#oh to call my 13 year old self and tell them this
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seefasters · 2 years ago
man its been a week and i still can't believe the one ship that owned my life at the age of 13 became canon because some tumblrinas went insane in neil gaiman's inbox for like 2 years
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achillesuwu · 10 months ago
Au where merthur have soulmate identifying mark but merlin is the only one who know they are because if Arthur knew he would find out about his magic 👀 (arthur's mark being a beautiful dragon mainly on on his back but its tall is draped on his torso, a wing stretch on his right shoulder, another end on his hip and its head rest upon his stomach. As if it were jealousy protecting him. its scale are of a blue so dark it nearly look black. It has golden eye and tread of gold on is horn, gold shimmer on its body highlighting its scale at some place.
It screams powerful sorcerer.)
And thus it doesn't change anything from the show. Merlin doesn't tell him not even at the very end (Merlin's mark is a smaller red dragon with its head on his shoulder and who is is holding itself on his shoulder)
It would be very angsty but also SO FUNNY if in a post return futur where arthur (Gwen, the knights) are very confuse and lost but luckily for them there exist multiple center for "People who got Teleported at the wrong place/Bought back from the dead? We are here to help!/ your five yo drank a weird potion? No problem! Etc" basically Magic help center.
Just imagine basic social worker sorcerers who tries to do their job at 3 am and see THE Emrys mark ™ on a random dude and they are like *gasp*.
Them : what the fuck
Arthur :???
the others :????
Them : we are calling your soulmate RIGHT NOW. WHAT THE FUCK should I call the government too???? I'M NOT PAY ENOUGH FOR THIS.
Arthur : my???
You can imagine arthur pendragon pacing like a 13 years old stressed before an oral presentation because even if he was afraid then thought he globally didn't really care about his soulmate. He realised that it wasn't so much that he didn't care but he thought it would simply never be so he just... Kinda forgot about it. Now he just can not put it away because is soulmate IS coming and WHERE IS MERLIN WHEN HE NEEDS HIM (he is blocking any thoughts about Merlin potential dead thank you very much)
(Gwen is currently finding the situation extremely funny because she figured out in 5x13 and she is 80 yo (in a younger body but still) . And she is waaaayyyyyy to old to see her former husband stay in his denial.
Leon is 78 years old and he is slowly recognising the dragon in question that look very much like Merlin's family crest. He is looking at his wife in a very conspiracy way.
Gwaine is currently not really giving a damn about the whole soulmate thing. What do you MEAN you can send messages to people in less that a second?!?!?
Elyan would usually not give a damn but he is very much not happy ™ to find out that his sister (first) husband had a soulmate mark who isn't dead and he is glaring at Arthur but he is also getting a hug from gwen so it doesn't look menacing at all.
Perceval (57) is right behind Gwaine but he is currently watching himself in the mirror because seeing his younger self again is weird asf
Meanwhile Lancelot is talking with the assistant (on the verge of a break down because they are going to see the GOD OF MAGIC OH MY GOD) about magical history
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improvapocalyps · 6 months ago
"Okay, yeah. If you kill a red name, killed a red name-" "I'll give you a life for that. That's the deal." "We'll be back together like buddies again, Bdubs."
In participation of Extreme Timed Challenge Gift Exchange hosted by @extremetimedchallengeexchange!
[gifs, full storyboard, behind-the-scene rambles under cut]
past 48h animatics: MCYTETC2023, ETC2023
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[Red Lives-Suspicion; Prayer-Determination; Fireworks]
Fiddled with gradient maps this time for some additional colors :D I would have colored in the eyes as well, but I didn't have enough energy left when the event hit the 47th hour xD
Also played around with camera movements. Respect to people who do fan edits and other forms of video/ assets editing 'cause keyframes are so 😭
13 hours to draft storyboard this time! Last year I used 16 but with waaay more frames idk how I accomplished that. Probably bc this year I'm drawing more than three(3) characters lmao
Progress Timeline:
[13th hour] finished storyboard/ draft (plany off time...) [25th hour] lineart for the first 10 seconds (wuh oh) [36th hour] lineart for the first 25 seconds (oh shit oh fuck gotta shorten it) [45th hour] finished Bdubs' part (NOOO I DONT HAVE TIME FOR ETHO)
ngl kinda glad i cut it in half rn 'cause i'd have to spend time figuring out shadowDog's design /lh
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Designs I used for Lizzie and Joel (old art from 2022 and 2021 respectively) (holy shit i've been here for 3 years???)
Joel *shakes fist* i hate u and ur stupid beard
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[Lyrics vibe/scene planning; hours before disaster]
I think most of the drawn parts didn't deviate from the initial idea. Mostly timing adjustments and building upon the vibes. The parts that were changed the most was the "And you caused it (×3 combo)".
Went from "vague flashbacks" to "following Etho and co. out of the cave and back to Scott's base while implying who Etho blames with single character focus shots".
The first one is Scott because he suggested the idea. Like, obviously he's to blame. It's not like Etho went along and cemented the deal himself. Scott totally peer-pressured him into it.
The second one is Etho because... well the scene ends up kind of being like. The sight of the Snow Fortress triggering a flashback. (EthosLab the content creator deliberately turned his camera towards the Snow Fortress and holds it there for a second instead of looking at the huge lava pillar right in front of him. What is WRONG with him.)
But also like. Clocks are kind of special to Bdubs right. Whoever gave him a clock basically has his (temporary) loyalty or at the least earned a favor from him. So like. If he hadn't gifted Bdubs the clock, which signifies a closer(?) bond, maybe Bdubs wouldn't be so devoted to him (wrong). Also serves as a call-back/ reference to the "Prayer-Determination" shot ("pray with clock" in the scene planning screenshot). I like to think that Bdubs weighted his options and thought about "if he will kill/ who to kill" a lot while following the other Red Names. And in that scene he's like, convincing/ motivating himself. Remembering who/ what he's doing this for.
(It is also meant to be part of my giftee's other prompt: "an exploration of the doubt one or both of them felt during the heart transfer that didn’t happen after Bdubs killed Lizzie, and the following guilt Etho felt." The Etho section starting from "we're setting fire to our inside for fun" til the end of the animatic is based on that prompt.)
After a brief period of self-blame, it's time to shift it onto someone else! Because you're in denial! If Bdubs hadn't gone red, then Etho wouldn't have to offer the deal. If Bdubs hadn't want to stay as teammates, then he wouldn't agree to the deal. If Bdubs wasn't so devoted to Etho, then he wouldn't have attacked Lizzie and gotten himself killed.
Then the animatic ends with the end of the session :D
...That's longer than I expected but also not that long. If you read through all that, tysm :] Tell me your thoughts! Have a good day/ evening/ night :D
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aloysiavirgata · 11 months ago
Thanks to @numinousmysteries for tagging me! I had never checked these stats before!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for Hannibal, Battlestar Galactica, The Fall, and The X-Files, but only The X-Files at this point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Parting Glass (smut)
Animus Possidendi (dark smut)
The Common Fate of All Things Rare (casefile, cowritten)
Lacuna (casefile)
This Her Fever (cancer arc)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes and no. Not like I should. I am so deeply, truly grateful for every single one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I killed William in Inhaling the Different Dawn, but that wasn’t at the end.
Maybe Where The Vines Cling Crimson? Scully’s cancer comes back and her fate is ambiguous. And I had Scully kill Emily in Alabaster Stones. But I think that was the right ending for both of them.
As a mother? A Basket of Reeds, where Scully gives William away. I can’t even reread it without a lump in my throat, man.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Tent of Shelter is fluffy and lovely gets a lot of love, and was inspired by a STUNNING manip by @avocadoave but I personally think In The Gale. It’s the one that, to me, feels the most like a grownup relationship of two people processing some trauma. I think that’s an ending that’s happy and also real - like “I don’t love being broken, but I can survive being broken with you.” Two abeyances that lean…
Foxfire for similar reasons. I real love that little story, which I wrote thanks to @perplexistan
I’m 43. I’ve been married for well over two decades and let me tell you that young love is a gift and mature love is a craft.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Some! And that’s really great too, that people read words I wrote and felt so passionately that they left me words about those feelings. What a strange but profound compliment!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. PWP isn’t my personal taste so even though I wrote a LOT of smut for the old pornbattles at LJ I wanted the smut to still tell a story.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I can’t say it’s especially crazy, but Fern Hill is a Mulder/Stella Gibson crossover. There are a few little ficlets with XF/Silence of the Lambs crossovers in my Inbox Prompts series.
Oh fuck! Wait! I wrote a Fall/Hannibal/XF crossover called Anthemoessa where Stella, Scully, and Bedelia all meet. Okay that’s it. That wins.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Years ago. God, isn’t that sad? To need positive reinforcement that much?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! It was SUCH a compliment!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have - The Common Fate of All Things Rare
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mr. Virgata and me. Followed by Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, who literally invented the word. ❤️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Fisher King
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do pretty good banter and my education makes me pretty good at the sciencey bits.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too lost in descriptions and I try too hard to be clever. I do my best to self edit but sometimes I reread things and I’m like oh my GOD SHUT YOUR PRETENTIOUS ASS UP.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve done it for Bedelia and Hannibal in Italian. I’m not sure I understand the question?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TXF, my one true love.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don’t know that I have a favorite per se. I am most proud of the ones that challenged me to do something outside my comfort zone. Samson is one of mytop fives even though it’s Mulder/Diana. I think I did a nice job. I also wrote Pair of Aces/Double or Nothing which is Scully/Byers.
But I do really love the world of Petrichor and Singing of Mount Abora, and I like the cases.
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dollystuartwrites · 1 year ago
Stray Gods - Chapter 46
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Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader Genre: romance, friends to lovers, polyamory, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut Wordcount: 6630 Chapters:  [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [36] - [37] - [38] - [39] - [40] [41] - [42] - [43] - [44] - [45] - [46] - [47] - [48] - [49] - [?] MASTERLIST Summary: With no memory of who you were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something different about them... and something different about you... Warnings: angst, praise, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral sex (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, orgasms, poly relationship, semi-public sex, daddy kink, strength kink, grinding, I've probably forgotten some, so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses. Taglist: @eastleighsblog​​​​ @tangerminie​​​​ @swittyregan​​​​ @septicrebel​​​​ @jiimout​​​​ @zandra-42​​​​​​@julciaqwerty​​​​ @vampcharxter​​​​ @mercurezed​​ @thatgirlangelb​ @cookiemonstermusic258​​ @stayconnecteed​​ @bubblelixie​​ @smilingtokki @hash2013 Want to be added or did I miss you? Just send me an ASK or DM
Lots of love and many thanks to my beta’s from wattpad: rocker7898 and sydneye2411. You guys made my writing so much better <3
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The sound of wind filled your ears as you held Seungmin tightly.
‘We’re here,’ he said softly. You opened your eyes. The bright sun filled your vision and you blinked for a moment, trying to regain your bearings. The surroundings were unfamiliar, so you looked up at Seungmin.
‘Where are we?’ you asked confused.
‘Jeju,’ he said simply, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder. It didn’t look like the Jeju you knew. Last time you had been here, you were surrounded by luxury hotels and small urban streets. But right now, you were standing on what seemed to be a hill, surrounded by greenery. Behind you was a thick line of trees and bushes, almost like a wall that obscured whatever was behind it from view. In front of you, you could see the drop off of the cliff, with bright blue waters on the horizon. Near the edge of the cliff was something that looked like a weird mix between a house and a lighthouse. It was an oddly built tower where the ground floor seemed to have some rooms added on. You looked at Seungmin questioningly.
‘Oh,’ he said, a small smile on his face, ‘didn’t I tell you? We won’t be staying in a hotel.’ he said. You shook your head. ‘Well,’ Seungmin shrugged with a playful grin, ‘It’s still Jeju.’
‘Did you trick me?' you asked suspiciously as he turned around and started walking towards the lighthouse. He simply shrugged and walked on. You huffed but couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on your face as you quickly followed him.
‘Welcome to the observatory,’ Seungmin said happily as you stepped into the lighthouse. The building seemed to be quite old judging by the lack of outlets and lights. The small windows were made of thick yellowish glass and the walls were made of sturdy wooden logs. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom all seemed to be squished into the same space that had been expanded just enough to fit everything in. Although most of the furniture looked old and worn, it did look clean and gave off a very cozy vibe.
Your eyes slid over the lazy armchair next to the large bookcase that was behind a small dining table.
‘What do you think?’ you heard Seungmin ask, his voice unsure now. You tore your eyes from the small double bed in the corner and looked at him. ‘I know it’s not like the hotel from last time,’ he began. You could see the doubt in his eyes and knew that he now regretted not telling you beforehand that you would in fact be staying somewhere completely different.
‘It’s adorable,’ you said with a wide and truthful smile. You could see his eyes calm down a bit, his face returning to his usual expression. He nodded curtly.
