#Darry Curtis the outsiders
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The Gang Hugging Headcanons!!!!
Ponyboy Curtis
-he would need a cue for hugs fr
-I don’t think he’d know when to hug for shit
-but when you actually do hug him it’s pretty comforting, frontal body
-he leans his head on your shoulder
-he only wraps one arm around you though
Johnny Cade
-I don’t think bros ever been hugged in his life 💀😭
-would never initiate you’d need to
-I think he’d take great comfort in hugs and would bury his head into your collarbone
-both arms wrapped, and could stay there forever
Sodapop Curtis
-really soft
-idk that’s all I have to say, soft, comforting, loving hugs
-he’s perfected the art tbh
Darry Curtis
-ok so you’re getting crushed
-he is a bear hugger
-would lift you into the air
-you ain’t breathing hon 💀😭
-not that comfortable because he doesn’t realize his own strength and crushes you a lot
-but hey if you like pressured hugs he’s your guy
Dallas Winston
-side hugger
-even if you really need it I think full body contact is too much
-would wrap an arm securely around you
-surprisingly good hugs
-but headcanon him as a side hugger SO hard
Two Bit Matthews
-good hugs actually
-he’s also soft and I feel like if he could he’d like twirl you around or something
-would make a joke while hugging you about something just to have you giggle into his neck or sum
-he prefers brief but meaningful
Steve Randle
-he would also crush you
-I mean if you get this man to hug you he’s doing it right
-I feel like he’d like wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close
-thoughtful of you but at the same time unaware?! Hard to explain
-like gentle and rough at the same time
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jaidens · 2 years ago
If you special requests are still open can I have a hot chai latte with extra whipped cream under name Darrel Curtis? Only if ur ok with that!
So scarlet it was Maroon, The mark they saw on my collarbone
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pairing [s] : darry curtis x reader
warning [s] : mentions of : sex, hickeys, drinking, riding, making out | wrap it before you tap it |
a/n [s] : ty for requesting, I'm sorry for how long it took!
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It has almost been a month without your fiance. Darry had been booked for every single day, and suddenly nurses had become extremely needed everyday for your hospital. You were riled up and upset that your shifts hadn't matched up with Darry's which ended up in only seeing him passing in and out of the house. You were the night shift, and Darry had been the morning shift. You took care of the gang when Darry couldn't, becoming the casual mom of the group when you were around.
As you shift the small ring around your finger, tapping against the table as the clock clicks closer to your shift ending. As soon as it hits twelve, you jump up, grabbing your bag and Darry's jacket and run out of the hospital while saying goodbye to your coworkers. The air is cold as it nips at your nose. You open your car door and turn the car on, the cold air hitting you as it attempts to start up with a rumble. The radio plays quietly as you start to feel giddy at being able to see your boyfriend after a month.
The car ride isn't long, but not very short. After twenty-five minutes of no traffic and long, twisting roads, you pull into the driveway of Darry's house. His truck is sitting next to your car, and the lights are still on the inside of the house. Grabbing your stuff, you run into the house and shut the door quietly behind you. Two-Bit and Steve are asleep on the couch, snoring as Mickey Mouse is playing on the television.
You smile at them, shutting off the television and lights. You walk to the kitchen, hang up your keys on the hook, and set your bag down. Your stomach rumbles after hours of being unable to eat due to the rush on the hospital. You pull out some food and heat it up, and bite into it and moan out. Darry’s cooking was always amazing, after years of practicing after the loss of his Mom and Dad. While you're eating, strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you into his hips.
With a gentle kiss to your neck, you smile and twist your body around to be in front of Darry. He's smiling widely, his tongue darting out to like his lips. “Oh, Darry..” You mumble out and he pushes you against the counter and his hand falls underneath your thighs as you follow his movements with your lips. Your hand runs up his shoulders and to the back of his head and you grip onto his messy, ungreased hair. He smells like aftershave and his minty shampoo and conditioner.
