#ok this is long i got carried away
hxlda-hxlda · 5 months
Harper! Sleepover ask! Let’s go!!
What are your most specific/niche wolfstar headcanons?
Love being on a sleepover with you love xx🌟🩷
fig the sleepovers between us would go so hard. snacks and wine and absolutely banging bedtime stories.
as for my niche wolfstar headcanons, lord i have so many. here are the first few that come to mind!!
— this comes up a lot in my fics bc it’s like, my no 1 wolfstar thing, but sirius always wants to know that remus is looking at him. sure he’s a bit of an attention whore, but it only rlly matters when it’s remus’ attention. it doesn’t even have to be positive attention, it can be irritation or hatred, sirius just needs to know that he’s being perceived by remus. hence, remus’ most effective punishment to sirius is ignoring him (queue angst in fics).
they’re often nudging each other to acknowledge yes, i’m here, i’m paying attention. + it works both ways as remus is unused to having someone consistently pay attention to him, yet sirius fucking worships the man. it’s nice to have this constant knowledge someone is NOTICING.
— remus always has to be a little bit ugly. he has a slightly crooked nose and wonky teeth and unkempt hair and is just that bit too tall, causing him to hunch over. and sirius has to be fucking stunning, drop dead gorgeous. but then sirius is immediately tripping over himself the minute he lays eyes on rem. everyone is sort of??? but sirius is 100% certain he’s never seen a more beautiful creature ever than remus lupin.
— remus isn’t inherently good at small, gentle things. his fingers feel too long and little crafts/fiddly tasks don’t come naturally to him at all. but he spends hours practicing how to braid sirius’ hair just so he can whenever sirius needs it done. sirius can do it himself, and can definitely do it better + in more elaborate ways, but he always prefers remus to do these shitty little dutch braids and he will wear them till they are falling out with PRIDE.
— when they were like 17 they gave each other shitty stick n poke tats + it was the first time either of their bodies had been marked permanently with love (rather than scars of violence).
— ok a little bit nsfw but im convinced sirius has a massive oral fixation. like remus always has to give something for sirius’ mouth to do (fingers to suck, other things to suck) or sirius will occupy his mouth with plenty of senseless words and moans. he also loves to lick remus. he just wants to taste him, even if he’s slightly odd abt how.
remus, contrarily, is super tactile. he likes to feel sirius constantly. he also loves to mark, a little bit possessive, with fingerprints or hickeys. he just likes to have his hands on sirius.
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lunarharp · 1 month
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uhh another modern au agott follow-up. They've gotten progressively sillier
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r-aindr0p · 10 months
the way you draw rollo so beautifully one second (that priest fit...) and then as just the weirdest little gremlin the next is so endearing thank you so much for the rollo content
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I love drawing the guy in all his forms tbh, every Rollo is appreciated in this house heehee whether it be gremlin Rollo, casual, priest , genderbend or long hair ✨
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marclef · 9 months
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........ eeeeeee this was a lot of fun to draw though i hope you like it!! and it only took me-
*glances down at iPad*
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Banquet ( a @journey-to-the-au fic)
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I had to split this into two parts because … it’s 16 pages and I did NOT want to swamp anyone with a wall of text. I’m finishing up the last bit later today possibly after work or tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy!
If there was anything that Heaven knew how to do, it was to throw a party.
In the most boring way possible to Willow.
The entertainment for tonight’s banquet of Heavenly Delight were four great white mares, set to dancing. The great beasts were dressed in robes so long they brushed the courtyard ground beyond their feathered hooves. Purple and gold, saffron and yellow silk was tied to their manes as they sashayed and side stepped in perfect tandem to the soft orchestra led by Gold Chimes Softly. The drums beat a second heart to the horses hooves. Everything was ever perfect and in time. Not a swish of a tail or a twitch of an ear. Willow heard the bells on the great hooves beat in perfect harmony. Other women from their seats applauded as the mares danced softly from side to side. To everyone who awaited the main course and delighted in the dancing, it was the most marvelous entertainment.
To Willow, she was bored to her wits end.
Not a single spark of spontaneous will, Willow thought as her hands settled in her lap. It was another feast her father had requested by letter for her to attend. Well her and Wukong who-even now after almost hundreds of years!- the celestial busy bodies still whispered that she, Earth Reaching Willow, must be under some sort of cursed spell, some beguilement to be married to him.
Sometimes the pasty nobles and smooth beautiful faces of the lady’s behind their fans and sleeves earned the deepest scorn from Willow.
She looked up to the sky. They were seated in the courtyard of sorts, where the pavilions were open to the air and backdropped by the perfectly cut ivy crawling it’s way up the trellis. The warm air and the music was welcome but also stifling in a sense. Incense burned not too far away, cloying with the scent of cooking food in the worst possible way. Willow saw that every star was in its perfect place, the constellations playing at perfection to please their Emperor. Another laugh from nearby caught her ear over the dancing horses. She turned and saw a few attendants huddled in a whisper, pointedly looking between other guests at the banquet. Seems their is rumor scheming going about. How dull.
I bet none of them have witnessed the beauty of a star shower from earth.
She hid it well however, her scorn. Willow couldn’t understand how anyone would choose Heaven over the ever changing earth below. None of these thoughts made themselves visible on her face however. Schooled and taught, bred to peaceful serenity, Willow let nothing ripple the calm of her outward appearance. As cool as a northern star, as serene as a flower in a vase.
