#oh p’aof
jemmo · 8 months
rambles on that last twilight ending
my thoughts on the last twilight ending are so??? im gonna need to sit on this one for a while, bc i loved this show so whole-heartedly that i don’t want to write it off bc of a ‘bad ending’, but it also means it’s hard to reconcile that the ending was… well, i don’t think it was bad. i think it deserves more thought than that, but i don’t think it did what it wanted to, nor did it keep with what the shows message was, or should have been. and we can say it’s as simple as day shouldn’t have got his sight back, but I don’t think that was the only thing. if he stayed blind, the ending still wouldn’t have hit right for me. none of it hit right from the end of ep 11 bc it’s like I could feel the intent of the writing, but it’s not what the writing actually was. and if it was given maybe 3ish more episodes and all these characters were given more time, i think an ending like this could’ve worked. but again, it all comes down to that damn ep 11 curse that I thought p’aof was better than, bc you can’t squeeze everything that needed to be reconciled after this breakup and everything they wanted to do into one ep, not with this show.
i didn’t hate the idea of a breakup. if you’re going with the narrative of mohk having a fear of being away from day bc of his trauma and so on then fine, that works. and so it works that they had to be away from each other to grow in that way, but I do think it was unkind to mohk to send him away on that note. some understanding, and day wanting him to go for his own good would’ve felt kinder, and even if they were his real intentions, they didn’t communicate that either. it just felt like day had no empathy for him. and yes he was probably hurting too feeling like no one was trusting him, but whatever, it could’ve been done better. and if they wanted to play on anything else, then hey there was that whole bit with the car and day thinking mohk was looking after him just for the money, why not use that and the fact the opportunities mohk got in his career were connections bc he was with day. day could’ve been like well that was the whole point, you don’t work for me forever, you can do whatever you want now, or even just played more on him feeling like he’s holding mohk back. idk, i just mean if this breakup was going to turn out to be 3 years, no contact at all, which it did, it should’ve felt bigger than a 5 second argument.
anyway, then the finale comes and again, if they’d given more reason for a breakup, i would’ve understand more why day keeps on denying mohk a second chance, which i already don’t like the phrasing of bc it makes out like he did something wrong and needs to earn a second chance which he doesn’t. the whole thing would’ve been more understandable if this was day realizing that they both grew and found happiness in what they’re doing and he didn’t want to ruin that when the breakup meant it could happen. or they could’ve completely 180-ed and shown that one of them wasn’t happy, or both, idk mohk had no one in the states and was incredibly hurt and lonely, day was struggling after losing mohk like he did and reinforcing the idea that he couldn’t be independent made him retreat again. just anything would’ve given more strength behind a need to push away, and would have made it more satisfying when love overcomes it all blah blah blah.
and as much as i liked the airport scene and the fact day did go after him, do you know what would’ve been more impactful? day, knowing his full ability, and going against his mom who still worries for his safety or going bc of his mom seeing that he’s not truly happy, bc both could’ve worked given different writing, getting on a plane by himself and going after mohk, seeing him be able to traverse it all. for once we watch day by himself and unlike at the start of the show, we’re not constantly scared he’s gonna get hurt, bc he’s confident and able now and we can just watch him go after mohk and be excited about it, like the end to any other romance story. and it would’ve meant mohk got this moment where, after looking after day so much and getting broken up with bc he cared too much, he gets to see day caring for him that much too.
