#ok normal tags now haha sorry
weddelledseals · 1 year
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i went thru the sugary spire wiki yesterday and saw old rosette....and ok im just a little not normal over her
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normal-newt · 3 months
Oversharing on tumblr again. But it's hard that no one really knows except me (It being theoretically read-able is enough, no need for anyone to actually read it)
(probably no fun to read, has no real message beyond 'newt is sad about trauma' totally okay to ignore)
People really like seeing me as 'innocent '. It makes me hate everything a little bit more. Still seen as vulnerable, easy target, still seen as too childish to even talk about things that happened to me.
Can see the assumption. Was "sheltered" from taboo things. drugs, rude jokes, anything about sex, swearing. Things that still made me blush a bit even though they are not actually wrong.
But. At same time, was left exposed to other stuff. Exploitation. Neglect. Abuse. Life or death choices. Still not knowing if everyone made it. Violence, assault, coercion, talking down someone with a knife. Starvation, sleep deprivation, improvising own medical supplies. Improvising own medical procedures. Stuff not for writing about.
And then people go "oh, poor newt gets worried seeing blood" "newt must have never ever seen bruises on someone's neck" "if newt saw the big bad things out there, they would be less scared of this little stuff"
Sick of being called too naive to understand, even to learn. Ignorance is not protection, and it never was.
Let me learn about what happened to me And give me words to talk about it. And let me learn about the taboos that were to risky to explore earlier. And stop putting me back in the same box used to hurt me. And be happy if you don't know why sleep deprivation made that list. and yeah
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peapod20001 · 2 years
Gbb hhjj
#random post#ough head is very feeling today hgkg#I should have <3 been screenshotting <3 nice tags in my art <3 as I got them <3#it’s been a passing thought in my mind for like the past month cus one of my mutuals deleted their whole blog and so now#the only way I can see their drawings now are if me (or someone I know) has reblogged em and das so sad </3#I liked seeing it on THEIR blogs man.. ye it’s more that one guy that’s been lost to the fog fsvsbd#I’m totally NOT sad about it NOR am I sad about never seeing the nice things they said ever again </3 not sad absolutely not sad about it#I experienced it in the moment and loved it as it happened I totally did not nor do I continue too#go thru my entire art tag just to read the nice things people say#like I’m reading the daily paper nope. I’m not addicted to it I like it a normal amount and in moderation#I still remember what they said anyways it’s not like I’ll ever forget but also what if I do haha noo#my brain wouldn’t do that to me 👉👈 it’s too sexy and smart and has many neurons and connections and wrinkles#sorry for going on a tangent I keep seeing their url in my dms with the deactivated thing and it makes me :’)#there’s so many.. friends lost to time I suppose#at least they’re not (to my knowledge) ACTUALLY dead cus that would be FUCKED but yea I haven’t drawn not a damn thing#as this has haunted my thoughts the thoughts of old online friends </3#I hope they know I loved them. that I still do in a sense#ough I think my adderall wore off I am. seven hours have passed 👀#ok ok I’m done writing about my weird nostalgia feelings I’ll be fine I won’t die I literally remember everything even if it’s from 3 years#ago at this point <3 that’s just how often I looked at it GANABSNDK
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aka-indulgence · 9 months
Got a oneshot! Have a fic where Sans rejects your romantic pursuits with a happy twist ;)
CW: Flashback section containing Sans’ ex, where he wasn’t having a good time
(Sans & Gender Neutral Reader)
Sans doesn’t know what he thinks about the whole romance thing after a disastrous start. What happens when a precious friend confesses?
It wasn’t entirely unexpected.
Sans didn’t think much of it when you came that day. Sans would often usually invite you over anyway, though today you were first to ask him if you could visit. Which was fine- he’s never as comfortable with anyone else as much as he was comfortable with you. (Maybe Papyrus, but even then there were things Sans wouldn’t tell his brother because he didn’t want to burden him with problems that Sans would rather burden himself with.)
You were laughing. He always loved it when you laughed.
“so i told him: paper-thin skin? buddy. pal. i ain’t got skin.”
You were in an uproar, slapping your knee. “Oh my god! I’d give the world to see the look on his face,”
“oh yeah. definitely unforgettable. man got so red faced he looked like he was gonna burst. he then stomped out like an angry toddler.”
You were giggling, before the both of you fell into a silence. That was a normal part of conversations, Sans was used to it. Especially with you, the silence was never unwelcome. But this time… something felt different. The air has shifted. Your carefree expression had changed into something more contemplative. He wasn’t sure what it was, then. Or maybe, he just didn’t want to read too deep into it.
You spoke up.
“... Hey Sans? Can I tell you something?”
Why was he nervous?
“... yeah?”
“It’s… um. Give me a second…” you laughed nervously. “Haha, sorry, I feel a little sick.”
Sans’ brows furrowed. “what’s up? you ok..?”
You huffed. “Ok. Yeah. Sorry for ruining the moment? But uh… it’s been on my mind for a while, and I have to tell you. I hope you’re ok with me saying this but. I like you, Sans. Kind of… a lot?”
… Ringing. Sans hears ringing. It feels like something in his soul crashed.
“... Sans?”
Sans wasn’t there. His mind was somewhere else.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
Her face broke into despair. She wouldn’t look his way. She didn’t even say a word to him.
“w… wait. why are you… where are you going?”
“I can’t be here.”
It was years ago. Monsters had lived on the surface for about a year. She was one of Papyrus’ friends, and their first meeting had been wonderful. It still leaves an ache in his chest when he thinks about it now, how hopeful he was when he met her. She was fun, always got Sans involved in social events, always found her way towards him when he was sitting on the sidelines while Papyrus took the stage.
“hey i wouldn’t recommend the punch.”
“Why not?”
“y’see, i like funny things. and that thing… it ain’t got a punchline.”
“... Are you seriously punning?”
“i think i’m being funny.”
“Hah, that’s so stupid,”
She was laughing. But when Sans thinks about it now, maybe it was a pitying one. Sans wasn’t one to judge, puns didn’t win everyone over.
She quickly became a regular in his life, the first human friend he’s made since the surface, one that seemed more interested in him than his brother. She would even pout and joke when Sans didn’t give her enough attention which was cute, at the time. It was easy introducing her to his friends, with how often she tagged along with him.
She would put her arm over his shoulders, hug him, get so close to kissing but miss… Sans never initiated, but only because he wasn’t much of a physical person to begin with. It was nice to have someone so affectionate with him.
He really liked having her in his life.
And then… came that fateful day.
“I was going to wait for you. But you never asked me out.”
