#oh i haven’t uh. proofread this so? ya
manticore-fangs · 4 months
Price catching us watching porn (I’m sorry but I genuinely had to ask😭)
a/n: i remember reading something awhile back with joel miller (show) x reader and getting caught watching porn, this just fuelled it 🫣
cw: dildo used, porn, masturbation, john helps you with that, not proofread, more may be added. pls lmk if i missed any.
ughh! i can imagine him being dads best friend and just finding you in your room, staying at your parents since they lived closer to your college. price staying there for the time-being because his job is rough and he isn’t at his house often, why move in since his best friends daughter moved out? until she moved back in due to some issues.
it was late, 12 am at most. leaving you and your phone alone, lube and a dildo shoved up your cunt. watching the man in the video pound the woman into the wooden ground. leaving you wanting to getting fucked like that, rough and fast. you wished deeply that you were the woman, just plunging it in and out with an unsteady but relentless pace.
it’s leaving you in shambles, the dildo hits the right spot but your not close too cumming at all! makes you so frustrated and pissed off, cant believe why you won’t come. until you hear a rough “uh hum.” at the front of your door. you looked over and moved at the same time, panicking and trying to explain what you were doing, thinking it was your mother or father.
but you seen john price, the man you were crushing on since you hit eighteen. you never seen anything in him until you realized men yoru age weren’t the same and treated you like cow shit. “oh jesus christ- john, fuck- i can explain.” you try to say, nervous and trying to swallow the upcoming slit in your mouth.
“is’ fine love, every man and women pleasure theirselves. nothing i haven’t seen from women.” you blushed, furiously. you didn’t expect john price, the man you crushed on, seen you fucking yourself to some video.. which is still on as you heard a loud moan from your screen and cringe, grabbing it and turning it off.
you covered yourself, giving him and you some decency. but at the same time you really wanted him to help you, but the other thought that was chewing on your brain didn’t wanna speak up. the small anxiety at the bottom of your stomach stopping you from doing it.
john was going to ask you something, but watching you put on a dazzling show for him set him off, the next thing he says doesn’t register in his mind. “i can help ya’ with that.” it sounds more like an order, demand maybe then a question. but you look up and blink twice before speaking up after a short time of silence.
“wh- what? you wanna help.. me?” and he nods, he won’t take it back now but he will always let you stop whenever the time, and no matter what. “just letting you know lovely that you do not have to be pressured to say yes. you, can say no and i can leave. when you say red, i can stop when we have sex. up to you.”
and you think, but you bite your lip gently, grabbing the blankets and moving it away from your body, showing your pussy on display for him, the dildo stick sucked inside your cunt, not letting go as you were so close to your impending orgasm. “fuck.” he moans, getting closer to you as he looks at your pussy.
“can i?” he asks and you nod, letting him inch closer and closer before he lays his calloused and rough finger tips onto your lips and spreading them. watching your arousal and sticky goo from the lube and your cunt. he grabs the base of the dildo and pushes it in, making your head throw back with a moan.
he gets a steady pace, one hand opening your lips and one at the base of the dildo and thrusting in. “want me to go faster? i know you were so close love, i’ll make it up to you.” and you nod, really trying to stay composed enough to speak but the pace of that dildo inside it makes everything go away. he angles it correctly and just pushes it deep against your back wall, feeling a sensation start to form but you cannot gather anything besides moans.
“john - oh fuck john- please wait - ohm-“ you can’t speak for the life of you and your eyes keep flittering shut. throwing your head back and forth, trying to stop your squirming but you can’t from the pleasure you feel, the dildo going faster as you hear sticky squelches. john just chuckles at you, looking at your desperate state and just thinking of how you’d break apart on his dick.. but that’ll be saved for another time. right now he just wants to stretch you out on that dildo that you were trying to fuck yourself on.
“deeper john - need you to go deeper please -“ you sob out, tears in your waterline. john let’s put short ‘okays’ and fucks the base into you, moving deeper then before and stimulating that spot more and more. leaving you breathless with want and need, you just need johns dick so bad. “i know you need my dick lovely but that’ll be for another time, just need’ta get you perfectly stretched for my dick.” shit. you must’ve said that out loud.
he fucks the dildo faster, not relenting his pace even though his arms are getting slightly sore at the rapid movement. “john! johnjohnjohnjohn - fuck ‘m gon-‘ i’m cuhm- i’m cumming!” you start to shiver and squirm from the overstimulation which john slowly slowed down his pace. leaving you breathless and weeping.
you groan and whimper. orgasm drawn out, leaving you in a sub space. “i’ll take care of you lovie, let me take care of you. promise i’ll be good for ya’” you don’t remember much when john picked you up. succumbing to the rest that was consuming you.
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stevie-petey · 4 months
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“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors.  “One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another.  They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
Summary: do the laws of dibs still apply if steve and robin see you at the same time ???
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n
Words: 1.4k
Before you swing in: this is for my beloved val (@southelroy), and i was so excited to try my hand at writing robin and steve together <3 this is a very silly fic, not at all meant to be realistic or serious, and it isnt proofread so pls enjoy n beware !
According to the ancient rules of “dibs”, the first person who sees the desired one has the rightful claim of dibs. Anyone else present during this time must obey this sacred rule, respecting the fact that the other has laid claim first. It’s an old, ancient tradition, held up for centuries through faithful friendships. 
It’s a solid system, really.
Except Steve and Robin see you walk into Family Video on the same day, at the same time, together. 
You walk in, hair slightly wet from the rain and your eyes bright, and smile at the two of them shyly. Setting down your umbrella, you unbutton your raincoat and look around the store. “Sorry, is it okay if I hide out in here for a bit? My umbrella broke and I really don’t feel like catching a cold.”
Steve and Robin stare at you, wide eyed and in shock. They’ve never seen you before, they surely would’ve remembered your face if they had, and their brains short circuit simultaneously. 
When they don’t say anything, you cautiously walk up to the counter and laugh nervously. “Uh, hello? I can leave, if that’s what you’re trying to say.”
“No!” Steve shouts, panicked that the word “leave” has left your very pretty and pink mouth. When you flinch at his raised voice, he quickly clears his throat and lowers his voice. “I–uh, I mean… No, no. You can stay–please! I mean, if you don’t mind, ‘cause, ya know, it’s raining–”
“What my coworker here is trying to say is that you can definitely stay.” Robin interrupts, admiring the way the raindrops in your hair seem to form a halo. “In fact, why don’t you have a look around? We have plenty of movies.”
You smile at Robin, which she practically melts seeing. “Thanks, you guys are lifesavers. I’m here visiting my cousin, and he said I should stop by anyways.”
“What, do we know him?” Steve asks, finally finding his voice again. 
“His name is Dustin Henderson, if that helps. He’s a freshman at Hawkins, said he stops here sometimes–”
“Dustin Henderson is your cousin?” Steve and Robin say at the same time, completely taken aback. 
You laugh. “Ya know, I’ve gotten that a lot since being in Hawkins. I take it he’s well known?”
“Oh, he’s definitely well known.” Robin snorts, thinking about how many people would scream at the idea of more Hendersons running around the world. 
But if they’re anything like you, then Robin thinks she’d love to be invited to a Henderson family reunion. Immediately. 
“Well,” you smile again at the two teens, amused by their weird dynamic. You can see why Dustin likes them so much. “Since I’m stuck here for a while and I promised Dustin I’d get a movie, I’m gonna take a look around as suggested.”
You pause, now realizing you haven’t asked for their names, and you gasp. “I’m so sorry! What are your names? I feel horrible for not even asking.”
“You could never do any wrong,” Steve sighs dreamily, leaning against the counter in what he hopes is a cool looking pose. “I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
He sticks his hand out for you to shake, which you accept with a slight giggle. He’s odd, but incredibly endearing even if he’s currently standing against the counter like a middle-aged man. “I’m Y/N Henderson.” 
Robin, sensing what Steve is trying to do, hip checks the boy so that he falls onto the ground. “And I’m Robin Buckley, the better half of this duo.”
Like hell she’s going to allow him to flirt with you. 
Her declaration makes you laugh, even as poor Steve groans on the floor in pain. You wink at her, amused by her charm, and start to walk towards the movie aisles. “Oh, I believe that.”
Steve scrambles back up, and the second you’re out of earshot, he and Robin immediately shout at the same time, “Dibs!”
“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. 
“One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another. 
They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
“Okay, let’s think about this.” Steve holds a finger up to indicate that he’s speaking, which Robin scoffs at. “I saw her first, so–”
“Uh, news flash, dingus: I saw her first.”
“Were you dropped as a child? I clearly saw her first–”
“Actually,” your voice causes both Robin and Steve to turn in horror, realizing too late that you’ve been standing behind them, listening in. “You both saw me at the same time, so I’m not sure how the rule of dibs applies here.”
“We…” Steve gapes at you, speechless. 
Robin is no better, her face burns horribly. “We think… You’re pretty?”
“Well, I gathered that much.” You laugh again, and the sound is enough for both Steve and Robin to forget all their worries and admire how delicate it is. Then, holding up two dvd’s, you place them on the counter. “I’ll take these, please.”
Robin looks down at your movie selection, seeing The Breakfast Club and The Outsiders, and her heart drops. “Just… Just these?”
“Mhm,” you nod, unsure why her demeanor has suddenly changed. “Is there something wrong with my movie selection?”
Steve looks at Robin and he knows immediately what’s wrong. She absolutely hates your taste in movies, which he’s ecstatic over. He lets out a whoop and first bumps the air. “Yes! She’s mine!”
“Shut up, you moron!” Robin screeches, embarrassed and infuriated. She cannot believe that this is happening to her right now, in front of a very pretty girl, no less. Closing her eyes, Robin takes a deep breath and turns to you. “Please excuse my friend, he’s allergic to pretty girls.”
“Hey, that’s not true–”
You cross your arms at Robin, an amused smile on your face. “What’s so wrong with my taste in movies?”
“Nothing!” When you raise your eyebrow at her, Robin accepts her fate and gives in. She knows she’s done for now. “It’s just… It’s incredibly bland.”
“I happen to think your taste is impeccable, Y/N.” Steve butts in, batting his eyelashes at you for added effect.
Robin watches, with pure disgust, as it works. Steve’s charm gets you to laugh once more, and you even lean closer to his side of the counter. You place a hand on his arm. “I’m honored to have you on my side, then.”
Stupid Harrington and his stupid male species. 
While you and Steve exchange gross lovey-dovey glances, Robin rings up your movie rentals with disdain. 
“That will be $5.25, please.” She mumbles, crestfallen. 
You tear your eyes away from Steve’s and notice the jealousy and hurt on Robin’s face. You frown, feeling bad for being the cause of this. She seems like a sweet girl, and Dustin spoke highly of her, so you know she’s someone special. Taking some cash out of your purse, you hand it to Robin and catch her eye. 
“Hey, listen to me real quick.” Robin looks up, despite not wanting to, but your eyes are too pretty not to look into. When you have her attention, you turn to Steve. “Can you give us a second?”
He looks bewildered. “What? Why?”
“If you leave now, I’ll give you my number.”
“Yes ma’am!” Steve hops over the counter and goes to sort some movies, leaving you alone with Robin. 
Once he’s gone, you lean in close to her. “I understand what you’re going through.”
Her eyes widen, terrified she’s been caught. “W–what? No, I think you’ve gotten this all wrong–”
“It’s okay,” you grab her hand, gently take it between yours. “We’re more alike than you may think, and while I’m flattered, you’re too young.”
Robin knows she should be devastated by this, but all she hears is, “So… Let’s say ten years from now, if you happen to visit Dustin again…”
You laugh, she’s got such a spark to her. “You’ll have to figure out the whole ‘dibs’ thing by then with Steve.”
“I saw you first!” Steve shouts from somewhere in the aisles, before a giant crash follows. A few seconds pass, and then, much quieter this time, he shouts, “I’m fine!”
⌑ writing masterlist
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lipglossanon · 11 months
What’re Ya Buyin’?
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The Merchant x fem!reader (follow up, one shot)
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, pussy spanking
not proofread ✍️ but edited cause I forgot to cut out a part I left in til now 😵‍💫
Title from a RE4 Merchant quote 😝
have some brain rot that wouldn’t leave (but don’t expect more! 😜)
part i
“I have something I think you’ll like,” his voice calls out to you as you slip around the corner, walking into the halo of his purple torches. 
“Oh?” you return, grinning at him like you’re not covered in dirt and blood and the viscera of someone else’s insides. 
He chuckles and opens his ridiculously large jacket up, showcasing some shiny new baubles and trinkets; however, it’s the dull metal of a scope that catches your eye and pulls you to his table. 
“Thought it might interest ya,” his voice comes out light and teasing making your eyes flash to him, head tilting in curiosity. 
“How much?”
“How much d’ya have to offer, stranger?”
You don’t miss the hungry gleam in his eyes as you look through your pockets. Placing two gold ingots and some sapphires on the table, he clicks his tongue. 
“Doesn’t look like that’s enough cash.”
Heat pulses through your pussy at his rough voice, clit already throbbing in your panties—still dirty from the last encounter.  
“Oh that’s too bad,” you pout at him, body language open, “is there another offer you might accept?”
“There is,” he nods, reaching over the table for your hand.
Once you take his rough hand into yours, he guides you around the wooden furniture to his side. He presses you against the wall, his bulky mass dwarfing you making you moan softly. 
“Haven’t even started yet,” he laughs, low and deep, “can you be a good girl for me?”
“Yes,” you gasp out at him, hips rocking to meet his but growing frustrated with his coat blocking his lower body, “please.”
He shucks his pack off onto the table and slips his jacket off, along with his hood, making your eyes widen in surprise. Turning back to you, he’s still bulky but now it’s just him. Meaty pecs covered in a smattering of chest hair that leads down to his stomach and thick happy trail. Mouth watering, your eyes eagerly rake down his body, taking in how fit he actually is underneath all the wares. 
But you’re more excited to see him without the hood. Dark tousled hair, offset by deep blue eyes watch you in amusement while his mask covers the lower half of his face still. 
“See something you like, stranger?”
“Oh,” you murmur, feeling caught out, “I just didn’t expect…”
You trail off, feeling hot under his gaze as he takes his turn to look you over. 
“Well now, this won’t do,” he murmurs dragging his palms down your sides, grabbing the hem of your shirt and lifting until he’s pulling it completely off of you. 
Shivering, you let him run his rough hands over your bare skin, the heat seeping into your muscles making you relax into his touches until you’re as docile as a kitten. He ghosts over the nipples showing through your bra to cup a hand around your neck and tilt your head back so he can meet your eyes. 
“Pretty little thing,” he murmurs, voice hushed and reverent as your eyelashes flutter, brain pleasantly quiet as he smooths his other hand across your jaw and cups it.
His thumb presses in on your bottom lip and you part your lips to swipe your tongue over it, inviting him to press it into your mouth. 
He obliges you, eyes heated and dark as he presses his thumb into your mouth and down onto your tongue, letting saliva pool around around the warm digit. 
“What I wouldn’t give to taste that mouth,” he rumbles, his voice making your skin tingle. 
“You can,” it comes out softer than you intended since you were aiming for sultry, “I can close my eyes again, if I have to.”
“Oh you can, hmm?” he teases you making you squirm under his gaze which seems much more intense without the shade of the hood to block your view. 
You kiss the pad of his thumb, “Uh huh.”
He sighs a little, hands moving completely away leaving you with a chill.  
“We’ll save it for next time,” he compromises, “now let’s get down to business.”
You pop open the button on your jeans and slide down the zipper, pushing it along with your panties down to your thighs before he’s grabbing your wrists to pin you in place. 
“Allow me,” he holds your wrists in one hand as his fingers glide across your slippery clit. 
“Still wet from last time, ey?” 
You moan when he shoves two thick fingers into your pulsing cunt. 
“Pretty pussy still dripping my cum,” his voice rumbles low in his chest, eyes dilated and heavy as they stare at you. 
His fingers scissor your hole open before slowly plunging back inside your fluttering walls making you mewl. 
“Please, I need you inside,” you gasp as he rubs across the spongy spot at the front of your pussy, “oh, oh god.” 
“Mmm, I’d pay a pretty penny to keep you like this,” his masked mouth presses a covered kiss to your neck.  
He pulls his fingers out of your pussy with a slick noise and shoves his pants midway down his thighs. 
“Fuck you’re so big,” you whine, eyes hazy with need. 
He chuckles and strokes his cock once, the fat head dripping precum. 
“It fit once already, love,” he murmurs to you, pressing his fat tip into your clenching heat and sinking into your body. 
Shuddering as he sinks inch by thick inch deep into your wet pussy, your hips cant towards him until his pelvis presses flush against you. 
“Best cunt I’ve ever had,” he growls, pulling his slick shiny dick halfway out before sinking it back into your fluttering walls. 
You whine, fingers curling into fists as he keeps a tight hold on your wrists. His free hand slips down to pinch and rub your swollen clit until you’re continually squeezing down on his cock. 
“Want me to cum inside this juicy cunt?” his deep voice makes your nipples ache.
“Please, s’only a fair trade, right?” you tease him, laugh morphing into a keening moan as he bullies his cock hard against your g-spot. 
He spanks his fingertips across your pudgy clit, gloves rough against your pussy lips. 
“That’s right, love,” he chuckles as he humps his cock deeper and harder into your squelching hole, “fair is fair.”
He spanks your clit again as he frees up your wrists. 
“Spread that sweet little cunt for me,” your eyes have a hard time pulling away from his mask covered face, the sight making your thighs clamp together. 
Your hands reach down and grab your pussy lips, spreading open your cunt so your pudgy little clit is on obvious display. 
“Beautiful,” he mutters, eyes staring down at your exposed pussy. 
You cry out as he spanks your swollen clit hard.
And again. 
And again. 
You’re drooling all down your chin as each slap sends white hot electricity all through your pussy making slick gush all over his thrusting cock. 
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train making you wail as he repeatedly spanks your pulsing clit as you clamp down, milking his fat throbbing dick. 
“Good girl,” he praises, moving his hands to grip your waist, hammering up into your spasming pussy. 
With a rumbling groan, he buries his cock balls deep and cums, hot spurts of sticky jizz filling your cunt until it drips past your stuffed hole. 
Once you both come down from the aftershocks, he slips out making you whine at the empty feeling once again. He only chuckles and helps you pull up your panties, eyes dark and hungry as he covers up your cum dripping pussy. 
You gasp when he smacks your cloth covered mound. 
“Gotta say, stranger, you’re my favorite customer.”
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simpforwebtoonmen · 11 months
Long time no see
A/n: don’t worry, I see ya’ll requests and I will be getting to them 😭
Warnings: not proofread, dumb, might be ooc, I wrote this at 1 am so a lot of it might not make sense lmao
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˚✧₊⁎ You were a friend among Daniel’s group in Jae won High. But with recent events, you haven’t seen a lot of your friends in a while. And after so long, Daniel comes to visit you to invite you into his gang. But upon meeting you again after so long, he couldn’t recognize you at all… ⁎⁺˳✧༚
You open the door to reveal Daniel, the smaller one. Though he wasn’t all that small anymore and was definitely thinner, and a lot more muscular. Honestly, you wouldn’t have recognized him if Zoe hadn’t shown you photo’s of him.
You smile and wave at him, “Hey, Daniel!” you greeted. He looked taken back and looked at you confused. He then cleared his throat, “hello…is (name) here?” he asked. “huh? im standing right here…” you deadpanned and pointed at yourself.
