#okay but i have technically been in a couple relationships but one lasted a week and the other lasted just under a month
dandyshucks · 1 month
my brother got turned down by a girl he ... has been referring to as his gf the past two weeks (? idk what went on there lol) and after my brother left the house my mum was kind of chatting w me about how hard it must be for young ppl these days to meet ppl and find ppl to date, and I was just kind of sitting there idly nodding along and wondering if she's ever thought about the fact that I've never been in a relationship before but all my siblings have 😭😭 two of them are in relationships rn and have been for over a year, and then this other sibling got dumped(?), and I'm over here like... 🧍 happily holding hands with fictional character....
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The Bet
*cracks knuckles* fine, I'll do it myself.
Okay but seriously, I've only binge watched the first 6 seasons of criminal minds, so I'm probably a bit off with character personalities.
This turned into mostly the team finding out, so if anyone wants a part 2 with more scenes pre-reveal I'd love to write it!
masterlist coming soon
Word Count: 3k
CW// brief mention of kidnapping case, use of y/n (i'm sorry), not beta'd
‘When was the last time you saw Hotch leave before the rest of us?’
The most recent case had been a relatively short one, allowing the team to get back to Quantico reasonably early. A young man caught kidnapping local women, caught easily when he appeared on CCTV taking his latest victim. Three women, three days. All had minor injuries, but all were alive. It had been the ideal end to the case and no loss of life meant the paperwork was minimal.
Emily’s voice caught the attention of Derek, who followed her gaze to the elevator, where the Unit Chief stood waiting. He raised his eyebrows, trying to think back on the last few months of late nights, week-long cases and multiple middle of the night calls.
‘Not since before his divorce,’ Spencer piped up helpfully from behind his desk, packing away the days half-finished reports and case notes before he too looked up. ‘Hey, has anyone seen y/l/n? They mentioned going for food on the jet, and I know this really nice Indian restaurant not far from here, I was going to suggest we all go.’
Now that Emily thought about it, she hadn’t seen you after you’d gone to Hotch’s office to drop off your report. Barely five minutes later, Hotch had made a beeline for the elevator, leaving unusually early compared to normal, and then you too had disappeared.
‘Holy shit.’ The dots were connecting in her head. ‘They’re totally hooking up!’
This gathered the full attention of everyone in the room.
‘Who’s hooking up?’ Penelope had her bag in hand as she peeked in the door, drawn to the gossip like a moth to a flame.
‘Y/l/n and Hotch!’
‘Oh my god!’ Penelope was quick to rush over to the group now huddled around Emily’s desk.
‘No way,’ Derek was shaking his head, arms crossed over his chest. They’d been working as a team for years, there’s no way you and Hotch were in a secret relationship, and no one had noticed. ‘Come on, you really think they could have hidden something like that from us?’
Spencer shrugged, joining the conversation fully. ‘Hotch hid the fact that Emily was alive from all of us for months, so a secret relationship wouldn’t be that hard for him.’ Emily grimaced at the comparison, searching for any hint of bitterness in his tone, though found none. He had been hurt that they hadn’t trusted him to know the secret, but that hurt had faded over the couple years since Emily had returned. He offered her an apologetic smile, as if only realising what he’d said.
‘Want to make this more interesting?’ Quick to bring the conversation back to inane office gossip, Emily reached into her bag to pull out her purse. ‘100 dollars they’re doing it.’
‘Oh, you’re on. 100 they’re not.’ Derek placed two fifties on top of Emily’s two. Another two went down, and they both looked up to see Spencer sheepishly tucking his wallet back into his pocket.
‘I think they’ve been dating for a couple weeks now, I assumed everyone else had noticed.’
Quickly, Penelope had joined, and much to everyone’s surprise, so did Rossi. Penelope thought they’d just started dating, and Rossi thought it had been at least six months. JJ scooped up the cash, promising to be a neutral party to assure the winner got the whole lot. Plus, when this inevitably went wrong, she did not want to be involved in the fallout.
‘Okay, but how do we get them to admit-‘
‘Or not admit,’ Derek cut in.
‘Or not admit, what’s going on?’ Emily mused. Everyone’s eyes instantly went to Penelope.
‘Oh no, no, no-‘
Penelope’s office felt quite cramped with some many people in it, the space only meant to house one technical analyst, not one technical analyst and five nosey special agents. Five nosey agents who were all huddled around Penelope to peer at the screen over her shoulders.
‘Oh it does not feel right tracking their phones like this,’ Penelope’s fingers danced across the keys as she brought up both locations, ‘My powers should only be used for good, not- not snooping on our friends personal lives!’ Still, she let the trace run its course, displaying the address for the others to see.
‘That’s Hotch’s apartment.’ Spencer recognised the address immediately. Two little dots blinked on the screen, Hotch’s address hovering above them.
‘So they’re together, that doesn’t mean they’re hooking up.’ Derek knew his argument was weak, but hell he had 100 dollars riding on it.
‘Oh come on, they sneak out and go to Hotch’s apartment and you think they’re what, making cookies?’
‘Kids, stop fighting,’ Dave put a hand on both Derek and Emily’s shoulders. ‘Why don’t you just phone y/l/n, invite them for food, see what happens.’
‘You think they’d lie to us?’ Spencer asked, as Penelope pulled out her phone and dialled your number.
‘They’ve been lying to us about this for weeks, if you’re bet is right anyway,’ Emily nudged him with her elbow. He nudged her back.
‘Technically it’s an omission not a lie, since none of us directly asked if they’re-‘
‘Shhh its ringing!’ The room fell to silence as Penelope put her phone to her ear.
Even though it had been a short case, you had been looking forward to getting back. And by how quickly Aaron had offered up his apartment for a movie night, he had been too. It was important to keep a clear line between boss and boyfriend while in the field, and it was only professional to stay in separate rooms during cases, so it felt good to have Aaron back in boyfriend mode, with comforting touches and quality time away from the office, away from the titles and roles that accompanied your positions at the BAU.
You had finished your report in record time. It was pure luck that everyone was too caught up in their own work to notice you slipping away. After dropping your report on Aaron’s desk, you had made a quick exit, waiting by Aaron’s car until he joined you in the car park. It had become routine to leave short gaps between your arrivals and exits, allowing the illusion that you had travelled separately, from different apartments, in different cars. It was a short ride back to his apartment.
You had only just settled back against Aaron’s side, a bowl of popcorn perched between your thighs when your phone buzzed.
‘Hey beautiful, where’d you run off to?’ Penelope’s sweet voice rang out from the other end of the line, ‘We’re going for food, you coming with?’
You glanced sideways at Aaron, who kept his eyes on the TV, though you knew he was listening in by the way his arm tensed around you. You gently squeezed the arm closest to you, relaxing further into his hold so he knew you weren’t planning on leaving.
‘Sorry Pen, not tonight, I’m, uh, not feeling great after today’s case…’ You trailed off, hoping she’d accept the excuse and you’d be home free. You should’ve known it wouldn’t be as simple as that. There was pause, and you could’ve sworn you could hear hushed conversation. Must’ve been the rest of the team packing up to leave. You felt almost guilty that they were still at the office, when you’d left as soon as your own report was done.
‘Oh honey!’ Her voice was laced with sympathy, ‘That’s it, we’ll bring the food to you! Nothing like good food and company to cheer up the soul!’ Your head fell back against Aaron’s chest with more force than necessary. Curse her and her kindness.
‘No, no it’s okay, really-‘ You tried to prevent your voice from giving away your panic, ‘No need to go out of your way! Tell the guys I said enjoy!’
‘Its not out of our way at all! See you in twenty, gorgeous.’ The line went dead before you had a chance to respond. You could feel the vibrations of Aaron’s quiet laugh behind you, tilting your head back to look up at him.
‘You think this funny?’ Your words were pointed, but the smile on your lips gave away your hidden amusement. In lieu of an answer, he leaned down to pepper kisses along your shoulder, the side of your neck, anywhere he could reach. You savoured the warmth of his lips against your skin, a soft moan escaping your parted lips as the kisses became more heated. Tilting your head back to give him easier access, you let out a disappointed whine when he instead detached from you, gently pushing you up until you were sitting straight.
‘They’re going to be at your apartment soon,’ He reminded you, giving your arm a squeeze before moving to stand. Your cheeks were flushed red, taking a few steadying breaths as he took the popcorn from your lap, placing it on the coffee table, before holding his hands out to you. Shooting him a mock glare, you resigned yourself to getting off the comfortable couch and getting your shoes on. As much as you loved your co-workers, so much that they were practically family, you really did not want to spend the evening with them, not when you could be curled up on the couch with Aaron, pretending the outside world didn’t exist.
‘Shit,’ You nearly tripped over your untied laces in your hurry to turn, ‘My car’s still at the office, Aaron I don’t have time to get back there, get my car AND-‘ Your words were halted by the soft press of his lips on yours. Clearly, you weren’t the only one wishing you could stay. Melting against him, your hands found purchase on the solid expanse of his shoulders, fingers digging into the soft material of his t-shirt. He pulled back, just far enough so he could press his forehead against yours.
‘I’ll drive,’ His voice was quiet in the minimal space between you, ‘Tell them your car broke down and I offered you a lift home.’ You just hummed your agreement, too caught up in his closeness to really be paying full attention. Overwhelming warmth encompassed you as you breathed in the faint smell of his cologne, trying to catalogue the feeling in your mind as your panic disappeared with the gentlest of touches.
‘Or,’ You offered mildly, blinking up at him through your lashes, ‘We could just turn our phones off, lock the door, and deal with all of this tomorrow?’ Soft open-mouthed kisses were pressed to the column of his throat in between your words, hands climbing to wrap around the back of his neck. Your fingertips teased the baby hairs at the base of his skull. You knew he wouldn’t take you up on the offer, even when his hands gripped at your waist, pulling you flush against him as he once again claimed your lips with his.
 It had been a tough decision, keeping the relationship from your team, but you had both ultimately decided that it was for the best, at least while things were still new. Then, six weeks had turned into six months, and six months into nearly a year. It was becoming harder and harder to keep a secret, and you nearly wanted the team to catch on. You’d met Jessica, and had a proper introduction to Jack, even going so far as to have gone to a few of his soccer practices at Jack’s insistence. You had been slowly moving your stuff into his room, small things like toiletries, pyjamas and a few spare work outfits. You spent more time at Aaron’s apartment than your own. You loved it. What you didn’t love, was having to hide it all from your friends.
‘We really should go,’ Aaron murmured against your lips, ‘At least you’ll get free food out of this.’
You laughed softly at that, pressing one last kiss to his lips before pulling back, cheeks dusted pink. ‘I’d rather have you.’ A rare boyish grin was your only response, before he turned to grab his keys and you quickly tied your laces. You were soon on the familiar road home.
They didn’t wait around to see if you were rushing from Hotch’s apartment, instead piling into the back of Derek’s car haphazardly. All but JJ, who had familial responsibilities, and Rossi who just wanted to go home, managed to fit into one SUV.  If Rossi had been with them to take some of the blame, Derek might’ve even thrown on the sirens and lights. Instead, he skipped through a few orange lights, and just barely stuck to the speed limits. When they arrived at the Indian restaurant, Spencer was sent to pick up the order, being deemed least likely to do something stupid like flash his badge for quicker service. Emily followed him inside to help carry it all back to the car. Even without the badge, they managed to make it in and out in under ten minutes. Luck was on their side, getting them to your apartment just 25 minutes after Penelope had hung up on you.
When they came to a stop outside your apartment complex, your car wasn’t parked in its normal spot, and they had a moment of celebration before Spencer realised the light was on inside. A light that meant you had beat them.
They all had to hide their disappointment when you greeted them at the door, not showing any sign of having rushed from one apartment to the other. Being one of the closer apartments to the office, yours was often used as a base for nights out, girl’s nights, and team movie-nights. It was the team’s apartment more than it had ever been just yours. Moving seamlessly through your kitchen grabbing plates, cutlery and glasses, Emily and Penelope set to organising the food, while Spencer and Derek moved your coffee table to the centre of the room so everyone could sit around it. It warmed you to know they felt at home here.
‘I’ll have to get someone to look at it tomorrow,’ You sounded morose enough that Emily almost believed your “car trouble” story. She just hummed her commiserations before stealing some chicken from your Jalfrezi. As much as she’d hoped to catch you and Hotch in your lie – or omission as Spencer would remind her – she enjoyed spending time with you, and this had been the perfect excuse for a team night.
‘Hotch didn’t stick around after dropping you off?’ Emily asked casually, scooping up a mouthful of curry with the edge of a poppadom. If you noticed the groups sudden interest in your conversation you didn’t show it. You shook your head, pushing the thought of his hands on your waist and his lips on your skin, out of your mind.
‘He was just being nice, he probably has better things to be doing after a case than hanging out here.’
Derek had to hide his laugh with a cough. You frowned at him, but before you could question it, Emily dragged you back into a conversation about Sergio and how he stole her bagel the other day. She glared at Derek when you weren’t looking. Conversation flowed easily after that, and it wasn’t long before everyone was on their second helping of food and the booze cupboard had been ransacked.
‘Hey babygirl, you seeing what I’m seeing?’ Derek had just sat back down with his second full plate when he spotted it; the start of your downfall. He nudged Penelope, nodding his head toward you. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before rising nearly to her hairline. A sharp “oh my god” left her lips, before she covered her mouth. Just beneath the edge of your oversized t-shirt, a small red mark was blooming on your skin. It looked suspiciously like a hickey. A very, very new one at that. Penelope’s little outburst was quickly noted by Emily, who paused mid-conversation to notice what they had. Her shit-eating grin matched Derek’s perfectly.   
‘What?’ You frowned at her, quickly glancing at Spencer opposite you. He shrugged, offering no help.
‘Maybe Hotch stuck around for a little while after all?’ There was a teasing lilt to her tone as she reached out to tug your collar a little lower. You could feel heat rising up your neck into your cheeks, a beautiful shade of crimson. Covering the offending mark with your hand, you tried to come up with an excuse. Nothing came. Opening your mouth and then closing it a few times, you tried to look anywhere but at your friends. You were caught and you knew it. They knew it too.
‘Is there any point in me saying I burnt myself?’ You tried for a smile, but it turned out more like a grimace.
‘Nope.’ Emily said, popping the “p”.
‘Aaron and I, we, uh…’ You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, your blush darkening, as Penelope mouthed “Aaron!” at Emily, who practically giggled. You were going to have to restock your alcohol cupboard before they came round again. You took a breath, glancing around the room. All eyes were on you.
 ‘We’re dating.’
There was an immediate outburst of “oh my god!”s and “I knew it!”s. You had expected to feel awful when your secret was finally out in the open, but all you could feel was relief. Well, and a tinge of embarrassment. Warmth bubbled in your chest, looking around the room at your team, your family, knowing you didn’t have to hide it from them anymore.
‘What ya thinking about over there?’ Emily nudged your arm, a small tendril of guilt creeping through her. You’d obviously wanted to spend your evening with Hotch, and instead they’d dragged you away in a hurry, all just to invade your privacy. A small grin broke through your façade.
‘I’m thinking, seeing as it’s not a secret anymore, I can leave you losers and go back to spending the night with my boyfriend.’ A chorus of cheers followed your words, and someone (you suspected Emily) shouted “Go get some, girl!”.
Spencer wrinkled his nose at that. ‘Gross, remember that’s Hotch we’re taking about, he’s pretty much our work dad.’ His words caused a laugh to bubble in your chest, and you leaned over Emily to plant a big kiss on his cheek.
‘Guess that makes me your new work-mom!’ He made a big show of wiping your kiss from his cheek, but the small smile that followed gave away his charade.
‘What are you waiting for beautiful? Your man is waiting for you!’ Your wide grin echoed Penelope’s as she ushered you up and out of the living room. Your overnight gear was already at Aaron’s, so all you needed was your shoes and phone. You felt almost giddy as you threw the spare key to Spencer.
