#ohhhh my god looking back at the Better Together stuff they made a big thing about the British aid budget for some reason?
ghoststyles · 6 months
Meet Me In Augusta
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A quick little check-in for Fairway to Heaven ❤️ inspired by my beefy hunky man at the Masters 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
SMUT. FLUFF. That’s all.
When Briar and Harry first got together, she thought she’d won the lottery. A doting, strong boyfriend who puts her needs above his own. He cares for her dog as much as she does, gets along with her family members, and donates to charity regularly. It’s like the heavens handmade him. And yes, the reverse is true on Harry’s part. She’s his dream girl, and the bloody best thing to ever happen to him. But, where he’d truly won the lottery differs slightly:
He won tickets to the Masters.
It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend one of the four major golf tournaments, and when Harry entered his name in the lottery system the year before, he never thought he’d see the day where his bucket list item would be checked off.
Briar is lounging on Harry’s couch, watching old episodes of Real Housewives (NY, obviously) with Gus at her feet and a bowl of popcorn and M&Ms beside her when she hears a completely manly and dignified shriek from Harry’s office. Sitting up in alarm, she opens her mouth to yell back to him, to make sure he’s okay, just as the heavy oak double doors swing open. Shirtless and in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs and socks, Harry sprints down the hall, phone in hand as he leaps over the back of the sofa to stand beside her.
“What on Earth! Harry, you’re scaring me! Is there a mouse? Where are your clothes?” Briar screams, jumping up to crouch on the sofa and cocooning herself in her blanket in case there’s a spider clinging to him.
Harry is laughing maniacally, and every so often an oh my god leaving his mouth. He nods to whomever he’s talking to on the phone as if they can see him before thanking them and hanging up.
He drops the phone, eyes wide and meeting hers. Grabbing her shoulders, he all but tackles her back to the sofa, signaling Gus to bark at him for hurting his mom. They’re on the settee part of the sofa, Harry’s arms wrapped around her, preventing her from moving, even if she wanted to.
“Harry! Tell me what’s going on right now!” Briar’s shrill voice finally brings him back to Earth.
He peppers kisses on her neck before shouting in her ear, “I’M GOING TO THE MASTERS!”
She doesn’t respond, not because she’s not supportive of his enthusiasm, but because she has no idea what that is. Feigning a smile, she replies, “wow, baby, that’s great!”
Craning his neck, his brows furrow when he meets her gaze, a clear indicator she’s confused.
“Birdie, do you know what the Masters is?”
“Mmmm, is it like MasterChef?”
Harry squawks out a laugh, shaking his head, “No, my love. The Masters is one of the big four golf tournaments for the PGA. When you win, you earn a green jacket and become a member of Augusta National in Georgia. And then you get to plan a celebration dinner. Plus, you win like, $3,000,000.”
“Ohhhh, okay, yes. Uncle Patrick has gone to that, I think. He didn’t win, though.”
Harry’s brows furrow even more, a bewildered look gracing his features, “We’ll come back to that later. I have a lot of questions. But, you enter a lottery to win tickets and I won! Otherwise, tickets are almost a million dollars.”
“A million dollars!? The course better be made of solid gold. I can’t even believe the stuff people spend their money on sometimes.”
“Tiger Woods will be there. He hasn’t played in a few years because of injuries. Baby, I could be near Tiger!” he smacks her ass, eliciting a yelp.
He hops up from his spot on the sofa as he looks outside with the biggest smile on his face, running his hands through his not-so-there curls on his head. He’d shaved it a few months ago impulsively; that was a crisis Briar never thought she’d see the other side of. But his peach fuzzy head grew on her.
“When is it?”
“Second weekend in April. Are you doing anything?”
“Me? Why wouldn’t you take Niall?”
“He and Lydia already have a wedding that weekend back in Ireland. I already asked him.”
“So, I’m your second choice!?” Briar smacks the sofa cushion beside her, faking offense.
Harry rolls his eyes, “You didn’t even know what it was five minutes ago, brat.”
She parrots his eye rolling, leaning down to snuggle Gus. They’re quiet for a moment, letting Harry soak in the news.
“Wait, why don’t you have clothes on?”
“Oh, I stripped them off as they were telling me I got the tickets. I was just too excited,” he responds casually, as if the answer is obvious.
So the pair is in Augusta, Georgia, watching Harry’s childhood dream come true. The problem? No phones allowed.
To maintain their traditional values, Augusta National banned the use of cellphones. Briar’s lovely boyfriend failed to remind her of this fact until they were in the back of an Uber heading to the course.
“No phones!? I wanted to document this whole experience for you!” She whines, gently squeezing his wrist.
“Thanks for wanting to do that, Birdie, but it’s okay. My generation isn’t addicted to their phones. We like to live in the moment.”
“Oh my god,” she snorts, punching him lightly. If anyone is on their phone too much, it’s Harry. His entire day is determined by solving the New York Times Connections puzzle. What do you MEAN the theme was ice cream flavors without the last letter?
“What if we get separated? How will I find you?”
“Did you pack your leash?” Harry smirks, waiting for her to smack him again.
“H! Quiet,” she snarls, trying not to look if the driver is listening. “Fine. Do they collect the phones or do they just kick you out if they see it?”
“I think they kick you out and you’re not allowed back, ever. There’s also no running. It’s hilarious. When everyone is trying to follow around the big names, it turns into a speed walking competition to try and beat them to the hole.”
She hums, looking out the window at the gorgeous scenery. She hasn’t spent much time down south, but this trip has changed her opinion of this part of the country. They’ve had beautiful dinners at night on patios and taken walks on historic grounds.
“Good news is, the food and drinks are super cheap, and I think you have some French 75’s calling your name.”
The Uber turns, the beautiful gates to the course opening as they pull in. The white building before them is gorgeous and neatly kept, embodying the prestige of the entire event. For a moment, she thinks Harry is tearing up. Harry snaps a photo of the two of them in front of the building to send to Niall and Patrick.
He grabs her hand and squeezes gently as he flashes their credentials to the security guard.
“Lead the way, baby,” Briar whispers, linking her arm with his as they stand outside the car, taking it all in.
Like a kid in a candy store, Harry drags her by the wrist, slaloming through the crowds of people as they all try to make it to the entrance.
Harry looks fucking good today. He’s donning a navy blue sweater on top of a cobalt blue golf shirt. His taupe pinstripe pants are pressed perfectly. His fingers are decked out in rings of all different finishes, and his Prada sunglasses fit his scruffy face perfectly.
The finishing touch, his shoes, are what has Briar giggling to herself. His black Hoka sneakers are throwing off the whole vibe. She tried to change his mind as they packed, but we’ll be walking a lot, and I don’t want my plantar fasciitis to come back!
To make the occasion even more special, Briar let Harry pick out her outfits. She knew he’d pick out her lavender sports dress, a classic piece she whips out when they play on weekends so he’s frustrated and thrown off his game. She’s 3 for 4 on this strategy.
Harry loves the way it cuts at Briar’s strong thighs, and shows a little bit of her back. To elevate the look, she tied a white Hermes scarf around her neck just like Daphne! Her shoes are white Vince Camuto sneakers with no support. She knows she can’t whine later if her feet hurt, in fear of hearing a relentless, I told you so!
Before examining his choices in her suitcase, she zeros in on the lack of underwear and bras. She knows he also picked her floor length, black bodycon dress. He’s really pushing the limits of voyeurism with these picks.
They finally make it past security, thankful they didn’t confiscate her purse, a gift from Harry that is just a smidgen too large for their rules. He leads them to the main clubhouse to grab their first drinks of the day, and maybe even a breakfast sandwich.
They start off with mimosas to ease into the day drinking, because Harry is too fucking old for daydrinking and Briar is a menace when she drinks when the sun is up. By their third round, Harry is full on fangirling as all the players buzz around him. He’s allowed to fangirl all he wants, but when she wants to gush about One Direction for a minute, he covers his ears. Eyeroll.
Briar snaps out of her brattiness, deciding she needs some food in her stomach. As they’re gathered on the 8th hole, she starts to “koala” him, as he so lovingly calls it. She wraps her arms around him from behind, laying her chin on his bicep.
“What’s wrong, Birdie? Hungry?”
Briar lightly bites his arm, looking up to meet his sideways gaze. Part of her hates how well he knows her. She slides her hands in his front pockets, making him wiggle uncomfortably.
“Be good,” he says lowly so only they can hear.
“Okay, Daddy,” she says sweetly, smiling up at him. “But yes, I’m hungry.”
Briar can feel him hesitate, clearly conflicted in what to do next.
“Okay, baby, but,” he pauses. “Tiger is at this hole next, and I’d really like to see it.”
Briar slumps, making a slight hmmph sound. She knows better, and knows how important this is to him, so she shakes it off.
“It’s alright, I can go back to the clubhouse by myself. Will you stay here so I don’t lose you?”
“Of course,” he leans down to gently peck her lips, before his head whips around as Tiger arrives at the tee box just a few feet from them, sending the crowd into a chaotic roar. She reluctantly lets go of his waist, crossing her arms over herself as she walks away.
The crowd has only increased as they arrived, and she’s honestly overwhelmed. A staff member nearby can sense her unsettled demeanor, so he asks if she’d like a ride back to the building.
She smiles at him, “Yes, that’d be lovely! Thank you so much.”
Trey, the worker, doesn't say much, but Briar isn’t one for awkward silences. She tells him about Harry, Wynnewood, and how this is a lifelong dream for him to be here. He nods along, visibly recoiling after finding out Briar isn’t single. She hops off the cart as they approach the doors, and waves a friendly goodbye.
Perusing the snack bar, her eyes are bigger than her stomach. She grabs grapes, potato chips, a turkey sandwich, and even a pudding cup. A nice man helps her condense her items into a cardboard box for carrying. She grabs a fresh squeezed lemonade to finish off her deliciously simple lunch.
Slightly tipsy and overly giddy, she finds a bench to start eating. It’s amazing the different walks of life at this event; the die-hards who don’t care about the glamor of it all, and the ones that are here only as a status symbol. It’s honestly nice not having her phone; she’s a little more in touch with her surroundings.
Taking small bites of her sandwich, she’s startled when another man approaches her on the bench.
“Pardon me, miss. Are you Miss Barlowe?”
Taken back, she nods as she swallows her bite, “Yes, can I help you?”
“Mr. Styles is on the line over there,” he points to the hilariously old fashioned phone stand, where 3 mossy green phones hang on the wooden stand. “He just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”
Briar smiles, patting her mouth with her napkin and rising to her feet, “Thank you so much. Do I have to do anything to connect to the call?”
“Just press # and it should connect. I’ll be right over there if you have trouble.”
She laughs to herself as she approaches and presses the ‘#’ just as he said, “Hello?”
“What are you wearing right now?”
“Who is this?” She plays along.
“Your handsome, charming boyfriend,” he muses.
“I have a few of those, so you’re going to have to narrow it down,” she fakes a sultry tone.
“Briar – come on, you know I don’t like those jokes,” he mutters.
She laughs, twirling the curly phone cord around in her hand, “I feel like Carrie Bradshaw with this phone, talking to one of my boyfriends.”
“Are you insinuating I’m Mr. Big? I’m Aidan at the very least. The good guy.”
“Of course you’re Aidan. But instead, we get married.”
“Yeah, y’wanna marry me?” Harry can’t contain his grin as he looks around to see if anyone can hear him. “I won’t say yes until you come back here and get down on one knee, Briar.”
“In your dreams, Styles. Why’d ya call anyway? I’m just sitting here eating my sandwich.”
“Just missed you. Tiger got a birdie on this hole, so it made me think of you.”
“Aw, you’re cute. You’re the first place boyfriend today. You were in third yesterday, for reference.”
“Glad to hear that. Finish up your lunch and come find me. I’m gonna go to the 17th hole to try and catch Justin Rose. He’s an old friend from home.”
“Okay, I’ll come find you. Love.”
Briar hangs up the phone, the butterflies in her stomach buzzing. Since returning home from California, she’s never felt so secure in their relationship. He’s balancing fatherhood, work and their everyday life with ease.
Readjusting her skirt, she walks back over to the bench, mouthing a thank you to the worker who let her know Harry was calling. She sips on her lemonade, the ice rattling as she finishes the cup. Tossing the remnants of her meal in the trash, she spots the beverage cart girl. Briar smiles as she approaches her, requesting another French 75 and a Casamigos on the rocks for her lover.
The 17th hole is a hell of a lot closer to the clubhouse, but swarmed with people. It’s going to be a needle in a haystack to find him. Briar scrunches her brows, scanning all the kinda old white men with brown hair. Where is her old man?
Panic sets in for a moment, until she feels two hands on her waist, lifting her off the ground slightly and kissing her neck where it meets her shoulder.. She squeals, reaching for her skirt to make sure nothing is showing. He didn’t pack her any underwear, after all!
“There y’are, Birdie. Wish I brought your leash to drag my cute puppy around. Make everyone jealous.”
“They’d think you need to be sent to jail, actually. Were you able to focus in my absence?”
“Yeah, but I missed your hundred questions and commentary. Is that for me?” he asks, pointing to his drink.
“Yes, but you made me spill it on my shirt,” she frowns, her gaze traveling down to the beads of liquid wicking off the fabric on her chest.
Without a second thought, Harry leans down, pressing his mouth to just over Briar’s nipple to suck up the dribbled liquid. Her eyes widened, in disbelief he just did that. She grips the back of his hair, pulling him out of her bosom.
“H! What the hell are you doing? We’re in public!”
“Mm, I know. I’m so hard right now. And thirsty. Saw an opportunity,” he smirks, his grip now around the back of her neck. “Wanna take you to the clubhouse and fuck you dumb.”
“Harryyy,” Briar whines again. Little does he know all he has to do is slip her skort to the side to reveal her soaking wet pussy. She does her best to drag her six foot tall boyfriend to the treeline, hiding themselves from prying eyes.
“Let’s go. We’ll find somewhere safe. Daddy needs you to do a favor for him,” he says low in her ear, his tongue touching her earlobe. “Did I tell you how happy I am that you came with me?”
“I’m happy you invited me,” she places a gentle kiss on his lips. “Love seeing you happy.”
The lovey dovey talk is how Briar got HOODWINKED into sucking her boyfriend’s cock in an administrator’s office at Augusta National Golf Course at the biggest event of the year. The door locked, thankfully, but the amount of foot traffic outside the door has Briar’s head spinning, even more than when his tip touches the back of her throat.
Harry lets out a guttural moan, “Oh my – fuck! Such a good fucking girl.”
Briar is pulling out her signature moves; cupping his balls with one hand, tweaking his shaft with the other when her mouth doesn’t cover it, and swirling her tongue along the ridge of his bright red, plump cockhead.
Briar bats her eyelashes and pulls off just as he gives his sign of completion; his left thigh muscle twitching. Harry’s eyes shoot open as he grips the desk to prevent himself from falling over. He was so, so close.
Before he can speak, Briar stands, pushing him to half lie on the desktop, opening his belt and pants wider. She climbs on the desk to straddle him, staring down at him deviously.
“Wanna ride you, Daddy,” she whispers in his ear. She sits back up, pulling her skort to the side to show him her pussy, spasming and begging to be touched. He reaches out to touch her, but she bats his hand away, instead placing her hand around his neck firmly. “Nope. No touching.”
Harry snorts, knowing anytime she’s tried to be in charge, she fails miserably. He knows she’ll be howling for his help in a few minutes. His smug look is wiped clean as she grips his cock again to line him up with her dripping hole. They moan in unison when he pushes through the tight opening as she squeezes him for good measure.
Briar bounces lightly, the skin of their thighs slapping together. She could listen to the sounds their bodies make for the rest of her life. He bottoms out a few times, puffs of air escaping his nose as he struggles to not cum immediately.
She starts to rub at her clit, her free hand coming up to tweak her nipple. His eyes are closed again, so she takes her middle and ring finger that are rubbing and sticks them past his lips. He moans, lapping up the wetness from her fingertips and choking on them a bit. She smiles before bringing the fingers back to her center and continuing to rub.
“Oh my god, baby. You taste so good,” Harry whines. “Want you to come. Then I’ll come in your little pussy. Don’t know how you’ll hold it all in there.”
Briar cries out, seconds away from tumbling over the edge. She leans forward, gripping the desk above his head. They’re making extreme eye contact now, the tension between them palpable.
“I’m cumming, Daddy. I’m cumming. Your cock feels so big in my pussy,” she cries out as Harry feels a tiniest bit of wetness expelled from where their bodies meet. She twitches, barely able to hold herself up. He sits up on the desk to support her and begins thrusting up into her with his hands wrapped delicately around her body, fingertips digging into the plushy skin of her ass and waist. He captures her lips in a deep kiss, her breath stuttering when he rams himself back into her.
The two remain intertwined, reality hitting them when Briar utters words he never thought he’d hear from her.
“Fuck me, Daddy. Fill me up. Make me yours. Wanna have your babies,” she fires off things he can’t even comprehend. “Want you to make me a mommy. Fuck – want it so bad. Fill me up, please!”
Harry’s breath is knocked out of him as he throttles upward, his tip colliding with her cervix every time. As he topples over the edge, he buries himself in her pussy – his eternal resting place, he’s decided he’ll request in his will – and releases his full load into her. He drops backwards, beginning her down to lie on top of him, his pants now hanging around his ankles.
“Oh my fucking GOD, baby. So fucking good for me,” he says into her ear, a shiver running down his spine.
“Love you, Daddy,” she says quietly, her ear pressed to his chest so she can hear his heartbeat racing.
“Love you so fucking much, Birdie,” Harry sighs, petting her back.
Harry smiles to himself. The diamond ring he has in his bag at the hotel is going to make an appearance even sooner than expected.
He’s sure of it.
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sissyndfw · 6 months
Chapter 2 - Allie Confesses
Travis brought me a towel and I cleaned up as much cum as I could. I kissed him again and whispered in his ear, when we get back tonight I'm going to suck your cock, I flicked his ear with my tongue and handed him my panties, I want you to wear these while we're gone. As I walked away I looked back and lifted my skirt, his cum was leaking out of me and running down my legs, look what you did to me I said. I made my way to the master bath and Allie was doing her makeup. I said I was running late so I'm going to shower here, as I pulled off my cum soaked shirt and skirt and tossed them on the floor.
I hope she doesn't see all this cum leaking out of my ass I thought to myself as I stepped into the water and relaxed letting Travis's cum flow out of me. A quick rinse and I was good as new, I dried off and noticed Allie was looking at my dick in the mirror as she did her lips. Do you remember that time in college I asked, Allie blushed and responded, of course Jessica, you little slut. I laughed as I went into the closet to find something sexy to wear. I picked out a cute see through thong and a short teal skirt with some striped stockings that matched.
I touched up my makeup and put my hair back, hurry up bitch, I said to Allie, I'm ready to go. I went out to the living room and found my cock cage. I locked up my little sissy clit and put my flip flops on. I sat on the couch and surfed Tumblr, replying to some hot messages as I waited.
Allie was finally ready and our Uber was waiting. I yelled back at Travis as we walked to the street, you better be good, we're going to get Allie drunk and you know how horny she gets. She slapped my arm as we laughed together. We got to the bar, and guess what, Sarah was already there and it looked like she already had a few shots. We piled into the corner both with her and ordered a round. After a few hours of talking about our boring day to day the topic came up of Sarah's new boyfriend, Derek.
Sarah started telling Allie about what had happened between the three of us and how hot it was watching Derek fuck me. Allie's expression was priceless as Sarah went into great detail about how big her orgasm was and how she squirted pee right into my mouth. You dirty little fucking slut, Allie screamed over the loud room as we all laughed about it. Is his cock really that much bigger Allie asked seriously. Ohhhh my God, both Sarah and I reacted at the same time, yes girl, his cock is fucking huge. Allie's jaw dropped as she looked at us with curiosity. I've never seen a big black cock, she exclaimed as she stared at the two of us across the table.
I have a confession and I will probably regret telling y'all this but fuck it, Allie explained. We all leaned over to table together. She went on, Travis has been saying that he wants to watch me with a black guy. He wants me to fuck a black guy and then lick the cum out of my pussy. Fucking do it girl, Sarah yelled out, he's giving you the okay to fuck a black guy and you haven't done it already? I'm scared, Allie responded, I've never done anything like that before, the craziest thing I've ever done is that night in college with Jessica. Sarah laughed, that's high school stuff Allie, you let Jessica eat your ass, she's one of us even though she has a little sissy cock, aren't you bitch? Sarah reached up my skirt and grabbed my cage, she's got her little clitty all locked up like a good girl. You should hear Derek talk about how this dirty slut took all 12 inches of his big black cock down her throat. The memory of Derek's big cock pumping cum into my tummy caused my little dick to start throbbing.
Come pee with me Allie asked as she got up and grabbed my hand. We scurried off to the bathroom. Allie pulled me into the stall as she squatted and started peeing. I can't belive Sarah is being so mean to you Jessica, she said as she finished and pulled up her panties. We traded places and I started peeing. I'm so jealous of your little cock, it's so easy for you to pee, she said as she reached around me to grab it. Can I hold it while you pee she said into my ear, okay I replied. She took control of my caged dick as she looked over my shoulder and aimed the stream of pee at the toilet. That's so much fun, she exclaimed, as the last few drops dribbled out. I wonder what it would be like using a strap on she said as I turned and faced her, her hand still grasping my cage. She grabbed the back of my head and kissed me deeply. Do you think Travis would like that she asked. Yes, and if he doesn't, you can peg me while he watches, I replied. We kissed again and then straightened up to head back to the booth.
As soon as we got back Sarah started in again, did y'all fuck in there, that took forever, she slurred. Are you jealous, all this talk about big cocks made me horny, Allie replied. Suddenly the lights came on in the bar, last call they announced. We settled up with the waitress and walked Sarah out to the street, as she was pretty wasted. Her Uber pulled up and we helped her into the back. I'm going over to Derek's she said. Tell him I said hi I replied as I motioned like I was sucking a big cock and closed the door.
Our Uber pulled up next and we climbed in the back to head back to Allie's house. She started making out with me and pulled my hand between her legs, I'm so horny she confessed as I rubbed her pussy with my finger gently. Let's save this for Tyler I told her as I circled her clit, we'll be home in a few minutes and I bet he will want to play with us. Allie moaned at the thought of what was about to happen.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
open question: what are the remaining arguments for Scotland being in the Union? bc as I recall the main arguments used in 2014 were:
Access to UK funding for public services (after over a decade of Tory rule that's not looking so hot)
Keeping the pound (literally who cares)
Scottish pensions are safer in a UK wide system (glances over at the climbing age for eligibility to state pension)
we rely on trade with the rest of the UK. how could we leave that behind? (this would be a fair point if it wasn't entirely in the UK's power to continue that trade and open borders. I mean the UK government is composed entirely on spite and soft power so they might not but. Brexit didn't stop trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland did it hey?)
Scotland wouldn't want to have to reapply to join the EU, they can stay on Britain's membership! (lol)
Voting Yes would be "a leap into the dark" compared to the lovely stable leadership of the UK (stop stop my sides are splitting)
Like even in 2014 the Better Together campaign was pretty pathetic and the only thing it could think of to say was 'but we already HAVE a union it's going to be SO MUCH WORK to do things differently' and trying to cherry pick Things That Are Good To Have In The UK rather than, idk, Unique Benefits Of The UK That Are Impossible In Non UK Contexts.
but the thing is that in the last 8 years let's be real. the UK has fallen further and further behind and while in 2014 the Yes pitch was Let's Strike Out For A Brave If Uncertain Future now it's a lot more Water Is Pouring In Through Every Crack It's Time To Depart This Ship
the only good argument I can see for voting no in a second indyref is: if the SNP are gone who's going to be an opposition in Westminster? cause it sure as shit isn't Labour despite their responsibility to do so.
(my hope has always been that Scottish independence might over time rebalance the English political spectrum. like if the English centre-left lose the big anti-Tory strongholds in Scotland and lose the SNP in Westminster there'll be a gap to fill. not sure how much I believe that after the last decade though, tbh I think at this point it's more that either way England and Wales are fucked and public opinion means worse than nothing, so Scotland might as well bail out and try and do better solo.)
#red said#the main arguments would be#money especially with north sea oil dried up. but tbh the argument that an independent Scotland would thrive off oil#was always an argument against for me bc that's not a sustainable solution both environmentally and logistically#but there's some good movement in a sustainable energy industry up here imo#also let's be real. the UK's financial situation is Also Fucked#and soft power#which again for me as a leftist was always another crap argument#like 'why should we be in the UK?' 'WELL IF YOU LEAVE THE UK YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO AS MUCH COLONIALISM'#ohhhh my god looking back at the Better Together stuff they made a big thing about the British aid budget for some reason?#well. the thing is. since the fcdo merger British aid is almost entirely conditional#ie it's political leverage not support#and there is a huge political will in Scottish contexts to do Not That#so once again. shot yourself in the foot a bit there in terms of pro Union arguments#similarly i think all this stuff about the UK being one of the big players in global power is p reliant on you thinking that's a Good Thing#which. i mean. good for us maybe good morally? definitely not#also for the record Scotland's rocketing drug death rate is often raised as evidence that Scotland can't go it alone#uhhhh causes of addiction aside (poverty and disenfranchisement) there's a HUGE mainstream political interest in Scotland#for safe consumption and harm reduction initiatives#which provably improve drug death rates#but when can't be done under the devolution agreement bc drug policy is reserved to Westminster
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orenjikaraka · 3 years
I’m Truly Sorry, please Forgive Me…
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Rengoku Kyojuro x reader angst
Warnings: slight manga warning aka mainly akaza just slightly though, cursing, concerned for weight, angst
word count: 4279
AU: modern
(Y/N) woke up to an empty side of the bed, She wondered if he’s at work again, she sighed, she got up, she actually kind of disappointed that he's not here , ‘Kyojuro…’ she thought, she still felt tired, but kind of relieved in the same time, because she was on break, it was only for a week, but she’s glad that she doesn’t have to go to work today, ‘I should make dinner for him, because he usually comes back late at night’, when she got up, the floor was cold, ‘well crap now I’m awake’, she got dressed and went to the kitchen, she made Kyojuro’s dinner and made her breakfast, she put his plate in the fridge, and ate her breakfast alone while watching some shows.
