#oh and thank you for the response on my recent oc!!! i never expecting so many nice comments on him :')
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mroddmod · 10 months ago
omg thank you guys for 9k!!! i can't believe it 😭🙏
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whysamwhy123 · 1 year ago
“Decide” for the wip ask thing!
Better late then never, so I'm finally getting to this now, thanks for sending this my way! As it happens, that word pops up in a lot of my WIPs, so brace yourself with a fuckton of snippets under the cut!
(My most recent WIP and boy, is it a silly one. It's my flimsy excuse to write Fuckboy DG hitting on various members of the rosters, and striking out each time)
As he approaches her, Daniel tries to figure out what his opening line should be.
Hey, what's up, mommy? Your baby boy has arrived…
He’s one hundred percent sure that would work, obviously. But he decides to take a different approach.
‘’You sure?’’
Hook’s back to squinting again. ‘’Why wouldn’t I be?’’
Orange decides to test his theory. ‘’I saw what’s going on with you and Brian.’’
Hook’s calm, I don’t give a shit demeanor breaks slightly. It’s only for a brief second, but Orange spots the glint in his eyes, the slight pursing of his lips, the tightening of his body language. He was right on the money.
‘’Yeah, it’s…whatever,’’ Hook says, trying to play it cool.
‘’What is this?’’ he asks.
Hook wonders if that’s a trick question. His mind’s coming up blank though so he decides to answer literally. ‘’Uh. The sink?’’
‘’Oh, good, you know what that is,’’ Orange says. ‘’So, are you aware that most people use these things to clean dishes? Generally, after they’ve eaten and they’re all dirty, human beings will then wash them so that they can be used again. What a concept! Would you like to give it a try sometime?’’
(Sassy Bitch OC strikes again)
‘’Bros before hoes,’’ Zay said, firm.
Daniel rolled his eyes. ‘’What, are we in high school?’’
‘’Nah, ‘cause you never had hoes in high school,’’ Zay grinned afterwards, earning himself a glare from Daniel.
Daniel decided not to correct Isiah and instead he looked back in Julia’s direction. God, she was so fucking hot. He had to have her - he just had to.
(I'm sure nothing bad could come of this. Nope, I'm sure nothing bad happens to Daniel in this fic, nothing whatsoever 🙂🙂🙂)
(Disclaimer - Hook is high as a kite in this fic. Orange is not. Oh, the humanity...)
Orange decides to take a different approach. ‘’You know what would be really fun?’’
Hook legitimately gasps. ‘’What?!’’ he asks, looking up at him with those wide red eyes.
‘’If we went to bed. Right now.’’
Hook giggles. ‘’We are in bed…’’
‘’Then let’s get some sleep, huh?’’
Hook grins. ‘’Don’t wanna.’’
Orange’s head slowly turns, his first movement since Hook dropped the bomb on him. Fear shoots ice through Hook’s veins. But when he meets his eyes, he doesn’t look mad. His face is weirdly neutral. But then the cracks start to show. A slight crease in his forehead. A grim, sad little glint in his eye. He opens his mouth but the only sound that comes out is a terse exhale. His mouth opens and closes a couple more times, as though he can’t decide what to say.
Hook braces himself for whatever’s about to happen.
(Uh oh, did Hook do something baaaaaaaad? Something he regrets? Something that would make his boyfriend upset?🙂🙂🙂)
Eventually, Daniel decided he’d done enough, laid the groundwork as best as he could. So the next time he and Julia found themselves alone, he just straight up asked her if she wanted to head back to his hotel room later, after the show.
He didn’t know what he was expecting. But what Julia said in response - the request she made - left him completely stunned.
(This is, in fact, a different fic from the other Daniel/Julia snippet. But arguably both ideas are equally awful and embarrassing on my part 😬)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
🪿 returning very shortly after reading your most recent posts Just wanted to wish you the best! I'm quite new to obey me but i've really enjoyed your headcanons, drabbles, and ocs. Ciaran in particular really connected. I always end up making an side character oc rather than self-insert and it just spins further and further away from canon from there. I used to feel guilty cause it limited my interaction/contribution to the community, i still do often, but it never seemed right to fight against the urge. So, uh, if I could slip in a request (if it helps you find fun in your funk): Of the brothers, who is the worst at minding their space when in their demon forms? i.e. How often has Luicifer, in all his winged glory, turned too abruptly and knocked Ciaran over, if ever? Who has adapted too well to their human forms and forgot that things like horns and tails and wings take up physical space? And of your demon OC's, who would (theoretically) take up more than their fair share in a (hypothetical) subway car?
Hang on, hang on, 🪿?? Was I supposed to add that emoji to my list, but forgot?? Wow I hope not, if so I'm very sorry!! I try to add them right away so I don't forget because I'm very forgetful. Please let me know if I was supposed to add that to the anon list!
Oh, thank you so much! It still surprises me that people like Ciaran. I don't know why, but I guess I've just had more of a response to them than I ever expected to!
I hope you never fight against that urge because I do the same thing. I don't really like to put myself into self insert situations. I like to imagine the story through the eyes of someone who is not me. It's more fun for me that way. But I also understand the guilt - I always feel guilty about posting OC content, but I make myself do it anyway. I'm trying to be more confident and remember that I do this for fun!
Uh, I'm gonna put the rest of my response under a read more because it got LONG and I don't want people to have to scroll that much!
Okay, I love this idea of the demons being too used to their demon forms. I hadn't thought about it previously, but now I'm convinced that Lucifer has knocked Ciaran over with his wings lol. Just another thing to add to Ciaran's "Things That Annoy Me About Lucifer" list. It's probably got quite a few items on it already, but you can be sure they'd be adding "careless with wings" after such an incident.
That being said, I also think Levi might have this issue. His tail certainly seems to be the longest and the most likely to trip somebody. And when he's freaking out about something or really focused on one of his interests, I think he'd forget that he was in demon form entirely.
I could also see it being an issue for Mammon, who seems to rarely get into demon form at all. I think he's very proud of his wings, but I do think he probably forgets about them when he's in demon form. Just because they aren't there most of the time.
I'm imagining them at the castle at some fancy party, since they often go to parties in their demon forms.
Ciaran is likely checking out the food tables because they know that everything there was made by Barbatos and they are not going to pass up such deliciousness. Levi's in a nearby corner, huddled up on a chair playing some video game, tail completely forgotten and splayed out across the floor.
Ciaran is making their way down the table with a plate half full of food when they let out a yell as they trip over Levi's tail. They're on their way down, about to face plant into the floor, when -
Mammon dives from across the room to catch them!
Ciaran is flustered, but okay and the plate of food was saved!
Mammon is preening because he did such a good job. Then he turns abruptly to give Levi a piece of his mind for being so negligent about his tail. And whacks Ciaran in the face with one of his wings.
Ciaran manages to keep hold of their plate, but they are not pleased.
At this point, I suspect a three way argument would break out because Ciaran can have a short temper lol. Cue someone like Barbatos or Diavolo having to come over to calm everybody down.
Ah, honestly writing about Ciaran is really nice. I don't feel the same kind of pressure about it, so I really appreciate you asking me about this!
I feel the same way about a lot of the demon OCs because most of them are minor characters in Arrie's story.
So to answer your question about who would take up too much space in a subway car, it'd have to be Chymion. Arrie is a big demon, but his demon form is something he has a lot of control over. He's picky about it lol. Chymion (for those who haven't seen about him on the masterpost, he's one of Arrie's band mates) takes up a lot of space even when he isn't in demon form. I wanted to create a character that was unmistakably demonic, even in their "human" form, and thus Chymion came into existence. He's big and tall, but if he's in demon form it's all wings, tail, claws, and extra limbs.
Lael (another band member) is the only other one that I think might have an issue and that's because he has a big ole fluffy tail that'd probably take up an entire seat just by itself.
All the rest of my demon OCs have better control over their demon parts and would be able to contain themselves. In their "human" forms, most of them are also average sized. Arrie is a big guy, but he'd be okay. Chymion would still take up too much space. But the rest wouldn't have an issue lol.
Anyway, thank you very much for this ask. It definitely helped inspire me and it was fun to think about these questions!
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 years ago
💖💥📚 ✅
💖 What made you start writing?
i answered this one here. (but after you sent this, so thank you!)
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
mostly i feel that i should probably look for it more. i don’t think it’s a great idea to dole it out in ao3 comments, even if it’s the extremely well-intentioned constructive kind, unless the author specifically says somewhere that they welcome that kind of feedback. i also, honestly, don’t think that’s how i’d like to receive (con)crit, because fic that’s on ao3 is generally fic i consider done, so i probably won’t be making any changes anyway. (unless it’s small stuff that’s an actual factual mistake! eye colors. i’ve gotten so many eye colors wrong in my day, somehow.)
but also... i should maybe start asking people for beta reading, sometimes. at least with longer stuff, because it’s so easy to stare yourself blind on the words and to weave a web that keeps catching continuity errors instead of flies. on top of which, i am curious! i’d like to know what people think i could do better or more effectively and how to step up my writing game, it’s just that it has to come from people whose judgment in these matters i trust.
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
i mean, it sounds cool! in theory that would be amazing! i’m just not entirely sure it would still be cool in reality - self-promotion is often an expected part of that job these days, and deadlines, hoo boy. i’m such a flighty writer, jumping from project A to B to Z and maybe back to B again, that i’m honestly not sure i could work on a schedule and not start to dread the thing i used to enjoy. on top of which, well, i’ve written almost exclusively fanfic over the last... half decade, maybe. i know some people have multiple casts of meticulously crafted OCs they really love, but i’ve never had that, and i also don’t particularly relish plotting. which. you’d have to do at least some of those things to turn writing into a profession, so, i don’t know.
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
recently i’ve noticed that i keep describing characters laughing and then cutting themselves off, or barking a short laugh, or realizing mid-laugh that it wasn’t funny after all, or any variation on that theme. it’s a problem! i’ve been trying to edit it out wherever possible, because i don’t want to rely on the same responses or gestures over and over, but oh, i do love a suddenly halted laugh, it seems.
also... guinea pigs? that was never entirely the plan. i don’t have plot bunnies, i have plot potatoes on legs, and i have a specific weakness that means i can’t not pick them up and feed them parsley.
... and characters just keep doing the dishes. which i’m not intentionally editing out, because in life a lot of dishes need to be washed, but they just keep going and going and i should maybe write them a dish washer at some point. their fingers are going to get so wrinkled.
send me emojis (if you want)! 🌈  
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myriadimagines · 4 years ago
congrats on reaching 10k followers, sam!!! you absolutely deserve each and every one of them! you were one of the first blogs i followed on here, and i’m so happy to see you getting the love you deserve :’)
for your event, could i get a drabble with #39 “oh no, you are not dragging me into this” and #46 “don’t give me that look” from prompt list #2 with marcus lopez (deadly class)? thank you so much!! 💕
Characters: Reader x Marcus Lopez Arguello
Warnings: smoking, mentions of violence & swearing
Prompt: 39. “Oh no, you are not dragging me into this.” & 46. “Don’t give me that look.”
Word Count: 479
A/N: leela!!! thank u so so much my love :’) i hope u like the drabble 💕💕this was actually based on a little snippet of an oc i was working on but then never fully finished aksjdhsa
want to request a drabble? Read this post!
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You’re surprised to see Marcus on the rooftop, alone. You figure Billy must’ve shown him your usual hangout spot, not that you mind. He’s staring out at the city, and you light up a cigarette before calling out, “Hey, new kid!” 
Marcus flinches, turning around as you take a drag from your cigarette. You stroll over to him, raising an eyebrow as you ask, “You’re made quite the impression on your first day, huh?”
Marcus scoffs at this. Not that he expected his introduction at King’s to be a smooth one, but it seems like he’s already got a target on his head from Chico. You notice him glance at your cigarette, and you hold it out to him. He smiles gratefully at you, reaching to take it, but you snatch it away as his fingers graze yours, and you playfully tease, “So, how are you going about your little problema de Chico?”
“No idea.” Marcus bitterly replies, and you finally let him take the cigarette. He inhales sharply, his eyes darkening as he stares out at the city. “Looks like I’m fucked no matter what I do.”
You sniff, following Marcus’ gaze out to the city. You feel bad for him, but you don’t know what else to say. You’ve barely gotten to know him, having only been introduced recently through Billy, but you can’t help but feel a certain responsibility for him. Seeing as you’re both Rats, after all, you feel as though you should have his back.
Marcus seems to notice the conflict in your face, and he slowly remarks, “Unless, maybe you...?”
You turn to look at him, before shaking your head. “Oh no, you are not dragging me into this. Chico is your problem, not mine.” 
Marcus raises an eyebrow at you, and you stare back at him, refusing to budge. You can’t help but feel a little flustered under Marcus’ gaze, but you would never admit to such a thing. Marcus remains quiet, and you insist, “Don’t give me that look. You’re on your own.”
Marcus smirks slightly, and you frown. The two of you stare at each other for another beat, before you reach to snatch your cigarette back from him. You take one last drag, screwing your eyes shut as you tilt her head to the sky, breathing out, “Fuck, I don’t want to die. Not now, at least.”
“So you’ll help me?” Marcus asks with a grin, and you sigh, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out with the heel of her boot.
“Don’t go thinking I care about you, now we’re not at that level yet.” you point a finger at Marcus, and he rolls his eyes. “But I guess, yeah, I’ll help you.”
“Thanks.” Marcus sarcastically deadpans, and your snort. “So what’s the plan?”
You shrug, knowing this this might be your hardest assignment at King’s yet. “Survive.”
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naughtyneganjdm · 4 years ago
The Favor
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Summary: Y/N comes to Negan asking him for a favor and in return he asks her to do something for him and his wife Lucille.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Lucille.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut & a Threesome (MFF) 
Notes: Not going to lie, this doesn't have much of a plot. This was just a story that was requested of me and after seeing the promo picture of Negan and Lucille from The Walking Dead 10c, I was inspired. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28909305
“So, you want me to do what now?” Negan blurt out clearly amused by the tone of his voice from where he was sitting on the corner of his desk. Frustration flooded Y/N’s body when she lowered her head and an embarrassed flush developed over her face. Negan was laughing plainly still stuck on what she had asked him. The reaction to what she asked of him made her almost regret asking him in the first place. “Say it again.”
“Forget it,” Y/N held her hand up in the air not wanting to embarrass herself any further. Pointing behind her, she nodded toward the direction she wanted to leave. If she could hit rewind on this whole thing, she totally would have. When she came to Negan’s office to ask him for a favor, she never really expected it to turn out like this. She didn’t even know what she was thinking in the first place. “I’m sorry for asking. I’m going to go hide and pretend like I don’t even know you anymore because I feel so stupid.”
“No, no. Hold on,” Negan called out when she went to leave his office and he continued to snicker to himself. “I’m just…you have to understand here I’m not used to people making requests of me like this. Actually, I’m not used to anyone asking me for anything.”
“Listen, I’ve been working here for a while and not many people are really nice to me here. You’re always very kind to me,” she admitted noticing the way that Negan had his eyes hooked on her. His eyebrows arched in curiosity when she took a moment to pause and think about what she was going to say. Recently she had joined the school as a student teacher. When she started working in the art department, not many people really gave her the time of day. Most of the people that worked there had their cliques and it felt like high school all over again. Negan was really one of the only people that she found to be nice to her. In her short time at the school, Y/N was able to help update things greatly and it truthfully pissed off some of the older staff that was working there. So, she was often snubbed in the hallways, but Negan was never one of those people. “I thought we were kind of friends.”
“Because we talk to each other in the teachers’ lounge?” Negan snorted and his reply made her feel stupid all over again.
“Well that and we have been bringing each other breakfast for a while now,” she reasoned with him and Negan’s big hazel eyes got wider. It looked like Negan was about ready to burst at the seams with laughter and when he began to laugh, she looked down toward the ground again. “Wow, I totally misread everything here. I am so sorry.”
“I felt bad for you that people were snubbing you so I brought you coffee and then you had to go be adorable bringing me in breakfast as a thank you,” Negan sighed watching her worried eyes lifting to his. Leaning forward, he slicked back his thick, dark hair and ran his fingers through his dark beard. “It just kind of became a thing. Tuesdays and Thursdays are mine. Mondays and Wednesdays are yours.”
“I’m confused,” she cleared her throat, resting her back against the wall while watching him closely. “Does that mean you think we are friends or not?”
“Well, originally I just kind of thought we were work associates that were friendly with each other,” Negan simply answered, rubbing his hands together when he eyed her over. “Friends hang out with each other after school. Friends exchange numbers. That kind of thing.”
“Part of me worried about asking you to hang out because…” she got caught up on what she was thinking. There was the urge to be blunt and honest with him, but another part of her didn’t want to feel even more pathetic than she already did. “You’re married and I didn’t want you to think that I was asking you out on a date.”
“Oh, so that’s why you didn’t want to exchange numbers?” Negan almost teased her, lifting his hand up to look over the wedding band on his finger. “You know, Simon and I exchanged numbers almost immediately. Simon doesn’t bring me breakfast two days out of the week.”
“Yeah, but Simon is a guy,” she reminded him and Negan tilted his head to the side as if waiting for her to explain further.
“So, I can’t be friends with a woman because I’m married?” Negan inquired and she wasn’t quite sure how to respond so she just shrugged her shoulders. “Well that’s a little sexist, isn’t it? Why can men only be friends with men? Also…who’s to say I’m not attracted to both men and women? Then should I be friends with no one because I’m married?”
“I never…wait…what?” she felt overwhelmed with his interrogation and his thick rumble of a laugh filled the air again. “You know what, I think I’m going to leave. I’m sorry for bothering you about this. This was illogical.”
“Hey, I’m fucking with you,” Negan alerted her when he could sense that she was getting stressed with the way he was acting. “I’m not saying no, but I don’t really get it. You know? You want to take photos of me? For what reason?”
“Just forget it,” she shook her head knowing that this was absurd from the start.
“Would you just sit down for a second,” Negan suggested, holding his hand out toward the seat that was before him in front of the desk he was sitting on the edge of. When she went to leave again, he stumbled to his feet and grabbed her wrist in a delicate manner. Pulling her back, he carefully nudged her down into the seat and went back to sit where he was. In this position, Negan was definitely in her person space and it made her uncomfortable. This was awkward. “Explain. Just tell me why you want me to do it. That’s all I’m asking you.”
“I’m working on my portfolio and I just want people to pose for me for some portraits,” she answered feeling small with the way Negan was staring down at her. His light, hazel eyes were incredibly intense and it made her mouth go dry.
“And you don’t have friends that could do this for you?” Negan tilted his head to the side and bit at his lip when he asked her. “I’m not really one for photos, you know? I know you like the whole photo and video thing, but it’s just…I’ve never liked being in front of them.”
“I find that hard to believe because you love being the center of attention,” Y/N rationalized with him what he had just said to her. The expression he gave her almost seemed impressed that she called him on his shit, but she immediately felt embarrassed for saying that to him. “I am so sorry.”
“No, you’re right…I like to tell a story,” Negan confessed with a snort, knowing that she was being bold with what she said to him. “And I do like to be doted on.”
“Your personality is part of the reason I want to take photos of you,” she thought of all the times she had walked into the teachers’ lounge to see Negan having a group of people surrounding him while he told a story. The way he would smile and get extremely animated with his body made him someone she wanted to take pictures of for so long. “You’re fun.”
“Well, that’s true,” Negan winked, his smile drawing her eyes to it. It seemed like Negan was thinking things over while he stroked over his short, dark beard. “I’m just sure you have better looking, younger friends.”
“Yeah, I have friends, but I just like your look,” she explained and Negan’s eyebrows bounced up with her answer. Folding her arms out in front of her chest, she slid down in the chair and cleared her throat. “If you don’t like photos taken, that’s okay.”
“So basically, you’re telling me you think I’m hot,” Negan retorted with another amused breath, “that’s why you want to take pictures of me?”
“I’m not saying you’re hot,” she panicked at his response and she shifted in the seat before him uncomfortably. Well shit, why did she have to go and say that?
“Now are you saying I’m ugly then?” Negan hurriedly blurt out and she felt the room around her getting extremely hot.
“I would never say that. Negan, yes. I like to take photos of people that appeal to me. I like your look and your style,” she shook her head, not knowing exactly what to say with him. “You’re unique and looking at you inspires me with ideas of things that we could do if we worked together.”
“What kinds of things?” Negan’s voice got deeper and there was clear interest in his eyes. “I didn’t know that my looks could inspire someone.”
“You’d be surprised,” she sighed knowing that she found Negan extremely ruggedly handsome. It was hard not to stare at him whenever he was around. When he first brought her coffee, she thought it was a form of flirting, but when she took notice of his wedding ring she knew better. Instead she just assumed that Negan was a friendly person and accepted the weird friendship they had going.
“Just to confirm some things here. You are asking me to come to your studio you have tonight because you don’t like anyone else here…” Negan revealed what he thought she was telling him and she leaned forward in the chair. Her lips parted and she looked shocked to hear what he said. Y/N made hesitant movements as if trying to think of something to say in response, but he shook his head. “Don’t pretend you like the people here. They are fuckers. Most of them at least. We both know that.”
“Everyone seems to like you,” she reminded him and Negan made a dramatic face that made her laugh. “I haven’t met a person that hates you.”
“I’m an asshole with a mouth that gets me in trouble. Everyone loves that, but also secretly hates that. It’s like a Stepford community every single time I come here. I don’t blame you for hating everyone,” Negan dismissed that thought and waved his hands in the air. “Back to what I was saying though, you think I’m fucking hot and you want to take pictures of me.”
“I don’t recall telling you that I think you are fucking hot,” she pointed out and Negan’s dimples became more prominent when he gave her a doubtful expression.  Instead of giving him the gratification of her saying yes, she did find him hot, she moved along with what she was saying. “It’s for my portfolio. Yes, I want to teach, but I’d also potentially like to have more one day.”
“Hmm…I see,” Negan licked his lips and dragged his tongue along his bottom lip. Pressing his hands back, he braced his weight on them when he leaned back and cleared his throat. “If I do you this favor for you…you have to do me a favor.”
“What’s that?” she was surprised to hear him say something like that but was almost curious as to what he could possibly want from her.
“I’ve seen some of the videos you’ve done for the school. What you do is good work,” Negan stated with a smirk seeing the curiosity flooding through her features. “If you want me to be your model, you have to record something for my wife and me on the weekend.”
“That’s it?” she half laughed knowing that she was expecting something much worse. “Absolutely. That’s no problem at all.”
“You’d be free Saturday to come over and help us out with a project?” Negan confirmed and she enthusiastically nodded. “It’s kind of…intense. You’re down for anything?”
“Negan, you’re helping me out greatly if you model for me. I’d do anything for you,” she claimed knowing that she was absolutely excited at the possible idea of him even considering modeling for her. Especially after she felt so ridiculous for asking him in the first place.
“I’m holding you to it,” Negan snapped his fingers and gave her a wink before looking down at himself. “I’ve got jeans and a black Henley when I’m not in my gym clothes here. Is that going to be okay with you? It’s not like I have multiple outfits.”
“We’ll make it work,” she knew it wouldn’t matter what he wore because she would be able to do some really nice things just having him there. “Are you sure?”
“Do you want me to change my mind?” Negan asked with an entertained sound which made her swiftly shake her head. Reaching his large hand out, he took her hand in his and shook on what they agreed upon. “Then I guess we have a deal.”
“Definitely,” she agreed with him, knowing that she didn’t mind doing something for anyone when they helped her out.
“I brought the motorcycle in so I will just have to follow you after school,” Negan informed her with a loud sigh, getting up from where he was seated on the corner of his desk. Heading to his seat, he knew that he had a lot of work to finish before then and he needed to get to work on it. “I’ll meet you out in the parking lot when I’m done.”
The plans were set in stone and Y/N went back to the class she was meant to be helping with. She was thankful that Negan agreed to do the photoshoot, but she prayed that she didn’t make a fool of herself when she was around Negan. It would be easy to do since she felt like she had already been somewhat foolish when she asked him to do this in the first place.
After school was over, she had met Negan in the parking lot and had him follow her to her home where she had a studio set up in her oversize detached garage. When she opened it and urged Negan to drive his motorcycle into the garage, she could hear Negan snickering.
“What?” she was confused with the way he was acting while he turned off his motorcycle. Shrugging her shoulders, she waited for an answer as he pulled him body from the motorcycle after putting his kickstand down.
“Well when you told me your studio, I just kind of imagined a real studio. Not one that was set up in your garage,” Negan looked beyond her to see the set-up she had at the complete opposite end of her garage.
“This garage is the reason I got this house. I saw opportunities with a studio in here and it’s the best I can do right now. It’s a heated garage. I think the guy before me used it as a mancave or like a workout area,” she explained and the sound that Negan made almost made her feel embarrassed again. “Damn, you’re good at making me feel ridiculous lately.”
“You’re not ridiculous, I just think you’re adorable,” Negan pulled his helmet off and hung it from the handle of his motorcycle. “I give you shit because I like to see you flustered. Not because you’re ridiculous, but because you are adorable.”
“You’ve told me I’m adorable a lot today,” she recalled the many times he had already said that.
“It’s because you are,” Negan cocked his head and gave her a smile. She didn’t know if she should be flattered by his comment or offended. Given she couldn’t see his eyes because of the sunglasses that he was still wearing, she urged herself to believe him instead of thinking the worst. Hopefully she didn’t come off like a big joke to him.
Heading off in the direction of the lights she had set up, she could hear Negan following her and she began to turn things on to set up a scene, “You know for a while I almost though this whole photoshoot thing was code that you wanted to have sex with me. Now I can see you are just very serious about all of this.”
“You seem like the kind of guy that would like a woman to be forward with that kind of thing Negan,” she acknowledged and looked over her shoulder from where she was setting up a light. “And if you weren’t married, I would have considered it.”
“I do like someone who knows what they want,” Negan agreed with her after thinking about what she said. What made him even more interested was the fact she told him she would have definitely considered something like that. “I’m warning you, I’m a pain in the ass. I’m more of a goof than I actually am sexy and shit.”
“I prefer when someone’s real personality comes out on camera,” she shrugged off his response and continued to set up the area. “How do you feel about using the motorcycle as a prop for the first few photos?”
“Is that what you want?” Negan looked back in the area where he left his motorcycle. “I don’t give a shit what we do in the photos. I’m doing all of this for you. So, whatever you want, I’ll do.”
“I mean, the motorcycle fits your personality so I think it would be cool,” she thought about the offer and Negan walked off to go get his motorcycle again. After setting things up, she had started to take photos of Negan and could sense that he was uncomfortable. He still had his sunglasses on and his leather jacket, but she just felt like he was really stiff. “How would you normally pose on a motorcycle Negan?”
“Honey, I don’t pose on them. I just ride them,” Negan answered while sitting back on his motorcycle, his eyebrows lifting up and over his sunglasses. A tense breath fell from his throat when the light flashed again making him smile. “This is weird.”
“Why?” she moved around the space and Negan was amazed that she was discovering what she found to be good shots of him. “You’re not used to someone thinking you’re gorgeous and thinking you deserve to be photographed?”
