#ok whatever you say o7
spriteadjacent · 1 year
me two days ago: i feel a bad mental health event approaching and i know doing what im about to do is only going to make it worse / maybe not doing that could make me Not Experience The Mental Health Event, but also im already in it and it'll be funny to watch myself suffer
me now: Bad
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satanfemme · 2 years
one last adderall fueled post before I finally attempt my to-do list: the psych I kinda-accidentally-but-also-kinda-on-purpose ghosted just auto-refilled my adderall prescription yesterday which was a FUN surprise. cause I thought I'd have to find a new guy before getting more. and I was running out! honestly, this alone has convinced me to try and mend my relationship with this psych before moving on, but also?!?! 🎉 YAY DRUGS! 🎊 I love drugs 🥳 I'm so happy
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luimagines · 1 year
pspspspsps may i have a scenario where the boys receive a kiss from their crush thamks
- bestie anon
You got it, Bestie! o7 :D
Prepare for massive pining.
Content under the cut!
Time was having a hard time coming to grips with himself.
He would watch you from afar. Making sure that you were well taken care of and that all your needs were met. He didn't want to admit that he may have given you special treatment compare to the others but it was something that he didn't how to properly control.
The worse part of it was that he was beginning to suspect that you knew and were thus preparing to use it to your advantage.
"Time." You called to him as a warning before you latched onto his arm. 'I have a request."
Time looks to you, unaware of the soft look he gives you. "What is it?"
You don't miss it either, subconsciously matching it with your own. "I wanted to take a few of the boys down to the river to teach them some tricks of the trade that my father showed me. You're the head of group so I wanted to pass it by you. Is that ok?"
His heart flutters, betraying him over the severity of your questions. But it's light and there's little that needs to be done in the immediate. He sees no problem with it. Besides, how long would it take you to get there and come back? A few hours? The whole day? Either way, it's unlike you stay away past sun down.
"Sure. Thank you for taking it into consideration." He smiles. Although, it's not as if he's their father. They're free to do whatever they wanted for the most part. But it's nice that you thought about him.
You grin and pat his shoulder. "Any time. I suppose you'd like everyone to return before nightfall?"
Time clears his throat for a moment. Yes, that was exactly what he was thinking. How did you know?
With a small nod, he meets you head on. "If possible."
You nod back and lean in to kiss his cheek. "Then we'll be back before dinner."
You turn on your heel, as if nothing has happened and start gather a few of the younger members to take them on the short trip.
Time however can feel the very well crafted and fortified walls of his psyche crack slightly. Admittedly, he was caught off guard. But there was something in such a simple moment that only endeared you more to him.
It was so sweet. You did it so quickly. Were you even aware? Was that planned?
The moment replays in his head and he's forced to cover his face. He's a grown man- surely he would be past this level of fluster and tame the butterflies that tickle the inside of his torso.
His hand comes up and covers his mouth, slowly inching up to cover the rest of his face. That was cute. You're cute. And nice. And pretty. And delightful. And he's doomed.
Hopefully no else saw that.
Twilight was almost certain that he was in love with you. Call him dramatic or exaggerating- but he was about 87% certain that he knew this feeling and that it was going to lead him down a very familiar path.
Part of him wanted to nip it in the bud and cut it off before it became anything larger than he knew he was capable of handling. The other part of him threw a fit at the thought of doing that.
He wants to be by your side and make you smile and laugh and make you pretty things and make sure that you're happy and- and- and-
"Hi Twilight." You hopped right next to him with your hand behind your back. "You seem deep in thought again. Care to share?"
Twilight clears his throat, ignoring the way he wants to blush at being caught. Even fi you have no idea what he was thinking about. "Nothing too bad. Just some things about our next steps. Sorry if I worried you."
You hummed and grabbed his arm, leaning on his without a care in the world. "Apology accepted. Here I thought that you had some dark secret or something that was eating you alive and would inadvertently change your life forever whether you kept it to yourself or told others."
Twilight chokes on his own spit. That's one way to say it.
"It can't be that bad." He tries to brush it off. "I was a little lost in thought, that's all."
"Hm..." You don't seem to believe him. "Alright. Keep your secrets, Mr. Man."
You lean over, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Just don't get too lost in thought anytime soon. Wild is about done with lunch. That's what I wanted to tell you. Anyway- that's all!"
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute- Twilight tries to reach for you but you dance out of his range. What was that about?
You don't seem to want to acknowledge it but Twilight knows that it's going to be around in his head if he doesn't get any answers!
You laugh under your breath but he hears it. Something clicks in his mind to catch you. To get you to explain yourself. But also- something in him just wants to run.
So he starts to do so but you seem to catch on to what he's doing and also take off running. You take a turn away from the camp, trying to lose him in the surrounding thicket.
It excites him and he pushes himself faster to catch you.
Come back here!
Wild was watching you play a card game with Warrior and Legend, keeping them close to your chest as you looked at your opponent with a mischievous gleam in your eye.
Twilight snickers beside him. "They're going to notice."
"No they won't."
"Yes they will."
Wild rolls his eyes, turning to the other hero to face him head on. "No, they're not going to notice me. I am stealth and secrecy. I am invisible-"
"Wild, do you want to play with us?" You shout, still keeping your cards close even as you wave to him. "This game is really easy to learn if you're interested."
Wild chokes on his own spit as he looks back to you. This could be a chance to get close to you. Physically anyway. He can keep himself in check as he plays a simple game. You don't have to know how much he's been fantasizing about holding your hand or playing with your hair.
Twilight starts snickering a little louder, albeit trying to keep himself quiet. He's fails. But Wild wants to keep in mind that at least he's trying.
"Maybe!" Wild stands, decided to take the chance. "What do I have to do?"
"He can't join yet." Warrior points out. "Not until the match is over. It's too late to deal him in."
"Oh..." Wild tries to not sound too disappointed. "Next round then."
Legend is too focused on the game to comment but he plays down another card, only for you to cheer and place a different one. Legend curses as you take a small pile of acorns in the middle that they had piling up.
"One more and they win, Vet." Warrior hisses.
"I know! Don't remind me!"
You laugh and give a small wink to Wild. "Let me wipe the floor with these two first."
Wild can only smile. "I hope you win."
You grin, hopping up to give him a quick kiss to his cheek. He gasps but you seem none the wiser. "I'll take that as my good luck charm! I'm winning this!"
He coughs again, feeling himself grow a little hot under the collar. "As long as it's painless!"
Warrior places down another card, which Legend seem to take advantage of- but you cheer again and win the game.
"Woo hoo! Let's go again. Thank you Wild!"
"Champion, help us." Warrior groans. "This is the third game in a row."
Wild sits down next to you, struggling to keep his composure. "SuRe. How do I play?"
Four was going to lose his mind.
Here you were, helping him with fixing his tunic, and being incredibly close to his body, while also marginally whispering in his ear through the entire process.
It was maddening.
Four was trying his hardest to keep a straight face as you worked. What had happened was that he was working on sharpening your sword, as a request when you had tried to sit next to him and sliced the embroidery on his tunic.
He thought you were going to start crying with how apologetic you sounded. Between mentioned that he was doing you a favor to ruining something that had taken a lot of time, you had offered to fix it for him in return.
He didn't expect you to run off and come back with a small sewing kit and get to work right then and there.
"Again- I'm so sorry-"
"I know. You've said that ten times already." Four snorts, moving his arm out of the way so that you could reach it better. He doesn't expect you to lean closer, borderline putting your face against his chest as you work with the flayed threads.
Four can feel his cheeks start to burn and he has to look away. He's glad you're not in a position to see him at the moment. He's not sure if he would be able to handle himself in what would be considered the correct and polite way.
He coughs once and slowly moves his arm over your head. "It's not as bad you think it is. It's made in a way where it's easy to fix. It's not the first time this has happened."
"Really?" You seem to calm down. "What happened the first time?"
"I was wearing in the forge because I had a few orders backed up." four admits with a small laugh. Stay cool. Don't worry about your proximity. He's fine. He's totally fine. "I managed to get most of my work down, but at the cost of the treads. The designed has changed after some time."
"Oh thank god." You give a little bow with your head. "Because I had no idea what it looked like so I just planned on winging it and hoping that you didn't notice."
Four laughs and shakes his head. "I mean... I probably would. But knowing you did it would just make it more special."
"Really?" You snap your head up and you're nose to nose with him. "Ah- Sorry."
You pull back, before something comes over you. "Oh, what the hell!"
You kiss his the tip of his nose and grin. "In that case, I have to make this extra special then! Just you wait, Link! It's going to look... mediocre. But with feeling!"
Four has completely checked out at this point, feeling his blush finally push past his defenses.
"I'm glad you're ok with this. I still feel really bad."
"...I think I owe you now."
He knew he was doomed before anyone else did.