and the sight thing. yes, with the time they had they shouldn’t have done it, it should’ve been that they manage to find their own happiness despite it all, then the whole show would’ve been about day accepting his situation and standing up for his own ability and his own right to independence and happiness, and it would’ve meant mohk could overcome his fear of loss and guilt over his sister and learn that he isn’t to blame for anything, bc now day can make his own decisions and is ok on his own. now if there was more time, i could’ve seen it working, but only with stronger writing. I would’ve loved to have seen a conversation over day getting his sight back, maybe him not wanting it bc he’s accepted the way he is much like how some deaf people don’t want implants, and the opposing argument of how not all people in his place can have the possibility of seeing again. we could’ve seen fear in the opposite direction now that he’s used to his life, and that damn first scene of part 4, we could’ve seen him then wanting to go out into the world and look after people like him, just like mohk did for him, bc mohk made him see the importance of having someone there for you that cares for you and sees you as a person, as normal, not as your disability. and funnily enough, do you know what made me cry at the end of it? then showing the pictures that were taken when day was blind. that’s the kind of thing i wanted to see, and wished i did if they had more time. day getting his sight back but still showing how connected he is to who he was at that time and while not being thankful for it happening, being thankful for the way he’s grown, and loving the person he sees in those pictures. to go from someone who hid himself and his blindness to someone who shares his story and helps and advocates vocally for those like him, despite not being blind anymore. that way you still get to give day his sight back as your happily ever after but manage to retain the message.
so yeah. they missed the ball. but i also want to remove this idea that an ending ruins a whole show. at the end of the day, it’s one ep, and when a show has done so much good in all its other eps, at least in my eyes, that’s the stuff I’d rather talk about and remember.
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
also just caught up with moonlight chicken. i’m devastated. if you even care.
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therethatstar · 3 months
not to be on that bad buddy bullshit again on this random friday night but god bad buddy episode 5 is truly a piece of art. a masterclass in writing and story telling. anytime i revisited this episode, my love for it grows tenfolds. even years later. it’s just a flawless episode. writing wise, directing wise, story telling wise, performance wise. it’s such a pivotal episode. a turning point for the show and it perfectly wraps up the first arc of the plot.
it was also ballsy enough to take quite an immediate turn on what we think we were watching from ep1-4. because we thought we’ve been watching a cute romcom all along but suddenly it isn’t, suddenly there’re depths and layers to these characters and oh, these characters are humans. so so humans. because we thought we knew pat all the along, but “i was so lonely without you” and oh we really don’t know anything about him up until this point. and instead of it feeling like an absurd whiplash, narrative wise, it just made us realize “oh. OH everything was there all along. pat was there all along. he was just kept away from us at the hands of the writer.” ITS PEAK STORY TELLING AND WRITING. i feel the need to repeat that. because it’s NOT an easy thing to pull. but p’aof did that and he did it while riding on the story building from ep 1-4. he had a vision and he worked it to a fucking t. it’s such a perfect television episode. start to finish. idk. people should study this episode. it’s just so layered and the more you dig into it, the more you find. AMAZING AMAZING. i will worship the ground p’aof walks on just for giving me this episode
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boozles · 9 months
Oh, P’Aof, that was a gosh darn beautiful dance sequence and I applaud you for making me cry into my pillow yet again.
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chicademartinica · 2 years
My notes are even messier that usual because I WAS MISTY the whole time.
Alan and Wen broke up for 45 min and the cinematography engulfed them (and US) in the dying light of their love until the fire went out.
FirstMix or the Doe eyes/Baby cow eyes pairing ready to break hearts.
Jim shut up. « I don’t want anything from you » MY BACKSIDE. LoVe you lots but you hired that man, you let him in your inner circle and in your house, YOU LET HIM PARENT YOUR CHILD. You reject him just enough to keep him around because you want him, you are just fucking scared.
HeartLiMing using sign language in front of their parents, shutting them out of their conversation I was screaming. LEARN TO SIGN MADAM.
LiMing in his American Flag shirt being Heart’s voice and safe place. *boohoo break* The shoulder lean to hug transition was so seamless and tender oh so tender.
Li Ming repeatedly asking if Uncle Jim wouldn’t do the same and Jim being incapable of denying it = they are so much alike.
Jim crossing the threshold of his own home (and fear) to tentatively and wordlessly embrace and welcome his lover = P’Aof shot of the week.
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firstkanaphans · 6 months
I know we mostly care about FirstKhao and I’m sure they will be getting a series in part 2 but these are my other guesses:
MarkOhm series
PerthChimon series
GL with new pairing
Nanon het series
Gemini het series
Only friends 2 (with new cast) or another ensemble BL series that features a few of the fixed cps. I’m thinking ForceBook with a combo of JimmySea EarthMix or JoongDunk.
