#oh goooood morning dear
stunie · 2 months
tsubaki about to do cpr on sakura chjdjf ily tsubaki
I FELL ASLEEP AT 6:30 AND WOKE UP AT 8 !!!!!!!!! also oh my god. the first panel of sakura with his eyes shut on the field actually had me so scared for a second 😭 i was like … hey … hold on now … BUT PLS ? TSUBAKI WAS SO CUTE IN THAT CHAPTER SMSMSM HE IS SO GREAT
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Ruby: MMmm-MH! Goooood Morning Yang!
Yang: *Brushing Teeth* M'rn Rbs!
Ruby: You're up bright and early. What's up?
Yang: *Spits in sink* Me and Blakey got a whole day planned-*Gargling & Swishing Mouthwash, Spits* We're gonna go for a walk in the park to get some pictures taken and do a little window shopping, then we're meeting up with her parents for lunch!
Ruby: You've got a whole day planned, Huh! Is there something special about to ... day ...
Ruby checks the calender - wednesday, Febuary 14th.
Valentines day
Ruby: Nonono! Not now! I haven't prepared!
Yang: Sorry Rubes! I gotta get dressed, so unless you wanna see me naked again, you should-
Ruby: I'm going, I'm going!
Ruby: Hey Weiss! Blake and Yang are busy-
Weiss: I have Dates planned Ruby! I'm afraid I can't help you.
Ruby: With- I'm sorry did you say 'Dates' as in Dates Plural?
Weiss: Yes I did.
Ruby: Isn't that kind of-
Penny: Salutations Ruby! I am here to see My Valentines for the day!
Ruby: Penny? You're going out with Weiss?
Jaune: I am too! We're going to be switching on and off throughout the day!
Ruby: What.
Penny: Knowing that you identify as 'Asexual' I inquired what romance felt like to Weiss, who was on her way to ask Jaune on a 'date.' Jaune brought up how Polyamorous relationships were uncommon but plausible, so Weiss agreed to spend her time with us both!
Ruby: ... Oh.
Weiss: Yes, and I still need to finish readying up! Please leave so that I may Dress!
Loud Thumping and groaning may be heard behind Ren and Nora's Door, along with slapping sounds.
Ruby: I dunno why I thought they'd be doing anything else.
Oscar: Hey Ruby! What're you up to?
Ruby: Finding you! Everyone else is busy with Valentines, so I figured "hey, Oscar hasn't seemed interested in anyone, and he know what romance is" so I looked for you so we could have a Totally Platonic hangout. Which, for Valentines day would be weird-
Whitley: *Barging in* Hello my Evergreen~ I brought Cinnamon raisin Oatmeal cookies for my most sweet of sweets~
Oscar: Uuuhh ... Sorry Ruby, I'm kinda busy?
Ruby:  ̄へ ̄
Ruby: *Knocking on Door* HEY UNCLE QROW!
Robyn: *Wrapped in a towel* Sorry kid, He's busy in the Bathroom.
Ruby: ... i though him and Clover-
Clover: I'm here Too!
Qrow: I got a big heart Kid! Now leave and let me bathe with these guys, or I'll tell them about your seventh brithday!
Clover: Now that I wanna hear!
Ruby: You wouldn't!
Robyn: *Holding Qrow's hand* He Would.
Ruby: ... Got it. Have a nice time. Please leave a sock on your handle next time this happens!
Ruby: ...
Emerald: How do they feel now?
Mercury: *Rubbing his legs, crying Slightly* They feel Real. They feel like they're back.
Ruby: Well That's sweet.
Emerald: We're trying. I'd talk more but concentration-
Ruby: And Merc seems like he needs you, have a nice day.
Ruby: Hey Winter-
Winter: ...
Cinder: *On Winter's shoulder* ...
Ruby: ... I'll be going.
Ruby: Hey Miss Schnee-
Willow: *sweaty and Flushed* Hello Dear! I'm afraid I don't have much time-
Kali: Willow~ We have time for one more round before me and Ghira need to see our Kitten~
Ruby: Just go-
Willow: I can take a break if you need-
Ruby: I'll be fine, i get it-
Willow: Seriously, If you need something-
Ruby: Thank you, but I'm good, all good, go have your fun-
TaiYang: Hey! You've reached the Personal Scroll of Taiyang Xiao Long! At the moment I am pounding someone's ass right now, and Can't reach you! PLease leave a message at the Tone!
Ruby: *Hangs up* Safe to assume that's where Raven is.
Ruby: ... Hey? Hey Torchwick!
Roman: *Sitting at a table at a cafe* Little Red, I'm not in the mood for any of our games today.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Roman: Look, Neo's a free spirit, and on today of all days, she's reveling in Warm bodies rather than cold blood, leaving little ol' me out to dry, just cause the way I get down and Dirty is only ever stylish not sexy.
Ruby: ... yeah, I get that. Everyone I can think of is either being horny or romantic. It's annoying.
Roman: Oh-ho-ho! It seems the little nightmare for all the criminals in Vale is and Ace of Spades, huh?
Ruby: Well ... *Unfurling Crescent Rose as she takes a seat* Wrong Farm tool, but yeah, my flags fly white, gray, Green and Purple.
Roman: ... how about truce for today? I get the feeling if we stay out of each other's trouble our friends and family can have a nice day.
Ruby: No assault, theft from Mom and Pop shops, no murders, no trafficking and no destruction of property.
Roman: ... take off destruction of property.
Ruby: Hostile architecture only.
Roman: *Extending his hand* Deal.
Ruby: *shaking his hand* Sweet.
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Hi dear! How are you? How have you been?I'm sorry for bothering, but can I request Chuuya and Dazai fighting for y/n? And how would it be? You can ignore this if you want!
Thank you for reading this, have a lovely day!!<3
Ok ok ok I'm back! Hello! Sorry for not posting, shits been wierd. Anywho, I had to write this as chaotic mafia trio Dazai and Chuuya bc two petty teenagers who are also super powerful? The chaos is endless. Hope you enjoy this and come back soon :))
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The three of you weren't kids anymore. That much was completely obvious. But you weren't adults, either. You had entered the acne prone, awkward crushes, too-long limbs and growing pains era of your lives. That's right;
the unholy trinity of the port mafia had become true teenagers.
While never truly disciplined the way the rest of the mafia was, the three of you still took orders. That changed, to Mori's growing irritation, the older you got. At nineteen, the three of you were all but flipping him the finger any chance you felt you could get away with it. (Always.) But aside from making Mori wished he could shoot all of you in the foot, the boys had their own problems. And that problem had a name that meant death by the time it was 15; that problem had bright eyes and a wicked smile and smelled like the sweet cold of a winter morning.
Y/n L/n, final third of the mafia's prodigies, was a problem. And it just so happened that today was your birthday.
Like always, you were up with the sun; and no, you didn't get up. But the light from the sun was gentle through your windows, the sheets were perfect on your skin, and-
and there was a thud coming from outside your door.
Only two people in the world would dare make that much noise this early. And when you swung the door open, you were faced with the cheeky smile of one Osamu Dazai.
"Goooood morning y/n!!" He sang as he presented an arm of roses to you with a grandiose bow. "And happy birthday!" Stepping into your room, he leaned in while you shut the door behind you. "We're gonna get so fucked up today."
For all of his bravado, though, he could still feel his heart in his throat when you pulled his shirt front and muttered, "for both your sakes, I don't want to be able to walk straight for a week after today."
"Oh y/n," he laughed, "you'll be lucky if we're done celebrating a week after today. Now pack your bags; we wont be back."
An hour later, freshly showered and dressed, you sat with a coffee outside a small cafe when idiot number two appeared. Similarly to the first, he was trying to hide the blush on his cheeks when you smiled at him, oblivious to what you were doing to him. Gently, he pressed a small black box into your hands and kept his eyes on yours as they widened. The knives were stunning- long handled and perfectly crafted, the tips on the blades so fine their promised to draw blood at the smallest touch. But at the base of the hilt, two silver letters curved through the metal, studded with diamonds so small and delicate you nearly thought them one solid stone. Your initials in diamonds, on the most beautiful knives you'd ever seen.
Chuuya couldn't stop himself from raising his middle finger behind your back to the bench Dazai was spying from not too far way as you hugged him.
The well off drink champagne at birthday dinners.
The wealthy drank cognac and whiskey.
But three extravagant 20 year olds had found themselves in the vineyards of Italy, surrounded by pyramids of rainbow bubbles, wines, and amber liquids just begging to be tasted. All through the surrounding olive trees, small golden lights flashed to peculiar rhythms, all set around a round table set with the richest food you could imagine. Once again, Chuuya had Dazai beat- the wine fanatics dinner arrangements were nothing short of impeccable. But after hours eating, laughing, drinking, (and running from club to club until three in the morning) it was Dazai's turn again. Back on a plane you went, sleep overtaking you as you flew south. When you woke up again, the world had changed into a tropical paradise; one you would find out Dazai had taken the liberty of reserving for the three of you.
Two days on the island had treated you well; you sighed happily as you stretched out, the sun beaming down on your now-glowing skin. Down at the water, Dazai and Chuuya tried to pretend like each wasn't watching the other watch you.
"Private island? really?" Chuuya's voice was full of comtempt as he tried to shove Dazai under the crystal blue waves.
"You're one to talk, Mr. Monogrammed knives."
"At least I opened with something better than roses. What movie did you get that cliche from, asshole?"
"Oh just wait." Dazai's smirk meant whatever it was, Chuuya wouldn't like it. "Once the sun goes down, it's over for you, Nakahara."
Feet bare, you stepped onto the sleek boat, the water turning gold with the last shreds of sun. As your island became smaller and smaller, the water grew darker and darker around you. The stars came out, the moon appeared, and then, just as the boat had slowed, you dipped your feet into the waves.
And the water lit up.
When your feet touched the warm surface, it lit up in fluorescent blue. Gasping, you swept your hand through to the same effect- hearing your laugh, Dazai knew you'd seen, and held your shoulders while you leaned over the edge.
"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Your amazed laugh was all the response he needed. With renewed fervor, the boat moved through the waves, sending light across the rippling ocean. You stayed there for hours- floating in the calm sea of the coast of your island, swimming in the perfect waves, and falling asleep all over one another on the way back.
Both were respecting to go back to their own cabins after saying goodnight to you- after arguing over who'd done better this year of course, but you didn't give them the chance. One second, you were laughing like kids again, the next, all three of you were passed out, Dazai's head on your lap and your head resting on chuuya's shoulder.
And right then, it didn't matter who loved who- it was just you and your friends and three people always ready to kill, die, and party like the world was ending.
But only if you got to do it together.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
oh my goooood sorry this is not sp related, but not me open mouth ugly crying again because there was a little girl that i watched in the morning everyday for six months, she was in kindergarten </3
her mom was this really busy intense lady that didn't have a lot of time for her so she used to ask me do her hair sometimes ( badly bc i can't braid ), she made me guess what fruit was in her snack every morning ( it was usually blueberries but i used to guess eyeballs and rocks all the time to make her giggle ), we always read a different book every day so she'd get better at reading/spelling, she asked me how to spell my name and what my favorite color was so she wrote my name in green in her journal every single night and showed me the next day and i had to help her when she had to wash her hands in the bathroom bc she couldn't reach the soap :(
and today was the very last day of k-5 elementary school, we read one last book, she showed me her journal spelling of my name ( it was perfect ) and i asked her to give me a final hug because i might not be back next year and she freaked out and wouldn't let me leave the classroom because she didn't want me to go and i started crying and squeezed her hand and told her that this was goodbye for now, but not forever </3 and that she had to be brave because she's a big first grader now and aaaaaah i'm crying, i'm crying, she was so dear to me and i realized that she's gonna be able to hit the soap all by herself next year and she's going to be able to read books she thought were so hard right now and AAAAAAAA i'm crYinG ;-;;;;;
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AW – Amelia Watson NR – Nerissa Ravencroft MC – Mori Calliope FC – Fuyo Cloverfield RP – Rin Penrose BW – Bao the Whale
Rejected Lines From Movies FC: E.T phone premium rate sex line! MC: Milk, bread, Oreos… are you sure this is this the right list, Mr. Schindler? NR: There are 50,000 Zulu outside, now tell Jade to get back inside and keep her bloody mouth shut! AW: (Austrian accent) This T-1000 cybernetic organism has encountered a problem and needs to close. Do you wish to send an error report? FC: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. But on weekends, Majorie. MC: A census-taker tried to test me once. I ate his liver with some garlic bread and a bottle of Jim Beam. RP: Goooood morning, Cheltenham! AW: Well there's one thing I should tell you Mr. Darcy… I have chlamydia. NR: What, Rambo? You want to wait for a U.N resolution? BW: (bad Southern English accent) You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off, Ibrahim! MC: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But thank you for phoning the BT helpline. AW: (impersonating Darth Vader) Luke Skywalker… I am your mother!
