#ok but okumura tho
vashtijoy · 1 year
The under appreciated shuake dynamic of Akira looking Akechi straight in the eye and telling him a lot of the people he killed probably deserved it.
*coughs in Okumura*
edit: Turns out Okumura isn't as bad as I thought, annoyingly since I still hate him very much. The localisation says that he's responsible for most of the mental shutdowns (which, ???).
This turns out to be a little inaccurate. Okumura is not responsible for most of the shutdowns, but for most of the "odd suspicious cases that aren't accidents or illnesses" that Sae was investigating—presumably things like the naked guy at Wild Duck Burger:
Yusuke 新島検事はまず、一連の連続事件のうち、明らかに事故や病気でない『不審なもの』を抜き出している。 niijima-kenji wa mazu, ichiren no renzoku jiken no uchi, akiraka ni jiko ya byouki de nai "fushinna mono" o nukidashiteiru First, Prosecutor Niijima has been looking into the continued cases of people suddenly collapsing. [lit. Public Prosecutor Niijima has, first of all, extracted odd suspicious cases that were obviously not accidents or illnesses from the continuing series of incidents.] First of all, Prosecutor Niijima has been looking into a subset of the incidents—the peculiar cases that obviously weren't accidents or illnesses.
Yusuke それらに共通点が無いかを探っていたらしい。 sorera ni kyoutsuuten ga nai ka o sagutteita rashii It seems she [was] searching for a common thread to tie them all together.
Yusuke 憶測の部分もあるようだが、過半数の事件で大きな利益を得る立場にあった存在を特定している。 okusoku no bubun mo aru you da ga, kahansuu no jiken de ookina rieki o eru tachiba ni atta sonzai o tokutei shiteiru Some parts seem to be speculation, but she has cited a beneficiary of the majority of these incidents.
... and that beneficiary is Okumura Foods and its CEO Okumura, of course.
Now, we know that Okumura was responsible for deaths—there's at least one case where a car overturns and all four passengers, including a VP of one of Okumura's competitors, are killed. (If you're keeping count for Akechi, that's four dead in one day alone.) Okumura is Thoroughly Unpleasant. He's just not "responsible for most of the mental shutdowns that went on for years" unpleasant.
I think I have this translation right. It makes sense, for one thing, that Okumura was responsible for most of the weird scandals. It doesn't make sense that he was responsible for most of the mental shutdowns.
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odpadki · 1 year
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got a netflix notif theyr removing blue exorcist s2, something i had no idea existed lmao????
so i decided to watch it nd kinda fell back nto one of my og hyperfixations….i’ll always lov my son….
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w4yne4ndersen · 1 year
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Reusing OCs is my passion haha,, But yeah this is Maria except she's like 75 years old and Echo's universe's Doc Ock, she's the CEO of Alchemax and her and Marlon's last name is Okumura (which was their father's but I never said it because I love keeping lore to myself) instead of Sanderson because y'know, starts with 'ok'. Oh, and she's an absolute bastard who makes Liv look nice in comparison. Next slide is her with Marlon, a frustrated artist with clinical depression who only became a scientist because his sister convinced him to but would've much rather pursued art. He's Echo's uncle Ben (they're not related tho), which means the poor guy doesn't get a break from dying even in an alternate universe
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orcelito · 2 years
Ok I've been playing more persona 5. Almost done with okumura (as in I'm literally 1 day from the deadline, he's already dealt with). The boss fight with him wasn't nearly as bad as my first game of royal (see: me failing like 5 times b4 rage quitting for the night & then studying a strategy guide in the morning), BUT it definitely took more effort than basically Any fight in this game so far. Had to actually Strategize, couldn't brute force my way through (though I sure did use brute force for Some of it lol. Thanks Satanael)
The lack of akechi is fucking me up tho. I can't level my link with him until we get to sae's palace times, and I've just been going to kichijoji to look at him like a lost puppy before going and doing something else for the night
Fucking fascinating thing though. So I've got kawakami at max by now (big ugh, I know, but I wanted her skill + I'm trying to max all of them this game), WHICH MEANS I can get a massage to go out after metaverse things. So I took down okumura, got a massage, and then went out again.
