#oh look hippo’s answering her asks
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hippolotamus · 2 months ago
Hello, Beeloved! Your sentences, plus a few extra 💖
“Thank you,” she whispers. “My brother would say differently, but I swear I’m not usually like this.”  “It’s part of our charm, I think, as brothers. To antagonize our sisters. I’m sure mine would be all too happy to commiserate with you there.” She smiles again, a real one that reaches her eyes, making them crinkle at the corners. Maybe it’s wrong of him but he’s glad he could do that. It gives him hope that this could work. That they could have a future together.  Maddie isn’t Shannon, but no one ever will be. He thinks that’s part of what his mother’s been trying to drive home. He’s also sure that’s exactly what his mother wants. Someone who isn’t his late wife. Someone who focuses on their needlework and creating a welcoming home. Someone too obedient and timid to stand up to Helena Diaz.  “Evan means well,” she assures him. “I don’t think I could have asked for a better little brother. He cares so much, and so deeply, even though he’s got countless reasons not to.”  Before Eddie can ask what that means, he notices the song nearing its end. There’s already a line of anxious suitors waiting for Maddie’s attention. He wants to get a final few words in while he can.  “I’m glad you have someone looking out for you. Just, um, one more thing, Maddie. Whether you’re normally ‘like this’ or not, I hope you are. Really. It means you’ve got heart. Something that seems a bit of a rarity these days.” She opens her mouth to answer, but she cuts herself off as she focuses her gaze over Eddie’s shoulder. “Evan?”  He hasn’t fully turned before he hears it. The voice he wants to belong to anyone else.  “You.”  Because why would the universe make anything simple or easy for him? Why wouldn’t the persnickety, protective younger brother be the same one who berated him in the conservatory gardens for reasons he still isn’t privy to? The man – Evan, apparently – moves swiftly to Maddie’s side, angling himself between her and Eddie.  “Evan, what are you-” “Maddie, it’s okay. My apologies that I wasn’t here sooner to protect you from this-" Evan sneers, looking him up and down. “It actually doesn’t matter what he is. The point is he’s not worth your consideration. Come on, let’s go.”  Eddie politely steps aside, clearing a path for them to retreat. While he doesn’t know what he did, he’s not going to be the source of any more agitation.
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plleeeepppyyyy · 2 years ago
Hi hi hi!!! If you're still doing requests, could you perhaps do Wally Darling and a reader that's always sleepy?
ofc ofc!!! very cute request! (⊃���•́‿•̀。)⊃
(also mind u,, this was not the first request i gotten,, i jus got this one finished quicker (メ﹏メ) )
wally + sleepy reader!!
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•every time wally walks around you or sees you, he always sees you sleeping or on the verge of passing out. he finds it pretty amusing, don’t get him wrong he’s pretty worried about you sleeping almost every day. he’s definitely curious.
•he asks some of his friends first if they know why exactly it is why you do this, but they just assure him, “oh y/n is always sleepy!” that answer wasn’t good enough for him tho,,
•he finds you in the weirdest spots sleeping too, like this one time where you were just,,, laying on the ground while holding a plant. he watched you for a bit and just shook you up, he def walked you home as you were back on the verge of sleep.
•another time, you were gone for the WHOLE day, everyone was looking for you, poor julie was sobbing as if she lost her kid just already putting up posters of you,, but nope, howdy found you sleeping in one of the cabinets in his shop. how did you even get there?? you got a scolding for sure, how was that even comfy?
•wally took the opportunity to ask you a question, you were just laying your head on a table, again (for what seemed to be the millionth time) on the verge of hitting the hay. he asked you why exactly were you tired 24/7? he didn’t understand! it was just a silly concept to him, sleeping all of the time. even if he tried, he could never sleep with the house on his mind.
•you just simply replied, “why not?” wally hummed in fascination and watched you for the rest of the time you were about to sleep. but you were a bit talkative that day, so whatever came on your mind you talked about it to wally.
•after that wally admired how much you just didn’t care for much, you were just in your own little world.
•he DEFINITELY wanted to paint you too, you had no problem letting him. he just told you to sleep, definitely wasn’t an issue for you.
•he woke you up for,, maybe about a hour or two? and showed you an absolute masterpiece, you just sleeping. you loved it, and put it up on your wall. he still kept sketching and drawing you from time to time, i mean you were just still, a simple person to draw for sure!
•he also makes sure you don’t end up anywhere to crazy to sleep, its like he keeps tabs on you. its like if you were just walking somewhere, he just tugs on your hand and is like, “no, this way, silly!” he’s like a guide, making sure you don’t end up back into the river situation,,
•he totally wouldn’t mind if you laid your head on his shoulder; or anywhere on him honestly. he wouldn’t bat an eye if you leaned on him and just hit snooze. wally will continue talking to whoever, still making sure you’re fine. he’d rather have this than you accidentally sleeping on the roof or somewhere dangerous.
•wally finds himself giggling at the silliest things you do or say. like; why are you talking about hippos all of sudden? weren’t you just asleep?
•if he wants some quiet time to himself but not be completely alone. he def goes to you, maybe it’s because you’re sleepy but you’re just calm half of the time too. he also likes to ask you for suggestions on what to paint or draw next, you just mumble out the most random of things. you’re like a spinning wheel! to him at least,,
•you for sure were an interesting character in his book, so goofy. a good friend to despite you sleeping daily.
romantic ver, ( ˘ ³˘)
•wally just adores you,, like why you so sleepy?? he finds it cute, you’re like a sleepy kitten 24/7. for some reason it makes him giggle to himself.
•definitely watches you 24/7, he doesn’t wanna let you go or leave you be. like before, he’s your guide to not falling in a brook. hell, he’ll even carry you around if you’re that tired. the neighbors look at you both and go, “oh look there goes wally and y/n!” as he just carries you around. :]
•theres always quiet moments between you two, you’re probably just snoring on his bed as he sketches,, well probably you. he always has some sort of art for you, pottery, paintings, whatever he can do, he did it for you.
•he’s also noticed how despite you being sleepy, you always try to make sure you talk to him. you’re just on the verge of sleeping yet again as you talk to him about this type of frog you saw early ago. wally really notices the little things. <3
•he gets all gushy and happy whenever you lean on him as a pillow or something. literally he just wants to grab you and just run away. but he keeps it in as he wraps his arm around you. even so, you can still notice the adoration in his eyes. a whole ass gentleman too, he WILL never move when ur sleeping on him. he shushes some people to, likee shhhh my boo is sleeping.
•to be honest, wally sleeps not so often, he definitely does more now that you help him. but whenever he just can’t close his eyes or anything, he watches you. and how peaceful you are, and he gets confused. how can you sleep so much? waking up to wally staring at you with those big old eyes is both scary yet endearing. you ask him what’s going on with him and hes just like, “you’re so peaceful, can’t help but keep this sight of you all to myself.” wit those big eyes,,
(≧◡≦) ♡
•ack,, okay so he for sure def whispers to you or something whenever you’re tired. he just perks his head to you and just whispers ever so softly, as if you’re already sleeping. even when you’re dead asleep he’ll whisper some stuff. if you’re lucky enough, you’ll probably hear him.
•SPEAKING of whispering and such, he def sings you asleep. as if it was hard enough for you to do so,, but still, legit you LOVE it when he sings to you. his voice is soo soft and listening to it is just, hhhhh, makes you malfunction at times.
•he still finds you at random places too, he quickly picks you up and just wakes you up. he’s all like, “oh, what are you doin here :)?” while ur kinda like ,, “hh”
•to him, you’re just admirable. even if ur sleeping in a not so fancy fashion, he admires how you sleep, even if you wake up all jus cruddy, he’s still looking at you with his big lovey dovey eyes.
•if you have any trouble trying to stay awake he helps you def, tries to at least. if you drink caffeine to help you out with it, he’s all for it. but makes sure you don’t over step it, can’t have his lover too hyper! he also tries to have you have a normal sleep schedule (if you want ofc) but if it doesn’t work than it’s perfectly fine,, you guys will find smth to help you out. ♡︎
•calls you snooze bug, literally he’s so corny at times but its cute . <3
•it’s just when it comes to you he’s so gentle wit you,, its very endearing to watch between you both.
•overall he loves you sm,, his sleepy little person. he’s patient with you all of the time, your sleepiness is part of the charm for him. wally wanted an excuse to carry you around anyway. ❤︎︎
okay this was rlly fun to do!! im prolly gonna do all of ur guys’ requests based on finishing it earlier than others if thats fine,, (٥⁀▽⁀ )
i also wanna thank all of you guys for giving me a LOTTA notes and positive feedback!! im glad ur all enjoying reading these as much i love making these,, 🫶
literally all of ur guys’ requests are so damn cute , can’t wait to have em all finished and have you guys read them!! (eventually)
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feyhunter78 · 2 years ago
Pink Pastels Pt 7
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Description: You catch up with Gabi and Emma, Todd is an ass over text and the O'Haras give you a gift.
Pt 8
You were kneeling down on the wooden walkway, a fake bridge designed to imitate what the builder of the zoo thought the jungle villages of Africa looked like, talking quietly to Gabi and Emma.
“Girls I know you’re excited to see the hippos, but you can’t run away like that, what if either of you had gotten hurt? I was so worried about you two, and I’m sure your friends, and Mr. O’Hara, were as well.” You explain softly, holding one of their hands in one of yours, and keeping your expression calm to keep them calm.
“We’re sorry.” Gabi says, her bottom lip trembling slightly.
“We’re sorry, Ms. Y/N.” Emma begins to cry, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.
You coo at them and pull them into a hug. “It’s okay, you just have to be more careful next time.”
The sound of footsteps, four sets of small feet, and one larger set, the sound of which you’ve strangely come to recognize.
“Are they okay?” Miguel asks, his voice is rich with concern, and you feel him kneel beside you, his large hand resting on Gabi���s shoulder.
“Everyone is just fine, we just got a little overwhelmed, huh?” You direct the second half of your answer towards Gabi and Emma, who pull away and nod, sniffling a little.
“¿Estás bien, Mija? ¿Estás herida?” Miguel’s hands were cupping her face, thumbs smoothing over her tearstained cheeks. Trsl: Are you okay, are you hurt?
Gabi nodded her head. “Estoy bien, Papá.” Trsl: I'm okay/good, dad
He breathes a sigh of relief and presses a kiss to her cheek. “Never run off like that again, you know the hippos aren’t going anywhere.”
She nods again, but is still pouting, and the two of them together is an adorable sight.
You feel a pang of longing right as your phone buzzes in your back pocket. You release Emma and begin to guide the group towards the hippos, fighting the urge to throw your phone into the nearest exhibit.
Todd has been texting you all day. First to bitch at you for leaving him wasted in his apartment, three weeks ago, then for ignoring his calls the next day, then he was mad because you wouldn’t let him chaperone, even though, he didn’t actually want to go, and it wasn’t your fault, the school has rules.
He’s sent you a photo, the one the whole first grade took at the zoo’s entrance. The one you’d very quickly—offhandedly, uploaded to your social medias to mark the occasion.
Todd: I thought you said men weren’t allowed to chaperone? Was that just an excuse, so you could fuck somebody else without me knowing?
He had circled Miguel in the photo, like a crazy person.
Y/N: I said male non-family members are not allowed to chaperone, that’s a parent of one of my students. We are not having an affair, and I would never abandon my students to do something so inappropriate.
He always did this, always got so jealous of any guy who was around you for even a minute. It was exhausting.
He left you on read, and you bite your tongue, trying to keep calm as you slide your phone back in your pocket.
“Gabi told me it was your birthday a few weeks ago.” Miguel says casually.
Your stomach drops. “Oh yeah?”
“I feel bad, usually Gabi and I get her teachers flowers on their birthday, but I was out of town for work, so I guess we missed it.” He towers over you, but you don’t feel unsafe, in fact you feel strangely protected.
Miguel looks so good in that cheesy field trip T-shirt, it stretches across his chest, and clings to his arms in a mouthwatering way. He looks down at you, a sheepish smile on his face.
“We hoped maybe this would make up for it?” He hands you a daisy shaped pendant, it’s beautiful, and well-made.
“I—I can’t accept this; it looks way too expensive.” You try to give it back to him, but he shakes his head and closes your fingers around the pendant, his hand dwarfing yours.
“It wasn’t expensive at all. Gabi found the necklace when we visited one of the farmer’s markets in the city. Daisies are her favorite flower, and she wanted to get you a birthday gift…and I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for her. I mean, it’s still the first half of the school year, and I’ve never seen her be so fond of a teacher…” His hand is still covering yours, and you’re frozen in place but basking in the praise.
“Well, it is beautiful, and if it’s not expensive then I can’t turn down a gift from one of my best students now, can I?” You joke lightly, your heart pounding in your chest.
Miguel releases your hand and motions for you to turn, sweeping your hair up with one large hand, the other clasping the necklace around your neck. “It would break her heart.” He breathes, his warm breath on your neck making you shiver.
You want him. Fuck, you want him bad.
“Can’t have that.” You whisper, breathless and resisting the urge to lean into his strong chest.
“Ms. Y/N, you’re wearing my gift!” Gabi notices so quickly, weirdly quickly, for a moment you wonder if they planned this.
“I am, it’s very pretty, thank you.” You finger the pendant, it is absolutely beautiful, maybe the nicest gift anyone’s ever given you, definitely better than anything Todd’s given you.
“Now you gotta promise me you’ll never take it off.” Gabi pleads, giving you those puppy dog eyes she does so well.
You pretend to think it over, then nod your head. “Alright, deal.”
She lets out a squeal of happiness and runs back to her friends.
“She’s so good at that.” You remark, turning back to Miguel.
“Good at what?” He asks, his eyes keep drifting back to the pendant, where it sits between your fingers as you absentmindedly toy with it.
“Those puppy dog eyes, it’s so hard to say no to her.” You feel a rush of boldness and drop the pendant. “Did she learn that from you?”
Miguel’s eyes shot up to yours. “Beg pardon?”
“The puppy dog eyes.” You smile at him, a carefully crafted carefree smile meant to make the receiver feel comfortable, to get them to let their guard down.
“Oh, no, no, she learned that all on her own.” He laughs, and the sound is like syrup, muddling your thoughts with a thick sugary sweetness.
You remember his words when you admire the necklace in the mirror, the day is done, you’ve showered, and now you’re getting ready for bed.
You’re not a vain person by any means, but you can’t help but admire how it shines against your skin, as you stand bare, fresh from the shower. It hangs a bit between your breasts, the metal is sturdy, and no matter what Miguel says it’s not cheap. There’s no fake metal smell, or green staining your skin.
You spend a little longer staring at it, running your fingers along the edge, feeling each petal’s edge. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it on, at least for a little while, until Gabi forgets all about it.
