#oh sweet sadie girl
stinkybrowndogs · 3 months
Thinking about our childhood dog, sadie, who was just a shorter and stouter dexter. Genuienly the perfect dog. She only bit 1 (one) child and they definently deserved it. When the parent of said bitten child demanded that sadie be euthanized, my mother did the only based thing shes ever done and told her that her child was a menace and deserved it and no we were not killing our dog. Sadie lived for 14 years, got cancer, and lived 2 more years without any medical intervention. When my mother found out she had cancer, she refused to purchase more dog food (she will eat table scraps and she will love it! Shell be dead in a few weeks anyways) and sadie lived off of leftovers for the remainder of her life.
She was the beginning of the brown dog legacy. Dexter is actually just Sadie 2. I dont have any pics of her but im trying to get some. Dog of all time. She deserved to bite all the children.
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pinejay · 1 year
finished tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. i guess i'm most irritated by marx's [redacted] throwing a wrench into the plot bc sam and sadie were just not gonna develop the ability to communicate. it felt cheap. like i already hate to be invested in this kind of emotional immaturity, and now you're not even writing it all the way through?? ok. i mean i don't even care abt character arcs being perfectly rounded out, or the perfect hero's journey, etc. but this was just like, u make me suffer their obnoxious college age/young adult interpersonal conflicts, and then u [redacted] this guy, and then they're older so they're wiser, and then it's over? why did i waste my time reading that shit. i guess it's more a story about aging being the primary vehicle of attaining maturity and perspective. which is fine, true even. just boring. the part that made me feel the most was when dong hyun [redacted] near the end.
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emiliehornby · 7 months
when you get me alone (it’s so simple)
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pairing luke castellan x fem! child of aphrodite! reader
synopsis while luke is known for making people’s heads turn at camp, you finally give them a reason to stare after learning how much everyone seems to want him
warnings implied sexual content, descriptions of a make out session
author’s notes happy valentine’s day everyone!! the voices in my head were louder than usual, so i figured we could all use a sweet treat today!! mwah!! i hope y’all enjoy these headcanons
On a particularly slow day, the Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, and Hermes kids decide to spend their free time around the lake. In a glimpse, Luke can be seen laughing with Chris. A radiant smile is plastered upon his lips while he takes in the sight of you. In the distance, Annabeth sits with Grover on a towel, letting her toes wiggle into the warm earth. She watches the water intently, making sure none of her siblings are in any imminent danger when the giggles from Apollo kids, Sadie and Caroline, drown out her thoughts.
“Gods, what I’d give to be in his arms right now.” Annabeth’s ears can’t help but pick up on the conversation taking place beside her. “It’s no surprise he’s taken. But you’d think as a Hermes kid, he’d go for someone more like…us.” Sadie sighs.
Grover leans in closer to Annabeth, his interest piquing when she rolls her eyes. He fears that the daughter of Athena is going to give them a piece of her mind when she stands, but Annabeth merely picks up the frisbee that lands near her feet. She throws it back to where it came from and sits back down to hear Caroline encouraging Sadie, “Come on, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll get your chance. The Aphrodite charm has to wear off eventually. I mean, it always does.”
This time, Grover can’t stop her from turning to them. “Look, you don’t know how things seem to work around here, so I’m going to explain something to you.”
“What Annabeth means to say is that-” The satyr attempts to soothe the situation, but she cuts him off amidst her stubbornness.
“Now, I know not all the Aphrodite kids are palatable, but Y/N is easily the sweetest one I’ve ever known. And there’s a real reason as to why Luke is so in love with her. But I guess you’ll never find that reason for yourselves if you continue to act like this at camp.” This effectively humbles Sadie and Caroline, who mumble to each other while they make their exit.
As if on cue, you walk up to Grover and Annabeth. You’re laughing with a Hermes kid that soon leaves to join the game of frisbee, but it dies down when you notice Annabeth’s hardened stare. You place a hand on her shoulder, “What’s wrong?” 
Grover stands and hands over your towel while insisting it’s nothing. But Annabeth cuts Grover off again to explain, “Sadie and Caroline were saying things about you…and Luke.” You understand what she’s trying to imply and give her a squeeze.
It was no secret that Luke was well admired among his peers. Most of the time, it isn’t even an issue, but there were campers who thought they could change the course of your relationship every now and then.
Sadie and Caroline easily fall under that category, seeing as they completely ignored your existence when Luke decided to take you with him during their initial tour around camp…then there was the time Caroline pretended to lose her way at camp as an excuse to get Luke away from you and alone with her. And just two weeks ago, Sadie feigned hopelessness during a sword skills session. As the instructor, it was Luke’s job to adjust her form. However, it was glaringly obvious the Apollo girl had an ulterior motive, especially when she threw a snarky smile in your direction when she thought you weren’t looking.
“Oh…You don’t have to worry about that, Annie. I can handle myself just fine.” You reassure Annabeth to the best of your ability. She nods and stands to settle herself into your side.
In your peripheral vision, Luke is jogging over to you with his shirt in hand. You don’t miss the way Sadie and Caroline ogle at the thin layer of sheen coating his flexing muscles and the lines running down Luke’s back that aren’t actually sparring scars, despite what you tell the curious kids that help him out in the infirmary. You smile when he pats Annabeth’s arm and leans over to press a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, is it time to head back already?” He asks, putting his shirt on as Annabeth checks her watch.
She huffs, “Unfortunately. We should get going if we don’t want to be late. I still have to grab my dagger.”
It’s a comfortable walk back, and when you reach the Athena cabin, Annabeth bids you two goodbye and runs inside. Luke’s hand is loosely intertwined with yours as you lead him to the Aphrodite cabin. He raises his eyebrows, asking, “Did you need something from your cabin? I thought you were working on archery right now.”
You push the door open, sheepishly admitting, “I am, but I was actually thinking of skipping out on lessons today.”
Luke’s tone is suddenly laced with concern, “Are you okay? Did something happen at the lake?” He drops your hand to check you over, but his touch doesn’t stray far from your waist to prevent you from moving away. But the gesture is welcomed and you take a step forward, a shy smile peeking through the corners of your lips.
His worry for you falters, mirroring your love struck expression, “Oh,” Luke pinches your side. You shove his chest with a shriek. “You’re awful.” He tells you, but he’s already got a hand tracing lightly over your cheek.
Your gaze switches from his dark eyes down to his lips, “You love me.” and that’s all it takes for Luke to dip down his head and meet you halfway. Your hands reach down under his shirt, feeling the warmth radiating from his toned torso. You bite down on his lower lip, and you know you’ve sent Luke’s head spinning when he lets out a short whimper. He attempts to deepen the kiss, but you pull away before he gets the chance.
Your eyes flutter open, whispering, “Do you want to skip lessons with me?”
Luke’s lips are lingering above yours when he responds, “Did you even have to ask?” and pulls you onto your bed. He settles his back against the wall and hums in content when you begin to pepper pecks on his jawline. 
After a moment, you pretend to move off of him, “I don’t know…you were pretty excited for combat training earlier. Maybe I should just let you go.”
In retaliation, Luke’s blunt nails dig into your waist, “Don’t you dare.”
A warmth flutters through your stomach when you hear the desperation in his voice. Your fingers itch to tangle themselves in Luke’s ravenous curls, lightly pulling so he can look up at you. A deceptively innocent smile paints your lips and you don’t skip a beat to get him back on you.
Heavy breaths. Discarded shirts. Whispered promises. This is how you spend the next hour in between your skipped lessons and the nightly bonfire. It’s nice, but you know it’s your cue to take a step back when the crowd of kids crawling outside the cabin becomes heavily audible.
You’re still on Luke’s lap when you say, “You look so pretty like this.” Your eyes flicker from his own to his kiss swollen lips and rowdy hair. There’s an urge to run your fingers through them, but you settle for lightly tracing over the fresh love bites that are scattered across his neck and collarbone.
Luke smiles dopily while you admire your work, “I think we should skip lessons more often.”
You finally get off of him, throwing his shirt to his chest while you smooth yours out, “Don’t be such a bad influence, you’re a camp counselor.” You can’t help but stare again when the marks heavily peek out near his collar, fading in between the orange fabric.
Luke notices your longing gaze and walks over to you, “You know, you’re not the only one with charm in this relationship. I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s go, lover boy.” You roll your eyes and take his hand. You stumble on your way out, but Luke is there to catch you. He chuckles and lets his arm rest over your shoulders while you reach up to hook your hand with his. He helps you find your footing until your legs wake up on the way to the amphitheater.
“Wait,” You halt just before you reach the steps. You grab Luke’s necklace, gently pulling him in. You let your hands rest on each side of his marked up neck and he hisses at the feeling of your fingers gently pressing on his sore skin. Luke bites down on your lip in response, savoring the hint of watermelon that seeps through until you pull away, “Just wanted one more.”
You’re satisfied once you see the hint of pink gloss smeared at the corners of his mouth. He takes your hand again, guiding you inside. You spot some of your sisters, greeting them with a wave. They giggle at you two in response, whispering frantically to each other while you find an empty space at the front of the bonfire.
“Hey, is anyone sitting here?” Luke asks Sadie, who happens to be standing to his left alongside Caroline. Chris, who’s sitting a step above them, unashamedly howls with laughter at the sight. He leans forward to clap Luke on the back, catching the attention of Grover, who sighs in embarrassment, and Annabeth, who’s trying her best not to giggle at the sight of a gobsmacked Sadie. She and Caroline shake their heads frantically, broken words bubbling from their throats as they take in Luke’s glossy, blissful smile that he throws at you.
They finally give you the time of day, noticing that the reason for his contentment comes from your own swollen lips. You look back at them with a smile and take your rightful seat next to Luke, who wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer, watching as they go back to their siblings to start tonight’s singalong.
If the fire glows a little greener as Sadie and Caroline lead the singalong, no one comments on it. They all know better than to mess with the insatiable charm you hold on Luke. After all, you are your mother’s daughter.
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yanderemommabean · 10 months
Oh, oh, oh! Yandere virus, but it one day coming into school, the girls who normally bully you are acting strange. When you see them in the hallway, you are expected to be laughed at or shoves to the ground. However, you didn't expect to be shoved against the wall as they stare you down with a dangerous and lustful glint in their eye, telling you about all the plans they have in store for you. They force you to wear matching clothes and make sure everyone knows who you belong to and not to even try anything. Maybe you're forced to live in the house. Bonus if the other hold you down as the ring leader eats you out, as the others tell you how cute you are uwu
“Ah ah ah. You aren’t going anywhere” A voice chirps in your ear. You wince, sighing as the three surround you once again as class is dismissed and everyone heads to the dorms for the evening. Honestly, if you were perhaps a bit stronger, a bit less self conscious, you might spit in their faces and make a run for it. Sadly, you aren’t some badass (and admittedly, one dimensional) character and are frozen in place as they wait for the others to leave. 
They don't intervene. They know better. These young women have power, wealth, and beauty in their arsenal, and aren't afraid to use it to get what they want, and to silence anyone who complains. Phoebe, Sadie, and Naomi, all from powerful families who more or less run this college and the town. You don't doubt they paid the administrators and dean to get into this place, while you had to work hard and prove yourself. 
None of that matters at the moment. Currently, Phoebe was twirling her fingers in your hair like you two were close friends or even dating, smiling almost wickedly at you as her eyes, usually hazel, now with an odd pink ring, stare at you like you were some prey about to be eaten and devoured. Usually they just shove you around and make fun of your clothes, but today…Something's off. Very very off. 
“Isn’t she so cute you guys?” She says, sickly sweet, you want to say mocking but no, it's like there’s something more flirtatious with it. “Oh definitely, I just want to sink my teeth in her, you know? Make her whimper” Naomi adds on, hand to her cheek as she stares at you like one would a puppy being precious. Oh god hearing that made you think they were about to hurt you or humiliate you in some way. 
Sadie just sighs, not in your direction, looking over her shoulder to make sure the halls were clear, and once they were truly empty of everyone else, she made sure the grip on your wrists were tighter. “Listen up. We have some new rules set in place, and you, adorably obedient as you are, are going to follow them”. Oh wow. The audacity. Then again you never really put up a fight so, are they really wrong? What other choice did you have anyway? If they wanted to, they could make your family kicked out of town and their jobs nonexistent. It’s best to just grit your teeth as best you can. 
