#oh and hot take: I think people should be allowed to watch song of the south
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danvssomethingorother · 25 days ago
There is a huge gap in Disney films between the late 60s and early 90s that are just impossible to find. They aren’t part of the animated canon and not quite Disney Channel films (some predate the channel) but Disney movies owned and made by Disney.
I went down a rabbit hole of Disney horror films and not a single one is on Disney Plus.
Idk it just pisses me off when companies don’t give a shit about preserving their own media. I don’t care how bad or controversial these films are seen, I think they should be accessible on the streaming service directly owned by Disney. Or at least given proper home releases…
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moutainrusing · 4 months ago
730 words, no warnings, @dorlenemicroficprompts
“Morning, love.” Marlene heard Dorcas’s voice in front of her, just as she was mid-yawn with sleep sticking to her lashes.
Flushing in embarrassment, Marlene quickly shut her mouth and rubbed her eyes. “Um, hi,” she stuttered.
Dorcas smiled in amusement, “Happy Valentine’s,” and presented Marlene with a gift, to which Marlene gaped at her, mouth opening and closing as she decided on which thought to voice first.
Eventually, she settled on, “I fucking love you,” and threw her arms around Dorcas.
“Hmph,” Dorcas jumped in surprise, moving the gift out of the way and wrapping her other arm around Marlene. “Careful,” she mumbled into Marlene’s hair. “You’ll break the jar.”
Marlene withdrew from the hug with a raised eyebrow, hands still on Dorcas’s shoulders. “So I can’t hug you because you care more about a jar than me?”
Dorcas shrugged jokingly, lips curving upwards, “I mean, you forgot it was Valentine’s, didn’t you?”
Marlene spluttered indignantly, “No!” And then sheepishness took over her offence as she remembered, “Well, I mean… Valentine’s isn’t as important to me as you are and I think we should celebrate us everyday.” As an afterthought, she added, “Sorry for forgetting…”
“S’okay,” Dorcas shook her head fondly, pulling Marlene back into a hug. “I don’t think it’s important either, I just wanted to give you something funny.”
Marlene grinned, taking the jar from Dorcas. “I love it, and I will,” she laughed, eyes scanning the words, ‘EAT ME, HOT STUFF,’ written across a jar of harissa, a North African chilli pepper paste which Marlene adored. She remembered trying couscous at Dorcas’s house, and the Meadowes had mixed it with this extraordinary paste, hitting Marlene’s taste buds exquisitely, burning the back of her throat and leaving a herbal sensation sticking to her tongue, garlic and citrus and smoky pepper, a thick, smooth then crunchy texture between her teeth, cumin and coriander seeds bursting against the walls of her mouth, as if she were containing some fiery explosion within herself.
Dorcas’s mum had shown her how to make it, pounding the ingredients to a paste by hand, even allowing Marlene to try each ingredient on its own to see how the flavours came together. Then with Dorcas’s dad, Marlene had created several dishes all using their beloved harissa, a gift from mother nature and Earth, and now from Dorcas, her world.
“Thank you,” Marlene injected sincerity into every letter. She’d been missing harissa since the week she’d visited Dorcas over Christmas break, like she could feel it lingering in the air but just out of reach from her tongue. Harissa gave her the same kick that kissing Dorcas did, and that was really saying something. Oh, and kissing Dorcas after eating harissa! Best thing ever. Tasting her favourite food on the tongue of her lover.
Dorcas pressed a chaste kiss to Marlene’s lips, gone as soon as she was there, the soft whisper of, “Anything for you,” fading into the air. Marlene wanted to repeat the sentiment back to Dorcas, but then Dorcas was back to conversational, saying, “Your last class today is Arithmancy, right? I’ll meet you there,” Dorcas nodded with a wink, walking back to the Slytherin table as Marlene stared at her back in awe.
Dorcas had given her the best Valentine’s gift. Dorcas was the best. Dorcas remembered what class she had last. Dorcas was the best. Even though Dorcas’s last class was Potions, with quite a journey to Arithmancy, Dorcas was still meeting Marlene there. Dorcas was the best.
From beside her, having watched the whole interaction, Lily nudged Marlene. “She’s a keeper!” she whisper-yelled into Marlene’s ear with a sing-song lilt.
- - -
“Marlene!” Sirius squawked in horror. “Are you putting chilli paste onto your toast?!”
“Yup,” Marlene beamed, the entirety of her breakfast coated in a thick layer of harissa. She inhaled it blissfully, and smirked at Sirius, “Only people made of hot stuff can handle it.”
Sirius scowled, grumbling at his weak spice tolerance. “I am hot stuff,” he argued. “Remus gave me this for Valentine’s day.” He held up a scented candle with the words, ‘BLOW ME, HOT STUFF,’ written across it.
From the top of his cup of tea, Remus met Marlene’s eyes and smiled lightly, confirming that he and Dorcas collaborated over gift ideas. Marlene snorted, then almost choked on the burning sensation of harissa in her nostrils.
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mastermindmp3 · 8 months ago
Oh, misery, misery! Again comes on me The terrible labor of true prophecy, dizzying prelude.
- Robert Fagles' translation of Agamemnon by Aeschylus
Cassandra is a song about a universal truth: the warning unheard, and the people who do the warning.
There are many, many variations on the myth of Cassandra, the prophet whose visions were always true, but never believed. In all of them, she is the daughter of the King and Queen of Troy.
Aeschylus said she promised the god Apollo to marry him in exchange for her prophetic powers. When she later walked back that promise, Apollo cursed her to never be believed. Hygneius sources say Cassandra never promised anything, and that the gift of prophecy was only given as an attempt to win her affection. When it did not succeed, Apollo cursed Cassandra. Men who do things for you expecting to be rewarded in sex: a tale as old as time.
Even later versions cut Apollo entirely - instead, Cassandra fell asleep in a temple, and snakes whispered prophecies into ears, giving her this power to foretell the future. In all versions, this power cannot save her. After the fall of Troy, Cassandra is kidnapped by Agamemnon as a concubine and later killed by Agamemnon's wife, Clytemnestra (or her lover, depending on whose telling the tale.)
I don't think Swift is directly mapping her experience to the myth in Cassandra, the song. Instead, the prophetess is a metaphor. It is all about the ways that public opinion is swayed by the first voice it hears, even if the truth comes out later.
The myth of Cassandra has become shorthand in the modern understanding for someone whose warning was correct, but not heeded. Swift's Cassandra, while pulling from this cultural consciousness, is much more concerned with Cassandra as a person; Swift depicts a very personal picture of her narrator, who clearly relates to the Prophetess.
It is empathy, all the way down.
The song itself is very clear with its imagery: Swift's narrator is "patching up the crack along the wall," repairing a small damage, when the unnamed family come along and burn her life down. So, she turns her "smiles into snarls," pacing with pain in her heart and venom whispered in her ears by snakes. The Narrator watches as the world realizes she was right, and then, she throws their image of perfect puritans in their face.
Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul.
It's all very I told you, you should have listened to me. And clearly, now that the truth is out, and it's cool to hate the ones she's held in her ire for years, Swift's narrator gives herself a little bit of room to say:
Do you believe me now?
It's almost very funny that I'm discussing this today - there has been a recent uproar about, specifically, scientific paper mills that exist to make money, as opposed to actually conduct research. To what end? Credentialing is a whole thing, but it's basically buying legitimacy. Scientific fraud is definitely not what this song is about, but the fact that truth tellers are so ignored in favor of profit or not shaking the status quo.
Swift loves a universal truth, and anyone who warns of duplicity is liable to be lambasted. Swift says to them - you were right, justified, and allows anyone in that position to feel both the grief and pride.
New hot take: Cassandra is the song for Retraction Watch nerds (me) and Brian Deer. I'm only partially being facetious.
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sshbpodcast · 5 months ago
Bottom Five Star Trek ENT Episodes
by Ames
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Everyone’s allowed to admit they’re wrong sometimes, and your hosts here at A Star to Steer Her By take back a lot of the credit we’ve given to Star Trek: Enterprise over the years. Guys, we’re sorry to say: it’s just not that good a show. And sure, there are a couple beacons of hope in the darkness, but as a full series it doesn’t capitalize on its merits nearly as often as it should, and the mixed messages can be frankly insulting.
From the terrible theme song, to the constant sexualization of T’Pol, to the strange characterization of its captain as just an angry angry man, to whatever the hell went horribly wrong with the third season, there’s a lot to turn your nose up at. So cringe along with us as we give the big thumbs down to the worst episodes of the show as you read along below and listen to our banter over on the podcast (jump to 1:32:58 for the series wrap) where guest star Liz provides some added flavor. It turns out we really didn’t have faith of the heart after all!
[images © CBS/Paramount]
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“Bounty”: Caitlin While the A plot of this episode with the Tellarite bounty hunter is perfectly serviceable, it’s the B plot that warrants a place on this list. For no goddamn reason, T’Pol is going through pon farr, a plot device we’ve been railing against for years. Okay, there was a reason after all: to sexually exploit T’Pol as this show is wont to do as much as it can get away with. It’s just disgusting how much Enterprise makes Jolene Blalock run around in her underwear just to titillate the teenage boys they really wanted to appeal to.
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“Carpenter Street”: Jake What a waste of time. Literally! It may not have specifically made our worst time travel stories list, but it’s definitely pointless to force us to watch such a boring and convoluted romp around present-day Detroit to stop some Xindi from something or other. Really, anything in the Temporal Cold War arc is a hot mess. And combining that with the Xindi War makes it all the more baffling. Further, opting to bring T’Pol of all people back in time is a terrible decision, Archer. You’re lucky you have plot immunity, cap’n.
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“Damage”: Chris “I’m about to step over a line, a line I thought I would never cross. And given the nature of our mission, it probably won’t be the last,” says Archer, nineteen episodes into season three. After he has not only crossed the line countless times, but shat on it and did a little jig. In the shit. So claiming that it’s not until he steals a warp coil from the Illyrians that he’s crossed the line is just blatant hypocrisy. Oh, and this is also the episode where we learn T’Pol is a drug addict for purely illogical reasons. What a shitshow.
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“Harbinger”: Ames Oh hey, you know what was one of the previous horrible things Archer did before “Damage” but apparently didn’t count as “crossing the line”? Torturing a random sphere builder he found even though he had no proof this guy was bad. At fucking all. And there’s more shit to this episode! It’s got Reed being a big baby because he unfoundedly thinks Hayes wants his job. It’s got T’Pol being a big baby because she thinks Trip might like Amanda Cole instead of her. Everyone’s just a big baby this episode!
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“Cogenitor”: Chris Frequently, Enterprise gets the ethical lesson you’d expect out of a Star Trek episode entirely backwards. This is one of those times. Trip spends the episode standing up for an oppressed person who has requested sanctuary, but Archer doesn’t want to risk the new best friendship he’s made with their people, so he throws Charles back to the wolves where they inevitably kill themself. And somehow Trip is supposed to be the baddie? Not Archer, who doesn’t even feel guilty? What message are we trying to send?
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“Dear Doctor”: Ames Oh look, another time Enterprise puts its ethics on backwards and inside out. This utterly infuriating episode turns Archer and Phlox into genocidal monsters who then pat themselves on the back afterwards for handling the situation so diplomatically. Phlox should be ashamed of himself for being a doctor who spreads misinformation about how evolution works, and when Archer tries to question him, convinces the captain of his deplorably bad science. He HAS the cure, and refuses to save an entire race. It’s vomit inducing.
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“Broken Bow”: Caitlin The whole series starts off on the wrong foot with a pilot episode that’s just a hot mess. The plot is almost unfollowable because there are just so many elements to keep track of. None of them interesting. In the very first few scenes alone: the time travel nonsense is just confounding; with maybe the exception of Trip, none of the characters holds our attention; and when we’re not confused by whatever’s going on, we’re just bored, which is a huge sin for a series premiere.
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“Precious Cargo”: Caitlin, Jake We start seeing some overlap from your hosts in the episodes that are truly truly terrible. This disgusting retread of “The Perfect Mate,” which was disgusting enough on its own, is further tainted by some really shoddy acting from our First Monarch, a laughable portrayal of Archer and T’Pol incompetently playing good cop / bad cop, and a romance subplot so forced that we couldn’t even enjoy watching two very pretty people going to town on each other because we were rolling our eyes too hard!
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“Hatchery”: Ames, Caitlin Don’t worry, we have more bad ethics the show is spouting to go through before the end of this list! For a hot second, it seems like Archer is doing the right thing and trying to save Insectoid hatchlings because it’s the moral thing to do, even in war, and everyone else is wrong to mutiny against him. But we should not have had that level of faith in this show. Instead, Archer’s mind has been manipulated by some goo or other, of course! He was wrong to want to save innocent babies! And he’s the hero of this show, FFS.
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“These Are the Voyages…”: Caitlin, Chris, Jake The taste the show leaves in your mouth, when all is said and done, is whatever Chef Riker cooked up in the unexpected series finale. Making the last episode a de facto TNG episode is the wrong choice, as it strips away the ownership of the show from the actual characters as if punishing them for being bad. In fact, they don’t even technically appear in the finale at all because they’re a program on the holodeck! And to kill off Trip – the fan favorite character! – so unceremoniously! Did they hate their own fans?
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“Fusion”: Ames, Chris, Jake Like Deanna Troi and Seven of Nine before her, T’Pol gets to get violated for the sake of an episode – and a bad episode at that! We’re already pretty sick of watching the women characters have their agency stripped away all the time because the story tells them so. So to watch the usually strong-willed science officer forced out of her comfort zone and used as a plaything by the worst Vulcan we’ve met (redemption for Vorik, I guess?) is just torture to watch. And the asshole sees no consequences either! Ugh!
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“Bound”: Ames, Chris, Jake Like in DS9’s “Profit and Lace,” an attempt to seem progressive backfires so abysmally that we’re appalled by its tone deafness. It’s okay that Orion women are enslaved as sex workers because they’re secretly in charge! The episode treats that perplexing retcon like it’s female empowerment, while simultaneously turning all the men into drooling idiots whenever a woman is around. And unlike TAS’s “The Lorelei Signal,” the women crew members don’t even take charge. Trip does! What a slap in the tits.
See also: our Top Five Star Trek Enterprise Episodes list. And if you want more: here’re all the past seasonal tops and bottoms from seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4!
Well folks, it’s been a long road, but we’re finally done with Enterprise. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to move on to anything but this, even if that means slogging through the Abramsverse and the streaming era. But at least those shows reward war crimes slightly less. So keep your ears on SoundCloud or whatever podcast platform you like, talk to us through our universal translator on Facebook and Twitter, and go where your heart will take you!
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
College anon bored out of their mind again: People need to stop shitting on the new VAs. Y'all aren't fucking children. That's cruel and Vivzie Stan-like behavior. They're GOOD. They're OBJECTIVELY good. That's what is so annoying! She DID get talented people, people who are trying to make their way into animation at that, for her shitty show and into her drama. THAT is their legacy. It's an awful start for them.
I cannot tell you how annoyed I am that HH is this disappointing and that my girl Erika is in it. She deserves to get a real princess role. Brightman is a delight and his vocal abilities, that cannot be replicated on this level mind you, are likely not exploited. I still haven't watched the leaks but I SWEAR to GOD if Viv didn't make him use his normal voice instead of his Beetlejuice one to differenciate our funny snake loser from Fizz, I will lose my shit. You literally hired someone who can do BOTH and has amazing wacky energy and you just??? Don't use it?? What.
Back to Erika and Charlie. I think she's a perfect fit. Charlie has been called a "Disney Princess stuck in Hell" for years and by everyone. Erika has the voice and energy for it. I remember people saying it when she was in Mean Girls, her performance as Cady was so endearing! My only problem is that I doubt that Viv had her do what the old singing VA did: going into opera-like vocals at times. Maybe the old VA didn't do it on purpose but it WORKED. It gives that Heaven-like vibe to Charlie which is important and a neat detail. As if she were trying to be like an angel. A reminder that her father was one. A hint that she's a good person, a pure person. It makes her different. I wish, because I know it won't happen, that we got notes like that from time to time, when the songs allow it, along with the princess vocals. I have SO MUCH to complain about when it comes to Charlie. In five minutes, I can create a more complex character than Viv could in over FOUR years. It's so easy it writes itself. Bet if she were a dude Viv would have tried making her an actual character.
As for the hot topic, I haven't seen the Poison leaks. I like the song. It's good, Blake has a nice voice that I wish wasn't hindered by the nasal tone he was forced to use. His own songs sound beautiful. I wish we could have one like that in the show, pure and almost haunting, which would show a new facet of Angel's personality, a certain vulnerability, the hurt he's hiding or denying. Thinking of him, there's so much to say too. Viv had potential but just HAD to make him into another uwu softboy who did nothing wrong and was hurt by the world. Anyway, back to the main thing: Poison is good. But it will NOT fit into the show. Musically and performance-wise, it's a fucking pop song. Unless the visuals were vague, kinda like in Two Minute Notice at the "crushed under your feet" part (oh and Fizz is a much better take at the archetype than Angel), it will not fit in. The only thing I can imagine is a singer in the middle of a performance... And that is NOT related to Angel and will not serve his story properly. I just know I will be staring at the screen dead inside whenever it comes on because it's such a poor choice and waste of time.
There's a metal cover where the vocal performance is better IMHO because there's vulnerability and emotion in it. Like you can feel he's having doubts about what he's saying, that he doesn't really like it. It still wouldn't fit into the show because there's NOTHING there. The lyrics don't work for a musical.
I think he should only have ONE solo song for his story. He's not the main character so he cannot clog too much of the runtime. And that song? A sorrowful and slow solo where he's actually vulnerable. Have him participate in other songs, bringing in a pop sound every time he's in (with some polka like that one character song Gooseworks had done years ago to spice his musical identity up) and fun energy. That way, the moment the spotlight is finally on him and only him, we get whiplash as the funny sex guy finally puts down his walls and stops with the obvious facade. That's his turning point, that is the moment we KNOW that this guy can be redeemed. That he WANTS to. That what Charlie is working for is possible. And motherfucking Blake Roman can sound like the beast that he is with his actual voice and impossibly beautiful high notes. Ffs I heard a slower down version of Poison that was SO good! It's deeper which makes it work infinitely better.
Sorry for the huge rant but not sorry enough to say that I won't be back to bitch about the missed potential here. Vivziepop is SO close to achieving what she wanted, a GOOD and interesting show, but she keeps falling short. Think, Vivianne, THINK
...Now, you said you haven't seen the leaks, so I'm not gonna say too much in the way of spoilers. There's...a lot to shit on.
But you're right, never the actors themselves. They're an extremely talented group of people and Vivzie brought them on only to squander their talents. None of this is their fault.
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liberty-barnes · 3 years ago
Tom Holland and (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds Find Out Who Their “Heartbeat” Soulmate Is
Part 7 of the (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds series
Tom Holland x Singer/Actress!Lively-Reynolds!Reader
Summary: Tom and (Y/n) go on BuzzFeed to find out who their Heartbeat soulmate is. It goes about as well as you can imagine it.
Warnings: uuh, cuteness? The difficulty in choosing song lyrics, tom holland calling (Y/n) pet names so watch out, tom gets (Y/n) grounded and that ends horribly for him
Word Count: 2.1k words
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: I do actually have the entire plot to this movie in my mind but I’m decidedly Not Thinking About It because if I do, it’ll become a Thing and I don’t have the mental stability or posting regularity for that. I recommend you do the quiz first, personally, but you do as you please. DON'T HESITATE TO DO THE QUIZ AND REBLOG THIS WITH WHO YOU GOT I WANNA KNOW (I got William btw)
Also, in case you missed it, there are three bonus chapters added to this series, you can check them out on the masterlist or here:
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The image opens with Tom Holland and (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds sitting at a table in front of a red background. In front of them are two open laptops.
“Hello everyone! My name’s Tom Holland, I play Michael…"
He turns towards (Y/n).
“And I’m (Y/n), I play Helena, and we’re doing a quiz to find out who our Heartbeat soulmate is.”
She nods with a smile and turns towards Tom.
“So, before we start this, who would you like it to be if you could choose?”
He looks at her quizzically.
“Well, you, obviously.”
She purses her lips in thought.
“Yeah, I’m stuck between wanting it to be Helena or Queen Diane.”
He stares at her with his mouth open in shock.
“What? It’s Jennifer Aniston. She’s hot as fuck.”
“She’s also your character’s mother!”
She shrugs.
“That has very little relevance right now.”
The screen turns towards a picture of the poster, captioned with the words The cast of Heartbeat finds out which character is their soulmate.
“Okay, first question, How would your friends describe you? Loyal, rebellious, courageous, charismatic, determined, or compassionate?”
Tom tilts his head slightly to the side.
“Should we do this for each other? Like you put what I think fits you the most and vice-versa?”
She nods.
“Good thinking. I would 100% go with courageous for you. You do backflips. That’s insanely brave in my book.”
He smiles at her.
“Well, you’re the most determined person I know, so I’m saying that.”
They each click on the answers and move on to the next one.
“Question two, What would you rather be doing on a Saturday? Going out to an amusement park, going to a World War II museum, volunteering at a nearby shelter, hiking in a beautiful forest, doing some kind of creative project, or going to see the Swan Lake ballet? These are all very good choices…”
Tom immediately answers while (Y/n) takes a while longer to decide.
“I’m gonna go with hiking. If you do it with the right people, it can be really fun, and there are amazing views.”
She nods.
“I’m gonna arbitrarily decide that the nearby shelter is an animal shelter and choose that one cause I wanna play with puppies and kittens.”
Tom smiles fondly at her as she clicks on the answer.