You're mumbling out his name every time he pulls away from your lips to let you breathe. “Not here, love. Bedroom c’mon!” You're whisper-shouting, as he picks you up off the counter and carries your bridal style to your small, shared bedroom. The bed is messy and fluffy with blankets as you try and beat the November weather that was attacking Tulsa. The television is on and plays a random show that Darry had liked, but you didn't understand it half of the time.
You crawl onto the bed and pull on the waistband of his pants and he falls on the bed on top of you, not crushing you with his thighs taking his fall. You're wrapped up in the kiss you've been waiting for, deep and full of delicious passion. His lips slide from your mouth to suck against your neck, kissing and biting gently. His name is a prayer as it falls from your lips as you slide against him, his hand tickling against your waistband.
You pull his shirt off and throw it on the floor, staring at his delicious muscles and abs that stretch and pull in every time you touch his warm skin. “Missed you so much.” Darry gasps when you pull him up and push against the wall.
When you wake up the next morning, your legs are sore and your back achy. The bed is cold and alone with Darry's side is put together and cleaned up. Your side however isn't as you get up from bed. You're in a big t-shirt of Darry's with a pair of underwear. You grab a pair of shorts and put them on. You stretch out your body and crack your hands. You fix up the bed and straighten out the sheets and fix up your hair. You put your slippers and rub your eyes. When you look at the mirror, you see all of the purplish and dusty pink bruises that litter your neck and down to your collarbone.
You grab a big hoodie and pull it on and it covers most of them up, but it would be impossible to cover all of them. You open the door to leave and you hear the boys that are somehow rowdy at eight-thirty in the morning. Two-Bit and Steve are ones that you can pick out, teasing Darry and Ponyboy about something you couldn't hear. You walk into the kitchen and you feel people's eyes on you. “Well! Well, how-dy here!” Two-Bit teases and taps against the maroon bruise that's underneath your jaw. “What’s that lil ol’ thing, Y/N!?”
You cover your neck and start to get embarrassed. Darry immediately pulls into protective mode and pulls you into his arms. You smile at him and he kisses the top of your head. You're forced to follow him around to stay in his arms. “Did you fight something last night? What's all over you—oh ew Darry!” Ponyboy says before covering his eyes and gagging. You laugh at him and serve him a plate of food. “Oh hush you too!” Darry shouts when Two-Bit and Pony start to giggle and conspiring about what happened last night.
You kiss Darry and he deepens it softly. “I’m off work today. Charles was being nice by not scheduling me.” You tell Darry and he smiles at you, letting his hands naturally wrap around your waist. You lay against his chest as you both fall into a natural sway. One thing about Darry is he didn't have two of the same feet, he was an amazing dancer and naturally would always be moving gracefully somehow.
You're both lying like that until Ponyboy says he's ready for school. You smile at Darry and hand him the truck keys, giving him a long kiss and twirling the curls around his neck on your finger as he walks out the door. You're smiling at the door when you hear the sound of the refrigerator opening, clicking of glasses, and two pops. “Really Two-Bit!? Beer at nine in the morning?”
“Hey young-lady! We both had fun, you got it earlier than I did. Now, let me enjoy this!”
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greasernamedbug · 11 days ago
They say I ain't southern but then I go to school when our showers pipes frozen n get asked how I don't stink and I say "I took a sink bath?* And they're confused and judged me SMH ik it ain't southern right?!
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thembrooklynboysbig · 1 month ago
darry curtis gay as fuck argue with the wall
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urlocalnonbinarybastard · 1 year ago
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I did makeup based off the poem from the outsiders
(I did this a while ago but whatever)
@sniffingsharpiesinachuckecheese helped me put the PB initials on
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keepingupwiththecurtises · 2 months ago
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months ago
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actually thinking about this moment forever if anyone even cares
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theblack-dog · 4 months ago
One of the hardest things for Darry being Ponyboy's guardian is when he gets in trouble at school.
Like one time the school called him in because Ponyboy got into a fight at lunch with a soc because the dude said something along the lines of "you greasers are on thin ice" and Ponyboy said "at least I can stand on ice, you fat fuck" and they started swinging.