“Come again?” Negan’s nose wrinkled hearing her tell him that he was gorgeous. Reaching up, he grabbed the corner of his sunglasses to adjust them and he heard her take another photo. “You think I’m gorgeous?”
“You know you’re gorgeous Negan,” she claimed with a loud sigh, lowering her camera. “You have those dimples and you know that people are suckers for those.”
“Oh, so the dimples work on you, huh?” Negan clearly began to relax when Y/N commented on his dimples and the smiles she was getting were genuine. Adjusting his position, he could sense that she was happy with his change in attitude and bit at his bottom lip.
“Let’s get you off the motorcycle for now,” she ordered and Negan did what she wanted. Surprisingly things seem to go by fast because Negan started to listen to her. They went through a few props that she had in the garage. The two of them were laughing and giggling with each other about things they began talking about and it really helped her with the photos. “I’m going to get a different color background set up…”
“Would you be all right with me smoking?” Negan looked for permission and she shrugged. “It won’t damage things?”
“Just open the window over there,” she instructed and Negan took off his leather jacket and sunglasses while she set things up.
“You really love this shit, huh?” Negan took notice of how much her excitement went up when she was taking photos of him. It was nice to see someone actually be happy when doing something they liked and he was impressed that she could find happiness in her art. Lighting up his cigarette, he took in a long inhale and noticed her moving to the window with him. “Let me guess, you find me smoking sexy?”
“I don’t think you even have to ask me that,” she lifted the camera and Negan smirked when she took a few more photos of him. “I just think you have a very striking look.”
“It’s the dimples,” he listened to her when she gave him more direction on photos she wanted of him. “Does your boyfriend like when you take photos of him?”
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she informed him while she continued snapping away. “I’m surprised you went straight into assuming things Negan. I could have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, are you into that kind of thing?” Negan’s eyebrow perked up in interest and she shrugged her shoulders before smiling.
“I’m open to things, but I’m not dating anyone,” she replied knowing that she really didn’t want to get into her personal life with Negan at the time, “I’m sure that doesn’t’ surprise you.”
“Actually, it does because you’re incredible,” Negan finished up with his cigarette and watched her roll her eyes when she went back to the set-up she had done before Negan started smoking. “Why did you roll your eyes like I’m fucking with you or something?”
“You…” she waved her hand out when looking over him. “You are incredible. So, to hear you say something like that, I just know you are being sweet and charming as always. That’s just how you are. You’re a flirt and you know what to say to make people smile.”
“Well yeah, but I’m not kidding,” Negan stood where she wanted and posed how she would suggest. While he knew she would be against it, after she took a few more photos of him he stepped forward and reached for the camera. “Give me this.”
“Negan,” she was confused and he grabbed the camera firmly in his hand. He grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of her set. Forcing her onto the chair, he moved before her and raised the camera up to see how it would look in frame if he took her photo. “You suddenly know how to use a camera?”
“I told you I didn’t like to be in front of the camera. I know how to get around using one,” Negan answered her with a grunt when he took a photo of her. “I may not be as good as you are or know all the nifty buttons, but I know enough. My wife bought an expensive camera and someone had to learn how to use it when she didn’t have the time to.”
“Why are you taking photos of me?” she felt her cheeks blushing over while Negan moved from area to area to get pictures of her. “Negan?”
“Because you’re fucking stunning. I know I tease you, but I find you so fucking beautiful,” Negan muttered, lowering the camera enough to eye her over himself and he stepped forward to show her the photos that he had managed to get of her. “I don’t understand how someone as stunning as yourself doesn’t see it.”
“Negan…” she was speechless. His eyes were hooked on hers and they were incredibly close. All the compliments were getting to her and she could feel her body heating up with the closeness of him. When Negan’s eyes fell to her lips, she instantly stood up and reached for the camera from his hands. Negan was married, she couldn’t have the feeling she was experiencing at that exact moment. “You should take a seat.”
“Okay,” Negan sighed, turning the chair around and straddling it. Negan posed for her and then stood, turning the chair the right way. “Are there like photos that you will keep for your own personal use?”
“I mean, I keep the ones that I don’t put in my portfolio on a hard drive,” she watched Negan get comfortable and stretch out his long legs. When Negan let out snicker, she realized she didn’t get what he meant.
“I was going for like ones that you keep to yourself and don’t show anyone,” Negan slid his hand in over his lower abdomen, tracing over the thin planes of his body through the tight-fitting black Henley that clinging to his body. “Ones meant only for your eyes.”
“Negan…?” she pulled the camera away from her face when she saw Negan tug up the material of his shirt revealing his lower abdomen to her sight. Swallowing hard, her eyes fell to the V line that was exposed just above his pants. It made her throat go dry and she felt incredibly turned on while looking at him. It was hard not to eat him alive with her stare. Hey eyes started at the top of his pants and raised up his slender abdomen to finally meet Negan’s hazel eyes. The look that Negan gave her was almost sexual and she started taking the photos with the way he was posed.  
Gradually Negan caressed his long fingers over his exposed flesh, sliding his fingertips through the dark hair covering his body. The way Negan bit into his bottom lip made her shudder and there was a warmth that was filling her entire body. With each picture she took, the further Negan pulled the material of his shirt up exposing his long torso to her sight.
“There are just some things I think people might like keeping to themselves and not sharing with the world,” Negan’s left hand slid in over the center of his chest while his right skimmed over his long body toward his groin. Yeah, he was teasing her, but he was having a good fucking time doing it. Palming over his body excited him with her reaction. The flash continued to go off while she took photos of him like he was expecting her to do. Licking his lips, he wanted to appeal to her and knew it was working with the way she was breathing. “Because I honestly don’t mind continuing to be a model for you if you need it.”
“That would be nice,” she confessed, parting her lips and then licking over them to wet them. When Negan dropped his head back and let out a small moan as he continued to caress over his body through the denim of his pants. “You’re certainly the most…motivating subject I’ve had.”
“Just wait, I’ll get a whole hell of a lot more interesting,” Negan teased sitting up enough to pull his shirt from his body. Tossing the material aside, he could see her lower the camera just enough to take a look over his exposed abdomen.
“Wow,” she uttered, her heart hammering in her chest at the sight of him. He was more stunning than she could have ever imagined. All the tattoos that were hidden from her before added so much more to Negan’s personality and knew while she wanted to look him over more carefully. Each part of him deserved a certain amount of attention, but Negan wiggled his fingers egging her on to keep taking portraits of him.
Slowly Negan caressed over his hairy chest then down toward his abdomen, reaching for his belt. Pulling it apart, he found himself enamored with how she seemed to enjoy what he was doing. When he got the material pulled apart, he arched his hips up and slid his hand beneath the material of his jeans. Squeezing at his body, he knew that the way she had been staring at him between taking photos had fueled him and made him incredibly turned on.
After feeling his body firm against his grip, Negan pulled his hand out and opened his pants up. Tugging the zipper down, Negan kept his eyes hooked on the camera when he reached inside to pull his straining cock out. A groan fell from his throat while he squeezed at the base of his erection, pulling his hand slowly up toward the tip before sliding it back down.  
“Do you like what you see?” Negan pondered, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip in an erotic sweep. Originally when he agreed to this, this wasn’t where he saw this going, but he couldn’t find it in himself to stop.
“Your wife is incredibly lucky,” she let out a shuddering breath feeling her throat going dry at the sight of him. She couldn’t believe she was still taking photos while Negan masturbated in front of her, but she kind of let him go with it.
“You could be incredibly lucky too,” Negan suggested, his hips arching up toward his grasp and he moaned loud enough to make her shift uncomfortably. “You do realize that you did this to me? This hard cock is all your fault. The least you could do is help me with it.”
“Negan, I wish I could,” she admitted, not sure what to do. Yes, she was incredibly attracted to Negan, but she knew that he was married. Wanting him like she did was wrong. Hell, taking pictures of him like this was wrong. “You’re married.”
“My wife wouldn’t care,” Negan promised her with a crooked smile while he continued to stroke over his solid length. The way he squeezed his body drew attention to each vein and it made her eyelashes flutter while watching him. “We have a very open relationship. So why don’t you come over here and thank me for doing what you wanted. I’ll thank you for giving me this…”
“You really have an open relationship?” she confirmed and Negan nodded his head while he arched his hips up toward his fist again drawing her attention to his impressive body. Moving across the room, she set her camera down safely and stepped before Negan. The sight of Negan’s body caused a warmth to flood to her core. From the first moment she had seen Negan she had found herself attracted to him and seeing him like this was like he had just stepped right out of her dreams. “You’re so sexy.”
“And you’re fucking beautiful,” Negan leaned forward to clutch firmly at her hips, pulling her in closer to him. Tracing his hands over her sides, he found his eyes locked on her watching the way she seemed to tremble when he touched her. Lifting up, he raised the material of her shirt and pressed wet teasing kisses under her navel. The sound that fell from her throat made a proud smile develop over his features as he continued his wet trail of kisses over her abdomen. A grunt fell from his throat when he felt his cock throbbing and he lowered his head to look down at his erection. “Get on your knees.”
Without question, she did as he said and carefully lowered herself down before him. Licking her lips, she hooked her eyes with his and reached out to caress her hands over his knees. The further her hands slid up his thighs, the lower he slid in the chair to give her more room. Tugging at the material of Negan’s pants she managed to pull them down his hips a little further to reveal his distended flesh better to her.
“You have a beautiful cock,” she reached her hand out to trace her fingertips up from the base of the underside of his hardened flesh to the tip causing it to twitch. The growl that fell from his throat triggered her to smirk and she repeated the movement a few more times.
“You’re teasing me,” Negan rumbled from where he was seated, reaching out with his right hand to brush his fingers into her hair. “Is this the way you want to treat someone who modeled for you?”
“Oh, like I’m treating you bad,” she rolled her eyes and loosely wrapped her palm around his shaft, stroking slowly over the length of his body. Negan’s jaw flexed when she did it and he arched his hips up toward her caress.
“Very, very bad,” Negan groaned, dropping his head back while she touched him and the muscles in his throat flexed. The warmth of her breath pressed in over his thigh and he felt her lips kissing over his flesh while she continued to delicately caress over his body. Lowering his head to watch her, he could tell that she was proud of herself with the way she was taunting him with the idea of her giving him a blowjob while she kissed up his abdomen. Tugging back on her hair, he could hear her wince and a proud smile expanded over her features. “Fuck, you’re a bad girl. You’re going to be punished.”
“You promise?” she bit at her bottom lip and Negan leaned forward to grasp at her jaw to pull her forward. With the way he was looking her over, it made her body feel like it was on fire. So many times she had pictured kissing Negan and now he was so close to her. It damn near took her breath away and she attempted to move into kiss him, but he kept her back.
“Most certainly,” Negan grunted pulling her to him and his lips collided with hers. It was a rough, demanding kiss that caused her to whimper against his mouth. The parting of her lips allowed Negan’s tongue to push its way into her mouth to caress his tongue over hers in soft flicks. A menthol taste lingered from Negan’s cigarette that he had earlier lingered, but she strangely liked it. Her grasp tightened on his body, making him moan into her mouth before biting at her bottom lip. “Open your mouth.”
Doing as she was told, she felt Negan’s thumb dragging across her bottom lip and she carefully drew it into her mouth. Sucking unhurriedly over it, her focus was on Negan and she wanted to pleasure him so badly, but she needed this to be memorable. The way Negan dragged his tongue over his bottom lip caused her whole body to shudder. God, he was so incredibly sexy. Slowly Negan pulled his thumb from her mouth and reached for the back of her neck urging her head down toward his lap.
Taking it as encouragement, she dragged her tongue across the bottom of his cock starting about mid shaft to the tip. With the sound Negan made, it made her that much more desperate to continue to pleasure him. Depositing soft kisses down his shaft and slowly upwards made him jolt. With each soft kiss, she would softly flick her tongue against his flesh and could hear his breathing getting heavier.  
Reaching the tip again, she dragged her tongue around the girth of it before taking a small amount of him into her mouth. Immediately, he eagerly lifted his hips closer to her, but she pulled away and gave him a judging look making him chuckle.
“Fuck…” Negan watched her caress over the top of his cock for a moment drawing pre-cum at his tip. Leaning in, she flattened her tongue and dragged it over the small slit causing him to moan when she collected the taste of him. With the soft kisses and the hints of her tongue, he found himself extremely turned on by the way she was doing everything. “You’re an erotic little shit, aren’t you?”
“And you’re an impatient fucker, aren’t you?” she almost mocked him, her words vibrating against the shaft of his cock. A loud moan escaped his throat and he sank his fingers further into her hair when she finally took him into her mouth. God, she was so fucking bold compared to what he pictured in his mind originally. Each stroke of her tongue and motion of her mouth over him was very meticulous, but fuck it felt amazing. Wet sounds filled the air while she slowly bobbed her head over his cock drawing his attention to him even more.
“Fuck,” Negan winced when she drew forth an incredible sense of pleasure when her tongue flicked over him a certain way. His eyebrows tensed and he watched her closely enjoying the pleasure she seemed to get from giving him a blowjob. “You look so fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth, you know that?”
Over time, her movements got stronger and faster attempting to get him to reach an orgasm. While he was enjoying her taking him right to the edge, he knew that he had other plans for how he wanted the night to end. Grasping tightly to her hair, he pulled her back and heard the slurping sound fill the air when she pulled her mouth from his erection.
The expression over her face came off strangely innocent and sensual at the same time when she licked at her wet lips. Urging her up closer to him, Negan dragged his tongue over her lips and heard the desperate sound she made when he did it.
“While I’d love to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours, this wasn’t exactly the thanks I was looking for,” Negan hummed, standing up and pulling her with him. Pressing his body to hers, the sound of his pants dropping to his ankles was heard and he smiled. When she breathed it still showed that she was nervous to be with him and it turned him on all the more. Palming over her full bottom, Negan squeezed at her body enjoying the sounds she was making when he did it. Backing her up, he led her toward his motorcycle and stopped when she ran into it. “I hope you understand, I’m not as delicate as you…”
Tearing at the material of her shirt, Negan eagerly got it from her body and tossed it aside. Her chest was rising and falling heavily while he continued his movements reaching around her to unhook her bra. When the material dropped from her body, Negan swiftly discarded that with her shirt and kissed over her collarbone. Growling against her flesh, he could feel her fingers tugging at his thick hair and his lips lowered between the valley of her breasts. Reaching his destination, Negan drew her nipple into his mouth and teased his tongue over the taut skin.
“Fuck me…” Negan felt her scratching at his bare shoulders and his hands roughly pulled apart her pants. There was no being careful in the way he tugged at the material of her pants. Her gasps filled the air when he managed to take down the material making her pull in closer to him. “Hold onto the bike…”
“Negan,” she whimpered when he kissed below her navel. The way his tongue flicked over her skin and his teeth followed up with small bites was driving her crazy. Listening to what he suggested, she dropped her hands back and braced herself on Negan’s motorcycle. “Are you sure it won’t fall over?”
“Oh, she’s a sturdy girl made for hard rides,” Negan slurred against her skin, his wicked hazel eyes looking up at her with a glimmering hint of mischief behind them. Tremoring, Y/N could feel his lips lower and when she felt his hands grabbed a tight hold of her thighs to push them apart further, she realized how serious this was all becoming. With her standing mostly naked before Negan, she felt the room spinning around her. This was all more than she was probably ready for, but there was no turning back now. “Mmmm.”
The loud kisses Negan pressed over her body turned into wet slurping sounds when reached between her thighs, eager to take tease her clitoris with his talented mouth. He certainly wasn’t delicate with his motions like he warned her, but she immediately recognized that her body began to shake and shudder with what he was doing to her. The way he varied between kissing, licking and sucking over her sensitive flesh and folds was driving her crazy. Digging her fingers into his thick hair, she found herself leaning back against the bike and wondered if her legs would be giving out on her.
With the way Negan was eating her out, she was almost worried that she would fall over. It was hard to keep up on steady legs while he focused so perfectly on her body. Dropping her gaze, she immediately regretted it because she could see that Negan was staring up at her while he pleasured her to see how she was reacting. God, this was everything she could have pictured and more.
When Negan drew his lips away from her body, she was shaking and clearly wanted him to continue, but his mouth was replaced by the rough caress of his fingertips sliding up the length of her wet slit. A surprised sound fell from her when Negan teased over her entrance with one of his fingertips before thrusting his long, slender finger into her tight opening.
“Good God,” Negan grunted pulling his finger slowly back before pumping it upward again into her. “This has been so much better than what I had planned for tonight…”
“Negan,” she cried out his name when he went back to pleasuring her with his mouth while his finger pumped inside of her. Her eyes slammed shut and a rush of heat flooded to her core. Every part of her felt like she was on fire and Negan clearly picked up on how he was making her feel when he inserted a second finger and delivered more determined strokes with his tongue. Reaching forward, she clasped tightly to Negan’s hair with both her hands and felt Negan humming against her flesh when she had an orgasm.
“Look at you…” Negan muttered from where he was knelt before her. Licking at his lips when he pulled his mouth away from her and moved his hands to caress over her thighs. “You are something else.”
A shocked sound escaped her throat when Negan quickly stood and forced her to face toward his motorcycle. Negan pushed into her upper back getting her to lower down and brace herself against his motorcycle. Taking his time, Negan traced over the long lines of her back with his rough fingertips. Appreciating the sights before him, he let her calm down a bit before reaching for her hips. Adjusting them where he wanted, he pressed in closer to her and could hear her breathing getting heavier.
Grabbing a hold of his aching erection, Negan led the tip of his cock through her wet folds and felt her shaking against him. Lining himself up with her entrance, he pushed his hips forward and heard her coo when he entered her body. A moan fell from his own throat when her tight body clung to his and he continued to sink his length into her.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” Negan bottomed out inside of her and reached around her to caress over her full breasts. Y/N wiggled against him, ready for him to move while he stayed stagnant inside of her and an amused sound fell from his throat. “Patience beautiful. I’ll fuck you real good soon.”
Whimpering, she knew that he was teasing her much as she had done earlier with him. It was giving her time to get accustomed to his size inside of her and she could feel every ridge of his body making her tremor against him. Instinctively she tried to rock back against him, her body desperate to feel the movement of his body inside of hers.
“Hey now,” Negan brought his palm firmly over her bottom making her arch forward with a whine and he groaned out. “You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she looked over her shoulder at Negan and watched him begin to roll his hips behind her giving her that small amount of moving she was craving. Looking forward, she whimpered with delight as Negan started to thrust behind her setting a rhythm between them. God, she hoped they didn’t knock over his bike during this. Desperately she was trying to keep herself balanced against it while his thrusts behind her seemed to get hard. Each thrust forward drew a sharp breath from her lips and her eyes slammed shut. The smacking of their skin filled the air and the force at which he was fucking her felt absolutely remarkable. “Negan…”
“If this is how your photoshoots end, I’ll do it as many times as you fucking want sweetheart,” Negan pushed his body in closer to her and reached out to wrap his hand around her throat. The way she rocked back into his thrusts made Negan proud and he let out a moan himself. “Would you like that baby?”
“Yes,” she whined when Negan put pressure on her throat making her purr.
“Then we should make a habit of these,” Negan pulled her up against his chest and he kissed over her jawline while he continued to thrust into her. His other hand reached between her thighs to circle over her already sensitive bundle of nerves while he kept his hold on her throat.
“Negan?” she muttered his name when he pulled his hips away from hers and left her feeling empty. Turning, she watched him move over toward the chair that he was originally in and dropped down. Negan pat his thigh and then wiggled his finger at her to come to him.
“Come ride this baby,” Negan’s bright eyes were hooked on her movements as she moved across the area. Carefully, she lowered down over his lap and Negan reached for his body to help lead her hips down over him. Getting to see the look on her face as he entered her drove him wild with desire. The way she bit into her bottom lip was incredibly sexy and when she lowered herself completely over him, he couldn’t help kissing her. “Fuck.”
Helping her to set a pace over him, Negan grasped tightly to her hips knowing that he would likely leave a mark. Her arms were loosely hooked around his shoulders and Negan moaned into her mouth when he found just the right pace and position that he liked.
Kissing Negan felt incredible going along with the motions their bodies made together. She was rather enthusiastic with him the longer she moved over him and Negan dropped his head back against the back of the chair.
“Oh, that’s good,” Negan hummed in approval, his thighs flexing beneath her while she took him quite well inside of her. “Good girl taking control of that cock. You like that cock? Huh?”
“I do,” she purred into his mouth, sucking softly at the tip of his tongue when it pushed between her lips. Their heavy breaths, grunts and groans echoed in her makeshift studio and with Negan’s hands all over her body she felt her body start to shake. “Negan…”
“You almost there?” Negan firmly wrapped his arm around her waist, urging her hips over his again and again. Negan’s mouth was over her neck and he grunted against her flesh when she nodded. “Me too.”
Her cries filled the air and Negan groaned against her neck while her body clenched around him when he got her to another orgasm. Continuing to help her movements over him, Negan grunted against her body and winched when he felt his body locking up.
“I’m going to cum,” Negan felt her tugging at his hair and his mouth met hers. “Do you need me to pull out?”
“Only if you want to,” she panted meeting Negan in another kiss when she felt him locking up beneath her. His moan vibrated against her mouth as he bucked up to her again and again when his release hit him. Crying out against his mouth she could feel his body pulsating inside of her which felt amazing. After they both hit their release, she stayed still in his arms for a while and Negan’s head was resting against her chest. “Hey Negan?”
“Hey beautiful?” Negan lazily lifted his head and looked up at her with his bright eyes. There seemed to be a stressed expression over her features and he leaned into her touch while she stroked her fingers through his hair. “What’s up?”
“Are things going to change between us?” she muttered and Negan cracked a smile. “I mean like, I enjoyed our friendship we had going. You aren’t going to avoid me now, are you?”
“Fuck no. I’m an asshole, but I’m not a douchebag,” Negan snorted and he stretched enough to meet her in another kiss. The pounding sensation was still felt in her chest from her heart and she knew that she was absolutely swooning over Negan. “I wouldn’t want to fuck this up. Now that I know we have a good thing going.”
“Good,” she muttered and they stayed there for a little while longer until she finally pulled herself from him. It was uncomfortable to stand, but she did her best and got some of her clothes back on. Negan pulled his jeans back on and still somehow managed to convince her to take photos of him again after their sex. It was actually a pretty nice night and by the time he finally left, he gave her a kiss goodnight.
Shit, she had feelings for a married man and now things just felt…complicated. Although, over the next few days at work everything felt like nothing changed. Negan still brought her breakfast the next morning like they had often done with each other. In fact, Negan acted like nothing really happened between the two of them. Other than the fact he was potentially a little touchier, she found him to oddly fine.
When it was the day before she was supposed to go to Negan’s home to do the favor he asked of her, she found herself worried about it. Knowing that she slept with Negan, Y/N wasn’t sure that she would be able to face Lucille and she went to tell Negan about it.
“Oh, no. No. We shook on it,” Negan reminded her, twirling his finger in the air and his nose wrinkled. “You can’t go back on your word now.”
“I gave you my word before we slept together,” she reminded him and Negan chuckled before lowering his head toward his desk.
“And I gave you my word that nothing would change between us,” Negan lifted his gaze, his right eyebrow arching while he stared out at her. “So why don’t you trust me and realize it’s okay? I wouldn’t put you in a situation that was bad.”
“Are you sure?” she made sure that he still wanted her to come to his home to be near his wife after everything that happened. “I just don’t want to make things awkward.”
“Bring a video camera and everything will be fine,” Negan leaned forward to press a lingering kiss over the side of her face. It took her breath away when he pulled back enough to stare into her eyes.
“Do you need lights or anything…?” she watched him smirk and he shook his head. “Am I going to know what I’ll be doing?”
“I want it to be somewhat of a surprise. The only thing I need is for you to bring yourself and that camera,” Negan shrugged his shoulders and playfully nudged her chin with his fingertips. “Trust me, you’re perfect for what we need.”
After Negan pat her on the shoulder and left, she found herself still quite nervous about what was potentially going to happen. That night she went home and got everything prepared ahead of time. They had exchanged numbers after their photoshoot night together and on Saturday morning Negan sent her a text message with his address as well as a time to show up.
Part of her wanted to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn’t go, but she knew that she had made a deal with Negan. No matter what happened with them in between, she had to hold up to her side of the deal.
When she showed up to Negan and Lucille’s home, she found it to be a sweet quaint home. It wasn’t very big, but the small yellow house had its charm to it. Looking at the mailbox, she could feel her heart hammering in her chest when she saw Negan’s last name written on it with paint. Something that Y/N assumed Negan’s wife had done as an art project.
Walking up to the home, she was greeted at the door by a gorgeous woman who seemed to be prepared waiting for her. When Y/N moved up the steps, she finally got a look at Negan’s wife and suddenly felt confused as to why what happened the other night with Negan actually happened.
“You will have to forgive my husband, he had to run off and go get something,” the woman extended her hand out to Y/N and it suddenly made Y/N feel all the more awkward. She was going to be alone with Negan’s wife? “I’m Lucille.”
“Of course you are. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Y/N boasted with a half-smile taking a look over Negan’s beautiful wife. It was hard not to stare into her beautiful emerald-green eyes that had a splash of brown around the center. The way Lucille had her dark hair done looked great on her and complimented her face shape. Both Lucille and Negan were breathtakingly stunning. “I’m Y/N.”
“I have also heard all about you,” Lucille informed her with a big smile and there was something about Lucille that was incredibly welcoming.
“I doubt that,” Y/N snickered and Lucille tilted her head to the side. “I just mean, I’m new.”
“Well, if you know my husband…he talks and he talks a lot,” Lucille teased making Y/N crack a smile as Y/N slowly pulled her hand from Lucille’s delicate grasp. “So, when I say I know a lot, I mean I know a lot.”
“When you put it like that and I think about Negan, that actually sounds about right,” Y/N thought of what she knew about Negan and Lucille wasn’t wrong, Negan did talk a lot. Yet, it made her wonder what Negan had exactly said to his wife about her. “You know, Negan never did tell me what I was going to be doing for the two of you.”
“Oh, how about you come on in and we can have a drink,” Lucille offered, stepping aside from her front door, holding her hand out toward it. “We can get to know each other and when Negan gets back, we can talk to you about everything.”
“Sounds good,” Y/N agreed and stepped into the home that Negan shared with his wife. God, this was going to be hard to not get uncomfortable. After the other night, Y/N didn’t know what she should say. Negan told her that his wife and him had an open marriage, but she didn’t know if he told Lucille about what happened with them. Would Lucille really be this open and friendly about everything if that was the case? “You have a beautiful home here.”
“Well, it’s something…” Lucille looked around the living room after they took off their shoes. Some of the photos on the wall caught Y/N’s attention. Everything looked happy between Negan and Lucille. The photos were nice and everything seemed well put together. Maybe this was a bad idea coming here. After sleeping with Negan and seeing him home…his wife…everything just felt wrong. “Are you okay?”
“What?” Y/N clung tightly to her camera bag at her side and felt her heart hammering away inside of her chest. When Lucille eyed her over and reached out to touch her shoulder in a supportive grasp, Y/N cleared her throat uneasily and nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”
“You got pale for a second,” Lucille stepped forward to brush Y/N’s hair out of her face and the closeness of Lucille felt somewhat odd. “Let’s go get you something to drink.”