Captive peace was hardly true peace. It was stagnation. It was the loss of what made the peace worthwhile. Willow had experienced that feeling: of tumbling in the grass, the heat of the fire as a lightning strike burned a forest down, of the sea and its salty spray in a storm. Willow had felt the movement of a world and it had caught her and held her constantly in its motion.
She took a sip of wine to hide her mouth as it began to slip into a frown. The wine may be of the best quality, brewed by the greatest hands and purified in the finest crystal, but it would never compare to the joy of the toasts her earthen family held in their patch of paradise. Of how when Ba got into his cups he would challenge his sister Ma to a duel of jokes and japes. The music made by Sweet, a kind little monkey, was a better tune and full of more life then Gold Chimes Softly well placed and organized orchestra. Sweet could play a jaunty tune upon their flute, while the rest of his little musician group followed along. They could whip the troupe into a frenzy of dancing and table jumping. Willow had danced before, controlled and reserved like the Mares in their bells and ribbons. But dancing within her husband's court had been an experience she never would have imagined missing. The dancing wildness and stamping feet, the spinning from partner to small partner, the joy that filled the air and the laughter. It had been better than star wine - it had been an intoxication that had left her heart drumming and face smiling wide.
The horses finished their beautiful dance and the court clapped. Willow clapped too. The mares did wonderfully. It was not their fault that the dance felt too restrained, too controlled.
Her father was happy to have her home. Willow could tell by the very evident glances down to his daughters from his seat at the head of the table. He had all of his family arrayed about him, basking. Willow made polite conversation that only scraped surface level with her sisters and the passing women who came to visit her seat. Willow complemented the lady’s jewels and colored gowns. To the men she disarmed a hundred pointed comments that were trying to dig beneath and get to the root of what would be tender and delectable tea to spill in court.
That great sage- he drinks with a gusto! Is it always this way?
Translation - is he a drunk ?
My what clothes. Such a unique style it must have been picked up in his travels!
Translation: He dresses like a Savage. Is He a Savage to you?
Willow had almost slapped another adviser who had pointedly remarked on the lack of children they had and questioned Wukongs ability to perform.
Her sisters, oh her clever sisters, had rallied to her defense in the most courtly way they could: they turned him into a piece of gossip to throw back to court.
“Did you hear?” Wind Over Sea stage whispered to Autumn Leaves Falling.
“Oh do tell!” Autumn Leaves Falling flashed her most wonderous smile, catching the Advisor in her trap.
“Seems that Moon Shadowed Clouds husband has been kicked out of their bedroom!” Wind replied, making direct eye contact with the Advisor.
“How terribly pitiful!” Weaves the Clouds remarked from her cushion beside the other sisters. The Jade Emperor watched from above, keeping himself out of the gossip.
“Wasn’t he caught drinking down in one of the mortal brothels ?” Autumn added, her eyes slashing toward the advisor.
“I heard it was on his Wife’s birthday to boot!” Winter Frosted Grace sniffed, setting her cup of tea down.
Her sisters turned in unison to stare down the Advisor with such cat like intensity.
“For shame!” Little Weaver Girl, the youngest of the brood of women, said loud enough for the court to hear. Little could get away with being louder than the rest- she was adored by their father and was the master weaver of heaven. Her creations had been sought after by all the courts when their father had worn one of her robes that Little had made. “Trying to twist your bad fortune onto my sister.”
The advisor, of course, made a swift exit with red ears and wounded pride.
Willow was thankful for her sisters. They alone understood that Willow, for whatever reason, had found comfort with Wukong and was truly happy. They didn’t see why she wished to remain down among the earthly mortals. Her happiness was what they valued and, like a streak of tigers, would defend with witty claws and well disguised barbs any that fancied a go at making court gossip from the Emperors family.
Willow wished for the upteenth time that she could bring the lot of them to their mountain. To see what she saw. She knew deep down that none of them would really understand. Except for Little. Her youngest sister often snuck from the court to watch the common people live their lives and to see the other mortal weavers of the world. Little would love their mountain. She began to think of Flower Fruit Mountain as theirs - her and Wukongs. It Held so many memories- so many joys and sorrows.
Where was Wukong?
Willow was surprised he had been absent so long. Wukong was still a bit unaccustomed to the Celestial workings of the court and it’s people. Even after attaining buddhahood and becoming an enlightened master, Willow knew that the gossip surrounding them would never die out. It was tiresome to interact with people who still brought things up from almost centuries ago.
She cast her gaze about for him and saw a flash of his red fur—
And his teeth.
Willows stomach fell, like a falcon folding her wings for a dive. Straight to the bottom of her soul
Wukong was surrounded by a swath of richly dressed courtiers, lords and men of the Palace. They kept a respectful courtly distance but Willow knew it was too close. Her dear friend was giving all the warnings she had learned over the centuries together to read. His eyebrows had been raised at the beginning of her watching but now they lowered, the teeth on full display. A smile of aggression. A smile that said ‘I take offense’. He felt accosted and would soon act upon it. For all the calm that had been taught, her husband could not forget that he was a creature that had to fight for so long.
Oh these utter fools, Willow thought. They still don’t know when to leave him well enough alone.
