#ok i need to shut up on this i could go forever
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fumifooms · 9 months ago
Honestly I wonder if anyone’s ever read Chilchuck’s “I cheated on her” admission as an implicit reference to prioritizing alcohol over his marriage and feeling guilty abt it.
Ohh… "I cheated on her" as a half-truth because something ended up taking priority over their marriage, because emotionally he was elsewhere… "I cheated on her" because after having all the time in the world to think about it now that he’s alone, he realizes that that might have been how she felt, and that’s how it felt like to him too.
Love that. I def think he’s ironically someone who deflects guilt a lot, in a similar way that he compulsively goes "You’re wrong! I don’t care about you guys at all! I’m an asshole!" he flees emotions by making the problem something else that’s fake, a burden easier to bear, he’s so used to being seen for what he’s not after all. I went into it a bit in one of my fics and in a couple meta posts, but when it comes to his wife he was very much like an ostrich with his head in the sand, seeing her fall into a bad mood on the outing before she left him but dismissing it as something "sudden" that’s not worth thinking deeper about. Overdrinking is a problem for future Chil. I think he did a lot of "You want me to drink less and you’re afraid for my health? Get over it lol" and "I should be less strict with the girls and raise my voice less? My father was a strict drunk and look at me, I turned out functional and great! The girls are literally fine and love me" and "Oh? My drinking is affecting our family? No it’s not smh smh get off my back"< Drunk a significant portion of the time he spends at home since he’s off-work and somewhere he can relax. Type of guy to always dismiss any issues that might exists because he prefers ignoring them as if they’ll go away. All his problem solving energy is spent during work and the issue is with his family he already likes things as they are, they’re his comfort zone and change is scary, he doesn’t want the change, even if it’d be better. He doesn’t want to change, his unhealthy habits are guilty pleasures he wishes people didn’t try to make him feel guilty for
BUT POINT IS he struggles with guilt and like. Letting it be a feeling that he gets sometimes, so it’s all bottled up and festers and gets twisted into frustration or such like how his worry usually does. I like this take, wether it’s something he’s already thought a lot about or it’s something he’s repressed that came suddenly pouring out of him like blood out of a wound, now that he’s putting it into words with someone for maybe the first time.
It’s interesting how he didn’t refuse going up to the bicorn, I’m sure part of him wanted to see if it would like him, like the virtue test it is. Would a monster that loves despicable men be magnetized to him? Would it confirm his fears?
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delusinaldreamer19 · 9 months ago
Sebastian and Bards relationship in the cannon is not talked about enough.
Not to sound pretentious, but I feel like it may be more accurate to say their dynamic in the context of the series.
The simplistic caveman side of my brain wants to say that they’re just two dudes, which isn’t wrong. But the analytical side of my brain wishes to elaborate 🤗.
Behold my tangent.
One of my favorite lines in this series is when Sebastian tells Bard quote “You fear death, as humans should. You must be the only one in this manor who does.”
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(The fact that it pans to Ciel is just 👌👌👌. Good shit, love to see it.)
To me, Bards backstory segments where we saw him adjusting to life in the manor had a different feel to when we saw the same for Mayrin. We got to see her interact with oCiel, Finny, Nina, and even Lau briefly. But with Bard, he was only ever really shown with Sebastian. Or at least mainly.
There’s a stronger sense that Bard doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the household. Which I felt was emphasized by this panel.
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I interpret this as him saying “what the hell am I doing in the house full of crazy kids.”
Which leads me back to my main point. Basically, Bard is the most normal human in this house. And who is he paired up with the most? Debatably the least normal “human” in the house.
Except I bet that’s not how Bard sees it. While Ciel may be the master of the house, Bard and Sebastian are the adults of the household. The men of the house if you will. (Yeah yeah Mayrin and Tanaka are adults too. But in Mayrin’s case b/c of her time as a snipper she hadn’t lived as much of a life as Bard, so she’s not quite at the same level of maturity. And I’m going to ignore Tanaka since he’s less of an active player among the servants.)
I’m trying so hard to break down my thought process rn :’) OK, because of this, I bet that Bard views Sebastian as sort of like his bro. They have this shared responsibility to take care of the ‘kids’ in the house. (Take a shot every time I say house).
Honestly idk where I’m going with this. Sebastian is like the strict mother who expects highly of the servants. While Bard is the bad influence uncle that endorses smoking, drinking, and pornography.
They have a weird partnership, one that boarders on a one sided friendship. They both have an unspoken understanding that they share the responsibility of adults looking after children. Only for Bard to then be put back in his place by Sebastian, as HE probably views Bard as just another one of the kids he has to manage.
I swear I had a point, I don’t think I conveyed it properly. Anyway, sorry for the long post. I honestly love Bard as a character, he’s very interesting when you really start to think about it. He doesn’t get enough recognition from the fan base esp when it comes to analytical perspectives.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year ago
man. this song reminds me of physiology class
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doostyauditalkz · 2 days ago
Wow this month is not my month chat
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lowkeyerror · 2 months ago
Basically My Boyfriend
Jennifer Check x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Notes: Reuqested, friends to lovers, smut, fingering, cunnulingus, virgin!reader
Summary: It’s a Friday night and Y/n and Needy are spending it bored in Jennifer’s room. When Needy mentions she passed on date night for it, Jennifer and Y/n push her to go. This leaves Jennifer and Y/n alone for the night, and something that started as a joke between the two quickly transforms into something more.
An: First request in forever hope its alright 🫣
Etc. Masterlist | More Jennifer Check
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For being a girl as popular as she was, it was assumed that Jennifer Check would have more friends than she would know what to do with. Even despite her bitchy attitude, the attention she garnered from her looks alone was good enough reason to want to be around her. The thing is that Jennifer wasn’t stupid she knew that people would use her to gain social standing. It’s part of the reason that Jennifer didn’t really “do” friends.
The people that were close to her had been close to her for as long as anyone could remember. Needy and Y/n were the only real friends that Jennifer had. She liked it that way.
Jennifer didn’t need to explain herself to the pair, she didn’t need to dumb herself down, and she didn’t have to pretend to be nice. She could just be herself, which was seeming like more of a luxury these days.
“Jen, hello? Earth to Jennifer Check, where’d you go? I think we lost her Annie,” Y/n was waving her hand in front of the brunette’s face, while talking to the blonde at her side.
The three of them were piled into Jennifer’s room, on a Friday night.
Jennifer’s back hit the bed, “I’m so bored, we should’ve went to the bar tonight, I heard Low Shoulder was going to be there.”
“Not a chance. Annie and I would’ve been miserable while we watched you go play groupie to those losers,” Y/n follows suit lying flat on the bed.
“Needy knows how to party, besides she could’ve brought her boy toy.”
Needy rolls her eyes, but lays on the bed too, “You know I don’t like it when you call him that.”
“Precisely why I do it Anita,” Jennifer comments.
Needy lets out a sigh, “You know I canceled a date for this and he was really cool about it.”
Jen and Y/n sit up at the same time and say, “You what?”
“It’s no big deal.”
“It’s only 8, you have time. Tell him to come pick you up,” Y/n says looking at the blonde.
“But I already told my mom I was sleeping over,” Needy whines.
Jennifer gives the girl some words of encouragement, “You are going to sleep over… just at Chip’s. Now call your boy toy, first tell him to thank us, and then tell him that you should see a movie tonight.”
Just as the pair instructed Needy calls her boyfriend and he says that he's on his way.
“Are you guys sure you’re ok with me bailing?”
Y/n nods, “Go get laid, Annie. One of us deserves to tonight.”
She shoves your shoulder, “ Shut up you’re starting to sound too much like Jen.”
The dark-haired girl laughed, “Well you didn’t say she was wrong.”
Whatever snarky remark Needy was going to say dies as her phone rings. Chip is outside waiting for her.
“Remember, if he doesn’t give head, he’s better off dead,” Jennifer says as she pushes Needy out of the house.
“Meet us for breakfast tomorrow, the usual spot?” Y/n suggests and Needy nods.
“I’ll see you guys later.”
Jennifer and Y/n wave to her as Chip drives off in the direction of the movie theater.
“And then there were two,” Y/n says.
“You’re such a predictable nerd, I knew you would say that,” now it’s Jennifer rolling her eyes at you.
“Hey, need I remind you that you picked this predictable nerd to be one of your two friends. The other which is almost the same predictable nerd,” Y/n says as they walk back up the stairs.
Jen scoffs, “You’re nothing like Needy. For starters she’s with her boyfriend tonight, while you’re here with me.”
Y/n is quick to counter, “You’re basically my boyfriend anyway.”
“Oh am I?”
Y/n nods as they re-enter Jennifer’s room, “Yup.”
“And what could have possibly led you to this conclusion?”
Y/n jumps into Jen’s bed, “Well it’s Friday night and you have me in your bed.”
“You haven't heard of a hookup?”
Y/n closes her eyes briefly, “You like me too much for it just to be a hookup.”
Jen doesn't respond, instead she lets her eyes roam Y/n's figure. She’d be lying if she said the thought hadn’t crossed her mind once or twice. Y/n was in a way, exactly her type. Maybe a little more dorky than She'd usually go for, but Jen thought Y/n’s loser tendencies were endearing.
So, as she found herself alone with girl on a Friday night, no Needy, and no parents; she thought she'd try something.
Jennifer climbs onto the bed and straddles Y/n’s waist. The weight on her, made the girl open her eyes. She was slightly startled as she looked up at Jennifer.
“Maybe you’re right, definitely wouldn't call you a random hookup,” Jennifer’s face took on a look that Y/n had only seen her give other people.
Particularly boys that Jennifer would spend random nights with.
“What’re you doing ?”
Jennifer flips her head to the side, “We’ve known each other a long time, right Y/n?”
“Right,” the girl beneath her speaks breathlessly
“Have I ever told you how hot I think you are?”
Her hands reach for Y/n’s, guiding then to sit first on her thighs before sliding them up to her hips.
“Jen,” Y/n audibly gulps.
The dark-haired girl, giggles before rolling her hips down on Y/n. The dorky girl’s hands tighten their grip on Jennifer’s waist.
“Fuck Y/n, don't you want me?”
“Jennifer,” Y/n says more firmly this time.
Jennifer rolls her hips again, “You’re really going to make spell it out for you, aren’t you? You know, I like you right dingus, I've wanted you for a while now. You’re a dork, but I want you to be my dork.”
“This can't be real?” Y/n’s confusion peaks through.
“Let me show you how real it is, Y/n,” Jennifer’s look becomes less predatory and more desperate.
Y/n’s face began to heat up, “Jen I haven’t-”
“I can teach you,” she speaks gently, her hand caressing Y/n’s face.
“Promise me this isn’t just a hookup or some fucked up game you’re playing with me,” Y/n’s insecurities poke at her.
Jennifer leans down, so she is mere inches away from the other girl. Her hair falls, tickling Y/n’s face. Her eyes are softer than Y/n had ever seen as their breath mingles together.
“I like you, genuinely; no bullshit. We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want-”
Y/n kisses her in the middle of speaking. It’s delicate and airy. A type of kiss that Jennifer isn’t used too. It takes the wind out of her.
“Be gentle with me Jen,” Y/n whispers against her lips.
She nods, “I’m going to worship you.”
Y/n feels her face heat even more. Jennifer connects their lips again. She holds back on the ferocity, but let’s the passion shining through the kiss. The sound of their lips colliding with each other and their shallow breaths made the room feel ten times hotter.
Y/n’s hand subconsciously left Jennifer’s waist to slink up and under her shirt. The skin there was cooler than she expected. Her touch was light but became even lighter as her hands skimmed over Jennifer’s bra.
Jennifer sits up breaking the kiss causing the girl beneath her to whine. Jen laughs at the sound before pulling her shirt over her head. Y/n’s eyes dilate at the sight of her abdomen. A small smirk tugs at Jennifer’s lips upon seeing Y/n’s reaction.
Her bra comes off next. Y/n’s eyes scale up Jennifer’s figure , lingering at her now exposed chest. As if she’s testing the waters the Y/n sits up. She keeps eye contact with Jennifer as she takes one of the more experienced girl’s nipples in her mouth.
She sucks lightly, closing her eyes as she runs her tongue across the stiff peak. Jen moans at the sensation nearly cradling the girl’s head further into her chest.
“Can I see you baby?” Jennifer says through her teeth, her free hand gripping the waistband of Y/n’s pants.
Y/n doesn’t answer her immediately, needing to give the other nipple the same attention as the first. She then trails hot open mouth kisses from Jennifer’s breast up to her neck stopping to whisper in the girl’s ear.
“Take it off.”
Jennifer doesn’t need to be told twice as she carefully removes Y/n’s shirt and pants as well. She pushes the girl to lay flat against the bed again. This time instead of straddling her waist, Jen stays near the foot of the bed, spreading Y/n’s legs open.
“You’re so wet for me already,” Jennifer sees the dampness through the other girl’s underwear.
She kisses up Y/n’s thighs, tentatively. She keeps eye contact as she gets closer and close to the Y/n’s cunt. Jennifer places some teasing kisses on Y/n’s clothed pussy, causing the girl to squirm.
“Can I-"
“Please,” Y/n begs before Jennifer even finished the sentence.
Her hip lift, encouraging Jennifer to take them off. Jennifer obliges sliding the soaked panties down Y/n’s legs.
The sight alone was enough to cause Jennifer to lose her composure. She couldn't take it anymore. She didn't hesitate to dive her face into Y/n’s pussy.
“Holy shit,” Y/n almost sits up as Jennifer’s tongue swirls around her clit.
Jennifer’s tongues moves fluidly through Y/n’s folds. Playfully going back and forth between teasing the entrance and sucking on the clit.
Jennifer vibrates with pleasure as your taste coats her mouth making her dizzy.
“You taste so good baby, can I put a finger in? I promise you’ll like it.”
Sweat covers Y/n’s forehead as she nods, “Fuck me.”
Jennifer slinks up Y/n’s body to connect their lips. Y/n almost cums as she tastes herself on Jennifer’s lips. This kiss is sloppier than the rest they shared but neither girl cared. The feeling was intoxicating.
While they kiss Jennifer slips her middle finger inside of Y/n. The girl mewls into Jennifer’s mouth. The dark-haired girl groans at how tight Y/n is around her finger. She could already feel the walls pulsating trying to pull her finger deeper inside.
“You’re so tight Y/n, have you even fingered yourself? Feels like I’m the first thing in here, fuck. I can’t wait to stretch you out, fill you up with a fat plastic cock. Have you moaning my name.”
“I haven’t Jen, I haven’t had anything but your finger inside of me. Fuck, add another, stretch me. I want to be good for you, Jennifer,” Y/n whines trying to gain for friction.
Jennifer listens to the girl and slowly pushes in another finger, she can feel Y/n twitching around her.
“Be a good girl and cum on my fingers,” Jennifer ‘s thumb begins to rub circles on Y/n’s clit.
Y/n falls over the edge, nails digging into Jennifer’s back as the only thing she could say was Jennifer’s name, over and over again.
Jennifer is carefully to bring Y/n down from her climax, not wishing to overstimulate her now. When she feels enough time has last, she removes her fingers from inside the girl.
She holds Y/n’s tired stare as she sucks the juices off of her fingers.
“Kiss me,” Y/n reaches for Jennifer, pulling her bavk down into a kiss.
“Addicting, isn’t it?” Jennifer pecks your lips again.
“Let me return the favor,” Y/n mumbles.
Jennifer can tell the girl is exhausted from her own orgasm. Though she would love nothing more than to have Y/n please her, she feels like it would be taken advantage of the girl.
Jennifer shakes her head, “Maybe later, let’s get you cleaned up first.”
Y/n goes to protest, but Jennifer’s soft gaze on her, stopped any rebuttal.
After a quick shower both girls were back in the bed this time clean. They laid facing each other, their hands interlocked. It was Y/n who ended up pulling Jennifer into her grasp.
“I didn’t know you could be so… sweet,” you tell her truthfully.
Jennifer rolls her eyes, trying to distract Y/n from the blush that was building on her face, “You’re such a dork.”
“I think we already established that already. What we haven’t established is when you’re taking me out?”
Jennifer scoffs, “Why do I have to take you out? You could ask me out you know.”
Y/n shakes her head, “Nope, you’re the boyfriend. So you’ve got to ask me out.”
Jennifer huffs in faux-annoyance, “Fine, I’ll ask you out, but you’re explaining it to Needy.”
Y/n pecks her lips again, “Deal.”
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tvgals · 15 days ago
ok so boom, baseball player! ony and his actress! wife strikes again.
ony has been signed to the dodgers for five years now, and he doesn’t plan on retiring anytime soon. he’s been hitting absolute piss missiles for the past year and knows everyone in the league fears him as one of the most feral outfielders in the game.
ony has been on top of the world for years, the biggest headlines featuring his name and how you and him are the best couple to come out since kanye and kim, how the two of you are inseparable and can’t help but show the world, but when you two fight, it’s also obvious to the whole world. ony is a hothead, when the ump makes a terrible call, he’s the first to start throwing curse words and throw and hit shit around the dugout, and you hate it. you hate it because he’s giving himself a bad rap. sure, he could be the best fucking player in the world, but his shitty attitude could cost him a lot.
“baby. you know they always make shit worse on tv.” ony argues, leaning back in the drivers seat of his 2019 porsche 718 booster you were pissed. today, the dodgers played against the cincinnati reds, and ony struck out for the first time in a month off of a terrible call, a ball that was basically skimming the ground. he was furious, he stomped his way to the dugout and everyone knew to move out his way. ony flipped out, smashing his bat, throwing around the large gatorade containers, flinging helmets around, the whole thing. you were fuming in the stands, standing up and stomping away yourself. you couldn’t believe ony. you told him that you didn’t wanna see him act a fool in front of all these people again that he was making a bad reputation for himself everytime he acted out…but he never listened.
