#obv i can veto it or just not do it for one reason or another (like soke of them i just *cant* do even if i want to hfkdhdjs)
scaredgirlhorny · 9 months
awww, you answered that ask very quickly. excited?
HDKAHSKAJ >////< maybe
i mean i got nothin better to do and i like answering asks >w<
and also when a girl says she wants to collar me i black out and do everything she wants
who said that??
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drenchedfireworks · 1 year
Of Stolen Moments
Helion X Lady of the Autumn
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One of the thousands of stolen moments between Helion and Lady of the Autumn before Under The Mountain.
Word Count: 3.2K
Mostly unedited.
Rhysand is purple (obvs) and Helion is orange.
Helion picked another flute of champagne from the passerby waiter, his third one in ten minutes.
In his defense, it took much, much more to get him tipsy and Cauldron be damned, he was trying to get there.
Coming to the Autumn Court always had that effect on him. Beron loved throwing lavish parties the week of his birthday and while all the HighLords were invited to stay the entire week, by some unspoken agreement everyone only arrived on the eve of his birthday and left the next morning.
This year, Helion had been tempted to pull lots and the whichever poor minister of his pulled the shortest end of the stick would have attended as a representative. The idea was vetoed and he had been sent to the hellish court to participate in the even more hellish celebrations anyway. The only saving grace was the fact that it was a masquerade theme which meant Helion had all the reason to not have to greet Beron and simply blame it on the fact that he hadn't recognized him under the masks.
And Helion was going to stick to his story even if it was crystal clear who Beron was considering he sat on a freaking dais, all alone.
Finishing the contents of his champagne flute in one go, Helion was about to go for another one when a whiskey glass was placed in his palm instead.
If he was dressed like the Sun, all whites and golds with the matching white mask with its gold undertone and threads, Rhysand was dressed like his night counterpart. Decked out completely in black with silver linings in his jacket and a midnight black mask resting on his face outlined in silver that was only found on starlight.
"Stop playing safe sober games and drink up"
Helion chuckled, raising his glass to that and throwing it back in one gulp. Rhys grinned, tipping his own glass in cheers before he, too, finished his drink in one go.
"Can you believe this pretentious party?"
Rhys shot him a look, easy to decipher despite the mask he was wearing. "You think this is the only pretentious party we attend in one year?"
"You're right. Tamlin's are just as awful"
Rhys laughed sardonically before making a shuddering gesture "Somehow they are even worse. It's like an invite for pollen fever"
"Where is your lovely cousin?" Helion asked, eyes roaming around like he was searching for a blonde and not trying to avoid looking at a certain redhead.
"With Vivianne" Rhys jut his chin in the direction of where Morrigan and Vivianne were standing next to an exasperated Kallias who rolled his eyes behind his mask exaggeratedly when he found the two Highlords looking at him.
"Think you can take Morrigan away for enough time to let Kallias grab a dance with the girl he swears he's not in love with?" Helion snickered, flagging down a waiter carrying champagne.
"I can also keep an eye on Beron for enough time so you can do what you actually came here for"
Helion paused in the act of taking a sip, slanting a look to the Highlord of the Night Court who casually picked off a piece of non-existent lint off his jacket.
"And what might that be, dear Rhysand?"
"Don't insult my intelligence by pretending to be obtuse, Helion" Rhys smiled, feline-like. "This is the only bracket you might get, don't waste it"
"Who is to say where she is and how many sentries surround her?" Helion gritted out, despite his better judgement.
Rhys smiled, patted him on the shoulder and made his way toward Kallias. Helion watched him go, turned the other way and made his way deeper into the crowd.
On the East Wing, on the 2nd floor, last room. Shares a balcony with the adjacent one. You'll have a ten minute window to slip into that room. I'll let you know if Beron so much as shifts in his seat.
Helion smiled, a secret one. I owe you one.
Stop bothering Cassian and Azriel for a threesome.
Aw, Rhysie, jealous? You can join us too.
Don't forget to put up wards.