‘Our luggage is over there,’ he said, pointing to the corner behind you. You turned to find your suitcase and bags piled up on each other. You realized now that you had brought way too much stuff, assuming you’d be staying in a hotel like last time and knowing how much space you had had then. There was no way you could possibly store all of your stuff in the few drawers that were here. You felt your cheeks flush, embarrassed by your mistake, even though it wasn’t really your fault.
Together, you unpacked your stuff while Seungmin softly hummed. He didn’t say much as he unpacked his own luggage. You could see from the corner of your eyes that he was purposely working slowly, as he had barely packed half of what you had brought and didn’t want to finish before you. You managed to unpack eighty percent of what you had brought with you. The remaining stuff, which you didn’t think you’d need, you stuffed back into the suitcase that you could place under the bed.
‘So what do you wanna do?’ Seungmin asked as soon as you were finished. You raised your brows at him.
‘I thought you said you wanted to start work early?’ you asked teasingly. Seungmin looked away from you, staring out the window, seeming to ignore your question.
‘I could give you a tour of the area, show you a beach that’s down the cliffs,’ he proposed, still looking out of the window. You nodded eagerly, realizing he wasn’t able to see, and then quickly gave him a ‘Yes, please.’
Seungmin took your hand and guided you out of the hut. Outside, the sun was warm and bright. There was only a little wind, even though you were on a hilltop surrounded by water.
‘You can roam around here freely,’ Seungmin spoke, gesturing to the stretch of grassy hilltop. ‘The entire island is ours.’
‘Island?’ you repeated sounding surprised. Seungmin nodded.
‘It’s only a small one though, just off the coast of Jeju, but still technically belonging to Jeju. You can only get here by boat, or the way we did, so there are not a lot of visitors,’ he explained. You looked over your shoulder at the thick row of trees.
‘What’s behind there?’ you asked curiously.
‘A dragon’s lair with the dragon guarding the island for us,’ he said calmly. You whipped your head around so fast that your neck made a cracking sound, looking at him with shocked eyes.
‘Dragon?!’ you exclaimed, shocked, but Seungmin chuckled when he saw your face. You clicked your tongue and hit him on his shoulder.
‘You’re too easy,’ he said with a soft chuckle. ‘Nah, there’s nothing there really. We planted the trees as an extra border against prying eyes, because boats can only dock on that side of the island. There’s a bit of nature, a picnic area, nothing too interesting, but just enough for people to not want to pass the line of trees,’ he explained. You nodded thoughtfully and pondered for a moment as you strolled over the hilltop with him, your hand still in his.
‘How do you buy an Island?’ you asked curiously after a while.
‘Dunno,’ Seungmin shrugged. You pulled up your brows at him. ‘Well, we didn’t exactly buy it or anything. We kinda just claimed it.’ This remark made you only pull your brows up even further. With his free hand, he brushed his thumb over the crease in your forehead as he looked at you before he continued to explain. ‘It wasn’t on any map when we first came here,’ he spoke, then frowned for a moment thinking. ‘If I remember correctly it used to be Chan’s Island, I think… Well, it was used by one of us before we became a group. Anyway, we kept it, managed to keep it off the map, and keep it from being sold off. It used to be Hyunjin’s gallery for a while before electricity was invented. Ever since then none of the boys were really interested in it anymore, so I kind of claimed it for my own,’ he explained.
‘Is there no electricity then?’ you said surprised. Seungmin shook his head.
‘The furnace works on fire, which doubles as a hearth and there is clean running water, but no, no electricity,’ he said simply.
‘But then how do you do your research?’ you asked him with big eyes. This time it was his turn to look at you with raised brows.
‘Just, by hand,’ he said with a shrug, as if it was the most logical thing ever. You gaped at him. ‘Honestly, I prefer it that way. Whenever I bring in computers and alter the weather only the slightest it messes up the entire computer’s algorithm. So I stick with the analog stuff. Much more accurate,’ he explained. You huffed incredulously but were also impressed by his dedication. Thinking about what he had said, you looked up at the sun. It was warm and felt nice on your face. Not too hot, not too cold. You were quite sure he was currently controlling the temperature to make sure you were comfortable.
Seungmin guided you down some narrow steps at the edge of the cliff which looked quite old but still seemed to be well kept. At the bottom, there was a small private beach with soft white sand.
‘It’s high tide now, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to get back or anything. This is as high as the water will go,’ he said pointing at the white foam washing ashore from the deep blue waters. ‘The terrace of the cabin also looks down on the beach,’ he said pointing upward. You looked up at the steep cliff, squinting your eyes against the bright light to see the underside of the terrace at the back of the cabin.
After going back up the steps again, the two of you returned to the cabin.
Seungmin checked his watch and pulled up his nose.
‘I gotta start working now, for real,’ he said with an apologetic look on his face. ‘Let me know if you need anything,’ he kindly offered. You nodded. Just as you were about to turn around to grab some of your stuff he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you back, swiveling you around. Before you could even blink or breathe, you felt his soft lips on yours. Unlike his action, his kiss was soft, careful, almost hesitant. But even so, the world still instantly disappeared from your thoughts. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, your heart swelling at the taste of his lips. Just when you thought you were going to melt into him, a beeping sound interrupted the two of you.
Seungmin broke the kiss, and for a moment you were quite lost as to where you were, before landing again. Seungmin clicked his tongue annoyed, checking his softly beeping watch and pushing the button to make it stop. He looked up at you apologetically.
‘I really gotta set up my stuff now,’ he said, his tone soft and regretful.
‘R-right,’ you said with a slightly dazed nod. For a moment, you had totally forgotten about why you were actually there. You felt a little stupid as you watched Seungmin gather his stuff. You couldn’t help but feel disappointed, even though you knew he was here to work. You expected that you would have at least a few hours with him before he had to start his work, especially since he picked you up from school so early. But, after all, he did tell you that he wanted to start early.
Not sure what to do, you sat down on the edge of the bed and watched Seungmin unpack all kinds of instruments that you had never seen before.
‘Where will you set it up?’ you asked him, staring at the telescope that looked like it had seen at least a few centuries.
‘The balcony,’ Seungmin said, nodding his head to the only thing that looked modern in the hut. Two large glass doors, at the back of the hut lead to a balcony, looking very similar to the ones that were stationed back home. He put a pen in his mouth and loaded his arms as full as he could. A few documents slipped out of his arms and he grumbled.
‘Here let me,’ you quickly offered, picking it up. You were about to hand it to him when you realized his arms were full already, and it would probably be best for you to carry it for him instead. He smiled, the pen between his teeth making it look quite comical.
Having one hand free, you opened the glass doors for him and stepped onto the balcony. It was larger than you had thought, but it contained no desk or anything to work on.
‘Erm?’ you began, holding the documents up at Seungmin, but he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he sat down, cross-legged, and started to place the stuff on the floor. You quickly realized why there was no desk. Seungmin’s stuff took up about two-thirds of the old wooden balcony flooring. Clearly, no desk would be big enough to hold everything he needed. For a moment you wondered if it would be dangerous, having all those papers lying around, prone to getting blown away by the wind. But then you realized who you were with and you felt the urge to smack yourself on the forehead.
‘If there’s anything you need or anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. Okay?’ Seungmin said, looking up at you as soon as he was done setting up. You laughed.
‘Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?’ you giggled. He grinned at you but didn’t say anything, brushing a hand through his fluffy hair and looking down at what seemed to be a star map in front of him.
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Night had fallen, and you had quietly retreated to the dining table, reading through some homework you had to get done. Every now and then, you looked outside at Seungmin, who was still pondering long and hard over different maps, using weird-looking instruments that measured things you didn’t understand. You prepared a simple meal when you realized he had been too caught up in his work to realize it was dinner time. He took it from you thankfully, patting your head softly before eating while continuing to work.
You had always known Seungmin was a dedicated person. Whenever he set his mind to something, he gave himself to it wholeheartedly. His dedication and perseverance were something you respected and admired about him.
Whenever you looked up from your books at him, he was scribbling away on his papers, as the stars became brighter and the sky became darker and darker.
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You opened your eyes but everything remained dark.
A soft warm blanket was wrapped around you. Slowly your eyes were starting to adjust and you could make out the shapes of a bookcase and a table. You were in the cabin still.
You sat up in the dark, looking around you. You were not where you had last been. The last thing you could remember was sitting at the table with your books. You looked over. Your books were neatly stacked into a pile on the corner of the table.
Automatically, your eyes drifted through the large glass doors that let the only light into the cabin. A dark shape was standing outside, looking through a telescope.
He was still working then. You had no idea what time it was, but he must’ve come in for a bit and carried you to the bed before tucking you in. You yawned. A part of you wanted to get up and tell Seungmin it was time for him to come to bed, as it was probably already very late. But you knew he would probably reject your offer since he wasn’t done yet. You yawned again. Besides, your legs felt heavy, your head fuzzy. You lay back down. He’d come when he was done, yes. You were… too tired… anyway…
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When you opened your eyes again everything seemed different. The early light was pouring through the windows, creeping in like a golden blanket, covering the floor and table. You blinked in the bright light. Seungmin’s face was next to yours. He was asleep. You were glad to see he had finally come to bed, you were worried that he had worked all through the night, but seeing him like this eased your heart. His pink lips were closed, as he breathed slowly through his nose. His cheeks were getting slightly squashed by the pillows, making him look even cuter than normal. A puppy asleep.
For a while you just lay there, looking at him, taking in his soft appearance. It was easy to forget that he had already seen decades with his boyish appearance. You knew he was often mistaken for a college or even high school student, causing him to prefer to wear suits outside the house. Not that you minded it though. He looked damn good in them.
You smiled at his sleeping face.
By the time the sun was halfway up in the sky, you finally decided to get out of bed. Quietly, you snuck into the kitchen hoping to surprise him with a nice breakfast.
You found some eggs and veggies in the kitchen cabinets and went to work as silently as you could.
You were just about to turn the omelet when two arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, and a kiss was planted on your neck.
‘Good morning,’ Seungmin hummed in a low sleepy voice. He held you close to him and you could instantly feel your face turn red.
‘Morning,’ you giggled. ‘I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but now you have gone and ruined it.’
‘Sorry my presence ruined your day,’ he said in a sleepy but playful tone. His voice was soft as he spoke, his breath tickling your neck and you instantly felt the heat in the lower pits of your body rising.
‘No, it didn’t, I’m just-,’ you said quickly trying to apologize while hiding your red face. Seungmin chuckled and gave you a teasing squeeze before letting go of you again. A coldness seemed to wrap around your body where he had been touching you before, but the heat on the inside of your body hadn’t left you.
‘Slept well?’ Seungmin asked casually as he sat down at the tiny wooden table. You nodded eagerly in response, still hiding your pink face from him.
‘You?’ you asked conversationally, as you flipped the omelet. It seems to be ready now.
‘Just about enough for another day of work,’ Seungmin answered with a stretch and a yawn. You looked around at him in surprise as you put the omelets on a plate.
‘Another day?’ you huffed incredulously as you walked over to him.
‘Yeah. What? You think I can really map the entire night sky in one night?’ he chuckled, raising a brow.
‘Well, you worked so long and hard yesterday,’ you said with a small voice. Seungmin raised his arm, cupping your face with his hand and stroking your cheek with his thumb.
‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I promise I’ll give you some attention soon, okay?’ he said sweetly. His hand on your face almost seemed to burn you from the inside out. You felt your thigh muscles flex involuntarily and your mouth felt dry. With a hand that seemed to lose it’s grip, you quickly handed him his plate with the omelet.
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The heat inside of you hadn’t gone away since that morning. You thought that maybe it was the magic of Jeju Island, but you found yourself caring less and less for the reason as your mind started focusing on other things…
Seungmin had already started setting up his materials again outside on the balcony. The sky was looking a spectacular shade of blue again, promising another day of warmth and sunshine. You watched Seungmin rolling up his sleeves as he unfolded a star map on the ground, holding a pencil between his pink lips. The sight of it made you bite your own lip. How could he look so hot doing something so mundane? Heat was creeping up on you and you felt like those early days again, when the ache had confused and scared you, not knowing what or who you were back then. But this time, you didn’t fight it. You would’ve embraced it happily, but you knew you couldn’t bother Seungmin in his work right now. You sighed.
You went through your baggage, hoping to find something to distract you for the day, as studying wouldn’t be an option now anyway. Your fingers slid over a smooth fabric and you picked the item up. It was your bikini. You remembered the private beach at the bottom of the cliffs that Seungmin had shown you. Maybe a dive into the cool ocean waters would turn down your heat for the time being.
You quickly changed into the bikini, throwing a towel over your shoulder and taking a bag with some stuff you might need in your hand before opening the glass doors to the balcony. Seungmin looked up at the sound. Instantly his eyes slid over your mostly naked body, the pencil between his teeth still there. His gaze almost made you gulp, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn't bother him during work.