It was a quiet thing at first. It usually is. It was just a little look here, a short conversation there and a giggle and a blush the next minute then a blinding smile the next.
Legend knew his patterns better than anyone would have been able to guess. He knew the route he was on. And he a afraid of going any further down the familiar road.
"Good morning, Legend!" You raised your hand in greeting.
Legend ruffled his hair, shoving his hat over his head. With a yawn, he waves back, ignoring the giddy way he feels knowing that you've called out to him specifically. "Good morning."
"Sit next to me! Breakfast is almost ready!"
He nods, making his way over to the log by the fire. He sits and tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "What's on the menu?"
"Eggs and bacon." Wild answers easily.
"I've never had bacon." You say absentmindedly. "So I hope it's good."
Wild looks up for a moment before he looks back down into the pan. "These have to be the best bacon I've ever made."
Legend snorts. "It's bacon. That's pretty hard to mess up."
"What do you usually have for breakfast, Legend?" You bump your shoulder with his. "Bacon and eggs."
Legend yawns again, shaking his head. "Just some bread and cheese usually. Nothing fancy."
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "I would always have a bowl of oatmeal...but I guess that's a bit harder to find while you're traveling than the rest of it, huh?"
"A bit." Legend rests his head on yours. This is ok, right? If you did it first, then it should be fine. It's safe, platonic, good. It's nice. It's doesn't have to be anything else.
You sigh before you lift yourself off of his, giving a quick kiss to his cheek. "I suppose it's just as good as everything else."
Legend's brain stops working. His eyes widen and all thoughts cease.
Wild had missed it thankfully, but the captain was already awake, along with the Rancher and the Old Man. They all send him knowing looks and smirking smiles.
Legend coughs. Where did that come from? Why did you do that? Why was that so cute?
It was the final nail on the coffin. Legend finds that he's fully embarrassed and unable to keep his head up, even while you're right next to him.
You laugh at his reaction, pulling away slightly. He stops you from getting too far despite his better judgement. You snort. "Too much?"
"The day just started." Warrior snorts. "Go easy on him."
You nod, still smiling. "Alright then. I will. Sorry Legend."
"It's fINe."
More giggles follow, and Legend realizes that he doesn't actually care that much. It's such a lovely sound.
Hyrule didn't know just how soft the world could be, not until he met you. It was hard to explain. One moment it was life or death and the next is was tender touches, feather light whispers and stolen glances.
His heart fluttered at the thought of being by your side. He gets nervous and shy but happy and playful. It was strange to feel a mix of everything soft but good and light.
His life was always full of intensity whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not. He was always on the move and everything was big and bright and bold. Suddenly, when he's next to you, it all comes to a stop and it's quiet. It's sweet and lovely and new and just as exciting as everything else.
"You ok?" You asked him out of the blue. You bumped your hips against his and it's enough for him to struggle to meet your eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Hyrule laughs nervously, ruffling his hair for good measure. He hopes that he doesn't seem too strange or weird. He just wants to have a good time with you today as you all make your way to the town. "Sorry, I'm just thinking about some stuff."
"Must be pretty serious." You nod, putting your hands behind your back. "It has nothing to do with me, does it?"
You're being cheeky but it's closer to the truth than Hyrule wants to admit. He coughs, hitting himself in the chest a few times for good measure. "You'll never know."
"That's a yes." You laugh. "What's it about? I'm not annoying you, am I?"
"Of course not!" He snaps to you, horrified about the implications. "I love hanging out with you! I would never think that!"
You snort, beginning to pink up a little. It's a lovely shade on you, Hyrule realizes. And they way you giggle, hiding your smile behind your hand simply makes it a sweeter image in his mind. "Rulie, I was kidding."
His mind comes to a screeching halt.
"...Oh." Hyrule can feel his face pink up a little as well. Perhaps he came on a little too strong. "Right...I knew that."
You giggle even louder and pat him on the head before you toss your arms around his shoulders. "You're a sweetheart, Traveler. May you never change."
You then give him a big kiss on his cheek, poking it for good measure as you tease. "You're too good for this world. I might just have to take you home with me."
He gulps, biting his lip in an attempt to keep his cool. "CoOl."
He loses it.
With his voice crack, he gives up completely and hides his face behind his own hands. You seem to find it more amusing, laughing louder at his expense.
"Don't worry, Link. I love hanging out with you too."
Bury him, this is embarrassing. He thought he was better than this... At least you seem to be having a good time.
Warrior was about to have a crisis.
Why were you so alluring? How can someone do everything so perfectly? How is it that he makes himself look like an idiot when he so much as opens his mouth when he talks to you?
Warrior knew that this was a dangerous road he was on.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he tries to keep the idea that he's being watched, either by Lana or by Cia. He can't afford to step out of his place. To be close to you would just put a new target on your back.
Granted, he knows that she's changed... supposedly. He has no reason to trust that Cia would be able to control herself if she couldn't do it the first time around- Ganondorf or no Ganondorf.
And here he was, spending more time trying to impress you and get your attention that he knew it was worth.
"Found a new target, lover boy?" Twilight knocks the side of his head, sitting down by his side. "You know you can ask for a painting of them. It would last longer."
"Shut up." Warrior punches him. "Don't make it weird. They're just... very nice to look at."
"Don't say a word-"
"Hey!" Twilight calls out to you, getting your attention. You wave back and jog over.
"What's up?" You put your hands on your hips. Warrior can't believe this. He so needs to get back at Twilight for this. This is just cruel.
"The Captain and I need a third person opinion." Twilight explains naturally. Warrior has no idea where he's going with this. "Would it be better or worse if we were to compliment you on your hair today?"
You snort and raise an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"
"You're pardoned." Twilight smirks. "Warrior wasn't so sure if he should say something but I'm under the idea that he should."
Warrior coughs. Is he being helped or dragged alive? He's lost full control of the situation. What is he supposed to do?"
"Aww!" You grin and lean down to kiss his cheek. "Thank you very much, Captain. Just say so next time."
He makes a choked sound before he nods. He's surely blushing. You're little snicker is all the confirmation he needs.
Twilight gives a lazy salute. "Thank you for clearing that up Darlin'."
"Any time."
Warrior turns to Twilight as you walk away. The Rancher has the most face splitting grin he's ever. "You're welcome."
"You're horrible."
"I believe a thank you is in order."
You were so pretty, Sky sighed into his hand. And so sweet and sassy. It excited him. It caught his attention in more ways than he thought possible. He wanted to know everything you had to say. He wanted you to be happy and he wanted you to be safe.
He wanted to be your friend and he wanted you to like him so bad.
Sky knew that he was a romantic at heart and he knew (at least in some degree) that he was slowly crushing on you.
Not that he had any chance with you. He wouldn't dare be that hopeful. You seemed to get along better with Legend and Four than with him and he was ok with that.
He'd just admire you from a distance.
At least that's what he told himself.
"Hey." He approached you one day. He noticed that you had done something different with your hair and well... no one else commented on it. That's what people like, right? They change something up and get a compliment on it and it's nice, right? He's not overstepping some unspoken rule, right? There's no way he can overthink a simple compliment, right?
You turn to him, all smiles and oblivious to his internal turmoil. "Hey Sky! Good morning!"
He can feel himself flushing. Why is he already embarrassed? He didn't even say anything yet! He can't jump ship now!
"Good morning." He replies back, losing some of his bravado. He shouldn't say it. Oh, but he already has your attention. You're going to ask him if he needs anything. You're going to ask why he called out to them. You're going to ask him what's on his mind and he's going to have nothing to say to any your questions.
"What's up?" You pull some of your hair back and Sky's heart flutters with the movement.
"You changed your hair today." He admits softly. He anticipated your question yet it still managed to catch him off guard. There was no way for him to even remotely change the pathways in his head. He might as well be honest. "I thought that it looked really nice. I wanted to tell you that."
You blink before beaming.
He's aback by your reaction, but at least you seem happy.
"Oh Sky! You're a sweet heart!" You cry, leaning over. You kiss his cheek faster than he can react and poke his nose. "Thank you! I'm really happy with how it came out. I have to go help Time with something real quick, but I'll talk to you later, ok?"
Sky nods, not trusting his tongue.
"Thank you, Sky!" You call out as you walk away.
Sky takes a shaky breath. He didn't anticipate that reaction. His mind betrays him as it replays the soft touch of your lips against his skin. His hands come to cover his face as he falls into a squat.
That was cute. He's doomed.
Wind (Reader is same age as Wind)
Wind was hiding behind a rock, watching as you fluttered around the camp. You'd spend a little time between each guy, watch what he was doing, ask a few questions about it, then move on the next one.
They all seemed to give you a little bit of time to tell you about themselves, their hobbies, they're hopes, their passions and maybe, if you smiled sweetly enough, they would tell a little story as well.
