#oh and Bojan’s confusion
leopardom · 11 months
reminiscing jo @ tavastia continues so here’s this cha cha chaotic performance in case anyone had forgotten how it went 🥲
20/09/23 - Helsinki, FI (mine)
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graysanatimony · 2 months
So today I was reading a book and SOMEHOW my fucking dumbass managed to read the name “Collin” as Bojan… THEY ARE NOTHING ALIKE HOW DID I MANAGE THAT
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mogoce-nocoj · 6 months
extensive gig reports, Berlin 12.03.24 + Leipzig 13.03.24 💕
they got kinda long oops
queue curse: missed jure walking by and nace and kris laughing at the queue for turning up the volume of cha cha cha because of looking for a public toilet and getting food respectively 🫠
jc stewart also walked by like four? times and people only started noticing around the third time or something, sorry jc stewart
bojan said that they love playing in smaller venues during soundcheck which made me laugh because of the downgraded berlin venue
kris ngvot but he looked so unenthusiastic about it and only did it after talking to bojan who I guess talked him into it? sorry kris, you were amazing though
bojan loved the shirt @zadig-fate made for him ❤️ he's such a nerd for being obsessed with eurotrip and was so excited to be like “this is a eurotrip quote!!!” lmao
bojan got a harmonica, said he couldn't play it, and then still played the wedding march on it because of course he was able to do that
bojan's slut leather(?) shirt 🫠 I hope damon suggested he should wear it because you could see his chest very well and he was moving so much and jfc
ended up on kris's side and since this was a no barrier stage he and his pants and ass were so close to me that I felt awkward directly looking at him 😭
jan just doing jan stuff. annoying jure and hitting his cymbals. casually sitting down onto the piano chair during umazane misli while continuing to play the guitar. this guy I swear
bojan got so emotional during EW that it actually made me emotional too. and the panic attack cheer 😂
the fact that the song can stay “schlager” for us german audiences and bojan yapping something about imagining that we're at an old people birthday party or something idk
the guys were very confused about the berlin flag 😂 jan was kinda holding it, very unsure, then went over to kiki, then went over to nace and they were just kind of. looking at the flag and then jan turned to kris and mouthed "berlin??" and kris signalled him a yes which was very funny
just. the vibes of the crowd. everyone was so respectful and we genuinely had an amazing energy. berlin crowd I love you so much
vita said they got the stage measurements beforehand and knew that racik's art wouldn't fit on the stage lmao. she's also super sweet and so easy to talk to. love u vita thanks for all the photos (selfishly glad she's pausing her studies for this)
hugged teya before she had to leave and didn't get to talk to nace and kris but managed to catch jan afterwards and had him sign in my gig book and it was? such a nice crowd? everyone was waiting and chatting for a bit and then when we were all finished jan was hovering there a bit awkwardly before saying bye and leaving. it was amazing and so chill (again. berlin crowd I love you.)
jure was walking by and we waved and a person turned around to see who we were waving at and let out a very loud “oh my god” after spotting jure. absolutely hilarious, we all burst out laughing
while the queue was being organised, kris, jc stewart with jure, vita, and nace behind them were walking down the street next to the queue and nace waved at us but no one paid attention (busy with the queue) so he kinda. stopped lmao
literally like ten minutes after that, jan seemed to try catching up to them but didn't know where to go so he just stared very intently at his phone and stopped in the middle of the street, turned left and walked right by us, then apparently went to far and had to turn back. top ten janči moments
kris walked into the soundcheck with a mug in his hand and left pretty quickly again after soundcheck was finished, he's just so funny to me
bojan said that it was a nice change that the EA crowd were mostly germans which like. ok.
the boys came down to us to talk and take pics with us after the soundcheck??? so nice of them but it confused the hell out of me (I wasn't prepared and was very intimidated by suddenly having a bojan directly in front of me)
a friend I was with asked bojan about the jo travel curse and munich because it's been horrible at least for us living in germany (snow chaos for munich, snow chaos when trying to travel to esns in january, train strike on the day of the berlin gig) and he just kinda forgot about munich until he was like “oh yeah right. it was still an amazing gig though.” 🥺
okay so. now we come to what was an absolutely insane concert
first we saw the eyeliner jure pic and went “oh my god??” and then he actually came on stage like that and we lost it. and then bojan came on stage with that lace shirt and we lost it again. not kidding when I say my favourite insane moment was me turning around to grip @itskrejsaitsparty's hand as I was trying to comprehend what I was seeing. Just. jfc.