While you tried to listen, Phoebe made sure she got closer, her hand on you as well, but more exploring, sliding up and down your sleeve and trying to dip her fingers into the hem to feel your wrist, dragging them up and down softly as Sadie began to speak again. “You’re ours. Simple as that. No more avoiding the lobby when we’re there, no more trying to get little study dates away from the school library, no more trying to hide from us”. “I'm sorry what-” “Ah ah, she’s not finished cutie” Naomi says with a gentle touch slowly sliding to your waist, her cold fingertips acting like they wanted to slide under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin, her brown eyes also having that odd pink ring in her iris. “Go on Sadie, she’ll be good and listen. She always is” 
You felt your cheeks grow impossibly hot, words failing you as all three of these girls began to more or less feel you up and tell you that…That you were theirs? Whatever that could mean? Sadie just sighs, more playful this time as she cups your cheek and makes you look at her, the same weird coloration in her eyes. “You’re ours. No more private study dates, no more drabby clothes, no more avoiding food when we’re in the commons or cafeteria, just a lot more rules and a lot more dress code for you. Tsk, I can’t tell if I want you in a skirt, or if I'd stab any bastard who’d look at you when you wear one. Maybe some cute pants? Ugh they’d still lay their eyes on you either way, makes me want to just call mom and have the banks foreclose their houses”. 
“Please Don’t-” “Ah ah, don’t even try it. You’re ours, if we want to punish people for looking at our puppy, we will” Phoebe comments, her fingers moving to hold your hand and give the top of it a gentle kiss. “Speaking of puppy” Naomi mentions, nodding her head towards the others, and before you can blink you’re turned over, face to the wall. You hear Sadie murmur something as she rummages through her bag for a moment, and you feel her hands slide around your throat before something clicks behind your head, and your eyes widen in horror.
“There we go! I made sure it wouldn’t be too tight, the guy who made it for me was such an artist about it, I love it! If he would’ve said no, you know I’d have his business ruined” She mentions casually, getting a few soft giggles in agreement. 
“Here sweetie! Have a look at how cute you are when you show that you belong to us” Naomi says, handing you her phone as a mirror. You feel weak and shaky as your fingers come up to touch the bright pastel pink leather, a metal heart in the center pressing against your throat. You reach around to feel the back and feel a harsh shock to your fingers, making you yelp. 
“Oh, sweetheart, don't try and take it off! It was so expensive but I got a cute one to work as a shock collar. Shower safe but anytime you take one, one or all of us will be with you, so you won't have to worry about taking it off yourself. We’ll talk more about the rules later in our dorm”. You shiver, unable to think of how to talk. What in the fuck could you even say? You just had a designer shock collar put on you by your bullies! Who are now acting like you were their chew toy or pet no less. “O-our dorm?”.
Phoebe nods, gently stroking your hair “Yeah, duh! How else will we keep a better eye on you? Cameras are fine and all but I prefer to make sure you’re warm with one of us sharing a bed with you. Plus, it’s easier to kiss you good morning faster”. “K-Kiss?!” You almost shriek, only for Naomi to softly hush you with a finger to your lips. “Now now, don’t get loud! We don’t need that just yet”. She pouts, hearing her phone going off and checking the time. “Well, we have to split for now, I have a dinner with mom and dad. You two take her to the dorm and tell me how she acts! Don't do anything more pretty please? We said we’d share her”. 
You don't get much out before Naomi heads off, Phoebe and Sadie gripping your arms a bit too firmly to lead you, talking back and forth like you weren’t making a practical death march down to their dorm room. 
Oh God what’s going to happen once that door is shut?
-Mommabean (Hiya! Sorry for lack of smut but I am proud I wrote this much at least lol. If you beans want i can do a part two! Wanted to try and flesh this out before anything too intense ya know? Anyway I hope you like! Lemme know if you do!)
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madwcman · 4 months
hi!! what about a best friends to lovers with tasm peter parker AND AND she thinks he likes someone else but he’s been whipped for her since FOREVER😋!! thanks a lot hehehe
a/n: let’s pretend this didn’t take me so long to answer, thank you for requesting!! enjoy ♡
pairing: tasm! peter x reader
“you’re avoiding me.” looking up from your phone, you see your best friend and now crush, peter parker. his arms folded over his chest, with a sour face.
“i don’t know what you mean pete.”
“liar.” and that you were. not only were you out hiding from him now, sitting in the bleachers of the football field. you’ve also been avoiding peter for the past two days after realizing you had a crush on him. which was an issue. not only was peter your best friend, but he also liked another girl. you thought she was better than you. not only was she smart but she was pretty. the perfect girl for peter.
“i’m not a liar, peter.” you sigh, looking back at your phone. avoiding peter’s eyes.
“you’re literally avoiding me right now!”
“i’m talking to you aren’t i?”
you hear peter huff as he sits down next to you. “you’re not even looking at me.”
you shrug him off. you’re not willing to answer him at the moment.
“what’s wrong, sweet girl?” peter questions, softly. he reaches for your hand.
“it’s nothing peter, i promise.” you mummer, as you put your phone away, looking straight out to the football field. still trying to avoid peter’s eyes. but you do hold his hand.
“you’re lying again.” at the moment you wonder if it’s his spidey senses that give you away or if peter truly knows you. you hope it’s the second option.
“can we just drop this?” you finally turn to look at peter. his boyish and charming smile, traded in for a small frown.
“no, my best friend has been avoiding me for the past two days!”
“i have not-“
“can you just tell me what’s wrong?!”
“Peter, i like you okay!” you yell out, taking your hand from peters. you tilt your face down, embarrassed. “i’ve been avoiding you because i know you don’t feel the same.”
it’s silent for a few seconds. but peter’s loud laugh breaks the uncomfortable silence. “are you laughing at me?” you ask, slightly confused, flabbergasted and a little offended.
“no!” he giggles, uncontrollably. you send him a glare. he’s being a little cruel, in your opinion.
your eyebrows furrow, as you push peter away from you. “you’re laughing!”
“i’m sorry, it’s just you’re so oblivious!”
“what?!” your voice raises, you can’t help but be slightly annoyed and defensive. you’re not oblivious.
“sweetheart, i’ve been in love with you since forever!”
oh, you’re shocked. you’ve never expected to hear those words from peter. “forever?”
“forever.” he shakes his head, as if to assure you.
“what about that girl you’ve been hanging out with?” voicing out your confusion, you couldn’t help but think of the beautiful and smart girl peter has been around lately.
“who, sadie?” you didn’t know her name. but you shake your head, assuming.
“sadie’s my lab partner. ”
“oh?” you feel slightly dumbfounded as peter eyebrow quirks up, questioning you. he’s simply curious. you have his full attention.
“i’ve been thinking you’ve liked her this whole time.” you admit, bashful. you can’t help but feel flustered while admitting this to peter.
peter can’t help but laugh again. this is comedy gold. he couldn’t love or cherish anyone as much as he does you. “oh, this is hilarious!”
“it’s not that funny!” you defend yourself, how could you have possibly known she was his lab partner!
“this whole time-“
“shut up.” you try and give your best intimidating glare. as he continues to laugh.
“we could have talked-“
“shut up!” you pushed him away, playfully. you try to conceal your smile, with peter it’s hard. you can’t help but smile around him.
peter scoots back over to you, warping his arms around you. “my poor sweet girl,”he mumbles into your hair. “you’re never allowed to avoid me again.” he states, before kissing the top of your head.
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yeeterthek33per · 7 months
I want to hear you say it (Zećira Mušović x Reader)
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A/n requested
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, jealous Z, unwanted flirtations. Terrible swedish translations.
As if today couldn’t have gotten any worse, it felt like a major kick in the stomach when you were forcibly dragged away from your own car after training and shoved into the back of Sam’s for team social night. 
It had started off with you nearly not waking up to your third and final alarm of the day leaving you running into training late, much to the annoyance of Emma and the girls who had to join you in sprints this morning.
After that rough start to training, you were then volunteered to introduce the new girl to the rest of the team, a young twenty-something fresh out of the Chelsea grassroots academy.
She was nice but a bit overbearing, practically hanging off you for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, this left you with little time to spend with your favourite person.
Zećira, much like yourself, was ridiculously grumpy all training. Normally she’d have you to herself for most of it. 
Of course, being a striker and a goalkeeper, you had separate sessions to each other, but the warmups are generally intermingled.
So, when you had paired up for drills, you were the first person to grab her, just about growling at anyone who tried to pair up with her instead of you.
That said, the new kid, Sally?
She doesn’t really remember, nor care…
To be fair, she’d been latched onto you like a leech the whole time. It was obnoxious the number of times she was verbally and physically throwing herself at you.
Zećira could ignore it most of the time, given she had to focus on her own drills with the others, but she couldn’t miss the tone of Sadie’s voice every time she came within hearing distance of you both.
It was a sickly-sweet tone with heavy undertones, and it annoyed the Swedish woman to no end.
Regardless, even if it was annoying her, you looked like you’d been completely oblivious to the most obnoxiously obvious flirtations Sarah sent your way.
That’s what frustrated her the most, your ignorance of the situation at hand and the way you let the twenty-two-year-old cling to you like that.
Now that you’re in the bar, Zećira is watching as Summer leans uncomfortably close to you, hand grazing your arm as she animatedly asks you question after question about your life and what it’s like on the senior team.
You don't step away from it, not really, although, it seems, even you have your friendly limits.
The goalkeeper feels her chest start to heat up with the familiar low burn of jealousy.
A cough from across the table catches her attention.
“Zee, the staring isn’t subtle.”
There’s a raised brow on Niamh’s face as she glances back and forth between you and the goalkeeper with a small smirk.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Even if that’s the case, the poor newbie over there is definitely feeling your laser glare right about now.”
Zećira’s glare moves to the Canadian across from her.
“Good, I hope so.”
Both of them let out a small snort at the Swede, nudging her shin when she turns back to you, making her look away again.
“For the love of god, just tell her, she’s definitely not into flirty pants over there, and you have the best chance out of literally anyone here.”
“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about. You pair are crazy.”
The pair groaned and just shoved the goalkeeper away from the table and out of her seat.
“Go save the poor woman, at least. If you won’t acknowledge your blatantly obvious love for our Striker, the least you can do is pull McFlirt over there off her."
“Oh my god, you’re so right!”
Savannah’s voice was getting a little grating in your ears now.
Flinching away at the loudness of the laugh so close to your ear, you cover it up with a signal to the bartender to bring you another glass of Vodka Soda, given you weren’t driving now anyway and the trainers weren’t here to scold you for drinking midseason.
“So- “
A soft throat clearing from just behind your shoulder makes the newbie in front of you jump a little out of her focus on you.
The warmth radiating from Zećira with how close she’s standing to you makes you relax back into the goalkeeper but also lightly shiver with the proximity.
“Oh... hi. You’re Zekira, right?”
You look up slightly at the raven-haired woman just in time to see her eye twitch slightly at the pronunciation.
“It’s Zećira actually.”
“Of course, right.”
There’s a small, awkward silence before Zećira clears her throat again.
“So Selena-“
“It’s Savannah.”
“Right, I think Niamh and Jessie were looking to talk to you.”
The blonde lights up suddenly at the mention of the two, to which when she makes eye contact with them as they look towards the suddenly excited new girl, they glare back at her when she smirks at them.
Once the girl disappears to go find the Canadian and English friends, Zećira turns to you with a small smile that you gratefully reciprocate.
Leaning back into the taller woman, you offer her the seat now free in front of you next to the bar but she shakes her head, instead gently grabbing your hand, leading you towards the outdoor area of the bar, settling in by one of the heaters.
It’s not a particularly cold night, but it’s just chilly enough to have a reasonable excuse to tuck yourself under her arm and lean your head on her shoulder.
It was silent now, but not like before.
The quiet was a welcome one, and it was quite common between you.
Zećira was your favourite person for the same reason you were hers.
Not that either of you really knew that.
You were both quiet people. You enjoyed the company of the rarely brooding but often times peacefully listening goalkeeper.
If you’d needed to rant, she’s always been an open ear for you.
