to you, holding both of your hands into his and resting them onto his lap. his whole world in his hands. he couldn’t believe it. he imagined his future being with you a lot, but he never thought you were also imagining it.
“anywhere you go, i go. yeah?” he breathes out, looking up at you - stars in his eyes. he cups your cheek gently, eyes never leaving yours. so in love, so utterly in love. he can’t wait for paris with you; the sights, learning about the history of France, visiting cute little cafes, the dates you’d go on, trying the exotic food, the poetic atmosphere, walking at night, and stargazing in a different part of the world - absolutely couldn’t wait. he wanted the next year in high school to fly by.
“Yeah,” you responded, breath hitches as your face is about a billion degrees - only looking at peter. so pretty.
“meet me in paris someday?”
“absolutely, peter.”
peter couldn’t wait to fall in love all over again in the city of love. 
tagged: @curlytoms @spideykiddo @cutesparker @lovelyspidey @plushparker @naturallytom @t-oodles (i wasn’t sure who to tag sorryyyy akdhsfkk i jus t tagged ppl i thought would like it)
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The Empath (Pt.5/?)
Summary: Time has a way of healing itself, as many time travelers have pointed out. In this instance, the apocalypse is back on and the Umbrella Academy is scrambling to save their sister and the world. 
Word Count: 2,135 - decided I had to split it in two parts lmao
WARNINGS: Blood; Death; Language
Pairing: Diego x Reader; Platonic!klaus x Reader
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6
A/N: We’re getting to the end! Do you guys want more after this? We know they go back in time, so perhaps reader goes with them and helps the team figure out how to right the wrongs? I hope you guys like this chapter. I’ve had some ideas for these specific scenes since I decided to start writing the Empath and was really excited to finally get it down.  
(=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
You held onto a crumbling pillar as the house continued to shake, explosions coming from the bedrooms. You could feel the fear coming from the members of the Umbrella Academy but from Vanya? That was new feeling you had never felt before. There was an anger, a feeling of contempt, but it was... Calm. Full of power. It seemed to creep through your veins slowly, making you feel like you were swimming in a pool of molasses. 
You almost didn’t hear Klaus calling your name, but his anxiety brought you back, frantic energy coursing through you again. “[Y/N]! Get out!” 
“What about you?!” 
“I’m finding Diego and mom! Just go!” 
You considered following him for a moment but ultimately deciding running was the best option. You weren’t sure how Vanya’s anger was going to affect you and you couldn’t stop the apocalypse if you were dead. 
You tripped over a crack in the foyer, groaning as you tried to push yourself back up. Out of all the ways you imagined yourself dying, getting crushed by a falling building by a woman with newly discovered powers was definitely not what you expected. Multiple overdoses managed to not kill you, of course it would take getting crushed to finish the job.
Large hands grabbed your own, pulling you from a dip in the floor before helping you back to your feet. “Luther!” He didn’t reply as he gently guided you back outside. Allison wrapped you in a hug when you joined her, wiping a bit of blood off your brow. You reached up to gently run your fingers over the cut, pulling them back down to inspect the warm blood that coated them as if you could see whatever Vanya was feeling that caused you to feel like that. 
“Klaus,” you realized, running down the street to look down the alley between the Umbrella Academy and the next business. “Klaus! Diego!” You gasped as the building finished falling, Diego screaming for his mother. 
You held the cuff of the sleeve of your cardigan to your cut as you watched Diego try to search through the rubble for his mom. 
“Diego,” Klaus said softly. “Diego.” He stepped up to grab his brother, pulling him back. 
“Let me go! What are you doing?” 
“Stop! Stop! Mom’s-” Klaus shook his head sadly. “Mom’s gone. She’s gone.”
“What do you wanna do? You wanna-- wanna... w-w-w-w-walk away from this?” 
“No.” Klaus shook his head again. The pain and sadness hung on you like a weight, and there was nothing you could do to allieviate it. You wanted to comfort the men in front of you, but as close as you and Klaus were, was there anything you could say to him to make this better?
“What about Pogo?” Diego asked with a little more force in his voice again. 
“He didn’t make it,” Luther announced when he and Allison finally joined the rest of the group. “Vanya killed him.” 
Klaus shared a look with the empty space beside him. Diego shook his head in disbelief. “But Vanya wouldn’t--”
Luther interrupted, “No, I saw it. Just before we got out.” Allison looked down in shame, dragging her eyes over the ruins of their home. 
“Mom. Now Pogo.” Diego slowly lowered himself to sit on a vaguely smooth piece of a former wall. 
Your heart ached as you watched Diego. You wanted to comfort him, hold him, something, but after your fight earlier you wondered if he would allow it. 
Five jumped over the ruins, a newspaper in his hand as he shouted, “Guys!” Everyone looked at the youngest appearing member. “This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today.”
You huffed, dropping your hand from your forehead in defeat. Of course the world was still fucking ending. 
“I thought you said it was over!” Luther reminded, taking a few steps forward. 
“I was wrong, okay?” Five held up the newspaper in his hand. “This newspaper, I found in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn’t changed.” 
Diego shook his head, refusing to look at anyone, jaw set to keep himself from crying. “No, that doesn’t mean anything. Time could’ve been altered since that newspaper came out this morning.” 
“You’re not listening to me!” Five grumbled bitterly. “When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are! The Moon’s still shining, the Earth is in one piece... But not the Academy.” He waved the newspaper to accentuate each word. 
Klaus quickly lunged forward to snatch the paper from his brother’s hand. “I’m confused,” he mumbled as he started to look at it, angling himself to use the light from a nearby fire to illuminate the words. 
“Then listen to me, you idiot!” Five followed him for a second. “Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse.” He let out a huff. “I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse.” 
Everyone looked up when they heard the blades of a helicopter, the search lights starting to graze over the destruction. 
“We have to find her. Regroup at the Super Star! Go!” Luther demanded, everyone taking off in different directions. You followed behind Klaus and Ben, though you weren’t totally aware of the other. 
“Look, I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to prepare,” Luther began once everyone had taken a few moments to clean up and rent a lane. 
“For what?” Diego growled. 
“To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya,” Luther answered. Allison smacked Luther in the chest with her notebook. “We may not have a choice, Allison!”
“Bullshit.” Diego glared at Luther. “There’s always a choice.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Five questioned. 
“Not killing your sister is an option,” you suggested sarcastically, confused grimace on your face, holding up your hand as you did. 
“You’re not even part of this family,” Luther reminded, causing you to roll your eyes. “Look, whatever we decide, we have to find Vanya.” Luther stood up with a sigh. “And fast, okay? She could be anywhere.” 
“Or, right here,” Klaus spoke up from where he was flipping through the newspaper. “Look at this.” He leaned foward so everyone could catch a look at the ad. 
“That’s right. Her concert is tonight,” Diego remembered quietly.
“Hello,” the worker said cheerfully. “I hate to intrude but my manager says if you’re not gonna bowl, you gotta leave.” 
You huffed as you stood up to get out of Luther’s way as he grabbed a ball, tossing it over his shoulder, still managing a strike. 
