#i sure hope that if any new song gets an mv this week it’ll be meoto!!!!!!!
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year ago
man. this song reminds me of physiology class
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scenekidfancams · 2 years ago
19 Questions {Cuz I accidentally didn't send 20 edition} Ortega (@baphometlovesme) [FFO: Ramirez, Oujia Macc, Old and New eras of Shinigami, and David shawty.)
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Ort3ga is a growing underground, hyperpop, digicore and trap metal/dark trap artist from the bay area in CA. His singles upset & obsessed, GOTH STAR (Featuring. Jimbo7) have collective 2k streams on soundcloud, On YouTube his single switch has 3k on one video. So Ort3ga is coming up and is grinding. Taking influences from the current wave of digicore and bubbly trap. His sound is mall goth inspired too. He is sure to be your new favorite rapper.
Q. Who are you, and What do you do?
A. I am Ort3ga I make music for depressed people and goth girls I am also 1/3 part of GKZ which is my new group coming 2023
Q. What is 666Lyfestyle?
A. Wow I can’t believe you actually know about this umm... 666Lyfestyle is my clothing brand that I’m trying to get up and running ASAP.
Q. Non Hiphop, Rap or trap influences?
A. A big influence for me non music wise would be definitely Steve O as bad as it sounds he’s a pretty amazing guy and he’s come a long way but lived a fire life. 
Q. Your Style both musically and Fashion wise have changed? What was this shift like or was it always this way.
A. I have always had great style but in the last few years I’ve been spending way to much on my clothes I have been only wearing robin jeans. My music style has changed drastically because recently I’ve become more and more goth and I’ve been trying to make a sound started I call it goth rage music just wait it’ll be big soon.
Q. Who is your biggest influence music or not. A.  A. Ramirez is my idol and I would love to eventually make music with him. it’s a life long goal. A few others are $uicideboy$, lil peep, juicewrld, and pretty much everyone signed to g59, and korn.
Q. You often have done tech and worked on shows, such as system of a down, korn, and many others. Do you have any advice for working class musicians trying to make it in music or anything really?
A. I don’t have nearly as many streams as some of my favorite artists and people I’ve worked with in the industry but my main piece of advice for musicians is to schedule your release a few weeks in advance and have a style that sounds original but also catchy but above all you have to be yourself and make music that you love.
Q. Have you heard of semetary. go listen to him lol this isnt a serious question just a recommendation.
A.  I love semetary my favorite songs by semetary are 10,000 weeping choirs and Pain!
Q. Favorite Goat.
A. favorite goat would have to be Rob zombie or Marilyn Manson
Q. Drain Gang?
A. Shout out bladee and all the Hyperpop goons I love ‘em all and am gonna be releasing more Hyperpop soon.
Q. Any producers or mv directors you'd like to collab with?
A. I would love to collab with Mikey the Magician, f1lthy, and dotcomnirvan
Q. How long did Upset and Obsessed take you? What was the creative process like?
A. It actually took me 2 years to fully complete Upset and obsessed I had a idea for it and a few songs out for it but just in the past year I have got down my sound and banged out the album in about 8 solid months of working. To be honest so many tears went into this album I kept getting my heart crushed by these “wonderful” girls and I needed an outlet so I didn’t lose my shit.
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Q. Favorite art or visual influence?
A. My friend ACER the world famous graffiti artist.  he’s just amazing!
Q. Do you like horror movies?
A. I love horror movies! my favorite horror movie is the terrifier if ya haven’t seen it you should definitely check it out at your own discretion.
Q. How do you feel about inspiring people to make music?
A. I hope before I die to inspire at least 500,000 people to do something they love I believe everyone should be doing something they love.
Q. Youtube Recommendations?
A. Trashgang definitely and also go check out my new album on all platforms I love Aidan ross too.
Q. Gas Fast food or recommendations for food in the bay area.
A. There is my favorite burger joint out here is called the Smokehouse if you want good Mexican food the best spot isn’t in the bay it’s in woodland where I used to live it’s called El Jaliscience
Q. Hyphy or Bay area Hardcore?
A. I grew up in south Berkeley and east Oakland and would slap e40 everyday before middle school so imma have to go with the hyphy movement 
Q. Video Games?
A. I’m a warzone demon and I love me some scary games too I recommend outlast.
Q. Any thoughts or anything else? Shoutouts?
A. Shout out Saegoe that mf believed in me when no one else did and I will always have his back a big shout out to Jimbo7, Max Riley, and 9aradox
Check Out Upset and Obsessed.
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argumentl · 4 years ago
The Freedom of Expression - Episode 46 The filming for the Dir en grey Real Avatar music video.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this episode, uh, this week's episode of the Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san...it feels like a while since we were last here.
J, T: Yeah.
K: We've been on location, plus last time we filmed 4 episodes at once. Quite a while has passed since then.
T: It has.
J: Nothing new with you?
K: No, nothing.
T: Hahaha
J: Tokyo Sports seems pretty busy..
T: Yeah, I watched you two recently...on Niconama.
J: Ah, yeh. You wrote an article, thanks for that.
T: I was a bit envious while working on it.
J: Yeh, but what about that Tokyo Sports hoodie? How is it doing?
T: Yeah, it looks like its selling.
J: Right.
T: Thanks to you two.
J: No, no, its thanks to Kaoru, but..
K: No, no, its nothing.
J: You gotta make something else for round two.
T: Yeah, there might be a T-shirt collaboration in the works.
K: Ehh? Im looking forward to that.
J: Eventually we'll have like a The Freedom of Expression x Tokyo Sports collaboration set?
T: Yeh, and we could sell that, then go to Okinawa.
J: Go to Okinawa? Haha.
K: Hahaha.
J: Our plan is steadily progressing that far..
T: Together with you Joe.
J: Yes, please, haha.
K: Ok, so Joe, can I ask you to get us started today?
J: Got it! This is happy news, the news that Dir en grey will screen an avatar music video. Dir en grey will reveal a new music video on New Years Eve from 11:00pm, which includes avatar characters created using 3D scans of the members. The Explosion screenings of 'The World You Live In', have been sold out. So an encore entitled 'The World You Live In - additional' will be held on New Years Eve as an online broadcast. As well as a special talk event with the members, a music video with real avatar characters, made by 3D scanning each member, will be screened. Kaoru?
K: Thank you
J: This is good news, isn't it?
K: So as a rule, we always broadcast this show on Friday, but we've made it a bit irregular this time in order to talk about this. Well, of course, I've seen it already.
J: Have you? What was it like?
K: Well, first of all, as for the filming, we did our make up and costume etc, and had cameras surrounding us 360°. We filmed it there first, and then in a different studio, we put on clothes that had pointers all over them, and I played air guitar...
J: Ah, you performed.
K: And then we took photos seperately.
J: It sounds like hard work, was it?
K: Not really, it was over quite quickly.
J: Really?
K: For the photo shoot in full dress it was like, 'flash..flash..Ok, finished'. It felt like a waste of all the make up I was wearing. Like, 'Isn't there anything else?' haha.
J: Ah, if only you could've have done more...But when you were finished with all that, they made it into a moving person?
K: Well, yeh, it has the kind of atmosphere as if its in a game.
J, T: Ehh?
T: What are the facial expressions like?
K: It wasn't possible to go as far as making different facial expressions. Well, i mean, you could do that if you had the time, but we didn't...
J: This time you didn't go that far? But its the first time for Dir to try this kind of thing, right?
K: Yeah.
J: Was there any kind of catalyst that made you think, 'Lets do this'?
K: Well, there was a kind offer saying like, 'We can do this kind of thing'..
J: A suggestion came, and you decided to give it a go?
K: Yeah, thats it, kinda like that.
J, T: Ahhh.
J: You know, this is...
T: It looks interesting.
J: Its exciting, right?
K: When I was playing, there was a pointer right in the position that I usually hold my guitar, so they asked me if I could change the position.
J: Ah, the the postion you play the guitar?
K: Yeah. They tried to help me change the position, but it was still interfering, so I ended up playing up here at chest level, which would nomally be impossible, haha.
T: Hahaha
J: Pretty high up, its not very Kaoru style, is it?
K: I think it'll be a sight to see.
T, J: Hahaha.
K: Its soo high up! Haha
T, J: Hahaha.
J: By the way, are you influenced by anyone in particular as to the position in which you hold your guitar?
K: No, its just the best position I can play in, based on the size of my guitar.
J: Ah, I see. But somehow you ended up playing up here while filming this mv?
