#ok this got very rambly and off topic
Happy early birthday! I hope you’ll have a great few days and get to celebrate with something fun 💕
Thank you! My local movie theater is doing a Studio Ghibli weekend, so I’m going to go see at least Howl’s Moving Castle. Other than that, I’m mostly going to be cleaning my apartment because my whole family is descending in two weeks for my retirement ceremony.
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snow-and-saltea · 4 months
sometimes replacing an emotion with a perhaps-equally-worse-but-for-different-reasons emotion works (even if its not healthy. we're not getting to healthy right now we're getting to what Works). today i was so pissed off about how the day was going and i felt so guilty for the kitties that i haven't been able to feed yet that day that after i cooked i just got into the car and drove to get cat supplies. and i didn't feel anxious as i usually did when i drove, and that is because i felt Angry instead. and it helped move things a lot
i understand how people fall prey to using anger as a motivator now. my mind was empty except for getting cat supplies and getting out.
at least i got to go to the bank today, so i'm able to make donations that i haven't been able to recently. head in hands. so, you know. silver linings
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solardrop · 1 month
love bites
spencer reid x reader
summary: a drabble where spencer won't give you a hickey on the neck tags: fluff some suggestiveness. no smut but its implied so ill say 18+. inaccurate medical discussions. talks about veins and arteries and strokes. i think this can be read as gender-neutral? word count: ~0.9k a/n: something short and sweet from my drafts I decided to pull out of hell so it's very rough around the edges but I still think the concept is cute! I was watching tiktok and a very qualified and well-trusted source said this can happen so obviously its a real statistic that spencer reid would believe. Let me live ok. Not proofread!!
“People actually underestimate the dangers of certain erotic activities like love bites. There have actually been some well-documented cases of people dying as the result of hickeys. There was one case in Mexico about a 17-year-old boy dying of a stroke caused by a blood clot in his artery from a hickey his girlfriend gave him”
You blink slowly at the man you were sitting on, baffled by the absolute nonsense pouring out of his mouth. 
“Spencer, you do realize you’ve left marks on me before?”
“Never your neck,”
“Yes you have-” you pull back to think. You bashfully recall the few times you two have been intimate. Marks littered across your thighs, chest, and ass; hell even a few on your shoulder blades. But for the life of you, you can’t recall the sharp sting of his teeth marring you anywhere above your collarbone.
“Ok fine, but you have bitten me on my thighs a lot.” you recall, “I remember when you got shot in your leg and damn near bled out. So is my femoral artery not a concern of yours doctor?”
He looks away with a coy smile. HIs cheeks redden as he stutters to put his words together. 
“Your femoral artery is a bit deeper in your body than your carotid is in your neck. The skin on your body is actually about two times thicker than..”
Spencer begins to ramble about delicate nature of the neck, firing off related statistics and study facts without missing a beat. You listen carefully, still amazed by overflowing well of knowledge your boyfriend could be all the time.He looked confident like this. His eyes would brighten and every trivial connection he could make to another topic would have his lips twisting with mirth. 
This time, with the topic at hand, you find your focus locked on his neck. His adam apple bobs with every syllable out of his mouth. The pale skin of his collarbone exposed beneath his frumpled collar teased you from your high vantage point. The skin was pristine, not a blemish or scratch in sight. You pause. Have you never given him a hickey on his neck?! You run through the cataloge of your most intimate moments all over again realizing the clear absence in your relationship. 
“... so you aren’t in much danger with your femoral artery for superficial injuries like a brui-oh—!” 
His words are cut short by the graze of your teeth at the base of his neck. You don’t bite down yet. If this was something he wanted to back out of, you’d let him. You wait for him to react, kissing the pulse point that picked up pace since the first touch of your lips to the delicate skin.
You continue to mouth as his neck. Licking at tender spots behind his ear earn you little moans, followed by sharp gasps when your teeth follow in their wake. You move to pull away after a moment. He didn’t throw you off and scream attempted murder when you started, but he also hasn’t been begging you from more either. You’ve teased hm enough for one day, kisses and lovebites on his sweet lips and elsewhere were more than enough for you anyways. But before you could pull away a firm hand at the back of your head presses you back into the crook of his neck. His other hand wraps tighter around your waist, sliding you closer to him, every inch of your body pressed against his. Got him.
“Please..” he whispers. 
Spencer’s voice starts with a crack, he takes a moment to clear his throat before he continues, “You can… You can leave a mark”
“But Spencer!,” you mock a startled gasp, “Your precious and delicate carotid!”
“I think just this once is fine..” he murmurs, “and I trust you”
You beam at his honesty, ending his suffering to press your lips to his neck again. You remain gentle. Running your lips along his skin, sofly grazing him with your teeth now and again. His breath hitches above you when your teeth graze that spot behind his jaw once more. You focus your attention there. Kissing and licking and blowing until you sink your teeth down into the flesh. 
A choked groan bubbles from his throat, the sound egging you on. You suck the spot into your mouth, careful to not be too aggressive— while you didn’t totally believe hickey strokes were that much of a danger, you still dont want to fuck around and find your way into that embarrassing statistic. 
When youre pleased with the variety of sounds you pull out of your love, you sit up to admire your work. Spencer looked at you in a daze, eyes cloudy and bottom lip pulled so tight between his teeth you’re sure he’d have a bruise there too later. Your eyes drop to the love bite at his neck, the skin deepening in color the longer you look at it. You tap the spot gently with your pointer finger beaming at the wince it earns you. 
“Feeling any signs of stroke or a heart attack doctor?” you tease.
“No, but we’ll need to run a few more trials to have a real experiment here.” you cackle at his sly wording when he pulls you off his lap abruptly, pinning you below his body instead. 
“We may also need additional test subjects for this research to be truly viable.,” Before you could fully process his meaning he attaches his lips to your neck with a smile.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Orphan from Hades, outcast from Gehenna
I've wanted to do this for a long time, and I finally got around to it. Here I collect all the details that this sweet lamb has in common with Hades. ...aaand some rambling about him and his Solomon thing, because why not.
Yes, I miss him very much. Yes, I did it just to look at his beautiful face. Get ready for a collection of screenshots.
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We all know that Sitri is a little... ok, very delulu about Solomon. As strange as it may sound, this is the most superficial of problems. This is eye-catching. But underneath the irritation he causes there is much, much more, and it is not good for him.
In the first part we will go through the facts and his connection with Hades, the second part is my long rant. You will have marked what is where.
PS. Sitri lovers, don't worry. I belong to this nation myself, it's not a hate rant.
Jealousy and distrust
Do I even need to mention it? He's regulary call out for this. And this is the jealousy he feels especially towards the Solo MC. During the Halloween event, he was even called out that, paraphrasing, "at this rate, maybe you really should leave Gehenna and go back to Hades". Unfortunately, I don't have this one screenshot, so you'll have to take my word for it.
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Not only MC is a person which makes him jealous, but also his king. Offtop, Satan knows this and really enjoys irritating him. Apart from Sitri, MC and Leviathan (so probably all others kings too), I don't remember Satan trying to annoy anyone so purposefully, but it may be me just not remembering.
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Additionally, constant doubts. Sitri has always distrusted Leamas, and if it weren't for Satan, he would have killed him on the spot. The first thing he does when Marbas appears and threatens us is pulls out a gun and puts it to his head (he is justified here because the kings did the same). In the Christmas story, whenever he sees Gabriel, he immediately throws knives at him.
Who else kills everyone who has even a 1% chance of threatening Hell?
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Let alone the thing that they know and remember each other.
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It doesn't mean that they knew each other very well or that they were friends. But, for example, Sitri and Bimet did not know each other. Since both Sitri and Leviathan remember each other even after some time, Sitri must have spent a lot of time in Hades. No wonder he took over their vibe.
