#ok lowkey. did this perfectly. killed it. 10/10 likeness
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tricoufamily ¡ 11 months ago
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sim self (peer reviewed by my mom)
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yes i made my tattoo
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toomanyopinionss ¡ 2 years ago
My thoughts while watching…
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It was a ✨trainwreck✨.
But… I didn’t mind it.
I’ve read the book, but i knew going into this that I had to separate the two works because then i’d end up pissed and irritated. I think it was a good call? the movie definitely leaves out a lot of the good juicy stuff from the books, but it’s got its own strengths.
Let’s get into it:
Agatha’s a good character. I think they might have missed the mark with her personality a bit though, cause she was the pettiest b!tch in the books. But i guess it works better with the movie’s vibe. and sofia wylie is actually gorgeous, i love her
Sophie was freaking perfect. i loved her character, miss sophia anne acted her ass off, and it paid off. Her character was better in the movie, imo. Don’t get me wrong, i loved sophie in the books, but they basically removed everything i didn’t like about her in the books out. so yes, love it.
Tedros was better than the book Tedros, but the bar was so low. it’s not that i didn’t like him, it’s just that the only times i really enjoyed him on screen was when he was with sophie or agatha. he had chemistry with both, i guess but his personality needed work. wanting “a girl that’s different from the rest” is not a personality trait netflix.
JUSTICE FOR GREGOR. that shit pissed me off!!! that man made me laugh more than everyone else, and they just killed him off for what 🤨
rafal is hot. his motivations were kind of confusing, but he fine so i gave him a pass
Lesso, Dovey, and Anemone were the best characters in the movie. there i said it. i guess getting older (i’m like 19 but whatever) means enjoying the adults in these movies more than them ratchet kids.
Ok, now the movie itself. If u had read the books before hand, it was maybe a lil disappointing, but over all it was pretty ok. if not, it was a little confusing.
that reverse uno ms. sophie served with the prom at the end of the movie was such a SERVE in the books. in the movie, i felt it was less impactful, which sucked.
The movie was over two hours long, but it still felt like it was missing so much of the story. I think this type of story requires a show. It needed more time to marinate.
I liked the relationship between agatha and sophie here. it didn’t feel forced, which was nice. the changes they made to the beginning of the story did wanders for their relationship, i think.
the side characters were good. unsurprisingly the ones at the school of evil were better by far. but i needed more of them. i loved hester, anadil, dot, and hort in the books. i feel like i barely got to see them :(
Lastly, am i the only one who thought the movie was a lil… heteronormative? Although Sophie and Agatha aren’t a couple in the books, there was always a… romantic undertone when it came to them. Maybe it’s just me, maybe i’m grasping here, but I needed a bit more gay 🤷🏾‍♀️
overall: 7/10. maybe 7.5 if u squint
P.S. Netflix needs to stop using these, quite frankly tired tracks for these movies. who else is lowkey sick of hearing olivia rodrigo or billie eilish every time a character decides to be a girl boss??? there are so many other perfectly good songs to use.
P.P.S. charlize come home the kids miss you.
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markestapasgirl ¡ 4 years ago
Karasuno Dream SMP
I had this idea the other day and if the Haikyuu boys watch the dream smp or not. So that’s is what this is I hope y’all enjoy the hc
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Hinata Shoyo
Hinata doesn’t watch the smp
This boy just recently got out of his minecraft phase
Like he just stopped watch DanTDM
He litteraly says to himself “I refuse to go down the black hole again”
He gets so frantic about it 😀
Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama’s recently watched on YouTube is all volleyball games
Let’s be honest with ourselves here
He would not
And when other talk about it he just stands there 🧍‍♂️
Yamaguchi Tadashi
100% watched the smp
Him and Tsuki send eachother animatics and fan art
He cries over the whole Tommy being exiled thing
His streamer is Wilbur
He loves Wilbur and his music
He played your new boyfriend in repeat for 3 days
Tsuki had to tell him to stop listening to it
When Wilbur did the chorus for your new boyfriend on stream HE PANICKED
Like he was so fucking exited
Lowkey adorable
He didn’t know the smp was scripted, he cried when he found out
He really went 😀😶🥲🥺
But yes he watches the smp
He also cried when he first meet ghostbur
Tsukishima Kei
Like I said he definatly watches the smp
He sends yams clips he likes and they talk about it all the time
Like yams gets so excited and Tsuki does only internally
They both watched since day 1 for sure
Proud of the fact he watched it before the hype
His streamer was Jshlatt
He liked that he was a tryant
Now since Jshaltt is 😵 he likes techno blade
Yams was like “tf? Why? He is the bad guy”
And Tsuki went “and? Hero’s are boring”
And he left HENSYANSIS
But another yes 100% watches the smp
Nishinoya and Tanaka
Ok I grouped these two bc I honestly think they are the same when it comes to the smp
Both watch of course
They don’t care about the plot line
They are there for the crack part of the smp
God typing that was so weird
They love him💕
Honestly same
But they only watch quackity’s streams
They both retweet all of his tweets too
Defiantly considered getting shorts that said el rapids on them
They both ditched practice early bc quackity was streaming
Benchwarmers 1,2,3
Idk there name
One of them is enoshita and ones name is like naruto?
Idk but they don’t watch the smp
So when Noya and Tanaka talk about el rapids
They legit went “rapids? As in like Hilary Clinton, Cedar Rapids?”
Lol they had no idea and are so lost
Daichi (insert last name)
Idk how to spell daichi’s last name so 🤷‍♀️
He doesn’t
He is a boomer
don’t come for me
But like the rest of the team talks about it and he goes ?
He asked kiyoko what “honk” means bc she said it one time
She died laughing that day
Asahi (last name)
I also don’t know how to spell asahi’s last name shm
But he watches the smp
He never knows what is happening in the plot line though
Like he watches it but has no clue what is happening
Still finds a way to be emotionaly attached to the characters though
But his streamer is niki
He has the FATTEST crush on niki
Like it’s the cutest thing ever
He is in love with her
And her voice, he thinks it’s the best thing ever
#1 niki fan girl
Sugawara Koushi
Watches the smp!
I know this for a fact (he told me😼)
He understands the story line and makes conspiracy theories about what will happen next
Like he is so on point with them that he predicted Tommy’s exile and him seeing things
He just knows
Definatly tried to get whitelisted for the smp though
He is trying so hard, like just let him have this
His steamer is Karl
Like come on, they are practically the same person
Both have that caring side when need but also chaotic
Recks havic in the third year group chat with smp stuff
he hates tommy
Tommy makes him lose 10 years off of his life
When tommy eas staring at the lava, Suga closed the stream
He was screaming “JUMP! I MIGHT GET 30 YEARS OF MY LIFE BACK!”