Unlikely Excerpts From a Nature Documentary NR: D'ya see this little fella here? (points to hand, then smacks it) BW: PULL! AW: I'm having to whisper, because this woman's husband is in the room next door. MC: This beautifiul hummingbird… is no match for my squash racket. BW: And I'm having to whisper, because the bear has got me in a headlock. MC: Penguin, with his head trapped in a beer can. Tragic, and yet somehow hilarious. NR: I'm stood here in the jungle, in my bath robe… because my luggage is still at Heathrow. FC: Welcome back to "Pimp My Hippo"! NR: And here we have two insects… going at it like rabbits… phwoaaar! MC: Out of the water climbs a majestic otter, who turns-- oh no, it's a dog. NR: And yes, the lion's after the impala, and the lion's got the impala! TUCK IN MY SON! LION 1, IMPALA NIL! MC: (Australian accent) I'm the ghost of Steve Irwin, and welcome to "Animals Kill the Daftest Bastards!"
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weltonreject · 4 years
hello it's egr again ! sorry i Disappeared i got Quite Busy and haven't been on here much but! i think recently i have gotten out of my years long reading slump which is exciting ! i've finished 2 books and am currently devouring a third since i last sent u something (the first two i didn't love bc like i said before i'm Picky about writing style so while the concept was fun the style put me off and i read them more to find out what happened than pure enjoyment but !! i am loving the third one so far it's called The Unspoken Name i'm not sure if it's ur kind of thing but it's very Captivating so far very different and fun and i like the style of this one a lot so ! based on the first 4 chapters i would recommend so far). i also made a quilt for my friends birthday which was exciting and have been making sourdough bread almost constantly which is fun, it all makes me feel like i'm elderly but in a good way haha. anyway i hope u are doing well, i see u are trying to implement new habits and routines so i'm wishing u lots of luck for that !! that can be a tricky thing to do but i believe in u to push through the rough days and recover from any that don't go exactly as planned and hopefully reach ur goal :D i hope u are having a wonderful evening/day and something nice big or small happens to u !! love egr (also i always read egr as "egger" which reminds me of like some weird historic nickname or literal eggs lol)
Egger! Egg! My Love!
I’m glad to hear you got out of your reading slump. That’s fantastic! I’ll have to add The Unspoken Name to my list-- I’m gathering pretty much any and all titles that can be vouched for being Readable. I’m trying to balance out my Classics with some contemporary fiction just to see what’s going on in the publishing scene. You know. To be Relevant and such.
A QUILT??!! Oh I LOVE THAT. I love the feeling of a quilt over every other blanket. And my m*ther has been making a lot of sourdough bread lately, which is fun to help make but I don’t particularly like the taste so now every meal is half overrun with a Not Great Bread-- helping me cut out carbs though I guess?? But, anyway, I do love the feeling of Being Old from Hobbies. I cross stitch a lot and that always makes me feel like I’m sitting by the fire waiting for my husband to comeback and tell me the newest correspondence from the King to the Colonies or something like that...
I’m doing alright! Trying to get my shit together in an environment where having one’s shit together is not exactly a priority or respected, so I’m really trying. This week is a Declutter Week, so I started with my whole space yesterday and then today is my desk and all my papers. I have an entire filing cabinet filled with old writing ideas and snippets that I need to tidy up. There is so much stuff. Like, easily twelve books (or at least base plots for them) are buried in this little plastic file hellscape. Let’s hope it’s an easy task today.
Sending you my love and my best. Hope today treats you kindly.
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this is not an interaction but listen... i thought of m!raven as a spy that infiltrated the royal court of monarch!reader's... an enemies to (hopeless) lovers + royalty!au sort of thing and i had to write it out. (excuse my poor writing but m!raven brainrot is growing on me—)
something about the mysterious raven is perplexing, like an enigma you can't quite place your hands on, a maze you can't see ahead of. he is pompous, an absolute suck-up for his own gains, full of himself yet not to the point where he speaks beyond his capabilities. there are many things you notice about him, as you should do, because you are a proud monarch who stands high above your subjects to protect and rule over them all — and because you were trained by your parents to be no fool.
his words are as hypnotizing as a pair of snake's eyes. you can almost sense — no, taste the hidden intentions that are akin to salty drops of deceit concealed inside his languid speech that he offers to you like candied roses. it is the painful truth; in his eyes, you are no more than an objective, a goal that he wants to accomplish — you know this because that's the only thing your mother ever said to you; that you should know better, you are no fool.
you should get rid of him, for your safety and for your kingdom.
and yet, the way he places the tip of his quill atop his lips when he is deep in thought. the concentration in his eyes as he writes. the way he'd have this glint in his eyes whenever a new idea comes knocking that is so brief you could've missed it for a split second... you've observed him before, those moments of his are no lies. he is not just the cynical and haughty raven, but he is also the sophisticated raven who loves writing and likes getting his ego struck to the point it's endearing in a way. as dangerous he is, he seems harmless to you in those very moments.
or maybe, you are being naive. too naive because you want to believe in raven — but believe in what, exactly? that he is an oh-so 'discreetly good person'? he'd have grimaced at your words, he'd have laughed at you mockingly: who exactly gives you the rights to fit him inside your mold of idealistic morals? he's not wrong.
it is your own fault thaf you've undeniably fallen for these little things about him. these things that make him seem almost humane in your eyes, even if you know he's up to no good. yes, you may be no fool to his schemes but perhaps, you are a fool for his love.
in times of idleness, you can't help but wonder... if there exists a life where you were no queen and he were no villain, would've things ended up differently then? would there be no mistake in falling for him, if so? such wishful thinking and you could only longingly hold onto that visage in your dreams.
and only in your dreams were you able to live a life where rays of sunlight penetrate through the curtains, where the birds sing a tune by the windowsill and then, the sound of you setting down a cup of tea by his desk with a smile. "well, well. good morning, dear. how was your slumber?" he says to you, his tone genuine and void of any hidden intentions that involve your kingdom's downfall nor your death.
just you and him, but it was only a dream.
DAMN 😂 You went off, Anon!! m!Raven rot got a goooood grip on your brain folds...
Monarch!Reader is preparing to ascend to the throne, but all the lessons and meetings leave you weary. You enjoy the few moments of your day when you can take a breather and appreciate the finer things in life, like the arts. Recently, you’ve become enamored with the works of a particular author from a hostile foreign country... one that writes under the pen name “The Writing Raven”). You find yourself connecting to them via their writing (like a parasocial relationship!), and you develop a longing to meet your idol in deal life, even if you don’t know their real name or face. In a strange way, it’s like your “first love”.
As you slowly come into age, you come to learn more members of the court and their various duties—all the people you’ll be working with to rule one day... and then there’s the pompous new fellow, the royal scribe. He looks as though he’s a drop of the night manifested as a person: dark and mysterious, the stars caught in his eyes and the moon’s glisten upon his lips. He’s eloquent, but also sharp witted and snappy, always keeping you on your toes, always challenging you... yet he never speaks much of himself.
You suspect he’s hiding something, some secret that’s always on the tip of your tongue but that you’re too afraid to utter out loud, in case it spooks him away. He has some strange habits... locking up all his papers, whispering to the birds and handing them letters to deliver to who knows where. Your parents had always warned you of potential assassins and spies—so that was the first thing you suspected. But for as much of a danger as he poses, he’s also the most intrigue you’ve ever found in your dusty old court and castle. He has traveled the world, and regales you with stories inspired from distant lands and steeped in rich cultures and histories. Every word he utters drags you further and further under his spell. You realize this is a nightmare dressed as a daydream, but it tastes too sweet to relinquish to reality.
You like watching him work—he’s thoughtful and deliberate with it, so diligent as he follows at your side, parchment and pen in hand. He listens to you with a rapt reverence, sometimes a little smirk, as he scrawls down your speech and files them away for safekeeping. You’ve seen him writing in his free time too, when he lets his imagination fly high, and he gets this excited sparkle in his eye. His creative writing is familiar to you, like meeting a childhood friend after years have passed. You put two and two together, recognizing the writing style of your “first love”, the author you had admired so—an author from a hostile country. You realize, in that moment, who he is and why he is here.
And you don’t care. You don’t care, as long as you can still see him, still be with him.
He’s so hard to read. You never know when he’s being serious or not—and that’s the scariest part in all of this, not knowing what is fact and what is fiction. Perhaps this was his plan all along: to not only ensnare you in emotions, but to also leave you questioning yourself, your own judgment. When you look at him, your heart can’t help but ache, can’t help but wonder if he feels the same at all... If he, too, curses his role in all of this, and wishes for a quiet, peaceful life at your side.
But you’ve seen how flippant he can be, how he so easily tosses out smiles and flirtations. He doesn’t love you—he can’t, but you so desperately want him to. You think you’re deluding yourself, trying to stave off the inevitable. This only truly ends when one of you is dead, and you don’t want to come to terms with that.
You lie in your bed and stare at the ceiling, wondering if he will appear with a knife, a bottle of poison, or a kiss to kill you. All three options sound equally as dastardly.
You wonder and wonder and wonder until sleep seizes you, bringing with it a wonderful dream of a happy life.
In the dream, he’s sitting at a desk, scribbling a story—a romance—of two lovers, torn apart by their warring countries, but able to overcome all odds and live happily ever after in spite of it. You shyly set down a cup of tea for him, and the quiet clink grabs his attention. He glances up from his pen and quill, and when he sees you, he grants a smile most tender and merciful.
His lips move, and your mind fills in the words for him.
“Thank you, darling.”
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The One Where They Kiss You
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I would like to wish the happiest of birthdays to my dear friend, Inky, @thinkanddoodle-rhink​. 🎉🎂🥂🎁
To celebrate I wrote a little fic for her and to all of you. It’s a bit silly and fun with a hint of rhink and a pinch of smut.
I hope y’all enjoy the fic and please, go wish my friend happy birthday! She is awesome. 💜
“Today we’re going to answer the age-old question! Who’s the better kisser?”
“Let’s talk about that!”
The theme song of Good Mythical Morning plays and you squirm in your seat between the two huge men. And they are huge. Massive. Obviously, you knew they were tall. You’d seen them in photos and videos next to people that were the same size as you, but to actually be in their physical presence is something else. It’s intimidating in a way that makes you feel a bit flushed all the time.
“You doing okay?” Link whispers to you, leaning down. You nod, turning to smile at him. A mistake, you realize immediately. His eyes are so blue and so kind and filled with mischief. Your stomach somersaults and you turn your gaze away quickly. To make matters worse, a huge warm hand pats your thigh from the other side, and Rhett’s voice makes your insides squirm.
“We’re just going to have some fun, yeah? Nothing to worry about.”
“Yup,” you say and force a smile on your face when the theme peters out.
“Goooood mythical morning!” Rhett announces and winks at the camera. You twist your hands together in your lap and straighten your posture. In the monitor, you can see yourself dwarfed by the two men. The sight is still unbelievable. Yet here you sit, after months of emails and calls with the production team and even a video call with the men themselves. It all still feels like a dream. You try to take it all in the best you can as Link launches into the scripted intro.
“We’ve shared a kiss before—”
“We’ve shared a kissing partner,” Rhett interrupts Link with a correction and a stern look, but Link just smirks at the camera and continues:
“But we’ve never figured out definitively which of us is the best kisser. That’s going to change today with the help of our new friend! Give a warm welcome to our lovely guest!”
The crew cheers and applause fill the room. You wave a bit awkwardly as Link pulls you into a sideways hug, his smile as wide as ever. Gosh, he’s so solid. And warm. Your cheeks flush and you wonder if you can blame it on the bright filming lights.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself to the audience?” Rhett suggests and you stammer out your name and where you’re from.
“Wonderful,” Rhett declares as if you told him something particularly exciting. “As many of you know we asked for volunteers for this auspicious task and from the hundreds—”
“Thousands,” Link pipes in.
“Thousands,” Rhett amends with a smile, “participants, lady luck picked this lovely beast!” Rhett turns sideways and presents you to the cameras as if you’re a new car in one of those crazy game shows.
“Wild,” you deadpan, getting a burst of giggles out of the crew.
“Wild indeed. Are you ready for today? I assume you’ve prepared extensively.”
“Oh, yeah,” you say, feeling yourself relaxing into the banter a bit. “I’ve spent the last few weeks kissing middle-aged dads who make videos on the internet.”