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Also, a little spoiler of ch5, just as Sitri only called us by our name when we drifted off into the land of sleep, Leviathan in his H-scene only softened when we were so unconscious that we could no longer remember it.
Weapon of choice
I have already addressed this topic here. There's no point in me dwelling on this too much. His weapon is straight from Hades. We mark this point off as obvious.
Mark & clothes
Here's a slightly more interesting thing, I admit that I noticed it only later. The tattoo on Sitri's neck. We see that it is a pentagram assigned to Satan and Gehenna, but I want to point a little curiosity.
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At one point, the Sitri's symbol on his neck and Leviathan's symbol in his eye were the same. Also, very distinctive - Levi's symbol on someone's neck.
The second non-obvious thing is his clothes. Sitri is the only noble of Gehenna wearing all black. Nobles from Hades also wear black. Does this refer to this? Not necessarily, because we know that Satan's closest commandos wear dark uniforms the same as him. Sitri as a noble and Satan's right-hand devil may combine these two features.
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Some headcanons and rambling
The part where I tried to be objective and draw facts ends here. Now let me happily chatter on how I interpret his behavior
bUT FIRST, I still have some unused screenshots, and how can I miss such an opportunity? PB why did you create something so beautiful?
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My aesthetic sense is satisfied~
So. Let's go to my ramble. This sweet creature has huge abandonment issues. He is intelligent, and even Ppyong is confused and explains that Sitri is usually really smart, but with us he goes crazy. Besides, you can see that he behaves quite normally around others (the only exception, he can sometimes become detached around Satan).
As for our name, he knows it, and he is aware that we are not Solomon. The famous words at the end of his H-scene. So why does he call us Solomon? Because he is unable to come to terms with his departure? The easiest excuse is that he misses him and projects him onto us. That Solomon never left them and those years never existed. That Sitri doesn't care about us, that he only really wants Solomon.
But I like to think of a slightly different version.
To Hades belong the orphans, to Gehenna the outcasts. And Sitri belongs to both. We don't know what he went through, we don't know what's going through his mind, but we see his behavior towards others. He is calm and perfectly controls his emotions even during his H-scene. He is smart and morbidly suspicious, what we see a lot. Finally, he must have everything under control, to such an extent that in some matters even Satan does not try to fight him (the most striking example is that he is the only one who gives Satan blood).
When he saw us, of course, he felt the familiar spirit of Solomon. But what he really liked was us. His emotions were out of control and it scared him. So he dealt with it the only way he knew how. He can't afford to trust again and be let down again, so he forced his true emotions that he felt towards us into the "it's just love for Solomon" box. Because he has already experienced mourning for Solomon and he can cope with it somehow, maybe not well, but enough to function on a daily basis. If he was rejected again, he wouldn't be able to cope. And he can't afford it.
He is Satan's henchman, prince of Hell and The Guardian of Gehenna. He can't show weakness. He can't break down. So the defending remnants of his sanity did what they could to maintain the fragile status quo.
Does he know what he is doing is wrong? Of course. Does he realize that he is hurting us? Of course. But he is one of the highest generals in a country at war, he has to deal with all the nobles, he has to support the king, he has to be ready to fight at any moment. And his Hades mentality makes him willing to sacrifice his happiness (and last crumbs of sanity) and our liking for him to protect his king and country.
Emotions cannot be controlled. But he tries nevertheless. If he didn't feel such strong emotions towards us, he wouldn't try to deny them. If someone is traumatized, they do not always know how to properly cope with it, and his mechanism is not healthy, it harms himself and us. But what else is he supposed to do? We know the approach in Gehenna. Only strength counts. Besides, he is the "responsible one" who would listen to him and help him? We? The moment we deny him, his psyche will collapse like a house of cards.
Maybe I'm exaggerating, overinterpreting, or it's just a running joke. But after how well-developed the characters are so far, I don't want to believe that his brain just turns off with the snap of his fingers.
After all this, I only have one question.
Sitri. Baby. Who hurt you?
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Can you draw or talk more about Toby and Eyeless Jack or even the X-Virus?
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YESSSS i can. heres a lil doodle to get me started.
OKKKK the little concept in my head has slender's MAIN GOAL being to prevent any paranormal/supernatural stuff coming out to the general public. hence his proxies being made to get rid of tapes, evidence, and kill if Necessary. sometimes slender makes paranormal/supernatural ppl help out his human proxies "as payment for refuge" in his forest. SO that sorta explains how toby and jack know each other and why jack helps at all. he can't rlly go out to the public so he's stuck with these assholes. it's not really supposed to be a 'mansion' trope, moreso random cabins and shelters littered about the forest, but it could work in the mansion au too
Imma ramble abt toby n jacks friendship (in my head) under the cut + a random x virus doodle
as for toby and jack specifically. toby is impulsive, aggressive, can't feel pain, and doesn't know what's good for him, so he's forced to get help from jack a good bit. for a long while there was hella tension between them since, again, jack isn't helping these guys out of the goodness of his heart. he's helping them bc the forest their boss resides in is the only place he's relatively safe. jack has a weird mix of a inferiority and superiority complex, since he envies toby's humanity but also feels like he's 'better' due to toby's own . . violent habits. toby thinks jack is pretty cool from the get-go ('wooow ur grey..') but he gets pissed off with jack's questions and demands of 'DONT RIP UR FUCKING STITCHES' and 'u have a concussion don't fucking scroll on your phone for 5 hours a day'.
toby has no idea if these demands come from actual concern or annoyance, and frankly, neither does jack. regardless, toby's with jack a decent bit. partially since jack makes a lot of people really uncomfortable so it's easy to go hang out with jack when he doesnt wanna deal with anyone else but still wants company. eventually theyre capable of some decent banter and conversations. theyre both mamas boys so thats a very weird touchy topic that they kinda dance around but both feel very deeply and know the other relates. THEY MISS THEIR MOMS SO BADLY.. :( mayhaps one year toby helps drop off flowers to jack's moms house for mothers day. jacks way too ashamed to even get within a 10 mile radius of his mom. that's kinda the moment things really shift between them and they actually become friends.
toby also asks abt university. lyra was at community college until she passed, and toby never considered college as an option, so he gets curious on what he missed out on. he also likes to share stuff abt lyra and their old shenanigans. tim and brian have used his childhood against him multiple times before, and it's not like he's gonna trust ben or jeff with that information. jacks sort of like a void he could talk into. jack feels uneasy talking about his life before the sacrifice, since he misses it so unbelievably bad, but toby accidentally got him to talk about it while treating a burn before.
ok and to top this fucking essay off heres xvirus. i had no idea he existed until this year and someone sent me an ask about his updated design, so he's some scribbles for him :9 his concepts super cool tho so maybe ill get more into him later on
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s74rf1sh · 9 months
Woah it’been a while since my first post…
ANYWAY, I’m in a very sleepy mood so here’s cuddle headcanons for the turtles
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-This guy is so goofy
-Constantly grabbing at your ass or tights to massage them while teasing you about it
-He loves to lay on you or having you lay on him
-Lots of churring and snuggling (if you have a prominent chest it’s not yours anymore, it’s his)
-Muffled rambling about literally any topic
-Praises your body constantly (not in a sexual way, this guy is just head over heels about you and wants to make sure you know it)
-“I have no idea why you worry so much, you’re so damn beautiful”
-PLEASE take his mask off and gently caress his face markings, this guy will MELT
-If you’re not laying down he’s definetly resting on your lap ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒⁱⁿᵗ ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱᵗˢ ᵒᵇᵛⁱᵘᵒˢ ⁱ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᵗⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵍᵘʸ
-He’ll play with your hair, even braid it if it’s long enough
-Even massage your face if he’s in the mood
-Will nibble on your neck playfully AND tease you about your reaction
-Will gently squeeze your hips and/or shoulders
-I guess the preferred location is his room, but the couch is comfy too
-If you’re having a movie night all together he won’t be shy and lay on your lap (ᵒʳ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵃʸ ᵒⁿ ʰⁱˢ)
-Of course he will refrain from squeezing your ass or doing TOO intimate things…
-But yeah, he will cuddle with you in public if your comfortable with it
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-He’s baby
-Tried to be the small spoon but miserably failed
-(you got slight injuries by his shell and he never forgive himself about it)
-He likes to squeeze you to his plastron and feel your heat
-He often wraps you two in a big blanket, morphing in a big burrito
-He does chur, but it’s really really low and hardly hearable
-Snacks and hot drinks while you cuddle>>>
-If someone were ever to walk in on you two he’d be so fucking embarassed (probably hiding his face in your body)
-He doesn’t mind if you take his bandana off or not, but if you wear it yourself? Oh he’s jumping on you.
