#ohhh I can't WAIT to write this out in like a year haha
im-no-jedi · 2 years
rewatched Retrieval again cause I felt like it, and I’m bout to go feral all over again
how do I adopt an entire mine full of orphan teen boys, asking for a friend 🥺
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s3 episode 20 thoughts
dare i say it, once again… new favorite episode??
okay, my previous favorite episode was an ENTIRELY different direction from this one, but i’d say there should be one best episode for serious stuff and one best episode for the silly!!! and this takes the silly crown!! and tbh i can't make an actual hard and fast rating anyway because there are so many great things to choose from- but this is amongst them, for me, in terms of legendary episodes!
please, join me on this ride, which i enjoyed each second of, and will need to someday rewatch without pausing every 0.5 seconds to jot something i noticed down. the live experience begins beneath the cut.
it’s been 84 years…. (3 days since i’ve seen an episode)
ooo, this sounds interesting! is scully going to work with an author?? are we gonna learn more about the things that she reads?? this is prime content to a person like me
stars…. space ship….. filled with tubes and wires and other such things…… just kidding!!! it’s a guy working on some electrical stuff. whilst two people drive by!! i thought they were mulder and scully at first but they are not
“um, i don’t want to scare you, but i think i’m madly in love with you” says this guy who is not mulder but actually named harold to this girl who is not scully but is actually named chrissy. OH! and this is the first date. so that was a weird thing to say. i thought it was quite sweet at first but that changes things for sure.
GASP! UFO be upon them. creatures are coming out to get them. she asks what they are and he says “how the hell should i know?” ooo ooo i know! they are aliens 👽 and then the two fall on top of each other like they are knocked out… and the aliens drag them away???? 
until a king kong looking fellow rolls up. very puppet-y. and the aliens don’t know what this creature is either!!! and also ask what that thing is and the response is “how the hell should i know?” haha i see what you did there... out aliening the alien
bum bum bum bum…. (<- my attempt at recreating the noise of the intro)
now, what was that? i'm stuck on the king kong and godzilla love child puppet….
scan up on mulder’s iconic poster!!! and a guy is here who is yet again not mulder. his name is mr. chung and mulder will NOT talk to him… oooh, what is their beef…?
mr. chung is saying he always felt alienated on this planet, who can even imagine actual aliens! and he has a point there.
oh! scully is a big fan of this fellow, which is why she agreed to talk to this guy!!! he calls her beautiful, which is true, but time and place 
so he isn’t even interested in aliens, but his publisher said he should write a book on the matter. he is going to create a NEW genre: non fiction science fiction, a gimmick that will give him money. this seems somewhat disappointing to scully, who must be a believer in artistic integrity, but i find his honesty refreshing.
she wants him to tell the truth, but apparently he spent 3 months in kass county where all this stuff went down, and NO ONE could tell him what actually happened. the truth is just as subjective as reality. which sounds like something i learned in history class. and, it helps explain why everyone with an alien story starts with some variation of, "i know this sounds crazy, but"...
so he wants HER version of hearing of the case. also he touches her arm and... let's slow down a little there, mr. chung.
OHHH we are seeing a story told in flashbacks!!!! narrated by scully!! how wonderful!!!
this girl is suffering from “missing time”, a phenomenon we have come to know well here on this blog. also her clothes are inside out and she has signs of abuse. not looking great for her.
apparently mulder prefers the term “abductee” to “experiencer”, which mr. chung has valid disagreements with. we go on, however.
this poor girl is seeing aliens that are not there and her nose is bleeding. WAIT! it’s the guy from before! harold and chrissy! he comes to her window to say he did everything he could but she rejects him, thinking he had drugged and assaulted her. yikes.
harold is testifying that he was abducted by aliens, but no one believes him. he stuck to his story UNTIL our agents arrived!
despite this announcement of presumed prison time, mulder brings chrissy in for questioning. asking her if she has all the symptoms of “post abduction disorder”, which she confirms, while scully rolls her eyes with great force in the background. and he talks the girl’s parents into letting her do hypnosis.
“what is your opinion of hypnosis?”, mr. chung asks scully, which is something i also have been dying to know! i mean, we saw her do a little bit before, but it didn’t seem to be a positive experience. she says it has therapeutic value, but has never been proven to enhance memory; it even makes memory worse. a very balanced and doctor-ly answer! 
LMAO scully is so cute… mr. chung mentions another book he wrote and she proclaims it “one of the greatest thrillers ever written” <- STOP I LOVE HER SHE IS SUCH A NERRRRD 😭😭
mr. chung said the FBI knew nothing about how hypnosis worked back during the MK ULTRA days… and he is fascinated by the idea of a person’s consciousness being transformed by listening to words. admittedly very fascinating! you could probably say the same about meditation, no?
(but he speaks to the power of storytelling, i realize now in hindsight! how we find ourselves wrapped up in the tales of things that never happened, how it fills us with sorrow or joy! how fascinating! i see what you did there, writers!)
cutscene to hypnotizing chrissy. who is seeing aliens. she is on a space ship wearing a fit that looks very similar to a lady gaga chromatica era performance, but it has tubes attached to her. harold is in a very similar contraption!!!!
she says the aliens are arguing without moving their mouths and she hears the lead alien in her head saying it’s for the good of her planet. and he is stealing her memories? um. for what purpose...
scully is serving looks in the corner while this goes down, looking mad as hell and very good. she says chrissy's abduction story seems a little TOO typical… and i have to agree! but mulder says no, there are TWO people with the same story! they can't both be lying, surely!
LMAOOOO they play with censoring the dude who comes in and yells at them… “well, of course he didn’t actually say ‘bleeped’” 
(BAHAHA i’m loving this insight into how scully’s memories operate. so this angry man is named detective manners)
“you still gonna hold the boy?” “oh, you bet your blankety-blank bleep i am” <- i am a simple woman, and an actor delivering these lines with a straight face whilst surrounded by other actors keeping a very straight face is going to make me cackle. look at her looking so bored while he says that. i’m howling!!!!
anyway, harold has a very different story on what went down that night, that did not seem to involve gaga-inspired fits, but instead they were both placed in electrified cages. while another alien in a nearby cage smokes a cigarette. he seems to be what i would call “an unbothered king”
in this story, harold claims that he will protect chrissy and never let anything happen to her, and of course something immediately happens to her while he hides in the corner like a baby. lmao.
and this alien is talking in english! not telepathically! he keeps repeating “this is not happening” until harold ALSO gets taken by the thing that took chrissy. 
mulder is trying to figure out what is going on, but his predictions aren’t lining up with what happened to harold. scully is pacing and looking pissed, and again, very pretty.
“you know when you’re a kid, and you tore the legs off a bug for no reason?”, asks harold (cutscene to mulder’s face with visible confusion) LMAOOOOOOO
scully getting to business: did you engage in consensual sexual intercourse that night? she is not messing around! she's had it up to here with the shenanigans of harold and chrissy!
harold is very very quiet until he says that her father will kill him if he finds out!!! gasp!!! confirmation!!!
so is this whole story just… a cover up??? for fornication???
scully vs mulder time. “so what if they’re having sex?” he asks, which is funny coming from him; and anyway, he claims it happened BEFORE the alien stuff went down. but she thinks they’re traumatized, and that is more likely than alien abduction. 
until detective manners bursts in and claims he has an eyewitness to what went down! he used more blanks and bleeps and again the straight faces killllll me
and ALL OF THEM telling their stories start with “i know how crazy this all sounds” just as mr. chung had described LMAOOO. now who tf is this dude who says he was an eyewitness?
(i’m taking soooo many notes because i keep laughing and noting things. which is a good problem to have!)
this dude, named roky, spent 48 hours straight writing down what he saw, and said that by looking at this, they are putting their lives in danger. so okay. better be juicy.
he says his garage door opened up, a car pulled in, and a man told him some facts about venus. he says they put him in a trance! and that they were in all black……
mr. chung says that myths of men in black garments are nothing new!!! so take THAT, men in black legends, you are one of many.
back at roky's place, the other dude in black says jimmy carter thought he saw a UFO once, but it was just venus. roky is scandalized, grabs his paper, and states that he is a REPUBLICAN.
(omg jimmy carter is going to be 100 in a few months god willing…..)
this man in black is saying that roky saw VENUS and nothing else, just VENUS. and not to tell anyone he saw anything but VENUS or he will die. and then the car drives away. 
so after that build up, he gives mulder the manuscript, and says he is packing up and leaving. bye bye roky. hope you find some peace.
mulder is reading this story to scully who is sprawled on the bed, looking, again, angry and hot. it seems he is describing that earlier puppet-y action.
oh! roky was the electrical guy from the very beginning!!! he hides in his truck but the king kong looking fellow says “be not afraid” and that he is needed for the good of the earth? what is with the good of the earth here.
cutscene to a very baffled looking scully laying in bed as mulder continues to read LMAOOOOOO
AND ROKY’S STORY SAYS HE WENT NOT TO OUTER SPACE, BUT INNER SPACE HELPPP!!!! now, inner space is towards the core, if you, like me, were unaware. also, king kong godzilla dude’s name is Lord Kinbote, so jot that down.
mr. chung says he has a copy of roky’s manifesto- which was sent to his publisher? and LMAOOO the story is disturbing both for its soul orgy scenes and the fact that it is written as a screenplay 
well, surely your partner didn’t believe any of it, mr. chung states! “mulder’s had his share of peculiar notions” is scully's carefully worded reply... LMAOOO 
cutscene to her sitting up from the bed and calling him nuts <- LMAOOOOO but HE says that whatever roky saw may have triggered some delusions, and that the only story that doesn’t add up is chrissy’s, so he is calling to get her re-hypnotized, much to scully’s indignation!
so back to the hypnosis. and chrissy is now mirroring harold's story exactly. oh! she says the people who took them are from the air force?? so where did the gaga slay outfits go... 
the air force men are arguing in front of her. and then they say to “rinse her out”. saying it is for the good of her country. and stealing her memories!
so WHO is doing the real memory stealing here….. the aliens or the government?? an age old question!!! one that is at the heart of this series.
scully and mulder fight over what is going on, and he thinks that this might have nothing to do with aliens, until detective manners shows up with news that a crazy blankety blank claims to have an ALIEN BODY!!