Following Lucille into the kitchen, Y/N took a seat at the table and watched as Lucille moved through the kitchen grabbing everything she wanted to gather for them, “So Negan tells me that you are very talented. He said that you really improved a lot of things for the school.”
“It wasn’t that hard really,” Y/N explained, clasping her hands together in her lap when Lucille returned to the table with some coffee for the both of them. “The school was a bit behind on things. I was just able to help them get more with the modern times and ways of things. I’m likely just…average.”
“Oh no, I saw some of your work,” Lucille pointed out, her right eyebrow arching up when she took a sip of her own coffee. “You do have an eye for things. Negan told me you took a photoshoot of him the other day. I have to commend you for that because he’s a pain in the ass to get photos of.”
“He told me that before we started,” Y/N responded with a small laugh. “Your husband has a lot of personality.”
“Is that what we’re calling it? I just often think he’s being an asshole,” Lucille laughed making Y/N smirk at the comment. “He’s amazing in so many ways, but I think you would agree that his teasing can sometimes make him a pain in the ass.”
“Sometimes,” Y/N licked her lips, reaching for her coffee. The way Lucille was eyeing her over made Y/N clear her throat and she shifted in her chair hoping like hell that Negan would be home soon. “You know, I don’t want to be too forward…”
“I’m married to Negan, nothing surprises me,” Lucille waved Y/N on to continue when Y/N paused to take a moment.
“You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” Y/N commented on Lucille’s eye color knowing that it may have come off weird with her complimenting Negan’s wife after everything, but she couldn’t help it. “I’m drawn to them. They are very beautiful. I thought your husband had gorgeous eyes, but you…”
“It almost feels like you’re flirting with me Y/N,” Lucille’s brows arched and Y/N felt a flush of warmth flood into her cheeks making her look down. “I’m just being a little like my husband right now and teasing you. Thank you for saying that.”
There was a silence that fell between them and Lucille cleared her throat after a moment, “So what are the plans for your future? I assume you want to be a teacher doing what you are, but then Negan mentioned you wanted to build up your portfolio.”
“Well, I love teaching and helping people,” Y/N thought about her future and knew that she wasn’t even really that sure where she wanted to go with things, “but at the same time my heart always strives for more. I’m sure that sounds silly.”
“No, I find it inspiring,” Lucille muttered with a smirk when the sound of a loud car was heard outside. Lucille looked over her shoulder when she heard the sound of it turning off followed by a door opening and closing. “That’s him. You can tell by the sound of the mustang. He loves that stupid car.”
Y/N smiled and took another sip of her coffee hearing the front door open. Lifting her gaze, she watched Negan moving through the house. His dark hair was slicked back and he had on the same pair of sunglasses he was wearing the other night.
“Babe,” Lucille called out from the kitchen and when Negan looked over his shoulder, he smiled brightly upon seeing that Y/N was there. Moving into the kitchen, Negan headed to Lucille and leaned down to kiss her in a long, drawn out moment making Y/N’s feel a rush of jealousy flow through her. Why? That was senseless, this was his wife for God’s sake. “Mmm…you taste like your cigarettes.”
“Imagine that,” Negan grunted, stroking over the side of Lucille’s face before heading to the refrigerator to pull himself out a soda to drink. “Did you end up telling her what she’s here for?”
“Without you?” Lucille retorted with a laugh while Negan took a big gulp of the sugary liquid. “No, it’s much easier for you to explain something like this than it would be for me considering us girls don’t really know each other yet. Well, we’ve been introduced at this point…”
“Might as well hop right in then,” Negan set the soda down and nodded his head in the other direction. “Follow me downstairs.”
“We’re staying here?” Y/N confirmed and Negan waved her on, not really giving her much of an answered. Y/N waited for Lucille to follow them as they made their way down the stairs to Negan’s basement. There was a small entertainment area set up, but there was also a bed set up downstairs as well. Negan hopped onto the bed and curled his arms behind his head, offering up one of his big flashy smiles. “So…”
“You can’t even relax for a few minutes, can you?” Negan snickered after pulling his sunglasses from his face and he set them down on the nightstand. Lucille moved around Y/N and went to the bed to take a seat beside Negan. Negan reached out to caress his hand in over Lucille’s thigh where her sundress was slightly riding up and it drew Y/N to look down. “You know you can get comfortable.”
“What did you want me to film?” Y/N looked around finding it odd that Negan and Lucille both decided to sit on the bed instead of going over to the seating area of their basement.
“I want you to film me fucking my wife,” Negan slid his hand further up between Lucille’s legs and Y/N let out a hesitant breath followed by a confused laugh. “I like documenting my sex and it turns me on unbelievably, but…I get the feeling you would film something…impressive.”
“You want me to do what now?” Y/N snorted, her eyes looking between both Lucille and Negan. She was almost waiting for the punchline, but neither Lucille nor Negan broke. “You want me to film porn essentially?”
“I thought you said she wasn’t all that innocent,” Lucille blurt out and Y/N felt her face flush over. “I felt a sense of boldness when she told me my eyes were beautiful, but her face is entirely too red Negan. You’ve been talking about this for a while and…”
“For a while?” Y/N repeated what Lucille said and Negan let out an amused breath.
“Well, I wanted to ask you before you ever asked me of something, but when you came to me about your photos I figured it was a great opportunity to see where this went,” Negan saw Y/N swallow down and he tilted his head to the side. “We’re not shy people here. Why don’t you set up your tripod thing and get a shot of the bed that you think would be good.”
“I’m not sure that this is a good idea,” Y/N announced knowing that she had felt something toward Negan and if all they wanted her to do was film them screwing each other, she felt like this would potentially hurt her more than appease her.
“We made a deal,” Negan reminded her with a tsking sound. Thinking it over, she sighed heavily and started to set up her tripod. Looking for the best light in the basement, she realized that Negan had no curtains or blinds on his windows so the light was naturally flooding in. “Good girl.”
“She is adorable,” Y/N heard Lucille mutter while she started the camera up and could see the light flickering to tell her that she was recording. The warmth of her jealousy filled her face when Negan and Lucille began to kiss. Standing on unsteady legs, she could feel her body somewhat shaking while their kiss got more intense.
“I told you,” Negan lifted his gaze to look up at Y/N when his tongue pushed between his wife’s lips and it made Y/N look away. “You should see the way she sucks cock though. She comes off innocent, but the blowjob she gave me the other day was incredible.”
Coughing, Y/N couldn’t believe what just came out of Negan’s mouth and her reaction to it made Lucille smile. Lucille’s hand dragged down over the front of Negan’s chest and down toward his groin to caress over Negan’s body.
“I know I was supposed to wait to share her with you baby, but the other night…” Negan began making the room spin around Y/N as she listened to them. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“I know baby,” Lucille hushed Negan while Negan’s mouth drew over the side of Lucille’s neck. Lucille’s eyes locked on to Y/N and Lucille raised her hand up to wiggle her finger at Y/N to suggest her move to the bed. “Come here gorgeous.”
“I am so confused right now,” Y/N alerted them, licking at her lips as Negan tugged at the strap of Lucille’s dress pulling it down enough to expose her breast. Negan dragged his tongue over Lucille’s collarbone and then lowered his lips to kiss over her chest. When his lips surrounded Lucille’s nipple, Y/N found herself drawn to it. “I thought I was filming the two of you.”
“Oh, I guess I missed the detail that I wanted you to film me fucking my wife while we also fucked you,” Negan slurred, pulling his mouth away from Lucille’s breast. A wicked smirk pressed in over Negan’s features and he teased his tongue out to twirl it around Lucille’s nipple making a soft moan fall from Lucille’s lips. Y/N’s breathing was loud while she watched Lucille stroke through Negan’s hair. Y/N was frozen, not sure where to go from there. “You know the other night you said you were open to being with another woman.”
“This is just a bit to take,” Y/N responded when Lucille reached for the bottom of Negan’s shirt he was wearing to pull it up his torso. “Is this really what you asked me to come over for?”
“I told you we had an open marriage, but you…I’ve wanted to do this with you from the moment I saw you. You can ask Lucille; I’ve wanted to bring you in with us for a long time. The other night, I just took advantage of a moment and I really fucking liked it,” Negan explained pulling back enough to help Lucille pull his shirt from his body. “It’s not just something I came up with after we slept together.”
“Is it me that turns you off of the idea?” Lucille questioned and Y/N cleared her throat knowing that she found both of them to be exceedingly attractive. “I can watch the two of you together if that makes you more comfortable.”
“No Lucille, you’re beautiful, but you have to know that,” Y/N immediately responded, her eyes surveying over Negan’s gorgeous wife. “You both are stunning.”
“As are you,” Lucille complimented Y/N and her smile expanded over her features. “Negan has been talking about you for a long time now and I also find you charming like he does. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I think the three of us could start something together if you would like. We won’t force you into it at all. If you’d rather just watch and record the two of us, that’s fine, but if you want to join, I promise you that Negan and I will take good care of you.”
“Preferably I would like you to fucking join us,” Negan inserted his opinion almost immediately after Lucille was done talking and he slid his palm down to rub over himself again. The way Y/N was looking between the two of them, Negan knew that she was almost to the point of agreeing to do it. “I can see you want to.”
“And you’re okay with this?” Y/N looked to Lucille who nodded and a nervous breath fell from Y/N’s throat. Was she really considering this after everything? Especially with taping the whole thing. “What are the rules?”
“No rules, just see where it goes,” Negan shrugged his shoulders, reaching for the belt in his pants and he began to undo it. Lucille helped him open his pants while kissing over his chest and he let out a proud exhale. Lifting his hips up, Negan pulled the material of his jeans down his body leaving him in his maroon colored boxer briefs. “You like fucking me, right?”
“Let her make her own decision honey,” Lucille hushed Negan, reaching her hand out from the bed for Y/N if she was interested. “We’ll take good care of you and stop if that’s what you need.”
Y/N’s eyes were hooked on Lucille’s green eyes and for some reason she found comfort in the way that Lucille was staring out at her. Stepping closer to the bed, Y/N accepted Lucille’s hand and heard Negan hum in approval. Swiftly, Negan got to his knees on the bed when Y/N approached the bed.
“Good girl,” Negan slurred, reaching his hand out to slide it in over the side of Y/N’s neck. The soft tug of Negan’s hand brought Y/N to his lips so he could kiss her over and over again while his other hand reached around her to palm in over her bottom. Lucille got up on her knees as well and Negan pulled his lips from Y/N’s to move in to kiss Lucille. Y/N’s heart was hammering inside of her chest with the closeness of both Negan and Lucille. When Negan pulled away from Lucille with a wet sound, Negan looked closely between both women. “Now let’s try something.”
Negan reached for both Lucille and Y/N to bring them together. A shuddering breath fell from Y/N’s throat when Lucille reached out with her slender fingers to trace over Y/N’s face. With Negan’s urgings, Y/N accepted Lucille’s kiss which was so vastly different from Negan’s. It was delicate, it was passionate and damn it, it was good.
“I fucking love it,” Negan grunted observing the two women kissing. An excited groan from Negan filled the air as the kiss deepened and Lucille’s tongue pushed forward between Y/N’s parted lips. Caressing over both of their lower backs, Negan could sense they were starting to relax and he lowered his head to kiss over the side of Y/N’s neck. Lucille reached for the bottom of Y/N’s shirt she was wearing and began to tug the material up her body, stopping at her breast area. Negan pulled back enough for her lean away so both Lucille and Negan could work together to get it from her body. “Gorgeous…”
Y/N sighed when Negan kissed over one side of her neck and Lucille peppered kisses over the other side. They both were so different in the way they did things, but both felt amazing. Lucille seemed to pay attention to things that would make Y/N respond to what they were doing and Negan just knew what he was doing. With them working together, Y/N found her body warming up quite quickly. Negan’s kisses descended down over her chest while Lucille worked her way up to kiss behind Y/N’s ear.
“I told you she was something special,” Negan muttered against Y/N’s flesh, his hands reaching around to work open the clip in in Y/N’s bra. Lucille’s fingers swiped in over Y/N’s collarbone, tracing over her body in a tender way when Negan carefully pulled the material from Y/N’s body.
“You were right,” Lucille agreed with Negan as Negan’s lips covered Y/N’s breast, teasing and flicking her nipple with his tongue before sucking softly at her flesh. “Did Negan make you feel good the other night?”
“Yeah,” Y/N panted knowing that it appeared like Lucille was perfectly okay with Negan sleeping with her the other night, but Y/N still felt a little uncomfortable considering she just met Lucille.
Negan’s hand slid between Y/N’s thighs, palming over her mound making her eyes slam shut when she felt Lucille caressing over her jawline with her soft fingertips before Lucille hummed, “Well, we’ll look to top that today.”
Lucille kissed Y/N again with her perfect, soft lips that surprisingly Y/N grew to like more and more the longer they did it. A moan escaped her throat when Negan worked his hand beneath the material of her jeans and her panties to caress his rough fingertips over her folds.
“Someone is incredibly wet,” Negan commented against Y/N’s flesh when he pulled away from her breast with a slurping sound. Managing to push his finger into Y/N’s tight entrance, he watched her gasp against Lucille’s lips and he moaned. “My cock is so hard right now. You have no idea how much this is turning me on. Don’t be afraid to touch Lucille too Y/N. She doesn’t bite…unless you ask her to.”
“Can I?” Y/N asked for permission and Lucille nodded when Y/N reached out to drag her fingertips down the side of Lucille’s neck toward her exposed breast.
Teasing her index fingers over the taut tip of the nipple made Lucille lick over her lips. Y/N tried to focus solely on Lucille for a moment, but her attention was pulled away when Negan drew a moan from her throat. Negan’s finger pumped quickly inside of Y/N, making her arch her hips in closer to him. The way he was doing it made Y/N begin to rock her hips again his caress and Negan growled loudly.
“Damn it,” Y/N cooed knowing that Negan was doing his best to affect her, but she tried to continue to touch Lucille.
Reaching for the other strap of Lucille’s dress, Y/N lowered her head in closer to kiss over Lucille’s collarbone while she lazily dragged the strap down. Getting the dress pulled down to below Lucille’s breasts made a sharp breath fall from Y/N’s throat. God, Lucille was stunning. Another involuntary moan escaped Y/N’s throat when Negan’s caress got more determined and she found it harder to stand on her shaky legs. Lucille stepped forward; her forehead pressed to Y/N’s while she kept her hands hooked over Y/N’s hips. “Negan…”
“Mhmm?” Negan lift his head to look up at the two of them and he pulled his palm from where it was hearing the gasp that followed when he pulled his finger from Y/N’s body. Lifting his fingers to his lips, Negan slid his finger into his mouth letting out a satisfied sound when he tasted Y/N against his tongue. “I love the way you taste…”
Lucille released a shocked sound when Negan quickly reached for the material of the dress that was still at her waist and he tugged it down in a hurry. It pulled Lucille closer to him when he managed to get it from her body. The way Negan ate his wife alive with his stare was something to be admired. It was clear that Negan still found Lucille to be absolutely stunning even in this situation and Y/N was in adoration of the connection the two of them still plainly had when they began to kiss again.
“Lay down,” Negan slurred when he pulled his mouth from Lucille’s to look at Y/N. Adjusting himself on the bed, he pat where he wanted Y/N to be, but when she wasn’t moving fast enough, he pulled her to the bed. The quick movements caused him to fall in over her with a chuckle while Y/N’s hands braced over his chest to keep a small distance between them. Y/N’s heart was pounding inside of her chest when Lucille reached for the material of Y/N’s pants to work them open. “I knew I’d like you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Yeah?” Y/N breathed with her eyes hooked on his. His eyes narrowed and he nodded, a wicked smirk pressing over his ridiculously handsome features. Brushing her fingers through his thick, dark hair Y/N took in the sensation of him over her. It felt nice to be in a bed and have the weight of him over her. It was different than what they had done the other night. This felt more…intimate. If that was even possible. “Me too.”
“Good,” Negan growled, hopping up to his knees again to grab a hold of Y/N’s pants to pull them from her body. He tossed the material aside and stood up from the bed, moving over toward the camera that Y/N had set up to look at it. “Get to know each other a little bit.”
“Do you know what you’re doing with that?” Y/N stammered and Negan gave her a glare when he touched something with the camera.
“I’m not going to break anything,” Negan assured her with an amused breath when Lucille laid in the bed beside Y/N. There was the fear that Negan would mess something up, but it was soon hidden away when Lucille began to kiss Y/N again. Lucille’s palm slid from the center of Y/N’s chest down her abdomen and toward the top of her panties. Lucille repeated her movements and Y/N found herself wanting to touch Lucille as well. She was enamored by Lucille and she couldn’t quite explain it.
Teasing her fingers through Lucille’s long, dark hair, Y/N leaned up to meet Lucille in another desperate kiss. Her palm slid down Lucille’s torso before sliding back up to palm in over her full breast. Knowing that Negan was watching them also added to kinkiness of all of it.
“Don’t mind me,” Negan finished what he was doing with the camera before moving to them. He reached for Y/N’s hips to grab her panties. Her hips arched up when Negan got the material down her legs. Almost immediately after, he moved for Lucille and did the same thing. Dropping down on his knees on the bottom of the bed, he crawled slowly to lower himself between Lucille’s body. The girls were still kissing, focusing on each other and Negan slid his arms under Lucille’s thighs to pull her up toward him. His mouth pressed wet kisses over the inside of Lucille’s thigh before his mouth met her core and kissed over her folds again and again. Y/N went to get up and Negan pulled his mouth away from Lucille’s body. “What are you doing?”
“What you brought me here for,” Y/N responded with a wink and a cocky expression. She deposited a small kiss over Negan’s mouth when he lifted his head enough before moving forward to the camera to pull it from the tripod. She moved to the bed and Negan let out an amused laugh before going back to what he was doing in pleasuring his wife. “I take my job seriously.”
“I like that,” Lucille panted with a whimper when Negan wiggled his head side to side while his tongue and mouth worked over her body. Y/N felt her own body on fire while she watched them together. Lucille reached down to cling to Negan’s hair while he pleasured her and the look on Lucille’s face showed how much she was truly enjoying what Negan was doing.
Never did Y/N think she would be shooting something that felt like a porn, but here she was. Even weirder was that she was part of it. Getting multiple shots of what they were doing, Y/N felt her heart pounding inside of her chest while doing it. Lucille’s chest was rising and falling heavily while Negan pleasured her and her soft cries were filling the air.
“Damn it Negan,” Lucille whimpered when Negan pulled his mouth away from her body. Lucille’s body was shaking and Negan let out a laugh full of mischief when he seductively licked over his lips. “I was almost there.”
Y/N adjusted the camera and set it back on the tripod before returning to the bed. Lowering in over Negan’s back, she deposited small kisses over the back of his neck, down his spine and stopped when she reached the top of the waistband of his boxer briefs. Sliding her fingers beneath the material she watched Negan lift his hips to help her get the material from his body when he turned on his side.
“Get on your back,” Y/N threw out an order and Negan seemed impressed with her direction when he laid down beside Lucille on the bed. “How about you take control instead of letting him have it?”
Lucille gave Y/N a wink, getting up on her knees while Y/N lowered to wrap her fingers around Negan’s solid manhood. Stroking in strong, languid movements while watching Lucille carefully straddle Negan’s shoulders made Y/N smile. The fact Lucille listened to Y/N made her feel better about this whole thing. Having some kind of power made Y/N feel like she fit in better. Negan’s palms squeezed tightly to Lucille’s hips while he lifted his head to go back to pleasuring her. Caressing over his body a few more times, Y/N enjoyed the sight before her.
“Fuck…” Negan groaned against Lucille’s flesh making Lucille cry out when Y/N took Negan into her mouth, sliding him back into her throat before dragging her tongue firmly over the underside when she pulled her head back. Y/N hollowed her cheeks and worked in unison with the stroking motions with her hand while she pleasured Negan. Eagerly, Negan’s hips bounced up to her movements and she could hear Lucille’s whimpers intensifying the more Y/N seemed to affect Negan.
Lucille’s body slouched forward after she released somewhat of a squeal and Y/N pulled her mouth from Negan’s cock with a popping sound when she noticed Lucille shaking from an orgasm that Negan clearly got out of her. Lucille pulled herself to the bed beside Negan, stretching out her slender body while she breathed heavily.
“You okay?” Negan licked his lips in a seductive sweep and when she nodded, Negan reached for Y/N to pull her up to him. Rolling, he used his weight to trap her beneath him and pinned her wrists to the bed. Negan’s mouth collided with hers and she could feel him pulling her hips up to him when he reached between them to grab a hold of his distended flesh. Smacking his hips forward, he heard Y/N cry out when he entered her and his jaw lowered with a growl falling from his lips. “You’ve been a constant source of surprise, you know that?”
Negan bounced his hips forward into hers time and time again making soft cries fall from her throat. The weight of him over her felt incredible while he hit all the right places inside of her. Negan’s gaze lifted to look at Lucille and when their eyes connected it seemed like Negan’s thrusts got sharper and harder. Winces fell from Y/N’s throat and she scratched at Negan’s shoulders hearing his moans getting louder.
“Brace yourself on your hands and knees over her Lucille,” Negan demanded pulling his hips back making Y/N cry out from the empty feeling that he left her with. Easily Negan moved them where he wanted them and when the closeness of Lucille pressed in over Y/N she licked her lips nervously. Lucille was so close to her and the warmth of her body was radiating against Y/N’s. “I think we all know I’m a little greedy.”
The smacking sound of Negan entering Lucille from behind was heard and Y/N found herself in awe of the face that Lucille was making while Negan fucked her. Reaching up to stroke over Lucille’s jawline, Y/N instinctively lifted up to kiss over Lucille’s face until her mouth met Lucille’s. The sounds of Negan’s heavy breaths were heard while Lucille rocked over her with each powerful movement Negan made behind her.
Lifting her hand, Y/N used her thumb to caress over Lucille’s clitoris while Negan thrust into Lucille’s body. When he thrust forward it would urge Lucille’s hips forward into Y/N’s caress time and time again causing her to coo out in ecstasy while both Negan and Y/N worked together.
A whine released from Lucille’s throat when Negan pulled his body from hers and tugged on Y/N’s body to bring her hips closer to him. Negan adjusted and thrust himself into Y/N again making her head drop back while Negan now took his turn fucking her.
“Do you like his big cock?” Lucille purred, her mouth vibrating against Y/N’s lips while her hand lowered to offer the same caress that Y/N had done to her previously. “He might have a big mouth, but he knows how to use his dick well.”
“Gee, thanks baby,” Negan grunted with a laugh, lowering down to press wet kisses over Lucille’s shoulder before biting at her flesh making Lucille purr when he did it.
“So good,” Y/N whimpered when Negan’s hips bucked up harder against her and the tip of his cock was hitting her G-spot in a way that made her cry out. Lucille’s soft fingertips aided in the caress of Y/N’s small bundle of nerves while the husband and wife were drawing her incredibly close to an amazing orgasm.
“You’re almost there, aren’t you sweetheart?” Lucille quickened her caress and Negan rolled his hips faster against Y/N. Lucille’s mouth hovered over Y/N’s when Y/N felt her body tensing up. There was a liquid warmth building inside of her and she whimpered into Lucille’s mouth when Lucille began to kiss her. Y/N’s orgasm hit her hard as Negan continued to fuck her through it, enjoying the contractions that her body did around him. She was undoubtedly loud when she came, but both Lucille and Negan seemed to enjoy it. “Negan made such a good choice with you.”
“I sure as fuck did,” Negan grunted, pulling his body from Y/N’s to enter Lucille again while reaching for her hair to pull her back against him while he fucked her. Negan’s eyes were hooked on Y/N while she attempted to catch her breath. Watching Negan kissing over Lucille’s neck while he had a firm hold on her throat was almost an art piece in itself. The way their bodies moved together was beautiful and Y/N found herself lucky that she got to experience and watch this.
“Negan,” Lucille’s soft cries filled the air and Y/N could see Lucille’s body twitching revealing that she had just hit an orgasm herself and a cocky laugh came from Negan. Pulling his length from Lucille’s body Negan watched her fall forward on her hands on the bed. Her breathing was loud and he reached down to caress over his pulsating cock that was ready for a release itself. “Shit.”
“You like my big mouth,” Negan reached out to smack over Lucille’s bottom and wiggled his finger to get Y/N to come to him when he moved to the edge of the bed. “Come here beautiful.”
Weakly, Y/N lifted from the bed and slid to the bottom of it. Negan reached for her head and brushed his fingers in over the back of her neck leading her to take him into her mouth again. Lapping at Negan’s body with her tongue, Y/N felt Lucille moving in beside her and Negan reached for Lucille to pull her in closer to his cock.
“Share ladies,” Negan pulled his cock from Y/N’s mouth and led it to Lucille’s lips. His head fell back, his eyes closing tightly while he smiled when Lucille took him into her mouth. Lucille sucked over his tip and Y/N pressed wet kisses over Negan’s shaft. Negan grasped at both of them, caressing over their necks while they took turns taking him into their mouths. When Negan’s abdomen started to twitch, Lucille pumped her hand harder over his shaft and his moans got louder. “Fuck…”
Y/N’s eyes closed when the first line of Negan’s release hit the back of her throat and she worked to swallow down what he had to offer while his hips bucked to her through his orgasm. When his body stopped shaking, Y/N pulled her mouth from his body and licked at her lips.
“Fucking hell…” Negan’s raspy voice was even deeper when he saw Lucille reach for Y/N to kiss her to get the taste of Negan’s release from Y/N’s mouth and Negan smiled arrogantly. “I think we could make this a thing…that is if you both liked it.”
Negan stroked his fingers over both of their faces and he lowered down to kiss both of them before laying between them on the bed. Lucille laid over his chest kissing over it and Negan had his nose nuzzled up against the side of Y/N’s neck.
“I’m open to it,” Lucille announced with a wink when Y/N’s eyes met hers and it made Y/N bite into her bottom lip.
“Well, since we’re all about favors…I’ll be okay with it as long as when we do our next photoshoot together…you bring her with you,” Y/N muttered and Negan laughed against the side of her neck before kissing softly over it.
“I think we can work that out,” Negan turned his head to meet Lucille in another kiss. Minutes passed and they laid together in the bed before Negan lifted his head to look at the camera that they still had set up. “That…that is going to be one hell of a video.”
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monday-headache · 3 years ago
Tagged by both @frankenjoly and @laianely. Awwww, thank you so much guys ;) I’m happy to volunteer. And I know I’m late with this response, sorry for that.
what's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh boy that is a tough cookie to answer... Do you mean like in generall or from what I have written? Let’s do both, so I’m safe XD
Rhysha (obviously)
Scarleona (You can’t expect me to create a whole ship dynamic and not gosh about it ;) )
BBRae (got hooked into them after a comic of them dropped recently)
Side not, I absolutely do love Ships like Gaigel, Zaneisha, Erin/Zane, and a wagonload more. I’m ship trash XD
how many works do you have on ao3?
So far it’s 4. I’m still a latebloomer as a fic author so to speak. I just started at the end of last year, when my friend @michellespenscratchz gently pushed me into the cold water of writing fic XD
what's your total ao3 word count?
25254 at the moment. Less that I would’ve liked to have, but also more than I expected lol
what are your top five fics by kudos?
