#oh shit i forgot about all the people named Peter
v4guelyv4mpiric · 4 months
im sorry to non marvel fans trying to tell what the fuck we're talking about most of the time.
like this guy is hawkeye and this girl is hawkeye and sometimes the first one's brother is hawkeye but evil but og hawkeye was evil twice, once as hawkeye and once as ronin and was also a completely different hero named goliath.. dont get it twisted.
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drefear · 1 year
Hail to the King (prologue)
Summary: Miguel O’Hara is the head of the biggest mafia family in Nueva York, scaring almost all of its citizens. Except you. And that’s exactly what he needs.
The restaurant was on 5th Avenue, between Gucci and Balenciaga. Miguel stepped out of his SUV and buttoned the suit jacket he had on, glancing around at the glittering lights of the street, identifying certain faces he knew and familiarizing the ones he didn’t. Walking into the restaurant, he glanced at security at the front and they just nodded at him as he walked in towards the hostess stand. The girl looked up at the 6’9 man, intimidated as she kept her eyes down once she realized who he was, and led him to a table towards the back.
This was a normal night for him once a month, taking a specific meeting here to discuss imports and exports to the city and the competition of the other families.
Miguel O’Hara was a name that many feared in this city, The head of the O’Hara family, a facade for the mafia that ran Nueva York, he was in charge of most organized crime within the metropolitan area and some of the biggest drug trafficking rings within the state. Being a mafia boss aside, the man was huge. His hand could wrap around an average man’s throat and crush it without flexing more than his hand.
He walked to his table without really needing to be led, the girl placing the menus down and walking away without a word. He sat and spread his legs a bit, leaning one elbow on the table and thinking quietly. Another presence made him stand and reach forward, shaking the man’s hand.
“Nice to see you again.” He spoke and sat with the man, talking about some business.
You were new. Very new. Your second night. You’d just moved to the city to become a writer, loving the scenery and hustle of the lives here. Visiting when you were young was always the best feeling, your parents showing you around and bringing you around to see the staples of Nueva York.
You had just finished serving another table for a lovely couple visiting the city as you saw someone get seated in your section. Walking towards the table with a skip in your step, you smiled at the two men and waved. “Hello! I’ll be your server tonight, how about we get started with-”
“Where’s Gwen?” Miguel glared at you as he raised a brow, as if you’d disrespected him in some way.
“Oh, uh. She’s not working tonight.” You added, intimidated.
“I only order from Gwen.” He deadpanned as you scrunch your nose in confusion. “Go get Peter.” He demanded, to which you began to boil a bit. How dare he speak to you like this? Yes, this was a very high end restaurant, but no one was allowed to treat you so terribly, to speak down to you. Your mother taught you never to accept that type of behavior.
“I don’t think I will.” You answered, with the same insulting tone he did, the man sitting across him staring at you with wide eyes. “At least, until you learn to speak to me correctly.”
“Do you know who I am?” He hissed, eyes boring into you and standing in front of you with a towering stature, but you didn’t care. Big or small, no one got to demean you.
“No, and frankly, I don’t care. I don’t give a shit enough about a 15 dollar tip to tolerate your rudeness. Learn how to speak to people before you walk around like some bigshot.” You leaned up towards him, eyes narrowed with anger that mirrored his.
Someone rushed in between the two of you and placed a hand on both of your shoulders. “Hey! Miguel, hi, how are you? I forgot to tell you that Gwen wasn’t feeling well today and called out sick. Hopefully, our new little beauty will suffice.” Peter, your manager, spoke with a friendliness in his voice, a familiarity he must have had with Miguel.
The hulking man stood up straighter, still looking down at you with a snarl still evident on his face. “She won’t be working here anymore.” He spoke in a cool tone, as if just asking about the weather. Your jaw dropped and you glanced between him and Peter.
“You can’t- I don’t-” You stuttered in disbelief and watched him unbutton his suit jacket, taking it off. “How dare you?” You got louder now, calling attention from the few hidden tables beside you.
“You have a disregard for who someone is, and you have no patience for others who try to put you in your place.” He announced, ignoring your angry chatter. “You start to work for me right now.”
“What?” You and Peter gawked as he sat back down and handed you his coat.
“I do not work for you.” You growled with hatred dripping from your lips.
“Well, you don’t have another job anymore, isn't that right, Peter?” He flashed a look of Warning to Peter and he looked between you two before giving you an apologetic smile. “Glad that’s understood. Go wait in the car and I’ll be out in ten minutes to take you home and give you your new assignments for tomorrow.” he waved you off and everything in your being shook with rage. You removed your apron and threw it at the large man.
“Fuck you!” You shouted before exiting the building.
Chapter 1
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
*steps on stage nervously*
Uhh.. umm. Uhhhhh
Spidey Academy AU!!
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Like Xavier's School for Gifted Children, Miguel - a Spider-person fond of kids, opened a Spidey-Science Academy, for the Spidey-people of the universe
It's not like a high school. There's five years and the years are not really sorted by age - but by experience.
So Hobie would be a year 3 - a middleclass-man
Pavitr is a year 1 - a freshman
And the classes, are all based on honing your Spider-powers and senses.
There's assignments, things you have to take home and do.
They're give you a fake evil Doc Ock chip and have you decode it and make it good again (like Peter in No Way Home).
Or they ask you to stop a petty robbery without using your webs. You have to bring in the Daily Bugles article on you the next day and they grade you on that.
(Hey say what you want but Jonah reports the facts he just talks a lot of shit)
Any class a Spider-person needs, they have.
You name it-
Home Ec? No. Sewing and Suit Repair Class
Gym? No. Swinging & Strength Endurance
Science? ALL ADVANCED. Freshmen's take Advanced Spider-biology and have to learn ALL the different Spider-variations and illnesses Spider-people can get. Multiversal Physics.
All of the honor classes are FULL.
There's also other helpful ones like Firefighting Training and Sign Language (both mandatory), hence how Insomniac!Miles is completely fluent in ASL.
Oh - also. Because Miguel is such a tight-ass -
UNIFORMS. Sweater vests over pants or shorts. (No skirts cause they still be upsidedown and shit)
You have to bring your mask everyday. It's like your ID card
y'all ever had that? Like y'all needed an ID to get into school and if you didn't have it they charged you? Like money? My school did that we also had metal detectors like the airport I'm so deadass this was just a normal public school - I'm getting distracted, anyway-
Of COURSE Ms.Jessica Drew is Assistant Principal. OF COURSE she also teaches Advanced Combat and Strategies class.
And YES she's a hard-ass grader. Has never given a 100% in her life. On some 'This was the best thing I've read in my entire teaching career but you forgot to indent on paragraph 5 so 99%'
She doesn't give a fuck about your GPA!!!
Unlike Mr.Peter B. Parker.
He makes people call him 'Professor PB'. He wants to be the cool teacher.
His classroom is SO FUN during lunch time. Probably runs the anime and manga club. He's that really nerdy teacher that you don't expect to be like "I know what anime is! I grew up on Dragon Ball 😁
His class are always fun but SO chaotic. Still wears sweatpants sometimes. He's the Science teacher.
And every year they take class photos and there's a Spidey homecoming where everyone parties on the walls in cute outfits.
Swinging Team instead of Track and Field???
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wastelandmoony · 7 months
Déjà Vécu
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Chapter Thirty : Teenage Kicks
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI
A/N: I had a few people message about a taglist, and since I'm the stupidest person alive I totally forgot who asked and now can't find your names to tag. So if you want to be added to a taglist, please message me again so I can add y'all <3
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
May 24th, 1977
Emmeline had broken up with Sirius after his refusal to apologize for not celebrating Valentine’s Day, not that he minded in the slightest. The rest of the group was so elated by her absence, that they even briefly discussed throwing a party in honor of it (Lily shut down the idea for being “a tad too cruel” for her liking). They all quickly fell back into the old routine of eating meals together in the Great Hall (sans vigorous public displays of affection), only with a new seating change. Sirius sat beside her for every meal now, hand on her knee underneath the table, a silent reassurance between them both that he was there, and that she was safe. She was done fighting the feelings between them, letting Sirius be as close as he wanted, and he seemed to never want to be more than an arms-length away. 
In a sick parallel of events, she began to have nightmares, recognizing them as the similar trauma-induced ones Sirius had endured. Not one to broadcast her own issues, she kept the problem under wraps and suffered in silence. Each night became the same routine of silencing charms and attempts to lull herself to sleep wrapped in the soft gold sheets of her bed. When she did finally slip into a dream, they were never good. Flashes of dark forest, vicious hands with bloodied nails coming to tear at her flesh, sinister laughter at her cries. When she’d jolt awake mid-scream, face wet with tears, she could still feel their bruising grip. After a few weeks of sleepless nights she became a zombie, trudging through the motions of the day with deep circles under both eyes. Sirius noticed quickly, having spent years in the same predicament. He cornered her one morning after breakfast, pulling her into an alcove just beyond the main staircase.
“How bad is it?” His intense stare made her squirm against the wall. She began to fidget, not daring to look him directly in the eye.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
He leaned closer, arms caging her in as he rested both hands beside her head, “You’re a shit liar, have you seen yourself? You look like a ghost. I know you’re not sleeping, so tell me.”
Slowly, she dragged her tired eyes up to his. Though his words were direct, his face was soft and kind, gaze full of careful concern. Sirius brushed a hand down her hair as she finally cracked.
“I keep seeing it. Over and over again, every night. I don’t know how to stop it…” She wanted to cry, but no tears would come; she was too exhausted. 
“Oh love,” Sirius kissed her forehead, pulling her in close, “We’ll fix it. Come to the tower tonight, we’ll figure something out.”
She didn’t want to tell the others, not about the terrors, not about the incident, not about…whatever it was her and Sirius were doing, so she crept up to Gryffindor Tower under the cover of darkness with the help of the map Sirius had slipped to her that afternoon. James and Peter slept like the dead, so the creak of the dormitory door wouldn’t wake them. Remus however, was a wildcard, and she prayed that he hadn’t heard the relatively loud groan that occurred as she pushed open the heavy wooden door. Pausing to listen to anyone stirring, she continued to tip-toe towards Sirius’ bed, slipping through the curtains to find him lounging against his headboard waiting for her. Upon seeing her face, Sirius opened his arms in silent invitation, and she quietly climbed across to fall into his comforting embrace. When she woke up the next morning, it had taken a few moments to realize she had slept soundly for the first time in weeks.
Most (if not all) nights were now spent sneaking into Sirius’ bed after the other three boys had gone to sleep, slipping out at dawn after having slept peacefully against his familiar body. If any of them had caught on, they didn’t say a word. Nor did she care at that point. 
At the end of May, she crept through the bed curtains as usual, only to find him uncannily quiet and upset. 
“Hey, you alright?” She whispered, climbing over his legs to settle into her usual spot. 
He shook his head, sinking down further and closing his eyes in a futile attempt at avoiding the conversation. She pulled the blankets back from his face, “Don’t you try and pretend to fall asleep Sirius Black, I know you better than that.”
The ghost of a smile graced his lips, “Smart ass.”
She pushed his hair back from his eyes, “Tell me what’s going on.”
Sirius sighed, hand trailing up her arm in a self-soothing gesture, “It’s Reggie.”
Her heart skipped a beat. She’d seen Regulus with Evan and the others a handful of times since the incident in February, and every time she had felt like throwing up. He had been present during it, she saw him, but after her eyes were shut she had no way of determining who was who. Frankly, she didn’t want to know which one of them had been Regulus. She understood that he was Sirius’ brother, and there would always be an underlying bond between them, but she hated him nonetheless. Part of her was still angry that Sirius didn’t seem to share the same hatred for what his brother had done to her.
Her throat was dry as she fought the urge to scream, “What about him?”
Sirius turned on his back and stared at the canopy, “…he took the mark.” 
His voice was laden with devastation and disbelief, the presence of which instantly dissolved all of her ill feelings surfacing about Regulus. She remembered that Christmas at the Potters, the fear in Sirius’ eyes as he explained the dark mark to them. They both knew what this meant for his brother, and that everything had changed.
“You’re sure? How do you know?” 
Sirius shrugged in a feeble attempt to seem unfazed, “Prongs heard some rumors and told me, but then at practice earlier I saw something peeking out of his kit and confronted Reg about it.”
“I’m sorry,” she laid down, head leaning on his arm, “They didn’t…they didn’t force him, did they?” The image of Sirius laying in a pool of blood on the Potter’s sitting room floor flashed through her mind, and she swallowed the bile in her throat. He shook his head slowly. 
“I’m not sure which is worse to be honest,” he whispered sadly, “my parents holding him down, or the fact that he took it willingly.”
They laid in silence for a few minutes, the weight of everything pressing down on them. Sirius rolled onto his side, pulling her closer.
“Reggie is the one that told me,” he whispered into her hair, “back in February. He found me and brought me to the forest…”
The admission stole the breath from her lungs. Her entire body froze as she scrambled for something, anything, to say in response. Ultimately, she couldn’t. The silence stretched between them again, Sirius’ breathing eventually evening out as he fell asleep. She laid there for a while pressed against the warmth of his body, trying to come to terms with the fact that Regulus had been the one to save her that night.
June 27th, 1977
“Bunch of bloody traitors,” Sirius muttered, pushing his way past James and Peter on the way to the train. She laughed as he strode up beside her at the front of the group, slinging an arm around her shoulders. 
“Now, now,” she rolled her eyes as Sirius stuck his tongue out at the rest of their friends trailing behind, “there’s no reason for name calling. We’re going to have a great time this summer! I can’t wait to show you around London!”
A month prior, James had excitedly announced that the Potters’ (including Sirius) were going on vacation to Spain this summer, Lily would be tagging along as well. Sirius had groaned loudly, immediately followed by a dramatic exclamation that he’d “rather die than be a perpetual third wheel all holiday”. He turned to Pete and asked if he could stay at his instead, only to be met with a sheepish grin. 
“Sorry mate,” Peter shrugged, “my family’s going away as well.”
“Are you fucking joking?” Sirius stared between his friends, mouth slack, “Moony?”
Remus shook his head, “You know better than to ask to stay at mine.” 
Sirius shut his mouth into a thin line, eyes falling on her.
“Yellowjacket…” he purred from beside her on the bench.
“Yes, Sirius?” she made her voice as monotoned as possible to piss him off. When he didn’t answer, she turned, his blue eyes mock-pleading and bottom lip jutting out. She scoffed. “Jesus Christ, knock off the theatrics,” she swatted at him, “I’ll ask my parents if you can stay with us, but no promises!”
