#oh it's so amazing to see them all together again ALIVE
winterrbluess · 22 days
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The trio is back!
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goodbird1 · 8 months
My firecracker
Alastor x fem reader
Word count: 634
Summary: Charlie learns about Alastor wife.
Warnings: mention of death and murder (please tell me if I miss any)
Alastor stood on a balcony overlooking the city. The hotel was celebrating for some reason or another he didn't particularly care. Reaching into his coat pocket he pulled out a locket. Unclasping it reveals an image of a woman.
“I thought doing this would make me feel better in some way, or at least dull the pain for the time being” Alastor began, looking down at the locket. “It was foolish of me to think that would happen. It's happening all over again, and I don't think I have a chance to see you again.”
Tears started swelling in his eyes. Quickly pulling out a handkerchief and wiping them away.
“You know I always took you as someone who likes entertainment and parties are pretty entertaining” Charlie said coming out on the balcony.
“Oh I'm just getting some fresh air, it's far too stuffy in there” Alastor replied, shoving the locket back in his coat. Not before Charlie notices.
“What's that?” Charlie said, reaching out.
Instinctively Alastor slapped Charlie's hand away, holding the locket even closer now. Towering over her with a cruel look on his face, he saw the fear in her eyes. Normally he'd relish in it but this was no sight he wanted to see on charlie. Signing he pulled out the locket again shifting it through his fingers.
“My apologies dear,” he said, turning back to the city. “I didn't mean to snap, it's a locket with my wife's photo in it, it's the only thing I have left of her.”
“You never told me you were married,” Charlie said, coming to Alastor's side.
“I don't much like to talk about it” Alastor signed.
“Can I ask, what was she like?” Charlie questioned.
“Oh she was wonderful” He began. “She was a firecracker, always 3 steps ahead of everyone. Beat you in any game and once you thought you had the upper hand she'd pull the rug right out from your feet. She was kind and considerate, and believed in second chances. She'd taught me that. And oh she could sing like an angel. I would play the piano, she would sing and the world would fade away.”
“She sounds amazing, you know maybe if you redeem yourself you can see her again in heaven!”
“Haha oh darling, anybody worth knowing comes down here!” Alastor said between laughs. “She would always tell me she would rather burn in hell with me than sit alone in heaven. Did you know that our fathers decided to put us together to ‘contain our unnatural behavior’? And she came up with a plan to kill both our families and then burn the evidence! Oh it was then I knew she was the one.”
Memories started flooding back when they were both alive and then both died. But this time they didn't hurt so much now.
“What happened to her?” Charlie asked, bring Alastor back to reality.
“The first or the second time?” Alastor joked trying not to spiral.
“Both?” She whispered hesitantly.
“The first time she was in a tree, mistaken for a bird and shot down the fall was what killed her. The second time…” Alastor choked clutching the locket for dear life. Clearing his voice he started again. “Well you don't make it as far as I have without making a few enemies. They sent her back in pieces.”
“That's awful!” Charlie exclaimed.
“No need to worry they won't hurt anyone now.” Signing, he stepped away from the edge. “Come on dear, let's join the party.”
“Hey Al, can I ask one more thing?”
“And what would that be?”
“Do you think she would have liked the hotel?”
Turning fully around to face Charlie. A kind smile across his face with a hand reaching out for her.“Oh she would love it.”
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rabesbabe · 3 months
Silver Soul
Jackie Taylor x Fem!Reader
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part one ➴ part two part three
Summary: You accidentally injure Jackie one day during practice and your relationship with her starts to bloom.
A/N: Jackie is such a cutie and she literally did no wrong the entire series (fight w me idc). But I’m hoping YJ tumblr is still alive idk? Enjoy this fic tho ! (Not proofread)
“Oh my god.”
Your mouth is agape as you watch the ball you kicked hit Jackie Taylor straight in the nose.
The whole team stood and watched in shock as the ball coming from the complete opposite end of the field smacks her straight in the face.
The best way to describe Jackie in your words was perfect. And you weren’t jealous of her or anything. You liked who you were and all but it was just true. Jackie had amazing grades, she was the captain of the soccer team and, from what you knew she came from a good family.
Even though you had been on the same team as her for two years now, you guys never really became anything more than acquaintances. You waved at her in the halls and she did the same but that was kind of it. You guys had different social circles and shared a few classes but never talked in them. She wasn’t anything to you really besides your teammate.
You ran as fast as you could to the other side of the field to help Jackie who was now clutching her nose and wincing in pain.
“Wait, Y/N!” You heard Natalie call out to you. And as you were running you looked back to see what Nat was calling after you about.
When suddenly you ran straight into Jackie and you both fell to the ground.
You grab your head and wince. Jesus did you have to be this clumsy?
Opening your eyes you see Taissa offering you her hand and laughing while Van does the same for Jackie.
As you stand up, you look at Jackie, her face was red from the impact and her eyes looked glossy. You felt like the worst person in the world.
“Shit, Jackie, I’m so sorry.” You say.
She winced again as she looks at you and tries her best to smile through the pain. “It’s totally fine. You didn’t mean to.”
Still feeling like satan himself you offer to take her to the nurse.
“Yeah that’d be great.” She says.
As you and Jackie make your way to the side of the field Nat catches up with you.
“Way to go Y/N,” She says, teasing you.
“Now, is not the time to be an asshole.” You say to her halfway joking.
You and Nat had been best friends since practically the first day of kindergarten. You had caught her outside throwing rocks at kids during recess, and since that was right up your alley, you joined her. Ever since then you guys have been inseparable. And constantly being menaces towards everyone together.
Nat waves you off and walks back to the field. You turn your attention to Jackie and stop her so that you can move her hands from her face. You Inspect her nose and it was most definitely bleeding but, it looked okay. You were shocked at how powerful you could kick.
“It should be fine.” You say smiling a little at Jackie.
She nods not seeming to believe you.
The walk to the nurses office was filled with awkward silence. You had no idea what to say to her. You just kicked her in the face and then basically tackled her. You were shocked she didn’t hate your guts.
As you walk to the door you realize that since it’s after school the nurse isn’t gonna be inside the office.
“Uhm. I kinda forgot that she wasn’t gonna be here.” You say awkwardly to Jackie who somehow, was giving you her award winning smile even though her nose was literally bleeding onto her jersey.
“It’s fine I can just get ice when I get home.” She says, shuffling her feet.
“Or I could get us into the office without a key?” You say smirking.
She looks up at you, her hazel eyes glowing with disapproval. “There’s cameras? Don’t you think they’ll see us.”
“So what? Are they gonna give us detention for stealing an Ice pack?” You laugh, rolling your eyes.
The corner of her mouth turned upwards and she smiles a bit but still looks worried.
“Come on Jackie, live a little.” You look down at the lock and grab a hairpin.
In about 3 minutes you were into the office.
Jackie looks at you her mouth slightly open.
“Wow, you didn’t think I could do it did you?” You look at her with a fake offended face on.
“No I definitely didn’t. But, you did.” She says giggling.
Still feeling very responsible for her obvious pain you say, “Here sit on one of the beds I’ll grab the ice pack.”
Looking around the nurses office you find the freezer and grab some ice. You put it into a plastic bag and wrap a paper towel around it.
“Scooch.” You say and you sit next to her on the nurses bed.
You gently grab her chin and inspect her face noticing that the bleeding stopped.
“Wait.” You say getting an idea. You go into the bathroom get some tissue and wet it with cold water.
When you get back over to her you notice she’s already shifted back into where you were sitting.
You playfully roll your eyes at her. “Cmon, schooch again.”
You sit back down and grab her face again. This time you move closer your faces are only inches away from each other. You gently wipe the blood off her face. Her breathing starts to falter a little and you look her in the eyes. “God, the ball must’ve hit you hard, you can barely breathe from the pain.”
Her cheeks go a light shade of pink that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so close to her. “Uhm. Yeah it hit me pretty hard.” She says.
“Sorry again.” You say.
A little out of it from the throbbing coming from her face and her proximity to you at the moment, Jackie bursted out laughing. Very confused since nothing funny happened, you look at her.
“What?” You say starting to laugh a little yourself.
“Nothing,” She says trying to catch her breath. “You’re just like the clumsiest person i’ve ever met.”
“Asshole,” you laugh out.
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who kicked me.” she exclaims, attempting to stifle her laugh.
You narrow your eyes at her playfully and hand her the ice pack.
“Now you’re back to the beautiful normal Jackie,” You say. “All that blood was not doing you justice.” You joke.
She blushes at your words slightly and you notice but brush it off as her face just being red from earlier.
Getting up from the bed she looks down at her wrist, checking the time. “Practice is probably over now.”
“Yeah. We should go and get changed.”
After changing and showering you walk with Nat to your car. You guys stop there for a bit and chat.
“Is she coming over here?” You say furrowing your eyes and looking into the distance.
Across the parking lot was Jackie, smiling at you and Nat, in her perfect little outfit.
“You kick a girl in the face one time and now she’s obsessed.” Natalie says smirking while taking a drag from a cigarette.
You elbow Nat in the side at her sarcasm causing her to drop her cig. “Ouch?!” Clutching at her side she looks at you. When Jackie reaches your car she stops right in front of you and Natalie.
“Uh hey Jackie.” You say weerily.
“Hi.” She says, giving you that smile she gave everyone when she wanted something. You had seen it before a million times. And it worked every single time.
“Did you need something?” You ask.
“Yeah actually, I was wondering if you could drive me home?” She Bats her eyelashes at you innocently.
Nat gives you a confused look and you shoot one right back at her. Why was she suddenly talking to you?
You try to think of an excuse to say no. You had a routine after school. You got coffee at your favorite place and studied. Sometimes Nat came along if she wasn’t working. And then after school you’d watch movies or hangout with friends and smoke. Driving Jackie Taylor home was not apart of that routine.
“Doesn’t Shauna take you home? I thought you guys always like hungout after practice or something.”
“It’s totally fine! She’ll survive one day without us hanging out. Plus you owe me after today.” She smiles at you again.
Nat buts in. “Yeah you owe her Y/N, drive the nice girl home.” She says trying to annoy you.
You look over at Nat and give her a look that she immediately understands as “I’m literally going to kill you if you don’t leave right now.” Nat laughs and walks to her car. “I’ll call you later Y/N.” She yells to you before getting in.
You flip her off and yell back, “Please don’t!”
Jackie looks at you again and asks, “So are you gonna drive me or not?”
You just sigh and open the door for her.
She squeals and gets in.
“Oh, by the way I usually stop for coffee so I guess you have to come with me.” You say starting the car up.
“Fine by me.” She says.
You guys pull out of the parking lot and drive for a while in silence. You notice Jackie looking over at you every now and then and you try your best to ignore it.
“So, are you gonna play music?” She asks looking at you expectantly.
“If you want,” You shrug. “There’s a few cassettes in the glove compartment right there.”
She opens the glove compartment and gasps. “The Smashing Pumpkins!”
You look over at her doubtful. “You know them?”
“Duh.” She says rolling her eyes. You laugh and she puts the tape in.
1979 starts playing and she rolls her window down poking her head out.
Finally, you both make it to the coffee shop. You park and walk in.
Jackie looks around seeming to be impressed by the place. “This is really nice,” She says. “You come here everyday?”
You nod. “Yeah basically, I just come here to study for tests and things.”
You get to the register and tell the barista your order and so does Jackie. You go to pay for the coffee when Jackie grabs your hand. “Something wrong?” You say confused.
“My treat!” She says smiling. You step back and let her pay.
While Jackie waited for the coffee you grab a table. She sits down and hands you your coffee. “Thanks for paying by the way.” You say and smile a little at her.
“Anytime!” She says enthusiastically. She was constantly happy it was almost annoying.
You guys study for a while talking about random things. Jackie gets silent for a bit and you look up at her. She looked like she was super deep in thought about something.
“So are you like dating anyone?” She asks avoiding your gaze.
You look up confused as to why she wanted to know but you answered anyway. “Uh no not technically I guess.” You said. You weren’t really lying. You and this girl talked on and off but nothing ever really came of it besides a few kisses at parties every now and then. Your love life was practically nonexistent.
Jackie nodded. “What about you? Aren’t you seeing that dude. I can’t remember his name isn’t it like Jack?”
She chuckles. “Jeff. And no we broke up while ago.”
“Oh,” You say. “That sucks.”
She sips her coffee. “Yeah it’s whatever I don’t really like him anyways,” She looks down. “I don’t know if I ever did to be honest.”
Now you were curious. You look at her and notice she’s doodling on her hands. “What do you mean?” You inquire.
“Well, I don’t know.” She sighs. “It’s nothing.” Her hands start fidgeting with her pen and she breaks eye contact with you.
You were shocked by her mood shift. You’d never seen her look unsure of herself before. The only Jackie you’d ever known was the confident self-assured one.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure your feelings are valid. Relationships are complicated. And any guy is lucky to have you Jackie.” You smile at her trying to make her feel better.
