#is it cannibalism is santa portrayed as human
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agajsksns not gonna lie being 10 feet tall sounds awesome. i have no idea how tall that is because the only thing i know about feet (that sounds so wrong) is that google is telling me that i'm 5'6 (sorry to disappoint). which is. average height right? well it doesn't feel like it coz my best friends are giants. they're both 180+ cm tall and they constantly make fun of me for being short. but honestly i win because i can always make them reach things for me.
thank you! that's very sweet, i actually only saw your reply like 20 minutes before the new year so it was right on time! i loved writing to you and waiting to hear back as well, you're a really fun person to talk to!
i know you probably won't see this for a couple of weeks before going on holiday, but have fun!
i laughed really hard at the picture my brain conjured up when reading about you dropping the vampire act and starting to pretend to be a mouse, just straight up scurrying up to the houses on all fours in a bathrobe is hilarious. i'd pay to see that. and yeah! me either. the number of times i've gone outside at night is probably like 3. that's counting that time when i went for ice cream at 11pm to the store on the other side of the street in my pajamas and then had to turn back because it apparently closes at 10 pm. that was a pretty big disappointment
a halloween themed birthday party sounds awesome! it's sort of disappointing though that you can barely remember it. the only themed birthday party i had (or at least the only one that i remember) was princess themed because i was on my princess faze back then (i was 5 or 6 i think). i still remember the sheer joy i felt at being able to wear a long fancy dress. it was brilliant
oh yeah! i'm still slightly scared of blenders because of that time. now anytime i even put my fingers close to the blade i unplug it first. also i saw you got a blender? i think we have one that's similar to the one you described. so i have a couple of suggestions! i like to make banana "ice cream". you just cut up a banana into pieces and freeze it, (i have no idea how long it takes to freeze i just generally always have frozen bananas in my freezer) then you take them out, let them sit for 10 minutes (to not break the blender when you use it) and blend them. i sometimes add frozen berries or peanut butter too! depending on what i want that day. it's great, especially because i'm slightly lactose intolerant too and i absolutely love ice cream. you can also make smoothies as you said. i usually put in mine whatever fruit we have, generally apples, bananas and oranges or grapefruits. or if i'm making one for breakfast (which i know you can't, but this is just a generally more filling option i think?) i also add spinach. you can't really feel the taste but it's supposed to be good for you and it fills you up more (it does make the smoothie super green though!). but yeah i pretty much just mix and match anything i have! also: milkshakes. ice cream, berries (optional) and milk! super easy and my little cousins love it when they visit!
ohhh your grater also seems to be out to get you. i bet it's really painful if it actually falls on your feet, because like metal. on foot. ouch. especially if it hits you with a corner! and i would definitely also get surprised every time it happened no matter how many times it did! bifocal glasses do not sound fun either tho. i would constantly forget how to use them and probably would just get headache really fast too! i get a headache from my normal glasses when i wear them (i usually wear contacts) so bifocal ones would be even worse i bet.
exactly. i had no idea what "hot" means. i thought you were supposed to use it when you thought a person was aesthetically pleasing? or like you thought they look cute? i dunno. i used it a couple of times before i realised that was not what that meant and then i was just like uhhhh yeah i'm gonna delete that word from my vocab. yeah! i think that ace and probably aro too are pretty hard to figure out because it's the lack of something.
ahahsksns i can imagine tiny Lindsey waking up on Christmas morning and running to the window expecting snow in the middle of summer and it's so funny! i can't say anything though because we have this saying in lithuanian which is used essentially when someone does something unexpected and unusual for them so you say "it's gonna snow tomorrow". as in "wow, [name] did [something super unexpected from them], it must be snowing tomorrow" (because like those are equally unexpected things i guess? but it's said in winter too so it's just something you say whenever, i'm sorry it's hard to explain!) but yeah a figure of speech. and anytime i heard that, even in the middle of summer, the next morning i'd run to my window and look for snow and when there was none, i'd just stare accusatorily at my parents. like wow, i can't believe you lied/let someone lie to me
horse races sound fun, i've never been to one though! and a picnic luch sounds awesome! i love picnics but we have them very rarely, i definitely think we should have them more often
and yeah, i get that acid reflux more of an annoyance than a problem but still! i completely agree with you about peanut butter though. it's amazing, i could eat it everyday
I know exactly how tall 10 feet is purely because I’m 5 foot so two of me is 10 foot. I barely know feet but I got used to people being confused when I was like oh, I’m 155cm! so I learnt what my height was in feet but I can really only visualise heights when I put them into centimetres. Someone can be like I’m 6 foot! and that’s great but I don’t have the faintest idea how tall that actually is. 182cm on the other hand is easy. that’s just like one ruler above my height. I can picture that. 5 foot 6 is probably average but as a short person, I consider you tall. That really isn’t saying much at my height but still sdflshdfks. Biggest benefit of tall best friends is indeed making them reach high things though. 