Her parents had of course, both said yes. They had met the boys on multiple occasions throughout the years and loved them all dearly, and had been hearing her talk about Sirius specifically for a while now. 
As they got off the train at Kings Cross, Sirius brought her into a crushing bear hug. 
“See you in a few weeks, I hope you won’t miss me too much,” he squeezed as she struggled to break free.
“Keep choking me like this and I’ll rescind the invitation entirely,” she laughed, pinching his sides in retribution. He let go with a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart in faux-offense. 
She leaned up to kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you in a few weeks, Siri.”
The slight pink tint to his face didn’t go unnoticed as she said goodbye to the rest of her friends, eagerly joining her parents at the back of the crowd to begin what she hoped would be one of the best summers of her life.
July 30th, 1977
She had assumed that letting Sirius stay in her parent’s muggle house, on a muggle street, in a muggle town would be a fiasco, but what she hadn’t expected was how quickly and enthusiastically he absorbed the culture. From the moment he arrived via Floo in their sitting room, the widest smile plastered to his face, he was eager to take in as much of the muggle world as he could. Driving in a car for the first time had him practically foaming at the mouth, making a point to press every button and crank every handle he possibly could, just to see what it would do. 
He helped her mother out in the kitchen, learning how to not only use muggle utensils and tools, but how to cook in general, which was a skill his family apparently deemed “beneath a member of the Noble House of Black” he had explained with an eye roll. His favorite thing to cook was pasta, specifically spaghetti, and her mum had taught him how to make sauce from scratch. He beamed as they all ate it, watching with sparkling eyes as they praised his new found culinary talent. Sirius washed the dishes afterwards as well, always jumping up before anyone else to try his hand at scrubbing pots and plates with the little yellow and green sponge in the sink. She caught him using his wand once or twice, but only when she knew he was growing impatient with a particular spot. 
Her father showed him around the garage, and Sirius drooled over the sight of her dad’s old beat-up Volkswagen that he’d been working on since she was a kid. They spent hours out there, blasting rock ’n roll and fine tuning beneath the hood. It almost became a struggle to get them inside the house, if it wasn’t for the promise her mother offered to let Sirius use the electric mixer to make dessert. 
Though he technically grew up in London, Sirius had never stepped foot outside of Islington. He’d never been able to explore the city, or even spend any time walking beyond the front steps of Grimmauld Place. The thought of such isolation baffled her, giving her intense feelings of claustrophobia. They spent a few days shuttling about the city to the typical tourist spots, just so he could say he’d been there. Though he loved the muggle world, most of the famous sites seemed to bore him; except for the London Eye, he loved being up so high and waving at passing tourists (you can take the boy out of the quidditch pitch and whatnot…) She knew the perfect place that would set his blood on fire: Camden. 
Watching Sirius explore muggle London was a trip, but watching his face illuminate while stepping out of the tube station in Camden Town made her heart swell exponentially. The sounds of live music from local clubs filled the streets, paired with the market vendors selling everything from jewelry, to clothes, to random paraphernalia; Sirius was a certifiable kid in a candy store. But all of that joy seemed like nothing compared to when he saw a motorcycle up close and personal. The only thing she could assume it felt like, was when she saw Hogwarts for the first time. Sirius had frozen in place on the sidewalk, watching as the rider strapped on his helmet and swung a leg over the red and chrome frame. As he revved the bike to life, Sirius’ breath caught, watching with awe and longing as the rider pulled away, the rumbling exhaust rattling their bones. 
“When we leave school,” he muttered to her, still in a daze, “I’m going to get one of those.”
She laughed, pulling him along towards the market stalls, “Well if that’s the case, you’ll need to look the part.” Holding up a black leather jacket from a vendor selling different wildly flashy garments, she motioned for him to try it on. As he inspected the sleeve length and ran fingers over the zippers and buttons, he smiled.
“Your old one was getting gross,” she laughed again, handing the vendor some cash as Sirius beamed. 
“Pub?” She raised her eyebrows, already knowing the answer. He threw a leather-clad arm around her shoulders, “You know me too well, little bee.”
“It’s definitely not as good at Ogden’s, but I’ll take it,” Sirius shot back Jack Daniels and grimaced. Though he didn’t care much for muggle whisky, he did seem to love the beer (she promised to smuggle some in their trunks for the ride back to school in September).
When the sun had set, and they had a little bit of a buzz, they meandered out into the street, walking down towards the river. The muffled sound of music carried from a few blocks away, the area fully alive even late into the night. They found themselves stopping beneath an old stone bridge, Sirius pulling out his cigarettes and offering her one. After a confirming nod, he lit them, handing one over with an annoying little bow.
“Fuck off,” she mumbled in jest, smirking as she watched him take a drag, the ember illuminating his face as he inhaled. 
“So what now?” Smoke curled around his head, making him look practically ethereal in the low light.
“Uhm, well, we could see if there’s anything going on at the Roundhouse? Maybe even Dingwalls?” She flicked at her cigarette, watched as Sirius’ gaze turned to the walls of the bridge, covered in a multitude of graffiti and etchings. 
“We should write something,” he covertly took out his wand and placed it against the stone.
“Sirius, no,” she let out a nervous laugh, “we’ll get in trouble—“
“Who’s going to know?” He motioned around under the empty bridge. 
“The Department of Improper Use of Magic Office!” She hissed.
Sirius gave her a look, “Don’t be such a swot. They can’t trace who did magic, just where. Even if they find out, the most we’ll get is a warning.” 
He was right, there was no one around, and the muggle cops rarely cared about what happened down here unless you were selling drugs or something. She sighed, leaning back against the wall as Sirius smirked and began muttering something while moving his wand around the stone. He nudged her with an elbow a few seconds later when he’d finished, “Your turn, Yellowjacket.”
Etched into the wall was Sirius Orion Black, he even added little crudely drawn stars above it for extra flair. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her wand, adding her own name beneath his, sans any additional doodles. 
“Happy?” She said as she put her wand away.
He stared at their names, mulling something over.
“Hmmm…almost,” he mumbled, putting his wand back to the stone. A moment later, he took a final step back to admire his work. “There!” He exclaimed cheerfully.
A poorly drawn heart encompassed their names, one side of it being a little too wonky.
“Is that supposed to be a leaf?” She joked.
Sirius scowled, “No you fucker, it’s a heart!” He jabbed a finger into her ribs, tickling her as punishment. She gave a playful yell and grabbed his arm, “Knock it off!” 
His hands flattened against her ribs, holding her in place as they stood pressed against each other. One of Sirius’ hands began to travel, trailing upwards to curve around the side of her neck. Her breath caught, the thumping heartbeat in her ears was so loud that she could barely hear when he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
She exhaled, almost as if she had been holding her breath since they had met all those years ago on the train.
“What took you so long?” She whispered.
And then his mouth found hers. 
She needed him like oxygen, couldn’t get enough. He kissed her like he felt the same, one hand cradling her jaw as he explored every inch of her mouth. 
God, he was intoxicating. Her head swam like she’d downed a bottle of whisky, hands roaming to graze beneath the hem of his shirt. Sirius pulled back slowly, eyes filled with what could only be described as reluctant restraint. 
“Tell me to stop, and I will,” he whispered, licking his bottom lip. Her hands stilled against him, taking in the almost tortured look on his face. 
“Please, Sirius,” she gripped his belt, “don’t ever stop.”
Then his mouth was on her again with a ferocity she had never experience before. He was consuming her; his taste, the feel of his body pressed against hers, the smell of smoke and leather and spice was overwhelming every sense. Her hands couldn’t move fast enough, couldn’t explore his body enough. 
None of it was enough. 
It would never be enough.
She would always want more of him.
She would always need him. 
Sirius pushed her against the stone wall of the bridge, lifting to wrap her legs around his waist. As he trailed down her neck, one of her hands found its way to his hair, fingers running through the silken mess that she loved so much. The stones cut into her back as she arched against him, Sirius taking the opportunity to bite at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
“Siri—“ she gasped, tightening her legs around him.
He groaned into her neck, “Say my name like that again, and we’ll never leave from under this bridge.”
She pulled at his hair and he laughed, even in the dark his smile lit up her soul. Sirius kissed her again slowly, until the sound of a passing group of people tore them from the moment.
He brushed a thumb over her bottom lip as she spoke, “Wanna check out one of the clubs?”
Sirius shook his head slowly, voice low, “I’d much rather continue this conversation at home.”
The way he had said it made her thoughts spiral. In the blink of an eye, she could picture it. A life, a future, with him. She hadn’t put much thought into what life would look like post-Hogwarts. The boys would always be a part of it obviously, but they all seemed to be diverting onto their own paths, and it looked like maybe Sirius’ was parallel to hers. 
She kissed him one last time, setting her feet back on the ground. Lacing their fingers together she laughed, pulling him from under the bridge, “C’mon, I’m not letting you leave Camden without seeing a live show.”
Dingwalls was packed when they arrived, a new punk band from Surrey apparently playing a set that night. Drinks in hand, they pushed towards the stage, finding a spot against one of the side walls to stand against. Sirius pulled her back against his chest as they danced and drank to the fast thrumming of the music. He let his hands wander, leaning down to kiss her as much as he wanted. Maybe it was the atmosphere, the sweaty bodies and loud music drowning their senses, or maybe it was something else entirely, but time ceased to exist around them. Her hands tangled in Sirius’ hair as they leaned against the wall, his knee wedged between her legs as the the pounding drums echoed the elevated beat of their hearts. His arousal was evident against her thigh, and she smiled against the column of his neck as she pressed closer.
“You’re killing me, bee,” Sirius groaned into her ear, following up with a gentle bite to her lobe. 
She looked up at him, eyes trying to convey innocence though she knew he didn’t buy it for a second. “Wanna head back?”
He kissed her for emphasis, grabbing her hand and practically dragging her out the door. 
Later that night, she laid in her bed unable to relax. Her parents had already been asleep when her and Sirius arrived back from Camden well after midnight, tiptoeing upstairs to their respective rooms. The journey back had sobered them up a little, the night air cooling down whatever intense feelings had flared to near catastrophic levels in the club. Sleep never came, and she instead stared at the ceiling and tried to turn all thoughts away from Sirius Black sleeping across the hall. But when her bedroom door cracked open, a wave of relief washed over her. 
Sirius shut it quietly, climbing into bed beside her like they had done so many times throughout the years. As he settled down beneath the sheets she turned to face him, “Can’t sleep?”
Sirius’ hand trailed along her hip, “I told you we’d finish our conversation from earlier, didn’t I?”
She smiled into a kiss, wrapping herself entirely in him. 
In the early hours of dawn, she awoke to Sirius’ even breaths and perfect skin. He looked like a painting, like one of the romantics had crafted him from pure desire and passion and beauty. She almost felt guilty waking him, but at the risk of her parents seeing him leave her bedroom, it had to be done. He groaned into her neck as she scratched the back of his head.
“If you don’t go back to your room, my parents will kill us both,” she whispered, kissing him on the temple. Sirius made another dramatic noise as he sat up, reaching over the side of the bed for his clothes. Before leaving, he kissed her again, one filled with promises for more.
“See you at breakfast,” he murmured against her lips, slipping out the door and back to his room without another sound. 
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘Caught In 🕸 Web’
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This is my first chapter for this story, I hope you guys really like it. It’s my first time writing for the ATSV. So please, let me know if y’all are interested for more, or see something I need to correct. My inbox, messages, and taglist is open for y’all! Enjoy!🤟🏼🕸
Warnings: nothing really heavy yet, just some good information about my two OC’s. But all chapters will have their own warnings as things progress.
‘My Story’📰
Chapter 1
In a particular universe of 2055, settles this story in New York City, that has its very own special features in it. Like the Statue of Liberty- no. Oh Time Square that’s around the corner- another no. Empire State Building- it’s nice but yeah.. no. What makes this NYC ‘The’ NYC is having the damn privilege of owning a Peter C. Parker- other known as Spider-Man (but no one knows that the nerdy guy that is a sweet roommate and crazy assistant of the assistant of the CEO for ‘Stark Industries’ is the ‘Strong, Red ‘n Blue suited hero that makes swinging off the skyscrapers look hotter that Brad Pitt) so yeah. *takes deep breath and sips ‘chai tea’* Anyways... this universe also possesses a certain woman with terrible ‘I have no family’ issues, crazy boss who bought her knee pads, and a secret admirer. Everyone called her ‘CEO’s Sidechick’ or the famous one ‘Bosses Pet’. But her name is actually Carla Ferrari. While the spider universe... had actually deemed her as Spider-Woman, or how a certain spider pal will call her that everyone picks up on- Spider-Lady. Yeahhh... I know- shut up.
Carla Ferrari’s POV
So let’s do this one time. My name, is Carla Ferrari- and no I’m not related to any Ferrari bloodline and shit. My Pa was Italian and my Ma was American.. that’s why I have the Italian last name. (Though I’d kill for one of those hot rides but yeah) So I’m a 22 yr. old personal assistant for the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’. Is it an exciting life? Not exactly, I have no background that’s exciting either- that’s for sure.
Quick back up story- I was orphaned after a large city catastrophe killed my parents *timeskip*
Then I lived all my life in homes here and there, never got adopted because I worked terribly with people and never got used to the term family *timeskip*
After that I got too old to stay at shelter homes for girls once I turned ‘Magnificent 18’ so I was given the boot and a nice paycheck that can barely cover 3 full days at a Motel 6 or 1 day at the most expensive hotel in New York City *timeskip*
So to survive I worked at the most expensive diner in Manhattan for 6 months until a certain rich bastard decided to spill his wine all over my white uniform, then suggested that a great apology would be for him to offer me a good job. Anyways, they say my charm is what got me under the wing of who is now my boss, the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’ but I have to say it’s my stealth, patience, and great mathematical skills that has me managing all his business purchases- oh and also how I methodically get everything done.
*timeskip to present*
“Shoot! B.P.!! (Aka Bosses Pet) I forgot to pick up Stark’s coffee at Starbucks on my way here!! Can you get it?? He’ll be happy to see you crawling in with it anyways-“
I flared my nose while slamming my file on the table wishing Leslie’s head was the table, I scoffed lightly while glaring,
“Why do you all keep saying things like- ‘crawling’ or ‘cat walking’ my way to boss’ office?-“
Leslie flipped her damaged and dry sweet potato colored looking hair as she squeaked while using bunny ears on certain words,
“Maybe it’s cause he got you ‘knee pads’!? Like yeah we get he’s the boss and your his personal assistant but damn don’t bring your ‘50 Shades of Stark’ here!”
