#misc oc lael
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misc-obeyme · 7 months ago
Oya CC Tell us more about your OC powers Beside Arsenios, because I'm greedy
Oh you want to know about the other OCs?? Well admittedly they aren't quite as developed as Arrie aldksfj but their powers are something I can describe easily enough I think! I apologize in advance for the length of this response lol.
There are several OCs of course, but generally I gave each one of them some sort of specific power that is unique to them, aside from the general use of magic. Mostly because I think it's interesting when characters have a specific thing they can do that others can't.
Everybody probably knows by now that Arrie's is music lol.
The other demon OCs also have specific powers. Liviana's is psychometry, which is where you can sort of read things from an object by touching it. Specifically, she can touch something and see where its been, kind of like its memories. She'll also gain some insight into the object itself, like what it's made of or who it belongs to, that kinda thing.
Lael's power is memory, in that he can manipulate the memories of people. He can see them, but also remove them or replace them or alter them in some way. He also has a photographic memory so he's able to remember everything in exact details.
Chymion's power is chaos. He's... kindaaa got a bit of a backstory that I've been ruminating on that has to do with this. But the main idea is that his power is very unpredictable. It can be explosive and erratic and he can't always control it. So when he taps into the chaos power, he tries to make certain things happen with it, but the chances of that actually happening are very low. It's powerful, though, so it's like he's exchanging precision for power, if that makes sense.
Abraxas, whose profile hasn't been posted yet, has a power related to language, words, and confusion. He can understand and speak any language, read any book, but he can also scramble words or make it impossible for someone else to understand speech.
I went the same route with the reapers because I thought it would be interesting if they had specific abilities, too.
Caligo, my poor little meow meow, has a relatively weak power. He can manipulate fog or mist. It's basically like he uses it to hide himself when he doesn't want people to see him. But that's about it. He has a complex about it lol. He does make up for it a little bit by being extra skilled with the scythe he uses as a weapon.
Stella, whose profile also hasn't been posted yet, has the ability to see how a person will die. Not when or where, just how. And she has to deliberately search for it, like a mark on their soul. She doesn't use this very often, but it's helpful for a reaper.
I didn't really do the same thing with the angels, exactly. It's more like they each have a specific job and their powers necessarily correspond to it.
For instance, Gabriel is still a messenger angel and has a trumpet and all that good stuff. So their power is related to oration and music specifically. But it's a little more vague and it works in mysterious ways.
Azrael is the angel of death. And he has the power to create life as well as destroy it. He's kinda op due to the whole angel of death thing, but he's been confined by the Celestial Realm for a long time.
I think that's everybody. I mean, assuming you're asking about the Unchained characters. Oh well I didn't talk about Zebulon, who is also an angel, but I'm not sure about his powers entirely yet... he's a very minor character in Unchained, so any development for him would have to happen in a different story.
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fay-fluorite · 7 years ago
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misc-obeyme · 8 months ago
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fast facts ❖ species: demon ❖ power: memory ❖ ❖ gender: male ❖ pronouns: he/him ❖ ❖ nickname: n/a ❖ birthday: Feb 5 (Aquarius) ❖ ❖ primary sin: lust ❖ secondary sin: envy ❖ ❖ likes: music, bright colors, coffee, tech, & his friends ❖ ❖ dislikes: bad hair days, caffeine withdrawal, & frustrating code ❖ ❖ tag: #misc oc lael ❖
about Lael is a demon in the band Angel's Temptation. He plays the bass, having replaced the previous bass player somewhat recently. He's really good at tech and computers. He has a coffee obsession. He's somewhat fashion conscious, but also a bit of a trend setter. He likes hanging out with his friends. His first speaking appearance in Unchained is in Chapter Ten.
appearance Lael has curly orange hair and pale pink eyes. His skin is brown with a smattering of freckles. He has high cheekbones and wears glasses most of the time. He doesn’t need them, he just thinks they make him look smart. His body is average height and weight - nothing out of the ordinary. He wears a lot of light and bright colors, usually dressed somewhat casually in sweaters and jeans. He also likes to wear floral prints.