“what do you mean…?”
“I know you’re smart, Sans. I’ve been obvious. I just don’t know if you even like me.”
He didn’t know where this had come from. He was suddenly put on the spot, struggling to give her an answer, an answer that he knew she wanted. But Sans was lost.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
She was stoic. She was upset with him, she left him alone in his room after he brought out the games he was hoping to play together. Had he made a mistake…? Was he really that dense? Was he just terrible with commitment?
She… she deserved better.
So he decided to fix it. At least, he thought he was fixing it. Though it turned to be a decision Sans would regret soon after.
He showed up at her door the next night. She hadn’t responded to his texts, his calls. Not even Papyrus’. He felt guilty, like he ruined something perfectly good.
i can’t lose her.
Sans was starting to panic if she maybe had left- then the door opened. Sans soul shook when he saw how her face fell when she saw his face. She was going to retreat back into her room.
“w-wait! please listen to me,” His hand was at the door. “i… i made a mistake. you’re important to me, ok? and i think i want… to be with you.”
His soul sung when she finally looked him in the eyes. There were tears in hers, but she was smiling, and he was happy to have her hugging him again. The tension snapping was a relief. That he saved himself. But even then he wondered… why did it taste bitter to say those last few words?
It… didn’t last long. More and more of Sans’ time was taken up by her, which… should be a good thing. Couples should spend lots of time together, right? But he didn’t have time for his friends anymore. Everytime she went out, he needed to come with.
“Sans, you smell like ketchup.”
“oh… yeah, i put too much on my hotdog.”
“Come on, you need to eat something better. People keep telling me you smell like grease.”
“... really?”
“Yeah. Here, I got you new clothes. Crisp!”
“oh… thanks.”
“Get ready, I’m planning to go at six.”
He was becoming active. He was going out every day, he wasn’t locking himself in his room.
It was for the better, he told himself. She brought out the life in him.
… Sans always thought he was intuitive. He was the best at reading people. He’s the judge. It came to him like breathing.
But apparently, he had been blinded. He had a hard time trusting himself. That maybe his gut feeling was wrong.
Papyrus had found him alone during a party, having escaped to the bathroom. His sockets had bags under them. His face was dripping with water. He just… needed to rest. Without anyone else around.
“yeah… i am. just needed to freshen up is all.”
Papyrus looked so… sad. He hadn’t seen his brother frown so deeply, in a way that made Sans feel guilty.
Sans was getting sloppy. He looked away from him, to the mirror- he couldn’t handle that sorrowful look on Papyrus’ face. All that did though, was force him to confront his own expression. His signature smile wasn’t even there. And Sans couldn’t muster the energy to bring it back.
“I DON’T WANT TO PRY, IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE, BUT… Could This Have Something To Do With Her?”
Sans should’ve said no. Denied it. Told Paps that everything was fine and he was just… just overwhelmed. But he didn’t.
“i… maybe. i…” He exhaled through his phalanges, staring at the bottom of the sink. “i don’t know if i love her, pap. at least… romantically. i’m… i’m trying paps, i’m trying, i should- she deserves to have someone love her. i want to love her.”
Papyrus finishes his thought for him.
“... no.”
Sans felt horrible. He felt like he was leading her on. But Sans really thought that he loved her. He did! He cared for her!
… But not in the way she wanted.
And Sans didn’t want to pretend anymore.
“What did it? Did… did you find another person??”
“no. it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what changed?!”
She was shouting. Sans didn’t like the shouting. She never took kindly to him giving anyone- anything else attention. Sans tried to fix it, at first. He thought he was the problem until he got the messages asking him where he was, why he was so absent.
“nothing has, it was just a lot of little things. i’m sorry. i don’t love you in that way.”
“... How could you say something so horrible!?”
It was a good thing they hadn’t moved in together. She had insisted on moving, and that was one thing Sans could put his foot down about. He has a couple of old shirts and pants at her place from the nights he’s stayed, but nothing he’ll miss much. Lots of them were clothes she approved. It smelled like perfume. Even when he thought he was in love with her he thought moving together then was too fast.
She blocked him. Cut him out. Told her friends how Sans didn’t try hard enough when she put in the effort. Sans was never a crier- but he was in tears, hiding in his room. He would talk about it with Papyrus, but right then, he didn’t want anyone to hear. He wanted to throw his phone, he wanted to scream at her. He loved her! Maybe- maybe he never wanted to date her, maybe, if they hadn’t they’d still be friends but she always just… took too much.
It was nice when Papyrus chose to cut her off, to show support for him. It was ironic, even though Sans was the one she always chased, she always seemed to be on good terms with Papyrus. Even would ask him to put in a word for her after their arguments.
Sans was fine now. No- more than fine. Sans was happy. His time with her being a mere bump during his time on the surface.
Then, not too long after, he met you.
He never realized what was missing until he met you. You gave him space, and you never asked him to change for you. You… you liked who he was, you liked Sans.
After her Sans was afraid to attach so fast but… he really, really wanted to keep you in his life. He might even like you, more than a friend would. But he wasn’t ready to start another storm in his life.
As he looked into your eyes, he felt his soul sink. He wasn’t ready for it to end.
“... i… i’m sorry,” Why was the air so hot? “i… i… hhh,”
It was a little hard to breathe. Which should be impossible. He’s a skeleton… air… air literally moves through his ribcage. He isn’t… uh… what’s happening?
You were frowning. Oh no. Were you upset?
“S-Sans? Are you ok?”
Sans was gripping the couch too tightly, phalanges digging into the couch cushions, close to ripping them. Beads of sweat were rolling down his skull. He suddenly felt pathetic… panicking over you.
His eyelights darted back to you, bringing him back to the present. You looked so confused… he felt so guilty.
no… i can’t do it again.
“i… sorry. i don’t… mean to panic in front of you but… are you upset?”
“About what? I’m… Sans, you’re not making a lot of sense.”
He presses a hand to his face, then takes a deep breath. His mind was in a frizzle and he had to explain to you now before he goes crazy.
“sorry, my mind is a mess right now. i… i don’t want to make you sad. but i don’t know if i’m ready for a relationship right now. and it isn’t you, it’s… it’s me. i don’t want to take away your hope or anything but… i don’t know if i’ll ever be ready for a romantic relationship.”
You blinked at him.
 Sans tensed. Expecting you to explode, or cry, or yell at him, run out the house, hate him, oh god he ruined everything-
“Sans, that’s… ok?”
“w… what do you mean?”
You’re confused. Sans was too. You shift your eyes left and right.