Read the rest on AO3
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
heyyy hello to you too calliee!!💕
i apologise for not replying sooner, i reeeally wanted to but i have a pretty big exam coming up so today was a full day of studying, great way to spend a saturday🙄 so yeah we could say my weekend didn't start in the best way possible, but it's alright.
totally relate to the morning struggle to get out of bed ugh. WHY does it have to be soooo warm, soft and comfortable??! wish i could stay curled up in bed forever, it's so cozyy
and HOW DARE YOU kill me like that by announcing there may be a NEW FIC TOMORROW???!!!!! aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm sooo excited (tbh even if it ends up coming out in a week i'll be just as excited lol)
hope your saturday was just as fantastic as you and that you accomplished everything you planned to♡
yeah unfortunately no thirsty asks but can't wait to see their comeback, they're so fun and make me feel less alone about my strange, dirty thoughts lol🥵
love the nickname teddy btw, so cute and fluffy kajhshajajdjkkas🥺🧸💓
also loved <3 anon's idea of this blog being a little book club of Oscar Isaac stans, cause that's definitely the vibe, just coziness, comfort, love with just the right amount of smut🤭 (oh <3 anon, loads of love to you too, you're such a precious soul and seeing an ask from you again made me so so happyyy)
also THE COFFEE PICTURE!!! mmm HELLOOOO??? I'M NOT FEELING SO GOOD. his hands, THE HANDS DEAR LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME wkkahshsjsskhdhdj (so so glad to see I'm not the only one OBSESSING over people's hands, 🌻anon totally agree with what you said and I hope you're having a great day too <3)
last thing, umh HOW can i possibly choose just ONE of your fics to be my favourite??? no, you're asking me the impossible. ugh they are all so goooood callie, i can't😫 literally everything you write just takes me to a whole new dimension that i never wanna leave ugh. you are such a talented writer callie, for real🥺💕 but like IF my life depended on it, IF i had a gun to my head and i had to choose my favourite i'd probably say the morning after. it's the first fic of yours that i read and it made me follow you instantly, so yk it holds a special place in my heart. then i fell in love with all your other works and can't wait to fall even more with each story you create💞💞
as usual this came out a huge mess, just me blurting out every single thing that crosses my mind lmao
i hope you're having a great day/night callie and can't wait to talk some more with you, love you to the moon and back💓💓
teddyy, happy sunday to you my love ✨
oh my, no worries sweet !!! school is def no joke haha. but i really hope your exam goes super well :) i’m sending you the best of luck your way, you’re going to ace this and i will cheering you on from all the way over here 🍀🥰
my saturday started out slow but then something came up later on so i wasn’t able to finish writing 😭 but it’s alright! i’m going to work on the fic this afternoon and have it all ready for tomorrow :)) i’ve written half of it so i’m pretty confident that it’ll get done by the end of the day heehee.
and yeeees!!! honestly it’s been so fun with all these asks about oscar and moon knight 😭 just chatting and crying and simping about them together literally makes my incredibly happy like you don’t understand skjdjdjj. i wish we could have one big group chat here where we all can just *sob* at the same time lololol.
but omg you’re too sweet??!!? you’re making me cry right now forreal ahsjdjdkd. i’ve been so highly critical of my writing but your words are always so encouraging and uplifting 😩 i really appreciate all the love and support and ughh this is going to turn into a long sappy post if i don’t stop now so lemme put on the breaks for a sec lmao we don’t want another crying fest @ me.
as always, it’s been such a joy chatting with you love babe :)) hope you’re having a beautiful day and staying hydrated, love you and talk to you soon 💗
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chaos-event-horizon · 3 years
Your villainy All Might seems like the kinda guy who's suuuper into dirty talk. Can you confirm?
Ooooh. Oh oh oh. I can do more than confirm. I can show. Very mature under cut.
"Tell me who makes you feel good, Kitten."
"Y-you! You make me feel so good!"
"Such a good boy for your Daddy. Tell me what feels good baby."
"Y-y-your-- ohhhhhh fuck-- your. Your cock inside me! In my cunt, Daddy!"
The big villain could have purred from the smug satisfaction of hearing Rian squeak out those words. He loved doing this-- fucking his little kitten so hard that he just did what he was told. No embarrassment. No inhibitions. With that, coupled with the far-gone look on the younger man's face, Toshinori could only barely hold back from going even harder at the poor kid. From forcing him to orgasm over and over.
Unfortunately for Rian, however, the world's number one villain had a sadistic streak. He loved banging the younger man senseless, into a whiny and mewling little mess of sensitivity, and then drawing their night out and torturing him with the pleasure... So instead he let out a soft growl as he led his sex-drunk little fiance into a kiss. "Damn you're so fucking hot. And This is all for me."
"Only for you!" the brunette moaned, clinging for dear life. "Fuck you feel so good inside me Daddy..."
The blonde felt himself twitch and had to slow down, lest he go over the edge. He'd be damned if he didn't feel Rian go over first.
"My perfect little Kitten..." Toshinori purred, "Say my name cutie. I wanna hear you fall apart for me."
"Oooooooh god Toshinori!"
"That's right Kitten, I'm your god. Now beg."
"T-Toshi please let-- ooooh please let me cum!"
Toshinori changed their angle, lifting Rian's hips to plow deeper into him and bring even more friction to the sensitive and twitching younger man. "Cum for me kitten. Now."
"Goooood ToshiToshiToshiToshi!!!"
The blonde gripped the headboard of their shared bed, the wood creaking dangerously as he tensed up while Rian clenched down around him. They both came undone, the older man almost gently guiding the incoherent brunette through while also trying to keep his cool, burying himself deep and kissing his lover desperately. After a moment, the both of them were left twitching in the over-sensitive aftermath. Toshinori noted with a grin that Rian looked like he'd run three straight marathons.
"Good boy, cumming so hard for me... I love watching you fall apart like this, babe."
"Mmm... I love when Daddy calls me his good boy," Rian mumbled, his voice weak but content and amusingly soft.
"My sweet little pet, you've come a very long way since we first started being physical... I remember having to coax that word out of you like a scared animal."
The brunette hummed tiredly, his grip loosening from that clinging embrace just as the villain gathered him up. The older man laid down with his counterpart resting against his chest, Toshinori still deep inside his wildly-wrecked cunt."I just... Realized it wasn't a joke you'd use against me, Toshi. Why be embarrassed? I love being your little Kitten."
"Only for my king."
They both smiled into the kiss they found each other in, Toshinori laughing softly. "My little kitten can be as naughty as he wants for Daddy... Though I'm putting my foot down for the night babe. You need sleep."
"Mmm... But... Another round...?"
"Don't tempt me Rian. I'd rock your world for days without stopping."
"That's what I'm counting on, Toshi."
They kissed a few more times, savoring one anothers' closeness. "Damn you're like an oasis in the middle of the fucking desert... But we're going to wait. Your lungs are still weak from the plague, kid." Rian looked like he wanted to argue, but nuzzled his boyfriend instead.
"Yessir... But in the morning you're absolutely mine, okay?"
"Mm... Okay, Kitten."
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
The Magic Circle
A JSE Fanfic
Hey, who’s excited for my first non-AU piece in a long time? Who’s excited for my first one-shot in like forever? If you’re excited for either of those things, then this is the piece for you :D I took some inspiration from Marvin’s video on Halloween to come up with this. Here, Marvin meets a magic group for the first time. Let’s see what happens :)
It’s a bright summer day outside. The sun is still high in the sky, despite it being almost five o’clock. There are people walking around the city streets, either going somewhere or even just taking a walk. Birds are chirping on top of the power lines and in the trees planted along the sidewalk. And Marvin was locked inside his room trying not to break something in frustration.
“Oh my goooood.” He puts his head down on the desk surface with a bit more force than necessary. It hurts, but he doesn’t mind. “Fuuuuuck offffff.” The desk before him is lit up with a lamp, despite there being sufficient light coming from the window. The lamp shines down on a laptop, open to a Google Docs document, and a leatherbound book, open to blank pages. Marvin drops his pen down on the desk. “Fuck it.” And with that, he pushes his chair back and heads over to the room’s door, unlocking it and heading outside.
He goes down the hall to the stairs, then down to the first floor. For a moment, he stops and blinks. His eyes feel...weird. Well, it makes sense. He’s spent almost all day staring at a computer screen or a blank page. The only time he wasn’t was when he was going to the bathroom. That probably wasn’t good for his eyes.
According to the wall clock in the downstairs hallway, he’s been trying for nearly five hours. That explains why he’s so hungry. Marvin heads into the kitchen and starts looking through the cabinets for something quick but filling.
Someone knocks on the doorframe behind him. Marvin jumps, and spins around. JJ is standing there. He waves. Hello, Marvin. Did you finish?
Marvin snorts and rolls his eyes. “Oh, I wish. I’ve done like...three pages. God. Fuck.”
Oh dear...JJ frowns. What’s wrong?
“I dunno.” Marvin rubs his eyes. “I just keep getting distracted. Opening up YouTube and stuff. God, it’s just so boring. Why do I even need to write it all down in a book? All my spells and shit are saved online.”
Some people are sticklers for tradition, JJ points out. But anyway, maybe you should take a break. You haven’t eaten anything, have you?
“Uh...no. That’s why I’m here.” Marvin resumes rummaging through the cabinets. “Do we have any crisps? I’m thinking of making nachos.”
You’re not just going to eat nachos, you haven’t had anything since you woke up at ten. JJ walks over and slowly pushes the door to the cabinet closed. Here, go sit down in the dining room. I’ll make you something.
“C’mon, JJ, you don’t have to. You were probably doing something else, don’t stop that for me.”
I was going to make dinner anyway, JJ shrugs. I know you don’t eat until later, usually, but please make an exception. You can’t work on that grimoire if you collapse from hunger.
Marvin sighs. “Yeah. Thanks.” He bumps his shoulder against JJ’s—a sign of affection that could easily be mistaken for clumsiness—and heads into the dining room.
He wishes he’d never found out about the greater magical community. Ever since he had, all it meant were problems. He had to learn all about the structure of this community, about how this organization called the ABIM made laws, about how certain spells were supposed to be regulated, about how things like wands, crystal balls, and other magical aides were supposed to be made certain ways. Marvin had always done his own thing. He didn’t exactly think he was the only person in the world with magic—after all, if that was the case, who wrote down all the spells he found online? But it hadn’t exactly registered that they were probably organized somehow, and that he should probably go look for others. Thanks to his total lack of searching for other magicians, the ABIM hadn’t realized he existed until about two months ago.
But now they know. And Marvin has to learn and keep up with a bunch of rules and regulations. The one that’s giving him the most trouble is the existence of a “grimoire.” Apparently, magicians are required to write down all the spells they know, and keep them in one place. And no, the document where Marvin had copy-pasted all the spells he’d found online doesn’t count. So now he’s spent the last week or so struggling to transcribe the online document into the book he’d purchased. Progress is...slow. Marvin just can’t focus on something as unstimulating as copying words down. There’s not even any new information to process.
Luckily, eating dinner helped him get some energy back. But when it’s all said and done, and he pushes away his plate, he’s dreading going back upstairs to try and ultimately fail some more. “Thanks, JJ,” he says.
You already said so, and you’re still welcome, JJ says. Then he pauses. Is there anyone who could help you with this? Other magicians lately?
Marvin groans. “Yeah, I guess I know some, but...I don’t wanna.”
Yes, we know, you’re very stubborn, JJ signs patiently.
“I can figure this out,” Marvin insists. “I can do things on my own!”
Except for making dinner, apparently.
Marvin can’t help but laugh. “Ah, ya got me there.” He sighs, and stares absently out the window. “Look, all the magicians I’ve met so far are part of this government group. And I don’t like them.”
Well, if you ask them for help, perhaps your opinion on that would change, JJ suggests.
“Well I wouldn’t be doing this in the first place if it wasn’t for their stupid fucking law!” Marvin snaps. Then he winces. “Sorry, didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m just...tired.”
JJ nods. Maybe you should stop for the night. It could be easier in the morning.
And also, if you keep getting distracted, have you tried putting on music? Or perhaps doing something with your spare hand while you write? That helps me.
“Maybe.” Marvin’s still uncertain.
JJ pushes his chair back and stands up. Also, can you please do the dishes?
“What?! But you cooked!”
Exactly, and we both ate it, so it’s only fair we both do something about it.
“Oh come on, I’m all tired, please?”
JJ merely folds his arms and stares at Marvin.
“Alright, fine,” Marvin relents. “I’ve been sitting all day, might as well do something a bit active.”
Oh thank you! JJ says, beaming.
“Heh, act like you didn’t twist my arm,” Marvin mutters, shaking his head affectionately.
Later that night, Marvin finds he’s having trouble going to sleep. He keeps thinking about JJ’s suggestion, the one about asking other magicians for help. Sure, he isn’t exactly fond of the ABIM magicians he’s met so far. But maybe someone else...then again, perhaps the problem with transcribing his spells is just with him, and not with the actual subject matter.
Still, it can’t hurt to get a second opinion, right? But how to find the magicians?
An idea starts to form in his mind. Marvin gets out of bed and walks over to the desk. His laptop is still set up from that day. He powers it on. The time on the computer clock reads 11:20pm. Wow, he’d only been trying to get to sleep for an hour, he thought it was longer. Anyway, he goes back to the document of his spells, searching through them for one specific spell.