It was driving Wind crazy.
It was taking too long! Each guy was getting their turn but never once looked around for him! He was cool! He had stories! He could make stuff too!
He huffed and tossed himself on the side of the rock, sliding down his hiding spot with his arms crossed. Some guys seemed to be annoyed when you talked to them, but he wouldn't dare treat you that way. They should feel honored to have your attention.
You were so special. You were wonderful. Incredible. Breath taking.
Wind jumps and pulls his arm away from the rock. He had gotten cut. Great, another disappointment. Wind pokes it, watching as little beads of crimson blink up at him as he shifts. "Ow."
"Are you finally going to come out, scardy cat?" You teased popping your head around the rock.
Wind jumped again, hiding his arm against his side. He says your name, because it's the only thing he can think to do. "H-hi!"
"I've been watching you." You continue to tease. "Just like you've been watching me! What are you doing over here anyway?"
"Um. I...Was..." Wind can't think of a lie fast enough. Given the way you raise an eyebrow, Wind knows that he also has his lying face on. He sighs, suddenly feeling stupid. "Hiding."
"Hiding?" You don't sound impressed. It's another hit to his pride. "Hiding from what? Get up, dork."
You giggle and grab his arm. Wind hiss and you drop him like a hot potato. "Wind?"
He looks back to his cut. There's more blood than before, but it's not the worst cut he's gotten. It just stings.
"Oh...oh my god, when did that happen?" You drop to your knees, taking a rag from your belt, to wipe the blood. "Wind! When did you get hurt?"
"Not long ago." He pouts, letting you do whatever. It's too late for him. There's no coming back from this. "It just happened."
You frown, putting pressure above the cut. Wind hisses again but doesn't move away. "No wonder. If Warrior saw this, you wouldn't get your sword back for a week."
"He acts like my dad." Wind gripes. "Who let him do that?"
"You do."
You laugh again, pulling the rag away. It appears that the bleeding has stopped. "Don't be stupid. Come hang out with the rest of us. It's not the end of the world."
"Why not?"
"I don't wanna."
"Pleeaasee?" You pout back, gesturing to his arm. "I'd even kiss it better."
"No, you wouldn't-"
You reach and take his wrist, pulling his arm away so that you can kiss the spot where he's hurt. Suddenly, it doesn't sting so much anymore.
He flushes a deep red color while you look... not that much better actually. "There. Come on. It's all better now."
You get to your feet and pull him up. Wind follows you without a second thought. Both of your faces are flushed with embaressment.
"What happened to you two?" Time raises an eyebrow.
"I fell." You blurt. "On top of Wind. Not my great moment."
Time hums and turns to Wind. "Is this true sailor?"
Wind curses in his head. Time has some knowing look on his face. He doesn't like it. Not trusting to speak, and only feeling more shame creep up his neck, Wind covers his face and nods.
Let them guess. He won't talk about it.
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twoa-plus · 3 days
dissecting stanford pines and finding organs that don’t exist but like in a metaphorical way
that’s it that’s the title i’m going with. this is a long one folks o7
most of this isn’t sourced or canon at all it’s just personal interpretation/headcanon/whatever else u wanna call it, but!! since more people are seeing my deranged gravity falls ramblings now i figure i should probably give some perspective as to why i like/defend ford as much as i do
(in my other gf posts i do try to stick to canon to back up whatever point i’m making - this is just about my personal opinion of ford as a character, and should be able to be thrown out in regards to my other posts)
so for some background/setup/whatever (it’s important i promise bear with me), different people have different instinctual responses to anxiety/stress. i come from a family (genetics are fun) where the default response is to start (metaphorically ofc) biting and hissing like a cornered animal. this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any actual hatred or malice or anything towards the people that end up getting scratched - they might just be at the wrong place at the wrong time, they might’ve done something super minor and insignificant that added on to a preexisting pile of stress, etc etc
i cannot stress enough that i am not saying this is ok. you dont need me to tell you that hurting people who don’t deserve it is a bad thing, lol. what i am saying though is that sometimes people can kind of suck for reasons other than just genuinely wanting everyone around them to be miserable
this is the last “background” part i swear BUT another thing thats less genetic and more just me being weird is that i’m the type of person where like. any minor environmental change can really stress me out lol. like even just reorganizing my desk can be pretty emotionally taxing
SO. finally back on topic. stanford pines. i see a lot of the behavior/patterns i just described in him. like i’ve spent my entire life around people like this, and while i understand why a lot of people see him as just some asshole, i can’t help but see him as a guy who’s just kinda going through it lol
just talking about the more recent events as of the series, he’s just spent 30 years god knows where doing and seeing god knows what, he has an abusive ex who wants to murder him and his entire family (plus the whole dimension, really), and in the three decades he’s been gone the entire world - including his own house - has changed and left him behind. add onto that that he went missing in 1982, way before we had all of the emotional/mental health resources we have now, we all saw what the stans’ childhood was like, and that ford is terrible with people - including, imo, himself. if there’s anybody out there who would have Feelings and not understand what they are or where they’re coming from or what to do about them, it’s this guy
this entire setup is the perfect circumstance for fear and anxiety and stress and uncertainty to all get translated into anger. a really big example of this, to me, is how he talks about dipper in journal 3. i’ve talked about this before somewhere so i’ll try to summarize as fast as i can lol
reading his initial entry about dipper would make u think he like. hates this kid lol. but i really don’t think he ever did - he was really excited to meet the kids in the show and already seemed to care about them just by virtue of existing, and his opinion on dipper in journal 3 seems to do a complete 180 pretty quickly which ,,, doesn’t really fit ford as a character. like i love the man but that guy can hold a GRUDGE
here’s how it reads to me:
ford gets back to his home dimension after 30 years and everything is different
he’s subconsciously kind of struggling with the fact that he doesn’t really have a “home” anymore - the sense of familiarity and comfort that would normally come with the word is gone. (i specify that it’s subconscious because, like i said earlier, i do not get the vibe that he’s particularly aware of his own emotions)
he finds out that journal 3 - something he made with his own two hands and considers part of his life’s work - has also changed in the decades he’s been gone. this adds to the feeling of unfamiliarity with the world around him
it’s easier to blame that “final straw” and say that he’s just upset about his work being tampered with rather than address the actual root of the problem, so that’s exactly what he does. this still doesn’t mean that there’s any genuine hatred towards dipper. anger in the moment, yeah, but not hatred
again, this is entirely personal interpretation, and i completely understand if u don’t see it like this!! this is just a pattern of thoughts/behavior that i’m very familiar with, so it’s easy for me to apply it to situations like this even if it’s not really part of the canon
i also think there’s a big problem in this fandom with just ,, not seeing ford as a Person with Emotions? idk how to explain it but it feels like people expect him to always know exactly what to do in every situation just bc he’s old and academically smart. like whenever another character does something objectively bad it’s “well there were extenuating circumstances,” (which is usually true and i agree !!) but ford never really seems to get that treatment. if he does something bad it’s just because he sucks
a big example of this i think is the fight between him and stan (y’know the “you ruined my life”/“you ruined your own life”). you cannot look me dead in the eyes and, in full seriousness, with the context of everything ford was going through with bill at the time, say that he was fully mentally/emotionally stable during that conversation. “oh so you’re blaming stan-“ NO!!! stan was also going through it!!! that’s the entire point - they’re both people with their own lives and emotions and everything else that comes with that, they had very human reactions to their respective situations, and they both ended up hurt!! hopefully i’m explaining this right but i just don’t like it when people pin everything on ford, like there was a lot going on and at the end of the day he’s just a human
wasn’t really sure how to work this in so i’ll just put it here - i don’t think ford ever truly hated stan, either. familial bonds are complicated, and there can be a whole lot of anger towards someone without true hatred being present. i briefly mentioned the stans’ childhood sucking earlier, and i don’t just mean stanley - it’s easier to pinpoint him as a victim of abuse/neglect, but that doesn’t mean ford had it great either. their parents (specifically filbrick, but caryn didn’t exactly do a fantastic job with them either) expected nothing of stan and the world of ford, both of which would weigh heavily on any child. plus, ford being the favorite doesn’t mean all of his emotional needs were met - filbrick seeing him as an opportunity to make money doesn’t mean he was suddenly an emotionally present and caring father towards him. WCT wasn’t just an opportunity for ford to go be a famous scientist or whatever - it was a chance for his father to love him, something both of the stans desperately wanted. (WCT was also on the opposite side of the country from where they lived but i’m sure that’s completely unrelated !!!)
do i think stan deserved anything that happened to him after the science fair incident? no, absolutely not, he was a child. do i think it was right of ford to just stand there as his brother got thrown out? no, absolutely not - but he was a child too. as for them not speaking for a decade after that, like i mentioned earlier ford can hold a grudge like no other. (this doesn’t just apply to stan, either, ford dedicated half of his life to trying to kill his ex lmao.) i think ford’s ability to hold on to anger like that is actually a pretty major part of/flaw in his personality, but again, anger - even the strongest, most long-lived of it - is not synonymous with hatred. stan, who ford has always gone to for help when he truly needed it, it not what ford’s hatred looks like. bill, who ford actively wants to die, is
anyways!! i never know how to close these things lol. ig in summary i just see ford’s behavior (in the show at least) as more of a sign of internal struggle rather than like ,, genuinely hating the people around him and wanting their lives to suck. did/does he have an ego problem? absolutely. is he incapable of love and human connection? no. is he immune to manipulation/abuse/neglect/etc and everything that comes with that? also no
he’s an interdimensional criminal why can’t he go to the theraprism. i think he should
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choliosus · 7 months
I still think about qsmp purgatory
To me, that arc was absolutely perfect.
