#platonic rosewick?
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Ruby: MMmm-MH! Goooood Morning Yang!
Yang: *Brushing Teeth* M'rn Rbs!
Ruby: You're up bright and early. What's up?
Yang: *Spits in sink* Me and Blakey got a whole day planned-*Gargling & Swishing Mouthwash, Spits* We're gonna go for a walk in the park to get some pictures taken and do a little window shopping, then we're meeting up with her parents for lunch!
Ruby: You've got a whole day planned, Huh! Is there something special about to ... day ...
Ruby checks the calender - wednesday, Febuary 14th.
Valentines day
Ruby: Nonono! Not now! I haven't prepared!
Yang: Sorry Rubes! I gotta get dressed, so unless you wanna see me naked again, you should-
Ruby: I'm going, I'm going!
Ruby: Hey Weiss! Blake and Yang are busy-
Weiss: I have Dates planned Ruby! I'm afraid I can't help you.
Ruby: With- I'm sorry did you say 'Dates' as in Dates Plural?
Weiss: Yes I did.
Ruby: Isn't that kind of-
Penny: Salutations Ruby! I am here to see My Valentines for the day!
Ruby: Penny? You're going out with Weiss?
Jaune: I am too! We're going to be switching on and off throughout the day!
Ruby: What.
Penny: Knowing that you identify as 'Asexual' I inquired what romance felt like to Weiss, who was on her way to ask Jaune on a 'date.' Jaune brought up how Polyamorous relationships were uncommon but plausible, so Weiss agreed to spend her time with us both!
Ruby: ... Oh.
Weiss: Yes, and I still need to finish readying up! Please leave so that I may Dress!
Loud Thumping and groaning may be heard behind Ren and Nora's Door, along with slapping sounds.
Ruby: I dunno why I thought they'd be doing anything else.
Oscar: Hey Ruby! What're you up to?
Ruby: Finding you! Everyone else is busy with Valentines, so I figured "hey, Oscar hasn't seemed interested in anyone, and he know what romance is" so I looked for you so we could have a Totally Platonic hangout. Which, for Valentines day would be weird-
Whitley: *Barging in* Hello my Evergreen~ I brought Cinnamon raisin Oatmeal cookies for my most sweet of sweets~
Oscar: Uuuhh ... Sorry Ruby, I'm kinda busy?
Ruby:  ̄へ ̄
Ruby: *Knocking on Door* HEY UNCLE QROW!
Robyn: *Wrapped in a towel* Sorry kid, He's busy in the Bathroom.
Ruby: ... i though him and Clover-
Clover: I'm here Too!
Qrow: I got a big heart Kid! Now leave and let me bathe with these guys, or I'll tell them about your seventh brithday!
Clover: Now that I wanna hear!
Ruby: You wouldn't!
Robyn: *Holding Qrow's hand* He Would.
Ruby: ... Got it. Have a nice time. Please leave a sock on your handle next time this happens!
Ruby: ...
Emerald: How do they feel now?
Mercury: *Rubbing his legs, crying Slightly* They feel Real. They feel like they're back.
Ruby: Well That's sweet.
Emerald: We're trying. I'd talk more but concentration-
Ruby: And Merc seems like he needs you, have a nice day.
Ruby: Hey Winter-
Winter: ...
Cinder: *On Winter's shoulder* ...
Ruby: ... I'll be going.
Ruby: Hey Miss Schnee-
Willow: *sweaty and Flushed* Hello Dear! I'm afraid I don't have much time-
Kali: Willow~ We have time for one more round before me and Ghira need to see our Kitten~
Ruby: Just go-
Willow: I can take a break if you need-
Ruby: I'll be fine, i get it-
Willow: Seriously, If you need something-
Ruby: Thank you, but I'm good, all good, go have your fun-
TaiYang: Hey! You've reached the Personal Scroll of Taiyang Xiao Long! At the moment I am pounding someone's ass right now, and Can't reach you! PLease leave a message at the Tone!