I dunno how to answer that to be honest, since I only have 4 fics so far...
Also my 5 favorites or the Top 5 in terms of recognition? Let’s do it real quick for statistics sake:
Strays of the Pack
Zane’sational Encounter
Star of the Bounty Down
Wild Misfortune
do you reply to comments, why or why not?
Uuuuh, YES. I mean is there anyone who doesn’t like getting comments? No jokes aside, but I absolutely jump my seat, when someone comments on my work (art stuff included) And I sometimes write whole essays back to the people who gave their time to say something nice :D So yeah, I love it.
fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Half of my fics aren’t even finished. And the other two have either a  happy ending, or an open ending, so I’m gonna go skip that answer.
fic you've written with the happiest ending?
As for which story does have the happiest ending NOW, I’ma go with “Wild Misfortune”. And this may also be one of my favorite stories to write so far, cause of all the fun I had with it :D
do you write crossovers?
Well I did a little art trade for my friend @piaart named Zane’sational Encounter, if that counts? It’s still within the same borderlands universe, but the first time, I did something with another persons OC characters :D another Story I had an absolute blast with.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Luckily never on a fic, no. I received some death threats a while ago, for liking Rhysha and supporting a friend. So there is that.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Nah, I have to pass on that. I did two soft art pieces a while ago, but nothing really smutty or that naughty. I’m usually more focused on writing fluff and comfort.
have you ever had a fic stolen?  
Nope, Zilch.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Uhm, I’m technically a foreigner, and translate them in my head and write them out in english instead of my actual native tongue. Does that count?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
I volunteered and also had some very nice interactions with some Beta-Readers for me, and also I beta’d for a friend as well.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh god, like every one of them right now XD I have a tight period of time lately, cause University is kicking but. But I will get there in time. I have some vacation for the next 2 weeks so I’m gonna focus and do more of the fun stuff, I didn’t had time before. I hope my beta’s still know who I am, after all this time XD
what are your writing strengths?
One of my biggest strengths is I think writing relations and dynamics, that no one dared to try. Heck I created 2 whole story Idea Headcanons on exactly this premis, even created a new ship :D And, when the muse kicks in I’m also very good at exploring braveness and psychological struggle. Chapter 2 and 4 of Strays of the Pac are my most well received chapters I’ve ever written so far, and I’m very proud of that.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes, I get the feeling, I’m writing a little too soft (not really child books soft, but...) I did pretty well on writing character interactions, and then when I look back into it, I go, it feels natural but not completely how they would interact in the game, which is almost impossible, cause the Borderlands universe is very weird to explain sometimes XD Also I’m not really that comfortable with writing anger, hate and such. My beta for Wild Misfortune had a pretty bad time, on one marshmallow scene, because of it.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Like I mentioned earlier, all of my works are written in another language. As for the question: I like to think, that writing dialogue comes rather easy for me, and at this point I face pretty much the same struggles, I’d also have If I’m writing it in native tongue. There are some dialogue interactions that can be a mess to write, like anger/banter and proper angst (which doesn’t feel forced or predictable).
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
I began with the Borderlands fandom, almost a year ago (damn time flies) and sticked with it :)
what's your favourite fic you've written?
Like both @frankenjoly and @laianely, I like to skip that answer ;) I don’t wanna choose cause I love them all.
Thank you that was a total blast <3 As for tagging, I see that most of my mutuals were already been tagged by now, mmmh. I think I go with @annalyticall @ging-ler @heavybreathingcatt and @mauserfrau and @crimsonflame-and-goldenheart ;)
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years ago
She’s the Alpha - Part One
Series Summary: Gen and Y/n have been together since they were in high school. They’re true mates. Only problem is that they’re both female and are unable to satisfy the other’s heat/rut. When Gen gets a job on Supernatural they meet Alpha Jensen and his Omega Jared.
Part Summary: By the time you turned 18 you have gone through two life changing events. The first being when you presented as an alpha. The second is when you found your omega.
Warnings: Y/n treated like an OC, cursing, bullying/harassment, homophobia, angst, fluff, abuse, hint at smut/intimacy, light girl on girl,
Reader: Alpha Female Reader
Pairings: Alpha Female Reader x Omega Genevieve, Eventual Alpha Jensen x Omega Jared x Alpha Female Reader x Omega Genevieve
Word Count: 5,662
A/n: Jensen and Jared won’t show up until the next part. This chapter is character background and a lot of Gen x Reader. Possibly a 15 part series!
Part Two
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The weeks prior to presenting were tense to say the least. You felt as if everyone was testing your patience, especially your twin brother, Ashton. You withdrew from your friends and family. The last thing you wanted was to get into screaming matches with your parents like Ash had been doing.
Despite the obvious signs, nobody expected you to present as an alpha. Female alphas are much rarer than male omegas. Although, presenting as an omega didn’t seem likely either. You were stronger willed than the omegas your family interacted with. Becoming a beta is what was expected of you. Albeit, doing what was expected of you was never really your thing.
Frankly, you would rather be a beta than an alpha. Your family held alpha’s to a higher standard compared to beta’s and omega’s. A standard you didn’t care to be held to. To be honest, your family was ridiculous when it came to alphas.
However, all thoughts of an easy going beta life flew out the window on your 16th birthday. Finally, the moodiness and the short fuse you had recently acquired made sense. 
To say that this complicated things is an understatement. Presenting as an alpha completely changed your world. One day you were the girl who remained unseen in the background. Now, you’re the girl trying to survive your alpha father and alpha brother. Three alpha’s under one roof is recipe for disaster.
Senior Year
“I cannot wait until I can pack up and leave this place in my rear view mirror,” Ash grumbles walking beside you down the road. The further the two of you walked from home the less weight seemed to be on your shoulders.
“You need a car to have a rear view mirror,” You tease him while keeping a watchful eye on your younger siblings a little ways in front of you. Ash rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets. “All I want is to get out of that damn house. I don’t care where I go,” You comment with a small shrug.
It didn’t matter if you moved into the house next door or in an apartment on the other side of the world. As long as you weren’t under your parents roof, you would be happy. You craved independence. You craved separation from your parents. Yet you didn’t want to be too far from your siblings but at the same time you didn’t mind putting more distance between you and them.
“I’m not going to be able to listen to dad’s bullshit for very much longer,” You hum in agreement. You remember a time when your dad had been your hero. Now, you couldn’t wait to get as far as possible from the man.
Your father made it his mission to make you and your brother the toughest alpha’s in town not only mentally but physically as well. He’s even tried to make you both arrogant assholes, like typical alpha’s, with all his ‘alpha’s are above others’ speeches. 
There was also a point in time when your father had tried to pin you and your brother against each other. You hated to admit that it worked for almost an entire year before the two of you figured out that you were stronger when you had each others backs.
“We just have to make it through graduation,” You tell him.
“Yeah,” Ash scoffs. “Another ten damn months,”
“No one said it was gonna be easy,” 
A couple minutes later you were at the school. Your two younger siblings had dashed off but you didn’t care. You made sure they got to school, your job was over.
The moment you entered the high school you sensed something was different. You didn’t know what it was and tried to ignore the feeling but it was damn near impossible.
You caught yourself looking around as you and Ash walked to your lockers. You didn’t know what you were looking for but assumed you would know when, or if, you found it.
“Do you know if anyone presented alpha recently?” You ask your brother.
“God, I hope not,” Ash groans closing the door. “The last thing we need is another damn alpha walking around,”
There’s three other alphas in your school, excluding you and your brother. One of the alpha’s, Julian, is chill and keeps to himself. The other two, however, are always competing for top dog. The last thing this school needed was yet another alpha to add into the mix.
“Why do you ask?” Ash asks, the two of you walking to your first class.
“I don’t know,” You sigh. “I just feel like something’s different,” Ash glances at you but doesn’t say anything.
All throughout the day you felt on edge. Ash could pick up on your tenseness causing his own mood to turn more alert. It wasn’t until the end of the day did you find the answer to why the both of you were so apprehensive.
You and Ash were at your lockers preparing to leave school. Ash was suggesting that you went to The Dutch, a local bar and grill. It had been a long and tense day, the last thing he wanted to do was go straight home where the environment is even more stressful.
You muttered a response not really listening to what he was saying. Ash talked 90% of the day, whether you were in class or not, and you had learned to tune him out. Instead of paying attention to Ash, your eyes were trained down the hall. In the corner stands a shorter girl with beautiful, long, dark hair. She had your complete attention from the moment you laid eyes on her.
Unfortunately, you weren’t the only one with eyes on her. Andrew, one of the schools asshole alpha’s, had her in his sights. The moment he came into your eye sight you knew what he was planning. The thought of him even standing next to her angered you.
“Y/n, where are you going?” Ashton questions when you suddenly walk away. You don’t answer him. He grumbles but quickly follows after you. It wasn’t until you got closer to the girl did you realize that she’s an omega.
“I’m not interested,” She tells Andrew. You ignore the affect that her voice has on you.
“Not yet but I can change your mind,”
“What is it with you morons and not understanding the meaning of the word ‘no’?” You ask, gaining Andrew’s attention. He turns toward you. His eyes flicker from you to Ashton, who’s standing behind you. “No, means, no, asshole,” Andrew glares at you trying to be intimidating. However, you weren’t intimidated by boys trying to be men.
“Why don’t you just move along?” Andrew suggests, wanting to continue talking to the omega but also wanting to avoid you and Ash. “I’m trying to have a conversation with her,”
“You’re not exactly conversation material,” The girl speaks up. Your gaze, along with Andrew’s, returned to the smaller girl. She spoke to Andrew before her eyes flickered to you. The moment your eyes met, a small small comes to your lips. “The last thing I want to do is lose IQ points,” She comments, looking back at Andrew. She adjusts her bookbag on her shoulders and tries to talk around him but he quickly grabs her arm. The smile that had come to your face quickly washed away when you saw Andrew grab her as roughly as he had.
His hand only held her arm for a fraction of a second before you had removed it. Your hand grabbed his wrist tight enough to leave a nasty bruise. You twisted his arm until he was forced to release her and slammed him against the lockers. 
Andrew easily got out of your grip but before things could escalate Ashton jumps between the two of you. Ash knew you could handle yourself against Andrew but he also didn’t want a fight breaking out. A fight would send you to the principle which would force your father to get involved which would end in a situation neither of you wanted to be in.
“Just walk away,” Ashton advices Andrew. “We wouldn’t want a repeat of Junior year, would we?” Andrew growls stepping forward but a teacher speaks up before anything could happen.
“Life would have been much simpler if I had just been a beta,” The girl whispers under her breath. You hummed in agreement. Your eyes glancing to her when you’re confident Andrew wasn’t going to attack your brother. “Thanks,” She says, looking up at you.
“You look like you could handle yourself,” You tell her with a small smile. She blushes a bit which causes your heart to soar. The longer you stood beside her the less confident you became. Not many people made you nervous but this girl could make you weak to the knees with a single glance.
“Genevieve,” She introduces herself. She holds her hand out and you stare at it for a moment. Ash gives you a gently shove which snaps you out of your haze. Gen giggles a bit when you hand reaches out and grips her tightly. “But you can call me Gen,” She giggles again when you shake her hand quickly.
“Gen,” You whisper, smiling softly. “Oh, uh, Y/n,” You stutter while releasing her hand with a blush. “That’s uh... that’s my name,” You hand brushes through your hair.
“I figured,” Gen continues to smile at you. “It’s nice to meet you,”
Date Night
“How does this look?” You ask, your younger sister. 
“Like you’re trying too hard,” Naomi comments, hanging upside down on the edge of your bed.
“Really? I think I look cute,” You say standing in front of you full length mirror. You were wearing a nice dress. It’s the most feminine thing you’ve worn in a long time.
“You’re only going to the movies,” She tells you. “Besides, it doesn’t really look like you. You should wear some leggings and that cute jacket you got last month,”
“I’m with Naomi on this,” Ash says, walking into your room. You sigh but give in knowing they were more corradiated than you.
“If he coming to pick you up?” Naomi asks shifting onto her stomach when Ash sits beside her. You share a look with your twin.
“Uh, no,” You shake your head. “I’m meeting them at the movies,” You say carefully.
Ash is the only one that knows you were going on a date with a girl. On top of that it’s an omega that had asked you out. You could only imagine the shit show that would happen if your father found out. He would go on and on about how you needed to be with a man. Once he got past that he would tell you how un-alpha-like it is to be asked out by an omega. You, being the alpha, were the one who was supposed to ask the omega out.
You knew your younger siblings wouldn’t care but they also couldn’t keep a secret. The only concern your mother would have is the fact that she wouldn’t be able to satisfy your ruts and you wouldn’t be able to satisfy her heats. It wouldn’t be a problem now, or any time soon, but down the road you would need someone to help you. 
You didn’t ant to think about that right now. You just want to have fun with Gen. You liked her a lot. You could run your hands through her soft hair all day. She smelled as if she had come straight from heaven. Her skin also felt very smooth and perfect against yours. 
From the moment you two met you had grown to be very close. You would stay close during school and after school you would be together at her home. Her family was much more relaxed and open than yours.
The two of you had been cuddling in her bed while watching your favorite movie when she asked you out on a date. It had caught you off guard but you accepted.
Almost everything Gen did caught you off guard, in a good way. She was so unlike any omega you had met. She was outgoing and blunt. She could hold her own and didn’t need an alpha to cling too. She didn’t need you but she wanted you. You tended to be on the more reserved side but being around Gen brought you out more.
“What movie are you seeing?” Naomi asked. You answered all her questions as you finished getting ready. Ash picked out your shoes while Naomi helped with your makeup. You didn’t wear much makeup but a little bit to stand out.
“Good luck,” Ash says, helping you leave without being noticed by your parents. Your parents knew you were leaving but you didn’t want to go through 20 questions with them.
“Thank,” You smile at him before getting into your moms car and driving to the movies. You instantly found Gen. It was like there was this magnet on her that drew you to her. “You look amazing,” You compliment. She wasn’t wearing anything too fancy but it hugged her hips.
“Thank you,” She says before inspecting your new jacket. You did a spin causing her to grin even wider. “Adorable,” She says kissing your cheek causing you to blush. She links your arms and pulls you to the ticket booth with a little hop in her step. There you insisted, and won, on buying the ticket. She ended up buying the popcorn before the two of you took your seats.
Throughout the movie the both of you shared small, yet intimate, touches. You would hold hands or rest your hand on her thigh. Eventually you wrapped an arm around her. The touches only got worse when the movie was over and you drove her home. Her mother had dropped her off allowing you the opportunity to spend more time with her.
“Hey, Y/n?” Gen asks, glancing at you as you drive down the road. You hum sparing her a glance. “What happened junior year?” She asks.
“Can you be a little more specific?” You ask, with a small laugh. “Junior year was a long year,”
“Ash said something to Andrew about not wanting a repeat of Junior year... Remember?” Gen asks, your mind goes back to when you first noticed Gen. Gen and you have been in the same school for years but you didn’t truly notice her until she presented. When she did present she ended up being an omega. There’s only 7 omega’s in the school and of course she had caught Andrew’s attention.
“Junior year Ash, Andrew, and I were still pretty new at the whole alpha thing. We’re still not perfect but junior year our emotions and instincts were all over the place. At that time Ash and I weren’t talking. We were fighting constantly and it just wasn’t a good time for us.” You begin to explain to her. “Being an alpha our natural instinct is to be the alpha. It’s an instinct my father did everything he could to amplify,”
“Why?” Gen asks frowning her eyebrows. You let out a low sigh.
“My father expects Ash and I to be the top alpha in everything we do. One of the problems with that is that feeding into our newly heightened instincts with other alpha’s under the same roof only causes disruption and chaos. The three of us were constantly at each others throats and when we went to school Ash and I were still going at it but we were also going at Andrew as well,” Gen slowly nods not completely understanding but wanting to hear the rest of it. “One day Andrew and I came to blows. I think we were fighting over something like he had sat in my seat at the cafeteria.” You said not completely sure if that was true but it was close enough. “Anyways, Andrew is stronger and a better fighter, I didn’t really have a chance but I gave it my all. Ash saw what was happening and he jumped into the fight. The two of us could just tell what the other was about to do and we worked together fluently. Kicked Andrew’s ass,” You smirk a bit. “We not only asserted our dominance as head alpha’s in the high school but it’s the first time Ash and I started to mend our relationship and work together,”
“So, now you and Ash are ok?” Gen asks. “You two seem to get along great,”
“Yeah, it took us a while to get to where we are now but now it’s just natural,” You shrug. “It’s like I have this sixth sense when it comes to Ash and him to me. Sure we have our competitive streaks but it’s all good natured,” Gen smiles at you and you glance at her. “Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?” You ask.
“Maybe once or twice,” Gen smiles widely. You smirk pulling into her driveway.
“I had a really great-” You said, turning your head towards her. The instant you looked at her, her lips were on yours. The two of you had yet to get out of the car and had to lean over the middle console. 
Her lips were soft compared to your chapped ones. Her sweet scent seemed even more intense while kissing her. You wondered how she could get any more perfect. 
“I had a great time too,” Gen whispers pulling back. “And you look just as beautiful,” She winks at you.
You didn’t care what you had to do, you had to keep her. You’d known her a little less than four months yet you were completely smitten. You were in this for the long haul.
“Hi Gen!” Naomi shouts, when you and Gen enter the house. Gen barely greets her back before your little sister darts into the next room.
“Omi! Get back here, you little shit!” You other little sister, Haley, practically screams as she races after the youngest.
“Come on,” You place an innocent hand on Gen’s back. You gently push her towards your room. The two of you have been together for a couple of months and have successfully kept it from your parents and younger siblings. Honestly, if Naomi wasn’t so gullible, you would have been found out by now.
“Are your parents home?” Gen asks, you shake your head.
“No, probably won’t be for a while,” You tell her. You shut the bedroom door behind you.
“Good,” Gen smiles turning to you. You match her grin and pull her close. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you,” 
“No ones stopping you,” You whisper leaning down to connect your lips to hers. Gen cups the back of your neck and presses her hand against you chest as she leans into you. You tighten your grip around her waist. “You smell so good,” You whisper burying your head in her neck.
“Come on, we have to get started on this project,” Gen reminds you. You whine refusing to let her go. Gen laughs quietly and doesn’t attempt to leave your snug embrace.
“We can start tomorrow,” You whisper.
“Oh, no, we’re not procrastinating on this,” Gen says wiggling away from you causing you to pout. “Let’s get this started and then we can cuddle,”
“You drive a hard bargain,” You wink at her. Gen rolls her eyes and sits on your bed. You smirk and move in behind her. “Are you sure we can’t start a little later?” You ask, brushing all of her hair to one side. “Surely, we’re smart enough to get it done in a little bit,” Gen tilts her head a bit as your lips lightly press against her skin. “You’re certainly smart enough. You’re a junior in a senior science class,”
“It’s not that impressive,” Gen whispers. “There’s plenty of juniors in senior classes,”
“I’m lucky to be in the 12th grade, it’s impressive,” You tell her. “You’re so smart,” You praise. “So beautiful, kind and funny.. So talented,” Your lips travel up her neck as you hand gently grabs her chin. “So mine,” 
“Alpha,” Gen whines causing you to growl and press your lips to hers. She falls back on the bed and you shift follow after her. Your entire focus was on her that you didn’t even notice your father coming to your room to talk to you.
“Y/n-” He barely gets your name out when he opens your door. Your head pulls away from Gen’s quickly and snaps towards him. Both you and Gen tense. You father looks at you in shock but the shock quickly turns into anger. “What in the damn hell is going on here?!” He shouts. 
You and Gen jump off the bed. Your protective instincts kick in and you stand in front of her. She grips the back of your shirt. Her distress only amplifies your protectiveness. 
“I can explain-” You try to say but your father isn’t in a listening mood. You watch as his face begins to glow red and his eyes narrow.
“The fuck were you doing with her?!” Cyrus, your father, shouts. You knew that if you tried to lie it would only be worse. You had to come clean.
“I was kissing her... my girlfriend,” You add, quietly. A deep, threatening growl leaves his chest. Your hand reaches back to rest against Gen. The movement was not only to reassure you that she was behind you but an attempt to calm you down. Gen always had a calming affect on you but with your father radiating threatening vibes being calm is the last thing on your mind.
“Girlfriend?!” He shouts marching up to you. You growl back trying to warn him to stay back.
“Yes, girlfriend!” You shout back not liking being threatened. “She’s my girlfriend, my omega!”
“She’s a girl! She cannot be your omega!”
“She is,” You tell him clenching your fists. “I know she’s my omega, my true mate.” You state with absolute certainty. You knew that same sex true mates aren’t nonexistent but they certainly weren’t heard of.
“A female alpha is never mated to an omega female! It doesn’t work!” 
“It does. We work.” You insist. “She’s my girlfriend and I’m not letting her go,”
“Oh, yes you are. No daughter of mine will ever be with another girl! You’re an alpha, you need to be with a beta or male omega.”
At this point your family is gathering in the doorway. Your two little sisters were poking their heads in but mainly hiding behind the wall in the hallway. Your father took intimidation and scary to a whole new level when he’s angry. Even your mother was using the wall as a hiding spot. Your brother, however, was standing in the center of the doorway ready to help defend you and Gen if need be.
“Fuck who you think I’m supposed to be with,” You spit. “I want to be with Gen and she wants to be with me,” You growled. “And I’m not going to let you get in between us,”
“Y/n!” Gen shouts when your father grabs you shirt, rips you away from Gen and pins you against the wall. You growl slamming your head into his and manage to shove him away. He doesn’t go far but far enough for you to duck away and move from the wall.
“Alright, let’s just calm down!” Ash shouts getting between you and your father.
“Step down,” Cyrus, demands staring you twin brother down. Ash glares back fighting against the urge to move away. “I said, step down,” Cyrus snapped grabbing the back of Ash’s neck and tossing him to the side.
“Hey!” You shout shoving him away from your brother. 
However, tossing him from Ash made Cyrus get closer to Gen which you didn’t like. You held your hand out and Gen instantly comes to your side. Her fingers intertwine with yours. Her arm hugs your arm while she steps a bit behind you.
“I love Gen,” You tell him as he regains his stability. “I’m going to stay with her for as long as she’ll have me. There’s nothing you can do,” 
Cyrus steps toward you and lashes out. Gen whimpers holding you tightly as a stinging pain comes to your cheek. Before he could do anything else Gen is moving in front of you. She’s trembling despite the strong look she tries to display. Your heart swells at her trying to protect you but you didn’t want your father hurting her either.
“I won’t let you hurt her,” Gen whispers, pressing her back into your chest wanting to stay as far away from him but wanting to protect you as well. Cyrus is obviously taken back by Gen. Omega’s aren’t normally the ones protecting the alpha. In his eyes it’s just another disgraceful act while it only makes you fall more in love with her.
“You either get rid of Gen or you leave,” He tells you. Your heart drops. You knew he would be made but you never expected him to give you this ultimatum. You didn’t want to make the choice despite already know what you would choose.
“Dad, please,” You whisper moving back in front of Gen. “I love her and I love this family, please don’t make me choose,” You beg him. “I’m still your daughter, loving Gen doesn’t change that,”
“This is not how I raised you. This is not how an alpha is supposed to act.” Cyrus tells you. “This is unacceptable and I will not have you disgracing this family. Get rid of Gen or move out,” Cyrus says. He stands there for a moment before pushing past you and into the hall.
“Baby,” Gen whispers, moving in front of you. Your zoned out eyes focus on her. “I don’t want to get in between you and your family-”
“You are my family,” You whisper. “You’re my omega, I know you are,” You say confidently. “Am I your alpha?” You ask, trepidatiously. 
“Yes, you are,” Gen nods, caressing your cheek. Her eyes soften as she looks at your reddened cheek. “I just want you to be happy... I don’t want to take you from them,” She nods towards your brother, sisters and mother.
“I’ll talk to him, ok?” Molly, your mother, speaks up, coming up to you. You stare into Gen’s eyes for a moment before turning to her. “You are not disowned and you do not have to leave Gen,” Molly gives your girlfriend a smile.
“I don’t think I can stay here mom,” You tell her. “Even if you do talk him down, things are only going to keep getting worse. Him and Ash are already to a boiling point, this is only going to push all of us over the edge. I’m not staying,”
“I don’t know how I’m going to be able to stay either,” Ash growls.
“There’s only a couple more months, just avoid him,” You advice him.
“Easier said than done,” Ash grumbles still seething at the fact that Cyrus had attacked you, again.
“I’ll keep him from you, just don’t leave yet,” Molly pleads hating the fact that her mate is chasing her children away. Ash’s face softens slightly towards his mother. He sighs but nods agreeing to stay just a little longer for her sake. “Where will you go?” Molly asks, wanting to make sure you went somewhere safe.
“She can come with me,” Gen says. You open your mouth to object but she doesn’t let you. “My mother adores you, so do my siblings. They’d love to have you around,” Knowing you needed somewhere to go, you agree.
“I love you,” Molly whispers, hugging you when you made your decision. “I’ll talk to your father, you and Gen are always welcome here,” She promises.
“Happy birthday, baby,” Gen whispers waking you up with her light kisses. You smile snuggling into her chest. She grins holding your larger figure the best she could.
“Skip school,” You mumble. “Spend the day with me,” Gen smiles kissing the top of your head.
You and Gen have been together for over a year. You’ve graduated high school while Gen is halfway through her senior year. The two of you lived in Gen’s mother’s home. You’ve lived there since your father kicked you out.
Your mother stayed true to her word and talked to him. It took him months to even talk to you and even longer to invite you back. You never accepted his offer. The two of you had a very tense relationship and you didn’t want to go back to living under his roof with his rules.
The second you and Ash graduated, Ash moved out. He moved out of the house and out of the state. You still talk daily but you hadn’t seen him in a little bit. However, you felt happy knowing that he’s happy and much more relaxed.
While you would rather move out of this small town you were happy to be with Gen. Her mother and siblings absolutely adored you. Her two brothers were beta’s while her sister and mother were omega’s. 
Having you, an alpha, around brought a sense of peace to the household. Your presence comforted the other omega’s. They felt more relaxed, more secure with you around than before you moved in. It didn’t matter that you were only romantically involved with Gen, you were still an alpha and they were still omega’s. Your presence comforted them in a way beta’s, like the brothers, couldn’t quite understand.
It took a while to gain the brother’s trusts but when they realized how much weight lifted off of their mother’s shoulders with your company and how you protective you were of the sister’s you quickly gained their approval.
At your family home you were constantly fighting to be alpha. Here, however, you quickly earned the position of alpha when you gained their trust. Gen’s mother still mothered her children but you looked after Gen’s sister and helped pay the bills while making sure the other alpha’s left the family alone.
“You, Y/n Y/l/n, are a very bad influence,” Gen whispers causing you to smirk.
“You love it,” You breathed against her neck. Gen shivers feeling your hot breath against her cool skin making you grin even wider.
“I love you,” She whispers. You lift your head and look at her through hooded eyes.
“I love you too,” You whisper puckering your lips. She giggles.
“Lazy,” She whispers, connecting your lips. “We need to brush our teeth,” She murmurs against your lips.