It would be their fault for not understanding Wukongs simple and very obvious attempts to walk past and around them. But another man would join, asking to hear of his teachings from the Buddha himself, and his eyes would make direct contact with theirs and the teeth would shine all the sharper. That wasn’t a smile. That was a promise of violence.
Willow knew if Wukong reacted it would only cement the court's opinion of Wild Beast they saw. Willow had to act fast before the feast turned from one of peace to one of violence. So Willow, setting her goblet down whispered to her nearest sister, Winter.
“Catch me.”
“Beg pardon?”
And then Willow, with the grace of all her years of acting and tricking the witless fools of Heaven, swooned and fainted. Winter caught her, crying out in more surprise than worry.
Willow made sure she brought her hand up dramatically to her face, the sleeve covering her mouth. Her elbow she had knock into the tray that held food and Willow was rewarded with the loudest clatter of porcelain cracking onto the floor beneath them. The goblet she had placed was sent flying to spill into the rug beneath their cushioned seats.
Sorry father. I know you wanted a peaceful night with us all.
Her dramatics had the desired effect: the court all took in a sudden breath and some gasped. She heard her father call to her and the worry in his voice made Willow's heart beat with a bit of guilt.
“Sister?” She felt hands shake her shoulders in worry and looked up beneath lashes into Winters frosty face.
“Play along, so that way the court doesn’t catch on.” Willow whispered and her hand subtly pointed to where Wukong had been- and where he was running up to her.
“Willow!” He sounded so worried it made her heart give another guilty squeeze. His hands had grown in size, meaning he had made himself larger than regular. “Are you alright my love?”
Willow looked just beneath her arm as she brought it up higher in a mock groan. But he was close enough to hear her now.
“Let’s go home.” Willow could see the stress lines on his face, the anger that had been there cooling like coals in a fire.
“Seems my sister fainted.” Bless her, Little was close enough to see that a game was afoot. And she always approved of games. “It’s been so long since she was at the Palace after all. The scents may have overwhelmed her.”
Wukong looked down just long enough to see Willow give a wink. Some of the tension leaked from him and she could feel it leave his hands. His fast mind seized onto this statement (now that he was given a signal that this was a ruse) and elaborated upon the story.
“My wife was worried about tonight. The winds over our mountain have been so clean and clear while Heavens incense must have overwhelmed her delicate nose.” Wukongs arms took her up, face close to hers.
“How did you know?” He mumbled into her hair. He didn’t ask her if she knew what. Wukong understood that she was doing this for him in some way. It was the intuition of being with each other for so long.
“Saw those courtiers - the fools.” She barely moved her lips to speak and was glad to have her sleeve covering her face. She couldn’t help the smile as he blew air into her ear, tickling her.
“You are a Heaven send.” He said to her then addressed the court.
“Seems my wife needs to clear her head. We will head home on the leave of my Father-in-Law the Jade Emperor.”
“You may go, Sun Wukong. Let me - let me know how she fares will you?” The worry that made the end of his voice tremble at the end had Willow feel just a bit more guilt.
Sorry Father.
Willow felt Wukong bow his head and then they were away, faster than a falling star on a path back to earth. Once past the Celestial guards Wukong tapped her shoulder with a claw and Willow dropped her act and sighed.
“Thank small mercies.” She sighed, gazing out at the fast approaching world below.
“Mercies exist but they are not small.” Wukong said. “I’m holding one in my arms.”
“You flatterer.” She laughed at the sappy look he gave her and she pressed his nose with a delicate finger. “Come, tell me true- what we’re those vipers cornering you about?”
“Seems they were beginning to question my … ability to … well …” Wukong was looking everywhere but her, the wind blowing across his fur. It couldn’t hide the blush turning his face and ears into a tomato.
It only took a second for Willow to understand- and she turned in his arms to glare back into the sky. “I will flay that Advisor!”
“Yes. The little shrew of a man must have set the rumour to running before he approached me himself.” The coward. She was glad her sisters had known enough gossip to spin his dilemma into a full show for the court. Willow touched Wukongs cheek, worried. “Tell me what happened.”
“They started asking about my ascension in Buddhism and asked about my teachings. Then they started … well. In on the questions of you and me and our… intimacies.” He was so uncomfortable that he was rubbing at his forehead, claws leaving little red marks on his exposed skin. “It started making me uncomfortable and I couldn’t see or get a clear path to return to you.” Wukong sighed. “I’m sorry Willow.”
“Sorry? You have nothing to apologize for! That man had come up to me and my sisters to dig at us for information as well.” Willow chuckled, remembering how Little, Winter, Cloud and Autumn had perfectly embarrassed the man. “Of course you know the sort my sisters are- even if they don’t quite approve of me living on earth they won’t stand for such pointed questions.”
“You were asked about children as well?”
“Yes and I was about to slap him.” This made Wukong laugh. They sped past a cloud front, promising heavy rain. The mountain was coming into sight now within a sea of jet black turned silver by the moon.
“I would have paid good money to see it. The second slap heard in all of Heaven!” Wukong chortled. Then he sobered. “I’m sorry again.”
“Stop Wukong.” Willow caught his face and pressed a kiss to his temple. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
And then her stomach gave a tremendous growl, like the traitor it was. It took the wind from her words and flamed Wukongs look of timid regret.
“I pulled you away from the feast before you could even get a bite in.”