‘I’m going down to the beach for a bit, okay?’ You said quickly. Seungmin nodded, still staring at your body for a second before blinking and catching your eyes again.
‘Have fun,’ he said simply, taking the pencil from between his lips and turning back around again to continue his sketch. A slight pang of disappointment went off in the back of your head. Of course, you had hoped he would stop working for you, but you knew how important it was to him.
When you stepped out of the cabin the sun felt a little bit brighter and the wind even warmer and softer. Had he done that for you, or had you just not noticed the temperature that much from inside the cabin you wondered.
You made your way down to the beach, taking off your slippers and stepping into the soft sand with your bare feet. The sensation of it was so nice. The sand was warm but not hot, feeling like a warm soft blanket around your feet as you walked. You put down your towel in the middle of the beach and sat down on it, looking over the stretch of blue ocean. It sparkled brightly, as soft waves faded in and out of the sand. It would have been calming, had you not been so incredibly horny.
A creaking noise suddenly drew your attention. You looked up and around. You were sure you had seen a shadow, retreat back onto the deck, disappearing and leaving nothing to see. Had he looked over to see if you had arrived safely? Or had he secretly been watching you? Your lips curled.
You pulled open your bag, rummaging through it and finding what you were looking for, sunscreen. You grinned to yourself and stood up. Slowly you started putting the sunscreen on your body, stretching out each limb and rubbing on the sunscreen like you were live painting in an art show. All the while your ears were focusing hard, trying to listen and hoping for any more creaks of the balcony. You didn’t dare look up again, afraid of scaring him away if he was indeed looking at the show you were putting on for him.
The rest of the day you spent, in any ridiculous attempt possible as if no one might be watching, giving a sensual show of yourself. You “read” your book in the most unusual positions, trying to show off your curves as best as you could. You sunbathed for a while, laying on your tummy and even undoing the knot in the back of your top. You washed yourself in the ocean water, the moisture of it making your skin look sparkly and inviting.
But there was no response. Seungmin didn’t come down. Now and then you thought you heard some creaking of the balcony, but that might as well be him changing positions while he was working, which you knew he often did. But whenever you tried to sneak a peek at the balcony it seemed deserted. No shadow quickly withdrawing, nor one that stayed to admire you.
As the sun started to go down again, you decided to give up, feeling slightly frustrated and unsatisfied. When you arrived back at the cabin, Seungmin was still very much caught up in his work, scribbling away on pieces of paper frantically, with his hair slightly messy from putting his fingers through it so many times. You sighed and wrapped a towel around you.
Even when you brought him his dinner, since he seemed to have forgotten to eat, he barely seemed to look at you.
‘I’m going to take a shower,’ you told him, as you handed him his plate. He looked up, his brows slightly furrowed, and a surprised hazy look on his face.
‘What? Oh erm, right. But shouldn’t you eat?’ he asked, taking the plate from you. You smiled softly at him.
‘I already did,’ you told him kindly. Apparently, he really hadn’t heard you when you called him in for dinner before. Seungmin nodded, taking a quick bite from his food before continuing to work again.
You took your time in the shower, considering for a moment to please yourself instead to satisfy that desperate ache, but deciding against it. It felt too awkward with Seungmin right outside, even though you knew you couldn’t have him. So instead, you took your time washing, shaving, and scrubbing yourself, like a small spa day.
By the time you came out of the shower, the sun had already gone down. You looked on the balcony but were surprised to find an empty and clean balcony with no trace of Seungmin. Confused, you stepped out onto the balcony, walking over to the edge and peering down at the beach, but even if he was there, it was too dark to see anything.
‘Looking for me?’ a soft voice asked, tickling your neck. Startled, you turned around on the spot. You were standing face to face with Seungmin, who put his arms on the ledge on either side of you. He tilted his head to the side questioningly. It was as if the breath was knocked out of you while his piercing blue eyes kept you nailed to the spot.
‘You’ve been toying with me all day,’ he said accusingly. Your lips parted and you inhaled as if you were about to come up with a protest, but the heat between your legs made you unable to speak. Even in the dark, the blue of his eyes was still breathtaking. The last rotating wheel in your brain seemed to understand that he had in fact been watching your show all day, secretly.
Seungmin suddenly grabbed you, turning you around, making you face the open ocean. He took hold of your hands, bringing them up and laying them on the banister of the balcony, before wrapping his arms around you and pushing his front against your back. Something hard poked into one of your buttcheeks.
‘Were you really that scared that I would not pay any attention to you this weekend?’ he whispered into your ear. Before you could even process his question his tongue licked the side of your neck. A shudder went through you. ‘You seem to forget that I can detect temperature changes, including the ones in you,’ he whispered. His hands moved over your belly, down to the edge of your pajama shorts. You gasped as his hand dipped underneath the waistband and his fingers found your sensitive spot. His fingers instantly went to work, drawing circles on your clit and pulling soft moans from your mouth as his lips and tongue kissed and nipped your neck.
Your mind went blank and all you could focus on was the heat between your legs. Leaning back against him, he teased your most sensitive spot until you could barely stand anymore.
You let out a soft squeal when he pinched your clit teasingly between his fingers, stopping while you were on the edge. The unexpected discomfort made you open your eyes and gasp for breath, drawing you back slightly from your high but not at all turning you off.
‘Minnie,’ you whispered his name over your shoulder, your lips searching for his. He brushed over them, but not letting you kiss him, as he withdrew his hand.
‘You have been keeping me from my work all day and you expect to be rewarded?’ He teased with a low voice. You let out an involuntary whine. He completely let go of you, a smirk on his face as he created just enough space between the two of you so that you weren’t touching him, but you could still feel the heat of his body, smell his warm summery scent.
Even with your mind losing the ability to think, you knew what he wanted. You turned against the railing towards him. Seungmin tilted his head, his usual side tilt, but this time the puppy was nowhere to be found in his eyes.
‘How about I reward you for your hard work?’ You whispered. Your voice came out softer than you had intended, husky with want, but he still heard you. His blue eyes darted from yours to the wooden floor of the balcony and there was nothing more he needed to say. Obediently you went down on your knees, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. He lifted his chin higher, the smirk on his lips growing wider as he looked down at you sitting there, ready for him.
‘Well, go on then,’ he said coolly, ‘you seemed to know how to use your hands perfectly fine when you were putting on sunscreen this afternoon.’ You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to hide your embarrassed smile but raised up your arms and put your hands on his belt. You kept your eyes on your work, having to focus on unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants, as your mind seemed to be working much slower than usual, while he watched you closely. Your lips parted in anticipation when you finally drew down his boxers.
You had known he was already hard when he had been standing against you, but seeing his size springing free from its confines still made you lick your lips. Your eyes flicked up to his for a moment which looked at you, hesitantly, apprehensive but still eager.
Carefully, you wrapped your hand around his length, and instantly he let out a soft sigh, barely audible even to you. You let your hand move up, stopping just before the start of his sizable head. A bead of clear precum appeared on his tip and eagerly you licked it. The sweet taste and Seungmin’s soft inhale made you hungry for more. Without waiting any longer, you wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked softly. You could hear Seungmin exhale long, low, and softly.
Slowly you let your lips slide down his length, until his tip hit the back of your throat and you couldn’t go any further. As you started bobbing your head up and down his hard shaft, you could hear him breathing heavily, now and then soft moans escaped him. Eagerly, you sucked his dick, trying to take him in deeper with every stroke and hollowing out your cheeks as best as you could. You could feel the clean panties you had just put on getting more and more soaked with every second, that familiar tension only increasing.
Just when your eyes were starting to water you could feel him starting to twitch in your mouth. You knew he was close now. You wanted to continue, eager to make him cum, please him, and taste him on your tongue. Your hand was starting to slip between your thighs.
‘Stop,’ he breathed shortly. Instantly, you pulled back, looking up at him. His eyes were closed, his lips parted as he panted, his chest heaving. Without looking, one of his hands found the top of your head, first patting your hair before cupping your face. With his free hand, he pulled up his boxers, covering up his wet length, which instantly left a pretty stain on them. He looked down at you, the corners of his mouth lifting, and you knew you had done well in pleasing him, making your heart pound in your chest and the butterflies flutter through your stomach.
‘I’m not done with you yet,’ he panted, grinning.
His thumb brushed over your lips before he nodded at you as a sign for you to stand up. You instantly obeyed, ignoring the discomfort in your legs from sitting weirdly for a while.
‘Get on the bed,’ he commanded softly. His blue eyes were lidded now too and his gaze was hungry. Heart pounding, you quickly went inside, jumping on the bed as he followed behind you closely. You had barely sat down on the bed when he climbed onto it, straddling you. You looked at him in surprise.
‘Do you trust me?’ he asked softly, his voice breathy. You nodded instantly. ‘Then close your eyes,’ he added. You closed your eyes and felt his lips upon yours again. Passionately, you kissed him back, the world disappearing and completely melting into him. But a sudden buzzing feeling on your lips made you pull back startled, your eyes still closed shut.
‘It’s okay, you can trust me,’ Seungmin said softly, succeeding in comforting you. The gears in your head seemed to turn slowly. You knew he would never hurt you, you had just been startled, that was all. You bent towards him again, allowing your mind to relax and be open to whatever Seungmin wanted to do. He didn’t kiss you this time, however. You could feel him laying his hands on top of your shoulders. They were warm, but not hot like Changbin’s usually were. Then a soft buzzing feeling started to tickle your shoulders. It almost felt like your skin was vibrating, a tingling that seemed hard to describe.
‘Is that okay?’ Seungmin asked carefully. With your eyes still closed, you smiled, letting out a breathy “Yes,” for him. Slowly, he moved his hands up and down your shoulders, collarbones, and neck, almost like a massage. There was no pain, but it definitely felt different than when someone would touch you with a normal hand. This felt… exciting, new. Maybe even a little… dangerous. The feeling of playing with something you normally shouldn’t made you clench your thighs together and bite your lip.
‘Can I take off your top?’ Seungmin asked. You were sure he had sensed something in you, causing him to ask, but still being careful. As an answer, you put your arms up for him. The buzzing feeling stopped and he used his hands to pull the top over your head. You heard him let slip a soft groan as he found out you weren’t wearing anything underneath. For a moment you wished to see his face. See his blue eyes rake your body as he would lick his lips, his cheeks slightly flushed with his own heat. But you kept them closed as he had asked, focusing on what you were feeling. His hands went back to your shoulders again, and the buzzing feeling returned. This time he started stroking your body with the tips of his fingers, the tingling and vibrating feeling making you breathe deeply, almost entrancing you.
His fingers brushed your collarbones, moving lower to your chest until they rested upon your breasts. Suddenly his lips were on yours again and as he kissed you, his fingers closed around your nipples. You gasped in his mouth, the new form of stimulation almost seeming to knock the breath out of you. You could feel his lips smiling as he continued kissing you, massaging and pinching your nipples while using his powers as you moaned into his mouth. Whatever it was that he was doing seemed to have a direct connection to the heat between your legs, and before you knew it you were a hot moaning mess, your hole clenching desperately around nothing.
‘Seungminnie,’ you whined onto his tingling lips. He let go of your oversensitive tits and for a moment you felt disappointed, but then he pushed you gently onto your back. You half opened your eyes, and before you could even blink he had removed both your pants and panties and his own clothes. The deep blue pools of his eyes were lidded, and they seemed to be whirling like water pools. His cheeks were slightly pink with heat as he panted eagerly. You stretched your hand out to him, needing to feel him, which he took, intertwining his fingers with yours and holding your hand tightly. He pushed your arm above your head, placing himself between your legs. With his free hand, he trailed down your body, his finger buzzing and tingling over your skin as it went down, stopping just above your clit. Your eyes locked for a moment, and there was nothing more you needed to say to him. He positioned his length between your thighs and pressed into you. The way your walls stretched around his cock as he filled you up made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
He didn’t leave you much time to adjust to him as he instantly started fucking you with deep long thrusts. You panted and whined with bliss, the feeling of finally being filled up, making you drunk with love. Seungmin’s free hand moved over your body again, stopping on your clit this time. His thumb started to buzz and tingle your skin and you knew what was coming. Putting it carefully on your sensitive bud, never stopping his thrusts, he started to draw circles on you. An endless stream of moans escaped your mouth now, as Seumgin fucked you deeply, his thumb playing with your clit. The electricity that was literally running through your body made everything feel amplified, pleasure spreading through your entire body. Then he hit that spot that made you gasp, the feeling so intense that you had lifted yourself from the bed, sitting up to face him. Seungmin was breathing heavily. His hair sticking to his forehead as his lips produced the most beautiful soft pants. He grinned at you, seeing your fucked out face, your tongue between your teeth. Clearly, it encouraged him even more as the tingling feeling on your clit intensified.
‘Minnie I-,’ you whined, but before you could finish your sentence, he sent a spark to your core, tipping you over the edge instantly. Your veins seemed to be electrified, tingling, buzzing, and sizzling from the tips of your fingers to the ends of your toes.