She looks up at you and smiles. “You’re not so bad yourself Y/N. Any guy is lucky to date you too.”
You almost spit out your coffee at her words. “Guy?” You say laughing.
She looks at you confused until it clicks and she widens her eyes. “Oh! I- Sorry I didn’t know.”
Laughing you say, “I’m surprised you didn’t?”
“Does everyone else know?” She asks baffled.
“Basically. And Im not the only one on the team you know?” You explain taking a sip of your coffee.
“What?!” She says, “Who else?”
You rest your head in your hand as if trying to recall who else. “Well, Van, Taissa, Nats Bi, and so is Lottie.”
She looks at you, her mouth agape. “Am I really this blind?”
You giggle at her “I guess so.”
You both stayed in the coffee shop longer than you normally do. You and Jackie actually got a long very well and it came as a shock to you. You were still a little confused as to why she even was hanging around you but it was refreshing. And you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her naturally gorgeous hair, which seemed to always look like it was freshly blown out, the curve of her nose, her beautiful big eyes.
That night when you got home Jackie infiltrated your thoughts. You thought about her while eating dinner, while showering and, while you went to bed. You couldn’t get her off your mind and you already knew where this was going. You spent one day with her and now you had a crush on her. Was she really that intoxicating?
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imnameimswrld · 8 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 || 𝗠𝗩𝟭, 𝗩𝗗𝟮𝟵, 𝗥𝗛 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . maxverstappen x vincedunn x renhiramoto x vettel!model!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : world famous model y/n vettel celebrates her birthday and the internet blows up when 3 of the hottest sportsmen post about her, their princess ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . smau, poly relationship ❫
━━ ❪ . . . warnings : language ❫
━━ ❪ . . . fc: gigi hadid ❫
maxverstappen1, vincedunn, and ren__k1 added to their stories !
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[ caption for all: our bday princess 💗 ]
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liked by vincedunn, tomholland2013, and 50 335 798 others
[ tagged: kendalljenner, zendaya, maxverstappen1, ren__k1, vincedunn ]
ynusername what a birthday weekend I had ! spent it with my special friends, my amazing boys, and some damn good dinner 💗. thank you for the stellar weather monaco, a huge congrats to my maxie on p1, and GO SEATTLE KRACKENS 3-0 !!!! 🏆
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user yn and seb were so cute at the race omg the way she was hugging him and squishing their cheeks together 😭
user I genuinely wonder what seb's reaction was to his little sis telling him she has not one, but THREE bfs.
⤿ sebastianvettel i fainted.
⤿ maxverstappen1 ah, good times
[ likes by ren__k1 ]
user miss girl has a f1 champion, a nhl player, a mma fighter, AND is the younger sister of a former f1 word champion – god has favourites.
user yeah, god, it's ME AGAIN.
user couple of the century idc what anyone says.
zendaya what a weekend indeed omg 😻
⤿ ynusername miss our midnight adventures already 🤭😫
[ liked by zendaya, kendalljenner ]
⤿ kendalljenner we gotta plan another girls weekend – but boy-free this time !!
[ liked by ynusername, zendaya ]
⤿ vincedunn hey, I can be one of the girls.
⤿ tomholland2013 same here !
user did ya'll see the videos of them in the restaurant ?? 😫😫
⤿ user yes omfg the way vince pulled her on his lap so they could all three hold her while they sang happy birthday PLEASE 😭😭
⤿ user yn gets to kiss these three everyday... are you guys looking for a 5th party to your relationship ? I volunteer 🙂 !
user bye they're so cute omfg.
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liked by brandontanev, charles_leclerc, and 67 332 others
vincedunn life's been pretty perfect lately 💌
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user crying on the highway.
ynusername you three are the perfect ones 🥰
⤿ vincedunn don't start with me baby
⤿ ren__k1 I will headlock you again, and you know know it.
⤿ ynusername I do know it, and I'm waiting.
[ liked by ren__k1 ]
user OH- mother is bold damn
user yn wearing his jersey 🥺
user them>>> the world.
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liked by danielricciardo, christianhorner, and 1 223 453 likes
maxverstappen1 loving this little life of mine :)
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sebastianvettel not ren and vince suffocating my sister
⤿ ynusername I'm alive seb
⤿ sebastianvettel are you though ? are you really ? cause girl, you manage three hotheads, and I don't know how you do it.
⤿ ren__k1 honestly don't know how she does it either seb, but I'm not complaining.
user seb being concerned for yn having the bfs she does is weirdly hilarious to me
user I pray for anyone idiot who ever tries to cross yn honestly
user one look in yn's direction and i bet they pounce.
⤿ ynusername I can confirm this statement.
⤿ zendaya scariest shit I've ever seen in ma life.
⤿ landonorris I'm a victim.
⤿vincedunn I APOLOGIZED for that lando, I didn't know you at the time !
⤿ landonorris and yet, I can still feel the remnants of the fire of your gaze burning into my head.
⤿ maxverstappen1 my god you're dramatic.
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, sebastianvettel, and 566 335 others
ren__k1 この人生にとても満足しています
[ trans: so happy with this life ]
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ynusername aishitemasu 💗
⤿ ren__k1 watashi wa anata o motto aishiteimasu purinsesu 💗
user ya'll I saw them at the pride parade yesterday and I CRIED they're so sweet and I was able to get a picture with them 🤧
⤿ user the way they tools turns carrying her on their backs was so cute pls
⤿ user the princess treatment is unmatched.
⤿ ynusername 🏳️‍🌈🤘
⤿ user QUEEN !
vincedunn ren, will u come stream with me please ?
⤿ ren__k1 isn't it max's turn ?
⤿ maxverstappen1 nu-uh, I streamed with him last week.
⤿ vincedunn and max, I love you, but you talk too much and you keep telling me what to do in MY game.
⤿ maxverstappen1 you literally told me you loved having me ??? two-faced. you even said ren is too quiet and broody.
⤿ ren__k1 because I hate streaming and vince KNOWS that.
⤿ ynusername boys.
⤿ vincedunn sorry.
⤿ maxverstappen1 sorry.
⤿ ren__k1 gomen.
⤿ ynusername so who's turn is it to stream with v ?
⤿ ren__k1 ...mine
⤿ ynusername and, are you going to ?
⤿ ren__k1 yes ma'am.
user damn.
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Fury for the Living (1) | Yandere Ghost Detective
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Cypher is a prodigy detective 
Officially on the police force now he’s been a raging force for unraveling piles of cold cases across the country
He was truly a talented man
Alas aspiring detectives and veterans in the field can only speculate what gives him such amazing insight in every case
They’d never guess what the ace up his sleeve is 
One of the sole factors other than his prodigious charm that made him the amazing detective he was
He could see ghosts
Apparitions, yokais, curses—you name it
Thanks to their undead input Cypher’s been able to piece together a case with nothing but a single clue
It’s his thing
It didn’t matter if he wasn’t exactly moved by justice
Or that he often hated that he had to speak with ghosts often
There was nowhere he could really go that didn’t have ghosts and the undead chatting and whining in his ear
Except for one place
An abandoned and rotted mansion in a restricted area in the forest
Or it was 
Until he found you
“Hm, I didn’t know anyone was still coming here.”
He outwardly groaned, facepalming as he prepared for your desperate plea to be help with their ‘unfinished business’
But you didn’t 
You smiled at him before skipping back up the stairs and through the wall
For a while, he’s just glad you didn’t bother him longer going back to reading his book
But then he’s pulling at his hair as the feeling he’s been ignoring hits him full force
“So what happened to you?”
“Tch, look I’ve been comin’ here every day and you never say a word. I’m tired of you being polite. Just tell me already.”
“I…actually don’t know…”
“I just remember waking up and being….free. I don’t remember much else.”
It isn’t odd that the undead don’t remember
But not caring about it is another
For once he’s intrigued, so after a while he pries a first name out of you 
Then he begins his search 
Finding all the records about your life or death is completely scrubbed
“I don’t know that’s awfully weird ain't it?”
Similar to him, the prodigy police chief has no idea as well
Thus a weird bud of excitement blooms 
“I’m going to solve your case!”
“Uh okay, if that makes you happy.”
So he visits so much more often 
Having to talk to you about your past 
A past you don’t remember
So he elects to bring whatever he thinks might interest you
Along with taking note of what’s in the dilapidated manor
Rotten books, old gaming systems, some form of music, paints and pens
He gets to know you pretty well
“I think Cypher if I were alive again, I’d love to spend time with you.”
“Yeah, you’re a real good friend.”
You have no idea what you do to him
He thought this newfound investigation would consume his mind like all good detectives had
But instead, he was thinking of you
Standing and walking beside him like you weren’t a ghost
Cutely tilting your head when he makes a joke you don’t understand
It sends blood rushing in places it hadn’t when he found out you could touch him
Casually tapping on his exposed shoulder to reveal a secret passageway
He used to complain to himself about how far he’d have to walk to get to his little place of paradise
But now he was complaining when the station was calling him in
“Hey (Y/n)...have you ever tried leaving the manor?”
“Mmm no.”
“Why not?”
“Never a reason to.”
“Then let’s try something new.”
He’s ecstatic when you can follow him into his car and eventually his apartment
But then he’s reminded of all the annoying nuisances that he was trying to avoid
“Hey everyone! Cypher’s all pooped out maybe we can give him a break?”
As if you were an exorcist all those ghosts seemed to understand 
Letting you organize them in the room over while Cypher locks himself into the bedroom
“Oh thank you? I think you’re amazing too Cypher.”
“I don’t think you understand (Y/n)...I desperately want to marry you.”
“But Cypher you know I’m dead, right?”
“I can easily change that to be with you.”
“Cypher don’t!” 
Now he’s got to fight himself about solving this case
If he gets to the bottom of your death, he’d lose you
So he might stall a bit 
At least until he finds a small bit of evidence pointing to your death from a murder
“You were…murdered?!”
“Was I? That sucks.”
You’re right it sucks
And now Cypher’s motivated with one thing
How dare some dirtbag kill you before he got to meet you?!
Put you in any amount of pain when you so easily are the light of his?! 
He vows that whosever is the cause of your death will pay greatly 
And he’s willing to put everything on the line to solve your case
I think I smell a series coming out of this 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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mouthfullofmunson · 3 months
More pest Eddie thoughts bc honestly, he’s my dream man!
He leaves little sticky notes all around the house for you 🫶
And yes, a lot of them are sweet like when he leave notes on the mirror “good morning beautiful. Let’s make today amazing. Love, Eddie” with a little shitty heart drawn in the corner
A sticky note on the coffee pot “I’ll be thinking of you all day <3”
Or just random sticky notes around the house to remind you of how much he loves you
But then… there’s the other kind of notes
A sticky note in your panties drawer that reads “wear your sexiest ones and be ready for me”
A sticky note in the shower “nice boobs”
A bite written in the steam on the mirror that just says “put them on my face”
He would randomly sneak up on you when he gets home
Toeing off his shoes and stepping around the creeks in the floors to be a silent as he can before he wraps his arms around you yelling “give me all your money!”
And of course it scares the shit out of you, but luckily he does this kind of shit a lot so you aren’t running around trying to call 911
One time he snuck up on you in the shower and he almost got a broken nose, but luckily it just bled for a couple minutes and it was over
He did not learn his lesson from that and continues to to it…
He complains about your hair all the time
About how it clogs the drain and how he finds it everywhere
But he has no idea the damage his hair does
His is the real reason the drain is always clogged, and he leaves it on the shower wall, and you find wads of it in the laundry, the pockets of your pants, you’d think he’s a cat with how many hairballs of his are laying around
When you guys are walking next to each other he always bumps your shoulder with his and then smiles and looks away with a pink blush on his cheeks no matter how long you’ve been together🫶
When he’s doing literally ANYTHING no matter how experienced either of you are in it he will always fuck it up just a little bit so you’ll come help it
He’s making dinner, which is just a lazy dinner after one of his shows and he’s very experienced in making grilled cheese and frozen French fries
But he purposely burns one side “fuck, babe, can you come help me?” And then the second you get over to the stove he wraps his arms around you with a big smile, shoving his face in your neck
As annoying as he is his goal is always just to see you smile or be closer to you 🥹
Anytime he does laundry after letting it pile up and pile up he finds clothes he forgot he had and he instantly pulls the “are these your boyfriend?”
And of course you get super annoyed and grumble
“What? Is he hotter than me? Is he better in bed?”
If he has a scratch on his back that he can’t reach and you aren’t around to itch he will just go to the nearest corner of the wall and itch his back
He’s had to try to explain him a number of times when you walk in on him rubbing against the wall groaning and going “oh that’s the spot. Finally!”
When he goes to kiss you he will give you a big romantic smile before leaning in and closing his eyes just to put his mouth around your nose. Then he pulls away “babe, your lips feel different… maybe you need chapstick.”
Or he will do something super weird and just suck your bottom lip for a second then pull away again
Or bite your tongue
He’s a weirdo but he’s my dream man!