And now we’re almost three weeks into the new year. Time seems to be flying this year. This is a very late reply indeed sdfjhskdfs. I did see this before I left but didn’t have time to reply, thank you though! I did have lots of fun. I had some birds try to invade the unit up in Orewa and I had a dotterel (I think) follow me along the beach at Ngarimu Bay playing some sort of red light green light game with me (it only moved closer and started following me again when I looked away) and I think a blackbird started some sort of mating performance at me which was flattering but uhhhh I’m a bit of a big bird mate. Maybe choose someone else. there was also beaches and gorgeous views etc etc but birds, y’know. birds.
i would 100% do that for money with no regrets. on one hand I could get a job and contribute to society. on the other hand I could do that as my main income. not a hard choice. hire me by the hour to freak your family and friends out. i have no respect for myself i’ll do it to anyone for the right price. damn. only closed one hour earlier. that’s a massive disappointment. i was out at night willingly for my high school prom and for a creative writing night at my uni and inside a car if that counts when I think my family was travelling back from the south island when I was younger. So three times that come to mind. Oh. And if stupid camp burma trails count then add a few times to that but those were not night outings I did willingly.
I can barely remember most of my life, I just assume it happened and I wasn’t just planted here at 12 years old as an alien spy. Anything’s possible though. I remember my birthday cakes more than my birthday parties to be honest with you. My mum always made the cake and when I was young she’d make fun designs. A bee, a bat, a swimming pool and a cat come to me off the top of my head. They were mostly just sponge cats but she cut them and iced them expertly. A princess-themed party seems like a very fun type of party for kids who like that. Kids always seem very happy to dress up in pretty dresses and cool outfits to attend those kinds of parties. I can imagine the joy. I know my little cousin looooves that sort of thing, and her brother isn’t willing to be left out either
thank god you unplug it first now sdfjhsdf that’s incredibly reassuring. Ooo thank you for those suggestions!!! this is great!! I was wanting to try something with bananas and that sounds easy enough. I had an apple and feijoa smoothie while I was away on holiday and all I want is another one of those. So I’m very very very interested in trying out fruit smoothies now because they seem like they can be very very tasty. Spinach seems like such an odd thing to add but I’ve heard that several times now so clearly it’s a thing. I don’t think I’ve ever even had spinach. I’ll keep it in mind though. I suppose if I just try whatever fruit we have on hand eventually I’ll get something that tastes good. I have dairy free ice cream and dairy free milk so it seems like this could work out for me in a way where I’m not regretting my entire life. Normally when I go near a milkshake I regret the day I was born.
It isn’t a super heavy grater but I have intense survival instincts every now and then so it hasn’t actually hit my foot yet. I go diving in the other direction. But I think if it did I’d probably curse a few times before moving on with my life. I don’t think it’d be THAT bad. But I live in fear regardless. oh no. do your normal glasses have a slightly wrong prescription or is this just a thing that happens when you normally wear contacts,,, I’ve never worn contacts because I fear touching my squishy eyeball and also I think my shitty eyesight is too awkward for contacts so I have no idea if that’s a thing.
oh yes haha hot has been solidly deleted from my vocab for many years except in terms of temperature. It has a word that has never naturally come to mind and I’m sure it never will. It just seems weird when I use it. 