(what if it’s a raccoon with mange…)
again, the man recounting this story begins with “i know how crazy this is going to sound”, but then says he wants to be abducted by aliens. well! i’m sure that’s a sexual thing i don’t care to unpack.
cutscene to mr. chung interviewing this same man, who wishes to go where finding a job is not a requirement. he was looking in a field for UFOs. and when he called the authorities upon spotting one, the agents show up!!
he says that scully was a man dressed as a woman but not pulling it off??? RUDE AS HELL! jail for 10,000 years. "HER HAIR WAS A LITTLE TOO RED, YOU KNOW?" LMAOOOOO and mulder was the “tall, lanky one” with a blank expression. well yeah that is an accurate depiction.
BUT THEN SHE GRABS HIM AND SAYS TO NEVER TELL ANYONE HE SAW THIS I’M CRYINGGGG... that had to be such a silly scene to film 
okay, seeing the part about subjective truths now. this is so funny... why is this loser making scully a hater in his version!!!
she’s PISSED to hear he claims she said this LMAOOO and that is ridiculous!! they even let him view the autopsy!!
so mulder takes this weirdo’s camera and records the autopsy?? scully cuts his brain open. and the tape ends up on late night television LMAOOOO
she’s mad that whoever got the film edited out all the important scientific findings!!! like the two layers of skin!!!
wait. it’s a zipper. this is a dead guy in an alien suit. LMAOOOOOOOOO
the weird UFO cameraman kid is ill after realizing it was an ordinary dead guy, and scully looks deeply pained as he runs away to get sick LMAOOO
so: who is this dead guy? he was in the air force! and his name is robert. but who arrives but more people from the air force!! are they here to bury him?? or question the agents…
the folks from the air force want robert back, so she has to break the news that he is dead, and being kept for investigation into kidnapping. can they see him? scully is like yeah sure but mulder says no!!! but you CAN talk to the other AWOL guy we brought in. GASP!! a bluff!!! and it works!! from this they learn there is another missing guy!
LMAOOOO except it doesn’t go as smoothly as intended, and mulder is all “hmm he was here a few minutes ago… guess he’s still AWOL… anyway wanna see the body?” I’M CRYING THIS MANNNN IS SO RIDICULOUS 
but bad news: the body is gone. 
cameraman UFO guy is sitting on his floor watching the autopsy tape. when in bursts… the men in black from the earlier garage scene!!!! they knock him out. 
he claims mulder slapped him back to reality. and that he ALSO threatened him... me when i lie.
so mulder doesn’t have the tape. but when he drives home a fully naked man is walking about in the woods. it’s the other missing lieutenant, jack!! he is repeating “this is not happening” in the same voice as the alien as before!!!!! HUH WHAT IS GOING ON?
mulder takes jack to eat. he claims to have piloted the "UFO", and that all the abductions are military stuff, and at the base the abductees are messed with mentally, until they come out convinced they were probed by aliens. 
well okay, if its all the government, than what abducted YOU, jack? he isn’t sure about anything at all anymore, even if he exists. until who walks in... but the military!!
wait, mulder points out, it can’t all be fake- who was the third alien? jack seems to know him by name- lord kinbote. HUH?
and mr. chung heard a story about that same night from the cook at the restaurant! apparently mulder ordered sweet potato pie? huh, that’s interesting. and he kept ordering more and more pies with each question he asked the chef. LMAOOOO I just KNOW that scene was hard to film!!!! scenes where people eat always make me wonder how many times they had to have that damn bite of pie. 
but he claims there was no jack, nor any air force personnel at all. just a hungry mulder. again, so what is the truth...
mr. chung points out that scully doesn’t seem too phased to learn about all the contradictions in this story, and she says well no, not after what happened next. because when he got back to the motel, the men in black were in her room, going through her stuff! they claim she went to get some ice. he’s got 'em at gunpoint, screaming WHERE IS SHE!!! all protective, okay i see you. but she really did go to get some ice???
okay… man in black says that some alien encounters are engineered by the government and then exposed to discredit truth seekers. and mulder counters, well, people say the men in black also do purposefully strange things, so that anyone describing them sounds crazy! they proceed to… try and hypnotize him?
mr. chung is GAGGED, and wants to know if it WAS alex trebek, but sadly scully cannot confirm, for has no memory of this!! 
she woke up the next morning to mulder in her room….? and mr. chung is also gagged to hear this. me too tbh like did he just sleep on the couch? well we know that is how he sleeps at home so i guess i'm not shocked.
mulder’s trying to explain that she didn’t just "let him in" last night, but detective manners calls and says they found a bleeping UFO.
and what is it but…. a plane!! a secret plane!! and who are they carrying away on stretcher but the missing airmen, jack and robert???? SO HOW DID THEY DIE!
mr. chung puts his pen down, baffled, and scully points out that this story may not have a lot of closure, but it’s more than some of their other cases, which is funny because it is true. and she’s playing with her earrings and it’s so cute.
cutscene to mr. chung typing at his place. until a shadow approaches and he holds a tiny gun!!!! he is ready for a showdown but it’s… mulder at the door?
WAIT how does chung recognize him… did scully show him pictures i'm crying
mulder is in chung's apartment, asking him to not write the book, because it will do a disservice to a field that has always struggled to maintain credibility. we can’t understand these alternate realities yet!!! well. compelling argument... but mr. chung needs a paycheck. 
OH! and mulder suspects that the book is a “covert agenda” of the military industrial complex. always theories upon theories with this guy...
mr. chung says the book WILL be written, but he needs an explanation from mulder: what really happened to those kids on that night?
his answer: how the hell should i know?
(it was so perfect, i thought the episode would end right here)
mr. chung says he has deadlines, and mulder looks very sad, very previously neglected shelter dog rizz, and walks out. back to mr. chung’s furious typing. 
okay, so the cameraman now works for the electrical company roky worked for. because roky moved to california, preaching on purification and the inner earth and core enlightenment. right right right makes sense.
cutscene to scully reading the finished book by mr. chung!!! she is fictionalized as “diane” who is “noble of spirit and pure of heart” but “nevertheless a federal employee” LMAOOOO
and mulder is “renard muldrake” LMAOOOOO that is such a funny name... he's watching something in bed shirtless as his fictionalized self is being described- “a ticking time bomb of insanity” AND HE’S WATCHING THE BIGFOOT TAPES BAHAHAHAHA
chrissy now is an environmental advocate and harold still loves her but it isn’t required. aww harold :(
mr. chung ends by saying that we are not alone in this universe, but in our own way, we are all alone.
this feels like one of those posts where people make up a bunch of information and then it all gets proven wrong so it is described as a "net zero information gain" bahaha
but don't get me wrong, i don't fully understand what happened, but i loved it. i was laughing, i was enjoying seeing the subjectivity of one story to the next, i was enjoying scully and chung time, and despite all the silly, we still got clues on the whole "is it aliens or the government" thing. and sure, maybe it doesn't make immediate sense, but you have to ponder these matters to learn what is at their heart!
so what DID we learn? well, some alien cases might be the government! but i guess that is still a "might", so maybe we can't truthfully say we LEARNED it. we learned that scully is a big fan of mr. chung!!! we learned that mulder is fiercely protective of his line of work from all his years of being ridiculed! and that he watches the famous bigfoot tape for fun and also maybe like sweet potato pie? it was unconfirmed.
i really enjoyed the playing with perspective, seeing how one character saw things, and then another. and seeing mulder and scully threaten that dweeb was so funny because it was so out of character and had to be silly to shoot.
and i thought it was impressive how it managed to tie back to the big alien and government mystery while still making me laugh so hard. how many past episodes can be analyzed through the lens of certain things being faked for exposure? and what REALLY happened to those airmen? we still don't know if mulder's convo with jack even happened! and we never will!
i came to appreciate the company of mr. chung immensely, even though i thought he was gonna be creepy after calling scully beautiful and touching her arm, but i suppose that he was just a genuinely sweet fellow. you can't blame me for being suspicious after some of the things she gets put through, but i'm sure that if i picked one of his books off the shelf, i, like scully, would be a fan.
overall, i am deeply pleased, and would love to give this a rewatch sometime when i am not taking notes so i could appreciate the pacing in more detail. man, season 3 has really been killing it, huh? and i'm nearing the end!!
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Julith et Jahash" - Part 2
Ohhh this will take me 20 years to get through due to me not knowing French. Pain.
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He doesn't want to go...
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There is a test called Kramdam. People, — young huppermages, — are selected randomly for it, and it is an honor, seemingly. But I do wonder what it entails.
(I also wonder if,,, if Joris, perhaps, had to go through whatever it is. God I can't wait to know more.)
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He can hardly cast a single spell...? I love you, Jahash. I love you a lot.
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"I'M A HUPPERNOBODY" and i'm going to die. If I write more fics about Joris's hupperangst, I am going to make him huppersay that.
The Jurgens have had 3-4 silly, silly generations of hupperangst.
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I don't believe you. #BontaHatersGang #TheirUn-BeautifulNation
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All guards are bastards btw. Including Keke, considering he used to be one.
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Imagine Kerubim and Joris in this situation. Haha. Haha. Haha. Haha. :))))))
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"I fucking hate Bonta AND I hate the huppermage academy and temple AND I hate——" (c) things both me, and 15-16yo Joris Jurgen would say.
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This comic is making me so emotional and by that I mean I would [DATA EXPUNGED] the castle of Bonta with explosive devices.
"Your father was a [ableist slur ableist slur] and you look like an [ableist slur ableist slur] and I hate you both. Especially you, even though I've known you for 3 minutes. But you CAN'T return home. We are sending you to huppermage hunger games and I really hope you die there. KILL YOURSELF."
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I am never going to take the huppermage academy seriously again after this. They're genuinely so fucking unspeakably cringe and evil.
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For all the "I am going to commit vehicular manslaughter on everyone in the huppermage academy (to avenge the babygirls (the entire Jurgen family))", I do wanna point out that it's cool, how the comic transitions from full colour style to manga, after Jahash drinks the recall potion.