Ruby: *Hangs up* Safe to assume that's where Raven is.
Ruby: ... Hey? Hey Torchwick!
Roman: *Sitting at a table at a cafe* Little Red, I'm not in the mood for any of our games today.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Roman: Look, Neo's a free spirit, and on today of all days, she's reveling in Warm bodies rather than cold blood, leaving little ol' me out to dry, just cause the way I get down and Dirty is only ever stylish not sexy.
Ruby: ... yeah, I get that. Everyone I can think of is either being horny or romantic. It's annoying.
Roman: Oh-ho-ho! It seems the little nightmare for all the criminals in Vale is and Ace of Spades, huh?
Ruby: Well ... *Unfurling Crescent Rose as she takes a seat* Wrong Farm tool, but yeah, my flags fly white, gray, Green and Purple.
Roman: ... how about truce for today? I get the feeling if we stay out of each other's trouble our friends and family can have a nice day.
Ruby: No assault, theft from Mom and Pop shops, no murders, no trafficking and no destruction of property.
Roman: ... take off destruction of property.
Ruby: Hostile architecture only.
Roman: *Extending his hand* Deal.
Ruby: *shaking his hand* Sweet.
#rwby#ruby rose#roman torchwick#NOT rosewick#platonic rosewick?#bumbleby#whiteknight#frostbyte#frostknyte#rich farmers#renora#true fairgame#jailbyrds#fairgame#cinwin#emercury#tairaven#rwby pheonix#rwby shitpost
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favorite ships?
Well I have a lot of ships in the RWBY fandom, so I'll try to list them off.
Pink Spyglass/Lost Boys (Scarlet x Nolan) (My favorite), Whiterose (Ruby x Weiss), Bumbleby (Blake x Yang), Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha), Renora (Nora x Ren), Crosshares (Coco x Velvet), Rosewick (Ruby x Roman) (Platonic due to the age gap), Nuts and Dolts (Ruby x Penny), Baked Alaska (Yang x Neo), Emercury (Emerald x Mercury), The Fox and the Hare (Fox x Velvet), Cinnabun (Velvet x Yatsuhashi), whatever Velvet x Carmine is called, Bunnyhop (Velvet x Octavia), Rain Flower (Bolin x Nadir), Leaderboard (Arslan x Reese), Leo (Arslan x Nebula), Invisible Galaxy (Nebula x Ilia), Nyang Cat (Yang x Neon), Blue nor Gold (Kobalt x Ivori), whatever Flynt x Kobalt is called, Ozglyn (Ozpin x Glynda), Seamonkeys (Sun x Neptune), Cherry Tree (Scarlet x Sage), Electric Saw (Roy x Nolan), Bronze Knight (Jaune x Brawnz), Martial Arcs (Jaune x Ren), Valkos (Nora x Pyrrha), Greek Lotus (Pyrrha x Ren), Nuts and Volts (Tyrian x Watts), Snow Pines (Oscar x Whitley), Stowaway (Sun x Scarlet) Red Sea (Scarlet x Neptune), I'll do poly ships and ships I ship outside of the RWBY fandom next time.
#rwby ship#pink spyglass#rwby lost boys#whiterose#bumbleby#arkos#renora#crosshares#rosewick#nuts and dolts#the fox and the hare#baked alaska#emercury#cinnabun#bunnyhop#rain flower#leaderboard#leo#invisible galaxy#nyang cat#blue nor gold#ozglyn#electric saw#bronze knight#martial arcs#valkos#greek lotus#nuts and volts#rwby snowpines#stowaway
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Your otp for Roman! I'm curious :p
Rosewick, Platonic
because i'll never let go of this dumb dynamic that my friend cursed me with. (And I already did platonic Gelato)
Who’s the cuddler?
Ruby. Much to Roman's disdain.
Who makes the bed?
Roman, obviously.
Who wakes up first?
I feel like Ruby would, but that's based on past threads with my friend.