K: Yeah, well..I had to raise the position a bit.
J: Ahh, did the other members have to change anything?
K: No
J: Just you? Because it got in the way of the pointers?
K: Yeah.
J: Ahh, really? Die always plays quite low down doesn't he?
K: Yeah, he does. When we first put on all those pointers and mimicked playing the instruments, it came up on screen as just like moving lines. Even just looking at that, I could tell it was Die straight away.
J, T: Ehhh.
K: The shape on screen looked just like Die.
T: Thats pretty interesting.
J: He's very characteristic, isn't he? How do you film the drums? With pointers on them?
K: Haha, pretty tough, right? We had to use a photo of the drums and stick them on.
J: It seems like drums would be the most difficult to play by air. Or was it not that bad?
K: Well, if the positions of the pointers were set then...
K: Ahh, and it was over very quickly?
K: Yes 
J: And you were holding your guitar up here? I say that, but I don't know how good it looks *1, haha. Well, if i had to choose, playing it lower down probably seems cooler. There was a lot of people in the 90s playing guitar like that, right? Punks and stuff. They played it quite low down. There isn't anyone who plays it up high, is there?
K: No, not really.
J: How about actually holding it like that, Kaoru?
K: It would be pretty difficult to play.
J: It could be the 'Kaoru position'.
T: Haha.
J: The cool position!
T: Haha
K: Yeah.
J: Im looking forward to this.
T: The song is the new single 'Ochita koto no aru sora'?
K: Yeah.
J: Are you gonna test this out once and see the reaction, then maybe do more?
K: I think it would be interesting if we could spend a bit more time on it, and brush up the backgrounds and stuff.
J: You might be able to make new creations using only this. I am looking forward to this.
T: The broadcast will start at 23:00, ohh so its gonna be on as the year changes.
J: Yes.
K: First we'll show the same footage that was in the explosion screening, and then after the year changes we'll appear, and then play this mv.
J: Ah, I see.
K: During the live broadcast with the members, we'll play this. And then we'll kinda talk a bit.
J: I see.
T: This is a great way to bring in the new year for the people watching.
J: Right? There wasn't much good news in.2020, so they will really appreciate this piece of hope appearing at the end of the year. They'll be looking out for the postion of the guitars!
T: The same position as ???*2
J: Thats it.
K: It seems like Kami had no interest in this topic.
J: Isn't he here today? Are you there, Kami?
Kami: Yes, I'm here. I've seen it too.
J: You've seen it?!
T: Have you?!
Kami: Yes, I have.
J: Cause he's a god, right? He's different from humans.
K: He sees what we see.
Kami: Because gods have power.
J: Power? Even low grade ones?
Kami: But, no, it was very interesting.
J: You enjoyed it?
Kami: I did enjoy it, it was cool.
J: Did you notice anything about the postion Kaoru was holding his guitar?
Kami: Ah, no, not really.
J: Haha, didn't you? As a god, is there any scenes you would recommend to watch out for? Or any points to pay attention to?
Kami: Well, of course the images were good, but I really thought the song was good. Dir en grey are good at writing songs.
J, T: Hahaha.
K: Thanks, haha.
Kami: I think you have talent.
K: We're good, right?
J: Yeah! He's acting like a judge.
Kami: Thats because Im a god.
J: Well, yeah. Haha, saying, 'You're good at writing songs' to a pro. Thats a first. But thats just like Kami. So, you liked the visuals, but you heard the song again in a new light?
Kami: It was fun.
J: Ah, it was fun? Thank you.
T: How about making a Kami avatar?
K: Ah, yeh.
J: We've never seen what Kami looks like..
Kami: I can't show you that yet.
K: We could make an avatar, and then have it come on screen, when he's here.
T: Yeah, like in this area of the screen.
J: Yeah! If its technically possible.
K: Tasai could create the character.
T: Hahaha.
J: Like his legendary..Oh, lets do that.
T: But I can't draw him, I need to see him. Otherwise I'd have to imagine what he looks like.
K: Yeah, just draw it from imagination.
T: Like my own image of Kami?
J: Yeah, something like that. Well, in that case we could each try drawing him..
K: Even if it isn't a moving character, we could put it up on that line that appears when Kami talks..
J: Yeah, I see.
Kami: Im just a regular old guy.
K, T, J: Hahaha
K: Well, we know that...
J: Yeah, from what we've heard from him so far, we can gather that.
T: Thats it. I could kinda get an image of him by listening to all of his stories.
K: A combined picture of him.
J: Or a loud talk session with him. Thats not nice to think about, is it? haha
K: Yeah, with that voice, it might be a bit tough.
J: Haha, yeh, it would be exhausting.
K: Yeah.
J: Yeh..
K: Ok...well, also, this is a bit of promotion for me, but from February we will start our Explosion Screening tour of our Meguro RokumaykanGig live. We'll go all over Japan with it, and the member will also..
J: Join in, do a talk session?
K: Yeah, we'll do talk sessions.
J: You'll be there? Well, it has been announced already, so people can already check out all the info in realation to that.
K: Is that all?
J: Yeah, I think so.
K: Well, I'd love it if everyone was able to watch the live broadcast tomorrow.
J: Yep, don't miss it.
K: Ok, lets finish here for today. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1 Not sure if this bit is entirely right.
*2 Couldn't figure out.
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tipsydipsydo · 5 years ago
BTS Make out-Songs🎶 [Maknae Line]
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Hey my Dears!💜
I have a new Scenario for you! It's about my Ideas what BTS favourite Make Out/Sex Songs could be~🙈
Originally I wanted to post the scenarios of all member in one post but then I realized I wrote waaay to much for each member so I split the post in two parts (The Hyung Line and the Maknae Line are sepereated now)
This here is the Maknae Line (yeah I know you read it already in the title xD)
The link to the Hyung Line can be found here.
A little thing: Some scenarios of the members are written more in the "Scenario Style" and some are more in the "Fanfic Style" but I hope you'll like all of them! 💜
I tried to include some verses of the specific song into the fic when I thought it'll fit the specific situation very well.
I'll write the song titles (links seems to not working out actually) for their songs into the scenario right after the moodboard of the member. And I think it could be helpful for you when you listen to the song while reading to get better "into the mood" you know😉
Information: The link to my masterlist can be found at the end of the scenario! 📝
Gender of the reader: female
Then... there is nothing more left to say and I hope you'll enjoy it!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
These following scenarios are my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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Champagne and Sunshine by PLVTINUM & Tarro
I don't know when it started, but whenever I hear this song now, it reminds me of Jimin.
I don't know for sure, but I think it's this playfulness in this song. It reminds you at first of a typical summer song, which simply spread cheerfulness and a good atmosphere and you want to sing along with it, until you notice the dirty lyrics for the first time.
And I think that's exactly the point why this song fits Jimin so well! At the beginning he always seems to be cute and maybe a little bit naïve, so you just want to take him into your arms and cuddle him. There is a reason why they call him little mochi...
And then he goes on stage and seems to be a complete different person. He knows exactly what a magical attraction he has, how to use his personal advantages to tease the shit out of Army.
For example I mean this cocky smile, his bodyrolls, the way he shows himself so freaking sensual and sexy.
He has so many different facets, all of them are so contrary. He's really like an exotic animal, like a chameleon. And that's what fascinated you so much about him and stole your heart.
How can he be so damn cute and then bang!, the next moment he gave you one of these dangerous dark looks, licking his sweet plush lips and if you're not careful enough, he'll have you pressed against the wall within seconds and you'll drown in his deep, passionate kiss.
Love, take it off
She love that dirty talk
Pushing her up, against the wall
White wine and bubblegum
I also combine this lightness and carefreeness of the song with wild, passionate sex of a young, freshly in love couple and they just can't keep their hands off each other and take every opportunity to somehow release anything of this thick sexual tension between them.
No matter how young or old you both are, no matter how long you've already been with Jimin, he will always make you fall in love with him all over again like you did on day one.
It's this mix, these countless facets Jimin have, that makes it possible that you'll never know where it'll lead you after a sensual, needy kiss, what kind of Sex you two will have this time.
I have this headcanon in my head that you're on vacation together, in LA, especially when a stressful time is behind you and your relationship has suffered a little because of all these appointements you both had.
Now you finally have time for each other again and you make use of it, on the flight back home to Seoul you have to accept that you didn't really see much of the city, but you definitely knew your hotel room inside out.