‘Don’t stay up too late kiddos!’
‘Hey, hold on a second,’ You glanced at Derek, who had started stacking plates to take to the kitchen, ‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Oh… Y’know, only about 11… months.’ You shot them an abashed smile, before darting for the door as all hell broke loose.
‘You didn’t win the bet either!’ Emily and Derek’s argument floated out the door with you, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Of course they had bet on it. You didn’t have it in you to care, instead shutting the door with a sound click. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you dialled Aaron’s number.
‘Hey handsome,’ You couldn’t help the smile that carried through in your words, ‘You want to finish that movie?’
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bad268 · 8 months
Publicly in Love (Frog Boys X Reader)
[Blank] in Love Pt 4
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Technically no, but I incorporated two requests from @youngcreatorlady and @goldenstarofthunderclan. I hope yall don't mind <3 Side note, I’m gonna start taking requests for Pezzy! I’ve been in a Pezzy mood and found out I really like writing for him lol
Warnings: none.
Pronouns: First person (I/me/they/them)
W.C. approx 220 each
Summary: Going public with the Frog Boys
As always, my requests are OPEN
<-Part 3
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“Are you sure this is the best way to go about this?” I asked, looking back at Puffer from my spot on his lap. We were looking at the screen where he was logged into his Instagram with a drafted post of the two of us. He thought the best idea was to hard launch on Instagram and hope for the best. “You barely post as it is. This will give everyone a heart attack.”
“Would you rather join a live stream?” He asked back rhetorically, knowing I would not do well under the live scrutiny. “This is just easier.”
“Easier for who? You, me, or your fans?” I laughed back as I leaned my head onto his shoulder.
“You and me,” he whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. “If we did a live stream, it would be an hour or two of straight questions. If we post something, I can log off and we can completely forget about it.”
“You are devious. I love it,” I chuckled, looking back at the caption. “What are you going to say?”
“I don’t know yet,” He admitted, “What do you think?”
“Fuck it, we ball,” I replied, straightfaced before turning back to make eye contact, “Hard launch edition.”
“That’s so bad!” He laughed, leaning in to hide his face in my shoulder.
“You never said it had to be good!”
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Drunk Q&As were fun. Especially when it had been going on for a couple of hours at this point. Ever since I came back from visiting my family, my mentions have been blowing up with clips from the stream where I called Pezzy my favorite simp. It was while drunk that I remembered that Pezzy and I never confirmed or outed our relationship.
“Are yall roommates or what cuz damn I wish my roommate looked at me like that,” one of the comments read.
“Yeah, if his roommate also gets to go out with him,” I laughed, downing the last shot of soju. “I also get to kiss him, so that’s fun.”
“Fun?!” he laughed, almost falling off his chair. “Kissing me is fun?”
“What would you rather me talk about?” I quipped back. “I can talk about how mindblowing you are-”
“And that’s enough from you,” He slapped his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. “You’re cut off. Don’t continue that thought.”
“I was going to talk about your bike but okay,” I groaned after I pulled his hand away from my mouth, but kept his hand in mine. “Anyways, chat. He’s mine, so back the fuck up.”
“So possessive, damn,” he laughed, pulling our intertwined hands up to place a kiss on my knuckles. “It's hot.”
“Nah, just jealous.”
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“Guys, I swear to god,” I groaned into my pillow. I agreed to do a sleep stream with Droid weeks ago, but now, it was honestly hell. Not only was I so drained from the day in general, I was not feeling at all social to put up a facade for the viewers. My social battery was dead, and I just seemed pissed, probably. “Can we not play the Buzz Lightyear commercial nine times in a fucking row?!”
“That’s what that noise was?” Droid asked as he came back into the room with snacks and drinks. “Did yall make them insane or what?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I wined as I covered my ears. Droid set the drinks and snacks to the side as he laid down on his side of the mattress we set up. He also leaned over to the speakers to turn them down a couple of notches before leaning back. Once he was situated, I moved his arm, so I could lay into his side. “Chat, don’t. Just don’t fucking say anything.”
“Yeah, they’re allowed to do this,” He said into the microphone as he pulled up the chat on his phone, reading through some of the comments. “We get it, they’re cute and tired. Shut it.” 
Despite the noise, it did not take long to fall asleep. And it certainly did not take long for the chat to notice either. However, it was not until chat started spamming at Droid did he noticed. “Guys leave my s/o alone. Be lucky they even agreed to this.”
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Being on a panel at PAX AUS was a highlight of any creator. To have been invited was unimaginable. I was invited to be on a panel with the Misfits along with Grizzy and Smitty. We had flown in a few days prior (with a load of delays, might I add), and now, it was finally the day.
Sitting on the stage was surreal. With Grizzy on my left and Tobi on my right, we started answering questions down the line.
“Next question is for Y/n and Grizzy, technically,” the fan started. Immediately, I knew where it was going, so I lifted my hand that was already holding Grizzy’s onto the table. The fan began stuttering as they gestured to our hands. “Um, I think that answers my question.”
“If the question was if Girizzy and I are together,” I said just to confirm, and I was met with a timid nod from them, “the answer is yes. We have been together for a couple of months now.”
“And before anyone asks, technically, they made the first move,” Grizzy added.
“I thought you were asleep!” I objected, turning to face him while still keeping the microphone in my hand.
“That does not make it sound any better!” Grizzy and the rest of the group laughed.
“Trust me,” Fitz interjected, “that does not make it sound any less creepy. And I even know the whole story!”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up, all of you!”
Part 5 ->
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elmouwus · 1 year
♡ lowe’s tub for two • katsuki bakugo ♡
katsuki bakugo x f!reader
summary — bakugo has always had a fantasy of bending you over in the middle of an aisle in a store, now he can finally cross it off his bucket list.
warnings — nsfw. established relationship, married couple, smut, exhibitionism (public sex), unprotected sex (p in v : wrap it up folks), shower sex (technically), light fingering, quickie, dirty talk, cream pie, slight d/s dynamic, dom!katsuki/sub!reader, cream pie.
1276 words xx
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“What about this one,” you pointed at a shower display and looked up at your husband who was already looking in your direction, just not at your face.
The two of you had just gotten married a few weeks ago and were working on designing your new home together, the last thing to work on were the bathrooms, so that’s how you found yourself in this Lowe’s aisle looking at shower displays. Unfortunately, it seemed like you were the only one interested in the actual displays.
“Katsuki,” you snapped, causing Katsuki to look up at you, his vermilion eyes meeting your own, “my ass is not what we’re supposed to be looking at today.”
“That might not have been your plan but it was definitely mine,” he smirked as he looked back down at your ass, sliding his hand onto it, rubbing a circle on it.
“Katsuki Bakugo, do you have no public decency at all?” You asked slapping his arm and taking a step away from him, “we’re in public, how would you like to be the next headline on the news. I can see it now ‘Number Two Pro Hero: Dynamight & Number 15 Pro Hero : H/N Getting Down & Dirty In L-“
“Okay, Jesus, Woman I get it, alright? No touching my own wife in public,” he over exaggerated.
“Oh shut up,” you rolled your eyes, “now answer my question,” you looked back at the shower display. It took less than a few seconds for you to feel his hand on your ass again.
“Y/N hush, nobody is around, this place is a ghost town,” he licked his lips as he squeezed your ass hard, causing a soft moan to leave your mouth. You bit your own lip as you felt heat pool in your panties, “I wish you’d just let me fuck you in this aisle, it’s all I can think about when we’re out,” he whispered right into your ear as he caressed your ass.
You shivered at the feeling of his breath on your ear. You looked both ways down the aisle, he wasn’t wrong, this place was a ghost town. You didn’t even remember seeing anyone else when you guys came through.
You smirked pushing Katsuki off you and turning around to look at him, your eyes met once again. His eyes were coated in lust and mischievousness.
You put your hand on his chest and gave him a quick peck, “since you can’t seem to focus on the task at hand, why don’t we kill two birds with one stone?”
He cocked an eyebrow, “what do you have in mind, Brat?”
“Let’s see if we,” you paused to stretch up to his ear to whisper, “fit in this shower.”
You went back to your flat feet and stared at him innocently as you backed up towards the shower display. For the first time in all of the time you knew Katsuki Bakugo, this was the first time you seemed to have caught him by surprise. His jaw was slightly dropped and he looked like he was just offered the opportunity of a lifetime.
“What about the press,” he smirked as he walked towards you.
You turned around as you opened the display shower door and slipped in, “it’s like you said, it’s a ghost town in here and we have the power of my quirk by our side. So do you wanna cross this off your bucket list or not?”
He knew he couldn’t pass this up, he ‘begged’ for an exhibitionism experience almost every time you were out. He followed you into the shower, closing the door behind him, “how long can you hold your invisibility for now,” he asked as you both pretended to feel around the shower as if testing it out.
As much as he wanted this experience and the fact that this place was empty, cameras were still a thing and he definitely didn’t want a sex tape going around just after getting married.
“About 5 minutes without a break with someone else..”
“Guess this is gonna have to be a quickie,” he winked as you touched his shoulder and you both disappeared. You saw one another but your reflections were gone, which meant no one else could see you either.
Now knowing you’re invisible, you slammed into each other hard. Your lips swirled together as you tongue wrestled with one another.
“You’re such a naughty whore,” Katsuki said as he put his hands under your short sundress, pulling your underwear down, “wearing this short ass dress knowing you were gonna get me riled up, huh?”
His thick calloused finger slid up and down your slit, feeling that your whole slit was covered in your juices, you sucked on his tongue as you unbuckled his pants and let them drop.
Knowing you had limited time, he slid one of his hands down to the back of your thighs, “jump.”
You did as you were told and he slammed you against the back wall of the shower, before taking ahold of his cock and rubbing it with his wet hand, you didn’t remember him spitting on it but your were on a hormone high and wanted to ride it out.
Without sparing another second he slammed his thick cock into you, and started heavily thrusting. You let out loud moans and whimpers as his wet hand found your clit, rubbing it with one of his fingertips.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he sucked on your neck. You felt his heavy balls continuously hit your ass cheeks as he thrusted in and out of you, “fucking whore, getting off to me fucking you in Lowe’s.”
You were married to an actual sex god. Your moans got louder as his tip hit your g spot over and over again. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure up your body, not to mention the his fingertip circling your clit.
You both knew your time was running out, which is why Katsuki was focusing on you so hard, “come on baby, I know you wanna cum for me.”
“I do,” your scream-moans echoed down the empty aisle.
“Then do it,” he said as he picked up the speed. You arched your back as you felt your orgasm hit, it rolled up and down your body, the feeling of your pussy contracting around him caused him to (what felt like) be sucked dry.
You felt his dick twitch in you as he pulled out, his cum dripping out a little. He let you slowly drop as he picked up your panties putting them in his pants pocket as he lifted them.
“Hello, is anyone down here? I heard a scream,” an associate asked, walking towards the aisle. He turned down the aisle to see Pro Hero Dynamite and you looking at a shower display.
“Oh yes, it was me, sorry,” you said, your face was flushed, “I was just so excited to pick out the last part of our new home. How much is delivery for this model,” you asked the associate innocently.
Katsuki smirked as he watched his cum slide down your legs while you spoke to the worker.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Off the Sea
Charles Leclerc x yachtie reader
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Charlesleclerc Big thanks to RivaYacht for the fun this summer (and yntakestheseas)
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yntakestheseas Are you thanking me for fun too or thanking them for me?? #Confuzzled 
LandoNorris I mean, you did meet because of them
ArthurLeclerc true dat
yntakestheseas no one asked you gremlins
Charlesleclerc be nice to the children!
Bestie you should be thanking me for convincing her to give you a chance 
yntakestheseas It didn’t take much convincing 
Bestie Babe, i remember differently 
yntakestheseas 🤫, he thinks he has swag. 
Joris Doesn't even give me photo creds
yntakestheseas Thanks for the photos J!! 📸Always happy to have you around
Joris at least someone appreciates me 👍
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Charlesleclerc 4 years of bliss. Happy Anniversary mon amour 💕💕
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yntakestheseas Happy anniversary lover boy 🫶❤️
Fan4 4 Years!?
yntakestheseas we were trying to be private, and it would’ve worked too if it wasn’t for that meddling gossip account!
Charlesleclerc did you just steal a villain speech from Scooby Doo?
yntakestheseas and what if I did?🤨
CarlosSainz55 The two of you are sickeningly cute
yntakestheseas aw, thanks buddy 😘
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yntakestheseas guys help me to convince Charles that we need this
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Charlesleclerc babe stop being ridiculous 
yntakestheseas just imagine how cool we'll look whipping around the port in this bad boy!!
Charlesleclerc who is we? Because it sure as hell won’t be me
PierreGasly I vote yes, but just so I can make fun of him
ScudderiaFerrari Its a yes from us!
Fan847 omg please! 
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yntakestheseas Monaco nights with Bestie
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Bestie never a dull moment with you!!
yntakestheseas you know you love it 
LandoNorris next time don't drag me out with you 
Bestie you begged to be invited
CharlesLeclerc God my girl is a stunner 😍
yntakestheseas she is isn’t she?
PierreGasly did you seriously just compliment yourself?
Yntakestheseas if you’ve got it flaunt it. And says you mr photo dump
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yntakestheseas Cheers to the best crew ever, I’m gonna miss you guys
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Stew2 best boss ever
yntakestheseas Aw, I love you sm!!
BoatCapJoe sure I can’t convince you to come back?
yntakestheseas not this time Joe!! Its been amazing working with you over the last 3 years though
BoatCapJoe We’ll miss you but you’re moving on to better things!!
Deck37 Will miss working & nights out with you!
yntakestheseas ill miss you too!! We’ll catch up next time you’re around
User74 what do you do for the winter when yachting? I’m interested in the industry!
yntakestheseas  a lot of yachties go and do the Caribbean season which starts around November, do other seasonal jobs like skiing or go home until the following April. I personally stick around Europe (there is still work) and usually end up doing couple of trips to Dubai or the Seychelles, it really just depends on who you work for! But good luck! Its a great job to have
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yntakestheseas yacht girl summer
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PierreGasly isn’t every summer technically that for you?
yntakestheseas yes but no. 
Bestie girlie is thriving
yntakestheseas its a hard life. Although the service is a bit shit
ArthurLeclerc thats rude
yntakestheseas you dropped a whole bottle of champagne on me! And a cup of coffee
ArthurLeclerc THAT WASNT ME!!
yntakestheseas well it wasn’t a ghost
CharlesLeclerc Sure it wasn’t ArthurLeclerc 
F1fan so she’s just using Charles for his money then?
Fan23 let her live, she clearly has worked hard
yntakestheseas actually babe, I had a week off because the boat I work on needed some repairs which is why I decided to join my boyfriend on holiday if thats okay with you? 
Ferrari23 ooh, get them queen
The New F1 season is getting underway as drivers head to Bahrain. The question on everyone mind, will we get a Y/N sighting in the paddock this year? Since her relationship with the Ferrari driver was exposed this past summer, can we expect our favourite stewardess to make an appearance & support her boyfriend?
F1 Gossip
Well folks, we're into May now and no y/n sightings. is there trouble in paradise for the fan favourite couple?
Fan56 dude they were private for nearly 4 years. just because she hasn't been spotted doesn't mean they've broken up.
f1user omg just let her exist in peace!! she's probably working
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yntakestheseas This'll be the first summer since I started yachting at 18 that I'm not on a boat, but 9 years later it’s time for a new adventure with my favourite person by my side 🫶
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Charlesleclerc no one I’d rather do this with mon amour
Ferrarifan84 Oh my god what!!!
Bestie Mama mode!!! Can't wait to meet the little one
yntakestheseas They can't wait to meet favourite auntie!!
Aurthurleclerc Favourite uncle loading!