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blackwolfstabs · 1 year
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 13
Sam is notorious for struggling with modern text language, memes, etc. and is always teased for doing so, but when she misspells a word on the same token, the rest of the Core Four can't let her live it down. (AU: Dead characters are alive)
Primary help from @samcscreams, @dreamersbcll, & @zombiemeadow Other contributing writers: @alkivm & @fantasylandbitch - ty so much for the help!! i couldn't have written it without each of you ♡
Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪
Sam: Guys, I gotta question.
Mindy: What’s up??
Chad: Shoot
Tara: what is it?????
Sam: What does “IDK, LY,” and “TTYL” mean?
Tara: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Sam: Ok, love you too Tara ❤️ Chad, Mindy, do either of you know??
Mindy: omg 😂
Chad: I don’t know, love you, and talk to you later
Sam: Oh ok. Wow I guess I asked at a bad time. Everyone’s busy haha
Mindy: NO SAM THAT’S WHAT THEY MEAN!!! IDK means “I don’t know”, LY means “love you”, and TTYL is “talk to you later” 🤣🤣🤣
Tara: lmfao DUHHHH
Chad: #sendhelp4sam
Sam: Fuck..
Mindy: Girl keep up!! 
Tara: that’s hard for her bc she wasn’t born in this century. she’s like lowkey a boomer fr
Mindy: Ahhh right
Tara: ok, boomer
Mindy: just by a year, barely
Chad: wait… Sam are you related to Uncle Sam????
Sam: Are you serious… no, I’m not..
Mindy: OK gotta agree with Boomer Sam here. Just because they have the same name doesn’t mean they’re related, dingus
Sam: Stop.
Tara: lol “boomer sam”
Sam: . . . . .
Chad: 21th century got ur tongue there, old timer?? 😂
Tara: nah her dentures probably fell out
Sam: You don’t need your mouth to fucking text…
Tara: ah my bad, then is it the arthritis?
Mindy: Bet it’s the arthritis 100%
Sam: That’s not funny.
Mindy: No, T, don’t shout out her, you know how the ol’ elders feel about loud and obnoxious noises 
Chad: OHHH Sam’s that old fish from that one episode of spongebob that kept yelling “Too loud! Still too loud!” it’s so sam-coded 🫡
Tara: ahahahahaha fr tho!!!!
Sam: No, it’s ducking not.
Sam: *fucking
Chad: Ducking??????? DUCKING???!!!!!
Tara: poor thing hasn’t gotten reading glasses yet. I told u to get some a looooooonnngg time ago Sam! did u seriously forget again?? 
Sam: Give me a break, it was autocorrect…
Mindy: Uh.. of course she did! She probably hasn’t refilled her dementia medication yet smh
Chad: *WOULD YOU GUYS STOP?! - You forgot the question mark there, senior citizen
Chad: Now, she can’t grammar correctly.. Someone get her Life Alert before she does anything else!!!!! 
Sam: Fuck you.
Chad: Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌
Sam: You’re not even using correct grammar either so stfu.
Tara: oh man, I hope you’re sitting down, Sam. don’t want u getting so worked up that u fall and break a hip.. 🫣
Mindy: emphasized “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”
Mindy: replied to “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”: Oh my God, THAT’S IT!!!
Mindy named the group chat “Granny Sam’s LifeAlert Team 🚑🏥”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Granny Sam 🧓”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Chad: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Yesss! We must protect Granny Sam, she’s quite frail after all 🙏
Tara: true, very true
Granny Sam 🧓: 🖕🖕🖕
Chad: rude.
Mindy: Don’t take it personal. She’s just cranky because she hasn’t had her afternoon nap. Who wants to volunteer to take her to bed???
Tara: nose goes! 🫢
Chad: Not it!!
Granny Sam 🧓: I swear to God if I hear someone outside my door, I’ll fucking show you how to take it personal, starting with you, Tara.
Granny Sam 🧓: How’s THAT for cranky?
Chad: Oooooohhhh she mad now…
Mindy: It’s fine. By the time she would get across the room, she’d probably have to sit down. Bad back and everything yk?? Old people probs 🤷‍♀️
Granny Sam 🧓: Ok, Tara, you can thank Mindy because she just took your place in being the one I beat the shit out of first.
Tara: Thx Mindy, love u 🩷
Mindy: Is that supposed to scare me, grandma?
Granny Sam 🧓: It should.
Granny Sam 🧓: Change my name back. Change the group name back. And change the goddamn picture back!
Mindy: Uhhhh excuse you… magic word???
Granny Sam 🧓: Are you serious?
Mindy: Damn straight.
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine.
Granny Sam 🧓: Please.
Mindy: Nah, I’m good
Granny Sam 🧓: MINDY
Chad: I’m finna bet money. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mindy: Okay, but I hope you have medicaid, Ms. Nancy Loomis II
Granny Sam 🧓: THAT’S IT
Tara: O-O 
Tara: shit just got real
Chad: yep. U shouldn’t have brought her real grandma into it.. It was nice knowing u, Mindy 💀
Tara: rip 🪦💐
Mindy: Okay guys, send help. I actually think she might be coming to kill me…
Tara added Billy to the group.
Tara: BILLY!!! ok u know I would never ask for ur help but… CONTROL UR DAUGHTER SHE’S GONE MAD
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Chad: Ok, well she’s dead
Mindy: Chef’s kiss perfection tho!! 🤌🤌
Tara: NO SERIOUSLY!!! she’s gonna kill Mindy any minute now. U need to stop her 😳
Billy: I’m guessing Sam’s pissed because of the group name, icon, and… her contact name?
Chad: YES!!!!
Billy: Sam, you’re not killing Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: You asking me or telling me?
Billy: Good point. I’m TELLING you. You’re NOT KILLING Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: Or what?
Billy: Well I’d tell you, but I don’t think you want the other 3 to hear.
Tara: 👀
Chad: 😳
Mindy: ?????
Granny Sam 🧓: ……
Granny Sam 🧓: You’re lucky I love you, Mindy..
Mindy: I know I am 😎
Billy: Good girl.
Granny Sam 🧓: Don’t even start.
Billy: Hey, they called me for you. You’re the one who started shit.
Chad: Hey Billy, if I paid you, would you tell us what you would’ve done??
Tara: O.o
Granny Sam 🧓: Hey Chad, if I paid you, would you shut up?
Chad: nope!
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine. Then Billy, if I paid you, would you get the hell out of here?
Tara: lol
Billy: Sorry Chad, but as tempting as that sounds, no. And Sam, how much are we talking?
Granny Sam 🧓: A dollar.
Billy: No.
Granny Sam 🧓: Get out.
Billy: Someone change everything that was changed back to normal first. If I leave and get dragged back into this, you’re all gonna pay. 😈
Chad: Yes sir! 🫡
Tara: that’s you, Mindy
Mindy named the group chat “Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪”
Mindy changed Granny Sam 🧓’s contact name to “Sam”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Billy left the group.
Sam: Thank you.
Chad: Don’t thank us, thank your dad
Sam: Take the win, Chad.
Chad: 🫡
Mindy: Okay sooooo what was all that about between you and your father, Sam???? He was like gonna.. Punish you or something?
Sam: Or something. I honestly don’t know what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let it get far enough to know so… 🤷‍♀️
Tara: OR you’re secretly a “daddy’s girl” and don’t want us to know?????? 🤔
Sam: Tara…
Mindy: Hmm that gives me an idea… 💡
Mindy named the group chat “Princess Loomis 👑🔪”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Daddy’s Girl”
Daddy’s Girl: FUCK
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this was so fun to write holy shit xD but my apologies if anything said by any of the characters offends you.
to all of my mentioned peeps above, i hope i did your ideas justice! ik i didn't do everything, but i had so much fun writing this that i know i will definitely be writing more text chats at some point. i'll get to the others! thank you again and blessings to you all. ☀
All my best! ♡ - parker
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (you are here) Part 6 ...
Overall Warnings: grotesque written imagery, body horror, blood, possession(?) sort of (more like integrating), voices, loss of self (since this isn't really MCD), darker WWX (he's not classic wwx), violence, sexual content.
No warnings for this part ❤ i mean unless u are completely allergic to romantic interactions then maybe there's a warning for that. It gets spicier towards the end but cuts.
THIS PART...is not the full thing. i can't post the whole thing (i cut it early and i plan to write a scene that will not be on tumblr) bc of tumblr TOS. but i wanted to post part of it, so here is part of the 5th section that i can share.
Part 5
· ✦ Feverish ✦ ·
If anything, the minute they’d gotten a room in the inn, Lan Wangji was not expecting Wei Wuxian to immediately steal a kiss. And another. And…another.
The minutes blurred together, and despite the taste of tin on the other’s tongue that set off alarm bells in the back of his mind, he was kissing Wei Wuxian. The man he loved all these years, all this time balled up in his inner conflicts, pining, worrying, and hoping coming to fruition in such a sudden fashion.
He managed to push against Wei Wuxian’s shoulders however when another worry suddenly flared in the back of his mind. “W…Wei Ying. Wait.”
Wei Wuxian’s face flickered with impatience, but he sighed, leaning against the others arms and smiling up at him instead. “Hmmm? Yes?”
“Is this…what you want?”
Those crimson eyes turned up again in subtle mirth. “Hm? Was the tongue I shoved down your throat just now not enough of a hint?”
“W-Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji sighed and pulled him to the bed to sit. “You’re not just…toying?”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened once more. Ohhh, that's what this was about. “Oh, haha, haha!” He smiled wide, waving a hand quickly as if the other had said something terribly funny. “You think I've played like this with anyone before?”
Lan Wangji’s silence just stunned the other cultivator more.
“What, you really thought I’d be the type?”
“You…flirt a lot.”
“You mean used to.”
“...” Lan Wangji supposed it made sense that the other stopped flirting if he was traumatized by whatever happened. Ah, that's right- “Wei Ying…I would-” He’s silenced however by a finger to his mouth.
“You’re my first kiss.” Wei Wuxian stated matter of factly. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something, but who knew I'd have to chase it out of you.”
Lan Wangji swallowed involuntarily, only speaking again once the other removed his finger. “That’s not what I was…”
“I don’t wanna talk about that nasty stuff right now…” Wei Wuxian pouted, pushing the other back slowly by pressing forward more and more, until Lan Wangji’s back was pressed against the bed. He chuckled softly, the sound eliciting a shiver up the other’s spine. “I wanna talk about my bunny’s feelings and kiss until we can hardly breathe. In that order.”