“We can be nasty together,” You whisper pushing her onto her back. Gen relaxes under you as your lips reconnect. Her moans encourage you to kiss her deeper.
“I want to be yours,” Gen whispers, you kiss down her neck towards her chest.
“You are mine,” You say. “Just as I’m yours,” 
“Y/n,” She whispers. You lips gently pepper kisses down her chest. “Y/n,” She says sternly.
“Yes, baby?” You lift your head pinching your eyebrows at the serious look on her face.
“I want to be yours,” She stresses. It takes a moment for her words to sink in.
“Mine?” You asks and she nods biting her lip. You lean over her and press your forehead against hers. “You sure, baby? There’s no going back, no getting rid of me,” You remind her. Gen smiles gently caressing the side of your face.
She knew that ever since your father completely turned his back to you that you had developed a fear of abandonment, a fear of people pretending to want you only to change their minds. You didn’t want to trap Gen with you. You worried that down the road she wouldn’t want you and if you claimed her she wouldn’t be able to leave causing her to be unhappy. It’s the main reason you hadn’t claimed her yet.
“I love you. I want you, no one else. Please, alpha,” You eyes darken and a low growl comes from your chest. She begins to whine amplifying her scent. Your head ducks down to her neck. You breath in her sweet smell. “Please, mark me, Alpha. Please,” She begs slowly breaking your resolve. “I want to be yours, completely and forever. I don’t want no one else,” You could sense her desperation begin to rise.
“Shh, omega, I’ve got you,” You whisper, trying to soothe her. “I’ll mark you, I’ll make you mine forever,” Gen smiles, slowly relaxing. “Only if you mark me, as well,” Gen’s eyes widen.
“Are you sure?” She whispers, you nod pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“100%... If you’re going to be mine and bare my mark, I want to be yours with your mark,” Gen slowly grins and nods.
“Ok,” She whispers. You grin and press your lips to hers.
“You’re perfect, Genevieve,” You whisper, moving your lips back to her neck. “Everything I could ever want,” Gen smiles, pulling your shirt over your head.
“Alpha, please, I need you,” She whines, clawing at your back.
“I’m right here, ‘mega... I’m right here,” You whisper, soothingly.
“Mark me, please,” She begs.
“Patience,” You whispers, a smirk on your lips. Your hands unclothe her before your eyes memorize every inch of her body. You couldn’t believe the woman in underneath you is going to be yours forever. Gen smiles, a light blush on her cheeks and her teeth chewing her lower lip.
“Alpha,” She whines, pulling you close. “Please,” You gently begin peppering her neck. You can feel her heartrate skyrocketing and her breathing escalate. 
“You’re gonna be all mine, baby girl,” You whisper nipping at her neck.
“Please,” She whimpers pressing her neck against your lips. She gasps, your teeth dig into her neck. “Alpha,” She cries.
“All mine,”
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barbasbodaciousbeard · 4 years ago
Back Before You Lost the One Real Thing You've Ever Known
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Summary: Rebecca spent over a year trying to coax feelings back out of Rafael Barba, only to have it all end abruptly when he lashed out. The attorney wasn’t able to fight the urge to fire first. When he needed comfort, she tried to reach out to no avail, but she’s been able to steel herself now. After all, creating a life changes you.
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
First Part
A/N: A few more ideas came up. 
Oh, your sweet disposition And my wide-eyed gaze We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate
Rebecca should have known better than to try and be there for Rafael Barba. She’d met him when she’d had to testify to what she’d walked in on in another Kindergarten classroom, the one eventually taken over by Al. He’d prepped her, and conversation came easily between the pair. After he’d gotten his guilty verdict, he’d asked her to get celebratory drinks now that the ordeal was over. They’d met several times throughout the investigation and trial, and Rebecca saw a determination to put abusers away and a quick wit that led her to accept his invitation eagerly. What she didn’t realize was that while her infatuation with the handsome prosecutor grew, so would the issues they ran into. It wasn’t easy for him to express anything but the cocksuredness he portrayed in the courtroom. Once he relaxed, he’d sing along to the radio or tell her stories from his childhood, but she sensed a careful wall.
At first, she’d assumed the wall was a sign of maturity; he was significantly older, though she hadn’t guessed it at first. As thirty came closer for her, fifty was coming closer for him. Maybe that was why he was so hesitant to tell her what was going through his head. He was always fine, but he’d had longer to learn to be fine. Meanwhile, she’d come home and cry because she couldn’t fix the fact that her student’s dog had died or they couldn’t afford lunch. Often, he’d stare at her, and she was certain he was thinking how ridiculous she was. Each time she gave him a defense, telling him that she prayed she’d never be numb to these feelings like some of her colleagues. To her, it was a sign she was feeling, and she strived to love without expectation. And each time, he’d hold her close and tell her that her extreme empathy was what he liked so much.
And despite his hesitance to share, he was sweet overall. When he learned how much she’d been wanting to sneak away to the mountains, he rented them a cabin. She’d watched the trees go by, in awe as she watched paths wind through the woods. On occasion, her hand would fly to his arm, and she would squeal as she pointed out an animal in the woods. She could remember the soft smile he’d affixed her with, the first time she was sure he did love her. It had been six months, and she’d been assuring him she loved him for three. It was hard for her not to hear it back, and anytime she felt jealous of the points her friends were at in their relationships, she’d remind herself he wasn’t as open as their partners. Being significantly older didn’t make him immune from hang ups. He’d sung her the sappy songs that came up with his phone on shuffle, and Rebecca couldn’t have predicted the way this would all sour a short year later. When she closed her eyes, she could still see him with a crooked smile and her hand in his, serenading her with a Frank Sinatra song.
After wishing and praying for him to come home, he was standing there, still with devastatingly gorgeous eyes and now with a sprinkling of gray in his hair and new beard. His dress wasn’t as meticulous as it used to be, and part of her wondered if he had intended to come here at all. Dark jeans and a tucked in button down shirt? In the city? The snow clung to his hair and beard and lashes, but she could suddenly feel everything all too well. The way she felt about him, the way his hands felt on her skin, his lips on hers, the insecurity when he couldn’t share, the overwhelming relief when he did. And now he was standing there, saying he loved her and she didn’t have to believe him. Tha last part was the hardest because it did let her start to consider that he’d never been so okay with uncertainty. He’d always been the one to say you know how I feel, or once he’d said it, you know I love you. She was always supposed to take what he said as fact, and now he wasn’t expecting it. 
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it
When he’d said he loved her, it was late at night, and she wasn’t positive he knew she was awake. He’s said it with such sincerity, however, that she wrapped her arm tighter around him, hearing his sharp intake of breath. It would be a year the following week, and relief washed over her to have something she knew to be true so easily confirmed. I love you, he’d repeated so easily, nuzzling into the crook of her neck as his fingers trailed up her sides. For Rafael, touch was what he used to say what he couldn’t with words. If he couldn’t tell her, he could show her, and that had worked for her. But now? As he laid over her, they moved together, and she could hear his whispered, reverent I love yous? There were no words. But in the weeks afterwards, things began to deteriorate, and she focused on the fact he was probably grappling with the shift and the fear she’d do to him what Yelina had. That said, she wasn’t going to bend her life to his trauma. He was old enough to know he needed help but too stubborn to get it. She’d been so excited to share her plans with Al. They were the two kindergarten teachers at the small school they taught at, and the last partner she’d had was stand offish and now in prison, thanks to Rafael. 
Just get a fuckin’ room already.
Raf, he’s my coworker. We’re friends.
You know exactly what he wants from you, and you want it too. 
What are you saying? I’m a slut or something? You know you’re it for me.
A spade’s a spade.
Crushed was an understatement. She’d gone home, spent weeks working through things at least enough to leave him a letter. He wasn’t a bad guy, and the guilt she felt for slapping him was overwhelming. He’d opened up to her recently, told her his dad had been abusive. And she slapped him? It was different, she knew, but still, Rebecca was incapable of not apologizing to him for any negative response he could have. 
And as time went on, she couldn’t go back to who she was before. Things had been irrevocably shifted by Rafael, and she began to be more hesitant with new people. She’d loved Rafael in a way she hadn’t before, felt she understood him as she hadn’t before. And she thought he’d understood her. The implication she’d cheat so easily and make him feel like she knew Yelina had was enough to give her a wall she hadn’t before. 
After all, creating life changes you.
Al had been the first one to comment on it. After weeks on the phone with him in hysterics, she’d started just saying she was fine. There had been dozens of phone calls to Rafael between Christmas and the new year, and he’d ignored each. She felt weak for how badly he’d managed to hurt her and how unable she was to find the beauty in it. Each night, she’d try to sleep and see every moment they’d spent together running through her mind like an old projector, flickering as it moved from the reel of Rafael in the three piece suit balancing coffee as he came to visit her while she prepped in July to the one of him begrudgingly joining her on a hike in the mountains. 
You’re not okay, Bec. Me and Rodney are worried about you.
It’s nothing.
It’s not nothing, okay? 
It’s nothing.
It took until Rafael’s trial for Rebecca to drop the black and white image on Al’s desk, her name and six weeks, four days in small letters at the top and a fetal ultrasound visible. Al stared at it, finding the date and doing the math, the realization she was ten weeks along. He looked up at her with wide eyes, pulling her into a hug. As Al cooed she’d be okay against her temple, promised to support whatever she did and murder Rafael if need be, she cried into his jacket. She didn’t go back to her apartment for three days, instead staying in Al and Rodney’s spare bed and avoiding the news. After Al’s encouragement, she emailed Rafael finally, calling the matter time sensitive, but she never heard back.
'Cause there we are again when I loved you so, back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known. It was rare. I was there. I remember it all too well.
It was easy, even three years after the last time she saw him, to transport herself to the seat beside his, and as she looked into his eyes where he stood on her stoop, the snow clinging to his beard and hair and the deep gray jacket, she wanted to cry because things weren’t as easy as they were four and a half years before. Their daughter was born the August after he left, and Rebecca didn’t know how to tell Rafael that what had changed was so cosmic. God had given her this little girl, now two and a half, eagerly waiting on Christmas eve the next night. The little girl who Rebecca had felt she was supposed to let know who her father was. She could recognize Rafael, though without the suits and with the beard, Rebecca thought there was a chance the little girl wouldn’t know. It suddenly struck her how easily Catalina could get out of the toddler bed she’d moved to, and the real possibility she’d call down for water or a story at any moment. 
She’d taken her to the same church she attended with Rafael, sat in the same pew. After giving birth, Rebecca had tried going by his apartment, finding it rented out and receiving the news he was in Iowa. She’d never met his mother, and Rebecca didn’t want to approach anyone in case he wanted nothing to do with them. Al and Rodney had been a blessing, always eager to step in to babysit or give her the adult company she needed. Their daughter looked almost infuriatingly like her father, with expressive green eyes and thick dark hair. She’d also make the same faces as him from time to time. One of the pictures framed in the living room showed her with her mouth set in the same frustrated line as she rolled her eyes in a huff. Every reminder rubbed the wound open again, but she’d gotten tougher.
Creating a life changes you.
“Rafael, no one had ever hurt me like that.” He had the decency to look ashamed, maybe even more than he needed to, and shift his weight from foot to foot. 
“I know. I was so afraid, Becca. I thought I loved Yelina. I didn’t. I was forty-six, falling really, actually in love for the first time. I felt stupid and afraid, and I lost the only good thing I had. The only person who loved the fucked up, broken parts.”
“I was there, Rafael. I was calling. I even emailed.”
“You emailed?”
“After the trial. About two weeks later.”
“Dios mio,” he ran his hand over his face, letting out a low groan. “You emailed my work email, didn’t you?”
“It’s the only one you use.”
“I resigned the day I was found not guilty. Mi corazón, I lost access that day.”
“You never got my email?”
“No. I ignored your calls, and that was stupid. But I’d have taken any communication then.”
“We’re going to need to talk about something then.”
“Who is he?” The way Rafael had resigned himself to the idea she moved on was something she’d expected to feel hurt by. Instead, she saw his face free of anger. “Becca, I want you to be happy. If someone else could make you happy, I’m glad.”
“Raf-” she could hear the slightest movement. It was ten o’clock and every night around this time, she’d give Catalina a cup of water or lay with her until she slept again. 
“Oh god, you’re with someone else and he’s here? I can go. I just- I had to try.”
“No. There’s no one else. It’s just-”
“Mama!” she heard echo down the stairs, and Rafael’s eyes snapped to hers.
“Mama?” he asked, and she opened the door to him finally. 
“I have to get her back to sleep. Go sit at the dining table.”
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taetaespeaches · 5 years ago
"Did he just call her Poopsie?”
seokjin x reader (or oc) genre: crack; fluff word count: 1.5K
a/n: Ok lovelies, this has to be the most random, stupidest, most crackhead piece of writing I have ever posted to this blog, and for that, I apologize lmao. Jimin criticizes the long term Jin couple for their lack of pet names and they go off and yeah, this is what happened. This fic features all the members!!!! Basically, this is what you get when I write some dumbass shit and have Mads read over it, only for it to spark some more dumbassery from her. We share one braincell, and it shows in this fic. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy lol :))
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JUST as you got to the dorm you found Taehyung entering through the door, turning his head to spot you just before he disappeared into his home. “Hey!” He shouted happily at you, holding the door open for you.
“Hi,” you greeted, “where are you getting home from?” You asked snoopily with a smirk, fully aware he had started dating his best friend recently and was still very much in the honeymoon phase. Instead of answering you, he gave you a beaming grin with a bashful chuckle and you simply smiled back as he shut the door. “Cuties,” you whispered, Tae bumping you with his shoulder as he led you into the dorm.
Walking past the kitchen, you both spotted your boyfriend cooking away as Jimin sat at the counter reading something off his phone.
Jin looked up to see you, a smile spreading across his face. “Pumpkin butt!” He greeted you excitedly. Pumpkin butt?
You smiled, shooting him a questioningly look. “Hi?” You gave a small laugh, walking toward him and kissing his cheek when you reached him. “Can I help you with something?” You asked, looking at the pan that was full of sizzling vegetables and meat.
“Hmmm,” he thought out loud, exaggerating the sound. “You could get me some sesame seeds from the spice cupboard, Angel Face.”
Again, Angel Face? You looked at him in confusion, scrunching your eyebrows, and just as you were about to ask what the hell he was doing, Jimin spoke up, looking at Jin with an annoyed expression.
“Ew,” Jimin complained. “I know what you’re doing, I already apologized for meddling into your relationship, can you stop before I lose my appetite?”
Looking between the two men, and then to Tae, you found that the younger man was just as confused as you.
“What am I doing?” Jin asked with a smile. “I’m just happy to see my Sugar Plum.” Sugar Plum? Looking toward you, Jin noted the confusion in your features and leaned forward, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. “You see,” he started to explain. “Jimin was concerned about the state of our relationship because he never hears us use pet names for each other.”
Realizing what your boyfriend was doing, you had to hold back your growing smile. “Ohhh, is that so?” You asked before looking toward Jimin with a smirk before making your way to the spice cupboard. “Pookie Bear, you need sesame seeds, right?”
A massive grin spread across Jin’s face in response to you playing along. “That’s right, Sugar Pie.” You snuck a look at the younger boys sitting at the counter, taking note of Jimin slowly shaking his head as Tae sat there grinning at you and Jin, thoroughly amused.
“You know, Sesame Seed is a good pet name,” you noted, handing your boyfriend the little bottle.
“Is it?” He asked with a chuckle, unable to hold back his amusement. You shrugged, Jin nodding. “Well when has my little Sesame Seed ever been wrong before?”
“Why are you two like this?” Jimin interrupted, sending Taehyung into giggles.
“Like what?” You asked.
“Yeah, we just want to show you our cute affectionate side,” Jin added. “Isn’t that right, Miss Sweetums McGee?” He directed to you, and you found yourself having to hold back a laugh and also a look of disgust at the horrible pet name.
“That’s right, Mr… Sweetums McGee, was it?” You asked Jin, only for him to let out a squeaky laugh.
“Yeah, I think that was it,” he nodded.
“A great one,” you nodded back, giggling.
“You guys are so annoying, all I was saying is that it’s weird you don’t have pet names, you’re a couple,” Jimin complained with a sigh and a shake of his head.
You shot Jimin a glare as Jin scoffed. “Like Dear is such a great pet name? Dear whom?” Jin asked with wide eyes, you holding back a smile as you agreed. At that moment, the remaining four members entered the room, all looking at the scene in front of them with confused expressions.
“Yeah, are you writing a monologue every time you address your girlfriend? Writing letters?” You added sassily.
“Yeah,” Jin exclaimed. “Certified cringe!”
Turning to your boyfriend, you yelled out another “yeah!” just as you high fived.
Jimin was staring at you both trying to make sense of what was happening as Tae was cackling beside him.
“What the hell is going on?” Namjoon asked you all, only for you and Jin to stare at him.
“I don’t even know anymore,” Jimin spoke with a head shake, still in shock.
Tae controlled his laughter enough to explain, “Jimin was criticizing them for not having pet names so now they’re messing with him.” Namjoon looked from person to person, confusion still etched into his features as Yoongi chuckled.
“I mean, it is kind of weird that you don’t have pet names, even I do,” he said nonchalantly, walking toward the fridge.
“You wanna talk about weird,” you interjected, making Yoongi turn to look at you in surprise. “Kid?” Yoongi’s eyebrows raised and shot you an expectant look. You and Jin looked at each other pulling mirroring disgusted expressions, your faces scrunched up.
“Yeah, isn’t that a bit creepy?” Jin asked, looking back to Yoongi, the members all snickering. “Power play?”
“You don’t need to air your kinks out like that, do you?” You added, Jungkook letting out a loud cackle across the room.
“What the fuck?” Yoongi mumbled in confusion, looking to the members for help, only to find them all laughing.
“Certified Cringe!” You yelled, Jin high fiving you.
“You know what,” you continued on, “speaking of airing out kinks, Taehyung,” you started in, Taehyung’s eyes popping open as he pointed to himself. “Driver roll up the partition, fast?” Taehyung stared at you blankly as you asked, “Do you like to call her Peaches when you get that nasty?”
Taehyung let out a laugh through his nose as Jin looked at you in confusion. “Wait, what?”
“Beyoncé,” you told him, your boyfriend letting out an ‘ohhhh’ in realization.
“Yeah, so cringe,” Jin told Taehyung. “And how cringe it is, Cherries?” Jin asked you, simultaneously parodying Tae’s pet name for his girlfriend.
“Um I’d say it’s certified,” you told him.
“Certified Cringe!” You yelled together, giving each other another high five.
Scanning the members, you locked eyes with Namjoon and his smile fell. “Daisy?”
“Five dollar romance novel vibes,” Jin suddenly said.
Raising an arm up, you pretended to drop a mic, saying, “boom.”
“Certified cringe!” Jin added, both of you high fiving before turning to your next victim as Namjoon looked around as if he had no idea where he even was.
“Oh Hobi,” you started, Jin shaking his head with a small smile. “Sweet Hobi.”
“Petal?” Jin posed, as you both shook your heads before looking at each other, waiting for the other to come up with something.
“Petal,” you repeated, inhaling as your mind tried to come up with a good burn. “Ok that’s actually really cute,” you admitted.
“Yeah it is,” Jin agreed as Hoseok beamed in amusement. “But it’s still cringe!”
“Yeah, certified cringe!” You yelled, high fiving your boyfriend once again.
“And you,” you shot a look at that bratty maknae who spent so very much of his time teasing you. “I wouldn’t be calling your girlfriend ‘Holly’ too much in public,” you started.
“Talk about airing your weird kinks out to everyone,” Jin added on. “Leave that to Yoongi.”
“Wait, what kink?” Jungkook asked, thoroughly confused.
“People might think you’re talking about Min Holly,” you informed him, Jungkook eyes going wide as he shot a look to Yoongi.
“Hey, hey, hey, leave my dog out of this shit,” he complained with a pout.
“I think it’s safe to say the name Holly is certified cringe!” Jin yelled out, ignoring Yoongi.
You high fived the man again before adding, “disgusting.”
With all of the members standing around looking from each other to you and your boyfriend, Jin simply tossed the contents of the frying pan into a bowl and grabbed your hand. “Come on, Poopsie, let’s go eat.”
You looked to the ground as you laughed at the ridiculous pet name, making a mental note to tell him to never call you Poopsie again as you followed him out of the kitchen to his bedroom, leaving the other six men standing there in silence.
“Did he just call her Poopsie?” Yoongi asked, Taehyung and Hoseok laughing amusedly.
“What’s wrong with Daisy?” Namjoon asked in utter confusion, as Jungkook stared off into space, surely rethinking Holly as a pet name.
“They’re going to criticize me for the name Kid when he’s calling her Poopsie?” Yoongi continued to complain.
Jimin stood up, looking at the empty frying pan before huffing. “They didn’t even leave any food,” he mumbled before heading out of the kitchen, the comment knocking Jungkook out of his daze.
“They didn’t?” He asked, stepping toward the stove to see the empty pan for himself. “That’s the whole reason I even came out here,” he pouted. The other guys looked at their youngest member for a moment before Namjoon and Taehyung left the room, leaving Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok in the kitchen looking at each other.
“Well they said ‘Petal’ is cute,” Hoseok boasted with a grin.
Jungkook let out a sigh as Yoongi shook his head and opened the fridge. “Hobi,” Yoongi spoke as he looked for his leftovers. “Please shut up.”
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passions & propriety - regency-era romance
Hello there! I go by Kleio; I’m 24 years old, and I have been writing on and off for the last 10+ years of my life. I recently moved from the US to Russia, and I am eager to get back into the familiarity of writing, as everything else around me is quite foreign. I’m really in the mood to get a historical romance going. Regency-era plots are my lifeblood, and I have a couple of OCs I’d like to dust off. Currently, I’m looking to explore the following tropes: enemies to lovers, love triangles, arranged marriage (or fake relationships), and so much more. I’d love to elaborate more on some of my characters and ideas, but I find that the best plots are formed with collaboration. So, if any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to drop me a line and I will shower you with details. While I am looking to write principally from a female perspective, I am a huge fan of developing a wide cast of characters (some more prominent in the story than others), and some of the voices I pick up will undoubtedly be male. I’d prefer to write opposite someone with a similar outlook on this as myself, because I find it fosters a lot of richness and creative potential in the story. Now, a bit more about me as a writer and what I’m looking for in a partner — I love character driven stories, rife with emotional conflict and drama. I tend to write in the multi-para/novella style, but I try to tailor my response length to the situation (smaller replies when partaking in fast paced dialogue), but sometimes I do get carried away. Typically, my post length is anywhere from 400-2k+ words, but I never expect anyone to match my length. As long as you’re pushing the story forward, and can put up with the occasional tangent from me, that’s all I care about. I also prefer to write via email threads or Google Docs — something of that nature. Anything with character/word limits doesn’t really jive with me. In terms of availability — generally, I try to shoot for at least 1 response per week. I am a huge proponent of the “real life first” model of roleplaying. This is a story I would like to invest in over the long-term, and sometimes life just gets in the way. Real life always comes first, and I will never hound you for a response. Burn out is a real thing, and I’d like to avoid putting undue pressure on my fellow collaborator. With that said, I just broke my ankle and won’t be able to walk for the next 4 weeks, so as it stands — I have a lot of free time. (No pun intended.) Oh! Before I forget — I am only interested in writing with people 18 or older. I think that’s all from me! Feel free to drop me a line with a writing sample ([email protected]) if any of this piques your interest. I’ll send you a sample of my own, and then we can get to plotting! Thank you for your time!
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rinusagitora · 4 years ago
You’re in all my dreams.
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Karin Kurosaki, Toushirou Hitsugaya, Momo Hinamori, OC- Mae Izumi
Pairings: HitsuKarin
Words: 2.2k
Summary: Shinigami!Karin AU. For HitsuKarin Week 2021. WARNINGS- mentions of suicide, dysfunctional families; Karin graduates Shin'ou and shares her dreams with Toushirou.
For the last six years, Karin dreamed of the day she’d graduating from cadet to officer and don the shihakusho like everyone she ever admired.
It was an anxious future filled with wonder and promise she never knew back in the World of the Living. Going from cadet to captain of a small force was going to be quite the culture shock, perhaps even more than the cold water of the river where she drowned. But she made it, and it made her much more confident in her ability. Officers were chosen from a pool of graduates and turnover was infrequent since few officers passed away in peacetime. It made competition fierce and even rarer that a graduate obtained a seated position out of the gate.
She was equal parts nervous and excited. For the time being, all Karin wanted to do was enjoy the graduation bonfire.
Mae toppled onto the log, sloshing rice wine onto Karin’s lap. She laughed. “I’m sorry! I’m sooo hammered.”
“No worries. I think I’ve puked on you more times than you’ve spilled on me.”
“Indeed, we swapped roles tonight.” Mae tapped Karin’s nose. “Tonight, of all nights, you choose to be reserved. Why?”
Karin hummed and swirled beer. “I’m nervous, I think.”
“It’s a big change.” Mae looked over the crowd. “Where are Hinamori-fukutaichou and Hitsugaya-taichou? I expected them, of all people, to be here.”
Karin’s reikaku grazed the crowd. Momo was there, just chaperoning. Keeping firelight between bodies like a puritan. Perhaps rightfully so. They were the new faces of the Seireitei. It was better not to romp in the woods right over poison ivy before recruitment day. Pussy itch was a different kind of awful. The kind of awful where Karin, who was once impaled, ended up curling up on the floor crying while Izuru healed her crotch and Shuuhei and Renji laughed in the next room.
The crowd parted for Momo like river water around stones. She stopped before Karin, and Karin smiled at her mentor. “Hi, Momo-senpai.”
Mae nodded. "Hinamori-sama."
"Izumi-chan, I hope you're enjoying the festivities."
"Oddly enough. It's strange letting loose… but I see where Karin-chan's alcoholism comes from. Dancing while intoxicated is liberating."
"Indeed." Nonetheless, Momo cocked her head and curiously looked over Karin. Karin knew the jig was up from there. She and Ryuuji were normally in the center of the action, and Karin hadn't so much as howled or toasted once that evening.
“Leave us, Izumi-chan.”
Mae managed to right herself and bowed to excuse herself. Gracefully, Momo took a seat beside Karin as she cursed internally. She didn't want to talk about it, but Momo always dragged out her bad feelings and laid them in the open.
“It’s odd you’re not out enjoying the festivities. This is your… thing.”
“It’s just really hitting me that I’m going to be a shinigami,” Karin told Momo. “I’ve been working toward this goal for six years. What do I do from here?”
Momo laughed. “Six years is a blink of an eye for the majority of us.” She held Karin’s shoulders. “There will be plenty to do, Karin-chan.”
“I can’t believe we’re all in a squad just after graduation, though.”
“Who? Izumi and Kawashima?” Karin hummed affirmatively in response to Momo, who then grinned. “Believe it or not, Iba-taichou wanted Watanabe. I think Watanabe is in for a reality check.”
“You are far too happy over that.” Karin couldn’t help but share Momo’s thrill, however. Chousuke Watanabe was a thorn in her side for six years, being her friend Ryuuji’s tormentor. Tetsuzaemon would straighten him out. The very picture of manhood and chivalry according to Momo. It was far too rewarding imagining Chousuke getting reamed by a six-foot wall of meat and battle scars.