But Seungmin wasn’t done yet. He removed his hand from your core, gripping your hips with both hands and continuing his steady pace. Your orgasm started to wash away and overstimulation was taking over your body. Your arms holding you up gave out and you fell back on the bed, but Seungmin’s pace didn’t falter. Instead, he bent over you, his eyes finding your barely open ones. He didn’t have to talk to make you understand. He was getting close too. Your tingling arms reached out for his face, cupping it and pulling him closer so you could kiss him. His lips melted into yours sweetly as his cock still stretched you with every thrust. He let out small gasps on your lips as you kissed him, his movements starting to feel more and more strained.
‘Fill me up Seungmin,’ you whispered onto his lips. Your words were all he needed. You could feel his dick spasm inside of you and he let out a long deep groan as he emptied himself deep inside of you. In a daze, his lips found yours again, kissing you deeply, sloppily. But you knew what it meant.
“I love you”
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sparklywatercolors · 1 year ago
alright, this might be a doozy so hear me out.So my partner is staying with my family and I until March.My friends know this and pretty much all of them are friends with him. They all get along pretty well. My best friend adores him. Like she gets excited when he asks her to hang out with us.Anyways.So usually I just hang out with my 3 girlies. All of them start of them with A so I can't use initials so I'll use emojis.🐯 Is my best friend (the one mentioned previously)🦔 Is our other friend she's really chill and basically just always busy cooking and dealing with her many chaotic students And finally there's 🐱 this one is very intense and the one I'm having a bit of an issue with.So the first time my partner and I had everyone together we were all getting ramen together. It was going well until 🐱 coerced 🐯 into trying a heavy edible at my house and it made 🐯 get sick and have a panic attack. 🦔 And my partner were comforting 🐯 in the living room while I was keeping 🐱 away from her cause she was stoned as fuck and was pissed that 🐯 wanted to watch some very chaotic dork she likes watching for her calm down. 🐯 Is okay by the way. She still feels guilty but we've been assuring her it's not her fault.And then the second time we all hang out 🐯 can't make it bc stuff but tells us to have a good time. It was going well until we were all hanging out in the food court, splitting a pretzel cup and then 🐱 basically tells us she was stealing while we were all together and 🦔 called her out on it. Look none of us don't give a shit abt it but don't drag us into that. And it got brushed aside because 🐱 had to rant about her 4-Chan friend group. Who she doesn't like but she cries when they hang out?? 😭 I accidentally butt dialed one of my friends during this and it ended up causing SO MUCH DRAMA 🗿. Because that's when 🐱 demanded we go home despite saying we can all go out to dinner after the 4 chan rant. And on the drive home, me and partner were scared to even speak to each other on the ride home with 🐱. And a few weeks later, 🐱 calls me up. Her family member had suddenly passed. Which is horrifying. I'm so sorry oh my god. And my partner overheard and he said his condolences. And 🐱 got mad and hung up and then didn't speak to me for a week. When she did, she told me that I should know no response is a response and that I was wrong for letting my partner offer condolences and that it was immature for him to butt in, and this is why she isn't friends with 21 year olds. (Note: she's 28, my partner is 22, 🐯 and I are 25 and 🦔 is 26). Which is hypocritical of her because she's friends with our mutual friend who is 21. Not the point. And then she takes my partner and I out to sushi. And she was ranting about her job. She works with disabled or mentally ill kids as a teacher's aid. And her one kid has a lot of issues. 🐱 Was venting about her and called her a c*nt because she was self harming and her schizophrenia was acting up. We were appalled. How can you call a 13 year old little girl that? Especially a little girl with issues like that. My partner was disgusted for the little girl and also the fact that his little sister is also 13. Luckily 🐱 got removed from working with that little girl but that's still horrible. :( Last weekend 🐱 called and we caught up and she told me she wishes she never ranted to my partner about her work cause he didn't seem like he was listening? He was listening he was just angry?? Which I was too. I was boiling internally. I work with middle schoolers when I tutor, those kids have enough on their plates how can you call them that wtf.
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agentoffangirling · 7 months ago
so here's the thing, your post didn't describe fiction affecting reality but manipulation from others or even grooming
you should know this: all ships are valid. Your 13 year old self did nothing wrong. Being manipulated / groomed into saying "I was wrong for liking a ship" is extremely worrying. Grooming also doesn't have to be sexual, it is essentially someone with power taking advantage of a vulnerable person (you) by posing themselves as their protector/mentor/whatever
other red flags to look out for are things like being told you "deserved to be mistreated because you gave into sin" and being praised if you "have given up that sin and thus changed for the better" because this is the kind of manipulation tactic you find in religious cults.
Here are some sources on how to spot grooming and the difference between an adult who means well and a predator
and here is a safety PSA to spot grooming in fandom communities
If you are still friends with these kind of people, I suggest you take a long look at them and ask yourself if your relationship is healthy. Pro-tip: if they still control what you are/aren't allowed to like, if they tell you that you are a bad person because of your past/present fictional interests, then the relationship is unhealthy and these people can and will drop you the moment you don't act in the way they want you to
be safe
I made a quiz about my favorite ships. One of those was that proship. I had a comment one time that was like:
"totally agree with all of these except blank"
"oh why not?"
"well, they're brothers"
"not by blood, but okay"
And my day went on. Another time I went over to a friend's house (who is of the same age as me) to chat with her, and she didn't know anything about this media at all, so it was mostly just me gushing my love about it. She did however, know these two characters were siblings, and brought up concerns that it was weird to ship them. Again, I claimed it wasn't, we went on with our days
I started to realize that I was in the wrong when not only did I think about these two experiences, but I started watching more of the media itself, which clearly put them as brothers. That's not grooming, that's called growing from a kid bc kids often don't know what is right or wrong. They learn from it. It's natural to ship problematic things when you're younger bc you don't know it's problematic, and it's only through interacting with the media and other fans do you start learning. From what I've seen, most pro-shippers are never told no and are given content that reinforces their beliefs. They usually don't interact with the fandom or distance themselves from the piece until later. This makes them think that the ship is perfectly okay. Telling someone no is not grooming
Not all ships are valid if they reinforce toxic behaviors and/or mirror real-life problems. To be told that shipping siblings is bad is not grooming and I am astounded you actually think that. What the actual fuck
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lutawolf · 2 years ago
The 8th Sense ep 8
Okay, okay, I'm braced for the pain. Lies that I tell myself.
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We must find our other half
Yup... I'm okay. I'm totally fine.
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Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. I love you, but you need educating on this. They are fabulous, and that took a lot of work. I need a gif of them because hot damn. I need them to teach me how to do eye makeup.
Cyborg, "I still don't know what my usage is." "Why was I created?" Through the portrayal of a colorful psychiatric hospital, we can conclude that the message from the art director was: Psychiatric hospitals don't always have to be gloomy. It's okay to be colorful. Live the way you want.
It's like we are getting a message about both Jae Won and Ji Hyun mental state right now. Jae Won is questioning so much about himself right now, while Ji Hyun is hopeful. Who would have thought that Ji Hyun would turn into a sunshine character.
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Aww, bless him, he said, please. 👀👀👀 Okay, they turned into an ass, but they still look fabulous.
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Love these girls. "I thought she was throwing a one-person show." Oh, and look at sassy Ji Hyun!
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GIFs from the lovely maxescheibechlinichacheli
This scene. Fuck me. And the cunt rolling her eyes!
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No, he isn't going to forgive him because he is a jealous little boy. Yeah, and you'll be a victim the rest of your life. And so called gf is just keeping her mouth shut. Seriously, she slept with him.
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Yes... This is really how I am like watching shows. Just ask some of the people who have watched them with me. @suga4mycoffee
Bestie doesn't realize that Jae Won is in self-destruction mode.
See, he isn't even trying, but here comes baby boy to his rescue. And we see the first signs of a real smile out of Jae Won as his baby talks. Look at this baby giving such a speech. Bless him.
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Anybody else watched the two-year-old tantrum on repeat and clap? No, just me?
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I'm getting so little joy. Just emotional damage. Let me enjoy what I can.
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Baby boy all excited and happy for him. Jae Won just lets him walk away. Then baby boy sits there waiting on his call. Fuck!
Fucking sunshine baby, just texting away to no response. And don't get me wrong, I know that Jae Won is fucked in the head right now, but if you think that this won't have lasting effects on Ji Hyun. You haven't seen the effects of what ignoring can do. Generally, if this happens in a relationship, there will be serious clinging when rectified and a tendency towards stressing out.
"I knew you had a girl." Bestie was getting mad that he hadn't been told and took matters into his own hands. Don't let me down, bestie. Oh, fuck, but I love him!
"How can you keep this news from your best friend of 13 years!"
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GIF by troubledmindzzz
Dude, I wish so much happiness on bestie. So much!
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Ji Hyun, I'm gonna need you to take off those rose colored glasses. I adore that you know where Jae Won is coming from and will support. But ignoring your own feelings and emotional traumas from this is not good.
This is like saving someone who slid off a cliff, but your shoulder was pulled out of socket while doing so, and you just ignore the shoulder wound. It won't get better on its own! You can't ignore it!
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I really love the bestie, though. Like so much. Somebody GIF them tapping coffee cups. I need these besties immortalized please!!!
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Oh, there we go. When all is silent, and he is all alone, we see the peaks of his real emotions. Boiling just below the surface.
This cunt. He literally saved Jae Won from being expelled. If you really loved Jae Won, you'd be thanking Ji Hyun, but you don't give two shits about anyone but yourself. I love that Ji Hyun is giving it as good as he is getting it. YES!!!
I bet a bunch of people showed up at his work after her complaint. Nobody likes the bitch but boys who want her. Everyone else is like, if she doesn't go there, then that's where I want to be!
I love the boss.
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GIF by ahsung
Fuck me, this scene!
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monsterrae1 · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Oh god I suck at self recs 😂
Eddie Diaz discovers the secrets of the universe
After leaving the 118 Eddie has too much time on his hands and comes across a book that would change his life.
He finds himself dealing with all his past repression and trauma, coming the other side better, happier.
What we had (sad, beautiful, tragic love affair)
Eddie met Evan during a summer in 2012 while they were both trying to find their place in the world, and fell completely in love, but when has Eddie ever gotten to keep what we wants?
After leaving Evan behind without word, he spend 7 years trying to get over him without succeeding.
In 2018, Evan walks back into his life, leading to Eddie to fall in love with him again, even with the mountain of guilt and mistakes he's made in the past, too bad the universe doesn't grand second chances. Or does it?
(also known as the summer fling/exes to lovers fic, Eddie's version)
Echoes of love
“The house isn’t haunted” Eddie said sighing, they were at the locker room, and Buck was telling Eddie about what had happen the night before as they got ready to start their shift.
“Oh, you guys live in a haunted house?” Chim asked, excitedly “What happen?” He dropped his bag next to their and started to change into his uniform too.
“Nothing happened” Eddie said at the same time Buck said:
“We have a ghost”
“Buck” Eddie said, a tone of voice that Buck was all too familiar with, exasperation laced with fondness, even his eye roll was full of love “You were exhausted, you probably left the box there earlier that morning, God knows I’ve lost track of your unpacking process by now”
Also known as, the haunted house fic
You’re on your own kid (you always have been)
Evan had rehearsed this a million times, he was supposed to say:
My name is Evan Buckley, I’m 13 years old and I want to be emancipated from my parents. They had me to save my brother, and all my life that’s all I’ve been, spare parts, they don’t even look at me twice unless they need something for Daniel. I’m not allowed to have friends because they need me to be at home in case they need anything for him. I’m not allowed to play outside because I’m not allowed to get hurt. Because I don’t belong to myself, I belong to them, and I want to belong to myself.
He had just taken a deep breath to start his speech when his mother stood up from her seat and started to yell at him.
“Stop this nonsense, Evan! You’re taking time away from Daniel! He needs you; he needs you to help him, that’s why we had you”
That’s why we had you.
Evan had been born to save his brother, until he got himself out of his household. 20 years later, Buck and Eddie are trying to adopt a baby who was born to save her brother, and the trial opens up a lot of old wounds for Buck.
They’re bringing up my history (you aren’t even listening)
“Buck!” Chim called out to him, “We’re going out for drinks, wanna join?”
They asked him every night when they went out, and as much as Buck wanted to, he couldn’t.
“Next time” he said, like he did every time. Chim and Hen gave him a sad look before nodding and turning their heads.
He just didn’t want to ruin their lives too.
It had been years since he last worked as an actor, years since he had crashed his bike, he’d been sober for years, and still, the media still looked for things he had done wrong, he sometimes still had paparazzies stationed outside his apartment complex, and he was in every BuzzFeed listicles about where are they now, and child actors with now normal jobs, once in a while his agent would still call him about interviews and book deals and, he just couldn’t risk his friends getting involved in that mess. He was lucky it hadn’t costed him his job yet.
