#oh!! this should be my pinned post :)
hailsatanacab · 5 months
I'll ask after that secret number 8!
I only remembered secret number 8 because I saw your wip here! I'd started this one based on the same prompt, then lost said prompt and stopped working on it 😅
Instead of a snippet, I'm just dropping it all here - maybe that way I'll feel inspired to finish it?
It’s a full house for dinner tonight and, really, that should have tipped him off.
Bruce sits at the head of the table, smiling softly as he watches over everyone’s antics. Damian is regaling Dick with everything they saw at the zoo that day (Danny had been so happy to see Delilah the purpleback gorilla again, and her new little additions to the troupe, too!) and how well they are implementing the grant the Wayne Foundation had gifted them. Tim, Steph, Cass, and Duke are all engaged in a thumb-war tournament which Danny has no interest in participating in. It just wouldn’t be fair on them.
Danny loves that look. The one where Bruce’s eyes crinkle when he thinks none of the kids can see him. It oozes love and it makes Danny’s heart, his core, ache. 
It’s been a little over a year since Alfred found him on the street and managed to wrangle him back to the manor to stay—even after the whole biting thing when he realised how rich they were. 
A little over a year here and Danny’s starting to feel like family.
Starting to feel like he might, just maybe, like to make it official.
“Danny,” Bruce says, drawing everyone’s attention. Danny starts at his name, but Bruce’s voice is warm and calm, and his shoulders lose their tension almost immediately. “Danny, I have something I would like to tell you.”
“Uhhh…” is all Danny can croak out, eyes flicking back and forth between Bruce and the rest of them. Smooth. Looking good, Danny.
Except… they’re all happy. All smiles, all relaxed body language, all radiating calm and love and acceptance. Well, not Damian—his face is as thunderous as it always is—which at least means it’s nothing too out of the ordinary.
“Danny, first of all, I just want to impress upon you that this is in no way something you have to do. You are under no obligation to join us and, no matter what, you shall always be welcome with us in the manor.”
Wait, what? Danny squints at Bruce, trying to parse exactly what he’s saying… Is he—is this them asking to adopt him? Do they want to make it official, too? 
It’s been a little over a year and of course Danny has imagined calling Bruce ‘Dad’. Of course he’s imagined being part of the family, of course he wants to make it official!
He can’t help the beaming grin or the bright and bubbling “Yes!” already waiting on his lips. All Bruce has to do is ask, all Danny needs to hear is—
“I’m Batman.”
The smile freezes on Danny’s face.
His lungs stop working, his heart stops working, he stops working, he just—
“And I’m Nightwing,” Dick smiles, breaking the awkward silence. 
Danny’s eyes snap to him, and then down to Tim when he admits to being Red Robin. Duke is Signal, Steph is Spoiler. Damian begrudgingly tells him he’s Robin, but Danny can barely hear it over the ringing in his ears.
“I’m Black Bat.” Cass cocks her head, almost looking concerned. It always felt like she understood him the most. Whenever he was feeling low, too in his memories, or stewing after a nightmare, she was always there, ready to card her fingers through his hair and never mention his tears. It makes his heart ache to think of it now. “It’s okay, Danny.”
It’s meant to be reassuring, but how—how can it be okay? How? 
Danny’s spent a little over a year with them. A little over a year with Batman. 
Batman, who works with the Justice League, who works with…
A little over a year. 
Just under 16 months since he escaped.
“Danny? Are you alright?” Bruce asks
Finally, his lungs kickstart and suck in a shuddering breath, only for everyone to drop their smiles.
Didn’t take them long, did it? Now that their ruse is up, there’s no kindness in their eyes, they’re just… cold, calculating. Evaluating. 
“Why?” Danny gasps, his fingers tingling, his heart in his throat.
Just under 16 months since he—has he escaped? Or was this just another one of their experiments?
"I... I trusted you, why—" Danny chokes back a sob, gritting his teeth as his shoulders shake. Why? Why would they do this? "I was happy here, with you. I thought... Weren't you happy?"
"Danny..." Bruce is looking at him, eyes narrow and eyebrows pinched, in some cruel facsimile of confused concern and all Danny can think is how much of an actor he is. How well he can play the part of a doting father. How much he made him want that.
"I don't understand, why..." 