“You’re adorable.”
“Focus on the quiz, not on my face.”
Tom rolls his eyes but reads the next question.
“What would a perfect gift from your soulmate be? A ticket to go skydiving together, a visit to a drive-through zoo, a giant trampoline, a day at a cat café, an annual pass to the theatre, or a pendant made out of a silver bullet? Oh man, you’re gonna have trouble with this one, aren’t you?”
(Y/n) bites at her nails nervously, eyes flitting between the different answers.
“BuzzFeed must hate me to make me choose between these.”
Tom snorts.
“Alright, well, I feel like going through a drive-through zoo. Maybe I can make friends with a lion, or something.”
(Y/n) side-eyes him.
“So long as I’m emotionally attached to you, you’re not allowed to go near things that could possibly be dangerous without appropriate protection and supervision.”
“And what would that be?”
“In this case? Me.”
“Fair enough.”
She turns back towards the screen of her computer and starts thinking out loud.
“Now the thing is, a day at a cat-café spent with my soulmate would be awesome cause, well… cats. But an annual pass to the theatre shows that they take what I love into consideration, and I love theatre. But then again, the pendant sounds nice cause I can play with it all the time and it’ll remind me of them…”
She nibbles on her lip, eyes flitting between the options.
“Alright, fuck it, I’m going with the cats.”
Tom smiles goofily at her.
“You’re adorable, you know that?”
“I do, actually, got it from my Momma!”
“Ryan’s gonna be sad you didn’t say you got it from him.”
She pursed her lips.
“Well, yeah, but he also raised me not to tell lies, so… I figure I’d show him how well I can remember what he taught me!”
Tom pulls out his phone.
“Oh, this is gonna be good.”
When they come back, they’re sitting further away from each other, while (Y/n) looks royally pissed off.
“Which of these would you rather wear? A sapphire ring, citrine bracelet, sunstone choker, aquamarine pendant, lapis lazuli earring, or jasper ring?”
Tom hums.
“I really like the way that choker looks, actually, and it’s not something I wear too often. I feel like being adventurous, let’s go with that!”
(Y/n) scoffs.
“I hope it lives up to its name and chokes you.”
Tom sighs.
“Don’t princess me, Thomas Stanley Holland, you got me grounded!”
“It’s no big deal, it just means you won’t get dessert at your parents’ this Sunday.”
He might as well have slapped her across the face from how offended she looks.
“Not a big deal? Mom’s making pineapple mousse! You know how much I love that!”
“You can still get it some other time, it’s not like this is the only time she’s ever making it.”
(Y/n) looks at him with her eyes starting to glaze over, voice breaking.
“That’s not the point…”
Tom’s face immediately softens at that, rushing to hug her to him.
“Baby, I’m sorry, I promise I’ll fix it.”
(Y/n) is seen sucking on a lollipop, visibly happier. They're now sitting glued together and (Y/n) periodically rests her head on Tom's shoulder.
“Alright, so you went with the choker, right? I really like the earrings, but the bracelet’s so pretty!”
Tom hums.
“The earrings match the suit you bought the other day.”
“Earrings it is. See, this is easy!”
Tom looks at his watch.
“Well, I mean, we’ve been here for about three hours and answered four- I’m gonna shut up now, yeah. Next question! What is the quality you search the most for in a partner? Understanding, loyalty, encouragement, intelligence, humour, or boldness?”
“Is there an ‘all of the above’ answer?”
Tom starts laughing.
“No, but it would make it easier, wouldn’t it? I think I’m gonna go for humour, it’s worked well for me so far.”
(Y/n) fights back a smile.
“You’re such a sap, oh my God. I’m going with understanding. Sometimes when I talk to people I feel like they can never understand what I actually mean, you know? I don’t think I could be in a relationship where the person doesn’t get me.”
Tom’s hand moves towards her chair. From the angle of the camera, we cannot be sure, but it seems that he’s rubbing her thigh in comfort.
“I’ll always understand you, darling, you know that, right?”
She turns to the side and lightly kisses his shoulder.
“Question number six. Which of these would you say apply the most to you? I can be insecure, I have trouble settling down, I can be manipulative to get what I want, I find it hard to be independent, I would sacrifice my happiness for the well-being of others, I tend to use humour to hide my real feelings.”
Tom stretches to the side, and presses I tend to use humour to hide my real feelings on (Y/n)’s computer.
“It’s true!”
In retaliation, (Y/n) presses I would sacrifice my happiness for the well-being of others.
“And don’t argue, it’s just as true–if not more so than mine.”
They look at each other for a few seconds, seemingly arguing back and forth through their eyes only, before settling back.
“Alright, I’ll concede. Which of these colours is your favourite? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple.”
“I call blue!”
“You can’t just call a colour, (Y/n).”
“I just did.”
He sighs in irritation.
“Fine, guess I’ll go with red, then.”
(Y/n) smiles happily, scrunching her nose, although the happiness fades from her face as soon as she sees the next question.
“Oh, God, not a song lyrics question. And what the fuck? You want me to choose between these? You got Walking in the Wind by One Direction, The Man by Taylor Swift, and Walls by Louis Tomlinson, it’s like you want me to fail!”
Tom smirks.
“Well, as you said before, I call Walls!”
(Y/n) looks at him with an affronted look on her face.
“You bitch.”
She looks back at the screen.
“The thing is, I deeply identify with The Man, cause feminism, and patriarchal society, and constantly being underestimated. But Walking in the Wind is such a beautiful song! It’s like, the perfect amount of feeling and scream-it-until-your-voice-breaks. Also, this specific line really makes me laugh. Just close your eyes and see. Idiots.”
She clicks that one.
“I just want to say that this was an impulsive decision that I will probably regret and un-regret twenty times in the next five minutes.”
Tom nods.
“Question nine, only two more. Choose a spirit animal. Wolf, hummingbird, cow, tiger, dog, and bison.”
He frowns at the screen.
“Not gonna lie, those are some pretty weird choices of animals.
(Y/n) immediately clicks on the wolf.
Tom goes for the dog.
“Ha! Your spirit animal is a weaker, domesticated version of mine.”
He opens his mouth to start arguing.
“And last question before we find out who our soulmate is! Which character of Greek mythology would you rather be? Apollo, God of the sun, music, and dance, Hestia, Goddess of the hearth, Eusebeia, personified Spirit of loyalty and duty, Athena, Goddess of strategic war, Prometheus, the Rebel Titan, Midas, King of Phrygia. Well, you know I’m going for Athena!”
Tom nods.
“I wanna be Prometheus, he sounds like a cool lad. Also, he gave humans fire so, thanks!”
(Y/n) snorts.
“What a nerd.”
“Oh hey, I got me!”
Tom smiles, happily reading the description.
“Your soulmate is...Michael, Captain of The Storm's Fear! Bold, outgoing, free at heart, every day will feel like an adventure with this handsome pirate Captain. A relationship with him is a constant adrenaline shot, travelling the world together is a must. He won't give up his freedom and may sometimes be overwhelmed by his fear of commitment, but don't be fooled by his aloof exterior: once he's got you, he won't let you go. Aw, that’s such a nice description!”
He turns towards (Y/n).
“You look happy! Who did you get?”
She smiles from ear to ear.
“I got the best possible answer.”
“Nope, I got Jen’s!”
Tom’s face drops instantaneously.
“Mm-hm. Your soulmate is...Diane, Queen of Elyksos! Generous, compassionate, always ready to help, Queen Diane is the Beauty with a heart of gold. Honest to a fault, when she compliments you, she means every word of it. Even though her people's well-being comes above all else, as long as you don't try to do something stupid like cause their poverty for your own gain *cough King Edmund cough*, she will love you completely and unconditionally. My soulmate’s Jennifer Anniston!”
He gapes at her.
“She’s your Mum!”
“Only in the movie!”
“And she’s like, thirty years older than you!”
“Yes, and?”
Tom shakes his head, defeated.
“For fuck’s sake…”
“Alright, and that was all we had for you today! I hope you enjoyed us being tortured by a quiz. Don’t forget to watch Heartbeat, out in theatres on August 21st!”
“Bye, everyone! I’m off to take a ride on Captain Michael’s ship!”
Tom chokes on his own spit.”
End of video.
Heartbeat | Official Trailer (2022)
TomYn videos to watch when you’re bored
One Direction 12 year anniversary tribute video
65,91,315 views ● July 23rd 2022
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yn_my_beloved: tom being mad that (Y/n) didn’t get him is peak comedy
tomynschild: “baby”, “darling”, “princess”, that’s it, i’m dead, i died
slutforreynolds: i love that (Y/n)’s a 23yo adult independent woman, and yet Ryan can still make Blake ground her to the point of actual tears
tomfuckinghotland: does anybody know why (Y/n) was crying? Like is there some deep meaning behind the pineapple mousse that i don’t know of?
steppingstonesholland reply to tomfuckinghotland: i think i read somewhere that it’s the first thing blake taught (Y/n) to cook and it’s been her favourite dessert ever since
tomfuckinghotland reply to steppingstonesholland: oh well great i’m crying now :’’’)
thereynoldsfamownsme: tbh those song answers would make me cry too, how can someone choose just one?
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to thereynoldsfamownsme: THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING, I WAS STARTING TO THINK I WAS ALONE
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Taglists: (if your name is striked through it means for some reason tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
@adriannajackson123 @evermoreholland @inlovewithmobtom @andycanbeemotional @officiallyunofficialperson @lost-in-the-stars03 @jeezkiddo @a-singleboat @parkersbliss @highlydisfunctional1 @inthecornerchair @harishaanne @anjalika03 @peterspideyy @lozzypoz321 @mendes-marvel @sovereignparker @dracoswhore007 @ilovemarvelanne1 @rayisthehoe @shreya-varghese @every-marveler-ever @crystallizedth0t @im-bored-help @jenniferrvsesi @tpwkstiles @girl-in-the-chairs-void @sp1derm3n @sins1n01 @klyons01 @moonchild-s-blog @moonlighy @elizaelainex @abmariexo @khadijahisham @shesbiochem4 @harringtonstudios @dcvilslvr @ready-4-fanfiction @antistellxr @sara4444 @jamisen2002 @l8ves-mcu-spn @xcharlottemikaelsonx @hallecarey1 @wondergal2001 @winniepooh213 @9daykrisr @daykrisr9 @august-cardigan @sesamepancakes @lovelyy-moonlight @davinaclaire12 @sesamepancakes @arination99 @katieaguamenti @abis-mess-up-mind @lupinsera @holy-macncheese-balls @kaitieskidmore1
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venenatd · 4 years ago
just friends; eren jaegar x reader
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summary: you and eren are best pals and have both recently be dumped. so, a plan to get over your exes is needed! what’s better than going out on the town trying to find quick fucks >:) also eren is a smug bastard but kinda has a heart of gold??
content: smut / nsfw 18+. minors dni. (choking, unprotected sex, creampie drinking, drunk sex, possessiveness ig? dirty talk, both of them want to be dominant tbh. slight size kink, oral both m and f receiving. female bodied reader) 
i am new to this pls let me know if i should add anything!!
word count: 5.8k words of unedited content 
a/n: uh so i never thought i’d be back on my tumblr bullshit at 23 but hey after years without the app i’m back. i needed to get out the h-word and this is what happened. enjoy and i’m sorry if it’s terrible lmao
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“You look different” 
Frowning at the man waiting ever so patiently for you on the sofa, you look a little defeated. “Is that meant to be a compliment, Eren?”. He sighed, raising his eyebrows at you. To be fair, maybe you did. Wearing a figure hugging black dress, that definitely just hid your ass cheeks, hair styled and sprayed in place, dark lipstick and makeup on your face. Usually Eren would have seen you in sweats, always running a little late for class, snack in hand. 
“Different isn’t bad,” he offered, checking the watch that lay on his wrist, “are we ever going to get to the bar? Your plan will fall through if you’re not careful.”
Ah, the plan. Both you and Eren were newly single. In your final year at university, having managed to keep each relationship going until almost the end. Ironic. Weren’t most meant to fail in the first year? But alas, your partners had decided it was the end within a couple of weeks each other, and as you and Eren had been close since you met on orientation day, you each took to the other for comfort. You had done the crying first, going to him the minute your call with the ex had ended. Leaving wet splotches on his shirt, he had calmed you, only for you to do the same to him later. Now the crying was done, it was time to move on, and what better advice to follow than getting under someone to get over another?
“I just need to look hot enough for a guy to fuck me.”
“What a romantic you are.”
“Shut up Er-”
Eren shifted from the couch, interrupting your usual sass, “and what about me, y/n? Do I look beautiful?”. He threw in a wink with his comment, his aura of cockiness always radiating. You rolled your eyes, before studying his figure. His dark hair half pulled back into a bun, the rest draping his neck and onto a deep emerald green silk shirt, with the top few buttons loose, tucked into dark pants. A ring on each hand, fingers with chipping black nail polish, and to top it off, a thin chain on his neck. You hated to admit it and add to his smug demeanour but... the man did look good. 
“Gorgeous as always Eren,” you said sarcastically, even if it was truthful, “I’m sure there will be a queue of women who are wanting to jump on you.”
“Not if they aren’t all taken already,” he taps at his watch. Whilst the two of you had already been drinking as he waited for you to get ready, it was definitely on the later side.
“Order the uber, and we can go.”
Walking over to him and adding shoes to your outfit, you present yourself before him, a cute little smile playing on your lips. He’s staring down at his phone, quickly going through the motions for the ride. Finally, he looks up to catch your eyes. His jade pupils flick down slightly, and he hopes you miss that they land at the cleavage you’re sporting in your current get up. He flicks your nose, earning a scowl from you and a smile from him.
“You look perfect”
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The club is far fuller than you both expected, dance floor and tables taken up and crowded round. Luckily, you had managed to secure you and Eren a pair of seats at the bar, and you were currently on your third..? Fourth drink of the evening. Green eyes watch your lips carefully, as you finish the vodka and lemonade. 
“So, anyone take your fancy?” he prompts, looking around at the mess of people.
Humming, you scan the area. There’s some people you recognise from class, but plenty more you don’t know. Fucking friends seems like a bad move, even in your tipsy state, so you look to the strangers faces. They don’t look like him. Ugh. 
There’s a few options though, and as you point them out to Eren they come with brief descriptors: dark hair and stubble, wide set blonde. He tuts at the options, sarcastically letting out a “sure sure, I see the appeal”. 
“And how about you, anyone you like the look of?” you ask with a sigh.
Christ, Eren thinks to himself. It’s been long enough that he hasn’t had to look for someone else. Sure there were attractive people in the world, but with her around, he hadn’t needed to give anyone else a second look. His palm moves to the back of his neck, stretching out behind him with a huff. “Let’s look on the dance floor?” he offers, clearly not as eager as you were tonight. Moving his hand back down, he holds it out for you, pulling towards the throng of people.
He looks effervescently cool like this. Shirt open, hair starting to fall from his bun. Eren is looking around at the people surrounding the two of you. The two of you had been working in circles, allowing each other an eyeful as the club goers move around the space. As a group of guys push their way from the dance floor to the bar, you get shoved towards Eren. Heels were never quite your forte, and you stumble against him, hands on either side of his chest. Grinning down at you with that smug little smile that annoyed you so much, Eren brought large hands to your waist, pushing you away a little. But his hands stay there as he continues to sway to the music, making no effort to break the contact. And so you bring your arms up to his neck, allowing his movements to carry you on time to the song. For the first time in the past couple of weeks, you feel light. Your chest isn’t constricted by some foreign weight. It’s just you and your best friend, buzzed and free.
Colours change above you, as you look up to Eren, him down to you. A playful grin takes his lips as he pulls you a little closer, you so easily accepting the narrowing distance. Your black silk meets his deep green, chest pushing into his. You carefully analyse his features, seeing if he attempts to check you out like earlier. 
Was it the alcohol making your cheeks so warm? Lit up by a purple hue, you watch his eyes return to exploring the crowd, his hand still holding on to you. His smirk falters, his eyebrows creasing together. You’re not moving in circles anymore, Eren pausing in his movements as he thinks about what to do next. He shouldn’t lie to you, but seeing your ex at the bar would really harsh the night. Under his fingers, he can feel your body tense, suddenly unsure at how close the contact between you was. 
But Eren doesn’t want you to know, he doesn’t want you to be distracted by your ex tonight. He doesn’t want to see your hurt little face anymore. The way your eyes would be red and puffy the next day. The way he would feel your shoulders heaving under his arms. You don’t deserve that. Hell, you didn’t deserve the huge amount of shit your ex had put you through over the years he’d known you. Eren would sit back and listen to you rant, support you where he could. But fuck that guy. And he wasn’t sure what sparked in his chest, but Eren’s jade orbs are trained straight back on you. His eyebrows calm, tension releasing from them. As you can turn to scope out whatever had changed his body language so suddenly, he catches your jaw. 
Beginning to slowly move again, his eyes have narrowed, taking in the way the dress hugs you, the shine on your skin from the hot dance floor. Eren couldn’t quite figure out what was intoxicating him right now. Definitely a lot of alcohol, but also a sudden… possessiveness. He didn’t want you in pain anymore. Eren wanted you in pleasure. His breath is suddenly on your neck, making your hair raise. 
“I’ve only seen one person I’m interested in tonight.” 
“Oh?” you squeak, before clearing your throat a little. The new deep notes in his voice catch you off guard. It almost sounds like he’s… No. He’s your best friend. The little looks you’d been giving each other all night were just two people looking out for one another, two people seeing each other happy for the first time in a while. Your voice is calmer as you ask light-heartedly, “and who would that be?” 
His lips are so close to your ear. 
“Eren-” your hands move from behind his neck, resting on his shoulders. You need to see your best friend's face, you need to know if he’s joking right now. If he’s mocking you. When you draw back, you see his face. Smug, as always. Fuck you’ve always wanted to knock that cockiness down a peg. Cheshire smile showing his teeth and his eyes looking down at you. Half lidded eyes, pupils blown. He’s not joking. Fuck.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your breath is caught in your throat. All too aware suddenly of each of his finger pads pressing into your skin, the contact feeling like fire with the added alcohol. But, you find yourself nodding, the yes just escaping your lips before he’s pressed into them.
Large hands travel to your hip, and up your back, pressing you into him. You can feel his body, tense in exhilaration against you, hands back around his neck. One travels up to the nape of his back, tangling into his hair and pulling him deeper into you. The music is all consuming, you can feel the bass in your body, you can feel Eren against you, you can feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. 
Eren’s hand on your back travels up, echoing your placement on him, to hold the back of your neck. He doesn’t want you to go, you feel too good. The heat between your bodies could suffocate him. His thumb puts pressure under your jaw, he isn’t even sure you can feel it. But he can, measuring your pulse racing underneath the pad. He’s smiling into this kiss, this all consuming kiss.
His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, and you’re all too eager to allow him into your mouth. Tasting the whisky from your home, tasting the coke from the club. His teeth take your lip nipping slightly, before sucking the plump of it into his mouth. You both come up for air, eyes meeting in acknowledgment of the situation.
“Wanna get out of here?”
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The drive home had only served to heap tension between you. As clearly that it was that you wanted each other, you would have to wait a while longer. Your thighs pressed together, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Going through your mind was whether this was a good idea, staring out at the city passing by you. Eren was your friend. You were dating another man two weeks ago. The same man that had previously asked you if he needed to be worried about Eren. You’d laughed it off, because it was Eren. You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt him grip your leg, a little too harshly at first, before settling, leaving a gentle pattern of circles and lines on your inner thigh. It was Eren.
Just one hallway. You had to make it one hallway to get into your apartment. One hallway left to come to your senses. And just like he read your mind, Eren is once again touching you, just his hand on yours pulling you backwards. You twist just in time, his hands instantly cupping your cheeks as he kisses you, deeply and intensely. Pushing you back into the wall, you pray a neighbour doesn’t walk out now. His knee is pressing gently between your legs, and you allow it. Your fingers sink into Eren’s arms, lightly covered by the fabric yet you can still feel the muscle underneath, relaxing and tensing as he pulls you closer. 
His lips are making their way to your jaw, lifting your chin upwards, tentatively licking the bone before moving downwards still, sucking and nipping and licking your neck. A whimper breaks through. You really need to get inside. Gripping his hair, you sharply pull backwards.
“Not going to play nice, huh?” 
When did he speak like this? The playful and shit-eating grin your friend Eren always wore was replaced by something darker, his words laced with intent. 
“Don’t challenge me.” 
You were off, finally at your door, making quick work with the lock, moving in first before he followed. The door shut as you pushed Eren against it, usual doe eyes being taken over with a deep lust. Your hands are instantly at his belt, as his hands find your face once again. This time he’s grabbing your hair, making you look up at him as he glares down at you. You’re constantly challenging one another in conversation, and it’s translating to the bedroom far too easily. 
Lips are on one another again, as you leave the belt and start towards his shirt. You bite down on his bottom lip, earning a hiss from him, and you feel his hand being brought around your throat. He doesn’t add too much pressure, checking if this turn is indeed okay with you. When you push against the weight, he takes the gleam in your eye as a yes, and uses the force to push you against the next wall, finally moving off the front door. 
It’s a constant battle to get to the bedroom, both of you taking control for short bursts. Eren pulling the thin straps of your dress down, you untucking his shirt. His muscular torso is on full display, and you had never viewed it in this light before. 
Finally he pushes you onto the bed, situating himself between your legs. Your kisses are sloppy and infused with alcohol. Hands are desperate with one another, both of you needing to be closer. Are you scared if the contact ends your thoughts will return to sanity? 
