#ok i’m done ranting
dog-violet · 9 months
I feel like a lot of ppl don’t see that kousano is so interesting because of how they conflict with one another not because they’re like both mean women or something. for me it’s all about how on the surface they’re a bit alike and would probably get along but when it comes to their deeper beliefs they completely clash and that’s what makes it so angsty good. also the fact that their backstories parallel one another but had opposite outcomes is so compelling to me. Yosano was trapped and traumatized under Mori’s control but she was able to escape her situation. Kouyou was trapped in the mafia by the previous boss but her failed escape attempt only furthered her belief that people like her can never escape to a better life. which ofc is exactly what Yosano did. they’re each other’s antithesis in that sense which is why I love exploring their potential dynamic cause I think they would really ruffle each other’s feathers but respect each other at the same time. also there’s the fact that Kouyou straight up hates love because the one time she chased it she was only left further traumatized and so she closed off her heart (but ofc we see through her relationship with Kyouka that she can’t completely stop herself from caring about anyone) and all of the angst potential that creates. I could go on forever
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evildeerboy · 3 months
can i say something this pride month or will everyone throw rocks at me. i dont think its progressive to insist that canonically bi/pan characters are “[gay/lesbian] , actually, because comphet exists”. ur just doing bi/pan erasure but trying to trap criticism of what ur saying into sounding homophobic. even tho what you’re saying is. biphobic. can we let bi/pan people Have things. it took so so long for bisexual characters to just exist normally in media without making it a huge deal or punchline out of it. i kind of think it’s almost as bad as insisting they’re straight (bc the problem lies in the erasure of the bi/pan identity, not in the identity you’re assigning them; there’s nothing offensive abt being straight or gay) but saying that makes me fear rocks to the face bc someone will absolutely take what im saying and read the worst possible meaning from it bc this is the reading comprehension and “so you hate waffles?” website
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inebubble · 1 year
yeah im a writer. no you can’t find my writings anywhere because what i actually do is craft hoards of neat little snippets and then sit on them like a dragon
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rickybaby · 1 year
I think it’s time we address the argument that constantly gets brought up when it comes to Daniel - that he is not an adaptable driver
It’s a point that mclaren (esp Zak) constantly exploited last year to justify his exit and one that apparently came about based on his two years at Renault
I don’t agree with the whole narrative that he didn’t perform well in his first year at renault because he wasn’t used to the car when he actually outscored his teammate who had been with the team before him. What if he was already getting the maximum out of a bad car and his 2020 performance was not only down to him driving the wheels off the car but also Renault actually working with him to give him the car he needs. Which truly, kudos to Cyril and his team. They knew there was a reason they spent 25mil to get a race winner and they knew they better listen to him when it came to feedback.
For whatever reason mclaren decided to get a driver of Daniel’s calibre and refused to listen to what he had to say about the car. They knew Daniel had a particular braking style which would not gel well with their car but they signed him irrespectively. Yeah Daniel did badly in mclaren. It’s a fact. The evidence is in the data, but I feel that it’s incorrect to say he didn’t try to adapt. He’s not some magical unicorn that he could just drive the car off the bat. It’s ignoring that he won a race in 2021 and he was much closer and even outscored Lando in the second half of the season. Because he worked to adapt to the car even if that meant forgetting his natural style of driving that made him fast and picking up weird habits
The thing about 2022 for me is that he didn’t get a chance to adapt to the car. The first 2 races were a dud because the car was nowhere and he basically got ordered to not overtake Lando in the most strange way at his own home gp. Then they go to imola and he has that first lap incident in the rain with Carlos and then the problems in qualifying in Miami which truly ends his weekend. Then it was downhill from there.
If you ask me to pinpoint the exact time when McLaren started their campaign against Daniel, for me it’s somewhere between imola and Miami cause I remember clearly Daniel going on the daily show and McLaren not posting about it when they somehow found the time to post Lando’s selfie from his brother’s wedding? Then of course Monaco comes around and the whole exit clause comments form Zak.
Meanwhile Daniel was digging deeper and deeper trying to find what’s not working and getting further away from finding a solution while the rest of them sat back without doing anything waiting for him to trigger his exit clause all while Zak brown was playing Russian roulette with his seat.
So yeah he never stood a fighting chance to make 2022 work
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ssreeder · 2 years
One thing that I’m looking forward to is Azula and Mai and Ty Lee. I was wondering if you already had a plan on how you would do their pov chapters from a writers standpoint?
I’ve read a lot of fanfics from Azula’s pov and I feel like her character is often difficult to portray canon compliant. So I am really curious to know if you want to delve into her character or were planning on showing her through other characters like you do with Zuko? There are pros to only showing her through other characters because you can always have that uncertainty of what she is actually feeling and planning. But you have captured characters voices so well in this fic I’m honestly so curious to see how you would approach her cold calculating exterior and what her inner monologue to herself is like.
I’m also curious to how you would approach Mai since you’ve said in the past she’s not one of your favorite characters. When you approach a character you don’t like/relate to well how do you get into the headspace to understand how they’d act and feel?