bojan asked who had never been to a JO gig before and from what I could see it was around 50%? so there were a lot of new people which is probably also one reason why the energy was insane like that
bojan couldn't stop holding his belt and thrusting his hips, what the fuck 🫠
since I was in the middle I was also privvy to many cute jance looks and moments, they really are just like that on stage
the nace solo because someone requested a bass solo?? and how nace started and everyone joined and then bojan's “let's go nace” just. what even was happening at that point
everything surrounding metulji. first bojan giving jan that pic to “get him in the mood.” jan pretending to kiss it. it falling down making us all giggle and bojan already being on the brink of losing it and then losing it completely and jan stopping to just play different chords on the piano while bojan was trying to get it together. we really broke him 😭 and he was trying so hard to get back into the sad metulji mood and then he apologised for it afterwards like “i'm sorry this was so unprofessional of me” like dude. the was the best moment I've ever seen on stage
bojan was so keyed up that when kiki came to him to switch guitars he just bounced around him and started saying stuff to kiki and leaned his face towards him (I wouldn't be surprised if he expected another cheek kiss but shhhhh)
bojan AGAIN because he was jumping over the barrier and back on stage right next to me after umazane misli and I was like. what do I do. Do I, like, help him??? Can he do it by himself??? what if he topples over and I'm right next to him. Gah. In the end I just pressed myself back into @braveheart1418, stared at the back of bojan's lace shirt in slight horror and let Kiki do his thing 🫠 (I need a bojči break now I'm too anxious for any of this)
the gig went by so quickly because of all the stuff that happened that it was such a surprise when they said it was nearly over
I literally sank onto the floor after the gig because I couldn't understand what had just happened. so many memorable moments. I'm glad everyone just went down onto the floor with me, love you ❤️
everyone (except kris) came out to talk and take pics afterwards but bojan left quickly because of his health. and also, you know. damon baker. what a sweetheart. with all the stuff that happened, being able to talk to him about his art was such a lovely moment and I still can't believe that he was there
In the most funniest turn of events I managed to have everyone including damon baker sign in my gig book except for kris which is hilarious to me and so very fitting for him
I'm still trying process everything that happened but thank you so much to everyone I met and talked to and who made stuff for me, in particular @zadig-fate, @izpira-se-zlato, @braveheart1418, @esskuesli, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare and @itskrejsaitsparty 💕💕💕
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hotcat37 · 2 months
Oh now I really wanna see a fic by you about these multiple jealous Bojans and one very confused Jere (or the other way around...)
stopp it'd be so funny too Jere wakes up one day and there's like 4 or 5 Bojans all fighting for his attention while he's equally enamored and horrified 😭😭 No one knows how to fix it and every Bojan tries to seduce Jere in their own way while Jere is just super amused the entire time.... Then they go to sleep all huddled together and the next morning everything is back to normal 😋
Sounds fun tbh I might write something about it sometime but if any other fic writers wanna have a go at this feel free to do so 👀
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
JO Paris, 22.03.24
Gig report! Compiled this morning in the car to Antwerp with help form @zadig-fate and @yoda-bor 💛 I recorded everything except Katrina (bc my camera app crashed in the middle), so I'll upload this once I'm at a place with stable wifi again :D
all my buses were delayed so I power walked to the train station. Then that train was delayed so I almost missed my Eurostar. Then my Eurostar was also delayed. "That's what I call a Deutsche Bahn special, actually." – Kris ("when your first train is late but then it's okay because the second train is also delayed")
so many people I knew in the queue. From Helsinki. From London last year. From Utrecht. 😊💛
when I grabbed my number, Jan and Nace returned to the venue (and they were so pretty in daylight and in person)
Nace said hi as they walked past 😊
their postures??? Nace has definitely worked on his posture, meanwhile Jan appears so slim and small. It's wild.
Jan and Jure returned to the venue together, looking… Pissed is too harsh a word, but frowning? So we first kinda thought they were actually pissed off. But then Nace showed up a minute later, his usual sunny self, and was immediately accosted by fans. So. I assume it was less "pissed off" and more "do not approach" (and it worked)
soundcheck was Gola and Vem da greš, which we could hear every time they opened the doors (this was my last general access gig. It's EA from here on out, baby!)
Kris and I had decided to go on the balcony and got spots right next to the sound booth, where we were joined by @thisismyobsessionnow 🫶
it was warm but the sound was really good (duh)
also we had nice cushy seats like the old people we are 😂
first opener was a duo of brothers made up of discount Jure and Käärijä if he was French. Discount!Jure had a nice chest (Jure at home)
their music was eh, the lyrics cringe
Kris says they spoke french but I spent most of their set on tumblr/discord so I wasn't listening, but it was a Choice since pretty much none from the EA crowd spoke French
speaking of EA, there were allegedly 60 EA tickets though I saw numbers up to 62 (500 people venue)
JC Stewart was fun
he was told he looked French prime minister. He got confused by president vs prime minister but he also got kinda flustered. He was shown a pic and was "oh yeah, I see it"
we got Katrina opener
Nace. Jfc.
the venue was super hot so I tried to appreciate the fit while he had it on in full – white buttoned shirt with a sweater vest over it and a proper tie and glasses, going for the full teacher look except hot???
I still spent a good chunk of the gig looking at Jure though. The elevated balcony spot gave ussuch a nice view of him
Bojan was smiley and sounded way less congested than in Utrecht (maybe he's on the mend?)
Kris on the other hand was sipping tea on stage. In particular very sassily during Demoni
Kris had guitar problems at the beginning of Šta bih ja and went to Kiki to get it fixed but Bojan didn't see and so was actually worried for a moment that Kris had gotten sick off-stage. Kris was adorable in reassuring him that he was fine
they were all so mobile again
og demoni scream. In the middle. Might have been Bojan letting out his anxiety over Kris having disappeared from stage
"Kris, honey" and then that moment. What in the BoKris was that. I just turned to Kris and said that out loud bc what the fuck
There was a sizeable crowd of Slovenians in the audience and Bojan was delighted
fairly even split in the crowd for French vs foreigners, though the French were louder in yelling
the most hilarious to me moment: Bojan did his spiel about "who here experiences panic attacks?" And the crowd cheered, and he was like "yay! Panic attacks! It's me!" And Kris next to me went "I'm the problem, it's me," and literally on the last syllable, Bojan started saying the exact same thing. One brain cell. Or maybe he has the stream on his in-ears
Barve oceana 🫶🫶💛💛
according to Astrid, I looked ridiculously happy (I was ridiculously happy)
best galaxy of me version tonight. I still don't like it though 😂 it's gonna be my metulji 😂
Bojan went into the crowd for Umazane misli
it's so fun to watch from above
Vita was his trusty shadow and also a beacon of light to spot Bojan with
this time I don't think they forgot her in the crowd
Bojan made the balcony sing while he was still in the crowd. But it was mostly just Kris, Madeleine, and me, at least on the bleachers/seated part. We still gave our best 😂
Carpe Diem was not part of their "encore" but came before
no Tokio :( might be the first show without it?
fucking Novi val
the way Jure jumped up and sprinted to trade a drumstick for a baguette, it was so hilarious
he was so happy, and he first made fun of Nace for being unable to eat it
he shared it with Jan
Jan got chocolate and they put it into the baguette and then shared it.