“you know that everytime you act an ass, it goes back to the dodgers and it makes everyone look bad. you need to calm down.” you reprimand him, scrolling on twitter to see everything people are saying about your husband. “why do you care so much?” he asks, rolling his deep brown eyes. in all honesty, ony couldn’t care less how people perceived him. he’ll forever be known as that dodgers player, that everyone will love him no matter how bad his attitude is. but for whatever reason, you can’t see that. you don’t understand why they put up with him…how you put up with him.
“take me home.” you grumble, firm and angry. ony huffs to himself, stepping on the gas. you watch out the window as you see the trees and mountains pass by as a blur, you felt your body be almost forcefully pushed into your seat, as if you couldn’t lean forward. “ony, slow down.” you warm him, digging your fingernails into the seat. “you wanna go home, right?” he asks, a small chuckle mixed in. your heart started to race and you feel like you can’t breathe. “onyankopon. i am not fucking kidding, slow the car down!” you yell, tears pricking at your eyes. “shutup. just shut up. all you do is preach at me and make me feel like a little kid all the time. i will crash this fucking car if you don’t shut up.” he yells back, stepping on the gas harder. in his haze of anger, he doesn’t notice the deer standing in the middle of the road, or the way you scream, or the way he doesn’t yank the wheel to move out of the way.
the deer hits the car with an insane force of power, taking the bumper off and cracking the windshield almost to oblivion. ony pulls over, the car creaking and shards of glass peppered around the inside of the car. you can’t hold it in anymore and you start sobbing, you can see the way the glass has scarred your skin, you can feel how bad your back hurts and how your eyes feel like they’re about to pop. “what the fuck is wrong with you?!” you scream, unbuckling your seatbelt and slapping ony across the face. he’s stuck in place, his hands grippping the steering wheel with extreme force. “are you fucking kidding me?! you almost killed us and now you wanna be quiet? get the fuck out of here.” you wail, flinging the car door open and steadily stepping out.
you walk away to god knows where, as long as it’s not with that fucking maniac.
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miley1442111 · 8 months ago
revealed- s.reid
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summary: derek tricks you both, uh oh.
pairing: spencer reid x fem! reader
warnings: spencer is jealous, cursing, you're a baddie
Spencer watched in a pure jealous rage as you and Derek laughed together. You and Derek, the best of friends. The touchiest, best of friends. 
As demonstrated by right now, you had your legs across his, you two were sharing earphones, and he had his arm around you. 
Spencer huffed. You were his girlfriend, his secret girlfriend, but it still hurt. He wanted you to be able to do that to him, to be around him, instead of the way it was now. You’d both decided it would be best if you put some distance between the two of you, just to keep suspicion to a minimum until you were ready to tell the team. Right now, Spencer wanted to get up from his seat,  grab you, kiss you, and tell everyone.  
After a few hours, you’d fallen asleep on the couch and Derek was sitting across from Spencer. 
“Spence,” Derek whispered. 
Spencer looked up from his book and turned to him. “Hm?”
“I think I might ask Y/n out,” he whispered, a smirk on his face. 
No, no, no. Derek could not like you. Not like that. Spencer would have no chance. You’re cool and beautiful, and way too smart for him. He had no idea how he got a chance in the first place, but now, he’d lose you forever, and to Derek. 
“What?! W-why would you do that?” Spencer’s voice was about 3 octaves higher than usual and he’d definitely woken you up. 
“Because I like her, a lot?” Derek looked at Spencer. “You ok man?”
“Fine!” Spencer coughed out. “Fine.”
You threw a pillow in their direction, a clear sign to try and shut them up. 
“Sorry,” Derek chuckled and Spencer just gulped. His anxiety grew and grew as the plane ride continued. Would you leave him for Derek? Did you already hate him? “But what about it?”
“What about what?” you yawned sitting up.
“Wanna go out sometime?” Derek asked, flashing you his signature smirk. Spencer had no chance, he should’ve given up months ago you-
“I’d dating Spencer,” you yawned. “Please, for the love of god, can you two just shut the fuck up so the rest of us can sleep?” 
Spencer’s face had never been so red. Derek met his eyes with a smirk. 
“Alright princess,” Derek smirked. “Sweet dreams.”
Spencer was rather confused. Derek didn’t seem to care that you rejected him, strange. He thought he would at least have a slightly bruised ego, or maybe even a moment of sulking, but no. 
He stared at him for a moment, then Derek laughed. 
“I told Garcia I’d get one of you to admit it,” He smirked and Spencer rolled his eyes, annoyed that you two had been tricked. 
“Shut the fuck up Derek!” You groaned, muffled by the pillow you were lying on. 
But Spencer didn’t feel that bad. No more secret keeping, no more sneaking around, and no more ‘no pda’ sentiments. It felt good. 
“I’m very happy for you two, obviously,” Hotch smiled, seemingly coming out of nowhere. “But you will need to sign these documents so I can send them to Strauss.” 
Spencer took the documents and started filling them out, a smile on his face the entire time. 
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
criminal minds taglist :) (message me or comment to be added :))
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agaypanic · 10 months ago
Could you do fic for Carlisle Cullen with wife reader? It was his day off and they were just doing domestic things. Like, taking a walk in the park, having a date. It was rare that he was taking a break but he felt that he was not spending enough time with his mate and he missed her. Add anything you want. Just something fluff and cute. Lots of kisses and hugs. Bonus : The Cullen's kids appearance. Thanks!! :))
A Day Off (Carlisle Cullen X Vampire!Wife!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Feeling like he hasn’t spent enough time with you lately, your husband Carlisle takes a day off of work to do his favorite things with you. 
A/N: i have a fic kinda like this, but carlisle’s hot so im ok with writing another similar one lol. For silly plot reasons, pretend twilight takes place in the 2010s instead of the 2000s
“Emmett, get down here! You’re gonna be late for school!”
“Don’t worry, Y/n,” Alice said. “We’ll get there on time.”
“Sorry.” Emmett rolled his eyes as he ran down the stairs. “I slept in late.”
“How could you sleep in late? You don’t even sleep.”
Carlisle laughed at the conversation between you and Emmett. You were rounding up the kids, ready to send them on their way to school, while he was up in his office finishing up some last-minute things before he had to go to work. He listened as you said goodbye to the five vampires, getting responses in return before the door to the garage shut. Then, you made your way up to Carlisle’s office.
“Come in.” He said before you even had to knock. He looked up to see you leaning against the open door’s frame, smiling at him fondly. “Hi.”
“Hi.” You pushed off the doorframe and walked around the desk. Carlisle turned his chair so he’d keep facing you. “Shouldn’t you be heading off to work?”
He sighed. “I suppose.” You stood between your husband’s open legs, taking his face into your hands. He relaxed into your touch and closed his eyes.
It had been a while since you and Carlisle had been alone together during the day. Sunny days were rare in Forks, and being the best doctor around from centuries of experience, his presence was always needed at the hospital. Especially with the recent ‘bear’ attacks.
“See you tonight?” Your voice brought Carlisle out of the trance that you had put him in. Despite both of you being ice cold, you always made him feel so warm. 
Carlisle nodded. “Of course.” You looked at each other for a moment, reveling in the silence and privacy you rarely had. “I love you.”
You grinned, leaning down to kiss him. “Forever and eternity?”
“Forever and eternity.”
Soon after that, you left his office and went back downstairs. Carlisle leaned back in his chair, tapping a simple rhythm on his desk. God, how he missed you.
Suddenly, he grabbed his phone. He quickly dialed a number and put the device to his ear.
“Hi, Denise. It’s Dr. Cullen.” He said. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to call out of work for today. Family things.”
After the quick conversation, Carlisle hung up the phone and headed downstairs. He found you curled up on the couch with a book.
“What are you reading?”
“One of Edward’s books.” You answer, looking up to see Carlisle looking at you curiously and lovingly, a look he always had for you. “Don’t worry, it was mine first. Heading off to work?”
“Actually…” Carlisle rounded the couch, and you sat up to make some room for him. “I decided to take a day off.”
You looked at him with some shock. As far as you could recall, Carlisle only took time off work when the sun came out so you and your family wouldn’t expose yourselves to the humans. “Really?”
As Carlisle settled on the couch, he gently pulled you to lean against him. “I’ve realized we haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. And I missed you.”
“Aw, I’ve missed you too, darling.” You gave Carlisle a peck on the lips, but when you pulled away, he cupped the back of your neck to kiss you deeper and longer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping your thumb between the pages of your book so you wouldn’t lose your place. Carlisle’s cold but firm hands held you close to him. You only pulled away when you felt breathless, which really meant something, considering you didn’t need to breathe. “I missed that too.” You said with a giggle.
“Well, there’s more where that came from.”
Carlisle spent the next few hours reading your book to you while you lay in between his legs and on his chest. You loved the sound of his soothing voice as he absentmindedly stroked your arm. Every now and then, he kissed your head, cheek, hand, really anywhere he could reach. 
When he finished the book, he set it on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around you. “What would you like to do now?” He asked.
“Hmm…” You hummed, trying to think. “Well, usually around this time, I put on a show.”
Carlisle reached for the TV remote and handed it to you with a kiss on your cheek. You turned the television on and scrolled through until you found a show that you had been wanting to watch. 
“Pretty Little Liars.” Carlisle read the title. “Sounds interesting.”
“We’re home!” Emmett yelled as he and his siblings exited the garage, even though you and Carlisle could hear their cars pulling in. He jumped onto the other end of the couch, bouncing you and Carlisle slightly. “What are we watching?”
“Pretty Little Liars,” Carlisle answered. “It’s… interesting, to say the least.”
“Who’s she making out with?” Emmett asked, pointing at the screen.
“Oh, that’s her teacher.” You respond nonchalantly.
“Her what?!”
Twilight Taglist: @in-my-hoe-era
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romanticinlove · 8 months ago
The ex-boyfriend
Summary: Your ex-boyfriend has been trying to get back together with you for a while now. Your current boyfriend has no problem stepping in.
Word count: 1.1K
content warning: Zack Bia 😟, slight mentions of a toxic relationship
a/n: enjoy!
Because you were in the public eye, every single detail of your life was being shown at all times, that included your relationships. Your most recent ex boyfriend, Zack Bia, and you had a very public breakup because he cheated on you. Apart from the cheating, the relationship was toxic and he was a master manipulator. You knew of his reputation, but you still went along with him. You kicked yourself for it and so did everyone else. When your relationship with him was announced, everyone was so confused. Like you and him of all people. But when the relationship ended, because you ended it, people rejoiced. Everyone was so happy to hear the news. Everyone including a young football player, Jude Bellingham.
Jude had had a crush on you ever since you did a photoshoot with Prada. When he saw you on the runway for the first time, he malfunctioned. He got jealous when the pictures of you and Zack first dropped. He could not wrap his mind around the fact that you and that loser were dating. But, when the relationship ended, he took that as his in. He started off by liking and reacting to your stories, and then he dm'ed you. Nothing too crazy, just a simple "hey" with a smiling emoji. From there the two of you began talking. And soon enough, 5 months after the drama with Zack Bia, you were dating Jude Bellingham.
When the news about you and the 20-year old came out, Zack immediately tried to call you. you ignored his calls and then the texts came through.
Zack: Wtf
Zack: Why are you dating that guy???
Zack: We literally just broke up it's so obvious that you're desperate for attention.
Zack: If you wanted to be in a relationship so bad, I would've come back
Zack: I miss u
Even when you blocked his number he contacted you from another one. Once you received more and more messages, you tried to respond to him
You: Please leave me alone. Go find someone else to gaslight
Zack: see you love to thow around that word, but I don't think you actually knows what it means.
Zack: I miss you. I've changed I'm willing to prove that
You: I am dating someone else please stop
Zack: He doesn't matter. He doesn't love you like I do
Zack: I want to see you, I'm in Spain right now, come see me
You shut your phone off and sighed in frustration. Why did he have to come all this way just to bother you? You immediately called Jude.
"hello" Jude answered on the second ring. You loved how he would always answer your call, no matter what, as fast as he possibly could.
"Hey baby, are you busy right now?" You asked. You were so annoyed and needed Jude's comfort.
"no not at all why? is everything ok?"
"yeah could you just come over please" Jude could hear the desperation in your voice so he immediately got his things from his house and began to head out.
"of course, I'll be there soon"
When Jude arrived at your apartment, You explained everything to him. From how you and Zack started dating, to his constant harassment and even him being in Spain. Jude was visibly upset, but he wasn't mad at you, but at that lunatic. He hated how upset he made you and how he was trying to push his way back into your life.
" I just don't know what to do anymore" You stated "I just want to stay here with you forever, I don't want to deal with him." You were laying on Judes chest in your bed as he drew circles on your back.
"I promise he is long gone, he is bluffing. I don't think he would come all the way to Spain. Besides, I will stay with you here forever" He said as he kissed your forehead. You smiled and you both decided to watch s show together. Halfway through one of the episodes, you heard a knock at the door and looked over at Jude in confusion. Unfortunately, he was asleep, so, you got up and went to answer the door. Lo and behold, outside your door was your ex-boyfriend.
"I told you I missed you" Zack said while holding flowers.
"I don't care, I told you I'm with someone else. You and I are done." You said as you tried to close the door. He managed to push his way in. "You need to leave right now"
"No, we still need to talk, I don't like how things ended"
" You cheated on me, there end of story"
"I wouldn't have cheated if you hadn't made me" Zack told you and you looked at him in confusion and he continued. " You were always such a bitch nagging about your job, it wasn't that hard. I needed to find someone to distract myself from your constant complaining" Zack began to yell at you and You just shook your head.
"Ok I complained too much, you found someone else, everything is good again, please leave" You were getting annoyed and began to walk towards the door to open it. That's when he grabbed your arm and pushed you away from the door.
"I said we need to talk" He yelled at you and that's when Jude stepped out of the bedroom and looked at him. Jude threw a punch at him and he went down onto the couch. "Don't you ever disrespect her like that again, do you understand?" Jude got up in his face and yelled at him. He grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him out and threw him out on the concrete. He then walked over to you, who was standing near the stairs to go upstairs, a couple of feet from where it all happened.
"I'm so sorry he did that. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Jude said while examining you. You were completely unharmed, your wrist just hurt a little from the force used. Jude engulfed you in a hug and you rested your head in him.
"Thank you so much Jude, you have no idea how much this means to me" You said to him and you hugged him.
"You don't have to thank me for protecting you. It comes with the territory"
"I love you, Jude"
"I love you too y/n"
You both went back up to your room and continued to spend time together watching tv. Even though your last relationship caused confusion, you knew that now people would agree that you two were prefect together.
Thank you for reading! I also wanted to let you guys know I am taking requests in case you guys wanted to send some in! also lmk If you guys think I should write about some other ppl
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elleluvsjurin · 2 months ago
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synopsis: you come home after a long day to see your pretty princess but your princess has other plans
pairings: g!p naoi rei x fem!reader
cw: rich, older(mid to late 20s) dom fem!reader, baby girl!rei, dry humping, mommy kink, buttjob, not proofread!
everywhere you walked, people looked. they knew you weren’t someone to fuck around with, especially because you’re a CEO for a big company. you were what they called a diva. you were rude, confident, and other times stuck up. it’s not your fault though. after YEARS of being treated like shit, what’d they expect? someone to walk over? absolutely not. however, you always melt for your baby, your pretty girl, your rei.
you met rei in a tiny cafe. she sat with a few of her friends and she kept stealing glances at you until you noticed. you walked up to her table and she damn near passed out! someone like you was willing to take her out? how bold! the two of you hit it off instantly and you’ve been in love ever since.
today was a very long day for you. meetings on top of meetings. you and your assistant were both running around, going back and forth during the day. luckily, it finally ended after what felt like forever. you were so excited to see your girlfriend so you could cuddle with her and maybe a few other things.
“rei?” you ask, pulling your keys out of the door. you shut and lock the door, you didn’t hear a reply. you put your bags and keys on the couch near the door and headed up to the shared room to see rei sound asleep. your heart melts at the adorable woman in front of you.
upon seeing that, you end up getting in the shower. rei wakes up to you going through your closet.
“y-y/n? is that you?” she asks, groggily. you smile upon hearing her soft voice. “im here, honey.” you reply. you come out of your closet in a cute, little nightgown, making the girl blush as your nipples harden in the dress.
you sit on the bed, next to her. “i was going to make something to eat for us.” she smiles at your comment. “ok, can i watch?” rei asks. “sure, let’s go.” you reply, giving her a quick peck to the lips before grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen.
once in the kitchen, you get to work and she sits on one of the bar stools of the island in the middle of the kitchen, watching you work attentively. she eventually pulls out her phone, scrolling through it. you steal a few glances at rei, making sure she’s okay. there’s an undeniable tension between the two of you, both of you glancing at each other every once in a while.
you put your dish in the oven and scroll on your phone, which leads you to lean forward against the counter. you don’t notice rei behind you until she wraps her arms around your waist and starts grinding herself up against your ass. “rei, what are you doing?” you ask in surprise. rei presses her hands up to your breasts while she thrusts her clothed cock into you. “n-need you mommy..so bad. ‘s been so long since you’re b-busy.” she whimpers. rei humps your ass like a dog, rough and rugged. “mine, mine mine!” she moans.
“r-rei, hold on. im just about done, wait a few. ok?” you say and she shakes her head no. “mommy i-i can’t..feels too good!” she cries, her hips practically moving by themselves as she humps your plump ass. “almost there mommy, s-so glad that you didn’t wear panties.” she whimpers, her precum leaking through her pink sweatpants. she pulls up your dress and pulls down her own pants so she can slide her cock in between your asscheeks. your ass claps while her hips move ferociously back and forth into you, her leaking cock moves in between your ass.
“m-mommy, ‘m gonna cum!” she whimpers. you stay still for her, wanting her to get to best release. she moans out, spilling her load in between and on your ass, some of her cum getting onto the back of your dress.