I was a fool of a child and absolutely nothing has changed there! I mean I know how hemispheres work now but I’m still a dumbass at heart. Hahahahahaha oh nooooo. That’s incredible but oh noooo. I get what you mean by the saying though, that’d make a lot of sense here honestly since it never snows ever. Locally, at least. 
i think horse races are just a form of betting and losing money that is frowned upon less than actual buildings based on gambling and such. I mean I only ever attended those ones, idk if all horse races are like that, but I know there was buying tickets for whatever horse you thought would win, and if they did you got money, if they didn’t you lost money. I don’t think it was a whole lot of money ? just like a few bucks ? but maybe you could choose to bet more ? I really don’t remember how it worked, I just remember accidentally finding a ticket on the ground and handing it in only to receive some money because the horse won. I think it was like 5 or 10 bucks which seemed like a LOT to my kid self. picnic lunches are fun though. my family keeps a tartan blanket in the back of the car that we use whenever we have picnics and also whenever we get takeaways (we put it in the middle of the lounge floor as the rest of my family eats fish and chips and I eat sushi, normally). But we don’t have as many as we used to. They are fun though.
can confirm i do eat peanut butter everyday and it goes brilliantly.
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gorgonapologist · 5 years ago
do you know of any monstrous women that are considered monstrous because they Consume? (for instance scylla and Charybdis)
yes, i know a few – there’s jennifer from jennifer’s body, which you probably already know about – ginger, from ginger snaps [the full movie is on youtube] – hunger as a monstrous concept is very interesting; women can be monstrous simply for wanting, and that want is i think visible in every female-led or female-written horror media, in some cases moreso than others. 
there’s the movie raw: ““Go on—eat it.” With these words, the 16-year-old vegetarian protagonist in Julia Ducournau’s Raw is urged to consume meat by her older sister and classmates at her new veterinary school. When Justine (Garance Marillier) refuses, her sister Alexia forces the meat into her mouth anyway, in a violent and bloody hazing ritual. The incident triggers within the pretty, shy, and brilliant student a sudden and overwhelming desire for flesh—namely, human flesh.” [x]
santa clarita diet, on netflix, about a ‘sweet suburban cannibal’ / the lure, about ‘two young people-eating mermaids’ / talulla demetriou from the last werewolf series 
“While the female cannibal isn’t new to pop culture, she’s relevant in ways that go beyond shock value, by capturing ever-present social anxieties about gender, hunger, sex, and empowerment. These new works center on women who, in addition to eating humans, negotiate and subvert expectations for how women should look and behave. They’re motivated by physical hunger but also by sexual desire, making them an extension of the femme fatale—the beautiful woman who deceives and ensnares men. In eating flesh, characters like Justine simply redirect this fear from the metaphorical to the physical. There’s a persistent stereotype that women will “suck men dry”; well, these ones will literally devour you.” [x]
“For decades, cannibal women have appeared in a range of film genres. They’re often portrayed as literal monsters—because it’s much easier to accept a person eating someone if viewers are told they’re actually a demon, like the titular uber-babe in Jennifer’s Body (2009). But there are plenty of examples of human women who charm and eat men, with an early example being 1970’s Die Weibchen, which is set at a women’s health spa where men are meat. There are also cannibal horror-comedies, such as 1973’s Cannibal Girls and 2009’s Doghouse. People-eating turns up in horror-dramas like the 1989 cult film Parents and Jim Mickle’s 2013 remake We Are What We Are; in both films, the mothers knowingly prepare food for their families using victims their husbands kill. The horror genre is rife with female cannibals, with particularly graphic examples being Claire Denis’s Trouble Every Day (2001) and Marina de Van’s In My Skin (2002).” [x]
there is also, of course, eve, who hungered; witches who devour both babies and men; the vagina dentata, woman as literal physical devourer, which can be seen in the movie teeth
every female monster can be interpreted as a hungry woman, i think. hungry for food, sometimes; hungry for power, for strength, for love, for revenge – “But these mammalian hungers, they cannot be sated.” – “The girls of Ginger Snaps, Jennifer’s Body, and Raw, through being both girl and monster can consume men as men consume women.”