The stakes were so high, we genuinely thought some or all of the eggs might die depending on who the winners ended up being, and no one knew exactly how that would play out, so you had to just try damn hard to win for your kid. But there was even that chance that if your team did win that would be the wrong outcome and your kids would die.
But anyway the atmosphere was insane
That eye and the ominous fucking voice, that opening animatic of the mystery guy walking into a surveillance setup, monitoring everyone on the island, that’s so cool. So much mystery, so much implied power.
And then we get there and girlies have NOTHING. And it was fucking bugged or something for the first part so no one could fucking mine cobblestone. Then the random disadvantages pile on top of that, now you’ve got to worry about thirst, all the food is going bad and won’t stack.
And I watched Bolas pov so that’s what I am talking about:
This group was at every conceivable disadvantage. Right off the bat they only have like half the active members of the other groups, no one there is good at pvp, and most of those guys don’t really grind and play that much. They keep dying, Phil starts to make some progress and admins spawn mobs all around him to prevent even that. They give up, and resort to killing each other.
And somehow, from rock bottom, from passing through all the stages of grief and landing on insanity, this small group goes from being but a speck in the progress bar percentages to fucking winning the whole thing.
Watching their madness turn into actual power is sooooo wonderful to watch. They stay fully crazy. But somehow, that works. Going absolutely feral, saying fuck the rules and do whatever, yell mumbled nonsense at your enemies, steal all their shit, that’s the winning play.
There is something so gratifying in watching them go from day one of not having a base, dying over and over again, to week 2 where they are kinda doing the damn thing. And still don’t have a real base and die over and over. I mean that’s literally Jaiden’s main strategy.
And then Baghera with the fucking chainsaw. And Cellbit leaning into his character’s preestablished bloodlust thingy, and everyone collectively building off of each other’s energy.
And something about watching my favorite blorbos lose their goddamn minds for 5 hours every day. I loved every second of it. And it wouldn’t be able to be much longer, Slimecicle for one was absolutely exhausted, that guy doesn’t stream for more than a few hours and now he was grinding for 5 a day. Only adds to the chaos.
But the pace, it being every day and yet a scramble because of the time limit of play time.
The stakes of the eggs lives potentially being on the line
The complete foreign nature of an entirely new island?? With a new scary npc??? Unprecedented.
I absolutely love this arc.
It’s been a while and I still think about it.
I’m mostly making this post because we’ll mainly it’s 2am and that’s the sort of thing you do at 2am but also because I remember like during and right after the prison event people saying that was their favorite qsmp arc
And like good for you bestie but I do not get it
My heart belongs to purgatory
And I want to submit “ok but do you remember-“ to the council because it was fucking perfect.
And omg the fucking bolas shrine and Baghera and cellbit cameo in purgatory 2 like, ah my heart.
Bolas forever o7
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enlighten3d · 6 months
OKOK SO. sorry this is so late i had to have a shower rghagdhd
So so most of these are just silly headcanons however:
-I am such a glasses tash truther but i think he doesn’t wear them cuz he’d go ‘wow my eyes hurt today and everything's blurry but thats normal :]’ poor boy needs glasses tho (this is me projecting id did this in primary school dhdhdj)
-BLIND OWL GIRL. SO. you might be thinking oh she walks around and finds her way around with magic and may i pitch you ‘Echolocation’. i know birds don’t have that but her whistles made me think of that!!
-Owl girl’s deal with Somni is something that lets somni leave the train? Or tash is connected to the train cuz of the station meaning he can’t leave the train. one of the two?
-The bugs and the monster in the woods might not even be related but i like to think the bugs are aquatic in a way same with how the monster ‘squelched’?
ok reading these back sound more like wordbuilding hcs and not much sense but yeahhh very happy that this fandom is growing and you seem very cool :]]
silly headcanons are still so real, this is gonna be so cooL.. sry im gonna like. actually reply with my own takes on these; not trying to disprove you or some shit o7
- REAL. THAT BOY HAS GLASSES ‼‼ thats.. yeah hed do that.. i like thinking that he has a glasses chain bcs when he DOES wear them hes scared of losing them.. bcs he has before. hdfghdf. eye pain is normal though right??? right, tash?????
- ooOOOOOHH YOOO. OKAY. ECHOLOCATION. THATS COOL. THATS FFUCKING COOL. i love that. if she can make her owl noises she can echolocate !! who cares if birds dont do it, shes special Ɛ> hdfkjhd tash has no clue that shes blind and cant rly hear the clicks cause theyre out of human (or axolotl hehe) hearing register (did actually check this!! typical bat echolocation frequency is mostly out of human range and DEFINITELY out of axolotl range)... he never finds out until someone, probably somni, just casually mentions it and hes like 'whAT. but.. but you went through those woods even faster than i did?' ...he gets no explanation other than a glare dkfjhg
- ooohhh.. oooh !! oh thats fun.. hadnt actually considered train somni.. shes always seemed like something Outside of it to me! like something that Knows about the train and how it Functions but was never a part of it.. oh thats fun. train somni is fun bcs. shes Left it and she Knows about it now and has reached whatever he destination is and shes just Done with it and. oh thats cool.. (tash is deffo connected to the train bcs of the station. somehow. i odnt know but SOMEHOW.)
- !! oh fun ! aquatic monsters and bugs.. plot twist: the entire world is underwater. THIS IS HOW AXOLOTL TASH CAN STILL WIN- sorry im thinking about that too much dfhlgkd
okay thats all sry i have lots to say fhdsklg
!! i am also soo happy to see the fnadom growing, i had no one to post my insane thoughts to before so it all just went in dms with figg but. HAHAHA NOW THERE ARE OTHER INSANE PEOPEL 💥..ahem you seem very very cool too !! ᗡ:
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leerentouls · 9 months
the good life
A brief snapeshot of Angel's life on Sanctuary.
i just wanted to write something and i have ideas but ough... writing's hard 3 and also im sick rn. rip. also! shocker, but i'm writing during the day...??!?!?!?! usually it's at like. 3 in the morning LOL also shoutout to MoodiestMags love the Rise to Grace series o7 <3 cw for mention of suicide
there's some stuff i wanted to mention in this ficlet - like the difference/similarity between Lilith + Angel wrt eridium addiction, and Moxxi and/or Roland at all (or a bit more) - but alas :'3 maybe in another ficlet or so
"Hey Angel, pass me that wrench?"
Angel's half-there in the moment, delving deep into code for additional defences for Sanctuary, but she still grabs the tool Gaige asks for and waves it in the other girl's direction.
Six months and still Angel doesn't feel totally comfortable here. Mostly, but then, occasionally, she'd catch a glimpse of someone looking at her. Hyperion's Siren, she'd heard from one of the residents, and she'd never wanted to rid herself of her own face as much as she did then. She understands it, and it was more out of surprise then condemnation, but...
Then there was Lilith. And Mordecai and Brick. And Tiny Tina. And- to be honest... everyone. Everyone. Every Vault Hunter, every resident, everyone who knew of Handsome Jack-
But it's not like they go out of their way to make her feel unwelcome. Anymore.
Angel backs out of the code, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. Progress has been made, she reminds herself; people don't quite regard her with such revulsion or contempt anymore (but they remember), and people talk to her, whether resident or Crimson Raider.
(She almost wishes Tim was here. She feels bad about that. She could fix it, if she just talks about it.)
DT beeps, and Angel hears Gaige shift out from where she was fixing up. She knows what's next; it's familiar now.
"You OK, Angel?"
"Yeah," she replies, rote. "Overthinking. You know."
She flinches when Gaige reaches out to rub her shoulder in comfort. A flinch, or trying to shrug her off, Angel could call it either-or, and for whatever reason: her father's ghost hangs over her shoulder like when he would try to calm or restrain her, and that's why she's flinching or rejecting this comfort, or perhaps because she doesn't deserve it, at least not yet. It's been a hard and steep hill to climb in such a short time.