Yes, there it is. The title is “Magic Minds,” a tracking spell he’d recently picked up. It’s supposed to be able to guide a magician to other magicians. Marvin hasn’t used it yet, since he had no real reason to. He didn’t want to run into magicians before, but why not now?
Marvin grabs his phone from where it was charging, and quickly changes out of pajamas and into regular clothes. He pauses, then also grabs his cape from his closet. There’s no real reason to wear it, but it would make him feel a bit better. And with all this, he heads downstairs and outside.
The spell is easy enough to cast. He’s done tracking spells before, and they all require the same basic steps. An incantation or a few gestures, then you follow whatever visual cue the spell uses to find your target.
He turns his wand over in his hands, flicking it upward, downward, side to side. Green sparks left behind by the movements make a cross, +, hovering in the air. Technically he could have used his hands, but he likes the wand. And with the cross sign hovering there, Marvin whispers a word, and blows on the middle of the cross. A wisp of green light dances out from the breath, and hits the cross. From the spot of impact, the cross turns from green to white, and falls down to be horizontal, parallel to the ground. It spins, reorienting itself, then one leg of the cross turns red as the cross settles, pointing somewhere. Marvin heads in that direction.
The cross acts as a compass, pointing in one direction. He hopes it’s not too far away. People would think it’s weird, seeing one guy with a magic compass in a cape wandering around the city at night. But unfortunately, it turns out to be far enough that he regrets not taking the bus. Then he remembers that the buses don’t run this late at night, and regrets not doing this in the daytime. How is he simultaneously the most impulsive and least impulsive person he knows?
He makes his way to a section of the city full of identical, red-bricked terrace houses. The compass starts glowing brighter. That must mean he’s getting closer. Though, looking around and seeing nothing but residential buildings around, he’s not sure he wants to break in to someone’s house. This situation doesn’t exactly call for it. He’ll probably just write down the address.
The compass flickers, drawing him out of his train of thought. It locks onto one direction, flares brightly, and then dies. Marvin growls, frustrated. This isn’t the time for the spell to fail!
“You couldn’t have waited to put it on?”
Marvin jumps a bit at the voice, and ducks into the nearest alley way. He glances around, and sees a pair of people on the other side of the street, walking. Oddly enough, one of them is wearing a black cloak. No...it can’t be this easy...
“Oh, who’s out to see it?” a different voice says. “It’s late.”
“It’s a busy city, you’re just lucky no one’s out in this section,” the first voice snaps.
The pair walks up to one of the houses, standing on the doorstep. They continue to whisper to each other, too quiet for Marvin to hear on the other side of the street. After a while, the door opens, and the two of them disappear inside.
Strange...Marvin walks out of the alleyway, staring at the house on the other side of the street. What’s this all about? He glances around, making sure there are no cars or people coming, then runs across the street, stopping outside the house. He pauses, then glances into the window quickly. The inside doesn’t look any different from an average house, but he’s not sure since he ducks away quickly so nobody inside will notice him. Though strangely, there aren’t any people inside, even though there must have been at least three. He glances back in, just to make sure they aren’t anywhere.
It’s then that he notices something strange. The image through the window is...shimmering. Like a heat wave in the air. But the glass isn’t warped or anything that would cause that effect. On a whim, Marvin presses a finger to the window pane.
And surprisingly, the window appears to shiver. A wave of warm yellow light ripples out from the point of contact, just like water across the surface of a still pond. Slowly, the effect ends, and once it does, Marvin can see people gathered in the living room. And they’re all wearing black cloaks.
What was this? A magic gathering? Marvin’s curiosity grabs a hold of him. He has to get inside. But how?
He gets out his phone, looking through the spells he has gathered again. There should be an invisibility one here somewhere. He hadn’t used it since his days as a stage magician, but he must still have it. Though it takes a while of scrolling, he does eventually find it. It’s just an incantation, but it requires the magician to use absolute focus as long as they want to remain invisible. He always had trouble with that part, which is why he gave up on using it as soon as his career ended. Until now, he thought it was only good for escape tricks.
Scanning the incantation a couple times to make sure he knows it, Marvin takes a deep breath. He puts his phone back, then rings the doorbell and quickly whispers the incantation. A rush of cool flows over him, like suddenly walking out of a heated building into a cold outside, and when he next looks down, he can’t see his own body. He gasps in triumph, but then he sees his body flicker, and returns to concentrating on staying invisible.
The door opens, and a man in a cloak looks around. Marvin ducks past him, and luckily just barely avoids brushing against him. “Hello?” the man calls. A few moments pass, and the man shakes his head and closes the door.
Marvin finds himself standing in a living room, decorated in warm colors. At least ten people are gathered, all wearing black cloaks, though it appears they’re wearing regular street clothes under them. There’s a coffee table in the middle of the room, with a few various desserts lined up on it. A low buzz of chatter fills the air.
“What was it, Callisto?” a woman asks.
The man who opened the door shakes his head. “Nobody was there. Probably some kids’ prank.”
“In the middle of the night?” the woman asks doubtfully.
“You don’t know this neighborhood,” the man—Castillo—grumbles.
“You should have taken the cloak off before answering!” Someone else says.
“Shut up Basil, nobody would’ve cared,” Castillo snaps.
Marvin walks closer into the gathering, trying not to be distracted by the various conversations. It was difficult. Words kept sneaking into his awareness despite his best efforts. No, stay invisible. Stay invisible. Complete focus.
“Why does everyone keep bringing desserts to the meeting?” A woman nearby complains.
“Because it tastes fucking good, duh,” another woman next to her says.
“Can we get started already?” asks a man. “Hey Castillo! Everyone’s here, right? Can we get started?”
“Jeez, who lit the fire under your pants, Leo?” Someone mutters.
“Hey, I’m only pointing out that it’s almost midnight, Lily,” Leo says. “We’re running out of time!”
“Alright, Leo’s right, we’re getting close to the time,” Castillo sighs. “Alright, listen up everyone! We’re heading down to the basement to get started!”
A wave of chatter breaks out, and everyone files out of the room. Marvin rushes to the side in order to avoid anyone bumping into him. He watches silently as they all move into the hall and then down a set of stairs. What are they doing? He hesitates, then follows cautiously. A bunch of people in cloaks heading down to a basement for some sort of ritual? Every movie, book, and game ever says that’s a shady thing and should not be checked out. Yet he’s so curious. Is this what other magicians do?
The staircase isn’t too long, and it opens up into a large, wide room. Marvin was expecting a concrete floor and visible rafters, but it looks more like an entertainment room. The walls were painted a pale yellow, the floor was mostly carpeted, there were sofas and chairs and even one of those huge beanbags. It’s lit up by lightbulbs mounted directly into the ceiling, which makes it look just like any other household room. The only thing different is a square section of dark hardwood floor with a circle drawn on it in, well, what looks like salt. A few tall candles sit around the edges of the circle, in alternating purple and orange colors.
Marvin walks closer to the circle. There are some symbols drawn around its edge, also in salt. He’s surprised to realize he doesn’t recognize any of them. They’re not part of any runes he knows. But he does feel like he’s seen them before, somewhere else. Maybe it’s a different runic alphabet? But what does this mean?
“Hey, did you see that?” someone asks.
“See what?”
“I dunno, I thought...nevermind.”
“C’mon, Morgana.”
“Well, I just thought it looked like a person out of the corner of my eye.”
Marvin inhales sharply and goes back to concentrating on staying invisible. This is the last place he wants that to wear off.
“It’s five minutes to midnight!” Castillo calls. “Everyone in position!”
There’s a bit of awkward shuffling as the group moves to stand around the circle. A few people whisper about watching the edge of the salt to make sure it doesn’t get knocked out of place. “Someone get the lights,” Castillo says.
“Uh, shouldn’t we light the candles first so it’s not dark?” Basil points out.
“Oh, I have a lighter!” Morgana volunteers.
“Oh yeah.” Castillo nods. “Mor, you light the candles. Uh, James, you’re closest to the lights, knock them out, will you?”
“Everyone watch their hems,” Morgana says as she starts going around the edge of the circle and lighting the candles. Once they’re all lit, a man dashes over to the wall and hits the light switch, plunging the room into darkness except for the candlelight.
“Hands, everyone,” Castillo instructs. Everyone grabs their neighbors’ hands, forming a connected circle. “Two minutes to midnight. Time to start. Make sure you chime in at the right time.”
Silence falls. Marvin holds his breath, waiting for something to happen. And soon, the circle starts murmuring. No, it’s not just that, they’re actually chanting, all in a low, quiet voice. More voices join in, and they all get louder. Harmonies break off as different strings of words jump in, until the group is singing, their voices echoing off the walls.
Lines appear on the floor inside the circle. Lines of orange light, each one starting at the feet of one of the magicians, then ending at the feet of another. There were so many, connecting each magician to every other member of the group. The light coming from them grew brighter, and then—
Sparks flew into the air in the center of the circle. Quicker than what should be possible, they grow into a fire, hovering about three feet off the ground. The flames start orange, and then flicker between different colors—red, yellow, green, purple, blue, pink, white, and everything in between. It was as if a firework had gone off in the room, completely contained within a small part of the air. Marvin couldn’t help but gasp. And, as he stared closer into the fire, he realized there weren’t just colors...there were images as well. Shapes of people and objects forming scenes. They pass by too quickly for him to fully make out.
The chanting reaches a crescendo, and the fire breaks down into small balls of flame. Each one shoots toward one of the magicians, disappearing into their chests. For a moment, all the magicians glow with the colors of the fire. And then it fades. The lines on the floor disappear, and the magicians slowly stop their chants.
There’s a brief moment of quiet, like the heavy sort of silence one hears after having finished a good book and absorbing the story it contained. And then: “James, can you get the lights again?”
The man from before walks over to turn on the light switch. Everyone gasps and blinks in the suddenly bright room. Idle chatter starts up.
“Hey wait a minute, who’s that?!”
Marvin gasps as one of the magicians points at him. They all turn to look, and he realizes too late that he’d forgotten to concentrate on the invisibility spell.
“Who are you?!”
“What are you doing here?!”
“How’d you get in?!”
And Marvin panics. He turns and runs up the stairs, hearing the magicians shout behind him. Skipping the last step, he bursts out into the first floor hallway and starts to sprint for the front door.
Someone shouts something, and there’s a burst of red light. Then only blackness.
Marvin only realizes he lost consciousness once he starts regaining it. He groans, feeling a headache spike in his temples, and opens his eyes.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” A man is sitting next to him, wearing a black cloak. It takes Marvin a moment to recognize him as the Castillo guy. But upon recognition, he bolts upright. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down!” Castillo holds his hands up, slightly pushing Marvin back down. “You’re not in any trouble. Persephone hit you with a blackout spell, but she’s sorry about that.” He glares to the side. “Riiight?”
Every other cloaked magician is standing nearby. They’re all back in the living room from before, with Marvin lying on one of the sofas. “Uh, yeah, really sorry,” a woman says. “I freaked out and acted on instinct.”
“How are you feeling?” Castillo asks, turning back to Marvin. “Some people have allergic reactions to blackout spells. Are you having any trouble breathing?”
Marvin doesn’t answer, looking wide-eyed at the people around him. Now that he’s actively facing the prospect of talking to other magicians, his throat has closed up. It’s probably made worse by the fact that he technically broke into their secret meeting.
“Uh, sir?” Castillo reaches out and makes to grab Marvin’s arm.
“Don’t!” Marvin flinches away. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Oh, okay, sorry!” Castillo sharply withdraws. “Just wanted to be sure you were breathing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m fine, so don’t touch me,” Marvin grumbles. He shifts awkwardly, glancing around at the others. They’re starting to mutter among themselves. He can’t tell what they’re saying, and that makes him nervous. Are they mad at him? It would be understandable. But he’s terrible with tone of voice, so he can’t even tell, and the uncertainty makes him even more worried.
“I got it, no worries.” Castillo gives a friendly smile, no doubt meant to reassure Marvin. “But you are okay, right?”
“Yeah, fine,” Marvin mutters.
“That’s good,” Castillo nods. “Um...do you mind if I ask how you got here? This house is warded from any teleportations.”
“Yeah, if you guys tell me who you are first,” Marvin countered.
“We’re the Magic Circle, duh,” one of the other magicians says.
“Well I’ve never fucking heard of the Magic Circle, so excuse me for not knowing!” Marvin sits up on the sofa, scooting away from Castillo.
“Huh? Really?” Castillo looks puzzled. “Well, specifically, we’re the Mirygale chapter of the Magic Circle, it’s a nationwide organization.”
“Are you guys like a coven or something?” Marvin asks.
“We’re just a group, man,” another magician says. “We meet up, cast spells together, not that hard to grasp.”
“I’ve never heard of magic groups,” Marvin says warily.
Castillo blinks. “Seriously?”
“Well, I know the ABIM guys,” Marvin admits. “But that’s it.”
“ABIM is different,” Castillo says dismissively. “They’re like a government, and a loose one at that.” He pauses. “Are you...self-taught?”