“We have all the food back at home.” Willow countered. Cursed stomach. As the Mountain got closer and the silence stretched a bit longer Willow looked back at her friend. His face was concentrated in thought that was slowly beginning to brighten to delight.
“Wukong, I know that face. What are you thinking ?”
He was silent, trying to make his face neutral again. And failing miserably. Once they had stepped down and onto solid ground, Wukong set Willow down and returned to his original size.
“Wukong…” Willow tried again, but was interrupted as the two sentries that night, Ma and Ba, came bounding forward, weapons drawn. When they saw it was Wukong and Willow they relaxed and called greetings.
“My King? You Return so soon!” Ma said.
“Was the feast good?” Ba asked, his broken tail giving an agitated flick.
Wukongs face was fully alight with a genuine smile as he looked at Willow then back at his family.
“The feast was a drab thing of mediocre blathering. We will outdo them here!” The Monkey King walked forward, taking Willows hand gently. She followed, knowing that she was about to get her answer to what Wukong was about to do
“Ma! Ba! Call the troupe- fire up the ovens. Set Water Curtain Cave in its best ! We will have our own feast that will rival Heavens!”
“Yes my king!” The two answered in unison then sped off, whooping and calling and waking all of the mountain for a feast. Ma grabbed at her brothers ear and yanked, getting ahead of him. Ba snarled in mock aggression, swinging his leg to knock Mas out from under her. The two had turned it into a race and it didn’t seem that either would make it out without a few bruises along the way.
“They seem eager for it.” Wukong laughed. He led Willow into their home as the lanterns were turned from their sleepy glow to a bright blaze.
“Wukong …”
“Why a feast? I don’t need a feast — I would be satisfied with a simple fruit tart and some water.” Willow felt a bit guilty as she saw sleeping mothers poke their heads from the stone homes and peer out at the ever growing and excited crowd calling for feasting. She saw the kitchen fires light up like a twinkling row of stars coming to life.
“Nonsense!” Wukong assured, pulling her along. “ Why should Heaven have fun and we not have any? Besides I have to find a way to thank you for saving my pride while you lost a bit of your own.”
Was that what this was about ?!
“Oh Wukong it’s fine! Women are expected to faint and fall over themselves with the silliest things.” Her sisters had fainted countless times. Mostly to attract the eye of a gentleman or women they thought was beautiful or fancied. Willow had seen Autumn take the most spectacular swoon, right into the arms of one of the generals! Maybe theatrics ran in the family. Wukong simply shook his head. The idea had him now, the excitment of competing with Heaven growing brighter in his eyes.
“I won’t hear of it.” Wukong declared. Willow forgot how competitive her friend could be. But he also was hiding something else he wanted to do. She could read it like a book.
“You are planning something else are you not? Don’t lie, I can see it on your face plain as day!” She teased him, his mirth infectious. The whole cavern was now alive with the news- droves of the family were coming out now gathering in the banquet hall with foodstuffs to share and enjoy in. Wine was being brought up from the deeper colder caves and already the air smelled intoxicating as the cooks set to work.
It was Wukongs turn to wink at Willow now as he left her at her room door, smiling softly. “You will see~”
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one day i'll make an actual tumblr post for my new chapters of the pacrim au. maybe tomorrow. hopefully.
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Thinking about Frank vs Russia again. And about the confirmation that the SINNED system was created at the same time as the DENNIS one. We know Dennis perfected his system for women but we haven't seen him ever date a man or keep a man. We have no confirmation of what he's done, and based on Dennis' eagerness in knowing if Dee and Mac got 2nd dates, I like to think he's never even tested it before. It was all based on observations. He kept it secret all these years and finally saw potential now to test it out through them. When's the second date? He's eager to know. Does it work.
And it does. Ofc it does. It was foolproof. He knew that.
Dennis isn't against a romance with Mac. The system exists since s6, Dennis clearly WANTS to keep a man. He just doesn't understand how that's already happened. Mac likes him? Wdym, he hasn't done the steps yet. Dennis just confirmed that the system works.
We know Dennis' outburst basically meant "You can't be in love with Johnny because he doesn't love you Mac, I don't love you. Move on."
But it also meant "You can't be in love with Johnny because Johnny is me! And you're not in love with me!"
Dennis is rejecting love on all grounds, in both directions. This isn't part of the plan, part of the scheme. This isn't his goal, not now. He's not ready and Mac isn't either.
The goal was simply to get Mac's attention back. To bring them back on equal footing. To be friends again. Dennis is fixing the friendship first, and Mac is being impatient and an idiot and jumping at romance and ruining the careful pacing Dennis is creating.