ABJSHSGAHS why can I picture that perfectly
Overall, good smp fan
Made me realize I was gay🙊
n e ways
Kiyoko watches the smp
She only watches for the storyline though
That and she watches Karl
I think kiyoko would really like the vibe karl gives off yk?
Also she loves when he plays jack box games
She finds them so fun and it’s the only time she will laugh out loud
She loves him tbh
Also cried over fan art that Asahi sent her
They both cried over it together
Suga was laughing at it bc it was tommy exile art
How Noya and Tanaka found out kiyoko watches the smp
Noya and Tanaka had rushed out of the gym after practice one day bc quackity was streaming. Those boys really said ZOOOOOOMMM. Anyways, the rest of the team had left shortly after them and kiyoko stayed back to clean up a little more for the next day. Tanaka got half way home and realized he left his jacket in the gym. So like any sane person, he turned on the stream on his phone and the two boys booked it back to the gym. Meanwhile kiyoko was cleaning up and found a keychain that fell off someone’s bag. She said “what the honk is this?” (I would think kiyoko is so fuckin cute saying that) little did she know that the two simps walked in the door right when she said that. !initiate Noya Tanaka panic! they both feel in love with kiyoko again that day 💕
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Ok this was fun to think about and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know if I should do the other team!!!! Omg dream smp kenma 🥰 but yah
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everybuddiewantssome ¡ 4 years ago
The final five of season six of smallville might be my favourite end sequence to a season yet
I live for the ladies kicking ass
The drama of Clark waiting til the last second to stop the bullet from killing Lex was perfectly unnecessary but also very necessary
Chloe going back to war with a Luthor fun times
I'm glad Oliver is at least mentioned once in a while. But I'm sad that they're in his apartment and I'm not seeing my boy
I need a best friend like Clark. Boy tells Chloe's mom everything about her girl. My hearttttt
Clark joining the war let's go
How the hell is Lionel still alive????
Lana threatening Lionel in and everything else she is doing in this ep is making my day
The music while she was shooting the briefcase was highly odd but highly entertaining
Lex gets pissed at Clark after Clark gets impaled in the arm by a rock but Lex couldn't stab him with a chisel. Also of course Clark not trusting him but that's a Lex problem
Clark just casually telling Lex Lana wanted to leave him while they're dying in underground tunnels. Classic
Clark: were we ever really friends? Me: that's debatable
I actually let myself believe Lex was going to save Clark. How naive was I
Lana was about to just leave her husband in the tunnel and I love her for
Lex: did you really think I was going to let you die alone down here Clark? Me: honestly yeah
Ok that ep was incredible
Look I was never off team Lana but I'm right back on it
I'm all for a Clark Chloe Lana and Lois vs the Luthors plotline
Of course the army guy is still alive
Just casually thinking of those days when Lex was convinced he was special because of his miraculous survival in near death experiences
I've seen lots of posts about noir but still did not see that coming. Lana?
This is the Noir I was expecting this is better
I love the subtle nods to Clois at all times
I can not take 40s Lex seriously with the bow tie and and top hat
Um 1940s Lois and Lex? Why? Just why must you?
Lionel is somehow creepier in the 40s
Undercover cop Clark Kent gimme
This is quite the 1940s love pentagon I'm a but confused but it's alright
Jimmy: calls 911 Chloe: calls Clark. Me too Chloe
The lack of door or any privacy on Chloe's bedroom makes me uneasy
Lana's entire relationship with Lex has been a scam I love her
Clark: if I find out you had anything to do with Lex marrying Lana the gloves will come off. How do you like that option? Me: I adore it it couldn't be better
Martha to Lois: you're practically family. Me: mama kent you have no idea
Clark not even making the slightest attempt to hide his secret from Lana he knows she knows but still won't say anything the idiot puppy
So is mom Kent being written out of the show?
Hey Lex how about you don't get mad at Lana for listening in on your conversations she's literally your wife if you tell her things she wouldn't have to
Hey Quebec nice
Never mind not so nice. Lowkey creepy
Lex: Lana actually loves me. Me: hmmmm that's debatable
Lovesick puppy is officially living solo
Ok who's gonna take over the farm when Clark runs off to fight his bizarre self?
Why am I laughing so hard at Clark finally telling Lana the truth
Lana thank you for reacting that way
Lana handing it to Lex.... girl, slay
I need to learn to stay away from all food and drinks when watching this show before I choke
Lana faking her death... girl continues to kill it. I refuse to believe she's actually gone
Chloe your cousin is unconscious from blood loss she's not just gonna wake up and respond
I know Chloe will be ok it's cool
Clark gets thrown through the air by bizarro and I'm sitting here losing my mind laughing at their fight I don't think I'm ok
Lex has resorted to using children. Wonderful. I miss season 1 and 2 Lex
Other shows: finales may put one character in danger. Smallville: every characters fate is in limbo every season finale
Wait..... what happened to oreo man?
I just spent 10 minutes uncontrollably sobbing laughing and I don't even know what I'm laughing but I'm gonna take a breather before going to the next ep... I mean next season
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fieldfullofbangtan ¡ 6 years ago
bts hc: while traveling ep. 1 - airport
a/n: since they are all on vacation right now i was inspired to make this. imagine how fun a vacation with these seven would be <3_<3
gotta keep up the worldwide handsome status
like child you are going to sit on an airplane for 10 hours
why are you so dressed up
and security fkn hates him because he put on all his bling
“oops sorry my watch”
“oops sorry my necklace”
“oops sorry m-”
has energy for some reason even tho everyone else is dead
“comon’, smile! we’re going on vacation!”
“hyung it’s 6am”
drags everyone to duty free
doesn’t even buy anything he just wants to ✨ browse ✨
has snacks for everyone in his bag
your local snack-dealer
banana milk? he’s gotchu
chocolate? he’s gotchu
cupcake? he doesnt have you at the moment but he’ll happily track it down for you
what kind of hyung would he be if he didn’t feed his bros?