If you needed a hug, she’s right there to give the warmest, tightest, sweetest hug you’ve ever had. They’d send tingles down your spine, and her hands are always sure on your lower back as your arms wrap around her neck.
The smell of her shampoo leaves you feeling slightly dizzy when you’d bury your face there after long and tiring days.
Her hand would settle on your knee comfortingly when you curl up beside her while binging tv shows after every one of your breakups.
Her overall presence keeps you going day to day.
Despite that. You were only friends.
Good friends, but friends nonetheless.
“Hey, I have to pee, I’ll be right back.”
Zećira hums softly and lifts her arm to let you out of the booth again.
Making your way over to the bathroom, you do your business, and as you're washing your hands to touch up, the door creaks open behind you, and you lift your head to look at them.
It’s Savannah.
“Oh hey, I was looking for you, I was wondering if maybe we could, you know, hang out some time?”
“Like to practise and stuff?”
“Well, I mean more like, come to dinner with me.”
Right as you’re about to answer with a soft no to let her down easy, the door opens behind her and Zećira walks in, looks slowly between the two of you before slipping into a stall herself.
There's a small awkward silence now as you shift uncomfortably under the stare of her.
“Look, as nice as you are, I’m not interested in dating right now. And you're far younger than me, I'm sorry but I'm just not interested.”
“At least give me a chance to- “
Zećira steps out of the stall at that exact moment, moving to the sinks.
“Look, kid, she said no, maybe take that as an answer instead of embarrassing yourself further, alright?”
She punctuates it with little flicks of water at the sink after washing her hands.
Savannah’s face turns bright red, and she mumbles a quiet apology and ducks out of the door swiftly.
You turn to the Swedish woman with a raised brow.
“What’s up with you, grumpy?”
She feigns confusion and looks at you funny, moving to dry her hands on some paper towel.
“What are you talking about?”
“You never get that snappy with anyone, even the persistent ones.”
Zećira steels her expression lightly but stays quiet.
It catches you off guard when she steps forward, hands grabbing your waist to walk you back into the wall.
The small “oof” you let out echoes in the small dimly lit bathroom, and your cheeks flush as her grip tightens on you.
“Zee… what are you- “
At that, she swiftly leans down to capture your lips with her own. A small gasp leaves your mouth but is quickly smothered, and one hand reaches up to grip the back of her neck while the other rests on her cheek.
The more your lips move together, the more antsy you get, and you nip at her lower lip slightly as she pulls back to take a breather.
Her lips are slightly swollen, and you can’t imagine yours aren’t the same.
With flushed cheeks, she dips back into you again, this time, though, her hands grip the underside of your thighs and lift you up onto the counter with a small squeak erupting from your lips.
“Zee, we’re gonna get caught -"
“So let them, even better if it’s that little-“
With a soft shake of your head, you pull her back in again to shut her up.
It’s a softer, slower kiss this time, one that she takes her time pulling away from.
With slow abated breaths, you move your other hand to cup the other side of her face.
“If you’re gonna kiss me like that in a bathroom, give a girl a warning first.”
Zećira blushes harder this time and almost pulls away out of fear of rejection, but you quickly tighten your legs around her waist, holding her to you.
“Something you wanna tell me, Zee?”
The small, curious, and teasing smile on your lips makes her stop.
Though, there must be something in your eyes at that point because she relaxes against you, hands moving back to grip your thighs again.
“Can I tell you later, because you and I both know what’s gonna come out of my mouth next and I really want to keep kissing you.”
A finger on her lips stops her from leaning down again and you raise a brow giggling softly.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Du betyder allt för mig.” (You mean everything to me)
Your heart races. You knew Swedish enough to understand what she just said, and it completely catches you off guard.
But you release a shaky breath and let your hand fall onto the back of her neck again.
“Inte vad jag förväntade mig....” (Not what I expected)
She stops for a second. You continue.
“But it’s what I needed to hear.”
Her breath hitches at that, and you tug her down again, her hands tightening their grasp, nails digging slightly into your skin, leaving you keening into her.
At the noise escaping from the back of your throat, she slips them up to ride under your shirt, tracing a small path into the skin beneath the fabric.
You make a half attempt to pull her closer yet, pressing yourself right to her, hips rocking into her softly.
She groans at the way your nails dig into her shoulders when she trails kisses down the side of your jawline, tracing a line straight down to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
Tilting your head to give her more access, your breathing becomes more ragged, and your eyes flutter shut as her teeth take the skin there and tug lightly, her lips soothing the ministrations behind them.
Shifting to give herself a little space, her fingers move to swiftly unbutton the fabric currently standing in her way and with a soft growl, she finally tugs it open, head dropping to press kisses to your collarbone, nipping occasionally.
You breathe out when Zećira’s fingers dip below the waistline of your slacks, half tugging at them.
The commanding tone is firm but a little breathless as she pulls back to look you dead in the eye.
Letting out a soft pleading whine, you obediently lift your hips to let her tug them down along with your underwear at the same time, leaving you bare to the cool air, to which you shiver slightly.
A slight brush of her fingertips on your clit is enough to have you whimpering into her mouth.
You’ve never been this sensitive to someone’s touch but there’s something about the taller woman in front of you now, teeth digging into your lower lip, fingers still teasing you, that has you losing your mind on a public bathroom counter.
It’s a soft, keening whine, but it makes her chuckle, and she hushes you, thumb coming up to tug at your lip before her other hand finally applies enough pressure to your clit to have you bucking up into her hand.
“So wet for me already, Princesse.”
There’s a small tone of surprise behind it, and you nod at her, guiding her hand down lower with small encouraging whispers of “Please baby. I need you.”
She traces small circles around your clit for a moment and slowly dips her index and middle finger down, working them into you from the awkward angle of the sink.
She uses her hand to muffle your moans before they become too loud and starts thrusting at a fast pace, fingers bending at the right spot, leaving you a moaning mess embarrassingly quickly, completely at her mercy as she fucks you.
Her wrist moves her thrusts into you a bit harder, and you have to fight not to moan any loader lest someone catch you like you’d been fearing this whole time.
When she ducks her head down to mouth at the skin of your collarbone again, you know you’re a goner. 
A whimpering, keening, moaning mess.
The fact she’s got you this close this fast has you a little concerned for your own stamina, but it’s wiped from your mind the moment her lips are on yours again.
Hearing you moaning like this for her only makes her double her efforts, fingers tapping your g-spot with renewed vigour, and it throws you close to the edge swiftly.
You can feel your legs start to tremble a little, and she can feel you tighten around her, her thrusts meeting a little more resistance now.
“That’s it, älskling.”
The soft praise only spurs you on and your hips lift to meet her thrusts and it takes but a few brushes of her thumb on your clit to send you over.
Thighs twitching, legs tightening around the goalkeepers hips as your back arches into her.
She’s muttering sweet nothings to you as you come down, soft muttered "you're so beautiful"'s and "Good girl"'s.
If you weren't already mid orgasm, that in itself would have sent you over.
“My sweet, beautiful girl.”
There’s a slight whine in your throat when her thumb moves against your clit a little, still sensitive from your orgasm just mere seconds ago.
It’s a soft, breathy whine, and she smiles, removing her hand slowly and taking your lips with hers again.
“I love hearing my name on your lips, I need to hear it more, back to my place?”
You nod swiftly, letting her guide your underwear and pants back up, the haze of an orgasm still very much on your mind.
On shaky legs, you clean up a little, settling the sex-mussed hair on both of you and attempting, albeit failing, to cover up all of the marks left on your neck with her jacket which she settles around your shoulders after you shiver a little when you step out of the bathroom.
Thankfully, the bathroom is around a corner from where your teammates are tucked away in a set of booths so you both wave at them from a distance as you exit the bar, ignoring the looks you get from them.
Zećira guides you down the concrete sidewalk towards her car in the small parking lot beside the building.
Zećira can hardly focus on getting her keys in the lock with you nipping at her collarbone the way you are. That and your hands have slipped under the fabric of her button-up shirt to gently scratch at the skin of her abs.
“Älskling, please, need a second to get the door open.”
You feign innocence, a small pout on your lips, but they quirk up a little at her while she shakes her head lightly at the cheeky expression on your face.
Slipping your hands further up, she whines when you cup her through her bra, hands cold against her skin.
She curses the key in her hand when she finally gets the door unlocked, dragging you inside by the collar to slam you against it.
"Couldn't behave for one second to get us inside, could you?"
Chuckling, you tug her closer by the belt loops.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
She rolls her eyes.
"I'm sure you don't."
Following swiftly with that, her knee presses between your legs, hands fully unbottoning and removing your shirt now, tossing it to the side.
The smug grin on your face has her a little flustered, but she raises a brow down at you.
"I've finally got you here to myself, I'm not wasting anymore time getting you in my bed."
You chuckle softly, hands grabbing hers to steady them before pulling off and throwing her jacket to the side, hands tugging at her button-up to slowly remove it, softly grazing the skin of her shoulders as you push it off.
"We have all the time in the world, Baby. I'm not going anywhere."
She softens, and her hands grasp yours, gently tugging you down the hall to her bedroom, walking half turned towards you, eyes locked on yours.
"I'm right here, Zee. I'm all yours."
The soft reassurance has the last of her nerves settling once again, making way for the sweet, charming Zećira you know and love.
The shakiness in her limbs disappears altogether, making it easier for her to pull you back into her, hands settling on your hips, and she kisses you.
You lean up into it, pushing back as she applies a little more force into it, letting it fall naturally heavier with every move, nip, and caress.
A warmth starts to settle back into your stomach, and you nudge her towards the bed, to which she flips you back onto the mattress, hovering over you.
It's in slow movements, met with kissing you all the way back until your head hits the pillows.
You're craving her warmth a little more, so you tug the swede down onto you rather forcefully, leaving little room for argument as her hand slips under your shirt to grip at your chest, kneading the soft flesh there with a small sigh.
A whine slips out from the back of your throat when her fingers roll your nipple between them, pinching and tugging at the skin gently.
The taller woman pushes herself up slightly, kneeling, and pulls you up with her.
Soft, tender hands move to the buttons of your shirt, move, and undo each one slowly until reaches the bottom one, to which her two fingers under your chin bring your gaze back up to meet hers.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart."
You just about melt under the slowly darkening gaze of the woman.
The single flick of her fingers to unclip your bra and throw it to meet the discarded shirt has your mind nearly turned to mush right there.
With a soft muttered, "So beautiful."
She's swift to kiss you and push you back into the pillow, resuming her previous actions.
The cool air in the room does little to sate the heat taking over your skin, everywhere she touches, feels like a small fire under her fingertips, leaving you keening into her touch.
One hand remains on your breast, the other tracing a minuscule path over your ribcage and to the edge of your pants, tugging at the fabric.
She doesn't have to ask this time, though, as you immediately lift your hips to allow her to pull them off.
Her kisses trail away from your lips, shifting down across your jawline, to your collarbone, occasionally leaving small nips on the way down.
Down to your chest, lips wrapping around your nipple, suckling and leaving you a whimpering mess.
The more your whines turn to soft pleas, the more she smirks against your skin when she lets the nipple go and continues a featherlight trail of kisses across your stomach.
"Baby, please."
You can feel the wave of hot air come from her as she chuckles against you.
"What's the matter, darling?"
"I need you."
The keening whine behind the words just have her amused as you buck up into her.
"Yeah? Tell me where. Where do you need me?"
The fact she’s trying to make you think like this, is criminal alone, and it makes you whimper when she extricates herself from your vicinity, a soft but stern tone behind her words.
"Tell me, Y/n. What do you need from me?"
"I need your mouth, fingers, anything. Please just touch me, baby."
A smug, mocking tone makes you whine.
"But I am touching you baby."
Attempting to grab her and pull her back into you, she chuckles and tuts at you, pulling away from your grasp.
"I need you inside me, on me, anything please."
It seems she's satisfied with that because she leans down once again.
Peeling off your underwear, she groans softly at the dampened fabric, head immediately moving to press kisses to the insides of your thighs, hands slipping under them and urging your legs over her shoulders, manoeuvring herself to be directly over your centre.
Hot puffs of air directly hitting your clit leaves you gripping the sheets tightly, breathing more than a little ragged.