After she finished her food, she was wondering if she should call him, to see if he was alright. But before she could even try, Genya was calling her, ‘weird timing’, and she answered “hi Genya, what’s up?” “O- oh hi (Y/N), I was wondering if Rengoku-San is doing ok, because he’s been working on a lot of paperwork, he usually be finish with it, and head to your home, but- but he been like this yesterday morning and I don’t- don’t think he left school?” ‘Now that you think about it, Kyojuro left early yesterday in the morning, I thought it would be like a meeting, but who takes meetings that early in the DAMN morning’ “maybe he just has extra work, he needs to do Genya”, “ trueee, but he looks exhausted, so I wondering if you could check on him?”
‘Awwww, Genya, still acting like a little brother, it’s no wonder he’ll be worried, heck I'm worried too, but usually when these things happen like this, he comes the next day, sleeping soundly on our bed…’ “Genya, sweetheart, don’t worry about it, he’ll be back probably late at night, and be sound asleep in my bed, so don’t worry” “but- but (Y/N)” ‘this boy…’ “Genya I’ll tell you what, if he doesn’t come this midnight, and if morning happens and he’s still not there, can you ask Sanemi to go check on him, because I’ll be busy tomorrow, and you know, some errands for the house and grocery stopping, also I chose Sanemi, because you’ll be busy with school you know” “i- I know, and o- ok” … “OH, (Y/N), I’m celebrating my birthday today. Would you like to come, Tanjiro and his sister will be there, and Sanemi of course, “oh I would love to, I don’t really have anything to do today anyway so sure!” “YES- wait I mean thank you… for… coming…” ‘hehe poor boy, probably made his classmates scared’ “your welcome Genya, also happy birthday!” “Thank you, (Y/N), bye” “bye”.
‘Oh, before I do anything I should go buy him a gift’ so (Y/N) put on some casual clothes, instead of just wearing Pajamas, and went to the mail.
All the classes has ended, and Rengoku just finished a big batch of paperwork, he yawn, and checked if he was finished, he looked on his schedule and saw more paperwork has been placed with a big sticky note that says ‘Teacher of history class: Rengoku Kyojuro; must be finished by tomorrow!’ “Fuck…” he just wanted to go home and sleep with his beautiful wife, on that soft bed, “guess this will be my 4th coffee for the day…” he got up and yawn again, and stretched, his back pop, but not in the good way, “ow, ow, ow, never doing that again…”, he walked over, and picked his stack of paper he had to do, he sat it in his desk, and walked to the teachers lounge’s door, and opened it to the hallway, before he stepped out, he saw Genya with Sanemi, most likely walking home, he guessed, but he heard Genya saying before they left, “(Y/N), is coming over, for the party, I’m so glad she’s free today!” And as they left, Kyojuro felt frustrated, ‘why didn't she tell me anything…’ he yawned again, “God, these yawns are getting on my nerves, I need my coffee…”
When he made it to the teachers lunch room, he started to make his coffee, when it finished, he drinks it, unusually fast, but unsatisfied, by the results, ‘ima have another’ so he made another, and drink it the exact speed as the last one, satisfied by the 2nd coffee, he was gonna go back to the teachers lounge, but saw a small box that had some sweet rolls, on the box it said, ‘you may only take one’, but Kyojuro had a craving to eat the whole damn box, all those coffees are really messing up his appetite, ‘who’s gonna notice these anyway, I eat most of the stuff here, so who gives a damn’ ‘but then again… I’ll gain some weight…’ he put one hand on his side, and felt some fat, it’s not noticeable, but it’s still pudge, ‘maybe I regret being a teacher, all this damn paperwork, and exhaustion, and drinking all this coffee really affecting my body…’ when he was thinking about all this stuff and he was about to ditch it and left,  but hunger was just raging in his stomach so ‘ok, ok, maybe some won’t hurt’ and took the whole damn box and left for the teachers lounge.
(Y/N) was at Sanemi’s house celebrating Genya’s birthday, everything was going great and to (Y/N), she was surprised that Sanemi was having a great time too. It was kind of sad that Kyojuro wasn’t there, he would be giving Genya tons of gifts, but sadly he’s still at work, it made (Y/N) a bit disappointed again, but she wanted to just hope, he’s doing ok, “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” “Oh, Sanemi, I’m just worried for my husband is all…” “don’t worry about it, like you said to Genya, if he doesn’t show up to your house tomorrow morning, I’ll go check on him, just relax and don’t worry about it” “ok…” “quick (Y/N), I’m blow the heck out of the candles!!” Genya said, (Y/N) laughed, “ok!!, come on Sanemi, get off that couch of yours, and stop being lazy” Sanemi smirk “ohhhh really, I’ll prove to you, that I’m not” he gets up, “I like to see you try!!” Sanemi and (Y/N) laughed after that, and went over to the kitchen to celebrate Sanemi’s little bro's birthday.
After Genya’s birthday celebration was over, (Y/N) went straight home, to relax and just vibe at home, when she took her shower and other little chores and pajamas on, she was about to fell on her bed, but she heard a knock on her door, she immediately turned around and hope it was Kyojuro, when she opened it, her excitement immediately stopped, she saw akaza, “sorry to bother you Mrs. Rengoku, but I’m just here to drop some stuff off”, “who stuff is it?” “Just Rengoku-sans” “oh ok, thanks akaza, oh also is he still at work?” Akaza sighed “yeah… I kind of feel bad for the guy, been working his ass off over some stupid extra paperwork…”, ‘I’ll remind Sanemi tomorrow to go check on him’, “akaza, before you leave, thanks again I appreciate it”, “your welcome, and have a great night!” Akaza waved goodbye and walked away, ‘akaza, I hope that boy relationship is better then mine, because he needs it, he’s such a sweet boy…’ (Y/N) closed the door, and looked in the box, it had finished paperwork inside it.
‘Ren… you really need to take a break…’
The next evening is even more tiring than before, Kyojuro looks more warned out; he looks like he's gonna faint any minute, but that coffee stops him from doing so. ‘Fuck me… my eyes hurt so much…’ Kyojuro yawned again. The teacher's office door opened, Kyojuro didn’t give a damn who it was, because he felt like passing out. “Rengoku”, … “Kyojuro”, … “HEY, I know you can hear me, don’t play du-“ “how about you shut your mouth Sanemi” “tch, hey I’m only here because your wife sent me here to check up on you, not for you to be a asshole to me” that annoyed Kyojuro “why the hell are you with my (Y/N)” “Ren, she’s like a sister to me, even though we’re not related, I still see her as family, so why the fuck you think, I be behind your back with that” Kyojuro sighed and stood from his chair “where is she” “she’s out doing errands, she wanted to come over here and check on you, but house chores and grocery shopping” Kyojuro sat back down and trying to finish what he was left off “ok, leave, I have work to do, so buzz off”.
“Are you listening to yourself right now, your just gonna go back on your work instead of paying attention to (Y/N)” “no, I need to finish it, for my job, someone needs to pay the bills in the house” Sanemi got pissed off by that, then he chuckled “tch, no wonder (Y/N) comes to my house, when she’s all tearing up, because someone needs to give her attention and that someone is not you” Kyojuro stood up and put his hands by Sanemi’s shirt, Sanemi can see that flame in his eyes, the rage… “Sanemi if you lay a finger on-“ ��maybe I should, I can treat her better than you…” Kyojuro was about to punch him, but the door opened again, and Genya was there, poor boy was shocked, “let go, Rengoku” Sanemi made Kyojuro let go, Sanemi walked over to Genya, and reassured him, Kyojuro just stared back and a overflowing guilt fell on him, Sanemi looked back with rage and discuss in his eyes, “Ren, you need to get your act together, if you can’t do that, she’s gonna move on, and divorce you…” then slammed the door. 
Sanemi walked out with Genya and head home, but before he touched the door knob, his phone rings, he got his phone out of his pocket and saw (Y/N) on the screen, he answers, “hey what’s up” “hey can I come spend the night at your house” Sanemi was surprised, “oh… why-“ “Genya texted me, that the talk you had with Ren, didn’t go so well…” ‘she sounds depressed’ “hey… is everything ok…” ‘wait, why would I ask such a dumb question’ “kinda… I'm just sick of being alone at home…” “yeah, want me to come pick you up” “yes…” “ok, I’ll come pick you up in 10 minutes from now” “thanks Sem Sem, I appreciate it” Sanemi chuckled, “your welcome, (Y/N)…” 
It was late at night again, and Kyojuro was still at work doing paperwork, he felt like knocking out, his eyes were drooping and his back hurts, ‘me, an jerk, fuck off Sanemi…’ ‘maybe I should call her…’ Kyojuro stop doing his work and picked up his phone off the desk and started to call her, it rings and rings and rings, until a voicemail happens, “hi this is (Y/N), I might be busy with my husband, so please understand, leave a message after the beep”, *bee-* He canceled it before it even tried to go to voicemail, ‘why should I even try again, it’s midnight’ he put his phone down and he wanted to rest his eyes ‘maybe, I am a jerk’ then he denied it ‘no, I need to finish this work…’ yawned again, ‘actually maybe a small nap won’t hurt, right?’ He laid on his arms, and wondered ‘am I really a bad husband, mom if you were here, what would you say about this…’ Kyojuro slowly fell asleep on his desk.
It was midnight and (Y/N) didn’t want to call back Kyojuro, she saw the missed call from him, but she was shocked to think he would call her, she sighed and tried to go to sleep but couldn’t, maybe she’s overreacting about Kyojuro, she knows his job can be overwhelming, but… but… she’s tearing up, she’s sobbing, she’s quivering, she lift herself up, and put her arms around her legs. 
Sanemi was fast asleep in the living room couch, Genya couldn’t really sleep because what happened in the teachers lounge, what Sanemi said and what Rengoku said, he felt guilt swelling up in his heart, then he hear (Y/N) sobbing in Sanemi’s master bedroom, he sit up, and opened his door, and quietly walked to his brother’s room, slowly opened the door, and saw (Y/N), he felt horrible, he closed the door behind him, and slowly touched her back and slowly rubs her back, “hey, (Y/N)… everything will be ok…” (Y/N) let go of her arms and slowly hugged Genya, she was sobbing on his shoulder, he hugged her back, and give light rubs on her back, and whispered “everything is going to be fine”, it slowly calmed her down, and she looked up at Genya, her puffy eyes made him felt terrible, “I’m sorry I woke you up Genya, it’s just so much is happening…” “no, no, no, it’s fine, your stressed out because what’s all happening and I completely understand that'', “thanks Genya…” “do you need anything else, (Y/N)” she paused and still looked gloomy, “can you sleep with me, It’s hard for me to sleep”, Genya spaced out and it was a little out of the blue for him, “sur- sure, if it- it helps you sleep- I com- completely understand” his cheeks were slightly pink, (Y/N) laughed because he looks so cute, when’s he’s blushy, “thanks Genya'' she made a small smile, that made Genya stop blushing, he smiled back, he stood up, and started to fix his side of the bed, and he walked out and walked back in for his phone, (Y/N) layed down on her side of the bed, and Genya rested on the left side, “thanks again Gen Gen…” “your welcome (Y/N)…” and they both fell asleep. 
Sanemi woke up first, because he needs to get Genya ready for school and everything, like make his breakfast and stuff, he left his main clothes in the living room because he didn’t want to wake up (Y/N), he got dressed and he head to Genya’s room, to wake him up, when he got there and opened the door, he wasn’t there, ‘where you go?’ Then he look at his room, and slowly walked to his room and opened it, and saw Genya sleeping on the left side and (Y/N) on the right, ‘she must’ve had a hard time sleeping, so she asked Genya…’ he still felt frustrated from yesterday, ‘maybe I should call for a day off today, because of (Y/N)’ so he slowly closed the door and called his boss, he said Genya’s not feeling well and that Genya has to stay home, and he had to stay home and take care of him, he ended the call and started to make breakfast for the both of them, he made there plates first, then he made his, his room door opened and Sanemi’s head looked at the direction, and saw Genya walked out then (Y/N), they both yawn, “I smelled pancakes, so I woke up first” (Y/N) said, Genya just shook up, “wait!, ima be late for school!”, then Sanemi quickly said “you dork, I told them we have a day off!, so calm down…``''oh…”, (Y/N) laughed on the two brothers, “why did you call a day off Sanemi?” “Because of you, I saw Genya slept on the other side of the bed, so I thought, you had a hard time sleeping” “I did and Genya helped, isn’t that little dude” “HEY, I’m not around the same age, but I am like twice your size!”, (Y/N) laughed, it made the brothers smile, because it’s better to see their friend happy instead of so sorrowful, “hey, Sanemi… later from today, can you drop me at the school, I need to talk to Rengoku'' Sanemi was a bit surprised to hear her say his last name, “sure, I can, but if anything happens I’ll be in the hallway, and if anyone ask why I’m there, I’ll just say, I’m waiting on someone” “thanks Sanemi” she smiled softly “your welcome (Y/N), if anything happens I’ll rush in there” 
“Thanks and I appreciate it”
It was the afternoon and Kyojuro woke up from his nap, he felt all horrible, his back still hurts, his eyes has deep bags under them, and his body has a trill to drink more coffee, he tried stretching again, but the aches on his back felt like needles piercing through his skin “well that just fucking hurts” he touched his sides and his back, because they were hurting like hell, ‘hope this day, won’t get any worse as it is’, the teacher’s lounge door opened and right when he looked up, he saw his beautiful (Y/N), she looked dreadful, “hi…” she spoke, he felt guilt in his heart because how sad she sounds, “hi…” “can we talk, Rengoku…”, Kyojuro felt even more guilt, why is she calling me that, like we’re strangers all over again he thought, “baby, why are you not calling me by my-“ “Ren, why aren’t you coming home” that guilt slowly turns into frustration, “because I have a job, and I need to pay the bills for us to survive…” “yes, but doesn’t mean you stay up and at your job for three days straight”, “so-“, now (Y/N) slightly raising her voice “what do you mean so!, look at yourself, you been sitting in your desk, drinking coffee, have horrible bags under your eyes, you look like your gonna knock out, Rengo-“ “STOP CALLING ME BY MY LAST NAME” that terrified her, but she still stood her ground, “why should I!! I have been ignored for the past three days! You don’t even give me a text that ‘I’ll be still at work!’ Or at least something comforting!” “Oh (Y/N)!, why don’t you stop being a sensitive little bitch!, and just grow up!” 
Kyojuro eyes went wide, shocked to why he even said that, (Y/N) was trembling, her tears were streaming down her cheeks, Kyojuro wanted to help her calm down, but when he tried to reach for her, she backed up, Kyojuro felt horrible, he felt like he wanted to get punched, his voice was shaky, “(Y/N)…” he tried to touch her shoulder again, but she back up again, “don’t touch me…” his heart shattered when he heard her and how scared she is, “(Y/N), I’m sorry…”, it was silent, until she said “Kyojuro…, no wonder your just like your father…”, and she ran out just like that, Kyojuro was speechless, he wanted to run after her, but couldn’t, because she was right, Kyojuro started tearing up and quavering.
“Am I really…”
(Y/N) was running away from the school, the students that were leaving school saw her with sad looks on there faces, Sanemi was behind yelling her name, She just wanted to go far, far, far away from this horrible school, Sanemi chack up, and grabbed her by the arm, “LET GO!!” And Sanemi turned her around, “hey, it’s me, it's me…”, she hugged Sanemi and he hugged back, he picked her up, “it’s going to be ok… shhh.. everything going to be ok… I’ll take you back to my house…”
When they got there, Genya looked worried for (Y/N), she was crying silently, Sanemi wanted to put her down, but she didn’t let go, “(Y/N)?”, “can- can, you and Genya, stay up with me…, be- because I don’t think I can sleep…” Sanemi felt horrible, he should’ve just stepped in, but he wanted to give them space and respect their personal conversation, “sure, (Y/N), anything to make you positive and not stressed, I can do that” ‘hearing that from Sanemi was strange, because usually he’s always stern or blatantly aggressive, but he always would hide his anger on me’ “tha- thanks, Sem Sem…” Sanemi made a small pleasant smile that also made her smile, “hey, (Y/N), how about we watch a movie for the night?” 
“Sure, I would love that…”
When Kyojuro got home, he was not surprised that she wasn’t here, his fist clenched, and he slammed the door behind him, he was starving, because he felt like if he ate, he’ll just throw up, but he had to eat something, so he walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, and saw some dinner, wrapped in foil, and a sticky note on top, he picked up the note, and it read, ‘hi, love, I’m glad your home, finished this amazing dinner I made, I worked really hard on it, so I hope you like it!’ Also ps. When you finish come cuddle with me! <3’, a teardrop fell on the note, and his hand was shaking, it started to become hard to read, because the tears kept flowing, he closed the fridge, and decided to not eat it, the note was now on the floor but he didn’t care, he just wanted to go to sleep, and just hope this is all a nightmare…
After he took his shower and got ready for bed, he wanted to call her again, so he did, but right when he clicked the call button, it went straight to voicemail, he hung up, before her cute voice can say anything, he tossed his phone on her side of the bed, and sat down on his side of the bed, his quivering got worriedly worst, his breathing was uneven, “(Y/N)… please come… back… I’m… nothing like my father…” 
“Please… I’m sorry… please come back…”
The following morning, Sanemi woke up first, he got up quietly, stretched his back and popped his joints. He was gonna start breakfast for everyone, but he heard a knock on the door, “who the hell can that be?”, he opened the door and saw Kyojuro, he looked exhausted as usual, but he was well dressed, his hair looks kind of messy, “can I see her, I need to talk to her…” his voice sounds raspy, “no, also please leave, she doesn’t want company at the moment” Sanemi was about to close the door but Kyojuro put his foot on the side, so it won’t close, “please… I must talk to her…” Sanemi hated being in the middle of this, but he can’t just do nothing, (Y/N) was upset about and to see her not happy, makes him wants to punch the hell out of whoever made her unhappy, “listen Rengoku, I don’t want to beat the living pulp out of you, so if you mind, just fucking leave” “I’m not leaving until I talk to her!” He can see those flames in his eyes again. “Why you-“
“Sanemi, who is that?”, (Y/N) woke up, then Genya woke up after, Sanemi turned around with a sad look, “it’s no one” “that’s a lie, (Y/N) please… come out and open the door so we can talk… please…” (Y/N) was shocked to hear Kyojuro at the other side of the door, Sanemi turn back “dude, I told you-“ “Sanemi, let me go talk to him” she stood and walked over to the door, Sanemi turned back, with sternness, but he couldn’t say no, so he opened the door fully and walked to his room and told Genya to follow, but before the two boys went to Sanemi’s room, Sanemi said this, “if you hurt her, your dead you hear”, and both the both the boys were out of sight, it was just (Y/N) and Kyojuro.
“What is it, Rengoku…”
“Look I know you hate me, but please hear me out…” he stepped in and got a little closer.
(Y/N) sighed and nodded in response.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry, that I ignored your text, your calls, and most of all, I’m sorry that I ignored you, it breaks my heart to see you so sad and stressed out, to see you so scared and frightened of me, I don’t want you to see me as my father, I'm truly sorry, please forgive me… I’ll never treat you like this ever again…” his voice was cracking while he talked, but it truly hurt to see him like this, “I’ll prov- prove to you that I’m a worthy husband to you…” he was quivering, “I- I- love you- you, (Y/N)… please don’t leave me… I’m sorry…” “please… I’ll do better-“ 
(Y/N) hugged him back she was sobbing, but at least she didn’t walk away from him, he hugged her back, and kept saying sweet sorrys, in her ears, giving her kisses, and making her feel loved…
“I’m sorry… my love…”
“Kyojuro… I forgive you…”
“You do!” he sounded like a lost puppy and that make her laughed
“Yes, Koy” she smiled 
Kyojuro had the brightest smile, and it made her even more happy.
She hugged him again and he hugged back, “hey koy~”
“Love the new you~” she hugged around his waist.
He blushed, “(Y/N)…” he said shyly he covered his face on her shoulder.
She giggled, “I love you, koy~”
“I love you too, sweetheart~”
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Unhealthy Competition Transcript: 8/4/21
Heres the transcript on a google doc if thats easier!
W: What do we want?
R: Burgers!
W: When- When, when do we want the burgers?
R: When they're cooked because if we get them now wait they are actually cooked right now but it would be raw if we immediately gave them out to the customers which is why we DO cook our food.
W: Wh-a what are you on there! They are cooked! Look! Does that not look cooked?
R: I- I mean.. Ah it looks fine it looks fine
W: I’ve never tried one of our own burgers before
R: Oh yeah we should've done that before- a while ago
W: Leme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it leme do it right, I need to get hungry first
R: mhm
W: Let me just quickly slap a Wilburger in there, leme leme just
R: there we go
W: I’m gonna get hungry
R: Alright let's get hungry
W: Wooh wooh wooh, how’ve you been Ranboo?!
R: I’ve been doing good!
W: Have you been vibing?
R: I’ve been doing alright! Yeah! I had a good rest, I’ve had a good day
W: Mhm, mhm
R: So far you know i'm excited to get to working the nine to five, it's a dream.
W: Wait, I don’t make you work nine to five- you just have to work when we run out of burgers man. You’re free to do what you want, this is your- you’re working part time for wilburger- oh it's the horse! We need that
R: OH yeah we should probably, we should probably,
W: I want that horse, aye! Do you know what quackity’s horse is called? Okay I’m hungry now, I’m hungry now, are you ready for this?
R: okay, alright
W: Bread first, burger, mmmm Ranboo… we gotta to better than that
R: Oh, okay
W: Ranboo that's the best burger I’ve ever had
R: Nice!
W: But we gotta do better than that
R: Okay, then to volume two.
W: WE are taking down an entire nation with this burger van- oh sorry competing peacefully outside of this burger van, we can't have just the best burgers I've ever had- they have to be the best burgers anyones ever eaten in their entire lives
R: In any universe!
W: In any universe in any universe at all, at all. You’ve done a really good job of this I know I’ve already said that but yeah
R: Thank you thank you, yeah
W: this is fun, I like this little toy you’ve made, I like this, i'm a big fan
R: I like it too, thank you.
W: I’m a big fan of a lot of things we have done Ranboo. Do you remember they um, boom boy?
R: yeah.. I do remember that.
W: Yeah?
R: Yeah.. I hope it didn't I hope it didn't, it wasn't, hopefully it wasn't too much, I don’t think it was too much
W: Oh I thought it was great I thought it was great man, when you smashed the window and blew up the wall- I’d be pissed
R: Mhmm
W: And I bet that was the right stick it to the man that he needed
R: But, butm you, you wanted that for competition, for business and all that, right?
W:... yeah
R: Yeahhhh
W: Yeahh, hmm, Ranboo I think you’ve taken a side here which feels like a change for you. I’m not used to this, you’re mister not choosing a side you know?
R: Yeah, yeah, because when I looked back especially when- especially after, your talks about Lmanburg and everything I realised
W: Look back on what?
R: You know, when you looked back on like Lmanburg and everything
W: Oh like life and all that
R: Yeah I decided to take a look back on my life and everything and I realised that I mean I’ve been involved in things, but, I haven't really done anything, I haven't really done anything
W: What do you mean?
R: I haven't made anything like, I haven't really, I haven't really done much to alter history, now if you were to write a history book, I wouldn't really be that much you know…
W: Whatttt
R: Involved in it
W: I don’t think, I don’t know what you’ve done, I don't..
R: Exactly, that proves my point
W: But you don’t need to have an impact on the world Ranboo to matter you know? You don’t need to go out, you don’t need to build a fucking effile tower just to be, just to mean something.
R: Yeahh
W: Ranboo, Ranboo don’t get me wrong
R: Yeah
W: You’re talking to me here I think it could be that you, you know, are going out and doing stuff. Look at this bozo
R: What he's doing here?
W: I think it could be that you decided to go out and change you know change this, I think change things for the better.
R: You know it's -
W: Don’t don’t start go out and breaking windows and blowing up walls just because you,
R: Oh no I won’t probably not too much
W: Just because you want to make something
R: This is why I like our little, little burger shop, you know it's small but at least it's something, you know I’ve always I’ve always wanted to go and make something that's gonna outlive me a little bit so I think this, I think this is a good start to something.
W: Mhm mhm
R: It’s a nice little burger shop you know?
W: And man? Honestly, I’m proud of you bro. I know, I know I don't know you very well man and I haven't known you for very long but you’ve done a really good job here and tell you what tell you what?
R: Thank you
W: Have you ever seen the phrase “fruits of your labor”?
R: Yeees, I- I think! I think so
W: Shall we see the fruits of our labour? Cause Quackity, quackitys online
R: I mean
W: Quackitys online, Quackitys here man
R: Oh!
W: We can go, we can go and see and chat with him about what we did. By the way after you blew it up I know you didn't see but I gave him back all the materials because
R: That's good
W: I gave him back all the materials for the wall and I also, I also left him a diamond or two just to say like you know no hard feelings you know?
R: Mhm
W: That it was just for, just you know, to prove a point but um yeah Quackitys here, and I wanna see. Do you want to ride a horse? Here, get on the horse.
R: You want me to uh?
W: Yeah yeah, it's Quackity’s its quackitys horse just a disclaimer
R: It’s quackitys? Oh oh okay,
W: Normally when I come to the las nevadas sign as im not allowed in las nevadas, normally when I come to the las nevadas sign Quackity is the first one to come and tell me to fuck off so lets see, lets go up to the las nevadas sign.