Since you’re still in the honeymoon phase he sneaks out of bed to brush his teeth before slipping back in and acting like he woke up like that
But it’s never that easy
Because he can’t just brush his teeth quietly
He gags as loud as ever, breathing hard as hell like he is struggling to stay alive while he brushes his tongue
Just loud ass gags coming from the bathroom then he walks back
“Oh, hey. Did you just wake up?” He smirks, sliding back into bed while he pushes your hair away from your eyes and tries to put on his bedroom eyes
But after you just heard what you could’ve almost mistaken as your dad brushing his teeth at 6am on vacation you are not in the mood
“Did you get any on your tooth brush or…?”
He’s a drink stealer
He’s a food stealer!
He will eat and drink basically anything
Constantly stealing your drinks, stealing the food right out of your hand
It’s like five day old leftovers that you see him eating over the sink like he’s a starving rat that hasn’t gotten food in months
Socks stay ON during sex! He gets cold!
He gives off the vibe as like that one episode of family guy or something when they saw the period blood in the trash can and started crying because he thought you were dying 😭😭😭
He seems like SUCH a photobomber tbh… like you cannot get one nice photo without his sticking himself in and sticking his tongue out with his eyes all lit up like the weirdo he is
I’ve been working on this for MONTHS just adding little thoughts here and there… there will be more to come!!!!
Let me know YOUR pest Eddie thoughts, or your thoughts on MY pest Eddie thoughts!!
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braxlrose · 1 year
request: bill kaulitz x self-destruct reader hcs😌 I mean, she knows she's hurting herself but she doesn't care? doesn't sleep (and even if she does, she goes to bed very late and then gets up very late, so she's usually restless, tired and barely alive/ barely in touch with reality), barely eats (and even if she eats little , I drink too much energy drinks and takes tranquilizer pills), probably does sh and takes drugs (cigarettes, alcohol and drugs) and it all makes her look practically zombie but she likes this lifestyle?
cw: self harm, alcoholic tendencies, drugs, slight ED, toxic relationship, tons of angst, swearing, NOT PROOFREAD.
bill kaulitz x self-destruct reader
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• when you two first met, it was at a party and you guys ended up sleeping together that night. you fell asleep right after so he ended up staying the night at your hotel room.
• when you woke up in the morning, you brushed your teeth and then went over to your drawer to get on new clothes when you felt hands on your hips.
• you turned around to see bill smiling at you. "Sooo, how long do I have to wait before I can ask you out on a date, hmm?" you rolled your eyes and pushed his hands away.
• "Uhmm, never? You don't wanna have to deal with my shit." you said as you pulled your jeans up.
• "Oh come on, everybody has shit."
• "Not like me. So, you should just go." you pulled on your shirt and turned back to him. He was just staring at you, smiling for God-knows-what. you had to admit, he looked amazing. he only had his boxers on, and he looked great shirtless.
• "I'll get you one day, y/n y/l/n." he smiled at you and pulled on his clothes. you rolled your eyes as he kissed you on the forehead and left.
• then you two met again at a music festival and that's when you finally decides to give him a chance after the hours of flirting he spent on you. you weren't scared though, you were sure he'd leave after he saw what you were really like. and you had accepted that.
That was a couple weeks ago. Bill became very aware of the "shit" you were talking about pretty quickly.
• whenever you were at a party with bill you'd always drink too much to the point where you couldn't see straight and your head was pounding like no tomorrow. Bill would take you back to your hotel room and lay you down on your bed and tuck you in. Then he'd sit with you until you finally fell asleep since he knew you'd just stay awake if he didnt.
• one night, you were completely wasted and he had to carry you back to your hotel. again.
"Mmm... Billy I want you soooo bad. pretty pleaaaasee?" you whispered in his ear, giggling and pouting as he unlocked your door and dragged you inside.
"You're drunk. That's not happening, okay?" He said, setting you down on your bed and beginning to wipe your makeup off.
"But Billy..." You'd whine and pout, while he'd just sit there and comb through your hair till you fell fast asleep.
"Goodnight, Schatzi." He'd whisper to you and place a kiss on your forehead.
• you'd also get angry a lot. you were in your hotel room, bawling your eyes out on the bathroom floor. It was 11 PM. your wrists were bleeding a bit from you scratching at them for so long, and your cheeks were bright red from the crying.
• you just wanted to sit there forever and wallow in your own self pity when you heard the door to your hotel open.
"Y/n! You in here?" Bill yelled to you, as you did your best to stand up and wipe your tears away. You gazed at your eyes in the mirror and there were streaks of mascara running down your face. You wiped them off your cheeks and opened the bathroom door to greet him.
"Hey! What're you doing here?" He turned around to see you but you saw his face drop.
"Are you okay? Were you crying in there?" He pointed to the bathroom. You scoffed and rolled your eyes as you closed the door. You pushed the inner part of your arms against yourself so he didn't notice.
"What? God no, I'm just tired. You should probably go." You said as you walked past him and started to change your clothes. He walked over to you and slightly grabbed your chin with his hand. He tilted his head at you and ran his fingers through your hair.
"Come on, just tell me what's wrong." You slapped his hand away and pulled on some shorts.
"I said I'm just fucking tired! Will you back the fuck off?!" You pushed him away and went to grab a new shirt to sleep him. He was bringing up emotions you didn't want to feel. You wiped away a couple tears when you felt his arms wrap around you. He placed some kisses on your shoulders and rubbed his cheek against you.
"I'm here for you, okay? Let me help you.." You could feel anger boiling up inside you. Your eye twitched. He's acting like you needed to be fixed or something. Why would he say shit like this?! You turned yourself around and pushed your hands against his shoulders trying to push his away.
"Can you get the fuck off of me! I don't need your fucking with anything just get the fuck away!" you yelled at him, tears pouring down your cheeks now. You slammed your hand against his shoulder trying to push him away.
"You don't need to push me away, y/n! It's okay!" He wrapped his arms tightly around you as more and more tears came flooding from you.
Your finger nails dug into his shoulders, harder and harder with every word. You could see him wincing in pain but he only hugged you tighter. Why would he want this?
• you hated that he stayed around. you didn't understand why he'd wanna be with someone like you? you set yourself on a path of destruction and ruined everything in your path, why would he take his chances like this?
• you were laying down in your bed when bill came around again. like before, tears were running down your cheeks and mascara was wiped all over your face but you were just laying there. not feeling anything. you had taken a couple different kinds of drugs so you were basically emotionless at this point.
• when bill walked in, he dropped everything and ran to your aid. he sat on the bed and cupped your cheek in his hand to make you look up at him.
• when you turned over at him, he couldn't see anything in your eyes. nothing. all you could remember is how sad you looked.
• he laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your shoulders.
"do you want me to stay?" He asked, brushing your hair off of your face and pulling you closer to his body.
you just nodded and laid down against the pillows as bill whispered sweet nothings in your ear and rubbed your sides with his hands.
• it was about a month into your relationship when bill realized how little you ate.
• at first, he just thought you didn't eat breakfast but over time he noticed you didn't really eat anything unless you were offered something.
• bill also took notice when all you ate was slim jims and energy drinks. Thats when he started bringing you food.
• in the mornings, he'd come in with breakfast and give you a little kiss on the forehead. "Wakey, wakey, baby." He'd say to you and place a bunch of little kisses on your face until you wake up.
"Mmm...what are you doing here?" You said to him groggily, wiping your eyes.
"I brought you breakfast. Come on, geeet up." He'd lift you up by your arms and place the food in front of you, then he'd sit down next to you and wrap his arms around you to make sure you're eating.
"I'm not hungry, Bill." You'd say to him, resting your cheek on his arm.
"Too bad, eat up." He would take your fork and cut into your waffle and place it in front of your mouth until you opened up to eat it.
You eventually would give up and just start eating.
"Why are you doing all of this? I'm just a burden, y'know?" You say to him with your mouth full and your eyes looking up at him all cute and widened.
" 'cause I like you. And I think you're cute." You rolled your eyes and continued eating but bill would have a big, fat smile on his face.
• during the day you'd be like a zombie. your eyes would be dull and half open. Big, dark circles under your eyes and you wouldn't do much. But bill didn't mind. He would lay down with you on the couch and give you massages and kisses on your temples to relax you.
• when bill found out that you hurt yourself, he kissed up and down your body for hours. Whether it was your arms or your thighs, he'd be kissing it. He told you how much he loved you and didn't want you to hurt yourself.
• he didn't want you to feel pressured about talking about your feelings but once you did he would just hold you and listen to you talk, getting everything out. and he would never judge you for anything.
• you told him that you'd stop hurting yourself and you did. for a few days. But that changed once you got away from bill for a little while and you got high at a club.
Bill wanted the best for you but you werent good for him. You knew that, you tried to change yourself for him because you loved him so much. But in the process of being with you, he got hurt too much. You tried to tell him, but he couldn't help but love you. In his eyes, you were perfect.
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey
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I am and always have been a huge les mis fan. Today's my birthday and I wanted to go and see Les Mis again because it's so very important to me. THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!! (9/7/24 Matinee Philadelphia)
my thoughts
-enjolras and grantaire matched each others freak oh my god I love them so much I am unwell. during the barricade scene they pushed their heads together and looked like they was gonna kiss, then enj went to the top and DIED. along with my heart fr
--same with marius and cosette they were both so silly and amazing their relationship is the only thing convincing me that love is real. keep on doing amazing guys <3
-valjean hitting that crazy high note when he said 'took the silver, took MY FLIGHT!!!!!!!!!'' like bro it's giving '' the next day Anatole left FOR PETERSBURG!!!!!!!!!!''
-Marius and Grantaire being silly during red & black. I can't explain you had to be there.
-R was the last one alive at the barricade and he ran up, shouted something, and then died too. :(
-R having a tense moment with Enj and then going off the a corner and hitting his fist on the wall in frustration. And then Gav hugging him omg <3
-did i mention kyle adams grantaire of all time (he signed my playbill😎)
-conclusion: it is my life (i did not live until today) i need to see it again (how can I live when we are parted?)
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makeitmingi · 5 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 34]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
"Where's (y/n)?" Yunho entered the kitchen, realising his girlfriend was missing from the morning kitchen crew.
"Didn't she tell you? She's with Mingi so she's coming in late." Seonghwa looked up from the batter that he was mixing. Yunho's eyes widened, what were you doing with his best friend? Both of you hadn't told him that you were together.
"No... Mingi told me he was with his mother that's why he's coming late..." Yunho was still reeling from the fact that Mingi lied to him. If there was nothing going on, why would Mingi lie to him?
"Woah, okay. I can see you spiralling. Calm down." Wooyoung patted Yunho's arm.
"I'm fine." He forced a smile. Jongho's eyebrows raised in amusement before he snorted a laugh and put his cakes in the oven.
"I'm going to open the shop. Let me know if you need any help." Yunho mumbled and went to put his bag in the locker room before heading outside.
"If he had puppy ears, they'd be folded against his head now. Truly a kicked puppy look." Wooyoung snickered.
"Shhh, he can hear you." Seonghwa kicked the younger.
When Yunho's friend reported for work, minus Mingi, they were not expecting to see a sulking Yunho at the counter, counting the money in the cash register with a little bit more anger than usual. None of them said anything, going to do their own duties for the store opening before San approached him.
"What's up with you? You're sulking even before the store is opened." San asked his friend as he dried the mugs and set them aside to be used later for the morning drinks.
"Mingi's not here..." He murmured.
"Yeah, we know that. He said he's spending the morning with his mother, right? What's to be angry about?" Hongjoong said.
"He's not! That's the thing, he's with (y/n)! Means, he lied to me." Yunho exclaimed, throwing his head back as he let out a small wail of disbelief. The boys looked at each other.
"So, you think they have something going on behind your back then?" Yeosang questioned.
"Of course not." Yunho scoffed. He trusted the both of you, Mingi has been his best friend forever and you're his loving girlfriend.
"Why did Mingi lie to me? And (y/n) didn't even tell me that she's meeting Mingi. I mean, not that she has to. She told her crew that she's meeting Mingi... I don't know!" He threw his arms up, clearly frustrated by the whole thing.
"You're hilarious, Jeong Yunho." San patted his shoulders and laughed. Hongjoong and Yeosang agreed. It was amusing to all of them to see Yunho so... envious? Jealous?
"Yunho's issues aside, we still need to get ready for service." Hongjoong clapped his hands, waving everyone off to prepare.
"Let me help bring things out." Yeosang and San went into the kitchen to bring out the finished baked goods.
"Oh, Yunho ah. Later, we need to go through the schedule for the social media posts." Yeosang said as he helped San arrange the display case.
"Yeah..." Yunho replied solemnly.
"We're open. Look alive!" San exclaimed, patting Yunho on the bum. Customers streamed in steadily.
"We're here! Sorry, we're late!" You and Mingi rushed into the kitchen mid service, quickly going to put your stuff and Mingi's things down in the locker room. Mingi, who was carrying a large styrofoam boax, went to the walk in. You assisted him, following him in and telling him where to put the box down.