Gaige isn't to be deterred, so wraps an arm around Angel's shoulders fully, pulling her into an awkward side hug. Angel acquiesces.
(She thinks of Tim's face in the shuttle.)
"You wanna come with me next time?"
"Vault Hunting?"
"Yeah! Or just hunting."
"Oh! Yeah, actually, I'd like to get out for a bit, whenever you go next."
(Her voice, cool: He's on his way to kidnap your Siren, sir.)
"Cool," Gaige says, grinning and playfully punching Angel's shoulder. The Siren fakes a pained groan. They both re-settle into the groove: code and machinery, side-by-side. Angel keeps a half a mind fantasizing about Vault Hunting for the pure joy of treasure-hunting, rather than as a means of exerting control over a planet's people. They're not even here of their own will, usually: prisoners or children of them, or deserted here. It's not their fault. Ah, c'mon now, back to the joy of hunting for fun.
(At the precise point where Handsome Jack could only deal with so many interferences at once, so he had Tim posted on the Jackpot. He'd live - for a time, at least.)
It'd be cool to see everyone in action while also being on the same playing field, instead of watching from "above". There again, Angel would be too busy keeping up to actually watch them. But it'd be cool all the same - being part of the team (so long as she doesn't fuck anything up, or not too badly), and proving her worth.
... Or just proving her potential as a Vault Hunter. Angel nods to herself; yes, potential. Maya said that her worth is more than what she can do for other people, that she is inherently worth being respected as another person. That was nice.
(He'd even outlive Handsome Jack.)
... Maybe... maybe after this next outing, whenever that is, she might mention Tim and the Jackpot. Moxxi'd be interested, she thinks.
(But not her.)
It's not a bad life here. She hopes to make it up to Tim.
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seethingvortex · 1 year
hiiii i figured now's a good time to make a pinned post
im ryker, but once upon a time like 10 years ago i was @/toki-draws aka moderface
i follow from @waynekiller and my main art blog is @thundahouse , i only post OCs over there, MTL is the only fandom i am active in
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my pinned got kind of long oh well it's going under the cut
im now 23 y/o and back again, army of the doomstar hype got to me
im also trans (he/him), bi, white/tsalagi o7 so my blog is def gonna be full of indigenous nathan headcanons i live and breath that shit. i do have Mento Illnesses but I'm not gonna list them, you'll have to use context clues
despite loving MTL & dethklok & brendon small's work in general i am sometimes pretty critical of the show so . especially with it's treatment (and lack thereof) of black/brown & female characters. i do still love the show but it does sometimes annoy me. the way i engage with most media is through analysis and critique, if that makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to hang out, it's ok
general DNI - bigots of course, as well as any pro ship people, these are instant blocks. im really just here to have fun, i'm not here to make waves or anything. of course since there are a lot of crossovers in different adult swim fandoms, DNI if you like south park
i dont really think i have a specific DNI in regards to the MTL fandom. <- scratch that lol, now i have to make a big directory
if you hate Abigail DNI. i can understand hating how she's written, i also hate how she's written and the fact that she was basically only a learning tool for nathan/only used to cause drama between him and pickles. i will always declare this as a misogynistic writing trope (because it is) and her character got done really dirty (because she did) and ill drum up a big fuss about it every chance i get lol. i can also understand disliking her character, it's whatever, she's not for everyone, especially considering how bland she ended up. but if you hate her and constantly trash her like it's her fault she got written badly, i won't engage with you. Brendon truly fucked me up giving fandom misogynists and fujoshis a black woman for fodder
same thing goes for Magnus, if you absolutely hate him and trash him DNI
if you sexualize Toki's age regression DNI. if you ship Toki with Rockzo DNI. i'm dubious on MagTok, but it doesn't appear to be that popular these days anyway
i headcanon Nathan as being Miccosukee & pickles as being trans. these are really the only constant & recurring headcanons i have, otherwise im open to a bunch of stuff
the only constant romantic ship i have is Nickles, they are truly It for me. as far as the rest of the band goes, i prefer a family dynamic for them. you won't really find any romantic Skwistok, Skwisface, Murdertooth, or any other ships with Nathan or Pickles here. that being said, if you ship all of them or mix n match them up that's okay 👍👍👍👍
nathan fictive (fiction kin? other hearted? i don't know the difference, he's the only character ive ever "kinned")👍 i originally wasn't going to say anything but everyone seems to be pretty open here so (cartoon slide whistle noise). you can also just call me Nate or Nathan, that's okay 👍
i am a-ok with doubles & i don't have any current canonmates 👍
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if there are any MTL discord servers out there i might be interested, they don't necessarily have to be fictive or kin related i just cant stop talking about this show & i need a place to inflict my thoughts on people. i am however extremely wishy washy when it comes to meeting new people and i might flake out so. tell me or don't tell me, let the tide decide
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snowmaze1969 · 1 year
Just finished totk and boy do I have some thoughts. (no i totally didn't watch someone else do the ending after i had completed all of the other main quests because i got impatient. totally......)
anyway totk spoilers for the whole game below. also my thoughts will become less conherant as it goes on lmaoooooo have fun o7
I'm going to put it frankly, I disliked the ending. (for the most part) while there were some amazing parts that I loved (cough, the sages, cough) I feel like the whole zelda part could have been done better. Just a disclaimer I DO NOT ship botw/totk zelink. that's a whole other post i'm not going to do rn but just thought i'd put that there. The first part in the depths was great. It was brilliant even. I loved the sages and I loved the whole Gannon swallowing the stone just to kill like. It is SO in character. It is such a Gannon thing to get rid of all traces of his humanity (hylianity???) just to kill his fate entwined nemesis. like, oq3ighbqpeifjnqpirjgnpqieugnqpithjnpiqgn. omg. Amazing. then dragon Zelda came in and I was like ok. That makes sense. some instinctual part of her dragon self must have realized that Darkness = bad and link = trying to fight darkness = good. so I was like ok. and honestly that fight was pretty epic. It was something new. I was really well done. Then I feel like it started to go downhill. I can say that I almost cried when you were able to rewind time for Zelda. I was like omg they can bury the body, give her peace. The whole shabang. And then Zelda woke up and I was like ugh. I hate it because its so tropey. The classic good beats evil the princess falls in love with the knight in shining armor everything is great. botw did better with this. while the whole loz series is that trope, botw felt more like an, we made a lot of sacrifices and things wont be ok for a while but maybe someday it can get better etc. nothing lovey dovey there. but then totk gone and did the everything turned out great ending. I would have loved a Zelda died ending. i'm not a zelda hater but I feel like it would build off of the whole oh boy everything is shit rn but it will get better given time. They don't need the monarchy anymore link can be free etc. When zelda lives it gives off a very happy everything is great vibes. despite the fact that uh. no???? It's not????? Mineru was obviously sad but I feel like they ruined it by trying to do more zelink shipping. It gives off very I know I was an asshole at first and I know you has a fish gf but now shes dead and i'm nicer too you now but I was also only mad at you because of my destiny/things out of your control lol lets date. Like what????????? idk but that just sounds weird to me.
anyway i'm going to compleatly change topic and talk about future lozs/ and endings.
This is a brilliant place to end this timeline. there are many theorys about what timeline/ where its placed but I feel like this game is the end. The whole Gannon gets consumed and finally destroyed etc perfect ending. It has a very clear air of finality about it. And honestly I feel that if Zelda had died it would have added A BUNCH too it. It would cement that finality. Gannon is gone fr this time (power) Zelda would be dead (wisdom) and there is no proof that link has the triforce of courage so idk man but that feels like nothing but the ending of a timeline. (but of course Zelda HAD to live because of their precious good always triumphs evil/ knight in shining armor & princess love intrest trope but ya know. whatever)
Talking about a future game, I would love to see something in the ww timeline (no it's not cause it's my fave game who said that.) I think it would also be cool if they gave the new game an open world setting like botw/totk but added a linear story line. (kinda like ww but with a lil more open worldiness) but idk thats just my opinion.
Anyway feel free to yell at me or have a convo in the responses i'd LOVE to hear your opinions. Just dont hate on me plz just cause I have different opinions than you. i'd love to hear an avid zelink shipper give me their opinion but anyways bye yall.
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styrmwb · 11 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFV)
5 :)))))))
V is my second favorite FF, I care so much about this game. It brings me a lot of emotion despite being one of the goofier, less serious entries (I will stand by the fact that FFV and One Piece have similar vibes in setting and story), and the music absolutely helps. I appreciate a lot more of the non battle themes in this game than I usually do (of course since this is a top 5 list (top V list?) that doesn't really show but just take my word for it) and I will admit to tearing up at things cause it just does that to me. Love this game. Let's do it. 5. Legend of the Deep Forest Apparently this is also known as "As I Feel, You Feel"? I love how somber this is. Again, as we all know, I'm bad at words, I do not know what the main instrument is called, but I absolutely love it. I also feel like it has like, a dual meaning based on where you are in the dungeon. When you enter, it feels like a great forest where the main villain has come from, a place of evil. When it burns down, it gives you that sense of loss from an event of senseless evil.