Eren’s hot and heavy over you, his hands seem everywhere at once. Smoothing up your thigh, digging in slightly to the flesh when you grind against one another. His hands rest at your hips for a moment, and he’s looking down at you, still fucking smiling. All at once, he’s flipped you over his prominent hard on pressing into your ass. He’s whispering in your ear, leaving wet kisses along your neck, to your shoulder blades. Fingers take the zip at the back of your dress, slowly and carefully pulling it down, leaving licks and pecks as he goes. It’s torturous. 
You attempt to speed things up by rutting your ass against his crotch, and you think you hear a quiet moan, before his hand is brought down to the fabric, smacking your cheek. You gasp, turning your head to look at him. Eren is too occupied in taking in all of your body, his green eyes are darkened with authority and lust. His nimble fingers play with the short hem of your dress, thumb dipping beneath, before he pushes the silk up. 
You both let out soft fuck’s, as his hands grab at the plump of your ass. It’s like he’s testing the softness, the way your flesh responds to his touch so easily. He slaps at you again, earning a sharp moan from you. Eren’s leaning down, his mouth once again trailing across the apex of your behind, leaving trails of saliva as he goes. Before you can even register the new sensations you can feel a soft pressure against your clothed cunt, just enough to let you know the presence of his hand, but not enough for you to get off on. You’re mewling, once again trying to get closer to him. This time he allows it, eagerly pressing his ring and middle finger to your clit, allowing you to grind upon them. 
Seeing you underneath him like this… it’s new and strange and so fucking hot. He’s watching you desperately try and fill the need building in your core, and he can only feel his cock twitch in his pants as he sees you coming undone. If you wanted more, he could definitely give it to you. Bringing his large hands away, to the flimsy fabric that was covering you, he pulls it down, exposing you to him. His heart and dick fucking jump. His hands return to your ass, watching the jiggle as you move and whimper. Spreading you, he brings his face down, breath tingling on your most sensitive areas.
Your breath catches in your throat as his tongue, gentle at first, licks between your folds. He’s tasting you, he’s moaning into your pussy, as you write beneath him. Eren’s hands are squeezing your ass cheeks, holding you still as you try to grind against his face. 
“Patience, y/n”, he says, with a slap on your behind again. 
“Fuck you,” you hiss. 
“You will be in a minute, baby girl, don’t worry.”
You go to make a retort but he’s instantly back, licking up your slit and a deep moan escapes you. Jesus you can feel the smile on his lips as he’s back on your pussy. Eren is so proud of the sounds he can draw from you. He wonders if your ex could make you come undone so easily. 
You taste sweet and saccharine on him, and he doesn’t hold back the groan as he further works his way into you. Hardened tongue moving it’s way from your entrance down to your clit. He swipes at it, before moving away again. Kissing your thighs, kissing the skin between your holes. Every now and then he’ll move back to your clit, allowing you a moment of pleasure before he’s teasing again. “Fuck, please”. Your whines are being smothered by the sheets, and Eren wants nothing more than to hear them, loud and clear.
Eren’s ringed fingers make their way to your hair, his face lifting from between your legs. He pulls you back round, and holy shit you can see how wet you are on his face. There’s a sheen to his lips and chin, and instinctively you reach up to his neck, pulling him back on top of you. Your tongue meets his, tasting your tartness on his mouth. A hand makes it way back down in between your thighs, playing and parting your folds. Your hand in turn reaches up his neck, pulling sharply at his hair once again. “Eren. More- please” you get out in between staggered breaths. 
“Aw, since you asked so nicely” his eyes watch your expression closely as his thumb rests on your clit, his finger swiftly moving inside you. Your eyebrows raise and knot, eyes wide and lips parted. But he keeps it still as your legs shaked around his arm. “Eren, move” you demand this time. 
“Oh, that’s not so nice. I liked it when you were polite.” He starts to retract his finger, thumb gently swabbing your clit so you’ll know what you miss.
“Please, please, please, Eren, please” you speak before he even gets the first knuckle out. All the teasing was creating a tightness in your lower stomach. 
“Much better.”
You whine as he continues to pull his finger from you, until he pushes it back in, curling his solitary finger up. Your fingernails are pressing deep into the muscle of his bicep, feeling how it moves as he finger fucks you. He’s hitting that perfect spot inside you again and again, and his thumb is swiping eagerly on your clit. 
Eren can feel you fluttering around his finger, desperate for more, desperate to release on him. He adds another finger, your wetness allowing him entrance easily. He wants to fuck you so bad, his cock so hard it felt like it was about to burst. 
He pushes your hands off him, leaving crescent moon indents deep in his skin, he works his way back down. He brings the black silk with him this time, fully being able to take in your body as you’re left naked before him. Holy shit you’re beautiful. He doesn’t want to stare too long and make you shy. But he still kisses his way down, before he’s back at your pussy. 
This time he allows you more movement, letting your fingers work their way back into his hair, letting you roll your hips against his tongue and stubble. 
With his spare hand he pulls out his cock, slowly pulling at it, before he realises he can’t do that for too long without cumming before the main event. Instead he reaches up, rolling your perked nipples in between his fingers. There are so many sensations on your body, and Eren can feel your cunt beginning to tighten around his fingers. You hold your breath before letting out little moans, building towards reaching your height.
“You want to cum on my fingers?
Your back is arching, whispering “yes, yes, yes, please” as your walls are tightening around him. He quickens the pace, making sure to hit that spot inside you over and over. Thighs around his face, he can feel your slick pooling in his mouth, and coating his chin once again. 
Your gummy walls are so tight around his thick fingers, he needs you to finish, watch you fully unravel below him. Sucking and licking at your clit, he’s pushing you towards the edge. 
“Eren-” his name is strangled coming out of you, and then your moaning, undulating your cunt against his mouth, riding out your orgasm. 
His jade eyes look up at you, watching as you pull your head up to look at him, before another wave of pleasure hits you and you have to arch your neck and look back up. He waits for you to come down, letting you fuck his face and fingers. Grinding against his stubble and tongue as you let out pitiful and beautiful moans. You’re so fucking wet, the sounds coming from between the two of you should be forbidden, as you release onto him. 
Finally he withdraws, using his forearm to wipe his face. He lies next to you, allowing you a moment as he draws little circles on your stomach. Eren has never quite looked at you in this light. Sure, you were pretty, and the two of you were obviously close. But now you’d walked a line that couldn’t be undone. You weren’t over your ex, and as okay as Eren was with what had happened between you, he didn’t want you to run. He’s overcome with thoughts, looking down to your chest and the heavy breaths you were taking. All he could pray was that you weren’t pretending he was someone else. 
But as Eren is getting caught up in his own mind, you’re twisting, hand reaching to his crotch, cock having been recaptured by his boxers. Palming him, you feel how big he really is for the first time. Fingers trace the edge of his pants and underwear, and he lifts his hips, allowing you to pull them down. Shit. His dick slapped back to his stomach, precum leaking from the top of his pink head. He was bigger than you’d imagined, because of course you’d imagined it a couple of times.
Your hand looks so small around his cock, but you slowly tease him, his deep green orbs following your movements. Bringing your head down to him, you kitten lick the precum from the top of his dick. He hisses gently, and you look up at him with these big doe eyes, so fucking eager to please.
You push your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue as you begin working along his shaft. He moans just at the sight of you, your eyes peeking up through dark lashes. His hand goes through your hair, eagerly pushing you deeper around him. 
He lets out a hoarse, “is this okay?” before you put your own hand on his pushing it for the both of you. You don’t even want to come up for air, you just want him close to you, inside you. 
You were learning far more about each other than you had expected, as Eren takes back over. He pushes himself further into you, muttering a good girl that has you whining. The vibrations around his cock make his hips buck, and now you’re gagging as his length hits the back of your throat. He holds you there instead of letting you off, and your nails are sharp against his thighs.
His head lolls back as he starts to move his hips under you, moving you in turn with your hair. He picks up the pace quickly, allowing saliva to drool from you and straight to his cock. 
Your eyes prick, big fat tears forming at the corners. But you’re enjoying this way too much, the moans and gasps he gives make you moan, pressing your thighs together for some kind of friction. 
He takes your jaw in his grasp, allowing you a moment to catch your breath. Your tongue sits out your mouth, him smacking the head of his dick on it. He notices your tears then, the mascara that’s running a little. He swipes at the corner of your eyes, leaning down to press a kiss into your forehead. 
Bringing you up to him, your dripping folds sliding across his length. His lips are on your cheeks, across your jaw, licking up your neck before reclaiming your plush lips once again. You continue grinding against one another, tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Eventually Eren brings his hands to your hips, lifting you up as you hold his shaft up.
Your foreheads are pressed together as he slowly pushes inside you. The stretch is burning and all-consuming, eyes pricking up again as you feel him hit your furthest wall. Eren breathes out heavily, “So fucking tight”
You roll your hips, allowing some friction from him on your clit. It helps your muscles relax a little, and balancing your hands on his shoulders you push yourself up and down, using his length for your own pleasure. Eren’s eyes don’t leave your form, watching your breasts bounce and how your eyes flutter close as he fills you entirely.
“You really did want to be fucked, huh? Look at you” he teases you, watching as you go to talk back before he thrusts his hips up. It leaves the words caught in your throat.
His pace maintains, holding you in place as he fucks up into you, feeling your cunt clench around him. There are long moments where you hold your breath, holding his cock tight within you. Then you’ll release and moan, before holding it in again. Well, Eren is all too happy to help you with that. 
One hand grabbing the flesh of your hip, the other wrapping around your throat, he pushes into you at a punishing rate. Your eyes go wide at the sudden restriction of your throat, feeling the cold metal of his ring against your pulse. 
“Who knew this about you? That you were such a slut?”
As much as he knows you want to deny it, you want to smack the smugness from his voice, he can feel your pussy tighten around him. He sees your eyes roll back a little. 
“You’re getting tighter.” 
The hand on your hip moves down, attempting to hold you in place whilst letting his thumb press over your clit. The sounds of him slapping against your wetness is obscene, and he’s only distracted from it as you whimper out pathetic yes’s and please’s. 
“You wanna cum?” he’s grunting, trying to keep the pace going until you can reach your peak.
You nod against his wide hand, still tight around your neck. “Oh you can do better than that. I already know how bad you want it, slut.”
“Please Eren, please make me cum. I want to cum, please, please, please” you can barely make out the words, your head going light and body tightening.
“Cum for me.” 
You release, and as he can feel the fluttering of your walls around him, he lets go of your throat. The sudden oxygen as you cum leaves you overwhelmed. Burying yourself in his shoulder, he fucks you through it. Cock slapping up into your cunt over and over, somehow being sucked deeper in as you coat his length with more of your own slick. He can feel your nails breaking the flesh of his back as you’re holding on for dear life, moaning his name and even a fucking thank you into his ear.
As you begin to slow, legs shake as you stay straddled over him. He flips you, Eren now firmly on top, slowly moving in and out of you. The stimulation is intense, your cunt sparking at any sensation. 
Caged between his forearms, his hair is a mess thanks to you. You push tendrils back past his ears as he leans down to kiss you once again. This kiss is different. It feels… less desperate. It feels deep and meaningful, caring even.
Your eyes meet in acknowledgment, both of you too worried to speak about the shift in tone. 
He reaches down instead, pulling your leg up and splitting you on his cock. A tongue swipes at your nipple, biting and playing with each as he gradually picks up pace again. You’re still so fucking wet it’s easy for him to thrust into you at a dizzying pace. You can feel all of him against your gummy walls. Each time he passes that special spot inside you, you moan and gasp, and it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
His thrusts were becoming more primal, holding your thighs close around his hips. Letting your sweaty bodies collide again and again, his balls slapping against you. The grunts and moans coming from his lips were so infuriatingly erotic. Eren just wanted one more from you, and then he’d let himself finish. If this was to be a drunken mistake, so be it, but he would at least make it memorable. 
Those jade eyes were on you once again, the power and dominance radiating from the immeasurable. He can see you barely being able to hold on, completely fucked out beneath him. You’re moaning and whining, hands moving over the swell of your breasts and playing with your nipples as if it’s going to keep you grounded. 
He sits up, eyes flicking down to where you were conjoined. It took so much restraint not to cum inside you right then and there. Your glistening sex was so tight around him, the wet slapping noises echo again and again. You’re pulling and sucking him in, cream pooling around his length. 
“Give me one more, y/n. I want to feel you cum on my cock.”  
You try to look up at him through heavy lids. Your friend Eren saying this is so taboo. The words he’s said tonight so far from normal for the both of you. You flutter around him, somehow your pussy still wants to be fucked, still wants to push you off the edge one more time. You can feel the coil inside your stomach tightening. 
Eyes rolling back, you can barely keep it together anymore. He’s pounding into you at a startling rate, fingers flicking over your clit again and again and again. 
“P - please, it’s s-so good.” 
Your breaths between words were quick, “you’re so big-”
“Yeah you like that? You like being so full of my cock? Such a pretty face you make when you’re all fucked out.” 
Holy shit.
Eren could tell how much words affected you, your back arching and legs pulling him somehow closer into you.
“Come on, baby. I wanna hear those moans.” he’s grunting, getting so fucking close to losing himself in your cunt. He knows what he wants to hear most though, “say my name. Tell me who’s treating you how you should be”
With that, you’re losing yourself around him again. Writing on the bed, gripping sheets in tightly balled fists. White light taking over your sight as you clench around Eren. This orgasm was the most intense, taking your body by surprise in its overstimulated state. You weren’t even making a noise, just holding on to the high for as long as possible. 
And then you shattered, whining and moaning, whispering his name over and over again. 
As you moved underneath him, Eren kept his punishing pace up until he watched you expel the last of your energy. Name forming on your lips over and over again he falters, releasing inside you. You can feel the stickiness inside you, the sensation of being filled up. Eren watches for a moment as he sees the white pearls forming around your stretched out pussy.
His chest is back on yours as he kisses your neck, shoulders, whatever skin he can. Thrusting back into you a couple of times, he finally pulls out. You feel his cum dripping out of you, but you’re too spent to do anything about it.
Eren lies next to you, both of your bodies attempting to regulate from that. 
“You okay?” 
He’s checking in, making sure he didn’t go too far with someone he genuinely cares for. 
You nod, turning to meet his stare. Giving him a drowsy smile, you’re not sure what comes next. But for now, you’re happy. Curling into his side, he puts an arm round you and lets you rest for a while. As he notices your breathing become deeper, he nestles into you, muttering something about clean up. 
Moving away from you, you can make out some noises of a tap, drawers opening and closing. In your sleepy state you feel him gently wiping at you, two glasses of water being put on the bedside table. Finally he makes his way back to you, and Eren notes how cute you look. Hot and completely fucked out, yes. But also gentle and at peace, allowing the heaviness of sleep taking over.
He rests behind you, wanting to be back in your warmth. He pulls you in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. The fragrance of you takes over his nostrils, and he’s all too eager to move closer to your hair, pressing one last kiss at the nape of your neck. Whatever tomorrow brings, he hopes it’s not the last time he gets to be this close to you.
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blu-joons · 3 years ago
When You See Him Shirtless For The First Time ~ Seventeen Reaction
S. Coups:
Your body froze as you rolled across into Seunghceol’s side, placing your hand against his chest only to land on bare skin rather than the usual material of his pyjama shirt that you had become so accustomed too.
“I can’t believe you’ve hidden this from me for all this time,” you scolded, running your hand down to settle against his abs, glancing up at Seunghceol’s eyes staring back at you. “You’ve got a great body; do you know that?”
“I’m only sleeping shirtless because it’s so hot tonight.”
“I’ll take any excuse, especially when I get to cuddle up to a body like yours.”
His head shook back at you, “are you listening to me at all, or have you purposely chosen to ignore the part where I told you that I was warm.”
“Of course, you’re always warm when you’ve got a body that’s hot like this.”
“You’re impossible,” he laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “I guess I’ll let you stay here, and I’ll just suffer in the heat.”
“I always get what I want in the end Seungcheol.”
You were stuck in the spot as you heard the shower turn off, glancing across as Jeonghan pulled the curtain back, flinching backwards as he saw you in the room in search of a hairband in one of the bathroom drawers.
“Sorry,” you nervously whispered, unable to stop yourself from having a peek at his body as droplets of water ran down his frame. “I thought you’d take longer than that to shower, I was just looking for a hairband to use.”
“Were you looking for a hairband, or is that just an excuse?”
“No, I really was. Although the plan has worked out rather well for me in the end.”
His eyes rolled as the corners of your mouth continued to turn up into a smile, “I always knew that you were trouble, but I didn’t think you’d be this bad.”
“I can leave you alone if you want me to and find a hairband later.”
“Why would I deprive you of getting to enjoy this view,” he smugly grinned, looking down at his abs, “I know you like it more than you’re letting on.”
“Really? And there I was thinking that I was being subtle.”
A loud hiss came from you as the sun hit you, feeling underneath the duvet you were greeted by nothing which only left you more confused. As you began to take in your surroundings however, you soon found what you were looking for.
“Oh,” you stuttered, looking across to Joshua as he began to look through his wardrobe for an outfit to wear, his bare chest on shot. “Have you been hiding that for all this time?” You chuckled as he spun around at the sound of your voice.
“What? This? My body isn’t that good Y/N.”
“Are you kidding me right now? Your body is incredible, your abs are insane.”
His head shook as he pulled out a shirt throwing it down onto the bed. “This might be a stupid question, but do you want me to get dressed just yet?”
“I think maybe just keep that top off for a little while longer, don’t you?”
“I thought you might say that,” he laughed, throwing himself down beside you on the bed, “so, my body is good in your eyes?”
“It’s more than good, it’s amazing.”
Your eyes lit up as you reached the top of the hotel to find that the swimming pool was completely empty, except for the two of you at poolside. Whilst you made yourself comfortable, before you knew it, Junhui was beside you shirtless.
“That was quick,” you muttered underneath your breath, slightly flustered by the close distance between you both. “And pretty impressive too, where the hell have you been hiding this body all this time?”
“I’ve just never needed to take my shirt off around you before.”
“If I had a body as good as yours, I would take my shirt off at every possible opportunity.”
His eyes rolled as you took off your swimsuit cover up, “I guess I just prefer to keep my body exclusive for those that I want to admire it.”
“Do I get to be one of those people now? Is this all mine?”
“That depends,” he mused, taking a hold of your hand, “if you can beat me into the pool then I guess that you can admire the abs from now on.”
“It’s on! There’s no way I’m losing this one.”
As you crept carefully down the stairs, the smell of food hit you, walking through the house a smirk appeared on your face as you spotted Soonyoung in the kitchen dancing around the hob as he prepared breakfast for you both.
“Do you always cook without a shirt on?” You teased as he spun around to meet your eyes, trying to keep control of everything that was on the hob. “Do you need a hand with that? I could always be your sous chef?”
“I’m good, you just made me jump a little bit, that’s all.”
“I think you made me jump a little more coming down to see this.”
His smile widened as he noticed exactly where your eyes had focused, “I was thinking breakfast in bed, but you beat me to it and woke up.”
“I must have known there was something delicious going on downstairs?”
“And by that do you mean the breakfast I’m preparing or my abs?” He laughed, watching on as your eyes widened in surprise.
“Both, but the abs are more of a treat for sure.”
A heavy sigh came from you as you closed your apartment door behind you, surprised when you looked into the room and saw Wonwoo walking around with his shirt forgotten about in search of his phone charger.
“Have you not gone home yet?” You questioned, letting go of a giggle as his body jumped at the sound of your voice. “Not that I’m complaining, I could get used to coming home to a view like this if you wouldn’t mind it too.”
“Sorry, I was almost packed, but I’ve lost something.”
“You don’t need to apologise, after the day I’ve had, this is a great time.”
Wonwoo’s eyes rolled as he took a few steps towards you, “can you focus on helping me find my phone charger rather than staring at my body like that?”
“I wish I could, but your body is just too good for me to ignore.”
“I guess I’ll just carry on looking by myself,” he frowned, biting down on his bottom lip, “and go and find a shirt to put on as well.”
“Fine! I’ll help, but the top stays off.”
As Jihoon called for the figure who knocked on his studio door to enter, his eyes widened as he realised that it was you.  Your eyes instantly darted in surprise to his bare chest as he sat down at his desk.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” you smiled nervously, not quite sure where to look as Jihoon let go of a chuckle. “Is this some weird ritual of yours that I don’t know about, do you have to write a song in the nude?”
“The aircon is broken and it’s far too hot in here.”
“Don’t blame the aircon, I’ve found out your little secret now Lee Jihoon.”
His head shook as you closed the door behind you, “I’m being serious, sweat was dripping onto the lyric sheets, I had no other choice to cool down.”
“I guess I just picked a very good day to come and surprise you in that case.”
“You must have known,” he smiled, inviting you across to take a seat, “I’m not going to get any work done now that you’re here though, am I?”
“Looking like that? There’s much better ways to spend your time.”
Your body froze as you heard the bathroom door open, glancing around as Seokmin walked back into the room with just a towel wrapped around his waist, leaving his chest exposed for your eyes to fall upon.
“This is a nice surprise,” you hummed, as Seokmin looked around to see you sat on the end of the bed. “Don’t mind me, I just came back up to look for my hairbrush, but this is a nice added bonus for me to see too.”
“Are you sure you’re not here on purpose in case you can peek?”
“I can’t believe you’d ever think I would do such a thing; I’m just looking for a brush.”
His eyebrows raised, not quite believing in what you had to say. “So, when I heard you talk to Y/F/N the other day about a plan to see naked, this wasn’t it?”
“Oh, you heard that conversation, did you? You shouldn’t eavesdrop you know.”