Helion made sure he was in Beron's line of sight as he danced with a curvaceous red-head, running hands all over her too-eager intoxicated body. A few minutes of dilly-dallying and then he was leading her into a corridor, through a silent hallway and away from the festivities till they finally encountered an empty bedroom. To her credit, she tried her hardest to pull him in but Helion sent a silent apology to her as he put her under a sleeping spell, warded that room so no one could enter and silently made his way to the other side of the mansion.
Glamouring himself as he passed Autumn Court sentries so no one would recognize him, Helion made it to the East Wing in record time. When he reached the second floor, however, his steps slowed. One of the sentries turned to him, head lolled at an uncomfortable angle, looking at him as if he was seeing right through him. Helion slipped into the adjacent room.
He made quick work of climbing over the balcony into the adjacent room's. Wards, he told himself as he silently put those up. He couldn't trust himself to remember to put those up after he laid eyes on her. Wasn't sure he'd remember to do anything.
Unlocking the balcony door, he stepped inside the candlelit room just as she stepped in through the connecting doorway.
Their eyes met and for a moment, the world went still. Her breath caught, he could hear it, her hand flying to her chest.
"You shouldn't be here-" She started toward him the same time he moved toward her.
"Seraphina" He breathed, one second before her mouth was on his and he was kissing her for all the years spent apart, all the yearning.
Her hands were in his hair, pulling him closer as he ran his hands over everywhere he could touch, trying to familiarize himself with her all over again, worried that this was one of his cruel nightmares where she'd disappear come morning.
"Helion-" She whispered, but Helion didn't stop kissing her to give her a chance to say more "Helion-" She tried again, but he took that chance and plunged his tongue in her mouth, the force of the kiss making her knees weak and his arms around her body the only thing keeping her up "Heli-" She gave up, kissing him back with all the desperation she felt.
"Sera" He breathed, moving from her lips to her cheeks, her nose, eyes, forehead and jaw, anywhere he could reach to kiss her, hands in her hair and around her waist and on her back, scared their time would be up.
"What are you doing here?" And it broke his heart to see she looked worried not for what Beron might do if he found her with another man but for him.
"Ten years" He cupped her face, bringing his forehead down to hers "Ten years I've dreamt of holding you in my arms again" She was crying before he was done talking but so was he.
"You shouldn't be here. He- He can't find you"
Wrapping his arms around her, Helion picked her up and carried her to the bed "I know" He said, sitting on the edge and bringing her down on his lap.
She took his face in her hands, lovingly running her fingers over his cheeks and lips, his eyebrows, the slant of his nose before she moved in to kiss him again "How I've missed you"
And it was as if they couldn't stand to stay clothed for one more second as Helion began undoing her robe and she was pulling at his tunic, while he kissed a path down her throat, biting and nibbling against the skin knowing he'd have to heal it before he left. Knowing she'd have to mask his scent before Beron came to check on her.
Realizing they didn't have that much time to waste, Helion simply loosened his pants, pulling his cock out and positioned himself below her.
"Sera, are you sure?"
She leaned in once and kissed him "Give me all of you, Helion"
Driving into her to the hilt in one go, Helion bit her shoulder to hold in the roar that was building at the base of his throat. Her breath had caught and her legs were trembling but the scent of her arousal was thick in the air, mixing with his own.
He gave her a moment to adjust "I've missed you so much" Helion was soothing the spot he'd bit on with his tongue "This is not how I wanted to do it. I want to do it right, Sera"
"We don't have that time, Helion" Tears were forming in her eyes and the string around his chest tightened, pulling taut against his ribs "But we will" She kissed his brow "And when we do, we will do all of it right" Moving her hips, she pulled a groan of long-suffering from him as he started to move inside of her slowly.
"You feel so good" Helion gritted out, his pace quickening, his movements feral and his thrusts almost animalistic. He was tapping into his beast side, using centuries of his training to hold off on shooting into her like he was a pubescent teenager. She met him for every thrust, arms wrapped tightly around him, lips hovering over his own as her breaths shortened.