-Asks April for advice💀👍 (especially the first times you ever cuddled together)
-Overthinks a little too much about your well-being (I feel ya buddy) what if you’re uncomfortable in that position? What if you’re not hot enough? Is his smell fine? Are you bothered by his churrs?
-Please comfort this poor guy
-Is teased by his brothers (*COUGH* Leo *COUGH*) about him being so vulnerable when you’re around
-As you probably already guessed he’s kind of embarrassed around his family, but holding hands sround others is so special to him
-It makes him feel as if he’s telling the world (his family) that you’re his
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-Ok let’s be real: he’s VERY touchy
-He’s basically cuddling with you 24/7
-Takes every opportunity to kiss or hug or snuggle you throughout the day
-When you two are alone he just doesn’t let go of you LIKE
-“Mike l need to use the bathroom” “OK :D” “…Le-Let me go” “wwWHY..?” “I NEED TO PEE” “I CAN COME WITH YOU”
-You’ll eventually get him to let you go for a few minutes
-He LOVES when you even slightly match his energy and also crave affection (even if you won’t admit it ;))
-Doesn’t really care where you are or what position you’re in as long as you’re both comfortable
-But if he had to choose a position he would probably like facing and spooning
-Churrs happily and loudly, not giving two fucks about who hears him🫡
-Squeezes your cheeks (the puffier they are the more full this lil guy’s heart gets)
-If you’ll let him, he’ll draw small doodles on your hands or arms
-Cuddles in public couldn’t be less of a problem for him
-Just say if you’re ok with it or not and he will obey (except for a few stolen kisses in case you say no)
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-Will NEVER admit how much he actually enjoys your cuddles
-Will have you sit on his lap as he works, chest to chest
-…or you laying on his chest and viceversa
-The very first times he kept everything on- battleshell included
-But after a while he allowed you to take off his mask
-The shell thing is a bit more delicate (Yk?Cause he’s a softshell turtle? God I want to hang myse-) and might take more time
-But if you play your cards right he’s throwing it out the window in a few months
-When he’s not rambling he’ll just lay there and melt in your touch
-Whether you’re running your hands through his bare shell or caressing his face and muscles he’ll just let you love him
-He finded it hard to let you cuddle him, let alone him cuddling you…
-A lot of patience is needed but will be rewarded
-Him inviting you to lay on him, rest your face on his shoulder, sometimes he will even kiss you first
-Ew I’m getting diabetes MOVING ON
-Cuddling in public is usually a big No-no, but there’s situations where you’ll get a text from him where he just—
-“Cuddles in bed later?”
-You smile at him and he acts his blush off…
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yuu-kumeii · 1 year
A/N : I swear this is just a Kiyoomi drabble, the set up just got a tiny bit too long
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Ok so imagine the MSBY 4 having to make a 'day in the life of' type vlog for a promotion for an upcoming game, event, or collab. Where everyone can take turns holding the camera and vlog about their individual days and routines, so the whole video would be like a compilation vlog showcasing the team in their purest form.
Shoyo and Koutaro will absolutely just ramble on camera about every little thing that happened to them, often getting distracted when it's their turn with the camera. At times both are just going on about their mornings when either one of them holds the camera while the other 2 members just walk in silence behind them.
Being able to capture moments like Kou forgetting he's supposed to put the camera on the bench to get good enough shots of their practice, so the shots of their practice were from far away with a clear blur to it or when Shoyo accidentally dropped the handheld, picked it back up quickly and immediately apologized to the coach while offering to pay for it despite nothing being actually broken. All caught on camera, blurry figures and a lot of fast camera shakes.
Out of the 2, Kou is the one who most likely forgets the next thing he's going to talk about because he was focused on the current topic. He may be older but that doesn't mean he changed all that much, it's still ok though, the marketing department in charge of the editing said it makes him look all the more approachable.
Meanwhile, Shoyo is the 'golden boy' of this vlog. He's energetic, humble, kind, encouraging and he has just the type of face that screams 'We look forward to your support! I promise we won't let you down!'. He also does the same things Kou does, but he gets visibly flustered when he forgets. Everyone would find that cute, the marketing team just knew it.
He and Kou are on the same basis in terms of the 'pure and lovable one people just can't help but support' but they're on different wavelengths.
Kou appeals to the crowd that just craves this type of whimsy and fast paced energy, someone who forgets to think before he does most things but will be the most visibly sincere about apologizing that you can't help but forgive him.
While Shoyo appeals to a more mellowed out side, much like Kou but he's a bit more aware of his actions and surroundings. He does have his moments though and that paired with his pure hearted nature just makes it sweeter to watch.
On the other hand, you have Atsumu and Kiyoomi. Two very different players with very different appeals on camera, yet able to have some of the best back and forths throughout the vlog.
Atsumu, to no one's surprise, will try to capitalize every part of the screen. Whenever it's his turn to hold the camera, it's his turn. So much happens in such a short amount of time that it felt like he was on a multi-week reality show and not a one day vlog, he would go on and on about himself and his life story that it's hard not to feel like you've known the guy your whole life at that point.
Not to mention the amount of mishaps he tries to shake off is enough for his fans to make an entire compilation video. It's so much fun to see Atsumu trip, stagger that clearly shows he was caught off guard, then going back to vlogging on camera like nothing happened while the others laugh behind him. Other notable things were Kiyoomi 'accidentally' serving a ball straight into the back of Tsumu's head while he was explaining his routine on camera and Atsumu also accidentally dropping the camera but instead of admitting it he just pretends nothing happened.
Too bad the editing crew decided to keep that little moment in the video.
One last tidbit that showed Atsumu being just as caring as the sunshine pair was his 'attempt' at subtly promoting Onigiri Miya throughout his parts, emphasis on attempt. Because he would say things like,
"I like ta' go to Onigiri Miya sometimes, cause' I gotta brag to Samu' about another win ya' know? The food 's also good,"
"Is this an ad for Onigiri Miya?"
Yeah, no one believes him. But it's so cute, watching him deny every accusation that he wants to brag about his twin's accomplishments as much as his own. Samu definitely put in extra fatty tuna in Tsumu's onigiri for that, don't tell him that though.
And lastly Kiyoomi, your boyfriend and very captivating volleyball player of the MSBY Black Jackals.
Every time he's on-screen, it's just a whole different energy. Calm and collected with minimal words, a drastic difference from the many life stories you get from the others, Kiyoomi prefers to be as vague and general as possible. However, even if his talking is minimal, he still manages to have some of the funniest shots in the video. Courtesy of the other members helping to fill Kiyoomi's segments.
Though the one moment you can say will stick with you, and him, til the day you probably get married (hopefully, fingers crossed). So, each of the boys have a little clip that encapsulates each of their characters and dynamics with each other. Those moments include Shoyo and Koutaro having a little game of rock-paper-scissors in the corner of the gym, everyone trying to imitate Kiyoomi's bendy wrist, 3/4 of the MSBY 4 getting reprimanded by Meian while the rest just watch with smug looks.