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travel leader
handles check-ins and stuff
makes sure the others don’t forget to pack anything 
has everything under control
until they arrive at the airport and he realizes he left his luggage at home
*everyone yells his name in unison*
“oops... hehe... well I told you guys being 45 minutes early would come in handy!”
the youngest three stress him out so bad
for him it’s like traveling with 6 toddlers
“HEY don’t wander too far from the gate”
“do you know how overpriced the food is here?! that’s why i brought sandwiches!”
as if they can’t afford it?
after a while he gets too tired to give a shit
just sleeps at the gate while the others try to kill eachother
“i really need this vacation...”
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is still asleep 10 minutes before they leave the dorm
his packing is a mess because he doesn’t give a shit
he just wants to get out of here
really needs a vacation
*gives whoever is yelling the finger*
is somehow ready to go before everyone else
while everyone is frantic to make sure they’ve got everything he just sits in the cab
“hey, dO yOu WaNt Us tO mIsS tHe fLiGhT”
does not enjoy the airport
or flying
gets through security like a boss
just looks forward to napping at the gate
and on the plane
will take up a row of seats at the gate just to nap
lowkey very happy because 🔥VACATION🔥
*cough* i mean uh vacation~
he’ll let it show every once in a while by just smiling out of nowhere
and being nice to the other boys
“did Yoongi just wake up from a nap and smile...?”
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how many people can genuinely say that they’ve been happy while at the airport
hoseok can
gives the paparazzis something to look at
skips around the airport
rest of the members think he’s on acid
“the fuck is up with him?”
just overall in a good ass mode because 
talks way too much with the airport staff
obviously they don’t mind because he’s so damn charming
security forgets to do their job because hoseoks distracting them
accidentally becomes a security risk
every 5 minutes he shoves his phone into one of the members face to show them some famous spot or random fact about their vacation destination
yoongi: “somebody please slip him some valium before i strangle him”’
dont do drugs kids
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treats the airport like a catwalk
flips hair
adjusts glasses
you’d think he just walked onto a red carpet
he needs to pipe down
“Jimin are those leather pants really comfortable to fly in?”
“ok no but do you see these pictures they took of me? i look flyyyy”
its true tho
have you ever seen an airport photo of him where he doesnt look BOMB
puts pressure on the rest of bts so now they all have to look fly thanks to him
puts on a show during airport security
takes of his belt *wow*
takes of his expensive watch *wow*
takes of his glasses *wow*
takes of his shoes *umm... wow?*
for people who have a thing for feet *WOW*
though as soon as he boards the plane he goes from *moan* to hihihihihi
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looks fly
but tired as all hell
doesn’t enjoy the stress of the airport
but he’ll still be very exited because it’s soon relaxation time
you think he’ll be less goofy when tired?
he’s just goofy to the point where nobody understands him
“hey guys, what did the airplane say to the airport?”
“Choo choo!” *dies from laughter*
*nobody gets it*
just constant wtf is he talking about
sudden bursts of energy
runs around with jungkook
messes with jimins outfit
spends way too much money at duty free with jin
ends up passing out at the gate with yoongi
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a boss at traveling at this point
and he enjoys it
so exited for vacayyyyy
*packing his suitcase and taehyung starts to mess with him*
 “do you think this is a joke?
yall know the lifehack gifs when they just hold two edges of a t-shirt and do some magic maneuver and suddenly its just perfectly folded?
thats him
organized chaos
i dunno if everyone has realized yet but this boy has become an edgelord when traveling
black on black on black
does some cute shit for the fans and papz
as soon as they pass security he just sits at the gate drinking banana milk and playing games
he’s the one who actually has everything under control but nobody notices
“jungkook your bag is kinda heavy...”
*everyone needs to pay for overweight except for him*
“hyung im right behind you...?”
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warzofstarz ¡ 5 years ago
star wars Thoughts at 4 am
ok so rise of skywalker happened,,, and i have mixed feelings. i didn’t hate it but i didn’t love it either (and i usually love star wars movies), so i am in desperate need of a little rant about both the good and the bad in the conclusion of the saga
1. JJ ABRAMS DISREGARDING ALL OF THE DEVELOPMENT WE EXPERIENCED DURING LAST JEDI. this is what i am most upset about. you don’t have to like tlj, but you can’t pretend it never happened. it’s like he was trying to completely backtrack on everything that happened in tlj bc it was ~his~ vision for the franchise. i think that is disrespectful to not only rian, but to fans who grew attached to the development of the characters. we see finn revert back to first movie finn (lovesick puppy lowkey), rey become an invincible child of the sith, the end of the skywalker family line, complete abandonment of rose, and a total shift in the message of the trilogy. all jammed last second into the film. the next few points all have to do w this
2. the fact that in tlj it is revealed that rey is truly nobody- she’s not some all-powerful descendant or some with royal blood- and tros completely ignores this and makes her a palpatine. the whole point before was that she’s normal, but that doesn’t make her any less powerful, smart, or strong. the message from the first two movies was that you don’t have to be in these elite categories to be special and powerful, which is an important message to every single child and adult watching. it empowers us as viewers to believe that we have the capability to be great, no matter our status, birth name, ethnicity, class, or where we are from. you can find family when you have none. you have the power to change your life. when jj decide LAST SECOND to make her a palpatine, with no clues thrown into the first two movies to lead us to believe this, it feels like a joke. the rey we had come to sympathize with is suddenly an all-powerful sith, seeming stronger than even anakin and yoda, even though she had never even completed training. this reveal is not emotional and literally loses respect rather than gaining any from the audience. a cop out. i felt less emotionally attached to rey than in the previous two films bc of her sheer perfect power
3. rose being 100% sidelined even though her character was incredible in last jedi. her arc was one that i truly couldn’t wait to see finish and sadly we never got it because she was completely abandoned so it could just be a trio once more. i love her. the disrespect.
4. the sudden introduction of zorri just so that poe has someone to flirt with??? like if you wanted to prove he was heterosexual make him flirt w someone he has actual on screen history and chemistry with, like uhhhh idk? rey?????? dont get me wrong tho she is a badass and i love how she shuts poe down!! queen
5. how they throw it in there that finn is force sensitive but don’t fully explain it?? and he never even tells rey??? this is SUCH a cool concept yet it’s never even hinted at until the third movie and its not further developed as to why. likewise i wish we saw the stormtroopers before they left the first order. see what they dealt with and the abuse they endured bc it’s such an important facet of the trilogy and literally drives finns character
6. how we never touch on why poe felt it when rey was tortured?
7. i wish leia hadn’t died and she rallied support w lando
8. if they are a dyad why didn’t rey and ben fight palpatine together?? then no one would have died??