Me, fresh out of defeating okumura. Akechi, fresh out of Killing okumura. And he did the line of like "I need to talk to you about something... but I don't have time right now." Looking all fake conflicted lol. It's just a little tidbit of timing that I've never gotten before, so I enjoyed that for Sure.
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Kinda wishing there was Banana Fish the Musical
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daz4i · 3 years
oh man i’m thinking concepts. we know goro was originally supposed to have a palace and it got scrapped but like. what if he had a jail. what theme would it be
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ellie-tarts · 4 years
okumura walking into his room to declare to miyuki that he's going to steal his regular spot while miyuki just laughs and taunts him
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[image id: jojo approach meme. a man in yellow with a blue aura struts towards a man in black and purple who is also jauntily standing. end id]
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cynamonowo · 4 years
if you’re still doing prompts then maybe... ‘lightheaded’ or ‘dizzy’ with yusuke and friends as wow does this boy need to eat more :
stupid boy agenda ft. haru
With a sigh, Haru steps away and gives Yusuke an appraising look. Her delicate features are still marred with a frown.
"Yu-chan," she says gently, and Yusuke feels even more guilt, "you truly should take better care of yourself, you know?" She sits by his side on the bench and presses her cool hand to his forehead. Yusuke can't help but lean into the touch.
"My apologies," he murmurs, eyes closing. "I did not want to trouble anyone."
"Oh, you truly should have," Haru says in a chiding tone. "I would much prefer that to you fainting during our walk!"
Yusuke grimaces to himself. Perhaps she is right. On the other hand, asking for help has always been anxiety-inducing, so he had been staying silent about the fact that he hadn't eaten anything for thirty-six hours. That is, he stayed silent until he got so light-headed and dizzy he ended up blacking out and scaring the crap out of Haru. 
He sighs. Yes, well. At least the walk has, so far, been quite fruitful in inspiration. Plus, Haru, after hearing the news, has got him a few snacks from the vending machines that he's currently munching on.
"My apologies," Yusuke says again, opening his eyes to glance at Haru. She's no longer frowning, thankfully, and gives him a little smile.
"Oh, Yu-chan," she says with a fond expression. "Next time just tell me, and I shall send you some vegetables." She pats him on the shoulder, then hands another bottle of water. "You're no longer so terribly pale, but let's rest for a few more minutes before going to my house to watch a few movies. How does that sound?"
Yusuke smiles back. "Very lovely. This is a wonderful plan."
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starryamber · 6 years
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shorter is the third wheel that takes all their couple photos
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singeiji · 6 years
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What are these nightmares that torment you so about? Is it about you killing Shorter? Or a bitter childhood memory I don't know about? Your almost cold-blooded leadership. Your fearless willpower… Is it all to cover up a fragile soul? If it’s, how cruel it all is. Ash, don’t die. You have to live!
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artificervaldi · 7 years
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Some purse owner party members I love
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adhdgoro · 4 years
Who has the brain cell during each of the arcs (royal spoilers):
Kamoshida: None of them has the brain cell. Not Ann, not Ryuji, and not Joker. Morgana acts like he does but really no one knows what the fuck is going on. They really said "we'll try not to kill him but if he dies whoops oh well haha 🤪🤪🤪"
Madarame: Still no brain cell in sight. At least they're pretty sure they wont kill him? If anything, Yusuke joining the group put them further into the negatives when it came to brain cell count. Also the whole thing with Ann modeling and her atrocious acting skills.
Kaneshiro: Finally, someone with a working brain. Or at least, a singular brain cell. Makoto, there's a reason they call you Queen. Still, made some very impulsive decisions there so its questionable where the brain cell was in those moments.