Who has the weird taste in music?
Ruby. For sure Ruby.
Who is more protective?
Roman, he knows how cruel the world can be, and Ruby seems so blissfully clueless. Stay that way, Red.
Who sings in the shower?
Hard to say, maybe Ruby?
Who cries during movies?
Depends how emotionally damaging it is, but I'm leaning towards Roman.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Roman, but I'd think with access to Roman's funds, Ruby would indulge in random pricey purchases.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
8/10 because i think of my friend whenever i see rosewick
#caeloservare#danny my beloved#youve cursed me with siblings duo rosewick in that one au and i can never let it go#for the record: exclusively platonic#im not a fuckin creep smh#I stay out too LATE; Got nothin' in my QUEUE
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Option on RWBY ships:
Btw, I don’t usually ship characters. Romance is usually the least interesting part of the story for me so expect a lot of meh.
Arkos: obviously I love this, it’s perfect
Blacksun: ehh, it’s cute. I started out feeling kinda meh, it was sweet but not really interesting, but now it’s growing on me. Ironically the same thing is happening with Bumblebee, although I still like Blake and Yang better platonically
Bunanas: so this is a ship between Velvet and Sun, and it’s honestly really cute to imagine even if it is completely random. I like it better then Blacksun…I think?
Candy Cane: this is just weird. I can’t imagine Nora being anything but a older sister to Oscar. The age gap makes it creepy too, not the four years is much of a gap, but when your teenagers it’s a big gap.
Chocolate Arc: this is hilarious to imagine but obviously yeah, Coco isn’t going to fall for someone like Jaune
Cinnabun: I barely know anything about Yatsuhashi but he and Velvet are cute, I guess? Still like her better with Sun
ClockRose: heck no!
Coconuts: again, can’t see Sun doing anything but annoying Coco. I really don’t like the whole ‘badass jerk of a girl falls for goof ball trope.’ It always ends up feeling sexist in several ways
Combat Boots: honestly outside of an AU I can’t see Yang ever forgiving Mercury much less falling in love with him. Also Mercury just doesn’t deserve her
Combat goggles: I feel like Yang and Neptune would have fun causally dating each other and slowly realizing they actually like (Blake/Sun/Jaune/whoever) and become each other’s wingmen. That fanfic better be lying around somewhere
Crimson Lotus: okay, if I didn’t love Renora and Rosegarden so much I’d probably ship this. It’s really cute
Crimson Sun: this feels like an excuse to write lemons of the two hottest characters
Crimson wings: look I understand most of the shipping heroes with villains because they’re both hot and the villain/hero dynamic is always fun. But Cardin…he’s not even hot. He’s not even interesting. And yet people ship him with Ruby? Why?
Daddie Issues: you know I see where this is coming from but they would just end up murdering each other.
Dairy Farm: obviously this is downright creepy in cannon, but in an au where Neo isn’t evil and both are closer in age, this would be adorable. I feel like Neo’s main problem is she’s incredibly lonely—other then Roman no one bothers to understand or talk to her. If Oscar reached out to her, and she began to protect him…it would be perfect. In way even better then Rosegarden because I think Neo would still be a bit of pycho even when good, and it would be fun to see her lose it when Salem hurts him.
Ilia/Adam: I just want to say I am forever grateful the show went out of its way to avoid this obnoxious, cliche ship from being canon
Dragon slayer: I see why people ship Jaune and Yang, I really do. They’re both the team mom/dad of their team, they’ve got the whole goofball/badass thing going (which is a trope I do like when the badass isn’t a jerk), they both have a good sense of humor, etc. But I just can’t see them as romantic. It feels really weird. I can’t even explain why. I understand shipping them but I really can’t ship them myself.
Emercury: I really love this ship, but I also don’t mind at all if the show decides to make them platonic. I enjoy their relationship in general and it works either way.
Oscar/Emerald: again, feel creepy. I love the idea of a sibling relationship and can’t see them possibly being romantic even without the age gape.