Tag list: @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard
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olliethescribe · 1 year ago
Cabinet Man Hippoworm AU
I’m having intense brainrot so I’m combining two of my special interests (Lemon Demon and Hippoworm) into one AU - let’s trudge through my insanity together, shall we? (also, this is a human AU, everyone except the turtles are human)
Ron (Hypno) is a magician and he’s also been shown to be pretty good with technology, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a version of himself that did the “ultimate” disappearing act and decided to turn himself into an unwinnable game. Why did he do this? Well, he tried out an actual magic spell he found and then things went sideways fast.
When Ron’s disappearing act is later reported as a death in the news, it’s of enough national interest for local newscaster Warren Stone to go out of his way to perform his own investigation. Soon enough, all of his leads run cold, leaving him at his wits end as he goes to his final site of interest, Albearto’s pizzeria.
Things are going just as poorly until the Hippo Crush arcade cabinet in the back draws him in, a nearly hypnotic pull that has captivated everyone else in line; children all waiting patiently for their turn. No one’s winning but no one’s complaining either. It’s an eerie silence only broken by sounds of 8-bit game play and the occasional button mash. And yet as Warren appears, the line parts, as if someone had pulled the kids aside with strings attached.
Warren reluctantly steps forward, the first step reluctant at least. The rest of the walk up is calm, his nervousness overridden by some unseen force. Compelled beyond his will.
So when he finally does get to the object of his complete attention, he blinks in surprise as the screen crackles and then flashes to life. Now filling his vision was the digitized version of the supposedly late Ron Pēwhairangi. Warren watches as Ron looks him up and down before winking.
There’s a moment of putting all the pieces together before Warren exclaims:
“Oh my god, you’re alive!”
Ron simply smiles back him, chuckling.
“And you’re as smart as you are handsome.”
More ideas for this AU include:
Ron’s digital avatar is a bipedal hippo when he’s not presenting as himself to Warren
Warren falls in love with Ron despite the whole arcade cabinet situation - Everyone is wondering why the fuck the local newscaster is bringing flowers to the Hippo Crush arcade cabinet
Warren and Ron go on a date after hours since the owner of the shop is absolutely gonna let this weird celebrity have a romance with his game that seemingly has a hold over people
Warren asking Ron how the hell his whole situation happened and getting a wild answer
The Purple Dragons break into the arcade one night to bust the machines for old tech and then they come across Ron and start destroying his cabinet
There’s gonna be a lot of traumatized teenagers
Warren enlists the help of Donatello to help fix Ron and things get fucky fast
Turns out a half-man half-machine is hard to fix
Oh, and April is working at Albearto’s the entire time and does her best to keep her job so she can keep spying on her favorite newscaster. She knows there’s something up with the Hippo Crush machine but never suspected that it was alive. The only knowledge she has about Ron comes from Leo who was incredibly upset that his favorite magician died a couple years prior.
[Feel free to contribute to this in the notes if you’d like! This is just a bunch of ideas. I rarely post about my AU ideas on here and mostly keep them on Discord in my son’s server. Decided to share this one here.]
Oh, and here’s the song that inspired all of this:
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devilsrecreation · 1 year ago
Pep Talk-A TLG fanfiction
The Pridelands felt unusually quiet. That’s how it seemed to Pua, at least. Though it felt different this time. He wasn’t basking on land or floating around in Lake Matope with his fellow crocodiles. He wasn’t even with his old hippo friend, Basi. He was alone and he wasn’t used to it.
It all happened so suddenly. What Pua thought was going to be another day of feeding his now former float turned into a mashindano between him and Makuu. Though he had much more experience and technique, he knew he wasn’t young anymore. Makuu was younger and more physically fit than he was. Despite using all of his tricks, Makuu was able to hold him down, forcing him to finally tap out and be banished from the float.
Now, it was just him.
Pua stopped when he got to an empty watering hole. He needed a drink, especially after what just happened. He faced his reflection and sighed somberly.
“Oh spirits,” he lamented to himself before taking a sip, “what do you suppose I do now that I’m on my own?”
“Hey, handsome.”
Pua’s head immediately rose upon hearing that voice. It was beautiful and so…familiar. He hadn’t heard it in so long—but no. It couldn’t be! That voice had left him long ago, yet he knew it anywhere. He found himself glancing at the clouds, being met with the head of a beautiful crocodile. Her skin was a slightly lighter shade of green and her snout was longer with brown spots at the tip. His jaw dropped.
The spirit grinned. Pua blinked.
“I must be hallucinating.” he said, “It can’t be you… can it?”
Kuimba took a moment to look at herself to the best of her ability. She nodded. “I think so. It’s wonderful to see you again, my love. Although, you look different. Were those wrinkles always there? You look….old.”
Pua returned the grin, chuckling a bit. That was his mate, alright. A tad ditzy, but she could still lift his spirits no matter how hard of a day he had. It was one of the many reasons why he had loved her so much. He quickly compiled all of his thoughts.
“It has been a while since you’ve completed your journey,” he answered. “Things have changed.”
Pua’s face fell upon saying those words. Kuimba took notice.
“Rough day, hm?”
Pua sighed. “You have no idea.”
“What’s bothering you?” Kuimba asked.
Pua took a deep breath. “Makuu challenged me to a mashindano.”
“He disagreed with my decision to not eat the fish in Basi’s watering hole. It was either that or I surrendered my leadership at that moment. I fought my best, but he was much stronger than he appeared to be.”
This time, it was Kuimba’s turn to be surprised.
“You mean you lost? My, that’s a first. You’ve never lost a mashindano before.”
“My strength isn’t what it used to be.” Pua replied. “It was inevitable.”
“Wasn’t Makuu the one that looked up to you?”
Pua did not expect his late mate to remember that, but it was true. He remembered it so clearly; how Makuu would always be right behind Pua whenever on a stroll when he was a hatchling, how he would copy his fighting style, how Pua took notice of it all and used to brag about himself to the other adults.
Yet it was so long ago.
Pua nodded. “He was. He’s all grown up now, as are the rest of the hatchlings.” Pua frowned, “I just wish I was a better role model back then. Perhaps his ego wouldn’t have been so big as it is now.”
Kuimba chuckled. “He reminds me of you!”
“Yes, he does.”
“Are you afraid Makuu wouldn’t be a good leader?”
“Of course not. I know he will eventually change his ways and come to respect the Circle of Life. I should know, I’ve been in the same position.” Pua said. He sighed. “But…that is not the problem.”
“Then what is?”
“Kuimba, I have been training my entire life to be a leader and I tried my absolute best to be a good one. It was my responsibility to do what was best for my float, no matter what happened. It’s been that way for a long time. But now that I have been banished, I…..”
Pua lowered his head sadly, averting his gaze from the spirit.
“I have nothing left to offer.”
Kuimba frowned. “Oh, Pua…but that’s just not true.”
Pua lifted his head again. “How so?”
“Well, think of it as a good thing. Now that you’re not a leader anymore, you have much more free time to do whatever you want. You can still spend some time with your old friends and even meet new ones.”
“Perhaps, but I still don’t see how I am of any use anymore.” Pua responded.
“Your wisdom, sweetheart.” Kuimba said. “You’ve lived a long life and plenty of experience to go with it. You can give others your advice whenever they need it.”
Pua thought for a moment, remembering everything that led him to where he was now. It was true, he had learned so much over the years. From all the sparring techniques he taught himself in his youth to lessons about the circle of life taught by his old friend and former ruler, Mufasa. He remembered using those lessons to teach Makuu and the other crocodiles. But would it be helpful to other animals as well? Would they even listen to him? He cocked a brow.
“Do you really think so?”
“Of course I do.” A gentle smile had formed on Kuimba’s face, matching her kind eyes. “Go, live your best life. You deserve it.”
That last line struck Pua harder than he thought. He thought about how he used to be as a young adult. He used to be so arrogant and cruel, caring only for his desires with no regard for the Circle of Life. That was until his first Kupatana as a new leader of the crocodiles when he learned his ways would not be acceptable if he were to keep his position. So many factors had turned him from an insufferable brute to the humble crocodile he is now.
One of those factors… was Kuimba.
How he had ever managed to win her heart was beyond him. She was absolutely perfect, from her natural beauty to her gorgeous singing voice to her kindness that made even the toughest creatures respect her. She had every reason to not be interested in him, yet she was. She was the one who taught him how there was more to life than fighting. How the land could be a beautiful place once he stopped and looked around. She got him to open his eyes. And now here she was, assuring him how he deserves to live the remaining years of his life in the best way possible.
Oh, how he loved her.
Kuimba once again took notice of Pua's demeanor. He had said nothing, only grinning warmly as his eyes began to get a bit moist. His eyes were focused only on her before she spoke up.
“Pua darling, what is it?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Pua’s smile grew wider, “you look just as beautiful as the day I lost you.”
Kuimba giggled, “You still desire me after all this time?”
“Of course.” Pua replied, “You were the heart and soul of the float, after all. Life isn’t the same without you.”
“Really? You seemed to be doing just fine without me.”
“That does not mean I missed you any less.”
Kuimba’s smile flourished at those words. A sudden wind whistled in both crocodiles’ ears. She nodded submissively.
“It seems my time is up for now.”
“Your time?”
“As much as I’d love to, I can’t talk to you forever. I only came to give you advice.”
“I see,” Pua said, “will I ever see you again?”
“Whenever you need help, dearest. But I’ll always be watching over you.”
Pua smiled, “Until next time, my love…and thank you.”
Kuimba’s spirit faded within the clouds, leaving Pua alone again. Yet, he did not feel so lonely anymore. He was going to find a new place to call his territory, one fit just for him. He was going to help his former float in any way he could despite his banishment. His old life was behind him.
Now all he had to do was make a new one.
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almostsomewheremaybe · 10 months ago
The Situationship
It was never supposed to be like this. How much misery has been left bleeding upon that executioner’s block? It’s still true, though. When I first looked into her soft and dark eyes— soft and dark like midnight wolves— I should’ve known it would end in hatred. 
I had only gone over to my friend’s house that day to help them move. Every time a friend needs help moving, I’m one of the suckers who actually shows up. Carrying sofas, and Christian guilt in each of my arms. Praying that everyone keeps tally of all the good things I’ve ever done. I used to lie to myself about the kind of “good person” I was. Not anymore. Not after Rosalie and me’s situationship. I mean I was the kind of person who felt obligated to help our mutual friend move into his swanky new Hollywood studio, and she was the real no-bullshit type of New Yorker who made sure to show up only after the moving was done. She made every space she was in feel like a Bronx corner. She never cared if anyone thought she was a good person. I used to think that was a reason she wasn’t. One of her many character flaws I was sure proved she was the goddamn devil. But they weren’t sins. They were wings. Now, I sit in Hell envying her for the ways she could fly. 
It’s been four years since our situationship ended. I ignored what happened for a while, but these days it’s a ritual to remember. A destination resort of honeymooning nostalgia and vacationing hypotheticals. All the forgotten gray empty spaces have become prime real estate for overthinking developers. It wasn’t that bad was it? I ask myself that constantly. I mean we had great sex. All the time. All over the place. Wherever we failed each other, we didn’t there. Our carnal chemistry just synced. I suppose that was one of the problems, though. We exhausted our intimacy in clawing sheets and biting skin and raising heart rates and there I go again. Maybe we let great sex take the fall for all the ways we lied to each other. Cause we lied to each other. Rosalie had wings but she was no angel. She liked to cuss and argue at high volumes. The cussing was poetry and the arguing was jazz. The shouting was her saxophone solo. I know this because my family goes way back in New York as well. The people from there are just not normal. They make audible conflict an artistic affair. On our first date she told me she had family in Queens. Always the dumbass I replied, Oh like Aunt May? She laughed at me in my fucking face. I felt moronic and appreciated at the same time. She smiled in city blocks, and her eyes gleamed when she saw I could take it. That was the spark in the beginning. It was probably the same spark that eventually burned it all down. On our second date, I surprised her by taking her to an escape room. She was four years older than me. Stunning. Talented. Cutting like the rim of a can you weren’t careful with. Accomplished. Her career was taking off. I was nobody with not a penny to my name, but I still paid for her. I wanted so badly for her to see me the way I saw her. We do that don’t we? Overestimate the importance of symmetrical perspectives. She loved the date, though. It had been a while since someone brought a little fun into her life. I had done whirlwind romances, tragic love stories, friends to lovers, and so had she. I wanted love to be easy this time. I thought this would be the perfect start to a perfect story. Predictably, expectations melted giving way to miserable reality. In every room we questioned each other more than we found answers to their riddles. She yelled, Why don’t you listen to me? I listened to you about the headless dolls in the nursery! Okay, so listen to me again. You fucking men. You do it right once, and then you think you can start fucking around. That’s your problem. We probably wasted twenty minutes like this. It was cute then. Courting like that. A baby hippo is cute until it grows up big enough to crush you with its bite. We finally got to the last room, and a worker came over the speaker to give us a ten second countdown before our time ran out. The pressure made diamonds, and we hit a buzzer beater to win. It was so close that the worker entered the room to tell us we lost, and we told them that, actually, we had won. That tension between winning and losing was something we never escaped. That night we opened our ribs, uncaged the butterflies in our stomachs, and left them behind. We didn’t go on too many “real” dates after that. 
It’s interesting to me how a situationship is born. I had never been in one before Rosalie. She’d probably tell you most of her relationships were with men who treated them little different than what is considered a situationship. She’d probably be right, and I’d be indicted in that RICO case, but the fact remains— I had never done this before her. The only people I knew who had gone to Aspen to ski down the slippery situation-slopes, hadn’t done it like me and her. They were casually fucking, or friends with benefits who caught feelings. In the beginning we dated. Legitimately. The UN voted unanimously to approve us and everything. We dressed up for lunches. We talked trauma and fears under canopies of bed sheet. We exhaled childhood dreams across horizons of skin. All of that. But after two glorious weeks it was over. It became glaringly obvious we wouldn’t work. And then, by the sheer power of its own initial momentum,  it kept going…
But we called it off? Not once or twice. Probably like six or seven times altogether. Exclusively. Mutually. Privately. Those slippery slopes gave way to an avalanche of ambiguity. Our situationship was like Michael Meyers. You couldn’t kill it no matter what you did. 