They will also probably announce another movie.
Overall no more than 5 to 10 projects will be announced.
What are your thoughts about my predix?
Oooh, y’all know I love giving my opinions on things. Before I dive into your predictions individually, I just want to say that I’m looking at Part 1 and Part 2 as two halves of a whole. There were 14 projects announced in Part 1, so I would assume there would be just as many announced in Part 2. And if not, then I am once again asking why we split this into two parts???
Anyway, on to your predictions!
MarkOhm series: Mark confirmed that he has finished filming a pilot trailer and will play the lead in that series. The rumor for a long time has been that this is going to be a MarkOhm BL, but I just personally don’t understand why GMMTV would suddenly pair Mark with Ohm when they could pair him with Neo instead. GMMTV brands even their side pairs now (WinnySatang, AouBoom), so NeoMark makes more sense to me. Plus, Ohm’s acting is still very green. I would much prefer to watch Mark and Neo lead their first BL together because I think we’d get a stronger final product that way, but I’m ready to be surprised. I also don’t think a MarkNamtan series is off the table yet either, so I will go against popular opinion here and say no to the MarkOhm BL. A Mark series? Definitely. But with Ohm? The jury is still out.
PerthChimon series: Oh, 100%. Neither of them got anything in Part 1 (although I think Perth was cast in Peaceful Property after the fact), so they’re definitely getting a BL. My dream plot for them: Perth dating Chimon’s sister, but the two of them fall in love instead. It’s the DomeVee plot from You’re My Sky and I think they would pull off pining well.
GL with new pairing: I am hesitant to say yes to this simply because we got Pluto in Part 1 and it hasn’t even started filming yet, but I certainly hope so. I would love a large ensemble GL—either something messy like Only Friends or something fun like My School President. Maybe with Sizzy because all of those girls would be more than willing and GMMTV ignores them. (I do wonder if the limiting factor with GLs at GMMTV is directors because Pluto still doesn’t have a director listed on MDL and I get the feeling P’Aof is trying to give these projects to sapphic creators. Does P’Fon have to direct all of them? That poor woman. She doesn’t even like romcoms.)
Nanon het series: Nanon has confirmed that he has something in Part 2 and I imagine it’s probably het. I’m not really expecting him to lead anything this year because he seems to want to focus on his music, but I can definitely see him being part of an ensemble show.
Gemini het series: GemPrim! I’ve seen rumors about this, but I kinda doubt it’s going to happen considering Gemini is still a full-time student and I imagine GMMTV wants to keep his schedule open for GeminiFourth things.
Only Friends 2 (with new cast): Not this year. Maybe next. And hopefully with lesbians.
Or another ensemble BL series (maybe FB with JS, EM, or JD): I do wonder if We Are took the “ensemble BL” slot for this year, but it’s almost guaranteed that ForceBook will get a BL. Out of the ships you listed, I think it would be most likely for them to be paired with JoongDunk. EarthMix already have a BL on the books for this year—which they haven’t even started filming—and Last Twilight didn’t end until January, so I think JimmySea are probably done with BLs for the year as well. Plus, both Jimmy and Sea were given significant roles in other dramas.
Thank you for sending me your predictions! I hope you get everything your heart desires 🫶🏻
My biggest question right now is who is going to be the side couple in the FirstKhaotung romcom, so feel free to send me your predictions for that! Watch it be fucking Neo.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
I thought P’Aof was the Thai BL master at writing the best parents and families, but I see New Siwaj went to the mat in UWMA. That was a HELL of a family reveal scene with Dean’s folks — perfectly timed with tension, release, and an actually WELL-DONE and needed flashback, with Dean’s parents relating to Dean directly. WOW.
Kinn’s dad nailed it. And I was internally screaming for Dean: HOLD ‘EM DOWN. And Dean’s grandmother coming thru, too!
I keep saying this. I was NOT prepared for HOW GOOD AND BALANCED this show is. The family, the food, the sensuality, the acting (oh, and episode 13’s settings in nature??), everything. I am CRUSHING through this series because it is SO DAMN GOOD. 2019 was GIVING!
