#ok enough about the main couple lets talk about the ACTUAL main couple IN MY HEART
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casualavocados · 9 months ago
finished kiseki. ai di and chen yi rewired my brain and set it to hyperdrive and made me black out from the sheer adrenaline and angsty yearning. zongyi and zherui were also there
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aviradasa · 2 months ago
The Lost boys main Hcs (old version)
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Also i gave him an actual personality. Cause suprisingly, quiet people can have personality traits other that being a brooding,mature,book loving,parental, and having good dick.
Ok Well i kept these traits but added more to him cause i didn't see anyone else doing so.
(Ps this was hardly proof read. and written at 2 am so pardon how weird it may be)
Contrary to popular belief this man is just as crazy as the others. If not more.
Granted, yeah, he can be chill as hell but do not let that fool you cause just under that quiet persona is an actual sadistic asshole.
I mean damn.
To start off, this dude is brutal when it comes to feeding. I mean, he can give David a run for his money.
I mean did y'all see him during the bonfire scene??????
During that, he was honestly a bit rushed cause normally, he will keep his victims alive for a good long while before actually killing them, all while ripping them to pieces.
And cause he is smart as hell he knows the right places to tear into a person where it will take them longer to die from it.
What an asshole.
But when he's not being evil as fuck he is giving the others stupid ideas.
I mean honestly i think the whole taking Michael to the bridge thing was his idea.
He just snuck over to David and was like, "Hey, I have a wonderful idea." And David was like "hell yeah I like that"
Well, ok, that's not exactly how I went, but that's my dummed-down Disney villain version.
They had all hung off the bridge before, but Dwayne knew that that would probably freak Michael the fuck out more than anything, and he just wanted to watch that poor dude suffer.
On that topic he lowkey hated Michael at first.
So he just ignored him as much as possible. But at the same time, he also was just waiting for Michael to start some shit so he could fight him.
When Michael punched David, this man got so excited, only to have his dream crushed when he couldn't swing on him.
Poor dwayne.
The main reason we don't see much of dwaynes personality is cause Michael is around every time we see him and he does not fuck with him enough to grant him access to who he is as a person
Speaking of him and David, I, kinda see them as being evil scheming, besties not gonna lie. Like when Dwayne gets a fun little plan in his head to fuck with people, he's creeping up on David to tell him all about it. (And plant the seed in his mind)
Honestly, if you walk in when these two are talking you swear they both just look like this
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Like honestly its just a back away slowly and forget you ever saw them situation 🤣
The best part for him is letting people believe it was David or one of the other boy's ideas so he doesn't get too much attention drawn to himself.
As much as this wannabe attention whore wants to, he will hardly take credit is his plans so as not to get Max on his ass. As much as he wants to be like, "Yeah, I made them do that, hahaha," he won't.
He's literally like a little puppet master.
But enough of him being a silent but deadly dickhead
This guy is amazing at so many things.
He's a bigggg car/ motorcycle guy. If you take him anywhere, like a car show or something, he's gonna be yapping with the owner of a fuckin 1942 Chevrolet Fleetline for 2 hours.
And he can and will spend HOURS, NIGHTS, even working on his bike. Does it need work? No. Does he just wanna work on it for fun? Yes.
Oh, and if the others mention even a slight tick coming from their bike, he's becoming the most insufferable know-it-all in the cave.
" oh well you know if the ticks coming from theirrrr you should already know it needs (blank)
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They all hate when he does this but they still let him work on the bikes cause they know he enjoys it so much.
It's relaxing to work on stuff like that for him. He can just sit down, listen to his music, smoke a couple of cigarettes, and tune up the bikes all by himself.
And that's the way he likes to work.
He loves the other's company, but deep down, this man is introverted. He can go crazy and have fun but once his social battery is out, he is out, bye.
He will just disappear once he is done with people for the day. If he doesn't, he gets snappy and sassy, and it's just like "Damnnnnnn. Ok, sir ."
He will start clocking everybody's shit if forced to stick around.
But honestly, most of the time, he's cool. He's kinda like a cat, not gonna lie.
Shits gotta be on his terms or he don't wanna do it.
Ok ok I know I clowned on it but I do think he likes to read
And he does read ALOT.
He keeps a lil shelf of books in his area of the cave.
Aka, he took one of the big ass bookshelves from when the hotel collapsed, fixed it, and now stores all the books he loves on it.
He loves most genres, to he's not picky. From fantasy to westerns he readys whatever catches his interest.
While he reads he likes to listen to music that matches so once he was reading a sci-fi novel he had David Bowie BLASTING
They didn't even know he liked David Bowie. But hey, that's why we love Dwayne. He's full of surprises. And his music taste is the epitome of "I like whatever sounds good"
I could go on and on and on about this man but this might get long so if y'all want me to elaborate on any of these or make a part 2 let me know cause i WILL also if you want hcs of the other boys let me know! Night my little goblins 🖤🖤
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restinslices · 1 year ago
Omg y’all, my brain let me write again😃
I don’t feel like looking for gifs and my storage space is in hell so I ain’t got photos. Sorry twin
I know I start his parts off with “the haters will tell you” a lot 
IDC. Imma do it again 
The haters will tell you he won't care and he'll do his own speed and yadyadya. No. 
He's an asshole but be fr y'all 
I'm gonna write this as you're both experienced but it's your first time together. If that's not what you meant then lmk but until then-
You're both experienced but he's still careful 
He's the type to pick up speed fast but he's not immediately gonna be aggressive 
You're experienced but not with each other so he's gonna actively try to be slower and softer 
Very observant towards your needs and adapts quickly 
I think he’s observant in general so I think he’d easily notice how you react to certain things 
More of an action guy 
What I mean is he won’t verbally say a lot. Like you know how some people will ask “does this feel good?”? (That looks ugly as fuck-) He won’t 
He won’t because he’s paying attention to how you react and what gets the best reaction. He doesn’t need to say much 
He’s not completely silent but I don’t think he says much in general, so the first time would especially be quiet because he’s focusing 
Do I think he’s rough during sex? Yes. For the first time though? Probably not. He still feeling shit out
When it comes to making him feel good, he makes sure to let you know. He’d never be the type to lie about nutting. That’s just not him. He’s gonna make sure you do it right 
Very handsy 
He’s vocal when it comes to grunting and I think he’d go out of his way to make noise in your ear if it was something you enjoyed 
Pays attention to both your needs 
I could see him wanting to go a couple rounds before stopping 
Leaves tons of marks as a reminder of what happened 
Now that you’ve started now, don’t be surprised when he wants to do it consistently 
Kuai Liang
Mostly pays attention to what you need 
I think he’s way more verbal than Bi-Han so he’d actually verbally ask what feels good and what doesn’t 
He goes slow
Lots of emphasis on foreplay and trying to set the mood 
His lips are everywhere 
Like legit, every part of you has felt his lips or tongue 
I get it, you may think he’s very fast and intense because fire but no
Fire can also symbolize passion and Kuai Liang is a very passionate lover 
Considering it’s the first time, there’s no need to rush
The type to always be pleasing you. Even if you’re talking or making small comments, his fingers are still gonna be working on you 
When it comes to fucking he’s not doing it fast but how hard he’s going makes up for it 
Will go faster if you ask
Is also leaving marks 
Does frequent check ins to make sure everything is ok
He’s a big dude (in the sense he’s swole as fuck) so he’d probably prefer for you to be on top so he won’t crush you 
If I said he pulls on hair will I be booed or cheered?
If you’re bald then ignore that
Offers to give head. Doesn’t matter if you’re laying down or sitting on his face. He’s leaving here with smth-
The ratio when it comes to orgasming is off as fuck because he’s the type to pull out and start eating you out 
Extra points if it’s after you came 
He’s pulling out all the stops. You’re not going anywhere after this
Doesn’t particularly care how many rounds you go for
Main focus is on how many times you cum. There’s some people that try to be sweet and “I didn’t cum but if you’re tired then-“ don’t piss him off 
You’re either stopping because you’re tired or you’re shaking (or you wanting to stop but that’s not a saucy ending)
Tomas Vrbada
He’s always gonna be a sub to me, idc
He would try so hard to be big man on campus and all strong and shit, but bitch one good tug at the hair and he’s folding 
Lets you take the reigns for the first time 
Don’t think just because he likes being tossed around a lil, he ain’t gonna say how he feels. No 
You can be submissive and still assertive. That’s Tomas 
Similar to Kuai Liang in the sense that he is really focused on what you want and what feels good to you 
Already moans a lot and loud as fuck but he’s especially loud once he’s finally inside you 
He wants to go slow but life happens. The wind just kinda blows this way and next thing you know he’s fucking you like he’s saying goodbye. It’s the winds fault fr 
Is also verbal with what he wants and wants you to be too 
You’d think y’all have fucked several times with how comfortable he is when it comes to saying what he’s into. What do you mean “choke me”?
What do you mean you wanna fuck the cum outta someone or vice versa? Let’s take a breather, calm down, gather our thoughts-
Once he’s horny his brain shuts off and the whore comes out. You’d expect it’d be Bi-Han that would become this bold, but no. He’s bold all the time. Tomas gives mfs whiplash. 
Like bro we were just eating dinner 20 minutes ago
Like I said, he’s really focused on what you want since it’s your first time. You gotta leave an impression 
Is his brain cells shutting off? Yes. Will them bitches turn back on if he notices you don’t like something or you say something feels weird? Yes 
He’s attentive 
Probably came before you because he’s sensitive but he’s not the type to roll over and be like “welp, guess it’s a wrap”
He wants your brain to be as fuzzy as his and he’s determined to make that shit happen 
Idk why I changed my profile to this Fear Street aesthetic when I never write for them but here we are. I wanted to change it and this is where I landed.