Cinder/Qrow: yeah again. Both are sexy and good for angsty lemons. I’m not into that stuff so I don’t ship them
Fall Stinger: I just don’t know why anyone would ship Tyrian with anyone. Unless it was Salem and even that is super creepy
Firerobber: I like villain relationships but Roman already has Neo and Cinder is a hot mess. Literally
Firewall: I don’t know why anyone would ship Watts with anyone. He’s even worst less ship-able then Tyrian
Footloose: I don’t actually ship it but just imagine Mercury and Melanie bonding over weaponized feet.
Freckles: Yeah this is just painful. The two most adorable characters (Penny and Oscar), who go through the worst things imaginable. It’s endless fluff, angst, and whump, and I love cute romance and tragic romances, so this is definitely something I ship.
Frostbite: seriously, this is so weird and toxic. Having Adam fall for Weiss or vice versa. Maybe it would work in an AU or something but it’s just too creepy
Funky Beats: it’s cute, I ship it.
Gelato: yeah I love healthy villainous relationships! Neo and Roman are freaking adorable, and I’m sad that we didn’t see more of them together.
Grandmasters: I obviously don’t ship Salem and Ozpin because that’s just creepy, but I do like their romance. I like tragic romances, and this probably the most tragic one in existence
Greek Lotus: I don’t see the chemistry and crashes two of my favorite ships so…
Green Knight: well, she kinda helped kill his last girlfriend so…unless it’s AU this isn’t going to work. Even if it is an AU. This feels like another ship made solely for lemons
Velvet/Cardin: yeah, a bigot changing his mind when he falls in love with a minority isn’t cute. Isn’t sweet. It isn’t romantic. I don’t even excuse lemons that use this trope. Even porn ought to be above that
Hummingbird: it’s hard to ship something when you only know one character, but I was interested in the theory that Qrow was actually Ruby’s father. But then in season 7 Qrow’s description of Summer made me rethink it, and it didn’t sound anything like how you’d describe a romantic relationship. So I don’t really like that theory anymore
Iceberg: this is just cliche and boring. I get them dating but it wouldn’t last that long
Flynt/Weiss: I really love this one, it’s my favorite ship with Weiss. I don’t want it to actually happened in cannon because that would be random, but I feel like it would be fun for both their characters. And they both share an interest in music. I’m imagining an AU where he gets her into jazz and she starts singing it at all her concerts to the horror of Jaques.
Iron Maiden: honestly what. Why. Gross
Iron witch: well I definitely see why people like it. I actually wouldn’t mind it being cannon, It’d be a good combination of funny/tragic and I’d like to see Glynda mentoring Winter
Jailbirds: this just feels forced and also Qrow is probably too old for her. I like their relationship and don’t want it to be romantic
Knight fall: lemon ship. Moving on
Knight Life: I feel like Jaune just gets shipped with everyone but this is cute I guess
Lancaster: it’s cute, but I can’t ship it because it feels cliche. I was worried that Jaune was going to be her love interest when they first met and was relieved to see him with Pyrrha instead. It just feels forced and boring to have him end up with Ruby
Pyrrha/Mercury: this really popular for some unfathomable reason. I like Mercury but Pyrrha deserves better
Marrowgold (May/Marrow): I just don’t see it
Nikong: Pyrrha and Sun would be cute together, but I don’t really love this ship. It’s kinda meh.
Nora’s Arc: no. Just no. It technically would work but their platonic relationship is way too good to lose
Old Silver: this is Maria/Pietro, and I think it’s adorable. They both strike me as really flirty for their ages and both are very good mentors. They can be the crazy grandparents of the team
Ozglyn: just don’t see it
Phoenix: yeah Raven was a horrible girlfriend/wife. I don’t ship her Taiyang
QuickSilver: Ruby deserves better than Mercury.
Rehab (Qrow/Glynda): the fact that this is called rehab explains why I don’t ship it
ReNora: yeah, this is probably my favorite ship. I don’t think I have to explain why.