Lorenzotl sure 
PierreGasly dibs on godfather!
Carlossainz55 I don’t think so mate
CharlesLeclerc it’s neither of you 
SebastianVettel Congratulations! You’re going to be amazing parents 
yntakestheseas Thank you Seb!! 
LandoNorris Can I babysit!!
yntakestheseas absolutely not
LewisHamilton Can I?
yntakestheseas Absolutely, as long as Roscoe comes to visit
LandoNorris 😮
Fan565 dad Charles era!!!!
F1gossip holy crap
Estebanocon Congrats!!!
yntakestheseas Merci Estie<3
ScudderiaFerrari New driver to sign!! Congratulations guys
Pascale_leclerc grateful he found you & can’t wait to welcome them into the world
yntakestheseas Love you Pascale!! Youre going to be the best grandma to little bean
Ferrarifan not what I expected but a slay nevertheless 
468 notes · View notes
liaromancewriter · 9 months
Premise: Ethan and Cassie’s skating date plans go awry, but all hope is not lost.
Fandom: Open Heart/Choices Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,965 Day/Prompt: @12daysofchristmas Day 9 - “I like it out here. It’s peaceful.”
A/N: For @choicesholidays "Best Christmas Ever" prompt, @choicesprompts Holiday rewrite event: inspired by Virgin River's S5 Christmas special where Mel and Jack celebrate their first Christmas and make their own holiday traditions, including the ice skating scene. Also submitting to @choicesdecember2023 prompt "Christmas" and @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event.
I'm using @choicesflashfics week 64, prompt 1 (in bold), and fluffy dialogue prompt 1 from Second Day of Gift-Giving by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills.
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Growing up in New England meant ice skating. One of Ethan Ramsey’s earliest memories was holding his father’s hand as they stepped onto an outdoor ice rink. Light snow fell around them like stardust, and he tilted his head back to catch a snowflake on his tongue.
His father taught him how to skate that night, gripping Ethan’s hand lightly and encouraging him to lean forward and alternately stroke and glide on the ice, letting the blades do the work.
He remembered his father’s deep laughter and his mother’s cheers from the sidelines as he let go of the hand keeping him tethered. Feeling the wind on his face and watching colors blur from the festive lights strung up around the rink, everything in little Ethan’s world was perfect at that moment.
Many years later, Ethan still loved to skate but didn’t have as much time for it. As head of diagnostics at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, his duties kept him much too busy. But something about the holidays made him nostalgic for simpler times.
“Earth to Ethan. Anyone there?” Cassie Valentine snapped her fingers in front of his face.
Ethan shook his head to clear the memories clouding his thoughts. “Sorry, I was miles away. What were we talking about?”
“Okay, that was some trip,” Cassie commented, giving him a strange look above the rim of her wine glass. “Holiday traditions from our childhood. You were telling me about skating with your parents, remember?”
“Oh, right,” Ethan said, feeling his face flush.
For a moment, he’d forgotten where he was. He glanced around his apartment and the holiday decorations they’d put up a few days ago, scratching the back of his head as he tried to collect his composure.
A Christmas tree stood in the corner against the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay — the first one they bought and decorated together — tinsel and fairy lights winking against the dark. Presents had found their way underneath the tree at regular intervals in the last couple of weeks.
This was their first holiday together, technically second as a couple, but he’d been in Providence last year, and she’d been working. Somehow, without realizing it, he found himself in a relationship that was more serious than anything he’d ever had before.
What else would you call meeting each other’s families and planning together what presents to buy for their respective relatives?
“Do you still skate, or is that in the past?” Cassie mused, her legs curled up beneath her on the couch.
“Not as much as I’d like,” Ethan confessed, picking up the near-empty wine bottle to top up their glasses. “A few years ago, a bunch of us started getting together in the community center rink for ice hockey. Nothing formal, just pick up games to blow off steam.”
“Why am I only finding out about this now?” she said, somewhat disgruntled. “We’ve known each other for almost three years!”
Ethan rolled his eyes at her dramatic response. “Because I have other, more pleasurable things to say and do when you’re around. Besides, I had Naveen’s condition to occupy my mind that first year, and then my mother’s return and addiction last year. This is the first normal holiday season for both of us.”
“You have a point,” Cassie conceded with a regal nod before twisting in her seat to regard him thoughtfully. “I bet you’re a goalie. You’ve got the build for it.”
“You’d lose that bet.” Ethan raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I play center.”
She harrumphed and then tapped her index finger against her lips. “Remember how we talked about making our own holiday traditions when we decorated the tree last week? Let’s add skating to the list. The Boston Common Frog Pond rink is open for the season, and it always looks fun when I go running past it.”
“I’ve been, and it is fun,” Ethan said. “How about Friday? You’re working a double before that, so should be post-call, right?”
“It’s a date,” Cassie smiled, intertwining her fingers with his and nestling against him. “This is going to be the best Christmas season ever!”
When Friday came, Ethan was run off his feet. Herb, one of his oldest patients, had been admitted with an unknown infection. He spent the entire day running tests, frustrated when the results didn’t reveal anything useful.
Deciding to return to the beginning, he sat behind his desk, switched on the monitor and pulled up Herb’s medical history. He wasn’t leaving here until he figured this out.
“You’re still working?”
Ethan looked up at the intrusion, eyes unfocused, the screen’s glare reflecting off his reading glasses. Cassie stood inside the sliding glass doors, wearing a pink long-sleeved sweater beneath a puffy white vest and black jeans. A knitted cap with white and pink stripes sat atop her long blonde hair.
He wondered whether she coordinated her outfits or if it was an innate style. Maybe even both.
He noted the small duffel bag in her hand and cursed internally. He’d utterly forgotten their skating date, and judging by Cassie’s amused expression, she knew it, too.
“You’re important to me. And I want you to know that,” Ethan said, coming around from behind the desk to stand before her. He took her hand in his.
“I do know that, but thank you for telling me,” Cassie chuckled, lightly swinging their clasped hands before letting go. “What’s going on?”
Ethan quickly explained the situation, running frustrated fingers through his hair, his inability to solve the case coming through in the irritated tone of his voice. Before he knew it, he started brainstorming Herb’s condition with her, pulling up test results and walking her through his thought process.
Herb wasn’t the diagnostic team’s patient, but it helped to have someone he trusted from the team working with him.
“Could be GI. Have you considered….”
“…barium follow through?” he said, reading her thoughts as perfectly as she could his. He frowned as he tried to connect the dots to the other symptoms.
“I thought I saw something in his chart,” she said, nudging him out of the chair to take control of his keyboard, her eyes scanning the electronic medical records. “Aha, there it is. Small bowel obstruction, managed through a steroid protocol, so no biopsy was done to rule out Crohn’s or colitis.”
“Good catch,” Ethan said, reading over her shoulder. “I’ll put in orders for a barium test tomorrow. Nothing more we can do today.”
Her light floral scent drifted into his nostrils, and he sighed in disappointment. Date nights were already hard to organize with their erratic schedules. He couldn’t help but feel he’d wasted this one.
He turned the office chair around, placed his hands on either side of her and leaned in. “I’m sorry, Cassie. I not only messed up our plans tonight, but I pulled you into this after you’d already worked a double shift. I heard about the clusterfuck that was last night.”
“That would be an apt word to describe it,” she murmured. “Not sure how I got home this morning, but at least it was quiet in the apartment with everyone else on shift.”
“Still, tonight was supposed to be the start of another holiday tradition for us,” he insisted.
For the first time in forever, he resented work coming in the way of his personal life.
Cassie framed his face between her hands. “I’m here with you. I’m right where I belong. Doing what I’m good at with the man I love and one who taught me that patients come first.”
Ethan closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a slow, sweet kiss, thanking her for understanding with the promise of more to come. Cassie locked her hands behind his neck, and he tugged her out of the chair, reversing their positions without breaking the kiss.
They slowly drifted apart, foreheads touching. Cassie smiled softly, her fingers trailing down the side of his face. “Raincheck on our date?
Ethan checked his wristwatch and noted it was almost half past eight. Where had the last few hours gone?
“We could try to get to the Commons before the rink closes at nine,” he offered, mentally calculating the distance, traffic and parking situation.
“It’s okay,” Cassie said, getting off his lap and stretching her arms upward. “Another night. Besides, we’re doctors. Disrupted plans are par the course.”
“There are other rinks in Boston,” Ethan said, standing beside her. “Let me google what’s open. Tonight doesn’t have to be a total loss.”
“Actually,” Cassie said, taking her phone out and unlocking it. “Rafael’s old neighborhood has a small rink that’s open all night. He invited the Roomies there last year. It’s no Frog Pond, but it was nice. Let me text him.”
While she did that, Ethan tidied up his desk, closed out files and powered down his computer.
“Yes!” Cassie pumped one fist in the air. “It’s still around, and Raf is sending directions.”
An hour or so later, after stopping by his place to change and pick up skates, Ethan parked in the lot on the other side of the community park from where the rink was located. They walked hand in hand down the walkway, the soft glow of street lamps a welcome relief against the shadows around them.
The rink was small, as advertised, and empty, given the lateness of the hour. And yet Ethan liked it all the more for its relative privacy versus other public rinks.
“I like it out here. It’s peaceful,” Ethan commented as they sat on a bench and strapped on their skates.
“It’s popular with local families, so it can get busy early in the day,” Cassie explained, her voice muffled as she bent down to tighten her laces.
Ethan flicked the light switch, the red and green lights bright against the darkness. He stepped onto the rink, gliding effortlessly on the ice, feeling the familiar rush of wind rushing against his face.
“Whoops,” Cassie giggled behind him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking back to see her arms flailing before she caught her balance.
“I’m good,” she said, carefully holding herself still.
He laughed as recognition hit. For all Cassie’s bravado, she was not as comfortable on skates as she pretended to be.
“You think it’s funny?” She lifted her chin mulishly, spreading her legs wide and turning her skated feet inward.
“Yeah, I do,” Ethan smirked, skating in a loop around her.
He took her hand as she continued to struggle and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Because I finally found something that Cassie Valentine isn’t good at.”
He grinned as Cassie pretended to be offended. She started to push against his arms, but her skates slipped, and she clung to him like a barnacle. Within seconds, they were both laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“You figured me out,” she confessed, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes as she swallowed back her laughter.
She placed her gloved hands on his upper arms, her green eyes sparkling as they gazed into his. “I suck at skating. No matter how much I try, I will never be more than passable.”
Ethan brushed his hands down her arms and folded her hands in his. “Then it’s a good thing you have me to hold on to.”
He lowered his face as Cassie stretched on her toes, and their lips met in a kiss that chased the cold away. They looked up as snowflakes started to fall from the sky, sprinkling over them like stardust.
And under a starry, magical night with snow falling around them, Ethan looped Cassie’s arm through his and skated them expertly around the rink, making another holiday tradition just for them.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @debbiechanclub
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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afreakingdork · 28 days
Soft Spot - Chapter 4
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Donnie's always working on something like in this week’s chapter art by @garbagemilkshake
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Romance, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Married Life, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Villain Donatello (TMNT), Love, POV Second Person, Babies, Pregnancy, AFAB reader, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fertility Issues, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Reader-Insert, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Cum Eating, Turtle Noises (TMNT), I have a Biology Degree and I’m Using it
Synopsis: First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the next step about as smooth as the others arrived. The baby-oriented sequel to Weak Spot.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
You looked over from where you were adjusting the collar of your shirt.
“Technically your cycle started six days ago, but marking today as the first cleared from your period.” Donnie spoke with a litany of screens about him.
“It was a long one…” You ruminated. “I hate when it’s just bloody discharge those last few days, like just empty out already.”
Donnie nodded and paced with his circle of screens moving fluidly along.
You noticed a few purple Tetris blocks mixed in amongst the technology and walked closer to get a look at them.
“With your permission I’ve taken an average of your cycles to work off of.” Donnie paced away from you without noticing.
You gave chase.
“As you have cleared, I’ve been examining you daily through the entirety of approximately your last three cycles. That paired with menstrual data that was passively collected, I can accurately map out our schedule.”
You got close to one floating purple block, but Donnie neared a wall and, like a Roomba, rotated away to go in another direction.
“We then take into account your clinical OBGYN visits. Your gametes are considered in a good health range. Mine are in a similar state per my personal evaluation. It is only combining our genetics that interferes now. Consider we are tethered to probability, following your ovulation gives us the best chances of conceiving.”
You watched his path and waited for what direction he would bounce towards next so you could intercept.
“My sperm appears to have a similar lifespan to that of a humans’. That’s a three to five day window in which they can survive in your reproductive system. To best maximize our chances, we should keep you filled just prior to and during your ovulation. Hence the necessity of your menstrual schedule.”
He trended towards the bed and you frowned because that would send him right back out into the bedroom proper.
“Now, we could use the plug, but that was meant as a sexual device. There is no need to keep you full of seminal fluid which only acts as transport.”  
You saw mental images of Pong play out and realized he would soon be heading straight back towards you.
“A more useful and adjacent device would be a conception cap, but I wonder about its necessity as my sperm are tenacious…”
You adjusted your stance and waited.
“We can reconsider going forward if our current methods don't prove fruitful.” He made the final pivot in your direction. “For now, we will begin with this schedule.”
Before he reached you a calendar appeared in your face.
It marred your vision and kept you from seeing those strange fragments.
You gave a small sigh.
“Something wrong?” He swiped your screen to the side so he could better see you. “I debated a separate calendar from our usual, but it made more sense to combine them. Why waste time going out to dinner when we could put our hours to better use filling you with my seed?”
Your stomach flipped and you almost forgot about your other quest. “T-that’s not…”
He waited.
You shook your head and further moved the screen to step into his space.
Holograms broke up around you and you reached out toward the floating oddities.
“What are these?”
Donnie’s arm lowered and, with it, his screens collapsed. “I have been pushing the limits of my ninpo.”
“This is your ninpo?” You tapped the small block and it was indeed solid.
“Yes. My mysticism forms via construction. It is what I understand. However, it is also a manifestation. I have reason to believe that I can integrate it into my technology.”
“You want that?” You cupped your palms under it as if to hold the pieces. “Your tech is amazing. Would the ninpo make it better?”
“My screens now are hologram projections. They come from a knowable source. Though they are expertly encrypted, there is still a chance they could be hacked. Mystic technology, in theory, has no system to stem from. It is being projected from my very being. A completely uncrackable network!”
You sought Donnie’s eyes with growing amazement. “Oh… When you put it like that…”
He nodded enthusiastically. “I can replace everything with complete safety.”
Within your palm, you watched the pixels shift ever so slightly.
“However, data is intangible. While you say you build a system, you are instead writing the basis for it. I can visualize the code, but not its weight. There is a current disconnect between such so I have a simple form of a router up for the time being. I am feeding the connection from my tech gauntlet through my ninpo before it reaches the usual old screens. I am hoping it will help inspire said information to display as if it were a computer and I can then cut out the middle man.”
“Your gauntlet…” You let the ninpo go and moved to touch the device on his wrist.
“I have no plans to stop wearing or using it. My ninpo requires focus and tapping energy of which I have little stamina for. It is another facet of the router manifestation. Raphael described mystic arts as any other muscle to be trained. Thus I try to keep some form of ninpo up when I can and for as long as I am able.”
“Right… The tech’ll be a backup if you’re ever out of commission.”
“I suppose…” Donnie had an interested edge to him.
You fluttered your lashes as you waited for him to elaborate.
He churred into your space, but didn’t make contact. “It’s mysticism. Its rules are infuriating. Who’s to say I am limited in that way? I aim to create lasting constructions.”
“Donatello, my love, always pushing boundaries.” You spoke wistfully.
He lavished in the praise with closed lids before he straightened his posture.
“Speaking of lasting constructions…”
He eyed you and brought the screens back up.