"How was it?" Seonghwa asked when the two of you came back out.
"Amazing. I learnt a lot. Thanks again, Mingi." You smiled at the tall male. He wrapped his arms around you to hug you.
"Don't mention it. I think my mother had a great time too, at least someone is finally interested in learning some cooking from her." He chuckled, patting your back.
"What's going on here?" Yunho's eyes twitched, coming into the kitchen to see you and Mingi hugging each other.
"Right after sneaking into the walk in together." Wooyoung clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
"Wooyoung, shut up." You hissed.
"You! You call yourself my best friend and you lie to me. You told me you were going to be with your mother! Turns out, you were with my girlfriend." Yunho pointed an accusatory finger at Mingi, moving to tug you to his side protectively.
"Okay, calm down. Mingi was with his mother, I just asked to join in." You said, placing a hand on Yunho's back.
"Why? I didn't hear you mention this." Yunho pouted.
"Because I told Seonghwa and the others to tell you. Anyway, if you must know, I requested to meet Mingi's mother to learn more about prepping and cooking Korean eels." You looked at him.
"Oh..." Yunho slumped while Mingi rolled his eyes at how dramatic Yunho was. He didn't get why Yunho was acting up, honestly.
"So, yeah. We were not up to anything." You crossed your arms with raised eyebrows.
"I didn't think you were... I just didn't know what was going on..." Yunho whined, trailing after you as you walked away to help your crew with the other food prep.
"Ah, I really don't get relationships some times." Mingi chuckled with a shake of his head, going out to the front to help the others. As you prepped and did whatever you needed to do with Seonghwa, Yunho stayed by your side like a puppy. Although it was hard to ignore him because he was so big and cute.
"Let's have two eel dishes tonight." You said to the team. They gathered together to listen.
"For asian, marinate the eel in black bean sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and soy sauce. Grill it and serve it with a spicy marinated chive salad. What else can we serve with that?" You asked.
"We can take the bones and make a stock. Use that stock to cook rice and serve on the side since it's asian." Jongho suggested.
"Good idea." Seonghwa nodded.
"For western dish. A potato galette and we'll grill the eel until it's crispy and smokey, flake it on top with burnt leeks, poached eggs and pickled onions?" You said to the team.
"Sounds good." Wooyoung said, taking down the notes in his phone for later.
"Either that or I was thinking an eel stew with tomatoes, capers, so on." You thought out loud.
"The potato galette is better. But I think instead of grilling, I suggest we take stock and poach the eel in it, with flavours of a court boullion. Once the eel is done, emulsify it with butter to make a sauce." Seonghwa said.
"Oh, good idea. It won't be too heavy then. Or else baked galette with smokey burnt leeks and crispy grilled eel might be too much." Jongho agreed. You hummed and wrote it down.
"Let's move on to the other dishes." You said. Yunho was always in awe when he watched how your team formed a menu.
"Anything to add?" You turned to Yunho. He blinked, totally not paying attention to what you said.
"Uhh... No. I'm good." He blushed and shook his head. Before continuing, you went out to get yourself a coffee, greeting the others at the same time.
"Mrs Song was so nice. She taught me a lot and I learnt a lot." You smiled, conversing with the others.
"She's just glad there's someone to pass on her cooking knowledge. Because my brother and I have not shown any interest whatsoever. Wouldn't be surprised if she asks you join the family or something with the way she kept calling you her daughter." Mingi scoffs while rolling his eyes. You couldn't help but laugh.
"You'll have to fight Haneul for that. She wants (y/n) as her younger sister." San raised a hand. Hongjoong and Yeosang agreed, their mothers loved you since they met you.
"No, no, none of that. My omma already called dibs." Yunho came into the conversation.
"Well, I'm honoured. I love all your parents, they're kind, caring and wonderful people. I'll gladly be their daughter." You smiled.
A part of you hurt. So that's what it was like having parents around who wanted you. It bitterly reminded you of your father and stepmother, how they didn't even want you around them.
"I'm going to do dinner prep. Thanks for the coffee." You shook the cup and went to the kitchen.
"Are you sure you don't want us to stay and help?" Jongho asked, throwing his arms around you to stick to your side.
"Yes, don't worry. This was the deal remember? I come in late, I stay behind to make up for it. You guys were on time so go home and rest." You laughed. Of course, the 3 boys were unsure of leaving you behind and going home to rest.
"Not like you slept in, you were still out and about... At the market, Mingi's mom's restaurant..." Wooyoung pointed out. Seonghwa and Jongho nodded.
"Seriously, guys. I'm fine. I'll see you all tonight, okay?" You said, giving them hugs. Of course, Wooyoung's was the longest.
"Come here, jagi!" He squished you, rubbing his cheek against yours. You scrunched your nose, patting his hip.
"Go~" You shooed them out of the kitchen. Casting you another uncertain look, Seonghwa wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in for another hug and kissing your forehead.
"No overworking, you got me?" He said sternly.
"Yes, mom." You saluted. Seonghwa gave you a flat look, patting your head and leaving the kitchen.
"You're still here?" Yunho poked his head in, confusion written all over his face when he saw you setting up rather than clearing down the kitchen. You nodded with a hum, laying the newspaper down and putting the chopping board there. After that, you laid out your knives and other things you needed.
"I came in late so it's fair I stay longer to prepare for dinner. I'm going to prep the eels." You explained, your back facing Yunho. He came over and hugged you tightly.
"What?" You were puzzled but hugged him back.
"Nothing." He mumbled, leaning over you. One thing about Yunho's hugs, with his taller physique, his body almost encased yours.
"Need help?" He asked, pulling away. You asked him for the styrofoam box that Mingi had put in the walk in. The eels were all in there and needed to be prepared.
"It's going to get messy... And a little gory... You might wanna leave." You warned Yunho.
"I'm fine. I'll get my apron and stand back." Yunho went to the locker room to fetch his apron, putting it on.
To be honest, a part of why you volunteered to stay later was because you were excited to use your new knowledge to use. It was exciting to put into practice what you were taught and continue honing that skill through practice.
"Don't the guys in front need your help?" You asked, picking up the box of eels and dumping them into the sink, watching them flop around and wriggle.
"Nope!" He grinned.
"Yun..." You warned. Yunho knew you didn't like it when he abandoned his duties to hang out with you or be with you.
"I'm not, love. I swear. I did my stuff for closing already. They told me to come in and help you guys clean up if you needed it." He crossed his heart. You grew flustered at his nickname.
"Isn't Seonghwa your teacher now? Since you looooove learning from him." You scoffed.
"Baby, you know that's not true! It was one time that he taught me and that's only because you were sleeping." Yunho argued.
"Mmm, sure. Put the blame on me." You teased, washing your hands.
"No! You know that's not what I mean, (y/n)." He wailed out. You would have laughed but you did feel bad for always teasing Yunho so you went over to him to hug him again to comfort him. He pressed his face into your shoulder, grabbing your waist. You stroked the back of his head.
"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Yeosang stood at the doorway, blinking in confusion as you released Yunho. You burst out laughing and shook your head.
"What are you doing?" Yeosang peered over the sink.
"Preparing eels for tonight. Just like how Mingi's mother taught me." You said, grabbing your knife to begin.
"Ouch, remind me never to offend you, (y/n). Ever." Yeosang winced, seeing you grab the eel and cut into it to remove its guts then mercilessly skin it.
"Yeosang, I would never use my culinary knowledge to physically hurt someone. Plus, it's easier to skin an eel than a human." You shrugged.
"I'm not even going to question how you know that." Yeosang chuckled and went to the locker room to get his things. With a wave, he left first. You and Yunho waved back to him.
Soon, San, Mingi and Hongjoong came in, having done everything for service tonight. Not wanting to see all the gore of you preparing the eels, Hongjoong and Mingi grabbed their things and made a beeline for the door.
"Don't tired yourself out, (y/n)." San smiled kindly.
"Thank you, San. I won't. Have a good rest, see you tonight." You wished. He nodded and left, not before patting Yunho on the shoulder to bid him goodbye.
"Now, it's just us!" Yunho declared with a wide smile. You laughed with a snort.
"Do you not want to rest, Yun?" You asked as you moved onto the next eel. You kept the area as clean and organised as you could.
"No, I'm okay. I'd rather be here with you." He said. You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. Yunho ended up grabbing his laptop and a chair to work behind you at the main island.
A nice silence fell over the both of you. Silence in that there wasn't any playful banter or conversation. You both let each other focus on your tasks.
"Here." Yunho took a break by holding the coffee up to you so you could take a drink, even if your hands were dirty.
"Thank you." You smiled gratefully and took a sip. When you were done with all the eels, you set the prepared eels aside and cleaned up the area in case any of the eel innards dropped. Yunho helped you with mopping the floor while you scrubbed the sink, counter top, knives and cutting board.
"What's next?" Yunho asked.
"I'll put these in the fridge to be used tonight. And I'll start a stock on the bones. I have the blanch them then boil the stock." You informed, bringing the eel filets into the walk in fridge.
"Do you always have to blanch the meats before making a stock? I know my omma does that with beef and pork bones."
"Not always but most of the time, it gets rid of the blood and impurities." You replied.
"It doesn't affect the flavour?" Yunho helped you put the two stock pots on the stove and turned on the pot filler to begin filling them with the water.
"No. Personally, I feel it actually helps, gives it a cleaner flavour. So like fish, I'll lightly blanch it just to get that heavy fishiness away." You said, throwing the eel bones into the water.
"So are you doing two types of stock?" He asked.
"Yeah. One is a light stock, flavoured with white wine, onion, celery, peppercorns, herbs. To make something similar to what is called a court boullion, used to poach things like seafood. The other will be heavier because it'll flavour the rice we're serving." You explained.
"Court boullion... So this is similar but not exactly? What's the actual one then?" Yunho questioned.
"Usually it's water with white wine, herbs, vegetables. Sometimes you can add lemon since it's meant to be a little more acidic than normal stock." You said.
"It lets the seafood or whatever you're poaching shine in flavour?" He tilted his head.
"Exactly." You grinned.
Yunho helped where he could, mainly he wanted to be close to you. Now, you were just letting the stock boil for as long as possible. So after you set the timers, you and Yunho sat outside.
"Come." Yunho patted the seat beside him at one of the booths. The curtains were all drawn and no one could see into the shop.
"This is nice." You admitted, being tucked against Yunho's side, his arm draped over you. He smiled down at you, leaning to kiss the crown of your head. The both of you just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company but at some point, you didn't know when, you fell asleep.
"You must be tired." He said softly, lighting stroking your head, but careful not to wake you up. Yunho enjoyed these moments with you, it brought him peace.
For you, Yunho brought so much light and excitement. For Yunho, you brough so much peace and calmness.
"(y/n)?" In the evening, Seonghwa, Jongho and Wooyoung came in for the dinner service.
"Where is she?" Wooyoung looked around. The stock was gently cooking on the stove but you were nowhere to be found. Seonghwa walked out to the front and paused at the sight before him.
"Is she here?" Jongho came out.
"Shhh." Seonghwa hushed the younger, pointing over to the booth seat. You were still tucked against Yunho's side, fast asleep. Yunho's cheek pressed against the top of your head, having fallen asleep as well. Jongho's eyebrows raised in amusement.
"Quiet, Woo. They're sleeping outside. Don't bother them." Seonghwa said. Wooyoung went to see. He studied the two of you, tilting his head while Jongho snickered.
"They're just sleeping." Jongho smacked Wooyoung.
"I was just checking." Wooyoung shrugged. He took his phone out to snap a picture, silently cooing at the two of you.
"Okay, let's get back to work." Seonghwa pushed the two to the kitchen.
"You know if (y/n) wakes up and finds out we started cooking without waking her up, she'll kill us." Jongho pointed out. Wooyoung whimpered at that.
"It's fine. Plus, Yunho is sleeping on top of her. She wouldn't move to disturb him." Seonghwa waved them off.
"Your funeral." Wooyoung held his hands up. They began preparing for the dinner service. However, they didn't realise the timer for the stock was on your phone. You and Yunho jolted awake when the alarm on your phone sounded. You checked your phone, eyes widening when you saw the time.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!" You barged into the kitchen. Jongho and Wooyoung ducked behind the counters together, leaving Seonghwa to fend for himself.
"You and Yunho were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake either of you." Seonghwa replied calmly.
"You! I'm never going near you again. You make me sleep." You frowned, pointing at Yunho.
"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult..." Yunho scratched the back of his head, yawning and stretching his limbs. You sighed and grabbed your apron to tend to your stock.
"Probably not the best time to tell you Wooyoung hyung took pictures, right?" Jongho voiced out.
"He what?!"
"YAH! CHOI JONGHO!" Wooyoung screeched.
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 701 first watch reactions
(I don't think I have the energy to write proper Buddie meta, so here's me randomly squealing instead...)