9. i’m just really sad that they chose to kill ben because even though rey takes their name, the skywalker bloodline is gone, while a palpatine lives on. the entire purpose of the first six movies is anakin bringing balance by defeating palpatine. somehow, palpatine survived this (never explained!!!!), which completely defeated the purpose of the first six films and strips anakins chosen one status and ultimate sacrifice of any true importance. in the end of tros, the palpatine bloodline lives on while the skywalker bloodline is gone, and i can’t help but to feel like that contradicts the theme of the original saga in which the skywalkers defeat palpatine and hope lives on.
10. lastly, i just don’t think george lucas would have wanted ben to die. when people kill off main characters to make the movie more emotional, he has literally said “i don’t like that and i don’t believe that” he goes on to say that he hates when main characters are killed, stating “the whole point of the film, the whole emotion that i am trying to get at the end of the film, is for you to be real uplifted, emotionally and spiritually, and feel absolutely good about life. that is the greatest thing we could ever possibly do.” so, i’m sure some of you could see why i have a little issue with killing someone who has finally recognized the error of their ways and wants to be better. yes, he has done awful things that cannot be separated from his new identity as ben, but i think that it would have been even more impactful to make him live with the crimes he has committed and still make him keep fighting his demons to join his legacy on the light side. overall, bens death left a sour taste in my mouth, and for that reason i don’t walk out feeling uplifted. i just wish i knew what george lucas is thinking right now.
1. ben solo’s arc and han. now, before some of you pop off at me, i still think he was awful and horrible and didn’t deserve instant forgiveness, but i also think that someone who has grown up his entire life being treated like the spawn of satan by all adults who are supposed to love him would fuck him up majorly, like it would to anyone else in that situation. i think that he deserved another chance at experiencing love and happiness, and i absolutely adored the scene with him and han solo. it was honestly one of the best parts of the whole movie. thank you harrison ford. the whole “i don’t think i’m strong enough” and him tearing up to his dad CUT DEEP. AND THE “dad-“ “i know” LIKE LITERALLY MY HEART. bringing back the “i love you” “i know” so they are LITERALLY TELLING EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! i’m at peace. adam driver’s acting was absolutely phenomenal. so much respect for him. truly incredible.
2. i loved poe and rey’s bickering. lowkey thought it built some chemistry between them. and how poe seemed quite jealous that finn knew stuff about rey that he didn’t, literally asking him more than once (1nce) about it, like???? han leia vibes. tea. but also poe and finn
3. i really liked jannah SOOO much (and i usually am not one for introducing a character so late) but, like i explained in detail above, i wish they had built that backstory better and introduced her a little bit sooner with more screen time. but i loved her and finns connection and understanding of their trauma.
4. FINN AND POE BEING THE CUTEST HUMANS EVER. that’s all. i just love how they care so very much about each other like stop. cogenerals.
6. i honestly think that’s all. i don’t have anything more
7. OH WAIT HUX BEING THE SPY. i ate that shit up. yes. we stan. AND the hint that he was going along w poe’s phone call in tlj so that the resistance could escape (that’s how poe KNEW it) like YES
8. the animation of young luke and leia made my heart weep
9. that lil sketchy bitch babu and the new cone droid that talks,, mmm
11. this is so sad that i am putting this in my “like” parts but the fact that they didn’t kill chewie and that they showed him being so torn up about leias death
13. rey burying the skywalker lightsabers and looking into the sunset, perfectly tying back to luke doing the same 42 years ago
overall, if i don’t think too hard, i did like it and felt kind of at peace. BUT it could’ve been much better @ JJ :/ i feel like it didn’t do the saga justice as the “conclusion of the saga” bc there is still so much left unanswered. but, like i said, i did enjoy it a lot and have so much love for this world. rant over. i love u star wars. thank u for everything. <3
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solasan ¡ 5 years ago
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 + june and adam 🌞
2. how’s their team work? do they share well?
in the beginning? fucking horrifying. they butt heads like no one’s business. there’s no team work at all, bcos they just… can’t fucking work together. but by book 2 this is improving, bcos they understand each other better now and have also proven themselves to the other. they share well by this point, too; they kinda know how to play to each other’s strengths a little more practically, while like… sharing in other contexts is kinda not something they even rly think abt before doing
4. first impression of each other? was it love at first sight?
shdkhskdjfk ok technically: yes it was. less technically: they wanted to kill each other, lowkey. june thought adam was a fucking asshole talking down to her, and that he was patronising and boring to boot. adam thought that she was a smartass and a naive little fool, and also far too tenacious and curious and stubborn for her own good. he at least sort of semi-realises his feelings before she does, though, because she doesn’t even fully realise there’s anything more than frustration there until the gap between book 1 and 2
6. any tasks that are always left to one person?
technical stuff goes to june. i dont just mean in missions, either; once they’re together, if adam’s phone or other tech is messing up, she’ll take it apart and figure out the problem. adam is designated High Shelf Reacher, because june is the size of a fucking walnut. he never outright mocks her for this, but he’s smug abt it — he also likes it, though, bcos he likes to be needed. idiot.
otherwise they probably have a chore wheel for like. day-to-day stuff. bcos adam likes to be organised and june is incapable of getting her shit together on her own
8. what do they like best about their partner?
adam will deny it till the cows come home, but he loves june’s tenacity, her stubbornness; in the day-to-day it might frustrate him from time to time (less so after book 1) but it also means that she’s determined when it comes to the job, and he admires that. he does also like her… brightness, i guess ??? it’s a joy to see
she doesn’t know it yet, but adam’s smile is going to be june’s fav thing to look at one day. personality-wise, she admires his capability; he’s good at his job and can take care of himself (and others), which june is Bad At, and also she’s been surrounded by other people who are Bad At That her whole life, so ???
10. who drives? cooks? does the handiwork? cleans? pays the bills? handles the public?
even if u can get adam in a car with her, june’ll drive. she can’t cook to save her life, so between them adam’s probably more likely to do it, but he’s not a big cook either, so ??? he does the handiwork, they both clean, they both pay the bills, and june handles the public. bcos, seriously — can u see him doing it ???