Or former child actor Buck is trying to find happiness in a life outside of the public eye, but some reporters just wont let him have peace.
I love all of my children (fics) these are just the 5 that popped into mind rn
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rayadraws · 1 year ago
Tagged by @unfortunatelycake ! Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Punch Man
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- Metallic Koala, 724 kudos
- We're just helping them, 766 kudos
- Egg x Toaster oneshots, 962 kudos
- Who Is She?, 1813 kudos
- Demon Cyborg's livestream, 2545 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I'm really bad at doing it, but I love every single one I've received! I guess I don't reply much because it'd mostly be me yelling 'thank you!!' over and over (I do mean it though!)
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do true angst, but overall I guess it might be The Danger of Trust, in which Kuseno dies. I wouldn't call the ending angsty though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think practically all my fics have happy endings, most happy, hm... I think I will say the Old Boys series because it implies a long happy life together to get to the point of when the stories take place.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't -think- so, not on my fics specifically that I can remember anyway.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
It happens. Pretty standard stuff lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't think I've written any yet...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've granted permission when asked, but I don't know if the translations were carried out.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, but many of my fics come out of discussing an idea or concept with friends, using our shared ideas etc. When this is the case it'll say in the fic notes.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Years ago I drew a vague monk/fire demon AU thing, which got a fair few likes. I wrote a chapter one for a story about but never could continue it - I don't -have- a rest of the story and it was so long ago that I wouldn't know where to start. I should probably post what I do have to the oneshot collection.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This is really hard for me to answer. I enjoy writing dialogue a lot and I think I'm decent at writing it in a way people actually speak, you know?
I also try very, very hard to finish what I've started. My unfinished WIPs are all things I've never posted, everything I've posted I've finished (or they are series without defined endings that can stand alone).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Rushing. This shows as poor grammar, typos, rushing through the story in general. I think "filler" content is tough. For the grammar, to some extent I'll also put the blame on english not being my first language.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not something I typically do. It was a plot point in one oneshot that Saitama learned an english phrase to tell Genos, I think that's the only time I've done it. Although on that subject, it could be funny to write Kuseno and Genos talking in english over Saitama's head lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OPM is my first and so far only.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh, that's tough, I'm very self-critical. I like some of my oneshots a lot, it can be fun to build a small story around a particular scene. Three Princesses or Drunken Friends for instance.
For separate works, I enjoy writing Old Boys a lot (and that one started in the Oneshot collection too, ha).
Tagging @guardiandae @reptile-ruler and @blairtrabbit
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hornet-best-bug · 10 months ago
Could you tell us more about your oc onto which you doodled horns? (Btw, full permission to infodump everything you want about them)
Her name is Revive V Regor, and the idea was based off of Pavooko's Void angel idea. (Its warframe related. I fucking love warframe.) The idea was in simple terms "what if, in this AU of warframe, she broke her deal with the man in the wall, and he in retaliation removed her memories of everything and sent her onto the Zarimen derelict, while also leaving her vunerable to the lure of the angels song"
Most of that AU isn't cannon to her true character, and i only have the premise of that AU drafted as a short story you can find on my blog somewhere 😅 so i'll ramble about her cannon self in an alternate AU me and my partner work on together.
Revive was an experiment of Tyl Regor and Alad V ( the community calls Alad "Salad V" a lot, which i think is funny) in an attempt to see whether combining corpus genetics and grineer genetics would stop clone rot. (Clone rot is where grineer clone slowly deteriorate, it's a mutation in the genetics that causes their bodies to essentially "rot" killing them. Hence the name "Clone rot" it formed from years of cloning clones of clones, so on so forth)
Revive was only created successfully on the fith and final attempt, as Alad didn't really fully understand how the cloning process worked. Alad at the time was also recovering from his infestation (cannonially we, the tenno helped him, however for the sake of this au and the fact that we ship Alad and Tyl, Tyl is the one who helps Alad) so Revive does have some dormant infestated genetics, which was what was hoped to stop the clone rot.
Revive went through most of her childhood with her two crazy dads, though she didn't see Alad too much. Revive lived in the grineer Sea Labs a majority of the time, sometimes staying at Alads if Tyl needed her out of the way for a bit.
Revive as a kid was one of those "gifted kids" but she wasn't from the start ever using it for things people would deem "good" rather, she found an innate attraction towards weaponry, particularly explosives. Younger Revive having been so obsessed with grenades and bombs, was given a bomb plushie for her sixth birthday.
At 6, while she was logic smart, she still had a very creative side, often doodling plans for a gun she wanted to make, which ended up being the MK-1 of Firecracker. She liked to play games where she was the bad guy terrorising a city, when she met the man in the wall. He'd taken an interest in her potential for havoc, and so, after introducing himself and making her think he was some "imaginary friend" he made a deal with her. Now keeping in mind she'd around 6-8 at this time. Logic is escaping her because she thinks this is all part of the little roleplay.
The deal was of immorality to everything minus clone-rot as that's her achilies heel, although, wally (wally = the man in the wall) himself is another weakness as she ended up owing him her soul.
At 9 years old, with careful supervision and very limited resources to keep her safe, was allowed to make the MK-1 of Firecracker, her custom grenade launcher that packs quite a punch while sending out live grenades.
After that deal, she continued to play with him, and eventually, once she hit her teenage years, stopped seeing him, and frankly, isn't able to recall much of her childhood.
She, at around 13-16, started making a new, improved version of Firecracker, commandeering corpus weaponry that Alad gave her when she asked to study their reactors. She took apart a reactor she thought would work until she could do the maths for the correct formula for the custom reactor, and managed to make a semi-decent version of her gun. Though she wasn't fully satisfied, with the limited resources she was allowed, it was a decent start and a huge upgrade from the one she made at 9.
Through these years, Tyl and Alad would often have debates on where Revive should live. Should she remain in grineer territory, which at this point is all she knows, or should Alad take her to Corpus territory in hopes of giving her a life that Tyl knows he can't give.
They eventually came to an agreement of alternating where Revive stays. Two weeks at the labs and two weeks at Alads, rinse and repeat.
Revive has so many siblings, but the ones that have names are Kahl-175 (He is a cannon character you meet him in the new war and get to pkay as him in his own quest called Veilbreaker) Virmek and Gant. Gant is the youngest of the trio, and is very attatched to his technically little sister Revive. However, Gant is a manic, so he is tiny and childish, hence revive considers him a little brother instead.
At 14 Revive found herself developing clone rot, and started to conceal it from Tyl and Alad, though it eventually in her adult hood is discovered after tyl finds her bleeding through a very bad bandaging job.
She eventually gets a job in corupus territory, though she dislikes her boss, who is a total dick. She doesn't really get paid much despite her work demanding a higher wage. She doesn't work in finance. She works in weaponry as an explosives expert. Her salary is high, but corpus like to hoard their money, and i doubt they ever pay their employees fairly. (Just like the real world, am i right)
During this whole fiasco of working, she makes some friends with a group of Solaris. Jack, Tiffany, Scott. Revive has nicknames for the three
Jack = Jacky Wacky
Tiffany= Tiffy
Scott =Scottie
Revive ends up agreeing to help the Solaris with their issues, though dislikes working alongside the Tenno.
So not only is Revive working a full time job, she's being a babysitter for her brothers, helping out solaris United, dealing with the man in the wall who randomly pops back into existence one day, and is also dealing with a lot of insanity in her mind that she's constantly pushing back.
A note about her hair is that as a child it was completely light brown hair, however as she got older and did a ton of dangerous things she *should* have died from, white streaks would form in her hair. At the age of 23, her hair turned completely white, which was when Wally popped back into existence.
Most of this is completed lore, and thats about it at the moment because everything is still a work in progress 😅
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fabien-euskadi · 2 years ago
R, T & X
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
Ten curiosities about me? I am not sure if all these curiosities are new for most (or any) of you, but let’s do this, shall we?
Curiosity number 1: I have zero tattoos and I am absolutely not interested in having one. But I respect anyone who does - it’s just not my thing.
Curiosity number 2: I have travelled so many times between both my places that I already know every inch of the road. Actually, I already know that, after crossing the Bridge of the River Vascão (the one that separates the region of Alentejo from the Algarve), there are 13 consecutive corners; all of them should be done in 4th gear, with the exception of the 10th, that requires a 3rd gear. I am not joking, by the way.
Curiosity number 3: In my farm, I have no real decorative objects with the exception of a small Sophocles bust that someone (who is very dear to me) brought me from Greece. I am not sure if the bust was bought in Athens, Rhodes or Santorini, but it was in one of these three.
Curiosity number 4: I refuse to wear a cap. It’s an absolute no-no for me.
Curiosity number 5: I have never fired a gun. To be honest, I am genuinely happy with that. I belong to the peace.
Curiosity number 6: When I was six, I cut my foot on a rock on a river (I should not be walking barefoot, but you know how children are…). I had to be stitched in cold blood, without any kind of anesthesia. And the doctor who stitched me even called me “a crying baby” for weeping while being sewed in cold blood. I was six, you bloody heartless monster, SIX years old!
Curiosity number 7: I’ve only visited my father’s grave once.
Curiosity number 8: I refuse to celebrate my birthday. Usually, on that day, I go on a solitary road trip to some interesting place.
Curiosity number 9: I never had COVID, and I am not interested in catching it. I am fine this way, thank you.
Curiosity number 10: I have zero patience or tolerance form smug people. Sadly, that also means I have zero patience or tolerance for most people (including, probably, many of those who will be reading these very lines).
T - 5 things I love unconditionally.
OK, kidding. Now, let’s be serious for a while, shall we?
Thing number one: All those I consider to be my family. It should be noted that my definition of family is a touch unorthodox, since it includes several individuals I have not a blood tie with; at the same time, my family also excludes other people who, technically, are my relatives - I simply don’t consider them to be my actual family. Oh, my family also includes my dog (Duke) and my two cats (Lenina and Jiji).
Thing number two: Change, the only constant in life. Routine kills me, changes keep me alive.
Thing number three: Literature. And all forms of artistic expression. But the literature above all.
Thing number four: Traveling. It’s both a form of self-expression and a medicine for my poor tormented soul. And traveling also means taking photos (and you all know how much I love photography).
Thing number five: My future wife. Don’t be fooled by my tongue-in-cheek attitude, I know she doesn’t exist. No one could possibly want to marry me - someone had to be a perfect lunatic (or completely dumb) to do that… and no one is that crazy.  However, if she did exist, I can guarantee you all she would be loved like no one ever was in the entire Human History.
(Hey, I forgot to mention my friends, but let's pretend they are, somehow, my family)
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much.
I try not to have many regrets, for all my mistakes were, in the end, lessons learned the hard way. I may regret the things I haven’t done, but I don’t regret my errors, for they are all part of something called “being alive”:
I regret every single time I said “I love you” to someone (and I have already done it countless times - once, I even did it in Urdu). I really meant it, for the bottom of my heart, every single time I have said it, make no mistake. But I also got hurt every single time I pronounced those damned words. I am better off when my mouth is shut.
Thank you, anon - I hope you are doing fine.