“sorry” she releases you from her tight grip and her face turns red. you turn around to face her and kiss her cheeks. “it’s ok, i know I’ve been neglectful. forgive me?” you say and she nods her head up and down. “o-ok.” she mumbles. she walks away in embarrassment and you grab your dish from out of the oven, chuckling in amusement. wondering where she got the sudden dominance from.
“im gonna fuck her up.”
a/n: not requested, just wrote this out of impulse
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igotanidea · 4 months ago
Hero: Damian Wayne x reader
(family rules finale)
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A/N: Family rules finale, ladies and gentleman! Forgive me, if I got a litlte rusty during hiatus, hope you'll still enjoy <3
Family rules masterlist
„Let go of me, Nightwing! She needs my help, can’t you see that-“
“She is being-“
“Shut up Damian!”
Now, this, this was surprising.
Dick Grayson, the forever cool, positive and optimistic seemed to be losing his cool, clenching fists and jaw. He was not blind, duh! He saw what this asshole was doing to his daughter.
Dick was always very sensitive when it came to any type of violence and the fact that Y/N was the girl of whom Damian took a liking to was intensifying his fury tenfold.
Damn, he himself was hanging by a thread, forcing himself to not barge inside and take matters in his own, gloved hands.
But there were so many things and variables to consider. From what Dick knew about Y/N (cause Damian was not talking about her at all) she was rather withdrawn (reasons in the form of the scene unfolding in their eyes), with no friends, who would care for her. The only person who stalked her in wanting to talk was – Damian. Therefore technically, if anyone were to wander by her house at his hour would be him. And at the moment he was about to barge inside in his Robin suit.
And since Dick also knew Y/N was smart and good at connecting the dots there was a heavy risk of her figuring out that Damian=Robin. And then all the rest, getting up the hill to the identity of Batman himself.
And despite the attitude Dick had to many of Bruce’s rules, the secret identity one was a priority and the one he was not going to break.
Lost in thoughts, he didn’t even notice Damian taking off and rushing over the lawn to her window.
“Damn! Robin, come back here!”
As if that could stop him.
If the situation wasn’t so dramatic, it would be truly hilarious.
If Y/N and/or her father were to look outside the window they would notice Nightwing and Robin struggling against one another on their estate, pulling at the cape, standing on feet, throwing batons and waving katana around.
 Like freaking comic characters in a kids’ show that intends to be funny but gives the adult a heavy cringe from embarrassment.
“I’m going in!” Damian yelled.
“You are not-“
“Stop it!” Dick did a few backflips, miraculously escaping the blade. Damn, this was so much easier a few years ago, but now his older body was a little less agile even if Grayson refused to admit it. Meanwhile, 17 year old Damian seemed to be at the peak of his abilities. Cutting Dick’s opportunity to grab Robin’s cape and hold him midair with his feet dangling furiously.
“She needs my help!”
“Actually the help would be really helpful here. “ third voice, mocking, cut into the discussion, making both Dick and Damian stop.
Y/N was leaning on the doorframe, arms folded on her chest, look of pure contempt in her eyes as he observed the two vigilantes doing only what could be described as fooling around with each other. Her cheek was reddened and there was a faint stream of blood running down her arms.
So much for Dick’s masterplan.
“Thanks for nothing, you two.” She mocked, raising an eyebrow.
“Um…” Damian stuttered, suddenly feeling awfully called out on his behavior.
“Hm? You were saying?”
“Nothing…” he looked down like a schoolboy, while Dick was standing a little behind, biting the inside of his cheek to not burst out laughing at him.
“I’m sorry, Nightwing, is this funny to you?” Y/N was too perceptive for their own good. “Please, so share the positives you see in the situation.”
“Um…” this time Dick was the one blushing like a kindergartener, caught stealing sweets from the top shelf.
“I actually thought you were supposed to help people?”
“Wow, how do you help anyone if you can’t even make one sentence?”
“Ok, enough.” Finally Damian managed to get his tongue back “this is enough.”
“Is it?”
God, she was infuriating even now. He was trying to help her (again) and she was pushing him away (again).
“Stop it.”
“Or what?”
“Or- or-“
“Or what?” she repeated, her eyes fixed on him, almost drilling a hole into his masked face.
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“You’re the one playing catch on my lawn!”
“I’m trying to free you from the abuser your father is!”
“Well look how it worked!”
“It would be much better if you try to be a little more appreciative!”
“Screw you!”
This girl never made any sense. How was it possible that he fell for this chaotic mess of a human being. She was making him crazy. Crazy! And not in a good sense.
“How long have you been sitting on that tree?”
“Well, um-“
“This is my fault-“ Dick tried to interject but she sent him a look so full of fury he had to take a step back with hands raised in surrender.
“I’m not talking to you.” She growled to Dick, turning back to Damian.  “I am so done! I’m done! Men are just completely useless!”
“You know what, heroes are useless!”
Now this hurt.
“This is not fair-“ Damian started, but it was too late. Months of abuse, fear and holding her emotions back for the sake of everyone else found a way out in the wave of white fury, blinding her rational thinking. She was so tired of waiting for someone to help her. Exhausted from hoping for a prince on a white horse to come and take her away from this place.
She was not helpless.
And this line of thinking got her into the crazy decision of taking matters in her own hands.
“Y/N! Y/N, where are you going!? Wait! Wait, what are you going to do?! Stop!”
As she turned on her heel, blind and deaf to any external stimuli, walking back towards the house like  a mad woman Damian immediately took after her. And Dick did too.
If Y/N was a supernatural being this would be the moment for her to go into a magical change in the cloud of white light.
This would be the moment for her to get a silly, fairy-like outfit, a cape and/or ability to fly and beam lasers from her eyes.  
But this was reality and not a manga show.
And she was a hero even without a latex costume.
Or maybe – that was what made her more of a hero.
“Please remind me to never make that girl angry.”
Damian scoffed, but there was a hint of smugness in his voice as he responded.
“That was something, wasn’t it?”
Half an hour later, Dick and Damian were leaning over the same tree by her house, watching her father being taken by the police.
Shockingly (or maybe not so much), pushed to the very edge of her endurance, Y/N had walked inside the house, and with zero second guessing or doubts, had called the police, reporting the abuse she had been experiencing from her parent.
Damian had never been more proud of anyone in his entire life.
And she did it without his help.
Which under any other circumstances would probably make him mad, cause he was supposed to be the savior, but hey – having a girl who could hold her own was even better.
“You know anyone else would probably call her mental—”
“Hey! Hold your tongue Grayson!”
“Hm? Why?” Dick smirked “getting territorial?”
“Shut up!”
“She’s not even your girl, you know.”
“I said shut up!”
“Please don’t start again-“
“Hey Y/N, can we talk?”
She was talking to the policeman, giving her explanations on the situation, looking a little fatigued from everything that happened, but upon hearing his voice turned around.
“I don’t know, I am a little busy here-”
“I’ll take it from here, officer.” Damian cut off not only her words but any possible objection from the policeman, gently grabbing her forearm and leading her away from the crime scene.
“Where’s your babysitter?” she teased, seeing as Nightwing was nowhere to be found.
“He was getting a little too fearless for his own good so I bound him to the tree.”
“You’re joking.” She chuckled, “wait. You are joking right? Please tell me, you didn’t actually trap Nightwing on my tree.”
“Relax. He’s not in immediate danger. At least not at the moment.”
“The hell does that-?”
“How are you feeling?” he interrupted her again, studying her face from behind the mask, taking in the pale face, tired eyes and relief mixed with worry, etched on her face. “And do not try to put on a brave face.”
“How do you think I feel?”
“I’m not a mind reader.”
“Too bad. Cause that’s not something I could explain in a few words. At the moment I am mostly exhausted. But also a bit of fear.”
“Of what?”
“Future. Now that my dad would probably end up locked up… what will happen to me?”
“You know I never asked you how you know my name.”
“Do you learn the names of everyone in Gotham? Didn’t take you for the considerate type.”
“How is it possible that you switch between acting vulnerable and mean so swiftly?” he mocked, hiding the fact that her words actually did hit a nerve.
“Maybe it’s my superpower.” She sighed.
“Hm?” she kept her eyes on the ground, her mind suddenly starting to spin as she only now started considering the consequences of her actions.
Damian cupped her cheek, softly, unable to stop himself from the gesture of affection, guiding her eyes on him.
“You did the right thing.” He whispered
“Did I?” her voice shook a little “then why does it feel like I’m –”
“No. No, don’t even finish that sentence.” He rubbed her skin, shocking not only her but also himself. “You were the victim here and he deserves everything that is going to happen to him now. He had it coming. Forcing you to get information on Waynes? Using you to get to me and –“
They both froze.
Shit, he said “to me”. And there was no way she wouldn’t catch up on that, even with her tiredness and distraction.
“Are you—”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“I know, but- but why-? How-? When-?”
“Not now.”
“Not now, Y/N.” he cupped both her cheeks, keeping eyes on her “Not with so many people around. Later, I promise.”
“You promise, huh? And I’m just supposed to trust you? How long have you known about-“
“A few days, I swear. If I knew earlier than-“ he clenched his jaw, his hold on her becoming a little tighter. “then I wouldn’t hold myself responsible for my own actions towards your father. Bastard.”
“Well it’s done now…”
“I’m not leaving you alone, you know that?”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh, don’t act like that actually did hurt you.”
“And if I told you it did, would you kiss it better?”
“Robin!” she teased “are you flirting?”
Damian blushed in response, feeling like a total idiot and completely out-of-character.  Damn Grayson and damn trying to copy his stupid smug way of talking to girls. Clearly it wasn’t working for him.
“I- I mean, I-“
She only smiled softly, standing on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek, letting her lips linger on the skin a little longer than necessary.
“That’s all you get for now.”
“You got some heavy explaining to do. But on the good side? I won’t be used a snitch since now, so who knows where this goes…” she turned to walk away but he grabbed her hand and spun her around to him
Screw his attitude. Screw copying Grayson and keeping his distance. Screw the pretenses. Screw everything.
He pulled her into his chest, softly, almost shyly pressing her lips to his, feeling the tips of his ears burning. He was kissing her. She was kissing him. And it felt…
So good.
Not like that first kiss at the Wayne’s gala when they simply got lost in the moment.
This one was more deliberate, more mature and definitely wanted by both of them. As if everything that happened in the short span of a few months made them more aware of their own emotions and needs. 
And even though it did not clear all the misunderstandings and understatements, it was a good way forward, with his lips moving against hers, and her nose brushing affectionately over his.
Soft, sweet and seemingly innocent, but filled with so many feelings simmering under the surface. 
“I’ll take care of you…” he whispered, pulling back after a moment, connecting their foreheads.
“I don’t need you to take care of me…”
“I hate you. You’re ruining the moment, Y/L/N. I am going to take care of you, whether you like it or not.”
She chuckled.
“What’s so funny?”
“If this thing between us is going to work, I seriously hope you are never going to change.”
Damian groaned internally.
She was going to make him go crazy in the foreseeable future.
But he was not going to let go.
@6000-fandoms @beyond-your-stars @mikyapixie
Not all heroes wear capes...
@heartz4miz @crookedmakerfury @mariam12344 @celestair
@faimmm @hornyslasher @urdarlingali @emmalove1111 @crookedmakerfury @herondale-lightworm @itzjustj-1000 @ginger24880 @anonymousmuffinbear @adharawitch @jasons-little-princess @sharkybabydoll @cupids-diner @whydoyoucare866 @ladychibirae @amber-content @atadoddinnit @mouse-face1 @m3ntally-unstable @jinviktor @idonthaveanameforthisacc @no-lessthan3 @simp-simp-no-mi
@thotsofadepravedwoman @lookingforsyd @13shewhomustnotbenamed @bloodyboi @kore-of-the-underworld @girlblogger-04 @cloudserenity @lolalunamarvel
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j-jinxee · 10 months ago
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The way he looks up through his dark, tired eyes, makes me want to ruin him so fucking badly.
Him leaning back on the headboard with one arm up behind him, trying not to pass out from the pleasure. Sitting over him with your knees either side of his legs, keeping him down while you edge the fuck out of him. His right hand clutching the sheets as he tries to keep his voice down, every muscle tensing while new layers of sweat start to form.
His breaths are so heavy, enough to make his head spin more than it already is. His abs tense up while more and more pre leaks down to decorate his vline, your hand coated in it. He's an absolute mess, and those eyes.
Those fucking eyes, looking up like he wants to kill you, yet crumbling when you stroke him faster. His eyebrows quickly change his mean facade, faltering as he whined and rolled his head back. "m-mm please, fuck!" Your hand retracing once more. He knew that if he looked up at you, with those dark, tired eyes, and begged you for a release. You'd let him.
He'd never admit that he secretly loved being edged, then overstimulated, but he didn't have to, you could tell by the way his body reacts to your touch. As much as he wished this could go on forever, his head was actually starting to hurt. So he gave in.
"mmh- ah! please! pleaseplease let me cum, I'll be good I swear! haven't I been good?" Aww, he was so desperate, maybe you could allow it.
"remember what comes after though baby, are you sure you want it?" You reminded him of the way you'd push him well past his limit as soon as he came.
His eyes screwed shut. Then looked up at you, more helpless and desperate than ever before. Fuck, you couldn't say no. He was so lost in the haze, chasing the feeling he couldn't reach by himself anymore, only you. He chased the feeling of you, and you could see it, in his eyes.
Ok I can't write the rest cuz I'll lose it I actually need him so bad help.
This is basically a repeat of my Tyler drabble but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I just wrote this in like 20 mins cuz I want him so bad and he's all I'm thinking abt rn. Plus I have a thing for ruining guys hehehe (no cuz being a top but not being into pegging or mummy kink is SO HARD like that's all ppl write abt if it's a top! reader and that shit gives me the ick so, I write my own hehe)
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ilovetoxicfictionalmen · 4 months ago
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Pairing.| Darren (Pig) x fem!reader (Runt)
Summary.| Right as you’re about to leave to start your new beginning, Pig has come to reunite with his Runt.
Warnings.| Dubcon, dry humping, head both receiving, 69, manipulation, planned breeding, you’re both 18.
Word count.| 1.3k
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It should have been no surprise that he’d appear on your doorstep, even though you told him it was better if he didn’t. Your parents never liked his influence on you, it threatened your education immensely. 
The typical answers if you were to ask someone to describe Darren would be unhinged, unpredictable, impulsive. Darren was a ticking time bomb, but in his mind he was a devoted angel, willing to do anything for you, there was no distance he wouldn’t walk, clearly. 
When you were almost seventeen, your parents enrolled you to a private girls school to force your growth. It was heartbreaking to leave your hometime Cork, more importantly Darren – Pig. 
To say that Darren -your best friend at the time- didn’t take it well was an understatement. Immediately, he demanded that the two of you ran away together, the world was yours for the taking, nothing would get in between your bond. For you were born on the same day, more coincidentally in the same hospital, you were one soul shared between two bodies. Ignorantly and naively, you always turned a blind eye to his true feelings for you. Darren was completely infatuated by you, smitten by your beauty and charm. But you just played along with the King and Queen games, always mindfully keeping him at a foot distance away from devouring you. 
But the day you were moving, set your relationship adrift. Darren tried to force you into staying with him, as if you could do so, he already had it all planned out, you’d move in with him and be happy together. When you dismissed the idea, Darren confessed his undying love for you and forcefully kissed you. Panickly, you shut down his advances, managed to convince him how bad of an idea this all was and he broke down at your feet. As he begged you to stay with him, you held him for hours until he regretfully let you go. 
When you moved to Dublin, he’d still run away and beg you to catch the next train. You always found a reason to convince him to go back home alone. Typically your emails became less frequent over time, the delayed times angered Darren. He’d send repetitive ones demanding that you’d reply. You changed your email address shortly after he sent upsetting, threatening messages. Surprisingly he never came to see you again. 
Now, two years later, you were preparing yourself for college. You had gotten into a campus on the outskirts of London, you were excited for the change. Your parents were out, you were home alone as you hummed a melody. There was a loud, long knock at the door. 
“Runt” Darren smiled widely, immediately taking you in for a bear gripping hug. 
“Darren” you wheezed, frozen in shock, confusion and fear. Even though Darren was always thin, his strength was large.
“I missed you, missed you so fookin’ much” Darren mumbled into your hair as he inhaled the sweet scent that he craved so dearly. 
It was shocking to see how badly your soul had seemed to miss Darren, even though you had thought that you’d gotten over him. However, this was terrifying, how did he manage to track you down, your family had only recently moved in. But Darren seemed to be so unfazed by everything you were asking him, he’d just hum and squeeze you a little tighter. 
“Been thinking of yah everyday, y’know?” Darren smiled, rubbing your shoulders gently. 
“Been thinking about you too Darren!” you squeaked out. But his head pulled back, he looked you in the eye and glared at you. 
“What is that bullshite! It’s Pig!” Darren hissed. 
“Sorry Pig!” you piped out, your body trembled lightly underneath his hold. 
“That ok… Fook, eh, uh, me need to feel yah” Darren shuddered out. 
As his body turned stiff, he slowly ran his firm hands up and down your body, his breathing went rough and low as he felt your curves that had seemed to grow throughout your time apart. When his hands neared your ass, you felt his bulge poke against your front, you gulped and batted your lashes up to him. 
“Pig?” you whispered, frozen physically and mentality. 
“Me body so desperate for yah, missed yah so fookin’ much” Darren huffed up, his eyes swelled, licking his lips at the dirty ideas that were streaming behind his eyes. 
“What are you doing?” you choked out, your body trembling in fear at his act. 
At first, the humps were light, but then his thrusts turned thicker as he grinded himself against your leg, almost like a stray dog. Darren kissed you softly on the cheek, then his kisses expanded around until he kissed your lips, your lips reminded still, however he didn’t seem to care. 