12. is there a wedding? what was the proposal like? any kind of honeymoon?
there is a wedding — it’s a small ceremony, nate’s the best man, verda walks june down the aisle. adam cries very very very lowkey and june roasts him abt it that night. the proposal was also a very quiet kind of thing; they had a private dinner at her place (which nate cooked shdkfhskd) and then he asked her on her balcony near-ish sunset, bcos he’s disgustingly romantic. (this is the ring lmao)
they honeymoon in southern france and do a lot of fancy wine-tastings and the like, and then june drags him to disneyland bcos she’s never been. he’s not even mad abt it — even when she shoves one of those dumb mouse ear hats on his head — bcos she’s so happy and enthusiastic abt it that shes glowing shdkfhdk 
14. anything they both dread?
mostly just. the dangers of their job ?? they’re scared of the other being taken away from them through any means, but esp death, obv
16. do they keep secrets? lie? cheat?
once everything wrt each other’s pasts etc is out, no, not rly. that takes some time tho bcos neither of them are exactly the sharing type
18. what are their dates like? how long do/did they date? do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
depends. sometimes they’re quiet, like dinners out etc., bcos adam’s kinda traditional. other times they’re a little more unusual — june’s dragged him to the wayhaven arcade more than once, just so they can be competitive and stupid together. i think they date for a couple years before they get married, bcos they both prefer to take their time with that kind of thing, but they’re happy and comfortable w that.
sometimes they do have to take breaks from each other, but it’s not as often as you’d expect. most of the time they’re happy to just chill w each other, but everyone has Those Days, so
20. what does their home look like? their room?
june grew up in a big, empty house, so she kinda resists the idea of getting anywhere big for a little while, but once the kids are born they…… do have to live somewhere other than her apartment, bcos there’s no room. they get a place near the cobblestones, and even though she worries it’ll be like her family home, it isn’t at all — it’s full of laughter and comfort and love.
i think it’s a tudor-style house, four bedrooms (so that an uncle or aunt from the unit can stay if they want), and nate and farah definitely helped decorate, bcos neither june nor adam are brilliant at it. allll the latest tech, bcos it’s june. it’s just….. comfortable ykno
their room is cleaner than u’d expect from june, bcos adam Cannot Abide mess. probably blue walls ??? a bigass bed, obviously. they have quite a few bookshelves in there, i think ??? no desk tho bcos they both agree this is the safe space away from work
25. how much time do they spend together? do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
they spend a lot of time together, actually. they’re comfortable with each other, and they like being in close proximity as often as they can be — adam feels like he can look out for and protect her better when she’s nearby, but also she just… makes things better by being there ?? she makes him smile, reminds him he’s a person. all im seeing is her with her head in his lap while they both do work i love them…..
june shares her feelings. shes very vocal. it flusters him and she adores doing that, but also she just… adores him lmao. adam is less vocal and more abt actions, but once theyre together he makes sure she knows without a doubt how he feels abt her. the whole pre-relationship thing means hes got a lot to make up for sghdjdhskd
30. could they manage a long distance relationship?
i’d hesitate to say either of them could manage a long-distance relationship w anyone else, but i think they might make it work with each other ??? they’d be very grumpy abt it tho
35. do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? do they have a fatal flaw?
oh best for sure. like i said, she makes him smile, reminds him he’s not just a thousand-year-old block of stone. she also brings out the humour in him; he jokes around with her, which he hasnt done with anyone in so long. meanwhile, he brings out the more serious side of her; he keeps her grounded, makes sure she’s a little more careful about choices she makes, that kind of thing. they rly do balance each other out perfectly
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athleisure-aesthetic ¡ 8 years ago
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This weekend was seriously the most fun and best I've felt in a long time. It was filled with good food, good workouts, good music, and good people. I feel so fulfilled.
Also, I think I'm gonna start putting one of my fave songs from the workout on each day, in case anyone is looking for good pump ups, bc tbh I have the best playlist for working out. So. Here we go.
April 7 Took a half day off work to go home early, work out, and get ready for the John Mayer concert I was attending later with my mom. I was debating working out at work so I had access to some cardio stuff and weights, but I figured I'd be doing enough walking later, plus navigating train schedules to time out perfectly is hard enough as it is, so I just went home and did a butt-focused session. I tried a new move called clams, which I don't think I'm doing right bc I don't feel it in my butt at all... oh well, gotta throw some new stuff in there here and there. Also, does anyone else have problems with their glute bridges (especially one-leg ones) where they feel it in their hamstrings instead of their butts?? Maybe it's just me. Idk.
After my workout, my mom came down on the train and we set out to eat and go to the concert. This is the first time in like literally months that I've put myself together and like did makeup and such. We're shopaholics together, so we stopped into Marshall's and I found this BOMB army green bomber jacket that's so soft and comfy and I was already wearing a jacket too light for the weather, so I was like ok so I'm just gonna take it lol. I looked real good ok, I wish I got a better picture of my outfit but I had to work with the awful mirrors in the concert venue. Check it. Dinner was so good too, I went for a chicken salad wrap with apples and pesto 😍 like kill me now it was so good.
John Mayer was and is everything and will always be. He's a bit of a weirdo and whatever, but his music and his talent is unbeatable. This was the 5th time I've seen him live, and it's still a religious experience every time. He's absolutely my favorite evER.
Butt Workout 3x each
20 reps plank jacks 20 reps glute bridges 15 reps fire hydrants, alt. sides 20 reps plie sumo squats w/ my laptop as a weight (lol I didn't have anything heavier in my living room, sue me) 15 reps clams 15 reps donkey kicks, alt. sides 10 single leg glute bridges, alt. sides 20 hop squats 15 reps bulgarian split squats, alt. sides
Listening to: "Surrender" by Cash Cash
April 8 That morning I had a speed run on the schedule, and I was also planning on doing T25 when I got back, but my mom woke up early and asked if I wanted to go running with her, so I convinced her to run my speed run with me, even though she doesn't love running fast haha. It was a gorgeous morning so we headed into Old City and ended up at Penn's Landing so we could have some good straightaways without stoplights. This time around it was 6 x 200m at a pretty fast pace with a little less than 4 minutes in between, and I got negative splits on each round except for the last, which felt really good. And even though it makes me a lowkey horrible person for thinking this way, I was kind of glad that my mom couldn't keep up on my sprints, bc that means A, I'm improving significantly, and B, I may have finally found something I can do that she can't in terms of fitness. I'm happy that I'm actually finding my own thing and that I can feel success around not only myself, but other people I consider extremely fit. YAY.
Although we got back and she did some yoga stretching, and I was like ok I get it we're back in your element lol. Didn't end up doing T25 cause I had to drop Mom off at the train and she was starving so we went to RTM to get her some food. She was clearly overwhelmed cause that place is nuts on a Saturday morning. But I was satisfied with some watermelon and a bagel from Dunkin hehe.