“Yeah. Why the fuck does that matter?” Marvin demands.
It must have mattered significantly, because a chorus of “ohhhhhh” passed through the group. “Ah, that explains why you don’t know about magic groups,” Castillo says. “You’re a bit old for being self-taught, though. Most magicians from outside a magical family find—”
“—find out about the greater magic community when they’re in college, yeah, I know, I’ve heard that speech before,” Marvin says through clenched teeth. ���So I’m a few years late, I was busy. Anyway, what are magic groups? Just like, magicians gathered together? Is that allowed? What do the ABIM think?”
Castillo laughs. “The Magic Circle is much older than the Association, they couldn’t get rid of us if they wanted to.” He shrugs. “Well, magic groups aren’t too hard to figure out. It’s just a bunch of magicians gathered together.” He sweeps his arm around the room. “Spells cast by a group are more powerful than just a single magician alone. We share spells with each other, come to each others’ aid in times of magical crisis, study magic together...they say two heads are better than one, you know? Stronger in numbers.”
Marvin nods slowly. “So...what were you doing in the basement?”
“That? That was a combination divination and prosperity spell,” Castillo explains. “Something like that you can only get in a group. It shows us significant events in the next year, then gives us good luck.”
“Never heard of a good luck spell...” Marvin mutters.
“Well, you’ve been practicing on your own, and doing luck spells on your own is a tricky business,” Castillo says. “So now it’s our turn. How’d you get inside?”
Marvin shifts uncomfortably, then reluctantly explains the whole thing with the Magic Minds spell and the invisibility.
“Ohhh, I know that spell!” One of the magicians says excitedly. “But you’re supposed to include your target’s full name in the incantation, otherwise it’ll just lead you to the nearest magician.”
“Why were you looking for magicians?” Another one asks.
Marvin looks down. Now that the time has come for it, he’s kind of embarrassed. “I dunno, I...sort of wanted help with this grimoire thing. But it’s stupid. Nevermind.”
“Huh? What kind of help?” Castillo asks. “You know the Magic Minds spell and an invisibility spell, you seem pretty knowledgeable.”
Marvin scowls. “Well, apparently, it needs to be in a book, not online at all. Which is fucking dumb. Why do I have to copy it all over?! It’s all already there!”
“Have you tried listening to a podcast while doing it?” One of the magicians suggests. “It gives you something to focus on.”
Castillo chuckles. “Well, if it’s a problem with focus, I don’t know if magicians specifically could help.”
“Shut up,” Marvin mutters. “Maybe there’s a spell to copy it all over for me—”
“If you found one, let me know, will you?” Castillo jokes.
Marvin glares at him, then stands up. “Well, I’m sorry for interrupting your Magic Circle shit, I’ll just go now, because clearly this was a stupid fucking idea—”
“Hey wait!” Castillo stands up as well. “What’s your name, bro?”
“Don’t call me bro!” Marvin growls. “But it’s Marvin. Marvin Moore.”
“Wait holy shit like Marvin the Magnificent?!” A magician says excitedly. Marvin recognizes him as the James one. “You had real magic the whole time?! No wonder people couldn’t figure out your tricks!”
Marvin can’t help but smile proudly at that. “Hell yeah, people loved it.”
“Well, Mr. Moore, you have some powerful magic in you,” Castillo says admirably. “You bypassed all the wards I set up here without even trying.” He walks over to a table with drawers, pulling one open and taking out a pen and notebook. After scribbling something down, he tears out the page, and walks back over to hand it to Marvin. “This is all our information, and my personal phone number. If you ever have a group you want to join, call us, okay?”
“Oh! Do it!” James encourages. “Then we’ll be thirteen, it’ll be the ideal number for most spells! And we’ll have a famous guy in our chapter!”
“Hey, let him make his own decision,” a nearby magician says.
Marvin scans the information from the paper. There could be benefits to joining a magic group...one of which being that he’ll finally have more than five people to talk to. And were these spells cast by groups really more powerful? A familiar feeling starts to grow inside him, a feeling of wanting to know, of wanting to be the best. That feeling led him astray in the past, got him mixed up in branches of magic he probably shouldn’t have been involved in. But if he’s with other people, it’ll be different, right? He hesitates for just one moment longer, then asks, “Hey, so uh, what if I’ve already made my decision?”
The next day, Marvin finds himself sitting at his desk once more, with his laptop and his unfinished grimoire before him. But there were also a couple other things as well. A slim book, its cover decorated with the same sort of symbols he’d seen written in that circle of salt, and a sphere of black crystal. “Consider these your entrance-level gifts,” Castillo had said. “I don’t know how familiar you are with the types of magic the Circle likes to use, so this’ll be your beginner’s course.”
Marvin actually isn’t familiar with these branches of magic at all. And that makes this book all the more fascinating. It contains a guide to the symbols they use, the principles of the magic, and a few basic spells. Interestingly, it seems to be derived from alchemy. Or maybe it is alchemy, Marvin doesn’t know. He’d never had any reason to look up what alchemy was before this.
He sets the book down, taking a moment to pick up his new crystal ball and look it over. He can already think of several uses for this, but that might have to wait until later. For now, he really needs to at least make some progress on the grimoire.
And where better to start than with the new, interesting spells? It’s sure to keep his focus if he’s copying down information he’s never heard before. Marvin puts the crystal ball down and picks up his pen. But before he starts writing, he puts on his headphones. Listening to a podcast, huh? Maybe that will help.
He can feel that something new is in the air. Something is changing. Marvin had never worked with other magicians before. The prospect is both exciting and a little nerve-wracking. But however this ends, he knows now that things will be different from here on, in some way or another. And he’s certainly excited to find out.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Maple syrup dreams
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 21 | Part 22 Maple syrup dreams | Part 23 >
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Disclaimer: Just fluff
Author’s note: Do you know what I just can’t get enough of? Whenever I’m writing my fanfics I keep Tumblr open in the background and there’s nothing more fun than seeing you, the reader, pop up in my notifications every few minutes or so, liking yet another chapter of a long fic. At some point I even know when you’re having a tea break, or taking a moment to make yourself some food. It makes me, as a writer, feel all gooey with happiness (and I quietly enjoy the fun along with you whenever you’re reading my works, my mind bringing me back to when I was writing that particular chapter you just liked). Ugh! I’m such a sap today! I love you darling readers! ❤️
Word count: 2.042
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
I am writing this blog from a far, far away place. My fingers a bit numb from the everlasting cold, the taste on my tongue remembering I had far too much Maple Syrup Taffy and my everyday schedule suddenly consisting off shoving snow and rubbing down snowy dog paws.
Me and chocolate cake are in Canada, where we’ll be for the next 2 months as he’s working on a movie here. A movie? Chocolate cake? Hold on, you may think. Tell me more about this mysterious chocolate cake that you seem to be getting serious with! Well dear readers, though many of you know by now whom my lovely chocolate cake is, I’d still like to keep our privacy a little while longer. So let us just say; talk, dark, handsome and a very practical human heater when sleeping together. Especially when you are staying in this freakishly cold country and the actual heater is broken.
Today I’ll be visiting the movie set for the first time, and thereby a part of a new life starts that may have seemed totally ridiculous had you told me I’d be here a few months ago. But alas(ka), here we go!
‘Morning love.’ Henry chuckled, watching me shuffle through the tiny hallway of the trailer, my body clad in probably every sweater and wool sock I could find. ‘Hmmpff..’ I grumbled, plopping down beside him on the small bench in the kitchen nook.
It felt a bit like my student days. Living on each others lip, this shared living space no bigger than some 24m2, the heating unit broken and the food..well..not great.
‘Need me to warm you up?’ He smiled, gesturing me to scoot over to his lap. Silently nodding I moved up to him, feeling his arms snake around me and pull me snug against his broad and warm chest. ‘Ungh..how can you only wear one sweater and not be cold?’
Henry laughed. ‘It’s called 4000 kcal a day intake and lots of exercising.’ He kissed my cold cheek, his slight stubble scratching my skin. I sniffled and shook my head. ‘Does not sound like my cup of tea.’ - ‘Doesn’t have to be. I’ll keep you warm.’ He hummed, pushing a warm hand beneath my layers of sweaters. ‘Besides, the maintenance team is going to check on that heater this afternoon, so with a little luck we get home tonight to a nice and warm trailer.’ - ‘Goooood.’ I hummed, then squealed, feeling him tickle my skin ever so slightly. ‘Very good.’ He smiled, sniffing my hair before placing a kiss atop my head.
‘Hmm..In case I haven’t mentioned it, I’m so glad to have you here.’ He whispered, nuzzling my hair some more. I chuckled. ‘Oh you only mentioned it about a hundred times or so.’ I leaned back a little so I could turn my face towards his, our noses touching.
He was SO warm.
‘I wouldn’t miss this for the world.’ I murmured, laying a pillowy kiss on his lips. ‘Besides I got some small tasks to help the team out with today, so I don’t have to wait for you to come home like the good housewife I am.’ I winked, making him snicker. ‘Very good wifey.’ - ‘I mean, I’m no wife..but..you know..housegirlfriend sounds weird.’ I shrugged, turning to steal a sip of coffee from his large mug and thereby missing the loving glint in his eyes.
He watched me for a few more long moments, enjoying his coffee and staring into the abyss of 6 AM nothingness, Kal still snoring quietly on his dog bed. He didn’t want to ruin the moment as it was, but there sure was a whole lot going on in his head.
I was his first girlfriend to join him for such a long movie shoot. And for the first time in a long time he didn’t feel so very alone. Didn’t feel like it was just another fleeting moment of a good life. This was going to last. He would make sure it would.
‘Oh are you going to finish that.’ I pointed at a leftover bite of his breakfast toast. He laughed aloud. ‘Go ahead. And, I’ll make myself a mental note to make double the amount of breakfast tomorrow.’
I blushed slightly as I felt his gaze on me, chewing that bit of toast. ‘Sowwyy.’ I gulped, quickly swallowing the toast. ‘You really don’t have to..-‘ - ‘No please Ali. You travelled half the world just to be here with me. The least I can do is make you breakfast while you wrap yourself in not one, not two..but THREE of my sweaters.’
My blush became even more fierce when I felt his chest rumble with mirth.
‘Mwu..they’re just really nice sweaters.’ I mumbled, pouting at him. ‘Hahah. Oh Ali-bear. I have missed you so.’
Ali-bear? I raised an eyebrow at him as my blush slowly faded. ‘Ali-bear?’ I asked with mild confusion. ‘Yes, since you call me Henry-bear and you ARE part of the bear pack now.’ He winked, nodding at Kal who was blinking open his eyes, the large Akita stretching out his paws with mild exaggeration. We both laughed. ‘A-ha..so I’m a bear now, too?’ I looked at him and he shrugged innocently, making me laugh even harder. ‘Oh Henry..you are un-BEAR-able.’  
The days on set were crazy long, crazy cold, but also crazy fun. After a week or so I got into a routine of helping for a few hours on set - moving and cleaning props, cooking meals with the cook, walking Kal -, followed by a few hours of working on my upcoming book and help out the Jersey Gazette with editing articles.
My life in Jersey felt like lightyears away, but I didn’t miss it as much as I had anticipated. All I really needed was Henry, silly as it seemed. Be it because we were crazy in love, or because we really had found great soulmates in one another. Even on 14 hour workdays we’d find the time to be there for each other, making life in general really rather pleasant.
Did I have a good idea for one of my stories? I’d pitch it to Henry. Henry needed to practise some new lines? I’d play his villanous counterpart. Did either one of us feel a little on edge? We’d have a quickie in the trailer.
Yes, life was good.
‘Hi mom..hello?..Mom? Can you hear me?’ The line crackled and my mom’s voice distorted in a wild flurry of screeches and blurred speech. ‘Let’s try again.’ I ended the call and waited for her to call me in turn, this time the line thankfully much more stable.
‘Oh! There we go!’ Mom exclaimed, hearing me giggle. ‘Hello Ali dear. Oh baby we miss you soooo!’
‘Hi mom. Miss you too! How’s everything at home?’
‘Quite exciting times over here..we finally adopted a dog! A four year old poodle mix, named Cookie. And she’s a lovely gal. Chewing on some shoelaces as we speak hahaha.’ - ‘Quite lovely indeed haha. So you truly miss me THAT much, hmm? Empty nest?’ - ‘Terribly. So how’s everything over there? Are you okay? Eating enough vegetables?’
Moms will be moms.
‘Yes mom haha. Plenty of vegetables. And I exercise everyday because it is crazy cold and there’s practically no other way to get warm..-‘ - ‘The things you do for love, hmm? I remember you experiencing your first snow. How you immediately ran back inside, not liking it one bit. And now you are living in meters of snow!’
‘Yes. The things we do for love.’ I heard the trailer door open behind me and looked over my shoulder, seeing two snowy bears enter, bringing with them a gust of icy cold air.