"Bias is something I never shied away from. It's been a driving force in my life, for better or worse." Momo kissed Karin's forehead. "For best, in your case. You've been family since the moment I laid eyes on you, Karin-chan. My own in many ways. Every obstacle you've faced, you've overcome, and are better for it. I am so proud of how far you've come, and I'm so glad to have played a part in it."
Karin smiled bashfully. At least she had Momo.
Momo lovingly jostled Karin. There it was. Momo buttered up Karin just enough and was about to get her to bust open a can of worms. "What's on your mind?"
"I just… I thought Toushirou would be here. I haven't seen him all day today."
"I'm not supposed to tell you, but," Momo whispered, grinning, "he's preparing something special. Be patient."
Her heart pattered. "Oh." Of course he was. She was a little ashamed that hadn't occurred to her earlier as if they hadn't developed years of trust and affection, or at least a solid friendship. Nonetheless, Momo stroked Karin's hair, reminding her she was only human, that something so little wouldn't ruin everything.
Speaking of… Karin picked up on a familiar, icy reiatsu approaching. It was Toushirou, still in uniform. She smiled and Momo tapped her on her nose.
"Not yet, but he's coming." Momo only rolled her eyes in response to Karin's lame joke.
"I'll leave you now. Enjoy your night, Karin-chan."
"Thanks, Senpai. I love you."
"And I love you."
Toushirou was still in uniform with his hands tucked into his sleeves. As he passed, Karin's fellow cadets parted and bowed to him. He ignored the attention, however, instead sporting a smile as he found Karin on her log.
He'd undergone hormone therapy in recent years to trigger a growth spurt. And he'd grown up to be a handsome young man, with looks rivaling stars in the World of the Living with access to renowned surgeons.
"I hope you've been enjoying yourself," he said. He took a seat next to her. He smelled like flowers. "I never attended these things, truthfully."
"Did you want to try dancing?" Karin asked.
"Well… I don't know," he said. Toushirou pulled a modest bouquet of daffodils from his sleeve, tied off with a turquoise ribbon. "It's not a big gift, I know, but I hope it reminds you that you're always welcome in juubantai."
Gingerly, Karin took his bouquet and smelled them. They smelled like spring. "I love them," she said. "Thank you."
She pressed a kiss against Toushirou's cheek, and he happily hummed. "I'm glad you like them. It's hard buying gifts for you."
"As if."
"It's true," he replied. "All Matsumoto wants is a day off, Hinamori loves spices and tobacco, and the boys are happy with some sake. You, on the other hand, easily get your hands on sake and tobacco, and hate downtime." Toushirou crossed his legs. "I should've consulted my sister."
Karin frowned. "But I like them…"
"The flowers? But they're such a lazy gift," he scoffed.
"I like everything you give me." She smiled. "Really, thank you. I love them."
He laughed bashfully. "Well, I'm glad."
Together they sat amid drums and singing and firelight, swaying with it, until Toushirou asked, "I don't want to take you from your friends, but I’m not enjoying myself here. Do you mind going elsewhere?"
"We can leave," Karin said. "Where do you want to go?"
"Someplace quiet where we can see the stars."
Her cheeks were warm at the idea. How romantic.
Karin bashfully followed behind Toushirou, holding his hand as he guided her away from the bonfire. When it was dark, he illuminated the way with kidou, assured in every step. A gorgeous man. He'd grown into his looks. His cheekbones were high, his shoulders broad. She could swoon until early morning over his handsome shape.
Up a hill, through a grove, and up a steep path, until they reached the peak of a sheer cliff. The stars above looked like a river of life. They didn't twinkle but were a steady pathway carved in the sky. Karin fell onto the grass and marveled. "Wow. When did you find this, Toushirou?"
"Not long ago. I wouldn't keep this from you  without a good reason." He smiled at her. Sitting, he said, "Do you like it?"
"Yes!" Karin nigh tackled Toushirou and kissed his cheek. "It's beautiful."
"I should've brought wine."
"This is perfect." Karin laid her head on Toushirou's shoulder. Together they stared into the stars. She searched for constellations but found none she recognized. "Do you think the World of the Living and the Soul Society have different stars?" she asked.
"I'm not sure. No one spends time looking up in the Soul Society. Those who do, don't seem to have the technology contributing to significant findings," Toushirou replied. "I'm not much of an astronomer either."
"You're a man of the law."
He laughed bashfully. "Aye."
Karin drew pictures in the stars herself. Birds, men, kitchenware, like she remembered from her human life not so long ago. Six years was nothing compared to how long her peers lived, was it? Not Momo, who was approaching a century and a half. Not even Toushirou, well into his seventies by that point. But Karin couldn’t remember the names of the stars or where to find them in the sky. How much longer did she have until she overwrote their patterns with other things? How much longer until her sad mortal history was forgotten in a sea of everything else?
There weren’t immediate answers to her questions, but Karin was fine with that. She said, "I remember hoping a rope would drop from the sky and drag me by the neck. Put me out of my misery."
"Understandable," Toushirou replied.
"I'm so much happier here. It's not always easy, but..."
"Slow and steady?"
"Yeah. Slow and steady wins the race. And I'm glad to be with you for it."
"So," Toushirou said, "no more sky-ropes to hang you until you're dead?"
She giggled. "Not anymore. I don't fancy myself a pirate, anyway."
He hummed. "I had a dream some time ago. Similar to yours... although I remember it being less grizzly," Toushirou confessed. She pulled her gaze from the starlight and saw him cloaked in darkness. Still, his eyes shined with wonder. Adoration. "A dream that assured me you're the love of my life."
"Go on," she said.
"I was being puppeteered by the sky. Dragged around day in and day out. And I saw the strings on you, into the sky as far as my eyes could see. And yet despite time, and fate, and all the horridness that plagued life for some time, we fought to be together." He clasped her hand. "Our strings became tangled and pink like cherry blossoms in spring. Like sunset. And... and I never want those strings freed." His blue-green eyes met hers. They made her melt like her body was hot wax in a leather bag. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Karin."
It felt like forever before she caught her breath. She asked, "Are you proposing?"
"If that's all it takes to spend the rest of my life by your side, and you at my side, I'll fetch a ring now. Propose properly in front of as many people as you like.”
Karin giggled. Picturing Toushirou hopping onto a bar counter, sake raised high, and screaming how deeply he was in love with Karin to their loved ones and peers, was quite a sight to behold! Yet, as anxious as he was to do so, she replied with, "Not at all. But let's make plans down the road. When I'm settled in."
"Of course." Toushirou sighed happily. They kissed. "I'm so in love with you, Karin."
"And I love you."
"I could stay here forever."
Karin hummed. “We have forever to do that…”
He turned to meet her gaze. “But?”
“I want to do more.” She sat up. “We work because we’re more than just lovers. We’re friends, confidants, partners. Warriors and artists and scholars.”
“Of course,” he agreed, propping himself on his palm.
“I want to be married, and I want forever with you, as much as I want-”
Toushirou said, completing Karin’s statement, “More.” He held her hand then. “It’s one of the reasons I love you. My recruitment was necessary. Yours is nothing but-”
“Desire.” She gazed into the stars, searching for divination in the blanket covering a slowly rotating plane.
“Then what more do you want?”
“To give justice and safety to those who have been and yet to be hurt. No one should suffer as I, and we have. I want to tear down the caste system here. Hold nobility responsible for their actions and give power back to the people, and eradicate the symbols of fascism and cruelty. I want to reconnect families. To make the Rukongai safe, so no one’s starving or resorting to crime to survive. And…” Karin turned to Toushirou, her breath stilling as she saw his eyes swimming with adoration. “And I want to mold the next generation to dream as I now dream, and to better the world. And I want to do all of it with you beside me, Toushirou. As equals.”
Toushirou cupped her cheek. He kissed her, and she held his sleeve. “Let’s do it. Together,” he said. Their foreheads touched. “Together always.”
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crazyclownthanos · 4 years ago
When the Eagle meets the Dawn part 1
Words: 866
Hey hey hey >:3 Today I am here to present a short piece of Ulla x Haskell, Ulla belongs to my good friend @lyranova recently we’ve been having some chats about our oc ships and somebody chipped in and said Ulla x Haskell would be a god ship. So I’m guessing this is where it’s at T^T I promise to continue to work hard (`_´)ゞ 
Tonight wasn’t a night of partying or slumber.
Instead it was a night of filling forms, signing papers, going through new turned-in commissions and analysing their captains data throughout their week.
Often this doesn’t happen, however after a miscalculation within one of the captains forms….not gonna mention who……
All the vice captains were asked to each go through every piece of paper their captains quill touched. Bleh, they all found it bothersome to say the least.
One birdie flew to another vice captain, thus the same birdie went to a different vice captain, and the same birdie again visited a different vice captain that led to all of them gathering in a meeting room down the corridor to where the captains occasionally held their meetings.
Taking a seat around a round table they kept their heads lowered and their noses stuck into their business.
Ulla Lunettes, current vice captain of the Golden Dawn, tried her very best to concentrate but couldn’t help herself but to constantly lay her eyes on a slumbering star mage.
Her cheeks felt a warmth blossoming, noticing her glasses falling off she pushed them back up that’s when Xerx Lügner grew tired of the drool escaping Haskell’s lips and slapped his nape.
“As the vice captain of the Silver Eagles, better yet the son of the current captain shouldn’t you be more dilligent to tasks as such a these?!”
His menacing tone almost made Ulla shake.
“Scram Lügner.”
Laughter broke out throughout the entire room except from Haskell and Xerx, who at the time didn’t look so pleased at his straightforward response
“Beg your pardon?”
One of his luminous eyes starred at Xerx as his head continued to rest on the table. Xerx didn’t expect to feel a sudden shock, why was this like he was starring into his soul?!
“Oh who am I kidding? I only got one more paper to sign anyways….” He grumbled to himself as he turned away to lower his head. That was the reaction Haskell expected, shutting his eye going back into dreamland.
“I really do ponder. What made vice captain Xerx look so nervous earlier?” Ulla thought, now her head resting on top of her hands, cheeks now in full blossom.
“No! This isn’t suppose to be the time to be zoning out! Captain Alistar signs more papers than any other captain! Meaning I have more work laid out for me! Get it together Ulla!”
Not noticing how hard she slapped herself, two red handprints marked either cheek.
More time had passed and by every hour one of them had finished.
Xerx, Nacht everyone had left, well, except for the silver eagles vice captain and the golden dawn vice captain.
Ulla promised herself every time she would even look at Haskell she had to slap herself. Her face turning red and swell unsure if she could bear this promise anytime soon.
Placing another paper on the pile her eyes drifted to Haskell.
Was this becoming muscle memory to her?!
Taking a deep breath in as she was about to slap herself again she didn’t expect someone suddenly gripping her wrist. The amount of fright she felt was enough for her to fall off her chair.
Her vision went blurry. Did she hurt her head that badly? Or were her glasses missing?! Squirming all over the place her hand suddenly brushed over another persons hand. Cocking her body back she heard a soft giggle coming from above. Hesitantly taking her hand out he grabbed on and began to lift her back onto her feet.
“T-Thank you so much! I’m so sorry I can really be a klutz when I….”
The words drifted when Ulla finally came to terms to who this person was as they stood there with hands near her face putting her glasses back on for her.
Goodness how many times will she have to slap herself now?
“Everything splendid Ms Ulla?”
“Why does he sound like he’s being amussed by my antics?!”
Despite her mind and heart racing she knew she couldn’t leave him hanging like that.
“I um, I- it’s….uh…hibiyo?”
She wanted to punch herself so hard right now…
It took a moment of silence to process but when he eventually did Haskell began to giggle again, this time covering his mouth.
“Say how about we go onto the balcony and take a breather, while admiring the night sky”
That heart warming giggle laced throughout his entire sentence.
Ulla had mixed feelings. On one hand she would’ve love to go out and spend time with him out on the balacony. But on the other she wanted to curl into a corner and cry, she made a fool out of herself infront of Haskell, she’s known the mountain of pretty women he’s been with, after all he is one of the highest ranking bachelors in the kingdom! Better yet a womaniser, she wouldn’t be surprised if he’s only playing with her feelings.
Those tears she felt rising slowly swelled down when that warmth she had felt before wrapped itself around her hand. Being pulled along she had come to the realisation how small her hand was around Haskells…she felt charmed by that somehow.
Stepping outside she never expected the night sky to be so enchanting as this.
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trashcatsnark · 4 years ago
I recently found you through all of your silverv posts (which are amazing by the way!) and I was wondering, how does Aidan handle not being able to hear Johnny in her head after they seperate and get him his own body (because yes it's canon, we don't accept any other endings here). I imagine it would be hard for her as she got used to not having to use her hearing aids to hear him.
Ahhhhhh!!!!! Thank you so much for enjoying my posts and also thank you so much for asking about my V, I often worry a lot I bring Aidan up too much in response to things because I have absolute brainrot for my oc babies. So, thank you so much for giving me excuse. 
But in regards to that; Aidan hates it and she hates that she hates it. For so much of her life, silence was her comfort. Despite all losing her hearing put her through when it comes to her Nomad “family”, it gifted her this way to shut the world out when it becomes too much. It gave her a wall she could always put up when she was tired of the world and the people in it. She didn’t have hearing aids for years following the loss of her hearing and the first time she was given them and put them in; she cried and ripped them out, because the world was too fucking loud. Even as she’s gotten use to them, she maintains them on low volume. The world has always had a mute button and volume control, which she likes. Her deafness isolated and othered her among her clan, but she learned to use it to grant herself peace as well. She prefers more often than not to be without them, nothing better after a long day of bullshit, to put the world on mute and to be left to her own silent little world. 
Then Johnny comes in and he gets through that, barges his way into her peace and destroys the silence of her little world. The one person she can’t mute and he’s also someone who never shuts up. And in the early stages, even past his initial...first impression, he is at times entirely too much. And it feels as if something has been taken from her (and tbf a lot has been taken from her) her peace, her tranquility, her little quiet world where she could just breathe and be is gone because this stupid yelling old man had to set up shop in her brain. 
But time goes on, communication gets better, relationship gets better, Johnny starts to grow, she starts to grow and he’s no longer an intruder in her little world but apart of it. It’s now their little word where only they exist, they only hear one another, only communicate with one another, just them, a world no one else can really intrude on. And that becomes her new sense of peace and comfort, Johnny does (Though she’d never word it that way, cause it sounds needy and dependent and lovey dovey, but he’s become her comfort and peace) 
And then everything changes, as it so often does, and woohoo everything’s fixed, but now Johnny’s voice is something she can’t hear no matter what anymore.  And she hates it so much, because now she’s forced to hear everything else always if she also wants to hear Johnny and she always wants to hear Johnny. Now that she wants to hear him, no matter what, she can’t. It hardly seems fair. And she hates how needy and desperate and clingy it sounds, but god the world doesn’t feel right when she can’t hear him. The first time he talks to her afterwards and she has hearing aids out, she realizes she can’t hear him, she nearly wants to cry. She always wore her “weakness” like armor, used it to protect herself after others used it to hurt her, used the barrier it provided to stay safe; but she doesn’t want that between her and Johnny, she doesn’t need it with Johnny. 
For a long long while, she’ll be wearing her hearing aids more than she ever did before. Because she doesn’t wanna miss out on hearing him, doesn’t want to ever be without his voice. Once upon a time she yoinked them out as soon as she got home, but now she’s falling asleep with them in, because she wants to listen to him as she drifts off. But, hearing aids aren’t comfortable to wear 24/7, they can itch and irritate after so long and rub the skin raw. And she’ll try to pretend like that isn’t happening, because she knows she’ll be nagged about taking them out for a while. But, Johnny lived in her head, he knows what’s happening, catches her rubbing and itching at her ears more, starts to see them getting redder. And he’s telling her gently, you need to take them out and she’ll pout even though she knows he’s right. So, she starts to limit her time using them as much as she hates being without his voice...being without any part of him really. 
If she’s truly frustrated and desperate and upset, she may even entertain the idea of getting cochlear implants, something she was always sternly against. And Johnny does his best not to get mad when he learns that because he knows it’ll be her choice at the end of the day, but if she only is thinking of it because of him, that’s not right and a huge thing to do because spoiler alert, you’ll be taking away your volume control and mute button. And Johnny knows what happens when she gets overwhelmed and overstimulated by noise, he doesn’t want her putting herself through that daily just to hear him. 
And like with anything it takes time to adjust and grow used to it. Growing pains of both her and Johnny completing forgetting she can’t hear him without them. So, he’ll talk about something extensively or call her name or start to kind of sing a new tune that just popped in his head and be like “why is she ignoring me? did I do something wrong? did i forget something? did I fuck up?” and then see her hearing aids on the bed side table and be like “oh thank fuck, i thought I was in trouble.” Or because she sometimes even spoke out loud to him as an engram, she’ll start a conversation or ask him something, not hear the answer and be like “oh...right...” 
And eventually can accept, well maybe without her hearing aids she can’t hear him but she can hold him, feel him, lay her head on his chest and feel the rise and fall of his breaths, if he hums while she’s like that she can feel the reverberation and vibration of it in her chest, when she lays on him she can feel it when he talks even if she can’t hear it (sometimes she wonders if he just makes up nonsense to say or what he may say in those moments since he knows she wont hear, he never explains and she’s still deciding if she wants to hide a recorder somewhere in the apartment to find out later) She slowly becomes comforted and okay with the fact that while she doesn’t have him the way she did before, she does have him and that alone is more than enough. 
I also like the idea that there’s bleed over between Johnny and V following separation, things that stuck from the other person. Because, you can’t fuse, be separated and it be a clean perfect divide. You can’t blend red and blue then be surprised when you get purple. They leave traces of one another behind. And with my V, I like the idea that Johnny ends up with some sign language knowledge. Not fluent afterwards but she’ll catch him absent mindedly throwing an asl sign in with his usual hand gestures, which he didn’t even know he knew. And from there, he takes to actually learning it fully because while lip reading tech is way better in 2077, its still not always perfect and he knows her well enough to know how much she just appreciates people making that effort for her. He’s never quite perfect at it, because he has a habit of talking with his hands already and using a lot of hand gestures, so sometimes he’s trying to sign but instinctively does his own little hand motion. Hand talking is a habit he can’t really break and, quite frankly, Aidan doesn’t expect nor want him too. She still understands it fine, because after being brain roomates she understands him in most situations,  and affectionately calls it Johnny Sign Language. 
Eventually, its just normal life and she’s not even afraid to use it to joke around and be a shit head, or avoid his nagging at times, because how could she not. 
Johnny: So-
Aidan: Wait, is this about Arasaka, again?
Johnny: Yeah, but-
Aidan: *pulls out hearing aids while maintaining direct eye contact*
Though even so far into it, there will be real bad days, just days where her brain is not kind to her, where she’s struggling with the weight of all she’s endured, when she just needs all of him; needs to hear and feel him, needs to feel like he’s all hers again, like they’re in their own world and nothing else matters, a bubble where only he exists to her, so she’ll insist on wearing her hearing aids to bed, laying on his chest, volume on low so she can only really hear him, and having him talk to her about anything and everything, and once she’s fallen asleep he has to gently take them out and lay them on the bed side table for her. 
Also also, I didn’t get as into it, because this is already long as fucccck because i could talk about my ocs for actual years, but I also think Johnny struggles with feeling less special when suddenly she needs hearing aids to hear him. Because he kind of being the possessive man he is liked that there were times when he was all she could hear and that meant all the focus was on him. And now he’s just another person she can shut out if she chooses to do so. 
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curly-bangtan · 5 years ago
Heatwave Drabble #4: like a best friend
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- have to read first
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: You and Taehyung run into his infamous cheating ex, only for him to introduce you as his current girlfriend. As you play along with his narrative, you can’t help but feel insecure and jealous.
Genre: drabble, very fluffy, angst, f2l, bit of fake dating
Warnings: typical emotional constipation from these two, jealous!oc, heartbreakingly boyfriend!taehyung, indirect confession that they’re both unaware of lol
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: Oh look, more jealousy? Are we even surprised at this point?? Requested by my little muffin @taexxxiiaa. Sorry to all the Heatwave fans for this constant torture of unresolved feelings. 
Taehyung has a habit of stuffing his face with too much food and consequently eating in pout. As he is doing right now. You watch him merrily wolf down another soy sauce-dipped slice of raw salmon and stack the miniature plate with the rest of his conquests. It’s his sixth plate.
When he’d first shown you the email he received for ‘all you can eat' sushi, your response was a firm “No.” You’re not even a fan of seafood in general, let alone raw fish. But Taehyung was persistent, insisting on what a bargain it is and how it’s sushi season right now. Sushi season, what bullshit. Another “No.” Yet when Taehyung has his eyes set on something, especially when it comes to food, there’s little that can stop him. He knows how to use his assets - batting is lashes, huffing like a baby, nuzzling into your neck - until you finally let out a defeated sigh.
So here you are, plotting how best to sneak in some wasabi into his food. This wimp has a full on breakdown at the slightest taste of spice, you can just envision his face when the wasabi burns up his nostrils and through to his ears.
That will teach him not to drag you out to sushi again.
“Why aren’t you eating your udon?” Taehyung’s eyes are wide and innocent, unsuspecting of your mischievou scheme. “Too hot?”
“Yeah, don’t want to burn my tongue.” You stir your steaming noodles, smiling to yourself.
The two of you had managed to secure a four-person booth due to his non-stop nagging to come early to avoid the queue. The restaurant is now bustling with customers and stressed waiters, the smell of Japanese food infused in the warm air. You’re both sat on one couch, while sat across you is another couple who are just finishing with their lunch. This arrangement is due to the busy demand of the restaurant, squeezing in however many impatient hungry people as they can. Though you didn’t have a problem with sharing a booth with strangers at first, Taehyung’s ravenous gorging of sushi after sushi has made you particularly self conscious.
As soon as the couple leave after paying their bill, you turn to hiss at Taehyung. “Why are you eating like that?”
“Like what?” His words are barely audible with his mouth full. “Are you gonna eat your udon or not? I can help you out if you can’t finish the whole thing.”
Ah, there it is, his infamous line - I can help you out if you can’t finish the whole thing.
Honestly, his appetite is abominable.
“Order your own udon!” You begin eating your noodles to prove that you are hungry, and you will finish the whole thing.
Taehyung tucks his hair behind his ear (you’ve recently noticed that his ears are abnormally big, which you guess explains the massive dick). Just a few days ago, you had managed to convince him to get a perm. The main selling point was: ‘all the bitches will go crazy for it, trust me’. Bitches being you.  And indeed, all the bitches are crazy for it. In the timespan at which you’ve been in this restaurant alone, you’ve caught almost every single girl checking him out, eyes flickering too often towards your booth for it to be coincidental.
When their eyes fell onto you, you would smile at them politely, yet to your surprise, they’d wear a sour expression and ignore your courtesy. You soon realised that they think you’re Taehyung’s girlfriend. Girlfriend! The thought had made you shudder and scoot further away from him.
“Nah, I need to save room for the sushi, baby.” He pats his stomach that remains annoyingly flat despite his feasting. “I need to pee, I’ll be right back. Can you order some more California Rolls and the Dragon Roll please? Oh, actually, and one more Soft Shell Crab Roll and a Tempura Shrimp as well please?”
You glare hard at his back as he scuttles out the booth and hurries to the toilet. Stupid dork. It’s only noon and he has already eaten a whole day’s worth of food. He’s going to end up vomiting his guts out if he keeps at this rate.
Still, you wave the waiter over and place his order for him. The waiter’s kind of cute, he’s got that soft wholesome look, the kind of boy you bring home to your parents. You wonder why he’s avoiding your eye and not slipping you his number. You hope it’s not because he thinks you’re with Taehyung.
A new pair of customers are being ushered to your booth across from you to replace the departed couple; it’s two pleasant looking girls this time, chatting away in blithe. This time, they reciprocate your smile with nods of their own.
Taehyung returns from the bathroom shortly, yet as he approaches your booth, he halts in his step so abruptly that you spin to face him.
“Ryujin?” The shock in his voice is unmistakable. His eyes are locked on one of the girls that’s just arrived opposite you. Static.
“Taehyung?” She gasps, returning the same surprise, pupils widening.
Ryujin? Taehyung’s never mentioned a Ryujin to you before? Who is she?
Taehyung’s face is stoic, completely stripped of its normal cheeriness. Lips pressed in a thin line, jaw screwed firmly shut. Shit… You turn to assess the girl, digging through your memory for a Ryujin, yet failing. Who the hell is she to have Taehyung react in such a way? If she were just a friend, he’d be rushing over to greet her. If she were someone he slept with, he’d subtly acknowledge her but make no big deal out of it.
Instead, he’s clenching his fists, feet planted an arm’s length away from your table.
You clear your throat, snapping him out of his trance. “You know each other?”
Finally, he glances over at you for the first time in what feels like ages. And right away, you see the disorientation in his eyes. Taehyung slowly makes his way back into the booth, sliding in beside you until your legs touch.
“Yeah, she’s my ex girlfriend.”
That cheating bitch.
If it weren’t for the firm hand placed quickly on your thigh as if he’d known you’d react in such manner, you would have leapt up and started screaming at her. The anger is rushing to your head all at once. You’re struggling not to chuck the stack of plates at her face.
So this is the girl who had broken Taehyung’s heart. This is the girl who gave Taehyung trust issues. But also, this is the girl who lead to you and Taehyung meeting. In every way you look at it, she is the reason why you’re in each other’s lives in the first place. So you guess you owe her a thank you after you throw a drink at her.
Taehyung doesn’t speak much about her, or at all. It’s been years since their relationship anyway, and since all his ties to her have been cut, it makes perfect sense that he’s forgotten about her. Even at the beginning, he was adamant about not thinking about her, he said it had hurt too much to even say her name. And so you were always careful about not bringing the topic up in conversation; it was none of your business anyway, it wasn’t relevant to his life anymore. There were occasional jokes here and there, but only ever made by him, and even still, you could sense the underlying hurt.
“Taehyung, it’s been so long…” Her attention was utterly transfixed on Taehyung. You might as well have been a cardboard cutout for all that matters, she wouldn’t have noticed anyway. But it must be bewildering to run into your ex who you cheated on like this. Anyone would be thrown off.
What are the chances that, not only did you come to the same all-you-can-eat-sushi place, but have also been sat on the same booth? Just your luck.
Your eyes wander back to Taehyung, fearing for his current state of mind. Your roommate is an emotional guy, as much as he likes to mask it in ridiculous humour. It would not surprise you if he just stands up and leave right now, even with his food on its way. Yet his features are calm, unbothered, his initial surprise melting away to neutrality.
“Hm… Yeah.” He doesn’t ask how she fares as she’d expected, you can see the disappointed drop in her face at his apathetic souciance. Then he turns to you. “Did you order the stuff?”
Unsure of how to interpret his sudden maturity, you just nod slowly. Quiet Taehyung is scary…
Disregarding her friend’s apparent discomfort, Ryujin presses on. “It must have been, what, more than two years now? How are you?”
Why can’t this bitch take a hint? Just shut the fuck up and order your fucking sushi. Leave him alone.