LMAO In case you were wondering whether s7 of 911 will be subtle about their gratitude/debt to ABC for saving the show, the answer is a resounding no.
Also, I have lost a lot of respect for Frank as a shrink, but gained a lot of love for him as a sass king. "Did she win!?" The murderous look Athena gave him was priceless. I love her, too. She doesn't even need words to rule.
Man, nooooo. Don't give me a mutual "I love you" between Bobby and Athena like that.
"Go ahead and cut the green wire." Everyone and their sister: "Green? You said Red."
9-1-1 is the superior comedy they slipped into our drink, while we were here for our weekly action, suspense, drama and familial love.
Buck broke off with Natalia, and the show really did it like that. XD Every single person who rolled their eyes at this pairing during s6, we were all justified, but wow. The show really is the only forum to respect the pair even less than fandom does. And of course we find out about it in the middle of a scene built around Eddie being half naked, Buck watching him, with the camera specifically turning so we can discover Buck was initially covered by Eddie's body, and the angle change reveals him, when the whole thing wraps up with Eddie welcoming Buck back to the land of the living... Yeah, wonder what made Buck feel alive again. Don't know. 'Tis a mystery. We were given zero clues...
"I want the honeymoon life." *cries* Chimney is just such a good, good man. And okay, expecting your whole life to be a honeymoon's a bit unrealistic, but Madney are living together and they have a child. They know this. Chim knows this, but he still wants to go for it. Aim for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars, right?
Bobby baffled by Athena's reaction to Norman and Lola is hilarious.
I like how Chim has a great idea, but it's still obvious that it's gonna go wrong, because he can't help going overboard with it...
OMG, that scene with Eddie recounting to Buck what Christopher's date was like... If I were to write my Buddie meta, I would serve a three course meal just from that. I mean, the fact that watching Chris hanging out with a girl he likes, makes Eddie compare it to "hanging out with his guy friends" (when there's no lack of interest in this girl... in fact, it turns out that if anything, Christopher's problem is the opposite of a lack of interest) is so telling. There's a reason why that's where Eddie's mind went.
But then also... Eddie's trust in Buck got to me, the way he went to his best friend (not his own gf) for help with Chris. But that was still played with half a smile. But then Buck sort of disses himself jokingly, and Eddie won't have it. "You didn't end up like you." He sees how Buck worked on being a better person, even when Eddie wasn't there for the worst of it, and he appreciates it, and won't let Buck forget it. Meeeep. I love them.
Oh Chim. I was giving you so much credit, and then you went and bought that outdoors jacuzzi. lol Still love him. That's what Maddie's reminding herself of right now, too. ;p
Poor Hen, she was great in this ep, but none of it was really about her, she was comic relief, both with Chim and with the red wire. Then again, she was amazing in this, like she always is with everything.
Eddie and Buck were both so good with Chris this ep, MY HEART. Buck with getting him to talk about what's really bothering him, and Eddie with realizing exactly what his son needs, and how to give it to him. They completed each other. Neither one would be helping Chris without the other one. Tell me again how they're not soulmates?
In conclusion, I love Bobby saying, "Let's go prove one of us wrong," when they're both right. Something WAS going on with Norman and Lola, AND Athena was using them to avoid him.
Argh. That scene of the ship and its passengers being hijacked was rough to watch. </3 I'll still be here to watch the conclusion of this. That's the power of 9-1-1 for you.
It def felt like a great kick to the new season. We had lots of comedy and fun, some great tension, some emotional moments (especially with Christopher), but all in all, it's still clear that the whole thing's a build up to next week. Are you excited?
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♡ Collection of Genshin Women making you insane ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, slight dom behaviour from Yae Miko and Lisa, sado mado(?), licking, fingering, milking, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
characters: Yea Miko, Lisa, Ganyu, Nilou
note: first time doing a collection of female characters, adoring the person who asked for it <3 i hope u like it (and sorry that it took so long,,,,) <333
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Yae Miko
“Hold on, little one, I did not allow you to get any louder here.” She smiled down on you. Watching you squirm under her light touches. Her hand is roaming around your stomach and going slowly down between your legs. Like a light feather teasing your body nerves. “Hmmphf…!”, you tried to speak up but Yae Miko stuffed her used panties inside your mouth. You don’t remember anymore how you were in this situation. Laying on your back, hands are tied together above your head while your legs are spread apart, ready to get teased and played by her. It was the first time you wanted her to completely Dom you which she loved to do. Yae Miko steps between your legs lightly pressing on your genitals, watching carefully how you react. Of course, you squirmed and wanted to close your legs. “No, no. Keep them apart, darling.”, her voice like a melody, pressing harder on you. It was hard to hold them apart while she torture you like this. She stepped another time harder on you to see how you would react but as she saw you form tears she stopped and crawled on top of you. “Did I hurt you, (y/n)?”, it was established by the two of you to stop when someone is not enjoying it. You shake your head while Yae Miko took the panty away and was about to untie your hands. “N-no, I liked it but it was a bit t-too much.”, you admit it. Of course, seeing her dominating you was such a turn on, but it did scare you.  She answered you with a soft kiss on the nose. “Alright, then let's make you feel good this time, yes?” You nod and want to sit up, but Yae Miko holds you down and starts kissing you before covering your neck, stomach and then kisses all over your inner thigh. "Close your eyes and enjoy~" Without hesitation you calmed yourself down and let her do whatever she wanted to do with her now. She then started sucking you off while using her hands to caress around your thighs. Oh how you loved her light and gentle touches. Quietly moaning out her name made her speed up. Now she's using her tongue even wilder on your genitals before she lets go with one of her hands to finger herself. This made her quite horny too. Seeing her sucking you while she's also playing with her… it was a gorgeous sight. Moaning louder signals her to speed up her work and let go of her pussy for a while, helping you to finally orgasm. "Mhmm~", she stated this while sucking all of your juices before lifting up to see your messed up state, smiling proudly. "You taste amazing~", she said while licking the remaining juices off her lips, crawling again over your overstimulated body to give you a deep kiss. "Let's continue ~" And you knew that this wasn‘t your last orgasm for this night.
"Lisa… what if someone walks in?", you were way too nervous to have a quicky in the library of the Favonius Knights Headquarter. But she insisted and reassured you that at this time no one visits the library. Besides that, seeing her spread legs sitting at the chair, seeing her without underwear, made you blush hard while you were kneeling in front of her. "Darling, no one will notice if you do it quickly~", she said, fumbling her dress to make it easier for you to dig in. As soon as she adjusted her dress for you, she gave you a quick nod to start. You gulped a bit, shifting a bit forward to go down to her wet pussy. You start kissing her juicy pussy earning a quiet moan from her. This response from her made you continue with small kisses and kitten licks over her pussy lips. Discovering slowly how far you can tease her today before Lisa is going to punish you. Before she can think of any punishment, your own hands wander above her legs from the bottom to the top until you find her hands to hold on them. "(y/n) right there~'' Of course you knew her sweet spot but you wanted to tease her a bit more, wiggling your tongue over her clit very painfully slowly. Causing her to moan a bit louder and pressing her legs against your head. "Oh, you'll pay for this.", she says, but clearly enjoying your play. You smile and let go of one of her hands to carefully add one finger inside her. She jumps up a bit before you start to lick her pussy from the hole up to her clit, several times, going up and down, making Lisa moaning louder and making her needy for more. „Oh my archons, yes, keep going, little one!“, Lisa moaned. Completely lost in her pleasures, you gave her pussy a final lick before wiggling your tongue around her clit and adding two fingers inside her, moving those fingers quickly in and out. Making her squirm under your touches. Her free hand rested behind your head‘s back which she pressed against her. There was no time for you to support yourself, so you quickly got your fingers out of her and led your tongue inside her, still going as fast as you could to make her feel good. „I am so close“, she moaned, finally letting go of her orgasm. While she cums inside your mouth, you were more than eager to suck off all her sweet juices, looking up to her. „P-please me too…“ showing her your needy body, ready to get fucked by her. This is all what Lisa wanted you to look like.
Even though you knew how big her boobs were, you were still amazed how much bigger they could get whenever this specific season started for Ganyu. It was the time around where her milk production was too much to handle, it was leaking out of both of her nipples, ready to get milked or better to be sucked from your needy mouth. „And is this really okay for you… to help you with this?“, you asked again, while saliva dripped out of your mouth. She nods awkwardly, not that she disliked it, she asked for your help after all. "Y-yes, it's a pain to have them in a state like this.", she stated. After uncovering her boobs, it started to leak out of her nipples immediately leaving Ganyu in a mess. She presses both of her hands on her boobs and covers her nipples in fear to make the bed under her completely wet. "O-oh no, I'm sorry m-maybe…", before she could say more you gave her a kiss on the forehead, your hands on top of hers. "Don't worry, Ganyu, I'm pretty thirsty myself. I bet I can make you also feel better in no time." A bold statement but you were determined to suck every single drop of her special milk out of her tits. As soon as Ganyu called a bit down with more kisses all over her face by you, she started to lose up. Ganyu became less stiff which made her uncover her boobs. Milk poured out of her nipples and you did not waste any time to start licking. You first licked it off her hand causing Ganyu to be completely red like a tomato. Then a bright smile appears on your face, now guiding her hands to be the side so she could support herself not to fall down when you fumble and play with her boobs. Then it was time for your needy mouth to meet her leaking and swollen nipple. Your mouth docking on it, you started to suck her very carefully while your other hand was fumbling the other tit. Making the milk leak out even faster. The taste of her milk was warm and sweet, nothing you'd expect to dream of the taste. You heard an unexpected moan from Ganyu, which made you suck even harder on her nipple. “B-be more gentle…”, Ganyu says but you were sunken in her delicious tasting milk. Sucking even harder now while yourself grinds on the pillow underneath you. “I…*slurp* I can't stop, ah, …*slurp*  taste… too good~”, you slurped and moaned every word. Since you worked a good while on her right tit, you switched to the left one and did the exact same thing as before. Making Ganyu roll her eyes and lose herself into ecstasy. She did not want to say it out,  but milking her makes her feel very good and doing it with you was something she loved to do. “Ah… (y/n) I am about to come!”, she stated right before you heard a faint moan. Her hands grabbing the blanket beside her while she just came from you sucking and fumbling on her tits. You let go of her nipple with a plop sound. Even though you let go of her tits, it did not stop leaking. “Damn… are you alright for another round?”, you asked while giving Ganyu sweet kisses on her cheek. She smiled while blushing hard. “Y-yeah~”, totally lost in her mind, you continue relieving her stress.
A typical afternoon routine for you was to watch Nilou train for her performance. You watched her dance on the stage at the market. Her dance moves weren't directly intended for you, but since it wasn’t a busy day at the market itself, Nilou made it feel like it was only for your eyes. After her last step of the choreography, she bowed down, breathing heavily after all it wasn’t the easiest dance she made. You clapped before going to her to give her a smooch on the nose. “That was amazing… I was lost in your performance.”, you said and held both of her hands while Nilou started to blush a bit. “Thank you! I wanted you to watch me before the grand finale in two days.”, she smiled. Her chest rose and fell which made her feel out of breath, she let go of your hand to grab a water bottle and calm herself a bit down. Seeing her sweaty skin made you think of something that might relax her a bit from the stress she might be feeling. You leaned into her while she was drinking. “How about a quick break. I could make you feel better.”, you whispered in her ear. This made her spill out the water a bit and she blushed hard. “W-what, okay, sure!” You took her behind the stage and sat her down on one of the barrels, caressing her tights. “Relax… okay? I will make you forget your nervousness of the upcoming dance~”, you said softly while slowly going down to kiss her leg up to her tights, making her shiver. With a quick nod from Nilou, you continued your exploration on her bottom body part. Nilou intentionally spread her legs for you, so you could tease her better. In the end, you made her excited to do it right behind the stage. They are safe but who knows for how long? As this does not matter right now, you decided to lick on top of her clothed pussy. Her underwear was a bit wet, which concluded that she was excited before. You wonder what made her this horny? As you continued to use your wet tongue on her underwear, she caressed your head, looking down to you. “(y/n)... i love you…”, she said softly while you pushed her underwear aside. “I love you too”, you replied to her confession and kissed her pussy, before starting to lick on her clit. Sucking off her juices and using your rough tongue to explore every part of her sweet cunt. Making her moan out and grabbing your head. “R-right there…”, Nilou said, pushing her hips into your face, making it harder for you to breathe but it was a perfect opportunity to push your tongue inside her pussy. Without hesitation you pushed it inside and started wiggling it around her wet insides. She gasped out a bit louder but immediately held her mouth shut with one hand. She started to move her hips a bit faster, starting to chase her own orgasm. This made you use your tongue more aggressively and ride her orgasm. “Oh fuck…”, she cursed while coming right on your face. You licked every little drop of her juices before letting go to breath heavily. “You are amazing”, you stated and kissed her inner thigh.