R: Alright
W: Yeah man its half the fun of making something and doing cool things is that moment where um, where you get to see what everyone feels about it now that we are here I promise wait here, I promise you
R: Wait.. wait here? Okay
W: Just you wait… Ready?
R: Alright, i'm ready
W: Um um “boy las nevadas sure is big from up here” just hold on
R: Okay um okay
W: Just give it a second, maybe from this level, hmmm maybe if I take another step, ooh what's that?
R: Oh yeah OH do you remember the cookie outpost thing?
W: Yeah yeah the little thing you built with tubbo
R: Yeah so basically right he got really upset so then I- I tried to apologise and everything because we- there was a little bit of dispute with it but we honestly just decided to really just give up.
W: I mean he hasn't accepted it… look its all in there
R: He hasn't accepted it?
W: Yeah, it's all in there….
R: Oh he said he liked it at least…
W: Is- did I just lie? This guy, Ranboo I swear to god I feel like I understand him, how his brain works, how he how his mind go and then he just, just proves that he doesn't give a shit.
R: Yeahh
W: Which is why I can’t wait to show off what I’ve done, but he's just nowhere to be seen. So this cookie shop thing? What was your intention of it? How would how you don’t pick sides usually but what was your intention with it? When you built this?
R: To give out cookies to people
W: And that was it? And that was your be all and end all hah?
R: Yep
W: Right, well how did you feel about Tubbo doing what he did then?
R: Doing what he did… What do you mean?
W: Well he.. He I heard the stories man I heard about how it turned into more than what it was supposed to be you know?
R: Well I mean that's- he kind of goes above and beyond on a lot of things, you can’t really blame him into make it a castle. That's, that's just you know, you can’t be TOO careful. Especially when you know, he has all the right to be nervous about something going wrong, so no wonder he put all those defenses and everything.
W: Why would he have the right to be nervous?
R: I mean just a lot of things, a lot of bad things have happened to him that haven't really come from his actions
W: Oh so youre talking about.. oHHHH LOOK WHO'S HERE!
Q: Hellloooooo
W: Quackity!! It's lovely to see you man, it's been awhile. How have you been?
Q: How- how long have you guys been here for?
W: I-I just arrived you know I just- Quackity you think I would wait for you? You know you know I’m just a
R: Yeahh
Q: Well I didn't even notice you guys were here. I um have been busy with uh much more important things… so, but hey I mean it's great to see you guys it's really great to see you guys, Wilbur and Ranboo together this is uh
W: It’s good to see you man
Q: What's this?
W: Oh uh Ranboo was just looking after your horse that I um
R: Mhm!
W: That I took a little bit of a joyride, it's a good horse look at it, look how high it jumps man! You got a good horse man
Q: Yeahhh who told you that's my horse?
W: Well it was tied up in your nation
Q: haha no no that's not my horse you just got someones random horse, i think you should probably put it back, I have no idea whose it is That- this is really awkward Wilbur, you should, you should probably put it back
W: Let's go! Let's go dude. I wanted- I wanted to come and ask you a question.
Q: Yeah, yeah what's up?
W: So I don’t know if you saw this? Uh you can’t actually see it, but behind this we built a burger van quackity!
Q: Really???
W: Competition, competition
Q: You built a burger van? Is that what you’ve been up to wilbur?
W: Yeah yeah!
Q: You know all this time you’ve been settled next to me and this- this is uh your big ceration? A burger van?
W: Hey man
Q: Hahah,
W: Rome wasn't built in a day. Small steps
Q: That's true, that's true. Leme take a look. Can you order anything yet?
W: No no, wait lemme- actually let me cook you up something real quick
R: Oh yeah oh yeah, you'll love this
Q: I don’t know if i trust anything coming from you Wilbur, but I’ll I’ll, give it a shot i'll give it a shot
W: Doo doot doo quackity you are so nice to me doot doo doot you never bring up my past doot doo doot Here you go, one volume one wilburger. Take a bite of that!
Q: Volume one?
W: Take a bite! It’s like an NFT Quackity
Q: An NFT?
W: Yeah no one, no ones gonna be copying that!
Q: Why would I bite it if its an NFT, then if it goes away it wouldn’t be worth anything,
W: Exactly Quackity, you can keep hold of it OR you get a bit peckish, eat the bread anyway! The bread is not bad
Q: I’m not hungry, I’m not that hungry right now but hey, I’ll keep it with me
W: At least keep it to appreciate the value, it's my NFT, but Quackity anyway I did want to ask, you have a little restaurant in your town I saw, from a distance obviously.
Q: Do you guys want to take a look? I didn’t want to mention it as I felt like it would have been awkward given that you have your own restaurant- I have my own restaurant, that's the only thing that would make it a little awkward but, you know you brought me to your restaurant and I want to bring you to mine. Can, can I do that?
W: Yeah, yeah man I just want, I just wanted to say sorry if you notice if you notice a bit of superficial damage, I left you a little gift as well, afterwards I sure that's okay. It was Ranboo and I that did that to your restaurant actually.
Q: Yeah yeah I saw it in the signs you, you guys
W: Yeah Ranboo and I did it
Q: Yeah the signs no no
W: I just thought- it it was a little bit of a you could say a misclick
Q: It doesn't seem to be like a misclick. You said MY restaurant was wank
W: I did I did I forgot about the signs, I was talking more about the window- oh
Q: But its fine its fine actually and I actually want to take this moment to thank you guys actually because uh that little destruction you did made me realise that the non tinted glass it just wasn't a good fit for the restaurant so I went with the kind of you know neon look and oh oh yeah the explosion! Right, I uh thank you guys again I was just finishing up this fish tank.
(The fish tank has salmon in it)
This nice little fish tank in the restaurant I think it gives a nice little look, a nice touch you know a nice family touch so thank you guys- this made me realise this needed a little bit of work haha so I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot um actually you know what?
W: what?
Q: You know what Wilbur? Your little game here whatever you did, it made me realise another thing, that my country needs a source of passive income, so I decided to assign a workforce to this restaurant, I decided to hire an employee…
T: Hello!!
Q: Haha! Hey Tubbo!
T: Hey
Q: Tubbo look who came to visit look who came to visit
W: Tubbo!! Man it's good to see you!
T: Hey man this is my new job!
W: Tubbo aww it's nice to see you here man, I thought you were with your, your little snowy town
T: Oh I decided that you know I needed you know a job somewhere to work
W: Tubbo… what the fuck?
Q: Ha ha yep!
W: Fuck tubbo! Why are you, why? Why? Why did you get employed at the restaurant?
T: Why well eh I mean you know? Job?
Q: Tubbo is an excellent employee
T: I- I didn’t know you guys did burgers! I didn't know…
W: I mean, I mean it's - I just dude I offered for you to come and work at my burger van, it was uh hh hh hhhh hugh I told you yesterday- I told you yesterday in the Lmanburg crater and said you should come and hang out and make burgers at my burger van and now your at another burger restaurant after turning down my burger restaurant. Quackity… What did you tell him? Quackity what did you tell him? What did you say man?
Q: Listen listen, I’m gonna tell you this right now, tubbo is one of the best employees I’ve ever had. Me and tubbo had a little talk and we realised he has really great aspirations in life, and he really wants to do a lot
W: mhm
Q: and I told tubbo I would offer him maybe one of the best jobs anyone can have
W: best job
Q: one of the only jobs in las nevadas- tubbo is actually not only an employee but he is managing this place
W: mhm mhmm
T: This is my establishment
Q: Yeah, yeah and tubbo, tubbo now owns it
(note ranboo now has a grass block and is holding it along with placing and picking it up and it pacing during all of this)
Q: Tubbo tubbo now manages this place and he cooks here and makes a great deal of economic prosperity as well for las nevadas uh you should try his food, you NEED to try his food he makes these burgers kind of NFTS wait what a coincidence, it's NTFS as well and he makes burgers, and I like to call it the tubburger
T: The tubburger joint.
Q: The funny thing is we called it the tubburger volume one as well! It's really weird haha our plates are the exact same
W: Shh shh shh, quackity… tubbo, are you? Are you aware we are in competition now? Like this, this, tubbo we have always been on the same side man, we have always been together… your head to head with me now
T: Well I don’t look at it like that, it's not like complicated competition.. .Competition is good for the consumers, it helps everyone!
Q: W- Wilbur you’re taking this a little too far man, I feel like
W: Wai-twait no no I am perfectly
Q: I think you’re taking it too far man!
W: I am perfectly happy with mr tubbo
Q: At the end of the day we are all friends
W: Where did you get the NFT idea from??! Where did ya get that idea from?
T: Fazeclan?
Q: Fazeclan
T: Fazeclan
Q: Fazeclan, wilbur listen I told you this once and I am gonna tell it to you again, thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes that whole renovation came to do because I’m assuming it was a kind of renovation it really made me realise it has more potential then I thought
W: MHmm
Q: And at the end of the day that's what we all need. That's what we need, we thrive, we thrive through competition…. Healthy competition you're gonna make your burgers better and i'm gonna make my whole restaurant better and with the help of seriously one of the greatest people I’ve met in a business like this
T: Aww thank you man
Q: of course, of course tubbo
W: So,
Q: Wilbur, don’t take it the wrong way
W: I- I’m not does it look like im-
Q: to be mad about it, it's good for us it's gonna be happy for everyone
W: I’m happy, I’m really happy for tubbo, I’m happy tubbo’s got a job
Q: Really?
W: Yeah, I’m happy for him. Tubbo you were telling me yesterday how you were, how you felt like you lacked direction, you lacked purpose
T: Yeah I finally have a goal
W: Bro!
Q: That's true
W: How could I be angry about that man?
R: Yeah… that's good
W: Just you know I was just wondering why you chose that over the burger van but I get it Quackity, Quackity is a hard man to refuse.
Q: Mhmm
W: And
Q: And tubbo, tubbo is just constantly looking for whats next whats gonna happen now, and me and tubbo we think alike, very much alike actually, and I don’t know if you remember this but me and tubbo, you remember lmanburg?
T: Yeah
Q: Me and Tubbo, Tubbo was president and I was vice president, this is like lmanburg all over again isn't it?
T: Well- I mean-
Q: This is all a working- work in progress
W: It’s giving me lmanburg vibes
Q: Mhm- sorry?
W: I said yes I agree its giving me Lmanburg vibes
Q: Yeahh. Well listen uh all i'm gonna say is wilbur we are doing our own thing, you guys are doing your own thing and be healthy competition and you know….
T: Well the best burgers win!
Q: Haha- there you go there you go tubbo I agree with that yes!
W: we- yeah Ranboo you agree with that may the best burgers- say it say it
R: yeah yeah, may the best burgers win… yep
W: Wilburger vs tuburger… match match partners against crime
T: Together!
R: No-t not crime we hate crime
Q: Tubbo tubbo you gotta try their burgers sometime
W: Well, well we gotta go we gotta go
T: oh?
R: Yeahh yeah
W: It was lovely, it was lovely hanging out with you guys I - I am just thrilled with the renovations. What should we do next time we hang out?
Q: Yeah yeah
W: Do you wanna we- like
Q: I think I think we should yeah let's set some time apart and talk you and me
W: Yeah let's have a little run through a little run through
Q: Yeah yeah absolutely, and ranboo wilbur, you guys are welcome in the restaurant, las nevadas anytime
W: Wait-
Q: Anytime you guys like
W: Wait, I'm allowed in Las nevadas?
Q: Wilbur, you’re not, you’re taking this the wrong way
W: You told me I couldn't come in
Q: What kind of person would I be to tell you to leave my country. What kind of person would I be to not allow you in my premises? I wouldmt be a good person would I? Wilbur, you are my friend … I would never do that to you. I’m very welcoming, Ranboo come ahead, come inside as well ah this is all this is all healthy competition alright?
W: You’re a good man, you’re a good man Quackity, I’ll I’ll give you that. We got some burgers to flip so we will
Q: We do too we do too
T: Bye guys!
W: thanks for coming, thanks for coming down
Q: Cya guys
W: Cya guys
Q: Bye!
W:Ranboo.. Ranboo lets go
R: Yeah…. Let's go….
W: ooooOOOHHHHH boy ha- ha… ha ahhh ohhh this is good, this is what I want dude dude Ranboo did you see he was trying to act like I didn’t get to him?
R: Mhmm mhmm
W: You see the WHOLE time ohh it's not my horse
R: Geeh I mean yeah I mean he did I’m pretty sure
W: Dude he made an NFT burgers
R: He made an NFT burger- that is true
W: He cares so much he cares so much
R: That was your idea yeah
W: He cares aww man- How did you feel about this Ranboo? I mean dude!
R: I mean it's just burgers and everything so I think it's okay.
W: Eh it's “just burgers”
R: Its okay you know
W: I feel alive Ranboo, I feel alive! Someone is looking at me and talking to me!
R: Yeah yeah!
W: I’m alive I’m alive this is great!
R: Yeah, yeah I mean yeah, I again don’t I have to get used to competition and everything and be out there more with it all
W: I feel you Ranboo I feel you its scary its scary man, especially when we have a long way to go, bridges to cross and one day grab it by the horns and ride it
R: Yeah yeah,
W: And not it's just, it's just you and me against the world. The world being tubbo and quackity.
R: mhm mhmm
W: I mean why would you be against being against tubbo and quackity anywhere? I mean how well do you know Quackity?
R: I- I mean I don’t really know Quackity- Quackity all too well
W: Yeah yeah and I mean what do you and tubbo have you know going on that would block this?
R: I mean…
W: Sounds great to me
R: I mean… yeah yeah I - we kind of had like that cookie outpost we did together and everything it's fine I don’t have to get to it too much I dont um really wanna
W: You’re both businessmen
R: I don’t really ah want to get into it all too much
W: And that's fine. Ranboo I wanted to ask you man
R: Mhm?
W: You’ve had this cookie outpost right?
R: Yeahh
W: Did you like to get up to anything at the cookie outpost? Is there anything…?
R: Ahh, not at the cookie outpost but I do have something else actually… follow me I do- I do have something else…
W: Is it a secret?
R: It's a secret , yes.
W: Should we sneak?
R: Yeah um I think we can just get far enough away I think we'll be fine
W: Where are we going?
R: Into the strip club
W: heh-sh haha haha
R: Comeon, come on let's go
W: ahhaa sorry say that again
R: Into the strip club- we are going in!
W: Lets go
R: I have- I have my little hole in the strip club
W: You got a strip hole?
R: Yes!
W: I’ve never been in here before
R: Well I mean for logs, I mean look at those spruce logs over there, those are stripped. Alright ah perfect it's still, it's still here
W: This doesn't look very hidden
R: Oh its hidden trust me
W: it's very cozy
R: Oh it's very cozy and well if you need to use this for something we can definitely expand a little bit, but probably not too much though because we don’t want to infringe on everything
W: I like this, I mean we can do a little bit now! How about what we do? I like this. I like the wherewithal, maybe we can build a tunnel from here to the burger van. It can be our way in sneaking in from the burger van. aH okay okay you got your finger in a few espionage spies, I appreciate that and no one knows about this?
R: Yeah no one knows about it, yeah I think- to the best of my memory no one knows about it.. There's like a 85% chance that's right
W: That's cool that's cool because at the end of the day we’re- going right now we are the good guys Ranboo, we are the good guys, we-
R: You sure?
W: We-.... yeah! I mean we haven't done anything wrong you know?
R: Yeah
W: we haven't done anything wrong and quackity, quackity done a few things wrong…
R: Yeah yeah
W: hmm hmm is tubbo working full time? What's tubbos deal you know with the burger place?
R: I don’t know I have no idea actually
W: We don’t know we just don't know
R: I Don't know anything about that.
W: It's like how good of an employer is quackity? So I wanted to make sure before I go knowing you have already done a little act of espionage with the strip hole and other things I just
R: Mmmhmm
W: I just wanna, I just wanna say in any case of an emergency right?
R: mhm
W: When we are head to head, you know when- not head to head with each other uh when we are head to head with tubbo and big q and stuff
R: mhm
W: and maybe shits ya know hitting the fan and stuff- I need to know, that we have a saviour card to save the innocent people in this city like tubbo
R: mhm
W: Like fundy and these innocent people
R: So yeah.. So like a plan B just in case anything goes wrong we can save them?
W: Yeah, plan B
R:Okay I'm down for that. What is this- (Wilbur gives Ranboo thirteen TNT)
W: I want you to make yourself useful and..
R: oh
W:Set that up somewhere in las nevadas. I have more, I have more I have another stack if you need it but I think that should be enough to do a marketable amount of damage if you- okay so the problem essentially is that TNT as you know TNT doesnt detonate in water and as you know las nevadas is quite a large majority of water bound. However, quackity really seems to care about the inside of the casino which I’ve peaked in and there's no water in and the outsides of this restaurant section of this spire right? So what you could do is easily make a section in the casino that has a chain reaction under a button somewhere and each one of those detoniates the next consecutive one. It would take a little bit of work, I know quite a bit about TNT, I could help you.
R: Mhmm
W: So
R: o-okay
W: Look dude I’m just letting you know that's what I want you to do. PArt of working-
R: But in most cases and everything it would never see the light of day right?
W: In most cases yeah 100% most of the time maybe it won't happen, BUT if we need to protect the innocent thats what its fore
R: Yeah yeah
W: Yeah you want to protect like fundy, slimecicle, tubbo?
R: Yeah! Yeah
W: So that's, so that's what it's for and Ranboo! I shall bid you adieu, it was a pleasure, thank you for coming
R: Yeah of course!
W: and thank you for being a good co worker, you know?
R: Yeah
W: You’ve done a good job and I can’t-
R: Thank you
W: I trust you will do good work with that TNT I gave you but remember, make it safe!
R: Yeah
W: We don’t want it going off by accident we don't want it
R: Yeah I’ll maybe it very safe
W: Promise?
R: Promise, yeah
W: And you’re gonna tell me where you put the button and you’re gonna tell me where it's set up and-
R: Yep!
W: Okay. Alright, thanks Ranboo
R: Yeah, thanks, I’ll see ya, buh bye
W: I’ll see you around Ranboo. What a nice guy!
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binniesthighs · 4 years
hello stranger | reader x changbin |
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a/n: this chapter is one that is very special to me and really echoes a lot of the same feelings that I’ve experienced through the years. writing this chapter felt really healing for me, as I hope maybe it can to you who might’ve felt the same. Because of this, please read the warnings below and read what you feel comfortable with! Remember that no matter who you are, or what you’ve gone through you absolutely deserve love!! 
Part 5 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x seo changbin, female reader x han jisung 
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) college au, rapper!changbin, rapper!jisung, establishedfwb!jisung, artist!reader, skz side characters, bestfriend!chan, bestfriend!felix, explicit language, HARD angst to FLUFFY fluff, mentions of alcohol, fingering (f receiving), squirting,  dry humping, nipple play, protected sex, fluffy sex, cockwarming
CWs: implications of jealousy and possession (past), non-con pressure, fist fighting, quite a bit of blood, bruises, and other wounds, mentions of a scar, mentions of past toxic relationship, mentions of nausea, mentions of low self worth and self deprecating habits 
Word count: 8.7k (grab a blanket, your plushie, some fuzzy socks...also I promise no other chapter will be this long LOL) 
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6
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-Two years ago, and some change- 
Tonight was different. It could have been for a number of reasons. Maybe it was the way that he held onto your hand tighter than he usually did. You swayed your body next to his like you thought that you should have been doing. If you hadn’t you would have looked out of place. He hated when you looked out of place. The skimpy dress you had worn that night was just for him. You thought that he would like the way that the straps barely clung to your shoulders and the way that it was snug against your curves. 
He was watchful. Silent. You had known him to be a generally loud and gregarious person. He had many friends. Many of his friends you really did like; but, there were others that you had liked less...the friends with wandering and judging eyes. 
“Why her?” They would ask. 
“You could do better.” They would whisper in his ear when they thought that you couldn’t hear. 
“Isn’t she...boring?” 
“Not boring when I’ve got her alone.” 
The club was full of people; a suffocating amount. Bodies thrashed up against eachother in all their sweating heat. Shiny polyester and the tulle ruffles of shirts scratched against your skin in passing. Under the line of sight, no one could see where hands might reach or creep in the dark corners of that room. With the music blasting, no one could hearo f the sinful desires whispered from ear to ear. 
“Don’t you want to get outta here?” He had craned down to give you his message. 
“W-why don’t we just dance? I like this song.” 
“But we’ve been here for so long.” His hand gripped tight on your arm. “Really. Let’s get out of here.” 
“Let’s bounce. I don’t wanna be here any more. Let’s go have fun somewhere else.” 
Fear rose in your throat. His tone had changed to the one that you had been trying to keep at bay for weeks.
“Baby, I’m having fun!” You tugged back at your arm which he hadn’t released. Your brain worked quickly, and you did what you thought would’ve been distracting enough. You kissed him. 
Hard and fast you shoved your tongue down his throat in ways that you only would do when it had been the two of you alone. The music was loud. No one could hear the way he forced a moan into your mouth. Your hands wove deeply into his hair that was swathed in that cologne of his that was dizzying. It was saltwater and cinnamon. 
Your body pressed up flat against his chest and, as expected, he threw his arms back around you and kissed back with the same fervency that you tried to drench him in. 
Your words were breathless. “Can we...stay?” 
“Baby, how can you say that when you kissed me like that? God, if I could screw you right here and now...” 
His friends had been watching. Or pretending not to watch. It was no lie that their eyes had been peeping from the corners. 
“Let’s get some more drinks then? Hm? Maybe later we can head back to your--” 
“--NO! I want you now.” His words were violent, and his hands starved in his feverish way, yet still, he sucked his devilish smile into your neck. “Baby, please.” 
Just a few more drinks. That was all that it would take. Just a few more drinks and he would be a stumbling mess. He would forget his name and you and then he wouldn’t be able to take you anywhere. You loathed yourself for feeling that way, but it was the only solution you could think of. 
“Let’s go out back. No one walks down that alley, you know so.” 
A nervous laugh slipped off of your lips. “I-I know, but--it’s so cold outside, it’s snowing an-and it won’t be comfortable--” 
“--I don’t need comfortable, I just need you.” 
Lazily, his eyes met with one of his friendsand he flicked his finger to beckon him over. “You. Come with us. We’re gonna need someone to watch the door.” 
His friend scoffed and shoved his glass into the hands of a stranger. “Fine. What are you gonna pay me back with?” 
“I dunno, I’ll think of that later.” 
Your arm wiggled, a slight attempt to free yourself of his grasp. “Babe, babe, come on. I-it’s risky, an-and--” 
“--And what?!” 
“I-I don’t...I don’t...” 
“Babe I thought you liked it when we did risky stuff? Remember last week? The bathroom? You liked that didn’t you?” 
“That-that was different.” 
Above your heads the speakers boomed with a bass drop that you could feel vibrate in your chest. Strobe lights of dozens of different colors blinded your vision. Your head panged with a pain that must’ve been the alcohol, but with each passing second, you felt more and more lightheaded. Air just barely escaped from your lungs and your lungs felt like dead weight. 
His voice had been muffled. Your feet started taking steps that didn’t feel like they were their own. He used his body mass to part the sea of bodies, drawing you farther and farther away from it all. The two men chuckled as you neared the back of the building where the haze from the stage seemed to accumulate. 
“Stand right at this door and don’t let anyone get out from it. Don’t leave until we come back in.” 
His friend rolled his eyes, then took out his showy looking pen to take a long drag. He blew it into the other man’s face. “Have fun you two.” 
The cold winter air stung at your dry lungs. You realized then that you had forgotten your coat inside. Under your feet, flaky and white snow had mixed in potholes which had filled with iridescent oil. Together, the only thing that you could think of in that moment was how the two colors and mixed. In no way where they similar: one, black and slick, the other soft and pure. They made no sense. 
His breath was hot and it steamed in the air like some kind of deadly and wispy poison. His hands were big. Much bigger than yours, and they seemed to wrap you all up in them. They were magnets to your hips which fell into them with ease. He must’ve been cold too you figured: goosebumps formed on his arms where the falling snow fell on them. 
“You’re all mine. No one else’s. Don’t you ever forget that. Tell me. Who’s baby are you?” 
“Y-yours.” Your voice trembled. 
“That’s right.” 
His freezing hands swept up both sides of your face and you prayed that he couldn’t feel the tears stream from your eyes to his fingers. All at once, you felt nauseous, you felt sick, shame, rage, embarrassment and fear. With the adrenaline pumping in your ears, you did something even you didn’t expect. 
His mouth continued lapping over yours, even your words which you repeated, 
“Baby, we’re just getting started!” Frigid fingers crept up your shirt to your bare skin. 
You had bitten his lip, and the metallic taste of his blood dripped onto your lip. 
“You bitch!” He stumbled, then wiped the blood to his finger. 
Hot tears fell freely, and your body shook: perhaps it was the cold, or your fright, but it shook every part of you. 
“What the fuck?!” He rose his hand in the air, “Who the fuck to you think--”
A voice echoed down the alley and bounced off the brick walls. He was a black outline, but it was undoubtedly him who had shouted. He was still, but all at once he started running, sprinting towards you and you cowered to the snow. 
“Don’t you fucking--” 
The other man ran right up to the both of you. He was shorter, but crashed into the other taller man with a fist raised. He nearly had to jump a little, but he had knocked him square in the face with a horrible fleshy sounding thud. 
He finished his sentence, “-Don’t you fucking touch her!” 
The shorter man rubbed at his knuckles which had bloodied quickly. Your boyfriend had slipped on the ice a few steps back, falling to the ground clumsily and wetting it from the blood dripping from his mouth and nose. He laughed incredulously. 