If we had this supernatural spark between us, how come we didn’t prevail? For starters she was in Culver City and I was in the Valley. Her star was rising, and mine was plummeting to the ocean floor like the Titanic after medical icebergs began to rip me apart. (We’ll get into that later.) I moved into a shanty town studio just to be closer to her. Hoping it might help. We talked about our issues, and she made me listen. I sent her poems explaining how I felt. We tried. We really tried. And the contempt and distance between us grew up, married, and birthed a generation of resentment and distrust a thousand therapists couldn’t fix. But we stayed, together? The sex was still sexing. I still loved the smell of her hair in the morning. Taking walks with her dog and eating Ramen at our favorite spot on Melrose. She was still kind too. She would come over to my shit apartment, and sit with me in a sweltering unconditioned room, just so she could tell me things like,
You could be more confident. You shouldn’t count yourself out. And I would say, You shouldn’t either. You’re so smart. Creative. Hardworking. You give so much. Let me give you something. And I would try. I took her to see her first billboard on Sunset. She took me to get a new cellphone. We gave each other a lot of substitutions for trust, but your heart knows the difference between love and sweet gestures. Prior to being with me she had just left a seven year relationship. The fear of wasting her time was a bad omen marked upon my reason. A sleep paralysis demon that visited me every time I wanted to text her goodnight. Don’t send the wrong message. Don’t be too invasive. Don’t lead her on. The less she thinks of you, the less room there can be for disappointment. Now I told you early on that we lied to each other, and this was my untruth. I wasn’t hiding because I didn’t want to hurt her. I was hiding so someone else could do it first. Someone who could trump me as a greater evil, so I could obscure my own culpability and cowardice for not stepping up to the task of deserving her. I didn’t know it then, but the shame of it came later, and visits me often as I try to sleep alone in my dark room. She lied too, you know. I told you, yes, she had wings, but she was no angel. She was tough. Really tough. And really scared too. In the beginning when things started to unravel, she went and got with someone else out of spite. I didn’t hold it against her. We weren’t together. It was just a… situationship? Was there where it began? Either way it hurt. It hurt because I knew she wanted it to. Would she do it again? I was never the same after. She would repeat ad nauseam that she wasn’t looking for anything serious or long term. But she never meant it. She knew this untruth hurt so she stabbed me with it. Over and over. She’d made me feel so disposable. She’d toss me to the side, and text me six hours later to keep things going. She was so scared that I was another in a long line of many who had come to manipulate her, that she decided to be ahead of the curve this time. She’d use the oppressor's tools against him. It was fair. Rational. But it just wasn’t true. We never said I love you. We never really had a relationship. Like she said,
I told you I don’t want anything serious. But she was lying. She loved me, and I loved her too. That’s why it kept going. Even through the quarantine. We could lie and say it was hard to end because it was so intoxicating, but it was hard to say goodbye because we had a million unsaid I love you’s stuck in our throats— choking us. I love you was when we laid together in the shower listening to High School Musical, which I loved, or when she was sick and I’d rush over with chicken soup from the Mexican spot, she loved, or that Valentines day. 
We approached Valentines Day not as friends, or romantic partners, but as two people trapped somewhere between maybes and almosts. I had found this restaurant that cooked her favorite cuisine, but the closest one was in San Diego. Valentine’s Day arrived, and I don’t know... She was so sweet. So deserving. Even as her situationship, I couldn’t let her go uncherished on this special day. So we drove down that evening. On the car ride we played In the Heights, taking turns as different characters, and singing our hearts out. We had never been so kind to each other. No one was trying or not trying. We just shared the space like so many colorful flowers in a garden. Everyone could be beautiful and loved. The food was bomb, and the night was fun. But it was the car ride to San Diego where we were soft and everyday-kind and fell in love. 
We endured the quarantine as best we could. Towards the end of our thing I stopped the sex. I had this pipe dream that we could become just friends. One of my latest and greatest stupid ideas. I didn’t want us to lose each other. She knew it was already happening. When the riots in LA over George Floyd began I was out every night and day in the thick of it. She was worried about me, about my health and safety. My ankle had been bad for a while, and I should’ve seen a doctor, but the cause had called me into the streets. She looked sad every time I told her what was happening outside. The last day we spoke we were on FaceTime. I had to cut the conversation short, so I could get back out to the protests. Before I hung up I saw her face change. She had this strange somberness draped over her like a wedding veil. I told her I was sorry that I had to go. I had told her a billion sorry’s by that point, and had brought too few into union with changed behavior. She texted me after I got off the phone. She said, 
Ur a bit of jerk I think
I immediately called her and got no answer. Something felt different. I texted her back, how
And that was it. 
We never spoke again. I could tell she had broken free from this situationship prison. She was probably halfway to Cuba by now. It would’ve been wrong to fight for her back into this bullshit. It would’ve been wrong to tell her how much I missed her. Prayed for her. Thought about her every time I heard the music of two people arguing. I knew for her, freedom would require months of healing. If I really loved her, if we really ever had any love, now was the time to prove it. By letting it go. Shortly after, the doctor’s finally found my tumor. Originally I had a false positive for Leishmaniasis. I had passed out once coming out of the shower, and she had caught me before I hit the floor. No one had ever caught me before. Who was going to save me now? Chondroblastoma with secondary aneurysmal bone cysts in my left talas bone. That was the diagnosis. I never recovered. Not after three surgeries. I can barely walk today. Sometimes, I’m grateful she left when she did. This would have hurt her too much. Once in a while I check her instagram, and she seems really happy. I hope it’s true. I hope she stopped lying after our situationship. I know I did. We all have so much pain, and its truth will be heard, or its lies will be a reckoning. 
So what’s so different about that situationship you can’t seem to forget? Like mine with Rosalie. 
Was it the fact that when something is almost something, you can imagine it as you whatever you want it to be? Did it give us the space to see ourselves as full of possibilities? Digging deeper than conventions and traditions. I hope that’s how we saw it. When a situationship “ends” it’s not marked by anything except the paradox that maybe it never really even started. That somehow its shadowy form meant it wasn’t real, and didn’t matter. It doesn’t feel like that, though. We both left each other so often, I lost track of who really killed this thing, or why it hurt so much. Why did it hurt so much? When she first found out I was only twenty six, she told me,
I wish you were older. You have so much exploring to do. I’m now the age she was when we dated, and I have explored hospitals, and medical debt, and poverty, and disability, and I’ve never been able to give anyone what I gave to her. I don’t think I want to. I don’t think I ever will. But I want this situationship to be real, so the way she changed me can be too. I don’t lie so much now, not so that I can be a “good” person, but so that no one else gets hurt. Myself included. I want this experience to stick like a fridge magnet I’m not ashamed of, not hardened gum hidden beneath a school desk. 
The situationship, for us, was those first few glances we shared in our friend’s new apartment the day we met. They were unspoken. They lingered just a little too long. Those glances could’ve been just that, except they demanded for more, and though their revolution failed, I venerate our situationship as a most noble attempt to honor love in a vast and terrible world. I still see her wolf eyes in the dark of my room. Still hear what we lost, howling in the night-wind. 
She once said,  In New York, to say you hate someone, means you actually love them. But only in New York. 
So today, like any good paisan, I find myself smack dab on Arthur Avenue, just so I can say that I hate what the situationship did to us. I hate the roles we played in it. I hate what we did to each other as crabs escaping a barrel. I hate that we built that beautiful barrel. I hate how those memories descend upon me like harpies visiting Prometheus. I hate how I look up at an empty sky, and still anticipate you flying into view. I hate that you’ve flown so high, you can’t see me, down here, so low. I hate that we met. I hate that I’m not sorry we met. I hate our situationship. I hate all of it. I hate you. 
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choicesmc · 11 months ago
For Rin, Rams, and Fiona:
13 for Appearance
17 for Objects
3 for Food
19 for Weather and Nature
18 for Community and Relationships
13 for Mind, Body, and Soul
4 for Hobbies and Activities
thank you for including rams and rin!! really fun answering asks for them!!
13. What is something your character would refuse to wear?
RAMS - Dark academia. Just looking at it makes him tired. All the plaids and browns and blacks and beiges —it’s just sad. If this makes sense: dark academia comes with a certain personality accessory, you know the insular academic with niche interests in literature etc. The way Rams sees it, if he wears dark academia then he’s gotta adopt the dark academia personality and it’ll drag down his regular personality. 
FIONA - Fiona’s pretty open to everything… just as long as he can put he bought it. No offense to his friends but Gigi is the only person he really trusts to pick out clothes for him. As in, anyone can recommend clothes to him (since that leaves the final choosing up to Fiona)but actually buying and gifting him clothes gets under his skin especially if it’s something he wouldn’t wear. 
RIN - Beige khaki shorts and cheetah print/animal print. It makes her look tacky, at least in her opinion. She does not have the charisma or the confidence to pull off those looks at all. Not that she’s interested in it in the first place but it’d be a limitation even if she wanted to.
17. What is most important to your character when shopping?
RAMS - Comfort+Aesthetic, hands down. Co wants to enjoy using whatever co’s buying. Plus, cos room has a very inviting cozy feel so co wouldn’t want to contradict those vibes (assuming whatever co’s buying is for cos room). 
RIN - Price/Quality ratio. She’s pretty budget conscious with her money but still wants all the best stuff. Which results in her being a really great shopper, she does her research beforehand so she knows exactly what she’s getting and at what price and if the quality’s alright. She’s the type of person who knows the price of stuff at all the nearby stores off the top of her head.
FIONA - The Vibes. Money isn’t really a problem anymore so everything is on a vibes-with-it-basis. Sure, actual use is important but vibes trump that. 
9. Is there a food or drink your character is unwilling to try?
No. For all of ‘em. Anything and everything is worth ONE try minimum. 
19. What animal would your character say best represents them?
Will not lie, I haven’t really thought about this. So this is subject to change but for now this is what I think! 
RIN: “Something pretty dangerous, but doesn’t just attack without reason. Probably a hippo.” (Accurate)
RAMS: “A ferret? Maybe? Friendly and slippery? I think?” (inaccurate: rams is more like an alpine ibex)
FIONA: “Oh, easy. A swan. Striking, elegant, and looks pretty in most colors.” (accurate enough) 
18. What is your character's favorite form of affection?
FIONA - Gifts + Words of Affection 
RAMS - Physical touch + Quality Time
RIN - Acts of Service + Quality Time 
13. How does your character relax? 
RIN - ultimate relaxation technique? Amusement park rides! But that’s not something she can do everyday or easily so… bungee jumping, horror movies, anything that makes her adrenaline spike 
FIONA - If he needs to relax right after work then he’s heading to the roller rink! If he’s at home, then toss on a podcast and knit some sweaters!  
RAMS - 1) Music + 2) Friends + 3) Quietly Spending Time together = A happy and relaxed Rams. Rams can very much be the ‘cat’ of the group. Literally just lounging around on everyone. It’s great, it’s fun.  
4. Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
RAMS - Academics in general? He used to be super into school, doing assignments, and talking to to teachers/making friends at school. But crashed and burned during high school and he still loves learning just... not school. 
RIN -Not really? She didn’t do much as a kid so most of the stuff she did she still enjoys in mostly unchanged form. 
FIONA - Speeches… He is a pretty good orator and used to take huge pride in it because it made his parents super happy. They took any chance to have him speak in front of people especially through church service youth days when he’d pastor 😬 Now it’s… a thing he can do. 
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whisker-biscuit · 1 year ago
The Lines We Cross: Chapter 26
A Strange Reunion
Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.
Murray had no idea what time it was when his phone startled him awake. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, hand reaching blindly for the thing that was blaring like a siren on his nightstand. Squinting at a number he didn’t recognize, the hippo silenced the call before laying it back down, then rolled over towards the wall in the hopes of falling back asleep quickly.
No such luck. After barely twenty seconds of blessed quiet, the phone lit up again just as obnoxiously loud as the first time. Murray groaned in irritation as he realized that this was still that same strange number and they weren’t going to go away any time soon. What kind of telemarketers called multiple times in the middle of the night?
The most stubborn ones, apparently.
Against his better judgment, the hippo answered it with a groggy “hello?”
“I need to talk to your coworker right now.”
“Whuh…” He sat up with a frown. That voice was vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t for the life of him place it. “I’m sorry, what? Who are you?”
“It’s Sly – the, the raccoon with Inspector Fox. You gave me your phone number, remember?”
It took a few moments for him to remember the quiet guy who had come in with Miss Fox several weeks back. He sounded impatient and stressed, and that made Murray sit up in bed just as much as recognizing the caller did.
“Oh, uh, yeah, hi Sly, it’s good to hear from you? Why are you calling in the middle of the night?”
“It’s not night where I’m at right now,” Sly said, still impatient although now he seemed a little apologetic about waking him up. “Look, I need to talk to your coworker. Do you have his number so I can call him?”
The hippo glanced at his shut bedroom door. He and Bentley were roommates, and it was more than likely that the turtle was still awake and working, but he wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea to tell this stranger. Everyone always told him he was too trusting for his own good, and that it wasn’t polite to share personal information about other people without asking them first.
“…Why do you want to talk to him, exactly?”
Sly let out a loud, frustrated huff. “It’s really important. I need – I – it’s – Inspector Fox and I were working on a case together, but she’s in danger. I can’t help her without your friend’s help.”
Murray’s eyes went wide. He clutched the phone closer to his face. “Wait, Miss Fox is in trouble? Is she okay? What happened?”
“I don’t know if she’s okay.” The stress in the raccoon’s voice was even stronger now. “I can’t tell you what happened, but the more time I waste, the more likely it is that she’s – that I can’t help her. So I need to talk to Bentley. Please, Murray.”
He bit his lip and began making his way to the door. “Okay, um…hang on just one second, okay?”
Sly made another noise, like he was being strangled, and that got the hippo moving even faster. If it was true that Miss Fox was in danger and only Bentley could help, then he couldn’t waste any time!
He headed down the hall to his roommate’s room and was relieved to see light filtering through the crack under the door. When he knocked, he heard Bentley jump in his chair.
“Murray?” The turtle asked as he opened the door to squint at him. There were large bags under his eyes beneath his glasses and he looked like he hadn’t even tried to go to bed the whole night. “What are you doing up this late?”
There would be time to scold him for not sleeping later, after they dealt with whatever scary thing Miss Fox and her friend were involved in. He shoved his phone into Bentley’s hands, making him blink rapidly in surprise.
“That raccoon guy who was with Miss Fox just called me,” Murray told him as fast as he could. “He said she’s in danger and he needs your help! You gotta help him, Bentley!”
“I – wha – hold on…” He put the phone to his ear. “Hello? This is Bentley. Why did you call Murray in the middle of – what?”
The hippo watched, anxious, as his friend’s expression changed from confusion to shock to concern in seconds.
“Well, that’s awful, but I don’t know how I’m supposed to…her tech? You’ll have to be more specific; I don’t even know what you have – okay. Uh huh. Shock pistol and a…a jetpack? What model? You need to find the serial number! It – yeah, it should be somewhere on there.”
Murray twiddled his thumbs while Bentley began talking about special technology and how to use them and other things that just went completely over his head. He tried very hard not to shuffle in place, afraid that it might distract him.