"Helion.." Her fingernails were digging into his shoulder "Helion, I'm so…so.." The rest of her words dissolved into a moan that Helion swallowed as he kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth in sync with his thrusts.
Holding her by her thighs, Helion made quick work of picking her up and flipping them over. Bringing her ankles over on his shoulders, he was enveloped completely in her warmth, her walls impossibly tight around him and driving him half mad. Wrapping her arms around him again, she brought him down to kiss her as his movements turned frantic, one hand on her belly where he could feel himself inside her.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful" Biting her jaw, his movements turning frantic as he reached a hand between them, rubbing circles on her clit as she whimpered. Helion gritted out "Come for me, Sera" He was kissing her, speaking against her lips, one hand pulling on her nipple peeking out of her robe "Come for me, love"
And she did. Legs trembling, shivering and shaking, Helion swallowed her scream as he kissed and fucked her through her orgasm, his fingers working her up all over again till the tears in her eyes were those of pleasure and she was chanting his name like a prayer.
Helion pretended not to notice the glow of his skin, the string that was pulling uncomfortably inside his chest, groaning while he held himself back as Seraphina moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back in her head.
"Please..please…HelionHelionHelionHelion- oh my-" She was already coming a second time and this time Helion detonated with her, shooting into her without stopping, pulling back only to watch his own cum dripping down her legs mixed with her own. Gathering all of it, he pushed it back into her pussy as he pulled out, a whimper escaping her at the loss.
Helion leaned in to kiss her “I’m kidnapping you” He whispered against her lips, something he’d been saying for decades, trying to get her to agree to disappear with him.
Shaking her head, Seraphina rested her forehead against his “I can’t leave my sons alone with him..he treats them horribly as it is” At that she broke down, sobbing in earnest as he held her, running his fingers through her hair and pulling her against his chest.
“And you?” Helion managed to ask, his eyes catching the bruising against her arms where her robe sleeves had fallen back. Eyes narrowing on them as Seraphina quickly covered them “I’m going to kill him”
“No, Helion” She brushed her fingers against his face as if she, too, was memorizing his face for she didn’t know how long it would be before they got a chance to be together again.
“Mate, Sera” His voice broke, catching at the word “You’re my mate” Her eyes closed as if the reminder pained her, shoulders shaking with silent sobs “I will adopt all your sons if that’s what it takes”
Ignoring Rhysand’s voice in his head, Helion took both of her hands in his “Say yes and you don’t have to suffer at his hands for a second longer”
Seraphina pulled her hands back, crying against his shoulder “You should go, Helion. P-Please” But she was kissing him, her actions a complete contrast to her words.
Helion, Beron’s sentries are alert.
“Go” Wiping at her tears, she stood up, putting much needed distance between them "And thank Rhysand for me"
“Sera- please”
Beron seems to be looking for you.
She turned her back to him, like she had done countless times “I-" She began, considered her words “I-It’s not the time..b-but-” She peeked over her shoulder at him “Please wait for me?”
He was hugging her then, wrapping all of himself around her as he buried his face in her hair “Forever. I will wait another millenia just for you”
Helion. Beron is leaving the banquet hall.
“I have to go” He murmured and she nodded, refusing to watch him go or her control would snap “Stay safe, please take care..I-I’ll try to come back soon” With one last squeeze, he let her go, turning around and leaving immediately or he’d have been tempted to follow through with his earlier plan of kidnapping the Lady of another court as he removed the wards, wiped her room clean of his scent.
Helion, where the fuck are you?
By out he meant jumping the two floors down from the balcony, so distracted that he had no time to smoothen the fall and dropped straight into a bush, the poor plant flattening under him. Helion had no time to complain, making his way hastily toward the banquet hall hoping he didn’t encounter the birthday boy. For Seraphina’s sake more than his own.
His escape was going successfully until he ran straight into another problem. More like the problem ran into him.
The youngest Vanserra scowled up at the Highlord of the Day Court, rubbing against his forehead where he had accidentally collided with Helion’s side.
Crouching down to reach his level, Helion held an arm out to inspect the damage “Does it hurt a lot?”