“Me cock is aching for yah…” Darren confessed through a grunt. 
“Pig!” you shrieked as his hands pawed at your rear. 
You were silenced by Darren harshly pressing his lips against yours, his tongue darted into your mouth, your tongues battled for dominance. But Darren was able to force his tongue down your throat, you grumbled into his mouth as he kept your body close to his. His hands were tugging at your clothing, hips grinding against yours as his tongue pressed against every moist inch inside of your mouth. When he finally pulled away, you were left panting for air, Darren smiled innocently at you, whilst he rubbed his hard on. 
“Need to taste yah too… so fookin’ hungry, I didn’t eat all day!” Darren explained through a rushed tone as he pushed you onto the couch. 
You shuddered out as he abruptly yanked down your shorts, he crawled on top of you, his body flipped opposite so his head was by your thighs and his crotch hovered over your face. Darren inhaled your scent, his fingers trembled over your bare cunt initially, he licked his lips. 
“Darren!” you gasped out as his tongue dragged across your entrance. 
“Taste so fookin good babe!” Darren praised before he eagerly attached his mouth back to your cunt. 
He ate you as if you were an ice cream cone on a hot summer's day, his tongue swished around in every direction. Those roughly trimmed fingernails of his dug into your thighs. Impulsively, his hips pressed against your face, you cringed underneath him and begged him to get off but he ignored your desperate pleas. 
“Can you take me into yah mouth babe?” Darren panted, his face poked out from between his arm and chest. 
He took your whimpers as a yes and quickly freed his throbbing length. You mewled, your mouth closed shut as he pressed his tip against you. Darren huffed, momentarily he believed if he kept on poking your lips with his dick you’d suddenly open up. Resulting in another solution, he pressed a finger inside of you and you squealed out. 
As his cock quickly slipped into your widening hole, you moaned around his size. It wasn’t necessarily long, but the man had girth. Darren grumbled out and moved you both onto your sides, his hips bucked, your thighs locked his head in. Whilst his tongue willingly darted in and out of you, you grumbled, choked and gagged around him. 
All he could think about was filling your sweet pussy with his babba. A small one would force you to stay with him. He’d get a job to take care of your little family, you’d stay home and look after the first of many babbas. 
“Fuck babe… So fookin’ good” Darren whined out. 
Suddenly, Darren’s eyes rolled back, his hips locked in and his member bursted inside of you. Darren whined out pathetically, he bit onto your inner thigh as his legs trembled, your mewls added extra vibrations for his sensitive member. 
“Missed yah so fookin bad!” Darren hissed out, his eyes squeezed shut. “Pig and Runt forever, reunited at last! Never gonna see another day wit-out you! Mine! My babe, my queen, my Runt!” Darren cheered. 
As his cock slipped out of your mouth, you heaved out, too afraid to say anything back to him.
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nomie-11 · 5 months ago
Chapter 13 - An Inferno of Desire
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CONTENT WARNING: my poor attempt at writing smut for the first time!
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This surge of… emotions was overpowering. 
Genevieve couldn’t handle it, and Tairn needed to get a grip. Whatever he and Sgaeyl were doing, they needed to stop. Now. 
She stumbled forward, nearly collapsing as she made her way from the chair at the window to her cloak at the door, before she slammed it open. 
Fuck me, she groaned, as Liam immediately slammed his door open too, hair tousled and night shirt thrown on halfway, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and surprise. 
“Genevieve! Are you alright? I came as soon as I heard your door-” Genevieve held her hand up, clutching her cloak tightly around herself. 
“For the love of Zihnal, Liam get out of my way!” She spoke through gritted teeth, suppressing the urge to do ungodly things to him. 
“You look insane, are you ok?” He asked again, his voice laced with worry. “You’re looking at me like…”
Genevieve licked her bottom lip. 
“Like what?”
“Like…” he cocks his head to the side. “Like you're not yourself. You don’t look like you feel—you know—like yourself.”
Because I don’t! She wants to scream. Tairn and Sgaeyl are fucking and ruining my night!
“I’m good! Go to bed!” She quickly says, shoving Liam back through his open door. She catches a glimpse of Violet in his room but shuts the door behind him before she does something else to Liam. 
Once his door is shut tightly, Genevieve runs. 
She makes it to the entrance of the spiral steps leading down from her hallway before she needs to lean back against the cold stone wall and breathe through the fog of Tairn’s emotions. Once the wave passes, she races down the steps, keeping one hand against the wall in case she’s pulled under again. 
Away. She has to get away from everyone until Tairn finishes whatever the hell he and Sgaeyl are doing. Stumbling out of the stairwell, she emerges at the foundation of the walls of the citadel. Snow fills the sky, and she tips her head back, savoring the brief kiss of snowflakes on skin that's heated for all the wrong reasons
The air is crisp and chilled, and—
Her eyes pop open at the scent in the air and she whirls around, her cloak whipping behind her as she finds the source of the sweet, easily identifiable smoke. 
Xaden is leaning back against the wall, one foot braced on the stone, smoking and watching her like she doesn't have a care in the world. 
“Give me a drag of that right now,” She says, her voice firm but full of desire as she eyes the Churam in his hand. 
“Woah, Gen,” he blows out a puff of smoke. “Want some? Unless you’re here to continue our long-standing argument, in which case, none for you.” 
Her jaw practically unhinges. “Oh my gods, Xaden, don’t play games.” 
His eyes light up, clearly enjoying this ordeal. “You know we aren’t allowed to smoke, right, Gen?” 
“Whoever made that stupid rule clearly never bonded mated dragons,” A smirk lifts the corner of his mouth at her biting words. 
Gods, she could stare at his lips forever. They are perfectly shaped and yet entirely too decadent for the slashing line of his jaw. His hands, hold out in a truce, the perfectly rolled Churam resting neatly, waiting. He offers it to her with a cocked eyebrow, and she notices that it's the one with the scar. 
“It helps with the distancing yourself,” he says, clicking his lighter but not holding it up to her roll. “Beyond what shielding does, of course.” 
She shakes her head and crosses through the newly filled snow to brace her weight on the wall beside him, letting her head fall back on the stone. 
“Suit yourself,” he inhales deeply on the Churam and then puts it out against the wall. 
“Gods, could you just fuck me already?” She asks, her voice strained. “It feels like I’m on fucking fire.”
“Yeah. That happens.” His laugh holds a wicked edge, and she makes the utterly unforgivable mistake of turning to see his smile. Xaden, while brooding and bossy, dangerous and lethal, is a toe-curling sight that makes her pulse quicken. But Xaden laughing, his head thrown back with a smile curving his mouth, is drop-dead beautiful. her stupid, foolish heart feels like there’s a fist around it. 
There is nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice, nothing she wouldn’t give to have one unguarded moment with this man she’s going to be tethered to for the rest of her life. This has to be Tairn. It just has to be.
And yet, she knows it isn’t. While she’d admired Liam upstairs, she is completely, utterly obsessed with Xaden. 
His eyes meet hers in the moonlight. 
“Oh, Gen, you’re going to have to learn to shield against Tairn or his escapades with Sgaeyl will drive you mad—or into someone’s bed.” 
She squeezes her eyes shut so she can escape his gorgeous eyes for a moment as a jolt of heat flashes through her, making every inch of her skin tingle and burn. She reaches a hand out to steady herself against the wall. “Oh, I know. I am horrified to see Liam again.” 
“Liam? Why?” He pivots to face her, and she laughs at his jealous expression. “Where the hell is your bodyguard.” 
“Relax, Xaden,” She says, her tone surprisingly light for the blinding desire that shackles her entire body. “He's with Violet for the night. I have my eyes set on someone else.” 
“And who might that be?” He says, trying to be nonchalant as he questions her. His eyes were trained at the sky, but she could see him stealing a glance at her every few moments. 
A wave of desire, a different desire crashes into her. It’s undeniable, unquenchable, and need nearly taking her down to her knees. Xaden wraps an arm around her, steadying her, but his touch burns a flame brighter than she could have ever dreamed of. 
“Why the hell aren’t you shielding?” 
“Not all of us have been given lessons! Professor Carr refuses to even teach me how to shield because he believes that if I have full, undeniable access to his power I’ll be a better weapon.” She explains, her words gritted out through clenched teeth. 
“Always thought that man was psycho.” He sighs. “All right. Crash course. Only because I’ve been where you are and woken up with a few regrets.” 
“You’re actually going to help me?”
“I’ve been helping you for months.” His hand flexes at her waist, and she can swear she can feel the warmth of his touch through her cloak and night clothes. 
“No, you’ve been kissing me and confusing me for months. And then you sent Liam to help. He’s been helping me for months.” Her forehead puckers. “Weeks. almost months. Whatever.” 
Genevieve rolls her eyes at the fact that Xaden has the nerve to look offended. 
“I’m the one who burst through your door and killed everyone who attacked you, and then I removed every other threat in your life with multiple other very public, very polarizing displays of vengeance. Liam didn’t do that. I did.” 
“You didn’t have to do that, I had it under control. If I’m correct, I’m the one with the signet that can take the life force out of a human with a touch of my hand.” 
He groaned, and made a motion that said ‘seriously,’ causing her to roll her eyes.
“Fine. But let’s not pretend that you didn’t do most of that protecting for yourself. It would be inconvenient for you if I died.” She shrugs, blatantly poking at him to help ignore the rising tide of lust thundering against her head. 
He stares at her with disbelief. “You know what? We’re not fighting tonight. Not if you want to learn how to shield.” 
“Fine, we’re not fighting. Teach me.” 
She tilts her head upwards to meet his. Gods, she barely reaches above his shoulders. 
“Ask me nicely,” He leans closer. 
“Have you always been this tall?” She blurts the first thing that comes to her mind. 
“No. I was a child at some point.” She rolls her eyes.
“Ask me nicely, Gen,” he whispers, his breaths grazing her ears. “Or I’m gone.”
She can feel Tairn at the edge of her mind, his emotions ebbing and flowering, and she knows the next wave is going to hit hard. How fucking long are those two dragons going to take. “How often is it like this with them?” 
“Often enough that you’re going to need proper shields. You won’t ever be able to block them out completely, and sometimes they forget to block us, like tonight. That’s why the Churam helps, but at least it’s like walking by a brothel instead of actively participating in one.” 
Well shit.
“Right then. All right. Will you teach me how to shield?” 
A smile curves his mouth, and her gaze drops to his lips. Kiss me. 
“Say please.” 
“Are you always this difficult?” 
“Yes. What can I say, I like watching you squirm. It’s like sweet payback for what you’ve put me through these last couple of months.” He brushes snow off of her hair, as if he knows he’s torturing her. 
“What I’ve put you through.” Unbelievable. 
“You’ve scared me nearly to death once or twice, so I think saying please is a fair request.”
Genevieve is simmering with annoyance and need, her mind reeling with the fact that he’s never played fair for a day in his life. She takes a deep breath, and swats at a that lands on her nose. 
“As you prefer. Xaden?” She smiles sweetly, her face innocent but her eyes seductive. “Would you pretty, pretty please teach me how to shield before I ‘accidentally’ climb you like a tree and we both wake up with regrets.”
A flash of something crosses his face, before he smiles again, and she feels it like a caress. 
“I’m fully in control of myself.” 
Dangerous. This is so damned dangerous. Heat is everywhere, flushing her skin to the point where she debates tossing her cloak off and rolling in the snow to get the tiniest bit of relief. Notably, Xaden isn’t wearing one. 
“But since you asked so nicely,” he adjusts his stance and brings both of his hands to her face, cradling her head the way he did when she was so close to burnout that she almost died, before sliding them back to hold her head. “Close your eyes.” 
“It requires you touching me?” Her eyes flutter shut at the now familiar sensation of his skin against hers. 
“Not at all. Just one of the perks of not thinking too clearly. You have soft skin.” 
The compliment draws a breath from her lungs. So much for control. 
“You need to envision somewhere safe. I prefer the top of my favorite hillside near what’s left of Aretia. Wherever it is, it needs to feel like home.” 
The only place she can think of is the library adjoined to her mother’s room in her grandmother’s manor. The smell of old books and her mothers perfume is still clear in her mind as she envisioned herself in the plush red armchair in the window, watching the rain pour down onto the fields of wildflowers. 
“Feel your feet hit the ground and dig in some.”
Her feet hit the warm carpet by the crackling fire, she can feel the worn threads. “Got it.” 
“That’s called grounding, keeping your mental self somewhere so you aren’t swept away by the power. Now call to your power. Open your senses.” 
Her palms begin to tingle, and a flood of energy surrounds her, just as saturating as it was when it manifested, but without the pain. It’s everywhere, filling the library and pushing at the walls, books fall from the shelves and the wood threatens to crack. “Too much.” 
“Focus on your feet. Stay grounded. Can you see where the power flows from?” 
She nods, her eyes traveling to the open door. The one that led to the hallway that went right to her old bedroom. Golden light wrapped with dark vines floods in from the doorway. 
“I see it.” 
“Perfect. You’re a natural. It takes most people a week to learn how to ground. Now, do whatever you need to mentally do to wall yourself off from that current. Tairn is the source. Block the power and you get some control back.” 
The door. She just needs to close the door and lock it shut. 
Desire makes her heart pound, and she grabs onto his arms, anchoring herself in reality. 
“You’ve got this.” His voice sounds strained. “Whatever you create in your mind is real to you. Shut off the valve. Build a wall. Whatever makes sense.” 
“It’s a door.” Her fingers dig into the soft material of his tunic, and mentally, she pulls at the door, trying to get it to shut one inch at a time. 
“There you go. Keep going.” 
Her physical body trembles at the effort it takes to mentally shove the door shut, but she gets it there, the warm light leaving the room, leaving her illuminated by the fire. “I’ve got the door shut.” 
“Great. Lock it.” 
She spins the nob, hearing the soft and familiar click of the lock shifting into place. The relief is immediate, a cool blast of snow against her feverish skin. Power pulses, and it’s as if she can see through the door. 
“The door is see-through now.” She comments, desperation still in her words. 
“Yeah. You’ll never be able to get him fully blocked out. Got it locked?” 
She nods. 
“Open your eyes, but do your best to keep that door locked. Keep one foot grounded. If it slips, we just start again.” 
She opens her eyes, keeping the mental picture of the library door shut. While her body is still flushed with warmth, that inescapable, driving need is… somewhat muted. “He’s…” she can’t find the words. 
Xaden studies her with an intensity that makes her sway toward him. “You are astonishing.” she shakes his head. “I couldn’t do that for weeks.” 
“Guess I have a superior teacher.” She’s overjoyed. She’s not just good, she’s astonishing. Astonishing to Xaden. 
His thumbs stroke over the soft skin under her ears, and his gaze drops to her mouth. 
“Would it be a bad idea to kiss you again?” He whispers, his words falling on deaf ears. 
Genevieve's breath hitches as she stares at his lips, heart pounding in time with the slow rhythm of his thumbs tracing her skin. 
“Probably catastrophic,” she whispers back, not moving an inch away from him. But despite the caution in her words, her body betrays her, inching closer, drawn to him like a magnet. The air between them crackles with a tension so thick she feels like she’s suffocating under the weight of it. 
Xaden’s hands tighten ever so slightly, his breath warm against her skin as he leans closer, his lips ghosting just above hers.
“Tell me to stop,” he says, his voice rough, low, a dangerous edge to it that makes her blood heat all over again. 
Genevieve can’t think straight. The grounding she just mastered feels like it’s slipping already. The door she locked—she swears she hears it rattle in her mind, Tairn’s presence still there, but distant, almost irrelevant compared to the man holding her now. 
“I—” She’s not even sure what she’s about to say because all she can focus on is Xaden, the way his eyes have darkened, the tension vibrating in every inch of his body. 
Then, against all better judgment, she whispers, “Don’t stop.” 
That’s all it takes. 
Xaden’s mouth crashes onto hers, and all the restraint she had thought she had disappears. The kiss is fire and desperation, an apology for the wrong words and mistrust between them. It burned through her veins and seared away at whatever rational thoughts remained. Her hands tangled in his dark hair, pulling him closer, needing him closer, as if he’s the only thing grounding her now. 
His grip on her waist tightens, pulling her flush against him, and a groan escapes his throat—a sound that sends a new wave of desire ripping through her. It’s like nothing else matters at this moment but him. Xaden, who’s always been there, infuriating and protective, impossible and undeniable. 
Genevieve’s pulse quickened as Xaden deepened the kiss, his lips moving against hers with a ferocity that matched the storm raging in her mind. Tairn and Sgaeyl’s connection still hummed in the background, a faint reminder of what started this, but all of it—every chaotic, wild emotion—paled in comparison to what she felt with Xaden. 
His hands slid down her waist, settling firmly at her hips as if anchoring her to reality. Every place his fingers touched sent sparks of heat across her skin, and she wasn’t sure if it was his power or hers igniting the fire between them. She’d never felt anything like this—like she was completely untethered, yet more grounded than she’d ever been in her life. 
She broke away just enough to catch her breath, her forehead resting against his. Her heart was racing, her entire body buzzing with the aftermath of their kiss. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath warm on her cheek, but his hands never left her, still holding her as if he wasn’t ready to let her go. 
“Gods, Xaden,” she whispered, barely able to speak through the whirlwind of emotions swirling in her chest. “What are we doing?” 
He chuckled, a low, rough sound that made her shiver. “Whatever this is, it’s too late to stop now.”
She knew he was right. There was no going back from this. the tension that had built between them over months, through heated agreements, stolen glances, every word unspoken and spoken, had finally snapped. And now, there was no more pretending, no more hiding from the truth of what they were to each other. 
Genevieve closed her eyes, trying to steady herself, her own energy mixing with Xaden's, causing her knees to buckle. He caught her, pulling her closer. 
“My room, now,” she whispered, her voice soft. 