“You pack quite a punch for a little guy don’t you? Well, you picked the wrong fight--” 
He rose to his feet with fists raised, then took a swing at the other man. He was agile, and ducked with ease, then twisted around the taller’s body to punch into his ribs. Still he didn’t miss each punch, and your boyfriend landed hits to his face as well. The stranger fell to the ground this time, groaning out and splashing into the cotton snow. While he was down, the taller man kicked into his sides. 
“How do you like that? Huh??? You have no FUCKING RIGHT. This is between me and my girlfriend, so, fuck. off.” 
The stranger spat blood to the white snow. “A-actually, I did have a right.” 
“What was that??” He kicked harder. 
“You-you were going to hit her? Weren’t you? Who the hell hits their girlfriend?” 
In one motion, the shorter man was back up on his feet, stumbling, but still swinging. He was weaker, but still punched into the taller man’s sides relentlessly. The two men sparred, and you felt frozen. It was as if you weren’t even breathing. 
Stop. Stop. Stop. Your thoughts rang, but your voice couldn’t muster it. 
“You’re the fucking--” Punch. “--Scum--” Punch. “--Of the--” Punch. “--Earth.” 
Your boyfriend’s eyes had become bloodshot red. In a mix of furious arms, he had scraped his wristwatch against the other man who cried out with a horrible sounding whimper, and then a flash of red started to flow down his arm. 
Your dress had soaked through with the freezing cold water and you had nearly buried your eyes into your arms. Never had you felt so small, so helpless. 
“HEY! What’s going on down here?” 
A flash of blue and red lights lit up the pitch black alley. 
“What’s going on??” 
The policeman’s voice buzzed over the loudspeaker on his car. 
The shorter man was a crumple on the ground and he hissed out with pain from his teeth. His arm quivered with pain from the gash that had been pressed into it. By contrast, the peaceful snow fell lightly onto his body and got tangled into his curled, dark hair. Your boyfriend; you hadn’t even seen him turn to sprint down the opposite side of the alley. 
Regardless, the stranger still managed, “Ar-are you okay? Did he hurt you?” 
Your dry and tear-stained cheeks crinkled. “N-no. He didn’t.” 
“T-that’s good. Listen, I-I need to go. I can’t afford for them to take me. Ask them to help you and take you home. 
The clink of the policeman’s keys on his hip jingled as he neared. 
“I’m sorry I have to run.” He stumbled to his feet. For a few seconds, you could see his eyes under the flickering yellow streetlight. They weren’t brown or black, but some kind of dark stormy grey. 
He went running down the alley, as fast as he could manage with a limp to his leg and his dripping arm creating a trail behind him. 
As he ran, he left behind him a scent, foreign in the winter air. You couldn’t name it exactly, but you had guessed at least for then, it might’ve been something like rosemary and cedarwood. 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
2am, and you felt euphoric. Like a fucking cloud. Even though it was typical, there really were no other words that could describe it. 
Felix and Chan bumped their hips against yours while they danced in the rhythm of the song that the DJ had played. Both of their bright smiles were utterly adorable, and the three of you doubled over in your laughter at each other’s terribly awkward dance moves. Chan made his best attempt at the robot, and Felix busted out some of his favorite internet dances. You rose your hand to the side of your face as if to say I don’t know them. Felix’s tiny hands interlaced into yours and you danced with him too while Chan mimed throwing dollar bills into the air. 
“How much longer?” You yelled over the music until it scratched your throat. 
“I don’t know! I didn’t get a chance to look at the line up!” Chan’s body bumped up against others in the crowd while he tried to check is phone. “It’s fine! I’m sure he should be coming on soon!” 
You couldn’t remember the last time  that you had been to a show that wasn’t to see Jisung. It was strange thinking about all of the things you used to worry about when you had gone to see him in the past: was your outfit sexy enough, had you remembered to put on your lip gloss...you’d even worry over stupid shit like if you had missed any spot on your legs while shaving. 
None of those worries filled you now. The clothes that you had put on in your haste made little sense, and were a bit warm in the room where sweat practically dripped from the walls. You had even left your apartment in such a hurry--you had been working on a new piece from a spark of inspiration during midday.
“He said that he was going near the end I think!!” You informed your friends. 
Chan did a little excited dance. You didn’t know if he was more thrilled over the fact that he was there or how you had promised to introduce him to Changbin after the show. 
The lights shifted, turning from pink to blue, and the music faded too. Your beating heart slowed as the atmosphere changed and Felix clawed back onto your arm. 
“Oh my God!!! I think that it’s gonna be him!!!” Chan nearly leapt into the air. 
It was frightening how familiar it all felt; you felt as if you had been transported right to that first night, the night that you had met him and the night that he had entranced you up on that stage. Everything in the room darkened, and the smoke slithered onto the stage. Everyone had quieted with their focus narrowing on the empty expanse that had been set up all for him. 
To the side of the stage, the announcer chuckled into the mic, “Ladies and Gents, as you know him...SPEAR B!” 
Music erupted like a crack of lighting over the speakers and was so sudden that nearly everyone in the crowd jumped out of their skin. The spotlights flooded the stage in a blinding white light, and before your eyes could process it, he had thrown himself to centerstage with some kind of magic or trick of the eye. It was so confusing, all you could do was stand in shock. 
Rapid fire lyrics flew off his tongue with lightspeed, and he carried himself around the stage with as much regality as a king. His hooded eyes held nothing but concentration at each of his words, and he threw his arms around with emphasis so you could hang onto every single syllable. He shone under the lights where he had adorned himself in his favorite array of silver and crystal jewelry: his trademark chain around his neck blinked like diamonds. Every curve of the muscles on his thick arms and thighs tensed and the vein on the side of his neck flared as he spoke. With a bite to his lip and an indulgent smile, he owned very single part of his own world. 
He was fucking mesmerizing. 
Felix and Chan were wildly flapping their bodies around and thrashing their heads along with every other body in the crowd, but you had stood still. It was unbelievable that you had been close to him. All your memories of him holding you softly in his arms, planting kisses into every tender inch of your skin seemed so far away, but so close. He couldn’t have been the same person. 
Your heart swelled with a pain. It might’ve been warning, precautionary, or fearful. Or, it might’ve been warm, intoxicated, infatuated. Your own mind couldn’t comprehend it. 
Over the hundreds of eyes in the crowd, somehow, he had found yours, and it was just as that first night had been. He was so massive, so crushing. His confidence was something so addictive and his gaze so thick that you felt as if it  was crushing. Still, there was one thing that was different about it now. 
He knew you. He wasn’t just some stranger. 
He knew your ins and outs, he knew your fears, the way that you would shy away from him or how you would lean into him closer. After that one meeting, you had encompassed everything that he could imagine, as he did for you. 
You had started as strangers, but now you couldn’t even imagine a time when you weren’t. 
He had broken his composure for mere seconds to smile at you. It was a simple: I see you. And you see me. 
It was cliché. Fucking cheesy as hell. God, it was sugary sweet and rotten; a phrase you hadn’t said in a year or more. But, with the dozens of other girls screaming it in that room, bumping with bodies and bass ringing, condensation on the walls and music louder than your own voice, you joined the cacophony.  Even if he couldn’t hear you screamed the words with your whole chest:
╚ ——————————————— ╝
The music had subsided, and the stage lit to normal as the stagehands switched around the arrangement for the next act. You and your two friends were out of breath and exhausted. Sweat beaded on all of your brows and you felt it dripping down your back as well. The three of you stood laughing out in your euphoria: it as a high like none other. 
“Damn. Why do I really want ice cream right now?” Felix huffed out his laugher and slung Chan under his arm. “Doesn’t that sound like a really good idea?” 
Chan whipped the damp strands of hair from his eyes. “That does sound like a really good idea. But...you think any places will be open?” 
With surprised glances, the three of you burst out hysterically. 
You wiped an exhilarated tear from your eye, “We’d have to go to the store.” 
Somehow, it was the funniest thing that you could have said and Felix and Chan held their sides in their laughter. 
“Do-do you think that Changbin would want to come with us?” Felix helped fix your sweater which had become a bit ajar on your frame. 
“I don’t see why not.” 
Chan did another adorable little dance. “Holy hell. I can ask him about his process!!!.” He scooped you up into a tight hug. “This is so exciting!!!!!” 
“Just don’t...scare him away.” You patted into Chan’s hair with adoration. 
“He should be back out any minute right? He said he would come looking for you?” 
You nodded, feeling your heart start to race at the prospect. You hadn’t felt this giddy about the attention in a while--not at least, attention that had been given to you without a condition. 
Behind your little group, you felt a tug on your wrist, then your cheeks swelled with warmth. 
“--Holy fuck! You actually came!!” 
Jisung’s eyes lit up and an inhumanely wide smile spread across his face. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe it, you actually came! Shit, I really thought that after we talked the other day that--” 
Chan ripped Jisung’s grip from your wrist. “You better cut that out.” Once as giddy as he was before, his expression had turned deadly serious. 
“What are you doing here?” Felix pushed you slightly behind him. 
“Performing? This is my show too. I’m on in thirty. You’re here to see me too?” 
“Like hell we are.” Chan rolled his eyes. 
Jisung chose to ignore him, bringing his attention back to you. 
“B-baby, thank you so much for coming, and for giving me another chance--” 
“--Another chance? Y/n, what is he talking about?” Felix asked, then both of your friends eyes were on yours. 
A knot formed back up in your throat with your decisions that you had let hang since you had las spoken to Jisung. You thought you had been clear enough to him, and you had told your friends you had thought that you had ended it. 
Chan huffed out an authoritative sigh, “We’re leaving. Come on,” he wrapped an arm around both you and Felix. “Let’s just get out of here.” 
“No! Wait! Y/n don’t leave! Let-let’s talk about this, y-you never let me see you any more, I’ve been missing you...missing you like crazy,” His grip reached out to you once more, pulling your whole arm closer to him with a pain that panged in your shoulder. “--since you’re here...let’s just talk this out okay?” 
The music in the room grew louder once more, and the next act entered the stage with the announcer’s enthusiastic voice. The lights flashed out, and suddenly all of your bodies were bathed in red, pink, and blue light. 
Another memory, from another night, flashed before your eyes. He held onto your arm tighter than he usually did. His incessant eyes pleaded over to yours like he had countless times before. 
“Jisung, stop.” 
“I-I just don’t understand! Let’s not do this here! Can’t we go somewhere private where the two of us can talk? Baby--” 
Another hand grasped at your opposite arm, then it snuck around your waist. 
“--What the hell do you think you’re doing to her?”  
Changbin pulled you into his chest with a force that knocked the wind out of your lungs, then he immediately inspected the arm where the other had grabbed you so tightly. 
“Did he hurt you? Let me see.” 
Chan and Felix’s eyes widened in their shock. 
Jisung pushed himself closer. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing Changbin? Don’t get involved in this, it doesn’t concern you.” 
“Actually, yes, it does.” 
Everything was unfolding before your eyes, and you felt faint. All the secrets, lies, the way that you had entangled yourself in it all, was crushing you like vines with thorns. Your fear bit bile in your throat, and you couldn’t decide if you felt strong enough to run. 
Before you could say anything about it, Changbin pulled you out from the crowd, faster than your wobbling legs could handle. He was furious, you could tell, but he tried his best not to let it seep over to you. Changbin muttered curses under his breath, but pushed forward, past the dancing bodies, past the stage, past the maze of speakers and other sound equipment in the back. 
“Let’s just get out of here okay?” His fingers dug into your waist. 
Behind you, Felix and Chan shoved their way a few paces behind, ultimately getting caught in the web of people moving this way and that. Not far behind them, was Jisung thrashing with all his might to catch up. 
With your heartbeat in your ears, words started spilling out from your mouth: 
“Changbin, I didn’t tell you--I-I still haven’t told you, but you need to know before--” 
Changbin swung the back door to the venue and it slammed behind you with a metallic clang. It was nearly blizzarding outside, but he didn’t seem to care at all. Rather, he pulled you back into his chest to hug you tightly. He was desperate in the way that he hung onto your body; like he was trying to suck the very life from you. 
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you? I’m so sorry I couldn’t get there sooner. He’s a fucking dick, I won’t let him touch you again, I promise.” 
Your nose clogged immediately, and your sobs came out choked and full of utter fear. 
I’m going to loose him. I’ll lose him. He’ll hate me. He’ll let go, and never come back. 
“Chang-Changbin...Jisung, he was--” 
“Beautiful, why are you crying? Stop, stop, it’s okay.” He soothed you, wiping the tears from your cheeks that got muddled with snow. He too had snow clinging to his eyelashes and his hair that was also strung with sweat. 
The back door swung open with another startling clank, and Jisung threw himself out of it with Felix and Chan holding him back by the arms. 
“HE DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HER!” Jisung screeched, then tore free of both of your friends. 
He lunged himself at Changbin who had seconds to respond. He turned his back to shield you with his body, and Jisung clawed with an animalistic energy. 
“HE DOESN’T FUCKING KNOW HER!” Jisung had been sobbing too, then swung a haphazard fist to Changbin’s back. 
Felix and Chan came rushing to catch you as you fell into their arms, then Changbin swiftly turned to return the hit. 
“Me?? You’re fucking crazy!!” He dodged another hit. “What the hell do you know about her?? Huh? YOU don’t know a thing about her!!” 
Jisung wiped his eyes then threw another lazy punch. “What are you talking about???” 
The two men stood still, both of them turning to turning to look at you with heaving chests. In your friends arms you trembled, and your worst nightmares unfolded right in front of your face. Your body fell to the ground, and the snow seeped into your clothes, just as it did on that night so long ago. 
“Holy shit.” Jisung grabbed both sides of his head in his realization. “She fucking played us. SHE FUCKING PLAYED ME.” 
Changbin cast his eyes away from you, just as he had when he had barely known a thing about you. He wouldn’t give you the pleasure. 
“You were fucking her too, weren’t you?” Jisung laughed out like a madman. “So that’s what she’s been doing this whole time I haven’t seen her. She’s been fucking you and--” 
Changbin’s fist rose, and it came crashing into the side of Jisung’s face so suddenly that you and your friends jumped from how fast he had done it. 
He said nothing, but proceeded to raise his fist again, then sent it right back into the soft of Jisung’s cheek before he had a minute to respond to the first. Jisung whimpered, then spat blood out of his mouth. His tears had returned, but this time, they were infused in his own anger. The two boys steadied their stance, looking into each other’s eyes with lethal rage. Jisung attacked back with a yell that echoed through the alley, and he too landed punches to Changbin’s sides in sharp hooks. Changbin then grabbed the other man’s shirt collar, pulling him close, then knocking him back with red and bloody fists. 
The two boys scuffled and slipped in the snow which had slicked on the ground to make each of their steps clumsy. Jisung sobbed through each of his punches, whereas Changbin held his teeth shut with a grit, merely grunting as he swung more and more. Your own tears blurred your vision, and your chest felt tight; nearly like it was about to burst. Your friends clung to your body just as tight, hushing to you and yelling at the boys to stop, but their voices sounded distant and faint. 
Jisung landed punch to Changbin’s eye which split the skin there on his eyebrow. Changbin returned the favor in the same spot, creating the same effect. With crackled lips they swore at eachother, and you could only make out one phrase from Changbin’s mouth: 
“Don’t you. Fucking. Touch her.” 
The door swung, “Changbin?” 
Minho hugged his coat around himself, only to jump out of his skin at the scene in front of him. He dodged two of Jisung’s swings as he clambered over to his roommate to hold him back. He was nearly two seconds late: with a roar, the two boys landed terrible blows at eachother, knocking them both to the ground. 
“‘Bin--stop, STOP!” Minho wrapped his arms around his friend. 
Just as he did, two other boys exited from the venue: one of them tall with long black hair and the other with hair as white as the snow. 
“Fuck you.” Jisung growled dizzily, and his two friends swooped in to help him back to his feet. They too looked furious, but Jisung waved them off groggily. “Don’t w-waste your fucking time. Y-you--” He pointed directly at Changbin. “D-don’t waste your time...on her. I-I’m such a fucking fool.” 
“Sung, let’s get out of here.” Jisung’s tall friend urged him. “Anyone on that street could’ve called the cops.” 
Minho held Changbin up then looked to you and your startled friends eyes seriously. “We need to leave too.” 
“We need to get him to a hospital.” Felix’s voice cracked. 
“You think that he can afford a bill? N-no. We can’t do that. I’ll explain later...he’ll be fine. He’s done this to himself before. Idiot.” Minho slugged his roommates arm over his shoulder and Chan rushed to grab the other. 
Your legs shook when Felix helped you to your feet. Any second, you thought they would give out. Thick strands of blood and saliva caught on Changbin’s lip. Seeing him like that made you feel even sicker. It was all your fault. 
“M-My place is close-by. We can go there.” You locked eyes with Minho. 
“Okay. We’ll go there.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
Your hands trembled violently once you brought your key to your lock. They burned with the cold, and were wet from how you had clawed at the snow. 
“Here, let me.” Felix gently offered. 
Your apartment was an absolute wreck. Tiny as it was, you had managed to make a mess of it all with art supplies, dirty dishes, hundreds of sticky notes with reminders and textbooks. As you entered, you swept everything to the side with your feet. 
“W-what do we do?” Chan’s own fingers had turned pink from the cold where he held Changbin: head slumped and blinking hazily, then shivering furiously--the action thus making him groan out in pain. 
“He-he’s freezing. There’s blood...” You fell from Felix’s arms. “I-I have to help him.” Once more, tears welled in your eyes. “We need to get him warm. Get him in the shower and clean him off.” 
“Okay. Where’s the bathroom?” 
You guided the group of boys down your hall where it became a group effort to remove him of his soaked clothes. Your pants had also been soaked through, but that didn’t even phase you; not when blood stained his mouth. He slumped his body over into four pairs of arms. 
“I can take it from here.” You closed the door behind yourself. 
Just as you did, you caught Chan’s surprised and widened eyes after Minho had leaned back from his ear. “He’s the son of WHO?” 
You shimmied your own clothes off, ignoring your own shivering as you held him up. The act itself was difficult, and you had given up when it came to your undergarments. It didn’t matter much, so you left them on, along with his. All you wanted was to get the blood off of him--you couldn’t bear to see it. 
The warm water on your skin felt unreal: a blanket of warmth to dissolve away the chill that clung to your body. It was as if you were defrosting: melting away the illness, the poison, the doubt and the fear. For a moment, you let yourself think that it was that simple. 
At your feet, the water turned from clear to pink. 
“What is it?” You hushed above the sound of the shower, and Changbin rested his forehead on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why? You shouldn’t be sorry...I’m the one that should be.” 
“N-no.” He coughed, “I feel so sorry.” 
“--Why him? Why him when he would treat y-you like shit? I-I know how he is.” 
“I-I don’t know...” 
It was a funny thing crying in the shower. It was somewhat like you weren’t crying at all with how your tears mixed with the stream. 
He sniffled, “I-I’m not mad at you. I mean...I was, but...I just don’t understand.” 
“Please, be mad at me. Be fucking furious. T-this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have lied. I shouldn’t have kept it a secret--” 
Changbin chuckled, then rose his head, lips bloodied, one eye squinted, with a smile on his face. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“You’re holding me back. I didn’t have to do it this time.” 
At first, you didn’t know what it meant. But then, you realized. You had been clinging on to him for dear life: your arms completely wrapped around him, even now when he was standing on his own. 
“I thought that I gave a damn since it was him--it made me so fucking mad that it was him but...” 
“Fuck me, but...I love you.” 
 You shook your head vehemently, tears crossing with the warm trickle of water.  “N-no, you don’t.”
He chuckled once more, “I think I’d know if I did or didn’t.” 
“Don’t say that.” Your chest shook. 
“B-because you don’t mean it. You can’t love me.” 
“Why not?” 
His hands, bruised and pink cupped both sides of your face. 
“Someone like me...You can’t fucking love me.” 
“What? You’re not making any sense. Y/n, I think I’ve fucking loved you since the first night that I met you, and you can’t stop me from loving you. Listen, you don’t even have to love me back for now, but can you at least accept how I feel for you?” 
How was it you had been able to scream it before, but couldn’t find the words now? 
Heated steam filled up your shower, and dripped from the walls. His skin too dipped with drops of that water. You thought to yourself how the blood and the water mixed, the two colors didn’t work together at all. Why was all you could think of colors? 
“Okay?” He asked. 
Your own hands took to his soft cheeks, where you brushed away any streaks of red you could see there. 
You closed your yes after, succumbing to the feeling that the water brought you: melting, fading, dissolving, just like the way that watercolors blended from one to the other on a page. You felt Changbin press his forehead into yours. 
“I-I think that I love you too--but--I’m so scared. So fucking scared.” 
He let out a relieved “oh” then pressed his lips gently into yours. Each kiss after the other was more and more careful. He poured his whole being into your quivering lips. 
“Please don’t be scared. Don’t be scared of me. I swear that I won’t hurt you, I never want to. I mean it. Please don’t run from me.” 
Here you were, worrying that he was the one to run from you. You felt pathetic thinking how patient he had been with you, how much he had put up with, and what he had just done, all for you. 
He kissed more “pleases” into your mouth, then drew you flush against his chest. 
You held onto him tighter. “Do you mean it?” 
He nodded, then craned his neck to fill your mouth with more of his answers, and it did feel like the way that watercolors faded into one another. 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Will he be okay?” 
Felix, Chan, you, and Minho sat on your couch with mugs warming your hands. In the past half hour or so, none of you had said much. 
Minho sighed. “He will be. He just needs to rest now. I’ll take him to the clinic tomorrow, see if anything is wrong. Knowing him...thick skulled asshole...” He scoffed with a smirk, “--He’s fine.” 
“T-that’s good.” Chan took a sip. “He fell asleep?” 
“Right after we got out of the shower. Lucky I stole some of Chan’s joggers back then. I put him in my bed and he was out like a light. Didn’t say that anything else hurt.” 
In unison, the four of you took another anxious sip. 
“He can stay here tonight? If that’s okay with you?” Minho asked. 
“Yeah. That’s fine. I don’t think he wants to move wither.” 
Felix looked about himself awkwardly. “Wellll I think that we should get going then. Y/n, call us if you need anything?” 
A silence filled the air. 
“Y/n, did you know?” Chan blurted out. 
“Me? Know what?” 
Minho shot the other man a deadly glare, then cleared his throat. “Bin’s dad is some high ranking politian. Someone so high that we’d know his name: that’s how he explained it to me. He left his whole life with them to rap. If he had gotten caught tonight, in the alley or some hospital with his real name, it would’ve been all over the news. He’s been trying his best to be invisible since high school...doesn’t want to tarnish the family reputation or something, even though they practically hate him....I don’t get it. They basically disowned him after he said he wanted to do rapping, not like he minded though. His surname isn’t even Seo.” 
“Do you know what it is? His surname?” 
“He’s never told me and I never asked.” 
Another silence fell over your group. 
“...He never told me.” You watched the steam of your tea. 
“And I didn’t tell you either, alright? This stays between us.” 
Felix mocked a zip over his lips. 
“Guess I’ll have to ask him about him about his artistic process another time then, hm?” Chan cracked his sarcasm with an airy laugh. 
“Guess so.” You tried your best to laugh back. “Thank you for tonight. All of you.” You met each boys eyes and each of them nodded in understanding. 
Felix clapped his friend’s back. “Let’s head out.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
One light was left on in your room: the strand of pink string lights that you hung over the wall your bed was against. The rest of your room was cluttered as well with clothes strewn about and your backpack contents scattered all across the floor. From your tiny and aged window, snow had accumulated in the corners, and further, the yellow and red lights of the city sparkled. Just as you were about to pull the plug for the lights, Changbin groaned out groggily. 
“Wait...what are you doing?” 
“Turning off the lights. I’m going to go to sleep too now. I wanna give you some space. I’ll go over on the couch.” 
“No!” He roused himself, “No. Don’t do that. Can you...stay in here?” 
“Sleep with you?” 
“If you want? I wouldn’t mind.” He smirked, ever cocky. Nothing took that from him. “Two bodies are warmer than one.” 
His smile really was just a bit too cute. 
“Mm. I like it when you call me that.” He reached out his arm to tempt you in. “Please? Come on.” 
You toyed with his forearm, shaking it a little like you were throwing a tantrum. “Do I have to?” 
“Hey! We just had a fuckin’ moment! I just bore my frickin’ heart for you.” 
“I’m just teasing. I will.” 
Right by his wrist, a puffy scar caught your eye, and you wondered if you had missed cleaning one of his wounds. You turned his arm over, revealing the gnarly scar: a stripe, about 3 inches long running parallel to his arm. 
“What’s this?” You studied it further. 
“Oh. That. Don’t get mad, but, tonight’s fight wasn’t my first. Some fucker with a watch or a bracelet or something tore the shit outta my arm this one time.” He inspected it himself, “It’s my battle scar. I’m kinda proud of it. If I hadn’t stepped in, who knows what he would’ve done to his girlfriend? There’s a special place in hell for guys like him.” 
Stormy grey eyes. 
Rosemary and cedarwood. 
You thought you had cried all the tears that would’ve been possible that night. Blurred memories, the ones that you had tried so desperately to forget came flooding over you. How you hadn’t known...was beyond you. 
“Hey...” Changbin scooched back up to wipe your tears. “Tears again? What’s wrong?” His thumbs wiped them away. “You can tell me?” 
“It-it was you??” 
“Me? Me what?” 
“On that night, in the alley when it was snowing, I-I was alone and he...” 
Changbin’s eyes too blew out, then his own tears gathered in the corners. “Holy shit...that was you too?” 
“Oh my god.” 
Instinctually, he threw his arms around you, back into his scent that was just as clear as the real first night you had met him. Together, you both turned into babbling, sniffling messes. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” Your voice shook. “I’ve always wanted to thank you. I-I can’t believe--” 
“--Come here.” 