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theflagscene · 9 months
Mom, you’re ruining the boy’s plains to see their partners! Go away!
Good boy, Day, remind your mother that she in fact has two sons! Oh poor Night, sobbing over some stew. That woman ruined her kids, seriously, why are these QL parents always idiots?
Mhok is gonna get stood up isn’t he? Ugh! Forget family time, don’t break Mhok’s heart.
Yes, cute family moments, but Mhok!!!
Yay, he showed up! And all by himself too.
Day is eating a second Christmas dinner for Mhok, that’s love right there lol.
Lmao, don’t worry Day, I don’t like red wine either. Sour grapes is all it is.
No! Come on, don’t do this! No! Ugh. P’Aof I expected better from you. This whole; Day can only be truly happy with sight, after all this build up of how to trust in himself and learned to live blind. I’m so disappointed.
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I have so many thoughts after the gmmtv 2023 reveal…..
Forcebook - I’m not surprised, I’m glad they are getting a different show. Not sure how I feel about it but oh well.
JoongDunk - Yay!!! I love them! I don’t care what they do, I will watch them.
Yay for that side couple everyone shipped in Enchante and then Vice Versa that is now getting to be an actual side couple. I can’t remember their names but it made me happy to see them. (AouBoom.... I remembered)
MilkLove - I think if they didn’t give them a GL, people would have rioted
OffGun - ummmmmm, I’m shocked. First that they are doing another BL. Especially so close after Not Me. This also feels like a weird choice after Not Me. But I love OffGun so I will watch it.
JimmySea - them directed by P’Aof…. I will absolutely watch it. I’m actually really excited about this show.
Only Friends - this is going to be messy. But I am all for messy with higher heat so I’m excited. I loved First and Khao together and I loved Neo in a more serious role so I hope this is good. Probably my most looking forward to after this event.
PerthChimon - ahhh so this is what they have been saving Perth for. I’m not shocked, this pairing makes sense. Everyone was pretty much expecting it. I think they could both pull it off. Not sure how I feel about the premise but I hope it turns out good.
TAYNEW….. DOING CHERRY MAGIC!?!?!? well this should be interesting.
Our Sky 2…. I mean I’m glad to see the characters together. OhmNanon is there so yay. This could be fun, it could be awful. We will see.
Things I am surprised we aren’t getting:
Brightwin! I am so shocked they haven’t pulled this pairing out of retirement yet.
Also EarthMix…. But they have been everywhere this year so maybe they need a minute to breath. I know they will be in Our Sky but I don’t know if that counts.
Also on a side note, that jacket Sea was wearing…. I hated it. And I was forced to see it several times.
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jemmo · 10 months
i remember doing this for the bad buddy rooftop kiss back in the day and now i need to do it for last twilight bc the combination of p’aof’s direction and jimmy’s performance has launched this scene into the stratosphere just based on the way mohk’s micro facial expressions tell this incredible complete story and give away how he’s feeling and how those feelings mix and change from one second to another and it is just mastery of this art at the finest level
from the moment day asks if there’s anyone out there that doesn’t pity him, you see mohk take this small breath and he is just looking at day for so long, like his insides are screaming me, right here, im that person, and it’s like the extent to which he is desperate to communicate that to day takes him back, it’s that overwhelming. but when we cut back to him again, he seems that slight bit more confident and sure of himself and you sense it more in the way he says day’s name with no doubt or fear. him saying day’s name is trying to get that attention, an attempt at communicating that meaning, that he’s here, like he’s about to say it before the moment kind of takes over and he finds himself acting on it instead of just saying the words, bc the moment demands the surety and conviction only an action can convey. so he starts to move forward, and even in this approach he starts with confidence, almost determination, with the smallest hint of sadness that mixes together to give this sense of him saying I’m mustering all my courage to do this and admit this to you bc I can’t handle the way my heart is breaking bc of the belief you have that all expressions of kindness and love towards you are born of pity. but then he swallows and blinks and in an instant, for the smallest final moment of that close up he softens, and he enters this moment where he is just mesmerized and taken by the moment and he’s inching closer and his eyes keep darting to day’s lips and you can feel that he’s body is moving on its own, bc then there is that gorgeous moments where he shakes and a shiver goes up his spine and he snaps out of it, the reality of the moment falls upon him, like oh my god, i was just going to kiss day. then in a millisecond that determination returns and he says yes i am going to kiss day. and I adore that moment more than i can put into words, that they make the distinction that this kiss isn’t just a hazy, caught up in the moment thing, it’s also mohk gathering up his courage and committing to doing this, its something he is actively choosing to do, he is conscious of it all. he’s had to draw this line and stand with his toes up against it keeping the correct distance from day bc of his duty, but now he is stepping over and he knows it, and all that comes with that. and then he does it, he leans in, and he stutters, the smallest to and fro like in the last moment he’s trying to see what wins out, the need to hold back or the need to give in, before he commits and it is done.