“Let’s say I didn’t hear anything after you mentioned my period being over… How would you feel about repeating everything…?” You grinned.
His patience for you didn’t seem to have a limit though he did have minor scorn as he started his explanation over.
You were giddy as you stood outside of your own front door. Adjusting your clothes for about the third time, you debated your entry. You were spoiled for choice, but wanted to make this occasion special. Per Donnie’s planning, today marked the window just before your ovulation. It was the crossroads section in which his sperm would stay alive within you and be ready to inseminate the moment it became possible.
You had both also agreed to stave off sex until today. It was a paltry three day window and you had joked about Donnie saving up. As he was these days, he had bitter corrections for any perpetuated mythos. He was a regular sex ed teacher and explained that while it was possible that certain abstinence could lead to increased sperm counts, the ejaculate would contain older, less agile emissions. It was under his scrutiny that you agreed to only wait to enhance this moment.
A giddy countdown now had you shaking with the thrill and your entry. 
Should you come in sultry and swing your belongings out of the way while announcing yourself?
Would Donnie be waiting to sweep you off your feet?
Would you not make it to the bedroom?
Would there be a line of candles and flower petals guiding your way?
Running through every scenario, you abandoned them all in favor of the door knob. It turned for you and you pushed against the wood. It revealed your apartment and you didn’t immediately notice anything had changed. It looked like your usual home and your lips parted to announce your presence.
Before you could speak, your husband stepped out so he was across from your entry.
He was the picture of dichotomy.
From his posture and squared shoulders, he was ready.
From his stance, he could not be knocked down.
From where his hands lazily flopped back to his sides, it said he’d been wringing them.
From the pinched lines of his face and the faded look to his pupil, he was tightly wound with nerves.
All of him read an equal amount of excited and nervous.
You forgot all about some fancy entrance and moved to your mate.
He accepted you as your bag fell to the ground. His willingness to give himself over read as an emotional scar and you swept over his shirt. It was something plain he’d probably been in all day and, upon finding nothing of note, you coasted up to his cheek. His head tipped into your palm and you felt your affection swallow you whole. “Hello, sweet. You hanging in there?”
“I should have asked you to take today off…” He spoke with sorrow.
“We’re saving that for ovulation day.” You reminded him.
“I know…” His hands trended beneath yours. “That’s why I didn’t.”
You nodded and curled your fingers to pull him down.
He resisted at first, his eyes darting to commit you to memory before he lowered.
He came with a winding and you met him for a kiss.
It struck as mellow in comparison to everything you had seen. He seemed to smile at your confusion and pressed into you to make his intention known. What came then was tenderness, but those nerves still slipped beneath it. You wanted to ask why, but the glowing embers against his lips spoke of how deep his desire was. You imagined maybe he had a fear of how deep his carnal desires could go. He was finally exercising his top kink in its truest form. It seemed obvious that he'd be afraid he might consume you.
It reminded you of an old line from your first date about a bear. It struck you how you had long become equally as voracious as him and you channeled that ferocity. The surge of both your body and emotion knocked him back a step. Drunk off the power to ruffle the master, you pursued him as much as he would allow. He soon got his feet stabilized which meant you were a tiny powerhouse against the pylon of his body. His form held steady, allowing you whatever wanton destruction you craved that wasn’t his person.
It came in the form of his clothes which you twisted up and pulled at. He bent for you, coming down enough so you could yank his top off and knocked his glasses in the process. He chuckled at your need, but gave no recompense. It left you as the one-sided onslaught and you pantsed him in retaliation.
When you came up from shoving his waistband down, he only had an arched brow that sarcastically challenged your childish move.
You tittered at the sight, playing it off. “Here? Couch? Bed…?”
He looked over each spot as if he had all the time in the world.
His bond barely concealed how much his emotion begged to differ.
You put out a sort of sigh and trended to his right.
“I’ve been bombarded with info lately…” You mourned and slid a forlorn hand across his wraps. “Intro to baby making.”
He watched you circle him.
You made sure to keep a teasing digit on him at all times. “A long winded separation ig facts and old wives tales…”
You appeared on his other side and he continued to track you.
“No sex position increases odds, but deep penetration is good. Whatever gets the sperm closest to the cervix…” You stopped at his front and sighed again.
You saw his fingers twitch as he withheld himself.
“Hard to push you into missionary if you aren’t going to help…” You kept your eyes to his plastron and followed scute lines with your fingertips.
You felt his head move as he tried to view your path.
You caught him with his neck bent forward as you snapped your attention up. “You really want to finally knock me up with me on top?”
You watched his pupils adjust to the prospect.
There was the language.
You told him that he was going to participate regardless.
There was the insinuation.
As it had all day, today was the day it was finally teetering on dangerous to fuck.
There was the challenge.
Was he going to be passive?
In one fluid motion, he dropped his center of gravity.
Excitement exploded in your belly and his elbows snapped akimbo. They led as his hands slid up into your shirt in a perfect slide. Smooth prints teased your spine and had you arching as he got to your bra. It took a single trace to the clasp and he barely had to flick to undo it. It was then, with a lift, that your entire upper ensemble was headed upward. You scrambled to lift your arms and just barely saved your chin from catching the fabric.
He hovered over you like a dance and your spine wilted dangerously from how much real estate he commanded. He beamed you a million watt smile before you heard the fabric plop onto the floor. The textures struck you and his arms came down to press into the curve of your back. He kept you safely dipped like a dancer there with one hand while the other danced around your front. It felt over your belly before a single digit found interest in your fly.
It worked expertly with a twist and flick until he was able to undo your trousers. They slacked open in the fold and he skimmed with that single hand around your waistband as if testing its tensile strength. The backs of your thighs burned from the weight distribution and your neck ached from having to hold up against gravity. Donnie only surveyed the curve of your body with faint flicks of his gaze as he instead focused on circling your hips.
With a sudden hook of his thumb, he levied half your bottoms and shoved down. The other side clung and it took a clean swipe from the opposite direction to catch them. He moved in a seesaw that had his thumb nail skimming more sensitive skin as he rocked your pants and underwear down. By the time they fell, your legs were threatening to do the same and only then did he scoop you up.
It was into his arms and you kicked out socked feet in glee as he carried you to bed. He perched you on the edge and the titillation pumped through your veins as he squatted in front of you. It sent you right back to imagery of your first night together and your inner muscles clenched onto that excitement.
“You are well aware of what we are about to get into.”
You nodded.
“Are you ready?”
“Very much so.”
“Show me, love.”
You gathered your knees and adjusted your positions. Already perched, you moved your pelvis forward as your shoulders came back. Your arms compensated for yet another lean, though this one was cushioned by a mattress. It read comfortable as your hands fisted the sheets and you split your legs to present for him.
He took you in with all his senses. It first came with the visual sight even though you could tell you were far from glistening. Excitement had only taken you so far, but he was completely enamored by your sex. He surveyed you with his exploding pupils before he reached, compelled. His warm finger skirted your outer lips and he pressed to see how engorged they were with blood. Arousal meant there was a heated layer and the cooler air of the room lapped at you in time with the way he licked his lips.
You rolled your hips eager and he lowered his head for his next sense. It was smell, and you’d grown accustomed to his scenting. He’d been sniffing you shamelessly in his daily examinations and it always looked to you like a master sommelier. His lips would part, letting the scent inhale deeply through his nostrils and cascade down his tongue. You imagined he picked up all sorts of notes that you couldn’t as he trended closer.
He breathed out then in and it was with one last striking whiff that nosed lightly at your clit. The tip of his beak invaded you for touch and your voice pitched behind warbled lips. He flicked a scolding glance up at you for trying to muffle your noises and when your mouth opened it was to breathily pant. He found that suitable and returned to his nosing. He was scenting, you could tell, but there was no snuffle. It was a slow and even thing meant to relish and, even though you couldn’t see him, you felt the moisture differently when his jaw parted.
You arched in time and met his tongue. A dainty tip, he mapped your folds first as if he didn’t already know your anatomy down to the cellular level. He gave a base level tasting lap and you whined at the lack of targeting. You watched his eyes surface in a rolling fashion and you frowned when you caught sight of him. He smiled against your cunt before pressing into your heat with his eyes still questioning you.
You mewled for him and it seemed like a satisfactory answer because he dove in. You puffed open relief as he licked into you with the accuracy you craved. He long knew exactly how to manipulate you on his tongue and you tossed your head back to give yourself over to him.
You jolted when he suddenly grabbed your feet.
In a tug, he used your surprise to throw you off balance and you fell onto your back. The bed was completely forgiving and you stared up at the canopy for exactly one second before his tongue shifted. He latched onto your clit in your toe tingling way and you barely cared he was still doing something to your feet. You imagined he was operating comical heavy machinery where the levers were your limbs because of the jarring push and pull of his movements.
His things swiped down and he hit some sort of pressure point in both your arches that ripped a moan from you. He slicked downward, dragging your growing wet on his tongue to taste and stimulate you. You squirmed, trying to get more, but he pushed your knees to fold. Your legs came, bent at the knee, and he shifted his weight to pour more over you. It pressed your thighs closer to your torso and you recognized the move even though it had been a long time since he last exercised it.
The mating press.
You chirped wanton for him at the thought and he churred straight into your sex at your revelation. You gave your mating call in aching need, but he demanded a bit more of you. It came with a swirling of his mouth and just enough suction that you could feel your insides weeping. The drip caused an audible pop when he unlatched that you could only hear as the final sense, sound, and he panted from what you imagined was a full assault of his senses. He then appeared, moving to stand in a growing form with your combined soaks painting his chin.
The moment he hit his full height was the same time you saw the bob of his cock. It bounced with him and hung a flag over your sex. You heaved a single time at the sight of it and were struck with one single thought:
This was going to get you pregnant.
A mating call warped off your lips before another slammed it out of the way. You couldn’t stop yourself as it sounded again and again on what hit your ears as a nagging repeat. The pitch was off and feral like a cat in heat. You ached for him, head lifting in the process and he only stared at your wanting form.
“D-Donnie…!” You finally managed amongst his seeming neglect. “P-please!”
He nodded and swept over you in what felt like a final moment.
Like you’d never be like this again.
Like something monumental was about to shift.
He then lowered enough to scoop up under your ass and scoot you forward. It made room for his knees and you continued to call out to him. He shushed you with a sharp mating response of his own and you bit down on your lip to try to stave off more. He was taking too long in his adjustments, but you knew there was purpose. You knew first hand how precarious the position could be. Your body was fully trapped beneath his while also being folded. It contracted and compressed your very being, but also made it so his pelvis could be aimed above yours. It also meant you had a full view of how his cock dangled down, scorched and ready to sear you.
Your vision honed in on the glisten of his member and trailed down where his tip pearled a perfect bead of pre.
Another mating call wormed up your throat which was decimated into a squeak as he pressed his glans to you. The heat felt like a boiling threat and you waited for him to plunge. Instead he continued to cater to his alignment before he rolled his hips so his cock ran against you. On your back and neck twisted in a position to view him, you saw his glans face you before they rolled backwards in their stroke. The oar of them flared there, returned once again, and then disappeared to catch your hole.
You wanted to sob at the torturous pace, but he so close.
“Please!” You shouted in spite of yourself.
He didn’t respond at all and only focused on a testing press.
It wasn’t enough to breach you and you groaned as loud as you could.
He chirped lightly, something faint and weary that you couldn't think much on before he wound upwards once and then descended.
Your eyes flew open and you watched as each delicious centimeter of him sank into your cunt. There was a pulse to your lips that marked the spread and soak as they peeled apart to grant him entry. He disappeared further, feeding into you and beading up your discharge. It cropped a creamy spill that pressed out at his size and clung around your entrance waiting for further use. His member widened, spreading toward the base of the knot and you saw the stretch of your lips grow taut.
He was then fully sheathed after what felt like hours and your head fell back. You panted lightly, all a mental exertion and felt sweat dot your brow. You were rushing, you knew. It was the incessant need and the many years built up to this moment. As he held in place, you saw all the rushing times you’d tried to devour each other. This wasn’t that and spoke to something far deeper. It roused you to be more present and you found him trying to look at your connection. His proportions meant he couldn’t and he lifted his head with the intent of a question pouring off him.
He wanted to know what it was like and you told him that it was quite the view. He churred a vibration that you felt dip inside you. You willed him to know that more would be better and he agreed to pull back the slightest amount. Your cunt clung to him, eager lips dragging against his length and each and every vein in an attempt to keep him. He barely made it a few inches before he plunged back in as if he couldn’t stand the cold room temperature. You chuckled at the thought of that sort of cockwarming and he probed your depths in interest at your laugh.
You almost responded until his ministrations found what he was looking for.
You then only gasped in pleasure and the cage of his body finally fell. He met you in a scoop of limbs and you pulled him closer. Your hips cried at the weight, but he rocked in a gentle massaging gesture. It eased the tension and his lips found yours with a roll of his tongue. He tasted and smelled like you.  Intoxication clouded your mind and you now, finally this moment, would be the time he'd give way to fuck you.
You broke your lip lock to pepper excitement across his face. He scrubbed into it, his beak moving side to side to catch all your little pecks. He tittered in a melodic chirp and joy caused your cunt to pulse. It warped a sound of almost paint off his lips and he melded your pelvises into a single shape as if to squash it.
“Not gonna last…” He whined suddenly.
“That’s…” You spoke before you fully understood his words.
How was that possible? 
He hadn't thrusted even once. 
He held deathly still and you moved your neck to view him.
Humiliation painted his feature and he would have tucked himself away if he could.
Sense exploded past your horny thoughts for the first time. 
He had showed all the signs. 
That's why he'd been anxious at the door. 
That's why he hadn't rushed to fuck you. 
That’s why he had been going so slow.
It wasn’t just to mark the occasion. 
It wasn't because he feared his ferality.
It was a startling amount of awareness that threatened him.
As much as you did, he knew what today was and what it meant. 
It made him so consciously excited that it went straight to his head.
He had been trying to stave off losing himself in a totally new way. 
An excited noise hummed in your throat.
He saw your glee and wilted against it.
“N-no!” You nudged him with your nose. “That’s good!”
“No.” He bit back.
“Yes.” You disagreed and extracted an arm from the tangle.
You found his cheek and he soured as there was an inherent movement that bobbed his cock.
“I can count the amount of times you’ve gotten close to cumming before me on one hand.”
He glared at you as if you’d pointed out his greatest failures.
You lightly pinched his cheek. “You’re so excited...”
He frowned deeply.
You kissed his relenting face. “I love you.”
“I do.” You pressed.
“How do my orgasmd work with conception again? I can't remember…” You absolutely did, but your partner was being too cute not to tease.
He ducked his head as much as he could.
You were too close for him to hide. “Donnie…?”
He grumbled something.
“What was that…?” You poked his cheek.
“It doesn’t…” He ground out.
“Then what’s the problem? I know you'll make me cum right after you do. Doesn’t it sound hot to pump your finger into me, push the cum deeper, until I’m writhing on it?”
He relented the smallest bit.
“I'm married to Donatello. Cumming is always a guarantee. It's like your customer satisfaction brand.”
“I wanted us together.”
“We can try… Has waiting helped?”
His grimace said not at all.
You moved your hips the slightest amount and the way his dropped to keep you still meant you felt exactly how he clenched to keep from cumming then and there.
“Oh yeah, you’re definitely cumming first.” You smiled.
His eyes closed, hopeless.
“You’re being a grump.” You kissed his cheek.
He let more of his body weight fall onto you in some sort of retribution, but you could only giggle.
“Come on…” You channeled as much energy as you could muster in your ass before you managed to flex.
Your innermost walls shifted around him and he gave a long sultry groan.
“That’s it…” You managed the same spasm with less effort.
He moaned your name.
“My sweet, sweet husband…” You encouraged, pulsing around him over and over.
“I’m going to…!” He panted.