"Look at me."
Your head lifts from where it had fallen back, eyes flitting to meet hers in the faintly lit room.
"Good girl."
With that, her mouth is on you swiftly, tongue taking in your taste with a breathy groan.
The warm, firm muscle makes you buck your hips up with a small jerk.
"Jesus, Zee."
Your hand shoots to her hair, gripping the raven locks tightly.
The grunt you're rewarded with has your legs shaking a little with the vibrations and it only makes her grip on your thighs tighten.
Her tongue laps at you, lips taking in your clit with a sharp suck before releasing and returning to thrust into your entrance.
Inevitably, when you let your head drop back against the pillow, a sharp pinch to the leg jolts you back to watch her again
"Keep watching, älskling, don't make me ask again."
The slightly cooler warmth of her breath contrasts against the startling heat of her mouth as it once again latches itself around your clit.
With the way she's devouring you, it feels like her tongue has found a home between your legs, the skillful swift flicks and swipes have your legs trembling beneath the strong grip of her hands over the skin of your thighs.
The moans she's drawing from you feel unrestricted, being released with no thought to them like you’d always done with everyone else.
She makes you feel safe here, in the dimly room of her home, secure beneath her sure touch, without need to restrain yourself.
You feel freer and safer than ever.
One hand releasing your leg brings you back to her, to the warmth of her taking you in with small, breathy groans.
It trails over your hip, gliding over your ribs, brushing the underside of your breast before sliding off to slip your hand into it, tangling your fingers together like they had been in the sheets only moments ago.
The build-up in your gut suddenly alerts you to the oncoming orgasm, the wave having completely snuck up on you.
"F-fuck. Zee, I'm gonna.."
You barely have time to register the small hum against you that's paired with the harsh suck that sends you kareening over.
Her hand squeezes yours, your legs wrap tighter around her shoulders and head, and her eyes follow the way your back arches up and your hips buck into her mouth, her other hand forcing your hips back into mattress.
She can feel her own arousal building just at the sight of you writhing beneath her, chest heaving with the efforts of her mouth on you.
The way her already dark brown eyes dilate at watching you cum on her tongue, the flood of your taste meeting her tastebuds as she slips her tongue inside you to clean up.
Her hand never leaves yours until you're needily fisting at her to pull her up to eye level once again, wasting no time kissing her.
The sweet, slightly tangy taste of yourself on her lips has you whining softly, and it takes little effort to push her onto her back, straddling her waist.
You raise a brow at the soft pout on her lips.
"Who said I was done with you?"
Chuckling, you lean down to capture her lips in a brief, soft peck.
"No one, baby, it's my turn, now relax. I've been dying to taste you."
Clearly, your words have an effect on her, because you can feel the shiver run through her beneath you, and the way her fingers grip your hips tighter along with the small sigh she let's out when your lips trail down her exposed collarbone.
You're met with little resistance once your teeth dig into the soft pale skin of her chest, above the line of her bra, as you pull her up to sit up so you can reach behind to tug open the clasp.
Tossing it away, her hands find the back of your head, pulling you back down to kiss her again.
A smile crosses your lips against hers, and you press her back down into the mattress once again, hands holding you up either side of her head.
It takes but a small whine from her when you kiss down to her chest to have you nearly grinding down into her again.
Instead, you focus on the growing want to absolutely ruin the woman below you.
Teeth nipping small marks into her chest, your lips wrap around her nipple, tugging at the nub and releasing it with a small pop, relishing in the ragged gasps coming from above you.
Her fingers have fully tangled in your hair, pleading tugs every now and then, urging you on.
You only chuckle softly at her insistence.
"What's the matter, baby?"
Taking on the same mocking coo she held with you earlier, which she whines and almost rolls her eyes at, your hands still, laying flat over her stomach with your hips settled on top of her own.
"Älskling, baby, please..."
You gently smack away the hand that reaches for you with a smirk.
"Tell me what you want, baby."
The huff she lets out only widens your smile.
"I did not tease you this much."
"Answer the question, Zećira."
Ignoring her indignant whine, you slide a hand up her chest again, fingers twisting and moulding the soft flesh of her breast.
Hearing in that moment, the moment she gives in, the exhale.
A soft curse in swedish, followed by a whimper when you playfully grind your hips down and she's pleading.
"Älskling, god, please baby, fuck me."
"What was that, baby?"
It earns you a small, frustrated whine.
"Your fingers, fuck me with your fingers, your tongue baby please, anything, I need you."
A triumphant grin crosses your face as you lean down to reward the woman, lips meeting hers, hand slipping down to tug at the button on her jeans.
The way she eagerly lifts her hips up, her own hands encouraging yours as you tug down the fabric obstructing you, has you grinning up at the goalkeeper.
Not wanting to tease the woman any more than you had already, you tug down her underwear almost immediately after.
Frankly, you didn't feel like waiting any longer either, only torturing yourself more the longer you waited.
Sitting back on your haunches, just below her knees, reaching out a slow, gentle hand to trace a path down from her stomach to her hip.
To her inner thigh before finally settling, hovering over where she needs you.
Your forefinger and middlefinger apply a small amount of pressure, testing the waters as she watches with shallow rises and falls in her chest.
It would sound like a warning if it wasn't paired with a sharp gasp, eliciting when you glide your fingers further down to slip them inside her.
She's soaked through, and you have to hold back the soft groan as you feel her clench around you.
The feeling makes you shift downwards almost immediately, making slow, long strokes as you do so, with gentle curves of your fingers.
Hearing her beg and curse for you like this, you never want this to stop.
With that, your mouth lowers to take her, her hand in your hair now an encouraging force on your head as your tongue drags over her clit.
Her head falls back onto the pillow with what you can only describe as a small pleasured sigh of relief, and you giggle softly, letting your drag down, and back up again, lapping at the wetness accumulating around your hand.
Your other hand keeps her leg steady against the mattress, allowing you easier access as your thrusts speed up.
She's never been an overtly loud person, so having her moan and curse for you like this, underneath your mouthing ministrations, only drives you even more crazy.
"Så vacker." (So beautiful).
It's a soft mutter against the skin of her inner thigh, paired with small kisses that you trail up to her hip again, meanwhile keeping pace, fingers curling inside her.
With the way her hips buck up into your face, you get the inkling that you speaking swedish to her has her losing her mind above you.
Or it could be the fact you're buried between her legs eating her like she's your last meal.
You don't mind either way.
Getting to hear her like this fuels you alone.
It feels like no time at all passes before her moans shift, and she's crenching a little harder around your fingers while her own tightens in your hair.
"Fuck, Y/n, I-."
"I know, baby. Go ahead, cum for me."
Curling your fingers just right in time with her thrusts, her moans halt as she seizes up, legs trembling around your head.
She's absolutely beautiful when she cums, you've decided.
Her hands slowly release their grip on your tresses and the sheets below the both of you, breathing slower and deeper as she comes down.
Zećira's eyes meet yours once again, noting the shining smug but also awed glint in them.
In that moment, she's decided she's going to drag as many orgasms out of you as she can tonight, unable to be patient enough to wait to see the look on your face once again as your legs shake around her head.
"Get up here."
There's no hesitation. You're up straddling her waist once again as she's sitting up to grip your neck to pull you down to her level.
Her hands settle on your hips once again, sliding back around to cusp your ass, giving the cheeks a quick squeeze, and you giggle softly at the blissed out look in her eyes.
She's absolutely gorgeous with swollen lips, purple marks marring her collarbone, and hair mussed from your hands being buried in them earlier.
They quickly return to that position, fingers carding through the dark locks, thumbs coming to caress her face as you lean down again to kiss her, slower and softer this time.
Both of you are more than feeling all of that.
There's a shining, loving look in her eyes as she looks up at you, and you feel it flow through your chest in a wave of warmth that makes your skin tingle.
"Hey Zee?"
She hums softly.
"Du betyder allt för mig också." (You mean everything to me, too.)
She grins up at you and the sound of your giggle can be heard as she flips the both of you over onto your back with her on top, lips taking yours in a very much smile filled kiss.
"Feelin' okay?"
"Amazing, you?"
You've never felt safer than here, in her arms.
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johnpriceslamb · 9 months
Saw your requests were opened so here is just something I’ve been thinking about !
Arthur Morgan getting sweets/gifts and all from a secret admirer. Girlie is a sneaky one too. Her goal is to just see him be a bit happier because she finds him cute and handsome.
No need to do this! Just think it’s a cute idea.
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˚₊‧꒰ You notice the way his gaze softens entirely when he looks at you. You shyly smile at him. To which he smiles back, ever so faintly. ꒱ ‧₊˚
BEFORE YOU PROCEED ! hyper-feminine! reader . fem! reader . reader is implied to be physically shorter than characters mentioned below . love sick Arthur . 1.2k words . Very quick mention of wlw Sadie . ok yes ik that teddy bears were originally made in the 1900s but this story says OTHERWISE !!
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A small, bow-tipped teddy bear rests upon his bed roll.
Arthur was amused to say the least at the sight of the miniscule, stuffed version of a bear sitting quite cutely on the fabrics he slept on. This was the third time he's been gifted a little decorative trinket from goodness knows who. First time, a small pink tulip with a little bow tied at the start of its stem, the second time- a tiny sweet wrapped like a ribbon encasing something.
At first, he genuinely thought this was a sick prank played by one of the men to piss him off even further to the max. But with the constant treats he's been getting, Arthur comes to a conclusion that he has a secret admirer.
Each item he’s been kindly offered had a little correlation, he noticed. A bow.
He instantly knew it was from one of the ladies in the gang, since… well, no cowpoke would ever give him anything so delicate, better yet gifts bow-tipped in pink.
“— Arthur?”
A soft, dainty voice was heard from behind which pulled him away from his thoughts. The grizzled man turns his head slightly, away from the small teddy on his bed and to the young lady near the entrance of his tent.
You notice the way his gaze softens entirely when he looks at you. You shyly smile at him. To which he smiles back, ever so faintly.
It was obvious amongst everyone that he’s grown to have a soft spot amongst the women in camp- specially you. How his hand rests upon the small of your back to guide you away from trouble, or the way he visibly becomes stressed at the rumours of you away from camp to visit a shop in a town nearby. The only time he relaxes completely is when he hears that squeal of yours when coming back, showing off the jewellery or such you bought to the other ladies.
In your hands rests a small bowl of stew, the scent of it makes him light up just a bit.
“..F’ me?” He asks— almost shyly.
“Mhm,” you nod sweetly, offering it to him. You can’t help the faint giddiness at the sight of the tulip you secretly gifted him in a little glass of water, which rested near the ledge of his bed.
“You didn’t have to.” His large hand engulfs yours in the process of taking it, “Thank ya kindly, sweetheart.”
“Anything for you,” You give him a toothy smile. He looks at your face for a tad bit too long, before reluctantly glancing away with a deep hum.
A ghost of a cheeky smile etches on your face. You feign curiosity, peaking over his shoulder to peer at the small bear on his bed.
He notices your curious gaze. “Was a gift, if you were wonderin’.”
“Oh? by who?” Innocence feigns in your eyes. Cheeky girl.
Wispy lashes tinker softly as he eats a spoonful of the food you brought with a soft grunt at the end, indicating that the food was rich with flavour he had taken a liking to.
He hesitates for a moment, before answering. “I uh.. I don’t know.”
“…You don’t know?” You quirk a brow, giggling softly.
Something about that giggle makes his knees buckle.
“Yeah. That’s the thing— I don’t know,” He grumbles, “Been gettin’ gifts from someone in the gang. ‘S like I got some secret admirer or sumthin’.”
The light pink bow in your hair makes his eyes squint a bit.
“May I see?” You ask with a small smile.
“Go ‘head.” He gives you full permission with a slight nod to his head, the hat he adorned concealing those blue eyes.
You toddle to his bed, sitting oh-so prettily near the edge. The teddy bear was now in your lap, as you played with it for a bit. You rub its ears with the pads of your thumb and index finger.
He has a faint grin at the sweet sight.
“You gonna name it?” You ask.
“I ain’t a child,” He grunts, only to tighten his lips at the way your face meekly droops at his comment. He lets out a soft sigh, pondering for a moment.
“I dunno.. Uh.. Coco?”