“I mean… that’s ok. I just didn’t want to make you upset is all, and w… why are you looking at me like that?”
Was he dreaming? His eyelight flashed yellow, as if he could find something. He scanned your face, your eyes, your nose- looking for a shudder, a twitch, even a pulse out of place.
Your face was neutral. Was it just hard to read you?
“you know, you can tell me if you’re upset.” Sans was telling the truth. “i can take it. i’d rather you tell me straight to my face if you are. i… i don’t want to lose you.”
You look startled at his sudden pleading, before giving him a pitiful smile. You put your hands on his shoulders.
“Sans? Can you look at me?” You asked in a soft voice.
It was difficult to look up. He knows you, you’re not the type to yell at him or to curse him for little things. He’d trust his judgment but he’s been mistaken before. Nonetheless, slowly, he tilts his skull up to you. When he does, he sees the determination in your eyes, a fierce yet gentle look.
“Sans. Believe me, I’m ok. You’re not going to lose me if you tell me no. Ok?”
“m… mhm,”
Your serious expression melts a little when you start snickering. “Sans, I… I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. I was about to tell you that I’ll understand if you don’t wanna do a whole romance with me, I’ll be fine! I think it’d be great, and I stand by saying I like you a lot. But, I also like where we are right now, and staying like this is pretty nice too. Just being with you is fun, and whether you’re my friend or my boyfriend, that’s not going to change. So… if you’re ok with staying friends after my confession, I think I’d like that.”
The static of panic started to fade away, and a feeling of calm washed over him. The relief was so potent that Sans could feel his sockets start to sting.
h… heh… i was worrying for nothing.
“yes. god, i’d like that too,” Sans wobbles, phalange wiping his socket. “i was scared that if… if i said no you’d hate me.”
“Pfft,” you snort, before you quickly covered your mouth. “Sorry that wasn’t, I’m not laughing at you. I just want to know what made you think that?”
You bump him gently on the shoulder with your fist. “I thought you knew me!”
Sans snickers, a bit more giggly than usual. “i do! i just have doubts when it comes to romance nowadays,” He sighed. “so… you’re really ok with being friends?”
“Yeah! What’s so bad about being friends anyway? As long as you’re not weirded out by me, if I still get to see you, I count that as a win.”
Sans thought the same thing. He smiled.
“yeah… you’re right.”
It was definitely a win having you in his life.
You go oof! When all of a sudden Sans tugs you into a hug, squeezing you tightly.
“i’m… i’m glad i met you.”
You take him in for a moment, before wrapping your arms around him. You squeeze him back.
“Me too.”
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
crazy over you | jack hughes x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: I love your blackpink fc trevor insta edit!!! what about y/n whose sibling is a famous kpop idol and she ends up dating jack? maybe she could be mark lee’s sister, nct had a concert at newark a while ago!!
ynuser just posted !
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liked by nct, yourbrother, yourbff, and others
ynuser ready for the show🪩✨
tagged: nct
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fanone she’s going to the show??🥹🥹
fantwo queen supporting her brother🫶
yourbff she changed her outfit immediately after these photos were taken btw
ynuser stop exposing me😭😭
yourotherbff it’s true she’s now wearing an nct shirt she turned into a crop top and some jeans !
yourbff and some sparkly boots !
ynuser okay okay we get it !!
“yn! were going to be late you don't need any more pictures!” your friend shouted as she started walking ahead of you. at the rate you were going you were going to miss the beginning of your brothers show. 
“just a few more just-” you yelped loudly as you felt someone's shoulder hit you. you stumbled, and your camera hit the ground with a clatter. before you could comprehend what was happening a hand was against your shoulder helping you to steady yourself.
“I’m so sorry!” a guy apologized, reaching down to retrieve your camera for you. 
“it’s okay” you replied a little disoriented as you reached out to grab your camera from him. “i should've been looking to where i was going”
“were you taking pictures?” the guy asked.
“Yn!” your friends voice shouted at you as she was now even further away.
your head turned to your friends voice and jack must’ve caught on to your situation because he offered to take some quick photos for you. you posed, and jack snapped away, both of you not saying much.
“my apology,” he said to you as he handed your camera back to you. 
you smiled in response. “thank you. I’m-”
“YN LN! I swear if you're not walking up these stairs!” your friends voice reverberated throughout the staircase. 
“I’ve gotta go! thank you!” your voice was loud as you ran the rest of the way up the stairs to meet your friend. you could hear the unnamed mans laugh echo throughout the staircase. “im jack by the way!” you heard him yell.
“THANKS JACK!” you yelled back as your friend grabbed you by the arm and began pulling you along. 
notification [instagran]: jackhughes has followed you
Instagram DMS:
ynuser: hey stranger
jackhughes: hey girl with the camera
ynuser hearted a message
ynuser: how did u find my insta?
jackhughes: your friend almost shattered my eardrum when she screamed your name so i just gave it a shot on here
ynuser: LMAOO😭 we were running late for a concert
jackhughes: haha that makes sense then! it sucks that you were late but i liked getting to meet you
ynuser: even with my friend nearly shattering your eardrum?
jackhughes hearted a message
jackhughes: even then
ynuser hearted a message
ynuser just posted !
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, yourbff, and others
ynuser last night in newark❤️‍🔥
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jackhughes no 📸 credits ?
ynuser thank you stranger👍
hugheswh0re now why was he taking pics of this girl...
hockeyfan hugheswh0re because hes a normal person and is allowed to be friends with people ??
yourbff had the best time and SOMEBODY met the cutest person too🤭
ynuser i dont recall meeting any cute people🤔
yourbff like u weren't blushing and giggling all the way home...
ynuser I WASNT WTF !!!
jackhughes just posted !
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liked by ynuser, _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and others
jackhughes lifes been magic📸❤️
tagged: ynuser
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yourbrother ynuser THE RING??
ynuser is an accessory !
yourbrother lets keep it that way❤️
brothersfan protective activated🤣❤️
ynuser stranger🥲💘
jackhughes danger😈🔥
ynuser 😐 ok
trevorzegras congrats man🔥🔥
liked by jackhughes
trevorzegras can u predict our relationship?😇
yourbff 😐😐
from then on you and jack continued to dm each other until you eventually went out on a few dates. you were honestly surprised by how well the two of you got along. you were forever grateful for your brothers show in newark and for the fact that you were running late<3
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♡ Yandere! V x Reader hcs and drabble ♡
My sixth request! Hope you like!