Xaden hesitated for just a second, his eyes searching hers as if waiting for her to change her mind. But she didn’t. The need was unbearable, the tether between them pulsing like a live wire, impossible to ignore. 
His grip tightened on her waist, and with a sharp nod, he pulled her along, guiding her back up the narrow stairs she’d descended in a frenzy not too long before. Genevieve’s legs were unsteady, but she didn’t care. The air between them felt electric, and every inch of her body vibrated in anticipation. 
They reached her door, and she fumbled for the handle, trying to force it open with trembling hands. Xaden brushed her aside, opening it with a swift motion, and before she could even register the movement, she was pressed against the inside of the door, Xaden’s lips on hers again. 
“See,” he said in between kisses, this one slower but no less intense. It was as if they had all the time in the world, despite the frantic pounding of her heart. “The doors unlocked.” 
She nodded, his hands sliding up her back, tangling in her hair, and she could feel the rough scrape of his calloused fingers against her scalp. She arched into him, a low moan escaping her as her body melted into his. Gods, how had she resisted this for so long? His lips tasted so good against hers, it was almost intoxicating. 
“Genevieve,” he murmured against her lips, his voice rough and desperate. “Tell me this isn’t just the dragons.”
“It’s not,” she gasped, pulling him closer, her hands sliding under his shirt, quickly pulling it up and over his head as she felt the heat of his skin beneath her fingertips. “This… this is us.”
That seemed to be all the confirmation he needed. In one swift motion, he pulled her away from the door and toward the bed, their bodies still intertwined as if breaking apart would be impossible. She didn’t even care about him seeing the mess of books and clothes scattered across the floor, her focus solely on the feeling of his hands, his lips, his breath against her skin. 
Every kiss was fueled by their raw desire, and gods it was so good. Her hands traveled the expanse of his body, mapping every dip and ridge with her calloused and weathered fingertips. He was so attractive, her mind was a fog of any thoughts except her need for him. 
They collapsed onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and whispered curses, the weight of their emotions almost too much to bear. Every touch, every kiss felt like it was burning though her, igniting something inside her she hadn’t known was there. 
She barely noticed the glow of her signet, the faint shimmer of energy sparking between them, but Xaden did. He pulled back for just a moment, his eyes dark and intense, as if he were trying to understand what was happening. 
“You’re glowing,” he said softly, his fingers brushing over the delicate veins of light tracing her skin. 
Genevieve blinked, looking down at her hands. Sure enough, the faint glow of her signet was spilling out, wrapping around them like a protective barrier. she should have been concerned, but right now, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Not when Xaden was looking at her like that, his eyes filled with something more than just desire. 
“It’s… it’s fine,” she breathed, reaching up to pull him back down to her. “We’ll figure it out later?”
Xaden’s lips curled into a half-smile as he leaned down, his forehead resting against hers. “Later, huh?” 
She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Yeah. Later.” And she kissed him again, her mouth traveling down to his jaw and then down his throat, stopping just above his chest, she glanced up at him. 
“Tell me this is what you want,” he said, his voice husky but pleading, as if a rejection would shatter him into a million pieces, never to be put back together again. 
“This is what I want,” she responded, her voice clear despite the desperation she felt. 
And with that, they gave in to the storm that had been brewing between them for far too long, finally letting it break. 
His own shirt was on the floor by the door, discarded early on in a flurry of motions Genevieve had gone through between the five steps that took them from the closed and warded door and the bed. Xaden made quick work of Genevieve’s cloak, tossing it onto the floor by the door as well as he pushed her down onto the bed. 
In another few ragged breaths, his hands ran over her body, snaking up underneath her shirt, trailing the curve of her waist and up the ridge of her back. He could feel the bumps and ridges of scars littering her back as he touched her. Pulling her shirt up, he tore it off in one fell swoop, and she shudders as her bare skin comes into contact with his. 
Her body under his was perfect, she was perfect. Pale skin glowing with a sheen of sweat and white hair tousled against his rough hands, her muscular body, she was in every right a warrior, a machine, perfectly toned for war, but she was so beautiful. 
He brushes their lips together before he moves his attention down, kissing her neck with a long trail of desperate nips that draw shallow gasps from the depths of her throat. Her hands splay out of his back, pulling him closer to her as his lips trail lower and lower. 
The second they couldn’t go any further, he shred the ragged chest wraps she still insisted on wearing off of her body. His eyes roamed freely, drinking in every dip and valley of her upper body.
Genevieve’s chest rose and fell rapidly, her breathing shallow as the last remnants of restraint dissolved between them. Xaden’s eyes darkened with want as he took in her bare upper body, his gaze trailing down the sharp lines of her collarbone to the small swell of her breasts, freed from the constraints of the wraps she’d worn for so long. Her body was a masterpiece of strength and survival, every scar a testament to battle fought and won, every curve a contradiction of softness amidst the hard muscle beneath. 
He traced a hand lightly over the jagged scar that ran from her left shoulder down across her ribs, a reminder of the life she’d led before this moment, before him. The muscles beneath her skin flexed involuntarily, her strength palpable even in her vulnerability. The curve of her breasts—small but firm—fit perfectly into his palms, the heat of her skin searing his touch. 
His thumb grazed her nipple, and a gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut, the intensity of the moment written in every shiver that passed through her. He lowered his mouth to her breast, teasing her sensitive skin with slow, deliberate strokes of his tongue. Her back arched beneath him, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer, needing more, wanting everything. 
Her body was a battlefield, marked and worn, but beneath it all, she was alive. Xaden pressed kisses along her chest, her ribs, her stomach, farther down, her breath catching as his hands ran down over her body, trailing the line of teasing kisses he had just left, moving down slowly inching closer and closer to the upper hem of her pants, teasing her. 
“Gods, Genevieve,” he rasped, biting at her lower lip. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
She moves to shake her head no, to break away from him now that he’s seen her like this, but he holds her head firmly in place with a kiss.
“You’re breathtaking,” he manages to say, his words breathy and desperate. 
Her hands grip the rough skin of his back, every touch of his amplified as his calloused hands held the bare skin of her waist firmly in place. Fuck, I want this so bad. 
She doesn’t even have a chance to ask, and his hands move lower, trailing the skin of her inner thighs through the loose night trousers she wore. Her back instinctively arches into his touch as his hands press further, harder but gentle with every motion. 
“Please,” she pants, her breathing ragged and desperate as he teases her, his hands rubbing circles on the sensitive skin of her upper inner thigh. “Xaden, please-”
Her gasps are like a drug, invigorating Xaden, as Genevieve’s hands moved down his torso to the waist of his pants. Her nimble hands made quick work of his belt. 
“Let me please you first,” his words came out husked, his lips coming to hers, biting at her lower lip as he caressed her. “I want to hear you,” he whispered, their lips barely brushing together. 
He grabbed at the waist of her pants, messily pulling them down and over her hips and tossing them to the ground. Gods, in his eyes, she’s perfect. 
Geneiveve’s breath hitched as Xaden’s gaze roamed over her, dark and hungry. She felt exposed, raw, but the way he looked at her—like she was everything—kept her from retreating into the shame that threatened to consume her as his gaze swept over her. His touch was reverent, his fingers tracing the lines of her body, closer and closer to where her heat coiled in her, his gentleness that contrasted the fire in his eyes. 
She trembled as his hands grabbed her thighs, parting them with one strong motion, his fingers brushed the sensitive skin that led to her. 
The anticipation was agonizing, her body aching for more, every nerve on high alert. “Xaden,” she pleaded, her voice desperate. “Don’t tease.”
His lips curved into a wicked smile as he kissed his way down her body, his hot breath sending shivers up her spine. “I told you,” he murmured against his skin. “I want to hear you.” 
Xaden’s teasing only heightened the electric tension crackling between them, and Genevieve’s heart raced as he lowered his mouth, trailing soft kisses down the valley of her stomach. Each brush of his lips was like a spark against her skin, igniting a fire that spread through her with dizzying intensity. The sensation of his warm breath against her most intimate parts sent a wave of longing coursing through her veins. 
“Xaden,” she gasped, the sound barely escaping her throat, a blend of impatience and desire. She could feel the heat poling deep within her, a pressure building that begged for release. But his teasing was relentless, the wicked grin on his face only fueling her hunger. 
“Just a moment longer,” he whispered, his voice low and thick with lust as he continued to explore her body, his fingers dancing along her thighs. She could feel her muscles tense and flex beneath his touch, every movement drawing her closer and closer to him. 
“Please,” she urged, her voice trembling as she pushed her hips closer, seeking the friction that would relieve the overwhelming ache. His hands were strong, yet gentle, holding her in place, and she felt a mix of desperation and exhilaration coursing through her. Every second stretched into eternity, the world outside fading into nothingness as she focused solely on him and the sensations he was stirring within her. 
Xaden lifted his head, his dark eyes locked onto hers, filled with a fierce intensity that made her heart skip. “You’re so beautiful like this,” he said, his voice gravelly. “I need you to let go for me. Show me how much you want this.” 
His words, infused with sincerity and raw passion, ignited something deep within her. Geneveive nodded, breathing hard as she surrendered to the moment, allowing her vulnerability to spill into the space between them. “I want you, Xaden,” she breathed, her voice low but filled with conviction. 
With that, he descended upon her, his mouth finally connecting with her most sensitive skin, sending shockwaves through her body. A gasp erupted from her lips, her back arching off the bed as he lavished her with attention, his tongue expertly coaxing her further into bliss. Each stroke was a heady mix of ecstasy and relief, pushing her toward the precipice of euphoria. 
She could feel herself losing control, her signet pulsing erratically with every surge of pleasure. The glow that had been faint moments before began to intensify, the tendrils of light spreading across her skin, brighter, hotter. 
As Xaden continued to worship her body, Genevieve’s senses heightened, the world narrowing to just the two of them. She could feel every pulse of pleasure, of whisper of air against her skin, and the delicious ache of anticipation building within her. Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, urging him on as she surrendered to the waves of sensation crashing over her. 
“Xaden,” she moaned, her voice thick with pleasure. “I’m so close. Please- don’t stop!”
He looked up at her, his gaze dark and possessive, a smile dancing across his lips. “Let go, Genevieve. Let me hear you.” 
With his words echoing in her mind, she felt the dam within her break, pleasure washing over her in overwhelming waves, drowning her in ecstasy. Her cries filled the room, raw and unrestrained, every stroke of his tongue pushed her deeper into the throes of bliss. 
“Xaden—” she gasped, her voice strained, a mix of pleasure and panic. “I—I can’t—”
He looked up, his eyes dark and wild, but there was no fear there, no hesitation. “I’ve got you,” he said, his voice a low growl as he kissed his way back up to her lips, his hands taking the spot his tongue had occupied, swallowing her cries as she came undone beneath him. “I’ve got you, Gen.” 
The energy burst from her in a wave, the glow of her signet enveloping them both, but Xaden didn’t pull away. He stayed, grounding her, his hands never leaving her skin as she shattered in his arms. 
For a moment, the world fell away. There was no war, no pain, no guilt, no fear. There was only Xaden, the feeling of his body pressed against hers, the steady beat of his heart in her ear. 
As the glow faded, Genevieve lay still, her chest rising and falling in ragged breaths. She blinked, her mind slowly clearly as she realized what had happened—what she had done. The power she had been struggling to control had burst out of her again, but this time, it hadn’t destroyed anything. It hadn’t hurt him. 
It just looked as if it was spring in her room, vines sprouted from the floorboard, and flowers creeping in from the shattered windows. 
She looked up at Xaden, a smile creeping up onto her face. Her eyes glinted with desire and hunger as she looked up at this man who had unraveled her.
“You’re turn,” she purred, wrapping her legs around his waist as she practically climbed onto him, flipping him over on the bed. 
Xaden let out a sharp breath as Genevieve flipped him over, the surprise and desire mingling in his darkened gaze. His hands instinctively went to her hips, gripping them with a mix of control and surrender as she straddled him. The way she moved—fluid, confident—ignited something primal inside him, something that made it impossible to think of anything else but her. The way the glow of her power had bloomed around them, it was as if she had become the embodiment of every element of life itself. 
Genevieve leaned down, her lips bruising his neck in a slow, deliberate line of kisses down the center line of his abs that sent shivers through his body. His hands tightened on her waist, but he let her take control surrendering to her control completely. Her lips trailed down his chest, tracing the contours of his muscles, her hands following suit, exploring every inch of him as if she had all the time in the world. 
“Gods,” he breathed, his voice strained with the weight of his own need. “You’re going to be the death of me.” 
Genevieve smirked, her eyes gleaming with the same hunger she’d seen in his moments before. “That’s the plan,” she whispered, her voice teasing, but her movements anything but. 
Her fingers grazed over the waistband of his pants, and she felt his muscles tense beneath her touch. She didn’t rush—she savored every second, watching the way his body responded to her, the way his breath hitched whenever her fingers brushed just a little too close to where he ached for her. 
When she finally stripped him of the last barrier between them, the air seemed to crackle around them again, her signet sparking faintly in the background like a distant storm on the horizon. She took him in, her breath catching at the sight of him laid out beneath her, strong and waiting. 
Xaden was raw power incarnate, his body sculpted from years of battle and discipline. Every muscle defined, a testament to his strength and his life he’s led as a rider. His skin was sun-kissed, the golden hue of a man who was far more than tan, and spent more time outdoors than in, marked with the scars from past fights. They trailed over his broad shoulders, across his chest, and down the firm ridges of his abdomen like stories of battles long survived. But despite the evidence of his hard life, there was something undeniably beautiful about him, something that made Genevieve’s breath hitch. 
His body radiated heat, and she could feel it as she hovered over him, every inch of him alive with barely restrained energy. His chest rose and fell with labored breaths, his eyes dark and half-lidded as they traced her form above him. The intensity in his gaze was almost too much to bear—wild, hungry, and vulnerable all at once. His dark hair was mussed from where her fingers had been moments ago, his lips slightly parted, still swollen from their rough kisses. 
Genevieve’s gaze traveled lower, to where his hardness stood ready for her, and she couldn’t help but admire the sheer size of him. He was thick and powerful, every part of him mirroring the strength she knew resided inside him. It sent a rush of heat through her body, anticipation coiling in her belly. He was beautiful, yes—but there was also something dangerous in how much she wanted him, how much she needed to feel every inch of him inside her. 
For a moment, they were suspended in time—her, poised above him, and him, laid bare beneath her. He was hers to take, and gods, she wanted nothing more than to claim completely. 
Xaden’s hands moved to her hips, gripping her firmly as his voice broke the silence, rough and strained. “Genevieve,” he rasped, his control fraying at the edges, “take me.”
She didn’t make him wait long. With a fluid motion, she positioned herself above him, her body moving in perfect harmony with the storm raging in her veins. She could feel the tension between them, the heat, the raw desire that had building for what felt like forever. 
Xaden’s hands slid up her things, his grip firm as she lowered herself onto him, a gasp escaping her lips at the contact. He was big, but gods, he felt so good. The connection between them was electric, intense, as if they were made for this—made for each other. 
The weight of Genevieve’s body over his sent a shockwave of pleasure coursing through Xaden. His hands gripped her hips tighter as she began to move, slow at first, teasing him with every deliberate motion. He could feel every inch of her, every flew of her muscle as she took control, and it was dirtying him wild. 
He had wanted this for so long, longer than he’d ever admitted, and now that he had her—now that she had him—there was nothing else. Just her. The way she moved, the way her body responded to him, the way she made him feel as if every nerve was on fire. 
Genevieve leaned down, her hair falling like a curtain around them, her lips finding his again. The kiss was rough, desperate, as if she, too, was fighting to hold onto whatever control she still had. Xaden could feel her trembling, the raw need coursing through her matching his own, and it only fueled his desire. He wanted her to lose herself in him, to let go entirely, to fall apart the way he knew she could. 
“Gen,” he groaned, his voice thick with need as she moved faster, her hips bringing down onto him with an intensity that made him see stars. His hands roamed her body, memorizing every inch, every curve, every scare. She was more than he could have ever imagined, more than he deserved, but gods, he would worship her in every way she needed. 
Genevieve’s movements became more urgent, each shift of her hips pulling a guttural sound from Xaden’s throat. She could feel him beneath her, every muscle taut, trembling under the strain of holding back. But she didn’t want him to hold back—not anymore. She wanted him to unravel, just like she had, to feel everything she was feeling in that moment. 
Her fingers trailed up his arms and to his back, nails grazing his skin lightly as her pace quickened. The room was filled with the sound of their ragged breaths, the creak of the bed beneath them, and the heady rhythm of their bodies moving in perfect sync. Xaden’s hands slid up her back, guiding her classier until their foreheads touched, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. 
“Gen,” he rasped, his voice a low growl. His grip on her hips tightened, and she could feel the shift in him—the moment when restraint turned into raw, unfiltered need. “I—fuck—I can’t hold on much longer.” 
 A wicked smile tugged at the corner of her lips, her body moving in sync with his rising desperation. “Then don’t,” she whispered, her voice breathless but sure. “Let go, Xaden. I want to feel all of you.” 
Her words undid him. 
With a guttural groan, he shifted beneath her, his hands gripping her waist as he thrust up into her with a force that sent shockwaves through her entire body. Genevieve gasped, her head falling back as the pleasure intensified, her body trembling under the onslaught of sensations. She dug her nails into his shoulders, grounding herself as her world spiraled out of control. 
The rhythm between them grew frantic, urgent, as if the world would end if they didn’t find release together. Xaden’s hands never left her body, his touch reverent in the midst of his desperation. She could feel the tension coiling tighter and tighter inside her, ready to snap.