Every now and then you actually tried to crawl out of bed and get ready for an exploratory tour through the neighborhood, but then came Jimin sneaking up from behind like a tiger and took his prey right back into the king-size bed. Your little cuddle tiger has other plans for you...
Sometimes you even make it into the shower together, but that's a bad idea. Jimin's initially innocent bodylotion rubbing onto your skin becomes needy very quickly and either he fingers or fucks you against the tiled shower wall.
And when you finally managed to leave the hotel room to do some sightseeing, it won't be the only time that you will be kicked out of some museums for "inappropriate behaviours".
And all this only because Jimin can't keep his hands to himself and has to touch your ass all the time!
...and well, because you can't leave this action unpunished too, you gave him a slap on his ass back with a giggle. You can guess the rest of the story...
Most of the time, Jimin can't wait to finally open the hotel door again, without all these annoyed looks from the other peoples.
After a delicious dinner and an almost empty bottle of red wine, you two return to the hotel tipsy and giggling like a young teenage couple. When the hotel door hasn't closed completely yet, Jimin's lips are back in their rightful place, your lips.
It's not the bedroom floor that has to withstand your concentrated lust, but it's the couch that has to hold out, because the bed is simply too far away.
Rough sex on the bedroom floor
Hop in the shower, she begging for more
'Do not disturb' on the hotel door
Waking the neighbours
"God Baby, I just can't get enough of you...", Jimin sighs against your lips.
He fiddles impatiently with the zipper of your summer dress and curses quietly when he can't take your dress off by the first try.
You run your hand through his hair and laugh as he has no more nerves for further opening attempts and simply pushes the skirt of your dress up to your waist. Quickly he clears your panties out of the way before he lets his own pants and boxer briefs slides down to the floor and sink deep into you.
A moan full of pleasure leave your lips, but still an amused smile plays around the corners of your mouth.
"So impatient, my Sweetheart? Even though you've been taking me non-stop the last few days and you still can't get enough? What will just our poor room-neighbors think?"
"I'll never get enough of you, Darling. And when you ask me what the neighbors could think of us? I just want them to think that we're a very happy couple and we're just taking care of each other's needs."
Your laugher is mixed with soft moans as Jimin fucks you slowly with deep thrusts into the cushions of the couch.
From the outside, the countless colorful lights of LA's lively nightlife shine through the panorama window into your hotel room.
"Yeah, that's true. We take care of each other and I'm very, very happy with you, Jimin.", you wisper before you let your lips melt back together with Jimin's.
All I want is champagne and sunshine
Looking for a good time
Sipping on the stars while we laying under sunlight
Tanned skin, light eyes
Oh my, she's so damn fine
Kissing on her neck
We be running from the nighttime
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National Anthem by Lana del Rey (full version)
Taehyung loves aesthetic. Taehyung loves perfection. Taehyung loves passion and sensuality. Taehyung loves the perfect moment.
This is also the reason why he has specific music playlists on his phone that are precise tuned to the mood. Especially sex-playlists. For every imaginable situation and mood between you he has also a perfectly adapded playlist of songs for it. Whether you have wild, impetuous sex and can't get enough of each other, wether you have an another play-session and one of you takes the lead for the night or you just have sensual, loving sex and enjoy the closeness to each other.
But Tae is right, the right music only makes the sex more intense, exciting a whole new athmosphere.
You don't know exactly how many playlists Taehyung has on his phone, nur you estimate to be ten to fifteen different ones.
Yeah, your Sweetheart got a bit of a passionate thing for this.
But it's worth it every time.
Taehyung lets his head sink further and further into his neck, enjoying how wet and warm you feel around him. The way you tense up rhythmically every time you lift and lower yourself on him and how your tight walls massage his long, thick cock makes everything in his head spin.
"We gonna take it slow today...", he said when he woke you up not long ago with countless butterfly kisses on your shoulder.
A smile manifested in your lips, that sounded like a wonderful start for a Sunday. You would welcome the opportunity to only get out of bed for the bare necessities.
How good that you share this thought with Taehyung and just want to explore the aesthetic and beauty of doing nothing with him. Or rather, to enjoy the beauty of doing nothing alongside the aesthetic of sexual pleasure.
Tae had a very specific goal when he gently pulled you out of your dreamland. He wanted to enjoy the time and the togetherness you two have left before he's abroad for the next three weeks to film a new MV.
And now you're above him, straddling his lap, riding him like his personal godess and smiling so seductively. Especially in those moments he asks himself what he did to deserve a person like you in his life.
In the background is playing soft music, Tae had put it on before your sensual adventure. When you heard the first notes, you couldn't deny yourself the joyful smile of anticipation for what might come next.
In this moment Lana del Rey's "National Anthem" fills the room, almost seizing your bodies with this swinging, lively yet sentimental and melancholic melody.
You have the feeling of being closer to your husband now. So, so much closer. On a level that even the best vocabulary couldn't put into words.
Your rhythm adapts to the beat of the music, your movements become sometimes faster, sometimes slower and so you transport Taehyung into spheres he has never been before.
Lana's longing voice encourage you to reveal your innermost desires. In those moments when you are so close to each other, you feel the most fragile and vulnerable.
You need reasurrance.
"Tell me I'm your National Anthem... please."
Taehyung's lips opens speechlessly for a moment before he can forms the words you need the most right now.
"Yes, Baby! Yes, yes, yes, only you. I'll sing for you, I'll sing you as my National Anthem. You are my National Anthem, my love, my wife."
I sing the National Anthem
While I'm standing over your body
Hold you like a python
And you can't keep your hands off me
Or your pants on
See what you've done to me
Just as dancing is for Hoseok his home, so you're his home for Taehyung. Where he feels safe and secure, where he can calm down from all this stress, where he finds comfort when he can no longer help himself.
You are his home and he'll sing your hymn again and again to pay homage to you.
"Yes, my Love. You are my National Anthem. I chose you, only you. That's why you wear that ring.", he wispers in a throaty voice.
I need somebody to hold me
He will do very well
I can tell, I can tell
Keep me safe in his bell tower hotel
Then he kisses your palm before his lips move higher to spread little kisses over your ring finger. Again and again they brush against the golden ring with the crystal clear diamond.
It's true, Taehyung chose you. He married you.
And I remember when I met him.
It was so clear that he was the only one for me.
We both knew right away.
"You know, I don't dare to say 'forever', that's such a big, powerful word. But shall we try to make eternity ours? As long our eternity would be..?", you wisper and exhale with a trembling breath.
Taehyung's tender caresses let you get closer and closer to your high. Your husband seems no different, his thrusts from below gets increasingly uncoordinated.
"Yes Baby. As long our own eternity would be. Come, let's explore the endlessly sky, I wanna see you float, Darling...", breathes Taehyung with a trembling voice as he paints your walls white and sends you with small circles of his thumb over your clit also over the edge.
He was charismatic, magnetic, electric, and everybody knew him
When he walked in every woman's head turned.
Everyone stood up to talk to him.
He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself.
And I loved him. I loved him, I loved him, I loved him.
And I still love him, I love him.
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Heaven by Julia Michaels
Giggling, you try to get in the car, which has been parked at the roadside, on the side where the passenger seat is without breaking your neck because of your vertiginously high Heels.
Jungkook stands behind you and takes care that you really don't hurt yourself and that nobody sees more of your ass (even when he likes to call it his ass) than your whole Outfit already exposes with this damn short and skin-thight cocktail dress you choose for Namjoon's Birthday Party.
You bend into the car and try to get into it while you perform awkward contortions and then you feel Jungkook's hand grab the hem of your dress and move it back into an appropriate position.
That's exactly what makes you giggle even more and you wiggle with your ass provocatively so that the hem of your dress, which has just pulled down twenty secondes ago, slides up again.
"Kookie, are you jealous that someone else could see my nice ass?~"
You're slurring right now and can't get out of all of your giggling.
You are a little bit drunk right now. Maybe a little bit more than just a little bit. And in such a state Jungkook has to admit that you're actually a bit tiring.
Jungkook sighs and gives you a gentle but still reprimand slap on your ass cheeks.
"Come on, Baby. We should get home, you should get into bed really quickly and grab a good night's sleep."
"Koookieeee! Don't be mad at me!"
"I'm not mad, Love. But please, just get finally into the car and sit yourself down on your really nice ass. Jackson already looks at me quizzically from the terrace and seems to wonder, why you've been sticking your butt up in the air like that for five minutes already!"