“Coco?” You brighten up at the interesting name. He sees the way your smile widens at the choice of title, happy he indulged in your silly sweetness. You coo out a little ‘hi, Coco’ to the stuffie as if it was alive
Damnit, you were far too cute. He has to tilt his head down a bit to the floor so you wouldn’t see the way his temples became a soft red colour.
“Coco is so, so cute!” You prattle, taking one of his little limbs and moving it side to side to symbolise the teddy waving at him.
“Mmhm. It’d be nice to know who’d be giving me these things, so I could thank em properly. I got this.. underlyin’ sense of guilt for not being able to say thanks.”
You smile at his words. Arthur was a gentleman to women, and you were no exception to his gentle behaviour. A soft flicker in your doe eyes was apparent. Perhaps from the light, or from the way your heart melts at his sincerity. No man could compare to him in your eyes.
It takes you a bit to reply. “You’re sweet, y’know that?”
He takes one more spoonful of the stew.
“I ain’t, sweetheart.”
Arthur was gone. Gone from camp and away within the everlasting greens with another— probably Charles to go hunting for food. Food supply was running low as of now- which you made a mental note to buy some food if you ever went back to town, that is.
The perfect time to give him his little gift.
You cheekily look left and right.
Delicate flat-soles heels clicked gently on the grass beneath, tip-toeing towards his tent. With the gentle sounds of ruffled fabrics coming from your sleeves leads to the slight rustle of the wrapped-up sweet that was placed gently on his bed.
You look around to see if anyone was close by, only to toddle away sneakily- albeit a bit clumsily.
Just a few hours later, you see his figure coming back to camp, lazily hunched on his horse with game behind him. You see Charles behind on his horse— Taima. Pretty thing she was, very friendly to you.
You can’t help but admire the two men whom stroll in with said game lurched over their shoulders as they approached the area of the make-shift kitchen Mr. Pearson was lounging.
You tinker your long lashes, giving them a shy wave. You beam as they both return a wave, with Charles noticing first and giving a small nod in return as well as a faint smile.
The hunter whom adorned a feather earring was close to you, he took upon the role of a big-brother to you. You can’t help but admire him.
A nudge to Arthur’s arm gets his attention and immediately has a smile on his face as he catches a glance at your pixie-like figure from near by.
You turn around and leave the sight, probably to go help with some other chores.
Arthur’s eyes narrows a bit at the light pink coloured bow attached to the back of your head, seemingly pondering about something before going back to skinning the animal.
He feels like he knows who his little secret admirer is, but he won’t comment just yet.
He was a fool, but he wasn’t ignorant.
Each present he’s been given was obviously from a lady, someone with a good taste in perfume— considering that the teddy that he kindly received was laced with a sweet, feminine scent. Not to mention the light pink bow Coco had wrapped around his little neck.
He knew it wasn’t from Karen, she’s not quite interested in the colour pink nor did she enjoy stuffed animals.
It wasn’t Tilly either, she was more of a little sister to him, and she wasn’t a fan of sweets anyway.
Mary-Beth, perhaps? No.. That girl was smitten with the former O’driscoll member.
Abigail was taken, and Miss Grimshaw.. no way.
Sadie did not even come to his mind. He knew very well that the gunslinger would probably pick you over him in a heart beat.
All that was left was.. you.
Your acting skills were top-notch, he had to give you that. It took him almost an entire week to figure it out. Quite so did he question himself if it was you who bestowed these lovely trinkets to him- you acted so clueless when you first saw that teddy.
His blue eyes stare at the sweet that was placed on his bed. He looked like a fool, giddy feelings rushing up to his stomach as he picks up the small treat. It just had to be you.
He savours the taste of the dark chocolate candy, stuffing the wrapper in his pocket once he was done with it. The bitter-sweet flavour bursting in his tastebud once he chewed on it.
Should he confront you? He’s not sure himself. Confrontation wasn’t the best when it came to you, he’d guess that you’d probably stammer like a little bunny and squeak away.
He turns his head just a bit— and there you were, sly smile with that sweet little dimple that accentuated your bunny-like features. You were sat with the other ladies, mindlessly joining in their conversation as the eye contact you both held seemed like an eternity.
That dumb smile was on his face again.
It was you.
And he was glad it was you.
“Damn woman,” he grunts under his breath. It wasn’t in a derogatorive way, oh- absolutely not. He’s smitten. He’s quick on his feet, trudging up towards you from behind in a rapid pace. That damn smile you gave him got him feeling so shy.
You don’t expect the big smooch coming your way in the matter of seconds.
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Greasers x mean girl/boy/person (think Regina George, Heather Chandler, Bryce Tankthrust) s/o who uses their status to protect their greaser and is kind of nice under all the cutthroat boss bitch-ness. Like the top rank of social that most other socs are afraid of.
(tried to make it gender neutral of my best ability, but it’s hard to fit phrases like “ queen bee” into gender neutral terms)
*socs approach and start making jeering comments* Hey Grease…
*you get in front of them* if you ever talk to them like that again, I will make it my personal life goal to ruin yours, and no one will hire your sorry ass again. Oh, and you can consider *insert secret* spilled.
<matching hcs with @sadie-bug345 please go check out her blog she has amazing outsiders headcanons>
Ponyboy Curtis
-intimidated by you fs
-he knows your life ruining rep
-sukrised when one day you tap on his shoulder
“Ponyboy… right?”
“U-uh yeah that’s me!”
“Great you’re tutoring me. Every Friday.”
“U-uh ok?”
-you guys actually get along and he helps with with your grades a lot
-You actually become friends and stand up for him against other Socs and even your own friends
-One night he’s walking home alone from the movies and four Socs approach him and start threatening him
-you on one of their shoulders and the Soc blanks and realization as he remembers your long-standing friendship with Pony
-“if you ever mess with him again I will ruin your life. You know I will.”
-the Socs all back up, and you stand there, smirking
-I feel like that’s when pony boy realizes his feelings for you and kisses you right there on the spot
-you guys are actually a really great mix, the popular person and the kind of more quiet guy
Johnny Cade
-he was so scared of you
-thought of all the possible ways you could ruin his life even more
-one day he comes to school and his locker is spraypainted with “Bastard Greaser”
-he’s even more suprised when you approach him at lunch break
-“Johnny Cade, right? Yk, you’re kind of cute… *you smirk* Anyway I have a dear friend… well, ex friend with me that wants to apologize for so crudely vandalizing your locker. RIGHT, Jessica?”
-his head is spinning, the queen/king bee of the whole school just flirted with him and made a bully apologize?
-you start coming to the lot more and more after that, and realize he often doesn’t have a place to sleep
-you invite (drag) him to your home where you set up a room for him, and being rich, it’s pretty damn nice
-I feel like that’s when he realizes his feelings for you and one night, when he’s about to go to sleep in his bed, he leans over and kisses your cheek
-you guys become a new couple and it shocks everyone
-yall are cute tho ❤️❤️
-you make sure no one gives him shit. If they do then LORD help them
Sodapop Curtis
-ok so you guys are a more expected couple
-prom royalty fr
-soda probably made you nice 💀💀
-you guys met in school and started dating, and he helped you kind of be the nice kind of popular
-you also spoil him with your money fr
-his brothers are skeptical of you at first (especially after sandy) but once they see your do really like him they totally ship you
-fr you guys are what everyone wants to be
Darry Curtis
-you were both popular and kind of ran in the same circles but didn’t like eachother
-he didn’t think he would like you because he doesn’t like mean girls/guys/people and thought you’d be all fake n stuff
-but one day yall got assigned to work on a history project and you both got along pretty well and you put in a pretty good effort
-that’s when he realized that you weren’t so bad and you two became friends
-eventually he caught on feelings for you and asked you out
-sweet couple, and everyone ships it
Dallas Winston
-you two met in detention FS
-you spread a nasty rumor about a boy who cheated on one of your close friends and he vandalized something
-enemies to lovers energy
-yall didn’t like eachother that much
-he sat behind you and kept making crude remarks and messing with you so you bit back
-“There’s no way in hell if ever dream of being with a lowlife like you”
-after a bit of banter and insults you somehow end up on his lap making out with him
-the teacher walks in and is like wtf- my eyes-
-you guys are the best power couple people cower in fear with you two together
-calls you prince/princess or doll fr
-it’s a typical bad boy x mean girl/guy/person thing
Two Bit Matthews
-you fits me at the mall when you were making fun of another stuck up girl
-he joined in with the teasing
-you were like ohhh this one’s kinda funny and you two actually hit it off really well
-you liked his wisecracks, they made the world all the more entertaining and he admired your cutthroat bitch attitude
-yall started dating after a while
-class clown x mean girl/guy/person and it’s SO iconic
-you two are surprisingly healthy for eachother, you both kind of get to see the under layer
-like you get to see what’s beyond his wisecracks and he gets to see beyond your plastic mean girl facade
Steve Randle
-he was suprised
-when you went up to him instead of Sodapop
-but when you pulled up in your red Ferrari with a scratched tire that was totally not just an excuse just to talk to him and started heavily flirting
-he wasn’t impressed, he still thought you were fake
-which bothered you, you didn’t know anyone who didn’t like you or at least pretend to
-so you kept showing up and one day a group of Socs stopped by the gas station, spitting on him
-you got furious and nearly ruined your car trying to ram them
-Steve was kinda in love after that
-he realized you really weren’t plastic
-you guys got together and are sooo cute
-when you go on long rants he listens to you while he fixes his cars
-and you have a free new handyman
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https-harlow · 6 months
She's Totally Flirting With You
Summary- Jack gets hit on by a waitress, though he thinks she's just being nice, Paisley and Olive come to your defense to convince Jack she's flirting with him.
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Jack had surprised you, Paisley, Olive, and Hayden with a family date, to a restaurant that the girls loved but was a little too fancy to take them to on a regular basis because even though they were pretty well-behaved, you didn’t want to accidentally become the family with misbehaving kids in a fancy restaurant.
You and Olive sat on one side of the booth, while Jack and Paisley sat on the other, Hayden sitting in a highchair on the side of the table. You could tell immediately that the waitress was flirting with Jack. 
“What can I get you to drink?” She asked Jack first, placing her hand on his shoulder. Jack placed his drink order before she turned her attention to the girls. “And what do you two princesses want?” 
“Daddy, can I get an orange soda?” Paisley asked, Jack nodded.
“Yeah, do you want the same thing Liv?” Jack asked.
“I want strawberry lemonade, please.” Olive said.
“And can we get water for both of them too?” Jack asked and she nodded. She took your drink order before turning her attention back to Jack.
“Anything else I can get you?”
“Can we go ahead and get a side of fries for the kids and let’s go ahead and get a second orange soda, she’ll want it as soon as she sees her sister have it,” Jack said and the waitress laughed.
“Of course, that’s so sweet that you’re thinking ahead,” She said, squeezing his shoulder. “I’ll be right back with all of that,” She let her hand linger on his shoulder as she walked away. The girls already going back to coloring.
“She’s totally flirting with you,” You said, and Jack laughed softly.
“No, she’s not, she’s just being nice.” Jack said, shrugging it off.
“If you want to call that just being nice, then okay,” You said sarcastically.
“She probably just knows who I am and doesn’t want to say something since I’m with family or something.”
She came back a few minutes later, placing all the drinks down, coming a minute later with the fries.
“I brought a couple extra plates, so they don’t have to share plates, I know I hated sharing when I was little, especially with my siblings,” She laughed softly. You and Jack split the fries between the girls, keeping a couple for Hayden, since he was eight months old you were letting him try different soft foods. “Neither of you look old enough to have three kids, are they all yours?” She asked, trying to make small talk.
“Yeah, they are all ours,” Jack answered, “We’ve been together for nine years, plenty of time to have a couple kids,” He joked.
“Do you guys know what you want to order?” She asked, her demeanor suddenly changing. You all placed your orders before she walked away again.
“Still going to tell me she’s not flirting with you?” You asked and Jack shrugged. “She literally has puppy dog eyes when she looks at you.”
“Well, maybe she’ll stop now that she knows we’re together.”
She came back a few minutes later to check on everything before checking on the table next to you.
“She needs to stop flirting with you Daddy.” Paisley said, loud enough for the waitress to hear. You smirked as you handed Hayden another fry.