Allison scribbled on her notebook before holding it up to Luther. She’s our sister. 
“We’re the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to Dad.”
You and Klaus rolled your eyes in unison, but Diego snapped. “To Dad?! No, I’ve heard enough about--” 
“He sacrificed everything to bring us back together!” 
“Did he, though? He sounds like a dramatic bitch,” you whispered to Klaus from where you stood behind him, rolling you sleeves to cover the blood on the cuffs. 
“I’m with Luther on this one,” Five decided, leaning forward to rest his elbows against his knees.  “We can’t give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We’re past trying to save just one.” 
Klaus looked over at the table where the bowling balls were stored, nodding slightly before looking back at the others. “Hey, you know guys, uh.... Maybe I could help,” he suggested. 
Luther huffed and Five rolled his eyes. “Now is not the time.”
“No. Let him finish.” Diego took a few steps toward Klaus. “He saved my life today,” he clarified when Luther gave him a questioning look. 
Klaus looked directly behind him with an apologetic smile. 
“Is that true?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I did... Take credit for it.” Klaus motioned awkwardly to the space beside him. “In fact the real hero... Was Ben.” 
Everyone silently stared at Klaus in disbelief. 
“Look.... Today. Today, he punched me in the face.” Klaus pointed at his face as he walked to stand beside Diego. “And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego. Not me.” 
“You are unbelievable, Klaus,” Luther huffed. 
“Ben did punch him! I saw it,” you defended, Klaus holding his hand out toward you as proof. 
“Forgive me for not trusting the junkie in love with Klaus.” A flash of fire took over your hand for a second before dying out just as fast as it came. 
“You want proof, is that it?” Klaus grabbed a bowling ball, turning it over in his hands a few times. “All right. I’ll give you proof.” He sniffed, mimicking throwing it a few times. “Showtime, baby.” 
Everyone watched the ball arch in the air, and it bounce on the floor. 
You closed your eyes, scrunching your face as if you were in pain. “Oh, babe,” you whispered with a huff. 
Klaus pressed his lips into a tight line, ruffling his hair as everyone glared at him. 
“Is there anyway you can silence the voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?” Luther growled. 
Klaus turned to look at his brother. “You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid.” 
Luther and Allison’s eyes both went wide at that. Luther glanced at the woman in fear. 
“Which was a complete.... It-- It wasn’t his fault, ‘cause he was ridiculously high, right?” Klaus tried to explain to Allison. 
“Klaus,” you tried warning. 
“And-- And the girl, she thought he was a furry--” 
“Stop!” Luther finally interrupted. 
Klaus folded in on himself, mumbling an apology. 
Luther followed an annoyed Allison outside, Klaus and Diego sitting back down. 
You sighed and started to pace a bit, wondering how you were going to help stop Vanya when she made you feel like that. You were distracted by a woman and her son coming up to your group. 
“Excuse me! Excuse me, it’s my son Kenny’s birthday today, and... Uh... Wouldn’t your son be happier playing with kids his own age?” She looked between Klaus and Diego. “Assuming it’s okay with your two dads.” 
Klaus and Diego shared surprised looks with each other. Diego quickly reached out to grab your hand as you had stopped pacing beside his seat, pulling you beside him so he could wrap his arm around your waist. “I’m okay with it if you are, baby,” he said up to you with a playful smirk. 
You placed your arm across his shoulders with ease, making note of how natural this felt. You heard the woman mumble an apology for assuming the wrong two people were the couple. “I’m fine with it, darling. Go have fun, Five!” 
Five grimaced at you both, grinding his teeth in annoyance. “I would rather chew off my own foot,” he snarled at the boy and his mother. 
Kenny and his mom recoiled at that, quickly walking away back to his party. “I’m so sorry!” you called after her. “Teenagers, am I right?” 
Five stormed off and it was a moment before you and Diego figured out that you were still connected. You took your hand back and tried to take a step back, but Diego kept a firm hold on you. “I want to apologize. For earlier. I was being a dick,” he said softly. 
You could feel the regret for his words and it made you feel a lot better. You smiled, replacing your arm on his shoulders. “We’re okay,” you assured. “I know how rough lost love can be.” Diego let you go then, but you left a kiss on his scar before pulling away the rest of the way. “You can always talk to me, you know.” He just smiled a bit in response. 
“You’re bleeding again,” Diego pointed out, standing up to look at the gash. He held up his finger to get you to wait for him, running to the food counter to grab some napkins. You sat in the spot he just abanoned, smiling fondly when he came back. 
“You wanna go out after all this?” 
You flinched when he pressed on the cut, Diego offering his other hand for you to hold. “You really think we’re gonna survive all this?”
“Hey, Klaus?” Diego asked over his shoulder. “Can ghosts date each other?” 
You giggled, punching the vigilante in the stomach. 
“That’s not how you should treat the guy who is trying to make sure you don’t bleed out,” he pointed out, giving your hand a squeeze. 
You rolled your eyes, hitting him again just out of spite. “Fine, we’ll go out. Either on this plane of existence or the next.” 
(=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
Tag List: @misspygmypie @mischiefnevermanaged94 @stars-cant-be-broken Message me or reply if you’d like to be put on the tag list!
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rylie-studies · 5 years
hey fanfic anon (...lmao im wary of tumblr so hello if its our first encounter technically?? lmao) here and i really wish you the best of luck with uh everything!! honestly idk but counting down the days really helped me make things go by faster and marking down how far one is to the holiday breaks and when x stressful event will end (idk how its like in america as a canadian here oof) helped? so yeah!! good luck w everything i wish i could do more than just sending you my wishes!!
hey angel! i have like so many messages stuck in my inbox rn that i haven’t found time to write a response for and two of them are from you and i feel incredibly awful that i haven’t answered them bcs they’re so fascinating (especially the one when you were just literally screaming abt the fanfic you were reading like that was a whole damn mood and i feel SO grateful that i was the person you went and sent that to bcs that honestly seems like something i would definitely do) and absolutely adorable and i swear!! i will get to them as soon as possible!! as for now, thank you so much for this sweet message and that’s honestly such good advice! it’s been really difficult since all i’m doing is just waiting to graduate (bcs i’ve had enough of school fkdjkd) and it feels like it’s going to be a very long time, but i’ll definitely try counting the days and just trying to focus on each day as well and, hopefully, i’ll just get in a groove and be okay! you are honestly the sweetest and i’m so grateful; please take good care of yourself and take some breaks when needed and thank you so much for your wishes! you’ve instilled strength and energy in me and i’m absolutely grateful 💛
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ryouverua · 6 years
Chapter 5 Investigation (2)
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Are you telling me Shuichi is not the picture of silence and grace?
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1 is here
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 I.... I spent so much time moving slowly, with my heart just beating strongly against my chest - AND I’M NOT EVEN THE ONE THAT WAS IN DIRECT DANGER I DID THAT ALL FOR NOTHING
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Is it bad that I’m enjoying Shuichi getting progressively more flustered and angry as we go on?
it’s a guilty conscience - all those forbidden trysts are weighing on him -
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Yeah, so he makes an interesting comment about making things a level playing field. Why? And it seems... a bit vague... like, is the other person that knows this information the culprit, or the mastermind?