After another five minutes of Jungkook coaxing you, you finally crawled onto the passenger seat and Jungkook was able to get behind the steering wheel and drive you both home.
The digital clock on the dashboard jumps from 02:29 a.m. to 02:30 a.m. It's hard to believe but at this time in a Sunday morning, even in the normally for 24/7 pulsating city, there is some silent peace laid over Seoul and only a few cars are on the road right now.
You had decided last night, just before you two left for Namjoon's Party, that this time Jungkook would play the chauffeur for both of you. So unfortunately he has to stay sober. And that's exactly what you took as a reason to drink a little more than is actually good for you.
After all, you have to drink "for two" and you just drank every shot that are offered to Jungkook in his place.
When you're drunk you laugh and giggle a lot more than usual (well... in your drunken state you laugh about literally everything) and you always get red cheeks which are incredibly adorable. But you also become very talkative and Jungkook just hopes that not all party guests knows your sex life inside out now.
At this moment you try to connect your phone to the car radio via Bluetooth and apparently you can operate the somewhat complicated technology correctly despite the increased alcohol level, because shortly afterwards the first beats of Julia Michaels "Heaven" comes out of the car's speakers.
You start singing one of your favourite songs with a smile on your face, showing no shame, although you usually don't like singing in Kookie's presence, because next to Jungkook's angelic voice you feel like a cat that has been stepped on her tail too often.
Hearing you singing so freely and lightheartedly now, on Jungkook's lips manifests a smile too, even when you certainly don't hit every note correctly.
He tries to look at you as often as possible, but he should keep his eyes on the road to advoid causing an accident.
But he finds it hard when he notice in the corner of his eye how you keep giving him seductive looks during the refrain. Especially when you bring "But bad boys bring heaven to you..." over your lips with a provocative smirk.
A week ago you told him why you like this song so much. In your opinion it describes him pretty well and with these words you gave Kookie a meaningful smile.
No need to imagine
'Cause I know it's true
They say "all good boys go to heaven"
But bad boys bring heaven to you
It's automatic
It's just what they do
They say "all good boys go to heaven"
But bad boys bring heaven to you
At first he seems like a good, decent guy but in reality he's such a naughty and kinky boy! You know it as well as Julia, bad boys bring heaven to you!
Oh yes, that's so true. You've seen Jungkook behind closed bedroom doors. You don't have to be a good girl to get to heaven, Jungkook brings the heaven to you. Either with his fingers, his tongue or best of all, with his thick cock!
At that thought your cheeks blush a little bit more and because of the alcohol and the now absolutely unbearable sexual desire between your thighs you can't get a clear... or even better a decent thought anymore.
Before you can think about any consequences, you spread your legs and let the dress ride up to your hips. You lay your head back against the headrest of your seat and a little moan comes over your lips when you finally let your index and middle finger circle around your clit.
Finally, some satisfaction.
What Jungkook didn't know... well, until now, that you were a naughty little girl and only wore a string ouvert under your dress.
You wanted to feel this kick of being a dirty girlfriend, just the thought that you could have been caught by one of Jungkook's friends made you so horny and wet. ...and what would he have done to you, his filthy Babygirl?
Well, now he knows it anyway.
He looks at you in completely disbelief as you shamelessly start fingering yourself next to him in the passenger seat and he realizes that you worn this damn thong (that covers literally nothing!) overly all night long.
An angry huff leaves your boyfriend who bends without warning with the car sharply onto an abandoned parking space of a supermarket and brings the car to halt.
A surprised squeak comes from your lips and you look to Jungkook in confusion, who is just about to pull the handbrake with a grimly expression on his face and switch off the engine.
"You don't seem to want it any other way, you little brat!"
"What do you mean, Kookie?", you ask him completely unsuspectingly and seemingly unaware of any guilt.
"I promised you that I wouldn't have sex with you when you were drunk. Especially when you've had so much to drink that you surely can't remember some of the things you did that night before. I am a gentleman, really. And I actually keep my promises. Always. But you can't do this next to me! You can't just sit here next to me, playing with your pretty little fingers on your wet pussy like that and presenting to me, that you have been wearing a thong ouvert all night! Apparently you did all of this on purpose. You're such a dirty girl! I think I should stuff your greedy hole with my cock and fuck you so hard until you definitely remember not to do that again!"
With these words Jungkook gets out of the drivers seat, goes around the car and opens the passenger seat door. Then he unbuckles your seat belt and lets your backrest sink back as far as possible.
Utimately he unbuckles the belt of his dress pants. A happy smile spread over your face.
"You got me."
Now a devilish smirk forms on Jungkooks lips.
"Even a gentleman could bring heaven to you..."
Love's my religion but he was my faith
Something so sacred so hard to replace
Fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace
All wrapped in one, he was so many sins
Would have done anything, everything for him
And if you ask me I would do it again
"Oh fuck...", you groan with a twisted face, as you drag yourself into the living room with your blanket over your shoulders. It's around 01:00 p.m. on Sunday's noon.
There's Jungkook, sitting on the couch and and try to memorize the lyrics for the next song.
"Hey Baby, how's the hangover?", he asks amusedly and shake his head at the sight of you.
"No, the headaches and stuff aren't the worst, but you've pretty much wrecked my pussy. I can barely walk straight... but the sex was worth it!"
"So you remember the most important thing of the last night?"
"Yes. I remember everything. I told all of Got7 yesterday which sex toys are the best and which of them they should buy for their girlfriends..."
"Oh God, please no... If Jackson heard all of this, he must have told Namjoon and so Jin will know it now too. And then he'll tease me if I'm not able to satisfy my girlfriend properly... they are such gossip girls!"
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My Imagines 
My Masterlist 
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goldstarnation · 5 years ago
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of March 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: January schedule posts are due by the end of February 7 KST.
Overall Company
The company building spent a month free of Christmas decorations before the building was adorned in tasteful pinks and reds to celebrate Valentine’s Day — not that the idols are allowed to celebrate the holiday in the halls of the company building, of course. Most of the company artists are holding tours or fan meetings or traveling overseas this month, so the decorations might as well be more for the illusion of effort than any real attempt to raise company morale. There isn’t much to be said for news and events from the higher-ups this month again, though.
Important dates:
Gold Star Soloist 1
By the first half of the month, the tracklist for her mini-album is officially locked in and she’ll finish up recording what she needs to by the end of the month. “Love Poem” has been chosen to be released in March before her album comes out in May. It won’t get a music video, but Gold Star knows she doesn’t need one to be met with success. She’ll need to shoot the photo book for her album this month, as some of the images will serve as teasers for “Love Poem”.
Important dates:
February 20: Love Poem teaser image photo and photobook shoot.
Gold Star Soloist 2
Her Korean tour begins at the very end of the month (see January schedule for special stages). This means long hours in the dance practice studio and, as the concert nears, at the venue. Tickets have already gone on sale, but on the first of the month, she’ll go into a photo shoot for concept photos for the tour that will be used in further advertising and announcements regarding the tour.
Important dates:
February 1: National tour concept photo shoot.
February 29: I AM : RE-BORN tour concert at Incheon Culture & Arts Center in Incheon, South Korea.
Gold Star Soloist 3
Gold Star has set a comeback date for him in April. As had grown increasingly likely in discussions with the company, the single, “Love Die Young” will be entirely English to prelude his upcoming all-English album. It’ll be the first song he officially records off of his album, but it’s been chosen for what Gold Star hopes to be crossover appeal in Western markets while still, hopefully, staying within a marketable sound for the South Korean market so that he doesn’t isolate his domestic fans completely.
Important dates:
Silhouette takes off for their four date Japan tour mid-month and they’ll be in Japan for around a week, from the evening of the 15th to the morning of the 22nd. Before they leave, they’ll be given the demo guide of their next Japanese single “Bad Girl For You”, which they’ll need to be ready to record once they’re back in Seoul in the final week of the month. The MV won’t be shot until next month, but the members will go in to make sure their outfits for the music video are flattering at the end of the month.
Important dates:
February 16: Silhouette 2020 Winter Live Tour -TROUBLE- concert at Zepp Namba Osaka in Osaka, Japan.
February 17: Silhouette 2020 Winter Live Tour -TROUBLE- concert at Zepp Nagoya in Nagoya, Japan. 
February 19: Silhouette 2020 Winter Live Tour -TROUBLE- concert at Zepp Fukuoka in Fukuoka, Japan. 
February 21: Silhouette 2020 Winter Live Tour -TROUBLE- concert at Zepp Tokyo in Tokyo, Japan. 