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meatlessmcmuffin · 2 years
do u guys like transfem genderfluid sanji. hey
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kaserolly · 1 year
The past 2 days I've spent cleaning and rearranging stuff all around the shelves next to my worktable and I've just realised today how much I needed to do this... And it feels so rewarding and fulfilling 😌
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nepotizma · 1 year
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’  honestly  ?  ’  asher  begins  as  he  throws  his  HOOD  up  ,  waiting  for  his  co-worker  to  finish  locking  up  .  ‘  i’m  not  gonna  lie  …  she’s  cute  .  like  really  cute  ,  i  had  like  the  biggest  crush  on  her  like  last  year  .  but  she  was  dating  that  douche  and  it  didn’t  SEEM  like  it  was  gonna  end  so  i  forced  myself  to  get  over  her  .  ’  he  informs  the  other  as  the  pair  began  heading  in  the  d i r e c t i o n  of  the  parking  lot  .  ‘  and  after  you  brought  her  up  for  like  ,  the  fifth  time  …  i  figured  that  she  must  be  into  me  and  it  sounds  so  dumb  ,  but  i  tried  to  force  myself  to  like  her  again  .  ’    he  laughs  as  he  shakes  his  head  ,  realising  it  was   an  IDIOTIC  thing  to  do  –––  you  can’t  force  yourself  to  like  someone  .  ‘  i  mean  ,  i  guess  it  didn’t  work  because  i  literally  can’t  stop  thinking  about  you  .  ’  
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visionkept · 2 years
incoming big surprise hug to her older sibling figure !! uwu
          As the sun sets in, golden rays of an early spring morning brush over tousled sandy locks. The faint current of the forest feeds upon the mess it is, free yet tangled. However, Tomoya doesn’t mind, they are used to the WILDERNESS around them.
Having to bear to prevail, this wouldn’t be the first time they have found themselves living in these conditions ( nor would it be the last ). A camp set in the wild, where two tents made out of the cheapest materials offer them shelter, it’s not much but it will do for the time being. That’s the life of a wandering samurai and. . .  of a WANTED CRIMINAL.
Following their pending earrings, they take this time for themselves to get back on track, cleaning stained clothes from yesterday’s little incident. 
The moment is still clear in their mind; a humble miso soup cooked by theirs truly spilled all over their dear haori thanks to a certain brunette. After that, they had to share as there wasn’t enough to replace the one wasted. Although they didn’t get mad, Tomo had to hear her non stop apologies for almost five minutes. She would have gone on for an hour if Tama hadn’t found the remains of her soup in their clothes and tried to clean it off with small licks, breaking the tension in the air and making the two laugh out loud.
The memory alone brings a smile out from the samurai, hanging the real victim of such clumsiness, their scarlet haori, in the nearest tree they could find. This rather domestic moment is followed up by a hum accompanied by the chirps of awakened birds, a shared melody between those who coexist and HIDE within the natural walls of the Chinju forest.
It’s as if here, in the deepest part of the forest, there were no conflicts or wars to worry about, PEACEFUL was the word that could describe it the best. They couldn’t stay here for long but it bought them enough time to prepare their next move.
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( We could go to Watatsumi ), they thought, ( I heard they are accepting refugees ). But then again, that means having to cross the bloodshed. . . ( It’s too dangerous, I’m not risking her ).
Ideas come and go, they were running out of places to hide. She doesn’t need to know that. It’s alright, it’s okay ! They will manage, they always do, they have to. 
( If I save enough mora, I could get a boat and maybe we could- ).
The sound of rustling bushes behind them had the ronin snap out of their thoughts. The crushed withered leaves with every step gave it away. Knowing Chihiro was sleeping in the tent ( away from danger ), slowly but surely they approached, there’s no katana in hand that would ensure their safety but even without it, they could give a good fight. 
       One step at a time, one second after the other, approaching what seems to be. . . .
❝ Meow. ❞ Tama ! ! ! You almost gave them a heart attack !
A sigh escapes their lips, they should really stop overthinking too much. . .  after all, they are safe here, SHE IS SAFE AND ASLEEP RIGHT NOW, and if someone comes they will────
                                         ❝ SURPRISE HUG ! ❞
A TRAP ! They have fallen on a trap, HER TRAP ! Tama was only a DISTRACTION, a cute white fluffy DISTRACTION. The yelp that leaves their throat is genuine and truth to be told, makes them feel a bit embarrassed after recognizing the small silhouette hugging their figure. What a rascal. ❝ Didn’t hear you approaching, well done. ❞ Cautious steps and a fitting strategy had gained her today’s victory. Well deserved. But most importantly, her stealthiness has drastically IMPROVED ( will come useful in the future ).
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❝ You are getting quite sneaky, Chi-chan. ❞ Ruffling her hair, they reciprocate the affection. It’s a bit unusual to act so affective, so touchy feely with someone they haven’t known for even a year. Nonetheless, they had decided that CHIHIRO was the EXCEPTION. What kind of brother would they be if they acted all cold towards their own sibling ? ❝ Hungry ? Let me prepare some LAVENDER MELON STEW for the three. Try not to spill it though──  ❞ Hey, they are only teasing ! Kind of. ❝ Pfff, don’t give me that look ! I’m only messing with you, Chi. C’mon, help me pick some LAVENDER MELON. ❞
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puzzlekinq · 2 years
Do you have any predictions, or things you'd like to see happen in The Batman 2? (besides seeing more of Eddie, of course)
OOOOHH ok so im horrible at explaining shit sorry!! so basically batman villains have continuously just been portrayed as silly guys that do crazy shit because why the hell not, but theyve rarely delved into why theyre Like That. in the movie we saw why edward was completely delusional and unstable, we got answers that werent just "heehee hoohoo im a goofy guy and i kill because im Evil and Wacky!!!", like no, he has reasons for why he acts the way he does, he was ignored and treated like insignificant garbage his whole life, hes traumatized and was abused growing up, plus he was already pretty messed up before all the riddler stuff, BUT THEN, he suddenly gets a mass amount of supporters that adore him, are so incredibly devoted to him, and see him as their god, basically. hes finally getting the love and attention he desperately craved all this time, and now he believes the riddler is someone he has to become, like he finally found his purpose in life, and all that combined turned his instability meter up to 300%. SORRY i started ramblinf about eddie 😭 but ANYWAY i want to see the villains have more depth is what im trying to say!! give them a deeper reason for why they became the way they are!!