Finally, it clicked for him, “oh gosh, (name)!? Is that really you!? I almost didn’t recognize you! Your hair is (shorter/longer) and you have a completely new style!” he exclaimed, almost excited. You flip your hair dramatically, “yeah, I look good, right?” you teased. And despite you joking, he nods in agreement, “yeah, you look really good!”
After catching up for a bit, he mentions how you used to be fighter and how he would like you in his team (gang). You said it’d been a while since you fought and that you’d wouldn’t really be that much help, but for some reason Daniel thought otherwise. And with his cute face and nearly begging, you agreed.
And now you stood in front of the rest of the crew members. Most you recognized from school, but there was a certain blonde that you hadn’t recognized.
“Who’s this chick?” Zack questioned, nearly scowling down at you. You almost thought he was looking down at you. It was something he had done before but never did it again after the fact. You smiled up at him, despite his rudeness, with a hint of tease. “What? you don’t recognize me?” you asked him.
It only took the sound of your teasing voice for Zack to know who you were. “(name)!? What the hell, long time no see!” he greeted, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “uh huh,” you simply said, still not letting his past rudeness slide. He then lets you go and sheepishly smiles down at you, “you see (name), about before, you know I wouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did if I had known it was you, right?” nervously rubbed his hands together.
you hummed, “right, well, don’t let it happen again,” you warned, but it was more of a tease than anything. Though, Zack couldn’t tell through his fear, “right right, of course!”
After that you turned to the rest of them, nodding your head, “Vasco, Jay,” you greeted. “Wow, (name). I couldn’t recognize you at all!” Vasco said as he approached you, Jay nodding on agreement. If you were being completely honest, you couldn’t recognize Vasco either. He’d grown buffer, has a beard instead of a mustache, and he cut his hair, plus a few new tattoos. He’s also changed his style into a biker gang type style, along with Jace who you’d only seen recently as well. Jay didn’t change much besides his physique and expensive suits.
And now… you turned to the last person, someone you’ve never seen before. “(Name), this is Hudson. Hudson, (name),” Daniel introduced the two of you, gesturing to each person with his hand. “nice to meet ya!” you smiled. “Yeah…” he responded, keeping his face neutral.
Just then, Zack and Vasco started bantering about who knows what. And when things began to grow my violent, Daniel and Jay had to physically separate them.
Suddenly, Hudson stood next to you and leaned down, “You’ve known them for a long time, right? Were they always like this?” he asked. You nodded, “Yeah, actually I think they were way worse than this,” you nodded as you recalled the memories of all the fights they’d get into with one another.
Though despite not seeing each other for a long time, you were happy to see that not a lot has changed since you last saw them, well, despite their physical and mental improvements, they’re basically the same as they were before. You smiled as you thought to yourself, “it’s good to see everyone like this again. Some things just never change.”
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lumoverheaven · 7 months
Joel Miller x fem!reader
A/n: Hello all, I’m not doing too good so here’s a little something I wrote to comfort myself I suppose. Also not proofread so any and all mistakes are mine! Btw this story was made with both game and show Joel in mind! As always constructive criticism is welcome! Enjoy! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! 🫶🫶💗💗
Warnings: depressing stuff and a little bit of suicidal/death thoughts (if you’re struggling with these thoughts and think you might be a danger to yourself please reach out and get help. You’re not alone and you are loved 💗)
W/c: 1k+
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
Stillness. Silence. You laid in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You weren’t quite sure what you were feeling. You felt nothing. You couldn’t even find joy in the things you loved to do anymore. You couldn’t find it in you to interact with anyone either. You just disappeared. “I don’t belong here.” You often thought. You were certain no one would care if you just stopped, if you just left, if you just died. You felt your life as you knew it was insignificant and meaningless. Everyone else in the settlement seemed to be having fun, seemed to enjoy their life despite the horrors outside the walls. You should be more grateful that you found a safe place, you found somewhere to live a somewhat normal life in the apocalypse but you weren’t. You wished you weren’t here. The monotony of your life was suffocating your every fiber. When mornings would come you stayed in bed later than usual. You’ve let your responsibilities slip away from you as you simply didn’t care anymore. Maria would come to your house, you looked disheveled in a dirty oversized sweater and some tattered sweatpants. Your hair wild and greasy from lack of care. At first she was gonna scold you for being irresponsible but she took one look at you and just felt bad for you. The scolding words dying on her lips as she noticed the lackluster look in your eyes. You just looked dead.
A few more days pass and there’s a knock on your door. Sighing you willed yourself to get up and open it. Your eyes widen when you see who was standing on the other side. No one other than Joel Miller himself. You haven’t really spoken much to him, you both have been patrol partners once or twice and you volunteered at the school his kid attended often, helping them out in the library. Ellie became a close friend of yours as you had similar interests and hobbies. Joel himself was quite fond of you. You were a quiet girl yet you were such a spitfire. You never let anyone, even himself, boss you around or treat you badly. He liked that about you, you carried yourself well. So seeing you like this, broken and hopeless really surprised him.
“Hey sweetheart..” Joel gave you a small smile, he held a tub of something you couldn’t make out in his hands. “Oh- hey Joel.” You returned the smile and stepped aside. “Come in, what can I do for you?” You said as he made his way inside your house. He took a look around. A little messy, yet cozy. He wasn’t being judgemental because he knew you were going through a rough time. This whole visit came about when Ellie asked if he’s seen you, when he shook his head, the girl expressed her concern about how you essentially went missing for a few days that no one has seen you except Maria but she said you weren’t doing too well. He wasn’t one for caring about other people that weren’t his brother or Ellie but for some reason he felt worried about you, he felt compelled to check up on you.
“Jus’ wanted to see how ya were doin’.. uh I brought some cookies me and the kid made together.. nothin’ too special.” Joel said as walked into your kitchen, setting them down on the counter. You chuckled for the first time since your depressive episode. “You? Baking? Wow, color me impressed. You wanna take a seat and have some milk and cookies with me?” Joel laughed. The request was so innocent and truth be told, just seeing you, Joel would do whatever to spend more time with you. “Sure.” Joel replied as he took a seat.
You prepared the milk and brought it to him, placing it on the table along with your own. You went back to get the cookies from the counter and you set it between the both of you. You picked up a cookie and dunked it in your milk. Taking a bite, your eyes light up. “Woah- Joel these are amazing!!!” Joel smiles as he takes a cookie for himself and eats it. “Thanks, I take full credit- Ellie jus’ preheated the oven and mixed some ingredients. She got tired easily.” You laughed, you were really enjoying his company and his presence. Just this one visit alone made you feel so much better.
“So.. ya haven’t been around lately.. Ellie and I are really worried ‘bout ya darlin’. Everything okay?” Joel asked as he looked at your face, you averted your gaze to your hands. You were tapping your foot on the ground as for some reason you grew nervous. You weren’t used to anyone asking if you were okay, no one really cared about you. Why did he and his daughter care? “Uh yeah. I’m all good, don't worry..” Joel could immediately tell you were lying. “Darlin’.. it’s okay.. y’know you can talk to me right? I may not be good at givin’ advice or be any good at any of this emotional stuff but I’ll listen to whatever you need to get off your chest..”
Joel was honestly surprising you. You never expected him to be here let alone asking you to talk about your emotions. What strange times. You nodded as you both ate your cookies. Perhaps you wouldn’t tell him now what was wrong since it’s a whole lot of trauma you have to unpack and you don’t want to frighten the poor man. But the mere fact that Joel was in your house offering you emotional support and delicious baked goods warmed your heart and made you think that maybe there are people who care about you. People who would be affected if something were to happen to you. If there was anything you learned today was that in your bleak, gray life there were still slivers of rainbows in the form of people like Joel and Ellie who valued you more than anyone else did in your life.
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
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Can you do platonic batfam with a male reader who is like Hunter from the owl house
Family - Platonic!BatFam x Male!Reader
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Summary: Y/N is the chaotic guy in the bat family, getting into trouble is normal especially with trying to sneak out. Jason sometimes helps but just enjoys watching you get scolded by Bruce or Dick.
Proofread: Kinda?
Pairing: Platonic!BatFamily x Male!Reader - (Based off Hunter from Owl House)
Word count: Pretty Short as I have been very busy - Sorry ;-;
Key: Y/N - Your Name , L/N - Last Name
Warning / Info: Cursing (Not Really just implied), I don’t know too much about the Bat Family or Owl House so I’ll try my best! Hope you like it. (They may be OOC) kinda going off the Silver and Bronze Ages / (Earth-One) family since it’s the one I know. Dick is like a big brother, Jason is just chaotic like usual and Bruce just being the tired father figure.
Kinda Short, so Sorry! I don’t really know them too well and I haven’t watched Owl House!! I’ve also been super super busy, so I am really sorry for just getting to requests now!! BUT Thank you so much for requesting Anon!!!
“Y/N!” Bruce yells, his shout echos in the corridor. “Okay look, I can explain. Y’know… Dick wanted me like uh, go get him ice cream..” you stutter out a reply, Bruce stares at you with angry eyes. “Give me the keys Y/N…” you clutch the keys that are behind your back tighter, “I don’t know what keys you’re talking about, BYEEEEE!” You state, running off, dodging Bruce’s attempts at grabbing you. “What the fu-” Jason exclaims, quickly moving to the side to avoid getting bowled over by you sprinting. “CATCH!” You yell, chucking the keys to the confused man.
“Wait what!?” Jason yells, fumbling with the keys. “WHAT THE HELL Y/N!” “Can’t talk! Running! Catch ya later!” You yell over your shoulder, sliding around a corner, your plan to leave the mansion has failed. Miserably might I add. You come screeching to a halt, your face colliding with Bruce’s chest. Your ass hits the floor, tail bone aching “Ow….” you mumble out, holding your nose. “What the hell dude!” You spit, quickly stopping your complaining when you look up and see Bruce staring at you with a disapproving glare.
“Care to explain yourself Y/N?” “Uhhh so…. I don’t have any good excuse other than I just wanted to leave…” you sigh, blinking owlishly when the older man picks you up from under your arms. Placing you on your feet. “If you wanted to leave, you could’ve just said so. I would’ve sent Jason or Dick with you.” You pout “I’m a grown man thank you very much!” You pause “… to a point…” Bruce just shakes his head with a sigh.
Your head whips around, the deep sound of Jason’s chuckle echoing down the corridor. “Oh c’mon. You can’t say you’re a grown man!” He states, walking up next to you. “Your head barely reaches my chin shortie” you glare at the taller man, you know you’re on the shorter side. Your genetics didn’t help at all, but you have the skills to make up for the lack of height. “Well, I’m sure I have a bigger di-” “Y/N!” You shut your mouth quickly when Bruce scolds you for your foul language. Jason doubles over, clutching his stomach while laughing, tears pricking his eyes. “You two are children…” Bruce grumbles, snatching the keys from Jason’s distracted hold. “Now go to bed!” The older man growls, stomping down the corridor away from you and Jason.
Jason wraps his arms around your head, bringing you into a headlock, knuckling your hair roughly. “Hey let me go!” You whine, trying to get the man off you. “You’re the one who got into shit!” He laughs, letting you go after you bite his arm. You hear a grumbled “Gross” from ahead of you, your eyes widen when you realise it’s Richard - well Dick… Nightwing - you stand straight as you realise he now knows you tried to use him as an excuse.
“Are you two done yet?” He asks, he just got in from patrol of the city. “Uh- yep! I’m gonna go- Byee!” You call over your shoulder, walking off away from them. “Y/N Remember we have training in the morning!” Dick calls, knowing you’re gonna ‘forget’ anyway. “He’s not listening Dick.” Jason pipes up, walking past the old Robin. “I know, I just wish he kinda took this more seriously…” he mumbles, speaking to himself more than Jason. Who is already turning the corner. You’re one of the youngest in the Bat Family, you’ve got a lot to learn, and big shoes to fill.
Your eyes sting when you walk into the gym, the bright lights not helping your half awake state. “Good Morning Y/N. Decided to join the land of the living?” Jason chuckles, he's already sweaty from his training, Dick in the same state over by the punching bag. Bruce is left earlier to some meeting, one that didn’t interest you in the slightest. “Yes… I regret it already” you mumble as you flop down onto the mats, the urge of sleep already tugging at you again. Jason walks over, standing above you, his hands on his knees as he leans over to look at you. “Get up sleepyhead, we got a lot to do!” His voice is still scratchy from waking up early, yours is practically nonexistent. You groan, rolling over and hiding your face in your arms. You hear another set of footsteps approach, light floods your vision again when you see the floor growing distant. “Put me doooown” you whine, squirming in Dick’s hold. “Y/N you gotta get warmed up.” He states, placing you on your feet again, his smirk plastered on his face.
“Surely I don’t gotta train… like there’s no point, I barely leave the mansion, I just sit here and-” you continue to ramble on about why you ‘shouldn’t train because there is no point’ you’re so emerged in your rambling, and convincing that you don’t even notice that Dick and Jason have gotten you to stretch with them. They just continue to listen to your poor excuses, playing along, hoping to get you to the point of sparring at least. “- that is why I shouldn’t be here!” You conclude, your smile dropping quickly when you realise you’re in front of Jason. Your hands up to defend yourself, both of you in a stable stance and ready to spar. “I did it again, didn't I?” You ask, your lips pressed in a fine line. “Yep. So! Let’s get this on the road and get you fighting.” Dick states, Jason in turn throws a fake jab at you. “No no! I don’t consent to this!” You scream, running away.
You all into the door, causing you to fall flat on your back. Your groans get muffled by the laughter of the two other men in the room. “Stuff you” you spit as you sit up, your hand holding your head. You stumble to your feet, your head hurts and the rest of your body. “So are you gonna spar with us? Or are you just gonna keep looking for an escape when you know there is none??” Dick asks, walking over to you. You look down, biting your lip, a smirk worming its way onto your face. “Let’s make a deal.” Jason’s laughing halts when he hears your words, Dick looks at you with a raised brow. “What?” They both say, your smirk turns into shit eating grin. “If I do training with you guys. You have to take me into the city anytime I want!” You smile to yourself when you see Dick look at you in thought. He’s the oldest out of you three, therefore has a licence to take you places
Jason can technically take you to town. But last time he drove the cops pulled him over. Bruce was annoyed beyond belief. Yeah he had a permit but he wasn’t legally allowed to drive without a fully licensed person, he’s gotten tickets multiple times. So he’s currently suspended from driving, but we won’t get into the nitty gritty of that.
The training continues with little complaining from you. Your body aches and your head hurts from all the information that Dick was trying to tell you about fighting and what not. You’re happy to be here, be with your family, be a part of something for the greater good. You’re glad they have taken you under their wing, kept you close and looked out for you when times get tough, the same you do with them. They are Family.
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hyenahunt · 2 years
Obbligato: The Devotion to Tatsumi Kazehaya - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, three years ago
Characters: Jun, Tatsumi
Proofreading: 310mc + Remi (JP) & honeyspades (ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt & Peace
Tatsumi: Haha. If I'm able to bring even a hint of a smile to your face, then I'll consider being an idol a true blessing.
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Content Warning!
Contains casual mention of suicide.
Time: Three years ago. One month after the entrance ceremony.
Location: Reimei Academy's "Labour Camp”
Jun: Yaaawn~...♪
(Welp, it's the start of yet another god-awful day...)
(Nothing's improved at all since the entrance ceremony. It's just day after day of serving these damn Special Students. Fuck this shit.)
(Isn't Reimei Academy supposed to be a school for training idols? I still haven't done a single thing you'd expect an idol to do here yet.)
(Well, I guess that kinda thing's one of those almighty Specials' privileges, huh?)
(At this rate, I’m starting to think I was practicing better before I even enrolled here. I’ve been practicing in secret, yeah, but I’ve still got my limits.)
(I'm always so worn out from washing those Specials' clothes and making their meals that by the time I get back to the Labour Camp, I'm asleep on my feet.)
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Jun: (All the same, I've been pushing myself to practice on my own, but it really just feels like I'm taking a pointless detour… Actually, it’s more of a total waste of time than a detour.)
(But well, I did hear that in hardcore powerhouse baseball schools, newbies aren't allowed to even touch the ball for their whole first year.)
(Who knows, maybe this is the idol version of that, but — )
(It still pisses me off...! Ugh, can't the Specials all get into some kinda accident and just drop dead already?)
Tatsumi: Good morning. ♪
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Jun: Woah... Oh, mornin', Kazehaya-senpai.
You've totally settled yourself into the Labour Camp, haven't ya? I honestly figured you would've thrown in the towel and gotten the hell out way sooner.
Tatsumi: As they say, once you clear your mind of worldly thoughts, even fire will feel cool. If you look around the world, there are plenty of people much worse off than those who live here.
Comparatively, a blessed person such as myself has no right to complain at all, don't you think?
Jun: Is that how it is? For that matter, why're you bumming around here at the very bottom of the barrel when you could be kicking back enjoying the privileged life of a Special Student?
I'm uh, wait, how d'you say it... My, um, deepest apologies for asking this again and again.
Tatsumi: You needn't worry over formalities, Jun-san. It doesn't matter how you speak to me, so long as you're able to convey yourself the way you wish.
Jun: Yeah, right. This place is practically full of assholes waiting to jump you the second you say a single word wrong.
Tatsumi: Is that so? Haha, I learn so much by speaking with you.
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Jun: (What a weird guy... For real, what's up with him?)
(Rumour has it that he appealed to the school to have his Special Student title revoked, but they rejected it so they're having a lil' dispute right now.)
(Wonder if he’s tryin’ that 'cause he doesn't get along that well with the other Specials or something?)
(But then again, whenever I see Kazehaya-senpai around school, it always seems like he's on good terms with both Specials and Non-Specials alike.)
(Reimei Academy may have a thoroughly-enforced hierarchy but this guy's the only "exception" to it.)
(I seriously wonder what his whole deal is~... I'm not really interested in other idols, let alone idol students fresh off the boat, so I didn't know about it, but...)
(After looking into it, I discovered that Kazehaya-senpai's already debuted as a Special Student idol, and he seems to be crazy popular.)
(Even though Yumenosaki currently has the most influence over the industry, it’s barely producing results — and he took the opportunity to grab his own fan base. Last year, he especially thrived by attracting the attention of audiences that love young male idols.)
('Course, CosPro's other idols are all doing great, thanks to the selfless devotion of us Non-Specials.)
(But even among them, this person stands right out.)
(But instead of letting it all get to his head, here he is hanging out with us at the very back of the pack, sitting in the Labour Camp as he drinks homemade tea.)
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Tatsumi: ...? Would you like some tea as well, Jun-san?
Jun: I'll have some. I still feel worn to the bone no matter how much I sleep lately, so I'd like something to wake me up a lil'~...
Tatsumi: You sound like an exhausted middle-aged man, Jun-san. Don't forget, you still have plenty of years ahead of you.
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Jun: Right back atcha. Ahh, this tea tastes great. It's stuff like this that makes up the rare moments of joy I get to experience at Reimei, for real.
Tatsumi: Haha. If I'm able to bring even a hint of a smile to your face, then I'll consider being an idol a true blessing.
Still, you really do seem far too tired...
If you're unable to take your mind off of things, then it's possible you have some symptoms of depression. Before your thoughts become too much and overwhelm you, you should vent them out to someone.
I don't mind lending an ear, if you don't mind me listening.
Jun: I’m all good, I swear. You say this to everyone no matter who it is, don'tcha?
'Cause of that, we get crowds of poorly-lookin' folks comin' to the Labour Camp everyday, telling you woes of their ailments...
It's got me starting to think this place's looking more like a hospital or a church.
Tatsumi: My apologies, I hadn't meant to cause such a disturbance. I've asked them not to come here as much as possible, but they still do...