“Wei Ying…!” Lan Wangji turned his head away, but Wei Wuxian just laughed and mouthed at his exposed neck instead, earning hands firmly squeezing his arms and a shuddering breath next to his ear.
“Okay…maybe it doesn’t have to be in order…” Wei Wuxian brought his head up, licking his lips slowly with a little coy grin. “Maybe we can add a few other things to the list too.” his eyes glow subtly, and the grind of his hips elicits a husky gasp out of his bedmate.
“I’d like to taste a little more than your mouth and neck, I think.”
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
Colonel Snuggles to the rescue!
I heard Lambcat said a few episodes ago were the last fun episode? Well as far as I remember at least. But nah, THIS CHAPTER WAS CHERRY ON TOP.
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Frederick?? :') How do you go through around 5 years of military academy and still not know what take out means 😭 Well too be fair, it could mean MANY things, and I would most likely say similar things to him in this situation.
DANG LORENA IS SO COOL??? Like, building all these traps?? SHE MUST GET A+ ON THIS PROJECT. Not to mention she managed to create it to be fairly simple and easy to understand!
Suzie!! I see she has a pretty complicated relationship with denial huh?
DANG, It has been almost 2 weeks since the gala?! Huh. I really thought it's only been like 4 days or so.
Wait. Then how long was the Plaid Princes in that dungeon...? GODAMNNIT LELAND.
Ayyy Colonel Snuggles to the rescue!! :D
HAHA HERE COMES THE HOME ALONE CHAOS (i wish i could build smth like this)
I love it when "silly" looking defenses are use >:D Like the marbles? The chattering teeth? I'M IN FOR THESE.
Still kinda curious though. How thick is the palace's walls? Because with all these chaos, there's no way they haven't heard a sound yet. Or maybe that will be shown in the next chapter? Hm, this was supposed to be an invasion, after all. So perhaps it does makes sense for them to not notice a thing about what's going on outside.
Also, where is Beckett and the old guard (we need his name. Please lambcat? Please tell us his name :'D)? I imagine they must be laughing the heck outta these. Either that or they are secretly getting in the palace to warn the princesses!! Maybe through the back door? That door gotta have a use other than being used by Gwen to sneak out to the cpc.
You know, writing these made me realize something. Maybe I'm just not getting something, and maybe I'm just not cut out for huge war strategy, but why didn't they (the plaid army) use the back door? Yes, there are lots of them in quantity and so getting them all in would be a pain, but who's to say they can't just sneak a few in to get the key and open the entrance? That way they can also see where the princesses are! If you want to be safer, have some of them disguised as perhaps a maid? Or a butler. You just gotta avoid Molly and you'll be fine! Well, except if the key is on Molly that is..
Also just wanna point out they are being laughed at by cursed people who Leland hates, the youngest son of the Plaid Kingdom who was deemed to be a failure, and the princels. Idk about you man, but I would feel absolutely mortified if I were you lmfao.
Aside from that, we finally got it.. the satisfying moment..
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OHHH THAT'S WHAT THE PREMONITION IS, ISN'T IT?? The metal ball is gonna roll into the cpc and potentially crush the tent!! That's why Nell moved the tent, right? Yeah, I'm calling it!
GWEN LMAO. She's boutta have some wild dreams with all the noises 😭😭
Well, that's all for now! Imma binge on some shows after this hehe. But honestly my mind still can't get over how the newest fast pass episode is titled "Unhappily Ever After" 😭 I guess I gotta prepare for lots of angst :')
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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linawritesocs · 1 year
jay's union birthday ssr vignette + art!
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it's jay's bday!! :D
i remind you that i only see fake!jay as a playable character while real!jay does appear in the story, you can't play as him, so he doesn't get his own vignette. he does get mentioned though!
and here's another reminder that in the third year/graduated versions post i've mentioned that fake!jay's personality would change a lot and.. as i said, i want my characters to actually get older, so you can see him already starting to act differently in this vignette <3
also this one is a bit short bc i basically had to speedrun both writing his vignette and drawing his bday art
[ part 1 ]
[ ujasiri dorm lounge - birthday venue ]
jay: "i wonder who i will get as my presenter."
jay: "it's probably gonna be allen-senpai, isn't it.."
jay: "or maybe it will be blythe-senpai-"
???: happy birthday, jay-chan!!~ ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ
jay: ".. oh. it's still a speculum student, but a different one."
jay: ".. the dorm leader, to be more exact."
angel: i was chosen to be your presenter! \ (^-^) /
angel: and i promise to take my job very seriously. ( ̄ー ̄)
jay: ".. a-are all speculum students like that? maybe they're just trying to be more like their dorm leader?"
jay: "i think blythe-senpai is like.. the only exception."
jay: i-i see.. i'm happy to see you, ashley-senpai-
angel: please call me angel! (>_<) everybody calls me that and you should too~ ^‿^
jay: by the way, why do people call you that? is it like.. a nickname or something?
angel: eh, i don't know, someone came up with it and said that it suits me because i'm so kind. (• ε •)
jay: .. but what is an "angel" exactly?..
angel: i don't know, ask seth-chan about it. he came up with it and when he explained it to the other students, they agreed that it's perfect for me and i just played along. ╮(─▽─)╭
jay: .. oh, so it was his idea..
angel: but enough about me!( ̄へ ̄ ) it's your day after all! v(⌒o⌒)v♪
angel: oh, that reminds me, i have a present for you! O(≧▽≦)O
angel: to be honest, i don't know much about you, so i just picked it based on what allen-chan has told me. (╯︵╰,)
angel: here, open it! ヾ(^∇^)
jay: ".. i'm gonna be honest, i'm a little scared."
jay: ".. hm?"
jay: oh, it's a book.
jay: let me see..
jay: .. wait a second.
jay: .. i-it has another book inside of it??
jay: and it has a third book inside too..
jay: just how many-
angel: it has only seven of them, sadly. (。-_-。) i really wanted your gift to be special and i know that reading is one of your main hobbies, but i felt like just getting one book for you isn't enough..
angel: i was told that this book will have at least ten more books inside of it! (ಠ ∩ಠ) what do you mean it has only seven??
jay: all of them look very interesting though.
jay: thank you, ash- um, angel-senpai. i appreciate it.
angel: .. you like it? you really mean it?
jay: yes.
angel: ...
angel: .. i'm so happy!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
angel: thank you so much, jay-chan! i was so worried that you won't like it.. o(╥﹏╥)o
jay: haha, it's okay, it's okay.
jay: ".. is it true? were they really worried about such a thing?"
jay: "i just can't figure them out at all."
[ part 2 ]
angel: okay, it's time for the birthday interview! ┗(^0^)┓
angel: here's the first question! ヾ(*´∇`)ノ
angel: "if you could choose one person from the royal sword academy as a sibling, who would it be?" └(★o★)┐
angel: it can't be someone from your dorm though! (◡︿◡)
jay: a sibling?..
angel: oh, oh, i bet you're gonna choose allen-chan! (σ≧▽≦)σ you two are very close after all~ (人´∀`)
jay: um, well..
jay: to be honest, when we first met, i saw him as someone completely different.. like, totally not a sibling figure..
angel: eh? what does that mean? (*°ヮ° *)
jay: n-never mind.
jay: hm.. yes, i think i know who i would choose.
angel: ohhh?? (•⊙ω⊙•) so excited!! ☆(◒‿◒)☆
jay: i think it would be roland-senpai. you know, the gardening club leader.
angel: !! really?? (⊙︿⊙)
angel: ah, it's probably because of his big brother figure vibes! ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)
jay: haha, i guess you can say so.
jay: but the thing is.. roland-senpai really is someone i can fully trust. i admire him a lot.
angel: oh?? ◉‿◉ i wonder why.. (◠‿◠✿)
jay: well, you see.. roland-senpai has not the best reputation, i agree.
jay: but he tries his best to become a better person. and even if he still has his moments of weakness, he never gives up.
jay: i don't know what he did and what kind of person he was in the past, but.. i can try to guess.
jay: and i respect him a lot for still trying to make friends and being nice to everyone even though almost all rsa students either hate him, think he's scary or just ignore him.
angel: .. oh no, now i feel bad for roland-chan.. o(;△;)o
angel: i didn't know that people hate him?? ಥ_ಥ why would they be so cruel to him?? he's such a nice and kind person!!
angel: i wish i knew about it.. i want him to feel safer here. (╯︵╰,) i heard that he used to go to nrc before transferring here. now that i think about it, it does make sense why so many rsa students dislike him..
angel: it doesn't mean that they should hate him though! they should be nicer to him! ( ⇀ ‸ ↼ )
jay: and also.. even though i said that i don't see allen-senpai as a sibling figure, i still admire him too.
jay: p-please don't tell him that though. he won't stop mentioning it all the time if he finds out.
angel: really?? how cute!! so you two really are close! ( ≧◡≦ )
jay: i just admire him for not trying to be like the other rsa students, that's all.
angel: .. huh? what do you mean by that, jay-chan? (。・_・。)
jay: allen-senpai is weird. he's really weird, he's scary, he never thinks before doing something and he gets a new crush like every week.
jay: .. but that's what makes him unique. he doesn't try to be like other rsa students, who act like stuck up royals and pretend to be better than they actually are.
jay: he just doesn't know that his flaws are.. well, flaws. he thinks it's normal to act like that. most of the time he's not doing it on purpose or with bad intentions. he just does what he thinks is right.
jay: .. b-but i would still never want an older brother like that.
angel: haha, and here i was hoping that you will say something like "even though i don't show it, i care about him a lot"!(^v^)
angel: but it's okay. i can see that you like allen-chan more than you think you do. ≖‿≖
jay: h-hey-
angel: oh, are you friends with any nrc students, by the way? (*´・v・) you do come there often after all.
jay: "most of the time i come to nrc only to tell allen-senpai to come back to rsa.."
jay: hm.. i guess so? there's this one student from savanaclaw who i didn't expect to become close with, but he's surprisingly nice even though he looks kinda scary, haha.
jay: .. there's also this one person who i also saw as my sibling figure. he was like a twin to me, to be honest.
jay: i'm not sure if i still want to be associated with him though.
angel: wait, what?? ( °□° ) what does that mean, jay-chan?? please, i need answers-
jay: next question, please.