“…Okay, that covers everything, I think,” the turtle finally said after several minutes of back-and-forth. “Are we finished? Cause I’d really like to go back to bed. I know you’re worried about Inspector Fox, but I’m sure you’ll be able to – pardon?”
He got quiet very suddenly, eyes growing wider and wider over whatever Sly was saying.
“You want to make a – hang on, hang on, I need to –”
With one quick, nervous glance at his roommate, Bentley turned around to disappear back into his room, still on the phone. His door slammed shut before Murray could join him. The hippo stood there in shock for a minute, unsure if he should follow or not, before deciding that his friend had closed the door for a reason and probably wanted some privacy.
Why he wanted privacy was a mystery, but there were a lot of things the turtle did that were mysteries to Murray.
Almost half an hour later, Bentley finally came out of his room. He trudged over to the tiny kitchen where the hippo had started making a midnight snack while he waited, and gave the cellphone back with a glazed look in his eye.
“Uh, Bentley? Everything okay?”
“I sincerely hope that was a trusted coworker of Inspector Fox,” he said, slow and anxious, “because if he isn’t, I might have just done something incredibly illegal.”
Murray gasped. “You mean he might have stolen her stuff and you just helped him figure out how it all works?”
“No. Well, yes, but also…”
Bentley gulped.
“…I just helped him build a bomb.”
Sly watched the Panda King turn his back and leave the medical room without looking even the slightest bit upset, despite the fact he had just dropped a bomb on the raccoon’s life and destroyed it in a single instant. He should have known not to trust one of the people who had attacked his home and killed his family, who had helped kidnap him, but after all these years, he’d thought – he’d hoped – that things had changed. He’d really thought that the panda would protect him when it came down to it.
He should have known better. He should have known that the Panda King was just as much of a monster as –
“You cry over false hope.”
The kit froze with tears still streaming down his face.
He had not forgotten who had perched in the far corner during that fight, but that presence had not felt like the most pressing threat while he had been pleading with King to delay his fate. Now, as his wide eyes slid from the door to the yellow gaze burning straight through him, he felt very stupid for ever thinking otherwise.
“The Panda King was never interested in your wellbeing, and you are foolish to have ever believed otherwise,” Clockwerk continued. He had not moved a metallic muscle from his spot since speaking. “There are no allies for you here. Even his daughter, who you thought cared for you, has turned her back on you. She was the one who told me that you had fled. She is the reason you were caught.”
Sly didn’t dare protest; he didn’t even think of doing so. This creature had always cut to his core by speaking only the truth. He had taken great pleasure in it on the night he had told the raccoon that he belonged to the Fiendish Five, long before he fully understood what that meant. Even now he could feel it – under the hatred still radiating off of his metal shell, the monster bird was delighted that the few people Sly had cared for in this nightmare had betrayed him.
He took a deep shuddering breath and did his best to remain perfectly still. His chest ached horribly under its bandages. The owl studied him in silence for several agonizing seconds.
“Our conversation from here out does not leave this room.”
It was a statement, not a command, and the boy swallowed alongside a stiff, terrified nod. Seemingly satisfied by the agreement, Clockwerk stepped forward until he was standing at the foot of Sly’s bed. He had to hunch heavily forward, too big for the room’s ceiling; it made him loom even more over the tiny, trapped subject of his attention.
“As the Panda King said, you will join the rest of my team in their criminal exploits beginning next week. The consequences have already been laid out for if you refuse, or attempt escape again. These parameters will always remain in place.”
The raccoon didn’t close his eyes in despair like he wanted to. He continued to stare at the monster, paying attention for all he was worth.
“It is clear how much you despise us. You would run from us again if given the chance. The only reason you will not is that as much as you hate working for those who killed your parents, you fear death and pain even more.”
Clockwerk leaned down until his beak was an inch from Sly’s face. Now, there was nothing but hatred in those terrible eyes.
“Make no mistake, Sly Cooper: your survival from my attack was deliberate. I could have killed you as I did your father, and no one – not the Panda King, not the rest of the Fiendish Five, not anyone – would have dared to stop me. You despise all of us, but it is nothing compared to the loathing I have for you. Your name, your blood, your heritage, everything. You live by my word alone, and you will die by my claws. Sooner or later, you will become bold enough to retaliate against the others, or think you are capable enough to slip out of their grasp. And even if it is neither of these things, you are not infallible. You will eventually outgrow your usefulness to my team. They will tire of your presence, and they will ask me to relieve them of the burden that you are. It is not a prediction; it is a fact.”
The child could feel his breaths coming out faster, shallower, but it was as though all his panic was locked deep in his body as he stared into that yellow gaze while the owl told him exactly what his fate would be. He couldn’t flee, he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t even blink as the words sank into his brain and his heart. All he could do was clutch the blanket in his lap for all it was worth, waiting for things to end.
Finally, miraculously, Clockwerk pulled away, giving just enough space for Sly to feel in control of himself again. He let out one single, quiet choked sob, trying desperately to keep his body from falling apart for how much it had started shaking. Never once, though, did he take his eyes off of the threat still standing before him.
“There is one exception to this outcome, however.” The monster shifted so that he could lift one of his clawed feet into the air. Sly’s eyes locked onto the Cooper cane he was holding. “I told you, five years ago, that we would see how well you would measure up to your father. The Fiendish Five all believe that this referred to how useful you would be to them as a criminal, but that is not my true intent. Only you will have that knowledge. You have made yourself known as a Cooper, now, and thus you have earned my utmost honesty. Do not take it for granted.”
The raccoon gave another stilted nod, unsure if he was even supposed to respond but not willing to risk it.
“You see, I play a very different game than the rest of them. When we stole the Thievius Raccoonus, they saw it only as a means to an end; they have been using the book as a mere tool without understanding what it truly does. It does not simply give you a better way to achieve your criminal goals, but instead makes you a better criminal. The fools in your bloodline have flaunted this book of secrets, of betterment, for centuries upon centuries with no struggles in their lives. They inherited it through the ages, as if not thieves but kings, until this chain of arrogance and ego was finally broken with your very existence.”
Clockwerk placed the cane on the bed in front of Sly. He leaned forward again, scrutinizing the boy as if daring him to take it. The kit didn’t move.
“Let’s make a deal, Sly Cooper. You and I,” the owl said. His tone was unreadable. “I want to see what becomes of a Cooper who is forced to rely on his own raw talent instead of the Thievius Raccoonus. I want to see if you can keep up with the Fiendish Five, but more than that, I want to see if you can surpass them. I want to see if you can prove that a Cooper is worth more than the falsehoods and thievery that they are known for.”
He tilted his head, and the expectation was clear. Sly Cooper picked up the cane.
“I want you to steal back your Thievius Raccoonus from every member of my team. If you are caught in your attempts to do this, it will be treated as a betrayal, and we will kill you. However, if you succeed in restoring the book completely…you will be free. Free of the life you are living, and free of the name that you carry. Do you accept these terms?”
The very idea of freedom from all of this made his heart beat out of his still-bloody chest. He thought about the deal this monster was offering. This monster who had killed his father – the strongest person he’d ever known – and had hurt him so terribly. He was no more trustworthy than the rest of the Fiendish Five, and yet…
And yet, what other choice did the raccoon have? He was condemned no matter what. At least in this way, there was the tiniest bit of hope for a future he no longer dared to have.
Sly Cooper took one deep breath, then another, and held the cane out towards Clockwerk. His voice, thin and raspy from screaming, did not waver.
“I accept.”
Clockwerk took the offered hook by two talons. He shook it with deadly honesty, gentle as could be, then released it and turned towards the door.
“I have left my portion of the Thievius Raccoonus here with the Panda King to give you a sporting chance,” he said, staring at Sly as though he was a powerful rival and not an injured child. “My home is in the Krakarov Volcano, but I do not expect you to make it that far. In fact, let us assume that the only time you will ever see it is if and when you fail in this game we have begun. I think it would be a fitting place for the death of the very last Cooper.”
When Carmelita woke up, it was to the loud, constant hum of machinery.
She groaned as she gingerly sat up, aching from head to toe as if she’d just been hit by a car. The ground beneath her was metallic, but deceptively warmer than she would have expected. When she looked up, she was surprised to see the slightest reflection of light in front of her. She did a slow three-sixty to the exact same sight at every turn.
She was in a large, glass…thing.
The inspector pressed one hand against the glass. It felt warm as well. Realization set in that it wasn’t just the container that was like this; the very air itself was thick with heat, despite the room she was in having no obvious source for it beyond the half dozen computers and their ridiculously-sized monitors lining the walls. From every top corner, four cameras were trained on her, and she could see heavy-duty vents embedded all over the floor outside her odd cage seemingly at random.
The single exception to all the fancy technology was one wall-to-ceiling mirror, which mocked her as she stared at it and her own face stared back. Her winter coat was in tatters – probably ripped to shreds by the talons of whatever had carried her off. Her hair was a knotted mess of a braid, and there were tiny grey flecks scattered about in it that was definitely not snow. Carmelita began lifting her arm to investigate and immediately regretted it as her body protested with pain.
She pulled up the rim of her shirt, mysterious hair dirt momentarily forgotten, and grimaced when she found a dark purple bruise wrapped around her entire midsection. It was visible through her fur, in the exact shape of the crushing grip that had stolen her breath and knocked her unconscious. Holding back the full-body shudder that threatened to overtake her at the memory took more willpower than she would ever admit.
Aside from the bruising, she was unharmed. The fox viewed it as a silver lining in this terrible situation she had found herself in, and next began cataloguing what she had available for escape.
Her jetpack and shock pistol were missing; it took a moment to remember that she had removed them while talking Sly down from his near-homicide and hadn’t picked them back up before finding him outside of the observatory. Taking them off was something she didn’t regret, even though she kicked herself for her lack of foresight after the immediate threat had ended. The only thing still on her was her radio, but, as she scrambled to turn it on, it was a hope quickly dashed when all it spit out was static.
Without the radio working, she had no way to contact Interpol. Her GPS tracker had been left in the truck with most of the rest of her stuff for the sake of mobility and speed over anything else. None of her team knew where she was; she doubted any of them had even seen her get carried off. Clockwerk – because it had to be Clockwerk, who else would it have been? – had ambushed her and Sly so silently that she hadn’t even heard his approach until it was too late. No one else would have thought to look up while they were preoccupied with securing the Panda King’s fortress. The inspector was on her own when it came to getting out of here.
She had the thought, for a moment, of her former partner – and then firmly pushed it away before it could give her false hope. There was a good chance he had no idea where she’d been taken, and even if he did know, he was terrified of the Five’s leader. Expecting him to follow her to the ends of the earth with his worst nightmare waiting there was expecting far, far too much.
Even if he didn’t hate her anymore.
Mind made up, Carmelita began testing the glass to see if it was thin enough to shatter with her feet or even the radio. It didn’t give no matter how much force she hit it with, so instead she turned to the floor where it met metal. There wasn’t the slightest weakness she could find in the entire circle. The glass rose high above her, capped by a metal cover, but the diameter of her container was too wide for her to climb up the cylindrical walls.
Frustrated and sweating up a storm, she began taking off her shredded coat, then paused as she realized there was a slight weight to one of the pockets that she hadn’t noticed before. The inspector pulled the thing out quickly, hoping it was something she could use.
It was Sly’s camera she held in her hands.
Carmelita’s mind stalled with surprise. She hadn’t seen this thing since Wales. She remembered it, of course – the raccoon had gotten it somewhere between the USA and Haiti, and she’d often catch him taking pictures of just about any novelty he saw while they traveled, which had been a lot.
In hindsight, maybe she should have taken more note of the fact that he considered mini-marts and migrating birds to be among such novelties.
Thinking about Sly and his terrible lot in life made a rush of righteous anger flow right through her. The fox tucked the camera safely away back in her coat, deeming it a mystery to solve at a later time, and turned towards the open room beyond her odd prison.
“Hey!” She yelled up at the ceiling. “Is anyone there? What’s the meaning of this?”
There was no response except for that continued, constant hum of machinery. Carmelita worked her mouth before taking a step closer to the nearest barrier.
“I know you’re watching me. I can see those cameras. What do you want? Is this a ransom for Interpol? Some kind of retaliation? What demands do you have?”
Still nothing. The inspector let out a frustrated growl and kicked at the reinforced glass. All it gave her for her troubles was a smarting toe.
“You’re Clockwerk, aren’t you?” She called out one last time, hoping to get a reply through that. “Kidnapping doesn’t fit your known MO. Is it because I’ve arrested all your colleagues? If you were afraid of getting caught too or wanted revenge, why not just kill me?”
The cameras all stared at her in mocking silence. She bit her lip, running over the few facts she had. Clockwerk didn’t do things like this. He worked in the shadows, never revealing himself except to help his fellow Five escape at the very end of a heist. The bird was as elusive a criminal as Conner Cooper had been.
Inspector Fox stiffened as she remembered that night in Kunlun. Sly, dejected and certain his life was over. Offering to let her arrest him because he thought it was the only choice of fate that he could make for himself. The pure horror on his face as he looked up at what had felt like the grim reaper bearing down on them both, and then even worse – the resignation that he had clearly fallen into without even trying to run.
She thought about Jing’s story of his failed escape and the price he had paid for it. His strange shift from just wanting to get away for good, to going back over and over to steal his family’s book back for no rational reason.
“This isn’t about me at all, is it?” She asked, as much to herself as to her absent captor. “It’s about Sly Cooper.”
It was like the name alone had flipped a switch of a long-dormant machine. The computer screens all over the room turned on, and Carmelita was suddenly, finally, face to face with the dark silhouette of the leader of the Fiendish Five.
“It has always been about Cooper.” The giant owl said. His voice was cold. Emotionless. Robotic, even. It sent a shiver up her spine. “From the very beginning to the very end.”
“But why?” She questioned, understanding the actions but not the motive. “You killed a rival criminal in Conner Cooper, and then kept his son alive because he was useful. But why the – why toy with him all this time? I know he was trying to take back what you’d all stolen from him, but…he doesn’t actually care about that, does he?”
Clockwerk didn’t respond. He simply stared at Carmelita, his yellow eyes the only detail she could fully make out in his shrouded visage.
“I asked him why he kept risking getting caught by you guys, and all he could say was that he needed to get his book back. He told me right before you attacked us that he had to do that, and then he’d be able to ‘escape for real.’ It sounds like someone obsessed with fixing their family’s reputation, but that’s not what was going on at all, was it?”
Her voice came out louder and louder as the revelation hit her in full, terrible force.
“All he’s ever wanted was to be free, but he knew you’d come after him. He’s terrified of you because he fully believed it wasn’t possible to escape while you were out there. You made him think that you – that you’d let him go if he stole his book back? That you wouldn’t chase after him if he, what, if he humiliated your team enough? Is that what this is all about?”