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“You’re just attacking all of my flaws today, aren’t you.”
shuichi torrents old books and crime dramas pass it on
Now onto Maki’s lab, where to no one’s surprise we find the black bags with the crossbows one short. Could it possibly be the one from the bathroom? MAN I’m glad it’s Shuichi here so we’re not stuck wondering where the other could possibly be like we have video game-convenient amnesia
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And we’ve confirmed Himiko was seen bringing a black bag...
Ah, man, I’m beginning to wonder if both Himiko and Maki were roped into Kaito’s plan. Had Kaito really not fully gotten over his personal issues with Shuichi? Was he still a bit uncomfortable, or did he not want Shuichi to feel responsible if something went wrong?
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Are you putting together the same pieces I am, Shuichi? We had an awfully convenient scene with Kaito and Maki here a few nights ago!
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How many trips do you think it took Kaito to carry all those weapons to the gym. 8′D That’s what, two flights of stairs between the lab and the gym? Damn boy, guess your muscles haven’t atrophied after all!
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Shuichi how in the world did you notice that discrepancy in liquid! It’s minuscule!
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This... sounds like the perfect poison to tip a certain weapon’s arrows with. 8/
With that said, what was the poison bottle in the bathroom for, then? A red herring? But it was empty, right?
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Wait... wait wait wait - are those puns? For like, arsenic, hemlock and nightshade? 
*one google later*
OH STRIKE-9 IS STRYCHNINE! omg that’s actually really good 8′D Bless you translators, you’ve done good work here.
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So basically there’s one, maybe two poisons in play, and possibly antidotes in case something went awry? So... where’s the Strike-9 antidote? Or is there one?
I do like Shuichi making some of the connections for us, like him making the (most likely correct) assumption that for every poison we have, there should be an antidote. I feel like I haven’t shown my appreciation for his evidence and mystery-solving side recently - I will say this again, once, twice, twenty times, but when it comes to the technical bits of the mystery, he is fantastic. Motive and emotionally? Not so great at it - but I think that’s because that involves a lot more abstract thinking. This is where he really shines.
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So this is where we differ - he’s talking about how all the evidence points to Kaito being dead, and Kokichi being alive. I think that’s true on a surface level, but there’s a few key places that I may be ahead of him on that lead to a split in our thinking.
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Which brings me to this - I’m surprised he hasn’t made the connection about Kokichi not being the mastermind like I have - but I think that’s because I have an outsider’s perspective. Once that basic premise flips, things are going to get a whole lot more ambiguous!
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.... D... Did I miss something???
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You mean like EVERYTHING that was on the floor??
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I mean, unless he can activate the hatch of the red exisal with the remote? Maybe? He’s proven really good at hiding around the campus though, so who knows. 8′D maybe he’s in the exisal wash clinging to one of those giant brushes lmao
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But if he was... then we’d have to account for Kaito.
Unless they were both dead under there.
don’t you fucking do it DR.
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I... sort of... understand Shuichi’s feelings, only because he clearly cared for Kaito so much...
but on the other hand, what a cruel way for Tsumugi to put it. Not, “do you think Kaito is still alive,” but “do you think Kokichi died,” do you prefer it that way - the connotations are completely different.
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T.... Tsumugi... it may be best to stop talking now....
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I’m starting to wonder if she can act so calmly because he isn’t dead, and she knows it - but I’ll save those thoughts for the end.
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Kaito’s body is (probably) still warm Himiko, are you about to jump ship to Saiibo already??? 
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What a brave, brave soul.
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Y-Yes but, um, er, what would you have done if it... hadn’t... been a clue...???
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Man, Shuichi’s first solo investigation since Chapter 1 when he discovered the mastermind’s door...
Actually, that might not be true. K1-b0 and Tsumugi have both been helping in small ways - well, K1-b0 much more than Tsumugi - so perhaps I can at least designate K1-b0 as his minor assistant in this chapter?
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OW -
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Those are definitely the marks of a kid attacked by a crossbow!
So if they were both hit, then... was there a struggle? Kaito shot him, Kokichi managed to shoot him back? But if he was shot with two, and there was poison involved... would that be enough for Kaito to overcome him, illness and all?
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Dear lord Shuichi I know you want Kaito to be alive but don’t act so happy about Kokichi being dead!
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Yeah, now that’s the point I’m stuck on - though I do have a few ideas, one of them involving him being too weak to show himself at this point. 8(
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Oh Shuichi, you’ll get there soon. I feel like that’s going to be one of the first illusions we need to dispel going in.
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K1-b0 what in the world do you think Shuichi’s going to do in here?
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In painful, awkward silence.
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And whoever it is.... is going to have a lot of explaining to do. I mean seriously, that’s the thing I’ve been wondering - a lot of the issues have been dependent on not knowing who is dead. How can they maintain that mystery during the trial? Monokuma isn’t going to break his own rule for this - attendance is mandatory!
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If.... If this is going where I think this is going... 
Man, I know you and Shuichi weren’t as close as you and Kaito, but would you be willing to throw him away so easily? I guess it’s easier when you know there’s nothing left outside of this place, but...
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With a murderous aura rolling off of her in waves, glowing blood-red eyes glittering under thick, dark bangs and venom lacing every word out of her mouth: “Don’t you see Shuichi? I am hope, personified.”
“U-Uh, um -”
“H O P E , P E R S O N I F I E D !”
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“Collateral damage falls under the same big ‘hope’ umbrella tbh.”
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Who knew that Kaito would be the one acting as a sober second thought. Kaitoooooo we need yooooou D:
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Oh Tsumugi, you always know just what to say. 8′/
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You are literally the only one with a peppy attitude right now, K1-b0! I guess robots really can’t read the mood
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“Well, I mean, they may have, but the word ‘hope’ kept cropping up so I blocked it all out.”
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Which means what, exactly? The world will still be reduced to ashes. There’s just a handful of you left. What is the point of victory now? 
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Now that’s an interesting thought. Hope as a burden...
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.... Aaaaw. Fair, but aaaw. :(
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SMASHES that fourth wall like it’s no big thing
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OMG they’re.... really not here?!?! Kokichi.... or Kaito???
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“Look, only I’m allowed to make grandiose speeches about despair and hope, okay? ONLY ME!!”
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To think that after the last chapter’s events, Shuichi would be relying so strongly on his gut feeling, despite the evidence he collected pointing him in the opposite direction...
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THEY’RE PURPLE? W... We’re really going in without knowing then?!
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Alright, notes time!
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Oh man, which section do I begin with. Important facts of the case? The basics? We don’t even have an established victim, so...
Alright, location. Top left of the sheet, just to start things off, I wrote down the three important areas: the exisal bay, the bathroom (and window), and the open area in the hallway. There were supplies taken from the two different labs, but the majority of the action happened in those places.