[ part 3 ]
angel: o-okay.. ahem, if you were to join any dorm other than ujasiri, which dorm would you choose?
jay: .. i don't know.
angel: huh? really? come on, i think you would be perfect for, like, any dorm in this school, jay-chan! (人´∀`*)
angel: you're basically like a prince after all-
jay: hey, angel-senpai, am i really that popular?
jay: i don't have that many friends here, so..
angel: hm.. i heard many people say that they think you're like a perfect rsa student to them! (^▽^)
angel: sure, maybe you can be a bit awkward sometimes and you need to be more confident, but you're smart, polite and very pretty! your unique magic is so fun too! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
jay: .. interesting.
angel: sooooo, which dorm would you go with? (°⌣°) oh, may i suggest spec-
jay: no.
jay: "i've already heard enough from blythe-senpai.."
jay: "just say something already. i want them to leave me alone."
jay: ".. but i want to give an honest answer too.."
jay: um.. enaskota, maybe?
angel: ohhh, makes sense! since you're the smart and curious type and all. (✿◠‿◠)
angel: but sometimes i'm surprised to see just how much you actually don't know about this world. seriously, you look like a lost child sometimes, haha. ヾ(^∇^)
jay: .. haha, yeah, i do have those moments sometimes.
jay: "okay, that's it, i can't stay with this person in the same room. say what you want about allen-senpai, but i'd rather run to him right now."
jay: u-um, angel-senpai, don't you think it's time for the "gift of good fortune"?
jay: or do you have more questions for me?
jay: "i sure hope you don't."
angel: nope, i've only got two of them! (。´∀`)ノ
jay: "what kind of interview is that??"
angel: okay, are you ready then, jay-chan? (。◝‿◜。)
jay: i am. thank you for being my presenter, angel-senpai.
jay: "please, just throw it at me already and let me go!.."
angel: ehehe, okay!~ (σ≧▽≦)σ
angel: happy birthday, jay-chan! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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gaminggirlsstuff · 2 years
Omgg you saw the love and such they have for each other. And yes oh my god the tension you can just be sensing between this to love birds was just 🤭 I’m so freaking happy you love them sm, that’s all i can ever hope for when it comes to writing them.
I think having Iceman alive is the best idea, I don’t think I have the heart to make them suffer. So far I mentioned and hinted to Jenny Mitchell aka Mav’s daughter hehe with Rooster. Just wait until Hangman finds out Rooster likes someone else all along 😆 I was thinking on having the iconic new beach scene and a cute date afterwards, maybe a stolen kiss or two??? 👀 🤭 introduced Grace who is kinda like Amber’s auntie, have some girl talk with them.
I still haven’t figured out an exact ending for them. If you have any ideas for a sweet ending or something I will like to hear about it, or any thoughts in general on this ship haha
Yep I totally noticed it and rooster is just head over heels in love with Jenny which is just totally awesome 🥺🤞✨ ohhh- they could all have a double date or something . Oh my god hangman finding out rooster has a crush on Jenny is just ( this is gonna be an interesting conversation @jackiequick 😜 ) .
Omg do the iconic beach scene pls it's would be totally cute ! ( And they both would have cute kiss at the beach or a make out session 🤭) Yep and totally introduce grace ( I'm excited to see how this interaction plays out between her and amber ! )😇 . Hmmm let me think for an ending with this two , ( they really deserve a Good ending) honestly I have an idea but at the moment it's just totally unorganized so I'll get back with you on that later !🙃
( Ok I thought of something it's kinda still work progress I still want to add more to this so here the scenario' Hangman plans out this whole surprise proposal for Amber after being with her for many months { or a year or two } and his plan is that to propose to her at sunset on the beach and he has decorated it with fairy lights and with a cute beach set up { and kinda recreated it as their first date 'u know if u wanna change it u can JJ ' } and they would have a totally cute dinner afterwards and he would totally be a head over heels in love this awesome women🤭! Since he had meet her at the Bar for the very first time . And he would get down on one knee and he would say looking at the start night that ' Amber you are the brightest star in my sky ' ok now I'm out of ideas but u can change it to your liking JJ ! ) Can't wait to read more 😉!
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mikodrawnnarratives · 3 months
I just got hit with a bunch of nostalgia out of nowhere from remembering this one fic I got OBSESSED with on fimfiction as a kid
It was a fluttercord fic where the jist of the premise was that ponyville or whatever village au they existed in sent brides to discord to satiate him or whatever ever ten years. Why? I don't remember. I think they believed he would destroy their town or smthn
And like they'd have a whole thing for when the brides got chosen out of a set of girls in town and that specific year Fluttershy ended up getting sent down. And in this fic they had it so that the ponies only had to live with him for a decade but they were never seen again after the fact so. No one believed that
Anyway Fluttershy gets sent down to his tower or smthn and Fluttershy just vomits at the very start of his castle out of nerves I think. Discord gets disgusted I can't remember if he showed any care at this point but whatever
I think what got kid me hooked was that it's revealed the majority of the main six were previously his "brides" sent up and they just decided it was all cool with them to stick around after ten yrs. They imply Discord isn't all that bad I think and r very supportive of Fluttershy. And none of them are romantically involved with Discord either I can't remember the reasons why but he was oddly just chill with them but NOT FLUTTERSHY XFHDH Discord had weird demands for Fluttershy and I have no idea wjat the point was. Anywy something I remember having A HUGE theory on was that Discord saved RD
Context, Rd and flutters were friends growing up still in the au but Rd got lost in a nearby forest and everyone believed she died. Flutters almost died but got saved by something implied to be discord. And I remember being like YOO DISCORD GOT RD OUT OF THERE TOO AND RD IS TOTALLY WITH THE OTHER MAIN SIXX I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REVEAL FLUTTERSHY IS GONNA BE THRILLEDDDD OHHH
I drew art for when it'd happen
But the last chapter I remember ended on only half of the main six telling their stories and introducing themselves n I don't know if the author ever finished it. I can't even remember the title. I think it had "bride" in it somewhere but I don't know for sure. I'd probably find it on my old tablet I think I downloaded a lot of fics on it
It was probably much much shittier than I remember, it wouldn't shock me if the plot was ripped off something else (that has happened to me B4 with a fic I got uper invested in) (it was an ml fic and they took the plot from a Spanish drama but switched the names it was insane) and just thinking about it makes me realize it was def out of character for fluttercord but I was OBSESSED I remember drawing art for it. I wonder if I look through my old drawings if I'll find it
I didn't have an account at the time I don't think. I was probably too young to be online at the time but it's crazy u can have someone OBSESSED with ur writing and never know online
Moral of the story is comment ig lollll
If I find the art Ill let u know haha
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
I really enjoyed the chapter i have a few ideas lol but first about baby jun not eating i hope they get that figured out soon🥺Also since it was a flash alarm im kinda nervous a little more now cause i do think the possibility for her being pregnant is likely and since oc isn't ready for another but baek is im stuck lol like I want them to have another to expand their beautiful family but at the same time oc went through a lot with the triplets idk im curious when they go to that doctors and the outcome. Also everyone telling oc how lucky she is to have baek like I get it but i hope she's okay mentally and her self esteem doesn't overtake her and cause a outburst or her shutting down completely😥or maybe im thinking too much into it idk im just hoping the best.
a idea I thought was does the angst have to do with khyunghee sister she seems like she and baek had something going on and whatever happened obviously didn't work in her favor seeing baek and oc are together, it reminded me of the chapter where oc went back to the village when baek was away and her remarks she made to her sister doing the YouTube channel and how it won't get her anywhere unless she was in oc position where it insinuated how oc pretty much got everything easy for her cause of baek, idk she seems spiteful or just suspicious 🤔
Or is the angst in front of our faces this entire time im nervous lol can you tell us that much lol you also said heartbreak does it tie into the angst or no and I'm having a lot of thoughts of what that could be but I'm not gonna say yet cause I'm still thinking 😂
Thanks again for the chapter I love this story alot the best story I've read in a while everything is balanced so well it's chef kiss can't wait for the next your doing amazing❤
Thank you so much for your precious feedback! ☺️
Jun is the weakest baby and it will keep showing for a while I’m afraid but overall he is a healthy boy 🥺 the two girls are so evil, one baby has to tone down the craze haha. Oh, you are on the right path. OC can be pregnant but she isn’t now. It was a fake alarm, but in the future she can get pregnant, of course.
I find it interesting that you all picked up on OC’s anxiety about people telling her she is lucky. She is building herself up, so being anxious about her situation is natural and I didn’t write it explicitly but you picked up on it 🥺❤️ Kyunga’s words were unnecessary and actually not true 🤬
Nope! Kyunga nor Kyunghee don’t have anything to do with “the heartbreak”. It will be solely the fault of Baek and OC - both will be to blame, both will have to work it out. But I’m happy you referred to that chapter ^^ 😊 because yes, Kyunga’s character is complex and since she was involved in a way with Baek (whom she loved) she grew to hate OC. Kyunga already had a little sarcastic/dishonest remark back in Simply Yours when Baek and OC went to countryside for Korean New year 💁‍♀️
Ohhh bby, I know I am teasing too much with the upcoming angst >.< It isn’t entirely in front of our faces now; some things still need to happen for it to all go down, but there had been foreshadowing already! That’s all I can say sorry 🥺😣 honestly a lot will go down in a single chapter, I’m taking baby steps to lead us to it. Just a little longer and I’ll break your heart I promise!! Metaphorically ofc 😆
Hence the next chapter will be again long. Time skips and growth both for both parents and triplets. ^^ thank you for reading and for your kind words, I’m very humbled🥺 I’ll try my best not to disappoint you!