Poor Darry had to sit in front of the principal and act like that wasn't the funniest fucking thing he's ever heard.
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redfielddoesthings · 5 months ago
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…(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) asks are being reopened next week. I was sick. — R☆
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izaacs-notdeadyet · 6 months ago
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LOOK??? LOOK AT HOW THEY STAND??? Just like their older brothers <333
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chaotic-starlight24 · 8 months ago
Darry can tell who walked into the house depending on the sound of the door. Every member of the gang has an entrance that can be very easily missed.
Dally slams the door open and doesn't bother to close it behind him.
Steve opens the door and then slams it behind him, then goes to bother whoever is closest.
Johnny is almost always following someone so if the door stays open a bit longer and is quietly shut then Johnny has followed them in.
Two-Bit is similar to Steve except he dusts off his shoes. His mama always gets onto him tracking dirt so it's a habit.
Ponyboy quietly opens the door and shuts it behind him and usually calls out a I'm home. Or he's completely quiet except for the fact he stomps without realizing it.
Sodapop is almost always excited when he gets home so he accidentally slams the door into the wall and apologizes. He also usually announces he's home.
Darry just wishes they would stop slamming the door, it hurts the door and he's not exactly itching to fix the hinges.
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Greasers x mean girl/boy/person (think Regina George, Heather Chandler, Bryce Tankthrust) s/o who uses their status to protect their greaser and is kind of nice under all the cutthroat boss bitch-ness. Like the top rank of social that most other socs are afraid of.
(tried to make it gender neutral of my best ability, but it’s hard to fit phrases like “ queen bee” into gender neutral terms)
*socs approach and start making jeering comments* Hey Grease…
*you get in front of them* if you ever talk to them like that again, I will make it my personal life goal to ruin yours, and no one will hire your sorry ass again. Oh, and you can consider *insert secret* spilled.
<matching hcs with @sadie-bug345 please go check out her blog she has amazing outsiders headcanons>
Ponyboy Curtis
-intimidated by you fs
-he knows your life ruining rep
-sukrised when one day you tap on his shoulder
“Ponyboy… right?”
“U-uh yeah that’s me!”
“Great you’re tutoring me. Every Friday.”
“U-uh ok?”
-you guys actually get along and he helps with with your grades a lot
-You actually become friends and stand up for him against other Socs and even your own friends
-One night he’s walking home alone from the movies and four Socs approach him and start threatening him
-you on one of their shoulders and the Soc blanks and realization as he remembers your long-standing friendship with Pony
-“if you ever mess with him again I will ruin your life. You know I will.”
-the Socs all back up, and you stand there, smirking
-I feel like that’s when pony boy realizes his feelings for you and kisses you right there on the spot
-you guys are actually a really great mix, the popular person and the kind of more quiet guy
Johnny Cade
-he was so scared of you
-thought of all the possible ways you could ruin his life even more
-one day he comes to school and his locker is spraypainted with “Bastard Greaser”
-he’s even more suprised when you approach him at lunch break
-“Johnny Cade, right? Yk, you’re kind of cute… *you smirk* Anyway I have a dear friend… well, ex friend with me that wants to apologize for so crudely vandalizing your locker. RIGHT, Jessica?”
-his head is spinning, the queen/king bee of the whole school just flirted with him and made a bully apologize?