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love-byers · 8 months ago
so as hard as it may be to believe, i was a mileven shipper right up until just before vol 2 of s4 came out. not hardcore twitter mileven, but a shipper nonetheless. i did love will and mike's relationship, maybe even more than mileven, but i never clocked it as romantic. i vividly remember thinking "aww, will and mike would be so cute together but they would never let that happen." and never thought about it again. even when i saw the rain fight and heard "it's not my fault you don't like girls" i was like "ohh wow so will is probably gay" and didn't even think he was in love with mike. i didn't believe that until the s4 trailer said "i think there is someone he likes" and of course, this was because of my own heteronormativity. i dismissed everything i saw and didn't even look for hints because the idea that the writers would allow a gay relationship between two main characters was not even a thought in my head. once i dropped that and started to trust that the writers actually cared and did want queer characters/storylines, everything made sense.
so i went into s4 thinking mileven were gonna be fine and that will was sad and hopelessly in love with mike. i mean fully believing it. so im mindlessly watching s4 e2 and thinking "aww poor will mike is so in love with el he can't pay attention to will" no questions asked.
then the fight happened. when mike blew up and said "you were! you were! you were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking you basically sabotaged the whole day" i was like " how do you know that" but still, i dismissed it and barely thought about it.
then it happened. "we're friends! we're. friends." all the alarm bells went off. red flags flew up. my eyebrows furrowed. "ummm what mike? he didn't say you were more than friends. why is he viewing this romantically and why is he being so defensive???"
i was so deep into believing the writers would never let the gay romance happen, but that just couldn't get past me. there's no other way that line can be interpreted. that's a trope that means one thing and one thing only.
my next thought was "ok, this is gonna be like the rain fight. will is gonna be really hurt by this and go silent."
but nope, will claps back with "well we used to be best friends!" and i was stunned. utterly stunned. what is going on here? what is this dynamic? and why is mike more worried about this than finding el? why did he care enough to completely stop walking so he couple blow up at will for not talking?? but still, i was somehow able to let this go. because the writers just wouldn't do that. would they?
the mileven fight happens and i've never wanted to backhand a teenager more in my entire life. i'm reminded of stancy and their whole "i love you" thing
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then THIS happened, and i was thinking more and more that mike doesn't love el romantically. look at his face when will says "whatever you didn't say you can say it to her then". will starts talking but the camera stays focused on mike and will remains blurred. we're supposed to be taking in mikes reaction. he says yes, but frowns and blinks rapidly. will was trying to reassure him, but mike has not been reassured. i don't know how to describe the emotion on his face. it's like you just had a chance to clear up your lie, but you still didn't, and now you're back to thinking about the moment your lie will blow up in your face. it's like his face is saying, "no, i can't just say it to her then because i don't want to."
the scene where they talk on top of the car is what started to make me think mike doesn't love el romantically. his reaction to will saying "it's scary, to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because..what if they don't like the truth?" he nodded. he felt seen. i remember thinking "ooooh. he doesn't love her and he knows she won't like that" everything made sense. if we apply mike's monologue logic to this, it makes no sense. whatever it is that mike is feeling, he thinks el won't like it. then he supposedly decides that the moment to tell her that is when she's dying?
mike is lying. he was holding back saying how he feels because he knows el won't like it. then when she's dying, he suddenly thinks his feelings are what she wants enough that it'll save her life? whatever he was feeling on top of the car and what he tells her in the monologue are not the same. you don't tell someone something they won't like when they're dying.
and 2 years ago i came to this conclusion without an ounce me believing byler could be canon.
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magnusunpopularopinions · 24 days ago
Anon says:
“I'm so glad this blog exists!! Now I can actually be honest about this show without getting my neck metaphorically snapped ajskdke
Short Version: I seriously think that the romance between John and Martin is the weakest aspect of the show and the crew fumbled the ball on making them believable.
Long Version: I understand that Martin was madly in love with John from the start but, even after the ship became canon, I genuinely don't understand what they see in each other. Se1 Jon treated Martin like shit and even if it's supposed to be interpreted as typical Tsundere behavior, I still don't get why Martin fell in love with the workplace bully. And likewise, John's complaints and dislike for Martin's clinginess and shoddy work ethic were justified as John seemed like a married-to-one's-work type of guy, it makes complete sense for Martin to drive him up a wall.
The reveal from Elias (118) that Martin has some "precious image" of John inside his head made a lot of sense. I was like, 'Oh! So he's only in love with the idea of John, not the person he actually is!? That's crazy!' And I was honestly happier under the impression that his feelings were unrequited and he was just too obsessed to take the hint. That would've made his adventure into Lonely Avatarhood way more interesting. To know that the man you love isn't the him you want to be with and the real him never loved you back anyway...
On that point too, John's desperation to keep Martin from turning fully in Se4 felt more like a begging plea to keep the last of his original assistants alive than anything truly romantic.
But nonetheless, John and Martin have only interacted a handful of times before the end of Se4, and only two of them were positive (039 being the main one I can remember). The rest of the show's runtime is them hearing about the other through hearsay, progressing the plot, and arguing over John's increasing monster-status, with an added dash of John getting audibly uncomfortable whenever romance came up in conversation. That's not enough to build an eventual love confession and romantic relationship on. No matter how hard the fandom shippers carry it with their art and fics, they shouldn't have to do the heavy lifting in the writers' stead.
Don't get me wrong though! 186 and Epiphany (winner of the Magnus Fluff contest) were FANTASTIC, and if we had seen more of THAT before they got together, I'd have no complaints!
It just wasn't apparent enough that John ever reciprocated in canon.”
Thanks for sharing! Let’s chat!
1) Sorry to anon, but the ask went HAYWIRE in my inbox and this was the only way I could get it out. My apologies! I haven’t changed anything!
2) Ok, ok… I have to speak my truth. I am also not the biggest fan of Jmart. I agree with anon- Jon is the kind of guy who likes to be and works best alone. Martin’s approach to Jon did seem quite obsessive and it just felt very… sudden that they should become a couple. I just never saw it, and when it did happen, it felt quite out of left field.
3) Now I want to play devil’s advocate to anon and myself because DISCUSSION! I love talking things out in a respectful and kind way, and that’s what we’re here to do!
-Alrighty so, if Jon is adverse to romance as anon says, why did Johnny and Alex decide to make Jmart cannon? Wouldn’t that go against all of Johnny’s hard work in building up believable characters?
-Secondly, doesn’t fan response make Jmart more believable? This to say- if fans picked it out so quickly, doesn’t that mean it was obvious from the start? (Or is this just how fan bases work? Michael and Gerry never met and yet we have DoorKeay!)
4) I wanted to reiterate something: Quite often my posts get circulated without the context of why I made this blog (and honestly I may start putting it at the bottom of every post I make from here on out.) I created this to be a safe space to share opinions without harsh feedback or rude response. You are very welcome to disagree with someone! In fact, I encourage this sort of back and forth! But if your words are not respectful and kind, then I cannot hear you out. We can disagree with each other and still be kind. If we cannot be kind to one another in such a small community as a fan base, then it becomes harder to hold on to hope of kindness outside of it.
I’ll step off my soap box now, and say that I’ve been meaning to say as much for a minute. It does not correlate as much to this ask/post as it does to some others that have received mixed responses. As expected, some people have taken my posts and responded in negative ways.
I can’t stop people from responding negatively. What I can do is make sure that, no matter who sees these, that they know where I stand as a Tumblr user, blog author, and person. I value kindness and respect above all else. If I ever veer from this, call me out.
5) I appreciate you guys a lot, and I have been so so grateful to have this community. Keep those asks coming!
Thanks for sharing and remember to keep your words kind!
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pyramid-scheme-of-the-ewe · 18 days ago
Could you share with us your favorite shamgoat headcanons? I need them for… uh… reasons 👀
Ooooh, let's see here.
How do I go about this without spoiling my fics hmmm.
Ah screw it, here have some sneak-pics on what's to come.
For one, assuming that it is somewhat confirmed the Goat was Shamura's vessel, we know that the Goat's realm Shamura is probably a different Shamura from the one in the Lamb's world. Now, it may or may not be that the Goat had failed to defeat their god in the final battle and was killed by them. This was how I wrote it in my main Goatfic (The Damn Fellowship of Death and War. No, I do not know what I was on when I came up with that name and no, you cannot have some), but I didn't exactly think of it as canon. Apparently there are some hints in the update that point to the Goat being 'undead', at least that's what people are theorizing, so it just may be actually canon that the Goat was killed by their Shamura.
Now this is so funny to me, because I imagine that when the Goat comes to the Lamb's world and meets their Shamura: they are so incredibly pissed. And for no actual reason. Like this isn't the guy who betrayed and killed them. It sort of is but sort of isn't.
I imagine Shamura immediately takes a liking to the Goat's intelligence and wits. Meanwhile the Goat just hates them and Shamura cannot for the life of them figure out why.
Pretty sure most of us see Shamgoat as having a lot of back-and-forth snark as their dynamic. But here's how I see it: Shamura's having the time of their life, exchanging quips, happy to have someone to match their wit, not taking anything personally.
Meawhile the Goat's losing their shit. They're actually trying to be genuinely mean (but deep down they do also end up enjoying the banter as well).
Also, you know how Shamura only talks in riddles sometimes? I imagine the Goat is the only one smart enough to immediately understand them.
I've actually thought of this kind of cute moment: Shamura's riddles are definitely super poetic, and I have this idea that they slowly, accidentally reveal their growing feelings for the Goat by essentially delivering a freaking love poem. And everyone just sort of gets absolutely confused, most of all the Goat.
Ok, these are definitely going in Damn Fellowship of Death and War.
Now for them already as a couple *rubs hands together*
Right, so they're dynamic in my head is kinda' interesting in the fact that they're both gods of war and wisdom, but they go about it in completely different ways. Especially for the wisdom aspect. I imagine Shamura is more what someone traditionally imagines when they hear the word 'wise' (mature, knowledgeable, experienced, rational), meanwhile the Goat is more like clever, witty, wily - that sort of thing. The Goat's also a lot more aggressive and gremlin-like while Shamura is more chill and calm.
But the truth is the Goat will outdo them. They will be the better god of wisdom. Shamura's 'greater-good' strategies that keep screwing them over are absent from the Goat. Despite the fact that the Goat seems like they're more impulsive and temperamental, they're not. They're straight-forward and don't take shit. That kind of attitude is what keeps things simple and away from overcomplications. Something Shamura lacked. At the end of the day, the Goat will make the better decisions. And Shamura is more than ok with it.
I mean it makes sense, they are sort of supposed to be the parallel to Narilamb, with the Lamb outdoing Narinder as his successor.
Ok, but like I imagine if they had an argument or fight, they would end up dealing with it like a freaking war negotiation. Like they would handle it with the utmost seriousness and calmness, with full out peace agreements, ceasefire contracts, powerpoint presentations and shit. (Ok, but this would be so healthy though. Imagine if you dealt with every argument and decision with the same diplomacy and seriousness as a war negotiation.)
Like imagine this meme in the most serious and literal sense:
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This is so them.
Imagine the morning after a fight:
Shamura: I'll pass you the salt, if you hand over the northern territories of the butter plate.
Goat: Only if you include the pepper shaker.
Shamura: You drive a hard bargain.
Goat: This is war, not your local flea market.
At the end of the day though, this idea that the new god of wisdom will have someone to help them with their domain, to advise them and support them - that's just so special and significant. I think we can conclude that Shamura's domain is the probably one of the most difficult to bear - everyone relies on them, they're the one who has to know everything. Always. They always have to know what to do. But who would they have turned to if they're the ones who need advise? No one. They're supposed to be the most knowledgeable. They know the best. No one can help them.
But the Goat won't have to go through that. They will have someone to fall back on, they will have someone who can tell them something new. Because they'll have the former wisdom god by their side. When the Goat isn't 'all-knowing', Shamura can be. They can help carry the weight.
Shamura can make sure their successor will never feel as alone in the choices they would have to make as they once were. Because they both no better. They both know the best. And two all-knowledgeable heads are better than one.