and then when day steps back and asks if mohk is pitying him too, god this moment is gonna stay in my head for a long time. it is two smirks, one that is tight with glassy eyes that betrays how his heart breaks that day would think that, and then he does the tiniest shake of his head that says no, no it’s not, how do i make you understand that it is not, and then he sighs with his whole body as he realises this is what I can do, decides this is what i need to do, this is what I want to do, and then we get that second goddamn smirk that in an instant manages to bring this lightness and joy to whole moment bc at the end of the day mohk is about to kiss the living daylights out of this man in front of him and there is no way he is not gonna be both smug and overjoyed by that, and there is this loveable smugness to that smirk bc mohk knows he is about to go in and shift day’s world on its axis and he’s doing it all bc he needs to know people can do things not bc they pity him, but bc they want to, and in that moment, it’s not a soft, gentle kiss that’s gonna make day realise that, but a kiss that sweeps him off his feet, a kiss that consumes him, bc plain and simple, you don’t kiss like that out of pity. and it has to be something deep and longing and carnal so that day will believe this is from somewhere deep inside mohk, both passionate and heartfelt, and it bursts into this sensory overload where mohk takes him and moves him so that their mouths meet, and that arm around his shoulders consumes him into this world that is just undisputed passion and want mixed with heartfelt romanticism and the tectonic plates shift, the cracks of the earth change and the planet rumbles and we are left on this cliffhanger clamoring to know what is going through day’s head, bc his world just shifted, what now??
and all that just through the microexpressions on mohk’s face. and not to forget day, i think it works perfectly that he is not expressive, or only expressive in the tiniest ways bc the whole point of this kiss was to take day, who was so stuck in his sadness and dejection, and turn his world on its head. and the beauty of this show for all the eps so far is that mohk is so expressive in his face while day can’t see any of that, cant see any of the nervousness or determination or love, he only knows it’s happening when it’s happening, and i wrote before about how the show can only progress once mohk has the bravery to put what his face expresses into words, but now he’s gone that step forward and put it into actions, actions that’s intent cannot be disputed. he’s made himself vulnerable and put himself on an equal level to day who is vulnerable bc of his condition, and left all the power in his hands to decide where this goes.
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Thai QL/BL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke, @incandescentflower, @starryalpacasstuff and @grapejuicegay - sorry it's taken me so long!!
Credit also: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Favourite Show
I don’t think I even need to really answer this one because it’s so obviously Bad Buddy. Years on and this show still has a hold over me that is completely inexplicable to sense and science, and yet… 
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Favourite Pairing
Boring answer but yeah… it’s PatPran
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Most underrated actor
At the moment, for me, it’s Film Thanapat Kawila. This man is phenomenal at holding so much emotion behind his eyes. I’m enjoying Laws of Attraction so much because of him (and also Slyvie!! Slyvie is such a good actor, I hope she gets to do lots more)
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Favourite Character
How can I pick between my two boys haha? But probably Pat, I just love how optimistic and resilient he is
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Favourite Side Character
Pearmai from Be My Favourite is really at the top of my list at the moment and Yang from To Sir, With Love is truly a Best Boi, but honestly, I love so many side characters it’s hard to pick! 