And I fully support hc that Ty Lee is actually incredibly smart (like calming Azula down at the Beach about guys being scared her and always appearing bubbly and “airheaded” as a front), so you bet I want to know your take when it comes.
Sorry for the crazy ask.
Your ask is not crazy, I love it & I am really sorry for taking a billion years to respond.
I will definitely write Azula’s POV because she is going to be a large part of the final section of LIAB. But I will also showcase her character through other observations to hopefully give her character a bit more depth and understanding.
I hope I do it right haha, we’ll see I guess…
Mai isn’t one of my faves just because her and Ty Lee were both (in my opinion) kind of flat until the very end and the poof they were gone. There was a lot of set up for them but their characters were never explored or expanded on. (Which I know they aren’t main characters but whatever I want depth damn it)
So for me to say that Mai isn’t my favorite is just because the gloom & doom vs sunshine & butterflies (ty lee) was so surfacey and idk I just wish they had explored what was underneath that a bit more. But don’t worry! I’ll do my best to dig deeper with both girls.
You’ll have to come back & let me know if I do a decent job haha <3
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sameboot · 1 year
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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Just in case anyone else needed to hear this today-
Your health is not your fault. You didn’t do anything to “deserve” this. And you are right, it isn’t fair. You are allowed to feel upset, hurt, angry and jealous that your health, body or mind disables you.
It’s not fair, and that sucks. You are allowed to scream about that as much as you need to.
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
Ok this has been bothering me all day. I saw a post talking about how Rauru and Sonia did more for Zelda than Rhoam did and… I’m once again going to defend Rhoam, cuz that’s a very unfair thing to say and a horrible comparison to make.
Rauru and Sonia helped Zelda with her time powers and learning about the secret stone. Rhoam didn’t help her with her sealing power. Why? Cuz he has no magic and he clearly wasn’t the one who had it. Her mother was the one who had the power and was the one to teach her. Rhoam had no idea what he was doing, he didn’t understand the magic, and he hoped that if she dedicated her life that it would awaken so that the calamity wouldn’t destroy their home.
Well he should’ve tried to help her anyways right? Well, yes it’s easy to say that, unfortunately Rhoam was put in a very bad position of being king with the looming threat of the APOCALYPSE!!!! I think it’s implied that Rhoam married into the family, since his wife had the sealing power from the blood of the goddess or whatever, and seeing how he’s Hylian, he wasn’t a prince from another kingdom since all other kingdoms in this world have small round ears. For all we know, he was a prince consort who was never raised to be king. We don’t know what he was doing before, but with his wife’s sudden death and the responsibility of protecting his kingdom, he didn’t make the right choices. Which isn’t an excuse, but in his position, it’s an explanation. Rauru and Sonia didn’t have an apocalypse threatening to happen, in fact, they were in an era of peace and the future seemed bright. Of course they had time to hang out with Zelda and have tea parties with her. They seemed to be relaxed and having fun, which makes sense seeing how there didn’t seem to be much of a threat to their kingdom, minus Ganondorf, but I don’t think either of them saw him as a huge threat, seeing how they were absolutely blindsided by him.
It’s implied in AOC that Rhoam shouldered all of the responsibilities of the kingdom, and it seemed that he was under a significant amount of pressure during the calamity. And I feel like he mostly did that so Zelda could focus on awakening her power. She didn’t seem to have many responsibilities as princess save for awakening her power and helping out the champions. She is barely 17 so it makes sense that she’s not ruling the kingdom, but I do feel like Rhoam did all that stuff so she could focus on the calamity itself. And I’m sure in his stress he grew frustrated whenever Zelda focused more on the machines than awakening her power. Which was not the right thing to do, but come ON the world is literally about to end and the ONLY piece of the puzzle they need is Zelda!!! Some people forget that she HAD to awaken her powers otherwise the world was going to be destroyed! And it almost was cuz they were awakened too late! They were in such an unfair situation! And it’s not fair to compare him to Rauru and Sonia who were not in the same situation he was in, who were lying around in the grass and drinking tea because the calamity wasn’t there.
Rhoam is such a well written character that acts the way you’d expect someone in his situation to act. And he has so much regret over some of the things he’s had to do to protect Hyrule. You can read it in his journal where he finally gives up and desires to act more like a father to Zelda, you can see it when he takes Terrako away from Zelda, and you can see it when he’s a ghost 100 years after everything is destroyed. He’s so guilty but he did what he thought was best so that Zelda could not have a throne to nothing, so that Hyrule will be safe. And there’s a lot of things he could’ve done better, but people don’t act rational under that much stress. Like come on, would you? Don’t lie you absolutely wouldn’t.
And this post isn’t meant to diss on Rauru and Sonia, I like them in their own ways. But it’s kinda dumb whenever people love complex characters and then turn around and hate on characters like Rhoam and make them completely one-dimensional when they’re not. Y’all are completely unfair to Rhoam.