The rules are strict on those who aren't Special Students, and so we'll certainly be reprimanded if this area becomes something of a hangout spot. Our teachers and other staff won't like it.
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Jun: Well, it's fine, isn't it? Everyone needs some kinda place to escape to.
You sit down all these tormented Non-Specials right before they think to end their suffering and send themselves off to actual Heaven, and hold 'em back from acting on it.
Even though all I do is live next to this, just the thought of it makes me feel like I'm a part of something noble — and you know what? Somehow, I'm grateful for it.
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
has anyone written a fic where luke is hyperfixating on guitar hero because “this doesn’t make sense julie??? a guitar is literally attached to my soul how am i not the best at this?? NO” and then spends the next 72 hours hauled up in the studio just playing guitar hero on expert only
Julie’s about to fall asleep when she hears a faint popping sound coming from the direction she’s facing, near her window.
“Mmmmfm what?”
“Uh Jules?” She opens one eye to find Reggie and Alex nervously standing by the edge of her bed. Reggie inches closer when he sees her looking at them.
“Do you think you could maybe- uh, talk to Luke? He hasn’t taken any breaks since,” Reggie holds up his hand as he counts down the days. “Sunday. He’s been at it for nearly 4 days straight and we’re worried he’s going to go full Super Mario mode and last time that happened it......it wasn’t pretty.” Both boys recoil at the mental image.
Julie groans as she pushes her covers back, opening her other eye to get a better look at both boys. “Yeah but, he’s a ghost now. Shouldn’t this be different? I mean it’s not like he needs to eat or anything...” Julie trails off as a yawn makes its way out of her.
“We’re not worried about his health more so just...him.” Alex steps forward next to Reggie as he starts articulating with his hands. “He gets really intense about these things and it eats him up inside even if he doesn’t show it, and he just—” Alex’ arms stop moving, letting them flop back to his sides. “Just trust us on this?”
Julie stares at the two boys for a few more seconds before she sits up, groaning all the way.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see what I can do.”
Both boys visibly relax at her words, throwing her double thumbs up before they pop out of her room.
Julie reaches out for her glasses on her nightstand, shoving them onto her face as she dangles her legs off her bed in search of her warm slippers. She makes her way towards her door before stopping, pivoting on the spot and walking back towards her bed to grab her favourite blanket. Armed with a bundle of warmth in her arms, she heads out.
As she approaches the studio doors, she starts to see different coloured lights dancing across the high windows, followed by discordant guitar sounds vibrating through the glass.
So Luke hasn’t mastered the art of Guitar Hero yet.
With a sigh, Julie pushes at the large doors, steps in and takes in the sight before her as she leans back agains the door, shutting it behind her.
Luke is sat on his old weathered black couch, facing the old TV they had installed for the boys once Ray had been informed of their existence. With his brows furrowed, lip caught between his teeth and shoulders hunched forward, Julie can safely say she has never seen him this way. His beanie is perched precariously on his head, strands of hair coming out in all directions as if messed with for many, many, hours. The dark circles under his eyes seem to be popping out (ghosts never slept?), and the grim line of his mouth is one Julie hasn’t seen since Trevor.
She takes her time to catalogue every single concerning aspect of this Luke, the worry surging forward while guilt slowly makes its presence known.
“Luke?” She tries, her voice loud enough to carry over the muted sounds of the TV speakers.
“Luke?” she tries again.
Still nothing.
Julie pushes herself off the garage door, slowly walking forward as she weaves her way through the studio armchairs and coffee tables, only stopping once she’s standing right next to Luke, their knees nearly touching.
The boy in question finally registers her presence, jumping slightly even as his fingers continue to click the buttons away.
“Julie! I- When-” He cuts himself off with his eyes still on the screen, the furrowed brow deepening. The game wasn’t going well.
“Reggie and Alex asked me to check on you. I thought maybe they were being a little extra but....” Julie trails off as she watches Luke bites hard on his lip as he misses a series of button cues.
“Julie! Yeah, sorry yeah just give me one- Aw crap not again!” Julie turns to stare at the screen, and sees the warning flash across the screen.
“Luke I think maybe you should-”
“I’m so close, I just need to focus.”
Julie’s eyes flick back to Luke, her heart squeezing at the desperate look in his eyes. She had to stop this — or at least get him to take a breather — he looks exhausted. And was that sweat on his forehead? Okay so she seriously needed to stop this.
Decision made, Julie drops her bundle of blanket onto the couch next to Luke, and moves to stand in front of him. Without even blinking, Luke just leans to the side, fingers still busy at work. She shifts closer, knees knocking into his, as she tries to make room on his lap for her to her. She figured he might fight her on it, but Luke seems to be running on autopilot — because all he does is lift his arms, moving the guitar out of the way, as she clumsily settles into his lap, ducking her head under the strap and onto his shoulder. With her legs draped over and onto the other side of the couch, Julie reaches behind her and grabs her blanket and covers her bare legs.
Plucking the beanie off his head and throwing it to the side, Julie’s fingers travel up Luke’s face, cupping his cheeks as her thumbs swipe across the stubbled surface.
“Luke?” She tries once more, her voice soft but firm and full of worry.
At her voice, Luke visibly jumps, his eyes finally detaching from the screen, head swivelling as he stares at her, mouth agape.
“Jules! You- uh..” Luke quickly fiddles with the buttons on the guitar, pressing pause as he hastily pulls the strap over his head. With the guitar finally put away to the side, Julie allows herself a small sigh of relief.
First step.
“I- sorry I didn’t-” he rubs at the back of his head, his expression momentarily confused as he tries to feel for his missing beanie. His expression shifts once more when he realises Julie is sat on his lap, the change in features almost comical. She pushes the wet hair from his forehead out of the way, fingers lingering on his face.
“When- when did you uh,” he waves his arms in her general direction before wrapping them around her waist, pulling her more firmly against his chest. “..get here?”
Julie just burrows her face into his neck as a reply, retracting her hands and wrapping her arms around him. She places a kiss against his pulse point, her lips twitching when she feels him shiver beneath her.
“I think it’s time for the ghost to take a break,” is all she says.
It’s quiet for a few minutes, the background music coming from the paused game the only sound breaking the silence. Julie looks up past Luke’s jaw to find him staring at the screen, biting his lip again.
“I can show you some tricks in the morning if you’d like?” Julie closes her eyes when she sees his eyes dart back to hers. Faking a yawn, she snuggles deeper into him. “I just want to sleep now.”
She waits for him to move her, to say anything, but all she feels is him leaning back against the couch cushions, a small sigh escaping him. The worry eating away at her heart eases slightly, her muscles relaxing.
And as she starts to slowly drift off, the rhythmic movements of Luke’s chest rising and falling lulling her to sleep, Julie swears she hears Luke whisper a quiet “thank you,” right before pressing his lips against the top of her head.
She knows in the morning once she’s out of his arms and they’re free to grab onto the guitar again he’ll be right back at it, but at least now she can be there with him, making sure he’s taking all the necessary breaks.
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What if listener was part of a biker family. How would Seth, Al, and Finn find out or how would they react?
Vroom Vroom
-Alphonse x reader
-Seth x reader
-Finn x reader
-gender neutral reader
-not poly (separate)
-not proofread
It was a sunny day. The weather was absolutely perfect… for staying inside.
Alphonse had some work to do in the shop so he let you stay to keep him company.
This happens pretty often and you’ve gotten used to spending your weekend at his shop. You both shared the usual playful banter. Until it was interrupted by the loud sound of a motorcycle.
Alphonse peaked out at the window. “Is Seth here? I didn’t know he was comin’ to visit.”
Only it wasn’t Seth. It was your “uncle”. He wasn’t actually your uncle but he acted like he was.
He walked into the shop. Tension was in the air. Alphonse probably thought he was one of Derek’s goons.
“Hey, Boo, do you know who this is?”
“Yeah, he’s my uncle. Relax.”
“Uncle? Are you two related?”
“It’s a long story. He probably just came to see me.”
You walked over to the biker man.
“Hello. How are you doing? Long time no see, huh?”
“Well, well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. I’m doin’ just fine. How ‘bout you?”
“I’m doing great! This is Alphonse. He’s my boyfriend. He owns this shop.”
He walked over to Alphonse and examined him closely.
“What?” Alphonse asked cockily. “You gonna fight me or something?”
“Oh no…” you mumbled under your breath.
You expected him to challenge Alphonse to a fight. And you didn’t want to see Alphonse getting pummeled. But instead, he reached his hand out towards Alphonse.
“Nice to meet ya.”
Alphonse looked at him, confused. He shook his hand anyway.
Your “uncle” looked back at you and your confused expression.
“What? Did ya really expect me to beat him up? You’re all grown up, I don’t give a shit about who you date as long as they’re a decent person. And Pinkie over here seems fine.”
“Pinkie? Really, dude?”
The rugged biker chuckled. “Alright, well, I better be headin’ off now. The gang might be lookin’ for me. Later, lovebirds!”
He left the store and rode away.
“Boo? You never told me you were a part of a biker gang.”
“Ah, that was a long time ago. That man taught me how to ride. Though, I haven’t ridden a motorcycle in ages. I probably forgot everything I learned.”
“You now how to ride? Maybe you should race Seth. Now that would be entertaining.”
“Or maybe I should race you instead.”
“What? That’s not fair, I don’t know how to ride. Boooooo, you’re so mean.”
“I’m just kidding. But racing with Seth sounds fun. I’m sure he’d beat me easily though.”
“Wouldn’t hurt to try. Maybe he might go easy on you.”
“Yeah. Maybe…”
You and Seth were on a date. He took you out to the woods on his motorcycle. He made a campfire for the both of you.
Everything was going fine until,
One of your old biker friends showed up.
“Hey! Long time no see!”
Seth looked at the biker.
“Sugar, do you know who this is?”
“Yeah, he’s just an old friend. I’ll go say hi.”
He nodded and watched your interaction with your friend.
“So… it’s been a while. How have you been?”
He replied. “Ah, the usual. I’m still out here riding my motorcycle.” He gestured towards his motorcycle. “Haha, as you can see.”
“Right. How’s the rest of the gang?”
“Everyone’s been doing fine. Some people left to start a new chapter in their life, but mostly everyone’s still here.”
“I see… well, uh, this is my boyfriend, Seth.”
Seth waved awkwardly.
The space was filled with awkward silence. Until your old friend’s phone began ringing.
“Uh-oh. The gang needs me. Gotta go now. Bye, guys!”
Then he rode off to god-knows-where.
“Sorry about that. Old gang stuff.”
“You know how to ride a motorcycle?”
“Yeah. I guess. I’m still a bit rusty though.”
“Race me.”
“Rusty or not, I still want to race you.”
“I don’t have a motorcycle. Not anymore.”
“We can go rent one out for you and race later.”
“Okay. That sounds fine.”
Seth smiled and gestured for you to sit down with him.
“You know, if you’re really that rusty, I can teach you how to ride again. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“I think it would be, yeah.”
He kissed your cheek. “Okay, it’s a date then.”
It was a Saturday afternoon, which means you get to go foraging with Finn! Foraging with Finn was always fun because you always learned something new with him. It’s part of what you loved about him.
You were walking until Finn stopped you.
“Oh no, Orchid, don’t touch those. Those are poisonous.”
He pointed to a pointy, green weed.
“I didn’t even notice that was there! Am I going to die?”
He chuckled softly. “No, you won’t die. I’ll make sure of it. Just watch your step next time, okay?”
The date continued and Finn found many hidden treasures. Then there was a familiar sound.
The sound of a motorcycle.
You looked at the source of the sound and found a young lady. A very familiar face indeed.
She ran over to you, panting.
“H-hey, how are you doing? Whoo— these slopes ain’t so easy to run on.”
“Oh. Hello! It’s good to see you. This is my boyfriend, Finn. We were just outside foraging for cool stuff.”
Finn looked nervous. He couldn’t make eye contact with your friend.
“H-hello, yes, that’s me, I’m Finn.” It seemed like he was reassuring himself on who he was than actually introducing himself.
“Hey, nice to meet ya! What’s with all the plants?”
“Oh! Um… I just like plants.”
“I see.” She whispered to you, “Blink twice if you’re being held hostage.”
“I am not being held hostage. I went with him willingly.”
“Thank goodness, I thought you were being held hostage by a nerd.”
“Excuse me?”, asked Finn.
“Never mind.”
“Anyway, Finn, your lil lovebird was in our biker family. Was a real good rider, too.”
“A gang?”
“Sort of. We don’t commit crimes though. We just ride.”
“I see.”
“Well!” She looked at her phone. “Duty calls! See ya later, nerds!”
She rode off into the sunset.
“You never told me you were in a gang.”
“Ah, it’s nothing. It’s not like we did anything illegal.”
“No, I mean, that’s really cool. I could never do anything like that.”
“Maybe I should take you out for a ride sometime.”
“Yeah! I’d like that a lot, actually.”
You pulled yourself up to kiss him on the cheek.
“Then it’s settled.”
He was a blushing mess, almost as red as the berries he picked.
Sorry, I don’t really know what biker family is. Is it like a family that’s a bunch of bikers or another word for a gang?? I don’t know much about biker stuff. Sorry if it’s not to your liking.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 9
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: cursing
Third Person POV
The party is in full swing at the compound. Tony took out all the stops. Claimed it was to celebrate Natasha’s birthday, though her birthday wasn’t for another month. Most people didn’t mind since they loved to dress up and get shit-faced. 
Dot held onto Bucky’s hand as he walked around the large room. She was both nervous and excited for this party. She hoped that this was only the beginning for her and Bucky. She also hoped that this would finally get Bucky to make a move other than hugs and hand holding. 
She couldn’t understand why he was dragging his feet. You have been gone for a month and Bucky seems to have gotten over it, at least she thinks he has, but he still won’t even kiss her. What happened to this man that he lost his charm from the 40′s? It was driving her crazy, especially since she put in so much work to finally get him. She decided that tonight, she doesn’t care if she has to drug him, he will be hers.
The couple walks up to Steve, Tony, Sam, and Nat, who are all in conversation. “Hey guys, you remember Dot,” Bucky says to the group.
They all nod and give her a small smile, except Natasha. Dot was honestly terrified of the woman. First of all she was gorgeous, which annoyed Dot because she was used to being the most beautiful. But what scared her the most is when Bucky told her she was a previous spy. She has killed people, and she was really good at reading people. Dot couldn’t help but wonder if Nat had caught on to what she did to you.
“Jamie, can you come dance with me?” Dot asked. 
Bucky looked at her and saw her giving puppy dog eyes. He had to fight everything in him to not roll his own eyes. He cleared his throat, “Uh, sure Doll. Steve, Nat, why don’t you join us?” Bucky asked with pleading eyes.
Nat did roll hers but grabbed Steve’s hand and walked out to the floor. The music changed to a slow ballad and Dot wrapped her arms around Bucky’s neck. “I saw a video that people dance like this now. Especially when they are dating,” she says.
Bucky furrows his brows, “Uh, I haven’t asked you out yet,” he said.
He heard Nat clear her throat and stuttered, “Though I will soon, Doll. I just needed some time.”
Dot scoffed, “Come on Bucky. It’s been like a month, I think it’s time for you to move on. She is gone, and honestly good riddance. She wasn’t very good for you, ya know. She was way too jealous and couldn’t handle that your past with me. It was honestly pathetic,” she said.
Bucky tensed at Dot’s words, ready to ream into her when there was a loud explosion the caused everyone on the dance floor to fall to the ground. Bucky sat up when the dust settled and looked around. He saw several soldiers standing, armed. In front of them were 2 people, John Walker and... you armed with guns and 2 swords attached to your back (your specialty).
You look around the room filled with frightened people and scoff, “What’s the matter? Never saw anyone crash a party before?” you shout to the crowd.
Natasha stepped up, “Y/N, what are you doing? Why are you with Walker?” she asked.
You looked at Nat with a smirk, “Well, after the man I loved cheated on me with his blast from the past, I decided that there might have been a reason. I looked back on my life and found that no good deed truly goes unpunished. So fuck good deeds!” you shout.
You look at Bucky you is staring at you in disbelief, “Hello Buck. I would ask if you missed me, but I saw you dancing with your slut and figured, nah,” you sneered.
“Y/N, please. Let’s talk this through. Whatever you thought happened did-”
“Do you honestly think I will believe a fucking word you say Barnes? I’ll answer that, nope! But don’t worry. I have a new man now. One that appreciates me completely and doesn’t screw around with ex’s. You’ve met John, right?” you ask pointing to John behind you.
John walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your neck. Bucky tenses, wanting to pull John away from you. You however ignore your him and look around the room until you see her. Cowering on the floor. You walk slowly over and squat in front of her, enjoying her shaking in front of you, “Hello Dolores,” you say.
Before she can respond to get away, you grab her by the hair and pull her out in front of everyone. 
“Oh Dot, isn’t this what you wanted? Everyone to know who you are and who fuck? That’s right people, this woman here,” you say pointing to Dot, “fucked this man here, while he was dating me,” you said laughing.
“I-I...I didn’t. I swear... I didn’t” Dot said shaking.
You glared at her, “Oh Dotty, come on, Doll. We both know what I heard,” you said.
Natasha stepped up again, “Y/N, what the hell are you doing! We had a plan! Why are you doing this?” she yelled frustrated.
You looked from her to Bucky, who looked distraught.
“Eh, I didn’t want to wait for your plan. So I came up with my own plan. Which reminds me, Johnny... where is that book?” you ask sweetly to John.
John gulps and walks up to you to hand you a book. You show the team who’s eyes widen. You look directly at Bucky, “Oh baby, I was wondering if the Winter Soldier would like to play,” you say shaking the red book with the black star.
Bucky froze in fear. His heart is completely broken. You, his love, the woman he would kill for, is wanting to turn him into the monster. 
Chapter 8 / Chapter 10
Oh man. Things are going to get exciting! And yes in this case John Walker is just a bad guy, never tried to be Cap or anything for the sake of this story, but everyone still hates him. Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys @roserose26 @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8 @shinykoalacat @white-wolf1940 @jessyballet
Story Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse @wintrfld @cherries-and-berries @ilovemarvelanne1 @lilli2411 @minty-fiction @peakywitch @blue-mostacho @r0bbieshapiro @uncreativezx @sarahjoestewy-blog @geekanista @imtaashu @vicmc624 @browneyedgirl365 @happinessinthebeing @leyannrae @austynparksandpizza @aliloz-3 @starkleila @440mxs-wife @miniaturestudentspyhound @inhumanwithpowers 
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pompomegranate · 3 years
fandom | nanatsu no taizai
pairing | ban x reader
word count | 2.6k
warnings | 18+. smut. dirty talk. denial. minors dni.
a/n | so there isn't a lot of rhyme or reason to this i just wanted to imagine the possibility of ban's thot days pre-elaine :/ i just know that [REDACTED] is big and i wanted to write about it <3 this isn't heavily proofread and i haven't written an "x reader" fic before so be gentle pls (also kudos are appreciated)!!
read on ao3
You were curious. Maybe a bit too curious.
You’d heard the infamous Bandit Ban was back in town after a successful quest – no one really knew when he was leaving and when he was coming back.
He was like a stray cat in that way. All roaming, no settling, sitting down just long enough to get fed and take a nap before he was off again.
And as you eye him across the parlor, arms stretching behind his head, legs splaying out lazily, he looks cat-like too.
All sleek limbs and a nonchalant look, like he’d rather be anywhere else.
A couple drinks later, the cat-like look dissolves into one of a milk-drunk one, all blushing cheeks and a relaxed stance.