“Go on. Fertilize me. I'm waiting.” You whispered against his head.
He exhaled sharply and you felt all of him twitch in one sharp movement. Where you hadn’t followed the trend of his spread or knot, they both seemed to inflate to their widest mass in a snap instant as he came. You felt each twitch of him as you weren’t in your throes. You pet his head before stroking  lower on his carapace to encourage him. You hit a spot that made him buck as he filled you deep.
He eventually breathed again, panting from having witheld, and rolled his head to the side to bump yours.
You rubbed his shell with a heavy hand.
He eventually churred at the feeling and lifted up to appraise you.
You smiled, ever ready for him.
His lids fell in a form of annoyance.
“I’m gonna make you cum until you beg me to stop.”
You pitched an excited noise as he yanked out of you. You felt his essence chase his cock and your limbs were released. You clenched immediately, trying to hold his seed in and he glimpsed the tightening of your sex as he climbed off the bed. 
His lips rounded and you saw focus slip from his gaze. You chose then to relax and the rebound flex of your walls squished out his spent. A tiny amount trickled against your labia and you heard Donnie gasp at the sight.
“Finally, right…?” You mused and assumed you were thinking the same thing.
You were finally stuffed with a potent load.
That chance of getting pregnant now existed.
You were both aiming to make it assured.
Donnie lurched forward and you readied yourself for his decree. He would make you cum. You imagined he would play out that scenario you had offered earlier and felt his cum drip to the swell of your ass.
That's where he would start, you thought. He would swipe it up expertly with those thick fingers of his and stuff the seminal fluid or whatever he had called it, back inside. He would then tease you until you were writhing.  
A tongue hit hot and wet against your ass cheek causing you to cry out your surprise. Your thighs were grabbed first before giving hands tucked under your body. He hoisted you up to meet his mouth as if there wasn't enough time for him to dip any lower.
Donnie swiped the trail of cum up and licked it straight back into you. His arms locked heavy around your body just in time for him to bury his snout hard into your sex, he breathed heavy desperation as his canines grazed your labia. Your voice hit a near painful pinch and you fought against the onslaught with grabbing hands.
You caught his mask in the fumble and pulled it so the back half lifted and the front blocked his vision. “What are you doing?!”
He sucked hard and you spasmed.
“Ah! Donnie-!” You meant to say more, but he let one of your legs drop to his shoulder so his thumb could strike your clit.
It was flint to steel, the sparks ignited and you cried his name in a new tone. It was no longer a question, but a burning desire. He slurped down noisily and the noise hit your ears to stoke. You were inflamed, rising up further than he was holding you as pressure dipped in and outward in tandem. His thumb swirled loose and comfortable against the slick and he routinely bumped his own nose.
His tongue traveled deep, seeking further in you than ever before and it marked a widening of his jaw. You felt the whole of his mouth encompass you until it pushed even his hand away. His teeth scraped over your punished clit and you screamed out as it sent you over.
It burned you to a white host crisp and the flames engulfed your vision. He pressed forth, seeking to destroy what was already ash on the ground. With one leg still over his shoulder, you snapped a heel down hard in hopes of stopping the siege. Your foot snagged one of his carapace injuries and scrape was enough for him to grunt free.
Knowing he'd lock back on, you bucked hard in your freedom and pelvic thrusted into his beak. It loosened his grip and you slid back to the bed. He held your single leg to his chest as a lifeline while you scrambled to slip your hands into your abused cunt. You did a quick check for blood as his teeth had been piercing. As far as you could tell it was clear from injury, but you glowered up at your mate.
“What was that!? You ate it?!”
He was the portrait of a captured criminal.
His mask was also still comically out of place and you tore it off him to wipe your hands. “What happened?”
He gave a pitiful chirp.
You swatted him with the wetted cloth.
He squirmed in a way that said its feeling repulsed him.
“As you’d expect!” He finally animated. “That I finally had a chance! That what was leaking from you had potential!”
“So you suck the potential out of me?!”
“The sperm is unaffected! You referenced the science prior!”
Your eyes flashed. “And I know it! Are you still mad because I didn’t listen one time?!”
“You act as though I insinuated such!”  
“Didn’t you?!” You stared him down ready to catch the slightest warp in his expression.
He matched you.
You stood off against each other for several seconds before you deferred.
You then both sat in an awkward heap where you were still spread and he was only half on the bed.
Donnie was the first to move.
“May I?” He asked with lowered lids.
You nodded, granting his request, whatever it was.
He was slow in skimming over you and making his journey known. He moved toward the apex between your legs and you presented for him. He took your willingness in with an emotionally wounded gaze that said he didn’t believe he deserved the kindness. You kneed his chin gently as soon as he was within range. 
“It's okay…” 
He wasn't as sure yet and only kissed the cap before shimmying downward until he was on his knees off the bed. He leaned forward, his face to your sex, and you felt him looking you over.
You knew he was checking for injury just as you had and he affirmed your health with a kiss to your clit. The sensitive bud felt tender, but his warmth came away like a balm. You exhaled slow and steady until he reappeared at your side. You squirmed further up the bed and he laid down beside you. You immediately glued yourself to him, cuddling close and leaning up for a kiss. He appraised you once before meeting you and it took several until he relaxed.
“Does that consumption offend you as well?”
You chuckled against him. “No, it just felt a little like a slight. Like you just filled me and you took it right away.”
He eyed you and you could feel his scientific correction was looming.
You pushed his plastron. “You know what I’m saying.”
His eyes closed and he shrugged as he did.
“It wasn't what I was expecting, but it wasn't bad. You surprised me.” You held your hand firm to his pectoral scute and flexed your fingers out. “As usual…” 
His body went a certain slack.
“We done for tonight…?”
He didn’t move as far as you could tell.
“It’s alright if so… I know that whole ‘make me cum until I beg’ line was you trying to make up for cumming too fast.”
His lip twitched.
“It’s really okay. You lost two kinds of control. That's gotta be overstimulating. I just want to set my expectations.”
“Yeah?” You pressed him.
“Look down.”
Your gaze plummeted southward on contact. 
All that was there was the mattress and your forearm resting atop sheets where it acted as a bridge between your bodies.
You heard a puff of laughter.
Your gaze shot right back up to see him trying to control giggles.
“I did what you said! Why are you-?!”
He couldn’t manage words and joy crinkled his gaze. 
He bobbed and bubbled until he got enough control to flick his pupils down the length of his body. You made a little irritated sound and embarrassment tried to form a complaint on your lips.
He had to cover his mouth. “My mistake. Please look easterly.”
You glowered at him once before glaring in that direction which led down his plastron.
It was the landing strip leading to his pointed purple member. His cock stood at full mass and its pink base had a redder tint than usual. That was typically a shade you only saw during his heat when his member wasn't able to return to the safety of his body. It was nowhere near Donnie’s season which meant instead his erection had persisted. 
The reason for which shot straight to your core. “O-Oh…!”
“It hasn’t gone down since we began…” He managed with a weary tone.
“But you came…?” You reached for his cock and it twitched away once before you made contact.
“As you stated, I am entirely too excited…”
You soothed his glans with a stroke.
They undulated under your grip, starving.
“So…?” That latent heat glowed in your cheeks, still smoldering.
“I can't predict when it'll go down.”
“Will you cum just as fast?” You felt excitement manifest as stars in your eyes.
His expression flattened out a bit. 
“I want you to.” You tinged your words with those ever present embers. “Cum again and again. I want to wring you dry. We’ll go until it calms down.”
He flushed at how eager you were.
“Just promise I can keep it this time.” You pleaded.
“So you do find cum eating offensive.” His attempt at distracting you from his unease was too obvious. 
You shoved him over onto his carapace and mounted him before he could protest.
“Wait-!” He tried to grab your hips.
“Nope. My terms now. You will-” You commanded, got yourself lined up, and sank down his length. “-cum.”
You felt his cock explode on contact with your heat.
“Oh fuck…!” You ground down on his ejaculate.
Donnie whined something high pitched before his throat eked out, “Sworn! No stopping! You call out tomorrow!”
You squealed happily as he rolled your conjoined bodies over to finally fuck you in earnest.
You were slow in opening the bathroom door.
It had been hard enough to muster up the energy for you to grab the handle.
Now that you had swiveled it and the mechanism had pulled the bolt back, it felt like painful irony.
One door led to another.
You saw the creak of space that led to your bedroom and with it came the heavy heart.
This was the transition point.
You stepped forward and felt the cotton between your legs.
It was another tangible omen.
It would disappear in time, but for now you were hyperaware.
The aptly named period product marked an end and was sopping up your failure.
One dark red drip at a time.
You walked out to where Donnie was already standing.
You’d left him sitting on the couch.
What had found him first?
The scent or your abysmal feelings through your wedding band?
You didn’t care because either way he knew and as your foot lifted for the next step, he was meeting it with his.
You reached one another, but didn’t connect.
You had to address it.
You stared down at your three feet and one prosthetic.
“Could it… be the implantation bleed?” You whispered as quietly as you could.
It would rob the words of their strength.
Without power, maybe you could convince them otherwise.
You could manifest them into the outcome you wanted and not the one that wasted seven days of trying.
Eighteen days since Donnie had made the calendar.
Twenty-seven days since your new menstrual cycle started.   
Except today it reset to one.
“There… is… a chance…?” Donnie tried, his voice as soft as yours.
You both met each other’s eyes in time.
You knew the truth then.
You hadn't gotten pregnant this cycle. 
These were only words.
It was the same as before.
Nothing had changed.
Not yet. 
💜 NEXT 💜
My body aches today, but my heart always aches with thanks for my betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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elisysd · 1 year
Ho Hey - The Lumineers
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
I belong with you, you belong with me You're my sweetheart
Weeks went by and Lyanna could see Charles making fast progress. It wasn't long before he was fully able to move again, and even the doctors were impressed by his recovery. Towards the end of November, as she was cutting up a butternut squash to make soup, a half-smiling Charles burst into the kitchen, coming back from his last weekly medical appointment.
“Lyanna… baby, guess what?”
“I don’t know but it must be good since you are smiling like that.”
He took the keys to his Pista out of his pocket and waved them in front of his girlfriend.
“The doctor told me that I could drive again!”
In surprise, Lyanna almost cut herself. She put the knife to the side and looked up at Charles with wide, joy-filled eyes.
“That’s amazing news, Charles! I’m so happy for you!” she said as she almost jumped on him.
“Careful, I still have to take things easy.”
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just that I know how much you missed driving. Did he tell you anything about racing in F1?”
“He said that it’s something that I must see with our medical team at Ferrari but to him, it should not be a problem. I’m going to finally be able to work on my simulator. It was collecting dust; I can’t wait to use it again. So this was the big news. On the way home I thought about something and I would like to have your honest opinion on it.”
“I was thinking that since I missed driving, I don’t have to be to the factory because technically winter break is about to beginning, you’ve been playing nurse with me for the past three weeks and you haven’t seen your family in a while… I was wondering if you wanted to visit them? It would be a nice and long road trip. Perfect for me to get back to driving in a really relaxing way.”
“Charles Leclerc, are you asking to meet my family?”
Charles shrugged and tried to pretend that it was just an idle idea and not something he'd been thinking about for days. He really wanted to meet Lyanna's family. It was one more step in their relationship but he was ready and he hoped Lyanna was too.
The young woman thought she detected a flicker of doubt in her boyfriend's eyes. She moved closer to him and put her arms around his neck before sealing her lips with his. Charles grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto the counter. He pulled away from her and rested his forehead against hers, playing with the knots of the apron the actress was wearing.
“I have to call my mom to see when she would like us to come.”
“So it’s a yes?”
She nodded as she put her hand against Charles's cheek and kissed him again. Now she had to find a way to tell her mother that she was coming to visit and that Charles would be with her.
A few days later, the couple were ready for the trip. Charles was trying to wedge their bags as best he could into the trunk of his Pista, while Lyanna was on the phone to her mother.
“I’m telling you mom, if it’s too much for you, Charles and I can always go to the hotel.”
“No, darling, it’s fine. I just want the house to be clean and perfect. I still have to go grocery shopping. Is he allergic to anything? Does he have to follow a special diet?”
Lyanna rolled her eyes. She knew that coming with Charles would be stressful for her mom. She always had a hard time mingling with people that had a superior lifestyle to her own, being ashamed of being a single mother from the working class. Her mom was not a jealous person, she had just developed a strong inferiority complex. So meeting Charles who was a millionaire was a tough experience for her mom. She was scared he would judge her, something that Lyanna found really stupid. But she was her mom and she could not change her.
“All good. We are ready to go, love!” exclaimed Charles as he closed the trunk.
“I have to go mom, see you tonight.”
“Be careful on the road, okay. Remind Charles that the motorway is not a F1 track.”
“Don’t worry mom, I’m safe with him. The only thing you should be scared of is his capacity to not park right.”
Lyanna had deliberately said the words a little louder as Charles walked past her. He shook his head and stuck his tongue out at Lyanna, who responded by doing the same. She finally hung up before getting into the car and fastening her seatbelt. She looked at Charles, who looked like a child on Christmas Eve. He was happy to be behind the wheel at last. A painkiller for Charles before setting off, and they were on their way. To get to Lyanna's family, they had to travel for almost seven hours. Lyanna had therefore prepared a long playlist of her and Charles's favourite music, as well as snacks, although they had planned to stop off at a restaurant to eat along the way.
The journey was punctuated by laughter and singing off keys to their favourite songs. Even if the grey and cold November weather was not ideal for driving, the young couple managed to make the trip a moment of complicity. They ended up stopping several hours later at a restaurant on the border between Switzerland and France. From what Lyanna could see, it looked like a farmhouse inn. She glanced at Charles, trying to find out implicitly whether he was tempted by the restaurant or would prefer to stop elsewhere.
Charles parked the Pista and they headed for the entrance. It was a warm, friendly place with panelled walls et checkered patterns on the chairs. The waitress took them to a small table with a magnificent view of a lake. It must have been a beautiful place in midsummer, with the sun shining, Lyanna thought to herself. They were served quickly, the restaurant having very few customers, and out of the corner of her eye Lyanna noticed a little blonde girl who couldn't have been more than four years old, watching Charles attentively with big blue eyes.
“I think you have a fan…” whispered Lyanna to Charles.
He questioned her, and Lyanna beckoned him to look to her right. The little girl saw that Charles had noticed her and hid in the arms of her father, who was too busy chatting to what Lyanna assumed was his wife to notice his daughter's little antics.
Charles smiled broadly and waved at the child, who tugged at his father's sleeve to get his attention. He leaned over to his daughter and whispered a few words in her ear. He then looked away to concentrate on Charles. Then he gave the child a gentle push in the direction of the pilot. The little girl approached shyly, twisting her fine hair around her fingers.
“Hello, little one.” Said Charles as he stood up and immediately crouched to the kid’s height.
“Hello, mister. I like your hair. They are pretty.”
“Thank you?” chuckled Charles not expecting it. “And I like your dress. What is your name, beautiful?”
“Lizzy. And you?”
“I’m Charles, and this is Lya.”
Lyanna waved at the little girl.
“Is she your wife?” asked Lizzy.
Charles was taken aback by the question and stuttered, at a loss for an answer. As for Lyanna, she could feel the blood rushing to her face and burning her cheeks.
“Uh, well… no. She is just my girlfriend. But maybe one day, she will be my wife. I don’t know.”
“She is pretty.” Complimented Lizzy while looking at Lyanna.
“That, she is. And what are you doing here, Lizzy?”
“I’m bored. My daddy and my mummy are ignoring me. I’m feeling lonely. Do you want to play with me? I have a colouring book but I can't colour without crossing the lines.”
Charles looked at Lyanna to see if she minded. She indicated that it was okay with her and Charles nodded in Lizzy's direction as she hurried off to get her pencils and colouring book.