Okay- Let's look at this lol-
V has always been a psycho and we all know it but now that she likes someone- oh god-
V is going to be very clingy with you, wanting your attention 24/7, you should be proud I guess? You decide-
V will be very jealous of N and Uzi around you, knowing that she can't kill them, as in your own words they were your ''best friends''… ugh..ok.. she would give a pass free just for them..just them..just because she was pious..yeah.. (actually she just didn't want you to be mad at her)
V loves to sleep clinging to you, tucking her tail carefully around one of your legs and protecting you with her metal wings. She likes having you next to her as much as possible.
Whenever you go out somewhere V will always want to tag along, but if you say you just want to spend some time alone, V will follow you around like a stalker (she just does it for your safety! :> )
Constantly wanting to bite you somewhere, like your neck or arms- (Territory marking?)
V basically is very sweet but also very psycho and psychotic :)
You've been noticing lately that something strange has been going on, noticing how the billboard are having more and more ''disappeared'' papers, but they weren't just any missing drones..they were your classmates. What exactly was going on here? Did you have some kind of goddamn curse? Who were you kidding… you didn't care much about what happened to them. You were just curious weren't you?
You followed the days looking for clues of what could have happened to them, or who could be behind it, talking to Uzi and N about it, but neither of them seemed to know anything about it.
As time went on you were starting to run out of patience, what the hell was going on?! At the moment more than half of your class "mysteriously disappeared" and the other half seemed too scared to talk to you, which was a good thing on their part, but not on yours.
Until one day… where you were going to visit your girlfriend on the ship, bringing a small container of oil that you had collected with N just for her. Until… you hear a female scream? You ran towards the scream but quickly ducked behind a car taking in the scene before you.
V was with a female worker drone…but not just any drone! If you remember…her name was Toppy? Toppy was never the talkative type, but one day misfortune broke her pencil lead, then tapping you on the shoulder to ask to borrow a pencil, which for V was unacceptable! That thing had touched you!
'' That's what you get when you mess with what's mine! '' V growled cutting one of the drone's arms that was now crying.
'' I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let me go! '' Topy begged, which just seemed pointless in this situation. V threw the drone to the ground stomping on their head, making the drone cry out in pain.
'' Apologizing is useless now.. you've already touched (Y/n)! And you know what happens now don't you? Haha~ '' V spoke in a mischievous tone, letting out a dark chuckle looking at the drone who looked to be utterly horrified.
'' Please- '' Topy was interrupted by a gunshot to the head, soon stopping herself from moving. V watched the drone's lifeless body now feeling bored.
You watched the scene with a shocked expression, not imagining that V could come to this point. I mean… she actually could… You mulled it over for a moment, watching the disassembly drone take the oil from the rotten worker drone, deciding it didn't matter to you after all. You decided to just pretend not to know anything, just for V's amusement. You stepped out from behind the car, putting on your normal expression and starting to walk towards the drone.
'' Hey V honey! I brought you some oil! '' You shouted in a happy tone, drawing the drone's attention which quickly turned towards you forming a smile.
'' (Y/n)! You're finally back! '' V exclaimed in a happy tone, running towards you and giving you a tight hug. Ye could you keep it a secret a little longer, you didn't want to take the ''fun'' out of your girlfriend after all! Don't you?
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lara-cairncross · 4 months
Hi I did not expect to be hit with this much nostalgia for pixie hollow fairies lol
The way you draw them is so pretty!?!?!?!?! I love their designs so much
I'm considering drawing fanart now, especially since I saw the suggestion of drawing my personal OCs in your fairy au, and I realized.... I have an oc. That I created recently. Like so recently that I haven't even named her yet. And she's already kinda fairy-like??? She's the result of a one-night stand between Leo and a random bird yokai who decided to dump the egg on Leo (it's the accidental baby acquisition trope except its more like you-really-should-have-expected-this-leo baby acquisition XD)
Don't worry though, she's not bird-like enough to want to eat your fairy boys if she met them. She's basically just a feathered turtle who loves shiny things, and I haven't even finalized her design but now I wanna draw her as a fairy haha. I do know her feathers are blue-purple-pink-ish with red streaks, so her colour scheme matches Fairy Leo haha
Hmmmm maybe I should actually put a question here uhh....
You keep hinting at plot points but you've also said you don't plan on making this a comic, so are we ever going to find out what the heck is going on???
And I know the idea of making a whole entire comic can seem overwhelming, but have you considered viewing it as just doodling and practicing? For my own au comic I only have one part drawn so far and it is the first part, but I'm planning to just draw any part of the story at any point in time, just depending on what I feel like. Cuz no one says you have to do it the "normal" way, right? And I like to think of drawing the comic pages as practicing new skills, like learning how to do page layouts and composition better. Aka focus on the journey and not the end goal.
Whoo, that got kinda long and I only really asked one question, but based on previous asks you've answered I have a feeling you don't mind ;)
OK that was entirely just stream of thought after going through the whole au tag (there are more thoughts but most are incoherent and overlapping so this is what i managed to pick out of my brain), but to summarize: I love your fairy au and the boys are gonna be living in my head now, along with every other version of the turtles that I love <3 <3 <3
I'm glad to hear you're liking the fairy au!! I had a ton of fun coming up with their designs :D
I do actually plan on making this into a comic of sorts! I dunno if I could ever make, like, a long-form webcomic or anything like that-- but I'm definitely planning on doing at *least* a few mini-comics to elaborate on the story! And maybe build my way up to something longer and more fulfilled :D As of now, I'm trying to experiment with different comic styles on my own time so I can try and find something that's quick and easy, but still looks decent. I like the idea of treating it as essentially a glorified doodle page. Honestly, as soon as I try to take any of my stories too seriously, I burn out fast-- so I'm trying to stay pretty chill about this one and just making content whenever I feel like it lol
Yup, I'm totally cool with everyone drawing their OCs as fairies if they want to! It's not like I own the idea or anything lmao. The only caveat is that I have jurisdiction over whether or not something is canon to my particular au. Leo and the rest of the boys are still canonically kids/teenagers to me, and I've been writing/drawing them as kids this entire time, so I won't be including anything/anyone related to one of them having a "one night stand" with somebody. I can't really police what anyone else draws though, so have fun :D
Sorry about these little guys buzzing around in your brain ❤️💜🧡🩵
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sodaquail · 10 months
Dude I’m so hyped for your werewolf AU, you have no idea. I’m the biggest werewolf!Chip fan out there. Anyways, if you want asks (sorry if I misinterpreted your post):
What type of werewolf are we talking here? Classic bipedal or twilight style giant wolf? Somewhere in between?
