#ogh sorry
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tf2heritageposts · 3 days ago
also the layman’s understanding of genetics is solely 4th grade biology with punnet squares. genetics is not just dominant gene and recessive gene, it is a complete clusterfuck that involves so many different factors and even IF you were to somehow account for everything, the inherent fact that dna is VERY fragile and can mess itself up very easily means there are going to be traits that randomly show up you didn’t expect. both of our parents were in the military and very high ranking yet we were born and we have fucked up joint disease and can’t stand for long periods of time. eugenics is for racist idiots
also hey you guys know you can’t just flirt and tease with the idea of eugenics right? like the moment you start talking about the gene pool or the idea of good or bad genes or saying we need to round up a certain group of people to kill them, i no longer trust you
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carnation-damnation · 26 days ago
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Fear of being left behind, and wanting to be loved as much as you love others. Sometimes little reminders from a friend can help. Peep my tags
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goldenkenku · 2 years ago
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- (Don't tag as ship btw)
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opossumonashelf · 4 months ago
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my first instinct... draw emmet
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 29 days ago
my only take abt Sansa as ruler of the North is that instead of Queen she should call herself King in the North bc women using male titles has and always will go hard af
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spiderin-space · 9 months ago
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“Would you like to find out?”
(Bonus doodle below!)
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1ore · 4 months ago
went through the art on your site and I absolutely love motu's mask . I fully was under the impression he was a guy with a animal head at first, out of curiosity what was your inspiration for its design ?
THANK YOU!! I love that he gives the impression of having a real critter head. He would be so indignant about this, which is great, because we have to keep him humble.
so Motu came about after I replayed Morrowind for the first time as an adult, and I wanted to port my player character, Roan, into Moribund. I had put a lot of time into her story, and I guess by that point it had drifted from the source material enough that it was time to wiggle out onto dry land.
Back then, Moribund was distinctly lacking in war and sociopolitical beef, so I needed a real guy-of-all-time to fill the shoes of Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House... which is to say that yeah, the fact that Motu wears a mask, the burnished gold/bronze color, the engraved rays in his sideburns, those are all nods to the og
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The earliest iterations of Motu's mask were modeled after baboons and macaques.
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couldn't tell you why I gravitated to them. I think part of it was because I had written off primates for most of my life. I grew up a wolf girl and I thought that any animal without prominent fuzzy ears looked weird. (oh how the turn tables.)
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Then he pivoted to a chimeric, set beast-type critter. I was younger and I didn't have the language for what I was observing at the time, but I was drawn to cynocephaly as a cross-cultural phenomenon. I also liked the idea of him being a visual wordplay on "dog-headed" and "god-headed"
I don't remember if I designed boondogs concurrently with him or after him, but that's the in-world justification for why he looks Like That. his mask is modeled after them.
I also had Roan and Koda's masks to reference. they were early examples of the mask-wearing practice in high Asthaom, and I knew I wanted Motu's mask to mirror theirs.
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honestly, I feel like his mask is still a work-in-progress. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the planes of his cheeks and eyes. I think they can be done better.
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(i swear i've drawn it more recently i just don't have access to my sketchbooks right now)
this also isn't unique to Motu, but his colors/geometry/asthaom's identity/my art in general draw heavily from settler and indigenous folk art in the Southwest, folk art in general, and also the cultural exchange happening in east asia during the time of the maritime silk road. people were making cheap crafts for mass export to satisfy the tastes of a wide variety of people who had never seen this part of the world, but this was also before the colonial powers that be, so It's a bunch of cultural and material knockoffs of knockoffs of knockoffs in a way that's not... like... always benign, but Different, sometimes less asymmetrical, and endearing to me as a knockoff myself LOL. it's an excuse to learn more and make clumsy efforts to reconnect with whatever tha hell it means to be japanese american.
now that I think of it, this comes full circle with Morrowind taking heavily from Indian history and Hindu cosmology. really playing a game of telephone with another guy's orientalism all the way back to the silk road. motu would hate this regardless. totally ruining his illusion of a pure and static cultural heritage.
but what can i say. i love when we pass around the Creature
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[shishi] [shachihoko] [inugami]
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bonesandpens · 2 years ago
Spirit Staff AU Pg 2
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Go ahead. Walk into the suspicious back alley. Who’s stopping you?