She giggled like a hyena and mocked my disgusted face, which I expressed because after their latest Boss died, Tony Stark, they brought in his closest cousin who looked like the deceased version of him, and he was now my boss. But if Tony was still around... maybe I’d try to make that 50 shades shit happen.. but yeah not with Martin Stark. Ew.
Anyways I only took up her offer because I needed some fresh air after being stuck up on the 50th floor for 11 hours writing down appointments and managing Stark’s purchases that went through the roof for every girl he laid eyes on, trying to gain ‘Great Star Reviews’ for his business but more like he was gaining more ‘absent-fathered children’ as he was a playboy and irresponsible of course. Now I stood up and straightened my black checkered pants as I sighed lightly,
“Fine.. I’ll go get it.”
“What a good girl. Ha! Bet you hear that often-“
“Yeah well at least I’m not left dry and hanging all the time and called ‘Dusty Leslie’.”
Sending a cheeky wink I was walking away with a proud smirk and a held high chin. I heard her scoff in hurt as I of course stabbed her altered ego. I obviously overheard the gossip desk ladies chat about that she hadn’t been laid in a long while, so yeah... that’s why you don’t share your secrets and personal issues with people that are snakes in disguise, Dusty Leslie.
As you see, my life is sorta hectic, I quite practically live for my boss so I can get paid by making his life easier. All he has to do, is show up, eat, take a crap, mess with women, and sleep- repeat. And to be honest I’m a little jelly at the fact he never works, yet wears clothes that cost 10 times more than all the money I’ve ever spent and worked for combined! And I’m the one running back and forth, making appointments, fixing his vendettas at bars he likes to pick fights at, feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between when he calls for it. And what ticks me off- is that half the time he won’t even eat it, he’ll leave it there for later (which turns to never) or complain saying he wasn’t hungry anymore because he didn’t like something about it.
So what would I do? Take it back saying sweet and professional things like, ‘I’m so sorry about the inconvenience sir let me fix it for you.’ ‘Let’s get you something else.’ Or the most used line- ‘Yes sir, I’ll call them and email a bad review for you.’
Ugh!! I hated doing that. These cooks did everything right, Martin was just a spoiled asshole that thought the world should revolve around him and run his way. (By the way I never wrote bad reviews I just said I would, so he wouldn’t bother them or me about it again.) And the food he left untouched, I’d take to Uncle Joey, the guy at the corner of the street who played with his little wooden drums all day for spare change. Seeing his smile made my day mostly sense he was eating fine cuisine 99% of the time.
Anyways, now I’m taking my 10 minute break to run to Starbucks to get his coffee, and in the meanwhile get something for myself, I haven’t eaten sense yesterday at lunch time- and it’s already 12:34pm today. The fresh air did me some good to relieve some tension, as I finally made it out of the tall hell house I called work or my job. What also lifted my spirits was this happy sight. It felt good to see happy and calm people around me, they all walked around and lived as if they knew nothing could hurt or touch them. And to be honest once again, they could. You know why? Spider-Man.
He made that possible, he helped in ways no one else could, from big things to small things, he gave up his time and life for the city, and so far it has paid off well. I admire the man much, he has inspired me to take what little time I have to make someone smile, or help where I could.
My best friend, assistant, and roommate, Peter C. Parker, always harmlessly made fun of how I lived to be like Spider-Man. Peter was a great guy by the way, and no matter how much he denied it when I told him, he had a big heart like Spider-Man. Always helping where he could and being a sunshine in my world. When my boyfriend wouldn’t be the nicest or leave me hanging after he promised he’d wait after work, Peter would invite me to the movies or do something that got the tears and pouts off my face. It was nice to have someone like him around, humble as heck with his heart on his sleeve, I wouldn’t trade my best friend for anything in the world.
He kept me on my feet and happy, reminding me of the good things in life even on the cloudy days. And like right now, in ‘all of a sudden’ moments when my boss and boyfriend Nelson would call unexpectedly at once, I could count on him to adapt to change and help me to the perfect ‘T’. Unlike my boss who went crazy if one thing went wrong or not his way. I could only let out a deep breath as I debated for a moment on who to answer first.
‘If I pick up Nelson’s he might just ask me out again and chat about his new modeling job, then my boss will be pissed for missing his call and might deducted $25 from my paycheck for every minute I don’t answer him. Or I could pick up boss’ call and hear him yell some kind of thing he wants me to do and make Nelson upset again for not picking up his call. Shit!! Ugh I hate this so bad.’
I declined Nelson’s call and texted a quick ‘sorry, give me a minute’ and picked up my boss’ call and mustered a fake, happy voice with professionalism.
‘I really hate this man- but I need my job. Sorry Nelson.’
“Yes, Mr.Stark?”
Peter C. (Carlos) Parker’s POV
Let’s do this one last time- I’m Peter Carlos Parker. As 20 yr old, I’m New York’s one and only Spider-Man, and did I love my life? So far I did. I’ve had bumps and bruises on the way, crazy lifesaving stories and sad ones too that match the scars I’ve grown to earn every time. No but honestly my life is manageable but still crazy, let me just tell you what happened today so you’ll see why I say so. So, I just got back into my jeans and white button down with the stupid crooked tie after I as Spider-Man handed over a dumb, bank thief to the cops. Yes, he tried to threaten everyone behind and in front of the counters, but thankfully I was there to take out $20 to get lunch at the hotdog stand outside of work. Anyways with that said, quickly I took him down after some arguing about how unprepared and wild his ‘stealing’ was.
“Sir! You realize they are going to track down your information with the ID you just gave the kind banker lady?”
I kid you not, he handed over his ID to the lady, claiming he was old enough to demand money- like what an idiot! He should’ve come in without the mask while he was at it right? Oh and if it wasn’t bad enough already, there was a large hole on the side of his makeshift bag. Like yeah Pinky you’re going to come out inanely rich for sure with that bag, let me know if we can go to Disneyland when you’re out- like c’mon!! But yeah, he went on to argue with me of course.
“She doesn’t know it’s me Spider-Man! I’m wearing a mask- like you, can’t you see!? I just need her to know that I’m old enough to do this!”
He angrily pointed at his paper bag mask, that he drew dark angry eyebrows on, trying to show me that indeed it was good. Oh and I could clearly tell his gun was a small nerf gun spray painted black. He’d definitely make it on the wall of ‘Stupids Hall of Fame’ As much as I would’ve liked to keep the debate going (because I knew I was going to win in the end) I knew my Boss- aka my best friend Carly was going to need my assistance soon, so I cut it short with some webbing. With a crack to my knuckles, I sighed,
“Alright, can’t wait to see your face on the news, but buy me a PS5 first.”
In seconds he was webbed up by the door.
I heard sighs of relief and a couple cheering while others cussed out the poor dummy. I then waved my hands calmly as I pointed out.
“You all are safe now, just called NYPD. Keep safe- I swinging out.”
With a peace sign given to a little kid by me I then disappeared. (I actually webbed away to the back, then walked out to the front watching the cops take my guy away. And he had his paper mask off by this point. But at least we all knew he was old enough to rob a bank, and that his name was Chad Robins.
-End of flashback.
I smiled with peace knowing he wasn’t going to be around for a while, scaring kids and the old ladies who are working hard to buy their little ones Christmas gifts. Up ahead I saw my favorite hotdog stand, I could smell the hot bacon-wrapped wieners from here
‘Talk about my heightened spider senses right!?’
But then something else caught my attention when I heard my name being called out.
“Oh Peter!! Thank God I found you! Listen here’s $20. Get something to eat for yourself and get the triple chocolate mocha with 3 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 pinch of pumpkin spice with lactose free whip cream and some cinnamon sprinkled on top?”
I fixed my glasses after they almost slipped off my nose from me speedily scribbling down the crazy coffee order. That was of course Carly, (Carla Ferrari) who told me all of this. Not that I minded though, I was her personal helper. She requested for one after work got a little to much for her, but her boss wasn’t happy about having that happen, so I was paid through her paycheck. (What a stingy and evil boss huh? Oh and I’d always beg her to not pay me much, but she always gave up half of her paycheck anyways without hesitation or a problem)
When we first met I had just gotten out of college looking for a job, something easy to start with while I looked for a job that suited my passion for chemical engineering. And at the same time she was looking for help, so we made a deal to become roommates while I worked for her, sense the job was not too much, but for now it worked perfectly fine, and she was a great roommate too. Soon we of course became the best of friends, she gave me so much smart advice about the world and now dating tips. (Especially after I told her about my deep interests in the sweet florist Mary Jane- I’ll tell y’all about her later) Carly also had a great listening ear and healing words, even on her worst nights she made great company. Anyways, I took the $20 from her after she personally grabbed my hand and stuff the dollar bill in there and said,
“Use this money Peter, not yours. And get lunch- you haven’t eaten, I know you haven’t.”
I reluctantly took it as I sighed an excuse,
“But you haven’t either-“
She mindlessly fixed my tie as she interrupted,
“Don’t worry about me honey, worry about yourself. Now get please, boss needs me in his office, I just got off the phone with him before I saw you.”
I squeezed my pinky with hers, it was our ‘good luck’ ‘good bye’ and ‘good day’ sign.
But this time, I felt an electric shock run through me from where we touched, and I felt waves surround me for a split second before it stopped completely. I know she felt it too for her eyes went wide, but she shook it off as quickly as it had happened.
Then she sent me a small smile and a wink before running in her high heels back to the office. I chuckled with confusion as I looked at my black shoes thinking,
‘Everyday I admire women more.. I could never run in heels.. I wonder what that was by the way… it felt weird. But with a sense of familiarity?’
For now I shook it off as she did. Taking a moment I was looking up and around at the lively city I could only breathe in and out calmly, the people looked happy, peaceful, and it all appeared to be still for now. It’s been about a couple of months ever sense I fought a life-threatening villain, KingPin. But thankfully we’ve been ok for now, if not almost too perfect.
Miguel O’Hara’s POV
Bueno, Lets do this, one last time, my name is Mig-
“Miggggyyyy! Omg you’ve been eyeballing’ 2055 universe for the past 2 weeks already?! You got some interest on Peter C. Parker- it’s ok you can tell me!!”
‘Ay coño… another time I’ll introduce myself.’
Running a hand down my face I argued lazily,
“No Lyla I don’t. I’m straight-“
“Are you? Look at your hunched over posture, certainly it’s not straight-
“That doesn’t determine my sexuality though!-“
“It could-“
“Lyla. No. I’m just.. just checking something out. So please.”
Sometimes Greta Lee aka Lyla can get on my nerves with her ideas, I mean, who would’ve that an AI would be so stubborn and determined on certain ideas? Like her only job is to gather up information about tech or any universal catastrophes. Yet here she is trying to decipher what my sex is by the way I’m standing. Que dolor de cabeza. But I was being honest about this... this universe 2055 that’s been on my watch for the past few days.
Something about it has intrigued my mind and drawn my attention to it strongly, unlike any other universe. I don’t have spider senses perhaps, but I do have suspicions and a gut that tells me things. So I considered checking it out, passing by in person to see if I perhaps caught something off that I could probably call P.C.P. (Peter Carlos Parker) on. I’ve never personally met him before or even thought of intruding into his place or giving him more as far as letting him into the multiverse, he handled what he had very well so far on his own. It was his universe anyways, and to be honest he did his absolute best at guarding it and protecting it. His every breath was spent on saving the city and a change during a blink of his eye wouldn’t go unnoticed, he’d sense and act upon it. He was what I called, ‘Gentle-Spider’. His heart for the community was larger than New York itself.
Yes, he had his typical hero side that was rough and sharp, effortlessly taking down who needed to be put down, but after that? He’d walk the old ladies across the street, have late night dinners with random joes who were alone and homeless, play with the neighborhood kids, he even taught a few teenagers how to parallel park. All this I have witnessed and couldn’t admire him more.
His only job as a Spider-Man was to defend the city from villains and anomaly’s... but P.C.P.? He made the city a brighter place day and night, 24/7, he gave New York his heart and every breath he took was spent on them. His regular life though, behind the mask, he was the same, caring and kind. Just more quiet and a bit shy. The only one I saw him communicate well with was his roommate. She was just as kind. I never really looked into her, all I knew was that she made him breakfast everyday and wore high heels 99% of the time- oh and he’d call her Carly.
I don’t think she knew about Peter’s secret life, only because she had a crazy schedule herself, she was the main and personal assistant of CEO Martin Stark. So yeah, her life was basically a mess and busy. But I’ve seen her a few times around too, doing careless acts to protect people. Careless why? She thought of others before herself. Ella me asusta a veces.
She literally almost gone run over the other day just because she tried to retrieve a baby doll that a little girl dropped as her mother carried her across the street. To save the homeless guy’s kitten she went down to the tracks of the subway to get its paw unstuck from when it fell, and seconds before that damn thing made her a tortilla, she was able to get out with the kitten clinging onto her for life. She’s also convinced people to not jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba.
Anyways she had a busy life too, but when she had a few seconds to spare, she gave it to others. I guess she looked up to Spider-Man a lot, and chose to be like him, a good person. But today, I saw and caught something that was off, and electric and dimensional shock went through both of them. And according to canon, he’s the only Spider-Man, and she was only supposed to be like his best friend. That’s it. So what was that all about? It looked all too familiar from our last incident with Miles Morales.. I just hoped it wasn’t the same or much worse, if not unfixable. And why did it make me feel- nervous?
Spanish translations
1- Que dolor de cabeza. - What a headache.
2- Ella me asusta a veces.- She scares me sometimes.
3- Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba. - I guess I know more about her life than I thought I did.
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shipsgaysfordays · 1 year
WIP Game🤟
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you and ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Look, no one tagged me in this I just really wanted to join because I’m bored and want to post about my fics. These are all marauders fics, yes I am obsessed. Three categories based on my folder names:
BIG BOIS (some of these already have chapters posted and linked in my pinned post)
is it everything your heart desired?
although i am broken, my heart is unchanged still
A Blender Filled with Galaxies, Time, and Gay Time Travel Angst—OH SHIT I FORGOT THE LID BEFORE I HIT BLEND
Graveyard of Abandoned Ideas
Queen and Wolfstar: A Depressing Musical Tale
Oh God Shippy’s Venting Again
Detective Padfoot
Artist Sirius
Writing in Purgatory
you make me feel like a fool
What A Creep
peter and james
Now That’s What I Call Family Issues (Finger Guns)
Camp Halfblood/Marauders
A Tree In The Shadows
I’m going to tag @spikybanana and @romanticeulogizingelegies since I know for sure that you both have some writing projects, open tags for anyone else who wants to join
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t4tclip · 1 year
I forgot to put it there earlier, but I did a little comprasion of a first polish South Park dub of "Damien" with the original one, I hope y'all gonna to like it!!