4. To The North Mountain Why does this bang? It has no right. I just think this is a fun, adventurous song. I love all the instruments in it, the guitar, the horn, the... banjo? the organ, it's all very fun, very unique, and very stand-out for what it is and where it plays. It sticks out to me.
3. The Decisive Battle One word. The Drums. That's two words. Whatever. This is SUCH a good Exdeath theme. Taking his main motif, and turning it into a battle with THE DRUMS (THE DRUMSSSSS), not to mention the part where it starts glitching out and getting chaotic, then going hard into the main melody again, holy shit this song is hype. It sounds super cool, it has amazing drums (I'm sorry I'll stop), and it plays multiple times so you get to hear it over and over. Not to mention, one of those times is during one of the absolute best moments in the entire game. o7
2. Battle on the Big Bridge The song. The man. The big man on the big bridge, the big song for the big man. Uematsu was absolutely cooking when he made this song, and I am so glad it continues to appear over and over again in future entries, it literally does not miss once at all. Special shoutouts to the PR, XII, XIII-2, XIV, and XV versions, and anti-shoutouts to the Theatrhythm All Star Carnival version cause it's mean and hurts my fingies. I don't even really know what to say cause like, everyone knows this song is fucking outstanding??? If you are reading this you know this song, it's hype, it's exciting, it's catchy, it's just, Amazing. 1. PIANO LESSON 1 BABYYY THIS IS THE GREATEST SONG IN ANY GAME EVER PIANO LESSON 1 ALL THE WAY
I'm sorry this joke sucks
ok the actual real #1 is...
1. Main Theme of Final Fantasy V I was struggling between picking this or Battle on the Big Bridge as the #1. But I think in this specific list when I'm trying to focus on V songs, this song just hits my emotions a little harder, and it is like, a summary of why I love FFV in general. It's lighthearted, it's fun, it feels like an adventure, however, right at the end of the song before it loops, this is the part that really makes me tear up, because it slows down, it feels emotional but in different ways depending on the context, like you're looking back happily at your journey or feeling sadness over the loss and tragedy that does happen in this game. One of my absolute favorite versions of this song is the one from DIstant Worlds IV. It works so well in an orchestrated form, feeling triumphant and happy, but again! That one part before the loop! It slows down and brings a completely different level to the emotions. Especially at the end of the song when you just have a slow trumpet solo.... then the whole orchestra comes in, and a big triumphant finale. It's a happy song that is deeper than it seems out the outside. Just like the game it's meant for.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 19 days
Ok merging responses again but tiktok is fr diabolical for that…on that note i went to go check my settings too and mine were already off (I think past me had good foresight jk I think I actually just turned it off out of habit without reading in depth) I wonder if u get the notifications when the person u send it to doesn’t have theirs toggled off? On that topic I was fr just wondering if it goes both ways in the sense of like if it would prevent tiktok from suggesting your account to me since I have mine off as opposed to just not exposing my acc but anyways!! Was just gonna say hopefully you didn’t find out from getting a notif from some very random person or something shsgshsh seems like you’re safe tho!!! On that note if you ever see anything funky happening in your TikTok notifs lmk….ill look out in case it ever starts suggesting yours but now that the switch is on I’d assume nothing would happen (at least it better not tiktok pls)
LMAOOOO dw I have faith in our man he would never actually homewreck the premise is just so hilarious to me but PAUSEE stop I love miraverse tabiori and now we have aiko (?????) what do you even call them their names are too short i also don’t wanna make this look like they’re getting shipped LMFAOOO
HAHAHA classic reo activities…just grabbing out old reliable (checkbook) I almost forgot that readers parent wanted her to marry him maybe it’s fr time to reread
LMAOO yup you’re alter ego is safe o7 but yeah I guess you’ll know our convo is getting stalked/read if you ever get a notif for any of the ones from our convo LOL although again I’m assuming the toggle button actually does its job so that shouldn’t be the case anymore
PLEASE DONATE SHINAH EDITS HERE!!! I will gladly take them omg that hakyona edit is probably the first yotd tiktok I’ve ever seen
So real honestly sometimes we all need a day to just do nothing LOL I’m sure whatever’s next will be fire as per usual
BAROU CLEANING SERVICE pause imagine they actually make that Barou maid cafe and unironically put all the muscliest/aggressive characters in to follow their gimmick (like when Barou squeezes ketchup on their heads) imagine this is all another side gig competition so whoever rakes in the most money gets like a day off or like bonus field time and then they all start doing even more insane shit to get more money and views but I’m crying Rin posting a drama video like “the dark truth about itoshi sae” and then the first thing he says is “he’s a shitty brother”
At first I thought they just left zantetsu auraless and I was like damn ok…chigiri pop off with the leopard/cheetah ig then I reread it and looked and finally saw the fuckass train just thinking about it makes me crack up
OH YEAH the foreshadowing about chigiri has me sweating like ummm hahahaha wdym???????? Wdym break??? Stfu??? Yeah dw I also dgaf abt himizu give the spotlight to your teammates please!!!
- Karasu anon
ooh yeah maybe it has to be a mutual thing?? but that’s actually kind of a relief because it means i would’ve gotten a notification every time someone viewed the videos i sent…at least we can hope so 😭 but yesss the switch is on now so i think we are in the clear!!
NO BECAUSE I HAVE IT SO CLEAR IN MY HEAD like at one point reader and karasu are going to be watching a movie together and she’s like on the couch w him and she’s sleepy so he’s letting her use him as a pillow and she’s like “i wish my boyfriend was like you” and karasu’s like “right then enough is enough” and drives over to aiku’s ASAP LMAOAAOAO i’m crying truly every single oaeu story is HILARIOUS (except sae’s bruh i’m still trying to cook w that one) like i also have this clear vision of aiku being like “yo reo you’re so lucky to be marrying y/n” and reo’s like “oh i don’t rlly love her or anything but ya she’s cool ig” and aiku’s like “oh fr??? 👀 she’s hot asf can i get her number…since you’re cheating on her she should be allowed to do the same #women’srightsandwrongs” so obviously reo is like “erm and who am i cheating on her with??” and aiku is just like “nagi 👍” HAHAHA omg i just need to figure out how to add that oaeu flair to the sae version and then it’s full steam ahead because literally every other version is cooked and ready but the miraverse followers chose sae to be posted first and since i lowkey might push requests even further back to work on oaeu i should at least oblige them w that 😭
reo fr is like money never fails 🥱 except it does and reader only becomes friends with him at a party he hosts when she realizes he’s sitting alone in his room because nobody like him for who he actually is…she’s like oh damn wait maybe you’re not that bad…i GUESS we can be friends 😒🙄 and the rest is history and she becomes the most hated girl in the school since everyone assumes her and reo are a fr thing even though they aren’t
HAHA irl mira remains an enigma for now 🙂‍↕️🤫 hopefully the button does its thing and tik tok ceases to try and expose me JFJDKDJS anyways i’ll spam shinah edits below and we’ll see if anything crazy happens 😶‍🌫️
edit 1 edit 2 edit 3 edit 4 edit 5 edit 6 edit 7 edit 8 edit 9 random inumaki edit i happened to see while scrolling through my favorited posts
okay most of those are shinah a couple are hakyona and one is obviously an inumaki one that you’ve probably already seen considering how many views it has but it was too good not to include!! also fair warning most of the shinah edits use the same three scenes there’s truly not enough content of him out there 😭
LMAOOO POST WC KUNIGAMI + BAROU + RAICHI JUST WORKING AS MAIDS AT THE CAFE meanwhile nagi and isagi are like the managers of the place omg it would be a train wreck but sooo funny 😩 and lmao LITERALLY rin makes hiori filming him doing an exposé abt sae and sae is just brutally cancelled and hounded on twitter before everyone stops caring 😭 or alternatively on-field isagi will rub off on rin and rin will say smth digital-footprint-damaging and everyone’s like…hold on itoshi?? like sae itoshi?? and sae just gets cancelled by proxy 😰
THE TRAIN IS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY especially given his teammates…like we’ve got barou’s lion aura…chigiri’s panther aura…nagi’s GOD OF DEATH aura…and zantetsu is. uh. he’s a train. HAHAHAH anyways i’m not too stressed abt chigiri in the present match since we know he continues forward in bllk after it but i’m worried it’s foreshadowing smth happening to him soon in the main series 😓 i’m wondering if he’s going to go out in a blaze of glory during a world cup match where he scores the winning goal but loses his leg in the process 😢 pls i’ll cry but realistically it’s going to happen because no way they would throw that in there and NOT use the plot point but also chigiri has been so so successful in the series that it’s definitely setting him up to hit a massive peak and then lose it all immediately
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computerrvirus · 1 month
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HIII :> I'm BEN! or MYSPACE, or IMPURITY! kinda starting a name hoard right now so, go with whatever! here's my prn.cc just use what's there! :] I use any pronouns so go crazy! have fun with it
yes I'm able ben drowned fictive ^_^ we have fun here! I'm a demon, and a ghost! so stuff about computers will come up alot, since, computer / tech demon!