“You were so loud it was impossible not to hear you,” Seokmin chuckled, “you always get loud when you get excited about things.”
“Well, this was just coincidence, I promise you.”
As a pair of arms snaked around your waist, your breath hitched as you felt Mingyu’s bare chest press against your back. Your eyes tried to look back and see if he was awake or not, but you couldn’t quite see.
“Mingyu,” you whispered, unsure if he was aware of the way he held you or if it was a mistake you should ignore. “Are you awake?” You then questioned, hearing him hum behind you. “What are you doing right now?”
“Am I not allowed to cuddle up to you whilst I sleep?”
“It’s not that, but you’ve not got a top on, and I can feel your abs against me.”
He continued to hum behind you, “if that’s a problem then I can go back to sleeping how I was before, I just thought you might enjoy a hug.”
“I am, but you’ve never hugged me like this before, never whilst naked.”
“I guess I’m just comfortable enough around you now to do this without needing a top on,” he whispered, “I love cuddling you.”
“And I love cuddling you, even more so now.”
Your hands rubbed at your eyes, making sure that you were awake as you looked across the bedroom to see Minghao’s bare back as he pulled the curtains apart. As he spun around, your eyes widened at the sight before you.
“Damn,” you muttered, immediately looking away from his eyes when Minghao realised that you were staring at him. “Good morning,” you muttered, shyly pulling the duvet up tightly around underneath your neck.
“What’s got you all flustered this morning then?”
“You know exactly what’s got me flustered, it’s too early for all of this.”
Minghao let go of a chuckle as he perched on the end of the bed, “I never imagined seeing a shirtless guy would make you this way, remind me to never take you to the beach.”
“It’s just you, you’re the problem looking naked and hot and really good.”
“I see,” he continued to grin smugly, “so not all men make you flustered like this, just really good ones with good abs?”
“I never said you had good abs, but that isn’t a lie too.”
After the end of their show, Seungkwan invited you down to the sauna with him in the hope of easing the pain in his leg after another strenuous performance, meeting you there, he was already prepared to go in.
“Where do I look?” You chuckled, surprised to see him stood before you with just his swim trunks on, his abs on full display for you to see. “I’ve never seen you like this before; I don’t quite know how to react.”
“As long as you like what you see, then I’m happy.”
“Like what I see? Seungkwan, have you seen yourself? Anyone would like your body.”
A soft blush crept onto Seungkwan’s cheeks as you chose to study his body closely, “do you really think my body is that impressive?”
“Are you kidding me? Your body is incredible, I’m being serious, it’s insane.”
“Thank you,” he grinned, “it’s weird to hear someone compliment my body, it’s a part of me that not many people get to see.”
“I’m glad I got to see it, and now I can enjoy it too.”
A smile formed on your face as soon as you walked down the stairs, with one of Vernon’s shirts hugging your figure to find him stood in the kitchen, hovering over the kettle with no shirt covering hist body.
“Well, that’s a pretty nice wake up cool,” you spoke up, sniggering as he flinched at the sudden sound of your voice. “Did you purposely leave your shirt in the bedroom so I could come down and see all of this?”
“I thought you were sleeping, what are you doing awake?”
“It was lonely upstairs, and I couldn’t miss out on all of this now too, could I?”
His smile widened as your eyes trailed along his defined abs, “I should probably take my shirt from you, it’s far too big for you anyway.”
“Don’t you even think about doing something like that or they’ll be trouble.”
“Ouch!” He exclaimed as you slapped his hand away, “are you really that desperate to see me shirtless so early in the morning?”
“Of course, there’s no better way to wake up.”
The sound of Chan calling out your name captured your attention as you came home from work, walking straight up to the bedroom where it came from, stopping in the doorway when you saw him laid out on the bed.
“Hi,” you grinned, unable to hide the gentle blush that began to form on your cheeks, “why did you shout me when you’re currently laying half naked across my bed?” You then questioned, looking at him in confusion.”
“I shouted and told you not to come up yet.”
“Oh, I guess I must have had you wrong, what a shame that was, right?”
Chan’s head shook as he followed your gaze across to his abs, “I’ve not worked out today, so they’re not looking quite as good as they could look to be able to impress.”
“They’re still very impressive from where I’m standing, very impressive.”
“Y/N,” he laughed, waving his hand over his abs to bring you back into the room, “and this is why I didn’t want you to come up.”
“I’ve seen it all now, and I definitely like it too.”
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samstree · 4 years ago
Jaskier lies on his side and lets the sweat cool on his bare skin. The post-sex haze refuses to fade so he leans into it, revels in it. Behind him, the sound of Geralt’s fumbling is so distant even though Jaskier knows they are only a few feet apart.
The mattress dips. Soft lips are pressed to Jaskier’s biceps, slow and lazy. Tiny kisses pepper across his shoulder but Geralt doesn’t seem to be eager to move up. Instead, his attention stays there on the thickness of Jaskier’s arm and moans into his skin contently.
“Most people don’t spend that much time there, you know?” Jaskier turns to look at his witcher with heavy-lidded eyes. The curtain of silver hair blocks his view.
“I like it here.” Geralt presses another open-mouthed kiss with a pop. “It’s my third favorite part of you.”
Surprise replaces the fog in Jaskier’s mind very quickly.
“Wait,” he says, “there’s a list?”
Amber gold meets cornflower blue, warm and indulgent. Geralt is in no rush to explain, which only serves to stoke Jaskier’s impatience.
“Why arm? And why third? What else is on the list? Geralt of Rivia, I demand answers, and don’t you think you can grunt your way out of this one!”
Geralt’s hand wraps around Jaskier’s biceps and squeezes gently. His palm is so hot it feels like a scorching brand.
“Because you are strong here, Jask.” Despite the teasing, Geralt’s reply is unexpectedly serious and his tone contemplative. “You are stronger than I ever imagined.”
Jaskier snorts. “That’s the effect of wearing puffy sleeves all the time. Hides all the assets.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t hide.” Another kiss right above the elbow. Oh, Geralt is in a spoiling mood tonight.
“And stand next to the mighty White Wolf? I don’t think so, darling. I may be strong, but it’s nothing compared to you.”
Geralt’s brows furrow. He almost looks offended.
“Allow me to disagree, poet.”
With those words, Geralt’s hand trails down on Jaskier’s arm, leaving behind goosebumps along the way. He nudges Jaskier’s hand so their fingers thread together.
“Your hands. Second.”
The kisses on the back of Jaskier’s hand are featherlight and so careful. He watches with fascination as Geralt gives each knuckle equal attention before moving to his wrist. Beneath the thin skin are the once-broken bones that used to keep him up at night—not anymore, not when he’s all healed with Geralt at his side every step of the way.
Jaskier smiles. He realizes that, at this moment, he loves Geralt even more than the last. It should be an impossible endeavor, but somehow, he manages.
“The things you overcame, Jaskier, showed me how strong you are. Never doubt it.”
His witcher is being too sweet. Jaskier needs to kiss him senseless for it later. As for now, curiosity is getting the better of him.
“And what’s your first? What is your favorite feature of mine, my love?” The adoration overflows in Jaskier’s voice but he pays no mind.
Geralt takes his time soothing the non-existent aches of Jaskier’s wrist before putting it down. His palm cups the cheek of Jaskier’s ass, massaging at the sore spot he left earlier that will definitely bruise the next day. Jaskier is giddy with excitement.
“Should have known it’s my ass, you brute. Here I am, thinking you are a man of class—” His tirade is interrupted by the gentle shake of Geralt’s head. “No? Then what is it? My dashing haircut? My piercing eyes? Answers, please. Have mercy on me!”
Jaskier must look a ridiculous sight, pouting and whining like this, but Geralt only lets out a low, rumbling laugh. He loosens his grip and guides the bard to lie on his back. The next thing Jaskier knows, Geralt has plopped down on top of him and buried into his neck.
The position is so familiar that Jaskier settles into it without another thought. He makes sure Geralt’s head is pillowed comfortably and cards his fingers through those silver locks. Hmm, if Jaskier had a list, the long hair will certainly be on it. As for the placement…
“It’s—” Geralt’s fingers are tracing absent patterns over Jaskier’s chest. It tickles a bit. “It’s your heart, Jask. My favorite part of you. The best part of you. Your love, your songs. It’s all…you.”
“Oh,” Jaskier breathes, all his bardic eloquence stumbling. “I—thank you.”
Suddenly, it is also his heart that’s currently growing three sizes. Is it a terrible time to cry? As if sensing Jaskier’s turmoil, Geralt nuzzles into his neck a little to offer silent support, but it only makes it worse.
Jaskier sniffles as a grin breaks out on his face.
“Your heart is my favorite too. Just in case you were wondering.”
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makeste · 3 years ago
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all, “Kirishima please take Hagakure and Aoyama and put them away somewhere out of sight until we’re finally ready for the U.A. Traitor Plot.” Shouto was all “HEY DEKU DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MAYBE YOU WANDERING THE STREETS LOOKING LIKE A GOTH PRAYING MANTIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AFO WANTS.” Deku was all “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY CRUSHING MARTYR COMPLEX AND ACCUMULATED TRAUMA.” Mineta was all “HEY DEKU YOU SWEET THANG, IF I COULD REARRANGE THE ALPHABET I’D PUT ‘U’ AND ‘I’ TOGETHER, ANYWAYS HMU 💖”, or at least that’s what fandom apparently thought he said. Everyone was all “WELL SINCE WE’RE BACK HERE IN KAMINO WE SHOULD DO THE THING” and did the whole “launching someone into the air to save someone by dramatically grabbing their hand” thing that everybody fucking loves to do in Kamino so damn much. Iida was all “[bombards me and Deku with feels].” Deku was all, “ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू).” I was all, “(;*△*;).” Horikoshi was all, “my work here is done.”
Today on BnHA: 
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oh my god.
so I finally went back to look at what I wrote up for 321 last week, and it’s a hot fucking mess lol, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now, so we’re just gonna skip it and go back sometime in the next few days or something because I really want to read the new chapter and I have no self control. I’M SORRY IIDA
oh my god he’s breaking out the narration word bubbles oh my god. shit is about to get epic isn’t it
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has there ever been a chapter that opened with these that WASN’T epic? serious question. anyways all aboard the Feels Express I guess
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I saved a bunch of other crying kaomojis when I was looking for ones to use in the “previously on” summary, and right now it’s looking like that was a good fucking decision you guys. if I’m going to be an emotional wreck I might as well do it in style ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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(ETA: it’s like. maybe my second favorite lol. A HUG WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN FIRST, I’M JUST SAYING.)
anyway so Ochako is releasing Iida, which is actually hilarious, because idk if you all know this but Iida can’t fucking fly you guys
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like, I assume Ochako released him because she already knew that Kirishima was in place to catch him, but I really love this split-second of panic on Iida’s part where he’s all “HMM, IS OCHAKO TRYING TO KILL ME, ACTUALLY”
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that’s some plus fucking ultra on Ochako’s part right there. “IF THEY DIE THEY DIE” goddamn girl did you leave your chill in the same locker as Momo or what
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oh my gosh he is curled up so small you guys oh my fucking lord
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Ochako is the U.A. Traitor confirmed. Hagakure I am so sorry I doubted you. Ochako get over here. so are you Toga now or what
anyway so now everyone is running over before Iida can react to this casual announcement of his attempted murder. and now Mina is taking her turn, and Horikoshi is all “HEY BTW IS MINA CRYING ON THE LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRY?” and of fucking course it is, you bastard. I’m not made of stone
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( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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THEY’RE JUST DEKU AND KACCHAN. holy shit you guys. because oh my god, but it’s like when Deku was talking to the Vestiges about saving Tomura, and he turned into his little child self because his heart and intentions were so pure?? and it’s like that again, except that we’re seeing them as their child selves because that’s who they are to each other?? like, not that they actually see each other as children, but just, they can see past all of the stuff on the outside and see each other to their cores, to who they are inside, and when they look at each other they each simply see the other boy that they’ve known their whole entire life. idk?? does that make sense??? DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE I DON’T KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE ANYMORE I’M JUST SWIMMING IN FEELS OKAY. I’M TRYING HERE
they’re just boys, is what I’m trying to say, I guess. just Deku and Kacchan. all the walls are down, all the gaps are bridged, and all it is is the one boy reaching out and connecting with the other, and just,,, (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
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─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
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ARE YOU GONNA HUG!??!?!?!?! I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!! !!!hgk
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sure let’s cut to Thirteen then, yay. I mean I’m glad they’re alive lol, don’t get me wrong
(ETA: I think that might have sounded a bit sarcastic so I just want to clarify that I really am happy Thirteen is alive and on the job again lol.)
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it’s just that if your name doesn’t begin with Baku or Deku I honestly am not interested for just these next five minutes okay lol. like I’m just gonna be completely honest. I am too invested lol, please, they were having a moment, JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE
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I’m literally not even reading the speech bubbles though omg I’m so sorry. I really hope there is not a quiz, I promise I will come back to it later scroll scroll scroll
okay so they brought him back to U.A. and he’s all tired and out of it yes
oh goody Hagakure knows all about the security system
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(ETA: is it just me or is Horikoshi really laying it on thick with the hints about these two guys lately? I’m on to you sir.)
ffs Deku
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-- holy shit, what??!
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they know?? how did they find out??! holy shit???
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I’m about to cancel the whole of Japan lmao. fucking try me dudes
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“a ticking time bomb” tell you what, this man is just asking to be punched in the face. literally begging for it omg
(ETA: I have been advised that I misread this part; Rat Principal told everyone how safe U.A. was, but he’s not the one who ratted out Deku; that was “the rumors”, apparently. which, if I had to guess, were probably started by AFO.)
oh I see, so it’s to be Feels, Part II then
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he looks so sad and tired and lonely and she goes right for the hand, god bless. though if Kacchan’s not gonna hug him, you’d think someone would at least. or is it because he still smells bad. hmm
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(ETA: just to clarify the reason for my rambling here, I was really waiting for the hero name reveal and the presumed deeper meaning behind it lol. but I guess that is a conversation still to come! and we still need Deku’s response to the apology too for that matter. lots to look forward to still.)
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saturndivine · 4 years ago
The Ferality of Mars
»»————- ➴ ————-««»»————- ➴
Feral: "Existing in a wild or untamed state"
When I think of Mars, I think of the Greek god, Ares. I think of the heart pumping blood throughout the body to keep it alive. I think of passion, ferocity, and rawness. Mars is the planet of emotion, similarly to the moon but with a more sinister twist. Mars wants you to feel everything and create with that energy, Mars wants you to be overwhelmed with emotion, so much so it consumes and guides you. Mars wants you to feel everything. It is known as a Malefic Planet because of its inability to be tamed and controlled but Mars isn’t about having control, its about intuition and allowing yourself to be guided by the invisible force that encourages you to nuzzle into your most primal and authentic state and honor that part of you. 
[Yes I will be using Hozier lyrics that represent the ferality of each sign]
Aries Mars [Mars in 1st]
When I picture Aries Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a forest fire consuming everything in its path, absorbing nature to feed as fuel. With Mars in its rulership, Aries Mars has no issue releasing, guided by their heart throughout it all to overcome whatever may stand in their way. They move quickly and harshly, striking first and questioning later. You mold life into what you want it to be so there is no need for you to even plan right? As an unstoppable force, you have to let your heart take control. 
“There's no plan, there's no race to be run
The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the sun
There's no plan, there's no kingdom to come
Sit in & watch the sunlight fade, honey, enjoy its getting late
Theres no plan, theres no hand on the reign,
...As Mack explained, there will be darkness again”
Taurus Mars [Mars in 2nd]
When I picture Taurus Mars at its most feral state, I imagine a bear tearing its way through a beehive, grasping at the honeycombs and devouring it in a matter of seconds. With a venus-ruled mars or mars in detriment, you all look for the sweeter things in life and insist that you are worthy of goodness and don’t mind taking it for yourself. Conflict is stupid to you because you have your own morals and studies and firmly believe in what you desire and if anyone steps to you, you have the power to throw it right back in their face. You are the raging bull, undefeated once you’re committed. But you represent the tamer, earthy side of Mars.
“I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me.
I have never known hunger, like these insects that feast on me.
A thousand teeth, and yours among them, I know.
Our hungers appeased, our heartbeats becoming slow.” 
Gemini Mars [Mars in 3rd]
When I picture Gemini Mars at its most feral state, I picture the rebirth that spring offers. The energy of this mars sign matches the intensity of the rising sun and falling rain that causes the flowers to blossom and fill the earth with its aroma. It is quite impossible to stop a determined Gemini, they want to leave their mark on this earth and do so in many different ways as they are indestructible, powered by the combination of their mind and their heart which creates an explosion upon collision. To get in the way of this placement is to stand in the way of the changing seasons, impossible. 
“Each day you'd rise with me, know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty.
Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.
Strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily, with wax melted, I’d meet the sea,
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.”
Cancer Mars [Mars in 4th]
When I picture Cancer Mars at its most feral state, I visualize the crumbling of the earth into itself, only to grow back in a healthier form. A resilient placement that can have the worst thrown at them and come back only more beautiful. In the introduction, I discussed how both Moon and Mars share a common goal but the Moon goes about it a different way, as Cancer Mars goes about martian energy in a different way as well. With mars in fall, Cancer takes the soft approach to ferality, embracing the harsh energy and converting it into tenderness. 
“And I love too, that love soon might end, 
be known in its aching, shown in the shaking,
Lately of my wasteland, baby. 
Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking,
Though quaking, though crazy
That's just wasteland, baby.” 
Leo Mars [Mars in 5th]
When I picture Leo Mars at its most feral state I see a blinding white-hot light overcoming anyone and everyone in its path, forcing others to bend to its will simply by doing what it does naturally. As a fixed mars, Leos energy is continuous and bold, quite difficult to escape if a Leo Mars has you in their eye line. They are everywhere, they rule the heart so they rule ferality in a way, diving back into their lion roots and fully delving into the fact that they are the rulers of the jungle and rulers of the world.
“Be love in its disrepute, scorches the hillside and salts every root 
And watches the slowing and starving of troops
And, lover, be good to me.
Be there and just as you stand or be like the rose that you hold in your hand 
That will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
Oh, lover, be good to me.”
Virgo Mars [Mars in 6th]
When I picture Virgo Mars at its most feral state I can clearly gaze upon an open field, a deer nosing at grass only to be pounced on by a random predator, yet Virgo represents both the predator and the prey, enforcing balance and really honoring nature fully. Virgo Mars is one of the most ferocious and determined martian placement because they understand how to use the life around them to their advantage. Failure is impossible because they are always ten steps ahead of everyone else. They understand balance, both aggressiveness, and peacefulness. 
“With the war of the fire, my heart moves to its feet
Like the ashes of ash, I saw eyes in the heat
Feel it soft and as pure as snow, fell in love with the fire long ago
With each love I could lose, I was never the same
Watch it still live in roofs, be consumed by the flame
I was fixed on your hand of gold, laying waste of my lovin' long ago”
Libra Mars [Mars in 7th]
When I picture Libra Mars at its most feral state, I see a person walking into a mossy lake only to never come out again. There is a slight underestimation when people first get to know the Libra Mars.  This martian placement matches up with tricky Aphrodite, Libra mars has secrets they dont want unturned, they have a hidden past that they want to be kept to themselves because they are never the people they were a few moments ago. They are evolving and healing, rubbing soil on their open wounds to grow into a new version of themselves. 
“I had a thought, dear, however scary about that night, the bugs and the dirt.
Why were you digging? What did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I will not ask you where you came from, I will not ask and neither should you. 
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.” 
Scorpio Mars [Mars in 8th]
When I picture Scorpio Mars at its most feral state, there is a black burning tree in the middle of the falling snow, crackling and popping and falling to the pieces onto blankets of snow only to keep burning. Mars takes a different approach in this rulership, it is calculated, ready, and sure of whatever move is to be made as if it has been practiced for quite some time. There is no defeating a Scorpio mars, only succumbing, bending to its will, and praying that they will take mercy on your soul. 
“If I was born as a blackthorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you
Fuel the pyre of your enemies.
Ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames?
Ain't it the life you, your lighting of the blaze?
Ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade?
Ain't you my baby, ain't you my babe?”
Sagittarius Mars [Mars in 9th]
When I picture Sagittarius Mars at its most feral state, I see the serpent in the garden of Eden sliding on its belly and offering an option of freedom, going against the grain of submissiveness. Sagittarius Mars tends to ooze this raw sex appeal that stems from their confidence & their need to question the life around them, never satisfied by what is given to them, instead they leave their own mark on the world before them by embracing individuality and moving along their own path. 
“I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found. 
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground.
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around.
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice,
Imagine being loved by me.” 
Capricorn Mars [Mars in 10th]
When I picture Capricorn Mars at its most feral state, I imagine the fall of an empire, a civilization, a society, forced to come to terms with the fact that its reign has come to an end. Mars in exalt, arguably one of the most powerful placements to have in the natal chart, there isn’t a way to prevent the energy of a Capricorn Mars, they are backed by Saturn, two malefic energies combining to create an unbeatable power and manifesting as strength in the native who claims this energy. 
“It's the light, and it's the obstacle that casts it
It's the heat that drives the light, It's the fire it ignites,
It's not the waking, it's the rising.
It's not the song, it is the singing.
It's the heaven of a human spirit ringing.
It is the bringing of the line, It is the bearing of the rhyme
It's not the waking, it's the rising.”
Aquarius Mars [Mars in 11th]
When I picture Aquarius Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a group of nude women, dancing around an intense fire, the full moon shining only for them as they howl out into the wind. Aquarius Mars is a placement that understands how to honor their roots and get back in touch with themselves to move to the future. They use their past to propel them into new opportunities and to become a higher version of themselves. There is no obstructing this futuristic placement, eyes steady on the prize that remains up ahead. 