The text of the intro is quite different
The guy singing never refers to South Park by name and instead refers to it as just south
Singer: I'm going down the South Park gonna have myself a time - - >  Come brother to the South to have a nice time
Kyle and Stan: Humble folks without temtpation --> You'll be be welcome by lack of dairy
Cartman: Ample parking day or night people spouting howdy neighbor - - >  Come on boy and park where you want even if you were an alien (I know it's most likely a coincidence but I like the reference to aliens in first episode)
Kenny's lines are just gibberish, kinda sad bc of that because he sounds cute
Cartman calls Kevin Stoley Mark???
Name Damien changes to Damian 
Poofie pie is changed to butter buns or something like that, I wasn't able to hear Cartman well in that part
Pip's real name gets changed to Peter for some reason???
Pip's right-o get changed to alrighty (I love how he says it in the dub)
The boys straight up calls Damiens mum a bitch
Kyle calls Damien fucked up freak (it sounds better when it's actually in polish tho 🤌🤌popieprzony wykręt🤌🤌)
Chef calls Damien piece of damn devil and I actually like it a bit more than the og 
Not translation related: Polish voice actor of Satan actually speaks his lines in Latin and I thought it was cool
Father Maxi adds ,,hallelujah" after talking about how Jesus is gonna kick Satans ass and I don't know I thought it was nice 
Satan: Prepare to enter the house of pain -->  Prepare yourself for atmistique molestation
Stan: holy shit this man is huge - - > Oh damn dude what huge piece of shit
Satan: I have such delightful horrors to unleash upon thee - - > Your virgin blood will thicken inside your veins
Mr Mackey doesn't use ,,M'kay?" like at all
Mr Mackey tells Damien to be nice, open and assertive instead of being overly nice and passive, I personally don't like that change because it doesn't make much sense in the context of episode
Mr Mackey calls Pip french for some reason
Cartman calls Damien a little whore
Fartboy get changed to piard which I guess can be translated to fiart
Pip tells that he hopes that other kids would stop pick on him since kids starts to pick on Damien 
Let's begin to rumble gets changed to lets begin the scuffle (again it sounds better in polish, rozpierducha my beloved)
 Not translation related but Pip sounds like genuinely psysically hurt after Damien blows him off and I'm just :[[[
 Jesus calls God ,,Stary" which is like slangy, non cultural way of saying father 
Jezus; I'm all forsook - - > It's so bad
Kyle: You bastards!! - - > You motherfuckers!!
Liane proposes Cartman more pie instead of cake
It was pretty fun to do and I'm maybe gonna do some more of these
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rastronomicals · 1 year
Tumblr media
11:35 PM EDT September 21, 2023:
Eno/Cale - "In The Backroom" From the album Wrong Way Up (October 5, 1990)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Back when it was new--and I was 25 years old--I eagerly purchased this compact disc. Oh, it was a time, man. The CD was packaged in--get this (if you can: most people today I would assume don't know what it had been)--a longbox. A theft deterrent then, and a music geek collectible now. Funny the way things transform, sometimes.
So. It being that time, I didn't know as much about Brian Eno or John Cale then as I do now, but I still knew Here Come the Warm Jets and White Light/White Heat. And because those records had been great, I expected Wrong Way Up to be pretty awesome.
Did I know then that the 3-1/2-minute revolution called "Sky Saw" featured Cale? Or that there was a cult album named June 1, 1974 that featured them both?
Not sure. Wise now, was I wise then?
Anyway, the excitement before the purchase turned into disappointment afterwards. This album, it did not rock, it bore no traces of Warm Jets or White Heat, and it wasn't weird at all, and I sold it and I forgot about it as quickly as possible.
Lately though, nearly 30 years later, thinner of hair, and wiser of the music, man, I've been on an Eno jag, and I came across a review of the album on Pitchfork that suggested the album, synthpop though it was, achieved nothing less than brilliance in its rather conflicted creation.
Hell, I hadn't even known that the artists hadn't gotten along. . . . So I figured, what *had* I known, in my judgement 30 years ago? I'd been only 25, and had probably been a little bit um, over-influenced, by hardcore punk. My tastes are more sophisticated now! I could like an album that maybe wasn't so manic. Really I could. And shit, everything I've been doing for the last month was all about what a fucking genius Eno was. . . Maybe I'd been hasty in my dismissal of WWU back then, simply because it didn't sound like "Third Uncle," or "I Heard Her Call My Name." 'Cause hell, on reflection, thinking about it in 2019, in the midst of a Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno freakout, neither does "Luftschloss."
Goddamn, then, let's try it again, I thought. So last week, I bought a CD copy off Discogs. Received it yesterday, listened to it on the way into work this morning, and ... it's unabashedly awful.
It's lame, predictable, and without a trace of the genius which otherwise marks both men's work. You're tempted to say a few things, although you should probably resist the urges. You're tempted to say that it was a case of men outside the times attempting foolishly to sound like them, but that's wrong. 1990 had no great rush of synthpop albums.
1990 was about Jane's Addiction; Jane's Addiction, and Happy Mondays and Sonic Youth's major label debut. Nobody was making synthpop. That these two major artists felt like going there, I don't know, it's odd, it's strange, it's fucked up.
You're also tempted to say, maybe, if you're not that familiar with the facts, that this was the work of giants who had exhausted their creative energies prior to its making, young lions become old farts. But, of course, that's ridiculous. Five years after this mistake of a record, Eno would record Nerve Net, which showed him as able as his youngself to stretch things out. And if you want pop, shit, Eno made Another Day on Earth in 2005, as he was approaching 60, and that is a brilliant, quirky, intelligent pop record, even if it's not as much like M83 as I might prefer.
Wrong Way Up is a detour into mediocrity. Definite, and puzzling, that is.
It all goes to show many things, perhaps most importantly--and I swear I'm not looking to trash Pitchfork specifically here--that if an artist known for making good things makes something crappy, there will always--always--be somebody around to tell people that, fuck the facts, it is in fact pretty good.
There's also the reminder given that I had the suss of the thing down back in 1990. I like to think of myself as smarter now, wiser if you have to go there, and I was prepared to second-guess myself, and take a lesson from it too, but at least in this case, me and the version of myself that existed three decades ago are smack dab in agreement. There's a stolidity about that I find appealing, but maybe, just maybe, there's also a disappointing inability to evolve.
Funny the way things don't transform, sometimes.
File under: Fool Me Twice
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 186 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bath.
Right at the start of this episode Martin at least sounds like himself and not totally lost like in MAG 170. So when I was first listening this was already relieving. (He even sounds a bit annoyed...)
ALSO MARTIN: "Wuthering Heights." I have no idea what Wuthering Heights is. I guess it's, like Pride and Prejudice and War and Peace, something people in English-speaking countries usually learn about in literature?
MARTIN: "Yeah. God, I hated studying that. It was all just so…" I love how much Martin just rolls with the fact, that he himself just answered him xD
ALSO MARTIN: "Right down to the monochrome." Speaking of monochrome. Also!Martin sounds so monotone, it's really easy to tell them apart!
MARTIN: "No, I just… I’m ashamed to let him see this place, alright. To see what – I don’t know, what feeds me?" ALSO MARTIN: "Sure, that’s part of it, but… it’s not the whole thing, is it? Not really." MARTIN: "What do you mean?" ALSO MARTIN: "Well, if you don’t count ‘memory manor’, when was the last time you were even on your own?" NOT REALLY! And yeah, Also!Martin then describes it perfectly. It's ok to want some space. That wish is probably easier to express and still have it come across like a mundane thing when you've not been a victim of an Eldritch fear god of being lonely. I do, generally though, enjoy long stretches of time spent with my spouse a lot more than long stretches of time without them. It makes me feel distant from them, and I don’t like that. Doesn't mean that a day home alone isn't really refreshing every now and then. But, I know of couples (I say know of because these people usually aren't my friends cause they're more... "normal") who have very, veeeery different interests and they do pursue them separately and I'm like "why are you even together then??". I mean, it's totally okay, if it works for them, good! But that's just my personal quirk on relationships.
ALSO MARTIN: "Like I said, I’m not your enemy." MARTIN: [Archly] "Oh really? I thought you said you were me?" Haha, yeah, standing in your own way.
MARTIN: "Eurgh. Oolong. Of course. Of course! Whenever I asked a question she didn’t like, or she wanted to stop the conversation –" ALSO MARTIN: "Off you’d go to put the kettle on." Can't have shit in the apocalypse. Aaaalso, do you know the story about why it's Oolong? It came up in one of the Protocol streams during the Magnus quiz, Jonny answered it and got it wrong (I don't know what the tea was, something I can neither pronounce nor spell, so I immediately forgot the name), then Alex got it right with Oolong. Jonny was super confused about it, cause iirc he apparently chose that tea because Sasha doesn't like it. Buuuut, turns out, Alex couldn't pronounce it, so he just went with Oolong instead and never told Jonny xDDD
MARTIN: "She was still my mum! Our mum. Whatever!" Yeah, but you didn't choose to come into this world. She made that choice. So parents owe their kids to do their bloody best to provide for them, care for them, make them feel loved! Sure, in this case, it wasn’t like this from the start, Martin’s mum started to resent him cause he reminded her of his father you broke her heart. That’s why there really should be better health care regarding therapy out there...
ALSO MARTIN: [Emphatically] "And we’re glad she’s dead." Still, all considering, that hits pretty hard...
MARTIN: "If I’d done what Peter had asked… If I’d not chickened out, and just killed Elias when I had the chance…" ALSO MARTIN: "Really? Really? That’s how you’re choosing to remember it? Chickening out?" MARTIN: "I remember it was the wrong choice." Actually, nobody knows what would have happened. Once you chose a path, you will never know if it was the "wrong" one.
MARTIN: "I get it, alright? But I need it. I-I choose the guilt, because…" ALSO MARTIN: [Leading] "Because…" MARTIN: "Because it motivates me to do better!" ALSO MARTIN: "… Does it though? Or… does it just keep paralysing us, make us shrink back and wait, hoping things work out?" Yeah, that’s a thought pattern I'm familiar with. Or like, always prepare for the worst and then it can only turn out better! Hm, didn't get too far with that.
JON: "Like with Jon, when we thought the worms had got him." MARTIN: "Hey, to be fair, he still kind of hated me back then. I’m really not sure it would have been the time to take my shot." Wait, did Martin actually consider to tell Jon back then??? I mean, he obviously chose not to, but that sounds like it at least crossed his mind. I mean, I get it, when I had my crush on my spouse it was so unbearable to keep it unsaid.
ALSO MARTIN: "Fair. He was projecting hard. Between us, that guy’s got some real issues." MARTIN: "Hey! Pretty sure we love ‘that guy’." ALSO MARTIN: "Yeah, and all his many, many problems." I mean, that's not a big revelation that Jon has some real issues, everybody knows that. It’s like written all over his forehead xD Still, it's okay that people have their own baggage. Friends or loved ones don't have to be these perfect figures, that's simply not possible for real persons.
ALSO MARTIN: "You do though. You daydream about it! The big climactic showdown with Elias, and then the two of you kiss, and push a button that just magically saves the world and makes everything better." MARTIN: "It’s actually not a button, so –" ALSO MARTIN: "Stop. Deflecting." MARTIN: [Angry] "S-So what, okay? We should just give up? Hmm? Just stay here and curl up into a ball and just accept the world as is? Hmm? That’s your big solution?" ALSO MARTIN: "I’m saying there aren’t any easy solutions. We have no idea what’s going to happen. Even if we make it to the tower, we don’t know there’ll be a fix. And if by some miracle there is, we both know the price will be awful. Just look at Melanie." Hm yah. You need a bit of something you're moving towards. But you can't have it all perfectly laid out in your mind, that you're waiting for this exact thing to happen. You can't live for a hypothetical future. (Also more on topic: yeah, we've seen that the fears always crave more and more horrible things. They’ll not gonna let them off the hook easily.)
MARTIN: "So, this price. What do you think? Are we going to have to kill Jon?" Oh, that's going to age horribly...
ALSO MARTIN: "Even dying?" MARTIN: "Yeah!" ALSO MARTIN: "Jon’s as bad as we are. He wouldn’t let it happen." MARTIN: "It’s not his decision." Uhhh, the way the world works nowadays, I think it very much is his decision xD
Martin then wanting to know about the people in his domain feels like he has indeed processed a bit and is now moving on. Accepting, that this is his place and situation now instead of running away from it.
ALSO MARTIN: "We never met them in the old world. Although one of them is named Tim. Just a coincidence, I think, unless it was a subconscious thing on our part." Martin subconsciously being: "Yeaaah, I want to twist that knife a bit more"
ALSO MARTIN (STATEMENT): "I can’t tell you their names, because we don’t know them" Except for that one Tim though. Coincident? I think not! It's all about twisting knives!
"His family were cold, and so to keep that coldness at bay, he built a towering wall between them and him. He hid it in jokes and practiced smiles, but on a cloudy day, they could see it." Ah yes, sounds like the classic depressed-people-making-funny-memes thing!
"She was among this joy, yes, these sparkling friends, but she was not a part of it, not really. She tried to be, wanted so desperately to be a part of their easy warmth, and maybe they thought she was. But they hadn’t known her, not really." Ahem...
MARTIN: "I’ll get Jon to destroy me like the others." ALSO MARTIN: "You don’t really believe he’d do it?" MARTIN: "I don’t know. Maybe?" ALSO MARTIN: "… This took a dark turn." MARTIN: "Yeah. But… this time, it doesn’t feel like despair. It feels like resolve." I think that's even worse. Because as I see it that’s the most scary part of being suicidal. How utterly convinced you are it's the right thing.