Suspects... well, ruling out Shuichi, there’s Himiko, Maki, Tsumugi, and K1-b0 - but there’s also Kokichi and Kaito, depending on who died! Man! That does throw things off quite a bit, doesn’t it?
Now for the victim... well. Okay. I divided them into two sections, each with a yes or no column.
Kaito Momota - Victim?
Shirt sleeve was visible from the press
He was sick/unwell - an easy target to kill, and on top of that -
If he died, he wouldn’t be considered a person by the press and would be crushed without a problem (aka a callback to the K1-b0 scene)
Shirt sleeve was conspicuous
He got confirmed help from the outside via crossbow, if not more
His illness he has nothing to lose - that could give him strength, and it could also push him to kill someone and become the blackened for the ‘greater good’. If he’s going to die anyway, why not?
Kokichi Ouma - Victim?
Can’t be found
Monokuma is back and the killing game with it
His clothes were hidden, a stark contrast to Kaito’s visible clothing in the press, and had bloodstains
The power cord was cut to hid the body’s identity, which is strange considering the shirt sleeve situation
He was in control of everything. How did he get overthrown?
Just like with Gonta, I’ve circled my decision... I think Kokichi may be dead after all. Shit.
Before I go on though, some more important evidence outside of the hangar include the exisals being powered down and Maki’s hammer being at the scene of where they were circling Monokuma and Himiko being spotted bringing a crossbow to Kaito. I really think this is all pointing to a rescue attempt being staged last night, without everyone’s knowledge!
Right, so to add onto the ‘Kokichi is probably the victim’ hypothesis, I need to establish that he isn’t the mastermind because a lot of the evidence hinges on that (aka Monokuma’s return and the killing game being back). Honestly, seeing the exisal formation around Monokuma really made me confident in that - it really just seemed like they were guarding him, not protecting. Actually, with that in mind, the real mastermind has a very strong reason to want him dead! They would definitely help with the escape/coup effort with that in mind!
So... if it went something like this...
Kaito hears about the escape plan from Shuichi. Fully convinced that Kokichi is the mastermind along with the others and suddenly with his own motivation to move as fast as he can because he doesn’t want the others to risk themselves against Kokichi and the exisals, he formulates his own plan. Maki visits him - he asks her to bring him a crossbow from her lab. Or... Himiko, maybe. Either way, a decision is made by either Kaito alone or Maki, if it’s through her, to have Himiko bring him the bag because Maki skulking around would immediately raise Kokichi’s suspicions.
I think the crossbow bolts were tinged with poison, though? Would that be with or without Kaito’s knowledge? I can see Maki maybe doing that without Kaito knowing - I don’t know if he would aim to kill, even if the crossbow to Kokichi’s back suggests otherwise. I’m sure his aim is pretty poor either way. Maki does seem very intent on ‘killing the mastermind’ and the fact that it’s Kokichi is almost convenient for her, honestly. Kaito certainly wouldn’t want her to kill again, but if she can do it through him she’d be able to kill Kokichi without giving Kaito a chance to stop her, as well as take on the responsibility for his death... I don’t know. I might need to workshop that. 8′D
Anyway, there was definitely a scuffle of some sort - that’s the only way they would both have wounds. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more tragic it’s all becoming - it’s really starting to seem like Kokichi was trying to stop the game in his own strange way, but couldn’t find a way to do it without building up this huge target on his back - and now, just when he’d managed to steal control of the whole thing, Kaito may have killed him while making the exact same mistake as Kaede...
Ah, right - so I think I’ve been waiting for this moment where Kaito gets pushed off the pedestal of hero, but I shouldn’t be surprised he would do it in a way where he would think he was doing the right thing before getting the rug pulled out underneath him - he would take on the role of the culprit, the embodiment of the ‘self-sacrificing hero’, and die thinking he saved everyone, or even worse, die knowing he fucked up in his attempts to be a hero for Maximum Despair. ffffff
Any last things... oh, no matter the situation with the poison, Maki was definitely involved in that. I’m sure she was the one who brought the antidote just in case Kaito got himself poisoned. I also think she was the most involved third party - I don’t think Kaito would have the strength to bring Kokichi to the press by himself, and I can see Maki tampering with all the evidence after the fact like the cord for the press and the marks on the panel outside. Maybe she did a lot of the work with one of the exisals? But in order for her to enter in the first place, she would have to have someone on the inside to open the shutter for her, and if Kaito had fought Kokichi by that point he’d be able to do it. It would explain why she’s acting so cagey right now - she’s covering for him! Though... if Monokuma is back, would she risk everyone dying to save him? Does she think he doesn’t have the power to enact the punishment if his controller is dead (even if they really aren’t?).
With that said... I still... think... Kaito is the culprit, despite Maki’s involvement. Maki seems desperate to help him survive this (pushing that Kaito’s the culprit, continuously bringing up Kokichi despite Monokuma being a functional AI), but Kaito knows there’s no time left for him, and the whole reason he took the role on of culprit in the first place was because he knew that. Is the reason he hasn’t shown up because he’s too weak to appear at this point? ooooh boy oh boy oh boy, this is... bad.... W-What are they going to do when they figure out Kokichi wasn’t the mastermind......
Anyway, man we’ll see how much is right and how much is wrong - will this be right on like my conclusion with Gonta, or tragically, hilariously wrong like my attempt at guessing Korekiyo’s motive? still better than the game’s
oh right but if Kaito is still alive this is still relevant
that theme of every character taking at least one second distinct role/alias/persona continues - I had said Kaito was wearing both his actual role of ‘Ultimate Astronaut’ and as well as his proclaimed role as ‘Hero’, but I think ‘Culprit’ will work just fine here.... 8′(
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cvenir · 6 years
imma try this again bc i said y’know fck it (heh) bc i need to introduce these characters before making proper bios ok here we go
so actually since i did do zella, felix, and gwenna’s bios, i’ll actually just leave them out of the intro bc like.... i have 8 more lmao so like here you can find their bios in the first three circles n also imma link all the pinterests aGAIN bc they probably do more than i can
these are gonna be crude n real cut n dry but let’s face it who has time to read everything abt all 11 ok this is for US
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CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ MILLER looks an awful lot like DONALD GLOVER. HE is THIRTY-TWO and while they’re MAGNETIC, they have a tendency to get pretty MERCENARY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DEGAS PARK by KEVIN ABSTRACT.