Robotic Knight: I briefly shipped this but now disagree
Rosegarden: I really love Rosegarden, they’re just too adorable together, though the whole Ozpin does make it a little awkward
Rosewick: I can’t see this happening, even in an AU
Coco/Fox: I don’t know enough about Fox to really ship them, but the fact that Coco canonically slaps his butt during battle definitely makes me want to
Mercury/Neo: I could see this working. It would be pretty cute
Silent Knight: again, it would have to be an AU and even then I don’t see it working
Snowbird: so at first I really liked the idea of Qrow and Winter being ex’s, but now that I think about it he has to be at least twenty years older then her. Also, I have to say that while they have chemistry I think they would just end up killing each other
Speakeasy (Flynt/Coco): I got to say I like this ship and could see them having a lot of chemistry together
Strawbanna: I just can’t see Ruby and Sun together. It feels weird
Sunflakes: Can’t see it working
Sunflowyr (Ren/Yang): don’t see any chemistry. Again this just seems random
Tauradonna: this is obviously as toxic as you get.
The Hunt (Cardin/Blake): stop shipping Cardin with anyone!
Mercury/Cinder: Mercury is way too young, and even if he wasn’t this would be really weird. Also Cinder makes him look like a stable, peaceful person, so also no.
Toxic Petals: I swear I’m done with this. No more Cardin, Tyrian, or Watts ships. They too gross
Velveteen Knight: Aw, they’d be cute together
White Knight: I really hate this ship. It’s so obnoxious and boring, and nearly falls into the jerky badass/goofball trope I hate
Winter Soldier: ew, no, Ironwood is like her dad
Wise Dragon: anyone care to explain why this is so popular? Sage barely has any character to him, I can’t ship him with anyone
Yellow rose: Yeah, I kinda ship this, but again, it’s difficult when you barely know one character
IronQrow: I understand why you would ship this but I just don’t see it. Guys can hug without being gay you know
Martial arts: why?
Noah’s Arc: why?
Sea Monkeys: again I understand why you could ship it but I don’t. They’re obviously just friends to me
Shovel Knight: like most Oscar ships it feels weird. Jaune is obviously a big brother to him
TaiQrow: As funny as it is for Tai to sleep with every member of his team, I don’t ship it.
Fair game: I really can’t stand Clover so again, don’t ship it
Achilles heel: Cinder literally kills Pyrrha, why would you ship them?
Baked Alaska: lemon ship
Black glass: annnd, another lemon ship.
Blood Mint: yeah I don’t see Emerald and Ruby ever being a couple
Catmelon: I found Ilia’s crush on Blake kinda cringy and I can’t see them being a couple
ColdMurder (Weiss/Cinder): even in an au I don’t see it working
Cold Steel (Penny/Winter) eeewww, they’re practically sisters
Cream Machine (Neo/Penny): I mean…if she wasn’t evil…and wasn’t so much older…it might work? Maybe?
Crosshares: cute but I feel like Velvet is too much of a doormat for Coco
Digital Clock: Ciel obviously didn’t care much for Penny, and she was barely a character at all. I don’t see it
Pyrrha/Nora: don’t see it, and also can’t stand the idea of breaking up the two best ships
Falling Petals: I get that Cinder is hot, but can we stop shipping her with the kids she’s trying to murder? Because I can see several things wrong with that
Freezerburn: again, for no reason that I can think of this ship just doesn’t work for me. Much like Dragonslayer it just feels weird
Gingersnaps (Penny/Nora): that would be chaotic. I can’t really see them romantically though like most Penny ships it would be cute
Guilty Conscience (Bree/Winter): oh please no. They really don’t have any reason to be together
Ladybug: I just can’t see Blake with Ruby at all. Blake feels way to old even though she’s only older by two years.