oh also, i know you said besides seeing more of eddie but idk if this counts as just seeing more of him, but i wanna see how his and jokers relationship unfolds, because we all know joker doesnt actually see him as a friend. the joker literally canonically hates the riddler, so its obvious hes just using him for his own personal gain, but i wanna know WHY. their "friendship" is possibly going to make edward more unhinged, its gonna be unhealthy and toxic and joker is gonna manipulate the fuck out of him because yknow. hes a cunt. joker is going to worsen edwards mental state even further, and as much as i want edward to be happy, we all know its not gonna happen and we're all just gonna have to watch his sanity completely deteriorate, but that will still be interesting to me!! its gonna be messy and infuriating and im gonna love it
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dendrahrah · 2 years
011.   pinkie promise . / idk if I sent one or not! But heheh
[soft touches / closed]
I want to go back home.
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Dendra Iwai doesn't cry very often--the last time she truly sobbed was during the fallout over her devastating karate injury--but as she sits alone on a bench in Alfornada with the aching feeling of homesickness crashing over her repeatedly like a terrible wave, the sniffling Paldean newcomer swipes at her eyes, hot tears cascading down her temples.
She felt so alone here.
As a new instructor assigned to the region's most prestigious academy, Dendra was almost immediately looked down upon by her more senior colleagues, professors who scoffed at her youth, inexperience, childish pep, and Battle Studies as a whole. There were exceptions to this rule, of course (Hassel, Saguaro, etc.) but the Academy's 'old guard' routinely twisted the former superathlete's professional life in a passive-aggressive hell.
Outside of the school, Dendra found little respite--the Pokemon of the area were unfamiliar to her, resulting in some close calls (a barely-missed Tauros charge scorching her favorite jacket, a screeching Annihilape chasing her into the next town over with pure rage burning in its eyes, among others...) But, work life and new injuries aside, Dendra was soul-crushingly lonely, so new to Paldea that she didn't know where to turn for help. She missed the support of her mother and father. She missed the guidance of Chuck and Master Kiyo. (Her old PokeGear didn't pick up much of a signal out here...)
She didn't make a hard-earned recovery from her karate injury just to live life like this.
Suddenly, Dendra is pulled out of her miserable reverie with a gentle hand on her back, a soft cloth dabbing at her tear-soaked cheeks. She looks up, and her jaw falls open slightly, face flushing somewhat as the instructor gets her first look at Tulip, Leader of the nearby Alfornada Gym. Dendra hesitantly introduces herself as well, face flushing as the doting fashionista continues to fuss over her. This situation is certainly embarrassing, but something about Tulip--maybe its her emotional perceptibility, maybe its simply the lavender scent of her pocket cloth--puts the new teacher completely at ease. Yes, something about this meeting just feels right.
Tulip asks the right questions, and Dendra--ever the open book--falls apart almost instantly, laying out her journey, accomplishments...and all of her insecurities. And yet, Tulip never judges her once, even opening up a little in turn. Before either of them know what has happened, hours have passed on this little Alfornada bench. It's just been them talking, reminiscing...complete with gasps, laughter and vulnerability.
As the sunset begins to hang low over the magenta horizon--Tulip reaches out to squeeze the battle-worn hand of her newest friend. For her part, Dendra feels better already, a massive weight lifted off her chest following this (lucky!) chance encounter. With her confidence returning, the rookie instructor raises a pinkie in the air, and Tulip does the rest without hesitation, her manicured, polished nails glittering as she completes the swear with a laugh that makes Dendra's heart swell. It's the start of a beautiful friendship (one that eventually convinces Dendra to stay in Paldea for good) and a mutual promise sealed with a childlike vow, one that they haven't broken since that fateful evening. I'm so glad I met you.
And from here on out, I've got your back.
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wcvensouls-archive · 2 years
Cyno knows that Tighnari is not fond of the desert. The Mahamatra does not fault him - it is a vicious place, with a climate that does not forgive. Before coming, he had stocked up on some food, and enough water to last them the trip out and back. Even his cloak had been worn, but only because he knew that Tighnari would be struck by the intense hear near-immediately.
Halfway through their expedition, and he had already draped it over him in order to block out some of the heat since it felt as though they were sitting directly under the sun.
By the time the sun began to grow weary, Cyno had reached over to partially hold his hand. Skin contact during the highest peak of heat is less than desirable, but he could not help but to wrap his pinkie finger around Tighnari's. "We're almost there . . ." He cannot help but to chuckle, looking out of the corner of the eye to see his inevitable reaction. Rarely the overly expressive type, but when he is . . . "I mean it this time." He wouldn't have made him walk an unreasonable amount. Though, he hopes Tighnari will find it worth it.
Luckily, they made it before the sun had completely settled, and Cyno is quick to take a seat and pull the other man down so that he can sit between his legs. Water is shared, and it isn't long before his arms are wrapped around him, and his chin is on his shoulder. Nothing more is said, deciding that the scenery can speak for itself when the darkness does not truly come. The milky way sits right above them, as beautiful as the first time he had seen it.