The owl’s head twitched to the side in a perfect forty-five-degree angle. “I suppose I can indulge in this thread you’ve managed to untangle, just this once. It has been a very long time since someone who wasn’t a Cooper discovered one of my plans, after all, and you are certainly not in a position to do anything about it for much longer.”
Carmelita suppressed another shiver, and refused to look anything other than the confident, collected Inspector she had become over the course of this entire affair.
“While it is true that I allowed Cooper to believe he had any fate but death waiting for him by recovering the Thievius Raccoonus, you are only half-correct about my motives. I do not care about such shallow, insignificant things as the Fiendish Five’s reputation. Any failure on their part to protect their stolen pages of that book was entirely on them, but I would never allow the world to assume that I would let Cooper go if he were successful. It is not possible for him to succeed, you see. Even though the rest of my cohorts disappointed me, I expected it. I planned for it.
“I wanted to show the world that without their precious book, the Cooper line was nothing. It has been their crutch for thievery for as long as I have known them, and now that I have taken it away, the proof of that is known to all. Sly Cooper was not even able to get this far on his own; he was so weak that he was forced to seek aid from you.”
The dark glee in his voice made her skin crawl. Her tail twitched without consent while she absorbed his twisted words and motives.
“I don’t understand,” she said, very slowly, as every alarm in her mind suddenly went off at once. “You keep talking about the Cooper family, like – like you’ve been around as long as they have. How old are you?”
Clockwerk regarded her for a long, silent minute. Eventually he tilted his head in the opposite direction, almost as if amused by the inquiry – or perhaps deciding she was worth an honest answer for her part in the game he had been playing without anyone else knowing.
“Perfection has no age,” he finally said. “I have kept myself alive for hundreds of years with a steady diet of jealousy and hate.”
Carmelita couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What are you saying? That you’re…immortal?”
“Revenge is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth. I have been patiently awaiting the day when I would finally eclipse the Cooper family’s thieving reputation.”
The glee was gone. All that was left was the darkness and the spite. It was so powerful that the inspector nearly averted her gaze even though she wasn’t the target of it.
“Those arrogant Coopers dared to claim they held the title of master thieves, but they were always inferior. I am a master thief. I was the master thief. The original. The antecedent. And I have proved it, time and time again.”
“How…how would you prove something like that?” She asked, dreading the answer but compelled to learn.
“By achieving the ultimate crime.”
Soulless yellow eyes burned into hers. The eyes of a predator.
“To steal the lives of such master thieves – that is how I prove my superiority.”
Carmelita recoiled, appalled and horrified by the thing she was talking to. “Criminal” was too kind a word to describe him, even among his Fiendish companions. He was nothing less than a monster.
“How many?” The question came out in a whisper against her own will.
“Nearly all of them. Those who did not succumb to sickness, or injury, or unfortunate circumstances. I hunted entire family trees through the generations. I diluted their sprawling lineage across the entire world, narrowing it down meticulously until only one pitiful, struggling bloodline remained. I nearly completed my goal with Conner Cooper, but he evaded me for too long and became too well-known through his exploits and his book. So, I found fulfillment in his son instead.”
She finally let herself shudder. Sometime in their “conversation”, her fur had begun standing on end and hadn’t stopped. It was no wonder Sly had believed himself out of options the last time she had seen him. She had no doubt that if she hadn’t intervened, he would not have survived the trip to wherever Clockwerk had taken her.
That thought gave her pause.
“…What about me?” The fox dared to ask. “I stopped you from doing what you wanted to with him, and now I’m…here. Why let me live when I wasn’t even your target to begin with?”
“Your actions are inconsequential. Your life is inconsequential. You are alive only because I found a use for it.”
“And what use is that?” She demanded, drawing her shoulders up as high as she could to hide the way her fur was still puffed out in fear.
The word caught the inspector completely off guard. Her bravado faltered just a little bit in the wake of confusion.
“I’m…what?” She blinked. “For Sly?”
Clockwerk’s answer was the slightest tilt of his head back to a vertical position. Carmelita would have pretended to scoff if not for the sick pit growing in her stomach.
“That’s not going to work. We were only partners for a month before I found out who he was, and I’ve been trying to arrest him since. He hates me.”
“Does he?” It was asked with something actually bordering on an emotion other than hatred and delight; the first he’d shown. The fox had been starting to wonder whether he was even capable of it.
And yet, that emotion was one she couldn’t identify at all.
“Of course he does!” For some reason, convincing Clockwerk of this suddenly felt very important. “He nearly killed me in Wales. And – and in Kunlun, I tried to gun him down when we ran into each other again.”
She pushed the last interaction they’d had out of her mind. Even if they had made some tentative form of reconciliation in the moment, it wasn’t enough to repair the chasm of hurt she’d caused him. Surely not enough for the raccoon to risk his life for her.
“If you truly think so, then perhaps I’ll simply kill you right now.”
Carmelita froze. The owl continued.
“You won’t survive either way, of course, but maybe a different lure would work better if you’re so certain you won’t be enough to draw him out. Considering the Panda King was the only of my former colleagues he had any attachment to, and has since been…compromised, his daughter may be an ideal substitute.”
“Don’t you dare harm that girl!” The inspector slammed her hands on the glass in thunderous, instinctive fury. “She has nothing to do with any of this!”
Clockwerk cocked his head. “What a peculiar response. I would have thought you’d beg for me to spare your life if I were to switch your places.”
“I will not let you threaten an innocent person,” she growled. “Not her, not Sly, not anyone.”
He chuckled. It was a low, terrible sound. “It’s too late for empty platitudes, Inspector Fox. We shall see whether Sly Cooper is willing to come and save you. If he does not, then I will dispose of you and find a better lure.”
And with that promise made, the ancient leader of the Fiendish Five disappeared from every screen. Carmelita collapsed to her knees, knowing she was still being watched but pretending otherwise as she stared at the giant mirror across the room and wondered whether it was worse to wish for Sly to save her or not.
Eventually, almost without thinking, she reached for her discarded winter coat and found the camera within. She ran her hands over it but didn’t turn it on, thinking over everything that Clockwerk had just confessed to. Her mind spun over the utter depravity of the creature she was trapped by. Knowing that Sly, or Jing, or any other number of people would be at his mercy was as bitter a pill to swallow as knowing that regardless of what happened from here on out, her life would probably not last long enough to witness the aftermath.
For the first time in a very long time, Inspector Carmelita Fox felt well and truly helpless.
She didn’t know when she finally began looking through the camera. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but at some point, her brain snapped out of its stupor long enough to realize that this inconspicuous little device was all she had left of her former partner. She didn’t know how it had gotten into her coat pocket, but she didn’t care – right now it was the most precious thing she had ever owned, right next to her lost shock pistol.
At first, they were exactly as she expected: pictures of stores and streets and cities, pictures of scenery, pictures of the occasional oddity that stuck out more than usual. But as they moved from the U.S. to Haiti to Wales, she began noticing herself popping up more and more. What had started as a sporadic appearance of blue hair or orange jacket in the background started moving to the foreground, and then became the focus completely.
There were pictures of her admiring the street vendors at a farmer’s market; pictures of her arguing with an officer over whether her parked car was a registered police vehicle; pictures of her up close, clearly looking at Sly behind the camera with a bemused yet open smile. Almost every single one was without the fox knowing the picture was being taken, and the few that weren’t featured the same slightly confused, honest happiness as Past-Her seemed to find it funny that her partner had wanted photos of her.
She’d had no idea. All the time they’d spent traveling together, that month or so of his snark and irritability and gradual trust, she had thought he surely couldn’t have felt the same way about her as she had started to feel about him. Whether he was aware of it or whether it was a subconscious thing, Sly Cooper had gone from seeing her as the cop who could be his means to an end, to someone he seemed to truly care for.
Carmelita cycled through all of them slowly, drinking in every detail so that she could commit them all to memory as she sat curled up against the wall of her glass prison and waited for her fate to be decided. This camera and its contents had been a candid snapshot into the raccoon’s mindset; she wanted to hold on tight to the feathery feeling in her chest every time a new picture of herself came up for as long as she possibly could.
And then, very suddenly, all pictures of her were gone. It was back to scenery and cities again, as it had started out, although she recognized very few of these locations. The personality he had started to grow in his photography – both with her as the subject or without – disappeared just as abruptly. All the new photos were almost clinical; no longer snapshots of lives and what it was like to live, but simply back to the basics of seeing something and taking a picture of it just to show he did.
Understanding hit the fox like a freight train, but she still gave the new batch her full attention. There were hundreds of them stored on the thing from when Sly had first bought it all the way to Kunlun; she recognized some of the scenery at the base of the mountain as the exact same that she had passed with her Interpol team probably days later. By the time she reached the end, her throat was dry from lack of water and her muscles nearly cramped every time she shifted.
And then, she came to the last one.
It was Sly – the only picture of him across the entire gallery – sitting on a bed, in a room that Carmelita didn’t recognize. He had his chin propped up in his hand and he was staring out the nearby open window at the night sky, obviously unaware of the camera aimed his way. There were bags under his eyes and he looked both contemplative and melancholy.
She could see historical Chinese décor all over the room, and the reason for the picture clicked in her head – as well as how the camera had ended up here with her. Either the raccoon had left it out where Jing had gotten ahold of it, or he had given it to her directly. She wondered when the teenager had slipped it into her coat pocket and couldn’t help but be impressed for not noticing it. Clearly, she had not been lying about learning a few things from her surrogate brother regarding sleight of hand.
Just as the inspector began working her way through the photos a second time, the screens in the room booted to life again, startling her to her feet in preparation for fight, flight, or another harrowing conversation.
This time, Clockwerk did not waste any time before cutting to the chase.
“Sly Cooper is here.”
Carmelita swallowed and flexed her hands at her side. She fought the icy panic and the dangerous hope that were both creeping across her mind, pretending instead to be indifferent to the announcement.
“He knows you are alive, but not where you are. I am curious if he will be able to find you before my security measures overpower him.” If the owl had seen through her bluff, or was worried that Sly would succeed, he did not show it. His metal countenance was as unreadable as always.
“I believe in him. He’s made it this far on his own,” she dared to say over the fear that her captor would take it as a challenge that he was underestimating her former partner.
“Indeed, he has. His luck has certainly held out longer than expected.”
Clockwerk leaned forward, and she very much did not like the sudden gleam in his eye.
“But this time, Inspector, you are not going to be his savior. You are going to be his doom.”
A/N: I love villains. I love monologues. I love villain monologues. I may love these things a little TOO much because I think I made Clockwerk awfully chatty compared to canon, oops. The cat is finally out of the bag, the truth is finally revealed, and now we know exactly why Sly was so single-mindedly obsessed with recovering the Thievius Raccoonus instead of simply disappearing into the dead of night.
Also, kudos to everyone who predicted that Bentley and Murray would make another appearance! There were quite a few of you and I was delighted at how many remembered that Sly had a way to contact them.
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sideswipe1730 · 1 year ago
lion's roar rang out as the sun rose over the Africa savannah, and a song began to play on the breeze. Animals of all types began to make their way to the palace elephants, giraffes, wildebeest, antelope, hippos, and eventually humans,- all moving as the wind blew through the trees.
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Night, and the spirit of life, calling (Oh, oh, iyo)
Mamela (Oh, oh, iyo)
And a voice, with the fear of a child, answers (Oh, oh, iyo)
Oh, mamela (Oh, oh, iyo)
"Ubukhosi bo khokho." Pegasus called out, his voice leading the animals and people to gather below him. "We ndodana ye sizwe sonke."
Wait. There's no mountain too great (Oh, oh, iyo)
Hear the words and have faith (Oh, oh, iyo)
Have faith
(Hela hey mamela, hela hey mamela, hela hey mamela, hela hey mamela)
As everyone gathered the spirits of the past king's could be seen by all. The most prominent, was the last king, . Pegasus raised his arms to the last king, and gestured to all the animals bellow, the wind following his movements.
As the animals and people felt the spirit of their past king blow past of the wing, they bowed, honoring the one who had ruled them justly for so long.
He lives in you. He lives in me
He watches over. Everything we see
Into the water. Into the truth
In your reflection. He lives in you
Doors behind Pegasus opened, and many people stepped out. Kings family Koki, jimmy z, and the kings youngest brother Christopher kratt but Martin calls him Chris
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Last of the arrivals were king Martin and his wife Aviva, who was holding their newborn daughter, kiara, who was very alert.
Kiara had dark brown hair and baby blue eyes that aviva knew would be able to get many things she wanted from the palace servants, and possibly her father.
Pegasus smiled and gently took Kiara from Aviva's arms and held her up before the assembled crowd. As the people cheer, and Martin, Aviva, and the rest on the balcony are blown by the wind from the approving figure of the past king.
He lives in you. He lives in me
He watches over. Everything we see
Into the water. Into the truth
In your reflection. He lives in you
As the wind blew past kiara, she struggled playfully in Pegasus's grip, her small arms popping free from under the blanket she was wrapped in as the elephants stomped and sent birds flying past.
After much cheering from the crowd, Pegasus lowered the girl and waved the staff he had placed next to him over the child's head. After glowing, a crown with any animal symbol appeared on her forehead. Placing Kiara back in Aviva's arms, the new parents cooed over their child softly as the court watched.
"Ah Jimmy," Jeff sighed at the sight. "Look at that little guy. A chip off the old block! And you gotta know who's gonna raise him."
"His parents?" Jimmy asked with an eye roll.
"Okay sure, get technical." Jeff rolled his eyes right back. "But who's gonna teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch?"
"And eat pizza?" Jimmy grinned, caching on.
Yep." Jeff praised his friend. "I'm telling ya, buddy... it's gonna be like old times. You, me, and the little guy."
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"Um guys it's is a girl." Chris chuckled standing by his brother and sister-in-law.
"Girl…" Jeff repeated.
Then it sunk in.
"Girl!?" Jimmy and jeff shouted in unison, before collapsing in a dead faint.
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hippolotamus · 3 months ago
It’s been 84 years dot gif 😅 for you, dearest 🧜‍♂️
His parents would probably say it’s too exposed, too dangerous. But that would require them to take an interest in what he’s doing with his time.
And anyway, nothing has ever bothered him here. No animal predators, no humans. The occasional boat passes overhead, but that’s all. They don’t stop or pause, just continue on their way. Besides, if anything ever did happen, there’s a small cave nearby where he stores his treasures and trinkets. It’s got plenty of room for him too.
Does Maddie have a space like this? A place to rest and recover? She’s always with her stupid boyfriend. Evan can’t stand him, doesn’t know what she sees in him.