Milk and Cereal (Ruby and Pyrrha): I guess it would work but I just don’t any chemistry
Mint chocolate (Emerald/Coco): if Coco managed to forgive her for everything that happened at Beacon I could maybe see this happening. There is some chemistry
Mommy issues: Nah, can’t see this working out.
Monochrome: Blake and Weiss have never had any romance chemistry despite plenty of opportunity to have it, so again, I see them as strictly platonic and shipping them feels almost like incest. I know that doesn’t make sense
Nordic Winter: I can’t see Weiss handling Penny, but again, any Penny ship is pretty cute
Nuts and Dolts: I would ship, but I like them together platonically too well. Definitely understand the ship, though I find it funny that Ruby, who insist she likes weapons better then people, would fall in love with a personified weapon. I know that’s probably racist against robots
Overheating (Penny/Cinder): I take back what I said about every Penny ship being cute
PennyWeiss: but this one is pretty cute
Pink Lemonade: can you imagine the chaos of Yang and Nora dating each other? They both need someone with a cooler head to keep them in check
Scheenoks: with Weiss’s fangirling I can definitely see were this is coming from, but Weiss is too mean for Pyrrha
Steadfast: I really don’t ship any of the ace-ops with anyone. I found them all boring and annoying except for Marrow
Strawberry Shortcake (Neo/Ruby): not seeing it
Sugar Rush (Ruby/Nora): Again, too much chaos. They both need chill partners. And I love Rosegarden and ReNora too much
Thunder cat (Blake/Nora): don’t see any chemistry between them
WhiteRose: I can see why this is shipped and I don’t dislike WhiteRose shippers. I just prefer Rosegarden, and find Weiss and Ruby working better together romantically
Bumblebee: again, I see this working better platonically, not romantically. It kind of annoyed me at first, but it is growing on me, much like Blacksun. I still like Blacksun better though
Enabler: No.
#Rwby#rwby ships#bumblebee#blacksun#rosegarden#roman/neo#WhiteRose#Arkos#Renora#ruby rose#wiess Schnee#snowbird#qrow#winter Schnee#fairgame#blake bellodona#Yang Xiao Long#oscar pine
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Ta-Da! Here’s my updated RWBY Shipping Chart
Instead of having a bunch of characters I don’t have a ship for, I instead have only characters I have ships for!
**Look under cut for details**
• BlackSun -Sun makes her so happy, and when she’s upset she runs to him. He brings out the best in her.
• Freezerburn -These two are great for each other. Yang needs someone she can relate to and who can help her with her abandonment issues.
• Arkos -I’m still on this sunken ship and I plan to stay here. That statue scene destroyed me.
• Renora -Been here since Vol 1 and not going no where.
• Hummingbird -Yeah yeah Qrow isn’t Ruby’s dad but I still feel like there’s a stronger connection between these two so bite me.
• Emercury -Save these kids. Please. Let them be actually happy.
• Rosegarden -Oz is there and makes it kinda weird but Ruby and Oscar are cute.
• White Rose -I prefer Freezerburn but White Rose is also cute. "Thank me later" adorable
• Nuts and Dolts -PENNNNYYYYYY COME BAAACK (so I can have my heart ripped to pieces when she comes back in Vol 7 and Ruby hugs her and Penny goes “who are you?” I will be deceased. I guarantee it.)
• Iceberg -Kinda dead now but still cute in thought.
• Gelato -Used to think it was weird but I’m over that, they’re also cute in thought.
• Crimsun -OKAY WAIT HOLD ON. IT STARTED OUT AS A JOKE BUT THE MORE I THOUGHT ABOUT IT I STARTED TO LIKE IT. Like think about it, Sun is great at bringing out the best in people. In a different time when Adam didn’t lose his fucking mind entirely, I can see them in a relationship where Sun is the one to calm him down and just be like “dude chill you’re fine breathe” I DUNNO MAN IT JUST SORTA HAPPENED. I CANT EXPLAIN IT WELL.