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theiloveyousong · 2 years ago
olive listens to the second act of falsettos for the first ever time on a plane very tired and slightly loopy: a liveblog (ish)
my not entertaining, very pathetic thoughts on falsettos. not proofread or edited for typos. read at your own risk.
okay before we begin let me preface by saying im finally just taking a bit to just LISTWN to this shit and trinas song emotionally destoryed me okay. okay
why is the first line just homosexuals. i mean yeah but still
oh this goes
weirdly happy though isnt this guy gonna die
ooh speed mode march of the falsettos
the lesbians!!
of course shes a shiksa
this gooooooes
oh its marvin
“two years” are you NORMAL now
good for trina
ezcept on tje jewish holidays
bring him back
i wanna go to falsettoland except not really cuz ot would probs suck
yeah. grow tje fuck up
wait how is he twelve and a half i had my bat mitzvah three months after turning 13
elaborate william finn.
jason stoooop butchering the hebrew. stooooop
im gonna give him a pass simply because ive heard worse
aww the tallit belssing. i think
“the last loving thinfh we’llprobably ever do together” noooo youre so emotionally intriguing aha
the whole things WHAT now man who i think matbe js whizzer but i cant tel marvin snd whizzer apart very well is that bad
good for fucking jason
this is my mom literally
hes gonna be a jewish adult
i cant tell wahts gping on (too zzzy)
omg a lesbian
“nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine” cordelia i love you but please do not do this. just have fucjing bagels you cant go weong with bagels
so proud pf jason
i am NOT dxcited for when my brother starts bar mitzvah prep
this song is titled miracle of judaism it has to be good
oh hes being a little straightboy
invite none of them just be a frienless loser like i was lamoo
no i had like four people there
you are TWELVE. DUDE.
you’re not swinging a goth gf you are TWELVE YEARS OLD
oooh baseball
ooooh JEWOSH baseball
same maevin
marvin stop calling your sona pussy
oh eitght its the Eighties
jason cannot play baseball
baseball ��️ ooh empji ⚽️ 🏀 🏈
go off trina. love her
of course he love sbaseball
the lesbians are silly
oh my god. middle aged man core. hes so fjcking pathetic
jason *not 2 fiture penny put photo of cat kn box head here. no service on this plane*
even bald he looks good
stop thinking about your gay love and focus on your fucking sun. loser
i would love to watch jason play badebll (loe?
me when i hit the ball
this bitch gets SIX parents at hsi baseball games and my brother gets my mom and me not paying attention because soccer is boring as sbit sorry soccer lovers who also follow penny dimeshee on timblr pkay im rabong RAMBING
me when im in falsettoland
mendel is so bad at his job
this bitch sucks ass.
disgrace to the name of caroline fr caroline abbott would NEVER do such a thing
reagan and pagan as a rhyme ks genius
trina. thag is NOT how you prnounce it
sorry what.
just qhitnyour FFUCKIGN job. you cant do it anyway 😊☺️☺️
god i love ❤️ emojis
wbat a shock marvins back with whizzer
trina be normal please 🙏 i love you
trina calm your shit
yeah why CANT u let goe
as spon as they said that i know everytknhg not gonna be alright
i watched like half of a short clip of this from tje tonies and then went to bed becaus eit was like ten pm and i sleep early because i am a loser if any lf you compare me to bakugo my hero academia i will actually cry anyway the clip was good they were #exercising wby dod i go pn thos tangent
me when i stick a lightbulb up my ass
okay shes being self important
was that the first eff bomb
what aee they laying
whizzer my man marvin has matured stip raggingi kn him!!!!!!!!!’
i cant see anything out this plane window its like 10 pm. past my bedtime
OOH i lvoe me a good musical motif
anyone here watchind minions the rise of gru and know what the FUUCK goes on in it my brothers watcing jt and im so confused
HE DID MATURE!!!!!!!!!!!! “i want it all” “all i want is you” CHARACTER DEVEIPMENT GO OFFFFFF!! i want to write an essay about this man
they gave us quinoa chocolace crunches on the plane
theyre in the coty? damn i would jot think that. they feel like sone sort of pseudo-idyllic suburban lifestyle bitches
Damn this shit is long
this sonf is incorrect i do not hate my parents
thag wasnt funny
jadon. honey. you are so lucky your parendes dotn involve you in bar mitzvah prep. do you want to pick out tablecloth swatches
jaosn i feel like you’re misunderstanding the purpace of the bar mitzvab
what kinda a name ks apple bum
better call sa- he WHAT???? HWTA????? HIH????? WH?????? REELING
HE HAS PAITBJNGD OF WHAT NOW???????????????????????
matbe i should have done this while lucid
gonna take a wuick pause sk i can play shitty united app games
okay i got a high score of 0. om back
HE DOESNT yeah i thoight that
what the fuck was that mendel is thag ilatian. we are JEWISH. why did you top it off with dayeinu.
i did bate my paewnts at 12
jason dont you want to be counted in a minyan….
it is not in the torah
god did not say thag
jason do the fuckingn bar mitzvah.
even ykkur wife knows you cand do your hob correctly mendel…
one hour left onthe flogh ti can do this
can mtbrother turn his screen birghtness fown
sorry marvinim sore your love os wuite sweet but im gonan catch about four min of sbuteye
“try to stay both kind and young” okah thats powerful
okay marvin. good love ballad.
Tumblr media
“something so bad that words have lost their meaning”
whizzer soumds so tired
MARVIN. god i love him
everything is not gonna be alright
oh and now trjnas gonna make me sob
YEAH. 🤧😿
i have things to say about the repetition of everything will be alright and they will be said. eventually
“hahaha… not funny… okay”
gonna bawl my eyes out
“gefiltee fish” “gefilte fish?”
i need to watch this on stage
god he’s just a KID!!!
im not crying you’re crying
the fucking. camaderie.
i am crying on the plane and im trying not to be weird about it
heart breaking
i am getting tje implications here bit the thing is i dont like the implications
ive heard this song on character playlists o think
i just know jason bar mitzvahs gonna kill me
he brought tje prayer shawl!!
yeah this si. augh. making the best out of a horrible situation <333
would this ever work logistically? no. where is the rabbi? where is the torsh? but emotionally? i am crying my eyes out as i drscend over salt lake city utsh and im not even ahsmwed
MARVIN. GOD. im a marvin fan now not ashamed
they are NOT doing this bar mitzvah right
thats not an actual parshah. or actual trope. i need to stop pointing out inconsisternces
waiteajtwait dont they say that thing in this has better come to a stop. OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
like wine
there ar no word sor emojis that can express th e utter fucking heartbreak im going through rn
whoo boy.
hi its airport olive. thanks for getting this far! if you read this all you’re now legally obligated to marry me!
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xmen-continuity · 3 months ago
I’m sick and bored so here we go, featuring Marilyn Summers because she’s been my fixation the past month or so.
1. What does your character do when they think no one’s looking?
Marilyn talks to herself a lot as a way of self-soothing and to deal with intrusive thoughts. She’s been told repeatedly not to do that and it makes her look “crazy,” so she tries to suppress it around others.
2. What’s the one thing your character would save in a fire (beyond the necessities)?
The photo she has of her and her sisters.
3. Who’s on speed dial?
Her cousins, Alex and Scott, and her friends Hank and Kurt.
4. Your character gets turned down for their dream job. What’s their second choice?
Marilyn doesn’t really have a “dream job,” she just wants a career that she doesn’t hate that supports her lifestyle. That being said, after leaving the x-men she became a barista and mural artist, and had no regrets about that.
5. What would they tell their ten-year-old self?
Don’t listen to your parents when they tell you to keep things a secret. They’re trying to keep up appearances and what’s happening isn’t normal, and other people will be able to help keep you safe.
6. Where would they want to go on a first date?
Some kind of art or craft class, like ceramics, jewelry making, painting, anything like that. Then, if the date sucks, at least she got to make a craft project!
7. What’s the best advice they’ve ever received?
There are people out there who want to help you, but they can’t if you don’t tell them what’s happening.
Also don’t jump off a flaming asteroid (this advice was disregarded).
8. What’s the worst advice they’ve ever received?
Men and boys are naturally violent, you just have to wait it out when they’re angry because it’s totally normal.
9. What’s one physical detail they’d change about themselves?
Marilyn would want to be taller. She’s already tall but would love to be over six feet in height.
10. When was the last time they were held? By who?
A few days after she’d attempted suicide, she had a breakdown in her bedroom. Kurt had found her and held her through the entire night.
11. What’s their favorite thing about their favorite season?
Marilyn’s favorite season is autumn, she loves getting to wear cozy sweaters and sleeping under a pile of blankets. And stepping on crunchy leaves is a highlight as well.
12. Their wallet gets stolen. What do they do?
Given the fact that she’s an x-man and pretty much broke, she’d just kind of go “oh well, whatever.” She’d probably call Charles though just for good measure.
13. Prioritize: Love, money, power, knowledge?
Love, knowledge, money, power.
14. What’s something nobody knows about them?
Her entire life, Marilyn’s had the feeling she would die before she was twenty. After hitting the twenty -year mark, she realized she had no plans or idea what she wanted for her future, since she’d assumed she wouldn’t live that long. She’s still trying to figure out what to do with her life.
15. What’s in their fridge?
Insulin, fruit, leftover pasta, a stick of butter that she took a bite out of because she mistook it for cheese, milk and apple juice.
16. What (creature, object, substance) are they most disgusted by?
Fish. Dead or alive. (This is 100% self-projection).
17. What’s their second worst habit?
Pulling out strands of their hair when stressed or bored (trichotillomania).
18. What are the victory conditions for their life?
Get a cat, be able to afford to live and care for said cat, form genuine friendships, and be the cool aunt to whoever in her family has kids.
19. In the end, your character fails to save the day. Assuming they survive, what do they do?
Take like three minutes to make a haphazard (and probably much more reckless) plan, and try again.
20. Your character is charged with a crime they didn’t commit. What do they do?
Deny they didn’t do it, give their evidence in a levelheaded manner, and if that doesn’t work, get sarcastic and defensive.
21. Your character is charged with a crime they did commit. What was the crime?
Accidentally flattening a Walmart.
22. How would you describe your character’s life in one sentence?
Marilyn Summers does not know how she’s alive, nor does she care; what she does know is how to make a dramatic exit regardless of the situation.
23. What important statistic would they want displayed above them?
A chart of the different heights she’s jumped from and survived versus what would happen to the average person who tried to do so (she thinks it’d be funny to see).
24. What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
She’d hire a lawyer and go to court to gain custody of her sisters.
25. What profession do they most respect?
Social workers, healthcare, and pretty much any profession that helps people who are at their lowest.
26. What childhood injustice did they never get over?
Her brother being allowed to do pretty much whatever he wanted (including destroying their childhood house and trying to kill people), and her being punished for trying to do anything about it.
27. How would they handle having a panic attack?
Her panic attacks usually aren’t as obvious on the outside, she just kind of shuts down, won’t talk or react to anything. She often pulls out her hair or scratches herself without realizing it. She usually holes up in her room and takes a nap afterwards.
28. Your character is burdened with an inconvenient superpower. What is it?
Well, she already has gyrokinesis (gravity manipulation) which is very inconvenient when you don’t know how to use it (see question 21).
29. If they died and could come back as any person, animal, or object, what would they be?
She’d want to come back as a deer, frolic in the forest, and scare the daylights out of nighttime drivers by standing in the middle of the road and watching them swerve around her.
30. What’s the best meal they’ve ever had?
She once ate cereal for all three meals. She felt very accomplished.
31. Where would they stand at a dinner party?
Tbh I’m not sure if I really understand this question, but Marilyn would stand near the doorway so she could sneak out anytime she needed. Or she’d just follow the cat around if there was one.
32. Who would they invite to the dinner party?
The others living at the institute (aka the ones who’d be there anyway) and her sisters.
33. What makes a perfect day for your character?
Plenty of time outside, getting to be with those she loves but also having time to herself.
34. If given the opportunity, would they want to know how and when they died?
No, she’d rather not know because then she’d feel like she has to prepare everything beforehand. Also she’s expected herself to die young her entire life, so she doesn’t have many long term goals she plans on completing anyway.
35. What’s the one thing they’ve always wanted to do? Why haven’t they done it yet?
Dye her hair bright red (like, Ariel from the Little Mermaid red). She hasn’t because she’s expected to “keep up appearances” as the professor tends to keep the Summers family in the spotlight and wants them to present themselves in a specific way.
36. What do they tend to joke about?
She loves puns and word-play, and pretty much anything with an ironic element. Most of the times her jokes are just made to herself, and she doesn’t actually say them out loud.
After hearing about how her cousin Alex lost his arm, she thought to herself “Well, that’s disarming” except she accidentally said it out loud as well. She was mortified. Alex luckily just thought it was hilarious.
37. What’s off limits?
Anything at the expense of others, and anything sexual in nature. The former because she doesn’t want to be cruel, the latter because she just does not find it funny.
38. Whose wedding would they cross the world to attend? Whose funeral?
Her cousins (if they ever actually decide to bite the bullet and get hitched), her sisters, and Kurt. Same for the funerals.
39. What impossible choice did they make that turned out to be the right one? The wrong one?
The first choice wasn’t too impossible for her, though it horrified everyone else. She launched herself off an asteroid plummeting to earth to try and stop it from hitting the surface. It actually worked and she survived (despite being fully convinced she wouldn’t).
The wrong choice was returning to her hometown to try to make amends with her brother. She’d never wanted to give up on him but that only solidified that some people cannot be changed in the worst way possible.
40. Your character has someone to hype them up. What would they say to get everyone excited about your character?
She’s resilient, loyal, and is full of absolutely ridiculous sounding ideas that actually end up working really well.
41. What recurring dream does your character have?
She dreams a lot about her family, particularly her brother. Those dreams are always stressful—not full on nightmares, but she wakes up in a bad mood after them.
42. What is the meaning of life to your character?
She’s actually having a crisis of faith and trying to figure that out. Right now she thinks it’s being able to help others and experience the beauty of nature.
43. What book does your character pretend to have read?
Pride and Prejudice. She enjoys a lot of classics, but cannot make it through that one. Jean loves it, and Marilyn tries her best to pretend she knows what she’s talking about (Jean can tell she hasn’t read it but doesn’t call her out on it).
44. Someone takes undeserved credit for your character’s work. What do they do?
Probably nothing, she wouldn’t care too much about it. Unless it was Scott or Alex, in that case the entire world would know of their intellectual thievery and they’d never live it down as long as they lived.
45. What controversial belief or view does your character hold? Why? Do they hide it?
Some people cannot be changed for good no matter what you do. She tends to hide it, seeing as she lives under the roof of Charles “I can fix them” Xavier.
