#oh now the greek national anthem is playing
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crispyliza · 7 months ago
What is William Afton doing at the Olympics????
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megarajupiter · 8 days ago
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"Found your Canadian flag, Wonderboy. Now actually play hockey, make money, and stop the oligarchy." -Meg
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"Yeah whoop Dee doo, Canada wins again. Just think about tomorrow, ya mook." -Phil (Pan)
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"Aww geez, they're gonna kill me...again...um DAD?!" -Pointer (Heracles)
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"Now that's FUNNY! You're not getting out of this one! Go and get 'em Canadian champ traitor!" -Zeus
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"HIII! I'm Brayden Point! ...um...playin hockey...making money like Robin Hood...and um...stopping the oligarchy...help...and uh yeah. 4nationswascool..." -Pointer
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"Ya had ta go Canadian again. It was good till YA BROUGHT UP THE FOUR NATIONS!" -Phil
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"Remember one thing 'Pointer'...your dad made the Tampa Bay Lightning, not the Canadians, so, play nice AND GET OUTTA CANADIAN LAND! One more thing...root USA and I'll bake while the national anthem without being BOOED is on~" -Meg
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"I am SO dead...cuz I'm Greek..." -Pointer
Brayden Point as Hercules
Megara Jupiter as Meg
Pan Faunus as Phil
And Zeus as himself
What made the chain of events:
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"OOOO CAAAANADA WE STAND ON...oh hi honey!" -Pointer
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"Uhhh...hey WONDERBOY. Uh, what are you LOOKIN AT McDavid?!" -Meg
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blue-satellite-430 · 4 years ago
Hey humans. Here's some basic background info on my main characters.
Due to the nature of my WIP, some of my main characters are absent from the current plot, and are introduced and explored using full scene flashbacks throughout the story. Jason dies in chapter 3, but his role in the story and the lives of the characters doesn't cease. And Amai goes into a several month long coma as a result of the shooting in chapter 3. The main friend group established before the start of the plot is apart for some time as they're going through shock as well as mourning. (Part of the plot is James trying to get everyone back together.)
James - The protagonist. He suffers from Bipolar 1 and PTSD which developed after he was first on the scene of his mother's suicide. He refuses to medicate or seek professional help for either. He now lives in an affluent neighborhood with his relatively wealthy adopted parents, who pay him a very high allowance he mostly doesn't use. He likes playing the keyboard, writing songs, martial arts, and anime. He speaks fluent English, American Sign Language, and Spanish and is learning Japanese. He can be violently protective of the people he loves.
Jason - James' late best friend and school shooter. He enjoyed watching movies and wanted to go to college for filmmaking. His family began shunning him after he announced he identified as an atheist. This led to a download spiral of depression and years of repressed anger which he kept hidden from his friends. His reasoning for committing his actions go unknown for most of the book.
Allisa - James' friend and love interest for much of the book. She lost her older brother to suicide when she was 12. She and James form a close bond out of this sad likeness they share. She's also fluent in English and Spanish. She loves painting, sketching, manga and anime.
Ariadne - Daughter of a Nigerian mother and Greek father, she grew up speaking Hausa, Greek, and English. She's an overachiever and a bit arrogant. She was selected by her highschool to sing the national anthem before games and pep rallies because of a frankly amazing singing voice. She's bisexual and does get around. (I know promiscuity is a stereotype for bisexual people, but I won't portray it in a negative light. Besides, stereotypes exist for a reason, and I promise it won't be the only representation bisexual people get in the story. I'll do my best to make sure Ariadne's gonna be a really compelling character in her own right.) She loves singing, cheerleading, and people watching.
Amai - She moved from Japan with her family when her father was offered a position teaching botany at the Everglades University. By which point she started going through culture shock and depression after leaving all her friends. She's quiet and reserved most of the time, but acts really silly around her friends. She plans on studying astrophysics in college. She likes nature documentaries, karaoke, and math.
Toby - Toby's an 8th grader in the middle school division of James' school. James recruited him to help record music after he saw him playing violin on the street for money. They became friends over time, and James sees a lot of himself in Toby. Toby lives with his mom in the ghetto, and he's trying to get into a school of the arts before 9th grade. He likes playing the violin and guitar and one day wants to play in a band or orchestra.
Sasha - Sasha's openly trans at school and at home. He's comically short and pale. His family came to the U.S. from Russia before he was born, but since he's always around them, he speaks with an accent. Sasha's very silly and bubbly like a cartoon character. He's the life of the party when he's with people, but he does exhibit symptoms of an undiagnosed mental illness such as self-harm and periods of self-isolation. He frequently switches hobbies, but consistently loves binging TV shows.