“Do you even know what flirting is Paise?” Jack asked and she shook her head.
“No, but if Mommy doesn’t like it, then neither do I. You love Mommy not her,” She said.
“Well, you're right, I do love Mommy,” Jack said in agreement.
“She looks at you like Sadie does when you have food that she wants,” Olive said, taking a bite out of her fry. You and Jack couldn’t help but laugh at Olive’s comment.
“Where did you get that from?” You asked her.
“You say Sadie gives puppy dog eyes when Daddy has food, and you said that she’s giving Daddy puppy dog eyes,” Olive shrugged. Hayden started to get fussy in his highchair, so you took him out while you waited for your food.
“See, even the girls think she’s flirting.”
“Oh, they are just copying what they heard you say.”
“Maybe, but are you going to tell them she’s not and lie to them?” You teased and Jack fake gasped.
“Yeah Daddy, you can’t lie to us, that wouldn’t be nice,” Paisley said.
“Am I being ganged up on by my wife and daughters?” Jack said sarcastically.
“Maybe,” You smirked. “Even Hayden’s on my side, huh?” You asked Hayden and he giggled.
“Okay, okay, maybe I was wrong,” Jack said. “God, I’m screwed when they are teenagers, aren’t I?” 
“You’re the one who wanted eight daughters,” You teased.
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree @harlowslefttoe @twerkforambrose @jackmans-poison @ilovenudy @taniapri @killatravtramp @easternparkway @macey234 @toocriticalharlow @lightsoutstyles @rachxc13 @iknowdatsrightbih @idktbh101 @blossomluvv @middlechild404 @hufflewhore128 @christinabae
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 1 year
She Don’t Wanna Marry Me
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Part 4
16 Years Old
“Hey Y/N!” A familiar blonde ran up to you.
“Oh hey Jessie what’s up?” You crossed your arms as you spoke to the girl.
Lorraine quietly stood next to you as your walk home was interrupted.
“Nothin much.” The girl
Giggled twirling her hair. “I just wanted to know if you’d want to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with me?”
Lorraine’s jaw clenched as she watched your face. She couldn’t tell if you were interested by the way you kept your expression smooth.
“I appreciate the offer Jessie but someone already asked me.”
Both girls eyes widened surprised before Jessie smirked her shy demeanor gone.
“Well I can promise you an extra good time if you go with me.” Her hand went to graze your arm with its fingernails making Lorraine scoff. You glance at the girl offering Jessie a short nod before you led the small brunette on the path home.
Once she was out of ear shot Lorraine let loose.
“Skank.” You barked out a laugh making the girl glare at you.
You raise your hands up in surrender.
“Hey what did I do? I completely agree with you.” Lorraine’s eyebrows furrowed.
You chuckle softly shaking your head.
“You really think I’ll let jezebel take me to the dance?” Lorraine shrugged her feet kicking a small rock as she refused to meet your eyes.
“Well if not her then what about the other girl that asked you?”
You shook your head.
“I turned her down told her I was planning on asking someone else.”
Shiny brown eyes met yours.
“Who?” She asked voice soft and curious as she bit her lip.
“LORRAINE!” You let out a heavy sigh as Douchebag Danny came running up to the two of you.
The girl beside you shifted her attention to the boy running towards you. The moment gone the minute he’d stood in front of her.
“Hey..” he huffed trying to catch his breath. Hands on his knees as he bent over feeling as if his lungs were gonna collapse. “Hey.”
Lorraine giggled brushing a piece of her hair back. You felt your jaw clench knowing the tell tale sign of Lorraine crushing on someone.
“Hey Daniel, are you ok?”
The boy scoffed standing up straight still breathing heavily.
“Psshhh yeah I’m fine, better than fine actually I’m great.”
You rolled your eyes as you felt yourself almost puke.
“I heard a rumor that you were gonna ask me to the dance coming up.” Your eyes shot to the girl in question as she blushed, more nervous giggles and hair twirling as she looked up at the boy doe eyed.
“Maybe.” Pearly white teeth grinned at her.
“Well maybe I would say yes.” The girl squared her shoulders and stood taller.
“Will you go to the dance with me?”
“I’d love to go with you.”
You walk ahead giving the two space as they continued to talk. Douchebag following you as he offered to walk her home.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” You didn’t look but knew Lorraine was already telling the boy yes.
You walked into the kitchen rubbing daddy’s shoulder as he read a newspaper and gave mama a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey baby how was school?” You shrug grabbing an apple.
“It was ok I’m not that hungry right now is it ok if I just go lay down?” The two looked to you concerned but were quickly interrupted by a squealing Lorraine.
“I got a date to Sadie Hawkins.” Her mom laughed clapping a bit before kissing her daughters cheeks.
“That’s great baby. We’ll go dress shopping this weekend ok?” The girl nodded enthusiastic as her father grunted.
“And what little punk thinks he’s good enough for my Rainey?” The girl almost rolled her eyes at her fathers protective nature. You remained quiet as your grip on the apple tightened and the slight flexing of your jaw increase. Slowly making your way to your room as you wanted to avoid any further talk of the dance.
“Daniel Smith down the street.”
He huffed. “Isn’t he a little old for you?”
“He’s 17 daddy.”
“Oh stop it.” She hit her husband. “He’s a sweet boy his mother and I are in the same book club and he always lends a hand when she needs it.”
“Yeah all boys are sweet at first then they go looking for one thing and the minute they get it-“
“Stop while you’re ahead.” Mrs. Day’s tone was calm but the threat behind her words gave little sense of peace.
His shoulders sagged before he sat up straight again turning to his daughter.
“I want to meet him before you leave and he better have you home by 11.” The girl clapped hugging her father before helping her mother set the table. She noticed only three plates being taken out.
“Is someone not eating?”
“Y/n said she wasn’t too hungry. I’ll leave her a plate in the microwave.” As the trio ate her father broke the silence.
“So did anyone ask her to the dance?”
Lorraine scoffed. “Yeah, the town tramp.”
Her father choked mid bite a hearty laugh following.
“Damn it Raine.”
“Lorraine.” Her mother scolded making the girl shrug at the mixed reactions.
“It’s true. She did say someone else asked but it wasn’t who she wanted to take.”
“Did she ever say who it was?” Lorraine shrugged.
“No idea.”
The next day you were more quiet than usual and as you went to leave, Mrs.Day stopped you.
“Aren’t you gonna wait for Lorraine?”
You shook your head.
“Douc-Daniels gonna get her.”
She nodded. “Would you want me to take you?”
You shook your head already one foot out the door. “I like the walk.”
As you were leaving you almost slammed into the idiot with nice hair.
“Oh hey Y/n is Lori ready?”
You felt your eyebrows scrunch together. Lori?
You shook your head rushing past him.
“Don’t know but I gotta get going.”
This was last week, the dance was in a few days and all but one Day noticed your strange behavior. You were listening to music when Mrs.Day knocked on your door.
“Hey sweetie.” You put your phone down slowly taking off your headphones confused.
“Everything ok?” Mama laughed sitting next to you on your mattress.
“I should be asking you that darlin you’ve been quiet and we haven’t seen much of you.” You shrug.
“Just been busy.” The woman smirked.
“Avoiding Lorraine?” You flush slightly rubbing your neck.
“I’m guessing she was who you wanted to ask to the dance.” You stare slightly embarrassed as you nod.
She gently placed a hand on your cheek brushing some hair back from your face.
“I’m sorry baby.” You shrug again. “But I think you shouldn’t mope around.”
“You’re not mad at me for liking Lorraine?”
The older woman laughed.
“Baby if I got mad at you for that I would’ve hated you since we met.”
You stay silent. “How about we go get you something nice for the dance?”
You shook your head. “I think I’ll pass.”
She nodded as she stood going to her bathroom brushing her teeth as she got ready for bed.
Her husband resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Y/n just realized she likes Raine.” Mr.Day laughed.
“That poor kids been in love with her since they met, we just gotta wait to see if Rainey will catch up.” Her eyebrows shot up.
“You knew?!” He laughed nodding.
“I may not be the sharpest tool
in the kit but I know love struck when I see it.”
“I give it 2 years before they get together.” Her husband grinned.
“I think it’ll take longer than that I give it 5.”
22 Years Old
Mr.Day was quiet as he brushed his teeth, his wife next to him rubbing lotion into her skin.
“Guess we both lost that bet huh?”
Mr.Day chuckled. “I got until the end of this year but yes it’s looking like we were wrong.”
Mrs.Day sighed.
“Is it our fault?”
“Of course not! We can’t dictate her life. It’s better to wait for the right thing then to race for the wrong thing.” She shook her head.
“She’s getting married.”
“She’s engaged, she ain’t married there’s still time for her to figure out what her heart wants.”
“And what if it’s Rj?” At this Mr.Day scoffed.
“Yeah and what if pigs fly?” The back of her hand slapped his shoulder.
“Im serious.”
“And I am too darlin’. Look Raine may take some time but I think a part of her knows RJ ain’t right for her. Im hoping a part of her also knows that while she may not love Y/n she deserves someone who would love her like Y/N would.”
They stayed quiet until Mr.Day broke the silence again laughing.
“You remember Daniel?” His wife finally cracked a smile.
“Such a sweet boy.” Mr.Day laughed.
At the dance she had only talked about you and how she wished you were there with her. Daniel had tried to steer her concentration to them but ended up taking her home early. Their “first kiss” decent but no fireworks. The dates were nice but she’d find herself wishing she were hanging out with you instead. They had tried, going bowling, grabbing pizza, even small walks in the park. This went on for months before Lorraine had decided to end it. She didn’t feel the connection she yearned for.
Lorraine had come in crying she hadn’t stopped to talk to her parents she just ran up to your room pouncing on you the moment she went through the door. Her arms slung around your neck as hot tears met your skin. She was so upset she couldn’t speak. You consoled her and let her take your bed before you snuck out knocking on the boys door and punching him with no explanation.
“I was the one who taught her to punch.” Mr. Day grinned proudly as his wife hit him once again.
Back at your apartment, you had just finished washing up when you heard a sharp knock at your door. You went to open the door and found Lorraine on the other side.
“So an apartment above the shop is better than our home?”
“What? No I-“
“Did you leave because you didn’t want them to catch you sneaking in girls?”
“What?! Raine-“ the girl stumbled into you. Big baby browns locking onto yours as soft hands stroked your face.
“Or is it because you hate me?” You watched as a light shimmer of tears lined her eyelids.
You grabbed her chin firmly making her breath hitch.
“Now that’s a damn lie Lorraine I could never hate you.” You sniffed and almost gagged at the familiar scent.
“Are you drunk?” Her body sagged against you her head hitting your shoulder as she nodded.
“And you drove here?!” She shook her head.
“I had Bobby drop me off.”
You sighed, picking the girl up bridal style.
She laughed arms going around your neck as she did so.
“You’re my best friend.” You laid her gently in your bed as you went to grab some extra blankets.
“I know.”
“I miss you.”
“I know.”
“I love you.” You stop, looking at her cheesy grin knowing she doesn’t mean it the way you want her to.
It’s only when her soft snoring hits your ears that you realize she’s fallen asleep.
“I love you so much more.” You place a soft kiss on her forehead as you go to sleep in the couch.
Once you throw yourself down you raise one arm behind your head, eyes staring at nothing as you wonder what you’ll do when she marries him.