Changbin swept you off your feet and wrapped all of his limbs around your body where he had pulled you into the bed, finally sweeping the covers over top of both your bodies with a kiss to your forehead. 
“You’ve gone though so much. Fuck, I don’t know how you’ve done it.” 
Your own hands snaked around his body. “Bin...”
“We’re kind of impossible aren’t we? All those years ago, and now...” 
“Thank you.” You kissed into his mouth, silencing him something much sweeter than your secrets. 
His body shifted, and he returned with his own kisses, each one slow and careful. He twisted his body to lean slightly over you, wincing at the pain that it caused him. 
“Fuck. That hurt.” He sighed with a tiny pout, “But, I don’t want to stop kissing you.” 
You bit a little smile into his lips. “Don’t push yourself.” 
“What? I can’t help it.” 
This time, you pushed him back to swiftly cast your legs on either side of his hips to straddle him. “This better?” 
He hummed out a happy yes, reaching down to pull your lips into his again. Like it always had been, you could’ve kissed him like this for ages, and time would slip into nothingness: a mere construct undefinable. Outside, the world was still dark and cold, but inside, the heat of your two bodies mingling banished it all away. 
“By the way, I wanted to tell you that I think that your art is beautiful.” Changbin broke momentarily, then pointed to your unframed paintings stuck to the walls with painters tape. “I’ve never seen anything like them. I don’t know why you keep them hidden here. The world should see them.” 
“Trying to get into my pants now? Who told you to say that?” 
From your string lights, his whole being was bathed in a soft pink light. 
“No one. But I mean it...you know, if I wasn’t debilitated, who knows what I would do to you right now.” 
“Woooow, you talk such big game.” 
He shot you a teasing glance. “I’ll fucking do it, fuck my probably broken-or- bruised ribs.”  
“No! Don’t do that.” You chuckled. “Don’t hurt yourself.” With a newfound confidence, you lowered your body to hover your lips over his own. “What if I go easy on you....nice and slow? Didn’t you say once that you liked to take things slow?” 
His eyes darkened as he mimicked your tone. “Anything as long as it’s with you.” After, his hands swept all the way down your back, lightly brushing up the fabric of your sleep-shirt, then to kneed into your ass. “Will you let me love you tonight?” 
“Will you let me love you back?” 
You shoved your hips down into his, grinding as purposefully as you could over his half-hard dick and shivering at the sensation over your clit. Both of your bodies trembled at the action. Under the cotton sheets and down comforter, there was nothing that could have felt cozier against the bare skin of your arms, and the way that his fingertips traced scribbles into your back. 
In seconds, he had pulled your shirt off your head, kissing little moans into your mouth once his hands had found your breasts. All the while, you kept your hips moving, reveling in the way that with each thrust of your hips you had felt yourself get wetter. He pulled and tweaked at your nipples which hardened them instantly, and you bowed down to kiss him on all the places where he didn’t know he had needed the attention: on the tip of his nose, in the corners of his mouth, over that scar on his chin, fluttering over his bruised eyelid, overtop the Band-Aid above his eyebrow, giving care to all the little scrapes on his cheeks. 
He had keened his hips upwards, now properly hardened from your friction against him. Even just like this, his length felt heavenly. With a careful prompt, he guided your torso upward, granting his mouth better access of your perky nipples which he took into his mouth greedily. Even greedier hands cascaded down your stomach to your boyshorts where he pulled at the elastic. After, he ghosted his touch over the thin fabric separating him from touching your clit. The sensation nearly sent you topping over, but rather you grabbed at the iron headboard to your bed to steady yourself. Changbin blew his words over your nipples with a cool air. 
“Can I?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” You chuckled out. 
“Of course I do.” He hooked two fingers to help you shake the fabric off your legs. “I always do.” 
First, he pulled you down into his lips; a distraction, then he coaxed his digits into your folds. You hadn’t known how embarrassingly wet you had become, but that was nothing compared to the reality of it. The sounds of your slick coating his fingers was loud enough to make you giggle, and for him to return it. 
“That excited huh?” His index finger rubbed faint circles around your clit. 
“W-what about it?” 
“I just think that its cute.” He removed his hand to show you the way that your arousal strung around his fingers. “‘So wet for me, aren’t you angel?” 
“Mmhm.” Your hips did their own helpless dance over the pads of his fingers once he had brought them back down. “S-shit.” 
A wicked smile spread over his face as he indulged in you more. Back and forth, he traced around your swollen clit, then down to your entrance, barely giving you any contact at all. 
“Remember our first night? Hmm? Remember what I did to you? ...I could do it again...” 
“B-Bin...” You gasped out his name at the thought. 
His tongue slicked over your bottom lip, “Would you like that?” His index and middle finger swept even rougher swipes over your clit which sent you mewling back on his tongue. 
“Yes? Or no? Use your words Beautiful.” 
That intense feeling, that unreal feeling...you would’ve been lying if you had said you hadn’t dreamed of it. 
“...yes. I want you to.” 
“Okay my love. Just relax. Lean on me if you have to, okay?” 
“It won’t hurt you?” 
“No. Not at all.” 
With your quivering thighs, his hand dipped back down and toyed with the heat of your folds and angrily sensitive clit. Your choked moans muffled into the crook of his neck where you had buried your face. Every single touch of his made your body feel as if it was aflame. Relentlessly, he switched from circling to stopping, every once and a while slipping a couple fingers to stretch out your entrance. He wouldn’t grant it to you fully yet, but his curved digits teased at your g-spot for only seconds at a time. 
In his ears, you filled them with “more, more, more’s” and little whimpers of “deeper, deeper, please, deeper.” 
“More? Is that what you want?” 
He winced terribly at the action, but he pushed you off from on top of him till you were flat on your back, screwing his fingers into you deeply. 
“I’ll give you as much as you want.” He kissed the words to your collarbones. 
All at once, his pace was renewed, and his fingers curved up sharply inside of your pussy to simulate your g-spot as roughly and quickly as he could. In his skill he gave your clit attention with his flattened thumb. The overwhelming feeling built in your core and inched closer second by second. Your control over your body slipped past you, and you fell completely into the feeling. 
You came with a uncontrollable shake of your whole body, and a release of pressure that made you into a moaning mess--that of which you didn’t need to be careful of if you had been too loud or not. Freely, you convulsed with that indescribable feeing, and your liquids wetted both your thighs and the fringes of the sheets which Changbin just barely removed from your body. 
“Fuck. Fuck.” 
In his adoration, the man above you proudly chuckled at your body still quivering with aftershocks. 
“Think you can take a little more after that? Take your time angel.” 
Your head spun, but it did so only for a moment. As you came down, Changbin kissed one, two, three, little kisses into your shoulder while he admired the way that your body shook. 
You nodded, laughing at the fact that you really did have no idea what time it was, nor could you even guess. 
“Do you have--” 
“--Dresser. O-over there.” A weak finger of yours pointed to your side table. 
A series of grunts slipped out of him, but he rolled himself over to take a condom from the strand and take care of it himself. He hid is tiny embarrassed smirk once he laid down. 
“Angel, I-I think that you’ll have to--” 
“--I know.” 
Back to your origional position, you aligned your entrance against his length which was still as red and hardened as ever. 
“Nice and slow right?” 
With one hand, you guided his dick into your velvet walls. 
“Oh shit.” Changbin pulled at your lip with is teeth upon the first roll of your hips. “Just like that. Just...like that.” 
It was beautiful, the way that he felt inside you. It had hurt a bit the first time, but now, it was different. The way that he filled you up was perfection: you were perfect for him, and he was for you. 
“D-don’t stop.” He pleaded while he scraped his nails down your back. 
To think, the one who had told you he didn’t say “please” was now at your mercy. It took everything you had not to let it go to your head. 
He angled his hips upward, pushing himself even deeper, and you nearly lost your composure at the feeling. Your core tightened again, and you let yourself grind over him, not stopping once. 
“F-fuck. Bin, ah! Shit--” 
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Became his breathless mantra. “Y-you fuck me so good angel.”
Clambering lips came colliding and you rode out your orgasm on his dick fiercely, connecting your mouth with his so he could feel every little bit of the pleasure that he gave you. He did the same, spilling his euphoric “ah ah’s” all over your lips and eventually to your neck where he sucked carelessly upon his own orgasm. You milked every last bit of him from his throbbing erection until he shook and begged you to stop his overstimulation. 
Perhaps because you were tired, or you craved the feeling, but not a bone in your body wanted to move. 
“Can we stay like this...for a while?” 
Changbin kissed his answer back to you. 
“For as long as you like.” 
Yes, the both of you had turned to sweating messes, and the scent of sex hung heavy around the both of you. Of course, it smelled just a little like rosemary and cedarwood. Wrapped up in one another like this, there was no telling where you began and he ended. 
Until the sun peaked at the horizon, he filled you to the brim with his “I love you’s” anywhere that he could manage: into the palms of your hands, into the love bites he had painted onto your chest, onto your ears which he nibbled, and, into your sleepy eyes which had held his for as long as you could, until the allure of sleep drew both of them closed. 
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eberles · 4 years
New Years
Jamie Benn
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Request: Heyyy if you are taking requests just now could i request a jealous Jamie Benn pleaseee like you are on a night on the town and something happens and he gets jealous or either comes to your rescue when a fight breaks out at a bar when the team are out celebrating a big win? I love a rough aggressive Jamie and i am ranting now hahahaha 🤣🤣
A/N: this is pretty short, but i hope you like it! 🥰 italics=flashback
Warnings: drunk asshole @ bar
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“Guess what!?” your best friend, Marissa, stormed through your front door where you and a few of your other friends were getting ready for the night.
“You’re late?” you asked, pointing to your wrist, laughing when she shoved your shoulder playfully.
“No! Well yes, but no! I have a date tonight!” Marissa spoke, jumping up and down excitedly while you just stared at her not as enthused by her announcement.
“What? We made a deal.” you said, looking around the room waiting for your other friends to back you up. “This is a girls night, remember?”
“Both of them have dates too…” Marissa defended, and you sighed heavily looking at Rachel and Jordan for confirmation. They avoided eye contact with you and nodded their heads slowly while you stormed around the apartment.
“So what? I’m 7th wheeling? That’s bullshit.”
“Why don’t you call Jamie?” Jordan asked in a sing-songy voice, laughing when you rolled your eyes.
“He has plans.”
“So, what are your plans for new years?” you asked Jamie, swinging your legs over his as you both sat on his couch.
“Tyler’s got me going on this blind date thing.” Jamie shrugged his shoulders, scrolling on his phone and your eyes nearly bugged out of your head.
“You? A blind date?” you laughed, feeling Jamie glare over at you. “and on new year’s eve?”
“What's wrong with that? Maybe I want to have someone to bring in the new year with.”
“Yea, but a stranger?” you scoffed, trying not to judge Jamie’s choices. He was more than capable of choosing deciding this stuff on his own, no matter how stupid you thought it was.
“If I would have known any better i’d think you were jealous.” Jamie said, sitting up and poking your nose. You rolled your eyes pushing his hand away from your face and laughing sarcastically.
“For your information, I’m having a girls night.”
You’ve been friends with Jamie for years now and none of your friends seemed to understand that you and Jamie were not interested in being romantic other than the few times you ended up in each other's beds. Whether you shared shoulders to cry on after break ups or a body to help get over said break up, your friendship had many layers. Neither of you ever talked about taking your friendship to another level, both of you just assumed what you had was for the best. In your 4 years of friendship, you’ve never spent a new years eve with Jamie and you weren’t going to start now because you didn’t have a date.
A few hours and many drinks later, you were hoping the more you drank the less you would be bothered by not having a date for the night. Seeing all the couples at the club only made it harder for you to accept not having someone to kiss when the ball dropped at midnight.
“Jamie. Jamie, Jamie, Jam-”
“Hello? Y/N?” Jamie answered your call, and you sighed in content resting your arms on the bar with your phone up to your ear. “Y/N, are you there?”
“JAMIE! Hiiiiiiii!!”
“I can barely hear you, are you okay?”
“Yes, dad. I’m fine. I’m just the only one at this stupid club without a person.” you waved your arms around, emphasizing your words even though Jamie couldn’t see you.
“Without a person? I thought you were with your friends?” Jamie said, stepping away from his friends so he could hopefully hear you better over the phone.
“Yessssss, you knowww what I mean! I don’t have someone to kisssssss.” you whispered the last part, laughing as you said it feeling your cheeks heat up. Probably from the amount of alcohol you've consumed in the last 3 hours.
“Hey, babe.” you looked up bringing your attention to the handsome stranger resting his hand on your lower back and you smiled up at him.
“Did he say babe?”
“Byeeee Jamieeeee!”
“You wanna dance?” the stranger whispered in your ear, you let out a drunken giggle and took his hands letting him bring you to the dance floor. You could feel the alcohol running through your bloodstream and making your head feel hazy and heightening your senses. The man you were dancing with held onto your hips, pulling you close. You grinded into him resting your hands on top of his on your hips and letting him do most of the work. “It’s almost midnight.”
You gasped, pulling slightly away from him and realizing how late it was not wanting to ring in the new year with a rando, “I have to find my friends.”
“No, but you’re already with me.” he tugged on your hand pulling you back into him.
“No, please leave me alone.” you attempted to walk away one more time before he pulled you back again. You felt another hand grab your shoulder pulling you in the opposite direction and turned around to see the stranger being knocked to the ground. “Oh my god!”
“Don’t fucking touch her ever again.” Jamie said through gritted teeth, leaning over the guy currently splayed on the ground holding his nose.
“Fuck you.” the guy on the ground said, spitting up blood. Jamie grabbed him by the shirt lifting him off the ground and throwing him back down again, giving him one last punch to the jaw.
“Are you okay?” Jamie turned to look at you, grabbing your arm gently and leading you outside and away from the crowd that had gathered.
“What are you doing here?” you clung onto Jamie, suddenly feeling safer in his arms.
“You called me.” Jamie laughed, pinching your side playfully, hoping to get a smile onto your face instead of the slight frown.
“I did not invite you, goof.” you laughed, pulling him into a hug. “But thank you for coming.”
“Some guy called you babe, I had to see what that was about.” Jamie pulled away from the hug, holding your hands in his.
“Ohhhh so you were jealous.” you teased, poking his chest and laughing when he started to blush.
“Pfft no, I don’t get jealous.”
You and Jamie walked back into the club hand in hand just in time to hear everyone counting down to midnight. You guys looked around the club at all the couples moving closer together ready to celebrate with a kiss. You looked up at Jamie, feeling giddy when he started to lean down closer to your face.
“Three...Two...One...” Your lips brushed against Jamie’s and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in closer. You melted into him like never before and felt tingles throughout your body feeling his hands cupping your face. You both started to smile into the kiss, pulling away leaving your foreheads rested against one anothers.
“Wow. I’m glad we got to bring in the new year together.” you whispered, looking into his eyes suddenly looking at one of your best friends in a different light. The past kisses you've shared were nothing compared to this one and you couldn’t wrap your brain around it.
“I might be in love with my best friend.”
“Jamie, kiss me again.” Jamie lifted up your chin pressing his lips to yours again, the butterflies in your stomach blossoming bringing chills throughout your body.
“I think this is going to be a very good year.”
taglist: @sortagaysortahigh @sweeterthansammy @butgilinsky @kiedhara @bestestbenn @taiter-tots @jjmaybanksbaby @jamiedrysdales @ana-maa @iamtheblondestblonde @elitebarzal @softboybarzal @himbos-on-ice @dreamypeaches @mycaptaintazer @dunnerbarzal @tysjostys @sidscrosbyy @calgarycanuck @celestialblae @makarsy @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @lovenhlboys 
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laurenairay · 4 years
Decorating Disaster - J.Markstrom
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Summary: what could go wrong with a little competitive holiday baking with your boyfriend Jacob?
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: some bad language, a lot of cute fluff, too much glitter…and he’s on the Flames. Sorry K 😅
A/N: fully in my winter holiday feelings! ❄️ This one is for @danglesnipecelly​ – I hope it warms your grinchy heart 😘
“Hey älskling, are you busy?”
You looked up from the magazine you were reading at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice, shaking your head with a smile. You’d only been reading it in the first place because Jacob had popped out to the grocery store – but now he was back…with multiple bags?
“What are you planning?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at his big grin.
“Nothing!” he said cheerfully, pecking a kiss to your cheek as he whirled past you into the kitchen.
Okay now you knew he was up to something.
“I don’t believe you in the slightest,” you teased, hopping up on the counter as he put the bags down next to you.
“You wound me!” he gasped, clutching dramatically at his chest, making you giggle, “I just thought we could do some baking together this morning,”
“Baking. You want to bake,” you said dryly.
“Yeah! It’s a fun holiday activity to do together!” Jacob grinned, ignoring your confused expression as he started to rustle through the grocery bags.
You put your hand on top of his to stop him. Seriously, what is he doing?
“J, you don’t even like baking. You purposely steered clear of the kitchen when I made pepparkakor with your mom last year. Why do you really want to do this?” you mused.
Jacob’s grin faded, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Hah, you knew there was a real reason.
“Tanny told the Flames about my last disaster baking attempt and they were all teasing me – I told them that I’d been practicing with you and I was way better than him now,” Jacob admitted.
What a little liar!
“But you haven’t been practicing with me,” you pointed out, trying to stop a grin spreading across your lips.
“Yeah I know…Tanny didn’t believe it either, and he said that I should prove it. Gio turned it into a team group challenge as bonding…but I need to do this!” Jacob sighed.
“So you want to bake…because of a dare?” you snickered, “to save a reputation that is a lie?”
Men. Seriously.
Jacob just grinned, nodding at you. And then that grin turned into a hopeful smile. Oh no. Absolutely not.
“Ohhhh no, count me out,”
“Please? There’s no way Tanny and the others won’t have help too!” Jacob pleaded, “I already know that Elias and Annica are planning on making cookies together!”
Damn those puppy dog eyes.
And if it would make Jacob feel better in front of the team…
“Fine, you ridiculous man. Let’s do some holiday baking,” you sighed fondly.
Jacob whooped and scooped you up off the kitchen counter in his arms, swinging you around in a circle, making you squeal. When he eventually put you back down on your feet, he pressed a firm kiss to your lips, making you lose your breath even more. Wow. Yeah, anything for him, if that was the reaction you’d get.
“Thank you älskling. This is going to be fun, I promise!” Jacob grinned.
“I believe that when I see it,” you giggled.
Now that this was a competition, rather than the fun activity he had initially suggested, you knew Jacob was going to be a nervous mess. There was no way this was ending well. But hey, it would be good teasing material, if nothing else.
“I thought we could do gingerbread men? That way we can get extra points for decoration,” Jacob suggested, “I would’ve said gingerbread people, but there was only the male stencil cutter at the store,”
Fair enough.
“Very strategic, I like it,” you teased.
To be fair, it was a good plan. And meant you could get more creative with it too. Jacob just blushed. “I picked up so many options at the store. Like, all of the decorating options. So there’s lots to choose from,”
“Let’s get the gingerbread going first – we can decide what decorations we’ll do when it’s in the oven,” you mused.
“See, this is why I need your help!” Jacob grinned.
You couldn’t help but grin back. So adorable.
“Alright, let’s find a recipe and get started…”
Making the actual gingerbread took so much longer than it should’ve done. It didn’t make things any easier that one of the ‘competition rules’ was that everything had to be filmed for judging by an impartial panel (aka coach, coach’s wife and the team nutritionist) – so there was way more pressure that you would’ve liked. Jacob almost didn’t sift the flour, would’ve resulted in lumpy batter if you hadn’t corrected him, and he very nearly put sea salt flakes in instead of sugar, which you only just about saved in time. Not to mention the pieces of egg shell he’d dropped in that you asked him to carefully take back out. Each time he looked a little more dejected at the mistakes he was making, but there was no way you were giving up on this. He wanted to do this together, so he was damn well sticking with it. Especially since you were in the competition video too – it was a matter of pride now.
Instead, you put his strong arms to good use in the mixing, which cheered him up a bit (and gave you some excellent eye candy, even if you were sure the video would catch you watching appreciatively), and in the end the dough didn’t turn out looking too bad. After cutting out the figures using the shapes that Jacob had bought, you put the gingerbread men on the trays and into the ovens. And you made sure to set a timer when they were finally in the oven. If they burnt at this point, you thought you would actually cry.
“Is it time to decide on decorations now?” he asked hopefully.
“Definitely!” you nodded.
Jacob grinned and quickly washed his hands before sitting down at the kitchen table, making you laugh. You washed your hands and joined him, Jacob pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head that made you blush.
“So the gingerbread men will need to be in the oven for 15 minutes, then we take them out and let them cool in the pans for 10 minutes, before turning them out onto those wire racks you found to cool completely,” you explained.
“And then we decorate?”
You rolled your eyes fondly at your boyfriend, nudging his shoulder, earning a nudge back. “Yes, then we decorate. Although with all of this stuff you bought, I have no idea where to start,”
Like, seriously. There were so many little packets of candy as well as tiny little piping bags of colourful icing (that must’ve come from a kit) – honestly way too much stuff – but just one look at Jacob’s face showed you that he had a plan. Oh this should be fun.
“I was thinking…the colourful chocolate buttons for their tummies, with the blue, green, red and yellow icings for their shorts which we can then pair with the matching edible glitter on top. And then gummy drops for the eyes, with a white icing smile?”
The hopefulness in Jacob’s voice meant there was no way you were countering any of that – and as it was, it all sounded like a great plan.
“Shall I do the icing parts, and then you do the placement of all the candy plus the glitter?” you suggested.
“Sounds like a plan!” he grinned.
The two of you washed up the mess that you had made so far while you waited for gingerbread to cook, only devolving into a water fight once, ending in some sweet slow kisses (that Jacob promised would be edited out of the video before it was shown to the team), and by the time the gingerbread men were cool enough, you could tell Jacob was getting impatient.
“Remember take it slow and steady – they need to look good so you win the competition,” you murmured into his ear, quietly so the camera wouldn’t pick it up.
Jacob blushed slightly but nodded, counting the candy into piles as you started the first of the icing. To be honest, they looked alright. Nothing was burnt, they were all the same size and shape, and they smelled amazing. So you were happy – they were going to taste good at least! And with your little line process with Jacob doing separate tasks to you, the decorating was taking on good shape.
But there was one thing that you were worried about. The edible glitter. Everyone knows that glitter is almost impossible to get rid of if it spills anywhere, and with Jacob’s track record, you were hesitant. But he was so excited about adding that extra winter magic to the gingerbread men that you ignored your concerns and let him get on with it. It would be fine, right?
Time to put your nerves to the test. Jacob yanked on the lid of the edible glitter, but it wouldn’t budge. As he gripped the vial and the cap with both hands, pulling as hard as he could, you felt a bad omen coming over you. But before you could say anything, the cap suddenly flew off of the glitter vial…
…and the glitter exploded everywhere.
You burst into laughter, burying your face in his shoulder at the astonished look on his face. Glitter was all over his hands, shirt, jeans, the floor and the poor gingerbread man. Holy shit.
“Oh my god,” he gasped, eyes wide.
You were still giggling as you sat upright, tears at the corners of your eyes. How did you not see this coming?
“We can still save this little guy,” you choked, picking up the figure and tapping the excess glitter off of him onto the table, “and luckily you bought so much glitter that we still have another couple of vials,”
“I’m not going to live this down, am I?” he sighed, although the laughter in his eyes made you feel better.
“Probably not, that’ll probably make some kind of bloopers reel at the very least,” you grinned, “But it was only the first one, so there’s plenty of time to make up for it!”
Jacob just grinned back at you, pecking your lips in a kiss before standing up. “I’ll go wash up, and we can try again?”
“Sounds good to me,” you nodded.
Even if your gingerbread men didn’t win the competition, even if the team teased Jacob for the glitter explosion, you wouldn’t trade these memories for anything. This was going to be a holiday time to remember forever, you just knew it.
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faustonastring · 4 years
Hello! Can you please do some headcanons with the main 6 with a very affectionate MC who loves to give kisses and hugs? Thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks for requesting! I hope you like it!
Request are open!
Main six with an affectationate Mc!
This is like a match made in heaven, he’s the same way. He doesn’t care where you are, what your doing, what weird exotic food you just ate, he wants to smooch you. And is soooo happy when he finds out your the same way.
Good morning kisses are a must. No matter what time of day it is. Or if either of you brushed your teeth yet. As soon as one of you wakes up, it’s race to kiss the other one before they beat you too it. (But if you were the one getting kissed in the morning- you need to give asra a good night kiss and vise-versa. Sorry I don’t make the rules.)
He’s waited so long to kiss and hug and hold you just like he used to. He’s over the moon when he finds out you want exactly what he wants. I headcanon him as the one out of the main six who is most into physical intimacy (him and lucio are tied if were being honest) so this is absolutely perfect
He loves it when you kiss and hug him, especially when you catch him off guard, but just know that as soon as he gets the chance he’s gonna get you back for it. And when asra gets you back. He gets you back.
Her last spouse was....uh.....not the best, at physical affection. He begged and begged for it, but never gave. But ohoho how the turns have tabled. How the turns have tabled.....
She isn’t the type to beg you for affection though, oh no no no. She’s the exact opposite. As soon as she realizes how much you love physical affection, kisses and hugs, and all that Jazz. She’ll play hard to get. Not hard to get like totally ignoring you. More like hard to get in the way that she’ll only let you kiss her once every hour. And she’ll pull away if your kissing her for ‘too long’
She isn’t too big on pda. She is the countess after all. With that title comes responsibility. Unlike lucio, she can’t be asking out heavily with her spouse at public events, it’s just too unprofessional. She final has the respect of Vesuvia, she can’t afford to lose it. (no offenses)
But when the two of you are alone? Pounce. On days she feels like teasing you, wait In your shared bedroom, and as soon as she enters, just go buck wild dude, she ain’t gonna stop you. But on other days, or public events like the masquerade, pull her into private secluded areas for some alone time. Nadia doesn’t like big parties, and you like kissing Nadia, so it’s a win win.