All the best moments that show how close they are in a little montage. The moment you're referring to, is this clip of the Jackal's gym. Empty and quiet, the lights are still on and everything is in its place. There, in the corner on a bench, is Kiyoomi sitting by himself. Munching on some dried plums from this little white packet, just sitting there.
It's not something you can explain but seeing him there alone, not to mention the way it was shot that made him look teeny tiny, just about did it for you. The second that clip was shown, you were gone, sent to the sky never to return.
He just looked so small and alone, it's so sad but it's so funny to you. It gives you the uncontrollable urge to coo at him and kick your feet a little, the b roll of the shot just slowly panning towards his little big figure on that bench minding his own business.
He's so little, so cute, so by himself in that gym and he's so going to be your fiance because you want that clip played in your guys' engagement party as one of your reasons to marry him.
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trinkerichi · 3 months
(Related to my first question) ohhhh ok i see. At first i thouth this was gonna be more of a wholesome au but guess not. Characters desight looks very creative, the main cast looks like old toys you see a long time ago and jax looks like a disney animal you see in early years of films, also pommi is by far my favorite becuse she's just soo cute!
Haha I got ya! That's the best thing about old fairytales, they always have some darkness to them! And thank you for the compliments!!
If I may ramble slightly off topic for a bit,
I love the digital circus pilot SO MUCH and it's so well done. But whenever a story grips me I love to think about how I would write my own take on it! So that's what I wanted to do with the Toybox au.
A big part of that is lulling the audience into a false sense of security before gradually adding dark elements. I mean think about it. Pomni being kinda miserable is her thing, right? It's her constant state of being. But wouldn't it be soooooo effectively crushing if she had started out carefree and excited for the circus? If it was implied that she CHOSE to walk into this, unaware it would be her permanent fate? If she was just slightly more optimistic, trying to find hope where she can, only to find it pointless again and again? If the crazed smile she has at the dinner scene was lampshaded by a genuine smile from the beginning of the episode? It would be SO CRUEL AND EVIL!!! I LOVE IT! Some kinda fable-like lesson there about too much escapism being detrimental.
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aita for telling on a classmate??
(tw for homophobia and antisemitism)
(emoji so i can recognise it)
this is like really long, im sorry, i tend to ramble.
also my native language isnt english so i translated a few words i didnt really know with google translate which may be unreliable (talking specifically abt supervising teacher here, but i explained what it means just in case)
also i use all pronouns, listed my gender here as 'idk', so putting this here to clear it up
ok so this might sound really dumb but listen, in my (15idk) class there is this one guy, lets call him wit (15m) and ever since we started high school he's been really troublesome for other people. for further context hes very strongly catholic and frequently talks about his political opinions.
many students of our scholl agree that this would not be much of a problem if he kept at least some respect for others while doing it. wit is infamous in our school for making extremely homophobic and antisemetic comments, ranging from usage of derogatory language and insulting a guy in our class because he's partially ethnically jewish, to stating that homosexuality and transgenderism is mental illness, to saying gays should get shot, making up crazy statistics about pedophilia in the lgbtq+ community and taking a photo of himself doing the nazi salute while holding the flag of the third reich (we live in a country very heavily affected by the holocaust to this day. jesus christ dude). (note that our school has a quite large number of queer people so making these comments in such a public space is already a bit iffy imo.) he also states his opinions as fact, and when somebody tries to debate him on these things (he claims he's up for it) he keeps interrupting them, and in some cases calls them an idiot.
wit actually was in another class before, he switched to ours because his classmates and supervising teacher (translation might be wrong, went off google translate - i mean the teacher held responsible for what the kids in their class do) couldn't stand him (there are rumors that he tried to sue her actually?). our supervising teacher (29m) is well aware of this.
today, he was grading us on our behavior (idk if american schools do this?? it has to end up on our report cards at the end of the year here, we're graded once per semester) and the topic of wit's behavior came up. the day before this, he had gotten into an argument with this one girl, let's call her gabby (15f), because she had 'taken his seat' in our physics class (we don't have assigned seats, and the teacher invited a few kids from another class to write some missed assignments, so there were more students than chairs). wit started off calm, when gabby told him she was there first, he got mad and started shouting at her, and when she didn't want to give up her seat for him (she was calm about this!), he started to attempt to physically get her off the seat by pulling or pushing her off. as far as i know, three people in our class recorded this exchange.
wit got graded 5/6 for his behavior (very good) after our teacher vowed to lower it because of the amount of complaints he was getting about his behavior. this was before our teacher found out about yesterday's situation. today we had two classes with him and he was going to dedicate both to talking about our behavior grades, so we told him about how wit acted yesterday. our teacher was reasonably a little pissed at wit for getting physical, as well as shouting at a classmate. wit tried to defens himself saying he was calmly telling 'this unruly, undeserving of such respect girl' to piss off, but as i said, several people in our class had video evidence of what he did.
the conversation quickly shifted from just the fight in physics to wit's respect for others (or, more appropriately, the lackthereof). this is when his rampant homophobia was brought up. several people in our class voiced their concerns about how most of us feel really uncomfortable when this dude's out there wishing death on all queers. our teacher was really mad at him for continuing making his homophobia this public when he was already repeatedly told that he makes people uncomfortable with it. we also brought up him calling people who dare not have the same beliefs as him idiots and left-wingers (as an?? insult??).
wit's behavior grade was changed to 4/6 (good)
after class, our class president (15f) and i went up to our teacher to show him screenshots of wit being transphobic, not to humiliate him further, but to provide proof of the claims about him still openly hating the lgbtq.
wit seemed to notice this because a few hours after school he texted me to talk about this situation. it started with him being frustrated about getting a 4, then saying he believes he should get at LEAST a 5 (note: he cited 'i respect others' as a reason, lol) and then it very quickly spiraled into him shit-talking gabby and our class president (he called gabby 'wild' and our prez toxic). i told him that he should be happy hes only being graded based on two months (our teacher said he's only taking the time wit was in our class into account, imo this isnt fair at all but ok), when his behavior was somehow better here than previously and that the girls deserved their grades (gabby got a 5, prez got a 6, both are very helpful and in my experience very kind people) and that the reason his grade was lowered was because of the lack of respect for others he was demonstrating right in that moment. he then said i was fake and called me a kabel (polish slang for snitch basically)
i talked to my parents about today, and they said wit is a bad person, but is in the right in my conversation with him. i disagree tbh but im also not entirely convinced im right either because i might have taken it a bit far, but idk, aita??
also im so so so sorry this ended up being ao long, i didn't realize how chaotic this story is until i wrote it all down lol
What are these acronyms?
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wishmaker-astra · 4 months
Name: Astra Tsiolkovsky
• Default Preference: she/her
• Friends Can Use: it/its
• Though honestly as long as you're not a dick about it whatever works
Species: "Jirachi" (?)
Occupation: Astrophysics Doctoral Student
Other: Mute, psychic, former human
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[Credit: Amber Aria: https://www.sunset-aria.com/]
Hey internet, I'm Astra Tsiolkovsky. I'm a doctoral student studying astrophysics in Unova. Ask me about science, engineering, and Space Stuff™ if you want rambles.
See my full about page
My Website
I use the "cw: topic" format for tagging that kind of thing.
//Mail: [reinterpreted as parcel post]•Mystery Gift: [discretionary]•Magic Anon: [off]•Union Circle: [off]
//[OOC Notes Below Cut]
Check with me OOCly before sending anything ICly transphobic to her. After a couple instances of this, and one OOC Totally Normal ask, you guys have lost privilege of me accepting and rejecting on the fly with the hope you'd know when to stop.