ok so kit is my son !! he is kinda a shitty person but it’s a result of his upbringing entirely like he was raised in a household of self-obsession and pre-occupation with the material things. aka he’s like filthy rich bc his parents are well-known in the entertainment business
his father is a rlly big time actor like he is thaT GUY ( my star wars lovin ass likes to pretend he’s billy dee williams bc lando unite but anyway unrelated ) and his mother is a super awesome film director so he grew up with that hanging over his shoulders. his dad was always really hard on him and pushed him to become an actor too but he isn’t abt that life (only to spite his dad lbr)
also his parents were lke actively trying not to have kids so his dad always kinda held that against kit and resented him from day one meanwhile his mother embraced it so :/
his mom is everything he ever dreamed of in a mother, and even tho she was always a bit too busy for him, she never let it affect their relationship and they’re still very close
so yeah kit is that fancy ass man like he bathes in the opulence. he doesn’t do much but gamble and parade his wealth around –– except he has invested in many businesses so like he can be p serious n focused on that sometimes bc like
also he loves his ladies. like a lot. pls someone allow him to be the suGAR DADDY WE ALL DESERVE!!! but fr no that’s his biggest downfall like in his song inspo he can get very caught up in his emotions and rlly lose his head bc like he is calm cool and calculating and distant for the most part but once he gets attached it’s like he craves the connection and he can get very lost
anyway also bring me a plot where they may have grown up together and he’s very defensive over them like he doesn’t always get close to people but this person means the world to him and maybe he’s been lowkey in love his whole life but like whatever who talks abt feelings n ruins something so special he could never
yeah so idk what more to say at this point so yeah hmu w questions bc i could probably go off again
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ROSALIND LEPAGE looks an awful lot like ADELAIDE KANE. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re RESILIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty QUIXOTIC You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MELTING by KALI UCHIS. 
okay now this is my baby. she is a sweet lil buttercup and only wants the best in life but it never comes to her ugh i’m wounded.
so she was born and raised in kola, v much small-town girl vibes. she absolutely loves it here but since growing up the town was really been stained by disappointment :/ when she was seventeen both of her parents like went missing just like completely disappeared leaving her and her six-year-old sister just completely alone which really fucked up her plans bc she was already accepted to a top-tier music school in new york for college for her passion for violin but she had to turn it down bc her sister was now her responsibility 
so she dropped out of highschool and got her ged and immediately entered the work force, leaving her dreams in the dust. she still plays every now and then, especially whenever there’s an open mic night at the coffee shop where she works like girl plugs in her amp n everything i love her
anyway like she doesn’t resent anyone or blame her sister bc she’s just so compassionate and selfless like she didn’t hesitate to change her life to support her sis but it does still kill her to know that her life just kinda never took off and probs never will. but now she just channels all that sadness into fighting to make sure her sister doesn’t end up stuck like she did
so yeah she’s just a huge sweetheart who loves doing things for others and she’s so so soft like someone hold my lil muffin :/ she can get way too caught up in dreams sometimes but y’know that’s life!!!
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DIEGO CABRERA looks an awful lot like XAVIER SERRANO. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re VIVACIOUS, they have a tendency to get pretty ERRATIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DO IT AGAIN by NO ROME.
so one of the messiest children ever, he is here. ngl i got a lot of inspo from adam sackler from girls for my son diego so if u feel me, word. 
basically pls meet the world’s biggest narcissist –– he’s just like appalling sometimes but he really is trying his best. my boi grew up in kola and always planned on moving to LA to pursue his dream of being an actor and wow is he perfect for that bc my guy is the most dramatic and expressive hot mess you’ll ever find
his mind is always moving 100 miles a minute and he just says the craziest things ??? like he doesn’t know where to stop. diego is super passionate abt his own life and what he wants to do and what he believes; he won’t let you forget it either. he’s always here to share a piece of his mind whether you want it for not and he’s not afraid to turn people away bc his opinions are valid !!
like he’s sooo selfish and doesn’t even hide his own agenda, but ngl once you get him attached there’s no going back like he really gives everything his all and will devote anything it takes to procure happiness for those he loves
like he’s rrlly terrible but he truly has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest n it’ll beat for u rll hard if u earn it (thru his means ofc)
like when i say god complex i mean it
but c’mon pls give me the plot where like this person pined after him for such a fuckin long time and he legit only used them for sex n didn’t even hide it (like fr seconds after rolling over he said ‘so are you gonna leave now ? bye) bUT y’know they’ve been hooking up for so long to where he actually got invested and wanted them to come to his rehearsals and share his passion w them and they just like ..... stopped caring all of a sudden. so now he’s sad boi and mad boi bc after basically begging for him to give a fuck they up and ran when his heart got invOLVED LIKE FUCK ME fr this is the song and i need this connection pLS LOVE ME
anyway he’s a mess but i love him
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PIPER KOVALSKY looks an awful lot like EMMY ROSSUM. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they’re NURTURING, they have a tendency to get pretty CALAMITOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to COFFEE & CIGARETTES by VIC MENSA.
awhh pipes.... my poor bb. she is also quite the mess!! 
but lbr it’s all her fucking fault lmao like her life literally never took off but she has no one to blame but herself. like she just really has a talent for ruining things whenever they get good and she doesn’t even try too my bb just does not think abt ramifications ever
piper was also born and raised in kola but she’s hopped around from area to area bc she can’t keep a lease going to save her life
or a job
she’s a big fan of cigareetes and alcohol and partying but whenever she indullges in anything they kinda have a perfect way of getting her in trouble. like she really wants to stop living like a vagrant but her cyncicsm really gets her down so she barely tries
she has a few siblings that she really wants to protect bc they’re headed down her path as well but she can’t even keep her life straight ugh :/
but ok so she’s truly the biggest softie on the inside like she cares soooo fucking much and she does a terrible job at pretending she doesn’t. but ya girl still tries!
ok so time for me to go off abt a wanted connect!!!! so her song is coffee & cigarettes and it’s a bop find it here pLS and i just really feel in my bones that this should be a connection ok. give me that high school lovers that were never lovers bc all piper could focus on was her own self-destruction n rlly living it up so she just completely shut this person out when it finally became real :/ so yeah it’s a fucking mess and she’s never truly moved on
anyway i should probably move onto the next muse lmao
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MALCOLM WEST looks an awful lot like REECE KING. HE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re JOCULAR, they have a tendency to get pretty CAVALIER. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to EPITAPH by HIPPO CAMPUS. –––––– may or may not be inspired by jake peralta
when i say he’s a goofster i mean he is a goofster and a gaffster ok
my tiny son who just wants to be a big bad detective and fight crime and just crack jokes along the way he is the meme king and he’ll let you know it
he grew up in atlanta where both of his parents were cops so he really just always dreamed of being just like them one day 
until his dad told him he’d never make it. that crushed his spirit entirely and ever since then he really kinda just figured out who his dad was ?? he caught him cheating on his mom and also just being a dirty cop and it just broke his heart bc that was his hero. and y’know malcolm gooddoer and fighter for justice so he went to his mom with this discovery and she just kind of admitted that she knew abt all of it but couldn’t do anything abt it so... he just kinda left and moved to kola to start over
he entered the police academy there as soon as he possibly could (18 i think maybe 19 if i’m dumb ) and just did not stop working his ass off and doing all kinds of paperwork and bust until he finally reached detective just a week ago
don’t get me wrong ya boi hates paperwork but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do !!
anyway he’s a clown but he loves life and and even tho he’s a child he can take some things seriously
aside from his true feeling heh who ?? i don’t know her n imma just tell a joke or do an impression or smth instead
alsO idk if anyone knows chew the comic series but he dEF IS GONNA HAVE THOSE POWERS FOR THE SUPERHERO/SUPERNATURAL THREAD stay tuned
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CAMBRIA SONG looks an awful lot like JENNIE KIM. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re IDEALISTIC, they have a tendency to get pretty WHIMSICAL. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MARCELINE by WILLOW.