< I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND PARKER 3 everyone say nice things to him please :)
i love Kesha, and Fnaf! and Video Games and Computers! I tend to make the body listen to shit like party rock, so :-) yk. still stuck in 2014 o7 I like music and, ! i LOVE CREEPYPASTAS!! recently getting into slenderverse too!
I am a immortal , but I am also a minor (older teen aye aye ) and have a gf so I ask no flirting or being sexual w me 👍 or treat me as a baby / child 👍
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# virus located! - talking tag
# browser - reblogging
# my muse - computer / tech tag
# data.abt.me - gender/npt/etc tag
# < parks 3 - gf tag :)
[divider] [gameboy]
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fighting-these-demons · 5 months
They really went for pain with this OP. That breakup is front and center! Ow. 😭😭😭
Thought I posted this a couple days ago but I guess I saved it as a draft.
I guess they have to do Blue Predator's Tragic Backstory SOME time. May as well get it out if the way half way through Season 4. 🙄
I'm gonna be honest I completely forgot that the Inter High has 3 days I thought it just had 2.
So what they're doing is stretching each day into a season and while I Don't Like That because I'm losing out on a whole years worth of whatever the boys get up to and their own 3rd Year Inter High, I do at least understand it now.
You go into an anime and it's so cute and it's about sports and you think to yourself "There's no way this will be triggering! It's Sports! What could possibly happen?"
And then Boom. 👊 💥
If he'd talked to his parents or like literally anyone and talked this shit out I feel like maybe someone could have steered him on the right path but his shame kept it quiet and he met the absolute worst enabler on the planet.
o7 RIP 🪦 kids y'all are GOD AWFUL for each other and literally everyone else around you.
How has an adult not noticed any of this bullshit? Don't they have a teacher for their club?
Good for him I guess? Midousuji seems like he's using him but he's probably aware if that and happy about it honestly.
Wish he wasn't let loose on everyone else though.
Of course the only introspection on feelings and actual confession so far are from him. Of course. Because this is the ONLY Homo in the series and everyone else are just Best buds! Nothing to see here Upper Management!
This is bolstering my Blue Predator Red Herring argument.
Lord if literally anyone else had gotten ahold of this kid he may have been OK after a couple talks. That's what sucks so bad about it.
He may have still been unsettling and obsessive but probably not like predatory.
Idk though that puts a lot of blame on Midousuji and while he definitely pushed him down that slippery slope with both hands there's plenty of hand and foot holds on the way down fir him to stop and get his footing and be like "idk man is this really the right thing for me to be doing?"
And dude just threw his hands in the air and laughed with glee on his way down to the bottom.
Jesus the jump scare
Man good for him that his confession went well and I'm glad they avoided the Show Canceling Next Season Destroying No Homo Beam but like,
At What Fucking Cost though?????
I hope he gets some kind of talking to and redemption. He's got 2 years of high school left for someone to step in and set him on the right path before he's out on his own and he deserves that chance.
Granted I'm saying this halfway through the episode because I keep pausing to avoid the episode so.
Oh geez Midousuji really actively taught him that huh? Then again dude knows that's not cool and does it anyway. 😕
He has sense at the back of his mind he's just actively silencing it to indulge in what he wants.
I haven't called it quits and skipped an episode yet but this might be it honestly. This is so rank. 🤢🤮
You know what good for toxic masculinity smoothing Izumida's self preservation instincts so effectively that this terrifying behavior slides right off his brain like water off a duck.
He just does not comprehend.
His subconscious does but he sure don't.
And I'm glad for him.
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imy2 · 9 months
tlkin abt shows vlongtext
A) watched carol & the end of the world n it was nice to see fat main characters n also for their fatness to not be the central point of them, carol was relatable too .. 'to know that with all this potential i should've raised up but i never did' , - well to me that's how it felt.. 4/5
B) watched kipo ataowb again - loved it ofc, didnt love the fitness raccoons djjgnjd what a ridiculous sentence.. ok they were fine actually im just sensitive </3 then dave aop saying 'that was twice the calories' ... again whatever actually.. 5/5
1-1} just started z nation again :p i love murphy i do .. strapped down n eaten alive like. then dragged around by some military fucks in the apocalypse.. •
"yeah well why don't you take it then" - "don't leave me to the zombies man. don't leave me! don't let me turn, you bastard - pike me! pike me or i will hunt you down and eat your brains!" , and right beforee - hammond 'i give you mercy' to the other prisoner , if that's not a set up. murphy kept chasing that mercy ahhh i feel him i do. then ofc warren right after. 'i give you mercy'. yeahyeah .. •
"it's ok, she was ready to go" "aren't we all" garnett lmfao. •
"well i guess i won't shoot him.. yet" warren's first line to(kinda) murphy. i love rewatching. •
"an ex cop and some others taking shelter in a prison up the road" nod to twd o.O man i shld be allowed to fight rick. nyway.. •
didnt rmbr sketchy and skeezy being ep1 love that excited to watch their story again•
8 bites ur kiddin me.. murphy 🤝 me •
aww 10k intro is saving doc ofc •
zombaby will always be so great .. WAIT i didnt rmbr he fking kills hammond.. welp.. deservedkinda .. lmfaoo "none of this would've happened if you just left the baby" "i didn't tell hammond to go get eaten by a baby" garnett laugh2 •
ahhh citizen z ofc... "here's a little smth for all of u out there w 3000 miles of bad road btwn u and home.. i hope u can hear it" .. 'have mercy or u don't have nothing at all and you're still alive!' •
ok unexpected liveblog of ep1 over...
d2 / /
1-2} we were made to walk thru this fire <- e2 end song, truee o7•
1-3} cassandra ugh <3 :'( each time it gets me so bad •
"everybody out there - whether you're hiding in a cave or running for your life, just keep doin' whatcha gotta do to stay alive; bash 'em, slash 'em, bust 'em, and burn 'em ... whatever it takes, just stay alive - no questions asked." <- citizen z ep3 (lol), 2024 motto ? •
1-4} "i'm telling you - there ain't nothin' there. no thoughts, no memories, no soul - nothing." where'sss my gif.. -"he just, you know, he seemed so... trapped. I couldn't even tell if there was a real person still in there sometimes." zombies 🤝 me (alcoholism esp ofc)•
ahhh doc airvent, classicc... "give me a kiss baby" ok doc did look hot n all covered in zombie guts sayin that but i'd look hotter ^_^ •
1-5} "it got to a certain point where i just gave up - didn't care if i lived or died. then a funny thing happened.. i didn't die. and with everything that's happened, it's been harder and harder to remember the past. i guess that's a good thing, right?" damn garnett. •
citizen z pouring a shot into his dogs used bowl then going 'oops' n drinking it himself. very real i wouldve done that .. "the only thing worse than drinking alone is not drinking" nooo citizen z dont tell me those words •
goodbye murphy's hair u wont be seen again for a while.. his first 4eps look was so cute, his now bald look is nice too•
"and suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. yet it is only love which sets us free." awwww don't think i've ever noticed antoine's writing of that poem in the photobook warren looks at ;-; 'my love always' <3 "i have to wait for him this time. i owe him that much. - it's like you said, i can't start forgetting til i know." •
1-6} damn then right after.. first time sex w new lovr getting interruptd for them to be killed. literally tragic •
"but if we're lucky, someday this will be over.and next time, i hope we get it right." real of u citizen z •
1-7} sketchy again! "we navigated our way up" - "we" with no mention yet of skeezy bc duh ofc "we" . •
1-8} "murphy - don't you leave." "you got me as far as you could." ... "you came back." "i did." •
1-9} "we don't leave each other behind." "i came back for you - i'll always come back for you." / "we never stood a chance." "woah. woah, hold on. what are you saying to me?" "think about it, like.. our relationship - what's it based on? .. we don't even know each other." "we've kept each other alive. we've been there for each other. ... yeah, yeah - we got a lot of bad shit to go through before this is all over, but.. i need you. i don't know what you're talking about, 'we don't have a chance'." "for the last three years, we have never thought about anything past tomorrow. ,, what kind of future do you and i have? what are we gonna do - we gonna get married? , i can't even think about that stuff, like it's crazy, it's impossible." "but we have each other." .... idc abt mack rly also addys s1 hair is ofc atrocious •
1-10} "if i haven't said anything lately - thank you so much, universe - for my whole situation! .. i'm not like other boys, i do not give mercy." murphy again •
1-11} "aw man don't get down on yourself like that; you're a perfect hunk of man-meat, don't you ever forget it." lol doc...also im surprised every time lucy happens s1 •
1-12} murphy got his cool eyes on now.. i want those eyes •
1-13} oo i feel bad for murphy.. doc casually tlking abt leaving him to be experimented on :( also the group casually tlkin abt splittin up.. wdym its the apocalypse y wldnt u stick together...•
oh cassandra :((• also newmurphyagain..welcome blueman
welp that's s1 done.. not sure if will continue taking notes.. just been anxious so occupying time :p
nvm cant sleep yet hehe..