Are any of the other characters werewolves, and/or does Chip know any others?
Is lycanthropy a known thing? How do people react?
One of my D&D books has a section on lycanthropy, and while you can play player characters affected by it, it goes hand and hand with the Evil alignment (it’s an older book, not sure about lycanthropy in 5E). Is this similar in your AU, or are werewolves misunderstood?
Don’t feel obligated to answer any of these haha, I understand that they could definitely lean into spoiler territory, I’m just so excited!! :D Werewolf world building is the best.
Im sooooo glad to see you're excited!!! I can totes add you to the tag list ^_^
for the TYPE of wolf... I totally leant more into mythology rather than werewolf movies. ive never actually watched a werewolf movie (although, a friend said wolfchip would be like the wolves from twilight so now im planning a marathon with IRLs.... oops) I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding into the nature and magic of werewolves and that stays hidden but.. - physically they are BIG. like twilight wolf sized... big big. - They have no tail (a mythology thing for werewolves!! common for creatures rumored to just be witches in disguse actually) I was VERYYYYYYYY much not going to pull the werewolf pop culture thing and have some 'weird human-wolf hybrid cross' because i did not like the idea tooooo much..... would rather be taken out back and killed with bricks than make chip bipedal wolf-man hybrid thing.... noooooooo...... also in human form werewolves are distinctly inhuman!! Won't go into TOO MUCH worldbuilding of mine but essentially, among other things their wolf form and traits fluctuate with the lunar cycle. on new moon they're indistinguishable from human, on full moon they're fully wolf, and all inbetween is a mix of traits. It all depends on when you catch em, whether it's day or night, whether it's new moon or close to full moon.... you might not know what you're signing up for if you find a normal person on the full moon only for them to change as the lunar cycle goes on, lol. but from mythology these are the traits which often identify a werewolf in human form - unibrow (not giving chip this one. no dice) - low, swinging stride (yes!) - lower set ears (also yes!) - when the skin is cut, there is fur under it! (yes, but i felt might be too obscure for people.... not included in common werewolf pop culture sadly...) as well as a few special things of my own!!! I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO OF WHAT WOLFCHIP LOOKS LIKE!! i found this on a dog grooming video on tiktok and went 'thats wolfchip."
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2) Yes! I have one confirmed werewolf NPC (of my own making for the purposes of the story) and am toying with the idea of making another character a werewolf. It won't be too big of a deal though... just a neat little reference!! 3) now THIS is staunchly spoiler territory!! sorry dude!!! 4) this is also spoiler territory but what i will say is that I did not go off of DND modules (although it wouldnt hurt to give them a read...)!! I play BECMI and 5e as my DND modules among other TTRPGS but i did not lean from any of them. Honestly, I didn't take much inspiration for my werewolf worldbuilding outside of some mythology shit (and not a lot, anyway). I think i just went off the general, well known werewolf myths and said 'ok what can i do with this' and i sewed and cut and now it is a new beast. it is MY beast. TYSM for your questions!!! Hope you enjoy the final project ahhhh...... seeing the answers for the spoilers in the fic will be SO much better than reading them here i swear :3
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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gothamslostboy · 11 months
Wes hicks and his bf at a party, bf feels anxious because of social anxiety, wes comforts him and helps him have a good time
A/N: this request is literally from May idk if you’re still hanging around my blog but I’m so sorry anon🫶 hope this is good enough to outweigh how long you had to wait
Safe Against The Sounds
wes hicks x male reader
WORDS: 564
Hey babe, you ok? The feeling of Wes’s hand wrapping around mine helps bring me back down to Earth, my eyes taking a blurry focus on him. It’s a couple seconds before I process what he said, the thudding of my heart blocking out parts of his voice. Yeah, I’m ok. Just, I’m just zoning out. Wes listens to my wobbly voice as he tilts his head & squeezes my hand. His lips curve down as his eyes pass over my hands, beer splashing against the cup I’m gripping.
Wes keeps his gaze there before moving towards the sliding glass door to our left. Our fingers are still intertwined as a cool breeze hits my body, helping my sweaty hands start to return to normal. He guides me to a secluded corner of Amber’s backyard, walking past the beer pong table where Chad is scolding Mindy’s less than great aim. I take a deep breath and release the tension in my shoulders I didn’t know I was holding when it’s just me and Wes, away from the thudding music and loud voices flooding the home. Wait right here Y/N, I’m gonna grab you a water.
He’s already jogging towards the house as I nod and close my eyes. I open my eyes when his footsteps on the grass let me know Wes is back, brows furrowed as he reads something on his phone. Um ok, he nods while slipping his phone into his back pocket, let’s find 5 things you can see right now. He sets the water bottle down on the grass and rubs my shoulders gently. I move my hand in the direction of each thing I list off. The grass, you, the house, a bird, and the water bottle. My words are more stable then before and he smiles, doing the slightest fist pump before moving on. Great job Y/N! The next one is 4 things you can touch. Uh, I try to think of everything I feel and open my mouth again. The breeze, my clothes, your hands and…. It’s ok if you can’t think of the fourth one, let’s move on to 3 things you can hear. I smile and lean against Wes looking back at him.
It’s ok Wes, I think I’m better now. It’s true, my vision is finally clear and my body is calm, no longer sweaty or strung so tightly I can’t breathe. He kisses my forehead and we stay quiet for a second, enjoying each other’s company. He pulls away and twists the cap off the water, leaning it towards me. You sure? Yeah, there’s just so many people inside haha. Do you want me to take you home? We can watch some movies and I’ll make some popcorn, he gives me another small smile and waits for me to finish taking a sip of water. You’re too sweet Wes, I lightly squeeze his face in my hand and he leans into my palm. We can stay, I just needed a minute. Our conversation is interrupted by Chad yelling across the lawn, Yo! My boys! I need a new partner, Mindy sucks at this; Me and Wes vs Y/N and Mindy? I look at Wes and laugh, shaking my head as we walk over. We both know how terrible his aim is, and can’t wait to see Chad’s face when they lose.