ok first of all her pinterest is a whole ass aesthetic and u basically see everything she’s abt on there 10/10 would reccommend
now this is a smol bean that is also a bad bitch and we stan !! she’s your astrology loving, extra ass, witty lil witch and she loves adding in her two cents! she’s a sweet lil thing but her bite is bigger than her bark so watch out fr
mostly imma have her in the supernatural verse (witch heh heh), demi-god verse (u kno she’s hecate’s daughter), n maybe the horror verse bc i want my bb to be a medium like lorraine warren that’s my girl!! 
other than that catch her throwing out ur natal chart, charging n cleansing her cyrstals, n offering free tarot readings! really she has her mf shit together n loves helping ppl w spiritual awakenings ok
here is a pic of her two sides conversing ok big meme here
anyway i’m a big fan of her pinterest and i hope that gives everyone a good vibe for her bc tbh i’m tired lol
so imma do my other three muses in another post tomorrow bc !!! ya girl is feeling lazy now lmao sry this took so long geez
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years
Tri Spoilers
I feel the new trailer has kinda spoiled some of the films best moments since they take some of the tension out of it... On the cast talk, they didn’t say much of interest, since we hadn’t seen the movie, so anything interesting would have been a spoiler...
Cast Talk Sora’s va had invited other cast members to her concert and they came, so she felt like they were family. They twirled around in the uniforms and said they thought the movie was interesting. Next broadcast is those two + Mimi, with Takeru as the MC, because he’s cheerful and able to chat. He called himself ponkotsu (useless, terrible etc) and said he found it difficult, so Sora should do it, but she said she was ponkotsu too. Mimi’s va is the ‘you can do it’ senpai, so the announcer said the three of them probably balance each other out lol
Warning: I was working on three hours of sleep and did have a teeny tiny bit of alcohol before the movie (I get tipsy easily :/) so I may or may not have missed something. 
Shipping moments - honestly whenever someone asks me about a ship moment I never know if they’re talking friend or romance. Because in all honesty, character A can look at B and half of tumblr will say it’s code for them dating. So when y’all say ‘moments’ I never know what you’re thinking because half of you exaggerate nothingness into canon. So when I’m asked about moments, I talk about times when characters interacted. I hope that clears things up.
Also please slow down on the shipping asks. I deleted over 10 messages. Patience is appreciated. So is not being rude. I’m happy to talk about literally any ship, but don’t spam me and demand answers. You make your ship and the fandom look bad. (Also why are y’all on anon I don’t bite lmao)
We start off with a flashback, done in an old timey style (like old movie cinema noises, flickering visuals etc. I thought it was rad like it made me so happy I love it) HIMEKAWA AND DAIGO ARE DIGIDESTINED. (HE’S A GOGGLEHEAD I LOVE HIM) So we see their final story and that’s hella cool but I can’t read kanji and some of it was written in kanji so :/
Looks like she was possessed like Hikari? Glowing eyes and shit, mentions of light, hope, Yggdrasil and homeostasis. (Apparently they were the original chosen which seems kinda blegh to me but w/e)
So they both know they’re chosen and Maki works her butt of to try and get them back (looks like she may have made reboot in order to reach her partner?). At one point Daigo tries to get her to STOP (even though she just wants to see her partner??? Bakumon/Tapirmon)
“I’ll be your new partner”
I fucking squealed HOW CUTE
But also what a dumb confession you nerd. This looked to be high school or uni btw. She was favourable to that. It seems they dated for a time but he forgot everything? (Which explains why she’s so bitter 24/7)
In any case, the kids are stuck in the D World with no way to contact anyone (Gennai isn’t answering) or to get home. They eat. Koushirou goes on a lecture about Oolong because Mochimon said it was nice. Mochimon is looking for a polite way to say ‘I honestly don’t care’ since Koushirou is rambling about it while everyone is doing their own thing. Sora made food for everyone. Everyone’s bonding but Piyomon is being an unreasonable bitch. I can understand her being scared, confused etc, but she’s full on aggressive the whole movie, and it literally makes no sense. It’s distracting, not like the first Piyomon we knew and it doesn’t advance the plot or characters.
Ah, there’s also a few scenes where they’re trying to bond with their Digimon. Hikari’s whistle smells like her so they bond pretty quick and it’s pretty cute. Tsunomon is hiding even though yamato is standing ages away just looking over his shoulder. Lots of ‘DON'T EAT ME PLZ’ which is cute and Mochimon is adorable.
Koushirou is busy so Mimi tries to feed him!!!! He goes bright red and puts his laptop in front of his face, saying he can feed himself. I’m screaming everyone loved it they’re SO CUTE. Sora made some weird shit with jelly beans and whipped cream. Koromon is the only one who likes it. Everyone else thinks its fucked up. I wouldn’t eat it.
Everyone Digivolves because of food? Palmon has a cute scene where she’s all like ‘Am I cute~?’ and Mimi is like YAAAAS YOU ARE! YOU’RE THE DIGIWORLDS NEXT TOP MODEL (okay not a direct quote but shush) which is super cute since Mimi wasn’t impressed with having an ‘ugly’ digimon originally so it really shows her development and growth.
Meikuumon appears, runs away and then disappears through a portal. Meikuumon is very odd, going from crying to being incredibly angry the whole time. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Meiko gets to the Digital World after her Digivice changes.
Sora is upset because Piyomon is being a bitch so Taito try to comfort her. They sit on either side of her, so it’d be an excellent opportunity for them to both show interest in her. Or for Yamato to go ‘dude, my girlfriend/love interest, back off’. But no. Apparently neither of them know more than ‘Sora’s upset’ and have no idea what’s really wrong or how to help, so they’re using each other as back up to try and make her happy.
How many years have they known each other now? They should have some type of guess at how to help her inidivdually. It makes me wonder if the epilogue is tri canon because this could have set Sorato up perfectly, but if you didn’t know the epilogue, you honestly never would know. Everyone would assume it’s Koumi that’s the official pair.
Agumon floats by on a log? So Tai goes to help and Sora walks off. Tai says the same line Piyomon said about taking care of herself and she’s all like ‘don’t say what Piyomon said!!!’ as if Tai knew about it??? The whole scene is funny, but it’s filler and just goes ‘boys and girls are SO different they CAN’T understand each other?!???!’. It’s basically Taito speaking in unison and going ‘girls are troublesome’.
Considering they don’t know how to comfort her and they’re constantly together, I wouldn’t say it’s a win for anyone but Taiorato fans, and due to the bad writing, I don’t think you can call it a win.
At some point they’re discussing Meiko and Hikari’s like ‘ehhh Takeru, don’t you have a crush on her?’ and he’s like ‘don’t worry, my number one person is...’
-looks at Yamato-
‘Isn’t that great, oniichan?’ (Taichi)
Tsuntsun Yama makes his appearance again. I LOVE IT.