“I think someone has a little crush.” Teased Lyanna as Charles shrugged.
Lizzy came back quickly and put her things on the table, then came and sat on Charles's lap. Lyanna watched them in silence as Charles gave Lizzy instructions and advice as best he could, making her laugh as he bounced her on his knee.
Deeply moved by the scene, Lyanna discreetly took out her phone and snapped a few photos, which she sent to Pascale. The young woman began to think that Charles really was very good with children and would probably make a good father one day. The thought gave her a warm feeling in her lower belly.
“I’m sorry about Elisabeth. She has the habit to annoy people.” Lizzie’s father came to them with his wife behind him.
“She did not annoy us at all!” defended Charles “You have a really sweet daughter.”
“Oh thank you. And you guys make a beautiful couple.” Added the mother.
They said a quick goodbye and Lizzie put her little arms around Charles to give him a hug before kissing Lyanna's cheek and following her parents.
“Well, that was cute.” Lyanna said as they were leaving soon after the restaurant and as they set off again.
“Definitely. I know it’s early in the relationship to have this kind of discussion but, do you want kids? Because I want some…” asked her Charles which took Lyanna by surprise. She had never really thought about it.
“Um, I don’t know… I mean. I love kids but do I want some? I…guess? At some point? Not tomorrow that’s for sure but in a few years, maybe.”
“Yeah, sure. I’m not saying that I want to be a dad tomorrow. I would like to win a championship before.”
“How many would you like?” asked Lyanna. She liked to see his face lighting up when he talked about having a family.
“Three! It’s the perfect number. Ideally, two boys and a girl. That would be the ultimate goal.”
“I think two for me is enough… I don’t know how I could manage three. And you do know that you can’t chose the gender, right?”
“I know, it’s just… in a perfect world, I have a world champion title with Ferrari, three amazing kids, an amazing wife and a house with a big garden in the heights of Monaco. What does your perfect world look like?”
Lyanna looked out of the window; she had never given it much serious thought. She lived from day to day without trying to project herself. She closed her eyes for a moment and let her mind wander.
“A house, not too big and not too small. A cozy atmosphere. I would love a big fireplace for when it’s cold during winter. And… you. I’m going to sound cheesy as fuck, but honestly my definition of perfect world is wherever you are.
Charles looked at her with a smile and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. He then intertwined his fingers with hers and spent the rest of the journey like this.
It was late when they arrived outside Lyanna's mother's house. The neighbourhood was quiet and Charles was able to park his Pista out of sight. He was the first to get out of the car and hurried to open Lyanna's door as she tried to delay seeing her mother as long as possible. She loved her mother more than anything and wanted the visit to go as smoothly as possible. She didn't know what she would do if her mother didn't like Charles.
Just then, a figure emerged from the house and came towards them. The first thing Charles noticed was how Lyanna was the spitting image of his mother. The second was the way she looked at him as she took her daughter in her arms. With one look, she'd made it clear that she had her eye on him and that he didn't have her wrapped around his little finger.
Well, Charles thought, it was time for him to bring his A game.
author's note: A pure fluffy chapter to celebrate Charles P2 woop woop! As usual I can't wait to read your thoughts about the chapter and theories about what's going to happen between Charles and Lya's mother 👀
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Why This Doesn’t Mean Destiel: Part 2 - Dean Wrapping up Castiel's Corpse
Part 1 - Zepline Traxx - here
Okay, so I saw this take floating around Twitter and Tumblr again in the last week or so: if Destiel isn’t canon then why did they have Dean wrap up Castiel's body in 13x01? This obviously means they’re married became because this is a ritual for widows in …. You get it. Well, allow me to offer my rebuttals to this totally unbiased idea. Now, I know hellers will never listen or care because they have their heads buried too far in the Destiel quicksand to ever see the light, but honestly, I just like to argue against takes that show a lack of media literacy, or takes that deliberately ignore the rest if the text, especially when it’s easy to do.
Arguments and screen shots under the cut due to length.
First: Let’s go with the Wincest reasons, just for funsies, and because I know it would piss hellers off. Dean can’t be married to Cass because, in Season 8, he already married Sam in a hand-fasting ritual. In a church. In front of a witness (Crowley). And despite some rough times in Seasons 9 abd 10, they never did get a divorce.
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So, if we need to put romantic significance on a moment like Dean wrapping Cass' body up for burning, then we also need to put romantic significance on Sam and Dean exchanging promises of devotion in a church (wedding), especially when the later is a very popular Western tradition and Suoernatural does, in fact, take place in the Western world. "But they’re brothers!" I might hear you cry is disdain. Well, Sam and Dean are weird, so there is that. But, it’s true, they are brothers, so they aren’t technically married in a romantic sense. But, neither are Cass and Dean. Dean considers Cass like a brother, too (which he has said more than once). He has also never referred to Cass and himself like a couple, even in passing or as a joke. In fact, he’s taken exception to the very suggestion (10x05). Thus, it’s not a romantic gesture on his part, but a familial gesture, a brothers in arms gesture.
Second: if Dean wrapping Castiel’s body can only be read as romantic in nature then how do we explain all of these moments:
1) Is it Sam or Dean who are in love with their dad? Or did they prepare John for burning together? Or did they get someone else to wrap him up before they burned him, so as to avoid the primarily spousal burial ritual from another culture that would have implied incest?
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2) I guess nodoby could have had any romantic feelings for Ellen or Jo because, seeing as they got blown up, and didn’t have bodies to lovingly prepare before the ritual hunters cremation. Sucks to be them, I guess.
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3) I guess Dean had to be in love with Charlie, even though that idea is not allowed because she’s a lesbian, since someone had to prepare Charlie’s body. Or was it Sam? It certainly looks like both of them where dealing with her body. No wait! Maybe Castiel did it, because he’s an angel so it doesn’t count. But, then it does count, but only if Dean is doing it for him... ?
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4) What about Asa Fox and the other hunters who died in 12x06? Who was in love with them?!! Asa's body was wrapped up before Jody got to the wake, and she was the closest to being in a romantic relationship with him.
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5) Oh no, who's in love with Mary? Which of her deviant sons prepped her before cremation? Or did Castiel do it? But, again, that would mean he’s in love with her. If only preparing somoncy's body before cremation didn’t only mean a character was in love with them. But, it does, I guess … So many plot-holes about who prepares the bodies in this show. If only there were an easier explanation. Also, it doesn’t look like Dean is feeling too romantic towards Castiel at this hunter's funeral, and this came after his preparing Cass to be burned.
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6) Finally, who prepared Dean's body? Surly, it couldn’t have been Sam, even though he were the only one present when Dean died and he was the person who loved him most, because that would mean … Wincest. Gasp! Once again, if Destiel is canon because of one particular detail, so is Wincest (only Wincest has more "proof"). It certainly looks like Dean was wrapped with a lot of care, but who could have done it since no one on earth was in love with him at the time?
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I guess for the preparation for cremation argument to be valid, it only counts if we see the preparation on screen? Because that is the only time it matters. So, Castiel's death and preparation for burial mattered more than John's, or Dean's? That seems really unlikely.
Finally: Let’s take a look at the scene in context.
Dean is upset, no one is arguing against that, but he’s not only upset about Castiel (despite what certain fans like to claim). Castiel, however, is the only corpse available to prepare and burn. Sam is off supporting a new-born Jack while he pays his respects to his mother's body, something Dean certainly wasn’t going to get involved in when he hates Jack at this point. So, while Sam is supporting his new angel (a clueless child in the new world) because someone has to, Dean is saying a last private goodbye to his angel, a fallen ally. There is a clear parallel here, as well as a sunrise-sunset thing going on here, and unless Jack is in love with his mother, it’s more about saying goodbye to family than to a lover. Also, this is Dean, he needs to take action rather than sit around and watch, especially when he’s upset, so him wrapping up Cass makes sense, but it’s in no way is inherently romantic.
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But, those arguing that the scene set up in this way just to show Dean is in love with Cass, or that he loves him more than anyone, ask yourselves what Dean would do if it was Sam who died. Would he be sharing preparation duties with Castiel? But, then, we don’t have to wonder. The answer is No. He didn’t even want Bobby around when Sam died. When Sam died, Dean was so distraught that he couldn’t even prepare Sam's body, but sat with his corpse, mourning him for days (2x22). Then when the guilt and grief got too much, he went and sold his soul to bring his baby brother back. He didn’t even do the same for either of his parents, Castiel, Bobby or anyone else. Or, Dean literally Romeo-Ed himself on the spot when he thought Sam died in Season 11, and it doesn’t get a lot more "romantic coded" than Romeo and Juliet. So, even if someone had to read the scene with Dean wrapping Castiel as romantic (you really really don’t), it still wouldn’t mean destiel is canon because there always has and always will only be one great love is Dean's life. And it’s not Cass. With Sam and Dean (canon Gencest or fanon Wincest), there is no room for anyone else.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Levi x MC x Satan poly relationship start/ dynamic?
Levi x MC x Satan?
I'm not sure how well I did for this vee since these are two brothers that I don't really ever think about at the same time, but I hope you like it nonetheless.
Thanks for the request 🥰
Starting Point:
Okay so the catalyst that set these three on track for this relationship was a specific event: Satan asked MC out.
MC had daydreamed about this for so long.
Hell, they've had a crush on the blonde since the early days of being in the Devildom.
The problem...was the timing.
MC spent months dropping hints to the demon to show him they were interested in him
But no matter how many hints the human dropped, it felt like Satan just ignored them all
And that hurt MC. They felt like the fourth brother didn't want to acknowledge their feelings so he didn't have to turn them down. This was why they had been hiding in Levi's room for the past few weeks.
MC has always found comfort in Levi's room. It was a sanctuary he built for himself, but opened up to them too.
The human found comfort in more than just the room; Levi himself soothed their aching heart.
When Levi lets his walls down, MC sees just how soft and sweet the envy demon really is.
The two weren't technically a couple at this point; Levi and MC were stuck in this in between state.
They were more than friends, but not quite dating. The human knew that Levi was probably nervous, but wanted to give him time in case he wanted to be the one to ask them.
So when Satan asked them out...it hurt.
It just felt too late. The blonde apologized for not picking up the signals they gave him before.
He's just really not good at this sort of thing, but he's had feelings for them for a long time.
MC told him that they needed time. They didn't tell Satan about their potential relationship with Levi, but did express that they had a lot on their mind that they needed to go over.
The human felt lost, like no matter what answer they'd end up choosing, it will be wrong; it will hurt someone, themself for sure but also at least one of the two brothers.
Levi had no clue about the confession given to MC. He did notice they were feeling even more down than usual though.
The awkward man tried asking them about it, but MC just shook their head.
"I'd rather not think about it right now...can we just watch Vampire Knight please?"
It was an anime the two had already seen before, but also one they like going back to.
As they watched the show and saw both Kaname and Zero essentially fighting over Yuki, MC's heart only ached more.
The human gave a sigh.
"You okay?" The third brother turned his head towards them.
"Yeah..." They mumbled. "It's just...it sucks that Yuki was put in that situation, ya know? Stuck in a tug-a-war between the two guys she loves the most."
"I mean, the show needed the friction." He shrugged. "Plus like, how can you expect a vampire and vampire hunter to tolerate each other, let alone share someone they care about?"
"What if...what if things where different? Or like, the two weren't so different from one another and had know each other a long time before Yuki?"
"That would be a completely different story. I mean, a kinda cool one, but still. Where'd this come from?"
"I dunno. I guess after all this time, I just wish she had the best from get-go. She wouldn't have suffered like she did if she could have just had them both in her life peacefully."
"What, got a fanfic idea in mind?"
"Shut up." MC smiled, lightly elbowing the man.
"No, really. I'd read it if you did."
The human stared at him.
"You like poly ships?"
Levi shrugged.
"Some are pretty nice. I mean, with some characters, you just want both for the protag."
Though the talk ended there, it did lodge something in their brain, an idea that was determined to be explored no matter how anxious it made the human.
When they were last in the Human Realm, poly relationships were rising in popularity. I mean, they were still the minority, but for most humans, such relationships were not see as big of taboos as it was for older generations.
MC never really gave them much thought before. I mean, these people were living how they wanted. This human admired them for it, but never thought of themself as someone who would want the same
...But maybe they are?
Just like before with Satan, MC pursued this idea in... a more indirect way.
With Levi, MC recommended a whole lot of poly ship fanfiction. Honestly, after their talk before, this brother thought nothing of this. It's not like they both weren't trading fanfic recs all the time anyway.
With Satan, they planted a sociology book on the current wave of poly relationships in the Human Realm on his bed.
Their goal for doing this? Well...honestly, they were hoping if they are already planted the seed of the idea in their minds that maybe they'd be more accepting of their request.
They felt like an idiot for going about it like this, but they were already invested so they just had to wait and see.
A couple days later, MC was cornered in the hall by Satan
And he had the book in hand.
"Is there something you'd like to tell me concerning this, Kitten?"
MC blushed as he raised the book. Not only were they caught, but he called them Kitten. Yes, he's compared them to a cat in the past, but...
The human stared at their feet.
"I dunno..."
Satan put a finger under MC's chin and raised their face up.
"I think we both know that isn't true."
"I..." But they couldn't say it. Not yet.
The blonde sighed.
"You were unsure about dating me because there's someone else you have feelings for and now you want to see if you could date us both, correct?"
MC nodded shyly.
"There's no need to be that worried." He explained. "Such relationships are somewhat common here. Or at the very least, it's never been something demons have frown upon. It's a part of our culture more than it is for humans."
"So...would you be okay with it?"
Satan pursed his lips.
"That depends on who this second person is."
"...Levi." They mumbled.
The blonde raised an eyebrow.
"I'll admit, that wasn't what I was expecting."
"Is it okay though?" The human asked, worried.
"If it would make you happy, I'll share with him if I must."
I mean, fair? Honestly, Satan is just glad they didn't say Lucifer.
Either way, one man down, the other to go.
And honestly, MC was more worried about asking Levi.
Yeah, Satan said poly relationships were part of demonic culture, but Levi wasn't born here like Satan was. Who knows how he'll react?
The answer? Poorly.
He saw the request as MC pitying him, not wanting to break his heart so 'I guess we can date too'.
But it wasn't like that and it took weeks for MC to convince him of that truth.
The good news is that they did though and that's how both brothers began to date MC.
Honestly, it took the group some time to get used to the arrangement.
Both brothers were awkward about it.
When they each had their individual time with their human? Those men were perfectly content with things.
When it was the three of them though? That's when it got awkward.
Levi was just worried because he didn't really understand the rules to what he agreed to. Were there things he shouldn't do with MC when Satan is around?
Satan, on the other hand, was only awkward because he felt like Levi was making it so.
Eventually, Levi got used to this relationship and everyone in this vee found their flow with things.
Three would even spend time together as a group.
Satan would join the two for some of their marathon nights (think of some anime that have literally hundreds of episodes. These two otakus pick one of them and see how far they can watch before they pass out).
Satan really couldn't understand the interest, but found the faces his Kitten would make while watching the show to be cute
And honestly enjoyed having them fall asleep against him.
The other two also tried to get him to play videogames with them...
But quickly learned that the Avatar of Wrath doesn't have the patience for it, to say the least 😅
But hey, MC's glad he tried it for them.
On the other side of things, MC and Satan were able to get Levi out of his room more.
He started going to RAD with them more instead of doing all of his schoolwork in his room
And would sometimes go out to a café with MC and Satan.
Though it takes a while to get to this point, there does come a time where these two hangout together even when MC is busy.
The other brothers act like it's the weirdest thing they've ever seen
But if they mention this to these guy that they seem to spend a lot more time together than before, they'd stare back at the other brothers like they're crazy or stupid
Because these two introverts don't want to be accused of actively socializing with one another.
They're just...existing next to each other. Now shut up!