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you before, I can imagine that it comes as a shock. We shouldn't have lied to you, Danny, but—"
"Stop it!" Danny slams his hands down on the table and pushes himself up on wobbly legs. Even standing, he feels so small. Smaller than Bruce, than all of his adopted siblings. They crowd above him when they all stand, too. "Just stop it! Why are you doing this, why are you still pretending? Stop it!"
It was easier, with Danny's biological parents. The knowledge that they'd do anything to get him on a lab table, to open him up and see what makes him tick, to rip him apart molecule by molecule, had always been there. He knew they hated ghosts. He knew they hated Phantom. He knew they hated him. It was easier because it was something he'd known all his life. When he died, when he became a ghost, he knew what to expect from them. It hurt, of course it did.
But it was easier than this.
"Danny, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath. You're having a panic attack and you need to breathe."
"Breathe?" Danny laughs, the sound harsh and choking, too high pitched in his hysteria. "You're joking, right? Or is this just more of the—the experiment?"
"Danny, please, we don't know what you're talking about, you—"
"You don't know? You're Batman! You work with the Justice League, you work with—" His words choke off as his stomach churns, bile rising in his throat. His whole body itches, screaming at him to leave, he can't go back, he can't, he can't, he can't!
Bruce takes a hesitant step forward and Danny scrambles back, his feet catching on the chair behind him and sending him careening to the floor. Where are the agents? Why aren't they swarming in, ready to apprehend him, strap him back on the table, carve him from the inside out.
"Please, Danny, calm down. We don't—"
Danny stops listening. His back hits the wall and he pulls his knees into his chest, his shoulders dipping down as he begins to sob. His heart throbs inside his throat, too painful to swallow around. Tears fall hot and heavy on his face.
Sure, he could run. He could phase out through the wall and he could be out of Gotham in a couple of hours. He's escaped the GIW once, he can do it again.
But that was before Batman knew who he was. Before he had the World's Greatest Detective on his tail.
Before he... 
He really thought this would be different, you know?
He wanted to make it official.
"Why did... Why were you so nice to me? Why did you make me like you? I really—I really liked you. I-I thought we could be a family."
"Danny, we are a—"
"Don't lie to me!" Danny snaps, but the force of his anger leeches all the fight from him, and suddenly all that's left is a bone-weary tiredness. There’s a lump in his throat that hurts. There’s a line down his chest that burns. "I don't care. I don't care anymore, I don't. Just... don't make me go back there. Please." 
Is it futile? He thought he knew how the GIW operated by now, the depths that they would go to achieve their results, but this... this was a whole new level of pain that Danny thought he had left behind him in Amity.
"We're not going to make you go anywhere, Danny, you're safe here, I promise."
"Safe? Safe? You must have—" he takes a deep breath, tries to stop the quivering of his voice. It’s all starting to make sense, now.  "The reason you're telling me who you are is because you must have told them everything already. I know the Justice League—I know you're working with them, which means the ex-experiment is over now, and they're coming to take me back. And I can't go back."
"I can’t!” Danny glares at Bruce with all the rage he can, fingernails digging into his skin. “I’m not going back!"
"That's right, you're not going back, Danny. I won't let that happen." Bruce crouches down in front of Danny, his hands open and raised as if he's trying to say he's not a threat. "I don't know who you're talking about, and I'm sorry about that, but I can promise you that you’re not going back there. We will keep you safe."
Danny pulls himself closer, tucks himself further into the wall, eyes flickering all across the room waiting for that tell-tale flash of white as the agents start to swarm.
He should take his chances now and run, he should go, he needs to go!
The rest of them, his brothers and sisters of a little over a year, are spread out, giving him and Bruce some space. The same concern colours all of their faces. Why are they still pretending?
Steph is chewing on her thumb. 
Danny liked Steph and her brash confidence, her jokes. She's been promising to paint his nails for months now, they've just never found the time. He was going to go for green and black, or maybe a galaxy theme, depending on what she felt comfortable doing.
He likes them all.
"You were supposed to be my family." His mouth turns down at the corners and his voice shakes like a child. "You were supposed to—why? Why would you—I don't understand why you would make me like you..."
"This isn't an experiment, Danny," Bruce's voice is steady, soothing. "I promise."