But his eyes… his eyes are the same. Bright and calculated and precise.
And cat-like.
Your breath hitches in your throat when you realize he’s staring right through you.
And you’re curious. So goddamn curious.
His lips upturn into a smirk, one that has your thighs clenching, and he knows this. He can tell exactly what you’re thinking.
You turn back to your drink and take a sip, trying not to crack under his lazer sharp gaze.
When you look back… he’s tipping back his mug, no doubt lapping up the last drops of ale.
He slams the mug down with a bit too much force, startling the bartender, who quickly tops him up.
Ban’s tongue darts out to lap up the foam clinging to his lips, getting it all in one firm swipe.
You can’t help but wonder just how long it is as it stretches around his mouth.
He knows you’re staring now, but you can’t seem to think about anything but the lazy grin spreading across lips long enough to care that he’s found you out.
He breaks first, turning to speak to the bartender.
You take your chance to stand up and head for the door, heart racing like never before. You saw Bandit Ban. You stared at him and he caught you and… you weren’t scared.
He’d been painted out to be this horrifically scary guy with a ruthless attitude and a murderous stare, but he wasn’t any of that.
He was gorgeous – oozing with sex appeal. With confidence. Like there was no doubt in the world that he could bag any person in every room.
You make it outside and the air is cool on your cheeks, warm from the ale you’ve been sipping on. Or maybe it was Ban – you couldn’t tell.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing at a shitty bar like this?” A voice calls from behind you – above you.
You turn, expecting to hurl an insult at a drunken idiot, but instead are met with him. All six – seven? – feet of him.
You barely stifle your gasp of surprise as you crane your neck up to look at him.
He’s leaning against the railing, thigh perched on it, arms crossed in a laid back gesture.
His face twists into a grin the second your eyes meet his.
“I was just leaving,” you blurt, already blowing it.
“Oh, were you? Assumed you were stickin’ around,” he teases, quirking a brow.
You realize that you left the bar with a half full mug.
“Stealing’s punishable by law, ya know,” Ban says, leaning forward to tower over you.
“I, uh, I didn’t mean to – I promise –” you stutter, holding the mug out to him apologetically.
“Like I’d take the word of a stranger,” he laughs, snatching the mug from your hands and tipping it back.
You watch as his Adam’s apple bobs with effort, stray droplets of ale streaking out the corners of his mouth. He quickly catches them with his tongue, swiping the back of his hand over his mouth, sighing with relief.
“Best fuckin’ ale I’ve ever tasted.”
You nod, chewing your lip. “I’ve never had anything like it.”
“Once you’ve got a taste –” he says, leaning forward again, crowding your space, his face getting closer and closer, “– You’ll never be satisfied again.”
You find yourself struggling to stand upright. Is he still talking about ale?
“Let’s cut to the chase, stranger. I saw you starin’ at me back in there. You want me or not?” The lazy smirk appears again, his cheeks flushed from drinking.
He’s not even trying and he’s got you seriously considering sprinting towards his bedroom.
You aren’t able to form words. He’s so… forward. And enticing. God, he’s so fucking enticing.
Your hands are trembling, so you clasp them in front of you. He takes note of this, his expression faltering just a bit.
You’re not scared of him by any means. He just makes you nervous.
“I’ll take that as a no,” he murmurs, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck almost… awkwardly? “You gonna get home okay? S’almost dark out.”
“Yes,” you say, finally, mustering up the courage to answer.
He looks confused, but then it dawns on him after he realizes what it took for you to accept his offer.
“My place is right around the corner. C’mon,” he says, and then his hand is hovering over the small of your back and you’re heading to Ban’s place like it’s any other week and not the wildest thing that’s ever happened to you.
His room is cozy, but bare, not many remnants of who he is or what he enjoys decorating the room (besides the empty alcohol jugs neatly lining the top of the beat up wardrobe).
His mattress is in the corner of the room, blanket and pillow strewn about messily.
“I’d say sorry for not making the bed but we’re just gonna ruin it anyways,” he laughs, kicking his shoes off, urging you to do the same.
And then he closes the gap between you.
He’s slipping his arms around you, one hand curling around your waist and the other hand cupping your chin, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss.
And you oblige, moving your lips in tandem with his, sighing as his tongue gently begs for your lips to part.
The kiss is growing heated, so you take the opportunity to let your hands roam, stroking down the front of his shirt, feeling the hard ridges underneath.
He groans into your mouth as you run your hands towards his waistline, catching your lip between his teeth hungrily.
You slip your hand into his pants, palming him gently.
Growling, he runs his hands all over you, grabbing and kneading every inch of skin he can get his hands on.
You continue to work him, sighing when his lips are on your neck, suckling at the tender skin there, his sharp teeth grazing your skin.
“Ban,” you breathe as he slips your dress over your head leaving you nearly naked, your underwear the only thing clothing you.
He grabs you underneath your ass and flings you over your shoulder, chuckling at the way you gasp in surprise.
“Put me down!”
“Alright,” he says, and tosses you unceremoniously onto the bed.
And then you realize you’re nearly bare, on your back, in Bandit Ban’s home (in his bed), completely at his mercy.
He seems to know this, and he’s absolutely reveling in this power.
He grins down at you, eyeing every peak and curve on your body. He reaches back to tear his shirt off, and then his pants, not even stopping to give you a show.
But honestly? It doesn’t even matter, because when he’s done, he’s breathtaking.
Ban’s just a mile of solid, marbled muscle and sex appeal and he knows it.
He crawls towards you, settling in between your thighs. You watch as he hooks a thumb into your underwear and pulls it to the side before sitting back to admire you.
“Such a pretty, pretty pussy. Can’t wait to make a mess of you,” he winks, grinning, leaning in to press an open mouthed kiss on your folds, just sloppy enough that you can’t help but relax your hips even more, opening for him.
He licks a long, firm swipe all the way from the bottom to the top, the tip of it never leaving you. He swirls the tip of his tongue against your clit, the short strokes ripping an involuntary moan from you.
You’re sighing his name and a string of expletives, and it only encourages him to do exactly what he’s doing at an even more relentless pace, his hand splaying on your inner thigh to keep you tightly firmly in place.
He’s not letting you go anywhere – you can’t curl into yourself or bend away as he sucks your clit into his mouth and slowly inches a finger from his free hand into you.
Your hands fist the blanket when he begins to pump his finger, adding another one just as slowly, a complete contrast to the speed of his mouth.
You begin to twitch, feeling yourself climbing closer and closer to your release and you try to clench your thighs but you feel his hand shift up your thighs. He lays his forearm across your lower stomach, anchoring you in place.
He pulls back just for a minute to smirk at you, continuing to work his hand.
“Oh, nuh-uh, you’re not going anywhere, baby,” he all but purrs, pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit, flashing a grin at you when you jolt at his touch.
“Lemme hear you,” he says, picking up speed, his fingers curling inside of you.
“Please, Ban – oh, fuck –” Your hips are bucking to keep up with his movements now, and you feel yourself pulsing around him and you’re so close and –
He stops his movements, pulling his hand away.
You make a frustrated sound, one that amuses the hell out of him. He just laughs, kissing your inner thigh and tugging your underwear the rest of the way down, flinging it across the room.
“Quit your whining, sweetheart. I promise it’s better the longer I make you wait,” he says, standing, beginning to lazily pump himself in front of you and you can’t help but watch.
You knew before meeting the infamous Ban that he was a skyscraper with a chiseled build, and assumed he had the cock to match – but seeing it in person was a different story.
“You like what you see?” He says under his breath, rolling his hand around his tip.
You nod, completely at a loss for words.
“C’mere,” he says, leaning down to kiss you and he smiles when he feels your hand instinctively reach for his shaft. “Eager, are we?”
“How do you want it? I’m lettin’ you pick the speed of this ride, babe,” he murmurs against your ear, hand running through your hair.
“If you’re not sure you can always take me for a test drive,” he chuckles, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth.
You nod furiously, and before you know it he’s flipped you and you’re on top, straddling him, just the slightest bit of friction, just enough to make your breath hitch.
He grips your hips, thumb settling into the crease where they meet your thigh, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass.
“Spit for me,” he says, holding a hand under your mouth. When you do, he reaches between the two of you, pumping himself with that hand, lazily swiping what’s left over your lips.
Ban watches your face (really watches your lips) as he presses into you, and you’re already sinking your teeth into your bottom lip with the first inch and he’s absolutely eating it up.
His hands resume his place at your hips, ever so gently training you farther down, letting you adjust to each inch of him.
“Shit…” He says, watching your face contort. “You feel so fucking good.”
He bottoms out inside of you, and you can’t help but dig your nails into his chest where you’ve been resting your palms to anchor yourself.
You begin to move slowly, agonizingly, and he’s already got you clenching your thighs, but the second he bucks his own hips, you’re a goner.
You roll your hips in time with his own, the pinch of his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips a welcome sensation.
Your moans fill the room, Ban’s pants just as loud, his eyes trained on your face like your own pleasure was enough to get him off.
“Faster,” you mutter, breathless, barely able to get a command out.
“Yes, ma’am,” he says, bending his knees so he can pump up into you.
You all but go limp at the new pace, unable to help yourself from buckling, leaning forward until your chest was pressed against his.
He cranes his neck so he can speak directly into your ear, broken praises scattered between gasps. “You’re so – fucking good for me… You’re taking me – so well.”
You groan in response at his filthy mouth, still mumbling words of encouragement as he fucks up into you, his pace relentless and so good.
You take this as a sign to lean back and regain some control, palms flat against his front as you grind your hips as fast as you can manage, revelling in the way his eyes roll back and he grips your hips tighter, tighter –
He slows his own pace, letting you set it, the delicious, triumphant feeling of making him moan beneath you egging you on to move faster.
The confidence and looseness you felt from the mug of ale is long gone, replaced with Ban’s loud groans – you feel like you could conquer the world.
Ban is a writhing mess underneath you, brow slick with sweat, mouth forming around the most foul words (cushioned with praise, of course).
“Fuck – fuck – slow down, I’m gonna –” He takes a hand away from your thigh and rubs firm circles on your clit, trying to catch you up to him.
“Oh my god, yes –” your words come out garbled as you ride his cock and his fingers.
He sits up slowly, turning so his legs are planted on the ground, hand never leaving your clit.
When his other hand finally leaves your hips, he’s grabbing your tit and capturing your nipple between his teeth, suckling until it stings.
That sends you over the edge – your hips stutter just as his movements become erratic, and you can’t help but lean forward to kiss him deeply, passionately until you both ride it out.
He flops back onto the bed, laughing when you yelp at the unexpected fall. You roll off on him but stay snuggled against him.
He speaks first.
“Fuck, that was good.”
You giggle, covering your face with your hands. “Says you. You were incredible.”
He shrugs, standing to stretch.
“Ya know, I wouldn’t mind taking you for a spin a couple of times,” he jokes, retrieving his shirt from the floor.
“I gotta head out to do some things. You gonna head out?”
You bite your lip, a little upset that it was over so quickly. Yeah, you were satiated but… was one time enough?
You don’t answer, and he doesn’t say anything more until he’s fully clothed, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“You don’t have to go just yet, stranger. No rush. I wouldn’t mind another round after I get back,” he winks, grabbing the handle of the door.
You nod furiously, grabbing the nearest pillow to cover your body as he flings the door open.
“See ya soon for round two,” he says, giving a single wave before shutting the door.
You fall back against the covers again, your eyes heavy from being completely spent. The haze of sleep quickly overtakes you, and thoughts of Ban swirl around your mind until your breathing evens out.
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woniepop · 3 years
→ ❝*🎥❊*TRUTH OR DRINK❞ | exes
park sunghoon and y/n !!
[ truth or drink masterlist ]
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Genre: fluff, angst
Pairing: Park Sunghoon x GN!Reader
Warnings: none, not proofread ig
word count: 0.8k
*i just wanted to make it clear that, yes, this is a drinking game, but they will not be drinking LOL i’m making them answer all the questions and i just liked the idea*
*i do not condone underage drinking*
key - [ ] will be questions asked by the staff
- blue will be questions from the card
a/n: LOL this was so fun for me to write and if you enjoyed this and want to see it with more members please let me know! 💟 
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you: hi! I’m y/n
sunghoon: I’m sunghoon
you: and we’re exes
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[ were you guys in love? ]
making eye contact with sunghoon, you wait for him to respond
sunghoon: yes, we were
[ how long were you guys together? ]
you: a little over a year 
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you: I’m so nervous
sunghoon: me too,, ya ready?
you: yep, you can ask the first question
sunghoon: alright, who broke up with who?
sunghoon looks up at you and makes eye contact, pursing his lips
you: i broke up with sunghoon, next question then. Why did you decide to break up?
you: well, you were so busy with your schedule and training, that i kind of felt,,, i guess kind of lonely?? And that i was just...
sunghoon sits patiently as he waits for you to complete your sentence, sadness evident in his eyes
you: yknow,, weighing you down
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sunghoon: are you seeing anyone currently?
you: i am not
sunghoon: me either
you can see a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and you’re sure it’s the same for you as well
you: what’s the most annoying thing about me
you say, giggling it off but not ready to hear his answer, watching him hold in a giggle
sunghoon: i didn’t like how you always forget to take care of yourself with you took care of me. It made me worry about you a lot of the time
you: i was not expecting that
sunghoon: it’s just the truth
sunghoon draws and card and clears his throat, maybe unready to hear the answer of this next question as well
sunghoon: were you attracted to any of my friends while me dated?
you: no, you were the only one i paid attention to at the time
sunghoon tries his best to suppress a big smile but it shows up on his face anyway
sunghoon: you’re such a liar
you: I’m being serious!
sunghoon: what about Jake
you: what about Jake?
sunghoon: you cannot tell me you didn’t think he was hot
you: i did think he was hot but i wasn’t attracted to him! There’s a big difference, sunghoon
upon hearing his name come out of your mouth, his heart burns a little, missing the time when you used to call him the pet names he always pretended to hate. He would do anything for you to call him your baby again, but it was too late. He had already messed up his one chance.
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you: alrighty, next one then
you: is there anything you want to apologize for?
giving him some time to think, he finally clears his throat and starts
sunghoon: i want to apologize for not treating you well and i never making time for you
you nod your head, drumming your fingers on the table, already expecting that answer
sunghoon: and also,, for accidentally throwing Beary out of the window
you: oh yeah i forgot about that. I was so mad at you that day
you both share a laugh
you: wait how did that even happen?
sunghoon: well we went to the arcade that one day and i won you something
you: oh yeah,,, and you got jealous that I already had Beary so you threw him out of the window
sunghoon: it was supposed to be a joke! I wasn’t actually going to do it! It just,, slipped
you: yeah, okay babe
He whips his head to you, wide eyed. What did you just call him?
you: OOPS i mean sunghoon hahahahahahah 🥶
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sunghoon fumbles with his hands, but eventually picks up the card
sunghoon: oh- uh, oh my god,,, what would it take for us to get back together?
you: um,, maybe talking it out i guess? i don’t know, we haven’t really had a proper conversation since we broke up
sunghoon: ahhh okay
you: last question! oh,,, um,,, are you still in love with me
sunghoon: well, it depends
you: depends on what
sunghoon: are you still in love with me?
you: ...yes
sunghoon: then yes
[ would you guys get back together? ]
you: we’ll see...
sunghoon: yeah...
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oikeiji · 4 years
shower challenge | pretty setter squad
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summary: after seeing one particular challenge floating around on tiktok, you decided to try it out on your boyfriend.
pairing: kageyama x gn!reader, oikawa x gn!reader, akaashi x gn!reader
word count: 608
content: i’d like to believe this is funny
warnings: kinda suggestive, also not proofread yet its 4am
a/n: the shower challenge is where you step into the shower while someone is showering. this is done w someone you trust tho so don’t just go doing this randomly!!! >:( also another note at the end if u wanna know my plans for this blog <3 enjoy!
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you set up your phone on the counter
kageyama was currently showering and you wanted try this thing you saw on tiktok on him
he knew you were in the bathroom and didn’t really mind
he just didn’t expect what was coming next
“hey tobio can i ask you something”
before he even got to respond you were stepping into the shower fully clothed
he tried covering himself up as if you haven’t seen him naked before????
“i need to ask you something”
you were laughing so much and he looked at you as if you were crazy
“i came to ask you a question!!”
you didn’t want to upset your boyfriend any further so you hopped out to let him shower in peace
in the end he wasn’t mad at you, he was just caught off guard and didn’t want you to get sick from being in wet clothes
your tiktok gained some controversy that you and him needed to clear bc people thought you were invading his privacy when he was fine with it
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somehow you already knew how this was going to turn out but wanted to try it anyways
oikawa was a cheeky little shit but that didn’t stop you
he was in the shower after a long day of hard practice
you figured it was the perfect time for you to try this out
your phone was set up recording and ready to go
without any hesitation you stepped into shower
he turned and looked at you in surprise
“hi i have something to ask you”
you smiled at him as his face turned into a shit eating grin
“what? are you trying to get freaky?”
he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to his naked body
you attempted to push him away since you didn’t want to get too wet
“gross no i still have the camera rolling”
he leaned down to leave kisses on your neck
“who cares we can leave it on”
he pinned you against the shower wall
“just delete it when we’re done”
you already know what happens after
you ended up getting wet anyways if ya know what i mean
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you weren’t quite sure how akaashi would react but you still wanted to try it anyways
he’d either get annoyed or simply wouldn’t care at all
when you opened the bathroom door he was confused but didn’t question it
he assumed you were there to just use the toilet or needed to get something
once your set up was ready to go it was all or nothing
“hey akaashi we need to talk”
you said this as you stepped into the shower
he turned around and didn’t seem bothered
“oh hi what’s up”
that was it??? you were hoping for a better reaction
“akaashi you’re no fun”
“why what am i supposed to say?”
“it was supposed to be for tiktok!”
“oh my god not that again”
you pouted and he kissed you while saying that you were such a baby
in the end you ended up removing your clothes and joining him in his shower
nothing happened you nasties
just wholesomeness of the both of you trying to help scrub each others backs and shampooing each others hair
the two of you cuddled under the warm blankets after
he apologized for ruining your tiktok but you didn’t care about that anymore bc you got cuddles as a result!!
hi i know a lot of you came here from my tamaki smut !! thank u for the love <33 i post a lot of different animes so i won’t b posting bnha all the time :\ i’ll have a few haikyuu stuff coming up and then i have something about kiri coming soon! also sorry for taking forever to post ive been so busy even tho i said dont expect updates often haha
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hardcasey · 3 years
Sweet Tooth
Won't Fade into the Background - Part 2
Pairing: Toast x F!Reader
Summary: You are an owner of a bakery on Coruscant and end up running into a certain clone with a penchant for baked goods. 
Word Count: 7k (I got carried away lmao)
Rating/Warnings: T, Mostly fluff again, though it gets a little PG-13 at the end. Nothing too crazy tho.
A/N: Who’s more of a background clone than everyone’s fave boy Toast? I decided to give him the classic bakery au meet-cute that he deserves. <3 Not proofread so let me know if there are any glaring errors!
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“You sure you don’t need any help cleaning up?” Your employee, Vella, called from the front of the shop. 
You poked your head out through the little window that separated the kitchen from the rest of the store. “I’m good, Vel. Go enjoy your Friday night.” 
“Alright, night boss,” The Twi’lek woman gave you a mock salute and laughed when she saw you roll your eyes before turning and heading out the door into the busy Coruscant streets. 