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roxanadiaz · 9 months
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ℂ𝕒𝕥 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕖
𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝕴 𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖊
the sounds of a sea of screaming people calling your name, but you can't name one of them. bruised knees and bandaids are just a small part of the lessons learned. singing in the bathtub for the acoustics. thrifted betsy johnson dresses worn to big premieres. your messy room fully reflects your messy mind. where has your heart run off, now? trying to get people to see the real you, only to be perceived as cool. you hold grudges to the point your heart begs for you to stop and let it go. revenge is in your nature, much like asking for forgiveness. just try not to fall off stage, this time - please.
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤
Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl by Olivia Rodrigo Roxana Diaz || " Laughed at the wrong time / Sat with the wrong guy / Searching 'how to start a conversation' on the website / Talked to this hot guy, swore I was his type / Guess that he's been making out with boys, like, all night / Everything I do is tragic "
Enchanted by Taylor Swift || " This night is sparkling, don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / ... Lingering question kept me up / 2AM, who do you love? / I wonder 'til I'm wide awake "
Not Another Rockstar by Maisie Peters || " Talk about me, but make it all about you / Caught you rippin' your jeans, and that's when I knew / You'd leave me dead if it set you apart / And I'm like, "Oh goddamn, not another rockstar" "
Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter || " I'll be honest, looking at you got me thinking nonsense / Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in / Think I got an ex, but I forgot him / And I can't find my chill, I must've lost it / I don't even know, I'm talking nonsense "
All American Bitch by Olivia Rodrigo Roxana Diaz || " Forgive and I forget / I know my age and I act like it / Got what you can't resist / I'm a perfect all-American bitch "
Too Well by Reneé Rapp || " It's easier holding a grudge / Rather be angry than crushed / I'm doing too much / I'm back where I started again / Crying and calling my friends / This shit never ends "
When Emma Falls in Love by Taylor Swift || " 'Cause she's the kind of book that you can't put down / Like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town / And all the bad boys would be good boys / If they only had the chance to love her / And to tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was her "
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹 𝕊𝕚𝕕𝕖 ( 𝘢 𝘷𝘶𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 )
older by Sasha Alex Sloane || " The older I get, the more that I see / My parents aren't heroes / They're just like me "
Older Than I am by Lennon Stella || " My heart's seen things I wish it didn't / Somewhere I lost some of my innocence / And I miss it "
Baby, You're a Haunted House by Gerard Way || " And the nights, they last forever / And the days are always making you blue / In the dark we laugh together / Cause the misery's funny to you "
Mean Something by Lizzy McAlpine || " I saw your name on a street sign / In the middle of nowhere / And that has to mean something "
Suburbia by Troye Sivan || " Have you heard me on the radio? / Did you turn it up? / Are you blowing that stereo in suburbia? "
making the bed by Olivia Rodrigo Roxana Diaz || " Sometimes I feel like I don't wanna be where I am / Gettin' drunk at a club with my fair-weather friends / Push away all the people who know me the best / ... I'm so tired of bein' the girl that I am / Every good thing has turned into something I dread / And I'm playin' the victim so well in my head / But it's me whose been making the bed "
The Lucky One by Taylor Swift || " And they tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused / 'Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used "
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
2/2 ‘oh those shows for sure wouldn’t exist without Queer as Folk. By the way, yesterday I watched that red blue movie and i was so confused cause there was no swearing and no dicks and no actual sex scenes. Cant decide if that makes it boring or what but fuck do i hate censorship, anyway back to the pretty boy’ ‘When was this filmed because Bri- Gale looks fine as fuck? Aged like fine wi- (Pulse was mentioned this second) oh…fuck nevermind, still pretty though’
And we are now at fan encounters part: Gale says people thought he was Brian ‘WHO thought he was bad at playing Brian? I will fight them right this second!’ Gale starts his not that guy speech ‘mhm tell them! Wait what is he saying? I feel like he’s just trying to hit word count. I feel like he’s talking to me. But i never criticized him, he’s perfect. It’s the writers that i have a problem with and if i ever see them, it’s on sight!’ Gale starts talking about the fan encounters *he moves his head forward and has wide eyes in shock* ‘wait what..he was harassed by guys? THE FUCK? Oh people were fucked in the heads back in the day.. still are but damn, i forgot about the celebrity culture in early 2000s’ Gale started to talk about how guys would ask him how he could even play Brian ‘oh i bet my ass if he wanted to he’d be able to argue with anyone. Id pay to see it. Not saying I want him to argue but itd be fun to watch him shut someone stupid down.’ Gale says he wishes he could go back and do it better ‘Excuse me? You were perfect! Fuck, who do i have to bully for them to give me a movie with older Brian? Imagine a movie and it starts with both of them together in New York. (He’s for sure getting your fic in the future)’ Gale mentions he hates that people make speculations about him ‘i feel like he’s talking to me. In my defense sweetheart, i just learned your name like a week ago. So sue me for thinking you were gay. (Me: ‘hes not talking about you, idiot) yeah, well, i felt attacked and you shut up, you knew and didnt tell me! Awww he’s proud of the show. I was worried for a second. He’s a good guy, i fuck with him…even if he’s *clears his throat* straight’ ‘People were mean to him about Bri Bri? I will burn this entire world down to the ground! How fucking dare they? I will fight everyone that has something rude to say to him or Blondie!’
‘Wait, is there Randy’s version too? Cause that dude mentioned Peter and Sharon. So did they all film these? Where are they? (I tell him that to my knowledge only Gale’s is out) oh COME ONNNN, I can’t fucking win with this show, can i?’ ‘Where is Gale now? Can you show me an interview from now? Or does he have IG? I am willing to start my account again for him’ I actually laughed at that and when i told him how removed he is from internet he went ‘GOR FUCKS SAKE! Theres no winning with this dude! Is he even still alive?’
And the final thoughts were:
‘Wow he is nothing like Brian, he’s so shy and introverted. A little fidgety so i feel like he’s not used of shit like this. He’s literally nothing like Bri Bri…’ me, sarcastically ‘its called acting, brother’ He looked at me like i was the dumbest person ever but also like he shouldve known this. And then immediately after that he called our mom and started the conversation with: ‘he’s straight mom! Straight! BRIAN! Can you fucking believe that shit? Wait let me send you the video’
And later after he sent that video and forced her to watch some of it. She facetimed him and went: ‘i weirdly assumed hed be like in the videos you sent but he seems really shy’ Him: ‘its called acting, mother’ *turns to me and raises his hands towards our mom like can you believe her for not knowing this*
He then notified everyone that the actor who plays his Bri Bri is actually straight and that he is shocked by the news. And then his friend told him he knew cause he googled him and my brother blocked his number for 2 hours cause he got offended.
By the way, yesterday I watched that red blue movie and i was so confused cause there was no swearing and no dicks and no actual sex scenes. Cant decide if that makes it boring or what but fuck do i hate censorship, anyway back to the pretty boy’ I AM DYING OVER THIS!
As Soph has said, Gale will use 100 hundred words to say something that should take 10. Love that for him and for us.
I love how protective your brother is over Gale and Randy, they really do deserve all our protection. People were awful to them.
It’s called acting. I’m so dead. Yes, he’s nothing like your brother’s beloved BriBri. But also, that’s a good thing? Brian is my best beloved blorbo but he’s not exactly the picture of mental and emotional well being (who is?) and I hope Gale is more comfortable with his emotions and with vulnerability. For his own sake.
I feel honored that you would recommend my fic to your brother! After he learns about the existence of fan fiction.
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
Peter: Well I was a boyscout. Quill, you were a boyscout, weren't you?
Quill: No, but I ate a brownie once.
Quill : Is this Bucky’s funeral? Is that the corpse of Bucky Barnes ?Pete, is that you?
[Peter waves, embarrassed]
Quill : Are you with Scott ? Where'd you guys park?
Peter: Quill!
Drax : I spent the best years of my life sittin' on the porch, playin' the harmonica, waitin' for somethin' better. And the years have been goin' by faster, and faster, and then, all of a sudden, I was an old man.
Quill : Well I bet you can play the shit outta that harmonica!
Drax : That I can. 'Cept there's no one around to hear me play it. Piece of advice: you can lose your money. You can spend it - all of it. Maybe work hard, get it all back. But if you waste your time, you're never gonna get it back.
Scott : I'm out.
Peter: What does that mean?
Quill: I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Scott : This trip is officially over! This is finished! Let's just go home.
Quill : I agree. That is a great idea. All we've got to do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone... he liked us, I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat. And... hey, there's a beer in the river. Cool.
Peter: Come back to bed, you guys. I'm freezing.
Quill : Not until he puts Jabba back in his Hut!
Scott : Hey, that sounds like Creed.
Quill: I never thought I'd be happy to hear anything that sounds like Creed.
Quill: I'm not an astronaut, I'm an American.
Quill: We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
Peter: Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Scott : Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
Quill : [as a bear sniffs around Scott ] Stay calm. Get in the fetal position. It won't bother you if you're in the fetal position.
[the bear roars]
Quill: Abort the fetal position! It's not working!
Peter : [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Quill : I about shit.
Scott: I did shit.
Peter: Oh shit!
Dan Mott
Scott : What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Scott : [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Scott : Oh, shit!
Peter: So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Scott: What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Quill: No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Quill : It was like her eyes were trying to escape her head
Scott: I bet you a hundred grand and my left nut that all you catch in that river is a cold.
Quill: [after catching a fish] You owe me a hundred grand AND the left nut!
Quill : This never leaves the cave.
Scott : I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
Peter: You're exaggerating again.
Scott : I'm afraid of the dark, Peter .
Peter : So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Scott : I'm afraid of small spaces.
Peter: Again, not that abnormal.
Scott : Cellophane.
Quill: Like Saran Wrap?
Peter: Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Scott: I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Quill : Very.
Quill : So you're saying you lost the map? You don't have it?
Peter : No, I'm saying I forgot to hold on to it while my ass was free-falling over a 100 foot waterfall
Quill: So you don't have it?
Peter: Wait a second.Quill , were you really employee of the month?
Quill: No! I lied about that too!
Quill: [urging dan to climb through a hole] Come on Scott , your the only one small enough to get through.
Peter : That's what she said.
Namor : So... are you a class... 4,5?
Quill : Yeah? Yeah? Why don't you try to put those numbers together. Yeah. I shot a class 45, and haven't lost a man yet.
Namor: Lie to me! I don't care. I'm not the one who's going to drown.
Drax: Come with me, or I'll shoot your testicles off and stuff 'em and mount 'em on my mantlepiece.
Quill : That's gonna be an ugly mantlepiece.
Quill: Great mother of ganja!
Peter: Let's take Bucky's trip.
Quill: I say hell yes!
Quill : [whilst high on marijuana, in a Pakistani accent] I will give you four cows for Yelena’s hand in marriage!
Scott: Are you running immigrants over the boarder again, coyote?
Quill : Those guys fell asleep in my truck! I thought I'd just gotten shit-faced and bought a bunch of sombreros. I didn't know there were dudes underneath.
Peter: [canoing through rapids] Quill , it's getting big!
Quill : No problem.
Peter: Like, really big!
Quill: I'm in over my head!
Peter: What?
Quill: I'm in over my head!
Peter : Don't tell me that!
Hope : My name is Hope.
Gamora : You may call me gamora .
Hope: And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Quill : [whispers to Peter ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
Peter : [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Hope , Gamora : [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
Peter, Quill, Scott: H-hey! Peace!
Peter: How do you guys get supplies?
Hope : [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
Peter: [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Gamora : Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Hope ?
Hope : [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[hope gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Hope : [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Quill: So where is this radio?
Scott : Tree had a orgasm?
[Gamora gets up and excitedly holds Hope’s hands]
Hope : [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Gamora: [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Scott watches totally mesmerised]
Gamora : [she and Hope look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Scott : What? Makes you wanna what?
[Gamora and Hope look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
Scott : [after Quill had offered to distract Dennis and Elwood instead of Peter ] Give 'em hell, Quilly
Quill: [about to rapple down the tree] This Hellmart's open for business, and I'm slashing prices.
Peter: When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Quill: Not it.
Scott : Is there beer in heaven?
Peter : I was thinking more the bar in town.
Quill: We'll shine them.
Peter: That would kill the fish.
Quill : Let's go through there.
Scott : Where? There's no door!
Quill: His forest name is 'Slug'!
Scott : You guys are spraying me.
Quill: Give me a break. I'm writing your name.
Scott : Stop it!
Scott : Where are we?
Peter: Corner of Bumfuck and You Got a Purty Mouth.
Scott : What are you doing?
Peter: Taking off my shoes
Scott: Why?
Peter: Because I run faster with no shoes
Scott: You can't out-run that bear!
Peter: I dont have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!
Scott: I'm out.
Peter: What does that mean?
Quill : I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Scott : The only chance we have to survive is to huddle together for warmth...
Peter : I, for one, choose death.
Scott : This trip is officially over! This is finished! Let's just go home.
Quill: I agree. That is a great idea. All we've got to do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone... he liked us, I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat. And... hey, there's a beer in the river. Cool.
[Bucky’s French speaking girlfriend rubs herself on his casket]
Scott: Bucky's dead and he still has a better chance of getting laid than I do.
Scott : Hey, that sounds like Creed.
Quill : I never thought I'd be happy to hear anything that sounds like Creed.
Quill: We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
Peter: Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Scott : Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
Scott : [the three boys are wearing only their boxers at night, after losing their clothes] You know, things are as bad as they could possibly get.
[starts raining hard, Peter and Quill look up at the rain]
Scott : I stand corrected!
Peter: Come on, Scott . It's like when we'd jump off the railroad bridge into the river when we were kids. That was... higher than this...
Scott : But I never *did* jump in the river! You guys always pushed me when I wasn't looking!
Peter: Oh yea...
[Peter pushes Scott off the Treehouse]
Scott : [doing his best c3p0 voice] We are in serious trouble my friends. All data points to us being... how do you human's say it? Completely screwed.
Scott : yeah. You know, that is... that's a good way to say it. That pretty much sums it up.
Scott: [doing his best c3p0 voice] As expected, Quill is... drunk.
Peter : [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Quill : I about shit.
Scott : I did shit.
Peter: Oh shit!
Scott: What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Scott : [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Scott : Oh, shit!
Peter: So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Scott : What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Quill : No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Scott: I bet you a hundred grand and my left nut that all you catch in that river is a cold.
Quill: [after catching a fish] You owe me a hundred grand AND the left nut!
Scott: I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
Peter: You're exaggerating again.
Scott: I'm afraid of the dark, Peter.
Peter: So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Scott : I'm afraid of small spaces.
Peter: Again, not that abnormal.
Scott : Cellophane.
Quill: Like Saran Wrap?