MC finds this super cute though and will tease them about it at times.
When it comes to MC's individual dates with their boyfriends...
Well, not much changes with Levi 😅
I mean, they still do the very same activities they did when they were just friends.
The biggest difference is that he's no longer that anxious to share affection with his Henry.
Hand holding, hugs, cuddling as they watch things together.
He's still a tad nervous when they kiss, but that feeling usually fades rather quickly.
With Satan, its mostly study dates, trips to cafes, snuggling in his room as they both read their own books.
They even went to the Devildom's first attempt at a Ren Faire
Overall, the biggest thing this vee needed to work was time, but with it the relationships found a peaceful flow.
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bradsthorn · 11 months
Chapter 1: The Wonder of You
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Summary: Nicolette 'Wildcard' Mitchell was shocked to get called back to North Island. Her track record was not exactly clean and most certainly not one that most would celebrate. Then she sees Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw again. Maybe it won't be all bad.
Warnings: Mentions of death, alcohol, Flashbacks to Top Gun 86, Broken Family dynamics
Word Count: 2.6K
Author Note: Hey y'all this fic is my baby and I'm excited to share this with y'all. This is cross-listed on AO3!
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
“Wood.. I barely got out of being grounded, just to be sent to Top Gun. It has to be some sort of cruel punishment.” The girl was huffing as she stuffed another shirt into her bag. Nicolette Mitchell a.k.a. Wildcard, lived up to both her callsign and last name in ways that made her commanding officers grimace upon seeing her assigned to them. 
“ Or it’s for something important. They don’t just call people back like that for punishment, Nic.” The older male was shaking his head as he responded. He had basically adopted the girl — she had been his favorite kid of the class of 86’s, not that he didn’t like Bradley, but there was a special place in his heart for the brunette girl. 
“Yeah, because they send Maverick to new places for important things.” Nicolette was letting a laugh fall as she heard Hollywood hush his husband.
“No, no.. Wolf is right. They sent Maverick to .. well, anywhere he’s been sent simply because he pissed off an Admiral. Not that I did.” There was a snort being heard over the phone and then an ‘ow!’ shortly after,
“Nic.. did you piss off an Admiral?” 
“Technically, yes.  But my wingman needed me, it wasn’t my fault they didn’t fill my fuel tank up all the way.” This was a common occurrence for the girl, her wingmen, and team were always first, aircraft and herself second. So be it if it got her in trouble she valued people over the jets they were in. One lesson Maverick had been able to teach her is that your teammates are not replaceable, the jets are no matter what the Navy says. 
“So.. you pulled a Maverick?” There were a few seconds of silence before the two males could hear her zipping up the bag. 
“No. I was being a good teammate. He doesn’t know what that’s like.” There was some poison in her words, and it was clear as day to the pilot and his RIO that the relationship between the girl and her father had not gotten better. 
“I.. okay, Nic. Just.. let us know when you get here, we’d like to see you, kid.” If there was one thing Hollywood knew, it was that whatever waited for the woman on North Island, he would have pieces to pick up. 
“I will. Love ya’ll.” Once the couple had responded, she was hanging up and tossed her bag into her Thunderbird. 
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Nicolette Duke Mitchell had been accustomed to being moved around a lot, at least until she needed a stable place to be able to attend school. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, the man that was her second father; pops as she called him, was able to stay stationary for her. While Maverick was being sent to Iraq, Bosnia, and wherever else the Navy sent him, Iceman was staying at Top Gun, raising the almost carbon copy of his wingman. Thankfully, some of the rest of the 86 class was able to pitch in. Or they at least kept her busy when they’d visit. And of course, Carole. Seeing as the two had gotten so close over the short amount of time they had together while their dads were in Top Gun, Carole couldn’t possibly keep Bradley away from Nicolette. There were plenty of phone calls, where the two toddlers mirrored each other; being sat on the counter with their respective parents keeping them steady, just chatting away like they had much to talk about. But they could do it for hours and each call ended with a “bye bradbrad.” and “bye ni.” Nic visited Brad and Carole in Tennessee for plenty of weeks in the summer and Brad would visit Nic in San Diego whenever he was able. Until he was in Maverick’s custody and then he was living with her and Ice. 
Iceman had done his best to keep the girl in contact with her father. And he pulled strings whenever necessary to get Maverick home to her. But, almost like clockwork, he was pissing off whichever admiral or higher up he could and getting sent away. What originally was described to the girl as ‘the Navy just needs him right now.’ transpired into a festering grudge towards her father – one that faded each time he came home, but grew the second he left again. 
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The Hard Deck, something you weren’t supposed to go below. That was Navy law, and anything below the hard deck was dangerous, it could damage the aircraft. This hard deck though? Could damage a person’s wall that they had spent much of their adult life building, or cause cracks in a facade. But it also held a lot of memories from the time spent in Top Gun. Something that was cherished among those that attended, and it was the best bar to go to attempt to score a free drink. 
The brunette was shutting the door to her car, a small sigh being given as she witnessed all of the other pilots entering the bar. She knew what that meant; she wasn’t getting grounded. Just a slight possibility of being sent to her death. Which, she figured the Navy wouldn’t bat an eye at, it would achieve their goal, keep the Mitchells out of the sky and run them out of the Navy. Her digits ran through her hair for a second, checking it in her mirror when her eyes fixed on the blue Bronco parked a few spots down. Holy shit. She hadn’t seen the owner of that Bronco since two deployments ago. There was almost a hop in her step as she stepped into the loud building, an easily recognizable song on the jukebox. 
If you’re lookin’ for trouble, you came to the right place. 
She shook her head, what a song to be playing when she came in. The people at Top Gun had thought she was trouble, and any higher-up that she had would probably agree with that statement. There were three people in the bar that wouldn’t agree with it; one that she hadn’t seen yet; and that was known by the fact she was still in the bar. The second was already smiling as she noticed her, sliding a beer down to her; amazed the girl hadn’t recognized the male a few feet away. And then; 
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack.
“Mitchell… You’ve got to be shittin’ me.” Hangman. A man Nicolette knew well, but despised just as much. 
“Seresin.” There was a beat. Lips parted as she shook her head at him. It was clear that whatever this was, it was serious. Otherwise, there would’ve been no need for the number of patches she was seeing. Nicolette watched the male grab his beers and nod to someone behind her, the person paying for their drinks, she assumed. Then against her better judgment, she followed the blonde back to the group. Her eyes stuck on the Hawaiian shirt that she had entered the bar searching for. But, Hangman beat her to having the first word with him once he had changed the song. 
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.” 
“Hangman… You look… good.” 
“Well, I am good, Rooster, I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.” Nic let a quiet scoff out, head shaking. She had taken a seat at a stool behind Brad, not wanting to get in the middle of it. This wasn’t her fight, at least not yet. 
“So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?” Nic’s brows furrowed at the man who spoke. She only knew a select few of the pilots around the pool table.
“No, mission’s a mission. They don’t confront me.” His ego hadn’t changed apparently.
“What I want to know: Who’s gonna be team leader?”  Her eyes followed the pool balls that clattered together. 
“And which one of yall has what it takes to follow me?” There it was. His ego was bigger than the state he came from. 
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” The woman had to take a sip of her beer to keep from chuckling loudly. Eyes meeting those of a male across the pool table, he had glasses and seemed to be the quieter one, seeing as the two on either side of him, one whom she knew; Coyote, who typically couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and the other who let a low “whoo!” out at the comment, obviously were loving this interaction. The one with the glasses was not. 
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel.” Nicolette was getting close to stepping in, 
“But that’s just you, ain’t it Rooster?” Her body inched closer to standing. 
“You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…” And she was up, body moving quietly to stand behind the male. Hangman’s eyes trailed from the taller male to land on Nic. Almost as if his next words were for both of them, 
“That never comes.” There it was. His eyes had locked back on Brad’s after, Nic noted the small smirk that grew on Hangman’s lips. She was going to have to make herself known to Brad now. 
“Y’know Hangman, you don’t have to compensate for your lack of… well, size right now.” Head tilting, with a small smirk growing as she watched the blonde falter for a split second before his lips were moving back to his signature smirk. 
“If you wanna see how wrong you are, let me know Wildcard.” Winking at her, earning a scoff, as his attention turned back to Rooster, 
“I love this song.” And then the pair watched him walk off. Bradley’s eyes finally landed on the girl.
“Ni..” It was like he let his body relax for a second, he didn’t have to be on guard with her. He was safe with her. 
“Hey, Bradbrad…” Then arms were wrapped around her, bringing her into his chest, he didn’t know how long to hold onto her but at the moment? Time had stopped anyway so it didn’t matter. And neither could see the way the simple action between them had caused someone else’s world to stop, Maverick hadn’t seen the two of them together in years, and as he took in the Hawaiian shirt on the male’s body and arms wrapping around the female in a brightly colored red and orange shirt, it was like going back thirty years. The sight caused his heart to ache. Then Bradley’s arms were removed as he looked to the other girl who had joined them, but a hand had found its way to rest on Nicolette’s back. Maverick’s eyes burned into the pair, and for Nicolette, the fact her hair was sticking up on the back of her neck had more to do with the group of people in front of her who, while they may know her or know of her, most likely already wouldn’t want her around. Her reputation and last name — something that always held more significance than her — always preceded her.
“Well, he hasn’t changed.” Nic’s brows rose as she looked over the other girl, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace. Of course, she knew her, although there was a small negative feeling festering in her stomach as she took her in. Nicole couldn’t put into words what that feeling was, but it was prominent. 
“Nope. Sure hasn’t.” There was a small part of his accent lingering at the end of his statement, which made her lips curl up at the edges. 
“Change is a foreign concept to him.” Nicolette let the words fall, almost as if she had to prove her existence. Needed to prove something, what it was? She couldn’t tell anyone. But there was a nod given her way by Phoenix, which caused her to feel settled until more voices joined them. 
“Check it out.” The group’s eyes flickered away from the pool table to focus on the entrance, “More patches.”  Nicolette knew what that meant, that whatever was happening wouldn’t be good. 
“That’s Harvard, Yale, Ohama. Shit, that’s Fritz.” Wildcard’s green hues followed after the group and her lips pursed for a second as she scoffed, head shaking. 
“What the hell kind of mission is this?” Her brow rose at the male, Garcia was what he’d be known by until she knew his callsign, thank the US Military for name badges. 
“A suicide mission,” Nicolette mumbled, causing eyes to land on her as she mindlessly played on her phone. The other pilots around them turned to her, eyes narrowing. She didn’t think twice about what she had said, if anything she knew she was right. They don’t call back this many pilots for something any less serious than that. 
You’ll never guess where I am. 
North Island?
This is why I don’t play guessing games with you
But… so is half of the goddamn navy 
That’s an exaggeration. 
Okay? And? It’s still a lot of people. 
Brad is here. 
I know. 
So you knew i was here?
Got briefed on it. 
Someone else is there though. 
And the conversation was over once Nic heard the bell ring. Either someone else was paying for their drinks or 
“OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD!” The girl’s head tilted, phone slipping back into her pocket as she shook her head, eyes locking with Bradley’s at the piano. It was second nature for her to find her way to the instrument. She had spent so many years with the male just hanging out while he played or learned to play.
The toddler was kicking her feet in her father’s lap. Her head tilted to the side as she watched the two blonde women on the other side of her. Nicolette had very little patience in her tiny body and barely sat still - as would be expected from Maverick’s kid. Her fingers wrapped around a fry, that quickly went flying to hit the woman in a white blouse. Giggles were fast to leave tiny lips afterward, Maverick himself having to fight off a laugh. Then once Carole – who Nic adored – had smiled at her, Nic was done and trying to wiggle out of Maverick’s hold. She wanted to go sit with the guy at the piano with the colorful shirt. She liked him a whole lot, he would put her in the sky when he picked her up, and he flew her around sometimes, she loved it. Not to mention the kid on top of the piano who was her newfound best friend. Finally, her dad was heading over there with her, setting her down on the bench to stand, Nic’s hands reaching to try to grab the hat off of the piano – Goose’s hat, but one hand was grabbed by her father to twirl her – as carefully as possible, as the two men sang;
“You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain…” 
Bradley had an arm wrapped around the woman’s waist as his fingers created the familiar tune on the piano; Nic let a soft laugh out as he glanced up at her with a mischievous twinkle in his puppy dog browns, 
“Thinkin’ ‘bout your love drives a man insane, you broke my will, oh what a thrill, goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!”  
The two were a splitting image of something Maverick had never thought he’d see again, and now watching the group of young pilots around the piano and the two on the bench, there was no way he couldn’t teach this mission. They had to come home. If not for him or the families any of them may have had, they had to come home for each other.
credit: I don't own any characters but Nicolette Mitchell, and any other OCs that may appear and their storylines. I have no affiliation with Top Gun or Top Gun: Maverick. All rights go to the rightful owners.
Tag list: @toracsanji
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hii <3
i indeed would like to ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story :))
your rambling is everything, so go wild on poor little meow meow Larissa and our favourite menace Wednesday hehe
hiiiii!!! sorry it took me a bit before my brain got less mushy and i could string coherent sentences together! i'm still very much sick though so excuse me if i ramble a bit too much lol.
okay so these two live in my brain rent free now. it started off more as a challenge? or something to be like wooo controversy, and like. how can i make this work. but even though it started that way i never intended it to be like, badly done. from the get-go i put a lot of thought into it and wanted to actually make the story as high-quality as i could in terms of character development, their relationship and all the technical aspects (you know as you are one of the betas haha, and you know how many times i tweaked things, proofread, and how many times zephyr and i went through it). like i wanted to develop it as much as one can reasonably do in 14 chapters without getting sidetracked. and that was supposed to be the gimmick, like oh some ppl are gonna think it's controversial but it is actually well done and they might still be inclined to read it if they just bothered to try! (like a naive lil disney princess i forgot this is the internet lol)
the more i got into the story, the more i adored these two and their dynamic, or rather the dynamic i created for them. i think they just work, or more like, i've made them work. ppl have accused me of being a pedophile multiple times in the last couple of weeks while i've been posting the story lol, and asked me if i ship them in the show now, which is imo just fucking ridiculous. this is a separate universe that builds on what we had, or rather should have had, in the show, a story about two grown women who are both very odd in different ways and have found love and belonging with each other. i think neither of them could do a conventional relationship in my universe, and so this makes perfect sense for them!
i love writing larissa as a poor lil meow meow. there is just something about a pathetic, lonely middle aged woman that makes my brain go brrrrrrr. and wednesday is just a delight to write. i love channeling her voice. i used to be a lot like wednesday as a teen lol, that's sorta how i talked (i had no friends lol), so channeling her is a fun blast from the past and feels very natural to write.
it was a joy to write tbh! and personally, i don't think it's like.... even that out there or particularly (hehe) controversial? it's very much a coming of age rom-com sort of thing, but make it like... Quirky and include some dark humour. the outraged reactions i got to it honestly made me wanna write actually controversial stuff lol. i tend to want to spite the haters :)) and prove my point that fiction is fiction. i am very annoyed by the whole puritan internet culture, it really fucking irks me, esp when it's enforced by the self-proclaimed weirdos and goths and whatnot, who don't know what pedophilia even is lol nor could recognise it in fiction or real life. i know i won't get my point across to people who have already made up their mind about me being the actual pedophilic devil, but i will sure have my fun! i can't wait to challenge myself again! :))
also "particular" really inspired me to write longer works!! and i learned that i am most comfortable with that sort of format. all the things i am planning in the future are multi-chapter fics and rather long! and how i prefer to do it now is to write it all in advance and then post -- that way i know i won't lose interest midway haha. i am motivated by that sweet dopamine of wanting to share my work!