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prangelbaby-blog · 4 years ago
Legion Legate of Anonymous
Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Eminem is a high-level satanic Illuminati idol and the top commander of Anonymous inside the United States.  Eminem is the Legion Legate of Anonymous or second in command who acts as the acting leader under the consul. The term “Marshal” in the military is a high ranking general or commander. Anonymous are computer hackers that call themselves Legion. Legion in reference to the legion of devils mentioned in the Bible which occurred in the Roman Empire. Rome called their military regiments legions. Anonymous wear Jesuit Guy Fawkes masks. Eminem is trained in various forms of witchcraft and satanic mind control. Eminem’s rap lyrics are designed in sync with the mainframe that the electronic grid is resonating into society. Eminem’s songs have satanic mind control spells in them along with subliminal messages. The NSA database is like a giant central processing unit that controls the electronic grid and this includes modern electronics, electrical substations, telephone poles, transformers, and the USAF’s HAARP. The NSA through the electronic grid resonates an artificial program into society and they call this program Zion. Through this artificial program, they can link words with other words or symbols through numeric codes. This is how they are mind controlling society and individuals. Many members in the entertainment industry like rappers, musicians, and writers are trained in developing spells based on this artificial program they call Zion. The Church of Scientology is deeply involved in this and works closely with Silicon Valley which develops electronics and computer software. Eminem works with Anonymous hackers who track people who speak out. They build profiles on people used for developing psychological torture programs on them. The design spells and radiate them at their victims through electronic emissions. Eminem’s motivation for this is that he enjoys being sadistic. Eminem is also a pedophile. In his music video “Just Lose It” Eminem dresses up as Michael Jackson who was charged with child molestation twice. He dressed up like Pee Wee Herman played by Paul Reubens who was charged with child pornography. Eminem also dressed up as Santa and has children sitting on his lap. He works with the producer Rick Rubin who is the top warlock in the music industry. Rick Rubin and Eminem track people online and target them with electronic weapons. Rick Rubin is known as their “hunter.” Eminem was signed by Dr. Dre who is a human trafficker and the top boss of the West Coast Crips and both Eminem and Dr. Dre work under the Italian white collar mobster Jimmy Iovine who is worth nearly 1 billion. Eminem is also a Freemason and wears a pyramid around his neck.
The Bruce clan of Scotland oversee Freemasons in Michigan which assists Marshall Bruce Mathers III. David Hill is the current Grand Master of Michigan. Eminem has access to neuro-computer interface technology and uses it to harass people through emissions radiated from electronics. He is trained in computer hacking and commands Anonymous through the Dark Web. Eminem is a computer hacker. Eminem even claimed he doesn’t know how to use a computer. That is total nonsense. Eminem is one of the most destructive mind controllers in society and is completely sadistic and diabolical. His spells are designed to influence human sacrifice, spousal abuse, pedophilia, and many disturbed behaviors in society and his disturbing lyrics are the evidence for this. Eminem made a song about a fictional fan that was obsessed with him who kills himself and his girlfriend while Eminem plays himself in the song and presents himself as if he is rational and normal. This is completely sociopathic, manipulative, and egotistical. Eminem is also propped up as a demonic cult leader who uses signs and codes to communicate with them as well as using messengers through the Dark Web. The reason Eminem is important in the satanic community is that he has a massive following with tens of millions of fans. I have seen his fans call him a god. Eminem is also worth 190 million. Anonymous members wear Guy Fawkes masks. Guy Fawkes was an agent of the Vatican that attempted to blow up King James and the House of Lords. The British Crown and Vatican are both evil and corrupt entities that work together and also compete for dominance. Anonymous pretend to be opposed to corruption as their shield and are really sadistic and depraved. Q Anon is a DARPA operation and Q really refers to the Star Trek character played by John de Lancie who is covertly involved in Scientology. QAnon is the US military’s Mastering the Human Domain and an imitation of real opposition. Mastering the Human Domain is using brain reading software. QAnon acts like the character Q in Star Trek and pretending to be all knowing, . There are some fooled followers of Anonymous that are not initiated and corrupted. I believe the third in command or the camp-prefect of Anonymous is a man named Kevin Hansen who lives somewhere in the Mid West. A female cannibal named Courtney McDermot who lives in Michigan works under Eminem’s cult. Marshall Mathers sacrificed his friend Proof who was shot and killed. Eminem made the music video called “Like Toy Soldiers” where his friend Proof gets shot and killed in the music video right before Proof was literally shot and killed in real life. This is called lesser magic in Satanism. He is even mocking his followers by referring to them as “toy soldiers.” Eminem was involved in the sacrifice of Brittany Murphy which was carried out by the satanic Hollywood cult which also used lesser magic in her last movie dying in a bathtub. Brittany Murphy was in the movie 8 Mile with Eminem. Eminem is a satanic ritual abuser architect and is involved in programming women like Katy Perry which is why she dyed her hair blond and why she has become pure evil. Eminem and Rick Rubin are extremely murderous, sadistic, cannibalistic, and diabolical.