Also, also, here's a weird idea no one asked for (...except for the person literally asking): If they had kids and let's say some are spiders, I kinda' think that spider babies would crawl all over their parents as a means of comfort and I have this mental image of a Shamgoat spider child climbing up the Goat's head, building a web in between their horns and sitting there all day, just having their dad carry them around everywhere.
Here, have this visual:
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There's more stuff, buuuut that's as much as I'm willing to spoil. I still wanna' give these two a oneshot, if not a full out story, so you'll have to wait and see for the rest.
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sanjithesimp · 2 years ago
♡ next door ft. min yoongi♡
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a/n: i wrote this fic in under 1 hour, the idea popped into my mind and couldn't stop thinking about this.
warnings: nsfw (minors DNI). pwp. unprotected sex. creampie. choking. fingering. mention of alcohol.
summary: yoongi is your neighbor, he complains about everything you do. you hate him. is there something that you could do so he will finally leave you alone?
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
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it was a cool night, your boyfriend and you got to your apartment. the party was boring so you decided to head back home and maybe do something that might be even more fun.
“babe, c’mere” he said as he pressed your body to his, feeling his heart beating fast as he started attacking your neck. pushing all the way to the little balcony from your apartment, his hands roaming all over your body.
you both were a little drunk and horny, so it didn’t matter at all to you that everyone on the street could see you. or not until you heard a voice “hey! can you please take this somewhere else, i’m kind of in the middle of something” you jumped in surprise and covered yourself immediately.
it was your annoying, grumpy neighbor, he was about your age but acted like and old man. he always complained about everything.
“you should be the one to go, we are also kind of in the middle of something…aren’t we babe” your boyfriend said, as he started kissing your neck passionately while keeping eye contact with your neighbor. but you pushed him away immediately, you started feeling uncomfortable.
“let’s just go inside, ok?” you said pulling your boyfriend inside.
“no, no, i mean- is this the dickhead that always complains about you?” your boyfriend was pissed, you were scared as he could be very aggressive.
“don’t worry about it, let’s just continue inside.” you said holding your boyfriend “babe, please…i need you” you whispered in his ear teasingly, hoping that it would work and he would just forget about it. surprisingly it worked, avoiding any more conflict with that hateful neighbor of yours.
you could never understand why your neighbor was like that, but he was the main reason why you wanted to move out of the building. ever since you got there he wouldn’t stop, if it wasn’t the noise, it was your small dog that always fought with his cat, it was like if you were just meant to be enemies.
it had been weeks since the incident with your neighbor, and you stopped hearing complaints from him. everything was peaceful. birds were singing, and the days were brighter than ever. had he finally moved? had your dreams come true?
but no, unfortunately no. he was just on vacation and he would be back in a couple of days, or so your other neighbor said. you had to enjoy while it lasted, or you would regret it. so you blasted your music while you danced until your legs were tired to even walk to your room.
one night as you smoked a joint while reading a book in your balcony you heard a familiar voice “did you miss me?” he had a smirk drawn across his face.
motherfucker. you thought, it was like he enjoyed annoying you.
“can’t you see that i’m in the middle of something, and you’re interrupting?” you said looking back at your book and ignoring his stupid face.
“please turn that shit off, it reeks” he said. that was it, it was the last time you would take it and his attitude.
“you know what reeks? being your neighbor and hearing your complaints, i’m fucking tired of it!” you yelled, and it woke up a few neighbors.
“could you please keep it down?” another neighbor appeared.
“sorry, i am so sorry” you apologized, your face burning from embarrassment.
“see, it’s not only me-” he started saying, but you interrupted him
“we should talk inside” you said and opened your door. it was the first time he had actually been inside your apartment, but enough was enough he needed to understand that you were fucking tired of hearing his complaints.
“so what you want to talk about, huh?” he said.
“about you complaining all the time about every single thing i do, i can’t take it anymore” you said not losing eye contact.
“and what are you going to do about it? are you going to cry?” he said. that was it, you lost it completely and slapped him. the silence after it made it even more uncomfortable than it was already was. you weren’t sure why you decided to slap him instead of yell or cry like you always did when you were frustrated. you could see the hand print on his face, red and painful.
“i- i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have-” you started apologizing and suddenly tears started running down your face, you started sobbing uncontrolably.
“no, i’m the one who should be sorry…i didn’t realize what i jerk i have been with you” he said, suddenly his face had changed. he was worried.
“let’s sit down, here” he placed his hand on your back and guided you to your couch, and sat down next to you. when you had calmed down, you cleared the tears off your face. you were a mess but he stayed there with you, not saying a word.
“sorry you had to see that, i- i’m not usually like this but-” he interrupted you again.
“you don’t have to keep apologizing, you have apologized enough and i should be the one doing it.” he said, his voice soft and sweet. was this really your neighbor?
you kept talking as the night went on, and realized that yoongi, your neighbor wasn’t that terrible after all. and you wouldn’t admit it out loud but he was kind of really hot. you hadn’t realized until now, or maybe it was because you hated him so much before that you ignored his soft features, his smile, or the way his shirt tightened in all the right places, his long hair that made him look like a rockstar. black looked so good on him…
for fuck’s sake what where you thinking? you weren’t just having that kind of thoughts for a guy who you hated just a few hours ago. and you also had a boyfriend who cheated on you repeatedly, but you loved him…right?
“whatever” you said and pushed yourself closer to your hot neighbor, your lips centimeters away from him.
“do you really wanna do this?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes.
“just fucking kiss me” you said and without any doubts he crashed his lips on yours, he tasted like whisky, you placed your arms around his neck. his kisses were passionate, you could feel the hunger and desperation as his lips traveled to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin as he left small marks.
he pulled you closed until you were sitting on his lap, making you feel the bulge forming under his black jeans. you moaned as you felt him over your clothed cunt.
“fuck, if this was going to end up like this i should have made you snap sooner” yoongi said as he started taking off his shirt.
“do you want to fuck me or not?” you said pouting.
“more than you think..” he said moving his hands under the hem of your shirt, his hands cupping your breasts, he knew exactly what he was doing. you rolled your hips, you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you.
i bet he’s so big. you thought, your pussy getting wetter than it already was.
you got rid of the rest of your clothes until you both were almost naked. the light of the small lamp on your living room was the only thing lighting the room, your bodies melted into one, your moans and his groans filled the room.
“i want you” you whispered in yoongi’s ear.
“wait for a bit longer, love. i promise you i will make you scream louder than that stupid boyfriend of yours.” he said, showing that characteristic smirk of his. you whimpered audibly, making him laugh, he was teasing you.
“i wanna see that…i mean you constantly complained of the weird noises at night or were you just jealous that it wasn’t you fucking me?” showing him that you could tease him too.
suddenly his face changed, his eyes darkened and were filled with lust. he pushed your panties to the side. “you’ll be begging me to stop” he said, his fingers slowly travelling from your belly to your pussy, feeling the wetness in between your legs making you feel embarrassed.
“fuck, you’re so wet and i haven’t even started” he said, pushing two fingers inside you, as your clawed your nails on the couch.
“feels so good” you said as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you, your juices covering his hand as he started moving his fingers in a scissoring motion. your moans drowned the room, tears welled up in your eyes as you could feel your orgasm building up.
“babe, i think you’re ready” he said in a low husky voice, as he removed his fingers making you miss being filled. he takes off his boxers, revealing his throbbing cock, precum leaking from his tip. and you don’t have to imagine, because now you know for a fact that he is big, you gasp thinking that maybe it won’t fit inside you.
“i know you can take me, love” he says and with that you convince yourself that you will take all of him.
he pumps his cock a few times, and then teases you with his tip. you moan feeling his heavy tip as your juices combine with his precum, you’re so sensitive that his touch makes you squirm. he then aligns with you, and pushes himself inside you slowly until you are filled completely.
“fuck, you’re so tight…” you can feel him pulsating inside you, he’s just as needy as you are. the burn hurts but at the same time feels good as he thrusts into you, it disappears later on as his pace increases and your cunt adjusts to his length.
he rips out the loudest moans that have ever come out of your mouth, you scream his name like it is a prayer and you are immediately embarrassed at what will the neighbors say about it. but you don’t think about it much as yoongi fucks you into oblivion. each thrust making you see stars hitting that sweet spot every time until the coil on your belly snapped, squirting and coating his cock with your cum.
you were to fucked out to do anything else, so you let him do whatever he wanted with you while he chased his own high. his hand wrapped around your neck, fuck it almost made you cum again. the sight of the mess he made out of you, tears running down your face, your makeup ruined and his hand around your neck was all he needed to cum hard inside you.
he then pulled out of you and laid on top of you, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. his heart beating so fast, while you both recovered.
suddenly you heard a loud knock, followed by a neighbor yelling “keep it down! it’s 2 a.m!” making you both laugh.
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fangirlingfromdownunder · 7 months ago
A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 11
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
As has become a habit of recent, the first thing I do when I open my eyes – despite the headache pounding behind them – is check my phone. I smile at the sweet good night text that must have come through mere seconds after I’d fallen asleep and then text back.
Mornin’ Remind me to stay away from eggnog…Or at least not mix it with wine…
I sit up slowly and take a sip out of the water bottle that I’d somehow had the presence of mind to prepare in advance and reach into my bag for some pain killers. I take a couple of pills before laying back down. After a few minutes my phone buzzes.
Awe, Darlin’ That sounds like a lethal mix You ok?
Yeah, my head hurts
I bet You’re gonna hate what I have to say but... Water, pills, breakfast, exercise also helps
Check, Check, I don’t even want to think about food and not a chance
Fair enough Go back to sleep then I’ll be here when you wake up
I gotta get up Work later
People need their coffee…I’m closing
Please at least eat something first then Even if you don’t want to
I won’t be allowed to leave here without eating first So don’t worry
This is the only thing I miss about London You know they get the day off after Christmas It’s called Boxing Day Though they mainly watch soccer But it’s a nationwide holiday
First you tell me you’re from Texas and now you’re saying you lived in London? Another long story, I’m guessing?
Yeah…I lived there for almost a year with my boyfriend after high school
Wow I thought my move to LA was ambitious and scary You actually went overseas
Yep…At the time I thought I was in love Anyway, you know the rest of that tragic story I really do have to get up now I’ll talk to you after work
Alright Darlin Hope your head feels better
I smile at his sweet message as I shut off my phone, get up, change into fresh jeans and a hoodie and pack all my things back into my bag. I leave the box from Jensen separate. Without all the extras from the cafe, I could easily manage my bag and the box, but I also know that Nick didn’t drink nearly as much as Stella or I, always wanting to be the responsible one and ready to look after her. So, I know he’ll insist on driving me home. With everything organised, I go to the bathroom to freshen up and then downstairs to indulge in whatever my stomach can handle.
In the kitchen, Nick takes one look at me and sighs. “You girls and your wine…”
“What about your eggnog?”
“I was deliberately light on the alcohol, if it wasn’t for the wine, you’d both be fine. How many times do I have to tell you both how much worse wine-hangover are?”