“When you move, I can recall something that's gone from me
When you move honey, I'm put in awe of something so flawed and free.
So move me, baby, shake like the bough of a willow tree,
You do it naturally, move me, baby.” 
Pisces Mars [Mars in 12th]
When I picture Pisces Mars at its most feral state, I envision a floating sailor, sinking in with each song that leaves the siren’s voice only to realize that it is too late as the last of air leaves their lungs and they now become one with the siren. Pisces Mars has the gift of “innocence” that people project onto them and they understand how to use it to their advantage and come out on top. Deception is a mastered tool but doesn’t negate the fact that they are simply seductive and persuasive and hold power that many are unaware of. They should continue to move carefully and use their “faults” to their benefit. 
“Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, 
I lay my heart down with the rest at her feet.
Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile
It's bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet. 
In leash-less confusion, I'll wander the concrete,
Wonder if better now having survived.
The jarring of judgment and reason's defeat. 
The sweet heat of her breath in my mouth; I'm alive.”
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years ago
Moments in-between
Description: HC's of aot characters that are all kinda madly in love with y/n, if only just in different ways. Aspects of Modern au.
Character(s): Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Sasha, Connie, Historia, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Levi, Erwin, Hanje
POV: 2nd, 3rd
A/n: I know I said that I was ending my aot works but after the last episode's intense trauma I need some home groan therapy. Also please don't make fun of me for misspelling both Bertolt and Hange's names continually. Enjoy
Word Count: x
Song: lmao listen to everywhere I go by Hollywood undead.
*none of the gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker.
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Y/n invites the AOT gang to a party.
You looked around for your friends, having foolish lost track of the chaotic group after you paused to hang your coat up. You warned them all to remain close, these college parties tended to get a little wild for your liking, but of course, they were all too stubborn.
"Hey you! I already said that we weren't playing Lady Gaga here!" Your ears prickled, and you turned, seeing Hanje at the DJ's box. You quirked a brow but made a mental note of where she was for later.
You moved on, searching for the rest of your friends. You opened the door to a bathroom, finding several girls hunched over, puking into the toilet, sink, and tub. Erwin was standing in the midst of the chaos, holding their hair as they drunkenly emptied their guts.
"Erwin? We've been here five minutes!" Erwin looked up at your newfound appearance. "Y/n! Quick, I think something in their drinks made them sick, you need to warn the other people at this party!" You met his blue eyes, "What?" He made a motion with his right hand, accidentally tugging on a girl's hair and bobbing her head. "Hey!" She squeaked before puking again. "Hurry, Y/l/n! They may not have much time left."
You rolled your eyes. "Erwin, they're drunk, not suffering from food poisoning." He looked down at the girls. "Really?" You sighed.
Later, you came upon Levi, who had been keeping a practiced eye on Hanje and other various members of your friend group. He had designated himself the designated driver of the group, which was admirable but you made sure not too drink too much either, knowing that there was no way Levi could possibly deal with all of you being wasted.
Reiner had challenged Annie to a drinking game, and was in the midst of losing miserably, whilst Bertholdt silently cleaned up the mess that Reiner and Annie created with their squashed beer cans.
You also found ymir and Historia cheerfully dancing to Poker face, and you marveled at the way the two seemed to be in their own world. You smiled, at the red that dusted ymir's cheeks and at Historia's hand on her cheek. A crash from the kitchen behind you caused you to cringe and jump slightly, before you rushed in.
Not unsurprisingly you found Connie and Sasha at the epicenter of the chaos. Neither were drunk but both were still idiots. A broken dish and what had been cheese fries was on the floor at their feet. "Hey! What'd I say about getting into their food?" You pointed threateningly at the duo. "If we do it don't get caught?" Sasha had a fry in her mouth and big eyes. "Clean this up, I'll go get Levi." "Oh, no don't get Levi!" Connie whined, waving his hands dramatically. "I'm getting him!"
Marco and Armin had found a old monopoly game and had sat down to play it in the dinning room of the house. You found it especially funny at the amount of girls the two had unwittingly attracted, who sat down to play with them.
"Y/n!" You perked up and turned, careful to not spill your drink. Jean smiled at you, his eyes the tiniest bit lidded. "Care for a dance?" You had actually been expecting this, since Jean's flirtiness doubled with the mix of alcohol. "You look hot, y/n!" He gently wrapped his hands around you as the two of you slid onto the dance floor. You laughed, enjoying Jean's wild dance moves. Finally he popped into a Russian dig, "hype me up best friend!" He called, and you whooped until he ran right into Eren.
"You drunk idiot! Hello, Y/n!" Eren glared at Jean, but smiled at you. "Look at this drink I made! It was clear but now it's brown!" Before you could respond, Jean hopped up. "y/n doesn't care about your shit drink!" You sighed as the two began arguing, which slowly developed into a tense dance battle between the two men.
Mikasa had been with Eren, you guessed most likely protectively watching over him. She watched with you, before you smirked and outstretched your hand. Mikasa took it, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
In the soft glow of a living room, you and Mikasa danced together to an old 80's tune, the rest of your friends giving elsewhere. It was a nice party.
Y/n wears a skimpy outfit
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, tugging gently on your new top. Oftentimes you found it hard to truly appreciate your body, but the corseted top made you feel like a definite hot girl. You wore long black shoes, tight leather pants, dark jewelry. You just looked ready to step on some bitches.
You exited your room, and grabbed your purse, ready to head out with your girls. Eren was sitting on your coach, playing some video game. "Hey we'll be heading out soon so I left some numbers to order pizza for when you get hungry." You turned, digging in your purse for your keys. "Y/n, I'm not a child! I can take care of- holy shit, y/n!" You turned, Eren had dropped his controller, no longer focused on his game. "You can't go out like that! There are men out there!" You smiled and pulled out ur taser, flashing it a couple times. "I know."
Mikasa exited her room from the same hall, entering the living room. "Y/n, you look nice." You smiled and put your taser up. "thanks Mikasa!" "Wait, Mikasa you're going out too?" Eren stood up. "it's girls night out, Eren." You rolled your eyes. "but I wanna go too!" Mikasa opened her mouth but you beat her to it. "No."
The front door opened and Armin entered, his blonde hair flittering in his eyes. "Hey; Eren, Mikasa, and..." A blush erupted onto his cheeks. "Y/n!" His blues casted panicked glances around the room as if he wasn't sure he should make direct eye contact with you.
Eren pointed to his flustered friend. "See!" Again you rolled your eyes. "You look v-very nice, y/n." Armin mumbled before he sat down. "Thanks, sweetie." Armin's face reddened.
Suddenly the front door to the apartment flung open, allowing Jean, Marco, and Connie to enter. They were in the midst of conversation, laughing at a joke Connie had said. "Hey bitch-" Jean's words caught somewhere in the back of his throat as he saw you. His cheeks erupted into fire and he stopped, causing Connie and Marco to slam into him. "Hey!" Connie looked past Jean's frozen position, and smiled knowingly. "Bark, Bark, Bark! Y/n you look a sexy grim reaper!" Jean blinked as you laughed. Connie slid past Jean and made his way to the kitchen, giving the others a greeting as he did so.
Marco smiled at your outfit. "You look so pretty y/n!" Your cheeks were beginning to hurt from happiness and you wondered if you should wear this stuff more often and not just in your dreams. Jean seemed to snap out of it. "You...you...nice, y/n." He managed to get out, not right before Eren made fun of his stuttering.
Sasha exited her room, and to the delight of everyone gave a twirl in her little dress. "y/n! You look very nice!" She may or not have said whilst grabbing your boob. Historia admitted to helping you pick out the fit, and ymir made everyone thank her for her service.
"you should wear this more often, y/n. Or at least less more often." Annie nudged you from behind. You were amazed at her sauveness but also the blush that dusted the tips of her ears.
Reiner and Bertholdt came through the fire escape (because Reiner has been on a "parkour!" Kick recently. But Reiner made sure to call you hot, (effectively pissing off both Jean and Eren.) And Bertholdt simply blushed, quickly agreeing with Reiner.
Finally Hanje, Erwin, and Levi arrived, Levi bringing leftovers from his tea shop. Hanje had squealed and called you "hot!" Erwin was certain you were only wearing a bra and refused to look at you, whilst Levi couldn't take his eyes off of you, but said nothing all the same.
"Well ladies, I hope you all are ready!" Hanje smirked. "Who's riding with me?"
Y/n gets a tattoo
"So...what do you think?" You stood in front of Hanje, Annie, and Ymir, your shirt raised to your underboob. Hanje clapped excitedly. "It looks great, y/n!" "I like the view." Annie said dryly. Ymir nodded. "yeah it's nice, just don't show Historia."
"Don't show me what?" Historia entered the living room via the kitchen. Immediately her eyes found your tattoo, and she smiled. "lovely!"
The others found the tattoo under different circumstances however.
Sasha had known first, since she went with you to get it originally, having helped you pick out the design. By that I mean, she mainly just agreed with whatever you said but helped you out none the less. Mikasa found out before you were training together, (she thought it looked cool).
Eren found out because he walked in on you in the shower. "Shit! Wait is that a tattoo!?" He would've told you he liked it had you not kicked the shit out of him and lectured him about coming over to your apartment constantly, blah, blah, blah.
Armin found out because you showed him, (and he promptly died a bit) but he also really liked it and you invited him to come get another one with you some time. Maybe, just maybe you had a weak spot for the blonde.
Jean and Connie found out because you sent Marco a snap of it, and they looked at it from over his shoulder. Connie laughed at Jean's sharp in take of breathe and Jean tackled Connie. Meanwhile as they fought in the background Marco sent you a video snap of his response.
Reiner found out via a training session, much like Mikasa. "Why, y/n I never knew what a sly devil you could be!"
Bertholdt knew because Reiner made sure to describe it to him in great detail, knowing that the tall fellow would get flustered.
Erwin was probably told at some point but forgot so anytime he sees in you in a bikini or something skimpy he gets his mind blown.
Levi found out because, you may or may not have sent him a snap (with much different intentions then the one you had sent Marco.) Levi thought it was badass, though.
Y/n kisses the AOT gang
Yes, you had kissed each member of the gang. For any of these bitches, they could get it, let's be real.
You had given Eren forehead kisses many a time between he and you. This had been pretty random but regardless, it was something the two of you did often.
You often kissed Armin on the cheek, pinching them together whilst you smushed his face and pulled him in for hugs. Really, you loved Armin.
You kissed Jean on several occasions, partially because you weren't one to refuse an offer from an attractive man and also it was the quickest way to fluster the boy. He has the king of talking the talk but never actually walking the walk.
You give Marco and Connie platonic cheek kisses everytime you see each other. They also give you cheek kisses back. Marco also gives hugs!
You blow Reiner kisses all the time because that's exactly what your friendship is.
You give Bertholdt sweet little cheek kisses and he's always a blushing mess afterwards.
You give Erwin goodbye kisses and he always returns them.
You've made out with Levi. His tongue's been in your mouth. Yes, you kiss.
You give Hanje cheek kisses all the time. You seriously love this woman.
You've made out with Annie too. You also give her kisses on her neck just to hear her giggle.
You and ymir don't usually kiss, but you and Historia kiss each other's cheek.
You've kissed Sasha smack on the lips before, and you two cuddle all da time.
You give Mikasa forehead kisses because touch isn't necessarily her love language but you know when she needs it.
Y/n gets into a fight
You don't get in trouble, like ever. You're reliable, kind, level headed. However sometimes you come across a Titan of an issue and need your friends to rally behind you.
Historia will get into an argument for you, but she isn't scary at all, nor is she very powerful when it comes to muscle might.
Mikasa will kill a bitch for you. Straight up. She may not always show it outright but she loves you.
Ymir would video tape the ass whooping of whoever dares to cross you until they tried to come after Historia. Then she's seeing red.
Annie would laugh at whoever is trying to fight you. She won't step into the fray directly until you need her though, she trusts you do take care of it.
Eren doesn't care if they haven't even thrown a punch if they even say a damn thing that he doesn't feel you deserve he will start the fight. He has no self control. He's an aries.
Jean will also fight for you. He'd be a hundred percent more levelheaded about the problem but he won't let you take shit.
Connie will at first be confused and then pull his signature "bruh" face. He'll be the one that takes the phone from Ymir after Historia gets involved.
Sasha will try to protect you the best she can. She doesn't want you hurt so she'll probably grab a spoon as a weapon and charge.
Reiner is just trying to vibe and then suddenly he's pulled into an all out war. Sigh. But at least it's for you.
Hange will find this all very funny, but she'll help out in between snorts.
Erwin will just stand there looking at your antagonist dead in the eye with the slightest raise of his brow. That's the end of it all.
Armin will go all manipulative bestie on however is bothering you.
Levi merely get in between you. He may be short but nothing scare him and he's literally willing to kick some ass if need be.
Bertolt would just take you somewhere else. Yes he's super annoyed and upset at this person, but he has better things to do with his time.
Y/n gets a dog
To be honest, you'd wanted a pet for a long long time. Living closely with seven other women- and essentially nine men, had made that prospect rather slim, until one day approximately four months ago when you dropped the question.
The response was rather positive, so you carefully crafted a schedule and supplies.
The little puppy had been the runt of the litter, but that didn't bother you one bit (your not so secret infatuation of a certain 5'2" raven haired fellow solidified that.)
You were the first person to arrive home that day, and when you did you hurried to get the house puppified.
Bertolt came by early that day and was the first to see the puppy. At first he wasn't so sure about the little rascal. It seemed so hyper, a little too hyper, actually. But then, it licked him and he fell in love. He actually completely forgot you were even there he was so enthralled.
Levi came by with takeout, and much like Bertolt he wasn't sure about this creature. He'd always been more of a cat person, but even then he wasn't exactly an animal person. Just too messy. But for your sake he pat the pup on the head. (And to both your and bertolt's shock the puppy began to follow Levi around.
Armin loved the puppy. He immediately scooped it up and sang to it. You had never seen the blonde so happy as he cooed over the little Beasty. He raised it up into the air and swung it until Levi yelled at him for waving the animal over the takeout.
Erwin seemed a bit indifferent to the dog, almost as if the animal had just always been there. He did make sure however to share his food with it.
Hange tickled the poor animal savagely, vowing to buy it a sweater for the winter. You told them they didn't have to, but they refused. "What's a godparent for?"
Sasha vowed to help feed it and promised it that she would only buy it the best food possible.
Marco adored the tiny thing. "have you named him yet?" He had asked while lovingly scratching behind it's ears. "he looks like a sugar...or a Coco?"
Connie immediately sat down and started playing with newly named Sugar. "Connie! You're getting Sugar too riled up." Levi warned, but right then Connie was attacked by the tiny pup, and despite the small size of the dog the sheer force almost knocked Connie over. "Tch, idiot."
Jean was the first to take Sugar for a walk and you joined him. Together the two of you laughed at how cute Sugar looked as he bounced around in the grass. You made sure to have Jean clean up after him though, don't worry.
Sugar immediately fell asleep on Eren who threatened anyone that would dare touch or wake up him. Eren was extremely content with this little ball of joy.
Annie wasn't really excited for the puppy but she did promise to train Sugar when it was time, so there's that.
Ymir tried to act similar to Annie but Ymir is a total dog person, and after a bit she scoped up Sugar and put the sleeping pup on her own lap.
Mikasa was just happy everyone else seemed happy. She did sit by ymir though so she could get a few good pats in.
Later that night Historia grabbed the puppy and took him into her room, which she shared with Ymir. Really this puppy wasn't yours, it was everyone's.
The AOT gang goes to a concert
You pulled into Eren's hand practically dragging him through the crowd. "That's the last time I'm letting you lead us anywhere, Eren!" He groaned behind you. "I thought the sign said Row one, it was an honest mistake!" You shot him a dangerous glare. "It was a sign for the bathroom!"
Finally you met up with your friends, who were all already comfortably seated, waiting for the concert to begin. "Hey guys sorry we're late, we had some...sign trouble."
You and Eren found your seats, "Good news is if anyone wants to know where the bathrooms are.." you elbowed your brunette friend.
When the concert began, it was immediately pretty damn hype. You and Jean clasped hands and danced together, shouting out the lyrics to the first song at the top of your lungs.
At the second song and Sasha took orders for food, and grabbed some grub. As you waited in the unnecessarily long line you pulled her into a hug and took a quick picture.
When you returned you stood by Reiner, but some big headed bastard had moved in front of your spot. So you climbed into Reiner's shoulders and screamed at the stage from your pretty impressive view.
Connie dared you to throw your bra on stage, but didn't actually think you'd do it. His face, and literally everyone around you, was priceless. In fact, you got a round of applause.
Hanje was video tapping about 90% of it, but they often drapped a hand around your shoulders and pulled you into the video, the two of you singing along to the musicians voice.
You and Levi held hands when a soft song came on, him pulling you into his chest at just the right note. You dipped your head into the chin, enjoying the soft thud of his heartbeat against the deep bass of the speakers. It was nice.
You face timed Bertolt, who unfortunately couldn't attend because he had "work". He enjoyed the concert better from that angle anyways.
You and Historia took a ton of pictures! So many! Some weren't even in focus! But you two didn't care!
Marco grabbed his phone light every chance he got and kept accidentally flashing it in people's eyes. He got you like seven times.
Erwin kept complaining that it was too loud, but you literally saw him full on do the sprinkler because he was vibing so hard.
You and Mikasa went to the bathroom together, and you forced her to take a picture with you. You also got lost on the way back but Mikasa helped guide you back. What would you do without her?
When you returned you ran into ymir and Historia dancing together, laughing and giggling. Damn them and their happiness.
After the show you and Armin went and met the people you watched and got a picture with them. They kept referring to Armin as your boyfriend so in the photo he looks like a tomato. He swore you to secrecy.
On the way back to the apartment you switched riders with Hanje so that she could take Eren home and you could just take Annie back to the apartment you shared. The whole way back you just let loose in the car. Annie could be very loud when with people she trusts entirely.
Y/n flirts with the AOT gang
Unfortunately for you y/n you're not the sad drunk, clumsy drunk, dancer drunk, you're the flirty drunk. I guess there are worse things, though. These are the times when drunk you has flirted with your friends and their reactions.
One time you got blasted at a work party and Eren had to come drive you home. He was shocked at first, but he truly does care about you and is also the most oblivious person ever so he was just like "okay."
Annie was super confused at first, but she actually really liked the attention. She'd never admit that to you though. So she just kinda bumped shoulders with you and almost knocked you down, had she not caught you.
Jean actually almost shit himself your flirting flustered him so bad. But he realized that you were drunk and immediately lifted you up and took you home.
Armin blushed, squeaked, and giggled. He knew you were drunk but he just couldn't help it. He helped you to bed and you fell asleep next to each other.
Sasha took you out to eat immediately after you said you wanted to go on a date with a hot babe like her, because she just needs one reason to go get something to munch on. It helped sober you up and when you puked she held your hair. Besties.
You did have a line though and you never actually flirted with Historia or Ymir but Ymir always took videos of you drunk and Historia always made sure to help you to bed. Those two were your constant watch dogs though when you were having fun.
Reiner "pretends" to go along with your flirting. He really just likes it because your hawt. "oh really? Tell me more about my eyes." He does however makes sure no one messes with you and always makes sure you get home safely.
When you get drunk around Mikasa the Ackerman always just pats you on the head. Sometimes though she makes fun of you.
Whenever you flirt with Connie hes also drunk so he flirts back. The two of you are the most chaotic drunk duo though and always end up breaking shit.
Erwin tells you to stop. "Stop that y/n, it's weird." But he's always blushing when he says that and he acts like a parent. "No, no more tequila!"
Hange will literally just have fun with drunk you. She'd vibe and even give you her glasses.
Marco would think it's really funny, but he'd stick with you for as long as he needs to to make sure you're okay and then he'll take you home.
Levi will look so annoyed and so done but he'll blush and wrap his fingers with yours. Much like Jean, he'll try to take you home as soon as possible. He gets jealous way too easily for this and often he'll stay the night with you.
Bertolt's brain literally melts. Reiner has to drag him away from you. You've broken the poor man.
They walk in on you changing
Annie- She opened the door and come in without even paying attention, realized you were essentially naked when you squealed. She rolls her eyes, and mutters "look the door next time," but that's a mental image she'll be keeping for a while.
Armin- he doesn't even allow himself a second peak, immediately putting his hand over his eyes. "Oh! I'm so sorry y/n! I-i-yeah!" He practically runs out of there faster than lightening.
Bertolt- He freezes, and you have to push him out. His brain dies and he stands outside your door for several minutes still trying to process.
Connie- he doesn't even notice you, but when you yell at him he simply turns and farts at you.
Eren- "If you were changing why didn't you lock the door?"
Erwin- "I'm sorry I thought this was the bathroom. Did you get a new book shelf?"
Hanje- She comes in, sees that your changing and puts a hand over her eyes, continuing to tell you what she wanted.
Jean- he puts his hands on his hips and smiles, "you knew I was coming, didn't you?"
Levi- he doesn't really care and neither do you (nothing he hasn't seen before) but he doesn't make sure to shut the door and wrap you on the head. "you have a lock, brat, use it."
Marco- opens door. "Whoops." Closes door. "Sorry y/n!"
Mikasa- "hey y/n," just continues.
Sasha had half a donut in her mouth when she walked in on you and then immediately it fell from her mouth when she turned and saw your body. she blinked and quickly bent over, grabbing her donut and covered her eyes, but only partially.