“Even if it does, as the Highlord with healing abilities, shouldn’t you be able to soothe it?”
Helion opened his mouth, closed it, utterly and completely speechless before he threw his head back and laughed “Listen here, boy, I’m Helion Spell-Cleaver, Highlord of the Day Court”
“And?” Helion gaped “You are talking about Thesan”
“You’re not Thesan?”
“Ofcourse not. Having even 1/4th of my looks would be a blessing for him”
The youngest Vanserra looked unimpressed “Atleast he doesn’t announce himself with a title” he muttered.
Helion blinked, realizing that the little boy who hardly looked to be 8-9 years old, had known who he was this whole time “Who are you?”
At that, the little boy jut his chin out, his aristocratic nose high in the air as he replied “Lucien Vanserra, son of Beron, Highlord of the Autumn Court”
Helion smiled at the arrogance that looked like it was hereditary in the Vanserra household, noticing how Lucien’s hair color was similar to Seraphina’s “Well, Sir Lucien, while I cannot heal your injury as well as Thesan can, I could do something better”
To his credit, Lucien tried not to look too intrigued as he kept a straight face “I doubt it but let’s hear it”
He even had Seraphina’s stubbornness, Helion noted with amusement as he gently took Lucien’s hand in his, sidelining the zap that went through his body and the goosebumps on his skin “I can show you a spell that won’t make you feel hurt at all”
At that, Lucien turned his entire attention to the Highlord, his voice betraying his excitement “How?”
"You do this" Helion drew the symbol on Lucien's palm to demonstrate.
Eyes lighting up, Lucien watched entraced before taking Helion's palm in his and trying to replicate the symbol "Like this?"
Helion corrected it for him, holding his hand and drawing it over his palm again "Like…this"
Lucien looked like he had achieved enlightenment as he laughed, doing and redoing the symbol to make sure he got it right "You're sure this works, right? Right?!"
"Go ahead, try it on me" Helion held his arm out and while he was sure even without the spell, little Lucien wouldn't be able to do much harm he gave him his best weary look "Go easy on me"
"Nuh uh" Lucien tutted, pulling his fist back and swinging with full force, the hit not registering in the slightest.
"See?" Helion asked "What do you think?"
"You could be lying" The amber-eyed prince was not having it "Go ahead, you try it on me now"
Helion worried he might actually end up bruising the kid if he used even a tenth of his energy so he chose to go the easy path and flicked his forehead. Hands flying to his forehead, Lucien pulled them away a second later, his face a kaleidoscope of awe and disbelief.
"I-It didn't hurt at all!" He was jumping around now, making flicking gestures and little punching actions.
"This will come in handy when your older brothers push you around, huh?" Helion teased, a smile breaking on his face replicating Lucien's.
"Nah" Lucien was still in the middle of his happy dance "I’m gonna teach it to my Mom" When Helion's smile dropped, Lucien realized what he had accidentally divulged.
Immediately recognizing that the little boy was about to panic, Helion decided to do instant damage control even if his blood boiled at the reminder of Seraphina's bruises "You're too strong when you playfight with your mother and she needs to be shielded?"
Lucien latched on to the excuse with desperate hands "Yep. I'm going to be stronger than all my brothers one day!"
"That's very commendable" Helion nodded along "However, take care of your mother and don't hurt her. That's not how good sons behave. You have to protect her"
Lucien was silent for a moment before he stepped away "L-Like I need you to tell me! I will protect my mother from everyone!" He was getting flustered and Helion knew it so he stood up and dusted off the dirt on his clothes.
"You're a good boy, Lucien. I'm proud of you"
"I don't care!" Lucien turned away, walking toward one of the entrances too quickly before he seemed to second guess himself and turned back toward Helion "Thanks..for your help"
Helion grinned, all toothy and cocky "You're welcome, little Lucien"
"I'll come visit you in Dawn Court sometime!" Lucien turned away and was already running, an all too familiar mischievous smile on his face.
"I'm the Highlord of the Day Co-! Ah damnit" Helion laughed as Lucien disappeared around the corner, something in his chest warming.