"But you work with them and—"
"Who do I work with?"
"The Justice League."
"Yes, I do, but we—"
"And the Justice League works with them. The GIW." Danny trembles with the name, clutching tightly onto his hoodie. "I'm not going back there, Bruce."
Danny doesn't miss Bruce's look over his shoulder, nor Tim's nod in return. Tim turns slightly to the side to hide his movements, but Danny bets he has his phone in his hand, probably letting them know they can take him now. Guess this is it, then. They'll be here soon, and he'll be gone.
"Kill me."
"Danny? What do—"
"If you ever had any kindness for me, if you ever cared, kill me. Please, Bruce. I can't do it again."
"End me now. Take my core out and break it, please, before they get here."
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Do you know your pinned post is already expanded and really fucking annoying to scroll through every time when all I want to do is feast on your quality content? For the love of my thumb joints, please please please consider a shorter pinned post
yes! I did know that and that’s why I love my pinned post!!
it’s previously been described as the fee you must pay to enter the hellsite hall of fame museum, and I believe that’s pretty accurate lol
and i’m very sorry but i’m unable to change it…. RIP to your thumb joints though :(
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lonely-dog-draws · 9 months
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I've been doing my thing the past few days, then realized I've been coincidentally participating in Eggtober...! The first thing I made is a button using some papers, stickers & stuff laying around. I found the drawing of an angry egg & sperm cells in a student's desk (do human eggs count?). The second is a fried egg i painted on a rock during a school event.
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enypneon · 26 days
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i've been thinking about this a lot. but i need to shorten my muse list drastically. with the work outside of rp that keeps piling up, i don't have the energy to tend to all of my characters equally. which is unfair towards those waiting for their replies/messages/etc. over many months. not to mention that i don't even get to write down all the headcanons, which are spiralling in my head.
so these are the ones i will keep:
anouar, aventurine, eris, evren, foenix, heimdall, slavoj, songbird and vincent
for easier execution, i will move to a new blog ─ and turn this one into an archive (temporarily), eventually deleting it. i'm aware of the starters i won't be able to reply to because of this decision and i hate to do this when you guys have spent time and effort on them. if you do choose to follow me on my new blog, i can offer you a new starter with a new muse!
apart from this, consider the blog on a mini hiatus. until i have set up everything and can post another update.
again, i am truly sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. in case you want to get a private update/receive the link in the dms for whatever reason, feel free to let me know. of course, you have every right to break mutuals from this point on and there will be no hard feelings, i promise.
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iholli · 7 months
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glaring directly into the sun as I write them into my unpublished f/o list
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vertumnanaturalis · 3 months
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While this particular sheet isn't fully finished & public yet, I did wanna post these publicly while I was thinking about it - My headcanon calendar, approximate dates for when IWATEX takes place, and characters indivudual birthdays on both the Vertumnan Calendar and the traditional Gregorian Calendar! I get a bit rambly with this so the explaination behind my reasonings for things is below the cut:
The Vertumnan calendar is simple: 12 months of 30 days between the four normal seasons (Quiet, Pollen, Dust, and Wet), followed by a slightly shorter 28 day month for the already uniquely short Glow season, for a total of 388 days on an average year. Leap years with a single extra day would still occur just much less often than on Earth, only needed once every 17 years (aka 16 average years followed by 1 leap year), with that final extra day being added onto the end of Glow. This also matches with the years on Earth "laping" the years on Vertumna every 16/17 years; A character's 16th birthday on Vertumna would've been their 17th on Earth, their 32nd Vertumnan birthday would've been their 34th Earthern one, ect ect.
This also goes by several key things that aren't against canon information but contridictory to what was in early forms of the design document; the first is that days on Vertumna are nearly identical in length to days on Earth, still following a day divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes with each minute being composed of 60 seconds; the second is that weeks are assembled into batches of 7 days and (currently) follow the modern naming scheme for Sunday through Saturday.