Reiner- "Hey, y/n I- Woah! Nice ra-" you effectively cut him off by throwing a shoe at his face.
Historia- "Oh! Sorry sweetie, you're so pretty, oh my goodness!"
Ymir- after storming in she proclaims, "Historia saw you naked, I have to kill you now."
They find you crying
We all have those days, and this is when they find you having one.
Ymir found you in the your bedroom, completely bundled in blankets with the lights shut off. She notices that you've been crying because your sniffing loudly, but says nothing about it. "Hey, Y/n, do you have the wifi password?"
She'd leave, but tell Historia, knowing Historia is better suited to check on and deal with helping you. Historia will walk in and raise her hands, in an open hug. You'll wordlessly scootch over and allow her to slide in beside you and gently pull you into her grasp.
Sasha heard you crying and grabbed her comfort snacks, a blanket, and the puppy. All of which she carried into your bedroom. The two of you would sit, eat, and watch some comfort shows. "it's the best medicine!"
Reiner saw your car parked outside the apartments and thought he'd knock on your car window. When he got up to your window though, he noticed the tears that were streaking down your face. He'd immediately climb into the other side of the car, hopping into the passenger seat. You're shocked, having not even noticed him hanging outside your car to begin with. "Uh, Reiner?" "So," he buckles up. "Who did it?"
Mikasa could hear you crying when she was up late at night, (your door had been open a crack.) So she grabbed some ice cream and two spoons, and wordlessly walked into your room. She said nothing and didn't press you for information, and the two of you shared Sasha's favorite ice cream.
Marco witnessed you go full on break down mode after a ROUGH day and immediately gave you the greatest pep talk known to man. You were so amazed at his genuinely kind words you stopped crying, but Marco had become so touched that he had started.
You had actually went to Levi's apartment, and sat with him. He made you tea and listened silently as you told him about what had happened and how sad you felt. He didn't press any advice on you or dry your tears with grandiose words, but he genuinely listened and acknowledged your feelings. Then you cuddled, and it was more than enough.
Jean said something flirty to you and for one reason or another it set you off and tears were aflowing. At first he panicked because he thought he made you cry. When he realized it wasn't him, he gently brought you into him and held you as you cried into his shirt. Finally you looked up at him and he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, "Would sex make you feel better?"
You called Hanje and told what happened after a particularly rough day, so she and moblit went and grabbed you some takeout and spent the day with you. They even took you to egg the offenders house. Revenge is sweet.
Erwin thought you were sick, so he left after finding you crying in your room, bought you soup, made it and just acted like you were sick. You didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.
Eren saw you crying and then flicked you in the head and promptly left. You were stunned, but also found it funny and confusing, so you stopped crying.
Connie facetimed you and by the end you weren't crying because you were sad, but because Connie's really fucking stupid.
Bertolt noticed you were in your room for a while so he checked on you. He gave you a hug and then asked you very nicely to "stop crying."
Armin literally sat his ass down and stayed with you until the two of you fell asleep. He's a top tier friend who cares deeply about your emotional health so he does everything he can to sort you out. He holds your hand, nods, listens, gives you advice, and agrees with you.
Annie calls you a crybaby but she sits down beside you none the less. She doesn't press nor did she speak. But she wants you to know that's she's here in her own special Annie way.
Thanks for reading! Remember, requests are open!
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years ago
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.2
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
The BEAUTIFUL art pieces were done by @clownwry and @elishevart ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️💋
ch.1 - ch.3
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Ford was way more nervous than he was letting on.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
Ford would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy Mabel’s company, but she was practically a stranger, and keeping a random girl in his house that was located in the middle of the woods was fishy and Ford couldn’t help but feel like it was illegal. But he couldn’t leave her out in the snow and send her on her way to find her home and family, so he decided to keep her warm or healthy, simply because it was the right thing to do.
But then she said she had no parents to call. Only a brother, who was lost, too. Ford can remember the old rule: If you’re lost, stay where you are until you are found. So he then decided that she could stay here until her brother found her, which should be by morning at the latest.
Still, he felt uneasy, so once Mabel was settled in front of the TV, Ford excused himself and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. There was only one man who would have better judgement in this situation than him.
The phone rang a few times. Ford checked his watch to make sure it was a reasonable time to call. It wasn’t Sunday, was it? But then the ringing stopped. “Howdy! This here Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Hey there, buddy.” Ford smiled to himself at hearing that cheerful voice. “How have you been?”
“Stanford Pines! Good t��hear from ya!” Fiddleford cheered. “M’just fine, just fine! How are ya?! Ya haven’t gotten eaten by monsters yet, have ya?” He laughed, making his old friend chuckle along.
“No no, I’m alright.” Ford almost brought up the reason he called, but then he remembered something very important to Fiddleford. “How are Emma-May and Tater?”
“OH! They’re doin’ great! We’re all very happy n’ doin’ well! Ya won’t believe how big Tate’s gotten since ya last saw him! He’s already crawlin’!”
“Wow, that's great to hear.” Ford sat in a chair at the kitchen table. “Has he said his first words yet?”
“No, not quite. Actually, he’s extremely quiet. Not a lot of baby-babble.” Fiddleford chuckled. “The doctor says that’s perfectly normal. Tate’s so smart, he’s reachin’ for specific colors n’ such, n’ ya can tell he’s thinkin’ a lot n’ knows what’s goin’ on, he just got nothin’ t’say.”
“I was very shy when I was young.” Ford commented casually. He didn't feel like mentioning why. “If Tate is anything like either of his parents he’s very intelligent.”
“Oh, he’s so much like both of us it’s scary. Ya know Emma-May, so clever n’ quiet n’ such. Tate’s got all that. But he already looks so much like me! But he’s got his mama’s hair! N’ Santy Claus brought ‘im this fun little fishin’ game where ya fish for plastic fish with a pole with a magnet on it, n’ he loves it! I can’t wait to take ‘im fishin’ when he’s big enough! Ya really outta give yourself a break n’ come down for a visit, he’d move to see his Uncle Ford again.”
Ford’s face felt hot. “Perhaps. Spring is when a lot of anomalies are active and breeding, so i would prefer not to miss that, but maybe I could visit for a weekend before that…”
“Well, no pressure, I won’t assume anythang until ya tell me to, just know there’s always a bed for ya here.”
“Thank you, Fiddleford. The same for you and your family. The clean air will do everyone some good.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Fiddleford sighed happily and perked up. “So! Whatcha callin’ for? Not that I’m not happy just t’chat, but ya never call.”
Ford laughed and shrugged to himself. “I suppose I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“No need t’be sorry, Stanford, just wanna know what’s up.”
“Well, I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“Um… well…” Ford rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to tell him this. “I heard some unusual sounds outside today…”
“What kind of unusual sounds?”
“Cracks, like lightning. And some faint yelling.” Ford answered. “I thought it might be a tree branch or a new anomaly to catalogue, but when I opened the door a young girl was standing there in the snow with no coat.”
“Heavens! Is she alright?!”
“She’s okay, no frostbite. She was cold, but after sitting by the fire, drinking some hot chocolate, and changing into some dry clothes, she’s okay now.”
“Well, good.”
“So of course I brought her in. I tried to call her parents, she probably got lost playing…”
“... but she says she doesn’t have any parents.”
“Oh.” Fiddleford sighed. “Oh. Now, wait, are ya sure she didn’t just say that so ya wouldn’t call?”
Ford chuckled and said, “I first thought that too, but she looked too sad to be lying.”
“Okay, I see. Does she got somebody ya can call?”
“She says she has a brother, but he was out there, too. So he is probably out there looking for her and therefore nowhere near a phone.”
“Fair enough, okay. So, I reckon y’all are waitin’ for him t’come ‘round.”
“Well sounds to me like you’ve handled this all pretty well.” Fiddleford said confidently.
“You think so?” Ford asked. “I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m missing something. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Nonsense, buddy, you’re doin’ great.” Fiddleford assured. “Look here, ya can’t just leave a young gurl out in the snow t’try t’find her way home...”
“I agree.”
“... so ya really got one option n’ that’s t’keep an eye on her n’ let her in as a guest. N’ ya tried t’call, but nothin’. The best thang ya can do right now is be there for this lil’lady n’ just be kind t’her. N’ if nobody comes for her by mornin’, why don’t ya go into town n’ see if anybody knows her, then they can help y’all out.”
Ford nodded, then remembered that his best friend couldn’t see it, so he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“You’re welcome. N’ hey, are ya okay?” He asked seriously.
“Yes, yes I’m okay. I just want to make sure I do this right.”
“O’course. I understand. Ya want me t’come down there n’ give a hand?”
“No, that’s not necessary. I’m sure Mabel will find her brother in the morning.”
“Mabel, huh? Well, if y’all don’t, please call me. N’ even if ya do find her brother, call me. Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“Anytime, Stanford.”
When Mr. Ford gave Mabel the remote for the old TV and went into the kitchen, she decided to use her awesome detective skills to figure out what year it was. If it was before Grunkle Stan lived here and opened the Mystery Shack, she must be pretty far back in time. But she had no way of knowing if it was 1999 or 2005 or the 50s.
The TV was old, but so was Grunkle Stan’s in her time. So Mr. Ford could have had this TV for a long time and didn’t want to replace it. 
Okay, so when was the TV made? Mabel didn’t know. Dipper would have known.
Okay, Grunkle Stan mentioned watching TV when he was a kid once or twice. So at least Mabel was when Stan was a kid, okay. 
Mabel turned the TV on and it was in color. Okay, so she wasn’t too far back in time. But the TV was playing a commercial for clear skin. The picture was gritty and all the people in it had puffy hair and long socks and oh my god was that woman wearing legwarmers?! Mabel grinned at seeing her favorite fashion on TV, but then her face dropped. When was she?
She tapped her chin and tried to think of how to know the date without being suspicious. She could ask Mr. Ford, but that might be suspicious. Mabel decided to start flicking through channels to try to guess what year she was in based on what was airing. A lot of shows were about cowboys, space, or game shows. Huh. Okay.
All the TV shows were definitely older. Nothing her dad would watch from when he was a kid, so if Mabel had to guess by everyone’s crazy air, the cheesy TV shows, and the music occasionally playing, she was in the 70s.
Huh. Okay. But she needed an exact year. So Mabel turned off the TV, saw an old radio on a desk, and turned it on to listen.
“... cuz it’s cold doesn’t mean you can't boogie, folks! So grab someone you wanna get warm with, turn up the music, and get your bodies warm in the coolest way possible! Here’s Night Fever, by the Bee Gees!”
Mabel grinned at the disco music. Her personal favorite song from these guys was More Than a Woman, but Night Fever would do. For a moment Mabel forgot her mission, jumped off the couch and left the blanket behind, and in the over-sized gray t-shirt Mr. Ford gave her while her clothes were drying, she danced along to the music, singing the chorus since those were the only words she knew.
“When you reach out for me. Yeah, and the feelin' is right,
Then I get night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Gimme that night fever, night fever. We know how to show it!”
Mabel laughed at herself as she spun around in her socks and tried to do the point-and-hype dance she didn’t know the name to, but everyone did it when a disco song played.
Little did she know that Ford had returned to check on her, and was smiling at her as she shook her hips and waved her hair around and had fun. He leaned against the doorway and planned to let her dance in peace, but when she did a spin and saw him, she grinned and took his hand. “C’mon, Mr. Ford, come dance with me!”
Ford chuckled and shook his head. “No, no! I can’t dance!”
“You got two legs that aren’t broken?”
“Then you can dance! C’mon!” Mabel encouraged, let him go when they were both in the middle of the room, and she started to dance again. “Don’t make me dance alone!” She even pulled an evil move and gave him puppy eyes. Rude.
Ford smiled slyly at her and hesitantly copied her boogie moves. It was true that Ford never liked to dance, but there was no one around but Mabel, and though he had only known her for an hour or more, he was sure she would never make fun of him.
And he was right.
“Wow! Look at you, Mr. I-Can’t-Dance! Yeah!” Mabel hopped on the couch, standing, and took Ford’s hand. “Here, I’ll spin you!”
Ford laughed and allowed it, doing a single spin, but then scooping her in his arms to dip her and then let her down, making her laugh as they continued to dance. 
“Alright alright, you crazy cats, that was Night Fever by the Bee Gees! It's a snowy day here in the heart of Oregon, with snow flurries coming in harder all night, but it should clear up by morning and be a fun day to go out and play! The date is January 26th, 1978 in case you gotta write a check or mail a thank you note to a friend or family member. I’m still writing letters for Christmas! We’ll be right back with some of your favorites after a word or two from our sponsors, so don’t go anywhere!”
Mabel stared at the radio. “Wow, 1978.” She breathed. Her parents were only kids right now, maybe only six or seven-years-old. Wow.
Ford chuckled. “I know, I’m still in the bad habit of writing ‘77.”
Mabel realized her mistake, but was grateful her host misunderstood her. “Me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner. How about some ramen noodles?”
“Yes, please! Can we play a game after we eat?”
“Sure. I don’t have many board games, but I do have a deck of cards.”
“Do you know any card tricks?!”
“A few.” Ford admitted, wiggling his fingers. “There are some advantages to having more fingers than average.”
Mabel grinned up at him and followed him to the kitchen for dinner.
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A Siren Song
Pairing: Robert Dubois/ Bloodsport x Reader
A/N: so I just finished watching the new Suicide Squad for the second time and I’m even more obsessed now than I was the first time I watched it. It’s a brilliant film with actually good humor, a non-sexualizing and actually empowering view on Harley Quinn (that leg scene?? y'all-), the rats?? Rat-catcher 2?? THE SHARK?? FLAG?? Who looked really good in this movie, he might be another contender for a story as well as Harley Quinn so lmk ;) but Bloodsport immediately piqued my interest because it’s Idris Elba and he’s gorgeous, I loved the complexities of his character and I want to write for him and no one else has done it yet?? so shoutout to @honey-im-emotional​​ for the support and push to do it! also love The Bodyguard movie, helped with the inspo <3 and i’m so sorry all of my stories are similar but I HAVE A TYPE enjoy and feedback is always appreciated loves and there will be SPOILERS so be warned, also if you want a Harley one next lmk ;) (it’s so long I’m so sorry lol)
Summary: You’re a highly targeted member of the royal family, the last in your line. Bloodsport is hired to be your bodyguard to both watch and assassinate the men after you. He believes it’s below his pay-grade, but reluctantly agrees, doing so to the best of his abilities. But the closeness brings more intimacy than you two expected, and sparks fly.
Warnings: foul language, sexual content, smut, choking, light bdsm, fluffy fluff, dirty dancing, dirty talk, violence and bad guys getting murdered, mentions of Harley x Reader (y’all sexy dance and kiss), reader likes women, dom! Bloodsport, age gap, alcohol consumption, jealousy, heavy kissing, slight angst, just a good time honestly
Word Count: 3,825
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You dangle from the ceiling with your aerial silk, fitting your leg in the loop you’ve created, and dangling upside down. The rope wraps around your waist as you hang gracefully from your marble walls, flying. Your friend Harley Quinn taught you how to do this years ago, it now being your favorite form of exercise and relaxation when you need a moment to clear your head. 
As you lightly spin, twirling and dancing in the air with your chandelier reflecting light everywhere, a dazzling fairy floating in a sea of stars. You hear footsteps approach and move to hang upside down, facing towards the grand door. Robert Dubois, a.k.a Bloodsport, walks forward to stand directly in front of you. 
You have known him a few weeks or so now, him having to watch your every move and tracking down your family’s killers. He stands and meets your eyes as you dangle, hair falling below you.
“Hi,” you giggle, face flushed with heat. “I probably look ridiculous right now.”
He composes himself so he doesn’t crack a smile, but you see his lips twitch when he speaks, “No, Mrs. y/l/n.”
“I have a first name, you know,” you grin widely. “I’m younger than you, which hardly warrants such a professional title.”
“My apologies, y/n,” he fixes himself.
“It’s alright,” you ease, filling him with a sense of softness he hasn’t felt in a long time. You flip and land on your feet, letting go of your silks. 
You don’t notice as his eyes glaze over your body in your sports bra and shorts, something his cold, calculated stare should never succumb to, but he does anyway and he kicks himself for doing it. You’re his client and should therefore remain as such, no conflict of interest or thoughts other than to protect. He didn’t want this job, hell, he still doesn’t know why he said yes. Maybe it was the money. Or maybe it was upon seeing you that first time, in that star-studded gown the night of a charity gala you were attending, the way the diamond littered fabric hung over your figure, absolutely dazzled. The way you looked at him and smiled, like you were used to with all the other nobles and adoring fans. But he let himself believe it was different.
He can’t do that anymore, however, because he can’t allow for any complications. And falling for his boss is certainly a complication. 
You look at him and your eyes widen with realization, “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me cover up.”
You grab a tee shirt and toss it over your exercise clothes. He looks down as you do so and clears his throat. This brings a small smile to your face.  
“You called me in here,” he gestures to the necklace charm hanging around your neck that you can squeeze and send an instant distress signal whenever you need it. “What can I do for you, y/n?”
“Wanted you to spot me,” you tease, a smile overtaking your delicate features. You have a sort of stunning beauty about you that takes him by surprise every time he lays eyes on you. Which is often. You lay on your yoga mat and sit up straight with that same damned smile. 
“I’m here to do a job, y/n,” he says, his deep, honeyed voice coating the way he says your name like heat to sugar. “Not aid you in your workout routine.”
“What? Your assassin training didn’t include sit ups?” you smile, tongue in cheek.
“No, but if you need a way to kill a man with a book,” he presses a foot over both of yours as you begin to do sit ups. “Then I’m your man.”
“Yeah, you and John Wick,” you breathe out with a laugh. “And shouldn’t you be in here watching me already? Not by the door?”
“This room has no windows and no other door or entrance besides the one I was standing by. I thought you would want privacy,” he averts your gaze. “I’m sure it’s a hard thing to come by these days for a woman like yourself.”
You stop what you’re doing and look up at him, blinking, “Well, you’d be right,” you tuck your hair back. “So thank you.”
He meets your eyes, bordering on a smile, “You’re welcome.”
“Is that a smile I see?” you chuckle.
The smile shines, “It was a diversion. And you failed.”
You laugh loudly, “Will the next diversion be an actual laugh?”
“Wouldn’t be a proper diversion if you knew what it was.”
You tap his feet so he’ll get the hint and let you up. You rise to your feet and dust yourself up, “I appreciate your spotting.” You press a hand to his chest and hum. Warmth radiates from your palm and he inhales sharply. “For someone who wasn’t trained, you sure are a fast learner.”
He looks at your hand and back to your eyes, heat sprouting from where your hand touches. His hand flexes at his side as he looks around the room, to the door, seeing if it’s closed. 
“I-” he cocks an eyebrow then settles. “I think I should go.”
He watches you look at him with wounded eyes, brow lowered, you open your mouth then close it. 
You nod, moving away from him, “Right.”
You move to walk away when he stops you, mouth by your ear, voice dropping an octave when he whispers, “Just so you know-” you tilt your head up almost instinctively to hear him better. “-my assassin training did include reminding people who they are when they’ve forgotten their place.”
You look up at him fully now, “You work for me, remember?”
“I work for money. And you didn’t hire me. I was employed by Mrs. Waller to keep you alive,” he cocks his head slightly. 
“So it would be frowned upon by her when you’re unable to walk if you touch me like that again.”
You couldn’t believe he had just said that. Your eyes widen and your cheeks once again heat up, blushing. Your chest gets hot when he doesn’t break the stare like he’s calling your bluff, and fuck, did he do just that. You turn away from him.
You can hear the smile in his voice, “That’s what I thought.”
“Robert said that!?” Harley exclaims, eyes wide. Her jaw is dropped as she does her mascara aggressively in the mirror. “He’s usually so...”
You tug down your tiny halter top over your head, your bright, flattering makeup complementing the colorful swirling pattern, “An empty void with no emotion?”
She nods emphatically, agreeing, “Exactly! I had no idea he had it in him?” she raises her brow and smooths down her leather black and red dress, “Or that he wanted to put it in you-”
You slap her arm, chastising, “You don’t know that. It might have been a threat to actually paralyze me in a very not sexual way.”
“I say both are arousing,” she shrugs, platinum curls bouncing.
You roll your eyes with a small smile aimed at the floor, “Anyway-” you slip a belt through your tight jeans, hitting at your waist when you cinch it in. “We should get going if we want to get to the club on time.”
She pauses. “Y/n. Are you sure we should be doing this?”
You do a double take, “You’re telling me that we shouldn’t sneak out and have a good time?”
“I know the irony is apparent,” she looks at you with a knowing stare. “But not if it means you’re in danger. Which you are.”
“I know,” you frown. “But I’ve been locked in this house for months, I miss going out and having a life. I’m tired of being coddled.”
“I know, sweetheart,” she sighs, looking past herself in the mirror to flash me a sympathetic smile. She thinks for a beat and finally spins around, “Alright, screw it, doll, let’s go paint the town.”
You buzz with excitement, grinning, “Yay! Thank you, thank you! I wonder who will be djaying...” you trail off. 
Harley’s face falls and her mouth goes in a solid, straight line, looking past your shoulder, “I don’t think anyone will be.”
You laugh, completely oblivious, “Of course there will be. There has to be music. Dancing in silence would be pretty fucking awkward.”
“This moment is pretty fucking awkward.”
“What do you mean?”
A deep, irritated voice sounds off behind you, “Because you’re not going.”
You jump out of your skin, “Shit, Robert! You scared the hell out of me!”
“You’re not going to that club,” he folds his arms over his chest. You look over him and his casual, night wear: a loose tee and low hanging joggers. You almost wipe your mouth from salivating. Your outfit elicits the same reaction.
