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velonotes · 5 years ago
still feel risk
but no thrill
on the bike
still feel out of place
but not embarrassed
in a crowd
that is
the chance of life
on a tack
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velonotes · 5 years ago
let’s do bikes
hundred 3 (yeah already ... desert ... shrugs)
it was in the fridge beer
let’s do happy
let’s write again
chat again
let’s rip sum legs off
crush sum skulls
let’s do 3 days in the woods
pinos altos
the high pines
let’s do roaddie
or roll dirt
or bot a zwift
froome dog it
like uh sir
(the chuckle)
(it was fuggin funny though)
(still scum)
what’s the clean generation even doing these days
do we know
call me
miss you
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velonotes · 5 years ago
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found cupboard-coke
standin for shop coffee
you know it’s bad
when you didn’t even put socks on to go to work
it’s not the virus that made me semi-non-essential
it’s that it showed me that I’m semi-non-essential
i do wonder how long
the pay will go
for semi-non-essential
these feet weren’t made for peddlin
peddlins what they’ll do
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velonotes · 5 years ago
So I asked my self: Self, is it possible to tune an extended range Critical Power Model to act like WKO4 ?
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looks like a pretty good start from the training set.
hold up those numbers look funny what data did you use to train the model ?
this data:
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wait so let me see that again…
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hmmm ok well what about the r^2 and residuals
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r^2 of 1 but then what’s with the residuals not being perfect ?
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probably because digitizing plots isn’t perfect… 
and its persumably not the same model
but Cog showed that FRC does not equal W’ and therefore needed a new term
same with FTP so this can’t possible by a Critical Power Class model can it?
a Critical Power class model can’t behave like something that isn’t a Critical Power class model?
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sure is.
wait why are there two lines?
that’s for another time.
ok fine its a Critical Power class model, but but but that’s just the training set what if your exponentials interact with the Flux capacitor, remember the map is not the territory!
anybody can tune something to match a training set that doesn’t mean anything!
you can’t show anythig without a test set, do you have a test set!?
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yup sure do r^2 better than 0.96 despite the restricted range. 
are you really using 15 years of Coggan’s personal PD data to make a point on your blog?
yeah a bit tacky I know but its what I had
wait did you somehow steal the WKO4 model already? 
nope just tuned a Critical Power class model to act like it. 
so then does it still screw up like WKO4 when dealing with submaximal data?
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yup it sure does. suprisingly not as often as WKO4 did on Coggan’s data set but here’s one clear example were it does. 
so what do you do about that?
two options:
1. clean out the submaximal data and re-run it 
2. use a brute force algorithm to rerun the model with an array of fixed CP values then select the best statistical fit (or range of fits) that doesn’t violate the model assumptions. 
ps Andy, yes I did block you on twitter. I can’t deal with the endless repetition of non-informative cliches. And its been a while since you taught me anything. I do apreciate some of the early stuff it was quite helpful but lately its gotten old. Cheers bud.
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velonotes · 5 years ago
the solo prayer
i like
that it’s dark
i like
that it’s cold
i like
that i hurt
i like
that there’s 12
to go
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velonotes · 6 years ago
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ima borrow a brief happiness
onna borrowed bike
borrowed shoes
a borrowed trail
ima steal a little smile
in the space between raindrops
inna t shirt
ima leave the sad
leave this
people leaving this world
a break from condolence
from thank yous
ima take a minute
from saying
east coast roots
on flats
i’ll be back
sorrow can wait
ima roll deep Connecticut lines
cross streams
granite climbs
you used to read this blog
a little weird
i wonder
if you still do
goodbye Tato
goodbye grief
i’ll see
you soon
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velonotes · 6 years ago
life is uh run in between the rains
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velonotes · 6 years ago
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velonotes · 6 years ago
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So it takes over 7 years to catch an 8/10 suspicion index rider on an OOC EPO test
how long then to catch a 6/10
given the most tested ever 4/10
never glowed on a test
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velonotes · 7 years ago
american cycling fans
devoid of any frame of reference
desperate to feel shocked
by Lambie’s pursuit world record
there’s a mustache involved
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velonotes · 7 years ago
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velonotes · 7 years ago
reads about fox live valve
goes in the garage
gazes at the hardtail
like some
prescious religious artifact
the truth is
Icarus reached the sun
was lost in the despair
of having done so
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velonotes · 7 years ago
god bless this day
she put before us
god bless this life
she put behind us
god bless this death
the resources she frees
the blackest soil
the deepest flood
the grossest mutation
god bless this evolution
she put in us
the intellect necessary
to give her praise
slightly soft
slightly warm
a morning thought
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velonotes · 7 years ago
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Pony at 24HOP ?
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velonotes · 7 years ago
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so remember this thing 24 hrs enchanted forest rock of power coed duo ? so we go to do this my partner has to bale with a saddle sore after her third lap i’m like fuggit so i just roll solo remainder of the 24 technically it shoulda been a DNF the result apparently stands i get some third place pottery
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velonotes · 7 years ago
“Had a guy on a Walmart bike come in with a flat a while back. I almost hated to charge him to fix it because the $20 he spent on labor and a new tube was worth more than the bike…but such is life. I noticed the wheel was particularly heavy when I took it out, but just attributed it to the bike being shit. Unseated the tire and tried to pull the tube out…and my god, what is this? It’s almost solid… Dude had been filling the tube with goo for 5 years. Five fucking years. The tube itself weighed nearly 2 pounds and was essentially a smaller solid tire inside his actual tire. He said “I wonder if that’s why the bike is so slow””
— Tarck Bear.
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velonotes · 7 years ago
commit to crit 2019
can’t take it back now
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