Ohhhh this is nice. It’s so nice after a stressful day to find himself in someone’s arms, rather than crying into his hands at his desk. It’s so nice to kiss some on and it have meaning, rather then a random hook up with some one he met at the raven. It’s change. But it’s good.
He isn’t going to complain one bit. People tend to only fixate on julians horny side, when we should be paying more attention to the fact that he is indeed touch starved, and will melt as soon as you take him in your arms. Or plant a kiss on his lips, or cheek, or nose, forehead, chest, arms, hands, anywhere. He turns into a puddle at the thought of it.
He has something to look forward too. For once he’s looking forward to something. He’s looking forward to you. To your embrace when he comes home from work. To your lips when you kiss him hello. And too the other many many kisses and hugs that are too come.
Julian isn’t that big into pda. Sure a kiss here, or a hug there is fine. But he prefers to be making out some where more...private. Espically when your makeouts usually end up turning into more than just makeouts if you know what I mean-. (Also the both of you once got kicked out of the raven for making out too much, and Barth wouldn’t let you back in until you got your shit together- sorry I don’t make the rules)
She’s great at giving kisses and hugs, but reciving them? When you first start her face goes bright red everytime. But after time she’ll get used to it, then she’ll make it her Job to make you feel the way she first felt.
She’s touch starved, she’s just very good at hiding it. (Upon writing this I realiszed that they are all touch starved just too diffrent extents. I don’t know how it took me so long to realize-) so as soon you start kissing her and hugging her, she’s going to be begging for more.
Well not exactly begging....she isn’t the type to really beg, (unless you’re having sex maybe- but that’s another story) but she’ll drop subtle hints that she wants another hug or kiss though. And by subtle I mean not so subtle at all. She’ll literally say that she “misses the feeling of your lips on hers” and she’ll call it subtle.
She’s into pda, but too an extent. There’s a time and place for kissing, and higging. Just not at work. Or anywhere that m’lady might see. Not that she minds, or cares, Portia is just a little parinoid. But anywhere else? A where else is free game. So....>:)
Oh god. Oh god please take it slow. If you just dive in head first, kissing and hugging him, he might die of heart failure because 1) you’re so damn cute. And 2) whathehellareyoudoingohmygodwhy-
Slow and steady wins the race. Introduce everything slowly, a quick kiss here, a small hug there. He starts to get the idea. It leaves him red in the face everytime, but how could he be complaing? The only thing he can really complain about is the weird feeling his has in his stomach after everytime you two kiss....
If you’ve played muriels route, you probably know that as time goes on Muriel starts to get more affectionate himself even going as far as to initiate affection, but there is no way In hell he’ll ever initiate it as much as you do, but he does thoroughly enjoy it, and it’s a good reminder that you love him
He’s spent years thinking that he was worthless, that no one could ever love him,but here you are, happily kissing him any chance you get, hugging him, making him feel safe. Making him feel loved. And it’s honestly one of the best feelings in the world.
When you get turned into a ghost for three years the gets kind of lonely. Making lucio about 50x more touch starved than he was before. (And he was pretty touch starved before too. Mama morga wasn’t the most loving parent one could have, if you know what I mean.)
That being said, he’s living this affection stuff up! He gets hugs and kisses every day and for what? Just being alive? He doesn’t even need to do anything (most of the time) this is great! This is all he ver wanted. Not only to be loved and to getting hugs and kisses, he loves giving them too! And even more, he loves be able to love you.
He makes it into a game. To make sure he gives you more kisses and hugs than you give him. Yes. He keeps count. Is it always correct? No. But A+ for effort right? And if he beats you (which is almost always if you don’t care about his game) he brags about it and tells you that you’re “gonna have to make it up to” him. Have fun
But all jokes aside. This is all he ever wanted. He has a lot of insecurities that he pushes deep deep deep down inside of himself, so you giving him a lot of affection, is really reassuring. It reminds him that he’s not a total failure. Also, lucio can and will make out with you during any public event, anytime, any place, he does not care.
Thanks for reading! I’m feeling a little under the weather today so I’m writing this one early while I still have a burst of energy, and if I’m feeling better by tonight, I’ll write my next request, so I can start getting through them faster because I have about almost a month worth of request to get through! (Also I’m fine I promise it’s just really bad allergies) any way I hope you liked it, and I hope it follows the prompt close enough (if not like always I can rewrite it!)
Next Headcanon: Main six with a insomniac Mc
My request are open!
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
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Harringrove April Prompt 20: Breeze Billy doesn't know what's the most nightmarish about Hawkins--the stuff he can see, or the stuff he can't.
Billy’d been just gonna drop Max off at the Sinclair place, but then the sky turned green with the sounds of screaming, and somebody—who turned out to be Lucas—ran towards them from the house, and banged on the window.  “Tornado!  Get in the storm cellar!” he yelled, through the noise and the dust, and waved them to park in the barn.  
Billy didn’t wanna admit he was spooked, but he definitely walked a little faster than a saunter to that door in the ground.  It was pitch black inside, and he kept bumping into Max, who swore at him.  “I can’t see where I’m going!” she hissed, and Billy growled, “I can’t stand up,” from where he was still wedged against the door.  
“Come down heeeeeere,” came the voice of one of Max’s little shithead friends, the curly one.  “We have a ouija board.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Max said, and Billy heartily agreed, biting his lips together.  
“It’s traditional!” said Curly, lighting a candle, and Max groaned.  He lit five candles in a circle, which looked creepy as shit, because they were all blowing in the same direction—into the darkest part of the cellar, not even something logical, towards or away from the door.  Billy tried not to wonder what was in the darkest corner, sucking up the light.  
Nobody wanted to sit there, he noticed, all the kids gathering around the other side, so Billy had to man up and sit with his back facing the sucking darkness, a soft breeze bringing up goose pimples all along his shirtless spine.  “Where the hell are your parents,” he growled, half wondering, half wishing there was an actual adult around so he could ask how likely he was to find a cow halfway through his Camaro after the tornado went through.
“They got sucked up in the last tornado,” said Lucas’ little sister, and Billy stared at her for a long second, until Max and Curly started snickering. 
“Ask for Great-grandma,” Little Shithead Sinclair said, elbowing her brother.  “She died in the kitchen,” she told Billy, who glared back at her.  
“Fuck off,” he said.
“No, that’s actually true,” Curly said, grinning over.  “It might have been murder.”
Billy hated them all.
“Our old dog used to stare at her, wandering around the spot where she died,” Lucas said, his mouth twitching.
“Where she was murdered,” his sister whispered, like a ghoul.
“It gets really cold in their kitchen,” Max reported, and Billy glared at her, wondering why the fuck everyone in Hawkins was weird as shit, and why he was in their creepy fucking house, when suddenly the whole cellar lit up, and filled with the sound of screaming wind like a passing freight train.  
“Hey!  Everybody’s down here, huh?” came Steve Harrington’s voice, and Billy wished he was dead.  Harrington yanked the cellar door shut again, humming like a lunatic as he walked from death into the basement of a haunted house.  
Lucas shifted closer to Tiny Evil Sinclair to make room, Max, the traitor, shifted close to Lucas, and all the space was left around Billy.  
Harrington stopped when he saw him.  “Oh,” he said, then, “—uh.”  He grimaced, and then sat down between Billy and Curls, and Billy just set his jaw, keeping his eye on the ouija board.
“Oh!” Harrington said again, like a genius.  “Ghosts, huh?”
“Just my great-grandma,” said Lucas, and Max nodded, like oh, yeah, the Sinclair fuckin’ murdered grandma ghost, of course.
“Can she check for…” and here Harrington honest-to-god side-eyed Billy, like he wasn’t supposed to know about their freaky Hawkins bullshit.  “You know,” Harrington whispered.  “Other things?”
“Ohhhh,” said Lucas, like that made sense, and Billy wanted to shake both of them and yell “What fucking other things, Harrington?!” but he just glared at Max, biting his lips.  
The little coward avoided his gaze.
“How far can she look?” Harrington asked, like they were doing got-damn military reconnaissance, and Billy leaned over and punched Max’s leg, so she’d look up.  She didn’t.
Steve reached out and put his hands on the ouija board thing, with Max and Curly and Smallest Sinclair, and it sped over to ‘no’.  The house rattled around them.
“Wait,” Lucas said.  “Does that mean they’re not out there, or she can’t?” and Billy was left to hope they were all united in fucking with him, because he did not want to know what was creepy enough to send a ghost to surveil.  
They got super into it, even drawing a map of Hawkins in the dirt on the floor, while Billy noticed the shelves and shelves of lumpy reddish substances in jars, and peered closer, wondering whether he was about to become an organ donor.  The wind was so strong the weighted door was slamming in a regular rhythm, like a heartbeat.  
“It’s jam,” Max hissed, and he nodded, like he hadn’t jumped at her voice.
“Out by the Steelworks,” Steve said.  “Better all stay away from there.  Hopper and his deputies can check it out, okay.”  He glared around, and Curly and Lucas rolled their eyes and nodded, Max glowered back, crossing her arms, and Tiny Ghoul Sinclair snorted a laugh.  “I mean it,” Steve said, glaring even at Billy, who raised his eyebrows.  “We might not get so lucky next time.”
Billy just raised his eyebrows back, thinking he was damned if he was going anywhere these freaks thought was creepy.  “What,” he said.
“Don’t go out there,” Harrington repeated.
“Gee, I really wanted to,” Billy sneered.  “Steelworks.  Sounds rad.”
“No, don’t,” Max said, sounding shaken.  “Billy.”
“What the fuck is out there,” Billy blurted, and they all kinda...glanced at each other.  
“Guys,” Harrington hissed.
“....ummmmm,” said Tiny Sinclair, kinda sing-songing it, and Billy ignored her to glare at Max.  
“Uh,” she said, wincing.
“Clayface?” Curly said, and Lucas screwed his face up in thought, slowly nodding.
“What?” Steve asked, frowning at them.
“I don’t read comics,” Billy said, which was a dumb thing to say, because they both stared at him.
“How’d you know he was from a comic, then?” Curly asked, raising his eyebrows, and Billy groaned.  “It looks like somebody you know, right, but it’s not,” Curls told Max, who groaned.
“Bullshit,” Billy growled, but looked over to see Harrington biting his lips together, his eyebrows raised.  
“Nobody can hear us in this,” Max said, suddenly.  “Nobody.  Nobody is listening.  We can just—tell him.”
“Who the fuck would be listening to you,” Billy bit out, but everyone scooted closer to the candles.  
“You know Will Byers,” Max said, glancing over her shoulder.  “He disappeared last year.”
If they hadn’t all looked so shaken, and if Harrington hadn’t gone along, his knuckles whitening as he flexed his fists, Billy wouldn’t even have listened—but he had nowhere to be, and even if Max was insane, her version of the last few months in Hawkins answered some questions.  
When they got to the day Billy’d chased Max all over hell and gone when she knew he’d get in trouble, he gritted his teeth, but kept listening.  
“You know this sounds crazy, right,” he said, and Max sighed.  
“I’ve got a picture of one in my wallet,” Curls said, whipping it out, and handing over a bent photo of something huge and slippery-looking wedged in a fridge.  
“...what the fuck is that,” Billy breathed, and they all leaned in around the candles, pointing out stuff in the photo, and talking about Steve Harrington like he was a superhero.  
“So you can’t go out to the Steelworks,” Max said, glaring over, and Billy held back a laugh.
“I didn’t want to!” he told her.  “I’m not going near anything you all think is creepy,” he snorted, gesturing at the whole world around them, and Steve cocked his head, then nodded, like Billy had a point.
The wind outside sounded even louder—they were all shouting to be heard—and the breeze towards the darkest corner hadn’t stopped.  The breeze licked up Billy’s neck, and he full-body shuddered.  It was really cold, back there, and Billy scooted back over next to Harrington, who gave him kind of a weird look, but then went back to their creepy map with big X’s on it.  They kept saying things like “How many,” and “—that’s not good, that could be infecting…”
“Stop fucking with me,” Billy muttered.  “You’re just moving that thing yourself.”
“What?!” Max said, and Lucas opened his mouth, and then closed it, setting his jaw.  
“Let him do it,” said Curly, and Tiny Shitstirrer Sinclair grinned evilly.  
“Why the fuck would I want to,” Billy asked, but Max grabbed his hand and smacked it down.  
“Close your eyes,” she said.  
It did feel like it was tugging, and he did hold it in fucking place, because all he had left was denial.  “See?” he said.  “It didn’t move.”
The candles blew out at the same time, into the direction of the fucking haunted breeze from behind Billy, and everyone yelled, Billy the loudest, half falling into Harrington.  
Harrington started laughing, silently, Billy could tell, but it was pitch black and the wind was still screaming outside, and as Lucas lit the candles again, the plastic pointer thing in Billy’s hand moved to I—A-M—H-E-R-E.  He yanked his hand back, wanting to punch Harrington, just as the cellar door blew open, rain blew in, pelting around them, and the candles blew out again.  Billy grabbed for the nearest anything, and found Harrington’s arm.
“It’s okay, Hargrove, I’ll protect you,” Harrington said, laughing, and Billy was ready to shove him away and stumble off into the freezing cold basement, when Curly’s voice laughed shakily.  
“Yeah, you better.”
“S’what I’m here for, right?  You okay, Erica?  Max?  Lucas?” Harrington asked, and they said they were, but they sounded rattled.  Billy didn’t lean into Harrington, but he didn’t move away, either, and then he thought of the candles, patting towards them as Harrington stood up.  The door clattered shut again, and it didn’t bang.
“I put the board across this time,” Harrington said, as Billy lit a candle.  
There was movement behind the Shittiest Sinclair.  Billy squinted, as his stomach dropped.  “Everybody behind me,” he said hoarsely, trying to make something different out of what his eyes were telling him about the dark shape on the floor in the flickering candlelight.  
“What?!” she asked, glaring at him, and he said it louder, trying to keep his voice even.  
“Everybody get behind me right now.”  
Harrington glanced at his face and then grabbed Curly and tiny Sinclair, shoving them at Billy, and Billy took a shaky breath of relief, pulling them closer as the coiled snake in the corner raised its head.  Steve swore and grabbed Lucas, as Max yelped, seeing it finally, and scrambled towards Billy.
“Cottonmouth,” said Curly.  “Water moccasin.  Should leave us alone, over here.”
“Shit,” Harrington breathed, stepping close to Billy, so the raised hairs on the back of their arms brushed.  
“Are they poisonous,” Max hissed at Lucas, who was pushing her behind Billy, while glaring at his little sister.  The snake eased back down, shutting its mouth instead of the eerie white gape.  In the light of only two candles, it was nearly invisible again.
“They’re in the viper family,” Curly breathed, staring.  “So it will just rot your flesh.”
“What,” Steve said, which was what Billy was thinking.  
“It’s called necrosis, it’s like gangrene,” Curly said cheerfully, and Billy kinda wanted to feed him to the snake.  “It’s way better than anything that causes nervous system damage!”
“Probably down here to get away from the tornado,” Lucas sighed, and they stayed there, because every time one of them ventured forward, the snake raised its head.  Smallest Sinclair kept trying to wedge her way out, and Billy shoved her back.  
The portal to the nether realms or whatever the fuck was still behind them—probably the Upside-Down, Billy thought, shivering from actual cold the way he never thought he would in the summer in Hawkins Indiana.  Harrington kept shooting him glances, like there was something weird about standing as far as possible from a huge poisonous snake when you couldn’t leave a basement the size of a bathroom.  They finally slid back down to sit against the ground and the wall, pressed up against each other in the darkness.
“...there’s some kind of...wind back here,” Max muttered, used to such things, probably, in Hawkins Indiana.  Billy’s little fucking sister would probably be one of those old ladies in zombie movies that ran into a zombie and hit it with her purse, he thought, biting back a grin.  He kept his mouth shut, for once, because he’d been sweating in his car on the drive over, and now the fucking graveyard breeze had him shuddering with cold.  
When the tornado outside finally slowed, Harrington tapped Lucas’ shoulder.  “Go unbar the door,” he said, watching the snake.  Lucas slid out and did so, and then Small Evil Sinclair, and Billy realized he was going to be alone in the basement with Harrington, and Harrington’s grudge.
Curls and Max went last, and then it was just Billy and Harrington—and Billy couldn’t stop shivering, in no shirt, with the soft, freezing cold breeze wafting against his arms, back, and neck.  Everybody would believe Harrington, Billy realized, if he said Billy’d tried to fight a snake, and Billy grimaced, not liking what that said about his image.
“Close your eyes,” Harrington said, and Billy jerked his head up to squint at him through the darkness.  He could just make out a concerned frown, in the light from the open cellar door
“What?!” he hissed back.
“It’s fine, I’ll get you out of here,” Harrington told him, putting both hands on Billy’s biceps, like that made sense.  His hands felt like heaters in the haunted breeze, and Billy set his jaw and didn’t lean in.
“The hell are you t-talking about,” Billy tried to growl back, but he full-body shivered in the middle of his sentence, and Harrington gripped him tighter.  
“Shut your eyes, I’ll get you past the snake,” Harrington said against his ear, and Billy realized between his shuddering, and his reaction earlier...Harrington thought he was terrified of snakes.  “Come on,” Harrington said, “—I won’t tell anybody, just don’t look at it.  I’ll get you out.”
Billy stared back at him.  “...what,” he said, blankly.
“You can’t stay in this corner forever,” Harrington told him, frowning at the snake.  “They’re pretty chill, but I’m not just—leaving you down here.”  Billy shivered again, and Harrington’s frown deepened.  “Trust me.”
It was not how Billy’d thought the day would go—the fucking tornado, or the snake, but certainly not Steve Harrington trying to help him save face.  He nodded, finally, and Harrington insisted he close his eyes, and walked him over to the stairs, telling him every bump in the floor, and when to lift his feet for the stairs.  “You’re okay, it can’t reach you, it’d hit me first, even,” he kept saying, and stuff like it.  
“That was cool of you, putting yourself between it and Erica,” he said, off-handedly, and Billy wondered what the hell kind of person Harrington thought he was, that he’d hide behind a little girl, and then shivered again at Harrington’s breath on his neck and shoulder.  “Shit, if you hadn’t been down there, somebody coulda died,” he said, laughing shakily.  “I’ll get you away from snakes anytime, man.”
At the top of the stairs, he let go, and Billy stopped automatically, so Harrington walked into him.  “You can open your eyes now,” he laughed.  “...you okay?  You need anything?  Want something to drink?” Harrington asked, drawing him away from the storm cellar by the wrist, like Billy was having some kinda breakdown, just because he was a shivering mess.  He kinda wanted to keep playing it up, keep Harrington watching Billy like he needed protecting.  Billy rubbed his arms, but he didn’t pull his wrist out of Harrington’s grasp.
The yard was a mess of blown branches and trash, and Billy wondered, sinkingly, about his Camaro.  “...I owe you one,” he told Harrington, sighing.  “Two, I guess.  Hit me up.”
Harrington was silent for a long second, and then he nodded.  “...yeah,” he said, trailing off awkwardly, before changing the subject.  “Jesus, it was freezing down there next to that storm window,” he said, and Billy said, “...what?”
Steve pointed to a cracked chunk of plywood screwed just above the ground, and Billy realized it was right over his haunted devil’s corner.  “Didn’t you notice?” Harrington said, shivering.  “Kept letting in a breeze.”
"God fucking damn it," Billy breathed, his face heating as he started to laugh.
The other Harringrove April prompts I’ve done! 
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
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~Sleepless nerd~
Bakugou X F!Reader
First time doing this please don’t make fun of me please feel free to give me feedback and help me make more stories like this one!
Warnings: swearing. (That’s it really)
Bakugou called all his classmates nerds, but you, you were the actual worst nerd he’s ever met.
When you started attending UA high your room had been placed next to the angry blonde’s. Your quirk made you quite diffrent. You were incredibly smart and had the ability to hack into anything you needed no matter the size. It seemed like your quirk had no downsides
Except your god awful sleep schedule.
Durning classes you looked as if you were always alert. You participated well, never even dosed off in class once as far as everyone knew. But durning the night bakugou could hear you playing away on some game. At first he assumed it was a one night thing. But that was two months ago.
Night after night he would hear you turning on your tv leaning against the thin walls and would just play away for hours. He wondered how in the world you functioned.
It wasn’t your fault really. Your quirk has your brain running all the time constantly trying to hack into phones and other electronics. Not only that but constant math equations and other school stuff took over your mind all day. It was absolute hell for you but you never let it show.
Other than that though. The rest of your classmates loved you. You were socialble, always helping others when it came to school work, and even seemed unbothered by mineta’s terrible comments about you looked in your uniform. “Looking perfect as always (y/n). Your skirt is juuuussst right” “Thank you, please back away from me now your starting to drool :)” your reply was always the same regardless of what he said but it was still really impressive you delt with the comments at all. But Bakugou held a personal vendetta against you and your awful sleep patterns. He never attempted to talk with you besides the small rude comments on how your in his way, or smaller things, he couldn’t deny though. You were adorable durning the day. Your smile made him feel warm feelings in his chest, and he could listen to that laugh forever. Damnit why did the most annoying girl have to be the one he fell for! He knew one day he should probably just ask you to stop playing so late at night since it would wake him but he couldn’t bring himself to face you for more than a few minutes without getting all red and flustered thinking about being your boyfriend. Thinking about holding your small frame against his body and sleeping soundly together. Bakugou figured he didn’t have a shot though, since you were much closer to that annoying red headed rock, but after seeing your notes you had passed on to kirishima, Bakugou had no choice but to look at you in a whole new light
“Kiri, you need my notes again?” You whined while leaning against your doorway.
“Ah I’m sorry (y/n)! You know English just isn’t my strong suit.” The red head rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed while facing you. You weren’t surpised but you were realllly tired. He had just knocked as you were getting ready to crawl into bed and pass out. “Alright alright, wait out here I’ll go grab them” you yawned while closing your door back gently as to not seem rude. You rummaged through your bag while rubbing your eyes and grabbed the first sheet of paper that was labeled “English class” not spending to much time checking over it. Boy you wished you read that paper better
After handing it over to kirishima you admitted that you were planning on napping and to just give them back to you later in the afternoon. “Thanks again (y/n)!” You closed your door and decided before crashing to clean up your energy drink cans you had let make a small pile on the ground. It was kinda strange but you had done this since your quirk manifested. Your brain was always ticking, so you had trouble relaxing and sleeping normally. You had come to learn sleeping durning the night was a joke and your brain would only stop after you couldn’t stay awake any longer. So you decided to drink energy drinks durning the day to keep yourself awake letting your brain just go and after classes you would just curl up and proceed to drool all over the floor or wherever you passed out. Kept you alive this long, but durning the night once you awake your brain just started up again and the cycle restarted, however today you had messed up and forgot your drink so you were a bit groggy and more down than normal, people begun to notice but you played it off as feeling slightly sick. Kirishima though did not expect anything less from the perfect note taking student and just wanted to copy your notes so he could figure out how to spell certain words. What he GOT instead was a huge picture of Bakugou and half way copied sentences. The picture was his soul focus though as today you had decided to absentmindly draw serval small side profiles of the angry Pomeranian with cute little words under it. The main one looked amazing. He couldn’t knock it. You were a great artist! If hero stuff didn’t work out you could easily make money this way! It was Bakugou looking out of the window with his headphones in. It was some real good stuff. But he couldn’t stop laughing at how clear your crush was and no one has picked up on it. Not even Bakugou himself! He couldn’t pass up a chance to help you out for a change instead of you helping him. “Ohhhh bakubro is gonna love this” he hummed to himself while knocking on the man of the hour’s door.
When the door was opened Bakugou could not believe his eyes. Of course he had feelings for you as well! But damnit he wanted to confess first! Now this stupid shitty hair knew before he did! “Give me the damn paper you extra! Just go study and get out of my hair!” Bakugou slammed his door while clutching the paper to his chest. He was mostly in a state of shock, not only were you a remarkable artist, but you had drawn him. And it looked incredible. Truely heart stopping stuff. You really fell for him hard. “Tch, damn cute nerd..” he decided to hang the paper up near his bed out of most people eyesight and knew he had to talk to you tonight. Cause there was no way that red head was taking that paper back.
You groaned silently after reading your clock on your phone screen. You slept passed nine again, meaning you way missed dinner, and would have to sneak down all quietly so you wouldn’t wake anyone. “What a pain..” you slipped out of your bed and slid your socks over your feet while opening your door gently, what you did not expect to find was a certain blondie waiting on you. “Jesus Christ..! Bakugou you scared me..why are you up so late?” You tilted your head as Bakugou’s body had tensed. Like he owes you some explanation! “Better question dumbass..! Why are you up huh? Shouldn’t we be both sleeping?” He got you there. You had made a promise to yourself to keep your weird habits to yourself so you wouldn’t worry any of your classmates. “W-well, uh. I..um..well...” you struggled to form a actual sentence. Since you had never had more than a few seconds of conversation with the punk boy. You couldn’t help it. Your feelings for him has bloomed so out of control you often found your brain slowing down and filling itself with him. “Save it nerd. We need to talk, can I come into your room?”