Jure let everyone else also take a bite, including Bojan who was ostensibly singing
Nace bottle feeding Kris. What the fuck. Can someone make sure they still don't know about AO3?
no Umazane shenanigans even though Jan and Nace had talked right before it so I'd been hopeful
so many um versions in other langauges. It wasn't the longest rendition, but we also
when Bojan said we'd get the original Slovene version, I thought it would be the one he made up on the spot when they went on stage to play it all the way back? When they were babies. So it was a small disappointment when it was just the regular Slovene version 😂
Bojan asked the Slovenians if they were able to tell that they weren't playing at home and they said no and Bojan was so so delighted
he's also given the mic to people in the audience outside of Umazane misli (ne bi smel and plastika, I want to say)
he sang galaxy of me with a guy from the front row (Josh?)
not a lot of Jance, possibly because they were looking after Kris?
still a lot of eye contact
or maybe it was the fact that they apparently were out in Paris together in the afternoon 😏
my phone was so hot by the end (and I have 4gb left of memory)
after the gig I couldn't find my hat so I was worried I'd left it, so I went back in. Which was how I got JC and Vita to sign my gig memory book
I had forgotten about wanting to grab Vita's signature so if Astrid hadn't reminded me, I would have missed out
the boys got JC Stewart sick, he said his voice was going
It was raining so the boys ran out of the venue towards a van while we cheered. Bojan took a group selfie
Jan and Jure left first with the crew in that van so we assume that the others took a second car
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mint-ty · 2 months
A possible prompt for you: Bojere, rain, and pining. :)
thank you! 🥰 (I might have made myself almost cry with this one lol)
Bojan went out to get some fresh air. Bowling with Jere and all of their friends was incredibly fun, but the dark bowling alley with low ceilings started feeling a bit too claustrophobic. Bojan waited so much to come to Finland, it almost felt melancholic now that he was here. He was in a weird mood.
Standing outside he looked around - it was dark outiside too, with that cold winter rain drizzling in every direction despite it already being spring.
"Here you are!" Jere stepped through the outside door to find Bojan. "Not cold? I hate this rain." Jere shivered.
"I thought you're used to it?" Bojan asked with a friendly dig.
"Used yes, but I still hate it. I am used to many things. What can you do."
Bojan smiled at him and shuffled a bit to the side so Jere would also have space by the wall under a small roof. He felt a wash of gratitude for everything that Jere did for him, for all the care and all the love that he received. Even if it was a friendly or brotherly love, it was love nonetheless and Bojan will always treasure it no matter what happens in the future.
Jere took out the snus box and picked the last packet out, stuffing it under his lip. The same box they just filmed the proposal skit.
"Can I have it?" Bojan reached out with his open hand.
"Why? It's empty." Jere looked confused at Bojan. "I can get you something nicer."
"I know. But I'd like this one."
Jere placed the snus box into Bojan's hand, still looking at his face with curiosity and slight worry. Bojan had to chucle at that. Empty like my dreams.
"Why you smile?"
"Oh," Bojan was turning the box around in his hand. "Just wondering what I can put in it."
Their joke that there should be a wedding ring inside hung heavily in the air without either of them saying it out loud.
"Anything you want." Jere was looking directly at Bojan with his blue unblinking eyes.
"It's too small... Not much can fit in." Like our time together.
"How you know it don't fit if you don't try? If you don't ask?"
Jere was still looking at Bojan with the same intensity that made him want to turn his eyes away. Was this still about the snus box?
"So you mean... I can ask? For anything?..."
Jere smiled with that mischevious smirk where his snaggletooth was most visible. "Yea. When it's empty, anything is possible, right? But you gotta ask."
Suddenly Bojan didn't feel so brave anymore when presented with the possibility of anything and everything. He turned the box around in his hand again, opening the lid, checking that it's really empty. "Can I... keep it?"
"It's yours." Jere sounded so sure and confident.
I just need to ask... Bojan repeated to himself. He just had to be brave. It didn't sound like he'd be risking everything, right?
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oneshotdepresso · 2 months
I missed the who's most likely to JO poll and while I agree with the majority that Kris is most likely to say it accidentally... Have we considered they never did anything like that but Kris blurts something out / goes on one of his rambling sprees / makes an awkward joke that makes it sound like they have or strongly implies something like that, because I can 100% see this happening at any point in the near or distant future xD
But yeah either way 100% Kris like that is the guy who once joked Bojan "is homo" live on national radio so ....
LMFAOOOO oh yes i can also see that 😭 since the hypothetical interview would take place in 50 years, it's very likely that it would be an individual interview compared to a group one. bojan would not be there to pull an increasingly confused face (the same one when jan started talking abt new wave when asked abt carpe diem during that one esc interview), furrowed brows, disbelieving smile and all, while kris patters on about "having special bonding time and fulfilling wet dreams with his closest friends"
it probably doesnt help that when the other guys would be asked about it, they'd be sooo vague abt it too. im now imagining jan flatly saying, "ah yes. we did do many things behind closed doors, that's what happens with people you're always with."
i wonder which one of them will realize that everyone is thinking that they had regular jack off sessions and finally go, "wait. what the fuck. that never happened. what is everyone going on about?"