On the surface, there’s nothing overtly wrong about the guy. It’s just- he rubs Evan the wrong way. He makes Evan’s hackles stand up, puts him in fight or flight mode and makes his muscles tighten. And Maddie never says anything, but Evan can tell Doug is wearing her down somehow. Like her smile and glow get the tiniest bit dimmer when she returns home. As if he’s siphoning her joy from her.
One of these days Evan is gonna find something to pin on Doug. Something significant enough to get him out of their lives forever.
He needs to not think about that right now. Needs to get out of his head and find a way to distract himself. He scoops up a pebble and tosses it, catching it with his fins where he repeats the motion, dribbling it over and over. It’s not the most exciting thing but it keeps him entertained for a few minutes until he’s bored all over again.
With a frustrated sigh he gives the pebble one final whack, sending it into the depths. Maybe someone else is around, one of his friends or the lady that makes the tasty kelp bites.
He swims somewhat aimlessly, zigzagging and rolling into the occasional flip. He’s just come out of a series of dolphin rolls when he sees it. Sees him. Shadows from the flailing limbs of a young boy that suddenly aren’t flailing anymore. They slow and become still, as if acquiescing to the sea.
His eyes dart around, searching for anyone else nearby. Anyone else that might have seen. There’s no one, save for a few decorator crabs and a passing ray. He can’t let this boy die.
Evan ignores the generations worth of instinct that tugs at him to turn around and leave well enough alone. It pulls like a fisherman’s net, hindering his movements, making him feel sloppy and uncoordinated.
“Let me go!” He fights, keeping the boy in view. “Please.”
He thinks of Maddie, how she would do the same thing in his position. He knows deep in his bones that’s true. And if the gods could shine favorably on anybody, it should be her and the example she’s set for him.
With a final jerk of his body, he’s finally able to make some real progress. Like the invisible line has been cut, freeing him. He hurries to the limp body that’s gradually sinking lower. Evan only knows a little about humans, but he knows they can’t survive without air.
Please don’t let me be too late. The boy’s wrist is solid in Evan’s grasp as he drags him to the surface. In the split second before they break through, Evan sends a prayer to Poseidon that they emerge where he won’t be seen.
“Thank you,” he whispers when the water’s clear. The land has countless humans on it, but he knows they won’t see him from here. Their vision isn’t that good.
Evan wraps one arm around the boy’s chest to prevent him from going back under. Now that they’re above the waves, his new challenge is locating a solid area.
“Come on!” His human has access to air but still isn’t breathing. He needs a buoy, a dock, anything.
He races backwards towards a sandbar, clutching the boy tightly and ensuring his mouth stays above water. Carefully, he deposits him on the sand and watches, anticipating the rise and fall of his chest. Except it doesn’t.
There are no signs of life, no twitches or indicators. The only movements are from droplets running along natural curves, pooling in the hollow of the boy’s throat. His lips are pale blue, a hue that might look prettier on him if it wasn’t such a grim indicator.
Panic and fear claw their way up Evan’s throat. He knows there’s something he’s supposed to do. Fragments from a first aid book come to him in little flashes. Tidbits on how to provide care for cuts, stings, and burns. There’s something else though, if a person’s heart stops. Was it sea something? Or see? No. Not sea or see. C as in an initial.
The entire picture comes back to him, all of the fragments aligning and he finally remembers what he’s meant to do. He pinches the boy’s nose shut, sealing their mouths together and forcing a breath. His human still refuses to breathe on his own. So he tries again, and again, and again until the boy inhales sharply. It’s followed by a wet, hacking cough as his human sputters violently. Then his human’s eyes fly open, wide and terrified.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t roll back in.” Evan lays a hand on the boy’s chest, trying to reassure him. “It’s okay. Shhh. It’s okay.”
The boy seems to finally notice he’s not alone as he meets Evan’s gaze. His irises are a warm brown, more welcoming now that the imminent danger has passed. Almost like Maddie’s.
“Hi.” The corner of Evan’s mouth turns up in a half smile, utterly fascinated.
“Hi?” His human responds warily. “Who, uh, who are you?”
np tagging @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @spotsandsocks @bekkachaos @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @theotherbuckley @dangerpronebuddie
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ace-of-hearts-and-spades · 1 month ago
6, 11, 12 & bonus to answer any question you really want to!!!!!
Hi Eri!! Thank you for the asks 🥺 I hope you’re hanging in there despite the horrors 🫂💜
Soft asks found here
6. What’s your favorite candle scent?
Any kind of stereotypical cinnamon-pumpkin-autumn scent! It’s always so pleasant and comfy, and it makes me feel warm
11. Do you have a comfort item? Tell us about it!
Definitely the pinkish-lavender hippo plushie I’ve had since I was a little kid! Her name is Hippo. She’s my best friend and closest confidante, and having her nearby always makes me feel calmer 💜
12. What calms you down?
Oh man, I’m still trying to figure that one out 😅 But something I’ve noticed that works pretty reliably is taking the time to look at nature. I live in an area with a lot of trees and in a house with a lot of windows. My anxieties tend to fade into the background when I’m listening to the birds and the wind rustling through the trees, or examining all the colors in the sky during a sunrise, or feeling the breeze on my skin. It sounds so overly romantic but idk. I think it’s just being in the moment and finding something to ground me in that moment, yknow? Plus taking the time to disconnect and appreciate what's around me. It's soothing.
26. If you could live anywhere with anyone you want, where would it be and who would you bring?
I decided to answer this one for the bonus question, since it’s a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I’d love to move out of the Southern U.S. – it just feels less and less safe – and head to the Northeast, maybe Massachusetts. I would 100% bring my parents and my brother with me. They’re my team! I wouldn’t want to be there without them 💞💞💞
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gnfawkes · 2 years ago
Jess & The Blobs (Part 1)
Jess really wanted a cup of coffee.
She’d been walking around all day, enjoying the weather for what it was. And now she really wanted a nice, iced coffee.
 She started walking in the direction of her favorite coffee place, Go Go Mocha. People gave her strange looks the whole way there, and stepped out of her path like she had the plague. Jess couldn’t imagine why.
It wasn’t like she wearing a bloody clown costume or holding a ticking briefcase. No, just a normal flowy, purple top and jeans. Jess liked the color purple, it reminded her of hippos because when she was a kid she always colored the hippos purple.
Anyway, she arrived at Go Go Mocha. The bell on the door jingled as she opened it and walked inside. Her friend that worked there, Erika, manned the counter. It must’ve been a long day, cause she still had her customer-service smile on and hadn’t really noticed that it was her.
“Hello, welcome to Go Go— what the hell!?”
Jess tilted her head to the side as Erika let out a shout of surprise; it was very loud and almost hurt her ears. “What’s wrong?”
Erika pointed at her feet. Surrounding Jess’s feet was a swarm of strange, blue, blob-like creatures. They had big, googly eyes and no other facial features besides that. Some of them were the size of bowling balls, and others the size of pebbles, but besides that, they were just blue balls of goo. They huddled around Jess’s legs like baby chicks.
“Jess, what the hell are those things!?”
“Don’t know. . . “ Jess said with a small shrug. “Can I get my usual order, to go, please?”
“What do you mean you don’t know!?” Erika looked stressed, Jess hoped she wasn’t working too much again. Those long hours weren’t good for her health. “Where did they come from?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Jess looked at one of the blue blobs. It was just sitting at her feet, slowly rocking from side to side. “They just kinda showed up in my room the other day. They follow me around, it’s cool.”
“It is not cool! Do they not freak you out?”
Before she answered, one of the blobs started climbing up the counter. Its gooey body seemingly defied gravity itself as it rolled up a sheer surface. When it got to the top, Erika jerked backward as if it would bite her or something. They wouldn’t, Jess would know.
The lone blob stared at her with its big, googly eyes. Jessica realized she never asked if they wanted anything. That was rude of her.
“I’m sorry, did you want anything?” The blob stared. She nodded and turned back to Erika. “Do you have any more of those salt-water taffies you had last time I was here?”
Erika just stared at her blankly. Oh, that’s right, Erika had asked her a question. Again, how rude of her.
“They don’t freak me out, I guess.” She bent down and grabbed one of the blobs in her hand. It did not protest. “They’re harmless. They’re also pretty squishy though.”
She squished the one in her hands as a demonstration. It smushed like putty and then reformed when she pulled her hand away. Once again, it did not protest. Jessica gently put it back on the ground with the others, where it remerged into the collective.
Erika seemed to be having a staring contest with the blob on the counter. Jess didn’t think that was a good idea, she didn’t think she’d ever seen one of them blink.
“I’ll. . . I’ll just go get you your order.” Erika held the blob’s gaze until she walked out of sight.
She came back not long after holding Jessica’s usual order: An iced coffee with matcha boba pearls and five shots of espresso. She also had a small bag of saltwater taffy.
“That’ll be seven-fifty,” she said. Her staring contest with the counter blob resumed.
Jess started to reach for her wallet, but then the counter blob rolled itself to the right. There was a ten-dollar bill in the place it had been sitting just a moment ago.
“Oh, you’re paying?” The blob stared. Jess smiled and took the bill. “Thank you.”
Jess handed Erika the bill. She seemed hesitant to touch it, though Jess couldn’t understand why; it was completely dry and they weren’t like slugs, they didn’t leave a residue of slime everywhere.
“Keep the change,” she said. Erika mumbled a thank you and handed her the food and drink.
Jess and her legion of blobs left the coffee shop, each enjoying their sweets and coffee respectively. Such a nice day, Jess thought, I should go for a walk.
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the-kittens-of-vol-tron · 2 years ago
Lance gets (or maybe makes, you decide) a hippo stuffed animal for Keith and is later suprised to find out that Keith treasures it
(I saved this to post on his birthday lol) 
Lance gripped the bag tighter in his hands as he made his way to the bridge. He tried to shake the nerves that overran his body; but what do you get a team member that you’re kind of in love with and every time you asked what he wanted for his birthday he just shrugged. The answer is you grill his kinda brother and settle on his favorite animal. 
“He like hippos,” Shiro said as he took a swig of coffee; well a space substitute. 
Lance’s face fell into a confused expression. “...hippos? Really?” 
Shiro looked at him, “don’t question it. Ever since I met him he has liked hippos. You should have seen him when Adam and I took him to the zoo. I thought he was going to cry.” 
Lance slowly nodded his head, trying to absorb the information he was given. “Okay...thanks, Shiro!” He said as he left the dining room. He had to get something to do with hippos. 
Which is how Lance found himself borderline stabbing his fingers as he handstitched a stuffed hippo together. It took him some time (and a lot of pleading with Allura) to get back to the space mall and get the materials he needed. 
Two black buttons, stuffing, light purple felt, a needle, and thread. He had some a lot of sowing on Earth so thankfully he knew a bit about what to do. He just had to make do without a sowing machine. 
It took him a couple of nights to complete the hippo, he could only work on it safely after everyone went to bed; well mainly Keith. And today, today was Keith’s birthday. Lance was finally going to give him the hippo. 
He placed the bag on a table Allura brought in, placing it behind the other presents and cake that Hunk made. “Okay so I’m going to call him to the bridge, is everyone ready?” Allura smiled at her team, a birthday hat sat a bit lopsided on her head. 
Everyone gave her a thumbs up and she pressed a button to activate the coms. “Attention Paladins! You are needed on the bridge immediately!” 
Not even a minute later Keith had run through the doors, his Galran blade in his hand. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Everyone screamed, a party popper or two going off; spreading confetti everywhere. 
Keith froze where he stood, his eyes trying to scan everything that was in the room. “I uh...what’s the emergency?” 
Everyone chuckled, “it was just an excuse to get you to the bridge,” Shiro spoke as he walked towards him, “happy birthday,” he pulled his brother in for a hug. More hugs were passed around and the cake was shared. It was relaxing, and Keith looked like he was enjoying himself. 
“Oh! Present time!” Allura clasped her hands together, picking her present wrapped in gold foil off the table. “This is from me.” 
Keith slowly made his way through all the presents. Thanking each person for every gift, his face filled with happiness. Lance’s present was the last one to open and Lance attempted to make sure he didn’t seem too nervous as his crush pulled the paper off the top. 
Keith stared at the hippo for a long time, not saying anything, was he even breathing?
He finally looked at Lance, his fingers tightening a bit around the felt, “did you make this?” 
Lance gave him a sheepish look, “ye-yeah. It took some time to get the materials but not the first stuffed animal I’ve made.” He released an awkward laugh. 
Keith looked back down at the hippo, he had dropped the bag some time ago and his fingers gently brushed over the black button that made up one of his eyes. “Thank you.” 
“You like it?” Lance grinned.
Keith nodded, “yeah. Thanks.” His face appeared to be dusted pink but Lance assumed he imagined it. 
Keith placed the hippo on his desk his fingers lingering on it a bit. Saying he loved it was an understatement, it was his favorite thing he was ever given. How did he know? Keith found himself borderline petting the fabric and dropped his hand. Shiro probably told him. 
He flopped down in his bed, that was easily one of the best birthdays he ever had. He was happy he finally found some form of a family. He loved them and they obviously loved him. 
His eyes wandered back to the hippo, which was going to make it harder to get over his crush on a fellow paladin. 
The hippo was given a permeant home on Keith's bed. It wasn’t a huge stuffed animal, but it was perfect to hug into his chest at night. He quickly found that he couldn’t sleep without it. 
When he made his bed he usually placed it back on his desk but sometimes he would place it on his pillows. It stayed in his room, always close enough for him to grab. 
It had been a couple of months since his birthday and his crush on Lance had still not gone away; in fact, it grew some. Keith would simply press his face into the stuffed hippo and relive any moments he shared with Lance that day. 
“Hey Keith, can I ask you-” Lance paused only a couple of steps into his bedroom. “You put the hippo on your bed?” 
Keith ran his towel through his hair, thankful he put on a shirt instead of walking out with only his boxers on after his shower. “Yeah.” 
Lance stared at him, he seemed a bit flustered by Keith assuming he was imagining it. “Why?” 
Keith shrugged and hung his towel on the back of his chair. “I like it.” 
Lance grinned at him, “do you sleep with it too?” 
Keith knew he was trying to start some friendly banter; they had moved away from actual arguments to friendly arguing. Something Keith was happy to finally happen. “I do.” 
Lance’s face fell for a second, not to anything negative just shock. Confusion? Keith didn’t know. 
Lance cleared his throat, his eyes still on the pastel purple. “I didn’t think you’d like it that much.” 
Keith looked at the hippo himself, “of course I do. It’s perfect to hug and cuddle at night.” 
Lance laughed, “I didn’t expect you to be a cuddly type of sleeper.” 
Keith took a couple of steps towards his bed, sitting on the edge of it. “I am when I feel safe.” 