‘Close it..close IT!’ I exclaimed, waving at the door when Henry let it open, his arm filled with a number of plastic bags. Smiling, his nose also slightly red with cold, he bumped the door closed with his buttocks, Kal taking the moment to shake off the remains of snow in his fur and launching it at the both of us.
‘KALL!!’ I warned, the akita panting at me happily, acting as if he didn’t do anything wrong.
‘Shall I call back later dear? Sounds like you have some men to take care of.’ My mom’s voice sounded in my ear and I slowly nodded, my eyes tracking to Henry as he zipped out of his jacket and started rubbing Kal down with a towel, the dog continuing to circle away from him, thinking it was playtime.
‘Yea..call you back mom. Looks like Henry could use some help haha. Have fun with Cookie and send pictures!! Love you. Give dad a hug from me.’ - ‘I shall my dear. Kisses back!’ And that was the end of the call.
I quickly stood up and helped Henry dry off Kal, our smiles growing as the dog started to bounce up, licking our faces. ‘Who’s a good boy?!’ I cooed, rubbing him behind the ears, squatting down and allowing the dog to lean into me, going in for a big bear hug. The dog was more than glad to get all this attention, his head ducking down and pressing into my chest, eager to get even more pets. I laughed and looked up at Henry, seeing him get up and moving back to the bags that were now on the small kitchen counter, his hands digging through the contents
‘Whatcha got..-?’ - ‘Close your eyes!’ He stopped me mid sentence, looking over his shoulder with a mischievous glint in his ocean blues. ‘Ohhhkay..’ I said, slightly unsure, settling down so Kal couldn’t topple me over, the large Akita folding his large paws over my lap and also looking at Henry.
What was he up to? With a slow breath I closed my eyes, my hand continuing to trace languid circles through his fur. And then I felt something being pushed down on my head. Warm, soft. REALLY soft. A..hat? I wished to open my eyes but Henry clicked his tongue in warning, now picking up my hands and slipping them carefully in what probably were two mittens. My lips curled up in a smile, and I turned my head up expectantly.
‘Can I look now..?’ I asked quietly. Henry chuckled. ‘Almost.’
Then I felt something shift beneath my hands, Kal sitting up slightly.
‘Okay, now you can look.’
I opened my eyes and first saw Kal, wearing the cutest purplish blue knit scarf, and then the mittens on my hands. Also knit, but with a teddy-like material inside to keep my fingers nice and toasty. Reaching for my head I could feel a hat there. ‘With bear ears.’ Henry sniffled, nodding. ‘I know you don’t want me to get you presents. But it’s a bit of a special day.’
‘Special..day..?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, then smiled feeling the two small bear ears on my head. Slowly I lowered my hands again and gave Henry a studious look. ‘Special day.’ Henry smiled, sitting down beside me and Kal, his eyes glittering.
‘Did I ..miss..something?’ I gave him a suspicious look.
Henry chuckled. ‘Perhaps a calendar.’ He reached for my mittens and pulled me to his chest, noses nearly touching. ‘Happy half year anniversary sweet little icicle of mine.’ He said with a smile in his voice, his lips trying to brush against mine, but failing as I gasped in horror. ‘OOOH…I FORGOT.’
Henry laughed all the harder, shoulders shaking and Kal shifting so he could lean into the both us, head squeezed in between our chests. ‘That’s quite alright. Now c’mhere.’ He snickered, pulling my embarrassed face to his, our lips finally melting together.
And how hot and cozy that moment was.
Nothing big and outrageous. No hours of driving just to get to some half decent restaurant. It was just Henry, me and Kal. The three of us enjoying a first home cooked dinner in weeks whilst laughing at the extra warm clothes Henry had gotten me - he could not stand it seeing his girl be cold, and though he loved sharing his sweaters..he did need some of them for his own use too, especially when we went out for our morning runs.
It was sweet, thoughtful, simple and much of what I expected of true love. A maintenance kind of love.
And from here on any next steps in our relationship didn’t seem so scary. I had not even given the whole donorship thing a second glance since we had arrived in Canada. This? This might very well be it, you know? 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
Want to be added to or removed from the tag list? Shoot me a message!
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kawasaki-division · 4 years
Akihabara Division: DayBreakers Drama Track 2 - What’s Important
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Life moves on and Kosuke's founded DayBreakers. Now, when he receives a question, his group mates help him find the answer, even if they do so unintentionally. But at the same time, Kosuke’s reluctance to start DayBreakers grows.
~DayBreaker Sharehouse~
Haruto: Goooood morning!
Kosuke: (drinking tea) Good morning Haruto.
Natsuki: You’ll fall on your face running around like that.
Haruto: You’re no fun! Today’s a great day! We get to rap!
Natsuki: We’ve never rapped before, and we have school later. Learn by yourself.
Haruto: *pouts* (turns to Kosuke) *whispers* Guess we know who the evil twin is.
Kosuke: *chuckles* I don’t think I’m the one to decide that.
Natsuki: I object. You’re far too direct with your words.
Haruto: And who’s to say that’s a bad thing! You literally just rhymed without thinking!
Natsuki: And you twist people’s words, that makes you the evil one.
Kosuke: Should I even be here for this conversation?
Haruto: It makes me the nicer twin! 
Natsuki: It makes you the hyperactive twin.
Haruto: You need energy for rapping after all!
Kosuke: *sigh* I’ll be going to class now.
[Gets bag and leaves]
Haruto: Do you think we’re pushing him too hard?
Natsuki: That’s all you.
Student A: Hey Kosuke! How’re ya doin’?
Kosuke: Good thank you, and you?
Student A: We’re all stressing over our deadlines is guess, Not everyone’s as talented as you.
Kosuke: No, I just work a lot.
Student A: Whatever you say man. See you in class.
Kosuke: (nods) See you.
[walks to class and sits down]
Teacher: Now then your next assignment is a themed piece, the prompt is shown on the board right now and it will be due in two weeks.
Student B: What’s important to us?
Student A: A broad prompt again I guess.
Student B: Ahhhh, time more sleepless nights.
Kosuke: (opens door) I’m home.
[No response]
Kosuke: I guess they’re out late.
[sits down]
Kosuke: What’s important to me…
[begins writing]
Haruto: We’re baaaack!
Natsuki: Hello, Kosuke.
Kosuke: (smiles) Welcome home. 
Haruto: Whoa, Ko-chan! You’re home early!
Natsuki: No. We’re late.
Kosuke: The two of you look worse for wear. Were you…
Natsuki: Beating each other up with the hypnosis mics? Yeah.
Haruto: We didn’t beat each other up! We had fun!
Natsuki: Your version of fun entails getting hurt.
Haruto: It’s called a thrill you stick in the mud!
Natsuki: Well I’m more thrilled to be at home, and getting ready for dinner. Now go take a shower. You’ve been stinking since who knows when.
Kosuke: Oh right! I forgot to get dinner ready. Is yakisoba okay for tonight?
Haruto: Yeah man that works!
[jogs off]
Natsuki: No running! *sigh* You seem busy. Assignments?
Kosuke: (nods) Yeah, we have a prompt that I can’t seem to pinpoint.
Natsuki: Well, we’ll be able to think once Haruto knocks himself out after dinner.
Kosuke: (chuckles) You too?
Natsuki: (sits down) Group presentation. It’s whatever, not like I know the people.
Kosuke: Right, and you’re not a people person.
[gets up and opens fridge]
Natsuki: Mhm. At least you get to learn alone.
Kosuke: Not sure how that’s a good thing
Natsuk: Suit yourself.
Everyone: Itadakimasu.
Haruto: So Kosuke. You got time tomorrow? Y’know, to practice?
Kosuke: Oh… I should, where and when?
Natsuki: We went to the park today at around 5
Haruto: Yep! Same as today!
Kosuke: Sure, that works.
Haruto: Rapping’s pretty hard ain’t it? You TDD guys got a lot of talent!
Kosuke: N-no, not really.
Haruto: C’mon! You can’t say that! Just think about it!
Kosuke: Well. Thanks I suppose. 
Haruto: Anywho! Clear out your schedules cuz we’re having fun tomorrow!
Kosuke: W-wait! I’m not so sure-
Natsuki: Where do you plan to drag us?
Haruto: (laughs) You’ll just have to wait and see!
Natsuki: This is absolutely exhausting.
Haruto: Debbie downer...
Natsuki: No, I’m being reasonable.
Haruto: Imma text Kosuke to see if he’s there.
[sends message]
Natsuki: Doubtful.
[phone dings]
Haruto: Well rid yourself of that doubt dear brother ‘cause he’s there! C’mon!
[Starts running]
Natsuki: (keeps walking)
Haruto: Yooooooo!
Kosuke: (laughs) Haruto, there’s no need to be so intense. 
Haruto: Nah, I’m just getting pumped.
Natsuki: And we wonder what allows such dopamine to pump through you at all hours of the day.
Haruto: I did not understand one of those words but let’s go!
Kosuke: Well then. I guess the two of you can go first against me.
Natsuki: I have slight reservations.
Kosuke: No, please don’t, it’ll be alright.
Natsuki: *sigh* Fine.
[Mic activates]
The trap is set, the hunter is me. There is no hope, you cannot flee. Serrated metal blades will ensnare your legs Your infinite struggles will only make you bleed. I’ll look you in the eye as I face you now. I’m quick as can be, you can’t make a sound!
Kosuke: (flinches) Hrng! … Wow Natsuki! That's really impressive!
Haruto: I know right! Practice pays off! And now it’s my turn!
[Mic activates]
Adrenaline runs through every single vein! Any attempt to stop will end in vain. Yeah this burning flame won’t be dying anytime. It envelopes my heart, my heartbeat untamed. String or metal, I’ll break any chains! Freedom is infinite, like the wind it flies!
Kosuke: (falls on knees, then gets back up) I shouldn’t be surprised. (chuckles) Of course, please brace yourselves.
[Mic activates]
Understand this technique that you could never replicate. Confront my style as we fight face to face! You could never take this from me with a poorly crafted fake. I’ll have to hold back emotions threatening to burst out. Unless you’d like to be consumed by every word I shout! So keep that in mind and be sure to think twice!
Natsuki and Haruto: Arghh!!! (Get knocked back)
Haruto: Jesus Ko-chan! You literally blew us away!
Natsuki: Agreed.
Kosuke: *heavy breathing* Haha… I guess I did… (whispers to self) Freedom is infinite… huh?
Student A: Man Kosuke! You delivered again! This one kicked my butt, but it looks like you kicked its instead.
Student B: What can you expect from such a genius, he got in straight outta highschool.
Kosuke: It’s not much really. I had some help with the inspiration.
Student B: It still looks incredible though. What did you decide on?
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Kosuke: I chose freedom.
Student A: Well, I guess that makes sense!
Student B: Oh! By the way, good luck with the DRB.
Student A: That’s right! We’ll be cheering you guys on!
Kosuke: A-ah! Thank you!
Haruto: Hey Ko-chan! Let’s go practice again tomorrow!
Kosuke: Ah, sorry you two, I won’t be free for the next few days, you can go on without me.
Haruto: Dawww man! Well, do what you do I guess.
(runs out)
Natsuki: What a pain.
Kosuke: (laughs) Maybe just energetic.
Natsuki: Anyways, I’ll be going too.
Kosuke: Huh, you seem eager to go.
Natsuki: Don’t make it out to be something else. The DRB is coming up and if getting hurt is inevitable, might as well be the ones to come out on top.
Kosuke: Right.
Natsuki:... See you later.
(Door shuts)
Kosuke: *sighs* Oh my god, I’m being trapped again.
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Orange Kisses
🧡🧡 dewey finn x reader 🧡🧡
hey guys! me and @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ have created this special dewey finn x reader piece for you all as a sequel to “are you lost” which I will link below! It’s is essentially Dewey and readers first date in a beautiful autumn setting. walking through the woods and just general fluff and cuteness! We really love this one with all our hearts and we hope you love it just as much<3🧡
dewey finn x fem!reader
words: 4000
warnings: just fluff i think! 
again, the most beautiful aesthetic by the talented and amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​
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Gus ran towards the door for the 4th time that morning, barking and wagging his tail happily. He was just as anxious for the upcoming date as you were. "I know bud'... go get your ball! We can’t leave without your favourite ball now, can we?!" Gus just found his favourite squeaky ball and came waggling your way, howling happily to celebrate finding his toy.
You ran a hand through your hair and checked your appearance one more time in the mirror. You felt a bit anxious about your date with Dewey, but the joy by far outweighed the worry. Just before you could get lost in your thoughts, you heard the sound of a claxon at your front door. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up and put it on speaker, being greeted by the cheerful deep voice of Dewey. "Your carriage awaits mylady... Tell Gus I said hi."