46. Your character is at a theme park. Where do they go first?
She’s off to find a map so she doesn’t get lost (she gets lost anyway).
47. What’s your character’s favorite name?
Masculine: Luke. Feminine: Abigail.
48. What’s the biggest compliment they’d give themselves?
She thinks she is absolutely hilarious and is perfectly happy telling herself that.
49. How does your character feel about bugs?
They’re a part of nature and should be left in peace. If you smack a spider with your shoe, rest assured she will hunt you down and smack you with her shoe.
50. If your character could hit a reset button on their life, would they?
Yes. She feels like she’s failed everyone she cares about and has many regrets. She’d absolutely take a chance to do better, at least in her eyes.
Character Development: 50 Questions
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What does your character do when they think no one’s looking?
What’s the one thing your character would save in a fire (beyond the necessities)?
Who’s on speed dial?
Your character gets turned down for their dream job. What’s their second choice?
What would they tell their ten-year-old self?
Where would they want to go on a first date?
What’s the best advice they’ve ever received?
What’s the worst advice they’ve ever received?
What’s one physical detail they’d change about themselves?
When was the last time they were held? By who?
What’s their favorite thing about their favorite season?
Their wallet gets stolen. What do they do?
Prioritize: Love, money, power, knowledge?
What’s something nobody knows about them?
What’s in their fridge?
What (creature, object, substance) are they most disgusted by?
What’s their second worst habit?
What are the victory conditions for their life?
In the end, your character fails to save the day. Assuming they survive, what do they do?
Your character is charged with a crime they didn’t commit. What do they do?
Your character is charged with a crime they did commit. What was the crime?
How would you describe your character’s life in one sentence?
What important statistic would they want displayed above them?
What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
What profession do they most respect?
What childhood injustice did they never get over?
How would they handle having a panic attack?
Your character is burdened with an inconvenient superpower. What is it?
If they died and could come back as any person, animal, or object, what would they be?
What’s the best meal they’ve ever had?
Where would they stand at a dinner party?
Who would they invite to the dinner party?
What makes a perfect day for your character?
If given the opportunity, would they want to know how and when they died?
What’s the one thing they’ve always wanted to do? Why haven’t they done it yet?
What do they tend to joke about?
What’s off limits?
Whose wedding would they cross the world to attend? Whose funeral?
What impossible choice did they make that turned out to be the right one? The wrong one?
Your character has someone to hype them up. What would they say to get everyone excited about your character?
What recurring dream does your character have?
What is the meaning of life to your character?
What book does your character pretend to have read?
Someone takes undeserved credit for your character’s work. What do they do?
What controversial belief or view does your character hold? Why? Do they hide it?
Your character is at a theme park. Where do they go first?
What’s your character’s favorite name?
What’s the biggest compliment they’d give themselves?
How does your character feel about bugs?
If your character could hit a reset button on their life, would they?
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libidomechanica · 1 year ago
Of Ida: they quicken
A rispetto sequence
The smart of two gold. Forget the sky! Then why do you still, devouring hounds, love within a dream within who fled. Peace, foolish with
the twilight. And he could opens forth afresh—Desire doubt to which done, forbid! You run away in thee, the whisper, not any.
And who keeping her country people might I call her long alone The crane, ’ I said he, he revere: imaginations of Eloquence?
Being stood among man! Very weel aff and trembleth only fier, strikes each puree, our soul began to burn away heals his rich.
Easy live an equal share their eares you praise their myriad voices instinct, flagged, and out, and there, as with hard by publish thy
dayly-vexing cauld, survive not this island. If rule by force inscription of thy silv’ry feet my still e’en the raise; but Cloe not paint.
With some man is always approaches, paints now to blende, rag and part; anothers ever bell? Thus faults, whom we canna be the letters?
Of the phrase but marked her duty duty, clear that the churchyard trees were but beauty with Cyril and aye? Ah, what I should grieve and pure.
Sparkling ayre all at once, this change to sea. If in my thou shame, nor friendship tell calls her some night; but my arms I thought a kiss shouts,
I must read the sleeves o’ nonsense and green complexion seek, and fired. Corn bows all the bell, and lusters to reach in the one in part.
For a meadows of truth come, will love me—toll the name. Have the bastioned walls so costly bribe. At last, my other winters shallowes
my ear; but we set forth, and brings. Or some in mind, fortune may live and said One who never watch the strict sense! She a wintry sky.
And the roar of a windy shore, and sweeps away she went. Then she had looks anoint me, gang by virgins o’er theories, that heavenly
features the ocean is, there is too young to builds a beauty made when I scorn of loue, cease, a hard to show my heart. Have walking.
In the exhaust pipe an’ drum we’ll well near the window be, it is! My wealth no stouter we asked professors. As the humming to building
words that it once seen of God, nor of her smilde where fountain and chafe and pith to make my old excuse of chess won’t let us here!
For, like to take all that th’ unkindness our device; wrought of the deepe move: for trumpets sound of all.—By stirred by the two are set
it freely near your granted was; since that are only child: yet Helene, love Frankenstein! I let me tell whether round him on my strand!
Keeping to thought and fallen from a sip of Beauty—Beauty, midnight, I murmur of this blessed you tonight, there; he grafts upon the
rose was wildly clad; hers more than wealth, worth, wide world—ah me! And kick your faith, like and yet testifying restless bilious—but oh!
Your lawns and the wind wild beasts, ranged alone among then they: alas the pure in my breast. ’ Your loving: o, but I’ll come to ye, my lassie,
dinna cry. Where blitheful, while. You say well; for that look at it pricking headlong thy Face from a sort of hotel. Wild to flow.
Breast indecent Hunger seizes up and to famous executives who bewailest for your bonie break of day let the proud as horse
emotion; and learnt our sweet and merry may blessed at a’! So we came instead with you not formost play so, she wrote, in high or low.
Back to her than I. I hid my love, you read it do, or the king. Is more supper they did; but some and her, look I see them mastered
round him from the rosebuds which way is home? Close that moment at my hair it is gifted, it might to the lover, were string the blood?
Hearts, no praises shall slumber? Too became, in the canna hae luve wi’ the bed to me. ’ With the light, not Momus self doth possessed. Was
drown all hell whether of corn bows all her year all her hangs free; a prince that its breast, till either mouth sips: Ay, in their claes, or doth go.
And along thy outward walls I stamp of her sent a ring—a little green hill or physics! Not one with this crystal stones for the world
they left in fooles mouth sips: Ay, in the day believed in not they transparents grudge, muscles running Time is with your froward you too.
Since to win her knows not eares hung. I now those expressing, drunk as death into my great whales and blowing airs. Or else to be more
dying, dying. By my heavy Saturday in June? No doome show’d; from the Croft were as prompt to kneel, and the moon shone that loved us.
And had been absent in this, now sucks throwing: astrophel with windlas so; that I must go, to move, thyself and trentall sum my counts
her own clear with her glossy ravens on things from the Bliss that which she had done perchance he had dream with the muscle and love, but work.
But thought foot on my cradle shone through his delights would honestly buy, if you ask myself if thine own influence of melody
in the meadow kit foxes craving, nor snakes in the man. Sigh and bone recouers, but we thread, while ye may, go marry, if I could do.
From eyes twinkle twixt mine he took his sceptre like Heaven’ he added shape, a bough, and euen hell on stilts its only one to aggravate
the soon awake, as thine and fair. To the Spring of amber failing: the land, he candle in love depend on Fortune’s shining?
Their malice? Soul and still share the pure and glanced that a chiel sae clever; the deserve to pick up. Words are allotted to me was no
opening heart in little grace might be sinne which so longed to one, and all around him from that was ten color and she was a song.
Have when spring in the almost, yet, if examined, it is with separate palms tip toward minds out grasp them were gray. In the road beside
her sliding a cockney ear. That be still with a rancorous cry, at war with chat. Is it, then worst, I cannons loud alarms to do.
Come, degenerations married at you didn’t care. The sea, dragging his gilt-head cane, and even the stone, I see what he sped to move,
that all. The woods they stand I the driven snaw, twa drifted clear of evening to make folke bow: of fountains of the land air! Fears better?
Then sun is his braine of the morning again, I am shame; my eyes But it is like all the shadow of this after than other
tongue there, I notice him who’s she, or sung and all claim his bridegroom, weel aff, Woo’d and scar for hours! When the ones moan; long prayers for it.
The first day home, he’s been clear within whose smiles to part—but so it was stung; where the windy night drown all its eunuchs too, lest thou dost
most of one so bright deeds a Tyrans make me to describe, unless silence. That our loving, earth, and the Heaven of dearer than I.
Might persuade myself, nor the classic Angel speak, how long alone dwell and twines, in the bed baith like the sand, small words the liberties;
there is a paint. Let but the half the ravenous and jewel set in the cottage was a time she errs, but bland then hastily spake.
’ To me, and braes, wi’ mae nor me. Forget till fault there’s genial genitals have actually like me, loveling lyre upon you
and my incurable rose waues in sun her smiled, full-blown, before fly; I hid my heart I offer still seat you pattern of Mortal!
My poor little days dragged sloped to make each was deeme these rude bones to proued. For want to kiss against his skull had our two bodies’ force
in tightened with spirit fold, hersel very faire, how tender truest bands: striving was, blue-eyed, and very ears between syl-lables!
The latest, Juan looked as horses be; and went sings here you stick your bonie lass that light: who know. And that which birth to discontent with erring
it up like to the weird seizure came on flower, little than a cubit in me and tears, I’ve shunned soul shalt have we went away?
Not oft the Lass of Albany. Only faut is lame, the people call, all was Indignation, and I the drown thine thee. The Princess
shouldn’t watched you love our backs with his foretell, sweet whispered: and you brought a kiss upon our dear, was hidden pride Thus truly, waking coals.
Marriage; scarce stauncht they stand, year upon earth could have my bride once yet! My lad. It would prevailed to standing pleasure, conveys it in a
dawn that Star was they close in their welfare is cold, thy wooing voices instinct, flagged, and his radiant friendship is seeking us, learn.
My Muse, you, dearer than an April shroud; then ye comes to use him, and I defaced. Before than one, Her Grace, this horse we go withstand,
below! You many time were a room to rent the same. A woman broke out in a country people in long along thy Fathers sleep.
When there; he grafts upon his face enioyeth, but my poor Love, rather tolerant enchanted is, I feel my mind. To recommeth his
pide weed, my lassie thocht na lang till strong; I love you go. Has yields: my Lady Ida’s youth: they harped on high. Struggling in the sadness.
My genitals have cost, of more is none saved, and go, thou love the chance your great pitty? Man who had sailed to flowers, like to duct tape
there difficult to spell, small course begin to raise, once mind like a girl, for all loose vnchastitie, with windows in curles are hushed grasses.
The last we think that eve we went, and splendour pluck the words thou may fail; then come bay-window from that never saw the glow of a
desperate I better, thought back down. ’ Fathers of hemlock; our daysleep, in this answered, but it must not well, the mansion some more dying.
Let Love must be but in my arms. The sand, and come and married and a wretches, paints now unto me; love for to laugh, while ye may, go
marry. Woo’d and blade, betray my noble tears; and fly, ’ she went away, child we lost to the hush’d, and the vain to thought of Albany.
Or seldom seen of my House, lights quiver as it yesterday? At a Draught will be! And why we calls, the mother and said … Nay, we are
ten fretful as that through the pain … Do whatever you, w’are met, just once so deare, they fused the kings. Once deadest thou nothing, flies, nor thee.
And now I have street half a service, none saved? The lands, in vertue lame; that, self-deceives, and that favouritism. That made of which done,
for that she were fair, as I write. And tempting plague to Loue doth growing: astrophel, sayd she, or Vileness that be i’ th’ fire.
But, child … that pine to my very weel waled were enough! Than Heav’n, and thing alive enough the world was not in other sliding in
that, he on her as on a strange to say, the bride: then fraught will heart, with wine were live with here; by no encroachment wrong man in a bore.
And swift up the cruel is shed. Remembered by so small and they have drawn after than wearing cry: every rafter will be born whom Loue
did not be hardly do we affection will be born of a photo booth. With the Day became heavy next to use him, he the North.
Witch, your mother came Cyril, and, Julia, do but this our bedded with Learning at the rose that which reward secure his head? She year,
the sky. And almost blue Cupid, hauing me on fireside, wi’ twa white girl—she would be; thought here thou dost seen your gentle cannot buy?
We stood with his captain, a padded be, and o’er all their shaped to me. And simper amorous cry, at war with a song them glide, like
to laugh’d and equipp’d a Camel, and long low sibilation impossible and I’ve had dreams, goodnight of naught healthfull caustiks, blame?
Alas, ye’ve ruin’d me. The feather, look as yet the wholesale common sense, or am I sick to the lingered the wakeful anguishments
of each into thee. A thousand me: for her in the season, and ambrosia, mix the not thy nail in bloom the metaphysics!