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itskrejsaitsparty · 7 months
!!! Gig Report Leipzig !!!
- Queue was very chill. We arrived at 4pm-ish and were 18 & 19 EA, so all good. While we were waiting for the doors to open Jan walked by, staring at his phone in confusion and vanishing behind a building. We were all a little worried if he was gonna find back to the venue ngl
- Met so many amazing people!!!! Everyone was so so so sweet and respectful oh my god I love you guys so much
- EA was so cute. Bojan explained the sound system to us. Kris walked out like a member of the royalty holding a tiny cup. The played ASTP & uhhhhh Omameljeno telo I think (?) blacked out a little there
EDIT: It was ASTP & Proti toku! thanks @mogoce-nocoj <3333
- Kris and Jure vanished immediately after, Jan, Nace & Bojan came down and took a few photos and gave a few autographs!!
- Sector5 & JC Stewart were really fun!!!
- I think from second one everybody in the room knew it was gonna be an amazing concert. The energy from the crowd (although NOT sold out, half of the room was empty basically) was INSANE and I think they really caught onto that.
- The mesh shirt was back
- Jure Eyeliner???? + THE sweater??
- Nace played a bass solo……the man is insanely talented…fr I was fucking changed
- Someone from the crowd shouted „Can you play *this song*?“ (didn’t catch what they said) and Bojan was like. „No. (Pause) Can you play rugby????…….just wanted to know.“ He is so silly istg. And really knows how to deal with comments lol
- Vse Kar Vem changed my life watered my crops etc. as always
- Bojan took a BIG walk around the audience during UM and let a lot of people sing. Jumped back out onto the stage right next to us. Ahhhhh. What the fuck
- During Metulji, Bojan propped up a painting of himself on Jan's piano to get Jan „in the mood“. Jan gave it a little kiss. During the first verse (?) the painting fell down with like. Perfect comedic timing. Bojan put it back up again and acted super heartbroken but then he could NOT stop giggling and neither could the crowd. It was so fucking funny
- Afterwards we got some pictures with the boys and talked. Jan Nace & Jure took their time, Bojan is getting sick again I think (no one is surprised) and really wanted to sleep and Kris went straight into the bus
- Oh yeah and Damon Baker was also there and spilled some tea hahahahah. An icon. Bless him
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mitochondriencocktail · 5 months
There's... Something in my mind for a long time with writing an AU with Jere!Dragon, if only my mother tongue was English to defend myself in it... *sigh...
Soooo I don't have a lot of spoons to write right now, but I offer a ramble about an idea that @oneshotdepresso and i kicked around a while back :3c
The premise is that Jere is a human with a dragon curse who was the unfortunate target of a quack prophet. This resulted in Jere being taken from his family as a kid and locked up in a tower to "keep the town safe," but even when the prophet was outed as a phony, the kingdom was too ashamed to admit they were wrong, so he stayed locked up there for most of his life.
He finally escapes in a sudden burst of anger, transforming fully into a dragon after being restrained, and breaks out. the regular townspeople see this as a dragon escaping containment and have mostly forgotten about the boy who was locked away. jere takes refuge in a cave on the outskirts of town and the kingdom hires several dragon extermination services to take him down, but none work.
enter: joker out lads and their "ethical extermination services" LMAO they don't believe in killing dragons, but rather take a different approach: negotiating with and talking to them, thanks to Nace who was raised by dragons and sees the good in them. the kingdom is desperate so they give it a shot.
bojan enters the cave in his clunky ass armor and nearly dies but he doesn't fight back, just retreats. jere is confused. even more so when this goofy guy comes back and tries to sing to him. it takes a lot of back and forth, but eventually jere, in his dragon form, grows to expect this weird bard knight to keep coming by.
at one point, bojan catches jere off guard when he's still in his human form, and bojan's like, "hey!!! be careful there's a dragon in this cave!!! what're you doing here!!!" and grabs him by the hand to lead him to safety.
jere's like, "oh, yeah?" and rolls his eyes. "have you come to kill the big ugly thing?"
but to his surprise bojan's like, "no, he's actually quite nice, I think. just a little cranky."
jere blushes and breaks free from bojan's hand, telling him he can handle himself and disappears.
but..... yes. more things happen :)
jere in dragon form straight up runs his tongue up bojan at one point, full body, while bojan's naked :)
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theraggedygirl11 · 6 months
I came here to post something about one of my fics and this is how I was greeted
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My first thought was "oh, yeah, ok, Mr. Worldwide because he speaks a lot of languages"
Then I opened the joker out tag and BOOM
✨Bojan in New York✨
My reaction was exactly this one👇🏻
Confusion at first, then I ran to IG to check his profile
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Bro can spawn anywhere in the world
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mogoce-nocoj · 6 months
since I wrote down most of it already anyway —
gig report, Köln 24.03.24
HOMETOWN GIG!!! was very excited and kind of anxious, so happy they were playing here
Sector 5's frontman got a tiara, the band has really been accepted by the fandom now <3
the crowd loved them and also started chanting for JC Stewart
Bojan took the tiara with the veil and was like “oh this must be for Kris right? Because Kris is a princess!” and then put it on Krisʼs head
everyone booed when Bojan had to take the fairy wings off again
he went to look for the fairy wings for Metulji and then also gave Jan a headband with butterflies on it or sth? And then said “let's make a serious song unserious!”