“Maybe a few hundred more. It’s fun at the time…”
“Yeah, and now you’re both a mess.” He hands me a plate with one of Stewie’s croissants heated up. “You’re gonna have to eat on the run. Stella has to go into the office, I’ll drop you off at the same time. Now, if you’ll excuse me I have to make sure she’s getting ready.” 
I sit at the island bench and pick at the croissant while I wait for Nick and Stella to come back downstairs.
“Some manager you are…” I playfully tease Stella from the backseat as she uses the tiny mirror to fix up her make-up, attempting to make herself look more alive and less hungover.
She meets my eyes in the mirror, “Like you’re any better?”
I shrug, “At least my customers will be just as hungover as me.”
Nick cuts us both off as he parks in front of her office building, “You’re both as bad as each other. I really wish you would stop doing this.” He leans over to peck Stella’s cheek, “I love you, go kick some ass.”
“I love you too, both of you,” she says with a glance over the backseat at me before slipping out of the car. 
Nick waits until she disappears into the large, tinted glass doors before driving off. He sighs as he glances in the rearview mirror to meet my eyes briefly. “None of this funny business at the wedding, remember?” I nod. “You know she’s so close to another massive promotion, she’s in the middle of the pitch of her career. I get that you’re her best friend and that your life's a mess and you’re lonely but please don’t bring her down with you. The wedding is enough of a distraction. She wants this so bad, she won’t tell you because she loves you, but she can’t afford anymore distractions right now.”
My jaw drops. He’s never been this candid or harsh with me before. I’m lost for words. Shocked and hurt, all I can do is bite my cheek to hold back my emotions and nod. The rest of the drive to my apartment passes in uncomfortable, tense silence. The second the car stops I swing the door open and jump out. I quietly thank Nick for driving me and then slip into my apartment building. 
I dump my stuff in the corner of the room and go shower. Feeling sick, hurt, sad, and like a woeful disappointment I scrub every inch of my body as I stand under the scalding water. I wash my hair, shave my legs and thoroughly exfoliate in an attempt to wash away all my feelings and make myself feel at least a little better about myself. By the time I shut off the water and step out of the cubicle I’ve made a list of resolutions that I’m not going to wait until New Years to enact. 
Only contact Stella for wedding related matters
Be the best Maid-of-Honor ever
Get my life back on track - Stop chasing pipe dreams
Get a good-paying, stable 9-5 job
Be realistic about Jensen
I get dressed in the same jeans and a clean long sleeve shirt and then as the first step of my new resolutions, I tape up the box and write ‘return to sender’ on the top. I tie up my hair in a messy bun, put on comfy work shoes, grab my designated work backpack and the box, but as I check the time I realise I won’t make the post office before my shift so I leave it by the door and make a mental note to take it first thing in the morning.
My shift passes by in a blur. I hand out order after order with practiced speed and a forced smile. After flicking the sign to ‘closed’ I scrub every surface until it shines and then lock up. As I walk home I briefly check my phone, I see a text from Jensen but don’t let myself read it. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and quicken my pace to get out of the miserable, cold December air. For a second I’m transported back to my time in London.
I walked down a quiet lane back towards my shared apartment. The bleak weather matched my emotions. The light drizzle matching the tears still falling down my cheeks. I had been sitting alone in a park all day avoiding the place and person I had called home for so long. I only got up once I knew he’d be at work, likely serving fancy cocktails to the pale, model-like brunette he brought back to our apartment. I’d only been gone one night, for an acting class in Paris. But when I got home, excited to surprise him, knowing he’d still be sleeping from working until 2am, I found he wasn’t alone; there was another naked woman laying on my pillow.  A chorus of car horns startles me out of the unpleasant memory and I finally slip back into my building. I have another scalding shower to wash away the sweat and unpleasant smell of mixed foods and beverages clinging to my clothes, skin and hair. When I sit down to eat a bland frozen lasagne. I flick through the channels. Supernatural is on again but I force myself to flick past it before Jensen’s face appears. Settling on an animal documentary I open my laptop and search for jobs as I eat. My phone buzzes on the coffee table but I silence it. I feel a little guilty for ignoring him since Jensen has been nothing but nice to me, but then Nick’s words ring back through my head, “I get that you’re her best friend and that your life is a mess and you’re lonely but please don’t bring her down with you.”. And I know he’s right, my life is a mess and I am lonely, but until I sort it out, I’ll just bring anyone around me down with me.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy
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corvuscorona · 2 months ago
I want to talk about ff5 some more before we get too far into 6 & I become too full of Things To Say about it instead. spoilerz. I need to type sentences about narrative right NOW!!!
my wife mentioned 'less is more'-type writing in that post from the other day. you know what makes a really perfect awesome Genuinely Impressive example as to the way 5 does that? it's a perfect story, so the main villain would be a good place to look, I bet.
first: here is what I remember being told, textually, about exdeath, in the video game.
powerful evil warlock
exists because a tree had too many evil things sealed inside of it
can be put in a box on the high shelf temporarily, but he Will inevitably get out
wants the power of the void, to do various generalized things with
is overtaken by the void in the final battle
once overtaken by the void, the thing that he wants is to stop everything from existing, but mostly himself.
those are all of the items on the list. not a complicated guy. these 6 entire Things About Him, however, were selected by a genius, w/ a precision sniper rifle, very steady hands, & perfect technique. look:
the character I am about to reveal to you, represents Bad. and he has powers.
"where did he come from what's his problem" well, mankind did 'ritual of ignore my problems so I can pretend they went away' one too many times & entropy started taking it personally
(now that it has grown legs, btw, this walking problem has the means To Make Literal the idea that those types of things will come back to bite you in the end.)
having learned to demand that The Collective You contend with him, his goal is to Have More Power Over You. Being a nigh-unkillable Dark Warlock is NOT enough.
"so uh once he has that, what will he do next? like what does he want to use that power to actually do" ..............hey yeah that's a good qu
(at the end of the game, exdeath goes "haha I got the power!" & then, while the final boss fight is in the middle of happening, is like "oh actually the power got me! fuuuuck!" + the only context which follows this is a couple textboxes that say "hi I am The New Exdeath and I don't think any of this shit should exist actually." that is literally it.)
this is done sooooo elegantly. it makes so MANY other, similar stories look like Baby School by comparison. they don't glue human-readable motivations onto him. Furthermore I was not told that "see, dorgann knew that it was wrong to ignore such a big problem, but he was unwilling to face the many smaller problems that he would kick up on the path towards truly metabolizing and solving it, and now that he is dead the problem is back, as he surely knew deep in his heart that it would be, and so it is up to you to break that cycle." they do not. use. the word. "resentment."
game just. goes LOOK at our evil guy. here is what made him. here is what the previous generation did about him. here's that not working. ok? great. thank you. kill him now?
they let his motivations be total bobo nonsense.
BECAUSE!!!!!! THEY LITERALLY DO NOT MATTER. this ain't ABOUT him!! man!!! he's a metaphor that happens to know how to go "mwa-hahaha." the things that the story is saying are all routed through him, but the story is About everyone else. Exdeath is a decisively-designed embodiment of something the narrative proposes as a natural law: disengaging from difficult problems invites & perpetuates disengagement from the rest of life also. there is no separating these things—this is never once written out in a Text Box, but the game still states w/ a delightful definitiveness that doing The Work Of Maintenance on this world is perfectly equivalent to living in it.
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fleabagsjoy · 6 months ago
Ok so i just binge-watched Oniisama E (Dear Brother) and i have.... thoughts. And feelings.
Not super eloquent ones, I don't have any type of degree or formal education on writing or media analysis, i'm just word vomiting what i think and feel without any sources or facts to back it up so i hope that's okay. And i feel like i should preface with the fact that i didn't actually watch the last four episodes because i dreaded having to sit through Kaoru and Mariko ending up with men idgaf about, and instead read a summary of those last four episodes on Wikipedia.
With that being said, i absolutely loved this anime, i had already watched Revolutionary Girl Utena and everyone who enjoyed that one was talking about this anime so i figured I'd give it a try too and i don't regret it at all. The characters, the setting, the ANIMATION, the main plot and subplots (some of which i enjoyed more than others), i enjoyed it all.
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I don't want to point out the obvious about the ending, we all know. But i was prepared, went in with the mindset of completely ignoring eps 36-39, specially the "Real Love is Heterosexual Love" speech that it pulls in the last couple episodes, so i'm not that upset by it. I will say that putting "you will only know what true love is when you find a man for yourself" is some twisted, sexist and lesbophobic stuff to put in an anime where Nanako, Rei and Mariko canonically fall in love with girls and whoever came up with that will not be seeing the pearly gates of heaven. And if that wasn't enough, they had to make the girls end up with men because uuhhh i guess they have to! But anyways, i still read the summary of what happened in those last four episodes.
I read a review from 3 years ago by medivhtirisfal that mentioned this and i'm so glad i'm not the only one but this really reminds me of a series of books that i used to collect when i was younger about an all girls boarding school and all types of adventures and mischief they got up to (the St. Clare's series) and i guess part of me always craved more of that. Oniisama E scratched that itch i suppose, i'll always crave all female casts and to see interactions and relationships that form between them, all types of relationships really: sisterhood, platonic, romantic, sexual, healthy, toxic, simple, complex... women stories matter! And i love when they're the center and backbone of the plot.
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Now back to the actual anime. I haven't read the manga yet, don't think i will for a while even though i do like the mangakas artstyle from the few panels i've seen. But like i mentioned, Oniisama E reminds me of those books i used to collect, it's a string of events that happen during the first school year at an all-girls academy of our main character Misonoo Nanako.
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It was very satisfying to see Nanako be a bit more submissive when everything and everyone was new to her vs. becoming more confident in her decisions and standing up for herself and others she cares about later on. She was always very caring for others, but i do feel like she let herself be shoved around in the first few episodes so seeing her stand up for Rei against Fukiko and quit the Sorority because of her loyalty not just to Mariko, but to herself and her values, made her one of my favorite characters. Also who can't relate to falling in love with Rei... Asaka Rei was undoubtedly one of the reasons that got me to watch the anime.
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I gotta prepare myself before i write a paragraph for her because wow... too much to unpack. I can't elaborate better than some other Asaka Rei understanders about the intricacies of witnessing her own mother take her life in front of her daughter, after telling her to protect and take care of Fumiko, and how that pressure of committing to her mother's final wish lead to Rei's confusion of feelings for her own sister, devoting her everything to her, even her life. I suspect never dealing with the loss of her mother properly is what lead to Rei's severe depression and inability to understand all types love and bonds that she could have with other people, seeing Fukiko as her beginning and end from that moment.
Needless to say that, as much as i wanted her to realize this and free herself from this torment so she could deal with her trauma properly, she had to do it by herself so she could gain some sense of self and build an identity outside of someone she worshiped for so long and SPECIALLY before getting into a relationship with anyone (r.i.p. nanakorei). She's the most tragic character in this story to me, all of this started at a very young age and she had no way to get out of it and when she got close to that, the plot decided to say NOPE. NO CHANCES OF A HAPPY ENDING FOR YOU. Bottom line is: she desperately needed therapy. Veeery early on.
