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michael-svetbird · 1 year ago
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AMAZONOMACHY: Attic Red-figured Column Krater Attributed to the Polignotos Painter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygnotos_(vase_painter) 450-440 BC Side A: Two Amazons [depicted in Hellenic clothing, one with a sagaris] confront two Greek warriors. From Tomb 724B, the Valle Pega, Chiusi area [near Ferrara], Spina.
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Ferrara | MANF [1st Fl. Sala XV] • Web : http://www.archeoferrara.beniculturali.it/index.aspx?lng=ENG • FB : https://www.facebook.com/museo.archeologico.ferrara • IG : @museo_archeologico_ferrara • X : @ArcheoFerrara
MANF | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 21|02|24 5500X4200 600 [I.-V.] The photographed object is collection item of MANF, photos are copyrighted [non commercial use | sorry for the watermarks]
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turkcetarih · 7 years ago
Bozkır insanı için konar göçer hayat tarzı bir öğretici idi. Sürüler otlatılırken yaylaktan kışlağa, kışlaktan yaylağa gidilip gelinirken başak bir uğraş alanı ise avcılıktı. Ancak hayat tarzı sürü otlatmak ve avcılıktan da ibaret değildi. Çeşitli sporlarla uğraşmakta ve bazı durumlarda akınlar y...
Devamını okumak için: https://turkcetarih.com/sarmat-savascilarinin-egitimi/
Ammianus, Bozkır, Diodorus Siculus, Herodotos, Hippokrates, Mazos, oiorpata, Sarmatlar
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tobacconist · 1 year ago
(via oiorpata, invisiblestories)
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paganimagevault · 2 years ago
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Amazonomachy frieze at the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos 350 BCE. Images from British Museum, Carole Raddato's flickr, & Mary Harrsch's flickr.
"About the Sauromatae, the story is as follows. When the Greeks were at war with the Amazons (whom the Scythians call Oiorpata, a name signifying in our tongue killers of men, for in Scythian a man is “oior” and to kill is “pata”), the story runs that after their victory on the Thermodon they sailed away carrying in three ships as many Amazons as they had been able to take alive; and out at sea the Amazons attacked the crews and killed them. But they knew nothing about ships, or how to use rudder or sail or oar; and with the men dead, they were at the mercy of waves and winds, until they came to the Cliffs by the Maeetian lake; this place is in the country of the free Scythians. The Amazons landed there, and set out on their journey to the inhabited country, and seizing the first troop of horses they met, they mounted them and raided the Scythian lands.
The Scythians could not understand the business; for they did not recognize the women's speech or their dress or their nation, but wondered where they had come from, and imagined them to be men all of the same age; and they met the Amazons in battle. The result of the fight was that the Scythians got possession of the dead, and so came to learn that their foes were women.
Therefore, after deliberation they resolved by no means to slay them as before, but to send their youngest men to them, of a number corresponding (as they guessed) to the number of the women. They directed these youths to camp near the Amazons and to imitate all that they did; if the women pursued them, not to fight, but to flee; and when the pursuit stopped, to return and camp near them. This was the plan of the Scythians, for they desired that children be born of the women. The young men who were sent did as they were directed. When the Amazons perceived that the youths meant them no harm, they let them be; but every day the two camps drew nearer to each other.
Now the young men, like the Amazons, had nothing but their arms and their horses, and lived as did the women, by hunting and plunder. At midday the Amazons would scatter and go apart from each other singly or in pairs, roaming apart for greater comfort. The Scythians noticed this and did likewise; and as the women wandered alone, a young man laid hold of one of them, and the woman did not resist but let him do his will; and since they did not understand each other's speech and she could not speak to him, she signed with her hand that he should come the next day to the same place and bring another youth with him (showing by signs that there should be two), and she would bring another woman with her.
The youth went away and told his comrades; and the next day he came himself with another to the place, where he found the Amazon and another with her awaiting them. When the rest of the young men learned of this, they had intercourse with the rest of the Amazons. Presently they joined their camps and lived together, each man having for his wife the woman with whom he had had intercourse at first.
Now the men could not learn the women's language, but the women mastered the speech of the men; and when they understood each other, the men said to the Amazons, “We have parents and possessions; therefore, let us no longer live as we do, but return to our people and be with them; and we will still have you, and no others, for our wives.” To this the women replied: “We could not live with your women; for we and they do not have the same customs. We shoot the bow and throw the javelin and ride, but have never learned women's work; and your women do none of the things of which we speak, but stay in their wagons and do women's work, and do not go out hunting or anywhere else. So we could never agree with them. If you want to keep us for wives and to have the name of fair men, go to your parents and let them give you the allotted share of their possessions, and after that let us go and live by ourselves.” The young men agreed and did this.