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A crule dream
Ace x gn!reader
Series: Telling them they are pretty
Description: You and Ace have been close friends, sharing companionship on the Moby-Dick for a long time now. As Ace seemingly finds himself in a dream of you, his bottled up feelings for you bubble to the surface, he has nothing to lose in a dream after all.
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Header: by me ✨
Themes: Friends to Lovers, kinda; Idiots to Lovers, kinda; first Kiss; Angst with open ending; but its hinted at to be a happy ending; drunken kissing; mentions of alcohol and drunkenness; Ace is alive and well, what is this Marineford you are talking about.
Note: This has been sitting on my iPad since Febuary?! What is time even?! Its been a while since i posted a fanfiction of mine on the World Wide Webz, so i am a bit nervous about this. Also my first time writing gn!reader, so i‘m still getting used to it. This was supposed to be a little drabble but it kinda went of the rails :‘), this poor sad-boy needs a hug so badly.
It will be the first entry in a series about telling One Piece characters they are pretty. I am no native englisch speaker so please be kind in the comments. I appreciate every bit of feedback from you! Enjoy! ✨
And thank you to @fanaticsnail for being an inspiration to me for the past month or so, you are amazing!
The atmosphere on the Moby-Dick almost felt like a dream, it was all so effortlessly light-hearted today. The soft pinks and blues of the sunset faded perfectly into the dark night sky on the horizon, already dotted with softly shining stars.
You sat in the crow's nest together with Ace and enjoyed some quietness away from the lively party that was unfolding on deck down below. The crow's nest has always been your spot together.
Ace had one too many already, he read about Luffy in the newspaper today. It got him sentimental again, you knew it all too well. His laughter was always a little too loud after that. You wouldn‘t press him to talk about it, instead trying to comfort him with your company. You two were friends, close friends, you had each other's backs in any situation, even tho he was your commander. He never let you think for a moment this hierarchy was standing between you two. He valued your input and asked for your opinion on things frequently.
You and Ace stared off at the horizon in comfortable silence, sitting shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee, leaning against the mast. He could feel his thoughts drifting away, eyes wandering from star to star, the laughter of the crew down below fading into the background. There was only your warmth beside him now.
„Hey Ace, you are pretty! But you know that, right?!“, that snapped him out of his trance. He slowly turned his head towards you as you grinned up to him cheekily.
„Like how?“ his face turned into a confident grin as well. He was sure you were just joking around. The next thing you‘d say would be something along the lines of „pretty dumb“ or „in pretty deep shit“, and you both would laugh.
But instead of quipping a joke, you were quiet for a moment, studying his face intently. Why were your eyes suddenly so serious? He blinked, feeling your eyes on himself so intently made him a little nervous all of a sudden.
„Well… I like your freckles and your sharp nose… I think that's pretty.“ you said, taking a sip from your bottle. „Oh, and your hair!“ you reached up to touch the tip of a black hairstrand, that was closest to you. A small giggle escaped your lips at his dumbfounded expression.
He was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes looking into yours, seemingly searching for something. This must be one of his dreams, he must have dosed off again.
Sometimes when that happened, his dreams would be so realistic and sometimes so cruel. Like this one. He would dream of Sabo, Luffy and himself reunited and having a drink together, or seeing Yamato again or… well… for you to finally reciprocate his feelings. When he would wake up, he would remember most of it, which left him with a somber feeling for a few hours or even days.
Despite his tender feelings for you, he would never make a move, his position as devision-commander made it difficult, not to mention your close friendship. You were too important for him to ruin it all just like that.
This must be a dream then. Everything felt so light and soft right now.. and you would never say these things to him in reality. Pinpointing his insecurities as something you felt were beautiful? That would be too good to be true. He didn't deserve this to happen to him, he thought at that moment. He studied your face, taking in all the little details he had put to memory so many times before. The soft light of the sunset making your features soft, almost dream-like.
It was a dream, he was sure of it! So why not indulge?! Nothing had consequences right now, it was a dream after all. And he felt so lonely lately, the longing he felt for you has been eating him up inside.
You blinked at him, your face slowly becoming warmer with any moment he stared so intensely at you. You opened your mouth to say something, but he beat you to it.
„I see…“ his low voice was merely a whisper as he leaned in and gently took your face into his hands. His heart skipped a beat at your surprised expression. And was that a blush around your nose? So cute, he thought. The rough skin of his thumb caressed softly over your cheeks.
Your name fell from his lips, quietly, longingly, as if he could scare you away if it was any louder. He leaned in further, his nose brushing against yours.
„I want to kiss you for so long now…“ he all but whispered before pressing his lips to yours. It was a bit rough, but he wanted to pour every ounce of longing into this kiss he had harboured for the past year. Ace wanted to relieve his lonely heart of some pain. You froze up for a second, taken aback by the sudden feeling of his lips against yours, but you quickly found yourself enjoying it.
Your hands wandered behind his neck, as he moved his soft lips against yours. He wanted to know how you taste like and what beautiful noises could fall from your lips. You where gently holding him close, searching for something to hold onto while he pressed you closer to his chest and deepend the kiss.
A sigh fell between the two of you as he coxed your head to the side gently. You completely gave in to his kiss as his tonge brushed yours, letting him dominate your mouth. A million butterflies erupted in his stomach, a tingle went up his spine as you two moved in sync. He softly explored your mouth with his tounghe, brushing with yours in the procces as you did the same, which made him gasp into your mouth.
Yes, he thought, this feels right, kissing you felt so natural to him. Your body fit so well in his strong arms. He gently bit your lower lip as he slowly left your lips, both of you gasping for air, still close to one another.
His heart was banging against his ribcage, an intense blush spread across his face. Oh, he never wanted to let you go. His thumb gently brushed over your lower lip, red and swollen from the kiss you‘ve shared. You where at a loss for words, looking up to him throuhg your eyelashes bashfuly.
„Gods, I want to do this with you all the time, not only in my dreams.“ his gaze held an intense longing as he watched the soft light dance around your features “You are so beautiful right now…“ he whispered to you. „No. You are beautiful all the time,“ he corrected himself.
You gasped at his words. Shocked by his sudden outburst of passion and by yourself, indulging in a drunken kiss with your best friend. The kiss has left you lightheaded and it took you a moment to gather your thoughts to respond. He looked so dreamy right now, and so happy, you haven‘t seen him like that in a while. It made your heart soar.
„Ace, what…?“ you wanted answers, what dream was he talking about. Where was this coming from? But you were incapable of forming a straight sentence right now.
Suddenly, his eyes fell shut and his head lulled forward onto your shoulder, still holding you in his arms. „Ace?!“ you looked down to him, his head almosed nuzzled into the crook of your neck peacefully.
That bumbass dared to fall asleep right now?! After what just happened?!
Your head became clearer as you lingered in this position with him. As you began to think, your chest tightened, what was that all about?! And for how long would he sleep now? From experience you knew, that was unpredictable.
But you have an important mission tomorrow morning! You couldn't wait until he woke up and talk this out with him right now. It was already very late for you and you didn‘t wanna mess up tomorrow.
And would talking even be feasable? He might not even remember any of this. Maybe you could go back to your friendship as it was before then!
Thought after thought crashed down on you. And the worst one was: Would he regret kissing you, his close friend, if he remembered? Now…that would break your heart.
The waves didn‘t stop crashing, taking you with them into a spiral. What would your Crewmembers think?! What would Marco think!? Or your captain if he ever found out?!
Your breath got quicker and the fuzzy feeling in your chest quickly made way for a tight knot, making it more difficult to breathe.
„I am so sorry Ace“ you whispered to him as you gently leaned his sleeping body against the mast. The waves of emotions took you with them, you had no chance. The coil in your chest was unbearable now, you felt like crying. After one last tearful look at his peaceful sleeping face, you stood up and ran to your quarters, hoping no one saw you leaving the crows nest.
As the questions and thoughts flooded in, you barely took in your surroundings. The mission was so unimportant to you right now. Absentmindedly, you trotted after your team members, just going through the motions. It was a simple scouting mission anyway.
You tried to stop the thoughts and the guilt that where flooding you, but it was no use. Your head wandered to Ace and the kiss time and time again. You could still feel his lips on yours, his soft voice saying these sweet things to you and is warm embrace holding you so gently. What would happen now after this? You clutched your cest to stop your heart from beating so fast, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment.
"Hey, did you hear!? Ace made out with a crewmember yesterday!“ your head snapped up at your teammembers comment. How did they know already?!
Another one laughed “There is always a rumour about him and some crewmember making out at a party. You shouldn't believe everything you hear!“ the elder one gave the newbie a pat on the back.
This fired up the storm of anxiety inside you. So it was just a little makeout for him then!? No… you knew it was more. It meant more to you, at least. And you wanted to believe it was more for him as well. You knew about his little flings here and there.
What if he was just in the mood, and you where the next available option? You frowned at that nasty thought about you friend. Ace was better then his. But what would the crew think about you when they figured it out? What would they think about Ace?!
- Ace had slept until midday, waking up in the crow‘s nest, still in the position you left him in the previous night. He felt disoriented and had a terrible headache from the booze he had the evening before.
And something else felt wrong, it felt like he had had a dream inside a dream, that had never happened before. Ace scratched his head, tilting it to the side wondering. One of the dreams was about Luffy and a giant snake. They fought it together and then ate it. The other one was about you… and you two had kissed. That one he liked the most out of the two.
He sat up and stretched his arms and upper back, looking around for you in the process. But you weren't there with him in the crow‘s nest, unlike in his dream. As he looked around taking in his surroundings, and it slowly dawned on him. The exact place he was in right now seemed so familliar.
Oh no.
He jumped up with a scream of horror. That with you was no dream at all! He kissed you and said all these things for real. And he didn't even ask for your consent before kissing you! His breath got quicker as he tried to remember what exactly had happened yesterday.
Ace really kissed you… he grabbed you by the face even to hold you in place. And you looked surprised at that. Or was it shock on your face?!
He grunted, a feeling of dread creeping into his stomach. His memory was failing him, everything was so blurry.
Did you kiss him back? Or did you say anything at all? That's where it was all blurry for him. He remembered how good it felt to him. But what did you say to him? What did you do? He also remembered you tensed up when he smashed his lips to yours. That wasn‘t a good sign. The dread crawled up his spine lowly.
„Fuck… no,“ he took his hat that was laying on the ground where he slept and raged a hand through his hair before putting it on, just to shove it deep into his eyes.
“No, no, no!“ he wispered to himself under is breath, frozen for a moment and unsure what to do now. Go look for you and talk to you? And then what!? Admit his feelings and possibly destroy your friendship?!
He didn't deserve someone like you at all. You were way too good for him. So brave, and kind. You gave out your love so freely, without fear. Unlike him. You would never accept the feelings of a downer such as him.
Maybe he could backpaddle and say he was just very drunk? That might save your friendship. But he still kinda forced himself onto you. So the friendship was likely unrepairable already.
And it was all his fault. If someone would have rammed a knive into his chest right now, it would likely have hurt less.
Ace felt sick to his stomach, horrifyed as he imagined how you might be feeling right now. His mind filled in all the gaps his memory left open with crule things. Pictures of you trying to push against his chest to get him away from you, but he was too strong and helt you in his firm grasp. Tears in your eyes as he paused his advances on you for a moment. You running to the sleepingquarters, scared and probably disappointed in him, crying.
And you might not tell anyone about it. Ace was your superior and a well-respected member of the crew. He knew you didn't want to destroy his reputation, you would honour your friendship even after this. So you would stay silent with no one to turn to. And then you would leave the Moby-Dick!
Ace grabbed the mast with one hand, knuckles white, his body shaking. He wanted to throw up, wanted someone to punch him in the face. That was what he deserved.
„Oi! I‘ve been looking for you everywhere,“ it was Marco, coming in to the crow‘s nest behind him. Ace was just standing there, unable to move.
„Are y-,“ Marco stopped talking as he saw Aces trembling back. „Oi, what's wrong!?“ he asked, bridging the gap between them with two long steps. When his comrade didn't respond, Marco grabbed him gently by the shoulder to make Ace face him. His brows furrowed at the horrified expression on the other man's face.
„Ace?! What happened?“ Marco shook his shoulders in an attempt to bring him back to reality. This can‘t be good. „What happened last night!?“
At the question, the black-haired man snapped out of it. Did Marco know something about the incident? Did it already make its rounds? No, that couldn't be! He felt like someone was choking him.
He wispered your name „I kissed them….Marco," Ace confessed "I don't remember everything,“ his voice was shaking. Saying it out loud made the stone in his stomach heavier. „I am a superior….and I forced them to kiss me“ he looked to the ground with empty eyes, flinching as he saw Marcos's face scrunch up out of the corners of his eyes.
Marco was at a loss for words. He was rooting for you two to finally stop being dense and confess your obvious feelings to each other. But this was not what he had in mind. He saw you ran to the bunck with a sorrowful expression last night. With that last puzzle piece, it all made sense to him.