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I have to follow up with Ichinomiya Fukiko, a really toxic and abusive teenage girl with too much power over the other girls at school, she lives in a bubble built for incredibly rich people (as do many of the other characters), leader of the Sorority (an academy "elite club"). One of the best things about shoujo ai like this is that all female characters are so fleshed out and have so much to give to the viewers and Fukiko is no exception. I will say that i fail to see a character that has so much (negative) impact on most of the other main characters as she was very often abusing/taking advantage of/humiliating others.
It's definitely because of her upbringing but she always bottled up her feelings to keep up a façade of composure, with Nanako's constant defiance, after confronting her feelings for Henmi and her relationship with Rei, as well as after the abolition of the Sorority, we gradually got to see different sides of her. She's... complicated. Not an evil mastermind or anything, her attempts of sabotage seemed very desperate adn half-hearted, but she could still be very cruel and take advantage even of people she claimed to love. Still, Fukiko was one of the main driving forces of the story and i can always appreciate a character like that.
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Of course that leads me to Orihara Kaoru! She is probably one of the most consistent characters in the anime, loyal, determined and resolute, very sure of where she stands, oh my god... i'd crush on her so hard too if i was one of the girls at the academy. I loved the relationship she had with Rei, the soulmateism was off the charts, they had an incredibly intimate bond that no one could replicate and, besides Nanako, i felt for her the most when Rei passed away. I'm pretty sure her having to face the past between her and Henmi was also a big part of her character but again, i really don't wanna witness how that ends so i'm not gonna elaborate too much on what happens in the last four episodes, which is unfortunate because i'm sure a lot of her own development as a character happens in those but whatever...
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I didn't expect this when i started Oniisama e but Shinobu Mariko is my favorite character!! It took a while for her to grow on me but i love her a lot. Mariko is mostly known for the misandrist lines (which... real) and i appreciate that she never really changed that (until #those episodes but i won't consider them strictly canon for my sake), but she had such a great story arc with facing her loneliness and facing the problems she had with her parents. I'm no psychologist but BPD is heavily implied and from what i've seen by other fans with BPD, a lot of symptoms were shown throughout the anime, which i appreciate since Mariko wasn't villainized and was instead shown as someone with her own issues with boundaries and relationships at first but that she could manage and balance in a healthier way later on... it's not something you can easily see in anime, specially not from this time. I was really happy when Mariko, Nanako and Tomoko became a great friend trio who could rely on each other halfway through, another testament to her character development.
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Tomoko was one of my favs as well! A lot of other characters were very interesting and had important moments in main characters arc like Misaki and Henmi. It's been a while since i've seen an older shoujo but the animation and editing was fascinating to me, very gorgeous, over the top sometimes but we need that! What happened to that! Anyways it's very beautiful, i appreciate it. The intro song will stick with me too and the damn Academy bell... Very melodramatic, but very fun, it's a hit for me!
I'm still grieving Rei so i can't really face anything that happened in eps 33-35. We're past making the lesbians suffer, NANAKO AND REI DESERVED THEIR DATE ON THE BEACH!!
I fear i will be upset by that for the time being but hey, that's what fanfiction is for.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
Here for DG crumbs 🥹
with a non fighter, average reader like she is average and doesn't have much that stands out to her and is a dg simp. She simps hard for this man. Not a toxic or psycho fan but a supportive one
It would make my day if you could do this really! We need more dg content!!🤧
Oh right! it could be James with an average non fighter s/o as well
Thank you for reading ❤️
Ask and ye shall receive, here's a strangers to lovers (which turned out quite lengthy...)! Did this fandom just make me like DG? This plain noodle man?!
DG x Reader: Stranger to Lovers
Half fic, half hc. A normal reader comes across DG
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DG came across you on one of his lonelier nights.
He knows he shouldn't be reading articles and posts trashing him, but curiosity killed the cat.
His ego is feeling uncharacteristically bruised until he comes across your comment.
You're sweet, supportive and understanding of how hard it can be in the public eye. It cheers him up that some fans still see him as human.
He takes note of your social media name but doesn't take it any further.
Fate brings you together at a fan event (actually no, your meet and greet tickets did) but the first thing that draws DG to you is your eye contact.
He's met many fans and almost all of them avoided looking at him and were giggly and shy. It's to be expected. You are the first one that looked at him squarely head on.
You didn't go crazy or ask for a lock of his hair (like some of the other more wild fans), but thanked him for what he doing in the industry.
You're articulate even as pink dusts your cheeks.
And then you kept talking and you repeat what he read that night.
He files away that info for later.
When DG finally has his moment of peace, he quickly taps in that username in the hopes that it's you.
It is.
The same person in the profile pic that posted the kind comment is also who he met mere hours ago.
It brings a little smile to his face.
Another lonely night, without any practice schedules, PTJ Entertainment issues or James Lee loose ends meant DG had time on his hands.
He's spent enough time looking through your profile and posts over the past couple weeks, whenever he could grab a minute here or there.
You're pretty normal in every sense of the word, a world removed from DG and James Lee.
He couldn't stop thinking about the idea of you.
Biting the bullet, and using a pseudonym, he sends you a message - starting a conversation based on something you last posted about.
He receives a reply within the next 20 minutes and that was that.
The hours turn into days turn into weeks turn into months.
DG finds himself stealing time so he could respond back to you.
He lets you in on vague details about his life and you tell him all about yours.
In another life, he thinks he could have been similar to you. Normal. With normal hobbies and interests. Normal issues and headaches. Normal family and normal friends.
A normal past and normal future.
You're a golden ray of truth and light cutting through his secrecy and darkness.
DG finds himself wearing a coy smile more and more from your interactions, from your late night 3am messaging and your 'good mornings' and everything inbetween.
It doesn't go unnoticed. To the extent that rumours float around that he has found a special someone. He abruptly and coldly shoots that down.
But unable to hold back anymore, one morning he asks if you want to meet up.
DG knows how it sounds: meeting a stranger (a strange man). But he feels a bond with you, one he's never had before, and hopes you feel the same way.
The minutes until your response dragged and stretched.
Until you finally put 'Ok'.
He could feel your hesitation across the screen. Usually so full of life and excitement and emotion, this simple one worded response isn't like you.
He backtracks but you're now the one insisting.
A date and location is set.
In a quiet coffee shop, set away from the main street but popular enough to not be too secluded, DG finally meets you in person again.
Did he truly think you were normal the first time he met you? How odd.
Because now he finds you radiant, beaming, glittering. Like sunshine, like moonlight.
Anything but normal.
He calls you over, and your eyes light up as you go to meet him.
You greet him by his username, but freeze when he pulls his mask down. That face would be recognised by all of Seoul.
This meet up doesn't last long.
You flee in embarassment, having spilled all your secrets to one of the most famous man in South Korea as he kept his identity and life hidden away from you.
DG understands how you must how felt, the mortification. And the deception as he hid the biggest secret from you most of all.
He sits with his head in his hands.
DG doesn't hear from you for a few days, and the distance and silence feels cavernous.
It hits him like a truck that over time, you became his confidant, his best friend. Someone he could talk to and feel like a person.
He is the first one to reach out and he apologises.
He says what he can about his life, his current life. Hoping that this makes it up to you somehow.
That he promises to be truthful to you, where he can, but there are still some things he's not ready to say.
That he understands you feeling betrayed he kept his identity secret, especially during all those times you unknowingly gushed about how much you liked him.
That even though it was fair to keep his identity a secret, he should have told you as soon as it was appropriate. A lot sooner than at the cafe.
That this was something he started because of his ego, but continued because he likes you.
That he's never felt this closeness with anyone else.
That he's not sure if anyone has ever seen him properly as a person. Until you.
That he would like a second chance. Please.
Hope against hope, you eventually respond.
You ask to meet again in the same place.
In a quiet coffee shop, set away from the main street but popular enough to not be too secluded, DG meets you in person for the third time.
DG waits, anxiously fiddling with a bouquet of roses. He never does this.
You enter, and illuminate the room.
This time DG calls you over, and you give him a shy smile
He presents the bouquet, and you accept.
You become the starlight guiding and comforting him during the lonely nights.
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futurefreedomau · 2 months ago
Ok I have to be ask this especially after your most recent post on twitter:
As a Sonaze subscriber I often scroll through many posts of the ship, and while the comments on these posts are mostly positive, they are usually a couple that say stuff like “what about Amy” or “make this but with Silver”. I can’t be the only one who notices this and is bothered by it bc like…. How do ppl not realize how rude that is??
you're not the only one who knows this and it's bothered by it.
Sonic is not my main fandom I just had a lot of ideas from when I was a kid and they just kind of boiled over as I grew older and started learning how to write stories. By this point I am in three other different fandoms and it sucks cuz I never see this kind of behavior from fans of other media, not to this degree anyway
It's even weirder depending on which website you go to, I don't see this shit here but it runs rapid in places like tictok and Twitter
But to actually answer the question I just firmly believed at Sonic fans are idiots and they didn't learn a thing from kindergarten
treat others the way you'd want to be treated kinda shit
It's like all common sense leaves the window the second they end up on the internet and someone has an ⭐opinion⭐
It's like walking up to a chocolate ice cream fan club and you walk in and say "okay but whatever it was vanilla?" "why isn't there a vanilla ice cream club?"
you're going to get some looks like why are you here talking about vanilla when it's a CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM FANCLUB????
Sonic fans weren't bullied enough in school it seems /j
It sucks cuz there's a lot of Sonaze fans that do this and it's because of shit like this it made me have a mental breakdown over the sonaze Twitter community tab and which lead me to deleting it
That shit was making me look bad and shit was making the other sonaze fans of bed
It's okay to not like a ship but stop making it your entire personality on hating a rival ship and send your energy to create more content for your favorite ship since you're starving so much damn
Bitching and moaning about ships are so stupid and pointless stop complaining and just do something about it 😭
Block people, mute some words, surround yourself with shit that you actually like, you don't need to comment on it cuz all you're doing is spreading my influence that you seem to not like, you don't need to prove yourself that your ship is better than everyone else's cuz it's not no ship is better than the other, especially if they're not canon
I'm convinced a lot of people in the Sonaze's fandom on Twitter just hate my ass or are scared of me because of how I handle shit
I just have a zero tolerance for BS and I will be mean about it
A lot of my mutuals have deleted galleries, move on to the other fandoms and just stopped drawing Sonic altogether because of some jackass being and it sucks, but it's REASONABLE why they would do that. this fandom is awful, you'll be minding your own business and then you get crucified for an opinion
I'm not going to let that happen to myself especially not because some asshole I don't even know on Twitter hates my ass or something
I want more people to to see what it is that I am doing and stay motivated to draw the things that they like because it's fun and silly
And we stan having fun and being silly around here 💪
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beebopboom · 1 year ago
The Second…….Ball?