So when they had been given the allotted share of possessions that fell to them, and returned to the Amazons, the women said to them: “We are worried and frightened how we are to live in this country after depriving you of your fathers and doing a lot of harm to your land. Since you propose to have us for wives, do this with us: come, let us leave this country and live across the Tanaïs river.” To this too the youths agreed; and crossing the Tanaïs, they went a three days' journey east from the river, and a three days' journey north from lake Maeetis; and when they came to the region in which they now live, they settled there. Ever since then the women of the Sauromatae have followed their ancient ways; they ride out hunting, with their men or without them; they go to war, and dress the same as the men. The language of the Sauromatae is Scythian, but not spoken in its ancient purity, since the Amazons never learned it correctly. In regard to marriage, it is the custom that no maiden weds until she has killed a man of the enemy; and some of them grow old and die unmarried, because they cannot fulfill the law."
-Herodotus, The Histories 4.110.1
I collected more images on my blog page than I can post here: https://paganimagevault.blogspot.com/2022/10/amazonomachy-frieze-at-mausoleum-of.html
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littlereyofsunlight · 7 years ago
wonder woman fic recs
Since I finally watched my copy of Wonder Woman at home yesterday, it feels like the right time to do a round up of some of the fic I’ve read and loved. I really haven’t read much of what’s out there, though, so WW recs are always welcome!
@darlingpeg gave us this lovely moment between Diana and Antiope.
katsumi on AO3 has written a sweet and funny series, a future we didn’t dare hope for, in which Steve Trevor comes back into Diana’s life very suddenly.
Siria’s written a bunch since the movie came out, lucky us! Two of my personal faves are oiorpata (GA), a beautiful piece featuring Antiope and the founding of Themyscira, and constellations (M), a brief wondertrev interlude set that night in Veld.
The inimitable @roboticonography has contributed two wondertrev pieces that are worth your time:
Grace and Motion (M) is about that night in Veld: “But maybe, he thinks, this is a kind of lesson too—a lesson in trust, in honesty, in kindness. A lesson in love. He isn’t qualified to teach that lesson, but Diana clearly is.”
Every Road You Take (T+) sees Steve and Diana on a lazy Sunday morning in modern-day Paris. 
And, if you’re looking for something basically guaranteed to make you cry, @sevensneakyfoxes‘s something left behind (T+) is the post-movie fic for you. (Well, it’s that fic for me, anways.)
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michael-svetbird · 10 months ago
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📸 5 NEW Pics [114.-118., all from Ferrara] added to the "PORTRAITS OФ AMAZONS" MSP | Michael Svetbird Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART : https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/67332393/portraits-of-amazons-gallery
👉 FB Album : https://www.facebook.com/michael.svetbird/media_set?set=a.769989173369662&type=3
📸 Pic 1. [114]
AMAZON w/ Shield, Spear Detail of Attic Red-figure Hydria depicting Amazonomachy 5 BC From Tomb 1052, the Valle Trebba area [near Ferrara, Ravenna], Spina. 3000X3000 600 02|24 no.114 ©MSP
📸 Pic 2. [115]
AMAZON Leading a Horse Detail of Attic Red-figure Bell Krater Attributed to the Eupolis Painter Wiki: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q56033758 Ca 440 BC From Tomb 203, the Valle Trebba area [near Ferrara], Spina. 3000X3000 600 02|24 no.115 ©MSP
📸 Pic 3. [116] PYRGOMACHE [of 'Theseus-Antiope' Myth] Detail of Attic Red-figure Bell Krater, Side B Attributed to the Achilles Painter Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilles_Painter Ca 440 BC "All characters have an inscription that identifies them" From Tomb 1052, the Valle Trebba area [near Ferrara, Ravenna], Spina. 3000X3000 600 02|24 no.116 ©MSP
📸 Pics 4.-5. [117-118] 2 AMAZONS: MOUNTED & ON FOOT [attacking Greeks] Details of Attic Red-figure Column Krater, Side A Attributed to the Polignotos Painter Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygnotos_(vase_painter) 450-440 BC From Tomb 724B, the Valle Pega area [near Ferrara, Ravenna], Spina. 3000X3000 600 02|24 nos.117-118 ©MSP
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Ferrara | MANF [1st Fl. Sala XV]
Web : http://www.archeoferrara.beniculturali.it/index.aspx?lng=ENG
FB : https://www.facebook.com/museo.archeologico.ferrara
IG : @ museo_archeologico_ferrara
X : @ ArcheoFerrara MANF | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 02|24 3000X3000 600 [I.-V.] The photographed objects are collection items of MANF [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks] Part of the "PORTRAITS OФ AMAZONS" MSP Online Photo-gallery: 👉 D-ART : https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/67332393/portraits-of-amazons-gallery 👉 FB | Album : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.769989173369662&type=3
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michael-svetbird · 11 months ago
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AMAZONOMACHY: Silver Cup with Heracles, the scene of Amazonomachy [miniature embossed figures] H = 6.5 cm, W [Rim] = 10.5 cm Ca end of the 1st c. AD - 2 AD Probably produced in Gaul Found in the Po river near Crescentino, Italy
Musei Reali Torino, Turin | MRT [Museum of Antiquities | Museo di Antichità, -1 Floor]
Web: https://museireali.beniculturali.it/en/archaeological-museum
FB: https://www.facebook.com/museirealitorino
IG: @ museirealitorino
X: @ MuseiRealiTo