“Gen—” Xaden’s voice was hoarse, his breath coming in ragged gasps, as he thrust into her harder, faster, the intensity building to a breaking point. “I’m—”
“Me too,” she gasped, her body clenching around him as the pleasure became too much to bear. “Xaden, I’m—”
Before she could finish, the wave of ecstasy crashed over her, stealing her breath, her vision, her thoughts. She cried out his name, her body shaking with the force of her release as the world seemed to shatter around her. Xaden followed her over the edge moments later, his body stiffening beneath her as he groaned her name, his release just as powerful, just as overwhelming. 
For a long moment, they stayed like that—bodies entwined, chests heaving, the world around them fading into a hazy, blissful silence. Genevieve collapsed onto Xaden’s chest, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his skin as she tried to catch her breath. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer, as if he couldn’t bear to let her go. 
“Gods, you’re incredible,” he murmured, his voice still rough, but there was a softness to it, an intimacy that hadn’t been there before. 
Genevieve smiled against his chest, her own heart still racing. “I think we both are.”
He chuckled softly, his fingers threading through her hair. “You’re glowing again.”
Genevieve lifted her head, her eyes meeting his. She knew he wasn’t just talking about her signet this time. 
“So are you.”
omg i cannot believe I just posted this, do you know how hard this was to write?? This is actually my first attempt at writing smut and I don't think I'm very good at it (i suck at it), but i know the only way to get better is to practice, so I wrote this chapter and there will be at least another two(?) before the books end.
If you have any feedback, please let me know. What did you all like? what did you hate? What do you want to see next time? I'm desperate to improve in writing smut, as I still find it a little stiff and awkward, so please tell me everything.
Anyways, thats it for this chapter! Genevieve and Xaden had their moment and we'll be back to scheduled programming (Genevieve being reckless and Xaden wanting her to chill out) on wednesday! Leave a heart, like, comment, or just let me know your thoughts! see you all soon~
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x-ghostslovie-x · 6 months ago
To Hell With You
Logan Howlett x Fem Reader
Old man Logan asks you to sing to him after a nightmare.
The song is called To Hell With You by Leith, but for the sake of this fic, imagine you wrote this song yourself.
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Logan shot up, breathing erratically. His eyes frantically look around. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he notices he's in your shared bedroom. He hears your voice mixed with sleep and worry call his name, as you turn on the bedside lamp. Logan turns to see you sitting up rubbing your tired eyes.
"Did you have another nightmare"
"It's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about darlin."
"Are you sure lo? You know I'm here if you need to talk." bringing yourself closer.
"I know, baby, I know. I'll be fine though, I promise." Logan wraps an arm around your waist kissing your forehead.
"At least your claws didn't come out this time." You say, trying to make a joke. All Logan does in response is let out a huff, which you know is good.
You lie back down down, opening your arms as an invitation for Logan to come cuddle. With a soft smile on his face, he accepts your offer and gently nuzzles his head in between your shoulder and your neck. Wrapping his arm around your middle.
"Can you sing for me, princess? You can talk if you prefer. I just need to hear your voice."
"Of course baby."
You decide to sing the chorus of your new song. Since you know Logan loves it and it fits best for the current situation.
And you said don't follow me darlin'
But we both know you weren't being honest
At the end of the day, you feel it too.
You felt Logan wrap his arm a little bit tighter around you as he concentrated on your voice to ground himself and to make sure you were real.
And you said that I could do better
But I told you I'll be here forever
At the end of the day, I'd go to hell with you
To hell with you.
After you finish singing you look down seeing his eyes shut but not quite asleep. "You doing ok lo?"
Logan tilts his head up a bit and presses a kiss to the side of your throat. "I'm alright, you should get some sleep though princess."
"Don't forget you need sleep as well lo." You then place a soft kiss on his forehead and shut your eyes. Drifting off into your own sleep. Logan keeps his eyes closed but doesn't actually sleep. He just keeps repeating your voice in his head.
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raya-hunter01 · 1 month ago
What Are We? Pt. 2/2
What Are We?
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X Jade
Jimmy X Trin
Rhea Ripley
Rating: 18+ Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, making up
Jey and Kayla have been friends and lovers for years. What happens when Kayla is tired of Jey asking for space instead of putting a label on what their relationship is. The script is flipped when Kayla is the one who asks for space and cuts off contact with Jey for six months, even moving out of the state.
What happens when Rhea, Bianca, and Trin invite Kayla to celebrate her birthday in Pensacola and Jey finds out? Can he finally admit he loves her or are they better off apart? This was requested by @royalkay23 kay-tale25 thank you for being so patient and I hope you like it Part one is below in case you missed it....
Part one----https://www.tumblr.com/raya-hunter01/756669353888563200/what-are-we-pt-12?source=share
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Part 2
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Pensacola, FL
Kayla's POV
“You might wanna slow down Kayla,” Jade warned taking my glass of champagne. “I ain’t had much, it’s cool cuz.” We went deep sea diving if you could believe that one. I always wanted to do it but never dared to do it.
“Look, I just know you when the alcohol takes over… Your mouth gets reckless.” Chuckling I looked around at my friends, my sisters.” I love ya’ll though so I ain’t got nothing to go off about.”
“Well, you might be mad when we get back to shore,” Bianca said as I rolled my eyes. “I already know that the guys are waiting for us,” I said as Trin looked at Jade.
“Don’t look at me, I ain’t said shit.”
“Sefa texted me, he didn’t want me to be caught off guard by Jey. I think whatever Jey has done he has roped Sefa into it.”
“Do you think Jey is telling the truth about loving you and ready to try?” Jade asked as I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t-”
“Cut the shit, you know Josh loves you, he’s just stupid as hell,” Trin interjected as Jade laughed putting on her sunglasses.
“I think you need to tell him what you want from him Kay,” Jade said as I rolled my eyes.
“He’ll be waiting till hell freezes over,” I said as Rhea sighed. “Look, just tell him you want him to tell Cameron where to go. I’m sure he will have no problem doing what you ask.”
“Rhea, he ain’t stupid…Jey, should be able to read the room and tell that desperate bitch to step the fuck off,” Trin said as I put my shades on.
“I shouldn’t have to hold his hand, he should know what to do.  Right now he ready to crash out on Tama for showing me where the fuckin’ bathroom was but a whole ex bitch feels comfortable enough to show up to his house when she feels like it.”
“Or just being messy in general,” Jade added as I pointed at her. “Exactly! As soon as the bitch started posting he should have shut it down. I ain’t got time for that bullshit, show me you want me. Actions speak louder than words.”
“Ok, I see your point, but you know he loves you,” Bianca said not meaning any harm “Does he Bee?” I asked as she looked at me in shock before sipping her champagne. “Let me shut up before I get cussed out.”
“I ain’t mean it like that Bianca, it’s just hard to tell where Jey’s head is at…Hell where my head  is at.”
“You love him and you miss him,” Bianca said as I looked out at the beautiful gulf.
“As bad as he’s pissed me off, I know he loves you,” Jade slipped in as I hid behind my shades. “You can’t hide forever girly,” Trin whispered as my text alert went off.
“Let me guess Loverboy?” Trin teased as I passed her my phone. “Nope, it’s Tama asking would I like to go out and grab a drink tonight.”
“Uh, no….Jey ain’t bout to kill us and plus we got something  planned,” Rhea said before heading over to talk to our guide.
“How he got your number? Trin said passing me back my phone as I shrugged my shoulders.
“No clue, but I will text him and let him know it’s a no go. I ain’t got time for drama.”
Jey’s POV
“Man, you sure it’s a good idea for you to be here,. You could have stayed with Roman and helped him get the stuff at the venue for tomorrow,” Jimmy said watching the boat get closer to shore.
“I promise I ain’t gon’ pressure her, I just wanna see her. Look, I preciate ya’ll helping me get in touch with that florist to do the pool at they crib.”
“Well, he was happy for the business and I promise I’ll do my part if we make it to the party. You know how your mouth gets you trouble.”
“I will owe you one, I promise I’mm make it right.”
“You better cause’ I ain’t wit two of my favorite people not talking.  Plus, ya’ll are good for each other,” Jimmy said I cracked a smile seeing the attendant helping the girls off the boat.
My baby looked good, Bianca’s picture didn’t do her justice and I wanted to ask why the fuck Tama was up under her post lurking but didn’t want to push my luck.
“Sefa, thank you so much,” Jade said walking over to give him a hug as Kayla cut her eyes at me.
Kayla’s POV
"I'mma heading to the van," I whispered trying to avoid Jey but i knew he would follow me.
“Why are you following me, Jey?” I asked annoyed and not wanting to argue.
“I ain’t following you, I just came with Sefa to deliver the package for Jade and I’m glad I did,” Jey said falling in step with me as I returned to the van leaving the girls with Sefa and Jimmy.
“Coulda’ fooled me, I ain’t got time for this Jey,” I said looking down at my phone seeing another message from Tama.
“Hopefully, I will see you tomorrow beautiful, enjoy your birthday.”
“Thank you, I will try to do that,” I responded as Jey kissed his teeth.
“Who is that blowin’ your phone up, is it that fool?” Jey asked trying to look at my phone as I held it to my chest.
"I caught his lil response to Bianca's post. What's up wit dat shit?"
“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered praying the girls would hurry up. I was ready to go get a nap before whatever they had planned for tonight.
“Look, I know it’s your business, I just wanted to give you this and to tell you that I will see you tomorrow,” Jey whispered kissing me gently on the cheek, and placing an envelope in my hand.
“Open it when you’re alone,” he said heading back over to join everyone before I could answer.
The whole way back to the house I wanted to open it so bad, but I held off. The ride home was quiet after our little visit with the Fatu brothers. I personally think they knew I was pissed so they weren’t trying to poke the bear.
 “So, I don’t want you to shoot the messenger but have orders for you,” Jade said as I sighed.
“What would that be?” I asked as we got out of the van heading inside the house.  “Go get a quick swim before you go upstairs.”
“Look, stop being hardheaded and just go out back,” Trin said as I sighed heading through the kitchen.
“Well, it will have to wait a minute cause I ain’t mixing ocean and pool water together,” I said heading upstairs to grab a quick shower and change into my other swimsuit I bought for the trip.
I didn’t even get a chance to hit the top step. “Go back and get your envelope,” Jade said standing at the bottom of the stairs as I rolled my eyes but went back and got it.
“Damn, ya’ll bossy, ain’t gon' be too many more times of ya'll tellin’ me what to do,” I muttered grabbing the letter and heading back downstairs.
“Go and enjoy your swim. We’ll check on you in a few minutes and thank you for your cooperation, brat,” Trin said as something in the pool. What is that I asked walking toward the patio door as Trin laughed. "Go see.. I think you're gonna like it," she whispered walking away.
“Oh my god,” I gasped in awe going out on the patio and seeing the beautiful array of flowers in the pool, with a special message wishing me a happy birthday.
"Damn it, Josh," I whimpered overwhelmed by his kind gesture of love. I couldn’t believe Jey had done this, with the envelope still in my hand I went and sat at the end of the pool soaking my feet, just enjoying the moment.
I had to admit this was amazing, after looking around to make sure I was alone I opened the envelope he had given me.
I know this doesn’t erase the pain I have put you through, but I just had to let you know that nothing will ever compare to you. I plan to spend this weekend and the rest of my life letting you know how much you mean to me.  I wanted you to know that I love you and you’re worth it. We are worth fighting for and I won’t give up, enjoy your swim. Kay Kay.”
“That little shit,” I chuckled wiping my tears as I felt a pair of arms  wrap around me briefly before sitting beside me, Indian style. “You ok Kayla?” Rhea asked as I nodded trying to get myself together.
“He did all this,” I whispered in disbelief as she smiled. “Yeah, he did….You know it’s ok to be happy about what he did and it's ok to want to be with him, Kay .”
“I’m scared Rhea, I’m scared of getting hurt again. I love Jey, but I can’t keep getting my heart broken.”
“Kayla, he’s scared of not being enough and losing you. That is his truth and he’s not afraid to admit what he wants now.”
“So what do I do with that? I mean, so much has happened and Cameron is still ar-”
“You follow your heart and do what you feel. I promise, these last six months, he’s done a lot of growing up and I feel he’s finally serious. Kayla, you gotta really give him a chance to show you.” She responded as I lowered myself into the beautiful pool.
“I’ll think about it.” I sighed enjoying the water and playing with the rose petals.
 “You know we will support you every step of the way. Now enjoy your swim in this beautiful pool, I gotta admit, Uce did good,” Rhea said standing up.
“I can’t believe he did this, but yea,….He did great.” I said looking around appreciating the time and effort he put in. Maybe he was serious about us being together and truly giving it a try this time.
“Hey, pose for a picture so I can send it to doofus and make it sexy boo.”
“Fine,” I sighed striking a pose. “Yea, show him them buns girl, we gettin’ you laid tonight; we’ll worry about the technicalities tomorrow.”
“Rhea, no I’m not!” I hissed breaking my pose. “Nice, he gon’ love that one.”
“Rhea, I’m not sleepin’ with Jey.”
“Why not? I’m serious, get you a quickie tonight, and go back to being mad tomorrow. Just let him know what you want and what it is. I know he won’t tell you no because he wants you just as bad.”
“That’s using him Rhea, I can’t do that.”
“Uh, yes you can because I guarantee he’s horny as fuck too, so you’re not using him. Ya’ll are technically helpin’ each other out. Familiar dick is better than random dick.”
“Bye Rhea,” I whispered going deeper into the water as she laughed heading back inside.
“I am not sleepin’ with him….I am not sleepin’ with that man.”
"Keep tellin' yourself that and maybe you'll believe it!"
Jey’s POV
I felt some hope as I talked to the girls and they were telling me about how Kayla seemed surprised with my first gift for her birthday weekend.
“So, did she really love it? I mean, do you think it was too much?” I asked Trin as she smiled. “It’s never too much to show someone how much you love them.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, she loves it and is currently swimming as we speak. That was smooth little brother,” she beamed into the phone as I found myself smiling.
“I’m just trying to let her know I’m serious and that I love her.”
“Well you’re off to a good start, and Sefa told Jade about your plan for the party and I already know I’mma be a blurring mess.”
“Don’t do it sis, I need you to help so I can’t have you falling to pieces on me.”
“I’ll try but I want you to be sure, because if you hurt her-”
“I promise I won’t…Aye, I saw on ya’ll itinerary it said concert. Who ya’ll going to see?”
“Usher!” Trin gushed as I rolled my eyes.
“Ush- You know what, just keep her- ya’ll stay safe,” I said stumbling over my words as I opened a picture message Rhea had sent me a picture message.
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“Fuckin’ hell, Kayla” I whispered.
“You ok over there Jey, you looked flushed,” Trin asked as I cleared my throat. “I’m g-good, ya’ll be safe tonight and have fun and keep ya’ll location on cause’ I know how ya’ll get.”
“We will.” And with that, I left them to their girl’s night and myself to sulk about missing Kayla.
I know the picture was probably Rhea’s idea, but Kay participated and whether she wants to admit it or not we are breaking some ground.
My heart almost stopped as my text alert for Kayla went off.
“Thank you for thinking of me, this is so nice. I love it.”
“You don’t have to thank me baby, just enjoy your birthday and I’m glad you love it because I love you.”
“Jey, I just wanted to tell you, thank you. That is all."
“I’m just sayin’ how I feel and I’m willing to wait… No pressure and you are welcome, beautiful.”
"Talk to you later."
Later that night
Usher Concert
Kayla’s POV
“Don’t let me fall,” I squealed feeling a dip in the floor as the girls chuckled.
“We won’t just trust us.... You are going to enjoy it,” Rhea said a little louder as I heard more voices, and they seemed excited.
“Where the hell are we ya’ll?” I asked hearing what appeared to be a crowd as Bianca laughed finally removing my blindfold.
“OMG Usher! No fuckin’ way!” I screamed, looking around the arena.
“Surprise!” They all yelled. “Are ya’ll serious right now?” I squealed as Jade grabbed my hand showing me to our table for the evening.
“Yes, ma’am cause’ only the best for you, cuz.”
“Ya’ll I can’t repay ya’ll for this,” I cried as Trin hugged me. “Ain’t no pay back, we wanted you to have an awesome birthday and we gon’ make sure that happens. You just enjoy yourself.”
“Yea, let’s turn up one time for the birthday girl,” Bianca yelled as I squealed ready to party and enjoy the concert with my family.
And boy did we ever, the concert was amazing, and dare I say so were the drinks that had me kind of floating by mid-show. “Look! He’s coming over!” Rhea said excitedly.
There goes my baby….
“Oh my god, I’m too drunk for this shit!” I screamed as it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as he sang the sultry tune coming closer.
“Girl, he’s looking at you,” Jade screamed as I looked at her in shock as Rhea took my drink.
“I don’t think you need this right now.”
“Hell nawl, and you betta dance bitch,” Trin said as he came up.
“ We got my ladies from the WWE in the house. Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Naomi, and Jade Cargill in the house” he smiled giving them a hug. “I also heard it is your birthday Kayla," he said shooting me a steamy gaze as I blushed realizing they set my ass up.
“There goes my baby.. There she go, there she go,” he sang pulling me close as I began whining my hips, maintaining a respectable distance but doing my thang.
Hell, this was Usher, and I was single, I mean it's just harmless fun. It ain’t like I was going to take him home or anything.
Lovin’ everything you do, oouu girl look at you.
“You betta work bitch! Work him!” Jade screamed as we continued to dance as the crowd cheered.
“Jey is going to lose his shit,” I faintly heard Rhea say laughing as I saw a light from Jade’s phone.  He probably will lose his shit, but right now I don’t care. Man, this is Usher….
I said Oouu girl, look at you…
Pinch me, I am really dancing with Usher as he’s serenading me. “Happy birthday Kayla,” he said giving me a hug before heading back towards the stage
“Ok…..Best birthday ever!!!!” I squealed covering my face with my hands jumping up and down with excitment.
Luv's Bar & Grill
Jey’s POV
“Aye, we supposed to be playin’ pool but you in your phone,” Sefa said as I frowned looking at Jade’s latest post live showing Kayla dancing with- I don’t even wanna say it.