A bookshop, Eden, and something more?
In part 1 we discussed
the structure of the bookshop being similar to 17th century French gardens, a maybe hidden Tree of life, the idea of timestreams relating to the roads and rivers, and all that to just say the bookshop perhaps all of Wickber Street is their version of Eden
Part 1.5 was just a couple theories that have been floating around my head concerning
the book of life
the rings and a fly
the bookshop
a coffee
honestly I'm probably going to do a little editing. It’s not a necessary reading 
But finally made it to part 2 where I'm going to dive into some out of order events and two different parts of the same story being played out at the same time plus the actual main plot, specifically in the last two episodes - though there is probably more earlier in the season
you can imagine the jumble that has been brain and why it took longer than I wanted to get this out.
Background Info
In part 1 I mentioned that the Tree of Life was mentioned in two particular books in the Bible - Genesis and Revelations. Now we’ve discussed the Genesis part - Eden - and now we are going to talk about Revelations - New Jerusalem
The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament and it's where the Second Coming comes from - written by a John. It was mentioned in season 1 and I’m going to be making a lot of references to it throughout this.
New Jerusalem is the place where all true believers will spend eternity with God and is said to have pretty similar features to Eden - the rivers, the Tree of Life, the wall, and a square shape. Something that this place is also said to have is 12 gates.
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The New Jerusalem. Armenian manuscript by Malnazar and Aghap’ir in New Julfa bible, 1645
Oh lookie there mighty similar design to 17th century french gardens
But anyway want to take a guess at what has 12 windows?
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*I used the fire to show what windows are connected to the bookshop*
Ok but let’s get into the actual point of this I’ve talked enough about set design
Have we already seen a version of the Second Coming? Why yes we have
In episode 5 we are following two different stories cutting back and forth between the two - Aziraphale’s and Shax’s
Now before I get into this I’m just going to say that I know Good Omens is a parody to actual Biblical events and who knows what is actually going to happen in season 3 besides the man himself. We do know that this season was setting up for the next and that parallel scenes are a favorite. So these are just some parallels I noticed if you place some characters into the roles of others and it could very well turn out to be wrong
Shax’s Siege
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The thing about Shax’s character is that she is always looking for opportunities to get ahead and make connections that could benefit her later. We see it in 1941 and between then and now she has worked her way up from desk duty to Hell’s rep on earth.
And when she finally gets permission to attack the bookshop she actually takes up another role. Or shall I say multiple.
It is very obvious that once Shax gets to Earth she is out of her league - bitten off more than she can chew so to say - and yet she still wants more and is very good at manipulating beings to get there.
So she wants to storm the bookshop with legions of demons but only gets about 70. The thing that is interesting about there approach is you have demons coming from all four roads and she arrives last. And this is where we jump into Revelations.
In chapter 13 it talks of two beast - one from the sea and one from the land. The beast from the sea is said to have 7 heads, 10 crowns on the horns, is like a leopard with feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion, and one of its heads is said to have a mortal wound that is healed. This description has been likened to the four beast in the Book of Danial chapter 7 which were symbols of the four kingdoms - Babylon, Medes-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Some say this beast is the Antichrist as it is empowered by Satan to persecute Christians, blasphemy against God, and cult-like worship.
But all that to say I think that the arrival of the demons from all four sides was meant to kind of represent this. With the four beast representing the four kingdoms arriving on our four rivers roads. It’s not a perfect parallel but it is not meant to be - it’s meant to be a shitty rendition of what is basically Armageddon.
Now the second beast is mainly referred to as the false prophet. The only description is that it comes from the ground, two horns like a lamb but having the voice of a dragon. It has all the authority of the first beast and makes the inhabitants of earth worship the first beast, it breathes life into the first beast. It performs great signs like making fire come down from the Heavens to the Earth and causes all to be marked with the mark of the beast. Some call this beast the antichrist because it is performing miracles similar to that of Jesus.
This is the role I think Shax is trying to play - somewhat successfully. She arrives coming up out of the lift and through actions we see later kinda fulfill some of the rest of these points.
She also kind of jumps back and forth between these two beast with her authority - almost like she is not actually meant to be here, that they are all out of order. Mainly trying to be in the Antichrist position.
Shax is working the best with what she got.
But let’s switch over to our other story before we get to the confrontation
Aziraphale’s Ball
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In his part of the episode we have been following him around as he invites people to this “meeting”. Crowley is also there for a little bit until he is brought back to reality so to say by Nina and eventually goes to confront Gabriel.
But back to Aziraphale who is going shop to shop in alphabetical order as is on the list on his clipboard. And this is where we start to get some Revelation parallels.
Whereas the Shax parallels started in chapter 13 Aziraphale joins in at the end of chapter 20 with the mention of the Book of Life - or in other words the list of names that are let into this New Jerusalem, that were God’s people.
Aziraphale having a list of people that he is inviting into his bookshop, a notorious place where he doesn’t want humans I feel is pretty significant. But all doesn’t go smoothly and he has to convince some people to come - I could go into each person he talks too but mainly he is using books and christmas lights to convince the people who don’t want to come. But what could those represent?
Books - eternal life for authors
Christmas Lights - the light that Jesus brought back into a world of darkness
Giving out the books/fruit of the Tree of Life so people will come to the ball/paradise hmm Aziraphale?
Interesting that we don’t see Mr. Brown’s shop on this list isn’t it? Keep that in mind.
But we continue on to Aziraphale decorating the Bookshop. With two scenes of him doing this one - moving the bookcases, or interior walls, and two - bring the chandelier down
In chapter 21, John is said to have seen New Jerusalem and New Earth descend from the Heavens - noting that there was no temple,
This could be paralleled to the scene where Crowley is looking into the Bookshop watching as Aziraphale has a chandelier descend from the ceiling.
It’s also important to note at this point that Gabriel arriving quite literally upended their lives and inadvertently set off the very same events he didn’t want to happen, The Second Coming. With him acting as a Jesus parallel.
But back to what is happening with Aziraphale. People are starting to arrive!! And he is changing their clothes?
Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are those who wash their robes, so they may have access to the tree of life and they may enter the city by the gates.
Washing their robes is meant to symbolize a full cleansing from sin that they must be free from to enter New Jerusalem
So Aziraphale is changing (washing) their clothes to make them acceptable for the ball (New Jerusalem)
Now you may be wondering how would you even prove that it happened? The seamstress conversation is how.
On one side it probably was how people from the time period Aziraphale is trying to create talked but it’s also removing the nature of the “sin”
Aziraphale does not even know what she technically does and yet it is still changed. When Mrs. Sandwich later tries to say what her job is she can’t actually say it and has to describe it - all using sewing terms. She even calls out at one point that the “devil may take it.”
But why? Aziraphale doesn’t even know and if he did I doubt he was care very much - unless something else was at play here.
Heavens standards - which in this universe includes adultery as bad, as a sin. We see examples with the references to Solomon and Gomorrah and “Thou shall not commit adultery Pulsifer”
The way she describes it as well leans towards this angle as well. With the “in want of the tender attention of a wife”
But back to Jim though who throughout all of this has been our Jesus parallel - he is out mingling with the people for the first time dressed in a wonderful blue suit.
Revelation 22 - The throne of God and the Lamb are in the city, and His people worship Him. There is no night and no need for other sources of light, for the Lord Himself gives the light, and they reign forever.
God and Jesus finally walking among and interacting with their people - and Jim seems to be having a grand ol time
yes i’m putting Aziraphale into Gods position- tricky business there i know
There is also some more references with the Candelabra’s that are around the shop - both the 3 and 7 versions. These guys have a bunch of different meaning but the ones that really stick out is The Holy Trinity and the Seven Angels or the Seven Churches
(I also had this whole bit planned about the temple which is said to be destroyed in the Second Coming of Jesus because it now holds no place in Jerusalem because God and Jesus are now among them and relating it to the Second Temple. I’m a bit iffy about it though just with some of reasoning but that was the basics of it - I might end up coming back to this at some point)
But all this to say that Aziraphale has basically made his version of paradise - unintentionally mirroring what is said to be the real one
The Collide
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And our two stories meet….somehow. We left off with Shax in chapter 13 and Aziraphale in chapter 22 so quite a bit has to happen to get them to the same place - and it does a little bit out of order
Things come crashing to a stop quite literally when the demons throw the brick? wall piece? through the window. Shax makes her threats particularly to the humans. Perhaps because they don’t have the Mark of the Beast? Which they would need to buy things and as we know from Jim earlier, they aren’t selling
But the next big event is Jim walking out of the bookshop
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which has been linked to this pose
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and continues Shax’s story into Revelations 14
Revelation 14:14 Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man
but he is also start Aziraphale’s story back up when he goes back into the shop - just going backwards now
Revelation 20:5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. How fortunate and holy is the one who has a share in the first resurrection!
Mr. Brown then gets grabbed and thrown out of the shop, remember how his shops name wasn’t on the list? His name is not in the Book of Life therefore he is thrown into a Lake of Fire
Crowley then brings the humans back outside telling them to go back to their shops thus removing them from New Jerusalem and reversing judgement
and then he exits the stage as well and our jumping around really begins with episode 6 - so quick-fire
Shax gains confidence in her attack as soon as she notices Crowley has left and while this is happening Aziraphale put the chandelier back…. from wherever it came from. Effectively undescending New Jerusalem and putting that behind them as they work to meet up to where Shax is at in the story.
Aziraphale starts setting up the portal and tells Shax she is not welcomed here
Revelations 14: 9-11 - Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Demons throw trash into the bookshop and Aziraphale runs off to tell Jim to hide leaving Maggie and Nina to deal with Shax
Revelation 14: 17-20 Then another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire, and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.” So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.
Maggie is then manipulated by Shax to let the demons in the shop
By this point I think the true role of Shax has come into play and it’s a nod back to Madam Tracy. The role is in Revelation 17 - The Whore of Babylon - the epitome of sin, ruler over 7 kingdoms, quick with her tongue and good with her words, draped in the finest clothes of purple and scarlet 
Demons start to enter the shop and Aziraphale activates the portal - Shax discorporates Eric and we see Jim’s position on the stairs above everyone
Revelation 15 - The Seven Plagues - yes I know they haven’t quite got to anything else besides the portal and even then they don’t use seven different things but this chapter really is just setting up for the next and I wanted to mention one thing before moving into the next
Revelation 15:8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed
the smoke coming from the demons discorporating and the fire extinguishers while Jim is absent
Demons start stepping into the portal - Maggie, Nina, and Aziraphale have to come up with another plan - Demons push book selves over and Maggie and Nina start with the fire extinguishers
They have now gone up the stairs to the second floor of the bookshop for the first floor has been over taken by the demons - Aziraphale charges Shax to leave this place - Shax starts to insult Aziraphale
Revelation 18:2 With a mighty voice he shouted: “ ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
Jim is sent away after asking if anyone wants hot chocolate
I don’t have anything to compare this to. I just think it’s interesting that Aziraphale(and Maggie and Nina) were offered hot chocolate and declined, especially with all the talks about coffee vs death
Maggie and Nina continue with the fire extinguishers - and then they start with the books - no more fire extinguishers or books and Aziraphale pulls out the old Halo trick
Revelation 16 - Bowls of Wrath - now the chapter with the actual description of the seven bowls. By now we have seen all of the moves Aziraphale, Maggie, and Nina pull but I really wanted to point out the comparison of the last bowl particularly what happened afterwards and the Halo so,
Revelation 16:17-20 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
All demons are discorporated with Shax unconscious on the couch
Revelation 19:2 for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.