Futaba: Aha! Another brain cell, although this one only seems to know one thing. It's okay tho, her hacking really gets them out of trouble (except it totally doesn't). Minus points for keeping the calling card.
Okumura: Firstly i would just like to say FUCK this palace. Anyway, Futaba's brain cell does some work here. Makoto still has hers, even if it's not as prevalent. Also Haru for SURE doesn't have a brain cell. It's okay Beauty Thief i still love u.
Sae: Akechi came in and now we have 3 brain cells. Unfortunately it's not really 3 as Akechi is scheming against them, but it's okay because 2 is better than 1. GG pancake boy, you fucked up. Only reason I'm saying he has one is bc of the thing he did with the card to get them more chips.
Shido: You'd think that for having them for so long, Akechi and Makoto would keep better track of their brain cells. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Futaba is the only one here with a brain cell. It's ok tho, she's the only one that needs one rn, if everyone else was smart here things would get too chaotic too quick.
Yaldabaoth: while not technically a whole arc i still felt it was important to mention because i think its here where they get hit so hard they all lose their brain cells.
Maruki: yknow what i said about getting hit so hard they lost their brain cells? Akechi lost his when he got shot in the engine room. No one here has a fucking brain cell. Not a single person here thinks. "Akira this is fake im not really alive" bitch why didnt u disappear like okumura and wakaba did when haru and futaba realized this was fake!! And you didnt question this???? Also the fact the no one catches Sumire up on what the fuck happened between the group?? Why??? Also letting her fight while her Persona was being weird??? Really?? Dont even get me STARTED on the fact that Maruki and Joker's last fight was just them punching each other like akshakshsl bro u palace is already collapsing, give it UP!! ur all so stupid. I hate u...
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ryuji-ism · 3 years
Like, this is my second time playing P5R because I messed up and got a bed ending because I did everything in my power to avoid Akechi throughout the game really like it. This bothered me the first time I played it, but I needed to vent.
Spoilers for 9/13, even though this game is 4 years old at this point.
YO ok the way Morgana left made me so mad. Yes, I'm a Ryuji simp, but the whole scenario was extremely dumb.
I've looked into other people's opinions online, and many of them are saying the same thing: Morgana's reason he left was stupid as heck.
He's sad about being worthless? Cool, I get that. Isn't your whole thing... Talking? Shouldn't you, like... Talk to the team?
Oh, sorry, you want to be the big bad useful guy so bad that you rush into a brand new palace by yourself (when you couldn't even handle the first one) while dragging around this poor girl who is literally incapable of fighting on her own. Right, can't forget that even when you first reunite with the team and Yusuke LITERALLY says they were looking for you, you ignore that entirely for some reason.
Was Ryuji being needlessly rude even after they split? Yes. But has Morgana said ONE nice/neutral thing to or about Ryuji the ENTIRE time they had been together? No. If it's about Ryuji, it's always talking about how he's useless, stupid, loud, vulgar, etc. Ryuji would jab back every so often, but most of the time he just ignores it. God forbid Ryuji gets upset that you yelled at him for backing down (when the group isn't deciding unanimously, which is the agreement) on a topic you are just not discussing. And that's enough for you to dip. Ok.
It gets to the point that anyone even compliments another member, and Morgana gets pissy. That part didn't bother me much, though. I understand his feelings of uselessness personally and the resentment that comes with it.
What DOES piss me off is that his "tipping point" was the VERY first time the Phantom Thieves didn't unanimously agree on something. So what if they aren't all on the same page in the first official meeting about Okumura? Do some more research and convince them.
I distinctly remember Morgana not wanting to continue into Madarame's palace because he felt there wasn't enough evidence against him, even though they saw pretty much everything in the palace. But Okumura is mentioned and all you really know is that he has a palace? WhAt ArE yOu GuYs WaItInG fOr??????