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Favourite Scene
I could try and be interesting with this answer but… we would all know i was lying if I didn’t say The Rooftop in Bad Buddy. Although Thun coming out to his mum in He’s Coming to Me is a strong second too
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Favourite Line
Another hard one. Is it “No.” or is it “I can’t change the world but the world can’t change me either.”? 
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(I can only find a gif for one so I guess tumblr decided for me)
Most Anticipated Show (& Why)
23.5 Degrees is definitely the one that springs to mind. I really hope it’s done well and that this will open the doors to GL stories being more common in GMMTV line-up. Not that GMMTV is the only studio producing QL stories, but they are certainly a powerhouse! Plus it increases our chances of a P’Aof directed GL haha
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Healthiest Relationship
Honestly I don’t know, I think relationships can be healthy in different ways depending on the people in them but maybe HeartLiMing or InkPa?
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Most Toxic Relationship
I’m seeing a lot of people answering this with Tharntype, which seems fair haha. VegasPete is a disaster too haha. Mind you, I’m not against toxic relationships. Sometimes they’re the most fun to watch! 
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(Not-)Guilty Pleasure Series
To Sir, With Love (or Khun Chai). I’m not guilty about this at all actually. I love the mad soap operaness of it all! Plus to my surprise, all the drama is fascinatingly female-led
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And oh look, there's Film Thanapat again!
Most Underrated Series
Hmm, Triage doesn’t seem to get a lot of love, which is a real shame because it’s such a fun concept and the chemistry between the actors is excellent. Plus, more people should know about and appreciate Jinta haha
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Anyway, this was kind of predicatble I think so I added lots of gifs to spice it up but now it's super long, apologies haha.
If I used a gif of yours and you fancy doing this, please consider yourself tagged!
I think a lot of people on my dash have done this one already so I'm tagging @loveongsa, @kornswasianguyswag, @geonbaeeee because I don't think I've seen one from you guys!
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Moonlight Chicken is really making me miss the days of long, drawn out 25 episode seasons of tv… like… hear me out: in a 25 episode season you had loooong arcs, you had A plots, B plots and C plots, sometimes you had one off guest appearances (and then surprise reappearances of those guests later!) you had silly one off stories that only took an episode to tell, you had building tension that took 12 episodes to come to fruition. You had unlikely pairings that often made for amazing character development… and then you had (my personal favourite) bottle episodes. Where you’re essentially creating a televised stage play for a moment, because the characters are trapped in a limited space and can do almost nothing but just talk to each other.
Please just like.. take a moment to imagine how vibrant and fleshed out Lung Jim’s world would become in a 25 episode season? How deliciously drama filled the conflict would become between him Wen and Alan and even Gaipa?
What if we didn’t actually see Alan interact with anyone until the midseason finale… what if we only got flashbacks and back story, building up to him finally being on screen? The way P’Aof did it in 3 episodes was a gut punch… imagine it in 12… 100s dead. No survivors.
Perhaps there would be a black out during a storm and because of this Gaipa and Gong end up holed up in the same shelter but by coincidence waiting for the storm to pass?
Maybe Heart and Li Ming go on a camping trip, supervised by Leng who just needs a break from life... and that same storm has rolled in and suddenly these 3 kids could be in real danger!
Gaipas mom and some of the other market vendors could have a really intense lawn bowling league and the tension is high in the market for one episode as they battle it out to see who gets the rights to the best stall location in the market!
What if a new market vendor shows up and creates some stiff competition for Gaipa and his mom? Oh yeah, and the vendor is played by Off Jumpol.