Revelation 19:20 And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
and with that it is over
so yeah that was a lot and it’s not perfect but remember when it was mentioned back in season 1 it was among prophecies that were not entirely accurate and that it was a rushed, only kinda planned attack. So really I just view this as very quick run down version of the Second Coming where there is not enough players
plus you have Crowley’s side to this story which seems to be the reality - dealing with the actual problem that has been going on throughout the season (Gabriel) instead of hosting a Ball or trying to make a power play
but if you made it this far have a little treat in the spirit of the holiday season, or if you don’t celebrate anything than just for getting to the end of this
New Jerusalem was also described as "the bride, the wife of the lamb” - and we all know that Ball was for Aziraphale and Crowley, as much as he may deny it, so really Aziraphale was saying “let’s get married, I’m your wife now”
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kirausamaria · 2 years ago
Stolitz’ Fanfic: Boyfriend’s Therapy Session.
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This is the first fanfic I have even added a fanart to, but I wanted to do something special for reaching 1000 plus followers on Twitter. Thank you so much for your love and support even when I don’t share too much art or fanfics (life’s fault), and I hope I can make you smile a little with this fanfic.
Stolas was expectantly looking at the main entrance of the palace, waiting for his dear Blitzy to arrive. Since they started dating they made a compromise of meeting at least twice a week, and until now Blitzo had kept his promise and arrived at his palace, or Stolas would visit at his place when his work finished a little later than usual. Everything was going smoothly for both of them.
‘Only 10 minutes left’, Stolas said to himself, happily looking at the clock.
10 minutes later, Blitzo opened up the door and entered with lazy legs. As Stolas stood up to receive him with a huge squeezy hug, he stopped when noticing something wasn’t alright.
Blitzo had a very tired face. You could even say he looked gloomy. Who are we kidding, the whole background behind him had a dark gray color.
‘Erm, Blitzy, are you alright?’
      ‘Of course, better than ever! Why would you even ask that?’Blitzo grumbled just clear enough and tugged himself to the living room’s sofa in order to sink his full face on it.
Stolas walked to the sofa as well and sat on the corner, silently staring at the depressed imp for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth:
‘Blitzo, are you sure you’re ok?
‘I mean, I woke up today so I guess my day was good enough’, Blitzo replied with a muffled voice because of the cushions.
‘Would you like to talk to me about it?’
Blitzo lifted his face to see a cute Stolas smiling while gently patting his own lap. How could Blitzo refuse his invitation? He crawled a little forward in order to rest his head on it. He needed some soft head strokes from his fluffy boyfriend in order to gain some strength to talk.
‘Well, actually I had a little argument with Loona this morning at the office’, Blitzo started explaining while looking at the floor. ‘I told her she should be more careful when going out with shady guys with ill intentions because they could hurt her. She just yelled at me telling me she was strong enough to handle things by herself and to back off. I begged her not to be with boys who could be a bad influence and she answered back telling me I was a bad influence myself and she just walked away.’
Stolas didn’t say a thing, he just kept listening at his boyfriend, waiting until he finished letting everything out.
‘I mean, she is not wrong, I did a bunch of things I’m not proud of, and hurted people I cared about…it’s just *sniffles*...I’m trying to do better, I really am, but not sure if it’ll ever be enough for Loona to listen to me, to love me’.
Blitzo just stopped talking and hid his face on Stolas’ robe. Stolas could feel some small and warm teardrops falling on it, and even when he tried to look calm while listening to Blitzo, he could only imagine how he felt as father to be dismissed for things he had done in the past.
‘Oh, my dear Blitzy’, Stolas finally replied while caressing Blitzo’s head, ‘I know sometimes because of fights like that you may feel that your daughter doesn’t appreciates you, but during the times I’ve spent together with you all I was able to see it, little moments that showed me how much she cares and understands you really love her. 
‘Really?, Blitzo asked with a soft whine. ‘Like what moments?’
‘Remember when you got sick and stayed home while I tried to help with the office’s paperwork? I was actually making such a mess *giggles*, not on purpose of course. Loona got angry at me and explained to me how to do things properly so you wouldn’t have to do extra work after you came back. Then after the job was done and I was about to leave and go to your apartment…do you remember that topper full of soup I got for you to eat?’
‘Huh, yeah, you made it for me, right?’
Stolas started scratching the back of his neck. 
‘Well, actually Loona made it’.
‘Sorry, what?’
‘Yeah, Loona prepared it at the office’s cafeteria. She brought a bunch of veggies and cooked it as well as she could. She was too shy to ask Moxxie for help, I guess’. Stolas said with a wide smile staring at Blitzo who had finally lifted his head from his lap.
‘Loona…did she really do that for me?’ 
‘Of course! He was worried for his dad!’, Stolas replied. ‘She made me swear I’d say I made it, but I’m only responsible for bringing you the medication and the horsie plushie’.
‘Loona…my sweet baby…she actually loves me…’ Blitzo started sniffling again while standing up and hugging tight to Stolas’ chest trying to hide his tears.
‘Blitzy, sometimes children say things that are hurtful because of the heat of the moment’, Stolas continued while reciprocating Blitzo’s hug. ‘I’ve been there with Via as well, it’s something that happens. But do not be wrong, everytime you show them worry and caring to them they feel it, they know your love is genuine. I know you have had a rough life path Blitzy, but each one of us can see how hard you’re trying to make things change for the better. You trying so hard to move forward and improve yourself for all of us around you is one of the reasons I fell in love with you’.
Blitzo sobbed quietly for a couple of minutes before he was calm enough to look at Stolas, who patiently waited until he was ready. 
‘Ugh, my bad, I hate to be seen like this, it’s so embarrassing’.
‘Aww, you don’t have to be embarrassed for showing me your crying face at all, Blitzy’, Stolas said with a sweet smile. ‘Your softness is another reason why I love you so much.’
‘I knew you were a f**king sadist’, Blitzo replied with a low voice. His face was blushing a little.
‘Do you feel a little better darling?’
‘Yeah, I guess so. Erm, thank you Stols’, Blitzo said with a shy smile.
‘Always my pleasure my sweet little imp’.
‘Stop calling me those names God damnit!’ Blitzo started giving little punches with his closed fists to Stolas, with a face redder than before.
‘Ahahaha, I’m sorry! You’re so cute I just want to give you all the pet names in the world!’, Stolas said while covering himself laughing.
‘Mmph!’ Blitzo pouted and saw the opposite way. Stolas knew he wasn’t actually angry. Actually he looked much calmer than before their talk. But Stolas was planning to improve his dear boyfriend’s humor a little more. Giving Blitzo a happy look he said:
‘You know what darling? I feel you’re still feeling a little down. Why don’t we work a little on it? You look like you need to relax a little more’, Stolas said, getting closer to Blitzo in a very suspicious way.
‘Stolas, I think I’m good enough to move forward with it so…’. Blitzo suddenly paused and recognized the naughty look Stolas always gave him when ‘that’ was about to happen. ‘Oh no, Stolas, don’t you even think about it…no, I refuse and…Woah!’.
Blitzo didn’t move quickly enough to Stolas grabbing him and cradding him like he was a big cat. He then gave him a little nuzzle and giving happy leaps he reached the bedroom. Then he laid on the bed still holding Blitzo with one arm, long enough to hold on his legs so he couldn’t go away.
‘Stolas, I, I swear to f**ing Satan that if you don’t let me go I…’. Blitzo was stuttering and trying not to show his excitement for what was about to come.
‘Oh, my little Blitzy, no need to be shy. Just enjoy your therapy session of the day, you really need it, don’t you think so?’ Stolas mischievously said.
‘I f**ing don’t, ok? J-ust don’t do it, I…Mmmph!’ Stolas started giving him peppering kisses and smooches all over his face, focusing more on his cheeks because he knew it made Blitzo giggle almost instantaneously. Blitzo tried to make an upset face as long as he could, but it was a lost cause.
‘S-Stolas, no, I’m warning y-you, cuhut it out…no…stop…pfff! Hehehe, nohoho…’
‘Oh, you’re laughing! That’s wonderful, it seems like you’re enjoying my kisses my dear Blitzy!
‘Nohoho, I’m nohohot!’, Blitzo protested between giggles. Not very convincing.
‘Oh, maybe you need a little more affection!’ Stolas then started walking his fingers slowly on Blitzo’s stomach, trying to get a wobbly nervous smile from him, which wasn’t too hard to do. Blitzo was very susceptible to Stolas’ playful teasing.
‘Please, don’t dohoho it…, I will…pfff! Ehehehehe!’.
Stolas wiggled a single finger over Blitzo’s stomach, giving light tickles only. Usually Stolas would tickle Blitzo with all his might to the point of Blitzo falling asleep right away after his play, but on this occasion Stolas just wanted to pamper him and make him feel happy. 
‘Ehehehe, Stohohoolas! Nohohot there, hehehe!’, Blitzo said between giggles and squirms. ‘Not my stomach, hehehe!’
‘But your stomach is so soft , cute and ticklish, I can’t stop tickling it!’, Stolas replied, not using all his hand’s fingers to keep the soft tickles going, making Blitzo laugh and squirm harder.
‘Ahahahaha! Stahahahahap!’
‘I got your belly button!’, Stolas cooed while wiggling one finger inside Blitzo’s belly button, after going under his shirt. It didn’t tickle as much as the rest of his stomach but Blitzo still laughed.
‘You f***heheher, juhuhust wait until I’m freheheheee!’, Blitzo yelled before falling into more laughter. Stolas just laughed at seeing his boyfriend trying to sound menacing with no avail. 
‘Aww Blitzy! You trying to sound menacing under these circumstances is totally adorable! Please do it again!’, Stolas cooed again, while tickling Blitzo’s neck with his fingers this time, making him squirm from one side to another, trying to cover the side of his neck Stolas attacked alternatively .
‘Ahahaha, I hate you sohohoho much!’, Blitzo said without meaning it so much.
‘Oh, is that so? Maybe you don’t feel relaxed enough yet. What if we focus on your favorite spot now?’.
Blitzo knew what spot he meant, but tried to act like he didn’t. ‘Whahahat the f*ck you’re talking about, hahaha!’.
‘Oh, yes you do, my dear Blitzy!’. Stolas began playfully walking his fingers from Blitzo’s stomach to his ribs, poking in some places just to keep his excitement going, Blitzo couldn’t stop giving nervous giggles while Stolas’ fingers were close to reach that feared spot.