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arnold-layne · 4 years
sorry for the late reply, the electricity was ✨gone✨ since 8 am (technically it still is, but at least my tumblr works); it's 2:20 pm as i write it
ohhh in this case it's okay, even tho we we're worried about you, it's good that you crawled back a bit. it's okay to take a break, even flowers don't bloom all the time <3 and how are those new meds? any better??
the shitty sound was my fault, i didn't hit the notes many times and sounded just unlistenable :( well, mom said it's not as bad as i say, but i know i can do better and that low-key kills me, but i'm trying my best to not choke myself with pride&perfection, i swear :(
syrniki!!! i miss taste of those, so basically it's very similar, but it's a cake and it's not fried on pan.....but now i'm thinking about making syrniki.....yeah totally will make'em 👀
ah i forgot Moscow is well known as gray city not without a reason :( but!!! it's gonna be better soon!! as spring is closer and closer the sun is gonna come out even for a while!! :) also here it's similar, but one day we have snow and other we have sun....that sucks too!
omg go, comrade, go!!! fingers hurt only in the beginning, the more you practice, the less you feel it!! i don't have the toughest fingers, but they don't hurt that much! :) oooooh i love your writing, it's so 🧚✨🍃👁️🌈 (sorry, i couldn't fit it in words 😂), can't wait to see new stuff coming from you!!!!
....and i almost forgot to say that i'm fine, still a bit unmotivated, but fine overall! :) drink your water and stay safe <3
Dude don't ever apologise for late replies I'm replying this a day late and I'm very bad at replying in general so. It's okay.
Yeah I kinda took a break, I was isolated and didn't have to go to uni so it was like a holiday at first but then I slowly began to go insane from loneliness (I was there alone, in a small room with like a bed, a table and a nightstand) and an episode happened. And I was also really stressed about studying then so I was also super anxious which didn't help. But the test week in uni passed so I can exhale a little and relax. Yeah, about new meds, not really new I tried taking them a year ago but it didn't go well then (I had super strong side effects, I couldn't even think straight), but, surprisingly, it goes alright now since I take a very small dose. So let's wait an see how it goes.
Hey yeah you know you can do better, but you know what? You're a human, and humans aren't perfect all the time! Your best varies from day to day depending on a lot of factors, so while I'm sure you can hit those notes alright I'm also sure you don't need to stress over it too much.
Ahh I know, like syrniki and cheesecake kinda have the same ingredients but they are shaped and cooked differently....still delicious, both of them 😋 I'm no good at cooking, here at the dorm I don't have needed appliances (or like, I have...but they're super old and these fucking gas stoves take ages to cook, besides, the kitchen is infested with cockroaches so I'm not going there for the love of my life), so I just eat like. bread. apples, a lot of them. frozen pancakes. sandwiches. Overall, things that are tasty and don't need cooking. Unfortunately, there's not many of those so I kinda eat the same three things over and over.
Today is a very sunny day and I'm glad :) but these days happen like once a week. I remember it was a sunny day last Saturday. I felt heat from the sun on my skin!!! for the first time this year!!! Spring, man 💕
Oh yeah I know it just takes practice, doesn't mean I won't complain about it 😂 I really fell behind on my guitar practice, I need to play more. But now it's kinda a choice: you play or you write, you don't have time for both. And I choose writing....
Ohhh haha thank you I understood what you meant 😂❤️ I even wrote a poem based on the fic, my poetry sucks because I write it like once a month but I just felt it, man. Idk if I will post it with the fic or not so far. I need to finish the fic first 😭
Love u ❤️
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agajsksns not gonna lie being 10 feet tall sounds awesome. i have no idea how tall that is because the only thing i know about feet (that sounds so wrong) is that google is telling me that i'm 5'6 (sorry to disappoint). which is. average height right? well it doesn't feel like it coz my best friends are giants. they're both 180+ cm tall and they constantly make fun of me for being short. but honestly i win because i can always make them reach things for me.
thank you! that's very sweet, i actually only saw your reply like 20 minutes before the new year so it was right on time! i loved writing to you and waiting to hear back as well, you're a really fun person to talk to!
i know you probably won't see this for a couple of weeks before going on holiday, but have fun!
i laughed really hard at the picture my brain conjured up when reading about you dropping the vampire act and starting to pretend to be a mouse, just straight up scurrying up to the houses on all fours in a bathrobe is hilarious. i'd pay to see that. and yeah! me either. the number of times i've gone outside at night is probably like 3. that's counting that time when i went for ice cream at 11pm to the store on the other side of the street in my pajamas and then had to turn back because it apparently closes at 10 pm. that was a pretty big disappointment
a halloween themed birthday party sounds awesome! it's sort of disappointing though that you can barely remember it. the only themed birthday party i had (or at least the only one that i remember) was princess themed because i was on my princess faze back then (i was 5 or 6 i think). i still remember the sheer joy i felt at being able to wear a long fancy dress. it was brilliant
oh yeah! i'm still slightly scared of blenders because of that time. now anytime i even put my fingers close to the blade i unplug it first. also i saw you got a blender? i think we have one that's similar to the one you described. so i have a couple of suggestions! i like to make banana "ice cream". you just cut up a banana into pieces and freeze it, (i have no idea how long it takes to freeze i just generally always have frozen bananas in my freezer) then you take them out, let them sit for 10 minutes (to not break the blender when you use it) and blend them. i sometimes add frozen berries or peanut butter too! depending on what i want that day. it's great, especially because i'm slightly lactose intolerant too and i absolutely love ice cream. you can also make smoothies as you said. i usually put in mine whatever fruit we have, generally apples, bananas and oranges or grapefruits. or if i'm making one for breakfast (which i know you can't, but this is just a generally more filling option i think?) i also add spinach. you can't really feel the taste but it's supposed to be good for you and it fills you up more (it does make the smoothie super green though!). but yeah i pretty much just mix and match anything i have! also: milkshakes. ice cream, berries (optional) and milk! super easy and my little cousins love it when they visit!
ohhh your grater also seems to be out to get you. i bet it's really painful if it actually falls on your feet, because like metal. on foot. ouch. especially if it hits you with a corner! and i would definitely also get surprised every time it happened no matter how many times it did! bifocal glasses do not sound fun either tho. i would constantly forget how to use them and probably would just get headache really fast too! i get a headache from my normal glasses when i wear them (i usually wear contacts) so bifocal ones would be even worse i bet.
exactly. i had no idea what "hot" means. i thought you were supposed to use it when you thought a person was aesthetically pleasing? or like you thought they look cute? i dunno. i used it a couple of times before i realised that was not what that meant and then i was just like uhhhh yeah i'm gonna delete that word from my vocab. yeah! i think that ace and probably aro too are pretty hard to figure out because it's the lack of something.
ahahsksns i can imagine tiny Lindsey waking up on Christmas morning and running to the window expecting snow in the middle of summer and it's so funny! i can't say anything though because we have this saying in lithuanian which is used essentially when someone does something unexpected and unusual for them so you say "it's gonna snow tomorrow". as in "wow, [name] did [something super unexpected from them], it must be snowing tomorrow" (because like those are equally unexpected things i guess? but it's said in winter too so it's just something you say whenever, i'm sorry it's hard to explain!) but yeah a figure of speech. and anytime i heard that, even in the middle of summer, the next morning i'd run to my window and look for snow and when there was none, i'd just stare accusatorily at my parents. like wow, i can't believe you lied/let someone lie to me
horse races sound fun, i've never been to one though! and a picnic luch sounds awesome! i love picnics but we have them very rarely, i definitely think we should have them more often
and yeah, i get that acid reflux more of an annoyance than a problem but still! i completely agree with you about peanut butter though. it's amazing, i could eat it everyday
I know exactly how tall 10 feet is purely because I’m 5 foot so two of me is 10 foot. I barely know feet but I got used to people being confused when I was like oh, I’m 155cm! so I learnt what my height was in feet but I can really only visualise heights when I put them into centimetres. Someone can be like I’m 6 foot! and that’s great but I don’t have the faintest idea how tall that actually is. 182cm on the other hand is easy. that’s just like one ruler above my height. I can picture that. 5 foot 6 is probably average but as a short person, I consider you tall. That really isn’t saying much at my height but still sdflshdfks. Biggest benefit of tall best friends is indeed making them reach high things though. 
And now we’re almost three weeks into the new year. Time seems to be flying this year. This is a very late reply indeed sdfjhskdfs. I did see this before I left but didn’t have time to reply, thank you though! I did have lots of fun. I had some birds try to invade the unit up in Orewa and I had a dotterel (I think) follow me along the beach at Ngarimu Bay playing some sort of red light green light game with me (it only moved closer and started following me again when I looked away) and I think a blackbird started some sort of mating performance at me which was flattering but uhhhh I’m a bit of a big bird mate. Maybe choose someone else. there was also beaches and gorgeous views etc etc but birds, y’know. birds.
i would 100% do that for money with no regrets. on one hand I could get a job and contribute to society. on the other hand I could do that as my main income. not a hard choice. hire me by the hour to freak your family and friends out. i have no respect for myself i’ll do it to anyone for the right price. damn. only closed one hour earlier. that’s a massive disappointment. i was out at night willingly for my high school prom and for a creative writing night at my uni and inside a car if that counts when I think my family was travelling back from the south island when I was younger. So three times that come to mind. Oh. And if stupid camp burma trails count then add a few times to that but those were not night outings I did willingly.
I can barely remember most of my life, I just assume it happened and I wasn’t just planted here at 12 years old as an alien spy. Anything’s possible though. I remember my birthday cakes more than my birthday parties to be honest with you. My mum always made the cake and when I was young she’d make fun designs. A bee, a bat, a swimming pool and a cat come to me off the top of my head. They were mostly just sponge cats but she cut them and iced them expertly. A princess-themed party seems like a very fun type of party for kids who like that. Kids always seem very happy to dress up in pretty dresses and cool outfits to attend those kinds of parties. I can imagine the joy. I know my little cousin looooves that sort of thing, and her brother isn’t willing to be left out either
thank god you unplug it first now sdfjhsdf that’s incredibly reassuring. Ooo thank you for those suggestions!!! this is great!! I was wanting to try something with bananas and that sounds easy enough. I had an apple and feijoa smoothie while I was away on holiday and all I want is another one of those. So I’m very very very interested in trying out fruit smoothies now because they seem like they can be very very tasty. Spinach seems like such an odd thing to add but I’ve heard that several times now so clearly it’s a thing. I don’t think I’ve ever even had spinach. I’ll keep it in mind though. I suppose if I just try whatever fruit we have on hand eventually I’ll get something that tastes good. I have dairy free ice cream and dairy free milk so it seems like this could work out for me in a way where I’m not regretting my entire life. Normally when I go near a milkshake I regret the day I was born.