The reason for keeping the day such a near identical length is that in practice it is actually incredibly hard to permanantly readjust the average humans sleep cycle to something longer (or shorter!) than their natural circadian rhythm. Even just an hour longer would have a cumulative effect on people's sleep cycles, getting more and more tired an hour "earlier" than the day before. This only stop becoming a problem if the days were almost perfectly twice as long as one on Earth, but having days that long - especially on a planet with two suns - would likely cook the planet to deadly temperatures during the day, while leaving the far side to drop insanely low each night. And yeah, sure, this one could be waved away by having each of the characters genetically modified to have a circadian rhythem that matches the length of their new day, but that requires both reader/writer and all characters to start adapting to a whole new lingustic system for describing units of time, which is also my entire reasoning for keeping the modern week setup. In theory, building up a whole new system of hours and names for week days is a lot of fun! And it can be, I've done it before, I'm halfway doing it again!
Which is how I learned that actually using said system casually and naturally is a WHOLE different beast, and not one I particularly want to explore in this fandom worldbuilding exercise. I think that in-universe the days of the week would be renamed over time, the same way that I think each given month would eventually have a more unique (and easier to use/identify) name than "Early Pollen" or "Mid Wet". Another headcanon of mine is that the founders actually did attempt to rename them before launch Onesday Twosday Threesday ect ect... But that between the adults deeply ingrained existing habit of calling things by their current names & the younger Earthborn colonists + spaceborn kids having secondhand exposure to the concept through media brought from Earth, it never actually caught on (except for Twosday taking over Tuesday, despite it being the third day of the week).
On another point entirely; The Gregorian calendar dates seen here are all founded on the age 11/year 2 Valentines day event. I ended up settling on that day being February 14th, 2204. Theres a few reasons for picking that year in particular; when I first started toying with the idea, it would've put their landing date during 2203, and I thought that it was a nice pun on the then-current-year 2023 (and, now having hammered it out further, having the landing year be 2202 is a nice nod to the game being released in 2022); One of the early humanties class events has a reference to space travel being "a passtime of billionaires in a previous century", and the standard english usage where I'm from would have this imply that more than a century had passed since that point, but it doesn't automatically mean it that either (think about using that phrasing to talk about something today; if you were talking about things that happend between 1900 and 1999, would you say that they happened in the previous century or a previous century?); the third reason is that its a shout out to one of my other favorite games, Stellaris (a space exploration/empire management sim), which always has the starting year of 2200.
Again, a lot of this is conjecture & opinions, just headcanoning pure and simple, but I've put a lot of thought into this over the past year. I'll eventually have a public copy of a calendar covering all 10 years of the canon game & update the npc sheet to have their local and Earth birthdays (as yes, I have gone and given them all specific birthdates, though I haven't finished calculating the Gregorian dates for the unimportant characters yet), but I'm in the middle of a frustrating medication adjustment & dealing with other personal issues that make it fall lower on my priority list rn.
If you have any questions or thoughts on any of this I absolutely wanna hear them, and as always all of this stuff is free for people to use-as-is or remix or takes part of to incorperate into their own headcanon system freely, and if you ever make anything based on or inspired by or referencing any of this stuff I very much would like to see it.
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chipthekeeper · 7 months
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Oh hey! Do you like stories about wlw and weird, convoluted forms of time travel? Do you like supporting queer folks making cool art? Did River Song rewire your brain as a teenager?
I wrote a short story called "A Practical Study of Time" for Baffling Magazine, a queer speculative fiction mag! It's published on Patreon, if you're interested in becoming a patron of a super neat lit mag—or it'll be on their site when their eleventh issue is published in April!
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optimumchibi · 4 days
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 how have I been here this long already
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john-doent · 3 months
pined post time ig
regarding rp:
-malevolent John Doe is my current character rn but it can be subject to change if the rp demands it. Any other podcast rp is welcome to join in
-no nsfw
-no mcyt, hazbin, homestuck, or hp rp blogs Por favour
-he/him pronouns mostly please
Regarding ooc:
-he/him, they/them, it/its, or she/her are alright pronouns
-no nsfw
-art and writing prompts are welcome
-again, non of the fandoms I have listed, execpt hermitcraft or whatever is going on with tommyinnit now being bi-curious bc it’s funny
-names I am comfortable with may vary, but for now benji works just fine.
dni list will update when applicable.
-no homophobes, transphobes, exclusionists, Harry Potter Stan’s (I already have enough of those irl)
do not add gifs of any kind to any of my posts, especially if they are not tagged properly.