-you start coming to the lot more and more after that, and realize he often doesn’t have a place to sleep
-you invite (drag) him to your home where you set up a room for him, and being rich, it’s pretty damn nice
-I feel like that’s when he realizes his feelings for you and one night, when he’s about to go to sleep in his bed, he leans over and kisses your cheek
-you guys become a new couple and it shocks everyone
-yall are cute tho ❤️❤️
-you make sure no one gives him shit. If they do then LORD help them
Sodapop Curtis
-ok so you guys are a more expected couple
-prom royalty fr
-soda probably made you nice 💀💀
-you guys met in school and started dating, and he helped you kind of be the nice kind of popular
-you also spoil him with your money fr
-his brothers are skeptical of you at first (especially after sandy) but once they see your do really like him they totally ship you
-fr you guys are what everyone wants to be
Darry Curtis
-you were both popular and kind of ran in the same circles but didn’t like eachother
-he didn’t think he would like you because he doesn’t like mean girls/guys/people and thought you’d be all fake n stuff
-but one day yall got assigned to work on a history project and you both got along pretty well and you put in a pretty good effort
-that’s when he realized that you weren’t so bad and you two became friends
-eventually he caught on feelings for you and asked you out
-sweet couple, and everyone ships it
Dallas Winston
-you two met in detention FS
-you spread a nasty rumor about a boy who cheated on one of your close friends and he vandalized something
-enemies to lovers energy
-yall didn’t like eachother that much
-he sat behind you and kept making crude remarks and messing with you so you bit back
-“There’s no way in hell if ever dream of being with a lowlife like you”
-after a bit of banter and insults you somehow end up on his lap making out with him
-the teacher walks in and is like wtf- my eyes-
-you guys are the best power couple people cower in fear with you two together
-calls you prince/princess or doll fr
-it’s a typical bad boy x mean girl/guy/person thing
Two Bit Matthews
-you fits me at the mall when you were making fun of another stuck up girl
-he joined in with the teasing
-you were like ohhh this one’s kinda funny and you two actually hit it off really well
-you liked his wisecracks, they made the world all the more entertaining and he admired your cutthroat bitch attitude
-yall started dating after a while
-class clown x mean girl/guy/person and it’s SO iconic
-you two are surprisingly healthy for eachother, you both kind of get to see the under layer
-like you get to see what’s beyond his wisecracks and he gets to see beyond your plastic mean girl facade
Steve Randle
-he was suprised
-when you went up to him instead of Sodapop
-but when you pulled up in your red Ferrari with a scratched tire that was totally not just an excuse just to talk to him and started heavily flirting
-he wasn’t impressed, he still thought you were fake
-which bothered you, you didn’t know anyone who didn’t like you or at least pretend to
-so you kept showing up and one day a group of Socs stopped by the gas station, spitting on him
-you got furious and nearly ruined your car trying to ram them
-Steve was kinda in love after that
-he realized you really weren’t plastic
-you guys got together and are sooo cute
-when you go on long rants he listens to you while he fixes his cars
-and you have a free new handyman
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jaidens · 2 years ago
He's Got His Mother's Eyes, His Father's Ambition I Wonder If He Knows How Much That I Miss Him
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pairing [s] : darry curtis x reader
warning [s] : i feel like I've seen this trope a hundred million times but I love it so bleh | the real crime here is that there's barely any darry fics...
a/n [s] : requests are open
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You and Darry dated in highschool, the star Quarterback and a cheerleader. It was the perfect romance: and Darry was the perfect person to have it with. The two of you were never seen without the other, it was typical to see Darry with his arms wrapped around you coddling and kissing you. Your parents absolutely loved Darry and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis as well, so it was a match made in heaven.
You had left for college on a scholarship, leaving for a different state. Darry cried that night as he held you, telling you to come back desperately. He spoke to you everyday on the phone until it ended up with skipped nights until you lost absolute contact with him. It was upsetting every time you would stare at your phone, begging for it to ring and there would be your (what you had assumed) ex-boyfriend on the other side.
You were left in the dark about everything happening in Tulsa, and no matter who you called, nothing was mentioned. Eventually, you finished college, with a Master's degree and a financially well done job. It was mentioned that you had an opportunity to take a job in Tulsa, and you immediately said yes. You decided to live back in your old room at your parents house,
You took a flight home, and you were bubbling in the thought of seeing your hometown once more after years away from it. Once you landed and collected your bags, you called your mother to come pick you up, and she did. She showed up in her little car with a humongous smile on her face and strong hugs. “Oh honey, did you hear? Mr. and Mrs. Curtis died just after you left? Absolutely heartbreaking.” You covered your mouth with your hand, heart breaking for the boys and the thought of never seeing them again. “That is just horrible. How were the boys?”