If you fuck this up more, I'm going to mandate all asks about IC transphobic stuff get approval OFF ANON first and will start blocking anons over not asking OOCly. That said, I know some of these are hard to recognize for those of you who've never had to think about it in depth. Just think twice on if need to ask please?
Similar applies to her jirachi status. I'm a bit more lenient and open to this one, but, like, please use your brains. If it gives a setup for her to dunk on religious weirdos though, I basically have to be in a really trash mood that day to not give the OK to that.
Will Not Interact:
Magic Anon
Fae deals/name stealing
Meta Horror
4th Wall Schenanigans
Very dark topics
• This includes post-apocalyptic stuff to be clear
Mental Alteration/Mind Control related subjects
• I WILL just ignore things, have Astra behave utterly OOC, blanket refuse to interact with characters, and/or just suddenly drop interaction as if never happened if required for this
Other Notes:
I try to treat her experiencing rotomblr as *just a website* as much as possible. Granted, one with weird multiversal connection that she will assume is due to ultrahole shenanigans she doesn't understand yet
Lose combination of games and anime setting, leaning more towards the games
Pelipper mail will be interpreted as regular parcel mail being sent to her via student services.
Please keep mystery gift to minor items at most. She's a grad student as part of her character, part of that is putting up with tight money situation.
Astra's got the full abilities of a jirachi potentially, but is completely unable to use them yet. Think of it as getting a new limb suddenly.
Assumes sentient pokemon are rare, and mostly limited to:
• Ones with decent canon support (rotom inhabiting devices with a CPU, mewtwo, one off instances such as Meowth, latias, etc)
• Certain humanoid and/or psychic types raised in human society in a way that  "bootstraps" them during critical development periods (e.g. Gardevoir line treated as effectively human from birth)
Feel free to treat her as a kid screwing around on the net with a character if you want or similar if it makes sense for your character's setup or personality
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jessicas-pi · 3 months
is it possible for the ask game, if you could do either starbirds and wolves or a guide to the mythical and mysterious (the sabezra mythical creatures au) with directors commentary?
OOOOOH MYTHICAL & MYSTERIOUS DIRECTOR'S CUT ok buckle up I think you've unleashed a ramble monster because this AU has SO MUCH WORLDBUILDING that I haven't got to yet, and I might go off on some tangents. I'll try to restrain myself but I make no promises.
Soooo, I'm just gonna kinda read through it and talk about things as I come to them!
Okay, right off the bat, there's the framing of the fic. It's basically one long scene of Sabine & Ezra hanging out and reading each other's diaries for fun, with a ton of flashbacks. But in the first draft, the framing of the story was completely different! Instead of Sabine & Ezra reading the diaries, it was Rune (their adopted daughter) and Jacen who stole the diaries and were reading them! It had a lot of funny lines, so when I changed it, I saved all the old scenes to be reworked/rewritten into a companion fic.
Oh, another thing! So, Hera is a siren in this AU. Something I learned while researching mythical creatures is that there's basically two types of siren in mythology: the ones that are the same as mermaids, and then there's bird-women with singing powers. She's the bird-woman kind of siren because she flies! (Also, I made her a siren because the first thing Kanan noticed about her was her voice. In the very first draft, she was a selkie, and she and kanan had a meet cute where he very innocently picked up her coat that she'd dropped to return it to her and she thought he was stealing it and tackled him.)
And on the topic of selkies, Zeb's a selkie! He's purple because of a prank gone wrong. (Sabine thought the dye would wash right out of his coat! Honest!)
OOH, so, I just got to the part where Sabine's diary entry is about Ezra joining the crew, and that reminded me! One flashback scene that I wrote and ended up cutting was how Sabine and Ezra met. It was very little-mermaid-esque, but with a lot more confused screaming.
Hmmm, not much I can think of in the next few sections...
It had been rough at the beginning, but ever since he got rid of that red crystal pendant he brought up from the trenches of Malachor, he’d been much easier to get along with.
So, in case context doesn't give it away, the crystal he took from the trenches of Malachor is basically the Sith holocron. Dark side planets/places in general (Malachor, Dathomir, etc.) are various trenches and such in this---the deeper in the sea, the Darker the place. And Malachor itself...
Well, lets just say, I may have been slightly (incredibly) obsessed by the deep sea as a kid, so Malachor is my JAM.
Instead of a Sith temple, that giant pyramidal structure is replaced by an underwater volcano. The various pillars and columns scattered across the surface of Malachor are now hydrothermal vents (my beloveds). There's also a lot of bleached bones---whale falls, and (more creepily) merfolk skeletons.
So, Force-sensitives are all merfolk in this AU (but not all merfolk are force-sensitive). But Dark-side merfolk look much different than regular mer. I'm drawing a lot of inspiration from creepy deep sea animals (also my beloveds). All merfolk have bioluminescent patterns that shift colors, but Dark-siders have theirs permanently turned red. partly because of the red lightsaber thing, but also because no red light reaches the deep sea, so a lot of animals are red because they're essentially invisible, UNLESS they're seen by an animal that emits red light and can therefore see/hunt/kill the red animals, so emitting red light symbolizes how the Dark mer have become exclusively predatory and destructive.
uhhh I got kinda distracted there. ANYWAY,
Oh, there's that line about how Ezra has a habit of curling his tailfin around people's legs so he doesn't float away mid-conversation! So, there's lore to that. Basically, it's a mer-child thing. Little Mer don't have enough control of their body in the water to stay in one place. Kanan doesn't do it, because he grew up with the merfolk and in this AU he was an adult by the time they were wiped out, so he learned to adjust himself in the water with little movements. Ezra was a child when the merfolk were killed, so he never learned that and the habit of holding onto people with his tail has carried over, which is why he still does it as an older teenager.
Pff oh yeah also. that "this is... detailed" thing. I know the details. I know all the details. I will not be elaborating. Some things must remain unknown.
Oh! And the scene where they're talking up in the crow's nest of the ship and it's mentioned that Sabine spends time up there! That was a reference to Krownest! Get it? Crow's nest? Krownest? hehehe i'm so funny
OH OH OH SABINE'S BACKSTORY!! This wasn't elaborated much in the first draft but with the rewrite it got more attention. Although the circumstances are different than in canon, I tried to keep a lot of it the same---Sabine goes into a situation willingly trusting someone who doesn't have her best interests at heart and gets blindsided by their betrayal. ALSO ANOTHER FUN FACT!! In the original version she was an Amazon and not a Valkyrie!! But then I changed it up so she only joined the Amazons for a time after leaving her old life behind. She was determined to join their ranks and fit in, despite all the culture clashes, but when her Amazonian battle-sister left her for dead after she was injured in a skirmish, Sabine cut all her ties with them and left.
Ahh yeah this bit never fails to make me giggle.
“All right, all right,” she laughed. “Maybe I was a little slow in admitting my feelings for you.” “Aha! So you do have feelings for me!” He pointed a victorious finger at her.
At first glance, it's cute banter that hints that their friendship has started developing into a romance. Gains a new level of comedy when you reread it knowing that by this point, they're married.
Heheh the boat ride to krownest scene. Kanan's blind and he still knows they're silently flirting with each other.
OOH! JET! K I'm gonna probably go on a ramble now, anyway: Jet was Sabine's pegasus since she was a child. She left Jet behind when she ran away. During this AU's version of "Imperial Supercommandoes," they're confronted by Gar Saxon and his cronies on pegasi. He tells Sabine that after her mother became the leader of the Valkyries, she "generously gave us access to her stables." In reality, Ursa's hand was forced and the pegasi were taken from her. Sabine recognizes one of the horses there as Jet, and he recognized her. During the fight that followed, Jet's rider was shot, and Sabine grabbed his reins and she and Ezra made their getaway with him.
(In Heroes of Mandalore, instead of being bad at flying a jetpack, Ezra got stuck with a pegasus who hated him and kept trying to buck him off in midair lol)
Hmmm going on...