Helion stood there for a long time before he turned and made his way back to the party to pester his favorite Highlord, thoughts of his mate and her youngest son still fresh in his mind, his heart full.
My contribution to the Helion X LoA community because I don't see a lot of fanfics on this pairing (or maybe I'm looking at all the wrong places). This is a plea to send all and every Helion X LoA fanfic my way.
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: I am SO glad this holiday centres around drinking beyond reason
Tommy: Me too, like, But why are you?
Ali: I wouldn’t even wanna get into it if it weren’t for the fact I couldn’t with her
Ali: Obvious clue is obvious
Tommy: Oh darling, Kitty, what’s she done now?
Ali: It’s not even what she’s done
Ali: It’s her total lack of desire to try
Ali: I know I shouldn’t take it personally and it’s symptomatic of the bigger picture
Ali: But that’s the problem, it’s so hard to watch, to see it so clearly when she has no front to put up
Tommy: Yeah, it always puts a lovely, thick layer of extra dread onto my homecoming
Tommy: the regularly scheduled updates are bad enough & it’s not like I can do more for being back under the same roof
Ali: Oh God, please don’t start, it’s like no one wants to be here, pure depressing, like
Ali: That’s how I ended up feeling, it wasn’t like she wanted to come but you know, anxiety, strangers etc
Ali: Because my suggestions to alleviate those problems were shot STRAIGHT down
Ali: So she just doesn’t want to
Ali: but not just that, I should feel like shit for going and leaving her alone...which put like that, should I? I don’t even know now
Tommy: Honey, fuck that! I’ve had to veto Fi going full Elphaba on all our faces so that diva maybe this close to not, but there’s no stopping me, Will, Gwen or Steph 🥳🥳🥳
Tommy: she’s getting worse, I dunno what any of us are meant to do
Tommy: other than being certain that I’m not gonna let you have an utter shit time
Tommy: That’s what she wants, that way you’ll stay with her forever 💀🥀🕷🕸
Ali: Nice to hear some genuine enthusiasm, which is fecking ridiculous considering this is apparently every fucker’s fave holiday as standard, I swear everyone but Da is in a right mood atm
Ali: Thank God that everyone’s gotta let tourists be tourists for the 💸🤑 or your mates would need some serious babysitting 😏
Ali: Little green men is fully my groupies’ aesthetic so you’re welcome to out yourself any time, like
Ali: I dunno, I mean, she’ll be alright won’t she? It’s a fairly long sesh, I know…
Ali: Hence my life’d be a lot easier if she’d come for a bit but there we go
Tommy: My honoured guests have got it in spades & buckets tbh 🧶🧚‍♀️🍀🎩🌈 dress up is already well underway just can’t let ‘em also start 🚗💣🍺🥃 or they won’t last to see it in
Tommy: cba to stick in it a 🍼 you know
Tommy: how many groupies you got now? Only 👏 while it’s still underground, avant-garde & super niche, naturally
Tommy: What’s she got planned? Other than putting a 💔 hex on you and Carls
Ali: Sensible
Ali: And not in a scrooge debbie downer kinda way
Ali: Found out the tents for yous to sleep in but I’m taking ‘em out first
Ali: 🌄 are calling, obvs
Ali: Naturally 🙄 just don’t click instead that shit is TOO pretentious even for your lot
Ali: She said she was WELL busy, but you know, the usual I imagine 📚💭
Ali: Drew won’t pay her no attention way too busy with the tourists etc 💸🤑
Tommy: 👍 cheers 😸👼 you are
Tommy: 🍀 are calling, is what you mean
Tommy: 🙄 be a waste of a 🙏 I know it’s 1 of her other highly rated activities, like, but still, I don’t need to imagine the two of ‘em getting together rn
Ali: They make NO sense
Ali: Unless his thing is dating a girl like his sister, in place of the standard wanting a mum 2.0, which understandably is not his vibe
Ali: Suspect don’t cover it but we’ll see