It isn’t a super heavy grater but I have intense survival instincts every now and then so it hasn’t actually hit my foot yet. I go diving in the other direction. But I think if it did I’d probably curse a few times before moving on with my life. I don’t think it’d be THAT bad. But I live in fear regardless. oh no. do your normal glasses have a slightly wrong prescription or is this just a thing that happens when you normally wear contacts,,, I’ve never worn contacts because I fear touching my squishy eyeball and also I think my shitty eyesight is too awkward for contacts so I have no idea if that’s a thing.
oh yes haha hot has been solidly deleted from my vocab for many years except in terms of temperature. It has a word that has never naturally come to mind and I’m sure it never will. It just seems weird when I use it. 
I was a fool of a child and absolutely nothing has changed there! I mean I know how hemispheres work now but I’m still a dumbass at heart. Hahahahahaha oh nooooo. That’s incredible but oh noooo. I get what you mean by the saying though, that’d make a lot of sense here honestly since it never snows ever. Locally, at least. 
i think horse races are just a form of betting and losing money that is frowned upon less than actual buildings based on gambling and such. I mean I only ever attended those ones, idk if all horse races are like that, but I know there was buying tickets for whatever horse you thought would win, and if they did you got money, if they didn’t you lost money. I don’t think it was a whole lot of money ? just like a few bucks ? but maybe you could choose to bet more ? I really don’t remember how it worked, I just remember accidentally finding a ticket on the ground and handing it in only to receive some money because the horse won. I think it was like 5 or 10 bucks which seemed like a LOT to my kid self. picnic lunches are fun though. my family keeps a tartan blanket in the back of the car that we use whenever we have picnics and also whenever we get takeaways (we put it in the middle of the lounge floor as the rest of my family eats fish and chips and I eat sushi, normally). But we don’t have as many as we used to. They are fun though.
can confirm i do eat peanut butter everyday and it goes brilliantly.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I see 😭😭 but that's so cool, you'll be a graduate by then!! Do you have a graduation party, or something like that? For when you graduate? Yes istg they have no chill whatsoever 😬 but I can't wait to go back and see my friends :) just the exam part that bothers me ugh.
you're right! And honestly, as long as you're enjoying yourself, it's worth every second. I wish you all the best, love.
you're right tho hhhh everyone is different 😣😣 what works for one may not work for another, but I think if you're earnest about it, no one is going to think you're a bad teacher. That'd be great. Tips on how to deal with people, and teach, right? If only there were classes on that xD
you're cuter than koalas tho💖💖💖🐨 and oh yes. I've taken to finding it on Twitter but it hasn't popped up. I hope it does.
Headbutt? He's so flustered ekdhwkkssk 😭😭😭💖 cute.
Omigosh yesss that's another thing you like. I can't believe I didn't write that alongside cheese haha >.< but ugh instant ramen is just wonderful. It's so spicy, but so wonderful!!
awww understandable. I low-key feel like skipping school on the days when I don't eat. But gotta go nonetheless. Or Angel might kill me. 😭😭 If I don't come without telling her, she calls me at 6.50 in the morning to find out why. Gotta love friends like that skhdksks 😭😭 but yeah!! I googled it yesterday and that came up somewhere on Google? Wait a sec, let me copy paste it: It consists of meat, rice, and fried vegetables placed in a pot which is flipped upside down when served, hence the name maqluba, which translates literally as "upside-down."
yasss nice :D pls do!! And oh skjdskjsk 😭😭 I wish we had some in common but I'm literally in none of those fandoms grrrr I've always been so bad at video games +_+ my old fandoms were mostly books (like the whole Percy Jackson series, and everything the author had written), Harry Potter, the mortal instruments, etc. Hamilton (the musical), and of course, Voltron, She-Ra, and Avatar (the last airbender. Not the blue people xD). I wish you luck if you do plan on catching up with them!! That's what I'm doing now, so I'm taking a break from anime >.< And don't worry! I'm sure you'll be able to relive your childhood and buy those video games soon. It might be fun to play them, when you couldn't as a kid.
Aww that sounds lovely I hope you had fun!! What'd you have??
yes it was well deserved. I didn't get much done today but I'm well rested for tomorrow. (Finished the latest season of money heist too. It's so good ughhhh) have you been sleeping okay tho?
The meeting went okay. I met with the other tutors and we decided on dates and times for us to hold our sessions. Mine's on the 14th, in the afternoon, after lunch, and I'll have 1 and a half hours to teach however I wish. I'm racking my brains for a lesson plan now, because I've never tutored people my age xD so I hope it'll be alright. that sounds so cool! Anything with anonymity in it is fun, in my opinion. I hope your classmates come up with some real cool stuff :D
and ah, Cookie you have my heart 😭I love you too.
— 😺💖
Yeah we do!! Though this year will probably be a class only party, if we even get to have a party XD yeah, my friends are really the best thing to get out of school. I wouldnt have any otherwise😭
Yeah!!! I'd really just rather die if I went to work as a cashier, or a waiter... not because the jobs are bad but because I have to speak? Say something? AND memorize the prices ????? No thanks. I'd get fired after the first hour😭 hmm, what about you?? What's your hell-no job?
Yeah!!! Literally the most important thing. To be honest, when I explain something, I sound like Hinata. "You know, it goes like this and that, and them whewww and woah and yeahhh you know?"
Yeah, it hurt like a bitch but seeing his red-ass face was the best reward I've ever gotten XD he stuttered!!!! Once, but he did, and that's worth more than a thousand compliments I think
Heheheh, how could you not remember?💔 Slkwkfkskx just kidding xD I can also add something else, for example soup dumplings. I love them so much you know?? Very much
It's nice to have friends like that ngl😭😭 sadly I'm that friend xD others are soooo irresponsible its embarrassing
Ohhh I see!! Makes sense, haha~ thanks!! I really need to start doing proper research.
That's so cool, to be honest. I've never been much of a bookworm... probably because we never could afford books so I was never really interested... so embarrassing😭💔 I actually really want to catch up on all those because I've seen them everywhere, so yeah, hopefully, I will😩
I did!!! I had a cheese sandwich (not surprising), and a strawberry milkshake. It was nice^^
Yeah, I've been sleeping alright! A little more than usual, which made me kinda more dehydrated, so I gotta drink more water~
Ohhh, good luck!! That's so cool tbh, I hope it goes well!! I'm sure itll go well, you can do it<33 I hope so as well, no one has done anything yet so yeah xDDD
I hope your day is going great!!! I really love youu🤍🤍🤍
Edit: I forgot about this wjjdkwkdk
I did it😼
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, it's funny to imagine people actually doing that for sure🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Still, I don't need to do that, I'm perfectly aware of reality 😅
Haha, yess, all points I can only agree with, but hey, thankfully Mel has all of that too, so they're a match made in heaven, just perfect😉😊
Hmm...I get where you're coming from, but I can'tsay I wouldn't value my privacy even more than they do if I were in their shoes, sooo🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙈 
He didn't even need a full day😂😂 Eliza was on board like 5 minutes after meeting him and Alura accepted him to Argo despite being the former prince of Daxam within the first 5 minutes of meeting him, sooo😉😌 He's just great like that and anybody and their grandma can spot the adoration, admiration and love he has for Kara just by the look in his eyes😉😉😂
There is no evidence, what are you even talking about!!? You're imagining things!
...Wait, sorry, my brain is pretty dead right now, harrass her about what?😅🙈
OMG! "If everyone cared"😭😭😭 I love that song (Lol, there were SO many amv's with that song back then😅🙈)😭😭 And true, very fitting as well😂 and ohhh, a whole spotify Playlist??😱😱😍😍
Hmm... Maybe...Dunno...But, well, we've already established what a random, chaotic mess that plot was, soo😅🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
🙈🙈🙈😅😅😅 "Good"😅😅
Yuuup, mota of wasted potential🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ But hey, fanfics still make it better😉😂
 "Suffer here and there"...Yeah right, I find that hard to believe😅 But ohh, yes, Dragons are SO freaking awesome😍😍😍😍
...Well, thanks for making me laugh for 5 minutes straight with that "Moan-El" reference, that never stops cracking me up and "Moan-day" is even better 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Funny you say that, in my headcanon for what happened in those 7 years, he DID meet and befriend Donna (until she ended up accidently back in the present day at least)😂🤷🏻‍♀️
HAHA, exactly 😉😉😂
I do it all the time, duh... well, when we have grass. Not to connect with reality, just touching it is nice ;3
I kind of feel they would understand me and vote for a cottage in the middle of nowhere with no wifi connection xD JOIN US!
How the fuck, he managed to be such a sweetheart after years of being brainwashed by Rhea is a mystery. Oh wait, he was simply always a good guy with amazing heart.
Sure. You know you are both going to be haunted by kangaroos ghosts?
Harass her about Florence. I'm not a fan, so she can't fangirl with me about them xD also, I'm interested if she will fnagirl or just be cool and collected xD
It's a good song... and I can admit it as someone who doesn't liek teh band XD Yep, a whole ass spotify list. I would send the link here, but ya know, my haters would dig it out and blah blah blah
I will never stop being butthurt about that plot. I just feel I'm going to be 80 years old and get randomly irritated while stroking a cat.
They are. Especially if you want Mon-el interacting with a disabled, depressed and very grumpy dragon...
Happy to make you happy. Still, fucking MOANDAY. Who the fuck established this day?!
...I feel like I should harass you into writing that fic... On the other hand.... that angst =='
On the brighter side of life, I'm writing A Definite Maybe, keep your fingers crossed!
Imagine Mon-El viking style. Kara would die xD
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kwibu · 5 years
Ohhh! Seeing AoE II reminded me about playing Heroes III for years I don't think I'll ever stop loving this game. I never played horror tbh but god I watched too many Amnesia, Outlast or FNAF gameplays. I'll check Overcooked though! I don't think I ever heard about it. My housemates only play Gothic and The Sims which is pretty weird combination lmao. I also always want to try The Witcher, mostly because I know a lot about the saga (although I can't bring myself to finally start reading it).