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crismakesstuff · 10 months
i feel bad for everyone saying nolan can’t get a redemption arc or that he’s gonna be some big final antagonist
his redemption arc is a huge part of the plot of the comic guys they can’t not do it. Doesn’t mean anyone needs to like him or anything but yea don’t worry he’s gonna pay in his own blood for his crimes. mark got his proneness for getting his ass beat from his father
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starry-skies-writes · 3 months
Finished chaos theory
What the fuck was that
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mangodoodles000 · 5 months
I know we’re long past the possession arc but here are some sketch’s I drew in my book before the birthday stream
(Really sad that we didn’t get to see a whole stream dedicated to enderking with full on control, but it’s whatever)
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poopiefart420 · 8 months
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Me looking at myself in the mirror after I get fixated on a villain that barely has anything about their past even tho their backstory is exactly what I’m fixating on
(It’s ozai)
(It’s always ozai)
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moremaybank · 5 months
how fucking miserable does my older cousin (who’s in his 30s, married w a kid) have to be to shit on my little cousins for liking taylor ?? like bffr idc if you don’t like taylor but why are you trashing children in elementary school for liking a musician that makes them happy ?? stop going on vacations every week n acc help your poor wife take care of your son sir!
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murderboisblog · 8 months
Also MAN older!Ren really is perfect For Me Personally..... ough those little moments where he whispers something the chat can't hear? Him taking care of you and promising he'll make it allllll better and being such a little shit about it, but also so tender????!?!?!?!?!? Slowly building this fucked up sense that you're working together and you have a secret understanding between the two of you that's separate from the streams, and not being able to resist that sense of comfort even though you know it's probably a lie? THE EYE?!?!?!?!?! THE FUCKING EYE?!?!?!!?!?!
I can say with 100% confidence that he's MY FAVORITE TPOF CHARACTER HANDS DOWN and it is NOT just because he's Ren!!!
Fox can literally brainwash and collar me and fucking beat me to death if he wants I don’t even care he’s so fucking sweet! And when he takes off the mask when chat can’t seee!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEE???
Honestly I can���t decide on a fave between him and Machete 😭 I love them both so much but for VASTLY different reasons
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jamethinks · 2 months
My current take on the ambiguity on Twilight’s mission and why he’s so cautious of Donovan (this is a headcanon)
Donovan became the prime minister in 1956 after the current one was assassinated. This started the war known as the reclamation war, the war over the southern region of Westalis which was briefly considered Ostonia during world war 2.
Donovan was successful and was elected twice in 1958 and 1963. He had a strong militarist approach to the war. Being a better an himself he knew the realities of war and did a major reformation of the army (with the aid of General Watkins, Billy’s grand dad). He was able to briefly occupy a large amount of land. However after his second election the general public shifted and they were tired of the war and loss.
In 1966 he agreed to sign a peace treaty with Westalis and returned the south. As part of this agreement the Westalis Embassy was constructed to show their dedication to peace. Despite his attempts at avoiding war he lost the 1968 elections (with a 40:60 ratio) to the left wing party who ended up taking credit for all the peace efforts initially started by Donovan.
Now he’s still the leader of the opposition and has been relatively silent. The left wing party is currently losing popularity after declaring they’re defunding the secret police and reducing military expenditure. So there is an opening for Donovan to reclaim but there’s also rumors that he will resign and someone else will become the chairperson.
The goal is to get close to him and monitor his plans and ensure another invasion isn’t in the works.
There’s also been a sharp increase in Westalian immigrants which is making the public uncomfortable so there’s also that angle to consider.
So now based on my maths his new deadline is 1973, three years after the start of the mission.
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flygonscales · 3 hours
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2 weeks at uni and I’ve already reached peak procrastination. I found masking tape and somehow decided that the best use of my time was to make a tiny Belphemon-sleep.
#I actually can’t wait till student finance have processed my dsa#maybe next year or something I should look for an adhd diagnosis? if I’m having this much trouble focussing and a cup of coffee doesn’t work#anymore as a way for me to focus maybe I should see if meds would help?#(when I got my autism diagnosis i was also told its possible that I have adhd. I’d privately suspected adhd before I considered autism)#like. some days I can focus. it feels like I’m balancing on a knife-edge and it’s very stressful#and I can’t do it on command or anything#but sure#seeing one piece of fanart with Boy from tts#and my whole day goes down the drain because I can’t drag myself away from the series#and listening to video game soundtrack helps but then if I do that too much I start feeling lonely but I can’t listen to a podcast because#then I focus on that above the work I’m meant ti be doing#and even then I might look up other stuff about the video game I’m listening to#and the worst times are when I become self aware and that really breaks my focus but I know I’ve got to keep going#and then at the end of the day I feel awful because I’ve done about 1-2 hours actual work in 6 hours#time I could have spend doing other work or#heaven forbid#enjoying myself#that was more of a rant than I expected#I’m doing ok I think#I hope#i know I’m not meant to compare myself with others#but I’ve done more work than my flatmates#and that at least makes me feel a little better#I’m going to get myself a coffee now#hopefully that’ll help me today#my goal is at least 200 words#then I can stop#actually autistic#autism#personal rant
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