Xavier - James met Xavier at his kickboxing gym. He's basically the only one in James' group without mental problems or issues at home. (He's my token sane character.) He's openly bisexual, but closeted pansexual (if that makes sense), and likes play-fighting with James, even though it quickly devolves into James doing that scary laugh he does and getting a bit wild. Xavier's on the football team at James' school and dabbles in mechanical engineering.
Aiyden - James' adopted baby brother. James' adopted parents got Aiyden when he was 4, much to the dismay of our edgy protagonist. He didn't want to expose someone so innocent to how screwed up he was, and that manifested as hostility in the beginning. But over time, James grew to love him and became fiercely protective of him. When Aiyden was 8, he confided in James about realizing he was gay, and being bullied at school for it. He's 8, so I don't wanna make him seem to cerebral, but I was 8 once, and I waa a fucking nerd so fuck it. Aiyden likes mythology and documentaries.
Martha - James' adopted mother. She's a sweet person who comes from a very conservative Christian home and currently works in a real estate firm making mucho dinero. She and James don't get along much at all for a few reasons. She has no respect for James being an atheist (oh btw, James was raised atheist before he was adopted) and is regularly insensitive about his emotional state. James doesn't exactly appreciate her blatant homophobia either.
Tyler - James' adopted father. Tyler is a chef who owns a restaurant in Miami. He teaches James to cook and generally leaves him to his own devices. He had a suffocating childhood, and his approach to parenting is to let the child come to you. It's your job to let them know you're available to talk to, but other than that, leave them be. James would accept the offer, were it not for the fact Tyler can't keep any secrets from his wife to save a life.
And these are my main characters. I'm really enjoying writing the complexities of how they all interact. I've been reading on what having friends is like to better capture the feeling. 😂
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thenightling · 6 years ago
Preemptive Strike: Why Delirium is NOT ableist (because I probably will have to defend her when the Sandman series  comes out)
I have a bad feeling that with posts circulating about Wanda being problematic just because she faced Transphobia, and others calling Cain problematic (he’s supposed to be...)  that I might need to write this in advance.
Little Delirium if The Endless is Not ableist.
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Each Endless represents an aspect of sentient life.  There are seven in all. Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and little Delirium.  Each represents it’s aspect and the direct opposite.  
Delirium isn’t a character created to mock people with mental illness.  Heavily based on the goddess Mania (from Greek Mythology), in fact that was who she was to the Ancient Greeks, Delirium represents the state of delirium.  Delirium is a disorientation or confusion, often associated with hallucinations and incoherence.  It can come about from some forms of mental illness but it can also be the result of intoxication, lack of sleep, or extreme emotional distress. 
As Delirium represents the state of mental delirium she also represents mental clarity, sobriety, awareness.   Each Endless also represents their own opposite.  Destiny = Free will, Death = Life, Dream = Reality, Destruction = Creation (or the balance that is change), Desire = Hate, Despair = Hope.   Delirium = Awareness.    
Delirium used to be Delight so the implication is thousands of years ago her transformation was the result of some unspoken trauma.   
Delirium is not a cruel character, nor is she a parody.  Her condition treated as comedic. It’s simply how she is.   Delirium, in general, is very kind.   During Sandman: Brief Lives you find all she really wants is to be reunited with a lost sibling, Destruction.
Delirium is possibly the wisest of The Endless even if she might need a little help and guidance of her own from time to time.   
The cruelest thing we’ve ever seen her do is when she cursed a Highway patrol officer to see and feel insects crawling all over himself as punishment for yelling at her, being rude, and as she perceived it, mean.   
Delirium is generally sweet, and she does not like people who are rude, loud, or mistreat women.   
I’m only posting this now because I know that someone, somehow, some way will be offended by her very existence. 
I know there’s a weird motto here on Tumblr that “If you have to defend something as not being ‘ist’ it probably is” but here’s the thing.  I’ve seen too many false “Ableist�� comments here on Tumblr.
I am visually impaired.  I have very poor eyesight.  It is considered borderline legally blind.  It’s optic nerve based. (Glasses will not help.)  I can read, can detect color very well.  I just can’t read fine print or see distance very well.  I’m very, very near sighted.   I will never be allowed to drive.  
As a child I dealt with some very real ableism.  In Kindergarten I was allowed on the old rusty jungle gym on the playground but for some reason they thought I would fall off the nice wooden one that all my friends played on.    