Your mother shook her head and grabbed your hand in yours. “I don't really know. I spoke too then at the funeral, and they were just completely ruined. Oh it was so sad.” You frowned until your mother started updating you on things that had happened. You were staring at the window and loved looking at the old place ms you used to see, but as well as remembering everything about Darry. The Dingo was the first place he took you on a date to.
You pull into your neighborhood and the nostalgia hits you harshly. You've forgotten everything: the smell, the look, and the people that walk around kicking rocks clad in leather and denim. Your mom pulls into the driveway and you get out to greet your dad who was sitting on the porch smoking a cigar. He stands up from the wooden rocking chair and hugs you tightly.
“Feel good to be home, love?” Your dad asks while hes still holding you. You back from his hug and give him a large smile. “More than good. I've missed this place.”
Your mother sent you down to the market to get extra stuff for dinner, and gladly said yes, and decided to walk down. You're wearing Darry's jeans jacket that he gave to you before you left, and it almost fits the same way like it did in highschool. The smell of him lingers and it's your favorite thing about it. Tulsa was a little colder, it was October and the wind was chippy against your exposed skin.
Your hands are settled in your pockets and you kick a rock against the concrete sidewalks. Some kids are yelling and messing around a little bit further up. You make it to the store and walk in and the warm air hits you and you let out a breath of air. The cashier greets you and you chirp out a “Hello! It's cold out isn't it?” The cashier recognizes you from highschool and, even if you don't remember them super well, you pretend you do.
You walk in the aisle and read across the list your mother wrote for you. You're mumbling the food of what she needs until you're pushed into by a younger boy. The basket you had that was almost filled with cans of other stuff your Mom needed rolled out onto the floor making a crash sound. “Aw ma’am... I'm really sorry!” The boy says while laughing and he's practically jumping around. “It’s alright, don't worry. I'm sure it was an accident.” You go down on your knees to begin picking up the cans and stacking them alongside the boy.
“Ponyboy Curtis!” A man shouts and you look up at him whenever he pauses and you swear the blood in his face left. The voice sounds distinctly familiar. “Curtis?” You mumble and you look up and see the man you had fallen in love with that many years ago. You could've sworn you almost started crying whenever you stood up and be just stared.
Your name falls from his mouth and you run into his arms. You cry out his name and the reunion is sweet. His brother stands there, lanky and tall, as he stares at his brother and the girl who is plastered all over Darry’s walls. “How long has it been?” You pull away from his hold and stare into his soft eyes so that you can see the emotional change in them. He isn't the same guy who you have a picture of in the golden locket that's clasped on your neck Darry got for you in Sophomore year of highschool.
“Three years is how long it's been. I tried to call you but the phone operator couldn't find you at all.” You give him a small frown before hugging him once more. The muscles he had in highschool were bigger and weren't as lean as they used to be. He's different, he has more littered scars across his cheeks and throat. “You’re wearing my jacket.” He smiles softly and you nod at him.
“I've missed you, so much. So, so, so much Dar.” When the nickname falls, he can't help but do it. He clasps his lips against yours and his hand goes below your jaw and holds your face against his. It feels normal, just like it used to, as you pull away and he's smiling hugely. “I think about you everyday, I think about the last day we spent together. Remember whenever you wrote your name on my wall?” You nod and raise your eyebrow but then Darry pulls up his shirt and the tattoo in your handwriting is plastered above his waistband.
“Do you wanna join my family for dinner?” You ask and Darry nods, telling Ponyboy to pick up the cans and follow them. “I’ve been waiting for this.” Darry tells you and gives you a kiss on your forehead.
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coquettejohnny · 1 year ago
do you think their periods ever synced up
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thembrooklynboysbig · 3 months ago
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urlocalnonbinarybastard · 11 months ago
I’ll do the one with the most likes by the end of the vote , and do the rest in order of most demanded to least demanded
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