Later that day, I shopped around some more, found some badass Nikes to use as city shoes for hella cheap, as well as some face masks that I was planning on using at night as a little spa treatment for myself, bc idk treat yo self? Then I got early dinner with one of my friends from school, as well as ice cream at my favorite place 💕 my night wrapped up at Nova watching my roommate's aca group doing an alumni concert and helping Mikey finish his senior song arrangement. Got home ruhl late, but still tried out one of my masks while folding my laundry. Skin definitely feels clearer and brighter!
Also I walked legit so much on Saturday, I almost hit 30,000 steps 😮
0.74 mi 7'16" min / mi (but I ran like a lot more than that, probably around 3 miles)
Listening to: "Perm" by Bruno Mars
April 9 Today was my first ClassPass class day!!! SO hYpE. I was nervous as hell, but I felt like I had been working out enough that it wouldn't be that huge of a learning curve, and I knew it was only an hour so I could push through whatever and then die later. Got to the studio and heard the music from the previous class pumping before I even got to the floor it was on, so I got excited. I signed in at the desk, had to sign a waiver (for which I was like uhhhh............. ok), and got my assigned treadmill / bench. I went up to the instructor and told her I was new, and she did a quick explanation to me and the other newbies. Alternating Woodway treadmill hills / sprints and fast-paced strength training. She was like it's going to be very hard, but you can choose not to go the recommended pace if it doesn't feel right. You'll want to push yourself hard enough that you'll want to walk when we get to the recovery, so that's what I recommend.
When the class started, I was pretty motivated though, and pretty much stuck with the middle speed option or a little faster on the correct incline the whole time. Except that last damn hill on 9 incline, I was like I CANNOT, KATIE UR KILLING ME. The strength training moves weren't impossible, we just switched them a lot, so it was hard to get as many reps in while trying to see what the instructor was doing. But it was actually SO FUN. I love that it alternated between cardio and weights, and that I didn't feel dead by the second time at the treadmill. The session concluded with some nice yoga poses and great stretches, and then it was over. I was drenched in sweat, but felt sooooo good. When I left and was walking back to my apartment, I was like wow I can so see myself doing this for a few years and thriving. I felt so adulty lol.
Got back and had a protein shake in preparation for a magical afternoon at the Manayunk Food Truck festival with friends, where I had fried cheese curds, buffalo ranch fries, and root beer ice cream. I was in literal heaven; there were so many options, it was the nicest day out, and I felt good about eating whatever after working as hard as I did the rest of the weekend. I was very happy.
Listening to: "#thatPOWER" by will.i.am. & Justin Bieber
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elite-kunoichi ¡ 8 years ago
Naruto Tag
Wasn’t tagged, but saw this and really wanted to fill this out!
Female Character(s): Sakura Haruno, Kushina Uzumaki, Tsunade, Ino Yamanaka, Temari, and TenTen (I feel like she’s really underappreciated), Konan
Male Character(s):  Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake (He’s tired of everyone’s shit), Naruto Uzumaki, Obito Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha (Fucking Uchiha Clan), Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, Gaara, Kankuro
Least Favorite Female Character(s): Ughhh This is tough... It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just they have certain qualities that make me like them less than my favorites if that makes any sense. Because I like Karin as an independent character, and Hinata had so much potential (as did half of the females in this series), but they’re not my favorites. 
Least Favorite Male Character(s): Danzo fuck you danzo i h8 u, Kisame (I’m sorry, fanart and fanfics I read when I was like 10 just made me uncomfortable xD), Kakazu (He creeped me out, ok) i hate video game Deidara, spamming piece of shit
Sensei: Kakashi, stick with the OG Naruto, but besides him, I’d have to go with The Legendary Sannin, they did really well with training NaruSakuSauce.
Team: Team 7, always and forever, and Team Minato, because, parallels.
Clan: Uchiha
Hokage: OBITO UCHIHA FOR HOKAGE Hashirama (//distant screeching from Madara) and my bby Naruto Uzumaki because he reached his dream.
Kage: Fuck me up, Mizukage, and ofc Gaara
Village: Konoha
Akatsuki: Konan, “Tobi”, Uchiha Itachi, Pein, Sasori
Jutsu: Yin Seal Release, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Ninja Art Creation Rebirth, Sage Mode, Susanoo, Summoning Jutsu, Amaterasu, Tailed Beast Bomb, Kushina’s Chains, so much more
Chapters: Oh boy, I don’t remember the specific chapters but: When Zabuza realizes how important Haku was, Orochimaru gives Sasuke the curse mark, Sakura protects Sasuke and Naruto in the FoD, Sasuke wakes up with the curse mark, Sakura and Ino’s fight, Neji and Hinata’s fight, Gaara and Lee’s fight, Neji and Naruto’s fight, Gaara and Sasuke’s fight, Sakura protects Sasuke from Gaara, Sasuke admits how precious Sakura (and Naruto) are to him, Itachi vs Sasuke (pre), Rooftop scene, Sakura’s confession (pre), Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Naruto and Sasuke’s fight (pre), Team 7 spar, Chiyo and Sakura vs Sasori, Chiyo giving her life to Gaara, Team 7 Reunion, Nine Tails vs Orochimaru, Naruto meets Kushina, Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke vs Team 7, Five Kage Summit, Madara reveals himself, Obito’s backstory, Jiraya’s death, Hokage are summoned, Sakura unlocks her seal, Team 7 Reunion (good), Sakura and Obito save Sasuke, Team 7 destroys Kaguya, Sasuke vs Naruto (final battle), Team 7 together again
Fight Scene: Naruto and Sasuke vs Haku, Both Naruto vs Sasuke fights, Kakashi vs Obito, Sasuke vs Itachi
Story Arc: Land of Waves Arc, Chunin Exam Arc, Destruction of the Hidden Leaf, Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Shinobi War Arc 
Filler: In pre-Shippuden, I liked the one filler where Team 7 tries to find out what is under Kakashi’s mask. That’s literally it, the fillers are absolute trash.
What is your…
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku; I’ve watched this series since I was like 6-7 years old (19 now). Sakura was my absolute favorite character, probably because I was obsessed with the color pink and I just thought she was absolutely beautiful. The FoD episodes are what solidified my love for Sasuke and Sakura together, seeing the concern he had for who harmed her and how she stopped his curse mark, and it just continued from there. I would get on YouTube and watch countless numbers of AMV’s between the two of them, one I can remember perfectly was an Everytime We Touch AMV with them and it had the FoD scene and I just absolutely adored it xD. From then on out I would google (or go to ask.com and Photobucket) and look up photos of them and watch AMV and Naruto chatrooms xD kill me.