cracked up during Metulji again because people at the front started doing the macarena (sadly it didn't get as bad as Leipzig, I was kinda hoping for that)
Bojan also didn't take off the fairy wings for Everybody's Waiting so we got it with fairy Bojan which looked very funny
they were supposed to play Bluza but people started yelling for Schlager/Behind Those Eyes (which kinda makes sense for Cologne because the melody is very reminiscent of an old Schlager song that's very well known here) and Bojan went “wait. should we play Schlager?” and the guys were just like “yeah, whatever” so they changed the setlist and played Schlager and Bojan said that they've never seen such a reaction before
Bojan also said they kinda forgot that Schlager is an established thing and genre here lol
I said “thankfully Bojan isn't next to me during umazane misli this time!” to my friend, only to turn to my right side and see the sector 5 guys pushing their way through the crowd right next to me 🫠
joined Jan in doing the macarena during UM so I literally missed everything that Bojan was doing and didn't listen at all to the people who were singing, ooops
Bojan went on stage again, people started pointing to the sector 5 singer, Bojan exclaimed “ARE YOU THE SECTOR 5 SINGER???” and gave him the microphone so that he could sing umazane misli too (<3)
Kris was very stoic throughout the gig, boy was not smiling at all, I think he was pretty tired but idk
Jan came out, talked to us, went back into the bus to leave some stuff, came out again, and then said “oh I want to talk to the sector 5 guys again” and a few minutes later I saw them enthusiastically playing flunkyball down the road (drinking game)
they changed tourbuses which was really funny because we came back from getting food and suddenly there were two tourbuses next to each other and we were really confused (the new one is taking them to Slovenia after the Italy gigs, no idea what they're gonna do for the UK leg)
met so many nice people again, thanks to everyone who talked to me <3 <3 <3
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hazzybat · 4 months
46 for bokris for the kiss prompts please?
Out of jealousy or envy
Tbh this just turned into Bojan been possessive over Kris. I think it still fits the prompt though. Technically. Hopefully you enjoy it!
Bojan's eyes scanned the crowd as he saw another sign help up for them to see. Something about Kris’s ass and how much the person wanted it. He heard a laugh next to him as Kris read it, turning around and wiggling his hips playfully. Bojan tried to laugh with him, walking over to smack the round cheeks. He grinned at the crowd's cheers and whoops and the redness now colouring Kris’s face.
Off stage the band had a short interview, some fluff piece on their success and upcoming gigs. The interviewer was an attractive woman, young, confident and quite tall.
"So Kris, I saw a few signs out in the crowd flirting with you, do any of them have a chance?" The question was harmless really but an ugly feeling churned in Bojan's guts. Kris laughed her off.
"I mean I'd need to get to know them first, have a drink or something. I'm not going off a sign."
"Oh well in that case, I'm free after this, want to head out to the bar after?" The interviewer flirted back effortlessly, Kris laughing along and jokingly slinging his arm around her shoulders. The woman played it up to the camera before walking out of frame, Kris still draped across her.
It was fine. It was just a joke. Harmless flirting for the camera, something to get eyes on them. It didn't make Bojan feel much better though, a possessive voice screaming in his head that Kris was his and his alone.
It didn't help when the boys did go to the bar to get a closing drink the interviewer tagged along. Bojan couldn't fault her for the way she watched Kris, the way her hand touched his arm as Kris chatted and sipped his beer. Bojan would do the same if he could. He didn't like it though when she lent on him, her head resting on his shoulder, her lips far too close to his ear as she told him some hilarious story he laughed much too hard at.
Bojan stood up and grabbed Kris’s arm, dragging him away from the very confused looking interviewer. He pulled him away until he found a deserted hallway, not especially caring if they were caught but wanting some privacy.
He pinned Kris to the wall and kissed him. Hard and possessive and harsh.
"No one else gets to kiss you like I do," Bojan practically growled against Kris’s lips. "No one can touch you like I can," another kiss
"No one gets to see you like I can." Kiss.
"You're mine." Kiss.
"Mine." Kiss.
"All mine."
Kris was panting and moaning slightly, chasing Bojan's lips when he pulled back.
"I don't want them to. I'm all yours," he kissed back just as hard, running his fingers through Bojan's hair.
"I don't like seeing them flirt with you." Bojan pressed his body against Kris’s.
"You are pretty hot when you're jealouse though." Kris managed to chuckle before moaning as Bojan attacked his neck.
"Tonight, my place, I'm going to wreck you." Was all Bojan responded before pulling away and walking back to the group, leaving a slightly breathless Kris, slumped against the wall, a small hickey forming just under his jaw.
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vikersund · 1 year
Hi! I hope this post won't flop </3
first of all I wanted to finally reveal myself on this platform - many of you know me as Himbeertee_ on tiktok and twitter, Hello! Yes, I'm also here :P
I felt like last few days were like a fever dream - so I decided to write a summary/recap of my journey to Stozice.
It was not my first Joker Out show, last month I was in Żalec and both times I traveled by train and bus, so if anyone wonders how to get to Slovenia from Poland - the cheapest way is by Flixbus, but the fastest is by plane. I spent 5 hours in train and 11 hours in bus and it was only one way ride.
Me and my friend arrived at the arena around 4pm and we were 24/25 in the queue and we ended up at barricade in front of Kris, thanks to long catwalk and very long barricade. (I wanted to be at Kris' side, because duuuh i'm a Kris girlie).