You pinch your eyebrows together, “You can’t tell me what to do.”
“Yes, I can. I’m tasked with protecting you.”
“Yeah. And nowhere on your job description does it say ‘become my parent’. There’s not an opening now just because I don’t have one. I am a grown ass woman and I have been a prisoner in my own home. The same home where...” you pause, a lump in your throat at the reminder of your family’s passing. You shake it off, “I’m just tired. I want a piece of my life back. You can either stay here or come. Either way I’m going.”
He gives you a quick once over and contemplates his options before dropping his arms to his sides and letting out a long exhale.
You somewhat relax at his defeated tone, “Fine, what?”
He relents, “You can go, but I’m coming with you. But if anything happens to you, I’m not to be blamed. I will leave your ass in that club.”
You grin and jump up to give him a tight hug around the neck. He stiffens before slowly rubbing your back. You sink into his embrace, feeling like you were floating in water, now above the surface as he brings you back to oxygen. Harley smiles at the exchange and she winks theatrically. 
He glares. 
It’s not long before you three arrive at the club, music blaring and colorful lights flashing over the crowded floors. From his stare and intimidating aura, the club staff thought he was a bouncer and let you all in immediately. But before he was roped into working, the three of you bee-lined to the bar. 
“The prettiest and strongest drink ya got, sugar,” Harley smiles at the pretty bartender.
“And what if that’s me?” she responds, ebony hair falling onto one shoulder.
“Then I’ll have to drink you later,” Harley gives her a flirty once over and you roll your eyes.
The bartender grins and gestures towards me for my order, I answer quickly, “Scotch on the rocks.”
Robert looks at you, poorly covering his shocked expression. “Really?”
“Yeah, why?” you look up at him.
“Didn’t peg you for a straight liquor type, Ms. y/l/n,” he finally lets his hidden laugh show through, butterflies erupting in your chest. The diversion definitely worked, whatever you were thinking about before this has immediately left you.
“Then this is going to be the first surprise of many tonight, Mr. Dubois,” you return the smug look as he orders the same thing. You both share a look.
The bartender slides you all your drinks, each of you taking a long swig for liquid courage for the night. Harley’s favorite Doja Cat song comes on and she gasps, clapping excitedly when she grabs you by the wrist, pulling you on the dance floor, “Come dance with me.”
You mouth a small ‘sorry’ to Bloodsport who you left at the bar, he shakes his head with a smile over the rim of his glass, watching you guys’ drinks. 
She dances wildly, jumping up and down, spinning to let her hair fall in many beautiful angles. She’s a powerful force and your greatest friend. She puts her arms around your neck and the two of you move in time with the music.
“So...” she motions to Bloodsport who’s being forced into a conversation with a woman at the bar. The woman puts her hand on his and he visibly shrinks back and whispers something to her that causes the most horrid look from the woman and for her to walk quickly away. You smile at the relief that interaction has brought you.
“So what?” you spin her around and pull her back.
“Quit with the good dancing, or I’m gonna fuck you myself,” she teases with a lightheaded giggle.
You smile, “We’ve tried that already, remember?”
“Too much history, I know, I know. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice...” she whispers into your neck, kissing the soft spot under your chin. Your skin heats up under her touch as she drags her hands down your sides, pulling you close to her so that you’re flush against her chest.
You give into her and kiss her slowly, her soft lips melt into your own when her hands tug in your hair. Harley and you have always had a complicated friendship, with enough sexual attraction to fuel a nuclear bomb, but not enough romantic. You love each other but not in the way you both need. You were in love with Robert and she is continuing to explore her sexuality because she likes women and so do you. So as she trails her hot mouth down your neck in the middle of dozens of bustling bodies and you lock eyes with an angry Bloodsport, you knew exactly what she was doing.
You whisper, out of breath, “Are you trying the jealousy trick?”
“It worked in college, didn’t it?” she kisses your cheek, smiling gently against your skin. “And it’s working now.”
“I think you’re just obsessed with kissing me,” you kiss her back.
“It was a win-win situation, doll,” she grins devilishly and you can’t help but agree. “So when you’re done with him, come see me. But right now, I have a sexy bartender lady to drink up.” You grip her hand and let her make her way to her next conquest.
Robert had seen the tail-end of your kiss, his deft fingers clenched around his whiskey glass. He knows he shouldn’t let this sort of thing affect him, something as juvenile and simple as jealousy. But he couldn’t stop that feeling of being stuck, unable to think about anything except the fact that it wasn’t him with his hands on you like that, lips marking you as much as he pleases. Sadness washed over him in a tidal wave and he set his glass down, about to get up to leave when he spotted a man eyeing you from the door. He looked familiar and it wasn’t just attraction he sensed in his eyes but something far more sinister.
A few more men followed suit and began making their way to you in the middle of the dance floor. He had no time to consider the facts, just to get you out of there as soon as possible. 
You feel a rough hand tug your arm and turn to face who you think to be Dubois, you smile, “Enjoy the show?”
“Very much,” an unknown voice answers, and you look up, eyes wide. “Now why don’t you come with me for a little talk, beautiful.”
“Get the fuck off of me,” you yank your arm back, slamming your heel down into the perpetrator’s foot. More men surround you on all sides, making it impossible for you to escape or use your subpar martial arts skills. Aerial yoga was a very different ballpark than kicking ass. And you were just a beginner.
You poorly punch a man in the face, only making them all angrier when you’re grabbed from all sides, being dragged towards the exit kicking and screaming. You didn’t want to be that helpless damsel in distress, but as all of these men, men you recognized from your family’s death, were surrounding you, you couldn’t breathe. Their hands felt familiar, grabbing your arms like they’d done that night before you hid in the secret door in the dining room. You had watched these faceless men through a hole in that door, stifling your cries when bullets sprayed the room your family was having dinner in. So while they were coming after you and pulling you outside, it’s all you felt. That same feeling when he wasn’t near.
There’s a hand that pulls you back and you watch, dazed, as Bloodsport puts every man who touched you on the ground. It’s filled with swift yet aggressive and barbaric movements, controlled, expert chaos and it happens within moments. His chest is heaving when he looks down at you and scoops you up in his arms. You’d object in any other circumstances, but this time, head against his chest and tucked in his arms, you were okay.
His voice rumbles against your side, “We’re going home.”
Harley’s tears hit your shoulder as you sympathetically pat her back.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I shouldn’t have left,” she sniffles loudly. “I should’ve been there.”
You laugh softly, fitting your head into her shoulder, “It’s okay, Harls. It’s not your fault, there was no harm done.”
“There could have been,” she sighs. “I’m not letting you convince me to go out next time, you’re staying here forever.”
You roll your eyes with a smile, “Alright.”
She gets up and sniffs, wiping at her nose that’s now flushed from crying, “Good because I’m serious.”
“I know,” you laugh again, hugging yourself in a hoodie much too large for you, (because you stole it from Rick Flagg) swallowing you whole. 
Your eyes wander down the hall to where Robert is no doubt pacing around in your bedroom, the only room not laden with cameras (ironically for privacy). You kick at the floor in your fuzzy socks and think of an excuse to go check on him, even though you’re probably the last person he wants to see right now. You, frankly, don’t care.
“I’m gonna go-” 
“Check on Robert?” she finishes. “I know, honey. I was a psychiatrist, I’m not stupid.”
You crack a smile and grip her arm affectionately as you walk past her towards the bedroom. You don’t even take the risk of knocking for fear he’ll lock it and try your luck with just simply opening it. You see him, shirtless with a towel over his shoulder, a low hanging towel wrapped around his waist, while nursing his knuckles. He looks you over once you enter the room, trained eyes on you and the intimidation is definitely working already when he takes the damp towel on his shoulder and dabs the cuts on his skin.
He remains silent and you move to sit down on your bed, the awkward squeak filling the already high-tension atmosphere, thick enough to make your ears pop like you’re in an airplane too far up in the sky.
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly, drawing his eye. 
He hums and steps into your bathroom, washing off his hands. 
You frown at his lack of response, “Are you really going to pout this whole time? Because honestly, it’s beneath you, Robert.” You lean forward, watching as he walks out of the bathroom, still half naked, still silent. 
The silence is beginning to slowly kill you, especially when he looks this good, water droplets running down his chiseled torso from a hot shower. You didn’t let your mind wander because if the reaction your body is giving from the image before you was any indication, you want him. He walks in the room once again, mouth in an amused yet firm line. 
In actuality, he was ashamed of himself. Not so much of you. He would’ve left as that despair overcame him back in that bar. He would’ve left you there and abandoned his mission, leaving you to be hurt. If it hadn't been for those men, you could’ve been killed and it would be his fault. He alerted Waller of the attack, making up a lie about the two of you going for a walk at night and getting ambushed there rather than at a club. There’s a hit on each of those men being taken out as we speak as well as a search for their boss. Even though that still got him chewed out. He couldn’t imagine what she’d do to him if she found out the truth.
Robert walks slowly towards you, leaning against the bed frame, gesturing for you to continue. You watch him, distracted, as he wraps a bandage around his knuckles.
“I shouldn’t have kissed her to get a rise out of you, that was hurtful,” you exhale your words, quiet enough he wouldn’t be able to hear you if you weren’t within a breath of one another. You hang your head, “And it was stupid to go out in the first place when I am in this much danger. I could’ve been killed, and you could have been hurt. I’m sorry.”
He represses a laugh at the idea of him getting hurt, when the two of you both know that would never happen. But as the silence from him grows thicker, the more you start to ramble.
“Okay, this silent treatment isn’t going to work for much longer. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you need to stop.”
He gives you a look that says ‘make me’. But you both know you couldn’t if you tried, and vice versa. He thinks of you as a siren, one of those alluring creatures in old sailor tales that lured unsuspecting men to their painful deaths. As if he has no control of the way he feels about you. Which in a way he does, but he knows better. He knows better than to fall under your enchanting song, but he can’t help but be pulled beneath the surface of the water. 
Robert tenses when you move forward and the hoodie falls off one of your shoulders, revealing more of your chest, the smooth skin that lays there. 
His chest tightens when you look up at him and sigh.
“But thank you for saving me,” you say, both because you think that’s what he wants to hear but also because you mean it, you wouldn’t be here at all if he didn’t come with you.
He licks his lips and nods his head in simple recognition. He appreciated the apology, truly he did, but a part of him enjoyed the way you continued to ramble on, so he remained silent. This was an old interrogation tactic he learned when he served, keeping quiet always got people talking. He looks down at you and leans to meet your face, hands on either side of you. 
“I don’t know what else you wish for me to say,” you admit quietly, fiddling with your hands.
He didn’t know either but whatever you would say, he would listen.
“So I take it you’re not mad anymore?” you infer from his relaxed posture, heart beating out of your chest, fast enough that it catapults to your throat. 
He tilts his head down so he’s an inch before your mouth, breath fanning over your face. when he tugs you up to your feet, hands gripping the sides of your waist when he pulls you close. Your heartbeats began to sync up, chest to chest.
“I’m fucking furious, sweetheart.”
You meet his eyes, looking up in that seductive stare of yours you never knew you were capable of until him, and close the distance, kissing him lightly. His arms falter by your side and it’s the first time you’ve seen him hesitate, losing his cool. It’s the most gentle thing he’s ever experienced, everything in his life being forced, hostile, and malicious, while your soft lips against his are anything but. You kiss him like he’s not the monster he thinks himself to be. 
“Then let me make it up to you.”
“Fuck,” he grips your sides harder, palm moving to push you closer with his hand flat against the small of your back. “We shouldn’t.”
You search his face for uncertainty, but all you sense is a profound sense of clarity, in the both of you. “I know.”
“Will you regret this?”
You shake your head, hand against his cheek, “No.”
His dark eyes fall to your lips, pupils filling his dark brown irises, lust blown, “You’re so good, baby. You’re too good for me.”
Before you can tease him about the new nickname and object to that, his lips have crashed against your own. His hand slides up to cup the side of your face, drinking you in with his intoxicating kiss. You hum, content, against his feverish mouth and he opens it, vulnerable and on display. You feel his guard still up, tense and calculated, so you rest your hand against his chest. You press a kiss to his eyelid, his cheek, his nose, his chin, his jaw, his neck. He softens beneath you, groaning aloud as his hands tighten. 
“You don’t need to be afraid with me,” you whisper to him, tender fingers trailing down his shirtless chest, hot skin against hot skin. It’s enough to make you sweat.
He exhales and captures your bottom lip with his own, holding your face in both of his hands. The kiss grows heated and rushed, like you’re running out of time, as if at any moment those men would come back and find you and take you away from him again. His tongue expertly works with your own, licking the pout of your bottom lip, and coaxing you open. He slides his hand down between your legs, dipping his finger to find the slick in the middle of your thighs. You moan into his mouth, his other hand at the back of your neck when he buries his face in your shoulder. He kisses you there, the crook where your neck meets your collarbone, that damned sensitive spot. You succumb to his touch. His beard tickles your skin and you gasp when he sucks hard, a bruise forming.
You breathe a laugh, “Everyone will see if you leave a mark,” you tug on his hair when you thread it through his coarse curls. 
He falls under your spell and there’s something so ironically beautiful about this trained assassin with a heart of gold and the scars to show for it, being so open with you.
His hands, his entire life, have been forced to be instruments of death and violence. But as they slide down your figure, holding your face, and pulling you into him, they’re his greatest gift. He’s surprisingly tender with you. 
But then he has enough and pushes you down on the bed, arms trapping you on both sides.
He responds bluntly, “I don’t care.”
You part your legs for him and he releases a shaky breath. He slowly unzips your sweatshirt and it falls off you just as you do the same and tug his towel down. Both of you are bare before the other as you take a moment to drink each other in. You were just as, if not more, beautiful than he imagined you to be. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he says quietly as his hand drapes down the line of your figure. He touches you how someone would handle a glass vase filled with flowers. 
You take his face in both of your hands and kiss him, “So are you.” 
“I don’t think you know what you do to me, baby.” His hand finds your breast and squeezes while he kisses your neck.
You moan when he uses his other hand to grip your neck, thumb against your pulse point, “If it’s anything like how I feel right now, then yes, I do.”
He lifts his head up to watch your face as he chokes you, softly so he doesn’t hurt you but hard enough to play with your breath. His thumb opens your mouth and your legs tremble. 
“So I take it you’re into choking, my love?” You nod excitedly, unable to speak, and his grip tightens. 
You let out a squeak and he releases, face etched with worry, kissing your neck where he touched you. “Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.” 
You shake your head and smile comfortingly, “No, baby, I’m okay. I’ll tap out if it’s too rough, I promise,” you tease.
His grumbling voice deepens, “Good... because, darling, right now all I want to do is bury my face in between those gorgeous thighs of yours.”
You inhale sharply when he opens your legs once again, looking up at you and you nod in consent.
“I need words, beautiful,” he smirks with his mouth just above your center. 
“Yes, please,” you breathe out and he responds with a swift lick to your pussy. He looks up at you and when he catches your eye, it’s as if the sensation grows stronger and your head hits your pillow.
“I’ve barely even touched you,” he mumbles into you and you feel his smug smile in your thigh. His fingers dip into you as he flattens his tongue and crooks them towards himself, you grip your sheets.
“Don’t... flatter yourself,” you sigh out. “I-it’s just been awhile.”
He removes his mouth and fingers from you, “So anyone can make you feel like this?”
You enjoy the feeling you get when he looks at you like that, his eyes dark and dominant, so you play along and nod. “Yes, in fact, I’ve had better.”
He licks his lips and gets up from the bed. He opens his drawer and you sit up to look what he grabs: a belt. Your heart beats excitedly in your chest even though you know you shouldn’t be. He gets back on the bed and climbs over you.
Robert looks at you, “Hands.”
You extend them to him wordlessly, watching as he ties your wrists together and puts them over the bedpost so you’re trapped there, unable to move.
“Now,” he holds himself above you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “You’re to stay tied up until I say so, anything like that again and they get tighter. Nod if you understand me.”
You nod emphatically. You had never seen this side of Robert before, so in control and not afraid to go too far, it was so unbelievably sexy. 
The best part was he didn’t tie it tight enough, afraid of hurting you, so you could easily slip out your hands at any moment.
He kisses, painfully slow, down your chest and wraps his lips around your nipple. He swirls his tongue around the erect bud and you gasp, desperate to touch him. He looks up at you from you chest as he switches to the other, massaging the unattended one as he sucks, the pleasurable feeling overwhelming you. So much so you have to clench your thighs together, longing for some sort of relief for the tension building in your abdomen.
“Baby, please,” you whine, squirming beneath him.
He shuts you up with a bruising kiss while his hand slips down to enter you, two fingers in already. He pumps them in and out of you before sliding back down the expanses of your body and letting his mouth latch onto your clit. He sucks hard and you stifle a loud moan that would surely alert everyone in the home of your arousal. He holds you down against the bed with a palm flat against your stomach as you begin to lift your pelvis. His tongue enters you while his fingers take over, stimulating you with gentle rubs and flicks. But just before you feel that euphoric release, his actions cease and you’re left hot and flustered. 
“Robert,” you look at him with a deep frown.
He grins, “Y/n...”
You blow hair out of your eyes, “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.” He puts his lips near your ear, “Are you ready?” You nod as he pushes himself inside you and you bite back a moan into his shoulder. 
You finally have enough, slip your hands out, and he pinches his brow, unable to hide his shock before you bring him down to press your lips against his. He melts into you, arms wrapped around you while he holds you close, filling you out in all the right places. He quickens his pace and you whine into his mouth, nails digging into his skin. You wrap your legs around his torso and he hits you so nicely. He was right, it’s the best you’ve ever had. He rises and looks at you, lips swollen and red from kissing, eyes clear and pupils large, and face flushed with heat. Your hair is in messy tendrils at all angles and you’ve never been more attractive.
“You’re doing so good,” he praises in your ear, placing kisses across your jaw. “Taking my cock so well.”
You whimper and his movements stiffen as he approaches release and so do you, walls tightening around him. He reaches down and rubs your clit with his expert fingers. You finish together, mouths open and hands all over each other’s bodies. It overcomes you in a tingling, perfect sensation, it continues on, leaving you aching and wanting more.
He rubs his knuckles over your cheek, softly and adoringly he looks at you. You tuck yourself into his arms under the blankets. Everything you both have wanted for a long time, laying right in front of you.
“Still want to make me not walk?” you tease, looking up at him.
He kisses your eyelids and you giggle, “Fuck yes.”
Part 2?
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lostinthewiind · 4 years ago
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 4
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: mentions sexual experiences of reader before she was of age, discussion about sex lives, flirting, touching 
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous →Part 3
Next →Part 5
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Head resting in your hand and elbow resting on the counter, you huffed, still not used to the heat that accumulated in the store throughout the day and praying for just one customer to walk through the door so you could experience a refreshing blast of evening air. You supposed you could go outside yourself to cool off a little, like Keishin had previously suggested in lieu of sticking your head in one of the fridges, but being the only person at the store currently, you felt a little bad about leaving the building, even if it was just to step out front.
You were still trying your best to put on a good impression for Mrs. Sakanoshita—despite the rough first impression you had made on her son—and you knew the family store was precious, so you decided to suck it up for the remainder of your shift.
Without much to do, since you had completed your chores early, you remained seated at the front counter, bored out of your mind. That was, until your prayers were answered and you heard the front doors slide open.
“Hello!” you greeted happily, ready to welcome a customer. Your radiant excitement faded when you noticed it was just Keishin, however, and went back to slumping on the counter. “Oh, it’s just you.”
“Wow, those rapid mood changes must be why we’ve been so busy lately,” Keishin shot back at you, a cigarette hanging from his mouth like usual. “Will the girl behind the counter smile or frown at you? Maybe it’ll be both. Oh, how exciting!”
“Can it, dye job,” you grumbled.
Keishin feigned hurt, his hand resting over his chest dramatically as he pretended to have been shot. “Words hurt, you know. You’ve hurt me.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you told him, lazily gesturing around the empty store. “What does matter is that we’ve been dead for hours and I’m bored.”
Keishin poked his bottom lip out and faked a pout. “Awh, poor baby. Is getting paid to sit there and do nothing hard work? You must be exhausted. Poor thing.”
“I don’t get paid nearly enough to put up with you.” You reached across the counter to lightly smack his shoulder but he jumped out of the way just in time. “Seriously though, stay and entertain me for a while.”
“If you’re that bored, why don’t you dust the vents or something?”
You laid your head down on the counter and exhaled slowly for effect. “You know I aim to please but that sounds like hell. Can’t you just talk to me for like ten minutes? Tell me about your day or something.”
Keishin threw his head back and groaned loudly. “But I’m too hungry to think about anything other than food right now.”
“I’m hungry too but you don’t see me complaining about it.”
“No, you’re just complaining about everything else.” He leaned against the other side of the counter, his tongue flicking against the tip of his cigarette as he thought. “Actually, I’ve got a better idea.”
You glanced up at him, waiting for him to elaborate. “I doubt it but proceed.”
Done with your constant back talk, which was extremely common between the two of you ever since you had worked out your differences and agreed to the deal he had suggested, he took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke directly into your face. “Just shut up and listen, will you?”
You coughed when you accidentally inhaled the second-hand smoke. “If I get cancer and die, I’m haunting you.”
“Go ahead.” He didn’t pay any attention to the words leaving your mouth as he headed into the back room and shut off the store lights. Then, with his own set of keys in hand, he headed back toward the front of the store. “Come on.” He looked back at you expectantly when you didn’t immediately follow.
Confused, you slowly stepped around from the back of the counter. “Where are we going?”