Taglist: @ctrlamira @tundra1029 @friedryes @alexkolax @wol-fica @natasha25052 @pdione11 @dksjskx @the-camilucha @niqmandu @pawiie @cozwaenot @evanivox @livingdreams97 @haughtsauce21 @autorasexy @dogtamer415 @karsonromanoff @wedfan2 @starry-night17 @orignalpat @red1culous @canvascoloredin @bigbadsofty07
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cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
Ik you said resquests are close but my oh my, I'd love to see your relationship/sex hcs for the GIRLS
Relationship/Sex HC For VDL Gang Girls
Thank you anon for requesting something with the girls. Also I didn't include Sadie bc I wrote for her already previously in another post
Warnings: smut
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Mary-Beth Gaskill
Very affectionate and loves showing you off
Lowkey writes short romance stories about the two of you but uses different names
Loves asking for your opinion on her outfits
Very shy with her writing but allows you to read em
Tries to recreate scenes the romance novels she reads with you
Plays with your hair and tries to style it for you
I can imagine her making flower crowns
Is so lovestruck, she definitely believes y'all are together FOR LIFE
I just know she reads smut in her books
She'd probably ask to try out a few of the things she reads about
Comes off as docile or vanilla but would be surprisingly kinky, huge expiramentalist
Bottoms for sure
Would unintentionally grind into your face or shove you in while eating her out
High pitched moans or gentle mewls
Squirms and moves around a lot, just cannot sit still for the life of her
Karen Jones
She'll put on a tougher front but she needs a lot of reassurance
Very sweet in private
Gets flustered with PDA but still does it with you
Loves it when you hold one another closely especially around the camp fire
She'd become very vulnerable with you
Especially when she's drunk
She'd feel as though you're the only person who can see the real her, and that just makes her feel even more in love
When she's unable to take care of herself you do her hair for her
Asks to dance with you randomly
As we saw in-game, cries during sex
Feels extremely vulnerable during the act, but instead of sadness it's more of an overwhelming feeling of love that brings her to tears
Super clingy, holds you close during
Wants to stimulate every sense, bascially smothering you
Loves kissing all up and down eachother's bodies while fondling and just holding
Also enjoys hand holding during sex
Likes to start off gentle but things get progressively wilder
Tilly Jackson
She's a playful, yet altruistic lover
Puts you before herself all the time
She could be bleeding out while you have a papercut and she'll insist they tend to you first
Constantly fixes things for you or just generally takes care of things just so you don't have to do them yourself
I hc that whenever she falls asleep on you she drools A LOT
Because she gets really relaxed
Likes sitting along rivers and lakes with you and feeding ducks or skipping rocks
Super short so she's gotta go on her tiptoes to kiss you; constantly cranes her neck to look at you, even gets taller boots
Like in other aspects of your relationship, a giver
She knows just what you want, and is more than happy to provide
I feel like she'd be real skilled with her tongue and hands as a result, skill born out of practice
Kinda likes riskier sex so she'll opt for more scandalous locations or situations
Y'all could be doing chores together and the next thing y'know y'all are sneaking off behind a nearby tree
I feel like she'd top, but she's down to switch
Abigail Roberts
She's a good, honest woman
And she's got standards for her lover
Constantly has your back, and is very patient with you as you two grow with eachother
Constantly encourages said growth and improvement in oneself
Loves seeing you put effort into improvement or work!
She just wants a calm, stable life, so if you're able to provide that for her, even if little by little, she'll be happy
Very affectionate with you, one of her favorite things to do is to sit down and have deep, intimate conversations with one another while chilling
Doesn't care how many or mundane dates are, as long as the effort is there
She's got demands, and they will be heard
Loves recieving head, or being the main focus of sex as you provide for her. Will hold your head in place
Likes telling you what to do, definitely a dom hehe
Into kinkier stuff so maybe tying you up or even spanking
LIVES to see you cry or to embarass you
She'd probably make you bark for her
Will top or bottom, doesn't matter to her as long as she's taking the lead
Likes passionate sex so she takes her time with every detail, especially foreplay, rather than speeding things up
Molly O'Shea
She falls HARD
The most lovestruck, romantic girlfriend ever
Writes love poems for you
Likes it when you show eachother off
Her favorite types of dates are when the two of you go out together and try new things
Like a new restaurant, a new spot, a new show, etc
Cue that meme of one girl sitting on another's lap while she does her makeup
Yeah that's her
Loves asking for your opinion on her makeup, greatly values your opinion in general
Constantly tells you she loves you, gets sad if you dont say it back
Will ask you to be gentle but like rough passionate sex
Moans loudly and shamelessly
Definitely a pillow princess, this is cannon
She'd communicate lots with you about what she likes and what she wants you to do
In a modern setting I feel like she'd wear lingerie or sexy outfits for you
Probably likes roleplaying
Also a huge expiramentalist! Likes trying next and exciting things, including in the bedroom
Susan Grimshaw
This woman keeps you on your toes constantly
Probably a little high strung but it's easy to tear her walls down!
Good at setting and respecting boundaries, while also reminding you of her own
Knows the time and place for affection, so when y'all are working, wants to keep it to a minimum.
But during down time, loves to dance, talk, kiss, and play games together
She's super hardworking and she loves real hard
Good at grounding you and keeping you in check
Like many things in her life, puts so much effort into the relationship and will never let you down or make you feel neglected.
Like Abigail, has demands that will be known
Though she'll make sure to pay special attention to you as well and not just focus on herself
I feel like she'd like to be called mommy LMAO
Loves taking care of you and the name during sex would definitely do things for her
She has lots of experience so you'll always recieve the most mindblowing orgasms
Has like a mental map of your entire body imprinted into her mind at this point
Also hands, I feel like she'd be into anything hands
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kiirotoao · 4 months
Season 3 rewatch notes
Wait a minute, I just realized that Mike and Will are the only ones in The Party who’ve canonically been dungeon masters. Idk what that means for them, but, yeah. Another exclusive detail of theirs
Oh, lord. Mike’s arm being torn off in the D&D game better not be a prophecy. If those s5 notes are accurate about Mike being seriously injured… I’m scared.
GOD I’ve never noticed how hard Will breathes in the rain scene. Poor baby he was so stunned 😭😭😭😭
The thing that I love most about Jonathan and Nancy is that they’ve been through the real shit. Arguments and hardship through the supernatural and the struggles of discrimination and privilege.
I love how Max is usually the one who speaks after Will. It’s like she’s the only one brave enough to answer after he says something profound or important. I need more of Max and Will’s friendship and them having well-thought out arguments I swear
Omg I love Erica’s little green star on her cheek. It’s so cute 😭🩷
After watching The Princess Bride, I am fangirling so much over Cary Elwes - it’s so crazy to me that he got him to play such a character! I wonder if they thought of him because of all the physical stunts lmao
As much as Karen isn’t in the know of much of anything in the supernatural story, I love how she’s a picture of raw strength in the Wheeler family, the true head of the household. She takes charge. Stops at nothing to help. Not even in the face of temptation. Go Karen.
DAMN I forgot that Billy dropped an f bomb! I thought that the closest that the show got was when Max got cut off in the hospital, but nope. There it was
Shit, I’m tearing up at that scene when El collapses into Mike’s arms because I know that that was real exhaustion. Poor Millie 🩷🩷🩷. She did such a phenomenal job there.
I LOVE whenever Joyce is angry this season. Now that’s how you demand. Straight to the point, justified in her worry, and cutting past any unnecessary bs while still including the cherry on top “please” or “good day” of politeness out of basic decency. I want to be her when I’m upset.
I’m always so blown away by Maya’s performance when she comes out to Steve. Straight (haha) through the heart, so good. And I always, always smile at Steve’s reaction. So in character, so accepting. No questioning if she’s being honest, just immediately questioning her type and believing that she’s into girls. So, so important.
Oh, no. Holly saw the trees moving in the woods. Thus far, she’s noticed the demogorgon coming out of the wall, and now this. She’s definitely a target next season.
When El tells Billy the memory of his mom, I teared up a little! Something about the way that El says, “you were happy” breaks me, dude. Millie and Dacre did so well.
Also, thinking in foresight of s4, Max’s letter is so heartbreaking. The Mind Flayer made a huge show of killing Billy slowly and painfully. I don’t blame her for being too horrified to move. It really wasn’t her fault. That was traumatic. Sadie did amazing there, too. Ouch.
I’m never getting over the helicopter lights being blue, yellow, and red. Were starboard and port always blue and red? And isn’t starboard supposed to be green? It’s all intentional, I’m telling you
I love how Max and Lucas are supposed to be “butchering” Never Ending Story but those two theater kids actually sound amazing. I just wish they harmonized 😆
Oh my gosh Jonathan did the Byers hold to Nancy 😭😭😭😭 I am not okay 😭😭 I never noticed that
Okay wait. This is kinda horrible. I feel bad for saying this. But y’know how Mike has a Will voice? Well I just noticed that Mike definitely does not have a soft voice for El. I swear, he’s always so loud around her like nothing’s different about her 😂😭 Any time he’s sweet with her he’s just like YEAH. COOL. and it’s kinda hilarious.
Jancy is WRECKING me this season wtf. Charlie and Natalia are so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my gosh David’s voice kinda breaks at “doze off.” Fuck.
Erica has blue, yellow, and pink balloons plus a rainbow drawing on her door. I now headcanon Erica as pansexual/panromantic, thank you.
AHHHGHH I can’t wait for the original version of Heroes to play next season over Byler kissing when everyone thinks that they might be dead but they’re just surviving in the Upside Down, clinging to each other and having the highest moment of their lives!!!!!!!
This has been my s3 thoughts for the 6-8th time watching? I forget? And I missed a number of moments because I got too absorbed so, oops. Anyway, I love Jancy, I love Jopper, I love the Scoops Troop, I love Suzie, I miss Alexi, Byler is endgame, and this season was way more fun than I remembered and it always makes me laugh. My list of favorite seasons has been shaken expertly.
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msmishima · 11 months
Giving Head~ Tekken~ WLW Headcannons
I hope the other gay Tekken girlies find this. Not proof read just vibes. 18 + only
Jun Kazama
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-The trust you'd have with this woman reflects how she's in tune with your body.
-Loves starting things off with kisses and soft touches, her words know how to relax you. Feeling safe and comfortable was Jun's top priority.
-Doesn't eat you out right away, opting to trail kisses down your body, leaves love bite underneath your breasts while her fingers tease at your entrance, all the while whispering how good and special you are to her.
-Once she does get to eating you out Jun already has you soaked, licking you gingerly and eagerly all while touching herself. She needs your touch in some way--squeezing her unoccupied hand while she devours you or your hand tangled in her hair while she works. Yank and tug all you wish;Jun Kazama doesn't mind roughness, you don't mind it either but she often apologies for it. (she literally has a line about being rough in the Tekken 8 CNT)
-Wants to hear your moans, encourages it even while praising how amazing you taste.
-This woman is so vocal. She'll be moaning at your wetness, in turn driving you closer and closer to your climax. Once you reach it, she laps up all you produce while showering you with praises and kisses.
-Knowing her power and what little we know from what has been revealed from Tekken 8, you'll be tired but at the same time rejuvenated.
-This woman is so soft for you.
"Such a good girl." mommy? sorry
"I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"I love everything about you. Including those gorgeous sounds."
Nina Williams
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-Does Nina love you? That's debatable. Does she know how to please you? Absolutely.
-Being a spy, and a special agent, Nina is trained to excel in any situation she's put in.
-She's a sexy blonde woman, Nina knows the sex appeal she garners, not as much as her sister Anna (no one can match Anna's appeal) but she knows how people look at her; men of course, but women intrigue her.
-You both met at some bar during a recon mission she was wrapping up and noticed you couldn't your eyes off of her. Of course Nina wanted to blow off some steam and you were happy to oblige and help her.
-Nina loves being in control, whether receiving or not, that's why when her fingers are plunged into you, she's testing you, seeing if you can be as quiet as possible. You're in a bar bathroom for one and plus I'd like to think Nina loves toying with her partners.
-Once she's at eye level with your pussy she'd work quick and precise: similar to how she works in the game. She'd find your clit pretty fast, lapping at it swiftly while fingering the spot you want.
-She'd chuckle at how you'd try and suppress your moans. At some point if you're close, she'd let you come once she counts down. Does it at an agonizingly slow pace but lets you come once you get there.
"Maybe I'll eat you out if you be quiet, hmm?"
"It's past your bedtime, but maybe I can play for a bit."
"You aren't done until I say so."
Kazumi Mishima
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-Kazumi's a tiger tamer so she know how to tame that pussy. sorry not sorry
-Like Jun is super soft with you but can get stern when she needs to.
-Starts out by fingering you, praising you all while working you oh so slow to feel every inch. Don't whine or protest just yet or she'd pull away just as fast. A way to teach you a lesson in her eyes, so be patient.
-Once she does get to your pussy she's eating you like a woman starved. Very on point with finding all your sweet spots, exactly how her play style is: effective at pokes, finding them and retreating as such before going right back in to do the same.