But Taehyung remains unmoved. While you are the one quietly fuming in the corner. Sensing your aggravation, he brushes his thumb on your thigh soothingly. When you lock eyes again, you’re stunned to find him completely at ease, the corner of his mouth even perking up to reassure you that he’s fine.
“I’m doing well actually.” Ryujin frowns again at his short answer. You think she’s going to give up now, but then she continues.
“You look good.” You tense. Oh don’t she dare... “I’m not doing too bad myself, I-”
Just then, the waiter cuts off the monologue she was headed towards as he brings over the plates of food you’d ordered for Taehyung. His eyes immediately flash in excitement, resuming his usual childish manner as he peels his hand from your leg and snatches his chopsticks.
“Can I get anything for you two ladies?” The waiter asks Ryujin and her companion, whose face appears flushed from the awkwardness of this situation. Ryujin, evidently annoyed by the interruption, proceeds to order.
While her attention is diverted, you quickly take this opportunity to mouth to Taehyung, “you okay?”
Striking you with an honest smile as he swallows his sushi, he nods. “Yeah, don’t worry, completely fine. Eat your udon, or it’ll get cold.” His voice is hushed, and you don’t know why you get startled when he leans closer to whisper to you.
Not entirely convinced, it’s your turn to pat his leg, almost subconsciously, as if to make sure that this really is Taehyung, your Taehyung. How is he this calm right now? Well, he’s always been a silent sulker when he’s mad, but… He doesn’t even seem one bit troubled by the sudden appearance of his ex. Not even that eyebrow twitch he gets when he’s annoyed. And in the meantime, you’re silently plotting how to magically get wasabi in this bitch’s eye.
When the waiter leaves, Ryujin turns back to Taehyung once again, scanning his ethereal features and beautifully curled long hair. No doubt regretting her shitty decision of infidelity when they were together. Finally, her eyes flicker over to you, for the first time since Taehyung’s arrival. “So who’s thi-”
“Y/N, my girlfriend.”
You choke so hard on the fat noodle you are slurping that some of the savoury broth goes up your nose. Wheezing and spluttering for air like a cat choking on a hairball, you feel all your blood rush to your reddening face, both from the lack of air and the embarrassment. Taehyung’s careless whacks between your shoulder blades isn’t helping at all. Only after downing the whole cup of green tea does your coughing finally subside.
“You okay, babe?” Taehyung realises his smacks on your back are too harsh to be boyfriend-like, so he eases it into gentle rubs. But the concern in his large brown irises are genuine nonetheless.
You glare at him. Long, hard. Before nodding and flashing him a sickly-sweet smile. Oh boy, is he going to get kicked in the ass later for putting you up to this. He seems to see the dangerous flare of your nostrils, a warning sign that he has really, most fucking definitely, made the wrong move. He gulps and smiles back nervously.
Girlfriend? Girlfriend?!
What the fuck is he playing at right now? Why did he have to lie to her like that? Is he trying to make her jealous? Or just act like he’s moved on just fine without her? You clamp your mouth shut to prevent any angry words from tumbling out. There’s nothing to do but to play along right now - there’s an enemy to face.
“Oh right, girlfriend…” Ryujin says so softly that you almost feel bad for her before remembering that this is her own doing. “I guess that must be why you haven’t replied to my text asking you to meet up then… Right?”
At that, your entire body goes rigid.
She- Does that mean- Wh-
You look over at Taehyung, mouth hanging open in utter disbelief. Ryujin has been texting Taehyung. And he hasn’t mentioned a word about it to you. Although it really shouldn’t affect you so much, it feels like a stab of betrayal.
His lips are pursed again, as he gazes up at her reluctantly. “Yeah, that’s right.”
Then his arm circles around your back and pulls you into him, fingers gripping your waist in a display of possession. At the unforeseen momentum, and still in your state of shock, your frame falls feebly into his chest. Your heart leaps to your throat. You don’t understand why but… your cheeks feel hot.
His arm, around you. His hand, holding your side. His neck, pressed on your forehead.
You’re hyper aware of everywhere he is touching you. Why, all of a sudden?
“Oh okay, um, I really wish you all the best…” Ryujin mumbles, no longer looking at you and Taehyung anymore, not sounding one bit like she means what she’s saying. Her friend beside her has resorted to scrolling through her phone at this point, cringing from this awkward exchange.
“Thanks, Ryujin. I’m really happy - never been happier in my life, in fact.” The vibration of Taehyung’s Adam’s apple reverberates into you as he tugs you even closer, arm fastened around your middle. You struggle for room, bending your neck to peer up at him from your squished position.
He’s grinning radiantly at you, and at your wide-eyed confused expression, he can’t help but lean down to press his lush warm lips onto your forehead.
You blink.
Truly, you think your brain has stopped functioning. What is going on?
He’s definitely doing this to make Ryujin jealous. That is the only plausible explanation. It makes your chest clench in bitterness. Why does he still care what she thinks? This is completely unnecessary. Does he still care about her?
And why didn’t he tell you that she was texting him?
What has she been telling him?
All this doubt, this uncertainty, manifests into a suffocating lump in your throat. You have always been completely open and honest with each other about every aspect of your lives - family, friends, work, grades, relationships, sex. Not that he owes it to you to tell you everything, but you’d just thought that it was how things worked between you. What else is he hiding from you?
But at the same time, your focus can’t stray from the way he is holding you, and the confidence in his tone. How certain and sincere he sounded. And how he pecked you so casually in public, in front of everyone. Your stomach feels funny.
As you resume your eating, you stay quiet, thinking. On the other hand, Taehyung is quiet due to fact that he has no room to speak in between engulfing California Roll after California Roll. Happily humming under his breath as he chews. The waiter returns with a tray of food Ryujin and her friend had ordered. “Here you go, would you like some green tea?”
“Oo, can you fill mine up too please.” You hastily pass him your empty ceramic cup.
“Of course. Be careful, the tea is very ho-” Just as he warns you while he refills your cup, he over-tips the pot and sends scalding tea all over your hand.
“Ow!” Quickly drawing back your boiled hand out of instinct, you yelp out in pain. Fumbling over his sorry, I’m so so sorry’s, the waiter bows his deeply apologetically, scurrying to clean up the steaming spilled liquid in a panic.
“Mate, watch out!” Taehyung sits up immediately, scrambling to wipe your soaked hand with tissues. The glare he throws the waiter could cut through glass. “Are you okay?” The concern clouding his eyes when he faces you floods your veins with a security.
“Yeah… Don’t worry, it’s just a burn.” You watch him examine your hand intently as if it’s some ancient priceless artefact that could shatter from a poke; you’ve noticed lately that he tends to do this when you’re injured. With his fringe frizzed over his forehead, lips puckered in concentration as he caress over your pink tender skin, you are helpless and unmoving. Staring at him.
“Are you sure? It’s getting kind of red…” He refuses to let your hand go. Your fingers scorch under his touch and it’s not from the tea.
“Yeah, baby, I’m fine.” Taehyung’s head whips up instantly at the way you address him. Confused for a good second, before realising that it is to play along with the fake girlfriend narrative.
Reluctantly, he lets you pull your hand out of his clutch, and only when you pick up your chopsticks to prove to him that it’s only a minor injury does he resign in his coddling and return to his food. As you glance up, you notice Ryujin’s blazing glower at your direction. You quickly look away.
In the presence of his cheating ex-girlfriend, you two no longer feel at ease to banter away as normal. You aren’t even at the liberation to have a regular conversation without her listening in on everything. So the meal passes rather wordlessly.
However, the silence births a different kind of interaction between you and Taehyung. You can’t tell if it’s just for show, or due to his innate affectionate nature, but he suddenly feels the need to display his love for skinship. Under the table, his hand once again strays to the land of your thighs, gently stroking. When you shoot him a warning glare, lest he gets any vulgar ideas, you find that he possesses no lustful intent at all. Just pure fondness for you.
Something inside you softens. You’re starting to think that he isn’t acting out of spite against Ryujin, but rather simply enjoying your company as usual.
But you know what? Screw that bitch. Not once, to your knowledge, did she apologise to Taehyung when she’s had two years to own up to her mistakes. Not until now, of all times. She deserves to get riled up.
“Taehyung-ie, can I have a bite of your shrimp?” You smile at your pretend-boyfriend sweetly. He gives you a perplexed look that says: But I thought you hate shrimp? before he clocks on with your intention.
“Of course, baby.” And without fail, just like a scene straight from a drama, he picks up the tempura shrimp and feeds it to you, eyes crescent in mirth as you open up and take a mouthful like a hungry little child. You feel a crumb flake away onto your chin, yet before you can wipe it away, Taehyung reaches it first. Chuckling, he sweeps the small speck into your mouth. But not without the slightest, most fleeting, brush of his thumb against your tongue.
The action feels… intimate. Like weirdly intimate, even for you and Taehyung’s dynamic.
Why does your breath keep hitching?
Perhaps after a second too long, you conjure a giggle in response, attentive of Ryujin’s gawk in your periphery. “Thanks, love.” The syrup in your voice is sickly sweet. God, even you want to barf.
“You’re too adorable, honey buns.” Taehyung cups your face in one hand, fingers digging into your squishy cheeks as he shakes you. Your smile drops. Adorable? Honey buns? HoNEy bUnS? Kim Taehyung is so dead.
But before you could kick him in the shin under the table, he leans in and plants his lips on yours. Soft, supple.
Just as you think it’s only meant to be a peck, he deepens the kiss, his plump pink mouth gliding over yours smoothly. Anyone who sees would know that you’re accustomed to such action with each other from the natural comfortable manner of your kiss. Anyone could tell that you’re used to each other’s lips.
You pull away abruptly when you become conscious of many’s attention on you. With your face so near his, all you can see is how his lips draw into a smirk.
It’s unusual for you two to kiss outside of a sexual context. Because why would you? Friends don’t kiss each other unless they’re: A) dating, or B) banging. And especially in the past few weeks, you’ve been progressively kissing each other less, even during sex. Almost as if you’ve both realised how intimate it is, and all the romantic connotations that come with it.
Yet here he is, kissing you so openly in public.
Yeah, it’s just for show for his ex. But it’s still…
You don’t know.
After Taehyung had finally eaten to his heart’s content, the two of you had gone to study in the library. Ryujin wore a sour face in the entire duration of the meal, and you would hear low grunts of irritation from her direction. You practically felt her venomous glare on the back of your head as you were leaving the restaurant. Acting has never been your strong suit, but even you’ll admit that the two of you are putting on an Oscar-worthy performance.
You’ve been quiet, you know. It’s because of that bitter taste in the back of your throat that you still can’t get rid of at the thought that Taehyung might still care about Ryujin. Why else would he lie to her and say that you’re his girlfriend if not to get a reaction out of her?
But more so, why does it bother you so much? You wish you don’t care this much for this stupid sushi-demolisher who doesn’t deserve your time and efforts. He’s probably thinking about his next meal again while you’re here lamenting over your weird feelings.
So you keep your mouth shut throughout your study session, brewing in your acrid thoughts.
Taehyung watches you nibble at the end of your pen. How is he supposed to focus on his coursework when you’ve got that pouty expression? And since when did you not take every chance you get to take the piss out of him? He wonders what’s going on in your head.
Seeing Ryujin had been a shock, a blast from the past. It hadn’t bothered him too much to be honest, he simply doesn’t care about her anymore. A few days ago, she had sent him a message out of the blue. Out of politeness, he’d responded but kept his replies brief; it was difficult to decipher her intention at first, but it soon revealed itself. Apparently, her and Jimin went on to date for a while - good on them, Taehyung truly could not give fewer shits anymore. But their relationship deteriorated due to their incompatibility, which was predictable knowing them both. It was when she started showing interest in Taehyung, apologising and kissing his ass about how good he was to her that he decided to stop answering.
The thought of getting back with her gave him shivers.
Your reaction to Ryujin back there wasn’t unexpected at all, of course you weren’t going to react mildly to his ex. Taehyung is lucky you didn’t ‘accidentally’ spill soy sauce onto her, or start yelling at her about faithfulness and morality. Your wrath towards her actually kind of warms his heart…
You aren’t one to talk about your feelings openly, but your actions definitely speak volumes about how much you care about him.
Taehyung smiles to himself.
There is so much loyalty between the two of you, complete trust and devotion. At the end of the day, no matter what goes on between you when you’re horny fuckers, you’re best friends above all else. Fighters for each other.
Your journey back home was also rather mute, consisting of him prodding you with jokes and teases, and you putting on a half-hearted smile. Maybe you’re annoyed at him for putting you on the spot and leaving you with no choice but to cooperate as his pretend girlfriend. All this relationship-y commitment-y crap repels the shit out of you. Basically the bane of your existence.
He probably shouldn’t have kissed and coddled you that much in front of Ryujin. You detest PDA like it’s some scandalous taboo, despite being the freakiest girl he knows in the sheets. But hey, you guys had to make it convincing and believable...
Yup, the more Taehyung thinks about it, the more he’s sure you’re annoyed (or even scared off) about the fake dating thing.
“You’re quiet for someone who just met her supposed archnemesis. I thought you’d be going on and on about what a bitch she is.” He glances at your sullen side profile for the hundredth time during your commute home.
“I don’t know, not it a great mood I guess? Probably just tired.” You mumble, searching for your keys in your coat pocket. The weather is getting cold these days; Taehyung knows your fingers are very prone to freezing, especially with your refusal of wearing gloves because ‘they’re ugly’ nor would you keep your hands in your pockets because ‘it’s a safety hazard incase you trip over’.
He gets a strangely overwhelming urge to hold your hands every time he sees you wiggling your fingers to warm them up. Hmm.
Wordlessly, you enter the house with him trailing behind you. He watches your moody steps from behind as you remove your shoes and head inside. Why can’t you just tell him what you’re thinking?
With a great sigh, Taehyung slumps onto the couch, focus still on you hanging your coat on the rack and tossing your keys into the holder on the shelf. “Hey.”
You turn, regarding his wide manspread with piqued interest. “What?”
“Come here, baby, sit on my lap.” He pats the top of his thighs in beckoning. Sometimes it’s like trying to get a stray cat to come to him.
Your eyes widen at his request. But very reluctantly, you stroll towards him until you’re standing between his extended legs. “Why are you calling me baby, we’re not pretending to be dating anymore.”
Taehyung stiffens as he senses the acrimony in your tone. So this is about the girlfriend thing? It’s a risky move but he sits up and pulls you in by the back of your thighs until you have no choice but to succumb to falling onto his hips. Lips still in a tight line, your limbs come around him to hold yourself upright. In order to prevent you from escaping, Taehyung encloses his arms around your waist, trapping you in his embrace. He tries not to think about how your crotch is directly on his right now.
“Why you sad?” He looks up at you, your eyes unreadable as always. Heat from your exhale fans his forehead.
“I don’t know. Nan molla.” You shrug and do that face scrunch thing you do whenever you’re unsure that he loves. It makes you look so cute.
“Hey…” Taehyung nudges your cheek with his nose in an attempt to get you to look at him. You have a habit of avoiding eye contact, and he knows it’s stems from the intimacy issue. “What’s up, honey buns?”
“Honey buns again? Seriously?” You jerk away from him like he insulted your mother or something.
“Well, since I can’t call you baby, honey buns it is.” His chest vibrates with his deep rumbling laughter, pleased with himself to see the slightest hint of a smile finally beginning to appear on you.
“Oh my god, Taehyung. Fine, just stick with baby, I swear…” You thump him on the back, yet your stone cold exterior now being invaded by a spark of humour.
“Good. Now tell me what’s wrong, baby.”
You’re quiet for a good few seconds, contemplating. Your legs around his torso tense, you bite your lip hesitantly. Come on, just talk to me, he wishes.
“Do you still… care about her?” Voice so soft that even he struggles to hear you this close.
“What? Ryujin?” Oh, so this is about her. Taehyung knew you hated her, but never thought that you would feel… insecure? Jealous, even? “Of course not. I don’t give a single fuck about her.” At his answer, you let out the breath you’ve been holding. A breath of relief? “But you clearly seem to care too much about her.”
“I- I do not!” In a tone of disbelief, you scorn. “I just- She’s not the one I care about.”
Fuck, you’re being too cute right now.
Taehyung pecks at your chin, unable to contain his affection anymore. You continue, “Plus, why didn’t you tell me she was talking to you again? Friends tell each other this sort of thing. I always tell you everything…”
The worry on your face is truly so endearing, he feels his chest constrict.
“I didn’t mention it because that’s how little I care. She is honestly so insignificant to me right now, I could not even be bothered to waste my breath bringing it up. Yes, she meant a lot to me for a period of my life. But. That was a long time ago. I’ve moved on, no thanks to you, remember?” Your eyes gradually dare loiter up his face. “You silly sausage.”
“But-” You’re pouting again. You need to stop pouting or he won’t be able to control himself, dammit. “Why did you lie and say I’m your girlfriend then, if you weren’t doing it to make her jealous.”
Taehyung blinks. Well… Um, about that... He didn’t want to have to explain it to you but...
“It just slipped out.”
Your turn to blink vacantly. Taehyung feels blood tinting his cheeks under your gaze. Even he doesn’t know why he said it back then. It just kind of… rolled off his tongue. Should he be worried? Yeah, he should definitely be worried.
When you still fail to say anything, he hurriedly asks, “Are you mad?”
“N-No. Why would I be mad?” The way your arm slides down his neck to brush pass his chest leaves his skin tingling. He pulls your legs closer around him, hand unintentionally trailing to your rear.
“I don’t know, you just hate that kind of lovey-dovey stuff. Just figured that you’d be annoyed that I forced you to act like my girlfriend.”
“Well, I was a bit annoyed… It’s not just me, you hate that kind of lovey-dovey stuff too!” Well, not exactly accurate, but Taehyung decides not to correct you. “But did you see her face?” Your tone begins to lighten. Remembering the acerbity tainting Ryujin’s features brings you amusement.
“She looked like she was going to murder someone.” You both laugh.
“She was thirsting over you like a hound, Jesus Christ. It’s because of your perm, trust me.” Grinning, you twirl his curly fringe around your fingers. You seem to do that quite often since he got the new hairstyle.
“Wow, you really like my perm that much?” He fishes, failing to control his forming smirk. You like to give him shit about his ego, yet no one strokes it more than you do.
“No comment.” You can’t contain your radiant smile either. Taehyung makes a mental note to keep the perm.
Seeing your mood lifted makes Taehyung feel much better, safer. His arms run up your back, and he feels you shudder under his touch. You fit into his embrace so well; it’s difficult to not hug you close to him every chance he gets nowadays. There’s a dull ache in the back of his neck from craning up to look at you for too long, but he doesn’t mind it. Your fingers fall from his hair, tracing his jaw frivolously, mindlessly. It leaves an unwarranted tremble within him.
“Look, there’s absolutely nothing for you to mull about in that overthinking head of yours. I don’t even remember Ryujin’s last name if I’m being honest with you. She lost me the moment she broke my heart, and I’ll never even remotely consider getting back with her. Ever. I promise.
“So don’t act all jealous and sulky just ‘cause you misunderstood. You’re my best girl. You’ll always be my best, favourite and only girl, understand? I, Kim Taehyung, belong to you, Y/N Y/L/N. Period.” The smile of satisfaction tells him everything. You’re not as hard to please as you appear to be. “I’m yours, happy?”
“Happy.” Fuck, Taehyung’s heart is going to explode from the joyous beam growing at your lips.
“Good, because she means nothing to me at all. But you, Ms. Needy-But-I-Won’t-Admit-It? You mean everything to me. Everything.” He bounces you on his lap for emphasis, eliciting another buoyant giggle from you.
Then you do something that you don’t normally do.
You kiss him - passionately and ardently. Fingers surfing the waves of his hair, you readjust your straddling position on top of him to minimise the distance. Taehyung feels all reason in his head incrementally ebbing away. You shouldn’t be kissing, you really shouldn’t. It’s not normal to make out with your best friend. But fuck the rules. Taehyung doesn’t want to stop kissing you right now, his silly adorable honey buns.
“Just admit it. You love me.” He taunts between breaths. You freeze at Taehyung’s words. Completely freeze on his lap, hand dangling from his face, as if you’ve been shot. “Like a best friend.” You deflate, evident relief at the joke.
Taehyung has to restrain from laughing out loud. God, you’re such an easy target. The second anything one step further from platonism is suggested, you act like you’re going to pack your bags and run for the hills. But here you are, kissing him and acting all possessive. He enjoys the irony.
“Yeah I love you. Like a best friend.” You flick the tip of his nose in reprimand for his teasing.
“Good because I love you too. Like a best friend.” He holds you tight against him, proceeding to blow raspberries in your neck.
Maybe even more, he wonders.
© Copyright 2019
@taexxxiiaa @shookpreme @taetaeobsessed @tangledsparkles @nonexistentfucks @evilkookie @nbiased95 @taehyungmakesmeoof @itscalledgayhoney @tahaing @deliciouslydisturbed365 @expensive-bangtan-girl @jwlmnbt @herakimkim @dnyad @kaepjjang365 @expensive-bangtan-girl@gingerpeachtae @spring2787 @askingtheimportantthingshere @casualminiaturetimemachine @xblackclover13x @vasysauce @deadinsidebitch2412 @emiyooa @i-dont-even-know-fck @chimycthulhu @gixanjos @hisunshiine @xtaeyi @softjellyjimin @bluemooncnblue @malfeitofeitto @bangtanfancamp @keopitae
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sophi-s · 4 years ago
Cost of Kindness
Chapter III: Between joy and sorrow
By: sophi-s
Fandom: Darksiders video games
Words: 7,405
Characters: Raphael, Darksiders OC
Warnings: None
After a crazy adventure outside of Haven, Nicola finally is in shape to try and find her way back. As sad as she is about it, she bids her farewells to her new angel friend. However, it seems Raphael isn't quite ready to say goodbye just yet. And so the fearful human finds herself in the company of an archangel stuck to her like glue.
Until the sun peered shyly from behind the horizon to announce the arrival of another dawn, Nicola slept like a log. Literally. She hadn't stirred throughout the whole time of her dreamless, magically induced sleep. Were it not for her steady breathing, because as pale and motionless as she was, some might have thought her dead, not sleeping. After long hours, she finally opened her eyes as the remnants of the arcane haze fell and left her mind unshackled. The fog receded from her sight and she was fully expecting the ceiling of the room she occupied in Haven to greet her. Only to be met with disappointment when the dark interior of an underground tunnel filled her vision instead.
For a couple of seconds she was absolutely stunned, unsure where she was or why. The shock of waking up in a strange place had her frozen while her brain was trying to process what in the actual Hell was happening like when she awoke after her first night spent in the Maker Tree. Slowly, the memories of the recent events creeped back into her head. Raphael. Kitten. Demons. My leg… Right… She did feel much better than before but still a little woozy, possibly because half of her brain wasn't fully awake just yet. Massaging her eyelids to rub away the vestiges of sleep, Nicola sat up and scrutinized her surroundings blinking groggily. The same, damp sewer, the same cold darkness. Yawn, which followed, was so wide one might think Nicola intended to swallow everything in this "room".
Out of the corner of her eye she saw the aforementioned angel sitting a couple of feet away, supporting his head on his hand, elbow on his knee while a small cat slept in the rumpled fabric of his green waistcoat. His hood concealed his features as his wings rested against his back and shoulders which steadily moved up and down in the rhythm of a calm breathing. For a moment it might have seemed Raphael was dozing as well but at the quietest move Nicola made, his wary eyes open to look at her without any traces of sleep in them, glimmering like two bright stars from the shadow the hood was casting over his face. It was so abrupt that it made her jump a little.
"Oh! H- hi! Good morning. If it is morning, I mean.."
At her greeting, the cat perked its head up with a "mrowf" noise and shot her a dirty look for daring to interrupt its rest before yawning almost as widely as she did. Raphael answered her with a nod and a small, affirmative sound in the back of his throat but otherwise remained quiet, content with watching her in silence when Nicola leaned down to inspect her thigh and determine whether or not she was in shape for walking anywhere. And to her not unpleasant surprise, the wound was almost fully healed and moving her leg wasn't painful anymore. She did feel the recently present damage to her muscle but she wouldn't call it "pain". More like strain. And that was in like seventy percent of her body from the previous day, even if not as intense as she expected it to be. She really did over exert herself quite a bit. Still, with all certainty she could say Raphael did an unbelievably good job. If only human doctors were in possession of even a teeny tiny part of the healing abilities he had, the world would've been a much safer place.
Though, she couldn't really decide whether the fact that her leg seemed to be perfectly fine was a good thing or not. On the one hand it would mean that nothing hindered her any longer. If the sun is really up then she should wait no longer and set out to make sure the nightfall doesn't catch her again and look for a way back home. Home… In spite of herself she smiled sadly. How quickly she started to refer to Haven as her second home. Her own was irreversibly lost after all.. Reduced to nothing but a grim rubble with all her childhood memories buried underneath. Nicholas died so that she may get out of there alive. He would love it in Haven if he had a chance to see it… In this last safe sanctum for her kind, other survivors, makers.. They were her new family. She could only imagine how they're feeling right now. She should've been back ages ago. She has to return as quickly as possible. The idea of asking Vulgrim for help wasn't completely off the table. She could probably promise him something in return for taking her to the Tree and give it to him later. Nicola can be pretty convincing if she has to but she wouldn't put that past Vulgrim to deny her still. She'd have to play it smart should she fail to find the way back herself. He doesn't trade in favors in exchange for promises after all. No matter. One way or another, she will get back to Haven. That, or she can say goodbye to her wretched life.
But on the other hand… Glancing up at Raphael, who was half-busying himself with petting the very content cat and half-watching her, she realised with a twinge that she'll have to leave him. In those few short hours he'd done so much for her.. so many things she was grateful for… And on top of that, with how sad and lonely he was, Nicola couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor man. She'd never met an angel before and hadn't come to know one well but those she'd seen when this nightmare started didn't make a good impression on her. Raphael was so much different from his kin. She still wasn't sure why he decided to help her even though he didn't have to. And that made her feel empathetic towards him, especially every time he gave her this suffering look which told her a long story of pain and misery. Nicola may have known him for barely a couple hours, if not less, but somehow the thought of leaving him here possibly never to see him again was making her heart sink. Because of the apocalypse, she was running really low on friends and so no one could blame her for wanting to keep every single one she had left or recently made. And honestly, after the angel saved her life and treated her wounds she would lie if she said he wasn't on the right path into the alarmingly small circle of people she held dear to her. Such experiences have a way of bringing people closer to one another, despite the differences they may possess. And besides, what would leaving him here be if not cruelty?
"You seem… troubled."
Raphael stated, making Nicola look at him again. Even after only a few hours spent with her, he sensed her current mood without a mistake. He was pretty insightful. Not that Nicola was trying overly hard to hide it but still. Maybe that's just something the angels do. She sighed in response. I really am.. She thought. It wasn't as though she didn't have a lot to be grim about but this particular thought at the forefront of her brain bothered her the most at this given moment. She didn't want to go just like that but she knew she had to. If only to make sure other guys are alright. But honestly she doubted that Ulthane would ever let her out of his sight again after the stunt she pulled, no matter what she tells him afterwards. In turn, this might be the last time she sees the kind and selfless, not all there angel. Whether she likes it or not, it was time to bid farewell.