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OC & MC masterpost | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
🪿 returning very shortly after reading your most recent posts Just wanted to wish you the best! I'm quite new to obey me but i've really enjoyed your headcanons, drabbles, and ocs. Ciaran in particular really connected. I always end up making an side character oc rather than self-insert and it just spins further and further away from canon from there. I used to feel guilty cause it limited my interaction/contribution to the community, i still do often, but it never seemed right to fight against the urge. So, uh, if I could slip in a request (if it helps you find fun in your funk): Of the brothers, who is the worst at minding their space when in their demon forms? i.e. How often has Luicifer, in all his winged glory, turned too abruptly and knocked Ciaran over, if ever? Who has adapted too well to their human forms and forgot that things like horns and tails and wings take up physical space? And of your demon OC's, who would (theoretically) take up more than their fair share in a (hypothetical) subway car?
Hang on, hang on, 🪿?? Was I supposed to add that emoji to my list, but forgot?? Wow I hope not, if so I'm very sorry!! I try to add them right away so I don't forget because I'm very forgetful. Please let me know if I was supposed to add that to the anon list!
Oh, thank you so much! It still surprises me that people like Ciaran. I don't know why, but I guess I've just had more of a response to them than I ever expected to!
I hope you never fight against that urge because I do the same thing. I don't really like to put myself into self insert situations. I like to imagine the story through the eyes of someone who is not me. It's more fun for me that way. But I also understand the guilt - I always feel guilty about posting OC content, but I make myself do it anyway. I'm trying to be more confident and remember that I do this for fun!
Uh, I'm gonna put the rest of my response under a read more because it got LONG and I don't want people to have to scroll that much!
Okay, I love this idea of the demons being too used to their demon forms. I hadn't thought about it previously, but now I'm convinced that Lucifer has knocked Ciaran over with his wings lol. Just another thing to add to Ciaran's "Things That Annoy Me About Lucifer" list. It's probably got quite a few items on it already, but you can be sure they'd be adding "careless with wings" after such an incident.
That being said, I also think Levi might have this issue. His tail certainly seems to be the longest and the most likely to trip somebody. And when he's freaking out about something or really focused on one of his interests, I think he'd forget that he was in demon form entirely.
I could also see it being an issue for Mammon, who seems to rarely get into demon form at all. I think he's very proud of his wings, but I do think he probably forgets about them when he's in demon form. Just because they aren't there most of the time.
I'm imagining them at the castle at some fancy party, since they often go to parties in their demon forms.
Ciaran is likely checking out the food tables because they know that everything there was made by Barbatos and they are not going to pass up such deliciousness. Levi's in a nearby corner, huddled up on a chair playing some video game, tail completely forgotten and splayed out across the floor.
Ciaran is making their way down the table with a plate half full of food when they let out a yell as they trip over Levi's tail. They're on their way down, about to face plant into the floor, when -
Mammon dives from across the room to catch them!
Ciaran is flustered, but okay and the plate of food was saved!
Mammon is preening because he did such a good job. Then he turns abruptly to give Levi a piece of his mind for being so negligent about his tail. And whacks Ciaran in the face with one of his wings.
Ciaran manages to keep hold of their plate, but they are not pleased.
At this point, I suspect a three way argument would break out because Ciaran can have a short temper lol. Cue someone like Barbatos or Diavolo having to come over to calm everybody down.
Ah, honestly writing about Ciaran is really nice. I don't feel the same kind of pressure about it, so I really appreciate you asking me about this!
I feel the same way about a lot of the demon OCs because most of them are minor characters in Arrie's story.
So to answer your question about who would take up too much space in a subway car, it'd have to be Chymion. Arrie is a big demon, but his demon form is something he has a lot of control over. He's picky about it lol. Chymion (for those who haven't seen about him on the masterpost, he's one of Arrie's band mates) takes up a lot of space even when he isn't in demon form. I wanted to create a character that was unmistakably demonic, even in their "human" form, and thus Chymion came into existence. He's big and tall, but if he's in demon form it's all wings, tail, claws, and extra limbs.
Lael (another band member) is the only other one that I think might have an issue and that's because he has a big ole fluffy tail that'd probably take up an entire seat just by itself.
All the rest of my demon OCs have better control over their demon parts and would be able to contain themselves. In their "human" forms, most of them are also average sized. Arrie is a big guy, but he'd be okay. Chymion would still take up too much space. But the rest wouldn't have an issue lol.
Anyway, thank you very much for this ask. It definitely helped inspire me and it was fun to think about these questions!
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