-She gets off on your sounds, cumming once you do.
-Like Jun she's in tune with your body and depending on how good you act, she may or may not unleash her devil side.
"Can you be good for me, kitten?"
"Your sounds are the power I need, the only thing in this world."
"Yeah, just hearing you can do this to me."
Katarina Alves
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-MEAN. Can be sadistic at times, loves to taunt you when she's pleasing you.
-Has you pressed against her chest, kissing and sucking your neck while teasing you through your panties.
-If you protest, whine or moan too much she'll stop completely, saying you aren't acting well enough for her to play with your pussy, let alone eat it out.
-You have to promise and nearly vow to be good for her, clutching her arms and touching her yourself, pinching her breasts and caressing them until she's sighing back into your arms.
-Once she reaches your sweet center though, she knows how to work. Lapping at the clit beautifully, simultaneously fingers you so fast that you arch and buck into her.
-She might be mean about it but she loves how reactive you are. Moans against your pussy, drowning in how you drip into her mouth.
-Doesn't stop when you cum. Overstimulates you like hell.
-Loves to make you squirt. Challenges you to cover her shades in your essence.
"You want mommy's mouth, beg for it."
"Such a slut for me, c'mon I know you can do better than that."
"You got a lot more left, pretty girl."
Anna Williams
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-A huge tease.
-Flirts with you even while knuckle deep within you, telling you exactly what she wants to do to you.
-Laughs if you ask if her how long till she eats you out. Deliberately will go slower, stretching you out till you're closer to orgasm.
-If you beg her however, and/or moan enough for her, Anna will give you whatever ask for. Unlike Nina, Anna loves you; she may not be in love with you yet, but she does love how your body reacts just for her.
-Once she does get to your pussy, Anna cannot help herself. Already spurned by your noises she dives right in, growling into your sweet heat.
-Backs off from your cunt to talk you through how you were feeling. Still teasing but is more soft in your motions. Eggs you on to come while fingering you until you do so.
-"Come on baby, you're really close."
"Touching you like this never fails to get me wet. What? It's true and you know it."
"You're so sexy like this."
Master Raven
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-Busy has hell but always makes time for you.
-Queen of quickies, knows how to make them last a while for you.
-Just pops up in your room when you're horny or if you message her.
-Always says she doesn't have time, mentions assignments she goes on but gets lost you. Especially loves how much you complement her body in her suit or say you appreciate how hard she works and protects you.
-Leads a trail down your body, pressing hard kisses where you make the most noise. Loves your noises even when she wants you to be silent. Lady Raven seems like she's all business but often loosens up just for you.
-When she reaches your pussy Raven is all about business yet again. Her movements depend on you: if you follow her directions then she'll go as fast or slow as you'd like; if you were bratty well, Raven will make your orgasm quick, no enjoyment at all.
-She eats you out while touching herself since she doesn't make enough time for her own pleasure.
-"I don't have much time, follow my lead and it'll be pleasurable for us both."
"I'll end this quickly if you don't listen."
"Let go, I have enough time for one more."
Lidia Sobieska
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-Also busy as hell.
-Lidia stays devoted to her country along with her training but never ceases to squeeze in time for you.
-That being said, you never know when and where Lidia decides to get intimate with you. Whether it be in her dojo after an intense training session where she's drench in not only sweat but desire, or in the back of her limo while en route to her next meeting at parliament.
-Lidia did not care; if you wanted her and she had the time, she'd cater to you. When eating you out she gets fully on her knees, wanting to be comfortable while she focuses on your pussy.
-Is very sloppy, literally salivating at your taste. Goes between licking your silt slowly then fast, curling at the points that make you most reactive.
-Praises you, adores praising you. Will stop eating you out just to tell you that you're doing well, fingers you while fingering herself since she has little time for another round.
-Would have entered parliament with her face messy but you clean her up quickly. May or may not have yelled osu while you came.
"Was I too much? Do you need me to call someone to care for you during my meeting?"
"Don't be quiet, my love. I love those noises."
"OSU! Uh, fuck, sorry. You really get me in the zone."
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butterfrogmantis · 27 days
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Enough Red Deading led to this but it wasn't entirely their fault, I am pretty fixated on Wooly & Wrangler atm too after all.
But I decided to take Burdock in a slightly different direction. Indeed, perhaps even morally. This is to be expected since she's largely inspired by Arthur Morgan and Sadie her personality has pretty much been molded off of the honour system - there's social outcasts like Hemlock who do no actual wrong just give off unique vibes, there's trouble makers in the Smurf Village like Jokey and Surprise but they don't truly hurt people, just have some mischief up their sleeve. And perhaps a couple sticks of dynamite Surprise swore she wasn't really gonna use.
So Buddleia is a fairly down to earth kind of gal, overseas the grove agriculture - most of the grove help with farming in shifts but Bud works as the perma head rancher and is a good hardworker trying to make a decent and honest living. Her sis? Oh she picked up ranching and farming easily enough but it was never enough for her, she was always getting into fights with other grovers and ending up starting issues with other species in the forbidden forest.
There is no 'law' or 'outlaw' as far as the grove goes technically, Burdock is always welcomed in the grove, though the others may not want her around. Burdy's loyalty lies with her sister and niece and little else. Willow has stopped fighting her the older and more independent she got, it wasn't worth it. The grove is a safe haven technically because she's wanted for starting fights and perhaps robbery when it comes to other species (hey look they had a nice set of elven jewellery she wouldn't mind trading that in for some sweet dwarven duds, since smurfs don't use money she takes advantage of trade).
But honestly what sets Burdock apart from most other characters is moral ambiguity. She'll stop on a path to help a stranger soon as leap off a path to steal another's mount. She'll donate the money she just stole to feed a starving street kid without hesitation. Think that scene from Aladdin with the bread. She's unpredictable and deeply selfish but always brings home cool stuff for her niece and never forgets a birthday. You want her with you rather than against you but her reputation is never consistent.
Wooly wants to wring her neck. She thought she could get him on her side being cowboy and cowgirl and all but he's a much more morally upstanding man and although he may not always have been perfect either he's not getting into a life of crime with some rando grove girl with wild eyes. Besides he wants to be a good rolemodel for Wrangler and she should think about doing the same for her niece if she knows what's good for her.
Burdock, Buddleia and Fuchsia are mine
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eddiespornstache · 2 months
👁️ for the prompts!
Thanks for the prompt! Hope you enjoy❤️🩷💙
Tommy’s Big Surprise
“You’re hiding something.”
“No, I’m not,” Tommy said, extraordinarily unconvincingly. Eddie wanted to slap him, but that would’ve given the game away even more.
“I can see that you’ve got something behind your back,” Buck said plaintively. He was–oh shit, he was bringing the eyes out. Big and blue and man, they were fucked. “Eddie, tell me what Tommy has behind his back.”
“Edmundo!” Tommy hissed sharply, as though he had a leg to stand on.
“Buck, babe, you weren’t supposed to be home for another few hours,” Eddie started.
Buck blinked guilessly. “I know, but home is where you guys are and I decided I wanted to see you more.”
Tommy gave Eddie a look that said both isn’t our boyfriend the sweetest? and isn’t he the most infuriating man alive? and Eddie couldn’t help but agree.
The something behind Tommy’s back chose the resulting silence to yelp.
Buck startled. “What was that?!” Then his eyes widened further, potentially past the realm of scientific possibility. Eddie felt sick over how gone on this man he was. “Tell me you didn’t–did you guys get a dog?”
Sighing, Tommy brought the carrier out in front of him and set it on the ground, muttering, “It was supposed to be a surprise,” as he unzipped it.
A fluffy, golden-brown head that was at least fifty percent floppy ears poked out. “It technically still is a surprise,” Eddie pointed out. Tommy shot him a heatless glare. “Buck, meet Sadie.” Buck was already on his knees and lifting the puppy up. Sadie went sweetly, gamely licking at his face as soon as she was close enough.
“What a sweet girl!” Buck exclaimed. “She’s ours? We get to keep her?”
“We do,” Tommy affirmed, his frustration already fallen away to a soft smile.
Just then, Carla and Chris came in through the kitchen door. “Is that a puppy?” Chris crowed instantly. “Did we get a puppy?”
Tommy shook his head mournfully. “Why can’t I get to surprise one person?” he fummed.
Eddie kissed his cheek. “I think it was still a surprise, babe, even if it didn’t go the way we planned.”
Sadie clambered out of Buck’s arms and waddled gracelessly over to Eddie and Tommy. Eddie leaned down to scritch behind her ear and she closed her eyes in bliss.
“You’re right,” Tommy said. “The important thing is that she’s part of the family now.”
As though in agreement, Sadie took the opportunity to pee on his shoe.
Pick a prompt for me to fill based on my recently used emojis here
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extranenas · 30 days
Mbappe imagine where he confesses his feelings for you
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no lies
pairing: kylian mbappe x reader
genre: fluff
plot: that damn guy who youve been crushing since childhood wont just… go away! 16 years and still no confession. maybe your other friends can do it?
extra: set around the 2018 world cup cus i want that sweet teenager love😔😔😔 very rushed and bad tho negl this not my best work LMAOOOO😭😭
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you sat on your bed- mindlessly scrolling through instagram while waiting for friends to come. of course they came over- they always do. today was special though. real special.
real special till you heard loud knocking- immediately getting up and running to open it.
“sadie…! and whos this?”
“___! i brought the food- youre ready right? oh yea and this liliana. shes gonna help me.”
“ok- come on come on!”
you three both ran in and immediately sat down on the pink rug that your parents living room donned. immediately leaning in and getting into the “zone.”
“so how do you know he likes you? he can just be overly friendly ___ you cant-”
“just hear me out sadie! look ive known him since i was 2 ok? and like maybe he thinks of me as a sister but listen! ever since that world cup hes like- hes been hinting!”
“hinting how ___?”
“hinting! uhm- like he would yknow… hes giving me his clothes to wear… wants to hang out more… he said im his type! like he… we jokingly argue but like he still comple-”
“the actual hints honey. what are they?”
“well… i remember one time during like… a get together i wore the wrong shoes and he gave me his… another time was like- he said he wanted to talk to me more but he couldnt and- sadie just help me stop asking!”
“ok! what you can do is like send a voice message and be like ‘i like you kylian- be my boyfriend?’”
“im not doing that sadie.”
“well be straightforward! guys like that.”
“but hes not any guy! hes kylian.”
“ok whatever. give me your phone.”
“what are you gonna do?”
“just give it to me ___!”
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it was about an hour since sadie and liliana took your phone. they kept texting rapidly and whispering until sighing.
“he thinks your cute but thats it ___.”
“or maybe hes lying?” liliana said.
you looked at them two with a puzzled expression.
“you lied and said you two stole my phone?”
“well it worked didnt it?” liliana.
“but all he said is that he liked me lil. nothing else.”
“just wait ___. the time will come.”
and the time did come.
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it was now nighttime and you checked your phone nonstop for a response till you heard knocking. you immediately got up and opened the door, thinking it was your mom till you saw kylian.
“ky? whats up?”
“do you like me ___? no lies- please.”
“what? what do you mean i- how- huh?”
you immediately tensed up and stumbled- pretending to not know.
“sadie and some other girl texted me on your phone saying it got stolen. they told me and stuff. do you really like me?”
“i… i do kylian. i always have.”
“why? i mean why me? your parents-”
“who cares kylian! your family loves mines and thats why we known eachother since like birth! who cares if my dad wants me to get with some like… important guy- youre more important than him!”
“but your whole family is at stake ___!”
“i dont care!”
“they could help you guys with finances and-”
“shut up kylian! do you like me or not! please!”
he soon got quiet and sighed; taking your hand in his.
“i do ___. and its kinda weird cause i grew up with you but i always did. even if you were with other people or i was dating. i was just scared.”
“why did you never tell me…?”
“i just said i was scared!”
“dont be!”
“i just confessed ___ we aren’t gonna argue about this.”
you smiled before kissing his cheek. hugging him tightly with a giggle. knowing that you two always argued about nothing was still there- even in this tense moment.
“i know that.”
“so what now?”
“youre my girlfriend now right?”
“well duh.”
“ok ___ thats enough.”
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