You swear up and down your heart and brain stopped working at the same time. Bakugou, big meanie, Katsuki wanted to come inside of your room. Your safe haven! And better yet! What in the world did you two have have to talk about?! He’s never spoken to you! You haven’t even begun to form your denial when he just grabbed your arm and dragged you back into your room “W-wait..! What do you have to say to me..?! Did I make you upset..?!” You didn’t know what you did but your mind was already back and running to a thousand different things you could’ve done to make this hothead mad. You’ve seen how he treats midoryia you didn’t want to take any chances. “What? No. Why would I be mad at you dumbass?” Bakugou actually looked...confused? Man this night was defiantly a weird one. The only face you’ve ever seen him make was a mad one. Why did he seem so relaxed around you? “Then...why are we standing in my room..holding hands..?” You pointed at your interlocked fingers gently seeing as you weren’t sure when in the world that happened since he grabbed your arm. And why were his hands so perfect for holding?! Bakugou was caught off guard clearly but didn’t let go while he was..blushing? “Listen stupid! Shitty hair gave me your trashy notes. If I knew you had liked me I would’ve spent more time speaking to you and shit.”
Second time. Second time you felt yourself die. Did, Bakugou, while holding your hand. Just confesss that he knew you had feelings? How in the world did he know?! “Kiri did what now.” You were almost fuming. You were gonna kill kirishima. Your foot. So far up his ass it was gonna be a new record. While plotting your murder you didn’t even notice that the blonde boy was trying to explain how he got his hands on your notes and that he’s felt pretty much the same since you’ve started attending school together. His confession had fell on death ears though as he faced you noticing that you weren’t listening. Bakugou sighed and snapped his fingers in your ears to jolt your attention. “Hey dumbass.” You glanced up tilting your head “ha? What’d you say?” Why in the world did his heart stop around you. “I tried to say you made a mess of your notes today and you had basically admitted you had a crush on me. And for some odd reason. I feel the same way about you. You spend all damn day stuck in my mind. Your damn quirk hacked your way into my head and won’t leave me alone. Then you would keep me up all night. And I thought I hated you but I guess it’s pretty clear I like you and your stupid noisy ass.” To put it lightly you are kinda caught off guard. This guy hated everyone! But you always figured it was kinda a act to make himself stand out better. “So..your telling me..you actually..like..like like me..?” Your brain had begun to slow down again.
Everything in your head felt so much better around him. You didn’t know why but everything settled with his skin met with yours. Even if it was the softest touch durning classes or a half assed hug it was all you needed to make yourself seem normal. After that night of confession and confusion you had agreeded to be his girlfriend and he started crashing in your room to make sure your stupid ass slept like a normal person. Surprisingly to you he was extremely patient and helped your body sleep durning hours that everyone should sleep at. In turn durning classes you actually started acting more like yourself than you had knew was possible. Your brain wasn’t racing all day and you didn’t need to drink out of a can every two hours or so to make yourself hyper. The change went noticed by all your classmates since Bakugou with his loud self made a huge deal after you walked in holding hands and denki pointed it out to everyone. “Yeah she’s my girlfriend now!! So what?! Your just all jealous I got a date first!” Overall though. He was extremely nice and gentle with you like he was always nervous and couldn’t control his real feelings around you. It was pure heaven to you. He was just what the doctor ordered and you needed your daily dose of him for the rest of your life
Please make sure give me feedback and tell me what you think of this! Like I said this was my first time writing really in this type of format! I can already feel some things I would have to change but don’t be afraid to tell me anything!
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Jace’s Mall adventures part one: Let’s all go to the lobby! (Mortal instruments)
Following the fathers day show in the park, Jace had mostly accepted his life as a 24/7 big toddler, and while he still could feel SOME shame, he'd learned to mostly accept it. True it wasn't as easy when Simon and Alec had started dating, double so when the the hunter and vampire would make out in front of Jace since the big baby had been told part of the price of being a 24/7 big baby was a lost of any adult privileges, which included 'making stickies.' Still there was other things he could direct that pent up energy into and 5 weeks after the show at the park Jace was all excited to be going to the premier of the new paw patrol movie, having become a HUGE fan of the show. Not only was he getting to go and watch the movie, live at the cinema, But his daddies had let him have big kid cereal, a bowl of frosted flakes! Having big kid sugar fr the first time in so long Jace was semi giddy to begin with, and unknown to both of of his daddies, he had begged and whined till Alec put in a scoop of sugar, and then like wise to Simon. Practically vibrating in his seat as he slurped down the sugar filled milk, getting it all over his bib, he listened to his daddies have a fight. "Come on, your the one who told him he could go. you need to handle this. you KNOW I can barely stand the show!" Alec was saying. "Look, I HAVE to go to this meeting, or the little peace talks I've been working on, for YOU guys I might add, is gonna fall though." Simon growled. "Damn itttt..You owe me big time for thing." Alec grumbled. "I know I know, I'll do that thing with the cowboy boots you like so much." Simon chuckled. Jace giggled quietly at that but having a heads, up, put on his best pouty face, sure he could totally score more treats out of this if he played his hand right. "Buddy we have some bad news.." Simon started and Jace let the tears flow out.
20 minutes later, Jace was dressed and in his car seat, with the remains of 10 cookies smudged on his face and hands and clapping as he bounced up and down. He was wearing of course his normal triple thick diapers since he just peed too much for a single diaper to hold up for long, but over that he had on a white diaper shirt that had a dog bone theme going on and over top of that a pair of blue denim short-alls on with a picture of chase on the front pocket. He had on a pair of white socks and paw patrol themed light up sneakers and he was now kicking them as the sugar was getting to him. "Eee eee eee! Gonna see paw patrol! Paw patrol paw patrol! Gonna see paw patrol all with daddyyy!" He sang, badly. behind the wheel and already with a building head ache, Alec was dressed in black jeans and a black top, and already wondering if Simon being his cowboy stud tonight was worth the headache he was going to have. "Jace buddy, can we lower the volume? Daddy's getting a headache." Alec tried. "Oh no! I'll kiss your head bigger then daddy! Pull over and I'll give you a kissy! Kissy's make it all better like when I got a boo boo on my knee!" Jace said, reaching forward now and trying to grab onto Alec. "Buddy we're almost there and I'll pull ov-" "NOW! Now now now now now now!" Jace said and then started to kick Alec's seat. "JACE SHUT UP RIGHT NOW AND STOP, OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL DRIVE US OFF A CLIFF!" Alec exploded, then looking into the rear view mirror saw the look on jace's face and regretted his words instantly. "Buddy Daddies sorry he didn't me-" he started to say, but got cut off. "...-sniff- WAHHHHHHHHHH! DADDY DOESN'T LOVE MEEEE!" Jace started to bawl. "This is going to be a long, Fucking, Day." Alec whined, pulling over and putting his head on the steering wheel, then getting out to come to the back seat and console the big baby.
After cleaning himself and Jace off of the chocolate and -ugh- booger and tears, they made it to the cinema with only a few minutes to spare. It had taken promising Jace to let him have a big gulp soda to get the water works to finally stop, and with how sudden they did Alec couldn't help but wonder if he'd been played. As they stood in line to get the drinks and snacks (the tickets had been purchased already thankfully) Jace suddenly got excited and started to wave to a group of boys and if it hadn't of been for the iron gripe Alec had on the babies other hand he would of gone running over. "HI KEITH! KEVIN! IT'S JACE! YOU KNOW? FROM THE PARK!" Jace hollered, trying to get their attention. "Jeez Jace, was that loud enough? I don't think they heard you in china." Alec muttered, and turned to see four boys coming over. "Oh hey! it's the big little guy." Kevin said smirking. "Wheres your daddy?" Keith asked. "Huh? Right here!" Jace said and then Glomped on Alec's arm, before a dawning look came on his face. "OH! yeah! Other daddy! This daddy is dating my main daddy and he's trying to be super duper cool. It's a struggle for him, cuz you know, he doesn't even like paw patrol." Jace said, leaning in and using a mock whisper for the second part. "..I'm Alec, you must be the kids who were spoon feeding Jace." Alec said, rolling his eyes. "heh. Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin, this is Keith, and those are Alex and Jacob." The one with a brunette crew cut said. "Oh! your little guys!" Jace squealed and giggled, and the twin's were instantly blushing and squirming. Did you get them in diapies yet?" Jace asked, looking at the twins tight pants. "N-No!" The twins both huffed and whined, insulted by Jace just blurting stuff like that out in public, but to baby Jace and alec, it looked like they were annoyed to be still in big boy undies. "Now now, don't be cross with Jace..he's just a baby." Keith scolded the blonds, shaking a finger at them. "So what movie are you guys coming to see? I bet it's paw patrol isn't it? Oh! we could all sit together!" Jace started babbling away. Hearing that Alec got his hopes up for a minute, and was about to ask if the kids wanted to make some money babysitting Jace throughout the movie, only to have his hopes dashed as Keith answered. "Nah, don't get me wrong, paw patrol is SO awesome." Keith was saying, smirking and clearly just saying what Jace wanted to hear. "But these two wanna watch the new My little pony movie so-" "NUH-UH!" Jacob cut in. "We're watching the new Rock movie!" Alex added. "They're only saying that to save face." Kevin said and winked. "Ohhhh..hehehe well of course. cuz my little pony is sooo dumb." Jace said and winked back. As the Twin's fumed Jace said bye bye and him and Alec got their drinks and popcorn and headed for their movie.
Ten minutes into the movie and Alec was wishing he'd snuck a flask in, somehow Jace turned out to be the quietest kid in the room. Not only, that, the most popular and fights had broken out among the real toddlers over who was gonna get to sit next to the big kid who had SUCH a awesome possum outfit. Stuck in a sea of 2-5 year olds and with many of them apparently unashamed to pass gas at a moments notice, Alec was sure he was gonna have to have his nose removed before the halfway point. Jace, who was torn between watching the movie and basking in his newfound popularity decided to put them all to shame but getting up on his seat and letting out a fart to end all farts, taking advantage of Alec having a hand over his face. His legs were a little wobbly from starting to come down off of his sugar rush and as Alec turned and looked, one of three things happened. 1) Jace started to slip and tried to balance himself but planting his butt on something stable, which turned out to be Alec's face. 2) The fear of the fall and all the junk food, made Jace let out more then just a fart, and he filled is \diapers as his butt was again, planted in Alec's fact. 3) trying to get the stink bomb out of his face, Alec pushed Jace which while the little guy recovered without falling, came at the cost of his big gulp he'd been holding, and ended up dumping it on Alec. Needless to say they didn't finish the movie and Alec swore he was never ever taking Jace to the movies again, and promised Jace he was going to regret ALL of this the next day. Jace, wisely stayed quiet on the drive home, where upon coming in they were greeted with the smell of weed, and the sight of Simon on the couch smoking a fatty, having lied about the peace talk meeting being today and had just wanted some alone time. Jace wasn't the only one to end up in a corner with a red ass.
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solacefruit · 4 years
hello! something i really enjoy about your stories is how naturally you blend worldbuilding and stories within the actual story itself - do you have any advice on how to do that effectively? i always worry i'm going to too far into "just listing off facts about the world" in the middle of a story if i try and include TOO much worldbuilding, but i'm a big lover of worldbuilding and have a hard time not planning out every detail
Hello there! Thank you so much. Stories within stories (fun fact: this technique is called mise en abîme or mise en abyme) is something that I’m really enthralled by and that I’ve worked hard to try to get the hang of in my own work, so it’s wonderful to know it’s something you enjoy about my writing! That feels very good to hear. 
As far as advice goes, I can offer the following thoughts:
Whatever amount of world-building you think is enough, go slightly under it. What I mean by this is that very often less is more when it comes to building a world (see my notes on Pullman’s Northern Lights here). By using a bit of restraint and cutting things down just a touch on your final edit, you can help yourself resist the thrall of the too much gene that many writers experience when talking about their world-building. Ask yourself “does this need to be here, or am I just excited to share it?” 
Unfortunately, if it’s just the latter, it’s probably a good idea to trim it: lean storytelling keeps readers hungry, and hungry readers usually ask for more. Trouble is, as a writer, you’ve got to be the one to remember that it’s always better to leave while a crowd is wanting more than stay until the crowd is begging you to stop. (cough several media series we could mention cough)
An example of this would be in a world where there are ten gods. In your first chapter, you don’t need to list all the gods. You can maybe mention one or two, and perhaps imply there’s more. Immediately, that creates mystery and a sense of a larger world; a reader gets to wonder, who are these other gods...
You mentioned you’re a planner, so I want to reassure you: keeping the story trim doesn’t mean all your planning is wasted! If you, the writer, knows the details of your world, it will come through in everything you write. The fact you know all the answers means you have a lot of control over what you want to reveal, when, where, and how. Which leads me to:
When possible, world-build obliquely. What I mean by this is that a lot of world-building can be done in subtle ways, that leave impressions of the world without having to be told directly by a character. You also can stretch out details, sprinkling them only here and there, meaning that it takes multiple chapters to piece together concepts or institutions or other world-building elements. 
Doing this can help make it never feel like an exposition dump or listing off facts, because you’re putting only tasty little morsels in (sometimes hidden) for readers to find or look back on later. The reason for it is the same as why keepers will scatter-feed animals in enclosures: enrichment. If you dump it all in one place, the animal will eat, get full and/or bored, and won’t feel good. But if you make it into a puzzle to solve, the emotional reward of finding and figuring things out for yourself is so much nicer than whatever you’re finding, usually. (Sorry to keep using animal metaphors for readers, but like... it works).
An example of this would be something like:
Anwar turned the corner onto the opulent mosaic path of the shrine district and continued towards the temple of Kenuf, furthest from the city centre. On either side, acolytes of all kinds were leaving offerings--jars of salt for Meshut, baskets of yellow lilies for Pesht--and the air was thick with the smell of incense, making his eyes water slightly. He walked as quickly as he could past the grinning crocodile faces carved on the outer wall of the second last temple, before greeting the black-robed bell-keeper outside of Kenuf’s shrine.  
I’ve made this up off the cuff so none of it “means” anything, but if we look at what’s here, we learn the following:
there’s at least four gods, possibly more
Pesht’s devotees leave yellow lilies, but we don’t know what Pesht is god of yet
Meshut’s devotees leave jars of salt, but ditto above
Kenuf’s shrine is furthest from the city (does this imply it is least favoured? or maybe least used?)
all gods seem to be named in consonant-e pattern (pe-, me-, ke-), but we don’t know yet if this is meaningful or coincidental (but if you wanted it to be, make all gods and maybe royals have this same pattern and just... leave it. let your reader infer from the text that the pattern signifies divinity)
the unnamed god is represented by crocodile iconography
the bell-keeper of Kenuf wears black robes (is this a uniform, or just a fashion choice?)
Anwar does not feel comfortable with the unnamed god in this passage (scared? disdainful? a mystery...)
A “too much” passage would offer lengthy descriptions of every shrine, listing what the offerings were and what the acolytes and other staff wore and Anwar’s thoughts about how he felt about each of the ten gods. It’s not impossible to write something like that that’s good, I do want to point out! But if you’re looking to slim things down, less is more, space out details over multiple chapters. 
Write for your ideal reader, who is clever and attentive. Some writers fall into the habit of over-explaining their world (resulting in info-dumping) because they don’t trust their readers to get the “right” vision of their world, or because they’re worried readers will overlook all the cool stuff they’ve put in. I can recommend not doing this and part of getting to that point is imagine you’re writing for the perfect reader of your story, who does get it and will look for all the cool clever tricky things you sneakily put in. Will every reader be that person? Definitely not! But if you write for that reader, you will elevate your work, rather than dumb it down and make it heavy with unneeded hand-holding. 
This kind of overlaps with the above in the sense that it boils down to “you’re allowed to leave things out, let readers make the intellectual leaps based on the pieces you give them” but it’s also saying that you’re allowed to let things rest. Put in subtle symbolism and never draw attention to it. 
Additionally, as the creator, you know all the information about the world, which is a huge power and means you can choose the exact right moments to reveal meaningful, revelatory details. For example, somewhere around chapter three or four: 
Anwar closed the door of his room, walked to the wall shrine, and fell to his knees, pulling the curtain aside. 
“Ye’emer, it is done,” he said, looking at the floor. “It is finally done.”
In the distance, the bells of the temple of Kenuf began to ring: a strident sound, sharp and mournful. The dawn acolytes must have found the body already. 
He reached forward, carefully placing the offering on the black silk of the tiny altar. The chips of animal bone looked like stars at night, bright white in the dark. 
“I don’t know why you chose me,” said Anwar, forcing himself to look up. 
The burning eyes of the crocodile statue stared back. 
And now you get to go ohhhh. You know the name of the god now, you know the offering, you know (or at least can speculate better at) why Anwar felt so uncomfortable near the temple. If you time when you reveal world-building details, you can make them do so much work for you in telling your story. 
Make up lies about your world--or at least, untruths. This maybe sounds counter-intuitive, but there is a logic in it. Most of us are not experts on our world, and your characters should be the same. They should be biased in their perspective, or limited by what they know, or perhaps even inclined to embellish details. If two characters talk about the same event, make them have personal feelings about it! Unless your character is a historian, their account of a historical event probably isn’t going to be totally correct or certain about all the details, and that’s not a bad thing. You can use that to weave in ambiguity or intrigue, or leave out important facts that will become relevant later, or contradict it later with a different telling and make the protagonist have to question who to trust or what’s the truth. 
As a species, everything we do is stories. The concept of a nation is a story we tell ourselves about what it is to be “us.” Who we each are is a story we are always telling to ourselves: I am me because I do x, I am me because I don’t do y. Often, these things aren’t The Truth so much as they are A Truth, so when it comes to writing stories into your stories, don’t forget to think about the stories characters are telling themselves about who they are. And remember that all characters are unreliable narrators, because they’re people and they’re filtering the world through their perspective. You can do so much with that. 
Use stories to create meaningful parallels for the larger narrative. If you’re featuring a story (which I’ll call tale from here, to cut down on confusion) within your story, it needs to be doing something more than just telling the reader facts about the world or passing the time. One way to make sure you’re doing that is thinking about parallels, which is to say, think of how the tale can impact the “real world” of your story. This might be the protagonist having a realisation or plot breakthrough, or later deciphering out important information or applying ideas from the story to a problem they encounter. 
You also can (and often should) create tonal and emotional parallels within the tale as well and/or use tales as a form of foreshadowing. For a very basic example, in a story that involves a protagonist who gets trapped in a big horrible maze later in the book might feature a version of Minotaur in the Labyrinth as foreshadowing, and the character might have a fleeting thought about it that later will resurface with new significance. 
I hope some of this is helpful to you! Good luck with you writing, and please write in again if there’s anything I can help with. 
tl;dr: my tips are:
do a little less and space out what you tell your reader
don’t say directly what you can imply or gesture vaguely at
write cleverly and time your moments
make use of ambiguity
make the story impact the real world
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levyfiles · 5 years
helloooo!!!! since you are my fave blog about shyan content, i must ask: what are your favorite fics???
AHhh! I–OK well, Lately I’ve been finding more and more fics that fill my heart right up with every gorgeous headcanon there is, but If we’re talking all-time favourites, I have finally compiled a List from the moment I started reading shyan fic in 2018 of fics that have ruined my life; all of them here in no particular order.
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary: In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary: There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story.Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol. 
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by the beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary: Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh. 
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you. 
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary: Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls. 
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary: So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary: “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were…nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
Like I said at the beginning, thanks to @skepticbeliever-bookclub I’ve been discovering and re-discovering some fics I hadn’t had the chance to read and or have never even heard of before and my bookmarks list is growing with each new week. So if you get through this list and need more in your life, here you go. Every fic in my bookmarks deserves the community’s attention. If I can just make one special request of you guys? If you do happen to click any of these and enjoy what you read, please take the time and tell the author what you loved about it. It really changes the game out here for fanworks and fan-creators like you wouldn’t even believe and the people who shared these works with us worked hard to make the stories what they are and put a great deal of emotional investment in sharing it. Share more than your silence in return. 
Hope you find something you like here, nonnybabe.. 
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forkanna · 4 years
WARNING: NSFW. Includes petplay.
It took until the end of their dinner and leaving to head back to Chie's house before they were calmed down enough to discuss what had just happened. Chie was highly embarrassed, but before she could even begin to fully dig into the reasons, Yukiko had something else prepared to say.
"I'm very sorry, Chie-chan."
"Ye-what?" she said, switching gears mid-word because she was taken aback and unprepared. "For what?"
"I believe you weren't really ready for me to do what I did just now. And yes, I know you insisted that you could handle it, but… I have a feeling that Ebihara-san coming up to talk to us changed your feelings. But you didn't stop me, so I made an assumption, and now… I think… it was the wrong one."
A long sigh of relief burst from Chie. "Okay, thank you. Whew! I was gonna say that I was a little freaked out, but um, I didn't want you to feel bad. Especially 'cuz I did something so gross."
"Huh?" Head tilting adorably in confusion, almost making Chie want to sweep her into a fresh kiss, she asked, "What did you do?"
"What do you mean? I kissed that bitch!"
"Ohhh. Well, I just assumed that was part of the playacting." Though her eyes did lose a little of their light as they resumed walking.
"Yeah. I mean, it kinda was, but like… I dunno, I was trying not to moan when I came and that was the easiest way to cover my mouth. And she is cute. Even if I wish I was kissing you instead."
That made a brief smile flash across her lips. "Oh, I see."
"Well… it's my fault for continuing to play with you while she was leaning so close. I could see as plainly as you that she was making a 'kiss me' face."
"A 'kiss me' face?" Yukiko recreated said expression, and Chie had already started to lean in before she shook the spell off. "D-damn, that's… that is super effective!"
The Yasogami beauty queen giggled as she slipped her arm through Chie's and pulled her up the walk to her house. "I've seen the other staff at the inn do it to get tips. Not all of them, of course. Perhaps they watch the same TV shows as Ai-san? Those Korean dramas…"
"Ugh, I can't stand those. I mean, they're good right up until they hit some scene that's just so super dramatic that I can't take it seriously anymore."
"Really? I love them; you're not wrong, they are exaggerated, but I look at it as… that's the art form. It's how they display the full spectrum of the human emotional state by shining a brighter light on them."
Chie blinked a few times, then stuttered, "W-well, yeah, that's true. Sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry. I always knew you didn't like them as much as me."
"Oh." As she fished out her keys and opened the door, she said, "Well… isn't that bad, though? Like, if we're dating…"
"So what? You and I don't have to like all the same things. I never much cared for that Super Sentai show of yours, but I don't hate it, and I like watching it with you because you just get so into it." As they stepped out of their shoes in the entryway, she asked, "Isn't that what relationships are all about? Compromise?"
"Huh, well yeah. I mean, I wanna argue, but that makes total sense. You're sure you don't mind sitting through my stuff?"
"Not if you don't mind sitting through mine," she answered with such a sweet smile that Chie felt her pulse racing. "I think that's settled. We will continue to share our shows."
"Deal," she chuckled lightly as they lingered near the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, you can go on up and start on your homework while I get a couple chores done. Won't be that long."
"You sure you don't want some help?" Yukiko asked with very genuine concern in her tone.
"No, no! I got this. Plus once you figure out the assignment you can help my dumb ass."
Pouting, she slapped her arm and hissed, "Stop that! You are not dumb. Just not an academic." And still they lingered. Yukiko slid her hands up to perch on Chie's shoulders. "You're my Prince."
What was she supposed to do besides kiss her? Whatever it was, it wasn't going to happen, because she was already leaning in to gently take her soft lips, pressing her back against the wall by the bottom step. Yukiko barely squeaked before relaxing into the contact, lips sliding over her girlfriend's as they enjoyed their sweet moment together.
Moment over. Hastily stepping away from her friend, she called out, "YEAH, MOM! BE THERE IN A SEC!" Then she hissed, "Go on, I'll catch up!"
"Okay," she chuckled before whispering, "I'll try not to think too hard about how sexy you looked in Aiya. Squirming everywhere from my-"
"SHHH! God, you're going to drive me crazy, I gotta go talk to my mom!" But they were both grinning as they parted ways.
                                           ~ o ~
The chores didn't take too long. Her mother wanted her to clean up the kitchen, take out the trash, and to go outside and feed Muku. She rumpled the big, lovable Saint Bernard's fur after his bowl was full, smiling and doting on him for a little while. He would need a walk in an hour or two.
"Awww, your poor collar," she sighed as he licked her all over the face. "STOP! Haha! Sorry, I got you a new one but it's too small, I gotta take it back. This weekend, I promise."
Muku barked as she played with his jowls, still sadly glancing at the old, threadbare leather around his neck. Privately, she was glad she had the wrong size; it was red and she thought maybe a black collar would suit him better. Serendipitous. Then he pounced on her and she laughed and shoved him away.
"Okay, OKAY! I gotta go, but I'll be back in a few, boy. Be good!"
He barked his approval. She shook her head and rolled around with him again. Chie had always liked dogs, but there was an even more special bond she shared with him. Yukiko had loved him the minute she found him, but her parents knew a busy inn was no place for a puppy that would grow into such a large, exuberant dog. That had been how Chie met her for the first time: sobbing on the sidewalk and clinging to his neck, lamenting that she couldn't keep the creature that had wormed its way into her heart so quickly. So Chie's agreement to take in Muku had cemented their freshly-created bond — an early indicator of how close they would eventually become.
Almost like he was their child or something.
Chie quickly washed up and used the toilet before heading into her room to check on her friend. "Hey, so I was gonna grab us some chips but Mom says we shouldn't spoil our dinner, so I guess… we have to…"
"Oh, that's fine," Yukiko said with a sweet smile from where she sat on the floor in front of Chie's bed, copying down notes from the textbook open next to her. Then she noticed she had frozen just inside the door. "Um, Chie? Is something the matter?"
"What… is that…?"
After a few seconds of trying to figure out what she meant, she saw the finger pointing at her. "What is me?" But when her hand moved up to touch her chest, she breathed, "O-oh. I forgot."
Apparently, Yukiko had forgotten she was wearing Muku's would-be replacement collar. The bright red of the leather was rather flattering against her pale skin, and the shiny metal studs caught the light just right. It was a little loose around her neck but not terribly so — though she had it cinched to the tightest setting.