NOTP(be nice): SasuKarin, I prefer Karin with Suigetsu tbh BROTP: NaruSaku, SasuNaru, InoSaku, KarinSaku FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL OT3: NaruSakuSasu and InoSakuTem Crossover Ship: Literally none. Now if we’re talking crack ships... ಠ‿ಠ I’m a slut for MadaSaku (lowkey hinting at marriage to @madara-fate), ObiSaku, KibaHina, InoShika
Do you have any headcanons: Just that Sasuke is a complete dork around Sarada and Sakura and they play cute family games like Monopoly and Uno and they’re just a wholesome family now that Sasuke is back from his mission.
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently?: Sigh. Yes and no. During the whole run of Shippuden, it was referenced, even by Naruto himself, that he and Sasuke would die during their final battle. Do I wish they would’ve? No, because then Naruto’s efforts to become Hokage would’ve been futile, and that would’ve been a huge dick move lol. Sure, have Naruto say that in order to build suspense, but I mean, come on. I also wish more people knew the true reason behind Itachi’s actions, but that’s just a personal feeling. Also, more Team 7, I love those fuckers.  How do you feel about the new generation?  If it’s anything like the Naruto fillers, we’re going to have problems lol. But, I find them adorable, spinning images of their parents and a good personality mixture of both spouses. Except, Shikadai, he is all Shikamaru personality wise.
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad: Female: Sakura Haruno. God Bless, I would go to war for her. Once I saw her in episode 3 of Naruto when it aired on Toonami, I was immediately drawn to her. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was absolutely beautiful, and she rocked my favorite color. Honestly, she became my role model and helped me become who I am today (as dumb as that sounds). I admired how intelligent she is and how strong she has become, all without a limitless chakra supply or kekkei genkai. She’s a relatable character, for me, and is proof of what hard work and determination can achieve. She is always there for her friends and spent years trying to help rescue Sasuke from darkness, alongside Naruto. I only wish Kishi would’ve made her more than a support character in the first series, as she would’ve been perfect with genjutsu and more ninjutsu. Also, SS is my otp, but tone it down a bit in the first series.
Male: Sasuke Uchiha. Ya boy went through too much shit when he was a kid and it fucked him up. He wanted to live a normal life with Team 7, but Michael Jackson’s twin had to come and fuck everything up. I think he was a perfect rival for Naruto, because ya know, fucking bonds, but dammit Sasuke you should’ve sent a letter every now and again, even if its just a drawing of you flipping off Naruto. Your revenge having ass got old every now and then, but you are still a precious child.
What would a child between your OTP look like?: 
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Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP: She cared for him and helped him, also helped deliver his child.
Say something negative about your OTP: Sasuke was lil bitch at times and Sakura was too focused on him at times.
Is there any way you could be convinced to ship your NoTP?: Nah fam, SuiKarin all the way. If I did ship them, it would be in a more Brotp. What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Literally nothing. They are good as friends. What makes you mad about the series? Studio Pierrot. Too many fillers, too many unexplained power-ups like wtf, and tbh Anko should’ve been more important to the series. If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? Asuma and Kurenai’s relationship, Choji and Kauri because what, Sarada find out more about her clan, Kakashi’s retirement lol What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  Thank you for everything! As much as I wanted to throw my phone across the room at the fandom and some chapters, I honestly couldn’t imagine a life without it. Thank you for making that aspect of my childhood well worth it!
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plehdis ¡ 8 years ago
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joshua hong
where do I start off with this handsome boy
well for one, the whole ‘gentleman’ title given to him isn’t far off from how he is with his significant other
so let’s start off from where they meet
so she’s a new and upcoming photographer for a magazine
and her work is very well talked about and is always being praised for being the next photographer for the new generation of celebrities
so low and behold she’s the photographer for seventeen’s next magazine shoot
which is big thing for her friends rather than herself bc like
and she’s like ‘ha ha ha’
obviously she doesn’t because cmon man the celebrities have rights y’know
she can’t just abuse that
she goes and gets set up in the location they’ll be taking pictures in
a brick-walled studio that was previously used industrialy
she really likes the rustic feel despite them having to use a white back drop for most of the single shots and the group ones
she doesn’t really have other people helping her, aside from her brother that comes to drop off the lightning and to pick them up after wards
she prefers working alone, not liking having people there to give their opinions bc like, she’s the photographer and she knows what she’s doing
so she take half an hour to test out the lighting, shift around a few things before the group finally walks through the door
and they’re all kind and greet her together and indivdually
in particular her eyes stop onto one of the members
his name was joshua if she wasn’t mistaken
he just seem so perfect in her eyes
coffee brown hair, alluring cat-like eyes and perfectly plump lips
wonder how they feel against her own
(y/n) sNAP OUT OF IT
this is actually the first time she’s ever felt this way about a client
and she’s been with some ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ attractive people
anyways, she introduces herself and what she had in mind for the shoot
‘so I’d like to take the single shots before the group shots because the natural light from the window only stay with us for only so long. I’d like to next take the unit shots and group shots before the final large shot because I believe the artificial lighting will work best without the interference of the natural light’
yes she’s had this prepared for a while
the guys nod and pick among one another the line up
after half an hour it’s finally joshua’s turn
and he bows before starting because he’s so nice and actually pretty nervous
because it’s a pretty photographer he’s gotta look good right?
but in her eyes he’s perfect like ‘omg stop being so handsome’
she’s trying to be professional but he’s making it really hard
anyways after fifteen minutes she finally gets the shots she needs before thanking him
and there’s like a spilt moment when their eyes meet before he ducks away
‘so cute’
so the photo shoot goes along nicely, everyone being friendly and open to the suggestions she gave in order to make the shot a bit smoother and please their company boss
then finally group shoot comes around and she honestly can’t focus her camera lens
for some reason ends up going toward him despite him not being the lead center
so much so she calls for a five minute break as ‘she has another camera she think will suit him the shoot
she jogs over to her stuff and there he is just standing drinking a bottle of water
and the sight was breathtaking
it took her a moment to snap out of it
like today was not her day at allshe was always so calm and in charge during these times
but when a cute attractive male comes in the picture she’s done and she’s photographed cha eunwoo and ok taecyeon a few times before
‘can we get this finished? the boys have a music show in three hours’
(y/n) couldn’t help but almost glare harshly at the manager who wasn’t helping with the time restraint
she could finish any time but just because of him (and joshua being joshua) she’ll take her time
after all the pictures are taken and they take final shots, sadly her time with the group ends and they are bowing and thanking her for her time
she sighs as they all head to leave, while she goes to her bag to pack her things for her brother to pick up on his way from lunch
she notices a little ripped paper waiting on the top of her things
till she realizes it’s a phone number
‘so I know this might be sudden but I can’t pass this chance up. Call me?’