I mainly post about my silly podcast characters amount others, and will also use this as a way to get out my personal thoughts and hot takes without it being uncomfortable on my main.
Hope you have nice time viewing my blog
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oatchi · 6 months
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Hi! I'm Vulpine! You could also call me Lupin, smile. 21 + he/it main but I use any, TME. More down here..!
Current main interest is Kamen Rider! (Finished Den-o, Finished Revice, Started W kind of abandoned it sorry, Maybe watching more Geats...? watched 15 so I could watch the Revice movie. Kabuto or Build next?) Other interests include Ace Attorney (forever special interest), Project Sekai, Lupin III (part 4+5+6, random part 2 episodes, and Every Single Animated Movie. No I'm not joking.) Cat’s Eye, Transformers (BW + TFA mainly), Pikmin, and Splatoon! I’m also a fan of other Nintendo properties, Mega Man, Pac Man, Ape Escape, and AITSF. My nonmedia interests include speedrunning (…okay that’s kind of media.) and crane games/claw machines! I don't have a carrd or byf but the standard stuff and anything else I'll just block if I don't like you LOL
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st4rstudent · 4 months
why do you draw brain so much I know people draw cogs but people draw you (your toon) and brain together did you make him did you help with the design or do people just ship the two of you
I'm going to answer the second half first! So for clarity, Mac isn't my toon, nor was I involved in making it. I also wasn't involved in making Brian. For future reference, I think I should state that I've never been on the clash team (and I've never worked on anything that's in game or anywhere else that's official. All I've done is my own stuff aka what you see on my page). Both characters are official characters and I've had no influence on them.
As for why I draw him so much, I guess the easiest answer is just I like him! He fits into the two big traits of characters I like and also his design is easy for me to break down into shapes.
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scaredgirlhorny · 6 months
awww, you answered that ask very quickly. excited?
HDKAHSKAJ >////< maybe
i mean i got nothin better to do and i like answering asks >w<
and also when a girl says she wants to collar me i black out and do everything she wants
who said that??
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mattodore · 1 year
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i hit 3k pins on the oc boards last night without even noticing 🥺
#river dipping#what’s funny is i just deleted like forty pins from theo’s board that didn’t represent him anymore and i STILL have 3k 😭#theo’s board is years old and i cleaned it out a few times before but i finally was like okay no.#some of these pins just don’t make sense for him at all you need to delete them even if you’re attached to them atp.#i need to do the same with some of matthias and dionte's early pins too but i've been putting it off#anyway <333333333333333!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to read for an hour or two and then it's back in cas to start on theo's mom#i finished his dad last night i just didn't post abt it#theo's parents are gonna look much younger than matthias's but they're probably close in age. theo's are maaaybe a little younger...#ALSO...... i realized when i was making theo's dad that like. theo and matthias aren't close in age like matthias and imani.#like there's a 2-4 year age gap there... so like. for the edit i'm just gonna make them both fifteen anyway and say Oh Well!#like just pretend there's no age difference#me being like 'i don't wanna give exact ages at the current spot in the story' is fine until i wanna do something like this kdfjgnk#theo's in his early twenties and matthias is in his mid-twenties#theo's like..... somewhere between 22-24 and matthias is somewhere from 25-26... no more than 27 that's for sure#theo's still in university is the thing... like i've always been like theo's 24-ish but realized like hang on... he should be younger#he's very studious and his course load is STACKED so if anything he should be out of university by 22... which is where i've hit a snag#i was thinking oh maybe he could've taken a gap year but like. his parents wouldn't have allowed that at all.#and then i was like okay... maybe he went to rehab for a year so he's behind...?#but again........ his parents wouldn't have allowed him to disgrace the family name publically like that by admitting he has problems#so like... i'm just sort of covering my mouth and mumbling whenever i talk about ages lmao#i just don't want theo to be really young and i don't wanna budge on matthias's age either#idk idk i'll think of something. maybe it can relate to the breakdown he's meant to have...#...anyway. out of the oc soup and into this book <3
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musimoni · 7 months
made a bsky !!
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aspec-argentum · 9 months
I finally meet another triple A battery [Aro Ace Agender] in the wild only it's not in the wild but in my very own classroom and I wasn't even able to be as excited as I was about it because I had to teach derivatives.
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