Peter: Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Scott : I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Quill: Very.
Scott : [lying in a bed] So happy right now.
[the camera pans out, revealing Hope lying next to Scott ]
Hope : [lovingly] That was really... really beautiful.
[Scott smiles and Hope moves closer and kisses him]
Hope: [lovingly holding Scott ] Hmmm will you get the light hon'?
Scott: Oh... yeah.
[Scott turns the light off using his foot]
Hope: [kindly] You're so good at that now.
[Scott giggles]
Scott : Mmm, bacon.
Drax : Squirrel.
Scott : Mmm... squirrel.
Scott : [as Hope is lovingly attending to him] I'm very good at giving a back massage... so if you wanna roll down those stockings I could give you one.
Hope : Stockings?
Scott: Uh, leg warmers?
Hope : [shows Scott one of her very hairy legs] I'm all natural.
[Hope giggles]
Scott: Supernatural.
Scott: I have responsibilities and... I am a doctor now! I AM DOCTOR Lang NOW!
Scott: It crawled straight in my stomach!
Peter: Come on, let's go
Scott: I think it laid its eggs in my stomach!
Peter: You're a lot smarter than him. Right Scott ?
Scott: Well, I wouldn't say a lot smarter.
Scott: Are you running immigrants over the boarder again, coyote?
Quill: Those guys fell asleep in my truck! I thought I'd just gotten shit-faced and bought a bunch of sombreros. I didn't know there were dudes underneath.
Scott: This is exactly what you hear about when people go into the deep woods in the middle of the summertime! Aside from getting all sorts of diseases and things, they just wind up being the victims of some kind of unexpected man-rape!
Hope: My name is Hope .
Gamora: You may call me Gamora .
Hope : And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Quill: [whispers to Peter ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
Peter: [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Hope , Gamora: [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
Peter, Quill, Scott: H-hey! Peace!
Peter: How do you guys get supplies?
Hope : [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
Peter: [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Gamora: Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Hope?
Hope: [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[Hope gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Hope: [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Quill: So where is this radio?
Scott: Tree had a orgasm?
[Gamora gets up and excitedly holds Hope’s hands]
Hope : [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Gamora : [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Scott watches totally mesmerised]
Gamora : [she and Hope look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Scott : What? Makes you wanna what?
[Gamora and Hope look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
Drax: Remember, carry your friends wherever you go.
Scott: Close to your heart.
Drax : Or on your back. I got Y.U.’s bones in my satchel. Thought I'd give 'em a proper burial. I spent 30 years waiting to have a life!
Scott: Whoa... Matrix.
Scott : [after Quill had offered to distract Dennis and Elwood instead of Peter ] Give 'em hell, Quilly
Quill : [about to rapple down the tree] This Hellmart's open for business, and I'm slashing prices.
Scott : Hey guys look! A wild deer! All out in the open like that!
[Deer growls]
Scott : Stop, drop, and roll!
Peter : When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Quill : Not it.
Scott: Is there beer in heaven?
Peter : I was thinking more the bar in town.
Scott: What does the map say, Peter?
Peter: Oh, you know, it's a map.
Scott : Peter , didn't you see that the river split on the map?
Peter: I would have if your friend the big-ass bear hadn't eaten it!
Quill: Let's go through there.
Scott : Where? There's no door!
Scott: You guys are spraying me.
Quill: Give me a break. I'm writing your name.
Scott : Stop it!
Peter: Well I was a boyscout. Quill , you were a boyscout, weren't you?
Quill : No, but I ate a brownie once.
Peter : I christen this, Duke the second!
[smashes beer bottle on canoe]
Namor : Thanks for breaking glass where my kids play.
Scott : Where are we?
Peter: Corner of Bumfuck and You Got a Purty Mouth.
Quill: Is this Bucky’s funeral? Is that the corpse of Bucky Barnes?Pete , is that you?
[Peter waves, embarrassed]
Quill : Are you with Scott ? Where'd you guys park?
Peter: Quill!
Scott: What are you doing?
Peter : Taking off my shoes
Scott : Why?
Peter : Because I run faster with no shoes
Scott : You can't out-run that bear!
Peter: I dont have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!
Scott : I'm out.
Peter: What does that mean?
Quill : I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Scott :The only chance we have to survive is to huddle together for warmth...
Peter: I, for one, choose death.
Peter: Come back to bed, you guys. I'm freezing.
Quill : Not until he puts Jabba back in his Hut!
Quill:We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
Peter : Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Scott: Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
Peter : Come on, Scott . It's like when we'd jump off the railroad bridge into the river when we were kids. That was... higher than this...
Scott : But I never *did* jump in the river! You guys always pushed me when I wasn't looking!
Peter: Oh yea...
[Peter pushes Scott off the Treehouse]
Peter: [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Quill: I about shit.
Scott : I did shit.
Peter: Oh shit!
Scott: What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Scott : [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Scott: Oh, shit!
Peter : So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Scott: What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Quill: No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Scott: I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
Peter: You're exaggerating again.
Scott : I'm afraid of the dark, Peter .
Scott: So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Scott : I'm afraid of small spaces.
Peter: Again, not that abnormal.
Scott : Cellophane.
Quill: Like Saran Wrap?
Peter : Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Scott : I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Quill : Very.
[Yelena carries a cardboard box into her house as the answer machine comes on]
Peter: [on the answer machine] Hi, this is Peter , and I can't come to the phone right now because I am busy trying to convince the love of my life to give me another chance. And I will prove to her that I grew up just enough to know that I want the responsibility day in and day out of being there for her in this relationship which I am hoping will someday become marriage, kids and an *unbelievably* happy life together.
[Yelena starts to smile as she hears the message]
Peter: [hangs up] Hi honey.
[Peter gets down on one knee and proposes to Yelna , who accepts his proposal. Peter stands up and embraces her]
Yelena : Can you please be serious for 5 minutes?
Peter: My record is 4 but I think I can do it.
Quill : So you're saying you lost the map? You don't have it?
Peter: No, I'm saying I forgot to hold on to it while my ass was free-falling over a 100 foot waterfall
Quill: So you don't have it?
Peter: But you could've left! Why'd you stay up here all these years?
Drax : Seemed like a good idea at the time. Know what I mean, kid?
Peter: Yeah, I do.
Drax: Have you ever spent 30 years in a cabin?
Peter: ...No.
Drax: Well, then you don't know what I mean!
Peter: I mean, metaphorically, I know what you mean.
Drax: Metaphorically, have you ever spent 30 years in a cabin?
Peter: Uh - no.
Drax: Well then think before you talk!
Peter: Wait a second. Peter , were you really employee of the month?
Quill: No! I lied about that too!
Quill: [urging dan to climb through a hole] Come on Scott , your the only one small enough to get through.
Peter: That's what she said.
Scott : It crawled straight in my stomach!
Peter: Come on, let's go
Scott : I think it laid its eggs in my stomach!
Peter: You're a lot smarter than him. Right Scott ?
Scott: Well, I wouldn't say a lot smarter.
Peter: Let's take Bucky’s trip.
Quill : I say hell yes!
Peter: [canoing through rapids] Quill , it's getting big!
Quill: No problem.
Peter: Like, really big!
Quill : I'm in over my head!
Peter: What?
Quill : I'm in over my head!
Peter: Don't tell me that!
Hope : My name is Hope.
Gamora : You may call me Gamora .
Hope : And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Quill : [whispers to Peter ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
Peter: [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Hope , Gamora : [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
Peter, Quill, Scott : H-hey! Peace!
Peter: How do you guys get supplies?
Hope : [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
Peter: [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Gamora: Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Flower?
Hope : [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[Hope gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Hope: [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Quill : So where is this radio?
Scott : Tree had a orgasm?
[Butterfly gets up and excitedly holds Flower's hands]
Hope: [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Gamora: [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Scott watches totally mesmerised]
Gamora: [she and Hope look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Scott : What? Makes you wanna what?
[Gamora and Hope look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
Peter: I'm what neurologists call slow!
Peter: When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Quill : Not it.
Scott : Is there beer in heaven?
Peter: I was thinking more the bar in town.
Peter: Wow, this song is so uncool.
Peter : No worries, no responsibilities, just living in the moment.
Quill : We'll shine them.
Peter: That would kill the fish.
Scott: What does the map say, Peter ?
Peter : Oh, you know, it's a map.
Scott: Peter , didn't you see that the river split on the map?
Peter : I would have if your friend the big-ass bear hadn't eaten it!
Young Bucky : Hey, is it cool to be a grown up?
Peter: Not really my man
Peter : That bear loves you Scott -o!
Peter: You guys, check out this map. It looks like Bucky left us a treasure map.
Yelena : I won't do it! I won't play the role of nagging girlfriend anymore.
Peter: Would nagging wife make you happier?
Yelena: ...Please tell me that was not you proposing to me.
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gigglz · 2 years
Presentation day
Prompt: You had forgotten you had a presentation at school, you needed to present an item that is important to you in some way.
Lee!reader, Ler!Tony Stark ft. Peter Parker 1
!This is a tickle fic, if you don't like that, keep scrolling. Bad language!
1,750+ words of pure fluff!
Tumblr media
"Shit.. shit, shit, SHIT!!" On a call, you were packing for school, and your friend had just reminded you of a presentation you had completely forgotten.
"I completely forgot!" You whined loudly to your friend.
"Calm down! I'm sure you'll think of something!" They said like that was any help.
"Ok.. I still have time before I have to leave, I can look around for something." You got up, said bye to your friend, and started looking.
You searched every nook and cranny of your room but didn't find anything that looked important.
You decided to look around the compound.
You looked in the living room, storage room, kitchen and even the bathrooms.
You couldn't find anything.
You were walking back to your room when you spotted the lab... Tony's lab.
'Bingo.' You thought.
You made sure that no one was in there, and snuck in as quietly as possible.
You knew if you took anything, FRIDAY would snitch on you... but you didn't care, you just didn't want to fail. You were already on the brink of failing.
You looked around, and you saw some interesting stuff that you considered taking.
But then you saw it.
Tony Stark's suit.
You were Tony Stark's intern just like Parker, so you thought he would maybe, possibly forgive you.
Well actually.. he was more like family to you. Since you lived with him because... yeah, I think you already get it.
You obviously couldn't take the whole suit with you, so you scanned it for anything you could.
"That could work." You said, looking at the hand of the suit.
You approached it, and carefully took the hand off.
"Yes!" You whispered excitedly.
You took the hand armor, snuck out of the lab, and quickly up to your room.
You threw it in your bag and hurried to school.
You arrived at school and entered your class.
You barely made it on time.
No one knew you worked for Tony Stark, only your close friend.
"Did you find anything??" They asked.
"Yes." You said smirking.
"What is it??" They asked, seeing your excited smirk.
"You'll have to wait and see!" You teased.
"Oh come on-" The bell rang, and the class was starting.
"Good morning, class. I'm gonna cut right to the chase because we have only one hour to see all of your work." The teacher said in a strict tone.
"Anyone wants to go first?" She asked, looking for volunteers.
No one raised their hand.
"No? Ok, then I'm going to pick... Maria!"
A few people went before you, including your friend.
Everyone did ok.. except for that one person who forgot, good luck fixing a grade with this teacher!
"Ok... Y/N!" You heard the teacher call out your name.
You nervously stood up and walked in front of the class.
"Whenever you're ready." Said the teacher.
"So.. uhm.. I'm gonna be talking about.." You had forgotten to take the item out of your backpack... 'I'm such a dumbass..' you thought to yourself.
"O-oh I'm sorry.." You hurried to your bag, and took it out quickly, holding it behind your back.
A girl snickered. "Haha, so dumb. No wonder you're failing!"
You hated her, and she hated you.
But what made you feel better was.. she was a HUGE Iron-Man fan.
You were gonna show her. You were gonna show them all.
"I'm gonna be presenting a piece of armor from Iron-Man's suit." You said holding the armor out in front of you.
Everyone gasped, the girl did too.
Peter was in your class, he looked dumbfounded. 'Is that allowed??' he thought.
Even your friend wasn't expecting you to bring this with you. Weren't you supposed to keep it a secret?!
"That's a fake!!" The girl from the back chimed in.
"It really isn't... if it were, would I be able to do this?" You put the armor on your hand, and it adjusts itself to your hand accordingly.
"I.." The girl was speechless. "Then where exactly did you get it from??" She said again.
"I got it f-" You were interrupted by a knock at the door.
The teacher sighs, taking off her glasses "Come in."
You put your hand down to your side, not knowing who is at the door.
Someone opens the door.
Everyone gasps loudly, some squeal.
You look up and see... uh oh.. shit.
Staring at you is a pretty angry-looking Tony.
"I'm sorry to barge in like this, but someone has got something of mine." He says looking around the class, at Peter and you.
Everyone is so shocked no one speaks, not even you.
Right now you're panicking.
'What do I do??? Fuck! I shouldn't have taken it!' Thoughts were racing through your head, when Tony broke the silence, bringing you back to real life.
"Parker." He called looking at him, everyone turned to him.
"Wha- oh nonono, it wasn't me Mr.Stark!" He put his hands up, defending himself.
Then Tony looked at you.
"Y/N?" Everyone turned to look at you.
"Uhm... wasn't.. me?" You tried to smile innocently... god, you look so guilty.
He could tell you were lying.
"Y/N..," He sighed "just give it to me." He held out his hand.
You sighed, holding up the hand with the armor on it.
"Take it off." He said, pointing at it.
You realized you had no idea how to take it off. "Uhm... and.. how do-how do I do that..?"
He looked at you, surprisingly chuckled, and went to help you.
"Yohou put it on and didn't even know how to take it off?" He laughed.
"I didn't think about it!" You said, red starting to spread from ear to ear.
Peter chuckled from the back.
"Don't laugh, we're gonna have a serious talk with you both after school." tony pointed a warning finger at Peter, he shut up fast.
He finally got it off and put it in his pocket.
Tony just looked at you, and shook his head. That broke your heart, he was like a dad to you.
"Peter! Keep an eye out for them from now on." Stark said as he walked out.
You just stood there, embarrassed.
After a few seconds, the teacher cleared her throat.
"T-Thank you, Y/N. You may go take a seat." She said.
Everyone was shocked by what just happened. You worked for Tony Stark just like Peter?? For how long?? Since when??
You sat down quietly.
'God, I'm in deep shit.'
After school ended, you quickly realized the news had spread like wildfire.
''Hey, Y/N! Is it true?'' You heard someone yell from behind you. Other people just stared.