Gus barked back at the phone, hearing his name. You giggled "My little prince and I’ll be outside in a sec. Gotta get my shoes." You told him, walking towards the hallway to get your nice sneakers. "Erhmm... yeah... dear...?" Dewey’s voice croaked at the other side of the phone. Doubt seeping through his voice. You worried a second, scared he had changed his mind suddenly. Dewey continued: "...Yeah... take some cozy socks and some old boots with you. It can be muddy in the woods. And the cozy socks might me chill for the ride... is that cool with you, love?"
Gus barked again and Dewey chucked through the phone. "Well... I guess Gus is totally cool with it..." You laughed. "I'll hang up now but I'll be there in a minute Dew..."
Dewey hummed through the phone: "That’s okay... already counting the seconds..." You chuckled, said bye to Dewey and grabbed Gus's leash and headed out the door. The crispy autumn air and orange-yellow on the trees welcomed you as you closed the front door.
Dewey was already standing against the trunk if his van, arms crossed and humming soundly to himself. You chuckled. That man breathed music, you just knew it. His face lit up when he saw Gus running towards him happily. "Hey... little dude! Come here... what’s up with my furry compadre today?" He crouched down to pet your pupper.... "Hey... hey bro... tell your mom she's looking VERY pretty today, okay my dude?" He whispered to Gus while Dewey petted his head. His eyes shot up and he winked at you, his smirk growing on his face when he noticed your flushed face.
He got up and turned towards you. Dewey was now full on grinning at you. He licked his bottom lip before he spoke: "Good morning beautiful... me and your fur baby had a little talk, and we decided you look absolutely stunning today." You stepped towards him gingerly, eyeing the tiles in embarrassment and pecked his scruffy cheek, mumbling happily: "Morning Dew..." You couldn't suppress a tiny smile appearing on your lips at that compliment. He continued his complimenting: "You look even more beautiful when you smile dear..." he bounced up and down, patted the van for emphasis when he asked: "You ready for a little road-trip?"
You nodded yes and Gus barked excited when Dewey asked him: "...You wanna go for a ride too, dude?" Gus trailed his tail and spun happily, barking as he did so. "Let me translate that for you Dew... it’s a yes." you chuckled. Dewey’s eyes lit up and he cracked a smile your way. "Excuse me dear... my 'dogs' is a bit rusty..." He turned towards Gus... "I'll get better, I promise... okay little dude?" Gus barked and licked his hand in response.
You turned towards the passenger’s seat to open the door, but Dewey beat you to it. You chuckled... what a gentleman... You took a seat and called Gus in the car too, he happily took his spot between your legs on the floor of the passenger’s seat. You pulled up your feet and carefully put your boots behind the front seats of the car. You put on your cozy socks and sat cross legged in your seat. Relaxing a bit when Dewey entered the car and brought the engine to life.
Dewey cranked up the radio and the car was filled with soft rock-music. With 'sex on fire' playing on the background you two headed to the forest. Gus yawned and drifted off before the two of you left the street. You had been on the way for less than 2 minutes when Dewey asked you: "Want some coffee? I know this awesome place that has the best coffee in town. It’s gonna be a little while until we get to the woods... whatcha think?" You hummed happily "Yeah! I would love some coffee. Haven't had time yet this morning..."
Dewey grinned and stroked a hand through his messy brown locks: "Okay... hey.... do you want to do me a favour?" Your voice pitched a bit higher than usual when you replied: "Yeah... Sure..." insecurity kicking in and your mind racing what he could possibly need from you.
Dewey frowned a bit at your high pitched voice, shot you a quick look sideways, and you swallowed thickly. Trying to calm your nerves. Dewey reached out to put a hand on your knee reassuringly and mumbled: "Hey.... Hey beautiful.... are you nervous?" You nodded again, trying to explain yourself you rambled: "... erhm... yeah... I’m a tiny bit anxious... but it’s been a while since I had a... erhm... well... a date... so..."
Dewey brushed his thumb over your knee in a comforting gesture and squeezed your knee a bit. "No need to be nervous... it’s going to be fine. We're having fun already! Look at your fur-baby... he's relaxed too... see?"
You darted your eyes towards Gus and smiled a bit. He looked adorable when he slept. You nodded yes towards Dewey and he continued: "It’s gonna be fine. Trust me. Take one deep breath with me, and sigh out all those insecurities okay?" You both inhaled and breathed out deeply. Dewey brushed his thumb over your knee again, mumbling: "Better?"
You smiled a bit and replied: "Yeah... thank you Dew..."
Dewey chucked and patted your knee. His hand joined the one on the steering wheel again. You already missed the contact his hand had made and blushed a bit at the realisation. You were falling. Fast.
"Now... what I wanted to ask you..." Dewey continued "...do you think you can reach my backpack behind you?..." You reached behind were you were seated and pulled his backpack on your lap. "...Good...In the front zipper is a thermos..." You rummaged around until you found it. The thing had a guitar on it. 'Of course it has' you thought to yourself. "... Can you open it for me?... Cause... Driving and all that jazz." Dewey chuckled.
You unscrewed the lid and reached out to hand it to Dewey, but he grinned and winked at you: "There ya go, love... Best coffee in town. Dewey's Pumpkin-spiced-latte. Have a taste... You won't regret it." You snorted at his antics. What a dork. Curiously you took in the smell of pumpkin spice that came from the thermos. It smelled really good.
You took a tiny sip at it and Dewey laughed when you couldn't hold back a moan when you swallowed it. "Ughhhh. Dew! It’s so goooood!"
Dewey snickered: "See! I wasn't kidding when i said: best coffee in town." You sipped again and asked: "Is there... cinnamon in this? And... caramel?" Dewey smirked and mumbled teasingly: "Can't tell you the secret ingredient... but let me tell you that there is a lot of love in there... maybe that does the trick?"
Funny. Sweet. Best-pumpkin-spiced-coffee-maker-ever. How could this get any better? .......
Well, of all the skills that Dewey had up his sleeve… navigating was unfortunately not one of them.
 * * * * *
 Chilling in the car, singing your favourite songs, because you had the aux cord of course, and drinking that sweet, pumpkin spice caffeine really had you on a high. This was a feeling you forgot about. Dates were always daunting but this was so much fun. Dewey really knew how to make you laugh, and he was great with Gus.
You could admire the beautiful colours of the cold fall from the warmth of the van, your cosy socks were a great shout; thanks Dew. But as Dewey continued to drive, the oranges and yellows were fading into the grey of the city again. You furrowed your eyebrows as you passed another road sign.
“Hey Dew?”, he turned his head to you but kept his eyes on the road “Yeah hun?”. You looked round and faced him “are we going the right way?”
Dewey furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, scratching the back of his head “uh, yeah why?”. “well just because that sign says we are headed back to the city?”.
You grabbed the road map from the glove compartment, pulling it out and turning it everyway until it made some sort of sense to you. “wh-what does it say?” Dewey questioned.
You smirked as you read the map, “uh I think we were supposed to take a left 7 miles back”. Gus poked his head up and under the map, onto your lap. “I know buddy we’ll be there soon”, giving his head a scratch.
The blush on Dewey’s face was adorable. “y-yeah uh, I didn’t realise”. “that’s ok mad we can just follow the map and I’ll direct you if you want?”. Dewey looks at you and laughs lightly, then back at the road. “It was your fault you know”.
You look round at him, exaggerating your response. “MY fault?”. Dewey keeps his eyes fixed on the road, “yeah, we wouldn’t be lost if you hadn’t been distracting me with how cute you are”. You snorted, looking at the road, a slight blush forming on your cheeks “oh stop you”.
Turns out you didn’t exactly have the best navigation skills either. It took you two hours longer than it should have. You both got really lost about an hour ago when you were passing cities that neither of you could barely pronounce. After around half an hour of driving, you realised you were reading the map wrong. The different colour lines were mega confusing. In the end, Dewey had to stop the van and ask for directions because neither of you had great network coverage where you were. But finally you made it to the car park.
“you’re lucky I’m here” you quipped sarcastically while putting your boots back on. Dewey grunted, “and how’s that?”. You looked over at him, smirking “you would be lost without me”. This time he laughed “ok yeah coming from the one who got us MORE lost, am I right Gus?”.
 * * * * * *
 You gently woke Gus from his slumber when you approached the forest, scratching his ears to wake your pupper. You spoke happily to him: "Gussie-boy... we're almost at the woods!" His ears perked up at that familiar word and he bolted upright...
Dewey smiled fondly at your happy voice, found a parking spot and stopped the car.
Gus looked at you excited, and then rapidly turned his head towards Dew. His ears stood up in excitement and Dewey whispered to Gus in conspiracy: "Hey... hey dude... you wanna go to the woods with mom and me?" Gus wagged his tail happily, threw his head back and started to howl out of joy.
Dewey chuckled, turned his head towards you and grinned: "Guess that's a yes?" You snorted while you nodded your head and Dewey nudged your shoulder playfully: "You never told me the little dude could sing!" He turned his attention towards Gus again and smiled brightly at your pupper: "You are a true furry-Rockstar... we've gotta jam sometime soon, okay?" Gus responded by jumping on Dewey's lap with his front paws and licked his nose with a tiny 'woof'. You poked Gus on his head and sternly spoke: "Gus... where are your manners dude?... No jumping..."
Dewey chuckled light-heartedly and scoffed, he patted your knee and winked when your eyes found his. "It's okay dear... honestly... let the little dude be happy. It’s cool. Promise."
You relaxed at his words and Dewey gestured towards Gus to jump on his lap. You blinked once and Gus was seated comfortably against Dewey’s torso, his fluffy head relaxed on Dew's shoulder.
Dewey moved his ear closer to the wet nose of your doggo, mumbling softy to him: "Huh..? What’s that little dude? Yeah... I know... you tell her!"
Gus looked at you, happy as ever, and you couldn’t hold back a chuckle when Dewey stated in a British accent: "Well... mom... listen up... I DO like to sit in the car with you guys... buttttttt... can we go ouuuuuuuuut? I wanna ruuuuuuunnnn.... and chase ballllls and catch squirrels... and i want to sniff the woods mommmm... let’s go lets go lets goooooo!"
You rolled your eyes and spoke: "Yeah. Let’s go boys!"
Dewey cheered loudly and Gus barked when he threw himself out of the car and ran happily in front if you two, leading the way to the woods.
Dewey grabbed his backpack first, slung it over his shoulder and grabbed your hand after that.
With Gus leading the way, and Dewey holding your hand you walked into the forest. You took in the smell of the woods. The fall air was crispy and it smelled like rain, despite the fact that the sun shined through the orange leaves. It was quite windy, but not too cold to have a nice walk. You felt your nose was getting cold and was glad that Dewey decided to take hold of your hand. Not sure if the warm feeling of your hand was caused by his body heat, or the fondness that started to grow in the past few hours with him.
You bumped his elbow playfully and smiled: "Really Dew? Out of all the voices? You chose British?!" He beamed back at you and said bashfully: "Yeah... Gus seemed British... I mean... He's a prince after all...." Gus waggled back towards the two of you, holding a stick in his mouth proudly and Dewey voice-overed British-Gus perfectly: "Hey! Hey mom!! Hey mom's date!! De- Dow- Dobbey? Never mind... Hey look at my treasure!! It’s a magical stick!! Actually its not magical until you throw it..."
You eyed Dewey sideways, a smile ghosting your features and butterflies tingling in your stomach when you saw him bouncingly imitate Gus. Gosh he was adorable.
His red cheeks from the chilly air complimented his happy brown eyes, and the wind blew through his shining brown curls. This man radiated enthusiasm and joy, you just knew it. And.... he was so GOOD with Gus.
His British accent brought you back to the present: "... And no! You peasants cannot have my magical stick. I am the KING of all the sticks in this wood. BUT maybe if you trade it for a cookie i will think about it..."
Dewey chuckled softly and squeezed your hand a bit as you continued your walk. He looked at you and whispered: "See? Gus is very British indeed..." You laughed and agreed with Dewey. How could you not? When he threw a smile your way that was so bright, the sun herself would have been jealous of it...?
"I'm starting to wonder who you like more Dewey Finn.... me.... or Prince Gus?" you stated playfully.
Dewey snorted at your comment, and stopped his walking abruptly. You turned around to face him, blush on your cheeks when you looked in the adoring brown eyes of Dewey.
He smirked and brought your hand against his lips and he kissed it. You couldn't help but swallow at the sensation of his stubble brush against the back of your hand. He mumbled against your hand: "Well... obviously i have to become friends with the prince before i can woo the princess attached to him... you see?"
You smiled shyly at his happy face and felt Dewey pull you closer, his hand still holding yours as the other tugged on your waist. You were standing against his body and let out a heavy sigh. Your faces inches apart and you felt his warm breath against your warm skin when he mumbled: "And... how is the woo-ing going, dear?" You gazed in his brown eyes once more, swallowing deeply and you were about to answer when suddenly a noise startled you. "Well... pretty good if you ask m-"
Gus jumped happily up on you and Dewey, barking as he did so. He sat down at Dewey's feet and howled happily at him, wagging his tail when he eyed Dewey’s reaction. Dewey grinned towards Gus: "Rock on dude...."