You turned back to your current task, taking inventory. It was not the most glamorous job, in fact it was your least favorite part about owning your own business, but it had to be done. With a sigh, you started counting, quickly losing yourself in the monotony. 
You were the proud owner of a small bakery on Coruscant. It was not the most lucrative job by far, but it had always been your dream to bake for a living, and you were proud to have achieved that goal so quickly. It had taken a lot of hard work to get to where you were now, along with quite a bit of luck. You had been finishing up your last year in culinary school when you walked by a place for rent right in the heart of the city. It had been right around when the war started, and the owner wanted to sell off the space as quickly as possible. You had the sneaking suspicion that he may have been involved with the Separatists and was trying to jump ship and flee the planet. Honestly, you didn’t really care what his deal was, only that he was giving you the place for a steal. Seppie or not, you were thankful for him. There was no other way you would have been able to afford a place in this part of the city otherwise. 
You had dropped a considerable portion of your savings into the purchase and renovation of the bakery, and there were times that you were subsisting off of nothing but cheap instant noodles, but everything had worked out in the end. The prime location meant there was a lot of foot traffic and it didn’t take long before you were turning a profit. And the quality of your pastries and baked goods earned you a loyal customer base, and you had many regulars that stopped in for a cup of caf and a little treat on their way to work. 
Once you finished up taking inventory, you headed out to the front to start cleaning up, stacking the chairs up on the tables so you could start sweeping. You were saving up for a droid that would sweep the floors for you, but you were still a ways off from that so you had to do it the old fashioned way. 
It was then that you noticed there was someone looking in through the window, clearly ogling the display of pastries and cakes that was there. The light from the setting sun pouring through the window cast their face in shadow, so you couldn’t tell who it was. 
Might as well invite them in, you thought to yourself as you leaned the broom against the wall. After all, the bakery wasn’t technically closed yet, though you almost never had customers at this time. 
You swung the door open and were about to say something to the figure when you saw them jump, clearly not realizing you were there. 
“Oh, hey, I’m sorry for scaring you! I just wanted to let you know that the bakery is still open if you want anything.” You said gently, holding your hands up in a placating manner. 
Now that you were outside, you could see the figure more clearly. They were a human male, with tan skin and warm brown eyes. He was wearing a grey uniform and his short dark hair was partly obscured by a matching grey hat. He seemed very familiar to you, and you were about to ask if you knew him, before it hit you. Duh! He was a clone. You weren’t used to seeing clones in anything other than their distinctive white armor, so it took a moment for your brain to put two and two together. 
“Oh, uh, I was just looking, ma’am! I’m very sorry.” He said quickly, the same way that a kid who had just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar would. He looked so sheepish, as if he was about to bolt any second. You weren’t sure why he was so apologetic, he was just looking through the window. A bunch of people did that. 
“No need to apologize, everyone looks through the windows.” You said, flashing him what you hoped was a reassuring smile. 
“I, uh, just wasn’t sure if you were gonna run me out or something,” he told you, averting his eyes and rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Why would I do that?” 
“Not many businesses are open to clones, and I wasn’t sure. I’ve never seen any clones in your shop and I guess I just assumed.” 
Okay, that lowkey made your blood boil. Why would anyone discriminate against the clones? They were the ones putting their lives on the line to protect the Republic, for kriffs sake! You hadn’t interacted with many clones, but the ones you had run into were nothing but polite and respectful. 
“That’s terrible! We absolutely allow clones here! You know what, come inside. There are still some pastries leftover from today. I’ll put them in a box for you and you can bring them back to your, er, squad? Company? Your friends!” You finished breathlessly, a little embarrassed you knew so little about anything involving the military. 
“Are you sure? I-I don’t have any money to pay for them,” He said sadly, his eyes darting down to his shoes as if there was suddenly something fascinating about them. 
“Nonsense! They’ll be going bad soon anyway and will just end up in the trash. You’ll be doing me a favor, honestly.” Without allowing him to protest further, you grabbed his elbow and tugged him into your shop. In the back of your mind you registered how big his bicep felt, which surprised you. He looked fit, yes, but it wasn’t like he was some meathead. Maybe his uniform just did a good job of disguising how strong he was. You felt yourself blush once you realised the path your thoughts had veered down and quickly pushed them out of your mind. 
“It smells good in here,” he said to no one in particular as he dropped his harm and headed behind the counter to start filling a box with leftover pastries. 
You smiled at him, before you realised something. “Forgive my manners, but I didn’t catch your name.” 
“CT-1928, ma’am.” He replied, his back straightening ever so slightly as he did, as if the action was ingrained in him.
“Do you have a nickname? I know a lot of clones go by them instead of their number.” You said delicately. You didn’t want to offend him by asking, but it felt so strange, so dehumanizing, to call him by a number. 
“Oh, uh, my brothers call me Toast.” He said, once again sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s not the greatest nickname, but it’s the one that stuck.” 
“Haha, I think it’s cute. And don’t worry, my parents used to call me Possum when I was little, because I used to climb around and get into the trash. It was cute until they said it in front of my friends, then they started calling me that too.” 
He laughed at that, his shoulders relaxing, his posture not so stiff. “My brothers started calling me Toast because the first time they served toast in the cafeteria after I got my assignment, I ate so many pieces I made myself sick.” 
“Pfft. That’s amazing,” You laughed as you shuffled things around so you could fit one last croissant inside. You got the sense the clones didn’t often get to have sweets, so you were going to make sure Toast could bring as many back as possible. “So are you here on shore leave?” 
“I’m actually a member of the Coruscant Guard. So I’m here often. Well all the time. I walk by this place every time they send me off to run errands, which is often since I’m still the new guy.” 
“Oh, that’s cool. That means you work with senators, right? That must be… something.” You’d read stories on the holonet about some of the more notorious senators and you doubted they treated the clones particularly well. 
“I haven’t personally worked with any members of the senate, though a lot of my brothers have. Most of my day is spent staring at security cameras. So, pretty boring. Though I’m not complaining.” 
You tied up the package with a neat little bow before handing it to him, another bright smile flashing across your face. Something about his earnest, open demeanor was very endearing to you and you secretly hoped you’d get to see him again soon. If not anything else, you could at least learn a little more about the clones that dedicated their lives to protecting the Republic, since your knowledge on the subject was apparently so lacking. 
“Well it’s good to hear that you’re local. Hopefully you can stop by again the next time you’re running errands. And feel free to invite your brothers too!” 
“T-thank you, ma’am. That is very kind of you.” He said before taking the box of pastries in his hand, holding it almost reverently. He was trying to hide it but you could tell he was very excited to eat some sweets later. 
With one last nod he headed out of the store, the bell chiming lightly after him. You stood there, simply watching his receding form blend into the crowd, catching yourself smiling at the prospect of seeing him again. 
Toast hadn’t made it three steps into the barracks before his vode were descending upon him. Well not really him as much as the box full of sugary confections in his hands. 
“What ya got there?” Jek inquired, already tugging at the ribbon to investigate the box’s contents. 
Toast shoved his greedy hands out of the way and marched over to the counter where they kept the caf machine, which was in a perpetual state of disarray. The caf machine was old, probably older than any of them, and saw high traffic 24/7. Honestly, with the amount it leaked and sputtered, it was a miracle the machine was still functioning. Toast hoped it would at least until the war was over because when it went, Fox would be in the grave right next to it. 
“You know that bakery on the way back from the Jedi temple?” Toast inquired as he placed the box on the counter, starting to pick at the knot so he could open it without cutting the ribbon. It was a pretty striped pastel pink and he wanted to keep it. 
“The one with the little tooka-shaped cookies?” Rhys’ eyes went wide with excitement. 
“Yeah, the lady who worked there saw me looking inside and then gave me all the leftover pastries from the window.” 
“For free!?” Jek exclaimed as he shuffled back towards the box, “What did you get? Did you get an eclair? Please tell me you got an eclair.” Toast nodded and handed his brother one, who promptly dug in. 
“What’s this about eclairs?” Stone rounded the corner, instantly noticing the box and saddling up to him. “Did you get sweets?” 
Toast spent the next few minutes divvying up the various pastries between everyone. He chose something made up of many thin layers of dough, filled with chopped nuts and soaked in honey. Baklava, he thinks it was called, or maybe balaclava? He didn’t know the difference. But he didn’t care as he devoured it, savoring each bite like it was something precious. He glanced around and saw all his brothers were experiencing similar states of bliss, if their expressions were anything to go by. 
He didn’t have a chance to visit the bakery for the next two weeks, too busy running around dealing with mess after mess. One day, a prison riot. The next, bomb threats at the senate. Everyone in the guard was so exhausted and in desperate need of a break. So when Hound mentioned he was taking Grizzer for a walk, Toast decided to tag along so that he could get some fresh air. Well, fresh for Coruscant. 
At some point they’d run into Rhys and Thire, on the way back from patrol duty. Neither of them were in a rush to get back to HQ to receive new marching orders, so they ended up tagging along. 
Their little group wandered the streets, just walking with no direction in mind. Grizzer had his snout pressed close to the ground, desperate to sniff everything. Toast smiled at the massiff’s antics from behind his bucket, before glancing around and realizing they were just a block away from the bakery. 
“Hey, guys. Wanna stop at that bakery? It’s just over there.” Toast asked, pointing his finger at the little awning in front of the shop.
Thire looked at him as if he had two heads. “Why? Do you think we’ll get handouts again? Not that I’m complaining, free is free, but didn’t you get those because it was the end of the day and she was planning on throwing them out? It’s the middle of the day now…”
“Well, she said I could come back whenever. And that I could bring you guys too.” Toast felt his cheeks heat up for some reason, suddenly feeling embarrassed. What if she was just being polite, and he wasn’t really supposed to come back? What if he brought too many of his brothers and she thought he was taking advantage of her generosity? 
He was just about to suggest they should move on when Rhys piped up. “Well, what are we waiting for? C’mon.” He was already halfway to the bakery before anyone could respond. Rhys had a major sweet tooth and nothing motivated him more than some sweets. Hound and Grizzer were right on his heels, having missed out on the pastries last time. 
Toast caught up to them quickly, with Thire right behind them, though they all froze as soon as they made it up to the doors. There were people inside this, lounging around sipping drinks and chatting. Could they go in? Would people get mad? 
All his vode were waiting for him to do something, and his eyes searched frantically around the storefront as if he would find an answer there. And, surprisingly, he did. Sort of. Because hanging right in the window was a sign that read ‘CLONES WELCOME’. You had to have hung it after your interaction, there was no other explanation. Something about that made his heart race. 
All of a sudden, you appeared in the window, a friendly grin on your face as you pointed at the sign and waved for them all to come in. 
“You didn’t tell us she was pretty, vod,” Thire whispered as they shuffled their way inside. Toast could just feel the shit eating grin from under his brother’s bucket. He just gave a noncommittal grunt as a response, which only made Thire laugh. 
The group of them stood awkwardly in the threshold of the store, not really knowing what to do with themselves. A few patrons looked over to see what was going on, and Toast braced for some sort of outrage at clones invading their space, but after a few seconds they all turned back to whatever they were doing before. 
Toast stood there dumbly, just staring at you. He hadn’t really been able to take a good look at you the last time, too distracted by how strange the whole situation had been. But now he could see that Thire was right. You are pretty. Very pretty. 
If you noticed how tongue-tied he was, you didn’t show it. You just greeted them with another smile and oh Maker that smile. It was the kind of smile that lit up your whole face and Toast wanted to see it every day for the rest of his life.
“Hi! Is this your first time here?” You asked, cocking your head to one side. 
“He’s been here before.” Hound answered, shoving Toast to the front of the group. 
“Oh, are you the one from a few weeks ago? Toast?” 
You remembered his name! He was pretty sure he was about to melt into a puddle right then and there. It took a second to realize that he hadn't answered yet and he quickly sputtered out, “Y-yeah. That’s me.” 
“I’m glad you came back! And you brought your brothers,” You turned to address the rest of the clones and offered out a hand, “It’s nice to meet you all, what are your names.” 
Hound, always the people person and the one most used to interacting with the public, stepped forward and shook your hand. “I’m Hound. That’s Thire and Jek. It’s nice to meet you ma’am, I’ve heard you’re a great baker, though I wouldn’t know first-hand.” 
You cocked an eyebrow at Toast, “You didn’t share?” 
“He was out on patrol, I swear!” Toast stammered, holding his hands up in front of him. 
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll take your word for it. Though I think he should get to pick out what he wants first. It’s only fair.” 
“Really?!” Hound exclaimed. His enthusiasm seemed to rub off on Grizzer, the massiff sitting up on his back legs and wiggling excitedly before letting out a happy bark. “Down boy,” Hound ordered, placing a hand on Grizzer’s hand to calm him down. 
‘Awe, he’s just excited,” you giggled as you bent down to give him some pats of your own. “Can he eat treats? I have some by the door that I give to some of the other dogs.” You asked Hound as you straightened back up. 
“Yes, he loves treats. Would you mind if I took them to go? I don’t want him spoiling his dinner.” 
“Of course! Now pick out what you all want. And you can put a box together to take to your brothers.” 
You spent the next twenty minutes helping them pick out pastries, answering questions so they could pick out something for each of their brothers. After they had made their selections, you sat with them at one of the tables and chatted. Well, you mostly asked questions and they all talked over each other in their excitement. Still, you enjoyed the time with them, happy to provide a place for them to relax and unwind. Their jobs seemed incredibly stressful and by reading in between the lines of some of the things they told you, they seemed to be mistreated by a good portion of the senators, made to run menial errands or be the punching bags senators took their frustrations out on. You could especially see it in Toast, in the way he was so scared of offending you, how he would avert his eyes all the time and flinch if someone spoke too loudly. It honestly made you want to burn down the senate building. 
Everyone had finished eating when Thire looked down at his wrist and exclaimed, “Oh kriff, it’s been over an hour! Fox is gonna kill us.” 
Toast scoffed. “Correction: Fox is going to kill you and Rhys. Hound and I are off right now.” 
“Bring him an extra tiramisu to smooth things over.” You said, already wrapping one up and adding it to the rest of their haul. 
The group scrambled around, putting their buckets back on and grabbing the various pastry boxes you’d filled for them. Toast paused before turning to you. “Um, we don’t have any credits on us right now, but I can bring some tomorrow. The Guard has a small discretionary fund we can-”
You stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. It’s on the house.”
“A-are you sure? That was a lot of food…” Toast didn’t want her to lose money because of him. After all, he was the one that brought his brothers here. 
“It’s okay, seriously. I actually started a little program where customers can buy a coffee or a pastry or whatever for a clone. There’s actually a little bucket next to the register that I set up,” you turned and pointed at it so he could see. “It was actually my employee Vella’s idea. She came up with it the day after we first met, and it’s been pretty popular. There are a lot of people out there who are really thankful for what you guys do, you know.” 
Toast didn’t know what to say, but he felt like he wanted to cry at such a nice gesture. “That is… really kind of you. Thanks.” It didn’t feel like nearly enough, but they were the only words Toast could form at the moment. 
“Of course,” you said, giving his shoulder a little squeeze. “Now go catch up with your brothers, and let the rest of them know they’re always welcome to a free drink or pastry here.” 
Toast thanked you once again before heading outside to where his brothers were waiting, trying to convince himself that your hand hadn’t lingered on his arm for a beat too long. No, it was just wishful thinking. 
As he and his vode made their way back to the barracks, Rhys threw an arm around his neck and said, “Wow, Toast, your girlfriend is the best!” earning him snickers from the rest of the group. 
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Toast tried to protest. 
“But you want her to be~” Hound teased. And he was right, Toast wanted that more than anything in the galaxy right now. But he knew it was impossible. You were beautiful and kind and funny and perfect and he... was just a clone. 
“It’s not like it could ever happen anyway,” Toast sighed. 
Thire nudged him with his shoulder. “Psssh, we all saw how her hand lingered on you. She definitely likes you.” 
“Definitely,” Rhys echoed. 
Toast smiled under his bucket. It might be a pipe dream, but in that moment he allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy. 
In the following weeks, you fell into a sort of routine. Toast would stop by your bakery at least once a week, sometimes more depending on his free time. And you cherished every moment you got to spend with him. Sometimes he would bring fellow members of the guard along, and every visit ended with your stomach cramping from how much you’d laughed at their various antics. You were confused how such a chaotic bunch of individuals were able to come together as an effective police force… that is until you met Commander Fox. His talent for wrangling them deserved a medal in your opinion. 
As much as you enjoyed his brothers, you really looked forward to the times where you and Toast were alone together. He’d always come to you with some wild story of an eccentric prisoner or a crazy heist perpetrated in the lower levels. Honestly you hadn’t expected him to be such a gossip, but you were hardly complaining. 
In return for his stories you started teaching him how to bake. It started off with him just watching you work as he talked, sometimes asking questions about what you were doing or peaking over your shoulder to get a closer look. Eventually he became an assistant of sorts, spending his time grabbing ingredients for you and washing the dishes once you were done with them. 
Today was the day you were going to convince him to bake a loaf of bread with you. You were going to start him off with a simple loaf of white bread, one that didn’t require much kneading and didn’t have a long proving time. You had already pulled out all the ingredients, bowls, and utensils and were waiting patiently for him to arrive. 
By the time you heard the bell ring and saw him coming through the door, you were tapping your foot in anticipation. He wasn’t late - in fact he was right on time as always - but you were just itching to see him. 
“Toast! You’re here!” Ugh, that was the best greeting you could come up with? you cringed internally. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind your banal greeting, a smile on his lips as he pulled his bucket over his head and placed it on a nearby shelf. You found yourself longing for a reality where he greeted you with a peck on the lips along with that sweet smile. Maker, you had it bad for him. 
His eyes flashed over to the ingredients on the counter. “What are you making today?”
“I’m not making anything today. But we are. I think it's time for you to try your hand at baking. And in honor of your love of toast, we’re starting off with bread.” 
He rolled his eyes at that, but the corner of his mouth still quirked up, showing off one of his dimples. “Isn’t bread kind of hard to make though? Maybe we should start out with something simpler…” 
“Where’s your courage, soldier?” you teased, poking a finger at his chest. He huffed and you laughed. “Now c’mon, wash your hands and get your apron on.” 
He ended up taking the top half of his armor off, in only his blacks from the waist up, his sleeve rolled up to his elbows. You were half thankful and half disappointed the apron covered the way his form fitting shirt stretched across his chest. At least you wouldn’t be distracted, but boy oh boy did you want a closer look. 
The two of you chatted about your days as you started working on each of your loaves. With so few ingredients the process went quick, and soon enough you were kneading the dough. 
“Now this is called the slap and fold technique. First get your dough together in a ball like this… and then you slap it down!” You demonstrated by taking your lump of wet dough and slapping it down on the table. “Then you just fold it in half and repeat. We need to do it for about five minutes.” 
“I think you mean we knead to do it for five minutes,” Toast said with a cheeky grin.
“Blegh. Terrible.” You flicked a bit of flour at him as punishment. “I think you knead to be locked up for that pun.” Toast just laughed and continued working, the smile on his face never dropping. 
Once you were ready, you shaped both of the loaves and put them in the oven. When you turned back to him you couldn’t help but giggle. He was absolutely covered in flour. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked, face suddenly becoming serious. 
You stepped close to him and brushed his face clean with your thumb. “On your face, in your hair, on your shirt. I think you managed to get flour everywhere except the apron.”
“Well you were the one throwing it at me!” came his retort as he used his hands to shake his hair out, turning it from  grey back to its lovely dark color. 
“Touché. Now let me help you get cleaned up. I think you got some on your back. Somehow.” You grabbed a washcloth and wet it under the sink and started using it to wipe the flour off his clothes.  