"How? I m-mean… how could you forget you were wearing it? Isn't it uncomfortable?"
"No, not really. But now I feel silly…" She smiled shyly as Chie closed the door and walked over to sit on the bed. "I just saw it lying on your dresser and thought I might try it on, because of how happy it made my shadow. But I completely forgot I did that when I got focused on homework."
"Well, um, it's totally cool. Just really wasn't expecting it, but I guess…" She shrugged awkwardly, hands clenching on the edge of the bed.
And then Yukiko turned slightly and looked up at her, eyes wide with curiosity and concern. It made for a very specific type of display that Chie could not ignore: fists pressing down into the rug, back arched. Almost on her hands and knees. And that striking red collar dangling around her neck while she looked at her with such a compassionate expression…
Compassionate… or loyal. Obedient.
"You guess?"
"I guess… it does kinda… look good." That was not quite what she had intended to say. Really, she had completely forgotten what she was going to say before now. Wait — now she remembered. "You're sure it's not scratchy or something? Because if you like it, hey, feel free."
Cheeks turning a little rosy, she smiled and said, "I don't mind it. Really! Does… it make you uncomfortable?"
"What? I'm not the one wearing it!" But when Yukiko raised an eyebrow, she scratched the side of her face and looked away. "W-well, like… it's weird, because… people don't normally… but you kinda make it work, a-and you look so natural sitting down there… with it on your neck…"
"Sitting down here?" Unfortunately for both of them, she figured it out before Chie herself did. "Ohhhh. Because it's a dog collar, right?"
Yukiko walked in a small circle on her hands and knees, a sort of bemused smile on her lips. "Am I a pretty puppy?"
Full blush. Chie felt like someone could make okonomiyaki on her face, it was burning so hot as she gazed down at her best friend, who was literally behaving like a dog. For her. If not for seeing Other-Yukiko do the same thing, she would be laughing her ass off right now, thinking it was a mere joke. But that shadow had made it distinctly…
"Yeah," she breathed. When Yukiko actually waggled her hips from side to side, she reached down and caressed her hand over her hair. "Pretty girl."
"Mmm," she sighed, closing her eyes and leaning into the touch. "My Prince…" The eyes slit open and she smirked. "My Master?"
God, why did that instantly stir butterflies in her stomach? Not only that… but it made her want to further explore the dynamic between them. "Does, um… does my cute little Yukiko want a treat?" Then she muttered, "That does not sound right, even a little."
Yukiko chuckled. "You're right, Yukiko isn't a very good dog name."
"How about…" It came pretty easy to her while she was petting over her hair again. "Yuka?"
"Oh? You think I'm a gentle flower?" Belatedly, the meaning began to catch up to her and her cheeks turned rosy. "Chie…"
"You knew that, though," she hedged as her own face flushed. "Everybody in Inaba knows… especially after you've been on the news. You're the fairest in the land, and you would never hurt a fly. Japan's sweetheart."
Biting her lip to keep from giggling, she finally managed to whisper bashfully, "Stop. I'm n-not that pretty."
"God, you so are. But I know… you don't see it. Like, even before your shadow pretty solidly confirmed that. But I swear… I'm gonna spend my whole life trying to convince you."
Now tears were blossoming at the corners of Yukiko's eyes. She trembled a little, swallowed hard. Clearly her thoughts were racing, butting up against the wall of emotion trying to overtake her. Then rubbed her cheek against Chie's leg. "Master makes Yuka so happy. Yuka is hers forever."
Now her heart really was hammering in her chest, and her pulse was pounding somewhere downstairs — an area she would always associate with Yukiko for the rest of her life. Because she was the only one for her. Hers. How lucky could she get?
"Good girl, Yuka. Good girl."
"Chie? Are you… crying? Is everything-"
"All good," she cut her off, wiping at her eyes hastily. "Noooo problem here! Just, um… just all… a-anyway, it looks like you're really happy about the collar, so it's yours. All for Yuka, okay?"
"All for Yuka!" she piped up with a big grin and a little bounce. Of course, Chie could see she was a little bit bemused that she liked having her best friend as a dog, but… it wasn't all that. She also found their little impromptu roleplay to be fulfilling somehow. Both of them did.
"Okay, up, Yuka!" She obeyed, climbing into her lap. "Such a good girl — so pretty, so sweet."
Clearly a little nervous about it, Yukiko let out a quiet little bark. It didn't sound much like an actual dog but it wasn't bad for a first try. Not sure what else to do, Chie decided to kiss all over her face like she would with Muku.
"AH!" she yelped out before giggling, "Stooop, that's so much!"
"Well I have to show my doggy how much I love her," she laughed back — before her breath caught in her throat. It had been so easy to say. Was this too big a step too soon, when they had only just barely begun to realize they had such feelings for each other?
But before she could dwell on it too deeply, Yukiko was already pressing a very light kiss to her lips. "Yuka loves you too, Master. Very much."
"R-really? Are we just playing, or…?" When Yukiko shook her head, biting her bottom lip to keep from grinning too wide, Chie found she felt light-headed. "Oh. Wow, I'm- okay then. I guess that answers that question."
"Guess it does. Is that alright?"
"Absolutely. I mean… I already knew I loved you the most, so I guess… since we're together now, that means…"
"We're in love," Yukiko breathed for the two of them. Her arms tightened around Chie's body as she pressed her face into her neck, adding in a muffled voice, "I… this is crazy, and I'm shocked, but I've never been happier. Do you think this is normal?"
The Prince couldn't help laughing nervously as she pushed her hands into her best friend's back through the layers of her school uniform. "How the heck should I know? I've never been in love before! Geez, I've never even put a note in a boy's locker before!"
"Well, it probably isn't normal that I'm wearing a collar. But otherwise, it feels… nice. Letting you keep me. I belong to you forever."
"Yeah. Crazy, but yeah, I… I'm never letting you go. Bet on that."
The next kiss lasted for a long minute, hands caressing, lips entwining as their hot breath commingled in the space between their bodies. Before she knew it, Chie was undressing her as they rolled over on the sheets, hands seeming to know exactly where to go.
"You want me right now?" Yukiko asked in scarcely a whisper, pupils dilated fully as she gazed up at her best friend.
"Damn right. Do you… not want to? We could-"
"I just want to be close to you," she cut her off. "What we do isn't nearly as important."
Chie kissed along her neck, feeling her pulse and listening to her shaky breaths. That light scent that only belonged to Yukiko filled her lungs as she finally got her skirt down her legs, then began to peel her black tights off.
"What?" Chie asked urgently, stopping with them bunched around her friend's knees. "Did I screw up?"
"N-no, you're fine! I was just wondering if you had... a thing… but I suppose I don't know why I thought about that."
Completely lost, she prompted, "Thing? What thing?"
"For stockings. For some reason, when you started taking them off my thought was that clearly you don't have a thing for stockings if you're getting rid of them."
Glancing at the tights, she finally connected the dots and let out a long "Ohhhhhh" as her head bobbed up and down. "R-right! Well… I've always thought you look great in tights, but I definitely never thought about it that way! Did you… want me to be into them like that?"
"NO! I mean…" Now her legs were fidgeting, so Chie continued to pull the stockings off to let her have the freedom to move. "You were into stepping on my face, and… I kind of was too… I was mostly just curious."
"Oh. Like, if I'm into feet and stuff?" She wasn't, but could definitely see how Yukiko got that impression. "Nah. But don't get me wrong, yours are cuter than Ebihara's, that's for sure."
That made her smirk. At first she couldn't figure out why, but then Yukiko muttered, "You were checking hers out, huh?"
"What?! No way! I m-mean, she really didn't leave us much choice, did she? Slamming her leg up on the table like that! She's crazy!"
"She's vain," Yukiko giggled as she ran her toes up and down her girlfriend's leg. "But thank you, for your reassurance. I wasn't trying to fish for compliments but I like it when you give them."
"No problem. Easy when I think you're the hottest girl on the planet." She picked up the playful foot and began to massage.
Chie felt a new flutter in the pit of her stomach. Yukiko was into this? No… it was a lot more likely she was enjoying a foot massage like a normal person. Well that was fine. Smiling in the knowledge that she could do something for her favourite person, she started digging in harder with her thumbs.
"O-oh goodness!" she gasped out, squirming and clutching at the sheets as her pale pink sole was assaulted. "Chie! W-wait!"
So she paused in her motions. "Yeah?"
"Shouldn't… I be doing this for you, Master?"
"Well… I mean, um…" Flustered by the return of that term of address, she shrugged and looked away. "I've… never seen any dog give a foot massage, so I think you're in the clear. Thanks, though."
"But isn't that an obvious benefit of having a dog with opposable thumbs?" They both laughed at that one, and Yukiko took the opportunity to crawl up into her lap. "I also assume you would rather have human-kisses than dog-kisses."
"Hell yeah, I would. C'mere, Yuka."
Another few minutes became lost to time. Eventually, they were both in their underwear and tangled up in the sheets, enjoying the closeness and warmth that provided. Paradise. Chie really wouldn't have minded if time froze in that ephemeral moment: she couldn't imagine a better one coming in the future.
Although the collar was still on. Was she really that comfortable in it? Curious, she slipped a finger in past the band of leather and gave it a gentle tug.
"Nhhh," she breathed into Chie's lips. That sounded favourable. So she tried it again a bit harder, and this time their kiss broke so she could moan out, "A-ah… Master?"
"Is my Yuka okay?" she asked cautiously. She only wanted to keep going if it wasn't a problem.
"Uh-huh. I mean, um, yes. Yuka is fine." She maneuvered two sets of legs until they were able to press their sexes up against each other, thin layers of panties notwithstanding. "Mmhh… does Master want to train me now?"
Luckily, Yukiko had tapped the hand tugging at her collar with a single finger; otherwise she wouldn't have been able to catch on. "Oh? So… you like this training?"
"Yes!" she gasped out, barely a strain in her voice from the restricted airflow. "M-makes me feel… like Master will take care of me!"
Maybe eventually, they would be practiced enough that they wouldn't have to reassure each other so often. But even with that slowing things down… this was still so much hotter than when she had been trampling Yukiko or spanking her. It felt a lot more right – which was both worrying and reassuring at the same time. Why did she like bossing her around? She knew Yukiko wanted someone to take care of her, but was that all it was for Chie? That she wanted to be her caretaker, and it got a little twisted due to petty jealousy?
"A-ah!" Yukiko gasped out a little weaker, face flushed from the effort to breathe.
"Good girl," Chie purred down at her as she rolled her hips a little harder. What she wouldn't give to suddenly sprout a thick cock with which to slam into her… or vice versa, really, but she figured being the owner meant she was supposed to have it. Maybe they could look into buying one at least. "Master's so happy you… like your training! I'm gonna train you real good!"
Hotter and hotter, their passions burned as they writhed together. Eventually, Chie awkwardly yanked down her own panties, and Yukiko took advantage of the break to drag air into her lungs and divest herself of all remaining garments, as well. Then they resumed their positions, this time with one of Yukiko's legs up over her shoulder.
"MMhhh! My Prince! Or… I mean, Master?"
Chuckling breathlessly, she told her, "It's fine, whatever! Do you… like one more than the other?"
"Well…" Laughing herself now, if a bit more shyly, she licked her lips before answering, "I like Prince more, but… Master is… it m-makes more- NNH! Makes more sense when you have me in a collar!"
"Yeah? I mean… this was your idea," she snorted as she tugged on the leather.
"Was it? I think it was yours! In the TV!"
That brought a full blush back to Chie's cheeks — though it wasn't a far leap, since she was already glowing red from the exertion. "Y-yeah? I guess… you have a point, b-but…"
"I know! You didn't really… think of me… it's okay! Just keep going!"
So keep going they did. Chie made sure to exert more pressure on the collar, on Yukiko's throat as their hips ground against each other. GOD, that direct contact really made a difference! It still wasn't as incredible as using fingers or mouths, but the knowledge that her most intimate area was pressing right against that of her best friend in the whole world more than made up for the awkwardness and lessened sensation. Her heat was building so fast that she knew it wouldn't take more than another minute.
"M-Master!" Yukiko gasped out weakly. "M-my head… is spinny…"
"Oh shit!" She let go immediately. "Are you okay?! Yukiko!"
After a couple of breaths, she smiled up at Chie. "Y-yeah! Thank you. But you didn't have to stop…"
When her calf muscle bounced off Chie's shoulder, she knew what she meant and smiled as she returned to her blistering pace, grinding their bodies against one another. She still slipped a thumb under her collar to exert pressure, but it was barely anything now — just a little added interest.
"MASTER! I'm- I am close! I think! A-are you?!"
"Ohhhhh YEAH! GOD! I'm so close, Yuk- Yuka! Be a good little doggie and cum for me!"
Instantly, she could see the blush was so much brighter in Yukiko's cheeks. Either from the pet name, being called a doggie, or how vulgar the request was. Maybe all of them — maybe it didn't matter. But all she panted out that was intelligible was the word "YES!" before she was rolling her hips just as hard, meeting her partner on her level.
They both climaxed mere moments later. Chie was both elated and disturbed to feel the wetness growing between them, and couldn't even be sure if most of that was coming from herself or the pet writhing and squealing on her bed. But in the end she decided there was really nothing wrong; she just was used to feeling wet things as being "gross". This was the feeling of being with her lover, and she would cherish it.
"Ohhhhhh," Yukiko groaned as their bodies finally came to a stop and the pressure on her collar was released. "Wow… that… is it… supposed to get better… every time?"
Laughing weakly, Chie slowly moved her leg from off of her shoulder and laid it down before she flopped onto her side next to her best friend. "Maybe? I… agree though, that… was super hot!"
"Yeah," she giggled as she easily rolled to face her, eyes dancing with light and joy. "I can't believe… we can do this, and it feels that good! Without a boy! I thought it was supposed to…"
When she didn't answer right away, Chie prompted, "Supposed to?"
"Oh, sorry. I just meant, I thought boys and girls had bodies that fit together. So that was how sex would be the most pleasurable."
"Well, I guess I sorta thought the same," she admitted with a half-smile as she pet up and down Yukiko's side. And Yukiko's eyes closed in bliss, so clearly it was the right move. "But like, whatever, right? I love you and I'm glad you were into it, since I was, too. Kinda works out like that."
Yukiko nodded fervently. "I agree — very much. And I'm devoted to you, so I don't really feel any need to find out the differences."
"You sure? Like, I would totally get it if you wanna bang some guy and figure out if like, the lesbian life is really what you want."
"Very sure," she reassured her with a little peck on the cheek. "The more I get used to you being my lover, the more I know… it was always going to be this way. You and I were destined to be together."
Tears began to form at the corners of Chie's eyes. They snuck up on her, and she had already sniffled by the time she regained control — which meant it was too late. Her Yukiko was already kissing the tears away, embracing her tighter.
"It's okay, my Prince."
"I just l-love you s-so much!" she blubbered as she clung tightly to her girlfriend. She could hear a tightness in Yukiko's voice when she reassured her that everything was going to be fine, but she didn't break down; she had to be strong while the other was weak. She knew they would be taking turns like this for a long, long time.
"Ohh, it's okay! Shhh, Chie, I love you, too!" The delicate hand petting over her hair both helped and made it worse. "Yuka loves Master!"
That made the next sob turn into a chuckle. "God… we're pretty messed up!"
"No, I don't think so. Just different." She pushed her head back enough to kiss her lips, gazing up into her eyes — and revealing her own were slightly wet. "But you and I are forever. Even if we're weird, we can be weird together, okay?"
"Uh-huh," she managed to blubber, sucking in a deep, hard breath to steady her nerves. "Okay… God, we have homework to do and stuff, and I'm… I mean, we just banged, and it was incredible, and I don't know why I'm sad about being so happy?"
Yukiko giggled and kissed both her cheeks again. "I've heard that people cry when they experience extreme emotions. I know I do. Doesn't only have to be bad emotions, you know."
"Well, I think it sucks! Get me outta this mess!" They both laughed as they relaxed on the bed, more or less nude and basking in the afterglow of a good lay… and the acceptance of their connection to each other. "Ah man… Yuki-chan, I'm so happy."
"Me, too," she whispered as she curled around her body and nestled in again. "Your puppy really loves you."
"Y-you don't have to say the puppy thing, y'know. I was just messing around."
"You were not. And neither am I." As Chie tried to fight off the hot shame trying to fill her, her new pet kissed her gently and whispered, "I can be your secret puppy whenever one of us needs it. I do not mind at all, because I know you take good care of Muku, so… why wouldn't you take good care of me?"
"It's demeaning…" When Yukiko frowned hard, she sighed. "Okay, okay, we both know I'm gonna treat you great for a dog, but I should be okay treating you like a person, right? So… maybe just a sexy thing, once in a while… that's not so bad."
Her girlfriend pet up and down her stomach. "Whatever makes you comfortable. But if it would help… I'll start wearing this collar all the time to help you get used to it."
"WHAT?! N-no, don't- I mean, somebody's gonna ask, and what the hell would you tell them?!"
"That I belong to Master." When Chie paled, she giggled hard a few times before saying, "I'm kidding! I would tell them I'm trying out a new fashion statement or something. I think it looks nice."
Swallowing hard, she looked down at her nude best friend, clad only in that collar. "Damn, it looks really nice… but I don't want anybody else seeing you like that."
"You don't? Oh…" Her cheeks turning rosy, she bit her lip and looked away shyly. Adorable. "Yuka is all yours, you know. Nobody else will see me this way. But… w-well…"
"What?" she prompted.
"I'm only yours. And this collar will tell people that, even if I don't confirm it. Maybe subconsciously, it will stop guys from hitting on me, because they will equate seeing a collar with ownership. You don't own me like a slave," she cut Chie off when she saw her opening her mouth to protest. "But we can play like you're my pet-owner. And the rest of the time, think of it like an engagement ring."
Well, if Chie didn't already feel like she was about to faint, she definitely did now. "ENGAGEMENT! Y-you wanna marry me?!"
"NO! No, not obvious — I'm losing my… you would really…"
"Shhhh," she soothed her as the tears came back for both of them, even if moreso for the kung fu master. "Chie, have you heard of a promise ring?" A little nod, so she continued, "Let's say that instead of an engagement ring, then. Just a promise that we are exclusive, not that we're planning to get married. Is… that less… troubling?"
At first, Chie just nodded, and earned herself a few more kisses in the process. When she found her voice again, she whispered, "Not 'troubling'. God, I'm sorry, it's just… freaking me out that I get to be this close to you! That you wanna make it a steady thing! Like, so do I, but you're a literal dream girl and you're picking me over anybody in the whole country, and I just… can't… even!"
"Just a puppy who loves her Master," she whispered into her lips. "Yuka is all for you. Forever."
She had to step up. Say something less freaky-outy. "And Master is never, ever letting you go." Then she let her urgent need to kiss her sweep over them both.
Their homework remained neglected for some time.
                                          To Be Concluded…
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
Number 8 for the 40 questions, please 😊
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh dear, my favorite?? Ohhhh, let me go look.
Okay, can I do like a top 5 or something?
From Moves Like Jagged CH2:
“How did you get a piano here?” She asked, and Jagged glanced at it nonchalantly.
“I know a guy.” He shrugged. “You’re worrying too much, Marinette. I’ve been working all day on this song, and there’s no way he’ll be able to refuse you.”
“Look, Jagged, I’m not sure if tonight is the best time to- What are you doing?” She flinched as he hurled a pebble at Adrien’s window.
“Haven’t you seen all the movies? We have to get his attention.” He stated simply with an impish grin. “Would you like to throw one?”
“No, I would not!” She hissed, glancing nervously up at the window.
“Suit yourself.” He shrugged before tossing another one.
“Jagged!” She caught his wrist before he could throw the next one.
How did she get herself into these situations? Standing outside the love of her life’s window in the middle of the night with a famous rockstar, who had her phone number she might add, who was hell-bent on setting them up, and while she appreciated the gesture, she was absolutely mortified by the reality. Why did life pick her for all of its craziness? Wasn’t being a superheroine enough?
“Shh, here he comes,” He said, rubbing his hands together excitedly and taking his seat at the piano and beginning to pluck out a soft melody.
Adrien peeked out his window with furrowed brows that raised in alarm when he saw the piano and Jagged Stone. Marinette offered him a sheepish wave, and he clicked a button on his remote that opened the pane outward.
“Jagged Stone?” He gaped with a small smile. “Marinette, what’s going on? And how did you guys get a piano out here?”
“I know a guy!” Jagged called with a grin, and Marinette’s face fell into her hand.
This fic in general is super fun to write, and this is why I want to get back to it soon because Jagged is just so wild, and I love it. “I know a guy!” It just makes me laugh every time, like, Jagged, boy XD
From Moves Liked Jagged CH3: (god this fic has good lines)
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Damocles?” Adrien announced, knocking on the door as he entered.
“Yeah, come in and sit. I want to have a little chat.”
Adrien gulped, letting the door shut behind him as he stepped inside and took a seat. His fingers drummed on the arm of the chair until the chair spun around, and he found himself face-to-face with Jagged Stone.
“No way! But you’re not-” Jagged held up a hand, a smirk curling on his lips.
“Yeah, yeah, I know who I am,” He said, leaning back and propping his feet up on the desk. “You and I need to have a little chat.”
“Wait, so I’m not in trouble, am I?” Adrien’s eyebrows creased, and Jagged shrugged. “What do you want to talk to me about?”
“I wanna talk to you one-on-one, man-to-man, rockstar-to-whatever it is you do with the perfume ads.” He waved it away.
I’ve always been really proud of that last line. I fear that when I come back to this fic I won’t be able to capture Jagged’s essence as well as I did initially, and I fear that it won’t be as funny. Cause a lot of Jagged’s lines in this fic are hilarious. 
Not really a dialogue clip, but just a clip that makes me laugh every time I read it
From Lady Luck CH2:
For a moment, she thought he hadn’t noticed her presence as he hadn’t made eye contact or even so much as looked at her since he walked in, but the moment he stepped onto the platform and let his robe fall to his feet, he turned to face her head on, a small triumphant smile on his lips when his eyes locked with hers. She felt her face heat up instantly and averted her gaze as a few classmates giggled in delight.
“Ready?” Mr. Rousseau asked.
“Yeah,” Adrien replied, placing a hand on his hip as those green eyes remained locked on target.
“You have two hours, class. Make every second count.”
Adrien Agreste better be counting his seconds because the number he had left was dwindling. With a soft groan, she picked up her sketchbook and went to work, starting with the head and trying her very hardest to keep her eyes north of the border. He was an excellent example of male physique, and she hated herself for even admitting it in her mind. Every inch of him was physical perfection, and as she was inevitably forced to discover, she did mean every inch.
She was convinced this was some method of torture because every time she glanced up she was faced with toned abs, perfect skin, dazzling green eyes, as well as a certain other body part she was doing her best not to think about too much which was, incidentally, the thing she was reserving for last. Each time he caught her gaze, a tiny smile curled at the corner of his lips, and her eyes darted back to her drawing.
All that she had left was the particular region she’d been refusing to look at the whole time, though given his position in front of her, it was hard to miss. She wondered if Mr. Rousseau would protest if she refused to draw it. After all, she already had one big dick on her page, she wasn’t certain why she’d need two.
Okay, so it’s mostly just that last sentence, but you needed some context for the scene first lol. Again, not really dialogue, but I just really love the “she already had one big dick on her page, she wasn’t certain why she’d need two.” This fic was another one that was super fun to work on which is why I went back and read over it again when I was considering what I wanted to work on. I read back over a lot of my old writing, and I feel like to some extent it’s better than what I write now which is a shame because my older works have gained way less views than my newer ones. I just feel like some of my turns of phrase are better at times in my older stuff, and Idk if I’ve just gotten lazy, or if I’m just not as funny anymore. Probably a little of both XD
So this one is actually old and now obsolete, at least maybe until I figure out what I want to do with this story, but this comes from the bonus stories I wrote for Lady du Coeur way, way, waaay back, and this was an alternate scene from Marinette’s perspective from one of the chapters:
“Wake up!” A demanding, scratchy voice ordered, and Marinette sat up, rubbing her eyes in confusion. She glanced up at Adrien’s kwami floating just above her, eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“Where are we?” She glanced around, but there was nothing but blackness as far as she could see.
“You’re dead. Adrien poisoned you,” Plagg replied spookily, and Mari gave him an unamused glare. “Fine, Adrien got these two magical cups from Master Fu hoping to make the two of you forget that you knew each other under the mask, but long story short, Master Fu lied and now I’m here to show you all of his deepest and most embarrassing secrets as revenge for not listening to me.”
“Why?” Her eyes narrowed skeptically.
“Why what?” Plagg grunted. “Why did Adrien let you drink tea from magical memory cups? Because he’s stupid. Why did Master Fu lie to him? Again, because he’s stupid and needs to be taught a lesson. Why am I going to show you all his secrets? Because it’s fun. Oh, and he’s stupid.”
Really that whole chapter is funny just for Plagg’s commentary on Adrien’s life alone. Looking back he’s kind of harsh, but given the context of the scene the roasting is kind of deserved. Maybe one day I’ll figure out what I want to do with this fic and it will come home from the war. Maybe. Someday. 
Dammit I need a 5th one shit fuck
From the unfinished chapter of WYBM(F)L?
"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Lila said, cocking a hip as Marinette approached with a cutting glare.
"What poor soul did you lie to in order to be let in?"
Honestly this whole exchange with Lila is peak pettiness to me. I’m not spoiling anymore than that, but Marinette gets in a few good quips. 
But there you have it. Most of the time when people ask for my favorite lines I’ve written, I gravitate toward Moves Like Jagged and that scene in Lady Luck. I’m sorry to tell all of you that my writing peaked two years ago. 
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