The forest is too crowded, and Sumeru is too bright. It is only out here that one can truly admire the beauty of the night sky - yet it is Tighnari that Cyno cannot stop watching. "Happy birthday, Nari. Thank you for trusting me enough to bring you here."
        once, when he was younger, tighnari had learned about the lineage he came from and their possible connections to the desert, which had sparked curiosity in the mind of the future researcher. so much so that he ended up paying it a visit, but it didn’t take very long for him to realize that, if they had truly once lived there, their genes had long adapted to the rainforest and were far from being suited to the scalding hot sun and sand. although that was a long time ago, tighnari still remembered the effects of the heat that had rendered him unconscious until his father brought him back home, which meant that he avoided coming to this place as much as he could  —  and when he truly had no choice but to delve into it, he was always incredibly careful and wary of his own state.
        however, this time it was different. he was in cyno’s company, after all, and there was no one he knew that knew this desert better than the general mahamatra. while tighnari would still suffer with the sun and feel that his clothes were much too uncomfortable because of it, he had full trust in the mahamatra and knew that, no matter how far they went, he would be safe  —  and that cyno would make things as comfortable for him as he possibly could, given the harsh conditions of this place. it was precisely because of those factors that tighnari had not hesitated to agree to such an invite, especially since he could tell that cyno had something in mind when asking to accompany him in the desert.
         still, the forest ranger did his best to prepare for the trip, unaware of exactly how long it would be. he had packed many snacks that he thought would be well suited, tons of water containers and the lightest pair of clothing he could find, something that would protect him from the sun and sand but not weigh too much on him. unfortunately, there wasn’t much he could do about his tail and ears, but he would do his best to deal with it. he was sure cyno was also preparing for this trip, but he wanted to do his part too and be able to carry some of the load, at least.
        yet, there was nothing that could have fully prepare him for what he was about to experience. of course he was much more resilient now than he was as a kid, but it was still a struggle. cyno’s cape was truly a blessing, giving him an instant relief that he very much needed. it was impossible for tighnari to not curl up into it, nose picking up easily on the other’s scent coming from it and basking in it. he didn’t shy away from cyno’s touch, even giving the pinkie that wrapped around his own a light squeeze as he took one step closer to the other while they walked. when he talked, tighnari didn’t sound half as annoyed as he thought he would, but instead said in a very lighthearted and almost playful tone.  “ how do you survive on this heat?  it is truly remarkable. ”
        despite it being uncomfortably warm, however, tighnari had to admit that the desert was full of wonders and beautiful sceneries of their own. still, none of them compared to what he witnessed the moment they had reached their destination. when the sun went down and night began to settle, tighnari’s eyes widened with wonder as he looked at the sky in front of him, utterly speecheless for quite a few moments. once he finally spoke again, his tone was soft, brimming with undescribable feelings.  “ oh, cyno, this is... this is truly outstandingly beautiful. ”  it was then that he looked behind his shoulder to the companion he had on this journey, the one he would have for the rest of his life  —  even more beautiful than the night sky above them.  “ how did you find this place? ”
         not that it mattered, as he was just happy to be there after such an arduous journey, especially with his company. leaning back, tighnari placed a gentle kiss against cyno’s lips, letting it linger for quite a few moments before pulling away to speak again, in a whisper that was meant for his lover’s ears only.  “ thank you for bringing me here. ”
@flametethered  :  birthday asks .
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ropes3amthoughts · 19 days
I’m a curious cat. I’m so curious I would get killed an infinite amount of times like Sisyphus pushing that boulder up the hill. I would stick my nose in a hole in the ground and when a crab pinches it I would go “owie ow ow” and then do it again five minutes later. Knowing things sucks sometimes yet knowledge calls me like a siren song.
Often I think of this short story I read where this guy finds a book of infinite knowledge and he becomes obsessed with the book and shuts himself away from the world and all he does all day is read the book and try to record everything inside of it until one day he realizes the book has taken over his life and he gets rid of it because like that’s literally me. When I got a copy of Journal 3 I shut myself away, got out a notebook, and spent my entire day decoding it. I recall spending like 6 hours decoding Bill Cipher’s letter with the like Atbash Cipher or whatever it was by hand in my notebook and it hurt my wrist really bad and my parents got really concerned about me and they told me they don’t think I’m normal and they don’t want me to do stuff like that again. If I got my hands on the Book of Bill y’all would not see me for like two days and then I would emerge with a little notebook full of crazed notes and code solving attempts and I would be foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog and I would share everything I found like a mad man.
I love to know things. I wish I could know everything though I know it would drive me crazy. I lust for knowledge like it’s food. I want to know who random people are vagueposting about though I know I won’t even know the person they’re talking about if I was told the name. I want to know how the universe was made. I want to know how to speak to plants. I want to know the fastest way to scale a set of stairs. I want to know how to learn to be satisfied with myself. I want to know what every person thinks of me. I want to know why people do the things they do. I want to know why I exist. I want to know how to build a car from scratch. I want to know how to do a backflip. I want to know how to express myself better. I want to know a solution to every problem there is. I want to know everything despite the fact it would make me rip my hair out and double over because a human mind could not fathom that much.