• Raging Bull -AGAIN HEAR ME OUT. (REMEMBER THESE ARE SHIPPED IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND NOT IN CANON FOR FUCKS SAKE CALM DOWN) It started as a crack ship but I slowly became more and more serious about it. Because of how similar they are. If some events had happened differently, I could see these two getting along fairly well. Judge all you want this is my guilty pleasure ship. Both are hot headed and aggressive when agitated past a point. ONCE MORE ITS NOT IN CANON. LITERALLY THE ONLY THING THATS CANON IS THEIR PERSONALITIES.
•Seamonkeys -Just. Go watch any Chibi episode with them in it. Just. Absolute bromance.
• Lancaster -Still dont ship it romantically. Platonically yes!
• Rosewick -Why is this still a thing I don’t understand. Put this one here just because it still baffles me.
• Bumble/by - …I mean doesn’t really need an explanation. Main reason now is because of how forced it is.
It’s Complicated
• Tauradonna -This one’s complicated because there is a time in canon where I shipped it. Pre-Black Trailer. Before shit hit the fan, before Blake left. Hell, even a bit into Vol 2 I still shipped it. But then the Fall of Beacon happened and Adam absolutely lost his goddam mind (and didn’t even seem like the same fucking character but ya know whatever) I ship it in the periods before the show. Their past intrigues me. Because clearly there was a time when things were different. And there’s still more that we don’t know AND PROBABLY WONT KNOW NOW. still pissed if ya couldn’t tell Like I have so many questions. Did Blake always know about his scar? It sorta seemed like she did? But if she did why didn’t she bitch Weiss out back in Vol 1-2 about the company literally fucking branding people?!
Anyway so yeah here’s the updated chart Sorry explanations are shit my brain is mush and I haven’t watched rwby since Vol 6 ended so it’s not so fresh in my head
#probs gonna lose a handful of followers but you know what?#shit happens#sometimes you follow a blog only to find later that you disagree with some stuff the blog says or does and you unfollow#it happens#rwby#rwby ship chart#tabithaposts
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「 Nat Wolff. male. he/him. 」oh, her ? yeah, that’s Jethro “Jett” Hawkins. people are always talkin’ about how spontaneous & cunning they are, but i think they can be detached & uninterested. guess that’s why they’re known around rosewick as “Jetthawk The Witch Boy” he’s a twenty-three conman, and you can catch him over on the south side. rumour has it he is the famous Witch Boy —son of the local psychic and witch that was assassinated by the mafia (or maybe A)— and remains supposedly disappeared.
Downtown. It is late at night in the low(est) sides of the South and blinking neon signs can be read from afar on a brick wall: PSYCHIC. LOVE POTIONS. PALM READING. RECIPE FOR SUCCESS.
A black slick Mercedes parks at the front and four men get out. Three of them are brutes, most likely they don’t even know how to count. Then, another man, slightly older, but very well dressed and he shamelessly shows off a bunch of golden rings around his fingers.
A woman inside, sitting on a velvet red chair immediately recognizes the visitors and shoves her kid under a trap door. UH-OH, this is isn’t good. The men enter and Jett only hears loud voices, palms slamming on the table, a click and then a small, yet loud explosion. THEN SILENCE. Jett crawls out of the hideout as soon as he hears the tires screech away. His mother is on the floor, she isn’t moving and the planks of the floor absorb the blood through the little black spaces between them. The boy was only SEVEN.
Nobody wants to be responsible of lil’Jett, there were no other family members known and everybody played deaf and blind to what happened that night; so good boy goes into the system.
Cliché story: foster homes suck, he is the little and weak one, he gets pushed around; naturally he is not gonna make it because of his strength, so Jett starts TRAINING HIS MIND INSTEAD. He becomes very observant, his thin frame helps him be quick and sly when he needs to and he discovers a particular affection towards poker cards when his caretaker and his friends fall asleep drunk mid-game. The kid sneaks into the kitchen to get some milk and to his foot stuck a Joker card, which he immediately adored.