TAGS: @g4ywastaken
if you want to be tagged in any of my other posts, let me know and I’ll add you to the list! You can choose to only be added for certain fandoms or only for male or gender neutral readers if you’d like :] once again sorry to the anon who requested this so long ago
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borom1r · 4 months
1-25 choose violence ask game ❤️
ALL OF THEM?????? you’re so real for this ty snfnsnbfns. doing LotR bc of course I am
1. the character everyone gets wrong
PIPPIN I HATE TO SAY IT BUT PIPPIN. all those incorrect quote polls that have been posted where pippin keeps fucking winning YALL REALIZE HES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER RIGHT?? with like depth?? and bonds?? and a personality. yall realize that right?????? right??? ik we all love 2 joke but he would not say half of those things
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok I personally enjoy both for Boromir BUT if he IS topping. he is a service top. I will die on this hill
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I block ppl for these takes so no screenshots but everyone who thinks Boromir is a villain. if you think Boromir is a villain I will key your car.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
there is one singular straw and it is bad Boromir takes in the Boromir tag
5. worst discord server and why
I don’t join fandom discord servers bc I love myself too much for that 💗
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
ummm idk? most of my lotr mutuals have different ships from me and it’s all chill. but tbf I’m very selective abt who I interact with now lmao.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
no one yet thank fuck.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Aragorn/Arwen isn’t actually romantic sorry I think it’s fucked up actually. the vibes are off there for SURE
9. worst part of canon
FARAMIR’S “yeah I’m gonna take you from your home and tame you. haha wdym. you don’t need a blade during times of peace.” SHTICK WITH ÉOWYN IN THE BOOKS. UNPACK YOUR BIASES YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!!!!!!
10. worst part of fanon
HM. I will stick with “people who horrifically misinterpret Boromir’s character”
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at the moment I only have rings of power blocked but I’ve had that blocked since it came out bc if I look at the armor in that show I will commit crimes.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MOVIE!FARAMIR MY SPECIALEST LITTLE GUY OOOOOOOOOO MOVIE!FARAMIR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU he’s so handsome and special and I love him and you WILL all look at him and clap and cheer. it makes me insane that his temptation by the ring mirror’s Boromir’s and he’s actually fucking normal abt the Rohirrim AND I just love him very much :)
13. worst blorboficiation
ummm idk… maybe Frodo
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
HMMM exposing myself but I basically only read Aragorn/Boromir fics lmao + since we’re Choosing Violence the most annoying thing is Boromir just being A Brute. like damn I love the surface level reading of the text maybe try engaging with it above a 1st grade analysis next time 💗
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmmmm idk cuz again I don’t interact w a lot of fanartists so there’s nothing like. annoying. all th ✨motifs✨ I do see r very fun + I like them :)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ummm for Serious, portraying Pippin as Stupid. for Silly, uhhhh Trans Faramir is so real to me I completely forgot cis people both 1) exist in the real world and 2) probably interpret Fara as cis too. i don’t get it :(
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
trans Faramir 🩵💗🤍
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
HM idk. trans Faramir again. also bc I love it, utilizing Old Norse culture for the Rohirrim teehee
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
OK IM MAD THAT FINNISH BOROMIR IS JUST ME. THATS ME. THATS AN OUTFIT I WEAR REGULARLY MINUS THE LONG HAIR. I DRESS LIKE THAT TO BUY GROCERIES. i love him for that tho. I’m also mad that MtG Boromir’s stupid pointy muttonchops have grown on me. freak behavior, keeping his facial hair trimmed in those stupid little points
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’m fighting for my life reading the histories rn 😑 I find them very dry for the most part
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk? I think there is an appropriate level of hype. but idk if Rings of Power had a lot of hype. if it did, then Rings of Power is my answer
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if it’s IGNORED necessarily but the fact that Boromir carries a Rohirric shield in the films does actually genuinely make me insane 💞 I love that sm
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
UNWILLINGLY?????? idk?? ummmm I think it’s all fine for the most part I’m just A Fag so I don’t write het ships. it’s like a moral thing. Éowyn/Faramir gets a pass conceptually bc they’re T4T to me tho
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idkkkkkkk I don’t engage w discourse bc I want this fandom to remain pleasanttttt
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
again idk.. I block on sight if I see a Bad Take + then I erase it from my memory so I can continue to live in a beautiful blissful world where I. forgor abt cis people ☺️
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deedala · 10 months
🌿w e e k l y 🍄 t a g 🕯️ w e d n e s d a y🌙
thanks @darlingian for writing this week!! and thanks for tagging me @creepkinginc @energievie @metalheadmickey 💖💖💖
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: oh hey yeah i am going to have to also say Bob Belcher. He is dad goals.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?: im sorry i have a whole entire me and 2 kids to take care of i dont want anything else lmao
what is your Chinese takeout order?: veggie fried rice and veggie egg rolls!
what's your favourite emoji?: omg i dunno uhmmmm 💖 is probably up there!!
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: okay i am a legendary plant killer but i would LOVE to be able to just hang in a greenhouse. thats my vibe. i just cannot be responsible for those plants ok
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: david the gnome!
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: for a really long time my tumblr was just my silly little artworks, from like 2011 to late 2014. in 2015 it became more of my dragon age artwork and fandom blog. and then a few years ago i just started reblogging whatever the fuck i wanted. and well now its a whole mess huh. my beloved trash pile.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: cottage core and dark academia
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: Thedas hoo boy
what is your favourite piece of art?: hmmm birth of venus by william-adolphe bouguereau
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: aluminum cup with a straw style, its blue and green and has a leaves design on it
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? uuhhh...i dont know if i have a quiet fav?
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?: lately its been an addidas black drawstring bag. i just dug through it and found absolutely nothing un-normal haha?? i guess the most uncommon thing in there might be the epi-pens??
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: what kind of choice is this?? im going to go ahead and be a cheater and say i BFF ship mickey with debbie
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: ack...again i dunno?? i just like all the basic things and i dont know enough about the other stuff? maybe i need to try more things that i think sound unfun lol
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: lmao hes so inexplicably swole, yes absolutely
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: i want debbie to have that, she deserves it.
Okay here's some nuggets who i think might want to play!! @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @mickeysgaymom @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @callivich @juliakayyy @mmmichyyy @jrooc @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna @suzy-queued @tanktopgallavich @lingy910y @transmickey @rereadanon @palepinkgoat @sickness-health-all-that-shit @suchagallabitch @thepupperino @sleepyfacetoughguy @tsuga-of-mars and also you person not tagged you can lie and say i tagged you as always i will corroborate~
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yesireadbooks · 1 year
Writer Questions Tag
This is gonna be loonggg... haha. Thank you @starbuds-and-rosedust for the tag!
Gently tagging: @the-chaotic-writer @holdmyteaplease @enne-uni @ashwithapen and an open tag for you!
1) What motivates you to write?