Lance crossed his arms, staying in the same spot; Keith wondered briefly if he was glued to the floor. “Huh, I guess you do learn something new every day.” 
“Yeah.” After a couple of minutes of silence, Keith cleared his throat. “Did you want to sit? Or what did you come in here to ask me?” 
Lance blinked, he clearly forgot that he had gone in there for something else originally. “Oh um, yeah I wanted to ask you something but I think my nerves came back so sorry.” 
“Oh.” Keith couldn’t even hide the disappointment in his voice. 
Lance finally moved and sat down next to Keith, grabbing the stuffed hippo to hold in his hands.  After a deep breath he finally spoke, “are you busy tonight?” 
“Not really...why?” 
“Well...we’re going to that planet later so like. I didn’t know if you wanted to like...hang with me...?” 
Keith looked at Lance, his face was tinted a bright red and he was staring intently at the hippo. “Are you asking me on a bro date or like a gay date?” 
Lance laughed, “I never thought you would say something like that.” 
“Well...which is it?” 
Lance finally looked at him, “a gay date?” 
Keith grinned, “okay. Yeah sure.” 
Hehehe they went to a festival and Lance totally won him another stuffed hippo 
Happy birthday Keith!!!! It’s not solely a birthday fic but shhhhhh
Thanks Viv! I hope you liked it 
And thank you for reading <3333
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alisonwritesimagines · 2 years ago
Goodnight n Go ~Steven Grant Imagine~
Summary: You have a crush on Steven and can't help but imagine what it would be like to date him.
Author’s Note: I've had this in my drafts for a while and I had been meaning to post this but never had time.
Song: Goodnight n Go by Ariana Grande
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: none
Please do not post this anywhere!!!
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not a main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
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Tell me why you gotta look at me that way You know what it does to me So baby, what you tryna say? Lately, all I want is you on top of me You know where your hands should be So baby, won't you come show me?
You didn't know what attracted you to the sleep-deprived man but whatever it was, it worked. You were helplessly in love with Steven Grant of the gift shop.
You worked as one of the tour guides in the museum but before then, you used to work in the gift shop with Steven. That's how you met and eventually fell for him.
"So, Steven, where do you want to go to lunch?" You asked as you leaned over the counter. Your afternoon tour had just ended which meant that you were allowed to go to lunch. Normally, yours and Steven's lunch schedules were aligned which let you two hang out more than hanging out outside of your apartment.
"I hear there's this good vegan place not too far from here. They just opened up," Steven suggested.
"Okay. I can become a vegan for a day with you," you joked.
"Great. Shall we get going?" Steven asked you.
"We shall," you smiled at him.
I got you, I got you dreamin' You close your eyes and you're screamin' Play with your mind for no reason I know you love how I tease it You know that I'm playin', so don't be mistaken You already know what I'm thinkin', boy
You smiled at Steven while he told you what he read last night about Egyptian mythology.
"You're such a nerd. You know that?" You asked him.
"Oh. Sorry."
"No. I like it. You know I like it when you tell me more about Egyptian mythology," you smiled at him.
Sometimes your mind wandered to what it would have been like to just sleep with him. Is he good in bed? Is he inexperienced? It didn't matter. You were human. It was normal to have these thoughts about the man you had been crushing on for a while.
Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you, ah Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well
You passed by the gift shop but stopped when you saw Steven. You smiled before walking over to him. His back was turned, facing you as he stocked up the stuff toys of the Egyptian goddess Taweret.
"Hey, Steven," you greeted.
Steven jumped in surprise as he turned around to look at you. You giggled at his little jump. He held a hippo in his arm as he looked over at you.
"Hi, Y/n."
"Sorry for startling you. I just saw you in here and wanted to say hi," you said.
"It's alright. No harm done here," Steven smiled.
One of these days You'll miss your train and come stay with me (It's always say goodnight and go) We'll have drinks and talk about things And any excuse to stay awake with you And you'd sleep here, and I'd sleep there But then the heating may be down again (At my convenience) We'd be good, we'd be great together
"It's getting late again," Steven said as he looked at his phone.
"Do you really need to go?" You asked him.
You had invited Steven to a movie night since you both had gotten out of work a little earlier. The two of you were getting closer making you happier and falling more in love with him.
Yet you still couldn't help but think about what it would be like to finally be with Steven. He was everything you could ever ask for. He was nice, gentle, and perfect for you.
"Yeah. Don't want to be a bother and I got to make sure I feed my goldfish," Steven said with a shy smile.
"You could always spend the night here. I wouldn't mind you know," you tell him, trying to get confident around him now.
"I'm not sure. I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Steven said.
"You're always so sweet, Steven. But you wouldn't make me uncomfortable. Unless, I make you uncomfortable," you tell him with a small frown in the end.
"What? No! You're always so nice to me and I really... appreciate that," Steven tells you. You smile softly at him before standing up.
"I'm just saying, you always welcome here," you tell him as you kissed his cheek. Steven blushed hard as he looked at you.
"Oh shoot. I miss my train."
"Oh no. Really? I'm sorry. I can call you a cab or something," you offered.
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay for a night," Steven said as he scratched the back of his head a little.
"I can pour us a drink," you tell him.
"Yeah. I'd like that," Steven smiled.
"Um... Y/n?" You snapped out of your thoughts to look at Steven.
"I'm sorry. What?"
"I'll see you later?" Steven asked.
"Oh yeah. Bye, Steven," you said.
Why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you, ah Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well
Steven couldn't help but admit that he had fallen in love with you. You were so kind to him unlike others who thought he was a clumsy idiot. Every time you walked into a room, he felt like it became brighter with you. He loved it how he could make you laugh and vise versa.
"So, Y/n. Would you like to go on a walk around the park with me?" Steven asked you.
"Yeah. Sure. I'd love that," you smile.
As the two of you walk around the park, you both decided to grab some coffee before sitting down on a bench.
"Steven, is it okay if I tell you something?" You asked.
"Yeah. Of course."
"I like you. I really like you. I understand if you don't feel the same way but-"
He didn't know what came through to him. Steven quickly leaned in to kiss you to stop your sentence.
"I like you too. I'm sorry if I rushed into that. I should've asked first and-"
It was your turn to kiss him. When you pulled away, you both were blushing hard. You smiled softly at him before leaning your head on his shoulder.
"We can take it slow if you'd like," you tell him.
"I'd like that."
"Just promise me we can go on a date this weekend okay?"
"I promise," Steven smiled as he held your hand.
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scarletsugars · 3 years ago
gift shop guy
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steven grant x afab reader
synopsis: you go out with the guy from the museums gift shop
warning: 18+, p in v, fingering, bit of daddy kink, bit of name calling: slut, pet names, shy!reader, a bit dom/sub vibes, choking; i think that is it.
word count: 3.7 k
a/n: I never would've thought that this man would have such a chokehold on me. Also please excuse my punctuation it is and always will be my biggest enemy.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
You stand there at the exit and help your friend's children get off the bus.
"Sweeties, are you excited about our museum visit?"
Diane who was telling you all about her favorite dinosaur during the ride to the museum screams a happy "yes" and her brother gave you a nod, smiling happily as well.
"Well, I guess we should get in there then, shouldn't we?"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
After analysing every dinosaur skeleton with Diane you guys reach the area that shows all kinds of artefacts from ancient Egypt and find yourself in front of a so-called “sandstone hierakosphinx”. You begin to read the description to Diane and her brother when suddenly someone appears next to you.
"This sphinx was found in the temple of Ramses II and symbolizes royal power. Its head is that of a hawk and the body is that of a lion as you probably have noticed already, hawk-headed sphinxes are also called gryphon. Do you guys know a bit about ancient Egypt and Egyptian mythology?"
You look to your right, tilting your head a little confused, slowly answering.
"yes, we do a little bit."
The man continues his little speech.
"Then the head of this sphinx may remind you of the god Horus, son of Isis, who is most often depicted with a falcon head and a human body or as a falcon wearing a double crown. The Egyptian pharaohs were associated with him because, as you may know, they were considered the earthly embodiment of the god. Horus-"
As he begins another sentence a woman walks towards you two.
"Steven, the gift shop doesn‘t sell the products by itself. Go. Leave the poor woman and her kids alone."
Steven lets out an exasperated sigh and apologizes to you, he gives the kids a little smile. He is quite handsome you have to admit, he is tall, has broad shoulders, dark hair and brown eyes which sparkled a little as he talked to you guys just now. You watch him walk behind the counter where a few children have lined up.
"Auntie, can I get a plush animal?"
Peter asks running over to plush animals and already inspecting the Taweret plush.
"Me too, Auntie please!"
You laugh at the two.
"But only choose one, Sweeties, else your mother is going to kill me."
After both have chosen you walk over to Steven’s counter together and wait in the queue.
"It‘s cute isn‘t it, Auntie?"
Peter asks, petting the plush hippo's head. You nod smiling.
"Can you guess its name, Auntie? No, wait. I'm going to tell you. His name is Frank."
"Actually, her Name is Taweret."
You look from the plush hippo in Peter's hands up into the dark eyes of Steven.
"Oh, she is the goddess who protects our pregnant mommy! Right, Auntie? You told us about her!"
Diane exclaims excitedly.
"Someone knows their goddesses. Your Auntie taught you well."
You chuckle and put the plush animals on the counter for him to scan.
"You seem to know quite a lot about ancient Egypt, have you been working here for a long time?"
You ask curiously, putting your card on the reader.
"Oh right sorry about earlier, I tend to forget that most people aren’t as interested in all this as me, most people just want to enjoy the exhibit in peace."
Steven said, chuckling uncomfortably as he scratches his neck. Looks like he misunderstood your honest curiosity quite well.
"No that’s no-"
You catch yourself stuttering. After taking a deep breath you start the sentence again
"What I meant to say was that I honestly found it interesting. You don’t have to apologize."
You offer him another kind smile, still trying to regain your composure. How was that guy making you so nervous?
The kids take the plushies and are looking at you expectingly.
"I wish I would have had an Auntie as nice as you when I was younger. I wish you guys a nice day, have fun with plush Taweret and Horus!"
Steven chuckles slightly and smiles at the kids. He is really cute and even though it is maybe not the most appropriate thing to do while taking care of your friend’s children, you gather your courage, take out one of your business cards and hand it to him.
"Maybe you'd like to tell me a bit more about ancient Egypt some time on a different occasion, maybe with a coffee or glass of wine."
You smile and receive a dumbfounded look in return. You laugh and the kids wave him goodbye.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
You wake up to your phone ringing way too loudly and way too early in the morning.
You answer with a hoarse voice. Steven is, like so many nights before, trying to stay awake and even though he intended to wait to call you so that he wouldn't seem too desperate, here he is now. After all, he is kind of desperate to talk to you. After such a long time a woman and especially a woman this beautiful is interested in him.
"Oi sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to wake you I- 4 am?! I didn't look at the time, I'm terribly sorry I'll just-"
"Steven? Is that you? It's okay, is everything good?"
You wonder a little as to why he would call at such a weird hour but you aren't complaining, you were really looking forward to getting a call from him, even though it is this early in the morning.
"Yeah, I just- I'm terribly sorry uhm."
Steven laughs uncomfortably.
"Would you like to go to a restaurant and maybe for a drink this weekend? O-or next? Whatever fits your schedule best."
You tell him that this Friday sounds good and that you're looking forward to it. You smile to yourself falling right back asleep.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Friday evening came and it was a warm one so you wore your favorite sundress. As you cross the street you can already see Steven sitting outside of the restaurant with red roses and a pink heart-shaped box laying on the table. As soon as he sees you he smiles brightly and stands up from his seat, greeting you.
"Hi Steven, have you been waiting for long?"
"Not at all! Oh, right I have something for you! Almost forgot."
Steven takes the roses and the heart-shaped box of chocolate from the table to give it to you. You thank him and with a small giggle sit down at the table.
You both talk a lot about your lives. The evening is nice and refreshing, you haven't had such a nice date in years. Steven is such a sweet man and you actually feel safe in his presence, so you didn't think twice about his offer to go up to his apartment for drinks and to give you some of his books about Egyptian mythology.
His apartment is a bit messy but it looks interesting, especially the big fish tank in which just one goldfish swims. You walk directly towards it.
"It’s so cute! What's its name, Steven? Has it only one fin?"
"Oh, yeah that is my one finned friend Gus. He's a pretty sweet guy once you get to know him, even though he looks like a tough little lad at first."
You both laugh. While Steven searches for the books he wants to give you, you look around his apartment some more.
"You have such a nice apartment! It's so big and- you even have a record player!"
Steven turns and walks over to you putting the books he found next to the record player.
"I do. Would you like to listen to some music?"
You nod in response and he looks through his little vinyl collection.
"Here it is!"
You look at it with amusement.
"Engelbert Humperdinck? A Man Without Love?"
You laughed out loud. He lays his hand on his heart trying to act serious.
"Well, in my defense... it's a good album!”
Steven laughs now too and slowly turns the music up.
"Would you like to dance with me for a bit?"
He asks holding his left hand out for you, grinning. You look down, biting your cheek nervously. You put your right hand in his and lay the other on his shoulder as he lays his right hand on your back. You dance slowly through the room, holding each other. You enjoy the music and the closeness. He is so charming and as you look up into his eyes you see how much they are sparkling in the dim light, it makes you just oh so nervous. 
After a while, you gather up your courage and take your hand out of his, to lay your arms around his neck. His left hand now joins his other and both slowly wander down to your hips, holding them softly. You bite your bottom lip subconsciously, feeling your face heat up as you see the sides of his lips rise slowly into a shy smile. You want to kiss him. You want to kiss him so so bad.
"Y/N, is it okay if I- if I kiss you?"
And that does it for you. You put your lips on his, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling. The kiss was soft and sweet. Steven is caressing your hips and stops the kiss to let you breathe as soon as he notices that you are out of air. You look into each other's eyes for some time until the song changes and Steven softly shakes his head to bring himself back to the present.
"Uhm come on, let me show you the books"
He takes your hand softly and leads you to the table. The two of you take a seat next to eachother.
"So this book gives a general overview of Egypt's history and their culture, this book goes into detail about Egyptian mythology, and last but not least, this book shows the parallels between the Egyptian deities and deities from other pantheons"
"Thank you, Steven. I've learned quite a bit tonight and thank you for the books and well actually the whole evening. I had a lot of fun."
You stack them on top of each other and shoot him a happy smile.
"I'm glad I finally met someone who shares my interest, as well as someone whose ear I can chew off with it."
He laughs, laying his hand on your thigh, caressing it softly.
You notice now just how close the two of you are again and feel your heart beat quicken, so much that you think that the man can hear it.
All of a sudden you feel his fingers on your chin, lifting your head. You look up through your lashes trying your best to regain at least a bit of composure, but you fail to do so as you see the look on his face. 