Tommy: It’d make more sense if I dumped Will for Fi & suss wouldn’t cover that & that’s a NO from us all
Tommy: Excuse you whore! That’s Meena slander
Ali: You know what I mean though
Ali: Where did this come from, like 🤯
Tommy: 🤯 over straight boy behaviour since forever
Ali: I usually find them so boringly easy
Ali: not the brag it sounds
Ali: I’d rather get her again… I’d know what to do, before
Ali: It was safety, for her and us
Tommy: Before she would’ve followed you anywhere, you can’t keep her safe if she ain’t even gonna try to meet you halfway at anything
Ali: Like you said, nothing to be done, I suppose
Ali: At least today
Ali: I’m going to mass with her, she’s helping to set up, it’s something
Tommy: & I’ll squeeze in a 1 on 1 for me & her before I leave 🩰👒🎹🎤✨
Ali: Tah
Ali: If only getting people to spend time with her was the issue
Ali: Be fully booked if she wanted
Tommy: But like you said, it’s something & if anyone can talk her out of an unsuitable romance, it’s me 🧚🏼‍♂️
Tommy: don’t have your track record
Tommy: there’s at least a chance she’ll take my advice about doing better than a dealer 🤞 now I’ve got myself the “happy ending” of decent hair & only petty crime
Ali: None of my romances have been unsuitable
Ali: You underestimate how discerning her taste is when it comes to other people’s partners
Ali: He might not be Carly levels of demon but don’t mean you’ll find a nice word to be said, like
Tommy: put your claws away, Kit, talking Ro’s POV, Carls is my angel
Tommy: & I guarantee I’ve heard worse than she can dish from the other bitchy ballerinas who couldn’t get their 💅 in first
Tommy: simply not quaking, sorry
Ali: Just saying, if it were that easy, it’d be done by now
Tommy: just saying, I’ve not taken a turn yet
Ali: If there’s any day for luck…
Ali: It ain’t one where she’s decided to be in the worst mood ❌🍀
Tommy: I’ve only got the weekend, like
Ali: I understand her a bit better than that tah
Ali: as well as the appeal of prohibition
Ali: the more everyone weighs in on her being wrong, the more bolstered she feels in how right she actually is
Ali: one fuckboy mistake she’ll have to learn from
Tommy: & I don’t? PLEASE 🙄 No notes needed for this performance
Ali: She always gets worse when Bea comes back
Ali: I’ll be the one dealing when you all fuck off again
Tommy: I know
Tommy: so let me deal with her this time, Will, Gwen & Fi have all been here enough & they’ve got each other
Ali: Sorry, the moods catching
Tommy: She can run but the house ain’t grown any new hiding places & I remember ‘em all
Ali: She’s still small enough to fit in all the gaps and cracks, you less so
Ali: Anything is worth a shot
Ali: The party will be enough, loads of my mates are coming, yours won’t get bored 🤞
Tommy: True but when she gets in one she ain’t got the strength to get to another quick as I can 🐁🩰
Tommy: yeah, yeah the party don’t stop when I walk out, I know ☹️😏
Tommy: & Carls isn’t just my angel, she’ll save that bit of the day if needs
Ali: Tourists love St Paddy’s
Ali: and no one does it better than da
Tommy: if I were gonna disagree it’d only be to annoy him
Ali: @ the family group chat for that hilarious bants, Tommo
Tommy: 🐻👈
Tommy: 1st time I’ve used those not as a euphemism? Oh definitely
Ali: Please, you’re a couple of 🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️s
Tommy: Tah, Darling
Tommy: flattery will get you an invite to the next teddy bears picnic
Ali: Bit rude to Carly that you think that’s my type
Ali: no 🧔s here
Tommy: It’s not me trying drive a wedge, she’s invited too
Ali: Thoughtful 😏
Tommy: You shall go to the ball
Ali: Glass shoes is an idea… 🤔
Tommy: One way to keep hold of your drink or stop a fight
Ali: Me and my shoes are keeping well out of any more fights, fuck that
Tommy: What is your outfit plan then?