There's no streamer I really like I think, but if u have ur favourites I'm ready for recommendations! Studio Ghibli is really out of this world when it comes to creating that calm lovely mood. Kiki is really nice! I watched it not so long ago so at least I remember. I also made totoro cookies once... came out quite well except that totoro was blue instead of grey because somehow my black color turned out to be really dark blue lmao. I can say Spirited Away is great so I'm sure you'll like it too
I think I'll try Laputa soon, for some reason I'm in a mood to watch it! And right, Vision! God I really forgot the fact that he wasn't in Endgame. I guess they went for love story with him and Wanda a little too much lmao but it's not like I'm surprised, it always happens in movies... I'm actually very curious about Wandavision show Marvel announced so I hope they'll make something interesting this time.
The only thing I can say about Pratchett and his Disc World is that there's no need to read his books in order. There's also no need to read all of them lmao they're not always connected anyway. But actually I can recommed The Colour of Magic, it's the very first one and it's great. Mort too! I'm actually looking for something new to read so thank u! I saved all the titles and maybe I'll try to read something soon after like a year...
I had my motives though, everything I read last year was connected to my thesis that's why I was too tired later to read for fun haha. Murakami's books are strange in overall. I kinda liked his "Trilogy of the Rat" too but it's... kinda ridiculous. Not like Tsukuru isn't but the last one from the series is really wild. I understand what u mean about Cloud Atlas though, it can be tiring, but the ability to write a book like that still amazes me.
I only keep thinking about what kind of flower I want because too many to choose haha. The more I think the more I want it actually which is pretty fun because I wasn't sure like two days ago. And oh my god I was thinking about your tattoo, sorry! But u got me, I kinda want to do something nice instead of revealing myself in dms so just wait! 💎 (I also enjoy talking to you a lot, I don't enjoy this poor character limit though)
If you mean Heroes of Might & Magic then I’ve heard of the game but never played it, otherwise I don’t know what game you’re talking about lol. Some of those older games just ... Never get old. Ever. I want to play The Witcher too! I tried the first game but it was a bit boring because it’s very outdated, I yet have to try the second one, and I really want to play the third one and I own it but neither my pc nor my laptop can run it properly rip. Maybe in a few months of working I’ll have saved some money for a better pc!
I actually don’t watch game streams, it gives me sensory overload real fast because the screen moves in every direction but you never know which one because you’re not the one controlling it. My sister watches a lot of streamers but I never keep up.
Haha, blue Totoro is valid too! I’m currently embroidering him, it’s fun. I did Jiji from Kiki’s Delivery Service before and in the same design I’m now doing Totoro. I have to take it easy though or my hands’ll start to cramp. Did you watch Laputa yet? 
Wanda and Vision are the best couple in the comics imo and I’m sad there was very little of them in the movies, but at least it was in the movies at all, you know. A scarlet vision show?? Really?? I have not heard of this!
I’ll put The Colour Of Magic and Mort on the list! It’s good to have an idea of where to start, haha. And yeah, I know the feeling. I read a lot as a child and then in high school I completely stopped reading for fun because I already had to read so much for school. The past month I just haven’t had the focus to read, probably because of the heat. It was 40C here a few days ago, rip. I fled to my parents, who live near the sea where it’s about 5 degrees cooler than here and have a house that’s a lot better isolated than the lil student house where I live. Was it doable where you live?
Understandable, all flowers are pretty how to choose?? I looked up the meaning of certain flowers once but I already forgot everything oops. Maybe it’ll  help you make a choice?
Oh that’s what you meant! Oh thank god. My brain panicked for a moment because I couldn’t find anything about having to make something for your assigned Carat and I was like help!! I’ll try and make you a moodboard later this week too! Should be fun!
And yeah, the character limit, rip. I remember in the good old days where there was no character limit, haha. But the gif limit back then was 300kb so I guess at least something’s improved, haha.
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akane171 · 2 years
...I think we have VERY different definitions of writing talent😅🙈
He absolutely is! Just, uff, perfectly executed!😍
Juup, it truly is😁 It's actually kinda funny, cause last year there was a Zoom-thingy for each Season of TVD with Julie Plec and two of the actors and for season 6 they brought in Ian Sommerhalder (who played Damon) and Chris, and Ian spent most of it either gushing over how brilliantly Chris played the role or ranting over how stupid it is fans always find excuses for his own character and how refreshing Kai being apologetically evil is 😂😂
Ohhh, you mean kinda like LW's Maxwell Lord in PiaD?🤔 That would really have been a fun character to have around!😍
I said it before, I'll say it again: Mon-El really really needs some good therapy. Can we PLEASE send the poor boy to therapy? +a visit to Alura and Eliza cause he desperately needs some nice, warm motherly love😭
...😫 See? Evil!Mon wouldn't have bothered with something like this! He would have just been like "fuck it" and run off never to be found again with Kara!😂
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Uh-uh! Stop! He was NOT tortured and hurt for centuries and THEN told them to fuck off! He time travelled back trying to save Kara several times and when that never worked out, he told the universe "fuck you" and spent centuries just not giving a fuck anymore, cause why bother, right?😅
(HAHAHA all good! I know you're just joking/teasing😂😊 And jup, I'm never said it WASN'T still heartbreaking🤷🏻‍♀️😂🙈)
...Don't Just "mhm" like that! YOU KNOW I'm right!😂
Nope, Nope, Nope, I'll pass and can't compete with that!😅🙈
Uff, honestly? There is like a trillion that remind me of them😅 Well, to count off a few: Obviously "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, but also "How you remind me" by Nickelback, "Just a Dream" by Nelly, "Wings" by Birdy, "Flashlight" by Jessie J, "Hold on" by Chord Overstreet, "Stand by You" by Rachel Platten, "Never let me Go by Florence+the Maschine, "Arcade" by Duncan Lorence, "Lovely" by Billie Ellish, "Shut up+Dance" by Walk the Moon and probably a billion others that don't come to mind right now...(This is not even including the songs they used for Karamel scenes in the show😅) I'll try to write down more when I remember them if you want?🤷🏻‍♀️🙈
Do YOU have any Karamel songs?
Haha, you DID motivate me to get my ass up and at least finish the one I uploaded and continue writing another unfinished one, so thanks!😂 Haha, good to hear it's not absolute BS😊🙈
Yes, yes, our dear sweet smart cookie engineer😊😍🙈 
...I did NOT expect that but now you put some very weird ideas in my head...WHYYYYY?😭😭😅😅😂😂 (You know, technically neurons work with energy so does that mean if he's focused and trained precisely enough he could ma- Okay, NO, I'm not going there, forget this!🙈🙈🙈)
It's so stupid, it's like they keep forgetting the powers the characters have (same with Mon being made to stumble by a HUMAN?? Or most of anything J'onn can do?? Mon's speed ended up neglected too... Kara's heat vision was rendered pretty much useless...?? 😖)
Uhhhh 😍😍😍 Night of the Hunter?!?!😍😍😍😍 Tell me mooooreeee???????😭😍😭😍😭
You too!😊 And have a great start into the fresh, new week tomorrow😊💃🏻
PS: OH! Another headcanon I have (tho this is kinda thanks to SamAwakens' fics) is that Donna Troy and Mon-El would be super super best buddies if they met 😍😍
Go and touch some grass, will ya =='
Or boy has talent TT
Lol, i saw it. Even if I didn't get everything, i was just there to see our fave hermit blessing us with his face xD
Hmm... not really. Max is on his own league and is funny. Plus i don't believe he would use myriad and try to lobotomize people in any scenario. While Lena - sad violin noises -. Imagine a typical white privileged white bitch, drinking whiskey, stroking... well, not a cat, but a lizard, lying to everyone, cackling from time to time etc. You know what? Imagine younger Lillian. She was superrior Luthor but I think Lena would fit something like her.
Well, that it's in the fic writers hands, I guess? Yeah, instead of one horrible mother he has two amazing moms now!!
Not saving Kara is not a torture, she says. MHM HARDER
Said a person who, along with Lw aka her partner in crime, is happily murdering kangaroos.
Oh, "How you remind me" by Nickelback is on my karamel playlist too. If you like Florence, you should talk with LW about them, she is their die hard fan.
For sure I will check them all later, thanks. You can send more :D
Well, ACCIDENTALLY IN LOVE is their song and you can't change my mind. But check In Vain by Within Temptation.
Nothing of the heart remains Even if we could've stayed We've been here long enough Long enough to know it's all in vain Everything we tried to say Up until the final day I guess we said enough Said enough to know it's all in vain
Also, absoultely Uncovered by Indica
Do you know me, really know me
Are you passing by
I've been waiting for a lover
To see me like no other
There's a road to be discovered
I'm dying to be uncovered
I want to show you all my colors
Also, Song 3 (acoustic) by Stone Sour, Nothing Else Matter by Metallica, Your Soul by Rhodes, Listen to tour heaqrt by Roxette, My life would suck without you by Kelly Clarkson and soooo many others.
He is such a badass in the comics. And I'm still SAD they just ignored his lead allergy and fix it just like that, while it was one of the things that made him hmm, still alien but a little like a human? That had some disabilities that made him vulnerable and not as super as the rest of the heroes. Instead of giving him a wife no one wanted, they could followed this fucking canon, but no, why, let's just annoy everyone with Mimra. UGH
No, no, noooo, continue. What playing with neurons could do and how it could improve their sex life. Shoot.
Don't ask me how. Thye were PAID for it. "I do not want my fantasy media to be realistic. I want my fantasy media to be convincing." Forgettign the powers of the characters doesn't make it fucking convincing.
Yes dragon riders. With some idea from How To Train Dragon, mixed with Mon-el of Daxam being a hostage taken by Kryptonians aka a place hidden behind some magical barrier and no Daxamite could have crossed (but he did - accidentally, while trying to escape some assasins), Kryptonians not knowing what to do with him, kryptonians being the dragon riders (each one chosen by a dragon), Mon-El almost sentenced to death but becasue of him, helping them with something, becoming their guest (a guest that can't leave for some period of time), him snoping around and meeting a hurt dragon that can't fly and our engineering smart ass creating something combined with magic. While where Kara is in it? No spoilers, lol
Well, when i finish Definitely, I'm going to finish The Night Of The Hunter... i don't rememebr what exactly I planned... so.... lol?
It's Monday, my friend, MONDAY TT
Donna? And Kara would have to be jealous xD
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