Ok, this is a very philosophical one. I've always had a lot of stories but never the right audience to tell them. So, I began to write. This was an on and off thing going on for a while and was basically a thing I did during holidays. But, now that school is a bit easier and the work load lighter, I can start telling my stories. So, whilst the need to tell my stories is one motivation, I also want to write something which would leave an imprint on the reader(s). Something that would either someone finds relatable or opens up someone's perspective.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Ooof, so, there is this one opening I'm in love with. Mainly cuz it attacks me haha. This is from Experiment 615.
Word on the streets is that if you see a scientist and a policeman together, you are either the next experiment, or the last one is near you. But no one thought of a story for when five policemen, two scientists and ten soldiers and two army generals arrive at the Chromia State High School. So, here is one.
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
This one undoubtably goes to Hoshito, whom you might already know cuz I rant about her like a lot. She is a toddler, speaks only Japanese and an adopted child following the death of her parents during a car crash (I'm sorry, little one). She is so adorable and sometimes instead of writing, I just keep smiling at my screen.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
This is a quite hard one; I've never thought about it. But now that I did, I think my favourite part is reading through the second or third draft, which would ideally be the best version of my wip.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Ouch, this one hurts my self-depreciating personality. I think I am good at conveying emotions via psychiatric reactions. That is becuz I tend to find ways to info dump in my wips and this is the way I info dump Psychiatry. That helps me write some realistic foreshadowing as well as maybe comical hints.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I love the engagement and encouragement of the community. Because, after my English Teacher, this is the only community that has actually said something good about my writing. Academic and Fictional.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I find notepad very very useful in my writing. I use LibreOffice Writer for normal writing but sometimes when I have only sketch ideas, or poems, I first write it in notepad and then, cross edit with multiple tabs open.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Ooohh, now I won't bombard you with this, I have @scalmropia for that, but I will rant about the royal attire I made for the Monarch and Princess Admiral.
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
This is something I often tell myself. Take a moment and do something else, like maybe draw an OC or make a map or maybe even do something crazy like writing a national anthem or an army skit. That way, you can help yourself immerse more in the wip(s) while also reducing the pressure. Personally, doing this has made me think up better character dynamics, flow of story and even some new pre/sequel or unrelated wips.
Also, try unrelated short stories and poetry. That helps to stretch and loosen you brain muscles (not literally haha) and in the long run, help with your main writing.
Also, doing something else also might push you for balancing wips and other creatives. It did that to me.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
Well, it goes without question that @holdmyteaplease is my biggest supporter while @enne-uni @sanbukk3t @anonymousfoz @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @starbuds-and-rosedust are some of my biggest supporters. Thank you so much y'all, much love and appreciation! Then when I comes to people whose works, I love, I cannot stress this enough, I LOVE ALL OF YOUR (plural) WORKS.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk..!
Clean question set under the cut
1) What motivates you to write?
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
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what do you like doing in your free time?
why is your name clenched buttocks (I wanna know the reason, pls its so funny lol)
what are things you're good at? (own it babe) (and i don't mean 'babe' in a weird way - just gotta clear that lol)
do you have a best friend?
do you write OG stories and/or fanfics?
one thing you hate about yourself
one thing you love about yourself
do you want a pet? if so, what pet and why
(pls at this rate, its sounding like an interview, so sorry 😂 i'm just...i have a lot of time in my hands and i decided to do this for no particular reason)
fave type of music?
what made you like bsd? and did you always like it? (cause for me, i didnt like it too much at first but it grew on me the second time around)
have you read the bsd light novels and what's your fave light novel if yes?
any pet peeves?
what's your 'ideal' partner (do you have a type like Kunikida or are you fine with anything as long as you're having fun)
Would you rather be single and rich or taken and with a normal salary?
are you happy with where you work/study?
what's your dream career?
what's the app you use the most?
would you rather draw or write?
*** (P.S just pick the ones you want to answer) **
i think im going to look like a weirdo asking so much questions but whatever. at least we dont know each other HAHA i hope you have a good day. <3 and also i love your analyses. just keep posting what you like. i find some of your posts funny lol
good day.
(# you asked and i delivered) (# just me looking for an excuse to use this line) (# cause you said you wanted more questions in your other post TT) (# also ik this isn't a real tag but i wanna be ✨creative) (# fan behavior? idk anymore lmao) okay bye mwa <3
i have no free time. I either overwork myself or sleep. however, assuming that i've got a sliver of time to do something, I swap from one obsession to the next <3 rn it's going for insanely long bike rides and turn down every road I feel like until I'm lost,, and going to the gym like an absolute maniac bc i want my arms to be the size of a regular adult's legs
my username is what i desire in life. it is was I strive to be worthy of. it is beauty and life itself, it is the culmination of the universe's most wonderous accomplishments all squished into two raging enormous, gargantuan muscular earth shattering sea trembling ass cheeks 😩😩 (BUT in all seriousness I chose this bc I felt like having tecchousthiccthighs wasn't quite as pleasant??? eheheh buttocks is a funny word)
MY TALENT IS SAYING ANYTHING THAT CROSSES MY MIND TO STRANGERS i've been on this spree lately where I just straight up call anyone pretty when I run into them and HOLY MOLY PPL ARE SO CUTE ABT IT this is your sign to compliment someone today ✨✨ but nah baby i'm good at everything it's a curse ngl (U CAN CALL ME WTV HUN IT'S OK KJKDJFKJS UR SO ADORABLE WHAT)
no best friend bc i can't do commitment and bully friends that get too close to me 😍😍 BUT i'm gonna tag @bellyjellyfish for being my one and only and somehow not hating me thru my unironic "uwu" phase <33
I wrote a 700 page story when I was 12 and it remains unfinished bc I kept rambling and there was no plot 🕴️I love writing but abandon a whole lot of works bc I dream up the rest of the plot and go "oh well why write it now i've been there done that" I DO WRITE FANFICS 👁️👁️ I have a wp account where i wrote a bunch of awful stories and it still stands to this day! (no i will not disclose it don't even try me grr)
I hate how sexy I am 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I love how sexy I am 😳😳😳😳🥶🥶🥶🥶😜😜😜😜