Dewey laughed a bit, reached out to gently pet Gus on his head and mumbled to your doggo: "...Bad time for a jam-session prince-Gus..." Your butterflies flattered harder than before when you walked further into the forest.
Dewey was a good one... you thought, when his hand wrapped around yours again. It already felt like his hand belonged there, it just perfectly fit into yours.
 * * * * *
After a some time of walking through the woods, and allowing Gus to fetch sticks and listening to Dewey’s British impression of Gus, it was time to settle down. You headed back to Dewey’s van and found a little spot next to the lake to chill out.
“do you think we have enough firewood?” you questioned Dewey as he set the wood up in a pile around the rocks. “aw yeah this should be more than enough”. You sat down on the little log that was situated next to the fire pit. The day had been so dreamy and amazing. Dewey was this bright ball of giggling light and you were grateful that you had met him, thanks to Gus of course. You folded your arms over you lap and watched Dewey mess around with the fire. Gus came over and sat in between your knees as you gave him a good clap.
“I can’t believe you know how to start a camp fire”. Dewey briefly glances over at you and smirks “I’m not just a pretty face you know”. You raise an eyebrow smirking as he continues to fix the fire. “and I totally didn’t just google it ten minutes ago..” he adds quickly. You threw your head back in laughter “I knew it!”, you could hear Dewey chuckling to himself.
Suddenly the fire sparked to life and Dewey jumped back from it, tumbling back on to his ass. You giggle as Gus waggles enthusiastically over to him, giving him kisses and making a fuss over him. Dewey laughs off his embarrassment as he gives Gus a cuddle “you’ll always come and save me won’t you Gussy boy, no matter what”. Gus whines as he continues to give Dewey all the love. “yeah he’s been trained to save a damsel in distress” you joke. Dewey pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder “my saviour” as he gives Gus a kiss on the nose.
You chuckle and look back at the beautiful colours of the fire, blending well with the orange and yellow of the leaves and the sky. The sun had began to set so cast a beautiful golden glow over all the eye could see. It was tranquil, and shamelessly vermilion, unrivalled by any sunset you had ever laid your eyes on before. The way the sky reflected onto the water was captivating, and almost magic. The air was cool, and slightly nippy. A beautiful contrast to the warm colours that surrounded you.
You shivered slightly as Dewey joined you on the log. He brushed up against you and you swear you felt butterflies. You looked down and rubbed your hands together trying to get heat from the fire. “hey you’re shivering” Dewey notices. You shake your head “nah I’m fine” you lie. It was freezing. “here…” Dewey starts to take off his scarf, and he places it around your neck, cosying you up. You giggle as he wraps it around you “that should help keep you warm”.
You smile up at him, noticing how beautiful he was in the golden hour glow. The way the sun lit up his doughy brown eyes, was dreamy, and the way it glistened through his hair made you weak. “Thanks Dew” you grin. He looks down then back up at you “I’m glad I could be of service m’lady”, you giggle and look down at the fire.
The heat the fire gave off was comforting. Not too hot, just the right mix with the coolness of air, and the heat you were getting off of Dewey sitting next to you. Gus had situated himself at the side of Dewey, laying himself at his feet, also enjoying the heat of the flames. Dewey bent down and give him a few claps on the head, praising him for being so good.
You looked down at how gentle and caring he was with Gus, then up at him. You nudged him playfully to get his attention “hey, thank you for the best day” you smiled kindly at him. He looked down at you softly “I’m glad you considered it the best day. It was the best day for me too.. but mostly because you were here” he said bashfully. You blushed and look down quickly, before looking back up at his beautiful, glistening eyes.
He looked back into your eyes, a goofy smile on his face. You looked back at the scenery in front of you. “It’s such a beautiful night”. Dewey turned his head and also looked out at the water and the reflection is cast from the sky, then turned his head back to you. He would never say it, it was too soon, but he thought about how beautiful you were. How he felt so lucky to be here with you.
The crackling fire was a burst of warmth in the moment. You could feel Dewey’s eyes on you, and you felt nervous, but an excited kinda nervous. You looked back up at him, then down at his lips, finally back up to his eyes. He licked his bottom lip before leaning in ever so lightly, seeking your approval. You smiled and met him half way, both of your eyes fluttering shut as you rested your bottom lip on his top.
It was only a light kiss at first. Your lips simply brushed his, soft, and delicately, and just long enough for him to feel the warmth of your skin, before parting. You opened your eyes gently as you pulled the slightest bit apart, admiring how his were still shut, and relishing in the moment. Then he was suddenly looking at you, his cheeks dusted in a light pink shade, definitely not from the cold this time. You smiled at how cute he looked. He hummed, already hooked to everything that was you “that- that was… can we do that again?”. His heart was racing.
You chuckled every so lightly but nodded, moving your head to meet him again. Your heart skipped a beat, the smell of Dewey was hypnotic and addictive. His fingers moved to your face, running them from your jaw to lightly tangling in your hair. You moaned into his touch quietly, desperately. Your lips moved rhythmically with his, as if scripted. It was burning, yet sweet, and gentle, yet delicious.
As far as first kisses go, it was unrivalled.
Dewey pulled you into him as he deepened the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist, inviting you into him. You threw your arms around his neck, your fingers entwining in his soft curls, the ones you’ve been thinking about since you first met him.
Suddenly though, he pulled away from you softly. His eyes sparkling and wide. He was grinning, but nervously. His hands rubbed your sides softly. “hey”, he said lowly, a slight hint of excitement creeping out. You furrowed your eyebrows “what?”.
“I have a surprise for you”...
tags: @little-miss-shy-goth​ @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Just Another Morning at Wayne Manor
This is an excerpt from chapter 29 of my DC animated universe fic, The Villain Wrangler.
You can read the rest of the chapter here, or start from the beginning of the story here. This is an AO3 link if you prefer, but be aware that not all chapters are uploaded there.
“Is that another case, Master Bruce?"
Bruce looked up from his tablet as Alfred set down several mugs of coffee and tea on the table in front of him. He gave a small smile in thanks as he lifted the black mug to his lips, pausing to inhale the rich scent of dark coffee before taking a sip. "Yes. Another one was submitted to me for final clearance yesterday afternoon." He glanced down at the dimming screen, tapping again so it'd stay awake. "Take a look." He handed the tablet to Alfred. Bruce knew he was sure to get a kick out of who had been requested.
"Oh dear," Alfred said after a moment, a wry smile slipping onto his face as Bruce leaned back in his chair. "Have you informed him yet?"
Bruce quirked an eyebrow in response and took another drink of his black coffee. "I thought it'd be a nice surprise."
He and Alfred both turned towards the entryway as they heard a loud yawn come from the kitchen. "What'd be a nice surprise?" Tim asked as he shuffled in, one hand ruffling his hair into an even further fluffy mess while the other belatedly raised to block a second yawn.
"Good morning, Master Tim." Amusement colored Alfred's tone as Tim slouched into a seat next to Bruce. He blearily accepted the red mug of chai tea that was pushed in front of him.
"Oh. Is this mine?" He took the cup and stared at it suspiciously before taking a cautious sip. His eyes closed in bliss and he leaned back in his chair. "Ah, espresso shots. Man's greatest invention."
"One of these days, I swear you're going to get an espresso-induced heart attack," Stephanie muttered as she came into the dining room from the foyer, rubbing tiredly at her eyes.
Bruce frowned, counting at the number of filled mugs that Alfred had brought out as Stephanie picked up the deep purple one. There were five left, and only four of the kids still lived in the manor full-time, including Tim and Steph. Had that many of them come back to the manor after patrol last night? Maybe he needed a few espresso shots in his drink too.
"Hey Steph," Tim muttered, sounding a bit more awake than before. He turned to look at Bruce. "What's the surprise you were talking about?"
"Oooh! A surprise?" Steph sat in the chair next to Bruce and leaned over to try and read off of his tablet. She pouted when he angled it away from her, so Bruce handed it to her with a roll of his eyes.
"Jason's been requested," he explained for Tim's sake since he couldn't see the case file.
"Jason's been requested for what?" Dick's voice cheerily called out despite how exhausted he sounded as he walked in with his arm wrapped around Cassandra's shoulders. Bruce knew Cass wasn't very fond of being touched, but by how tired she looked, he had a feeling Dick was the main reason she was on her feet. The two sat down in adjacent seats and eagerly accepted the coffees that Alfred handed them.
"I didn't realize you were planning to stay over, Dick," Bruce commented first. That at least solved the puzzle of one of the three extra overnight guests.
Dick shrugged. "There was an impromptu movie night. Harry Potter– couldn't miss out on that. Babs is here too, she'll be down in a minute."
"A sick kid asked the Villain Wrangler if he could meet Jason," Steph interrupted before they could go further as she informed the two new arrivals, knowing they both were curious but trying not to show it. The laughter from Dick had been expected, but the quiet giggle from Cass was a welcome surprise as she accepted the tablet from the blonde.
A scoff came from the doorway, and Bruce didn't even have to look to know it came from his youngest. "So Todd's finally gone rogue enough to be classed as a villain?"
Even Alfred rolled his eyes at that. "Try and have a good morning, Master Damian," he admonished as he handed the boy a mug of tea when he walked past. They all knew Damian was not a morning person.
"Thanks, Alfred," he muttered before sitting down. Despite his mood, everyone knew he wouldn't be rude directly towards the butler.
"Wow, is everyone up already?" Barbara strolled in, stretching her arms above her head with a yawn. "Didn't realize I was so slow– thanks, Alfred!" She stopped to thank the man as he handed her a pink mug full of coffee. "Did I miss anything important?"
"Jason's been requested by World of Wishes so Danny'll have to convince him to go," Tim said with a sigh, annoyed from hearing the same news repeatedly. He'd finished his espresso shot-filled tea and now had some color to his face.
Babs stared at Tim for a second before Cass held up the tablet in her hands and Babs walked to stand behind her chair so she could read it. "Oh, Danny's gonna love this," she said with a grin.
Bruce hid his smirk at her words. Danny Johnson had certainly proved to be entertaining when he ignored the security threat that the man's work still posed. He was curious as to how Johnson would convince Jason to go– he didn't have doubt that Johnson would find a way after all of the more difficult individuals he had tracked down.
His gaze turned towards the final mug left on the table. It seemed Babs was the last of the kids that had been over, seeing as conversation around the table had turned towards which of the Hogwarts houses was best (Bruce was in favor of Slytherin– but he digressed).
Steph beat him to asking about it. "Alfred, is the last coffee yours?"
Alfred shot Bruce's longest ward with a knowing smile. "No, Miss Stephanie. I prepared it for a guest who called ahead."
Bruce's eyebrows furrowed at that, especially after his butler sent an amused glance his way.
And it seemed he wasn't the only confused one. "Wait, which one of us would've called ahead? I didn't think any of us did that."
"That is correct, Master Richard," Alfred agreed with a long-suffering sigh that Bruce knew would have all the kids soon letting the butler know when they'd be at the manor. "I never said it was one of you children."
Bruce's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he finally deciphered the meaning behind Alfred's smug smirk. "You don't mean–"
"Goooood morning, little birdies!" A voice called from the entrance hall and moments later Selina Kyle waltzed in, her heels clacking against the hardwood floor as she walked. Several voices said hello in response as Bruce rose to greet her.
"Selina," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she wrapped an arm around his waist and reached out with her other hand to fist bump Steph. "I wasn't expecting to see you this morning."
She smiled slyly back at him. "The best surprises are the ones you don't expect," she teased, nudging him with her hip. "Ooh, is that coffee? Alfred, you're a dear." She blew the man a kiss as he passed her the final mug and then slipped around Bruce so she was sitting in his chair. Bruce gave her an unimpressed stare which she returned with a wink.
Yes, it was shaping up to be just another normal day in the life of Bruce Wayne.
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It's a normal morning once more in the Hagiwara household, as normal as that could possibly be. Seiko is out in the garage working on Mitsu's SUV, the mother herself working on making blueberry pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes separately for the kids. Chuck is working on his math homework, and Sock is watching morning cartoons with a bowl of fruit loops. All is at peace.
Tea calmly descends the stairs, stretching and yawning as she steps foot in the kitchen. She curls up further into her blanket. "Goooood... oh, morning, Mom. Mmn... I slept ten hours, how am I still tired?"
"Sleeping too long can also make you tired, dear." The older woman sets a plate of pancakes in front of the girl, bacon and eggs decorating the accompanying plate.
"Thanks Mom, you're the best!" She takes a seat, rubbing at her temple.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"I feel all cold and sore..." she whines, trembling. "I..."
She passes out cold at the table, the thud of her head startling Chuck out of his focus. "Tea? Big sis?"
Mitsu panics, feeling her daughter's forehead. She's burning up awful. "Oh no... no no no, not again... I need to get you to the hospital. Hang in there baby..."
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