February 28: Japanese single MV outfit fittings.
As they gear up for a fan meeting next month, Aria will need to attend fittings as well as shoots for the poster and some VCRs that will be used during the fan meeting itself. It hasn’t been long since fans have seen them, but it won’t make their audience any less expectant for a good show, so at the end of the month, they’ll begin having days of rehearsal in earnest to prepare for the dates next month.
Important dates:
February 5: Fan meeting poster photo shoot.
February 15: Fan meeting stage out fittings (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4.)
February 20: Fan meeting VCRs 1 & 2 shoot.
On the eleventh, the members will be on set all day to shoot a CF for Indonesian e-commerce brand Tokopedia and three days later, they’ll be on set to shoot a CF for Formula E racing. Following that, Gold Star has granted the members a two week vacation, something that serves as an incredibly rare opportunity for them to travel and rest (granted, with manager supervision) if they’d like, or focus on their individual activities. Their vacation comes to an end so that they can attend another awards show at the end of the month. Gold Star have let them skip some of the minor awards shows, but they need Origin in the good graces of news outlets like the hosts of this one, so they aren’t done with awards shows yet.
Important dates:
February 11: Tokopedia CF filming.
February 14: Formula E CF filming.
February 15-28: Vacation period.
February 29: Performance at The Fact Music Awards at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, South Korea (also attending: WISH, Alien, 7ROPHY, Fuse).
After their extended Seollal break, the Impulse members are back in action for the Oceania leg of their tour. There are only two dates, so they’ll only be in Australia from the 12th to the 17th before returning to Seoul. Next month, the members get the opportunity to hold a seven-show fan fest in Bangkok where each show will highlight one member who gets to give a solo song or dance cover of their choice for that performance, so the members are expected to be practicing their chosen solo covers this month ahead of that.
Important dates:
February 13: Keep Spinning World Tour concert at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia.
February 16: Keep Spinning World Tour concert at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, Australia.
As recently designated Swiss tourism ambassadors, the members are off to Switzerland for ten days where they’ll film a series of promotional videos around the country called “Walk, Ride, Fly With Fuse”. They are working, but they’ll get some time in between to explore for themselves too in hopes the trip will leave enough of an impression on the members for some free promotion later on. They’ll have some time to recuperate from the trip once they get back before another awards show at the end of the month.
Important dates:
February 8-February 17: Trip to Switzerland and promotional video shoot.
February 29: Performance at The Fact Music Awards at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, South Korea (also attending: WISH, Alien, 7ROPHY, Origin).
Element finishes off their North America tour mid-month with a short trip to the US and even get to spend Valentine’s Day with their fans in Atlanta (extra fan service toward fans for the holiday is expected). Once they return to Seoul in the second half of the month, it’s time for them to record their comeback single. A mini-documentary will be filmed for their YouTube channel that shows the lead up to their comeback to show fans the process behind preparing for comeback ( — if there’s the slightest chance it shows Element working hard enough that fans will be less annoyed with Element’s recent rate of one comeback per year, that would be a bonus).
Important dates:
February 13: 4lement in North America Tour concert at Patio Theater in Chicago, IL, USA.
February 14: 4lement in North America Tour concert at Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta, GA, USA.
Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale’s first world tour continues! That means their video diary reality series does as well with a few new episodes in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. During their time in between, they’re continuing to prepare for their comeback with fittings and learning the choreography. They have a shoot for next month’s issue of Marie Claire Korea as well. Next month will be busy with overseas travel and preparations for their comeback and Coachella performance, so management recommends they get all the rest they can between this month’s schedules to prepare.
Important dates:
February 1: Femme Fatale In Your Area World Tour concert at Asia-World Arena in Hong Kong.
February 6: Marie Claire Korea March Issue photo shoot.
February 8: Femme Fatale In Your Area World Tour concert at Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay, Philippines.
February 17: Comeback MV and stage outfit fittings.
February 21: Femme Fatale In Your Area World Tour concert at Singapore Indoor Stadium in Singapore.
February 29: Femme Fatale In Your Area World Tour concert at Malawati Indoor Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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helmes-deep · 8 years ago
Quickie LONG UPDATE!! (on my life lol)
Well, at least for my state. Who knows if I’ll ever have to take that horrendous thing again should I ever choose to move to another state or get back into the teaching profession after having left for a bit... Granted, I didn’t get the score I think I was truly capable of (I totally last-minuted this whole thing and stayed up for 72+ hours finishing it lol PLEASE PLEASE DON’T EVER BE LIKE ME AND PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION WHERE YOU HAVE TO STAY AWAKE FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT TO FINISH A FINAL THAT IS MY LIFE ADVICE), but I did pass it based on the score required by my state, so I honestly couldn’t be any happier. All that’s standing between me and getting a real job now is waiting for my university to finally award me my degree in a few weeks so that I can apply for a teacher’s certificate and finally get to do what I can’t wait to start doing again – teaching!! 🌠 💖 😄
In other news, I actually survived! and completed!! my student teaching; it all actually officially ended in the middle of last month. After my student teaching ended, I focused on finishing up final tests/projects (including that $300 test) before graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English Education from my uni about 2 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been applying for jobs and hoping for an offer soon, hopefully at a high school!! Thinking back over my college experience, I wouldn’t say it’s been a really “crazy” four years (except for this year LOL. Man, these past two semesters were WILD and took SO MUCH out of me. I still get super-exhausted thinking about how I got through my student teaching N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :V). I’ve never been the group’s social butterfly, even though I highly crave social interaction and approval/feedback (not in a desperate sense, but I know I’m the type of person that needs social interaction in order to thrive, even if I might not be the one to initiate it). I have, however, learned a little about a lot of things, especially during this past year and semester LOL AGAIN: N E V E R  A G A I N HAHA :VVV and especially, I think, in regard to myself. As a teacher, I’ve learned that I suck at classroom management. I’m just way too laissez faire, which comes off as “too nice” and therefore just allows any group of your regular hormonal and rebellious-leaning teenagers to go bonkers and take over my class lawl. Hopefully that changes *very* soon once I get my own classroom (and I’m working on it!!), but looking back, I suppose I could have been a bit more firm about keeping my presence (it also doesn’t help that I’m like 5′3″ lol!!). As a general person, I have also learned that I SUCK at making and keeping social discourse lol. Like, not just suck at it, but suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk haha. First, not having a phone really makes it hard to make or keep in touch with any friends that a person intends to make. With a lack of a personal device or one of your basic social media accounts, I realized how hard it was to maintain a social network within a very digitally-connected world. Second, I realized that I’m probably a lot more cautious, super-conscious, introverted, and a bit inexperienced than I perhaps originally thought I was. Like, if I was in high school, I recognized that I would probably have been the super-quiet kid who would have had a lot of trouble making friends in class. I then realized that a lot of these previously mentioned personality quirks were probably a part of what was keeping me from fostering more intimate relationships or developing a more leader-driven personality, which sometimes heavily affected my classroom management. I’m not saying I necessarily need to change as a person, but I do believe I need to find ways in which I can become more involved and confident. Ironically, I thought it was interesting to note that a lot of my personality was – though not intentionally – perhaps keeping me from finding that deeper social interaction that I previously mentioned craving.
All that being said, I am fairly proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished this year as a student teacher, especially considering this was my first time taking over a class (3, actually!!) after having never really been inside a high school since I was homeschooled from 7th to 12th grade. I am, however, really proud of how I tried as much as I could to put the students with whom I was working with first, including incorporating their interests and academic needs/desires. I know my experience as a student teacher was not perfect, but I am very glad I got to work through all the challenges that came with and almost die doing it. I’ve also definitely found a bit of who I want to be as a future teacher. I know I want to be someone who is able to successfully make the classroom a place where my students can experience relevant life issues through writing or reading, and if nothing else, that had made this entire experience totally worth it.