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eggtomatosoup · 1 year ago
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i want to eat a hamburger... with fries....
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
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puffer party inspo'd by the fact i've had this fic rotating in my head for the past week
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mspaint-flower · 2 years ago
flower feeding pigeons?
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the best birds...
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dailyclarice · 4 months ago
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DAY 30: who put that there. I DID NOT LIKE DRAWING THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nanamimizz · 1 year ago
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vampire ascended! astarion x tav
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cashewally-sarcastic · 2 months ago
being normal about games making you (🫵) doom a character to their fate
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clancykisser · 2 months ago
-briefly pauses in my superman loving to remember how badly i Want(tm) Clancy in unholy ways-
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serpentineshine · 1 year ago
Letters A, K, J, and P?
Yippee! Thank you tumblr mutual starredforlife <3 Oh boy, D&D NPC time, this post might be a bit of a long one… I may not be the best explanatory writer right now, but I tried. :’)
Alba Elûmoine (World Setting: Trita, Deltarra, Other)
A is pretty easy since Alba is a beloved recurring NPC of mine. Alba Elûmoine, or stage name “Alba Alabaster”, is a Tiefling with Ice Devil heritage. He’s a cleric, usually of a setting’s moon goddess (Selûne, Deonora, etc.), and is legally blind. He’s typically soft-spoken, polite, and pleasant to talk to, but can be stubborn and brazen if the situation calls for it. Born to be sassy, forced to be classy.😔 It depends on what setting he appears in, but he typically works as a courtesan and often attracts clients wishing to keep their identity a secret(in his early life he makes a lot of extra money blackmailing clients who think he is more blind than he actually is). In settings where he is older and more wealthy he’s an avid collector of magical and historical artifacts and will often hire adventurers to fetch things for him. Love this guy, he’s so fun, I think I’ve had him as a character since maybe like 2018, maybe 2017? Thankfully he’s been very beloved, so I was not short on finding art of him. <3
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My most recent sketch of him is with a werewolf, I thought you’d appreciate that info :)
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Khovid Va Otsukimi (World Setting: Deltarra)
This is my warning and reminder to all GMs and OC creators to say your characters names out loud, or mid D&D game you might accidentally end up with a character named Covid, even though it’s not spelled the same way... Khovid Va is Elven and a shopkeeper in the city of Ebon'rana. His shop is called “Glasshopper” and he specializes in selling magical weapons. He’s mute and has a large horizontal scar across the front of his neck, as well as a scar across his left cheek by his mouth and right eyebrow. He can do that cool thing where he can write upside down and does that at his counter to communicate with guests (and show off). His fun trivia and secret lore is that he faked his own death and ran away from his noble family in the Feywild because they wanted him to basically become the next leader of the Autumn Court and he couldn’t take the responsibility. Khovid Va is his full first name! He just has a two-part first name. Yes, I created him in 2020, no I did not realize at the time that I named him Covid until it was too late… I don’t have many drawings of him, but here’s a very small old sketch of him.
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Jortly (World Setting: Deltarra)
I actually have very few NPCs who have names starting with J so this took me a sec, but then I was reminded of Jortly (thank you hedgie). Jortly is a Tortle monk and a son of one of my player’s characters. Think about combining a turtle with one of those stretchy blue sticky hand toys and that’s basically Jortly. He talks like he’s so worried all the time and his catchphrase is “Oh gosh”.
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Phonoko Silverscribe (World Setting: Trita)
Archivist Phonoko Silverscribe is one of the three head mages of the Harmonic Circle Mage’s Association, and right-hand to the High Mage. He’s an older Aarakocra gentleman with a bit of a nervous demeanor. He and his team are in charge of magical archival information for the association as well as he basically keeps everything in order for the other two top archmages. There’s more to him as well, but I have a couple of my players following me here who are playing in this setting right now, so I can’t reveal too much at the moment, he might be a more relevant character at a later time. :)) this drawing and design of him is by @hedgehogofspades!
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Oof ok wow that took a while, thank you for the ask!
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