Everyone (Meiko not included) is deciding what to do and Jyou is old reliable Jyou again. Takeru mentions how he’s like Jou of the past and Mimi wonders if he’s responsible now because he has a girlfriend to look after. Jyou can tell by her tone she doesn’t believe he has a girlfriend. I live for these jokes tbh.
Everyone gets separated when the big bad attacks. The scene of Jyou/Pata/Pal is adorable, since we see Palmon and then it pans up to Jyou. It looked so dramatic but then it’s Jyou and two weak/girly looking Digimon against a stormy sky and everyone just burst out laughing. 
Tai and Gabu are together. Tai’s shouting for everyone. Gabu joins in.
“YAMato... kun”
He’s too embarassed because they aren’t close enough and stuff to just say ‘Yamato’. Tai is a bit miffed that Gabumon won’t use honorifics on him lmao Gabu’s the cutest little muffin and everyone loved it. It happens again later when he and Yamato are reunited and Yamato is like ???  why honourifics??? and Taichi’s still pissed he doesn’t have honorifics lolololol
Anyone Tai and Hikari meet up and Tai’s like ‘well all their memories are gone it sucks’ and Hikari’s like ‘I don’t know. This way, Plotmon doesn’t remember all the bad things that happened to her. I think it’s okay this way.’ AND DAMN THAT HIT ME. Abuse isn’t something you just magically get over. It’s a lifelong fight. Honestly it was really simple and wasn’t elaborated on, but it seriously touched me. It says a lot about Hikari and her relationship with Tailmon to me.
Palmon draws Mimi on some rocks. Koushirou and Yamato are together and Koushirou just shows photos of everyone having fun which is cute, but do we really need all this bonding stuff? Tri has been really well character driven, but it rebooted to 0 character for the Digimon so I just feel like it’s a bad decision and I’m worried about the time it ate up, since it leaves less time for plot.
Piyomon and Sora are in the desert, Piyomon tries to ditch, they find Meiko. They go recoop and Piyomon doesn’t want to talk to Sora but she happily does whatever Meiko says? Which considering how little she trusts Sora, why would she trust some random human she just met? It’s honestly so cringey and Sora and Meiko were uncomfortable with it, and it made no sense. Sora deserved better.
Ken appears to Sora and Meiko. He shows himself to be Gennai. But apparently is NOT Gennai, but is on the Digimon’s side. Whatever the fuck that means.
Also, he licked Sora’s face while pinning her down and felt all over her to steal her Digivice. It made me hella uncomfortable. It wasn’t necessary, the cast is already freaked out by him, he’s stronger and smarter than them, so it did nothing except make the audience uncomfortable. Sora didn’t make much of a reaction either, so it was weird and unnecessary and not what Digimon is about. 
Maki finds her partner but obviously it doesn’t remember her. She seems really shocked? Like what the fuck? She probably knew this would happen, or the amount of time it’s been could have changed things. Instead of being understanding or sad, she goes berserk and grabs it and shakes it? Girl needs to chill (honestly made me uncomfortable, like imagine shaking a small child? ew)
(Meanwhile, Huckmon fills Daigo in in Maki’s office and just info drops really. Daigo has some nice hacking skills tho. Mostly cuz he knows Maki too well lol)
By the end of the movie everyone except Tailmon is at their final form iirc. That was pretty rad, except I’m pretty sure Takeru’s digivice said MagnaAngemon instead of Holy? Also, Butterfly was playing instead of Brave heart for some of the evolution and that’s weird and wrong. (I love it but it isn’t the evolution song :/)
The end battle is everyone going ‘oh shit Sora/Meiko are in trouble lets get Gennai away from them’ and for some reason they’re on a boat? Okay then. Taito run off with Hikari and encounter Seadramon. Hikari is left to float by herself while the other two drown. They're ultra gay because Taichi can’t swim enough so starts drowning (even though he should theoretically be more athletic than Yamato? Or at least equal) so Yama comes back and swims around him to save him? But they both drown and the AguGabu’s friendship saves them and they Digivolve. As you do. They monologue and shit, but, as much as it’s my OTP and Yama is bae of baes, it didn’t fit the tone, the situation or anything. It wasn’t important. Generic friendship stuff.
Nobody really brings Sora back to her normal self, but Piyomon comes to her senses after Sora tries to save her and is repeatedly smashed into a mountain. Meiko does try to comfort Sora before they’re all attacked and is all like ‘Digimon are our partners’ and using the words Sora used to comfort her (this is right before Meikuumon attacks her too lmao so Meiko tries to help Meikuumon and then they’re all attacked by gennai).
So the others come up with a plan to distract Gennai from SoraMei (which backfrires because Sora runs off to help everyone and he can teleport? So he’s like lol thanks for leaving Meiko wide open nice).
Piyomon gets captured, Sora tries to save her and is smashed up against a wall of ice numerous times. Piyomon digivolves, mostly everyone else does and a giant Tentomon appears?!? Because Koushirou used a hologram, nice. There was no reason for Palmon and Gomamon to be on the sidelines. Nice fight tho. Takari scene were ice is crashing and Takeru is looking out for her, but that’s what he’d do for anyone, and I’m honestly sick of her needing to be saved (happened like, three times this movie? Yuck no thanks)
Anyway Gennai plot drops and I don’t really get it but it looks like he was using Maki to make reboot so Digimon who were sealed away could be reborn and Meiko is needed for some reason (maybe due to Meikuumon’s virus?). Yggdrasil seems to be the big bad. Gennai is trying to get Meikuumon to do something but it won’t so he strangles Meiko until she passes out (I honestly don’t believe she’s dead) and Meikuumon evolves.
The end.
My thoughts:
Weakest movie so far. Many scenes were enjoyable but since the Digimon are memoryless, it didn’t add to development, character or plot wise. Enjoyable scenes were also dragged out too long, leaving little room for plot. Plot came out of nowhere and was unexplained (where the fuck are the 02 kids) and Sora honestly just cried a lot. This should have been her and Meiko’s movie, because Taito didn’t do much plotwise and Sora’s arc was written too weakly to carry the movie. At the end of the movie everyone kinda paused, going, ? oh, that’s it? It didn’t feel like a complete movie
Felt a little like filler. I enjoyed it, but I’m very worried about the pacing the last two movies need to fit everything in.
Especially if the epilogue is canon. They’re either glossing over everything (ie Sorato) or … I don’t know. Like, to show a relationship, all they need is Sorato standing next to each other, Yamato attempting to comfort her alone and like, one or two lines a movie where they show concern for each other on more than friends level. But Koumi + Jyou/Mystery Woman get more than that, so it’s worrying to see how it will end out.
I honestly don’t care if they rehash the epilogue. I like it as it is, but unless they did something majorly off like pair Meiko with Yamato I’d probably be happy with it (I only wouldn’t accept this as it comes out of nowhere). I don’t think there’s really been tonnes of Takari hints (some, yes) but I wouldn’t mind betting that Koumi has good chances of being canon, though Mimi doesn’t always seem to realise Koushirou likes her, so maybe not. But if any couple was going to be canon that wasn’t originally canon, that’s where I’d put money. 