A song of  “Three blind (My last name here)” sung by other kids became a thing.   And “Oh, say can (my first name here) See…” (to the National Anthem).  At one point my bookbag was stolen and turned up later with the word “Cyclops” sprawled across it in permanent marker.    THIS is Ableism.
Now for what Tumblr does to the term:  
So when I see Tumblr posts ranting that Daredevil (Matt Murdock) is Ableist for calling Punisher crazy I get a little annoyed.   If a blind man calls another man crazy for killing people that’s NOT the blind man being ableist!  “But… But ‘Crazy is an offensive word!”  Pardon the blind guy, who was being chained up by a serial killer, for not being sensitive enough to gently say “mentally ill” at that exact moment.  
Here on Tumblr I was calling Ableist for saying that Rumplestiltskin (who walks with a limp and a cane) in the TV show Once Upon a Time, has a disability.  The reason?   Apparently it’s because the character smashed his own ankle and since he did it to himself that means the character forfeits the right to be considered as having a disability.  And so it’s Ableist to say he has a disability.  
Neil Gaiman was called Ableist on here for correcting the typo of an antisemite who sent him an anti-Jewish rant, somehow unware that Neil Gaiman is Jewish.   HOW the Hell does it count as ableist to correct the typo of an anti-semite?   It’s not just the disabled who make typos and many (with eyesight problems or dyslexia or even learning disabilities) prefer to be corrected, they don’t want mistakes left alone. It’s embarrassing, more embarrassing than being corrected, for most of us.
Guillermo del Toro was called ableist for having the mute character in The Shape of Water end up with the aquatic man (even though he turns out to be a God…)
He was also called ableist for not casting a real deaf girl in the role, even though the character is mute, not deaf, and finding a mute actress who can dance, swim, and has no modern accoutrements to compensate, uses ASL (American Sign language specifically), and fits the physical body type Guillermo del Toro wanted, is pretty rare.  And I have yet to come across an actual mute person complain about this.  Just able-bodied people bitching in self-righteousness on behalf of those who never asked for it and often LIKE the movie.
“But the disabled girl ended up with a monster!”  No, the woman with a disability ended up with a God.   She had no interest in human men.  And it had nothing to do with her disability.    
My point is when you throw around the term this loosely (and it’s usually perfectly able bodied people doing it, thinking they’re doing a favor to those with disabilities) the term starts to get diminished and lose meaning.
So I sincerely HOPE we won’t get “Delirium is ableist!” complaints when the Sandman series starts but I know this site too well at this point…
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fluffyjihun · 8 years ago
The Music tag
Thank you bean for tagging me @keunakool imma finally starting to comeback haha so you dont have to worry anymore
rules: just add 5 questions of your own if you wanna lol
1. who is your favourite artist right now? - IU, I cannot stop listening to her new album. Everything about her recent albums has been amazing. I love the lyrics to her songs and the style and just sdbawhjb. Also LEE DAEHWI
2. who is your favourite artist of all times? -  ummmm not quite sure. Michael Jackson, Imagine Dragons, and μ’s are all very high tho
3. genre you absolutely despise? - I don’t have any I despise. Though, I say I don’t enjoy hard hip hop/rap but like you’ll see over in the corner bopping hard when you put it on
4. genre you love? - Classical, Pop, Rock, Modern Classical, R&B, Soul, and many more
5. first song you learned by heart? - I can’t remember cause when I was a kid I used to pick up on lyrics to a song very quickly. Like when i was 3 I knew all the words to Crabbuckit by k-os
6. first song you learned by heart in foreign language? - Does the Greek national anthem count??
7. your favourite lyrics? - oh god, ummmmm idkkkk
8. favourite song? - currently, im jamming to one step, two steps oh my girl, everything iu has done, Remember apink, and she’s a baby by zico
9. what does music mean to you? (don’t be afraid to write a full essay if you wanna lol) - music has been apart of my entire life. it’s one of the biggest aspects that defines who i am. majority of the sports i play include music, like figure skating and dance. ive played multiple music instruments ever since i was very young, which are piano, violin, trumpet, guitar, and recorder. music connected me with my best friends. without music, kpop specifically, i wouldnt be friends with one of my best friends, and with two of my others music just made our relationship much stronger. even this year the two newest close friends ive made has been because of music. one being @keunakool who is very dear to me. music is my main source of escape from everyone and everything. music never fails to make me feel peaceful, happy, and energized. i literally cannot imagine my life without music. 
imma tag @knkruinedmylife @omgkth @756cm @kimyumbin @knockinknk @henmi @knkinky
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