Or all the women in the community come together when they find out Praew is pregnant and hold her a communal baby shower! (Am I just ripping off plots from Schitts creek now? Whoops)
And then always in the background, the B plot which would become the A plot in the back half is the impending destruction of the community and building of the food court…
Listen maybe this whole ramble makes no sense.. I’m just saying… the story that is being told in Moonlight chicken is vibrant and beautiful and they are doing an wonderful job and making it concise and engaging… but I miss the days of meandering plots and slow builds… of getting moments with every character and seeing them interact with characters they usually wouldn’t and what I miss most is the completely goofy situations that arise for just an episode or 2 but don’t impact the actual story…
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puppy-phum · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
(created by @fiercynn)
thank you for tagging me vi @disasterbabygirlnick and sorry i'm so late!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
vish, 25, demi/bi, from finland. lately been thinking about going by she/they instead of she/her. maybe even more they/she if i can put it that way.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i started watching the series and joined the fandom after ep 7 had aired. it all begun on my christmas break at my parents’ place where binged all the available episodes in a couple of days. my christmas was spent thinking about the rooftop kiss and how that absolutely ruined me. BB was never on my radar bc the title didn’t really intrigue me (i have bad experiences with BLs with silly titles) and i wasn’t really thinking about watching a series with ohm again, but i am so happy that tumblr dragged me in. changed my life and my perspective on BLs. and now i’m way too deep in this shit hehe
favorite ship(s)
patpran and waikorn. i adore inkpha too but mainly as a GL couple that has made me feel comfortable and seen. they never stuck with me as much. patpran are my comfort and waikorn give me extreme brainworms.
favorite character(s)
my two architecture losers aka pran and wai. pran is me, i am him. he gets it, to put it simply. wai, then again, is very my brand of blorbo, my bastard son, my horrible wet rat boy, my hissy kitten. the maker of chaos and absolutely horrible with feelings. i could fix him, i could make him worse, and i’d enjoy every moment of it.
favorite episode(s)
ep 11 for the overall bittersweet feeling. the whole episode just feels like the calm before a storm. it’s their sweet goodbye to each other despite nothing ever truly ending between them. also ep 5 for the ending part but also for pat’s journey to self-discovery.
favorite scene(s) 
from ep 5 the whole ending part: the three-way fight, the rooftop kiss, and even pran going through it at the beginning of ep 6. ep 11 shirt scene and pat thanking pran, pat in music store discovering himself, wai protecting hurt pran in the rugby game (the brainworms are real with this one), ep 12 reveal where pran comes to pat's door, hotpot double date, bar scene at the end. oh, and absolutely the fiasco that is wai trying to flirt with pha in the park while ink is there. that one's golden.
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i agree on the wai apology with you vi. it should happen as a nod towards the fact that his behavior was not ok. even if things got sorted out for patpran and even if in their world wai’s actions didn’t have as dire consequences as they could have in the real world (where homophobia is very real), the viewers should get shown that he acknowledges his wrongdoings and that patpran deserve a proper apology from someone like him. ALSO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET WAIKORN BE TOGETHER P’AOF AM UNDER YOUR BED
what are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people
tried to gather some type of list and probably missed so many but at least these:
[x] bad buddy rewatch episode edits by @baifengxis ♥ [x] all this type of random bb gifs (the coloring in all of them is stunning!) [x] this patpran in ep 11 edit [x] patpran + rooftop edit + many other edits bc the style is just stunning, all by @pranink ♥ [x] patpran spiderman au [x] gifted buddy set for my bday both by the amazing @dimpledpran ♥ love you! [x] this lovely just friend? -edit by @/coldties ♥ [x] patpranmusic series by @bevioletskies ♥ [x] this inkpha edit by @akingyouniverse ♥ [x] pran as favourite character [x] favorite patpran moments both made by @nanons who always nails the colors ♥ [x] this super cool just friend? mv edit by @prany ♥ [x] how to get the girl guide by @weiwuxian ♥ [x] this celestial patpran set [x] favorite episode: episode 7 set made with pure magic by @raypakorn ♥ [x] favorite scene: main six at the bar by @dramaism ♥ [x] architecture gang by @mantrisanu ♥ [x] the most amazing bb photobooth art by @/thatgothsamurai ♥ [x] this stunning yet heartbreaking patpran set by @guntapon ♥ [x] inkpha + taylor swift's mastermind [x] best dynamic: person a + person b [x] patpran + distance [x] patpran and the fleeting happiness in ep 11 [x] bb study in film noir [x] bb/patpran ft. the old guard all by my forever inspiration and muse @oswlld ♥ i miss you!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
oh yes i managed to make a ton of edits for this show (and still sometimes do), so here are a couple of personal favorites:
[x] patpran + the desire for reassurance [x] patpran + sea of strangers [x] patpran + i had you (what if it all was just a dream) [x] this patpran soulmates edit [x] patpran as sun & moon [x] patpran's love through the season (my peak imo) [x] patpran + signposts (another peak but for different style) [x] my otp: patpran [x] fighter pran [x] the real five love languages [x] pran's life anthem: i won't say (i'm in love)
i've spent so much time and effort making all of my edits for bb and i don't regret any of it. i've had so much fun and met so many amazing ppl through them ♥ thank you!