... Which brings me to the future of this blog haha. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be as active on Tumblr as I was before :c For one thing, I realized over the course of this year that Tumblr was definitely taking up way too much of my life lol (literally took me hours to get through 24+ hours’ worth of posts, and I was only following like 300 blogs). Being a bit OCD, I don’t like breaking my Tumblr cycle and only shuffling through a random number posts, despite the fact that I can’t be up 24/7 lol; I just don’t like not getting the full picture on everything and acting on/reblogging things without all of the complete info. As a result, I would rather not break my 24/7+ Tumblr cycle than to start it again at all :c Secondly, I’m kind of sad to say that, as of recently, I haven’t been keeping up with K-pop as much as I used to. It’s not that I’ve necessarily lost interest in it (K-pop is still like 85% of what I listen to lol), but I certainly haven’t been keeping up with it as closely as I used to. For instance, I have no idea what’s going on with B1A4 right now, haven’t watched BTS’s new self-made MV for “Spine Breaker,” and haven’t gotten around to watching the last teaser for SEVENTEEN’s upcoming ALONE?? comeback (featuring our wonderful leader S.Coups :p). It’s not that I’ve completely dropped everything K-pop or have become totally disinterested; I still very much keep up with the latest comebacks and listen to whatever piques my interest. It’s just that I don’t know if I want to get so re-invested with all of the details surrounding K-pop again (tbh Tumblr gave me so much info on my favorite K-pop groups; I seriously regret missing all of the amazing shots of my biases’ beautiful faces that I’ve probably missed leol), or maybe I just need a good break from it all before starting again. Most likely, I’d say my small distance from my favorite pastime has mostly happened because I now have more things to do or think about atm haha, and just don’t really have any time right now to enjoy all of the K-dynamics that are happening behind the music. I don’t think I’ll ever give up listening to K-pop anytime soon though; like I’ve said before, I’m still very much keeping up with and enjoying whatever’s coming out right now.
Sooooo at this point, I’m not sure if I want to say I’m on a complete permanent indefinite hiatus yet. I still check Tumblr and my blog everyday – every now and then my dash – so it’s not like I feel like I’ve completely left Tumblr and the K-pop community on here as a whole... just yet :3 I have, however, thought about starting a side-blog that focuses solely on teaching, including my student teaching experience. I’ve also thought about writing some K-pop articles for this blog again... (I still really want to write that “Best K-pop Songs of 2016,” a review of B1A4′s third full LP, and/or similar pieces). Whether either of those musings will come into fruition over this passing summer, I don’t know yet, but I’ll keep you updated on either if I ever do, especially my educationally-focused blog. Aside from those thoughts, I’ve been planning on doing some extensive reading over the summer – with a goal to read a book a week! If any of you are interested and would like to check out what I’m currently reading and/or think about it, you can take a look at my Goodreads account here. Other than that, I’ve just been up to the usual: still practicing driving (hopefully I’ll get my license this summer!!), looking for a job, and chilling by watching some TV/movies :p (literally, when you become a teacher, EVERYTHING YOU WATCH BECOMES A POSSIBLE TEACHING TOOL WHERE YOU WONDER IF/HOW YOU COULD USE IT IN A CLASS HAHA. I’VE BEEN SPENDING MY BREAK WATCHING THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES AND I NOW PAY MORE ATTENTION TO HOW THE TEACHERS REACT TO ALL OF THE KIDS’ SHENANIGANS VS. HOW I WOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE MAIN CHARACTERS AS A KID LOL. I’d really love to be a Professor McGonagall or Snape someday :p). So as far as the current activity of this blog goes, I think I’m going to keep it at “temporary-hiatus-because-I’m-currently-in-a-heavy-transition-period-and-still-am-very-unsure-of-how-this-will-all-pan-out??” That sounds like it’ll do for now. I definitely don’t think I want to distance myself from Tumblr just yet, but at the same time, I don’t believe I’ll be able to be as involved with everything on it as I once was :ccc
Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone who’s stayed with me and this blog so far. With this current announcement, feel free to unfollow this blog if it is no longer what you require in your daily re-bloggin’ life; I completely understand and only wish you the very best~ 🌸 :3 I don’t have a lot of followers as a whole, but I do have a handful of very lovely and precious people that I’ve met on this site; you know who you are~  💖🌠🦄✨👌 Sorry for not keeping in more constant touch; I hope all of you and your beyond-wonderful blogs are doing well~ 💎🌟😊 For those of you who have just joined my blog – WELCOME, and I hope you enjoy your stay~  ❤️ On another note, I should probably get to all those things I was tagged in... if it’s not too late haha. I love y’all and hope nothing but the BEST awaits your future!!~
Snap that was really A LOT more than just a “quickie” update haha. I know that I probably should have updated on everything that’s been happening in my life much sooner, but honestly, I didn’t feel like anything merited me getting too excited about getting through this school year unless I had 100% confirmation that I had passed the $300 test lol (it’s called the edTPA btw, for anyone who might be curious :p). Without passing that test, I probably would have had to spend at least another $100 to re-take some parts of the test, which would have delayed my being able to apply for an eligible teacher’s certificate in my state, which would have dangerously hindered me from being able to teach at all. So thanks for your patience – both for reading this post and sticking around this blog long enough to see me write it :p Hopefully I’ll get a teaching position and figure this all out soon; until then, I’ll definitely keep y’all posted~!! ✨
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clippedwingsmusic · 8 years ago
Interview With Nightly
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This past week, we caught up with Jonathan Capeci of Nightly at the beginning of their tour with Urban Cone! Nightly has been riding off the release of their debut EP, “Honest”, last year and are now looking towards the future! Read on to hear about all of their upcoming plans!
What was the process of making the “XO” music video like?
It was a little crazy. We had a vision for the video and a specific color palette in mind. When looking for someone to shoot the video, I had always admired a director named Tobias who has a really good sense of capturing color, and we were able to get him to make this video. We shot it in Nashville and started around 4 or 5pm and shot through the night until 5am the next morning then left at noon that day for our first tour.
 Within the MV, you used a very powerful color story to help develop the emotion within the plot. How do color and visuals tie into the music/aesthetic of Nightly?
 We like to tell the stories of the songs in every avenue possible, whether it’s through the live show, music videos, social media, or even our merch. As things happen, we try to add a little bit of that personal touch to it as we’re growing so we can look back on it and to remember things that have happened. But as far as why, we’ve just always been obsessed with visuals and colors, whether it be in movies or just in nature. I think that’s why it’s been important to us.
 You carry the color story over into the light setup at your live shows that you personally developed. How did you plan out and sync the lights to fit the vibes of each song?
 It’s been slowly evolving and we’ve changed it a couple times. We’re slowly tweaking it. At first we feel out the color of the song; the “Honest” EP all kind of feels one color palette to me so we stayed within that color palette. Some of the newer songs have maybe a different color to them. After we pick the color, we go through the song line by line with a computer program that we use and Joey does a good bit of the programming himself; we build the whole light show like that. Then we set up the lights in an empty room, like our garage, and make tweaks from there. And when we start rehearsals we may catch something like ‘Oh, there’s a guitar part there’ so we go back and change it so there’s just (lights on) the guitar there.
 “XO” was the first single from your debut EP, “Honest”, do you have plans to promote another single from the EP?
 We actually worked with the same director of our “XO” music video to shoot a video for “Talk To Me’, which we just shot before this tour. So we’ll be promoting “Talk To Me” a bit this Summer. After that, it’ll definitely be time for new music. Just because our fanbase is so small still, we don’t want to move on (from this EP) too quickly. We want to release new music without making the old songs irrelevant.
 You’ve claimed <3 as the universal symbol for Nightly, why is that? What does it mean to you?
 Something that I’ve always thought about that (<3) is that, to me, it’s very indicative of a certain generation. People used it in the early days of texting before emojis, in e-mails, and in stuff like AOL chats. The thing that I like about it is that up until our generation, <3 (together) never carried any meaning. Us, being the first generation with the internet, the way I think about it is that it’s our mark on love. People had never written that prior to our generation, so it was probably born in the late 90s/early 2000s. I always thought of it that way, and I think it just went well with “Night, love you.”. We try to make it wavey when possible because it looks cool and makes it unique. It’s really cool to see fans type it back to us and make art with it.
 This year so far, you’ve toured with The Struts, Kesha, The All-American Rejects, etc. and gone out on your first ever headline tour. Do you feel a difference in energy, either from yourselves or fans, when you’re opening for a tour versus headlining?
 Yeah for sure. We only did 4 headline shows that weren’t in Nashville, so it’s something that we were pretty nervous about, but now that we’ve done a few, we can’t wait to be the headliner again. It’s just a whole nother level because you can have a longer set and have things the way you want them and everyone is there for you. When you’re an opener you just try not to play that long and hope to gain a few fans wherever you go. And all the crowds are super different. Opening for Kesha was different than opening for The All-American Rejects, which was different than opening for The Struts, etc. I think that makes the job of being an opener harder because it’s hard to get the crowd vibing even if they don’t necessarily know your music.