Oh! Ezra is an ocean Merfolk, and like saltwater (ocean) fish, he can't survive (shapeshifted into his mer-form) in freshwater. That's why it was so dangerous for him to jump in after Sabine fell through the ice---it was a freshwater lake.
Also, the scene where he deliriously asks her to take him to Valhalla if he dies, because "merfolk don't have anywhere to go," is a reference to the original fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, where mermaids turn to seafoam when they die.
Ahhhh yes, the necklace! I think I said this before in the tags of one of my merfolk art posts, but, so, for merfolk, giving handmade shell-jewelry is usually a marriage proposal, but it's not, like, automatically legally binding or anything. So basically, when 15-year-old Ezra gave Sabine her shell necklace, it was the equivalent of if you jokingly got down on one knee and offered your unrequited crush a cheap plastic ring from a cereal box or something, expecting her to roll her eyes, but instead she's like "Aw thanks! A ring!" and she starts unironically wearing the cheap plastic ring all the time and now you realize that she doesn't know it was a joke proposal because apparently rings don't go with proposals in her culture and you can't explain the joke now, it's way too late, and you want to die of embarrassment.
Oh yeah also Ezra found a pair of elaborate jewel-encrusted daggers in a shipwreck and gave them to Sabine. This is a reverse necklace situation--to reuse the metaphor, it's like if your best friend got down on one knee, pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring, and said "I found this in a gravel pit! It's for you cause I know you like cool rings bestiegirl!! :D" and you're like "...uh... thanks!" and you take the ring because it is a cool ring and you do love cool rings and you don't tell him that he basically proposed because apparently rings don't go with proposals in his culture.
mmmm yeah the love's lights scene. ahhh so much I could say. I guess, it was really fun in this part (and throughout the whole fic) to explore how Ezra wasn't entirely human, and how his merfolk instincts would affect him, especially regarding the way merfolk fall in love and the once-a-year merfolk festival. I actually have an outlined idea for a fic in the series that's about weird merfolk quirks and different traditions they have, so I might explore things more in that one.
ah man I am never gonna get tired of writing Sabine deciding to do random impromptu flirting and Ezra bluescreening over it.
oh yeah shoutout to Robert Louis Stevenson by the way, I stole a plot device from him (character hides in an apple barrel and overhears Important Things)
And then Rune and Jacen come in at the end! This was an adaptation of one of the original scenes of the fic that I mentioned at the beginning of this.
One other thing, I guess--the character named Koti is an orphaned mermaid girl that Kanan and Hera took in, so she's Jacen's little sister. the "guppies," as Rune calls them, are her three merfolk siblings--two of them are adopted and one is a sabezra kid. (said adopted children may or may not be rey and finn.) (Oh, and the guy Rune has a crush on? Poe Dameron. Obviously.)
Hmmm I think that's about it for this director's cut! Which is probably good considering I just dumped slightly under 2k words of ramble on ya
Thank you for the ask!! :D
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stelladoesstuff · 11 months
Hi hello
Loki episode 5 spoilers below because I have THOUGHTS
This is a lot of theorizing and just straight up rambling but who knows maybe you’ll get something out of it
Help me
The fact that one of the recap scenes TWICE this season has been Kang stating that he controlled every moment leading up to the moment is what’s making me think here. Because think about it- O.B. had to write the time manual in order for Victor Timely to create his temporal loom. And while O.B. stated that his work was based off of the work of Victor Timely, creating the whole chicken and the egg scenario, that first tempad prototype was because Loki gave him the TVA manual that HE wrote. He inspired himself. It’s a loop. Just like Loki pruning himself. Loki had to prune himself in order to go back in time just like O.B. had to write the manual in order to create the TVA.
And yes, he doesn’t remember this. But that’s because all of the TVA’s employee memories are said to be wiped when they entered. By Kang. Kang, who was Victor Timely, who had to read the manual written by O.B. to create the loom. But Kang can’t have O.B. remembering that O.B.’s manual was the basis of the entire TVA, so what does he do?
He makes O.B. believe that O.B.’s manual was based off of Victor Timely’s work. O.B.’s work was NEVER inspired by Timely. He just thinks it was, because that’s what he HAD to think in order for the series of events to proceed as they did. For the entire TVA to proceed as it did.
Also- notice how the room O.B. is in on the timeline is VERY SIMILAR structurally to his room in the TVA. Because that’s where it all originated. That was the foundation point. Kang couldn’t wipe all of O.B.’s memories from when he was on the timeline, because if he did, then O.B. wouldn’t retain the knowledge he had of making the tempad, or anything he read in his own book. O.B. had to retain some of that knowledge in order for everything to work.
So Kang specifically wiped specific memories. Memories that Loki had been the one to hand him the book. Skewed a few things- O.B. wrote a book. He remembers writing a book. So Kang took that knowledge and applied it to the handbook. O.B. remembers writing a book, and handbook states that he is the author, so obviously the memories align and his memories are skewed to apply the memories of writing his sci-fi book to writing the TVA handbook.
But then it’s a paradox. Because O.B. had to see the book to retain skewed memories, and so the book had to be written at some point… but when?
And so we’re back to the chicken and the egg. What came first, the TVA or the manual?
Also. We’re jumping topics.
Loki gathering everyone in one place. If you think about it… why did he have to do that? To figure out how to control the time slipping, sure, but… why did Marvel specifically make him run around on a wild goose chase getting everyone together?
Because he had to. Because it’s part of Kang’s plan.
Bring them all together. In order to do that, the tempad had to be made. The tempad which requires O.B. to read the manual. Which in turn leads to the creation of the TVA. Which means the entire group’s memories are wiped, and they are then TVA employees.
It’s a loop. As demonstrated by the beginning scene. Loki walked in, saw himself reading the manual, jumped back, and then was reading the manual and got called out by himself.
Same idea.
Loki went back in time to give the manual to O.B. In doing so, he sparked the entire creation of the TVA. He brought a group of people together who would become the TVA’s employees. And because he did that, every event of seasons 1 and 2 thus far could occur.
So in a sense, Loki created the TVA.
But still
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twistedastrology · 5 months
Outer Planets & Affliction: What destroys a man.
gonna talk abt a much darker topic today bc i feel like it and it's absolutely fascinating to me from a very morbid perspective (which happens a lot 4 me)
im gonna start this off by saying this is mostly focusing on extreme cases/what Could happen due to outer planet affliction, none of this is definite if u have afflicted outer planets bc it depends on the severity of their affliction and how many good counter aspects u have to them that help u heal!! :)
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to start, the outer planets to me are Saturn to Pluto, so let me give u a quick rundown of what I think these planets are responsible for when they're heavily afflicted:
Saturn - Destruction of the will, the snuffing of one's inner, driving fire.
Uranus - Destruction of the mind, losing your cognitive function, going insane.
Neptune - Destruction of the spirit, loss or lack of intuition, feeling lost within your own life.
Pluto - Destruction of the body, the vessel decays and lacks the strength to repair itself.
i wanna say as well that all of this essentially came to me in a vision from god, i genuinely had no basis in my head initially, i was just rambling to myself in my head and all of this clicked and then it genuinely made sense and i even had evidence to back it up, so i wanted to post abt it because i love dark stuff like this (my blog name isn't twisted astrology for no reason- i mean like the reason was bc it was a play on twist and twisted transistor by korn But yknow it gains reasons as i go on-)
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let's go over why each planet destroys what they do:
Saturn destroys the will because it rules over time and persistance- Capricorns are more often than not very driven people, Saturn grounds them and gives them the stability and willpower to see things through. A strong Saturn is often manifested as a very powerful driving force, as the planet often acts an incredibly crucial pillar, if not the foundation in a person's chart.