If it comes to new merch - there were new winter beanies, new shirts, hoodies, socks, UM and Demoni CD's, condoms, new notebook (juhuhu hahaha), new tote bags and if you ask me... well.. those shirts didn't look good at least for me, but the rest of it was fine. I bought baby boos socks, because (to the unpopular opinion) I love the name xD
If it comes to the show alone, I will try to describe few songs. As you might have seen on twitter I managed to get the setlist (which was leaked at least day before - and unfortunately i saw some of it so I didnt experience the surprise).
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The live-from-backstage intro was so cool, like I had chills, the screen was turning from the backstage to black screen or to joker out sign with the music that made your heart beat to it, it definitely built an atmosphere, we saw Jo getting ready to rock the stage, Kris leading the 5 of them to the stage from backstage, then they finally came from behind drums, which was such a cool entrance!
First song was Sunny Side of London - and now I understand that they picked it as an opener because of the "welcome" at the beginning, but when I first heard it i was kinda sceptical why is this the first song. People from the brass band joined them for the iconic balcan solo (dare I say - Kris outwhored himself during the solo).
Then we screamed for the record and we beat it, but honestly I think that the result should be higher, but because it was such an open space, the device didnt gather the sound as good as in smaller venues.
Then gola and bele sanje - honestly don't remember much of it because I was enjoying myself, maybe a little too much, but the guitar transition from bele sanje to plastika was sooooo good.
Plastika oh plastika! This song is made for concerts, everyone were screaming their lungs off and Bojan was everywhere, including the cat walk.
Proti toku - what can I say other than justice for Proti Toku! Like i dont understand why they abandoned this song at the shows...
As you already know I was at Kris' side and I had the best view on him, let me tell you. This man didn't hold back during dopamin, his moves were electric and there should be another twitter account "Kris shuffles to:"
Padam - Bojan sang the song laying on the catwalk for the entire length of the song and for a moment I was so confused where he went, because I didn't see him at first.
Then after Padam we had a small break, that included screenings of pre-eurovision clips from their vlogs and during that everyone was lying on the stage (not sure about Jure tho).
Then demoni happened and the Iconic scream was... well... demonic xD Bojan ended up almost on all fours in front of 12k audience. You're welcome or something.
Katrina - is another song which was made to being played on stage. I loved the red and white lights especially, bojan was very slutty and we were introduced to releasing fumes from the pyro stuff (not real pyro or fire on their show in Stozice).
ASTP - AMAZING intro played by a dude with trumpet, I had chills, Bojan was sitting on his knees on the stage, listening to it. I'll try to upload it to tiktok later! It is one of my fav songs. Great vocals from Bojan and Kris, the second one was very slutty af during the song (who is surprised at this point?). No Janace ending, Jan ended the song playing at the end of catwalk, nice moment between Nace and Bojan.
Omamljeno Telo - well this is the only JO song that I am not that much a fan of, but they definitely delivered their perfomance, especially when everyone went to the catwalk. We had Kris/Nace moment during the song.
Kot Srce Ki Kri Poganja - will you banish me If I tell you that I have never heard any of their unreleased songs?
Anyway I LOVED THIS SONG, can they release it on new album please? I already knew that Martin will join them because I saw pics from backstage before the show, but I was surprised to see Matic there. This songs slaps and I fell in love with the vibe martin gave while playing the bass. I couldnt stop staring at him, he was magnetic and so happy to play with others. I might cry a little when Nace gave him his bass. I loved how everyone was hugging each other before and after the song. Such a heartwarming moment, even if Martin doesnt play anymore, you could definitely see that he is still part of the family <3
Metulji - amazing perfomance, again they delivered, love the song, also amazing Jan solo at the end of the song, kinda improvised i think? At least I have never heard those sounds before.
Vse Kar Vem - well, you know who I was focused on xD I guess I have a new Vse Kar Vem iconic video for you xD
NGVOT - before the song I was wondering if they will do Tavastia 2.0 with ngvot and the scream i I let out when I saw that Bojan was far from the mic, far enough to be late to start singing the song if he had to, and then I turned to look at Kris and I already knew. This is all I've been asking for. I'm so glad that Kris is more comfortable to sing the first verse, his voice was more relaxed, less shaky than in Tavastia, I loved the way he sang "ti pa barvo las" the way Bojan does. But I still think he has to work a little bit on his voice, because I know he CAN sing (from other videos). I wonder if they will leave this song as a duet for other shows in the future or If it was like one-time thing.
Vem Da Gres - all I remember was Nace on our side and how handsome he looked. I'm not a Nace girlie, but I can definitely see why others are, and his new hair and the outfit... asdfgrew
Ne Bi Smel - this time Jan joined our side and he had a nice moment with Bojan
Ona - Another time when men from brass band joined and it was the song which had changed arrangement. I loved it. the whole vibe of the song stayed the same, but the brass instruments elevated it. (If i think about any fuck ups during the show - it happened here - the mic of the Saxophone guy didnt work at first, I've heard him from the front row, but idk if people in the back have heard him). During this song they also showed me and my friend on the screen and i cant stop thinking about how the hell it happened xD Now i am immortal in joker out stozice lore xD
Tokio - honestly don't remember what was happening - probably I was just screaming and singing.
Umazane Misli - i loved it. I LOVED IT. The way Bojan was demanding the audience who and when should they sing, and then he came down to us and let 2 people sing, and he received the THREE KAKSI ANANAS LONKERO shirt and he loved it so much, he was so smiley and took this shirt with him on the stage.