The older man gently pressed his fingertips into Ace's shoulders, trying to ground him. That poor boy was still trembling. He tried to find the words to break the news to him, but Ace was quicker with his question as his head snapped up „Where are they? Did you see them today already?“ he asked with a sense of urgency. „I- I need to apologize!“
„Well… you have some more time to think about what you want to say“ It hurt Marco to see Ace like this, and what he was about to say would hurt him even more. „They have been injured on the mission today and collapsed when they came back – from exaustion and bloodloss."
"What?", the other man's voice sounded dead. This can't be happening. Ace felt like his body was floating.
"It will be okay! It wasn‘t fatal, Ace. I already took care of it all" Marco added quickly, shaking him again as he noticed Ace empty gaze drift off. "Stay with me! I'm here with you. You're not alone." Ace, staring into space while Marco talked to him, bareley registering what he said "Talk to them when they wake up, i‘m sure its going to be fine." Marcos voice sounded far away.
Nothing is going to be okay. Ace had just lost a very important person to him, due to being a drunken mess. He must try everything to do damage controll as soon as he came down from the crows nest.
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yakumtsaki · 1 month
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Spice and Cyan are the last cousin-fuckers left standing and are proving impossible to break up. I'm inclined to blame the fact Sugar and June also had the hots for each other and passed these destructive genes on to these losers but whatever it is they're just annoyingly into each other.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I did almost waver cause I was like 'man you know what they're second cousins so at the end of the day truly who cares, maybe I should just let them stay together and create one Union super-bebe'.. and then I see this:
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In case you can't tell from this amazing screenshot they have ONE BOLT. ONE. ALL THIS DRAMA OVER ONE BOLT ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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-What is drama compared to someone you almost desire? -Oh baby, the mediocrity of my passion for you is too much to bear!
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-This lukewarm hot tub water is the perfect metaphor for our love.. -Exactly, it's the water of the womb and we all know that's where that sole bolt is even coming from!
UGH. Also man the difference between your noses is UNREAL, now I'm more worried about that if you procreate than the incest.
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-Hahahaha, as expected I'm the only one of this trash family that's in a non-disgusting relationship!
Felina no offense but you could afford to add some drama cause you've become boring af.
-People are sick of all this perverted nonsense! They want someone dignified and happily monogamous!
Ya idk sis, I mean look at Barth dislocating his entire spine as we speak:
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-You were??
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Bro I can't, the entire house hates Barth other than Meadow and her billion nice points and Spice who is his childhood bestie. Note that he and Sunset have that goddamn amour fou and are independently becoming un-enemies, which I'm NOT GONNA LET HAPPEN.
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-Ok Barth, let's get drunk and make some reckless and sexy decisions!
-Why do you keep cockblocking us? You know our kids would be hot!
-Ya right! Don't act like you haven't thought about it!
-You know we would produce a hot, psycho turbo-Union! A little Jojo or Jojette, untainted by non-Union DNA, one freakshow to rule them all!! Look into your heart, you know it to be true!!!
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WTF. Why are you here we've paid our bills!
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Oh great, now half these flops are in aspiration failure, that's just what the doctor ordered.
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-Can you harpies take this somewhere else, I'm trying to get high here!
OK NO. No one's killing anyone, we're NOT cursed, ok?
-We're broke, afflicted with a bills glitch, fires keep starting and half the house is in aspiration failure!
Well let's be real, the broke part is on you.
You idiots are averaging a D each semester because you're too busy fucking each other, beating each other up or both..
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..I mean freaking Jimmy is on academic probation, I have never gotten this before in all the years I've played this game, this is the worst college run of all time.
My point is the bar is in hell so let's just get out of this run alive, ok? Now you kids make nice!
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-Well, Failina, now that I'm looking at you up close I guess putting lipstick on a pig does work sometimes.
-For my next move, I'll shove my queen in your other eyehole.
See, now isn't this nice? And I think I figured out what caused the bills thing so everything should be fine now..
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Ok you know what I'm actually fine with that one, take it- Um do I hear hearts??
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-We've been friends for a long time-
You have?? Man I really need to pay more attention around here.
-Yes well you can't help being useless!
Very true! Well please, continue, let me just call someone over-
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Man I know, it's so terrible! Anyway-
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DOES HE?? Cyan you are one crazy bitch, I love it.
-I take after my mom! :D
Which one, they're both insane! :D
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-What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go🎵
Alright well Chapell karaoke seals it, Kea, welcome to the family!
-You mean it this time right, you won't fuck me over again like when I was engaged to Sophito?
LOL I forgot about that but no I'm certain this one is gonna work out, unless crazy ass Cyan goes back to one of her cousins
I said start planning the wedding!
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Their First Married Morning
This tooth rotting fluff has been hanging around in my drafts for over a month.
Buck was giddy, his entire body buzzing with excitement despite the early hour. He couldn't stop grinning as he adjusted his wedding ring, still marveling at its presence on his finger. He was a married man now. He had a husband. The reality of it all felt surreal, so different from anything he had ever pictured for himself and yet so incredibly right.
As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, Tommy's voice cut through his reverie. "Uber's here, sweetheart. Are you ready to go?" Tommy asked, his own eyes shining with joy and love, despite the slight bags under them from the previous night's celebration.
Buck turned to face his husband - his husband! - and felt his heart swell even more. Tommy looked adorably rumpled in his travel clothes, his hair still mussed from sleep.
"On our honeymoon?" Buck replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm and a touch of playful suggestiveness. "Hell yeah, I'm ready!"
He reached out, intertwining his fingers with Tommy's, feeling the matching ring on his husband's hand. The simple touch sent a thrill through him, a reminder of the commitment they had made to each other just hours ago.
As they made their way out of their house, dragging their suitcases behind them, Buck couldn't help but steal glances at Tommy. This was the start of their new life together, and he couldn't wait to see what adventures lay ahead.
"I love you, Mr. Kinard," Buck murmured as they approached the waiting car.
Tommy squeezed his hand, his smile radiant despite the early morning hour. "I love you too, Mr. Kinard."
As they settled into the back seat of the Uber, Buck's grin widened even further. He turned to Tommy, his eyes sparkling with amazement.
"I can't believe I'm actually Evan Kinard now," he said, his voice filled with wonder and joy.
Tommy reached over, taking Buck's hand in his own. "Believe it, baby. You're stuck with me now," he teased gently.
Buck squeezed Tommy's hand, his expression growing soft. "Stuck with you? More like the luckiest man alive."
The driver glanced at them in the rearview mirror, a small smile on his face. "Newlyweds, huh?"
"That obvious?" Buck laughed, not taking his eyes off Tommy.
"Just married yesterday," Tommy confirmed, his thumb absently rubbing over Buck's wedding ring.
"Congratulations," the driver said warmly. "Where to? Airport, I'm guessing?"
"Yep," Buck nodded, finally tearing his gaze away from his husband. "LAX, please. We've got a honeymoon to get to."
As the car pulled away from the curb, Buck leaned into Tommy's side, resting his head on his shoulder. The reality of his new name, his new life, washed over him again.
Buck's eyes lit up as he remembered something. "Oh, I had Bobby put in the order for new turnouts. Can't wait to have our name on the back."
Tommy's smile grew even wider. "Really? That's amazing, Ev. It's going to be something else seeing 'Kinard' on your back at calls."
"I know, right?" Buck said excitedly. "They're actually going to say E. Kinard, but still, it's like another way of showing the world we're a team now. In everything."
The driver glanced at them in the rearview mirror, a curious smile on his face. "Firefighters, huh?"
"That's right," Tommy confirmed proudly. "Both of us."
"Wow," the driver said, impressed. "A firefighter couple. That's pretty cool."
Suddenly, a thought occurred to Tommy, and he chuckled. "You know, people are going to be so confused by Buck Kinard. Your nickname isn't gonna make sense anymore."
Buck's eyes widened as the realization hit him. He laughed, shaking his head. "Oh man, you're right! I didn't even think about that. Buck Kinard... it does sound a bit odd, doesn't it?"
"Maybe we should've hyphenated after all," Tommy teased. "Buck Kinard-Buckley at least keeps the connection."
Buck playfully nudged Tommy's shoulder. "Nah, I already love being a Kinard. Plus, can you imagine how long that would be on a turnout coat?"
"Well," Buck continued, "I guess I'll just have to explain it a lot. 'Yes, I'm Buck. No, it's not short for Buckley anymore. It's a long story, want to hear about how I met the love of my life?'"
Tommy squeezed Buck's hand, his eyes soft with affection. "I love the sound of that story."
As the car continued its journey to the airport, Buck and Tommy fell into a comfortable silence, both imagining the first time they'd see Buck in his new turnouts, 'E.Kinard' proudly displayed for all to see. It was just one more symbol of their new life together, a life they were both eager to begin.
"I can't wait to be on the beach with you," Buck said, his voice soft but filled with anticipation.
Tommy's expression softened, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. "Me neither, sweetheart. Just you, me, and the ocean."
Buck leaned in closer, resting his head on Tommy's shoulder. "No emergencies, no alarms, no schedules. Just us, relaxing and enjoying being newlyweds."
"Sounds perfect," Tommy murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Buck's head. "Though knowing us, we'll probably end up rescuing someone from a rip current or something."
Buck chuckled. "Probably. But hey, that's who we are. Kinards to the rescue, on duty or off."
As the car made its way through the early morning traffic, the couple fell into a comfortable silence, both lost in thoughts of sun, sand, and the start of their new life together. The excitement of their honeymoon ahead mixed with the joy of their recent wedding, creating a bubble of happiness around them as they headed towards the airport and the beginning of their next adventure.
As the car pulled up to the departures terminal at LAX, the driver turned to them with a warm smile.
"Here we are," he announced. "Have a great honeymoon, guys."
Buck and Tommy shared a look, their excitement apparent as the reality of their trip set in.
"Thanks so much," Buck said, his smile bright as he reached for the door handle.
Tommy nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thank you for the ride and the well wishes."
As they climbed out of the car, the driver helped them retrieve their luggage from the trunk. Buck couldn't help but bounce a little on his feet, his energy infectious.
"Ready for this, Mr. Kinard?" Tommy asked, a teasing lilt to his voice as he took hold of his suitcase.
Buck's grin widened even further, if that was possible. "More than ready, Mr. Kinard. Let's go start our honeymoon."
With a final wave to their driver, the newlyweds made their way into the bustling airport, hand in hand. The noise and crowd of the terminal couldn't dampen their spirits as they headed towards check-in, both of them buzzing with the anticipation of the journey ahead - not just their honeymoon, but the lifetime they were about to embark on together.
As they disappeared into the crowd, their matching rings glinted in the early morning sunlight streaming through the airport windows, a small but significant symbol of the new chapter they were beginning.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
what happened in switzerland?
mick schumacher x singer!f!reader
fc: gracie abrams bc i have no self control
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britishvogue posted...
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liked by ynofficial, alexachung and 231,926 others
britishvogue: Singer y/n l/n recently attended a music festival in Australia after her break from social media and the public eye. In an interview conducted by a fan, she explained how she was excited to see what the future has in store and is looking forward to releasing new music after an inspiring trip to Switzerland this Winter.
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fan2: get this woman a grammy immediately
fan3: pls she's so cute 😭
fan4: at this point i genuinely think i'm in love with her
fan5: this is amazing and all but i'm wondering why switzerland?
fan6: switzerland is actually very beautiful so it makes sense that she was inspired when she visited
fan7: fr like switzerland in the winter???? cold but GORGEOUS
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liked by alyahcs, alexachung and 791,193 others
ynofficial: i feel like it'd be weird to ignore the fact that i kind of went offline for about a year and a half (and i only just found out that virtually nobody had seen me either) so i'm letting you guys know that i'm alive, well, happy, and writing again - and i'm so excited to announce that a new single, 'happy endings', will be released at midnight tonight!
also, have some (2) pictures from the last 18 months, photographed in my new happy place 🥰
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fan9: happy endings will either destroy my mental health or leave me a sobbing mess on the bathroom floor (wrong, it'll do both)
fan10: switzerland is officially on my bucket list of countries to visit
ynofficial: good girl👍👍👍👍
fan10: imdead 🧎🧎
fan11: i'm 🫶 so 🫶 proud 🫶 of 🫶 you 🫶
georgerussell63: looking forward to hearing it!
liked by ynofficial
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mickschumacher has posted to their story...
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liked by mclaren, lissiemackintosh and 360,184 others
mercedesamgf1: it's official: the boys are all in their 'happy endings' eras! 🥳
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fan12: came for the driving update, left knowing we can stan the merc boys
fan14: idk bout you but mick is cheesing a little too hard at that question 😏
fan15: i thought that too, but he probably just has a little crush, bless his soul 🥰
fan16: i wasn't convinced but after i saw lewis likes her music, i listened to her recent single and omg it's actually incredible
fan17: is this the same y/n that mick posted about the other day?
fan18: yes!