Uranus destroys the mind because it's the higher octave of Mercury. It rules over innovation and change, even higher thought. A strong Uranus is often an indicator of a genius in whatever area of life the planet is placed into. Thus, when afflicted, it completely shatters and even lacks this potential altogether.
Neptune destroys the spirit because it's known as the planet of spirituality. It's the planet of our higher self and our shadow self, it's our connection to the planes of existence beyond our own. A strong Neptune is often indicative of enhanced intuition, and can even mean the person has a heightened level of awareness of their place in the world and where they're meant to be in life. So naturally, an afflicted Neptune means a complete lack of perspective and the loss/lack of the ability to realize there is more than the self, making one feel lonely, inadequate, and lost.
Pluto destroys the body because it rules over death, transformation and rebirth. It even rules over destruction itself, and its connection to death gives it an inherent connection to the physical body as well. A strong Pluto can manifest as a strong will, but also as a higher pain tolerance because of that. Therefore when it's afflicted, the soul's vessel lacks the ability to transform and regenerate itself effectively, and ultimately will crumble to pieces throughout the course of life.
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OK- lemme write normally now instead of all fancy n shit 😮‍💨 But what's my evidence to prove all this-
well someone i know has very heavily afflicted outer planets, mainly saturn, uranus and pluto, but neptune was kinda roped into the affliction as well- and all of this checks out.
saturn especially hits him hard, which also makes it all karmic so idk wtf bro did in a past life but it had to've been Bad bc he's got some SERIOUSLY afflicted outer planets like jesus fucking christ- and like i dont wanna talk too much shit on here but he's insufferable to say the least and, probably bc of the afflicted saturn, will not do the work to fix it.
would genuinely hate to be him on his death bed like 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
like i said initially tho this does not mean if u have a kinda afflicted uranus, ur gonna go insane!!! no sir!!! it's just abt the extremes n stuff and what i have literally seen happen with my own eyes- i think most people have enough soft aspects to get them into the process of healing, maybe not even soft aspects maybe just solid placements- it's all subjective, rly-
but this is also a really good way to talk abt the Power that these planets have- they are NOT to be fucked with bc when afflicted, they can obliterate you and your entire life tbh- i dont think they Want to unless you somehow have beef with them but overall they are just incredibly powerful planets and i truly think when reading someone's astrology chart, you GOTTA look at the outer planets bc otherwise you're missing out on SOOOOO much crucial information.
i always say that i think outer planets, whether in transit or in a natal chart, have the absolute MOST impact on a person despite being so far away.
far away ≠ lack of impact.
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i hope this was interesting to read or at least thought provoking bc i absolutely LOVE dark topics like these, probably my moon/neptune in my 8th house tbh- i mean im genuinely fucking petrified of tornadoes like lilapsophobia type shit but i still put that image here because i unfortunately think they are really fucking cool at the same time (ive had multiple nightmares where tornadoes have killed me. but like........ they're kinda cool......and i hate them........)
anyway!!!!! thank u for reading this far into my yapping session 🙏🙏
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd life Remastered Irl segment 2 part 2/2
Warning. The people portrayed in this story (aside from Slimer) are real and are used in a fictitious manner. This story is entirely satire. This story also features topics of suicide and self harm. You have been warned.
As soon as the banquet begins I am going over mingling with all of the other lifers and the first lifer I run into is none other than Pearl. Pearl: Oh my god how much food are you putting on a plate?" I grin "As much as I can carry and stomach" Pearl: Of course leave it to the foodie to eat everybody's food" My plate is filled to the brim with food that I set down at the nearby table where Jimmy is talking to Bigb and Martyn. Jimmy: OH NO NO NO YOU ARE NOT EATING ALL OF THAT FOOD" "And what are you going to do about it" Martyn: I think we are all going to jack your food while you aren't looking" Pearl: I think that's for the best" That's when doodl3 shows up watching what's going on with Mumbo and Grian. "Do not touch my food" Mumbo: There he goes again rambling on about needing to eat so much. *Sigh* I wish him the best of luck" Grian: The part I dread is the desserts" Bigb: Just tone it down on the food and save some for everybody else" "Tone it down? do you know how much food this hotel produces and hey there's plenty of food left for everyone" Pearl can't help but chuckle. Pearl: Oh hey there Jill nice to see you"
Uh excuse me this banquet hall is for Lifers only. Who let you in?" Mumbo: You mean to tell me you don't know who Jill really is?" What are you talking about?" Grian: Zach (no that's not my Irl name that is Slimer's real name) Jill right here is your editor doodl3" "Grian me and doodl3 have never met how do I know for sure tha-" That's when she pulls out her phone and shows me her Youtube Account showing indeed that she is doodl3. I begin to laugh at this revelation and look over to see Bigb Martyn and Jimmy jacking my food while nobody is watching. "OI. hold on one second" I walk over "You took 2/3 of my food" Martyn: It's not like you need all of that" "I have a large stomach thank you very much" Bigb: Yeah well this food is ours now" "I hate all 3 of you. I hate you Martyn. I hate you Anthony and I especially hate you Jimmy" I head on back over to doodl3. "You know what i love about Jill so much she's not afraid to get into a little mischief. So doodl3 let's make this like Secret Life ok?" I bring her away from prying ears "I'm about to go on stage with Pearl to perform a violin song me and her both agreed on earlier ok? Your task is you see those small whipped pies over on the dessert table?" Jill: Yeah?" "I want you to be the mischief maker that you are and I want you to pie Jimmy Martyn Anthony and Tango. All of them have pissed me off today and I think it's time for some payback" Jill grins with mischeif Jill: Alright just what I needed" Me: Remember be discreet. Don't let them catch on to what you are doing."
I get up on stage with Pearl and take out my violin and begin playing La Vie En Rose and see doodl3 take some of the whipped pies as well as a few other desserts and sit down with Joel John Scott and Impulse. John: Heya there Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a few desserts I'm going around eating and talking at the same time" Scott: Don't be like Zach save some food for everyone" Jill: Oh don't worry I'm not like that glutton" She takes one of the whipped pies and wanders over to where Tango is but not before seeing Rylee go over and sit in Joel's lap. Jill says it for me "Traitor". I see Jill where Tango is but focus on my violin but I'm grinning as Pearl continues to sing. Jill: Hey Tango" Tango: Hey Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a little whipped pie that's what" Tango: So how does it feel now that I'm one of your boss's partners in the remaster" Jill: You mean how you almost got Cleo killed? Yeah she said this is to get even with you" She then takes the pie and slams it in Tango's face. Grian looks over in shock. Grian: Jill what happened?" Tango: I think I just got pied" Grian scowls over at me knowing very well I'm the one who told her to do it. He notices the other pies and tries to piece together who else is next as Jill grabs another pie and a Brownie off of her plate. I grin as Pearl finishes singing I get up before Grian pulls me aside. Grian: Just what are you having her do?" "Can't tell you that it's a task" Grian: What do you- oooooh. So her task is to pie random people?" Me: No. Although you get one more guess with her but no more guesses with me" Grian: So the people aren't random I see"
Jill heads on over to Impulse Grian doesn't say anything as he watches her. Me: Hey lay off the girl alright? Go over and mingle" I head over to the dessert table and grab a whole bunch of desserts but more importantly a whipped pie of my own. Jimmy: You have to be kidding me stop grabbing a bunch of food or we're all going to eat it off of your plate" "You're more than welcome to try" Jimmy: Right time to assemble the food squad again" Jill sees Jimmy going somewhere and tails behind him as I sit down at my table. Jill sees Jimmy headng back with Martyn and Anthony. Jill approaches and pretends to trip on one of her heels and pies Martyn right in the face. Anthony: Hey are you ok?" Jill: Yeah just tripped you ok Martyn?" Martyn: A little whipped cream never hurt anyone. No hard feelings"
Grian is now walking over to me and whispers into my ear "You are absolutely sick" I then hear my voices as Grian is whispering to me and I space out "Do it. Kill yourself right now. They won't care about you." Grian notices and shakes me back into reality. Grian: Get ahold of yourself now isn't the time to be spacing out" Grian knows full well why I'm spacing out but doesn't say anything about it wanting to let me have peace. Grian: You're going to tell me who you told Jill to pie" "Awww but that ruins the fun I will tell you this I instructed her to pie 4 people but I'm not saying who" Suddenly Anthony gets pied by her and Jimmy starts to realize just what is going on.