I hate but reach shall seek to her, comfort her, Prince, ’ he said for I am underneath my mother, leander, who causes my soul
struggling in the windy hill. My mother’s dearie; the linger her Heaven’ he added sharper sense and by your elbow as I am?
Years old; and all I nurse in the dye of her Moon and then the glory in the sense the strapped their prayers; my mother’s holland she went.
Set in my pouch I had joined slackly, we behold it the rapid tide, that fosters and the heavy with lots of talk; nothing, dying.
To give and mine: but we three decker’s oaken spine athwart then stept a buxom hostel, call not; we ourself the wet feather. For you
half-words of this! And a mulberry and also her song, my free lovers to the God could that all as endless moon too became her.
The Death into my birth I spake of the Northern empire pray your lives away down, and clear. Outlasts us all hear each shall for
clarification. And hands repeated shoulder. My young, consider how—not a whirlwind: then, would part, and weary I though my fill.
With some say, for the two are in her pictur’d-forth to die; and suffer here was a child ephemerald and turn to sun, could be lynched
in all: wreck upon, and rain. On night dead; strong to do with the lass made the same, else laws of them when it grows upon your bonie laddie dear.
As I wanderer would wed, my father well picture to the object of insult let us away! You run away art resent
still break from him to past. Yet in a cloud divide in Marses livelier nor Gotterdammerung but all the Courtesies of those.
Getting her cheek: its sad courage and Lion—let not yet may live with so well, and to me. Singing: Here came, and hand intend, let not
only be that is with a thumbnail— brined and ruffled by the holding written by iron, by the mind, and rose-trees wet with man.
But sorrow, a rule by force in a dreams and hounds, by unions married thee, vnto Dianaes traine to ask the world aught waiter sailboats they
say; come! Body join’d to body, which glibly glided in the memory—odours, whence after I am may cease to see and left.
Till these, whose body, but now such vngratefulnesse? We were not say I have drawn after you’re while thy guided were gladly speak my name
should, by being to the winds used to greeted by what she willingly we spake. In my times still either you in their malice? ’ For this.
I stand is, and come as you Stella sweet and fro on which it suffice what we might, it is free; but in my lassie thocht na lang till
faith pride and some in the hush’d, and hear Shall worms tore than garment you know me. I’ll ne’er for itself and thee. I shuddered: and dinna cry.
I shall be, which guided preaches, will start from his a Wine thy bloods mingled love smitten me anywhere! At kirk, or a consolation
is the brides in his skull had not do hersel very temple be denied, and a mulberry and my heart’s guest and in heaven!
There she said, so in the one is single selves into a woman broken beam, o’er aft thy Proper excellence: he, dying lay, thou
should discries. But pass watched the thought flashes star-like, while others are Pretty, to dwell: nay, we trust! How many stars go out with his right.
The whom we came a Seventh—the Setting will the vine in the red gold chain round, feed in the hazel eye, the sand-wave, I am aliue
and pains? Man on my lettuce which she smote me within a dreams athwart a Theefe, wilt thus wretched make my hearts, kill us with than I.
A beauty’s charming staine that take these weird seizures combine, and as we falling night, though the broken. You are not my swaddling by me,
doth make the coroner found her love knows: ’ and tear. Twelve steps, O Moone, though my obedience. The Breton coast, of which cannot be hard?
Now they once dead; those two division of Canaan Yúsuf darken slowly with paine recovery, so gazed: I played wi’ the fern-green
hill ran up to him: Friend. If in myself then with children, call venture! The glory in each in hot blood, but marked, how great winter child.
Ah for them well: this new-made lord, a captains of date by years old, and watch the surf in their silver sickle of living walls so costly
buy, if I need me. Of tempers ain’t had thou still strong in all pumpkins! How many weary moons be few, should look the smiles below.
Hee vowes nothing is almost at naked not. I knocking villager’s head up at her side. You are right the truth as I do hold
it merits praise, that ones the blanch’d in a cloudy trophies that fills the soft white as kind: but I’m support meete, both of the bed to me.
Remembers mixed good buy! To her thought of the sailing, whom thine own apprehend dumb harmony with my full of things. Yet maiden fancies;
loved me first just once it went singing in her knows; let these living that way her by to commeth her: for thy song is the libertie?
Except in words ease, nor trumpet blown out spak’ the nape guess I find you, by all the twines, where chiefe Pernassus be, to me they transfuse
that Desire doth fall our blood has yields: my Lady in heau’n become his hyacinths. Pink but since whan the children, happiness.
Children and she to my dear. Whilst thine thy blood boundless moon rent, with wrought it is to ever a look, or heard, and so thy current noon,
a certain strangled cold of goodly pride: then glut thy vttermost I spoke The Shah who she is ane; come thou counsell me with the circle.
Ourself have tied he: a winged eager forget not eares you presented shore, and every strange affection of our eyes that rode at
her soiled barber lay in a blasting from never by, one hand, and restless youth’s proud with tears.—He took precedent so often freckles.
Like bad seruants, show why I am gone. Whales and though she moaning true, my lad, tho’ the shadow from thence: and och! As beard, nor shun to
do, and it merit their restless here, I saw you to soul, as part. And so love you shalt win. Find to watch their strangled cold blowing then.
But, you many a little stream, I do any wish imparted; stella, in whose speech did hold, her comes failed. Forget not my mind. Not
by moral or physical On this year forgot how a manly Palm, a maiden plumes we rustled: him with my mind like all the sea.
My back against despair with Florian, I with what I called; a plump-armed life’s ear and making an easy man, ’tis the object of
a thousand probably a million leaves. Margaret, his name of men do you see him—for her some in one shall forget what woman in red.
’ Blaze upon her tongue silly bogles, wealth, while nighttimes with what a lover. Forget nothing you still. Since last doth his matter, I am
a man was blank as a painted hour. My young the day I die, the smart of two gold to a livelier land; and that which the Earth!
He has charming, the gear; he brow! Out rapture’s strange affection will protest, Juan looket sae sma’! May only one of beggarie. Tis
Love, freedomes gold,—twas Cupid, hauing me, his sorrow show, her Star Chamber through my And inter- section move, that haste!
Remedy but Flight; tis a delicious too, and fear—plagued with wine were blackbirds rejoiced together is no law for the fuller day,
a fall out yonder: ’ then, how it seek to her brother’s heart to the sea. Cyril, and swallow me then worst, I can fear too many death.
Straight everywhere and strive in vain promise made tongues. The falling, gaue repulse all the reasons why this is really tied and rites were the
last, my words ease and thump a league is sin, nor shrine, the looks so little head Uranian Venus! Fair she fall of thine ear, from her side.
I am becoming streamlet wind arose from Shame if I’ve had taught how it falls on men, she a winter sleep ye soun’. ’ Without know
what pardon me sinfull be. And so went forth to the Fire. And heart, head, her pain, my dripping cloak and to go: I dare no more than I.
Is a kitten in her eyes of you, then I think on, it’s dearest any been groweth. Singled ill, for a brief; with which wrought but once,
then ye are hush’d, there we not be rest, and with him to whom a hyacinth is still by law of Revenge! Be it law that winter sleep.
And on Fortune and the light hair, as I write the black—sailed across a lance extended, the cannot guessed light, that have no bound for the
Blood I devour’d till either by to court, who fled. How sad steps or move among her in one generate I am fled from my dear.
Nor seem is but a world aught down, that mars a flowers and loved, then if he the braw age o’ wit and thus, thus we sit together hair
like me, love to a half-oblivious of my Mortal world aught of tune. That I wad sing of all the dead when I of you didn’t care.
A single ballad from the braw age o’ wit and measure their spirits are wrong. Therefore Natalie held each is at warmed Ostleress
and that lengths of pearlins are wards of flesh stays now! Knees on the lock vp a trembling that land, what I want I sense think that golden tone.
Still she replied him; life! Of clock on a stream through there was well the world of November; even their birth, when the flat hills, the sash a
shame; in the cup. Is consumed with furs and danced a circle. At point you once touch of such as endless praise greater firefly-like men!
Poor boy, ’ she will love first sighed at a’? A year, in that to dwelling hours of this man’s beck, but hart lou’d, and I, its lover. And Years for
this horses play, her fast. Only the nightshade, ruby stone, more than we workman and in the fire doubt that one shall Stellaes feet; but forth.
In masque or pageant amiss; forget not only Phillis, only Phillis, that late since we learn mi lessons forth, compact, yet, to her
side. She should be heart of the thunder there all the bed to the nigh, Wi’ Johnny, my tongue, to us none else, but all women to do.
Through her place; where the stronger proue. Thy faults, where all my body is moving in, we came a murmur are rustled: him we gained the world
is censured by Reproof, and not paints auld Nature’s warmth wit my wild and robbed the Robe of your king expectation, and that made the soun’.
Shall I dare no measure have the name rehearse. She killed up, as if to see. Inescapably my half-self, my brow and I will be!
You the fern-green groweth. As enables man to go and honour. Saw her formalities and jewel out? My heart fit to breed my fill.
By two friends possesse? Now the gardens grow up child with Tithonus the tame: that thick with it, Follow, If the North. The sacraments and
live, perforce, some into rooms which it is this to dwell forced to me, let me tell my bootless deare captains of the muscles, that doesn’t true.
Their narrow teeth at the last night be filled,—but that sweet, so radiant friendly foe, great wrong. These field, thy griefe more love; flesh and so by times
rather crying: blow, bugle’s call not stirred by the best to cousen your ideograms, how fast as thought, sudden, entered; found aboundeth.
Who all dark process to accept in heau’n, and blinded rabbits, cows with wrought, oft in a gleam of life— intense one anatomic. Became
a murmur are rustling limbs I faint winds war; the sea-stocks blood bound in some lips: but to dreaming heaps sae meikle in little stone.
With your wheel stand: but I must content when the feast on bended died. With a sight her yacht to drown all her hands in heard themselues did
set his Feet drencht in the day, and sweep thy charge vniustest tyrannie, if rule by forced to Hero, nothing a song she lay among many.
We image warm; but this; give though new-fangled her husbandry the workman and went away. Your three days has a spark of wilderness:
but that with my wit is swayed: Ay— there she smiling back a huge and woof from a game. Sure I love has been clear green sea; she rainbow frill?
No plants allure, while I meditated a window from thee. Spoken, that friendly cooings on the mind destroyeth. Ere half house. Music, when
I of your Highness breath any care? Maybe my small course, while I am shame: for, thought it is while, with mine importune’s shining?
I knew porphyria worshipped and my love evening died the proue: no vertue the man is on, it’s a’ for though then never meant the lock me
invite to walk into thee, like to take a wrinklin’ patches, on the bed to me, and on Fortune’s shining? And measure lay nor losse.
And over meant at my suff’rings, like Heaven of bright footprint harden into his Chamber through the songs with fortune wheel, and her quickly
pick up. Years old, she felt an odd breeze knock at you esteemed true: but thy will, and vines, answered, but it pleasure, for sweet and bear it?
He ceasing, all feares hung. Two of us, of friendship is seldom used; her bright a. Went forth, conceiv’d with his winsome ancient fabled
nothingness, at his pide weed, of small fall, and all my dream with it, Follow, If the tress when I venture to tell me by my name.
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neowollymoxie · 1 year ago
kid, you can’t put together complete sentences. Half your fucking false bravado message is hard to read because you have the grammar of a 6 year old. Maybe get your own shit together before you try to clown on fat people, most of your blog is full of some other moron’s shitty pencil scribbles that, again, look like a 6 year old did them. You know you have to be at least 13 to have an account right?
I love it when little kids like you are judgmental as though you aren’t going to get old and fat yourself. I truly, truly hope you get some sort of condition or medication that causes you to gain 40-50 pounds through no fault of your own and watch how many people call you obese and disgusting. please never talk again online or otherwise, and please tell your friends to take art classes.
Yet again.
You wonder why?
Oh because your
Fat,ugly,and too lonely to even show your face
Lmao can't read my sentences? Going for the old
"I'm losing so correct there grammar strat" huh?
And I won't get a condition that will make me fat, why?
Because that just YOU,unlike YOU I'm perfectly healthy and your too busy drinking chicken oil to understand
And your claim I'm a minor,is so self deprecating like your trying to bully a child as a adult
No wonder you won't show your face
Your so soooooooooooooo utterly pathetic that you won't show your face to what you call
And bullying what you call "children" drawing and telling them to go to shcool like lmao how entitled, everyone can make art you bozo,you will never gain recognition as a artist or from a artist you admire because only good art is allowed in your eyes and therefore nothing you ever do will be good enough!
Your sad,and when I turn off the anonymous ask I bet I won't see you again.
So goodbye.
You fat piece of shit.
And if you do return,expect a swift and nonchalant "block" after humiliating you by tagging everyone you follow about these messages of course lmao
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