so yeah, i met some lovely people bc of this story (looking at you @the-frankenman-writes, actual gem and joy and delight), i strengthened some friendships, and i think it definitely made an impact on people! i grew a lot as a writer and it pushed me to refine my skills! so all in all, i'm very happy <3
stay tuned for the last chapter!!! a christmas special! :)))
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hideyseek · 10 months
3, 29, and 30 for ao3 wrapped please!
craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab hiiii hi hi hiiii hi hiiii hi hi hi hiii !! :3 hehe of course i love to fucking TALK about writing myself.
putting this under a cut bc it is the longest fucking thing in existence ahahaha. and also um, its moderately pretentious sorry! i sure am a guy who can talk about writing for like, seven bajillion years
ao3 wrapped
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
oooough hmm, kind of a tough one for me since i feel like there's a couple. but i'll go with this arthur/cobb drabble i wrote for wicked inception week 4. i hadn't known prior to this that i could write smut without writing it specifically to like ... be hot in some way. but in the end this was so much more like, emotions / character stuff happening and the sex was just a way to get to that information. that was cool. and secondarily, the process of writing this was one draft of like, technically a fic but genuinely incoherent, and a second draft of, oh, okay, this is different but its way more clear. which is also just like, a really nice reassurance that all the craft book reading and trudging through rough drafts of other projects really has strengthened my ability (for short fics at least) to get to the understanding of what i'm really trying to do in a fic. (it's here on the gdoc w/ everyone else's submissions if ur curious! warnings: semi-explicit sexual content, unequal power dynamics)
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
hmm aha, well. this year i wrote a LOT of not-quite-there rough draft material for a bunch of different projects which mm, if i comb through it all i will explode out of poorly timed insecurity. so, maybe a bit of a cop-out but here's a bit i wrote yesterday night that made me go: ohh okay, this is going to be fujioka's relationship with violence in this fic. so, favorite recent thing, i suppose:
Fujioka reaches over to take the last section of Haiji’s tangerine. Clean hands, trimmed nails. “We got one,” he says, chewing. “One— what?” There’s a bandage on Fujioka’s cheek, bloody at the edge. Haiji looks at it, and something chokes its way up his throat.  “One of their guys, of course.” Fujioka’s face shifts into a grin, boyishly pleased with himself. A stitch breaks under the bandage and the gauze bloodies. “He tried to make a run for it, and you know we couldn’t have that.”  Kakeru, Haiji thinks, and he can’t say a word.
favorite line in ^ is probably "A stitch breaks under the bandage and the gauze bloodies." i just. love VERBS!!!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
ok truly SO MANY FUCKING SURPRISES while writing this year!!! but here i'll talk about all the smut writing, hehe. like!! the fact that i sat down and went "ok i guess i'll learn to write smut" is still SO surprising to me (crab this is like. 88% your influence i must tell you!!! like i guess the spark was in me all along or whatever but if u didn't run bcsdp this would never have happened to me, or would have taken much longer, etc). which then led to like ... some really wonderful conversations with irl and fandom friends, and then led to me doing wicked inception (smut drabble fest) and developing OPINIONS on how i like my smut written which i had NEVER HAD BEFORE IN MY LIFE (which. idk maybe i will go into later haha, probably i'll end up blogging about it as i write this arthurcobb fic). SPEAKING OF! wicked then got me to unlock a crucial emotional component to this arthurcobb fic that i've been trying to write since like, 2021!!! (this is long to me) and now -- that whole fic is ... WRITABLE. like i still know next to nothing about it except the premise and that there needs to be fucked up sex in there haha, but like. I HAVE ENOUGH SKILLS TO START IT NOW. like bwaaaaa truly it was just this INCREDIBLE domino effect from like, august (???) through to now that i would never have expected in my life whatsoever!!! ah so i guess really, thank you very much, i'm really glad you did that!!!! (<- bit of an understatement)
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karenandhenwillson · 5 months
Canon and Headcanon
The discourse surrounding Bucktommy, especially the anti-Bucktommy side, keeps flabbergasting me. But for some reason it also inspires me to write my thoughts down. Here are some thoughts abut canon, headcanon, and fandom behavior.
In my last post I mentioned maybe writing a post about Tommy's redemption arc that certain people claim doesn't exist. I decided against it in the end. There have already been several posts about that. But I also feel I'm not in the right position to write much about it because I'm not a POC. So, I have of course my thoughts about how Hen and Chimney treat Tommy and how that speaks to their relationship with him when Bobby came to LA but also now. And I also have thoughts about how problematic Tommy's behavior was in the end. But I don't feel I should share them outside of private conversations.
There is one thing I want to say about Bucktommy and Tommy's characterization, though. I've seen somewhere this take about how the writers obviously didn't plan Tommy being gay and closeted when they wrote the Begins episodes we saw him in, therefore nothing happening in those scenes can be interpreted with the current development in mind. It's utter bullshit. It doesn't matter what the writers and actors thought or didn't think and plan back then. The interpretation of canon can't be based on anything anyone involved in the show said off screen. It needs to be based on what we see on screen.
There was this very captivating interview of Oliver (honestly, what did this head do to his eyes? I couldn't stop staring at them) where he said the idea of a queer story line for Buck was pitched to him a couple of years ago but then dropped. And now there are parts of fandom who are somehow absolutely convinced the revelation of the will should have been the start of Buddie. Meanwhile, in regard to that question Oliver never even mentioned Buddie. I think the scene between him and TK in the crossover episode is the much more likely scene they would have used to start that story line. 
But either way, we didn't get bi bi-con Buck (yes, unashamedly borrowing that from the very same interview) a couple of years ago. We only got him now. And that means it's been canon for not even four weeks that Buck is bi and all the time before he was unaware that he wasn't straight. (And honestly, imo, it's not even canon that he is bi. Technically, it's only canon Buck is not straight. And it won't be otherwise until he claims a label for himself on screen.) It's not canon he had this revelation a couple years ago because something was said in a random interview.
Sometimes what we see on screen is horribly lacking. The still missing resolution of the Chimney&Buck conflict in season 5. The missing conversation between Eddie and Buck this season after the basketball game. The missing work Hen and Karen have to have put into their relationship after season 1 to be where they are today. The out of nowhere redemption of the Buckley parents and Sang Han.
So, we are left to interpret from the little breadcrumbs we have.
The thing is, ten different people will probably interpret those things in twelve different ways. And that's okay. I can think some of those interpretations are absolute garbage or completely insane. Others can think my interpretations are wrong and stupid, and that's okay, too. Different people will have vastly different experiences and preferences and that will give their interpretations a different spin. Nothing of that is wrong. None of the these interpretations are necessarily wrong!
That's why we have the word headcanon.
What's wrong in fandom and has always been wrong since I've been in fandom is the reaction of some people to other people's interpretations. The kind of people who think their interpretation, their word, is the word of God or whatever higher being they believe in, therefore everyone else is wrong. And that means everyone else needs to be attacked until they either change their mind or vanish (whatever form that might take). 
I might laugh about some of those takes, very seldomly openly and more often than not only in the circle of my friends. Everyone else is allowed to laugh about my takes. What I think no one is allowed to do is to attack others in whatever way about their interpretation of canon. And this might be an age-old problem that existed long before the internet, but that doesn't mean we just have to carry on with it.
Enjoy the parts of the show you find enjoyable. Ignore the parts you find less enjoyable. And if there are more of the latter than the first, maybe look for another show to occupy your mind with. But don't go around attacking others for their opinions. And especially don't go to the social media of the actors and writers and attack them. 
(Btw, I absolutely hate the take of 'they should know what to expect when joining social media'. Saying that is the very root of the problem. It's like saying 'she should have known what to expect wearing that skirt'.)
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rocketturtle4 · 5 months
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by @visualtaehyun @thegalwhorants and @ranchthoughts Thanks so much for the tag, sorry I am late life keeps being busy!
3 ships
The lack of specificity is tripping me up here, three ships I like... three ships I hate... three random ships? actor couples? character couples? cannon ships? non canon ships?
I also don't tend to ship much in general, I enjoy the canon relationships in front of me or enjoy the non-canon ships in fanfiction...
I am side tracked
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Okay 3 Ships
Nope can't do it, too broad MOVING ON,
(I lost my shit over these two today, does that count?)
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(they're not like my current favs or anything, lots of good stuff going around right now, but I am a sucker for a good stare and this was a GREAT stare)
First ship
Again, define SHIP
(I may be too tired to do this my brain has been incredibly focused dealing with supervisor feedback on my 18000 word first chapter of my thesis for the last week and a half, honestly feeling kind of loopy)
Okay definition: first ship I read fanfic about.
Destiel! I read sooooo much fanfiction about these two, they are arguably a key part of my BL journey lol, even if I mostly started reading fanific of them after I mostly fell off the Supernatural Bandwagon. I actually rarely read fanfiction for shows I am actively engaged in, my engagement in the fanfic tends to happen more after the engagement with a show ends.
Last song
I'll check spotify hold on, I have had so many playlists on a loop while I've been editing so it really could be anything
Okay I am most of the way through "Death By A Thousand Cuts" by Taylor Swift in my Taylor Swift only playlist so that one.
Currently reading
Technically I am part way through the last of a long list of papers that came with my supervisor feedback
"Bryceson 2023, The contemporary distribution of grasses in Australia, A process of immigration, dispersal and shifting dominance"
Oh I have also nnneeeearrrrllly finished the HP fanfic "A Place Apart" even if I haven't actually read a word for a couple weeks and a new chapter of one of my favourite ongoing fics "A Beautiful and Terrible Thing" (also HP) got a new chapter so I am really excited to read that soon.
Last movie
Wish (the new disney one) I watched it with my parents last Friday, we often watch something together on Fridays and we all like Disney.
Currently craving
Sleep? not really I am not sleep deprived just brain dead. Just the weekend. I submit my chapter tomorrow and then I am turning my brain off for a bit.
I think I am out of oomf to tag anyone today. But I do love the game.
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racerchix21 · 6 months
I’m Not Jealous
Relationship: Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz
Summary: Buck isn’t jealous of Tommy. He’s not jealous of how close Tommy and Eddie have gotten since the cruise ship happened. It’s not like he’s got any claim over Eddie anyway.
Not like he’s been Eddie’s best friend for years or anything….
Eddie seems to have a new bestie and Buck’s pouting about it. Cue some good old fashioned big sister meddling.
Note: This story is also posted on AO3! My user is the same over there too!
Work Text under the cut
Buck isn’t jealous of Tommy. He’s not jealous of how close Tommy and Eddie have gotten since the cruise ship happened. It’s not like he’s got any claim over Eddie anyway.
Not like he’s been Eddie’s best friend for years or anything. Not like he knows what Eddie’s blood feels like splattering across his face. Not like he knows what it feels like to look in terrified brown eyes in the middle of a panic attack. Not like Buck has first hand knowledge on what an Eddie Diaz hug feels like after a rough call. It’s definitely not like Buck’s got legal guardianship of Eddie’s kid if something happens or anything.
HE’S NOT JEALOUS no matter what Maddie says watching him slam down his 3rd empty bottle of beer on her dining room table. It’s just that he’s the one Eddie’s supposed to want to hang out with on Saturdays. He’s the one that Eddie is supposed to go play basketball with.
He knows he’s spiraling when he looks at his sister and sees nothing but heartbreak and concern for him. “Mads, I thought we were starting to become something. I thought I was his best friend and now he’s got Tommy to be his best friend. What if he doesn’t like me anymore but he doesn’t know how to tell me so he’s slowly trying to distance himself? I need him Maddie. Him and Christopher are my family and I can’t lose them.”
“Ev, I know that it sucks right now but I promise you Eddie doesn’t hate you. I don’t think anyone could hate you little brother now give me that bottle and let’s go watch a movie with Jee,” Maddie says easily taking Bucks drink away from him. “When the movies over I’ll call you a ride to come get you, okay?”
“K, thanks Mads. Can I just crash here cuz I don’t wanna let anyone see me like this,” Buck asks following along behind like a duckling. “‘M sorry if I bothered you with my problems.”
“Buck you know you’re welcome here anytime. Besides I love that you wanna hang out with your big sister. Now why don’t you watch Moana with Jee and I’ll go make sure the guest room is all made up so you can crash in there later,” she says pushing Buck onto the couch before helping her daughter get comfortable on her Uncle Buck’s lap.
Cuddling Jee-Yun close Buck knows he isn’t gonna last very long into Moana before he passes out. Alcohol makes him sleepy on a good day and today nor the last couple weeks definitely haven’t been good if he’s being honest. He just hopes his niece lets him sleep and he doesn’t wake up to doodles on his cheeks like the last time he’d fallen asleep holding her.
Seeing Buck beginning to dose off, Maddie walks down the hall and ducks into her bedroom to call her baby brothers man. She knows that Eddie isn’t technically Bucks boyfriend but she’d watched the two idiots dance around each other long enough to know that feelings were mutual.
She doesn’t know exactly what she’s gonna say when Eddie answers his phone but it won’t necessarily matter if it means that Buck is finally in a good healthy relationship with someone who cares about him.
“Eddie, it’s Maddie. I need you to come pick Buck up at mine,” she says as soon as Eddie picks up the phone.
“Maddie, what do you mean Bucks at yours and needs a ride? Is he hurt? WHO THE HELL HURT HIM,” Eddie growls out questioning exactly why Buck would need a ride home and he hadn’t called himself. If he worst case scenarios it while he’s gathering his stuff up and leaving Tommy’s garage without so much as a goodbye that’s his business and nobody else’s.
“No one hurt him, Diaz at least not physically. Emotionally is another story just get here soon, okay?”
“I’ll be there soon, but Maddie what exactly do you mean he’s emotionally hurt? If this is just Buck getting his feelings hurt by a woman I’ll go pick up a 6 pack and then be there to get him.”
“He’s sad and I need you to come make it better. You are the only person who can make him happy outside of Jee and Christopher. I think he’s struggling but he’s too afraid to reach out to anyone because we all have our own lives. I’m guessing because he hasn’t said much to me since he got here and he’s pretty tipsy too.”
“I’ll be there soon and I’ll fix it. Just keep an eye on him and I’ll do the rest because I’m the one who screwed up.”
When he wakes up to the final credits rolling, he finds himself staring at Eddie. He blinks a couple times before rubbing his eyes because there’s no way that his best friend (ex best friend?) is sitting on his sisters coffee table. He only accepts that it’s who he thinks it is when he hears a familiar laugh and feels someone touch his arm.
He’d recognize those calloused hands anywhere and that deep, rich laugh. “Eds, what are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with Kinard today like you have been the last 3 weeks,” Buck says sounding sad. “It’s not like you care anyway since you’ve got Tommy to be your best friend and you don’t need me anymore. Just let me keep seeing Chris, okay?”
“Evan, you’re sad and drunk and hurt because of me so tell me where else would I be? I like Tommy a lot but he’s not you. He might be good for a laugh or two but that’s it. He doesn’t laugh at half the stuff you and I do. He doesn’t get me like you do. He’s a nice guy but he’s not the one I wanna watch movies with or drink with after a shift. He doesn’t make my kid feel like he’s a superhero like you did and do every single day. Tommy isn’t the one I’m in love with. That’s you, Evan Buckley.”
“You love me? Like a white picket fence love me,” Buck asks leaning forward to take Eddie’s hand and smiles at his man, “Cuz I love you too. But how did you know where I was?”
“Maddie,” they say at the same time laughing.
“Of course I love you Buck. Now why don’t we go say goodbye to Maddie, Jee-Yun and Chimney because I don’t really want our first kiss to be while you’re holding our niece in your sisters living room. We can go home and see what our player of a son is getting into.”
“Home sounds perfect Eddie. Let’s go but can we get to the kissing part in the car,” he whines at Eddie. He’s only waited years to get to kiss Edmundo Diaz and he doesn’t particularly wanna wait any longer than he has to.
“Yeah, Ev now come on. The quicker we say goodbye, the sooner we can make out like horny teenagers.”
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