It doesn't help that Yusuke and Ann agreed that all the hype around them got so big out of no where, which was proved later on was used to set them up, and Morgana ignores it. I'm sure he's making bad decisions to show how upset he is, but I really don't care at this point.
Don't even get me started on how we're properly introduced to Haru with him manipulating her with his emotions. When Ren and Makoto first approach her in reality, she says and I quote: "I can't cooperate with people who don't know what they want to do. What you're doing is unnecessarily causing a stir in the public" (which is isn't but ok) "Besides, the Phantom Thieves, who should be helping the weak, are not helping their own teammate." Sorry, Haru, I think Morgana conveniently left out the part that he ran away without a trace when he was telling you his sob story.
Morgana kinda always got on my nerves since he's a huge simp for Ann and a relentless bully to Ryuji. That trope was kind of ick to me, but I still enjoyed his presence. But this made me so angry, especially since you can't do ANYTHING until Morgana is back. No studying, no reading, no bonding with confidants. Nothing.
Ok I'm done. This is very unorganized since I was just rambling, but thanks for reading if you got this far.
[This is my third edit btw I just keep remembering things] But notice how once they got out of mementos and Morgana was calling for help, Ryuji was the FIRST one to fun towards them? Morgana still a b tho
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homingpigecns · 7 years
oh no is there p 5 discourse. the only discourse i will stand for is morgana discourse. he is black and white but his actions are so many shades of gray
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ashandeiji · 4 years
Ok so, we know about Buddy, but what about the other characters? I can kinda see Sing with a hamster lol.
hmm omg okay so
idk why miss akimi yoshida thought eiji okumura suddenly became a middle aged suburban white dad when he moved back to new york but he does not have a GOLDEN RETRIEVER named BUDDY. he has a cat!! a little babey kitty!!!!
it’s also ash’s cat ofc. they found it dumped in an alleyway and took it in (much to ash’s dismay) and it’s literally obsessed with him and loves being with him all the time. ash acts like he hates it but they’re actually SO smitten
i can definitely see sing with a hamster LMFAO. i think he might also fuck with a gecko tho
shorter with a bearded dragon or a snake or something??? yessir. also can see him with a big sweet doggy like a pitbull or rottweiler tho :)
yut lung doesn’t have any pets he hates animals and they hate him. he MAYBE has a fish tank full of expensive exotic sea life but he doesn’t even tend to it so it BARELY counts
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falthiere · 4 years
Persona 5 (if ya want)
favorite character: RYUJI, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
second favorite character: MAKOTO, who is only SLIGHTLY less of a fave than ryuji bc i wanna kiss ryuji just a tad bit more. i want 2 kiss them both tho
least favorite character: uhhhh. i like all of them! sometimes i really don’t like morgana (i tried so hard to like him but i hate the okumura arc involving him so much im sorry) but thats only sometimes
the character i’m most like: i related a lot to makoto, which definitely doesnt play into me stanning ryukoto at all, none whatsoever
favorite pairing: probably a tie between ryukoto, ryuji and ann, and annshiho. i like a LOT of phantom thief ships actually. honorable mentions are ryuharu and joker and ryuji. lotsa ryu in here. he deserves 2 be smooched
least favorite pairing: joker x any of the adults basically. also joker and futaba is weird, she’s like his little sister, dont ship them :(
favorite moment: makoto’s persona transformation because OH MY GOD... oh my god bro. oh my god. thats the one moment that makes me go YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO like how shes just so fuckin Ready to accept johanna? like all of the other dramatic bitches flail around for a bit before theyre like “ok lets go” meanwhile she just fuckin OWNS IT. like her discovering her anger is just... chefs kiss. and then she gets a MOTORCYCLE!!!
rating out of 10: im not sure how qualified i am to score this! i think i would understand any rating between a 6 or a 9 out of 10. i really enjoyed it but i know the game has many flaws
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