Rick Rubin is extremely evil and tracks people online who expose corruption. There is no way Eminem who is a music producer does not know how to use a computer. He claims this as a preemptive attempt to disassociate himself with his cyber crimes.
Eminem: ‘I don’t know how to use a computer’
In this video, Eminem dresses up like Michael Jackson who was tried and charged with pedophilia on two occasions. Eminem even sits in a bed with children in the video. Michael Jackson admitted to sleeping with children in his bed. Eminem also dressed up as the character Pee Wee Herman played by Paul Reubens who was arrested for public masturbation and later arrested and charged for possession of pornography of underage children and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge with the court order that he cannot be around minors without permission of their parents. Eminem also dresses up as Santa Claus and has children sitting on his lap in the video.
U.S. Army Mastering the Human Domain: Identity Operations for Strategic Landpower
Biometrics– and forensics-enabled intelligence, as well as, document and media exploitation support Identity Intelligence which includes Identity discovery, resolution, and exploitation. Intelligence derived from traditional sources of information, such as Signals Intelligence and Human Intelligence, continue to contribute to Identity Intelligence. JP 1-02 defines Identity Intelligence as “The intelligence resulting from the processing of identity attributes concerning individuals, groups, networks, or populations of interest.” These outputs enable Joint Force Command directed tasks, missions, and actions to establish identity, affiliations, and authorizations in order to deny anonymity to the adversary and protect Land Force and partner nation assets, facilities, and forces.
QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a right-wing conspiracy metatheory[1] which began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by someone using the handle Q, a presumably American[2] individual that may have later grown to include multiple individuals[3][4][5] claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States.
Q is a fictional character as well as the name of a race in Star Trek appearing in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager series, as well as in related media. The most familiar Q is portrayed by John de Lancie.
He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over normal human notions of time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of violating or altering them in unpredictable ways with a casual thought or hand gesture. Despite his vast knowledge and experience spanning untold eons (and much to the exasperation of the object(s) of his obsession), he is not above practical jokes for his own personal amusement, for a Machiavellian and manipulative purpose, or to prove a point.
Q is initially presented as a cosmic force judging humanity to see if it is becoming a threat to the universe, but as the series progresses, his role morphs more into one of a teacher to Picard and the human race generally – albeit often in seemingly destructive or disruptive ways, subject to his own amusement.
John de Lancie is really a Scientologist. Scientologists use technology to manipulate and harass people. They have neuro-computer interface technologies, brain-biological hacking software, and they operate on the Dark Web. That is what Scientology really is and it is a US military DARPA operation. John de Lancie is evil and diabolical and is literally part of QAnon. Scientologists are DARPA agents. QAnon like the character Q acts robotic, arrogant, and deceptive.
Matthew Ayasse is a sadistic computer hacker and a really disgusting member of Anonymous. He works under the authority of Eminem and the Scientologist John de Lancie through the Dark Web. Matthew Ayasse claims that he has worked as a computer hacker for the US government. He is financed to stalk people online and censor out information. He manipulates search results and websites like YouTube while he is intoxicated on adrenaline-filled human blood and claims that his manipulation of the internet makes him an omnipotent god. He is idiotic. It is psychotic blasphemy. Matthew Ayasse shares snuff films including videos of children being murdered through the Dark Web to large groups of people to entice them and then these people carry out attacks on society with the motivation of destabilizing society for the purpose of human trafficking and doing the things they see in snuff films. Matthew Ayasse has hacked cars and caused deadly accidents and then cannibalized and drank the blood of the murdered victims including children through the occult’s network which has infiltrated hospitals, morgues, and funeral homes. Matthew Ayasse along with his extremely evil and cannibalistic sister Sarah Ayasse have murdered men, women, and children and then drank their blood and cannibalized them.
Theater of Discombobulation at 1:40 AM
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