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liked by ynofficial, phildunster and 483,188 others
mercedesamgf1: familiar faces in the garage. fabioquatararo, tomholland2013 and ynofficial are attending the race on behalf of us (by popular demand 😉)
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fan19: i hope the drivers begged them to invite ynofficial 😞
mercedesamgf1: who says they didn't? 🤔
fan22: tom??? fabio is a literal motogp wc 😭
fan23: scraping for crumbs of y/n rn GIVE US EVERYTHING YOU HAVE
mercedesamgf1: 🫡
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liked by estebanocon, connor_swindells and 519,312 others
ynofficial: thank you mercedesamgf1, this weekend has been INSANE!!! also, a massive shout out to mickschumacher for being the best tour guide 😁
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fan24: ok panic over *mops up forehead* 😌
fan25: aw i was kinda hoping they were dating, they'd be cute together 🥲
fan26: this^
fan27: the way they both looked like they were having fun 😊
fan29: omg she did a hot lap BABE WHO WAS THE DRIVER
ynofficial: mickshumacher!
fan30: oh. my. god.
mercedesamgf1: content coming soon 😉
fan31: i'm dying someone send helllllpppppp
fan32: why am i fighting the urge to squeal after that merc comment
fan33: no bc same that emoji defo implies something
mickshumacher: had an awesome time with you this weekend ☺️
liked by ynofficial
fan34: shooting his shot
fan35: yk what, i'd probably do the same
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liked by landonorris, stephbohrer and 591,374 others
mickschumacher: austria 😁
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fan36: hmm yeah they're probably dating let's be honest
fan37: but he was only her tour guide and it's kind of natural that he'd get photos of her, esp considering she was invited as a merc guest?
fan38: true but when has mick ever done that before?
fan37: i'm just saying, the last thing we want to do is assume things bc there's a perfectly reasonable excuse as to why they've been spending time together
fan40: i just know y/n took that 😭
fan41: kay but all those photos are just so cute
fan42: right???
callum_ilott: 🤨
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liked by danielricciardo, kaitlyndever and 691,320 others
ynofficial: my new album 'STAYING AT SEB'S' is out next week and i'm so excited for you all to finally hear it!
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fan43: seb's? as in seb vettel's farm?
fan44: just how did you draw that conclusion????
fan43: bc she could be dating mick and seb owns a farm in switzerland and i'm pretty sure she knows daniel ricciardo through her manager who knows seb vettel. it's far-fetched but it's not impossible
fan45: if this is right...🤯
fan47: i'm gonna listen to this because i'm a massive fan of baby goats
ynofficial: omg i love that for you
fan48: is it a happy album or soul-crushingly depressing
ynofficial: 🤷
charles_leclerc: no bc i'm so excited
fan50: charles lmao
ynofficial: 🫶
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liked by ynofficial, sebastianvettel and 691,186 others
mickshumacher: happy two years, sweetheart 💗 there's never been a day i haven't been in complete awe of your existence; i love and appreciate you everyday
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fan51: oh. em. acca. gee.
fan54: babe calm down, they've sailed already
fan55: i'm crying pls the way she looks at him HAS ME BLUSHING
georgerussell63: congrats to the happy couple!
estebanocon: about time our dts gossip session came to light 🤣
danielricciardo: fucking finally 😁
lewishamilton: 💜
fan56: the support from the drivers is melting meeeee
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liked by mercedesamgf1, laurawoodsy and 712,001 others
ynofficial: happy 2 years to my favourite person, the love of my life, the most adorable human being ever created, and my best friend. it's been a blast so far and i'm loving every second of it 🥰
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fan57: can i ask if mick is the inspiration for 'happy endings'?
ynofficial: he's actually the inspiration for the whole album
fan58: he's so golden retriever
sebastianvettel: i can confirm this is true
danielricciardo: hello??? seb??? look at my texts
fan59: ok he's hot
fan61: she's out here creating thirst traps of her bf
fan62: honestly if he looked like mick, i think i would too
ynofficial: SEB VETTEL
charles_leclerc: 😲
estebanocon: 😲
lewishamilton: 😲
danielricciardo: 😲
landonorris: 😲
ynofficial: kay wtf
489 notes · View notes
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Taylor checks her phone with a smirk on her face. She’s out of breath, her legs as shaky as always when she comes right off stage. She’s sweating, now more than she was while dancing and singing. A normal reaction by her body which she’s gotten used to by now. Every time, it’s almost as if her body is only just realizing how much work she’s put in once it’s over. Once she gets to relax. It’s insane how exhausting these past three and a half hours really were, but it’s become even more amazing to see that she’s strong enough. Strong enough for all of it.
Taylor giggles once, rather loudly this time, causing her dad to be curious, too.
“What are you laughing at?”
Standing in her dressing room with her parents, she can’t stop smiling at the picture Travis just sent her two hours ago.
“Oh look at them.” Andrea now also laughs while looking at Taylor’s phone screen. She’s holding it up to give both her parents a good view and it certainly doesn’t disappoint any of them. Travis has taken a selfie of himself and his four year old niece, who’s sitting comfortably on her first class airplane bed, orange juice in the plastic champagne cup, a big smile on her face whilst uncle Travy is wearing her beloved dinosaur shaped plastic glasses. This girl loves to force her clothes and toys on her uncle and Taylor adores with every inch of her being how much he just lets her do anything and everything to him.
“Oh look at her with her orange juice.” Scott is laughing now, Taylor already giving her mom a look she knows too well. Her daughter’s heart is slowly but surely exploding from seeing the man she’s in love with so attentive with his nieces. She can’t wait for the two of them to get here. Can’t wait to see for herself how he deals with the little girl. She knows how nervous he is to take Wyatt on this little trip. But in a way, Taylor knows she’s even more nervous than him. After all, there have been so many late night conversations about babies lately. About their future. Their values. Where they see their lives together in ten years.
She knows she wants to go this step with him. She knows that she wants him to be the father of her children. Him and no one else. But this week together with Wyatt will really be a test run, for the both of them, to see how they will deal with a child, especially when things get hectic. She’s only ever experienced him with his nieces during a family day in Philadelphia, for a maximum of three hours. But this time, it’ll be different. This time, he’s dealing with the little girl day and night for a total of four days before Jason and Kylie will join them in London to take over again. Truly the first time, that the two of them will have full responsibility for keeping a human being alive and happy.
“Do you think he’s getting any sleep on this flight?” Andrea just asks, almost as if she’s ready to answer her own question and Taylor laughs. She’s just replied to his picture with a pink heart, then places her phone on the little table by the side and shakes her head at her mom.
“I told him that booking a red eye flight with a toddler is a bad idea. Like.. worst idea ever.” she says, can already imagine how tired and whiny the little girl will be.
“Well, we’ll keep them up tomorrow. At least she’ll sleep good after.”
Taylor nods, hoping to get any sleep in the next four days. But there’s still a smile creeping up on her sweaty face. She can’t wait for the two to get here. Can’t wait to spend more time with Wyatt and Travis. After all, she will be part of their family soon. And in a way, that makes Wyatt her little niece, too. With a smile on her face still, Taylor takes another sip of her water bottle. She’s ready to go back to her Parisian hotel suite and call it a day. Finally.
With her hair open and all over the place, she gets up quickly. Her heart is beating fast. She feels dizzy from having gotten up so fast, faster than she should, but she’s way too excited to just stay in bed now. Barefoot, she opens the curtains of her suite a tiny bit, the sky still gray but the sun comes slowly creeping out behind the thin clouds. After all, the weather has been forecasted to be absolutely stunning today. A beautiful summer day. She cannot wait. With her sleeping shorts and her favorite chiefs t-shirt, she checks her phone again, nervously biting her lip as she sees that his location icon and hers are truly closer than close now. She feels her stomach exploding. They’re here. It’s 6am and they’re here.
Just when his latest text comes through is when Taylor can hear a knock on the door. She immediately gets up to open the hotel suite door, smiling ear to ear at what she sees. Brandon from her security team just smiles at her and nods. Travis right behind him, a toddler fully asleep over his shoulder, hanging from him as limp as if she’s dead. He’s not just got his own backpack hanging from the other shoulder together with a tiny pink backpack full of dinosaurs but also pulls a huge suitcase behind him. Taylor can’t help but giggle. He looks exactly as worn out as she expected him to be. Travis then walks in, immediately whispering at her to signal Taylor that they need to be quiet.
“She just fell asleep in the car, I think she needs at few more hours.”
Taylor immediately nods, has already taken the rolling suitcase from him. She thanks Brandon with a smile, quietly closes the big hotel room door, trying not to wake the sleeping child. She places his big hard shell suitcase by the wall, then watches adorably as Travis places the little sleepy girl on the small children’s bed that the hotel has arranged for her at the end of the room. Taylor immediately steps up, helps Travis by taking off her sneakers and proceeds to pull the little blanket up to cover the small body. Travis just drops both backpacks on the floor, lets out an exhausted breath. He can’t wait a second longer, just smiles at the sleepy woman in front of him, shakes his head in anticipation. Oh how long he’s waited for this moment. She immediately giggles quietly, falls into his arms and kisses him. She can feel him sighing into her kiss, his tired body immediately relaxing just by the proximity to her. His big arms are swung tightly about her torso and her hands are securely on his stubbly cheek.
“You have no idea how good it is to see you, baby girl.” he whispers in between the kisses and she just giggles quietly, clearly trying to contain her excitement to not wake up Wyatt right next to them.
“I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea.” she mumbles, their faces still so close that their noses are touching. He smiles, not saying anything, just taking a good moment to look at her. The smile on his face says it all. He’s absolutely and inevitably in love with her. And she loves to feel it with every fiber of her being.
“Did you get any sleep on the flight?”
He shakes his head, tiredly letting his forehead drop onto her left shoulder.
“She was so excited to see Paris and be on a plane. I think she fell asleep thirty minutes before landing.”
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. You both must be exhausted.” she says, gently scruffing the stubbly hair in his neck. He doesn’t react and she just turns her head to place a little kiss on his skin.
“Let’s sleep a couple more hours. Will be good for the both of you.” Taylor whispers and he nods, only slowly letting go of her.
“I’ll send a picture of the sleeping beauty to Jason and Ky, I think they’re still up terrified that I lost their baby somewhere in Paris.” he mumbles, already taking a picture with his phone of Wyatt in her little bed. Taylor smiles, especially because she can definitely envision the both parents dying a thousand deaths while Travis is in charge of their eldest daughter. But Taylor also knows that this is one of the biggest declarations of love and trust that Travis has ever received from his big brother. And that’s why he’s been so nervous about this trip. That’s why he’d do anything to make this trip nothing but magical and memorable for little Wy.
“Yeah let them know you both made it safely here and tell Jason and Kylie I’m taking care of the two of you now, so no need to worry.” she jokes and Travis shakes his head pretending to be mad.
“The truth is, that might actually soothe them.” he laughs and so does Taylor. She just shakes her head, can’t help but hug his arm once more. She’s missed him. Oh god, how much she’s missed him.
“Stop it. You’re an incredible uncle. They trust you deeply, that’s why they sent their toddler across the world with you alone.”
Travis nods, yawns once more, and proceeds to get rid of his sweatshirt. She can tell, he’s definitely too tired for these types of conversations now.
“Shall we go back to bed?”
He nods, stealing her cheek one last kiss before walking past her into the big bathroom. Of course they gave Taylor the most luxurious hotel suite he’s ever seen. He didn’t expect anything less.
“Wow this is nice.”
“I know, right? It’s insane.” she says, and he yawns some more.
“Want to set a timer for like… eleven? I’ll just jump into the shower and then come back to bed, okay?”
She nods, more than happy to get a few hours of sleep herself now.
“Okay. Do you need anything? Water?”
He smiles at her standing in the door frame to the bathroom, just takes off his sweat pants and shakes his head.
“I’m good, baby. Go back to bed. I’ll be there in five minutes.”
She nods, closes the door gently and takes a few steps back to Wyatt’s little bed at the end of her bedroom. She’s fast asleep, her little hand moving once. She must be dreaming. And Taylor can’t help but smile at her. She looks just like her father. Those Kelce genes seem to be strong in the family. She’s also got the same eyebrows as Travis. Taylor gently strokes over the little girl’s hair once, then makes her way back to her own bed. She quickly closes the curtains so that the room is dark again. She sets her timer for 11am, thankful for the almost four hours of sleep ahead. A few seconds later, she feels herself get sleepy again, moves to turn around in her big and comfortable bed as soon as she feels the big man crawling under the sheets right next to her. He doesn’t say anything, just smiles, opening his arms for her to crawl into. Within a few seconds, Taylor has wrapped both her arms around him, kissing him gently a few times. She loves to be so close again. Finally, after what feels like eternity. And she can’t wait for the next days to come. She can’t wait to kick off a wonderful summer in Europe together with her favorite person.
“I love you so much, sweetheart.” he mumbles onto her lips, and she smiles into one of their kisses, just nodding happily.
“I love you, uncle Trav.”
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