“It’s one of my many skills from cadet training.” He told you, eyes twinkling, as you dabbed at a spot you missed on his face. You could feel his lips moving as he spoke. Stop thinking about how soft they probably are, you chided yourself. 
“You’re just lucky you’re so charming.” 
That made him blush and avert his eyes, which would have been cute if you weren’t worried you’d gone a bit too far. You didn’t want to embarrass him or anything. You had thought the two of you were flirting, but maybe you read the situation wrong. You were notoriously bad in the romance department, something Vella had told you after the third time you had missed a customer trying to flirt with you. 
Toast cleared his throat before turning back to you. He noticed you’d stepped back away from him and sighed internally. That would have been the perfect time to kiss you or ask you out or something. Anything other than dancing around each other like you two were doing now. Despite the fact that his brothers believed you two were already together - no matter how much he protested - he still wasn’t sure if you felt the same as he did. He had his suspicions, but what if he was wrong? You were his only friend outside of his brothers and he didn’t want to do anything to mess that up or make it awkward. 
He thanked the Maker you didn’t tease him, just turning and starting to wash the dishes. He grabbed a bowl and joined you at the big industrial sink, dunking his hands in the warm sudsy mixture and used the sponge to start scrubbing at the stubborn bits of dough that refused to come off. The two of you worked in silence, though not an uncomfortable one, Toast was glad to find. Just as he was finishing drying the last bowl, he remembered something. 
“Oh, uh, I almost forgot. Do you know Senator Amidala?” 
“Not personally, but I’ve heard of her.”
“Well, she is throwing a banquet or something in a few days and the bakery that was supposed to handle the desserts fell through at the last minute. Thorn suggested you as a replacement and asked me to ask you if it was possible.” 
“Hmm. It depends on how long I’d have, and what kind of desserts she wants. Plus how many guests she’s having. I’m not saying no, but I’m not sure how realistic it is. It’s just me, Vella, and two others on staff.” You had started pacing, already running the logistics through your head.
“What if me and the rest of the guard helped you?” 
You paused your pacing to look at him. “That could work… but would you all even be able to take off work?”
“Well, it’s been pretty slow this week and we’re spending most of our time getting ready for the party…” You responded with a noncommittal hum so he pressed on. “How about I call Senator Amidala and Commander Fox on the coms and we can get everything worked out?”
“Yeah, sure. That’d be great.” 
For the next twenty minutes you hashed out the details with Senator Amidala - Padmé, she insisted you call her - and Commander Fox. Eventually you settled on an order of one large, four-tiered cake and a hundred little fruit tarts. Fox had been hesitant to lend out his troopers until Padmé had offered to replace the old coffee machine in the guard’s office. The party was in three days, so it would be a tight deadline, but you were sure you could do it. Especially with the guard’s help. There was also the motivating factor of the hefty payment Padmé was offering. It would be enough for you to buy an army of cleaning robots!
As soon as you hung up you were already placing an order of the ingredients and messaging your employees to tell them about the job. You were so focused on your task that you jumped with the oven’s timer dinged. Toast stifled a chuckle behind his hand and you shot him a look as you pulled both loaves of bread out of the oven. Both loaves were a perfect golden brown and looked absolutely delicious. 
Toast hovered over your shoulder as you placed the bread on the cooling rack, and you had to slap his hand away a few times as you waited for them to cool. Once you could hold them safely in your hands, you handed Toast his loaf and took yours in your hands. “C’mon, let’s take a picture together with our bread.” You tucked yourself into his side and held your loaf up as he snapped the picture. 
Once you were satisfied with the picture you relented to his puppy-dog eyes and cut into the bread. You both slathered a piece in butter and tapped them together as if they were wine glasses before taking a bite. 
“Mmmmmhhh,” you both groaned in unison at the first bite of warm bread. There was nothing better. 
“This is so good.” You mumbled in between bites. 
“So much better than anything in the caf.” Toast agreed, his eyes half-closed in bliss. Before you missed it, you snapped a picture. Toast with his toast. It was perfect. 
You stared at the sight of the twenty clone troopers in front of you, decked out in aprons and hair nets, standing at parade rest in a line as Commander Fox, also in an apron, paced back and forth, hands behind his back, as he gave them their orders. 
“Now I want you all on your best behavior. It may seem like you’re on a break, but I want you to treat this as if you’re still on the clock,” He stopped pacing and turned to his men, “Do I make myself clear?” 
“Yes, sir!” They all responded with a salute. 
You took that moment to snap a picture of them all, Fox’s head snapping towards you at the click of the camera. “I want to remember this,” you told him, fighting back a smile. 
You turned to Padmé, who had insisted on coming to help out herself, bringing along her two droids and a Jedi to offer some extra hands. She came complete with a chic outfit for the occasion and you envied how good she looked at six in the morning. You showed her the picture and she asked, “Can you send that to me?” Fox huffed loudly and the two of you broke out into a fit of giggles. 
Once you got a hold of yourself you started listing out tasks that needed to be done to Fox. “We’ll need people to clean and cut the fruit for the tarts. Another group can help with mixing and cutting the crust. For the cake, we’ll also need one group handling the batter, and another the frosting and decorations. And we can rotate who is on dish duty.” 
Fox immediately started delegating out tasks to his troops and you assigned a member of your staff to help each group. Everyone quickly scrambled to start working on their tasks, the troopers clearly very excited to help. 
Throughout the day you flitted from group to group, demonstrating how to do things when needed. Your employees were handling everything so well and you made a reminder to yourself to give them a nice bonus after this. You stepped away from where Vella was showing the boys how to make flowers out of frosting and found Toast lecturing his brothers about the right way to measure flour. 
“You can’t just scoop it out straight from the bag, you’ll use too much that way. You have to sift it in like this,” He started demonstrating the proper technique for them, and you noticed he had somehow managed to get flour all over himself again. 
“Good job, Toast,” You said as you passed him, brushing the flour out of his hair as you went. “Keep up the great work, boys!” You gave them a thumbs up and moved onto the next group, dodging the R2 unit as it made a beeline to the fridge, a tray of freshly cut fruit balanced on its head. 
The next two days passed by smoother than you could have hoped. There were only a few minor incidents. Hound tripping over R2 and spilling some batter, Thorn having to scold Jek and Rhys for eating half of their frosting. Nothing you couldn't handle. Commander Fox had everyone working like a well oiled machine, making sure everything stayed on time. Throughout both days, Padmé’s protocol droid busied himself with taking pictures of the event, and Padmé promised to send them all to you after the party.
It got down to the wire, but you managed to put the last slice of jogan fruit on the hundredth tart with forty-five minutes to spare. Your employees handled loading everything up into the speeder to take them to the venue. You watched them out of the corner of your eye to make sure things went smoothly. Padmé came up to you and thanked you profusely for rushing such a huge order and promised to promote your business to all her friends before she and the rest of her entourage hopped into the speeder with your employees and took off for the party. 
You turned back to the clone troopers, who had already finished washing up most of the kitchen. “Don’t worry about the rest, guys, I’ve got it. You should probably start heading back and start getting ready.” 
“Trying to kick us out so soon?” Fox mused. 
You laughed. “Actually, before you go, I have a little surprise for you all. As a way to say thank you and as a pick me up before the party. I know those things can be tiring.” You went and retrieved the gift you had stayed up all last night working on, keeping it behind your back until you were right in front of them. 
You held out a plate of cookies shaped like their helmets, each one customized to look like the helmet of each of the troopers there. You had recruited C3-PO to take reference pictures of all of their helmets while they were working, and the droid had really pulled through for you, even managing to get detail shots for you. 
“Woah, are these our helmets?” Stone asked as you handed him his cookie. 
“Look, it’s me.” Thorn said to Fox as he waggled his cookie in front of his brother’s face. Fox rolled his eyes but even he couldn’t fight his smile away. 
You beamed as each of the troopers examined their cookies and thanked you for them. They all groaned as you forced them to get together for one last picture and the shutter had barely flashed before they were scarfing down the cookies. 
Once they were done, Fox and Thorn started hoarding the group through the door. Before Toast could follow his brothers, Fox turned to him, “You stay here and help out with the rest of the clean up.” 
Toast blinked for a moment before he responded with a “Yes, sir.” 
He waited until he was sure the last of his vode were out the door before he turned to you. He planned on saying something funny or romantic, but all his words failed him as you launched yourself at him and pulled him into a big hug. “Thanks for all your help. I couldn’t have done this without you.” You told him, your voice muffled from your spot pressed against his chest. He returned the hug and rested his cheek against the top of your head. 
You couldn’t be sure if it was him who tilted his head down or you who tilted your head up, but you soon found yourselves nose to nose. Maybe sleep deprivation lowered your inhibitions, because you soon found yourself raising up on your tiptoes and pressing your lips to his. His arms tightened around you as he returned the kiss, letting out a groan as you both melted into each other. It started off sweet and gentle, but quickly developed into something more heated as you swept your tongue across the seam of his lips. He let out another tortured whine as he opened his mouth up to you, pulling you flush against him with one hand falling down to grab your ass while the other hitched your leg over his hip. 
Eventually you needed to come up for air and reluctantly parted from him, a blush rising to your cheeks as the string of saliva that connected you broke and dribbled down your chin. He wiped it away with his thumb before bringing his forehead to rest against yours. The two of you stayed like that for a while, gazing into each other's eyes as you caught your breath. 
You brought up one of your hands to brush a bit of flour out of his eyebrow. “You managed to get flour on you somehow. I don’t think we even used flour today.” 
He grinned at you. “It’s one of my many charms.” 
You giggled and pulled him back in for another kiss. Your lips had just met when you heard a camera shutter go off and you both whipped your heads around to the source of the noise. 
Vella stood in the doorway to the kitchen, camera raised and a shit-eating grin on her face. “Haha, I knew it! Thire owes me ten credits!” 
Both of you blinked at each other for a moment before joining in with her laughter.
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maonuis · 3 years
[ENG TL] Oogami Koga - Idol Story 3
Proofreader: 310mc and Fiore
Original Writer: 木野誠太郎 (Kino Seitarou)
Season: Summer
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Koga: (Hell yeah! I knew I’d get lucky if I went to the CD store after school… I finally got my hands on the new album ♪)
(Big shots from overseas only release albums once every ten years or so.)
(As a fan, nah, as a lover of rock music, I've been waiting for a new release for years!)
(Aaah, I’m gonna kiss this album! Thank you for letting me hear such awesome rock music!)
(Thanks for continuing to make music...♪)
Yuuta: Oh? Oogami-senpai, is that you? What a coincidence~
Koga: Awoogh?!
Yuuta: Whoa there. I’m not a ghost, so please don’t jump like you just saw one.
Koga: Tsk… It’s just Yuuta. You almost gave me a heart attack…
Don’t see the other one ‘round ya, did ya get into a fight or somethin’?
Yuuta: We don’t always get into arguments… We aren’t you.
Actually, didn’t I tell you about it? 2wink is a “two-in-one” unit, which means we split the work between us for everything, be it jobs or just our daily life.
Koga: Right, y’all doin’ that now.
Hinata’s been doing the sales promotions, project planning, and part time jobs… And while that’s happenin’, you get to play around and have fun with your hobbies, yeah?
You sure are cherished~ aint’cha, “Yuuta-kun”?
Yuuta: Uh, why did that sound a little passive-aggressive?
Koga: Ha. I wasn’t trynna be. You’re overthinkin’ it.
Besides, artists aren’t supposed to be involved in backstage work like that.
Ain’t being an idol about making a living thanks to the support of your fans and sponsors?
Which means that right now your hobbies are being cherished more than the job in front of you.
Yuuta: Hmm~ I think you’re right, but I didn’t expect to hear that from you.
I thought you’d tell me to quit fooling around and get back to work, you know?
Koga: Huh? Who do ya think I am? I’m the rock ‘n roller Oogami Koga.
Working to make my dreams and ambitions come true is one thing, but working for money alone ain’t my style.
Yuuta: Ooh, I get it… Yeah, you do look like you’d suck at part time jobs~♪
Well, from a social standpoint, people who work are held in higher regard, so it’s been weighing on my mind a bit.
But Aniki… Hinata-kun has been telling me that it’s okay to stay like this.
Koga: You don’t hafta worry. Rock’s about destroying common sense and order; that’s what makes ya look so damn cool ♪
The roaring music, the howling basses… It’s a cry of the soul that reverberates through the entire world...☆
That’s the very spirit of rock ♪
Yuuta: Erm, I’m not aiming to become a rock and roller, though...? I only ever plan to be an idol working with my twin brother.
...Truth is, I came to check the CD store as a way to pass time, ‘cause I’ve been trying to expand my music taste by checking out new genres.
Koga: Expand your music taste…?
Yuuta: Yup. Lately, people have been wanting to know my own opinion as an individual, rather than as both of us twins, and well...
That made me decide to learn more about what this world has to offer, sooo...
I’m hoping to use this as a reference for how to sell myself in the future as both an idol and 2wink’s hobbyist.
Koga: So basically, you came here to listen to the various songs in the sample corner[1]?
Yuuta: Well, yeah, something like that… ♪
I’m trying to save money as much as I can, that’s why. I didn’t feel like it’d be right of me to splurge on my interests, I guess? Especially since Aniki is out there taking part-time jobs.
Koga: Guess I got no choice, I’ll just have to lend ya the CDs I got back in my dorm room. You’ll just get bored of listenin’ to samples over and over, anyways.
And it ain’t gonna look good for you if you stick around the shop for too long, since you’re an idol and all.
You’re also part of the Light Music Club and the band circle we have at the dorms, so I think even if it’s just for general knowledge it won’t be bad to give it a chance.
Anyways, check this out. I bought a brand new baby today!
What’cha think? Ain’t this cover so cool it gives you chills?
Yuuta: No, no, you’re being too pushy. I haven’t even agreed to borrow your CDs…?
Koga: Huuuh? Ya tellin’ me you don’t wanna hear my recs~?
We’re pals from the same band, so we gotta share our taste in music, y’know?
C’mon, I’ll show ya the way to my room!
Yuuta: Uwaaah, what did I just get myself into...~? This is why all our newbies in the Light Music Club run away in fear, y’know~?
Koga: Shut yer trap. Shouldn’t you be happy that your senior is so kind?
The rock ‘n roll that I love so much might change along with the times, but its spirit is the one thing that remains untouched and crosses through generations.
If ya wanna know more about the world, you should stop being so picky with your tastes and give it a chance at least once. So take a moment to listen to the awesomest music that rocks my very soul...☆
[1] Music sample corners are a corner that can be found in some music stores in which you can hear previews of some albums using headphones. An image example: https://www.emuz.jp/imgs/music/photo1.jpg
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Title: Quarantine: A Love Story {16}**
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Chris Evans x Reader Series
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Fluff, SMUT, NSFW, LOTS OF WORDS
Words: 8.6k
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Note: Okay, so this is no longer a mini-series, we’re at a full-fledged series. Recommended listening toward the end of this chapter is Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish. 
I hope you guys enjoy this. If you enjoyed this LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. Thank you for reading as always!!! ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | Q15 | 
-Quarantine: Day 55-
  What was left to do, but leave? Yeah, there was a pandemic raging in the world right now, and everything including said world was going to shit, but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t go this thing alone. You were born alone, have lived pretty much alone, and had no problem going through this nightmare alone. You didn’t need to be here.  With the decision made, you wiped your tears, stood up, straightened your back, and walked to the bedroom with your head held high.
 Once in the room, you began packing what you’d unpacked mere weeks ago. You began calmly, keeping your jaw clenched so you wouldn’t shed any more tears. After you’d gotten one dresser emptied, you looked up into the mirror and saw nickel-sized marks across your skin. Slowly you followed the trail that began on your stomach and went along your ribs over one breast. The trail didn’t stop; it went along your collar you disappeared behind your quickly frizzing hair. Just like that, you remembered his lips on your skin. You remembered him kissing you, licking you, nibbling you, tasting your skin until you felt as if you would leap out of your skin.
 You flared your nose. It was always a mechanism you used to keep your tears at bay. It had been a long time since you had to use it. It felt as if you’d forgotten how because after almost a minute, you still felt close to tipping over the edge, and what was below you, was not something you wanted to be a part of. You gripped the edge of the furniture and squeezed.
 “Come on, come on, come on. Work!”
 You waited a few seconds, but still, the tears kept coming.
“Work, damn it!”
 Nothing. The sting in your eyes only intensified.
 “Fucking work!”
 Your shout was loud, and it boomed off the walls for several seconds. When the echo faded, your tears streamed down your cheeks.
 “Fuck,” you whispered, now using both your hands to hold onto the dresser. You took several deep breaths trying to practice the meditating breaths you learned. Groaning, you quickly realized that this wasn’t going to work either.
 You walked out of the bedroom toward the bar area and filled a glass with the first bottle you took up. You didn’t care what it was, and you also didn’t care that it wasn’t exactly after five. It was drinking time somewhere—right? You knocked back the entire glass and hissed as the burn took over. Your belly filled with the fire you knew would come, and you welcomed it. You hoped it would dull everything else you were feeling.
 You were so bent out of shape that you couldn’t even place any of your other feelings except anger. Your anger overshadowed everything. At the thought of your anger, you had thoughts about everything you’d felt over the last thirty-two hours.
 “You’re all I want to see, Y/N,”
 His voice echoed around you. It sounded like he was actually in the room with you. Bracing your hands on the bar, you closed your eyes and got sucked back into last night.
 You could feel everything again like it was happening right now. It felt like his body was pressed against yours, like his hands were on your breasts, like his mouth was between your legs.
 You poured another glass full and gulped it down, but even the burn down your throat was not enough to dull the lingering pleasure you still felt. He was in you.
 “You look so fucking gorgeous with my dick in your mouth, Y/N.”
 You groaned, and you could actually feel his dick in your mouth. There had to be something wrong with you. No dick was this good, you thought. No dick could have you all fucked up like this.
 Biting your bottom lip, you sighed.
 “You’re perfect, so perfect. I don’t deserve you.”
 Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to blot out his voice.
 “I’ve imagined this moment for so long.”
 You wanted to find him and kick him in the balls. A few weeks ago, you couldn’t imagine the thought of anything like what had happened in the last few hours ever happening. Now you were standing here with a drink in your hand, his voice in your head, and your desire for him writhing in you like an overriding virus.
 “This dick ain’t nothing to laugh at.”
 You slid the glass away and took the bottle up and brought it to your head instead. After two gulps, you felt it beginning to fade, felt him beginning to fade—almost.
 “As you wish.”
 His voice echoed this time, and with each echo, it faded until it was quiet, at least for a moment.
 “I have you. I will always have you.”
 Pushing through, you did your best to pull yourself together. When you got back to the bedroom, you finished packing, not wanting to waste any more time. The alcohol worked to slow your actions, but you were determined to get the hell out of there. The knock at the door startled you. You stood there as if you expected them to be able to hear you moving inside. The knock came again, then a voice.
 You sighed, hearing Scott’s voice. The relief that flooded you quickly dissipated when you thought about telling him you were leaving. What reason would you give him? He knocked a third time, and that was when you grabbed your robe and wrapped yourself in it as you walked to the door.
 When you opened it, Scott had his arms held open. “What the hell? Are you okay? You didn’t come to dinner last night or breakfast this morning. You’ve been MIA.”
 “I know. I wasn’t feeling well. I just wanted to lay low in case it was ya’ know.”
 “COVID? How would you have gotten it? You’re being paranoid,” Scott filled in.