Ali: I’ve got all the material to construct it now, I think
Ali: See what it comes out like 🤷‍♀️✨
Tommy: Fi don’t believe you can top last year’s
Ali: I love a challenge and a chance to impress, obviously
Tommy: chop chop 😼
Tommy: shameless distraction tactic I’m throwing at you, who?
Ali: Christ knows I’m running out of time with the to-do list never ending, hey ho
Tommy: Same tbh
Tommy: we’d better get back to it 🧹🎃
Ali: Fuck being a middle kid, right? 💔
Tommy: Honestly
Ali: You know what you’re getting Rocky yet, speaking of the little shit
Tommy: Probably that bow with the glowing arrows that stick to windows & shit, he keeps seeing the ad & reckons they’ll fly over the house
Ali: Alright, going for 🥇 sib, fair play 👏
Tommy: Sure you’ll have me beat with whatever you’re planning
Ali: I’ll think of something
Ali: Once this is all out the way
Ali: If ma will let us, we’ll take him camping with his 🏹
Tommy: Once all the 🍬🍫🧁🎂🧃 hits she’ll be glad to be rid
Ali: not the baby though 🙄
Tommy: thank god for daddy’s girl, yeah?
Tommy: you’ll never lose that 👑
Ali: try as you might, yeah yeah 😉
Tommy: 😏
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hos18greenhouse · 7 years
Exit Interview - Trevor
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Brett - You brought her in. She tossed you out. You had words with her once the eviction results were revealed. What's your current feeling on QuilLynn?
Trevor - She’s a bitch.
Brett - We'll explore that further. But first, you had just a few minutes to determine which HouseGuest would be returning between JD, Zakriah, and QuilLynn. What factors contributed to you selecting QuilLynn?
Trevor - I didn’t want to bring back someone who would just be a floater to one of my targets which is how I saw JD and Zak. I brought in Quilynn because I thought she would have an open mind. Unfortunately that was all too true.
Brett - QuilLynn established Ruthie as a target to you and you attempted to reason why there were better options out there. Do you feel your assertiveness to protect Ruthie pushed QuilLynn to her act of betrayal?
Trevor - Apparently?  Quilynn was upset that I didn’t immediately reveal all of my current relationships and alliances to her the moment she entered the house. Once I told her that I would fight for Ruthie to stay her brain must have short circuited and decided that’s a good reason to get rid of me even though I was one of maybe two people in the house on her side.
Brett - From an objective standpoint, rate the move to backdoor you. Was it smart? Who did it benefit? Who did it hurt?
Trevor - It was smart in the grand scheme of things because I was one of if not the biggest threat in the house. It would have been smart for someone like Scott or Linus or Ciere who I would have targeted had I stayed. It was not smart for Quilynn.  
Brett - Why wasn't it smart for her? Where do you see her game going?
Trevor - I think that only Trixie and I were truly on her side in the house.  She made this move because it was flashy and it wasn’t the flashy move everyone wanted her to make.   She has the benefit of being good at comps but if she doesn’t win out she’s going to be put back in her grave shortly.
Brett - Had you won HOH this round, who would your nominations have been? Had you survived this eviction, who would your nominations have been had you won the next HOH?
Trevor - I would have nominated Scott and Ciere had I won this round. Had Ruthie gone home and I survived I would have nominated Quilynn and Trixie if I won next round.
Brett - Part of your strategy in the game as been to antagonize your targets. First, Aaron & Liam. Then Ci'ere. You were even voted Villain of the Season. What was the thought process behind your strategy of antagonism and how do you feel it served you?
Trevor - I think if you have a clear enemy or target it only helps you.  Other people will have a better idea of how you treat people that you aren’t with and feel closer to you because of it. I think it worked out quite well for me.
Brett - Who is playing the best game? Who is playing the worst game? Who are you rooting for? And who will be having this chat with me in 5 days when they join you and the others in the Jury Greenhouse?
Trevor - I guess trixie is playing the best game? She hasn’t really done shit but she’s pretty much well liked.  Roxy is playing the worst game because she is dead weight (sorry roxy). I’m rooting for Ruthie obvs.  And I hope to god Quilynn goes next. I see that as a definite possibility.