"How the fuck they pull that shit off?” I muttered feeling my jealousy takin’ hold watchin’ my woman dancin’ up on Usher.  
“Talkin’ bout Usher?......He’s a wrestling fan so it wasn’t hard for Jade to get the VIP section on the floor,” Joe said as I frowned seeing Trin had posted as well so I clicked on her story.
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“Turn down for what, huh?”  I said looking at Kayla posing in front of two drinks, obliviously drunk as hell. Man, I said keep her safe, that meant sober too, shit.
“Man, Kayla drunk as fuck,” I hissed as Jimmy laughed. “Well, it’s her birthday weekend and she rarely drinks, let her turn up if she wants. You know Rhea don’t really drink, she got her,” Jimmy said leaning over to look at my phone, seeing Trin’s post.
“I’m just used to being there when she does, I just get worried is all.”
“Look, I sent a car to get them an hour ago, we got everything under control, Uce.” Roman said as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Where they at now anyway, Kayla got her location off.”
“I ain’t tellin’ you for you to bother them, just know they good, and will be home in about an hour.”
"How you be cool with Jade, out here wildin.'"
"Easy, she ain't wildin' out, she's out having fun with her family and friends..I know that's my woman and I trust her. You'll understand it more once you and Kayla get back on track."
"Thanks, Dr. Phil."
I knew I should have held off, but I couldn’t help it. It didn’t help seeing a world-renowned superstar checking out the woman you love.  So, I did the only thing I could and that was to text her.
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Kayla’s POV
It seemed like Jey got to our location in under ten minutes, leaving me confused still trying to figure out how he got our location. We had stopped by a friend of Trin's that was throwing a party. I spotted Jade by the window smirking.
"Please, don't make that man get out of the car. I can see the steam comin' from his ears now. He just told me you're ignoring his texts now.
"You the one who dropped our location didn't you?"
"Hey, don't blame me...You told him you were horny, i'm just helping you both out."
"I just can't believe you told him where we were...Really, Jade?" I hissed seeing Jey opening the passenger side door.
"Uh, yea cause you was playin' wit dat man..Stop frontin' go talk that man and get what you need from him."
"Jade, go tell him I passed out, and to call me in the morning," I whispered as she scoffed. "Mannnn, gon' turn dat man the fuck out, and be done," she said opening the door. "Here she comes, Jey!" She yelled pushing me outside and closing the door behind me as I growled.
Then his fine ass standing beside the passenger door with a smirk wasn't helpin' either as I slowly walked to the car.
"Damn, I was bout to come get you," he said helping me in the car, making sure my dress didn't get caught in the door before he shutting it.
"Just calm your damn nerves, Kayla" I whispered watching him walk around the front of the car. "Damn him....He knows I love him in white," I groaned taking in his sweat suit.
"Don't know what you thought this was? Knowin' damn well i'm comin' when you tell me what you need. Don't even play wit me like dat," I heard him utter under his breath as he started the car.
Knowing maybe I pushed him too far, I sipped on my water not saying a word as he chuckled to himself. "Oh, after talkin' all dat shit, you wanna sober up now, huh."
"Oh, fuck you Jey," I whispered thinking he didn't catch it but he did. as we spun off.
"Oh that's what you bout to do...Fuck me real good so we can both chill the fuck out and work on our relationship," he said brazen as hell as I felt my pussy pulse and my heart race.
"Nah, you been hangin' out, dancin' up on Usher n shit.. Twirlin' my ass and pussy round. Mothafucka lookin' at you like he wanted to fuck you right where you stood."
"Don't play wit me...I saw Jade's live.. Yea, you was enjoying dat shit wasn't you, just blushin' n shit."
"Hell yea, it's Usher...Fuck you talkin' bout?"
"Kay-" Jey whispered gripping the steering tighter as I ignored him and kept talking.
"And pardon me, you talkin' about I was twirlin' YOUR ass and pussy around for him? Last time I checked all those things belong to me, sir It's my fuckin' body, especially when you were unsure of what you wanted when I was with yo' ass."
"Kayla-" Jey warned as I kissed my teeth on and kept right on rambling.
"Boy, that was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and like I told you I'm grown," I said with an attitude as we screeched to a halt at the red light.
"You love pissin' me off don't you?" Jey asked, leaning over and gently grasping my throat making me look at him as I moaned.
"Yea, this what you wanted ain't it? For me to be about my business, right? Stand on business right? Well let me tell you somethin', you my business," he whispered pulling me into a possessive kiss that left me a whimpering, complying mess.
"And yea you a grown woman...but you forgot the most important part.. You my woman, and I don't play bout you." The confession rendered me speechless as the car behind us blew its horn.
"Got me fucked up." Jey let me go and threw his hand up to the car before turning off the road.
Now one thing about me is I can back up the shit I talk. I ain’t neva scared but I was having second thoughts as we finally parked at the beach. We really needed to talk first. I froze as Jey opened his door and got in the back seat taking off his shirt.
“I-I-uh like your Explorer, it’s a 2025, right?” I asked as he smirked knowing I was stalling.
“Stop stalling, and come take a ride, Kay Kay,” he whispered patting his thighs as I involuntarily moaned, straight drenched at the thought of him being inside me again.
“Jey, maybe we shouldn’t, we still need to talk,” I sighed looking back at him hating to be the buzzkill casue what just happened at that redlight had me even more horny.
“We will but right now, we both need this. You told me what you wanted and I’m here to give it to you because I need it too.”
“Jey, it’s going to make it complicated-”
“No, it’s not cause’ I done told you, neither one of us is leavin’ Pensacola without us workin’ this shit out, Ma. I need you in my life.”
“Since when do you need me in your life?” I asked, wiping my tears as he reached up and pulled me onto his lap, making me look at him.
“Kay, I’ve always needed you in my life, and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it, baby. I’m sorry, I couldn’t be what you needed me to be, but I promise, it’s just you and me."
“Why are you sayin’ this now after everything?”
“Because I know how it feels to lose you, and I can’t again. I swear if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
I wanted to hear those words for so long and I couldn’t believe it was happening. I wanted to be happy, but I needed to know about Cameron.
I needed to know the minute she made her presence felt again by trying to get in his head that he wouldn’t run for the hills.
“What about Cameron?” I asked as he reached up and kissed my tears.
“I want you, not her Kayla and I’m sorry I didn’t nip that shit in the bud when she first started trying to come back around. I should have never let her disrespect you.”
“That really hurt how you kept me in limbo, I loved-”
“Loved?! Jey interrupted getting irritated... "Kayla, I love you, and I know you love me. Can you just admit that first?"
He was right and forty years from now I would still love him..I had to stop running if I wanted this...If I wanted us to work.
“I do love you…..It’s just  that it seemed like you didn’t care at all how quickly you would turn off your feelings and would become distant claiming you needed space.”  
I felt his longing and I felt bad for bringing down the mood but I needed to know.
“I’mma be honest, I’m just so used to people always having an agenda and using me that I just always felt underserving of the love you’ve always gave me.  I didn’t want to hurt you, like I felt I didn’t deserve of you.
“Jey, you are deserving, everyone is deserving of love,” I whispered hugging him as I felt him release the breath he had been holding as we held each other.
 “You have no idea how bad I wanted you.  How bad I wanted to be your man and how crazy it drives me to even think about another man touchin’ you… kissin' you…... Being inside you, when I know you are meant you to be mine. When I know you were made just for me.”  
“ I definately understand after tonigh but Jey, I haven’t-”
“Look at me and let me finish, Kay,” Jey pleaded as I took a deep breath and looked at him, his hands caressing mine.
 “I know you haven’t been with anybody else. I- I just wanted you to know I always wanted you, and it was nothing you did. I just had to navigate through a lot of shit, but I’m ready now.”
“You sure you’re ready now? Cause’ I don’t want my heart broken again, Josh. Why should I believe you now?” I whispered his declarations sobering me up as I caressed his face.
“Because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life wit you.” he whispered our lips meeting in a slow hesitant kiss testing the waters, growing hungrier and more passionate by the milliseconds. “I need to see you,” Jey moaned pulling my dress down to my waist along with my bra, kneading my breasts.  
“I need you so bad,” I moaned against his lips, as he lifted his hips, helping me release his aching dick from his confining sweats.
“I need you more,” he groaned, sliding my panties to the side anxiously lifting my hips, lowering me slowly onto his dick.
“J- Jey!” I screamed as he filled me, stilling my hips allowing me time to adjust. “I know baby, breathe. Take ya’ time, and get what you need, Kayla” he whispered as something primal inside me snapped.
“I need you,” I moaned swirling my hips as his eyes rolled back in his head as he leaned back spreading his arms wide across the seat giving me full control.
“Hell yea…Take what you need, I need you too….Yea, use daddy to get what you need,” he groaned as I leaned back locking my hands on his knees riding him. “You want me to use you, daddy,” I asked as he nodded in deep concentration, biting his lower lip.
“Yes! Fuck, you ridin’ dat dick. You missed me, didn’t you?” he moaned. “Yes, did you miss me?” I moaned, leaning forward and nipping at his bottom lip bouncing without care. I didn’t give a damn about the burning in my thighs as I rode him good and hard.
“You know I missed you, fuck just like that. Let daddy taste dem titties, It’s been too long,” Jey growled latching onto one the swollen buds greedily sucking as I gasped momentarily slowing down my ministrations, but he was having no parts in it as he began meeting my thrusts.
“Stop playin’ wit me…You said, you wanted to ride my dick till you squirted on it. Now do dat shit, ride dat dick and get yo’ nut, Kayla,” he ordered against my breasts as I cried out in pleasure unable to speak.
“You wanted control, and I gave it to you, don’t make me take over."
“Mmm, don’t you dare, it’s my birthday and I can do what I want.”
“I know, but stop playin’ wit it- oh fuck yea, that’s it baby,” Jey praised, groaning in pleasure as I readjusted, planting my feet on the seat, beginning to  bounce faster. “Shit, dats it, get what you need baby, I’m right here.”
My juices coating his dick as tiny spasms began to trickle through my body. “Fuck, I missed you, so much Kay. Mmhm, I missed drowin’ in this good ass pussy.”
“She loves ridin' this big dick, that’s why she's so wet..Oh...Fuck you drive me crazy!" I cried seeing tunnel vision, chasing my nut.
“ And you luv dat shit...Fuck, I feel it comin’..Uh-huh, just listen," he moaned as my world exploded. “Yes! Oh god, yes!” I cried, the dam breaking, the force almost making me buck off of Jey’s lap as he held me in place groaning in pleasure as we shared a searing kiss.
"Fuck yea, Ma," he growled gripping my hips, thrusting me harder down on his dick as he fell over the edge. "Yea, get all," he growled cummin' inside me as I purred in satisfaction, greedily kissing and suckling on his neck leaving a mark of my own for the world to see.
"That was crazy," I whispered feeling a thousand times better.
“Yes, it was and now I don’t wanna let you go,” Jey moaned as we calmed down. My thoughts though overwhelming I knew what my heart desired.  “Then don’t……Never let me go.”
Rhea’s POV
“Did Kayla text you?,” Trin asked as I ate my food trying to put something on my stomach.
“No, I ain’t seen her, but I know she’s good,” I said not being worried in the slightest knowing she was with Jey. And  almost like clockwork the front door opened and Kayla entered carrying her shoes.
“Uh huh come on in here, creepin’ in the house at 4 a.m.," Bianca joked as Trin was taking her hair down.
“Why ya'll ain’t sleep?” Kayla whined as I laughed taking in her appearance. Yea, Jey knocked her ass out the frame.
“So, how did it go?” Trin asked as Kayla sighed sitting beside me grabbing a fry.
“It went ok, we talked it out,” Kayla said as I smiled seeing she was more relaxed and at ease.
“Really, and here I thought you were just going for him to knock the Mario coins outta you.”
“What, did he not?” Jade asked as Kayla blushed.
“More like I rode him through the night,” Kayla mumbled as we screamed, truly happy for them.
“Oouu shit! That’s what I’m talking bout boo, get yo’ man,” Bianca said as Kayla cracked a smile. “We even went to Waffle House and caught an early breakfast.”
“I was wondering where ya’ll was at, I saw his fuckin’ story. Ya, man looked refreshed and fucked out,” Trin said passing Kayla her phone.
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“Oh, god I can’t with him,” Kayla said standing up and stretching. “Thank you, my beautiful sisters, for everything and for waiting up for me,” she whispered giving us each a hug before heading upstairs.
Yea, those two were going to be ok…I just knew they would.
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Later that Afternoon
WWE house show
Kayla’s POV
“Girl, what’s up with your men fighting?” Jade said as I rolled my eyes.
“What are you talkin’ about? I ain't got no men...I'm just with Jey, and we're trying to figure that out,” I said not wanting to really deal with any drama but from the look on Jade’s face, it was about to be some.
“Well, I posted a little collage of us from early this morning and Tama commented, then Jey come on there basically calling him a stalker.”
“Are you serious, right now?”
“Girl, I shut my comments off before they got started but have you talked to Tama.”
“I told him I wasn’t interested so that should have been it.”
“I was just giving you the heads up.”
“Thanks, cuz. I don’t need either one of them to get in trouble,” I said grabbing a plate as we moved through the catering line.
Hearing the door open, I looked over just in time to see Cameron enter the canteen on her phone. “Girl, you’ll never believe who is here,” she said as Jade grabbed my arm pulling me towards our table.
“She ain’t worth it, Kayla,” she said as I sat down trying to tune her out as Trin, Jimmy and Jey came in engrossed in their conversation having no idea what they were walking into.
 Then the bitch actually had the audacity to walk by acting like she was still talking on the phone. “I can’t believe she’s so desperate knowing all I gotta do is bat my eyes and Jey will stop talking to her. That’s’ my dick and she knows it.”
“Uh, excuse me, but do we have a problem?” I asked as she stopped, and looked back at me rolling her eyes.
“No problem at all, just ask Jey where he was all last night…He was with me all night,” she chuckled as I laughed.
“Oh, was he?” I asked as Jey made his way over to us with Jimmy and Trin in tow.
“Yea, he was…I rocked his world. Didn’t you see his post about me?” she lied as I nodded my head..
“What you doin’ over here Cameron?” Jey asked, moving to stand in front of me. I guess he was worried about her trying to jump me while I was sitting down but I wished a bitch would. I was still sitting cause I was waiting for her to act stupid and give me a reason to tag her ass.
“Oh, she was just telling me how she was with you last night but I find it hard to believe since you were knee-deep in me last night,” I said casually leaning back in my chair and folding my arms.
“Shit, it’s like that?” Jimmy whispered as Trin elbowed him in the stomach. “Not the time, sir.”
“Oh, it is cause’ I’m sicka her.”
“Look, your obsession with me gotta stop Cameron because it ain’t no us and ain’t been for years. Move on wit your life, I’m over the guilt trippin’ and you showin’ up to my crib when you please.”
“Jey, we have a connection you just can’t cut off. You can’t reduce us to nothing.” Is this bitch serious, you cheated on this man.
“Cameron, I tried to help you, but you just wanted to manipulate me. You wanted to see what you could get away with and how far you could push but enough is enough.”
“Jey, you late.....I clocked that tea from the beginning, that’s why I would get so pissed off when she would post shit or would come around.” Manipulative ass.
“Stay outta this Kayla, I liked it better when you were a quiet as a mouse. Look, Jey loves me and not you.” 
“No, I love Kayla…I’ve always loved her, and I’m done wasting time,” Jey said looking back at me smiling.
“Jey, you really trippin’ over her? ” Cameron asked as I stood up. “Ok, you ain’t gon’ keep talking bout me like I ain’t here. The old days are over, and wrestler or not, I’ll beat yo’ ass.”
“I’d love to see you try, skank.”
“Aye, watch ya mouth, that’s my girl and you ain’t gon’ disrespect her. So to answer ya question, yea I am trippin’ over her."
“Jey, come on-”
Look, I love Kayla end of discussion so you can move along,” Jey said cutting her off. I could feel the anger and embarrassment coursing through her veins, and I couldn't care less.
Jey was putting his foot down and I couldn't be happier as I felt Jade tug on the back of my shirt. I looked back at her as she quietly pointed towards Jey before making a muscle "I love a strong man girl," whispered as I snickered.
“Ugh, fine, whatever I don’t need this, I got a show to do. Enjoy my sloppy seconds, Kayla,” Cameron said as I looked back at her and smiled.
“Kay, just chill baby, it ain’t worth it,” Jey pleaded knowing this conversation could go left at any moment as I waved him off.
“I’m good, Jey. I’m just trying to figure out how I’m enjoying her sloppy seconds when I had you first…Like years before her. So, while she was swallowing you all up, she was eating all this good good,” I said with a small smile.
“Ugh! You nasty bitch..I-I-I-”
 “I- I- I-…. Oh, you finally speechless, huh….Well, I have a question for you Cameron, how did I taste?” I asked as Jey cleared his throat.  “Good as fuck,” he mumbled under his breath as I smirked having heard him.
“Fuck you!” she screamed before storming out of the canteen as Trin, and Jade busted out laughing.
"A'ight the party is over mind ya'll business," Jey announced to his fellow coworkers who were whispering among themselves.
“Oou, not how did I taste bitch?” Trin said as I shrugged my shoulders.
It was what it was i was tired of her shit...
Tama’s POV
“Damn, Jey ain’t letting Kayla out his sight,” I said as Jacob rolled his eyes. Cameron got her ass told off, but I can’t believe how easily Kayla apparently has forgiven Jey. I mean they were the talk of the damn Locker room when all that shit went down.
“Aye, mane….. Jey don’t play bout Kayla, and I don’t either so watch yo’self and stop while you ahead.”
“I just wanna talk to her,” I said watching them head towards the ring area.