At least the girl wasn't gonna mess with you anymore.
You got home and tried sneaking in.
You made it to the stairs before you heard-
''Hey! Where do you think you're going?'' Tony's voice came from behind you.
You slowly turned around, ''Hey..'' you said nervously.
He looks very pretty mad...
''I am SO sorry! I really didn't mean any harm.. I understand if you wanna.. I don't know.. throw me out? God, I'm so stupid-'' You began rambling and covered your face with your hands.
''Hey, hey, hey! Calm down! It's fine!'' He chuckled.
You looked up, removing your hands from your face.
''Come on.'' He signaled for you to follow him.
You went into the living room, he sat down on the couch and so did you.
You didn't want to look at him. There was a moment of silence.
He sighs, ''Look, it's ok. I'm not mad.'' He looks at you, but you don't look at him.
You don't reply.
''Gonna give me the silent treatment?'' He said sarcastically, but you didn't laugh.
He frowned, now a little worried.
''You ok?'' He elbows you gently.
You look up, and it looks like you're about to cry.
''Oh, no. Come here.'' He pulls you into a comforting side hug.
''Don't cry, I'm not mad I promise, and I'm not gonna throw you out.'' He laughs at the thought, ''Why would you even think that?''
''I don't know..'' You sigh, feeling a little better but still guilty.
''What? Did you expect me to go berserk? Like this?'' He started pinching your side and gently hitting your tummy like he was punching you.
He growled playfully, ''How could you commit such a crime?? I'm gonna have to kill you now!!''
You squealed and started laughing.
''Hehehey! Tohony! No!''
He threw you on your back and sat on your hips.
''Uh-oh! Oh, no! I'm transforming!! Y/N run!!'' He made a weird monster growling sound.
''I cahan't!! Tony noho!'' You tried pushing him off to no avail, you knew what was coming.
He started poking all over your stomach, ribs, and sides. ''Gotcha!'' He laughed evilly.
''AGH! haha! TONY! NOHOhohoHAHA!'' You tried prying his wrists off of your stomach.
''Nope!'' He said and tasered your sides, so your hands would try to block them.
You squirmed like crazy.
''And now for my favorite, drumroll please!'' For the drum rolling, he rapidly poked your tummy.
''STAHAP!'' You protested.
He went for your upper ribs. Oh no.
''OHOMYGOHOHOHOD!! TOHNY!!!'' You threw your head back.
He made this ''Tktktktktktk'' noise while he was tickling you, that drove you crazy.
''Ok, one last thing. I promise.'' He smirked.
'Oh. My. God.' you thought.
The next thing you knew, he was blowing a raspberry on your tummy.
''Oh my-'' He snorted, ''Did you just put a curse on me?'' he stopped and laughed.
If you were already blushing, you just turned into a tomato.
You opened your eyes, and realized he was looking at your face the whole time. Looking for the best reactions.
Now you're a certified tomato.
He smirked at you. ''Feeling better?''
You hated to admit it. ''Y-yes..''
''Guess I know how to cheer you up now.'' He winked teasingly, and got off of you.
You heard a laugh from behind both of you.
You whipped your head around and saw Peter standing there and laughing.
''Shut up!'' You threw a pillow at him from the couch.
He caught it, of course.
''I'm feeling pretty generous today, want some too, kid?'' He smirked at Peter.
Peter turned white and red at the same time.
''Nope! Noho thanks! I'm good!'' He quickly made his way to the stairs.
''That wasn't a multi-optional question, kid.'' Tony said in a teasy voice.
You could hear Peter's footsteps stop, and then echo even louder.
''As you wish!" Tony said and ran after him.
You laughed, 'I love this house.'
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
yay for the open requests! I really reallyyyyyy love your Harry's older sister hc, could u pretty pls do more? like their brief life as a family with lily and james, then to the dursleys and then at war, so on. I agree with the anon that did the request, harry does needed a bigger sister❤️
ok so this is L O N G i need to add a keep reading tab
alright so let's talk about harry's older sister
so lily and james did not plan you
they were straight out of hogwarts
just having fun
and suddenly lily is having morning sickness and james running into a store to buy a pregnancy test (or whatever the wizard equivalent would be 😗)
james would be so nervous the weeks leading up to your birth
he already knows that you aren't even here yet and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you
and when you are born
he swears he'd never love anything as much as he loves you
his little girl
this sweet little lump of baby fat that was born with eyes just like his
he'd put his glasses on your little baby face, and he could laugh for hours at the way they just barely sat on your little nose (a miniature version of his)
your chubby little baby hands are his favorite
when you'd plan your hands on his face or wrap your hand around his finger he'd melt
Lily would joke all the time about how she carried the baby yet James is constantly hogging her
I think james would have some serious separation anxiety
Lily would also have trouble leaving you to go do something but she knew that you getting to see other people would be good
james is NOT a fan
and you were a big daddy's girl
"it's going to be alright, darling, uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony will take care of you."
and you'd respond with sad baby talk, something along the lines of 'daddy' and 'wanna stay with you' and you'd get all teary eyed
it's a whole dramatic scene
youre crying
james is about to cry
Sirius is quite literally trying to sob silently into his hand because you just look so sAD
and remus and lily are just
because you guys do this eVERY TIME
there was one time james got back into the car with lily after dropping you off and he was unusually quiet until he kinda just whispered out
"It just feels like i'll never have enough time with her, like one day i'll wake up and suddenly she's not mine anymore."
his tone gave Lily the worst chills, his tone and the fact that she felt the same though never voiced it
i don't think harry was planned either
he kinda just happened
and they were like
you know what, yes.
so you were two when harry was born
and you LOVED your baby brother
he was so small
so cute
and he had your mum's green eyes
from the get go you were very protective of your little brother
james thought it was the cutest thing
ok ive been avoiding it
but we need to talk about October 31 1981
you were upstairs with our mum and harry
james was downstairs cleaning up from dinner
that was when there was a knock on the door
assuming it was peter, uncle wormtail, james was quick to go open the door
grabbing his wand for protection was the last thing on his mind
the thud of his body was loud
he was killed before he could even open his mouth to warn Lily
the door to Harry's nursery flew open and it all happened so fast
there was screaming
a sudden flash fo green before Voldemort turned to harry
his cold, pale hand pushed you out of his way
the prophecy had said nothing about you, so he didn't care for what happened to you he just needed to kill harry
which obviously backfired
half the house was blown up
he was gone
harry was crying
and you just wanted your dad
you found your way downstairs, just barely making it down the steps
lily and james had never let you go up or down the steps on your own
only to come face to face with your dad just lying on the ground motionless
his eyes were still open
now i want you guys to think of the lion king
you know the scene where simba finds mufasa's dead body and just lays with it because he doesn't know where else to go
you just wanted any kind of comfort you could find
so with tear streaks going down your face you slayed next to your dad, getting as close as you could, hoping he'd just wake up
sirius is the one who finds you, asleep next to james' body
it was rather rough for sirius
and he could hear harry crying somewhere upstairs
you wake up to uncle padfoot trying to keep in his tears as he takes in the scene before him
you're just glad to see a familiar face
you run over to him, tears freshly falling as you wail about how daddy and mommy won't wake up
you also gently pull james' glasses off his face and keeping them in your small hand
keeping them safe for him later
you knew he didn't like to sleep with his glasses on
eventually hagrid shows up
you guys know the story
but i will say
it takes a lot for you to leave uncle pads and go with this big strange man
youre basically heaving as you beg to stay with sirius
and forcing you off his hip and onto the bike with hagrid was the worst thing he's ever had to do
even for a two year old, youre eyes held such a strong emotion of betrayal
sirius would never forget it
the dursley's were not fond of you and harry
you had james temper and stubbornness
harry was just a 6 month old baby
doing 6 month old baby things
for the first month you'd ask for james, lily, uncle moony, uncle padfoot, even uncle wormtail on a daily basis
until one day petunia just snapped
you had asked about sirius, or as you called him uncle padfoot, and petunia lost it
she started to shout, her hand coming out to strike your cheek as she told you that no one was coming
not now
not ever
you never asked after that
over time you forgot about sirius and remus and peter
you forgot about the song your dad would sing every saturday morning when making breakfast
or the way your mom would hum when she brushed your hair
all lily and james had become were familiar scents and the same pair of eyes you'd see in your dreams (though for a long time you just assumed they were your eyes, they looked enough like yours)
and you grew up always feeling like you were on the wrong side of a billowing curtain
you and harry grew up only having each other
you were very protective of him
and dudley hated it
because you had James art for pranks
and his art for rarely getting caught
unfortunately for you petunia and vernon didn't need evidence to incriminate you
you were often on the receiving end of disciplinary swats and missed meals
and you'd often take harry's punishments for him
you and harry were also forced to share a room
or cupboard
you let him decorate it with all his things (he didn't have many)
and you guys shared a bed up until you got your hogwarts letter
which that was kept very quiet
you got the letter
and petunia and vernon were just glad to be able to send you and your pranks away
you weren't allowed to tell harry
but you did anyway
you didn't tell him all the details but you told him that you were going to a school far away and you'd be back whenever aunt petunia let you back
going to school was interesting
you didn't know anyone
you still have james' glasses
you put them on when youre nervous
so youre sitting in the train
first day
you don't know anyone
big round glasses sitting on your nose as you look out the window barely able to see what's going on
james was as blind as a bat
on the train you spend your time reading your new books
absorbing all the material
you were not going to just walk into this new school of mAGIC not knowing aNYTHING
by the time you got there you were at leas base level with most subjects
some were easier to catch onto than others
as long as you didn't let the logical side of your brain do too much work
within the first week you'd find out about your parents
curtesy of older gryffindor kids who knew your last name and were just amazed by the story
she remembers when james had written to her with the news of Lily's pregnancy with you
and how he was nervous you'd come out just like him and he wouldn't be able to handle you as well as she had, he was asking her for advice
and when you walked up to sit on the chair she nearly dropped her scroll of parchment and pulled you into a hug
you looked just like him
dark hair
pale skin
same eyes and eye shape
and same habit of picking at the skin around your thumb nail when nervous
the hat announcing you were a gryffindor was very overwhelming for her
then she realizes you
are e x a c t l y
like james
and merlin is she tiRED OF THIS SHIT
ok so at this point i am going to direct you to the other headcanon (linked above) if you want a more fred x reader approach 
continue here if not
so youre on the quidditch team
and youre a natural 
let me tell you
you just have the innate ability 
much like james
and at first they had you as a seeker
and you were good
but you excelled as a chaser 
i also firmly believed that there was a practice broom that james had carved his name into
or maybe just a ‘J.P.’
that was the broom you'd practice on
even use for games before you got your own broom
ok so
let’s talk your relationship with harry 
you made sure you were the one to tell him what happened to your parents
as i said it was your first year when you fond out about what happened 
the gryffindor student had told you what they knew
and you went to professor mcgonagall pretty distraught 
you were near tears as you practically begged her to just tell you what happened, you wanted the truth 
because all your life your aunt and uncle had told you that your parents had been killed in a car accident 
needless to say 
you didn't want harry to find out that way
but you also knew he was noticing the stares
the whispers
so you told him on the first night
he had already been put into gryffindor and was getting ready for bed when you are up to his dorm 
and you kinda push out ron, neville, and dean 
but yeah thats how he finds out all the details and such 
ok so you and harry are sUPER CLOSE
and you are very 
v e r y
protective of harry 
you'd do anything for the kid 
because harry is your baby brother and you love him so much and don't like seeing him hurt 🥺
as harry grows older he gets a bit more
about having you protective over him
and im pretty sure i mentioned this in the last headcanon post 
but yeah he’d be like 14 and you'd be 17 and he'd just
“stOP this is so emBARRASSING”
what a little dweeb
until your fifth year (harry’ third) when you were told he betrayed your parents and got them killed 
youre in the whomping willow when with harry, hermione, and ron 
its a lot for both of you
because sirius is seeing his goddaughter who looks just like james, and his the same fire in her eyes as his bestrfriend
his b r o t h e r 
and youre seeing the man who was responsible for your parents murder 
it was A LOT
i have a feeling you, JAMES POTTERS DAUGHTER, would just lunge at him 
and youre crying
trying to hit him
hurt him like he hurt you
just anything to bring pain upon this man
and sirius is having flashbacks of when you had ran to him from next to james’ lifeless body 
and how different everything had been just days prior to October 31 1981
upon finding out the truth 
scammers is now wormtail
peter ‘little bitch ass’ pettigrew
you and harry are immediately forming this connection
this sort of dependency on sirius 
within a few minutes
because he is the only living connection you have to your dad 
apart from yourselves of course
but eh was the only reminder that james potter was a real man 
and lily potter did exist 
and there was a time where your family was complete 
it never crossed your mind that any more misfortune could strike 
not now 
not when you finally got back your uncle pads
and then you guys walk into the moonlight, the full moon light
everything flips instantly 
you guys are back to square one 
i like to think you have a very big part in getting sirius free 
so you guys know what happen in between prisoner of azkaban and order of the phoenix 
and this headcanon is already getting very long and we haven't even gotten to the wAR YET 
so we are doing a little time jump
order of the phoenix 
your last year
you are living with sirius in grimmauld place 
petunia and vernon kicked you out once you turned 17 after finding out that was the legal age in the wizarding world
you and sirius are close 
super close
i mean he is like a father figure to you
he is uncle pads again
youre a gazelle 
it just makes sense
father figure sirius is not happy when he finds out
uncle pads, however, couldn't be happier
its finally starting to feel like a family again
you and harry have sirius 
everything is falling into place
you and harry are filling the james sized hole in Sirius’ heart (not completely but it’s better)
and he is doing the same for you two
you and harry love your uncle pads
then the battle in the department of mysteries happens 
youre there
you see it 
you watch as bellatrix hits sirius with a curse 
youre not sure which 
nothing too serious you hope, and seeing that he’s still standing he should be fine 
but then he stumbles
she's stunned him perhaps 
and he makes eye contact with you
there was a look so final, so sad
yet so relieved in his eyes as you watched him fall through the veil
remus grabbed harry
tonks held you
if she hadn’t been you knew you would've thrown yourself into the veil after him
its a whirlwind from then on let me tell you
so we know what happens
all that fun stuff 
the war hits
harry, hermione, and ron leave
youre left with the weasley’s 
it’s hard being away from harry
not knowing if he was ok
if he was even alive 
you guys finally reunite at shell cottage 
bill calls you the second he sees harry, hermione, ron, and dobby apparate in front of his house
you were quick to pull harry into a bone crushing hug 
keen on never letting go 
because after all he is still (and always will be) your baby brother 
you guys are all at the battle of hogwarts
ok so hear me out 
i think harry enjoyed looking at pictures of james and lily
but you didnt
you didnt want to see everything that was taken from you
so you weren’t super aware of what your dad actually looked like seeing as you avoided pictures of him and your mom like the plague 
but you just knew 
and james was standing there
and he just looked so proud of you and harry 
so did lily 
she was the first one to say something 
“Your father and I are so proud of the both of you”
and you just broke down 
james right there with you 
he watched as you sobbed, choking on your cries 
and he couldn’t do anything about it 
he couldn’t hold you or comfort you
he couldn’t be a dad 
and it broke him
as much as it could break a dead man 
“you’ve grown so beautiful, darling” he'd smile sadly
his voice seemed to bring back all of your memories once lost 
“have you always been here, with us?”