2-1} cassandra :( murphy -_- absolutely atrocious•
"maybe there are worse things than being a zombie. maybe being a starving, fearful, violent, vindictive human is worse." nooo .. too real murphs(lol).. #alcoholism•
ooo hey vasquez •
'love her forever and ever again and love's made a fool out of me' need to listen to that sounded good •
okayyy.. now sleep ig..
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euclydya · 1 year
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me whwn j use this as an excuse 2 gush abr my so.s thanksJGJDKSAKSKCKCKS OK:
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Belase wheree r the fics . the. the. Where ar etheh WHERE ARE THEY DO I AHVE TO FUCKJGN WRITE THEM MY DAMN SELF BC I FUCKING WILL but they will be extremely ooc bc system bias. </3 qiqkskskddkxk
ANYWAYS!!!!!!! I THINK THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF US AND WHAT RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE W EACH OTHER ARE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. LIKE "WE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT" BUT WE LAUGH ABT IT IT'S GENUINELY ENTERTAINING JFJSMDKFFK BECAUSE. *yes* I'm still kinda like "hey self destruct but in a fun way 😀👍!! :D!!!!!" and Vol's still like "No. Stop that." But it's also like. It's not one-sided "Manic dude is trying to hit on the No Fun Super Serious guy" trope or whatever no lmao we Do genuinely. Love each other adn I'm! Gay. Vol is my. Silly rabbit. <3 JDJSKASKDKFK
*Also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's like... nblnb/mlm solidarity. We r both nblnb/mlm... probably? kinda? on some days? I don't think we have genders usually. This goes fr all the Skills but like. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯!! aHdjJFDJDJFJ we're t4t but in *what* way? Good luck figuring that out! JFJDJDKFKF
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me wwehn that's. my OTHER hsuband.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE. ARE. RHE FICS! HELLO!!!!!!!!! H3LLO????!! HEWWO FOR THE LVOE OF GOD HELLO,
idk waht the fuck our relationship is honestly but it's Good And Fun and that's all that matters <3. I jsutuejsjakskdkf. Hehwjaakdd. shehehdhdshhahdeeeeeee. <= me when i think abt encyclo for .5 seconds . <3. im normal!
AND ACTUALLY I've searched through Fayde a lot for both me, Vol, AND encyclo and canonically. I don't think Encyclo has. Any interactions??????? With any of the others??? def not me or Vol though. well. actually no Technically. Ok there's a bit where Vol's like "Ok you know these guys? U can't trust them. They're *compromised.* .... Except this fucjing loser *points 2 Encyclo* he's normal like me :)" but I don't Remember if Encyclo talks during that scene SIDENOTE VOL CANONICALLY CALLS ENCYCLO "PILLAR-BOOKHEAD" HIIII. HIIIIII THAT'S SO FUNNY VOL UR SO BAD WITH NICKNAMES. <3 FJSJAKAKSKDJF
but yeah no 90% of Encyclopedia's dialogue is just Knowledge And Fun Facts. im getting off topic dhejakakakskxjskd but tl;dr. I Lov U Encyclopedia *ggives him a smooch. on hte cheek.*
wait again I forgot abt the Final Dream sequence. Im not lookinf thru fayde for those bits bc 1. It Hurts. Owwie. and 2. That's spoilers we aren't there yet in the game but. what we've seen it's just.... Everyone's having a breakdown abt not being able to do their jobs right and then Encyclo's like. ".... :D I'm trying my best w this pop quiz, dude. Sorry your brain's still a plate of spaghetti LMAOOOO NOT MY FAULT" IT'S *SO* FUNNY AND THAT MIGHT BE THE CLOSEST HE HAS TO ANY INTERACTIONS W ANY OTHER SKILL BUT IDK JFKSKDFJ
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SOOOOOOO. FIRST OFF right off the bat u remember the uh. this:
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that was abt vol lmao [IM HAVE PERMISSION 2 SHARE THIS they dozed off but rhey were gonna write this section initially ajsjdj]
idk what the fuck theu have going on w each other but I'm like Ooo. Oooooooo 👀. 👀👀👀👀👀 JENDKSKFCKDK they're so funny . wheres r the fics dammit [lighthearted]
encyclo & i also lov drama lots but primarily they're w vol and that's chill. good 4 them tbh vol is gr8 JEJSAKSKFJ <= is biased. extremely so
again also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's also nblnb/mlm solidarity but also hOld on the cat just blepped at me oh my god. <3 lov him so much he's floffy. uh. oh right Whatever they r they're trans rights. if ur w Drama ur immediately t4t thank u 4 coming 2 my ted talk
THE BIGGER POLYCULE? just. rhe rest of the skills. except Half Light bc HL is a child.
we r all have smth casually Goig On that's One thing fandom def got right from what we've seen HFHDSKFKFIA and we have collectivelt adopted HL as our child/sibling in some cases. Idk HL just goes around & is like "ur my parent now :)" to others and we can't say no bc then it'll kill us over it. but I digress JFDJDKFKFK tl;dr found family as hell. but the pairings talked abt here r like. The Main Polycule i guess? Idk. HFHDJDJF
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yournightowl · 1 year
Your NightOwl #015
What counts as blackmail?
It’s when someone tries to extort money by threatening to release unflattering info.
But for decades now, the net’s been so big and so omnipresent that like
All the info there is, ends up on there. And once its out, it can’t be erased.
But it can be extremely hard to find.
There’s these 21st century services that specialize in making certain info extremely hard to find. Bad press, unflattering pictures, out-of-court settlements where you didn’t admit any guilt but tacitly accepted the existence of your guilt- the kind of stuff you don’t want showing up on a background check, or a pre-interview screening, or the search results your blind date gets when they type in your name while you go to the bathroom.
Like i said, erasing stuff from the net is
Ok well it’s not always impossible
But it is prohibitively expensive. And even if you pay some net-savant or PR meg to wipe something, how do you know they did it? Just because you can’t find it anymore doesn’t mean someone more skilled can’t.
So erasing stuff is generally off the table. It’s much more useful to just push whatever you don’t like down to the hundred and first page of search results. You won’t be able to stop anyone from finding it, but you’ll prevent everyone from hearing about it. And that’s
A business model. Not the most moral, but hardly among the worst.
But the thing is, it’s a service. You pay for it continually. Ongoing. In a subscription.
So if you ever cancel your subscription
What happens to the stuff you wanted to keep buried?
It floats back up to the top.
So in summary, the way it works is, you pay someone money to keep certain information out of the limelight. And if you ever stop paying them, that information comes out.
So hows that not blackmail?_| ̄|○
Because it’s legal  ( ͡͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
Well thats not the only difference. Blackmail’s supposed to be one and done. A nice transaction like in the old movies, where you slip someone an envelope of cash and they give you the negative.
i thought that it was called the negative because it contains bad info, but apparently a film negative is like
(ꐦ𝅒_𝅒)You need it to make copies of the photo? My friend knows more about this stuff.
Right, so blackmails a one time deal. But with Public Perception Search Engine Optimization or whatever you want to sell it as, you gotta pay these people for life.
And blackmail’s illegal. ヽ༼◉V◔ ༽ノ
Now im sure your first instinct, reader, is to say that if people didn’t want to get extorted, they shouldn’t have done something shameful in the first place. Thats my first instinct too. ( ̄^ ̄)
But i’m not unsympathetic either. People didn’t evolve to have perfect memories. If we did, i’m not sure we would’ve succeeded as a social species.Time heals all wounds and all that, but only because we start to forget. The pain’s not as fresh. You gotta have forgiveness to keep any group from falling apart. 
Tech usually feels like it’s making the world go faster and faster, with time becoming shorter and shorter. But tech lets us freeze time, too. Lets us rewind with perfect clarity.
Time can’t heal anything if everything’s equidistant. If all the pain’s equally fresh.
Anyway, as a show of solidarity to all those suckers out there writing their monthly check to keep their personal brand SEO nice and clean, i wont be deleting any previous posts where i said things that may have made me look stupid. o7
But seriously, don't bring up leetle.
sticking my neck out first and farthest,
Your nightowl
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