“We’re closing up early and going to get something to eat.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, half of you wondering if this was some sort of employee test to see how responsible you were. “Are we allowed to do that?”
“I am, you aren’t,” Keishin said, beckoning you over to him. “But let’s just keep this between you and I, yeah? What my mom doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, it’s slow anyway.”
Taking off your white apron and grabbing your things, you reluctantly followed the older man out of the store and watched as he locked up behind the two of you. Anxiously, you shifted your weight from foot to foot. “Are you sure I won’t get in trouble for this?”
“I promise I won’t tell on you,” Keishin assured you as he stuffed the keys back into his pocket and dropped his cigarette bud to the ground before crushing it with his foot. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”
Falling into pace beside Keishin as the two of you set off down the sidewalk, you following his lead, you weren’t sure exactly sure what to say or even if you should say something. Never before had you and Keishin existed outside of the store together and it felt a little awkward. 
“So . . . is this like a date or something?” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. What you had meant to come across as a casual inquiry ended up sounding more like a desperate girl clarifying what she meant to the boy she liked. You sounded like a child.
The corners of Keishin’s mouth curled upward and he shrugged. “Call it whatever you want.” He really didn’t seem to care one way or another. “Although, I’d be a horrible boyfriend if I didn’t take you out at least once . . . fake or not.”
You nearly choked on your spit at the use of the word ‘boyfriend’. Even though you had been pretending to date him for the purposes of changing your parents’ ideals for the past few weeks, you were still caught off guard every time Keishin referred to himself as your boyfriend—even though he was usually doing it to mock you. 
“Yeah, just awful,” you agreed halfheartedly. “Where are we going anyway?”
“This little place that I like,” he said, his answer extremely vague until he continued. “Best ramen I’ve ever had.”
After a few more minutes of walking, the two of you arrived at the place Keishin was talking about and he ordered two take-out bowls and paid for them both, insisting that you should try his regular order since you had never been there before. Not wanting to disagree because he was footing the bill, you let him do what he wanted and tailed him out to a picnic table outside like an obedient puppy. 
“It’s much too hot to eat inside,” Keishin reasoned as he plopped down on the opposite side of the picnic table from you. “Plus, it’s nice outside. Might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts, right?”
“Right.” You nodded.
While Keishin dug right into his meal, you sat still, hands in your lap, and watched him. One thing you had quickly come to realize was that Keishin was the perfect specimen for people watching, and not just because he was relatively easy on the eyes. He was an interesting person; for example, how he tucked half-smoked cigarettes behind his ear to smoke later or how he always wore a headband to keep his hair out of his face but vehemently refused to just cut his damn hair. 
Even though you bugged him about cutting his hair all the time, you secretly hoped he would continue to stand his ground and refuse because you wanted to see what he looked like with his hair down. You also wanted to run your hands through his hair—it looked soft and fluffy—but that was besides the point.
“Hey, it’s gonna get cold,” Keishin snapped you out of your thoughts, his mouth half full of ramen as he jabbed his chopsticks in your direction. “Don’t tell me you don’t like ramen. You should have said something before I ordered for both of us.”
Snapping out of your daze, you picked up your chopsticks and shook your head. “No, I like ramen.” You took a bite to prove your point. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”
Keishin waited for you to eat a little more before digging for your consensus. “Good, right?”
“Yeah, really good,” you agreed. “I always walk past this place but I’ve never gone inside.”
“I was the same way. It doesn’t really catch your eye, so unless you’re looking for it, it’s easy to miss,” he said. “Then one day my grandpa took me here for my birthday and I’ve been coming ever since.”
You snickered. “Popular date spot then?”
Keishin cocked a brow. “What?”
“I mean, if you come here a lot, I’m sure it’s a go-to for dates,” you continued. “It even comes with a wholesome story about how your grandpa introduced you to it. Ultimate chick magnet.”
Keishin just rolled his eyes at you. “You know, contrary to popular belief, most girls don’t like it when you take them out to eat cheap ramen on a picnic table that’s falling apart.”
You chuckled. “I wasn’t going to say anything about the table, but I’m pretty sure I have at least ten splinters in my ass by now.”
“Yeah, this thing is torture. So eat fast and then we’ll move to the park across the street or something.”
Shoveling the rest of your food into your mouth, you ate fast while Keishin stared you down, every second that passed introducing your butt to a new world of pain. As soon as you were done, Keishin took both of your take-out bowls and tossed them into a nearby trashcan.
“Well, sucks for all those other girls then, because that ramen really is amazing,” you said when Keishin returned, the two of you crossing the street and heading into the park. 
“Told you.” Keishin smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Once in the park, which was empty considering it was dark out and most kids were in bed by then, the two of you picked a nearby bench that wasn’t splintering and took a seat. 
Drawing your knees up to your chest, you wrapped your arms around your legs and sighed. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Yeah, no problem.” He let his head fall back and looked up at the night sky. “Damn, I could really go for an ice cold beer right now.”
“Well, we could start heading back now if you want,” you suggested. “The beers at the store are extra chilly since I didn’t stick my head in the fridges to cool off today, despite how sweltering it was.”
Keishin laughed. “Well, thank you for that,” he drew in a deep breath and relaxed into the bench, deciding whether to get up or not. “Let’s stay here for a while longer though.”
Silence fell over the two of you as you stared up at the sky and listened to the sounds of Miyagi in the evening. You tried to remember the last time you had gone out like this—just going wherever you wanted and doing whatever you wanted. You couldn’t recall the last time . . . or even if there was a last time.
Tilting your head to look at Keishin, you smiled at the sight of him sitting with his eyes closed, arms crossed behind his head and head lolled back. He looked happy, almost as peaceful as he did when he was sleeping.
“Hey,” you whispered.
Keishin cracked an eye open to look at you. “Hmm?”
“Thanks for tonight.” You breathed in the scent of the night air and a feeling of content washed over you. “As you’ve probably already figured out, I don’t really have any friends. I don’t get to go out like this very often . . . or ever, really.”
“You don’t need to thank me. It’s what boyfriends are for, right?”
You giggled. “Well, considering you’re not my real boyfriend, I think a ‘thank you’ is in order.”
“Well, you’re welcome,” he caved. “Speaking of fake boyfriends, how’s it going with your parents?”
You let out a frustrated moan. “Oh, about as well as expected. When I mentioned I was seeing someone they bombarded me with a million questions, none of which were answered to their satisfaction.”
Keishin cringed. “So I’m that bad, huh?”
You scoffed. “If you think that’s bad, you should have seen their faces when I showed them a photo of you.”
Keishin let out a laugh. “Don’t tell me they weren’t fans of the piercings?”
“Oh, they weren’t fans of anything,” you said. “I think the only positive thing they could say about you was that you had a pulse . . . no offense.”
“Eh, no worries. At least they didn’t call me a burnout . . . then I would have started crying.”
“Hey!” You smacked at his shoulder again, managing to hit your target this time. “I said I was sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t pay for my therapy.”
“Yeah, well, if you need therapy I doubt I’m the biggest reason.”
“You really are so cruel to me. Do your parents know you facilitate abusive relationships?”
You closed your eyes and shook your head. “That insinuates I’ve had past relationships, or any real ones.”
Keishin craned his neck to look at you, eyes wide. “Wait, you’ve never been in a relationship before? Like never?”
“Nope. I don’t even have any friends, so what makes you think anyone wants to date the boring girl with the crazy parents?”
Keishin looked at you like you were some wounded animal he had just found on the side of the road. You could see in his eyes he was slowly coming to terms with just how isolating your life was. You could tell he felt bad, but the last thing you wanted was his sympathy.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” you told him. “I’m not completely pathetic, okay? I still went through my experimental phase like most teenagers do. I just had to be very sneaky about it.”
“You know, back of a car, other people’s houses when their parents were gone. As far as my parents know, I’m untainted . . . a precious, naive virgin. I’m just not very experienced.”
“I can imagine.” Keishin was a little thrown by the direction the conversation had taken, but you were both adults and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little curious, so he just rolled with it. “High school boys aren’t exactly known for being great in bed.”
The two of you let out a shared laugh at that. “You got that right,” you agreed. 
“So, wait, no relationships but you’ve had sex? So you’ve never been with someone you have a genuine connection with?”
You eyed Keishin, perplexed by the sudden sincerity in his words. “You didn’t peg me as someone who cares about that kind of stuff.”
“I mean, I’ve had my fair share of one night stands, sure, but I’m not completely heartless,” he said, the eye contact he was using while he spoke sending a chill down your spine. “It’s completely different when it’s someone you care about. The experience is something everyone should have at least once in their lives.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a genuine connection with anyone before,” you confessed, unsure why you were spilling some of your deepest secrets in public, on a park bench, to a man you had only known for a couple of months. “It’s kind of hard when everyone is held at an arm’s length away.”
Without warning, Keishin shifted closer to you and placed his hand on your face, the pad of his thumb ghosting over your bottom lip. “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” he breathed.
“It’s not sad, not for me at least. You can’t miss something you’ve never had,” you spoke softly, worried you might scare him away if your voice was too loud or if you made any sudden movements. “No best friends, no boyfriends. Just me, my parents, and everyone else.”
Keishin looked like he wanted to say something; in fact, he looked like he wanted to say a lot of things, but despite this, he remained silent. Maybe he was worried about offending you, or maybe he was finally understanding just how different you were from other people. Maybe he didn’t like different. 
“But now there’s you.” You flashed a small smile, hoping to draw him out of whatever mess was going on inside of his head. “I’ve never met someone like you before.”
“Someone like me?” he finally spoke.
You nodded as you placed your hand over the one he was resting on your cheek and held it. “I’m not your responsibility and yet you’re going out of your way to help me. Not to mention I don’t even deserve your help. You are the first truly selflessly kind person I’ve ever met. Thank you.”
“What if I’m not as kind as you think I am?” His hands found their way to your waist and he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him. “What will you do then?”
“That depends on what you’re planning on doing.”
Hands running up your sides, Keishin dug his finger tips into your skin as you lowered your head toward his, mouths inches apart. “What if I took you home, laid you down, and took care of you like a boyfriend should?” You could feel his hot breath on your face as he spoke. “What if I took advantage of your lack of experience?”
“I would say thank you,” you said, inching closer. Before your lips met, however, you stopped yourself. “But I promised not to fall in love, and I think it would be awfully hard to keep my promise if you did that.” With that, you planted your hands on his shoulders and pushed yourself away from him before he could make a decision he would later regret. 
Standing up, you collected yourself and drew in a deep breath. As soon as you had detached yourself from Keishin, you could see the fog that had been clouding his judgement dissipating as he came back to his senses. 
“I should probably head home now.” You decided, not wanting to ruin the first actual friendship you had by doing something stupid and selfish. 
“Yeah.” Keishin nodded, slowly standing up as well. It was clear he was slightly embarrassed by his actions, but you also noticed the glint in his eyes that gave away the part of him that still wanted to take you home with him. 
Trying to immediately leave what had just happened in the past, you smiled and turned to start heading home, opting to take the longer way so you wouldn’t have to take the same route as Keishin. “Good night, Keishin.”
“Good night, Y/N.” You heard him call after you, but you didn’t look back at him. Instead, you kept walking, hoping the time apart would serve as a reset on your relationship and put things back to how they had been before that night.
A few weeks ago, you would have jumped at the chance Keishin had dangled in front of your face just now. But since then, you had realized he was more important to you than someone you could just throw away with a one night stand. And since there was no way the two of you could actually be together, this was the only option if you didn’t want to lose him.
If only someone had warned you that genuine connections were this complicated. 
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201128 Weverse Magazine ‘BE’ Comeback Interview - Namjoon
RM: “I spend a lot of time thinking about where I am now” BTS BE comeback interview 2020.11.28
The story of BTS’ new album BE started on April 17, 2020 when group member RM announced its production on the BANGTANTV YouTube channel. In the seven months that followed until the album’s release, RM’s mind was full, his thoughts flowing in and out of his head.
How do you feel about the unique approach you took to making your new album, BE? RM: The other members were a ton of help to me. My lyrics made it on the album, but the music I composed didn’t, so I’m really thankful to the group for the music. How should I say this? I feel like everyone is doing a great job. There are so many parts in these songs that I’m indebted to them for. “Stay” was originally going to be the title song on Jung Kook’s mixtape, but everyone liked it so much, and they all agreed to put that on our album. That’s how much influence they had. I’m really happy my room idea was chosen to be the album photos. Since we’re spending a lot of time in our rooms because of COVID-19, we laid out the idea of each of us decorating a room in our own style. I can’t remember for sure (laughs) but I think I’m the one who came up with that. I made a comfortable room, one that’s modern and warm because that’s what I like.
There’s a painting in the middle, and symmetrically arranged figurines. RM: The figures are from my own collection. I wanted to show one of my paintings, but that didn’t pan out. But still, those are the things I hold most dear to me right now, so I let the room embody the things I wish I had, too.
It’s well known that you like art and frequent exhibitions, but how do you feel when you look at art in your home or another space where there are no people, like in the album art? RM: Someone said, “You don’t have to buy this painting; it’s yours so long as you’re looking at it.” That’s my favorite sound bite these days. What I most envied about painters was that, even after they died, their work would be hanging up somewhere, maybe even in another country, still defining that space. Musicians leave behind their songs and videos, too, but it’s only through fine art that viewers in the future are able to completely meet artists from the past. I’m envious that this is only possible for painters. These days I’m trying to find spaces where I can have more relaxed viewing experiences.
There’s a full experience involved, from the time you get ready to leave your house until the time you’re actually looking at artwork in the gallery. RM: That’s perfect to me. There’s art you can keep at home, and then there’s art that should always be viewed in museums.
What effect do you think that type of experience has on your music? You didn’t compose any of the songs but instead participated in writing the lyrics to all of the tracks. Did that experience affect your lyric writing in any way? RM: I think it’s helped me develop a way of thinking using all the senses. I used to be attuned to speech and focus on language and auditory textures, but now I can look at my thoughts from many different angles. That’s why I spend more time studying art now. I’m waiting for the day that it all comes to the surface, like when you paint the base on a canvas over and over so the colors pop. It’s hard to answer in one word if it has a direct influence on my work, but I think people who create music develop a way of seeing the world through their personal experience and their creative process. Painters naturally exhibit their art over a very long period of time. I think it gave me an eye for looking at the world in one long, continuous stroke. So now it’s become a little challenging for me to write lyrics these days. I’ve become more cautious.
Why is it so challenging? RM: I used to have so many ideas pouring out that it was hard to pluck one out. So I would stack them up like a Jenga tower and ponder over which one to remove. But now, it’s hard to even add a block to the stack. I’m not sure why but, when I look at these artists whose works span their entire lives, I sense that the rhythm of my creativity is slowing down more and more. That’s the source of my dilemma. I’m only 27 years old. I still need to wander around and get tripped up a little. But am I just trying to imitate what the fine artists are doing? Or maybe BTS experienced so much in the past seven years, that now it’s time for us to take a breather? I’ve got so many questions, I feel like my hair’s turning white. That’s why none of my songs are on the album. I wrote some, but they were too personal to use there. I don’t exactly like myself like this, but I have to see through to the end in this direction and find the answer.
Maybe for that reason, your rapping has shifted focus to the lyrics more so than trend or musicality. It emphasizes the feeling of the words over a particular format or beat. RM: Exactly. In—was it 2017? Pdogg was talking to Yoongi, Hobi and me about our style, and said, “Namjoon, it feels like you’re becoming a lyricist,” and it really stuck with me. I have a lot of thoughts lately when I watch Show Me the Money or listen to hip hop songs from the Billboard chart. My music started out all about my life as a rapper, so I spend a lot of time thinking about where I am now.
So you’ve started to ask yourself who you are as a musician? RM: I listened to Lee So-ra’s seventh album again today. I keep changing my mind but, if I had to pick between her sixth and seventh album, I like her seventh a little more. And then I listen to the most popular songs on Billboard, and I feel kind of thrown off. Um … There’s something Whanki Kim said that’s been running around in my head lately: After moving to New York, he embraced the style of artists like Mark Rothko and Adolf Gottlieb, but then he said, “I’m Korean, and I can’t do anything not Korean. I can’t do anything apart from this, because I am an outsider.” And I keep thinking that way, too. That’s my main concern lately.
You can feel that on BE. As the members take on more prominent roles as songwriters and producers, characteristics of old Korean music—the kind of music you likely listened to in middle and high school—gradually entered your sound. But your music isn’t from that era, and it sounds like pop, but not quite. RM: The sound has to fit with the whole album so I couldn’t incorporate that feel into BTS songs, but the songs I’m listening to most lately have been Korean. Songs like P-Type’s “Don Quixote,” Dead’P’s “Spread My Wings,” Soul Company’s album The Bangerz. The impressions the songs from back then have left on me, the lyrics from back then and the lyrics from now, they’re different. So BE is both Korean and pop; it’s very unique, in my view.
I think that’s especially true for “Life Goes On.” It’s got a pop melody, but compared to “Dynamite,” it has a very different feel. It doesn’t slip deep into the sentimental, instead allowing the melody to flow naturally. RM: Exactly. The chorus is totally pop, and one of the writers was also American. But the song doesn’t really follow American music trends, weirdly. So I don’t know how “Life Goes On” is going to be received. It’s really calm, almost contemplative. So there’s lyrics, like, “Like an echo in the forest,” and, “Like an arrow in the blue sky.” The song kind of feels like that: It could just float off and disappear. It might even come off as bland next to “Dynamite.”
If nothing else, it seems the song will stick around for a long time. Maybe kids now will listen to it later on in the future. RM: I hope so. That’s the one thing I really hope for, people in the future, thinking back and saying, “Oh, right! Remember that one song?” That’s what my favorite artists and other people who leave a lasting impression on me have in common. One thing common among the songs that have affected me a lot, like Lee So-ra’s seventh album, is that the lyrics they utter in their voice along with the overall sound stick with me. I hope when people look back, my words uttered with the sound of my voice, echoes for a long time in an auditory or visual way, or even throughout their entire lives. But that’s the dilemma: We have all these bling-bling symbols of our success, but we’re not that kind of team.
And yet, BTS’s career path is even more “bling-bling” than ever. “Dynamite” was the top song on the Billboard Hot 100. RM: I was the first one to check our position (laughs) but I didn’t want to get too excited about it. I was scared of facing disappointment so I put the brakes on out of habit, and restrained myself. But on the other hand, I feel like I should relish this moment. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing; shouldn’t I enjoy myself a bit? But I disliked that sensation of only feeling elated so I tried to be as objective as possible. I was just one small part of everything that made this happen.
It reminds me of that part, “Running faster than that cloud of rain /  Thought that would be enough / Guess I’m only human after all,” from “Life Goes On.” RM: “Only human” sounds so appropriate for me right now. One time, I saw a dark cloud over the N Seoul Tower while I was walking along the Han River. I was with a friend and we talked about where the border between where it’s raining and where it’s not might be, and suddenly, we came up with the idea to run and find that spot. But after running for 10 minutes, the cloud was even further away than it had been. At that moment, the puzzle pieces snapped into place. You think you can go faster than that dark cloud? No. That’s what I realized then. And I just like what Whanki Kim said, that maybe I can’t do anything not Korean, because that’s what I am. I used to work late and then stay up all night when things weren’t working out, sometimes walking from Samseong to Sinsa station, thinking everything through. But now, like the saying, I realize that maybe I can’t do more than what I am.
On Weverse, you said that you gained some muscle from working out. Could the change to your body improve your creativity in the long term? RM: I started to think I better change myself a little, physically or mentally. I’m talking about being steady. I used to bombard myself with challenges and worries and just get over them, but now I think it’s time to find that one sturdy thing and plant myself there. The best choice was working out, and I think it’s changing my behavior a lot. I’m hoping that, if I keep working out for a year or two, I’ll become a different person.
Music is your job, but also your life. Like you expressed in “Dis-ease,” how would you say you feel about your work? RM: This is my job and my calling and I feel a great sense of responsibility. I think I’m lucky and happy that I can solely worry about my creative process. And I feel very responsible to those people who put their trust in me, so I try not to cross any lines, judge myself honestly, and always be professional. Those are the responsibilities that come with the job—the things I have to do and the promises I won’t betray. But if I’m going to do it, I’m going to be happy while I do it. That’s not always going to be possible, but that’s generally how I feel.
Well then, how do you feel about BTS at the moment? RM: BTS is … Well, it’s really hard to tell. (laughs) When BTS started out, I thought, “I know everything there is to know about BTS,” but now it’s, “I don’t know a single thing about BTS.” In the past, I felt like I knew everything, and that anything was possible. Call it childish or ambitious. But if I were to ask myself, “What is BTS to me?” I would say, we’re just people who met each other because we were meant to. But it feels like the stars aligned and a startup company became a unicorn, with perfect timing and lots of smart people. Looking back, there were a lot of ironies and contradictions in this industry. I thought I figured them out one by one, and then finally understood the whole thing. But now I feel like I don’t know anything at all. Anyway, to sum up: My young, reckless twenties. The events of my twenties. There were a lot of contradictions, people, fame, and conflict all tangled together, but it was my choice and I got a lot out of it, so my twenties were an intense but also happy time.
And what about you, as one individual person? RM: I’m a real Korean person. (laughs) A person who wants to do something in Korea. I think millennials are charging into society stuck between the analog and digital generations, and what I chose is BTS. So I try to integrate myself into our generation, try to understand what people like me are thinking, and try to work hard to capture that feeling without being a burden on them. This might be another kind of irony itself, but this is who I am. I’m a 27-year-old Korean. That’s what I think.
Trans © Weverse
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