The card became his token and little by little, snatching coins from under the couch and behind the fridge, Jett managed to buy his first deck of cards; of course they were old and a second-hand acquisition, but it was the first thing ever he got with his own money and OH BOY, he was excited.
Taking little trips very early when the caretaker was still asleep, Jett got the newspaper’s seller trust to take a peek at the Magic Corner, a magazine about basic magic tricks for kids and of course, he devoured all that had to do with cards and coins.
Time goes by and Jett is fourteen, he is tired of living under an iron fist and so, he packed his few things and left the house to never go back. NOTHING AWAITED FOR HIM IN THERE AFTER ALL.
While Jett really enjoyed magic and overall, tricking people, his biggest passion was SURVIVING. Sometimes being a conman wasn’t enough, specially with all the competition around the city, so sometimes, he would have to end up doing some side-jobs like working on delivery ( of illegal stuff of course ) or sneaking in to make a little robbery for someone else. None of this made him proud, even though he always talks loud about his thief abilities.
Y’know, rough past and cynical attitude. Jett didn’t really know kindness through his life and it shows. He doesn’t trust easily and won’t do anything that doesn’t benefit him in some way. A True Neutral at heart.
Sleeping in shelters, couches or alleys, the boy is always on the look for his next gold and the next place he will use as temporary room. He hates feeling like a charity case and so, will rarely accept anything if he didn’t work for it or gained it in a bet.
Long ago, when his mother was still alive, he heard her talk through the phone about him “having the genes” , whatever that meant is still unknown to Jett , but he REALLY hopes is not an illness or something like that.
He is very observant, able to use the deductive method to read you up and down; is this result of his brains? His years facing the streets? Is he actually a psychic unlike his mother? Nobody knows, not even him, but THANKS GOD his good instincts, because that is what has kept him alive all these years.
Comrade of everyone and friend of no one, he travels so much that he hasn’t ever really bonded with someone and he says he doesn’t need it, attachments mean weaknesses and he ain’t up for having them.
At this point he doesn’t really have an objective in life, just the day-by-day life.
His biggest phobia is BLOOD. He can’t see it, smell it or feel it. He can even faint upon the sight of it because it recalls THE tragic event of his life.
He is a good kid, but always prone to cause some trouble if possible AND IF REWARDED.
He can do some America’s Got Talent card shit, but just not AS GOOD, otherwise he’d be famous and rich amirite?? But he’s in the process of learning. He can steal your wallet and watch without you noticing, though.
Doesn’t have a phone, but the park during the mornings is a good place to find him, otherwise, he can be pretty much anywhere, most likely running away from something.
HE MISSES HIS MOM. Lowkey hates happy families.
Idk there’s a lot and I could go on forever, so next thing!
PLOTS / CONNECTIONS ( warning, I suck at these )
Friends. He has never had them, it’s time for a change.
The Royal and the Commoner. I am a sucker for opposites. This can be either romantic or platonic!
People he has / is / will work for. Can either be shady stuff or an actual honest job! ( consider he officially just finished middle school, but is very very street smart and actually can be wise?? Has done research on his own about stuff he is interested about )
Mentors. Teaching them to do bad things? To do good things?
Bad influence and good influence. Self-explaining.
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- sexuality/gender headcanon: Trans ace lesbian
- otp: White Rose and Nuts and Dolts
- brotp: Honestly, again White Rose and Nuts and Dolts, the relationships are both great whether romantic or platonic. Yang and Ruby’s relationship is also a gem, and Ladybug is a great brotp as well that I wish had more moments in canon. Oh, and Lancaster is great too. Such an iconic m/f frienship.
- notp: Ro/segarden. Oscar’s still only 14 and has an old man in his head. Aside from Rose/garden, there’s the obvious Fallen Petals, Rosewick, Clockrose, Enabler, and any other gross ships like that.
- random hc: Ruby and Weiss have bonded and had conversations over having to deal with alcoholic family members.
- favorite pic of them:
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