 What’s the most memorable crowd you’ve ever played to?
 Wow, I don’t know. I remember almost all of them. I feel like any of the shows that our bigger fans have been at have been amazing. New York was definitely crazy. To see people singing (to our songs) in that city was insane. So I’d probably say New York, when we opened for Kesha since it was our first arena show, and Nashville.
 What did you want to achieve in 2017, and have you done it? What would you like to do in 2018?
 We really just wanted to be touring and sharing our music, which we’re doing, and we have more tours in the works. Just getting out and meeting people on the road was a big goal and we’re doing that now, so we just want that to grow. Getting to go to another country would be sick, so I guess I’ll make that our goal for next year!
 Photo by Ashley Yu
Written by Ashton Carr
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taesthetes · 7 years ago
(1/?) Travel-anon-hi! I'm all better now, thank you :D! It's okay to be sporadic on instagram - it's your own page, haha! Time to find a small spray bottle then~ Oo, have fun with your internship when you do do it then! Those are always really nice to experience! Yeah, Hong Kong is def one of the more expensive Asian countries, haha, but it iiiis really nice there! Japan's summer was like 38-45 celsius when I went, haha. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a baked potato - good luck! There's ice-
(2/?) cream taiyaki in Japan, I think? If not, there’s a looot of cute ice cream places there, and lots of specialty Japanese flavours like tofu and ramune for after your taiyaki ;D! First thing I’ll do when I’m back in Japan is go to a convenience store and buy a haagen dazs sandwich haha. Japanese/Asian convenience stores are like the antithesis of grungy X’D they’re almost sparkling in comparison to the ones here in North America. Are there any convenience store snacks you might want to try?
(3/?) Oh! You could always visit your sister’s cat (and your sister) when you’re next free, maybe? And bring your own pet along when you get one :D? What would you name your future pet? That’s true! There does tend to be more modern exhibits around, but I’ve never actively looked up the more traditional older-style exhibits though. There’s a couple here in my city, I think, but the modern ones really do outweigh in quantity to those. Omg, ikr! I don’t get those either!! I literally tilt my head-
(4/?) sideways to look at those, read their descriptions, and STILL don’t get those! The interactive ones are a lot cooler in comparison because you actually get to interact with it, and watch what happens because of you. People in Japan normally took pity on us when we played in Akihabara in Tokyo! Major crane game power there, and a lot of tourists, so I think the people there just kind of expect varying gameplay levels there haha. Nono, I still have ramen at home! I’m just watching my weight-
(5/?) because I’ll be getting costume measurements done soon, and I’d rather not have super high numbers if I can help it, hahaha. It’s actually really hard to hit up everything in Japan! I’ve been a lot of times, but I still see something new every time I’m there! I mean, that’s what makes traveling so awesome to begin with, and life in general though? Oo~ where would you road trip this time? I hope you managed to get all your work done in time, and have fun on the trip & for those bdays!
(6/?) THAT LIP RING. Nothing else really needs to be said to explain your album-decision further XD It’s too bad that both don’t end up in the same album concept, but lip ring ftw. Jimin’s coming for all of us, haha. OMG YEONTAN IS SO CUTE AND TINY AND FLUFFY AND I JUST WANT TO CUDDLE HIM. THOSE EYEBROWS. I haven’t seen Tae’s cat actually? Do you have any photos? I did see the Chain mv! It wasn’t really my music taste, but it was still good! I’m pretty sure my NCT bias is Taeyong, haha. I tend-
(7/?) to like members that are super strong at performance/(super loud)stage presence/dancer? Not sure how to explain it well? Taeyong, specifically, I like his voice a lot. I completely feel you on the bp & f(x) front there. Seriously. I’VE HAD LATATA STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR DAYS, SAVE ME. Yes to listening to comeback groups! I only ever learn all their names when I’m interested enough in the group~ I’ve been in the kpop game since dbsk first started hahaha OuO;; CONGRATS ON THE TSWIFT CONCERT &-
(8/8) HAVING SUCH A BLAST THERE!!! I’M HAPPY YOU WERE HAPPY! Is two hours super early for a Tswift concert? Next time you go, bring a portable charger TuT!!! Or maybe a camera? Do they allow cameras at concerts?? I really hope you get to go again when she does another tour! I’m busy with convention prep right now! I have one next week, so I’m completely swamped, haha. Good luck with your projects and papers, and have a good weekend!!
hello, m’love!! i’m so glad to hear you’re better now! 💓 asdadfkl but i want to have a more cohesive feed, but knowing me, i’m lazy so it’ll only work for a little while. and thank you!! hong kong sounds really nice, and i heard their mcdonalds is super fancy ahaha i want to try their mcdonalds :’) oh my god, that’s boiling hot??!?!?!? that’s 100 - 113 degrees fahrenheit over here, you can literally cook an egg on the sidewalk, what the heck?? aauagh i can’t wear my leggings and sweaters then ):
omg ice cream taiyaki– they just combined to yummy foods to make a mega yummy food :O is tofu and ramune flavored ice cream good? have you had it before? omg i’ll make sure to get a haagen dazs sandwich, too! they are!! omg i wish american convenience stores were nicer. tbh i think i just want to try them all?? i won’t be able to read the packaging probably, but i’ll just take one of each haha
ahhh, maybe! maybe i’ll visit her this summer? or maybe i’ll be too busy catching up on all the sleep i lost during the school year :’) aaskdfjlhas i won’t be able to get a pet until i’m fully settled into my own place and financial stable, which won’t be for at least another two years. yeah, unfortunately for me, there doesn’t seem to be many traditional style art nearby. that’s why i spend hours upon hours in the art museums in europe when i do get the chance to go there. and same!! i read the description and study every angle of the art piece, but i still don’t understand it?? 
yes! interactive art is super fun, and it’s so cool that you can be a part of art with those. oooh, okay, i see!! hopefully, the people will be just as nice when i try playing the crane machines– or maybe i should just buy the plushies since it might be cheaper than me feeding all my money to those games :’) alskdjfhas but it’s ramen!!! there is no such thing as a high number in weight. every number is great and amazing. but omg costume measurements? what’s your costume for?
yes, i agree!! the fun of traveling comes from seeing new things all the time! heck, i haven’t even seen everything where i live. i think we might road trip to the beach or an amusement park! we’re not sure yet, or we might just drive randomly and see where it takes us :D the trusty gps will always take us back. and thank you!! omg for my friend’s bday, we went to a nice crepe place for brunch and then we did one of those color me mine type places and i painted a cute mug for my father’s day present, and it was so much fun– i miss art so much
OH GOSH, I MIGHT ACTUALLY ORDER THE O VERSION ALBUM JUST BECAUSE OF THAT LIP RING NOW askjdfahls but also i want to save money for the trip, so i’m still on the fence aND YES, YEONTAN IS SO ADORABLE OH MY GOSH LIKE GOOD BYE TAE, I ONLY STAN YEONTAN. ahhh i think i reblogged a post of him and his cat a reaaally long time ago, but if you google taehyung kkanji then i think you’ll be able to find the pics!! my blog is a mess so i don’t know where that post went sadly ):
omg i think i just loved chain so much because winwin finally got a line!!! and yuta finally got a lot of lines too!!! (and thank god because it’s a japanese song and i would’ve sued if yuta got nothing) oooh, taeyeong is honestly the ideal type, like his personality is so darn kind and sweet and perfect and if you talk to any nct stan, i’m 99% sure taeyong is always their bias or their bias wrecker. even if you don’t bias him, you bias him. but also yes, his stage presence is amazing!!! like wow, even the camera people are drawn to him even when he isn’t the center.  his english raps are also really funny to read tho asdkjfhals
did you see the bp lightstick?? it’s like one of those toy hammers from weekly idol. LATATA IS SO DARN CATCHY, I FIND MYSELF LISTENING TO IT EVERYDAY TOO. and same! although the exception to that rule for me would be day6 because i don’t know all the members, but i listen to all their songs. and oh my gosh, that’s so long :O since dbsk first started?? i just looked it up and that was 2003 oh my gosh, i was only 4 or 5 then wow.