 “Yeah, you’re right. I just wasn’t feeling well.”
 “You need some food. Come on, mom just put dinner out. I was sent to get you.”
 “Uh, no. Scott I just--,” you began before he cut you off.
 “No. No more excuses. You gotta eat. Let’s go.” He was walking away before you even responded.
 “No, Scott--.”
 “Let’s go now, or I’ll tell mom you’re refusing her cooking because you think her food is disgusting.”
 Your jaw dropped.
 “Really. You know I’ll do it.” With that, he was gone.
 You dropped your head back and groaned before going back inside to get dressed. You knew he would do some bullshit like that. The last thing in the world you wanted was to hurt Lisa. You spent the next ten minutes putting yourself together enough both on the outside and the inside that no one would suspect anything. It was harder than it should have been.
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By the time you got to the house and walked into the dining room, you saw everyone sitting around the table. They all lit up when they saw you. The closer you got, you forced yourself to smile until you saw him. Chris was sitting at the table with his fingers steepled under his chin and elbows on the table. His eyes were glued to you. Quickly you looked away and shrugged him off.
 “Are you all right? Scott said you haven’t been feeling well,” Lisa mentioned as she approached you with arms open.
 “Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry anyone.”
 “Oh honey, of course, we worry,” Lisa said in her motherly voice as she pressed the back of her hand to your forehead. The action made you smile.
 “You’re not warm. Maybe my lasagna will fix you right up. come.” She led you to your seat beside Scott and three seats away from Chris.
 “You look exhausted,” Carly said.
 “Yeah—I haven’t been getting much sleep,” you began as you took up your fork. Hearing how it could have been interpreted, you quickly fixed it. “Work! I mean, it’s because of work.”
 They nodded but looked as if they didn’t need the extra explanation. Sighing, you began to eat your food in silence. They spoke around you, but you didn’t listen, you were lost in your own thoughts as you tried to formulate a plan on how to best leave without causing a ruckus. You couldn’t leave in the middle of the night because that would have been wrong, and you needed someone to drive you back to Boston. When you thought of that, you let out a huff.
 “Y/N,” Shanna began. You looked to her friendly inquisitive face. “You okay?”
 Pasting a smile on, you nodded. “I’m good. I’m sorry, just thinking of my to-do list. Since this pandemic work has really picked up, you’d think it would slow down but nope.”
 You were good at thinking on your feet. It was a quality you had to have to succeed in your career and your life. Shanna nodded and went back to eating, as did you. You could feel Chris’s eyes on you, tempting you to look at him. Using all your will, you refused and kept your eyes planted downward to your plate. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
 After an uncomfortable dinner, you sat through a few minutes of talk and calm all the while staying as far from Chris as possible. The funny thing to you was that with him staying away from you, no one was suspicious. He was carrying on as usual. Everyone else had remained the same. It was just you and him who had changed. You’d elevated, gone to a whole different plane of existence. That is what it felt like in that forest bubble--until it popped.
 You couldn’t get over what he’d said.
 “You’ve fucked a lot of guys!”
 Thinking about it again, you wanted to leap across the room and go wolverine on his ass. How dare he? When you looked over to him, you found his eyes planted right on you. They were beautiful, no doubt, but they were also the eyes of an asshole. You rolled yours, stood, and walked away toward the kitchen. Once inside, you walked around the island three times using the movement to get your rising anger under control.
 When the door opened, you turned to see Scott.
 “You’ve been weird all night. Talk to me.”
 You studied him trying to decide if you could tell him you’d had sex with his brother. You remembered what Chris had said that he’d made a promise to him. If you revealed it now you would start problems, problems you didn’t want to start.
 “I’m fine, Scott, tired but fine.”
 He studied you for a full minute before he nodded.
 “Okay. Go get some sleep; I’ll make an excuse for you.”
 “Yeah. Go through the front.”
 You walked to him, gave him a quick hug, and did as he said. Before you walked out the door, you grabbed Scott’s car keys from the key hook on the wall that housed everyone’s keys. You’d convinced yourself he wouldn’t mind, and he’d understand. Once you were outside, you took a few deep breaths and moaned from the scent of the salty air. You were tempted to go for one last walk on the beach, but you had a feeling if you did that, you wouldn’t leave. Walking around the house the long way, you looked over the bank to the tall grass and beach down below. There was nothing quite like the beach at night. You stopped at the fork in your path. One way led to the beach and another night here with all that had happened, and the other led to the guesthouse where your bags were waiting. You must have stood there for ten minutes before you walked back to the guesthouse.
 Once inside, you gathered the rest of your things and waited until you knew everyone would be asleep. An hour passed with you sitting in the living room with your feet on the wooden coffee table, just staring at a lit candle. As the flame danced, your thoughts flitted from topic to topic. You began with going over every detail of the date, every word spoken, facial expression, body gesture, none of it escaped your focus now. Moving on, you went to every sensation, from scent, taste, and sound when both of you decided that you were going to cross that line. It wasn’t an unconscious choice. It was one both of you willingly made. Those thoughts brought you to everything leading up to you feeling him move inside of you. Again, not one detail missed you.
 You’d learned long ago that though something was unpleasant to think about, you had to acknowledge it in order to move on. You’d acknowledged everything that had made you the way you were and dealt with it. You’d found a way to use it as fuel, that was until last night. Something shifted; something changed your outlook; something made you feel.
 “It was him, you idiot!”
 You quickly sat up and groaned out, digging your hands in your hair. It was full-on puff now, long gone were your tame curls and coils. Thanks to your willingness to be carefree and adventurous, your hair was paying the price. You vowed to yourself that once you got back to your apartment, you’d treat yourself to a whole wash day routine. With that thought, you remembered his words.
 “I’m willing to learn.”
 You kissed your teeth and stood. You were tired of waiting. Taking up your bags and balancing them as well as you could, you opened the door and stopped in your tracks. There was Chris with his hand raised, ready to knock.
 “Son of a bitch!”
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His eyes dropped to the bags in your hands, and he took a step to you. Quickly, you backed away, dropping a bag in the process. Chris took a step to you, and you took another back.
 “Y/N,” he began.
 “Shut the fuck up and get out. Go away.”
 He didn’t listen. He took another step inside the guesthouse. Even when you made every attempt to get away from him, he didn’t get the hint. Finally, you dropped your bags and walked as far from him as possible.
 “Y/N, let me explain, please.”
 “Explain? Fuck you!”
 Your shout was louder than it should have been. Realizing it, you clenched your jaws, trying to keep the rage from pouring over.
 “Y/N, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. It slipped out,” Chris frantically said as he closed the space between you.
 Thanks to the wall behind you, you had nowhere to go. Pushing him back only sent him a few inches from you. It was enough of a distance for you to move out of the confined space you were in, but you weren’t quick enough that Chris wasn’t able to wrap his hand around your wrist to pull you back to him.
 “I’m sorry.”
 You did it before you thought it. Swinging your hand out, it connected with his cheek in a loud slap. He looked shocked, but he didn’t look angry. You wanted to make him angry so that he could feel some of yours. You slapped him again and again. On the fourth swing , Chris caught your wrist. The clench in his jaw was tight.
 “I deserve that,” he grumbled.
 “Why do you deserve it? Because you called me a fucking whore!?”
 “I didn’t mean to, I swear. I promise, Y/N.”
 You pulled away from him, roughly nearly losing your balance in the process. “Fuck you and your promises Chris! They mean shit—you mean shit.”
 “You don’t mean that. Come on. What more can I say to prove to you that I didn’t mean it?”
 “Nothing. I’m done. I’m leaving.”
 You hurried to your bags and began gathering them. Before you got half of them, Chris was on you, forcing you to drop them yet again.
 “Y/N, come on. You can’t leave. It’s not safe for you out there.”
 “I’d rather take my chances out there than in here with a man like you!”
 He looked hurt by that one, and you were glad for it. “Y/N, come on--,” he began.
 “Come on? Chris, there is nothing you could say to me.”
 You grabbed your bags again and threw open the door.
 “I can’t let you leave, Y/N. I can’t just let you walk out of here.”
 “Because of how I feel about you!”
 That had you freezing in your tracks. As the words sank in for you, you turned to him.
 “Jesus Christ, Y/N. I’m sorry for what I said. It was a stupid thing to say, one I didn’t even think about. I was angry, and I just said it. I didn’t mean it,” Chris blurted out, trying to keep his voice low.
 “Some part of you must mean it, some part of you must have felt this way. You must think I’m some whore who fucks every dick she comes across. That must be it right, Chris! I fuck everyone right, Andre, Marcus, Wayne, Charles, hell even you. Congratulations!”
 You made it past him and out to the pool, but he still didn’t give up. Chris got in front of you, but you didn’t stop.
 “No. Come on, Y/N. You know you felt it last night. You know you felt it this morning and this afternoon. You felt it.”
 “I felt nothing!”
 “Bullshit! I was there. I was right there with you. I was on top of you staring in your eyes, and I saw it. I felt it when I was inside of you. You’re lying, and we both know it.”
 Ignoring the words coming from his mouth, you pushed past him and made your way around the house.
 “You’ve been inside of a lot of women. You probably don’t know what you feel anymore.”
 “Jeez, come on. Yes, I’ve slept with a lot of women, and I should never have even thought to say those words to you. That’s it though, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry, really, I am.”
 “You’re sorry. How many women have you said those words to? Two, ten, fifteen?”
 “None of them are important to me. You do, Y/N. You do.”
 “Bullshit! I’ve never mattered to you.”
 That was when he pulled you back to him. As you collided with his body, your bags fell to the floor again.
 “You’re the only person who has mattered to me in the last three years. You are the only woman that I care about that is not in my family! You, Y/N! I don’t understand how you can’t see it. How is it still this hard for you to get it? You matter to me, you always have mattered. I think about you all the time. I worry about you more than I worry about anyone else. I dream about you, and in my dream, it’s always you and me. I respect you so much, it’s incredible to think we’ve barely spoken in these years, but I know so much about you. I respect you so much, even though you’ve hated me all these years. Y/N, I value you. I’m sorry for how I behaved. I’m sorry that I said those words.” The emotion in his voice was clear to hear.
 You stood there, frozen. The look in his eyes said he meant them. His eyes said he felt them and was pleading with you to feel them too—hear them too. There was a war inside of you that was waging so fierce that you couldn’t think straight. Part of you wanted to still leave while the other part—a part that was growing in size wanted to stay with him.
 “Please stay, Y/N. Please. Let me make this right. Let me fix this. Let me prove to you that you matter to me, let me show you that this means everything to me.”
 Chris cupped your skull and pressed his forehead to yours. His skin was hot; you were sure it was always this hot.
 “Please—I don’t want to let you go—not again.”
 “Fuck,” you whispered.
 You had no voice to respond; all you could do was nod. Chris released a loud sigh that told you he’d been drinking. He pressed his lips to your forehead, then pulled back. You watched him pick up your bags then look back to you. He was asking a question. Can I? Chris reached his hand to touch your cheek and slid his thumb across it. When he brought his hand away, you saw it was wet. You were crying.
 Chris took your hand and led you back along the path you’d just walked, back to the guesthouse you were so ready to leave. As Chris led you back around the pool, you stared at his hand entwined with yours and sighed. It felt right. You just hoped that by giving in to this “right” wouldn’t turn everything wrong.
 Once you reached the guesthouse, Chris placed your bags in the living room, turned to you, and cupped your cheeks. “Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll come right back for you. can you do that?”
 You studied his eyes, peering deeply into them, trying to read him thoroughly. You bit your bottom lip when you saw that you wouldn’t see anything different than what he wanted you to see. You knew he had secrets. You nodded, giving him his answer. Chris then kissed your forehead again and walked out of the guestroom, leaving you alone once again.
You don’t know how long you stood in the doorway, but you stood there all the same, just staring out into the darkness. When one of your legs fell asleep, you closed the door and walked to the couch. Once before the candle, you’d just blown out you lit it again, sat, and watched it. As you stared in the flame, you tried to stave off the feeling that you were being weak and ignore the thoughts that still told you to leave that you’d be better off.
 Everything from his past indicated that he would end up hurting you. He’d been one way with every woman in his life before. What was so different about you? Why would he be any different with you? Hell, he probably had the power to absolutely wreck you. Your mental freak out quickly took over making you jump to your feet.  After pacing the living room for what felt like seconds, you heard the knock at your door. You didn’t open it right away. You just stared at the door. He probably could have opened it himself, but he didn’t.
 Walking toward it, you stopped with your hand on the knob and took a few breaths. When you opened it, Chris was standing there patiently with one hand behind his back. The two of you stared at each other for several moments before he revealed his hand, showing you a bouquet of picked flowers. You scoffed and shook your head. His mother was going to kill him. You took the flowers that were completely different than the ones he’d given you the other night. While those were bright thanks to the yellow sunflowers, these were also bright but in a different way. The mix of red and white tulips complimented each other but also looked as if they didn’t belong together. Regardless, they were beautiful.
 Chris held his hand out to you and waited for you to decide to take it. When almost fifteen seconds passed before you took it, he didn’t sigh or huff and puff, he remained calm and accommodating. When you put your hand in his, you watched his fingers wrap around your hand. He then raised it to his lips and kissed it once then twice. Once his lips touched your hand, your skin tingled, and from there, it never stopped.
 Chris slowly led you out of the guesthouse and allowed you to close the door behind you before he continued to lead the way to wherever he was taking you. When he cut away from the house to the steps that led to the beach, you guessed what he had planned. He took his time leading you down the steps carefully to ensure your safety was paramount. When you stepped onto the sand, Chris looked back to you as if asking if he could or should keep going. When you didn’t object, he continued to walk you down the beach toward the shore.
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Once there, you saw a fire lit path along the beach leading to the warm glow of a fire in the distance. It stopped you in your tracks.
 “You okay?”
 Were you okay? You knew if you went over there and saw what he’d done, you’d probably forgive the bullshit he said earlier. You didn’t know if you wanted to forgive him. You wanted to make him suffer for as long as possible. You were also curious about just how he thought he could make things right. Releasing a huff of breath, you nodded. Chris continued the walk down the shore toward his destination. When you reached the lit path, you just stared at the small flames that looked to be medium-sized tealight candles. It was beautiful.
 The closer you got, the more you could see, and the more you saw, the more the butterflies in your belly fluttered. When you’d stopped walking, you were standing in front of a large blanket with two cushioned pillows placed on them along with a large wooden butcher block trey. On the block was a decanter of amber looking liquid, a few containers that were covered, glasses, and a gift box. Across the blanket were scattered rose petals, and before the blanket was a hot roaring fire.
 “Sit down,” Chris advised. You kicked off your slippers and walked across the blanket to find a good spot.
 As you sat on the cushion, you looked up at Chris and watched him as he took his seat across from you. His shirt showed his St. Christopher medal between both his tattoos on his chest. The sight of those tattoos made you bite your bottom lip. You remembered touching that chest, feeling his skin, and the muscles as it danced underneath your hand. You remembered just what it felt like—what he looked like above you with that medal hanging down dangling in front of you.
 “You haven’t said a word since we were outside the house. What’re you thinking?”
 You took a deep breath as you toyed with the petals of the flowers you still held. “Your mother is going to kill you when she realizes these are gone, and you are the culprit.”
 Chris snorted and shrugged. “I’ll laugh in the face of danger.”
 You couldn’t help but laugh. He was an idiot. His mother would beat his ass red.
 “You’re such a liar, you know she’ll beat you down.”
 Chris nodded. “Yeah, maybe, but it would have been worth it.”
 Your eyes met and remained on each other. In the firelight, they looked darker but sexy nonetheless. The man didn’t even have to work for pussy, he probably just said shit like that. Scoffing, you put the flowers to the side.
 “They’re beautiful. I love them.”
 “I’m glad. Do you know the meaning of tulips?”
 “Do you?”
 “My mom made sure I knew. Sometimes I’d sit with her and plant in the garden when I was a kid. She’d tell me about every flower she planted. She’d tell me what they meant, how to care for them. It was a whole process,” Chris explained.
 “Oh yeah? What’d you learn?”
 Chris reached for the decanter, opened it, and poured the brown-tinted liquid into both glasses. Once they were half-filled, he held one out to you. Your fingers grazed as you took the glass from him, and they lingered together.
 “She told me that tulips were special. They were originally cultivated in the Ottoman Empire, which is now Turkey and brought to Holland. Even though everyone thinks that is where they are initially from. There once was a time when they were one of the most coveted flowers. It’s not hard to see. Mom told me that tulips usually symbolized the beginning of spring. They usually spout then and stay throughout and sometimes through summer.” 
Chris paused for a moment as if he were gathering his thoughts, then continued.
“Her words, It’s like a reminder of what spring symbolizes renewal, rebirth, peace, joy, and happiness. White tulips say I’m sorry. They are a symbol used to beg for forgiveness, a way to say I was a stupid asshole, and I deserve every minute of agony you want to make me feel, I was a jackass who made a huge mistake, a jackass who just showed you how much I don’t deserve a woman like you. They mean I respect you more than I’ve ever respected any woman I’ve been with it’s fucked up but true. The cream-colored one in there means something much more.”
 You gulped the liquid and hissed at the burn. He was saying all the right things.
 “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
 Staring in his eyes, you almost felt as if you were being hypnotized, or put under a spell. You knew he meant the words. Looking down at the glass, you cleared your throat.
 “What do the red ones mean?”
 You watched him as you took another gulp of the Whiskey. You liked the brown sugar undertones and the slightly smoky flavor that filled your mouth.
 “The red ones--,” Chris began before he emptied his glass and stared into the open fire.
 Instead of speaking, he reached for two thin long wooden skewers and handed you one. After you took it, he opened the containers on the wooden trey revealing jumbo marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey's milk chocolate squares, cookies n’ mint chocolate, and recces peanut butter cups. Just like that, you knew where this was going.
 “S’mores still your favorite thing in the world?”
 You couldn’t hold back the smile that spread across your face. Not many people knew it, but they were. You looked at him and sucked your bottom lip into your mouth.
 “Of course they are,” Chris filled in as he brought the bowl with the marshmallows to you for you to pick one. You did and plopped it onto the end of your skewer. You were excited. You hadn’t made s’mores in forever, which meant you hadn’t had one in just as long.
 You shimmied closer to the fire and stuck your skewer into the flames and watched as the outside of the marshmallow began to change.
 “How do you know so much about me?”
 “I pay attention.”
 You watched his hand holding the skewer and followed the trail along his exposed skin to his bicep. That was where your eyes and train of thought stopped.
 “Why did you pay attention to me?”
 “How could I not? You’re eye-catching—impossible to miss. I paid attention because you mattered to me. You still do.”
 Again your eyes lingered, and suddenly, the respectable space between you felt like too much.
 “I didn’t mean to piss you off,” Chris finished.
 You looked into the fire and sighed. “You hurt me,” you whispered. You didn’t think it was audible, but when you saw him place his skewer down on the wooden table and move next to you sitting with his legs open, so you and the cushion you sat on were between them you knew he’d heard you loud and clear.
 “Y/N,” Chris began in such a soft voice you had no other choice but to look at him. When you did, he took your skewer and put it beside his. Then he led you down to the blanket to replicate the way he sat before you.
 “I never meant to hurt you. I never want to hurt you—not you.”
 “You did.”
 “I’m so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. I didn’t want to hurt you, and it tears me up that I did. I won’t do it again. I swear—I promise.”
 You looked down. You hated promises. People who made them always broke them. Chris brought your face back to his.
 “I mean it, Y/N. I've never been big on promises, hell I’ve never made a promise for the simple fact that I knew I’d break it and I never care enough to make an effort to keep them. I promise you right here, right now. I will never hurt you again.”