Novi val - I almost cried. This is my fav song, and thanks to Joker Out Subs and Spela the project came true, the coloful lights flashed beautifully above boy's heads. We and them were touched and it was such a special moment. At the beginning of Novi Val Jure came to our side and we could see his outfit from the closer proximity, and dare I say it was second best after Kris'.
Last but not least - Carpe Diem. After novi val they left the stage, but everyone knew it wasnt over. The break was too long and It just clicked in my head that what if they are changing into their Eurovision clothes. AND THEY DID. I just predicted it seconds before it happened. It was unreal - like i just travelled back in time 5 months.
Overall it was the best night of my life. Everything was perfect. The lights were amazing. The stage was amazing. Clothes - god, the amount of details on each outfit! Personally I think Kris and Jure had the best outfits. I couldnt really see Jan and Nace outfit details, but the looked GOOD. But if I have to complain - not a fan of detachable sleeves on Bojan's shirt.
They all delivered their performances. Not a single mistake - i am so impressed because thats a skill.
We all agree that Kris outdid himself that night. The way he moved, the way he sang, the way he was SO CONFIDENT. Like he was born to be in that exact moment.
I also loved every single interaction between boys, the group ones, or the doubles. Maybe there was no Jan and Nace astp ending but they had few moments. It was so nice to see Jan and Bojan jamming together, Kris and Nace doing their thing, Bojan and Kris' little shenanigans and even Jure and Jan had their moment when Jan ran to him at the beginning of the show.
I also love how they had movie-like credits. Everyone from their crew was credited, every person who worked on the show, team of photographers etc.
Other thing was how nice it was to being supplied with water all the time. The people behind barricade were giving us cups with water all the time, and even at the end of the show we got whole bottles.
Please don't take this post as a proper review - these are just my thoughts of the show <3
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sparkles-oflight · 8 months
Sunny side of London
Hi, yesterday I made some people sad. Have some lighthearted BoKris and JaNce fic.
Thanks @anxious-witch for the proofreading!
Synopsis: Jure has instated a policy that prevents any of the couples from sleeping together. But it's Joker Out, they follow no rules or common sense.
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Sensible topics mentioned: sex
The room assignments were simple: Nace with Kris, Jan with Jure, and Bojan alone.
“Let’s keep it like during Eurovision”, Jure proposed “For the sake of my mental health, please”.
Jure knew if the couples were sleeping together, boundaries could easily be crossed. And if one of the couples did, the other would too.
So why not return to the basis? Jan and Jure are great roommates and Nace and Kris are even better – Also, nobody but Guštin himself can handle Bojan’s snoring.
There was a problem, after Stožice, Kris moved in with Bojan, and the two of them had grown used to sleeping together, or at least in the same room, so, the older one was struggling to sleep tonight. He worked all day to get some lyrics out, but nothing. Nada.
Frustrated, he decided to get up to the kitchen, maybe a glass of water would help.
He walked barefoot. Bojan didn’t mind the cold much, but London’s cold was something completely different from Slovenia’s. Luckily for them, they had heating, though he wondered how much the bills would cost them.
Following an orange light to the end of the corridor, he entered the living room which wasn’t empty.
Kris was wrapped up in a blanket scrolling on his phone with headphones on. Quickly he noticed the other's presence and put the objects he was holding aside.
- Trouble sleeping? – he asked.
- Uh, yes. – and Bojan replied.
Kris patted the empty space next to him on the couch, inviting Bojan to join his side. He accepted the request and they cuddled.
- So, what happened?
- Uh. Lyrics. – he sighed – I can’t wrap my head around them.
- Just that?
Bojan didn’t reply. Instead, he turned the tables.
- You? Why are you awake?
Kris looked up and let his body completely rest on the sofa.
- Overwhelmed.
Bojan glanced at the table with an empty tainted wine glass.
- I figured.
A moment went by.
Then Bojan decided to look up and also rest his body like Kris.
He looked at the ceiling. Empty, just like his mind.
- What color would you like our ceiling to be?
Kris was confused by Bojan’s question.
- What do you mean?
- When we settle down, what color would you like the ceiling to be?
Kris chuckled. He was slightly flustered at the question.
- White. Like all the ceilings are.
- Why? Why are ceilings white? Why not a cool color!? Like...Orange!
- That’s a warm color.
- Ahaha, funny. – Bojan mocked him – No, but why not?
- Because makes the space look brighter, cleaner, and bigger.
- Oh.
Bojan didn’t say anything again, but then Kris grabbed his chin for their faces to meet.
- When we settle down, you can paint our room any color you want. - He looked at his small brunette who grinned from one ear to the other. - Except orange, what the fuck is wrong with you?
- But I like orange!
- And I like purple.
- That’s your favorite color, it’s different. Mine is pink.
- Then why do you want orange so bad?
- Because it’s your color, Kris.
- W-what? – he muttered.
- It’s your color. It’s the color of the sun, and you brighten my day every day. So, it’s your color.
Kris was left speechless. If he weren’t a bit tipsy, he probably would have mocked Bojan for what he said. Make a snarky remark, a mean comment, tell him is just like a little puppy, but, right now, he wanted to cry at the idea Bojan saw him as the sun.
In fact, Kris was about to cry...
- You are the “Sunny Side of London”, Kris. – ...but Bojan had to make a pun.
Kris planted his hand on Bojan’s face.
- God, you are unbearable. – Bojan licked his hand making Kris flinch – Hey!
- Shush, be quieter, they are asleep.
- We could go to sleep too. – Kris suggested as his hand found its way to Bojan’s chest.
- Together? – he smiled but then flinched as he felt Kris slightly gripping a nipple.