I WANT A TARANTULA I WANT A TARANTULA I WAS A CHILEAN RED KNEE TARANTULA AND I WANT ONE SO BADLY OMFG I've always liked spiders but the ppl I live with would absolutely kick me out if I got one??? once i live on my own i'm def buying two cages so that whenever I have guests, I just put out the empty cage, hide the real one, and be like "oh no what happened to billy my tarantula, he escaped again :(" just to wreak havoc
fav type of music is classical bc i'm edgy and not like other girls 🤩🤩🤩 something about la campanella just hit so hard when I was like 10 that I have taken it and ran, but I do listen to rnb a lot, never in just one language tho bc sometimes english sucks my d
I liked bsd as soon as I saw ranpo's silhouette in the first episode, I was like "him. I want him 🏃‍♀️" but it was solidified in my head as soon as I saw natsume bc 1) he's hot AF IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT HIM 2) I had been reading his irl works and fell in love, so I started exploring other bsd authors and it introduced me to gogol (i'm so in love with his writing style it's not ok) soooo yeah :)) I started reading bc someone (you know who you are) liked chuuya and I haven't looked back since, tbh it's one of my favs just bc of the characters and their depth
I've read all the light novels I could get my hands on, and I have to say stormbringer FOR THE ONLY, SOLE REASON THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH ADAM
pet peeve hmmmm idk??? i'm chill with everything except pickles I hate those mfs, but if I had to chose smth it would be when someone shoves a ship down my throat (it's me i'm bitches go stan satosugu rn)
no ideal partner! I'm aro fyi, but also I feel like I'd be chill with just abt anything?? if u match my energy, we can be partners in chaos and i'll feel understood, and if you don't, I get to learn abt a different kind of lifestyle and get to have someone sane to hold me down (or to corrupt), so either way it's a win. I find culture to be incredibly attractive, speak a language I don't or tell me about a tradition of yours with a wholesome smile and I'd move mountains for you 💖💖 teach me abt something that you're emotionally invested in and an expert, and I'm literally yours <3
haha i don't ever wanna be in a relationship so i'll take being rich,, but honestly it ain't about the money, i'd want to have a normal salary and be taken, but it just ain't my vibe ?? dunno how to explain erm-
app i use most is my local library app bc i'm constantly trying to renew my books that are incredibly close to being overdue 🫡 but nahh i don't use my phone that often it still irks me i'm actually a 60 year old gilf who hates technology and complains abt kids these days
I CAN'T DRAW BUT I ALSO CAN'T WRITE YOU'VE GOT ME AT A DEADLOCK BRO??? if it's which I would rather be GOOD at, i'd say drawing bc imagine thinking abt something and just printing it out on paper??? yall fr got some magical talent omg
WHAT IF WE DO KNOW EACH OTHER THO??? WHAT IF WE'RE ACTUALLY NEIGHBORS??? CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??? YOU NEVER KNOW AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL MUAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna stop now but ty for all your questions and have a wonderful day, darling <33
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aldilaaishwari-blog · 2 years
whatever - TMI updated
TMI TAG ∙ QUESTIONS: 1: What are you wearing? t-shirt, cardigans & trousers (fall & no heating)
2: Ever been in love? Duh!! (HAHA) Probably not
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Hmm. Is there any good breakups tho?
Actually must be worse for my exes that are ghosted right after (sorry)
4: How tall are you? Around 1,6
Still the same
5: How much do you weigh? Last time I checked it was 52 kg. Maybe it’s less now since I am broke :p
HAHA add 10 kg to that
6: Any tattoos? Nope.
Yes! Small semicolon on my wrist
7: Any piercings? I have both of my ears pierced.
My nose, my side ear (orbital?)
8: OTP? I don’t have anyonr in mind. Maybe chandler and monica. Rachel and ross.
Had to google this first. Hmmm maybe still the same? Or Jim & Pam? Actually idk, no otp
9: Favorite show? Friends is my all time fave!
Ew no hahah. Ok ew is too strong. big bang?
10: Favorite bands? I can’t think of any now. How lame! I know
Still don't know
11: Something you miss? My lil sister, my parents, my friend in korea and in indonesia and of course my man who I get to see this weekend. Eek so excited!
Def not the same answer. My sister, yes. hmm idk?
12: Favorite song? Hard question! I can’t just mention one. I have too many!
Still too many. Now on repeat: loving you, first day of my life
13: How old are you? Err 25. I know I am old. Shut up!
HAHA 33 and feel much younger than my 25 self
14: Zodiac sign? I am a gemini girl!
Still same
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Hard worker, funny, confident
Idk? I am not looking
16: Favorite Quote? Be happy and a reason will come :) Always works!
Ooh I hope I can go back to this. But now I'm here for good time not long time lol
17: Favorite actor? Hmm also hard. Johnny depp is one of them.
18: Favorite color? Black, white
Still same I guess
19: Loud music or soft? Mostly loud.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? Go to my friends or just to my bed
Walking around, journaling
21: How long does it take you to shower? That differs everytime. Can be from 5 tik 20 mins
Still the same
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Normally i can get ready in 30 mins
haha def longer
23: Ever been in a physical fight? No and i am not planning to have one. Make love not war ;)
Still no yay
24: Turn on? 3 days beards!
hahahha not sure. but perhaps loong, meaningful conversation?
25: Turn off? Bad breath(ew)
People who are not in touch with their emotions, (typical) masculine energy haha
26: The reason I joined Youtube? Just to watch videos. Maybe too many videos
27: Fears? That I will dissapoint my parents
NOOOO. idk?
28: Last thing that made you cry? Intense talk with my bf T.T
HAHAHHA omg, still the same reason, same person
29: Last time you said you loved someone? I just did
Cant remember
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? It’s my real name
31: Last book you read? Murakami book, but I didnt finish it. I will maybe in the future.
OMG still haven't finished it hahaha
32: The book you’re currently reading? None.
33: Last show you watched? Ellen. Love her!!
EW no ellen. Hmmm? Dahmer?
34: Last person you talked to? My friend via skype
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? It’s my good friend
36: Favorite food? All indonesian food. Oh and eggs! I can eat that every day err day!
Still the same
37: Place you want to visit? South korea!
Stil the same I guess
38: Last place you were? Hmmm my toilet(?)
Firly's place
39: Do you have a crush? I have lots of youtuber crush! Hihi
LOL no one
40: Last time you kissed someone? Don’t even remember! How sad.
OMG Aldila haha.
41: Last time you were insulted? I don’t know. I can’t be offended easily.
Still the same
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Chocolate. Esp. Dark chocolate
43: What instruments do you play?? I wish I had one.
lol same
44: Favorite piece of jewelry? Ring
45: Last sport you played? Run. Last week. I normally run every week and pilates twice a week, but I just got my wisdom teeth removed so I can’t do any sports for a week.
HAHAHA cant rememeber
46: Last song you sang? I don’t know.
Soko - Take my heart
47: Favorite chat up line? I honestly don’t know any chat up line Haha
Gosh still same answer
48: Have you ever used it? Err no
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Just now
Today's morning
50: Who should answer these questions next? Everyone who read til the end ;)
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