Brett - In the event that you were the HouseGuest evicted, your HouseGuests have left some goodbye messages for you. Let's take a look.
Ci'ere - Aw, Trevor, my best frienemy in the house! I have to admit that I’ve actually been growing quite fond of you in the past couple of weeks. When you asked me about working together, I was lowkey all for it and it sucks that we weren’t able to move on that. I feel really bad that you gave someone another life in this game and they caused your downfall IN THE SAME WEEK. :( You’re a good player though and I’m glad that I got the chance to get to know you better (penguinkiss)
Julia - fuck so close :( im.sorry u had to go this way rip
Linus - Hey man, I wish this didn't happen. When I talked to Scott he said he was voting you even after you proposed the 3 person alliance. Good game man, I'm sorry the returnee twist fucked you over.
Trixie - Hey Trevor, so I have some thoughts. If you’re seeing this, I’m sure you’re pretty upset. I’m really sorry for how things turned out, but I think it was because people saw you as a big threat and you were really close to Ruthie. I really did want to work with you, but you were always super hard to read and I didn’t know how close you are to some people in this house, so I always felt I had to be on my toes when talking to you in case information got back. I really did not expect this veto’s outcome to end up like this, I hope you have no hard feelings I honestly feel pretty awful right now.
Scott - Gosh I so want to reward you for your honesty to me and vote to save you, but I just can't because honestly this is still a game and this is the best move - but I'll just have you know I respect the hell out of you. Ultimately I don't think anyone is truly with Ruthie at this point, from what I hear everyone is either voting for her or out to get her later, I think she's been exposed and her overall danger has been minimized. So this is what I have to do. I'm really sorry this doesn't feel good.
QuilLynn - I did you extremely dirty this week and I'm sorry for that. I didn't have the intention of doing this at all, but the final nail in the coffin was when Roxy told me she wouldn't vote out Ruthie over Ci'ere, I knew I didn't have the votes to make what I wanted to happen actually happen and had to fall back on this totally fucked up plan B. I am SO grateful to you for bringing me back and wish I could have stayed loyal to you, but when I felt like I was being lied to and used I knew that I should just look out for my own game first. I completely understand that you're going to be mad at me for this and there is no way I can blame you for that, but this is just a game and I hope eventually you'll see the strategy behind the decision and like at least not want to murder me anymore. Ruthie - Ci’ere would be proud of the length of this. I  can’t believe I’m about to actually cry over a game for the first time! I have had such a fun time playing with you, and having someone here I could 100% trust! I always want to have a close number one in games and I think you are one of the closest allies I’ve ever had. I’m so glad that we got to play a game together and that we got to know one another. I’m going to miss talking crap about everyone else with you- how ci’ere writes books but only answers every couple of days... although I’m now to the point where I don’t answer him quick either..., how scott always says the weirdest things that don’t make any sense and makes him sound like he’s mocking us..., how Linus is a sneaky ass rat and so on and so forth. I could tell you EVERYTHING and know that it wouldn’t go anywhere. We played off our closeness SO WELL! If you go I will send you Quillynn as soon as I possibly can, and if I go and can talk Brett, Keegan and Tate into still sending this to you I will. She is such a BITCH (yes I said it) for nominating you AFTER you brought her back in for a second chance. WHO THE HECK DOES THAT?  She has lost my respect and my jury vote. I have had SO much fun and if they ask to bring us back for all stars we should both agree because NAME A BETTER DUO THAN US THIS GAME? Thanks so much for everything, whether you stay or go I don’t want to see you again (unless for another buyback) until the very end when whichever of us stays gets crowned as the winner! It’s been fun and I love you, thanks for making this such a great experience, I will miss you!
Brett - Any final thoughts?
Trevor - I love Ruthie! I’m pissed that all 5 of these fakes came to me saying they’re going to keep me when they didn’t need to do that. I think Linus and Ci'ere are in a good spot as the middle players.  Idk. It’s a pathetic way to end. Thanks hosts for inviting me to play and being awesome and not judging me :D
0 notes