MRT | Michael Svetbird phs©msp 18|02|24 6300X4200 600 [I.-III.] The photographed object is collection item of MRT, photos are copyrighted [non commercial use | sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Small Format Sculpture and Miniature Artefacts" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/69450077/small-format-sculpture-and-miniature-artifacts
👉 FB Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.859777984390780&type=3
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michael-svetbird · 22 days ago
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ATTIC POTTERY Fragments Depicting Amazons: Various fragmentary pieces of pottery, imported from Attica to Etruria, found during excavations of the burial sites of the Etruscan port city of Spina [near the modern town of Comacchio in the Po river delta, the Adriatic coastline] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spina 6 and 5 BC
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Adria | MANA [1st Floor, "Le Amazzoni: Mitiche Guerriere" display]
Web : https://museiveneto.cultura.gov.it/musei/museo-archeologico-nazionale-di-adria
FB : https://www.facebook.com/Museoarcheologicoadria
IG : @ museo_archeologico_adria
MANA | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 26|02|25 5550X3700 600 [I.-III.] The photographed objects are collection items of MANA [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
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michael-svetbird · 4 months ago
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AMAZONOMACHY | Theseus and Andromache: Attic Red-figured Kantharos Attributed to the Alexandre Group https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG57148 430-420 BC Side A : Theseus and Amazon Andromache [Side B : Phorbas and Amazon Alexandra] Abduction of Queen Antiope | Invasion of Attica story Made in Athens Found in Fikellura Cemetery, Rhodes, Greece [BM Inv. 1864,1007.78].
The British Museum, London | BM [First fl., Room 69]
Web : https://www.britishmuseum.org
FB : https://www.facebook.com/britishmuseum
IG, X : @ britishmuseum
YT : https://www.youtube.com/user/britishmuseum
BM | Michael Svetbird @michael-svetbird phs©msp | 17|08|24 5800X4318 600 [I.] The photographed object is collection item of BM [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
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michael-svetbird · 3 months ago
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AMAZZONE FERITA | Wounded Amazon: I've always wondered what some copies [of the copy, though not all] of this particular sculpture model, following Greek Sculptor Kresilas [and Roman Sculptor Sosicles after him], might be pointing at.. It seems that in this case, the index finger is clearly directed toward something [yet bearing in mind that the left hand is a later restoration]. Any hypotheses?
Roman copy signed by Sosicles [2 AD] after the original type attributed to Kresilas [5 BC] Sosicles : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sosicles_(sculptor) Kresilas : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kresilas From Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Lazio 2 AD.
Musei Capitolini, Rome | MC [Palazzo Nuovo, 1st fl., Gallery 6 "Salone"]
Web : https://www.museicapitolini.org/en
FB : https://www.facebook.com/MuseiCapitolini
IG : @ museiincomuneroma | @ museicapitolini
X : @ museiincomune
YT : https://www.youtube.com/user/Museicapitoliniroma
MC | Michael Svetbird @michael-svetbird phs©msp | 28|09|24 6400X2500 + 6400X4200 600 The photographed object is collection item of MC [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Reliefs-Friezes-Slabs-Sculpture" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/72510770/reliefs-friezes-slabs-sculpture
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michael-svetbird · 6 months ago
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EXEKIAS | Amazonomachy, Penthesilea and Achilles: 2 wonderful black-figure Amphorae made in Athens Attributed to Exekias https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exekias [I've previously posted my pics & vids of each of these amphorae separately, as well as of their details, and this August I happened to take a more or less clean photo, given the poor lighting and no flash, of them together 🏺🏺] Both ca 540-530 BC.
The British Museum, London | BM [Ground fl., Gallery 13]
Web : https://www.britishmuseum.org
FB : https://www.facebook.com/britishmuseum
IG, X : @ britishmuseum
YT : https://www.youtube.com/user/britishmuseum
BM | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 17|08|24 6000X4340 600 [I.] The photographed objects are collection items of BM [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
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michael-svetbird · 2 years ago
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Just played with one of the AI image generators out of curiosity attempting to recreate some ethnological / historical reconstruction of an ancient amazon warrior: My 'AI experience' - at this stage it's next to impossible to make these generators understand historical context and produce authentic historically accurate armour, props or costumes. It looks like AI refers to available and easily searchable pop-culture 'fantasy' reference images [like phony Wonder Woman "amazons" or other spoofy interpretations], disregarding description criteria used such as "classical antiquity", "historical accuracy", "nomadic culture", "pelta shield", "phrygian cap", etc. Nevertheless, being somewhat skeptical I find this experiment curious [and hope the AI image generating technology is yet at its initial stage of development having a whole lot of cultural and civilizational matters to learn, requiring more training] - what do you think? Am keen to hear your opinion..
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