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
i didn’t have a much of a playlist for BB outside of the songs in the show but maybe: if god had a boat by anyma, are you with me by nilu, and my oasis by sam smith. (i was very focused on not me during this period when it comes to music, so i associate most songs with that instead.)
idk anything else you want us to know?
i think the next edit I need to make for bb is a wai text post meme bc for some reason i haven't made one yet??? so see you there!!
tagging: idk who has done this already bc i'm so late but @dimpledpran @mantrisanu @oswlld @nanons @machikeita @milkpansa @icouldhyperfixatehim @thanawins @seanwhites @i-got-the-feels @patspran @nongnaos ♥
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chicademartinica · 2 years
Mix really said « Oh I know all your faves are in here directed by P’Aof, crème de la crème and all, but fam, LET ME REINTRODUCE MYSELF. »
Tumblr media
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
oh I love you for that response to that anon, like nothing againts the anon but Jim slander NOT ON MY WATCH, also lowkey if you don't at least empathize with his character you missed the entire point of the show. also yes I don't think people who haven't been in that situation understand how being poor and wanting to take care of the people you love and not being able to bc you don't have the money can consume 90% of your thoughts. and on top of that everything else that happened to him, like
exactly! like i really think the people hating on jim are 100% missing the point. p’aof and the rest of the crew aren’t even being subtle with the message, the conversation with him and wen about wen not understanding what it’s like to be poor is so blatant and people still aren’t getting it!!! you can say you’d do things differently and handled it better than jim all you’d like, but if you haven’t known the feeling of not knowing where your next meal comes from, you have no place to talk.
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letgomaggie · 1 year
my god. i need to catch my breathe. i need 365 days to process this episode. it was perfect. absolutely perfect. i have zero notes, zero concerns -- literally nothing at all. it was so perfect. i enjoyed the whole episode so much ohmygod it has been a while since a show has done this to me and of course its a P’Aof thing.
just my highlights:
the proposal holy shit phupha was choking on his emotions he was so emotional i had shivers
pat and pran are in a 24/7 roleplay. a whole morning of domesticity. constantly calling each other chief and tian. the actual roleplay on stage. the whole ‘fan service’ as chief and tian but they’re actually just kissing but the whole uni now has prime fodder on these two ‘exes’
planting a sapling as a momento of their time and a sign of their growing love i want to throw up wtf
Ink and Pa i will cry i did not think i would see them again but we saw them and they were gfs (the crying and the head on shoulders and the head pat and the general clinginess oh god) 
the finger licking. The Finger Licking. 
The way they sold the play to their parents: “its just a play” and “he doesn’t have social media” GLASS CLOSET GLASS CLOSET GLASS CLOSET 
“now that we are behind the curtains can we kiss as pat and pran” S T O P STOP IT I WANT TO BREAK SOMETHING 
the perfection of the last time we see pat and pran and they are cosy and in their own space and they are affectionate and they are still bickering and the whole message of some things will never change and how that is a comfort oh.my.god. 
i don’t even know how to address phupha and tian. earth and mix are SUCH phenomenal actors. the way phupha learnt so much from pat and dare i say tian learnt from pran. 
the way pat and phupha were paired together in the forest and pran and tian were the other pair vs the mirroring of pat-tian and pran-phupha vs who plays whom in the actual play
utter bliss. i love love. i loved these four episodes. 
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