 Staring into his eyes, you looked for any hint of a lie, any hint of the bullshit he might have been spewing. After nearly a minute, you saw none. Was he telling the truth, you wondered. To lighten the mood, you changed the subject.
 “No matter how much you think you know about me, you don’t know this. I’ve only slept with six guys, not including you. six that’s it.”
 Chris nodded. “I don’t care; really, I don’t.”
 “Yes, you do. I don’t know why you do, but you do.”
 “I may have been living my life doing whatever I wanted while you were doing the same, but I wanted you the whole time. If it makes sense, I never allowed any of them to get to this level,” Chris confessed.
 “What level?”
 “The level where a connection could be felt. I’ve felt this connection since the day we met, and today it’s stronger than it has ever been. I’ve never wanted them the way I want you.”
 “My body,” you began.
 “—I don’t give a shit about your body. This has never been about me getting in your panties.”
 “Then what is it about Chris?
 “What is it about for you?”
 You hadn’t expected him to throw this back to you. Your shock was evident. You didn’t want to confess a damn thing to him.
 “You have to trust me, Y/N.”
 “I don’t have to trust you. I don’t have to do anything,” you blurted out. Chris nodded and looked down at the blanket.
 “You want to. I can see it in your eyes. I can see it when I touch you. I can see it every time we’re close like this. Y/N, you want to trust me. You can.”
 You searched his eyes. He was right. For some reason, you wanted to trust him. For some reason, a very, very small voice inside of you said you should.
 “I trust you, Y/N,” Chris said on a whisper as he brought his face closer to yours. He didn’t kiss you, just hovered his face close to yours.
 “That night, the next morning, this—none of this has ever been about sex for me. I could never do that to you. You deserve so much more than that.”
 Long moments passed, and the silence stretched. All the two of you did was gaze into each other’s eyes. Each of you searching for something in the other, each of you trying to find the courage to take the necessary step. Each of you trying to think of the right thing to say or do. Neither of you finding anything you were searching for. Neither of you being able to be the first to leap. You lowered your head and tried to slow your racing heart.
 “I forgive you.”
 “You do? Why?”
 You snorted and looked back up at him. “So, I shouldn’t?”
 “No, it’s just I know you, and nothing is easy with you.”
 Your smile spread across your face. “So this was easy? An hour ago, I was ready to drive off and leave your pale ass in the darkness like a nightlight,” you reminded. Chris smiled and shook his head.
 “Wow, you went there.”
 “I did. I said what I meant, and I meant what I said,” you teased. The smile on his face was an affectionate one. The warmness you felt was not because of the roaring fire before you. It was from something else, and he was the root of it.
 “I forgive you because I’ve known you for three years, and I know you can be a dick and say some asshole things. You’ve apologized and did all this—I believe you’re sorry.”
 “I am, really really sorry,” Chris added as he lifted your chin, so you were looking in his eyes again. “I mean it.”
 You searched his eyes again and tried to listen to the side of you that was the minority telling you to believe him and trust him. You nodded. The moment stretched with the two of you gazing into each other’s eyes as the fire danced. You did not miss the intimacy of the moment. When Chris slowly moved into you, you allowed him to press his lips to yours. He didn’t move to deepen it, though; he just kept your lips together. The proximity of his body, coupled with the intimacy and the atmosphere, had your heart racing.
 You opened your eyes and watched him. After a few seconds, Chris opened his eyes and stared into yours, and that only intensified the connection you felt between you. Chris deepened the kiss, and you quickly got lost in it before you pulled away.
 “Just so we’re clear, I’ve only slept with--,” you began before Chris put his finger over your lips, stopping your words.
 “I don’t need to know. it’s not important.”
 “Yes, you do, and it is. I’ve only slept with seven guys, including you. I’ve dated, yes, but most of them have never gotten that deep.”
 “I really wasn’t trying to insinuate that you slept around, Y/N. I know you like to party and have a good time and enjoy having men make asses out of themselves for your entertainment, but I never once thought you were sleeping around.”
 You didn’t know if you believe him, but you nodded.
 “I’m not a big of a man whore as you guys like to think,” Chris began. You gave him a “boy don’t even start” look to which he snorted.
 “I’m being serious. Yes, there have been a few, but I’m not in three digits.”
 You reared back, giving him a disgusted look.
 “Three digits Chris!” He laughed, slapping his hand across his chest. You were not in the mood.
 “Don’t play with me, Chris!”
 “Not three digits, I promise. Seventeen.”
 It was a higher number than yours, but it wasn’t as high as you’d expected. You thought he had no self-control, and everything with legs and brunette hair had gotten it.
 “Lower than you thought, huh.” You snorted and shook your head.
 “See, I’m not as bad as you, Scott, and the other like to make me out to be.”
 “Fine, Chris, you’re not a big of a man-whore as I thought. Happy?”
 He smiled and shrugged. “I’m appeased—minimally.”
 You laughed again, throwing your head back. When you brought it back, he was watching you.
 “I’d ask for a do-over if I had known this was possible.”
 He said it so low you almost missed it.
 “You mean that much to me, Y/N.”
 You pulled his head to yours and softly kissed him, focusing on everything the kiss made you feel—tenderness, warmth, fireworks. The man could kiss. Chris pulled away from you before it got out of hand.
 “Behave, I brought you here for this, not my body,” he teased before he took up the sticks.
 You sat there, holding your marshmallow into the fire in comfortable silence. Every now and then, Chris would nudge your shoulder with his only to have you nudge him right back, which had the two of you looking at each other to kiss some more before going back to your marshmallows.
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After a few minutes, you’d burned ten marshmallows from neither of you being able to focus on the task at hand. When you both finally had one marshmallow roasted to perfection, you each made your s’more. Chris used the cookies n’ mint squares while you used the peanut butter and milk chocolate ones. When you bit into your s’more, you moaned when you found caramel in the mix too. For the next fifteen minutes or so, the two of you roasted marshmallows and made smores to your heart’s content. It was perfect.
 When the graham crackers were gone, things got messy with you roasting marshmallows to put chocolate chunks on top of the marshmallow to eat. It didn’t take long for Chris to smear marshmallow on your exposed shoulder, and it took him even less time to lick it off. That began the cycle of him putting melted marshmallow on your skin to lick and suck off while you dripped melting chocolate on him to return the favor.
 When the sweets and wine were finished, you laid cuddled on the blanket, watching the stars listening to the crack of the fire and the crash of the waves.
 “I want to stay here forever,” Chris whispered.
 He looked down at you as you met his eyes. You didn’t recognize the look on his face.
 “Forever,” he repeated.
 “Forever is a long time.”
 He didn’t look phased, or even like he would change his mind.
 “You promise?”
 It took some time, but you nodded your response. Chris rolled onto you and kissed you in the way that made you forget everything. Your hands found the hem of his shirt and raised it until you’d pulled it off of him. Your fingers danced across the muscles in his back until they’d reached his pants. Chris continued to kiss you as if he had a point to make, a point that you needed to understand. The urgency in his kiss increased, and that urgency sparked your own hidden one. Your desire unfurled in your belly and raced through you.
 Bringing your hands around to the buckle of his pants, you quickly undid them and pulled them lower on his hips. Chris didn’t seem as if he were in any hurry, though, so he remained hovered over you while kissing you dumb. Your eyes met, and every wall you’d built suddenly collapsed from just the look in his eyes.
 “I’m scared of you,” Chris whispered.
 He had to be kidding, you thought. He was scared of you? You had no idea what to say to that. Thankfully he didn’t seem as if he wanted you to respond.
 “I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N.” Chris pressed his forehead to yours and further nudged the war within you.
 You could feel his need pressing onto your core, and that was igniting a need within you that you weren’t sure you could contain. The slight shake you felt from his body screamed of how vulnerable he was at this moment. Your body wanted him, and for the first time, you faced the fact that your heart wanted the same thing.
 “Then don’t.”
 He kissed you once, twice, and third before backed away from you sitting on his haunches. You sat up and kissed him.
 “I always fuck up. I don’t want to fuck this up.”
You touched his cheek and caressed it.
 “I don’t want to lose—this,” Chris finished.
 You kissed him again only this time you let your feelings shine through. You allowed your fear, your desire, your attraction, your intrigue and something you worried was a lot more than affection. Chris moaned and held you closer to his body and kissed you back with just as much hunger and need as you kissed him. You lifted your shirt off and met his eyes again. Chris pulled his pants down, then stood to take them off. The reprieve gave you time to undo your shorts. Chris met you halfway and finished the rest. As he pulled them off of your legs, he kissed your shin before he pressed his body back to yours to claim your lips once more.
 Rolling on top of him, you straddled his body. Kissing him was easy, thanks to his sitting position. His hands spread across your back, making you feel small and delicate. When his lips dipped to your neck to nip and suck the skin there, you threw your head back. The action gave him new freedom to clap his lips around your nipple. As you hugged his head to your chest, you rocked against him, which sent Chris’s hands down to cup your thonged ass.
 After licking and teasing one nipple, he moved to the next to nibble and bite, giving you the best of both worlds—his tenderness and his aggressiveness. You dug your hands into his hair and pulled it, bringing his eyes to yours. He looked open and completely transparent.
 “Do you want me, Chris?”
 “All I want is you, Y/N.” He crashed his lips to yours and flipped you onto your back while he spread your arms out on the blanket while entwining his fingers with yours. You believed him, and you tried not to be scared of it.
 Chris moved his lips across your skin and down your body until he’d pulled off your underwear and buried his face between your legs with them draped over his shoulders. You loudly gasped out, angling your head back to gaze at the star-filled sky. The way he rolled his tongue and sucked your skin had you barreling toward your release. With the sound of the waves crashing with the warmth of the fire and the beauty of the stars over you, it was easy to press this to memory.
 In a matter of a few short minutes, you’d trapped Chris's head between your thighs as you came with him, not letting up, not even a little. You didn’t even realize it, but you’d screamed out before you could stop yourself.
 “Fuuuuck, Chris!”
 As if that was what he wanted to hear, he came up to you. When you attempted to kiss him, he jerked back, smirking. Every attempt you made, he slipped away with a smile that spoke of playfulness. On the fifth attempt, you wrapped your legs around his waist, holding him there so your lips could claim his. Both of you moaned and battled for control. Yours was a fake battle. You didn't mind not being in control right now.
 You rolled onto him and sat on his throbbing hardness as he groaned from the contact. His lips were glued to you once again as if he needed them for survival. Neither of you seemed in a hurry to move forward, you both just kissed and teased each other with licks, nibbles, caresses, and cuddles until you both nearly lost your minds. When the rocking of your hips became too much, Chris held your hips steadying you.
 “I don’t have a condom,” he whispered.
 Usually, those words would have been like a douse of ice-cold water and an automatic repellant. In this situation with him tonight, somehow, they weren’t.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about it putting one in my pocket. Tonight wasn’t supposed to get here. I’m--,” Chris rambled before you kissed him again.
 He did all of this on the beach and hadn’t expected sex. He did this from his heart for you. It was a sweet admission. Pressing your forehead to his, you tried to catch your breath. “It’s—okay.”
 Chris reared back to look into your eyes. He didn’t look confused; he looked cautious. “It’s okay?”
 That was when your nerves picked up. Was it?
 “Is it?”
 Chris opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You began to worry that you’d said the wrong thing, and now he was freaked out. Why weren’t you freaked out? You literally just gave him permission to go raw. Did you? You couldn’t believe those words came out of your mouth when you’d been religious every single time.
 “It’s—okay with me,” Chris slowly said. He sounded shocked at the words he said.
 “Is it? Are you sure?”
 He pulled you closer as if you’d somehow drifted too far from him. “Me? Are you sure?”
 Staring into his ocean-like eyes, you nodded. You were sure.
 The two of you remained still for a few moments as if allowing the intent to marinate.
 “I’ve never--,” Chris began.
 “Me neither,” you quickly followed.
 His smile was so sweet you couldn’t help but smile with him.
 “I trust you,” Chris finished.
 You felt as if you should have said the words back, but still, something held you back from actually voicing what your head was clearly telling you that you felt. Instead of speaking, you nodded. He kissed you again and softly caressed your back. Everywhere he touched felt as if he left a trail of fire in his wake. The man was as intoxicating as the flames behind you. Getting lost in his kisses once again, you began rocking against him but only managed a few rolls before your arousal peaked.
 Raising onto your knees, you angled yourself over his need. His eyes bored into you, and it looked as if he were holding his breath. Slowly you slid down his length. Every inch had you shaking as he sank his fingertips into your skin.
 “Shit,” You whispered just before he filled you completely.
 For a few seconds, neither of you moved, you just allowed the sensations to wash over you and cement what you both just did. Chris peppered kisses across your collar as he held you close to him. It was Chris who moved your body against him, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. Both of you groaned loudly, and you were the one to move next. Slowly you rocked against him, gradually picking up your speed. Chris rolled his head back as he leaned to watch you move. He felt good, too good.
 You raised onto your knees and began bouncing on him.
 “Jesus Chris!” He held your hips and took over, slamming you down onto his cock.
 With every connection, you gasped louder and louder. Soon it was Chris controlling your movements, using your body to bring you both to completion. You knew you weren’t going to last long. When you gripped his shoulders, you stood on your tiptoes and took control back. That was when Chris’s moans became louder, and the intensity in his eyes picked up.
 “Yes, yes, yes! Oh god baby, I’m gonna come,” Chris warned.
 “Me too,” you whined. Chris planted his hands on the blanket and rose his hips up to meet you as you came down.
 “Oh, fuck!”
 You both only lasted four more strokes before you were coming together. Chris pulled you down with him back to the blanket to wrap you in his massive arms. Both of you rode the wave of your shared release, not caring if anyone walked onto the beach to catch you. The moment was too perfect to think about reality.
 After a full ten minutes, Chris was the one to roll onto you to smile down at you.
 “Are you okay?”
 You nodded before he kissed you. “Are you?”
 Chris shook his head. “I want you.”
 You snorted and shook your head. “Who knew you were so insatiable, Evans.”
 You could feel him hardening again inside you.
 “When it comes to you—damn right, I am.”
 Chris rocked into you, reawakening your desire for him. The man was going to be the death of you. Death by dick, it was a thing, it had to be.
 For the next few hours, the two of you did what two naked bodies did best. Position after position, the man kept going and going and going. You weren’t complaining; you were surprised. He was pushing forty and was able to serve up quality dick back to back to back. In your coital insanity bubble, the two of you thought it was a good idea to dip into the ocean, and that turned into ocean sex. You were checking off so many firsts with him in one night you didn’t know if there would be much else to do for the rest of this quarantine.
 The only reason you stopped when you saw the first hints of navy and grey in the sky was because the fire had died, and the air was nippy. You watched Chris gather the items in his full naked glory. The darkness still hid him from you for the most part, but the view was still the best view. You were delirious, so delirious that after he hid everything in the tall grasses to come back for later, he scooped you into his arms and carried you back to the guest house with the darkness as your cover.
 Once inside, the two of you took a shower together that was filled with lavender-scented bubbles, giggles, kisses, and cuddles. That was when Chris co-washed your hair for you taking his time to do it properly. By the time the two of you climbed into the bed, the sky was turning a beautiful shade of pink. 
You’d think it was sleep both of you did, but sleep was the farthest thing from either of your minds.
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@chaneajoyyy @sonjashuterbugjohnson @kikimiyazaki @bellaamor88 @toniilaney @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @ajspencer1892 @ashanti-notthesinger @90sinspiredgirl @titty-teetee @evemej @areubeingserved @theskullgoddess @caramara3 @champagnesugamama @minton131 @pananegra @scoop93535 @try-n-pronounce-it @momobaby227 @alyxkbrl @dumbchick @behindthesehazeleyes27 @blackmissfrizzle @chris-butt @nervousninjatheorist @dangerouslovefanfic @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @thinkxlovexloud  @swinchestersgirl  @angrybirdcr @d1ff3r3nt-b34uty-official @twinx007 @a-dizzle777 @ab-baybay @patzammit @kreolemami​@aysha1447@cutewylie @disaster-rose @wondersofdreaming @lo-cheu @livinglifeformemyselfandi @magdelen69 @snowpiercer21 @renfrewscorner @thevelvetseries @mery-be @hakunalive4eva @anandalambert @youurkryptonite @mizcaptainphoenix @bobbdylann @emilykjh @littlepreciousangel @ssaarroonn @thummbelina @sweetlittlegingy @art-estrange @torntaltos @rynabarnesrogers @rororo06 @anotherblackfangirl @bernie-k @theonewithherheadintheclouds @hista-girl​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe @jennmurawski13 @deathstroke-terminated-deez-guts @mrsbarnes- rogers @maxcullen @shadyskit @someone-really-bored  @thejemersoninferno @itsallyscorner @cristinagronk16 @shakemeupthanks-blog @acciolove724 @straightforwardly @zsuzstyina @acevansss @evansgirl7@almosttherebutnot @periodtcevans @deadlymistress24 @sunkissedebony97 @turn-thy-paige @amelatonin @nerdybitchpudding @amennariee @est1887 @likesfairytales @maverickabull  @productofchina  @jd-now-jq @winchwm​ @thotti3par7on @vintageembrace @jesseswartzwelder @pivictorious @anat2507 @euh-say-what-now @raveviolet @rdjparker @actorinfluence @sadishdelray @041802 @ljstraightnochaser @priya212 @winterboobear11 @awaywithtime @evermcfearless @tashawar @dwights-new-plague @renfrewscorner @euphoric05 @baby-iyania @marvelatthis30 @kailyndavillier @thelilbutifulthings @problackasfwilson @brownskinafro @miss-jackson500 @thejeneralvicinity @siempremamita @theladybiers @ibe-erynn @literaturefeen @richonne4life @ani808 @scifi-fantasist @mizzzpink @creolemami @disconectedswift @i-lie-here-charmed @bamakakechick @captainchrisstan @dragonballluver @martinafigoli @spxcecxramxl @letsdothemonstermash @queenwinchester27 @chrisevansfanfic @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @mirmirmur @redhairedfeistynerd @nico-diangelo-grey @imaslutforcaptainamerica @ibe-erynn @amazonian-strap-queen @wintermoons @tenaciousperfectionunknown @shining---h somethin @cookinggurl43 @shar74nett @live-laugh-love-ki @deadpixie22 @jasmindaughteroftheworld @letsdothemonstermash @almosttherebutnot @munteanhore @blackgurlkillinit @madixii @jillanaholland @melanicia @chuckbass-love @smediumsmeatbae @jovanaprime  @onetwo3000 @tashawar @rainbowkisses31 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison-00 @guardian-tn @timotheessoleil @rynabarnesrogers-reading  @kemkem101 @jd-now-jq @blackmissfrizzle @sohalia01 @badkittybang @queenoftheworldisdead @reveviolet @madixii @southerngracela @myakai13 @likesfairytales @cessamjrmr @fanfictionaffair @sullyosully @naturalthrone22 @kittykatlow  @beccacupcakesxo @littlepreciousangel​@queenshikongo3 @simply-heaven @chezdricks @euh-say-what-now @mangos4u @toni9​  @offrostandstarlight  @jillanaholland  @dragonballluver  @ukmkhan @cltex84​ @petty-bitch-akira​  @almosttherebutnot @imaslutforcaptainamerica @tstark-94 @littleheavensangel2 @peggyslegion @xoxloaveasre @lickmymelaninn
***There are a few that are bold that I tried to tag but your @ wasn’t coming up. I’m not sure why. I’m sorry.***
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