ohweightwhat · 3 years
I joined tiktok and the misinformation is wild
Can I just say that I got on tiktok and realized how much bad and misinformed body image/body positivity/HAES/etc. information is out there? I'm just baffled. I'm recovering from a bad dietician. I'm recovering from HAES. I'm recovering from the toxic body positivity. I'm recovering from the Tess Holidays, the vergie tovars, and the assorted villains included in that group who instilled HAES in me. It's unhealthy, its dangerous, they don't know science and they are just saying things to make you feel okay with being unhealthy. I'm seeing the same type of 'dieticians' who are saying these false facts about weight loss and health on tiktok and it is so frustrating. These people are fucking vultures and they are feasting on all the bloated overweight carasses they are creating.
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gymthyme · 5 years
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be kind to yourself 💗
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nikasholistic · 5 years
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Lentils, mixed veggies, topped with tahini and nutritional yeast 🥗👌Today’s pre run 🏃🏃
How to establish a healthy relationship with food? I think one of the best strategies is listening to your body. When you become deeply in tune with yourself, you start to realize that you actually don't crave unhealthy foods all the time; that your body encourages you to make healthier choices because it needs the essential nutrients to function properly. 
Also, give yourself permission to eat. There’s nothing worse than restricting yourself or controlling every single thing you eat. This kind of approach leads nowhere. You have to eat to live, but you are the one who chooses what you put on your plate. 
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shortyfitness · 5 years
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Guys!! PEAK WEEEEEK 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️❤
Hit my 20 miler today at a 9min/mile pace 👏 it was hard. But I felt good!! I am so ready for this marathon in 3 weeks today 😛
Let's gooooo
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thickveganchick · 5 years
A little messy figurehead to start the day. Now that I’ve figured out how to stick in this position, I have to figure out how to clean it up!
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theveganfairy · 5 years
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Smoothies are the best on summer mornings🌞 Especially when you add veggies and other nutrient packed foods! In my smoothies I love to add some sweet fruit🍎🍌 greens 🥬 and healthy sources of fat like nuts & seeds. Keeps you full and feeling good💚
Follow me on ig for more healthy vegan inspo✨ @mariahalllam
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everystepatatime · 5 years
Totally worth the wait. I wound up with two by.... uh... chance and had both. Yeah, it was about 1500-2000 calories (my TDEE being sub 1500 ;-;) but I skipped breakfast and I’ll have a small dinner and I fell into a food coma of happiness.
Not much exercise today but I’ll probably end with 4mi/10k steps.
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febegetfit · 5 years
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My lunch today was Fe’s bulgur salad! This time with a few different vegetables. This has bulgur, leek, carrot, paprika, Brussel sprouts, and feta :)
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I've been tagged by @sternenblumen for an SDS, thank you! 💕
I just woke up and I'm going for a run, before another busy study day starts! 😅 This is going to be my second run since I started running again, looking forward to it 😊
I tag: @the--witcheress, @mister-rubberlegs and @dragonfli17
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losingitinjersey · 6 years
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Whooshing into the weekend like woah. 
Woke up with a giant headache (migraine? don’t know the difference) that didn’t go away for six hours (I blame crying my eyes out at the movie last night).  Now that I’m finally feeling functional again I have just under four hours to clean the house, clean myself, get gas and go to the grocery store in preparation for our six house guests.  Cool cool cool.  
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gymthyme · 5 years
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support other women! 🔸
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lalalizzy16fitness · 5 years
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An addiction to sugar turns into an addiction to running and now I can wear my first bikini I've ever worn in my life.
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fitfightbox · 5 years
Life update: in a word, fucked.
I went through a lot. My mother passed away in May, my brother and I had to make the decision to put our 18 year old dog to sleep 8 weeks after she died, I started a new stressful job 7 weeks after she died, and I moved three months after she died (we lived together and I cared for her previously) to avoid being served an eviction notice at 6 months (due to underoccupancy). All of which occurred 18 months after I lost my father.
I also gained 7lbs. It roughly translates as an inch on my waist and 1.5 inch on my hips. My clothes still fit but they're tighter.
Am I disappointed with myself? No. We do what we have to to survive. But now is the time to care for myself again. To nourish what I've neglected. To feed my body good foods to help me feel better in this awful time. Food is such a big part of your mental health process and it can never be underestimated.
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shortyfitness · 5 years
Went for a 5 mile run in 95degree weather...had to get it done after work...saw this bar and thought it would be fun to whip out some chinups 😛🏃‍♀️
Happy monday!!
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thickveganchick · 5 years
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2019 was probably the best year of my life, but I will admit that I struggled a LOT with my identity this year. From changing jobs twice, to the type of exercise I do, my eating habits, and my mental health. I feel like I was all over the place with who I am and what I am about.
On the pros:
- I started doing pole, and I have REALLY enjoyed this type of exercise because you can visually see yourself getting better
- I found a high-paying, stable job!
- I got married to the love of my life!
- Shahar and I went to Japan
On the Cons:
I have struggled severely with being vegan- not because I don’t want to be or stopped agreeing with it fundamentally; I just have such an intense addiction to food that I am moving into addressing. I knew it was bad when I would find myself consciously eating something non-vegan like a slice of cheese or a peanut butter cup consciously, and then I would be like, “why did I do that? I don’t need to do that!”
As I mentioned before, having been vegan for almost four years, this really got to me mentally. Am I vegan? Am I changing my thoughts? Why do I keep doing this? I was terrified to come here and either rebrand or have to explain myself as I saw what happened when the famous vegan, Rawvana, started eating fish. I was not ready to be attacked or consistently put down and questioned about my choices when I KNEW I wanted to be vegan, but I didn’t know why I would eat one or two small things a day that were’t vegan.
All of this came to a head when I told my husband about my last month of my small choices to eat nonvegan things and how I felt so out of control and hopeless. He stepped away for a moment and came back with a small piece of paper- made to represent an AA coin- that said “1 day!!!” on it. It was truly then when I realized I had a problem, and I needed help.
I took steps to better myself before 2020 began. I started therapy with someone who specializes in food-based trauma, and in a couple weeks, I will see a nutritionist fir the first time. (side note: I had to fill out paperwork for the nutritionist, and I realized i knew my exact weight for every single important event of my life!)
For 2020, my goals are as follows:
- Participate in no-spend January
- See a therapist at least once a month
- Address my addiction to food head on
- Consolidate my debts and get $1000 in savings
- Get Back outside more
- Do what I need to do about my carpal tunnel and get on with enjoying my life again!
I am thankful to you all for sticking around, I am considering rebranding my approach to fitness and this blog here soon. Stay tuned for this year!
*I will not be accepting any conversations or criticisms about my non-vegn slip ups. I have consistently consumed only vegan food snce Shahar gave me my “chip,” and I do not think it is fair to attack me while I am so obviously struggling with my own demons.
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