When Stolas’ hand reached the upper rib right under his underarm and tickled  there, Blitzo jolted and let out a loud squeal while laughing and squirming like crazy.
‘There it is! There’s that happy spot! Stolas cooed while holding his own laughter. Blitzo’s laughter was Stolas’ serotonin without a doubt. Blitzo weakly tried to protect his side and squirmed on Stolas’ arm, and then let out a squeak when Stolas suddenly changed to tickle his other side.
Blitzo didn’t give any smart ass comeback as he usually did. He’d rather die than admitting that he really loved being tickled there, but the fact that he kept quiet while laughing his a** off meant he was trying to enjoy every single second of his tickle therapy. 
When Stolas vibrated both of his hands while still holding Blitzo on both sides of his ribs, he let out such a loud and happy squeal that his embarrassment grew about 150%.
‘Aww, that was such a cute sound! Please do it again for me!’ Stolas cooed while still teasing his dear mate’s ribs.
‘Youhhhhuuu…ahahaha *hic*! F*ck, hahaha *hic* stahahahap!’
‘Alright, alright, I’ll change places now’, Stolas said, holding Blitzo now over his chest. Then he started quickly poking his back, making him jumpy and squirmy all over again, especially when Stolas poked a very ticklish spot. 
Blitzo could only squirm and laugh, his face hidden on Stolas’ fluffy chest, trying not to show him his face, now red as a tomato. That changed when Stolas dug his fingers on his lower back. Blitzo instinctively arched his back, showing his face and cackling.
‘Ahahaha! Stolahahahas! Nohohot therehehehe!’
‘Why not? You love when I scratch the base of your tail’.
‘But not like thihihhis! Stahahahap!’
‘Alright, I just give you a little more treatment and I’m done’, Stolas said with the sweetest voice he could ever do, making Blitzo afraid about what would be coming next.
Stolas suddenly lifted Blitzo from his low back and let Blitzo’s waist and head hanging from the bed, making his blouse go down to his chest. Because of the force of gravity it was very hard for Blitzo  to lift his arms and protect himself from what Stolas was planning.
Stolas walked his fingers over Blitzo’s stomach at a very slow pace, making him both afraid and excited, making it hard not to start giggling in front of Stolas. First making circles around Blitzo’s belly button, then proceeded to skitter his talons all over Blitzo’s stomach and ribs, making him laugh at an instant.
‘Nahahahah! Stolahahahahs! You’re the worhohohorst ahahaha!’
‘Oh, really? I thought I was the sweetest boyfriend ever, giving my dear imp boyfriend so much attention!’, Stolas said feigning ignorance. Then he started softly scratching each rib and then giving him soft pinches on them, making Blitzo all giggly and squirmy.
‘You’re so cute, my dear Blitzy! How was I able to get the most handsome, yet the most ticklish imp in the whole hell?’.
Blitzo just stopped fighting all at once, now too lazy to lift his arms and fight against Stolas. His tickles were too light to even care, and at this point Blitzo was having a lot of fun feeling Stolas’ caring touch. Blitzo had given up a long time ago about falling in love, even more getting love from someone, but Stolas was giving him just that right now. Every touch, every caress he received from the owl prince, made him both shudder and melt.
After almost 10 minutes of being upside down laughing and hipcupping,  Stolas lifted Blitzo and gave him a tight hug, giving him a moment to compose himself. Blitzo finally gave a long sight and stared at his boyfriend.
‘God damnit Stolas! You and your silly games!’
‘Did I go a little too far, perhaps?’, Stolas replied, tilting his head and looking too cute for Blitzo to even fake he was angry at him. He just looked away, blushing.
‘As always’, he said. Next time it will be your turn to get a therapy session, and it will be a full 1 hour session!’
‘Oh, really? Do I need an appointment for that?’, Solas replied, a little too enthusiastic about that scenario’.
‘Ugh, I forgot you enjoy anything I do to you’.
‘Wait, you don’t enjoy everything I do to you?’stolas said, faking being offended.
‘Anyways, I’m tired and I just wanna go to bed now. Can we just take a bath and rest?’
‘Of course! Let me take you to the royal bath, your Highness!’, Stolas playfully said while carrying Blitzo to the bathroom as if they were dancing in a ball. Blitzo couldn’t do anything but stare at his charming Prince’s eyes while dancing, hypnotizing him.
‘Mom, look at the new trick I learnt today!’ A little Blitzo yelled while approaching his mom with a giant circus ball. His mom just stopped what she was doing and sat looking honestly eager to see what his son had prepared for her. His little twin sister also quickly joined the audience.
Holding a little baton on his right hand, Blitzo began spinning it and then jumped on the ball, doing circles across the room while still spinning the baton. Then he jumped backwards letting the baton go, kept standing on the now still ball and holding it with his tail. 
When the act was done, both his mom and sister clapped, smiling a lot.
‘Oh, my Blitzo! You’re so talented! Everyone will love your act!’
‘Do you really think so mom?’, Blitzo said with shinny hopeful eyes, receiving a hug from his mom. ‘Do you think people will love me’.
His mom kindly smiled.
‘Of course Blitzo. Someday people will love you as much as I do’. His mom held him tightly and gave him a lot of smooches, making him giggle.
Blitzo opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of Stolas, who was already asleep. Blitzo could feel his warm breath on the nape of his neck, and his soft chest feathers warming his back. Beginning to doze off again Blitzo took Stolas’ arm and held it against his chest, letting himself be hugged by him.
Before falling asleep, Blitzo mumbled to himself while smiling:
‘Mom, I’ve finally found someone who loves me’.
Hope you all enjoyed my fanfic. If you want to support me to work on more fanfics or art you can buy me a coffee on my Ko-fi site, https://ko-fi.com/kirausamaria 
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quillisadoll · 9 months ago
Ok y'all I have another story idea from my dreams.
Does it make sense? Kinda but whatever the story is really cool and I'll probably work out the logistics later
Kyoya is a robot that was designed by his father to befriend rich kids and learn their family secrets, then travel back in time to tell him so his father can use it for blackmail (stay with me here)
After doing this hundreds and hundreds of times Kyoya gets the assignment to learn about the Suoh family.
He goes through middle school for the hundredth time and actually talks to Tamaki.
But something is different, even though he cannot feel he feels like he's getting a feeling of deja vu like he's done this before.
Time passes and he's in high school now. He has grown closer to Tamaki, he still hasn't spilled any family secrets though how bizarre.
More time passes and Kyoya thinks he's malfunctioning, he feels weird near Tamaki his chest starts to hurt and his skin blushes inappropriately, he should time travel back but he doesn't want to come back empty handed and be a disappointment.
As time passes, they start a club the malfunctions get worse he makes friends this isn't right he hasn't been focusing on his main objective why is this all so familiar..?
Then one night during his charging cycle he finds a file in his system that he doesn't have access to (idk computer language just bare with me guys)
It takes him a couple days but he hacks into it.
He has done Tamakis assignment multiple times.
78 times to be exact.
All of the details about what went wrong was right there
"fallen in love" 48
"disobeyed" 40
"didn't travel back" 17
Were the most common reasonings.
Suddenly he found his memories of all of those times
Tamaki complimenting him
Attempting to punch his dad
Exploring the world without traveling back
Telling Tamaki he's a robot and him accepting him
Kissing Tamaki
He needed answers, could he love? Why did he do this? It's all to much
And I would love to keep on going in this story format but I am not that creative rn so here's how it ended (in my dream at least, maybe I'll turn this into a real fic if I get good feedback)
OK so in my dream it ended with Kyoya trying to get around his Fathers safety features so he could actually kill him and or hurt him enough to let him free so he could live w tamaki
WELL it doesn't go well turns out he had this backup backup plan that if kyoya went rogue he has this remote that basically shuts him down.
He gets restarted and his assignment is Tamaki Suoh
Round 79
Andddd yeah!
Now you might be asking "why is Kyoyas dad obsessed with the Suoh family?" Tbh it's just bc he is pissed that Kyoya isn't listening to him and now he's obsessed with finding out with what's up with the Suohs
(I'm silly in tags!)
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 years ago
Ok, here's the post I promised detailing why I take issue with Ahsoka's decision to send Kanan to find Rex in Rebels.
Disclaimer: This is not me "hating" on Ahsoka, this is just me being critical of a couple of her decisions.
To start off: Ahsoka knows that Kanan is a Republic Era Jedi, and common sense tells us that if someone was a Jedi during that time, they were almost 100% certain to have faced the clones during Order 66. Ahsoka may make stupid decisions sometimes, but she is not stupid. It was not lost on her that Kanan, only old enough to have been a padawan at the time (if she didn't recognize him from around the Temple), probably saw his master get brutally murdered.
Now, she might not know the details like we do, but it's made very clear that Kanan has definitely not healed from Order 66. Grand Inquisitor literally spells it out for us by taunting Kanan about his master's death and talking about Kanan having nightmares because of it, with Kanan being near tears and clearly blaming himself when he says that her last words to him were "run."
It is still very much an open wound for him and Ahsoka knows this, even if she isn't clear on the details.
"How does Ahsoka know this?" You might ask.
"You must trust him." - Ahsoka repeats this phrase over and over to Kanan in the beginning of the episode. She offers no other explanation or information except "hey this droid can track my friend" and "trust my friend." Nothing else.
Why would she say that, unless she knew that Kanan was going to react badly?
Now, even if Kanan was absolutely the only person possible who could've done this mission (which he wasn't), my main issue is that Ahsoka didn't give Kanan the informed choice of whether he wanted to go on the mission or not. She withheld information from Kanan so that he would go on the mission without a fuss, knowing that he would probably change his mind if he knew that her "friends" were clones.
"How would she know that?" - You don't withhold information like that for no good reason. If she didn't think Kanan would put up a fuss, or if she actually cared about giving him a choice on whether or not to face the men that helped murder his family, then she would have given him the full story and not just some vague message of "trust him."
("But Jedi-Enthusiast, the clones didn't want to kill the Jedi, they were forced to!" - Yes, we--as the audience--know that and so does Ahsoka, but Kanan clearly doesn't. It's shown in the episode that he obviously thinks the inhibitor chips were an excuse, but not the actual reason.)
Ahsoka's decision to withhold this information is not just shitty, but it's also really stupid.
What if Kanan's PTSD manifested like Wolffe's did?
Wolffe's first instinct upon seeing a Jedi was to kill first, ask questions later, until Rex managed to ground him.
What if Kanan's first instinct upon seeing clones was the same? Or, better yet, what if he wanted revenge for his master's death and decided to just kill them anyway?
She was lucky that Kanan's first response to seeing clones was shock, fear, anger, defensive position and not shock, fear, anger, violent response to seeing his family's murderers.
Overall, I just think she should've given him all of the information and allowed him to make an informed choice about whether or not to go instead of just letting him blindly walk into a situation that would remind him of his trauma.
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