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2slowgoers · 5 years
10.20.19 - brutally honest
Hi W!
I’m not entirely inspired right now, but I’ve been thinking throughout the day, since I was inspired, and want to be able to write some stuff and articulate things. I’ll respond your previous post after I’ve written out my new content.
First thing, I spent these 4 days of bed rest binge watching a Kdrama, a rom com that I absolutely adore to bits! I just finished and my heart is AH <3. It’s called Fight My Way and reminds me of bits of pieces of Strong Woman DBS and Weightlifting Fairy. It’s got a strong female lead (the 2nd lead is also strong in a subtle way), and it’s about two best friends (since childhood) who eventually fall in love. It’s so sweet! And it’s completely my style haha, I’ve seen too many Kdramas at this point, I recognize most of the actors lmao. ANYWAYS, this drama brought me through an emotional rollercoaster over these couple of days, because the really main point of the show is about 4 twenty-somethings navigating their life, dreams, and relationships. Most of them were stuck in some menial, daily life grind job, and were not getting to do what they really loved at the beginning of the show. I felt super reassured cuz Kdramas tend to have 28/29 year olds still struggling to figure out their life, so it just helps me feel comforted. Seeing some of them in their day jobs, and hating it, but doing it because they have to earn money, was SO friggin relatable. One of them did customer service for a bit and was yelled at over the phone, and boy I almost cried from relatable that moment was. Watching them face their fear to follow their dreams, and fail along the way, but still persist, was honestly so moving to watch. It’s a more realistic show, and they did face a lot of failures. The main female lead had to go up against many applicants who had prestigious backgrounds like studying abroad or come from rich families, and she was continuously rejected, but she persisted and found something else that she loved to do. I will now tie in how this Kdrama feels so relevant to my life right now...
I named todays post “brutally honest” because I want to take this chance to be properly honest with you, once and for all, about how I feel my life. I added “brutally” because, honestly after spending 4 days alone in my room on my bed, it gives me a chance to clear away distractions and thoughts about daily life, to really self reflect. I could spend these days thinking about things I normally think about, but I’d usually run into life distractions that’d make me stop. It’s also brutal, because my thoughts can get pretty dark. But I’m trying not to see them as dark, but rather just being brutally honest about my life. You get a slice of what my journal entries look like :P
I am SO uninspired by my life in the Bay Area. If I think too much about it, I think I might be pretty miserable? The only reason I don’t think I’m super miserable on the daily basis is because I have distractions and I try not to think too much about it. But the truth is, I think my life is miserable, and to look at my own life, I hate myself. I’m actually growing so much hate for my current life, that I feel motivated to grow and cultivate a future that will never let me have to relive this life again. Combined with these health complications and my tendency to live life thinking “life’s so short, u never know when ur gna die”, I just don’t think the life I am living right now is worth living, if my life is truly going to be short. Some of the characters in Fight My Way go through this experience, and confront the misery they had (except they were living it for 5+ years - throughout their early and mid twenties). I don’t know how much you know, or how much what I say has impacted you, because I try to keep it low key, but I really really really really hate my life here. I just REALLY REALLY hate it. I hate what i’m doing for my job. I hate what the Bay Area is full of. I hate being surrounded by the energy here. I do NOT want to be here. And tbh I think I would be like this in any big American city. I would be like this at any corporate job. It’s not where I am working specifically, it’s not the Bay Area specifically, but I am just so so so UNinspired. I know for a fact I am capable of being inspired and feeling motivated, and yet I feel like I am wasting my days away. I am literally just here to earn the minimal money I can so I can get out of here as soon as possible. I think I am capable of getting through each day because I can lie to myself for the short term. That I’m learning... or I have great coworkers... I’m so lucky to live here for the rent I pay... I live a comfortable and privileged life - okay those are not lies, but tbh don’t think I’m learning much at all. In order to get through the next 7 months, I think I have to numb myself. And the only reason I’ve been able to get this far (1.5+ years), is because I lied to myself about all the things I want to accomplish and I am able to do here. Ok, saying that I lied to myself might be a bit brutal, but I did have to convince myself why I should have come here, get the jobs I did, and be here. Some days I can appreciate the things i’ve gone through and learned, and I think I had to have been here to go onto what ever is next for me. But just so I can make it very clear... I hope to Never. Ever. Ever. EVER. Return to the life I am living now. I can only go up from here, based on my own standards. I will return if I absolutely, financially, need to again, but god I really hate the tech world. I hate that I have to spend my everyday life pretending to like it and be enthusiastic about it (it’s hard especially when I’m interviewing candidates and I have to say how excited and how much i love everything sigh). I am SO SO SO SO SICK of myself for what I put myself through the past (soon to be) 3 years. I so sincerely hope that once I hit June 2020, that will be the end of this phase for me. What’s next? Who knows god what. (Well, I have some ideas, but I will reveal them when I am a bit more ready). 
Ok. That was my brutally honest vent about how I really actually feel about my life. I effing hate it. But I can only pretend not to hate it for a few more months. It’s really hard, to not feel like I can ever be my true self, that I don’t even know what my true self is, I just know that my everyday right now is not it. On a related note, I also don’t feel the most comfortable living where I am right now, because it feels like it’s owned and dominated by someone else, you know? Another future goal is to finally live somewhere I can truly feel at home and I can be myself in too. The closest I have to feeling that way about a home was living with H, but otherwise, everywhere I lived was always owned or shared with someone else... I cannot wait for the day I get to have my own space, my own kitchen! and I get to dictate wat the heck I want to do with it.
All of this is linked to the Kdrama, Fight My Way, because the characters went through something similar to what I am going through now, and I found it inspiring how they got through things and how happy they are. Also, just btw, the main characters are considered “not normal” in the society they live in, and there were a lot of lines emphasizing “Live the life you want to live. Don’t look at how others are living. Live the mainstream life that is for YOU”. So yeah :’) 
My Responses to your last post: - thank you for sharing me the thoughts and feelings about your age and how that plays into the relationships you have. I wouldn’t say I have personally experienced that. I am hyper conscious of age, but actually of when people are younger than me, rather than the other way around. It’s because I think about what I was like when I was at that age, and think of how different I was (even like now vs when I was 19). I didn’t know you did an art camp with 17 year olds when you were 12! That is quite the gap. I can see why you would want to hide your age. I know that when I was traveling, most people were older than me and they were usually surprised at my age when I told them, but I would get compliments for being mature for my age. I’d imagine the same would happen for you. It’s interesting how your mom wanted you to hang out with older folks to “improve” yourself, because you’re right, older folks can also be very immature... I mean, is your aunt (w/ the wechat name) someone you want to have mature conversations with? lol - I agree with your therapist that “responsibility” can be redefined. I lean more to the letting her stumble and make mistakes kind of responsibility, because she needs to grow up and see the world for what it really is to learn her lessons.
Aight, my turn to try to sleep. I hope to make it physically to work tomorrow! Because tbh I feel bad for missing so much of work this month. But I also could care less at this point... because of what I wrote about in this post lol.
- L
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