“typical, your father shows up and everyone forgets about uncle padfoot”
both you and harry laugh at that 
but the mood was somber 
harry then speaks up
“does it hurt?”
it was the first time either of you had confirmed that you both knew what was going to happen 
“dying? not at all, quicker than falling asleep.”
“will you stay with me?”
“until the very end. 
james is the one who answers, looking teary eyes at his son
and you know you cant go any further 
harry has to do this alone 
its quite symbolic actually 
the one time you'd let go of the reigns 
removed the protective arms you had around your baby brother 
he’d die 
but you had to do it 
so everything goes as planned 
harry dies
comes back
we love a resurrecting king 
and the war ends 
when you got back home from the war 
let’s say you are still living at grimmauld place seeing as it was left to you 
the first thing you do is go through old photos with harry 
any and everything you can get your hands on 
you see your mother’s sparkling green eyes
the same eyes your brother had 
and your father’s unruly mop of curls 
the same wave pattern in your dark hair 
everything finally felt right 
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selsprompts · 3 years
Better off
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Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing and mentions of death : angsty/fluffy one shot
Insight: you come face to face with Peter Parker when he saves you from falling + timeline is after Gwen’s death!
You have absolutely no idea how you got here- that’s a lie. Like the idiot you are, you decided to walk the ledge on the roof of your apartment building, you needed some fresh air after that shit show of an exam you had this morning. 
“I hope I did well” you say just before you heard a car crash making you jump and slip off the ledge letting out a scream. 
You felt like your soul was leaving your body, you couldn’t believe it; you were gonna die, or so you thought. 
You felt so close to the pavement as the city noise gradually got louder and louder, you saw a flash of red and blue.
He used his web and caught me faster than I could comprehend what was going on. He was holding onto another apartment ledge with his other hand, he was shaking.
Peter’s POV
I caught her. I got her. You did it Peter, relax.
But how? how can I relax when all I see is her. I can’t keep doing this, I’m tired. She wouldn’t have wanted this for me, right? At least I caught her.
“Are you okay?” I asked the terrified woman hanging in the air with a shaky voice. I prayed they were okay, they need to be. 
“Yes- Yes I think so” I pulled her up to me and told her to hang on tight. I brought her back up to the top of the building. 
“Why would you do that? do you know how dangerous that is?” I scolded, I didn’t care.
“I didn’t think anything of it, I do it all the time I’m sorry-” she sat down.
“You don’t get to be sorry! people die like that all the time, from falling off of high buildings- it’s not safe dammit” I was waving my hands in the air pacing back and forth. She was looking at me like a mad man. 
“I... I don’t know what to say”
“Good, you shouldn’t” I snapped.
I felt so, empty. I miss her, I miss Gwen.
“I’m sorry again. I never meant to make you panic. I know you must be really busy doing whatever spider man things it is you do”
I went beside her. “No, I’m sorry, it’s my fault I took my anger out on you, I’ve just been really stressed lately. I’m still human I guess. What’s your name?” I chuckled making her laugh, she was quite pretty. 
“Yeah I know how you feel, I’m Y/n. I just had an exam today. I feel like shit”
“I’m sure you did great- wait a second do I know you?” I said moving closer. She looked familiar.
“I don’t think so, I’m sure I’d remember you” She giggled, I smiled. I haven’t flirted with anyone since.. Gwen.
“Yeah I’m sure... so you live here? by yourself?” I was making conversation. I tried to be social once and awhile. 
“Uh yeah, I live in this apartment building by myself- no roommates. I was supposed to have one but she died” She twiddled with her fingers looking down, I swear I’ve seen her before.
“Oh, I’m sorry” 
“No it’s okay, s’not your fault. It’s almost been a year anyways”
“I went through something like that awhile ago, it’s never easy” I said standing up looking over the city.
“Yeah, Gwendolyne sure knew how to have a good time, I miss her stupid jokes”
I felt my heart beat out of my chest. Gwen?
“Wha- what did you say?” I turned around with tears in my eyes. “You knew Gwen?” I stepped closer.
“You know Gwen? Yeah we were friends growing up, did you hang out with her before she died? The only person I ever got a glimpse of was her boyfriend.. I forgot his name. Patrick? Pete? PETER! it was Peter”
I took my mask off. 
“Peter? You’re spider man?” She gasped and stared.
“It’s my fault” I said sliding down the back of the ledge. 
“What? it’s not your f-”
“IT IS! It’s a long story but.. If I caught her, she’d still be alive today” I started to cry. 
“Oh, I’m sorry Peter”
“It’s stupid...it’s been a year. I need to move on. Please don’t tell anyone about me”
“NO- of course not”
“Good, it’s best you stay away from me if you see me.. outside of my suit” I gestured. I started to panic I can’t do this right now.
“Oh, if that’s what you want. I kind of hoped you’d want to hang out, grab a coffee sometime?”
It was tempting, I should have said yes, I should have asked her out even. 
“No, trust me. Anyone who gets close to me... it doesn’t end well for them. Stop walking on ledges” I spoke before I jumped off the building.
I wasn't wrong. I’d put her in danger, I’d start to care for her, I’d start to love her. I can’t have another Gwen.
She’s better off. 
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I don’t know what this is… an ass drabble perhaps?
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part II
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1891.
Part I
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
P.S. To avoid any confusion, I changed the name Savages -> Vicious.
The next day you spent doubting your own decisions. Was it really wise to leave everything to Steve? How could he find those students all by himself and deal with your problem? Could he really stop them from acting like that? You thought once again it would be so much easier to ask for a transfer, but you had already given him your word to meet him today at 5. It would be very inappropriate not to come when he was trying to help you.
When the time came, you were sneaking in the student council room as if you were some petty thief. You were afraid people would start talking: if everybody knew who stole your things, they would understand you came to Steve for help like a little girl. It was embarrassing - even in a situation like this. Besides, somebody could be following you since at 5 pm the academy was almost empty.
By the time you reached the right door, you heart was beating as if you had just run a marathon. You really, really hoped Steve found some solution, and you wouldn’t have to be humiliated by the student advisor for wanting to leave the school.
Opening the door, you saw a couple of students on the sofa and quickly stepped away, afraid the student council was still having a meeting, “Ugh, sorry!”
“Come in, please,” Steve said calmly behind the door, and you shyly got in again, watching four other guys staring at you with interest. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“What, they too?” You were so perplexed by his words you forgot your manners, speaking of others as if they weren’t in the same room. “I’m sorry, I mean, I didn’t know you were involved.”
Wait, were they the ones who stole your things? Did Steve bring them here for you?
“No need to be so nervous.” One of them, a guy with long, jet black hair forming waves around his shoulders told you, motioning you to come closer and sit in one of the chairs opposing the sofa where he sat. “We’re here to help you.”
You remembered his name was Loki. A mathematic genius, he was considered one of the top students of the academy.
“That’s right! Come, come!” Seeing Peter among others was surprising, but his smiling face made you calm down a little, and you smiled at him in return. 
No, they weren’t those guys who stole your underwear, for sure. Apparently, Steve asked them to join you because they knew something and could give you a hand in finding those bastards.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me.” Feeling a little self-conscious among five different men you'd barely known, you landed on one of the chairs and saw that the other two were Bucky and a captain of the academy’s basketball team, Thor. “Did you find out anything?”
“Yes,” Steve said with a loud sigh, “I know exactly who they are. I can hand them over to the school’s officials and get them expelled by tomorrow, but that’s not the real issue here.”
You felt the chills ran up your back. What did he mean by the real issue?
“Is there something else?”
When you saw Loki smirking at you, you suddenly realized you were among five strong men in the student council room on the fifth floor where most classrooms were already empty. If you screamed, nobody would even hear you.
“Stop it.” Bucky’s angry voice cut through the silence, and you saw him literally burning a hole in Loki’s face. “Don’t make her scared, freak.”
Obviously, he wanted to say something offensive to Barnes in return, but Steve silenced them both with his icy glare. Loki sent him an innocent smile while Bucky snorted and rolled his eyes in irritation. It felt like they were in the middle of some school play, and you bit down on your lower lip, having a feeling something was going horribly wrong.
“The thing is, even if we got those ones expelled, it probably won’t stop the others from doing something similar.” Steve leaned up against a desk with his arms crossed over his chest. “I feel terrible admitting it, but many of our students are completely wild. I’m afraid they might keep harassing you.”
You averted your eyes, realizing your attempts to find a solution were futile. Obviously, Steve could do nothing - he wasn’t a knight in shining armor, ready to protect you day and night from those delinquents who followed you everywhere. As you thought before, the one thing that could help here was leaving the school for good.
Shit, you didn’t know how to explain it to your family, Even your friends thought it was too bizarre to be true and laughed at your worries, saying you probably lost your things yourself. You would have to find a better excuse for a transfer in the middle of the semester.
“Well, anyway, thank you for trying,” you nodded and smiled apologetically at him as if it were your fault, “tomorrow I will talk to the student advisor about my transfer. Sorry for the trouble!”
“I don’t think it’s real to get transferred by now. It’s passed all the deadlines.” Shaking his head, Bucky raised his voice, and you felt suffocating.
Apparently, you would really have to skip a whole year of school. Explaining everything to your family, looking for some garbage job to have enough money to rent a room and pay your bills... Fantastic.
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve found another way.” 
Immediately, you raised your head, your pupils dilating.
“You see, the reason they are doing that is because you have no one to protect you. They know the administration won’t take it seriously because they’re a bunch of old misogynists, and you also have no means of protecting yourself. It would be better if you started dating someone, someone strong enough to make these guys back down.”
Steve looked deadly serious for someone saying such nonsense. A boyfriend? Now? Was he for real? Did he think you'd be using someone like your personal shield? Besides, even if you chose the strongest guy at school, it didn’t mean he would be stronger if several people attacked him.
But when you shared your thoughts with Steve, you saw others smiling at you as if they knew you would say that, and you felt uneasy.
“That’s true. That’s why you need more than one boyfriend.”
“What do you mean? How can somebody have more than one boyfriend?" Puzzled, you stared at him wide-eyed as if he said something stupid.
What on Earth did he mean by that? Were you to have your own squad of bodyguards at all times while you were in the academy? This was so foolish you couldn't believe someone like Steve said it out loud.
But then you caught glances of five men in the room and forgot how to breathe for a second. They weren't serious, were they? Steve didn't assemble all these guys here to make them into your boyfriends. It was preposterous even thinking of that, right?
"Please tell me it's not what I think it is." You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest as if trying to protect yourself.
"Why are you being so nervous?" Baring his teeth, Loki smiled at you. "Some other girl would be happy if five men were to be her boyfriends."
"It's a joke, right? You're all joking."
You hoped to see any of them laughing and nodding their heads, saying they simply wanted to cheer you up, but all you saw was a guilty expression on the faces of Bucky and Thor and the excitement of others. They really gathered here to offer you this.
"All of us here," Steve looked upon others, becoming a little displeased when his gaze fell upon smiling Peter, "are perfectly capable of helping you. If each of us were to accompany you one day a week, others won't be so brave. I'm sure they will no longer be a nuisance to you if they know what we can do to them."
There was something very dark in the way Steve said that, and for a couple of seconds you weren't sure whether you have to be more scared of him rather than those who was stealing your things.
"But it would be very uncomfortable for everyone, wouldn't it? I mean, going with me everywhere, not using your own time as you'd like. And, well, surely, others will see that we won't act like a real couple, so they might still keep harassing me. I don't think it would work."
Apparently, Loki was bored with this talk, you thought as you heard him clicking his tongue in annoyance.
"Then don't pretend. Act like a real girlfriend. Kiss in public, hug, go to the cinema together, what else girls do?"
"Wait, you mean, with ALL of you?"
"Yeah? Do you think anyone gonna be against it?"
You very much hoped they would be. Being followed by someone like your bodyguard was one thing, but having a real boyfriend was very different. Did they really want to pretend to be lovey-dovey with you? Act like you were close to them?
Oh. Of course, they would. They belonged to the same kind of touch-starved barbaric men they were trying to protect you from. They would do all those things to you, too.
You realized you were crying only when Peter flew off his seat in a hurry and squatted down beside you, taking your shaking hands in warm his.
"Please, don't cry. Nobody's gonna force you into doing anything, I promise. You will only do things you're comfortable with, ok?" Handing you his pearly white handkerchief, he smiled to comfort you. "No one of us gonna say anything."
"And if she starts dating one of us for real? What's then?" It was Loki again, cocking his head to the side and obviously provoking Peter to yell at him.
"We'll be ok with that, too."
The silence felt heavy. As you opened your eyes, Peter's handkerchief in your hands, you realized it was Thor who spoke for the first time, and the way he looked at you softly made you feel a little better. Despite the fact you knew little of him, for some reason, it felt like you would be safe with him - certainly safer than with Loki.
"Naturally, if any of us will bring you discomfort or do something unacceptable, you need to let us all know, and we'll decide what to do with that person." Raising his voice, the head of the student council made everyone to turn their head to him. "We will be meeting here, in this room, if anything happens. Each of us will give you our phone numbers. We will also make a schedule who accompanies you every day of the week."
It seemed he no longer asked for your opinion if you even wanted it to happen.
"Bucky will be with you on Mondays, Loki on Tuesdays. Wednesdays are Thor's, on Thursdays Peter will be following you, and on Fridays it will be me going with you. Of course, if you need any of us to watch over you on weekends, feel free to contact whoever of us you like more."
Part III
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @stupendouslovegarden
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