How fascinating is it that there is so much we can never know? We can never know thoughts never shared or words never spoken. We can never know what happens in the future or after we die. We can try to learn every single thing that is tangible, past and present, but we could never know it all. Maybe I could learn the name of every dinosaur, but how would I know one in particular, which had an unusual pattern and a twisted leg and a name that I could not understand, all lost by the tides of time? If I knew everything about how to make curtains, how would I know of someone else who is a curtain maker and has made the most gorgeous curtains there are, that are tangible and by all means should be able to be known of, but I am unable to discover them for myself? If I knew every official language, how would I know which one to speak? How would I ever know the language of babies or cats or the moon or the fantasy languages of movies and books or the code languages made up by a pair of kids half way across the world one thousand years ago?
Even if I had gotten my hands on every tangible piece of knowledge and tried my hardest to familiarize myself with it all, I simply couldn’t. I could not comprehend that much knowledge, and even if I did, I still would not know everything. I would not know things lost to time, forever in the past or concealed from me in the future. I would not know the things I cannot perceive like the feelings of a Raven in a parking lot in the distance that I only spotted for a few moments before it flew away. I would not know the things that exist outside of Earth. If there were bacteria on Mars that celebrated their existence, could I ever know that? Could I even begin to be on the same level as bacteria? If they celebrated birthdays in a way so different from that of humans, how would I even be able to tell?
Any knowledge I hold is but a molecule in all of space and time. Soon space and time will take it all away from me. Maybe I will leave some behind, and it will be shared, but soon all of the knowledge on Earth will be taken. When we’re all dead and gone and there’s nothing left, who will know anything? Will the knowledge still exist without anyone to perceive it? Will all the knowledge of all life on Earth from every single time be washed away like nothing one day?
It’s funny to think that all of humanity is so small, but depending on how you look at it, everything can be so big. My knowledge is nothing compared to all the knowledge there is, but to my little little sister I’m the smartest person she knows because I know how to name wolves in Minecraft and do multiplication. To an ant, I am a god, possessing the knowledge to kill them all and destroy their home in a single blow, or the alternative, to help them cross a gap in the sidewalk and give them a piece of food that would last them weeks.
When I look at it from so many different points, who even am I? What do I matter? When I am both powerless and the almighty, how do I go about that? Where do I fit in the scheme of it all? What am I meant to know? What am I meant to tell? Do I even know anything at all? Given that anything is possible since nothing is certain, do any of us really know everything? The sky is blue, but is there not a very small chance it is somehow some shade of purple that we have mistakenly identified as blue all this time? How can we even know anything is real?
#this was just going to be the first paragraph about me being a curious cat but I got carried away#I think I might’ve started disassociating or something everything feels fake#like how do you know what’s real? what’s a hallucination? what’s a dream? what’s the Mandela effect? what’s a placebo? what’s in your head?#what’s out of your head? what is a simulation? how can you ever even know?#is to be mortal not to know nothing but to know everything insignificant and be unsure of it all#it’s insanely frustrating that we are so small and ignorant of so much but that’s being mortal I suppose#if we knew everything could we even be happy? what even is happy? you can’t even quantify it#I think to be mortal is to realize you are alive and to panic but you just have to say ‘ok’#being alive is so overwhelming sometimes but you just have to be ok with it all#it’s rather terrifying but we just have to keep being alive until someone or something decides it’s enough#when we are alive in memory are we really alive? does it hurt to live so long? are memories ghosts?#does killing them free the spirits of those remembered? is being alive a good thing? are we trapped in mortality? if there is an after#will it take us by the hands and kiss us all better? will we be all better?#y’know what I don’t think my meds are kicking in yet#idk what’s up with me but maybe I just haven’t processed my meds yet and I’ll feel better in a couple hours#I don’t really think I feel bad though I feel soft? like my body is loose and coming apart. it’s like I’m holding myself in my hands.#I think I just need to chill out for a moment#rope/spider post#long post
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
I still can't believe they're charging THAT much for the shadow of the erdtree dlc... for like 2/3 of the base game price there fucking better be 100+ hours of content in there 🤨
#the dlc actually costs more than i paid for elden ring itself bc i originally got it for 40% off lol.....#just looking at it again bc every few days im like maybe i should preorder it... and then i see the price tag and 😐#to be fair i wouldnt put it past them to have 100 extra hours of gameplay bc elden ring is a fucking insane length already#but i dont know if i would even want to play 100 extra hours thats so much girl i work full time u cant do this to me 😭#ok im sure it wont be that long. but probably a good 30 hours i imagine based on how theyve priced dlc for other games#maybe 40 for me bc i like to explore things thoroughly....#i dont think their pricing is usually that unfair tbh. like yeah 50 quid is wayy more than i would pay for most games but im prolly gonna-#end up with a solid 200 hours by the time ive done absolutely everything so it is worth all that. and its so incredibly gorgeous#ive had days playing it where ive almost felt like its real like the sheer level of detail.... damn!!#i like the sound of the sote levelling system tho + some of the bosses look cool..... but im NOT playing it for a few months at least#im gonna need a longass tolerance break once ive 100%ed the base game. gives them time to roll out bugfixes for sote anyway#and idc abt seeing spoilers n stuff bc i waited 2 years to play elden ring + completed it + now have 140 hours and frankly-#i still dont know shit about the plot. sorry thal wasnt paying attention she got too carried away by her bloodlust#god forbid women do anything......#anyyywayyyy. im gonna play a little and then head off to bed. hope i can sleep better tn but we'll see w these meds innit#.diaries
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