"I… I wanted to thank you again for what you did for me."
She started as she stood up - still a bit wobbly from all the crazy stuff that happened so recently - looking around in search of her backpack and shotgun. Both were resting under a wall not far from where she was laid down before, right next to the place where the mummified Goreclaw used to be. Raphael must've moved it further down the sewer where the rest of the corpses were when she was sleeping. Sooner or later it would start attracting pesky flies and other nasty vermin if not things far worse, not to mention the smell of decomposing meat. A little reluctantly, she flung the backpack over her shoulder and picked up her gun before turning to face Raphael. An increasingly unsettled Raphael who seemed to have taken the hint what she intended to do.
"Really, thanks. It's been very nice to meet you. But I have to go now."
"Go? Where to?"
The barely audible note of fear in his voice and the look he gave her made Nicola feel even worse for having to part ways with him.
"I'm going.. home."
Nicola to some extent knew how to read certain people but the blank stare of the angel before her was giving her a really hard time.
"Look, I can't stay here and I'm sorry but I have to go.."
She said hesitantly and turned towards the exit from the tunnel to leave for the surface, quietly wishing she didn't suck at saying her goodbyes. This was one of her greater weaknesses, right after small animals. Especially cats.
"Goodbye. And good luck! I hope we'll meet again.."
With that short farewell, Nicola turned away to walk off into the sewer and begin her search for Haven. But a firm grip on her shoulder stopped her from taking more steps and made her glance back in bewilderment. Somehow, Raphael shifted from a sitting position to standing and closed the distance between himself and Nicola in one beat without producing a single sound. Not going to lie, it was quite scary and Nicola couldn't help a startled squeak that escaped her. But even though he spooked her yet again, the distressed face he pulled made Nicola bite her lower lip. And the hesitant plea leaving his mouth made it even worse.
"I- I can't! I really need to go!"
Raphael quietly begged her. His flared and bristled wings were quivering anxiously and his face bore the most pitiful pleading look she'd ever seen. God, why do you have to make this so difficult? It was strange. He'd been doing fine without Nicola for who knows how long. Well… fine might not be the right word to use in this case but whatever. Though, now that she thinks about it, it makes sense that he wouldn't want to be left alone again. Especially because loneliness doesn't serve healthy people well and Raphael looked like someone who could use the help of a specialist. Still, Nicola found herself asking.
"Why do you want me to stay?"
Instead of answering, Raphael glanced down from her face, looking at the point on her chest, just below her collarbone. Nicola awkwardly cleared her throat to get his attention once she felt like his gaze was going right through her mortal shell and piercing into her very core.
"Uhh.. What exactly are you thinking about?"
Not bothered by it, Raphael squinted and lifted his forefinger, extending it to the place he was looking at. And seriously, for a second Nicola was considering batting his hand away since it could without a doubt be viewed as invasion of personal space when the pad of his finger connected with her chest where it ended and her neck began. And in this moment white flash passed through Nicola's eyes, followed by a deathly chill somewhere inside, tearing into her heart from within with icy claws like a vicious beast. As though someone had poured freezing cold water into her body. And amidst this coldness was a tiny wisp of warmth pressed against her ribcage, as if it was trying to get out. To get as close to Raphael as possible. She gasped in shock and fear and from the unexpected and not physical pain - so intense it made her feel sick - which wasn't really… her own. She felt it, experienced it but she knew it wasn't hers. Somehow Nicola knew that it belonged to someone else. And this someone was standing right in front of her.
Slowly but surely, it was starting to make sense. Why Raphael was constantly so shaky, so easily frightened, so… wrong. It all lasted barely a fraction of a second before both she and Raphael abruptly backed away with astonishment painted across their faces. Neither of them was entirely sure what on God's green earth just happened or why it happened. Whatever it was, neither of them would say it felt pleasant. Nicola was fairing better than the angel however. While she was only mildly frightened and befuddled, he immediately retreated into the corner and curled up on the floor, wrapping himself up in a feathery cocoon of his wings, trembling like a leaf on a gale.
She huffed trying to steady her own breathing as she cautiously approached him just when he started to mutter obscene nonsense again. This time Nicola couldn't even determine what exactly he was saying. He spoke way too quickly and he was only able to pick up single words like "torment", "soul" or "help". This odd sensation, this pain she felt was undoubtedly in him. All. The time. Every day of his existence. It became clear. Nicola could imagine that even she would sooner or later go absolutely mad if the suffering he's experiencing without a moment of rest was hers. It was nothing short of a miracle that he retained at least some small semblance of who he used to be. Ever since she came to him, he did start to make more sense than before, possibly because she could at least partially distract him from this pain. But if he needed distraction, why would he leave his White City behind? Angels may have been mean to her race but surely they would help out their brother in need, right?
All questions Nicola had most likely could be answered by a story of his past which he wasn't ready to reveal just yet. Perhaps, if she's careful enough, one day he will open up and tell her about it. But until then, she remained in darkness of uncertainty. Still, she couldn't help but wonder.. Carefully, she crouched and laid her hand on Raphael's shaking shoulder, making his head snap up with a fearful look to his round, empty glowing eyes.
"Who… who did this to you?"
The angel opened his mouth as if to answer her but no words came out. Only a soft huff. Tears welled up in Nicola's eyes when his face scrunched up in something between anguish and misery. And that was enough for her to snap. In spite of herself, Nicola reached around the angel's neck and pulled him into a tight hug burying her face into the side of his green hood which despite the stench surrounding everything here still held a barely noticeable scent of something that brought to mind clean cotton with a tint of vanilla. His entire body went rigid as she did but only for a moment. Merely seconds later, he relaxed, his breathing evened out and he moved his own arms around her back to return the embrace that brought a tiny bit of comfort that could at least partially fill the emptiness he felt within for so long he couldn't even remember how it is to not feel it.
"Don't leave me alone…"
He breathed against her ear, clinging to her desperately as if letting go of her would mean his inevitable end. Up this close, Nicola could feel his heart - much bigger and more powerful than her human one - hammering uneasily against his ribcage. Similar, but completely different. And for some reason, her own heart suddenly skipped and beat once alongside his in the exact same rhythm before everything returned to normal. Or maybe she was just imagining things? Possibly…
This warm and tight embrace, even though it was meant to comfort him, still gave Nicola an odd feeling of safety. All of the sudden Raphael seemed to her not like a stranger she met by chance not even a day ago but like a good, old friend she knew she can trust no matter what. The decision of leaving Raphael behind was difficult enough before but now… her heart fell to pieces. It was next to impossible. She couldn't just leave him like this. He doesn't deserve to be abandoned again. No one does.
What do I do? Nicola knew she could neither stay with him, nor can she return to Haven without risking that her conscience would make her feel shitty for the rest of her goddamned days and that a thought that she doomed some poor soul to descend into utter insanity would make her share his fate. But there has to be something she can do.. Anything.. Then, an epiphany struck her.
She said once Raphael let her go and she could look him in the eye as he gave her a questioning yet hopeful stare.
"You could come with me!"
"Come with you..?"
"Yeah! The Tree is much safer than here and there's a lot of useful stuff there. Also, it doesn't stink that much…"
Not only that. Other survivors, even as skeptical as they are towards angels, surely wouldn't mind Raphael poking around. Having a skilled healer on their side would certainly change their mind even if they weren't eager to let him stay. Ulthane, Elanya and Yarin can be persuaded if they don't agree at first. After all, if Raphael's presence will mean that "wee uns' " are even safer, then Nicola couldn't think of a reason why they shouldn't relent. Not to mention that Raphael can fly. It would make it a child's play to find the Tree. Back in Haven she could also get the poor angel patched up and cleaned up a bit, since he himself is in a rather sorry state. That's the least she could do for him in return. Only one thing was left to do, considering how uncertain Raphael looked. Convince him.
"What is this… Tree?"
"This is a safe place for us, humans, and it's… kinda our new home now."
Before, Nicola was absolutely certain Raphael's eyes couldn't turn bigger and rounder but he was very quick to prove her wrong. Not to lie, it was quite impressive. He blinked a couple of times as if to make sure he heard it right.
" 'Us' ? There is… more of you out there..?"
Nicola nods enthusiastically once she realises she's on the right path.
"Yeah! Ulthane made us a safe place to-"
He interrupted with confusion on his face, making Nicola stop in mid sentence to look at him questioningly.
"Ulthane… the Black Hammer?"
"Yes, he's a-.. Wait… you know him?"
Humming thoughtfully, Raphael drummed his fingers against the cold floor. His answer didn't clarify much however.
"No.. Azrael does.."
An angel most likely. Probably one of Raphael's former acquaintances. Mentioning this "Azrael" seemed to have brought some memories back, very fond ones at that since for the first time today, a ghost of a smile passed across Raphael's face and an absent look in his eyes turned warmer and not so frightened anymore.
Seriously, for a moment Nicola wanted to say that she's sorry because she just assumed that Raphael's friend could be dead but she bit her tongue before she could tell him that when she realised he actually used the present tense and not past. Which indicates that Azrael, whoever he is, is still out there somewhere. Instead, she wanted to tell him more about Haven but he once again interrupted her.
"The Balance is upset.. the Third Kingdom is vital to it… Humans. Humans live still? Not everything is lost then.."
Oh boy, here we go again. Unwittingly, Nicola pulled an annoyed face. For the umpteenth time, Raphael unintentionally made her feel like an uneducated imbecile. Why is the Universe even more complicated than we initially thought?
"Yes, he does the right thing.. They need a protector."
Nicola decided to patiently wait until Raphael is finished thinking out loud, even though she once again had no clue what he's saying. What Balance? Third Kingdom? The what?
"The Horsemen cannot do this alone… It is the duty of us all… to- to uphold the Balance."
The WHO??? Nicola could only imagine how stupid she looked with that dumb face she just made. What. The actual fuck. The Horsemen? As in… the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? They are real too? So it is a legit end of the world like the one in the Bible! How lovely! It's honestly a miracle that anyone has lived if that's the case. What else? Maybe it will suddenly turn out that snow is warm, sun is cold and skunks don't stink. Though with all the chaos going on around, Nicola would hardly be surprised if dogs suddenly started chirping and birds barking. She really just wished for the things to calm down already.. Returning to normal seemed to be off the table unfortunately but for God's sake, can the demons at least just go home or something? But… Now that she thinks about it… Could the mysterious warrior clad in crimson be one of the infamous Four? He didn't look like an angel, even though he bore quite a few similarities to Heaven's denizens, nor did he seem purely demonic in nature. And he was there when the Apocalypse began.. Curious. Especially because if it wasn't for his interference, Nicola would have probably been dead by now. All he did was stop for just a second to tear the bus door out once he saw her struggling to open it from the inside. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, who knows? Eventually, Raphael glanced at her with a more certain look on his face.
"You don't stand a chance. Not against the Destroyer."
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.. Nicola thought, still having the clear image of the flaming dragon standing barely fifteen feet away from where she was hiding in her head as if it happened yesterday. He was terrifying, no one is taking this away from him, but screw that! That's one gigantic motherfucker. Nicola was pretty sure she could comfortably live in a room that was the size of his goddamned head. If he tried to eat her, she'd probably get stuck between his teeth at best. And so far that's the last place she wanted to find herself in. She really didn't need help in figuring out that a bunch of humans still shitting their pants at the sight of a single Wicked could stand up to the bloody Destroyer. What are they, the legendary dragon-slaying knights or something? Not to be pessimistic or anything.. but Nicola wouldn't be surprised if that thing could kill her by so much as breathing in her direction. He does breathe fire after all. It goes without saying that he also has a huge horde of ugly assholes under his whim, jumping at the tiniest flick of his tail. So yeah. Chances for success in an open confrontation are pretty miniscule. Fortunately, what Raphael said next made her sigh with relief.
"You need all the help you can get… I will come. If this is your wish…"
Victory! Now that was the solid dose of serotonin Nicola had been missing for quite some time. Not only can she return home and assure her strange little family that she's alright but also she doesn't have to leave her newfound friend behind. Her conscience will stay clean, Raphael will be safe in Haven, maybe even recover to some extent, and the humans will have a powerful angel healer on their side. To her it was a win-win.
"You will?! That's awesome, thanks!"
Nicola was quick to gather her humble possessions and waited for Raphael to get up and take whatever he needed. But surprisingly, all he took was the kitten which he held against his chest since it wasn't really pleased about being manhandled but the angel simply ran his finger through the fur on its head to put it back to sleep again before depositing it to a small knapsack he had on his belt where it could rest safely. Apparently, he wasn't attached to anything he stored in his hideout over the time he spent here. Well, there weren't many useful things to take anyway. At least that's what Nicola thought before, because Raphael leaned over one of the bigger crates and reached for something apparently hidden behind it. And oh boy, the thing he pulled out… An ornate, gilded staff, as tall as Nicola is. The centerpiece was flanked by two slender serpents coiling around it in a beautiful, symmetrical way to the very top crowned by a pair of wings and a ring between them.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide her amazement. That was some sick looking staff. The design seemed to ring a bell but she couldn't quite tell where exactly. Unlike Raphael himself, the staff was well kept, clean and undamaged, even if a bit tarnished. Apparently in his solitude, the angel cared for it well and often. For this last piece of home he has, Nicola realised with a pang of sadness. Even in his fond expression she could see the attachment to this one small part of his past. Okay, maybe not that small… Once Raphael was ready and glanced at Nicola to confirm it, she nodded and walked off into the dark tunnel with the angel trailing after her like a duckling.
"Oh, and by the way…"
Considering what Nicola had seen before, she figured it would be best to warn Raphael about some of Haven's denizens. Well.. by some she specifically meant Vulgrim. Despite his queer way of being and shiftiness, Nicola still somewhat liked him. The demon merchant was hardly a good material for a friend but so far he proved only two things to her. That he can be cunning and annoying. And that he's unbelievably helpful. And in truth, Nicola couldn't help but grow a little fond of her exceptional neighbour. Especially because Vulgrim was the only demon so far that didn't try to kill her where she stood but instead engaged in a conversation. That might be because he's just scared of Ulthane but he seemed rather harmless. Hell, he even sometimes provided useful resources if Haven could afford a trade with him. In a way, he too was helping humans survive. But if he suddenly jumped out of that Serpent Hole of his… Nicola could already see Raphael blasting the demon into Oblivion without a second thought. And that was something she didn't want to happen. Better safe than sorry.
"There's this… guy sometimes swinging by to say hello to us.."
Even as she spoke, she didn't stop walking and the quiet tapping of the end of the staff against the floor told her that Raphael kept following. How do I explain to an angel that a demon means no harm?
"The name's Vulgrim. He's a little… Ugh, how do I put it?"
"A demon… Crafty fiend, far more powerful than he lets on. Yet, so… deceivingly docile.."
Nicola halts as though she's just come face first into an invisible barrier once she heard Raphael grumble distastefully to himself. Turning around, she gawked at him with non hidden shock. And while she expected anger or at least disgust, Raphael looked rather… resigned for the lack of a better term. And only ever so slightly annoyed.
"You know Vulgrim?"
That literally came out of nowhere. The description of Vulgrim Raphael just gave was so unbelievably accurate. Nicola already suspected that the demon is much more dangerous than he seems but simply refuses to put his power to use and do something constructive with it. And now she got a confirmation. From a very unlikely source but still. Raphael was quick to offer a clarification and answered her question with his own.
"Who doesn't?"
"Ah, that's fair.."
She chuckled. Vulgrim is that kind of a "person", who seems to know everyone and has been to pretty much everywhere. He offers his merchandise to every creature that can afford it and it shouldn't be that surprising that some people, even angels like Raphael know him, or at least know of him. She suspected the latter part in this case. This makes it much easier to explain to Raphael that he's a friend.
"He's cool though! He's helping us keep it together and doesn't really bother anyone in the Tree. Vulgrim is really helpful if he wants to."
To this, Raphael answered with a doubtfully raised eyebrow and a thoughtful hum. He didn't seem convinced but what he said fully satisfied Nicola.
"Hmmmm… so I was told.."
Before they even noticed, they were right below the well lid which was Nicola's original entrance to the sewer. And honestly? She was so glad that she decided to come down here. Otherwise, she wouldn't have met Raphael. Some part of her still dreads to wonder what would happen to him if she didn't find him. He was already at the brink of losing it but now it didn't seem as bad as before. In a way, Nicola saved him too, it seems. Before, he was barely registering what was happening around. Now he was more or less capable of a relatively normal conversation. Sure, he tended to talk to himself quite a lot but she supposed that the solitude and whatever nightmares he'd been through have taken their toll. Climbing up the ladder, Nicola pushed the lid out of the pavement and immediately the golden light of the new day spilled through it, banishing the darkness and ouch, it hurt her poor eyes.
Even though Nicola wasn't in utter blackness all the time thanks to the arcane wisp of light that followed Raphael everywhere whenever he needed it, the bright pillar of sunlight struck her like a physical force, leaving her mostly blind for a good ten seconds. Still, another breath of fresh air tasted like ambrosia to her. No stench of the sewer and rotting meat. Thank God.. It took only a few seconds afterwards for her sight to get used to the brightness but still she needed a moment to wipe the tears from her eyes. Before she exited the sewer however, a quiet hiss behind her made her stop.
Looking over her shoulder, she saw Raphael recoiling from the light with his eyes squeezed tightly shut and a grimace on his face, shielding himself from the radiance with his left wing. Right.. How long he'd spent down there, Nicola could only guess but she could understand how dizzy it might've made him and how much it burned his darkness-adjusted eyes. More than that, to him the sunlight probably felt like it does to a goddamn vampire.
"Raphael? You okay?"
The angel didn't answer her, simply kept still, slowly lowering his wing to look at the light flowing through the opened way out, blinking rapidly so that his eyes adjusted to it quicker. And once they did.. Without a word, he hesitantly reached out towards the bright sun rays and put his bandaged hand right through the border where the light and dark clashed with one another. And immediately, once the warm glow caressed his skin, his face brightened in mute fascination. The fact that he hadn't seen the daylight for way too long became ever so apparent to Nicola and made something twist inside of her sadly.
"The sun…"
Raphael breathed and let his mouth form a wide grin once he fully entered the illuminated area and turned his face up with his eyes closed to soak it in.
"Blessed Creator, I missed it.. oh how I missed it…"
It took less than a second for Nicola to decide that she's going to let him have that moment. They were in a rush, true, but she simply didn't have it in her to tell him to hurry. She didn't want to interrupt him because even with all the dust and grime on his emaciated face, for the first time since she'd met him, Raphael looked so unbelievably happy. Truly happy. Just because he could feel the warm light of the sun upon his skin. And with a full smile he underwent a sudden change. All fear left him, his features softened and Nicola would dare say that even as broken, mad and defeated, in this short moment he looked… beautiful. As an angel, which humans often imagined, should. Under all that dirt something was glistening from the surface of his skin under his eyes, on his cheeks and forehead, the sunlight painted warm streaks on his long, white hair that fluttered on the cool breeze from above. In spite of herself she smiled too. This look to him suited him far better than a sorrowful, troubled frown. She could already tell, she will be always trying her best to save this precious smile.
With a deep breath of fresh air, Raphael opened his eyes to look out at the clear sky in shades of delicate blue and… in a flash of gold accompanied by a quiet whizz disappeared. Nicola's jaw fell open. Her human mind will never stop getting surprised over the stuff like that. And even if it will, it's going to take a long time. Before she could even start wondering where the angel vanished to, a large silhouette blocked out the sun. Still a bit surprised, Nicola looked up right at Raphael's kind face and his outstretched hand as he offered her help in getting out of the stinking well. So he can teleport. Lucky bugger. To be frank, Nicola felt a small sting of jealousy. And while she expected him to simply let her hold onto him as she pulled herself out, he hoisted her up in one fluid motion and set her on the pavement beside him the moment she took his hand.
The odd angel kept surprising her. Despite his thin frame, he was quite strong. For human standards that is, she didn't know how his physical strength was viewed among his brethren. During the initial armageddon she caught glimpses of much more sturdy-looking angels after all. The memory actually made her wonder if Raphael knew that one angel she saw talking to the warrior in red. The one who got… brutally squashed by that gigantic fuck-off demon that nearly made her heart refuse to keep fighting out of pure horror before she booked it. At least she could only assume that he got squashed because as soon as she saw the hand shoot out from the pit of boiling magma below she averted her eyes not to look at it and all she remembered now was a female voice desperately crying out a name she couldn't quite recall right now.
I'll ask him another time. She thought as he was pulling her out into the outside world. Still, the caution he did it with… Sighing inwardly, Nicola realised that Raphael already has something in common with her other bizarre friends. He too handled her as though one uncareful move could harm her and treated her as though she was made of porcelain. For quite some time Ulthane was afraid to even touch any of them not to break something and there were very few people in Haven who could resist poking a little fun at the maker. Oh well. Looks like it's a privilege that last members of the human race get. Everything is either super gentle with you or is trying to ruthlessly murder you. Nothing in between so far. Only Vulgrim seemed to be mostly neutral towards them but that was one exception.
Outside of the sewer the day was unusually warm. The sun was shining down at the crumbling Earth from a clear sky, no clouds hindered its rays and the air movement was a bare minimum. Nicola didn't wait long before unzipping her vest. Cooking inside of it was the last thing she fancied right now. Judging by how high the sun already was, she'd say it was far past the morning hours. Actually, maybe even somewhere around midday. Looking down at her watch confirmed that she guessed it right since it showed the exact time of
11:56 A.M.
Now's the high time she started looking for a way back. She walked over to one of the tallest buildings nearby to search for a suitable vantage point - careful this time, not to get jumped by some asshole again - and glanced back to see if Raphael was still following her. And in agreement to what he'd accidentally shared with her back in his hideout, Nicola has taken a note that he's.. limping. He was leaning on his ornate staff heavily and his eyebrows were furrowing with each step he took but his eyes were quickly shifting between all directions of his surroundings, always on watch for a threat. Still, there was an ever-present weariness to his pace. To put it simply, Raphael looked tired and moved with difficulty, as though he was in constant pain. In a way, he was.. But somehow Nicola knew it wasn't really the same pain one feels when getting injured or ill. This was something… else.
Nicola decided maybe she will ask him about it later, once they're safe. Maybe. They had to find Haven before the sun sets after all. No time to waste. Though… she didn't really know how to approach the matter. Raphael had done so much for her already. Asking him for help and a lift made Nicola feel incredibly awkward. Especially because she wasn't quite sure if asking an angel to fly her somewhere was considered rude by his people. But it had to be done. Otherwise, they might not make it on time.
"Hey.. Raphael? I forgot to say that but… there's a little problem.."
"A problem..?"
Raphael cocked his head to the side as he looked down at the small human woman wringing her hands nervously. Why was she nervous? The archangel could no longer sense or even see fear in her, yet something was still wrong. For some reason she was feeling uncomfortable, whether it was his presence or something she was about to say.
Why should she ever trust you? Your kind destroyed her life!
And that was unfortunately the truth. Half of it at least. Demons too had their part in it. Raphael knew he holds no ill intentions towards her or her kin hiding from the Apocalypse in the Tree she kept talking about but something told him that Nicola is still afraid of him. She just doesn't know it yet.
"I'm not entirely sure where we need to go.. I got… a little lost..?"
Ah. So that's the problem. Honestly, Raphael was half-expecting something truly horrendous but if being lost is the only problem they have - for now that is - then there's nothing to worry about. The directions to the safe place are surely buried in her mind somewhere, accessible and possible to dig out. All she needed was a gentle nudge in the right direction. And if that doesn't work, Raphael can always try to search through her memories himself if she won't have a problem with that. Though, considering how fragile humans are, both physically and mentally, Raphael didn't want to risk irreparably damaging her mind that way. This was the last resort. Instead, he reached out to her and laid his hand on her shoulder, summoning his magic to take both of them to the top of the crumbling block of flats looming over them.
"Wh- whoa! Hoo.. lee!"
Nicola loudly exclaimed to make her astonishment apparent once they reappeared on the rooftop high above the destroyed city. Raphael could only imagine how odd teleportation must feel to a human who's absolutely devoid of any magical abilities and not used to it being used around them.
"Will this help?"
Shrugging off the surprise, the human walked up to the ledge, so close it made Raphael feel mildly uncomfortable, and looked out at her ruined home bathed in daylight. Squinting at the sun and shielding her eyes from its shine, Nicola looked around, murmuring under her breath
"Gimme a second.. The cathedral is there, the shopping mall there… So the Tree should be somewhere around-…"
She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment before she turned to her left and her face immediately brightened as she pointed into the distance.
"There! Look!"
Glancing towards the place Nicola was pointing out, Raphael could barely make out a massive shape between ruined buildings. It really did look like a grand tree. An enormous shadow standing tall above the ground. And Nicola was pretty much vibrating with ecstasy and shifting on her feet like a small child impatiently waiting for something amazing to happen and beaming.
"It's right there! We did it!"
She squealed like an excited child as well. But Raphael knew it might be too early for celebration. That was quite a long way… How she even got from there to here anyway, he may never find out. What's more important, if Nicola wanted to make it all the way back there, it might take her a whole day if not longer and each minute spent out in the open means that demons have a bigger chance of discovering her and putting an end to her existence. And that Raphael couldn't allow. Every human that survived counts. He could see why she asked him to come with her and he decided he won't fail her. He won't fail anyone ever again. The faster they leave, the better. Turning to the excited woman standing beside him, the archangel unfolded his arms and crouched.
"Hold on to me…"
Nicola's mood shifted instantly. Sometimes it was kind of disturbing how humans can turn from happy to sad, angry to calm, excited to apprehensive and vice versa in the matter of seconds. Her eyebrows wandered up as she eyed him cautiously.
"Huh? You want to-..."
In response, Raphael gave her the most reassuring smile he was capable of despite the coldness of his tattered soul feeling especially troublesome today after he unwittingly created some sort of a link with Nicola. Or maybe not as much with her, as with the bright, heavenly spark inside of her. By all means, the flash of blinding pain, as intense as the day he tore out the first fragment of his being and multiplied by the amount of times he repeated this, was not a pleasant experience. The memory still lingered at the back of his head but he tried anyway.
He simply said, making Nicola swallow and smile nervously, half-heartedly joking
"O- okay. Just don't drop me, alright?"
“Of course..”
She uncertainly conceded and wrapped her arms around Raphael's neck for the second time this day, holding on so tightly that for a human it would surely be excruciating. No wonder. A human doesn't need to fall from a very high place to get themself killed or at least crippled for the rest of their life. But Raphael had no intention of letting her fall. Putting his free arm around her, holding her securely against his chest, the archangel unfolded his grand wings. The soft breeze rolling above the city immediately caught in his feathers, calling and beckoning him into the vast skies. It's been way too long since his last flight. Luckily, it's an ability that once learned is never forgotten.
Raphael shot up into the air just as Nicola tightened her grip even more, holding on no worse than a koala bear. Not wasting any more time, he swept over the human city turned into a dreary graveyard, heading towards the Maker Tree and gladly leaving the sewers behind in favor of the brighter future opening up before him for the first time in centuries.
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Listen, Raphael needs and deserves a hug, okay? For being a precious guy <3
Send over all the hugs for him 💓
EDIT: Gonna upload it on AO3 tomorrow
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