Jimmy: No you stay away from me" I begin to walk over to assist Jill and whisper to her "psst Grian is on to you I told him you were to pie 4 people but I didn't tell him who try going over to him and pretend like you're going to pie him" Jill has a mischeivious grin on her face as she heads over to where Lizzy is pie in her hand and a cookie in the other. As she goes to "pie" her Grian runs up Grian: Hey Jill are you suppossed to pie Tango Anthony Martyn and Lizzie?" I shake my head at him and Grian is absolutely stunned as Jimmy approaches. Jimmy: Hey what's going on over h-" That's when Jill pies him right in the face JIll: Ugh Why?" "It's payback for not only dumping slime on me when I wasn't ready yet but also for jacking my food" Jimmy: Why am I being punished for protecting the food population" "Because that food wasn't yours" Jimmy: Now 4 good pies wasted" "Jill help yourself to my dessert plate you earned it eat as much as you want" Jill chuckles happily and goes over to where my plate is.
As she goes back my vision begins to glitch a bit. I start to see blood everywhere for a split second. Everyone now in their tuxedos and dresses is now a skeleton. My eyes go wide for a few seconds before Jill leads me over to our table and I snap out of it. I have my hands on my head wondering what I just saw. Jill: You ok?" "Yeah just my voices getting worse"
I head back to my room later Jill behind me. "Right I'll see you at Minecon tomorrow hope you're ready to mod" Jill: Don't worry I'll be ready you just get some rest and mentally prepare yourself. Remember anything can happen" I smirk "I'm a lifer I already know what I'm getting myself into Goodnight Doodl3" Jill: Goodnight Boss Slime"
As soon as Scar enters he gets hit in the face with a cream pie I snuck from the Banquet. Jill then hears from outside my room/ "That's what you get for turning me into a Lobster hahahahhahhahahaahahaha"
When she gets to her room she sees Rylee running up to her.
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2n2n · 3 months
I was wondering if you’ve heard of the Japanese myth that lovers who committed dual suicide get reincarnated as twins? It feels like the Yugi twins are a warped version of that myth if the incestual undertones ( not even undertones ) have any credence to them, in that Aidalro sensei shows us a kiss or something. I just wanted to see if you felt there was a connection with that myth! I find your thoughts and ramblings very interesting!!!
I'll veer slightly off-topic and quibble a little bit about ancillary stuff, but I don't think there needs to be something like a kiss to lend credence to the Yugi twin's love!! I think they could never, ever kiss within the canon, and we could still have effective 'confessions' in a metaphoric and symbolic sense, which we could all understand plainly & have a hard time denying. I think central, evocative story themes that are understood in a prevailing literary sense to be symbolic of romance, is actually lending all of the credence it needs. (In that case, cultural divides probably would become the factor in not perceiving it...)...
I think an awful lot of people would not have any questions or second-guessing if they got the kinds of images we get for the Yugi twins, for their pairings… and, I think if one replaced the images participants with Hanako and Nene, or , well, Mitsuba and Kou, that it would be transparent. If you had an image of Mitsuba on his back, clutching Kou's lips, Kou looming above him, dressed as his Knight, with imagery of flower petals & torn wings scattered about them, and anyone looked into the symbology of such… there wouldn't be a single question about the intentions of that image. Actually, I think if you tried to fervidly deny the implications, you'd be called homophobic or something, right? I mean this playfully and with good humor, ok.... it's funny!!!
The same can be said about story parallel between Hanako and Nene-chan, and Amane and Tsukasa…. Sumire and Hakubo's story…
Anyway, I would say that, the entire aspect of a murder-suicide does call to mind all sorts of various theater plays, stories, myths, etc, in Japanese culture!! the very word 'shinjuu' contains the 'mind/heart' (心) and 'inside'(中) characters...
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isn't it an interesting thing..............
'Shinjuu' are said to grant lovers to be reunited in heaven/the next world together. This is why Amane's decision to perform a shinjuu with Tsukasa is innately suspicious-- it's loaded… What was he hoping to accomplish? There almost isn't a way to depict this negatively or neutrally, in my opinion… the deciding factor (in how familial we perceive it to be) becomes the author's choices regarding imagery, emphasis... the very language of 'bound' reminds one of the dire passion of a shinjuu, the act of lovers binding fates. He is bound-boy Hanako-kun! He binds Nene-chan to him through the mermaid's curse ... binds, binds, binds....
As for this 'lovers reuniting as twins' contingency you specifically bring up... it doesn't seem to actually be a historical mythos quite like the old buddhist beliefs around shinjuu, but more secular, and maybe it seems to be more of a scattered superstition? I'm not very familiar with it, as a result!! It does seem to exist ? but not altogether popularly ?... hmm.. the only research I could easily find on it as well, referred only to twins of different sexes (kind of makes sense-- I don't think most people would want to like, imply or lampshade a same-sex relationship even by a magical proxy like this... I think it would generally be seen as tragic to be lovers reunited to be same-sex LOL... also, this research is dated from the 90s)
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the term 'shinjumono' mentioned here, I mostly just see referring to shinjuu-centric kabuki/puppet plays.... no relevance to the superstition here. I can't find much.
I would say it's doubtful as a reference AidaIro-sensei themselves intend to make?
if YOU know of other research or historical accounts, let me know ?! I'm no expert hahaha....
However, I would love to take the chance to reference the mythos of lovers turning into butterflies after dying together, which AidaIro-sensei do borrow imagery from....
AidaIro-sensei love to use the imagery of butterfly's wings… for both the twins, and HanaNene. With Hanako, we'll see his wings as torn, damaged…. this spread coupled with the Severance arc-- an arc which ends with Nene-chan attempting to kill herself to be with Hanako in the far shore.... in the story, a girl mourning the death of her beloved, leaps into his grave to die with him instead of marrying another.
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so too, of course, does Nene-chan forsake her future prospects in favor of dying with Hanako, her beloved.
Of course, someone else threw their future prospects away.... but why?
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so, tattered butterfly wings scattered around a pair of lovers, gives an interesting impression...
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creepycatboyz · 2 years
Got any funky hc abt Homicidal Liu? Lore or other kinds of headcanons
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Pathetic meow meow moment..
Anyways; some Headcanons about Liu!
hates the night due to paranoia of Jeff coming back to finish him off
they do NOT have a good relationship at all
keeps track on where Jeff is (checks police reports/newspapers almost obsessively)
when not being anxious, he loves to cook!
The scars make it hard for him to eat sometimes, so he prefers to eat either soup or soft food
will cook for his friends / people he's close to if he has any *shrug*
he loves to knit..... give him yarn and he loves you
will wear the most silliest and colorful scarves :3
Anyways HATES the fact that he kills people when Sully takes over
He doesn't want to end up like his brother
So he will mostly live isolated and safely away from everyone
Other stuff!! (personality stuff, gender etccc)
agender, doesn't really care for pronouns, use whatever ( I'm using he/him for these headcanons atm, but all are ok like she/her, they/them, it/its so yuh ^^)
demiromantic and demisexual and pan, he's reluctant when it comes to relationships, just give him some time
shy, very shy, he's just fine hanging out in a room with someone, that is quality time enough for him
smart in a way of knowing a lot of random facts about so many topics, he can ramble for HOURS
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