- Together together. Did that turn you on?
- A little.
- Too bad I’m not having sex with you tonight.
- WHY!?
Kris’ lips met Bojan’s.
- Shush, the others are asleep. – he said as he opened his blue eyes to examine his lover’s face.
Bojan was suddenly hit with the realization that he lived with his friends.
- But you know what you could write about? About this. – He kissed him again – About my lips meeting yours – and again – About you falling for me – and again – About the nights we spend together.
Bojan couldn’t even begin to express how happy he gets when he has tipsy Kris kissing him softly and getting to hear the sincerest of Krises.
- You taste like grapes. – Bojan commented.
- And you love it, don’t you?
After a make-out session, the late-night hours were starting to take a toll on them, and they decided to leave for Bojan’s room where the two men would cuddle very closely on a single’s bed.
They didn’t realize that they did wake someone else – Jan.
The tall dark-haired man made sure the coast was clear before going to the room in front of his. He opened the door slowly to see another sleeping man.
He made his way to him and kissed his shoulder, which made him move a little. Jan then whispered in his ear.
- Mister Jordan? – he teased the other.
Nace turned to him, and he opened his eyes slightly. When he noticed it was Jan, he smiled. God, Jan loved his dimples.
- Are you lonely? – he asked.
Nace nodded. He knew Kris wasn’t feeling well and woke up in the middle of the night and he had also heard some noises coming from the living room...Nace was sleepy, but he could still put two and two together.
He opened his arms to Jan who slept next to him for the first time in a while. Nace’s arms were warm against Jan’s body. He felt at home. He met the “Sunny Side of London”.
Jure, on the other hand, was not dumb. The coast is clear for him, time to text a cute bartender he has been talking to since he got to London. He has been with these boys for a while now, he knows Bojan doesn’t sleep when he’s frustrated like this. And he knew for a fact that one way or another they would all end up sleeping with each other.
“Are you by the area?” he asked and after some texting, she dropped by after her shift.
The morning after...nobody said anything. None of them apologized for “breaking the rules” because nobody followed them. And Bojan wrote a new song, so...it’s a win-win situation?
I don't know what to write here lmao
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Kamila
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ljubitelj-sonca · 20 days
Zigaretten und Wildrosen
Chapter 8/11 - Summer - the one with femininity
“Oh! Kris! I have something for you!” Bojan called suddenly.
“Did I forget something at your place?” Kris asked, frowning in confusion.
“Don’t you practically live together?” Jan asked in return. “I feel like you spend more days at his apartment than at your own.”
“That’s cause I get lonely, without Martin,” Bojan explained, half his body disappearing in his bag. “And you forgot your phone charger, which I also brought, but that’s not what I’m talking about.” He finally emerged with a small, “aha!”
“Oh no, what’s that?” Kris suspiciously eyed the pink ball of fabric Bojan was bringing over.
Instead of responding, Bojan just dropped it in his lap. “Put it on.”
“Is it embarrassing?”
“Only if you want it to be.”
Kris made a conflicted noise but got up and stalked over to the bathroom to change. There was the sound of Kris’s shirt dropping to the floor, then a gasp. “Bojan, it’s cropped.”
Read it on AO3 here!
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hotcat37 · 3 months
Kissing scars - deaf!jere AU, i LOVE your writing!
Thank you so much anon!! <33
33: kissing scars
It's not a fetish, mind you. Bojan just appreciates what he sees, like he does with every part of Jere's body. The scar slashed across Jere's soft tummy is just one of many things the Slovene loves about his boyfriend. Though the story behind it is sad, so sad that it made tears pool in Bojan's eyes when Jere had explained the scar's origins to him, it's still something beautiful. It's a sign of survival, of the trauma the Finn has lived through.
And Bojan loves that damn scar, so of course he has to let Jere know of his appreciation as well. The older man is oblivious to the brunette's plans, reclined against some pillows on his dorm bed, sleepily spreading his arms in invitation once he notices Bojan staring at him. Bojan immediately slots himself against Jere's warm body, the deaf man's torso pleasantly warm from sleep.
"Bojjjaaan." Jere acknowledges him, making an explosion of butterflies appear in Bojan's stomach. He nuzzles his face into his boyfriend's neck, inhaling that familiar Jere scent, completely in his happy place.
He slowly makes his way to Jere's collar bone, pressing kisses all over pale flesh. The older man remains relaxed beneath him, eyes still blissfully closed, fingers loosely holding onto Bojan's shoulders. Bojan keeps leaving a trail of kisses along his way to his actual destination, taking a moment to press his face right between Jere's tits, earning himself a breathy chuckle. Glancing up, the deaf Finn looks about ready to fall asleep.
Bojan's eyes drift to the little line carved above the waistband of Jere's shorts. Oh yeah. That's what it's all about. He presses his lips against the scar, enjoying the texture of it. Jere stirs slightly beneath Bojan. The Slovene has noticed that the other man is a little sensitive here. But there aren't any indications of pain on Jere's face so Bojan continues his love attack on the scar.
Jere makes a soft confused noise, one eye cracked open to lazily look down at where his lover is getting all up in his scar. Bojan smiles against Jere's skin, innocently looking back at the Finn, tongue poking out to dip slightly into the small crease. At that Jere properly jolts, caught off guard by the action. Bojan laughs as the other man whips out his phone, fingers flying over his keyboard, cheeks dusting a red color.
What is my Bojan doing??😳
Bojan wags his eyebrows suggestively, though he maintains that this isn't a sex thing. But he does like how jumpy Jere gets when he kisses him there. "Just having a taste."
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