omg omg
she’s shocked but confused at the same time
who would’ve placed the number? is it even a number from the group members?
but she still takes the chance and saves the number into her phone
the contact name being ‘mystery man’
she wait a few hours since she took the time to skim through the photos she was to send to the editor of the magazine
because she knows she only should send limited photos but cannot help but be biased when looking over joshua’s shots
accidentally send 10 extra ones of him
let’s pretend that never happen
she eyes her phone before realizing the mystery man asked for her to call him
she doesn’t know what about but she likes the idea of not knowing who it is
because there’s really a chance of it being someone that was the behind the scene’s help
but it also could be one of the members
she is young for her profession
as told by critics before giving her a chance to show her talent
she contemplates for a minute or so before pressing on the contact and bringing the phone to her ear
‘uh hello, this is (y/n) speaking’
‘ah, so you read my message’
‘well yeah, it’s pretty hard to miss it’
‘sorry I couldn’t do this face to face, I was pretty shy and wasn’t sure what to do. the guys kinda had to push me a bit’
‘it’s alright, what’s up?’
‘right, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on friday? If you’re not busy of course’
‘I’d love to joshua, there’s a restaurant near the photoshoot location, does that sound alright?’
‘sounds lovely, see you then’
not as lovely as your voice josh
after a few days she finally realizes she has a date
gosh dang schedules  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
and she hasn’t gone on a date for a while so she doesn’t know what to wear
at least she took a shower (✿◠‿◠)
so she ends up being a tad late
bc she sees him already sitting down
‘shit  (╯◕_◕) (╯◕_◕) (╯◕_◕)╯‘
‘i’m so sorry I didn’t realize the time and-’
‘you look beautiful’
she stops herself after hearing his low chuckle and blushes because like
‘I’m trying to explain myself but you’re hear laughing at me’
‘but it’s okay because your laughter is cute and making me blush’
he gestures for her to take a seat in front of him
and she swears she catches him stare at her at least like 5 times after the waiter had taken their order
‘why are you-’
‘did you know you had really nice eyes?’
‘what wut’
‘yeah, they’re like a nice shade of (eyecolour)’
he’s cheesy and he knows it
literally she’s a blushing mess the whole time
like she could be mistaken for applying too much blush
he’s sweet and the conversation has a nice flow
and honestly it’s been a while since she’s been able to do this
and she really hopes there’s a part two
but without the surprise compliments
he ends up walking her home because like
why not
and of course he pulls the classic ‘you’re cold? take my jacket’
ah the cringe
‘I had a great time tonight’
‘me too, I’d love to do this again. If you’re up for it of course’
‘Sounds great’
And so the pair go meet with one another when their schedules allow them too
and it’s a nice time for the both of them, with the hand holding and chaste kisses
heck they’re practically a couple it’s just
no one asked anyone out yet
and she isn’t sure if she should ask about it but
it’s lowkey killing her inside to know
like it’s being childish but she wants to be able to refer to him as her ‘boyfriend’ and likewise with him
so one day when walking back to her home she asks
‘I was wondering about something’
‘go on’
‘are we together or-like are we a thing-’
*insert the surprise kiss* o shiet
‘so does that answer your question?’
‘uh yeah. could we do that again?’
so you’re probably wondering why the shy and gentle joshua is written as a straightforward guy
well I think if he really liked a person, and given the confidence boost and advice he might have been given from the guys
he’s would be like this
and it’s not like he won’t revert back to his usually self
but seeing us he may not know what to do or how to act
this front he puts up is just so he was able to speak to you bc
without it we could be looking at a year before actually said/did anything romantic
anyways back to the pair
so considering the hectic and unforgiving schedules, I feel like calling/video chatting and instant messaging may be the most used out of the relationship
besides cute cringy texting emoji are thing between the pair
and when they are able to see one another, they take advantage by planning out a nice but simple date
I think the main thing with him is hand holding and affectionate gestures whenever he can
like walking in public would consist of him holding her hand, pulling her close for quick pecks
and don’t get me started on the guys
they adore her
lowkey the members of their fanclub #jisooX(y/n)
guitar playing
she absolutely finds him playing the guitar the most fascinating thing in the world
she loves just watching him play anything
lowkey watches any video on the internet of him playing the guitar (pre-debut joshua anyone?)
and she really wants him to teach her but rather let him be the one to play guitar out of the couple
just in general and cute couple who have their own passions and always seem to find time in their schedules to love one another
author’s note: this is really sloppy but over due. thanks for requesting!
more boyfriend!seventeen
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mousepatrol ¡ 8 years ago
today i had a fuuuucking dentist appointment and i have TWO CAVITIES. how??? literally every time i go they say i look GREAT. they did xrays this time though and they found stuff and im really mad honestly because only the hygenist ever looks at me and i guess they cant tell u when u have cavities unless theyre really obvious right on the surface. so i have to get one filled on saturday and i cant fill the other until later because its on the same jaw. ugh honestly im really really mad if theres a needle involved im actually going to kill someone im gonna stab somone and someones gonna die
so after that Fucking Shitshow i had to have lunch with my grandma and i was lowkey having an anxiety attack the whole time but it was pf changs so i just struggled thru it ok. i told my gma i dont like the dentist bc i dont like ppl touhing me at all and she LI T E R A L L Y S A I D ‘wow how does that work when you have a boyfriend though?’
i fucking DIED
like good fucking bye
anyway i went home after that and the drive takes forever so it sucked but i got home and i did a couple replies i guess. i was going to do nothing but at that point it was like 4pm so i just decided to do squat day even tho i was gonna skip bc i felt like shit. it went almost perfectly so im glad i went
then i came home and showered and finished up my replies and did laundry. im going to the mall w rose tomorrow so im abt to go to bed and wow i hope she doesnt wanna go there at 10 because she didnt get back to me yet on the time and im def at least sleeping until ten lmfaooo
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