“A’ight, but if she tells me you makin’ her uncomfortable, your ass is mine,” Jacob said as we got up to throw away our plates before heading towards ringside to go over what we were doing later on with Jey and Jimmy.
I knew I shouldn’t have but when we went down the aisle instead of getting in the ring I hoped over the rail and went to sit beside Kayla who was about five rows back talking to Bianca and Rhea.
“That was a good spot, ya’ll gonna kill it tonight,” Kayla said as Bianca and Rhea gave each other a high five.
“Ladies, it’s good to see ya’ll at work..Didn’t think ya’ll would make it from all the fun ya’ll had last night,” I said as Kayla looked at me strangely.
“Hey, Tama look, I don’t think this is a good idea to keep poking the bear. I know you know by now that Jey and I are trying to figure stuff out and I told you the other day, i'm not with the drama," she said looking at Jey, who had spotted me.
“Aye, what the fuck you doin’? You suppose to be in the ring wit us going over what we doin’ for the match, not in my girlfriend’s face.”
“Um, I didn’t know she was with you, Uce. My bad, Jey. Kayla, I’m sorry if I overstepped, I just wanted to tell you that you got options if it doesn’t work out,” I said boldly pointing between her and Jey before getting up and going to the ring as Jey cut his eyes at me.
Maybe I made it worse, but I had to let Kayla know that if he messes up again, I’m definitely willing to dry her tears. Do I have any regrets, not a damn one…
Were the Usos going to work me hard tonight. Probably…  But at least Jey knows he’s got some competition now if he fucks this up.
The Overview Gulf
Kayla’s POV
The dinner party was beautiful and lowkey as I wanted. We had a lovely dinner, and Roman had even rented out the place so we didn't have to worry about people not invited intruding.
“Where did Jey and Sefa go?” I asked looking around opening the last of my gifts as Jade tried to change the subject.
 “How are you liking the party?” she asked as I looked around the room at our family and friends having a good time eating and talking to each other.
“Ya’ll did awesome, and the food was great? Have you seen Jey?” I asked again as Trin shrugged her shoulders, walking off.
“Ok, now I know you're up to something, but I still love you!” I yelled as she waved walking towards the side of the stage. “Love you too, boo!” She yelled back before disappearing behind the stage.
 “So are you leaving Savannah? You know Jey still has his old house her and one in Atlanta.”
“I’m going home, but Jey is flying out to Savannah to see me after Raw. We’re taking things slow; he realizes I need time and he’s willing to wait.”
“I’m glad ya’ll were able to talk and come back together, ya’ll are great together.” Rhea whispered giving me a hug as Trin came out on stage.
“Alright, I need the birthday girl up here off to the side of the piano for her last surprise,” she said as I looked at Jade. “What is she up too?”
“I promise, you’re gonna love it,” she whispered pulling me towards the front as I saw a large white thrown chair being wheeled out.
I saw Jey out the corner of my eye now dressed in all white button-down shirt and jeans, carrying a large bouquet of white roses.
“What are you doing?” I asked, nervously biting my lower lip.
“Givin’ my baby her flowers, can't a man in love do that?" he asked as I gave him a hug.
“Yes, you can and thank you,” I whispered as he gently kissed me on the lips. “Take a seat and enjoy.”
“Enjoy what, sir,” I asked as he smiled and sat down at the piano. Sefa then walked out with his guitar.
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 “No way,” I cried as Trin helped Sefa set up his microphone as he sat down to warm up on his guitar.
“I don’t normally do this and neither does my brother, but we wanted to do a little snippet of this song for you on your birthday. We love you Kayla and happy birthday.”
“Thank you and I love ya’ll too,” I cried wiping my tears as they began playing the opening cords of John Legends All of Me.
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding
I can't pin you down
God, I can’t believe they did this. Sefa rarely sings in public and he was doing this for me..For Jey. I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Trin who passed me some tissue as I silently bawled.
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me
But I'll be alright
Watching Jey in deep concentration as he focused on the keys made me smile. He always had a passion for music but his passion for wrestling won out in the end. Now singing, that was Sefa’s niche, he could play instruments and sing.
He once had thought about a career but instead went into the family business. He said he was too shy to sing in front of crowds but here he was in front of our friends singing his heart out for my birthday.
My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
 “I love you, don’t cry baby,” Jey whispered as I nodded wiping my tears. I know I must look a hot mess right now but I can’t help it.
Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose, I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh-oh
Did I mention that I am having the best birthday weekend ever!!!
“Now, if you want to see the rest, you gon’ have to go watch John Legend live 'cause that’s all I could learn to play on the guitar on such short notice,” Sefa joked coming over and giving me a hug as I chuckled.
“It was perfect and thank you so much for everything,” I whispered as he nodded against my shoulder.
“I got you, sis……Now let me move, I can feel his eyes on my back.”
“You know your brother, don’t you?” I smiled, looking up and seeing Jey watching trying to patiently wait his turn.
“Aye, how you get a hug before me? Move.” Jey joked as Sefa let me go.
“Easy, I did the hardest work. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to talk to the girls.” The pep in his step letting me know whatever they all had planned was just beginning.
“What are ya’ll up to now-” I started as Jey cut me off with a passionate kiss. Don’t worry about that, just let me do my thing.”
“Yes, sir..I ain’t sayin’ nothing else.”       
Later that night
Jey’s house
Jey’s POV
“How did you get Sefa to agree to sing?” Kayla asked as I opened the front door.
“It's my secret, just know he showed up to help ya’ boy cause’ you know I can’t carry a fuckin’ tune.”
“No, you can’t, but I love you,” she laughed as I helped her out of her shoes. 
“I love you more, Ma…Now head upstairs I’m right behind you.”
“Yes, sir," she said with a mock salute still holding onto her flowers. Nervously I watched her as she headed towards my bedroom.
I really hoped she liked everything; we all had worked hard to put everything together at the last minute. I know me staying this weekend in Pensacola set them back, as they had their own plans for Kayla, but they helped bring my vision together.
"You know my heart is yours, right?” I whispered wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her close, gently kissing her temple.  “ Yes...And my heart is yours too, always has been.”
“Good, now keep going, baby I got another surprise for you.”
“Wait, there’s more?” Kayla whispered as I chuckled. “Yea, it is so gon’ in,” I said urging her further into my bedroom. "When did you find the time to do all this?" Kayla whispered overwhelmed.
“Do you like it?” I asked as she nodded, choked up. Grabbing my phone, I snapped a quick picture as she looked around in awe. I wanted to have something to look back on of this special moment.
“Jey, it’s pictures of us,” she said looking at each of the photos attached to the ribbons, taking her time.
"I swear I didn’t know everybody had so many pictures of us through the years,” I said as she smiled looking back at me, blushin’.
“You are truly full of surprises, Mr. Fatu,” Kayla whispered looking around the room before the glow from the patio caught her eye.
“Jey, this is too much,” she said as I laughed. “It's never too much Kay, but I promise this is the last surprise tonight. Do you remember how I wanted to add on to my balcony?"
Kayla’s POV
“You didn’t? You really had a mini pool put in up here?” I chuckled putting my flowers down as Jey’s eyes lit up. “Yeah, I did, and I want us to break it in.”
 “Break it in, huh?” I asked curiously walking onto the balcony and seeing all the beautiful candles.
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“Yea..I can’t think of a better way than wit my girl…..So, are you game? I hear it’s amazin’ in the water.”
“I’m always game,” I smiled, shooting him a bashful smirk as he kissed my shoulders, ever so slowly pulling down the straps of my dress. A groan escaped his lips as my dress pooled at my feet as I stood naked under his piercing gaze.
"I’ve been wanting to take that off all night," he whispered pulling me against his chest as I sighed relaxing as he worshiped my body.
“Happy birthday Kay,” Jey whispered, lowering his head and brushing his lips gently against mine as I moaned, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt as he made quick work of his pants and underwear.
“Mm, thank you,” I gasped. Our kisses became more needy and passionate as Jey slid his hands down my body. Lifting me up by my hips and letting me feel just how much he needed me as he carried me into the pool.
“Daddy's got you, baby,” he assured me as I writhed in pleasure. “Please, I can’t wait,” I moaned as my hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they bucked against him.
“I gotchu, but I need to taste you first,” Jey whispered against my lips lowering me onto the pool steps towering over me.
Jey’s POV
 “Alexia, play Through the Night,” Kayla said as I smirked, my tongue teasingly swirling around each of her breasts taking my time as she moaned caressing my face. The sultry song intro filled the air as I smiled against her.
“Jey, baby,” Kayla gasped in desperation as I traced my tongue across her stomach and pelvic bone making me moan.
“I know baby.”
I know what you want
I know what you're thinking
And right now, I don't mind
Spreading her thighs wide, I licked my lips. “Mmm, I’ve missed this,” I groaned, closing my mouth over her clit as she gasps in shock entangling her fingers in my hair.
I'm tired of being alone
Way too much to drink
And I'm tired of wasting time
You know that love don't come easy
Her nails lightly scratching my scalp as she purred in pleasure pulling my head closer. “Fuck, yea, give it to me,” I moaned knowing it wouldn’t be long with the warmth of my mouth and the coolness of the water combined. Kayla’s senses were heightened, and she didn’t know what to do with herself. “You like dat? Talk to Daddy.”
“Jey, right there..Don’t stop!” she cried throwing her head back in pleasure as I hummed against her pussy, not stopping my ministrations as the water bubbled around us.
You know that love don't come easy
How do I know you'll never leave me?
Can you go for miles?
Feeling some things I ain't felt in a while
“Missed my pussy,” I moaned against her quivering body as her breathing became ragged. “I don’t want to cum yet,” she whined as I chuckled. “Too bad, 'cause’ you are...All.... night.... long......” I moaned sucking on her clit, flicking my tongue even faster against the sensitive bud.
“Oh fuck!” Kayla moaned; her hips arched against my face as I held her hips, refusing to let go. Her breathing was even more ragged as she grabbed my face in her hands and began to ride my face.
I think you should try (try)
Try to blow my mind (ooh)
Think you should try (try)
To drive (drive) me through the night (ooh-ooh)
“Mmm, my baby tastes so good,” I groaned as she cried out. “Jey! I-I- oh god!” Kayla screamed as her orgasm tore through her like a freight train, her legs locked around my neck and her body jerked forward as she exploded before collapsing against the steps panting.
“You did so good, baby girl,” I praised with a satisfied smirk kissing her thighs tenderly before sliding back up to her. Our bodies now slick with a mix of chlorine and sweat.
Kayla’s POV
“I need you now,” I whispered against his lips as Jey picked me up, leaning me up against the wall of the pool. “Happy birthday, baby,” he moaned guiding himself slowly inside me as I clung to him. “Mmm, you take such good care of me,” I moaned as his hips snapped forward, bottoming out.
Take time to catch a vibe with you
Take me up, love me deep
Make me weak with all of your mind
 “Always…I gotchu O lo'u masina.” The Excitement igniting deep within us as our bodies moved against the water. The pressure slowing our lovemaking and overwhelming us of it’s power.
 “Jey, mmm, baby,” I moaned as he hummed against my throat. “What you need, Ma? Talk to Daddy, you know he gotchu.”
“For us it to always be like this,” I gasped confessing my wish for the future.
Oh, you know that love don't come easy
How do I know that you'll never leave me?
Can you go for milеs?
Feeling some things I ain't felt in a while
“It's gon’ be better cause’ we locked in forever. I love you, Kay,” he rasped. His hands roaming over my wet skin as I relaxed fully surrendering to him. “I love you too,” I cried out, rocking my hips against his as our lips met in a desperate kiss.
The bubbles caressing our skin as the smell of lavender surrounded us.  “I’m yours….Never forget dat,”Jey whispered as I leaned into him laying my head on his shoulder whimpering in pleasure. “Mine.”
“yes, and you mine….Tell Daddy how good his dick feels. You love me makin' love to you, don't you baby?.. I need to know, Ma."
His words ignited a fire within me as his thrusts became more powerful as I bounced, trying to meet his thrust. The beautiful sultry song confessing my wishes for our relationship. "It feels so good..So fuckin' good," I gasped.
I think you should try (try)
Try to blow my mind (ooh)
Think you should try (try)
To drivе (drive) me through the night (ooh-ooh)
“I’ll will always try to blow ya’ mind baby, cause’ you blow mine…. I’mma always try,” he declared in a whisper making my heart swell as I fell even more in love with him.
“Mmm, you do blow my mind Josh,” I cried into the night air wanting the world to hear me. The coolness of the water had nothing on the fire burning deep within us.
“I want you to cum….Do it, O lo'u masina..Do it for me,” Jey cooed, my nails now clawing at his back and neck as I hung on for dear life begging him. “Deeper….mmm, harder.. Uh! Deeper, fuck Jey,” I gasped as each thrust hit me harder than the last.
“I feel you close, fuck you squeezin’ Daddy’s dick so tight. Just hang on a lil longer,” Jey groaned, close himself. I could feel the tension rising in him with each majestical swirl of his hips.
Jey’s POV
 “I- I can’t hold it, much more,” Kayla moaned, her legs tightening even more around my waist.  I could never deny her? How could I, the beautiful image of her about to cum never fails to not make my heart race.
“Let go, Ma…I gotchu.”
So that the only time that I ain't looking at it
Is when my eyes roll back
And you bring me to my knees
“Oh, fuck!” She cried as her eyes rolled back and her teeth sank into her lower lip.  “Yea….Dat’s it..Let go, Kay,” I praised. Her pussy tightening around me even more blurring my vision as my ears began to ring loud and proud.
Gripping her tightly I drove into her hard and fast. “We gon’ make it work, you hear me?” I rasped. “We are,” Kayla whimpered.
Too good at pleasing me
And giving me just what I need
 “It’s us forever…..Say it,” I demanded, capturing her lips in a possessive kiss as she whimpered at its power. “It’s us, forever,” she gasped as I released her lips.
 Something primal seemingly snapped within me as her heels dug into my ass urging me to take her higher as her eyes never left mine. I had to make sure she knew I was serious about us being together.
 “I love you, and this is just the beginning,” I whispered as she smiled through her haze. “I love you more, and I can’t wait.” Our breathing growing more ragged by the second as we lost ourselves in each other.
I think you should try (try)
Try to blow my mind (ooh)
Think you should try (try)
To drive me through the night
The lavender scented bubbles popping against our skin, adding to the sensory overload that had us both overwhelmed as we climbed higher and higher. The candles casting a heavenly glow across Kayla’s beautiful face as she finally let go.
“I’m I- I’m!” Kayla screamed into my mouth as her body shook with pleasure as my own end washed over me like a tidal wave. “Kay, fuck yea, shit, you feel so good,” I groaned as the aftershocks of our lovemaking washed over us as I held her tight.
“Best…Birthday ever,” Kayla moaned as I sighed in agreement. “We got plenty more to spend together and I plan on making each one better than the last,” I confessed as she smiled brightly at me.
“We’re going to be, ok?” She asked as I caressed her face.
“Yea, baby…We’re going to be ok,” I reassured her, feeling her heart pounding against my chest. “You’re mine and I ain’t lettin’ you go.”
“I promise, it’s just you and me….Forever.”
It's not just making love
I need you to blow my mind
Tumblr media
The Next Evening
Pensacola Airport
“Call me when you land,” Jey whispered against my lips as I smiled.
“I will and you let me know when you get to the next city.” After such an amazing weekend it was hard to leave him.
“I will baby, and I’ll see you tomorrow night.” As we embraced, I was really tempted to change my flight and fly out with them for Raw..Like I a can’t act like the thought ain’t crossed my mind a couple times.
“Our flight is about to board….You gon’ have to let her go, Uce we gotta work,” Roman said as Jey sighed.
“I know…Don’t mean I gotta like it.”
“I’ll be waiting, go to work baby,” I assured him giving him one final kiss as we reluctantly parted going to different terminals.
The girls had an earlier flight and had left about an hour ago. Damn, this is the part I hate with a passion…Not wanting to leave… Sighing, I sat down and began looking through my pictures we had taken this weekend.
A few minutes later my phone rang startling me out of my thoughts as I smiled seeing Jey’s picture requesting a Facetime. "Boy it ain't even been 10 minutes," I smiled picking up.
“Hello, you missed me already," I joked as he smirked.”
“Actually yes, I did, so come meet me at terminal 12.”
“Jey, I wish I could, but they are about to call my flight in about 20 minutes. I wouldn’t get back over here in time.” I sighed in defeat really wanting to go over there.
“Don’t worry bout dat, I just bought you a ticket to come wit me.”
“Huh, Jey are you serious?” I asked in disbelief as he blushed…He fuckin’ blushed….
“Look, I just ain’t ready for this weekend to end, Kay…Just come to Raw wit me and then we can fly back to Savannah tomorrow night together.”
“Are you serious?”
“Kay, you should know by now that I ain’t playin’. Now don’t make me have to come get you,” he said holding up the extra plan ticket with a smile.
“Ok…let me get my bag,” I smiled as he seemed pleased with himself. “Hurry up, I miss you.”
“Damn, she got you whipped already…Sis, got dat ill na na, huh,” I heard Jimmy say in the background as Sefa and Roman laughed.
“Man, fuck you…I’m trying to spend some more time wit my girl, a’ight,” Jey said looking at Jimmy as I blushed.
“May bad, Uce…Kayla, you betta get over here…..Yo’ man losing his mind and he just saw you ten minutes ago,” Jimmy joked as Jey chuckled. “You heard my brotha, get yo’ fine ass over here.”
 “I’m on my way."
Hanging up, I grabbed my bag and headed to meet the guys. I didn’t know what was next, but we were off to a good start communicating and putting each other first.
I got to spend my birthday with my family and friends. Jey is back in my life and I guess only time will tell if it lasts, but I know one thing for certain…..
Life was great right now and this was definitely the best birthday I’ve ever had.
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