His pupils have dilated, it looks like he has pitch black eyes. It feels like you are being bitten by thousands of ants as the tension between the two of you rises. You let out a shaky breath and then Steven finally makes a move. 
The moment his soft lips are back on yours you stop holding yourself back. You slide onto his lap, put your arms around the man's neck, and deepen the kiss. Steven's hands slip down from your waist to your ass, carefully caressing it. 
You are enjoying his touches and kisses when he squeezes a gasp out of you. He takes his chance to explore your mouth with his tongue. You let out a quiet moan, suddenly breaking the kiss by putting your hands over your mouth embarrassed at the sound you made seconds earlier. It's been such a long time since you've done something like this. Steven just looks at you with a smug grin
"It's fine, let me hear those sounds. Please. You sound really lovely."
He takes your hands slowly off your mouth.
"If you want to stop you can tell me any time, okay Y/N? Do you want to stop?"
You are a little overwhelmed at how kind he is, but get yourself to shake your head. You don't want to stop, it feels too good. He feels too good.
"S-sorry, just a bit nervous, I haven't done it in a bit, you know."
Steven looks a bit concerned now.
"You don't have to apologize, Sweetheart. If you want to stop or-or maybe continue a different day it is totally fine"
You violently shake your head.
"No. No, please I want to continue, I’m just nervous. Please... I want to continue"
You look at him with big eyes and his energy shifted back to what it was just a minute ago.
"As you wish, Sweetheart"
His lips were back on yours and your arms were back around his neck.
Steven guides you to his bed and takes off his shirt and pants, his defined body has you in awe. You don't notice your staring until Steven lets out a low chuckle.
"You like what you're seeing, hm? Come on Darling, take your cute little dress off."
You do as he says as fast as possible, leaving your underwear on and reconnecting your lips with his.
He helps you onto the bed and crawls on top of you, not stopping the heated and a bit clumsy kiss.
As one of his hands slowly travels from next to your head down to your breasts you feel his tongue entering your mouth again. You let out a whimper.
He takes off your bra and takes one of your nipples between his teeth, playinh with it, flicking it with his tongue and massaging the other breast with his hand.
You squirm a little and felt more and more soft whimpers leaving your mouth. These however slowly turned into moans as Steven kisses down to your core.
As he begins to leaves kisses on the inside of your thighs, all you want for him to do is finally touch you where you need him most.
"Steven... please..."
He grins.
"Darling, I can already see you leaking through your panties. I didn't think you would be such a naughty little girl..."
You let out a louder moan this time, feeling the wetness between your legs grow even more at his words.
Steven carefully took off your panties and throws them somewhere to the side. He looks at your glistening pussy, feeling his mouth begin to water.
He just stares at your core. He does nothing but stare... you can feel the slick wandering down your thighs, feeling so very exposed.
You notice that he seems so different from when you met him and when you were at the restaurant to now.
"Please, Steven."
You plead. You don't know for what exactly but you would be happy with anything he would give you right now. You just need him to do something.
And he does. Steven slides his fingers between your folds, gathering your slick with his finger, and inserts one, slowly moving it in and out.
After adding the second one you let out a long moan.
"Ooooooh gods, S-Steven please, I need you..."
You look at him with big eyes.
"What do you want me to do, Love? Tell me."
"Please. P-please don't tease me... just... just... I need you inside"
He lets out a groan.
"Gods, you're making me go bonkers."
Steven stands up and peels off the last piece of his clothing. His dick is so hard that it smacks against his lower abdomen.
You gulp. He is bigger than you expected, a lot bigger.
After putting on a condom he notices your concerned face and caresses your cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll be very careful, my Darling"
And he is. He is so very careful, reassuring you that everything is going to be fine every time your expression changes even if just a little.
"Good girl. You're such a good girl, taking me so well."
He is still caressing your cheek and kissing you sweetly as he bottoms out.
"You're doing so well, my Darling"
He says as you close your eyes to relax.
After you adjusted to his size you open your eyes back up and ask him to move.
He does, but keeps his slow and careful pace, still trying his best to not hurt you. He is handling you like a fragile little thing, as if you would break if he moves any faster.
In response you slowly begin to move your hips under him, needing to feel more. His cock is stretching you so well, you just can't hold back.
"Please, Stevie. Please. Please faster."
Your wish is his command. He begins to quicken his pace bit by bit, increasing the volume of your moans with it.
If you could think straight you would worry about his neighbors hearing you but your head is all fogged up right now. All you can think about is Steven, the way he ruts into you relentlessly, the way his thick cock fills you up perfectly, just Steven.
Even though his pace has increased you still need more. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms grab onto his shoulders. You're gripping so hard that you are probably going to leave scratch marks there.
"You're taking me so so well, my good girl. Whose good girl are you, hm? You're my good girl, right?"
You can’t concentrate, the only thing you are able to focus on is the pleasure you feel and the grunts that are leaving Steven's mouth.
His pace suddenly decreases and you start to whine at the missing friction.
"Please... Please..."
Is the only thing you are able to say, needing him to move again so badly.
"Tell me, sweethear, whose good girl are you, hm? Are you this cock drunk already that you can’t answer me anymore?"
You try your best to register his words.
"Y-yours? I-I'm your good girl. Your good girl, daddy."
You manage to choke out from your sore throat and begin to move your hips just to feel any friction again.
Steven looks at you a little surprised. He doesn't complain about the nickname but he was curious now. What else would he be able to get out of you?
Your movements are snapping him out of his thoughts. He grabs you by your waist and pins it down to the bed to stop your movements.
"No moving without my permission. Didn't think my sweet girl would be such a slut for me."
"D-daddy please, I-I'm sorry", you whine "I just need you to-"
He slaps your clit.
You let out a high-pitched moan.
He didn't know exactly where his bursts of confidence nor the sudden profanities come from but he doesn't care, seeing that it clearly works on you.
"D-daddy please, I need you to. I-It hurts so much."
You look at him with watery eyes. You just needed him to move, just a bit.
"Please. Please. Please. Please."
You are reciting the pleas like a prayer, waiting to finally be answered.
As if the gods have heard you, Steven continues his movements, his thrusts are harder, deeper this time. 
You are back to moaning again, babbling nonsense as his speed and strength increase even more. Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten you clench down on his cock.
"No cumming yet, baby. Wait for me, okay? Wait for daddy's permission."
You nod completely out of breath.
Steven forcefully grabs both your legs and puts them over his shoulders. The new angle has the both of you seeing stars. You can hear a few high-pitched moans escaping from his mouth as well.
"D-daddy. Daddy can't any l-longer."
You try your best to hold your orgasm in but it was getting harder and harder by the second.
Steven's hand snakes around your throat and a few thrusts later he finally gives you his permission.
"You can come now."
And you come with a quiet scream. You throw your head back, seeing flashes of light appear in front of your eyes. Your whole body was shaking and twitching.
Steven comes a few thrusts later, riding his orgasm out.
He lies down right next to you, both still panting trying to regain your breaths.
Steven is the first to move. He throws the condom away, lies back down, and wraps his arms around you. He pulls you closer, smiling brightly.
You smile to yourself as well.
"Thank you."
He kisses your neck carefully and lays his head on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry if I was too harsh, I hope I didn't scare you..."
"N-no need to be sorry, I had a lot of fun, even though I am still a bit surprised about the sudden change of character. It was just really unexpected."
You let out a soft laugh.
"Yeah for me too... Would you… would you maybe like to do that again? Not today of course but soon? Another date I mean, not just the sex thing."
Steven asks, caressing your waist.
"Sorry was that too early, Sweetheart?"
"No, no it's perfectly fine. Of course, I would love to."
You turn around to him and kiss his swollen lips softly.
"Would you like to tell me a bit more about the Ennead now?"
"Gods, please marry me."
You both laugh and you cuddle up next to him, slowly drifting to sleep while listening to his calm voice.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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mask-of-prime · 2 years ago
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TLG: The Lesson
It was morning. The Guard woke to find that their leader had not yet returned home like she normally would during her late-night walks. For hours they patrolled the perimeter of Pride Rock and kept watchful eyes. Tazama, the Keenest of Sight, stood on the peak of the ridge that broke up the Pridelands and the Elephant Graveyard. She spotted a hunched figure exiting the vast land of carrion.
"Hiyo Kali!" she cried, "Vitani spotted coming from the Graveyard." "What? What on earth is she doing there?" Kasi questioned before following the Guard down the ridge. Vitani's ears perked up when she heard familiar voices call her name from a distance. She saw her Guard racing for her. Imara carefully followed, trying not to put too much weight on her severely bruised foreleg. "Vitani! Where have you been?" Kasi asked, arriving first. "We were looking all over for you." Tazama added. "Yeah, we were afraid something happened to you..." Shabaha froze and arched an eyebrow, "...What's happening here?" They took notice of Vitani carrying a flaming stick. Spots of soot were scattered across her disheveled fur, and she clearly hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. "Vitani, what were you doing in the Elephant Graveyard?" Imara said, catching up with everyone. "I spent the night devising a plan to deal with that rhino, and I've got a fool-proof plan, right here." Vitani gestured to the torch, "Girls, say hello to Nuka." Shabaha loudly cackled, while Imara and Kasi exchanged concerned looks. Tazama tilted her head. "Vitani? Are you sure you didn't breathe in too many fumes in there?" Kasi leaned into Vitani's face to get a better look at her. "I'm positive!" Vitani hissed, "I summoned Nuka with my Roar last night. I don't know how, but I did! Now, where's that rhino?" "Vitani, I'm not sure this is a good day for a mission." Imara shook her head, doubtful of her friend’s health. "Where's. The rhino?" Vitani growled, having had enough. "We heard him announce some kind of gathering at Ukuni Woods this morning. Said something about a debate against the old crash leader before the next Savannah Summit, why?" Shabaha answered, unwittingly going against everyone's plan to just take Vitani home. Everyone scowled at the Bravest. "...How did you even know all of that?" Imara squinted, "You won't listen to most commands, but you'll retain all that?" "That's all I needed to hear," Vitani brushed past the Guard, "Come on, girls." "What are you planning?" Kasi asked, near-frantic. "Just leave it to me." Vitani grinned. ___ "...and as future crash leader, I promise no predator will be welcome to our expanded grazing grounds! No longer shall we be called 'prey' to anyone!" Ngurumo's voice boomed across the plains. The herbivores cheered and bellowed what sounded like war-cries. A few even shouted pejorative remarks in regards to the predators they've quickly grown to hate. The Lion Guard lied low in the tall grass, watching what they could of the densely-crowded rally. "Oh, brother. " Shabaha rolled her eyes, "What a show. The jokes really tell themselves, here, and we even got the best seat seat in the house behind a wall of hippo cheeks. The flies really add an atmospheric ambiance to the literal bull-" "Shh! you're gonna give us away!" Kasi hissed. Meanwhile, Imara silently pushed Shabaha's head below the grass' height. Vitani briefly closed her eyes and shook her head before glancing back up, "What's the path look like, Tazama? Any direction I can enter?" "A gap between two zebras just opened up northwest of us. You better decide to slip in quickly. The gap appears to be closing soon." "Super..." Vitani began moving, grabbing her stick. "So, what's the plan, Vitani? We're dying to know!" Kasi whispered. Vitani craned her head, "Like I said, leave it to me. Just stay back and listen if I need your aid, don't want anyone to get caught up in the flames, now." "Flames?!" Kasi's eyes were orbs, "What are you- Vitani!" Vitani continued to wordlessly head for the opening. She abruptly and rudely cut in between the two zebras, who scowled in offense. "I'll be accepting your questions, now." the rhino stood tall. "I got one." Everyone turned to the lone lioness amongst the crowd. Gasps and mutters filled the plains. "Are you going to close this charade down and abide by the Circle of Life's laws, or am I gonna have to put a stop to all of this, myself?" "Well, look who dropped by." Ngurumo smirked and cocked his head up tauntingly, "What're you gonna do, little girl, roar at us and harm your fellow Pridelanders?" "Worse." Vitani swiped her stick across a slab of flint, the sparks igniting it. It was now a torch. "Roho ya Moto!" she growled. Suddenly, a large flame exploded from the end of the torch. It gave a roar as a head and forepaws took form. A maniacal cackle followed. The crowd gasped and prepared to run as the spirit jarringly lunged forward. The Guard, who now had an excellent view of the affair thanks to the scattering crowd, could not believe their eyes. "Nuka?!" they all shouted in unison. "Panic and run! Panic and run!" cried Thurston. "Wh- W-What is that?" Ngurumo sputtered, unable to hide his cowering. "Your warning to stop this conspiracy you got going on. Shut this all down, or you'll be chased out of the Pridelands at your own risk." Vitani glared. "Unholy conjurer of the evil spirit! She preaches the Circle of Life, yet wants us all to burn! Get her!" Ngurumo was so fearful of the supernatural being that stood before him, that he was losing control of his thoughts now. "Are you insane?" questioned Zito, "We're not fighting her or that thing!" "So much for our brave protector." a sable antelope rolled his eyes. "What a coward!" said a gazelle, "We're out of here!" The herbivores ran for their lives. The Lion Guard was forced to leave their hiding spot as a storm of hooves nearly crushed them. Only Ngurumo was left behind. "No!! Where are you going?! We must stand together to fight!" the rhino desperately called. Ngurumo growled as he slammed his hoof to the ground. He glanced up to see the rest of the Guard gathering behind Vitani as the fire spirit whispered in Vitani's ear. "I gotta go now, my minutes are up. I think you know what to do for a nice little finale." Nuka smirked. "Sorry you're gonna miss it." his sister matched his smirk, "Girls, get behind me." The Guard, already bewildered at everything that was going on, obeyed and took a few steps back. Vitani's eyes glowed. She took a deep breath, and roared the mighty roar of thousands of lions in the sky. The winds carried the four-ton rhino like a feather, launching him far into the unknown outskirts of the Pridelands. After moments of the Guard silently glancing at the disheveled ground and dissipating clouds, Shabaha finally spoke up. "What. Was. That?!" she leapt on her forelegs, giving her signature cackle. "Vitani, we're really sorry for not believing you earlier... about Nuka..." Kasi's ears pinned back. "Oh, it's crazy to me, too." Vitani smiled proudly. Vitani's eyes became reflective thinking about how she got to see Nuka again, as well as finally overcoming a hurdle she never thought she would. Everything was coming together, under her control. She would master the power of the Roar like her predecessor had once said. She was more than content with her place in the Circle of Life, now. ___ Ngurumo shook off the dust and pain from his old bones. He didn't know where he was now, but he was never going to leave the Pridelands, not the land he'd promised to his fellow herbivores. This would not be the last of his schemes...
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