AND THANK YOU!!! 💘💘 and yes, i’ll definitely have to bring a portable charger next time but aksdjlhflas i don’t have a camera with me unfortunately– my family only has one camera, and it’s left at home, so i only have my phone at my dorm. and yes, i’m sure they allow cameras at concerts! otherwise, a lot of kpop fansites would probably have to smuggle their cameras in haha and thank you, i hope so too :’) omg i hope you have lots of fun at the convention!!! 💕 did it happen already? how did it go? and thank you! i hope your weekend was good, too! how have you been? 🌻💗
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taesthetes · 7 years ago
(1/?) Travel-anon-hi! Sorry for the late reply, I've been feeling a bit under the weather D: But wow! That's so sweet of you for what you did for your mom! My family's not big on celebrating parent days, but we do go out for dinners - my mom's bday is a couple days before, so we merge the two ;u;~ Thank you! I'll probably come back with a pile of photos, and be super picky which to instagram, haha. Oh! Good idea with the perfume! I normally don't carry any, but this sounds like a good reason to.
(2/?) Aw, you had to give up your internship? I’m sorry D: but on the bright side, vacation? Would you be able to do the internship another time? In terms of expensiveness, I think HK topped it for me. The livelihood there is super high end and overpriced to me :/ And ikr! I wish it were like that here too, but North America’s just too big and spread out for that unless you lived downtown, but that’s expensive D: In December, one Japan night was 24 degrees celsius ouo;; that’s pretty much summer
(3/?) But it does depend where you’re at in Japan! That night I was in Tokyo! It’ll be colder if you’re farther north~ I don’t know if the magikarp promo is still going D: but if it is, you definitely have to try it! I actually like the “crispy sandwich caramel” haagen dazs! I can’t get it where I’m from ;u; so depriveeeed. Your convenience stores sound so much better than mine! All mine have are dollar store things and candy OTL? Usually super grungy looking too. Aw, that’s cute! Do you visit?
(4/?) For the cat, not your sister (well, I guess her too), haha. I don’t remember, did you say you’d try to get a pet in the future for yourself, maybe? Yep! Certain holidays or popular events cause tickets to be more expensive to those countries during those times~ It’s still modern art?! Why isn’t there any traditional ones D:?! I actually prefer modern art, haha; mostly the interactive type ones! I don’t particularly have a favourite artist; I appreciate based on how interesting their-
(5/?) concepts are and how well they executed it. I mean, we did drop a lot of cash on the machines (and won nothing a lot of times), so I’m pretty sure that’s why they took pity on us, haha! I hope you’re lucky enough to either win it yourself, or find someone to help you! I also wish for you to be good at those games ;D! Have you had any more ramen since I last spoke to you? You’re still making me crave for it, and I can’t have any right now ;u; Oo, barely any jet lag can be a good thing!
(6/?) I don’t jet lag much when I travel, but the bits that I do, I accounted for, and used it for long-term traveling within the country! Oo, I hope I get to try a vietnamese hot pot some time then :D! If we ever manage to meet up in another country, let’s hit up vietnamese hot pot, haha. Omg, both of those movies were so good!! Infinity war, I really hope you do get to see it soon D: There’s so many spoilers out already, and it would suck if you got completely ruined to it beforehand!
(7/?) I preordered all 4 albums when they first opened it :D;; If I was only getting 1 of them though, I’d have gotten O! What about you? Did you preorder, or are you going to hit up a store when it’s released where you are? Which is your favourite concept? And, omg, yes. Jimin’s pretty hardcore when it comes to going 0 to 100, so I tend to die fairly often, haha. How do you manage to keep up with Tae?! He’s just as bad, if not worse, than Jimin’s 0-100?! He’s too pretty and amazing as a person!
(8/8) I was going to end this at 7, but well, here’s 8, haha. I follow on yt, and when a notice pops up, I listen and fav the song if it matches my tastes :D NCT is going haaard right now, like wow, almost every other week or two OTL I’ve been into kpop for so long that I like a lot of groups, so it’s hard to recount all of them, haha. What about you? Who else do you listen to? How long have you been into kpop? How was the Tswift concert?! Did you have an amazing time?? How early did you lineup?
hello, m’love!! oh noo, i’m so sorry to hear that ): are you feeling better now? make sure to drink lots of fluids and rest up! and thank you :’) i hope you had a good dinner with your family!! and happy belated birthday to your mom 💕 oh gosh, my instagram is a mess, i just post sporadically and nothing matches. but i think i’ll start trying to make a nicer instagram page though haha. yeah, it’s pretty helpful with the perfume because you can’t bring pepper spray onto planes or anything for travel, so i just pack a small perfume bottle instead!
yeah, i’m excited for the vacation!! i won’t be able to do an internship until next summer then unfortunately. oooh, i heard kong kong is really nice! but i’ll make sure not to go there until i have money lmao. yeah, the only way walking is fine in north america is if i live in one of the big cities, like nyc. oh my god, in december??? it’s going to be even worse since i’m going in the summer D: i think overall it’s going to be very hot in japan because it’s summer when i’ll be there. 
ahhh, even if there’s no magikarp, i’m still excited to eat taiyaki!! omg ok, i’ll make sure to get that ice cream flavor when i’m there :o and that really sucks ): hopefully, you’ll get to come back to japan soon and then you can get the ice cream :D ah yeah, there’s a lot of dollar store items and travel items too and candy. i think most convenience stores are pretty grungy tbh. i visited her last year! but that was before she got a cat sadly ):
and yes!! i want to get a dog and a cat in the future! i suppose there are a few traditional art pieces on display? but i think most people here enjoy modernized art more, like even the buildings and such in the usa are much more modern compared to europe. i guess it’s because the usa hasn’t been a country for as long as european countries, so everything is newer looking. oooh nice!! interactive art is always fun! :D modern art is really beautiful too, but sometimes, i see something like the entire canvas is painted one color with only one stripe down it and i’m like ??? how is this worth 91283472319 dollars???
asdfjkads that’s going to be me. i’m going to spend all my money on the crane machines and win nothing, so let’s hope someone will help me ahah and thank you!! fingers crossed! :’)  and i haven’t had any ramen since ): ramen isn’t the healthiest, so i try not to eat it often. ajsdhfalks but you can’t have any right now? D: did you run out? oooh, and that’s smart! i really hope the jet lag won’t hit so hard because i want to explore everything, but there’s never enough time. and yes!! we’ll definitely get vietnamese hot pot, and then you’ll have to show me all your favorite food places too :D ahhh, i want to see both of them soon! i took my last midterm yesterday, but i still have papers and several projects to do ): and my weekends are packed since i have some things to go to for my friends’ birthdays and i think we might do a road trip for the upcoming memorial weekend since we get monday off.
and omg so lucky!! all four wow :o well, i didn’t preorder it, but i don’t know which album i want either. maybe R or O? because they all look good in denim, but tae had that lip ring.. and unfortunately, they don’t sell kpop merch in stores anywhere near me /: so i’ll have to order it from amazon if i do buy it! honestly all the concepts are pretty though. jimin’s stage presence vs real life is mind blowing with how he can switch so fast. askdlhfjaj i barely keep up with tae, he’s too perfect and he’s such a sweetheart pluS HIS DOGS AND CAT ARE SO CUTE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
asdf,nasd oh my god i love nct so so so much, like nct dream is my ult boy group favorite, and i’m so sad mark is graduating from the dreamies after this year ): did you see their chain mv? who’s your bias? oh my gosh i’m so excited to hear you like nct alskdjfhalew i really, really, really love taeyeon, like she’s my ult bias, but i also love shinee and blackpink (when will they release a new song)!!! i follow up with those three and nct the most. but i also listen to red velvet, gfriend, twice, kard, day6, wanna one, monsta x, infinite, vixx, astro, and f(x) like when are they coming back ): oh and (g)i-dle!!! i pretty much listen to whatever group that currently makes a comeback, so i know the title songs of most of the kpop groups, but i don’t know each of the members’ names. and i’ve been into kpop since early 2014 :’)
ooooh my god, the taylor swift concert marks the best night of my life, likE I LOVE HER SO MUCH I’VE BEEN A FAN SINCE 2006 AND I CAN’T BELIEVE I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO HER CONCERT!!!! but i got there two hours early for the lineup, and when it started, i sang along for every single song, and when she sang a mashup with long live included, i was over the moon, plus before the concert, i was like oh hey what if she sings the best day because it’s mother’s day tomorrow anD SHE ACTUALLY DID AND I CRIED OMG I GOT SO EMO i was shaking like i tried to get good videos on my phone, but my phone also died and the video will show you how shaky i actually was and wow i just– best experience, i will definitely go to her concerts over and over again and i just loved it so much. so yeah i was pretty excited and super happy overall :’) and how is your week going? 💗
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